short_question,short_answer is chalazion contagious my 2 daughters both have what looks like chalazion on their eyelids at 1st i though it was a stye but they are large lumps ,no do not worry about it i agree with her doctor i am puzzled why she would put eardrops in a glass of water and drink it even accidentally what did she think she was taking what are the best exercises for building and maintaining bone density,according to the national osteoporosis foundation the best exercises for building and maintaining bone density are weight bearing exercise such as walking that makes you work against gravity while staying upright muscle strengthening exercise such as weight lifting that makes you work against gravity in a standing sitting or prone position nonimpact activities such as balance functional and posture exercises also may benefit people with osteoporosis although these exercises do not build or maintain bone density they may increase muscle strength and decrease the risk of falls and fractures when should i call the doctor regarding nausea and vomiting,some people are more prone to poor wound healing or keloids which are raised firm scars that can often be itchy and may even be disfiguring keloids are more common in african americans but can occur in all skin types if you are prone to keloids you should let your doctor know and think very carefully before having any body piercings or elective surgery i recently got a rash on one side of my face could a change in birth control pills be causing this rash,i would go back to my md and tell him to take some blood work the first thing you need to rule out would be if she is anemic which can easily be taken care of by giving her iron supplements my grandaughter is very big for her age as well she is 3 and very large however she is very active if you do not feel like your doctor is answering your questions or taking your concerns seriously i would get a second opinion she is most likely just fine however there is no reason for you to have to worry about it constantly and you just need to tell your md you expect some answers abdominal pain…is it a urinary tract infection,get a ultrasound done to rule out any other pathology may be after effects of ciprofloxacin how can toxoplasmosis during pregnancy be prevented,you did the right thing you saw a heart doctor unfortunately it appears that the heart doctor did not reassure you that everything is fine so you may need to get a second opinion from another cardiologist that is a bit more reassuring your heart can be monitored several different ways like wearing a device that records your heart for 24 hours holter monitor assuming your heart was fine on a treadmill test you may be just experiencing palpitations a feeling that your heart is racing but it is not or your heart is actually racing at times this is why your doctor should consider taking your evaluation to a higher level if you pass all of these tests then you may be less frightened when you have palpitations can a patient request a double appointment with their pcp if they need more time to ask questions without paying extra senior citizen patients specifically,scoliosis is your main trouble try also back brace pain managment and continue with ur physiotherapist try to take calcium supplements what is your weight ma am what are the risks in circumcision,in competent hands the risks of circumcision are almost minimal is that circumcision is considered to be a basic entry level technique when i was in medical school i went to the local county hospital and the intern taught me how to do a circumcision the next day i was told i would do a circumcision so here i am medical student right out of basic science there is very little hands on experience and i am doing newborn circumcisions without anybody supervising that was wrong i know i did a good job because i had a beautiful penis when i was done but that was not right it is an easy procedure to do but it is also very easy to do it wrong to have complications and so it needs to be a trained experienced doctor who is competent in doing circumcisions who is doing them not just an intern not just someone who wants to do it occasionally urologists are obviously the logical choice because we are trained in surgical management of genital and urological abnormalities many obs do circumcisions many and many pediatricians but whoever does it it should be somebody who knows what they are doing they have done it a lot they have a great track record debilitating back pain unable to do anything tests show connective tissue disease,gonadotropin releasing hormone gn rh is a hormone that is involved in triggering ovulation it is sold under the name factrel and lutrepulse my period was 4 days early last month and now two weeks later am cramping i have never had ovulation cramps and am 33 my husband and i have been ttc for two months my period comes every 28 days until last month and it came 4 days early it lasted it is normal 5 days now two weeks later i feel like i am about to start my period again the cramps are almost unbearable i have never experienced ovulation cramping before and am 33 can someone get pregnant and then get their normal period could i be pregnant now,tests to help your doctor see if colorectal cancer has metastasized or recurred include an abdominal ultrasound to find the cause of pain or swelling in your abdomen a colonoscopy to see if cancer has returned to your intestine blood tests to find out if cancer has returned cea or to find the cause of symptoms such as weakness fatigue fever bruising or weight loss complete blood count and blood profile a chest x ray to find the cause of symptoms such as persistent coughing coughing up blood chest pain or difficult breathing a ct scan mri or pet scan to see if colorectal cancer has spread into the chest or organs in the abdomen or pelvis a brain ct scan or mri to look into symptoms such as confusion paralysis numbness vision problems vertigo or headaches a biopsy such as a liver biopsy or a lung biopsy to find out where the cancer cells have spread a bone scan to find out whether cancer cells have spread to the bones what to think about colorectal cancer often comes back even after successful treatment if you had colorectal cancer in the past pay close attention to your body and see your doctor regularly tell your doctor about any changes such as decreased appetite bloating or an increase in the size of your belly your cancer may return even if you do everything you can to prevent it if this happens focus on what you and your doctor can do to treat your symptoms to help you feel better and live longer webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated had sex with no condom during fertile days while on the pill is it likely that i could get pregnant i have been on the pill for almost a year my boyfriend and i are exclusive and are tested for stds he ejaculated inside me with no condom on one of my fertile days just a little nervous about getting pregnant and have another 2 weeks or so before my next period,hi but did you not say that your on the bc pill bc stands for birth control of which i think is about 99 5 wont get you pregnant well in another two weeks get your self tested if you was that worried why did you not use a plan b to late now though hope this helps good luck what could be the cause of child is consistent stinky farts father has chrons disease father is family has history of other gastro problems,thank you for asking you do not give the age of the child but it is worth noting that most people is flatulence farting has an odor sometimes it is worse than others and the odor of a person is farts can vary from hour to hour or day by day usually the smell of farts does not mean anything bad many foods produce gas in the intestines different foods can cause smelly farts in some people but not in others eggs frequently cause stinky farts in many people as does broccoli i would not jump to the conclusion that a child is smelly gas indicates a medical problem if the child has a good appetite and is eating a balanced diet with no other digestive problems chronic diarrhea cramps bloating then there is probably nothing wrong just because one parent has a family history of digestive problems does not mean a child will inherit these it is worth mentioning this history to the child is pediatrician who can help you monitor for diseases wishing you well had surgery for acoustic neuroma having secondary effects,patients infected with hepatitis b and hepatitis c can develop chronic hepatitis doctors define chronic hepatitis as hepatitis that lasts longer than 6 months in chronic hepatitis the viruses live and multiply in the liver for years or decades for unknown reasons these patients immune systems are unable to eradicate the viruses the viruses cause chronic inflammation of the liver chronic hepatitis can lead to the development over time of extensive liver scarring cirrhosis liver failure and liver cancer liver failure from chronic hepatitis c infection is the most common reason for liver transplantation in the united states patients with chronic viral hepatitis can transmit the infection to others what exactly does pre canceruous mean,this may be due to a renal stone or an abdominal pathology inflammation of the testes can also cause similar complaints you can get a usg abdomen anti spasmodics can help relieve the pain kindly suggest a diet plan to reduce weight and belly fat,you can practice some brisk home body poses and exercises other than walking or running also reduce your calorie with low carbohydrate diet have mainly two roti mix vegetables citrus fruits and cucumber take vegan based diet less organic foods sleep more for a minimum of eight hours hope you do not have problem of constipation no stress no smoking and hard drinks if any no cola or sweetened drinks avoid spicy foods outside street foods fried foods junk foods cream based foods eat less salt and no sugar have high quality protein rich foods whole wheat foods and also reduce or stop having rice and rice meals both for your weight loss and tummy fat or extra visceral fats unwanted body fat i suggest to keep on mild exercises like yoga or body poses 15 minutes morning as well as before going to bed mild walking possible but not heavy strenuous exercises avoid rice but brown rice can be taken do work out at gym and at least do free hand exercises for maximum time you better have a calculated diet plan cooking oil white oil or olive is better within 20 ml so saturated fats like butter ghee fat containing rich dairy foods should also be avoided no lentil local greens too much peas spinach cabbage or tomatoes strictly avoid all trans fats rich foods take soft bland timely quality foods with almost nil oils low or very low animal products and all related high animal proteins foods are strictly restricted with spare bad fats at home is best diet for you the probable causeshigh protein high fat containing foods and rich junk foods treatment plan1 diet 2 exercises mild to moderate regarding follow upfollow up after 15 days to a dietician online > what can i do to treat chickenpox varicella at home,i think you may be having a kidney infection or severe uti get a urine sample asap i do not have health insurance but my kids do through my ex do i just buy a plan for myself will i be penalized for not having insurance for the kids,herpes where genital herpes can be effectively treated by several different anti viral medications shingles and cold soresfever blisters are also herpes and may be treated differently see your medical provider warm water is not going to really do much i am really confused what can cause my cholesterol to get that high,hi it is really abnormal to have this increasing levels of cholesterol and weight gain… i think it is a hormonal disturbance either thyroid disorder or poly cystic ovarian syndrome which will be diagnosed with thyroid profile tests and other hormonal tests and uterine ovarian us as it seems there is something is increasing the sugar levels in ur blood… check with a gynecologist too could psoriatic arthritis be a more systemic problem leading to multiple seemingly separate problems to include pacs prostateurologic and multiple areas of tendonitis without strain or injury,hi… your problem is surely linked to many factors you are suffering soft tissue rheumatic syndromes which is a secondary complication with psoriatic arthritis and overweight due to improper weight distribution and joint mechanics which causes overload on your joints ligaments and tendons other symptoms are strongly linked to overweight like hyper cholesterolemia hypertension urine retention and kidney stones and others … so your treatment must focus on losing weight and managing symptoms … can lumbar fusion cause problem for the disk above i had l4 5 l5 s1 fusion now l3 4 is bulging my md called this a cascade effect and is not surprised i cannot find anything supporting this cascade effect,your discs are like shock absorbers when you fuse some the other discs must take up the job of just fighting gravity and the daily abuse that we give our backs from routine activities it is not uncommon for this to happen how is osteoarthritis diagnosed,osteoarthritis can occur in any joint it occurs most often in the hands knees hips and spine warning signs of osteoarthritis are stiffness in a joint after getting out of bed or sitting for a long time swelling or tenderness in one or more joints a crunching feeling or the sound of bone rubbing on bone no single test can diagnose osteoarthritis most doctors use several methods to diagnose the disease and rule out other problems medical history physical exam x rays other tests such as blood tests or exams of the fluid in the joints i dislocated my toe doctor wants to have pin surgery need second opinion,clinically i would go with the no surgery choice as this joint is a minor one so it can heal with support and kinesiotaping therapy what causes parkinson is disease,bodily movements are regulated by a portion of the brain called the basal ganglia whose cells require a proper balance of two substances called dopamine and acetylcholine both involved in the transmission of nerve impulses in parkinson is cells that produce dopamine begin to degenerate throwing off the balance of these two neurotransmitters researchers believe that genetics sometimes plays a role in the cellular breakdown in rare instances parkinson is disease may be caused by a viral infection or by exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides carbon monoxide or the metal manganese but in the great majority of parkinson is cases the cause is unknown i have been experiencing sharp pain in the mid point of my back right next to my spine,start by reducing your dose of viagra somethimes alot of people do not pay attention to the milligrams that are in each pill some people like night caps as a mood setter but alcohol can also be a problem try these things and check out site my sister is a nursing mom & has an infected cut she has amoxicillin and cephalexin are either safe for her to take,this is a very serious situation you should not be evaluating what antibiotics you should use that you have in the house for this she needs to be seen by a health care provider she may need stitches along with strong antibiotics because skin infections are very hard to treat and sometimes may even require iv antibiotics you may want to call a retail clinic to see if they handle this local hospital to see if they have a walk in clinic etc and if not go immediately to the emergency room will saw palmetto help with prostatitis experiencing constant pain in glans and head of penis urologist says probably from prostatitis i have read that saw palmetto can be helpful wondering if any experts think it is worth trying i am also taking cipro currently without much improvement in symptoms,studies do not show that saw palmetto reduces prostatitis symptoms saw palmetto has been shown in some small studies to help symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate benign prostatic hyperplasia these symptoms include weak urine stream and frequent urination there are other studies that do not show that saw palmetto is an effective treatment for these symptoms prostatitis is sometimes but not always caused by an infection often treatment will consist of several weeks to months of antibiotic therapy if it thought to be a result of infection it is good that you are seeing a urologist for evaluation and treatment your doctor should also be able to recommend treatment for your pain if you are not already taking pain medication should patients with the flu like or mono like illness of primary hiv infection be treated,there are theoretical reasons why patients identified with hiv around the time they are first infected primary acute infection may benefit from the immediate initiation of potent antiviral therapy preliminary evidence suggests that unique aspects of the body is immune response to the virus may be preserved by this strategy it is thought that treatment during the primary infection may be an opportunity to help the body is natural defense system to work against hiv thus patients may gain improved control of their infection while on therapy and perhaps even after therapy is stopped at one time the hope was that if therapy was started very early in the course of the infection hiv could be eradicated most evidence today however suggests that this is not the case consequently early treatment is not likely to result in a cure although other benefits may still exist the current recommendation is that patients with primary infection should be referred to clinical studies where the potential role of therapy can be discussed and further explored if emotional or social situations make adherence to such treatment questionable however the patients are clearly better off delaying therapy do i need to fast for a cbc blood test,no you do not have to fast for a cbc what are the early symptoms of pregnancy i had sex on the 27th of may also was ovulating at the time and was wondering what are the early signs of pregnancy,a woman can theoretically become pregnant anytime she has unprotected sex but in reality there are only a few days per month that you can actually conceive based on what you have shared you were not likely at at time of ovulation and your sperm encounter was outside and not intravaginally it would be highly unlikely that you would become pregnant in this event i am 38 yo last 2 weeks i have been feeling sick lips go numb and i feel dizzy sugar level is 71 73 should i worry,two weeks is a bit long to feel sick without an explanation so it may be wise to consult your medical provider someone who knows your medical history someone who can examine you and someone who has the ability to order additional diagnostic lab tests it would not be possible to determine a specific reason for your dizziness and numb lips blindly over the internet unfortunately since there can be numerous possibilities i have 2 parteners how long should i wait to have unprotected sex with either one before it is safe again ,if you have two partners maybe each one of them has two or more partners so unprotected sex is never safe you would essentially be having sex with every partner they have ever had since some stds are not very obvious and of course do not forget about unplanned pregnancies you may not want to be a parent but one of them may have some hidden plans do not be a fool and play sexual roulette if you are a male use condoms if you are a female insist on them always hi just do not always remember safe sex is best at your age otherwise you heading for trouble in a big way wait till you find the right guy then with the help of bc you can start riding bare back till then think condoms every time silly poem when ever you want a rat a tat tat tat be sure to wear a mac good luck how can i stop my child from being a picky eater,quebec and picky eaters — what do these things have in common not a lot except they were both part of my weekend i flew to quebec city on thursday for a pair of speaking engagements over the weekend my afternoons were spent at a quaint country restaurant that overlooked the st lawrence river i spoke on what i am passionate about great food healthy eating and ways to bring more of that into your family is life a common theme amongst the crowd was what to do with the picky eaters in their families sometimes i feel like we are misusing the word “picky ” it almost gives the impression that the eater is carefully selecting and discerning about their ingredients i do not consider an adult or a child who will only eat pizza hot dogs and chicken nuggets “picky ” i consider them really deprived and terrible eaters it is time to stand up and place the challenge back on the parents with the question “what are you willing to do ” if i were to tell you that it is time to break your kids out of the salty processed food habit could you stick to it will you be willing to have a few nights of introducing new healthy food that they may initially reject it helps if you start them truly hungry — so no giant glass of juice or milk with dinner it also helps if you throw in some education explain the benefits of fresh vegetables and lean proteins for muscle development brain development healthy skin better eyes etc it will be natural for children to reject new foods a few times — this is all part of developing their taste buds just make sure they actually taste the new food it is not too late you can undo the current epidemic of unhealthy eating amongst children teens and ourselves and you can start in your own home tonight please hear me i am not anti pizza nor an advocate for a deprived diet food lifestyle i am however on a soapbox for us to get back in the kitchen and start cooking more if you feel like your kid is only eating pizza for 12 out of 21 meals in the week a good transition is to help them make an after school “pizza” on a sprouted grain english muffin with organic tomato sauce and a non processed cheese like a low fat mozzarella and a sprinkle of fresh herbs have them help to make it and if you do not already have potted herbs or fresh herbs in your garden i encourage you to start now and have your children pick some for the family meals watch as the “picky” eaters in your family start picking up foods that will make them thrive instead of deprive them of vital nutrients and health i know it can feel overwhelming and like a losing battle at times but do not give up why do i get a reaction from milk because of my casein allergy,i am sorry to hear about your situation there are a few options you should be aware of first you say you have no health insurance starting october 1 2013 health insurance marketplaces will open up around the country as a result of the affordable care act these are online health insurance shopping sites that will allow you to compare and purchase health plans plans purchased this fall will go into effect january 1 2014 for the first time you can not be turned down by insurers and there will be financial assistance available to many people that will lower the cost of insurance which may make it possible for you and your husband to gain coverage and depending on your income you may qualify for medicaid you can plug in some numbers on webmd is health insurance reform cost calculator to see what kind of assistance you qualify for all new health plans must include maternity and newborn care which you will need if you do become pregnant in some states fertility treatments may be included in insurance plans as well to learn about financial assistance for fertility treatments i recommend you contact the american society for reproductive medicine is it true that people with diabetes are more likely to catch colds and the flu,hi to identify the problem i recommend stool culture to check for h pylori and antibiotics sensitivity also have a cbc test good luck can you use emergency contraception before sex ex plan b hello i am doing a a health issue research paper extra credit that would be shared with the class if it is a well written and informed paper i thought this would be an interesting question to propose i know that some emergency contraception you can take up to 3 days after however are there any statistics or studies or information about taking it before hand thank you for your help in advance,if doctors cannot reliably distinguish between shortness of breath from chf and copd both conditions are often treated together treatments for copd focus on the lungs and the airways the branching network of tubes inside the lungs the main treatments for copd are bronchodilators inhaled medicines that help open the airways heart failure treatments reduce the workload on the heart and help prevent unhealthy growth of heart muscle categories of treatments for heart failure include diuretics which increase urination and reduce the heart strain from fluid overload beta blockers which prevent excessive stress on the heart and reduce blood pressure however these would not be used if a person is having an acute episode of heart failure angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors which lower blood pressure and reduce heart stress other blood pressure medicines which prevent long term damage to the heart people with severe shortness of breath from copd and heart failure may receive other treatments as well corticosteroids such as prednisone or solu medrol which can improve breathing in copd antibiotics for any bacterial infection that may be contributing supplemental oxygen non invasive positive pressure ventilation a form of machine assisted breathing mechanical ventilation or temporary life support through a breathing tube intravenous medicines to help reduce heart strain people with both copd and heart failure are often treated by a team of doctors including a primary care physician a cardiologist and a pulmonologist arthrosis of the hip joint coxarthrosis are my running days over,the biggest impact of genital herpes is usually emotional painful symptoms limitations on sexual activity and that it is an incurable lifelong condition can lead to depression if your partner is pregnant or trying to get pregnant however genital herpes is a major concern her doctor must be made aware of it genital herpes is also more serious for people with hiv and other conditions that weaken the immune system you may have heard that genital herpes causes cervical cancer that is not exactly true it may be a factor but it is not the main cause hompathic cure for trichomoniasis are there medicated douches that can cure trichomoniasis or other home remedies ,not to my knowledge there are no proven effective homeopathic treatments for this parasite this is best treated with standard allopathic medicines where can i purchase bone spur pads for the heel,there are over the counter heel pads you can buy at many pharmacies custom shoe stores and a few large stores like walmart the best pad would be custom made for your foot by a podiatrist sometimes a pad is not needed but rather surgery to remove the heel spur that is causing the problem menstrual cycle causes cramping breast soreness enlargement but not pregnant,you should do a nerve conduction study to test for rare conduction problems like meralgia paresthetica or piriformis syndromegood luck how can i get birth control anonymously i am an adult 27 but i am too embarassed to ask for it from a doctor please someone help me i would like to get birth control but i can not ask my doctor for it i am too embarrassed i would like to find a way to get it anonymously i do not want to give my name or answer questions i am not married but recently have begun to get involved with someone i want to have backup incase the condom breaks,hi that is so simple all you have to do is google this bc pills online your find all you want delivered to your door but try talking to somebody to which would be best for you single or double hormone on do some online research or try some off the forums lots of help if you look hope this helps you good luck ps see if you have a mothers clinic near by it could help you even if its just talking you do need to look after your body you come on here to ask so your half way there what type of supplemental health insurance to medicare will be best for a person on dialysis what will keep the cost down to the lowest amount for medical and medicine,well i need to know more so i can help you to get a proper diagnosis how old are you what are your dieting habits your weight any history of medical condition what food or position makes it worse i am waiting your reply family history of aarskog scott syndrome does ultrasound of my baby show hypertolerism,no do not worry about the paint in most cases the only paint that would even be a minor issue would be lead based paint i suspect you were using latex or oil based paint if it was dried this is not going to create risk your wife but for goodness sake wash your hands next time before you get amorous no woman wants a painted hand caressing them i want to stop using ativan what should i do,your symptoms suggest anxiety disorder anaemia also can be an assisting cause yoga and deep breathing iron supplement regular exercises i have central posterior disc herniation with annular tear,hi if 4 months physio has not helped then laser therapy and disc decompressive surgery should be considered physiotherapy should have included leg and lumbar traction usually surgeries should be avoided but if physio is not helping then endoscopic disc surgery is recommended thanks i am 52 and 145lbs should i lose weight before getting pregnant,in many cases very warm to hot compresses over the eye will help this sty rupture and your body will heal it if the sty assuming it is a sty and not something else does not resolve you will need to see an ophthalmologist for an examination in some cases this lesion may need to be surgically opened or removed what kind of exercise is best for someone 55 and over,oh my goodness the weight bearing exercise and just the strength training is fantastic for women over 55 because there is a loss of muscle mass as we age so we want to prevent muscle wasting and the way to do that is to do weight bearing exercise which means walking running basketball rock climbing tennis anything where you put your feet down at least 30 minutes 3 times a week walk on that treadmill go out and walk the dog get out there and walk and then the weights the low weights less than 10 pounds less than 5 pounds doing your upper torso a half an hour twice a week get someone to work with you and really show you but that weight training oh my god i do not want to be near these women they are strong and it really helps them as far as aging how do i get maximum protection from a condom,a lot depends on how extensive the eye bags are if the underlying causes are medical or from lack of sleep these issues should be addressed first next consider discussing the use of fillers with your dermatologist properly placed fillers along the lower eyelid and cheek junction can mask the presence of eye bags i do not know how practical this is for everyday to use but you can do this before a special occasion lay down close your eyes and let a slice of cucumber rest on your eyes for 10 minutes my right nostril is stopped up had 2 treatments of antibiotics what to do went to doctor in october for sinus left nostril cleared up but right remains stopped up went back in november received another treatment of antibiotics and mucinex left nostril is so clear its dry right nostril is still stopped up and gets worse at night making breathing through my nose impossible i can not take antihistmines for a long period of time because they eventually trigger my bronchotisexcuse the spelling and make me feel bad what do i do ,it may be time to see an ent ear nose and throat specialist someone who has the skill and equipment to peer up that clogged nostril of yours to see if you have a physical obstruction like a deviated septum or polyp if not a trial of nasal corticosteroid sprays by prescription only may be something for your doctor to try not all sinus infections as a matter of fact very few are due to bacterial infections so this could be another reason why the two course of antibiotics did not seem to help the ent can also check your sinuses can being kneed in the stomach cause a miscarriage i dont know if i was pregnant for sure or not but i had a really good feeling that i was after being kneed in the stomach bleeding started to happen at first i thought i had started my period but the cramps were more painful than usual,seems like you really wanted a miscarage if you do not want a baby it is called birth control or plan b if it is too late yes there is such a thing i do not think people like you deserve to have a baby with a question like that we all know what kind of question that is do not bring a baby into the world if you are trying to kill it off already everyone in this world do not need more idiotic people like you to abandon and abuse their kids if you did not know i will tell you right know that is not right and i look down on you for that if you do want one then do not because you are oviously not ready if doctor accepts health insurance or medicare from one patient is he obligated to so for the other patients,in the information about mucinex found here i saw no mention of problems regarding patients with an enlarged prostate and when i checked the drug interaction checker i did not see any problem between the two of them my bladder feels full and burns urethra itches tests all ok,hi this may be due to oversensitive bladder due to sympathetic stimulation bladder training exercises should help drink plenty of water and fruit juices thanks can heat affect a pregnancy test i took a test yesterday morning and it did not have very visible + sign when i checked i put in my car with windows down and came back 10 minutes later to check it again and it had a faint but visible + sign does that mean i am pregnant or was it false because of the heat should i take another test,hi to get a good pregnancy test see your doctor its the best way good luck i have been diagnosed with a chairi malformation experiencing a lot of widespread pain is it autoimmune disease,hi chiari malformation though rare still is a possibility in this case other auto immune conditions need to be ruled out before confirming chiari thanks pulmicort flexhaler not covered by medicare advantage plan need cheaper alternative,nicotine is a powerful stimulant and you can definitely get reactions while your anxiety may be more complicated than just nicotine it would obviously be best for you not to smoke anymore there are medications that can help but you will need to see your medical provider to have them prescribed the effects of the nicotine exposure should be waning each day so it is unlikely that you will have any permanent effects again since anxiety can be much more complex as to the causes seeing your health care provider would be advised period is a week early 3 months in a row i know for sure im not pregnant should i be worried i have been somewhat stressed and fatigued and i have started working out 3 4 times a week,hi this piece below is from the uk is nhs lifestyle the following lifestyle factors can also upset your balance of hormones and cause irregular bleeding extreme weight loss or weight gain excessive exercise stress your find more on this link just copy into google to the www to open and read but as you can see its probible exercise and stress try some meditation to get rid of your stress and its only excess exercise that will upset your periods hope this helps you good luck what can i do to help myself deal with osteoarthritis,exercise is the most effective nondrug treatment for reducing pain and improving movement moderate physical activity on a regular basis reduces fatigue strengthens muscles and bones increases flexibility and stamina and improves your general sense of well being maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight if you are overweight can lessen your pain by reducing stress on joints mild depression can often be eased through social interaction journaling exercise or doing something you find fun such as shopping or seeing a funny movie learning to relax is an important part of dealing with the stress of a chronic medical condition such as osteoarthritis deep breathing progressive relaxation and creative or guided imagery are techniques that can help other methods of relaxation such as biofeedback or self hypnosis are also available but may require instruction from a doctor or other health care professional what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for acne vulgaris,you absolutely should not have sex until you have consulted your obgyn about this issue you should not have sex even if your partner is infection clears up because he can transmit herpes to you even if he has no visible sores genital herpes in an expectant mother can cause serious complications to the fetus including miscarriage and premature birth your doctor will have more specific information for you regarding what types of sexual activities you can be involved in during pregnancy and how to protect your baby is health wishing you well i had a hymenectomy a few years ago however the area still feels sore and makes sex uncomfortable how can i treat it my boyfriend sometimes describes the area as spiky i was wondering if there are any exercises medicines or lotions i could use to improve it,hi just went on dodson and ross and looking round found you this link it should help you just copy into google to open and read do hope this helps you good luck do i have telogen effluvium i have lost 75 of my hair and doctors can find no cause or solution what do i do i am a female 33 and experiencing extreme hair loss for 3 12 years i have lost at least 75 of my hair blood tests for thyroid and kidneys are normal and negative results of pcos i have a bmi of 19 and am moderately active i take daily vitamins and supplements and there has been no change or improvement i experience stress but nothing different over the last 3 years there is no family history of hair loss or hair thinning i took birth control for 10 years but do not take it now,dear dr moser i have only been to my gp and gyno about this both say they have no answer my thyroid and kidney function is normal i have not been referred to a dermatologist because neither dr think it is a dermatological issue as the quality of my hair has not changed still soft fine shinny silky and my scalp appears healthy i still believe there must be a cause for this sudden and dramatic hair loss should i still pursue a second opinion is coughing a side effect from celocin pediatric my 2 year old was given cleocin pediatric 75mg form her dentist and after taken it she now has a bad cough and i was wanting to know if this could be a side effect form it i do not know if i should keep giving it to her or stop till after the weekend when they can change it,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include severe stomach pain extreme drowsiness seizures since late last year l have been complaining about my loss of appetite and consequently loss of weight,doctors can usually identify shingles when they see an area of rash around the left or right side of your body if a diagnosis of shingles is not clear your doctor may order lab tests most commonly herpes tests on cells taken from a blister if there is reason to think that shingles is present your doctor may not wait to perform tests before treating you with antiviral medicines early treatment may help shorten the length of the illness and prevent complications such as postherpetic neuralgia webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated do i have a yeast infection,i could also be jock is itch which is like a type of athlete is foot but on your genitals how can i keep my hair and skin oil free in the summer,oily hair is a natural production if you wash your hair frequently it causes your body to produce more oil the less you wash it the more the production slows down ways to absorb body oil is to use baby powder just use a small amount at the roots and pat the white color out some hair salons have colored hair powder that can be used if you do not like the white powder as for the face or skin a light lotion that is less greasy should be applied as a moisturizer there are also face towelettes that can be used to blot the face and eliminate oil and perspiration is it unsafe for a man to take celexa while he and his partner are trying to conceive,this may be due to acidity problems or oesophageal reflux get upper gi endoscopy done to rule out ulcers take antacids daily avoid spicy foods and preferably take a bland diet get your blood checked for any blood related causes can taking omega 3 dea have the same results as taking plavis i was taking plavix for at least 11 years and have never felt good 3 months ago i stopped taking plavix and feel better my question is does taking omega3 fish oils have the same affect on the blood,i strongly urge you to contact your doctor as soon as possible by going off plavix you have put yourself at a much greater risk of experiencing a life threatening blood clot no one should discontinue a prescription blood thinner without consulting their doctor first you do not say why you were prescribed plavix clopidogrel but it is often given to people after they have had a heart attack recent stroke angioplasty procedure or if they have peripheral vascular disease these conditions put a person at an increased risk of developing a blood clot that travels to the lungs or possibly the brain causing problems breathing or a stroke to answer your question omega 3 oils are thought to have blood thinning properties but they are in no way a substitute for a prescription anticoagulant like clopidogrel in fact a 2002 study showed they had no effect on coagulation or platelet function after surgery clopidogrel works by making your platelets a type of red blood cell that enables blood to clot more slippery so they do not stick together easily this effect reduces the chances of blood clotting and traveling to the lungs or brain again i urge you to contact your doctor and discuss this issue with him or her at three months without plavix you could very well have a blood clot brewing your healthcare provider will want to examine you and perhaps run some tests to make sure you are safe there are many other types of anticoagulants available for your use besides clopidogrel if that product causes side effects wishing you well it is the weekend i am experiencing an allergic reaction to newly prescribed metformin is it ok to take benadryl i will call my doctor tomorrow morning for the time being is it ok to take benadryl,well that is an interesting question i suggest you consult your gynecologist to make sure everything is doing fine medically speaking some women find they feel more frisky after tubal ligation or hysterectomy because they know they can not become pregnant for some women this knowledge makes them feel more relaxed and playful about sex perhaps this is the case for you i can not think of any medical reason why a tubal ligation would make you feel aroused all the time but if it is a problem then i certainly suggest you consult a medical professional if it is not a problem i would suggest going with the flow and enjoying yourself take care shall i use drugs to get sleep,you try to exclude diet such as white flour products sugar tea coffee chocolates cola fatty foods fried foods excessive use of salt and strong condiments breakfast should contain fresh fruits dried fruits and whole cereals lunch should consist of large mixed salad a cup of hot milk sweetened with honey at bedtime will be beneficial to get sound sleep regular exercises like jogging joint exercises yogasanas are ideal exercises do pranayama breathing exercise relaxation techniques and hearing soft music at bedtime may be helpful hot foot bath at bedtime has significant effect on sleep revert back after two weeks to consult a naturopathy specialist online > all my body is swelling my feet face breast i guess it is water retention i am in panic,i usually tell my patients it is dangerous to lose their weight suddenly what you are having is the impact of losing weight in short time puffiness and swelling is due to water retension and mal dieting constipation also is due to improper poor diet get a balanced diet plan rich in fiber low in sodium high in omega3 and vitamins and potassium lots of back problems do not know what to do 19 yo female sedentary for most of my childhood bump at base of neck had an xray before and i was told it was an enlarged vertebrae sometimes it goes numb and feels like my shoulders are slumped up next to my head if that makes sense when i try to stand with proper posture i get a pain between my shoulder blades very little movement in my back neck and shoulder area i do not want to bombard my doctor with too many questions what should i ask her what do you think she will do to help,your question is an important one for women with epilepsy who wish to have a family there is little scientific information on this subject and most of what we know if based on clinical experience of doctors taking care of women with epilepsy the bottom line is that most physicians with expertise in managing epilepsy encourage their patients to breastfeed even if they are taking anti seizure medicine the baby has developed for nine months in the presence of the anti seizure medicine and as such for the baby to continue to be exposed to it after delivery usually does not create problems i am unaware of any [known] descriptions of problems with breastfeeding while on trileptal oxcarbazepine if blood levels are done in mom and her baby while breastfeeding the baby is level will be around half of the mother is so the baby is definitely getting some of the drug but it usually does not create problems as best we tell so if breastfeeding is important to you as it is for most women most experts in the field would encourage you to breastfeed what foods should be eatenavoided if you have fatty liver,it is not really known what causes of fatty liver disease in some people but there are some lifestyle changes with diet that are suggested to improve fatty liver disease or avoid it if overweight or obese lower weight slowly with proper nutrition and exercise if diagnosed with diabetes and high lipids cholesterol practice good blood sugar control and a lower fatcholesterol diet a diet lower in fat and calories is recommended avoid alcohol or other harmful substances like drugs get regular exercise most days of the week eat a well balanced diet that is lower in saturated fats and high in fiber minimize sugar consumption reduce the intake of fried foods foods high in sugar and salt i have urination issues i just finish going and when i stand up i have an urgent need to go again,com this is what we call urinary retension it has many causes that needs to be diagnosed with a specialist by examination … drinking plenty of water and you may be able to prevent urinary retention by doing exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles 31 yr male 62 250lbs abdominal pain after eating on right side front and back vomiting nausea gas bloating cramps weight gain in the excess of 50+ pound unintentionally vomiting constipation diarrhea severe gas acid reflux even while on medication symptoms get worse with eating and drinking feeling of bloated fullness with loss of appetite and lethargy i believe my husband is exhibiting symptoms that involve either his liver or gallbladder possibly ibs but not sure current doctor does not feel the need to look into the issues over the counter meds have not helped just looking for some ideas,i am thinking gall bladder are cosmetic surgeons board certified,there was an interesting article several months ago in health leaders the article pointed out that there is every good reason for patients to understand the nature of a doctor is training and by which board he is certified first let me explain that board certification implies that the doctor has “passed the tests ” the tests are completion of an approved residency program and passing oral and written examinations at the conclusion of the residency these residency programs are monitored by the individual specialty as well as other credentialing organizations such as the american medical association the american college of surgeons the american hospital association the american residency system is the envy of the world board certification is an important qualification credential and emblem that one is considered in the eyes of his fellow doctors to be qualified to practice the specialty the confusion arises in areas where there is no specific board cosmetic surgery is one of those there is no american board of cosmetic surgery that is within the scope of the american board of medical specialties that organization regulates the 23 major specialties in most states any licensed physician is not restrained from any aspect of medical practice that may sound surprising but the reality is that states only license physicians as physicians and not by specialty it has been stated that “cosmetic surgery can be performed by any licensed physician from a plastic surgeon to a pediatrician ” the reality is that you will not find any pediatricians or psychiatrists performing cosmetic surgery because they cannot get privileges to perform them in a properly credentialed hospital or outpatient surgery center the medical board of california which licenses and disciplines doctors does list each physician is board certification that information is given to the board by the physician himself every doctor should be proud of his background training and credentials it should not be hard for patients to glean whether or not the specialty in which a doctor is certified is appropriate for their particular needs i have bloody stools for 2 years is this irritable bowel syndrome,definitely it could be due to low fiber intake and low water intake ibs usually alternates diarrhea and constipation but if untreated even naturally this will complicate to hemorrhoids try sticking to high fiber and water diet lower the animal protein intake exercise and yoga regularly thanks i believe i have a urinary tract infection i can not afford to see a doctor will amoxicillin help i already have that,f you have an itch from the foot fungus that should get better within a few days to clear it can take up to two weeks then you want to keep using the powder in the shoe to help absorb any moisture and sweat from the foot and also change your shoes more frequently do not wear the same shoes everyday because that again can create an environment where that fungus grows more readily i suffer from tired aching legs during and after work any suggestions,hi you need to check your legs for variose veins and check you back for spondylitis try beurger s exercise check on you tube it will help much wear compression stocking try to exercise regularly good luck blurred vision dizziness nausea hot blushes and pounding heart,yes you can just stop taking advil ibuprofen there will be no health consequences why would you want to swtich to plain aspirin aspirin can have more side effects than ibuprofen depending on your dose and how you use it so it would be wise to run this by your medical provider someon who knos your medical history are yeast infections contagious,no yeast infections are not contagious in the way a cold or the flu is yeast infections are caused by a fungus more specifically a yeast called candida candida is a commensal organism meaning that under healthy conditions it lives harmlessly in our bodies we all have candida living on our skin and in our intestines and healthy women carry candida in their vaginas when the body is defenses are in balance candida is not noticeable or bothersome however certain conditions can give candida the opportunity to grow excessively a low functioning immune system use of topical or oral corticosteroids such as prednisone often for asthma or autoimmune conditions damage to the mucous membranes the skin lining the mouth vagina and gi tract antibiotic use in these situations candida can grow on the skin or in the lining of the mouth gi tract or vagina the fungus creates a white patch or plaque across the mucous membranes in the mouth visible candida infection is called thrush in the vagina it is a yeast infection in people with weakened immune systems candida can grow almost anywhere in the body because candida is normally present in all our bodies someone with thrush can not exactly pass it to someone else that person already has candida to develop thrush a yeast infection or another candida infection that person may have one or more of the above risk factors or conditions is it okay to have a tb skin test the day before oral surgery i need a tb test done for college and am scheduled to get it tomorrow but am having my wisdom teeth surgically removed the next day is there any reason i should not have the tb test done,having agonizing pain is not normal you need to immediately contact the doctor or clinic that performed this procedure and be examined as soon as possible will a fluid diet of 1 2weeks help eczema ive suffered all my life from eczema in my elbow creases but in the past year stress has caused it to spread all over my arms and onto my shoulders i was recomended to try a fluid diet and i was wondering if that would help to clear it enough to give the cream a chance to really help because im in a lot of pain and its really itchy thank you hannah,a fluid diet for eczema never heard of it as part of any treatment eczema is genetically dry skin so if you are having an exacerbation or worsening of your symptoms you may need a change in treatment the mainstay of eczema management is moisturization so find a good moisturizing cream that is free of perfumes topical steroid creams are very helpful but the best ones require a prescription call your medical provider control itching with antihistamines assuming you can take this type of medication please avoid scratching and digging at these areas open eczematous skin can become secondarily infected so if you think your eczema is infected you will need to consult your medical provider for treatment usually antibiotics eczema is usually with you for life so finding the right combination of medications and supportive treatments is important i do not think a fluid diet for two weeks is going to help in any way my systolic pressure is 124 and my diastolic pressure us 114 why is the diastolic so high my blood pressure up until recently has been good all my life i am 48 overweight about 60 pounds do not exercise and eat what i want most of time under a lot of workhome stress bp runs like 110 12060 70 pain does seem to affect it some which is what i am experiencing now with some feet issues but this is the first time i have seen the bottom number go up and not the top and not this much has my luck run out my last reading was 120104 what could that bottom number mean,just protect it from re injury the nail bed may be more sensitive keep in mind that there may be a brand new nail already present underneath the damaged black one if you did not injury the nail matrix the cells that grow a new nail you may have a pleasant surprise of finding a fresh nail covering the nail bed after four months i do not have insurance right now so is there any over the counter treatment i can use for a genital herpe outbreak,hi are your periods back to normal yet if so just add in its all done to timing get that bit right then you should get pregnant but its no good keep having sex every other day and expect to get pregnant that will not work to much would mean your mans sperm is not mature enough you need mature sperm to get pregnant so stop for a month let his sperm get healthy so day 1 is the first day of your period day 14 give or take a day should be ovulation day you heed to have unprotected sex day 8 or 9 this gives you mans sperm time to get in place its ok it can live for up to 7 days inside you its there just waiting for your egg to fall but do not worry some sperm go left and the rest right so if by day 21 you get spotting then the chances are your pregnant a week after you miss your next period you go get tested best at your doctors but do stay relaxed in mind and body getting can be that easy but if you stress yourself you could blow your chances its just best to put it to the back of your mind and just enjoy the life you have now when a baby comes along it all changes till they leave the nest do hope this helps you good luck if warfarin needed for titanium heart valve then why is warfarin not used when one has titanium plate around eye socket,cow is milk while peanut allergy is the top lifelong food allergy a higher percentage of children are actually allergic to cow is milk possible ingestion of pantry moth eggs & larvae is there a health risk pantry moths eggs & larvae ingestion health risk,no i do not think you will experience any health consequences from ingesting a moth eggs or larvae your gastrointestinal tract will likely do a fine job in digesting it safely as you may know many societies eat all types of insects as part of their normal diet most people do not choose to eat moths but i believe this would be harmless my dog eats them all of the time and i suspect that i have inadvertently eaten a few in my life as well all my body is swelling my feet face breast i guess it is water retention i am in panic,the rash could be of another cause did she initially receive treatment for the gastroenteritis have you done a stool analysis at the end my period was 3 days early and lasted 3 days but my test were all negative could i be pregnant i picked up an appetitie also i have been having this cramp on the right side of my stomach i took a test 2 weeks ago and it was negative then i took another one lastnight and it also was negative i came on my period october 3rd and it ended october 6th on the 6th i was just spotting i was originally supposed to come on my period october 6th,i have a period calculator that tracks my period i have always had a normal period thats why this is bothering me this was helpful though im gonna just have to go to my doctor i sprained my ankle over a month ago and i still have pains i am sure it was over a month ago give or take a few days but i am still experiencing pains in the back of my ankle on top and on the side some i have went to the doctor and they did an x ray and said things looked fine but since i am still having problems i feel like something else is wrong could i possibly have a fracture or is it just a prolonged pain ,an ankle sprain happens to many people if you have been walking and there is a ditch or the road is lower your ankle can turn and cause and injury to the ligaments ankle sprains can be mild moderate or severe if you have injured only a little bit of the ligament you may be able to walk on the foot and just have mild swelling with a more severe sprain you will not be able to walk most importantly it is important to treat the ankle well while healing this means full rest elevation of the ankle ice and medicine to reduce the swelling stay off of that foot either resting or with crutches for at least 7 10 days if you did not do that it is possible that the ankle ligament is not properly healed in your case its important to see your doctor again if it is still causing you pain just turned 13 i have chest hair i am about 6ft doctors said i would be 64 am i done growing i am an early bloomer,maybe but it depends on the stage of your puberty and if your growth plates have closed you medical provider would need to examine you and order an x ray if this information is that important a male of age 13 still may have a few more years of growth even if you do have chest hair so you still may go up a few more inches your height was genetically determined at the moment of conception while nutrition and environment play a small role your adult height was basically predetermined so i have good news for you young man and i will be explaining your exponential growth rate for you too age 13 and standing at 6ft tall that is truly remarkable congratulations mr you are on your way to charming the ladies in high school and i hope you feel comfortable with your gift of early growth spurts 25 years old is the average age that male bodies stop growing physically in height weight and hair thickness you are a lucky fella blessed with a body that is maturing early and blossoming to exalting to admirable heights as a matter of fact males and females mature early in american bloodlines so it is not unusual or uncommon but there is a difference in the male aspects of growth and the female aspects of early maturity females can growblossom early too but when this happens it usually takes place in mental maturity and physical maturity at the same time i was highly mature for my age at 13 as well mentally i held conversations with adults and i was advanced in school at cp levels in elementary school i also was the only girl in my school that had c cup breasts so i was an awkward one can you get rotavirus if you have had the immunization,yes the vaccine does not prevent an infection from every strain of rotavirus just the more common ones could this cause pregnancy my bf and i were fooling around and he and rubbed his penis between my labia minus and i grinded on top of him for a while about 30 mins to an hr later i gave him oral and he came in my mouth i read about precum but we used a gel so we do not know if he did or not he said he masturbated the day before but has urinated since then i read that precum picks up sperm from the urethra if a guy has not urinated since his previous ejaculation if he precame twice would the second have sperm,i cannot find anything linking panic attacks to high blood sugars it seems plausible that increases in stress hormones during a panic attack could temporarily increase blood sugars your son is a1c and fasting glucose are normal so the high blood sugars are not caused by diabetes my mom has a red bump on the right side of her lower abdomen area it does not itch or hurt i accidentally noticed it today she had no idea it was even there we do not know how long she is had this,i have heard that a lot of ppl get pregnant on this specfic bc the best way to know if you are pregnant is go ahead and take a test if it is negative try again in two weeks what are some of the reasons for bed rest during pregnancy,here are some tips to prevent stroke regular exercises like brisk walking and jogging according to your capacity for at least 30 minutes a day and five to seven days a week in nearly all peoples regular exercises help in reducing weight decrease lipid level and blood pressure and also assist in controlling blood sugars healthy diet like avoiding fat oil and a high calorie diet individuals should consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily individuals should replace refined grains like white bread rice with whole grains whole bread and brown rice should avoid red meat and instead have sea foods eggs beans nuts and seeds as a source of protein it is very important to prevent and treat hypertension because high bp is an important cause of hemorrhagic stroke blood pressure should be regularly monitored and medicine should not default the recommended dietary sodium intake for the general population is less than 2 3 g of sodium or 6 g of sodium chloride low sodium intake is associated with decreased risk of hypertension and stroke avoid smoking and excessive alcohol smoking puts one at a high risk of stroke and heart diseases one should not get abdominal fat deposition or obesity yoga should be included in daily routine and has multiple health benefits prevent diabetes with a healthy lifestyle early diagnosis and regular treatment the american diabetes association ada recommends testing at three year intervals for diabetes in all adults with bmi more than or equal to 25 kgm2 and one or more additional risk factors for diabetes family history sedentary lifestyle smoking etc and in individuals without risk factors testing begin at age 45 years the individual with risk for stroke like family history and obesity should be screened for lipid abnormalities and started on lifestyle modification and drugs aspirin especially in those with moderate to high risk of stroke which will be assessed by the doctor and prior history of stroke patients with irregular heartbeats should be evaluated with ecg and other investigation urgently and started on blood thinners to prevent clot formation and stroke so if someone has it then they should get themselves evaluated polypills consisting of combinations of drugs like aspirin statins and blood pressure medication as advised by the doctor should be consumed on a regular basis for further information consult a cardiologist online > i am having ruptured eardrum one doctor suggested to have surgery and other suggested to wait for 3 months,absolutely you have to wait because most eardrum holes heals in a few weeks without treatment …only few antibiotics if unsuccessful a patch may work then surgical treatment is the last choice … i have started to exercize and eat better but i am getting bad headaches and neasea yes i drink plenty h2o i am 33 female and overweight i have strarted to eat better no junk sugar salt i shoot for around 1400 1500 cals i exercise every day alternating between light exercise like walking to vigorous exerise like cycling and heavy yard work every other day i drink plenty of water my problem is since i started 4 days ago i have had daily bad headaches and nausea ive tried extra sleep more water more carbs and of course excerdinetylonalibprophin i dont know what to do,you have the same story of my mother she also did not eat sugar less salt and even meat she also experience nausea and vomiting she was diagnosed with hypoglycemia she thought that less sugar will help her in losing weight or even if you are low of protein in the body our body needs sugar also even diabetic people needs it but not too much if you really want to lose weight find a loss buddy and have a nutritionist i am doing this too perhaps this will can help you thank you is there any financial help for people who have been injured by vaccines,the u s national childhood vaccine injury act provides a no fault compensation mechanism for people injured by vaccines could i be pregnant from this inside out condom my boyfriend was trying to put a condom that was inside out the condom slightly went over his penis but he realized it was the wrong way he turned it over and put it on i tried rubbing off anything that could have been on there i am not positive if pre cum got on the condom or not nor do i know if rubbing it off with my hand did anything is there a possibility i could get pregnant from this mishap,hi 123 sorry did i not tell you that you must let the water get inside your vagina all very simple when you think of it for some real good info just google sea salt and the vagina your find lots of info about what it can do for you sea salt baths are also very good at helping to get rid of yi is yeast infections taken warm sea salt baths also help you relax and you can even add some epsom salts as well all to help sooth your body but no more masturbating till its healed up ok good luck i developed pneumonia wheezing doctors do not know what is wrong,hi this seems to be a chronic lung disease like bronchiectasis or lung consolidation need to get a chest xray pa view and a hrct chest lung spirometry will help assess the lung function consult a pulmonologist thanks can mosquito bites give high fever and hives my 2 yrs old had woke up yesterday with a couple of bites and a fever i took him to urgent care and they said that they were mosquito bites he had intense fever all night and when he woke with this morning i notice his skin is rashy all over like if he had an allegic reaction or the high fever did it is it possible that the bites gave him an allergic reaction or maybe it was just the high fever that made his skin like this please advice,assuming you mean a meal that is high in calories and fat if you did that every day you would most likely gain weight think of sugary high fat foods as accessories to your diet use them sparingly taking garcinia cambogia is it harmful to me if i have an enlarged prostate,u need to get a ecg and 2d echo done to rule out any cardiac cause get hrct chest done to see any intra thoracic pathology can prevacid dr 30 mg increase your appetite or cause you to gain weight,this seems to be a gastroenteritis drink plenty of water you may take metronidazole for 5 days …if the fever and diarrhea did not go after 2 days then you need to see your git specialist i have had 5 surgeries i am in constant pain,hi did your doctor use electrocautery in my opinion it is either electrocautery or urinary tract infection do a urine test first good luck what exams do women need as they age,hi found you this on www diabetes org myth people with diabetes can not eat sweets or chocolate fact if eaten as part of a healthy meal plan or combined with exercise sweets and desserts can be eaten by people with diabetes they are no more off limits to people with diabetes than they are to people without diabetes the key to sweets is to have a very small portion and save them for special occasions so you focus your meal on more healthful foods hope this helps you good luck does cancer really skip a generation my grandmother had breast cancer that eventually spread to her brain and she ended up passing away someone told me that cancer skips a generation is that true,currently there are no drug interactions found between nexium and crestor however this does not mean interactions cannot exist it is important to work with your pharmacist to see if any new information has come about between these two medications it is recommend that you take the nexium 30 minutes prior to breakfast and any crestor typically before bedtime nurse suffered lancet cut after lancet used on hiv patient,medicare part b will pay for diagnostic hearing tests that your doctor orders to determine if you need medical treatment however it does not pay for the cost of hearing aids i have started jogging for exercise and the inside of my knees are sore what i can do beforeafter to help alleviate,the reason that you might be experiencing soreness in your knees could be due to a variety of different reasons i would first see how your body responds to doing other exercise that may be a little lower impact such as walking swimming kayaking water aerobics using the elliptical rowing stair climbing yoga or some strength training exercises you can determine if the problem is specific to the type of exercise that you are doing this way you might just be doing too much too soon with jogging try dialing back your current jogging routine by building in more days of rest in between exercise sessions spending less time per session or jogging at a slower pace you could also try experimenting by adding interval training into your routine where you incorporate intermittent bouts of jogging into your walking routine lastly try experimenting with different ground surfaces if you are jogging outside the grass or a dirt path might provide less impact than concrete also it might be worthwhile to invest in good pair of running shoes as well if your painsoreness persists in spite of making some of these changes then i would suggest meeting with a doctorspecialist and discontinuing jogging until you can find out what is causing this regular 28 day cycle im 4 days late test negative weve been trying for years to have another baby whats wrong with me i did drink alot of fluids before the test trying to make myself use the bathroom ive seen 3 different dr s they all say they dont know whats wrong why i cant concieve my husbands had a sperm count done hes got good fertility but we been tracking ovulation we have a very active sex life besides trying to have another baby our son is now 4 and weve been trying for 3 years please help,generally we wait until 14 months for the first tooth eruption after 14 months i would recommend consulting with a reputable pediatric dentist i had a partical hysterectomy in my 30 is im 45 now could i be in perimenopause i have noticed in the past few months i am finding it harder to concentrate i have not much desire to participate in anything i am so tired but not sleepy having some periods of crying for no reason i get frustrated easily and have less patience for silly things i get angry easily and hold on to it i do not like the way i feel which makes me even more upset omg what the heck,i am sorry to hear you are experiencing these distressing symptoms being a woman is rarely easy when you say you had a partial hysterectomy i am not sure exactly how to interpret that the term hysterectomy refers to removal of the uterus only however many women use the term to mean they had their uterus and their ovaries removed are you saying you had your uterus removed but retained one or both ovaries i am going to go with that interpretation at age 45 you could indeed be entering menopause it is a little early but not unheard of having had your uterus removed should not really affect how well your ovaries function maybe they are just starting to wind down naturally your best bet is to see a gynecologist he or she can assess whether or not you are in perimenopause if you are there are certain things you will want to know such as how menopause affects vaginal tissue you may also want to decide whether or not to go on hormone replacement therapy of course there could be other causes for your symptoms a sluggish thyroid comes to mind we women tend to attribute all our mood changes to estrogen levels but that is not valid many other hormones can affect the way we feel physically and emotionally it would be good to get a workup from a medical professional to find out what is really going on wishing you well 20 year immunity cycles i keep getting sinusitis every 6 8 months for the last 2 years prior to that i was getting this every 2 4 years i asked my physician why is it that i am getting sinusitis at a much greater frequency he told me that immunity can hold for 20 years cycles in which time immunity can be lost and one has to reacquire immunity this is the first time i heard of this and can not find anything to support my doctors claims is it possible he was misinformed is immunity not lifelong,hi you are almost having a gastrointestinal disorder commonly known as ibs or irritable bowel syndrome it is usually of unknown cause and sometimes stress causes it there are a lot of things you can do to relive that eat healthy foodfruits vegetables do not take caffeinated beverages or chocolates or fried foods do some type of exercises and yoga to reduce your stress you can take one of the over the counter tablets for ibs i e coloverin d regards please feel free to reply if you have any further questions why am i hearing double i have noticed that i have been hearing double lately it just happened randomly a couple days ago after i woke up and it will not go away i hear everything normal but at the same time i am also hearing a muffled version i am really starting to get worried now since it is affecting me being able to listen to things properly my mother said it would go away but it still has not i would love any kind of answer to help me fix this so it does not go on much longer,in order to offer you a solution one must first determine a reason this will take a hands on examination not something that i can do over the internet if the symptoms persist you will need to see an ear nose and throat specialist sometimes an echo in your hearing is caused by your eustachian tubes not closing properly a variety of reasons for that hopefully you are not listening to loud music through ear buds because inner ear disorders can be caused by acoustic damage i recently had an anxiety attack the doctor prescribed medicine to use when i feel one coming when will they go away,first congratulations on taking this important first step in reducing your weight to a healthy level i salute you second be sure you have received the ok from your health care provider to undertake a diet and exercise program if your doctor has cleared you to exercise then your shortness of breath may be normal simply due to your current size do not let this discourage you it may not be realistic for you to expect to perform say 20 minutes of aerobic activity at this point that time will come right now 2 minutes might actually be more realistic for you i would suggest you start with simply walking if you can manage to walk for 2 minutes 10 times a day there is your 20 minutes do that every day and you will gradually build up stamina if you have been watching one of those television shows where 300+ pound people engage in vigorous workouts and lose dramatic amounts of weight quickly i would suggest you stop watching in my opinion those programs do not depict a realistic vision of exercise for people who weigh over 300 pounds the workouts shown on those programs are closely monitored by an entire medical team and can be dangerous for the average unsupervised exerciser again i can not stress how much i admire you for your determination try checking out webmd is diet community for support and access to experts who can help you on your journey be patient it may take you quite some time to lose all the weight you want to lose remember to set intermediate goals and rewards along the way to stay motivated best wishes to you do not give up although you may not be able to exercise for long now you should expect to see less shortness of breath and better cardiovascular endurance the longer you stay consistent with your exercise routine be sure that you are not trying to do too much with your exercise it may be best to start out with a low intensity level of exercise and expanding upon it as tolerated it may not seem like a lot at first but you can slowly and gradually build up the duration and intensity of your exercise the more that you are able to adhere to it remember your exercise does not have to be done all in one session divide it up and takes breaks to rest and recover if you need to and then pick it back up later you may be able to continually shorten the amount of rest that you take in between sessions to eventually spend more time in a single session also try building in more opportunities to incorporate more physically activity within your daily routine try taking the stairs instead of the elevator or park further away making a habit out of incorporating small opportunities like these can ultimately lead to becoming better conditioned for exercise if exercise remains to be too difficult i what or is the best time to take a once a day antibiotic,common causes of priapism include alcohol or drug abuse especially cocaine certain medications including some antidepressants and blood pressure medications spinal cord problems injury to the genitals anesthesia penile injection therapy a treatment for erectile dysfunction blood diseases including leukemia and sickle cell anemia will radiation therapy cause my hair to fall out,hi found you this webmd link it should help you hope this helps you good luck my eyelids sag and i have heard that botox can lift my eyelids how does this work will not it look strange,treatment of gingivitis must begin with a dental examination this will determine what type of gingivitis you may have and whether there is bone loss or a systemic disease to consider then the appropriate level of hygienic care can begin this may include a referral to a gum specialist your dentist may also provide you with directions for the proper home care regimen which includes brushing flossing and using mouthwash my son is 6 years old his skin is peeling is it dangerous,propranolol is in a class of medications called beta blockers it can be used for a variety of conditions like high blood pressure rapid heartbeat migraine headache prevention and even stage fright you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist who can help you decipher why propranolol was prescribed for you what happens if you use expired medication,that is a really good question basically it is a normally harmless virus that most people already have but immune suppressing drugs can cause it to reactivate and do damage here is a link to a wiki article about it and a link to an article about the risks to ms patients #3 what to take vomiting and achy feeling started with upset stomach,i am sorry to hear you are feeling poorly often the best initial treatment for vomiting is to avoid taking anything by mouth including water until the vomiting stops then start with small sips of water to make sure you are not going to start vomiting again work your way up to regular food slowly after the vomiting stops be sure to stay as well hydrated as you can without triggering more nausea if the vomiting is severe or does not clear up within a day you should seek medical attention also if your vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms such as severe abdominal pain or head injury you should seek immediate medical attention if you have no allergies to medication you can probably treat the vomiting and aches with over the counter medications ask a pharmacist what he or she recommends if you did not get a flu shot be aware the flu season is already underway wash your hands frequently to avoid spreading the flu if that is what you have or any potentially contagious illness hope you feel better soon i ended up in accident & emergency with tonsillitis should i have surgery,hi yes even without a slightest of doubt in your mind you should undergo surgical tonsillectomy as soon as possible thanks 21 weeks pregnant i have got reddish ring circles…,hi these seem to be skin infection or allergic reaction apply local cream if doesnt resolve u should consult a dermatologist before applying cream or taking any medicines consult your gynecologist to find out if the medicines are safe for the baby thanks is cipro penicillin based,no it is an entirely different drug and class of antibiotics what is hiv human immunodeficiency virus,this is the virus that causes aids acquired immune deficiency syndrome hiv weakens a person is ability to fight infections and cancer people with hiv are said to have aids when the virus makes them very sick and they develop certain infections or cancers a person gets hiv when an infected person is body fluids blood semen fluids from the vagina or breast milk enter his or her bloodstream the virus can enter the blood through linings in the mouth anus or sex organs the penis and vagina or through broken skin what is this small round solid slightly red bump between upper arm and breast that is not moveable there is only 1 bump and i have had it for almost a month it is on the skin not underneath it i am a 24 year old female i have a dermatology appointment on the 21st but i am a bit anxious about it and wondered if there were ideas about it,in my opinion you should not think about surgery unless there is a symptomatic problem as this area is very sensitive and full of vital structures so i recommend strengthening your pectoralis group and deltoid muscle group how can i avoid overdoing exercise,hi this is mastitis yes i recommend going to er it could be infection if you recently have been breast feeding or a fibroid formation check it as soon as possible good luck can genital contact get you pregnant no ejaculation pre cum present but on lower part of my stomach not near my vag so there was genital contact but he didnt ejaculate anywhere near me the real thing i am scared of is whether or not is it possible that the surface touch with precum can get you pregnant also i felt something was wrong so i immediately whiped myself,hi well form what your saying no but see your doctor and do get on some kind of bc like the pill or next time you will get pregnant and do it soon your playing a dangerous game and you will get pregnant safe sex is the best sex good luck are any of the consequences of smoking reversible,emphysema is not reversible but if a person stops smoking the inflammatory changes chronic bronchitis in the airways probably will go away furthermore when a person stops smoking the risk of developing lung cancer decreases although it never goes back to normal in other words the risk of cancer in ex smokers is less than in smokers but remains greater than in non smokers are there topical creams for treating arthritis,there are several over the counter ones your pharmacist can point them out to you and a prescription one called voltaran gel 1 there are even homeopathic and natural remedies but i cannot attest to their effectiveness hi chilli and cayenne are both very good for arthritis have a look on site here for info or you can google chilli and arthritis same but with cayenne or have a look on this site epper html you should find some very good info on earthclinic com as well but i do take cayenne daily it has got mine down but that is just a side effect for what i take it for so this proves it works for me i mix cayenne in tomato paste and thin with olive oil to start with mix to a heat that suits you after you have been taken it for a few weeks you will find that you can slowly push up the heat of it i take 3 small spoonful is first thing each morning with fine chopped garlic wash down each spoonful with water follow that with a small piece of dark chocolate all very good for you hope this helps you good luck how long does it take to get rid of flu with tamiflu my dr prescribed me tamiflu on tuesday and a week later i am still getting terrible headaches and fever around 102 is this normal,hi acetaminophen is ok for you… for severe pain oxycodone is considered safe thanks i do not have periods due to taking nuvaring how would i know if i was pregnant since i do not have any periods to miss the last two times i put the nuvaring in i put it in a day late i have pregnancy symptoms and am wondering how soon i can take a pregnancy test for it to be accurate i know you normally would take one several days after a missed period but i do not have periods,hi the mastoiditis seems to have recurred and may have spread to your middle or inner ear you should not be neglecting it and consult a ent specialist straight away get an otoscopy done to look for the source of the discharge and blood maintain hydration drink plenty of fruit juices thanks what can i do about the side effects of medication for osteoporosis,i need you first to check her hearing do her eeg and mri i need to know the speech problem when did it start to appear since birth or when why can not i open my mouth last monday i went to the school nurse at my university her first reaction to looking at me and my throat was strep when she tested me for it it showed i was negative for strep when my culture came back it was positive for type c strep she gave me a z pac and i was on that for 5 days the pain became unbearable,my jaw hurt as well as my throat on the left side but the pain soon subsided breifly that thursday there was hardly any pain but around 9 pm there was so much pressure on my jaw that i walked into my house with tears rolling down my face i tried a warm bath submerging my face and ears in the water because my ears felt like they were bleeding and being jabbed with needles as they did when i went to the nurse the first time i tried to gargle salt water drink hot drinks cold drinks ice heat pads alternating tylenol and ibuprofen nothing was helping friday morning i woke my mom up still crying because of the terrible pain and she took me to a family clinic i could not open my mouth enough for them to look inside but they did look in my ear and said it was fine that it was pain from my throat they gave me a shot of penicillin and 12 tylenol 3 i have been taking the tylenol 3 every 5 hours as prescribed and the pain never lets up i do not think the penicillin has not kicked in and it has been over 24 hours my jaw is still causing me a lot of pain and i still cannot open my mouth please help me can colitis or ulcer have same symptoms as a gall bladder attack right upper quadrant pain my us and hida were ok,hi yes if all 4 panels are negative then scaebv is entirely ruled out dont worry just continue symptomatic treatment from hereon thanks u i suffer from neck pain due to bad posture is there anything that can help me,because exercise helps use up oxygen it causes your body to burn stored fat and helps you maintain a normal weight for instance if you walk 4 miles a day four times a week you can burn about 1 600 calories or nearly half a pound a week if you do not change your diet at all and keep walking the same distance over six months you will lose 12 pounds walk the same distance for a year and you will drop 24 pounds the neat thing about exercise is you do not have to do it all at one time after all not many teens have time to walk 4 miles after school but you can do 4 miles in short bursts throughout your day here is an idea of how to work that much exercise into your daily regimen take a 1 mile walk on a treadmill before school then take a 1 mile walk around the track during school lunch period take a 1 mile walk after school with friends or the family dog take a 1 mile walk on the treadmill while watching your favorite show before dinner if you stay with the walking program you will see benefits with weight loss muscle strengthening and definition stronger bones a lower heart rate better mood an improved complexion what should parents do if their baby is overweight,it is certainly possible for babies to be overweight and there definitely is a genetic component to that some babies put on weight more easily even with taking in the same amount of calories do we need to worry about it that is a hard one it can be a marker that this baby is susceptible to being overweight as a child you do not want to put a baby on a diet but with some babies you might want to restrict the more fattening things maybe offering a little less milk and more fruits and vegetables to keep their weight at a reasonable level for their height talk to your pediatrician about this does semen get infected and cause buring sensation when you urinate i do suffer from erectile dysfunction i am now diagnosed with chronic prostatitis it is over a year now all tests are in the negative but my problem still persists the day i masturbate the next day i have this burning sensation when i urinate i get a ticklish feeling in my anus and tip of my penis,flumist is a live intranasal vaccine for the flu it is recommended for healthy individuals 2 49 years of age flumist is a nice option for children as it avoids giving a shot but instead delivers the vaccine in a nasal spray format a child can still receive flumist if she has a mild illness such as a cold if the child has a moderate or severe illness where she really should be in the hospital then we would wait to give the vaccine until she feels better it is so important for children 6 months of age and older to get a flu shot each year could i feel implantation 2 days after unprotected sex if we did this slightly post forecast fertile days i thought my chance was out the window according to when i was most fertile but my husband and i decided to start trying anyway we had unprotected sex on may 19 2015 and then some dull throbbing on my right side uterus and terrible lower back pain on same side starting last night may 20th and continuing into today may 21st my fertile calendar said i was most fertile from may 11 through 16 with peak at 14th but my cycles are about 31 days vs 28,hi ok a thing to remember is have you had any spotting its a sign that you could be pregnant around implantation day and that it takes male sperm around 3 days to get into place to either receive your egg or make an egg there fertile so you really need to be having unprotected sex around 3 to 4 days before your ovulation day this means his guys are there in place and waiting for your egg its ok some go left and some go right and can live for around 7 days inside you do hope this helps you good luck does hydrogen peroxide sting,it should not alcohol tends to sting hydrogen peroxide just tends to bubble when it comes in contact with the skin and before you know it it is done bubbling so there really should not be any burn if you choose not to buy health insurance what is the penalty will the penalty be the same in each state when you choose a health insurance plan will that plan be the one you always have even if you move to another state out of all of the plans which is the best value,penalties for failing to have insurance will be the greater of 95 or 1 of your income that goes up over time if you move to a new state you will need to buy a policy based in that state finding the right plan is a very personal selection i suggest you begin shopping the plans available on the marketplace and contact the customer service line to speak with someone who can offer you personalized assistance my son is unemployed and not receiving any money how can he get insurance under the new affordable care act he is 46 years old,he should apply through your state is marketplace he will likely qualify for medicaid if your state is not expanding medicaid he will no doubt qualify for a subsidized health insurance policy thickenedwhite plugs at foreskinhead of penis of a 4 mo circumcised @birth & healed normally no concerns until this a m diaper change upon retraction of foreskin i noted 2 thickened areas of white debris that would not wipe away i carefully removed the waxy discharge wclean hands the spots left very minor empty pockets as if i would squeezed a pimple i cleaned the area applied sterile petroleum sent home post circumcision care but the area is now irritated what are signs of infection my son does not seem bothered by the redness at this time,you should start shopping on healthcare gov for a new plan you will likely qualify for financial assistance to lower your insurance costs i have a white pus coming out of the tip of my penis,hi simple abscess can be caused by uncircumcision simple palanitis however if you have been sexually active you can suspect chlamydia or gonorrhea if you have been to a new place or slept beside someone new or wearing someone cloth you can suspect lice tiny insect good luck i had a bad fall pain is still the same,its very nice to try to handle your pain but really need to investigate at least by doing the basics just to be in the samw side do x rayb consult a doctor cause u may have fracture or may be ms strain also there may be inflammation so u need to take pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs let me ask you are u diabetic when can i switch my baby from a rear facing to a forward facing car seat,we encourage infants to stay rear facing as long as possible but the minimum requirement is 20 lbs and 1 year of age if she outgrows the weight limit then a convertible car seat is the next step i am pregnant however i have taken the morning after pill twice any adverse effects on the fetus,pain can be treated using analgesic drugs get an x ray blood quantity often appears larger than it actually is but a loss of 2 cups a day needs attention get your gastrointestinal tract checked what causes left sided heart failure,continue taking mobic we recommend to take turmeric ashwagandha guggul and shunthi all in powder form and equal quantities at dose of 3 gms per day in divided doses with luke warm water what happens if the burrows bust and leak when you have scabies he has these burrows every where on him they are busting when we applied the cream,they will itch like crazy if you scratch them open and make the areas bleed they will most likely get secondarily infected keep this area very clean and do not dig at those burrows dead scabies the goal of using the cream can itch just as much as the live ones it can take several weeks to a month or more before your skin recovers to normal again after successful scabies treatment does scabies spread on the body or another blister appear next to the site infected does scabies spread on your body and have single blisters appears next to the site of infrcted i have been diagnosed with adhd the last two years i have been severely depressed and anhedonic,if you are talking about your thyroid stimulating hormone tsh lab results i am a bit surprised your doctor does not want to treat this several years ago the american association of clinical endocrinologists aace announced it was revising the reference range for normal tsh values to 0 3 to 3 0 clearly your results assuming you are referring to tsh are outside that range i would suggest you gather your medical records and see another health care provider for a second opinion if possible see an endocrinologist these doctors specialize in disorders of the endocrine system including the thyroid wishing you all the best my right ear feels clogged and i can hear myself echo suggestions please i have been sick with a pretty bad cold coughing stuffy nose etc for about a week now all of a sudden i wake up and my right ear feels clogged i can hear myself echo is it from my stuffy nose any suggestions,i can understand your concern for your symptoms floating stool is suggestive of abnormal digestion and absorption of fat from the diet which leads to an excess amount of fat in the stool stomach ache and gas are suggestive of indigestion due to lack of intestinal digestive enzyme supplementation your history of type 1 diabetes along with these symptoms are suggestive of an inadequate amount of pancreatic juice exogenous enzymes for digestion the probable causesautoimmune pancreatitis investigations to be donect scan abdomen with contrast lipase amylase and upper gi endoscopy to rule out gastritis differential diagnosissevere gastritis probable diagnosisautoimmune pancreatitis treatment plancontinue treatment for diabetes pancreatic digestive enzyme supplementation and treatment for acidity preventive measuresavoid oily and spicy food take fat free and high protein diet regarding follow upfor further information consult a medical gastroenterologist online > if i am taking bactrim for a urinary tract infection is it okay to consume alcohol like 1 or 2 drinks,this link should address all of your questions about this test i had a semen analysis not convinced lab analyzed it correctly,hi from whats going on it does seem rather unclear the doctors and the lab do not seem to be sure about the sperm examination quality and quantity of the sperms are the most important criteria to state whether a person is sterile or not do post your lab results here if possible so that we can guide you better thanks mild vaginal fish odor some itch recent issue with new toilet paper i am 50 recently had a bad reaction to new toilet paper itch mostly no redness now have mild fish odor and want to clear it up quick,hi ok you have an itch and a mild fish odour if you get a white discharge that looks like cottage cheese the you have bvbacterial vaginosis if not it could be a yeast infection sea salt could help you get rid of it just take a warm sea salt bath with just 2 handfuls of ss in it do let this water get inside your vagina and in around 5 days it should be gone do hope this helps you good luck is there anything you can really do to increase your metabolism,hi these may be signs of pneumonitis get a chest xray done higher antibiotics are indicated if the fever is not reducing complete blood check up should be done with blood culture to see for any remote infection source deep breathing exercises will help thanks hi i am have been pooping blood for two days is anyone know what is that mean,yes it means that you need to see a medical provider for a proper examination to determine the source of the bleeding not something that could be blindly determined over the internet i am very sorry but you have not provided any information about you your medical history etc to even guess as to the cause or significance of this finding you have to see a medical provider what is going on when i have a cold and blow my nose fluid comes out of my left eye tear duct,this is usually a side effect after a nose or tear duct surgery have you had either of these how do you lose weight if you are supposed to eat 1500 calories but only excerise 300 of it away daily i am just trying to understand the concept of being told that i need to eat a minimum of 1500 calories daily drink 64 ounces of water daily and exercise at least 300 calories daily,every person burns a certain amount calories at rest along with activities of daily living which is called basal metabolic rate upping exercise is one way to increase the total amount of calories you burn daily this webmd page will help you estimate your basal metabolic rate the key is to monitor how much weight you lose a safe and steady amount is 1 to 2 pounds per week good luck do i have cushing is syndrome,hi i agree with you is very much possible that you have cushing is i recommend the following tests 24 hour urinary free cortisol test measurement of midnight plasma cortisol or late night salivary cortisol and the low dose dexamethasone suppression test dexamethasone corticotropin releasing hormone test also how can high alkaline phosphate be ignored what are the exact numbers may be it is slightly increased so your doctor thinks it is normal with fatty liver also do tsh and t4 testsgood luck i have a defect in the base of my skull need a second medical opinion,wounds are not deep enough to fear tetanus keep them clean dry use betadine always to clean them if you are sure you got your last vaccination within 5 years the fence is clean and not subjected to animals feaces then you do not need to worry if you experience fever or muscle spams go to the er i am in 1st month on mononessa i missed a pill on day 7 and did not have sex until day 15 took 2 pills on day 8 safe i took my first pill on the first day of my period i did not have sex except for on day 15 i took 2 pills the day after the missed one i have not missed any others what are my chances of being pregnant,also you are on your first month so the pill really is not effective until 2 weeks of continuous non interrupted use is there a safe medication to make my 30 pound baby sleepy for air travel we are going to be on an airplane for 9 hours is there anything i can give her to make her sleepy,maybe but you will need to address this problem with your baby is pediatrician someone who knows her and her medical history this issue is always a challenge for parents traveling with babies some have used benadryl but i am not a big fan of doing this since this medication which will make adults sleepy can result in a paradoxical effect in children in other words it could cause her to be stimulated like you gave her coffee you do not want a wild and stimulated baby on a nine hour flight talk to the pediatrician doctor recommended operation to remove cysts on both ovaries need a second opinion,i recently had mine removed i had dull to severe pain depending on what i ate between my lower shoulder blades sometime is i would have attacks that would feel almost like a heart attack they start off by being uncomfortable and gradually get worse until you feel like you can not breathe my attacks ended up making be vomit they got worse every time but sometimes it would be three or four months in between each if i stayed away from greasy high fat foods i would be fine but as soon as i had something i should not i suffered hope this helps my boy friend and i have been diagnosed with chlamydia he is re infected,hi try reading up about cayenne or cayennepepper google it like that then put cayenne and cholesterol in the search box you can also look up parsley for cholesterol and your find if you mix parsley and garlic together then you now have another way these are 3 things i know of as i take all 3 and have read the facts about all 3 and just what they can do good luck im currently 18 4 weeks pregnant afp results came back 141 chance of trisomy 18 at the 12 week ultrasound baby had grown on time from the 9 week ultrasound and had a wide open hand and at the 16 week ultrasound baby was in time head normal size compared to body and hands wide open with that does it seem to have it also my mom had spina bifida so is it possible i carry the gene and it will always be positive,no harm as long as the person using the hot sauce is not feeling any discomfort on their mouth or tongue and does not have an gastrointestinal responses like diarrhea if hot sauce was harmful there are a lot of people in various cultures that routinely use hot sauce on everything mexican thai etc that would be experiencing physical harm and they are not one of my friend is child was swearing so his parents would but a drop of hot sauce on his tongue as punishment he liked it too and he is still swearing like a sailor i am 80 years old my psa reading was 0 9 about five years back now my psa reading is 2 3 does this indicate a problem,hi that would be symptoms of inflammation in the body and your immune system is trying to fight it you may or may not develop fever… i guess things will show up in the next few hours whether you will have any other symptoms or not take analgesics only and only if necessary … let me know here if you developed any other symptom why is it important to read the label on my calcium medication,no this parasite does not cause boils i have a throat bacterial infection feels like i have a fluid or something in my ear,when looking for a therapist it is important to find one that is qualified affordable and that you can connect well with when you first talk with a therapist either on the phone or in person consider it an interview to see if the person is right for you ask about their credentials making sure that they are a licensed psychiatrist psychologist social worker or counselor offer a thumbnail sketch of your issue and ask if this is the kind of issue that they treat and have expertise with ask what their approach is and why they think it would be helpful for you as you listen to these answers think about whether you feel comfortable not only with what they are saying but also with how they are saying it in terms of finding someone you can afford you might want to try a local clinic hospital or teaching institution a school that trains therapists might have its own clinic because they might have a sliding scale although those in training are less experienced a downside and might make you think twice about going they also receive supervision and sometimes the training is for experienced people working on a more advanced degree again if you feel comfortable that is most important along with proper qualifications you might want to check with the self help support group clearinghouse for both self help groups and recommendations for where to seek sliding scale professional help try the state or local professional associations i e for psychologists or social workers and ask if they can direct you and whoever you call for help if they cannot help ask if they can direct you as to where to get help how is prostate cancer diagnosed and graded,i would worry if she can not catch her breath if she shows signs of distress and can not breathe you should take her to an er or call 911 otherwise contact your pediatrician if symptoms persist how long does it take a displaced fracture of the fibula to heal i broke my fibula about 6 weeks ago it is displaced broke in 3 places at the tip the swelling has almost gone down and it seems like it is healing last time i got x rays {2 weeks ago} it was still displaced i have osteopenia and take 1000 mg of calcium a day do not want surgery do you think it will heal without if so how long,yes it is possible to have a stomach virus without vomiting or diarrhea norovirus may have a prolonged infectious period even before a patient starts feeling sick people who recover from the infection keep shedding virus through their stools for weeks and may potentially spread the infection to others what is viral meningitis,viral meningitis is more common and usually less serious it tends to occur more often in the summer and fall because of its flu like symptoms many people mistake it for the flu viruses that cause stomach flu are a common cause of viral meningitis others viruses that lead to meningitis are those that cause chickenpox hiv and genital herpes what is this itchrash that appears on the head of my penis after oral sex i have seen a dr regarding the rash and itching and was prescribed cream to treat yeast infections this does solve the problem however this happens every single time i receive oral sex i am trying to figure out what the root cause of this wouldcould be as i suffer great discomfort for the several days that follow,i need to do full lab tests cbc rft lft u need also to do ecg and echo serum electrolytes random blood sugar lasix can worsen the condition if it kidneys r not working well is benazepril hcl 40 mg tab is beta blocker i need to know because i am having ischemi pet scan tomorrow at 1pm thanks luisa my email address luisabburkett@gmail com thank you,excessive thirst is hard to define people normally drink varying amounts of liquid depending on their activity level and the temperature indoors and out there are two main medical conditions that should be considered if you feel constantly thirsty diabetes mellitus the common form of diabetes in which high blood sugar levels spill into the urine increasing urine flow the excessive urination leads to dehydration causing the person to become thirsty and drink more fluid diabetes insipidus an uncommon problem in which a hormone called anti diuretic hormone adh is either low absent or not functioning properly adh normally acts on the kidneys to cause them to retain water in diabetes insipidus the lack of normal adh function results in high urine flow a constant feeling of thirst and high fluid intake your doctor can test you for these conditions over one or two office visits i have not seen a dentist in a long time i bleed from my gums every time i brush my teeth is this a problem,my stock answer is would you be concerned if your hair was bleeding when you brushed it it is not normal it is a sign of an infection get to the dentist immediately most adults need a professional cleaning every 3 6 months with a rigorous home care program i have some scars in my nose that are irritating a lot of bleeding every day,hi the scars and scabs in the nose usually occur due to dryness of mucosal lining inside the nostrils keeping them moist by steam inhalation and nasal lubricant saline drops will solve the issue apply antibiotic creams if the scars are infected thanks what are the benefits of dental implants over regular dentures and bridgework,dental implants are titanium artificial tooth roots single implants are great because they enable us to treat a missing tooth with a “one tooth solution” multiple implants allow us to treat an entire arch or a partial arch with either fixed or removable prosthetics implants do involve surgery and the expense is determined by how much work is involved couple days ago i had a burning sensation in my groan area on left side now it is going down my leg,i am sorry to hear you are in pain that is never fun i would suggest you visit a health care provider to have this checked out you do not indicate if you are male or female but the symptoms you describe can be caused by an inguinal hernia of course several other conditions could also cause these symptoms getting a physical examination will help determine what has caused this burning sensation after your health care provider diagnoses the problem he or she can give you some treatment options i wish you the best and hope the pain clears up soon what are the health benefits of berries,berries are brimming with nutrients and phytochemicals blackberries raspberries and strawberries for example contain several types of bioflavonoids and — along with blueberries — some phenolic acids both of those phytochemical families have powerful antioxidant duties in the body and help protect against disease in several different ways berries contain ellagic acid especially strawberries and raspberries that lab studies suggest may help prevent several cancers ellagic acid seems to use several different anticancer methods at once — it acts as an antioxidant it helps the body deactivate specific carcinogens and it helps slow the reproduction of cancer cells blueberries contain a family of phenolic compounds called anthocyanosides which seem to be among the most potent antioxidants yet discovered five easy and creative ways to add berries to everyday eating every time you enjoy hot or cold cereal sprinkle some berries over the top every time you enjoy yogurt or frozen yogurt stir some berries in berries also make a colorful and flavorful featured ingredient in green salads and fruit salads one good option is spinach greens topped with berries walnuts or pecans and blue cheese — dressed in a raspberry or balsamic vinaigrette berries at breakfast berries can be a star ingredient in muffins and pancakes and the perfect topper for french toast and waffles enjoy berries year round — use frozen berries when they are not in season when food is frozen it likewise “freezes” the deterioration of the food and loss of nutrients you can usually add frozen berries straight from the freezer into your recipes and dishes my son is 5 years old nausea vomiting loose motion accompanied by constipation,hi he seems to be having irritable bowel syndrome with digestion issues gastroscopy with liver function tests should be done to come to a diagnosis pre and probotics will help thanks having painful pulsing in my forearms i smoke pot for it but want to quit what causes this what else helps started at age 8 exercise helps but pain comes back immediately age 28 59 160 lbs diagnosed adhd dyslexia post traumatic stress pain also in wrists and ankles low blood pressure otherwise very healthy depression anxiety,you are at a higher risk of developing hepatitis if you share needles to take drugs practice unprotected oral vaginal or anal sex have many sex partners drink a lot of alcohol have poor nutrition work in a hospital work in a nursing home receive long term kidney dialysis travel to areas with poor sanitation i have been sick for over 4 years i have stomach pain cramps diarrhea mild constipation mild headache mild nausea fatigued,have you done stool analysis the possible causes either parasitic infection or irritable bowel syndrome with needs a diet modificationstart by doing the stool and urine analysis i broke my tibia and fibula in a snow blade accident fibula seems displaced,actually to answer your question you need to send the xray post operative or the most recent tell me your age sex medical history if present it depends on your age and other factors normally it takes 1 5 months to 2months to heal completely depending also on fracture degree and fixation done concerning the fibula in some cases if the fracture is comminuted may be internal fixation is useless and bones can heal alone if they are not displaced … rise in temperature and tender breasts are these still side effects of taking nordette as ecp could i be pregnant had unprotected sex on my fertile days 8 9 10 and 11 but i kept on taking nordette 4 pills every 12 hours did i mess up what could have i done with my hormones also i did not experience withdrawal bleeding at all i have a regular 29 day cycle,sorry there is word missing its not like you should not get these problems ok it is possible for a pinched nerve in the shoulder to have symptoms similar to a heart attack i went to the er with what i thought was a heart attack chest pain and numbness in the left arm after two days of tests i was told by a cardiologist and a neuologist that i had a pinched nerve in my neck i cannot find any relationship for the two is this diagnosis correct i have since switched cardiologist i go every six months for a check up and annually for a nuclear stress test so far all is good,most helpful answer i am glad to hear all is good and i hope i can help set your mind at ease a pinched nerve in the neck can send pain radiating down the shoulder and arm and even into the chest area which could indeed feel like the symptoms of a heart attack presumably you received an x ray or mri scan of your neck this is usually how a pinched nerve in the neck is diagnosed pinched nerves in the neck are often caused by compression of a disk in the spinal column of the neck this compression puts pressure on the nerve which in turn causes the pain you are right that there is no relationship between a pinched nerve in the neck and a heart problem it is just that the pinched nerve caused you to have pain that was similar to what a person feels when they have a heart attack hope this helps i had a similar case but mine was from the t 11 the nerve bundle that comes from the t 11 wraps around the chest and will give pain signs of a heart attack i had to gone to many dr is and finally a student sitting in they had just done the study of the t 11 told the dr what he thought it was i ended up having a bone spur after they cut it out i was fine i would think this is where the problem was and not the neck the t 11 is in the upper mid back just below the shoulder blades on a side note they found an aortic aneurysm that needed to be fixed said i had about 2 years or less can fatty liver disease be reveresed,the big joints inflammation is usually occuring with autoimmune disorders like rheumatiod arthritis and systemic lupus i̇nvestigations will be able to show us what is going on crp is an initial test plain xray on the knee knowing that arthropathy and arthralgia are one of the complications of hemochromatosis it is advised to rule out other pathologies and having a close follow up with your doctor for the medicationsdiet for treating the iron toxicity can hypothyroidism cause restless legs i am 40 years old hx of roux n y gastric bypass 11 years ago vit b deficient iron deficient hx of hysterectomy with only 1 ovary remaining 1999 and i am experiencing severe restless legs and sometimes twitching arms mostly at night i also have very dry skin in the last 2 weeks about the time the restless legs started,hello if you plan to have children soon you should wait water intoxication so basically i do not drink too much water i drink about 8 cups of fluid a day but i have been thinking i eat some food throughout the day and they have some water in it and i have been having a thought of incidentely getting intoxicated i have anxiety issues p s i do not eat lots of food or fruit but still i have this explanation plz,most helpful answer humans are composed primarily of water salt water actually based on what you have shared your fluid intake is far from the water intoxication level my knees keep swelling how can i get rid of it,the affordable care act will not affect your eligibility for your husband is employer sponsored insurance so no you will not be dropped from his insurance because of obamacare independently of the health reform law employers make decisions on what to do with dependent coverage there is nothing in the affordable care act that requires your husband is employer to cover you i have been eating approx 12 of what i used to eat however my stomach is even bigger,you are considered to have a primary ebv infection if you have anti vca igm but do not have antibody to ebna so in order to exclude chronic infection you should do a ebv nuclear antigen ebna while anti ea igg tells whether you have an acute infection … how is anemia caused by problems of the bone marrow and stem cells treated,for anemia caused by problems of the bone marrow and stem cells anemia tends to be more persistent and difficult to treat the treatments for hereditary anemias such as thalassemia or sickle cell disease vary widely and depend on the specific condition and the severity of symptoms some anemias will not require any treatment while others may require repeated transfusions and other aggressive measures although aplastic anemia will occasionally go into spontaneous remission people with this disorder generally require bone marrow transplantation penis foreskin not covering head i am not circumsised never had sex but i remember when i became adoloscent my foreskin got automatically pulled back i did not nothing to put it back in normal position i am not having problem at all but only thing is my head of penis is always outside now i am 30 i am going to have sex whether this condition affects my erection i have tested my erection and its fine but not sure how long i can keep it should i see a doctor to make my foreskin cover the head please advice,it would be extremely unlikely if not impossible for you to become pregnant from the scenario that you have described but if you and your boyfriend are already experimenting in sexual play it may only be a matter of time before one or your activities sexual exploits progresses to a point where you will face a real risk of an unwanted pregnancy i am 39 weeks pregnant and have just discovered i have thread worm i can not take any medication as not recommended,simple exposure does not mean that you can spread a disease you actually have to have chicken pox or shingles in order to be contagious how much of an impact does vitamin d have on systemic lupus erythematosus sle and rheumatoid arthritis ra,vitamin d has been found to have effects on immune function and inflammation earlier studies suggested a relationship of vitamin d to autoimmune conditions a group of women within the nurses health study was targeted with food and vitamin questionnaires there was no apparent association between increasing vitamin d intake and the risk of developing these autoimmune disorders i tried to push out a mole that was in my skin and now its popping out how do i natural make it go back the way it was,if you disrupted the skin by trying to squeeze a presumed mole out of the tissue there really is no way to make it go back in i suggest you keep an eye on this to make sure you do not now develop a skin infection if you experience localized redness heat swelling or pain or if you develop a fever you should seek medical attention for future reference it is not a good idea to try to remove skin lesions yourself never pop pimples dig out lesions with a knife or squeeze growths on the skin for one thing you do not necessarily know for sure what they are for example what you think is a mole could be a skin cancer pulling it out of the skin could appear to remove the lesion but cancerous cells not visible to the naked eye could remain behind and delay your getting treatment hope this helps can i get birth control early hi i usually skip my periods with my birth control because i still cannot fathom why that is a thing that passed through evolution i was wondering if doctors could or even would give me the new packs early because i finish the pack 7 days earlier than i should i got 13 packs from planned parenthood in may and im running low i would prefer to continue having sex that doesnt result in pregnancylife that doesnt result in periods,there are no studies showing grapefruit or any other food has unique fat burning abilities that being said in one study eating half a grapefruit before meals resulted in significantly more weight loss over 12 weeks compared to those who did not consume grapefruit this is likely due to grapefruit is high water content helping people feel full but there is a lot more you can do to manage your weight including diet changes exercise and getting adequate sleep good luck more reading the grapefruit diet how to lose weight fast and safely what are the diseases caused by agent orange i am a vietnam combat veteran who had heavy exposure to agent orange,if you were exposed to agent orange during vietnam the last time this herbicide was used you are entitled to care from the veterans administration any va hospital can provide you will a comprehensive exam to see if you have suffered any ill effects here is one helpful link to get you started it lists some of the disease that have been linked or associated with agent orange exposure my friend slept over that had fever blisters i have a burning feeling on my lips i am only 15 this could ruin me im only 15 years old i ve gone through enough in my life and i don t need this added i didn t make any direct contact with her and i washed my hands frequently i even washed the pillow she slept on now my lips are burning and i read that s an early sign of fever blisters i m freaking out and i have this burning pain in my lips it ll ruin my love life i drink after my siblings i kiss my grandparents i like to stay on top of school and now i can see my life having this giant burden in it,hi found you this little piece of info oral herpes is transmitted through direct contact between the contagious area and broken skin a cut or break and mucous membrane tissue such as the mouth or genitals herpes can also be transmitted when there are no symptoms present so if you have caught it the something was going on either kissing or oral sex with her was you even in the same bed as her if so even that would do it its a sneaky little bug well if you have your just going to have to live with it just use some cold tea bags on them good luck lower stomach is swollen and quite hard breasts swollen – is it serious,hi if you have got withdrawal bleed then seems unlikely to be pregnancy such changes in breasts do occur due to hormonal changes due to pills but still you cannot rule out pregnancy complete unless you get a ultrasound of abdomen and pregnancy test done bhcg test will be more accurate if these are negative then nothing to worry you can just take anti spasmodics thanks recently i have begun seeing 2 3 dark spots floating in my right eye what caused this & what should i do about,you need to see an ophthalmologist or optometrist so that you can be properly examined these may just be innocent vitreous floaters but a thorough eye examination is very important does the flu make you sweat i believe i had the flu but wonder because now that the chills are i have been sweating for days,corns do not occur under nails but warts do this is not something that you can treat at home so see a dermatologist are allergy shots effective in preventing or decreasing food allergy,allergy shots a form of treatment known as immunotherapy involve injecting small quantities of substances to which the patient is allergic the shots are given regularly for a long time with the aim of desensitizing the patient or getting the patient to tolerate the allergen without developing symptoms this type of therapy is effective in controlling symptoms of allergies related to hay fever indoor allergens and insect stings researchers however have not yet proven that these shots can prevent any allergic reactions to food how to get relief from dandruff,i think you may be having a kidney infection or severe uti get a urine sample asap is the cervix normally closed even if you are not pregnant have taken five tests and blood work all saying positive for being pregnant but i am bleeding had a pelvic exam and cervix is closed so do not think it is a miscarriage but thinking it could be a false pregnancy and trying to get rid of a bad egg needing an ultrasound but can not get one for another week needing answers,hi yes it gets plugged after each period and gets a plug when your pregnant there is a chemicalhormonal reaction that lets sperm through any eggs not used for pregnancy gets absolved into you body along with any unused sperm are you thinking of a phantom pregnancy this comes complete with a bump and goes the whole 9 months then just goes hope this helps you good luck i have been extremely fatigued with headaches and severe nausea coming in waves,your symptoms are likely gastroenteritis… your shoulder and flank pain and early periodif happened once would be due to anxiety… i recommend doing yoga and breathing exercises eating probiotics and get a stool analysis a gi doctor can help you if symptoms persisted after all i had wrist surgery it was the biggest mistake of my life,i believe you ‘ll need to separate that fusion and start it all over again orthopaedic surgeon with physiotherapist would help can you still get pregnant if you have had fallopian tubes removed having pregnancy symptoms but youngest child is 14yrs old ,maybe with in vitro fertilization but you will need to speak to a fertility specialist can you swim if you have shingles,can you go swimming with shingles if i have the cancerous strain of hpv can i still get genital warts although no cancer cells were present there were dysplasia on my cervix can i pass on hpv to my boyfriend if he gives me oral sex,yes it is possible that he might got infected because of having oral sex can prostatitis cause redness on the tip of the penis experiencing painsoreness and sensitivity on penis head also redness sometimes i have been told it may be prostatitis but i am beginning to worry it is something worse herpes gonnohrea and chlamydia tests negative has not responded to cipro after 3 weeks of treatment,sperm do not swim backwards but a man can have a condition called retrograde ejaculations where semen goes into the bladder instead of the penis your husband should be carefully examined by a urologist and then you should both see a fertility specialist how long after virus enters body until cold symptoms begin,no this is not a calcium deficiency probably it is prepatellar bursitis the symptoms of calcium deficiency will not be confined to one knee and it is unusual in young persons for further information consult an orthopaedician and traumatologist online > what are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning,in my opinion the pain sites may indicate another gastritis attack or pancreatitis you should do an abdominal usg to detect any problem and get the right treatment try reducing analgesics intake avoid caffeine for ulcer possibility thanks what medicine can i give my 2 year old for vomiting and diarrhea,everything is going fine in relation to your pregnancy paracetamol is a safe drug for pregnant women but you need to know why she was feverish and that is doing fine with no infections that can affect the child … how to make money online a brand new approach to making money that is turning beginners into 6 figure earners fast ,lithium will not cause you to test positive for thc here is a non webmd site that has a considerable amount of information but lithium is not listed i had a miscarriage and did not get rh shot and now i am pregnant again will i have another miscarriage again,many patients think that more expensive brand medications are better than their cheaper generic equivalents the fda requires pharmaceutical companies to prove all brand and generic drugs meet specific requirements for not only safety and efficacy but also related to identity strength quality purity and potency scientific tests and procedures are undertaken to demonstrate generic drugs can be substituted or be the therapeutic equivalent to their brand drugs counterparts generic drug products must contain the identical amounts of the same active drug ingredient as the brand name product but can differ in shape flavor preservatives and other inactive ingredients along with how they are released into the body especially for extended release products if you have cold sores can you get mrsa i have cold sores on both lips and will be have surgery on the inside of my cheek to have a fatty sacr removed can i get mrsa because of my cold sores,a cold sore is herpes virus and mrsa of course is a bacterial staph infection because a cold sore can open the skin it would make it more susceptable to getting a secondary infection hopefully the surgeon will be taking considerable precautions so you would not catch mrsa or any other bacterial infection as a result of your procedure my fiance can no longer walk diagnosed with giallam barret incorrectly hospital has no explanation,the type of surgery for stomach cancer varies based on where the cancer is located and how extensive it is sometimes the surgeon can remove part of the stomach partial gastrectomy and sometimes the surgeon needs to remove all of the stomach total gastrectomy in either case there is really not a patch or a transplant that is available at least to my knowledge after a stomach surgery there is a recovery time during which patients learn to eat with their new digestive system some patients have more trouble than others but most learn to deal with the changes when should a woman receive evaluation for underlying causes of pregnancy loss,currently most practitioners will not initiate an extensive medical evaluation for a single pregnancy loss since the chance of having a normal pregnancy subsequent to even two consecutive miscarriages is 80 to 90 for women with recurrent pregnancy loss an evaluation will focus on the pattern and history of the prior miscarriages three consecutive miscarriages would suggest a woman should receive further evaluation thus the following tests are considered for women with three consecutive miscarriages blood testing can be ordered to identify chromosomal abnormalities in the couple that could be transmitted to the fetus the couple can each appear completely normal but still carry chromosomal defects which when combined can be lethal to the embryo this type of testing is called karyotyping and it is performed on both members of the couple a hysterosalpingogram hsg can identify anatomical abnormalities within the uterus antinuclear antibody anticardiolipin antibody vdrl rpr and lupus anticoagulant are some of the blood tests used to diagnose autoimmune diseases that can cause recurrent miscarriage as described above some of these illnesses will already by apparent to the woman and her doctor but not all cases other antibody tests may be performed as well in a few years i will be kicked off my husband is policy through opers i am self employed but my income is substantially lower than his what income is used to determine my status we do file a joint income tax return is the joint income used or would it be mine since i would be the only insured,there can literally be hundreds of different reasons for hives urticaria but vitamin d deficiency is not one of them you can have your medical provider test your vitamin d level however and help you search for a possible cause of your hives what should i do if i suspect an overdose of balsalazide,yes your child can be affected cataract heart problems hearing problems u need to consult the gynecologist to do 4d us regarding the next pregnancy u need to get treated first … i am a 50 yr old unemployed widow in florida can i get medicaid i have no income but no dependent children i am 50 and unemployed,you can do 12 hours brisk walking if you wantavoid any jumping however sleeping should be at least 6 hours at night and 2 hours mid day or in the afternoon to allow your discs to regain its fluids to continue the day i have pcos and a retroverted uterus what is the likelihood of having a child,having retroverted uterus is not a problem whatsoever 20 of women are like u your main problem is the pco which causes hormonal imbalance and prevent pregnancy eventually get your cyst removed hormonal therapy can be taken with controlling the inr also try to loss weight follicle ovum induction following up with us and then ivh can be done could i have depression or anxiety when i get upset i am like that for two or three weeks i worry to the point where i get a headache and my stomach starts to feel weird i blame myself for everything that happens even if it is not my fault sometimes my hands twitch but not very often but thee are times where my chest hurts a tad bit could it just be a nervous condition am i over thinking things,hi i think you find we all do this its a part of life but if your taken it to the extreme is then it giving you these problems bet you even get lose bowels well that is the nervous bit but if you think you need some help just google natural ways out of anxiety and depression there is lots of ways you can do it even meditation could help but when you get a problem do not sleep on it because you wont it will keep you awake if your getting this just get up and watch tv even if its 1 30 it takes your mind of it just do an hour then get back to bed and sleep hope there is some help here good luck herpes through clothing i had an experience with a girl the other night i had touched her vagina through her pants she told me after that she has genital herpes i know that it is not likely to get herpes without skin to skin contact but she was getting wet i am not sure if that changes things am i at risk,you should be fine unless you then licked your fingers or touched yourself while they were still wet when should you go to the hospital if you think you have pheumonia i have a terrible fluid sounding cough but hardly cough up anything i wheeze really bad most of the time and my lungs hurt i have hep c and cirrhosis if that makes a difference i live alone and i can not get in to a doctor before monday i have cold chills and then sweat like crazy but do not seem to have a fever nothing tastes good i have aheadache and i am sleeping out of pure exhaustion can i wait i almost died of pneumonia several years ago but it is not that bad yet,go to the er immediately i have united healthcare as a supplement for medicare i pay 163 a month and wonder if there is a cheaper plan that i can get that is just as good,hi it seems to be a prick or a insect bite like thing its not necessary that she should have generalised symptoms if the insect bite was benign keep a watch on her blood pressure and pulse rate apply local creams if the wound doesnt heal she may need antibiotics get her blood sugar levels checked thanks horrible yeast infection for over 2 weeks bleeding burning still strongest medication took strong antibiotics i was in the hospital for sepsis and pneumonia been home over two weeks i was on 2 extremely strong iv antibiotics in the hospital i have the yeast infection from hell i have been using monistat since that time i still get bleeding discharge and burning no stds have not even had sex so those should not be an issue what can i dotake to make this go away already please help me,colic is when a baby for no apparent reason is really fussy and cries for hours at a time often at the same time every day some parents call it their baby is witching hour because they just do not know why their baby cries at this time my daughter has a lump on the right side of her neck it feels hard and is tender if you make a circle with your thumb and pointing finger it is about that size it is literally on the side of her neck not where i would think glands are it is noticable without touching it without insurance she is reluctant to go to the doctor but i am concerned,i certainly understand her reluctance to seek medical attention when she does not have insurance many communities offer free or low cost clinics to people who are uninsured maybe you can help her find one of these i think your daughter needs to get this checked out it may be completely benign such as a lipoma a fatty non cancerous tumor but then again it could be something more serious certainly if your daughter has a fever or is experiencing unintended weight loss she needs to be checked out as soon as possible you might encourage your daughter also by reminding her the cost of an office visit is substantially less than the cost of an emergency room visit so why put off getting this thing looked at i wish your daughter all the best i have had lumps and white discoloration on my tongue and coughing up blood,you may have heard alot but i have not i have no idea what oil pulling is so could you please post another question and explain i may not be able to provide you an answer but you can provide me with some information how long after receiving a concussion is it safe to go to sleep my friend was knocked unconscious momentarily followed by nausea we believe he has a concussion but do not have the ability to seek medical attention what steps can we take to make sure he will be ok,any birth control pill can contribute to migraines so you may want to speak to your medical provider about using a non hormonal method of contraception to see if your migraines improve if not it would be wise to see an neurologist that specializes in headaches to look for other possible causes i had ovarian cancer and reflux surgery i still deal with constant nausea i can barely eat and i am unable to live life and go anywhere,hi recurrence of ovarian cancer does not seem to be the possibilty an untreated hernia that you mentioned seems to be causing the trouble a diagnostic endoscopy and repair of that hernia can provide you much relief thanks i got blood tested for allergies and infections in my thyroid and places similar will plan b pill be in the results i got blood tested today and took the plan b pill this morning i have been breaking out in hives for the past two months so the doctor skin tested me and also took blood he is testing it for infections to rule out all aspects will the pill show up in my results,hi sorry here is the link will my birth control pill still be effective if i take metformin to lose weight my obgyn wanted me to look into birth control pills and consider my options i do not want a birth control pill that will make me gain weight or make it difficult for me to lose weight which is why she also suggested adding metformin to a birth control plan i am curious if the metformin is actually effective in assisting in weight loss and if it would in some way cancel out the effectiveness of any birth control i take i want to keep losing weight but do not want to get pregnant either,ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease ibd a category of conditions that causes inflammation in the small intestine andor colon ulcerative colitis strikes only in the colon its distinguishing characteristic from its cousin crohn is disease with uc inflammation takes place in the lining of the colon causing ulcers to form and resulting in bleeding and diarrhea can you take a bath after having an ingrown toenail removed two days ago,the short answer is no you should not soak or immerse the toe in water for several days probably at least 10 days but follow your surgeon is instructions until it has sufficiently healed immersing the toe in water too early can lead to infection after all you have gone through in having the toenail removed the last thing you want to deal with is an infected toe you should have received printed post operative care instructions from your surgeon if you did not call his or her office and request to pick up a copy every patient should receive written wound care instructions after surgery regardless of the procedure that was performed if you have any questions about how to care for your toe please contact your surgeon is office i wish you all the best my chiropractor says i am wasting my money buying vitamins at dept stores and i should by his supplements is this true,yes if you want to make sure your chiropractor makes lots of money there are no difference per se between the vitamins that you buy in a health food store or the one is that are privately labled and sold by your chiropractor for higher costs i have to tell you that in most cases vitamin supplements are not even necessary and are not therapeutic unless you have a demonstarted specific vitamin deficiency rare in the u s it feels like my heart is racing but my pulse rate is normal and i feel out of breath what could this be i do suffer from anxiety i have taken natural supplements that promote relaxation and that usually helps with my anxiety recently my heart has been acting this way and i have tried taking the supplements thinking its part of my anxiety but nothing changes,there are many possibilities of causes in my experience from bad sleep habits to caffeine intake sugar which all effect cortisol levels excessive exercise is it 247 how is your sleep or is it more random bursts i am just someone who has been to the psychiatrist about my generalized anxiety disorder so many possible natural supplements as well that have great user reviews magnesium rhodiola rosea meditation l theanine omega 3s minus the meditation and rhodiola which really does have great reviews for anxiety but does not work for me could it be that your diet is deficient in any of those deficient in sleep night shift i just find out by a x ray i have 10 stables inside of me is it normal after surgery,hi staples should have been removed years ago it is not normal to leave them he should have explained why he left them good luck stomach cramps and diarrhea for one week what should i do,dermal fillers are used more and more often around the eyes with really great results when you see a dark circle under the eye it can be from two different things it can be from pigments or blood supply and those are the two main things when you also see a discoloration it could be because there is a shadow effect from the skin being sunken in that area or depressed or lower than the surrounding skin so by adding a dermal filler and putting the skin on a more even plane that alone takes away the shadow and makes the skin looks smoother you can also use brightening creams that contain ingredients like niacinamide sepiwhite mulberry root extract or hydroquinones that can even out the skin tone and when you add ingredients in like caffeine and the niacinamide as i just mentioned that also can help with the redness and altogether that will help that area look as good as possible you also have to add in getting enough sleep drinking enough water having a balanced diet managing your stress and if you have allergies you need to keep your allergies under control one thing you should not do is have an injection around the eyes if you have active or uncontrolled allergies because that can make that area more puffy and can make the outcome less than optimal i have genital herpes and was wondering if it can be transferred to my children in a hot tub pool shower bath,what kinda words do your child can say… or no words at all… i am 61 and went through menopause i have not had a period in 13 years and yesterday i started bleeding what is this,yes this is unusual and bears investigation it may be something as simple as a polyp growing out of the cervix they are reasonably common but i would call your health care provider she will probably want to check you and then may do a pap smear or a sampling biopsy of the lining of the uterus or an ultrasound to check the lining of the uterus all are reasonable to start with the vast majority of the time the cause will be totally benign but it does bear investigation my husband already has his own health insurance that i am not covered under i have a pre existing condition and i do not work i do not get medicaid or disability i was covered under our state is high risk plan but that ends dec 31 because of the new health care law and i have no income to show as my own can i get the new health coverage on my own without my husband is income shown nor his health insurance plan shown can i still get obamacare on my own,the term hepatitis simply means inflammation of the liver hepatitis may be caused by a virus or a toxin such as alcohol other viruses that can cause injury to liver cells include the hepatitis a and hepatitis c viruses these viruses are not related to each other or to hepatitis b virus and differ in their structure the ways they are spread among individuals the severity of symptoms they can cause the way they are treated and the outcome of the infection i know my antibiotic reduces the effectiveness of my birth control pills how long should i continue a back up method,it depends on where in your cycle you are and what antibiotic you are taking not all antibiotics affect birth control pills a general rule of thumb is to use an alternative method of birth control for the course of the antibiotic usage and for seven days after you stop but it really would depend on your individual situation you should talk to your gynecologist or pharmacist about what you should do is my myocardial block the direct reason for my syncope symptoms or is it likely there may be something else going on,hi if your worried then you should always call your doctor even if only for a chat about your problems from this heshe will say i will come and see you or please come in now was the reason for the injection that your doctor was afraid of you not going to term hope this helps good luck if i tested positive for hpv will my partner automatically get the virus,i was told that i have hpv also my doctor told me that your partner should wear a condom although this does not completely protect him or her i do know hpv can be passed because it is a sexually transmitted disease most people do not know they have it what cold and flu medications can i safely take while breastfeeding,hi you have isolated systolic hypertension caused by either a major artery stenosis or hyperthyroidism i recommend that you check your tsh t4 first then check your arterys with a cardiovascular doctorgood luck in severe pain in my lower back and legs had mri what does it mean what should i do,hi this is a result of disc problems with nerve compression lumbar traction short wave laser treatment and back exercises will help thanks spots appeared on my areola now flaking,hi this seems to be an infected lactating gland and adipose tissue it seems to have some sort of collection inside start on antibiotics and anti inflammatory tablets may need incision and drainage if the medicines dont help thanks what happens if you eat fudge with white mold on it,are you thinking about eating it or have you eaten it if you have eaten it you will most likely be fine the stomach does a good job in handling molds but of course i have no idea what kind of mold you ate as a rule if something you are eating has white and fuzzy stuff growing on it it is best to not eat it what can i expect during week 26 of my pregnancy,the moving sensation could be gas or stool that is slowing moving through your colon the intestines and stomach do move because of smooth muscles do you have to pay taxes on health plans in the health insurance marketplace at the end of the year or are they pre taxed like employer sponsored plans,plans purchased through the marketplaces are paid for with after tax dollars which is just one reason why employer sponsored plans are generally a better deal employers also cover 70 80 of your premiums however if your income qualifies you you may receive a tax credit which will lower your monthly health insurance premiums with both of my pregnancys an at home urine test did not say positive until a week or so after my missed period does that mean i ovulated later in my cycle instead of the usual 14 days after my period started did i ovulate later in my cycle for some reason i know with my first son they tested my hcg levels and they were low would that contribute to their being a delay in a positive result and are hcg levels normally low in some woman what causes this,hi the info below is from schizophrenia is a serious brain illness many people with schizophrenia are disabled by their symptoms people with schizophrenia may hear voices other people do not hear they may think other people are trying to hurt them sometimes they do not make any sense when they talk the disorder makes it hard for them to keep a job or take care of themselves what are the symptoms of schizophrenia schizophrenia symptoms range from mild to severe there are three main types of symptoms 1 positive symptoms refer to a distortion of a person is normal thinking and functioning they are psychotic behaviors people with these symptoms are sometimes unable to tell what is real from what is imagined positive symptoms include hallucinations when a person sees hears smells or feels things that no one else can hearing voices is common for people with schizophrenia people who hear voices may hear them for a long time before family or friends notice a problem delusions when a person believes things that are not true for example a person may believe that people on the radio and television are talking directly to him or her sometimes people believe that they are in danger that other people are trying to hurt them thought disorders ways of thinking that are not usual or helpful people with thought disorders may have trouble organizing their thoughts sometimes a person will stop talking in the middle of a thought and some people make up words that have no meaning movement disorders may appear as agitated body movements a person with a movement disorder may repeat certain motions over and over in the other extreme a person may stop moving or talking for a while a rare condition called catatonia 2 negative symptoms refer to difficulty showing emotions or functioning normally when a person with schizophrenia has negative symptoms it may look like depression people with negative symptoms may talk in a dull voice show no facial expression like a smile or frown have trouble having fun have trouble planning and sticking with an activity like grocery shopping talk very little to other people even when they need to 3 cognitive symptoms are not easy to see but they can make it hard for people to have a job or take care of themselves cognitive symptoms include trouble using information to make decisions problems using information immediately after learning it trouble paying attention but your symptoms could be you just dreaming which is just seconds before you wake up that is why there so clear to remember but plenty to read and take in but please do not dream about them or you will end up that way unless this is whatb you want but if you think you going that way then seek help now good luck i know studies show flu vaccines preserved with thimerosal are safe but is there an alternative,tiny doses of a mercury compound called thimerosal keep multidose vials of flu vaccine safe from contamination with bacteria before thimerosal was added to multidose vials contamination caused serious adverse events exhaustive studies fail to find any reason to believe that thimerosal is unsafe but if you do not want thimerosal you do not have to have it single dose syringes of flu vaccine do not need thimerosal and do not have any neither does the flumist nasal spray vaccine if you prefer a thimerosal free vaccine check with your provider to see if one is available if not check with your state or local health department to see where you can find one what foods should a person avoid if he or she has heartburn gerd or barrett is esophagus,consuming more calories will help to increase your weight here are a few healthy tips to follow to increase weight slowly focus on healthy foods to gain weight eat foods that are loaded with vitamins minerals nutrients and calories you can enrich foods with nuts fruits and yogurt eat more often increasing the amount of calories you eat each day will help to gain weight focus on eating 6 times a day with each meal containing a protein starch vegetable and some fat for example turkey sandwich with mayonnaise on whole grain bread with a fruit smoothie and carrots foods that are highest in calories and nutrients are foods with fat especially plant fats these include nuts peanuts seeds peanut butter almond butter avocados hummus and oils animal fats provide nutrients and the same amount of calories as plant fats but they also contain saturated fats which can increase the ldl bad cholesterol consult with your physician before you make any drastic changes to your eating habits for more information on weight gain visit this website if you are under weight you should talk to doc about it could be a thyroid issue unless you are trying to build muscle mass then maybe protien whey shakes i have a rash on my lower legs just above ankles no pain and no itching is this a circulation problem or what i am using a cortizone 10 cream which seems to help,a tia transient ischemic attack is a mini or warning stroke it would have the same symptoms as a stroke might which may include weakness on one side of the body or one extremity difficulty speaking sudden dizziness sudden decrease in vision or other symptoms with a tia all symptoms return to normal with no residual deficit in less than 24 hours it may be as brief as a few minutes if these symptoms occur call your doctor immediately or call 911 and go to the nearest emergency room girlfriend missed one birth control pill three days ago we had unprotected sex today we are concerned about pregnancy she thinks she may have missed the pill three nights ago but does not know for sure if it fell down the drain or if it was swallowed with water we then had unprotected sex today she has taken the pill every day since then at her regular time like always and took it tonight at regular time as well just wondering if we should be worried or need to do something,at age 16 i would avoid many of the harsh chemicals that are available it may be wise to have an evaluation by your doctor to determine if there are any underlying medical issues next implement simple measures such as getting at least 8 10 hours of sleep every night do not leave the weekends to catch up on your rest apply cool a compress with green tea bags around your eyes this will help with puffiness can anxiety a side affect to depression,many organisms may infect the knee gonorrhea a common sexually transmitted disease can infect the knee as can common organisms residing on normal skin infection of the knee causes painful knee swelling in addition people who develop such infection typically complain of fevers and chills less severe infections may not have associated fevers or cause this ill feeling new swelling and pain in the knee must be evaluated for infection based on your doctor is opinion treatment usually includes intensive antibiotic therapy and may include aspiration of the joint or surgical drainage of the infection after using scented soap i now have clear odorless discharge and a slight itchin my vaginal region am i allergic it doesnt burn to pee just seems irritated,eggs have been making the news lately with three major nationwide recalls due to potential contamination with the bacteria salmonella the recalls involve eggs from wright county and hillandale farms in iowa but what is the big cluck about it well if you handle these eggs or eat them partially cooked a k a poached or soft boiled you can potentially get pretty sick salmonella specifically salmonella enteriditis is the most common form of bacterial food poisoning within 12 hours to 3 days after an exposure people develop nasty diarrhea vomiting fever and stomach cramps unlike the watery diarrhea one typically sees with a stomach virus salmonella usually causes diarrhea mixed with mucus andor blood and this lovely infection lasts up to a week ugh the good news is that most people fully recover without needing any special treatment or medication some unlucky people can get dehydrated and end up being hospitalized and a few very unlucky people can be seriously ill from this infection that includes young infants people with weakened immune systems and the elderly besides this iowa egg issue there are other ways to get this bug so how do you avoid getting salmonella and other forms of food poisoning 1 make sure to thoroughly wash countertops sinks and cutting boards with soap and water when preparing foods with eggs raw meat or poultry 2 only prepare fully cooked eggs 3 make sure hamburgerground beef is cooked completely until it is brown yes pink makes a juicier burger but it also makes a germ filled one 4 use pasteurized eggs in recipes that call for raw eggs like caesar salad dressing 5 keep eggs meat and poultry properly refrigerated 6 keep all baby bottles pacifiers and breast pump supplies away from food preparation areas 7 keep pet iguanas or turtles out of the kitchen counter area you think i am joking… i had a patient get salmonella this way make sure to wash hands thoroughly after handling 8 buy only pasteurized apple cider and other juice products 9 wash hands thoroughly after visiting a petting zoo take home tip if you or a family develops diarrhea that is bloody or mucousy it is time to call your doctor i have bursitis in one arm the other arm also hurting can it be high blood pressure,if you are having unprotected sex not using any form of birth control then yes you can become pregnant your body is designed for conceptiion your current symptoms are not necessarily specific for pregnancy nor do they exclude the possibility it is up to you to decide when to take a pregnancy test or when to repeat the test if it comes up negative what could be causing my irregular periods and spotting,then i think it may be something – systemic that can be diagnosed by doing esr mri brain if nothing is up… it can be only calcium and vitamin deficiency after hard phys exercise sometimes get bad tunnel vision and a big ball of light right where i try to focus my eyes why i have got a heart murmour and my mum dad and all 4 grand parents had diabetes not a good start drama is that after particularly cheeky physical exercise i sometimes get really bad tunnel vision and what seems like a big ball of light right where i am trying to focus feel dizzy and like i have got pins and needles in both hands lasts for about 2 hours then goes back to normal asked the med centre on camp and they have no idea,i am very sorry that you that pain i am 55 at 115 120 lbs and 19 yrs old i noticed a horizontal line across the bottom of my stomach what is it i would like to know what causes this line and if there is anyway to get rid of it it seems to be permanent i do not think it is a stretch mark because i have never been pregnant and i have always been on the skinny side i have never lost or gained large amounts of weight at once also i am not currently pregnant,hi your find that the odd women get one my wife has one to its just something that you will have to live with its there for the rest of your life good luck can a tramatic event effect bipolar i have a neurological condition causing seizures and bipolar disorder i was diagnosed at 12 years old i recently was sexually assaulted and i am having new and extreme symptoms will the ptsd cause by bipolar to get worse or change since the attack i hear and see things and it scares me to death will i get over the ptsd i almost feel as though i have become schizophrenic is that possible the seeing hearing and physically feeling him touching my flesh is just getting worse and worse,absolutely anything that is negative will send you into a tail spin this is a very difficult thing for anyone to get past easily first let me say that i sympathize with you as i too was attacked and believe me the emotions and fear that i experienced for a long time was horrible i was convinced that he knew where i lived so i moved i could not go shopping or for a walk in public because as soon as anyone approached me from behind i would go into a panick attack i could not bring myself to go out after dark i parked on my front lawn so i could race inside the house in fear that someone was waitng for me i was injured in the attack and now have problems with my spine and neck as a result i suggest that you seek a group to talk with because these feelings you are having are not going to go away anytime soon you are not crazy or getting any worse these are very natural feelings to your violation i hope that this helps you a bit please take care and try to find a group to talk to what are fertility problems,couples having difficulty conceiving a child can look to rainbow hospital centre for infertility for one of the most comprehensive and progressive treatment we recognize that no two patients are similar and hence treatment plan varies widely based on many parameters like patient is medical history age physical condition diagnosis duration of infertility history etc the various investigations offered are basic evaluation of the couple complete range of hormonal assays advanced pelvic ultrasound sonohysterography semen analysis scsa sperm chromatin structure assay last year my right hand often had the cramp from the shoulder until the fingertips 4 months later my back felt slightly painful like period pain is 3 months after that the pain went upwards until the end of my neck near to my head it was painful to raise my head up this year 3 weeks before my chest started to feel heavy and hurtful both of my back and chest felt as if shards of glasses were slashing along the ribs and spine short of breath most of the time now my right leg the calf is having some sort of muscle cramp along the bone just like how it is like with my back i was told by friends that i walked unstably but i do not drag it though sometimes forgetful and emotionally unstable maybe due to the stress cannot sit or stand or lay down for too long i am getting thinner and lost 5 kg i eat a lot went for mri xray blood test urine test nothing next appointment i am going to have brain mri and emg any possibility of me having als what is wrong with me,i would say to get the shot just because you had the flu does not mean you wontcan not get it again sebaceous cyst on head has become infected what can i do for relief til my doc appt in a week i have a sebaceous cyst on my head recently it has been very sore and tender and i believe it is infected i have an appt with a surgeon next thursday the soonest appt they had to have it removed what can i do until then for relief i have been taking ibuprofen every 6 hours and apply a heat pack 2 times a day right now the pain is bad and i cannot sleep,no what if i am already pregnant and use plan b,if the pain is minor why are thinking of steroids you can give just routine pain killers for some days prednisolone should be used only for refractory cases when the pain is unbearable i cant get pregnant i have pneumonia ever since i was a baby i was born premature i get chest x ray most likely every year when i was little i am 26 year old and happly married we been trying to get pregnant for over a year now my family thinks i wont be able to get pregnant because of all the radiation i have all these years is that true i wont get pregnant because of the radiation i have done all my life,hi your question is a very good one but do think this would best discussed with an obstetrician its more there field good luck is it safe to use a vaporizer in my baby is room to help him sleep when he has a stuffy nose,vaporizers are great as well as humidifiers they actually create a water mist into the room which will help with congestion what kind of food can i eat after a vires three people in my home had a verse 24 hour stomach now two days has pass what can we eat,you can basically eat anything you want your normal diet whatever that might be your body will respond if this stomach virus is still rearing its ugly head for instance if you get nausea or diarrhea again you may have to eat a bit more reasonably for a few more days viral infections last about a week but most people feel better on day four i have been experiencing very shallow breathing shivers legs feel numb,no tonsil stones tonsilliths will not harm your teeth i suffer from tired aching legs during and after work any suggestions,hi found you this info from it should help you to work out how to go forward but have you discuss this with your doctor or obstetrician risk factors the risk assessment must always be individualised and take into account the previous medical and obstetric history and current pregnancy history the progression of a disease or starting medical treatment may increase the risk the following are risk factors to be considered at the time of the booking assessment in the first trimester [ 1 ] major risk factors maternal age over 40 years smoker of 11 cigarettes or more per day cocaine use daily vigorous exercise previous sga baby previous stillbirth maternal sga chronic hypertension diabetes and vascular disease renal impairment antiphospholipid syndrome heavy bleeding similar to menstrual periods fetal echogenic bowel pre eclampsia severe pregnancy induced hypertension unexplained antepartum haemorrhage low maternal weight pregnancy associated plasma protein a papp a a low level of the first trimester marker papp a is a major risk factor for delivery of an sga neonate minor risk factors maternal age 35 years or older nulliparity bmi <20 bmi 25 29 9 smokes 1 10 cigarettes per day low fruit intake pre pregnancy pregnancy interval less than six months pregnancy interval 30 months or greater paternal sga do hope this helps you good luck is hpv found in all cases of cervical cancer,no just most of them my period is a week late but the pregnancy tests are negative could i be pregnant i have never missed a period in my life they have been late before by 2 maybe 3 days but never a week late i have taken 2 tests and they both came back negative i have had a few symptoms like being hungry all the timerandom food cravings dizziness always feeling exhausted cramps but no bleeding sensitive sense of smell and as of today certain smells make my stomach turn if i am not pregnant could there be something else wrong with me since the tests came back negative,see your medical provider or gynecologist there is a more sensitive blood pregnancy test that you can have and yes because there may be other causes for your array of symptoms including your late or missed period you should be carefully examined and those other causes should be investigated i oppose the obamacare concept and strongly oppose being forced to buy insurance or be penalized that said if i find insurance outside of the exchanges will that enable me to avert the penalty part of this law,many many americans agree with your perpective and oppose obamacare you raise a very good question about the individual penalties under the law the answer is that you will not be penalized if you buy insurance outside the exchanges as long as you have health insurance coverage even if it is coverage you purchase outside an exchange you should not have to pay a penalty i have severe sinus blockages and infection so i am having sinus surgery,hi chances of developing cancer after you hysterectomy is like 30 chance which is relatively high i give such high chance due to the adenomyosis i recommend regular check up you did not have cancer when you did the hysterectomy but it was the right choice good luck if i stop taking the birth control pill will i lose weight if so how quickly will i lose the weight,there are many things that can cause swelling below the knee known as edema it is usually a result of fluid retention and can be caused by several different health conditions cyclosporine has been associated with causing edema in less than 2 of the people that take it i suggest you contact the prescriber and notify himher of your father is swelling they can tell you how best to handle it considering his past medical history very very small lump on testicle about 4 months back i noticed a big sack of fluid growing in my scrotum i visted the gp and they did a ultrasound to find out that it was just a cyst but recently after doing a full testicle check i noticed a very very small lump near the top of the same testicle i thought that it could be cancer but most of lumps and bumps which are cancer do not lookfeel like mine mine feels like you engraved a full stop onto my testicle i was wondering whether the ultrasound would have seen this before,you need to see a specialist i would go to a urologist this is something that needs attention now i am currently hippa eligible and insured through i chip through the state of illinois will i be subject to unlimited out of pocket expense since i will need to apply for new insurance through the aca marketplace,while you are still working you will not qualify for a tax credit if the employer is plan is considered affordable under the law affordable employer health insurance costs no more than 9 5 of your income and covers at least 60 of covered medical costs health plans must now limit your annual out of pocket costs to 6 350 for an individual and 12 700 for a family once you retire and are no longer an active employee you can buy a plan through the marketplace depending on your income you may qualify for a tax credit to buy insurance through the marketplace can blood and a uti affect a pregnancy test my period is almost 2 months late and i am having some pregnancy symptoms but both tests i have taken are negative during a physical for work the other day the np said i had a severe uti blood and protein in my urine could this be the affecting the test at all,from what i have read about how pregnancy tests work it should not affect a pregnancy test tests look for hcg a hormone present only if you are pregnant here is what i read pregnancy tests are designed to tell if your urine or blood contains a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin hcg this hormone is produced right after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of a woman is uterus this usually happens but not always about six days after fertilization if you are pregnant levels of hcg continue to rise rapidly doubling every two to three days here is the link good luck my blood levels have ranged from 80 90 today it was 67 could i have diabetes my father is diabetic and he gave a tester so i could monitor it about a month ago i noticed that i would feel weak shaky sweaty and like i was about to pass out so i asked him if it could be a low blood sugar and he said it sounds like it this was the first time since i have been monitoring it that i have felt like that so i checked it and my blood sugar was 67,based solely on those readings your blood sugar readings on that day do not indicate any levels that would be consistent with diabetes i turn 65 in july 2014 and my husband turns 62 in december 2013 he is a substitute teacher with occasional work and no benefits i work for bank of america and have health insurance we live in california i am on short term medical disability and my doctor wants me to retire at the end of this year our aetna ppo via cobra would be too costly how do we purchase on the marketplace to have a seamless transition from my employer coverage to a marketplace plan,start shopping now in california plans purchased by december 23 2013 will take effect january 1 2014 are there any stretches or exercises that can prevent cramping in my feet when i exercise,@asker for me it seems like a chronic myofacial pain syndrome… the best treatments are myofacial release muscle energy technique done by osteopath and trigger point injections and acupuncture best wishes with speedy recovery i was born with one kidney and tested slightly positive for hsv 2,too keep them cool sperm formation requires a temperature lower than body temperature my wife is six weeks pregnant and has a sleep disorder she has a prescription for lunesta can she take it,this can be explained by only 2 possibilitys first is sever cold in knee joint which scientificly increase at night causing sever pain second is panic attack which also show at bedtime no physiological reason is logical your symptoms yet if you have a small degree of osteoarthritis the previous two explainations can increase pain good luck have herpes why when i try to go to sleep does the area have a fire burning feeling just discomfort til then 5 days in,com if this lesion has started on its own and no injury occurred to the place then it is a cause of concern and needs to be examined by a dermatologist… did it is it safe to eat kale or spinach everyday,yes you can eat all you want i have never met a person who overdosed on kale or spinach i had breast reduction my doctor took 550 g from right and 450g from left breast,it ‘ll not grow u need to do plastic surgery to the bigger one u may also inject material in it like silicon in the smaller one…consult dermatology specialist help chest congestion cough rash sweating body aches low white blood count bottom number of bp high had this for two weeks she works at petco and works with lots of animals what cause the bottom number of your blood pressure to be high,yes if they are prescribed for her for a specific medical problem and she can swallow these large capsules and the dose is appropriate for her medical problem and weight if you are self diagnosing and self treating your 8 year old i do not recommend that you use them how do i get rid of my discomfort with my vagina is it related to my anxiety i been going through social anxiety for almost 8yrs i also go through something else too i do not think it is hypersensitivity vagina issue but i get very uncomfortable when my underwearpants touch my vagina i get hot flashes on my face because i feel so uncomfortable i feel like it is the only thing that i think about i feel like it is related to psychological stuff mostly but it is hard to not think about it do you know anything to treat what i am going through,i agree with the previous answer all types of pneumonia really suck out energy and once your son feels like he can start getting back to normal get to it in my case i had stayed home for about a week and a half then gone to school and not done pe or dance for two weeks and then went back to normal however i had a friend the same age who had much worse walking pneumonia and had to rest for longer each case is unique so let him decide when he is ready now mind you he can still do something once i was diagnosed a ishort walk meant a walk to the bathroom and back when i walked out to the car i ended up taking a nap in it because i was so tired however once he starts getting stronger taking walks to places like the park can help build him up to who he was before while it will take a while for him to fully heal he can still do some things just let him decide about how much energy he can muster mushyketchup ii had a colonoscopy recently and a non malignant precancerous polyp was found do i have cancer in the early stages,leg cramps can be caused by many different things not just muscle spasms flexeril would not likely help and may be too sedating to use on a regular basis it would be best to be properly evaluated to find the reason just eating a few bananas a week is not going to solve this problem if you are not sure of the underlying cause stopped prednisone will i suffer withdrawal will i suffer adrenaline crisis,well that is kind of weird is not it i am sorry you are going through this the shoulder and arm area is an odd place to get a rash or a breakout of something like atopic dermatitis if the rash is happening only on one side it is probably worth having a health care provider look at it though it is probably not any sort of emergency if the rash is occurring on both shouldersarms then you might consider causes such as laundry detergent mild allergy or reaction dryer sheets wearing new clothes before washing them a change in the type of soap you use again possibly a mild allergic reaction or something along those lines if the rashblotchiness does not clear up on its own or if it gets worse spreads or your begin having swelling of the facemouth andor shortness of breath then you need to seek medical care best wishes as you try to solve this mystery is herpes part of hand foot and mouth disease,this is a good question because there are a few probiotics on the market that are helpful with the symptoms of ibs some patients may be treating their heartburn gas diarrhea or constipation with over the counter medications not realizing that it may be ibs i would need to ask a few more questions in order to provide information i need to know exactly what probiotic you are taking and what acid reflux medication i also need to know what your symptoms are how long you have had them and what your diet looks like there are many factors that can contribute to heartburn and there are some simple lifestyle modifications we can try first to see if that helps is there an antidepressant for sleep and anxiety that does not cause difficulty in breathing i have severe asthma and my lung function has dropped considerably,go to a doctor what are you waiting for does chewing tobacco increase the risk of atherosclerosis,yes like smoking chewing tobacco and snuff also boost the chances of getting atherosclerosis even secondhand smoke seems to raise risk smoking causes blood levels of carbon monoxide to go up which may in turn increase risk of damage to artery linings tobacco use also raises ldl bad cholesterol and lowers hdlgood cholesterol constricts arteries and further decreases blood flow to tissues and makes blood more likely to clot i intermittently smell an odor in my nose that no one else smells i have rhinuitis how do i get rid of the smell i thought the odor was the mucus the odor smells like i sprayed with something metal i have rhinitis the odor is particularly strong in the evening when the radiator is on however i can now smell it when at the office until today i did not have that metal taste in my mouth but it is beginning to pour from my nose into the back of my throat similar to when i have a cold or a sinus infection i am constantly blowing my nose what is it and what can i do about it,you should have her carefully evaluated by an ent specialist the only person that can really okay the need for a tonsillectomy she certainly may meet the surgical criteria based on what you have shared how is arthritis diagnosed and why is a diagnosis important,here are some basic steps that you can take to protect yourself from contracting stds consider that not having sex is the only sure way to prevent stds use a latex condom every time you have sex particularly if you have more than one sex partner if you use a lubricant make sure it is water based limit your number of sexual partners the more partners you have the more likely you are to catch a std practice monogamy this means having sex with only one person that person must also have sex with only you to reduce your risk choose your sex partners with care do not have sex with someone whom you suspect may have a std or who has many sexual partners get checked for stds do not risk giving the infection to someone else or your baby just because you have been screened for stds early on in your pregnancy does not mean that you can not contract one later during your pregnancy if you engage in unprotected sex with more than one partner since your last std screen you need another set of screening tests also you should be concerned if your partner may be having unprotected sex with other people do not use alcohol or drugs before you have sex you may be less likely to practice safe sex if you are drunk or high plus alcohol and drugs can harm your developing baby know the signs and symptoms of stds look for them in yourself and your sex partners learn about stds the more you know about stds the better you can protect yourself how likely is it that i have been infected by genital herpes,hi this seems to be due to post operative inner ear neuritis or eustachian tube malfunction get a otoscopy done and surgical decompression consult a ent surgeon thanks does amoxicillin affect mononessa oral contraceptive i use amoxicillin to treat acne my dermatologist said if i take the two prescriptions 12 hours apart from each other e i one in the morning one at night they would not have any negative interaction he said that there is no evidence that antibiotics negatively affect oral contraceptives at all except for a select few is it safe for me to take these two together,calorie needs are individual and depend on age gender lean body mass and your level of activity since you are not overweight i wonder why you count calories at all it seems to me if you eat well balanced regular meals and let hunger and fullness guide your eating you will get the right amount for your body type emerging research shows that young adults who eat this way often called intuitive or mindful eating have lower bmis and disordered eating then those who do not it may be that you started counting calories to lose weight 5 years ago but i say ditch the calorie counting and learn how to trust and nourish your body instead read more healthy eating recognize your hunger signals what causes nausea or vomiting,there are numerous causes of nausea and vomiting these symptoms may be due to the following acute gastritis central causes signals from the brain association with other illnesses remote from the stomach medications and medical treatments mechanical obstruction of the bowel urinary tract infection prescribed by physician estrace have used it for a week but the itching is unbearable have tried cortisone 10 what next,estrace is a hormone cortisone 10 is an over the counter cortisone cream neither one would treat a urinary tract infection many women who have symptoms of a urinary infection can have a vaginal infection often yeast vaginal yeast infections are very itchy and cortisone 10 may actually make the yeast worse talk to your medical provider about the possibility of your symptoms being caused by a yeast vaginitis and not a uti ask for patient specific recommendations how effective is the flu vaccine,the effectiveness of the flu vaccine is dependent upon the extent of the match between the virus strains used to prepare the vaccine and those viruses in actual circulation the age and health status of the individual also play a role in determining the effectiveness of the vaccine research has shown that when there is a good match between the virus strains chosen for the vaccine and those in circulation the vaccine prevents influenza illness in approximately 70 90 of healthy adults under 65 years of age a study of children from one to 15 years of age showed that inactivated influenza vaccine was 77 91 effective in preventing influenza respiratory illness the effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing respiratory illness in people over 65 years of age is somewhat lower among older people who reside in nursing homes influenza vaccine is most effective in preventing severe illness secondary complications and deaths the vaccine can be 50 60 effective in preventing influenza related hospitalization or pneumonia and 80 effective in preventing influenza related death although the effectiveness in preventing influenza respiratory illness can be as low as from 30 40 how much exercise do older adults need for health and fitness,for some people a urine test stick does not always work the hcg hormone or pregnancy hormone may not be prevelant enough for the pee test to work i had a friend who had this problem she tried a pee test after she was knowingly several months pregnant and still came back with several false pee test you will have to go to your doctor and have a blood test done to confirm wether or not you are pregnant for whatever reason you may be one that a home pregnancy test might not work your other symptoms could be pregnancy related but if not your doctor should be able to help you figure out what may be causing your symptoms good luck i had a serious breakup with my girlfriend i feel lonely what do i do,yep definitely try that i have been through some of this stuff too and one of the reasons i use man1 man oil is because of the vitamin e that vitamin is supposed to do wonders for skin and i also think that using that cream is a big help for my overall penis health it sure looks and feels a lot better despite regular cardio exercise and eating healthy i can not seem to lose weight okay maybe i can not lose weight is misleading but i am losing muscle and gaining fat my exercise includes running for an hour at least four times a week for over a month and eating includes eating salads eggs fruits and white meats like chicken and none of the junk i will not even allow myself cheat days in spite of the fact that i have lost 20lbs i do not look any thinner in fact i have gained fat and it is becoming increasingly harder to continue keep the same running time and pace,the body responds to what is known as the said principle specific adaptations to imposed demands when you look at marathon runners they are generally thin but actually have a higher body fat than sprinters this is an adaptation when you run for long periods your body needs energy if your exercise program has no variation your body adapts and begins to hold on to it is fat so that it has energy stores to be used during long runs runningcardio is fine but mix in resistance training muscle burns more calories than fat this does not mean you will get bulky if that is a concern but by activating more muscle fibers your body will burn more calories helping to lose weight circuit training can be a useful tool for this you will burn a lot of calories your heart rate will get up and you will increase muscle the key is variation most personal trainers or at least good ones progress your workout through different stages to keep your body adapting using simple tools like exercise selection # of sets # of reps time of rest in between can all help one final piece of advice most supplements out there are junk do not waste your money on false promises a registered dietician can help you with meal planning if you need it hope this helps what are some tips for getting pregnant faster,yes asthma patients are at a higher risk of getting complications of the flu influenza such as pneumonia so flu shots are a must i have acoustic nouroma tumour should i have full surgery or partial with radiation,hi yes you can take xarelto for the thrombus in pulmonary artery and is considered safer in this condition consult your treating physician and take the medication in appropriate doses only after proper prescription what can you do for a 22 month old who crys 70 of the time due to teething we give him pedicare as soon as we get home hoping that will sooth him enough for him to want to eat soft foods mashed potatoes mac & cheese soft salisbury steak which is his favorite he only ate half of that last night he did not have a fever but was so irritable how can we help him,you ask an interesting question when used as directed for smoking cessation nicotine replacements such as gum and patches probably can be safely used for an indefinite period of time however it is possible to abuse nicotine replacement products by exceeding the maximum dosage in this case a person could cause himherself harm over the long run it is worth noting also that nicotine itself is kind of a bad actor it can cause slow wound healing among many other physiological effects it can deplete the body is vitamin c stores anyone who uses tobacco products or uses nicotine replacement products should take a vitamin c supplement in my opinion wishing you well i am under weight i try everything but nothing works i am only 87 pounds i am 54 small frame but i cannot gain weight no matter what efforts of force feeding myself i am so frustrated i want to look healthy,you missed a few essential bits of information are you male or female how old are you what do your parents look like small or large people is tens e stim safe to use for prostate,regarding your question as per practicing it is okay as it is widely used now and giving promising results but evidence based wise no conclusive studies has identified whether it is hundred percent safe or not… 62 yrs old having tenderness around my nipple when clothes rub against it some pain in whole breast not pregnant post menopausal so no periods or pregnancy it this something to be concerned about been going on for about 2 months only happening in one breast,in all probability what you are experiencing is simply irritation and dryness of the nipple which can be fixed by applying moisturizer that said the full answer is a bit more complicated the fact you are having pain throughout the whole breast presents something of a red flag i would suggest you see your primary care provider to have this more fully evaluated obviously you do not want to take any chances that this is something more serious that just dry skin even if you have had normal mammograms in the past tenderness in the breast is something to get evaluated with luck it will turn out to be something simple but you will get some peace of mind by having your health care provider evaluate this good luck to you regardless of your age clothes rubbing on your nipples can cause irritation my wife was having the same problem i suggested clear double sided tape as crazy as it sounds it worked what authority says what normal fasting blood sugar should be and why has it gone frome 140 to 100 for it to be normal,yeah it is 100 sure you can get pregnant bcoz you had unprotected sex if you do not want to keep it you can take birth control pills you can buy from chemist shop or online at pharmacysell dot com aside from the obvious how do you know you are coming down with travelers diarrhea,probably but you must get the specific okay from the oral surgeon first since i do not know what type of anesthesia you will be getting or your medical history is there a laser procedure that raises eyebrows,radiofrequency treatments such as thermage and aluma have been effective in raising eyebrows in the right candidates i often use this in combination with a neurotoxin such as botox or dysport for the best effect can intercourse cause hemorrhoids to worsen can hemorrhoids cause painful intercourse,do not know if this is helpful or will even apply to your son but my nephew used to get ear infections all the time his mom let him go to sleep all the time with a bottle of milk and once she stopped doing that the ear infections stopped you said he is 4 so i doubt he still has a bottle but thought i would mention it anyway hope he gets better soon what drugs or medications can interact with black licorice candy,signs of renal failure may include decreased urine output although occasionally urine output remains normal fluid retention causing swelling in your legs ankles or feet drowsiness shortness of breath fatigue confusion nausea seizures or coma in severe cases chest pain or pressure does red meat cause heart disease or cancer,hi this is called post traumatic retrograde amnesia as people get better from their head injuries long term memories tend to return however memories tend to return like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle these bits and pieces return in random order let him work with a specialist in memory–one of the most important things is to get help from people who specialize in head injury every head injury program has a specialist who teaches memory strategies i was kissed on the cheek by a hiv positive person soon after receiving superficial scratches is there a risk,the short answer to your question is no these kind of casual exposures are not really exposures at all and i would not worry if i were you just for a point of reference exchanging bodily fluids through giving oral sex to a person with hiv is almost no risk for transmitting hiv so this really will not put you at risk at all my 8 month old daughter just developed this sorerash on her scalp,nigrostriatal degeneration is the degeneration or destruction of the nerve pathways from the part of the brain called the substantia nigra to the basal ganglia or striatum these pathways are normally rich in dopamine and are affected in parkinson is disease what would the silver level health insurance plan cost in nc if household income is less than 30 000,there may be multiple silver plans sold in your area at varying prices check healthcare gov to connect with your state is marketplace there you will be able to shop and compare plans and costs as well as learn how much of a subsidy you will qualify for baby passes stool only after two days is it normal,if your baby is breastfed it is perfectly normal to pass stool less often on the other hand it does not seem normal for such a young kid if it continues for more than 2 weeks get him checked by a paediatrician consult a paediatrician online to know the management of constipation in children > i have gross hematuria and abdominal discomfort especially when i move do i really need medical attention i was playing football and got hit in my stomach i continued to play without real problems but when i went to the bathroom my urine was red and my stomach has some discomfort and mild pain with sudden movement i would like to avoid medical bills if possible,yes you need a medical evaluation you may have had trauma to your kidney or bladder save money some other ways but do not avoid seeking a proper medical evaluationj for abdominal discomfort and hematuria why do i have a huge gush of water during my period it is like when i was pregnant and my waters broke,hi after doing some research come with this from forums ovusoft com i have cervical erosion basically part of my uterine lining is growing beyond the cervix and is being irritated by the vaginal environment it weeps clear fluid as part of its normal function getting worse when my hormones change and bleeds when irritated by anything from sex and exercise to a change in foods and an other women had the same thing so i would see you gyno and see what heshe says about your problem show them this just copy it hope this helps with your problem good luck i have athlete is foot on the hands and feet or eczema,hi this does seem to be an eczema antifungal creams wont help u need to use topical anti histaminic and steroid based creams take anti allergic tablets too to reduce the itch avoid the concerned parts to be exposed to extremes of temperature and friction your skin may be very sensitive consult a dermatologist if symptoms do not improve thanks brownish vaginal discharge every two weeks in my 12 year old is this normal,this may be small amounts of menstrual flow older blood can be brownish and at age 12 her cycle may be very erratic and unpredictable when switching birth control how long to wait to have unprotected intercourse i switched my birth control pill 2 weeks ago i was on oratho tri lo for almost 4 years and 2 weeks ago switched to junel fe24 how long do condoms have to be used during this switch time,hi 7 days so you could have been having sex without a condom 7 days a go but best to be safe than sorry remember safe sex is the best sex good luck can miralax cause blood in the urine i have blood in the urine and take miralax every other day was wondering if anyone ever had blood in their urine from taking it,i was found with an ovarian cyst in the first month of pregnancy it disappeared in the 3rd month doctor asked me to continue pregnancy and asked to do a scan after delivery to see if it still exists the post delivery scan showed no big cysts but doctor said mine is a poly cystic ovary and hence will have small cysts my daughter is now 6yrs old and i continue to have a poly cystic ovary how can i make a food allergic friend feel comfortable eating at our home,you will not get a refund but if you apply through the marketplace and your annual earnings already qualify you for medicaid you will likely be instructed to apply for that program anyhow i suggest you call the 800 number on healthcare gov to discuss your situation and how best to proceed i have horrible pain along my right leg,hi there are signs of slipped disc causing spinal nerve compression get mri done to confirm the diagnosis physiotherapy traction swd laser are the treatment options thanks how long after you have started antibiotics are you still contagious with the strep virus,strep is not a virus it is a bacteria antibiotics do not work for viruses about 24 hours after taking antibiotics your level of contagiousness is considerably diminished so it is safe for children to return to school and for adults to return to their normal activitieswork assuming you feel up to it i am a 21 year old female previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder i have developed a muscle spasm that resembles a tic along my right arm,stress is a cause and anxiety is a disorder it depends on you if you can manage the cause you will manage the disorder first step is to decrease the amount of caffeine to once daily then start breathing deeply exercises yoga speedy recovery wishes can a non infected personchild contract mono from a dormantlynon symptomaticly affected person,someone who has had mono in the past and the tests for ebv virus is considered dormant showing antibodies from a past infection only this person is not contagious to others i can ejaculate multiple times but my first ejaculation is within 2 3 minutes how do i delay this my first question is would you consider my first ejaculation pe i still have an erection and can still continue with sexual activity i use a fleshlight how can i delay my first ejaculation i dont want to have sex and keep changing condoms because my chances of getting a girl pregnant increases and also would eating something an hour or two before sexual activity help my stamina,caution should be the watchword here any med taken with alcohol can be a problem because almost all meds have to go through the liver to be broken down and that is exactly where the alcohol goes too so there is a fight in the liver for passage and because of this the med builds up in your system since it can not be broken down the result is something like a massive dose of the med and this has consequences it is never a good idea to drink alcohol when you are taking any type of psychotropic med some of them can have extremely bad effects but not everyone is aware enough of this the best advice is to avoid alcohol what is radiation therapy,since food is the major source of infection close attention to diet is of foremost importance in the prevention of travelers diarrhea foods should be well cooked and served warm raw vegetables uncooked meat or seafood and other foods maintained at room temperature should be avoided dairy products tap water and ice including frozen drinks not made from filtered water are also high risk foods carbonated beverages beer and wine hot coffee and tea fruits that can be peeled and canned products generally are safe the risk for developing diarrhea increases when eating at restaurants and when purchasing food from street vendors also frequent hand washing with soap and clean water will decrease the likelihood of the bacteria is spread what is a stress fracture in the hip,hi i read of one case but it took the poor girl a stomach stabbing to get pregnant from giving head the stabbing cut both her gut and womb the sperm got in that way giving head is a way for women not to get pregnant used by students a lot that way its best to give head than get pregnant do hope this helps good luck what can i say to a friend while she is having an anxiety attack my friend has generalized anxiety disorder and she has panic attacks pretty often once or twice a week typically and when it is the worst daily they get bad and it is pretty scary i was wondering what i can dosay to her that will stop the anxiety attack or make it less bad so she does not have to leave class she has a fear of throwing up that is often what causes the panic attacks even when she just has a stomachache she freaks out she is on treatment but it can only help so much,hi urethritis is unlikely to be present for 6 + months improper hygiene or calculus can cause this get a usg abdomen done ureteroscopy may be needed consult a urologist thanks what causes hives in a 12 year old boy and it is not food allergies my 12 year old son has been getting hives they are red swollen spots that itch the claritin works so much better but he will be ok for a few days weeks and then starts again the last bout we had was his face swelled lips eyes cheeks he looked aweful we now have an epi pen just in case it gets severe one doctor stated that it could be caused by stress we do see flare ups when he is concerned about someone or something could this be hormones pre teen,get your child checked up for worm infestation worm infestation do cause the allergic reactions like hives rashes etc do stool examination and consult your doctor for for de worming therapy i have or think i have ringworm of the skin when should i contact my doctor,4 anchors are ideal if your tear was a large one medium tears can be sutured strongly with 3 anchors we need to know the size of the tear that you had before the surgery to comment on the surgical procedure about the broken anchor if its embedded strongly in the bone and is immobile then do not worry only if it loosens it needs attention and subsequent removal is home exercise equipment effective,hi i think your leukocytes points to a uti your other symptoms may just have been mild flu or a cold or you worrying but if your really worried then get your self off to your local stdgum clinic and get yourself tested do hope this helps good luck i have shingles and the rash is on my left buttock and also on my left labia is this an uncommon area for this i did not know that was what is was so i did not go to the dr for a week and the rash had been there for several days when i started having fever and headache around my eyes i went and he diagnosed it as shingles the pain is much worse today and i am feeling flu like symptoms how many days can i expect the pain to last it hurts so bad to sit,none of the major health organizations emphasize good or bad triglycerides the study you found was from 2002 and i have found nothing more recent to support it the key is to think of heart disease risk like a puzzle with many different pieces risk factors include high triglycerides high total cholesterol high ldl bad cholesterol and low hdl good cholesterol high blood pressure hyperglycemia and abdominal fat someone with metabolic syndrome has a cluster of all these risk factors instead of just one or two putting them at even higher risk for more on how to lower triglycerides see this article and for more on optimal blood lipid levels see this one good luck a cat scan showed that i have a fatty liver what can i do to change my lifestyle to resolve the situation i know that the right side under my right lower ribs has been painful like pressure against the ribs for the last year i am overweight i am 200 lbs at 56 and 62 years old female i really want to lose weight learn to eat healthier and try to stop the fat from accumulating is this possible and what kind of diet should i be following i also have hypothyroidism and am on synthyroid thank you carol,when you receive a vaccine it helps your body to create antibodies antibodies are the body is defenses that fight off any foreign substances germs although your body can create antibodies on its own most of the vaccine preventable diseases cause severe illness and even death before enough antibodies are produced immunization vaccination schedule vaccines work best when they are given at certain ages for example the measles vaccine is not usually given until a child is at least one year old if it is given earlier than that it may not work as well on the other hand the dtap vaccine should be given over a period of time in a series of properly spaced doses the routine childhood immunization schedule is published each year by the cdc my prenatal vitamin is making me nauseous will taking it with maalox help,this is a common question that i get asked all the time and i really would advise the patient to not take maalox with it maalox can actually bind to the vitamin and will not make it work as well it will actually prevent it from being absorbed in the body there are a few tricks though that i recommend to my patients to help avoid this nausea feeling and part of it is number one taking it with some food around meal time maybe dinner is a good opportunity to take your vitamins and as long as there is something in your stomach it may actually counteract that nauseous feeling also i found that a lot of women take it at bedtime i recommend it pretty consistently and they say that it really works because you take it right before you go to bed you are sleeping so the vitamins are dissolving and you are not awake to experience that nauseous feeling but if you are having severe nausea talk to your pharmacist you may need to be switched to a different type of prenatal vitamin i will be more than happy to call your physician or healthcare provider to talk to them about that for you first time taking perscribed xanax 0 5 will show how long in your blood stream,this is a repeat of answer give by webmd health expert dr hoffman i think this will answer your question alprazolam xanax is an anxiety relieving medicine that starts to work within about an hour after taking the pill the level of drug reaches a peak in the bloodstream after one to two hours and its felt effects last on average about 5 hours however xanax remains in the bloodstream long after its anti anxiety effects have worn off xanax is average half life is 11 hours this means that it takes an average of 11 hours for the body to eliminate half the xanax dose in older or obese people or those with liver disease xanax is half life is longer as long as 40 hours it takes several half lives to eliminate a drug completely so for most people there may still be a small fraction of xanax in your blood two days or more after taking a single pill people who take xanax on a regular basis maintain a higher drug level in the bloodstream and it could take several weeks to eliminate all the xanax from the body xanax is excreted from the blood into the urine and is detectable in drug tests different drug tests have different sensitivities and may or may not detect a low level of xanax in the urine what does 05 look like are my semen analysis results good enough to have a child,if your symptoms bother you your doctor may give you pills called beta blockers they can help you feel better while you and your doctor decide what your treatment should be even if your symptoms do not bother you you still need treatment because hyperthyroidism can lead to more serious problems radioactive iodine and anti thyroid medicine are the treatments doctors use most often the best treatment for you will depend on a number of things including your age some people need more than one kind of treatment after treatment you will need regular blood tests to see if your hyperthyroidism has come back they also check to see if you are making enough thyroid hormone sometimes treatment cures hyperthyroidism but causes the opposite problem too little thyroid hormone if this happens you may need to take thyroid hormone pills permanently is it possible to find out that you are pregnant 16 days after sex my boyfriend and i have been seeing each other for nearly 4 years now and we have unprotected sex each time we have sex we took a break got back together on may 19th and had sex my period is irregular i am not on birth control or anything like that i have experienced some symptoms lately such as heartburn nausea lower back pain frequent urination and sensitive breasts it is been 16 days and i was wondering if it is possible to find out if i am pregnant within those 16 days,hi first day after a missed period should be about right time to do a urine test do hope this helps you good luck the sides of my nose and top of my nose keep peeling and it is not sun burnt i do not know why,the most common symptoms of crohn is disease are abdominal pain often in the lower right area and diarrhea rectal bleeding weight loss and fever may also occur bleeding may be serious and persistent leading to anemia children with crohn is disease may suffer delayed development and stunted growth my egfr is 50 what is egfr and what is a good number for egfr,egfr is an estimate a test to check your kidney function and is done when a doctor thinks you have or are at risk for kidney problems it combines a few pieces of information including age blood tests and your sex to determine how well your kidney function at filtering waste products the work our kidneys do is truly astonishing when you recognize that they filter about 200 quarts of blood a day to product nearly 2 quarts of urine which is the byproduct of that filtration when our kidneys fail toxins remain in our blood a gfr test is a way to determine how well these organs function hockey player has ankle problems tenderness bruising and a good bit of swelling,hi at this age you should not be having this problem for so long such long standing ankle problems indicate some chronic underlying bony pathology this can be as a result of an old neglected untreated childhood injury the first thing to do is get an xray done to see if the lesion is bone related or not consult an orthopedist thanks my husband is a type1 diabetic and we are trying to have a baby but i am not getting pregnant what is wrong we have a 5 year old son now we are trying to have another baby i do not know if my husband can have anymore kids how do we know if he can have more kids his diabeties are bad,hi after trying very hard to find any kind of got info for you i have two links sorry ok not a doctor but have you thought of getting him a sperm test done it could be a good place to start i know diabetes really mucks up a guys sex life lots of trouble with ed just for starters but have a read through these two links could be something or nothing just copy each link into google one at a time to open and read do hope you find some help good luck can shingles cause lymph nodes to become enlarged i have shingles on my right side from my back to my stomach can that cause the lymph node under my right arm to become enlarged,hi glomerulonephritis can occur with henoch schonlein purpura so i recommend kidney function test after you take care of your kidney you can then take an immune suppressant drug good luck 8 wks post hemorrhoidectomy knife like pain on b m too frequent b m anemic still blood in stool on good dietfiber still have blood in stool and with bm burning knife like pain on bm stools r soft or loose excessive frequencyurges not predictable producing too much stool throbbing discomfort lasts well after bm on proctofoam iron rich for anemia post op fiber rich diet per dr comment 3 wks ago by diff colorectal dr not surgeon was not healed yet may need to go back in but would not explain or elaborate,hi it does seem to be dangerous infact this isnt a simple mole its a abnormal skin outgrowth that needs immediate consideration do not neglect it consult a dermatologist at the earliest thanks what is wandering related to dementia,wandering is a common behavior that causes people with dementia to stray and become lost in familiar surroundings why is it that obesity does not always cause type 2 diabetes,no that would be stressful for the patient and the person conducting the test unless they are doing more than just a stress test in which case it could take longer this test usually takes less than a half hour or so a bit longer for some what medications and treatments are available to treat hyperthyroidism,i am sorry to hear that but do not be alarmed it is possible to have an abnormal ekg result that is actually normal for you for example some people have an irregular heartbeat that is not dangerous and they have always had such an irregular heartbeat that would show up on an ekg test as abnormal even though it is not dangerous and is in fact normal for that particular individual your cardiologist or the health care provider who ordered the ekg test should explain to you what abnormal means in the context of your overall health there are many many things that can cause an abnormal ekg result so only your doctor can tell you what it means in your specific case wishing you well why are my labia minora lips so big i have never seen anyone with them so large they stick outhang down almost an inch and a half i feel like a freak of nature i have never seen anything like it why am i like this how could i be made to look normal the older i get the worse they look,there is no medical explanation for this just they way some people have big ears big feet or uneven breasts this is just the way you are with that said there is a relatively simple plastic surgery procedure that can be done to shorten them back to a size that is pleasing to you insurance companies are highly unlikely to pay for a labial reduction but you may find it quite affordable put it on your credit card and just go for it lip plumping products awesome it is spendy but i think it is well worth the price it enhance the volume of your lips and make them more sexier than they before what vitamins can you take with birth control pills that will not cancel out the birth control,there are no significant interactions between any vitamins and birth control pills you can take a regular multivitamin while taking birth control pills without any problem when i wake up i feel stomach aches super hot muscle soreness headachesmigraines constant hacking and sweating,symptoms are not enough to confirm diagnosis many possibilities these could be thyroid symptoms or a type of anxiety disorder get a thyroid profile and cbc done how to get pregnant with an irregular period 22 years of age have had pid for a few years got rid of it about 2 years ago boyfriend very active and healthy as am i also my right ovary does have cist and has for approx 5 6 years i have also had gallbladder sergury what could be a possible solution or way to try and get my family going ,hi try this as you never know the length of your period is going to be yes then always work on day 14 as your ovulation day well give or take a day so day 1 first day of your period you need to have unprotected sex around day 9 this allows 3 days for his sperm to get in place once its there it can live for up to 7 to 10 days depending were you read so its sitting there waiting for your egg some sperm goes left and some goes right for which ever way your egg comes if you keep doing that you should hit pay dirt and get pregnant do hope this helps you good luck embarrassing question but true i have never produced solid boogers is something wrong with me i get sniffles if i eat something spicy or have a cold like a normal person but my day to day life is boogerless even if i work in a dusty environment the dust just lines my nasal passages but never forms a solid i know this sounds crazy but it is always plagued my mind,this is not something to be concerned about what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for gastroesophageal reflux disease gerd,forgetfulness concentration how common is a false positive pregnancy test my expected period was suppose to be sept 25 it never came so i took a test fives days later it came up positive could i really be pregnant,hi if you have been having unprotected sex what else would you expect a pregnancy test to show if this was a home test and you do not trust it just pop of to your doctor and get one there do not worry i will wait here for you and your result good luck is it legg perthes calvé disease,yes… sorru to tell u that u need orthopedic consultant what are the symptoms of a cataract,the most common symptoms of a cataract are cloudy or blurry vision colors seem faded glare headlights lamps or sunlight may appear too bright a halo may appear around lights poor night vision double vision or multiple images in one eye this symptom may clear as the cataract gets larger frequent prescription changes in your eyeglasses or contact lenses these symptoms also can be a sign of other eye problems if you have any of these symptoms check with your eye care professional i was told yesterday that my baby has no heart rate at 38 weeks and 3 days,have you done neonatal ultrasound sound placenta beats i think he means the mother is beats where the blood is successfully perfused across the placenta is it okay to put ice on a burn what about butter or mayonnaise,keep your throat moist and drink plenty of fluids specifically those that will not dehydrate you less or no caffeine if you have regular issues with allergies partner with your pharmacist and physician to make sure it is right for you concerning the timing or current trimester of your pregnancy what is congestive heart failure,my father died from what i believe was undiagnosed chf two weeks prior to his passing he had gone to the doctor with shortness of breath and fatigue tests were run but not a stress test that was 1988 we have come a long way my father is death left me with this lingering question about heart failure what is it symptoms causes etc i finally wrote my own article as a way of learning here is an excerpt from the intro the primary function of the heart is to pump oxygen rich blood out to the body and to return oxygen depleted blood to the lungs to be replenished when it fails at this task serious consequences develop blood backs up in the venous system pressure in this normally low pressure system rises and fluid from from the blood collects in the body is tissues for the rest of the article cut and paste to browser if not highlighted can an allergy develop into cold i had allergic reactions a few days back with running nose cough sore throatnot usual symptom usually it goes away on its own but this time it will not so i took my anti allergic med the running nose and sore throat got better but the cough developed more,yes i suffer from chronic infections find a good urologist he she can run tests and figure out what is going on they will come up with a treatment plan to fit your needs and determine the reason you are getting utis and how to best treat it what is a mammogram,most helpful answer based on your description here it does sound like you could be having migraines a visual disturbance prior to the headache is a common symptom of migraine other symptoms can include sensitivity to light or noise nausea or vomiting feeling unusually hot or cold dizziness and that is just a short list not everyone who gets a migraine will experience all of these symptoms because you said this has happened to you twice i would suggest consulting a medical professional you can start with your primary care provider while the symptoms you are describing can indeed be caused by migraine your health care provider will want to rule out any other potential causes if it does turn out you are experiencing migraines your doctor can provide you with treatment options sorry you are going through this headaches of any kind can be a miserable experience twice this week i got a mind numbing headache during sex should i be concerned,this could be a type of exertional migraine called orgasmic headache its pretty rare but something that we see occasionally in the headache clinic there are medical article suggesting that some patients many have a problem like aneurysms as a cause for this but its not really clear if this is really a problem i have seen a number of patients with this type of headache but i have never found any specific cause some of the migraine type medications can work for this type of headache if it happens a lot if it happens again you might want to talk with your doctor about an mri scan of the brain with an mra mri arteriogram 15 month old having yellow bowel bm with undigested food how long does take for active toddler to digest food food that our 15 month old eats when we can get him to eat is having yellow bm is early as supper 5pm to 7am next day with food undigested for instance he eat blueberry yogurt and had his normal yellow loose to diarrhea with blueberries in it,not likely both antibiotics are in the same class so it is more likely to be resistant as well but not 100 how can i handle headaches during pregnancy,taking another course of antibiotics would cause no harm but infection if occurs again and again may be harmful to pregnancy you are right in your worry that it may be an extra course as your wife took one recently but as i said it is better to play on the safe side in pregnancy there is no harm she can take another course of antibiotics and please get her blood sugar levels high sugar levels can sometimes be a reason for recurrent urinary infection kindly advise her to take plenty of fluids for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online > i have been in a lot of severe pain with my lower back since september,as a pharmacist if i had a patient who came to me and asked me this question i would actually be a little concerned i would ask them for how long they have been taking the imodium and when did they notice this change in their stool color sometimes when we here about dark stools there is a concern that there is some internal bleeding going on so as a pharmacist my recommendation to this patient would be to stop taking the imodium and get it checked out by a physician or healthcare provider immediately is it normal to have paindiscomfort 6 weeks after hernia operation i had a ingurial hernia operation on the 23 of october and i still have constant discomfort and occasional pain in the area i had surgery the surgeons put a mesh to prevent the hernia from reoccurring and it was right above my groin i feel something is holding me tight in the incision area and i cant stretch properly and i am limping because i cannot make full strides is this normal to still have pain and discomfort along with the other problems i mentioned this long after the operation,perhaps i can put your mind at ease what you are describing as pus probably is not pus at all if it were your doctor would have given you different instructions is this pus a thick gooey yellowish fluid if so that is not pus it is actually a collection of excess protein molecules and wound healing components being created by the body to help your wound close up many patients see this yellowish goo and become alarmed thinking it is pus but rest assured it is not pus is usually greenish in color and has a very foul odor pus represents an infection and usually brings on a fever peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum which is a membrane that lines the abdominal cavity rarely does surgery cause peritonitis it usually is caused by an infection of the fallopian tube if you are otherwise feeling fine without a fever eating well and walking you can be pretty sure you do not have a post operative infection just attend to the wound as the doctor told you if by some chance you spike a fever be sure to call your surgeon is office wishing you well how can i heal anal fishers,a hernia is an opening or weakness in the muscular structure of the wall of the abdomen this defect causes a bulging of the abdominal wall this bulging is usually more noticeable when the abdominal muscles are tightened thereby increasing the pressure in the abdomen any activities that increase intra abdominal pressure can worsen a hernia examples of such activities are lifting coughing or even straining to have a bowel movement imagine a barrel with a hole in its side and a balloon that is blown up inside the barrel part of the inflated balloon would bulge out through the hole the balloon going through the hole is like the tissues of the abdomen bulging through a hernia serious complications from a hernia can result from the trapping of tissues in the hernia a process called incarceration trapped or incarcerated tissues may have their blood supply cut off leading to damage or death of the tissue the treatment of an incarceration usually involves surgery is there a special diet for acid reflex,this class of drug has to be specifically tested for it is not automatically included in all drug screening tests get a copy of the test and see if they are testing for benzodiazepine drugs then it should show up if you are taking it and your medication is not a fake pharmaceutical it is not unusual for fake medications made to look like the real thing to show up at some pharmacies make sure to keep one of them just in case the pill itself needs testing can sexual contact affect blood iron levels,hi only one ct image that you have posted is inconclusive for spine lesions mri is a better option clinically nerve compression possibly due to a lumbar disc prolapse seems to be more likely physiotherapy analgesics lumbar belt and back strengthening exercises will be helpful thanks can you put regular vicks on an infant im wanting to put vicks on my baby because she has a cold that comes with a cough so i was wondering does it have to be baby vicks or can you use the regular type adults use and if so what is the difference between the two i was planning to put it on her feet because she has a pretty bad cough and i heard that doing that can really help also she is a few days shy of turning 5 months if that changes anything thanks in advance,we do not recommend vicks for the babies in our clinic even though our parents used it on us and we survived the ingredients in vicks has the potential of making a cough worse due to an allergic or irritant response so we do not endorse it and i have to say that vicks on the feet will only make the feet a bit softer because of the petroleum jelly but it will not cure a cold or calm a cough please do not tell your mother or grandmother that i told you this a five month old is experiencing our germ filled world for the first time on her own your maternal immunity will completely wear out by six months even if you are breast feeding because they are so darn cute at this age people pick them up touch them and expose them so their cuteness is their own fault she is also teething and drooling so this drainage is contributing to the cough when she is lying down coughing helps clear her airway and helps prevent the fluid from going in her lungs so it is really a good thing use a cool mist humidifier suck out the nose i know they hate it and just hang in there colds last a week or two but she will average 6 9 of these per year from now on until she is about six each cold makes her a bit stronger so think of these frequent viral episodes as free immunizations what is viral hepatitis,your question about whether your cancer will come back is a very common one it is also a question that is very hard to answer as there are many things that can influence the likelihood that your cancer will or will not return most of my patients struggle with this question it sounds like you are undergoing aggressive treatment chemoradiation followed by surgery followed by more chemo each of these steps is aimed at keeping the cancer from coming back the radiationsurgery part really tries to target the local area while the chemo after surgery tries to target things that might be in other areas which is something we never know following the advice of your physicians and making sure that you are followed both during and after your treatment are two things that you can do to add to everything else when does the nausea and vomiting of motion sickness stop,the distressing symptoms of motion sickness usually stop when the motion that causes it ceases but this is not always true there are people who suffer symptoms for even a few days after the trip is over this is called the mal dembarquement syndrome or more properly the mal de debarquement syndrome mal dembarquement is embarkment or departure sickness while mal de debarquement is disembarkment or arrival sickness i have had a uncontrollable cough for days with fever 99 a sore throat i work with food cough all day should i go to work,thanks for consulting me at this platform i have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns i think you need to carry out taking the same medication as this is a mandatory medication exercise induced asthma may also cause shortness of breath excess sweating is natural and this is also a side effect of almost every medication used for lowering heart rate it is called postural hypotension in which you feel sleepy and sometimes weak when standing up from sitting position for further information consult a cardiologist online > i have … hyperthyroidism or graves disease multinodular goitre cancer,no you cannot get pregnant from performing oral sex hi i read of one case but it took the poor girl a stomach stabbing to get pregnant from giving head the stabbing cut both her gut and womb the sperm got in that way giving head is a way for women not to get pregnant used by students a lot that way its best to give head than get pregnant do hope this helps good luck how long are you contagious to other people when you have sinusitis and tonsilitis,sinusitis and tonsilitis are not contagious diseases so you may not worry of affecting anybody in your close vicinity can one refuse psych treatments under obamacare based on religious preference,most helpful answer i am not sure i fully understand the question but let me try to cover as many bases as possible certainly you will not be required to undergo any psychological treatments as a result of the law unless treatment is court ordered you always have the right to refuse it if what you are asking is whether you can buy a health plan that does not pay for mental health and substance abuse services the answer is no there are religious exemptions under the law that would allow you if you meet criteria to avoid having to buy insurance at all but there is no way for you to buy an insurance policy and pick and choose the specific benefits that come with it based on your personal belief system what are the risk factors for gallstones,risk factors for getting gallstones include obesity this is one of the biggest risk factors obesity can cause a rise in cholesterol and can also keep the gallbladder from emptying completely estrogen women who are pregnant or who take birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy have higher levels of estrogen this can cause a rise in cholesterol as well as a reduction in gallbladder motility ethnic background certain ethnic groups including native americans and mexican americans are more likely to develop gallstones gender and age gallstones are more common among women and among older people cholesterol drugs some cholesterol lowering drugs increase the amount of cholesterol in bile which may increase the chances of developing cholesterol stones diabetes people with diabetes tend to have higher levels of triglycerides a type of blood fat which is a risk factor for gallstones rapid weight loss if a person loses weight too quickly his or her liver secretes extra cholesterol which may lead to gallstones also fasting may cause the gallbladder to contract less am i pregnant i havent had my period since the end of august i usually do not get my period for many months at a time i do not know why this happens but it is a normal thing with me i have had a lot of sex since august and now but 3 days ago a guy came inside me today i woke up and i had bled a little from my vagina but i am not quite sure if it is spotting or my actual period could this mean i am pregnant or do you think i just can not even get pregnant at this time due to the fact i have not gotten my period in months please give me your best input thank you,unfortunately there is no standard charge however there are some price transparency tools that can help give you an idea if you get insurance at work check to see if your employer offers one your insurer may also have a pricing tool and then there are sites such as fairhealthconsumer org healthbluebook com and newchoicehealth com these generally offer you pricing information based on past insurance claims submitted in your area hospitals are contracted with insurance companys hospitals can charge whatever they want but insurances tell the hospital per contract what the hospital is allowed to charge then the hospital does the contractual adjustment and writes off the difference i e bx costs 20 000 insurance says no contracted rate is 4 000 hospital writes off 16 000 and bills insurance the 4000 every insurance has a contracted rate for the procedure again the insurance tells the hospital what it is allowed to charge one insurance says hospital can bill 4000 another says contracted rate is 5000 another says contracted rate is 3000 so it all really depends on what insurance policy you have and what your insurance states the hospital can charge bc al allowable is 909 93 and medicare allowable is 606 62 can cocaine cause elevation in lfts,first of all cocaine did not make lft liver function test rise just taking it for two days it is possible only if you have been taking cocaine from long time second thing is alt alanine transaminase 90 and ast aspartate transminase 86 are not that high values which will make any damage to your liver please answer the following questions to help you in detail do you take alcohol if so since when and how many times a day did you have any fever in the past two months had any medications like pain killers or antibiotics or herbal products recently did you gain any weight in the past four months revert back with the answers for the above questions to a general medicine physician online > how long does it take for a methylprednisolone injection to take effect i got it 30 hours ago for an ear infection they have an cortisporin ear drop waiting for me at the pharmacy should i pick it up now or give the infection more time to work,what kind of ear infection the only one that may benefit from an injection of a potent steroid would be an inner ear infection dizzy vertigo vomiting etc cortisporin eardrops will only help otitis externa swimmer is ear since i do not know the reason for the steroid the type or severity of your ear infection ther is really no way to predict when or even if this treatment will work hello dr i think i need to give you a little more information 9 days ago i went to the er at 3am because of pain in my ear they said i had a middle ear infection and prescribed me augmentin that did not work so well so i went to my doctor yesterday morning and she gave me the injection and said that i had a middle and inner ear infection she called the eardrops into the pharmacy in case the injection didnt work she also gave me a nasal spray nasacort and zyrtec i am just wondering how long i should wait for this injection to work before i go grab these drops how does taking xanax and eating grapefruit affect the body,if you are thinking about self medicating do not do it have you been diagnosed with a bladder infection or did you self diagnose this if a medical professional diagnosed you with a bladder infection then he or she would have given you a prescription for the appropriate antibiotic to treat that infection as you seem to be aware different antibiotics are effective for different types of infections an antibiotic that treats a tooth abscess for example may have no effect on a foot ulcer that got infected when a person decides to self diagnose and self medicate they do themselves a grave disservice in taking a leftover antibiotic for a perceived infection they may delay getting the correct diagnosis and treatment this can allow the infection to get worse spread and cause other complications if you believe you have a urinary tract infection much more likely than a bladder infection i suggest you go to a clinic or urgent care center they will take a simple urine sample and tell you right away if your problem requires an antibiotic many conditions can cause symptoms similar to a uti or bladder infection even if you would had a uti before do not assume you know that is what is causing your symptoms only a urinalysis can tell you for sure if there are bacteria in your urinary tract wishing you well what is my risk of thromboembolic complications due to discontinuation of anticoagulants,the risk totally depends upon your lifestyle and your thromboembolic predisposition family history etc better to continue with the anti coagulants how can eczema flare ups be prevented,i think you should get tested for stds mucus should be tested for organisms complete blood tests with pcrrna test need to be done to confirm the diagnosis i do not get proper motion bowel movement and i am hungry do not know what is wrong,symptoms like your in my opinion is you could be having ibs try eating lots of fibers and plenty of water too it becomes worse with stress so avoid stress and try breathing and yoga techniques in case get coloverin d and motilium tablets before meals 3 times what over the counter or home remedies can be used to maintain white teeth,every pharmacy in america has white strips and whitening toothpastes that can give you a whitening result however the best results are always attained when a professional is guiding the treatment there may be reasons that you are not a good candidate for whitening and only a dentist can tell you can acetaminophen be taken while taking valtrex,as long as your other ovary doesnt have any diseases like pcos endometriosis there should not be any issues for you be fertile and concieving however general health issues stress etc can affect your fertility keep yourself relaxed and keep exercising what is the best antiaging treatmentskin care for people who have acne,you bet this is one of the possible characteristic signs but you do not see this with every case of strep throat as a matter of fact there are two different tongue signs a red strawberry tongue and a white coated strawberry tongue i have a bulged disc in my back lumbar region l4 and l5 i do not know what to do anymore,bipolar disorder manic depressive disorder is a mental illness that causes people to have severe high and low moods people with this illness recurrently switch from feeling overly happy and joyful or irritable to feeling very sad and hopeless or extreme unhappiness in between mood swings a person is moods may be normal my husband experiencing intense foul smelling night sweats,you might as not even be on the pill if you have unprotected sex with in 24 hours like most pills it takes a while to take effect in your system good rule of thumb is allow a month from time started for it to enter and take effect in your system until then us a condom what should you do when your pcp puts you off two members of my family have been diagnosed with colon cancer one in remission the other stage iv there have been other types as well prostate larynx i recently asked my pcp who has knowledge of my history if a colonoscopy was in order she said it was not should i seek an oncologist or find a new pcp,hi if you think your bf is leaking urine during sex first have noticed him or has said that he leaks urine at any other time if so its his sphincter muscle at the base of his penis its gone weak doing kegels will help strengthen it up just go to www pegym com and look under exercises your find them there he needs to do the reverse ones as well it wont take long to re strengthen it back to normal doing these will also help him when ejaculating so there something all men should do through there lives uti is are not something that transfers between people when having sex hope this helps good luck growth inside ear with fluid draining from same ear occured hours after a scratch inside ear it is been 1 year since my roommate has a growth that the doctor claims is just a mole but she claims it happened within hours after sticking something in her ear and accidentally scratching it it is been a year since it happened and she claims that she has had fluid draining from ear since she also complains of a burning pain and swelling in her facial sinus cavities which she swears is related she says she can feel it draining from the sinuses to her ear is that even possible what could growth be other than a mole,if a person with hiv infection has a cd4 count that drops below 200 or if certain infections appear aids defining illnesses that person is considered to have aids can too much sex cause vaginal dryness my boyfriend and i have sex daily sometimes 2 3 times a day on occasion i am sexually attracted to him and want to have sex with him but there are times when my vagina does not get as wet as it used to he thinks that i am not attracted to him anymore which is not true can you help,you may need to have a heart to heart talk with him about balancing your sexual activity so that it is pleasurable for both of you and perhaps use a sexual lubricant to help you with the dryness and irritation does anyone have any ideas for a book trailer this fascinating story follows the life of a young girl sue who was born into abuse and poverty she defeated the odds winning through her own grit determination and humorous ingenuity she made her way from the backwoods of upstate new york and lived in a trailer with her uneducated teenage parents–a structure that eventually became a chicken coop ,if you want an exact answer then you will need to be examined by a medical professional based on the information you have shared there is a very good chance that you do have a perirectal abscess or a pilonidal abscess either of these two painful conditions require immediate medical attention do not delay what causes moving visual distortions,it may be cysts what is intercavernous injection therapy for erectile dysfunction,congress is not exempt from the law they and most of their staff are required to buy health insurance through the exchanges set up under the law the president his family and members of the administration will continue to get insurance through the federal employee health benefits program similar to the way most americans get insurance through their employer and those benefits are very similar to those you can purchase through the exchanges my mother in law is bedridden shaking incontinent and virtually sleeps all day no one seems to care,in my opinion she is taking enough medications and what she really needs is psychotherapy counseling and training plus physiotherapy most of these issues are chronic and age related so maintainance of the situation is the treatment of choice concerning the metabolic disorders physically and psychological ly she can be helped by psychotherapy and physiotherapy thanks anal to vaginal sex last night my bf and i had brief vaginal intercourse in the midst of anal intercourse i am aware of the dangerous bacterial transfer but i am wondering if its possible that i will not contract an infection i do not currently have any symptoms but i am pregnant and terrified that this simple and stupid mistake is going to wreak havoc on me advice,hi doing what you done is a no no just going virginal to anal is ok so now you think you might have a problem try this get some good sea salt and take a couple of nice warm sea salt baths let the water get in side you you find that this is very good for virginal problems do hope this helps you good luck how should i approach my daughter is doctor if i am concerned she might be getting overweight,could it be a swollen gland that just makes it feel like your adam is apple has moved your larynx is pretty firmly attached and you would be having debilitating pain and great difficulty breathing if it had moved i had facial paralysis 6 years ago,sure i deal with this every day just keep your hands clean and do not rub your own eyes pink eye conjunctivitis will not jump off of the baby into your eyes besides if the baby is already on antibiotic drops they are probably not very contagious what can be prescribed to replace oxycontin 40 mg extended release when it will no longer be covered by insurance i was recently denied coverage of my oxycontin 40 mg extended release i have been taking it for four years it is prescribed and monitored from a pain management facility i cannot take morphine and am severely allergic to red and orange dye,your pain management facility will need to find an appropriate pain medication for you that is covered by your insurance or affordable or find a different method of controlling your chronic pain not knowing your medical history or the reason you are on chronic narcotics i have no way making a blind suggestion on an alternative drug can i get a flu shot if i have pink eye,yes absolutely a flu shot can be given what are injection sites,if she is not feeling better like her old self in a few more days the medical provider is really obligated to run a series of diagnostic tests to ascertain the reason for her fatigue clinician often wait a week before running diagnostic tests since viruses a common reason usually last this long some viruses however like mononucleosis can last much longer she also needs to be checked for anemia i am 35 year working women feel very tried so should i take vitamin b supplements or something else hi to give me the extra energy somebody said to take vitamin b suplliments how about taking multi vitamin will that help me please suggest me what nutritional suplliments help me to give me the energy and take away my feeling weak thanks jo,check out this article it does mention that body temerpature can be a factor i am feeling pain after root canal treatment why,your doubt is partially right the root canal treated tooth might get some entrapped bacteria which causes you pain it cannot be straight away told that the nerve was not completely removed there are some reasons for postoperative pain improper shaping of the canal which clogs debris and bugs improper disinfection of the root canals high occlusion you have to get your next dental appointment as soon as possible where your high occlusion will be corrected or the root filling is removed and medication dressing is placed inside the canals for two to three weeks to ensure the infection is gone down after that proceeding with a permanent root filling and crowning the tooth with a ceramic cap would be better for immediate pain relief please take the painkiller as already prescribed by your doctor for further information consult a dentist online > when it is cold or sudden drop in temperature why do i get a cold sore on lips response insufficient so does sudden drop in temperature even during summer cause a body to react or be more susceptible to an airborne virus which brings on a cold sore treatment seems to be same bummer,first off a cold sore is a form of herpes so once you get it there is no getting rid of it the virus stays dormant in your body until something triggers it cold temperature is definitely a trigger winter is a huge time of year for cold sores but sudden drops in temp could very well bring cold sores on you may want to look into cold sore treatments there are many options both over the counter and prescription best wishes could fever and severe body aches be related to septoplasty done 2 weeks ago or is it more likely the flu i had septoplasty surgery 2 weeks ago and have been experiencing normal symptoms headaches etc however the night before last i developed a fever with sever body aches i assumed it was the flu but did not want to overlook it if it could potentially be related to the surgery or some complication any recommendations are appreciated,if you are new to exercise or have struggled with it in the past talk with your doctor about your exercise plans after that start by incorporating more activity into your daily life for instance if you always take the elevator try the stairs if you try to park next to the door of wherever you are going park further away and walk if your habit is to eat at your desk take a 10 to 20 minute walk first then have your lunch or take a walk after you eat instead of watching tv all day saturday and sunday plan active weekends go to the park take a walking tour ride your bike or row a boat if you prefer a more ambitious routine you can join a gym or try working out at home try for 30 to 60 minutes of continuous aerobic activity such as swimming biking walking dancing or jogging at least three to five times a week weight training can also help tone your muscles and elevate your resting metabolism rate the rate that the body burns fuel for energy whatever plan you decide on it is a good idea to set weekly goals how to determine if you are still growing or not am 21 and wants to find out if am still growing so i can get taller i want to find out whether am a candidate for hgh,that would require an x ray to check bone age and the status of your growth plates an endocrinologist would be your best choice of a specialist to discuss this problem but i would guess that you are not a candidate for human growth hormone treatment at your age i have this huge pimple on my chin that is very painful & has not gone down in size how can i get it to go down it is aprox pea size i have used heat and a benzoyal poroxide each night,there is really no way to tell what is going on without seeing your healthcare provider however the intense itching especially at night and the red pimple like rash sounds a lot like scabies an infection caused by a mite typically the rash continues as the intense itching becomes unbearable remember it is impossible to tell without being evaluated scabies is a common skin infection and the most common symptom is intense itching mostly at night or after taking a bath if this sounds like what you are experiencing the infection needs to be treated by a doctor it very contagious and other members of your family or close contacts can easily get infected it is important to seek treatment if it is scabies it will not go away on its own are unemployment and social security payments included when calculating annual income for health insurance purposes,yes both are included in the calculation why cant i stop thinking about babies lately all i can think about is having a baby and its driving me crazy what does this mean,you need to see a neuropsychologist for an extensive array of testing these visits can last five or more hours and are expensive but insurances typically will pay for them with prior approval can my health insurance deny maternalprenatal care to my dependent if the coverage started in january of 2014,if overdose is suspected contact your poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include severe headache tiredness dizziness mentalmood changes such as irritability depression vision changes such as double vision blurred vision drypeeling skin bonejoint pain loss of appetite yellowing skineyes dark urine severe stomachabdominal pain i am getting sharp headache and abrupt vision shift what does it sound like,unfortunately you have antibiotic resistant staph cellulitis you need a very powerful antibiotic i recommend vancomycin i v slowly injectedgood luck my vagina is swollen have kind of wart bleeding but not in my period,i am very sorry to hear that your mother is so sick from your question it sounds like she is still in the hospital before she is sent home ask her if you can talk to the doctor who is taking care of her you will need her permission for the doctors and nurses to talk to you about her illness this is to protect her privacy have a list of questions ready to ask the doctor depending on your mom is health you might want answers to some of the following questions • is there any special diet that she will be on if so can you talk to a dietitian • will you need any special equipment at home to help take care of your mom like a bedside commode or hospital bed • will homecare nurses be coming out to help her • will she be in any pain and if so what can you do to help her • will she be having any further treatments • what can you and your mom expect over the next several days or weeks when should you call the doctor • is she on any new medication if so how does she take it and are there any side effects • would hospice care be appropriate at this time • are there any support groups for cancer patients and their families in the area hopefully you will get all the answers that you both need your mother is very lucky to have someone like you to be her advocate i ate alot of acidic fruit last night then fell asleep can that be the reason my soft palate is sore and raw,yes acidic foods certainly can cause a painful raw feeling to the soft palate this is especially true if you ate something crunchy earlier in the day causing microscopic tears in the skin of the soft palate the fact you ate the fruit before you went to bed may have made a difference if you normally have trouble with acid reflux during sleep stomach acid definitely can come all the way up the esophagus to the soft palate area hope this clears things up for you can i take benadryl with zyrtec my wife has hives on her chest and arms that just poped up last night,older people generally have less sebum or oil production at the level of the hair follicles this means they have less oily hair and will likely not need to wash it as often there is a lot of difference between a person in age of 60 taking care of hisher hair as compared to the person who are youngsters the mechanism becomes different home remedies such as applying coconut oil using amla applying onion juice can help the person who is facing from hair loss if some one facing from excessive hair loss and baldness problems then person can contact good hair doctor and take their advice is there something i could take to help with getting pregnant i have been try to get pregnant for years now after one miscarriage my partner just got tested chlamydia positive the doctor said he could be carried for a long time but got no symptoms is this could be fact that is hard for me to get pregnant is there anything i could take to help with getting pregnant i have been take prenatal and fertility pills too but it still not got pregnant,hi yes these symptoms are of a moving calculus 5 mm calculus is not much of an issue u can drink plenty of water and it will get washed away soon the pain under the ribs may have stopped because the stone has started moving out of the kidney as it will progress downwards the pain will go to flanks and groin area take anti spasmodic tablets if the pain is more thanks i suffer from olfactory hallucination phantosmia for over 20yrs,frontal lobe damage could not cause phantasomia while temporal lobe seizures can so are the symptoms disappearing with the anti epileptic drugs if so then you suffer from tls and the frontal lobe lesion was an artifact or either the second scan has a n artifact i recommend eeg and new mri should i worry about toxic shock syndrome i am on my 3rd day of menstruation and use tampons and pads the first two nights only pads during the day i sleep around 9 hours never had problems with tampons yesterday i read up some info about tss during the night i could feel my heart beating fast and i was feeling warm when i got up my blood pressure was about 12588 and my pulse around 120 my body temperature is currently at 37 5c i have a slight headache otherwise i am fine no cold or cought or anything should i be worried that it is tss,i am sorry to hear you are going through this i would be worried too it is not possible to tell from the information you provided if your eye doctor believes the raw sore on your eye is due to the dry eyeball rubbing on the eyelid in other words sort of like a rug burn or is caused by something else entirely usually small corneal abrasions that is a spot on the surface of the eyball that has been scratched or rubbed heal up within a couple of days because yours has not i would suggest going back to the doctor for some follow up care corneal abrasions by themselves do not usually cause blindness i would suggest you ask your doctor what the potential outcomes are for your particular situation he or she is in the best position to tell you what to expect i hope you feel better soon i have had nasal polyps had them surgically removed now painful what can i do,two weeks is a bit long to feel sick without an explanation so it may be wise to consult your medical provider someone who knows your medical history someone who can examine you and someone who has the ability to order additional diagnostic lab tests it would not be possible to determine a specific reason for your dizziness and numb lips blindly over the internet unfortunately since there can be numerous possibilities i have been admitted to hospital no diagnosis do you have any ideas,hi this seems to be seronegative arthropathy with deficiency of carnitine causing burning muscle pains a whole body dexa scan will be helpful to see the status of bones few tests related to joint arthritis need to be done to come to a diagnosis including ra test uric acid hlab27 consult a rheumatologist what is toxoplasmosis,toxoplasmosis is a common infection found in birds animals and people for most people it does not cause serious health problems but for a pregnant woman is growing baby it can cause brain damage and vision loss still the chance of a pregnant woman getting the infection and passing it on to her baby is low if you are pregnant or planning to have a baby and are worried that you may have toxoplasmosis ask your doctor about getting tested after you have had the infection you can not get it again or pass it on to your baby you are immune your body has learned how to fight it off you do not have to worry about passing the infection to your baby but if you are not immune you will want to take special care while you are pregnant avoid touching or eating anything that may be infected such as infected meat and infected cat feces webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated is any exercise safe while taking cipro how long after 30 days of treatment should i wait before working with weights i have been working out for the last 2 years and find myself in decent shape for a 50 year old male was starting a hardcore workout plan but have stopped i have been having some urologic issues and after having multiple scans done the doctors are not seeing anything so my doctor has put me on cipro for 30 days he specifically told me not to lift anything heavy due to possible tendon rupture and from what i see the risk continues even for several months after completing the medication,this medication has received one of the strongest fda warnings about tendon rupture and mentions staying away from excersize even several months after treatment my personal experience i have always enjoyed excersize but after 2 or 3 rounds of this medication during a year and a half i get extreme burning pain in my ankles because tendon rupture with this medication is well known it would not surprise me to learn later on after more case histories are revealed that this medication wears away tendons in ankles and could very well cause irreprable damage what are gallstones,gallstones are stones that form in the gall bile bile is a watery liquid made by the cells of the liver that is important for digesting food in the intestine particularly fat liver cells secrete the bile they make into small canals within the liver the bile flows through the canals and into larger collecting ducts within the liver the intrahepatic bile ducts the bile then flows within the intrahepatic bile ducts out of the liver and into the extrahepatic bile ducts first into the hepatic bile ducts then into the common hepatic duct and finally into the common bile duct from the common bile duct there are two different directions that bile can flow the first direction is on down the common bile duct and into the intestine where the bile mixes with food and promotes digestion of food the second direction is into the cystic duct and from there into the gallbladder often misspelled as gall bladder once in the gallbladder bile is concentrated by the removal absorption of water during a meal the muscle that makes up the wall of the gallbladder contracts and squeezes the concentrated bile in the gallbladder back through the cystic duct into the common duct and then into the intestine concentrated bile is much more effective for digestion than the un concentrated bile that goes from the liver straight into the intestine the timing of gallbladder contraction during a meal allows the concentrated bile from the gallbladder to mix with food gallstones usually form in the gallbladder however they also may form anywhere there is bile in the intrahepatic hepatic common bile and cystic ducts gallstones also may move about within bile for example from the gallbladder into the cystic or common duct what should i do if i suspect an overdose of bidil,keep your throat moist and drink plenty of fluids specifically those that will not dehydrate you less or no caffeine if you have regular issues with allergies partner with your pharmacist and physician to make sure it is right for you concerning the timing or current trimester of your pregnancy my 18 yr old daughter had a spinal fusion in june now 7 months later she gets choked when eating,may be a lymphoma or may be related to surgery needs further evaluation sample aspiration and analysis will help is aerobics a good exercise to loose fat in belly,it does not matter what type of physical activity you perform sports planned exercise household chores yard work or work related tasks all are beneficial to determine the best type of exercise program for you talk to your doctor and a certified athletic trainer a fever followed by sharp pains and breathing problems my mother frequently gets a fever followed by sharp pains in the torso area she also has problems breathing during the fever lately this has been getting worse and worse apparently the doctors do not know the cause of the problem any ideas thank you,absolutely i was giving a talk to clinical psychologists and i mentioned that anyone dealing with a depressed person an important thing they should do is put them on an exercise program we often go toward various kinds of medications but exercise is vital exercise should be part of a treatment plan for depression the exclusive use of exercise for depression could be a problem for various reasons but it should be part of an entire treatment plan what can happen if i do not use pain relieversfever reducers correctly,using too much acetaminophen can cause serious liver damage which may not be noticed for several days nsaids for some people with certain medical problems can lead to the development of stomach bleeding and kidney disease taking monocycline50mg twice a day and terbinafine250mg twice a day do they interact with each other im taking minocycle 50mg twice a day for my acne and the terbinafine 250mg twice a day for toe fungus do they interact is it okay with taking these two medicines,steroid injections are one of the most effective ways to decrease pain and improve function yet they generally do not cure the illness in rare instances the following side effects might occur infection allergic reactions local bleeding rupture of a tendon skin discoloration excessively frequent repeated injections into the same area can cause the bone ligaments and tendons to weaken not everyone will develop side effects how often any side effect occurs varies from patient to patient if steroid injections are infrequent less than every three to four months it is possible that none of the listed side effects will occur can you get herpes from washing clothes together can you be infected with herpes 2 if you wash your clothes with someone who has herpes and putting your clothes in the same clothes hamper could it be transmitted to your clothes,no you cannot get genital herpes this way how often can i give my infant steriod inhalers 8 month old is taking flovent dr said to give it to her when ever she starts to get a deep cough and continue for 2 weeks finished the 2 weeks approx 2 weeks ago and my daughter has developed a deep persistent cough again,hi you are definitely not depressed but you are very sensitive at heart and thats the reason for all these complaints you should look to take things lightly and should not get hurt so early being so much sensitive emotionally is not good try and be strong all the worries in this world and temporary nothing is permanent so dont be afraid of anything anyone just chill relax and do what you love doing the most cultivate your hobbies socialise thanks my father is a lung cancer patient nsclc,hi there seems to be a recurrence of the malignancy you need to get the tumor markers done and a detailed blood check up done consult an oncologist immunochemotherapy will help high protein diet with multivitamins and calcium supplements will help thanks what is triamcinolone acetonide cream used for,triamcinolone is a steroid that is used topically for a number of conditions steroids are most commonly used for allergic type rashes such as allergic dermatitis or eczema or for conditions like psoriasis why do some people get a lot of warts and others do not,yes these are all opiates and will be detected it can be difficult to know which of these drugs are used since the sensitivity of screening tests can vary my ears keep popping i get a really sharp pain and lose some hearing,that sounds to be a blocked eustachian tube by fluid build up from sinusitis or ear sticky wax pain would be an indicator of an acute inflammation you need to see an ent to give you the right treatment after exactly getting the cause … can a woman become pregnant a couple days after her period i have been on birth control for awhile and i have not missed a pill we always use protection condoms pulling out the pill but he accidentally ejaculated in me i had my period the week before i would taken the pill for the day it had time to get into my system too and we have not done anything else since i have heard that a woman cannot get pregnant right after her period because the egg would not have had time to be released is this true ,hi i need the ct scan from saggital view from side from your this scan you uploaded only outcome is that you have osteoporosis with sever lumber lordosis and scoliosis with possible disk lesion not disk prolapse start on high calcium diet and supplement i recommend osteocare tablets twice a day with 8 hours in between prefered to be taken after fat rich dieti will weight for your sagital view scan good luck is transmission of hsv 2 possible through ejaculating in the mouth or eyes i am an hsv 2 positive male my partner is std free including hsv 1 she wants to swallow my ejaculate i want to cum in her eyes we are aching to do both of these is transmission possible in either way,yes transmission is possible a dr has recommended four surgeries be done at the same time is this too much,it is all about how much tea you drink drinking too much tea or coffee can decrease your ability to get pregnant researchers have found that drinking more than six cups of tea a day may decrease fertility the american society for reproductive medicine says one or two cups a day is fine the effect may be related to caffeine it is not quite as clear what effect decaffeinated tea may have but to be safe keep it under one or two cups a day and research suggests you should be just fine here is a helpful article on 8 ways to boost your fertility gp thinks i have tonsillitis or glandular fever what should i do,hi this occurs due to incomplete cure and low immunity take immune boosters and vitamin supplements thanks can a cold virus settle in the muscles of your back ive had cold symptoms stuffy runny nose and cough feeling very tired and run down now i have severe back pain can a common virus settle in the muscles in your back,coughing can affect your muscles in your chest ribs and back hopefully you are feeling better by now if not and you have had this cold for a week 10days it is time to see your doctor make sure you drink plenty of fluids to help your body fight off the virus and get you well take care what do it mean when your blood pressure is 167 over 107 and pulse is 88 some times it is higher and i hear my pulse i also some times i get block spot in the center of vision and can only see threw my peripheral vision and fell like my bones are shaking and light headed at times i have been to doctor and had ekg done and found nothing and had test done for diabetes and still nothing and once and a wile i get sharp pans in chest feels as if stabbed in my back,no there is nothing effective over the counter for the treatment of condylomata genital warts caused by hpv there are other methods that can be used like podophylin in benzoin but this is not a do it yourself method acetyl salicylic acid is another treatment but both can leave you with severe burns on this very sensitive area even if you could get a prescription i cannot endorse anyone trying to self treat these hpv warts hpv condyloma are not the same as a common wart that can occur on your hand or foot if money is an issue try going to an american free clinic many will treat these warts for free citizen or not could i be pregnant after 5 months of a tubal ligation first i want say i fell in that 1 category with my last child in 2011 with the ten year copper iud i had my tubes tied 092013 i have been experiencing nauseous fatigue lastnite i noticed my breast swollen and real full as if a was getting ready to breast feed my lmp was 1252013 the breast is what has me questioning myself my usual signs of starting my period is just bloating that is it i am 35 and have five children so i would know my body,not likely bactrim a sulfa drug is not used to treat strep what are the early signsof necrotizing fasciitis and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome,early signs and symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis fever severe pain and swelling redness at the wound site early signs and symptoms of stss fever dizziness confusion a flat red rash over large areas of the body hiv test is non reactive is further testing required,the place to start is with proper skin care and this means sun protection every day all year round after that i recommend using products that contain retinoids you should also have your dermatologist evaluate your skin to better guide you as to whether or not microdermabrasion chemical peels or laser peels would be best for you microdermabrasion is a superficial treatment that may help fine lines and wrinkles when used with the right skin care products there are many different types of chemical peels available some are superficial and others can go to deeper layers of the skin they should be done by your aestheticcosmetic dermatologist in order to have the best results and minimize risks as of lately i noticed a sudden weight lost13lbs i am always tiredsleeping even after sleeping a great amount i am a petite 22 year old female i never had such issues until recently i sleep great amounts and yet i still feel very tired especially when i do eat i lost a total of 13lbs and i have no idea how sometimes i do not even have an appetite i also noticed a slight numb feeling on my right toe at night i have trouble sleeping as well,no i would not recommend wet wipes or anything like that for treating pinkeye conjunctivitis is also called pinkeye and refers to inflammation redness and swelling of the membranes that surround the eye usually conjunctivitis makes the white part of the eye look bloodshot and the lower lid may appear swollen you may experience burning itching and drainage from the eye too if you think you or your child might have pinkeye you should see a health care provider as soon as possible there are different types of conjunctivitis some that do well with treatment also conjunctivitis is highly contagious so you or your child should not go to school or work until the cause has been determined be sure to wash your hands often and thoroughly if you have pinkeye baby wipes antibacterial wipes and wet wipes should never be used around the eye to get rid of the gunk drainage that often goes along with pinkeye use a wash cloth or paper towel soaked with lukewarm water and gently clean the outer eye area cool compresses may help with the burning and itching symptoms of pinkeye usually go away within a week if you still have symptoms after a week it is time for a trip back to the doctor hope this helps sorry you are feeling miserable could becoming a vegan during my pregnancy cause problems for me and my baby,vitamin b12 is found in animal products including fish and shellfish eggs and dairy products so vegans often have trouble getting enough vitamin b12 in their diets make sure your physician knows you are eating a vegan diet so heshe can provide supplements to fill in the nutritional gaps where needed the doctor said to expect to leak urine for 1 6 months after my prostate removal can i get back my control sooner i use pads when i am at home and an external catheter when i go out,hi it is not appearing to be infection yet as inflammation can cause such symptoms post surgery that will get resolved gradually take proper medications as advised by your surgeon if symptoms worsen then you can consult your surgeon to rule out infection hope this helps i am suffering from bell is palsy from 11 days,you should consult a neurophysician and get evaluated so that he can advise you neurotic painkillers to relieve pain also get a blood test and mri scan done for ruling out the exact cause of the symptoms if antiviral medication is being given then it can be due to viral infection you will also be advised physiotherapy on the form of facial exercises for improving disfigurement hope this information helps regards my dr said ihave a large water filled stomach exactly what is this and what do i do to fix it my husband had a cyst removed from the side of his heart in the doctors notes he read pt has a large water filled stomach what does this mean and what steps do we take to fix it,this is a tough situation cobra is very expensive but it is often the only guarantee of health insurance coverage outside of work until the affordable care act is fully implemented january 1 2014 until then you may not have great options from which to choose still you might try looking for temporary insurance between now and the end of the year i recommend you do a quick search on healthcare gov to see what plans are available to you otherwise your best bet is to log onto your state is health insurance exchange this fall they open october 1 and select a health plan you will have a range of new options be assured of coverage and depending on your income you may qualify for financial assistance from the government to lower your insurance costs just keep in mind coverage will not take effect until january 1 2014 this is a tough situation cobra is very expensive but it is often the only guarantee of health insurance coverage outside of work until the affordable care act is fully implemented january 1 2014 until then you may not have great options from which to choose still you might try looking for temporary insurance between now and the end of the year i recommend you do a quick search on healthcare gov to see what plans are available to you otherwise your best bet is to log onto your state is health insurance exchange this fall they open october 1 and select a health plan more info at i have bloody vomit and diarrhea that comes and goes i have had multiple colonoscopies that have yielded no answer help these episodes as i call them come out of nowhere and usually last for a couple of days i have had 7 colonoscopies and endoscopies since i was 18 i am only 24 all these symptoms started after i had my appendix removed these episodes are debilitating and i usually end up in the er i have never been give a reason as to why my body is doing this i just want to be normal again please help me find out what is wrong with me,minocycline is a medication that is typically used to treat skin conditions like acne antibiotics should not be used to treat the common cold it will not have any benefit and due to the fact that we have been misusing antibiotics for things like the common cold we are running out of options for infections and very bad ones called superbugs whenever i masturbate or have sex i am in lots of pain i am a sexually active female what is wrong with me there are times when i bleed slightly and then after everything is all done my vagina burns if i try to use the bathroom this happens also even when i masturbate i use protection when i have sex but the burning only happens right after everything is done it never goes longer than a few hours so i just do not know what it all means i have been sexually active for almost five years now and this problem keeps occurring whenever i want to do something,it would not be possible to blindly answer that question not knowing your medical history or having the ability to examine you makes it nearly impossible to address your concern i would strongly suggest that you make an appointment with a women is health care provider so you can be properly examined i have postpartum depressionpsychosis is this a hormonal imbalance i can cure,hi you are absolutely right post partum psychosis and similar conditions are seen in about 20 of women most common cause is a gross hormonal imbalance usually this gets cured spontaneously with time but if symptoms are severe get hormonal levels checked and start appropriate medicines consult a endocrinologist thanks my 22month old has a fever giving her ibuprofin but also has allergy is it safe to give benedryl at the same time,hi before you go any further you should seek proper medical advice you need to think of your young child is health instead stuffing it full of otc drugs hope this helps good luck what can cause prolonged male discharge my husband for the past 3 4 months as had a white discharge in the beginning there was red bumps that cleared in a day or 2 there was also blood in his semen and some pain in the area after about 2 weeks everything seemed to clear up except for the discharge i have been std tested and i am fine if this is not an std what can this possibly be,the good news is that bedbugs do not transmit diseases however they can keep you from getting a good night is sleep which over time is bad for your health anxiety is not an uncommon consequence of sharing your bed with loads of bugs can a person who has a stye go swimming in a pool,absolutely swimming is just fine a sty is not infectious it is just a clogged oil gland can i get genital herpes from fixing someones make up with both of my hands i fixed the make up on my friends face contact was brief for about one minute or so but i did not wash my hands afterwards can i get herpes this way i am just very nervous and an answer to this question would be great she told me that i can only get herpes through sexual contact but i read on the planned parenthood website that it is possible to get genital herpes by skin to skin contact thank you,benign prostatic hyperplasia bph generally begins in a man is 30s evolves slowly and most commonly only causes symptoms after age 50 why can not i use condoms as birth control after an endometrial ablation my obgyn says no and i either my husband or myself must have sterilization i am just wondering why condoms cannot be used,hi after doing some research for you found this on acog org pregnancy is not likely after ablation but it can happen if it does the risk of miscarriage and other problems are greatly increased if a woman still wants to become pregnant she should not have this procedure women who have endometrial ablation should use birth control until after menopause sterilization may be a good option to prevent pregnancy after ablation a woman who has had ablation still has all her reproductive organs routine cervical cancer screening and pelvic exams are still needed the problem with condoms is the can break this will increase the chance of getting pregnant which as you have read is not good for you so its toss a coin time who goes for the op would be best as i can see and makes sense hope this helps you good luck lately i have a very funny feeling in my chest almost like a soft shock,you should be fine but i do not know anything about you or your medical history so it would be wise to consult either a pharmacist or a medical professional that knows you and your medical history what are the symptoms of type 1 diabetes recently diagnosed,your or your child is symptoms of type 1 diabetes probably developed quickly over a few days to weeks these symptoms are caused by blood sugar levels rising above the normal range hyperglycemia and include frequent urination which may be more noticeable at night if your child has already learned to use the toilet he or she may have started wetting the bed during naps or at night the kidneys are trying to get rid of the excess sugar in the blood in order to do that they have to excrete more water more water means more urine extreme thirst and a dry mouth this happens if you lose through frequent urination enough water to become dehydrated weight loss this happens because you are dehydrated weight loss may also happen if you are losing all of those sugar calories in your urine instead of using them increased hunger you feel hungry because your body is not using all the calories that it can many of them are being excreted in urine blurred vision your vision may blur when sugar builds up in the lens of your eye the sugar sucks extra water into your eye which changes the shape of the lens and blurs your vision fatigue you feel tired for the same reason you feel hungry your body is not using the calories you are eating and your body is not getting the energy it needs all of these symptoms will get better or go away when your blood sugar levels are controlled if your blood sugar rose to very high levels at the time you were diagnosed with diabetes you may have received treatment in a hospital for diabetic ketoacidosis which is an emergency what symptoms might i have now now that you are taking insulin injections watch for signs of either high or low blood sugar high blood sugar hyperglycemia usually develops slowly over a few days or weeks but it can also develop quickly in just a few hours if you eat a large meal or miss an insulin dose on the other hand low blood sugar hypoglycemia can develop within 10 to 15 minutes children especially very young children are at greater risk for harm caused by very low blood sugar levels watch for the following symptoms of high or low blood sugar you or your child may not have the same symptoms every time and you may have symptoms that are not listed symptoms of low blood sugar include sweating weakness and inability to concentrate severe low blood sugar can cause loss of consciousness and seizures symptoms of high blood sugar include increased thirst and increased urination signs of high or low blood sugar in young children can be confusing but may include paleness and a sudden change in emotion webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 who is the best doctor to treat sinusitis i have a daughter who from birth had an unusual smell coming from her nose and mouth specially before she gets a cold virus she is not smelling like a normal baby i am not sure if that is inborn or should i seek medical specialist to raise my concern do not get me wrong i already asked help from several pediatricians and other doctors but they said its only because of her cold but mother is instinct is telling me something is not right just do not know whom to talk with,based on your posting you need to see an ear nose and throat specialist most see lots of kids sinus problems can be difficult to diagnose in children not sure of her age now but often involves a ct scan of her little sinuses most of which are still developing one of the sinus pairs the ethmoids can become chronically infected in children so see a specialist a mother is instincts should never be ignored can adderall cause nausea,hi ok it seems if you already have one type of hsv it is harder to get the other type that is because the virus causes the body to produce antibodies that provide some crossover protection against the other type should it entering the body that is why when a person with a prior hsv infection does contract the other type the first episode tends to be less sever than in a person who has no prior antibodies hope this helps you good luck what are the risk factors for schizophrenia,the thing about clear skin is that it is really not about how clean or dirty your face is there is a bacteria that can live at the very base of your hair follicle which is your pore that can create what we see as acne and no matter how much you wash you will not wash that away i have also seen people use rubbing alcohol on their skin and that has no effect on the type of bacteria that causes acne and will only dry out and irritate your skin so what you really need to do is to use products that will focus on the underlying problem and not over wash because if you over wash your face what you can do is actually dry out your skin create irritation and inflammation that can look like acne or skin that is breaking out but if you just stop that your skin would clear up even more can epidural cause persistent back pain i have never had any back pain until i had my children and received an epidural injection and now if i sit or stand to long or fold laundry my shoulders and back hurt they hurt worse when cleaning up such as washing dishes mopping sweeping etc i have worked out before and it did not hurt til finished it feels as if it is stiff and needs to be poppedstretched out dr says just take tylenol but nothing seems to really help,hi this is an allergic reaction to the contrast agent + the mri you probably had sudden increase in blood pressure i recommend consulting your neurologist to be safe good luck i am diagnosed epileptic and asthmatic i have been troubled with extreme fatigue,hi sorry to say but chlamydia can stay hidden in men for years before it re emerges so your bf could have had it in his system for sometime do hope this helps you good luck ps you can google can chlamydia stay hidden or with in men can you take wellbutrin xl 150 mg and smoke marijuana,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc 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nystatintriamcinolone cream treat the systoms of shingles,in my opinion yes your doctor should prescribe more good luck what is in buttery tasting pan sprays that make them taste like butter but without all the fat,because you only spray on a thin layer cooking sprays are great for sautéing vegetables and lean meats with a small amount of oil if you check the ingredients label you will see the primary ingredient is vegetable oil while some are flavored to taste like butter others are flavored to taste like olive oil and may even contain some olive oil here is an example list of ingredients in one brand of butter flavored pan spray soybean oil adds a very small amount of fat soy lecithin natural flavors dimethyl silicone for anti foaming beta carotene for color propellant keep in mind that even cooking sprays labeled as zero calories can actually contain less than 1 calorie per serving so they are not completely calorie free you can actually make your own cooking spray by buying a spray bottle and filling it with healthy oil such as canola or olive oil what are the risks of mammography,during the first trimester your growing uterus and growing baby press against your bladder causing a frequent need to urinate this will happen again in the third trimester when the baby is head drops into the pelvis before birth recommendations avoid tight fitting underwear pants or pantyhose contact your health care provider if your urine burns or stings this can be a sign of a urinary tract infection and should be treated right away is airway reflux the same as gerd,reflux of gastric acid into the airways may occur in many patients with gerd it is responsible for dry cough night choking and wheezes that may be associated with gerd why do pregnant women need folic acid iron and calcium,if you were legally prescribed this drug by a medical professional then it would be wise to disclose it and the reason you recently used it there is a very good chance that a random drug test will reveal this use of opiates amber colored urine dehydration i had 3 cups of coffee and a red bull today all in 4 hours the first time i urinated it was an amber color then i got worried and drank a lot of water and now my urine is back to normal light yellow this only happened once after drinking all that caffeine,the most earliest signs are fatigue sore breast missed period and nausea several of websites say the same thing what does an iododerma and bromoderma granulomatous reaction look like,ask your gynecologist what could be causing your cycle to go awry maybe it is related to having your iud taken out or it could be hormonal as you are trying to become pregnant are you taking any hormones either way keep a menstrual journal a written record of how many days you bleed and how heavily it flows and how much pain or other related symptoms you feel on each of the days show this record to your gyno after about 2 months in the meantime be sure your gynecologist he or she is aware that you are having this bleeding problem if there is pain either while you are bleeding or in that region any other time including during intercourse be sure to tell herhim that too write it down as well on the menstrual journal the idea is to determine a pattern if your system becomes more stable and your periods become more regularly spaced and less heavy and severe as time passes that will be good because it should indicate that your hormones simply needed to adjust and are becoming normalized but if this does not happen if you keep right on having either very long periods or very heavy periods or more than one period a month or any combination of those things you will need to have your gyno do a complete examination and look over your menstrual journal this will be crucially important because you will need to rule out any serious health issues that might have either started showing up because they had been hidden by the iud or have just developed right now you may have endometriosis which is a condition that can be disguised by iuds or by taking birth control medications you will need to rule out anything like uterine or ovarian cancer which are unlikely but can sometimes happen and you need to be sure you do not have hpv or other health conditions which can be catching and you need to be certain the iud did not accidentally cause inflammation or injury either while it was in or while it was being removed hope you are well soon and good luck in becoming pregnant if all goes well before long you will have a healthy baby first get yourself in good health it is do able be certain to tell not only your gynecologist but your primary care physician as well and be sure both doctors know all medications and over the counter remedies including herbal ones you may be taking these will have an influence on things as well better health to you is it safe for a 6 year old child to consume yogurt one week after the expiration date my husband gave our 6 year old son yogurt that had expired one week ago our son had a terrible stomach ache and eventually vomited could this have been from the yogurt that was one week over the expiration date,this is a good question you can always ask your pharmacist the word elixir means liquid it does not change the purpose of the medication what is the critical difference between a sterol and a stanol,oto means ear and laryngo means your voice box or larynx otolaryngology is another name for an ent ear nose and throat specialist there is really no such thing as otolarynology testing per se unless this is referring to a referral to an ent for tests whatever they might be will i catch the stomach bug from toddler when will he be better my 3yr old threw up twice yesterday morning together food then bile i think napped drank cup milk threw up once more drank pedialite&gatoraid was fine rest of daynight today was fine all day drank milk through out day ate 3 nuggets&whole apple went to bed at 1030 got up few min ago at 130am threw up twice and now has diareah when will he get better will me or my twin 6 month olds catch it i read a lot of adults will not because we build up some immunity please help,maybe lymph nodes enlarge or become tender in response to an infection or inflammation in their immediate drainage neighborhood since your doctor was not able to find a source for this pain or inflammation it would not be inappropriate to have some basic tests first like a cbc complete blood count many things including dental disorders can cause an enlarged lymph node so consider a visit to your dentist as well i was diagnosed with a brain tumor as well as fluid on the brain losing memory,hello friends i had similar problem since almost 10 years i am m30 years now my normal body temperature when i was not feeling feverish would be about 96 8 f almost 2 degree fahrenheit lesser than normal when i am feeling feverish the temperature would rise to about 97 ish rarely reaching 98 no doctor would agree that i have fever since it does not show up on thermometer however strangely my skin is very hot to touch and even normal person could feel that but interior body temperature is not i would feel feverish with chills i would have episodes of feverish feeling every 2 months or so and every time it would last for a 2 3 weeks doctor would prescribe some antibiotics and do some tests but they were not helpful i do not have thyroid or any other deficiency however i have been recently diagnosed with celiac disease as well the reason i write this time is because something miraculous happened this and i would want others opinion if it helps relieve your symptoms as well this might very well be a cure treatment day1 take 500mg paracetamol after 30 mins take vitamin c + zinc supplement day2 continue vitamin c+ zinc daily for next few days i got fantastic relief on day 2 onwards and no longer feel hot and my temperature is back to 96 9ish j waiting for your inputs and wishing a speedy recovery i have two spider bites on my arm possibly from a brown recluse i have no health insurance what should i do,hi yes its a great old fashioned way but some of these were so good and they work also try taking fresh garlic a couple of times a day this is really good for your chest helps break down mucus you can either just chop it down small or chopped down fine and take in olive oil just wash down with water some just before bed is really good for you if you sleep with a partner they may not like it tell them not to worry they can have when they get a chesty cough hope this helps you good luck is pubic hair removal dangerous or needed for hygiene some doctors claim this has lead to pubic lice becoming almost extinct without moistwarm habitat for lice and other infections which can be passed on as sti is so pubic hair removal is a benaficial thing on the other hand doctors claim that when the hair is removed it leaves a amicroscopic open wound which can also lead to infections and std is also skin irritations and can be equally dangerous so which is true and is pubic hair removal a good or dangerous thing to do,i can see why it might sound logical that calcium supplementation could help broken bones heal faster after all bones are made of calcium right so feeding them calcium should speed up healing unfortunately that is not how it works unless you have a pre existing calcium deficiency not likely in an otherwise healthy 16 year old boy taking calcium will not help your bones heal the process of bone healing is called remodeling your body removes dead bone cells and builds new ones in their place this process occurs on a pretty predictable schedule for common fractures like the one you describe the remodeling process normally takes 6 to 8 weeks unfortunately your son will just have to wait this out what will help the bones heal on schedule is not engaging in activities that put stress on the areas of the fracture resting the hand to keep the fractures stable will allow the body to do its remodeling job and get the bones back to normal wishing you well can vitamin b12 deficiency cause depression and anxiety,yes vitamin b12 deficiency causes severe depression also thoughts like not being able to fulfil duties can induce guilt and worse depression please take your friend to a psychiatrist for treatment with a combination of antidepressants and cognitive behavior therapy for best results please continue his vitamin b12 replacement as going on eating green vegetables and white meat like chicken and fish will help for further information consult a psychiatrist online > i have asthma and i take ventolin inhaler and seretide inhaler been having difficulty in breathing for 10 weeks and a constant cough for 6 months with clear phlemg,shingles can occur in many areas of the body if the outbreak is on his chest back abdomen etc where it can be easily covered by clothing the risk of transfer will not be very high if it is on his face then more caution against direct skin to skin contact should be exercised assuming that he is currently under treatment usually with an oral anti viral medication this will also reduce the chance of spreading it to others your two year old is vulnerable assuming they had a varicella chicken pox vaccination at age one if not exposure to shingles can actually give an unimmunized person chicken pox for you assuming you had chicken pox as a child or the vaccine you are also vulnerable from direct skin to skin contact do the best that you can without treating your husband like a leper not everyone who is exposed will even get it but a few simple precautions like covering the area with clothing will help my husband had shingles and both my daughters got chicken pox the incubation period is 14 to 21 days from the time they first are exposed he had them on his chest and they did not come in contact with that part of him but they got them anyway i think exposure is more than touching the scabs evidently but the old saying that if you get them once you will not get them again is only true with chicken pox if a person is susceptible and exposed and their resistance is low they will get shingles if exposed to them or if their body will not fight it off some people opt for a shot that i am not sure of the name of it but if a person gets it within a certain amount of time after the recover from the shingles they are less likely to get them again but they say it is quite expensive so just being in the same house and touching things the person with shingles has touched will cause a child to contact the chicken pox as it is of the same virus if you expose him to it he will only catch chicken pox which if you have it once you can never get it again are there any stretches or exercises that can prevent cramping in my feet when i exercise,stretches and strengthening may or may not help and it depends on what the cause of the cramping is check with your doctor if exercises do not help and the problem persists here are stretches for your calves and your feet hold each stretch until your muscles feel looser and repeat two to three times with each leg do these every day calf stretch gastrocnemius muscle 1 lean against a wall with both hands and keep your back straight 2 the leg that you want to stretch should be straight back with the heel flat on the floor 3 bring the other leg forward with the knee bent 4 move your hips toward the wall while keeping your rear foot flat on the floor 5 put a folded towel under the ball of your foot keeping heel down to lift the foot and increase the stretch calf stretch soleus muscle 1 take the same starting position as the stretch above 2 lean forward with your hips but this time bend the knee of the rear leg this will put the stretch lower in your calf near the achilles tendon and will also stretch the muscles in the foot 3 hold on to the back of a chair if you need balance here are strengthening exercises repeat 12 15 repetitions three sets each do these every other day heel raises 1 while standing with shoes on lift your heels off the floor end on tippy toes 2 to accentuate the movement stand on the edge of a step with heels off the edge like a back dive off a diving board and lower heels below the step then raise hold the wall or banister for balance towel pull 1 sit in a chair barefoot with your toes on the edge of a towel start flexing curling your toes and pulling the towel to draw it up under your toes marblepencil grab 1 pick up marbles or pencils with your toes while sitting or standing barefoot make sure that your shoes fit well in addition to the stretching and strengthening tight shoes and even tight laces can cause the muscles in the feet to cramp particularly if you do long periods of exercise exercising on a cardio machine like the elliptical where the foot remains in the same place for long periods can also cause cramping try the following if you experience cramping while on the elliptical 1 shifting your feet 2 leaning your weight on your arms 3 pedaling backward or 4 stopping and getting off to walk around it is not always easy to determine the cause of cramping in addition to the exercise conditions listed above cramping can also be caused by medications for example diuretics nutritional deficiencies hydration status and circulatory problems check with your doctor to rule out medical causes if none of the exercises help and the cramps continue my mother feels anxious claustrophobic lost appetite and lethargic,the things that he fears appears to have loud noises start by having his hearing tested by a professional audiologist in a sound controlled booth he may have ultra sensitive hearing and those noises are painful to him before assuming his problem is psychological it would be wise to rule out any organic reasons for his fears is it okay to take acai berry while having diabetes and high blood pressure,a good appetite is a sign of good health but if your appetite has suddenly increased in might be a sign of disease an important distinguishing point is if you are gaining weight an increase in your weight suggests that your increased appetite might be a response to boredom stress or depression certain drugs might also explain an increased appetite and weight gain steroids such as prednisone and dexamethasone which are given for asthma joint and skin problems can cause an increased appetite certain antidepressants cause an increased appetite and weight gain increased appetite is a side effect of tricyclic antidepressants amitriptyline elavil imipramine tofranil and doxepin sinequan increased appetite also occurs with medications used for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder olanzapine zyprexa and clozapine clozaril some women experience appetite changes right before a period this is especially true for women with pre menstrual syndrome who can experience craving for carbohydrates and increased appetite around the time of menstruation even changes in your diet can affect your appetite eating a lot of carbohydrates and junk food increases insulin secretion from your pancreas to stabilize your body is blood sugar and that can make you hungry if on the other hand your appetite is increased but you are losing weight then diseases that affect your metabolism may be responsible elevated thyroid levels grave is disease or hyperthyroidism cause an increased appetite because thyroid hormone speeds up your metabolism diabetes can present with an increased appetite and weight loss increased exercise can cause your appetite to improve and depending on the calories burned from exercise and your intake your weight may vary do not ignore an increased appetite keep a diary of the foods you are eating and note whether your behavior is affecting your appetite check your weight and see if you are gaining or losing see your doctor about a change in appetite to make sure that you do not have a medical condition that needs to be treated there are many things that can increase appetite some beneficial and some not for example an increase in physical activity may give you a more robust appetite which is fine if you feed your body well but a lack of sleep or change in eating patterns can also increase appetite which is not so good think about what has changed in your life both physically and emotionally that could be increasing your appetite here are some other tips that can help look not just what you are eating but how try to sit for meals be mindful of the food enjoy eating an stop when you are comfortably full and satisfied avoid eaitng on the go or grazng all day which may not satisfy your hunger too many processed foods can also increase hunger because they are not very filling or sustaining eat filling foods including those high in fiber whole grains fruits vegetables and beans and protein lean meats along with healthy fats nuts seeds healthy oils get what i should do to get rid of eye puffiness and if i am looking for cosmetic surgery do i need general anesthesia,look for under eye creams that contain ingredients such as niacinamide peptides and caffeine be careful to also manage your salt intake get enough sleep and try not to rub the area around your eyes if you have allergiessinusitis be sure to keep them under control as much as possible since that can also contribute to the puffiness in this area the under eye area is also one place where stress shows very quickly so managing your stressors is helpful as well avoid heavy eye creams that trap moisture into the skin and may cause puffiness make sure you use a full face product with anti aging ingredients that deliver firmness and protect skin from uv damage and ensure you add a targeted eye cream or serums for extra care had sex on 113 expected period was 118 it never camestill has not its now 1126 could i be pregnant when to hpt,assuming you had unprotected sex and are not taking any form of birth control then the answer is yes you can be pregnant you can take a home pregnancy test anytime repeat it again in one week if it is negative if you miss the next cycle and your pregnancy test is still negative ask your medical provider to order a more sensitive blood pregnancy test if a pregnancy was not in your plans why not use contraception and avoid all of this angst is fexofenadine the same as allegra for allergies,yes allegra is the same as fexofenadine every medication has two names a brand and a generic name the original creators are the only ones who can use the brand name once the recipe becomes available to other drug manufacturers they sell the product under the generic name it usually takes approximately seven years for the brand to go generic the main active ingredient has to remain the same in each recipe what differs from the brand and generic are the inactive ingredients that can hold the medication together and that give it its color in addition the generic can be much more affordable most generics are fda approved to be equally effective therefore if the generic works for you then there is no need to switch also make sure to only take one and not both the brand and generic to prevent overdosing and additive side effects we cannot afford to buy any health insurance and insurance does not cover anything what is the maximum penalty for a family of 3 people with annual income of 60 000,if you opt not to buy insurance for 2014 the maximum penalty for your family would be 1 of your income or 600 period like symptoms no period or could i be pregnant hi i have had for the last week slight cramping on and off sore breasts milky white discharge over a week period is 6 days late it does feel like my period is coming but nothing have had unprotected sex with partner and have done test at 5 days late but negative,many doctors and pharmacists suggest over the counter antacids for occasional heartburn if heartburn symptoms persist your doctor may suggest drugs such as aciphex prevacid kapidex prilosec protonix nexium or zegerid to reduce the stomach is production of acid or reglan to make the stomach empty itself faster your pharmacist or your doctor can explain how each drug works and what to expect are pimple like bumps around an area of eczema common in a bad flare up my daughter developed a rash around an area she has eczema located in the bend of her arm inner elbow its reddened with pimple like bumps it seems to have spread a little bit up and down her arm from the bend she has no rash on the rest of her body at all or any other areas of eczema is this a common issue with a bad flare up it is very itchy for her,the rashes spreading around the eczema lesions can be due to bad flare up or the rashes can also be due to secondary infection caused by scratching the area around the eczema please consult your dermatologist who would examine and confirm the cause postpartum depression maybe hi there i had my child 18 months ago and we live in a different state with no family or friends husband works alot i am always so unmotivated and sad i would never think or have feelings about hurting myself or others but i just want to get out of this groove i love my kids and feel no way as if i can not take care of them i miss family and do not hang out with many people these days and also dont exersize i eat fine not too much not to little can you please let me know any suggestions,post partum depression like other forms of major depression may last for months or even years if untreated it is not your fault eighteen months is too long to have endured those feelings of sadness certainly with a husband working long hours and not being in an area with close friends and family can also contribute to depression only a mental health professional trained in depressive disorders can properly diagnosis whether you are experiencing ppd some other form of depression or a combination of these maladies you may also have a medical condition that results in causing depression as a symptom i respectively make the following suggestions 1 talk with your husband about your sadness if he is not approachable then seek the counsel of your physician this individual can conduct medical testing as well as assess your overall mental state prescribe medication and make mental health referrals or a minister priest rabbi they can act as a sounding board to express your feelings and offer positive suggestions on restoring joy in your life 2 consider joining a self help group to support your efforts at regaining purpose in your life you deserve to feel worthy to have friendships and to feel and give love through talk therapy and medications the prognosis is encouraging as a grandmother of a child with this should i stay away from my other sons newborn,with what what medications and treatments are available to treat transient ischemic attack tia,well this is an excellent question for the medical provider who ordered the x ray if the x ray confirmed a fracture of the patella kneecap then your health care provider should have given you care andor treatment instructions unfortunately this is not a question we can answer in a forum like this your health care provider will outline all of your treatment options perhaps including surgery and you as an informed patient will ask about the risks and benefits of each option in order to make a decision that works for you wishing you all the best i suffer fromswollen lymph nodes joint pain ringing in my ears is it rheumatic heart disease,generic viagra aka sildenafil comes in three different doses 25mg 50mg and 100mg you are taking the maximum recommended and with some facial flushing i would not recommend increasing your dosage take it about 1 hour before any sexual activity there are other side effects if you go over the recommended dosage like light headed and being dizzy etc etc if you are going to think about going over 100mg be sure and ask your dr that give it to you first i am postmenopausal can i still get pregnant i am 53 years old and have not had a period since may 2011,with periods off for the last 4 years you are surely post menopausal and its the time when human body is out of hormones as well as ova reserves to get pregnant no matter what you do pregnancy is impossible after menopause any sort of menses like bleeding if you are getting will be abnormal and should be immediately evaluated for local pathologies like malignancy or genital tract infections i hope it helps regards dr s khan ehealthdesk what so you do when a ear is bleeding after using a q tip when you felt like something was inside,tell your doc about this and also do some research on the specific teas you are using sometimes they can cause problems with meds and sometimes they contain things that can cause problems unrelated to the meds herbal does not necessarily mean it is totally good for you electric shock in leg hi there i have never had this symptom before i have ms also but not sure if this is a new symptom i just started having an electric shock like symptom in my right leg when resting but especially when walking is this ms related or something else,i am not sure either since i can not see or examine you as a matter of fact you can not see inside your own ear either so it would be advisable for you to see a medical provider someone who can the most logical reason for your ear pain is an infection so you are correct fingernails are not the cleanest part of our body so when they scratch the very sensitive skin lining of the ear canal an infection can happen these infections can be mild and only need topical antibiotics or they can worsen and cause a deep painful infection called cellulitis what are the prices going to be for the bronze silver gold and platinum health insurance plans in the marketplace,prices vary by state and by plan you will need to check your state is website which you can do at healthcare gov i keep getting attacks i sweat and get hot then i start the cold chills,with modern mammography equipment the amount of radiation exposure is extremely small although there is no level of radiation without some theoretical risk there is no evidence of increased breast cancer risks from mammography performed in the recommended manner furthermore the benefits of early detection far outweigh these theoretical concerns i developed blisters that have grown and it is getting worse day by day,it looks like a fungal infection use an antifungal cream and wash it throughly with water only my baby has esr result of 50 lab limit is 29 30 and hemoglobin level of 10 5 is it a problem,the word arthritis means joint inflammation inflammation is one of the body is natural reactions to disease or injury and includes swelling pain and stiffness inflammation that lasts for a very long time or recurs as in arthritis can lead to tissue damage a joint is where two or more bones come together such as the hip or knee the bones of a joint are covered with a smooth spongy material called cartilage which cushions the bones and allows the joint to move without pain the joint is lined by a thin film of tissue called the synovium the synovium is lining produces a slippery fluid called synovial fluid that nourishes the joint and helps reduce friction strong bands of tissue called ligaments connect the bones and help keep the joint stable muscles and tendons also support the joints and enable you to move with arthritis an area in or around a joint becomes inflamed causing pain stiffness and sometimes difficulty moving some types of arthritis also affect other parts of the body such as the skin and internal organs there are over 100 types of arthritis including osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis and gout can vitiligo occur in later stages of life,hi this is due to eustachian tube congestion secondary to upper respiratory tract infection start on decongestants with antibiotics once the infection is controlled the symptoms will reduce automatically thanks what is the best medication to give someone who is running a low grade fever,acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the two best over the counter fever relievers you should check with your pharmacist to determine the proper dose for the patient also keep in mind that most fevers occur due to some sort of infection so it is usually recommended that you see your doctor if you are running a fever i am postmenopausal can i still get pregnant i am 53 years old and have not had a period since may 2011,infertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying or six months if a woman is 35 or older women who can get pregnant but are unable to stay pregnant may also be infertile pregnancy is the result of a process that has many steps to get pregnant a woman must release an egg from one of her ovaries ovulation the egg must go through a fallopian tube toward the uterus womb a man is sperm must join with fertilize the egg along the way the fertilized egg must attach to the inside of the uterus implantation infertility can happen if there are problems with any of these steps can you use polysporin for back acne when your pregnant,your job depends in standing all day i am suspecting varicose veins strongly doppler will be needed will xanax help with my stress i am so stressed out i feel sick cant sleep cold sweats my neck burns my face is hot and i dont know what to do,you ask a fascinating question and one that is very worthy of discussing with your dad is physician i tried to search for some relevant studies on this topic and did not find very many in general people with copd do worse at high altitudes whether they have lived at altitude for a long term or not the issues with ventilation at altitude are more complex than simple oxygen delivery there also are issues of breathing mechanics and heart function that come into play all of this is not to say you should not move your dad to be with you in denver i am saying it could be manageable if you discuss it in advance with some good doctors and learn what things you need to do to manage your dad is condition at high altitude or you might both decide the risks are too great my personal opinion is that quality of life matters more than quantity of life especially when a person reaches an advanced age i would suggest you consult with your father is doctor or with a physician in denver to find out if the benefits for your dad would outweigh the risks wishing you well can cankor sores result in ear pain i seem to have a cankor sore that only shows up on the right side of my tungue and my right ear always seems to be in pain at the same time this has occured at least three times,no it may be a sign that you have developed an allergy to peanuts you can have your medical provider order an allergy blood test for peanuts to confirm that this is the culprit in the meantime i would advise you not to eat peanuts and have some antihistamines like benadryl handy breaking out with hives after eating peanuts is not a sign of pregnancy sorry if you are having sex without contraception you can definitely get pregnant but there is no association with a possible peanut reaction my daughter zones out for 5 20 seconds often her eyes zone or sometimes roll and she has no clue what happened during this time she is normally not confused but does normally say now what or it will take her a second to recall what happened i think this is epilepsy the absence kind is there anything i can do to help or reduce the occurance she is 7 and it happens about 5 or more days a week some times once a day sometimes multiple times over a few hours,please wait for a week for your period to start if it does not start by then you will have to do urine pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy period could have been delayed due to stress another rare possibility is that of pregnancy though you mentioned the days you had sex as your infertile days sometimes occasionally ovulation could be delayed making the days fertile still you had taken emergency pill though it is highly effective in preventing pregnancy protection offered is not absolute so there can be little chance of pregnancy which you need to rule out first if you want to rule out pregnancy earlier you can do blood beta hcg test negative result of which will rule out pregnancy other option as i told is to wait for a week if pregnancy test comes negative and still period does not start you can induce period by taking tablet medroxyprogesterone acetate 10 mg twice daily for five days period generally starts within a week of last dose of tablet it will not induce period if you are pregnant for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online > am i pregnant,hi is that it am i pregnant why been having unprotected sex then how is eczema diagnosed,eczema can be diagnosed by a pediatrician allergist immunologist dermatologist or your primary care provider since many people with eczema also suffer from allergies your doctor may perform allergy tests to determine possible irritants or triggers children with eczema are especially likely to be tested for allergies i am only 31 but experiencing health issues associated with elderly people,hi these symptoms are due to osteopenia vitamin d deficiency and hormonal changes take calcium and vitamin d supplements get a gynecologist and endocrinologist consultation thanks iam a 54 year old female and never had high blood pressure is 12665 an acceptable range,hi your find that 12665 is on the lower side of hbp found you this from avogel co uk high blood pressure may be a symptom of the menopause however there is also debate as to whether hrt raises blood pressure either way if you are or suspect you are suffering from high blood pressure it is worth speaking to your doctor to get to the root of the problem your blood pressure is the force that your blood exerts on the walls of your arteries high blood pressure rarely has obvious symptoms and therefore many people are unaware that they are suffering from it however it is important to keep a check on your blood pressure level because it can develop into serious health conditions such as heart attacks or strokes so have you been through the menopause yet if not it could be your answer see your doctor a blood test will tell all form how your hormones are doing hope this is it good luck i am getting very bad bruising all over safe to inject clexane in bruise,the bruising may be due to some blood variations especially the platelets your bleeding time and clotting time need to be checked before you take more shots of clexane the bruise may go on increasing if left untreated once the bruises are gone then you can continue clexane get a substitute for clexane prescribed from your doctor till then would it be less expensive for me to buy health insurance on my own rather than get it through my employer i do not make a lot of money and would probably qualify for low income costs,to diagnose diabetes your doctor may do a fasting blood glucose test this is a preferred method since it is easy to do and less expensive than other tests but you have to refrain from eating anything for at least 8 hours priors to testing also it is normal for your blood sugar to go up after eating fasting blood glucose values low – less than 70mgdl normal between 70 to 99mgdl pre diabetic – between 100 – 125mgdl diabetic – greater than 126mgdl non fasting blood glucose values low – less than 70mgdl normal between 70 to 139mgdl pre diabetic – between 140 – 199mgdl diabetic – greater than 200mgdl the standard diagnosis of diabetes is made when at least two separate blood tests show that your blood sugar is elevated based on the information you provided it appears that you have a low blood glucose value i would actually review this article about hypoglycemia or low blood sugar since your blood sugar was initially very low on this occasion keep in mind that even a normal blood glucose test with risk factors listed here may warrant further testing it would be best to discuss with your doctor if you have further questions how do i find a broker who handles individual health insurance coverage in new york would a health navigator provide the same function i am currently on a direct pay plan for individual coverage and need to find a new plan for january i am confused by all the options and networks none of which have all my doctors,to find a broker who can help you buy a plan through the marketplace check the national association of health underwriters webside at nahu org you can search a listing of brokers operating in new york is it better to wash your face before you exercise and sweat,no different organ different location in the abdomen what does “deep cleaning” mean for my teeth,when you go for a regular cleaning your teeth are scaled and polished above the gum line many adults do not remove all of the plaque below their gum line on their own they require a deep cleaning or “under the gum” scaling to remove this plaque and tartar local anesthesia is frequently given at the dentist to complete this procedure painlessly why do my breast nipples stay hard and sore i have not had a period for 2 months is it a sign of pregnancy,hi it could be a sign of your hormones being out of whack this would do both of your problems or you are pregnant but just get to your doctor and have a blood test done that will tell you that your either pregnant on your hormones are out of whack hope this helps you good luck my son is almost 11 and most of his adult teeth are in can he use whitening toothpaste,the exact cause of schizophrenia is still being researched however scientists believe that this condition generally develops on account of genetic and environmental issues people with immediate or distant relatives suffering from this disorder are more likely to develop this condition as opposed to others can i get pregnant with anal sex i m 18 years old me and my boyfriend had anal sex about a week ago it was not actually a proper sex bcz the sperms did not entered into my body is it possible to get pregnant i am not having my periods as well more than 8 to 9 days have passed and i m still not having periods can you please help me with this it is scary to go to the doctor with my mom as well what should i do if i cannot get pregnant then what is the reason i m not having my periods,hi princess well anal sex and getting pregnant an outside chance but very outside only if after you dribbled sperm over you vagina two things its either your body was put off but you having anal sex if it was the first time there is nothing wrong with having anal sex lots of women love it as it still give them orgasms or your just having a missed period it does happens could be stress if you exercise could be from that lost any weight could be from that as well but if your still worried do a hpt home pregnancy test but why cant you see your doctor on your own what is said between you and himher stays that way being your now 18 hope this helps good luck hi i am sudarshan i am a cp childspastic diplegia i have completed my computer engg from pune university and currently pursuing mba i wish to learn driving i have been practising for 6 months with vain these are the problems that i face 1 there is difficulty in releasing the clutch and pressing the accelerator at the same time 2 the gear handling is also difficult with steering 3 thirdly i have a somewhat poor road sense how these can be improved,penicillin can be harsh on the stomach it is important to take it with food and not on an empty stomach your pharmacist may also be able to flavor the medication to make it easier for your son to take i would make sure the vomiting has subsided before giving him another dose since i do not know the original diagnosis or the reason for his penicillin prescription i would not know if the condition is causing the vomiting or the medication let his stomach settle a bit and try giving him something small to eat something that will be light on his stomach see if he can hold this down before giving him another dose of medication if the vomiting continues consult your health care provider to discuss an option that may be less upsetting to his stomach i have hashimotos am i going to have heart problems within few years,hi hashimotos is not a confirmation of getting cardiac issues or heart issues with proper management of hashimotos you can very much lead a healthy and symptomfree life so my suggestion is to first of all stop worrying take proper medications and a healthy diet do moderate workout daily and undergo yearly checkups to reconfirm your wellness hope this helps regards how can migraine headaches be prevented,you may be able to reduce frequent migraines by avoiding triggers such as certain foods stress and changes in your daily routine although it is not clear how or why these events lead to migraines some common triggers of migraines include consuming certain substances such as chocolate monosodium glutamate msg red wine and caffeine getting too much or not enough sleep fasting or skipping meals changes in the weather or barometric pressure stress or intense emotions strong odors or cigarette smoke bright lights or reflected sunlight for more information see migraines identifying and avoiding triggers your doctor may also prescribe drugs to help prevent migraine headaches webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated my skin is prone to lots of whiteheads and breakouts what can i do,active ingredient fosaprepitant inactive ingredients edetate disodium polysorbate 80 lactose anhydrous sodium hydroxide andor hydrochloric acid for ph adjustment vocal cords constrict…can not breath,you can not really rule out lung cancer but it likely would not be caused by your therapy or the x rays you can help your compromised immune system plus the depression by getting plenty of antioxidant rich foods and exercising at least a few times a week it may not be a cure but it will be a complement to your other treatments i am 34 and need to get rid of bad wrinkles around my eyes they look shaggy and red how can i look younger,you can treat the pain with ibuprofen or acetaminophen he can gargle with some weak saline solution 14 tsp of salt with 8 oz of warm water the the throat pain is viral it will self resolve in a few day to a week however if he could possibly have strep he will need to see hisher medical provider to be properly examined diagnosed and treated are moles in an area that is not exposed to sun is it common that you will find that they are precancerous,i recommend you see a registered dietitian who specializes in gastrointestinal disorders he or she can help you figure out which foods may be exasperating your symptoms and how to maintain weight while getting adequate nutrition you can find a dietitian in your area at eatright org for more on diet with ibs see this webmd article good luck i just got diagnosed wherpes type 1 in my genital area should i now avoid sex with my partner to avoid getting type 2 we have been sexually active for 4 months but i understand one of us probably had herpes from before that i am just confused about the difference between type 1 and type 2 my doctor said my genital region vaginal was infected with type 1 but now i guess that would be called genital herpes so do i have type 2 or does he i am tested annually for everything and have never been positive for either type and i do not know how serious this diagnosis is or if i should avoid sex with him,atherosclerosis is the progressive buildup of plaque in the arteries over time one major cause is high levels of ldl c other health factors such as family history diabetes high blood pressure or if you smoke or are overweight may also play a role in the formation of plaque in arteries often this plaque starts building up in arteries in early adulthood and gets worse over time what are the symptoms of shingles and how is it diagnosed,it is a little early for most american pediatrician recommendation for whole eggs but since you have already started it and he is doing fine there is really no reason to stop at this point wheat if tolerated is just fine at age 9 months at age 12 months he can have just about anything you eat the rationale in laying different types of foods as children age is to limit the chance of a food intolerance or allergy wheat and eggs tend to be common allergies in other parts of the world children are feel traditional diets that defy some of the u s recommendations children in china may be getting tiny amounts of fish pre chewed by the mother in mexico children are often given bean juice the water from cooked beans goodness knows what kids in remote areas of africa are eating at this age nature allows for many variations in diet so do not feel guilty that you jumped the nutritional gun a bit sooner than most in 12 more weeks nothing really magic is going to happen but then your child can eat nearly all foods should i think about to start a company aycon inc is a demolition company and concrete company serving all san diego ,non medical postings for advertising takes up valuable space for people who have real medical issues please be respectful do i have kidney disease,here is some information on cough that i hope will be helpful making an appointment and visiting your doctor is the only way to know for sure what is causing your persistent cough and get the appropriate treatment we wish you the best the webmd answers staff my eldest daughter is suffering excruciating pain need second opinion,hi thanks for writing to us as per your complain please make it a bit clear that has the make it clear that is the arachanoid cyst is ruled out as it is a bit unclear as you have written that it can be ruled out so please make it clear in case if it is ruled out and is not being managed with medication then surgical drainage of the same can be planned so it will be better to immediately consult your neurosurgeon and get evaluated hope this helps regards i have 4 swollen lymph nodes does that mean hiv even if i tested negarive after a year of unproctected sex plz help this lumps that may be swollen lymph nodes have been there for a long time could it be cancer or hiv or could it be a reaction to the herpes infection i have someone please help me,the swollen lymph nodes could be connected to the herpes infection i have herpes and i have gotten swollen lymph nodes in my pelvis linked to it as for hiv probably not but it depends on how long after the last incidence of unprotected sex vaginalanal did you get your negative hiv test if you received a negative hiv test at least 12 weeks after your last sexual contact then you are definitely hiv negative no matter how swollen your lymph nodes if it is less than that time especially less than 6 weeks then you will need to get tested again 12 weeks from your last unprotected sex encounter to confirm the negative result as for cancer that you would need to go to a doctor to determine but you should be checking yourself for lumps in other places genitals breasts etc ive been living with candida yeast infection for about 18 years now i did not know till like a year ago what candida was,hi its a resistant form of infection start on higher broad spectrum anti fungals increase your immunity by healthy diet and vitamin protein supplements thanks i found part of a cigarettefilter in my beverage after consumption will this hurt my unborn children 27 weeks w 3 i am praying it is yellow because i was drinking lemonade and not because it was previously used i do not smoke but know how harmful smoking during pregnancy is so i would imagine ingesting these chemicals would not be fantastic either,you and your baby will be fine but you need to keep tract of where you put your beverage next time it is not a good idea to be pregnant and get exposed to any secondary smoke perhaps one of those smokers mindlessly put the cigarette in your bottlecan i am a bleeding from my vaginal area i had my period a week ago it does not seem to be comng from my actual vagina i know that is not coming from my actual vagina my question is would there be another reason for it and should i be concerned,the source of this non menstrual bleeding needs to be discovered unfortunately this will take a careful examination by your medical provider this pelvicrectal area is rich in blood supply so minor trauma infections etc all can result in bleeding many women spot during non menstrual times so even though you may not think it is vaginal it still could be inserting a tampon would determine if it was spotting if not the blood is coming from another source i have petechiae spontaniously appearing on my thighs and calves need second medical opinion,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you bjvhjj what areas does osteoarthritis affect,a diet of the possible options that satisfies your body needs…do a list antihistaminic drugs and if you can leave nevada to another city what should i do if i suspect an overdose of vivotif berna vaccine,from your story i do not see there is a specific diagnosis they where dealing with the treatment is actually a right diagnosis not just dealing with pain shoulder mri and special tests should be done to give the exact cause nerve conductiom velocity test is necessary to prove the permanent nerve injury or not as it could be healing but slowly thanks eczema on penis i have really sensitive skin and issues with eczema all the time worst part is i get the eczema rash on my penis i use hydrocortisone for the itching but it really dries out my skin what can i use safely down there to moisturize,there is a penis health creme called man1 man oil that you should use it is made just for the penis skin and contains both vitamin e and shea butter it will keep things moisturized and healthy down there it is easy to use and completely safe too good luck how can i keep my hair and skin oil free in the summer,many things can cause low oxygen levels in the blood to name a few lung injury collapsed lung lung disease copd lung cancer pulmonary embolism heart disease congestive heart failure anemias and that is just a handful i can think of off the top of my head this is why your doctor wants you to go in for further testing which i recommend you do as soon as possible low blood oxygen levels are nothing to mess around with obviously all of your organs including your heart require adequate amounts of oxygen to function properly in answer to your question the corrective action for low oxygen levels will vary depending on the underlying problem in the meantime you can help your body get as much oxygen as possible by sleeping with your head elevated on a couple of pillows and by pausing to take 3 or 4 slow deep breaths every hour when you are awake keyword slow with luck the source of your low oxygen levels will be diagnosed quickly and turn out to be something easily treatable that is my wish for you all the best lack of oxygen in the artery blood what causes low oxygen levels in a person who has osteoporosis how long before i can i return to sports like the one that injured my finger in the first place my middle and ring fingers got caught in the elastic waste band of my opponents shorts as i pulled their flag both fingers injured but i felt a pop in my middle finger i squeezed the middle finger from the top and bottom and felt something move and the discomfort decreased a great deal but on day 3 after injury and wearing a splint i no longer have range of motion whereas i did have full motion on the day of injury,most helpful answer a release to return to sports will need come from your medical provider the one that examined you for your injury healing time is so very individual that it would be impossible to blindly determine when you can play sports again since i cannot examine your fingers to see if they are healed as much as i would like to help you with your question this is not something that can be done over the internet had sex 4 days ago i am on birth control but i am late and never have been when should i take a test i have been on birth control for 40 days i have not experienced any side effects on september 2526 is the first time we had sex without condoms sine then we have not used condoms as back up now i am late the last time we had sex was four days ago am i pregnant or is it a side effect when should i take a test,hi yes it can happen if your late now is the time to do either an hpt or do a test at your doctors but this could something to do with the hormones from bc doing this or it could be just a skipped period getting one of these can throw women at times if you have never had one if you can think back just how many times before sex on the 256 did you have unprotected sex then if you can work it out from the first day of you last period see sex 4 days before day 14 could have done it that was unprotected hope something here helps good luck is retin a micro used for reducing fine lines and wrinkles,yes and it is very effective for this purpose just be sure to be careful about using sunscreen during the day i have recently had unprotected sex and both me and my partner were virgins and now the head of my penis is irrritated,i have no way of confirming or disputing this chiropractor is diagnosis but i do have issues with the treatment plan degeneration by definition is wear and tear often due to aging i do not believe it is possible to reverse aging by chiropractic adjustments but then again i am not a chiropractor who believes in those things before mortgaging your house see an orthopedist for a medical opinion and have some imaging studies read by a radiologist i think you will find a different perspective on your neck and low back issues orange period blood i have orange period blood test was negative for infection and pregnant now i throw up every morning and my breast tender sleepy and milk coming out of my breast and my stomach been hurting and still do not know what wrong i going back to doctor on august 27 th for more test why this going on does anyone know can u please help me,hi orange blood bright red menstrual blood that mixes with fluids from the cervix can appear orange with red streaks bright orange blood may be associated with infection so if you suspect this it is best to consult a doctor so as you say your seeing your doctor in 11 days time well i9f i was you i would get in there asap tell himher you need to be seen asap do hope this helps you good luck my boyfriend says that he can feel it when my period is about to come on says his stomach feels funny is this true,hi have you seen your doctor yet do a test there and ask for a blood test to be done could be that you just down on something could be just your hormones a bit out of whack hormones do play a big part in our lives missing the odd period is not such a big thing or two even but there could be something behind it do hope this helps you good luck is it true that you should not take medicines with milk,most medications work best if taken with water there are certain foods that can affect the absorption of medication it is important to ask your pharmacist about taking medication with or without food with every new prescription you begin how can parkinsons disease be prevented,that is a good question i can see why you might make that connection since both cystic fibrosis cf and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease copd involve the lungs cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that causes mucus throughout the body to become thick and sticky this becomes very evident in the lungs where there is a lot of mucus in order to get cf a child must inherit a gene defect from both parents if only one parent passes along the gene mutation that causes cf the child is called a cf carrier because if he or she has a child with another person who is a cf carrier their child will have cystic fibrosis if you are a cf carrier you do not have the disease and cannot get the disease cf is not in any way related to copd which is usually caused by external factors such as smoking tobacco copd is not an inherited disease and cannot be caught from another person copd is not in any way related to or associated with carrying the cystic fibrosis gene mutation if a cystic fibrosis carrier develops copd this is in no way related to the person is genetic status and the cf gene mutation in no way affects the individual is copd wishing you well my 14 12 year old daughter has been getting a little bruise looking purplish rash on her earlobe for about a year,hi at 219 your high borderline above you say shrimp but just how much and how you eat it shrimp can be part of a heart healthy diet if it is prepared correctly avoid fried shrimp and creamy high fat sauces and opt for steamed baked or grilled shrimp instead if you are battling high cholesterol talk to your physician before including shrimp in your diet this above was from www livestrong com have a read of this just google natural ways out of high cholesterol but even some good walking 3 to 4 times a week will help you but this is good brisk walking and getting off any saturated fats try getting a mix of cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic into you daily i do and take it first thing every morning just after i get up may sound a bit odd but you get no heart burn doing that take that then go for a short walk you will feel it going round your system try this you just mix cp and turmeric 5050 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonfuls and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down no if you read up about all three the very good for your heart garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good so do hope this helps you good luck what is crohn is disease,i am not a professional or anything but i do have a nurse for a mother we agree that you should find a new doctor to take a look at that because it is not normal and something is probably wrong grandfather had a hernia operation in 2002 and was 72 and nothing like this happened is there a condition that causes the thyroid to be short,the thyroid gland to be short i am not sure what you mean so perhaps you should repost your question and be more detailed can low hemoglobin affect teeth my husband is hemoglobin dropped to 5 1 the doctors cannot find a cause for the drop but are still looking transfusions and iron have brought the number back up into the low end of the normal range but 4 teeth have broken off for no apparent reason and the roots had to be removed by an oral surgeon is this related to the low hemoglobin,there are many causes for itchy scalps but dry skin would be high on the list as well as chemical sensitivity reactions to shampoo fungal scalp infections and yes even head lice it is not possible to determine a specific cause based on itching alone he will need to see a medical provider or dermatologist for a proper examination but in the meantime he can try some medicated over the counter shampoo used for dry scalp conditions to see if it helps a pharmacist can help him chose a proper one there are many reasons for hair loss poor nutritional diet no sleep stress hair loss or baldness may or may not related to your family background and this may be due to many reasons like hormonal changes serious illness scalp infection and mental stress etc just check out if you had gone through any operations or serious illness it is better to use natural products which may be a remedy for hair loss and itching also if you have interest on the natural products better to choose products made of argan nuts which are especially found in moroccan atlas mountains the oil is acidity and vitamins are essential for hair and assist in softening nourishing and rehabilitating the hair you can also find this nuts used for making of shampoo and conditioner which may give better result if three products used in an exact way what if i am physically unable to exercise due to a medical condition,there is virtually no medical condition that will keep you from doing any type of exercise even people with heart failure who were long told not to exercise at all can benefit from moderate amounts of activity people with limited mobility can often do water exercises or do yoga or other exercises while seated in a chair some chair exercise videos are now on the market of course if you have any medical condition check with your doctor before starting any exercise program how are lactase deficiency and lactose intolerance diagnosed,hi have a very good read through this link below it should answer your question very well just copy this link into google to the www to open and read do hope it what you want good luck pain all over my body and it is just getting worse what is wrong i am young about to turn 20 and i had no previous health issues until about 4 months ago i started to experience a pain in my feet that began to spread through my legs and was made worse by exercise i had to see a doctor several times before i saw an exercise physiologist who told me that the tissues in my muscles were not extending like they were supposed to effectively tied in a knot time went on and now the pain is everywhere it hurts to sit straight lay down what is wrong,you need to get ultra sonogrsphy of abdonen and amylase test it is probably pancreatitis which needs immediate admission to the hospital thanks had surgery for acoustic neuroma having secondary effects,i had pigment gallstones which took about 10 years to be correctly diagnosed after my gall bladder was removed i occasionally had the same pain and so i had an e r c p which was clear when the specialist told me it was clear he then asked me if i ever took padenine to which i said yes he then asked if i had taken panadenine before my last attack to which i again answered yes he then gave me some interesting news telling me that some people have a reaction to codeine which causes biliary colic and i should try staying away from codeine that was 20 years ago and i have not had that pain again in all those years i thank my lucky stars for meeting that wonderful doctor i hope this may help some of you as it seems this problem is not so well known can your organs fall after a hysterectomy what questions should i ask my doctor,after a hysterectomy a woman can develop pelvic organ prolapse which is when one of the pelvic organs the uterus or bladder or rectum drop down into the vagina at least 50 of women will develop a prolapse in their lifetime i would ask your physician the following questions do i have a prolapse which organ is dropping what is the degree or stage of the prolapse can a pessary help it the use of a pessary is the first treatment to try am from nepal i came to finland 4 5 months ago from the day am here am havin increasin problem of hairfall wht to do i used to have very thick hair before but almost 50 of it is gone already heard they mix chlorine in water here in finland is it bad for hair i do not wash hair with hot or cold water its always lukewarm water i used to have hairfall problem in nepal as well bt it has increased real bad now am using coconut oil fo hair massage and tresemme as shampoo and conditioner i have never coloured my hair but used henna while stayin in nepal please help,hi have a read of this link below it covers what you asking about and at the bottom your fine filters to get the chlorine out of the water just copy into google to the www to open and read do hope this helps you good luck i have a bulged disc in my back lumbar region l4 and l5 i do not know what to do anymore,avoid jumping also try cross sitting with leaning forward try to walk with slight leaning forward instead of upright back knee to chest exercise from lying on your back position with flexed knees how long is stomach flu contagious,the unlikely sharing of sex toys or soiled underwear would do it but in most cases trichomoniasis a sexually transmitted parasite is primarily spread by sexual activity what arthritis drug is safe to take while taking prograf,i am a cannabis patient and have used bactirm ds before you will be fine my husband and i have been trying to get pregnant and i out of nowhere started a period could i be miscarrying i have been having to do fertility treatments since november due to not ovulating and the treatments worked for the first time this month and i was given an hcg shot and i actually was able to ovulate i have not had a period without medical help for a while now and all of a sudden yesterday i start a period and it is black more clotting than normal and very heavy for a little over a week now i have been having small cramps and feeling sick today i woke up vomiting could i be miscarrying,hi meant to have come back yesterday after doing research on an other post in your clotted blood did you notice what would look like tissue amongst it if its yes then it was a miscarriage did your doctor ask this question good luck what are the potential disadvantages of steroid injections,your first step is to educate yourself you should look for products that contain salicylic acid aha alpha hydroxy acid or papaya based enzymes to help exfoliate and remove unwanted cells your next step is to focus on rebuilding and hydrating your skin compounds containing tretinoin will work towards improving collagen synthesis last and most importantly your daily skin care regimen needs to contain sunblock sun damage and smoking are the primary causes of premature aging yes you can use cocoa oil application on your skin butter also for the anti aging skin take juices practice yoga in the fresh air of early morning have some resveratrol which is actually a natural molecule holds the property of reversing the aging due to high anti oxidant levels have a look of resveratrol and benefits here i am pregnant how long should i wait after i stop taking valtrex to nurse,its almost safe to use valtrex while breast feeding on 60 mcg of synthroid currently should i be taking more,because people with the flu are contagious while they are ill and that they tend to be most contagious while they have a fever cdc advises people who are sick with flu to stay home and away from others for at least 24 hours until after their fever is gone without the use of fever reducing medicines if a sick person is around others we advise that they cover their cough and everyone washes their hands frequently most flu is spread directly from a sick person to another person while flu viruses can be spread by surfaces contaminated with flu viruses such as by coughing on them this is probably not a very efficient way to spread the virus studies have shown that human influenza viruses generally can survive on surfaces between 2 and 8 hours in usual conditions after walking a short distance my heart beats very strongly as if i just ran occasionally with lightheadedness included my heart also not exactly hurts but feels as if it is being held or squeezed almost like if you fully exhale and stick out your stomach and you feel a pressure in your chest this is a constant discomfort and has been for about three days i am 14 female and i get regular exercise i am hoping it is nothing serious,the income you use is your modified adjusted gross income which in most cases is the same as your adjusted gross income on your tax form so it is not your total income but the income adjusted for your deductions and credits i have endo and i c i had a hysterectomy 12 years ago i am in alot of pain to the point of tears i have endo and i c i had a hysterectomy 12 years ago but it keeps coming back so i have had 6 laps it has averaged one a year for the last 6 years i dont have the money right now to go to my dr because our insurance is awful i am having back pain and doubling over with cramps and having trouble with constipation i took a laxative last night and have gone some but its still not like it normally helps me go i am also burning when i go to the bathroom to urinate and not can you give me so,in order for an insurer to cover the cost of a treatment or medication there needs to be a medical need for it if you can not demonstrate the medical necessity for the b12 shots most companies will not pay for them the only way to know for certain however is to check directly with your insurance company to learn whether or not your treatment is covered being an almost 400 pound male how much weight can i safely lose each week i have been on weight watchers for almost 9 weeks and have lost 30 pounds the app keeps yelling at me for losing more than an average of 2 pounds per week what is the rule here i have heard 1 before but cant seem to confirm this i am certainly not starving myself but do not want to cram food in my mouth at the end of the day because i have not eaten all of my points i also do get a fair amount of activity in each week as well are weekly losses of 3 4 pounds really that bad for me,im not a doctor so dont take my word as gold but i get these little white spots on my tonsils too they irritate me like crazy one evening i had enough so i took a flash light and went into the bathroom and took my fingernail and poked at it and it popped out of the tonsil and it stopped bothering me i still get them a lot but i just go in there and get it out i think its like the first answer on here like a calcification what effects does exercise have on the immune system,regular exercise appears to help jump start the immune system thus helping to reduce the number of colds flu and other viruses how does osteoarthritis affect people,self diagnosis is often wrong and self treatment can be iffy since i have no way of determining if this is indeed a wart i cannot endorse home treatment besides over the counter wart medications cannot be use inside the mouth and should be used cautiously on the face my advise would be for you to see a medical provider and have this wart professionally treated how can i fight extreme fatigue from treatments for colon cancer,no americans living abroad for most of the year are not required to buy insurance in my period it burns when i use the bathroom the pain is severe and i normally can not do anything till it goes away i am only 19 years old have never had sex and this problem has been going on for about three years the doctors do not know what it is when i am in my period it burns to go to the bathroom and it is sharp shooting pain the pain lasts for about three to four hours and i can not do anything normally during this time,hi so have you seen a gyno yet and take a sample of your urine with you from when you having your period also best if you can arrange an appointment for the same time if need be do a sample then its about the best advice good luck what is acute fulminant hepatitis,hi this can be due to cervical slipped disc get a mri of cervical spine done use cervical collar neck exercises will help avoid lifting heavy weight thanks will using a generic formula cause problems with my baby is growth and development,no chlamydia is an std sexually transmitted disease and that is how you got it he has cheated on you in past and probably lied about it so what makes you think he has not done it again it is not likely you got chlamydia from sex toys but most likely from the boyfriend who has been toying around with someone else i received a urethral bulking procedure with the coaptite injectable implant now in constant pain doctors do not know why,hi you can have periods why your pregnant but these are very light periods that last only 3 days but if you thin k this normal for you all you can is keep getting tested and see if nothing comes of this it may pay you to go on the bc pill for say 6 months to regulate your periods then come off them and try again after a month or 2 depending when your periods become regular hope this helps you good luck why do i yawn after 30 40 minutes of exercising,iron deficiency can fentanyl be used for weight loss can fentanyl be used as a weight loss drug i went to a clinic and they want to put me on fentanyl injections for said weight loss they claim 45 to 65 pounds can be lost in 2 months but everything i have read says its a pain reliver,look up fen fen concerning weight management and do you research thoroughly and carefully as we all react differently and remember that the goal is a better health ] do not medicate thusly without proper research thoroughly investigate before proceeding the topic i know a few ladies who had with some positive and negative resultseffects during experimentary treatment to aid in dietingweight loss she no longer uses this method >>advices caution in employment of these type drugs to suppliment a weight loss program i have severe pain and swelling in my buttock groin thigh and calf,most helpful answer that is an excellent question and i am glad you asked first of all it is important to realize experiencing a severe headache while taking a blood thinner can be a sign of a medical emergency especially if it is accompanied by sudden weakness dizziness confusion or the inability to speak clearly in that case you should call 911 as you probably know all the over the counter headache remedies called non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids have blood thinning properties therefore it may not be a good idea to combine them with a prescription anticoagulant blood thinner nsaids include aspirin ibuprofen and naproxyn read the label of any brand name medication to see if it contains any of these so what does that leave you with acetaminophen tylenol is the primary over the counter pain reliever that does not contain an nsaid assuming you are not allergic to it you can try taking plain acetaminophen to see if that helps your headache your best bet is to call your medical provider to find out what he or she recommends for a simple headache when you are taking a blood thinner wishing you all the best what should i look for during a testicular self exam,there is the testicle itself which should be like a firm but not hard egg sized almost thing the epididymis where the sperms mature and develop the ability to fertilize the egg feels more like an earthworm attached to the bag and there can be little tiny cysts and nodules that come off of that and lumps and bumps so it is essential that when you do a testicular self exam that you get used to understanding what you are like it is like women with a breast self exam you learn the lumps and bumps the guy down there needs to know what is normal so if there is a change they can say aha this lump was not there last month men are supposed to do testicular self exams they should be doing an exam ideally once a month best in the shower when they are soapy and wet and that will tell them what their normal baseline is but our biggest problem in urology is that men are diagnosed with testicular cancers late they do not find them early when it is a little lump or bump they wait until it is large if i am feeling flushed and sort of achy can i still get my flu shot now,the centers for disease control say you can get your flu shot as long as you are not running a fever if you simply have a mild illness without fever it is ok to get your flu shot of course if you are allergic to eggs have had a previous serious reaction to the flu vaccine or have ever had guillain barre syndrome then you should talk to your health care provider before you get vaccinated for influenza given your symptoms i would recommend mentioning them to the person or clinic administering the flu shots they may have a policy about who they will or will not vaccinate based on physical symptoms like you describe feel better soon will they still do arthroscopy surgery if you have a cold,no you body will burn fat my wife is pregnant because of this we are not able to find a health insurance provider who can cover maternity are there any insurance providers who support maternity,whether or not health plans sold through the state health insurance marketplaces cover bariatric surgery will depend on the state some will and some will not you can see what is happening where you live on the webmd health reform page there you may find specific information about what health plans will be required to cover in your case your income qualifies you for medicaid if your state is expanding its program again check the state page to see if it is medicaid will cover the cost of bariatric surgery as long as it is considered medically necessary my erections have shrunk by 50 in everyway over the past two years what might be causing this when i have an erection sometimes i am unable to ejaculate there is still plenty of pre ejaculatory fluid i am on several medications two for high blood pressure synthroid a statin anti depressant anti anxiety stool softeners these drugs all do there job well for each condition they are designed to treat i have been a fairly large consumer of alcohol in the past but have cut down considerablly on this recently i also have two spermatocysts connected to my left testicle,that is something that cannot be determined 100 via the internet since there is no way to blindly ascertain the extent of the injury remember that the penis does not make sperm the testicles make sperm if you are concerned he would need to be examined by a medical professional or urologist it would not be prudent to make a guess over the internet i am sorry can arthritis spread i was diagnosed with having arthritis in my lower back at the same time i was beginning to have symptoms in the middle of my back and now on the top of my back i was wondering if the arthritis is spreading through my back the symptoms are all the same and now it is affecting my whole back,yes a person can have arthritis symptoms in just about any joint there are several different types of arthritis and i do not know what type you have so i would suggest that you address this question to your medical provider someone who knows you and your medical history will adema from congetive heart failure go away on its own has had the flu with a cough chills aches and pains for 2 weeks,no can you take amlodipine and exforge together,no and you should not need to exforge is a combination medication that contains amlodipine and valsartan taking it with plain amlodipine could give you too much amlodipine which could be dangerous talk with your doctor to clarify what blood pressure medications you are supposed to be taking to avoid any dangerous medication error can i dye my hair with bells palsy i have had it 6 weeks already and want to dye my hair not bleach dye,hi norfloxacin is usually not the drug of choice for upper respiratory tract infection sore throat and diarrhea are norfloxacin side effectsgood luck my right hand and foot have been numb i can not move and it is painful,exercise offers many benefits for people with alzheimer is disease the major benefits include improved strength endurance and heart fitness exercise can also increase energy and improve mood and sleep exercise also helps people with alzheimer is disease preserve motor skills and improve balance which in turn can help prevent serious injury from falls further exercise can help improve mental function it is important to talk to the person is doctor before beginning any exercise program there may be other factors such as bone disease a heart condition or balance problems that could limit or restrict activity where do tetanus bacteria grow in the body,contaminated wounds are the sites where tetanus bacteria multiply deep wounds or those with dead tissue are particularly prone to tetanus infection puncture wounds such as those caused by nails splinters or insect bites are favorite locations of entry for the bacteria the bacteria can also be introduced through burns any break in the skin and drug injection sites tetanus can also be a hazard to both the mother and newborn child by means of the uterus after delivery and through the umbilical cord stump the potent toxin that is produced when the tetanus bacteria multiply is the major cause of harm in this disease why would my rectum be bleeding its been bleeding fo ab a mounth ive seen my fam doctor and she has assigned me a dr but its bleeding more i have pain and burning in my side and stomhic and rutcem and the cream they gave me does not work what should i do,it is odd that your doctor can not tell why you are bleeding at this point you should probably get a colonoscopy if you have insurance it might even be free if they gave you a cream they probably thought it was a hemorrhoid it could also be an anal fissure farther in or it could be a polyp it could also be diverticulosis or diverticulitis which is what happens when your large intestines develop little pouches in the side and sometimes they bleed my dad nearly bled to death when one of those let go but luckily they are also very treatable he is fine by the way a colonoscopy is going to be able to tell you a lot more they do not make you go through it while fully awake so it is not even all that uncomfortable how many doses of recephin are safe for child my 5 year old was diagnosed with e coli and has had 3 shots of rocephin but still has a trace of blood and leuks is it safe to give her more,there are so many things that can trigger psychological responses in children from the daily stressors of school to issues at home children can respond to life stresses in a variety of ways but anxiety and depression are the most common over the years i have seen children acting out in school — fighting with other children bullying talking back to teachers refusing to follow school rules and blatantly disruptive some actually want to be expelled from school so they can stay home why they are worried about their parents who may be out of work and losing their home or divorcing children are being bullied at school many kids are struggling with undiagnosed learning problems or trying to cope with untreated psychiatric disorders some have hearing or vision problems and do not know it sadly some are being physically psychologically or even sexually abused at home and have no one to turn to no one they can trust school nurses and psychologists may have been the first to get the axe when schools could not meet their financial budgets music art drama and other “fun” school activities may be absent now low grades may keep capable children from participating in sports classrooms may be impacted to the point where teachers do not have the time to really get to know their students anymore they may see a child acting out or failing but may not have the time or the emotional energy to delve into the child is life outside the classroom i was to see a 16 year old young man for a physical in a few days his mother called me so she could tell me her concerns for the previous six months he had been in a serious relationship — his first real girlfriend according to his mother a few weeks ago he was dumped for reasons unknown to the parents his mood crashed to the point where he was sleeping all of the time spending any home time in his room not eating not hanging out with friends skipping school and refusing to share his feelings with either parent the mother asked that i intervene and try to help him alex was not excluded from school he excluded himself from school and his life in general the “red flags” were waving but the mother did not feel he was suicidal just depressed after his examination i told alex not his real name that his mother had called and was very worried about him i excluded the mother from the room so that we could talk in private some parents are unbelievably supportive and loving but teenagers in crisis often reject love of any type he laughed when i asked him if he was considering harming himself he did not entertain the thought nor did he have a plan it is considered “normal” to think about suicide but if a person has a suicide plan or even an attempt he needs immediate psychological intervention as i i have a light red sometimes purpleish rash on the shaft of my penis i have tried using cortizone and a lamisil atf i have had the rash for about a month it does not itch or burn there is no discharge or anything like that it is just there and it is driving me nuts when i first noticed it i frequently masturbated at least once a day of not more since i have slowed down to nearly at all but the rash will not go away regardless of what i try please help,store in a tightly closed container at room temperature between 59 86 degrees f 15 30 degrees c away from light and moisture do not store in the bathroom do not freeze liquid forms of this medication keep all medicines away from children and pets do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into a drain unless instructed to do so properly discard this product when it is expired or no longer needed consult your pharmacist or local waste disposal company for more details about how to safely discard your product chest pain weakness on the left side and my throat feeling tight on the left side,in my opinion you should see a psychologist all your symptoms refere to stress and anxiety try using 10mg of hydorxizine see if symptoms improve good luck i have preformed my triglyceride test from lab and result came 278 mgdl what should i do i am 20 i have preformed my triglyceride test from lab and result came 278 mgdl what should i do my age is 20 i was in 13 hours fasting please guide me,it may show up it is too late to do anything about it now the sensitivity of the lab analysis varies from lab to lab but if it shows up you know why even causal use of drugs for recreational reasons can come back and haunt you so i suspect you may make a different decision about using cocaine in the future if it does not show up on your test then you have been given a second chance i noticed a burning sensation on my side the redness spread and turned redpurple and still spreading,no people who 1 qualify for exchange subsidies and work for an employer that does not offer health insurance and 2 people who are currently uninsured may find it advantageous to buy insurance through the exchange or marketplace but there is no requirement to do so the health reform law does include an individual mandate if you do not have a qualified health insurance plan or medicare or medicaid you will be required to pay a penalty based on your income what are the screening tests for prostate cancer,from being so anxious about your period being late delays it a bit more since your ept came out negative you can relax for a week or so being placed on the antibiotics have an affect on menses if you have not gotten it by today is date then by all means go to a gynocologist that doctor will take tests with an exam to determine what is going on i am 50yrs had a hysterectomy about 12yrs and now for the first time started bleeding and burning what could that mean have been taking a lot of prescriptions due to sciatica,complications from type 1 diabetes are caused by one or both of the following damage to the lining of the blood vessels throughout your body causing them to become clogged with hard fatty deposits called plaques this process is called atherosclerosis damage to the nerves neuropathy that reduces or blocks their ability to send messages to your organs legs and arms and other parts of your body this damage results from excess sugar glucose in your body webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i have been sick with over 102 degree fever for four days straight now,hi it seems that he has viral fever such viral infections are usually associated with high grade fevers associated with chills and rigors do not worry give him paracetamol or other nsaids every 6 hourly monitor and keep a record of the recorded temperatures give him plenty of fluids and fruit juices if the fever doesnt show any signs of improvement in next 2 days consult a doctor thanks is exercise a treatment for clinical depression,birthmarks can be difficult to conceal your first step is to exclude any underlying medical causes that may lead to superficial skin changes such as any type of infection once medical causes are excluded your options may include laser treatment medical tattooing or a medical grade concealer my kid was diagnosed with hand foot and mouth disease by one doc and chicken pox by another,not all cataracts impair vision or affect daily living for those that do common symptoms include cloudy fuzzy foggy or filmy vision glare from lamps or the sun which may be severe difficulty driving at night due to glare from headlights frequent changes in eyeglass prescription double vision second sight difficulty performing daily activities because of vision problems parents need to watch for signs of cataracts in infants and children webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i have skin tags in both underarm areas how many skin tags can typically be removed in one office visit,its true that it is a one of z pak side effects buts its rare beside you are going to use it for a specific period of time chosing the antibiotic is based on the causitive organism for acute myocarditis and its seems to me that this is suitable for ur case is it wise to get shingles vaccine and flue vaccine at the same time my work is offering a shingles vaccine and flu vaccines they will pay for them but can i get them both on the same day would i get really sick ,you are unlikely to get sick if you take both shots at the same time they are totally different vaccines with different side effects and immunological responses i often give killed flu vaccine and live chicken pox vaccine on the same day to children if those vaccines are free to you and you do not have any contraindications to receiving them then i do not see a problem both diseases are miserable so since they can be prevented then go for it lumps on breasts thoracic spine and shoulder blades sore could i have breast cancer,hi any kind of lump single or multiple small or big painful or painless is a potential for breast cancer you cannot neglect this at all get a mammogram done and if required other tests done to rule out malignancy thanks can a child get strep throat if they do not have tonsils,yes but it is not very common the tonsils are the huge reservoir for strep so once they are removed strep is almost non existent keep in mind however that your child still has a throat and the throat may always be susceptible to infection can you get hand foot and mouth disease more than once my 11 month son was diagnosed with this today and his doctor acted as if you can only contract this once although she did not specifically say that she told me that children over the age of 4 are usually spared as they have most likely already had the disease in the past i have never had this nor has my husband or my two daughters 10 and 5 just looking for any extra precautions that i may need to take,if your brother was specifically prescribed a diuretic by one of his physicians who are treating his lung cancer then yes he should take it each person on chemotherapy is unique often taking different types and dosages of chemotherapeutic agents and not every person would need a diuretic your brother appears that he does i wish your brother and family the very best on his treatment i just had a baby a year ago n my period is usually late how do you know if you are pregnant again i am already two or three weeks late could i be pregnant again,ph is a measure of how acidic a water based solution is since our bodies are mostly water ph can be used to describe how much acid is in the fluids in our bodies water has a ph of 7 0 phs lower than 7 are acidic phs above 7 are basic or alkaline our bodies maintain our blood at a ph of about 7 4 the kidneys tightly regulate this ph balance by continuously filtering the acids and bases in the blood the kidneys excrete just the right amount of acid or base in the urine to keep the system in ph balance certain other body fluids are highly acidic like stomach acid or basic enzyme rich fluids in the pancreas these fluids are kept tightly walled off from the blood and body tissues where they could cause damage if released inappropriately can genital herpes be confused with shingles,with obsessive compulsive disorder ocd you develop disturbing obsessive thoughts that cause fear or anxiety in order to rid yourself of these thoughts and relieve the fear you perform rituals such as repeated hand washing or checking that something has been done unfortunately the relief is only temporary the thoughts return and you repeat the rituals the rituals or behaviors become time consuming and have a significant impact on your daily life if your particular fear involves unfamiliar situations it is possible for you to become so obsessed by the fears that you stop going outside of your home quality of life can be substantially lowered by ocd since it can greatly affect your ability to work and have relationships many people are too embarrassed by their symptoms to seek treatment and they go for years before seeing a doctor symptoms of ocd can be reduced with treatment ocd can have a negative effect on those who care about you family members can become angry and frustrated at the strain the rituals or behaviors put on them talk to your doctor about ways your family members can help with ocd webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i have a strange medical problem feel weak fatigued dizzy chilled and cloudy headed terrible skin sores,i am not sure exactly what you are asking but as i have worked with transgender patients in the past i will try to answer your question if you are talking about physical transgender issues such as wanting to have your breasts removed or have breast augmentation to create breasts then the correct expert to see is a plastic surgeon you may want to ask around within the transgender community for referrals to surgeons in your area who have experience working with transgender patients if you are talking about complete sexual reassignment surgery also called sex change surgery it is a little more difficult there are only a few surgeons who perform these surgeries if you are talking about the emotional issues that can come with being transgender then i would suggest you seek out a psychotherapist who has experience working with transgender clients again if you are out within the transgender community you might ask around for recommendations from other transgender individuals i hope this helps and i wish you all the best i am 26 and i have started developing some wrinkles how can i get rid of them,the pinworms will not cause problems with her chemotherapy but no one really wants to get pinworms so those cousins need to be treated first you do not want them either pinworms are medically harmless but they are very annoying and should be eliminated what is the difference between family practice and general practice,as far as patients are concerned they are both the same seeing patients of all ages family practice is considered a specialty since most fp physicians have completed extra training in a residency and have taken the family practice board exam a general practice is usually done by a physician who has not done a residency or taken a specialty examination my mother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma now cloudy eye lens is it eye cancer,in my opinion unilateral cataract can be either due to intraocular tumors or severe anterior uveitis still can be related to the multiple myeloma you need a good to diagnose correctly and do the required tests biopsy may be needed good luck have had ed for many years is it to late for help prostatectomy at age 49 ed last 10 years,most helpful answer i think it would be worth a consultation to the urologist if you had nerve lossdamage as a result of your prostatectomy there may be little that can be done medically but you may qualify for penile implant hi have a look on www franktalk org ed is the words on there and is were your find a lot of guys some on drugs like viagra and its brothers some doing trimex injections others with implants or like me i did my own thing got over ed with herbs and a hormone so you have a good mix you should find lots to read or just join and ask on the forums some us of do help if we can but your find its very friendly and lots of open discussions see how you get on good luck if no nerve lossdamage is there options other than surgery how can benign prostatic hyperplasia bph be prevented,the urination problems caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia bph cannot be prevented some people believe that regular ejaculations will help prevent prostate enlargement but there is no scientific proof that ejaculation helps webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i am 16 and do not want my parents to know i am depressed how should i get myself help,talk to your parents my young friend fighting depression alone is not something you should be doing i think you will discover when you ask for help that your parents are unbelievably supportive there are many types of depression from situational depression to more serious depression caused by biochemical imbalances in your brain since you really can not see a counselor or psychiatrist or even your family medical provider without your parent is permission you really have few choices you can talk to a clergy person a trusted older family member or a teacher but in the end your parents will be your most important asset adolescence is a difficult time believe it or not but your parents were teenagers at one time too none of us should fight these battles alone if you need help then help is closer than you think is there a permanent hair removal product available for men,i had the same thing it went away soon after i stopped taking my birth control pills how can i thicken my blood i take ibuprofen regularly for headaches im tryin to finish a back tattoo and am bleeding too much to have it done if the ibuprofen is the issue how long do i have to be off it or is there something i can take to counteract the blood thinning qualities of the ibuprofen,in my opinion you are falling under a big stress and this can cause what you are suffering from i recommend starting asap doing regular yoga classes relaxation training meditation walking daily in open air also weight lifting can help raising your testosterone level but avoid taking any anabolics do not try going medically treated with drugs unless you try life style changes and diet regards can too much alcohol cause hemochromatosis,yes absolutely alcohol can cause hemochromatosis for sure stopping of alcohol and doing regular liver function tests will help what does it mean if i have blood in my semen,genital herpes is usually diagnosed based on your medical history and a physical exam your doctor may ask you the following questions do you think you were exposed to genital herpes or another sexually transmitted disease std how do you know did your partner tell you what are your symptoms do you have sores in the genital area or anywhere else on your body do they usually come and go do you have any urinary symptoms including frequent urination burning or stinging with urination or urinating in small amounts if you have discharge from the vagina or penis it is important to note any smell or color what method of birth control do you use did you use condoms to protect against stds which high risk sexual behaviors do you or your partner engage in have you had an std in the past how was it treated after the medical history is taken a woman will have a gynecological exam a pap test is not specific for genital herpes but may be included depending on the woman is medical history a man will have a genital exam to check for hsv infection your doctor may be able to diagnose genital herpes from your medical history and physical exam especially if the herpes sores are typical in appearance but if this is your first outbreak of suspected genital herpes further testing may be done to confirm the diagnosis herpes tests cannot always show if you have a primary genital herpes outbreak or you have been infected in the past sometimes a test result can be negative even though the person has herpes webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what should i do if i suspect an overdose of cheratussin ac,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include fastslowirregular heartbeat slowshallow breathing coldclammy skin loss of consciousness my sister in law is trying to persuade me that her nutribullet juicerblender is the key to good health is it,the key to good health is not a blender it is what you put in that blender the body does a pretty good job blending and digesting what you eat it really does not need to be pre juiced so the key to good health is good nutrition not the a machine i have been taking propranolol for the chest pains now have headaches and pain on left side of head and body,irritable bowel syndrome irritable bowel syndrome is a functional cause of diarrhea or constipation inflammation does not typically exist in the affected bowel nevertheless recent information suggests that there may be a component of inflammation in ibs it may be caused by several different underlying problems but it is believed that the most common cause is rapid passage of the intestinal contents through the colon infectious diseases there are a few infectious diseases that can cause chronic diarrhea for example giardia lamblia patients with aids often have chronic infections of their intestines that cause diarrhea bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine because of small intestinal problems normal colonic bacteria may spread from the colon and into the small intestine when they do they are in a position to digest food that the small intestine has not had time to digest and absorb the mechanism that leads to the development of diarrhea in bacterial overgrowth is not known post infectious following acute viral bacterial or parasitic infections some individuals develop chronic diarrhea the cause of this type of diarrhea is not clear but some of the individuals have bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine this condition also is referred to as post infectious ibs inflammatory bowel disease crohn is disease and ulcerative colitis diseases causing inflammation of the small intestine andor colon commonly cause chronic diarrhea colon cancer colon cancer can cause either diarrhea or constipation if the cancer blocks the passage of stool it usually causes constipation sometimes however there is secretion of water behind the blockage and liquid stool from behind the blockage leaks around the cancer and results in diarrhea cancer particularly in the distal part of the colon can lead to thin stools cancer in the rectum can lead to a sense of incomplete evacuation severe constipation by blocking the colon hardened stool can lead to the same problems as colon cancer carbohydrate sugar malabsorption carbohydrate or sugar malabsorption is an inability to digest and absorb sugars the most well recognized malabsorption of sugar occurs with lactase deficiency also known as lactose or milk intolerance in which milk products containing the milk sugar lactose lead to diarrhea the lactose is not broken up in the intestine because of the absence of an intestinal enzyme lactase that normally breaks up lactose without being broken up lactose cannot be absorbed into the body the undigested lactose reaches the colon and pulls water by osmosis into the colon this leads to diarrhea although lactose is the most common form of sugar malabsorption other sugars in the diet also may cause diarrhea including fructose and sorbitol fat malabsorption malabsorption of fat is the inability to digest or absorb fat fat malabsorption may occur because of reduced pancreatic secretions that are necessary for normal digestion of fat for example due to pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer or by diseases of the lining of the small intestine that prevent the absorption of digested fat for example celiac disease undigested fat enters the last i have severe sinus infection acute frontal sinusitis what are my next steps,hi if you do not improve in 7 days then your next step will be a bacterial cutlure to check antibiotics sensitivity then 7 more days on the new antibiotic if this fails then surgical treatment is recommended try make it last resort as it cause scaring causing chronic problemsgood luck could i become addicted to my weight loss medication,u seem to have taken incomplete anti tb treatment resulting in nodule get hrct chest done if sputum examination is positive u need to start on mdr anti tb treatment what does it mean when toothpaste has tartar protection,tartar is hardened mineralized bacterial plaque that has not been removed from teeth when tartar control toothpaste containing the soluble sodium pyrophosphate is applied to the teeth and gums a chemical bonding process occurs any calcium phosphate which has not yet bonded to teeth is attracted to the sodium pyrophosphate when the new compound mixes with water it is completely dissolved this means that the destructive calcium phosphate destined to form more tartar is instead removed with the rinse water tartar control toothpaste cannot dissolve tartar that has already bonded with the enamel but it can stop future deposits from forming can being dry during sex cause you pain after i recently had sex for the very first time and i am 22 i have had oral sex before there was a lack of foreplay and i was dry when we had sex i am now sore and feel like i have a uti can you get that from your first time after having sex was it just because of the lack of lubrication or is this an unusual feeling,it clearly sounds like your dad needs medication to help with his agitation and psychotic behavior i recommend you connect him with a local hospital or geriatrician experienced with dementia you will be able to secure appropriate drug treatment to manage his behavior it is also suggested you contact the liocal chapter of the alzheimer association for both education and support you do not need the extra stress and you will learn how to cope with your dad is behaviors should my son go to school with a broken collarbone,sure he can go to school as long as you keep him off of the monkey bars and from monkeying around obviously i do not know the age of your son so this may not be an issue my boyfriend pulled out to ejaculate and then put it back in with no condom can i get pregnant,most helpful answer yeah it is 100 sure you can get pregnant bcoz you had unprotected sex if you do not want to keep it you can take birth control pills you can buy from chemist shop or online at pharmacysell dot com do you remember a seizure i do not remember anything i did not feel well i do have stage 2 lupus i take hydroxchlor my joints will swell in just a matter of 20 min my daughter said i was walking and all of a sudden started shaking and was rigid starring and not breathing then i woke up to an ambulance ride to the hospital,i have had several seizures and have yet to know what i do i remember the room getting dark then i see nothing and it seems like a just a few seconds and i am ok but i never remember it and i have been told that it lasted a few minutes not seconds are there any over the counter treatments for cold sores,there are some topical medications that can be used for cold sores such as abreva it comes in a pump dispenser that contains a cream that can be applied the cold sore may not go away immediately you may need to use the medication for a few days son bouts of nausea and vomiting that lasted two days extremely thristy and has lost his appetitie last for two weeks my son is 14 he has had bouts of nausea and vomiting that last for two days then afterwards he is extremely thristy and has lost his appetite thgis last for two weeks at a time this has been occuring for over 6 months he is always tired and falls asleep in the car during the ride to school and back he has had blood work for diabetes and celiac disease and lyme they were all negative,i am not sure what this is but it sounds serious it appears that you have taken your son to the doctor already to get some answers and that they have ruled out several things talk to your doctor again as you need to get to the bottom of his health problems if you feel your doctor is not taking this seriously you could try another one ask for a recommendation from family and friends and make sure you have copies of his records and test results trust your instincts if you feel something is wrong then find someone who is willing to help what is healthier water or juice,for what water is essential to human existence but you cannot live on water alone since it does not have any calories or essential nutrients juice in moderation can be added to a balanced diet juice is 80 90 water and does have calories and some nutrients how much protein should someone with gout consume since higher protein foods can trigger gout attacks how much protein is safe for someone with gout,hi and from www ncb nlm nih gov com this its a question and answer question many of my female patients complain about acne unwanted hair growth and other skin problems that have only developed since they became pregnant are products used for these types of benign skin conditions safe to use in pregnancy as it is understandable that women want to look their best at this important time in their lives answer with the exception of hydroquinone which has a relatively high systemic absorption rate and tretinoin for which the evidence is controversial these products act locally and therefore produce minimal systemic levels consequently in most cases women can deal with these cosmetically unappealing skin conditions without compromising the safety of their unborn children hope this helps you good luck what kind of skin problems can radiation therapy cause,medication can stay in the body for about 24 hours before elimination however the effects of the medication may be felt later on by taking yaz you are putting an exogenous form of hormones into your body to help regulate your cycle your natural hormones are thereby replaced it takes a moment for your body to kick in with the natural hormones during regulation of menses this is why it is individualized concerning how long it may take to become pregnant after stopping the pill if you are switching to another pill you can start immediately what is the common cold and what causes it,the common cold is a self limited contagious illness that can be caused by a number of different types of viruses the common cold is medically referred to as a viral upper respiratory tract infection symptoms of the common cold may include cough sore throat nasal congestion runny nose and sneezing more than 200 different types of viruses are known to cause the common cold with rhinovirus causing approximately 30 35 of all adult colds other commonly implicated viruses include coronavirus adenovirus respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza virus because so many different viruses can cause a cold and because new cold viruses constantly develop the body never builds up resistance against all of them for this reason colds are a frequent and recurring problem in fact children in preschool and elementary school can have six to 12 colds per year while adolescents and adults typically have two to four colds per year the common cold occurs most frequently during the fall and winter months the common cold is the most frequently occurring illness in the world and it is a leading cause of doctor visits and missed days from school and work it is estimated that individuals in the united states suffer 1 billion colds per year with approximately 22 million days of school absences recorded annually my daughter is five years old and just passed a bowel movement with blood,body dysmorphic disorder is a very recognized condition where the patient is mind does not really reflect what their appearance is they always thing that they are not as good looking not as young they are unhappy with their appearance and despite having often very nice and appropriate procedures they want more they want something different well frankly in our training for example we were trained by psychiatrists in interviewing you know how to interview how to ask the question how to get to it now sometimes it is not very hard because you know they come to us and they are 38 years old and they have had 3 face lifts already but sometimes you have got to do a little more work but generally you kind of get at the issues because you look at them and you listen and you get a sense and it just does not seem right in other words the patient is worries seem disproportional to how good they look to you that is how you sort it out and the sorting is important because that patient generally presents i think a much bigger challenge than one might want to take on because they often are not satisfied regardless of the high quality of the work delivered that is one condition that has to be sorted out the other condition is someone who does not necessarily have the wrong view of their appearance they just feel like they have to be up to the minute and every year they just have to have something done to keep up with the joneses almost it is like a badge of honor or courage oh yes i just had a face lift this year but the problem with that is with each successive operation becomes more difficult more fraught with hazard and runs the risk of going over the edge of looking natural we had a very high profile patient come in here who i have known for 25 years although i have not operated on her she was operated on by one of my teachers and when i first met her and she came in and asked me about having the chemical peel the chemical wrinkle removal process well i know that my teacher did that procedure on her many many years ago and again it is a long lasting procedure she certainly did not need it so i advised against it and respectfully declined to take on the case well i saw her later and somehow she had something else done and i have to say it was not very good she looked wrong she looked pulled she looked strapped to the 747 look and that you can not disengage that i mean that it is permanent you can not reverse it so sometimes peculiar to our community here particularly the hollywood environment there is a little greater tendency towards that people are struggling very hard to hold on to that youthful appearance but what causes breasts in an 8 year old my 8 year old grand daughter has breasts maybe aaa size her mom started buying her training bras a couple of years ago now she wears sport bras all the time is this normal is there a cure or can this be treated,most helpful answer although age eight is a bit early little girls can start having breast buds at that age at age nine it may be considered normal there are many factors that could accelerate puberty so it would be wise for your grand daughter to be properly examined by her pediatrician to make sure that she is not having precocious puberty early puberty if she is just developing early there is really nothing that needs to be done in most cases other than careful observation by her medical provider i am now suffering with very bad pain in my hands and feet my hands feel like they are on fire all the time,hi i recommend doing spinal tab to check for increased intracranial pressure also if you had a brain mri i hope you could upload it as i suspect an old meningitis which has caused all your problems increased intracranial pressure can be due to a rise in pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid good luck innocent heart murmur has started to give symptoms about 8 years ago i went to the gp with breathlessness following ecg is it was diagnosed as an innocent heart murmur i went back about 4 years ago with increased symptoms but they said that it was nothing over the last few years i have been having episodes of palpitations at least a few times a week until recently i had never fainted before but i have fainted 3 or 4 times alongside these palpitations is it worth going back to the gp i feel like i am going to be told its nothing again,it could be genetic if his parents are small or he could have a growth hormone deficiency the sooner the gets evaluated the better get his in to see a pediatric endocrinologist asap since he is 15 now growth hormone deficiencies must be treated before his growth plates close while he is still growing i was diagnosed with a 0 5 cm large brain lesion on my left temporal i have headache,hi headache in the back of the neck is usually related to cervical problems top head headache is usually hypertension i do not think your brain lesion is related good luck what should i do if i suspect an overdose of melatonin,please do not advertise on this webmd medical site your posting takes up space for people who have medical problems that need addressed what are common causes of chronic diarrhea,irritable bowel syndrome irritable bowel syndrome is a functional cause of diarrhea or constipation inflammation does not typically exist in the affected bowel nevertheless recent information suggests that there may be a component of inflammation in ibs it may be caused by several different underlying problems but it is believed that the most common cause is rapid passage of the intestinal contents through the colon infectious diseases there are a few infectious diseases that can cause chronic diarrhea for example giardia lamblia patients with aids often have chronic infections of their intestines that cause diarrhea bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine because of small intestinal problems normal colonic bacteria may spread from the colon and into the small intestine when they do they are in a position to digest food that the small intestine has not had time to digest and absorb the mechanism that leads to the development of diarrhea in bacterial overgrowth is not known post infectious following acute viral bacterial or parasitic infections some individuals develop chronic diarrhea the cause of this type of diarrhea is not clear but some of the individuals have bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine this condition also is referred to as post infectious ibs inflammatory bowel disease crohn is disease and ulcerative colitis diseases causing inflammation of the small intestine andor colon commonly cause chronic diarrhea colon cancer colon cancer can cause either diarrhea or constipation if the cancer blocks the passage of stool it usually causes constipation sometimes however there is secretion of water behind the blockage and liquid stool from behind the blockage leaks around the cancer and results in diarrhea cancer particularly in the distal part of the colon can lead to thin stools cancer in the rectum can lead to a sense of incomplete evacuation severe constipation by blocking the colon hardened stool can lead to the same problems as colon cancer carbohydrate sugar malabsorption carbohydrate or sugar malabsorption is an inability to digest and absorb sugars the most well recognized malabsorption of sugar occurs with lactase deficiency also known as lactose or milk intolerance in which milk products containing the milk sugar lactose lead to diarrhea the lactose is not broken up in the intestine because of the absence of an intestinal enzyme lactase that normally breaks up lactose without being broken up lactose cannot be absorbed into the body the undigested lactose reaches the colon and pulls water by osmosis into the colon this leads to diarrhea although lactose is the most common form of sugar malabsorption other sugars in the diet also may cause diarrhea including fructose and sorbitol fat malabsorption malabsorption of fat is the inability to digest or absorb fat fat malabsorption may occur because of reduced pancreatic secretions that are necessary for normal digestion of fat for example due to pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer or by diseases of the lining of the small intestine that prevent the absorption of digested fat for example celiac disease undigested fat enters the last does ibs lead to crohn is disease or ulcerative colitis,there is no evidence that irritable bowel syndrome ibs is a forerunner of inflammatory bowel disease crohn is disease and ulcerative colitis together referred to as ibd having said that there are interesting observations that suggest that some of the factors causing ibs and ibd may be similar involving the intestinal immune system and bacteria within the intestine the great differences between ibs and ibd makes it unlikely that they are caused by identical processes it is more likely that the manifestations they share for example abdominal pain and diarrhea are a function of the ability of the intestine to respond to disease causing processes no matter how different in a limited number of ways i have got bulimia and i am on lamictal for bipolar disorder i now have mushroom looking lumps on my tongue,hi this can be cluster headache to rule out other causes you can get a ct brain done deep breathing exercises meditation and yoga will help thanks going through perimenopausal symptoms and my periods go from spotting bleeding spotting bleeding ect is it normal i usually bleed for 4 days last month i blead for 8 days and spotting for 2 days this month i have spotted 2 blead 1 spotted 3 blead 1 spotted 1 blead 2 and i still have not stopped bleeding i do not understand what is happening to me,i believe u are having an immune deficiency issue … u need to seek advice of immunologist congestive heart failure patients should or should not drink water or other fluids,chf reduces kidney function and may lead to symptoms of fluid overload and retention many chf patients are therefore prescribed diuretics and have their diet limited for sodium intake additionally the drinking of large amounts or even moderate amounts of tea coffee and other fluids is usually discouraged a healthy adult may be asked to drink at least 64 ounces 8 cups of liquid per day a chf patient is typically asked to keep fluid intake to about 32 ounces 4 cups per day including water they clearly should avoid taking in more than 6 cups of fluid daily or 48 ounces i have been in a 4months and 6 days treatment for ptb i have this concern because every morning when i spit i always see thick white mucus or a thick yellowish mucus i am very concerned whether my treatment was a failure because there is one time that i had forgotten one dosage of my medicine for one day i am having a hard time going to the hospitalhealth centers because i live in a far flung area any advice if my treatment was a failure or not i am gaining weight and already freed from restlessness in breathing i also cough but not like coughing before as if i were dying i will be waiting for answers thanks in advance,there is very easy way to know the treatment failure get sputum afb and gene experts analysis and we will know what is going on here i hope it helps stay in touch with your healthcare provider for further guidance as our answers are just for education and counselling purposes and cannot be an alternative to actual visit to a doctor take care khan a cast for my fractured ankle is extremely painful on my calf is that normal,a painful calf inside a cast is not normal so please call your orthopedist today so this can be checked the cast may need to be removed and replaced in the meantime get that leg elevated and put some ice in a bag over the cast to reduce any possible swelling that may be causing the discomfort since your leg cannot easily expand in a cast when you are hanging it down or standing upright it can quickly swell can rubbing alcohol help an ear infection my ear started hurting last night it is starting to feel a little better but still hurting considerable amount will alcohol help,i am sorry to hear you are going through this it just goes to show how negatively pain can impact so many aspects of our lives i commend you for being committed to your sexual health and marital relationship you are a good wife for wanting to build that intimacy back up i would suggest you start by assessing what non sexual positions are the most comfortable for you for example if sitting in a chair provides relief try adapting that for a sexual purpose have your husband sit on a chair and then sit on your husband if that makes sense another suggestion is to try having sex in a water environment such as the shower or a bathtub this may be especially helpful if warm water gives you pain relief just be careful nobody slips you may simply have to experiment to find positions that work for you do not be shy about seeking out aids such as swings or slings that suspend from the ceiling if you need something like that to help take pressure off your back during sex a less expensive and less permanent solution may involve plenty of pillows to prop and support body parts again experimentation is going to be key here if you feel shy about expressing your feelings or needs to your partner please do not hesitate to consult your doctor a nurse or a psychotherapist who is experienced in sexual health to help with communication and to help you find solutions believe me they will understand your concerns and treat you with utmost respect all the best to you i lay on the edge of the bed on my back hubby stands next to bed and pulls me towards him if your husband is tall you can use pillows to adjust height my husband has a bad back and this is a good position for him also for oral sex i sit on the floor or pillow with my back against the bed this supports my neck hi ok try this but i do take laying on your back is ok lift your right leg up your hubby swings his right leg over and he can then enter you from here you rest your right leg on him from here he can have sex with you he can play with your breasts and nipples and why having sex he can massage your clitoris or you can orgasm city here you come do hope this helps you good luck feel bloated tired and my uterus hurts when i walk and i have not had my period for two months could i be pregnant earlier this month i got a pelvic and ultrasound but they found nothing then they told me that they would schedule a appointment six weeks out it is been over two weeks since and still no period how could i have normal periods then just no periods for two months and too i took depo shots for two years then stopped but i found out over three months ago taking multivitamins could help me conceive so i tired taking multivitamins then right after my period in december 2015 no more periods,hi first have you had a pregnancy test silly question but has to be asked it could be a fantasy or phantom pregnancy and this does go on for the whole 9 months complete with bump its just something to think of but do get another test done good luck anxiety has affected me throughout my life my girlfirend got abortion could she have gotten hiv through the procedure my girlfriend got an abortion i had already been suffering from anxiety and worries before she did after we had sex and i had blood all over my penis i started to worry about different diseases i believed i may have gotten something i got tested for std from pee test because of a red dot on my penis came back negative now i looked up symotoms and seem to have a lot of them after i looked them up im very worried i even have swollen taste buds could my girl have gotten hiv and given it to me,she can see her dentist and find out why she has a very bad tooth and get it fixed dentists must be informed that she is pregnant and anemic and they will take the appropriate precautions depending on what needs to be done can a child get sickle cell trait from their grandparents or great grandparents if their parents dont have it my first son was born with sickle cell trait and i was wondering if it was possible to have gotten it from someone else other than his parents i know i do not have it but my husband has no clue so i was wondering if it deffenatly came from my husband or possibly the childs grandparents or great grandparents,sickle cell trait is a genetic disorder that occurs when a child inherits one sickle cell gene from a parent if a child inherits two sickle cell genes one from each parent then that child will have sickle cell disease so to answer your question if your son has been diagnosed with sickle cell trait then he had to have inherited a sickle cell gene from one of his parents if you his mother know positively you do not have sickle cell trait which is diagnosed by blood test then your son must have received the gene from his father sickle cell trait may never produce symptoms so you should not assume you do not have it unless you have been tested for it your son needs to be aware that he can pass along this sickle cell gene to his own child if the child is mother also has sickle cell trait or sickle cell disease the child can be born with sickle cell disease hope this helps i am 51 years old and considering some facial treatments what is the difference between microdermabrasion and peels,the place to start is with proper skin care and this means sun protection every day all year round after that i recommend using products that contain retinoids you should also have your dermatologist evaluate your skin to better guide you as to whether or not microdermabrasion chemical peels or laser peels would be best for you microdermabrasion is a superficial treatment that may help fine lines and wrinkles when used with the right skin care products there are many different types of chemical peels available some are superficial and others can go to deeper layers of the skin they should be done by your aestheticcosmetic dermatologist in order to have the best results and minimize risks does taking calcium citrate interfere with taking my thyroid medicine levothroid,yes this is a classic example of how a vitamin or supplement can effect a prescription medication the calcium citrate inhibits the absorption of the levothroid which means your body will not get the dose of the thyroid medication it needs this can lead to hypothyroidism i suggest taking your levothroid in the morning and the calcium citrate in the afternoon to avoid this interaction if you have any questions about medications talk to your pharmacist we are happy to help my husband has had cramps that come along all of a sudden since 2004 in the top left abdominal & doctor dont know why he has a fatty liver that is sparring out and elevated liver enzymes but no one knows what the problem is,depending on your situation particularly if you have already broken a bone your doctor may prescribe medication to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and further fractures medications that may be used for osteopenia or prevention of osteoporosis in these cases include bisphosphonates bisphosphonates are medications that slow the natural process that breaks down bone which results in maintenance or a small increase of bone density bisphosphonates are the main drugs used to prevent and treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women this class of drugs includes alendronate fosamax ibandronate boniva risedronate actonel and zolendronic acid reclast most bisphosphonates are taken by mouth usually once a week or once a month reclast is given by injection usually once a year calcitonin calcitonin a hormone that helps prevent the breakdown of bone in people is also found in salmon available generically and under the brand names fortical and miacalcin it is given by injection or nasal spray hormone replacement therapy once a popular therapy for preventing bone loss hormone replacement therapy is rarely used for that purpose anymore because it has been found to increase the risk for deep venous thrombosis blood clots in the leg pulmonary embolus blood clots in the lung and other health problems sometimes if hormone replacement has been helpful for easing a woman is menopausal symptoms her doctor may recommend continuing it for bone loss too if you are considering hormone replacement therapy to prevent osteoporosis speak with your doctor about the potential risks parathyroid hormone teriparatide forteo a portion of hormone made by your parathyroid glands is the first agent to stimulate the formation of new bone it is approved for women and men and is given daily by a shot beneath the skin raloxifene raloxifene evista which is similar to the breast cancer drug tamoxifen is used to prevent and treat osteoporosis it may also be protective against heart disease and breast cancer however more studies are needed to confirm its protective effect it is taken by mouth once a day i have type ii diabetes what is the best form of exercise for my condition i take metformin twice a day and insulin in the evening i would like a recommendation on a good exercise program especially since i have a busy and sometimes inconsistant schedule,my aunt has type ii diabetes and she likes to walk or go for a light bicycle ride my aunt steals pain killers and she is bipolar does bipolar cause her to steal she is in her mid to late fourties she claims she dosent steal pain killers but we have all seen her do it now her sister claims that she steals the pain killers due to her being bipolar i am wondering if this is in fact true or that her sister is just denying it to herself which in turn is not able to get her the help she needs,no bi polar disorder does not directly cause her to steal meds but the illness can cause her to not care that she is doing this activity she needs to be under better care for her illness and taking her medication so many people who suffer mental illnesses do not always take their medications there are those who abuse even their own medications she does need help put your medications away i have high blood pressure i manage it with medication but my bp is still high what is my risk for heart disease,certain kinds of birth control pills are known to improve hormonal acne and thereby hyperpigmented acne scars it takes approximately 3 months for you to see the difference other hyperpigmented skin problems such as melasma or butterfly mask may get worse on birth control pills consult your gynecologist and dermatologist i had hernia repair 6 weeks ago – incisional and belly button,hi this can be due to inflammation at the operative site this can be at any layer of the repair the mesh muscle or subcutaneous layer better to get a usg abdomen done to rule out any tear in the repaired site cough should stop immediately to reduce intra abdominal pressure take cough syrup thanks i am suffering pain on left side of my chest,hi left side chest pain can be caused by simple muscle strain or broken rib which then increase pain when you sit or sleep or cough splenomegaly can be cause of left side chest pain you should feel general fatigue if this is the case are you alcoholic there is the possibility of pneumonia plurrisy or plural effusion if you have breathing problem or respiratory problems hope you can give me more details to give you an exact diagnosis good luck is tendinits and arthritist the same,no but they can have similar symptoms in the joints tendonitis involves tendons muscles and their connective tissue and arthritis involves the bony aspect of joint a person can have both and to a certain extent both may be treated similarly depending on the location and severity tendinitis can be a symptom associated with arthritis they are learning more and more about arthritis every day osteoarthritis oa is a wearing down of the cartilage that protects the bone ends arthritis causes the cartilage to breakdown and then you have bone rubbing on bone and the bone then tries to protect itself by growing more bone this is called osteophytes and this is quite painful because this re grown bone is not nice and smooth but is lumpy and bumpy cartilage is soft tissue not bone some new research is suggesting that there may symptoms in the tendons and muscles which attach at or near the bone ends prior to xray evidence of oa pain tendinitis bursitis can be a signal that something is wrong with the joint i have severe generalized multi site osteoarthritis this oa is inherited most often bilateral hands knees hips and so on and i can tell you that this is so true i knew that my knees were bad before there was xray evidence just due to the pain type and location my elbows both have been so painful and i know that it is working on the joints while there is still no xray evidence it will be there soon although they are saying that the elbows are not included in this form of oa i can tell you that they are by my own observations my elbows can be so painful that i wake in the mornings just about screaming in pain when i try to move one or both see a doctor before it becomes chronic pain good luck to you 58 year old female experiencing neurological problems… parkinson is disease,what if anything should be done to follow up on this eeg if there is a neurologist reading this what would you suggest for this patient what questions should she ask of her providers is there any documentation andor research for psychogenic blackouts after being diagnosed with anxiety i was not provided with medication or given any recommendations in the 6 months following i experienced extremely high levels of stress and anxiety which led to blackouts the blackouts only occurred at work and lasted a very long time research on the internet led me to psychogenic blackout but there is no truly reliable source is this a real condition,hi here is 3 links that may help you with you problem does seem to be overlooked #non epileptic attacksblackout4533052168 just copy one at a time into google to the www to open read hope these help good luck why do u lose body hair when u have heart disease my husband a few years ago had a stint put in and we found out he has enlarged heart here recently we noticed he loose body hair what causes this and is it normal,hi its either down to his age we all start losing hair as we get older or it could be down to any drugs he is on for his heart hope this helps good luck i read that people get flu shots annually because flu strains change do strains of other diseases change,some viruses tend to adapt and mutate change and the influenza virus changes all of the time medical science has a full time job keeping up with this primitive adaptation bacteria can change too this is why we have drug resistant strains of staph mrsa yes you have to get a different flu vaccine every year depending on the strains that are circulating people who had pertussis whooping cough as a child are not always immune for life the recent epidemic proves this be glad that we have scientists keeping track of these things can nose bleeds and ovulation have any type of connection i was having 1 a wk now i have only 1 a month on my ovulation started having nose bleeds about 1 12 yrs wout a prev history nb started out 1 every fw wks then progress to worsen i have not used bc 4 11yrs never had i been preg before i have reg cycles 1st preg i was not on fertility 2nd preg i was abt 9 mths after the nb is started i was going to obgyn he started me on fertility at tht time i was having at least 2 nb is a wk i was preg 2x in 3mth while preg i did not have nb is both preg end in miscarry preg ended nb is came back dr said could not be connected,your child cannot be adequately diagnosed without an examination a medical professional will need to see him first hand a description is just not sufficient to make this important call there are literally hundreds of bumps that can occur on human skin what are the chances of hivstd as std can transmit from infected person to uninfected person through mucous membrane,i am sorry to hear you are going through this it sounds to me like your loved one does have a problem with alcohol i base this assessment not on the amount consumed but the fact that he seems to require alcohol consumption every day and also the fact he sneaks alcohol and tries to hide his consumption from you of course the fact your family doctor believes your partner has a problem with alcohol is enough evidence for me unfortunately you cannot control what your partner does or how he views his alcohol abuse the only thing you can do is ensure the safety of yourself and your children i suggest you look into al anon which is the family group of alcoholics anonymous this group can give you support and guidance in dealing with your loved one is presumed alcoholism the fact your partner has not physically harmed you is irrelevant the wide ranging negative effects of alcoholism on children is well documented you should seek treatment in order to equip yourself to help your children trust me they will feel the effects of their father is alcoholism later in life again i am sorry you are dealing with this alcohol abuse is very common in society but that does not mean you have to accept it you can seek help for yourself and your children your partner may or may not choose to seek help at some point wishing you all the best white spots on tonsil on right side but strep test was negative also swollen lymph gland in neck on same side what are the white spots on the tonsil if not an infection that should be treated with an antibiotic,for anyone who is trying to get in shape and stay that way yogurt packs a terrific weight maintenance punch here are some rules of the road when considering integrating yogurt into your nutrition plan 1 what to look for on the label in a 6 ounce serving make certain you are getting 100 150 calories 3 5 grams or less of fat saturated fat 2 5 grams or less protein at least 8 10 grams sugar 20 grams or less calcium at least 20 rda vitamin d at least 20 of rda 2 high protein yogurts are great the greek and icelandic yogurts are concentrated nonfat or low fat and have a whopping 16 grams protein per container if you get them non flavored they have less than 10 grams of sugar i like to add a teaspoon or two of chopped walnuts or sliced almonds flax seed and blueberries that makes for a great meal or mid afternoon snack 3 yogurt is loaded with vitamins a single serving provides potassium phosphorous riboflavin iodine zinc vitamin b5 pantothenic acid and vitamin b12 vegetarian women are short on b12 which is found mostly in animal products one eight ounce serving contains 1 4 micrograms of b12 60 of what adult women need 4 yogurt may help you shed pounds researchers at the university of tennessee found that women who ate yogurt a couple of times a day up to 18 ounces dropped 22 more weight and 81 more belly fat than women who did not calcium in yogurt helps cells shed the belly weight by preventing stress hormone from packing on the ab fat well yogurt and especially greek yogurt is a very good source of nutrients and especially protein it is good for your health and skin you can also check this blog for more tips about greek yogurt in particular www igreekyogurt com my b6 levels are at toxicity levels what is wrong,i guess you were started on vitamin supplements without testing the actual b6 levels that may have led to accumulation of b6 in blood even though the levels are high there should be no symptoms related to it you can repeat the test every 15 days to keep a watch on it getting all four wisdom teeth removed all at once over spring break should i be worried of complications,most helpful answer you may have a few days of mouth discomfort but your dentist will provide you with some pain medication you may need to alter your diet a bit assuming you are hungry but as far as complications are concerned this would be unlikely assuming you are healthy one thing of concern especially the lower extraction sites would be acquiring a dry socket this is when the blood clot part of the healing process can become dislodged can be caused by sucking liquids through a straw smoking can be very painful but can be remedied by going back to dentist or oral surgeon and having what is called gel foam usually coated with a substance called eugenol placed in socket this usually takes care of pain and promotes healing symptoms are similar to angina tests all ok doctors are stumped could it be coronary microvascular disease,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include slow breathing slowirregular heartbeat loss of consciousness seizure can too much ice cream damage the stomach,yes it will make your abdomen huge ice cream is high in fat and calories so keep it in moderation it will not damage your stomach but gaining a lot of weight may damage your self esteem ok so i have strep throat and i have a full perscription of non expired ciprofloxacin can i use that to treat strep i had a sinus infection a little while back and the doctor gave me ciprofloxacin for it i never ended up taking it i just trooped through it and let it resolve itself as i have a fairly effective immune system i know you are going to tell me to go to the doctor and have him look at it but i know for a fact i have strep i have had it before and i know how it looks and feels im living on my own at 18 and i dont have the insurance to pay for a docvisitantibiotics so can i treat it with cipro,no most antibiotics they give for strep are ammoxicilian ammoxicilian clavulanateaugmentin brand name cephalexin or keflex brand name never heard of the drug you are speaking of i know you do not have insurance but think of your health i recently thought i was having an ear infection so went to doctor but did not want to pay high medical bill so went to clinic inside walgreens and turns out it was only a skin infection of the outer ear was given cephalexin for 10 days since i can only take liquid meds have troubles taking pills i have insurance and ended up only paying 20 for the visit and 5 for the meds you should try take care clinic at walgreens or minute clinic at cvs their prices seem to be very reasonable without insurance my visit would have been only 89 i have keloids and i started a steroid injection i noticed a lot facial hair can the steroid been causing it female keloid facial hair side effects of steroid injections,he has a ethical and legal responsibility to refill your medications until your medical visit or give you a sooner appointment should you have a spike in your blood pressure that results in a stroke or heart attack he will be held responsible remind the receptionist of this send the doctor a fax so he will read your concerns first hand do not wean off of your meds he he still will not refill them go to an urgent care facility bring your bottles and ask for an emergency refill then shop around for a more compassionate doctor to manage your high blood pressure we currently have a family health insurance policy with cigna we are all in good health exercise and like to do a lot of natural remedies that our policy does not cover would a hsa be a good thing for us to look into i have heard they are only of value to people looking to help their income tax situation,com do not waste your money on these ointments unless you know the cause of your problem this is either due to hormonal fluctuations or thyroid dysfunction or taking hormonal therapy or birth pills… or a liver problem rarely or following skin injury from acne lesions psoriasis burns friction and even certain professional skin care treatments see an endocrinologist if you have already seen a dermatologist… could prescription eye drops cause high blood pressure coulddurezol nevanac offoxacin eye drops cause high blood pressure,no prescription antibiotic eye drops will not cause a change in blood pressure many things can elevate the blood pressure however so if your readings are higher you will need to see your medical provider a change in bp meds or and adjustment in dosage is sometimes necessary i am not familiar with your other two medications nevanac or durezol so it would be best to check with the medical provider who prescribed them or your pharmacist most topical eye medications are not going to cause systemic effects such as raising your blood pressure what baby blues,baby blues are very normal and very common having a baby even if it is a second or third baby is a sea of change in your life says catherine monk phd herbert irving assistant professor of clinical psychology in the departments of psychiatry and obstetrics at columbia university college of physicians and surgeons that combined with the fluctuating hormones as your body goes from being pregnant to not pregnant can lead to major mood swings experts say there are two big differences between baby blues and true postpartum depression how long your depressed feelings last how intense the feelings are the baby blues usually begin a few days after delivery and last about 10 days to two weeks the baby blues also feel different than postpartum depression they are not just about being sad baby blues seem to be about being full of feeling explains nada stotland md mph professor of psychiatry and obstetrics and gynecology at rush medical college in chicago pain lower right abdomen feels like being torn pain when breathing what can it be,hi the problem with chlamydia is it loves to go and hide and come out when it feels like it and could be up to 10 years later so its a real bugger wrecks marriages and could wreck your relationship that you sound like your enjoying its whether she believes this ok good luck i had a tetanus shot 4 days ago and now have chest pain and irritability should i be concerned pain radiates to my upper back also,you should always be concerned about chest pain but it would not be likely this would be related to your tetanus shot in any way i do not know anything about you your age risk factors or anything about your medical history so if you are concerned enough to post you should be concerned enough to see a medical provider someone who has the ability to examine you and determine the reason for your chest pain and irritabiltiy i am really scared something is wrong with my kidneys,tension type headaches would not be uncommon after an anxiety or panic attack anxiety can cause whole body responses not just headaches but neckaches backaches nausea upset stomach diarrhea elevated blood pressure and many other stress like reactions after giving my wife oral sex regularly i developed a thrush rash in my mouth what could cause this,anti seizures drugs like divalproex cause headaches and hair loss ask your doctor to adjust dose and type of medication 4 year old is allergic to carrots,yea you are right he is having allergy to some food factors like carotene seen in carrots and similar foods u should ind out such allergens and avoid giving them to him i have been in a lot of severe pain with my lower back since september,failure if physiotherapy is an indication for surgical option but i recommend to consult another physiotherapist … i have menstruation problems doc gives me lots of meds want to have a baby,its very hard to concieve and get pregnant when you have pcos we have seen women who get treated the pcos completely first take a breathing space of 3 months after that and then try to concieve these women have had excellent results as long as pcos remains untreated proper ovulation wont take place leading to difficulty in conciveing do teens always get pregnant after sex,you know too many of us do not give ourselves credit for the things that we do right okay you say to yourself look you have done this before you have been through these kinds of these things before you have made it out alive you can do it this time just take it easy give yourself a chance slow down physically a little bit you know you have to remember one thing your body is like a machine waiting for a signal if you start speeding up the machine the signal is going to be hurry up come on we have got to go let is go if you slow your body down walk a little slower take it easy stroll do not get there in some kind of fast pace alright your body will get the signal things are okay we are doing alright and we will fool it okay and always say look you are a good person there is nothing to feel ashamed about there is nothing to feel you have not measured you you are fine if thoughts that come into your mind that are very upsetting you say to yourself you can say it out loud if you want to if nobody is around stop it stop it stop it and what you have done is you have just mouthed a word your brain has had to use many of the centers to even formulate that so you are using much more of the power of your brain and then you have heard it so you have got a feedback look you say it you hear it okay after a while you begin to get the message better i was recently in the er for a bad infection concerned about atrophic liver,hi i think your doctor means that you may have bacterial infection in your intestine i recommend a stool culture to identify it good luck what is a communicable disease,a disease that is catchy able to be transmitted from one human to another but a variety of methods coughing sneezing touching sexual contact blood exposure etc why do i have gray pubic hair at the age of 43,hi bro… no one will have std or cancer and gets all his tests out normal for years… your symptoms is referring to severe stress or anxiety disorder you have to do some type of physical activity sports and yoga try to reduce your stress with doing things you love and doing unprotected sex many years ago doe not mean you have got std have a good day chlamydia testing procedure a couple years ago i found out that i had chlamydia the test for this was a swab of some sort to my urethra i took medication after this and all was well an old girlfriend of mine called me and she said she found out she had chlamydia so i went to the doctor today to get tested again and this time they took blood from my arm and swabbed my throat i get the throat swab but as for the blood test is that a legitimate alternative to the urethra swab are they legitimately interchangeable,we use a very accurate and easy urine test for chlamydia and gonorrhea called a dna probe the urethral swab can still be used but the urine test is easier and less traumatic for the male patient a blood test can be used especially if testing for other stds like hiv or syphilis will my overactive bladder and incontinence get worse with pregnancy and a vaginal birth, if you want know more about this you can ask for doctor for help too i feel pain at the heart several times in a day,hi found you two links that should help you at the end of the first paragraph your see hypertensive crisis just click on that it will take you straight to the second link below is the second link if you need it just copy the first link into google to the www to open and read do hope this helps you good luck my 14 year old daughter complained of terrible stomach pain took her to the doctor…,most decaffeinated tea would be fine with blood pressure medication get a home blood pressure kit and monitor it and you will see that you are unlikely to have any adverse effects should i tell my anesthesiologist i have a pre surgical appointment with my anesthesiologist in 3 weeks and i recently smoked marijuana and i do not plan on ever smoking again should i make this aware to the anesthesiologist i am not sure if they will test for it it obviously would not have any effect on surgery or anything since surgery is long away,you should always tell your anesthesiologist and surgeon about your marijuana use let them decide if your occasional use is significant or not order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you fdfdfd i have gross hematuria and abdominal discomfort especially when i move do i really need medical attention i was playing football and got hit in my stomach i continued to play without real problems but when i went to the bathroom my urine was red and my stomach has some discomfort and mild pain with sudden movement i would like to avoid medical bills if possible,give food in divided doses say every 3 4 hourly get his endoscopy done to rule out hiatus hernia i get a sharp shooting pain when i swallow,you can ride only with the expressed permission by your ob gyn since i do not know you the stage of your pregnancy or your medicalobstetric history it would not be prudent to offer you a patient specific response in this matter i am no expert on this but i would say the activity your questioning is unsafe due to the height off the ground may be dangerous if you were to fall and an accident with an animal that size might be fatal with or without pregnancy considering the fact that when i was pregnant i was restricted from participating in any extracurricular activities i am assuming because they were hazardous my suggestion is to stay safe and make careful decisions for you and your baby i have lupus now my husband has diabetes and we are on a fixed income he gets social security what health insurance plan can we afford at this time,if you currently have cobra coverage you can shop on the exchange in your state and drop cobra if you find a better deal which you are very likely to do what are some of the benefits of regular exercise,in my opinion she should see her doctor for possible spinal fluid leak or bleeding since the headache started only 2 days ago i think you should take it very seriousgood luck smelly black tar looking feces for 3 days now i have nausea and upper abdominal pain smelly black tar looking feces im hungry but can hardly eat scared to death to go to er i have no insurance and my last time in hospital i ended up having many complications had to have 3 blood transfusions will it hurt me to wait what should i do,do not wait you need to go to the er again black tarry smelly stools usually indicate a gastrointestinal bleed stomach esophagus etc that can be life threatening go now are women realistic about obesity,hi i think your leukocytes points to a uti your other symptoms may just have been mild flu or a cold or you worrying but if your really worried then get your self off to your local stdgum clinic and get yourself tested do hope this helps good luck my child is taking the antibiotic cephalexin is it ok for her to take children is pepto bismol with this,children is pepto bismol contains calcium carbonate an antacid it is safe to take with cephalexin with calcium carbonate there are no drug interactions to be concerned about if you are trying to treat diarrhea caused by an antibiotic i suggest you talk to your pharmacist or pediatrician children is pepto bismol does not treat diarrhea why is private health insurance so costly,there are a lot of factors that go into the price of insurance how much competition there is in the area how many hospitals and physicians are in a given area and how strong their bargaining power is how sick the people are that the insurance company enrolls etc however many of the policies offered through the marketplacesexchanges actually have lower premiums than many experts expected you should try shopping on your state is marketplace to see what the premiums are if you have low income you also may qualify for a subsidy i am experiencing some sensitivity in the nerve of my tooth is this common with diabetic neurapathy,no diabetic neuropathy typically affects the toes first then gradually affects the foot ankle then shins etc it has to do with the nerves in the legs being the longest and therefore receiving the greatest cumulative effect of lost nerve conduction caused by chronically elevated blood sugar levels the sensitivity in the nerve of the tooth usually indicates a dental problem so a dentist is the one to see about it people with diabetes are at increased risk for dental problems mostly because of the negative effect of chronically elevated blood sugar levels on the immunity the white blood cell response to oral bacteria is weakened by the high blood sugar and dental infections become more likely would i have to re submit my info on my health insurance application because the website has been revised,nonallergic reactions most insect sting reactions are not allergic and result in local pain itching swelling and redness at the site of the sting some extension of the swelling is expected local treatment is usually all that is needed for this type of reaction disinfect the area keep it clean and apply ice topical corticosteroid creams are sometimes used to decrease inflammation and antihistamines can help control itching large local reactions may involve increased swelling that lasts for 48 hours up to one week that may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting large local reactions occur in about 10 of insect stings and are not allergic in origin occasionally the site of an insect sting will become infected and antibiotics are needed allergic reactions systemic body wide reactions are allergic responses and occur in people who have developed antibodies against the insect venom from a prior exposure it is estimated that between 0 3 3 of stings trigger a systemic allergic reaction the allergic reaction to an insect sting varies from person to person symptoms of an allergic reaction can include itching hives flushing of the skin tingling or itching inside the mouth and nausea or vomiting the most serious allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis which can be fatal difficulty breathing swallowing hoarseness swelling of the tongue dizziness and fainting are signs of a severe allergic reaction these types of reactions usually occur within minutes of the sting but have been known to be delayed for up to 24 hours prompt treatment is essential and emergency help is often needed how is walking pneumonia treated,hello how often do you have these migraines and how severe are they if your migraines are as severe as mine are have you seen a nero i have heard that they can help my primary dr had sent me to go see a nero and they are starting botox injections i have heard that these do help especially with those of us that deal with a score of about 8 out of 10 severity and suffer pretty much each & every day of our life with migraines i further see a pain management dr but my primary dr recommended for me to go see the nero there are a lot of over the counter and prescription meds that can cause migraines this includes depression meds depending on the dose and what kind you are on could be causing your migraines to be worse i do know that when you suffer with migraines depression follows this is normal so the questions are have you had the migraines before you started the depression meds have you had migraines all your life is their something that caused your migraines i e an accident or anything else as their are a lot of factors that play with migraines including stress work kids home spouse and neck injuries only you know and what started them and or how long ago they started could it have been due to an accident or is it due to any of the other factors listed above if your not sure if you injured your neck i would start with your dr requesting an mri of your head and neck just to rull out any neck problems next try to rid your self of any and all stress if possible if all else fail then i believe that you should talk to your primary dr and see if heshe can refer you to go see a nero to start getting the botox injections as these do take a while and with repeat injection to start working for some people these injections start working right away and for others it takes several injections before they start working it all depends on the individual pearson just take it 1 step at a time i know how aggravating and painful migraines are as with mine comes extreme vomiting and i can not handel any light or sounds best of luck to you blisters from meth itchy when scratched burn n hurt 9 wks ago cant seem to heal,stop doing meth am i pregnant i had two period in one month they both lasted for two days,except for some vitamins little is known about using dietary supplements while pregnant some herbal remedy labels claim they will help with pregnancy but most often there are no good studies to show if these claims are true or if the herb can cause harm to or your baby talk with your doctor before using any herbal product or dietary supplement these products may contain things that could harm you or your growing baby during your pregnancy in the u s there are different laws for medicines and for dietary supplements the part of the fda that controls dietary supplements is the same part that controls foods sold in the u s only dietary supplements containing new dietary ingredients that were not marketed before october 15 1994 submit safety information for review by the fda however unlike medicines herbal remedies and natural products are not approved by the fda for safety or for what they say they will do most have not even been evaluated for their potential to cause harm to you or the growing fetus let alone shown to be safe for use in pregnancy before a company can sell a medicine the company must complete many studies and send the results to the fda many scientists and doctors at the fda check the study results the fda allows the medicine to be sold only if the studies show that the medicine works and is safe to use who can get pink eye,anyone pink eye conjunctivitis can be caused by viruses bacteria allergens and chemical sensitivities im on triquilar for 2 months and ive been having unprotected sex with my fiancé and we are both healthy everyone said that triquilar ed causes loss of libido but its been burning me down there after sex everytime is it part of loss of libido is it cause of the pill should i change it thanks,hi ok this burning in your vagina inside or outside you should get back to your doctor its a side effect that is not down is this burning all the time or just straight after sex if this burning is deep inside your vagina straight after sex then in could be your bf is sperm if this is the first time you two have been having unprotected sex together so try having sex with a condom on an see how that goes and now the acid test sex au natural if it burns its his sperm it has a high acid content he will need to have it tested could be just done to what he eats and can be put write do hope this helps good luck can you get a darker skin when you go outside alot when its cold,melanin the pigment responsible for the brown coloringtanning of the skin mostly increases in numbers when you are exposed to sunlight so you should be fine in cold unless you are in direct sunlight why do we need sleep,it is a simple question that you would think would have a simple answer we know that sleep has restorative effects on our bodies down to the cellular level but how it all works from a biological perspective has been somewhat of a mystery now we have got more details to help tell the story of just what exactly goes on new research suggests that during the initial stages of sleep energy levels increase dramatically in brain regions that are active when we are awake the scientists behind this latest study believe that this surge of cellular energy may replenish the brain is processes that we need to function normally during the day “energy ” by the way refers to atp adenosine triphosphate which is our body is chief energy molecule it is also the same energy currency in other animals like rats which were used in the study the researchers found the following * atp levels increased in four key brain regions that are normally active during wakefulness when the rats were in non rem sleep * during this time however an overall decrease in brain activity occurred * when the animals were awake atp levels remained steady * when the rats were gently nudged to stay awake three or six hours past their normal sleep times there was no increase in atp levels what does all this mean the authors concluded that sleep is necessary for this atp energy surge as keeping the rats awake depriving them of sleep to mimic a sleep deprived human prevented the surge the energy increase may power restorative processes absent during wakefulness because brain cells consume large amounts of energy just to perform daily waking functions indeed there is a lot to do when we are awake in addition to all the tasks we complete consciously think about all the things we do practically subconsciously like breathing think about things we do almost on autopilot surfing the net walking the dog sometimes even driving a familiar route all this activity requires — you got it — the atp energy that appears to be produced by a good night is sleep and a good night is sleep is exactly what the doctor ordered to prepare us for the rigors of our day no sleep no energy expended in the brain to help us recover from the day and in essence recharge our minds for the next adventures of the next day it is also worth noting that the precise mechanics of the brain also remain a mystery to some degree there is no doubt that the brain requires a lot of energy to function as the body is master of ceremonies we already know that sleep loss can actually result in brain loss in fact the obligations of the brain may be the only reason we need sleep because without a brain the body is not worth much and it certainly can not do much in addition to food water and oxygen the my daughter in law is three months pregnant and has sinus drainage and her ears hurt what can she can do for relief,she would have to speak with her obgyn to find out what she can take while pregnant while some over the counter medications are considered safe in pregnancy different doctors have different rules on what they allow their patients to take along with obgyn approved pain relievers a humidifier or a long hot shower may give her some relieve a saline rinse can help too as well as a salt water gargle plenty of fluids and plenty of rest can i get pregnant when do i know i am ovulating my husband and i have been trying for 2 years to conceive 3 years ago we got pregnant but it turned out to be an ectopic tubal pregnancy that resulted in my right fallopian tube needing to be removed since the surgery my periods have been irregular i have my period only every other month i have been trying to calculate when i would ovulate but i am finding it difficult due to the missed period every other month i am beginning to think we cant have more kids,1stly you need to stop or reduce the frequency of masturbating… u may be having a severe vitamin b and minerals deficiency eat fruits and vegetables a lot…poultry products and practice breathing and meditation drink plenty of water what non prescription sleep medicine can i take while pregnant,during the first visit for getting a dental bridge the abutment teeth are prepared preparation involves recontouring these teeth by removing a portion of enamel to allow room for a crown to be placed over them next impressions of your teeth are made which serve as a model from which the bridge pontic and crowns will be made by a dental laboratory your dentist will make a temporary bridge for you to wear to protect the exposed teeth and gums while your bridge is being made during the second visit your temporary bridge will be removed and the new permanent bridge will be checked and adjusted as necessary to achieve a proper fit multiple visits may be required to check the fit of the metal framework and bite this is dependent on each individual is case if the dental bridge is a fixed permanent bridge your dentist may temporarily cement it in place for a couple of weeks to make sure it is fitting properly after a couple weeks the bridge is permanently cemented into place i have had an artificial eye for around 30 years i would like to know if there are any options for an eye transplant,not yet that technology is not even close to being perfected why does my butt burn i walk around and my butt or around my anus on the outside burns i think it might be because i wipe to rough after i use the bathroom but could it be something else,the good news is that most people do not have to drastically change their diet when they start on the blood thinner warfarin coumadin but you do have to pay close attention to what you are eating the goal is to keep the level of vitamin k about the same from day to day you can do this by knowing which foods have a lot of vitamin k and not making any big changes in how much of them you are eating each day foods that have a lot of vitamin k include most of the green leafy vegetables like spinach kale lettuce cabbage swiss chard endive and seaweed greens such as turnip collard and mustard are all high in vitamin k as well other vegetables that contain a lot of vitamin k are cauliflower broccoli and asparagus liver is also high in vitamin k other things to watch out for include green tea canola oil and soybean oil peanuts and potatoes do not have a large amount of vitamin k but watch out for cashews and pine nuts they have a bit more vitamin k so eat them sparingly so what does all this mean if you have always had a salad for lunch then it is probably fine to keep eating one every day as long as it is ok with your doctor if you want broccoli or asparagus with your dinner for a change then it would be best to skip the salad that day and remember to keep your portions small liver has a lot of cholesterol so i would recommend skipping that altogether if your doctor has recommended a multivitamin make sure you take it every day they usually have vitamin k in them as well so you want to be consistent talk to your doctor before making any changes in your diet do not take any over the counter medicines or supplements without checking with your doctor first some of them may interfere with your medicine also be sure to get all blood tests done on time do not be overwhelmed it may seem like a lot to do at first but it will become second nature before you know it what are trigger point injections for tmj,this is a method of relieving pain whereby pain medication or anesthesia is injected into tender muscles called trigger points in dentistry this is can be used in individuals with temporomandibular disorders will taking cephalexin interfere with birth control,along with obgyn approved pain relievers a humidifier or a long hot shower may give her some relieve a saline rinse can help too as well as a salt water gargle plenty of fluids and plenty of rest i have been diagnosed with three kidney stone,us women our bodies can be so unpredictable no two alike you do not say how old you are but it sounds like you have had your period for awhile if this discharge you describe has always happened then rest assured it is normal it is probably some mucus being discharged in the final stage of your period if this discharge is new as in it started happening just recently then it might be worth asking a gynecologist about it any time a person develops a new symptom whether it is tingling in a finger or discharge from the vagina it is good to get a medical opinion in all likelihood there is nothing wrong but why not get an expert is advice wishing you well why am i worried after sex my girlfriend and i were being intimate i penetrated her briefly and pulled out twice then we stopped i didnt reach climax and i still maintained a erection should i be worried,yes you should be worried and ashamed of yourself to put your girlfriend at risk if you are having unprotected sex even unplanned unprotected sex you are both taking the risk of pregnancy since penile secretions prior to an ejaculation can have sperm present use a condom and stop having risky sex play if your girlfriend does not have her regular period she will need to get a pregnancy test if the pregnancy test is positive your level of worry will take a new high when should i call my doctor about female sexual function,its sounds like your doing the right steps your symptoms could be due to sleep deprivation so changing your sleep habbits may help in any case keep exercisingleg workouts and if the issue persists talk to a doctorfriendsfamily large red bump leaking puss on the back of the head my boyfriend has a large bumpgrowthbubble on the back of his head near his neck that has been there for almost 2 years when it first appeared he saw a doctor who told him to ignore it if it does not bother him recently it has started to hurt with pain increasing as the time goes by it has become red and come to a head almost like a pimple and is now leaking a whitish fluid kind of like puss,it sounds like it could be a mild form of staff i had something similar and my doctor gave me pills but another doctor told me to take a bath in plain water and a cap of bleach and after about a week it went away what should i do if i suspect an overdose of tinzaparin porcine,hi do you mean you had your period a week ago and now a week later you seeing some blood on wiping so could you be pregnant the question is do you want to be pregnant and have you been having unprotected sex so if yes the either do a hpt or do a test at your doctor do hope this helps good luck just to point out my health insurance experience thus far my premiums are significantly higher with less benefits surprisingly at 3 of 4 level plans only blue cross is listed if the marketplace is touting to be just that why is only one company listed i live in florida could it be that another negative to the website fiasco is that many insurers decided not to participate offering their plans per their websites if there is an inkling of truth to this the issues with the marketplace could be far more reaching than not being able to sign up,plans actually had to make decisions as to whether they would participate in the marketplace this spring and summer well before the website was launched so although the website launch has been a fiasco it is not responsible for the number of plans participating in general rural areas have a much smaller availability of health plans because it is harder for plans to contract with specific providers to form their network so if you live in a rural area there are going to be fewer plans available than in an urban area regardless of the marketplace plans may be hesitant to participate in states using the federal marketplace rather than states that chose to run their own florida is not running its own marketplace is their a conflict of smoking marijuana while on bactrim ds,i do not believe this combination has ever been studied nothing in the literature so my personal recommendation to you is do not do it or you could theoretically become the first bactrimmarijuana adverse reaction case two periods or one long one have 20 ys old daughter living with me plus my 11 yr old would that mess mine up started period and thought it stopped but yet was spotting lightly hubby came home we had sex and i started started my period again does having our 20 yr old daughter living with us now which claims she is not having her period for three months now would that effect me plus my 11 yr old is so hormonal lately she has not started her first period yet does that matter,while some women claim that other female family members or women living in the same house will tend to cycle there is little evidence to support this do not blame your 20 year old or your hormonal 11 year old for this episode these things just happen menstrual cycles have this annoying habit of being wacky from time to time and they tend to straighten out on their own if not you may need to see a gyn but right now you can probably just wait and see i am more concerned with your 20 year old daughter is three month period assuming she is not over exaggerating maybe she is the one that needs to see a gyn yes i agree my 20 yr old should see a gyn but she does not want to she was pregnant early this year but says she miscarrried by her boyfriend hitting her in tummy as for my 11 yr old i hope when she finally starts her first period it will make her normal again lol she snapped at me and she never done that before she says she hates me but then she loves me not use to the hormones miss my little girl as for my spotting never ending period or two time period not to worry it is normal are these new health insurance options just for young people i am a healthy 60 year old i completed a 500 mile bike ride in my late 40s and still swim and exercise regularly i work full time because i need health insurance i have been denied coverage by every insurer because of a 2006 diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis i have been symptom free for years all blood work negative for ra and according to my rhuematologist am either in remission or was misdiagnosed when will the pre existing conditions clause really go away,the high dose version to shrink prostates proscar has about a 4 dysfunction rate which is reversible when you stop it i do not know about the low dose propecia but once you stop it all should be fine again over time i had neck and back fusion c3 t2 surgery went bad can i get bars out,hi if its been a year and if the bones are totally united which has to be confirmed on xray the it can be removed anytime if the operation is done properly there are absolutely no chances of refracture or numbness you should get it removed as early as possible the older it gets more difficult it is to remove thanks can you be in your second trimester of pregnancy and not know you were pregnant i feel movement like i did with my first i have all the symptoms i need to know if its possible,you are at risk for chickenpox if you have not had chickenpox or the vaccine and you live with someone who has chickenpox work or play indoors for more than 1 hour with someone who has chickenpox are in the hospital and share a room with someone who later develops chickenpox or are cared for by a staff member who later develops chickenpox have an impaired immune system your risk of getting chickenpox is especially high if you are exposed to a household member with chickenpox because of the close contact in addition you may develop a more severe case than the person who infected you chickenpox is most contagious from 1 to 2 days before the rash appears until the blisters have dried and formed crusts some people also are at increased risk of developing complications from chickenpox such as newborns teenagers adults especially pregnant women and those with impaired immune systems after you have had chickenpox or the vaccine you become immune to the virus it is possible that you may have a slight reaction after reexposure such as a few spots and a slight fever but you are not likely toget chickenpox more than once webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what increases the risk of getting hypothyroidism,many factors may increase your risk for developing hypothyroidism these include age and sex older adults are more likely to develop hypothyroidism than younger people and women are more likely than men to develop thyroid disease 6 family history hypothyroidism tends to run in families previous thyroid problems thyroid disease an enlarged thyroid goiter and surgery or radiation therapy to treat thyroid problems increase the likelihood of developing hypothyroidism in the future some lifelong conditions diabetes an autoimmune disease that causes patches of light skin vitiligo pernicious anemia and premature gray hair leukotrichia are seen more often in people with hypothyroidism iodine deficiency this is rare in the united states but common in areas where iodine is not added to salt food and water medicines some medicines can interfere with normal thyroid function particularly lithium carbonate amiodarone such as amiodarone cordarone and pacerone and interferon alfa such as infergen rebetron and wellferon up to 20 of women older than 60 have mild subclinical hypothyroidism about 2 to 5 of people with subclinical disease develop hypothyroidism every year 4 6 many of the same factors that increase your risk for hypothyroidism also increase your risk for mild hypothyroidism webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated throat hurts growth on feet appear fever too,hi this a type of infection that usually affects hands feet and mouth usually this is viral fever and regressess spontaneously hot mouth water gargles and skin creams will help thanks is brownish spotting between periods normal even though i am on birth control i am due for my period next week but this morning i woke up with a brownish spotting that has increasingly become heavier during the day i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on september 14th but i have not missed a pill and have been taking them every day upon awakening i started the pill last august and took them straight through until i stopped for the month of june but got back on it this july school has been making me anxious lately also but i am nervous this could point to pregnancy,hi your on the bc pill so that really should seal it unless you think you one on the 1 these are women who do get pregnant why on the bc pill see your doctor and get a blood test done for your hormones these could be out of whack and giving you this problem but till you do know what the result is stay relaxed for now and if your periods comes your get rid of your stress as well do hope this helps you good luck is nasal hair trimming bad infection etc,in my opinion your test results means you have an autoimmune disease it is not definitely rheumatoid arthritis i recommend rheumatoid factor and anti cyclic citrullinated peptide anti ccp antibodies tests to confirmgood luck is it possible to get constipated because your body produces too much feces is there is a disease that causes this i have been dealing with ongoing constipation for over a year which has been worsening it caused me to eat less overtime recently i have been averaging 800 calories after exercise yet if i am not careful it feels like my digestive tract is completely cloggedfull within a span of 24 hours for the amount i eat this can not be normal i drink senna tea every night to keep it at bay if i do not i end up with harsh laxatives and fear for impaction i have tried anything from fiberwaterprunes etc,you ask a good question i wish i had a good answer it is impossible to say what the best treatment for any given condition is and that includes atrial fibrillation a fib there are many treatments available for a fib including blood thinners catheter ablation also is a fine treatment for a fib i understand outcomes are very good with that particular procedure whenever you or a loved one is facing a problem like a fib you should ask a lot of questions of the physician it is perfectly ok to ask about all the various treatment options available what are the benefits and risks of each treatment why does your doctor recommend one particular treatment over another any good cardiologist will welcome these questions from a patient because it shows you are engaged in managing your own care if you do not understand something the doctor is explaining do not hesitate to speak up and say so always bring a family member or friend along to appointments to ask questions as well the more ears in the exam room the better wishing you well my pregnancy tests are negative but my belly is getting bigger,non of your medication nor bipolar or adhd can do this i recommend seeing a gynaecologist immedialty do u check test results too soon or do you use diluted urine sample i am a 21 year old male with genital warts if i get vaccine will current warts dissapear so i am a 21 year old male who has genital warts i have been getting them treated regularly with cryotherapy i am now about to get the three vaccine shots will any current wart be eliminated after taking these shots,crohn is disease causes inflammation in the small intestine crohn is disease usually occurs in the lower part of the small intestine called the ileum but it can affect any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus the inflammation extends deep into the lining of the affected organ the inflammation can cause pain and can make the intestines empty frequently resulting in diarrhea crohn is disease is an inflammatory bowel disease ibd the general name for diseases that cause inflammation in the intestines crohn is disease can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and to another type of ibd called ulcerative colitis ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the top layer of the lining of the large intestine crohn is disease affects men and women equally and seems to run in some families about 20 percent of people with crohn is disease have a blood relative with some form of ibd most often a brother or sister and sometimes a parent or child crohn is disease may also be called ileitis or enteritis what is the maximum allowable daily dosage for acetaminophen,the maximum daily dose in a 24 hour time period for an adult is 4 000 mg is there a way you can make your period start a few days earlier than the actual date i want to start today so i can be off by my anniversary next weekend my period is scheduled to start on sunday 102112 but will run into my anniversary weekend because my flow is normally 7 days sounds crazy but i get very uncomfortable during that time of month and i need to be as sane as possible during my anniversary weekend,would not it be great if we could tell our body when to start and stop menstruating i think it would be terrific unfortunately it is not the case there is no way to prompt your uterus to begin shedding its lining because each woman is menstrual cycle usually varies slightly maybe you will get lucky and start early if you feel uncomfortable during that time of the month and you are not allergic to any medications you can try some of the over the counter preparations for menstrual pain and discomfort while a health care provider might be able to prescribe something stronger for diagnosed pms premenstrual syndrome it is obviously too late to get an exam diagnosis and prescription before your anniversary in a week or so i wish i had better news but look on the bright side your periods are regular which a lot of women are sure to envy you for and you apparently have a great marriage happy anniversary i am a dancer so i often need to make my period come earlier because of date of my concert so i satisfied myself that there are many ways to make your period come faster or even stop it for a day for special event for instance information from this article was very helpful for me i hope it will help you too what can i do with leftover hamburger buns,in some cases waking up hungry would not be a problem but it sounds like it is affecting your quality of life in addition to your protein source at dinner try including a big salad andor soup whole grains and some healthy fat olive oil avocado etc eating from all the food groups helps increase feelings of fullness you can also try a bedtime snack of something light like fruit with peanut butter or whole grain crackers and cheese if you are staying up late this can increase hunger so getting to sleep early can help you also want to make sure you get enough to eat earlier in the day including a good breakfast and lunch with in between healthy snacks also make sure you are hydrated so that is not being confused with hunger for more tips on managing your hunger see this article good luck does the risk of birth defects increase in a pregnancy after age 35,the risk of giving birth to a child with a birth defect does increase as the mother is age increases this is probably due to abnormal division of the egg called nondisjunction this leads to unequal chromosomes at the end of division the traditional age at which a woman is considered to be at high risk for chromosomal abnormalities is 35 approximately 1 in 1 400 babies born from women in their 20s have down syndrome it increases to about 1 in 100 babies born with down syndrome from women in their 40s nurse prescribed 10 days of cefdinir had terrible drug reaction how can i stop this,well i do not believe its a drug reaction problem at allu need to do barium meal allthrough and colonscopy what increases the risk of getting transient ischemic attack tia,the risk factors for a transient ischemic attack tia are the same as those for a stroke risk factors you can change risk factors for tia that you can change are high blood pressure smoking and regular exposure to secondhand smoke which are strong risk factors for stroke tia and heart attack 2 high cholesterol high triglycerides 3 excessive use of alcohol use of birth control pills especially in women who smoke or have a history of blood clots lack of exercise use of cocaine risk factors you cannot change risk factors for tia that you cannot change are age most tias happen after the age of 60 family history people with a family history of tia or stroke are at higher risk prior history of tia people who have had a tia are more likely to have another tia or a stroke diseases that increase the risk for tia your risk for tia increases if you have diseases such as high blood pressure diabetes hardening of the arteries atherosclerosis especially of the carotid arteries atrial fibrillation and certain other heart conditions such as coronary artery disease heart failure or heart valve disorders conditions that cause blood cells to stick together and form clots such as having too many red blood cells polycythemia abnormal clotting factors or abnormally shaped red blood cells such as those caused by sickle cell disease webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what if i am already pregnant and use plan b one step,the injection of the dye does not do anything they do ask you if you have seafood allergies if so they will offer other alternatives i am 29 years old and suffering with high blood pressure taking capoten and lophrin,your cholestrol test is unreliable you need to check for hdl and ldl also r u black or white one more thing your headace is in which part of your head when you workout and then become sedentary does the muscle that you gained from exercising turn to fat,hi i do not see why they wana perform this surgery in my opinion you are right it is just an ulcer due to h pylori good luck what to do with my 4 yr old son who do not want his ears to be cleaned it took months already and now whenever i tried to explain something to him seemed to never understand & asked me what all the time,hctz is a diuetic that can lower your blood pressure it should not decrease your stamina but it could be related to your light headedness with standing quickly orthostatic hypotension i would suggest that you see your medical provider the only that prescribed the hctz for a consultation medicated high blood pressure now low with slow pulse can this cause confusion & fatigue 76 year old husband on valsartin several years also takes digoxin & warfarin has just recently been having noticeable fatigue and especially after an activity that he enjoys have noticed instances of confusion when doing some things he has done before he has just been to dr and having a chest x ray and an echo cardiogram also to reduce the valsartin by half i am looking for reassurances this confusion might be a medical issue which can be remedied i am afraid it could be something else,you should stay on the treatment subscribed the bruising in belly is due to recurrent injections what you need to do is using ice packs and hemoclar cream to resolve the bruises what can i do to prevent or cope with postpartum depression,here are some tips that can help prevent or help you cope with postpartum depression ask for help let others know how they can help you be realistic about your expectations for yourself and your baby exercise take a walk and get out of the house for a break expect some good days and some bad days follow a sensible diet avoid alcohol and caffeine foster your relationship with your partner make time for each other keep in touch with your family and friends do not isolate yourself limit visitors when you first go home screen your phone calls sleep or rest when your baby sleeps i have been on citalopram for 3 years for anxiety it has been working up until a month ago is this normal i have anxiety attacks 3 years ago i had a melt down been taking citalopram for years and have been fine less than a month ago i am experiencing anxiety again not as bad as 3 years ago but have bouts of anxiety especially at work did my body get used to the antidepressant and has become less effective i love being on this drug no side effects and have been living a full life since taking it could this now be a medical issue such as hormonal issues i will be 42 in august,human seminal plasma hypersensitivity is the most possible reason allergy to your semen you can role out saliva if you have not eaten food she is allergic to before kissingvisit your rheumatologist to confirm good luck are there any warnings for the drug advil migraine,nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs including ibuprofen may rarely increase the risk for a heart attack or stroke the risk may be greater if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart disease for example due to smoking family history of heart disease or conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes or with longer use this drug should not be taken right before or after heart bypass surgery cabg this drug may infrequently cause serious rarely fatal bleeding from the stomach or intestines this effect can occur without warning at any time while taking this drug older adults may be at higher risk for this effect stop taking ibuprofen and get medical help right away if you notice any of these rare but serious side effects blacktarry stools persistent stomachabdominal pain vomit that looks like coffee grounds chestjawleft arm pain shortness of breath unusual sweating confusion weakness on one side of the body slurred speech sudden vision changes talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the benefits and risks of taking this drug my ex of over a year told me that they have had syphilis for 6 months i have shown no symptoms any help first let me start off by saying that my ex is crazy and has been trying to contact me and has been trying to do anything to get me back i messaged her today to let her know that i love her and the harassing needs to stop at the end of our conversation she tells me that she has syphilis and has had it for 6 months i have been to emergency rooms for pregnancy and pos i have yet to show any symptoms and i check my body quite often should i get tested and where should i get tested,it is very difficult for me to comment on your case since i do not know any of the details including the reason for the antibitoics in the first place not all swollen glands are bacterial so if you a a viral infection they would not help no matter what antibiotic you chose if you are getting worse it is up to your doctor to run some additional diagnostic test i think this would be better than just throwing another a 4th antibiotic at it without really knowing if the underlying reason justifies it could my son have future problems or would he been okay my 2 year old was around w|our puppy he slide and the stick jabbed him in his privates w|stick he fell to the floor screamed and gasping for air but he took it very hard i am a little worried because this morning i noticed a blackred ring on his private and pulled it down& it was bigger kinda looked like a bloodbruise he does not complain about it but i just want to know if he brokeripped something&if it will effect him in the future needing 2nd opinion ty worried toddler mother *,hi yes cvs and amniocentesis can be done to early detect thalassemia cvs is done at 11 weeks and amniocentesis is done at 17 weeks you guys should not break up in my opinion good luck acne since 12 years old and needing urgent assistens hello i have cystic acne and i have been trying to make my face as acne free as possible also get rid of the after scars of cystic acne i have used antibiotics for 4 months and stop at the end of december last year while i have been using the antibiotics i had no visual appears of acne on my face then after about 3 weeks of not using the antibiotics the acne started again could you help me with my problem i have also been using some topical creams and also an antibiotic roll on for my face,strawberry soy shake ingredients * 1 12 cups sliced or coarsely chopped fresh or frozen strawberries * 12 cup light vanilla soy milk * 12 cup crushed ice * 14 cup light strawberry or vanilla yogurt preparation 1 in blender or small food processor bowl combine all of the ingredients by pulsing until blended 2 pour into a tall glass add a straw and enjoy yield makes 1 shake nutritional analysis per serving 146 calories 6 5 g protein 29 g carbohydrate 1 7 g fat 0 g saturated fat 5 g monounsaturated fat 1 g polyunsaturated fat 1 mg cholesterol 5 3 g fiber 100 mg sodium calories from fat 10 percent omega 3 fatty acids = 2 gram omega 6 fatty acids = 6 gram pina colada fro yo cups or pops ingredients * 8 ounces light vanilla nonfat yogurt low fat can be substituted * 14 cup finely chopped fresh pineapple canned crushed pineapple in juice drained can be substituted * 14 teaspoon coconut extract * 18 teaspoon rum extract add more if you want a stronger rum flavor * 1 tablespoon flaked or shredded coconut preparation 1 in a blender or small food processor bowl combine all of the ingredients by pulsing until blended save the yogurt container if you are making a frozen yogurt cup 2 spoon or pour the mixture into the empty yogurt cup if you are making a fro yo cup or one or two popsicle molds if you are making popsicles if you are making popsicles follow manufacturer directions for adding the tops or sticks place mold or cup in freezer and freeze about three hours until set if you leave the cup longer than 3 hours in the freezer it will be to hard to eat immediately with a spoon so just take the cup out and let it thaw slightly on the kitchen counter for about 30 minutes enjoy yield makes 1 serving nutritional analysis per serving 157 calories 9 g protein 27 g carbohydrate 1 8 g fat 1 5 g saturated fat 2 g monounsaturated fat 1 g polyunsaturated fat 4 mg cholesterol 1 2 g fiber 147 mg sodium calories from fat 10 percent omega 3 fatty acids = 0 gram omega 6 fatty acids = 1 gram will i have to pay a fine for not having insurance if i have va benefits,no if you are enrolled in va health care you meet the requirements of the health reform law for insurance coverage you will not be fined and you need not be concerned about having to enroll in any other type of health plan could pink eye be related to having cracked corners in your mouth,hi have you thought of having a test done at you doctors heshe would be to tell you if your hormones were low and if your pregnant if not then tell just where your problem lies in the time after the 28th did you have unprotected sex around sep 78 of sep do hope this helps you good luck had a stroke on the brain in 2012 its 2016 i cant get no more than 5 hours of sleep a day,it is hard to say what is causing this although outwardly everything may look healed that is not necessarily the case inside it takes about 6 weeks for scar tissue to become as strong as suture it is possible you popped a small suture during stretching which is now causing you a little pain or it is possible this is simply residual pain from the surgery it is not uncommon for nerves that were cut during surgery to start waking up around this timeframe you might expect on and off pain from this nerve healing process for several months if you have been doing vigorous exercising i would advise you to speak with your doctor it is possible you worked out too hard to quickly this probably would not cause any serious or lingering health problems but it is worth investigating if you have not been cleared by your surgeon to exercise then you should stop until you have clearance wish i could give you a better answer but it is impossible to say what is going on here without a physical exam if the pain persists or if you suddenly spike a fever over 101f you definitely need to seek medical attention wishing you all the best my son got a scrape on his elbow there appears to be a rash where the bandage was could this be an allergic reaction at first they were just bumps but now they appear white almost puss like i do not know what type of bandage was used since this happened at school,could be your son is allergic to the adhesives on the band aid it should go away in a couple of days if not wait wait go see the doctor i would check with the school and find out what kind of band aid so your doctor can have something to work with in hishers diagnosis not much you did not know but i hope your son feels better head injury hi good day just wanted to find out what the cause may be iam 25 years old but having a prob i have heache everyday and feeling drowsiness and also star forgeting things i got head injury alot of years ago but afthers i was realesed from the hospital i never go back for checkup can that perhaps be the cause please tell me thank you,dental implants are replacement tooth roots implants provide a strong foundation for fixed permanent or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth what happens if conjunctivitis is not treated with antiobiotics,there are ways of getting free or low cost dental care good dental treatment at lower cost is available at schools of dentistry where students are trained under the supervision of a licensed professional for a list of schools check out the american dental association is website you can search for low cost dental care at the national institute of dental and craniofacial research in addition community health centers sometimes offer dental care on a sliding fee scale check your local health department for locations near you there are also dental clinics throughout the country that offer free care to find a clinic near you search freedentalwork org in addition dentistry from the heart has hundreds of events each year during which free dental care is made available to communities across the country what are the symptoms of colitis,inflammation of the colon causes the muscle layers to go into intermittent spasm and cause cramp like pain which is pain that comes and goes the pain usually is in the lower abdomen since the muscles fail to contract in a normal pattern and the colonic contents move through the colon rapidly there is little opportunity for water to be reabsorbed this leads to watery diarrhea if the lining of the colon is inflamed and breaks down bleeding may occur with colitis particularly colitis involving the distal colon rectum and sigmoid colon the pain often crescendos and precedes a diarrheal bowel movement after the bowel movement the pain may relent but then returns with the next episode depending upon the cause of the colitis fever and possibly malaise may be present a few times a week when eating food seems to get stuck part way down do not normally have heartburn what could it be,deprenyl eldepryl selegiline jumex is a drug that slows the breakdown of important brain chemicals such as dopamine this medication may help slow the progression of parkinson is disease early in the course of the illness is it okay to take prenatal vitamins when you have had a hysterectomy,sure mutivitamins are multivitamins a prenatal vitamin has just be formulated to provide certain nutrients when a women is pregnant or nursing you can do a side by side comparison of the ingredients at the store and you will see the subtle differences you can certainly take them can i take benadryl with zyrtec my wife has hives on her chest and arms that just poped up last night,hi the new orthopedic doctor suspected calcaneal spur only option now is physical therapy i recommend that you apply cold packs till then good luck could stress be responsible for my son is flare ups of ulcerative colitis,the severity of symptoms in ulcerative colitis a type of inflammatory bowel disease can vary depending on the location of the inflammation within the bowel and the severity of the inflammation doctors do not know the exact cause of ulcerative colitis most researchers do not believe that psychological stress is the cause of ulcerative colitis nevertheless it is known that stress may worsen the symptoms of this condition and it is therefore recommended that people with ulcerative colitis practice stress control techniques along with eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly to help control the symptoms of the disease tumors on the liver feet swelling itching nausea right side pain diarehea voice changed 78 years old weakness muscle mass loss 2 months and getting worse,hi there happy to help first you should know what is one of the causes of liver cancer and that would be tobacco smoking andor genetic mutations from your dna that means your dna gets damaged and your body cant fix it but to get the professional help that you need it is a good idea to check in with a doctor and tell himher your symptoms of liver cancer and the other symptoms that i am looking at for this question but if you are 78 years old then chances are that muscle mass will drop that is what happens when you hit the late ages if you have right side pain most likely you might have appendicitis so you must go to a hospital so they can remove that infected appendix nausea is caused by appendicitis and feet swelling is mostly caused by late age so do not always panic if you get pain i am taking ortho tri cyclen lo i am considering taking arginmax a supplement would this affect my birth control,pneumonia itself is not contagious in other words exposure to someone with pneumonia will not necessarily cause pneumonia in you but that does not mean you can not get sick pneumonia can be caused by hundreds of different viruses bacteria and even fungi it is the organismpathogen that may be contagious not the end disease caused by that pathogen like pneumonia i am 65 for 1 5 yrs have suffered with ed am on both hbp and cholesterol meds for 20 years tried cialis no luck i have never smoked and am a social drinker i am slightly over weight200lbs but have been this weight for almost 40 years this problem started almost overnight and since then it has become a real albatross my doctor has had me try cialis to no avail i still find my significant other attractive and desirable but as much as we try i can achieve little,i can not give you a very good answer because i am not sure what you are basing your analysis on did an ob gyn or nurse midwife tell you your baby is heartbeat was slow if so the medical professional should have advised you about exactly what this means if anything about the health of your unborn child be aware that a baby is heartbeat in the womb starts out very fast at around 180 beats per minute and then slows down into a range around 120 160 beats per minute for the rest of the pregnancy so if you have noticed a decrease in heart rate around the 12th week of pregnancy this may be normal i suggest you contact your health care provider to find out what a slow fetal heartbeat means in terms of potential miscarriage wishing you and your baby all the best how are spotting and cramping early signs of pregnancy,i dont think that parents who use methamphetamines should be caring for any children at any age it is not the smoke but the drug use that is the problem it is difficult enough being a parent but when the parent is chemically impaired even if they think they are not it can be dangerous in older children watching their parents smoke crystal meth is not the best modeling as you know can allergies lead to pneumonia should i be concerned about asthma is there any advantage to more allergy testing my almost 3 year developed pneumonia a couple of weeks ago as shown on a chest x ray the doctor treated it with antibiotics and put her on zyrtec because she saw signs of ar we did blood allergy testing using the toddler panel it showed a high total ige but no specific allergies she had some wheezing as a baby and we use a nebulizer with albuterol as needed when she develops a cold or congestion i feel like she struggles to breath at times but its hard to tell with a 2 year old,definitely in a sinus infection the tubes which clear fluid from the ears can easily be blocked giving pain behind the jaw and below the ears i have had these several times now and once the infection actually affected my jaw itself make sure that you get on anti biotics for the infection try saline sinus rinses neti pot or suchlike an otc spray called alkolol an ancient formula but it works wonders last thing that i learned during my last sinus infection do not use decongestants my cousin has severe anemia fever doctors can not do anything for him,hi in my opinion your cousin have flavi virus causing viral meningitis i recommend lumber puncture to confirm good luck will xanax help with my stress i am so stressed out i feel sick cant sleep cold sweats my neck burns my face is hot and i dont know what to do,xanax is part of a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines and is prescribed for anxiety and panic disorders you may have heard the terms ssri selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or gaba gamma amino butyric acid xanax changes brain function by altering gaba production in the brain at the receptor sites which alters the person is mood when used appropriately xanax is very effective studies have shown that long term xanax use can lead to dependence and addiction quitting xanax use cold turkey can be dangerous because the nature of the drugs slows gaba gamma amino butyric acid production and changes brain chemistry suddenly stopping xanax use can be too much for the brain to adjust to can result in serious side effects including horrifying nightmares delusions seizures and death gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855 338 6929 had a miscarriage i bled for six days and since have stopped my hcg level is at 14 what is going on with me i first learned i was pregnant with an at home pregnancy test i later went to the doctor to confirm with a traditional blood test my hcg level was 479 i started a synthetic estrogen medication progestrin based on my fertility specialist recommendation my blood was tested the day after i started the medication and my hcg level dropped to 375 then 59 then 39 and now 14 i have stopped bleeding and feel normal,so sorry for your loss i believe you are asking about the numbers the numbers you describe are the level of hcg in your body the higher the number the farther along you are since you had a miscarriage the numbers are going down this is normal here is a table that physicans sometimes use on left is how many weeks you are on the right is the range of hcg like the number you got gestational age thcg weeks miuml range 0 2 1 5 50 1 2 50 500 2 3 100 5000 3 4 500 10000 4 5 1000 50000 5 6 10000 500000 6 8 15000 200000 8 12 10000 100000 hope this helps if my job can cause anxiety and stress when i try to sleep i can not block out any thinking of work hate to go to work in the morning knowing that i might have to deal with issues my eating habits have changed,in my opinion you do not have malabsorbtion but you have mass losing of your iron stores or inability to transport iron possibilities are 1 long term use of anti inflammatory drugd 2 hookwarm need a stool test 3 chronic kidney disease 4 inflamatory diseasealso check you ferritinstore and transferrin transport levels which can help you identify if there is a kidney or liver problem also a condition called atransferrinemia where you have a problem producing transferrinhope i was of help good luck what is female ejaculation or squirting,hi your due date is worked out from the first day of your last full period that is the way it works unless that was not a full blown 5 to 7 day period if so you then work from the period before good luck what is a common cold,since you tryed hydrocortisone and did not work there are the posibilitys candidiasis ringworm hives diabetes related skin conditions u need further clinical testing can help more online cuz wrong treatment on assumption it is one of them could cause more problems u helped much with telling me about hydrocortisone which allowed me to role out 3 other possibilities good luck what can i do when life feels overwhelming,because the many aspects of our lives are inter related problems in one area often create difficulties in others too for example a husband or wife losing a job generally puts a strain on their marriage that strain can cause tension creating an emotional rift between them if one of them has struggled with overeating alcoholism depression or poor anger management those issues are likely to return and all of this can overflow into problem with children who live within this strained home environment when this happens to you the most important first step after realizing how overwhelmed you feel is to really look at the ‘mountain what you will see upon closer inspection is that the mountain is not really one big weight it is more like a pile of rocks some of those rocks might be really heavy but they are each much more manageable than the mountain that you previously perceived once you see your problems as a pile of rocks you can begin to sort them from pebbles to boulders tossing out the pebbles is relatively easy is being five minutes late for work because of traffic really worth all that frustration you can also move many of those rocks off of you if talking to jane at work causes nothing but aggravation you can minimize your interactions with her the result is that the mountain is no longer so big and unmovable you will also begin to see how to move other rocks that did not seem to budge before so for instance as you begin to lighten your load when your mother makes those critical comments that she so frequently tosses out you will begin to see them as her problem — not one you need to carry you might still get upset but perhaps less so and you will be able to move past it more quickly went to er 4 days ago after 2 weeks of ear pain diagnosed with bullous myringitis prescribed zpak no relief why they prescribed me a z pak azithromycin 250mg which i will finish tomorrow i read that sometimes it continues working up to three days after finishing them but the er told me i should have pain relief after the first day what is going on did they prescribe me the wrong antibiotic i am in excruciating pain,you should start shopping on healthcare gov for a new plan you will likely qualify for financial assistance to lower your insurance costs what are some nonimpact activities for people with osteoporosis,certain nonimpact activities can improve your coordination flexibility and muscle strength and reduce your risk of falls and fractures while increasing your mobility and overall quality of life balance exercises such as tai chi can strengthen your leg muscles and help you stay steadier on your feet posture exercises can improve your carriage reduce the sloping shoulders associated with osteoporosis and decrease your risk of fractures especially in the spine functional exercises can improve your ability to perform everyday activities such as getting in and out of bed and chairs and climbing stairs balance posture and functional exercises can be performed daily nonimpact programs such as yoga and pilates can improve strength balance and flexibility in people with osteoporosis but some of the movements associated with these programs including forward bending exercises can increase the risk of fracture if you are interested in such programs ask your physical therapist to tell you which movements are most likely to be beneficial or harmful although exercise can benefit almost everyone with osteoporosis it is important to remember that it is only one component of an overall treatment program other essential lifestyle recommendations include a diet rich in calcium and vitamin d maintaining a normal body weight and avoiding tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption you also may require osteoporosis medications to either build or maintain bone density by working with your doctor you can develop an osteoporosis treatment program that is right for you i am waking up with spots and rashes all over my stomach and back,hi this is not ringworm or a fungal infection either it seems to be allergic dermatitis simple creams wont help apply local steroid based creams twice a day keep the skin clean and maintain good hygiene do not scratch the lesions take anti allergic and vitamin tablets thanks terrible pain in my left foot that seemed to have come from nowhere i work in retail and am always on my feet i got home from work and relaxed for about an hour before i noticed a slight pain in my left foot on the bottom left side as the night went on the pain got worse until i could barely put any pressure on my foot this morning the pain has gotten much worse where i am almost in tears when i try to put any pressure on my foot i do not remember twisting or hitting my foot at all any advice would be greatly appreciated,most people with high blood pressure have no symptoms the only way to know whether your blood pressure is high is to have a health professional measure it with a blood pressure cuff the result is expressed as two numbers the top number which is called the systolic pressure represents the pressure when your heart is beating the bottom number which is called the diastolic pressure shows the pressure when your heart is resting between beats your blood pressure is considered normal if it stays below 12080 expressed as 120 over 80 people with a systolic blood pressure of 120 to 139 or a diastolic blood pressure of 80 to 89 are considered prehypertensive and should adopt health promoting lifestyle changes to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels if your systolic blood pressure is consistently 140 or higher or your diastolic pressure is 90 or higher you have high blood pressure and should talk with your doctor about the best ways to lower it pain left breast cough 103 fever cannot sleep on side,most helpful answer hi ok question dose this ring slip off with this weight gain or dose it stay in place the whole time please come back will going through an x ray machine at the airport hurt my medications,no the machine will not denature any of your medications or interfere with their stability diagnosed with hyperbilirubinemia…please suggest alternate treatment,hi hyperbilirubinemia is generally a self limiting disease and will generally get normal in a month the medicines you are taking are absolutely fine take high carbohydrate diet low fatprotein diet get blood bilirubin levels checked every week consult gastroenterologist if you dont see any improvement thanks how to be totally cured from tinnitus please see details heard buzz or tinnitus in left ear dr requested tympanogram pressure in da pa right normal hearing sensitivity typeatympanogram with pressured ar left mild conductive hearing type btympanogram reflecting mee treatment 1 congestal ear drops& liquid to dry water behind ear is drums and took these treatments for 2 weeks after 2 weeks 2nd tympanogram result was normal but still hear buzz or tinnitus he told me it will go with time 2 months still hear tinnitus please help me on that,flu shot side effects seems to be the most likely cause although possibility of laryngitis cannot be over ruled completely i would consider std as the last possibility you should wait for a few days for it to resolve if no improvements are seen consult a er had fine needle aspiration result i have bone marrow and plasmacytoid cells in neck,the presence of this cells in lymph is related to many conditions like histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis hnl also known as kikuchi fujimoto disease is a benign and self limiting disease also non specific paracortical hyperplasia chronic granulomatous inflammation castleman disease and classical hodgkin is lymphoma overall it needs more investigations with the harmatologist before you start to worry other symptoms and signs must be correlated with the lymph node biopsy results to diagnose the problem … am i doing enough to lose weight i have a moderate amount of weight to lose about 10lbs i have tried intense workouts like insanity but i get tired and discouraged very quick into the workout can i lose weight simply by walking 5 miles a day it takes me about 1 5hrs so i think its a pretty good pace and doing toning exercises i do the sculpt video from brazil butt lift which is about 45 min with 5lb dumbbells is this enough to lose a moderate amount of weight and improve my body shape or should i push harder,that is a myth gaining too much weight will not necessarily cause the baby to be larger just because you are eating for two does not mean you should eat twice as much gaining beyond 25 to 35 pounds for a single birth just makes it harder to lose after the baby is born what is the difference between nexium and kapidex,yeast can most definitely irritate the urethra if you have a vaginal yeast infection use a topical yeast cream and smear on this area as well this can even be mixed with some 1 hydrocortisone cream to help with the irritation it is not likely to travel up your urethra but it can definitely irritate this delicate tissue i grabbed a dead banana spider on a banana from ecuador it is barbed bristles or spines embedded in my hand the bristles were red and some black chiquita said it was a banana spider it was a large spider i started having a reaction about 30 mins after grabbing it this was 5 weeks ago i still have a lot of pain swelling tingling and can not hardly use my hand i have gone to the doctors twice they do not know what to do i live on a small se alaska island,no vaginal trichomoniasis can only be contract through the vagina during intercourse oral sex will not give you vaginal trich but i caution you about one obvious fact your boyfriend shared this std with you you need to be very careful using condoms since the clearly contracted this unwanted gift from another person who knows what other std this person may be carrying as a bonus i was diagnosed with restless leg syndrome i feel the urge in my legs to move and stretch them almost all the time,well there seem to be fairly instant physiological effects in terms of blood lipid levels and potential inflammation in the arteries after we eat a super high saturated fat meal so i would try to direct someone to “cheat” responsibly in other words even when we are “cheating ” we can make better choices like a guy is having his favorite steak and potato meal from a restaurant try to choose a leaner cut of steak filet mignon top sirloin or london broil for example and try to keep the amount of steak eaten within 6 ounces or so take the rest of the 12 or 16 ounce steak home for sandwiches the next day he might be more satisfied with this smaller portion of steak if he has enjoyed a broth or tomato based cup of soup andor a nice green salad with a vinaigrette dressing – before he gets to the steak i have a lesion on the side of my shaft i have already tested negative for ghonorrea and chlymedia but they took a culture of the lesion yesterday it burnt when i peed a couple days ago but does not burn anymore could it be herpes or just a infection in my skin,get evaluated for complete std panel herpes syphilis all needs to be ruled out you need to consult a sexual disease specialist let them have a look and decide what is is i hope it helps stay in touch with your healthcare provider for further guidance as our answers are just for education and counselling purposes and cannot be an alternative to actual visit to a doctor take care khan what is the best treatment for dark circles under the eyes and chin firming,most helpful answer paper cups are perfectly safe to drink fluids hot or cold from if this is your choice one side of the mouth drooping and it is getting worse eye also droops is this a womens health concern,the answer is no absolutely not first of all three days may not be long enough to determine whether or not the biaxin clarithromycin is effective or not you need to complete the full course of antibiotics take all the pills exactly as prescribed you may still be experiencing some symptoms even after you take the last pill but symptoms may clear up within a few days after you finish the prescription if they do not consult your health care provider a z pack is a kit of azithromycin which is the same class of antibiotic as biaxin clarithromycin combining these two medications can cause serious side effects do not do it in fact no one should self dose with prescription medications and why do you have an extra z pack lying around careless use of antibiotics is what is driving the rise in so called superbugs or bacteria that do not respond to antibiotics mrsa is one such bacterium you should always take an antibiotic exactly as prescribed and be sure to take all the pills if you have any other questions i suggest you consult your health care provider i was given biaxin for a chest cold and i got worse instead of feeling better went to my dr immediately and found out that i was allergic to biaxin it inflamed my chest was put on something else and felt better within 12 hrs schould a stress test take 2&12 hrs,yes so do not use anyone is razor especially someone who is known to have herpes simplex stage 4 anal cancer left radiation neuritis of sciatic nerve now in pain,hi these are classical symptoms of a nerve compresion in the cervical spine it can be due to cervical slipped disc or cervical spondylitis get mri neck done use cervical collar thanks how do i figure out calories for homemade meatloaf or other homemade recipes,hi sarah ok just get to your doctor do a test there and its been since july ask for a scan to be done this way you will know for sure if you are pregnant this would save all the guessing hope it helps you good luck my son is fever is 102 & hes not eating but no others symptoms since its late & a weekend should i take him to e r i have givien him motrin and cool cloth on head fever has not broke he is just laying on couch and since he is 2 and always boucing around he just not himself,yes of course many cancers can lead to death or cause other fatal complications can you get pregnant by rubbibg genitals skin to skin no penetration happened it was just his penis rubbing against my vagina and clitoris,hi ok as long as he did not ejaculate at any time and as long as he urinated since last masturbating so there sperm in his pre cum you should be ok but as your getting very near to becoming sexually active its about time to go see your doctor or a women is clinic and think about getting some bc pill protection do hope this helps you good luck i have some lorazepam from a few years back how long can medicine be stored,most medications are good for about a year after you get them from the pharmacy that is if they are stored properly away from direct heat or light and in a cool dry place i do not recommend keeping medication longer than a year because passing time increases the likelihood that mistakes can be made while taking it if you have not used the lorazapam in years most likely you do not need it so i would recommend discarding it the best way to dispose of medication is through a local drug take back program or mix the pills with an undesirable substance like kitty litter or used coffee grounds wrap it all up and throw it away flushing medications down the toilet is not recommended my daughter just turned 4 and it looks like she is getting breast buds is this normal i got mine at age 6 i was wearing a bra not just a training bra by age 6 my daughter just turned 4 and it looks like she is getting breast buds already is this normal or should i be worried,my opinion is that sheep placenta products are pure quackery absolutely worthless i have been on ortho tri cyclen lo for nearly a year my period started a week early this month what could this mean,ovaries and adrenal glands also produce testosterone but offcourse lower levels hopfully they will be adequate to being female you will notice somebmood swings normal femal behaviour which is good actully for being a femal no worries just redo testosterone levels check periodicaly to avoid other complications good luck my grandma slipped on the floor yesterday her bone in her arm and hip dislocated,this is likely your epiglottis how do i know if i have a compression fracture in the joint at the base of my big toe redness pain swelling after wearing shoes that became uncomfortably tight after standing for a long time used ice elevation rest and treated for cellulitis though a blood test revealed normal white count uric acid normal and gout was eliminated after 2 rounds of z pack swelling has gone down redness gone but pain persists mostly in joint at base of my big toe i can not put any shoe on and walking is painful as i try to roll my foot forward as in a normal gait,by having an x ray this is really the only way to know definitely if you have a fracture if you see a good podiatrist many have their own x ray machines and the expertise to determine if there may be a different non fracture reason for your pain my spn is 4 years old due to go to full time school reception in january 2012 his teacher along with a senco teacher said to me that they feel that he may have autism the reason they gave were he does not always look at them when they are talking to him he may do group work for 10 minutes then he is not interested and gets distracted by things around him and he cannot ride a bike firstly i have not taught him to ride a bike so hence why he cannot and he has not taught himself they say he can read knows colours shapes alphabet numbers all the names of the children in his class if they put something up they think he cannot read he can he does not hold his pen properly he can hold conversations with children and adults i potty trained him in a month aug 2010 he asked for things says please and thank you gives me direct eye contact when i talk to him or anyone family based only when he is excited he flaps his hands at 4 i think he is on point for his age what do u think,this is a known although perhaps not enough known side effect of cocomadol bad chest pain that resembles a heart attack users often get chest or intense stomach pains sometimes after eating some type of foods sometimes out of nowhere sometimes never but you should make sure you are not however suffering from some kind of real heart issue get checked out cocomadol as u may be aware of is addictive if u do not really need it for a real medical reason hey … may be time to give it up my doctor said i should adopt a gluten free diet but how do i know which foods are gluten free,according to the fda gluten is a term commonly used to refer to certain proteins that naturally occur in wheat rye barley and crossbred hybrids of these grains the good news is many foods are free of gluten these include fruits vegetables lean proteins nuts oils and dairy the nutrition label can help you determine which foods are free of gluten the term gluten free can be helpful but is not a regulated claim even though the fda is working to define it when you read a label look for gluten containing ingredients including wheat barley rye oats due to likely cross contamination brewers yeast and malt beer labeling laws requires allergens to be labeled including wheat proteins so any food that says contains wheat is off limits this does not apply to barley rye and oats or items that may have been cross contaminated so if there is any doubt contact the manufacturer i am exercising a lot lately and keeping my diet pretty healthy but for some reason i keep gaining weight why i have been exercising regularly for over a year now so it is not like it is a new muscle gain and i am not eating more calories than i was before so why the sudden change,hi i do not think that lasix is causing you any problem the real cause is sympathetic affection caused as a complication of the spinal meningitis taking pregabalinmethycobalamin tablets will be helpful get serum electrolytes checked thanks i am 411 17 years old and 100 pounds im trying to loose 5 pounds how many calories should i eat many calories counter wont go below 1 200 which i know is way to much because i am very short so can any body tell me how much calories should i be eating my goal weight is 94 or 95,personally you should not be trying to lose any weight you are at an appropriate weight for your height and five pounds less is not going to change how you look or how your clothes feel it would be more beneficial for you to exercise tone up what you have this way you will look thinner feel better and it will appear that you have lost weight do not let the scale tell you what to do i have strep throat but when i put anything in my mouth even water it burns is that normal with strep i was told i have a relatively severe case of strep throat when i went to the er yesterday over the last 3 days i have been unable to drink or eat because my tonsils have been so swollen it is been too painful to try to swallow now that i received a steroid shot and started taking antibiotics my tonsils have started to shrink but i am faced with a new problem my whole mouth burns terribly when i try to put anything in it even water it feels like i am missing a layer of tissue is that normal,i know when i had strep throat every thing burnes and i could not swallow at all water burned the worst to popsicles and pudding was the easiest on my throat i was diagnosed with a prolapse uterus my cervix has risen back,most definitely yes blood in the stool in never normal and from what you have described it is very serious indeed if you have lost a significant amount of blood through this it can be a life threatening situation hi recently i have had horrible diarhhea every time i drink or eat food i have to use the bathroom hi i am a 21 year old male and i am experiencing chronic diarrhea it seems every single time i drink water or eat food i am in the bathroom not even 10 minutes later i have been like this for 5 days now with zero signs of improvement in fact i feel like i am getting worse sleep is difficult due to racing thoughts concerning my condition so i just feel like garbage nauseous weak cold and very stressed according to the thermometer my temperature is 97 2 i am staying hydrated though help ,hi please take the probiotic drink or it is called enterogermia we get this in medical store jos how can i get rid of the fat pad in my groin area,liposuction would likely work there are no other exercise or dietary tricks that can spot reduce fat pads have a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon what health insurance plan is best for a pregnant woman of course premiums go up or down but how does one decide if the 90 the insurance company pays 10 i pay the 8020 or 7030 is right for a first time pregnant woman,it has been awhile since my wife gave birth but the costs of even a routine childbirth can be substantial like 15 000 this includes the insurers cost it depends on the tradeoff between premiums and your expected out of pocket cost but i would strongly consider paying more for a gold or platinum plan if you know you are going to give birth next year i have rash on my leg it is only got worse it itches and feels hot,in my opinion this looks like an atopic dermatitis treatment of atopic dermatitis is centered around rehydrating the skin with emollients like petroleum jelly and the cautious use of topical steroids to reduce inflammation and itching oral antihistamines may be helpful in breaking the “itch scratch” cycle thanks why are my gums white looking today i have one of my wisdom teeth coming through that have been giving me a lot of pain the last week and a half i dont know if it could be because of an infection also i think my anemia is back since i have not been taking iron pills anymore and i seen that may be linked to my unhealthy looking gums,it can go directly to your insurer to lower how much you pay in premiums each month if you prefer you can pay higher premiums throughout the year and instead take the subsidy when you file for taxes it is your choice 58 year old female experiencing neurological problems… parkinson is disease,this related to abnormal cerebral functioning the electrical impulses and the rhythm in the eeg are disturbed indicating abnormal behavioural symptoms this is not parkinsons you should ask the neurologist about the abnormal electrical impulses and the ways to make them uniform does spray work to eliminate cat dander and allergens if so which spray my son is very allergic to cats we just discovered this after having him tested the cat that we have is my step daughters and it is out of the question for us to get rid of the cat my step daughter lives in the basement and i plan to keep the cat only in the basement now i need to aggressively try to rid the rest of the home of cat dander the best i can i have heard about sprays that can eliminate cat dander do these really work which ones are the best any other good ideas,i know of no effective sprays that will eliminate or control cat dander sorry i personally use two air purifiers to control dander in my house that along with common vacuuming will greatly reduce the problem why is my hair loss is only before ovulation i have experienced hair loss and have been trying to regrow it back it seems to do better after i ovulate but goes back to looking bad after my period before i ovulate i wonder whats off so i can fix it and start to regrow my hair thank you,hi i found this little bit of information i think this shows why ovulation occurs about midway through the menstrual cycle after the follicular phase and is followed by the luteal phase note that ovulation is characterized by a sharp spike in levels of luteinizing hormone lh and follicle stimulating hormone fsh resulting from the peak of estrogen levels during the follicular phase i think your find this is why your hair get better perhaps you need some kind of hormone replacement therapy do hope this helps you good luck chest fat loss best exercises to lose chest weight fast,hi do hope this link helps you seems its all you need just copy into google to the www to open and read good luck is stammering a genetic problem,in my opinion this readings indicate nothing as they can be considered normal however i suggest checking liver functions as symptoms and history suggest it start by ast and alt good luck small thrombus in distal right pulmonary artery should i start taking xarelto rivaroxaban,people with incomes too low to file income taxes are not required to carry health insurance if your daughter has no income she will not be penalized for not buying a health plan however she may qualify for medicaid if she lives in a state expanding its program and if you have a policy that covers dependents you might consider adding her to your plan under the health reform law adult children can stay on their parents health plan up until the age of 26 can i get my utrerus removed i am 36 have 4 kids i am a healthy woman i want to get my uterus removed i just dont want more kids because 4 kids is big responsibility and my husband dont use precautions so is it ok to remove uterus ,yes you and your son together are considered a family and at your income level you would qualify for medicaid however if you live in a state not expanding it is program you as an adult will not be eligible but your son will undoubtedly qualify for medicaid or the children is health insurance program if your state is not expanding its medicaid program you can look for insurance through your state is marketplace you would qualify for subsidies that would pay the bulk of your insurance costs at your income level you will not pay more than 2 of the cost of your insurance plan as well as financial help to lower any costs associated with your medical care if you do not make enough money to file income taxes you will not be required to have insurance and you will not be charged a tax penalty but i encourage you to find the contact information for your state is health insurance marketplace through healthcare gov and then to talk with someone to get help getting you and your son covered i have bloating feeling in my upper abdomen under my chest top of stomach,hey if you have cat scan and mri and if they have not found anything positive then there is no organic disease for sure sometimes the optic nerve that supplies sensations and carries impulses of our eyes gets transiently swollen and inflammed that may cause these symptoms get a retina scan done to see if anything is wrong in retina thanks are there any treatments for panic disorder above and beyond therapy and medication i am desperate i have given up my vices no smoking no alcohol no super fatty foods which were a weird trigger in my opinion no caffeine little sugar i exercise i meditate i have a psychiatrist and a therapist and a student health advocate i take medication my life is actually pretty well ordered and i am happy when i am not panicking it is crippling and i structure my life around avoiding panic attacks i feel i will lose my mind what is the answer electroshock beta blockers surgery please help,conventional wisdom holds that minimizing sweat and moisture can help prevent fungal infections common recommendations along these lines are for men to wear boxer shorts for women to avoid panty hose and so forth whether these measures some of which are quite difficult to implement are really worth all of the effort is open to question you can also take steps to prevent transmission of ringworm infections do not share clothing towels hairbrushes combs hair accessories or other personal care items wearing sandals or shoes in gyms locker rooms and at pools can help reduce your chances of contracting athlete is foot you should avoid touching pets that have signs of ringworm typically bald spots can arthritis spread i was diagnosed with having arthritis in my lower back at the same time i was beginning to have symptoms in the middle of my back and now on the top of my back i was wondering if the arthritis is spreading through my back the symptoms are all the same and now it is affecting my whole back,no but it helps there are many people of normal weight that have diabetes but clearly if you were obese the chance of getting diabetes increases my step dad has perscription for both ondansetron odt and oxycodone what kind of illness prompts the use of odt my step dad has gone to the hospital twice in a row now my mom assures me there is not a problem but i am worried that she may be avoiding a more serious health issue i know that the odt medication is used for the effects of chemo but my step dad has never had cancer he is however a disabled veteran and while he is still constantly upbeat and healthy he did have a surgery but that was about last year in 2012 are there any specific cases in which a doctor might prescribe both,oxycodone of course is a potent narcotic pain medication his doctor must feel that he needs this level of pain control ondansetron is used to control nausea and vomiting only theodt just means oral disintegrating tablet melts in your mouth oxycodone can cause nausea but i have no idea if this is the reason his doctor prescribed it how to clear up acne so i have dealt with acne for a while now and i have very sensitive skin and i am always breaking out and getting dark spots i just want to know what the best thing to do or face wash to use to get rid of my acne,1 make sure none of your cleansers have any additives and they are all very gentle 2 wash up to twice a day but do not scrub or over wash 3 try simple salicylic acid wipes or face wash 4 do not use harsh scrubs they will make things worse 5 try not to touch your face during daily life can high blood pressure cause night sweats,in polycystic ovaries the hormone dis balance is such that there are long intervals in between two periods relax deranged sugar levels are common in pcod but that does not mean that you would have diabetes in future metformin is commonly prescribed in case of pcod doing some lifestyle changes will help you like 1 reduce saturated fat intake 2 maintain good body composition 3 increase dietary fiber 4 increase aerobic exercise 5 restrict sugar intake you can also consider visiting a dietician who can help you in diet according to your requirements and choice take care what causes rh sensitization during pregnancy,rh sensitization can occur when a person with rh negative blood is exposed to rh positive blood about 90 of women who become sensitized do so during childbirth when their blood mixes with the rh positive blood of their fetus 1 once exposed a mother is immune system produces antibodies against rh positive red blood cells for more information about events and procedures that can put you at high risk for rh sensitization see the what increases your risk section of this topic the minimum amount of blood mixing necessary to cause sensitization is not known but many women become sensitized during pregnancy or childbirth after being exposed to as little as of rh positive fetal blood 1 fortunately rh sensitization can almost always be prevented with the rh immune globulin injection when an rh negative person is immune system is first exposed to rh positive blood it takes several weeks to develop immunoglobulin m or igm antibodies igm antibodies are too large to cross the placenta so the rh positive fetus that first triggers maternal sensitization is usually not harmed a previously rh sensitized immune system rapidly reacts to rh positive blood as during a second pregnancy with an rh positive fetus usually within hours of rh positive blood exposure smaller immunoglobulin g or igg antibodies are formed igg antibodies can cross the placenta and destroy fetal red blood cells this causes rh disease which is dangerous for the fetus some rh negative people never become sensitized even after exposure to large amounts of rh positive blood the reason for this is not known webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i did a lot of tanning when i was younger now i know better but can i reverse any of the earlier damage,angiotensin ii receptor blockers arbs is a group of drugs used to treat high blood pressure what kind of specialist do you see if your have bowel problems and suspect some for of ibs,a gastroenterologist many will require a referral from your primary care medical provider depending on the type of insurance that you have my morning blood sugar avg 130 150 during the dayevening high 80 is how do i get my morning readings down a1c is 8 9,you for you for taking charge of your diabetes getting that a1c down is very important i would suggest you consult your health care provider or get a referral to a certified diabetes educator to fully address your question that said you might try an evening snack that consists of a smallish portion of complex carbohydrates plus protein a few possible combinations whole grain crackers with a small amount of peanut butter brown rice with black beans celery sticks with hummus i would suggest you avoid fruit as some fruit is very sugary if diet alone does not help keep your sugars stable overnight you may need to talk to your health care provider about taking an evening dose of insulin or adjusting your dose if you currently do this remember i am only offering suggestions you should consult your health care provider for specifics good luck should someone who previously suffered from gbs get a flu vaccine i was given information related to a parent that had once had gbs as a child that she should not receive flu vaccines is this an accurate order is the risk of areaction too great to even consider this,people with a history of guillain–barré syndrome that occurred after receiving influenza vaccine and who are not at risk for severe illness from influenza should generally not receive vaccine tell your doctor if you ever had guillain barré syndrome your doctor will help you decide whether the vaccine is recommended for you i have metastatic stage 4 gastrointestinal cancer want to try hemp oil or cannabis oil,hi both are almost similar in features u can use anyone of them these oils can be used as adjunctive therapy to the chemotherapy that you are presently taking you can take them safely together before taking them together you should contact your physician thanks do i need to worry about ephedra being in any weight loss supplements i buy online,i would be very concerned about ephedra or ma huang that is the other name that can be found on the label of all these over the counter products used for weight loss this has actually been banned by the fda and there was actually a study done by the national institutes of health that showed that people had rises in blood pressure had strokes even died so you want to be very very careful and i would honestly not take any product that contains this cardiovascular health is really important even if you have a history of even a rise in blood pressure just a little bit and you are on high blood pressure medications it is not worth taking that risk if you have any questions that you are not sure or need help reading the label come on over to the pharmacy ask for the pharmacists we will be more than happy to help you i did not get shingles confirmed for two weeks the doctor did not give me a prescription would otc medicines help,hi my opinion you need to first confirm if it is a dvt yes anticoagulants are considered contraindicated in old age yet some doctors do consider the use of warfarin good luck i have all the symptoms of a uti but every urinalysis and culture comes back negative what else may be going on i have had 3 urinalysis and 1 culture done and they have all come back negative i have even had blood in my urine once at home and when i wiped myself there was blood on the toilet paper but the same day a urinalysis and culture was done and it came back negative this has been going on for a month now what other test should be ordered,obviously a completely stopped heart cardiac arrest is more life threating since you only have a few precious minutes to get it ticking again or death will occur a heart attack is lay term that refers to dozens of different serious cardiac conditions some that are life threating and some not so much i am 33 years old i need shingles vaccine but am i too young to have it,i would not advise doing it in your age as it lasts for a few years and then the outbreaks are back more severe so it is done in old age… try to apply cornstarch or baking soda to help dry the sores so that they heal more quickly soak crusted sores with tap water or burow is solution to help clean away crusts decrease oozing and dry and soothe the skin ask your doctor about using topical creams to help relieve the inflammation caused by shingles pregnancy is not recommended in the couple of years after vaccine what resources are available to medicare recipients,you are a parent you do not need me to tell you to worry or not worrying come naturally her maternal immunity wore off about a month ago so she is now quite vulnerable to colds viral infections because she is so dang cute at this age many people are playing with her so exposure to germs are a sure thing she will need to get several colds in order to jump start her own immune systems so get used to them this first winter can be the cold of the month club if she is in day care frequent colds will be a part of your life coughing can also be triggered by saliva i suspect she is teething when he lies down the saliva or any post nasal drainage has no where to go but down her throat coughing clears her airways so in some respects it is a good thing if she is showing signs of illness fever rapid breathing wheezing failure to improve over time etc she will need to be examined by her medical provider there will be the sound of coughing in your christmas videso this year what a good treat for college students,what is better than sending off your apartment dwelling college student with a couple dozen of hisher favorite homemade cookies sending them off with a few dozen pieces of individually frozen cookie dough balls this way they can bake the amount of cookies they want when they want them and here is the big bonus…your college student will enjoy the smell touch and taste of hot cookies fresh from the oven i made two types of cookie dough for my daughter who just left for school — light mudslide cookies and my peanut butter bombs your child is job should they choose to accept it is to take out the cookie dough balls and place them two inches apart on a nonstick or parchment lined cookie sheet to thaw an hour or two later they can bake the cookies in a preheated oven typically 350 degrees until desired doneness — 8 10 minutes for a typical cookie scoop ball of dough mom or dad is mission how to make this happen 1 make your college student is favorite cookie dough 2 place cookie scoop balls of dough on a parchment lined cookie sheet and place in freezer until they are completely frozen about 3 to 5 hours 3 place frozen dough balls in a sealable plastic bag or an appropriately sized plastic container the bag of dough balls is easier to fit in a crowded freezer 4 keep the cookie dough frozen during transport by keeping it in a larger bag with multiple ice blocks what can i do to stay satiated longer,not all forms of pink eye is contagious such as allergy or chemical irritants not knowing the cause of your dog is pink eye i really do not know if the pathogen is contagious to you or not so it would be wise to wash your hands carefully after administering the eye drops to the dog assuming the dog is under treatment in the vast majority of cases you will not get pink eye from the dog hurts to take deep breathe pain around belly button and pain under ribs what is this this pain just started on monday i thought it was just indigestion so i started taking a upset stomach reliever it is now next monday and it is still there but i went to the er on saturday and they said that my blood tests and lab tests came back normal xrays looked okay the pain is a bit under my ribs and it hurts to take deep breaths and it is now starting to burn a little bit when i pee what is wrong with me the doctor at the er also prescribed prilosec which i have been taking,when someone is making strong nutrition claims like this i always ask people to inquire about the research used to support the claim many times people without a health or science background translate information into something that is not accurate green leafy vegetables contain oxalates but there is no evidence that these foods are bad for health there are instances where someone may need to limit oxalates such as those who are prone to kidney stones but this is not a concern for the general healthy population most people can include green leafy vegetables like those in smoothies as part of a healthy diet in fact it is encouraged the 2010 dietary guidelines recommend green leafy vegetables along with those that are orange sweet potatoes carrots etc starchy potatoes corn and other vegetables like cucumbers and zucchini variety is always best to meet nutritional needs and maximize health if you are concerned about oxalates check with your health care provider pain all over my body and it is just getting worse what is wrong i am young about to turn 20 and i had no previous health issues until about 4 months ago i started to experience a pain in my feet that began to spread through my legs and was made worse by exercise i had to see a doctor several times before i saw an exercise physiologist who told me that the tissues in my muscles were not extending like they were supposed to effectively tied in a knot time went on and now the pain is everywhere it hurts to sit straight lay down what is wrong,unfortunately it would not be possible for me or any medical provider for that matter to be able to offer you a diagnosis blindly over the internet not only do you need to be carefully examined but the doctor will need to take a thorough medical history and order some diagnostic lab tests it would not be possible or prudent to guess what may be causing pain all over your body so you will need to see a medical professional to start the diagnostic process can adderall raise your psa levels since taking adderall my psa has gone from 3 to 6 1 over three years imm 54 and broyher and dad have prostate cancer,the short answer is everyone should know hisher hiv status you may have known your status prior to this episode of unprotected anal sex but now your status may have changed it would be in your best interest to get tested again because it takes anywhere from six weeks to several months for the body to begin producing hiv antibodies which is what the hiv test is designed to detect you may need to be tested several times over the next 12 months to be sure you did not pick up the virus from your sex partner i would also suggest you have a conversation with your health care provider about whether or not you should take more aggressive measures than repeated screenings he or she is in the best position to advise you above all else please practice safe sex by using a condom unprotected anal sex is not a wise idea but remember it is also possible to transmit hiv through vaginal sex anyone who is sexually active should take responsibility for the safety of himherself and hisher partner hope this helps my son has very low t doc said his blood pressure is high and would like us to see a liver specialist why we have been seeing a pediatric endocrinologist for just about a year and my son has always had high blood pressure readings we recently did some lab work and he doctor now feels that he needs to see a liver specialist for possible liver disease he is not on any medication now my question is what would make him want to go this route and what type of liver disease might this bring on in your opinion please,most helpful answer is it possible you could be pregnant really irregular period lasting 12days first was light and past days has been brownish why would it last so long never has before also its very light usually heavy period or just light on the last day no change in routine tho am sexually active he pulls out is there a chance i could be pregnant also my period came early and these last couple of days has been more like spotting any suggestions no insurance right now so any advice would help should i wait it out or buy a pg test,okay first you need to understand that periods can change especially as you get older with more stress more sex ect the brown discharge is probably old blood and seeing as you said it had been 12 days that may explain why it is brown and spotting and it can last several days after your period pulling out is not a guarantee method of birth control not that i am saying anything else is guaranteed you maybe pregnant some women have their first period after conceiving ovarian cyst are also maybe a possibility and any chance of toxic shock syndrome but chances are it is just an abnormal period if it continues or you start to have pain or new symptoms the only safe bet is to call your obgyn good luck did i re break my arm i have a proximal humerus break it happened about 9 weeks ago this week was my last appointment my doctor said it was healing well i had full range of motion back and was working on strength and it rarely ever hurt he said i was good to go and do not need to come back then a few days ago i fell and caught myself with both arms when it happened there was pain but it went away quickly and my arm felt fine again slowly it has been hurting more and more did i upset it or did i re break it,sorry maybe you are misunderstanding me this is not something that is an emergency because obviously if it was we would have already gone to the er is it safe to operate a car while wearing a lidoderm patch,i do not know anything about you or your medical history to give you the okay to drive but lidoderm patches contain lidocaine a local anesthetic the contents of the patch assuming you are not experiencing any adverse side effects should not interfere with a person is ability to drive i always use protection and i recently was diagnosed with genital herpes is that possible and how my partner ive been with for 5 months has never shown any signs of an outbreak or even mouth sores,the answer to your question is yes and no or more specifically no and yes cataracts are cloudy areas on the lens of the eye these cloudy areas can make it hard to see if your cataracts get bad enough you can have minor surgery to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear one cataracts themselves do not cause headaches however if your cataracts cause you to squint a lot or hold reading materials very close to your face these activities can cause you to get a headache i guess you could say cataracts can indirectly cause you to get a headache if you have cataracts and believe they are causing you to have headaches see an ophthalmologist to find out if it is time for you to have your cataracts treated wishing you well as of nov 20 i submitted a health insurance application for my husband and myself through maryland health connection however i am not sure what to do from there i have a reference # after applying is someone now supposed to contact me as to where and when to send the first premium payment,if you didnt drink alot in the first place it could be your body flushing its self if you dont drink alot of water and then you start all at onec only drinking water you will have a clencing cycle if i my i suffer from swelling in the center of my lumbar spine above my buttocks back ache and spine pressure,this probably a back myositis or muscle strain try cold packs then hot packs rest and ultra sound massage will help if nothing helped after all then get a mri done my wife kept taking primolut n even after pregnancy is there a problem,hi first of all congratulations secondly you need not to worry primolut n tablets contain the active ingredient norethisterone which is a synthetic version of the naturally occurring female sex hormone progesterone so it will rather help in maintaining pregnancy and will not cause any problems so do not worry and you can very much keep the baby and i wish both of the mother and baby a healthy life regards what are some common causes of male infertility,the “male factor” contributes to infertility around half the time and about one third of the time it is the main cause of infertility most often the problem lies in the process of either making or moving the sperm any of the following can cause a man to have a low sperm count or abnormal sperm varicocele — an abnormal collection of bulging veins above the testicle they are the most common cause of correctable male infertility accounting for 38 of cases undescended testicle infections in the testicle orchitis the prostate prostatitis or elsewhere in the body that causes a fever chemotherapy for cancer medicines such as anabolic steroids or anti seizure medicines genetic abnormalities hormone problems in some cases these problems can be reversed but other times they can not an evaluation by a physician is the only way to sort it out sometimes making sperm is not the problem the problem is getting the sperm where they need to go men with this type of male infertility have normal sperm in the testicles but the sperm in the semen are either abnormal very low in number or not there at all causes of this kind of infertility include retrograde ejaculation in this condition semen ejaculates backwards into the bladder instead of out the penis usually previous surgery is the cause absence of the main sperm pipeline known as the vas deferens this condition is a genetic problem obstruction an obstruction can occur anywhere in the plumbing between the testicles and the penis anti sperm antibodies antibodies can abnormally attack a man is own sperm on their way to the egg up to 25 of infertile men have idiopathic infertility that means they have abnormal or low sperm counts for no identifiable reason how can i become pregnant if i have problems ovulating,no prenatal vitamins will not hurt you you can just buy them over the counter if you want some insurance companies may not pay for them unless there is a medical reason like pregnancy im having lower back pains and im having pains in my pelvic area and i am leaking urine for no reason i have to use the restroom about every hour i feel sick every time i wake up i have no idea whats going on i have never had a kid before i dont know what kind of doctor i need to see,you could be pregnant go see your regular physician they can handle your needs or refer you to someone who can how do i use a dry powder inhaler,these are the general steps for using a dry powder inhaler for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1 remove the cap from the dry powder inhaler 2 load a dose of medicine how you do this depends on the type of inhaler you have 3 turn your head and breathe out as much air as you can try and empty your lungs 4 put the dry powder inhaler up to your mouth your lips firmly around the opening so no air or medicine can escape out the sides 5 using just your mouth breathe in once very deep and fast filling your lungs as deeply as you can 6 dry powder inhalers are breath activated so it is the breathing in deep and fast that gives you the right dose of medicine never breathe into the inhaler 7 take your mouth off the inhaler and hold your breath for at least 10 seconds then slowly breathe out 8 if your doctor prescribed more than one dose of copd medication wait about one minute before taking the next dose 9 replace the cap on the dry powder inhaler gargle and rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash usually advised only for steroid type inhalers why am i developing multiple food intolerances all of a sudden i am a 54 year old female and over the last 12 months have developed food intolerances to yeast bakers and brewers eggs cinnamon and soy in addition to existing allergies to peanuts and shellfish,i know of no antibiotic that would cause arm soreness there is most likely another reason for those symptoms what kinds of vegetables are good for heart health,no orange juice does not have any caffeine what should i do if i suspect an overdose of oxytetracycline polymyxin b,this medicine may be harmful if swallowed if swallowing or overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center vaginal discharge and herpes is there a vaginal cream available how does the health care provider determine if a vaginal discharge is from the herpes virus how many days should i expect to have a discharge does the discharge have an odorcolor what treatment is available for this type of discharge,hi this first bit is from the nhs genital herpes can cause painful red blisters or sores to appear around your genitals as well as an abnormal vaginal discharge see your gp or go to a genitourinary medicine gum clinic as soon as possible you may be offered a course of antiviral tablets which will stop the herpes virus multiplying but the symptoms may have a tendency to return now from me dose this discharge have to be from your herpes could something else bv yeast infection or chlamydia ok you can either have antibiotics or try the sea salt way you have warm sea salt baths either normal or sitz bath you use a couple of handfuls of sea salt in a bath no to deep and let the water get inside your vagina you do this twice a day foe a week by then it should have gone for more info google bv and sea salt and sea salt and the vagina lots to read do hope this helps good luck when i am nervous i shake sweat have facial flushing and red blotched areas on my neck why does this happen i suffer from anxiety so i feel nervous most of the time especially at work and in social situations i also flush profusely when i am embarrassed when i laugh cough get angry or excited this is disturbing to me as many people comment on it which i feel makes me even more self concious,i am sorry to hear you go through this and if it helps i will share this it happens to me too some people are just naturally prone to flushing when they are embarrassed angry or otherwise experiencing heightened emotions have you ever noticed whether or not your neck flushes for no reason at all mine does sometimes i can just be sitting around minding my own business get up to go to the bathroom and notice my neck is all red what the heck i do not know if there is any medical explanation for this i have noticed personally that it seems to happen more in fair skinned people of north european descent it could simply be that flushing which is caused by increased blood flow just beneath the skin is more visible in fair skinned people i do not know if possible try to learn to live with this unique trait when people tease me about this i laugh right along with them i say things like some people wear their heart on their sleeve i wear my emotions on my face if the anxiety aspect bothers you do not hesitate to seek counseling from a trained psychotherapist anxiety can be managed through cognitive therapy talk therapy and medication if warranted a counselor also can help you cope with the embarrassment you feel about the flushing i wish you all the best as a kindred spirit how do you find a place to get a flu shot,the american lung association offers an online flu vaccine clinic locator visit www flucliniclocator org enter a zip code and a date or dates and receive information about clinics scheduled in your area there is also a nasal flu vaccine called flumist that contains live but weakened viruses the nasal flu vaccine is not recommended during pregnancy because it has not been tested in pregnant women the flumist nasal vaccine can be used in healthy people aged 2 49 years old is ebola a blood virus is ebola a blood born virus,thank you for your replies it has helped to ask your advice i do just panic that over the 16 months i have been feeding her she could have come into contact with the substance repeated times if it is something carcinogenic is that a concern i can not be 100 per cent sure it is battery acid that was just my guess as i do not know what is inside a disposable camera it seems to be a clear type of liquid coming out is medical care nessary for shingles,in my opinion it seems either a sebaceous cyst or a hpv you may need no treatment at the time but avoid sex for as you said is good no need to remove it unless they started to increase in number or size… since the one by your anus has gone then i think this one will go away too you can use some home remedies to cure it if pregnant are abortion tablets safe,it is a little too late to worry about hat now unless it was in the last 12 hours or so and you can take the morning after pill in a relationship where no pregnancy has occured one or both of you may be responsible for the lack of conception having unprotected sex with any man opens the possibilities again so yes your friend could get you pregnant only time will tell so you may need to do a few home pregnancy tests if you do not have your regular period is there any nonsurgical procedure to get rid of my eye bags,a lot depends on how extensive the eye bags are if the underlying causes are medical or from lack of sleep these issues should be addressed first next consider discussing the use of fillers with your dermatologist properly placed fillers along the lower eyelid and cheek junction can mask the presence of eye bags i do not know how practical this is for everyday to use but you can do this before a special occasion lay down close your eyes and let a slice of cucumber rest on your eyes for 10 minutes what does it mean if an anastomosis is found to be patent i had a bowel resection to correct an obstruction and three weeks later required emergency surgery for further post anastomotic obstruction the anastomosis was found to be patent what does this mean,the word patent in this case simply means open can cysts move around on a person is body i have a cyst on my left forehead just above and between my eyebrows not very large once i attempted to squeeze out the roots seeds or whatever you call them for a while it seemed to be gone but has since come back just under my left tear duct it seems to be subsiding there but i notice swelling under my right tear duct now it is so close to this tear duct that i am afraid to squeeze it this background is the source of my question as to whether cysts can move around or not,no skin or subcutaneous cysts do not move around or travel but people who are prone to forming skin cysts can have new ones just appear in other locations my partner bled heavily after 3 years of menopause what to do,yes there is an issue with the prostate and it is gradually affecting the bladder u should definitely consult a urologist to avoid further complications my children have got measles,1st of all you have to make isolation of every child from the other as different rooms as possible give an antibiotic either ampicillin amoxicillin cotrimoxazole or if these are not available procaine penicillin for 5 days ensure hydration but if they can not eat or drink or started to develop complications they need immediate hospitalization i have been having cramps days after my ovulation could i be pregnant what could cause this cramps is it normal,hi these are pre menopausal symtoms and menopause is due in next 1 2 years till complete menopause there are scanty chances of pregnancy difficulty urinating nausea and vomiting what the most likely problem no fever,part of your bloating could be caused by your protein sources beans and other legumes can cause that so can broccoli soy plenty of vegetables they can be good for you but you might need some probiotic help or maybe some digestive enzymes stomach fat will not leave just because you are vegetarian you still have to exercise regularly like you are doing get enough protein to be healthy limit your sugars and starches and take in fewer calories than you burn you might want to try a different form of exercise to help kick start your fat loss too if you increase the intensity in what you already do interval fashion you might shock your body a bit and get it working harder bodies are famous for getting used to an exercise and burning less calories while doing it is amoxicillin cap 500 a medication for uti for several days i have had pain urinating i have treated the pain by taking azo pills and drinking cranberry juice which helped with the pain but it does not make the problem go away can i take amoxicillin cap 500mg which i have at home thanks for your response uw,since the doctors are the ones who prescribe they really can change dosages amounts etc but i think it would not be wise to do so without consulting the patient call your doctor and ask heshe could have made a mistake i have accident only insurance does this qualify as health insurance under the new law,in theory it can but be sure not to irritate your skin by excessive use of tretinoin cream you may flare your rosacea if you are not careful where does shingles appear what parts of the body i think i might have again in a different place center of back at bra line,tremor severity may fluctuate during pregnancy and after delivery discuss the use of et medications with your doctor before getting pregnant as some medications put the developing baby at risk will a nail grow back if it came out completely due to an injury my son smashed his index finger between two dumb bell weights on monday he nearly severed the tip and now has 11 stiches,beckkss08 what ended up happening i had a period that lasted for 12 days that started on july 26th its now september 8th and i have not had another period i have a itchy rash that comes and goes what could be causing this the rash appears in different areas of my body for an example a rash showed up on my wrist and stayed a while and went away later the same day it appeared on my stomach and then on my thighs etc its itchy while it is present at one point my hands first turned red and then start to itch really bad to the point i had to wash my hands repeatedly i work in the medical field so i wash my hands a million times a day what could be causing this reaction,my problems are too many to mention my diagnosis took a dermatologist and an allergy doctor i am allergic to numerous foods and plants trees mold etc allergies can manifest them selves in so many different ways the 40 patch tests at the dermatologists and the food and other scratch tests at the allergy doctors helped tremendously but there are not tests for everything you can be allergic to i am allergic to food additives and preservatives also life is very different now i have noticed a massive change weight loss in myself without having any change of diet or exercise now worrying,there is nothing that you can do naturally to increase your chances of having twins fertility drugs and increasing age do however increase the chance of twins fraternal twins non identical can have a genetic component so if non identical twins run in your family then you may be more likely to have twins this happens when two eggs are fertilized by two different sperm identical twinning happens spontaneously after the one egg has been fertilized by one sperm although it can be fun to have twins it is actually quite risky there is a higher chance of miscarriage preterm labor fetal death pre eclampsia gestational diabetes and cesarean section if you do not drink milk can that make you more likely to get scoliosis my daughter who is 13 years old has just been diagnosed with possible scoliosis her spine is curved at 18 degrees she has to go for a mri is it possible she got this because she does not drink milk or did not take any vitamin supplements she is now on one a day as of march 2013,any time an incision is made in the skin there is a risk of scarring some people are more prone to keloids overgrown collagen after wounds in the skin that lead to raised firm scars which can be itchy and unsightly i rarely recommend lasers for removal of moles since this removes the pigment but makes them more difficult to follow for change which is important in evaluation of skin cancer can a person wearing socks in a place like a gym or a home prevent them from picking up athlete is foot i am opening a daycare and children like to take off their shoes and some even like to take off their socks i am trying to find out if wearing socks is enough of a barrier to prevent someone from picking up the fungus somehow and transmitting it,eggs are low in purines so you can eat the yolk or the egg white without having an issue with a gout flare up for more information about foods that contain purines and eating with gout you can follow this link can i get herpes from sharing a pipe so i just shared a pipe with a friend i suspect may have a cold sore on his lip it was a visible scab he claimed it was from hot oil on his face but lets assume it is herpes i would wipe off the tip of the glass pipe pretty good on my shirt and waited to hit it several seconds after passed to me i am paranoid now i just got home and brushed my teeth and used listerine how likely is it i have herpes now,hi its a paradox actually once the l4 s1 have been fused then listhesis should not occur actually get a neurosurgeon opinion before getting a 2nd surgery done on your spine it will lead to lot of complications thanks my baby is teething how many days in a row can i alternate tyelenol and motrin,not really but there are safe medications simethicone that you can give the baby simethicone is not metabolized in the body it just helps reduce the gas pains i do not know that age of your baby but gas improves around age 3 months i am a diabetic and have a chest cold can i take diabetic tussin dm along with wellbutrin and high blood pressure meds,yes it would be ok to take tussin dm for your cough while taking bupropion and a high blood pressure medication there are no significant drug interactions to worry about always check with your pharmacist before taking over the counter medications when you are taking prescription medications so they can recommend the best product for you that will not interact with your medications hysterectomy hi i am zoila storch and i have hysterectomy and my new dr told me if i have hysterectomy no need more pap s this is true thanks zoila storch,please do not go off your zoloft generic name sertraline without consulting your doctor stopping an antidepressant abruptly can cause serious side effects including suicidal thoughts if you feel the sertraline is not working your doctor can recommend a different medication for you it is not uncommon to try several medications before finding the right ones to treat anxiety and depression if you feel you no longer need an antidepressant please discuss the situation with your health care provider he or she can tell you how to safely go off the sertraline and can monitor your progress this way if you experience any side effects your physician knows what is going on hope this helps mac the cautionary statements here are for real it is not just the return of depression or anxiety symptoms that you are facing here your doctor can help you taper off gradually to avoid the worst of the discontinuation effects you do not want to do this without the help of your doctor is office >>symptoms most often occur within three days of stopping the antidepressant they are usually mild and go away within about two weeks symptoms can include<< dizziness and balance problems electric shock sensations headache trouble sleeping vomiting what causes prostatitis,how the prostate becomes infected is not clear the bacteria that cause prostatitis may get into the prostate from the urethra by backward flow of infected urine or stool from the rectum at one time prostatitis was believed to be a sexually transmitted disease but more recent research suggests that only a small number of cases are passed on through sex certain conditions and medical procedures increase the risk of developing prostatitis you are at higher risk for getting prostatitis if you recently have had a medical instrument such as a urinary catheter a soft lubricated tube used to drain urine from the bladder inserted during a medical procedure engage in rectal intercourse have an abnormal urinary tract have had a recent bladder infection have an enlarged prostate other causes may include autoimmune disease an abnormal reaction of the body to the prostate tissue what would cause vaginal bleeding the next morning after intercourse my girlfriend experienced vaginal bleeding the next morning after we had intercourse the day before it was not her first time and we always use condoms so we are not sure what could be the cause,this sounds just exactly like an issue that i dealt with for months in 2014 hubby and i went on vacation and on the last couple of days i was having an itch right at my waist line in the back it was not too bad and i did not think too much of it at the time it would come and go the day we got home it got worse i looked in the mirror and there was a couple of spots each about the size of a quarter that looked like hives i put an ice pack on it to relieve the itching and after half an hour or so it went away over the course of about 2 months my nutritionist and i tried and tried to figure it out but it would just come and go several times a day sometimes on my arms other times it was on my stomach or legs or back very random at times it would be circular in shape other times it would show up as long lines or irregular shapes definitely looked like hives though then suddenly it just stopped i realized one day that it had been a week and no new out breaks it started on our vacation in august 2014 and ended sometime around novemberdecember 2014 then just this past week it happened again i noticed my arm pits itching a little one evening but again did not think much of it was not too bad just a little annoyance a couple times the next morning i woke up to bright red pits and the same hive looking spots on my stomach i started thinking about what was different during the time that i did not have the hives the only thing i could come up with was the while on our vacation last year we had lots of specialty coffee drinks from a famous coffee shop that i will not name here i continued to have them several times a week until sometime in the fall do not remember when just last weekend we decided to have them again a couple times that weekend large ones two days later the hives were back that makes me sad but i guess maybe i need to lay off the expensive coffee drinks and just have my coffee here at home it can be different things for different people but thought i would mention this just in case it might help someone else i never thought at the time that my coffee drinks could be the problem and it may just be a coincidence but for now i think i will avoid them can my girlfriend get pregnant if i cleaned the precum off and pulled out asap ok so me and my girlfriend had sex with a condom but we were still horny so i cleaned off the cum and everything so my dick was dry and i pulled out can she still get pregnant,1 psoriasis 2 eczema 3 skin cancers the risk of skin cancer especially malignant melanoma increases in all first degree relatives if an appendix ruptures how long would it take for sepsis to occur due to peritonitis,well peritonitis can cause rapid spread of infection if it is severe and can lead to multiple organ failure so it is better to avoid delay and consult a physician or gastroenterologist and get evaluated immediate medical and surgical intervention is a must hope this helps something to worry about colon cancer my husband is having an endoscope next week he has has severe bloody diareha for years and he has massive swelling on upper left abdomen which started a few months ago the pain is severe to the point where he feels as though he is splitting in one month he has gained 30 pounds due to this mass on his side he is 34 years old i am very concerned about the symptoms i know we will find out soon but i would like to know how to proceed after the endo and do his symptoms sound indicitive of cancer,it is always worrisome when a loved one is experiencing painful scary symptoms like your husband is in fact i always think it is harder to cope with these things when it is happening to my husband instead of me do not you so many conditions could cause the symptoms you are describing that is why your husband is physician is having him undergo an endoscopy this test will help figure out what is going on so that you your husband and your physician can work together to put together a treatment plan it is also possible the endoscopy is just one of several tests your husband is health care provider will run before making a diagnosis it can be very hard to wait through all of this testing but hang in there meanwhile remember to take care of your own health needs too as the caregiver you are under a tremendous amount of stress and you do not want to get sick be sure to eat right drink plenty of fluids and maybe go for a walk when you can try to get plenty of sleep you will feel better and you will be in a strong position to see your husband through this health crisis best wishes to you i know this must be really scary the tact i usually take in these situations is that i try not to let my imagination run wild and not think the worst i am so glad that he is going to the doctor i did see this article on crohn is disease thought it might be helpful if he had more of these sorts of symptoms i wish you all the best please help could this be a sign of an std hi i have a question about std is about 2 weeks ago i had sex and a few hours later noticed a small bump at the top of my vagina not on the inside it did not hurt or seem to bother me it almost looked like a pimple because it was pus filled but i left it alone and have not put anything on it its going away a little more each day but now it has been 2 weeks and its still not fully gone also i am somewhat itchy now the bump itself has not spread nor does it hurt could this be an std,i know of no std that appears as a bump a few hours after having sex so this may be just some vaginal trauma since you did have sex two weeks ago probably without a condom there is still the possibility that you were exposed to an std getting tested would be advised using a condom next time would be less expensive less stressful for you and infinitely safer i am itchy and swollen and cannot get wet over the weekend my boyfriend and i had sex a three or so times a day and on sunday i could not get wet i am still very dry and itchy and swollen now both the outer labia and inner as well as my vagina are swollen now but my clitoris is very sensitive as well i am not sure why or what i can do for it but it is extremely uncomfortable it burns on occasion too,hi it is obviously you still have a severe mineral deficiency specially potassium drink plenty of water and get no less than 3 5 grams of k daily you can get them from beans dark leafy greens potatoes squash yogurt fish avocados mushrooms and bananas my daughter cries after and sometimes while eating,also check her oral cavity if their any white patches or ulcers …nb milk is exclusively for 6 months with following up her weight in the nearby primary healthcare centre my husband is on disability and pays for medicare through disability i have my own health insurance through work he did not take coverage for prescriptions since he only has one and without insurance it costs 4 a month so it is cheaper to just pay 4 we were told he must get prescription insurance for the medicine or be penalized is this true the cost for prescription coverage is over 45 a month and then the deductible still would not be met in the year this will cost us too much in the long run,people must be covered by insurance that meets with the law is standards and the law now requires that all health plans cover prescription medications among other things your husband may qualify for financial assistance to lower the cost of his insurance coverage and he may get better quality coverage start reviewing your options at healthcare gov my ears keep popping i get a really sharp pain and lose some hearing,hi it seems to be due to partial blockage of the eustachian tubes this may occur due to continuous post nasal drip get your ears and nasopharynx examined by endocope by an ent specialist breathing exercises including deep inspiration and expiration will help thanks 62 yrs old having tenderness around my nipple when clothes rub against it some pain in whole breast not pregnant post menopausal so no periods or pregnancy it this something to be concerned about been going on for about 2 months only happening in one breast,in all probability what you are experiencing is simply irritation and dryness of the nipple which can be fixed by applying moisturizer that said the full answer is a bit more complicated the fact you are having pain throughout the whole breast presents something of a red flag i would suggest you see your primary care provider to have this more fully evaluated obviously you do not want to take any chances that this is something more serious that just dry skin even if you have had normal mammograms in the past tenderness in the breast is something to get evaluated with luck it will turn out to be something simple but you will get some peace of mind by having your health care provider evaluate this good luck to you how do processed foods affect heart health,hi needle injection is actully an art the aim is to inject inside the muscle slight inclination along with normal muscle fibers direction can cause no pain i think he is awesome 🙂 good luck my hair has been falling out for almost a year now i am 26 yr old female my blood tests came back normal along wexcessive shedding my hair has been very dry i have not changed the way i treat my hair i do see growth but shedding is so excessive that my hair thinned considerably since last yr i have used spironolactone for acne 2 12 yrs ago i have been off it for a little over a yr did not experience any bad sideeffects wspiro i am not on birth control i also have been experiencing low sex drive my gp did not have an answer for me i feel hopeless,a potassium level of 2 9 is still too low which is why you were put on buy mouth potassium to get the level back to normal i just started birth control for the first time i took seven pills and on the 8th day i had sex was i protected,the most common symptoms of crohn is disease are abdominal pain often in the lower right area and diarrhea rectal bleeding weight loss and fever may also occur bleeding may be serious and persistent leading to anemia children with crohn is disease may suffer delayed development and stunted growth i have been taking gaviscon what are some of the side effects,have a great time as long as you are continuing to use your antibiotic drops you are good to go there will be no risk to others i am 26 fem i have outburst of acne mostly on my red cheek bad hairfall constipation and irresular period please suggest,yes if you do not get insurance through work or a group and buy it yourself you can shop for a new plan to see if you can find something do dna skin repair products really work,two things first a ct scan is the definitive test for sinusitis if it was clear then i would question that he is having sinus headaches there are a hundreds of different types of headaches so consider seeing a neurologist for a higher level evaluation second taking decongestants at night is not a good idea because of their stimulent effect and the fact they cause annoying drainage an antihistamine may be considered or perhaps a trial of using nasal corticosteroid sprays to reduce the inflammation ulcer i have severe pain in my stomach and nausea what can i do to help i can not eat without pain in my stomach i have nausea a lot but on the rare occasion when i vomit nothing comes up,there are many reasons why you could have stomach pain after eating and nausea some diagnosis are serious and need medical attention right away i would schedule an appointment with your doctor asap be prepared with a complete list of symptoms and see if you can identify potential triggers i e certain foods beverages time of day frequency duration etc the more information you can provide your doctor up front the faster he might be able to give you a diagnosis and treatment i am wondering why this appears under ulcer have you been diagnosed with ulcers before i have had lumps and white discoloration on my tongue and coughing up blood,hi chest infection pneumonitis posterior laryngeal infection and oesophagitis with reflux can cause this u need a detailed investigation done to rule out these causes a chest ct with endoscopy will help thanks age 83 swelling both ankles reduced salt heart kidney ok swelling ankles periodic dr checked heart kidney ok bp fluctuating 110 to 155 do take potassium gluconate 50 mg profuse urination three times during night had radical prostactomy 13 years ago psa 0 5 from 0 05 in 13 years aspirin 175 mg helpful to some extent swelling some time last many days no other problem why it could be my dr has no answer,sorry to hear you are going through this it sounds like you have done the right thing by seeing your doctor and having your heart and kidneys checked out i am not sure why you are taking aspirin unless your doctor specifically recommended you take it aspirin will not address the swelling issue you describe aspirin will treat swelling due to inflammation such as from an injury to some extent but it will not have any effect on swelling due to edema water retention which is what you seem to be describing i suggest you discontinue the aspirin unless otherwise directed by your doctor it is not uncommon for people to retain fluid in the legs as they age even very active people can have issues with fluid retention in the legs simply because the veins do not work as well when we age i suggest you return to your doctor to discuss the issue in more detail it is possible as you say he does not have an answer for the swelling problem but it is also possible the issue simply requires more investigation to arrive at a diagnosis if you are concerned about the swelling and frequent urination i would be then that is a good enough reason to return to your doctor for more conversation wishing you well should i be concerned that my child vomited blood and mucus after a nosebleed she then broke into a cold sweat and passed out for a few seconds this was the first time she has had a nose bleed,this could be a case of sintheria messikoma and may be on and off for up to three years or it could be a mild to severe case of genital herpes and i recommend you visit your local clinic for a check up received punch in the face caused nerve damage is recovery possible,breastfeeding moms should not go on weight loss diets because they need plenty of calories to lactate and provide the sole source of nutrition to their infants even if the weight does not come off as fast as if you were not breastfeeding take comfort in knowing you are doing the best thing for the baby breast milk is designed by mother nature to give your baby everything he or she needs for growth and development for the first several months good nutrition is imperative your diet affects the quality of the breast milk whereas the quantity is based on how much you nurse how far in do i have to go in for an mri of spine,hi you say reaction or do you mean erection if this is giving him a problem and still has an erection get him to an er asap if a man has an erection longer than 4 hours its not good for us the blood needs to be released asap so go now good luck will anything change with the high risk insurance pools because of the aca,for most vaccines it is never too late to catch up on missed shots children who missed their first shots at 2 months of age can start later children who have gotten some of their shots and then fallen behind schedule can catch up without having to start over if you have children who were not immunized when they were infants or who have gotten behind schedule contact your doctor or the health department clinic they will help you get your children up to date on their immunizations it is not recommended that you postpone your child is immunizations just because you know he or she can catch up later every month a child goes without scheduled immunizations is a month that the child is not fully protected from vaccine preventable diseases combination vaccines a combination vaccine is more than one vaccine contained in a single shot they allow a child to get several vaccines at once without having to get as many injections several combination vaccines are already in use for example mmr dtap hibhepb dtapipvhepb and more are under development vaccination checklist rarely a child should wait before getting certain vaccines or should not get them at all tell your doctor or nurse if any of these apply to your child on a day when an immunization visit is scheduled is your child sick today more than a common cold earache etc does your child have any severe life threatening allergies has your child ever had a severe reaction after a vaccination does your child have a weakened immune system because of diseases such as cancer or medications such as steroids has your child received a transfusion or any other blood product recently has your child ever had convulsions or any kind of nervous system problem can you take a cold or flu going out into cold weather with out a coat or protection my husband refuses to wear a coat out in cold weather he will come in says he is freezing but will go back out without a coat i tell him he is gonna take a cold or the flu but he says no you wont take a cold or flu just from going out without a coat whats the truth,hi ok i think i see what you mean no he is right you cant get a cold by being cold or working outside without extra clothing and the same for flu there both virus is and can only be passed on from somebody else working outside in fresh air is very good for you do hope this helps you good luck does having sex during menstrual cycle lessen the chance of spreading the virus to her,which virus are you speaking of the hiv virus for example is spread through body fluids her additional bloody fluids could certainly increase the chances of your infection passing to her therefore your suggestion is not a good idea throat hurts growth on feet appear fever too,mostly a hand foot mouth disease it is viral infection and usually takes 7 10 days to heal u can use some analgesics and ointments to ease the case suck on ice or popsicles eat ice cream or sherbet drink cold beverages avoid citrus fruits fruit drinks and soda avoid spicy or salty foods swishing warm salt water around in the mouth may also help relieve the pain associated with mouth blisters and throat sores can one person contract the virus from another,it is important to note that the west nile virus is not contagious it cannot be transmitted from person to person a person cannot get the virus for example from touching or kissing a person who has the disease or from a health care worker who has treated someone with the disease humans are called a dead end host for the virus meaning one that can be infected but whose immune system usually prevents the virus from multiplying enough to be passed back to mosquitoes and then to other hosts there also is no evidence that a person can get the virus from handling live or dead infected birds however avoiding skin contact when handling dead animals including dead birds is recommended gloves or double plastic bags should be used to remove and dispose of carcasses why is it risky for a diabetic to get a tattoo,yes ofcurse it just as much as bleach my hair has been thinning over the past few years taking minoxidil is it safe,minoxidil is sometimes prescribed in rare cases when all other medicines do not work for the cause but i would suggest using herbal and natural medicines as well as similar products that can be applied to your hair and scalp allopathy medicines have unwanted side effects and should be avoided does using an elliptical machine at the gym burn more calories than running on the street or bike riding,we had sex 3 days after my period in july it started the 14th ended the 17th and we had sex on the 20th he put on a condom but i did not check to make sure it was on right i can feel my brain moving around and i have not done anything such as jumping around or shaking my head is this normal,normal no but i am not able to offer you an explanation as to why you feel your brain is moving around the brain does not move inside the skull incidentally so what you are experiencing is just a sensation of movement see your medical provider if this feeling does not go away is it normal that my period is late almost 8 days now i have never had sex so i can not be pregnant i am 16 and i am always regular it was ramadan recently so i fasted and my sleeping pattern kind of messed up i went to sleep at 4 am and woke up at 3 pm like the whole month but before that i have always went to sleep at like 11 pm plus i ate a lot less everyone says i have lost weight and i do not know if i should be worried or not i would reaaaaaaally appreciate your help,hi just see your doctor first see what heshe says and take it from there good luck i had yearly pap yesterday doctor says discharge may be yeasty frightened it is cervical cancer,well vaginal discharge can occur due to a number of reasons depending upon the colour consistency etc however it is not commonly related to cervical cancer as cervical cancer is associated with number of other symptoms like pelvis or backacke vaginal pain and excess bleeding weight loss etc the symptoms that you are facing are probably due to vaginal thrush or vaginal yeast infection or many other causes a vaginal swab culture can help in ruling out the cause do not worry about cancer as the symptoms are not appearing consistent with it hope this helps regards can a child get congestion from taking benadryl if they arent sick,benadryl is an antihistamine it should not cause congestion per se but it can dry out mucous membranes and make a persion tired what product must i use to have clear and smooth skin,sunscreen every day all year round along with proper sun protection i also really like retinoids for those who tolerate them other ingredients are niacinamide vitamin c and other antioxidants will mental health and substance abuse treatment be covered under the new insurance plans,left ventricular hypertrophy is enlargement of the muscle of the left ventricle one of the four chambers of the heart left ventricular hypertrophy is common and often causes no symptoms over time left ventricular hypertrophy can progress to congestive heart failure with symptoms of shortness of breath with exertion and fluid retention keeping blood pressure under good control is important to prevent and treat left ventricular hypertrophy rarely severe left ventricular hypertrophy can run in families a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy people with this condition should see a cardiologist in order to prevent complications over time i have pain discomfort almost non stop frequent urination my life has become miserable,it is how the body is made for testicles to produce sperm and keep them alive they need to stay at a certain temperature which is a bit lower than your regular temp hence the sack hanging lower to get rid of some of your body heat when you are cold the sack rises to bring it closer to your body to get the heat from your body when you are hot the sack lowers to cool off and be farther away from your body heat my teeth has gradually becoming yellow what can be done,if ulcerative colitis does not cause symptoms no treatment is needed if you have only mild symptoms antidiarrheal medicines and changes in diet and nutrition may help for disease in the rectum alone you can try topical medicines suppository enema or foam ask your doctor about these products for more information about making good food choices see ulcerative colitis changing your diet in general doctors recommend that you do not use nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids such as ibuprofen or naproxen studies have linked these pain relievers with flare ups of ulcerative colitis 6 but some people may be more likely to have flare ups from nsaids than others talk to your doctor about whether to avoid these medicines if you have had or are planning to have surgery that will create an opening from the intestines to the outside of the body through which stool passes ostomy you may feel self conscious or embarrassed after a period of adjustment most people are able to resume all of their usual activities in fact you may feel better than before surgery because you may no longer have painful symptoms support groups are available for people with ostomies bowel disease caring for your ostomy children with ulcerative colitis may feel self conscious if they do not grow as fast as other children their age encourage your child to take medicine as prescribed offer your help with the treatment so that your child can feel better start growing again and lead a more normal life children tend to have a harder time managing ulcerative colitis than adults so your support is very important webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i have persistent leucocytosis 12 5k for 1 year treatment with antibiotics did not reduce the wbc count,male i use a natural herb for my outbreaks and have for 17 years with no apparent side effect i have an outbreak approx every 7 months on a long week end trip to tennessee by chanceluck i realized that this natural herb relaxer worked great i have had a pain in my lower left quadrant of my stomach,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include uncontrolled bleeding trying to conceive but no success need solution,i see that you have tried almost everything on the earth to concieve but its not helping 4 5 years is a huge period and i suggest you to go for artificial insemination as early as possible stay healthy and fit fertility medicines may help i am an epileptic but i have been feeling especially dizzy lately,i recommend a cbc test …this could be an iron deficiency anaemia causing hypotension how quickly can chlamydia be contracted by a man after sex with infected woman,it can be a ligament sprain fracture is less likely get xraymri done can i continue paying medicare and supplemental insurance while living in canada i am planing to move to canada near the us border and would like to continue seeing my doctors in the us can i still maintain my medicare and supplemental insurance coverage,to be eligible for medicare you need to be both a u s citizen and resident so you may run into trouble if your primary residence of record is in canada i would recommend you contact your state health insurance counseling and assistance programs ship offer free personalized medicare counseling throughout the country to find the ship near you visit medicare gov is medicare helpful contacts page at www medicare govcontacts or call 800 medicare or 800 633 4227 i was diagnosed with pneumonia and sepsis cough is not getting any better,those are abnormal symptoms of course and you have to do some labs as cbc and inr why do i have a low tolerance to cold weather suddenly i am in my 20s and have lived in northern us climates my whole life i do not recall the winter months ever being particularly intolerable but over the last 3 years below freezing temps have become agonizing that is not all i am finding under 70f or cloudy days jacket weather suddenly and i keep my house at 88f triple digit temps do not feel like anything and i can even wear a jacket if necessary for my outfit it is like i have become borderline reptilian what could be causing this shift,sometimes that can happen if you are low on b vitamins like b 12 and niacin so before you see your doctor you might want to consider picking up a good sublingual b complex supplement much more absorbable than pills at the pharmacy or grocery store and try that for a few days to see if it helps they are not expensive and it will not hurt you if that is not the problem i am experiencing bloody watery explosive bowel movements could this be caused by adipex or by fedramine,no it is safe for a man to use celexa while trying to conceive there is no association with any problems in doing so i take methotrexate and humira is it safe for me to take schizandra i take methotrexate2 5mg x7per week humeria40mg every 2 weeks for ra i want to know know if it is safe to start taking scizandra fruit,pancreatic cancer pain can be severe since pain medication is very patient specific it would be best to have a pain specialist manage this person is pain the best medication for one person may not be the best medication for another can colon cancer cause the inability to achieve or maintain an erction,hi sorry its one of the side effects go get your surgery done see how things go from then but after try thinking implant works a treat for most gus who have them that way you can get it up any time you want it to do hope this helps you good luck ps try looking on www franktalk org its a site for guys with ed problems and prostate problems and as it says the talk is frank but very helpful your see me on there as nowhard go talk with the other guys can i use penicillin for ear infections,your doctor will conduct physical examination of your affected joint co relate it with blood tests like ra factor esr etc and use diagnostic techniques like x ray ct scan mri and ultrasound to confirm if you are suffering from arthritis where can i rent a breast pump through the healthcare reform act i live in upstate buffalo new york my primary insurance is community blue through nys medicaid i believe i am pregnant and due in less than 4 weeks and need all the help i can get for breastfeeding formula is not a option for me as i am on a budget any help will be greatly appreciated thank you,influenza has absolutely nothing to do with bells palsy and having a history of bells palsy a year ago is not a contraindication for you to get a flu shot bells palsy may be related to the herpes virus in some patients but not ever the virus that causes influenza bells palsy can be recurrent in some patients but the flu vaccine will not trigger a reactivation of the virus that caused your issues a year ago crooked stiff neck and slight neck pain,hi pain stiffness and crooked neck can be caused by prolapse of intervertebral disc it can also be caused due to severe muscular spasm the diagnosis depends on your history duration of illness and the progress an mri will help to confirm the diagnosis thanks diagnosis had a uti and now experience pressure above the anus and testes and ejaculation does not feel same original symptoms burning before+after urination small amount of urine coming out testicular and abdominal discomfort green tinge to urine back pain *no discharge* fatigue diarrhea cramping of anus testes area lingering and recurring symptoms slightly discolored urine greenish cloudy ejaculation does not feel the same pressure where the anus and testes meet change in ease of bowel movement back discomfort 1st std and uti came back inconclusive 3 weeks later 2nd= negative,you can not damage yourself with these treatments if you get salicylic acid on normal skin it can cause burning or redness but never infection or scarring all you have to do is stop using it on irritated areas and the skin returns to normal still it is probably better not to use salicylic acid on sensitive areas like the face or groin where it is likely to make nearby skin raw and uncomfortable it generally is recommended that salicylic acid not be used by people with diabetes or in areas where there is poor circulation because of concern about how normally the skin can heal however in practice salicylic acid is withheld only when there are clear signs of ongoing inflammation of the skin likewise nonprescription freezing products are also safe but must be used carefully and only according to package instructions does diarrhea follow constipation i have had a bout of constipation and immediately following i had diarrhea is this normal should i be worried,this can be normal a hard dry stool can form an intestinal plug or dam of sorts there can be more liquid stool building up behind it so when you pass the hard stool you have essentially broken the dam since i do not know anything about you or your medical history if you have any concerns about this change in your bowel habits it is best to discuss it with your medical provider someone who knows you your medical history and has the ability to examine you or order any appropriate diagnostic tests can you develop an allergy at anytime of your life,this is a great question and i am glad you asked yes indeed you can develop allergies throughout your life in fact it is rare to experience an allergic reaction to something on the first exposure this does happen especially with certain foods like peanuts and shellfish when this happens it usually occurs in infancy or childhood and produces a very strong allergic reaction an allergic reaction is basically the body is overreaction to a perceived threat if you are exposed to a potential allergen food pollen medication etc the body may not react at all or may produce a mild immune response to that substance this may not produce symptoms after multiple exposures to the same allergen the body may overreact to it causing an allergic response this can range from mild rashes vomiting to severe swelling of the face or throat difficulty breathing a severe allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis and requires immediate medical attention if you suspect you have developed an allergy to a substance i would suggest you consult your primary health care provider also i would suggest you avoid whatever substance you believe is causing your allergic reaction what begins as a mild allergic response on one exposure can vault to anaphylaxis on another exposure hope this helps yes that is why you have to be careful in finding the best products and treatments that you are going to make use of for example the best tattoo removal is something that will not cause allergy to your skin check out www disappearinginknyc com anyone here who knows of a pregnancy due to ejaculant on fingers being rubbed on vagina during mutual masturbation i have read many many replies on many websites from doctors regarding the chances of getting pregnant by a small amount of ejaculant on one is hands being rubbed on the vaginal opening some say yes possible bc it only takes one sperm while some say very unlikely bc sperm need to be inserted higher i would like to know 1 is there any medical professional here who actually knows of a pregnancy happening from such a situation 2 are there any more scientific studies on this thanks,hi so how many years have you been 56 yrs old then joke if you think your vitamin d is down then wearing sunscreen wont help you bring it up when all you need they say is 20 minutes out in the sun without any sunscreens this allows you to get your vitamin d levels up just try sitting under shade with not many cloths on try and let your body breath and when your around the house and if you can go naked your find this really lets your body breath keep this in mind we are all naturists under the skin we were all born naked do hope this helps you good luck why do i feel constantly tired some people suggest i need to exercise more my boss thinks all employees perform better if we do 30 minutes exercise per day this does not work for me i am feeling worse what could be wrong here,what does your diet consist of if it is high in processed sugar you are going to burn that quickly and become tired if you eat more foods that have complex carbohydrates such as grains rather than simple carbohydrates such as sugar also make sure you do not skip meals and always eat breakfast that will make sure you have a constant energy supply also rome was not built in a day exercise if good for the body remember you only have one body so make the best of it start with light exercise and work your way up you are going to feel tired at first because you are not use to it but once it becomes a habit you should start feeling better i have back pain for 2 years now and i am out of breathe but my parents say i am ok,although you are young for saying that but it seems you are having a lumbar disc lesion that needs to be diagnosed by mri and clinical examination… until then rest and dont bend forward to carry objects use hot pack on back a massage if possible later you will have to strengthen your back and strtch your hamstrings under supervision by a physiotherapist … would lad lesion cause tachycardia,blockage of 70 is referred to as noncritical blockage i suggest tablet ecosprin 75 mg aspirin every night so that the blockage will not progress in the future tachycardia can be because of a large number of causes varying from anxiety stress anemia decreased coronary blood supply and defective electrical currents in the heart tachycardia can be of two types sinus tachycardia and arrhythmias in sinus tachycardia heart rate increases but the rhythm of the heart remains normal this can be corrected easily with the help of beta blocker arrhythmias can cause disturbed rhythm of the heart and are to be taken very seriously they can even be fatal i would suggest you to go for an ecg 2d echo and holter test for getting evaluated if you have an ecg then attach a copy so that i can see the basic rhythms of your heart smoking and alcohol can also cause palpitations but you have not mentioned them for further information consult a cardiologist online > i had temporomandibular joint disorders i have terrible ear ache and sore throat,yes there are no feathers in the flu vaccine vaccines are made using eggs as incubators but eggs and feathers even if they are from the same bird are two totally different allergic sensitivities you can take the flu vaccine safely sinus infection gum blisters can a sinus infection cause a gum,hi if the pain now is getting continuous and not going away then he may have developed pericardial effusion meaning accumulation of fluid around the heart this usually happens as a complication of pericarditis and is usually associated with low immunity get his chest xray ecg and an echocardiography done thanks oral sex with my husband my mouth react as if i was allergic like latex palat tongue lips swell condom or diabetes this has happened a few times and he swears he is not cheating but it has reminded of me something strong my mouth reacts very fast could he have some type of condition wproteins diabetes or am i being fooled by a cheater who uses condoms i need the truth i know he has lied to my face and i am having a hard time believing this is not caused by a condoms,hi try this get a pack of condoms and suck on one if you get the same reaction then you will know what to do i do not think i have to spell it out one last thing is this before he ejaculates or after if its before then up top if its after it could be his sperm as he been put on any meds since this started or it could be that his sperm has gone acidic if that is the case then he needs to get looked at do hope this helps good luck i had a epidural for pain today in my lumbar i have started to feel worse,because they do not routinely test men for trichomonas men tend to pee it out it can be seen sometimes but it is often missed in routine urine tests in women and men women on the other hand can have trich happily colonized in their vagina or urinary tract for long periods of time it may have been missed in august i suspect that both you and your partner have had previous partners so let it go get it treated and be monogamous from now on and you will both be fine left tonsil swollen and pain behind left ear my tonsil on the left sign is swollen and there is not any pus my ear on the left side is very painful when changing elevation and there is a dull pain behind my ear on the bone area when touched,hi take some advice be the man and live with it its just male pattern boldness your lucky some guys get this at 18 for get the tonics when it gets thinner the you have a choice do a parting just above your ear and comb it over or like the rest of and have it cut short its called being the man and living with it good luck i have a small bump under my eye above the jaw line and some puffiness under the eye that is causing mild pain any idea this all started about a week ago my eye is not red or itchy it has some watering the bump under the eye above the jaw line is causing some discomfort when i try to eat i am diabetic and i also have high blood pressure if this helps and my eye feels sore like a bruise would feel like,i am sorry to hear you are suffering chronic pain can be hard to deal with it sounds like you have had all the right tests to rule out the usual culprits of right upper quadrant pain gallbladder problems liver problems bladder infection kidney issues etc if none of those are causing the pain it will be classified as idiopathic which means doctors do not know what is causing it many people suffer from pain of unknown origin as you do you do not say how long the pain is been going on but there are many things that could cause such pain that are not detectable by any scan or blood test for example you could have somehow damaged cartilage between your lower ribs that can be very painful and can take a long time to heal or you could have injured a muscle in that area unfortunately medical science does not always have all the answers especially when it comes to pain the good news is all the scary possible causes have been ruled out such as cancer the other good news is idiopathic pain often goes away as quickly and mysteriously as it began the bad news is you may never know what is causing this pain i wish i could offer you a better answer but like i said medical science unfortunately does not always have an answer wishing you all the best what are the symptoms of lupus sun sensitivity,in the u s suicide attempts account for over two thirds of acetaminophen related liver injury whereas accidental overdose accounts for only one third of the cases in young children accidental overdose accounts surprisingly for an even lower percent of the cases that is among these often curious toddlers accidental overdose is responsible for less than 10 of the instances of acetaminophen toxicity moreover the vast majority of these accidental overdoses were due to unintentional overdoses given by the caregivers of the children i have high triglycerides and high ldl is and i am in excellent physical shape how do i lower these levels without meds high cholesterol htn etc all run in my family i cut out red meats and non whole wheat breads and pastas for about 6 weeks without any change i would like to find a way to drop my cholesterol wo going on meds my entire family is on various cholesterol and bp meds but they are all overweight and refuse to dietexercise is this something i can beat wo meds if i continue on with high levels throughout my life would i be able to mitigate the risks of heart disease diabetes and so on,it might sound strange but i had triglycerides over 1000 and got them to normal range with lots of black tea and 5000 mg of epa dha omega 3 fish oil supplements daily the fish oil was at my mds advice but did not seem to work until i started drinking plain black tea in place of water 5 tea bags in 64+ oz water daily is there nothing that can be done about the pain from scoliosis and hypermobility,symptomatic treatment may occur while the underlying illness is being investigated because ideally nausea and vomiting should resolve when the cause of the symptoms resolves nausea and vomiting are often made worse when the patient is dehydrated resulting in a vicious cycle the nausea makes it difficult to drink fluid making the dehydration worse which then increases the nausea intravenous fluids may be provided to correct this issue there are a variety of antinausea medications antiemetics that may be prescribed they can be administered in different ways depending upon the patient is ability to take them medications are available by pill liquid or tablets that dissolve on or under the tongue by intravenous or intramuscular injection or by rectal suppository common medications used to control nausea and vomiting include promethazine phenergan prochlorperazine compazine droperidol inapsine metoclopramide reglan and ondansetron zofran the decision as to which medication to use will depend on the specific situation when i started having kids i started getting boils around my panty line and my bra line any idea why,hi in my opinion physical therapy can help you avoid unnecessary surgery regarding your symptoms i suspect they are parkinsonism related good luck my period came late and then was a lot shorter than usual been feeling tired nauseous and sore could i be pregnant i had sex a few times during the 3 weeks prior to when i was supposed to get my period when my period did come it was shorter heavier and darker than usual i have been super nauseous but i can not stop eating i have an eating disorder so this is really abnormal for me i have really bad cramps on my left side i never get any symptoms before or after my period except being emotional i have done 3 at home tests 2 came back negative and one positive what are the chances i am pregnant,i understand your concern escitalopram may not help you to sleep since it does not have much sedative property feliz plus has clonazepam in it which will aid in sleep but is not recommended long term since you have not mentioned any other symptoms regarding the prescription of stalopam i am assuming that you do not have any other symptoms except sleep disturbance for a beginning start practising sleep hygiene do a bit of exercise in the evening and avoid drinking coffee after 5 pm if you are still unable to get sleep then i suggest you tablet ramelteon 8 mg known by brand name rametax which is very physiological and devoid of side effects consult your specialist doctor discuss with him or her and take medicine with consent but i will advise you to try the non medical approach if you have symptoms of anxiety or depression then it is better to continue stalopam for further information consult a psychiatrist online > 112012 334pm nyc my question is about csf leaking from the nose what exactly is the cause and cure i was injured in a car accident,i am not sure why you believe you are leaking cerebrospinal fluid csf from your nose but if you truly are you need to seek immediate medical attention csf leakage from the nose certainly can occur after trauma such as from a car accident csf is a colorless fluid that circulates throughout the spinal cord and brain in fact this fluid actually helps cushion the brain like a shock absorber a nasal csf leak due to trauma is considered a serious problem because you can get meningitis inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain easily a nasal csf leak can occur due to tears in the tissue surrounding the brain these tears must be surgically repaired if you have not received medical attention for this problem please do so immediately this type of problem definitely warrants a trip to the emergency room i hope you feel better after your accident eye trauma been more than 2 years and i still have a sensativity to light and early morning pain other than going back and waiting at the hospital for 10 hours + is there anything i can use over the counter to help reduce early morning pain my eye waters and and it is difficult to open i am still using muro 128 drops and cream originally perscribed 2 years ago,going to the hospital er is really not the best place to evaluate a two year old eye injury with residual symptoms and there is really nothing over the counter that i could recommend over the internet since i do not know anything about you your medical history age extenttype of injury etc you need to see an eye specialist an ophthalmologist someone who has the training and ability to conduct a high level evaluation before any treatment one must first have a definitive diagnosis is every pharmacy able to compound medications for my child,they swim so it is possible after all they are only next door haha lol i believe i contracted herpes from tanning machine at gym,well the hsv 2 or herpes simplex virus 2 is responsible for causing genital herpes the virus dies within seconds when coming in contact with air and is also easily inactivated by a number of disinfectants so chances of transmission by tanning machine are less so possibly there is some other method of transmission for now start antiviral drugs understand supervision of your physician so that you do not experience outbreak of sores hope this helps no pregnancy symptoms should i be worried i have had 2 positive pregnancy tests urine tests at home and i should be 7 weeks pregnant however i have no symptoms i am trying not to stress about it but should i be worried i do not see my ob for another 2 weeks,most helpful answer it is really not up to me or anyone to tell you whether you should be concerned or not clearly you are concerned so my suggestion for you is to call the ob now not wait two weeks and talk to himher or the advice rn if he has one many women have no idea they are pregnant until their pregnancy is quite far they did not have any symptoms either i have lost 9kg in 2 months with no exercise and horrible diet vomit every day headache constantly fatigue weakness,an underlying abdominal pathology needs to be ruled out malignancy is more likely get ct abdomen done need to exercise digestive juices will help protein supplements will help gain weight can a girl get pregnant if i released even when my private part is not in the innermost part of her private part or even if i released when pulling out,hi can she get pregnant very much so or yes even i take you was not in school the day they had sex education then male sperm anywhere near a vagina is very dangerous place for it to be and losing any sperm inside a vagina will get her pregnant i take it you never heard of condoms or you gf thought of going on bc the pill if this was within the last 24 to 36 hours she can use a plan b but she needs to do that soon like now if you can find a chemist open do hope this helps you good luck i caught clostridium difficile colitis cdiff after antibiotics and fecal transplant i have pain nausea and vomiting,your symptoms are indicating ibs adding to crohn is disease prevacid can cause diarrhea and z line irregularity is a clear sign of gerd a gluten free diet low fat foods yoga meditation no caffeine increase water intake sleep trunk elevated have you been tested for h pylori i had bad reaction to kidney stent and removal constant drip of blood from penis,brest is spelled breast this reaction is affecting your spelling my feet swell a lot since i became pregnant can i change something about my diet to reduce the swelling,be sure to avoid salty foods foods with high levels of sodium listed on their nutrition facts labels get plenty of fluids to help you maintain a healthy fluid balance in your body that includes the fluids from fresh fruits and vegetables fruits and veggies also contain potassium to help with healthy fluid balance and alleviate swelling keep in close contact with your doctor to monitor your swelling and to make sure you are not at risk for preeclampsia i drink everyday and smoke sometimes doctor says heart is fine but chest hurts and shortness of breath what can it be they said it is most likely anxiety but i have had pericarditis in the pass the doctors a me a prescription of lorazepam but every morning after the night of smoking i get the pains,hi you can catch up on dtap vaccination schedule when your back you won t need to start over good luck i am almost 19 and my period has never regulated i generally get it every 2 to 4 months should i be worried i first got my period when i was 14 i have always been slender despite regular healthy eating habits and hardly any real exercise i have never weighed more than 115 pounds my weight normally fluctuates between 110 and 115 depending on the season i have taken medication for both depression and add since 7th grade so my stressanxiety levels are fairly normal i also have slightly low blood iron but i am not anemic mostly i am worried i will never be able to have kids what should i do,generally you should eat the same healthy diet that most people should eat meaning plenty of fruits and vegetables lean protein lean meat beans low fat dairy and complex carbs whole wheat bread and pasta oatmeal brown rice sweet potatoes if appetite is a problem try to eat smaller meals and snacks more frequently throughout the day keep your snacks simple such as yogurt with fruit low fat cheese or nuts one of the most important things is to make sure you are getting the calories and nutrients you need meal replacement drinks can be a good option too for some people who have had their gallbladders removed diarrhea can be an issue eating more fiber can help with that pay attention to whether or not dairy foods make your diarrhea worse if so switch to lactose free dairy products my husband is worried about dropping dead,hi pvcs are usually harmless and benign what he should look at is that he performed 115 that means his heart is capable of coping up with such pvcs and vfibs he can always consult another cardiologist to see if there is any newer drug that can normalise the pvcs to me personally he is fine and he need not worry thanks i am 33 weeks pregnant and i am in a lot of pain,hi i understand the pain that you have been going through but the decision of getting a c section at this stage depends on the baby is growth and the placental maturity amniotic index also needs to be considered in my opinion it would be too early for a c section now try taking anti spasmodic tablets along with tramadol instead of codeine consult a gynecologist thanks i am pregnant and have a severe tooth ache is it safe for me to use clove oil,in the beauty section of the los angeles times a recent article discussed how lines develop from not only sun exposure and aging but from animation it talked about the treatments to deal with these lines botox and dysport paralyze certain facial muscles and prevent the contraction that causes creases we have a variety of fillers to plump the hollowness and grooves there have been some recent additions including juvederm xc and hydrelle which contain local anesthetic to help reduce the pain during injection however i will tell you that it takes a bit long for the painkiller to take effect and by that time the piercing of the skin is done recently there has been some interest in stem cells that would augment fat transfer into the face the article mentioned that “fatty tissue has the highest percentage of adult stem cells of any tissue in the body ” and that “adipose fat stem cells have the capacity of cell memory especially in the use of re volumizing the face ” my impression is that fat transfer is still not the preferred method because of the inconsistent results sometimes the fat can shrink sometimes it can get lumpy and that is not what patients want i prefer the man made injectables because they have a very low incidence of lumps bumps and reaction if they were to cause any trouble the filler will dissolve and disappear within several months one of the doctors quoted in the article said “the difference between looking naturally beautiful and looking like a chipmunk is all in the technique ” i wholeheartedly agree the art form is as important as the product technology alone is not enough to overcome lack of talent and judgment i had neuroendocrine tumor evaluation is it affected by an increase in pancreatic polypeptides,hello fasting is the correct preparation for the test my semen was pink in color and the last time it had blood in it,clinically a tilted uterus is a physical barrier to pregnancy and may or may not be accompanied by other problems that are keeping you from ultimately getting pregnant there are actual things you can do to improve your fertility and increase your chances of achieving pregnancy and ultimately becoming a parent the best solutions for this particular condition because of its nature are self fertility massage and yoga pcos itself can lower the pregnancy possibility but not preventing it so you need to lose some weight and practice yoga and you will be able to get pregnant how do i straighten a bent nose without surgery my nose is bent to the right how can i fix it without surgery i am 13 and my nose has been bent for two years a few weeks ago i could not breath properly so i went to my doctor i was given nasal spray which helped but now i want to straighten my nose without surgery,i do not believe there are any non surgical methods to straighten out a crooked nose so save your money for the friendly neighborhood plastic surgeon for a rhinoplasty nose job can viagra cause prostate cancer,if it did it would not be on the market nor be as popular as it is as a prescription extensive studies prior to fda approval has proven that viagra does not cause cancer how do you treat a burn from a heater,current home pregnancy tests hpts are advertised to be sensitive on the first day of a missed period—or perhaps a few days before in the most recent review of accuracy of hpts published in august of 2011 such claims were tested one brand first response® detected 97 of pregnancies on the first day of a missed period the ept® manual 54 and digital 67 and the clear blue® manual 64 and digital 54 tests all detected fewer actual pregnancies these results may reflect that the first response® could detect as little as 5 5 miuml of hcg in the urine while the other two brands could detect 22 miuml generally speaking a reliable pregnancy test in a doctor is office should be able to detect a level of 22 units of hcg or higher remember it takes an implantation to produce hcg to trigger a test in a study where day of implantation was documented with a sensitive blood test it was determined that 10 of viable pregnancies were not yet implanted by the first day of the missed period having read all this you can now understand why a gyn may recommend using a hpt twice if the first instance is at the time of missed flow about 97 of viable pregnancies will have implanted by seven days after the first day of missed menses taking a second reading can also enhance accuracy where your hpt is not one of the super sensitive brands i had a dull pain in my lower right stomach need a second opinion,in my opinion right ovarian cysts can explain your symptoms i recommend you check it first by ultrasound cysts can be caused by long term birth control pills or shots i recommend you change you birth control methodgood luck the guidelines for mammogram screening do not apply to women at risk for breast cancer when should they get screened,with age bones begin to lose calcium the mineral that makes them hard faster than they can replace it less bone remodeling takes place and the bones begin to thin for women the loss of bone density speeds up during the first five to seven years after menopause when there is a sharp decline in the body is production of estrogen which appears to help keep calcium in the bones factors that increase a woman is risk of developing osteoporosis include being thin or having a small frame having a family history of osteoporosis having the ovaries removed smoking drinking more than moderately or living a sedentary lifestyle white and asian women are more frequently affected than african american and hispanic women certain medical conditions such as kidney disease cushing is syndrome and an overactive thyroid or parathyroid gland increase bone breakdown glucocorticoids anti inflammatory drugs anti seizure drugs and prolonged immobility due to paralysis or illness can also cause bone loss if my 1 year old is getting over a cold nose is sometimes running is it safe for her to get the 2nd dose of flu shot,for vitamin b 12 and folate deficiency anemia the treatment depends on the cause of the deficiency if your body stores are depleted of vitamin b 12 your doctor will most likely prescribe vitamin b 12 injections and may also recommend high doses of b 12 supplements or a b 12 nasal spray there is a good chance that many of the symptoms of deficiency will improve once the body is provided with the needed b 12 most people with vitamin b 12 deficiency have a permanent inability to absorb vitamin b 12 and will need injections every one to three months or pills daily for the rest of their lives some forms of gastric bypass surgery are associated with deficiencies of iron vitamin b12 and other nutrients typically absorbed in the part of the stomach that is bypassed your doctor may also recommend that you increase the amount of vitamin b 12 in your diet good dietary sources of vitamin b 12 are meat liver and kidney fish oysters and clams and milk cheese and eggs if you have a folate deficiency your doctor will prescribe folate supplements and may recommend you increase the amount of folate in your diet good dietary sources of folate include fresh fruits green leafy vegetables cruciferous vegetables cauliflower broccoli and brussel sprouts liver and kidney dairy products and whole grain cereals vegetables should be eaten raw or lightly cooked when did i most likey have sex to become pregnant i got my period on august 1st i was expecting my period september 1st but it did not come i took a pregnancy test today the 10th the test was positive and it said i might be 2 and up to 3 weeks since ovulation it also said my doctor would date me at 4 5 weeks pregnant i am just really confused by all of this and i would like an estimation on what day i had sex to become pregnant thank you,according to a reliable pregnancy calculator and based upon the 1st day of your last period the following information is revealed estimated due date is 52015 gestational age today 9132014 is 6 weeks 1 days or 1 41 months months date of conception was 152014 i hope that this answer has been helpful i am extremely agoraphobic despite help from my psychologist psychiatrist and medication why else can i do,since you are in treatment with both a psychiatrist and a psychologist and you have tried as you said many medications without sufficient help you also indicated that you have serious agoraphobia which keeps you in your home what is the treatment plan to handle your agoraphobia i think this needs to be discussed especially with your psychologist who would seem the one with special expertise in this area you might also consider getting a second opinion from another psychologist who might have more of a behavioral orientation which would help you take small steps toward leaving your home i understand that this could be difficult to do but you really need someone who can offer you a treatment plan to properly address your primary symptom which appears to be the agoraphobia my systolic pressure ranges mid 120s to mid 140s and my diastolic ranges lower 50s to mid 60s is this normal or okay,believe it or not when you walk into a room what your eye sees can actually determine whether or not you are going to have an easy time falling asleep or a bad time so the first thing i tell people to do is clean up your bedroom get the clutter out because it is pretty hard to fall asleep with a stack of laundry over here and a big pile of books over there and a very sort of jumbled night table okay and so i talk to them about cleaning up the clutter getting that stuff out of the way so that when you walk in you are more peaceful more serene surrounding that may also have to do with color so there are studies that look at what is the color of your bedroom and how can that affect your ability to fall asleep it turned out that the color itself is not important but the hue of the color is so the brightness of that color turns out to be a big factor so when you are painting your bedroom you do not want a high gloss finish you want more of a matted finish now granted a very bright yellow is probably not a great place to fall asleep but a more muted yellow probably is so again it may not matter the color so much as the brightness of that color throat still sore after antibiotics i was diagnosed with a throat infection and given antibiotics i have completed the 10 day antibiotic treatment 4 days ago and my throat still feels sore and raw it does not feel as sore as it initially was and it is not causing me to cough but it is clearly still irritated any suggestions,i can not answer that since i do not know your diagnosis your medical provider appears to have treated you for both influenza did you have a rapid test to confirm it and some sort of bacterial infection requiring antibiotics i just do not know enough about your case to accurately comment on your state of contagiousness so i suggest that you call your medical provider the person who is treating you i have yellow bumps in my throat,you are mostly suffering a viralbacterial infection start with vitamin c bee honey lemon then if you developed white spots get an antibiotic avoid cold weather exposure worm in eyeball putting on makeup saw what appeared to be a worm in eyeball about the length of iris moved sideways and then disappeared into eyeball,see an ophthalmologist so that you can have your eye properly examined this is not something that can be addressed over the internet unfortunately since i do not know anything about you or where in the world that you live what is congestive heart failure,congestive heart failure is the inability of the heart to adequately pump blood this can be caused by a number of problems including untreated high blood pressure heart attacks or infections after taking penicillin i am getting new white bumps on tonsils i have been on penicillin for a few days now for my strep the bumps had mostly went away but after a day of heavy lifting in 105 degree weather it seems like the pus is coming back i also went swimming in a chlorinated pool the next day is it possible that my poor habits are causing these pus bumps to continue to form or is the penicillin not working right i can swallow alright and there does not seem to be a very high fever should i up the dose on my penicillin if the doctor okays it,most helpful answer assuming your strep was lab confirmed and diagnosed i would not be too concerned with those white bumps right now white bumps incidentally is not a definitive sign of strep these can be seen with a variety of different viruses and can even be trapped food particles not pus it would not be wise or recommended to change your dose of penicillin penicillin is the drug of choice for strep so if you do have it then this will work the fact that you are improving is a better sign swimming in the pool is not relevant swimming does not cause or contribute to any diseases no matter what your grandmother told you my dad is having difficulty breathing as a result of heart failure and 250mcg of digoxin as prescribed,yes rigevidon is good for pcos if your doctor put you on it then you need not worry about it pcos usually happens due to body hormones estrogen and progesterone imbalance so doctor usually prescribed birth control pills to patient as they contain both body hormones so without fear go on with it and get at your doorstep from online pharmacy like meds247online etc what causes and who is at risk for brain tumors,do not worry of bone tumors etc as if it would be present it would have been evident in x ray and mri scan why do over the counter migraine medicine make my face swell i used the kroger brand migraine medicine and it made my face swell i have not had a problem with any other headache medicine i was just wondering what could cause this,possibly a allergic reaction or maybe a med interference i have never been able to get any over the counter migraine meds to work besides excederine tension and i was put on fioricet which helped i would say a different ingredient whether inactive or active is in the off brand nothing really compares to the original what causes genital warts human papillomavirus,hpv infection is caused by a virus more than 100 types of hpv have been found some types cause genital warts and some can lead to cervical cancer types 6 and 11 cause most genital warts other types such as 16 and 18 are high risk and can cause abnormal cell changes on the cervix how the disease is spread transmission hpv is spread by direct contact the virus can be spread to or from the genitals anus mouth or throat during sexual activities but warts in the mouth or throat are extremely rare condoms can lower your risk of getting genital warts you can prevent infection when you use them every time you have sex after the infection occurs it may spread to other areas of the genitals or to the anal area you can spread the virus even if you do not have any symptoms of infection or any visible warts there is a small chance that a pregnant woman can pass the virus to her baby it is unknown if it is spread during vaginal delivery or if it is spread during the pregnancy most women with genital warts do not need to have a cesarean delivery but your doctor might recommend a cesarean delivery if the genital warts would be in the way or bleed a lot during vaginal delivery 1 webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated do adderall over the counter or vitamin c formulas work,it sounds like you will have a new health plan starting january 1 2015 so that is now the insurance coverage you will have to work with you should start checking now to make sure your doctors and other healthcare providers participate with your new policy and what the costs will be under your new insurance policy getting all four wisdom teeth removed all at once over spring break should i be worried of complications,hi from the history it does not seem to be a result of surgery definitely neither does it seem normal as u mentioned we can do 1 thing we can get a endoscopy done to rule out intramucosal causes of choking this will give an idea as to whats wrong thanks can herbal eye drops lighten the color of your eyes if not then what will besides contacts my eyes are too dark when i look in the mirror at my eyes i see a dark brown but i want to make my pupil lighter,when you look at your eyes in the mirror you see three basic colors the white of your eyeball the colored part of the iris and the black of the pupil let is look at these in a little more detail everyone is eyeball is white it is just how they are made everyone is pupil is black because the pupil is actually an opening that allows light to go inside the eyeball the pupil looks black because there is no light inside the eye to illuminate it if there were the pupil might look bright white or even orange as if it were glowing would not that be cool the iris is the colored part of the eyeball the iris is not a muscle but it does expand and contract to control the size of your pupil and by extension how much light gets inside your eye the color of your iris is genetically determined genetics is complex business so i will not go into it here suffice it to say you can not use any product to lighten darken or otherwise change the color of your iris the color is hard coded into your dna if you are unhappy with the color of your eyes the only way to change it is with contact lenses that said i would tell you not to obsess over your eye color there is no such thing as too dark or too light beauty is in the eye of the beholder pun intended try to love your eye color because it is absolutely unique in the universe wishing you well how can i manage swelling in my feet and legs during pregnancy,i do not know and would like to i am 67 years old and on medicare i also have supplemental health insurance i assume the aca will not give me any plans that are more affordable but what benefits do i have as a senior under the aca besides the reductions in my medication bill,that is right you are not eligible for plans sold through the new health insurance marketplaces the gap in prescription drug costs closing is one of the biggest benefits of the law for seniors covered by medicare other benefits such as no cost preventive screenings and wellness visits how do you break a fever in a toddler,it is entirely possible that the liquid you are referring to is in fact stomach acid it is not uncommon for reflux to get worse when lying down did your doctor prescribe something for you to take for the acid reflux if so and it is not working then i would suggest you return to the doctor to describe what is going on he or she may want to change your medication or have you try a mechanical approach to the problem such as elevating the head of your bed on a couple of bricks you also would be well advised to stop eating within two hours of bedtime i doubt the symptoms you are describing are related to any heart problem but only your doctor can say for sure no matter what this issue is having a negative impact on your daily life so you should get it checked out again best wishes to you when i shower i break out in red “bumps” across my chest abdomen shoulders and back,aerobic exercises include walking jogging jumping rope bicycling stationary or outdoor cross country skiing skating rowing and low impact aerobics or water aerobics could i become to dependent on inhalers for exercise induced asthma i was recently diagnosed with exercise induced asthma and was prescribed an inhaler to be used 10 mins before carrying out any sport i do not want to have to rely on an inhaler all the time would my body not be able to exercise without using an inhaler after prolonged use,it can be readjusted but results cannot be achieved 100 percent should non sexually active teens have access to birth control especially when they have severe cramping many teens often have severe cramping or other symptoms that are really hard to push through sometimes it can hold one is self back from doing many daily things even walking would you consider birth control an effective way of reducing the pain when just applying heat and taking midol or pamprin just is not enough just because teens may need birth control does not always mean the want to be sexually active and some have a hard time telling their parents that think of the health benefits,absolutely i have dozens of teens on birth control who have never been sexually involved hormonal regulation menstrual pain heavyfrequent periods and even severe acne also hormone related are some of the medical indications to use birth control pills teens do have birth control access even without parent permission but when it is for a medical reason and not contraception parents should be involved and supportive really good question the incidence of non sexual teens is probably pretty low in this day and time but yes god bless them it happens i think you have to address the cramping first obviously lots of possible causes again i say you start at the most obvious cause and work your way back to the most obscure with girls cramps are most commonly due to menes blood flowing thru the cervix clots hurt more the cervix which is the distal end of the uterus which extends down into the vag is very sensitive to stuff going thru it dilating it that is why clots hurt more than just thin blood some doctors from my experience over the years have used bc pills to control blood flow down the uterus to the vag i am not a girl but i have been married twice and i have 2 daughters one started her periods at age 8 very cruel joke from mother nature both my wives had endometriosis and had bleeding problems cramps were an everyday occurence so was overflow bleeding geez i felt so bad for my girls nothing prepares a girl for that gone are the days when girls cramps were written off by professionals as nerotic i know it hurts altho some girls tend to be drama queens who actually knows how bad it hurts except them historically bc pills a cocktail of hormones i think seem to reduce blood loss also affects weight gain bigger boobs too fluid retention lovely but my answer to your direct question is if it is bc pills then yes it could help with the cramps and who knows or wants to know if they are sexually active just put them on the pill hope for the best if it does not work with the cramps let them know they should tell you so you can seek other answers parenting is tough especially with girls this is my best answer to be honest my cramps were much less severe and sometimes i never even had cramps while i was on birth control however if you do not truly need birth control i would advise finding another method to control your cramping think about what birth control is and what it does to your body you are literally swallowing one tiny pill that completely changes the mechanics of your body i do not know for sure what types of negative effects they have truly linked to birth control but it all just seems too much to be necessary i do not take any pills if i do what is angioedema related to allergies,angioedema is a swelling similar to urticaria hives but the swelling occurs beneath the skin instead of on the surface angioedema is characterized by deep swelling around the eyes and lips and sometimes of the hands and feet how des a man with type ii diabetes bp controlled to 121 and epilepsy deal with ed do i have options,hi meds for diabetes will do this you can either ask for a meds change i think there is some that have no ed side effects or if you have not had this to long try changing over to doing a diabetes diet you would be free from drugs and no side effects of ed this should get your sex life back talk this over with your doctor but do not just sit around waiting do some research on the diabetes diet hope this helps you good luck i missed last month period and i havnt started yet i took home test and they say no and my belly is bigger am i pregnant i done this with my other one and i was on birth control,the baby is still very small at 6 weeks here is a look at where things are development wise as for the bleeding telling your doctor is the best course of action and hopefully the labs will give you some answers meanwhile here is an overview of bleeding during the first trimester take care i suffered a major left sided hemiparesis in july 04 i started suffering from violent muscle spasms in my left quads muscles,it kinda sounds like you might have a pinched nerve and you may be getting the brain fog from and stomach pain from stressanxiety…are you under a lot of pressure because of something from school or work are you on any medications if so what are you taking have you been sleeping enough are you eatingdrinking water regularly and please do not take offense to this next question…but have you ever done any sort of drugs sorry about all of the questions but i would have a more accurate answer for you if i had more information rls or not for years i have experienced what i always believed to be rls and it has always been managable for the past few weeks though the restless feeling has turned painful and migrated to just my right thigh the pain is excruciating i am perscribed a sleeping aide and it does not even help me sleep through the pain this only comes on at night money is very tight right now and i have been trying to save for a trip to the doctor but honestly i am terrified,although i am sympathetic to your financial constraints the only way that you can be properly diagnosed is to see your medical provider and be properly examined rls does not cause the type of excruciating thigh pain that you are describing so you may need a diagnostic work up when our car breaks down we often have to get it fixed even if money is tight your body deserves the same respect and allocation of your resources you can try calling your doctor someone who knows you and your medical history first and explain your problem but i suspect a hands on examination will be recommended can i mix magnesium citrate with tea to make it not taste as bad,go to your local emergency department or call 911 if you have new chest pain or discomfort that is severe unexpected and occurs with shortness of breath sweating nausea or weakness fast heart rate more than 120 150 beats per minute or as directed by your doctor especially if you are short of breath shortness of breath not relieved by rest sudden weakness or paralysis inability to move in your arms or legs sudden onset of a severe headache fainting spell with loss of consciousness i wake up in the morning with sore throat and phlem in my throat i didnt have it before i went to sleep lately me and my girlfriend have been waking up in the morning with a dry scratchy throat and have been spitting up phlem it has only been in the last week and we are starting to wonder if something is wrong please help,good news bad news the lhrh agonist lupron is one brand is critical to the success of prostate cancer treatment for many men and sounds like it was effective along with the brachytherapy in your husband is case the bad news is the potential for side effects in this case he needs a serum free and total testosterone level to determine if the level is still low for his age giving back testosterone in the form of shots or rub on gels could raise his t level but might increase the chance of a cancer recurrence discuss this with your doctor a lot would depend on the psa level should be very low and the digital rectal exam should have a very flat prostate with no nodules to allow the possibility of t replacement as far as the penis side effects he could get a prescription for a vacuum erection device ved to stretch and exercise his penis to try to restore the length and size the ved can also be used with other treatments for erectile dysfunction ed such as viagracialislevitra muse caverject etc he could see a urologist who specializes in treatments for ed for more details can you drink alcohol while taking clidamycin the clindamycin was given for bv and yeast infection,the clindamycin will help the bacterial vaginitis but it will not help yeast at all as a matter of fact an antibiotic can worsen a yeast infection i typically advise my patients not to drink alcohol while on antibiotics while there is no specific contraindication to using alcohol with this particular drugh assuming you drink in moderation i still discourage it you can always call the medical provider who is treating you for patient specific advice i had sex with my husband condom and tubes tied had two babies they said i wouldnt have can i be preg,it is highly highly unlikely that you could become pregnant after a tubal ligation especially if you are using condoms as well i have a draining cyst since it began to drain other cysts have appeared deep under the skin l should i see a doctor it is very painful it is been draining for three days now the other cysts are extremely painful i can barely walk as a result,hi see if this helps you more than me reason for this link is this you can see your sore and i cant so if you read down this list you can pick out your own sores then you will know what you have or even both of you just copy into google to the www to open and read do hope this helps you both good luck puberty & hair color my 10yr old granddaughter would like to have her hair colored would doing this interrupt her puberty,you should stop lactating in 1 2 weeks continue to wear tight fitting bras and avoid any breast or nipple stimulation medications to dry your milk up are not typically recommended your uterus will return to normal size within approximately 6 weeks i take one generic 5300 hydrocodoneacetaminophen tablet a day why is it not showing up on my urine screen,there can be several reasons 1 your urine level of hydrocodone is so low that it is not detected by the lab 2 the lab is not testing for hydrocodone on the drug screen unlikely 3 the lab results are in error or the method used for testing is not sensitive enough 4 you are not taking any hydrocodone rarely people are using fake wrongly filled or purposely replaced medicines that do not contain what the bottle says you would need to take one of your pills to a different pharmacy to identify the pills you are taking who is affected by arthritis,yes these two very different medications are compatible if taken at the same time what are the early symptoms of pregnancy i had sex on the 27th of may also was ovulating at the time and was wondering what are the early signs of pregnancy,when i was early in pregnancy before i actually found out i was nautious morning noon and night not just in the morning and i was very sensitive to smells and something that might have smelled good to me before smelled horrible and made me nautious then i smoked cigarettes before i found out and every time i would try and smoke it made me very sick to my stomach especially the smell i was so tired and i could not get enough sleep no matter how much i slept that is all i wanted to do was sleep theses symptoms started for me about 6 weeks of pregnancy up until 3 months and i found out i was pregnant about 8 weeks i knew once these symptoms started to occur i was most likely pregnant being i had two children already and had these same symptoms with the other two pregnancies spotting for 10 days then light to medium bleeding for 3 days am i pregnant my periods are always normal my last period was on october 7th and i ovulated between october 21st through october 23rd on november 2nd i started spotting a bit of brown when i wiped this lasted 10 days i was 5 days late for my period when the the spotting picked up a bit and got some red in it which got kind of watery but not as heavy as my normal periods and lasted 3 days my normal period lasts 8 days i took a pregnancy test but it was negative could i be pregnant,hi mollybrown so have we been having unprotected sex then are you on the bc pill have you had an hpt or even done a test at your doctors and do you want to be pregnant just get something done then come back through answer this above if you have any more questions it could be just your hormones playing up for this get a blood test done good luck what would happen to a person with an enlarged prostate and they take meclizine,you mostly are suffering gastritis and gerd how hard is the pain and how old are you what can i expect during week 39 of my pregnancy,baby your baby is about 21 5 inches long from head to toe and weighs a little more than 7 pounds toenails and fingernails have grown to tips of toes and fingers muscles of your baby is arms and legs are strong and he is practicing lung movements baby is head has dropped into the mother is pelvis if he is head down which allows you to breathe a little easier mom to be you are probably feeling quite large and uncomfortable your uterus has filled your pelvis and most of your abdomen pushing everything else out of the way your center of gravity has shifted so you may be clumsier than usual tip of the week watch for signs of labor but do not get too obsessed it could happen soon or still be weeks away some differences between false labor and contractions false labor pains usually concentrate in the lower abdomen and groin while true labor pains may start in the lower back and may spread through the entire abdomen real labor also becomes stronger and more powerful as time passes what does it mean if my blood glucose is 81 but my hemoglobin a1c is 5 7 i am 57 5 140lb i have never been diagnosed with diabetes but a maternal uncle died from complications of diabetes,based on a set of criteria a hga1c level between 5 7 6 4 is prediabetes this means that there is an increased risk for developing overt diabetes a person with prediabetes may have a normal blood sugar but only because their body has compensated for this with an increase in the amount of insulin produced as prediabetes progresses the overproduction of insulin just will not be enough to compensate for high sugars and they become overtly abnormal and elevated people with type 2 diabetes can have normal blood sugars but the metabolic abnormalities that occur will continue insulin will continue to be produced in excess amounts at some point it fails and having either prediabetes or diabetes means your risk of heart disease is significantly above normal you should modify the risks that you have improved nutrition with calorie restriction and more fruits and veggies manage excess weight look for stress reduction methods and make good sleep a priority seek help from a diabetes team there are tons of information online and numerous organizations that help multi facet question pertaining to anti dressents sleep apnea low testostorne concentrationfocus ive been on prozac 80mg for 10 12 years for depression and for 4 5 years ive been on adderall and respidone 2mg in addition too prozac recently i found out i have severe sleep apnea and on top of that very low testosterone 201 moreover high blood pressure and high cholesterol and tri gl does anti depressants sleep apnea cause low t will treating apnea and low t elimate the need for prozac if i stop taking repisdoneprozac will my uncontrollable tremorsshakes stop ,take caution when opening the wrapper to avoid tearing the condom with your teeth fingernails or rings gently pinch the air out of the tip of the condom before putting it on the condom is rolled over the erect penis before sexual activity begins if the condom does not have a built in nipple leave about 12 inch of the condom free at the tip of the penis so that semen has a place to collect a new condom must be used each time you have sex the condom must be in place before the penis gets near the vagina if you use lubricants with a condom be sure to only use water based lubricants such as k y jelly oil based lubricants such as vaseline massage oils and body lotions can cause condoms to leak or break certain vaginal medications used to treat yeast infections can also weaken condoms initially it was felt that condoms lubricated with spermicidal agents offered more protection against stds newer studies show that frequent use of condoms containing spermicides offers no additional protection and it may actually increase the risk of hiv and other stds by irritating the vagina and penis spermicidal products do however remain useful in pregnancy prevention i have anxiety disorder and was prescribed with 5mg lorazapam but this dosage gives poor response is it safe to take one more tablet,whiplash involves the neck not the lower back you will need to see your medical provider again so that the back can be properly evaluated the same thing happened to me and when i had an mri done they determined that i had a herniated disc i have a skin disease but no idea what it is,hi it seems to be chronic dermatitis associated with dry skin and infection chronic plaque psoriasis needs to be ruled out local anti fungal cream with steroid can help do not rub it hard apply skin moisturising creams try changing your soap if it doesnt improve consult a dermatologist thanks is it possible that one could get pregnant by having uprotected sex after 3 days,hi sorry but 3 days of what can you expand your question just answer through answer this above when is it too early to get your baby on a routine our baby is 4 weeks old and i am going back to work in 2 weeks,i do not see any harm in creating some structureroutine for your family and your baby some babies will surprise you and fall into a nice schedule early on especially those who are feeding well accidentally took too much blood pressure medication my husband accidentally took 2 doses of his high blood pressure medication should we go to the er,hi read and follow what this link says to do just copy into google to the www to open and read good luck my testicles started hurting with no trauma to them could this be a hernia i do not have any other obvious symptoms in regards to urine or bruising,hi been doing any lifting moving heavy things from odd angles because it sounds like a strain and it can do that give a real nagging pain best just take it easy and slowly it will go hope this helps good luck can taking biotin cause yeast infections i have been taking biotin 5000mg once a day for the last 3 weeks since i have been taking it i have noticed 2 things my urine smells extremely bad and i have been experiencing symptoms close to yeast infections burning when urinating i notice it happens after i take the pill in the morning would it help to take it at night i am taking it as a routine vitamin for hair and nails not medically necessary,that is a large amount to take considering the recommended amount for adults is 30 micrograms i would check with your healthcare provider on the amounts and possible medical connections i can find no reason to think it would cause a yeast infection for side effects and more info see this webmd listing hpv chances my bf has had many sexual partners as in many as in 100+ he has used a condom with all of them and wants to go raw with me since i am his first girlfriend out of all his partners what are my chances of getting hpv i am a virgin and i do not have the vaccine,i know of no federal law that states a hearing test is only valid for six months unless of course this is an occupational or work related regulation ask this doctor for a copy of the law i have some hip pain 9 weeks had mra image recently would welcome second opinion,in my opinion there is no labrum tear what medications and treatments are available to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia bph,gluten is a protein found in wheat rye barley and crossbred hybrids of these grains the good news is many foods are naturally free of gluten including fruits vegetables lean proteins nuts oils and dairy the nutrition label can help you determine which products gluten free the term gluten free can be helpful but is not a regulated claim even though the fda is working to define it when you read a label look for gluten containing ingredients including wheat barley rye oats due to likely cross contamination brewers yeast and malt beer labeling laws require allergens to be labeled including wheat proteins so any food that says contains wheat is off limits this does not apply to barley rye and oats or items that may have been cross contaminated so if there is any doubt contact the manufacturer you might want to discuss with your healthcare provider if you can tolerate small amounts of gluten if you can you may not need to be as vigilant as those with celiac for more on going gluten free check out this slideshow is it okay to use a toning cream tthat contains 2 hydroquinone during pregnancy,hi and from www ncb nlm nih gov com this its a question and answer question many of my female patients complain about acne unwanted hair growth and other skin problems that have only developed since they became pregnant are products used for these types of benign skin conditions safe to use in pregnancy as it is understandable that women want to look their best at this important time in their lives answer with the exception of hydroquinone which has a relatively high systemic absorption rate and tretinoin for which the evidence is controversial these products act locally and therefore produce minimal systemic levels consequently in most cases women can deal with these cosmetically unappealing skin conditions without compromising the safety of their unborn children hope this helps you good luck can sulfasalazine change hairs reaction to hair die,hi found these two thing in drug com side effects discoloration of the skin or urine hair loss or thinning of the hair this was the last of a very big list of side effects so yes there could be something in what your saying hope this helps good luck i had thyredectomy for papillary thyroid cancer 3 years ago,medically and as a doctor i advice you to stop smoking as it destroys your health but it us not related to treatment if testosterone levels yoga and meditation can help your libido drive and competency how long can herpes stay in your system before an outbreak years been married for 16 12 years no infidelity but he is not my first is it possible to have contracted the virus that long ago and not have an outbreak until today,i am a radiologist may be an mri misread when performing an mri the constant motion of the heart creates challenges in obtaining clear images best to try synchronizing the imaging with ecg tracing synchronizing the imaging with breathing or having patient perform repeated short breath holds during imaging is marijuana used to treat ashma my daughter and her husband smoke medical marijuna in their home my granddaughter has asthma and uses an enhaler they tell me that pot is used to treat ashma patients is this true or not,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you hjjjhjj what can i expect during week 36 of my pregnancy,first off you want to check for signs of dehydration including fewer wet diapers less play sunken eyes sunken fontanelle soft spot on baby is head loss of skin turgor and dry mucous membranes the fact that your baby is not eating enough for adequate growth is another consideration six months is also the time to start solids which is important for development and nutrition this webmd article discusses various causes of diarrhea in babies i would contact your doctor to find out if he or she wants you to come back in or get referred to a gastroenterologist i think your gut is saying something is not right and that is very important in my book there may be a chance that your baby is intolerant to lactose i would take her to the doctor and demand action for the moment you could feed your baby cooled boiled water to ensure that she is receiving enough fluid the body can cope better without food than it can without fluid i hope you find this useful and i hope your baby feels better soon does pregnancy increase your changes of breast ca at the age of 34 i am a 34 yr female who is thinking about getting pregnant in the next year my mother and grandmother both had post menopausal breast cancer i am scared that i will develop breast cancer while being pregnant,it is possible you could overcome delayed ejaculation by reducing the number of times you masturbate masturbation can desensitize the penis resulting in delayed ejaculation during intercourse please be sure to practice safe sex using a condom not only helps prevent unwanted pregnancy it helps protect both you and your girlfriend from swapping any sexually transmitted diseases a condom may not entirely protect you from genital warts or herpes because it does not cover all of the skin areas that may come into contact with infected areas but it is better than no protection at all if you continue to have problems reaching orgasm during intercourse i would suggest you consult a psychotherapist who specializes in sex issues it is possible though not likely there is something else going on here besides desensitization of the penis lastly i should mention that i hope your girlfriend also is at least 18 otherwise you know your relationship is not exactly ethical and not legal in many places and that is no basis for a relationship wishing you all the best what is the expected impact of health care reform on medicare customers will that impact differ for folks who buy part d and part f policies on top of cms a and b,the short answer for you and other seniors with medicare is that health reform will have little or no impact on medicare customers if you have medicare drug coverage your part d plans will actually provide greater coverage for the donut hole under medicare but other wise there are no changes and if you buy a medicare supplement policy i think what you are referring to with part f there will be no impact on those policies what to use for arthritis pain relief in my fingers i currently use mobic 15mg for my arthritis i have very bad arthritis in each finger of both hands my fingers hurt every day and some of them dont even bend any more is there anything better than or in addition to mobic that i should be using,hi i recommend physical therapy in the form of traction back stretching and abdominal muscle strengthning +staying on anti inflammatory drugs do you have pain on lateral aspect of you legfoot my daughter will eat nothing for days and will eat alot in 1 day then not eat for days agian what is going on along with that when i tell her to eat something she replies food is disgusting ,rhinoplasty whether corrective or cosmetic is not known to have negative i impact on patients with fmf your surgeon will refer you to an anaesthesia specialist to adjust your vital signs kidney and liver functions before operation my husband has low testosterone levels will otc meds help,no if it has been determined that your husband needs testosterone replacement therapy only prescription forms are considered safe and effective and are approved by the fda regarding an ultrasound what is the 0 day the date that the egg was released or fertilized by the sperm i have received two different due dates during the earlier part of my pregnancy per the ovluation calendar my last menstrual cycle was 32days from the previous cycle first i was told i was x amount of weeks and 0 days and i was told i was x amount of weeks and 4 days i am trying to figure out on what day i possibly conceived,hi sarcoidosis can cause formation of lumps or granulomas or it can involve the lymph nodes if she has any symptoms like pain then painkillers can help but should be taken only under consent with her doctor as she already has renal failure also a biopsy can be do e if further confirmation is needed can you also tell that these bumps appeared suddenly or gradually are they painful please revert back regards i am taking omeprazole 20 mg and norvasc 10 mg can i take zantac with them,this is a good example of a duplication of therapy you cannot take omeprazole and zantac because they both try to do the same thing decrease the amount of acid in the stomach i would ask what symptoms you are having that make you think you need the zantac most likely i would recommend you calling your health care provider to alert them to your symptoms they may want to re evaluate your condition and medications searing gnawing burning pain in low back and sacrum region,it is definitely safe you want to be careful to see how they interact with each other at a time when you can lay down if necessary i take four 1 mg xanax a day and two 7 5325 mg of norco hydrocodone everyday make sure your doctors are aware of your medical history and all medications i have bloody stools for 2 years is this irritable bowel syndrome,hi irritable bowel syndrome usually does not cause blood in stools but its not impossible though a gastroendoscopy with colonoscopy will lead to a definitive diagnosis a mucosal biopsy should be done while performing endoscopy high fibre diet prebiotics and antacids will help avoid junk and spicy food thanks fever in 13 month old it is my son is fourth day with a fever it goes up to 102 7 and it also goes away at times but it is come back i have controlled it with lukewarm showers and ibuprofen i am considering going to urgent care since we are on the weekend but i am concerned of the type of treatment he will be given does anybody know how they handle fevers at the hospital,fevers are not harmful but right now you do not know the cause of the fever since he cannot tell you if something hurts for instance most medical providers familiar with children do not get excited about a fever it is not very high incidentally but it would behoove you to get him checked out a good clinician will not treat him if he does not have anything that is treatable namely a viral infection the most common cause of fever in this age group hospital ers will be an expense way to get him examined an urgent care my be better do not worry about those warm showers they are not very helpful the ibuprofen is fine but remember that you are really treating for comfort since the fever is not harmful if anything it is helping him get better fever is one of the body is most powerful immune responses most viruses only last a week and the fevers that accompany them typically only last 3 4 days this could really be his last day of fever if he seems fine is comfortable and is not showing any signs of pain or discomfort you could wait another day if he is still having fevers tomorrow you can try and see his regular pediatrician your choice of course there are two different definitions of wages the federal and state of florida unemployment insurance in florida counts dividends and wages as wages this is unlike the federal government that splits the two so what is our wages when determining your subsidy for health insurance,the income used to figure out if you are eligible for a subsidy is your modified adjusted gross income magi that means your household income after deductions and other credits for most people magi will be the same as adjusted gross income or agi you can find your agi on line 4 if you file taxes on a 1040 ez form line 22 on form 1040a and line 38 on form 1040 can i use benadryl after getting a steroid shot i had a rash all over my body after listening to my breathing my dr asked if i had trouble breathing i told him yes after several more questions he gave me a steroid shot i had already started on benadryl should i continue taking it after getting the shot thanks for you help,hi and welcome to questionfictors com no need to worry … you are getting better as i see so you just need to be less anxious about that and practice some yoga and meditation as well as some light exercises… how long does cocaine stay in your system,i am sorry to hear you are going through this here you are exercising like doctors tell us to and then you have an uncomfortable problem occur it seems a little unfair does not it i am going to recommend you see a doctor about this while several things could cause the symptoms you describe and i am not a medical doctor myself your situation sounds an awful lot like it could be a baker is cyst a doctor could tell you for sure baker is cysts are not cancerous or life threatening in any way but they sure can interfere with exercise and even with activities of daily living your doctor can suggest ways to treat the cyst on your own and if those do not work he or she can perform a small procedure to drain the cyst of course your knee problems could have many other causes such as tendinitis and arthritis your doctor can diagnose the issue with a physical examination and possibly an x ray wishing you well i have had balanitis for 5 years now what is best treatment,skin contains elastic fibers that allow it to stretch during weight gain or recoil or shrink during weight loss so someone who gains a large amount of weight does not grow new skin their skin stretches to accommodate the accumulation of fat tissue hi dr i feel a pulling sensation on my vulvavagina my gyn is not concerned but i am i feel a pulling sensation on my vagina this sensation comes and goes i spoke to my obgyn who is unable to tell me what is wrong but my insurance will not cover a visit over anything yearly i am 46 years old with regular periods every 28 to 30 days apart lasting 5 7 days i am in a monogamous heterosexual relationship which began over 3 years ago we have regular vaginal intercourse without condoms because we are both fixed me with a tubiligation and him with a vasectomy,hi when you last had a check up did heher do an internal in some research for one thing your not alone two things come up one is a weak pelvic floor and the second is some kind of prolapse on offence but its an aging thing as we get older things start to give in both women and men so you cold try putting yourself on doing some kegels just google kegels but also find out how to do them in reverse as well so google reverse kegels as well do hope these help you problem good luck i have panic attacks never seen anyone have one bad as mine all my mucles tence up like a seizure panic attacks or not,most women continue to have hot flashes one year after menopause however hot flushes can continue for a few years with time fewer women suffer from these symptoms and hot flushes eventually go away most women do not require treatment yet some women have severe and frequent episodes that disrupt their quality of life sleep work etc estrogen is the most effective treatment for hot flushes but other treatments also alleviate symptoms and help women not tolerating these episodes lifestyle changes antidepressants and seizure type medications are a few options that have been used can i take cymbalta with triamterene without an interaction,genital herpes is painful very painful since the herpetic virus involves the nerves in this area hopefully your medical provider has given you the appropriate anti herpetic medications as well as something for pain this may last for a while and genital herpes tends to be recurrent the anti herpetic medications will help reduce future outbreaks too im 9dpo why is my cervix so high and soft its also tilted can i be pregnant,have you spoken to your oral surgeon about this there are many instances where medical insurance will cover the anesthesia i would discuss this with your oral surgeon is office if they cannot help you speak directly to the insurance company can testosterone injections cause mood swings i inject 1 mg of testosterone every 7 days and am now kind of having mood swings i was at 75 mg then went up to 1 mg because i did not have the same effect as when on 75 as i did a year ago when i started help george,yes it very much so can affect your mood and cause other issues as well i occasionally experience pain during sex but i can not figure out why it happens what is wrong with me i am a nineteen year old female and sometimes during sex i will feel a very sharp pain in both of my sides near my hips the pain moves from there and down all the way to my anus the pain is at about an 710 and is made worse by sitting up it also causes me to become nauseous i do not understand what it is help,i am not an expert but i have a history of pain during intercourse mine was a severe case of endometreosis this is caused by scar tissue building up on our internal organs during our monthly cycle i would definitely check with your obgyn doctor and they should hopefully be able to find what is causing this i had 2 urine tests returned negative dilute i do not take any drugs and had not had alcohol for several days ,i recommend that my birth control patients wait one entire cycle use a secondary form of birth control like condoms during this brief waiting period if you are not 100 sure of the fidelity of your partner it would be wise to use a condom anyway birth control pills do not offer any protection against stds is it ok for my 5 year old to take benadryl on a daily basis he has really severe outdoor allergies and i was told that benadryl at night and zyrtec in the morning is ok to do can you please confirm yes or no,that would not be very likely the tiny amount of those eyedrops may contain lidocaine but this has nothing to do with cocaine besides you should not be using these eye drops anyway unless specifically prescribed by an eye care professional i had yearly pap yesterday doctor says discharge may be yeasty frightened it is cervical cancer,hi these spots seem to be of allergic rash apply local anti histaminic cream do not rub or scratch consult a gynecologist if symptoms do not improve thanks received oral sex i received oral sex from a stripper without a condom 3 weeks ago we did not kiss and i did not do anything to her i have not had any symptoms and also have not slept with my girlfriend in the 3 weeks since should i get tested for anything prior to sleeping with my girlfriend or am i okay,apply a broad spectrum spf of 15 or higher can i be pregnant im currently 105 8 lbs ive not gotten my peroid yet which is conserning because i had unprotected sex 2 weeks before my peroid but i recently lost alot of weight then gained it plus im bloated in my lower abdomen pelvic area and im afraid that i am pregnant,i read through your query and understood your concern she can take progesterone tablets medroxyprogesterone 10mg twice daily to postpone her period these tablets may increase the requirement of antidiabetic medicines tabletsinsulin so she needs to monitor her blood sugar level at least twothree times during the period she is taking tablets to make sure that sugar control is fine contraceptive pills used nowadays are low dose pills and have littleno impact on diabetes even if sugar levels increase it can be treated by increasing the dose of antidiabetic medicines so she can use low dose contraceptive pills just consult your physician once before starting those pills to make sure that the medicines do not interact with each other during pregnancy if her sugar control is fine from 3 months before pregnancy during pregnancy and till delivery of baby there will practically be no problem to the mother and baby if sugar control is not good there may be many problems about which there is no need to worry right now revert back to a gynaecologist online for further queries > im 34 i have severe pain sp backache 101 f fever and little bit blocked nose shivering fever at night what is my prob name osama siddiqui if take 2 tabs of panadol which reduces fever but again it starts,as per your query non itchy flat rashes can be due to sjogren is syndrome and is a commonly seen symptom in case if the symptoms recur please consult a rheumatologist and get evaluated hope this helps regards i fell on my hand several months ago and since then my hand has bee hurting could i have broken a bone in my hand,two things first a ct scan is the definitive test for sinusitis if it was clear then i would question that he is having sinus headaches there are a hundreds of different types of headaches so consider seeing a neurologist for a higher level evaluation second taking decongestants at night is not a good idea because of their stimulent effect and the fact they cause annoying drainage an antihistamine may be considered or perhaps a trial of using nasal corticosteroid sprays to reduce the inflammation does depression go away i have suffered from depression and anxiety for almost 20 years it seems like with all the research i have been doing lately that depression comes in episodes however mine is always there i have been on two kinds of anti depressants and tried more than once to get off them but has never turned out well should it go away or is it a life long illness,look i would not worry if you can not get off antidepressants diabetics can not come off insulin & if you feel good stay on them as a friend of mine told me once you can not tell when my son is on medication but you can tell when he comes off it i have experienced this too so i know what you mean i have had bad depression due to a bad relationship & coming off sleeping pills as using them to help me cope not for sleeping if i get married then i will worry about them then my dr said if you are happy on them & they causing no problem stay on them it is nothing to be ashamed of just be careful who you tell though as some people very unkind hope this helps unprotected sex 315 menstrual started 326 feeling pregnancy symptoms should i be able to tell by now if pregnant have taken home pregnancy tests and all are negative is it too soon to know,it is not likely the earliest i knew i was pregnant was at 4 weeks after i started having nausea at 4 weeks can you get pregnant during the first two or three days of the fertile stage i had my period july 10 and ended on july 14 and i had sex on the 18th of july a day before the fertile day started and again had sex on the 19th and 20th two days of the fertile time period could i still get pregnant,hi this below sould be very helpful to you how to check your cervical position checking the cervical position takes some practice a good time to try is after a bath or shower always wash your hands well prior to checking your cervix keep nails trim so as not to cause discomfort sitting on the toilet or squatting or standing with one leg on the edge of the bathtub are good positions to be in use the same position each time you check your cervix gently insert one or two fingers into the vagina feel for the cervix located in the upper front or top with practice you will start to notice the changes the cervix goes through during your monthly cycle some women are squeamish about checking during bleeding and wait until menstrual flow stops because every woman is cycle is different including the length of different phases of the cycle it may take several cycles before you get to know your own body the position and texture of your cervix will change during your cycle as for being tilted this will not stop you getting pregnant do hope this helps you good luck ps just what is 9dpo tomato based products cause vagina odor,hi there my two year old also had that she ended up having to have an inhaler because her airways would inflate when she was active therefore causing her to have trouble breathing after she used the inhaler for a while it went away and now she is a healthy almost 4 year old we only ever used it the one time i would reccomend it good luck can i get pregnant if he ejaculated on my vagina me and my boyfriend had sex on the first of july i just got of my period about a week and a half ago we had done the pullout method but he ejaculated on my vagina before we could clean it off he inserted his penis about half way but removed it almost immediately i am concerned if its a possibility of becoming pregnant from the precum and or the ejaculation on the vagina,the prostate is a gland located below the bladder of men it surrounds the urethra you reeth rah which is a tube that drains urine from the bladder bph is an enlargement of the prostate gland the symptoms of bph however can be caused by an increase in the tightness of muscles in the prostate if the muscles inside the prostate tighten they can squeeze the urethra and slow the flow of urine this can lead to symptoms such as a weak or interrupted stream when urinating a feeling that you cannot empty your bladder completely a feeling of delay when you start to urinate a need to urinate often especially at night or a feeling that you must urinate right away treatment options for bph there are three main treatment options for bph program of monitoring or watchful waiting some men have an enlarged prostate gland but no symptoms or symptoms that are not bothersome if this applies you and your doctor may decide on a program of monitoring including regular check ups instead of medication or surgery medication there are different kinds of medication used to treat bph surgery some patients may need surgery your doctor can describe several different surgical procedures to treat bph which procedure is best depends on your symptoms and medical condition can poison ivy rash return same place after 2 months rash returned same places on arms after 2 months since had first rash have not been any where near any plants no pets to come in contact with poison ivy any one ever hear of this happening,it is in the blood is what i have grown up hearing about poison oak once you have gotten it on you always thought that statement was crazy until 6 years ago i accidently got it on me the rash has come up every year without fail in the same exact spot even when i have avoided the outdoors pets and all clothing and bedding washed repeatedly tried just about every home grown or over the counter cure possible usually just have to keep the area clean and wait it out the most horrid plant in the universe can varicocele surgery cause erectile dysfunction i had no problem with erections until after varicocele surgery it has been years since the surgery but i have noticed a steady decrease in getting and maintaining an erection could the varicocele surgery have caused this i had the varicocele surgery because of infertility thanks for any help,hi have a good read of this link it is the part about waste blocking the testes the link just copy link into google to open and read now me thinking beyond that would or could be your own blood not knowing your life style it could be that over the years that plaque in your blood has blocked your veins up which could be from high cholesterol whether you have it or not plaque would not help the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper take this each morning and see how you go you just mix cp with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you njust mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing before anything else one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil you just add a teaspoonful on tpo of the cp just mix into the top take as said no if you read up about both the very good for ed your heart and prostate garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp your be doing your body the world of good and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above along with other stuff so do hope this helps you good luck i am post menopausal and suffer depression side effects from hrt if i exercise and eat healthy instead is that enough,i am sorry to hear you have lost a contact lens in your eye it is not as uncommon as you might think the good news is it is impossible for a contact lens to actually get behind your eye usually what happens when a soft contact lens magically disappears is it gets dislodged from the cornea and stuck under the upper eyelid sometimes a soft lens can get folded in half so when you eventually find it it may look distorted you can usually get the lens unstuck by put some wetting solution into your eye and blinking rapidly several time to bring the lens into view if that does not work try adding more wetting solution and gently turning your upper eyelid inside out this can pop the lens away from the upper lid if none of these solutions work you can always call your eye care professional for more advice or even an exam to find that darn contact lens and get it out hope this helps is blood shot eyes an indication of a problem after doing exercise,i cant give you a sure answer but i can say its possible only for the idea that when u workout your blood flow increases and with that the blood in your eyes do as for why u would have bloodshot eyes it unclear do u have high blood pressure by any chance or or u talking anything to enhance ur workouts cause that can be a cause possibley if it doeant stop i would say go to your doctor my brother had blood shot eyes all the time and its not form anything green p but allergies if your workingout outside maybe ur near something bothering you either way maybe even a quick call to the doctor cant hurt he will let u know if its something to worry about hope this helped i am in my late 50s and have erection problems i have have a small choked area at the base of my penis what can be done,well im not a dr but theres not always symtoms to liver damage i have stage 4 liver damage n i feel fine the only true test is a biopsy talk with your dr how should i treat a bee sting,the first thing to do after a bee or other insect sting is look at the skin if there is a stinger there pull it out this will prevent the release of more venom into the skin and avoid a prolonged reaction to the stinger people is reactions after bee stings vary widely and so does the appropriate treatment most people develop only a minor local reaction to a bee sting redness and painful swelling up to around two inches across are normal cold compresses and over the counter pain relievers are adequate treatment about 10 of people develop what are called large local reactions this is an ongoing reaction to the sting with a large area of inflamed painful swollen skin the reaction and its symptoms can continue to get worse for 48 hours and take up to 10 days to resolve call your doctor if symptoms are still getting worse a few hours after a sting or if the reaction looks alarming prescription anti inflammatory medicines like prednisone and topical steroids may help at home cold compresses and over the counter pain medicines can also be used the worst reaction to a bee sting is called a systemic allergic reaction or anaphylaxis this is a whole body life threatening reaction to insect venom it does not occur often but when it does people often underestimate the seriousness of the symptoms • itching or rash in areas of skin away from the sting • hoarseness or shortness of breath • lightheadedness people can develop anaphylaxis even without a previous serious reaction to bee stings if you have any of these symptoms of anaphylaxis after an insect sting seek immediate medical attention or call 911 sitting in front of a window unit cause sniffles how long will they last when you move away from the front of the unit,there are a number of prescription and nonprescription medications for migraine products available over the counter like excedrin are not a good choice for you as they contain aspirin some people who have allergic reactions to aspirin may also have an allergy to non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids like ibuprofen brand name advil or motrin or naproxen brand name aleve talk with your health care provider to see if heshe wants you to avoid nsaids as well if so there are prescription medications for migraines called the “triptans” such as sumatriptan brand name imitrex zolmitriptan brand name zomig or rizatriptan brand name maxalt they work very well at relieving a migraine when it occurs and they should be taken at the first sign of migraine symptoms you will need to consult with a health care provider to obtain a prescription for one of these products but these should be safe to take if you have an aspirin allergy what are abortive medications for migraines,if you are looking for medical assistance you can prepare by writing down all the symptoms you notice around your hair loss make notes about any major stresses in your life including work and health issues make a complete list of the medications you are taking and have a list of questions you intend to ask during your appointment there are treatments for some types of baldness be sure to ask your doctor or your dermatologist what is the best course of treatment for your situation i have spherocytocis i had surgery to remove my spleen last week however i just had another gallbladder attack,spherocytosis is still causing the problems get a peripheral blood smear and a blood count done unresolved spherocytosis often precipitates recurrent gall bladder attacks how do bacteria affect respiratory diseases,bacteria are infectious organisms that may cause sinusitis bronchitis or pneumonia why is an ultrasound needed after an x ray i went home after an abd x ray for abd pain got a call from the facility to call back and schedule an us why would they need an us after the x ray,hi sarah ok just get to your doctor do a test there and its been since july ask for a scan to be done this way you will know for sure if you are pregnant this would save all the guessing hope it helps you good luck i have hormonal imbalance i was diagnosed when i was a teenager,hi i feel you are on the right track unless you are planning pregnancy if diane has eliminated polycystic ovaries then its a really good sign and u are indeed lucky consult a gynecologist if there are any severe symptoms thanks can a nursing mother safely take any otc nasal allergy medication,it is unlikely that telogen effluvium the loss of hair that is in the resting stage would result in progressive loss of 75 of your scalp hair have you seen a high level dermatologist one that is associated with a large university based medical center dear dr moser i have only been to my gp and gyno about this both say they have no answer my thyroid and kidney function is normal i have not been referred to a dermatologist because neither dr think it is a dermatological issue as the quality of my hair has not changed still soft fine shinny silky and my scalp appears healthy i still believe there must be a cause for this sudden and dramatic hair loss should i still pursue a second opinion you asked my son is 6 year old he do not like to eat those food which taste sweet is there any disorder in his taste bud,you cannot be blindly diagnosed over the internet based solely on a list of vague symptoms if you want to find out what is wrong with you you will need to see a medical provider so that you can be properly examined i am peg tube feeding my mother complicated medical history need advice,hi there are other brands available just like jevity but almost all offer the same dosage of sodium so changing jevity wont help what we can do is reduce the dosage and frequency of jevity as per your doctors recommendation you can speak to him about the issue and if he feels that the fluid retention issue can be cured by lowering the dosage of jevity then he definitely will but as she is just 1 month post op it needs to be confirmed 1st whether the fluid retention is solely because of jevity or is there any other issue related to the surgery thanks i am suffering pain on left side of my chest,can you describe pain how long you have had it etc i have horrible pain along my right leg,hi yes you should see a doctor if these symptoms are persistent consult a otorhynologist asap get vertigo tests with chest xray done to rule out lower respiratory tract infection thanks is it safe to use back massager while pregnant,to be honest only your surgeon can answer that question i recommend you call your surgeon is office and ask to speak to his or her nurse for guidance in general any type of surgery involves cutting through the nerves of the skin that means it is not unusual for the skin area around an incision to feel numb for a period of time after surgery eventually those tiny skin nerves will find new pathways to the brain and the numbness will go away i wish you all the best in getting answers from your health care provider about this does monistat contain aspirin or ibuprofen,monistat is an antifungal medication and does not contain any aspirin or ibuprofen is a long amount of time in the heat worse for you if you have high blood pressure is extended amounts of time in the heat such as in a sauna where it is hot enough for a smart phone to over heat and power off with out being in use bad for you if you have high blood pressure can the long amount of time in the heat cause your blood pressure to go up even more,hi found you two links that should help you at the end of the first paragraph your see hypertensive crisis just click on that it will take you straight to the second link below is the second link if you need it just copy the first link into google to the www to open and read do hope this helps you good luck can i send x raymri is of my l5 s1 condition to a doctor for a second opionion over the internet images are on my comp i have a lumbar spine issue due to ligament elasticity and a herniation of the disc i have copies of the xray and mri images on my computer is there a way to send the images to spine doctors to get there opinions on the case,every doctor operates a little differently i have worked with doctors who would accept emailed images to them and i have worked with others who would not the only way to know is to call selected doctors offices and ask if they will accept your emailed images the issue has become a bit more complicated since the health insurance portability and accountability act hipaa went into effect some doctors do not have secure email so accepting emailed images with identifying information attached could be a violation of hipaa i hope this answers your question can sinusitis “trigger” asthma,much like asthma causes inflammation in the lining of the airways sinusitis causes inflammation in the mucous membranes that line the sinuses this inflammation causes the mucous membranes in the sinuses to secrete more mucus also similar to asthma when the sinuses get inflamed the airways respond similarly in many people with asthma leading to sinusitis with asthma prompt treatment of a sinus infection is often necessary to help relieve asthma symptoms does cat scratch disease always cause symtoms at the bitescratch site my new cat bit me on the hand there is no reaction at the bite site however i got swollen glands in my throat and it is hard to swallow probably not related but it made me curious as to whether cat scratch disease always causes symptoms at the bite or scratch site,no it does not sometimes the infection can become systemic immediately if the scratch is deep enough and if you washed it properly you may have disinfected the skincapillary area you should keep tabs on your temperature just in case a systemic reaction can sometimes cause your temperature to go way up if it goes above 104 call a doctor what types of exercise are contraindicated for someone who has had a l5 s1 spinal fusion screws were removed my fusion has been complete for several years but i still have chronic pain excercise can help but i would like to know what not to do with having my l5 s1 vertebrae fused also which types of exercise and stretching would be most beneficial i have tried walking which gets painful for me and bores me to tears i also am not fond of pilates,as you may know the internet poses an obvious barrier when trying to make a blind diagnostic decision without the ability to examine your toe first hand i have removed zillions of toenails in my medical career and yes you can have some areas under the remaining nail turn brownish this is usually older blood that is being reabsorbed by the body if your toe is red hot and tender then these would be a sign of an infection when in doubt it is perfectly fine to contact the medical provider that performed this procedure for post surgical advice i am a 52 yr old male why would my nipples stay erect all the time i exercise regularly i am not fat but i am not zero percent body fat either temperature zero stimuli etc does not seem to affect them at all,h if this is a new thing go get a blood test done for you hormones at your doctors if there out of whack your doctor can adjust them for you ok good luck i am taking 75 mg diclofenac can i also take advil for cramps,no you cannot take advil if you are diclofenac they are actually related to each other and are in the same class of what we call an nsaid nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug so think of them as sisters in a family you can try acetaminophen to see if that helps with the cramps and i recommend talking to your doctor or health care provider about other options im 40yrs old ive missed 2 straight periods ive never been regluar i have no symtoms of menopause ive never had a regular cycle me and my husband has never used protection i had my tubes tied about 10 years ago ive missed my last two periods my stomach is bloated more at the top and going down i know having your tubes tied is not 100 effective because two of my aunts had children after their tubes were tied and burned is it possible i could be pregnant i did something that freaked me out today i did the pencil on a string test on my self it said a boy then a girl,many of us with fm have to work and we may be faced with a major dilemma our fibro interferes with our jobs this creates stress often extreme financial stress if the job cannot be performed properly whether the fm was caused by a work injury or whether work is aggravating the pre existing fm changes may have to be made in how work is approached to minimize pain and functional impairment job considerations different factors influence our job abilities we have a difficult time reaching using our arms overhead bending lifting and being in one position for a long time we have no business even being in some of the jobs we do since the job duties are so unrealistic for us even jobs that involve little or no lifting may not be tolerated if it involves a lot of reaching or repetitions some examples of high risk jobs for us include assembly line jobs hairstyling bus driving computer work and cashier jobs even sedentary less physically demanding jobs can be stressful because it is hard to focus concentrate and be productive if we hurt all over have headaches and brain fog etc we can come up with a list of work things to do that is best for our fm i mean things that we can modify at work to keep us productive and with minimal pain despite our fibro here are some examples of things that you your doctor and your therapist can try to do hours stay on day shift avoid overtime can you have a flexible schedule decrease commute time is part time more feasible can you make up missed time building can you park close use elevator instead of stairs work environment can you control the thermostat avoid drafts bright lights noise minimize interruptionsdisruptions is your furniture and work station ergonomically efficient physical can you alternate positions sit more lie down during breaks pace your work work load can you rotate tasks can you prioritize deadlines delegate to others can you ease pressure on work quotas are others depending on your work before they can finish theirs insurance is it adequate paid medical leave pharmacy plan reasonable accomodations the employee the employer and the doctor can work together to create a safe workplace with minimal pain hopefully the americans with disabilities act requires employers to provide equal employment opportunities for people who are able to do the job but who are limited by physical disabilities the employee has a right to reasonable accomodations provided by the employer to help overcome any physical limitations examples of reasonable accommodations for fm workers might include allowing frequent breaks during the workday rearranging work stations and providing ergonomic tools or furniture to optimize proper body mechanics and use fibronomics providing phones with headsets using a drop keyboard wrist bars and arm rests on your computer no spot in genital area ive had fordyce spots for as long as i can remember on penis there was a spot on the upper shaft that seemed possibly larger than normal but still looked like a fordyce spot i attempted popping it and a small white substance came out sort of like after popping a pimple it wasnt stringy though just like a white formed substance theres been no irritation or redness bump is still there but not as raised,you may be having gerd gastro esophageal reflux disease what you may be tasting is regurgitated stomach acid and whatever you had to eat or drink before going to bed this problem can be treated but you must first be properly diagnosed there are over the counter medicines that can block some of this acid reflux that you can try your pharmacist can help you select an appropriate medication until you can see your medical provider can i swim in a chlorine pool after having stitches,to my knowledge no one has invented an internal blood pressure monitor nor do i think there would be a use for something this invasive do you want to invent one there are plenty of telemetry devices that will take your blood pressure automatically at prescheduled times this is commonly done in hospitals like intensive care units to put an internal device inside you like a pacemaker or defibrillator would seem to be more risky than just taking the blood pressure when you need it how far back can i get my prescription history,as long as your doctor your pharmacist or insurance company keeps those records many many years or even forever if stored on the computer in electronic medical records can exercise cure erectile dysfunction,treatment of gingivitis must begin with a dental examination this will determine what type of gingivitis you may have and whether there is bone loss or a systemic disease to consider then the appropriate level of hygienic care can begin this may include a referral to a gum specialist your dentist may also provide you with directions for the proper home care regimen which includes brushing flossing and using mouthwash diagnosed with strep throat yesterday got bicillin shot worse today can i start keflex today after the injection my aunt and i spent the weekend together and we have both been diagnosed with strep by different doctors she was given a rocephin injection yesterday both of us are worse today she went to er and was told it was a very uncommon strain of strep gave her a rx of keflex and prednisone i went back to my family doctor today and explained this to him he said the injection should work and did not write me a prescription i have keflex here is it ok to start it after having that shot yesterday,current home pregnancy tests hpts are advertised to be sensitive on the first day of a missed period—or perhaps a few days before in the most recent review of accuracy of hpts published in august of 2011 such claims were tested one brand first response® detected 97 of pregnancies on the first day of a missed period the ept® manual 54 and digital 67 and the clear blue® manual 64 and digital 54 tests all detected fewer actual pregnancies these results may reflect that the first response® could detect as little as 5 5 miuml of hcg in the urine while the other two brands could detect 22 miuml generally speaking a reliable pregnancy test in a doctor is office should be able to detect a level of 22 units of hcg or higher remember it takes an implantation to produce hcg to trigger a test in a study where day of implantation was documented with a sensitive blood test it was determined that 10 of viable pregnancies were not yet implanted by the first day of the missed period having read all this you can now understand why a gyn may recommend using a hpt twice if the first instance is at the time of missed flow about 97 of viable pregnancies will have implanted by seven days after the first day of missed menses taking a second reading can also enhance accuracy where your hpt is not one of the super sensitive brands 7 10 days how do doctors determine hom much blood you have lost family member bleeding internally told he only has 4 12 pints of blood left he rcvd a transfusion of 5 pints of blood,there are no differences in the smell of anyone of a different race skin color does not have an odor that is not to say that humans do not have their own smells a person who eats different or aromatic foods or spices can smell different to someone who is not familiar with the smell a person who smokes smells quite different to a non smoker a person who is not diligent in their personal hygiene practices can have all sorts of body odors i have set with plenty of them on a crowded plane there may be a smell of poverty when someone wants to be clean but does not have the same access to a shower or laundry facilities like you do some people do not wear deodorant or use cologne some use too much and make my eyes water smells are in the nose of the beholder to say that a black person smells different than any other race can be considered a racist statement one that has absolutely no speck of truth racial differences usually result from genetic adaptations to climate dark skin is protected from sunburn but absorbs more heat produces more sweat blacks sweat more than whites as sweat evaporates it cools good but sweat carries with it many organic and inorganic compounds pretty much same as in urine which beneficial bacteria on the skin consume and poop on the skin blacks wind up with more pee and bacteria poop it is that which does not smell good on the skin a lot of it is not stink per se all races have a unique smell generally we each like our own think different is unpleasant not really i cough up blood but have had a ct scan and bronchoscopy that all came back normal,you can go to er so that they can take care of acute pain symptoms but as a cavitated lesion is present it should be thoroughly evaluated and for this you need to consult a pulmonologist only my advise is that please do not delay even going to pulmonologist hope this helps is there anything you can take to flush thc out of your system fast,reassurance is encouragement intended to relieve tension fear and confusion that can result from dementia i want to create an emergency kit for our family what should be in it and how often should i replace the items,trying for one year does suggest it is time to look for possible explanations sometimes it can take a year or more to get pregnant first of all until he has had 2 or 3 formal semen analyses by trained lab techs there is no way to know if he is the source of the problem or not possible sources for infertility from a female include blockage of the fallopian tubes no signs or symptoms endometriosis usually heavy painful periods hormone irregularities older women harder to get pregnant to name a few from the male side sometimes past events can hurt sperm production like radiation or chemo for cancer hormones for body building etc the good news is that sperm producing cells are very resilient and can produce sperm once they recover over time it does take 74 to 90 days to make a sperm things to improve sperm include avoiding heat down there heat is bad for sperm so no hot tubs hot saunas or jacuzzis underwear does not make a difference he should eat a healthy anti oxidant rich diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables stay hydrated no tobacco of any kind minimal alcohol no marijuana or other drugs and ejaculate once every 24 to 48 hours you should remain flat on your back for an hour after sex you should have the sperm checks done with 3 days of no ejaculation i have digestion problems i do not digest well stools are dark,you can provide your estimated income for 2013 and use that to see if you qualify for a federal subsidy if there are any discrepancies between your estimate and your actual income once you file your taxes you will want to let your state marketplaceexchange know so they can adjust any subsidy you are receiving my boyfriend and i have as genotype advise how to avoid having sickle cell disease babies,hi you baby have a 25 chance to develop sickle cell anemia ss genotype no reason to worry because in the 16 18 week of pregnancy you can do amniocentesistest if your baby has it or not to decide to continue with pregnancy or have an abortion good luck can one get pregnant if taking tri sprintec reminder pills when not on one is period and while being sexually active i have just started taking this pill and am at the end of my 3rd week about to start the non hormone reminder pills but i think these are only to be taken while you are on your period and mine was last week i thought maybe i should take them then but it says on the package to take all colored pills before taking any of the whites also what do i do if my period does not last a whole week,no birth control is 100 i was on the depo shot for my first kid and the pill for my 2nd as far as getting pregnant that can happen any time the only way to be safe is dont do it but then u have no fun and dont get to prove your love to each other my 11 year old recently started her period she has a period every 14 days and it lasts for six days is this normal,you will not qualify for a subsidy if the cost of just your spouse is employer health plan does not exceed 9 5 of your household income unfortunately if the cost is less than that you can buy insurance on the marketplace but will not get financial help to pay for it i have spermatocele cysts do not want to tell anyone – even my doctor,it is never too late for braces as long as the teeth gums and underlying bone are healthy straighter teeth can give you a more comfortable bite more cleanable teeth less chance of decay and a better looking smile i suffer waist pain after lifting weight pain spread to my back,then you do not really want any birth control the birth control pill will certainly regulate your period but is designed to basically prevent you from ovulating not something that you want to prevent have a good examination by your ob gyn and perhaps have your male partner get a sperm analysis if all looks good from both parties your chances of conception are favorable eat well lose extra weight if you are overweight stop smoking now if you smoke and exercise regularly needless to say have sex often nature will do the rest how rapidly can you lose weight and still be considered healthy,in my opinion if pain increase with sitting and sleeping reliefed by standing then indeed it is costochondritis if not then i recommend you check the side effects of your contraception pills another possibility is thoracic disc space reduction usually happen if you have no kyphotic curve or if you do much running or jumping in which case you will need a thoracic x ray to confirmgood luck i have or think i have rh sensitization during pregnancy when should i contact my doctor,if you are already rh sensitized and are pregnant your pregnancy will be closely monitored discuss possible symptoms early in pregnancy with your health professional repeated diagnostic testing will be necessary to monitor the fetus call your health professional immediately if you note a decrease in your fetus is movement after 24 to 26 weeks of pregnancy if you are rh negative call your health professional immediately if you think you may have been pregnant and miscarried are pregnant and have had an accident that may have injured your abdomen regular prenatal visits are essential you will need an rh immune globulin shot at 24 to 28 weeks and again after delivery if your baby has rh positive blood this is the only way you can prevent rh sensitization watchful waiting watchful waiting is not appropriate for rh sensitization it is important to keep all prenatal appointments so that your developing fetus can be closely monitored throughout your pregnancy who to see a woman who may have problems with rh incompatibility or sensitization can be treated by a family medicine doctor for mild fetal rh disease an obstetrician for mild to moderate rh disease a perinatologist for moderate to severe fetal rh disease hydrops if you test positive for rh sensitization your health care system or health professional may want you to be followed and treated by a perinatologist or an obstetrician who can easily call in a perinatologist to prepare for your appointment see the topic making the most of your appointment webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i know that fries are not the healthiest food but i am really craving them are they that bad for me or my baby,french fries are basically potatoes cooked in vegetable oil and often sprinkled with salt sometimes consuming too much fat can lead to indigestion in pregnant women so be sure to limit your portion sizes and go easy on the salt which can lead to water retention bloating and possibly ankle swelling how does stress contribute to heart disease,hi if taken within 5 days of your last period straight away but have you looked up about the side effects of depo shotprovera if i was you give it a good read just google depo provera side effects its all there reason you may not want to stay on it after reading about the side effects good luck pulmicort flexhaler for asthma maintenance not covered by medicare advantage plan need cheaper alternative,to be safe pregnant women should avoid high risk sexual behaviors here are some important precautions the absolute safest route of course is to avoid sex if your partner has a sexually transmitted disease such as hiv herpes genital warts or chlamydia these infections can be transmitted to your baby during intercourse some couples choose to use condoms and practice safe sex avoid sex or use condoms if you are not absolutely sure about your partner is sexual history and there is a possibility of an unknown or undisclosed std some experts suggest you should avoid having your partner blow air into your vagina if you engage in oral sex it could send a dangerous air bubble into your bloodstream if you use lubricants use a water soluble product such as astroglide or ky jelly i am unemployed need health insurance i am 61 years old can not get medicare unemployed,you are eligible to buy insurance through the new marketplaces set up under the affordable care act go to healthcare gov to find information for your state there you can begin to shop the various health plans available and without income you will qualify either for medicaid or for subsidies to help pay for coverage what are the types of temporary hair loss,there are other forms of alopecia that are temporary • alopecia areata — a disease that presents as small round areas of hair loss about the size of a quarter this can occur on the scalp in the beard area even eyebrows and eyelashes this is considered to be an auto immune disease but the cause is unknown usually your hair will grow back but you may experience this several times throughout your lifetime • stress induced hair loss that occurs after a significant illness or major life stressor this will usually result in overall thinning of the hair and no real bald patches • traction alopecia occurs when certain hairstyles are regularly worn that put excessive strain on their hair strands causing breakage • chemotherapy hair loss is due to the drugs given to fight certain cancers or lymphoma many people will experience regrowth of their hair after treatment is over but most will never have hair as thick as prior to their treatment small red bumps on penis forskin after and head also pink irritation on base happens after masterbating or intercourse first thought it was contact dermatitis with my gf but it becomes irritated after masterbating too it is very mild and not that noticeable unless you know it is there when we were not using protection and had frequent intercourse it would become more severe and would flake the day after could this be a yeast infection or some kind of bacteria,well well its the late sean hh your like 2 years late waiting for you is like waiting for a london 58 bus at some time there will be one coming along but when you come you bring your snake oil ok should you have your heart checked if you find out you have severe sleep apnea,there are no medical ways to increase your height after you have naturally stopped growing you would be wasting your money on this medication it will not increase your height unless of course you get two bottle and stand on top of them you can wear lifts in your shoes if you want but my suggestion is to just stand tall and be proud the measure of a person is not in their height but in their soul i am a 26 year old female who has adhd and ocd adderall is causing some problems,hi if aderall is doing good for you you can just titrate the dosage and continue with it instead of adding other medicines to it to prevent drug interactions cognitive therapy with yoga and meditation will be helpful consult a psychiatrist thanks i am having terrible ear and neck pain chest pains and i have a lump in my left breast what could this mean i have a mammogram appointment in a few days i have also been having pain in my groin area i have a huge family history of cancer and i am scared to death,it used to be said that when it dried it died but that is not always true for some micro organisms which can remain dormant for hours or even days after being contaminated sexual toys would need to be appropriately disinfected before using them again just in case in your posted scenario you are probably fine it is wise to be cautious and every wiser to have any future partner use a condom how much water should i drink throughout my pregnancy,drinking water is important for pregnancy women usually need 8 12 eight ounce glasses of water per day when you exercise be sure to drink water before during and after activity also if the weather is warm or hot you need to drink more water it is important to be proactive when you drink water because your body does not let you know you need more fluids until you are already dehydrated drinking plenty of water has many benefits during pregnancy among them it helps prevent constipation and is important for breast milk production and flow i woke up with swollen parotid glands,it is not known what causes paget is disease recently certain genes have been associated with paget is disease including the sequestrosome 1 gene on chromosome 5 virus infection may be necessary to trigger paget is disease in people who have inherited the genetic tendency to develop the condition by having these genes can cataracts be removed when patient has wet macular degenteration,if you have employer based insurance now and will continue to do so until you retire there is no need for you to take any immediate action when you retire and lose your employer based insurance you will have a qualifying event which will allow you to shop for a marketplace plan even though you are outside of the open enrollment period you probably want to start your application and shop for plans at least two months before your employment based plan ends besides not smoking exercising and eating a calcium rich diet what else can i do to lower my risk of osteoporosis,hi sometimes even a simple gastritis can cause headache but certain intra cranial pathologies also can cause this a ct scan of brain can be done to see if anything is wrong in the brain tissue consult a neurologist i have irregular periods and i am trying to get pregnant,hi… thanks for the query there can be problem associated with the ovaries like cysts that can commonly cause problem with ovulation and cause difficulty in getting pregnant i would suggest you to first of all consult a gynaecologist and get evaluated and get an infertility panel done along with a pelvic ultrasound for ruling out the cause once the cause is ruled out treatment can be done accordingly hope this helps regards i am 34 and need to get rid of bad wrinkles around my eyes they look shaggy and red how can i look younger,most women want to look younger at age 34 you are young and too young for wrinkles of the type you describe the red shaggy description suggests there may be other skin concerns that you should consider you owe yourself a trip to the dermatologist let them evaluate you and make sure you have not developed an allergic reaction an infection atopic dermatitis or any other kind of skin condition after you address any underlying skin issues you will probably look healthier and younger use sunscreen and a moisturizer that contains vitamins c e and a also be sure to exfoliate in order to maintain a more youthful appearance is it safe to take prescription ibuprofen three to four hours after having an alcoholic beverage,yes it is safe to take ibuprofen after having an alcoholic beverage it might be best to take the ibuprofen with food to prevent stomach upset alcohol can irritate the stomach as can ibuprofen so taking both together might just add to the effect as i said a little bit of food or a snack should help precum = pregnancy what are the chances of pre ejaculate causing pregnancy to be more specific what are the chances of wiping off precum and then fingering getting a woman pregnant yes i know precum can cause pregnancy the answers i have gotten vary between next to impossible to yeah most likely it will it is all so confusing i just want to know in my specific situation ie getting precum on my fingers wiping it off and then touching my girlfriends genitals the chances of pregnancy occurring,hi playing around and not being protected during foreplay or sex there will always be the chance of getting pregnant if there was masturbation before playing around then the chance would be even greater as sperm would be in the penis you really need to be careful when playing with sex always think safe sex as safe sex is best hope this helps you good luck according the the paleo diet experts oatmeal is not good for you because it causes inflamation is this true,regarding the question about drug costs in actuality 80 of prescription drugs sold in this country are generic and prices of drugs have not risen greatly in the past few years what has increased however is the portion many of us have to pay toward the cost of our drugs which is likely what you are experiencing that is not a function of obamacare but rather a funtion of employers assuming you get insurance at work and insurers shifting more costs onto consumers as a way of getting control over their own costs unfortunately that is a trend that is likely to continue would it be painful to take a few stitches off after 3 4weeks i have had my stitches in for about 3 weeks almost and i am just wondering if it would be better to remove them now or wait until my cut is fully healed i pulled out 5 stitches on my own after 2 weeks and it hurt a lot so will it hurt to remove the remaining ones after 3 4 weeks,this is called a cryptic tonsils tonsils with holes or crypts in them like the surface of the moon cryptic tonsils can trap food particles and other debris this debris can hardencalcify and turn into a tonsillith tonsil stone these stones can dislodge from time to time and startle the person who has them they can also smell or taste bad there are no specific treatmens for these holes other than a tonsillectomy of course gargling with warm salt water after means can help keep these holes from accumulating debris there is no relationship between cryptic tonsils and sinus infections they are two different conditions can excessive masturbation cause loss of energy and depression,masturbation is a normal thing it is a myth that masturbation is wrong unhealthy and leads to weak body and mind it is a normal way of a sexually healthy person to get self satisfaction the myth that masturbation is unhealthy is perpetuated by some quacks to earn money and fool people the symptoms that you described such as reduced physical and mental energy known as anergia difficulty in thinking depression weak immune system and other physical symptoms are suggestive of depressive disorder depression is a mental disease which can have lot of physical symptoms along with sad feeling weak and guilt mind affects the whole body a lot of times the cause of physical health problems is mental problem the treatment for depression is antidepressant and counseling also you need to get over your guilt over masturbation for further information consult a sexologist online > big bumps on my arms have a fever in them and are itchy and they burn they are on the back of my arm and on the side of both arms they have rings around them and my arm is swollen it makes me feel like im going to throw up,i am sorry you experienced this and hope it has cleared up by now rashes can be caused by many things one important thing to remember is this if a rash is accompanied by swelling of the throat or difficulty breathing it is time to call 9 1 1 these could be the symptoms of a rare life threatening allergic reaction luckily most rashes are not life threatening this webmd symptom checker for skin rash can be helpful in figuring out what is going on with you if your rash has not gotten better by now your best bet is to see a doctor he or she can help figure out what is going on and treat it if necessary best wishes to you depo stopped 5 months ago cycle returned for 2 months then missed 2 months pregnancy test negative confused hi i am 39 years old i was on the depo injection for 9 years after having my 2 children i switched to the pill 5 6 months ago after a couple of months i had a small period during my 7 day break this happened for 2 consecutive months after that however i have had no period or even spotting during the next two months so since the pill 2 months nothing 2 months period 2 months nothing pregnancy test done today is negative i am due to restart the pill pack today confused,hi confused 9 years was a long time your lucky that you have had some kind of period yet to get right after so long could take up to 2 years just google depo shot side effects or trying to get pregnant after depo shot not saying you are trying to but you will find lots of info by reading that one do hope this helps you good luck what is the prognosis for transient ischemic attack or tia,hi stage 4 endometriosis identify by laparoscopy is definitive no question about it i recommend going with test tube baby procedure you can go with interferential current therapy to try cut off adhesions also you need a strong ultrasound treatment like 80 mhertz good luck my daughter is 7 years old and has an extremely distended stomach,hi i do not feel that constipation is the only reason for her having such a huge distended abdomen there may be organ enlargement due to chronic infection usually liver and spleen do enlarge just xrays wont be helpful get ct abdomen with contrast thanks my 9 year old daughter has gurgly and painful gas several times a week and bouts of diarrhea 2 3 times a month she use to have problems with severe constipation causing bladder infections and resulting in taking medication to help her have bowel movements now for several months we are having recurring gas pains sometimes very severe and diarrhea 2 3 times a month we can not seem to pin point a certain food do you have any suggestions,you should tell both your surgeon and your anesthesiologist about your marijuana use a routine urine sample is not a drug test but your surgical team must have this information so be open and honest i belive my boyfriend is bipolar or has boderline personality disorder he is abusive it was just verbal until a couple of weeks ago he slapped me we went and saw a counlsor and he confirmed how abusive he was he wanted him to come for sesssions he was beat as a child by his father he stopped smoking pot 3 months ago but has done that and alcohol all his life he takes no responsibilty for his actions he is degrading and insults me he breaks up all the time and then wants to get back togeather he\ is extremly sensitive and emotional he does not use logic to base decisions on but emotion ofcourse he can also be sweet and wonderful at this point we are breaking up and i am moving out i told him if he ever hit me again i would put him in jail so right now he is very afraid of that he won\ not work on himself he thinks it\ is all my fault how do i deal with him one minute he\ is telling me off the other night and the next minute wants to know if i love him please help,common area no but herpes zoster shingles follows a nerve pathway so this painful infection can occur in this area hopefully your doctor prescribed the appropriate anti herpetic viral medications for you these are quite helpfu pain medication is also important since this can last a while longer how long it would not be possible to make an accurate prediction since this is really up to your immune system but i would expect that you would be considerably improved in a week if you had the antiviral medication the fever headache and flu like symptoms are typical of shingles so hang in there my daughter gets hives recently that come and go trough the day they started 3 days ago could it be cause of teething nothing new in her diet will be on her arms at one time then go away and show up on another spot have found them on her bottom back arms legs and scalp all gone within about 2 hour worst after waking up,typically hives are not caused by teething unfortunately there are hundreds of possible culprits high on the list would be foods any medications soaps shampoos bubble bath products perfumed skin lotions laundry detergents and dryer softener sheets finding the one or more causes is going to take some detective work on your end often by eliminating possible causes there are no specific allergy test that will find it since there are so many possibilities i do not know the age of your daughter so check with her medical provider first about using benadryl elixir an antihistamine that help her until you find the cause i have a re occuring scab like crust form on my scalp olive oil softens it to be removed what is it exactly my mum says its a bit like cradle cap she suggested olive oil thats how i know that stuff softens it it could just be a severe case of dandruff and its just clumping on my scalp and mixing with the natural skin oils to become scab like however could it be more serious than im thinking just after some reassurance really now my hair is thinning and receding at 22 years old trying to prolong its life on my head before i have to go bald or risk a horseshoe thanks,leave it alone there are natural adhesions attaching the head of the penis to the foreskin at this age forcibly retracting the foreskin can be very painful so just clean what you can see it may be red because you are causing very tiny micro tears in his foreskin some children do have very tight foreskins so please allow the pediatrician to make that determination during an examination most of the menboys in the world are uncircumcised just the way nature made them as he ages those natural adhesions will resolve and his foreskin will completely retract if not there are prescription steroid creams that can be used to help it along in my pediatric practice i rarely intervene medically until age 7 or 8 unless the foreskin is super tight and it balloons when he urinates if this is the case a pediatric urologist should be consulted i am african american some of my skins is turning white like michael jackson what is the name of this condition,according to the cdc 82 of americans take at least one medication & 29 of us take five or more each year seven hundred thousand er visits are due to adverse effects from medications medications have the potential to cause harm if steps are not taken to ensure their proper use talk with your local pharmacist they are an incredible & under utilized resource for consumers programs exist that contain comprehensive information on drug to drug interaction ask them about the medications supplements or herbs you take they can review these with you and help prevent or reduce the risk of an adverse reaction or medical error i have recently had breast surgery removal of calcium deposits with cancer cells,hi thanks for the query taking magnesium is safe in case of deficiency but only under supervision of your oncologist r a medicine specialist… proper dosage and monitoring the improvement in the blood levels of magnesium should be done with regular followups regards my doctor says i have a urniary tract infection with staph is this staph contagious,hi you have just had 3 periods in 30 days so with that somehow i do not think you are pregnant but if you want to test now would be the time to do it hope this helps you and yours good luck i have high blood pressure medication makes me tired want to stop meds,no it is unlikely that your cholesterol medication or warfarin would raise blood sugar levels if you suddenly notice a change in your blood sugar levels you should contact your health care professional i would not worry too much if it happens only one time but if it becomes consistent talk to your health care professional i am using a cream on my face that contains betamethasone clotrimazole and gentamicin what do these ingredients do,tablet splitting or pill cutting is a practice that involves patients obtaining higher strength tablets and breaking the tablet in half quarter or whatever smaller portion they can in an effort to save money the fda has issued a statement on this practice splitting tablets are risky for several reasons 1 you might get confused about the right dose especially if you forget to split the tablet 2 splitting a tablet does not guarantee an equal distribution of medication 3 some tablets are hard to split and may even crumble when attempting to split 4 not all pills are safe to split especially capsules and those with specially formulations to control drug release i suggest not splitting any medication unless you and your health care provider have discussed the risks and benefits i removed an ovarian dermoid cyst by laparoscopy 14 months ago i am not getting pregnant,yes clomid may work but it must be taken under your gynaecologist supervision… i recommend going to cupping therapy for activating ovulation it is magical in treating hormonal defects and inability conceive… burning tongue syndrome what cures it it hurts all the time pain pills helps some chewing gum helps drinking tea helps been to iu med center barns hosp st louis several dentist been to 3 neurologist 2 pain doctors what is said we have heard of it no cure ,burning mouth syndrome could be nutritional deficiencies dry mouth xerostomia oral candidiasis oral thrush diabetes menopause anxietydepression etc consult with a doctor and check out this site can a breastfeed mother can feed her son when she is bitten by a dog i was bitten by a dog but i have my first injection i am breastfeed mother can i breast feed my 9 month old baby,there are not many choices when you are pregnant with a cold as a pharmacist i would also need to ask you some additional questions about your exact symptoms you can take acetaminophen for a feverachespain you can also use a saline nasal spray to help loosen sinus congestion and try running a vaporizer at night in the bedroom while you sleep if your symptoms do not get better after a few days or you continue to run a fever contact your health care provider my son is unable to express himself saw orthophonist and ear nose and throat ent otolaryngology doctor to no avail,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include easyunusual bruising bleeding such as persistent nosebleeds blood in urine black stools can arthritis inflammation make my blood sugar higher,hi your find that 12665 is on the lower side of hbp found you this from avogel co uk high blood pressure may be a symptom of the menopause however there is also debate as to whether hrt raises blood pressure either way if you are or suspect you are suffering from high blood pressure it is worth speaking to your doctor to get to the root of the problem your blood pressure is the force that your blood exerts on the walls of your arteries high blood pressure rarely has obvious symptoms and therefore many people are unaware that they are suffering from it however it is important to keep a check on your blood pressure level because it can develop into serious health conditions such as heart attacks or strokes so have you been through the menopause yet if not it could be your answer see your doctor a blood test will tell all form how your hormones are doing hope this is it good luck my cousin has severe anemia fever doctors can not do anything for him,the cyst may be causing referrred symptoms to the left eye get it curetted before it causes pressure symptoms on the surrounding structures chances of getting pregnant with tubal clamps,assuming your husband was properly diagnosed many skin lesions will mimic ringwormtinea corporis an antifungal medication there are several over the counter medications that the pharmacist could suggest would likely help if you are talking about a vaginal yeast medication being used i would suggest that you use one more geared for skin fungus he will not grow boobs could the tetnus shot change te color of your urine,chicken pox does not last two months so your diagnosis is not correct i suggest that you see a medical professional so that you can be properly evaluated and diagnosed i have a itchy rash that comes and goes what could be causing this the rash appears in different areas of my body for an example a rash showed up on my wrist and stayed a while and went away later the same day it appeared on my stomach and then on my thighs etc its itchy while it is present at one point my hands first turned red and then start to itch really bad to the point i had to wash my hands repeatedly i work in the medical field so i wash my hands a million times a day what could be causing this reaction,uve had this same thing for a few months now for me i get a sore throatand light headedness aswell as abdominal pain thevrashes are small and dont much resemble hives ive cut every food out of my diet and none helped i take zero medication at all also it usally comes on with a headache really hope some body figures out what this is lost 30 pounds without trying i am extremely tired all the time nausea and vomiting,if your baby is at risk for developing atopic dermatitis because you or other family members have it or other allergies these steps may help prevent a rash or reduce its severity if possible breast feed your baby for at least 6 months to boost his or her immune system talk to your doctor about your diet if you are breast feeding your diet may affect whether your baby develops atopic dermatitis although the effect of a breast feeding mother is diet is a point of controversy researchers have observed that some infants rashes improve when their mothers eliminate milk from their diets and get worse when milk is reintroduced other allergenic foods can potentially have a similar effect on breast fed babies this connection is neither well supported nor strongly refuted by current research 9 when you are ready to give your child solid foods talk with your doctor about whether your child should avoid foods that frequently cause food allergies such as eggs peanuts milk soy and wheat if you or your child has atopic dermatitis you may decrease flares by avoiding dry skin this is essential in treating atopic dermatitis keep your or your child is skin hydrated through proper bathing and use of moisturizers this includes bathing in warm water bathing for only 3 to 5 minutes avoiding gels and bath oils and using soap only on the underarms groin and feet on a regular basis apply a moisturizer immediately after bathing even while your skin is still wet for more information see atopic dermatitis taking care of your skin avoiding irritants that cause a rash or make a rash worse these include soaps that dry the skin perfumes and scratchy clothing or bedding avoiding possible allergens that cause a rash or make a rash worse these may include dust and dust mites animal dander and certain foods such as eggs peanuts milk wheat or soy products talk to your doctor first to determine whether allergens are contributing to your atopic dermatitis for more information on food allergies see the topic food allergies controlling itching and scratching keep your fingernails trimmed and filed smooth to help prevent damaging the skin when scratching you may want to use protective dressings to keep from rubbing the affected area put mittens or cotton socks on your baby is hands to help prevent him or her from scratching the area webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated my girfriend is bipolar 2 she is going to see her therapist today i need question to ask him on how i can help her i feel that most of the time its me that puts her into an episode i dont know what it is that im doing i try so hard to be there for her but some of the things she says to me hurts so bad that i get mad or depressed like ive failed her somehow she drinks everyday she drinks gin or vodka and she will destroy a 1 75 ml bottle in a week which alot by my standards i might have 2 or 3 beers all weekend sometimes she says things like i dont want to keep living or she would be better off dead help me,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include severe dizziness fainting fast heartbeat what kind of snacks could help speed up my metabolism,hi there does seem to be something inside your ear may be a insect ant or a displaced clog of wax get it checked from a ent specialist and get it examined by otoscope any foreign body should be removed immediately before it causes any ear complications thanks i have bloody stools when i go #2 i drip enough blood to turn the bowl red walking also causes blood drip from anus i have no external hemorrhoids every time i go #2 i can feel tearing it is very painful and my stools are soft i have no constipation no hard or big stools,opiates morphine endocet similar to opiatestramadol non opiate lyrica detailed drug information is available on webmd is it dangerous to have general anasthesia two days after having a common cold the procedure will take 2 5 hours,hi the best place to get a good answer would be from your surgeon or somebody from his team he is the one who is going to do your operation and he is the one to say yes or no good luck how do you find out if you have lupus,it doesnt seem to be dislocation it may be overriding of the surrounding musclesligaments due to awkward position while lifting dumbell take muscle relaxant tablets and apply local gel gentle outward massage should be done twice a day consult a orthpedician if you have no relief from above measures do i have lupus or some chronic viral infection,hi your find its the reverse bone shaving is done to help get rid of differences in the joint to help it work smoother perhaps you do need it redone to ease your pain along with some weight loss good luck what is rigidity as it relates to parkinson is disease,hi here is something from the uk is nhs it may help you understand your problem a bit better ok just copy link into google to the www to open and read your find it very interesting good luck when monitoring blood presure how many times per day should you check it i have a staff member at my job that was recently diaignoised with high blood presure she is now monitioring it about every half hour during her work shift she will go outside smoke and come back in and check it of course she becomes very upset because it is high after smoking i feel this constant monintoring is effecting her job performance what would be considered a normal amount of times to monitor your blood pressure in a 6 hour work day,it is a positive preventive measure to regularly check your blood pressure you may follow the doctor is advice on when and how often to measure the readings i suspect that 2x is per day should be sufficient over a 4 7 day period to see a pattern of bp measurements i always record the following data details in addition to the bp readings date time arm used sitting standing recent engagement in activities that i was involved with such as eating and exercise also smoking if applicable as well as emotional factors such as stressful situations it is then recommended to show your journal readings to your doctor for their assessment if you are using your own bp machine it is not a bad idea to also take the machine with you to your doctor is appointment and have its accuracy verified i have a bulged disc in my back lumbar region l4 and l5 i do not know what to do anymore,this really depends on how far is the bulge causing compression and correlation with clinical findings it is unusual to have that pain unless you are doing a bad effort that counteracts the effects of physiotherapy by increasing the disc lesion for your age i mean try life style modification and avoid strenuous movements and positions traction is a modality that helps much in this case with interferential currents stretching lower back piriformis hamstrings and iliopsoas is very important and strengthening the back and abdominal muscles also lose extra pounds if there is is there any truth to the eggplant dinner before labor is there a pharmaceutical equivalent,there are a number of old wives tales regarding foods to eat to induce labor unfortunately there are no studies in this area to prove the truth to these ideas a prescription medication called pitocin oxytocin is used in the hospital to start or improve contractions i woke up with double vision extreme dizzy spells aneurysm in the family,hi you have not said when you last had unprotected sex but for plan b you only have a 72 hour window it which to take it but your not doing yourself any good by missing your daily bc pill you must get into the habit same time same place every day do it that way it becomes like clockwork not doing that your playing with dynamite not doing so its men is sperm it has a very bad habit of going of if you do not respect it bang and your pregnant please remember clockwork good luck should i have a follow up on my foot i walked into my childs toy last friday i hit it on the left middle of my foot it instantly swelled up i went to the er later that night they took x rays said there was not anything wrong well now 5 days later all of my toes are bruised and above my toes if i hit the side of my foot it hurts and if i walk on it too much it hurts its still hard to bend my toes and i really do not understand what my toes have to do with that part of my foot should i go back to the doctor,lice are tiny parasites that live on human beings and feed on blood they seldom cause serious medical problems but they are both annoying and contagious there are three types of lice that can live on people head lice pediculus humanus capitis are about the size of a sesame seed or 2 1 to 3 3 millimeters long when adults their eggs called nits are barely visible whitish or yellow ovals which attach to human hair shafts having head lice is not related to degree of personal hygiene head lice are contagious especially among schoolchildren they afflict an estimated 6 million to 12 million children in the united states each year more girls get head lice likely because girls have more physical contact with one another and share more personal articles such as hats clothing combs that can transmit head lice head lice are rare among african americans possibly because the shafts of their hair have a shape that lice cannot grasp easily pubic lice pthirus pubis are yellow gray insects found in the pubic region and transmitted by sexual contact they are only 1 1 to 1 8 mm long and are also called crab lice or crabs because of their shape and the crab like claw like front legs with which they cling to hair eggs can barely be seen these tiny white particles attach so firmly to hair shafts that they are not removed by normal washing sometimes pubic lice may be found in other areas of the body containing coarse hair such as armpits or the chest body lice pediculus humanus corporis are nearly identical in appearance to head lice but may be more difficult to find adults grow to 2 3 to 3 6 mm long when not feeding they tend to hide in the seams of clothing and folds of bedding if the lice are not treated the person can develop complications such as skin sores or bacterial infection of the affected area body lice can also spread blood infections lice live successfully all over the world wherever people gather in close proximity such as in schools i have my own insurance that i pay for can i sign up for a new lower cost plan in the health insurance exchange,yes if you currently buy your own insurance you can search for a new plan and make a switch if you find something better does acne itch,was it just acne or may be some insect bit because in acne there will not be any itching so i think it is some insect bite and the same thing happened to another part of the body due to scratching you further triggered the inflammation i suggest the following treatment consult a specialist doctor discuss with him or her and take the medicine with consent mild steroid and antibiotic cream such as flutivate cream fluticasone is a good one also can use fucibet cream betamethasone and fusidic acid once in a day i suggest one antibiotic too tablet augmentin 625 mg combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid twice in a day for 7 days would be a good option i would like to add some oral steroid tablet wysolone 20 mg prednisolone for 3 days in the morning after food revert back after a week to a dermatologist online > is pubic hair removal dangerous or needed for hygiene some doctors claim this has lead to pubic lice becoming almost extinct without moistwarm habitat for lice and other infections which can be passed on as sti is so pubic hair removal is a benaficial thing on the other hand doctors claim that when the hair is removed it leaves a amicroscopic open wound which can also lead to infections and std is also skin irritations and can be equally dangerous so which is true and is pubic hair removal a good or dangerous thing to do,the removal of pubic hair is not medically beneficial in any way nor does it protect you from pubic lice the removal of pubic hair is only a cosmetic fad i may have allergic contact derm on my face from years of facial products,hi you have been using these products for quite a long time now…almost 3 years so the layers of the skin have become totally undernourished and de moisturised causing it to become dry and scaly it definitely will recover but will take 3 6 months to heal completely applying moisturisers and skin nourishing vitamin e oils olive oil and aloevera oil will speed up the recovery process take vitamin e tablets orally too thanks does eczema in infants go away by itself,fortunately most children outgrow the itchy irritation of eczema before school age a small number of kids will have eczema into adulthood remissions do occur and can last for years though the tendency to have dry skin often lingers can you take advil the night before ablation surgery,yes bulking agents like psyllium would be a great first choice example brand name metamucil there are a number of dosage forms available including powders capsules and wafer bars it would also be really important to drink lots of water and increase your intake of dietary fiber foods like whole grains beans fruits and vegetables if my mother had bipolar and my cousin has bipolar what are the chances that i will have bipolar i have not been feeling like my self lately and i think i have bipolar i have been so angry i feel as if i have racing thoughts some days i feel as if i an do anything others i feel like the world is crashing down on me i get so angry sometimes then i am fine in 5 minutes then i am back to being so angry for no reasons i get so angry i hit walls or lash out at people other days i am a nice guy and loving i do not understand it will someone please help thanks,hair on the upper lip tends to be a genetic and also hormonal pattern so you should have an evaluation to make sure that there are no hormonal alternations so if you have gone on or off oral contraceptives that can be a cause behind it otherwise you can treat it and laser hair removal is probably the most effective treatment to do electrolysis is also very effective but even these two treatments in an area on the face such as the upper lip tends to not be permanent and you will have to do maintenance treatments over time shaving and plucking are fine shaving will not make your hair coarser in the long run although it will appear and feel coarser because the tip of the hair will have a different shape and it will feel rougher to the skin as it grows back in that will soften over time plucking is fine as well however that can cause ingrown hairs and some redness so you have to be careful there there is a cream called vaniqa that affects an enzyme that the hair follicle requires to grow and it blocks that enzyme it is kind of a reverse rogaine that way so that will help slow the hair growth so if you are plucking or shaving or doing any other hair removal treatments such as waxing or even laser plus vaniqa that might help slow that hair growth and you might get longer lasting results are there air borne allergies to shellfish can someone who has allergies to shellfish be affected if shellfish is present in the room,just have your mole professionally removed then you can have this changing mole pathologically examined to make sure it is not a skin cancer i see no reason for you to use vinegar to try and remove a cosmetically undesirable mole what is the prognosis for severe fibromyalgia will i ever be able to return to work,a jog around the block a few times a week not only can do wonders for your physique it also might prevent you from getting sick “i try to get 20 to 30 minutes of cardio every morning before i go to work ” sandra fryhofer md says “there is something about making your heart pump that is good for your body it strengthens your heart and strengthens your immune system ” the research seems to agree one study found that postmenopausal women who exercised for a year had one third the colds of women who did not work out male 70 multiple surgeries 10 surgeries in last 4 years how do i help him regain his strength and mental abilities the last knee replaced in february this year accident with tablesaw in early august bladder reopened mid september last day of september entered hospital with uti and severe diarrhea was about to be released with heart rate dropped and consistantly stayed between 32 and 40 beats per minute october 4th heart rate dropped to 28 at rest so pacemaker inserted what steps should i take to help him regain his mental sharpness and energy levels he is impatient that he is not good right now,first check with all his physicians who have been treating him since february and get their ok to start exercising also ask the docter who is treating his heart if he has any restrictions on liftsexercises that use his arms or chest generally patients are not allowed to lift more than 5 pounds after pacemaker insertion for the first several weeks also when you talk to his physicians ask about physical therapy or cardiac rehab due to his extensive list of injuries and illnesses in the past few months a medically managed program might be a better option than home exercise i have pasted some links below that describe what cardiac rehab consists of http www webmd comheart diseasetccardiac rehabilitation phases of cardiac rehab http www webmd comheart diseasecardiac rehab general exercise guidelines for phase ii after you have gotten all of his physicians clearance to start exercising begin with just a few exercises and increase the time he exercises slowly for example 1 3 times a day have him walk for five minutes around the house if he is having balance issues make sure he uses a cane or walker if one has been prescribed if not walk with him and give assistance as needed 2 1 time a day do the sit to stand exercise have him sit in a chair and stand up then sit back down to increase the intensity you can choose a chair that siits lower to the ground or have him not use his arms if getting out of a chair is a problem decrease the depth by placing a couple of telephone books in the seat of the chair 3 1 time a day do a hip flexion exercise sitting in a chair have him lift his knee and thigh upward about 6 inches to increase the intensity put a handweight or heavy item on his thigh 4 start the sit to stands and hip flexion exercise with 1 set of 5 repetitions and slowly increase both to 3 sets of 10 repetitons meaning have him perform 10 repetitions rest then perform 10 more then rest again and perform 10 more i know this does not sound like much but it is a great place to start the walking will increase his endurance and the 2 strengthening exerices will make it easier for him to get up out of bed and from a chair look for resources in the community is there a silver sneakers program in your town or any programs designed exclusively for individuals in his age group besides the benefits of exercise they also provide a great social outlet i have an upper hernia i can usually push it back in but it pops right back out,wear an abdominal belt if you can not afford syrgery make sure it is always in because it can cause serious problems if u ignore it can flash from welding damage the retina,since 2011 the funding provided by cms went to develop a variety of education programs for physicians nurses pharmacists and other healthcare providers we have two other accredited educational initiatives funded by cms hitech act and hhs hipaa compliance respectively which are not focused on aca when cms and other government agencies have sponsored programs and advertised on our sites the content or advertising is clearly marked as paid for by these agencies the government makes funding data for all federal contracts including webmd publicly available through usaspending gov i have a stabbing intense pain on my right side 4 wks after haveing shingles it feels like my insides are being pulled my skin surface is numb but it feels is if someone is pulling my insides out on my right side the pain is intense and although i am on pain meds it is still a horrible pulling ache any suggestions,not likely blood tests are specific there are really no normal blood tests if you or your medical provider have a need to know your estrogen level it must be specifically ordered my girlfriend recently changed the time of day she takes her birth control pill when is it safe to stop using a condom,you are smart to ask this question grapefruit juice can cause drug concentration levels to rise in a person is system and the list of drugs that interact with grapefruit is on the rise the issue of grapefruit is impact on the body is uptake of levothyroxine honestly is a bit controversial some studies have concluded the affect of grapefruit on thyroid medications is minimal but some thyroid experts maintain you should avoid grapefruit entirely if you take thyroid medication your best bet is to check with your pharmacist or your health care provider for the latest research recommendations on this subject they can guide you regarding the best strategy for enjoying your grapefruit without affecting your medication wishing you well i have a potassium level of 2 8 from a blood test is this bad i have muscle cramps and aches in every major muscle i also have pneumonia and i am a diuretic steroid and antibotics,if that is the true reading it is critical children cussing 5 year old boy speech vocabulary of 2 8 yr old slightly autistic swearing any suggestions,this is a very interesting question thank you for asking i can think of one very good reason why you might experience these symptoms while engaging in a competitive gaming situation the fight or flight response when you are competing you probably feel stressed you want to win and you are very highly focused on performing well this combination of factors could stimulate your sympathetic nervous system sns to respond the sns responds to acute stress by producing a series of changes within your body often call the fight or flight response during fight or flight your pupils dilate to better allow light into the eye and assess escape routes or in your case see the video field better your breathing accelerates your heart rate increases your blood pressure rises your digestive processes slow way down and your bladder sphincter may suddenly relax oops important to our discussion though is the fact the sns stress response diverts blood flow from the extremities to the muscles this is probably the reason your hands and feet become cold your sns is diverting that blood to your core and to the large muscles of your body in case you must jump up and run away from whatever danger your brain has perceived fight or flight is a primal reaction so the threat your sns is responding to could be the competition or the action occurring in the video game itself when the sns kicks in you usually feel an adrenalin rush the sns causes your body to be flooded with other hormones too including testosterone and cortisol if you feel that an sns response is in fact responsible for your cold hands and feet while gaming you can take steps to address the problem try meditating for several minutes before a competition focus on your breathing and keep it slow and regulated if possible focus on your breathing during the competition too you may be surprised to discover how much you can control your body is response to stress wishing you well used a heating pad on my stomach for pain the next day i had very sudden diarrhea coincidence or not i never before used a heating pad on my stomach it was a low setting today i had one sharp cramp then diarrhea since then i have been okay,most helpful answer the heating pad did not cause your diarrhea but the pain you were experiencing most likely is related many people will experience intestinal cramps prior to the onset of diarrhea is is possible for a pap smear to cause bleeding if you have been raped in the past,your foreskin will not regrow no matter what your wife has told you the only way to restore a lost foreskin from circumcision is with plastic surgery or using a scary looking device designed to re stretch any remaining foreskin residuals i suspect both are expensive and probably not that comfortable what is gone is gone as long your penis still works just leave it alone and silently blame your parents for being misinformed about the advantages and disadvantages of circumcision can a women get pregnant from precum pre ejaculation and if she doesnt have an orgasim,hi you only have to google vibrating vagina and your find that you are not alone so try this it may just help you this could possible be the result of a magnesium or potassium deficiency you may find this really helps you as it has others good luck have a little hard lump near adams apple moves when i touch it and moves when i swallow anyone else had this i am a 23 yr old male,an ultrasound of the neck region should be done along with an ent consultation to look for any thyroid mass vocal cord paralysis or abnormal growth a midline lump can be due to a thyroglossal cyst and a lateral one could be a branchial cyst based on the clinical findings thyroid function tests and blood counts or a biopsy may be advised if the need be wishing you best of health thanks 65 year old male with cervical spine neck pain xrays say nothing wrong we do not believe that,team development activities you can also be currently interacting and bonding together with your crew as well although it is a enjoyable game performance all must work as ateam to pass on the right concept in a family day effort you work together to pass one to the other on a note communication you communicate with one another meaning you must be capable of pay attention to eachother in addition to talkingreaching each other rewards if somebody were to do a small mistake pronounce or hear a term mistaken the others of the staff can easily see how one small error can cause a bigger mistake or probable catastrophe what is shingles,yes you can work poison ivy and poison oak are not contagious from person to person no matter what pair of shoes i wear my heels get dried and flaky looking so what is the cure for this,this is a very common problem and i see it in men and women and especially in the summertime when our heels tend to show more so it is important to hydrate your skin people are great at moisturizing their face but when it gets to their feet they just seem to skip that area so moisturizing really helps and using a product that is what is called a keratolytic so your skin is made up of proteins called keratins and lytic means to break that up so ingredients like urea or lactic acid can help those skin cells become less sticky and will exfoliate them off a little bit better and then moisturizing really helps you can soak your feet in a little bit of water and olive oil for about ten minutes and then when your skin is nice and soft and damp you can put an ointment like aquaphor ointment or even just vaseline or even just crisco oil if you like and then put on a sock to help lock that water in and that will help keep your feet soft and smooth left shoulder blade has had a stabbing pain arm is numbing and left hand no feeling,hi try doing some meditation to clear your mind its mainly done first thing in the morning and anytime during the dat when you feel things are closing in on you just google stress anxiety and meditation and just follow one of the sites or google meditation groups for your area for more of a friendly way and help ok good luck my 6 weeks old baby her lips are turning purple and i only breastfed,check your baby body temperature if it drops to 35 then this is normal and you just need to warm him up his finger tips seem normal if not then i recommend you see your doctor immediately to check for other signs of hypoxia like sweating rapid heart rate and rapid breathing rategood luck keep you baby warm hope he is just cold i have had stomach problems for 27 years abdominal pain and constipation and rectal bleeding has been more frequent,rectal bleeding is a sign you need to get examined …if the bleeding is due to hemorrhoids it will be bright fresh covering the stool but if it is dark or inside the stool get an abdominal usg and gi endoscopy increase fiber intake…plenty of water eat 6 meals daily with fiber contained olive oil in the morning helps can you smoke while using nicoderm patches,if you have fibromyalgia and want to start exercising it is important to start slowly begin with stretching exercises and gentle low impact activity such as walking swimming or bicycling muscle soreness is normal when you are just starting an exercise regimen but if you have sharp pain stop and call your doctor you may have overworked or injured your muscles can transplant be considered for someone whose kidneys have not yet failed,so the medicine should be changed and not to remove the kidney as long as his kidney profile is doing fine kidney transplantation is a v serious matter and should be reserved … a person can live with a quarter kidney do not waste the kidney for a sake of a medication plz tell me the other medication he is taking and the other illness he is having waiting ur reply i fractured my spine now have vision problems,hi there might have been some internal injury to the eye when you had the trauma to spine get a retinoscopy examination done from a opthalmologist thanks my period stopped after 2 days lately i am very off balance falling alot 2 weeks later i am spotting pregnant,i would take a pregnancy test if i were you just to be sure as far as falling a lot i do not think falling is connected to pregnancy from what i know vertigodizziness can be a symptom of pregnancy per my friends but i know there are other reasons why you can feel this way too like an ear infection so i would not assume inconsistent period and falling down = pregnancy i am 44 years old but i look like 50+ is there a product or treatment that will help me look younger,may be a lymphoma or may be related to surgery needs further evaluation sample aspiration and analysis will help what is a tracheotomy,of course yes hpv can be transmitted from dried blood upto 7 days after you contact can find info online emt training text can i produce milk or watery white substance if i am not pregnant it happened during sex he squeezes and sucks alot all the time maybe he is doing that too much or could i be pregnant tests have said i wasnt,hi ok you could be pregnant have you tried doing a test at your doctor it would help nipple discharge in a woman who is not pregnant or breast feeding is not necessarily abnormal but it should be evaluated by a doctor so off to your doctor good luck currently taking 75mg of paxil for anxiety noticing it is not working as well as before what should i add to it i have been on 75mg of paxil cr for three years for treating my panic attacks and general anxiety it has worked very well about three weeks ago i started noticing some anxiety creeping back in and i know i am maxed out on the paxil should i ask my doctor about adding something like abilify or some other drug to help boost me back to where i was or should i seek a different ssri altogether i am nervous about the latter simply because the paxil has worked so well for so long thanks,you are correct in suspecting that the paxil is no longer working at controlling your conditions many of the ssri is including zoloft and prozac have the same quality of no longer working after a period of therapeutic symptom improvement after several years of reliable benefit these ssri is may even begin to heighten the anxiety symptoms i would not recommend taking abilify it has been shown to have many serious side effects including affecting blood sugar results while i understand that you do not want to give up on a drug that once was effective it is probably best to try another medicine where do headlice originate from what i want to know is where does head lice come from where did it all begin,head lice originates from other people who have head lice you would have to be a forensic anthropologist to know when this began but i suspect even cavemen had head lice or perhaps even cain and abel adam and eve is boys head lice have been around for as long as there have been people am i pregnant on the mirena i have had the mirena for about 3 years now and everything has been great i have still always had a regular period just lighter than normal within the last few months my periods seem to be only spotting also i have been really tired and sometimes become sick after brushing my teeth or from the smell of random things and have been getting really bad head aches in the past 2 weeks is it possible for me to be pregnant after it has worked so well for me or am i just now feeling side effects,i have heard that a lot of ppl get pregnant on this specfic bc the best way to know if you are pregnant is go ahead and take a test if it is negative try again in two weeks is my new girlfriend allergic to me i mean in a medical way,in my opinion having hives in those areas are less likely relevant to your saliva…this could be contact allergic dermatitis to something related to the place you were at …may be the bed or blanket i am suffering from migraine for the last 15 years there is throbbing pain is on the one corner of the head,in general you do not need to eat before exercise unless you tend to run low on energy during your workouts or it is been more than a couple hours since your last full meal the best time to eat is about 30 minutes before you begin to exercise and the best snack is one that combines carbohydrates and protein with an emphasis on the carbs and you do not need a lot of food protein is not a fuel for exercise so you do not want to overdo it for carbs aim for the equivalent of a half bagel or a large banana for protein consider a couple tablespoons of peanut butter or a small cup of yogurt to get both if fresh food is not an option look for energy bars with 25 to 40 grams of carbohydrates and about 10 grams of protein steer clear of caffeine and warm fluids which tend to speed food through your intestine as well as dairy and high fat or high fiber foods all of which can upset your stomach slow down the absorption of carbs and leave you feeling sluggish you should also stay well hydrated and avoid super high calorie snacks because you might end up consuming more calories than you burn off had a urinalysis and it came back positive for nitrite and bilirubin what does this mean received summary of urinalysis as abnormal and listed appearance as turbid color orange bilirubin 1+ nitrite positive and protein trace,bilirubin is a by product of the liver system but small amount of bilirubin detected on a urine test strip may not necessarily indcated a problem in this area concentrated urine can give a false reading so it is up to your doctor to determine the significance nitrites are positive in the presence of a possible urinary infection again it would be up to your medical provider to determine if this is a possibility what should i do if i suspect an overdose of revital jell cups,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center can patients with advanced prostate cancer enroll in clinical trials,it depends on the bacteria that is causing the urinary tract infection penicillin is not the preferred drug that is used for utis since it usually is not sensitive to the common bacteria usually bacteria that normally live in the colon enteric bacteria i have never treated a uti with penicillin penicillin works great for strep so if the uti is caused by strep it could help but most of the time utis are other types of organisms that are resistant to plain ol penicillin i am assuming you have not had a urinalysis or a urine culture if you are self diagnosing and self treating a uti with an old prescription of penicillin i would strongly caution you against doing this utis can quickly get out of hand if treated improperly and could end up involving the kidneys diagnosing and treating a uti is best left up to a medical professional i am very sick and i would like to know why do my eyes burn when i am sick,how do you know your 2 weeks pregnant and normally things that are done that early will not harm the baby can hepatitis c be transmitted by some ones sweat,why would you have a full body x ray this is not something that is usually done by anyone unless they are looking for evidence of metastatic disease and then a ct or mri no xray exposure with an mri may be better obviously the less exposure to x ray radiation is desirable so your medical provider should really justify the reason for a full body x ray since i do not know your medical history it is difficult to address your concern specifically which doctor i have to consult for lump just beneath and behind my ear dear sir i have a lump on my next just beneath and behind my ear i have also skin infection in head psoriasis or tinia capititis so which doctor i have to consult for lump the area of llump is shown in image with red mark i hope someone help me thanks,no gabapentin is not an nsaid since i do not know what kind of procedure you are having it would be prudent to get the okay specifically from the medical provider who is doing this procedure why do men like cunnilingus i love to make love to my women is vagina and clitoris with my mouth and tongue i am almost addicted to this practice to the extent that intercourse is secondary is this a condition i should be concerned about,no that is just your sexual preference as long as your partner is willing and cooperative i do not think you will need to join a 12 step program i have irregular period but could i be pregnant iam 19 years old and had sexual intercourse this month on the 13th but i started to have a discharge and then lighr blood the day after until now could it be my period or can it be that there is a small possibility that my eggs are being fertilized i really dont know how that works out should i take a pregnancy test and when is it a good time and how many weeks should i wait to take it if i should do it thank you,yes and no it depends on the type of test azo is a bright orange dye that discolors the urine on office dipstick type urine tests there are about a dozen different tests on those dipsticks that can be done but these must be read on a color scale fluorescent orange urine can interfere with the readings a microscopic test or urine culture would not be effected by discoloration is it okay to do cardio exercise right after taking high blood pressure meds,i would wait about ten minutes then it should be just fine just be sure to stop immediately if you start feeling light headed or dizzy other than that you should be ok to go ahead with your exercise is it true that calcium makes garcinia cambogia ineffective,there is no research i can find that shows that calcium makes garcinia cambogia ineffective it seems companies add potassium and calcium to increase its absorption again i can find no studies that show that calcium increases or decreases absorption how long after a collage is done can u have sex i had one a week ago and im 19 weeks pregnat,yes every woman ovulates at different times in her menstrual cycle plus embryos implant in the uterus at different times so most home pregnancy tests suggest women take the test again in a few days or a week sometimes women get false negative results when the test says you are not pregnant and you are when they test too early in the pregnancy other times problems with the pregnancy can affect the amount of hcg in the urine if your hpt is negative test yourself again in a few days or one week if you keep getting a negative result but think you are pregnant talk with your doctor right away i am due for my next round of chemotherapy but just learned i have neutropenia what is this and what does it mean,neutropenia pronounced noo troh pee nee uh is a decrease in the number of white blood cells chemotherapy drugs work by killing fast growing cells in the body this means these drugs kill cancer cells as well as healthy white blood cells since white blood cells are the body is main defense against infection this means you are at an increased risk for getting an infection while you have neutropenia i also suggest that you visit www preventcancerinfections org to learn more about your risk for developing neutropenia during your chemotherapy many times neutropenia produces little symptomology and is only diagnosed through other unrelated serum blood testing neutropenia is an abnormal low number of neutrophils neutrophils are a form of white blood cells that help the immune system to fight off infections the bone marrow produces these cells which release chemicals when the body is being attacked by bacteria such as caused by wounds your bone marrow creates these cells they then travel in your bloodstream and move to areas of infection they release chemicals to kill invading microorganisms during chemotherapy interference with the bone marrow is ability to produce neutrophils may occur resulting in even more intense neutropenia treatment of neutropenia is directed at its cause such as eliminating certain medications antibiotics psychiatric drugs & antiepileptic meds etc and other causes it is advisable to control the neutropenia before starting chemotherapy i wish you well on your journey to renewed health penis has two tone colors and my penis head has cracks well my penis head has two colors ithas that pinkish color it always had but i have been noticing that its turning to a purple color also my penis head isnt smooth it has lots of cracks when the penis is erect am i okay,no it should not be a problem your contraception should still be effective even if you had diarrhea an hour later 14 year old heart burns acid reflex stress out of breath can this be cancer or stress,hi i do not think this is cancer or any other major disease relax meditation and yoga can help reduce anxiety take anti anxiety tablets thanks does a prostatectomy make you impotent i assume the answer is yes confirmation is the reason for the question i started dating a woman who is not on birth control and has not had her tubes tied i had a prostatectomy 4 years ago i was to be sure there will be no pregnancy during self stimulation at times i have seen a drop or so of fluid that looks like semen,i am sorry to hear your mother in law is going through this but i am glad she had glaucoma ruled out severe eye pain should not be ignored eye pain generally is not a symptom of age related macular degeneration i would suggest your mother in law make an appointment to see an ophthalmologist as distinct from an optometrist to have this evaluated an ophthalmologist is a medical doctor md who is specially trained to deal with high level eye problems such as trauma glaucoma and other serious eye diseases i wish you both all the best my left arm biceps started to twitch no solution,you are entitled to copies of your medical records the medical facility may want to retain the originals you are not entitled to get them for free however the office can legally charge you a reasonable fee to copy them i would like to recommend alwaysmed com if you want to have access at all your medical records for free what is theliklihood we are pregnant please give opinion asap my wife and i are both 20 and healthy we are trying for a baby and have had unprotected sex 2 3 times a day for the past week today is day 16 of her cycle and she ovulated a day or two ago what are our chances,all plans must now cover maternity care for members signed onto their policies i had a tubal 10 years ago i am having early pregnancy symptoms could it be i am pregnant,as you are probably aware there are many foods that have salt added as a preservative and for taste some foods that naturally contain sodium before processing include the following nutrition info was taken from usda database 1 cup of milk 127mg or plain yogurt 113mg and 1 egg 62mg most veggies contain minimal sodium except a large stock of celery 51mg and a medium artichoke 120mg shellfish like shirimp 3oz about 100mg and certain meats liike ground beef 3oz about 50mg also contain sodium sodium occurs naturally in many foods and is also added in the form of salt or other sodium containing substances some foods that naturally contains sodium are egg meat raisin cinnamon carrot celery broccoli cauliflower tomatoes and coconut milk to name a few i was told i had a kidney infection i still have the pain but ultrasound says no infection,its a spasmodic type of pain and can be caused by many gynecological reasons most common cause can be a pelvic inflammatory disease you need to get it checked from a doctor anti spasmodic tablets and local gel can help analgesic tablets should be taken only if the pain is severe my legs and feet have been swollen for a week or so and i am very fatigued can you tell me why i recently had blood work done and brought up this problem to my dr but it seems to be getting worse as the days go on especially the swelling of my lower legs ankles and feet,i do not know anything about you or your medical history to tell you your chances that this blood is due to colon cancer but that is the reason this simple test is done there are many reasons why this test would be positive other than cancer but when you have a positive test your medical provider will need to do a very careful diagnostic work up to determine the source of the blood it could be from your stomach your colon a hemorrhoid an anal fissure tear or from eating a lot of red blood containing meat do not be alarmed but it is very important to get to the bottom no pun intended of this positive test what are the complications of celiac disease,the real question since you have removed the implanon is whether you are getting your menstrual cycle if not you are not ovulating at this point in time it may take you longer rheumatoid arthritis itself should not affect one is ability to conceive however you did not mention the medication you are currently taking most medications for ra do not cause problems unless you require chemotherapeutic agents if you are concerned i would recommend you contact your physician to discuss further testorip x testosterone booster are generally things that will aid improve how much testo sterone in the body this supplement create in conjunction with anabolic fanatic can be stacked with regard to increased results or simply obtained alone this supplement has a line up connected with ingredients consequently in the major testo sterone boosters could be the almost all sophisticated ,no soy milk is not bad when you have a cold and will not adversely affect phlegm or a sore throat drink the soy milk if you would like i rode a train 12 hrs ago & now feel dizzy & feel like i am still on it is this motion sickness and will it go away,you may have a condition called mdd mal de debarquement a type of vertigo that occurs after an individual gets off a boat usually a cruise lasting several days but it could happen from this 12 hour train trip people describe the imbalance symptoms as a rocking boat worse when you stand still or lie down these annoying symptoms can last months or can fade relatively fast it is more common in women between the ages of 40 50 unfortunately most medications that work for other forms of dizziness meclizine scopolamine do not work very well for mdd valium diazepam and the antidepressant drug amitriptyline has been used with limited success these drugs help block or suppress those aberrant inner ear signals that are causing those symptoms and help with the associated anxiety vestibular rehabilitation therapy has also been shown to be effective if your symptoms are lasting a long time since there are many many other medical causes for imbalance and vertigo your first step is to be properly evaluated by an ent specialist every time i wake up or lay down i get severe headaches on the back of my head and severe nausea help recently started waking up with excrutiating headaches in the back of the head vomiting and nausea does occur it is almost every time i sleep or lay down i am borderline diabetic with poly cystic ovarian syndrome this pain is almost debilitating i am only 23 yr a bit over weight but other than that healthy,thats very true i had my period for 4 months with my son and if it wasent for someone asking me if i was prego which was kinda weird for me since i was 95 lbs something made me take the test and i was already 8 weeks didnt have a clue should i eat more when i have increased my exercise plateaued weight loss wondering if im not eating enough i am a 45 year female with a history of trying to lose weight 17 weeks ago i started weight watchers for hopefully my last time i have a different mindset this go around yea me anyway the last few weeks i have increased my activity thus my activity points earned i went from earning 2 points a day to earning between 6 and 9 points a day the last three weeks i have lost only 1 pound so i am wondering if i should consume those points i have earned thanks,also most store bought products do not actually work and the bumps and bruises could be an allergic reaction to all the chemicals i cannot use the store bought products because i get sick and cannot do anything for a few days the chemicals are really harmful not only to your hair and scalp but your whole body extreme back pain when trying to sleep please help during the day time i have the usual aches and pains as any other overweight 56 year old woman may have i tolerate most of it with little or no assistance i do take aleeve at times but lately at night i am having severe back pain it is in the middle and comes in waves i bought some ibuprophen pm to take last night might have been a little better but i took it tonight and layed down 30 minutes later extreme back pain why please help,hi could be your bed a too softer bed is no good for us and as you say you way overweight two things you can do is either get out and get a good orthopaedic is best or get a thick board put under you mattress this will firm it up try taken some turmeric twice a day i mix mine with tomato paste and thin down with olive oil if you can add cayenne pepper both are very good at reducing pain mix the two 50 50 to a heat that suits you and your body then slowly week by week up the heat do hope this helps you good luck missed period 3 days after sex i have been on the pill for 2 12 years and take it correctly had sex without a condom he did not pull out right before my period was due and the period never started had some very slight light colored bleeding and some cramps the day it was due three days after sex but still no real period 3 days later 6 days after sex pregnant,infertility can be treated with medicine surgery artificial insemination or assisted reproductive technology many times these treatments are combined in most cases infertility is treated with drugs or surgery doctors recommend specific treatments for infertility based on test results how long the couple has been trying to get pregnant the age of both the man and woman the overall health of the partners preference of the partners doctors often treat infertility in men in the following ways sexual problems doctors can help men deal with impotence or premature ejaculation behavioral therapy andor medicines can be used in these cases too few sperm sometimes surgery can correct the cause of the problem in other cases doctors surgically remove sperm directly from the male reproductive tract antibiotics can also be used to clear up infections affecting sperm count sperm movement sometimes semen has no sperm because of a block in the man is system in some cases surgery can correct the problem in women some physical problems can also be corrected with surgery a number of fertility medicines are used to treat women with ovulation problems it is important to talk with your doctor about the pros and cons of these medicines you should understand the possible dangers benefits and side effects how common is hepatitis c,well the great news is that you can reverse at least some of it so the fact that you stopped what you have done that alone will not only prevent further damage but will also allow your skin to naturally repair itself so that is one great thing if you use topical retinoids these are vitamin a derivative products whether it is over the counter products or from your dermatologist that also helps renew your skin and repair some of that damage sometimes a damage has gone beyond what we can repair and you might see that over time so it is important to have a regular skin cancer screening and have the dermatologist look for anything that might be a sign of skin cancer because found early there is greater than a 96 cure rate so you need to find anything early and also keep an eye on your own skin if you see anything changing show your dermatologist but you can repair to some extent and you can make a very big difference in your skin weird heart problem possibly 20female so i usually have heart palpitations because i have anxiety disorder but recently i have been more fatigued than usual my sleep paralysis has gotten worse my chest is tight and when i breathe in it hurts and i cough i have been a weird sleeper all my life but recently i have been sleeping 10 14 hours unintentionally and i am still tired if i am up and active i get weak and tired easily and winded very quickly i take 10mg prozac and 600mg lithium there is rarely cause side effects besides shaking,i would recommend seeing a dr right away my husband and i both suffer from anxiety and heart palpitations i have really bad fatigue i have slept for over 48 hrs and still felt tired my husband does not have any fatigue we have never had tightness in our chests except during an anxiety attack but it goes away from previous experience if you are having any kind of chest pain tightness or whatever and it is not getting better you need to see a dr right away there could be something else going on i wish you the best and i hope that my input helps in someway how do doctors determine hom much blood you have lost family member bleeding internally told he only has 4 12 pints of blood left he rcvd a transfusion of 5 pints of blood,this was an estimation of course since the amount a blood that an adult human can be variable blood counts like a hemoglobin or hematocrit can determine to some degree the level of anemia by giving blood one unit at a time and watching the response to those tests a medical provider can estimate blood loss based on how much blood it takes to return those number to normal again just like adding oil to a car and checking the dipstick i have a plantar wart on the heel of my foot is there something i can buy over the counter for this,sure if this exam is necessary for diagnosis and treatment any licensed medical provider can do this exam hi being from the uk there any male doctor doing a vaginal exam has ti have a female nurse with them at all times surely that should count the same in america good luck i am seeing wavy motion in my peripheral vision what could be causing this it resembles heat waves if that makes any sense there is no pain associated with this and it has only happened a couple of times and just lasts for a few minutes i am 61 and take medications for high blood pressure the last time i experienced this i was simply driving down the road,floaters my dad used to experience these all the time especially when driving or looking at a bright backdrop here is a page of information on them hope this helps i am 8 mos pregnant and have a shooting pain from my left hip up my neck does this has anything to do with early labor yesterday the pain was going down my leg from my hip causing me to not be able to stand o my own it was coming and going today the pain is shooting up it comes and goes with a steady dull ache in my lower back on the left side have not had any other pain or symptoms since this started yesterday,hi this sounds like baby has its foot or something else in a nerve they will do this sometimes i think you know when its labour pains labour pains will grip you like you will not believe do hope this helps good luck i had maxillofacial surgery and have metal plates in my face can i receive laser hair removal on my chin and lip area,if you suspect that you or someone else has taken an overdose of zerit get medical help right away contact a doctor or a poison control center dark spots appear on my kid is skin no fever or any changes on his health,just moisturing creeams i do not recommend topical steroids except prescribed in a special regimen zinc and vit a and c is v v v imp what is performance anxiety with erectile dysfunction,dentures can be very difficult to get used to they need to be removed and rinsed as much as possible implants can solve a whole lot of problems i strongly suggest that you seek implant treatment can a er doctor do a vaginal exam,hi this is from john hopkins can herpes be transmitted to other parts of my body if you have genital herpes or orofacial herpes you cannot transmit the infection to another part of your body after the initial infection occurs if you have genital hsv ii you will not get hsv ii at another site in your body the body produces antibodies that protect other parts of your body from infection however there are cases where an individual has multiple site infections from the same virus this is usually acquired at the time of the initial infection for example if an individual has oral and genital sex with an infected partner they can acquire the infection at both sites because they are susceptible at that time as for your carpal tunnel i have had both hands done and yes it will be sore for some time for now just make sure your not doing to much apart from clenching and flexing but do not do what i did and fall on it because that hurts the site for some time but just stay clam over your other problem do hope this helps you good luck could i be pregnant i started taking birth control for the first time a month from tuesday on the first day of my period which made it last about 2 weeks when normally it is only 5 to 7 days i had sex 3 times after that where we used a condom and he pulled out and the condom never broke however while on the placebo pills i never got my period and now that i have started a new pack i still have yet to get my period 2 preg tests came back negative but i took them on monday and wednesday was that 2 soon,the question is why hav not you gone already that i do not think is normal and you should go prontonow is it normal to be scared to have sex,psychotic disorders contain similar traits they usually contain hallucinations andor delusional beliefs delusions are kind of like irrational thoughts such as i am being followed by the fbi they also contain disorganized thinking people with psychotic disorders usually have trouble having conversations with people because they cannot stay on track and keep their thoughts organized they usually go off on tangents or talk about their delusions they may give unrelated answers to questions kind of like they did not even hear what you asked they also contain odd behaviors behaviors that are out of the social norm these can be any number of odd behaviors psychotic disorders are extremely complicated and are often considered to be on a spectrum or a continuum people fit along a line instead of a specific group what are mini warts,hi a lot would depend on this you say he touched your hole with his penis was this before oral sex or after did you take him all the way to ejaculation with oral if he touched your whole then there could have been some transfer of sperm but it would be an outside chance of you getting pregnant but then you have done the right thing by taken plan b so with this i think its best you wait till you have your period if you do give a big sigh but then you get yourself on bc but not depo shot just google depo shot side effects to see why do hope this helps good luck is it possible to have had chlamydia for over 17 years and not know it after having a child as well with no symptoms i was recently hospitalized with abdomen pain they did the regular std checks to rule out pid all came back negative but they want to take one for chlamydia i have only been with my husband for over 17 years and vise versa is it really possible i could have had it that long and not known or am i worrying for nothing,i learned in anatomy that having your tubes tied is not a 100 guarantee and people get pregnant all the time visit your doctor i had a soft tissue contrast neck mri it was a terrible experience is this normal,hi if this has happened only once then its nothing to worry it can happen due to hypoglycemia or vasovagal shock its usually temporary if it happens again you can consult a dootor thanks migraine chronic i am asking for direction to expert help as clinicspecilist that i can contact past the neurologist i am seeing neurologist have had wide range of meds plus botox relief over 4 hours seldom maybe three times am i alone in constant migraine do others have this lets up times not gone is there some specialists that will try to help this ongoing hour to hour day by day pain and loss of function pain meds only make sleep possible not life functional i lose sight in both eyes when it is worse the eyes sag and close physically there is aura light hurts sounds hurts cannot be social even in family,you can get herpes and never know it until an out break so either she noticed signs of an out break maybe blood work too that would be my best guess can a girl get pregnant from precum the day after her period then taking the morning after pill i had sex with my gf twice this weekend once on sat night and once sun morning i did not use a condom nor did i cum inside of her she just got off her period the day before we had sex i was worried so i had her take the morning after pill she also took the morning after pill last month for the same incident should she be ok not getting pregnant since i didnt cum inside her and she took the pill,there are many differences between lovaza and fish oil supplements for one lovaza is an omega 3 fatty acid prescription medication which means it has specific indications and is regulated by the fda for content safety and purity fish oil supplements are not regulated by the fda like medications are you have to be careful when buying fish oil supplements because [they] come in many different strengths and forms always ask your pharmacist to recommend a reputable brand that is labeled correctly and to help you figure out how many capsules you need to take in order to get the right amount of epa and dha to help you with heart health left hospital 1 week ago after dx with c diff 2 days ago diarrhea got worse should i go back to the doctor,what kind of shot for your thyroid can you repost your question and be more specific my daughter is new adult teeth are all coming in yellow will they always remain this color is it from supplements,when a child begins to lose their baby teeth and permanent teeth begin to erupt the permanent teeth appear more yellow than the baby teeth this is a natural occurrence because of the different makeup of baby teeth and permanent teeth baby teeth reflect light differently than adult teeth making the adult teeth appear more yellow when they are right next to each other the difference in color is more dramatic it is probably not the supplements so go easy on yourself also check with your child is pediatrician to see what they recommend about giving supplements is ed a side effect of gabapentin i had shingles 3 years ago and it left me with tenderness in the area of the original rash my doctor has me on large dosages of gabapentin 3x400mg 3 times a day although i can not be sure during that time period difficulty reaching a full erection has appeared and i must think it comes from something besides old age,no this would not be the treatment of choice for a burn i just lost my job due to a layoff i am confused how do i estimate annual income for health insurance purposes,you just want to make your best estimate as to your 2014 income if you have a very low or no income now but you get a job in 2014 you will want to let the exchange or marketplace know as soon as possible income changes during the year can affect the amount of your subsidy what does it mean when brown vaginal discharge during pregnancy,old blood your fine how to avoid recurrence of ectopic pregnancy,i understand your concern actually there is no treatment or medicine to prevent ectopic pregnancy only thing to look for is to avoid using copper t for contraception as this may increase the chance of ectopic pregnancy in case you conceive take care to get an early ultrasound as soon as you discover pregnancy next time also there is high chance of around 10 15 to get your next pregnancy too as ectopic no process or medicine is available presently to prevent this condition for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online > how exactly do infectionspathogens spread i am curious as to how far that spread goes i have know you can spread germs by touching food which people eat but that is one contact random example if something has worm eggs on it and someone touches it then touches someone is hand that 2nd person touches a vending machine button a 3rd person touches the button grabs food and eats the food will that last person be at a significant risk of infection not a fraction of a percent risk or do worm eggs not go 6 degrees of separation and if not how many degrees do they go ,most helpful answer it would take a visual examination by a medical provider to determine the exact nature of your scrotal red blotch a brief description just does not do it you may be correct about fungus common pathogen in this moist area would be a condition called tinea cruris tinea cruris typically itches however but it can be very red moist and irritated another possibility would be contact dermatitis often from a fabric softener detergent or soap no young man really wants to go to a medical provider to get his scrotum examined but this is really the only way to be properly diagnosed and treated jock itch is a possibility however that rash is usually itchy so that makes me question whether you have jock itch or something else since i cannot tell based on your description it is something you should get checked out by your doctor here is more information about jock itch thank you very much for your input i have determined that it is jock itch and am getting a corticosteroid and some fungal cream as well can an individual have more than one type of arthritis at a time,hi it can happen due to hypoproteinemia or anemia if starting on hematinics does not resolve the issue then get her proteins checked especially albumin globulin and ag ratio needs to be assesed thanks i have some scars in my nose that are irritating a lot of bleeding every day,i would monitor the rash and if it appears to be getting worse warm to touch swollen or spreading you will need to go to the doctor for evaluation since you are sensitive to these types of bites have you considered applying a topical product before you go out to avoid bites there are a variety of different products on the market in various forms there are even some sunscreens that now contain repellents how can i know if my prostate is enlarged,hi if you read up about it you would have found that its between 72 and 120 hours here is a link you can read but if having regular sex and your not interested in getting pregnant then you should either be on the pill i would love to say depo shot but it can have some really bad side effects with some women you can google that for more info you could try the cap or if you must keep using second rate condoms then use some spermicide with them hope this helps good luck i had a spider crawl in my ear got out but i was left with an ear infection,hi k yes it can happen some women have gone far longer i will tell you what i have told them get to your doctor asap its not very good for you if there is something wrong and just is case your doctor can do pregnancy test all at the same time good luck what is oxy ir,this is a good question that you can ask your pharmacist oxy ir is a medication that contains oxycodone that is used to treat moderate to severe pain the ir stands for immediate release i am 75 yrs old man not taking drugs & get morning wood frequently what does it mean am i healthy and having ed,please take no disrespect when i say many men your age would envy your statement this morning erection probably means nothing medically if it concerns you i would suggest making an appointment with your primary health care provider it is possible though doubtful this could be a sign of high blood pressure you probably would not be classified as having ed erectile dysfunction usually ed refers to being unable to keep and maintain an erection if this is the case you can not achieve an erection when you want to then by all means see your medical provider to discuss the problem and get treatment these issues usually are easily treatable today i wish you all the best i have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis i have extreme numbness and tingling in my wrists arms hands and fingers severe jaw and shoulder pain,hi i recommend immediate urine analysis along with blood electrolytes test and gfr my opinion it is a renal problem good luck being that royal icing is made with raw egg whites is it safe to eat,assuming the eggs are from a reliable and safe source free of salmonella i guess you can say it would be safe however since there was a recent recall of millions of eggs due to contamination you and your guests will always be taking a chance since we never really know when a contamination takes place until we get sick with terrible diarrhea what are side effects after 10 years of using depo shot iam having massive craps that i cant stand but no period with craps ive been off of it for a month now and have had theses effects for about 2 weeks with of course the sensitivity to my boobs what should i do,hi there are 2 schools of thought one says yes you can be the other says no it is chlamydia but the real thing to do would be wait around 6 weeks then go get retested that way you would know for sure hope this helps good luck i quit months ago had a few puffs today and may have a test for a new job in 36 hrs can i pass it,yes there is a greater chance since she is freshly cleaned from menstrating sm black spot under my left big toe near the nail fold saw 2 drs and they discussed my toe very concerned waiting only had for 2 3 wks dr said oh boy,you saw two doctors and two doctors saw your toe unfortunately i cannot as much as i would like to comment you did not ask a question i think you will need to wait until the final verdict on your diagnosis has been made why are you or those doctors waiting waiting for what can diabetes lead to a rash is it common for diabetics to get rashes,unfortunately almost a third of all diabetics may be more prone to certain types of fungal infections candidiasis or oral thrush many diabetics are also at a greater risk for secondary bacterial infections such as folliculitis infection of the hair follicles carbuncles deep soft tissue infections and paronychia infections around the nail bed many of these infections may present initially as a rash therefore any suspected rash on a diabetic should be evaluated by your physician i had a microbe in my lungs that caused me strong fever and fast heart beats,hi you still do not seem to be out of the infection the micro organisms still seem to be present in the bronchus causing bronchospasm you need to use bronchodilators for prolonged period of time get a hrct chest spirometry done to assess lung functions thanks having middle to lower abdominal pains somtimes i can feel it in the back too had an ultra sound and no answers the pain is like a dullgnawing pain going on for about 90 days it kinda fells like it a ffects my back but im not sure on both sides somtimes im a 30 year old male fairly health exercice 3 4 times a week about 3 inches up and to my left side of the belly button but somtimes alot lower on same side,hi and you forgot can lead to major heart problems by clogging up your arties and this could also give you ed if your a man if they have you on statins read this site your see just how there not that good for you www spacedoc com or you can try these its a mix of cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic and parsley these will clean your blood the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go you just mix cp and turmeric 5050 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonfuls and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down no if you read up about all three the very good for ed your heart and prostate garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good and have a read through these links for more help =email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20150112z2 nonbuyer&et_cid=dm66618&et_rid=801863532 #articlecontent just copy one at a time into google to the www to open and read these should help you find more help good luck my heart races for no reason & it scares me to death what do i do when this happens a heart doc said to walk it off but this sure does not seem reasonable please advise asap,no the color of mucous does not automatically assume that something is viral bacterial or allergic it is just a clue in most cases green mucous is more likely to indicate stagnation especially if the green is primarily in the mornings just a like a pond that turns green when water is not flowing in and out the mucous can be green when you are chronically congested you will need to be medically evaluated in order to determine if the green really has a bacterial association or is just plain ol stagnation could i be pregnant i got my birth control nexplanon removed 0716th and i had unprotected sex 0721st 0726th i was having cramping the 25th26th27th then i started lightly bleeding the 28th but it was so light i only bled for a few hours it was a light pink color the next day the 29th i started to bleed but it was the same there was a very small amount of blood there when i wiped and it was light pink it only lasted for a few hours the same thing happened the 30th31st today august 1st there is nothing now at all,hi you should wait 2 to 3 months until you get your regular periods back until then us condoms its just a case of waiting for your system to get back into gear then try for a baby do hope this helps good luck how contagious is chlamydia my now ex bf tested positive and i am negative my bf and i were pregnant i lost the baby but not before i got tested for all std is which all came back negative my bf and i did not have sex after we found out i was pregnant but just last week he called and told me he was positive for chlamydia how likely is it that i did not get it if he had it when we had unprotected sex for 3 months,you should be able to take all of these the most important one is the penicillin which will treat any possible infection that you may have it is important that you finish all of this medication and take this on an empty stomach it gets absorbed into your body better the ibuprofen will help relieve the pain and inflammation you want to take the ibuprofen and norco with food as they can both be a little harsh on the stomach if possible try to reserve the norco for the more severe pain if you ever have any questions about how to take medications or if they can all be taken together talk to your pharmacist is it best to exercise first and then eat a full meal or eat a full meal first,there is no best way to do it generally if you get hungry during or after exercise or you feel your energy is running low during the workout then have a snack 30 minutes before the workout carbs and protein like in an energy bar are good if you feel okay during the workout not eating then it is okay some people can eat a full meal before working out but for the most part too much food in the gut will make you feel uncomfortable during the workout again if you run low on energy without food during exercise then have something to eat it is often recommended to not have a full meal at least two hours before exercise though three to four hours is better the reason for this is called blood shunting to put it in simple terms blood shunting is a process where your body diverts more blood to certain areas that need it we have a set amount of blood in our body but the amount that certain areas of your body receive can change at different times the theory is that not eating close to when you exercise will allow for more blood to be delivered to your muscles instead of being partially diverted towards digestion this will allow your body to work more efficiently during exercise to help you get the most out of it you can eat something small right before exercise but be sure to not eat too much if you are exercising in the morning try to have something like a glass of juice a piece of fruit or a slice of toast before exercising so that you have some energy and are not exercising on a completely empty stomach also there is the possibility that eating a heavy meal before exercise may cause you to feel uncomfortable while doing exercise or it may lead to cramps check out this article for more formation type your question here ve broken my cartilage of nose while playing criket how can be it cured,the causes of costochondritis are not known and may involve several factors possible causes include heredity genetic predisposition viruses and injury costochondritis can be an independent condition by itself or sometimes be a feature of a more widespread disorder examples of illnesses that can feature costochondritis include fibromyalgia psoriatic arthritis ankylosing spondylitis reiter is disease and inflammatory bowel disease costochondritis can be aggravated by any activity that involves stressing the structures of the front of the chest cage it is generally best to minimize these activities until the inflammation of the rib and cartilage areas has subsided no particular diet is known to cause worsening of costochondritis on the contrary it is known that fish oils can have a degree of anti inflammatory effect theoretically they could be of some benefit this effect is probably minor however i am 10 weeks pregnant i am having severe back pain headache for past few days,you need to be examined ، and also it is obvious that you need to have a complete rest as you are having an alarming history how is sepsis blood poisoning treated,in almost every case of sepsis patients need to be hospitalized treated with appropriate intravenous antibiotics and given therapy to support any organ dysfunction sepsis can quickly cause organ damage and death therapy should not be delayed as statistics suggest as high as a 7 mortality increase per hour if antibiotics are delayed in severe sepsis most cases of sepsis are treated in an intensive care unit of the hospital appropriate antibiotics to treat sepsis are combinations of two or three antibiotics given at the same time most combinations usually include vancomycin to treat many mrsa infections however once the infecting organism is isolated labs can determine which antibiotics are most effective against the organisms and those antibiotics should be used to treat the patient in addition to antibiotics two other major therapeutic interventions organ system support and surgery may be needed first if an organ system needs support the intensive care unit can often provide it for example intubation to support lung function or dialysis to support kidney function secondly surgery may be needed to drain or remove the source of infection amputation of extremities has been done to save some patients lives will second opinions be covered under new health care plans,there are not any supplement that have been shown to reliably treat tendonitis there are braces nsaids topical anti inflammatories physical therapy and prp platelet rich plasma injections that have been shown to work what surgery options do i have for type 1 diabetes living with the disease,surgery is not a routine way of treating type 1 diabetes you are eligible for surgery only if you meet specific criteria you may have a pancreas transplant surgery if you have had or plan to have a kidney transplant or in rare cases if you meet other requirements you may have islet cell transplant surgery if you meet the rules for being in a study islet cells transplanted into the liver make insulin surgery choices pancreas transplant surgery pancreatic islet cell transplantation what to think about pancreas and islet cell transplants are very expensive after having one of these surgeries you must take immunosuppressive medicines for the rest of your life to prevent your body from rejecting the new tissue the success rate for pancreas transplants has improved with new surgical techniques and new immunosuppressive medicines islet cell transplants may replace pancreas transplants in the future but for now they are experimental 17 webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated can a male get genital herpes from a infected female performing hand masturbation job using her saliva as lubricant,hi it happens due to stiffness and fibrosis massage and physiotherapy for atleast 1 month should be done laser treatment will be helpful to relieve from adhesions thanks is zumba dance a good exercise,sorry to hear of this dealing with a constantly runny nose can be very annoying the medical term for a runny nose is rhinitis the runnyness is caused by inflammation of the nasal tissue the most common type of rhinitis is allergic rhinitis however it is possible to have the non allergic variety too another flavor of rhinitis is called gustatory rhinitis and this refers to getting a runny nose when you eat other things can cause a runny nose such as exposure to cold weather if you have never been diagnosed with nasal allergies this would be a good time to see your health care provider to determine if your runny nose is caused by allergies or not if it is an over the counter or prescription medication may help dry up your nasal tissue if your runny nose is not caused by allergies then your only option may be to invest in a lot of tissue not the best news i know hope this helps should i go to the doctor when i was young i went to the doc for asthma & i got an inhaler i am now 19 in optimal physical health going to the gym 56 days a week for 1 5 hours each & i have not used my inhaler since i was 15 or so and while my body is in shape enough to handle cardio i can not breathe after about 2 minutes of running so badly that i have to stop running bc my lungs feel like they are closing i do not know if this is a normal reaction to cardio or if it is my asthma coming back should i go to the doctor,yes you could have exercise induced bronchospasm an asthma like reaction to exercise you will need to be properly examined hi i have recently undergone a vasectomy and after 1 sample i was asked to do another after putting my second sample in the urologist has asked to see me face to face in 7 days time im not sure if this is normal and i have worked myself up about this thinking they may have detected something in my sample showing something serious like prostate cancer since the procedure i have had little aches and pains in my left testicle which i assumed was normal and may very well be ive also had a bit of a dull ache in my lower left back which comes and goes i may not even notice this for days should i be worried about them calling me in they have not said its urgent or asked me to take someone in is it normal to be asked to see your urologist after a result,semen analysis is not suitable to diagnose prostate ca azoospermia has to be established before declaring sterility this re testing is most likely a part of that very protocol to detect any viable number that could lead to impregnation though vasectomy is very safe method and only 1 failure rate is there retesting at three weeks is ideal to confirm azoospermia wishing you best of health thanks are hives contagious,i do not have enough information to be able to answer that question i do not know the type of seizures you are having and of course i have no way of examining you to determine if your one sided headaches have anything to do with this condition there are hundreds of different types of headaches you would need to consult your medical provider someone who is familiar with you and your case and someone that has the ability to examine you i have acne and oily skin sunscreens feel really greasy i only wear makeup with sunscreen on my face is that enough,you need to wear sunscreen on any part of the skin that is exposed to the sun oftentimes it can be the fragrance or preservative that is really causing the reaction so if you tend to be sensitive look for ones that are fragrance free and dye free that is a good place to start also apply it a few minutes like 10 15 minutes before you go out in the sun to try to help protect and make sure you reapply it often enough you can do skin testing to see if you truly are allergic to the ingredients i have found that most people are allergic to an ingredient other than the active ingredient in sunscreen those can be avoided in the future so they can still get great sun protection if you really are allergic to the sunscreen ingredient you need to look for sun protective clothing there is clothing that has ultraviolet protection built into it that lasts through multiple washings and you can find these on lots of stores or even online and look for ones that have an ultraviolet protection factor of 30 or higher a regular t shirt only has an spf or upf of about 3 or 8 depending if it is wet or dry so dry has sun protection of about 8 and wet goes down to about 3 so you really need to look for clothing that is sun protected wear a hat with at least a 1 inch brim that is going to cover over your face effectively and try to stay in the shade as much as possible so it is really sun smart behavior put altogether that will protect your skin i always feel tired when wake up in the morning my eyes feel like a lead,get blood work as soon as possible it sounds like impetigo i had similar all of a sudden pop up a couple of months back and being in medical field with several medical degree is it was first to come to mind and i went to my doctor and he prescribed a ointment that was awesome and it went away in 2 days had it for a week before i went to my doctor cause pain was getting so impossible to deal with best of luck and hope this helps you out what should i do if i suspect an overdose of flexon,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include unusual excitement fastirregular heartbeat seizures does vinegar stop hair loss in women,one of my friends who actually suffered with the same problem is now perfectly alright and looking really quite normal this is mainly due to your body imbalance my friend followed a book known as acnenomore which contains only holistic methods to cure any type of acne at which stage it is purely it is an herbal treatment and there will be no side effects on you just go through it because the problem you are facing since 6 years is a long time some of the points which can i say > it normalizes your hormonal production and prevents future hormone irregularities this action alone will yield dramatic results on your acne and on your skin and hair condition in general > it naturally and permanently gets rid of blocks in your system this will allow your main organs of elimination to handle hormonal irregularities more properly thus help prevent future breakouts > it eradicates the internal micro organisms that stress your system and contribute to this system blockage in this way you regain more control over what the main causes of your acne > it controls the environmental elements as well as your own daily habits that lead to hormonal imbalance and system blockage > it builds rejuvenates fortifies and strengthens your natural internal mechanisms responsible for hormonal regulation and toxic elimination > it neutralizes the external factors that lead to acne during and after the program it this way your skin will not only stay clear it will always look healthy vibrant and glowing > it maintains the results you have achieved acne free system using a well structured maintenance plan hope you soon recover from the problem good luck i started having pain and burning while urinating a week back,hi look if your that worried and with your mother being worried as well so why do not the pair of your get down to your doctor and see what heher comes up with good luck can you pass smelly gas and not know it,does an old car that runs well need an oil change healthy appearing men can have hidden health problems that only a thorough physical examination can find the answer is yes is there a cream that can fix wrinkles on your penis head glans when flaccid,you will need to see your medical provider for a thorough medical history and examination it would not be possible to determine a cause or a solution to this issue blindly over the internet based solely on your brief posting have terrible heart palpitations also i sweat constantly,this is due to overdose of zytomil u should talk with your doc and get the dose changed or change the drug should men worry about osteoporosis and what are the signs of it in men,although osteoporosis is often thought of as a disease that only affects women about 20 of cases are in men but osteoporosis in men is often unrecognized and untreated and since osteoporosis is a silent disease the first symptom is often a broken bone men who are at higher risk for osteoporosis should focus on prevention risk factors for osteoporosis in men include taking certain medicines like steroids anticonvulsants and some cancer treatments some chronic diseases smoking lack of exercise low testosterone and a family history of weak bones if you think you might be at risk talk to your doctor experiencing cloudy foul smelling urine along with foul yellow mucus like discharge no burning itching or inflammation had c section one month ago and am now experiencing cloudy foul smelling urine along with foul yellowish mucus like discharge i am not experiencing any itching burning inflammation or painful intercourse could this be a simple uti or vaginal infection from child birth,hi your find that doctors say it is your body flushing out everything your body retained while pregnant he said when blood stays inside and just sits with your body is natural bacteria good and bad it causes at foul odour and it will go away once your body flushes everything out you may still have at your 6wk pp check up this could be for both of your problems been on any antibiotics lately this could be another reason to your problem as well but to help cure your odour you could try having sea salt baths twice a day its just a couple of handfuls in a shallow bath but let this water get inside your vagina you could find it helps you do hope this helps you good luck why should not i change my meds for depression,do not change your meds without consulting your prescriber i am very concerned with many many folks dropping lowering changing their meds without their doctor is advice we doctors know you patients do this a lot no matter what our advice may i suggest that if your med is not working or is giving you side effects call or make an appointment with your doc i have at least 20 ways to treat depression with meds and probably 20 antidotes to side effects my meds give you all as a doc i would like a call saying hey this med is great but i have a side effect what can i do to stay on the med and get my side effects to go away finally if you stop some meds cold turkey you can have anywhere from a mild withdrawal to a seizure and coma with others in my career i have had to put 2 3 patients in the hospital for medical emergencies due to withdrawal if they would have called me we could have lowered the meds safely and moved forward i got scratched by a dog and the infection is going up my arm will penicillin stop the infection from spreading,you have been doing this for ten years it is now a well established habit you do not need to do this of course your vagina or your urinary bladder should not be leaking fluid or creating moisture to the point where you need protection this habit most likely stared when you first estrogenized started having estrogen this caused a mucous discharge that may have freaked out a little girl thinking she would have an embarrassing wet spot use a light panty shield like you use for your period and i think you will find it dry most of the time perhaps this will give you the confidence to stop this little girl habit that you can not seem to stop if you are getting an unusual amount of moisture see your gynecologist for a careful exam to determine the reason is naproxen 500 mg anm a narcotic,hi in my opinion you have cushing syndrome i recommend late night salivary cortisol test and low dose dexamethasone suppression testing good luck can shingles rash not have blisters my boyfriend has had shingles before but this rash he has is very large from his groin to all the way down his inner thigh on one side it is red and blotchy on the outside of the rash but the red blotches on the inside are very light no blisters and apparently has had this rash for over 6 months,yes it does not always consist of blisters can calcium citrate help relieve pain from menstrual cramps,i have not heard that calcium citrate is an effective way to relieve menstrual pain i typically recommend ibuprofen or aleve i am 16 days late for my period and at 14 days late i had a light pink discharge but still no period early pregnacncy is this a possible early pregnancy symptom or something else i have been having some breast tenderness and difficulty sleeping,write down your exercise plan at the beginning of each week and review it at the end of the week be very specific that is write down the day time and duration of the exercise if you miss a session figure out why and make a rule for yourself that you get right back on track since you are into sports you might consider the wii you can play your sports at home and get a great workout and it is fun finally only you can really make this happen it takes work and discipline and wheny ou do not feel like it work even harder to make it happen remind yourself why you want to do it and what happens if you do not you can do it even if you do not want to i had blood test done my arm is now black blue and red,hi the bruises are quite significant and should not be neglected local heparin gel should be applied for the bruise to reduce down keep the limb elevated do not apply anything warm or hot apply ice packs check for platelet insufficiency thanks is olive oil good for dermatitis,signs and symptoms clearly indicate the symptoms of arthritis like pain stiffness swollen and tender joints etc the same can be confirmed with x ray blood test may also confirm arthritis treatment depends on the diagnosis what are the symptoms of bipolar disorder,although biotin does play a role in amino acid metabolism there are no studies that i can find that show taking biotin decreases lactic acid production if someone is deficient in biotin it could limit performance or muscle formation but that is unlikely if you are getting enough through diet you probably do not need to supplement for more on lactic acid and biotin see these articles exercise and lactic acidosis biotin supplement guide how can i move on with my life after a divorce what about dating,yes does masturbation cause arm numbness and pain,if you think your dog has poison ivy you should definitely wash your dog because if you are getting it from your dog then that is going to keep happening until you get that resin off the dog the one thing is you can not spread it from yourself so if you have poison ivy on your body and you scratch that is not how you spread it it might be from under your nails or from your gardening toolkit or from your dog those can be sources of it but it is not from the rash itself the way to treat it is really to see your dermatologist and get a strong cortisone cream or ointment or gel to put on it to help dry it up when it is bad enough you may even have to take cortisone by mouth which is not the ideal thing but sometimes when it is bad enough and it is uncomfortable that helps knock it out pretty well it can start even two to three days after your exposure so i have had patients come in and it is three or four days later and all of a sudden the rash starts to come out so it does not always happen right away the one thing is if you think your dog has poison ivy resin on its fur you have about ten minutes from your exposure to go wash it off so if you have any suspicion if he is out in the woods and he starts running around and he comes back and touches you and you know he was in an area where there was poison ivy try to get inside as quickly as possible you can use soap to get that off your skin but after ten minutes it is in and you are going to have to deal with it taking antihistamines also helps so you can take that as well something like benadryl or claritin or allegra all those types of antihistamines can help a lot but sometimes when it is bad enough you just have to take prednisone by mouth for up to two weeks even before it starts to calm down i wish to get pregnant but i am in contact with a person with cytomegalovirus cmv infection,thyroid nodules should be examined for malignancy on case of recurrence …if hyperthyroidism is there then radioactive iodine or surgical treatment are possible see a general surgeon i have been on birth control for 7 years will this effect any future pregnancies or make it difficult to get pregnant,know your personal risk if you have a life threatening condition that requires you to take medication every day your health is at greater risk if because of a disaster you are unable to gain access to needed medications taking stock of your health issues will dictate what and how much you need to do to prepare yourself for a possible emergency create a disaster preparedness kit everyone should have a disaster preparedness kit which contains a host of essentials food water first aid supplies medicine and clothing so that you can function on your own for at least three days to see a full list of necessary items for a disaster kit check out the cdc is website so you can make your own you can also buy pre packaged kits from various sources online stock up on medications include in your disaster kit any medications you or family members take on a regular basis it is best to consult with your doctor andor pharmacist about the best way to store them if you do not have extra medications to store get a written prescription you can hold onto or at least a list of prescriptions with your doctor is signature it is also a good idea to have a friend or family member living in another place hold onto medications or other needed items contact list have an emergency contact list you keep with you and also provide to someone else such as a coworker or someone out of state phone numbers of local organizations such as the police and fire departments are good to have on hand stay social do not forget about the power of social media sites including facebook and twitter when it comes to accessing important information and letting others know how you are doing in addition on the american red cross website family and friends can search for people who have registered themselves safe and well we currently buy our own health insurance and it is in effect until august 2014 will i be able to sign up in the marketplace in august,i hate to contradict the doctor but new studies are showing there is no correlation between marijuana consumption and harm to a fetus depending on how you consume it may be a factor i would definitely not smoke it if you are in a medicinal state i would find a doctor who deals with medicinal cannabis as they are going to be the best ones to answer all your questions 100 i have known multiple women who have used cannabis throughout their entire pregnancy and their children are healthy and very intelligent what is the difference between the fat burning mode and the cardio mode on the machines at the gym,if you buy your own coverage i suggest you shop your options on healthcare gov to see what policies will offer you the best coverage at the lowest price you can buy separate policies but there is likely no need for it many of the dynamics that once made buying separately less expensive have been eliminated by the law i suffer from digestive issues doctor has no answers,no birth control is 100 i was on the depo shot for my first kid and the pill for my 2nd as far as getting pregnant that can happen any time the only way to be safe is dont do it but then u have no fun and dont get to prove your love to each other red spots on penis which looks like tiny pimples i went to a dermat who recoed me some antibiotics and steriod creams mid march after these spot had subsided i noted that my shaft was blood red but very dry so again visited dermat and he said its nothing but allergy and gave me moisturiser some steroid cream now come mid april the red spots noted in mid feb are back again although much lesser this time i dnt have any other associated symptoms such as itching burning or pain during or without urination but im worried about why it is taking so long to heal,you need to use a creme called man1 man oil it is way better than any other lotion or ointment out there because it is made specifically for the penis skin and for issues like this if you apply it once a day takes only seconds your penis skin will stay clean smooth and irritation free it is all natural too definitely check it out will diphenhydramine hci cause a positive result on a drug test,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you i had blood drawn today and phlebotomist commented that my blood looked thick should i be concerned i had hysterectomy in 1990 drew blood for ra and ana with routine labs today,do not read too much into that comment just wait until you get your test results your cbc should reveal if the thick blood comment was valid or just a phlebotomist thinking out loud after 3 hernia operations a medium sized bubble formed about 4cm below the stitches,in myvopinion this means you are suffering a recurring hernia …another surgical repair is needed using a mesh sheet as this formation can be strangulated and cause many complications see back your surgeon thanks how many times a day should i brush my teeth,i wish i had something useful to suggest some method of convincing a loved one to shed unhealthy habits and pick up good ones it is such a common situation when we care deeply for someone who is putting their own health in jeopardy almost eveyone experiences some form of this during their lifetime parents worry about their teenagers putting themselves in risky situations children of alcoholics or smokers family members who do not take care of themselves we wonder if their unhealthy habits will lead to serious illness or death that will take them from us prematurely or cause problems that we have to deal with or put us in a position of having to look back with regret that we should have done something to cause them to change we have heard stories or seen movies where someone is behavior takes a turn for the better after an emotional conversation either a pep talk or a crying session or a stern lecture etc sometimes it actually works in real life other times it just gets awkward or backfires in my experience it usually backfires or leads to hurt feelings and resentment however at least we can look back and convince ourselves we tried my advice is to try for one of these intense conversations when the timing seems right then you can at least live with yourself without wondering if you should have done something differently tell her how it makes you feel and how it might impact you if she has a stroke or heart attack or goes blind or she ends up on dialysis or loses a foot because of her actions learn how it makes her feel to have diabetes and to have to choose between the sacrifices of doing nothing and allowing her disease to progress vs the sacrifices of making changes that are difficult and reduce the few sources of pleasure she might get in a typical day you are both in a tough spot i hope you can work together to find a way to move forward in a positive way hi i am 2 weeks pregnant i took half a 10mg temazepan tablet twice in the past 2 weeks before i knew is this v harmful,the shot is better btw pills make it worse because it gives you pregnancy symptoms they make your body feel like it is preg so that you dont get preg i think that the shot is waaaay better if you dont wanna get preg but i heard that the mood swings stop after awhile you have been on it the best thing you should do is talk to your doc or whoeverwherever you got the shot and talk to someone about the depression the shot & pill couldve made it worse i was on both of them and stopped because i hated it i have depression anxiety and anger probs they made it worse for me hopes this helps though i miss a month of my period and hve not started yet i am 48 yrs old and i am sexually active i am sexually active and have ot had safe sex i am having night sweats occasionally but i dont feel sick or pregnat,hi even though your 48 i do hope you still practice safe sex but for you i would go see a doctor could be you time for the menopause it about the right time good luck keep up your sexual side very good for you am i pregnant i been experiencing itching fullness and warmth in my breasts i also have lower back pain and slight nausea all day long during the last 4 days now and also i use the potty more often with headaches and i calculated if i am im 3 weeks and 2 days pregnant my last period was 12262012 and i had sex on jan 8th i have a period every 28 days,hi its tests you need to have if a doctor wont help go see the er by doing that you mat get the help you need if you can sit down with an er doctor there field is bigger that a doctordoctors who cant and wont help in the way you need it and that will only come through tests being done so please do try an er asap do hope you get the help you need good luck what is wrong with my vagina i have to pee constantly even after i have just gone and my vagina smells like stale urine the inside of my vagina is very red almost inflamed but does not itch or hurt i have no abnormal discharge and my pee is clear could this be uti i am not sure what else it could be considering i feel no painitchiness i am a virgin so i highly doubt it is an sti please help me,hi i suggest you treat chlamydia and get completely cured then you can undergo monthly usg scans if the scans turn out to be normal and if the baby growth seems normal without any anomalies then you can think of continuing pregnancy if you want thanks please help i had all signs of being pregnant and then i got my period is that normal what could it be yes i want a baby amd last month i had all the early signs of being pregnant well i bought a test and took it the day my period was to start and as soon as i took it i started my period why did i have sickness needing to go pee all the time breast tenderness all month though i wasnt pregnant,pap tests are better now at detecting hpv you could have gotten this virus from any of your former partners years and years ago and it is only now that changes are being detected on your cervix during a pap past normal paps are good but that does not mean you had a recent exposure do not start pointing accusatory fingers at anyone just get properly treated there is really no way to determine who did it or when you were infected by this virus how much biotin should i take to loose weight i have a back injury so i need something that will help me loose weight,although biotin plays a role in metabolism there are no studies to show it helps with weight loss the key for weight loss is to make changes to diet and exercise you can see a registered dietitian go to eatright org or you can create your own plan here for more on biotin uses see this webmd article good luck i noticed a small lump in my armpit about a month ago it has gotten larger and has become painful it is now dime sized oval in shape below the hair line there is a shooting pain from the lump into my shoulder and breast the pain started yesterday and is getting worse i have checked for ingrown hair and its not there is no discoloration and is very tender to touch should i go see my doctor as soon as possible,yes you most definitely need to see your doctor so you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated it would be impossible to determine the nature and significance of this lump based solely on a brief description can my doctor put me on a steroid regiment i have already purchased the steroids i am 19 years old and i have been weight training for about 6 years and i have recently purchased a steroid stack i was wanting to know will my doctor put me on a regiment to ensure i take them safely,impetigo can form on your lips however since i have no way of examining you over the internet i have no way of knowing if your blister is impetigo or not pregnancy what is the full meaning of pvc,toddlers can have a lot of odd behavior so i guess that hiding things could be one of them toddlers get into all types of mischief since they readily explore their expanding environment they think nothing of taking a steak knife out of the dishwasher and run down the hall with it when they are caught and disarmed they will collapse to the floor in a tantrum because you took their knife possession is important to toddlers so they may hide things so they can keep it for themselves it is not unusual for them to take car keys and throw them behind the couch or worse flush them down the toilet correct the toddler gently but firmly tell them about your things and hisher things focus on the behavior but not the child for instance hiding mommy is keys was a bad thing good boys or girls do not do these things and you are a good boy or girl these odd behaviors tend to be very temporary so hang in there which pilates exercises are good for someone with parkinson is disease,the primary symptoms of parkinson is that may be helped by exercise are slowness of movement stiffness and loss of balance and posture and so exercises that improve these should be done for improvement of balance try standing exercises as part of your pilates workout whether you are working on a mat or the equipment standing exercises challenge your muscles and your brain to maintain balance improvements in people with parkinson is are typically slow but they can occur if you work hard and consistently as for slowness flexibility and strength are part of the solution many pilates exercises work through a full range of motion and so stiffness and flexibility should improve make sure your instructor focuses some of the attention on a full range of movements and holding those positions to improve flexibility as for strength it typically improves quickly for beginners this is because strength is not only a function of the mass of the muscle but also because of improvements in nervous system patterning impulses from the brain through the central nervous system to the muscles when you pattern the transmission of impulses from the brain to the muscles by repeating exercises over and over the brain gets better at recruiting more muscles and you get stronger patterning is important for people with parkinson is because patterning may diminish with a loss of dopamine so repetition of the exercises should help pure strength is also important not only for activities of daily living but also for well being it is fair to say that under most conditions feeling strong feels better than feeling weak and since most of the pilates exercises build strength whether on the mat or the equipment there is certainly benefit to be gained one of the limitations observed with parkinson is patients who do pilates is the lack of motor training for the activities you do during your normal day like opening doors getting in and out of cars and walking so make sure your instructor helps you with that there is important research in animals to show that regular aerobic exercise has a positive effect on parkinsonian symptoms in one study scientists gave rats a medication that induces parkinson is disease by destroying brain cells that make dopamine after administration of the medication to all the rats the researchers then had half the rats exercise for seven days while the other half remained sedentary after the study they found that the exercising rats lost only 6 percent of their dopamine containing neurons whereas the sedentary rats lost 87 percent that is a substantial difference with the potential for important clinical improvements in symptoms based on those study results you might want to add aerobic exercise in addition to strengthening balance and flexibility work if you have trouble walking because of balance problems then try holding on to the side rails of the treadmill research proves that activities of daily living motor performance and ambulation improve even if you hold on and on 40mg lisinopril to get to 12080 vertigo when standing almost fainting normal hi guys i have high blood pressure hbp normally at 140120 taking 40mg lisinopril to get down to 12080 the problem is i get vertigo when standing if i do it repeatedly working on a carmotorcycle i nearly faint is this me getting used to the lisinopril perhaps my body is not used to dealing with its bp at a normal range or is there something else going on,most helpful answer some people do experience vertigo and lightheadedness when taking bp meds it happens a lot when going from laying to standing or sitting to standing i recommend getting in these positions slowly and standing still for a few seconds before walking these symptoms can also mean that your bp is dropping too low if it continues and happens at other times besides just changing positions call your doctor your meds may need to be lowered a bit or switched to something else i have terrible bone pain and muscle spasms is it due to celiac disease or other condition,celiac disease if untreated can lead to these complications a multi system treatment approach should be given high vitamin diet including aloe vera juice and fruit juices will help i had root canal in 2015 still painful – how can i trust doctors after that,i forgot to tell you that you should do a cone beam ct to make sure the infection is not reaching the sinus if it is not then a retreatment can be done after drainage of swelling can strengthening the muscles make a hernia go away,unfortunately exercising to improve a hernia is likely to aggravate the condition the hernia exists because of a localized absence of muscle and supporting structure exercise can strengthen the surrounding muscles thereby worsening the localized weakness and increasing the pressures inside the abdomen the result is that more tissue can be forced through the defect and enlarge the hernia i am a legal permanent resident over 65 years old with less than 5 years of permanent residency i am not working my income is below 100 poverty level and i have not needed to file tax returns can i get tax creditssubsidies considering my age and income should the income level be between 100 and 400 and age be less than 65 for government subsidies,hi i think your find that they are combatable to each other but after sex have you tried putting a cushion under you behind this may help the sperm to stay in the place you want it most but keep your having sex to every third day this way you should keep his sperm count up do hope this helps good luck what should i do if i suspect an overdose of subutex,hi yes it is bilateral legg perthes calvé disease with a broken bone fragment on right side i am really sorry good luck is it dangerous to sleep on your back when you are pregnant,so if you are not having problems sleeping on your back it is fine and does not put any risk to the fetus your body will tell you when you cannot be on your back anymore the reason many physicians tell you not to sleep on your back is due to the uterus pressure on the inferior vena cava a large blood vessel that takes blood back to the heart from the lower body this decreases the blood flow back to the heart which causes all of the changes for patients it causes a decrease in the blood flow to the heart and causes the mother to sweat increase in heart rate and nervous the mother will need to get off of [her] back to feel better how serious is an ldl level of 112 need meds,healthy ldl cholesterol ranges are less than 100 milligrams per deciliter mgdl an ldl of 100 129 mgdl is near optimal your doctor can determine if medication is recommended to lower ldl values here are some other ways to lower ldl exercise more often exercise can play a large role in decreasing triglyceride levels experts recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week lose weight weight loss can be a result from exercise and diet changes eating fewer calories can help you to lose weight a diet that is high in fruits vegetables lean proteins and low fat dairy products can help to decrease your caloric intake choose healthy fats eat less unhealthy fats found in meats butter dairy products and trans fats found in processed foods and margarine healthy fats are found in olive oil nuts and seeds eating more of these foods are helpful at lower cholesterol this is because of the omega 3 fatty acids also found in tuna salmon and mackerel for more information click on this link what can i eat at a cookout that will not give me heartburn,the key to enjoying cookouts is to know what foods agree with you if grease bothers you stick with grilled foods or vegetables instead of tomatoes load up your salads with carrots beans jicama or other milder veggies burgers are ok but get the leanest cuts and dress them with guacamole or something else less acidic than catsup if carbonated drinks lead to late night torture stick with iced tea if margaritas and you do not get along drink less or switch to a virgin strawberry type watermelon can be acid producing consign it to a mixed fruit salad only eat smaller portions your stomach detects large amounts and pumps out more acid my 44 yr old boyfriend needs oral stimulation in order to get hard is this normal my boyfriend and i have been dating for one year lately he does not get an erection unless i give him oral stimulation and even that did not work the other night he drinks quite a bit and also smokes i know he has stress at his job and we also have it at home because we just moved and are remodeling what could be causing this problem and what can i do to help solve it,in my opinion morning headache is side effect of over use of pain killers and sign of depression i recommend the use of antihistaminic like atarax 10 every 12 hours also recommend that she see a psychologist good luck what should i do if i suspect an overdose of subutex,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include slow breathing slow heartbeat loss of consciousness severe abdominal pain associated with bowel movements,because we are unable to see these spots it would be impossible to determine their nature so i would suggest that you see a primary care medical provider or a dermatologist so you can be properly diagnosed i am doing insemination to get pregnant when should i do the insemination im getting two donations during my cycle,according to robert goldberg phd author of tabloid medicine how the internet is being used to hijack medical science for fear and profit and co founder of the center for medicine in the public interest the principle reason that people are charged is that hospitals want to avoid the appearance of wrong doing and reduce the threat of having a law suit if you do not charge for the mistake then you are admitting you made the mistake and the patient can go on to sue for damages if you have suffered a medical error and were asked to pay for treatment that you did not need take action many patients although incensed pay charges without question according to goldberg often times the simple act of speaking up is enough to get the hospital to drop the charges in this particular case the first line of response is i am not paying for it goldberg says contact your state is department of insurance to see if you live in a state that currently prohibits hospitals from charging patients for care to correct a medical error a number of states currently do you can also file a complaint with your state is department of health if you are covered by medicare you can file a complaint by phone at 800 medicare if you have insurance there is a good chance you would look to receive coverage for any treatment you need if your insurer has not already raised a red flag when the claim for the unnecessary care came through for payment contact the company and explain the situation if all else fails contact an attorney to help you negotiate with the doctor or hospital a resolution can likely be reached with discussions if not you always have the option to sue i am 14 and just lost 60 pounds i have a lot of excess skin on my belly what can i do to get rid of it,it depends on the chemo drugs that arewere used some drugs have a huge affect on fertility and some are ok you will have to check with the oncologist how to lose 60 pounds i am 59 years old i had a hysterectomy in 2010 a hernia surgery in 2011 a second hernia surgery to repair the first hernia surgery in 2013 then the doctors removed a cyst from my spinal column in 2014 i would gain about 20 pounds between each surgery i currently weight 194 2 but before my surgeries i weighed 135 i need help i have tried eating less carbs drink more water and walk since walking is all the doctors would allowed me to do i am desperate and need help,hi its not so much walking but brisk walking find some hills to walk up and get a back pack stick 10 to 20 pounds in it but if you can walk then swimming would be ok its low impact exercise and a good all over exercise but do try this it works for me just google the cabbage diet very simple to follow you just need to cook up with a cabbage lots of veggies but no peas i start of with a pan that can take a gallon in goes a whole load of sliced carrots then prepare as you go sliced onions garlic as much as you want its good for your blood courgettes green beans peppers red and green for colour and last a cabbage to make up the gallon why your cooking it up add two 14oz cans of chopped tomato is and 12 a ltre of passata salt and pepper to taste plus any herbs you like basil is good boil to you fill it up and then you just simmer for the last 35 minutes the first day is fruit change the last one over for veggies and have the fruit the next morning just carry on through the week as it is when you have veggies you can add curry powder to it or chilli sauce worcestershire sauce or just soy sauce they all will make it different and a dribble of some good olive oil this is good for omega 3 then the the next week off but keep the fruit day and the banana and milk day then away you go again if it works for you just keep it going it will make you fill good it detox is your body do hope this helps you good luck effect of diabetes on the brain my son has been a type 1 diabetic for 40 years has not always taken good care of himself has had numerous occasions that he went into diabetic comma over the years has there been any study on how this diabetic reations effect the brain,i had back pain after getting an epidural for a couple months after a couple of my kids i also had some migrains can epilepsy only occur while sleeping my father has had about 4 episodes in about years in which he looses consciousness and become very stiffed always during the first 10 to 20 minutes after he goes to sleep he is always taken to the hospital and all tests become negative could this be a type of epilepsy,com yes most of them are just caused by the bacteria keep on metronidazole until the symptoms ends and you feel ok repeat a stool lab after all to confirm its death drink plenty of water and avoid dehydration … my car has been leaking oil and blows smoke out of the car and fumes in the car can this have an effect on my health,there is a window of 5 to 6 days in the middle of your cycle remember starts on day 1 when you are most likely to get pregnant considering this you might say it would be irregular but never say never here is an article that describes it in more detail hi my daughter is 4 months old she had bronchiolitus her temp is 96 she feels cold but is sweating what should i do,adverse reactions to measles vaccination as part of the mmr include fever 5 15 rash 5 joint aches 5 and low platelet count thrombocytopenia one instance per 30 000 doses in adult women up to 25 will suffer joint pain that is due to the rubella component of the vaccine the fever usually occurs seven to 12 days after the vaccination and the rash occurs seven to 10 days after vaccination i have a bad taste in my throat is this caused by mucus dripping down my throat the taste is not there always it comes and goes is this at all related to sinues or mucus,i am sorry for your daughter is illness i know that it is a scary time for you and your family the waiting period is the worst and should end soon it sounds like she may have hepatitis a hepatitis a is primarily contracted by eating or drinking contaminated food or beverages containing the hepatitis a virus the news is essentially positive in that treatment usually consists of 3 months or so of bed rest with most people making a full recovery within 6 months it also seems that the doctors are appropriately covering all bases by asking a surgeon to review the mri results yes the viewing of some undistinguishable object next to the liver is worrisome but it could end up being a benign and non issue at this time it is difficult not knowing the complete results of the mri for your precious daughter based upon her young age having a supportive mother and doctors that are investigating all possibilities i am rooting for and predicting a positive outcome i have been neatly folding toilet paper and placing it between my labi since i was eleven it is been 10 yrs is it normal i have been doing this since i was 11 at first it was because of discharge but know i just can not seem to stop its like i do not trust myself without paper being there,you have been doing this for ten years it is now a well established habit you do not need to do this of course your vagina or your urinary bladder should not be leaking fluid or creating moisture to the point where you need protection this habit most likely stared when you first estrogenized started having estrogen this caused a mucous discharge that may have freaked out a little girl thinking she would have an embarrassing wet spot use a light panty shield like you use for your period and i think you will find it dry most of the time perhaps this will give you the confidence to stop this little girl habit that you can not seem to stop if you are getting an unusual amount of moisture see your gynecologist for a careful exam to determine the reason what should i do if i suspect an overdose of balsalazide,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents should call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents should call a provincial poison control center i am on imitrex and amitriptyline for migraines and starting a weight loss program that uses phentermine is that safe,are you starting the weight loss program under the care of a physician if you have all your prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy your pharmacist will screen for potential drug interactions and make sure that your phentermine is safe to use with imitrex and amitriptyline should i be concerned about hardening of the arteries at the age of 41,it is never too early to consider heart health especially in terms of prevention there are key factors that put you at higher risk for hardening of the arteries the medical term is atherosclerosis risk factors include a family history of heart disease abnormal blood lipid levels high cholesterollow hdlhigh ldl high triglycerides poor eating habits smoking high blood pressure and having diabetes the american heart association recommends cardiovascular screening starting at age 20 so if you have not already visit your doctor for more on risk factors for atherosclerosis see this webmd post when should you call a doctor when your child has a cold or cough,most condoms are made of a type of rubber called latex latex condoms are the most effective condom at preventing stds recently condoms made of polyurethane a type of plastic have become available these are more expensive than latex condoms and seem to break more easily they are mainly useful for people who are allergic to latex there are also natural condoms which are made of animal membranes lambskin these are expensive and although they are effective at preventing pregnancy they do not decrease the spread of many sexually transmitted diseases what is the current research and what is in the future for hepatitis c,a variety of conditions may lead to changes in your skin acne breakouts can occur secondary to stress or hormonal changes very hot weather can stimulate oil gland production and clogged pores which may lead to new breakouts make sure your stepdaughter is using the correct moisturizer i always recommend moisturizers that are non comedogenic or non pore clogging no peroid in two months occasional spotting burning sensation defintely not pregnant i have not recieved my period in two months i have had spotting on the 2nd month of absence i also have noticed that its a lot hotter down there and i feel kind of a burning sensation i am definitely not pregnant,sensodyne is a toothpaste for patients with sensitive teeth who would like to whiten their teeth the jury is out on what is an appropriate age to whiten teeth whitening toothpastes have polishing agents in addition to the mild abrasives that help remove surface stains from teeth teeth that have surface stains are cleaned and whitened by whitening toothpastes however deeper stains will not be affected if your teeth have deeper darker stains due to injury or certain medications a more thorough brightening treatment such as bleaching or microabrasion will be required if you choose to use whitening toothpaste make sure the toothpaste contains fluoride as well as whitening agents what to do when doctor will not prescribe viagra i am trying to reconcile my marriage my doctor prescribed wellburtin for the anxiety i have not been able to perform since my doctor says we will look at that at a later date i can not wait that long my wife and i are trying everything but i am afraid i am losing the battle,500mgdl is a very high blood glucose that needs attention from a health professional the american diabetes association recommends the following blood glucose levels for people with diabetes 70 to 130 mgdl before meals and less than 180 mgdl after meals when blood sugar levels remain too high ketoacidosis can result click on the link for more info but that is more likely to occur in someone with type 1 diabetes over time having high blood sugars puts people at risk for various complications it is important you work with your doctor to lower your blood glucose level as is working with your dietitiandiabetes educator to make changes to your meal plan andor medication do not delay getting help there is quite a learning curve when diabetes is first diagnosied but once you get it it will become easier for more on blood sugar control see this webmd article how do i know if i am allergic to a medicationplavix i am on generic plavix but have had a rash for several months that will not go away my internist thinks i am allergic to the plavix & is going to switch me to a different medication but i was recently diagnosed with lupus so am on plaquenil for that had the rash before started that med as long as i take steroids the rash does not itch but it does not go away i have tried all kinds of creams ointments etc if i switch medications & that is not the cause then what,i am sorry you are going through this medication management is challenging enough without throwing lupus into the mix your physician is in the best position to assess this situation if he or she feels the plavix is causing the rash then i would suggest listening to that advice using creams and ointments will not cause the rash to go away if it is in fact an allergic reaction to the plavix however creams and ointments might make the rash feel better if the rash is caused by an allergic reaction to the plavix then the only thing that will make the rash go away is removing the plavix which your internist already plans to do do not expect the rash to immediately disappear when your internist takes you off the plavix it may take some time for the rash to completely go away if the rash does not go away your internist will work with you to determine what is causing it and develop a treatment plan that reduces the side effects of any medication i wish you all the best as you go through this process could be an allergy to a pet dust or even a candle that you burn i would suggest seeing an allergist diagnosed with helicobacter pylori infection i now have constipation problems bile reflux villious athropy and stomach ulcers,hi h pylori infection takes time to settle down ppis antacids with broad spectrum antibiotic should be taken for a minimum of 3 weeks then repeat the test to decide whether you need to continue with the treatment prebiotics will be helpful skimmed milk consumption will help thanks what medications and treatments are available to treat celiac disease,medicines usually are not needed to treat celiac disease if you or your child has been diagnosed with this condition your doctor may recommend taking a vitamin supplement that has iron and calcium after you or your child is on a gluten free diet symptoms should get better within 2 or 3 weeks nutrients should be absorbed more normally and the small intestine should gradually heal medicine is only needed if you or your child becomes seriously ill with celiac disease or if complications develop medicines will be given only long enough to correct these problems doctors may prescribe steroid medications to ease swelling in the intestine and to help it absorb nutrients better but not all experts agree about the use of these medicines to treat celiac disease some complications such as delayed growth cannot be treated with medicine webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated my vagina smells very bad why it smells very bad but it does not hurt burn or itch it does not smell fishy but i am not sure how to describe the smell is there any soaps or something i can do,hi try this get into a warm bath which has two good handfall is of sea salt in it and you must let this water get inside your vagina ss works for bv and yi is so doing this a couple of times a day for 3 to 4 days its all very natural so should help your problem i think somehow you natural ph has got out of whack ok good luck there is a really sore and swollen area between my right testicle and leg is it a hernia syphillis cancer,hi i am no expert but i also chose the shot for my birth control and so have other members of my family it was the same for all of us our period was normal at first then eventually it went away as we kept taking the shot every 3 months i quit taking the shot after 9 months and my period has returned does chewing tobacco increase the risk of atherosclerosis,hi in my opinion your symptoms are typical to acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy guillain barre syndrome however the progress is too slow to be guillain barre syndrome common full can cause all your signs guillainn barre syndrome progress fast within 2 weeks i recommend going to a hospital once 1st of march starts or earlier if possible if any more weakness happen rush to a hospital good luck possible cause of a severe headache with radiating lower back pain son came home from working out after school on thursday and started running a fever on friday fever has subsided but still has a headache and lower back discomfort that runs down through his rear and into his legs,there soulc be the following reasons of back pain most big problems start of as small problems that you do not address treat back pain as a symptom of dysfunction not a cause the cause of back pain is rarely at the site of the pain most people have slight postural imperfections which end up causing pain in other parts of their body postural imperfections are magnified by such things as slouching over the computer holding the phone between ear and shoulder and by hand and foot dominance in the sports most regularly played it is not the chair it is how you sit in it if muscles are not getting stronger they are getting weaker does the medicine albuterol give a positive result on urine drug test the only medication i take is what is prescribed by my doctor i do not and never have taken any other drugs so i was very surprised when i took a drug test for a new job and it came back positive for methamphetamens a friend told me that albuterol which i use in an inhaler and nebulizer will cause that,while technically any workout that requires concentration can have mind body benefits in general the workouts that fall into this category include tai chi yoga and pilates tai chi was originally conceived as a marshal art a type of self defense training that keeps the body in a constant state of fluid motion the goal of yoga is to concentrate on establishing inner peace rather than preparing for war and it is based on achieving and holding “poses ” pilates helps strenghten your core muscles of the midsection and aims to improve posture among other things what all three have in common however is that they focus the mind while moving the body counted among the benefits is a deep sense of relaxation which in turn increases blood flow and revs energy levels all three activities also improve balance and reduce stress which in turn may affect blood pressure heart rate or even help control pain all three also help build muscle tone and increase flexibility do i need eye glasses i am a 41 year old female for the past 3 4 days i have been experience a mild quiveringjumping sensation in my left eye i have also felt a general tightness in this eye i have had 2020 vision up to this point could this be a sign that i need eye glasses or could it be a sign of something ,have you done stool analysis the possible causes either parasitic infection or irritable bowel syndrome with needs a diet modificationstart by doing the stool and urine analysis will tinnitus triggered by excessively loud music using earphones while exercising go away if i stop using music,most helpful answer viral pharyngitis is just a sore throat caused by a cold respiratory virus biologically respiratory viruses are contagious a day before you know you are sick and then for about two days later estimate exposing others would not likely cause them to have identical symptoms but they could get a cold since cold viruses are everywhere she can really go back to her usual activities school church choir when she is feeling better colds last about a week but most people feel fine by day four resting the voice when she has a sore throat is usually a good idea so use your own judgment what are the causes or risk factors for emphysema,it is true that antioxidants will break down over time once you open it to the air but they do have preservatives that help stabilize them to prevent that breakdown if you start to see the color change of those products that is a sign that they are breaking down keeping the jar closed tightly or keeping it in the refrigerator will help somewhat but i often find that when i keep something in the refrigerator i am too tired or lazy at the end of the day to go get it from there so i do not end up using it and then it does no good at all so if you are very motivated and you will go to the refrigerator every time you want to use it that is fine but chances are you will use that product up before it breaks down if you are using it enough so you do not have to worry about it does lipo flavonoid reduce or cure tinnitus,people on medicare have received new benefits under the affordable care act savings on prescription drugs access to wellness visits at no cost but do not need to take any action as a result of the law and the new health insurance marketplaces going live october 1 you will continue to receive benefits the same way you have been to help cover the cost of medications you can purchase a medicare part d drug plan you can find and compare medicare prescription drug plans available in your area by inputting your zip code on the plan finder tool at medicare gov do chia seeds really help with weight loss,chia seeds are considered a whole grain food and can be sprinkled on cereal sauces vegetables rice dishes or mixed into smoothies and yogurt there have been a few studies indicating that chia seeds did not promote weight loss or change appetite however there is not enough evidence and more studies are needed enjoy chia seeds as a food rather than a supplement because they provide a healthy whole grain source and antioxidants review this article for more information and background on chia seeds yes chia seeds can be effective for weight loss because it has high nutritional value and beneficial fatty acid content it also contains a soluble fiber that slows down digestive process unwantedfat can hydrocodone cause lower blood pressure,yes it shows that you are capable of doing physical activity in which your heart rate and blood pressure go up in a sense you are doing a stress test on your heart if you tolerate that well and you feel good doing it it suggests good things about your overall level of fitness and therefore your risk of heart disease sex can also be a sign of healthy relationships and social supports it shows you have the opportunities frankly and that you are interested and engaged i think sex is a barometer for overall health what is the minimum number of calories a woman can safely eat long term up to two years or more i have seen numbers ranging from 800 to 1200 even here on webmd where 800 might be the break between low calorie and very low calorie and 1050 is where your body enters starvation mode 1200 is the conventional number but is this in keeping with modern understanding if a person opted for 800 without supervision would this be safe and sustainable long term provided it was followed with proper transition and maintenance,i feel that you should be medically diagnosed first a chiropractic assessment is not sufficient before any home treatment of back pain that has lasted a month it would be wise for you to see a back specialist md and have some diagnostic tests first there are plenty of exercises and stretching regimes but getting a definitive diagnosis is the most important thing first what is salmonella and how can i prevent getting it,salmonella specifically salmonella enteritidis is the most common form of bacterial food poisoning within 12 hours to three days after an exposure people develop nasty diarrhea vomiting fever and stomach cramps unlike the watery diarrhea one typically sees with a stomach virus salmonella usually causes diarrhea mixed with mucus andor blood and this infection lasts up to a week the good news is that most people fully recover without needing any special treatment or medication some unlucky people can get dehydrated and end up being hospitalized and a few very unlucky people can become seriously ill from this infection that includes young infants people with weakened immune systems and the elderly so how do you avoid getting salmonella and other forms of food poisoning make sure to thoroughly wash countertops sinks and cutting boards with soap and water when preparing foods with eggs raw meat or poultry only prepare fully cooked eggs make sure hamburgerground beef is cooked completely until it is brown yes pink makes a juicier burger but it also makes a germ filled one use pasteurized eggs in recipes that call for raw eggs like caesar salad dressing keep eggs meat and poultry properly refrigerated keep all baby bottles pacifiers and breast pump supplies away from food preparation areas keep pet iguanas or turtles out of the kitchen counter area you think i am joking… i had a patient get salmonella this way make sure to wash hands thoroughly after handling buy only pasteurized apple cider and other juice products wash hands thoroughly after visiting a petting zoo take home tip if you or a family member develops diarrhea that is bloody or mucousy it is time to call your doctor what is dementia,we all forget things as we get older many older people have a slight loss of memory that does not affect their daily lives but memory loss that gets worse may mean that you have dementia dementia is a loss of mental skills that affects your daily life it can cause problems with your memory and how well you can think and plan usually dementia gets worse over time how long this takes is different for each person some people stay the same for years others lose skills quickly your chances of having dementia rise as you get older but this does not mean that everyone will get it people rarely have dementia before age 60 but after age 85 up to half of all adults have it if you or a loved one has memory loss that is getting worse see your doctor it may be nothing to worry about if it is dementia treatment may help webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what treatments are given for penile cancer,a small amount of olive oil is safe to use on your face olive oil contains healthy antioxidants for your skin if i sign up for insurance through my marketplace when will coverage begin,if you sign up between october 1 2013 and december 31 2013 your coverage will begin january 1 2014 if you sign up between january 1 2013 and february 28 2014 your coverage should begin soon after your application is approved february 28 2014 is the last day to enroll in the marketplace in 2014 i had rhematic fever as a child was just wondering if i need to know what effects that may have taken on my heart how can rhematic fever effect your heart when you get older,hi during surgery you may have lost some blood causing electrolyte imbalance i recommend that you test calciumphosphorus magnesium sodium potassium zink levels i am almost sure this this the main cause good luck what is happening to my scar between 3 4 weeks ago i cut under my eye which i had steri strips to close the wound it seemed to be healing well however now there is a lump on the scar which is slightly bigger width than the scar was itself it is the same colour as the rest of the scar and also painless,although i cannot see your scar first hand as a wound heals it may produce more scarring tissue this can often dissipate in about a year in some cases the scar tissue can become quite prominent forming a keloid if you are concerned about the current appearance of your scar you will need to see a medical provider to examine it first hand i have been having a lot of pelvic pain over the last 6mo i have had two c sections and have pcos,there are no medical associations between hot flashes and laryngitis my mouth is turning from brown to pink what is happening,alprazolam xanax is an anxiety relieving medicine that starts to work within about an hour after taking the pill the level of drug reaches a peak in the bloodstream after one to two hours and its felt effects last on average about 5 hours however xanax remains in the bloodstream long after its anti anxiety effects have worn off xanax is average half life is 11 hours this means that it takes an average of 11 hours for the body to eliminate half the xanax dose in older or obese people or those with liver disease xanax is half life is longer as long as 40 hours it takes several half lives to eliminate a drug completely so for most people there may still be a small fraction of xanax in your blood two days or more after taking a single pill people who take xanax on a regular basis maintain a higher drug level in the bloodstream and it could take several weeks to eliminate all the xanax from the body xanax is excreted from the blood into the urine and is detectable in drug tests different drug tests have different sensitivities and may or may not detect a low level of xanax in the urine how long does xanax stay in your system i know everyone is different but this is my story i do not take xanax but i took 1 mg a day for 7 days straight and than stopped completely my system was totally clean before i started taking them my job does test so i had purchased some drug screen urine test cards for benzos just to see how long it would take before it got out of my system i figured probably 72 hours well it actually took 8 days for my tests to start reading a negative result thank god i was not tested at work now my system is totally clean i am 30 male 60 and weigh 190 lbs so if you take them you better give yourself a good bit of time for it to clear your system it is depend on many things like body weightheightfat level genetic problem liver functionality metabolic rate age here is best guide on how long does xanax stay in your system urine and blood you can read all about that thanks i took 2 mgs 3times a day for years and it was out of my system at the end of the 4th day does exercise boost serotonin in people with fibromyalgia,serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that scientists have found to be related to fibromyalgia neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that send specific messages from one brain cell to another while only a small percentage of all serotonin 1 to 2 is located in the brain this neurotransmitter is believed to play a vital role in mediating moods studies have found that too much stress can lead to permanently low levels of serotonin that in turn can create aggression an increased level of serotonin in the brain is associated with a calming anxiety reducing effect in some cases it is also associated with drowsiness a stable serotonin level in the brain is associated with a positive mood state or feeling good over a period of time lack of exercise and inactivity can aggravate low serotonin levels how are hepatitis c relapses and nonresponders treated,the optimal treatment for nonresponders and relapsers is not well established a minority of nonresponders 6 to 12 will respond to a second course of pegylated interferon and ribavirin patients initially treated with older interferon alpha monotherapy can be considered for either pegylated interferon alpha monotherapy or pegylated interferon alpha plus ribavirin therapy newer preparations of interferon such as consensus interferon and albumin interferon are being studied and show promise in persons who did not respond to combination therapy despite the failure to achieve sustained virologic response treatment may slow the progression of hcv to cirrhosis although this has not been shown for certain how can i fit exercise into my day when i spend so much time with my kids,see an ent if you do not improve otitis media middle ear infection with effusion fluid can cause vertigo but so can inner ear disorders since i really have no way to confirm or dispute your diagnosis or justify the use of steroids in your case seeing an ent for a higher level diagnostic examination is appropriate however two days of treatment has not given the treatment plan an adequate trial can ear infections be passed from one child to another through ear thermometers if they are not cleaned properly,well i have to say when the whi study came out in 2002 it was insane what they did with this research and how they presented it to women i remember i was dealing with webmd at that point and coming on line and talking to all the women and telling them not to stop their hormones if anything to switch over to the natural progesterone but what had happened was the study was really done on synthetic hormones and women who started 10 years after the fact always my recommendation to women when they go on hormone replacement therapy they do it around the perimenopause when they are having the maximum symptoms that they take it for menopausal symptoms and they take the least amount they need to control their symptoms and for the shortest amount of time that they need to take it so that they are not getting into twenty years down the line of continuous hormonal replacement therapy and getting into trouble with breast cancer how many days a week should i exercise,this is a great question because there is currently much debate about this issue recent studies have shown that long term use of ppis can lead to an increase in bone fracture risks in women i would encourage you to have a discussion with your health care provider about the risks and benefits i am a thyroid pt my tsh levels are good but i keep losing weight i am now down to 109 what can i do to gain weight i had my thyroid removed 3 years ago i have never been no more then 130lbs i am really concerned i have tried drinking weight gain supplements between meals but still cant maintain i just keep dropping,many conditions besides thyroid issues can contribute to weight loss because your tsh levels are within the normal range your weight loss falls into the unexplained category this is always concerning i would suggest you see a health care provider to find out what is going on if you are actively trying to gain weight but continue to lose instead you need to get to the root of the problem best wishes to you vertigo lasting days triggered by being outside in cold air temperature,i experienced vertico several times while just walking my dog a few houses down and back it turned out that two of my medications i changed to taking both in am and was not informed by pharmisist it is a problem the two meds must be taken 12 hours apart hope yours is a easy fix how can you turn off histamine with natural remedy,hi google this nasal congestion sea salt water treatment its a very natural way to clear your sinus is and its drug free do hope this helps you good luck if there is loss of water from your water bag what is the fastest way to regain it,hi i really think you should consult a doctor for this since i am not a medical professional i do not want to give advice that might hurt you inadvertently to do this you should go on healthtap where you can access a doctor through a video consultation really easily and can give you legit advice goodluck can you take probiotics and fiber supplements concurrently,yes no pcod but still chin hair and acne hello everyone i am 23 year old and i have lots of hair on chin and chest in last 3 4 years i have recently got acne too i went for the checkup and i dnt have pcod the doctor just said not to worry and take yasmin for 6 months i have regular periods also it just doesnt makes sense as the hair on my chin are getting worse day by day what the right path to take as doctor is not of much help here is there any way i can get rid of chin hairs when i dnt have pcod,it could very well be related or have other causes i have been dealing with kidney stones for 4 years now what should i add or remove from my diet to avoid them,the most important thing you can do is drink plenty of fluids if you are drinking enough your urine should be clear or light yellow if you have calcium kidney stones the most common type eating less salt or salty foods may help watch out for salt content in processed foods and in restaurants you do not need to avoid calcium rich foods and they may even help prevent another type of kidney stone being oxalate kidney stones if you have oxalate kidney stones limiting foods high in oxalate may help such as dark green vegetables nuts and chocolate other diet changes that may help include not eating too much protein increasing your fiber intake avoiding grapefruit juice and drinking real lemonade since the citrate from real lemons may help prevent kidney stones if you take supplements ask your doctor about how much calcium and c and d vitamins you should be taking since these may increase your risk of kidney stones is it possible for a bad tooth to affect your sinuses can it lead to a polyp forming in your nose,tooth pain can come from a sinus infection and a piece of an extracted tooth can enter the sinus and cause an infection but for a specific problem with polyps i would see an ent an ear nose and throat specialist will progestin only pills affect my ability to get pregnant later,you are currently on ssri selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor have you consulted a psychiatrist or your cardiologist regarding medicines for depression several medications are available for treating depression but each drug takes on an average of two weeks to exert the effect one point i would like to mention is that you are on clonotril clonazepam and ativan lorazepam both should be tapered off besides medicines meditate daily for at least half an hour in the morning it will help a lot maintain a stress diary and log your thoughts daily in some cases certain drugs do not help but still depression can be cured for further information consult a psychiatrist online > lost some hearing at about 40 in my left ear will this become permanent,start giving him iron supplements and multivitamins i want to prove i do not nor have i ever had genital warts short of removal of the penisdesection of the same how i have been accused of giving genital warts to a woman we never had sex but she still accuses i was married at the time and my now ex wife was never given this std during our marriage i want to prove i did not do this yes there are criminal charges involved and the only way i was told was to prove this short of penis removal and dissection of the same for examination is there any way to prove this i am willing to undergo any examination whatever please give me something,hi you may have a problem it can hide a go deep inside you body and yes it could have been possible for you to have been married and never passed it on but there must be a solution to this problem look go have a talk with an stdgum clinic i am sure there must be away of finding out if you are positive or negative see what they say do hope this helps good luck i used to have bad cramps before and during my periods this time there was no cramp and only 3 days heavy bleeding why i am trying to conveive and i was expecting my period on 15th october i started having brown spotting very light and then 2 days heavy flow and now nothing at all and i did not have any kind of pain through out the cycle was i pregnant what can be the reason of sudden shift in normal period,here is some information about normal menstual cycle that i hope will be helpful as you can see in the content if you are having changes in your cycle you should contact your doctor and discuss what is going on the webmd answers staff what are the symptoms of acid reflux disease,sounds like swollen lympnoids sign of infection we are trying to have a baby here are semen test results,hi compared to normal range the count is pretty low need to get it high for good results yoga meditation de stressing and healthy and nutritious diet should help thanks was having a bad bout of ocd obsessive compulsive disorder felt a weird sensation in my head,it is not likely that a week after a minor injury that this little wound would still be open and viable to secondary bacterial contamination resulting in an infection you did the right thing by washing your hands so just watch for any signs of infection redness tenderness swelling etc and see your medical provider should this happen circumcision as a cure for bed wetting we are currently living in a developing country our 12 year old son wets his bed almost every night we used to have a beeper that would trigger when he was starting to urinate at night but the device broke down and we cannot get one here it seemed effective though now a phycisian here suggests to perform a circumcision in order to solve the bed wetting issue i am wondering if this really is a standard solution and if there is scientific research proving this,if you have breast cancer stress can build and influence how you feel about life prolonged stress may lead to frustration anger hopelessness and at times depression the person with breast cancer is not the only one affected family members are also influenced by the health changes of a loved one to reduce stress keep a positive attitude accept that there are events you cannot control be assertive instead of aggressive assert your feelings opinions or beliefs instead of becoming angry combative or passive learn to relax exercise regularly your body can fight stress better when you are physically fit eat well balanced meals rest and sleep your body needs time to recover from stressful events do not rely on alcohol or drugs to reduce stress consider joining a support group will gonorrhea go away without treatment how long does it last my partner tested positive for gonorrhea and chlamydia about a month ago i am negative he claims he contracted it from an affair 6 years ago and was never treated is this possible,oh one more thing gonorrhea and chlamydia is unlikely to go away without treatment how soon can a child return to school after starting tobramycin for conjunctivitis,i let children go back to school after 24 hours of treatment assuming there is clinical improvement the eye drops or ointment will need to be given in the morning after school and perhaps again at bedtime depending on your dosage some private schools will administer a mid day dose if they have a school nurse a note from your medical provider etc my mom has one hip is a little higher up than the other and it hurts,40 years is a long time for the replaced joints to tolerate a xray is essential to check for joint disorder or dysfunction then a physiotherapist can help her by muscle strengthening and stretching plus adding a medical shoe or an insole to substitute the difference do you need to take prenatal vitamins your whole pregnancy im 7 months pregnant im just wondering if it is safe to stop taking my vitamins now or should i keep taking them,also if you plan to breast feed you should continue to take the vitamins throughout the breastfeeding process i was bitten by a spider on the inside of my forearm and now it is very swollen red and painful will benadryl help,unfortunately spider bites have a tendency to cause infection and i believe we may be at this point in this situation this could be the start of cellulitis which is a bad skin infection i would advise seeing a health care provider as soon as possible an antihistamine like benadryl will not help 5year old male child with a recurrent git and respiratory infection,recurring respiratory infections and stomach infections are indicative of compromised or low immunity he is at an early age and the immunity can be improved by giving him appropriate diets that should be a blend of green vegetables fruits eggs nuts meat milk while grains legumes etc multivitamin supplements can help make him drink sufficient water and also take sufficient sleep make him play outdoors and be physically active hope this helps regards who should get the pneumonia vaccine,hi even though i still think your both just a sexual mismatch but so have been doing some digging around and come up with these first from earthclinic com just copy link into google to the www to open and read it could be that your hormones are out of whack a blood test would tell it could also be the life style of your man any drugs he takes either medical or social does he drink a lot or smoke a lot there are lots of things that could be upsetting your ph from his pre cum or sperm perhaps if he is willing to get them tested do hope something here does help good luck i have swimmers ear cyprodex does not work,underlying fungal infection is likely take anti fungal tablets along with application of local anti fungal creams take vitamin c tablets lexapro withdrawl so i have been taking lexapro for many years and have finally tapered down to 5mg this year i started taking the 5mg a little over 2 months ago last week i quit taking the 5mg and began having some stomachintestinal problems abdominal pain and some diarrhea my diet has not changed so i was wondering if i could be experiencing some minor lexapro withdrawal even though i tapered off ive been taking the medication for 7 years and began tapering 2 years ago so i have not rushed tapering off,go to your pharmacist to learn about the drugs you are taking not physicians physicians only receive a few hours of pharmacology education they get their education from the pharm reps who you see sitting in their offices waiting to see them pretty scary but true stopped a low dose blood pressure med wdiuretic in 1 week of stopping i have gained 5 lbs & have swollen legsankles do i need to go on a diuretic,the amount of sleep that a child needs is going to be based on that child is age actually we have a great article on webmd where you can actually click on the different ages to find out what your child is sleep need is going to be but generally speaking what we are finding in national sleep foundation is polls is that kids are not getting enough sleep and they are also not getting sleep at the times that they need it may be an enjoyable thing to because you are coming home late to be able to spend some time with your child and have them stay up past their bedtime but it really can be a detriment to their health in the long run in the first year of life children are going to sleeping north of 18 hours in some cases maybe as little as 12 or 13 hours but that oftentimes occurs if you have a very colicky baby or a reflux baby try to know and understand what health issues could be going on there when you get into the 2 to 3 range that is when your children should be sleeping about 11 – 12 hours then when you start to move into grade school you are going to be looking at 9 to 10 hours and you should your kids should stick to the 9 to 10 hour range almost through high school very few high schoolers get that much sleep and so interestingly what we have found is first of all high school age children tend to swing and want to stay up late and sleep late and so anybody out there who has a high school age kid knows that the kids want to stay up til 200 am and then they want to sleep til noon uh that is a natural occurrence for them believe it or not in minnesota they actually changed school start times and they found that kids increased their grades by almost a full letter grade by actually going to school later and staying later so when you are talking with your children about sleep one of the things that you want to say is hey this is very important for you first of all it helps you learn second of all it helps your overall mood and finally it really helps your health and so i try to make the importance of sleep greater for children so that way they can get an understanding of it it is not that mom or dad wants you to go to bed at a certain time because they are mean it is because they are actually doing something better for your health does your hair grow thicker while you are pregnant,in my opinion you should get a mri of brain done again as it could be re accumulation of fluid or revival of an unremoved tumor not scaring you but you should take it seriously is is ok to use cough suppressant to help you sleep when you have asthma,well i am happy you are in a good mood anyway it is hard to tell what is causing this could be you are having some post nasal drainage from your sinuses that is temporarily affecting your sense of taste or perhaps your nose is stuffed up our sense of taste greatly influenced by our sense of smell or it could just be that you are not hungry it happens sometimes if the problem persists to the point you are not meeting your required caloric intake you should see a doctor otherwise it is probably safe to take a wait and see attitude about whether this will clear up on its own or not meanwhile make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids hope this helps can bacterial vaginosis come back after getting treated,hi just found you these sites just google each one to open and read just do it to the www one at a time you can also google bv home remedies that work good luck i was told that i had dilated blood vessels on one side of my head should i be concerned,how do you know they are bug bites there are many skin lesions that can mimic bug bites there are no particular kind of insect that only bites in the diaper area if it is a biting bug then many types could do this the type of bug may not be as important as a proper diagnosis so i would strongly suggest that you child see a pediatrician or dermatologist so that these so called bites can be medically evaluated and treated abnormal discharge during my pregnancy,in my opinion you should start with antibiotics course and then go directly to the surgery i have a weak and sensitive low back even if anyone hits me slowly on my low back it pains a lot what should it do i feel as if my lowback is very fragile i am 1 years old when i do exercises which include back stretching i feel a little pain and i am afraid if my condition gets worse even exercising is leading to white vaginal discharge and making me weak so what should i do to make my lowback strong also i would like to know the reason for such weakness and if it harmful in future,anything from classic blisters that ooze pus after bursting and scab and heal over to almost imperceptible lesions red marks white areas and other hard to notice patches men and women may have differences too there is some good info at this site www viradux com they also sell a crème that is the only thing that has worked for me i have not had an outbreak in over a year hope this helps i am a male in the middle of puberty only recently i got flat nipples they come out when touched or its cold help i have always had perfectly fine nipples until recently when they get any stimulation they perk out which is how i want them they look strange when flat i want to know if this is a side effect of puberty and will go away after or if i need to do something about it i am not really happy with the be happy with what yo are given route in this scenario please help,the best thing to do is have her see her pediatrician it could be her teeth or another issue like reflux or oralmotor problems short term decreases in food intake are usually not a problem but if it is causing her food intake to decrease permanently or causing food aversions you need to take action two year olds cannot always communicate what exactly is going on with them good luck can touching penis in the labius minora and majora and clit cause pregnancy i am 33 yrs virgin yesterday my bf and i were fooling around and i made his penis touch my clit and walls around my vagina we did not have any intercourse i do not recall him having any precum too as before i touched his penis before i made it touch my clit my menstrual cycle is due in 4 5 days 13th aug am i pregnant i always thought that it is ejaculation inside the vagina only that can cause pregnancy also since we never had any intercourse my hymen or virginity wall is not broken,when you reduce your calories to lose weight you run the risk of falling short on key nutrients that is why choosing nutrient rich foods is particularly important when you are dieting fortunately some of the foods richest in nutrition fruits vegetables and whole grains also happen to be low in fat and calories they also tend to be higher in fiber so they help fill you up even when you are eating less to lose weight even on the healthiest diet however you may fall short on nutrients over time the nutrients that are most often in short supply are iron and calcium but if you are dieting to lose weight over an extended time you may run a risk of falling short on other nutrients taking a multivitamin can help ensure that you meet your basic needs while you try to lose weight but remember a pill is no substitute for a healthy nutrient rich diet “dieting” typically entails food restriction in both the amount of food as well as the type of food that you consume both of which could potentially lead to malnourishment if done incorrectly the good thing is that the types of food that you should be restricting on a healthy diet typically do not offer you much nutritional value anyways which is why you would want to restrict them in the first place you should not have to worry about nutritional deficiencies when dieting so long as you are eating a balanced diet with a variety of different foods and as long as you are not following a very low calorie diet be wary however of some diet plans that severely restrict certain foods or food groups altogether some of these diets may have varying degrees of merit but it is best to consult with a dietitian or doctor before undergoing major dietary changes to help distinguish between helpful and harmful dietary practices can herpes be spead through sharing a towel or toilet,maybe the herpes virus can remain viable on wet or damp surfaces for quite a while to get it this way a person would a have to be particularly vulnerable to getting herpes and b have a fresh contact someone with a very active herpetic lesion perhaps on their buttocks in the vast majority of cases herpes is spread the good ol fashioned way i have been getting ectopics whenever i do anything that raises my heart level need your advice,the varicella vaccine is given in two doses the first shot at the age of 12 to 18 months and the second shot at the age of 4 to 6 years older children and adults should have two shots with four to eight weeks between the first and second shot 46 year old male had stroke on right side of brain…now another stroke,see a doctor or oncologist for better visual on your problems just found out i have hepatitis c,it seems to be cholecystitis …inflammation of gall bladder get a new us on the abdomen and reduce fats and alcohol generally one side of the mouth drooping and it is getting worse eye also droops is this a womens health concern,this may be a neurological problem that can affect men or women this could be a condition called bell is palsy but there can be other causes please see your medical provider so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated can snoring cause a sore throat,yes snoring and mouth breathing can dry out the pharyngeal throat mucous membranes and this can cause the throat to be sore yes snoring can cause a sore throat this is a common problem among snorers symptoms are similar to angina tests all ok doctors are stumped could it be coronary microvascular disease,hi yes there is always a chance of getting pregnant from having unprotected sex and your 7 days from ovulation day your egg and his sperm could meet head on all you can do is wait to see if you get your next period if you do not then that would be the time to get tested hope this helps you good luck ps question did he or you not have a condom then what is the best diet foods to eat when one has h pylori,hi i think you should be ok i walk each morning 1 hour plus them swim before breakfast used to go jogging early mornings ok as long as you drink water you should be ok and one should not exercise or swim after eating good luck can a tetanus shot cause blood sugar to go up 7 months ago i had blood work checking the last 3 month of sugar level and it was 98 monday of this week i had an tetanus shot and the next day my blood sugar was all over the place 122 up to 265 can it have to do with the shot,no your elevated blood sugars have nothing to do with a tetanus vaccine people develop diabetes over time and the timing of the tetanus vaccine was just a coincidence what are the risk factors for pelvic organ prolapse,the most consistently cited risk factors are increasing age being overweight and increased number of vaginal deliveries number of deliveries by c section does not increase prolapse risk other associated factors can include irritable bowel syndrome constipation and overall poor health african american women are less likely to have symptomatic pelvic prolapse one small study even found that having a history of stretch marks doubled one is risk for prolapse stretch marks you might be thinking why would that be the bones of the female pelvis do a great job protecting lower abdominal contents but they do not provide support the pelvic organs are supported by the muscles in the pelvic floor and the ligaments which can attach from the organs to the bones it has been theorized that pelvic muscle and ligament strength may be linked to strength of collagen collagen along with fibrillin is decreased in women with stretch marks i had a new crown put on with a lot of trauma to my gums they are swollen gray & without feeling should i be worried,you must call your dentist i deliver new crowns every day and there should be no pain after the cementation at most a very mild soreness after the cement is removed by the next day all should be back to normal having severe gum pain after delivery of a crown is not normal please call your dentist spots appeared on my areola now flaking,hi can not say whether you have damaged your growth plates and hormone producing cells needs further evaluation by blood tests and xrays of joints thanks do i need to be concerned about nutritional deficiencies in my diet because of ulcerative colitis,to ease teething pain massage your child is gums with a clean finger or the back of a small cold spoon allow your child to bite down on a chilled but never frozen teething ring a frozen teething ring can damage the gums try an over the counter teething ointment to numb the gums ask your dentist or doctor for some product recommendations allow your child to suck on a cold wet cloth teething biscuits or cookies and frozen bananas are not recommended these objects promote tooth decay and may cause your child to choke if your teething baby seems uncomfortable consider these simple tips rub your baby is gums use a clean finger or moistened gauze pad to rub your baby is gums keep it cool a cold washcloth spoon or chilled teething ring can be soothing on a baby is gums try hard foods dry the drool try an over the counter remedy also it is important that you start maintaining the oral health of your infant as soon you see the symptoms of teething to avoid future dental problems there are dental clinics which consists of skilled and experienced pediatricians how long can i give a baby asprin to my dog for a fever my 10 lb chi has an ear infection he has chills and a fever he also is panting his ears smell i used a antibiotic ointment on a q tip and let it run into his ear the smell in his ears are not as bad but still there and he then started the chills and is shaking this all started last night 12 5 13 i do have a natural ear drop med that has chamomile and sulfur in it can i put a few drops of that in his ears or use hydrogen peroxide in his ears he is 7 years old,hi if this was not a vets advice then you should not be given human drugs to your dog unless you were advised to by a vet get your dog to a vet asap tell himher what you have been giving it good luck i put alcohol on my face trying to make sure i got rid of germs my face got real dry flackey and burning help face feels tight itchy and all red and my face is flackey and peeling my ears and my neck also did i have a bad reaction from the alcohol or could it be something else what can i do to remedy this,acetaminophen is used more as a fever reducer and for pain ibuprofen which is also known as motrin or advil can be used for pain that is caused by inflammation so the theory is is that if the area is inflamed that is really what is causing the pain acetaminophen or tylenol is also referred to as apap in some formulations you want to be careful you want to make sure that you do not exceed more than 4 000 milligrams a day for an adult if you are an elderly person you do not want to exceed 2 000 milligrams a day and you would want to avoid things like alcohol they are noticing that there have been some challenges with acetaminophen in the cases of people taking too much of it they were not aware that they were taking prescription medications with acetaminophen in it so you want to talk to your pharmacist first before you consider choosing these products on the advilmotrin side once again you do not want to drink alcohol with them it really helps create nausea it could upset the stomach if you have an ulcer it is not recommended if you have asthma it is not recommended either because ibuprofen is a sister to aspirin and it could trigger an asthma attack that is really some people are very sensitive to this class and that is why they should not be taking it so once again you want to come to the pharmacy you want to ask for the pharmacist you want to come with your medication list show us what you are taking and then tell us what are your symptoms in some cases if you have had a pain for a while we might refer you to a doctor or a healthcare provider to have it further evaluated what should i do if i suspect an overdose of enoxaparin,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly symptoms of overdose may include excessive bleeding and bruising admitted to hospital with recurring stomach pains would it warrant staying off work,i would recommend you to stay off work for a minimum of 10 days untill you come out of all the symptoms or else there are high chances of recurrence you can get a usg abdomen presently done to rule out underlying cause should i get into real estate here you will find a wide variety of useful information and resources designed to help you buy or sell a home more effectively in the denver metro ,please be respectful of webmd answers and refrain from advertising your product or services on this important medical information site your inappropriate posting takes up valuable space for individuals seeking answers to their medical questions is it ok to cut this pill in half i have 20 milligram pills,tablet splitting or pill cutting is a practice that involves patients obtaining higher strength tablets and breaking the tablet in half quarter or whatever smaller portion they can in an effort to save money the fda has issued a statement on this practice splitting tablets are risky for several reasons 1 you might get confused about the right dose especially if you forget to split the tablet 2 splitting a tablet does not guarantee an equal distribution of medication 3 some tablets are hard to split and may even crumble when attempting to split 4 not all pills are safe to split especially capsules and those with specially formulations to control drug release i suggest not splitting any medication unless you and your health care provider have discussed the risks and benefits my mother is 72 when she stands up for a little while she wants to pass out,hi she seems to have developed generalised weakness due to all the illnessess and the treatments that sshe has been taking check her blood pressure give her plenty of fruit juices and water maintain hydration consult a physician thanks what do you do for c diff,yes i am 29 years old and suffering with high blood pressure taking capoten and lophrin,hypertension in this age is usually secondary hypertension so there must be a reason for your hypertension you have to check your thyroid function and then get an ultrasound for renal arteries also if you stay in front of the computer long time and you do not get enough sleep then the cause may be increased cortisol hormone which also will need to be assessed can caffeine cause a false positive on a drug test a client of mine tested positive today for amphetamines using a 10 panel urine dip test is it possible he had a false positive he claims to take tylenol with caffeine for migraines every morning,indeed heat and humidity can be the duo that makes you dizzy being well hydrated is important but you are forgetting about all of that sweat you have created you are losing valuable electrolytes in the future i would make sure to have one of the sports drinks on hand that has sodium and potassium mix in it you can buy as powders to add to water or in bottles there are lots of options out there often i just fill up my water bottle with 12 water and 12 electrolyte mix the simple rule is that when summer comes around do not forget your electrolytes clearly if you have taken precautions and you still end up with problems you need to seek medical attention what can i do to prevent hip replacement surgery i have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis lots of hip pain want to do whatever i can to prolong hip replacement surgery,if your health care provider recommends gaining more weight during pregnancy here are some suggestions eat five to six small frequent meals every day keep quick easy snacks on hand such as nuts raisins cheese and crackers dried fruit and ice creamyogurt spread peanut butter on toast crackers apples bananas or celery one tablespoon of creamy peanut butter will provide about 100 calories and seven grams of protein add nonfat powdered milk to foods such as mashed potatoes scrambled eggs and hot cereal add condiments to your meal such as butter or margarine cream cheese gravy sour cream and cheese will my insurance costs go up under health reform,it could be a really bad virus or ibs it may also be chrons disease i have had it for the past 12 years and that is how mine started good luck to you i have undifferentiated connective tissue disease brain mri shows white spots,in my opinion your mri according to this slide only is considered normal others slides must be shown to make a diagnosis the numbness and spasm in your hand at night could be due to nerve compression as you lye down on your right side please let me know of other mri slides shows any abnormality and what symptoms you are having accodrin to your connective tissue disease so we can figure out something what would cause elevated liver low potassium low blood preassure and blocked artery my aunt is admitted to the hospital and has elevated liver enzymes low potassium low blood pressure and is now looking yellow she also is being told she has a blocked artery that is causing loss of feeling in the left arm and faint pulse and blood pressure she is not being told anything until tomorrow am i am out of state and feel as though i am not being told everything any suggestions as to what this could be,french fries are basically potatoes cooked in vegetable oil and often sprinkled with salt sometimes consuming too much fat can lead to indigestion in pregnant women so be sure to limit your portion sizes and go easy on the salt which can lead to water retention bloating and possibly ankle swelling my son is 13 and is depressed he has been taking vyvanse for the last 3 years and never had a problem can you help,a fibroscan is a non invasive imaging study that evaluates the degree of liver stiffness or scaring known as fibrosis it does this by determining the speed of sound waves through the liver utilizing a sonogram similar to blood tests such as fibrotest and fibrosure the fibroscan works well in determing the 2 extremes of liver disease minimal or no scarring from cirrhosis it does not work so well in evaluating moderately damaged livers and this scan is not yet approved in the u s liver biopsy while not perfect still remains the gold standard for determining the stage of liver disease i have been ill for the past seven weeks need a second doctor opinion,there is no need to worry since no infection signs exist you can get staph even from air so just keep well hygienic level and use chlorohexidine antiseptics as preventive eradication measure wife has blood clot in leg and taking shots for this and has leg elavated but still has pain in leg what else can we do,massage leg i can not eat anything without throwing up,bacteria caused conjunctivitis is treated with antibiotics – eye drops or pills get checked by your eye doctor could my previous method of birth control affect my fertility,we spend years worrying about unplanned pregnancy fearing that our contraception efforts might fail now that we want to get pregnant we worry that that our contraception efforts may have worked too well could there be long term effects of contraception that might be keeping us from conceiving let is review them briefly and put your mind at ease 1 combined hormonal methods e g birth control pills the patch and the vaginal ring these methods are all similar and do not have any long term impact on fertility we expect your periods to have returned to your normal cycle whatever that means for you within 3 months of stopping all of these methods 2 progesterone only methods the progesterone only pill the 3 month shot the 3 year implant we also expect these methods to wear off in 3 months the shot is a little different in that it is 3 months after the next shot is due since each shot works for 3 months this would be 6 months after the last shot again no long term impact on fertility 3 intrauterine device iud the iuds currently on the market in the us have a wonderful track record with regards to fertility which has not the case years ago with an iud that is no longer available although fertility may be present immediately with either of the two iuds currently available it would be reasonable to expect the progesterone based iud to take about 3 months to clear your system as well 4 diaphragms condoms and spermicides these methods are only effective when you use them so fertility is immediately restored when you do not use them condoms have the additional benefit of protecting against sexually transmitted diseases as well so where are the concerns regarding fertility some of these methods protect wonderfully against pregnancy but offer no protection against sexually transmitted diseases the real villains with respect to fertility for most women the transition from their birth control method to trying for pregnancy should be fairly smooth my doctor has given me a really expensive medication pristiq are there any ways to reduce those costs,i do not know i guess you will just have to wait and find out cannabis is fat bound can can be detected for several weeks but this is variable depending on the amount you use and how well your body eliminates it variable some urine tests are more sensitive than others too what should you do when your pcp puts you off two members of my family have been diagnosed with colon cancer one in remission the other stage iv there have been other types as well prostate larynx i recently asked my pcp who has knowledge of my history if a colonoscopy was in order she said it was not should i seek an oncologist or find a new pcp,find a new pcp and talk directly with the medical director of your insurance company or the medical group i do not know your age but your family history certainly justifies a higher level of cancer detection experiencing right sided facial palsy for the 3rd time in 8 months,hi thanks for the query it looks to be due to bells palsy only however only some branches of the facial nerve seems affected leading to reduced function of confined portion of the face consult a neurologist and get evaluated physiotherapy vitamin b6 and b 12 supplements and steroid can be advised i had a sleeve gastronomy sharp shock anytime,i have a hernia that will be repaired in about 3 weeks and personally have not had an issue with this however my doctor has told me and i have read that sometimes the vas deferens can become strangulated by the intestine intruding into the scrotum the vas is the tube that carries the sperm if you are having trouble and you think it may be related to your hernia see your doctor immediately as a strangulation of any kind can be very serious read some of the categories relating to strangulation could i be pregnant i got my birth control nexplanon removed 0716th and i had unprotected sex 0721st 0726th i was having cramping the 25th26th27th then i started lightly bleeding the 28th but it was so light i only bled for a few hours it was a light pink color the next day the 29th i started to bleed but it was the same there was a very small amount of blood there when i wiped and it was light pink it only lasted for a few hours the same thing happened the 30th31st today august 1st there is nothing now at all,thank you nohard for the info my periods are mostly90 regular and never experienced the post menstrual blood neither have any disease or implants nor on the birth control pills so uterine incapacity hormonal imbalance or uterine cysts and disease may not be the cause almost 2 yrs ago gyna prescribed my a 14 days course of metronidazole and told me every thing is ok and nothing to worry about but i am not satisfied as the pain duringfirst 3 days and after periodsfor 4 days are severe also first 3 days of period are always with heavy bleeding should i ask my gyna to prescribed a test if yes please recommend how to tell the difference in std and shaving irritation noticed a very faint itching barely bothers me down there just noticed today a little whiteish dischargea small scrape like mark very tiny shaved recently and do remember feeling like i irritated a certain part but i regretfully had unprotected sex on st pattys day also have had a coldvirus on and off for a little over a month before any of this happened got worse last week but is much betteralmost gone is this an std or simply me panicking over a shavingdehydration issue ,hi its best you go see your doctor asap good luck how much mild should a 12 year old girl drink per day,leaking after prostate removal is common and expected it takes time and every man recovers differently use the frustration to work on exercises external catheters scare me as i have seen so many disasters from men that start using them on rare occasions and then over time become dependent on them 100 better option you can use pads and change them a few times when you go out work on starting and stopping the stream like an exercise plan do the kegel exercises throughout the day when i did these operations i told my patients do a series every time you think about it or whenever a commercial comes on tv can i dive with otitis externa i am a hard hat diver can i dive with otitis externa,yes the high risk pools made available under the affordable care act were intended to function only as a bridge to coverage until the aca took full effect so the plan is to transition people now covered by these plans onto plans sold through the state marketplaces and for the high risk insurance pools to eventually shut down beginning this fall people will receive information about open enrollment and their health insurance options via the new online markets the same is true for people enrolled in state high risk pools which existed prior to those set up under the aca starting october 1 2013 open enrollment will begin on the exchanges and people will be able to shop for a health plan those enrolled in a new plan before december 15 2013 will have coverage that takes effect january 1 2014 using colostomy bag after hernia surgery after 7 days have not passed stools,if you are my patient after all what you have gone through i would definitely advice you to go directly to physiotherapy a professional physiotherapist will do some modalities to relief your pain gradually and strength your weakened hip muscles all modalities will be safe without causing any increase in possibility of cancer can flu test be done on someone who is on an antibiotic,yes antibiotics will not interfere with an influenza test how long should i wait before bringing my 11 yr old with flu symptoms to our family dr it has been 8 days initial symptoms were nausea high fever severe headache loss of appetite and fatigue those lasted about 2 days now she is very tired little appetite sore bellynausea and has a sore throat and cough,since influenza assuming this is what he had only lasts about a week with the worst symptoms the first few days she has exceeded this time she should be examined for a secondary infection at this point hi that is how we all get after flu just treat her cough with a cough medicine which should sort out her throat as well and slowly her appetite will come back when that happens her strength will come back as well and she will feel a better so cant see why you need a doctor good luck what facial exercises can be done to aid recpvery frpm facial paralysis of bell is palsy,there is a lot of factors here can cause him this the antidepressants that he is taking is strongly causing this also there could be a problem regarding his thyroid gland or glucose levels to i recommend measuring his glucose and do cbc and thyroid profile…tell me more information about his daily diet cause it may be one of the possibilities … does symptoms of kidney stones mimic gential herpes in a man,no kidney stones cause severe flank pain and some urinary bleeding genital herpes causes a painful blister like skin eruption in the genital area how can i minimize withdrawal symptoms while cutting back on caffeine,well individuals with low igg levels tend to get infection more frequently as igg antibodies are responsible for preventing infection in the body so in case of igg deficiency the body tend to get frequent infection so you should consult an immunologist and get evaluated and igg replacement therapy can help in reducing the frequency of infection in case if you get infection you should immediately get a proper treatment to avoid worsening hope this helps regards so i have this hard lump in my breast and i am not sure what it could be it is only in my right breast and it is been there for about 6 months and it is lumpy when i raise my arms up you can tell the difference in shape from my left breast i squeezed my right breast the other night and had some clear brownish fluid come out but nothing since then and my nipples itch like crazy i am 24 years old i found out very aggressive breast and ovarian cancer runs in his family and the woman very rarely make it through the cancer i do not think it is cancer can some one help,this is usually a side effect after a nose or tear duct surgery have you had either of these i have dark circles under eyes body aches and fatigue could it be addison disease,this is addisons disease in early stages get the treatment started as early as possible to prevent it from advancing to later stages u need to perform a few more tests to come to a exact conclusion taking symptomatic treatment at present is recommended can infants 6 months or less have bad dreams or nightmares,ovarian cancers are very serious ovarian cysts are considered benign non cancerous there are many different kinds of ovarian cysts cysts are usually filled with fluid and some ovarian cysts resolve on their own ovarian cancers are typically solid masses and require an expert diagnosis and treatment plan will eating late evening meals increase my cholesterol,no it is what you are eating as well as your genetics not when you eat it it depends on the kinds of foods that you eat make sure that you are eating healthy foods in order to not gain great amount of cholesterol you have to always watch what you eat in order to have a healthy skin and body you may check out www clearclinic com for great ideas to achieve an acne free skin there is a small hard bump in my anus near prostate and isnt painful what is it i am 17 years old and my family has no known history of colon or prostate cancer it is near my prostate but not on it and it feels a bit rough and hard it is smaller than my nail and it isnt painful no stool discoloration no blood nothing what could it be i am nervous and slightly afraid,you will need to have your family doctor examine you it would not be possible to blindly make a diagnostic determination without the ability to see and examine you the prostate is not visible on a routine examination and is can only be felt and examined by a trained medical professional since it is located a finger length up inside your rectum is it true if you have a heart murmur you should be careful not to get strep throat,not all heart murmurs are organic some are innocent so you need to find out what type of murmur you have strep throat often cannot be avoided so you will need to discuss if prophylactic antibiotics are recommended for you if you are exposed or if you were to undergo dental procedures if the answer is no then you need to only worry about strep throat if you get it should a person with herpes let their partner know even if protection is being used and there are no outbreaks,honesty is always the best policy i am sure you would want to know if your partner had herpes and your partner should know if you have herpes you may be surprises to find that you both have a history of herpes if not the uninfected partner can take measures to prevent transmission to them i know it can be embarrassing or even relationship threatening to disclose this but it is the right thing to do there have even been some successful lawsuits filed against a person who knowing gave another a sexually transmitted disease having a safe and healthy sexual relationship starts with honest communication including disclosure of a past herpetic infection and the importance of using condoms remember that herpes is not the only sexually transmitted disease out there can you still get a period with both tubes removed ovaries are still present,the menstrual flow comes from a shedding of the endometrial lining in your uterus not from the tubes as long as you have a uterus and that uterus is stimulated by the hormones in your ovaries you can still get a period the fallopian tubes are only for the transport of an egg to your uterus so if you had both tubes removed but still have your uterus you can have a menses if you do not have a uterus your bleeding is from a different cause so it would be prudent to consult a gyn i have testicle pain what else could be wrong other then a std or any infection i have had full blood work including my thyroid and metabolites i have had 2 urine cultures and 2 full panel std test including hiv every test has said that there is no infection viruses or bacteria and my levels are normal i have had testicle pain burning urination white discharge nausea burning in testicles and hips cold chills i am not urinating more and it came back after taking zithromax 1 4 pill dose i am all so constantly thirst but idk if related what else might it be,no a fetus of 11 weeks would not be able to survive i was in contact with a methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus mrsa patient,most helpful answer yes you can get infected with certain types of ‘worms by eating raw or improperly cooked smoked marinated or salted fish these worms can be found in herring mackerel north american salmon cod halibut rockfish sardines and squid after eating improperly prepared fish these worms invade the intestinal wall or lining of the stomach an infection in humans can cause stomach pain nausea and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea within a few hours of eating fish freezing fish at 20c 4f for at least five days kills the ‘worm and makes sushi safe for eating i have been diagnosed with anemia,hi iron supplements should solve the problems but it will take up to 6 month you can notice improvement after 2 weeks also i recommend full blood electrolytes test + tsh t4 good luck what is the defferance betweeb xanax and prozac if you are taking xanax for anxiety can you can prozac for it also which is used for depression,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include severe stomachabdominal pain or cramping persistent nauseavomitingdiarrhea what to use for dryness around outside of rectal area can too much bile in bowel movements cause dryness around outside of rectal area,you may be suffering from rosacea your dermatologist will be able to make the final determination topical antibiotics and tretinoin containing compounds will help control oil production and increase cell turnover is shingles a single blister or a rash my dad has a single red painful sore in his ear a pa asked if he had his zoster shot and now he is convinced he has shingles in his ear there are no other sores no rash just pain at the site and in his jaw in front of the ear,sort of both depending on the stage of the infection shingles will mostly present as painful blisters is 105 mg of vitamine b12 a dangerous dosage i am taking a multivitamin tablet that contains 100 mg with methycobalmin and 5 mg of b12 as methycobalmin andadenosylcoalmin am i taking too much daily of this vitamin,hi found this answer on netdoctor the answer is yes malaria can return cerebral malaria has a very high mortality rate about 20 and it is usually caused by the plasmodium falciparum type of malaria benign malaria has a very low mortality and is caused by the three other types of plasmodium protozoan which are transmitted via anopheles mosquito bites the incubation period for these is longer than with falciparum in 5 10 of cases the malaria presents more than a year after infection the initial symptoms of acute illness may be flu like with some or all of the following symtoms sudden coldness headache muscle pains high fever flushing vomiting and drenching sweats any of the four types of malaria may produce a similar illness initially relapse occurs as parasites may lie dormant in the liver for very long intervals if you have the slightest suspicion that you are having a relapse you must alert your doctor to your past medical history so that you can be tested as a matter of some urgency yours sincerely the netdoctor medical team read more #ixzz2y1ndzwpb follow us @netdoctor on twitter | netdoctoruk on facebook hope this helps good luck does sauerkraut cause gas,in some people most definitely cabbage is one of the major foods that result in intestinal flatulence lump on urethra opening and occassional discharge from urethra femalei have a small lump on the bottom portion of my urethra opening it seems to be inside and looks larger if i spread the skin out and notice that sometimes i have white particles that seem to be coming from the opening i had a uti a couple of weeks ago and thought it was due to that but it is not going away i have the sense of urgency feeling sometimes but not severe negative for gonorrhea and chlamydia scheduled to go back to the doctor but they cannot fit me in until next week,hi there are 6 reasons for you lump see link and 36 medical reasons for a discharge see link which gives a combination of 216 the mind boggles so hard to put a finger on it best see your doctor or a gyno good luck i frequenly get blood vesels breaking in my eye causing white area to be bright red what is the cause it starts with what looks like a pin hole gets worse and can last over a week,your best bet is to speak with your pharmacist about possible interactions between your medications and foods or beverages i do not know about the combination of milk and phentermine but i do know that caffeine of any kind colas chocolate can increase the side effects of phentermine often people take either phentermine or diethylpropion not both at the same time if this is the regimen your health care provider prescribed then he or she must have determined this is safe for you however if for example you previously were taking one of those medications and then your health care provider switched you to the other but you decided to take both please consult your health care provider as soon as possible hope this helps does anal fissure affect the spincter muscle,a fissure by definition is a small shallow tear the only way a tear can effect the sphincter muscle is a huge deep tear unless of course this is what you have you may need to see a medical provider so you can be properly examined can a fib cause heart failure iam in 100 a fib even with my pacemaker will this cause heart failure does it increase my chance of stroke,unfortunately it can cause heart failure and does increase your chance of stroke however there are many people who live with a fib and for a long time for that matter i hope they find something that works for you what is parkinson is disease,most helpful answer then you may need to see a different ent for a second opinion this is an extremely difficult issue to evaluate and it is is unlikely that something as simple as wax impaction in your ear canal or even your blood pressure would be the underlying culprit some ents specialize in inner ear disorders a likely area of problem see if you can find an ent that can do a higher level diagnostic evaluation the rumbling may be a variation of tinnitus usually heard as ringing accompanied by your hearing loss there could be dozens of considerations as to the cause and finding the cause if that is possible is only part of the battle your ent will then need to help you in finding some help in dealing with these annoying symptoms is sex safe without protection since i have been on birth control for over 7months or is the pullout still needed i want to make sure i do not get pregnant as i am not in that stage of my life yet is it safe for my spouse to release or is it not recommended and if not recommended what can be used besides condoms and sponges ,im no doctor but the pull out method is always needed if u dont want to get pregnant i got pregnant with my 4yr old son when i was on the shot for 2 years hope this helps what could my husband take for neuropathy because we can not afford lyrica,scabies is acquired by direct or intimate contact with someone else who has scabies that contact could be sexual but in most cases it is not two children playing together can transmit scabies even two adults shaking hands has the potential of transmitting this human parasite it is possible to get scabies through sexual contact and that is the most common method of transmission but it can and is transmitted through other forms of person to person contact proper treatment requires a prescription medicine over the counter remedies have not been proven effective on a separate note keeping an eye on overall penis health is important for a man using a top notch penis nutrient cream health professionals recommend man1 man oil can help one that includes alpha lipoic acid a powerful antioxidant can also help prevent that wrinkled penis appearance what if you have unprotected vaginal intercourse within 24 hours of starting birth control i took my first pill within 24 hours of having intercourse with my boyfriend i am continuing to take the pills on my set schedule what maybe the percentage that i end up pregnant,i think you need to call your doctor and clarify why he or she prescribed this medication for you ace inhibitors work to relax blood vessels by blocking the production of an enzyme in your body called angiotensin ii while ace inhibitors are commonly prescribed for high blood pressure hypertension as you are obviously aware they may also be prescribed to treat other medical conditions including heart failure some evidence suggests ace inhibitors may help people with type 2 diabetes avoid kidney damage on occasion ace inhibitors are used to treat migraine this is why you need to clarify with your doctor exactly why he or she wants you to take this medication and good for you for asking everyone should know exactly why they are taking a medication what the drug is expected to do and possible side effects asking these questions makes you a well informed patient it probably will not harm you to refrain from taking the ace inhibitor until you have clarification about why you are taking it however that is just my opinion and is not to be construed as medical advice i wish you all the best i am having extreme gi issues during and after i run my stomach kills and i feel extremely nauseous what is wrong,talk to your doctor to see if it is your liver causing the pain if it is muscular or your ribs themselves causing the pain you may be able to garner some relief through the use of an orthopedic rib belt such as this one are eating carrots bad for people who are at risk for macular degeneration my eye doctors have told me that i should stay away from eating carrots since there is a long history of macular degeneration in my family almost everyone on my mothers side has had one kind or the other is there any truth that eating carrots could be bad for you i like to eat carrots but i am not a nut about eating them i may have a several small ones with dinner now and again but that is it thanks for your time,this is not something i have heard before and is not a typical diet recommendation a variety of fruits and veggies are encouraged to help prevent macular degeneration especially leafy greens like spinach due to their high lutein content at your next visit i suggest asking your eye doctors why they recommend no carrots so you can better understand the reasoning behind it good luck i have been using depo provera shot for10 yrs been off the shot for 1year my periods are irreglar cn i get pgt at39 after how long off the shot can i get pregnant,hi google coming off depo shot to get pregnant your find all the info you need but if i remember right can be up to two years and yes you can still get pregnant at 39 or 40 even when your system gets back to normal do hope this helps you good luck how long can an allergic reaction to condoms last,generally if there is sufficient lubrication and gentleness bleeding is not a problem there is a sexual practice called fisting also some very large objects have been removed from the rectum by er doctors thus if the anal opening can relax enough or be lax enough there is less chance for bleeding from trauma however if the recipient has an internal hemorrhoid very common or rectal polyps bleeding can be possible these are common sources of bright red blood on the stool especially a hard stool small anal fissures in the tissue can also prompt bleeding but this is often less overt blood than internal hemorrhoids or polyps bottom line the duration of bleeding depends upon the actual source if you continue to have problems please see your gyn or clinic there is a short clear plastic device that a gyn can use to look for internal hemorrhoids or polyps just inside the anus it is totally ok to talk about your symptoms and sexual practices with the gyn we have seen and heard about just about everything in terms of sexual practices dr moser can i get c diff from having oral sex and my husband has rotten teeth my doctors can figure it out i havent been on antibotics or been in a hospital or nursing home i am an avid hand washer i did have a cat scan and it showed inflammation and uspecified colitis am awaiting a colonoscopy at this time until swelling and finished with antibiotics any info especially if having the oral sex and my husband has rotten teeth in his mouth could have contributed would be greatly appreciated,not very likely assuming the condoms remain intact and do not break and that you wear them for the entire time of sexual activity perhaps your girlfriend should consider a second form of birth control like the pill just in case when i started having kids i started getting boils around my panty line and my bra line any idea why,this could be a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa which could occur at any time it is a scarring condition of recurrent boils in the groin under the bra line and even at the underarm region it may be worse due to hormonal imbalance and weight gain there are oral and topical treatments your dermatologist would be able to offer to help control the condition and minimize scarring i recently found out my lower back curves more so than average i also get severe back pain could this be scoliosis after a work injury i had to go get a back x ray my work injury was only strained muscles but the doctor said my lower back curves more to than the average persons i also get severe back pain to the point where i have to basically lay in bed all day since starting school to be a dog groomer my back pain has gotten worse i try to lift with my legs and i wear insoles in my shoes one of my friends says she can tell my back is messed but from the way i stand could this be scoliosis,if you ve had a recent illness or you are under or over weight pregnancy pre menopause menopause change in your meds stress are all things that can cause your period to be late is apple cider vinegar good for your hair,i received an anterior hip replacement in july 2012 and have pt 3 times a week i find that if i miss my pt my hip starts hurting again but as long as i am using it it feels really good if the replacement is in place i wonder if its muscular or if you need more pt deep tissue work i really hope it gets better soon my husband is 42yo hx of stroke 1 year ago he awakened yesterday complaining of heaviness to his left arm,ecg brain mri and echo should be done asapwhat medications is he taking tell me more about the affected part in his body in the previous stroke want happened and how did you manage it plz why is a male face lift more difficult to do,a fibroscan is a non invasive imaging study that evaluates the degree of liver stiffness or scaring known as fibrosis it does this by determining the speed of sound waves through the liver utilizing a sonogram similar to blood tests such as fibrotest and fibrosure the fibroscan works well in determing the 2 extremes of liver disease minimal or no scarring from cirrhosis it does not work so well in evaluating moderately damaged livers and this scan is not yet approved in the u s liver biopsy while not perfect still remains the gold standard for determining the stage of liver disease chances of being pregnant after having unprotected sex within the 10th 12th week of being on the depo shot i first started getting the depo shot august of last year i received a shot on september 5th within the 10th and 12th week on that shot i had unprotected sex multiple times then i received the shot on november 28th recently i have been very tired all of the time i have been sleeping half of my day awake yesterday i woke up with a sharp pain in my lower abdomen that went away after a few minutes but felt severe i know there have been many women pregnant on the depo before,hi google depo shot side effects and when you have gone wow or some other degrading word you may come off it it can give some women some very bad side effects put it this way i would not let my daughter go on it good luck sore on testicle turned into a soft patch of skin after scabing over what could it be i have a bit of pain the pain feels like a tighting of a joint or muscle in between the groin and the tesicles is it possible to be causes by masterbation or exicse and if so what should i do,i have no way of determining what you have based solely on your brief description i do not know anything about you your age your medical history etc in order to be properly diagnosed you will need to see a medical provider someone who can take a more detailed medical history and more importantly someone who can examine you your testicles are too important to rely on a blind guess via the internet what to do when 3 years wants to be a baby what can we do to help our 3 year old grand daughter who was potty trained for 6 months & now is back in pullups she tells you she wants a bottle crib etc she is a very smart child well loved by her big family & teachers at school help please,you will need to visit the health insurance marketplace in your state to see the plans available to your check healthcare gov to find where to go depending on your income you may qualify for subsidies to help lower the cost of your insurance all new health plans must cover the cost of doctor visits and prescription drugs in 2008 the mental health parity and addiction equity act mhpaea became effective followed by the affordable care act in 2010 which put in place healthcare allowances that included individuals struggling with substance use disorders according to the healthcare law substance use disorders is included in the “ten elements of essential health benefits ” whitehouse gov if you have not yet enrolled go to healthcare gov find your state and enroll online once enrolled you can select a plan for coverage depending on your financial situation you could qualify for state and federal subsidies that could pay a portion of your insurance premium in some cases all but you have to enroll first gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855 338 6929 i had sex with my boyfriend friday night but he pulled out but got sperm on my underwear can i get pregnant from that,abogados madrid [url= madrid[url] will using natural male enhancement supplements such as virmax t damage my sperm count i know testosterone replacement therapy can zero out sperm production but with virmax that contains natural supplements can it also hurt sperm production,have they been around anyone new recently do they have new or sudden fears of people and places they were normally comfortable with i have fibromyalgia with severe leg pain radiating from the hip area to my toes can antidepressants help i was taking effexor for depression and that helped but i went off because of side effects,leg pains are very common in fm including referred pain nerve pain restless leg syndrome and muscle spasm pain other causes of leg pain can include disc problems pinched nerves peripheral neuropathy vascular disease joint disease etc [could p]rior work injuries could be involved please have your doctor look over any new or persistent pain problems antidepressents are known to help fm pain in many people there is been an accumulating body of medical evidence demonstrating how different antidepressant meds selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors like effexor and tricyclic antidepressants can help decrease fm pain it is common for patients not to first realize how much a med may be helping until they go off of it they may understate or underappreciate the med is pain relieving benefit while on it but realize it must have been working because the pain level escalates once off the med discuss with your doctor possible additional medicine strategies i was on effexor for quite a while and found it very effective however when i started to have problems with muscles and aches not knowing that i was probably dealing with fibromyalgia i switched to cymbalta i have found it to be helpful with the aches your pain sounds like you may be having problems with your sciatica a nerve that runs from your lower back down through your butt and then down the leg it can be very painful i have had spinal injections that have been helpful and for a brief time participated in a pain management program sometimes it is hard to figure what comes first the chronic pain or the depression i will say that effective pain management does allow me to focus more on dealing with the depression talk with your doctor about developing a plan that can try to address both issues best wishes to you took 2 bites of 12 pc of bread had green mold smelled like diirt will i be ok,surgery is the recommended treatment do not think of postponing it by taking temporary medicines is there any way i can treat my extreme menstrating also is there a name for it every month i have my period it is extremely unbearable i am literally always very heavy five tablespoons a week more like a day 2 3 weeks before i start my period i go through depression nausea my neck painfully spasms and locks to one side i have anxiety my mood ranges from very happy to extreme rage i have flank pain joint pain and bone pain i either can not eat or all i do is eat and i feel like i am high i have no idea what to do i can not live like this anymore,candidiasis is a yeast infection warts are caused by viruses they are not related what are the effects of an migraine,sure you can quit taking premarin estrogen replacement if you would like be prepared for a potential onslaught of menopause symptoms if you do so among the symptoms you might experience if you stop taking estrogen are hot flashes sometimes called hot flushes irritability vaginal dryness night sweats i do not list those to try to sway you against going off the estrogen i only list them so you do not get caught off guard i would recommend talking to your doctor about ways to taper off the estrogen gradually in order to minimize possible side effects your doctor also will be a valuable source of information regarding both the benefits and the risks of hormone replacement therapy hrt for you given your unique medical history best wishes to you is it better to sleep on the left side or right side of the bed how can you call yourselves experts and not have an opion about that,men traditionally have slept on the side closest to the door to protect a loved one from harm should a thug enter the bedroom it really does not matter what side of the bed that you sleep you can even sleep in the middle or diagonally if you sleep alone i sleep on the side of the bed closest to the bathroom an age related problem and the side that has the best reading light so if your question was a serious one you should sleep on the side you want assuming any bed mate does not have any objections what would happen if i took kangaroo a female arousal pill while pregnant,hi natural sex enhancers your package should read like this caution pregnant women should not take this i would just put it back in the draw till you have had your baby but not if you breast feeding good luck i have been admitted to hospital no diagnosis do you have any ideas,hi these symptoms may be due to some drug interactions of the drugs that you are taking recheck the medicines their pharmacology and the doses and get it confirmed from your doctor i am told it will be much cheaper if you are healthy to get an underwritten health insurance plan than an aca plan and that it will be the same rate for one year,you can no longer buy an underwritten health plan the aca has now made medical underwriting an illegal practice you have no option but to buy a plan that is compliant with the new law how does smoking marijuana on an empty stomach effects you,ho two things that will make it worst is masturbation and more sex just take a break from these tow till its healed make sure it has a sea salt wash 3 times a day if possible as this aids cleaning the tear and also the healing of it ok good luck what should i do if i show signs of depression during or after pregnancy,co2 retention can lead to memory disorders and other cognitive difficulties however it is not permanent but it can takes a couple of years or more to return to normal getting neurological consultation about taking some vitamins and supplements according to your case after evaluation can help i removed an ovarian dermoid cyst by laparoscopy 14 months ago i am not getting pregnant,hi removal of ovarian cysts disturbs the ovulation cycles to some extent and takes quite a lot of time to get back to normal if all the tests are normal then there is nothing to worry you may need hormonal therapy to boost up your ovulation consult a gynecologist and start the necessary treatment thanks how to find out the reason for extreme sweating muscle stiffness and cramp,i think so i got the shingles when i was a kid that had me out of school for 2 weeks i think and i am 21 now and if i get stressed out or anything my scars still itch and burn how much alcohol is safe during pregnancy,let him do ecg echo and abdominal us… advice him to stop alcohol and smoking will bactrim ds treat vaginosis i was diagnosed with vaginosis bacterial vaginosis and my doctor gave bactrim ds will this take care of it i havent been able to find anything online that says it will so i am questioning it,home pregnancy tests are very accurate so it is unlikely that you were pregnant before especially if you were at least 7 to 10 days late for your period chapped lips are not a common pregnancy symptom but it sounds like you had this issue before given the recurring problem with your period and the other symptoms you are having i would not assume this is pregnancy it is worth a visit to your doctor to find out what is going on there is no harm in taking another pregnancy test but if it is negative call your doctor so you can find out what is going on if you have not had a blood test do so hpt are not as accurate as they proclaim to be a vaginal ultrasound would be better i was pregnant before and i took several test that came back negative it took for me to go the the er for severe pelvic pain to discover i was 12 weeks pregnant and miscarrying can i spread herpes to my children i just found out that i have herpes type 2 i had a cold sore on my mouth and the doctor thinks i passed it to myself down there i need to know if there is any possibility at any time to pass it to my children,please ask your prescribing doctor for specifics on the medications you are taking many antibiotics do interfere with certain birth control methods and patients are counseled to use a back up birth control method while the antibiotics are in their system had pulmonary heart failure taking statins i now think statin drugs would probably kill me before my heart would,hi i dont think its related to heart problem vitamin b12 deficiency can cause inner ear neuritis causing dizziness and tinnitus take multivitamin tablets pregnant girlfriend having constant severe headaches severe nausea and severe lower back pain for a couple days now went to er yesterday they gave her ondansetron odt to help with nausea but not really working,i would call here obgyn and schedule an app my dog bit my nephew my 3 year old nephew loves my new puppy so much he is keep holding my puppy on his hands all the time yesterday my puppy bit him in the handi supposed puppy played with him there is a little hole but we worry about rabies virus do we need to have rabies shot for himmy nephew i had my puppy rabies shot a month ago at petco thank you very much,hi this is something you really do need to see your own doctor about but just tell they was playing and it was a playful nip being a pup i think with the shot the dog had things should be ok your doctor may ask he has a blood test done ok good luck gas pains i am already being treated for gerud with omeprazole 40 mg 1x per day tes i am on opoids that i know cause constipation so i am already careful of that still i present with sever gas constant gas constant burping without burning as long as on medication sever bloating with or without having had a bowl movement now increasing left quadrant pain no relief no matte what mind you i am on opoids and i am not getting relief with this particular problem please help,there is 30 ml in each ounce an 8 oz glass has 240 ml a 900 ml bottle is just about a quart or almost four glasses so fill up twice drink it and you will be reaching your fluid intake goal see and we thought we would never use math is in vitro fertilization covered by insurance,that depends on many things the reason your need in vitro the benefits of your particular insurance the results of your fertility studies your age etc talk to your gynecologist first followed by your insurance company what are some easy and delicious ways to prepare fava beans,tetanus is a generalised disease associated with painful sustained muscle spasms all over the body it never occurs at a specific region of the body you should not worry he still may be having some pain in the finger apply coconut oil and gentlyy massage the finger to release the painful spasms encourage him to bend the finger slowly i have a molewart on my right hand palm is it dangerous,in my opinion you should not worry about it unless the size increase or the bleeding became more frequent as at this time it could be a type of skin cancer you treatment option now is watch and wait thanks my stomach always growls turns and feels bloated after i eat i also have a lot of flatulence what could be wrong i am not sure what is wrong with me my stomach growls loudly and obnoxiously after i eat and it is very embarrassing not to mention the fact its very uncomfortable almost painful i also have excessive flatulence in addition to this i want to know what is wrong and i am tired of sitting in class with this issue it has been going on for at least 6 months now i do not eat fast and i am definently not hungry and i have tried eating more frequent it does not help,i agree with all the information provided by maryann other than that eating spicy and dry foods may cause bloating and flatulence sip some hot water after your eating is over add some curdsyogurt with sugar to your diet this will help you a lot will i fail my hair drug test because of my perscription medication i took lortab for over a year i do not abuse my perscriptions but a few months ago the dr put me on percocet recently i went back to dr and got norco sometimes i take more than my perscribed dosage will they detect that in my hair drug test and fail me,while opiates may show up on drug screening test if you are prescribed them for a medical problem disclose this up front this should not be considered a failed test if you taking these drugs recreationally without a valid medical prescription this would considered a failed test is it normal to be scared to have sex,i really do not have enough information to answer that question specifically for you if you are a virgin and have never had sex then yes it would be normal to be scared for many reasons you may have a fear of an unintended pregnancy an std or just afraid of the sexual act itself since you have never experienced it before if you are new to a relationship and are being pressured to have sex remember that you are in charge you do not have to have sex until you are ready i do not know if you are a male or female but if you have ever been sexually molested in the past the idea of having sexual intimacy could be frightening if you have been sexually involved in the past without problems and are now having issues it may take a few visits to a counselor to uncover any hidden reasons for your fears can you have a pork allergy every time i have any kind of pork i throw up do i have an allergy to pork or is my body rejecting pork,or you are jewish an allergy solely to pork would be uncommon but basically a human can have allergies or food intolerances not an allergic response to just about anything if you know your reaction the best course of action is to simply avoid pork i recently noticed a red streak in the white of one of my eyes recent trauma occured 5 days ago what should i do,recommendations from the american college of obstetrics and gynecology say that pregnant women who have an uncomplicated pregnancy should participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most if not all days of the week a few exceptions are noted ice hockey kickboxing soccer and horseback riding probably should be avoided because they are activities with higher risk of trauma to the abdomen also scuba diving poses a risk of decompression sickness the bends to the fetus and should be avoided elevated temperatures can have adverse effects on the development of the fetus therefore hot tubs and sauna baths should be avoided when trying to conceive and during pregnancy i do not eat sweets or sugary drinks i exercise every day but why am i gaining weight i weight train 2 3 times a week and i do intense cardio 30 45 minutes every day i just dont understand why i am still gaining weight,if you just started a weight training program it is possible to gain some muscle that may show up on the scale while exercise plays a role in weight management so does diet so you want to take a look at your eating habts not just in terms of what you eat but how much research shows that some people compesate for physical activity by eating more make sure you eat regular meals at the table honor feelings of hunger and satiety and eat in between meals if you are hungry make sure you include plenty of fruits vegetables whole grains lean protein sources low fat dairy and healthy fats it makes sense to see a registered dietitian rd for more guidance you can find one in your area by going to eatright org an rd can help you make tweaks to your diet to help manage weight good luck what conditions does penicillin g sodium treat,inclusion bodies meningitis syphilis for complete information follow the link below my g grandfather is death certificate lists cause of death as ruptured bowel due to flatulence is this even possible,chew a gum valsulva manuever… esp while plane landing or taking off do those two things and everything will go fine no worries i recently had blood work done with creatinine level of 1 85 and bun count of 28 just how bad is this i have a follow up for more blood work in 2 weeks and on my last full physical + 5yrs my counts were creatinine 55 and bun of 15 i do suffer from high blood pressure i am trying to get as much outside reference material so i know what i could be facing thanks dave,raw salt of any kind from any source does not contain iodine this includes sea salt rock salt and any other natural form of salt salt distributors began adding iodine to sodium chloride table salt around the 1920s when scientists discovered iodine is essential to thyroid health when the thyroid gland does not get enough iodine it grows very large this is called goiter one hundred years ago it was not uncommon to see people walking around with huge goiters due to lack of iodine in their diet iodine is not found in many vegetables or other foods seaweed is the notable exception companies began adding iodine to salt in the 1920s because almost everyone uses salt in cooking adding iodine to salt offered a way to make sure people got enough iodine to satisfy the requirements of their thyroid gland salt with added iodine is called iodized salt it is important for most people to eat iodized salt at least occasionally in order to maintain thyroid health if you do not have thyroid problems you do not need to eat iodized salt all the time you can use fancy salt like himalayan rock salt but try to get iodine occasionally since it is an essential nutrient wishing you well really bad stomach pain back shooting pains very bad headaches = what possibly i have a friend who is 17 and has had this going on for slightly over 2 weeks now and just wanted to try to help her maybe figure out what is wrong before going to the doctor,most eating strategies allow coffee even with a little bit of 2 milk i have become increasingly concerned with poor sleep quality and insufficient sleep duration in many patients with type 2 diabetes decaf would be better than regular coffee for that reason also caffeine has subtle glucose raising effects but much less than toast is it safe to use tampons while having a yeast infection i very rarely have yeast infections i recently took antibiotics and it is the cause of the yeast infection i took a 3 day dose of difflucan 4 days ago and the yeast infection is somewhat better but not 100 am i putting myself at risk of tss or worsening the yeast infection by using tampons,no is it ok to exercise when you have tonsillitis i was just wondering if it is ok to exercise workout and lift weights if you have tonsillitis and your throat hurts i am taking antibiotics right now and i do not feel sick other than my throat hurts this is my way of retaliating and fighting back and be positive and not worry about it please advise thank you very much,peroxide will not cure anything definitely not chlamydia or gonorrhea so keep that appointment on monday if you think your sexual history and symptoms justify it there is an easy urine test that can give you the correct answer expect a lecture about using condoms the penis is covered by skin and there are about a hundred reasons for itching from allergy to your laundry detergentdryer softeners or soap to eczema or a fungal infection you cannot accurately diagnose yourself over the internet so get a medical professional invovled about two weeks ago my penis started to itch i thought it was the new underwear but i was wrong i have not had sex prior to it happening i wake up from sleeping and my penis itches i i pee and it itches i have cleaned it everytime but it still itches any answers would b appreciated jim your penis may be itching simply because you have dry skin down there it is a common problem and nothing to freak out about buy yourself some penis health creme one containing vitamin a e and some shea butter is nice too and use it every day your itch should be gone in a few days get tested regularly for sti is regardless though it is the smart and responsible thing to do cheers that would not clear up an sti so it is a good idea to get it checked for common penile itching unrelated to stis using a superior penis health cream health professionals recommend man1 man oil with natural moisturizers can help to deal with the itchiness good luck penis cancer hi doctor i got married 3 months b4 me and him doing sex often washing after sex will make me not to get pregnant hi doctor i got married just three months before myself and my husband doing sex often and we both will wash after intercourse my question does washing within 5 min after intercourse will make me not to get pregnant also i want to tell one more thing i have sinus problem and i am taking romilast l 10 tablet name for the last 3 years and still continuing it will this affect my pregnancy please advise me thank you,cold ice or compress and keep moving and stretching the mucle where can i go for more information about osteoporosis,the usda is myplate is a great place to start the site provides straightforward tips on eating a balanced diet that provides all of the nutrients you need the idea is to create a meal plate that consists of 12 fruits andor vegetables of various colors 14 lean protein and 14 grains at least half of your grains should be whole grains myplate also advices people to consume three servings of low fat or nonfat dairy per day such as milk in your cereal in the morning a cup of milk for a snack or during lunch and a cup of low fat or nonfat yogurt as a snack or dessert i have had a migrainehead pain for 11 days now er doc just drugged me up and sent me on my way i am still in pain i am nauseous woke up this morning and threw up er doc did pregnancy test came back negative i have the mirena iud i have pain from the top of my scalp down into my cheek bone and upper right jaw and teeth i can not sleep well or eat well please help i am desperate er doc gave me prescription for extra strength anti inflammatory i do not even want to fill it i was not there for meds i was there to be fixed they did nothing,this is most probably an old muscle strain that healed with fibrosis in my opinion you should see an osteopath as he can assess soft tissue lesions and treat them also a physiotherapist can help by using us therapy and deep friction massage if you currently have health insurance will your company lower the current rates if you stay with them or must you switch to a different company to get competitive rates how long must the insurance companies keep their rates the same can they raise them in 6 months can doctors raise their rates,if an infant is making grunting noises while trying to breathe if a child stops breathing for more than 10 seconds if a toddler can not complete a sentence because he is struggling to breathe if there is a blue or dark purple color to the nail bed lips gums or mucous membranes will surgery put me at risk for pneumonia,find out what you can do to reduce your risks ask about breathing exercises why are plant sterols good for me,this drug has been used off label to treat common warts verruca but plantar warts are a bit different and very difficult to treat it is not very likely that this will work on those warts so it is best to see a good podiatrist or dermatologist and have the treated by a different more effective method are there any medigap insurance plans in nyc that cover pre existing conditions with no 6 month waiting period 81 years old i would like to switch from my current coverage medicare advantage plan aarp to traditional medicare plus part f medigap plus part d during open enrollment but was diagnosed with peripheral t cell lymphoma in september will my age and pre existing condition affect my premium,you are only guaranteed a medigap plan within the first six months of becoming eligible for medicare after that insurers can take the state of your health into consideration when deciding whether or not to sell you a plan and for how much that is why experts often suggest people think carefully before switching from traditional medicare to medicare advantage it is the one part of medicare that does not guarantee coverage beyond the initial eligibility period i would suggest you contact your state health insurance assistance programs for free unbiased help people there will be familiar with the specific plans available in your state and help walk you through the selection process what medications and treatments are available to treat genital herpes,based on the severity of your symptoms alone you should see a medical provider if you find it difficult to afford a doctor visit seek out a free or low cost clinic in the u s these often go by names like community health services it is impossible to say what is causing your symptoms without a physical examination at the very least and possibly some lab work green stool on its own usually is not cause for alarm in adults it can be caused by foods such as green leafy vegetables or by beverages such as sodas with a lot of bright green dye in them green stool also can be a sign of bile passing quickly through the intestine before it has a chance to be broken down your upper stomach pain also called upper gi pain could be caused by several conditions including a peptic ulcer this may or may not be related to the green stool issue as you can see there are many possible causes for your symptoms you need a medical check up to help figure out what is going on wishing you well i lose control when i drink and do not know when to stop until is too late am i an alcoholic,hi this pain can be due to nerve inflammation or calcium vitamin deficiency get his blood checked applying local gel with compression bandage may help anti inflammatory and methycobal with calcium tablets should provide relief thanks a recent testicular ultrasound showed i have restricted blood flow to both testes but no torsion what could it be i have had chronic epididimitis for 9 years and am finally going for an epididimectomy that was the reason for the ultrasound my urologist is not sure about the restricted blood flow but does not think it is something to worry about,hi have look at this link it just may shine a light on your problem the link good luck trying to conceive but no success need solution,supplements for your wife b active in the morning omega 3 and centrum after lunch for sperm count avoid drinking smoking and coke exercise regularly but not too much eat peanuts meat fish have less frequent ejaculations and avoid tight cloth heating your testicles use ginkovit once per day good luck who should not take emend for injection,hi i need more information to give an ideal opinion like is there headache my opinion is that he is suffering from vasovagal syncope fludrocortisone acetate can be used also electrical pacemaker usually it requires no treatment and improve on its own i recommend that they see a good cardiologist good luck weird mastrubating problem i have been doing this for the last 4 years this may sound a bit weird but i have a bad habit of holding my sperms inside by squeezing my penis hard enough so that it does not come out this first happened by mistake but later it seems i do not like cleaning up my ejaculation so i just do this again and again i do not think this is safe or healthy would you elaborate what kind of problems this can cause also what happens to the sperm that does not come out and if any damage has been caused till date how can i know & possibly cure it,while it is uncommon to conceive after having had a tubal ligation it can happen moreover there is an increased risk of it being a tubal or ectopic pregnancy thus you were wise to do a reliable pregnancy test given your prior history of super light flows while actually pregnant if you develop any pregnancy symptoms your should have the test repeated by a gyn or local family planning clinic as an ectopic pregnancy can delay the production of normal amounts of hcg pregnancy hormone a more likely explanation for the too light flow would be a missed ovulation if the pregnancy test is negative then the next most common cause of a missed period is not having ovulated that cycle in a normal cycle estrogen is produced all month estrogen is responsible for building up the lining of your uterus so you have something to shed each month in a normal cycle progesterone production increases following ovulation progesterone stabilizes the uterine lining in preparation for a possible implantation of a new pregnancy if you are not pregnant that month the levels of estrogen and progesterone fall triggering the release of the uterine lining—your period so if you do not ovulate the estrogen build up of the lining continues but without the usual ovulation associated progesterone thus the hormone levels do not decline and the lining stays up inside the uterus—as a missedlate period alternatively just a small amount of the top of the lining can be shed which appears as a very scant flow causes for not ovulating are many thyroid problems pituitary problems ovarian cysts physical stressors e g sudden increases in exercise crash dieting emotional stressors problems with partners children finances increased body weight anorexia rotating shifts at work etc you mentioned a prior history of weird periods that were never normal that might also suggest alterations in your ovulations there is a second less common cause for not having a period or a too light flow in some women the estrogen levels become very low the levels are so low that no uterine lining is available to be shed bottom line repeat the pregnancy test if you have pregnancy signs if it is negative then you may want to keep a menstrual calendar if your cycles become absent for three months or are just minimal spotting see your gyn or clinic for follow up certainly if you develop other symptoms such as pelvic pain e g ovarian cyst get seen promptly if your tubes are tied its almost if not completely impossible to get pregant periods are wierd and not really predictable just dont assume its over yet wear something for the next few days just to make sure its completely over can you fail a drug test from secondnhand marijuana smoke,it has certainly happened to others depending on the type and sensitivity of the test i guess you will know as soon as you have your test order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you jjhgjhjhjhj what can i do to take off the wrinkles on my feet,often proper hydration alone can make a very big difference in the smoothness and softness of the feet 6 year old diagnosed with warts size of a wart red full of fluid on body that is warm is it really warts,smoking effects your life why go to the expense to get a clear acne free body when the effects of smoking will eventually lead to permanent wrinkles that age you cause permanent lung damage and the risk of cancer if you treasure your life not just your appearance consider that smoking will shorten it you will eventually grow out of acne but the scars of acne may last a lifetime this is why you are taking accutane smoking can kill you what is peyronie is disease,not at all pneumonia is caused by micro organisms like viruses or bacteria not going out in cold weather this is something your grandmother told your mother and it trickled down to you but it has no scientific validity spotting before last mentruation two weeks before period having increased discharge swollen tender breasts pregnant on pill spotted before last period two weeks before period currently and experiencing increased white discharge and swollen tender breasts feel like water balloons,sounds to me like you are ovulating i would take a test to make sure but i bet you are good hope this helps how should i dispose of materials used to inject pegasys,there may be special state and local laws for disposal of used needles and syringes your health care provider or pharmacist should provide you with instructions on how to properly dispose of your used syringes and needles always follow these instructions the instructions below should be used as a general guide for proper disposal the needles and syringes should never be reused place all used needles and syringes in a puncture proof disposable container that is available through your pharmacy or healthcare provider sharps container do not use glass or clear plastic containers for disposal of needles and syringes dispose of the full container as instructed by your healthcare provider or pharmacist do not throw the container in your household trash do not recycle keep the container out of the reach of children what is an anaphylaxis kit and how do i use it,since moving twelve time zones east is probably not an option you may not be able to alter that autonomic function you can try increasing your fiber and bulk get up earlier activity stimulates defectation and allow more morning time for a bowel movement after being attacked and suffering with a subconjunctival hemorrhage i dont know what to do,in my opinion you can be suffering an autoimmune disorder that needs some i vestigations like crp test and ana other possibility is parathyroid dysfunction i was diagnosed with a concussion now have dizzy spells,of course you need a check a mri of brain is important to early detect any abnormality do you have neck pain can epididymitis cause headaches,a person can have two different medical issues at the same time and they do not have to have a causative relationship epididymitis does not cause headaches but you can certainly have a headache at the same time you are dealing with it what should i expect during week 25 of my pregnancy,baby your developing baby now measures about 8 8 inches from crown to rump and weighs 1 5 pounds skin now becomes opaque instead of transparent its body is still covered with folds like a puppy dog that need to grow into its skin heartbeat can be heard through a stethoscope or depending on the position of the baby by others putting an ear against your belly mom to be besides your uterus growing upward it may be getting bigger on the sides of your abdomen you may be experiencing hemorrhoids which are dilated blood vessels in the rectal area caused by increased blood flow constipation indigestion and heartburn tip of the week to soothe hemorrhoids apply an ice pack or witch hazel or try a sitz bath soaking your bottom in shallow warm water or over the counter suppositories andor medicated wipes such as tucks do not take laxatives or mineral oil im pregnant but i had sex yesterday and he came in me is that bad,hi these are signs of a underlying low grade infection a multisystem approach shuld be carried out to find out exact cause gastritis also can cause headaches taking antacids will help appropriate antibiotics can cure the infection thanks 20w pregnant my lmp was 521 unprotected sex on 62 and used withdrawal method on 616 17 when was i most fertile,not at all bell is palsy is usually caused by a virus even the herpes virus a ceiling fan will not cause illness why do babies get eczema,no one really knows what causes eczema it is an immune system reaction that can be triggered by certain soaps creams allergies and detergents and may worsen with stress heat and sweat heredity is a big factor in whether or not an infant gets eczema if mom or dad have eczema baby is a lot more likely to develop it too as a matter of fact if both parents have eczema the likelihood their infant will inherit it is about 50 is the vitamin supplement irexis sindafilate citrate an alternative to viagra,depression and anxiety treatment should be given for long duration for best results even with medicine your symptoms are persistent so this is not the time to stop the medicines but the prescription should be evaluated do not think of reducing the doses by own and talk to your doctor before making any change in the prescription cognitive therapy with a good psychologist can help you to come out of depression the therapy runs in sessions and a proper therapeutic relationship is made between the patient and psychologist this can reduce the need to drugs supplements containing omega fatty acids vitamin b12 etc can be used in diet and will naturally potentiate the actions of antidepressants for further information consult a psychiatrist online > is there anything that can aid in gaining back lost skin pigmentation i had an allergic reaction in which resulted in the loss of skin pigmentation on my penis it has been several months now and although the reaction has gone away the lost pigmentation has not returned is there anything ointment etc that could aid in this,pineal cysts are small cysts in the middle of your brain near the pineal gland they are almost always a congenital anomaly meaning they are present from birth we usually recommend a ct scan or mri scan at some point but they are almost never a problem 5 year old daughter has leg pain doctors suggested haematology & serology,in my opinion you should wait for blood tests results for now it can simple muscle strain nothing much can be done untill we see blood resultsgood luck my daughter had dental floss stuck between her 2nd to last molar and the tooth popped out is this a baby tooth it looks like the tooth broke off instead of coming all the way out she is 10 almost 11,it sounds like mono or epstien bar virus they can cause each other thogh because i had both in summer 2012 and i still got the swollen lympnodes if you get these from mono they can last up to a yearnot suppose to but i do and to tell you the truth i think i am getting it again but a whole lot worse mono can lead to lymphoma same symptoms as mono and i know that because my ex did and well i know i got lymphoma or mono again but anyways if you got mono there is no treatment for it the only thing you can do is get a lot of rest and take some over the counter pain pills and you cannot do hardly any physical activity because when you have mono your spleen gets swollen and if you fall you could rupture your spleen and the result for that is hospital for a while mononucleosis symptoms pain or discomfort enlarged or swollen glands fever excessive sweating night sweats skin rash sore throat yellow skin yellow eyes decreased appetite fatigue headache tenderness to touch weakness generalized swollen tonsils tender glands unable to blink or close eyelid what has been causing my abdominal pain for 10 weeks straight now gallbladder is out ibs is the latest diagnosis i have constant clear diarrhea that is making it very difficult to go to work i regularly have taken tylenol and tramadol over several years for back and nerve pain i have cut down significantly on them but no change the other day i took remeron and it burned really bad in my stomach for the first time ever i also have blood in my stool about half the time ct scan with contrast blood test and colonoscopy 2 5 months ago came back negative any ideas,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you is any exercise safe while taking cipro how long after 30 days of treatment should i wait before working with weights i have been working out for the last 2 years and find myself in decent shape for a 50 year old male was starting a hardcore workout plan but have stopped i have been having some urologic issues and after having multiple scans done the doctors are not seeing anything so my doctor has put me on cipro for 30 days he specifically told me not to lift anything heavy due to possible tendon rupture and from what i see the risk continues even for several months after completing the medication,hi regarding your inquiry none healing takes time however we need to have x rays trend to see the sequence of what happened… at least the old and the new one in order to help you properlywaiting for your reply i have had true test done and i am allergic to the ppd is in dark hair color is it safe to get tattoo i also take hormones and concerta the true hair test measure the allergy to certain hair dyes i am extremely allergic to the dark ppd dyes in hair color but i can bleach my hair with no reaction is it safe to get a tattoo does the tattoo ink contain any ppd is,you should consult a psychiatrist asap get the medicines started but be sure that you should not get dependant on these medicines for too long they can give u lots of side effects later on try and be fine by natural yoga and meditation techniques dr said that quantity of semen improve over 6 months but not quality is there any hope of pregnancy when to the doctor 6 months ago after trying to get pregnant it was discovered that poor quality and quantity was the issue i eat healthy exercise most morning and drink average amount of water 6 months later after trying wellman contraceptive the quantity of semen improved but not the quality therefore still disappointed with the news and outcome is there any hope,a lot depends on why your quality is low i think you mean something other than a contraceptive when you talk about this wellman product because contraceptive means that it would prevent pregnancy some men have poor quality sperm if their testes are too warm for too long are you either wearing no underwear or wearing boxers i know you say your diet is good but are you getting a little fat every day and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and protein you want to find out what is affecting your quality and fix that if you can do they really work to remove blackheads and how do they work,it is not very likely that childhood pneumonia even a serious bout that you described would have lifelong issues i do not know how old you are now but if you have not been having any lung issues i suspect you are free and clear this is just a guess however since i do not know the details of your childhood case husband had prostate cancer removed robotically now 1 testicle twice the size of other could cancer have returned,paget is disease is named after the english surgeon sir james paget who described the condition in 1877 paget also discovered the worm that causes trichinosis and described what is called paget is disease of the breast together with rudolph virchow in germany paget was one of the founders of pathology i have a very high metabolism and i can not gain weight how can i lower my metabolism while exercising more i am 20 years old 6 tall and weigh only about 150 155 i am also not very active i want to start running and lifting weights but it is tough for me to gain muscle because i have a very hard time putting on weight what can i do to lower my metabolism enough to start putting on weight and getting bigger i also do not eat very well but tend to eat a descent amount of protein every day,the goal should not be to lower your metabolism but to start feeding yourself better and reap the benefits of activity which can result in muscle gain it does not matter if you get adequate protein if you are missing out on other important nonprotein calories and nutrients that is because inadequate carbohydrate and fat intake total calories means protein is used for energy instead of for muscle formation exercising more can increase your appetite and weight training can gradually help you put on muscle it may take time to see results but because muscle weighs more than fat you are likely to gain weight here are some tips eat regular meals and snacks every day try to plan your meals ahead of time and have items you can put together for quick and healthy meals gradually build a list of balanced meals you can make for yourself include 3 5 food groups at meals including a whole grain lean protein fruits vegetables dairy and healthy fats for example in the morning you might have a big bowl of oatmeal topped with fruit and nuts and a side boiled egg include 2 3 food groups at snack time which may consist of cheese and whole grain crackers or an apple with peanut butter or half a meat sandwich with veggie sticks gradually increase exercise to include cardiovascular exercise and resistance training for tips on how to exercise to build muscle see this article what you may discover during this process is how much better you feel by moving more and eating better you will not regret starting on a healthier road i here this a great deal at the school i teach at if you really want to gain some weight you need to develop a comprehensive nutrition and exercise plan first keep a food diary for three days are you really eating as much as you think when counseling athletes at school i generally recommend they consume 1 8 2 0 grams of protein a day per kilogram of body weight so for you at 150 lbs = 68 kilograms that would put your protein needs in the range of 122 136 grams a day now that you know what your eating and how much protein you need develop an eating plan here is an example breakfast 1 large egg scrambled 1 cup old fashioned oat with one tablespoon honey 1 banana 1 cup skim milk protein in meal = 20 grams lunch 2 grilled chicken breasts 8 ounces 2 cups of veggies broccoli green beans califlower 1 apple 1 serving greek yogurt protein in meal = 69 grams dinner 1 servings baked pork tenderloin 3 ounces remove all fat 2 cups of veggies 1 banana 12 cup fat free cottage cheese protein in meal = 38 grams snacks 1 apple with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter protein 7 grams 14 cup sunflower seed string cheese fruit protein 12 grams total protein for the day = 147 grams i have or think i have influenza when should i contact my doctor,call or other emergency services if a baby younger than 3 months has a high fever you are having trouble breathing or feel very short of breath you have a severe headache or stiff neck and are confused or having trouble staying awake call your doctor if you have an extremely high fever your fever lasts for longer than 3 days you are finding it harder and harder to breathe wheezing develops new pain develops or pain localizes to one area such as an ear the throat the chest or the sinuses symptoms persist in spite of home treatment symptoms become more severe or frequent watchful waiting in most healthy people the flu will go away in 5 to 7 days although fatigue can last much longer although you may feel very sick home treatment is usually all that is needed if it is flu season you may just want to treat your symptoms at home watch closely for symptoms of a bacterial infection such as nasal drainage that changes from clear to colored after 5 to 7 days and symptoms that return or get worse early treatment within 48 hours of your first symptoms with antiviral medicines may reduce the severity of influenza and may prevent serious flu related complications 2 babies older adults and people who have chronic health problems are more likely to have complications from the flu and they may need to see a doctor for care beyond home treatment but not all antiviral medicines work against all strains of the flu talk to your doctor if you think you may need an antiviral medicine call your doctor if you think your symptoms are caused by something other than the flu who to see these doctors can diagnose and treat the flu family physician internist pediatrician nurse practitioner physician assistant a doctor who specializes in treating infectious diseases may be needed if the diagnosis is not clear or if severe complications develop to prepare for your appointment see the topic making the most of your appointment webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated if i do not exercise and eat a lot of protein from yogurt and protein shakes would that make me gain weight i am 511 and 185 lbs,sorry to hear you are going through this the source of your outbreak can only be determined with a physical examination and some tests could you have an std yes could you have strep yes could you have a yeast infection of the mouth yes is it possible your symptoms are unrelated to the unprotected sex yes as you can see there are many possible causes for the symptoms you describe and only testing can get to the cause i suggest you not delay you can start by calling your health care provider for an appointment but if they can not get you in within a week or so then you might consider urgent care by the way you should notify your sex partner about these symptoms because you may have passed them along to him or her instead of the other way around and please in the future practice safe sex even if your oral problem turns out not to be sexually related you can see how it is possible to pick up stds of the mouth by practicing unsafe sex do not risk it wishing you well is it okay for pregnant women to take fexofenadine hcl if they are having sinus congestion,hi the doctors at the er sore something that he must have over looked so what they done was to save his life what more do you want good luck could i have gotten pregnant if before we had sex my partner peed to wash out leftover spermkill it,leftover sperm from where did he already had sex recently before this it is after you start to have sex that he gets turned on and produces the pre ejaculate fluid which can actually have enough sperm to make you pregnant then as he continues a bigger quantity of liquid finally squirts out as he climaxes at the end so yes you could have gotten pregnant from that risky act i have pain discomfort almost non stop frequent urination my life has become miserable,hi firstly i need to know your age to be more specific about the answer kidney stone can be the culprit of all the above situations these can be of 2 types uric acid stones and calcium stones get serum uric acid tested this can be the reason for infection pyelonephritis and frequent infection renal doppler will help aid the diagnosis thanks my mother is in the hospital with pneumonia my son also has it and been on antibiotics for 4 days can he visit her she is 80 years old and lives with us my son is 11 i have no one to leave him with and i want to be with both of them it is so difficult to have our family divided like this,about 99 will heal without surgery partner in hospital 7 days on a gastroenterology ward under the care of a gastroenterologist they have admitted they have not a clue what is wrong with her,com this is really weird but for me i would suggest checking chronic venous insufficiency and postphlebitic syndrome…or a clexane overdosing side effects… when usually do new genital warts level off i am getting new ones every two weeks,while it is best to keep augmentin refrigerated at all times to maintain efficacy i am uncertain as to whether or not the efficacy was compromised because it was left out of the refrigerator all night it does not become dangerous to use after it has been left out of the refrigerator but it may not work to cure your son is infection and could prolong his illness to be on the safe side i would suggest getting a new prescription without knowing anything else about your son is situation i would say that is the way to ensure he continues to get the most effective form of the medication if you choose not to buy health insurance what is the penalty will the penalty be the same in each state when you choose a health insurance plan will that plan be the one you always have even if you move to another state out of all of the plans which is the best value,hi its 99 sensitive test but to confirm you need to get a pcrrna antigen test window period is 6 months post exposure so repeat the test after 6 months from your date of exposure thanks got period a week early last month and 2 days late this month what is wrong we had sex the month before last month but were protected and nothing bad happened however i did get my period last month early and now this month it is 2 days late can i be pregnant i have also been experiencing stress a lot more since two months ago and have a lot going on are those factors,hi if your getting your periods the chances of being pregnant is no unless the just 3 days and very light then you could be pregnant ok but you can always see your doctor and get a test done there a good doctor can just look at to know if you are pregnant but with all this stress your getting then that could well be your answer as stress is a great body killer and upsets it in many ways and for women periods are the first things to get upset hope this helps you good luck what can i do to get rid of the dry flakey skin around my mouth and chin area,i recommend lyrica 75 + vitamin b12 intramuscular injection also try physical therapy as i suspect pirifirmis syndromegood luck can you get pregnant a day after your ovulation because me and my boyfriend been trying for two months,hi do you mean that you had unprotected sex the day after then no it take sperm 3 days to get in the right place so by then your egg would be gone just think this and see if it works your cycle around day 14 should be ovulation day give or take a day now it take 3 days for sperm to get in place and can live for 5 to 10 days depending where you read so you need to be having unprotected sex about day 8 this way the sperm is in place to receive your egg if on day 21 you get spotting then you could be on your way to being pregnant hope this helps you good luck i have cognitive impairment can i get dementia as a young adult,could be lack of sleep or improper diet not enough vitamins can not assume dementia is there any family history of signs of dementia before age of 40 cuz it could be huntington disease need more information to help how much risk is there for sucking a man is penis not knowing his sexual history with respect to aidshiv i want so much to suck on other guys penises through their ejaculation i feel compelled to do it what is the hiv danger from doing so herpes other diseases thank you,your not running a risk with aids from bjs but i would recommend getting to know the guys history a little because herpes are for life there are edible condoms if you are skeptical of these issues as well have fun and be safe does ice cold drinks affect gerds,simple heartburn that passes relatively quickly is not dangerous certainly not life threatening but chronic severe heartburn especially with acid reflux can eventually damage your esophagus if left untreated could i have gotten hiv from having oral sex with an hiv positive partner,hiv is very low transmission through oral sex there have been several studies following partners where one person was positive and the other was negative if they only engaged in oral sex the risk to the hiv negative person was extremely low if not close to zero so be assured that you are ok but since you are sexually active make sure you get follow up hiv tests at least yearly or more frequently if you are having vaginal or anal sex hiv is not the only std in town and is much more difficult to catch than the other ones so get checked for gonorrhea herpes syphilis and chlamydia while you are doing your yearly exam i was diagnosed with cervical cancer i have some lymph nodes that are swollen and a ongoing cough producing phlemmucus,hi this may or may not be related you need to get a chest ct and spirometry to confirm get tumor markers done to rule out malignancy sputum examination will rule out chronic inflammatory disease only sympton can not hear anything right ear er said middle ear infection prescr anti & ear drop 3 days no improvement 5 days ago my right ear sounded muffled thought it need to pop tried yawning techniques & holding my nose no improvement only symptom is hearing loss in right ear no pain or pus 3 days ago i went to er they said it was a middle ear infection prescribed antibiotic & ear drops i have been taking meds as prescribed and no improvement if anything i feel more deaf is this normal or was i misdiagnosed should i go back thanks in advance,hi if your happy showering daily because of what your saying just carry on try and find natural soap there are some around may not be the squirt and shower stuff it will be in a bar but better for your skin and hair if you want good luck i am taking hydroxyzine every eight hours it is not helping my itching or rash can i take more than one dose at a time,it is not recommended to take more medication than you were prescribed if a medication you were prescribed is not working you should consult the health care professional that prescribed it and let them know it may be that the medication is not right for your condition and that something else besides an allergy is causing your itching what is big data the exponential growth and availability of data has come to play a pivotal role in the manner in which individuals companies and society at large operate big data has become a buzzword and while businesses scramble to utilize the constant flow of information a successful formula for monetizing big data is yet to be found ,please be respectful of this wonderful webmd medical site do not post advertising this takes up valuable space for people who have real medical concerns thank you my girfriend is bipolar 2 she is going to see her therapist today i need question to ask him on how i can help her i feel that most of the time its me that puts her into an episode i dont know what it is that im doing i try so hard to be there for her but some of the things she says to me hurts so bad that i get mad or depressed like ive failed her somehow she drinks everyday she drinks gin or vodka and she will destroy a 1 75 ml bottle in a week which alot by my standards i might have 2 or 3 beers all weekend sometimes she says things like i dont want to keep living or she would be better off dead help me,first off right now the alcohol is the main issue and her bipolar can not be addressed until she free of its usage ok i too suffer from depression and manic episodes did the alcohol bring on the depression or did the depression bring on the alcoholism i dont know but i do know that once i got into a 12 step recovery program that i was able to work on my issues and resume a semi normal life i would recommend you save your patience for waiting in a slow grocery checkout line and get on with your life her life might just need that tough love approach i had to hit bottom to move on i have tried about 8 birth control pills and they have all caused bv is there pills that do not cause this i am currently using an iud and want to have it removed because of the side effects the iud has caused extreme weight gain depression and acne i want it removed asap but not without a plan i have tried other forms of birth control but would like to go back to the pill i feel as though i have no options left and this journey has been extremely difficult and emotional every pill i have tried has caused the bacterial infection please help,i am sorry to hear you are going through this i wish i could tell you what is causing your pain but there are many possibilities there are no bodily organs in the area you describe there are only small intestine and the colon if you are eating and drinking passing gas and having bowel movements those are all good signs your colon is working well an ovarian cyst can cause pain like you describe and so could healing after a hysterectomy with removal of the ovaries as scar tissue forms inside it can contract and be quite painful this usually clears up over time the area can indeed feel lumpy inside where sutures have been placed this too should go away with time i suggest you contact your gynecologist about the pain he or she is in a better position to give you an opinion about the cause because she knows your complete medical history you have a right to have your pain controlled this may not mean you have no pain at all but on a 0 10 scale where 0 is no pain you should be able to aim for pain in the 3 4 range if your pain is worse than that and it sounds like it is contact your doctor for better management of the situation wishing you well i have ocular hypertension will it lead to glaucoma is there a risk of inheritance and blindness,i reviewed your history it seems from the history that you are having ocular hypertension since the results of visual field optic disc changes and oct are normal there is no glaucoma but treatment of ocular hypertension is necessary for you to prevent development of glaucoma hence you need to start the treatment and aim should be to bring the intraocular pressure below 16 mmhg and keep it around 14 15 mmhg if treatment and follow up is done the risk of blindness is minimal or nil but better follow up and treatment is important in your case glaucoma is known to be inherited and hence your children need examination in late adulthood probably at around 30 years after one baseline evaluation now but do remember not all children will have glaucoma only evaluation is required if there is no glaucoma then the risk is same as for general population hope it helps consult an eye care ophthalmologist online for further clarifications > i am 28 yrs old and my chest feels heavy almost like muscle pain in the chest is it anxiety or something worse,unfortunately it is no possible to diagnose this over the internet although 28 years old sounds young for heart problems it is not impossible if you are overweight sedentary smoke or have a family history of heart attack then you are at higher risk yourself if you are having any of these symptoms of a heart attack you should seek emergency medical services by calling 911 crushing pain squeezing sensation or fullness in the mid chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or that comes and goes episodically pain or discomfort that extends beyond your chest particularly pain or discomfort that radiates into the left jaw left arm or left back areas shortness of breath cold sweats nausea anxiety as you can see since anxiety can be a symptom of heart problems it is impossible to distinguish the two via the web only an ekg and some blood tests can say for sure if the trouble is with your ticker or something else if you do not feel you are having an acute heart attack you may be ok to simply make an appointment with your health care provider at your earliest convenience i wish you all the best chest pain after eating,it is not always possible to tell if your partner is infected with an std many patients do not know they are infected until they are tested if you have these concerns it is probably a good idea to be evaluated and if necessary put on therapy an old tampon came out of me this morning that was probably there a week should i head to er or wait for doctors appt,if you are not having any problems this is not an emergency emergency are life threatening events and a retained tampon is not in this category you can see your regular medical provider if you are having any persistent vaginal symptoms like discharge or odor does cold therapy work for arthritis pain,yes cold packs numb the sore area and reduce inflammation and swelling ice packs are especially good for joint pain caused by an arthritis flare you might also try using a local spray such as fluoromethane nonflammable on your back or painful area before and after exercise this superficial cooling decreases muscle spasms and increases the threshold of pain or you can make instant cold packs from frozen bags of vegetables some patients prefer cold therapy to moist heat for arthritis pain while others tell of having the best relief when they alternate the sessions with moist heat and ice you can experiment with moist heat and ice therapy and then select the method that gives the best relief with the least trouble or expense i am having sex with 2 women is it possible to get an std if i am their only partner,low levels of dopamine a brain chemical neurotransmitter involved in controlling movement cause symptoms of parkinson is disease the shortage of this brain chemical occurs when nerve cells in a part of the brain substantia nigra that produces dopamine fail and deteriorate the exact cause of this deterioration is not known the links between parkinson is disease and factors such as genetics aging toxins in the environment and free radicals are all under investigation although these studies are beginning to provide some answers experts do not know the exact cause of the disease studies are ongoing to determine whether there is a genetic cause of parkinson is disease only a small percentage of people with parkinson is disease have a parent brother or sister who has the disease however abnormal genes do seem to be a factor in a few families where early onset parkinson is disease is common webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what is prostate cancer,prostate cancer is marked by abnormal growth of cells in the prostate it is the most common form of cancer in american men after skin cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men is it normal that my period is late almost 8 days now i have never had sex so i can not be pregnant i am 16 and i am always regular it was ramadan recently so i fasted and my sleeping pattern kind of messed up i went to sleep at 4 am and woke up at 3 pm like the whole month but before that i have always went to sleep at like 11 pm plus i ate a lot less everyone says i have lost weight and i do not know if i should be worried or not i would reaaaaaaally appreciate your help,hi i recently had the same thing happen to me stress can do crazy things to our bodies such as missing a period which is what has happened here since your body was on a crazy schedule i had a reaction to one of the lipsticks i was using my lips are very sore and have a burning sensation what to use i had some kind of reaction on my lips to one of the glosses or lipsticks i was using my lips are very sore and when i try to apply lipstick they really burn i think they are irritated what can i use on them so they will get better i keep using the medex for lips which usually helps but am having a hard time getting them cleared up help i am desperate hate going without lipstick,you will need to go without lipstick until your symptoms abate if you think it was a reaction do not use this one again wash your lips off carefully with mild soap and water and apply some 1 hydrocortisone ointment your lips will look shiny like vaseline but it should help that burning if i were you i would probably break open a vitamin e capsule rub it on my lips before bed and let it soak in overnight that does amazing things for healing sometimes medicated lip balms can be a real problem especially if your lips are already irritated but vitamin e oil does wonders for delicate skin like that pregnant from no intercourse the other week last wednesday my boyfriend and i were messing around he took my pants and undies off and started fingering me then he took off his pants and boxers and i grabbed his dick he was dry and he had not came in me or by me we also did not have sex since then i have become very worried and stressed at the thought that i might be pregnant i am also due my period in about a week my boobs are sore and my back is in pain i am so stressed can someone help me am i pregnant ,according to the american council on exercise research studies have shown that plyometric training can lead to improvements in vertical jump performance leg strength muscle power acceleration balance overall agility bone density especially in younger participants in addition regular participation in a plyometric training program may help participants control their body weight when plyometric training is combined with active warm ups stretching exercises and other weight training evidence suggests that it can significantly improve an athlete is explosive power because plyometric training strengthens muscles and decreases impact forces on the joints it may reduce the risk of injury in some people especially in younger female basketball and soccer players who have a risk of anterior cruciate ligament acl injury that is two to eight times higher than that of their male counterparts acl injury prevention programs such as plyometrics are designed to enhance the proper nervemuscle control of the knee according to the american orthopaedic society for sports medicine why is it important to diagnose prostate cancer early,if you lose health insurance coverage outside the open enrollment period you can sign up for a plan at that time what home remedies do not work for treating sunburn,you only need to clean with a wash cloth what you can see the use of q tips is not needed or necessary earwax cerumen while it may have a disagreeable appearance is not dirt it is a protective wax coating for the ear canal just the way wax protects fine wood furniture or your car using cotton tip swabs can actually make things worse by pushing wax back into the ear canal and there is always the potential of them causing eardrum damage so your little boy is correct by not letting you dig in his ears do not clean out his ears but you do need to carefully wash off the wax drainage that you can see what is a stress fracture in the hip,a stress fracture is a fracture of the bone that is not caused by trauma when it comes to the hip and pelvis there are two common kinds of fractures breaks the first is a traumatic fracture this is caused by something like a fall or an auto accident in a traumatic fracture of the hip the ends of the bones may or may not align with each other for example it is not uncommon for the head of the femur the thigh bone to break off in the socket of the pelvis traumatic fractures of the hip almost always require surgery in contrast a stress fracture of the hip or pelvis can occur from ordinary weight bearing activities like walking if a person has osteoporosis thin bones the simple activity of walking can cause small fractures breaks in the hip or pelvis in general these breaks are relatively minor sometimes they are called hairline fractures because the pieces of bones stay in place stress fractures often can be treated with rest and diet changes like increasing calcium andor vitamin d calcium and vitamin d help bones stay strong after a period of time the bones may knit back together on their own if you have been diagnosed with a stress fracture of the hip or pelvis be sure to follow your doctor is instructions carefully a stress fracture may be a sign of weak bones you will want to follow all medical instructions to make sure the bone heals and you have no further problems wishing you well is the risk for heart disease reduced by lowering cholesterol,your risk for heart disease is lower when you have low total cholesterol and low ldl remember a higher hdl number is better however is not there a rash some pregnant women get daughter just moved from my home into an apartment a month ago that has water that smells like sewage she asked if she could shower here all the time she has sensitive skin and since she was showeringbathing in their apartment she had developed a rash all over her torso purplish discolored lines bumbs or raised areas tonight she told me she was pregnant maybe in first month she just had a misscarage less than three months ago could it be the water or something with the pregnancy,my heartly congratz for your daughter pregnant ladies do develope some purplish lines & rashes its common but in your daughter is condition it may be due to the polluted water also i need some exact details from your daughter so that i can suggest you right way to handle her contact dranubritto 9445056659 visit www vijayhomoeoclinic com are there any over the counter cough meds that are safe in the 3rd trimester to use,probably not in the first place your pediatrician would have advised you whether or not you should be concerned obviously he or she did not second receiving an extra immunization dose is not really considered a health hazard your baby probably will exhibit the usual symptoms of having been vaccinated irritability possibly an elevated temperature temporarily but these symptoms should pass within a couple of days as normal the varicella vaccine is not a live vaccine meaning it does not contain a live virus that can infect your baby the only likely side effect of receiving a double dose is that it will rev up your baby is immune system a little more vigorously if your baby has any abnormal symptoms after the weekend give your pediatrician a call for peace of mind but i do not think you will have anything to worry about hope this helps i am 65 weigh 160 57back problems that prevent me from exercise on 2 hp medsstill around l5080s what can i do,com this may be due to middle ear disorder or caused by a neurological manifestation according to aneurism or high bp get a ct done i have a burning and swelling of my vaginal lips and it hurts what is the cause and is there anything i can put on it it is swelling and pulsing and very painful all the time sitting laying walking its just there i did have sexual intercorse resently and we used protection and lube and no chance of an std,scientists and researchers are challenged with developing containment treatment and vaccine strategies for these diseases another goal is to develop immunologic and molecular tools for more rapid disease diagnosis and to study how the viruses are transmitted and exactly how the disease affects the body pathogenesis a third goal is to understand the ecology of these viruses and their hosts in order to offer preventive public health advice for avoiding infection is it safe to take levocetirizine daily,it seems that you have seasonal allergies may be due to dust pollens pets etc so the best solution is to first find out the cause of allergy and to take preventive measures cetirizine can be taken but only for short durations gradually stop cetirizine you can take homeopathy medicine kali bich 30 potency kali bichromicum potassium dichromate take five drops in little water thrice daily take this medicine half an hour before meals you can use mask when you step out from home do more physical exercise and morning walk for inner strength and yoga follow the instructions and revert back after a month for further information consult a homeopathic physician online > can sperm travel through 4 layers of clothing me and my bf got into the moment and i started grinding on him he ejaculated could sperm travel through his boxers and gym shorts then my cotton panties and yoga shorts and cause pregnancy i am really worried so could i get some help,hi i would say no unless it was magic sperm consider yourself safe but next time your fouling around keep this at the back of you mind male sperm is a very dangerous stuff and not to be plated with just remember safe sex condoms bc the pill best to be safe than sorry good luck sore throat with fever how long am i contagious,it depends on your diagnosis a sore throat can be caused by viruses contagious for a few days strep contagious for the entire time you have the strep mono contagious for the duration of the active phase of the disease and a few dozen other things birth control shot making me fat and moody i was on the pill for about 6 months but switched to the shot because of depression issues i have been on the shot for about 9 months now and have gained about 30 pounds and am very moody i need to be on birth control but do not know what method would work best for me,the shot is better btw pills make it worse because it gives you pregnancy symptoms they make your body feel like it is preg so that you dont get preg i think that the shot is waaaay better if you dont wanna get preg but i heard that the mood swings stop after awhile you have been on it the best thing you should do is talk to your doc or whoeverwherever you got the shot and talk to someone about the depression the shot & pill couldve made it worse i was on both of them and stopped because i hated it i have depression anxiety and anger probs they made it worse for me hopes this helps though can herpes simplex be cured,herpes is a serious and recurring disease which can not be cured but just managed upto a level there are several medications available which can be used to get relief from the disease but the best way to deal with any disease is by having some natural therapies for it i have read about hypericum mysorense and nosodes which can be really very helpful for the people suffering from herpes although people suffering first must do a research on it and consult a doctor about the ailment how long is a cold contagious,i have had a bad chest cold since friday today is tues i am starting to feel better but still coughing especially at night with what i consider a productive deep cough i work around seniors and am wondering if i should hold off from going back to work a little longer why does not hydrocodone show up in your urine i take 4 10 mg hydrocodone pills a day and i have tested negative on the last two urine test at my doctors office so they had to send it off for testing the last time i had 3 pills within a 6 hour period and it had been about 2 hours from my last pill and i still tested negative how is this possible,severe infections can occur in the large intestine but they are uncommon ulcerative colitis is also associated with a higher risk of colon cancer for that reason doctors recommend frequent colonoscopy examinations your doctor may discuss other risks with you what is the best time of day to exercise to lose weight specifically if i am walking on a treadmill,the perfect time is the time of the day that you feel motivated and you feel like exercising for most people it will be every morning but it will actually depend on the kind of lifestyle that you have nyc derm i have combination skin which kind of foundation will suit me,if your skin is very oily look for compounds that are oil free for dry skin look for compounds that are non comedogenic and hydrating for combination skin first determine if your skin is more oily or dry and go from there cream to powder bases work great for combination skin mineral foundations work well on all skin types especially sensitive skin a new mole appeared on my back it itches and burns is grayish and the size of a pencil eraser is this skin cancer,i recommend thyroid profile and cbc tests it could by thyroid disorder or anaemia i have heard that the flu shot is ineffective for children and seniors is this true,i have never heard this i have heard that it is important for seniors and young children to get the flu shot because they are at higher risk of having a severe case of flu or death i make sure my children get a flu shot every year although they are never happy about it here is some information from the cdc i am a woman 41 and eat a balanced diet and take a multivitamin do i need fish oil and calcium too,as a 41 year old woman when you think of supplements you consider age gender family medical history your medical history and your specific lifestyle habits exercise and nutrition the key is to try to get what you can from whole foods in nutrition and to do regular exercise optimally getting in about 30 minutes with some intensity for sure why this allows your body to optimize its own physiology so that you can boost immune function and live your best life that being said studies show that it is tough for most people to get what they need from their usual sources of everyday nutrition i would definitely check in with your medical team and discuss supplements as they know your history and can help guide you and as we get a bit older we have special needs so a multivitamin that includes iron if you are still menstruating is a basic supplement for most women your age fish oil is excellent for many reasons and you want to add at the minimum 1000 mg your medical team may want to increase that based on your history family and personal of heart disease calcium fortified with vit d is a must to prevent osteoporosis clearly you want to consume calcium rich foods like dairy but most women do need more and thus the supplement i would add vit d at 1000 iu as new studies have shown that our current rda is probably too low vit d as vit d3 or cholecalciferol has been shown to be remarkably helpful in boosting immune function all round these are the basics before taking anything more and turning yourself into a science fair project sit down with your physician and discuss and please get that physical activity and whole food lifestyle goin advice for frequent urination and possible prostatitis male early 30s i have been suffering from frequent urination or urge to urinate for almost 5 months now diagnosed originally with prostatitis i had previously been given cipro and bactrim for a total of 7 weeks neither of which helped at all tried an anti inflammatory for a week same result i have had 2 dres with normal results 1 by gp 1 by urologist and my psa was 1 2 what else can i consider for treatment since nothing is helping should i be concerned it may be cancer,sugar and carbohydrate cravings are common in what is known as atypical depression a tendency toward overeating and oversleeping not necessarily more common in women than men sugary foods think chocolate can have a mood enhancing effect by increasing serotonin levels as well as n acetylethanolamines which can stimulate the same receptors that cannabis stimulates plus carbohydrates intrinsically have a stimulant effect so there you have it a legal way to get high does neurontin treat anxiety and depression,i have taken 600 mg of this medication 3x is per day for over 15 years for back pain neurontin is an anti seizure medication as with some other prescriptions a doctor may prescribe a medication for disorders other than their original intended use this practice is referred to as off label i am very familiar with this medication and its uses but have not heard of neurontin being used to treat anxiety or depression although i am not an expert there is nothing to stop a doctor from prescribing neurontin for depression or anxiety the link below will access a webmd article describing neurontin gabapentin in more detail no period 10yrs today i noticed a little bit of white creamy susbstance coming out of my left nipple not pregnant 31yr old female no period for 10yrs spotted last week than heavy 1 day very painful yesterday stopped today i noticed a very little creamy milk susbstance on my left nipple i am definitely not pregnant i am bloated more facial hair than nomal i have gained a lot of weight on last couple weeks i have only had 3 periods in my life 4 if you count the spotting from last week i have had cysts in my ovaries in the past a few of them ruptured idk if i still do no health insurance til jan 2016,i have never heard anything linking cancer to bipolar disorder or schizophrenia it is possible that the stress of living with and being treated for cancer might have triggered or exacerbated any latent mental issues she may have had but for cancer and mental health issues to be linked seems very very unlikely keep in mind that many people suffer from mental illnesses for years before being diagnosed especially if their symptoms are minor and non disruptive and stressful events can cause any underlying issues to rapidly deteriorate it is possible that your friend is unfortunately one of many to slip through the cracks even in recent years diagnosis and treatment of psychological issues can be very difficult as not everyone responds the same even to the most reliable methods a physician or psychologist possible both can help your friend find more specialized help if traditional methods do not seem to be working assuming she is on medication they can explore different types to see if they work better and sometimes psychiatry can help more effectively it depends on the patient the severity of the illness and what kind of bipolar or schizophrenia your friend has you yourself can help by being there for her in what i am sure must be a very difficult and frightening time for you both sometimes with mental disorders having a loved one by your side can serve as a valuable anchor point for seeking or sticking with treatment on a side note ect has been heavily criticized for years with fewer and fewer official sources recommending it due to its immediate and later side effects it is entirely possible that it has made your friend is condition worse but i cannot say for sure having only a limited amount of information my 8 year old is suffering from amoebiasis looking for better treatment,op here they are not moles a day before they were tiny bubbles the dots are now scabbed over how can cases of viral hemorrhagic fever be prevented and controlled,with the exception of yellow fever and argentine hemorrhagic fever for which vaccines have been developed no vaccines exist that can protect against these diseases therefore prevention efforts must concentrate on avoiding contact with host species if prevention methods fail and a case of viral hemorrhagic fever does occur efforts should focus on preventing further transmission from person to person if the virus can be transmitted in this way because many of the hosts that carry hemorrhagic fever viruses are rodents disease prevention efforts include controlling rodent populations discouraging rodents from entering or living in homes or workplaces encouraging safe cleanup of rodent nests and droppings for hemorrhagic fever viruses spread by arthropod vectors prevention efforts often focus on community wide insect and arthropod control in addition people are encouraged to use insect repellant proper clothing bednets window screens and other insect barriers to avoid being bitten for those hemorrhagic fever viruses that can be transmitted from one person to another avoiding close physical contact with infected people and their body fluids is the most important way of controlling the spread of disease barrier infection control techniques include isolating infected individuals and wearing protective clothing other infection control recommendations include proper use disinfection and disposal of instruments and equipment used in treating or caring for patients with vhf such as needles and thermometers any medications that could adversely effect a womans libidoto causingno desire at all to have sex for past ten years in 2002 my wife was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and bi polar 2 she was prescribed lithium 300 mgday alprazolam xr 1 mg in am and 2 mg at night 200 mg wellbutrin daily is it possible thatone or a combination of any of these could cause a loss of all interest in sea,i am sorry to hear you are going through this girl problems can be very annoying have you actually had your yeast infection diagnosed by a medical professional as i am sure you know many conditions can produce symptoms that feel and look like a yeast infection for example bacterial vaginosis comes to mind and that conditions requires treatment with antibiotics sexually transmitted infections also can mimic symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection so it is important for you to get a definitive diagnosis before you try any interventions if in fact you are experiencing a yeast infection then there are many over the counter treatments for it as well as a prescription oral medication you can try any of those you also can try these tips for avoiding a vaginal yeast infection do not douche this can disrupt the balance of natural bacteria inside the vagina let your crotch breathe do not wear garments that restrict air flow to your nether regions perpetual dampness of the vulvar area can promote an overgrowth of yeast do not sleep in your underwear when you have a bowel movement always wipe from front to back a common cause of both utis and yeast infections is contamination by fecal material due to poor hygiene techniques in other words if you transfer poop toward your vagina and urethra it can cause infections do not allow your sex partner to insert anything in your anus and then insert it in your vagina again this can transfer fecal matter to an area where it causes problems eat products like certain yogurts that contain live acidophilus cultures or take an acidophilus supplement this may help both your gut and your vagina maintain a proper balance of flora bacteria for good health get your blood sugar levels checked chronic vaginal yeast infections may be a sign of undiagnosed diabetes or pre diabetes by the way did you get your uti properly diagnosed only antibiotics can clear up a urinary tract infection the studies remain cloudy regarding whether cranberry actually helps the symptoms a uti or not but it certainly will not cure one wishing you well how to make mashed potatoes for baby,the same way you make mashed potatoes for anyone minus the big lumps of course instant mashed potatoes are just fine and easier do not over salt over season if you want to use real potatoes cook them well and mash or food process them to get out any lumps that may be problematic i do not know your baby is age what are treatments for viral pink eye,you might want to ice your forearms after working also you might want to buy some carpal tunnel wrist splints to wear you can wear these at night listen to your body and gradually build up your strength i have been really nauseous and feeling like vomitting on a daily basis i have also been having soft stool but not much of it is coming out i have been told that is may be a blockage but i am not sure i started a new medication but even before so i was feeling a bit nauseous and once i started the medication luvox the nausea has spiked dramatically also i have been feeling a bit more nauseous when i am laying or sitting down i have been having to miss school because of it so i am looking to take care of this problem asap,the time required for braces varies from person to person depending on the severity of the problem the amount of room available the distance the teeth must travel the health of the teeth gums and supporting bone and how closely the patient follows instructions on average however once the braces are put on they usually remain in place for 1 to 3 years after braces are removed most patients will need to wear a retainer all the time for the first 6 months then only during sleep for many years can genital herpes cause prostate cancer,hi ok start with having a test done at your doctors its the best way but even then could come back negative it happens and your still pregnant do not ask why it just happens and being on the pill and pregnant your just one of the 1 see the bc pill is only 99 in not getting women pregnant so doctor off you go good luck i had temporomandibular joint disorders i have terrible ear ache and sore throat,the proper name is actually gemination like gemini twins it is not a problem other children will not notice this the only problem is usually with parents i am a parent myself and i understand your concern but there is nothing to do at this point and you should just let nature take its course the baby teeth will fall out and you have to make sure that your child goes to the pediatric dentist for proper care i strongly recommend a pediatric dentist for your children [he or she] is the properly trained dentist to handle your children and give them the proper best experience that will last them a lifetime can st john is wort help to excrete meth faster i last smoke meth less than a gram maybe less then 12 gram over the course of 24 hours starting at 330pm 1516 and ending at 11am 1616 and i have a drug test on 116 at 330pm i drink a lot of water and exercise pretty regularly by riding a bike daily i also do daily sweats and eat fruits is there any chance i can pass the drug test will taking st john is wort help me excrete the meth any faster,hi… no need to worry these results are a bit lower than normal range and can be treated simply by getting enough iron and vitamin b12 which can be treated with eating foods reach in iron and b12 vitamin some examples egg plant dates liver spinach sugarcane molasses avocado green leafy vegetablesdark ones egg meat and poultry regards i have symptoms like serious forgetfulness lack of motivation sad mood low self esteem and self confidence etc i have symptoms like intense forgetfulness lack of motivation sad mood low self esteem and self confidence less active & sleepy and i have slow cognitive functions like difficulty in making decisions and etc what could be my problem i am thinking depression add dementia or etc,of course he is of weak immunity mainly due to malabsorption and ibs is a possibility … pravotin sachets is a good source of protein supplement for his age and case give it with juice or milk healthy diet rich in fibers vitamins and proteins can help much avoid gluten also iron supplement like those in spread chocolate can be used get a stool analysis to rule out any parasites no replacement for iga i fell 6 days ago & hit my head i have been having headaches & this morning i woke up to my ear bleeding what to do,it is very important that you see a medical provider or er someone who can carefully examine you heavy period…it is embarrasing,its very nice to try to handle your pain but really need to investigate at least by doing the basics just to be in the samw side do x rayb consult a doctor cause u may have fracture or may be ms strain also there may be inflammation so u need to take pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs let me ask you are u diabetic my problem is dry eyes eye drops and tear duct plugs do not work need solution,i have been as a doctor and a patient having this problem for sometime drops do not work for long time i recommend plus drinking plenty of water getting genteal gel and other lubricant eye gels are more helpful than tear drops is ibuprofen just a temporary relief meaning do symptoms come right back once the drug wears off is ibuprofen just a temporary relief meaning do symptoms come right back once the drug wears off i have been taking it and icing for shoulder pain since a fall that jarred it i would like to know if this provides just temporary relief in pain and inflammation or it is actually curing it thanks so much,ibuprofen is a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug nsaid used for temporary pain relief fever reduction and protection against swelling in general ibuprofen also acts as a vasoconstrictor ibuprofen is rapidly absorbed following administration and is rapidly distributed throughout the whole body the excretion is rapid and complete via the kidneys after complete excretion of ibuprofen it will no longer reduce pain fever or protect against affected area swelling ibuprofen will not cure back problems maximum plasma concentrations are reached 45 minutes after ingestion if taken on an empty stomach when taken with food peak levels are observed after 1 to 2 hours these times may vary with different dosage forms the half life of ibuprofen is about 2 hours what level of spf should one use on a daily basis,you should use a minimum spf a 15 but even more importantly than that you can even go higher to a 30 or up to a 50 i think beyond that it does not make much difference but the most important thing is to reapply it every few hours because whether or not you are out there swimming sweating or rubbing it off it wears off over time and it gets degraded by the sun exposure itself so you have to apply enough product but also reapply it often enough in order to maintain that protection do not forget to put it on your neck and your chest because those are areas that are exposed if you are wearing a scoop neck or a v neck and you are just walking around it is incidental sun exposure the sun exposure is cumulative your skin remembers that first exposure as a child and that is been building up building up building up in your skin and eventually it crosses a threshold when you hit your it could be in your 20s 30s 40s or beyond depending on your skin type and how much exposure you have had where all of a sudden it starts to show both as signs of aging and even worse signs of skin cancer how can i find a reasonably priced qualified mental health counselor,no is it possible to be pregnant from oral sex,no but it can cause bad conditions which was proven in recent studiesdiscoveries so id suggest refraining from performing oral sex is it okay to ride horses while pregnant i have ridden for years and it is not like i would ride crazy horses or go faster than a walk i know what im doing and do not see the harm in a slow walk,common symptoms of dry mouth include a sticky dry feeling in the mouth frequent thirst sores in the mouth sores or split skin at the corners of the mouth cracked lips a dry feeling in the throat a burning or tingling sensation in the mouth and especially on the tongue a dry red raw tongue problems speaking or difficulty tasting chewing and swallowing hoarseness dry nasal passages sore throat bad breath is being in a relationship boost testestrone level i am a 21 years old boy sorry for bad english i am persian d recently i met a girl and start a relationship with her i was virgin till know she is very desirable for sexual activity and when i chat with her she talks in a way that i get erect normally i got erection more than 4 time in a day i got a bit hair loss and some acne is recently is it true that erection increase testosterone level and how can i reduce testosterone,hi no its the other way round good levels of testosterone give good erections i will tell you now do not go looking for ways to decrease your erections get that wrong and you may loose them for good just stay as you are and just keep getting your erections when you have had ed like me then you will not want to loose your erections you want them stay happy stay healthy and enjoy your erections good luck i am 25 days late my last period was april 17th and end april 19th everything was normal until may i was supposed to get my period on 15th of may it never came my next period is the 12th i have not taken a pregnancy test yet i am waiting till next week i have been getting nauseous but not every morning i have only recently started getting sick i have never missed a period before but it is also a slim chance i am pregnant my husband and i have had vaginal intercourse but he has never ejaculated into me guess my question is how would i have gotten pregnant if i am,hi sorry missed this bit and its important anytime you have unprotected sex there will always be the chance of pregnancy if that is something you have always practised then so far you have been very lucky not to have got pregnant ok good luck pregnancy complications after bj in the morning my girlfriend actually wanked me out and i ejaculated in tissues throughout the whole day i urinated for only once and after that at night she started giving me a bjwithout ejaculation but i supposed with some pre cum then we actually french kissed and i started licking her private part this was our first time doing and she and i are actually virgin can i know whats the likelihood of her being pregnant i am really stressed out as i am afraid that she will be pregnant,blood tests on the pancreas and liver can come back normal and there could still be gallbladder trouble the blood tests just show that the potential problem with the gallbladder has not started effecting the other organs yet this situation happened to me as well the ultrasound should give you much more info good luck how can you remove a condom that could possibly be stuck inside your buttocks i am not 100 sure if it is still inside me as i had gone to the bathroom and was not able to see if it came out please help would i still feel it what would it feel like will it come out by itself how long would that take im scared,hey i am experiencing the same thing at the moment e and my ex partner had intercourse and he got the condom stuck up me and i had my fingers up me trying to pull it out and i could feel that it was there but feel as if i did not remove it at the time it happened and now that i look in this time its not there when i am thinking to myself and am pretty sure i did not remove it at the time it happened and now i do not know how to remove it because it was in the time it happened um if i think of anything i will let you know what are fertility problems,you may have fertility problems if you have not been able to get pregnant after trying for at least 1 year another word for this is infertility infertility may not mean that it is impossible to get pregnant often couples conceive without help in their second year of trying some do not succeed but medical treatments help many couples age is an important factor if you are trying to decide whether to get testing and treatment for fertility problems a woman is most fertile in her late 20s after age 35 fertility decreases and the risk of miscarriage goes up if you are younger than 35 you may want to give yourself more time to get pregnant if you are 35 or older you may want to get help soon webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated sharp pains at lower stomach during intercourse it started about 2 years ago i feel sharp pains in my abdomen during intercourse regardless of his size or the depth the pain is usually on my right side but alternates between the right side and the center this has never been an issue before i got an ultrasound and my results came back normal,young children can cough and wheeze during respiratory illnesses some of these children go on to develop asthma while others have resolution in their symptoms once the illness resolves asthma in children can present as recurrent wheeze andor frequently cough allergies and sinusitis can exacerbate asthma can my wife take postnatal vitamins while im pregnant my wife accidently bought postnatal instead of prenatal,also i keep rotating between overheating and overcooling have been keeping my sweater on anyways is it normal for a patient to have anxiety when having an uncurable severe illness,yes anxiety andor depression would be a normal human response to knowing that you have an uncurable severe illness treating the anxiety is just as important as trying to treat the illness i have two types of multiple sclerosis have had it since i was 16 it is very normal to have anxiety do not let it overcome you though take charge as much as can handle and do not hesitate to ask for help good luck i am a cna that works at an independent living apartment complex for age group 60 100 just celebrated a 101sst birthday there many of my people are not far off from being put on hospice some get depressed for a bit and others look at it as a blessing in my experience the persons age has alot to do with how much anxiety is shown one commonality is they all have such great attitudes about living and seeing what the future holds the anxiety is most definitely present at the beginning most of them want to make the most out of the time they have left leaving out any treatments that will cause them to be bed bound or will slow them down in anyway i think the sooner a person comes to terms with their condition and lives to the fullest of their capabilities anxiety will ease what are the new guidelines for child safety seats,there are upper body cardio excises you can do with weights and a medicine ball there is a you tuber named mario ramone who can help with ways to do exercises while sitting i watch his videos to find out ways i can do excises while sitting because i have knee aliments you can also try getting a kefty for your workout there are other videos that provide examples of excesses one can do in a wheelchair you can eliminate foods that contain high fructose corn syrup and sat fats except helathy sat fats you get from try to eat less fried foods for your cholesterol this will help with cholesterol eliminating sat fats this helped me loose some weight before i started excising according to the dr tv show not getting enough rest and eating very late at night can aid in weight gain has various recipes one can use in addition to other methods for weight loss motivation i place sticky notes around my house with positive messages to keep myself motivated i also place positive messages in my phone as alert messages to stay motivated music also helps me stay motivated during the exercise can a head injury cause autism baby of 1 year hit head hard on front of head like i have never heard after raising 3 children no outwards signs a of cut or bruising child now 9 just diagnosed with autism could this injury have anything to do with it,yep eating a lot of lot of beets can turn your urine red shocking huh if you stop eating them your urine should return to a normal color again if not or if you are having any signs of a urinary tract probleminfection then seeing your medical provider would be appropriate if you eat quite a view beets your urine it will have a red dark orange color especially if you are drinking beet juice your urine will get very reddark orange in some cases brownish in color the intensity of color of course is due to your water intact other foodsliquids like coffee carrots etc the color change lasts about a day or two depending on your water intake and the amount of beets you ate if it is much longer after you had beets i would go to your doctor oh i love beets and a lot of carrots can also cause a similar effect here is an answer for a related question that might help what is a condom,yes this is called referred ear pain because of the nerve pathway a dental problem can cause pain to be felt in the ear yes dirhreia and mucus in stools i have had cramps off and on it is followed by diarrhea and then a day or two later nothing but mucus come out what does this mean should i go and see my dr or is this normal,go and see your physician this could be multople things such as a bowel obstruction ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome better to always be safe than sorry does crackers help with nausea i got sick during the night and vomited twice i have not been able to sleep and i have a very bad upset stomach,i am not sure why but plain saltine crackers seem to be eaiser to keep down and makes my stomach feel better sometimes however a pinch of just plain salt does the same thing for me how can i prevent colorectal cancer,the good news for your colon and your rectum is that colorectal cancer is usually preventable the number one way to prevent it is to get screened most men should begin colorectal cancer screening at age 50 if you have colorectal cancer in your family or other risk factors tell your doctor you may need screening at a younger age several screening methods are proven to reduce colorectal cancer rates colonoscopy you have probably heard of this procedure the downside of it is that a flexible tube about the thickness of a finger is inserted into your anus the plus side is that it can save your life your gastroenterologist gut doctor can usually see and remove polyps or cancer before it spreads if your colon is clean you probably will not need another colonoscopy for several years flexible sigmoidoscopy this scaled down version of a colonoscopy is another reasonable option fecal occult blood test this involves you smearing stool on a paper card and bringing it to your doctor each year your gift is then checked for blood because colorectal cancers often bleed blood in your stool usually earns you a colonoscopy to look for cancer the most recent figures show that the incidence and death rate of colorectal cancer is 35 higher in men than in women also a 2006 study showed that men were more likely to develop polyps and cancer earlier than women therefore early screening may be even more important for men is health some of the other things men can do today to start lowering colorectal cancer risk are eating like a hunter gatherer not a caveman cut back on the red meat like burgers and steaks instead fill up on more than five servings of fruits and vegetables a day these changes alone could reduce your risk by about 50 getting off the couch active men get less colorectal cancer the american cancer society recommends 30 minutes of activity five days a week quitting smoking and limit drinking keep alcohol to one or two drinks a day i acquired methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus mrsa while in hospital,hi found you this little piece of info oral herpes is transmitted through direct contact between the contagious area and broken skin a cut or break and mucous membrane tissue such as the mouth or genitals herpes can also be transmitted when there are no symptoms present so if you have caught it the something was going on either kissing or oral sex with her was you even in the same bed as her if so even that would do it its a sneaky little bug well if you have your just going to have to live with it just use some cold tea bags on them good luck how does a messy bedroom affect my sleep,believe it or not when you walk into a room what your eye sees can actually determine whether or not you are going to have an easy time falling asleep or a bad time so the first thing i tell people to do is clean up your bedroom get the clutter out because it is pretty hard to fall asleep with a stack of laundry over here and a big pile of books over there and a very sort of jumbled night table okay and so i talk to them about cleaning up the clutter getting that stuff out of the way so that when you walk in you are more peaceful more serene surrounding that may also have to do with color so there are studies that look at what is the color of your bedroom and how can that affect your ability to fall asleep it turned out that the color itself is not important but the hue of the color is so the brightness of that color turns out to be a big factor so when you are painting your bedroom you do not want a high gloss finish you want more of a matted finish now granted a very bright yellow is probably not a great place to fall asleep but a more muted yellow probably is so again it may not matter the color so much as the brightness of that color i have been eating saladsno cheese okra and asparagus and drinking about 80 100oz of waterday and constipated i am not sure what else to do i eat vegetablesbrocoli spinach asparagus okra pickles cucumbers tomatoes and egg whites with a drop of olive oil and i drink tons of water i mean i drink a lot of water i weigh 130 and drink between 80 100oz a day i exercise regularly and do not drink i go for 5 9days without pooping and then i will have a painful hard poop the size of a newborn baby any advice i am also very bloated and pee all of the time,when it comes to constipation fiber hydration and moving are important there are other sources of fiber you can include such as whole grains bran cereals beans and legumes a variety of fruit especially prunes or fruit with skins like apples and flaxmeal adequate fat can also help and it sounds like you are getting very little as can sources of probiotics yogurtkefir in smoothies etc for healthy fat sources try sliced avocado more olive oil and nuts and seeds which also contain fiber even though extra water can help just be careful about getting too much while what you eat and exercise matter there are other causes of constipation like stress see this article for more information and if this do not improve with diet changes see your doctor good luck you have to add more fiber to your diet you can try trusculpt if you want to reduce the appearance of fats in a faster way check out www bodytreatmentcenter com i had pains when swallowing tired when exerting with unbearable pain on and off,hi first you need to get back to your doctor asap but until your clear of this i do not think they will operate on you but do get in touch with your surgeon for the best advice good luck i have polycystic ovarian syndrome and gained 50 pounds despite regular exercise and healthy eating what can i do,i like that answer but would like to add eating disorders in general to the list of co morbids my acid reflux is so bad i need to throw up to feel better,hi these are symptoms of a severe acid reflux disease nothing seems to be related to heart u should get a gastro endoscopy done to see if you have an ulcer or hiatus hernia take antacids and probiotic tablets thanks i just wrapped a clinical trial with orencia which has been working well coupled with my mtx 9 tablets weekly will anthem blue cross pay for this particular biologic if so is it covered 100 i heard there is reimbursement potential for orencia is there any truth to that,you would need to check directly with the health plan to learn the specifics on how it covers various medications what is my risk of contracting hiv i was the top partner during anal sex with another man i used a condom for the first half and then for about 3 minutes did not use one before i decided it wasnt working out and stopped neither one of us ejaculated i am wondering if any risk of hiv was posed to me as a side note my partner said he was negative but i have no proof,yes you may be at risk having same sex anal intercourse without a condom puts you at risk if your partner has hiv unless you saw his negative test results and knew the test results of all of his past partners and yours then you only have his word hiv can enter the body through micro tears in the genital and anal area ejaculation is not relevant you will need to be tested re tested and re tested again can a child outgrow a food allergy,yes it is safe the test will pose no risk to your baby pressure like pain in my chest feels like someone is standing on it flares up when i take painkillers,you may be having muscle strain or rib cartilage strain you should take muscle relaxant tablets instead of taking just pain killers get chest xray done to find out the exact cause our daughter is planning on flying coast to coast in august she will be aprroximately 8 months pregnant is this safe,i am sorry to hear of your health woes staph infections can be nasty things to deal with i certainly hope you are under the care of a medical professional both the lump below the jaw and the weight loss would concern me and i would suggest you visit your primary health care provider to find out what is going on a number of conditions can cause those symptoms so you need a diagnosis and possibly treatment wishing you all the best what increases the risk of getting bipolar disorder in childhood and adolescence,your child is risk of developing bipolar disorder or other mood disorders increases if the child has a close relative such as a parent sibling or grandparent with bipolar disorder or another mood disorder has a family history of problems with alcohol or drugs this may be an indication of self medication for a psychological disorder such as bipolar disorder has had several episodes of major depression at least 15 of adolescents with recurring depression are later diagnosed with bipolar disorder 1 certain factors can trigger depressive or manic episodes in your child such as erratic sleep or changes in daily routines treatment with antidepressants which can increase the risk for a manic episode stressful life events not taking medicines as prescribed using alcohol or drugs substance abuse entering puberty webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated strange symptoms i am a 58 year old woman and take three heartburn pills a day i went to bed last night and laid down and all of a sudden had very bad heartburn so bad in fact i thought i was going to throw up i had to take many tums before it would allevaite then throughout the night i was up and down with chills this morning i awoke and got out of bed to get dressed and am still very wobbly feeling after being up for a few minutes i have again become very nauseated but no heartburn hbp meds qd,hi when you pass stools are they clay coloured if they are it could be gall stones they may need flushing out i had something like this earlier this year i did a gallbladder flush and below is how you do it 7 day gallstone flush i forgot where i got this from my family has used it for years with success my daughter was told she needed gallstone surgery some years back but used this flush instead she passed the stones and did not need the gallstone surgery i do not know about you but i believe my gallbladder has a purpose for being there and i would like to keep it ingredients apple juice grapefruit juice canned is ok lemon juice fresh squeezed is better epsom salts extra virgin olive oil the green colored oil monday through saturday drink all the apple juice you can with your regular diet on saturday 3 hours after lunch dissolve 2 teaspoons epsom salts in a small glass of hot water and drink it followed by a glass of grapefruit juice repeat the epsom salt hot water procedure in 2 hours eat nothing for dinner except a half a grapefruit and a glass of grapefruit juice just before going to bed mix 12 cup of warm olive oil with 12 cup of grapefruit juice and drink it follow that with 12 cup olive oil mixed with 12 cup of lemon juice then go straight to bed lying on your right side with your right knee pulled up as close to your chest as possible for a half hour on sunday morning take 2 more teaspoons of epsom salts in a small amount of hot water at least an hour before eating breakfast that mornings bowel movement will contains small green irregular shaped cholesterol stones some just smaller than the size of cherries i know this is tough but it has worked really well for my family hope it works well for you grannyjo for the grape fruit juice i eat a whole grape fruit saved the waste but do not plan to go anywhere on the last day why your find out if you do not fancy this do go see your own doctor good luck menopause or pregnant i am a 46 year old female and i have been using contraceptives for almost 20+ years and this is the first time i have missed my menstrual cycle i am late for 4 days now i feel like bloated and all the symptoms of the start of your cycle is what i am feeling now but not sure if i need to wait couple more days before i bought a home pregnancy test but i know my body and before that my partner and i did not have any intercourse 3 weeks before my cycle please help,if you have a normal 28 day cycle ovulation would be around day 14 your most fertile days would be days 10 to 17 three weeks before your period was due would be day 7 which would be a bit too early as sperm live a maximum of 5 days they would probably be dead before you ovulated i have had arthritis and heberden is nodes in my hands for several years cysts are forming on the nodes what can i do,green tea is healthy and good for you but it is not the panacea for weight loss when you combine your green tea with calorie reduction and exercise and it will help could you provide a few links to the major studies showing excessive saturated fat is unhealthy this website and the american heart association continue to recommend a diet low in saturated fat but the current buzz on the internet is that there is really little evidence for that position in fact france eats a diet high in saturated fat yet has a low rate of deaths from heart disease can i see links to the original studies showing sf is harmful,i think this can help you out nutrition i been having off and on lower back pain and i am bloated is there a possiblity that i am preganate,hi if d dimer is chronically high it means clotting mechanism is defective and may affect the pulmonary venous circulation this may well be the cause of her lung collapse bronchectesis and consolidation are also known causes of lung collapse and is quite common at her age get her hrct chest and spirometry done a detailed blood profile may help to see any other associated pathologist consult a chest pulmonologist thanks is it a really bad charley horse cramp or dangerous seizure,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center overdose can cause lactic acidosis symptoms of overdose may include severe drowsiness severe nauseavomitingdiarrhea rapid breathing slowirregular heartbeat i had inguinal hernia surgery laparoscopic pain has not gone away,mrsa is transmittable to others under certain circumstances and conditions you will need to get specific work recommendations from the medical provider who diagnosed andor is treating you since the details of your particular case and your specific work duties is not known what about acute sudden blood loss as a cause of anemia,this seems to be a gastroenteritis drink plenty of water you may take metronidazole for 5 days …if the fever and diarrhea did not go after 2 days then you need to see your git specialist what can i expect from taking miralax for the first time quick acting or overnight gentle relief”,miralax polyethylene glycol 3350 is intended to relieve occasional constipation a bowel movement can be expected within a few hours of the first dose for up to three days if used correctly start with the minimum recommended dose to see if it is effective for you if you experience no relief slowly increase your dosage to the highest recommended be cautious in order to prevent diarrhea if you are still seeking more relief consult your health care professional about either using the over the counter medication more frequently or adding a different stool softener to your regimen if a mother says to her 12 year old girl i love u more if u were skinny will it mentally scar the child will the child also develop abnormal behavior and think abnormally i have a friend who is always depressed and she asked me why i would hang out with her i said becuz u are nice and clean and a good person and u love god she did not believe me saying that she was too fat for that and explained to me that her mom did not love her becuz she said i love u more if u were skinny she said she thinks her mom does not care if she was rude or disrespectful as long as she is skinny ,in the past celiac disease was considered to be a disease primarily of infants and children it is now clear that initial signs and symptoms of celiac disease can occur in adults and even in the elderly symptoms in infants infants with celiac disease typically have diarrhea steatorrhea abdominal cramps abdominal distension irritability muscle wasting and failure to thrive and grow these symptoms typically occur after the introduction of gluten containing cereals into their diets symptoms in children children with celiac disease typically have diarrhea increased amounts of fat in the stool steatorrhea flatulence passing gas short stature and weight loss proper treatment with a gluten free diet can lead to accelerated catch up growth in height however if untreated childhood celiac disease can result in short stature as an adult as children with celiac disease enter adolescence many will experience spontaneous remissions reduced symptoms and remain free of the signs and symptoms of celiac disease until later in adulthood this later reactivation can be precipitated by stress such as pregnancy or surgery symptoms in adults adults with celiac disease may have symptoms of diarrhea steatorrhea weight loss and flatulence however many adults do not have diarrhea or steatorrhea they have either no symptoms or only vague abdominal discomfort such as bloating abdominal distension and excess gas they also may have only one or a few signs of malnutrition such as iron deficiency anemia abnormal bleeding or bone fractures some individuals with celiac disease and gastrointestinal symptoms are mistakenly diagnosed to have irritable bowel syndrome ibs there have been changes during the past 20 years in the way in which celiac disease is diagnosed the average age at which celiac disease is diagnosed has increased probably because of the increased awareness that the disease can first cause symptoms or signs in adults whereas in the past diarrhea was the initial symptom in 80 of patients it now is the initial symptom in only 40 a small proportion of patients about 15 are now diagnosed with blood antibody tests because they have a close relative with celiac disease and they are being screened to see if they also have the disease can you get genital herpes from a pelvic exam i have been married for 19 years and we even use a condom when having sex we both have always been healthy i recently had a pap smear done and on that same day felt very swollen in my vagina the next day we tried to have sex but it was too painful and couldnt then i noticed a bump followed by by more bumps and high fevers the following few days the bumps turned into sores they checked me and said it is herpes could i have gotten from the tools they used to check me,that would be highly unlikely since those tools a vaginal speculum would need to be unwashed unsterilized and still wet from a previous patient that had genital herpes most vaginal speculums are not plastic disposable ones many clinicians still use metal ones but these must be autoclaved sterilized before any subsequent use make sure your diagnosis of herpes is laboratory confirmed not just by clinical observation before you let your mind run amok while it is not uncommon for a married man to stray and have sex with someone else you need to make sure the diagnosis is correct since genital herpes is almost always sexually transmitted it is normal for you to have concerns i started chantix a week ago and i am expirencing some horrible side effects my doctor is not really helping i am sick to my stomach for 2 3 hrs after a half dose i started to have pale stools and dark urine my skin is itchy but with no visible rash i am hot and sweating i have quit smoking and have not had a cigertte since yesterday i called my doctor but they told me to stick it out for another couple of days i am going out of my mind with the itching and can not deal with the stomach pains what is wrong,i was on chantix and i did not have all these symptoms but i did get sick to my stomach and had horrible nightmares and bad mood swings i quite on day 8 of taking it and have been clean for two years i learned that drinking milk before i went to bed would make the nightmares go away and it also helped me with the stomach pains through out the day as for the mood swings i warned people to stay away can an infant under 8 months of age gat a sinus infection,the only sinuses that are really developed by that age would be the ethmoid sinuses located on each side of the nose and these rarely become infected the major paranasal sinsues the frontals and maxillaries do not fully develop until the early teen years i can not say i have seen an 8 month old with true sinus infection in 40 years of practice but i have seen other clinicians diagnose one clinically it would be highly unlikely for an infant to have a sinus infection confirmed by an imaging study but theoretically i guess it can happen nitric thunderstorm critiques thunderstorm critiques quantity of choice as a result of companies similar to the authorities regarding responsible diet plan a respected exchange association for the health supplement current market which stated several rules using the study most obviously the study does not generally brand nutritious supplements employed by ones study is men and women ,please be respectful of this important webmd medical information site by not posting advertising for your products your posting takes up valuable space for members seeking answers to their specific questions i have got a 16 yr old who can not go to sleep behavior problems at school just had a mental breakdown what can i do to help his behavior has become eradict with temper flair ups he does not sleep at all for days he was just diagnosed with a mental breakdown at a behavioral center we are afraid he will harm himself as well as others what can we do to help our son he is a very bright educated young man and this began about three months ago he goes to a private school for boys and is in the rotc he was just suspended form school because of this happening,he needs to see a good psychiatrist or psychologist this may not be an easy problem to solve but it will take his cooperation a combination of carefully prescribed medications may help along with some proactive family therapy do not give up on him this can be solved can you mix ibprofen and tylenol with amoxicillin clavulanate and meclizine,hi yes almost all women have more vaginal discharge in pregnancy this is quite normal and happens for a few reasons during pregnancy the cervix neck of the womb and vaginal walls get softer and discharge increases to help prevent any infections travelling up from the vagina to the womb towards the end of pregnancy the amount of discharge increases and can be confused with urine in the last week or so of pregnancy your discharge may contain streaks of thick mucus and some blood this is called a ishow and happens when the mucus that has been present in your cervix during pregnancy comes away it is a sign that the body is starting to prepare for birth and you may have a few small ishows in the days before you go into labour increased discharge is a normal part of pregnancy but it is important to keep an eye on it and tell your doctor or midwife if it changes in any way do hope this helps you good luck how long afrer sex does a pregnancy test show positvie we had sex on like august 25 or 26 i took a pregnancy test september 6 and got a positive result took another on september 7 it was positive then another september 8 it was positive is it possible to be pregnant only 2 weeks after sex,depending on what kind of test you used some are very sensitive to the hormone that they measure to determine whether or not you are pregnant and can therefore give a positive reading earlier some can show a positive result at 2 weeks home tests can also give false negatives one common reason is that you are using or reading them incorrectly even if you think that can not possibly be the case make sure you read and carefully follow the directions exactly if you have had that many positive tests you could very likely be pregnant you should schedule an appointment with your doctor who will probably do another urine tests and a blood test to be sure how do you treat a burn,first err on the side of caution always see a medical professional for any burn that is not obviously minor that generally includes any burn that is large involves the hands feet face groin or major joints causes severe pain or loss of sensation causes skin changes besides simple redness such as blistering causes skin redness that does not blanch white when pressed immediately after a burn run cool tap water over the skin for 10 minutes then cool the skin with a moist compress do not put ice butter or anything else directly on the burned skin clean the skin gently with mild soap and tap water take acetaminophen tylenol or ibuprofen motrin aleve for pain simple burns involving only the very surface of the skin do not need dressings a burn may appear minor at first but reveal itself as more severe over hours or days burns of the hands or feet in particular can lead to disability if not treated properly always see a doctor to evaluate a burn that looks bad or you are not sure about how high should an adult fever go before getting to concerned my husband is temperature is 101 6 doctor says he may have pneumonia how high does his temperature have to go before i should be concerned,if you truly have a vaginal yeast infection diflucan is an acceptable and effective treatment i had a coughing fit and got a sudden sharp pain in my lower right abdomen should i be concerned i have had the flu for about a week with chronic coughing during a fit i got a severe sharp pain in my lower right abdomen now it hurts so bad to cough even a little all i can do is curl in a ball which does not help should i see a doctor or will it just go away when the cough does,ibuprofen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache dental pain menstrual cramps muscle aches or arthritis it is also used to reduce fever and to relieve minor aches and pain due to the common cold or flu ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug nsaid it works by blocking your body is production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation this effect helps to decrease swelling pain or fever if you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis ask your doctor about non drug treatments andor using other medications to treat your pain check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before the manufacturer may have changed the ingredients also products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes taking the wrong product could harm you doctor placed an intrathecal pain pump implant for dilaudid & baclofen is it justified,i do believe that your doctor has a wrong belief that surgery for a patient not on opioids is a must or better according to the american pain society new guidelines its okay to be on such drugs without a need to stop it…but i prefer not to assume anything untill you meet your doctor and discuss your concerns with him may be he is having another justified explanation can hot baths or spas help alleviate arthritis pain,many people with arthritis find good relief from pain and stiffness with hot baths or spas the moist heat increases muscle relaxation boosts blood supply to the site of pain and relieves rigidity and spasms in the muscles but avoid hot tubs or spas if you have diabetes high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease or if you are pregnant anxiety has affected me throughout my life my girlfirend got abortion could she have gotten hiv through the procedure my girlfriend got an abortion i had already been suffering from anxiety and worries before she did after we had sex and i had blood all over my penis i started to worry about different diseases i believed i may have gotten something i got tested for std from pee test because of a red dot on my penis came back negative now i looked up symotoms and seem to have a lot of them after i looked them up im very worried i even have swollen taste buds could my girl have gotten hiv and given it to me,the trouble with hiv is it shares symptoms with many many other illnesses many of those symptoms can be found in yourself with enough hard thought hiv is also something that is very common to be afraid of understandably it would be nearly impossible for your girlfriend to have gotten hiv from an abortion direct blood to blood or sexual activity would have had to happen at the office her medical professionals were wearing gloves washing hands sterilizing equipment just so she would not have to worry about getting a disease your anxiety has picked hiv as your own personal boogeyman knowing that you can begin to deal with it on birth control but i skipped the sugarpills and started a new pack had sex condom pd for last month possible preg,if you havent called your obgyn office then you should be fine but it will not hurt to take a pregnancy test if u are still unsure as long as you have been taking your pills at the same times everyday using a condem you should not be pregnant i need help i weigh 350 lbs i cant do it alone an no one to help me how can i get help dr say im killing myself my depression is getting worse now i have lymphdemia i hurt all the time which keeps me from working out i am running out of time i feel,a well woman visit is generally covered now with no copays or co insurance check your specific plan but you will likely be able to go for an evaluation without much cost what can i do about the dark circles under my eyes,hyperpigmentation discoloration or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation pih on your skin can be attributed to a variety of disorders i like to begin with excluding any medical reasons that may result in hyperpigmentation hyperpigmentation may be attributed to renal disease diabetes or peripheral vascular disease pih arises from an acquired excess of pigment related to an inflammatory process such as infection an allergic reaction a reaction to medication or a trauma pih often occurs as a consequence of inflammatory skin disorders including acne drug induced eruptions and eczema once you have excluded medical causes there are multiple options to regain your even skin tone a combination of glycolic acid aha and tretinoin based products along with a traditional topical skin care regimen will work for skin brightening hydroquinone based products work well however there are other alternatives such as bearberry kojic acid licorice extract and niacin these compounds will work towards brightening your skin and correcting your skin tone the key is to work with a physician that is very familiar with your skin type and color because incorrect use of these agents can lead to further hypo or hyperpigmentation i tell my african american patients in particular that in order to get your skin in shape it has to be a gradual process similar to exercising you would not attempt to lift 250 lbs on the first day of your workout this attempt may lead to injuring yourself and disastrous results the same holds true with your skin regimen a gradual approach is always best once you get your melanocytes in shape and under control you can improve your skin tone repair of a deviated septum septoplasty covered by health insurance,i have dealt with copd issues with my grandmothers almost my whole life the only things i can think of that your body would adversely be affected by are steroids and oxygen if they put you on steroids for your lungs and you do not actually have copd that is not a good thing they put my grandmother on prednisone which is a steroid anyway steroids like this can become an issue for you especially if you do not need them because your body becomes dependent on it oxygen is also something that your body will become dependent on if they put you on a portable oxygen machine or if they had you put one in your home and you use it constantly your lungs will become dependent on that extra oxygen and after so long your body will not be able to go without it this happened to both of my grandmothers and they both claimed that they felt better before they got on the oxygen than they did with it because they could not do anything with out it everytime i shavei get ingrown hairsboils in my vaginal area how do i treat and prevent,you could not shave by going au natural for a while you will probably heal these ingrown hairs many people who shave will get this condition called folliculitis and the best solution is not to shave if you must shave then use a new clean razor each time use an anti bacterial soap or a get a prescription antibacterial solutionlotion to use on the area after you shave abdominal pain…is it a urinary tract infection,how did the doctor know it was infected will niacin raise blood sugar,when the amounts of niacin taken exceed 3 grams 3000 mg one of the potential side effects is high blood sugar do not take such high levels without a doctor is supervision for more on uses dosage and side effects see this webmd page good luck i am a 32 year old male i had a uti just over a year,his doctor may not be concerned he sees lots of penises but you are so that is sufficient to do a bit of research a little boy is penis can just seem smaller due to an abundance of fat pads in this area or he could have a true hidden penis a hidden penis does have part inside so may need to be surgically freed around puberty puberty is a time where hormonal influence causes a penis to grow to an adult size the maximum size occurs around age 17 you can easily find information on hidden penis with an internet search little boys who are on the chubby side will often havea penis that looks disproportionately smaller since you are concerned a consultation with a pediatric urologist may offer you the reassurance you desire the specialist may pronounce him normal or if he has a true hidden penis provide you with the information you need i can not keep an erection when using a condom if i take the condom off i regain erection what can i do to fix this when having sex i will have a healthy erection and after time my erection gets weaker when using a condom if i take the condom off i am able to regain a strong erection again what is causing this and what can i do to fix this problem i want to be able to please my partner as well as be safe,it would be unlikely but if your concerned the best thing you can do is take a test a friend contracted ringworm and i touched his skin but not the infected area what are the chances of contracting it a friend of mine from a youth group i go to recently contracted ringworm on his arm he was with the group tonight and had the area covered with a huge bandage yet he would peel the bandage off just enough for people to see the ring and then immediately put it back on i never touched the infected area but i did come into skin to skin contact with him during a couple games and activities i washed my hands face and other possible areas of contact with soap but will i get ringworm,in my opinion this would be allergic reaction to some type of food nothing seems worrisome i have persistent leucocytosis 12 5k for 1 year treatment with antibiotics did not reduce the wbc count,a bone marrow test is important and a lymph node biospsy can show abnormalities is specific regions if there is swelled ones how swollen does your testicle have to get before it is serious my son went to the er about a week ago for painful swollen testicle they did an ultrasound and told him to see a urologist which made him an appt for the 20th his is still in alot of pain and apparently is swelling more he also has been having pain in his side,hi if she has no cough fever then there is no possibilty that she may have mucous mild bronchitis will have no symptoms initially but only some difficulty in breathing may be the starting symptom also weakness and anemia cause breathlessness on exertion get her blood checked too it may also be a start of asthma instead of expectorant use bronchodilators thanks 15 year old male and want to stop masturbating have gone 9 days before i gave in i know it is because of puberty i know it is normal to feel guilty and such but i just do not like to or want to anymore i am pretty lonely as well and do not hang out with friends because i have anxiety and have masturbated for 2 years,hi why just think of masturbating as having sex with the best friend you will ever have no chance of getting sti is or std is aids free but all men at sometime during there lives masturbate either daily or weekly even if there having good sex lives we will still masturbate its something guys do so do not be ashamed of what you doing and do not forget girls and women also masturbate so its not just a guy thing when your masturbating do use some kind of lubrication like baby oil coconut oil or some king of gel there really good for your skin if your having anxiety problems over this google natural ways out of anxiety but do not blame masturbation for it most of us have anxiety problems at sometime just getting relaxed will help do hope this helps you good luck i am about 8 weeks pregnant is there anything i can take for congestion other than a saline spray and humidifier,it does not matter what type of physical activity you perform sports planned exercise household chores yard work or work related tasks all are beneficial to determine the best type of exercise program for you talk to your doctor and a certified athletic trainer i have been abusing a drug called coricidin cough and cold for about 2 years now,u should taper off the doses gradually get calcium and vitamin d checked in blood can carbonated beverages hinder weight loss,hi sounds like you have a yeast infection for this you can either go to your chemistdrug store and get oct drugs for it or you can try what is in these links below where there is not a drug in site just copy one at a time into google to the www to open and read so next time you and your bf want lots of sex just get yourself some coconut oil extra virgin your get all the slip you need and its very good for keeping away yeast infections and another way to fight off yi is is try keeping yourself shaved pubic hair is a great hiding place for a fungus its moist and warm they love that btw there is nothing wrong with having lots of sex its very good for you both please just keep enjoying it do hope this helps you good luck what is the best medicine for anxiety that does not make you gain weight,hi simple just get into meditation this will help relax you with the breathing you have to do and its all drug free and you can learn how all through the internet good luck ps just google anxiety and meditation your see then what is lupus,we ask the patient to tell us everything that we believe is important for their safety there are some drugs that people do not want to own up to there are people who for example have taken cocaine and it is left some damage in the nose and we need to know what the damage came from we remind the patient though that this is confidential it is it does not go beyond the office and does not go beyond the operating room and it is up to the patient if they ever want any of that revealed because they do not have to have their medical records released to anybody there is not a cop in the world that can demand your medical record they can demand your drivers license but nobody has the right to demand your medical records without your permission so they are held in strict confidence it is much more important that we know these things than that the patient because we do not want the patient to worry that oh my god i do not want anybody to know now we need to know for the patient is safety i could recount tragedies that occurred because the patients did not reveal to the anesthesiologist the history of drug abuse and that led to serious complications that is a story unto itself is not it oh yeah there are certain drugs that interact for example very unfavorably with certain anesthetic agents that is the risk of not ‘fessing up you have got to be honest with your doctor your doctor needs to be honest with you about the risks of not being honest can you spread a uti sexually i do all the right things to prevent uti is exdrink plenty of water go to the bathroom after sex wipe front to back is it possible to get it from my husband,it is clearly a sinusitis and sore throat due to infection an antibiotic prescription is important see an ent specialist thanks i accidentally ran my insulin vial through the wash in my jeans pocket should i discard the vial washed in warm water,my gyn has indicated that it would be very unlikely however beyond the potential for pregnancy if you are not long term with the same man who can be trusted then condoms would still be recommended menopause does nothing to protect you from an std are there different types of lupus,read my new blog on family webicine on the new guidelines for treating ear infections in children most children with middle ear problems improve by age six so you have two more years i do not know if he is a candidate for tubes or not but middle ear fluid lasting more than three months is very problematic he may need to see an ent specialist at this point he is likely in pre school or pre k where he is being exposed keeping him home would reduce his exposure to other children with colds but the benefits of preschool outweigh this risk never smoke around a child if he has allergies try and get them controlled hopefully he is immunized against pneumococcal disease and influenza the new treatment guidelines stress the vaccines as a preventative do not know if this is helpful or will even apply to your son but my nephew used to get ear infections all the time his mom let him go to sleep all the time with a bottle of milk and once she stopped doing that the ear infections stopped you said he is 4 so i doubt he still has a bottle but thought i would mention it anyway hope he gets better soon how can i get my baby to start sleeping through the night,if overdose is suspected contact your poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include change in the amount of urine i am only 17 but afraid of heart disease my blood pressure is often too high at the doctor is office what can i do,i can understand that you would be concerned for your health but as you said your bp is high when you take it or when you go to either the doctor is office or to the er this indicates that it is really situational but i can also understand that you would like to be able to be a bit calmer chronic stress is what can cause medical illness but i did not see that you indicated you are under chronic stress i would suggest however that you begin to learn some ways to help yourself remain calm i do not know if you have regular medical checkups but that would be a good start once you know that everything is okay medically then you can begin using some self help techniques since you are still a minor i would suggest that you discuss this with your parents and that there there should be a discussion between them and your treating physician i hope that you have made your parents aware of your concern since it would be helpful to have their understanding and support why does my throat stick out like a turkey,you do realized that i have no way of seeing this problem that you are concerned about i cannot blindly address this particular question over the internet do testosterone injections late the in day make it hard to sleep i was recently placed on testosterone replacement therapy and am takinginjecting about 750mg of test enanthate every two weeks,hi our own natural testosterone is high in the mornings that is why most healthy men feel great first thing in the mornings so its best that you match that with your injections have them as early as you can that is probably why you having sleeping problems your boosting at the time of day when they should be low so your awake and know doubt horny hope this helps you good luck does the aca have provisions andor coverage for people on medicare to cover the 20 differential needed,the marketplaces are not for people with medicare to find medicare supplemental plans you will want to search on medicare gov is plan finder tool please read and reply asap my mom is vomiting after meal everyday she says the taste is very bitter additional hot sometimes my mom collaspe suddenly saying her leg stop for a sec vomit after small meal she does not eat solid food she eat congee muscle triedness ex arm and leg we went to the doctor and he reply hmmm that wried she is currenly taking metoclopramide 10mg table last year she went to a hospitalnot emergency due to bitter taste saliva she is 39 year old had 2 children 14 year ago email khaiisback@aol com,most helpful answer yes something is clearly wrong with your mother and you are very sweet to be concerned unfortunately it would not be possible to diagnose your mother let along treat her over the internet in this forum your mother will need to find another medical provider to exam her one that does not think that her symptoms are weird please encourage her to do so there are sooooo many different reasons to account for her symptoms that it would be impossible to blindly solve it with a simple posting she will most likely need some diagnostic tests so if this involves travelling to find a new medical provider or to have her seen at a larger medical facility this is something you may need to do we have this patient who is veins on upper and lower extremities are no longer accessible due to multiple peripheral insertion,it is complications is gonna be like other iv access infection inflammation… etcbut abdominal infection is a lol bit dangerous so make it in some where you are well trained to access when is the flu no longer contagious,according to the center for disease control you are contagious for 1 4 days before you ever become sick with the flu so if you are not running fever but are still contagious before the fever comes then how can you still not be contagious for at least 5 days after you stop having fever evidently the flu doesnt need fever to be contagious in the beginning the gums by my wisdom tooth are swollen and in pain i am dizzy and nauseous what might be wrong should i see a doctor my wisdom tooth is just in the process of erupting and the dreaded flap of tissue is still there i believe there might be a infection from bacteria getting caught under that flap of tissue i am experiencing nausea ear pain swelling redness pain around the area of the tooth and very bad dizziness what could be wrong should i see a doctor now or try and see if it gets better,signs of renal failure may include decreased urine output although occasionally urine output remains normal fluid retention causing swelling in your legs ankles or feet drowsiness shortness of breath fatigue confusion nausea seizures or coma in severe cases chest pain or pressure my calf is twice the size of my other calf with severe pain,hi it seems that you may have deep vein thrombosis the draining veinss in the leg may be blocked due to blood clots causing blood and fluid accumulation in the calf you should get a doppler study of the affected lower limb to see for the blockages and start the concerned tablets accordingly consult a surgeon thanks effectiveness of birth control my girlfriend 18 years old takes her pill exactly on time every single day within 3 minutes of her 900pm time never any later we have unprotected sex we have already been tested and have no worry of stds and i ejaculate inside of her although she takes her pill exactly on time every single day is there a chance that she could become pregnant,birth control pills are not 100 but they close using a condom will increase the effectiveness for sure but it is a bit too late to worry about that now i suspect your girlfriend is not pregnant which is probably good since her sexual partner you should have been more considerate and caring you do not get pregnant my friend but your girlfriend can so let this be a learning experience for you use condoms or postpone sexual activity until you are more responsible maybe you want to be a dad i do not know signed dad not your dad but a dad i am an alcoholic why is it so hard to stop drinking once you start to cope with drinking then it becomes a bigger challenge to quit,it can be difficult to quit drinking alcohol especially as your body becomes chemically dependent after chronic or prolonged use you may experience withdrawal symptoms as you attempt to quit some of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can include anxiety depression headaches nausea and insomnia one of the more severe symptoms of withdrawal however is delirium tremens which can cause intense confusion disorientation hallucinations hyperactivity and tremors going through these withdrawal symptoms can be very difficult and can discourage people from wanting to or being able to quit successfully perhaps the best thing that you can do is to get help treatment options might include visiting a rehabilitation center or a mental healthhospital clinic try meeting with support groups counselorspsychologists or speaking with a doctor another option might also be trying medication that might help you to quit please visit this site for more information if it was easy to quit drinking alcohol everyone would probably do it you are addicted and you need help with this disease i would suggest that you start with aa even if you do not want to go 2wks ago a gi said i have a small hiatal hernia but i have vomited everytime i have eaten for 5mths should i be concerned i have been vomiting after eating for over 5mnths over the course of a day it is ranged from approx a gallon to a liter the gi did an upper endoscopy 2 weeks ago and said i have a small hiatal hernia they said it is too small for surgery and said that once i get my acid reflux under control it would be easier to live with but as of late i have been felt random bouts of pain when i eat i feel like someone is punching down right above my stomach this was not happening before the endoscopy,should you be concerned yes if you are not able to eat without vomiting you should discuss this with the gi specialist and give your acid reflux treatment a specific timeline there are many different treatments so perhaps you need a different medication or at some point consider surgery even if it appears to be small i was digagnosed with hh 3 weeks ago i have been having trouble swallowin vomiting ans burping for years i had the endoscopy 3 weeks ago i too have developed incresed symptoms after that procedure constipation chestpain and unable to burp although i need to great pressure builds up i feel like there is something tied around my neck i cannot eat meat or anything with real substance just liquid and soft food like apple sauce this is horrible i also feel like my hh has gotten worse since my procedure i have been in the er and once overnight because i vomited so many times that my blood pressure was all over the board and i was in intense pain 910 i have been vomiting way more than i did before the procedure even with omeprazole and otc antacids i just can not gain weight have chest pains get sharp nerve pain in arms and legs,hi you seem to be suffering from anxiety issues take anti anxiety medicines yoga medidtation will help you de stress yourself get your blood checked once in detail to see whats the reason for you not gaining weight start on protein supplements my 6 month old grandson is other grandma smokes heavily her clothes reek will this harm the baby when she holds him,assuming you are female it is possible to have both of these stds without having any symptoms in females chlamydia can be primarily vaginal but it can spread into your uterusfallopian tubes where it can cause scarring to the point where you could end up with a tubal ectopic pregnancy or perhaps a pid pelvic inflammatory disease one of the reasons we routinely test sexually active people for chlamydia is because the symptoms can be subtle we often find many surprises in an adolescent clinic when we routinely screen hsv 2 or herpes can be another stealth std most of the time the initial outbreak of herpes is an event that most people will not forget but it is also not uncommon for people to have blood evidence of past exposure with no memory of every having it not all outbreaks are horrible so a minor outbreak may have been misdiagnosed as simple soreness or itching men with stds can also have variable symptoms i find many young men with chlamydia who do not know they have it and many with an outbreak of herpes who think they just have a rash from an allergic reaction to soap or laundry detergent this is precisely why routine screening is a good thing what effect does regular exercise have on pain from spinal stenosis i have exacerbations of pain where my whole body aches and feels weak what triggers are connected to spinal stenosis pain in the cervical thoracic and lumbar spines lulu,u need to step up his immune system needs good counselling healthy diet fruits and green leafy vegetables will help are antibiotics a suitable treatment for the common cold,no antibiotics play no role in treating the common cold antibiotics are effective only against illnesses caused by bacteria and colds are caused by viruses not only do antibiotics not help but they can rarely also cause severe allergic reactions that can sometimes be fatal furthermore using antibiotics when they are not necessary has led to the growth of several strains of common bacteria that have become resistant to certain antibiotics for these and other reasons it is important to limit the use of antibiotics to situations in which they are medically indicated though occasionally a bacterial infection such as sinusitis or a middle ear infection can develop following the common cold the decision to treat with antibiotics should be determined by your physician or health care practitioner i have recently started falling out of bed and sleepwalking i do have the following conditions fm possible lupus primary biliary cirrhosis severed nerve in my spine from the removal of my 9th rib for biopsy breast banner yr 2000 stenosis osteopenia and dysthymia i am 61 weigh about 100 and am about 53 i think that is all i have the sleepwalking is scary because i usually wake up mid fall,hi have a look at this list causes of sleepwalking include hereditary i e the condition may run in families lack of sleep or fatigue interrupted sleep or inefficient sleep including from disorders like sleep apnea illness or fever certain medications stress anxiety going to bed with full bladder noisy sleep environmentdifferent sleep environment do any of these ring bells for you good luck i recently stayed at a hotel and was attacked by bed bugs i have bites all over,hi the antibiotics that you have been prescribed are potent and effective enough to care of the infection i do not think that you need a second opinion on that you can additionally get your blood check for any derangements in blood counts sugar and kidney function tests thanks is there a diet that will help with gastritis,an anticholinergic is a substance usually a medication that halts the actions of a chemical that transmits signals between nerves called acetylcholine the side effects include blurred vision and dry mouth had protected sex as well as had i pill the very same time what are the chances of pregnancy,the birth control pill taken correctly is highly effective combined with the use of a condom also used appropriately is even more added protection so the chance of an unintentional pregnancy is very very low i suspect i have an stis sexually transmitted infection i have flesh colored bump on the right side of my vulva near my vagina,just use birth control like someone who is not going to end up having a child pain upper right side abdom and back w naus freq urina no vom no fever no gallbladder on ibs pain meds daily appendix,sooboob i have got the same symptoms & spent a week in one hospital & a week later a week at another hospital while dr s were trying to figure out what was causing the extreme nausea that was sooo forceful it made me dry heave but never a true vomiting the only thing they found after extensive examining with every kind of mri ultrasound ct scan & lab u can think of was a golfball size tumor in the center of my liver i have read several threads of people with tumors in their liver that claim to have the same symptoms & their dr would never attribute the symptoms to the tumor i had my gallbladder removed 2 yrs ago & started having the nausea april of last yr & the pain started as an occasional pain similar to the gallbladder pain but grew in intensity & frequency over a several month period i am a woman & notice that the pain is at it is peek a week before my cycle starts pms & during my cycle then it subsides to tolerable & the nausea increases to intolerable they take turns ruining my day lol hope this is not what is wrong with u but your symptoms are the same as mine & all the dr is i have seen are too eager to hand me the ibs med & nexium however the meds make the pain worse pap smear test painful i have fear of going to the gynecologist because the pap smear test always hurt i can not open my legs as much due to problems with my hip and as a result i am not totally relaxed during this test and when the doctor puts the hand inside to touch my cervix it hurts and i bleed afterwards what should the doctor do to make the exam much better,some clinicians are just more gentle than others for women i would suggest a female provider md pa or nurse practitioner not that men cannot be gentle i am a man but a woman provider should be much more sympathetic to your concerns make the appointment and then call them personally a day or so before your exam to discuss your concerns knowing that you have had a bad experience in the past should make them more understanding take their time and make this important exam less stressful for you a small amount of bleeding can be expected with a pap sometimes but certainly the clinician can be a bit more gentle with the bimanual examination when feeling your uterus cervix and ovarian areas ive been having left chest and shoulder pain and now severe left flank pain possible kidney damage,hi i recommend left kidney ultrasound + gfr also you can suspect ovarian cyst good luck swallowed small piece of aluminum foil a few days ago still stuck in throat what can i do,you will need to see your medical provider or better yet an ent specialist someone that his the expertise and tools to directly visualize your throat to see and hopefully retrieve this piece of foil if it is there sometimes it just feels like we have a foreign body when we do not an neck x ray should also reveal a metallic foreign object skinny 35 year old female symptom *lifelong* hunger and irritability esp with exercise not diabetic always eating i always feel better after i eat,i have had surgery on my rotator cuff because of natural wear i had a problem that if i raised and then lowered my arm the shoulder hurt when i lowered my arm it turned out to be shoulder rotator cartilage problem the pain disappeared after a few moments after i lowered my arm what is the best way to stop hormone replacement therapy,once you and your clinician have decided that it is time to stop what is the best approach the simple answer is that we do not know formal studies to evaluate this question have failed to show that either going cold turkey or tapering off is better so the choice is really yours the important thing is to know that women in general have about a 5050 chance of experiencing hot flashes again although maybe not as severe as initially after stopping some studies suggest that symptoms peak within 3 months after stopping hormones after you stop take some time to evaluate how you feel before beginning any new medication so you do not get the two effects confused there are a couple of other things to keep an eye on once you have stopped ht if you develop vaginal dryness or recurrent urinary tract infections ask your clinician about vaginal estrogens nonhormonal lubricants and moisturizers can also help with dryness and you might want to ask about a bone density test we know that women who stop ht often lose bone depending on your bone density score and risk profile you might be a candidate for an osteoporosis drug bone sparing at any rate discuss calcium and vitamin d supplements weight bearing exercise and fall prevention with your clinician another good idea is to have your cholesterol rechecked in about 3 months after stopping ht because hormones can affect lipid levels both good and bad and if you are taking a thyroid medication for an underactive thyroid your dose might need to be adjusted thanks for your reply how is fatigue an early sign of pregnancy,you can become allergic to the ink at any time or any medicine that you are taking also you can become allergic to it even though you have been on it for a very long time so if you are having a reaction one thing is that it could be an allergic reaction but it could also just be something that is occurring in the area of the tattoo that has something to do with the tattoo but because there is pigment there you can not really see the skin clearly so i would say that this is one time that even though you do not have insurance it is worth seeing a dermatologist to have the area evaluated to make sure that the skin is otherwise healthy oftentimes with a simple cream they can knock out that allergic reaction if that is what it is or the hypersensitivity reaction another way of calling it or do a biopsy to see if there is anything else going on in that area that might be more serious that might need to be treated it is also important to remember that itching is part of a tattoo is healing process intense itching like want to scratch your arm off itching when the old skin dies and flakes off the new skin growth itches like crazy for a few days before settling down cool showers and your tattoo aftercare ointment gently massaged into the tattoo will help but all in all the itching will pass after the tattoo is healed allergic reaction to the ink will look more like red speckles or spots all around your tattoo unusual oozing puss or smelly discharge you will know within hours of receiving your tattoo if you are allergic to the ink most tattoo pigments are completely organic and allergic reactions are rare and most often to red ink never put a first aid product or anti itch lotion onto an unhealed tattoo you will first off be in a ton of pain and subsequently ruin your tattoo a tattoo artist is it okay to take tylenol and advil together for pain\ i have shingles and im in tremendous pain i took 800 mg of ibuprophen at 3am can i also take some tylenol if so how long should i wait,hi a small list below that may help you out as there are several factors can cause frequent urination such as infection disease or injury of the bladder conditions that increase urine production changes in muscles nerves or other tissues affecting bladder function drugs or beverages that increase urine production uti kidney infection having an over active bladder but it would be best to see your doctor and get some tests done as for still being pregnant it could be as some women do not test positive hope this helps you good luck dull aching pain…is it a fracture,get an x ray can i get my hair dyed while pregnant,yes a herpetic blister vesicle can re fill with fluid do not pop them scratch them or otherwise mess with a herpetic lesion they will dry up in their own time on their own without your help are you sure this is a herpetic lesion many vesicles can mimic herpes what are the chances i will have another miscarriage after having a missed miscarriage and a chemical pregnancy i have 3 healthy children already however i have been pregnant 5 times baby #3 was a missed miscarriage the doctor discovered at 15 weeks along that the baby had died at 7 9 weeks gestation i had a healthy pregnancy with baby #4 sadly pregnancy #5 lasted only a few days chemical pregnancy i am 31 years old i am very concerned that there is something wrong with me should i be concerned my 3 children are 9 12 years 8 years and almost 1 years old my other 3 pregnancies were healthy,hi what is happening is life its a bit to predict would happen next when my wife had hers a women in her ward was in for her third d&c and had 10 miss is there advice then was just keep trying and it will happen but that was the 70 is how much its changed now but your find its still the same advice but you have your family so its either keep trying or stop either you or your husband gets the chop and be happy ever after its worked for us hope this helps in some way good luck what are eczema symptoms and signs in babies children and adults,eczema most commonly causes dry reddened skin that itches or burns although the appearance of eczema varies from person to person and varies according to the specific type of eczema intense itching is generally the first symptom in most people with eczema sometimes eczema may lead to blisters and oozing lesions but eczema can also result in dry and scaly skin repeated scratching may lead to thickened crusty skin while any region of the body may be affected by eczema in children and adults eczema typically occurs on the face neck and the insides of the elbows knees and ankles in infants eczema typically occurs on the forehead cheeks forearms legs scalp and neck eczema can sometimes occur as a brief reaction that only leads to symptoms for a few hours or days but in other cases the symptoms persist over a longer time and are referred to as chronic dermatitis my grandmother used what she called black salve to treat boils i can not seem to find it anywhere it was a drawing salve,you probably will not find it it most likely was black tar that used to be sold in metal containers as a grandfather myself i remember this from my youth you can use hot water compresses for the same effect there is an ointment you can get from your pharmacist it looks like the black tar but has a different name it is kept behind the counter and works wonders the black tar salve that you are talking about is called ichthammol ointment 20 walgreen pharmacy has it it works wonders i have arthritis in my knees and my leg stay sore and feel like they are about to cramp is there anything i can take i take hyland leg cramp pills but they only help for an hour or so i talked with my pcp but they have no answers can someone please help me ,my husband and i have had trouble with leg cramps especially at night and we have found that taking a teaspoon of regular yellow mustard stops the cramping immediately and it does not return my husband has actually started taking the mustard before going to bed to avoid being awakened by the cramping he says this helps him i have a pea size growth in my eye for over a year now what do you think it is and what shld i do i have been to the doctor once i was given eyedrop n it dint work another doctor told me to gently massage every time but it also did not work pls tell me what you think it is n what u think i shld b afraid off can it b cancerous can it damage my sight thank you,i am sorry you are going through this unfortunately it is impossible to diagnose something like this without a physical examination i would suggest you return to the doctor if possible the same one you saw last time seeing the same doctor multiple times for the same ailment helps create an accurate history of the problem also your health care provider can for example compare the size of the lesion now to its size when you were last seen this information can be valuable for coming to a diagnosis in answer to your question could it be cancerous again i have to say i do not know if the growth is inside your eyelid then i would say the chances are it is not cancerous if the growth is on your eyelid such as within or below your lash line then i would say it is slightly more possible this could be a cancer but overall not very likely cancers of the eyelid are not all that common your best bet is to return to your health care provider for a re evaluation hope this helps i have calcification found lots of small movable lumps is it serious,skin peeling on the fingertips or tips of the toes is not expected as a result of diabetes there are probably multiple potential causes including both systemic internal conditions and contact related external causes a dermatologist or primary care provider would be the ones to see if this symptom is significant for you the numbness in both big toes may be related or unrelated to your skin condition diabetic neuropathy a common complication of diabetes typically involves toe numbness in both feet skin peeling is not part of the condition if the numbness in the toes seems clearly related to the skin peeling it is probably not diabetic neuropathy in any case a doctor would be an appropriate next step i have a hard white bump on the center on my upper eye lid,hi it seems like a simple cyst such cysts are usually benign and do not cause any harm as long as its painless and remains of the same size you need not worry thanks how can i tell if i am pregnant or starting menopause i am 1 month shy of 50 years old but my peiod is very light more like spotting i do not have any other signs of either pregnancy or menopause like tenderness or hot flashes or mood swings we had sex around day 9 of my cycle i started spotting on the day i was to start my period i have never been pregnant so i have no prior knowledge should wait a few more days or should i get a pregnacy test,hi first you have to remember not all women going through there menopause get tenderness hot flush is or mood swings my wife never but a blood test for your hormones will tell you if you are but then a blood test will also tell you if your pregnant i think now may be a good time to get a blood test or a pregnancy home test do hope this helps good luck i had a disc removed l2 pain in my lower back has never improved,hi in my opinion causes of continuous pain in area of l23 is usually due to lumber spine osteoporosis i recommend calcium and vit d supplement for 6 month + wear a back brace good luck what is your opinion of thermage,it does not seem like anyone really knows exactly why some people yawn during or after exercise but there are some theories one thought is that you may be trying to get more oxygen think about what a yawn actually is a long deep breath of air this deep breath may serve as a means to get more oxygen into your body which makes sense because exercise can make your body oxygen deprived yawning can also increase heart rate and blood pressure helping to increase the cardiac output that your heart might need during exercise some research suggests that yawning could actually provide a cooling effect as a way to regulate your core body temperature after exercise as well of course you may just be yawning because you are fatigued or sleep deprived or it could be a side effect of some medications too there really is not one single answer as to why we yawn during or after exercise excessive yawning may be the sign of an underlying health condition however so please consult your doctor for further guidance should i take a decongestant or antihistamine for a cold or the flu,if your medical provider specifically prescribed a z pack for this particular illness that yes it is safe remember that an antibiotic only works for a bacterial infection it would be absolutely worthless for a viral infection i hope that you are self diagnosing your need for an antibiotic what is an maoi or where can i find a list of maoi drugs i need to know about over the counter or prescription drug interactions with antidepressants and anti anxiety meds,here are a couple of articles regarding different maois and here is a really handy interaction checker when i blow my nose or brush my teeth my front teeth bleed what can cause this and what can i do to stop it,hi you should find if you rebuild your life get rid of the weight get out and start exercising start to eat a healthy life style and by doing all that which i think some you may be doing then this will bring up your life expectancy so reverse some of it if not all of it you need to put trust in your body its a great self healer if you let it try adding in some meditation its a great way to find inner strength hope this helps in some way good luck difference between a family general physician i am 54 years old i have not seen a doctor in years i know i need a mammogram pap smear and colonoscopy what else should i have done and do i start with family physician also want menapausual support,as you know i can not see or examine you and your description is vague look up ganglion cyst on the internet this is one possibility of many flu symptoms is it possible to have the flu if you are not running a fever i have all of the symptoms including body aches my skin hurts if you touch it but my thermometer keeps saying my temp is normal,while it is a good thing to eat before exercise eating in the morning will depend upon how much exercise you are getting if you are going for a 30 minute run first thing you may be able to skip it but if you are working hard for over an hour you will need some energy such as a carbohydrate rich small banana toast or half of an energy bar try different strategies to see what works best for you does that fuel first thing give you more energy or does it bother your stomach with time and trial and error you will figure it out see this webmd article for more on what to eat before during and after exercise congrats on your commitment to exercise why my glucose level drop so much after consuming glucose doctor is puzzled and cannot give any answer,hi i do not think you are diabetic these changes may be occuring due to hormonal changes you need to get detailed hormonal assay including insulin levels checked thanks what can i say to a friend while she is having an anxiety attack my friend has generalized anxiety disorder and she has panic attacks pretty often once or twice a week typically and when it is the worst daily they get bad and it is pretty scary i was wondering what i can dosay to her that will stop the anxiety attack or make it less bad so she does not have to leave class she has a fear of throwing up that is often what causes the panic attacks even when she just has a stomachache she freaks out she is on treatment but it can only help so much,she must take a break from classes to see if symptoms get better probably is link to environment which surround her if treatment does not work look for family therapy to find out what its really making her uncomfortable this sound like stress from day to day situations either school or crowd makes her feel anxious always look for holistic therapy if you prefer to see a professional do not use medications that can worsen the symptoms what is causing blisters from the back to the middle of my tongue,many things can affect a woman is ability to have a baby these include age stress poor diet athletic training being overweight or underweight tobacco smoking alcohol sexually transmitted diseases stds health problems that cause hormonal changes can i be pregnant period normally lasts 7 days this time only lasted 3 days 5 days later i go to wipe and pinkish tint is on toilet paper this lasted for a couple of hours when i would wipe after urinating and had slight cramps is this implantation bleeding if so when did i conceive and when is the earliest i can take a home pregnancy test i took one this afternoon and it said negative can it be to early to detect,hi some things you may find that are other triggers to look for do you feel nauseous have you sore breasts do you get fatigued are you urinating more your first pregnancy test should be one the first day of your first missed period so do hope this helps you good luck what cause lumps on a baby is leg the lump is are not ichiy and the skin is not red but he extends his leg is when you move your hand over the lump is on his leg is what could be causeing this,i would go to your ob or get an re i found out i was not ovulating either they will help you get on the right track baby dust had a period in april spotted may no period june and nothing for july yet took a hpt 2wks ago negative pregnant had sex recently gained weight during this time and very bad stomach ache 1 day for the last two months had cramping with no period,you provided appropriate care causing intentional pain to try and stimulate someone who has fainted is not something that should be done in most case paramedics do this to check and see if someone is responsive or dead so as long as the fainting victim is breathing just elevate those legs and allow them to recover gently as a former paramedic i can tell you that is never a good idea to hit someone in the chest a person who has fainted should be gently rolled over on their back shaken gently and asked are you ok if they do not respond tilt their head and use your thumb and forefinger to pull out the chin to open the airway if you suspect a neck injury do the chin lift only listen for breathing by putting your ear to their mouth an listening for 10 seconds if they are breathing have someone call ems and support their head holding their airway open by putting your forefingers on each side of their jaw at the angle near their ears and gently push upward if they are not breathing then you can check their pulse in the hollow beside their adam is apple then do cpr or rescue breathing this is why everyone should do a cpr class every couple of years because more lives are saved with correct cpr than by all the emt is combined if a young adult is working as an unpaid intern can heshe qualify for medicaid,what will a patient expect from an umbilical hernia surgery what is the recovery time and expected down time outpatient or inpatient can migraines be triggered by psychological factors,no niacin will not flush your symptom from thc only time can flush your system i have tried self tanners but they streak and leave dark splotches on my skin some of them also smell funny help,it is important to start with skin that is smooth and exfoliated so the first thing you should do is take a shower and exfoliate really well especially over thicker skin area such as the elbows knees and ankles once you have done that you can even moisturize to have your skin well hydrated a lot of the newer self tanners come with moisturizers in them already when you apply the self tanner you can apply it in smooth strokes and skip the elbows knees and ankles until the very end and then just brush it on there you can even take a towel and wipe it off there because areas that are thicker will absorb more of the product the newer products also come with ingredients that make them less likely to streak and with fragrance that make them less likely to have that awful smell that the older products did i also recommend using one that is a shade lighter because they come in several different tones use one that is a shade lighter than the one you think you might start with so if you think you would want a medium start with a light and put it on in layers over a few hours over the course of the day in order to get to the color that you want and then you can just reapply it once a day to maintain that color diagnosed with pleurisy and bronchitis should i up the pain medicine go to er or ride it out,i assume that you have been prescribed a brace since you are recovering from a fusion procedure if so it is unlikley that any type of chair would be very harmful for you as long as you are wearing your brace some types of furniture that may be helpful to avoid are ones where your knees have to bend a lot more than 90 degrees for you to get your bottom down to the seat ones where the cushions are extremely soft causing you to sink down into them ones that do not have arms that are available to help you get out of the chair and ones that have a[n] odd angle betwee[n] the seat and the back recliners in and of themselves are not inappropriate as long as you enter and exit the recliner with the seat in the upright position and you do not recline excessively it really is primarily an issue of comfort and unfortunately 5 days out from a fusion procedure it is hard to be comfortable in any chair a lot of that has to do with the surgical pain and dissection of the muscles this will improve exponentially with time my baby gave me thrush on my nipple could i use clotrimazole to treat it,yes you can use an antifungal cream but use it after you feed your baby wipe your nipples before you nurse if you have yeast on your breasts then you baby most likely has thrush if the pediatrician prescribed a thrush medicine for the baby like mycostatin oral suspension you can use this on your nipple as well and you do not have to wipe if off before or after nursing at 30 i had my first ever nose bleed then i had another with a small amount of blood could it be serious,nosebleeds epistaxis can be a sign of many different medical conditions but what you have described in your brief postings those specks of blood does not sound very serious please keep in mind that i do not know anything about you your medical history or have any way of delving into your specific case the nasopharynx is very rich in blood supply so it does not take much for it to bleed in the vast majority of cases this is not an ominous sign seeing your doctor in a few weeks is fine is tendinits and arthritist the same,tendinitis can be a symptom associated with arthritis they are learning more and more about arthritis every day osteoarthritis oa is a wearing down of the cartilage that protects the bone ends arthritis causes the cartilage to breakdown and then you have bone rubbing on bone and the bone then tries to protect itself by growing more bone this is called osteophytes and this is quite painful because this re grown bone is not nice and smooth but is lumpy and bumpy cartilage is soft tissue not bone some new research is suggesting that there may symptoms in the tendons and muscles which attach at or near the bone ends prior to xray evidence of oa pain tendinitis bursitis can be a signal that something is wrong with the joint i have severe generalized multi site osteoarthritis this oa is inherited most often bilateral hands knees hips and so on and i can tell you that this is so true i knew that my knees were bad before there was xray evidence just due to the pain type and location my elbows both have been so painful and i know that it is working on the joints while there is still no xray evidence it will be there soon although they are saying that the elbows are not included in this form of oa i can tell you that they are by my own observations my elbows can be so painful that i wake in the mornings just about screaming in pain when i try to move one or both see a doctor before it becomes chronic pain good luck to you how long does it take to develop a resistance to an antibiotic,it depends on how much is being used and how often bacteria are exposed to the drug it is related to the volume of use and the ability of bacteria to change their coat of armor it can happen in months it can happen in weeks or even over a period of years it usually takes longer for resistance to become widespread but with an increase in travel we can transport bacteria within hours to another location what does a low red blood cell count mean and what exactly is considered low i had a cbc done at my gp and i have previously been diagnosed with anemia they said my red blood cell count was a little low so i may want to do an iron supplement but they did not go into any more detail what is considered low is there anything nutritionally that i could do to get this back to normal so i do not feel so tired and cold all of the time i am currently taking 3 a day wholefood vitamins,most birth control pills contain a combination of two types of hormones an estrogen and a progestin these work together to stop your body is production of a hormone that tells your ovaries to release an egg so in fact they primarily work by stopping ovulation from occurring each cycle if there is no egg released there is no egg to fertilize and you prevent pregnancy the hormones in the birth control pills cause other changes that help to prevent pregnancy as well nevertheless this is their main mechanism of action can i swim in a pool with hemorrhoids,yes as long as you are not skinny dipping eczema on penis i have really sensitive skin and issues with eczema all the time worst part is i get the eczema rash on my penis i use hydrocortisone for the itching but it really dries out my skin what can i use safely down there to moisturize,seanhh peddling jungle juice again baby oil does just as good as that does perhaps even better do you have webmd is permission to advertise this on site how is travelers diarrhea diagnosed,shingles is contagious and can be spread from an affected person to babies children or adults who have not had chickenpox but instead of developing shingles these people develop chickenpox once they have had chickenpox people cannot catch shingles or contract the virus from someone else once infected however people have the potential to develop shingles later in life shingles is contagious to people who have not previously had chickenpox as long as there are new blisters forming and old blisters healing similar to chickenpox the time prior to healing or crusting of the blisters is the contagious stage of shingles once all of the blisters are crusted over the virus can no longer be spread and the contagious period is over can a yeast and bladder infection be treated over the counter at home or will it get worse thanks your help is welcomed and needed thanks again ,vaginal yeast infection yes urinary tract infection no urinary tract infections require antibiotics that are not over the counter a urine test confirms the infection the type of organism and the best antibiotic to use self diagnosis and self treatment has it is risks what is a blatocyst in pregnancy,a blastocyst is a fertilized egg after several days of cell division chances of pregnancy,you may be able to purchase dental and vision plans but only plans that cover children are required to cover these benefits can epilepsy only occur while sleeping my father has had about 4 episodes in about years in which he looses consciousness and become very stiffed always during the first 10 to 20 minutes after he goes to sleep he is always taken to the hospital and all tests become negative could this be a type of epilepsy,many times some common symptoms for a particular disease like hypothyroidism share those same symptoms with other disorders fatigue low libido and weight gain can be signs of many physical and emotional irregularities after two years of thyroid testing being within normal limits it is time to look elsewhere for answers based upon your symptoms i recommend that you seek a referral to be evaluated by an endocrinologist some common endocrinology related problems can be associated with your symptoms such as pituitary disorders graves disease and cushing is syndrome i am sure that you want to feel better therefore in this faced paced rat race of today is world please do not eliminate stress anxiety and depression as possible causes for your negative symptoms under the affordable care act how does the tax on the uninsured work,beginning in 2014 you will have to indicate on your tax forms whether you have health insurance and your coverage will need to meet minimal essential benefit standards so if you make more than 133 of the federal poverty limit and right now that is 14 856 a year for an individual and 30 657 for a family of four the law says you must buy health insurance or pay a penalty on your taxes you also will not face a penalty for not buying health insurance if you are a member of a religion that is opposed to health care like the christian scientists for example you are a member of an indian tribe you are an illegal immigrant or you are in jail there is also no penalty to pay if you do not make enough money to file a tax return or if buying health insurance would cost more than 8 of your income after taking into account any employer contributions or tax credits some people will be exempt from having to buy insurance or pay the tax on the basis of financial hardship including people making just 9 500 a year if you do not fall into one of those groups you will need to buy insurance and remember that many people with low incomes will for the first time get health insurance through medicaid meaning they will not pay a premium what increases the risk of getting acne vulgaris,the tendency to develop acne runs in families you are more likely to develop severe acne if your parents had severe acne the risk of developing acne is highest during the teen and young adult years these are the years when hormones such as testosterone are increasing women who are at the age of menstruation also are more likely to develop acne many women have acne flare ups in the days just before their menstrual periods acne can be irritated or made worse by wearing straps or other tight fitting items that rub against the skin such as a football player wearing shoulder pads as well as using equipment that rubs against the body such as a violin held between the cheek and shoulder helmets bra straps headbands and turtleneck sweaters also may cause acne to get worse using skin and hair care products that contain irritating substances washing the face too often or scrubbing the face too hard using harsh soaps or very hot water can also cause acne to get worse experiencing a lot of stress touching the face a lot sweating a lot having hair hanging in the face which can cause the skin to be oilier taking certain medicines working with oils and harsh chemicals on a regular basis webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated can a ruptured ovarian cyst cause a bacterial infection,hi here is a list that may help you many arrhythmias occur as a complication of a heart condition for example ischaemic heart disease which causes angina and heart attacks this reduces the blood supply to parts of the heart which may include parts of the conducting system a damaged section of heart muscle following a heart attack can trigger an arrhythmia or block electrical impulses heart valve diseases can cause the heart muscle to enlarge which can trigger abnormal electrical activity for example af is a common complication of mitral valve disease high blood pressure can put strain on the heart and cause arrhythmias age related degeneration ageing around the conducting fibres is one cause of complete heart block cardiomyopathy a disorder of the heart muscle can sometimes cause arrhythmias some arrhythmias are due to abnormalities in the electrical pathways which are present from birth one example is an extra electrical pathway which sometimes develops between the atria and ventricles this can cause a type of svt however symptoms may not first start until you are a young adult some congenital heart defects are associated with certain arrhythmias inflammation of the heart and other less common heart disorders are other possible causes your should find out that sex is not the bad fro what your asking a good orgasm does release some good things around our body is as for exercise as long as its not to herd or fast you should be ok swimming would be good for you its gentle and less stressful and also low impact hope this helps you good luck why have i havent had a period after two months discontinueing my birth control shot could i possibly be pregnant i also have really bad headaches that no advil nor tylenol nor ibprofen will take it away its causing me to not get any sleep could that be a sign of pregnancy or chronic migraines i do not have health insurance so its hard for me to just go to a doctor,your healthcare provider can remove implanon at any time with a minor surgical procedure in the office the information on your user card may help your healthcare provider find implanon after removal keep the removal site clean dry and bandaged for three to five days to lessen the chance of infection if you want to become pregnant your ability to get pregnant usually returns quickly some women have become pregnant within days after removal of implanon if you do not want to become pregnant you should start another birth control method right away additional information if you would like more information talk with your healthcare provider you can ask your healthcare provider for information about implanon that is written for healthcare providers i have been experiencing sharp pain in the mid point of my back right next to my spine,hair does not itch scalps will itch there are so many different causes of itching that it would not be possible to blindly sort them out over the internet if your newly grey scalp is itching it would be wise to see a dermatologist so that you can be properly examined and treated just because another grey hair friend has an itchy scalp too does not imply that you both have the same thing the color of your hair is really irrelevant i am not a licenses professional in anyway however i have had grey hair for several years every time the grey hair would grow it would itch like something is invading my head in my early onset there where several occasions that i was checked and treated for lice as well with no indications there was lice present to begin with i would just take the necessary precautions to eliminate any unwanted parasites and add protection to my scalp the first time i noticed i had grey i felt shocked because of how young i was and how itchy my head became so i always dyed it with box dye to cover it however over time more grey hair was developing and as it grew out i could feel this itchiness come back it would drive me so mad there was a point i was buying a box of hair dye every week that eventually caused a lot of breakage in my hair i can honestly say the grey hair could be causing your scalp to itch because of my experience that every time new grays emerged throughout my entire head i would be uncontrollably non stop itching 5+ years on simvastatin 20mg 12 mo ago muscle pain upper arms recently swithched to atorvastatin 20mg will it help in addition i am taking coq10 for 4 months,unfortunately there is no solid answer to your question muscle pain and weakness such as the pain you describe is a known side effect of statin medications statin medications are used to treat high cholesterol levels i am guessing your health care provider switched you from simvastatin to atorvastatin to see if it would help your upper arm pain the answer remains to be seen if your arm pain clears up then great if it does not then i would recommend you go back to your health care provider to discuss the situation there are many statin drugs to choose from just because you experience a side effect from one of them does not mean you will experience side effects from all of them i hope this helps good luck to you i have muscle pain and my thighs have changed shape waiting to see a neurologist to see if statins are the cause i have been on simvastatin side effects rosuvastatin side effects pravastatin side effects and fibrates side effects i am now taking policosanol with coq10 no side effects as yet my reply stay well clear of statins be healthy can an endoscopy and colonoscopy be performed at the same visit is there a reason not to do that,they are usually not done at the same time different ends different equipment and of course often different specialists doing the procedures 7 year old girl respiratory infection rash taste buds enlarged reactive airway and cough variant asthma,your symptoms are probably due to neuropathy only consult a neurophysiology and get evaluated a thorough clinical examination and investigation like blood test the mri scan can be done what tests should my doctor be conducting to diagnose the cause of my vertigo i was diagnosed at the er this weekend i woke up feeling a little dizzy then about an hr after i woke up i felt a constant spinning sensation accompanied by severe nausea and vomitting everytime i moved the er dr diagnosed vertigo caused by a virus inducing swelling in my inner ear i was prescribed medications for the dizziness and nausea but the spinning has not stopped and it has been three days,hi do we take the your doctor knows about the blood protein in your urine if so he should take more tests its not right now your rash it could be just a yeast infection or bv so its either meds from the doc otc meds from the drug store or chemist or you can google sea salt and yeast infection sea salt and bv boric acid and bv garlic and bv or you can try this site lots of ideas all from women just google to open and read do hope this helps you good luck how exactly does the birth control pill work how long does it take to become an effective use of contraception,the male face lift is infinitely more demanding than the female because of all the blood supply see a male is face has a much richer blood supply to support the thicker skin and the beard all male skin generally is thicker than the comparable female and the beard demands extra nutrition so we spend a lot more time there so that is whatever time we quote for a woman we have to add on almost 45 minutes to an hour longer for a man and in terms of cutting and rearranging features is there a difference yeah the incision is different because a man is incision if done as a woman is placed in the curvature of the ear the man would be shaving inside his ear canal because you slide up hair bearing skin so on a man you have to put the incision in front here it actually takes a little longer to close also since that incision is more visible to the eye it has to be absolutely primo not that we do not try to be primo in these other areas but they lend themselves to easier healing fewer stitches this you have to have at least two layers of stitches so that there is not stretching it is just more complex when is the flu no longer contagious,exercising drinking water eating fresh fruit vegetables lean meats and whole grains help your body fight free radical damage that leads to fine lines and wrinkles not doing these things can contribute to the growth of dull uneven skin that is wrinkled and looks unhealthy your body and your skin deserve the best fell on stairs a week and a half ago there is bruising and soreness and pain on tailbone could i have fractured it i did not find any answers reading other post i am just wondering if i maybe just bruised my tailbone real bad or i fractured it of course when i fell i was sore all over but the worst on my bottom for a week a lot of the soreness is gone now but my tailbone area still hurts and if i do anything to put pressure or hit it it hurts really bad doing floor exercise laying on my back irritates it i have not went to a dr,i did the same thing a while back fell exactly on my tailbone hurt like heck took a few days for the bruise to come all the way in and was incredibly sore and sensitive for a few weeks maybe a month before really back to normal and i could not do any floor exercises for about two weeks either and mine was only bruised not broken is it ok to mix metamucil with yogurt instead of liquid,yes that would be fine i suffer with panic and anxiety disorder chest pains for 4 years,doctors panic attacks and anxiety causes similar symptoms to many disorders you need to chill out yoga daily and breathing exercises massage and regular walking …avoid caffeine my 3 yr old has thrown up twice after eating peanut butter and a peanut cliff bar but has eaten peanut butter before i am wondering if this could be an onset of an allergy she also has some itchy patches on her chin below her lip should i see a doctor,your first step is to exclude any underlying medical causes such as a thyroid condition connective tissue disease or an infectious process when you wash your hands avoid cleansers that contain alcohol this will further dry your hands your next step is to focus on moisturizing and hydrating your hands if i test negative for hpv with my pap tests do i need separate anal hpv test,there is no need to worry if the pap smear is negative then you do not need any further investigations to rule out hpv… s circumin good for prostate cancer tritment hi i want to know if circumin is effective on prostate cancer traitment thanks gunes,hi circumincurcumin better know as turmeric if this is whgat your on about then you will find this site and link very interesting just copy into google to the www to open and read do hope this helps you good luck what are the types of herpes simplex viruses,it is difficult to analyse your situation without a physical examination and a psychiatric complete history you might definitely benefit by consulting a psychiatrist who can help you properly in dealing with your problems and prescribe you medications if needed what are the risks of taking zantac 75 for weeks at a time,products like zantac 75 are indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate infrequent episodic heartburn and the prevention of heartburn associated with acid indigestion and sour stomach if you have been taking it for more than two weeks you really need to make an appointment with your doctor or health care provider for further evaluation miscarriage at 21 weeks and symptoms after i had my miscarriage last week wednesdaythursday when i was 21 5 weeks i started lactating on sunday it is now wednesday and it is still going i am wearing the tightest sports bras i own does anyone have any insight on how long this will last for the doctor just told me it would happen but nothing else also how long till my uterus fully contracts and my stomach goes back to what it used to be,you should stop lactating in 1 2 weeks continue to wear tight fitting bras and avoid any breast or nipple stimulation medications to dry your milk up are not typically recommended your uterus will return to normal size within approximately 6 weeks when is my due date for my menstrual cycle,there is no way to answer your question sorry what should i do if i suspect an overdose of xanax xr,hi first you need to get some plan b and take it there is 72 window to take it ok ok just in case you do not know how your cycle works it s like this day 1 first day of your period day 14 is ovulation day give or take a day day 21 is implantation day then on to your next period ok male sperm takes 3 days to reach your womb and depending where you read it can live from 5 7 or 10 days so if this unprotected sex was say day 8 then yes you could get pregnant if you do not take plan b or something like it does this help you good luck can keppra be used to treat migraines,hi do have good read through this link below lots of info on keppra just copy link into googel to the www to open and read hope it helps your problem good luck what should i expect during week 25 of my pregnancy,that would depend on the severitydegree of scoliosis and any associated symptoms but in most cases teens with scoliosis can participate in sports exercise etc it may be best to get a patient specific okay from their medical provider someone who knows the details of their case i had 8 negative pregnancy tests and then 1 positive,no this extra vaccine will not cause harm to you or the baby so do not worry we often give those ten year vaccines earlier i had sex 3 days before ovulation i have nausea and breast tenderness but got my period can i be pregnant,a pregnant woman can have a menstrual cycle for a month or so even longer this is why some women do not know they are pregnant nausea and breast tenderness are not definitive signs of pregnancy any more than missing a period so you will need to wait for an accurate pregnancy test to provide you with more information on whether you are indeed pregnant or not i am on path to kidney failure is there some better treatment,hi u seem to have borderline uric acid and creatinine levels which are well controlled by the present tablets you are taking till you dont need dialysis then the same tablets are ok febuxostat is a new drug in market thats being used widely nowadays for uric acid derangements u can take it for 2 3 months get the uric acid checked at 1 month intervals thanks i have a light red sometimes purpleish rash on the shaft of my penis i have tried using cortizone and a lamisil atf i have had the rash for about a month it does not itch or burn there is no discharge or anything like that it is just there and it is driving me nuts when i first noticed it i frequently masturbated at least once a day of not more since i have slowed down to nearly at all but the rash will not go away regardless of what i try please help,hi its a bit hard just trying to help over the web its a visual thing look i am not saying its an sti or std but please try an stdgum clinic the staff do not just do stds and they could help you best over your problem tell them what you have tried perhaps they have something better do hope this helps good luck what is the cure for dry skin,dry skin can be attributed to a variety of skin disorders such as eczema rosacea or psoriasis medical problems such as thyroid disease kidney disease liver disease and certain connective tissue diseases may also contribute to dry skin your first approach is to exclude any potential medical causes with your physician if your dry skin is not related to an underlying medical cause then your skin regimen needs to include moisturizers that contain health rebuilding compounds such as vitamin a c e peptides or hyaluronic acid i have balance problems difficulty walking and vertigo,once a blockage is there it is generally there to stay with medication and lifestyle changes though plaques may slow or stop growing they may even shrink slightly with aggressive treatment lifestyle changes reducing the lifestyle risk factors that lead to atherosclerosis will slow or stop the process that means a healthy diet exercise and no smoking medicationtaking drugs for high cholesterol and high blood pressure will slow and perhaps even halt the progression of atherosclerosis as well as lower your risk of heart attacks and stroke using invasive techniques doctors can also open up blockages from atherosclerosis or go around them angiography and stenting cardiac catheterization with angiography of the coronary arteries is the most common angiography procedure performed angioplasty catheters with balloon tips and stenting can often open up a blocked artery bypass surgery surgeons harvest a healthy blood vessel often from the leg or chest they use the healthy vessel to bypass a segment blocked by atherosclerosis these procedures involve a risk of complications they are usually saved for people with significant symptoms or limitations caused by atherosclerosis my tongue mouth and back of throat are dry doctors and ent do not know why,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly symptoms of overdose may include confusion fainting or a deep sleep from which you cannot be awakened can the sweat chloride be high without having cystic fibrosis,hi ok just think back did you masturbate before you was with your gf did you urinate after it if no then there could be a small problem but not yet but if yes your ok but does sound like she could have the flu coming on and not pregnancy if she was she would not know about till she miss is her next period but if she is getting stressed over this then she could still miss her period stress will do that best you both can do is stay calm and wait but for me i nom not think she is not from the day after reason she has not had her ovulation day yet which is around day 14 of her cycle day 1 is the first day of her period hope this helps you good luck who should receive the flu vaccine when should someone get the flu shot,hi neither the cortisol or aldosterone levels are alarming both levels are almost within normal range and i do not see any reason to panic adrenal system is functioning properly do not worry most of the online interpretations can be confusing i suggest you to neglect them thanks would my laminectomy of l5s1 disk affect the disk above l4l5 causing it to herniate,hi its time for you to get and see a gyno get some tests done that would be a very good starting place for you and your problem do hope this helps good luck why am i constantly tired i do not believe i am sleep deprived what can i do to help this i am tired all day long every day getting out of bed in the morning is always a chore no matter how many hrs of sleep i get i am constantly yawning throughout the day i could nap at pretty much any time almost anywhere i have increased my exercise level recently i work full time at a very mentally and physically exhausting place and i am in graduate school full time too on avg i get about 6 hrs of sleep however some days i get 5 hrs of sleep and some days i may sleep as many as 10,solved i was tired mostly because i am depressed i went on 20mg celexa which almost completely fixed my exhaustion issue every now and then i will be unexplicably fatigued but it has gotten a lot better what is wrong with my body,hi such symptoms do occur when you tend to take contraceptive medicines such medicines are made up of hormones and their intake causes sever hormonal changes in our body that causes mood swings and other symptoms i suggest you should get another pregnancy test now if you have been sexually active if the abdominal complaints are more u can get a usg scan of abdomen done thanks diagnosed with celiac disease but not given any care what is my next step i was given a blood test and told by my family doctor that i had celiac disease and to stop eating gluten 2 years ago i was never referred to a doctor who deals with my disease or given any other tests or scopes being as its 2 years after the diagnosis should i try to consult a doctor for better care,hi your best bet would be to do a home pregnancy test or get to your doctor and let himher give you some tests i think this would be good advice as you seem very worried good luck pain behind right eye blurriness headache sinus pain,in my opinion it is most probably migraine headache and to a lesser extent sinusitis a ct scan is a good diagnostic tool to rule out any other pathologies try triptan medications which include sumatriptan imitrex rizatriptan maxalt almotriptan axert naratriptan amerge zolmitriptan zomig frovatriptan frova and eletriptan relpax sleep well and drink plenty of water if no progression then you will need to see a neurologist and ct brain is needed pregnancy i think i am pregnant hi this is the second month of trying but like the fourth month of no protection at all i ovulated on the 15th of july and we have unprotected sex on all 5 days of my fertile days on the 26th i had a little bright pink blood and then it turned into like a brownish discharge its now the 29th and i have only seen it once today i think its done but i have a little pains in my stomach and in my breasts im supposed to start my period around the 1st of august does it sound like i am,him just wait one more week it your period has not come then do get tested its best at your doctors for now just relax and do not stress yourself stress is something you do not want so relax do hope this helps you good luck are ricola cough drops ok to take during pregnancy,this is a very interesting question to me because i love obscure stuff i should start by saying there often is no answer to why for many weird body occurrences when medicine can not figure out an answer to why they call the situation idiopathic this basically means of unknown origin then too sometimes these weird symptoms actually are normal in your case for instance if your toes have always itched at night then that probably is just normal for you who knows why maybe there is something unique about the way the nerves in your toes function there are certain conditions that can produce the symptom you describe though one of these is raynaud is phenomenon in raynaud is blood flow to the fingers toes and the extremities more generally is disrupted by exposure to cold temperatures the vessels go into spasm and the tissue lacks oxygen so it burns or itches or feels painful a rather obscure symptom of raynaud is is itchy toes of course if you do not have any other symptoms of raynaud is then it is unlikely this is the cause of your symptoms another obscure possible cause of your symptoms is gout usually gout presents with a complaint of sharp pain in the big toe especially at night gout normally causes swelling too if you do not have nighttime swelling and redness in the toe then it is unlikely gout is the source of your symptoms i suggest you continue to monitor the situation and record your symptoms in a log book even if you just write down the dates and times your toes itch it could be helpful to your doctor in arriving at a diagnosis if there is one like i said many times we have no idea what is causing a benign symptom like itchy toes wishing you well can you start your period early if you forget your birth control pill for 4 days,yes stopping missing those pills does walking on a cold bare floor with hot feet get you sick,no it just gets you cold feet you can walk around with bare feet all you want without any fear of illness your grandmother or mother is not correct can you take adderall with clonidine,there are no dangerous interactions between adderall and clonidine but whether or not they work well together would depend on why you are using the clonidine if you have concerns about your medication you should talk to your healthcare provider my son has a bulge on his leg across from his penis that hurts to gently touch any ideas what this might be the bulge is about the size of a half dollar and when he gets up in the morning he limps because it hurts so much his dad thinks it might be hernia but i just do not know i also do not know if that is the groin or not,a hernia is usually in the abdomen area this sounds like a case for your family doctor how can you be sure you are over a concussion my daughter had a grade 2 3 weeks ago she is basically normal now,she will need to see her medical provider for another neurological examination for clearance recovery from a conclusion varies from person to person so to be on the safe side her doctor needs to make that imporant determination what are allergy shots,allergy shots are also called immunotherapy or allergy desensitization immunotherapy is given to increase a person is tolerance to the substances that provoke allergy symptoms allergens allergy shots reduce your sensitivity to certain substances but do not cure allergies they are usually recommended for people who suffer from allergies more than three months a year is one hfa inhaler more effective than another for asthma patients,vaginal odor is often a sign of infection typically a bacterial or trichimonas so you may need to see your medical provider for an examination another common cause is a retained tampon even if you think this could never happen who is at risk for gallstones,the risk factors for developing cholesterol gallstones include gender gallstones form more commonly in women than men age gallstone prevalence increases with age obesity obese people are more likely to form gallstones than thin individuals pregnancy women who have been pregnant are more likely to form gallstones than women who have not been pregnant pregnancy increases the risk for cholesterol gallstones because during pregnancy bile contains more cholesterol and the gallbladder does not contract normally birth control pills and hormone therapy the increased levels of hormones caused by either treatment mimics pregnancy rapid weight loss rapid weight loss by whatever means very low calorie diets or obesity surgery causes cholesterol gallstones in up to 50 of individuals many of the gallstones will disappear after the weight is lost but many do not moreover until they are gone they may cause problems crohn is disease individuals with crohn is disease of the terminal ileum are more likely to develop gallstones gallstones form because patients with crohn is disease lack enough bile acids to solubilize the cholesterol in bile normally bile acids that enter the small intestine from the liver and gallbladder are absorbed back into the body in the terminal ileum and are secreted again by the liver into bile in other words the bile acids recycle in crohn is disease the terminal ileum is diseased bile acids are not absorbed normally the body becomes depleted of bile acids and less bile acids are secreted in bile there are not enough bile acids to keep cholesterol dissolved in bile and gallstones form increased blood triglycerides gallstones occur more frequently in people with elevated blood triglyceride levels risk for pigment gallstones black pigment gallstones form whenever there is an increased load of bilirubin that reaches the liver this occurs whenever there is increased destruction of red blood cells as there is in sickle cell disease and thalassemia black pigment gallstones also are more common among patients with cirrhosis of the liver brown pigment gallstones form when there is stasis of bile decreased flow for example when there are narrow obstructed bile ducts colonoscopy tomorrow but started my menstrual cycle can i still have the test,yes what should i do if i suspect an overdose of ec naprosyn,food and drinks like coffee red wine and tea can discolor the teeth on the outside but those drinks are not for children sodas are the worst possible drinks due to the high acid content acid in the saliva allows cavities to form and grow on your teeth acne and horizontal lines on back related what do i have plz help i am 23 years old female i had painful acne since i was 15 or16 mostly on my nose and chin i have horizontal lines that look like stretch marks pretty sure they are not they started at the bottom once in while i will see a new line above the other ones i am not growing any taller so can not be stretch marks i did hormonal tests thyroid tests and everything is normal i am sure these two symptoms are related because my brother has the same things acne on nose and horizontal lines on his back,hi yes you can go through a pregnancy having periods but these are not regular periods there shorter like 3 days you could be having a phantom pregnancy you get all the symptoms and a bump but no baby do you know what part of your cycle you were at when you had unprotected sex it would have needed to have been 3 to 4 before day 14 of your cycle after that very chancy of getting pregnant but have you not been having sex since then if you want to answer just come back through answer this above have a sinus infection & have been given a prescription amoxicillin 875 mg tablet can i take over the counter drugs too,i do not know what over the counter drugs you are planning to take so i really can not offer you any specific advice my suggestion is for you to talk with the pharmacist or your medical provider my wife is upper thighs turned purple all blood tests are ok,did they check for dvt blood clot in the leg… can you get herpes simples 1 by using someones razor,yes so do not use anyone is razor especially someone who is known to have herpes simplex can an individual have more than one type of arthritis at a time,yes i feel like i have a cold or the flu but i dont have a fever,assuming you are an adult fever is often not present with a simple cold fever is common in children but not adults this is really not influenza season right now but of course i do not know what area of the world that you live influenza can definitely cause fever but the absence or presence of a fever is not necessary to make a diagnosis unfortunately i have no way of determining what you have over the internet based solely on your brief posting i have abdominal pains legs are numb and weak can you help me,hey i̇ am agree with dr ayman is post i̇ will just add you need to drink alot of water from 2 3 litre daily and eat more vegetables & fruits stop caffeine soda take anti spasmodics pain in knee hip right leg need key hole surgery,you need to know the reason for your knee effusion is it arthritis bursitis meniscal injury treating effusion without treating the reason for it is pointless alternative to effusion aspiration there is always elevation lympatic drainage massage and electrical stimulation + strengthning of quadriceps muscle good luck if i am unemployed without benefits and could not find job yet how suposse to i can pay this health insurance i try to find a job this last year and a half and nothing i post around 10 application a day in different kind of jobs i am 46 years old every job that applied is 400 to 600 other people applying at the same one and some with more experience and upper level of education,hi i would like to know what tests were done sometimes only ecg wont show any abnormalities and wont rule out all the cardiac causes sometimes its necessary to get an echocardiography as well such high heart rates at your age and chest pains are not expected you should get some more tests and shouldnt ignore it thanks i do not feel right is this general anxiety i overanalyze everything if i say something wrong or do something that did not even feel wrong in the moment i will be reliving it for hours or days and it is not just the things that happened today or a few days ago it is stuff that happened years ago too i feel like i am getting worked up over nothing but i can not make it go away i have had a phobia since i was little and i had my first major panic attack when i was 13 can those lead to general anxiety could i have general anxiety,luckylucas first have you had any traumatic experiences in the past few years you describe reliving these exeriences for days and in one case you mention this has been going on for years do you suffer from hypervigilence always looking over your shoulder to see if anything frightening is there do you see on tv in public hear conversations or noises that remind you of a traumatic event do you have startled responses to certain stimuli that remind you of traumatic issues is your sleep good or bad do you anger easily or isolate yourself if so you may want to see a psychologist or psychiatrist and have an evaluation for ptsd disorders like phobias panic attacks depression and obsessive compulsive behaviors are very much a part of the ptsd syndrome the key to your question is i cant make it go away which is a classic example of ptsd these are called intrusive thoughts you cannot get rid of ordinarily treatment for gad panic attack and ocd are very treatable with therapy and medication however ptsd is one of only two memory based disorders in dsm 5 the other is dementia or alzheimer is disease basically what i am saying is you cannot erase a memory is why ptsd is usually a life long disorder with no cure the best treatment is a combination of medications and management of your symptoms i hope this helps patrick4287 licensed psychologist how will the affordable care act impact the services those on medicare receive,masturbation is not harmful to you or your heart hi at masturbating 3 times a week this will not do you any harm its keeping your prostate healthy and it wont do you the world of good at 67 just keep it going i am 68 and still have a good sex life after having ed and getting over that for me ed was just a hic cup in my sex life but for you with diabetes as you say ed is a side effect of the meds so your really lucky to be masturbating but do keep it up good luck there is no particular safe or unsafe frequency for masturbation it is not inherently harmful other than the possibility that you accidentally injure yourself if you are too vigorous for lack of a better word it is not bad for your heart and since you are not experiencing any psychological issues as a result there is little you have to worry about it depends on how much stimulation you need or want which might be more or less than someone else your heart is in no more danger from masturbation than from anything else you might do in the course of your day 4 year old male child vomiting saliva and yellow bile he ate last night and was fine this morning he woke up saying his stomach hurt since then he has been vomiting saliva and yellow bile no undigested or digested food no fever sleeping a lot,she needs help starting with her pediatrician many children of her age have explosive outbursts and there are medications that can help additionally she could see a child psychiatrist or counselor for behavior therapy tantrums can occur at any age but by age 7 she certainly should know that she is not in charge of the world and how do deal with conflicts in a more civilized manner i do not have enough information to comment on her head pain but this should be carefully evaluated by the pediatrician as well including consideration for some imaging studies rarely brain lesions can surface as personality aberrations so this may need to be ruled out recent erectile dysfunction should i avoid changing medication and go for a pump,u should do blood film and mono spot test … should i wake my baby for feedings,i do not recommend waking babies for nighttime feedings because you want them to sleep however i would suggest you wake them for night feedings in their first couple of weeks if they have not yet gained back their birth weight babies tend to lose 10 of their weight after they are born also if they are sleeping more in the day than the night i do suggest waking them so they do not go more than four hours without eating overall i suggest not waking babies at night so they can find their own sleep schedule and you generally do not have to wake them in the day either because most will wake on their own if you notice that the baby is sleeping for longer stretches during the day then i would start waking them in the day so they do not get night and day mixed up i had energy supplements now feeling dizzy and passed out today,hi these are common side effects of lexapro lamictal and ambilify so you need to revise with your doctor for changing the drug or dose modification what happens when you dont drink enough water daily,many things you become dehydrated you become constipated and increase your chances of developing kidneybladder stones your blood pressure may not be well regulated your mouth nose and respiratory tract will become dry this is just a few of the nasty things that can happen when you do not drink plenty of water is there a product that will tighten up sagging and loose skin under the chin and jaw is thermage effective,loss of firmness is a common concern in aging skin skin experts have long known that the loss of skin is firmness is a naturally occurring part of the aging process fueled in part by changes in the deeper layers of skin caused by decreases in functional hyaluronic acid skin is natural plumper and accumulated damage to collagen and elastin the elastic fibrous protein in skin is connective tissue combined these changes lead to the loss of skin is firmness and an aged appearance products that contain ingredients such as niacinimide caffeine glycerine and hyaluronic acid can be effective in firming skin with the proper skin care you will see observed the benefits thermage can be highly effective in the right candidate this is a procedure done by your dermatologist that uses radiofrequency energy for tissue tightening and can be used both on the face and other areas of the body when i smoke i get a cramping feeling in my stomach or diaphragm it passes with time it almost feels like a cramp,hi think of this its your body telling you something just throw them away and find some other way of pleasing your body that wont one day give you bad skin make you smell like an old dog end and lots of other reasons like cancer or could do good luck should i get my blood level of vitamin d checked,i understand your concern completely here with regards to inability to conceive the fact that you have just missed your menses by four days usually the urine pregnancy test is not conclusive till eight days post missed periods go for a serum beta hcg test if it has been done and it show low level of hcg then you are not pregnant i presume you are talking about serum beta hcg test here which is negative i am not sure if your husband has been investigated for his semen analysis and quality as this is the first thing which should be done secondly it is important to know about your own fertile period which is the best time for the woman to conceive thirdly it is important to learn whether your menses have been regular hormonal profile is normal and you are ovulating regularly so if you have undergone any tests already then please send them across for a review revert back with the test results to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online > my friend has been tired with no energy lately what could be wrong she is in her late forties she constantly feels tired after coming back from work she has low blood pressure she eats small portions then when pressured to eat more says is full,hi it does seem to be because of you unless he has had sex with other female partners if he has not then its definitely vulvovaginitis of your vulva that has gt him another episode of gnu you both should maintain proper genital hygiene and take medicines till both of you get cured starting broad spectrum antibiotics can help thanks how much specialty training should physicians have,i am sorry to hear about your injury that is no fun unfortunately there is no straight answer to your question lifting weights has to do with fitness level not age i know 55 year old women who can bench press over 100 pounds and i know 30 year old women who can barely lift a 5 pound dumbbell if the ability to lift up to 50 pounds is a requirement of your job i suggest you ask your doctor about physical therapy to help increase your upper body strength without injuring your back or after you have been cleared by a doctor to return to normal duty you could consider increasing your fitness level by working out on your own be sure to start slowly and gradually build up your strength and endurance webmd has a great exercise workout and fitness center that can help you get started just remember always get your doctor is permission before starting any exercise program hope this helps should i send my 2 year old to a doctor after 7 days of yellow green mucous nasal discharge he started with mild 38 degree fever for 3 days clear mucous on day 1 and 2 mucous started to become yellowgreen with bad chesty cough that sounds phlegmy,hi your body has become dependant on this tablet and you need de addiction this has to be done gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms initially start on a replacement therapy try taking a similar drug with low does and then gradually lower the doses till its brought to minimum thanks recovering from cold left cheek is swollen and sore in front of ear and down around the back side of jaw at joint should i seek medical assistance or wait a few days to see if gets better,hi sounds like you have a swollen gland you need to see your doctor for some antibiotics these will soon help get it down after you finish them do take some acidophilus antibiotics kill the good bugs in your gut this puts them back good luck is bleeding after sex a big deal,having heard about all the possible causes of bleeding after sex one would think that a culprit could be found to explain the bleeding i was surprised to learn that in three separate studies about 50 of women evaluated showed no obvious reason for the bleeding in each of these three studies women received thorough evaluations including colposcopies however given the multiple causes of bleeding after sex one should go see a gynecologist if the spotting persists or is recurrent when all the possible causes have been ruled out then you might be one of the 50 where there is no pathological reason for the bleeding until a work up has been done i would suggest that bleeding after sex is not a symptom to be ignored is it normal for my girlfriend to be irritated down there after sex usually after sex when we begin again she complains that it hurts down there we wait a little before doing anything and when i try i again it still hurts her she is 20 years old and i am the only person shes had sex with i do not have any diseases,shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox shingles itself is not contagious what i mean is you cannot get shingles from someone else who has shingles shingles is contagious from the standpoint that you can get chickenpox from direct exposure to shingles blisters in other words if a person has never had chickenpox and has not been vaccinated against chickenpox that person can get chickenpox if they come in contact with shingles blisters however if you have had chickenpox or shingles you cannot get shingles from coming in contact with someone who is having an active outbreak of shingles a shingles outbreak is triggered from within your own body it is not caused by contact with someone else so to answer your question you do not need to avoid contact with your dad you also should be aware that you can get the shingles vaccination if you are over age 50 even if you have had an outbreak of shingles in the past i hope this helps what is hemiplegia hemiplegia is weakness on one side of the body,to be safe wear a knee brace also lean forward while walking later on physical theraby should include streching hamestring and back of your knee also strenthen your quadriceps especialy at the last 5 degree of knee extention i have a rash on my abdomin that looks shingles i am 68 and had the vaccine over a year ago,having the vaccine does not mean that you will not catch shingles i had the varicella shot as a child and still got chicken pox vaccines can lesson the intensity of the disease though had protected sex and condom broke im on birth control and got period 2 days later could i become pregnant my boyfriend and i had sex on saturday he wore a condom and it broke we didnt realize it was broken until be pulled out before he came i am on birth control and got my period two days later is it possible that i can become pregnant,hi i should have really looked this up sorry metabolic syndrome is the medical term for a combination of diabetes high blood pressure and obesity it puts you at greater risk of heart disease stroke and other conditions affecting blood vessels on their own diabetes high blood pressure and obesity can potentially damage your blood vessels but having all three together is particularly dangerous but the same answer still is your best course of action but this cant be just kick of all sugars that you are taking daily and this means sodas as well these being one of the worst then its all fast foods to much salt and sugars along with junk foods and do get out and exercise this is an important one do you know how your cholesterol is if its high do try this below it is a post of mine this really kicks out the plaque plaque is a big part of high cholesterol the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go its all very healthy for you you just mix cp and turmeric 5050 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric you take 3 teaspoonfuls each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful is and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down please do keep both jars in the fridge keeps a lot better that way now if you google and read up about all three there very good for ed your cholesterol heart and prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good at first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals for 2 weeks then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings great way to start the day and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone so do hope this helps you good luck ps this really needs a 12 week trail to see if its going to work for you if its for ra do i am a 20 male and i have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety am i taking the wrong meds,hi sertraline is appropriate for anxiety and depression however propranolol might be eeded to be titrated if you doubt bipolar then first of all you need to get it evaluated by a neurophysician or a psychologist and then only medication can be changed accordingly hope this helps will a blood transfusion get rid of herpes,no herpes is not in the blood what is the dash diet for high blood pressure,this is a great question the concept of a therapeutic psoriasis diet has been floating around for a few years now but there is no scientific proof that diet in any way affects psoriasis that said an individual may experience certain food triggers that cause psoriasis to flare up and these should not be ignored keep in mind triggers are specific to the individual person if for example eating tomatoes causes your psoriasis to flare up it does not mean if your friend with psoriasis eats tomatoes his condition also will flare up you should beware of any diet programs that claim to cure psoriasis there is no scientific basis for this hope this helps take normal diet with emphasis on delicacy drink less do not take foods likely to cause allergic reaction such as mutton and seafood www vitiligotcm com or curevitiligo@aliyun com how can i get my child to stop lying and stealing my son has severe adhd odd ptsd and bipolar problems he has been stealing and lying about it first around christmas it was a little toy truck from my grandfather than markers and highlighters from school now it is money from myself and family members he is on medication for his,dont lecture him that doesnt help children with add cannot sit there to focus long enough on what you are saying pending on the age of your child find a reward system for good behavior and punishment system for bad behavior let them figure out good consequences and bad consequences for themselves it takes time and its not easy to deal with just make sure you let them know that you are proud of them no matter what happens what should i do if i suspect an overdose of afrin nasal spray,in my opinion you do not have malabsorbtion but you have mass losing of your iron stores or inability to transport iron possibilities are 1 long term use of anti inflammatory drugd 2 hookwarm need a stool test 3 chronic kidney disease 4 inflamatory diseasealso check you ferritinstore and transferrin transport levels which can help you identify if there is a kidney or liver problem also a condition called atransferrinemia where you have a problem producing transferrinhope i was of help good luck i feel sad and just like i do not want to do anything i want to do nothing and talk to nobody and just lay down and cry i am supposed to go out with my boyfriend today and i feel obligated to because he is my boyfriend and it is valentine is day and i really do not want to i do not know how to tell him because he is so sensitive and i actually do wanna go out but i also want to do nothing and i really think i am asexual but i want love and happiness and kids but then i do not want it at the same time i do not know what is wrong with me,the best answer to your question is this call your surgeon is office and ask if the boil is not located anywhere near the surgical area the surgeon probably will simply proceed with the surgery but that is his or her decison and the sooner you alert the office to this development the better it will be for everyone if the boil is located in the surgical area it still may not be a problem in fact the surgeon may decide to remove the boil during the surgery it all depends on what type of surgery you are having and in what area of the body but anyway as i said the best thing you can do is call your surgeon is office and let them know surgical scheduling is an art all unto itself and if your case has to be delayed it is better for the surgeon is scheduler to know about it as far in advance as possible wishing you all the best if i got my wife pregnant right before she tested to see if she was ovulating would the test show positive my wife and i had sex the day before she usually tests to see if she is ovulating she took the test two days straight and no ovulation what could explain this she also said that her stomach had been feeling weird since we had intercourse could she be showing signs of pregnancy in such a short period of time,trying to get pregnant can be exciting but also frustrating at times your wife would have to ovulate before being able to conceive so conception just before ovulation would not cause her to have a negative ovulation predictor test it is possible that she had not ovulated yet or that she did not ovulate at all that month it is possible that the weird feeling was because she was getting close to ovulating remember that it is important to test for ovulation for at least 7 days midcycle regardless if her period does not start when anticipated then take a pregnancy test remember that 85 of couples trying to conceive will do so in 1 year small raised black mole on the fold of my labia majora i am worried it might be vulvar melanoma i have recently noticed a small raised dark brownblack mole on the inner fold of my labia majora i am very worried of the possibility of it being vulvar melanoma i am 24 years old,most sore throats are viral especially when sore throats are accompanying a stuffy nose you most likely have a bad cold and may not need a self prescribed antibiotic at all i am not a big fan of people randomly taking leftover and expired antibiotics as you can see what is shingles,shingles herpes zoster are an outbreak of rash or blisters on the skin that is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox the varicella zoster virus the first sign of shingles is often burning or tingling pain or sometimes numbness in or under the skin you may also feel ill with fever chills headache or upset stomach after several days a rash of small fluid filled blisters reminiscent of chickenpox appears on reddened skin the pain associated with shingles can be intense and is often described as unrelenting anyone who has had chickenpox is at risk for shingles scientists think that in the original battle with varicella zoster some of the virus particles leave the skin blisters and move into the nervous system when the varicella zoster virus reactivates the virus moves back down the long nerve fibers that extend from the sensory cell bodies to the skin and cause the characteristic blisters of shingles arogyam package test result shows imbalance in homocystein level and vitamin b12 and d3 levels are very low,adult acne and whiteheads are very common it could be caused by anything including a hormonal imbalance makeup a new moisturizer or the sunscreen you are using try backing off of any new additions to your skin program and trying oil free makeup and skin care is there a link between acne and tonsil stones i have been having acne for 5 years now i am 20 years old and tried everything except accutane to get rid of it i do not eat any dairy products no sugar everything i eat is fresh and natural nobody in my familiy has had acne like i do when i was 11 years old i had a severe tonsillits epiosde and since then i have swollen lymph node in the submandibular triangle on the ride side of my neck when i am running playing football my neck hurts i also have a hoarse voice & tonsil stones,and what exactly is your question can paxil 30 mg geodon 80 mg and dilantin 100 mg taken for seizures be taken at the same time,it should have been hard for u to go through all these and its normal that the chest pain that u r experiencing will make it mind jump towards the cardiac causes that u have been through but that is why test is imp u have done it so u need to relax i just recommend u to do chest x ray with the chest pain do u experience any increase in breathing any difficulty in taking it breath does it increase with movement or decrease with specific thing waiting ur reply i have colon cancer stage 3b i have abdomen pain mri of omentum and lesions of concern,would you please descibe your abdominal pain site course duration character severity what increases and decreases it any association relation to food actions taken to stop it and was it relieving the pain or not am i pregnant or just paranoid i am on birth control and had my period like normal 2 days after i had unprotected sex 26 days ago period is to start this wednesday and i am worried i have taken 4 tests and all have been negative i know you should wait until you have missed a period but i heard if it is 15+ days after sex you should get an accurate answer just last night i have been having pretty uncomfortable period like cramps in my lower pelvic region i also tested negative today and my period starts in 4 days,what type of seizures do you have i have epilepsy 2 types petite mal absence type and grand mal i have had the petite mal since i was 12 i am 59 now and looking at having another eeg & mri again too i have not had one in awhile so dr wants to get a baseline what did your neurologist say what questions did you ask it is important you know everything about your epilepsy that you can it is not to be feared it is part of who you are the testing is just that testing the results can be read and interpreted but only your neurologist can explain it to you if your worried and your appointment is out call and have a phone conversation with the dr i do all the time my health is my business and i want answers write down what you want to ask use the internet to help with your questions i am light sensitive so i tend to focus away from flashing lights a lot i know this may not help but i live by this d could my boyfriend is loud snoring indicate a health problem,the problem you describe with your boyfriend is very common loud snoring occurs in almost 25 of the population by itself snoring is not considered dangerous to health however in about 5 7 of all men and 2 4 of women the snoring is associated with episodes of stopping breathing observed by a bed partner additionally daytime fatigue and sleepiness may be present when these symptoms are present with snoring sleep apnea is a possible diagnosis other features of sleep apnea include headaches high blood pressure and repeated awakenings at night sleep apnea is a serious medical condition and should be treated one of the biggest risk factors for sleep apnea is being overweight however having a small chin small mouth or other variations in the face bones can also increase the risk of sleep apnea treatment of sleep apnea is most often with a cpap machine oral appliances and surgery are alternatives but are not as effective as cpap if you suspect that your boyfriend has sleep apnea observe him while he sleeps and try to determine if he stops breathing you should go with him to his doctor and discuss his snoring and describe what you see when his is sleeping mention his other symptoms as well if his doctor thinks he has sleep apnea tests will likely need to be done your doctor will need to order cpap or other treatments my 3 week old granddaughter does not eat well or sleep well however she smiles widely when spoken too i saw an episode on mystery diagnosis that seems similar to her it was a while ago and i did not think much of it but i remember them saying the first clue was the happy infant that they were very young and it ended up being a rare and i believe neurological disease she does also have problems with her kidney tubes not developed fully and the ped was concerned she was not gaining enough weight in the proper time frame i cant find the episode to find the name of the disease can u help,i believe you are thinking of angelman syndrome however i want to caution you that an infant of just three weeks of age is far too young to diagnose with this condition angelman syndrome is a genetic disorder it is true one of the hallmarks of the disorder is a happy disposition however the main characteristics of this disease are developmental delays learning disabilities the inability to speak and poor coordination of voluntary movements obviously a 3 week old baby is much too young to assess for any of these symptoms a three week old baby is not yet expected to sleep through the night regarding not eating well this is an issue that should be discussed with the baby is pediatrician he or she is in the best position to judge whether or not the baby is getting adequate calories many three week old babies smile when spoken to this is a time to enjoy your grandbaby as she responds to stimulation like being spoken to gently blown on and cuddled try not to jump to the conclusion something is wrong with your grandbaby let the mother and the doctor determine whether or not your little angel is gaining weight and developing appropriately to her age best wishes to you is the smell of unsmoked marijuana harmful is the smell of unsmoked marijuana harmful to the brain my cousin opened a bag of marijuana in my house and now it smells in my house he did not smoke he just opened it for a few minutes and closed it i now have to the windows open airing out the smell is this harmful i do not smoke and never will ,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you ghjhjhjhj i keep getting sinus drainage that leads to a full blown cold why can not i get a shot of penicillin anymore,this caught my eye because i want to make people aware of why we do not give penicillin shots or antibiotics for colds first antibiotics do not do anything for the common cold antibiotics are only helpful if you have an infection that is caused by bacteria there has been a lot of antibiotic misuse in the u s people not taking antibiotics correctly over prescribed saving them for a rainy day and that has caused a lot of problems including the fact that good old stand by medications like penicillin are not working anymore because the bugs have become resistant we are getting superbugs that our current antibiotics cannot touch and this is a dangerous and important health crisis to avoid your problem in the future i would suggest proper symptom management and talking to your pharmacist about what products may be beneficial for you this may include using nasal decongestants or saline irrigation systems to help cleanse your sinus cavity and avoid the possibilities of infection if you feel your health insurance company is not following the new law who do you contact,now there is some new consumer assistance help on the ground in every state again the affordable care law provided some resources to every state in the country saying that one of the things that a lot of people need is help battling denial of coverage or care help with questions about rates that seem to be skyrocketing help with what they thought would be their insurance plan and turns out to be something very different so there are really two places that a listener can go one is to the state insurance commissioner every state in the country has an insurance commissioner those folks have consumer representatives who are ready to go to battle the second is the consumer assistance entity that is in your state and the best way to learn about that again is to go to the web site healthcare gov look up consumer assistance and it will make it clear if you live in connecticut who to call and what the phone number is vs living in california because in each state those grants are with a different entity but it is an independent third party group who is very knowledgeable about insurance very knowledgeable about health insurance and their whole job is to help consumers navigate what is often a very complicated and cumbersome system through that fine print figure out where to file an appeal and how to make sure that your case is heard i am man is it possible for me to treat my body like its going through pregnancy i want to find out how that feels like hello i being loving seeing the beautiful and sexy body of a pregnant woman and i all ways want to know what it feels like to be pregnant and i like to do stuff to my body to see i can experience what a pregnant woman goes through during pregnancy,yes you should experience pregnancy here is one method that may satisfy your curiosity contract with a hypnotherapist preferably one who has been pregnant although it will not be exactly like being pregnant with a competent and open minded therapist you should be able to simulate the pregnancy experience in a realistic fashion a possible post hypnotic suggestion might even permit you to remember and to relive the feeling of being pregnant whenever desired for perhaps a fee of 200 00 i say that you should live your dream can i lose weight going on a sugar free diet can u tell me how much weight can i lose in a month using this sugar free diet,no there are no bursas in this area but you can get neck pain for a variety of other reasons and causes it would be wise to see your medical provider so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated i needed the toilet but instead of stool there was a lot of blood,douching may affect your chances of having a healthy pregnancy limited research shows that douching may make it harder for you to get pregnant in women trying to get pregnant those who douched more than once a week took the longest to get pregnant studies also show that douching may increase a woman is chance of damaged fallopian tubes and ectopic ek top ik pregnancy ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg attaches to the inside of the fallopian tube instead of the uterus if left untreated ectopic pregnancy can be life threatening it can also make it hard for a woman to get pregnant in the future thyroid blood work came back high would this cause from smoking i do have copd emphisma,this is not the best place to put this question as this site is a medical site you must be sick if you posting your question here and keep posting the only people who read these are us who answer them a very limited audience can getting the seasonal flu vaccine cause the flu,acne is a skin condition characterized by the excess production of oil from sebaceous glands in which the hair follicles become plugged will a cavity trigger hives,gout occurs when the body has high levels of uric acid in the blood foods that are high in purines such as meat seafood and beer will increase the uric acid in your blood and increase the risk of gout food such as low fat dairy products may lower your risk of gout foods that are high in acid do not affect the amount of uric acid in the blood stream here are some simple tips to decrease your risk of gout avoid or limit foods high in purines such as organ meats beer and game meats you will also want to limit the portion of meat to 2 to 3 ounces a day eat foods such as low fat or fat free milk and yogurt to lower your risk of gout choose healthy foods like a variety of fruits and vegetables egg nuts and seeds for protein drink plenty of water and other fluids to get rid of the uric acid for more information please go to this link orthopedic doctor claimed surgery is the only solution for shoulder problem need second opinion,your symptoms are clinically referring to impingement syndrome and rotator cuff weakness supraspinatus tendonitis so in my opinion you should undergo a long 2 3months of physiotherapy rehabilitation and avoid over head lifting what can i do to ease the pain of osteoarthritis in my right hand i have had 9 sessions of pt but my right hand thumb area still hurts a few times a day are there any kinds of specific exercises that i can do at home and at work,you should not be self treating your uti a urine culture not only determines the infection is present almost half of women who think they have a uti actually do and determines the bacteria that is causing it the culture will also determine if cipro is the appropriate drug for the bug to take an antibiotic you have at home is not wise since you may make things worse by delaying proper treatment once you take an antibiotic any antibiotic a culture would not be accurate is acid reflux disease ever treated with surgery,if medications do not completely resolve your symptoms of acid reflux disease and the symptoms are severely interfering with your life your doctor could recommend surgery a surgical procedure called fundoplication can help prevent further acid reflux it creates an artificial valve using the top of your stomach the procedure involves wrapping the upper part of the stomach around the les to strengthen it prevent acid reflux and repair a hiatal hernia surgeons perform this procedure through either an open incision in the abdomen or chest or with a lighted tube inserted through a tiny incision in the abdomen this procedure is done only as a last resort for treatment of acid reflux disease i noticed an itch on my scalp i am now scratching uncontrollably,warts try ice salicylic acidevery day duck tape if it does not work then see a dermatologist does cold therapy work for arthritis pain,ppo plans most certainly still exist and in most states you should be able to find some for sale take a look at your plan options at healthcare gov is there absolute minimal daily intake of unsaturated fat in grams or grams per body weight grams not percents im young adult male on strict balanced low calorie diet and i wonder whats the minimal daily intake of unsaturated fat in grams or grams per body weight and not percents the only info i found was that with vlcd some researchers speculated that 15 to 25g of fat will decrease the chance to develop gallstones but on the other hand famous vlcds sold on the market contain less then 10g of total fat a day one contains 6 9g another 4 7g and another 8 4g and theyre popular and considered safe,hi i have seen many patients like this in my clinical practice it happens to sensitive people who get involved in surrounding things quiet easily i agree with you and am with you perhaps the only treatment for this is not getting involved in surrounding things try and divert mind in something else once you start getting that feeling meditation can do wonders unfortunately there are no tablets to cure this thanks i was diagnosed with strep throat and given penicillin for 7 days it came back and now on zpac and it is not working it came back a few days after antibiotic was done i do not think zpac is the right antibiotic what is the most effective antibiotic for a strep throat ,since i do not know how you were diagnosed lab culture rapid strep test or just a look and see by your medical provider penicillin remains the treatment of choice for treating true lab diagnosed group a beta hemolytic strep also known as strep throat a z pack is really not the appropriate dose for treating strep and i do not know the dose you received of the penicillin i can say that failure of antibiotics often means that you a never had strep but a viral sore throat in which case no antibiotic would help b you were not treated appropriately either by dosage etc for a lab diagnosed case c you are a strep carrier this can be difficult to cure by oral antibiotics or d you have monomononucleosis that clinically mimicked strep throat in this case you need to have a lab test called an ebv panel to see if you have mono either way you need to contact your medical provider the only one that can order any additional lab tests andor treat you further can the gardasil shots make a woman sterile,why have you not gone to the doctor it could literally be anything from hiv to a dangerous flu or disease age limit for colonoscopy test necessity for 86 year old woman to have test,i believe when a person reaches an advanced age such as age 80 or older that he or she should have a discussion with his or her primary care provider about what screening tests still are necessary to undergo a related question for you is a mammogram necessary at age 86 the answer to your question lies in many individualized factors such as how healthy and robust the 86 year old woman in question is if she is very healthy and active and wishes to remain so then she may choose to undergo a colonoscopy test if she is frail and has many other health problems then she may choose not to undergo colonoscopy the purpose of colonoscopy is to detect precancerous polyps at an early stage in order to remove them colonoscopy is recommended once every 10 years for people at an average risk for colon cancer ultimately if the 86 year old woman in question is of sound mind she is entitled to make her own informed decision about whether or not to have a colonoscopy at her age a medical professional should provide her with an unbiased assessment of the risks and benefits of such a test the rigors and possible side effects of the colonoscopy prep should be discussed i hope this helps can you receive an std through a bathroom towel,your reaction to visual stimuli is really normal inconvenient yes but normal there is really nothing you can really do to keep this from happening unless you wear very dark glasses and quit looking at things that are hot to you as you get older you may be able to control your involuntary erections since you will be busy and not be thinking about sex 247 what is an agonist in parkinson is disease,an agonist is a chemical or drug that turns on or activates a particular part of a cell that regulates its activity receptor for example dopamine agonists used in the treatment of parkinson is disease activate the dopamine receptors in the brain resulting in an improvement in symptoms i have been having pregnancy symptoms for over a month now then i had my period shorter days than the usual i did pregnancy test twice which where negative one at home second with my dr but still have the same symptoms even now what does it mean,hi its better to get an mri done as it will give you more clear idea about the soft tissues and fibromyalgia in particular what are the chances of pregnancy when removing the implanon what are the chances of pregnancy when removing the implanon ive had it for 7 months with 6 months of non stop bleeding so i decided to get it removed me and my boyfriend want to have our first child i do not know when the bleeding will end because ive been bleeding since february now that its been removed im still waiting for the bleeding to end is there a chance that i can become pregnant while still bleeding or is it hard to tell since the bleeding was non stop for a long time,hi your find that it will have to wait till your boy recovers back to normal may take a couple of months but do keep trying even just for the sexasize sex is also good for your bleeding should help cut it down and you never know what may happen you could even get pregnant for you both that would be your bonus good luck is red pepper a good supplement to treat hypertension i have read that a ingrediant in red pepper is very good at treating hypertension,hi yes your right google cayennepepper do it as one word it will take you to a site all about cayenne pepper look down the left hand side its all there good luck why do i have painful stinging while urinating after intercoarse can contraceptive films play a part in that my girlfriend uses contraceptive spermicidal films could that be the cause of occasional painful stinging while urinating after intercourse it does not happen often but when it does i tend to pee more frequently but not much comes out,spermicidals such as films gels and sponges can cause irritation of the urethra in both men and women the urethra is the tube that drains the bladder to the outside however there are other causes of burning with urination it is important that you and your girlfriend see your doctors to make sure that neither one of you have an infection you may also want to consider another form of birth control because spermicidals are not as effective as many others remember that it is always important to practice safe sex a condom would prevent the burning and help to prevent sexually transmitted diseases my eyes can not really focus on anything i am looking at my brain seems foggy should i see a family dr or eye dr or wait i have had this for 2 weeks now i am 28 and i also have a cataract not sure if that could have something to do with this squinting seems to help when i really need to focus reading is almost out of the question its almost like my brain can not comprehend what is going on,most helpful answer you have sustained a minor acoustic injury there is an excellent chance that your hearing will be completely normal in a few days to a week as soon as your ears repair the insult can swimming pool chemicals cause eczema,that is right you are not eligible for plans sold through the new health insurance marketplaces the gap in prescription drug costs closing is one of the biggest benefits of the law for seniors covered by medicare other benefits such as no cost preventive screenings and wellness visits i had yeast infection doctor gave me pill it didnt work i used monasat 7 i am still in pain and discharge can it be std i had discharge and pain i went to my doctor she gave me medicine for yeast infection it helped for a bit then it came back i spoke to her she said i should use i think monasat 7 i used it and it helped a bit now every time after and during sex with my boyfriend my vagina burns and hurts sometimes there is a thick discharge can it be a std or another yeast infection,hi i am a mother but not a medical professional fair warning what time of day did you take the test the test is looking for progesterone that is the hormone that your body secretes and then disposes of in urine that indicates you are pregnant and stop regular menstruation to allow for the pregnancy progesterone levels in urine are the highest first thing in the morning when you have had all night long for the urine to sit in your bladder and be inundated with the hormone when i became pregnant the tests i took in the middle of the night a month into the pregnancy were showing negative results while first relief in the morning was coming up positive consider trying a test first thing in the morning and if that still does not come up positive it does not mean you are not pregnant it is possible and common actually that you are just not excreting as much progesterone as the test requires to show a positive result if you are pregnant you are going to have to see a doctor anyway so you can even skip this and just make an appointment it will save you the money for the test and it will certainly calm your nerves if you are concerned i have all signs of appendicitis but stomach pain i had stomach pain 2 days ago but it went away do i have appendicitis i was in the emergency room with sharp pain and released diagnosed with possible early appendicitis now i have little to no stomach pain but have a fever nausea constipation and a headache could i have appendicitis,the source will need to be found so you will need to see a medical provider for an examination it could be a fissure a tiny tear in the anal area a hemorrhoid internal or external a polyp or i get my insurance through work but it is still expensive can i reject my employer insurance and use the marketplaces,about employer coverage you actually are not required to accept your employer is coverage and you are not prevented from shopping for coverage in the individual marketplace or through a state insurance exchange just because you have employer coverage but be sure to look carefully and make sure you are comparing apples to apples even though your employer coverage may feel like it is too costly an option because most employers provide some kind of premium assistance that still may be your best option even after health reform takes effect next year also if your employer offers you coverage that is considered affordable under the law no more than 9 5 of your income and covers on average 60 of medical costs you will not be eligible for tax credits if you buy a plan through the marketplace even if your income would otherwise qualify you i have a lump that looks like a bruise but it is filled with blood it bleeds and will not heal it on my buttthigh iv had the lump for a few month it will get smaller and then will fill with blood and open a tiny pin hole and bleed it got bigger when i tried popping it blood sprayed out it was very red in colorthe blood,i would not suggest that you squeeze undiagnosed skin lesions unfortunately it is not possible to make a blind assumption as to the nature of this lump based solely on your description so you will need to see your medical provider or a dermatotogist for a proper examination can bronchitis lead to walking pneumonia,waiting a few days makes sense a few extra days of employing home remedies should not increase your chances of a complication occurring i suggest drinking plenty of fluids frequent gargling use throat lozenges to soothe a sore throat sleep with a humidifier and take otc analgesics for discomfort here are a few additional points eventually i recommend that you talk wyour physician about the allergy to penicillin many folks mistakenly think that they are allergic to penicillin when in actually they were never allergic to this agent or the allergy has worn off i remember reading that only 20 of individuals with a verified penicillin allergy continued to have a negative reaction after the passage of 10 years from the last dosage taken years ago doctors would culture the throat & would have to wait days for sensitivity results in determining if a patient had strep throat and the appropriate antibiotic that would be needed today in the physician is office a patient can know the results through a swab of the throat and a 10 minute wait period it may be a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor or medical clinic that way your throat can be viewed by a medical professional a diagnostic determination probably made on the spot and you can discuss the possibly that you may not be allergic to penicillin feel better soon could i be pregnant day of my ovulation i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend a few days later i had spotting i thought couldve been an early period but it wasnt it had stopped a day later i took a pregnancy test 4 days before period it read neg my doctor recommended to test 4 days later on the day i miss my period that day it also read negative now ive been cramping for 4 days and still no period its now 3 days late i never have irregular periods and i dont know what to do,in general there is no contraindication to the use of hair dyes with scalp psoriasis certain hair dyes may further aggravate your scalp psoriasis consider patch testing a small area prior to dying your whole head do not leave the dye in place for extended periods other options include natural herbal dyes such as henna dyes healthy 40 year old male platelet count 124 normal bp all other numbers are normal anything to be worried about 61 190 lbs 132 cholesterol somewhat active take 2 aspirin twice a week and two days before my last test ,hi do have aread through tese two links you may find some help within them one thing i picked up was using the netti pot do you use fresh water each time you use it as you say about the smell is only then justcoy links into google one at a time to the www to iopen and read see if this helps you good luck will multi vitamin help with celiac disease my husband has been on a gluten free diet for celiac disease less than a week i want to start him on a multivitamin but it will not work until the small intestine is healed enough to absorb the vitamins question how long after starting gluten free diet will the small intestine start to absorb nutrients,yes mine did and then after i had my baby girl i lost quite a bit of it my mother is type ii diabetic woke up with marks under her right breast,it does seem to be a type of spider bite she being a diabetic has shown more signs of inflammation around the bite if she is fine then i do not think there should be any worry apply olive palm oil and local antibiotic creams the wound will be fine soon what causes this is it serious i seem to have near my pee hole some white bumps or lines i have no idea what they are and am wondering what is the cause and is it serious,hi then its time you went back even if its just to see a midwife that is an english term have no idea what you call them unless its a birthing mother good luck incubation period of pink eye,while there are no significant direct interactions between the two medications you should know that adipex can cause side effects similar to anxiety like rapid heart rate increased blood pressure and jitteriness if you take xanax to manage anxiety you may have more difficulty managing your condition on adipex talk to your health care professional to be sure adipex is right for you i have cough pneumonia taking antibiotics cough does not go away,you need to have a medical professional examine your ears this is really the only way to get an accurate diagnosis this could be as simple as a wax impaction or a bit more challenging like middle ear fluid your ears are important so get examined an urgent care facility is fine can taking omega 3 dea have the same results as taking plavis i was taking plavix for at least 11 years and have never felt good 3 months ago i stopped taking plavix and feel better my question is does taking omega3 fish oils have the same affect on the blood,your doctor should perform usg of abdomen to see the status of pcos the minor abnormalities in blood dont seem to be cause of the previous miscarriages although they may be indirectly related pcos should be cured completely before u go for next pregnancy which cold treatment should i use with emphysema or chronic bronchitis,first it is important to stay on your prescribed medications for emphysema and chronic bronchitis then to decide how to treat cold symptoms it is best to talk with your doctor you might treat the body aches and fever associated with a cold with acetaminophen or ibuprofen in addition you should avoid antihistamines that thicken mucus and make it even more difficult to cough up most over the counter cold remedies are generally safe for people with emphysema and chronic bronchitis however decongestants raise blood pressure and some of the drugs used to treat emphysema and chronic bronchitis also raise heart rate so use decongestants with caution again ask your doctor about medications for cold symptoms i was diagnosed with carotid artery disease last year wondering if what my doctor has done is right,are you just interested on creams and drugs which are useful to cure your skin problem or else any other source which can cure it it is necessary to consult a dermatologist to judge on what type of rash you are suffering from and have to treat it but before that why can not you just try products which can cure your skin problem naturally usage of products with natural ingredients can help you to recover from many type of skin problems best you can have from online search are products made out of argan nuts which might give positive results than other so are [mmr and varicella] recommended as separate injections,the use of a combination vaccine generally is preferred over separate injections of the equivalent component vaccines however an exception is the first dose of mmrv unless the parent or caregiver expresses a preference for mmrv vaccine separate mmr and varicella vaccines should be administered for the first dose for children aged 12 47 months i have been sick for over 4 years i have stomach pain cramps diarrhea mild constipation mild headache mild nausea fatigued,this is a localized numbness that we are bothered with disease starting from this region without any other associated symptoms is quite rare and without them we may not think of a systemic pathology right away have you tried nerve tonics i suggest back strengthening exercises and pregabalin 75 mg once a day for two weeks vitamin b12 levels and hba1c should be helpful consult a specialist doctor discuss with him or her and take the medicine with consent lack of erections may suggest a more systemic disease but we need to have more a detailed talk before we can attribute symptoms for further information consult a urologist online > what are the symptoms of emphysema,virtually everyone with emphysema experiences shortness of breath especially with exertion most people first notice something is wrong when they become winded during a previously routine activity this might be climbing stairs or mowing the lawn many people with emphysema develop some of the other emphysema symptoms wheezing this symptom of emphysema is shared with asthma wheezing often improves with inhaled medicines called bronchodilators cough a large proportion of people with emphysema experience a cough often this is related to smoking however cough can persist as one of the symptoms of emphysema after quitting smoking chest tightness or pain these may be symptoms of emphysema or of coexisting heart disease chest tightness occurs more often with exercise or during periods of breathlessness people with emphysema may also face some other less common emphysema symptoms loss of appetite and weight loss depression poor sleep quality decreased sexual function these symptoms of emphysema occur more often in its advanced stages i take 10 000 iu of vitamin a palmitate can ii also take a multi vitamin w vitamin a beta carotene,the upper safe limit for vitamin a is 10 000 ius which you are already taking unless you are taking vitamin a for a specific medical reason recommended by your doctor if not then you should not take more vitamin a on top of this taking too much can be harmful can cause dizziness nausea headaches and can even cause very seriou side effects beta carotene is also a form of vitamin a so again i would not take it if you are already taking 10 000 ius of vitamin a does the body actually need 64oz of water per day or do other fluids count towards thia total as well some days i only post 2 or 3 out of 8 glasses of water on the webmd food and fitness planner chart but i also drink tea coffee and juice during the day does it really matter if the liquid is not water,i and my 9 year old son suffer from bipolar disorder which also can come with anxiety issues so i can understand your concern in all honesty i must give your doctor kudos for wanting to wean your teen off the medication many doctors who hand out meds for mental or mood disorders are like drug pushers the trouble with some of these drugs aside from the numerous and ill side effects in teens and young adults is that as your child grows and their chemistry changes these drugs are no longer effective then you have to try a different drug until you face the same issue it is a vicious cycle and the one suffering the most is the child who is beginning to feel much like a guinea pig by this point my advice is to give it a try to see how it works out if you have concerns about the anxiety returning perhaps the doctor would be willing to provide something to be taken in cases of extreme anxiety and if it turns out that this situation is not working out you can ask for your teen to be put back on meds please remember teen years are very anxious times for all children in teen years i experienced it myself and my own teen is currently having issues sometimes the best medicine is to assure them that they are normal and everything will work itself out anxiety attacks are scary and can escalate into all sorts of fears like those of being in the process of dying it helps to be reminded that it is only an anxiety attack not death and it will pass once they calm themselves i wish you all the luck is masturbation good or bad how much frequently can it be done hai iam 26 now i need to now this if a male can masturbate many time a day can it effect in feature that means in pregnancy time,in my opinion this is a patch of atopic dermatitis you can use topical steroids to treat it good luck concern re son stares with eyes wide sometimes looks sideways while staring intently at things should i worry 5yo just started not sure if it is from being too tired he says nothing is wrong,does he respond to the calling of his name or if you move your hand in front of his face while doing those things also is he aware that he has done it shoulder disorder can i return back to strength training at least pull ups and push ups i had shoulder dislocation 3 years ago and did not treated it well just relax & not moving it so much & it become well 2 years ago i had another one i went to emergency because it was very painful they returned it to its place and i made mri the doctor told me that i should make bankart repair another doctor who was very experienced told me i do not need to make it i stopped strength training & i did not had any dislocation since 2 years can i make pull ups and push ups or it will cause dislocation,you may be fine but i would strongly suggest that you have a hands on clearance by an orthopedist experienced in shoulders i cough up blood but have had a ct scan and bronchoscopy that all came back normal,it is most probably costochondritis… inflammation in the ribs and the muscle it could be transmitted infections from the cavitary lesion so u tell me is it in the same place or not what was the diagnosis that your pulmonologist told you about the cavitary lesion can mixing vodka and crystal light drink mix be dangerous,i have not heard that calcium citrate is an effective way to relieve menstrual pain i typically recommend ibuprofen or aleve i recieved unproteted oral and had protected sex anyway i could have ontracred something every time i inserted i was protected but received unprotected oral i did finger her i did touch myself after and after i pulled of the condom the day after i had dull aches in my scrotum ands till do and it is day 5 i am feeling like complete total crap physically is there anyway i could have contracted something i am freaking out terribly i keep going over and over what i did wrong or where i could have gotten something,this migraine is preceded by symptoms of dizziness pain at the base of the skull with numbness confusion or loss of balance these symptoms usually occur suddenly and can be associated with vision changes the inability to speak properly ringing in the ears and vomiting this type of migraine is strongly related to hormonal changes and primarily affects young adult women i have had diarrhea for 4 wks and my stool is turning dark green i have not changed my diet and i do not eat fatty foods i have not been eating very many vegetables but i do not eat fatty foods i hardly sleep due to the pain in my stomach i have had this diarrhea problem for over 4 weeks and it is causing me to be nauseated my stool is turning dark green greener than grass and it will come out as if someone put spinach in a blender with water,i assume that you have been prescribed a brace since you are recovering from a fusion procedure if so it is unlikley that any type of chair would be very harmful for you as long as you are wearing your brace some types of furniture that may be helpful to avoid are ones where your knees have to bend a lot more than 90 degrees for you to get your bottom down to the seat ones where the cushions are extremely soft causing you to sink down into them ones that do not have arms that are available to help you get out of the chair and ones that have a[n] odd angle betwee[n] the seat and the back recliners in and of themselves are not inappropriate as long as you enter and exit the recliner with the seat in the upright position and you do not recline excessively it really is primarily an issue of comfort and unfortunately 5 days out from a fusion procedure it is hard to be comfortable in any chair a lot of that has to do with the surgical pain and dissection of the muscles this will improve exponentially with time i have a itchy rash that comes and goes what could be causing this the rash appears in different areas of my body for an example a rash showed up on my wrist and stayed a while and went away later the same day it appeared on my stomach and then on my thighs etc its itchy while it is present at one point my hands first turned red and then start to itch really bad to the point i had to wash my hands repeatedly i work in the medical field so i wash my hands a million times a day what could be causing this reaction,i also have this problem n can not figure it out i take zyrtec every couple days that helps then a day or two later its back not know what n why bothers me as much as the itching hope someone figures it out what kind of problems can occur when taking the following prescriptions gabapentin topamax zocor and verapamil,supplemental insurance products sold by aflac such as accident or critical illness insurance will not count as qualified health insurance under the affordable care act as their name suggests these products are designed to supplement not take the place of major medical insurance i believe an hno is a product that is a hybrid between an hmo and ppo sometimes called a pos point of service plan but you would need to confirm the details of that plan with the insurer offering that product if you do sex every alternate day on the week of your ovulation will you be pregnant with a boy hi my doc told me to try to every alternate day after 12 days from 1st date your period started i am want to get pregnant with a boy and i know if you have sex on the day of ovulation your chances of having a boy increases coz there is a chance the y chrome will get attached to the egg as i dont know the exact day of my ovulation and if i have sex every other day from day 12 is there a chance i get pregnant with a boy thanks,that is silly advice but you do have a 5050 chance of having a boy or girl no matter when you have sex every day or every other day chromosomes are inside the sperm and egg the y does not really attach to anything the fastest sperm is often the one that impregnates you so if you want a boy all you can do is hope that the sperm swims like michael phelps there are many old wive is tales about techniques to improve your chances of having a boy or girl but in the end those techniques are no better than a coin toss if you get what you want you will praise the method you used if you do not you will not recommend it to anyone so let nature make the decision for you and do not stress out about the sex of a baby that has not been conceived yet just hope for a happy healthy baby can cheratussin be given to a 4 year old,not likely since you have been on this thyroid medication for over a year look for other reasons yes it can be related my thyroid was removed in 1973 when i was 21 yrs old due to benign adenoma i took armour for 10 yrs then switched to synthroid for 10 yrs in 1991 i began having severe hives and red burned face my family dr immediately suspected thyroid meds allergists insisted no way was it that i suffered for 8 months until my gynecologist took me off synthroid hives immediately began subsiding then on armour and hives returned but looked different took me off all hormone for 6 weeks and follow up with endocrinologist said i would feel very tired but i felt great all my levels were normal and have remained so for 21 yrs i am a north carolina residentemployee that has employer provided single health insurance coverage for 2014 i will return to the group plan in 2015 why does bcbs have a monopoly in nc as they and 1 other company are our only options,your condition is unilatteral which suggests neural problem but the severty indicate electolyte level problems as well i suggest doing mri scan over your lumber vertebra increasing your calcium potassium intake and try burger circulatory exercise elevate your leg while going ankle pump 15 times then drop leg below bed level for 30 sec other leg must be flexed though out the exercise repeat 3 times twice a day if this helps then you will need doplar on your leg good luck can fillers replace plastic surgery,cipro is an antibiotic used for certain types of bacterial infections colds are viruses so antibiotics are ineffective if you are self diagnosing and self treating i would not recommend it if you start your cycle on a sunday do you start your new pack of birth control pills that sunday or the next sunday,what triggers one infant is eczema will not trigger another is still there are some common eczema triggers to avoid including dry skin this is often caused by low humidity especially during winter when homes are well heated and the air is dry dry skin can make baby is eczema more itchy irritants think scratchy wool clothes perfumes body soaps and laundry soaps these can all trigger baby is eczema flares stress children with baby eczema may react to stress by flushing which leads to itchy irritated skin and an increase in eczema symptoms heat and sweat both heat and sweat can make the itch of infant eczema worse allergens there is still debate as to whether food allergies in children trigger eczema some experts believe that removing cow is milk peanuts eggs and citrus fruits from a child is diet may help control eczema symptoms we had unprotected sex 3 times and it is about a week or two before my next period what are my chances of being pregnant we had unprotected sex three times in two days i think i am about a week or two from my period i am unsure because they are irregular i am wondering if i could be pregnant and could i still have a period even if i am also when can i take a test,based solely on your description this would not be typical of chicken pox varicella search webmd for some more information about this now uncommon viral infection while a child may get a mild rash about two weeks after a live vaccine like varicella it would not be typical just to get an eruption just on the toes the chicken pox lesion is a water blister on a red base often referred to as a dew drop on a rose petal if it is just on his toes i would be more prone to consider a contact dermatitis from his shoes or something he came in contact with while in bare feet since i have no way of seeing it first hand this is just a blind guess so please follow up with his health care provider if this rash does not resolve what are the symptoms of hypothyroidism,hi vicky well your or the best tool to look for options and ideas as for your first question an exercise is one that makes you feel good after doing it you will know the right one when you do it as for your arthritis have you thought of taken cayenne yes the hot stuff google it for arthritis your find some good help i do take this each day i have a mix of cp and tomato paste thin with olive oil take 3 small spoonful is each morning wash each one down with water you mix this to a heat that suits you at first over time you can start to build that up but it will make you feel good warms you up first thing in the morning so you want to run a marathon then well for now just get out and do some very brisk walking this will get the legs working and after time start jogging try to jog 20 paces then walk 20 and so on its a good way for somebody just starting up and see just how you get on from there do hope this helps good luck can my 10yr old take amoxicillin and also an otc also can my 10yr old take amoxicillin and also an otc also she started out with an sore throat the 1stday which i gave her amoxicillin the next day and now today she has been sneezing no coughs only runny nose and i would like to give her pediacare multi symptom colds wactphn,self medicating is not advisable better consult your doctor before starting any medication for your child how concerned should i be after having sex with a call girl i am mostly concerned about having briefly performed oral on her 2 3 licks to the outside of her vagina how concerned should i be a lot a little not at all enough to be tested if so what should i get tested for this was a high end call girl i think 200hr i assume that is high end i am not familiar with this territory though in a large canadian city,the good news is that bedbugs do not transmit diseases however they can keep you from getting a good night is sleep which over time is bad for your health anxiety is not an uncommon consequence of sharing your bed with loads of bugs i have had excessive burps for 40 days,hi you are probably suffering a severe gastritis and may be associated with gerd andor spastic colon what you really need is seeing a gastroenterology specialist as you may need to go on some anti acidic drugs proton pump inhibitors antodine or its family you may need also if recommended after clinical examination to have a upper gastric endoscopy…keep on alkaline foods drink plenty of water avoid irritantscaffeine soda lemon try doing relaxation training as it helps muchyoga meditation is there absolute minimal daily intake of unsaturated fat in grams or grams per body weight grams not percents im young adult male on strict balanced low calorie diet and i wonder whats the minimal daily intake of unsaturated fat in grams or grams per body weight and not percents the only info i found was that with vlcd some researchers speculated that 15 to 25g of fat will decrease the chance to develop gallstones but on the other hand famous vlcds sold on the market contain less then 10g of total fat a day one contains 6 9g another 4 7g and another 8 4g and theyre popular and considered safe,there is not a minimal recommended amount of unsaturated fatty acids based on body weight the institute of medicine iom does provide adequate intakes for the two essential polyunsaturated fatty acids for males 19 70 year old linoleic acid la 17g per day for males alpha linolenic acid ala 1 6g per day these fats are essential because they cannot be made by the body lower levels would still prevent essential fatty acid deficiency but it is difficult to say how low you could go the question is why would you want to lower your fat intake to such a low level the iom recommends a range of total fat between 20 35 of calories some very low calorie diets vlcd may go below that but that should not occur without a doctor is supervision for more on vlcd see this article it is important to remember that you need fat to absorb fat soluble vitamins for satiety and satisfaction and to obtain other important fats such as dha and epa from marine sources which are vital for heart and brain health good luck what are the lasting effects of upper back spasmsseized muscles right arm and upper back still feel tight after months my upper right side of my back seized up in early january of this year i went to the doctor for relief was prescribed muscle relaxers and pain medication these helped loosen the primary incident however to this day certain movements of my right arm will still trigger my muscles to start to tighten up parts of my right upper chest are still very sensitive as well what can i do to help get my muscles back to feeling like they are not a moments away from locking up again,i am sorry to hear you are going through this muscle spasms can be very painful and it is miserable to feel you have to monitor every movement to make sure your back does not seize up again i would suggest you return to your health care provider to discuss this issue your provider may want to prescribe physical therapy or recommend certain range of motion exercises to help you get back to normal your provider also may want to evaluate your posture and body mechanics which means the way you move practicing good body mechanics is essential for preventing back pain and injury i hope you are able to get this problem resolved soon yes this is exactly what i have but i also have scoliosis the worst kind some exercises are out of range for me mainly the ones you have to twist and stretch fighting battle for me what is the difference between oxycodone and hydrocodone,if you were anorexic you would know i believe your body is just going through a period where it requires random amounts of nutrients although i am not sure anorexia is where a person one who is usually extremely small believes they are overweight or that if they eat they will become overweight this makes them stop eating you would probably have symptoms of depression or anxiety if you had anorexia you should probably trust me lol i have had anorexia how do i get help if no one will help me i have no insurance and im always in debt i have really bad stress issues i constantly bite bitts and pieces off the tip of my tongue and i cant stop pulling out my eyelashes i cant afford a consultation and i know im depressed i caught myself thinking about suicide the other day because i cant stay above all my bills i havent tried suicide since i was 16 i just need someone to talk too that can help me that is basically free nothing is free now these days everybody just wants money i dont know what to do anymore theres probally nobody on the other side of this,while insurers must generally cover services to help children and adults keep learn or improve skills and functioning for daily living the specific services that must be covered can vary by state you need to check carefully with the plans you are considering to learn if cochlear implants are covered how is shingles contagious when i saw my doctor about a small bump on my arm she said i had the shingles virus i did not have a rash anywhere on my body i never had chicken pox but did have measles as a child i searched the web for an answer but they were confusing one person said that shingles is contagious and another says that its not i got a blood test and she said i had the virus my question is if it is contagious how was it transmitted to me she said i was exposed who had chicken pox when i was child help,assuming you do have shingles your description was not convincing a person must have had chicken pox in the past a new exposure to someone with chicken pox may give you shingles herpes zoster since chicken pox is contagious a day before many people do not know who exposed them 2 or 3 weeks prior chicken pox varicella is very contagious by direct contact or fomites objects contaminated by the varicella virus shingles is really the same virus but fortunately not as contagious one can get it by direct exposure however i have been coughing since last two months i am taking anti histamin tablet but it does not work,a doctor usually can detect an enlarged prostate by rectal exam the doctor also may examine the urethra prostate and bladder using a cytoscope an instrument that is inserted through the penis i allowed a girl to give me unprotected oral sex i never ejaculated and her lips and teeth seem ok what are my risk i allowed a girl that i just met to perform unprotected oral sex to me a blowjob i never ejaculated and her lips and teeth seem fine yet i am still nervis because she has been with a lot of guys what are my risk please advice thank you,there is a risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease through unprotected oral sex herpes chlamydia gonorrhea syphilis hiv hepatitis and a few others are possible ejaculation is not required to acquire an std just a penis without a condom is all that it takes i have no way of calculating your risk but if your oral partner has been with a lot of guys you sort of just had sex with all of them i am glad that her teeth and lips were fine but you need to do more than just a dental exam you need to be more selective with your partners and practice safer sex that way you will not have to worry the bottom line you may have been exposed to an std if you are having any signs or symptoms of any of these stds you need to do some homework then you will need to see a medical provider so you can be properly examined and tested condoms are so much more inexpensive than medical visits diagnostic tests and sleepless nights filled with worry they are inexpensive readily available and they fit in your wallet use em next time and from now on can you get c diff from having oral sex with your partner who has decayed teeth i am thirteen weeks pregnant and seeing blood in my urine i have no pain or burning sensation what could be,hi try this give your vagina a sea salt wash or better still bath in warm sea salt water this will help cleanse and heal your tear try doing it twice a day if you can your be surprised how this will help good luck can arthritis go away or is for life ones ur diagnost with a little arthirtis is it for life or can it go away ,it depends on the type of arthritis there are multiple types the most common type is degenerative or simple wear and tear on the joints while arthritis is a normal part of aging it could be with you for life or not the duration cannot be determined with any certainty period cramps at 36 weeks pregnant is it normal its a constant pain been going on for 24hrs,it could be a sign of false labor or of early labor your best move would be to consult your physician can ibuprofen or aspirin be taken with steroids,hi first see an internal medicine doctor to check for stomach bacteria you may not need a dermatologist for the boils after your stomach treatment also you may need an endocrinologist to check your thyroid adrenal and pituitary gland to check for over weight causes as it could be cushing syndrome good luck i am taking azithromycin 250 mg and now i have diarrhea can i take imodium with this, mild diarrhea is common with antibiotic use however a more serious form of diarrhea pseudomembranous colitis may rarely occur this may develop while you use the antibiotic or within several months after you stop using it contact your health care provider right away if stomach pain or cramps severe diarrhea or bloody stools occur do not treat diarrhea even with imodium without first checking with your doctor or health care provider i got a semi deep cut slicing my finger on a can of wet cat food how important is a tetanus shot really it filled with the wet food but i quickly washed it with soap sprayed it with anti bacterial spray & put a bandage on it this was yesterday morning tonight i can still pull the wound apart & see into the layers of skin i was told by a pharmacist when i asked what i could use to seal my skin shut to get a tetanus shot i thought that was more for outside wounds like rusty nails & dirt does a can a cat food really need one or is it just to cover bases but most likely i will be fine,if you have piriformis syndrome first step is strengthen you hip abductors adductors and hip extensors stay on anti inflammatory drug any nsaids stay in hot tub for 40 min if pain increase if all that fail you need a botox injection in piriformisgood luck prognosis leaking aortic & mitral valves w pulmonary hypertension open heart done decision made of no action 6 yrs ago received metal aortic valve recent testing showed leaking mitral & aortic leaking & needed replacement also pulmonary hypertension established got reopened nothing done and closed back up sob is awful but pulse ox is 97 or 98 prognosis long term sort term,most helpful answer i am sorry you are going through this and that your health care team has not discussed the prognosis with you i am sorry you had an open heart surgery without having any corrective measures taken i would suggest you make an appointment as soon as possible with your surgeon to discuss exactly what they found in terms of your heart that made them decide not to proceed with the intended surgery your surgeon should be able to give you details about your prognosis and whether or not you should be considering hospice care most important your health care team needs to address your shortness of breath issue if there is some way to help this they need to treat it if it can not be treated they need to tell you that andor provide you with some anti anxiety medication i do not know about you but i think shortness of breath is incredibly anxiety provoking you deserve to be treated for this please take a trusted family member or friend with you to your appointment with the surgeon he or she will hear things you may miss and your friend can take notes and ask questions you may not think of plus you need a support system to help you get through whatever lies ahead again i am so sorry you are going through this and wish you all the best dairy has never caused me stomach problems but it does give me hard stool and hemorrhoids am i lactose intolerant i have had hard and painful stool off and on for as long as i can remember and i am 41 now 20 years ago i started to get blood in my stool and 5 years ago i started getting hemorrhoids on the outside which are very painful i have noticed that when i eat a lot of cheese or drink a lot of milk it brings on the bleeding then hemorrhoids then hard stool in that order am i lactose intolerant or is it something else,is a deasize in your lungs i have severe left flank pain but was told not kidney stones or uti what else could it be,acne vulgaris is the most common skin disease normally acne develops between the age of 12 25 years however acne is not limited to any particular age group as people grow and become older or in younger people acne is becoming a point of concern acne is known as the disease of the pilosebaceous units psus psus are found underneath the skin surface but are more in number on the face back and chest psus consist of oil glands sebaceous gland these oil glands secrete oil to the skin which makes skin moisturized and soft but in case of any pathophysiological changes in these glands due to external or internal factors can lead to acne this can be either be blackheads or whiteheads for more information on this you can visit drugsdropship24 the acne triggering factors are listed below oil glands are over stimulated by increase secretion of sex hormones called androgens that release in both boys and girls during adolescence diseases like polycystic ovary syndrome and cushing is syndrome hormonal changes due to menstruation pregnancy or hormonal therapy like birth control pills cosmetic mostly moisturizers and oily preparations genetics pathogenic invasion like propionibacterium acnes and staphylococcus epidermidis secondary physical factors such as diet personal hygiene dirt sweat and stress incidence of acne on the basis of age acne affects 90 teenagers acne generally begins with the onset of adolescence when androgen concentration begins to increase in the body on the basis of gender acne is more common in males than females during puberty however during adulthood due to hormonal changes women become prone to acne can you drink responsibly on opiates only 1 beer or light mixed drink nothing more i never drink more than that,the only reason to use amoxicillin for acute pharyngitis is if strep was clinical diagnosed by finding certain clinical characteristics on exam that is consistent with strep or they do not have access to a rapid strep test not likely many medical professionals choose to use clinical judgment over laboratory confirmation when it comes to strep half of them are wrong so without a lab test this is just a coin toss my 3 yr old daughter likes to rock on her private parts using her ball or teddy bear what should i do i am really worried about my daughter it seems she stimulates her private parts is this normal she used to do this openly and after being told off she still does it when she is alone i am wondering if there is the need to take her to a therapist i do not know how to deal with this situation please help,many children male and female have a love affair with their genitals starting at an early age and yes this is called masturbation but in her case it is not sexual it is not considered abnormal but the behavior may need to be modified a bit try and distract her with other activities or a snack for instance or tell her that she should only do this in her room and not where others can see by interrupting this activity something that she may be unconsciously doing you can modify the behavior without the therapist one more thing make sure that she is not scratching her genital area because of hygiene problems allergic reaction to detergentsoapdryer softener sheets or even a yeast infection common in little girls her pediatrician can examine her to be sure do testosterone injections late the in day make it hard to sleep i was recently placed on testosterone replacement therapy and am takinginjecting about 750mg of test enanthate every two weeks,yes the doctor did and concluded it was h pylori i completed the medical treatments for it as well i am taking metformin for diabetes what kind of otc pain medicine can i take for a headache,for people with diabetes it is so important to check for interactions between your prescription medications and any nonprescription medications before use the best choice for your headache would be acetaminophen tylenol nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids such as ibuprofen advil or motrin or naproxen aleve can put a strain on your kidneys which could already be happening because of your diabetes i would first try the acetaminophen and see if that works if not then you may be able to use an nsaid but you should check with your doctor first to ensure that your kidneys are functioning well can i give oral sex while in the recovery stage of a cold sore i have had a cold sore for about 9 days now and i am still in the recovery stage my girlfriend and i are both in different colleges and we are coming home for this labor day weekend we will not see eachother for a long time after this weekend so i just wanted to know if we should be limited in what we do i obviously do not want to give her genital herpes,hi ask anyone who gets cold sores and they will tell you how unpleasant these little sores and blisters can be cold sores which usually appear on your lips or the skin around your mouth are also known as oral herpes and are caused by the herpes simplex virus hsv this same virus is also responsible for blisters and sores in the genital area known as genital herpes which raises the question if you have cold sores is it possible to give your partner genital herpes the short answer is yes says sexual health physician terri foran lots of people have cold sores and lots of people have oral sex – so why do not more of us get genital herpes the reason is because during childhood most of us around 80 per cent are exposed to the herpes 1 virus says foran it is usually the area around the mouth that is exposed and this means that you can not be reinfected with the virus anywhere else on your body all care of so please toss a coin either just straight sex or away you go slurping away your sex life good luck chronic mucus head cold symptoms since 12016,the terms latent and silent celiac disease are used to refer to patients who have inherited the genes that predispose them to celiac disease but have not yet developed the symptoms or signs of celiac disease latent celiac disease refers specifically to patients who have abnormal antibody blood tests for celiac disease but who have normal small intestines and no signs or symptoms of celiac disease for example some patients may have had a childhood onset of celiac disease and the disease may have been successfully treated with a gluten free diet the patients intestines may have resumed a normal appearance and function and they may have no signs or symptoms of celiac disease some patients with celiac disease in childhood abandon the gluten free diet as adults yet they remain free of the signs or symptoms of celiac disease in both of the above instances the celiac disease is latent and the patients can develop signs and symptoms of celiac disease later in life silent celiac disease refers to patients who have abnormal antibody blood tests for celiac disease as well as loss of villi in the small intestine but have no symptoms or signs of celiac disease even on a normal diet that contains gluten like patients with latent celiac disease these patients can develop signs or symptoms of celiac disease later in life my son is 16 and has acne prone skin that is made worse by shaving is there anything he can use to help illevate acne my son is 16 and has acne prone skin that is made worse by shaving is there any treatment options or medicated shaving creams that would help illevate this problem,there are many things that can be done to control his acne from prescription antibiotic solutions to a variety of highly effected acne medications that his medical provider can prescribe however if he is just getting acne like bumps from shaving he may have a condition called folliculitis barbae these are really hair follicle infections not shaving may not be an option but shaving will definitely make it worse i doubt that medicated or mentholated shaving cream will be the answer he may not know how to shave properly they do not teach this in school and his father or older brother may not have taken the time to instruct him improper razors dull razors razors that are used by others in the shower to shave legs etc are not appropriate to use on his face many young men are shaving their pubic areas so if he is using the same razor for both the north and south this can be part of the problem if he is using a wet razor it should be new and sharp changing to an electric razor the does not trim as close is another option if all of these suggestions do not help he should see his medical provider for a proper assessment how do you treat a toddler is bruised penis bruised due to trauma dropping of toilet seat on it,first thing get him a stool to stand on if you expect him to lift the seat and stand to pee having a heavy toilet seat crush your penis is not a pleasant experience so he will be a bit overly cautious for a while as long as he is urinating okay no blood no difficulty staring his stream the penis is likely fine of course i can not see it so you need to be the judge whether he sees his medical provider or not it could have been worse like getting slammed in a door toilet seats hurt but they are not that heavy cold compresses could help but who really wants a cold weenie in most cases just leave it alone and make sure it is healing properly can clindamycin be used fro urinary infections,hi do not go cold turkey you will need to this slowly and at the same time start eating lots of fibrous foods daily lots of veg lots of fruit drink plenty of water and wholemeal breads along with wholemeal pasta basically anything you can find the high in fibre once you have stopped taken the pills just keep going and doing the same thing your system should just return to normal hope there is some help for you just try reducing one pill a day hope this is just once a day good luck would myocardial bridging of left anterior descending coronary artery be considered ischemic heart disease 25 year old male cause of death probable cardiac dysrhythmia due to dilated cardiomyopathy with bridging other significant condition,when many people think of ischemic heart disease they are thinking of atherosclerosis or blockages in the coronary arteries as the result of plaque but it is true that myocardial bridging is a possible cause of intermittent ischemia low bloodoxygen flow to the heart muscle that may result in damage to heart muscles or dangerous heart rhythms is sex safe without protection since i have been on birth control for over 7months or is the pullout still needed i want to make sure i do not get pregnant as i am not in that stage of my life yet is it safe for my spouse to release or is it not recommended and if not recommended what can be used besides condoms and sponges ,if you are experiencing hair loss your doctor will ask you several questions including when did the hair loss start how quickly has the hair been falling out what other symptoms do you have such as scalp itching burning or tingling what drugs were you taking in the four months leading up to the hair loss what other illnesses do you have have you made any changes to your diet or hair care routine the doctor also will examine your scalp to look at the pattern of hair loss tests that may be done include thyroid function tests to look for thyroid disorders which can sometimes cause hair loss hair shaft exam to look at the shape length and fragility of the hairs pull test gently pulling on about 60 hairs to see how many come out biopsy removing a piece of scalp tissue for examination hormone tests it can be difficult to prove which drug is causing the hair loss or even that a drug is to blame your doctor may ask you to stop taking one drug at a time and see whether your hair stops falling out but it can take two to three months after stopping a drug for the hair loss to end i am scared i can not get pregnant can you help i left a tampon in for two days and it was a while back but i am having troubles getting pregnant,hi ok forget about the tampon the real problem comes from toxic shock if left a week or longer so just put that out of your mind ok getting pregnant its all down to timing get it right and your pregnant your cycle day1 first day of your period day 14 give or take a day is ovulation day or the day your egg drops down and day 21 is implantation day the day your fertilised egg makes it self at home ok so far you need to have unprotected sex 3 to 4 days before day 14 reason it takes 3 days for male sperm to reach your womb once there it can live for 5 7 or 10 days max it means it there waiting for your egg why your trying do not have sex to much other wise his sperm will be immature with sperm like that you wont get pregnant just keep sex to once every 3 to 4 days do hope this helps you good luck ps if this does not help you both should think of getting tests done for him it could be a low sperm count and you could be pcos or an egg problem could be your vaginal mucus killing his sperm fort the last two month i have been devloping bumps on my arms almost look like a insect bite then the itch and hurt what could it be it only feels better after i break the skin and fluid is released,if you have classic signs of appendicitis worsening right lower quadranat abdominal paintenderness then why wait in the past we would watch patients in the er for several hours but now the diagnostic test of choice is an abdominal ct scan most medical professionals would prefer that you do not wait i do not know if you are male or female but women would also need to consider ovarian or tube problems that could cause similar pain a ct would rule this out as well lost 50lbs since 412 injured my back and had surgery in 912 and probably again in 1212 how do i keep the weight off started nutrisystem 412 had my gallbladder removed 612 quit smoking on 712 912 i got a shooting pain down my legs and soon after went numb between my legs i had emergency surgery and am still in a lot of pain might need a spinal fusion but insurance is fighting it how can i continue to lose weight when i am unable to exercise i tried to do all of the right things to get healthy and am having no luck any suggestions thanks carrie,anyone can lose weight failure is due to mismatched strategies in other words you are not on the proper diet or have an underlying medical problem that may be blocking your efforts motivation is key if you want this bad enough you will be successful see you medical provider first then join a group such as weight watchers to help you by simply cutting out 500 calories a day from what you are honestly eating now you will lose a pound a week or about 38 weeks for you to reach your goal by cutting out a 1000 calories a day you will reach you goal in half the time reocurring foot swelling redness and itching last month i noticed that my ankle was swollen red and very itchy after a few days it went away but my skin started to peal away now this month its on top of my foot with the same symptoms it burns when i scratch and seems to spread i have not experienced these symptoms anywhere else but my feet and ankles i am also noticing tingling in the area as well any help would be great thanks so much,i had the same symptoms it started on my hand and went to my feet after going to various doctors i was diagnosed with a rare fungal infection that can be transferred from dogs to humans in rare cases i can not find anything about it on webmd or from any of my current drs i have started to call ask vets since after my diagnosis the local vet diagnosed the family dog with the skin infection the tx for mas was a high dose of ingested lamisil 9pill form which can be bad for your liver as well i am perspiring 90 of the time is that because i have a bit 115 f of a fever also had have an annoying cough for the last 4 days that seems to be slowly going away with ratio cortridon also modestly hyperventilating 40 of the time even when just sitting i am on coversyl 8 mg also energy level seems down & frequent insomnia even b4 the cough came thank you,yep eating a lot of lot of beets can turn your urine red shocking huh if you stop eating them your urine should return to a normal color again if not or if you are having any signs of a urinary tract probleminfection then seeing your medical provider would be appropriate if you eat quite a view beets your urine it will have a red dark orange color especially if you are drinking beet juice your urine will get very reddark orange in some cases brownish in color the intensity of color of course is due to your water intact other foodsliquids like coffee carrots etc the color change lasts about a day or two depending on your water intake and the amount of beets you ate if it is much longer after you had beets i would go to your doctor oh i love beets and a lot of carrots can also cause a similar effect here is an answer for a related question that might help my 2 12 yr old grandson continues to get impetigo time and time again is the recurrence normal with this infection,impetigo is caused by skin staph or strep since a 2 5 year old tends to have poor hygiene practices like picking at sore areas with dirty fingers a secondary infection is quite possible over and over again as soon as his mother sees those early signs of impetigo she should immediately start applying the antibiotic ointment prescription mupiricin is the best and trim and clean his fingernails can veggies make a person irritable,no some of the nicest people i know are vegetarians if you are irritable perhaps it is for another reason what can my chest pain possibly be i am a 22 year old female and i have this sore feeling on my chest i have smoked cigarettes before but i do not consider myself a regular smoker i usually smoke like two every week it does not hurt when i am standing or sitting straight but when i cave my shoulders in it will begin to hurt a little bit when i twist my back as if i were cracking my back that is when it will hurt the most the pain is bearable but it is uncomfortable and i am beginning to get really worried what could it be,chronic prostatitis affects men differently with varying degrees of discomfort or pain prostatitis is not a contagious disease you can live your life normally and continue sexual relations without passing it on having prostatitis does not increase your risk of developing prostate cancer or any other prostate or kidney disease but even if your prostatitis is cured you should continue to have regular exams to detect prostate cancer can my friend take ecstasy in one week after having tetanous and rabies shot my friend has got bitten by a cat he had to have tetanus and rabies vaccines the doctor told him not to drink alcohol for 3 months but the question is can he take ecstasy pills during this 3 months he has some reasons for this,im not going to be able to find interaction information about ecstasy pills because they are not available for illegal drugs ecstasy is known to be potentially harmful including possibly causing brain damage at the best of times tell him not to take it sometimes i black out and eat a whole cake should i be worried this has been happening a lot recently,i have reason to doubt that you are not completely unconscious when you are eating those whole cakes apparently over and over if you work at a bakery you should be worried if you are truly blacking out you need to see your medical provider in the meantime do not buy any cake i stop taking the shots on sept 30,there may be no problem at all many children do not achieve full nighttime dryness until age eight assuming she does not have any underlying medical problems that are contributing to this you can just wait it out a bit longer trying not to make her feel that she is responsible talk to her pediatrician but most conservative clinicians may just recommend watchful waiting at this time kenalog injetions during facelift to preemt scaring will not hold stitchs plastic surgeon injected kenalog during my facelift to preempt scaring tendency i am one month post op he has restitched two ares twice the second time with deep stitches too the stitches will not hold now he syas there is too much tension and we must let heal naturally there has been no healing in one month in these areas and there are a nickel and a two inch long hole behind my ears the front looks fine thank goodness has anyone heard of injecting kenalog during surgery,probably not how many calories do you burn passing a bowel movement,women with pseudocyesis have many of the same symptoms as those who are actually pregnant including stopping of menstrual period swollen belly enlarged and tender breasts changes in the nipples and possibly milk production feeling of fetal movements nausea and vomiting weight gain these symptoms can last for just a few weeks for nine months or even for several years a very small percentage of patients with false pregnancy will arrive at the doctor is office or hospital with what feels like labor pains but they will not deliver a baby what can people with bipolar disorder expect from treatment,yes if you want you may have the uti because of sex in the first place so if it does not hurt to pee anymore and you are feeling better you can have sex while you are still taking the antibiotics if it hurts do not do it many women will still have the urge to urinate more often until the infection is under control remember to drink lots of fluids and be extra extra careful about your sexual hygiene most utis are caused by bacteria from your colon that somehow gets transferred to your vaginalurethral area this can happen from contaminated fingers during foreplay to a wandering penis even in a condom that gets too near your anal opening if you are having anal sex then a uti is just about guaranteed as soon as you finish having sex try to urinate to flush out your urethral area and try and drink as much as you can the next day as well keep those pipes flowing i would suggest waiting sex causes friction and the last thing you need is to add friction to infected inflamed tissues also drink a daily sugar free cranberry juice along with taking a daily cranberry supplement just make sure that your supplement is at least 500 milligrams it works i used to get them all the time but since i have been taking the supplement i have not had one in years just to clarify on the user who suggested drinking cranberry juice and taking cranberry supplements i was just at the doctor with an uti and i told him i was drinking lots of cranberry juice to get rid of the infection he told me that cranberry juice will help in preventing an uti but will not help get rid of one and the best thing to drink is lots of water at least one an hour and of course take the antibiotics prescribed my suggestion is as soon as you feel like you have a uti get to the doctors and get antibiotics before the pain increases and drink lots of water and use a heating pad what is a uti right who would want to a dr has recommended four surgeries be done at the same time is this too much,this is fine to get those surgeries done all at once clinically yhdy are usually done together in case do not worry try to strength your pelvic floor muscles through keggels exercises thanks how does alcohol affect pregnancy,alcohol has been implicated in infertility early miscarriage as well as in birth defects the amount of alcohol consumption necessary to cause these problems is not known and varies among women some women can drink excessively and have normal infants others consume considerably less alcohol but still give birth to babies with cognitive disabilities andor other birth defects it is generally believed that the greater the amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy the greater the risk of pregnancy related problems and birth defects it is recommended that pregnant women avoid all consumption of alcohol fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are a group of conditions reflecting the possible effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol the fasds include fetal alcohol syndrome fas alcohol related birth defects arbd and alcohol related neurodevelopmental disabilities arnd fetal alcohol syndrome fas is the extreme end of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and is a leading cause of cognitive disabilities my 10 year old weighs around 100 pounds she has severe allergies what allergy medications can she take,here are four steps you can take now to prevent osteoarthritis or its progression no 1 control your weight if you are at a healthy weight maintaining that weight may be the most important thing you can do to prevent osteoarthritis if you are overweight losing weight may be your best hedge against the disease obesity is clearly a risk factor for developing osteoarthritis data from the first national health and nutrition examination survey a program of studies designed to assess the health and nutrition of americans showed that obese women were nearly four times as likely as non obese women to have osteoarthritis the risk for obese men was nearly five times greater than for non obese men being overweight strains the joints particularly those that bear the body is weight such as the knees hips and joints of the feet causing the cartilage to wear away if you already have osteoarthritis losing weight may help improve symptoms no 2 exercise if the muscles that run along the front of the thigh are weak research shows you have an increased risk of painful knee osteoarthritis fortunately even relatively minor increases in the strength of these muscles the quadriceps can reduce the risk if fear of joint pain after exercise keeps you from exercising try using heat and cold on painful joints or take pain relievers which may make it easier for you to exercise and stay active the safest exercises are those that place the least body weight on the joints such as bicycling swimming and water exercise light weight lifting exercises are another option but if you already have osteoarthritis first speak with your doctor no 3 avoid injuries or get them treated suffering a joint injury when you are young predisposes you to osteoarthritis in the same joint when you are older injuring a joint as an adult may put the joint at even greater risk people who injured their knee as an adult had a five times greater risk of osteoarthritis in the joint to avoid joint injuries when exercising or playing sports the national institute of arthritis and musculoskeletal and skin diseases recommends the following avoid bending knees past 90 degrees when doing half knee bends keep feet as flat as possible during stretches to avoid twisting knees when jumping land with your knees bent do warm up exercises before sports even less vigorous ones such as golf cool down after vigorous sports wear properly fitting shoes that provide shock absorption and stability exercise on the softest surface available avoid running on asphalt and concrete if you have a joint injury it is important to get prompt medical treatment and take steps to avoid further damage such as modifying high impact movements or using a brace to stabilize the joint no 4 eat right although no specific diet has been shown to prevent osteoarthritis certain nutrients have been associated with a reduced risk of the disease or its severity they include omega 3 fatty acids food remedy for early ejaculation,i do not believe that these tiny magnets used to hold down your shirt collar will have any bodily effects whatsoever it will not cause tremors or cause any issues with the iron in your blood stream could i be pregnant i had sex with a friend 1 day before my fertile window my period ended may 13 and fertile window starts may 18 and i am three days late for my period and a took a pregnancy test and it was negative,hi and do we want to be pregnant ok for now all you can do is wait around 4 more days then see your doctor and get a blood test done and see how that pans out you could be just having a skipped or missed period if you have been stressing over this little event if you are pregnant you could think of the abortion pill if your not interested at this time unless you want to keep it for me that would be your choice and if your not pregnant then its time you was thinking of getting some kind of bc like the pill unless your body cant take it but you have to remember safe sex is the best sex good luck what causes infertility in men,infertility in men is most often caused by problems making sperm producing too few sperm or none at all problems with the sperm is ability to reach the egg and fertilize it abnormal sperm shape or structure prevent it from moving correctly sometimes a man is born with the problems that affect his sperm other times problems start later in life due to illness or injury for example cystic fibrosis often causes infertility in men is tens e stim safe to use for prostate,there are a number of old wives tales regarding foods to eat to induce labor unfortunately there are no studies in this area to prove the truth to these ideas a prescription medication called pitocin oxytocin is used in the hospital to start or improve contractions can i give my 14 year old son acetaminophen for fever if i gave him ibuprofen earlier this morning,as long as it has been six hours since the ibuprofen you can give him acetaminophen now i was hit in the ear i can not hear properly really hurts – do not know what to do,most helpful answer i addressed your question on the ear nose and throat community unfortunately i have no way to confirm if your roommate has a mole or an abscess inside her ear but a mole does not suddenly occur within hours of a scratch a skin abscess can form the fact that this skin lesion is constantly draining is the real concern it needs to be properly diagnosed and treated since i can not examine your roommate i cannot determine the true nature of this draining lesion sorry her sinuses do not drain in her ears but they can drain down the back of her throat there is an opening of the eustachian tubes in her throat but this fluid will not drain up into the ear the ear has the potential of creating its own fluid that can become stagnant i had terrible tooth and gum pain on the right side of my mouth with both upper and lower teeth dentist does not see anything wrong,i am sorry but it is impossible to answer your question without knowing the specific type of birth control pill you are taking some pills come packaged in a 28 day pack and you simply take one pill every day all year round some pills come in a 21 day pack and you should start the new pack 7 days after you finish the last pill in the pack with seasonale brand pills you take them for 84 consecutive days this webmd page has information on how to take birth control pills but this is such an important topic that you really should consult your pharmacist to ensure you do not accidentally miss a dose which can affect your birth control coverage best wishes to you i have heard about fraxel or fractional lasering is this really very safe how does this differ from thermage,thermage uses radio frequency to cause tissue tightening fraxel or fractionated lasers actually have a different affect on the screen those are true lasers that remove whether they do it in an ablative or non ablative way i will explain what that means to help rejuvenate the skin and that also affects the texture and tone of the skin so fraxel is non ablative meaning that your skin does not directly peel and the outer layers are not directly removed fractional co2 which is my preferred treatment helps in a very soft and gentle way removes layers of the skin even to the deepest layers to help stimulate new collagen production and also eliminate or dramatically improve acne scars and surface changes such as sun spots so with this treatment this new generation of co2 lasers you can have a lot less downtime a lot safer treatment a lot faster results with less risk and have your skin look so much better it looks more even in texture and tone acne scars are often removed those lines around the mouth are often dramatically softened if not completely gone and you can be out and about within about a week but you do have a good week where you have to stay home and hide because it looks worst before it looks better what causes crohn is disease,yes what ar symptoms of angina pectoris in women have symptoms of indigestion with pain going through to back uncomfortable rather than severe could it be heart problems,yes this could be a symptom of heart trouble while some women do get the classic signs of a heart attack crushing or squeezing pain at the mid chest shortness of breath lightheadedness anxiety other women have symptoms such as pain at the mid back shoulder breast or arm this pain usually is described as severe rather than uncomfortable however if you suspect you are having a heart attack please seek immediate medical attention by dialing 911 regarding angina pectoris specifically the symptoms are the same in women as in men discomfort burning or aching in the chest back neck throat or jaw it is frequently mistaken for indigestion if you take antacids or other anti indigestion medications and do not get relief it could be a sign of angina pectoris this should be evaluated by a medical provider as angina is a sign of coronary artery disease i hope you feel better soon and that your symptoms are nothing more than acid reflux i have recently had an hysterectomy do test results show i have cancer,in my opinion it is not a very low possibility to develop malignant cells while now they are abnormal cells but still benign the recommendation is to regular follow up and checking by taking samples from the cells for being tested however i recommend removing of cin 3 asap what can help a shocked liver heal quicker,hi and from healthline com comes this answer recent research suggests that not only does smoking raise blood sugar but it also weakens to the body is ability to respond to insulin uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to serious diabetic complications such as problems with your kidneys heart and blood vessels so yes good luck can an eclipse cause any harm on pregnant women and the unborn baby i am five months pregnant and have been running around all day outside getting things done i was told that the eclipse going on right now can harm my unborn since i did not wear a safety pin or wear red underwear i know this sounds silly and i am so not superstitious but i am worry now,yes it is silly an eclipse cannot hurt you or your unborn baby you are completely safe even without red underwear do they even come in maternity sizes or a safety pin i would not recommend staring into the sun during a solar eclipse however i love to hear about these folk tales and their origins i bet this one goes back a hundred years perhaps started by a crafty clothing merchant trying to sell off some excess red underwear inventory what is the purpose of a salt water gargle for a sore throat why would you use this method what does the salt provide to help with the sore throat,chickenpox shingles and postherpetic neuralgia all result from infection with a single virus called varicella zoster virus most people catch the varicella zoster virus as children after a bout of chickenpox our immune systems never completely eradicate the vzv virus they just chase it into hiding varicella retreats into nerve cells deep under the skin near the spine for most of us vzv lies dormant inside our bodies never causing further problems in about one third of people however vzv emerges from hiding travels along a nerve to the skin and erupts in a bumpy painful rash on one side of the body this sneak attack is called herpes zoster or shingles what is congestive heart failure,heart failed to pump blood to the whole body so nutrien and oksigen failed reached to the tissue pelvic prolapse is intercourse possible can i still have intercourse with a vaginal prolapse i seem to have a severe case as it is hanging out of my vagina and occasionally bleeds a little bit when i have a bowel movement too embarrassed to go see a dr any help,you are too embarrassed to see a medical professional why this is their job and this prolapse can be fixed make an appointment with a good female gynecologist the best and permanent fix involves some surgery but in the meantime a pessary a device ithat can be inserted in your vagina to hold back this prolapsed tissue may help is there anything that i can take to help me become more fertile,hi look if your trying to get pregnant and its not happening could be your having sex to much that does not help as he will only have immature sperm and these do not work could be just your timing is out if you know your cycle work with that first day or day 1 is the first day of your period so around day 14 give or take a day is ovulation day so you need to have unprotected sex around day 9 or 10 reason it takes sperm 3 days to get in place to receive your egg either left or right ovary then on day 21ish if you get spotting and on to day 28 you miss your period then you could be pregnant just give that a try for a couple of months and see how it goes do hope this helps you good luck what are the types of heart failure,systolic cardiac dysfunction or systolic heart failure occurs when the heart muscle does not contract with enough force so there is not enough oxygen rich blood to be pumped throughout the body diastolic cardiac dysfunction or diastolic heart failure occurs when the heart contracts normally but the ventricle does not relax properly reducing the amount of blood that can enter the heart and causing blood to back up into the lungs a measurement called the ejection fraction is determined to calculate how well your heart pumps with each beat to determine if systolic or diastolic dysfunction is present in patients with systolic heart failure the ejection fraction is less than 40 and the heart has several characteristics on imaging studies such as dilated left ventricle and reduced output of the heart in contrast patients with diastolic heart failure usually have a normal ejection fraction normal heart pumping capability but the imaging studies show that the heart has impaired filling will chiropractic treatment help hip pain caused by shingles,i do not think you gave him too much medicine but i have to ask why you gave him benadryl for his lips he may have swollen lips because of an irritation or possibly due to dehydration you want to be very careful when using medications in children this young they are not little adults ” if you receive the chicken pox vaccine can you get shingles later in life,hi blood in stools or urine see your doctor asap make that a golden rule always good luck i am 17 & male having attacks which last around a minute the area between my right nipple & shoulder gets very tight this has been happening over the course of a year and stopped for about a month then recently began happening again during the attacks i have to stop whatever i am doing and just grasp the area in pain and check my pulse which seems to be normal i had an ekg done about 3mo is ago and everything checked out however after having experienced yet another one a couple of minutes ago i am following my gut in knowing that something is wrong also began having sudden headaches in the back of my head,it would be very unusual for a 17 year old to have heart trouble and it is equally unusual for heart pain to occur on the right side of the chest but you did the right thing in getting this checked out what you describe sounds very much like a muscle spasm these can be extremely painful but resolve relatively quickly muscles can go into spasm for many reasons including exercise injury dehydration or the lack of certain minerals like potassium having attacks of the type you describe is not all that abnormal throughout life it is normal to have occasional aches and pains however if you feel there is something seriously wrong then i suggest you continue to pursue a medical answer you can start with your primary care physician the headaches probably are a different matter altogether but again it would be a good idea to consult a physician wishing you well can a toothache cause your ear to hurt i know someone who ear has been hurting for about 3 days he is in severe pain he also has a tooth that has probably decayed could the actual problem with the ear stem from the tooth,hi in my opinion this is related to your throat infection i recommend using a decongestant treat your eustachian tube block good luck what is symtoms of dibities,this information should help you what is hepatitis and how can it be prevented,it is difficult to understand why some women gain more than the recommended amounts during one pregnancy when they seem to be monitoring every bite then put on the same amount of weight with the next baby when they pay much less attention to how much they eat unless you monitor every morsel you eat and every move you make it is impossible to chalk up the pregnancy weight gain to anything but pregnancy metabolism women who have struggled with eating disorders may be fearful of gaining weight even during pregnancy it is important to discuss your feelings about food with a qualified health care professional intentionally restricting calories to keep weight gain low can harm your baby is growth and development pregnancy is no time to diet even if you started off overweight what conditions does ibuprohm treat,you should look carefully at the provider networks in each of the plans you are considering some plans may include some of your doctors because they are using the same provider contracts they have for other insurance products they offer you can also see what type of coverage the plan has for going out of network but it may be the case that you have to change providers in order to use a policy through the exchange can kids contract pink eye from dress up costumes that might be available at nature center i am wanting to have a bee keeping suit at our honey bee exhibit that kids put on to see what it would be like to bee keeper unfortunately our living history farm had costumes that kids could dress up in and had several visitors complain about their kids getting pink eye if they can get it from the costumes is there any way to prevent the spread of it thanks,bee keeping hoods do not really touch the eyes and they appear to be well ventilated so i would assume that it would not be very likely for the suit to be a major factor in transmitting microorganisms most of the time an object of clothing may be blamed but in reality it was most likely unwashed contaminated hands that were the vector for pink eyes you could try and disinfect the hoods between kids if that is possible or even logistically feasible when am i no longer contagious i caught a cold then three days later developed bronchitis i understand the cold has a three day contagiousness window one day before you know you are ill and two days following but what happens when the cold develops into bronchitis am i contagious again when the bronchitis symptoms appear bottom line when am i clear to return to work so i do not infect others,most helpful answer bronchitis is just a complication of the cold bronchitis itself is not contagious but you still should exercise caution when you cough use tissues etc and wash your hands you can return to work when you feel better and are fever free since the cough can last a while i live in mi and my doctor is in oh will i be able to keep my doctor if i buy a health insurance marketplace plan what happens if my doctor does not participate in the program listed if i decide to buy a policy not on the marketplace will i still qualify for tax credits,to qualify for a tax credit you must buy a health plan through the marketplace if you are unable to find a plan that your doctor participates with you might consider choosing a ppo policy which allows you to get some coverage for doctors who are outside the plan is network can hpv lay dormant in your system and for how long can the virus lay dormant in your system and not show up for years later im married and have been with the same partner for the last 4 years and all my paps have come back normal until now this concerns me,a varicella zoster virus infection causes many red bumps and fluid filled growths to appear on the skin over seven to 10 days my hands tremble feel nerve pain and stomach pain after masturbating,hi these newly developed lumps may be enlarged lymph nodes these do happen when you have a benign lump in the breast other possibility is that u may have concomittant chest infection such chest infections may also lead to axillary lymphadenitis get a chest xray done thanks what can i do about cesarean section or pregnany scars,scarring results from a either a tear in the dermis stretch marks or an overgrowth of collagen with raised scars keloids there is really no way to prevent scars completely if you are genetically predisposed to scar formation you probably will have a scar once a keloid scar develops intervene early before the scar is raised and thickened and massage your scar frequently with a vitamin e based moisturizer this helps break down additional collagen build up during pregnancy remain well hydrated in order to keep the dermis healthy and less susceptible to tearing also moisturize with a vitamin e based moisturizer can you get pregnant without having sex my liltte cousins swears up and down that she didnt not have sex they were just messing around but yet she became pregnant and has now had the baby but she is still insisting that she and the boyfriend did not phyiscal have intercourse can you talk about this please so i can tell her she is not fooling anyone,there could be some truth to it here is an article on teen sex & pregnancy myths that explain about pre ejaculate i hope this helps the webmd answers staff how long does colic last,colic typically starts when a baby is about 3 weeks old and usually ends at about 3 months so babies do typically outgrow it when i drink milk i emmediatly volmitwithin 5 min could this be lactose intolerance,it is possible though lactose intolerance usually presents as bloating and diarrhea rather than vomiting this is because lactose intolerance is caused by low production of an enzyme in the gut not in the stomach as long as you are not having any food allergy symptoms such as hives or difficulty breathing after you drink milk you can try eating a different dairy product such as ice cream to see if it also causes you to vomit or if it gives you diarrhea you also may try eliminating all dairy foods from your diet to see if that solves the problem if you continue to have symptoms when you drink milk you can always see your primary care provider for further analysis other conditions could cause this response besides lactose intolerance hope this helps i am undergoing chemotherapy and it is taken a toll on my face and skin when i am well again will my skin get better,there was actually a very interesting study that showed that after chemotherapy the hair and the skin looked better so it seems that while your skin and hair go through that regeneration process after chemotherapy the skin and hair that comes back is rejuvenated healthier hair and skin so this study showed that people did look so much better and they felt better afterwards so once you get through the chemo try to be as healthy as possible in terms of having continuity so try to have as healthy a diet as possible sleep when you can and try to get a consistent amount of sleep every night try to manage as much as you can in terms of your stressors meditation helps all those things that imply wellness from the inside will show through and will help you heal faster and look better once you are past the chemo had bad bronchitis lately woke up with a huge bruise on side,hi just think back was there other guys you had sex with before you married your now husband if the answer was yes well it one of these std is that can go into hiding deep inside your body and as you have found out up it pops when you least expect it so i hope you know what you have because you have been tested so just have to be honest with your husband tell him the truth must be from before we was married this happen a lot you are not alone do hope this helps you and hubby good luck what is hypothyroidism,the thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland that sits at the base of your neck it helps set the rate of metabolism which is the rate at which the body uses energy a slow or underactive thyroid known as hypothyroidism can result in extreme fatigue sluggishness feeling run down and depression approximately 17 of all women will have a thyroid disorder by age 60 and most will not know it the most common cause is an autoimmune disorder known as hashimoto is thyroiditis hashimoto is stops the gland from making enough thyroid hormones for the body to work the way it should the result is hypothyroidism or a slow metabolism blood tests known as t3 and t4 will detect thyroid hormones if these hormones are low synthetic hormones medication can bring you up to speed and you should begin to feel better fairly rapidly my husband sometimes seems drunk but says he has not had any alcohol what else can cause slurred speech and droopy eyes when he gets like this he swears he is not drunk but his speech is slurred his eyes are droopy or bloodshot and he is slightly unsteady maybe he is just exhausted he gets very little sleep probably 5 hours a night average but i have this nagging doubt and it is really causing problems for us could it be anything else he is also very overweight and has high blood pressure controlled by medication and is on cholesterol lowering medication and diuretics thank you so much for the help,sure but perhaps not well please be respectful of this wonderful webmd medical site do not post advertising this takes up valuable space for people who have real medical concerns thank you my wife is not eating without medical insurance will likely end up dead,hi this will pass avoid drinking alcohol with energy supplements in the future good luck can bad blood circulation cause small penis girth for an adult to be more specific i am 25 years old quite overweightobese and am slightly below avg in girth since being overweightobese can cause a myriad of health issues regarding bad blood flowcirculation could this cause a lack of blood in the penis leading to a smaller girth would losing weight and improving blood flow increase girth would the gains be noticeable,hi i recommend a harder exercise type and metformin intake after meals 3times daily eat a lot if vegetables and avoid carbs in your diet enough for breakfast it takes time to treat pcos so be patient if sizes of cysts increased enough to be removed get them surgically removed when i shower i break out in red “bumps” across my chest abdomen shoulders and back,hi this is heat rash from blocking in sweat ducts apply a good skin moisturizer it should go away it is nothing serious good luck is prenatal ultrasound safe,the only test i know of is the psa blood test a biopsy may be needed if psa is high is lorazepam highly addictive,i know i got it tired once and cut but like you said it could have untied i took a test 3 days into me being late which came back negative but i have like i did with my first 3 so i have no clue i have done my research on the tubal ligation and damn people still get pregnant after getting them tied so i do not know and as for menopause i have not done my research on that yet i will here in a few minutes but at 25 i can start menopause i have a defect in the base of my skull need a second medical opinion,i think you mean micrograms mcg instead of milligrams mg if you really are taking 105mg that would equal 105 000mcg the recommended amount of vitamin b12 for adults is 2 4mcg but there is no upper limit set by the institute of medicine because no adverse effects have been found with taking excess vitamin b12 because it is a water soluble vitamin it is potential for toxicity is low most people get enough from diet unless they are vegetarians older or have a health condition that decreases the absorption of vitamin b12 for more on proper dosing and side effects see this webmd page can you get pregnant after gastric bypass surgery,assuming you were fertile before the surgery yes in standard gastric bypass surgery the surgeon makes an incision in the belly and cuts out most of the stomach a portion of the small intestine is also cut and reattached to the new small stomach all this cutting takes place well away from the reproductive organs ovaries fallopian tubes uterus and vagina direct damage to these organs is extremely unlikely and infertility is not considered to be a risk of weight loss surgery on the contrary experts suspect that fertility sometimes goes up after gastric bypass surgery there is no proof that gastric bypass surgery directly increases fertility but it is known that weight loss in general improves fertility women are usually counseled to avoid pregnancy for a year or more after gastric bypass surgery to achieve maximum weight loss the delay also allows time to correct any nutritional deficiencies that occur after the surgery women who get pregnant after gastric bypass surgery usually have healthy pregnancies and deliver healthy babies their rates of pregnancy complications may be lower than severely obese women who have not had weight loss surgery what can i do about my insomnia,hi you can consider tens is the most safe pain relief modality if used properly the electrode placement should be either on the lower back and rectal or above the penis and under the testicles my two year old has had diarrhea for at least 6 months three doctors we have seen are not worried i am please help her weight went from being in the 75th percentile at age 18 months to less than the 10th percentile at age two she has diarrhea all day every day to be honest i do not think she has ever had a normal bowel movement her whole life,hi you are right you have a digestion issue causing gaseous problems take probiotic tablets and antacids at night u need to find out as to eating what is causing this problem milk as u said may be a possibility i think im having a outbreak of shingles on my head what can i do to stop the feeling i need to pull my hair out i have had shingles befor when i was 27 im now 33 and believe im have another outbreak in the same area on my neck as b4 but now its up in my hair as well only on 1 side i cant seem to stop pulling my hair out to relieve the tingling pain its at the point of bold spots the other side of my head feels just fine help what shoild i do,sorry you are going through this misery first let is not jump to the conclusion this is shingles though it certainly sounds like it could be i would suggest you see a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis as you know if it is shingles you may be able to take a prescription medication to help with the pain if it is not shingles your health care provider may be able to provide you with treatment for whatever it actually is try to refrain from pulling your hair out as this can cause permanent loss of hair in those areas also remember shingles in the blister stage is contagious and can cause someone who is never had chickenpox to come down with the illness to help avoid this make sure you are washing your hands thoroughly and often also do not share any combs brushes or other personal hygiene implements i hope you get a diagnosis quickly i am 72 years old i have medicare and anthem blue cross blue shield plan f medicare is taken from my social security and i pay 158 for anthem monthly with an additional 71 60 for part d how will the affordable care act affect me,people with medicare do not need to apply for coverage through the marketplace you are already properly insured my son is 3rd hep b vaccine was administered 2 weeks too early does he need a 4th one he is 8 had these when 1 2 yrs he received his vaccines on 1210204 2102005 and 3292005 school nurse recommends a 4th one but i am dubious and wanted a second opinion other than my pediatrician who made the error in the first place thanks,a newborn has no teeth so do not worry about cleaning their gums mom is natural breast milk will protect them from infections where can i find additional information about a flu pandemic,hi the stage of hepatitis c varies from person to person depending upon one is immunity in general its not just related to your hepatatis c swelling of abdomen can occur due to ascites or simple gaseous distention you need to get usg and ct abdomen to assess the status of the liver a few liver function tests will determine the stage of hepatitis you have right now thanks i have a stressful job that keeps me on the move how can i make sure i look radiant and young in my late 30s,many people are experiencing higher costs associated with their health plans there are a number of changes brought about by the new law that are causing this it is not ideal but in my view the reason to bother is that if you face some kind of medical emergency in the gap before you qualify for medicare you are still getting financial protection from endless medical bills still it is a personal decision and everyone has to make a determination about whether or not the high cost is worth it does mountain dew mixed with adhd cause strokes,mountain dew is high in caffeine i do not know anything the person mixing this caffeinated drink with adhd medications i do not know what heshe is taking or if it was prescribed for them or someone else or their medical history to know if this would be problematic i have a knot on my forehead above right eye that has been there for 2 months is it a problem or ok,please realize that the internet poses some significant barriers when it comes to making patient specific comments as you know we can not see your knot or examine it let alone take a detailed medical history or do any diagnostic tests if indicated not knowing the true nature of this knot based solely on your vague description your question cannot be answered you would need to physically see a medical provider and have this knot examined my 13yrd old has severe egg and nut allergy can she get tdap vaccination for whooping cough and tetanus safely,yes it should not be a problem there are not egg or nut substances in this vaccine do i have a yeast infection,ideal will be surgery center of course but caudal injection itself is a opd procedure maintain good sterile measures and take a local anesthetic sensitivity test before taking actual anesthesia to see if you are sensitive to the drug is it possible to become pregnant if he does not ejaculate inside of you my boyfriend and i had unprotected sex about three weeks ago he did not ejaculate inside of me nor did either of us touch what came out and then touch my vagina i would gone with him to the bathroom to clean up before we did anything else and we would both washed off hands included but i am a week late on my period i am not sure if i could possibly be pregnant or if i am just paranoid i would have gone to the doctor is by now but i am one of the lucky ones who does not have medical insurance,hi having sex without any kind of protection is just playing with dynamite the easiest way to get pregnant is riding bareback you can still find sperm in precum go do a pregnancy test its the only way for you to go next time you do that think plan b better still if your not pregnant go and get some condoms or find a safe bc pill to get on do hope this helps good luck my daughter is blood tests show some scary diseases and syndromes online,hi neither the cortisol or aldosterone levels are alarming both levels are almost within normal range and i do not see any reason to panic adrenal system is functioning properly do not worry most of the online interpretations can be confusing i suggest you to neglect them thanks in addition to changing my exercise routine what kind of diet should i maintain to get a slimmer physique,i say focus on the total calories in your diet and the company they keep limit foods that are high in sugar saturated fat and salt sodium such as frozen desserts frozen pizzas pre packaged entrees chips cookies bottled salad dressings pre seasoned boxed rice or pasta mixes go for meals with a foundation of fresh fruits vegetables lean meats whole grains and low fat or nonfat dairy read the nutrition facts labels to find healthy foods all over your local grocery store such as canned beans whole grain pastas and frozen vegetables i am a 35 year old female is it normal for my blood pressure to be16996 and my pulse 98,hi yes packing up smoking would help but also a healthy life style eating the right foods keeping away from fast foods and junk foods sodas and not forgetting alcohol all would be a big help get him out exercising brisk walking and swimming would help and be the best have a read up about maca will take a couple of months to work up to full strength but its said to help with count strength and mobility all the things your looking for do hope all this helps good luck how does severe headache relate to heart disease,hello and welcome to ehealth forum if you are having normal periods 4 5 days that you usually have then you can never become pregnant by having unprotected sex during your periods however if you have a 26 28 day cycle or a shorter cycle of 24 26 days and have periods for 7 8 days then you need to be careful on the last 2 days hope this helps take care will the new health care law cause a shortage of doctors if more people are insured what is in place to help that,according to a reliable pregnancy calculator and based upon the 1st day of your last period the following information is revealed estimated due date is 52015 gestational age today 9132014 is 6 weeks 1 days or 1 41 months months date of conception was 152014 i hope that this answer has been helpful i am 45 years old and pregnant my mammogran showed that i have two cysts should i be concern about breast feeding,yes most over the counter cold medications are safe to take with zoloft you should check with your pharmacist who can recommend the best product for you that will help your specific symptoms and not interact with your prescription medications when can you return to runningjogging after a bartholin cyst is removed i had a bartholin cyst removed one week ago at the er i am unable to see my gynecologist for 2 more weeks the word catheter has fallen out on its own and there is no pain remaining but still taking the antibiotic,you will need to be specifically cleared by the medical provider who is treating you the one familar with the details of your case healing time varies from person to person so there is really no set rules for when to return to strenous activities my husband has schizophrenia controled with appropriate medication why might he be sleeping 18 hours a day this month his medication has not changed his stressors have not changed he smokes and has a chronic cough now after he is up for an hour he is so sleepy he goes back to bed he has sleep apnea and uses his cpap when sleeping i am very concerned,most of the time white spots are not a problem but 1 year of age is the perfect time to see the dentist for the first time my daughter is now 9 she has 2 white spots on her teeth i inquired with the dentist about this and she said that studies show the white spots were created if they ever had a high temp fever or if the mother had a fever while pregnant let me know if you have heard any other answers my hair is falling… please help,hi see above answer can prescription drugs be passed to another individual in seminal fluid,no if someone is allergic to formaldehyde where can i find a list of products that do not have it,formaldehyde sensitivity causing a rash is typically diagnosed by patch testing on the skin if you are found to have a contact allergy avoidance of that item is recommend there are several other preservatives that are also formaldehyde releasers these include quaternium 15 imidazolidinyl urea diazolidinyl urea dmdm hydantoin and bronopol in many cases i recommend avoiding all of these if patch testing is positive to formaldehyde your doctor can help you decide if the formaldehyde releasers should also be avoided also your skin doctor may have access to the contact allergen replacement database card which can assist in generating lists of products that do not contain certain products in them such as formaldehyde i have also got grade 3 asthma i went for a chest x ray they said that was fine but i still have a wheezing cough and pains,that could be a problem with the joint itself that needs immediate medical attention signs of severe inflammation or infection needs to be investigated and examined i think i might be dyslexic what do i do my dad is dyslexic i have trouble spelling i always jumble the letters together i have trouble with sentence structure too one of my english teachers asked if i would ever been tested for anything i had a tutor once who told my parents she thought i had short term memory loss i have trouble with money in math and patterning it just does not process it my mine it is like there is a wall when reading aloud i do not properly process what i reading and i can not focus on the words so sometimes i say something completely different then what is on the page i also can not recognize words when reading and need to hear them a few times to know them when reading an exert for class work i always finish later then others because it wont process in my mind and i have to keep reading it i get that when reading books too i will have to read a sentence over to make it process and when speaking sometimes my words get a jumbled does this sound like dyslexia,avoid direct sunlight between the peak hours 11 a m to 2 p m sunblock is probably your best approach to avoid premature aging and dark spots your skin regimen should include steps to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells hydrate and rejuvenate with natural amino acids or peptides why does ibu profen cause ankle swelling my husband takes a lot of ibu profen for back pain and arthritis pain lately his ankles are swollen and itchy it is not pitting edema they are not discolored it has been 2 weeks he is in general good health,if you take ib is for a long period of time they will raise your b p if your b p get is too high and that way for a period of time it will make them swell how does substance abuse affect schizophrenia,sadly i can not answer your question you will have to keep in close contact with her medical providers for that but i did want to extend my thoughts to and your family and especially your sister at this difficult time i wish you all the best and hope for a positive outcome can overuse of tineacid cause penis issues male using this product since aug now has rash and soreness of penis penis is red and swollen have been diagnosed with urinary tract infection taking antibiotic cipro for past 7 days,sounds like a u t i urinary tract infection even if it is not this you should see your doctor good luck see your general practitioner they can help advise you our daughter is planning on flying coast to coast in august she will be aprroximately 8 months pregnant is this safe,she can check with her gynocologist to make sure the flight itself will not be a problem other than frequent bathroom trips but have her ask about the security scanners when she has to go through tsa a patdown rather than the backscatter scanning device is a possibility but she may not want to go through that can i take nighttime cold medicine while pregnant i have a horrible head cold my throat is scrathy my nose is literally dripping my head hurts and i have fevors on and off plus i am in my first trimester it is impossible to sleep through these symptoms can i take a night time cold medicine before i was pregnant i used to take childrens cold and flu dimatap is that okay,young babies in day care or preschool can get colds around 3 to 10 times per year with each cold lasting up to 2 or 3 weeks which may feel like all the time they can certainly start getting sick even at a month or two of age virus infections may also happen when a baby is teething it is unusual however for babies to have allergies before 9 months of age and some experts feel kids do not have seasonal allergies until closer to 2 or 3 years old if your baby does not have a fever and seems to be fine except for the noisy breathing it is probably nothing to worry about but if the stuffy nose interferes with sleep or feeding or if he seems to be in pain be sure to have your doctor check him out how long is presciption good for how long can i wait before a prescription will not be filled it is not a controlled substance or antibiotic,that varies there are no set rules some of our electronic prescriptions have expiration dates some pharmacists will not fill an older prescription if it is not medically appropriate since i do not know what you are filling and how old the prescription is you will just have to try and fill it if it is appropriate that you do so at this time at the pharmacy how much do nuts help lower cholesterol,if you are looking to decrease your cholesterol or just prevent it from increasing in the first place i have got a simple tip for you eat nuts nuts are a wonderful source of high quality fats and protein and now we know they will help keep your cholesterol under control as well researchers at loma linda university found that folks who consumed about 2 5 ounces of nuts throughout the day decreased their total cholesterol by an average of 5 1 and reduced their bad cholesterol ldl by 7 4 and a whopping 10 4 decrease in trigylerides only if they were elevated to start with the scientists found that you got your biggest bang for your nut buck if your bad cholesterol ldl was high to start with and if you were consuming a typical high fat western diet in other words if your diet is great and your cholesterol is normal you will be preventing problems but you will not see big changes in your numbers since they are normal to start with the folks with higher numbers and junky diets see the biggest changes and those folks need to clean up their diet to start with as well as get physically active to get the most for their new nut consumption walk around with a 2 ounce plastic bag in your purse or briefcase or car and fill it with 12 nuts a combo of almonds and walnut halves or pecans is great this makes for a wonderful snack anytime you want it or put the nuts on a yogurt for extra crunch at the start of every week i load up the bags and keep them everywhere so that i am always prepared and never caught without a healthy snack i have a rash thought it might be some type of fungus doc says ringworm,hi seems more of skin layer dermatitis caused by some sort of allergen athelets foot medicines should not be used as it may aggravate the lesion steroid based creams will be helpful try changing the soap that you use thanks could my girlfriend be pregnant how early is too early for an accurate test is spotting after a week late a good sign my girlfriend and i are in a long distance monogamous relationship over the 4th of july i went out to spend a few days with her and on the 4th we got a little too drunk and had unprotected sex i pulled out but we all know that is hardly safe sex she was expecting her period anytime between thurs july 3rd to sat july 5th and as of today july 11 there is still nothing and we are both more than a little freaked out she has had no breast tenderness or fatigue and only some spotting,gluten is a protein found in wheat rye barley and crossbred hybrids of these grains the good news is many foods are naturally free of gluten including fruits vegetables lean proteins nuts oils and dairy the nutrition label can help you determine which products gluten free the term gluten free can be helpful but is not a regulated claim even though the fda is working to define it when you read a label look for gluten containing ingredients including wheat barley rye oats due to likely cross contamination brewers yeast and malt beer labeling laws require allergens to be labeled including wheat proteins so any food that says contains wheat is off limits this does not apply to barley rye and oats or items that may have been cross contaminated so if there is any doubt contact the manufacturer you might want to discuss with your healthcare provider if you can tolerate small amounts of gluten if you can you may not need to be as vigilant as those with celiac for more on going gluten free check out this slideshow can i use benadryl cream with zyrtec,yes these two medications are compatible i have me myalgic encephalomyelitis and finding it impossible to lose weight,radiation therapy is usually given to treat breast cancer after a lumpectomy and sometimes after a mastectomy to reduce your risk of the cancer returning in that breast the radiation treatments generally start several weeks after the surgery so the area has some time to heal if your doctor recommends chemotherapy along with radiation therapy this might be given before you start radiation therapy once radiation treatments start you can expect to receive small daily doses of radiation over a period of several days to several weeks what is postpartum depression,postpartum depression lasts longer than baby blues and it is more severe the symptoms of postpartum depression include sleep disruption appetite changes either loss of appetite and losing more postpartumweight than you should or overeating having no interest in seeing people inability to enjoy the things you used to enjoy inability to concentrate intense self criticism and self blame thinking that you are a bad mother and you can not do anything right inability to bond with your baby which can cause intense feelings of shame or guilt if you have several of these symptoms and they have persisted for some time call your doctor to ask about being screened for postpartum depression and if you have had any thoughts of harming the baby or yourself make that call right away what are the main causes of infertility,n the primary cause of infertility is a sperm disorder a man may have no sperm or low sperm or there could be a problem with how the sperm is moving for women the primary cause of infertility is an ovulation disorder normally a woman ovulates every month usually around the middle of the menstrual cycle which averages 28 days experts say that women with an ovulation disorder may not ovulate at all or they may ovulate irregularly other common causes of infertility in women are a blockage of the fallopian tubes which prevents an egg from traveling to the uterus and hormonal defects that make the uterine lining unprepared for egg implantation or that keep a pregnancy from being maintained been experiencing a warmpain sensation in my left pectoral that tends to radiate occasionally across my shoulder,hi i recommend that you do an ecg and heart echo to make sure it is not cardiac related first then you can do a cervical x ray to check for nerve problems good luck what kind of doctor do i need to see to get female hormone pills if your a man im already in therapy i just want to know what kind of doctor i need to see,there are many forms of bipolar disorder i do not know how many i have bipolar 1 disorder with psychotic features i tend to get manic and land myself in a psychiatric hospital when i am un medicated the bipolar aspect of my disorder mood swings severe emotional highs and lows and occasional rapid cycling between feeling really good and really bad do not get me hospitalized or into any kind of legal trouble the psychotic features of my brand of bipolar disorder have gotten me into lots of trouble it is hard to behave in a way that makes sense when your mind does not auditory hallucinations can be very confusing visual hallucinations can be terrifying i have never become manic and not become psychotic and a danger to myself or others when a person is judged to be a danger to them self or others by a mental health crisis team they get institutionalized and held against their will in an inpatient psychiatric facility until they are no longer a threat to themselves or others fortunately i only become psychotic when i am manic and mood stabilizers take care of that for me it is unfortunate that i can not enjoy the euphoric feeling of being manic without becoming psychotic and then becoming a danger to myself or others i am really missing out being manic feels really good alienating others and sometimes getting arrested does not feel good in patient psychiatric facilities are annoying places to live in but at least they are tolerable and know how to treat my mental illness quickly and efficiently by getting me back on my medication my longest psychiatric hospitalization lasted 2 months i generally only have to be hospitalized for about a week when i stop taking my medication and become manicpsychotic i have been hospitalized for psychiatric reasons more than 2 dozen times when a patient is ready for release is up to the staff not the patient at a psychiatric facility i take lithium every day lithium is a mood stabilizer when stabilizing in a psychiatric ward or hospital other medications are also necessary in order to make me sane again i have to take one of the following anti psychotic medications to stabilize my sanity during a manicpsychotic episode risperadol prolixin or thorazine i have tried many more psychiatric medications before but these ones work for me i do not like taking anti psychotic medications because they have many unpleasant long term and short term side effects fortunately i only have to take anti psychotic medications while i am stabilizing and not to maintain stability i do not mind lithium that much i do have to take lithium or another mood stabilizing medication every day in order to maintain stability i have met many other people with bipolar disorder before and there are many different kinds i have met many other patients that have had other forms of it while i have been inside psychiatric facilities i was medical abortion successful i had an abortion one week ago i was four weeks pregnant i bled heavily on the first two days and then it became lighter on the fourth day after the pill i saw a small red tissue like thing with a kinda rope attached is dat the fetus am really worried about if the abortion was successful cus i can not get an ultrasound done anytime soon thanks,hi i would say from what you described would have been that sometimes a women would not even see that look if you feel good and well and you ok then things went the way they should have you a mothers clinic near you if so go along they could help you as most things are free but now would be the time to really think of the bc pill then this should not happen again remember safe sex is the best sex hope this helps you good luck how can thrush be prevented,the following can help you prevent thrush follow good oral hygiene practices brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day avoid mouthwashes or sprays these products can destroy the normal balance of microorganisms in your mouth see your dentist regularly especially if you have diabetes or wear dentures limit the amount of sugar and yeast containing foods you eat foods such as bread beer and wine encourage candida growth if you smoke quit ask your doctor or dentist about ways to help you kick the habit i am on birth control i experienced light bleeding for a couple of days after my cycle ended what could be happening,there are a couple of possible explanations for this light spotting the most common one would be light breakthrough bleeding due to the hormones in your birth control pill bcp with prolonged bcp use the lining of the uterus can become thinner this can make it easier for spotting to occur often such spotting will present after intercourse or even heavy exercise typically it does not develop into a full on period like bleed other reasons for spotting after sex can include problems with the face of your cervix for example if you have a new infection with chlamydia that can make the cervix friable easier to bleed when touched by fingers penis etc if you had a polyp in the cervical canal the polyp tissue is very fragile and bleeds easily my best guess is bcp caused spotting if the spotting persists or you have risks for chlamydia e g new partner or multiple partners you should see your gyn of clinic for follow up if the bcp is the culprit for the poor cycle control a change in bcp formula or brand can be helpful i get this itch in just one spot on the back of my head do you think it may be a reaction to medication,maybe it is time for you to consult a dermatologist there are many stronger creams used to treat eczema but they require a prescription yes sometimes oral medications are used in the management of severe complicated eczema especially a case that may be secondarily infected but again this would require an examination there are no pills over the counter other than antihistamines to control itching that would have any beneficial effect on this skin condition hi one of the things my son uses is neutrogena its one of there top ones works for him or the other thing he uses is just a cheap one you can use it as a cream and wash with it its aqueous cream in the uk its so cheap to buy but the other things i spoke abut are just simple testing it finds out what behind your problem its how my son found out what his problem was coming from there must be someone doing that in the states and it should be a dermatologist its so wrong for himher to just look and give out meds you must ask for some testing to be done hope this helps good luck hi i actually did see a dermatologist and he prescribed the ointments steroid ointment but it is just not working that is why i asked if there were maybe pills that i can take to treat it my hands are at the point that it looks like my fingers are going to fall off it is raw and red and very very dry and they hurt like anything to the point i can not even stretch my fingers out all the way are there any known or possible side effects from using a nitric oxide supplement for weight lifting,1 – he means to avoid sudden fast movements 2 take the rightful rest … is v imp 3 – take off the collar only if you r gonna sleep what should i do if i suspect an overdose of tambocor,hi as long as you had not masturbated before seeing your gf things should be ok but please stop playing around like that seems your on the verge of full sex if not already happened she needs to be on bc like the pill nothing safer than safe sex stops all the worrying ok good luck i have had two flare ups where my stomach gets extremely extended,hi the bacterial rash seems to have nothing to do with the underlying abdominal complaints the flaring up of abdomen is due to the gaseous bloating check out if you have lactose intolerance so that you can avoid eating stuff that causes such gaseous distention get ultrasound abdomen done to rule out other pathologies thanks is it safe to take a decongestant if i have high blood pressure,decongestants can increase blood pressure and heart rate and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes pseudoephedrine is the primary oral decongestant available in general if your blood pressure is well controlled with medications then a decongestant should not be a problem as long as you monitor your blood pressure this may not be true with certain types of blood pressure drugs check with your doctor or pharmacist about what may be best for you complete hysterectomy 6 months ago but went to the bathroom and had a tiny blood clot and very light bleeding,hi the bacterial rash seems to have nothing to do with the underlying abdominal complaints the flaring up of abdomen is due to the gaseous bloating check out if you have lactose intolerance so that you can avoid eating stuff that causes such gaseous distention get ultrasound abdomen done to rule out other pathologies thanks what is a hemiplegic migraine,a hemiplegic migraine is temporary paralysis hemiplegia or sensory changes on one side of the body the onset of the headache may be associated with temporary numbness or a stroke like weakness on one side of the body dizziness or vision changes how can i getting started with aerobic exercise,to start an aerobic exercise program just put on your running shoes and start walking it is fun and free you can walk in your neighborhood at a local mall or on a track at school if walking is not your thing grab your bike and start riding or swim laps or do all of these there are enough choices to let you do a different one each day for a month or longer bleeding after sex but have not had a period in years because of my iud shoulda i see my ob i have had my iud for about four and a half years recently after sex i have noticed that i will begin bleeding it is not immediate but seems to go on into the following afternoon or evening it is very light minimal spotting and occasionally a clot or two i have not had a period regularly in my entire life and they essentially stopped after the first six months with my iud should i see my ob and what could possibly be the cause,the vaginal area is very vascular so even a tiny sex related tear can cause some bright red bleeding since this can heal very fast your gyn may not find the cause of the bleeding if it was caused by minor trauma please keep in mind that there can be numerous other causes including those related to your iud placement so it would be prudent to see your medical provider since this bleeding is a new phenomena for you i have long term diarrhea and it does not stop for months,in my opinion you are treating a symptom by loperamide as it reduce the diarrhea but not treating the cause which seems to be celiac disease try gluten free diet and gluten free bear and see the results thanks is stress causes acne one of my friend told me that acne is caused by stress is it really true or not tell me the causes of acne so that i can clear it that stress is a cause or not,i agree with you testing him for strep would have been prudent although he was not experiencing a severe sore throat there can be other reasons intestinal virus to account for his array of symptoms preventing dehydration is essential i suspect he is nauseated so there are medicines that can be prescribed so that he can drink fluids without vomiting call his medical provider some immediate signs of dehydration includes lack of tears dry mouth and a reduced urine flow if he is experiencing these he should be re evaluated immediately by his medical provider will bed bugs harm my unborn child i am five months pregnant and i have been bitten by bed bugs i want to know if the bites will harm my baby is there any disease it could bring to my child,at such an early age such symptoms are generally not considered under amnesia it is commonly due to severe stress excessive work load nutritional deficiency some worries or tensions etc but still a consultation with a psychiatrist should be done to rule out the exact cause and treatment can be done accordingly… as of now make a note of important things do meditation and yoga try to stay happy and stress free and keep yourself engaged everything will be fine hope this helps regards how much does hope play in to the outcome of treatment its not that i have no hope for a favorable outcome but i am a plan for the first and hope for the best type of person my wife feels that i should not be that way and says that hope plays a huge role in the outcome what do you think,this sounds like pitariasis rosea which usually spreads to the trunk of the body bathe in selson blue i hurt my shoulder doctor put me on arm sling now doctor says fractured humuras,an earache from a cold can be a sharp dull or burning pain that can range from mild to very painful even if the trapped fluid in the ear is not infected the fluid puts pressure on the eardrum causing it to bulge and throb with an earache from a cold you or your child may have difficulty sleeping run a fever and have green or yellow mucus in the nose because colds are self limiting an earache with a cold usually goes away on its own still if you have an earache an ear infection may be likely which means you might need to see your doctor for a diagnosis and proper treatment while earaches can occur first with a cold virus sometimes a secondary ear infection may occur these ear infections are usually sudden in onset and extremely painful in the beginning that is because the sensory nerve endings in the eardrum respond to increased pressure with pain after the eardrum stretches a little the earache pain may ease up other symptoms of an earache from an ear infection may include the following loss of appetite this may be apparent in young children especially during bottle feedings pressure changes in the middle ear as the child swallows causing more pain irritability poor sleep pain may be more persistent when lying down as fluid is shifting fever ear infections can cause temperatures up to 104 degrees f vertigo you may have a sense of spinning drainage from the ear yellow brown or white fluid that is not earwax may seep from the ear indicating the eardrum has ruptured difficulty hearing fluid build up in the middle ear prevents the eardrum from functioning properly the sound is then unable to be transmitted to the bones of the middle ear and from there to the brain otitis media with effusion symptoms of acute otitis media will disappear but the fluid which is called an effusion may remain trapped fluid causes temporary and mild hearing loss i keep getting up to urinate in the middle of night what can i do to stop i am a 38 year old female with oab i am currently being treated with oxybutynin er 15 mg,i am sorry your bladder issue is disrupting your sleep how annoying since you are already taking an appropriate medication i suggest you have a chat with your health care provider to see if the dosage is right or maybe you need a different medication for the overactive bladder one thing you can do is stop drinking fluids close to bedtime i realize oxybutynin can cause dry mouth and other unpleasant side effects but cutting of liquids within a couple of hours of bedtime might help you avoid waking up at night the best advice though is to discuss this nighttime urination problem with your health care provider to get personalized advice best of luck to you i do not have insurance right now so is there any over the counter treatment i can use for a genital herpe outbreak,no there is nothing over the counter that will really help genital herpes sorry i had acl surgery 20 years ago intense rehab now in winter my knee swells and stiffens what is going on in my knee i live in canada but have been escaping the winter in the past 7 years until this year after shoveling snow through the winter my knee kept getting stiffer and swelling occurred difficulty bending the knee getting up or sitting down it seems cold related but i may be wrong in the past 2 decades my knee did swell and stiffened after major exertions for a short time but very brief and not as intense as this time i am presently 47 years of age sincerely stephen,ideally whether or not you have asthma exercise should be performed four to five times per week for at least 30 minutes talk to your doctor to find out how much exercise you should get if i exercise and change my diet will my excess skin diminish or will i have to have it surgically removed will hanging loose skin tighten up with weight loss and exercise,thanks for using this forum experimentation at teenage is quite common but that doesnot make you gay however you should think maturely now and try to overcome the ocd part with adequate drugs take care does the herbalife diet supplement interfere with the effectiveness of camila birth control,yes you can fly in an airplane when you have mono my child is 17 months old and has just got this rash on her chest,hi this is ringworm fungal infection apply anti fungal creams keep her surroundings and clothes clean maintain proper hygiene do not scratch or rub the lesion this should improve in 3 5 days if it does not then you should consult a skin specialist thanks i had a partial hysterectomy in my ‘40 is at 51 i have hot flashes mood changes and depression is this is menopause,it sure sounds like you are becoming menopausal one test that would probably help would be to do a blood test to measure your estrogen level estradiol and a hormone called fsh follicle stimulating hormone made by the pituitary and as the ovaries stop working the pituitary gets working harder to try to stimulate them and the fsh goes up if you are having bothersome symptoms estrogen would most likely help and presuming you are basically in good medical health otherwise your health care provider could prescribe it to you another possibility as you mentioned that you were dealing with significant depression would be an ssri type antidepressant it might well help with your mood and should also help some with hot flashes is shingles contagious,i am not a doctor but i have breast fed 8 children and have some experience in this area it is absolutely possible if you have breast fed in the past i do not know if this can happen if you have not breast fed before even semi distant past you can start producing milk again if your sexual partner does a lot of caressing and sucking on your breast if you are still ovulating andor having a period and even if you are using birth control this can happen it does not necessarily mean your pregnant you can always ask your partner if it taste like milk that would be a quick way to find out if it really is milk breast milk does tend to be sweeter than cow milk though hopefully this was helpful if you all ready did not get an answer previously what stage is cirrhosis of the liver when the person becomes delusional we just found out my son in law has cirrhosis of the liver he is currently in the hospital and the doctors are running test they will do a biopsy on monday if he does not have a fever he is currently having periods of being delusional thinking various things are happening when nothing is going on our daughter said this morning that he told the nurses rats where running along the floor,i am sorry for the illness of your brother in law i do not know his medical history and i am not a doctor but i will try to provide you with some information as follows the symptoms as you describe can occur at any stage of liver disease but a diagnosis for the condition is not usually made until acute liver failure occurs sometimes the symptoms appear even when liver disease has not been diagnosed the condition is called hepatic encephalopathy because the liver is damaged and cannot adequately remove toxins from the bloodstream the toxins build up in the body causing confusion fatigue and sometimes hallucinations hepatic encephalopathy can lead to mental deterioration personality changes coma and even death but hepatic encephalopathy may also be reversible through treatments directed at removing the toxins and eliminating protein from the diet patients with hepatic encephalopathy may experience delusions hallucinations or illusions a delusion is a wrong fixed idea such as “i am the king of england ” a hallucination occurs when a person perceives something through the senses where there is no actual stimulus an example of a hallucination might be seeing rats running down a blank wall an illusion is a sense oriented defect in which a stimulus is present but incorrectly identified by one of the senses an example of an illusion might be seeing a crack in a wall and believing that it actually a trail of rats summary many times there are no overt symptoms of liver disease during the early stages of liver disease including cirrhosis it is suspected that your brother in law may be in a more advanced stage of liver disease your brother in law appears to be in an acute stage of liver disease that has resulted in toxin build up within the body causing stage 3 hepatic encephalopathy hepatic encephalopathy patients may have a reversal of this condition with efficient and timely medical treatment unfortunately some hepatic encephalopathy patients do not respond to treatment and death may occur i hope that this answer has been helpful and that you and your family remain well during this period of medical uncertainty my son is 2 has eczema mild at moment he suffers from diarrhea constantly but not ill he also is prone to chest infections and penis infections currently today he is suffering from all plus oral thrush up is there anything doctors can do to help i should be asking for,you seem concerned by the eczema diarrhea frequent chest infections and oral thrush in your 2 year old child a number of disorders can present with these features many of the children are simply having the repeated viral upper respiratory tract infections that are a normal part of growing up in others the symptoms are the first manifestations of asthma but in an important minority there is a clear history of persistent or recurrent episodes of pneumonia or of chronic sputum production indicating more severe pathology it is important to rule out uncommon causes like bronchiectasis cystic fibrosis and immunodeficiency in consultation with your paediatrician as the same is not possible online hope this helps take care note this post is not to emphasise final diagnosis as the same cannot be made online and is aimed just to provide medical information and no treatment suggested above be taken without face to face consultation with health care professional do the new mammogram screening guidelines apply to women taking hormone therapy,the u s preventive services task force did not address this question hormone therapy increases a woman is risk for breast cancer the general consensus among the experts was that women on hormone therapy should discuss annual screening with their doctors can a person with labyrinthitis wear hearing aids the hearing aids seem to cause me more vertigo and sounds in my ears when i remove them i can not seem to hear clearly with them i spent 5000 for the hearing aids and now i feel they are not working i am 86 but in relatively good health i have had labyrinthitis most of my adult life the hearing is getting worse as i age,see an ear nose and throat ent specialist again one that specializes in inner ear disorders neuro otologist based on your brief posting i am not sure that you have labyrinthitis which typically does not last all of your adult life i suspect you have something different but that is just a blind guess also see an audiologist someone who can re test your hearing and see if your hearing assistive device can be improved it should not be causing your vertigo to be worse some forms of hearing loss and vertigo can worsen with age and you may be told at some point that little can be done but at this point you can not just throw in the towel see those specialists and you may have some more patient specific answers i am employed full time and contribute toward my health care insurance what will be the incentive for employers already providing very good health care coverage to maintain the plans they have it seems to me that this opens that door for everyone to have access to coverage whether they go to work every day or not but for those who do get out of bed every day to go to work and have had good insurance coverage until now will most likely get their plans downgraded to be more in line with what everyone will qualify for what will be my incentive to keep working when my unemployed neighbor gets the same insurance i do for staying home,all plans must now cover maternity care for members signed onto their policies i have strong stomach aches get constipated sweaty and even feel like passing out,i am very sorry to hear that your mother is so sick from your question it sounds like she is still in the hospital before she is sent home ask her if you can talk to the doctor who is taking care of her you will need her permission for the doctors and nurses to talk to you about her illness this is to protect her privacy have a list of questions ready to ask the doctor depending on your mom is health you might want answers to some of the following questions • is there any special diet that she will be on if so can you talk to a dietitian • will you need any special equipment at home to help take care of your mom like a bedside commode or hospital bed • will homecare nurses be coming out to help her • will she be in any pain and if so what can you do to help her • will she be having any further treatments • what can you and your mom expect over the next several days or weeks when should you call the doctor • is she on any new medication if so how does she take it and are there any side effects • would hospice care be appropriate at this time • are there any support groups for cancer patients and their families in the area hopefully you will get all the answers that you both need your mother is very lucky to have someone like you to be her advocate can hsv 2 cause hsv 1 i recently found out that i have hsv 2 apparently i have had it for a long time because my boyfriend of 5 years does not have it i have never had an outbreak so i had no idea that i had it my 2 year old has what appears to be a mouth ulcer on the inside of her lip but she has also been running a fever i am worried that it may be hsv 1 because i know it can cause fever in kids is it possible that she contracted this from me even though i do not have hsv 1,hi this means you had a concussion little bleeding you should be better within 3 weeks after 3 month you should be back to normal almost 100 your doctor will recommend rest mental and physical rest also avoid taking aspirins or pain medication you can only take tylenol if needed good luck i am 28 yrs old and my chest feels heavy almost like muscle pain in the chest is it anxiety or something worse,i think it depends on the cause of gastroparesis if it was due to uncontrolled diabetes and you are now have better control it can go into remission so without knowing the cause i can not say for sure i would work closely with your healthcare provider and a dietitian that specializes in gastrointestinal diseases for more info see what is gastroparesis circumcised and foreskin is very itchy i am a 40 yr old and was circumcised at birth the skin left over has one patch that from time to time is very itchy with an almost burning sensation seems to come and go it is a small patch of skin that feels very dry has been the case for around 6 months is this an std,yes it can i suffer from gerd constant acid reflux if mine gets bad enough it can mimic a heart attack very painful stuff if you continue to have heart burn this bad and it appears without any cause you need to see a doctor about it if you can relate every episode to eating certain foods drinking certain drinks etc then maybe only a life style change is necessary but if you are getting the pressure pains from acid reflux then you might want to see a doctor anyway just to make sure its the heart burn causing this and not something else how can you remove a condom that could possibly be stuck inside your buttocks i am not 100 sure if it is still inside me as i had gone to the bathroom and was not able to see if it came out please help would i still feel it what would it feel like will it come out by itself how long would that take im scared,first the cause of the fluid accumulation needs to be established better to avoid surgeries laser therapy should be tried no surgery is needed for laser therapy and results are quite impressive about 5 weeks ago my 40 lb son fell on my left foot i had an x ray done and it showed no broken bones,hi from the history it seems that there may be a ligament injury if not a fracture even though you get a mri done the initial line of management would be a plaster boot so i would suggest you to apply a plaster boot for 3 weeks with complete bed rest and non weight bearing this will heal up the underlying injuries thanks found a bead size bump under the skin right outside of the anal area what can it be is a little sore this is not the 1st time it has happened i did feel it once before about 2 years ago and the same thing it was sore around the area and in the same spot which is losated to back part of the anal area,most helpful answer without being able to examine the area it sounds like either a hemorrhoid or possibly an abscess however your doctor needs to examine you to exactly determine what it is in addition to the bump a hemorrhoid is often itchy it is typically caused by constipation or having to strain more when having a bowel movement they are not typically sore but can be especially if they get inflamed however an abscess is more likely to be tender as it is a bacterial infection with a build up of pus in the area i have included a couple of links above to help you learn more about both of these conditions you need to determine exactly what is causing it by seeing your doctor in order to know how to treat it it could be one of these conditions or something else my nose is bleeding and eyes are bloodshot red and i can not taste my food,this is an allergic blood reaction get it tested by a physician maintain hydration my antidepressants destroyed my libido what other medication can help me,you may advise your boyfriend to see a board certified dermatologist about that particular concern or he may check out www clearclinic com how long can a cold virus stay on a uncleaned sofa that has been outside since march or february,hi if your in where all the real cold weather has been then its now germ free good luck should i use a denture adhesive,it makes sense to take them at same time each day but it is not 100 necessary antidepressants are made to work with each tablet for example if you take it one day you are not depressed and if you miss a day you get depressed they are not onoff switches the idea is to take antidepressants every day so they build up in your system and then they start to work 4 6 weeks later as a cumulative effect over time what can i do to get rid of a cherry angioma on my face,saline nasal sprays or mists can be applied to the nasal cavity avoid sharing spray bottles with other members of the family there are many types of nasal sprays available in the otc aisle be sure to ask your pharmacist for help with product selection i came down with acute viral myocarditis doctors say its due to anxiety need 2nd opinion,perhaps high blood pressure and the use of methamphetamines are very incompatible taking extra blood pressure medication to help combat the increased blood pressure response is foolish taking meth is foolish hypothyroidism i just had my blood works done and my doctor saw that my calcium levels are slightly above my normal range my potassium has been low for quite some time now as well for the past 5 to 6 years i have been feeling tired intermittently i do not sleep well and when i wake up even with 8 hours of sleep i do not feel rested also i have noticed that i have been having low grade fever i seem to be more sensitive to cold weather i noticed also that i can feel some hot areas on my skin,i would definitely go to the dermatologist to find out for sure i have had allergic reactions to the sun sun block water in strange places that i am not used to if it has been a while and you still have breakouts i would go to a dermatologist to find out what it could be you never know and its best to be safe than sorry i suffer from swelling in the center of my lumbar spine above my buttocks back ache and spine pressure,yes you could be pregnant i would definitely recommend taking a pregnancy test as soon as possible so you can get on prenatal vitamins right away if you are how do i sort through all the different health insurance plans to find the one best for me,figuring out which insurance plan will best meet your health needs for the coming year is far from simple if you get your insurance through an employer you will likely be given a few plan options from which to choose if you buy insurance in the private market you can search for plans available in your area and compare the benefits side by side at either healthcare gov or ehealthinsurance com when evaluating each plan take the following factors into consideration do the math estimating what your out of pocket costs will be over the course of the next year is one of the most important considerations when choosing a health plan that means calculating the cost of items such as expected deductibles co pays co insurance and prescriptions once you have added the numbers ask yourself is it cheaper to purchase a high deductible plan with a lower monthly premium that costs me more before benefits kick in or do i see a doctor frequently enough to make it worth my while to pay more each month for a plan that covers costs right away for each doctor visit or treatment also factor in your worst case scenario what will your maximum financial exposure be if you get sick and need serious medical care most insurers offer plan modeling tools on their web site to help you factor in how many times you typically see a doctor during the year how many prescriptions you take and whether you are planning a surgery to help you figure out what your total out of pocket costs might be and which plan options might best serve you review covered services if you are planning to become pregnant and your plan does not cover maternity care a common situation in the private market you will be left with a hefty bill upon baby is arrival carefully check out the list of excluded benefits in the health plan summary if in doubt call the insurance company directly to confirm that the type of care and services you require are covered under the plan you are considering provider networks and drug formularies is your doctor in the network are the three medications you take each month listed in the health plan is formulary if not you are in for sticker shock provider network and drug formulary information should be listed in the summary plan description or you can check the insurer is web site for that information if you are searching for insurance on your own ehealthinsurance com offers an option whereby you can type in your doctor is name to see if she or he is in a health plan is network you might also want to call your doctors directly to confirm participation i have had stomach problems for 27 years abdominal pain and constipation and rectal bleeding has been more frequent,fresh blood in stools can be due to colonic lesions or hemorrhoids black coloured blood stools malena can be due to intestinal lesions endoscopy and barium enema will help you come to a diagnosis i have large visible pores on my face especially my chin how can i reduce them,this happened to me go to nose ear and throat doc may have fluid trapped in the inner ear do dna skin repair products really work,up until fairly recently the only way to reverse sun damage was to have laser treatments chemical peels or use retinols and prescription tretinoin creams a revolutionary innovation in the cosmeceutical industry is changing that now all you may need to do is go to your drugstore or department store and look for products that contain dna repair ingredients these ingredients now come in every product imaginable — creams lotions serums sunscreens and here is the wonderful thing they really do work dna skin repair ingredients are usually based on enzymes derived from a variety of sources including plankton and plants most of the major skin care companies are already selling dna repair products and are closely following the new research all these products seem to improve the skin so it is not necessary to buy the most expensive one these enzymes work by restoring dna that has been damaged by free radicals most often caused by sun exposure pollution and other environmental factors dna damage is what causes sagging wrinkles and rough textured skin in other words it is what makes you look old dna repair products do not seem to fade brown spots though and though they soften fine lines they will not have the dramatic effect of botox or hyaluronic acid fillers that plump deep creases still people really notice a difference after a few weeks of using these products and they are usually happy with the results one of the advantages of most dna repair products is that unlike tretinoin and retinols which should only be used at night they do not interact with sunlight and can be used during the day in fact a few sunscreens already include dna repair ingredients although the research is still coming in this may be the wave of the future in sun protection my granddaughter has a cough and nasal discharge that disrupt sleep can a 3 month old have an allergy,we all love our pets we treat them like family members and in many ways we treat them better than people but can they cause you misery where you least expect it yes indeed snoring pooches in our bed can wreak havoc on our sleep and we are not always as inclined to kick them out as we would a snoring spouse i was reminded about the trials of sleeping with a snoring dog when i read an amusing blog called “fully vetted ” the author and veterinarian patty khuly brought up a few interesting points * if you suffer from insomnia aside from your snoring bed partner then your problems finding sleep are even more challenging — especially if you awaken in the middle of the night and can not get back to sleep thanks to the nasally roar of your neighbor * the same physical issues experienced by humans when they snore airway obstruction must also affect snoring dogs dogs who snore are almost certainly experiencing some degree of respiratory compromise that affects their waking lives too so yes i guess dogs can be victims of sleep apnea just like humans * but unlike humans dogs do not sweat they regulate their body temperature through panting — using their tongue and airway as a cooling mechanism dogs who are unable to move air efficiently are not only more likely to suffer heat stress they are also less likely to move enough air into their bodies to oxygenate their blood efficiently which helps explain why snore prone breeds can suffer from chronic fatigue * dogs that endure a lifetime of poor breathing can end up getting hiatal hernias which can be life threatening so yes something as seemingly harmless as snoring can instigate other health troubles that create a domino effect down a dangerous path but then again the same can be said for humans who snore due to something like obstructive sleep apnea which can trigger respiratory and circulatory distress farther down the line all this brings to mind a recent headline about dogs who die while traveling on planes it turns out that short snouted dogs are most likely to die on planes–bulldogs pugs and similar breeds made up about half of deaths in past 5 years short nosed breeds — known as “brachycephalic” in the dog world — have a skull formation that affects their airways they can not cool themselves off so easily and are prone to heat distress and in severe cases death luckily humans [all] have similarly shaped nasal passages what distinguishes those who snore and may suffer health consequences from those who do not is usually related to something other than the shape of one is nose body weight especially neck circumference is one such factor the thicker your neck the higher your risk for snoring among other health challenges but it is interesting how the problems that plague our four legged friends are not all that different dogs and humans i have or think i have hair loss when should i contact my doctor,call your doctor if your hair loss is sudden rather than gradual you notice hair shedding in large amounts after combing or brushing or if your hair becomes thinner or falls out you are concerned that a medicine may be causing your hair loss you have a rash scaliness or any change in the skin on your scalp with hair loss you see signs of bacterial infection on your scalp such as increased pain swelling redness tenderness or heat red streaks extending from the area discharge of pus fever of or higher with no other cause your hair is gradually thinning and balding and you want to discuss treatment options with your doctor watchful waiting watchful waiting is a period of time during which you and your doctor observe your symptoms or condition without using medical treatment watchful waiting may be appropriate if your hair loss is gradual and is similar to the pattern of hair loss seen in your parents or brothers or sisters but if your gradual hair loss bothers you your doctor may be able to slow or reverse it if clumps of hair fall out your hair loss may be caused by a disease and it is important to contact your doctor hair loss caused by alopecia areata often reverses on its own watchful waiting is an option after you have been diagnosed with this condition who to see health professionals who can give you advice and treatment on hair loss include family medicine doctors internists physician assistants nurse practitioners dermatologists hair transplant surgery is usually done by dermatologists plastic surgeons to prepare for your appointment see the topic making the most of your appointment webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i was prescribed adderall xr and nexium i do not have insurance is there a program that will help pay for the scripts,if you have been attempting pregnancy for three years and have not conceived you and your partner need to see a fertility specialist to determine the reasons why you are having problems i am 37 years old just found out i am pregnant i have three wonderful boys with one man we were together 13 years but split when my youngest was 7 months old i am now living with a man and been together for three years the thing is i am scared about it having another child and being the only parent to care for it i love the man i am with but he works long hours and is gone for weeks at a time what am i to do to raise this child alone one day i was browsing on the internet i saw chief oduduwa l on facebook oduduwa ajakaye oduwalegba@outlook com or +2348165061583 testimony saying that he help people who can not get pregnant and people that do not have any child that are looking for i quickly took his email and contact him for help after doing what he ask me to do things change and that day i got my self back again and i was having enough power and every thing went through so i contact my friend that live in nyc she has be married for 12 years but no child to my best surprise my friend that was childless for the past 12 years was pregnant oh my god with oduduwa all thing are possible am 23 yrs old guy and i have acne on my face and my face is oily i am facing this acne problem since i was 14 when ever i woke up from sleep i found yellow acne at the corner of my nose and some times on chick too i also have acne on my forehead and my back and shoulder this acne make my face skin dull and more darker as compared to other part of body i tried many different face wash but no changes found please suggest any treatment to get rid of it,you would not have a problem on a drug screening from taking the drugs you mentioned in the amounts you mentioned because they are not related to narcotics you could get a dui however or a driving under the influence charge if you drove erratically after taking too much cold medication and were caught by a cop it would still be counted as being under the influence but you would have to be driving really badly and you would have to fail the field sobriety test moral if you are woozy from cold meds stay home it is safer anyway husband has been diagnosed wibs it involves diarrhea & sometimes it involves constipation is this normal,yes actually that is completely normal for ibs irritable bowel syndrome also sometimes called irritable bowel disease includes an array of different types of bowel problems in general ibs refers to a condition in which the large intestine bowel becomes inflamed and irritated this can produce symptoms of pain indigestion and changes in stool the pattern of symptoms for each person with ibs is different some people tend to experience more constipation with ibs while others experience more diarrhea but often a person with ibs struggles to cope with a blend of these two extremes it is not uncommon for ibs to cause constipation one week and diarrhea the next your husband may find he needs to make dietary changes to help manage his ibs he may need to find the right amount of fiber that helps soften his stool enough to avoid constipation but not so much it makes the diarrhea worse ibs is an unpleasant condition and your husband undoubtedly can use all the support you can offer wishing you well acne since 12 years old and needing urgent assistens hello i have cystic acne and i have been trying to make my face as acne free as possible also get rid of the after scars of cystic acne i have used antibiotics for 4 months and stop at the end of december last year while i have been using the antibiotics i had no visual appears of acne on my face then after about 3 weeks of not using the antibiotics the acne started again could you help me with my problem i have also been using some topical creams and also an antibiotic roll on for my face,there is nothing really urgent about treating acne but it needs to be medically managed if you truly have cystic acne it may need to have the services of a good dermatologist perhaps using accutane the purpose of this site is to answer brief questions so i really cannot blindly treat you in the this forum with little or no information especially without being able to examin you i know it is frustrating for you but acne can be effectively controlled on the proper medical regime it may be time to take your treatment up a notch it will take sometime to get cure from acne problem in severe conditions but not impossible you wrote about the medicines applied to your acne problem like antibiotics why can not you try natural skin care products for your problem i have been heard from some of my friends that they have been healed from acne problem by using some natural products which are manufactured from the products of vanuatu these products can heal better than the drugs ointments and creams for this problem so why can not you try tamanu oil which is made up of natural ingredients and no toxic mixed you can have the best results with the oil mentioned as it is the best natural acne treatment follow the procedure mentioned on the product and get the best result of it hello i am 14 and i am a virgin i did not have my period this past month i also have a yeast infection what is going on i have not been diagnosed with the yeast infection but i have itching and burning i also have white clumpy vaginal discharge i got my period when i was 13 i am turning 15 on the 16th of this month and this is this first time i have ever missed a period is something wrong i am not on birth control and the only medication i am currently on is zoloft,i am sorry to hear you feel you are being ignored by the medical professionals who are treating you that is not good sometimes a person has to be very vocal in telling their health care provider what they want done and why if you feel your complaints of chronic back pain have been ignored perhaps this would be a good time for you to tell your doctor straight out that you want some testing done on your back to figure out what is causing the pain it can be helpful to take a trusted family member or friend with you on these appointments this person can act as an advocate or a person who will take up your cause with you your advocate should have a pen and some paper to take notes and he or she should feel free to ask questions i hope this approach will get you the results you want how can i encourage my children to brush their teeth,until your child can shower and wash her own hair she still needs help with her oral hygiene to prevent brushing battles here are some age appropriate tips i have learned from patients parents and my own two boys toddler make tooth brushing a game sing a silly song get 3 toothbrushes so your toddler can hold one in each hand while you brush your child is teeth with the third brush preschool let him choose between two flavors of toothpaste or which brush he wants to use after he brushes for the count of 10 it is your turn for 10 go back and forth a few times kindergarten allow her to do the morning brushing solo but use an egg timer so she knows how long to brush at bedtime you get to help or at least take a turn after she finishes elementary school children this age should be able to brush their own teeth but you may have to remind them ask the hygienist to give your child a personal lesson to make sure he is on track with his skills middlehigh school there may be times when your preteen or teen takes a vacation from brushing dental check ups are crucial to let her know if she needs to ramp up her brushing and flossing if all else fails you can always point out that skipping out on the twice a day regime may result in bad breath a sure way to keep friends and companions away do not forget to take a fun trip to the pediatric dentist every 6 months can diet help with chemotherapy nausea,i have same problem except i use to get wet before i had a hysterectomy but i have never had an orgasm either and if i did i did not reconize it question about possible oral cancer tongue i have a spot on my tongue that has been causing me pain for approx 10 yrs have seen ents over the years now i have to get a biopsy the doctor is going to remove a fairly large sample around 1 i will be asleep for it if this was cancer would not it have taken over already then again i guess it would depend on the type of cancer i have not used tobacco i have noticed that this hurts more at certain times of the month i am a woman the doctors have no answer for this,surgery is one of two main treatments for early stage prostate cancer radiation is the other surgery may be done to remove the prostate and its cancer it may done to remove and test lymph nodes in the area to see whether the cancer has spread it also may be done to fix urinary problems that are caused by a tumor pressing on the urethra the stage of your prostate cancer along with your age and general health will affect the type of surgery you choose surgery choices radical prostatectomy is an operation to remove the entire prostate and any nearby tissue that may contain cancer it can be done as open surgery through an incision cut in the belly or as laparoscopic surgery through several very small incisions in the belly laparoscopic surgery is done with a tiny camera and special instruments to remove the prostate sometimes lymph nodes in the area also are removed so that they can be checked for signs of cancer this is called a lymph node biopsy nerve sparing surgery helps preserve the nerves that are along the side of the prostate and that are needed for an erection this is only done when there is little chance of leaving cancer cells behind if you already have sexual function issues nerve sparing surgery may not be the best choice for you laparoscopic surgery is most often done by hand a few doctors now do this surgery by guiding robotic arms that hold the surgery tools this is called robot assisted prostatectomy what to think about removing the prostate can cause erection problems and bladder problems but for many men these problems get better over time if you and your doctor decide that you need surgery be sure to choose a highly skilled surgeon at a hospital that has a good success rate studies show that men have fewer side effects from prostate surgery when they have a skilled and experienced surgeon 15 surgery may completely remove your prostate cancer but it is not possible to know for sure before surgery whether the cancer has spread beyond the prostate when cancer has spread it cannot always be cured with surgery alone webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated my 6 weeks old baby her lips are turning purple and i only breastfed,that is a controversy i have many patients including physicians as adults who have been circumcised and initially after the circumcision they are hypersensitive they can feel more than they like it is almost more uncomfortable than they can take and then it levels off some men will tell you that they do not feel any more or less after the circumcision some men feel very maimed that the sensation is dramatically lost if the foreskin is a sensory organ and they lose that there are other men that do not like having a foreskin that they find it to be a problem for them whether they find a lot of infection or maybe it is social maybe in the gym all the other guys in the shower are circumcised and they feel out of place there are risks to the surgery in good hands those risks are minimal but they can not be eliminated so the circumcision in newborns or adults needs to be looked at by you by your partner in discussions with your doctor as to what you feel is best for you as a family understanding that there are pros and cons to both sides usually an uncircumcised guy has more sensitivity because the nerve endings down there are left intact luckily for us cut guys there is an amino acid called acetyl l carnitine that repairs these endings and restores some of the lost feeling you can find it in a penis health creme called man1 man oil it contains other vitamins and nutrients as well great product hope this helps i had a soft tissue contrast neck mri it was a terrible experience is this normal,hi this is an allergic reaction to the contrast agent + the mri you probably had sudden increase in blood pressure i recommend consulting your neurologist to be safe good luck can you take a warm bath when you have the chills and a slight fever i am feeling horrible chills a slight fever and feel a great amount of pressure at the top of my stomach making it a little harder to breath is this the withdraw of the pain meds they gave me at the hospital can i take a warm bath to soothe the pain,hi could be your just small statue and your body make up its a type of raynaud s syndrome on www earthclinic com ted recommends boric acid it relaxes your veins and this allows blood to flow better just like ed drugs do in fact its the poor mans viagra you just use a quarter tea spoon of boric acid in a litre of water and drink through the day its ok i have been doing this for over 4 years and still here ask for it in your chemist pharmacy i was getting mine in greece its dirt cheap to buy 1 euro gets a 100 grams hope this helps you good luck how long after having unprotected sex can you find out you are pregnant i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend 2 3 weeks ago and then 2 weeks later got the rod implant did a pregnancy test and it was negative but since i have had like 12 pees per day and it stings and tingles could i be pregnant,hi google bv and sea salt you will be amazed at the answers lot of info and no drugs good luck what can i do to naturally reduce my very deep laugh lines and forehead wrinkles,hi i would not sit there on your computer just get to an er or your doctor asap blood in stools means you bleeding internally so suggest you do not just sit there go get help good luck what increases a man is risk of infertility,the number and quality of a man is sperm can be affected by his overall health and lifestyle some things that may reduce sperm number andor quality include alcohol drugs environmental toxins including pesticides and lead smoking cigarettes health problems medicines radiation treatment and chemotherapy for cancer age is it normal for the side of your face to go numb after having the 2012 2013 flu vaccine what can be done about it i received the flu vaccine on saturday and woke up sunday morning with the right side of my face numb it feels like you do after getting an injection to have teeth pulled i have been told that i also have aquired a twitch on that side of my face,assuming he does not have a history of kidney problems protein shakes can be a part of his diet but not as a substitute for meals make sure he is not trying to lose weight to get into a lower weight class protein shakes will not make him stronger or his muscles bigger in spite of what he hears or reads on the side of the product excess protein can be a stress on the kidneys so make sure he remains well hydrated and does not exceed the recommended amounts of this product more is not better is there anything i can do during the process of losing weight that will reduce the potential of sagging skin i am a 41 year old woman i have lost 25 lbs and have 65 85 lbs to go i have been overweight for 15 years and i am nervous about having lots of sagging drooping skin when i get thinner i would like to avoid a surgical solution after the fact if there is anything i can do now to protect and condition my skin to spring back into place so to speak dermatology andor bariatric expert opinions especially welcome thanks,one of the key things you can do is to lose weight gradually about 1 2 pounds per week also eating a well balanced diet with enough protein and nutrients is also key exercise and toning muscles should also help congrats on your weight loss why do gallstones hurt,my unprofessional advice yes just to check it out if nothing else you have to be careful with anything so near the brain my brother ignored his pain and by the time he finally did something his jaw pain had turned into an abscess that moved into his face head eyes he very nearly died i have some birth control pills that expired in april 2013 are they still okay to take they are still in package,medications are not like milk that expires but when it comes to birth control pills is it really worth the chance of taking oral contraceptives that have expired eight months ago get advice from the pharmacist or your ob but i think you would be better off with new unexpired birth control pills can i smoke a cigar while recovering from walking pneumonia i went to the doctor on the 12th and he started me that day on iv drip antibiotics i went back the next day not feeling much better and he put me on another iv with the same antibiotic from the day before and a new one i feel a lot better today and i started my zpack along with suprax 400mg i have been stuck in my house or a doctors office the past 3 days and really want to go have a cigar with my friends you do not inhale cigar smoke but im just not sure if this is a good idea or not,most helpful answer i am sure that it is not a good idea your lungs are having a difficult time as it is recovering from your pneumonia so why make things worse with cigar smoke you may not feel that you are inhaling but enough smoke is getting into your respiratory tract to cause an inflammatory response increase mucous production and trigger a new round of coughing i am sorry that you are stuck in your house and are bored but smoking a cigar when you have pneumonia is not wise not wise at all what can i do for nighttime heartburn,no a pap smear is for the detection of cervical cancer it will not show benign fibroids in the uterus pregnant from anal sex my boyfriend and i had anal sex a few days ago and semen could have possibly leaked into my vagina i am on birth control but i missed my pill the day after and doubled up the next day he has a low sperm count but i am just not sure what are the chances that i am pregnant,for immediate cover try using oil free waterproof concealer that is dermatologically tested for sensitive skin and will cover hyperpigmentation burn scars tattoos and pimples without causing breakouts or irritation in addition you should implement a treatment protocol for pregnancy mask known medically as melasma by your dermatologist why do i get cold after i eat why do i get cold after i eat i am always cold but after i eat i freeze,falafel a middle eastern dish is high in protein and popular with vegetarians it is usually made from chick peas shaped into a ball and served in a pita pocket or on folded flat bread my family members are fans too and we love getting falafel pita sandwiches at the farmer is market in town we are such falafel fans that i want to be able to make them at home too they are actually easy to make ahead of time and can be used as a fun lunch entree for grown ups and kids alike falafel are usually deep fried but you can lighten them up by either cooking them in a nonstick frying pan with a controlled amount of canola or olive oil or you can lightly coat the outside of the falafel balls with canola or olive oil cooking spray and bake them until nicely browned here is a recipe for the baked version ingredients 13 cup dry bulgur wheat 15 ounce can garbanzo beans chickpeas drained and rinsed about 1 12 cups 12 cup chopped green onions 14 cup whole wheat flour 1 large egg higher omega 3 if available 14 cup loosely packed chopped parsley 1 12 teaspoons minced or chopped garlic 1 12 teaspoons ground cumin 34 teaspoon red pepper flakes optional 12 cup finely ground italian style or plain breadcrumbs canola or olive oil cooking spray preparation 1 place bulgur in a small bowl and pour in boiling water to cover it by 2 inches let soak for about 15 minutes 2 in the bowl of a food processor combine 34 cup of the cooked bulgur remove the bulgur from the bowl with a slotted spoon with garbanzo beans green onions whole wheat flour egg parsley garlic cumin and red pepper flakes if desired pulse scraping the sides of the bowl after about 5 seconds until the mixture is thick enough to form into balls 3 place breadcrumbs in a small bowl use a tablespoon measure to scoop a level tablespoon of falafel dough and drop it into the breadcrumbs roll it around in the breadcrumbs to lightly coat place the coated falafel on a sheet of waxed paper on the counter repeat with the remaining falafel dough cover the falafels loosely and let them stand for 1 hour you can skip this waiting period if you do not have the time 4 preheat oven to 450 degrees while still on the waxed paper coat the tops of the falafels generously with cooking spray lay the falafels cooking spray side down on a cookie sheet spray the tops of the falafels generously with more cooking spray 5 bake until golden brown about 22 minutes while they are baking you can whip up a batch of tahini dressing yield makes about 5 servings nutritional analysis per serving 182 calories 9 g protein 31 g carbohydrate 3 g fat 4 g saturated fat 4 g monounsaturated fat 4 g polyunsaturated fat 42 do antiviral agents protect people from the flu,vaccination is the primary method for control of influenza however antiviral agents have a role in the prevention and treatment of mainly influenza type a infection regardless antiviral agents should not be considered as a substitute or alternative for vaccination as of dec 15 2010 the cdc published the following concerning antiviral medications antiviral medications with activity against influenza viruses are an important adjunct to influenza vaccine in the control of influenza influenza antiviral prescription drugs can be used to treat influenza or to prevent influenza two fda approved influenza antiviral medications are recommended for use in the united states during the 2010 2011 influenza season oseltamivir tamiflu and zanamivir relenza oseltamivir and zanamivir are chemically related antiviral medications known as neuraminidase inhibitors that have activity against both influenza a and b viruses antiviral treatment is recommended as soon as possible for patients with confirmed or suspected influenza who have severe complicated or progressive illness or who are hospitalized antiviral treatment is recommended as soon as possible for outpatients with confirmed or suspected influenza who are at higher risk for influenza complications based on their age andor medical conditions clinical judgment should be an important component of outpatient treatment decisions antiviral medications currently recommended include oseltamivir and zanamivir based upon recent viral surveillance and resistance data indicating that >99 of currently circulating influenza virus strains are sensitive to these medications amantadine symmetrel and rimantadine flumadine should not be used because of high levels of resistance to these drugs among circulating influenza a viruses oseltamivir should be used to provide treatment or chemoprophylaxis prevention of the flu after exposure to the virus for infants younger than 1 year of age when indicated antiviral treatment can be considered for any previously healthy non high risk symptomatic outpatient with confirmed or suspected influenza who is not in the recommended groups based upon clinical judgment if treatment can be initiated within 48 hours of illness onset because antiviral resistance patterns may change over time clinicians should monitor local antiviral resistance surveillance data what is ethopropazine parsidolparsitan for parkinson is disease,ethopropazine parsidolparsitan is a drug sometimes used in the past to treat parkinson is disease how soon might someone have side effects from radiation therapy,there are two kinds of side effects from radiation therapy early and late early side effects such as nausea or fatigue are usually temporary and develop during or right after treatment late side effects such as lung or heart problems may take years to develop and are often permanent when they do can janumet and zantac be taken together,i am sorry your mom is going through this it sounds like a very uncomfortable situation if it is been less than a week since your mom saw the doctor then you may just need to hang in there awhile longer the symptoms you describe could be caused by many conditions including a cold virus you may need to take a watchful waiting approach to see if the situation gets better or worse if it gets better then great if it gets worse i would suggest a return trip to the doctor keep in mind i am just making suggestions i am not in a position to suggest a diagnosis or give medical advice hope your mom feels better soon why am i obsessed with eating disorders and losing weight i am 16 and basically i hate the way i look and i hate myself for saying this but i want to be underweight during the week i teat as little as i can and sometimes purge and also get guilty over eating a small amount but then at the weekend i tend to binge with barely any guilt i research eating disorders and weight lossexercise every night and it is the first thing i think of in the morning i am obsessed with all to do with eating disorders and weight loss why is this and what should i do,urine should not smell sweet so it would be wise to have a urinalysis to find out why your medical provider can order this test take a thorough medical history and perform and appropriate examination it would not be prudent to ignore this symptom problem with burning urine tried different antibiotic no helping it gets better when i drink water come back again my urine was taken to lab for further tests nothing unusual was found if i drink lot of water the burn will go away for couple of hours and come back again please help regards ,many women who have classic urinary tract symptoms often have urethritis irritation of the urinary opening this can be caused by soaps laundry detergents perfumed sheet dryer softeners and even a mild yeast infection the reason it may improve with urination and drinking water could be that you are washing out the irritant like soap what are the pros and cons of a minor having a back to back pregnancy age 16 tips to staying healthy so i had my daughter 2 months ago and under certain circumstancesrape i am pregnant again i am about to be 16 years of age and was wondering what the pros and cons to my health and the baby is would be i would just like to say i do intend to follow through on this pregnancyanti abortion also is there anything extra i can do to ensure i have the healthiest pregnancy that i can with this baby thank you,congratulations my sister was 15 with her first 17 her second and 20 her third she will be young with them and understand them more have more energy and in 15 years she will only be in her early 30s and her life will be hers plusyou she will have three friends by her side she went to a school for pregnant girls then college to study childcare and is now at uni and working part time as a teaching assistant where the girls get a free place so she did it and is having a ball so you can too i used to laugh when people would watch her with the babies and see how young she was and shake their heads at her she used to just laugh at them for being so blind to how happy and clean they was you are only young although your a mummy your still not full adult your still developing so the hospital will most likely keep an extra close eye you with e few extra scans but no reason your baby wont be healthy do you have any young mother groups near you maybe try an aquanatal class you will need a support network because sometimes you will need a rest you need to go and get your pregnancy vitamins from the doctor and a dating scan so you know where you are with it all yoga walking swimming all good for you and bump limit your tuna intake to once a week as mercury can build up in babies water no salad from salad bars as its easy to catch listeria no unpasturised or blue cheeses at least one but more if you can of dairy eggs milk yogurt five mixed fruit or veg each day for vitamins and minerals for babies bones and eyes and skin lean beef cooked well and chicken grilled fresh fish or soups if you dont like veg to get your nutrients swap normal potatoes for sweet potatoes and white rice and pasta for brown or wholemeal same for bread pulse foods like chick peas in hummous are good for energy pumpkin seeds on cereal of toasted pine nuts on salad are great for a good immune system drink plenty of water and get as much sleep as you can ginger is good for sickness as is fresh pineapple it has trypsinogen in which helps the tummy water milk fresh meat for protein and your low carbs for energy and fiber needs no smoking no drugs obviously alcohol in very small amounts and a nice treat once a week of whatever foodcakesweet craving takes your fancy if you need a c section you will need help looking after your little one for a few weeks as you wont be able to do any heavy lifting just the newborn thats it take a bit of time each day and put your feet up and relax remember when you het stressed the hormones in your brain i am taking tri lo sprintec and was recently prescribed bactrim ds my cycle has not started yet could i be pregnant,anytime you skip a period you should be concerned about being pregnant it is always a possibility you can take an over the counter pregnancy test or contact your gynecologist my 6 year old was diagnosed with cellulitis what do i do,this type of swelling in your foot is due to localized joint problem or electrolytes imbalance the steroid will not increase that swelling and if it is due to joint inflammation it will possibly heal it i̇f the swelling did not become better by ice elevation and anti inflammatory drug then you will need to see a specialist for some kidney checkup nothing to worry so far i have an abscess tooth been treating wanitbiotics cant be pulled for another year due to insurance will it be ok the tooth has been abscess for about 6 months now i have another year to wait until my insurance will pay for the partial i need i am a woman and it is a front tooth and i do not want to go toothless for over a year i do not want to hurt myself either so i need to know if i keep treating with antibiotics when it abscesses will i be ok until i can get my partial,that is a question that only your dentist can answer waiting a year being toothless is not something that anyone would want to do i really have no idea if you can wait a year some medical and dental problems precede our insurance you could not wait a year with appendicitis so you may not be able to wait a year before you have the proper insurance can someone help shed some light w my eeg results i can not see neuro until jan scared help please can anyone help explain eeg impression not looking for a diagnosis by random ppl on the internet obviously i will leave that up to my neuro i just want to know wth i am reading i can send impression results via email i am desperate i was already diagnose with epilepsy in 2008 and afraid it may be a drug resistant epilepsy judging by findings and google searched help i can not believe neuro can not ease my mind just a tad by talking over the phone,like what mrsasuage said use a black light like black c0cks if someone has uti should they use priinted toilet paper or not,the print on toilet tissue is safe it will not cause or worsen a uti the perfume in some toilet tissue can be problematic to some ultra sensitive women people but the print is okay is it wrong to take antibiotics for colds,antibiotics are worthless for colds colds are caused by viruses and no virus responds to an antibiotic period what are abortive medications for migraines,these are medications used to stop the headache process and prevent symptoms of migraines including pain nausea sound and light sensitivity etc they are most effective when used at the first sign of a migraine to stop the process that causes the headache pain fever or not fever dear doctor i am andrew i have 29 my question is about body temperature after a parainfluenza syndrome2 week ago in the last weeks my body temperature looks a little high but i have not any symptom and i am feel good in the morning my temperature looks good> 36 4 axillary 36 7 oral the temperature every afternoon4 00 pm 8 00 pm increase to 37 2 axillary 37 3 37 4 oral is this temperature normal or is it a low fever thank you in advance for your attention andrea,i do not think so why would i entrust my computer to people who advertize by spam what can i do to treat transient ischemic attack tia at home,hi lasix can help reduce edema but not a permanent solution you need physical therapy and muscle strengthening to regain your muscle tone and get ride of edema permanently good luck i can not eat more food or i will get the sick feeling,its just from the medicine u took also ovulation can cause this not to worry i take atenolol and have hydrocodone for pain is it safe to take them together,providing you do not have a fever it sounds like you are describing a common cold or the flu if you do have a fever or if you are experiencing chest congestion fluid in your lungs that causes coughing and shortness of breath you would do well to seek medical attention to make sure you do not have something more serious as long as you are not coughing up blood from your lungs you probably do not need to worry it is not unusual to cough up blood tinged sputum from the back of the throat if your symptoms remain mild and confined to simply nasal drainage sore throat and sneezing you may find some relief from over the counter cold remedies they will not make the cold go away but they may relieve the annoying symptoms the pharmacist can help you choose a product and instruct you on its proper use if your symptoms turn severe and you begin to run a fever then it is definitely time to get checked out by a health care provider he or she can diagnose and treat your illness if it is something more than a cold or the flu do not forget to drink plenty of fluids this will help keep the mucus thin which makes it easier to eliminate by coughing or blowing your nose feel better can conjunctivitis in your eye happen from a common cold have had a common cold that started 6 days ago woke up this morning with my eye stuck shut from discharge is this caused by my cold or do i need to see a doctor for medication from what i have read it sounds like this might be something that will clear up on it is own since i am pretty sure it is related to my cold,yes this would be called viral conjunctivitis however when it is only affecting one eye with purulent discharge i would be suspicious of a secondary bacterial component this is just a guess however since i have no way of seeing your eye first hand many times it is difficult to tell even during an examination so many medical providers will just treat it with topical ophthalmic antibiotic ointments or drops it may clear up on its own it may spread to the other eye or to others in your family or work so having a prescription eye medication would nice many medical offices will simply call it in for you if you ask yes common cold can lead to eye infection and discharge the infection can spread to your eyes leading to conjunctivitis this may subside on its own once the common cold subsides why is my hair loss is only before ovulation i have experienced hair loss and have been trying to regrow it back it seems to do better after i ovulate but goes back to looking bad after my period before i ovulate i wonder whats off so i can fix it and start to regrow my hair thank you,the manufacturer of actos is takeda pharmaceuticals if you go to www actos com and click on special offers you will see three different types of programs to help with the cost of the medication you are thinking the right way if she skips her medication she will put herself in greater danger and may end up in the hospital which would definitely be a bigger bill if you need help on locating these types of programs talk to your pharmacist we are happy to help what is the procedure to obtain medicare coverage for the shingles vaccine,hi so the 1st was the first day of your july period yes then sex on the 24th which would have been the safe period to have sex unprotected ok now your getting the same spotting again could be your just getting very light periods this could be from stress diet exercising to much ok good luck i am 24 year old female within the last year my body heats up at night my skin feels so hot its only at night what is it i am a 24 year old female healthy in the last year at night my skin heats up so hot that my fiance cant sleep in the bed with me i am cold though and i want a blanket to the touch my skin feels so hot as if i had been sitting in the sun for an hour or so i lower the ac to 73 i have a ceiling fan going and another fan going while i sleep yet i still heat up like a furnace what could this mean why is my body doing this,most helpful answer sorry you are experiencing this it is obviously having a negative effect on your life and that is a good enough reason to see a medical provider for an evaluation a number of conditions can cause what we generally call night sweats even though in your case you do not seem to be actually perspiring these can range in women from hyperthyroidism to hormone issues a physical exam coupled with some lab work may be able to pinpoint the problem for you and get you on a path to treatment i would suggest you put a call in to your primary health care provider for an appointment the sooner you see a doctor the sooner you will be able to get this situation resolved wishing you all the best what is the expected impact of health care reform on medicare customers will that impact differ for folks who buy part d and part f policies on top of cms a and b,everyone has a different level of energy so radiation treatment will affect each patient differently patients frequently experience fatigue after several weeks of treatment for most patients this fatigue is mild however a loss of energy may require other patients to change their daily routine if your doctor thinks it may be necessary for you to limit your activity he or she will discuss it with you to minimize fatigue while you are receiving radiation treatment be sure to get enough rest eat a well balanced nutritious diet pace your activities and plan frequent rest periods is a pap smear or hpv test recommended for women,health care providers can help prevent multidrug resistant mdr and extensively drug resistant xdr tuberculosis by quickly diagnosing cases following recommended treatment guidelines monitoring patients response to treatment and making sure therapy is completed providers should also ensure proper implementation of infection control procedures to prevent exposure to tb in hospitals or health care settings where tb patients are likely to be seen will grapefruit juice interfere with my birth control pills,i would need a little bit more history how many times during a week do you have a bowel movement please go online and type bristol stool chart and let me know the consistency and type of the stools you are having in general from a month have you had diarrhea before the given month do you have to strain to defecate how are your menstrual cycles usually any family history of thyroid disorders or colon cancer do you feel very cold when everyone is comfortable have you lost any weight lately revert with more information to an internal medicine physician online > i have been following lchf low carb high fat diet for just 2 months only please advise,hi thanks for the query…well many a times seizure medication can cause loss of libido and also low testosterone levels so you should check with your physician regarding this other ways to improve your condition is to take a balanced and nutritious diet avoid stress do regular workouts and stop focussing only on this problem as it can further create stress and pressure and will not let you get involved in sexual activities hope this helps can shingles appear in the mouth or throat,shingles or herpes zoster is caused by the chicken pox virus once you have had chicken pox the virus remains dormant in your body when this virus reawakens it causes a blistering rash called shingles if shingles affects the trigeminal nerve on the face it can cause sores to appear on one side of the mouth tongue and palate other viruses including herpes can also cause blisters around the mouth click on this link for more information about shingles i had a shingle shot about a week ago after that i have what the dr called tonsillitis could it be possible i have shingles in my throat is zicam safe during the third trimester of pregnancy,i am guessing but i bet you were the one that asked about afrin the simple answer about zicam is we do not know if it is safe or not some authorities advise definitely not while othera seem to think it is safe since it is only zinc it has not been tested in a controlled study during pregnancy namely since most pregnant women would not be willing to participate for fear that it was hazardous zinc may be helpful in shortening the course of a cold but you probably do not have cold but rather a condition called vasomotor rhinitis common in hormonally charged women in their third trimester i do not think that zinc is going to help you besides since you do not really know if it is truly safe why take the risk my recommendation would be not to use it im pregnant but i had sex yesterday and he came in me is that bad,nothing harm without pressing abdomen sexual intercourse you may have it is my personal experience even you may have it up to the last night of the delivery nothing will happen what drugs are used to treat heart failure,hi yes it does seem to be sti get blood tests done to confirm the diagnosis consult a venerologist and start the treatment as early as possible to get good results thanks how do i get started with exercise,both carbamazepine and flunarizine have side effect of memory loss you should take tablet vasograin it is most effective at the onset of migraine once migraine starts though it reduces some symptoms but not so effectively so along with it take tablet diclomol combination of diclofenac and paracetamol twice a day for three days it is very effective to control migraine if headache is very severe you can also take injection voveran intramuscularly you also need to take tablet razo rabeprazole 20 mg twice a day to prevent acidity for further information consult a neurologist online > what are the symptoms of type 1 diabetes,many medications are safe to split because of this insurance companies and doctors are increasing prescribing higher dose scored tablets as a cost savings for patients yet some medications are compromised when they are split and this should not be done for example capsules or tablets without a score or pills with an exterior coating should not be split splitting these medications could result in uneven doses of treatment and can causes harm under treatment or inadvertent overdose of medications to see if your medication can be split check the ‘how supplied section of the package or ask your pharmacist yes you can cut them in half i just called my own pharmacist and asked this very question today and was told i could absolutely cut it in half i do not see why not i would not recommend taking less than the doctor perscribed though if it is a tablet then use a pill cutter or a thin knife to cut it in half if it is a capsule or something else i do not think it can be cut in half hope this helps is there a vitamin to help prevent boils,vitamins do not prevent boils these are skin infection usually staph you should see your medical provider for a proper treatment regime i have high igg levels,actually only high igg levels is not much significant if it is not associated with any other positive tests so no need to worry you can do pcrna test to confirm can a person get tonsilitis if they nolonger have tonsils my son had tonsilitis tonsilitis is a viral infection and does not require an antibiotic however tonsilitis can be caused by strep which is bacterial which requires an antibiotic dr did not do a strep test but perscribed an antibiotic a few days after he got better i developed an extremely sore throat runny nose caughing headache no fever tonsilitis symptoms can i get tonsilitis if i had my tonsils removed if i have a strep infection will my immune system fight it off,there is a slight different view my dad was a nurse and was told by a gp a a i am in the same situation as he was both my dad rip and myself have had tonsils removed however you can get all of the tonsillitis symptoms without having tonsils the only difference is where your tonsils were have the infection rather than the actual tonsils it just means that it is easier for you to be able to take paracetamol ibuprofen and other pain relief along with fluids as you will not have tonsils there to restrict the ability to swallow as much what is an angiogram used to detect heart disease,the diarrhea cold chills and throwing up is more likely caused from the drinking for 2 days with all the throwing up you likely became dehydrated and possibly a bit hypoglycemic your body no longer had the nutrients it needed to function properly drinking excessively and then the likely related side effects of diarrhea and throwing up could have thrown your all ready irregular period off pregnancy only happens if you had unprotected sex with a man if he had an std it could have been given to you depending on the std even if a condom was used the only way to know for sure is to get check for both by your doctor you can take a pregnancy test at home just pick one up at the pharmacy and follow the instructions in the box good luck in the future if you have diarrhea and your throwing up make sure your still drinking water to prevent dehydration you will likely throw it up to but not before your body has absorbed some of it also drinking for 2 days probably is not a good idea any more my wife is really considering gastric sleeve surgery in mexico is it safe,hi gastric sleeve complications are related to the doctor experience and the condition of surgery room complications can be infection or internal bleeding life threatening complications if your sure doctor is good and hospital is well equipped then go ahead if not i recommend not doing it good luck i have cramping blood in my stool and large black spots and intense nausea,aerobic exercise is great to help expend calories and boost metabolism to promote weight loss keep in mind however that you can not “spot reduce” weight loss meaning that you can not do a certain exercise to target weight loss from a particular part of your body the surgeon general recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise 5 days per week 60 minutes is even better if your goal is to lose weight these recommendations are cut in half however if you do vigorous intensity exercise instead of moderate intensity also be sure to also include strength training into your routine as well visit this cdc website for more information on exercise recommendations looking for surgery to be able to walk in high heels again,hi i think this link below should help you just copy link into google to the www to open and read ok good luck how do doctors treat infertility,infertility can be treated with medicine surgery artificial insemination or assisted reproductive technology many times these treatments are combined about two thirds of couples who are treated for infertility are able to have a baby in most cases infertility is treated with drugs or surgery doctors often treat infertility in men in the following ways sexual problems if the man is impotent or has problems with premature ejaculation doctors can help him address these issues too few sperm if the man produces too few sperm surgery sometimes can correct this problem in other cases doctors can surgically remove sperm from the male reproductive tract antibiotics can also be used to clear up infections affecting sperm count various fertility drugs are often used to treat women with ovulation problems it is important to talk with your doctor about the pros and cons of these medicines doctors also use surgery to treat some causes of infertility problems with a woman is ovaries fallopian tubes or uterus can sometimes be corrected with surgery intrauterine insemination iui is another type of treatment for infertility iui is known by most people as artificial insemination does drinking tea destroy your kidneys,hi i recommend doing a bacterial culture to check for bacterial resistance some resistant bacteria require more than one antibiotic type to be treated good luck is it possible to have scabies that do not itch,yes newly infected areas may not itch as the number of female mites multiply and lay eggs there are local secretions from the mites along with a local histamine release that leads to itching could hiv have something to do with my husband is severe joint pain or should we seek an ra specialist,if you need to take a medicine that can cause bone loss talk to your healthcare provider about taking the lowest possible dose for the shortest amount of time for your condition is it normal to have brusing in the wrist and numbness is the thumb after a wrist laceration with 5 stitches,bruising yes blood can be retained under the skin and cause discoloration in the immediate area numbness this would not be considered normal and could indicate some damage or inflammation of one of the nerves leading into the thumb it would be best to seek medical advice from someone who has the ability to carefully examine your injury to check for any nerve involvement how long after being treated for chlamydia is it safe to have sex i did the one time dose of 4 250mg azithromycin tabs,i am sorry to hear of your husband is health problems it is difficult when they begin to stack up like that several things could cause your husband is ears to turn purple when he lies down the most likely thing is a lack of oxygen due to congestive heart failure you might see if propping up his head and back on extra pillows makes the purple ears go away this is something you should talk to your husband is doctor about because it started happening recently your husband is doctor will want to know about it i suggest you call for an appointment hope this helps take care is pure almond extract considered a food allergen i am a cake and cookie designer and i am creating allergen content labels for my vanilla almond cookies i use pure almond extract is this considered a food allergen,yes it is almond is a tree nut which is considered a food allergen i have shingles is my 2 month old baby at risk,unfortunately yes shingles is caused by the herpes virus the same virus that causes fever blisterscold sores chicken pox and herpes stomatitis a herpes infection inside the mouth i do not know where you have the shingles but if it is an area that is covered by clothing this will help prevent the spread to your baby you will need to keep your hands very very clean please call your baby is pediatrician for more patient specific advice what is psoriatic arthritis,psoriatic arthritis is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the skin psoriasis and joints arthritis psoriasis is a common skin condition affecting 2 of the caucasian population in the united states it features patchy raised red areas of skin inflammation with scaling psoriasis often affects the tips of the elbows and knees the scalp the navel and around the genital areas or anus approximately 10 of patients who have psoriasis also develop an associated inflammation of their joints patients who have inflammatory arthritis and psoriasis are diagnosed as having psoriatic arthritis the onset of psoriatic arthritis generally occurs in the fourth and fifth decades of life males and females are affected equally the skin disease psoriasis and the joint disease arthritis often appear separately in fact the skin disease precedes the arthritis in nearly 80 of patients however the arthritis may precede the psoriasis in up to 15 of patients in some patients the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis can be difficult if the arthritis precedes psoriasis by many years in fact some patients have had arthritis for over 20 years before psoriasis eventually appears conversely patients can have psoriasis for over 20 years prior to the development of arthritis leading to the ultimate diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis psoriatic arthritis is a systemic rheumatic disease that also can cause inflammation in body tissues away from the joints other than the skin such as in the eyes heart lungs and kidneys psoriatic arthritis shares many features with several other arthritic conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis reactive arthritis formerly known as reiter is syndrome and arthritis associated with crohn is disease and ulcerative colitis all of these conditions can cause inflammation in the spine and other joints and the eyes skin mouth and various organs in view of their similarities and tendency to cause inflammation of the spine these conditions are collectively referred to as spondyloarthropathies i have small red bumps on my inner thigh and part of my butt cortisone cream and benzoyl peroxide did not work help,this might be a form of a genetic condition called keratosis pilaris it can also occur on the upper outer arms some people grow into it over time others are lucky and grow out of it over time you can control it but not cure it products containing lactic acid salicylic acid and glycolic acid alone or in combination can be very helpful why do i feel better mentally sexually and physically while pregnant i am 43 i have had three successful pregnancies that blessed me with one boy one girl and twin girls i felt better mentally as not as many mood swings or depression i had a normal sex drive only while pregnant i lost weight with each pregnancies with no complications to the babies i wonder why if your hormone levels increase while pregnant could i be deficient in hormones when unpregnant and if so what would i ask a doctor and have checked,you do not mention how much weight you have to lose if you do not carry that much weight you might be at the place your body wants to be your blood pressure is good but how about other health indicators like cholesterol if you weight is too high you need to closely look at how much and what you are eating do you eat mindfully by sitting down to meals and stopping when comfortably full do you skip meals how is your diet quality research shows that exercise does not aid weight loss as much as diet another factor is stress as you mention which can affect appetite getting a handle on stress management can go a long way here is more reading that can help do you really need to lose weight why can not i lose weight hi for me if you was doing everything you say then you would be losing weight but your not so your cheating its the only answer you need to as strict with what your doing as you say above do that and you will lose weight but get on to some of these new ways of losing weight like the caveman get out walking but brisk walking take a weighted back pack and when doing that find some hills to climb get up early go swimming these last two are some of the best ways to lose weight you just keep away from fast foods and junk foods and no sodas drink lots of water all ways think of these self discipline self control breaking bad habits in grain these in your mind good luck im 37 12 weeks pregnant i have tightening in my abdomen which last about 30 seconds andlike every 10 minutes if less my water has not yet broke but wondering if these are real contractions or not can anyone help,could it be braxton hicks i have the worst motion and travel sickness,hi with your problems seems to me it would be best if you can get in swimming its low impact on your joints and this would be really go for you so just get in swimming and do enjoy it good luck is their a conflict of smoking marijuana while on bactrim ds,it could be a simple growing pain …esr is a prognostic test not diagnostic aso titre doesnot mean that there is rheumatic activitylet me ask you prescribe for me the pain site character severity when it mostly happens affected parts or joints what increases it and what decreases it and was it followed by tonsillitis what did you do to her to relief the pain and its effect associated with any new skin lesions discoloration any abnormal movements… is there is limping 4 year old son has a lump on the back of his neck,it seems you may have a muscle strain in your back muscles the chiropractor has adjusted your vertebrae which soothed the pain for a while but the muscles are injured i recommend doing ice packs and an hot packs on the pin site rest then deep friction massage this may need to be assessed by an orthopedist a friend has gums pulling away from his teeth and canker sores on his lips tongue and throat what is happening he has some fever but strep and mono tests were negative,please have your friend go and see an oral pathologist or an oral surgeon the condition could be caused by a virus herpes virus or other conditions but this should be confirmed by a proper examination do not delay have your friend see the proper doctor can you please tell me daily doses for vitamins and daily servings of foods to increase low blood platelet counts,low platelets also called thrombocytopenia happen for a variety of reasons such as certain diseases and medications the way to correct it is to treat the reason it is occurring by working with your doctor in some cases deficiencies of vitamin b12 and folate can be the cause so supplements may be recommended there is no one diet or specific foods that has been shown to increase platelets for more on thrombocytopenia see this webmd article can you have a pork allergy every time i have any kind of pork i throw up do i have an allergy to pork or is my body rejecting pork,the viagra patent expires in 2020 so other companies will be able to make it generically if they choose seven more years is a long time to wait so you better save up your money for the brand name for now took plan b because of the possibility of precum on the condom got two periods since june 25 pregnant my girlfriend and i decided to have sex on june 23rd while i was putting on the condom i noticed it was backwards then switched it to the right side during sex there was no condom failure but after sex i realized my mistake that there might have been precum on the outside of the condom since at first i put it on wrong then about 28 hours after sex she took the planb pill she has had 2 early period since then the first one was light lasting 4 5 days and the second was heavy lasting 5 pregnant,it would only cause sniffles if those sniffles were to do environmental allergies like pollens or molds allergies can last a long long time so it would not be possible to make a general prediction on the duration of symptoms cold breezes open windows will not cause colds colds are caused by viruses and viruses last about a week how can i manage vaginal discharge during pregnancy,increased blood supply and hormones cause your vagina to increase normal secretions normal vaginal discharge is white or clear non irritating odorless and may look yellow when dry on your underwear or panty liners recommendations choose cotton underwear or brands made from other natural fibers avoid tight fitting jeans or pants do not douche it is possible that you can introduce air into your circulatory system or break your bag of waters in later pregnancy clean the vaginal area often with soap and water wipe yourself from front to back contact your health care provider if you have burning itching irritation or swelling bad odor bloody discharge or bright yellow or green discharge these symptoms could be a sign of infection how much should i weigh,doctors nutritionists and public health authorities most often use the body mass index to define a healthy weight body mass index bmi is your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters kgm2 according to the cdc a bmi of less than 18 5 is considered underweight a normal bmi falls within the range of 18 5 to 24 9 the bmi range of 25 0 to 29 9 is considered overweight and a bmi of 30 0 or higher is considered obese obesity increases the risk for diabetes high blood pressure heart attack stroke certain cancers losing weight reduces your risk waist size matters too even in people who are only slightly overweight a waist circumference greater than 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women increases health risks do not believe your pant size it often underestimates waist circumference measure your waist yourself with a tape measure just below the belly button how long be on birth controll pills i am age 53 years old 5 2 114lb non smoker and do not drink and do exercise i just had my yearly check up few months ago with my doctor he recommended i be on pills for few more years i use azurette 28 is still have menstration every months do you have any comments,hi i would say 2 years 4 years max as by then the menopause should have taken over your birth control needs but do get blood test done each year as a hormone check this will tell if your menopause is coming hope this helps you good luck what is the best medicine to use against chigger bites,thanks for asking this question because many people do not know that chigger bites differ from mosquito bites in the fact that they leave an open wound rather than a red bump you can apply a triple antibiotic ointment with a pain relief component which is usually a numbing agent for these types of bites if you need help in finding these products in a pharmacy just ask we are more than happy to help you my daughter is blood tests show some scary diseases and syndromes online,as little as 3 5 weeks both my ears are blocked but i do not have a cold or chest congestion i try to remove the blockage by fake yawning but no result,both of these terms refer to the bones of the spine the spine is made up of 24 vertebrae not including the sacrum and coccyx each vertebra is smooth and rounded on the front facing side and has bony protrusions on the back facing side when you run your hand down someone is back you feel those protrusions each vertebra has a large hole in the center through which the spinal cord passes each vertebra also has smaller holes called foramina through the sides which allow the roots of larger nerves to branch off from the spinal cord and extend into the rest of the body foraminal stenosis refers to a narrowing of these smaller holes or channels in the sides of the vertebrae often foraminal stenosis is caused by arthritis or bone spurs that basically clog up the channels and put pressure on the nerve roots remember those bony protrusions i referred to earlier those things help link the vertebrae together each of them has two joints called facets that allow you to bend forward and backward facet arthropathy refers to an arthritis of these facet joints bilateral simply means arthritis affects the facet joints on both sides of each vertebra i hope this helps does drinking caffeine increases my tinnitus,it can so it may be wise to curtail caffeine for a while to see if your tinnitus improves i am 19 years old and have not had a period in over 4 months i have had brown discharge what is wrong with me i am not pregnant every article i find suggests cancer is there anyone who can say different or is the unfortunate obvious i have had an irregular period since my first menstrual cycle since i was 14 years old i have had time spans of months 4 between cycles but this discharge has only occured recently i have cripling migranes every day and 8 staph infections within the last year i do not know if those last troubles will help in answering me i am lost as to what is wrong with me,some people call a transient ischemic attack tia a mini stroke because the symptoms are like those of a stroke but do not last long a tia happens when blood flow to part of the brain is blocked or reduced often by a blood clot after a short time blood flows again and the symptoms go away with a stroke the blood flow stays blocked and the brain has permanent damage a tia is a warning it means you are likely to have a stroke in the future if you think you are having a tia call early treatment can help prevent a stroke if you think you have had a tia but your symptoms have gone away you still need to call your doctor right away webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i am 33 weeks pregnant and i am in a lot of pain,it is probably something minor and easily treatable but it sounds like more than a common cold i would definitely take her to the doctor and keep giving her the benadryl make sure you keep plenty of benadryl on hand even when they are not sick and i would definitely want to take her to the doctor to have that rash looked at what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy,i have been in medicine for over 40 years and have never heard of the term black measles but there is a lay term for rubeola the medical name for true measles called the red measles and of course there is german measles rubella is it possible to get pregnant if you do not start the new pack of bc pills for a week after your period stops i took the previous pack on time every time and the placebo pills while on my period there was an issue with the refill for my prescription and i was not able to get it until a week after my period ended not thinking i had unprotected sex twice during that week is there a chance i could have gotten pregnant during that time the day i got the birth control i took it and within ten minutes of taking it i started feeling nauseous this has never happened with the pill before,how do get pregrant do steroids help or hurt bone spurs i have a bone spur on my wrist i am also being treated for tendonitis in the same spot i am getting a steroid treatment on that spot it looks to me that the bone spur has grown is it possible the steroid treatment has made it grow,the only definitive treatment for a persistent bone spur would be surgery or at least a custom made orthotic from a podiatrist i am not sure what kind of steroids you are using injections but they will not cure a bone spurt steroid injections can help the inflammation caused by the bone spurs but the effect is only temporary steroids will not make a bone spur grow heart question urgent answer needed please i am 20 yrs old i have anxiety today i had a scary episode i was playing soccer i stopped when running and took a deep breath with this breath i felt a little fluttery feeling in my chest i continued running and it went away i have done ekg before no other symptoms with this flutter except i started to get very anxious since i have a paranoia about heart related problems i also have read about sudden cardiac arrest so naturally i was very scared any reassurance is welcome thx,running and anxiety increased epinephrine adrenaline that will speed up your heart because you are so concerned i would strongly suggest that you see a cardiologist and undergo an exercise stress test an ekg while you are running an a treadmill this test will show if you are showing any signs of an irregular heart rhythm or other exercise related cardiac problems i am 21 weeks pregnant and accidentally ate kethcup that expired over a year ago what should i do,hi did it state do not eat after this date or are we talking about best before date if its this second one then what you was eating was as good as anything as best before are now in the uk being done away with its costing to much waste if this bottle was sealed with a cap on and even if it had be open long ago it would be ok to eat i personally have just finished black olive paste from 3 years ago with no ill effects if you were to have any ill effects you would be the one who would have had them by now what are the symptoms of colitis,hi yes cortisone injection can be taken without ultrasound guidance once the xray is done and the exact location of the spur is noted doctor can give it without any ultrasound guidance the doctor needs to be skillful or else if he has no confidence then it would be better to take ultrasound guidance its a doctor is call thanks my 2yr old has a fever of 102 6 no other symptoms in laws say to wrap her up so she can sweat it out is this safe its only been for a day and after i gave her a lukewarm bath it lowered to 102 1 mother in law gave her a rubbing alcohol sponge bath was this ok i saw it raised her temp instead of helping should i take her to the e r she is been good all day playing eating drinking water just this high fever they insist i make her sweat it out i want to know if its safe or not,you are treating a fever incorrectly first fever is harmless and does not need to be treated second you do not ever use rubbing alcohol sponge baths since this does tend to raise the temperture when the thermal sensors on the skin send signals to the brain the this child is cold this causes shivering and shivering raises body temperature you also do not wrap up a child to sweat it out as a matter of fact sweating allows the body to naturally cool when air is passed over it this is not a very high fever at all if you want to give her some acetaminophen or ibuprofen then this is fine keep her well hydrated and out of those baths most febrile events in children are caused by simple viral infections so you can certainly see her regular medical provider if you are concerned going to the er would not likely be indicated can poison ivy rash return same place after 2 months rash returned same places on arms after 2 months since had first rash have not been any where near any plants no pets to come in contact with poison ivy any one ever hear of this happening,i have had symptoms of poison ivy rash which was initially on undersides of arms and on front of shins now over most of my body after two 5 day treatments of 12 steroids a day and steroid cream it is worse than ever during steroid treatments it started to fade but came back with a vengence when the pills stopped desperate now with itching awful looking skin have left the gym which had helped me lose 2 stone in 4 months hate going as whether you are working out or swimming people quite naturally look at your skin i am now to see a dermatologist on tuesday so can only hope something can be improved best cooling lotions i have used for relief of itching have been aloe vera and one i got in the us called caladryl clear topical analgesic skin protectant coated in this after cold water or ice to skin seems to make me more comfortable i got this in june and it is now nearly september worst thing i have ever managed to get deeply regret doing all that gardening now and still have not found the pouson ivy i have some scars in my nose that are irritating a lot of bleeding every day,hi this can be early stage of recurrence of the cancer or may be an simple enlarged lymph node if its not painful then i dont think you need to worry much you can always aspirate it and send for histopathology to confirm what it is thanks i am suffering from sleep disorders for the past 1 year having bagsdark circles breakouts on skin what to do i guess it is insomnia i usually wake up with a headache i have tried some over the counter medicines for sleep but i do not want to take them forever the break outs on skin and the dark circles stress me and depress me even more tried some eye gels but they do not go i think what i need is sleep i try to go to bed by 1130 12 and wake up by 730 8 am i always sleep late and wake up before the alarm rings so i get very little sleep tried reading book also please help,due to heavy work many of them are not going to their bed at the right time but are waking at earlier hours this effects very badly on our health conditions and may be lead to many health problems so it is better to sleep somewhat earlier and do practice some exercise as your body can feel tired and you may get good sleep this can rid of the problem from dark circles and you also had an option of some natural products usage for the problem you are suffering because of natural products you can get relief and gain more confidence can you get hiv from a broke condom if a women is hiv+ and has sex with a man if near the end he condom has broken and his head may have been exposed can he contract the virus he also has foreskin,primary osteoarthritis is mostly related to aging with aging the water content of the cartilage increases and the protein makeup of cartilage degenerates eventually cartilage begins to degenerate by flaking or forming tiny crevasses in advanced cases there is a total loss of cartilage cushion between the bones of the joints repetitive use of the worn joints over the years can irritate and inflame the cartilage causing joint pain and swelling loss of the cartilage cushion causes friction between the bones leading to pain and limitation of joint mobility inflammation of the cartilage can also stimulate new bone outgrowths spurs also referred to as osteophytes to form around the joints osteoarthritis occasionally can develop in multiple members of the same family implying a hereditary genetic basis for this condition secondary osteoarthritis is caused by another disease or condition conditions that can lead to secondary osteoarthritis include obesity repeated trauma or surgery to the joint structures abnormal joints at birth congenital abnormalities gout diabetes and other hormone disorders obesity causes osteoarthritis by increasing the mechanical stress on the cartilage in fact next to aging obesity is the most powerful risk factor for osteoarthritis of the knees the early development of osteoarthritis of the knees among weight lifters is believed to be in part due to their high body weight repeated trauma to joint tissues ligaments bones and cartilage is believed to lead to early osteoarthritis of the knees in soccer players interestingly studies have not found an increased risk of osteoarthritis in long distance runners crystal deposits in the cartilage can cause cartilage degeneration and osteoarthritis uric acid crystals cause arthritis in gout while calcium pyrophosphate crystals cause arthritis in pseudogout some people are born with abnormally formed joints congenital abnormalities that are vulnerable to mechanical wear causing early degeneration and loss of joint cartilage osteoarthritis of the hip joints is commonly related to structural abnormalities of these joints that had been present since birth hormone disturbances such as diabetes and growth hormone disorders are also associated with early cartilage wear and secondary osteoarthritis after 2 miscarriages trying again i have some issues and abnormalities,i would not rely on a supplement to help a child lose weight first off dietary supplements are not regulated by the fda and their safety is not known second no supplement alone can solve a weight problem you need to find out why your child is carrying extra weight and work to change it i highly recommend you see a pediatric dietitian who can help you learn not just what to feed your child but how to feed them children are still growing so special care needs to be taken when it comes to diet and how they are treated about weight to prevent disordered eating you can find a dietitian in your area at eatright org what other drugs interact badly with proton pump inhibitors,if you were not using any other form of birth control you could be pregnant you can get an inexpensive pregnancy test at any drug or grocery store if you are not pregnant make an appointment with a doctor to find out what is causing your symptoms i have a light brown spot on my earlobe that is hard to the touch and sorta swollen what is it its painful it appeared a while ago and feels kinda hard what is it when i itch it it sounds flaky it is very small please help,hi unless you need condoms for safe sex ro for bc the go to www pegym com look under exercises for edging its a very simple exercise to help you last longer without anything else you can even get your gf or wife to help do it that brings this into the bedroom either as fore play get it right and your be free of pe also try kegels why your there on site under the same page or pages this will help you pump more blood into your penis and help with ejaculations it dose work hope this helps you good luck can cocaine get in your system by just touching it,with an ultra sound they can tell at about 2 12 weeks with a test it can pick up as early as 4 weeks i am on accutane sometimes i eat liver pate in diet does occasional liver pate affect my accutane journey & health is it safe doctor thank you so much,hi have you just thought of sitting down with her and just try telling her the truth by you need to be as gentle as you can if you can afford a bunch of flowers they may help cup of tea or coffee and a piece of cake its all these little things that helps soften the blow but stay calm as you can even if she blows her top do not start going back at her by saying well you got pregnant do hope some of this will help good luck period feb 2 and feb 25 sex feb 7 feb 15 feb 28 and march11 when did i become pregnant always had irregular period today is 41115 never know when i ovulate,hi the image you have posted is not sharp enough a fracture cannot be entirely ruled out though now that you have already applied a plaster continue with it take adequate rest analgesics and calcium vitamin d3 supplements thanks what is a yeast like infection prior to menstrating every month about 7 10 days before i start my period i get a yeast like infection if i try to use over the counter treatments the itching and discomfort increases if i use an anti itch ointment like vagisil it burns as if i have put rubbing alcohol on my vagina usually within 2 3 days of starting my period the discomfort goes away i have had sex maybe 3 times in a year and i have had the same partner for more than 6 years i know he is not having sexual relations with others,hi see the answer above what can i do if i had an excruciating facial pain going down from my right cheek all the way up to my ears it feels like someone stabbing on my jaw and checks its so painful i tried drinking some ibuprofin to relieve my pain but its not helping,yes i had negative blood and urine test but i felt pregnant this was my third pregnancy so i knew a thing or two i did not have a missed period but i just knew when friday came i was three days my period i said ok if this is negative then im not and my mind is playing tricks on me everything was negative both blood and urine fine went out bought a box of pads my period would be here monday and i was over it monday came and no period bought a pregnancy test just to make sure and there were those double lines called my dr she ordered blood work my hcg levels were crazy high and she had no words so a woman knows hopfully this helped what are the symptoms of gallstones,yes stress can cause bradycardia or reduced heart rate and as you have a recent stressful event it can be a cause so my advise to you is to first of all relax and start doing meditation and deep breathing exercises take nutritious and a sufficient sleep of atleast 8 hours if at all the symptoms does not get better then consult a cardiologist and get a thorough evaluation done hope this helps what illnesses often co exist with bipolar disorder,nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs including ibuprofen may rarely increase the risk for a heart attack or stroke the risk may be greater if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart disease for example due to smoking family history of heart disease or conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes or with longer use this drug should not be taken right before or after heart bypass surgery cabg this drug may infrequently cause serious rarely fatal bleeding from the stomach or intestines this effect can occur without warning at any time while taking this drug older adults may be at higher risk for this effect stop taking ibuprofen and get medical help right away if you notice any of these rare but serious side effects blacktarry stools persistent stomachabdominal pain vomit that looks like coffee grounds chestjawleft arm pain shortness of breath unusual sweating confusion weakness on one side of the body slurred speech sudden vision changes talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the benefits and risks of taking this drug my mom has one hip is a little higher up than the other and it hurts,hi i can understand your concern i guess the dementia and other associated neurological issues at this age are causing these complaints he should be taking drugs to calm himself and the brain down for this he will need a proper counsellor who could do the job he needs to be motivated for getting checked and to take proper medicines and i dont think anybody else other than a professional counsellor can do it thanks why is not my poison ivy spreading i believe that i have poison ivy but it is not spreading even when i was in the scratching phase i have never had a reaction in my life so i do not know why i would now but what puzzles me the most is why it did not spread maybe it is something else,your first and most important step is to see your dentist so you can have your teeth and gingivae gums properly examined teeth do not bleed of course but the gums are very vascular there can be numerous reasons but it would not be prudent to blindly guess over the internet your dentist will most definitely help you is it okay to take pepcid for gall bladder problems if you are pregnant,people who have been abusing alcohol even for a short time can indeed experience serious side effects when they stop drinking although a heart attack is unlikely an irregular heartbeat can develop along with seizures shakes sweating hallucinations and other serious conditions however a greater risk than quitting alcohol is continuing to abuse alcohol if your friend has an alcohol problem you should encourage him or her to seek medical treatment if your friend exhibits any of the signs of alcohol withdrawal as mentioned above you should seek immediate medical attention in particular delirium tremens dts or the shakes can cause death in extreme cases and should not be ignored i wish you all the best is a bp of 123 66 a good reading most of the time my readings are 12077,that is a good bp reading what do i do if my blood sugar is 558 and i have congestive heart failure and never noticed sugar problems before my friend checked my sugar and it was 550 and 10 mins later it was 558 and i have been very thristy and sleepy i have not noticed a problem with my bllod sugar before i have had this problem with my levels being no less than 427 as my blood sugar and today is the third day since i have been checking it please respond back asap,go to the doctor a s a p >^ ^< i started my first bactrim pill today and now it hurts worse then before when i pee is that normal,hi this is genetic disorder that occurs due to an overactive sympathetic nervous system combined with fearanxiety if its in early stages you can just be cured by a counseller else you should consult psychiatrist and start appropriate anti sympathetic medicines thanks my body temp has been at 94 2 96 8 of and on for over a week other than hypothermia what could cause this im 60 lbs over weight i have been tired and weak almost no energy a loss of appetite migraines after the low temp spells hot and cold sweats increase in thirst diabetes doesnt run in my family but its the only thing i could think that would cuase all these symptoms when i have the low temp spells i bunndle up drink hot tea and it doesnt help after i eat i feel better but then 4 5 hours later if i havnt eaten i feel it all over again should i go to doctor and be tested for diabetes,my temperatura 152 over 87 is that good can a male contact bacteria vaginosis from one woman and pass it on to another woman can a woman get bacteria vaginosis on her own how and why,hi yes its better known as a breakout ok good luck type your question here having hair loss with mirena iud will hair loss stop if removed having hair loss with mirena iud will loss stop if remved,hi heres a couple of links that may help you all about mirena iud and hair loss i do hope they help you and your problem good luck can the drug nortriptyline cause your penis to decrease in size the reason for asking is since i have been on this medication i have noticed a decrease in size of an inch from the size of an erect penis this is the only medication i am on can someone help me,if you qualify for medicaid those are the plans you will be offered if you decide instead to buy a different type of plan you will be required to pay its full cost consumers do not have the opportunity to choose the tye of financial assistance they accept what is the normal relationship between bacteria and the small intestine,the first thing that i would like to ask is why are you giving a 2 year old zofran zofran is a medication that is used to help nausea with chemotherapy i hope you are not giving a child a medication that you had handy in the medicine cabinet remember you should not give anyone medication that was not prescribed for them and children are not little adults you can give a 2 year old zofran my son is 2 and his doctor prescribed it to him when he was sick and non stop vomiting the dosage is 12 a teaspoon when you lose weight only when your on your period and then gain it back what does that mean any other time u can not,not all weight loss is fat loss during your menstrual cycle there can be wild fluctations of weight due to water retentionloss so i suspect this would be a strong possibility he gets a headache light headed dizzy slurred speech and sometimes a limp when he walks can tell coming most times this is on my husband when he was little he was told it was hypoglicemia but neither of us think that is correct im curious to know what it is and if it can become serious or not,millions of people have latent antibodies that show they have had some form of herpes in the past on the lips cold sores fever blisters in the genital areas chicken pox also a herpes virus or shingles herpes zoster while you may be able to be dna lab tested to see if you have these specific antibodies it would not necessarily show the type of herpes you had when you may have contracted it or if you are now are considered a person with a dormant form of herpes basically once you have the herpes virus you will always have it since her post herpes infection was self diagnosed you may have been wrong i found a lump on my breast in the spot where my boyfriend bit me could the lump be in relation to the bite i am worried but i do not want to over react if it could just be some deep tissue bruising or swelling due to my boyfriend biting me,who are you dating hannibal lector yes a bit can cause a deep bruise called a hematoma and this can form a lump for a while it should eventually go away as you body reabsorbs the blood in this tissue and if your boyfriend bites you again he should go away i have a cerbaseous cyst on my back that has developed an infection,hi fluconazola is antifungal i do not see how it can help actually warm compression is advisable antibiotics like penicillin or cephalosporin can help if you are not allergic to them good luck what can i expect long term if my child has depression,studies have found that first time depression in children is occurring at younger ages than previously as in adults it may occur again later in life depression often occurs at the same time as other physical illnesses and because studies have shown that depression may precede more serious mental illness later in life diagnosis early treatment and close monitoring are crucial how much water should a woman drink if she exercises four hours a day,hi follow this webmd link below it should help you loads of info for your question the link do hope this helps you good luck can epilepsy or a long seizure cause long term memory loss teenage girl experienced seizure for at least 20 minutes before getting to er prior events and people in her life she struggles at best to remember seems to be okay short term memory she has generalized epilepsy,yes but i thought i just had a bad memory never thought to put it with the one seizure i had back in 1986 now at least 2 grand mal seizures in past 9 months where someone was there to tell me it happened otherwise woke hours later confused with complete bruises on face and injuries like mouth bleeding from clenching my upper teeth over my bottom lip i always teased about my memory saying it is called replacement memory i have to forget something to remember more i thought i had become good at making up excuses for memory loss but i think they know would like to know the pros and cons of lexapro vs st johns for anxiety meds vs herbs thnx,please do not feed a 5 month old infant anything besides milk breast or bottle yet the american academy of pediatricians recommends giving an infant milk only for the first six months and when you do start your baby on cereal we are not talking regular cereal like cheerios you need to feed your baby soft wet baby cereal you will find it in the baby food aisle not only is your baby is digestive system not ready to handle dry cereal at five months of age but giving an infant dry anything can be a choking hazard after your baby is safely taking baby cereal you can begin introducing jarred baby food introduce just one new food at a time and keep a watch for any allergic reaction most babies tolerate baby food just fine but if you notice signs of a rash after feeding your infant baby food you should not feed it again until you check with your pediatrician if you have other questions about how and when to feed your baby please visit the webmd newborn & baby community you may also want to check out this slideshow on what to feed your baby note the slideshow says you can introduce baby foodcereal at 4 months of age but i disagree with that advice you can not go wrong by waiting wishing you and baby well my baby ate her on poop my baby ate poop 4 days later she is sick weezing coughing and high fever for 4days straight i took her to the doctor and they said shes fine just a normal cold i told them what happen and they just said she should be fine but if she still has a fever next week come back what should i do and is her symptoms related to her eating her poop,hi i have got 5 children 5 grandchildren and 2 ggrandchildren i hate to say this but if that is the worst she gets into her mouth you will be a very lucky parent it sure is not recommended but look at it this way i assume she is still in diapers and taking a bottle andor baby food everything she eats is really clean everything that comes out will be too now when she gets older and starts to walk and explore that is when you should know what she is into trust me if my mother had known what i got into on my grandparents farm at 3 yrs she would have keeled over dead kids are like cats they have 9 lives in spite of us stay in touch with your doctor and overlook his apparent lack of concern remember he deals with dozens of kids and their new parents everyday sometimes they forget 50yrs old had a stroke recovered from it quit smoking my stomach has doubled in size and its hard to breathe not fat i smoked for 40yrs then suffered a stroke i fully recovered from it and havent smoked since that time its been a year and my stomach has doubled in size not from fat it is hard like bloated and the rest of my body is fine im 50yrs old and am very active but i get short on breath sometimes just for no reason is it possible i have emphezima i felt fine and had no symptems like this before the stroke please help with answers thank you,congratulations on your stoke recovery and smoking cessation i smoked 2 12 packs of cigarettes per day and made a conscious decision to stop before overt signs of lung or heart disease surfaced i read that a person who stops smoking at the age of 50 adds six years to their life expectancy people who quit smoking after having a heart attack reduce their chances of having another heart attack by 50 but with a history of smoking for 40 years lung and heart disease can still materialize even after years of abstinence for example i stopped smoking almost 30 years ago and thought that i was out of woods only to have been recently diagnosed with c o p d chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a right sided heart block the great news is that you will have decreased by 50 after 10 years of non smoking your chances of succumbing to cancer of the mouth throat esophagus bladder cervix and pancreas yes it is possible that you have emphysema please make an appointment to be evaluated by your personal physician chances are that he or she will request chest x rays blood work an e k g and other studies they may also refer you to a cardiologist pulmonologist gastroenterologist and other medical specialist for consultation you have come so far and deserve an opportunity to lead a productive life after all you are only 50 years old and should have many good years in the future please do not dismiss the shortness of breath and changes in the anatomical look of your stomach accompanied with distress call your doctor without delay what should i know about vitamin water,start by using sun protection every day all year round and reapplying every two hours if you are outdoors this will allow your skin to repair itself as much as possible i would also start with an over the counter regimen of moisturizers retinoids and antioxidants products that contain hydroquinone have been known to brighten the skin niacinamide is also effective for reducing age spots other ingredients such as glutathione sepi white n acetyl glucosamine licorice root extract mulberry root extract and azeleic acid can also be helpful chlyamdia disease hi i have been with my partner for almost 9 yrs now and he is just find out that he got chlamydia i went to tested a week after but tested come out negative if it s possible that i do not have infection from my partner i do not understand i thought the disease is spread,hi the trouble with chlyamdia is that it can go deep in your or his body and then comes out years later but will not show up in tests its a bit of a bugger at doing that so it could be you or him if it has gone deep in either of you it could still show negative for both of you see its a little bugger do hope this helps good luck why is it that sometimes when i have to pee when i stand up it just pours out and i can not cut it off i have had two children and have always peed often ever since i was a child but the older i get the worse it gets somtime i do not make it at all,i am sorry to hear you are going through this but i have good news your problem probably can be fixed it is not uncommon for women to develop bladder leakage especially after having children the leakage or in your case gushing can be caused by several things from a prolapsed bladder to a weak bladder muscle your health care provider can diagnose the cause of your bladder leakage and suggest the appropriate treatment which can range from medication to an outpatient surgical procedure i suggest you make an appointment with your gynecologist or primary healthcare provider to have this problem diagnosed you have suffered long enough best wishes to you what can i do to treat crohns disease at home,if crohn is disease does not cause symptoms no treatment is needed mild symptoms may respond to antidiarrheal medicines or changes in diet and nutrition for more information about making good food choices see crohn is disease changing your diet in general doctors recommend that you do not use nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids such as ibuprofen or naproxen studies have linked these pain relievers with flare ups of crohn is disease 3 but some people may be more likely to have flare ups from nsaids than others talk to your doctor about whether to avoid these medicines if you have had or are planning to have surgery that will create an opening from the intestines to the outside of the body through which stool passes ostomy you may feel self conscious or embarrassed after a period of adjustment most people are able to resume all of their usual activities in fact life may be better than it was before surgery because you may no longer suffer painful symptoms support groups are available for people with ostomies bowel disease caring for your ostomy children who have crohn is disease may feel self conscious if they do not grow as fast as other children their age encourage your child to take medicine as prescribed offer help with the treatment so that your child can feel better start growing again and lead a more normal life children tend to have a harder time managing the disease than adults so your support is especially important webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what do the different urine colors mean,normal urine can range in color from pale yellow almost colorless to deep amber dark amber urine is usually very concentrated and means that you should be drinking more water foods medications and even vitamins can change the color of urine temporarily but eliminating the cause brings the color back to normal most changes in urine color are harmless and the color will go back to normal within a day or two some colors require more attention a reddish tinge can mean that blood is present in the urine—or it can mean that you just ate beets or blackberries urine color tends to turn purplish red afterwards if the reddish tinge continues over several days after you have eliminated foods that may be causing the color you should mention it to your primary care provider greenish urine can mean that you have a urinary tract infection but if it is bright green it can mean that you have too much of b vitamins certain drugs and some health conditions can cause urine to turn green too so mention this to your health care professional urine with a bluish tint can mean some type of bacterial infection or may just mean that you have a high level of calcium if this persists give your health care professional a call brown urine can indicate a potentially serious condition and you should contact your doctor is office for help sometimes laxatives can temporarily turn urine brown but if this dark color stays get it checked out the back of my head itches and is starting to have hair loss but baldness does not run in my family what is the cause,there are many causes for itchy scalps but dry skin would be high on the list as well as chemical sensitivity reactions to shampoo fungal scalp infections and yes even head lice it is not possible to determine a specific cause based on itching alone he will need to see a medical provider or dermatologist for a proper examination but in the meantime he can try some medicated over the counter shampoo used for dry scalp conditions to see if it helps a pharmacist can help him chose a proper one how do i gain weight and what kind of doctor do i need to see,there are caffeine pills that you can find over the counter to aid with energy products such as nodoz alert vivarin and stay awake contain 200 milligrams of caffeine and are used for energy and treatment of some migraines and headaches common side effects include nausea stomach upset insomnia restlessness nervousness tremor headache and lightheadedness large amounts of caffeine may cause frequent urination flushing muscle twitch or irritability use with caution too much caffeine is not healthy and can become addictive withdrawal can make it difficult to back off so tapering down the dose may be necessary prior to use you should discuss the risks and benefits of using caffeine supplements with your pharmacist or health care professional other products consist of herbal remedies use caution since there is not a standard or enough research behind these products to promote their use not fda approved what over the counter energy pills to offset present rx pills what causes colorectal cancer metastatic or recurrent,the exact cause of colorectal cancer is not known most cases begin as small growths or polyps inside the intestine if colorectal cancer is not detected and removed it invades and destroys nearby tissues and may spread to other parts of the body webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what are pregnancy symptoms,merak etmeyin sende hi̇v yok 🙂 from this result and the past results you can be sure you are free of hi̇v but be careful not to have multiple partners after staph infection i have been getting pressure and sharp or dull throbbing pain in my upper left leg,you are describing something different this is most probably jointmuscle related have you done mri or xray of hip joint is it safe for a woman to get a tattoo while pregnant,as a physician we do not always know how tatoos affect patients however i am conservative when it comes to issues that may affect patients without all the information having said that i would not do it i just do not think it is that important to potentially risk pregnancy loss there is a risk of infection which although most often is local could become more extensive in the blood stream which could affect the pregnancy just do not do it what is a bioidentical hormone,a bioidentical hormone is a hormone that is exactly the same as the hormones that you made when you were a menstruating woman so estradiol estriol are bioidentical hormones that you were making while you were menstruating and progesterone and testosterone all hormones that you were making i do not believe in synthetics i am not big on the synthetics because of the side effects i have chronic pain on the left side of my back that spreads to the left side of my stomach,it may be intercoastal muscle strain if increases with breathing try hot packs for longer and breathing exercises would help you other wise check your stomach with a gi doctor we are trying to conceive should i think of iui intrauterine insemination as an option,it is unlikely gallstones are the cause of these symptoms these symptoms are more typically signs of a bladder infection is lunch meat considered healthy is there a better alternative that is not cooking your own meat eveyday looking for an easy option for lunch everyday concerned about preservativesnitrates in lunch meat i am sure it is conditional but would the deli in a grocery store generally be considered healthier,cutting off a cancerous mole yourself would not be wise you would have both a fool for a patient and a doctor unless you get wide margins only determined by a proper pathological examination and those margins are cancer free this could cause some skin cancers to quickly spread please leave the cancerous mole excisions to the experts is it okay to train abdominals every day of the week,just as you would not or at least you should not train the same body part everyday you should not train your abs everyday your abs like other body parts need time to recover it is during the recovery phase where your muscles grow stronger preparing them for even better performance on the next ab workout instead give your abs 48 hours in between workouts to recover and strengthen and remember to hit each of your major ab areas in every ab workout this includes the upper abs lower abs obliques and transverse abdominal muscles many exercises can hit all the muscle groups at the same time giving you a great ab workout in less time examples of all ab exercises include bicycle crunches and stability ball knee tucks also do not be afraid of using weights for some ab exercises resistance helps build stronger more toned muscles that is not going to give you a big belly from bulging ab muscles they do not grow like that and remember that your abs are never going to pop unless you burn off the fat it is a common misconception that the way to six pack abs is ab work actually burning the fat through a well rounded exercise program that includes cardio weight training stretching and ab work is the key to six pack abs also incorporate core movements that work the abs as well as the rest of the core from your chest to your butt no no do abs 3 days a week with a non abs day in between the p90x ab ripper program is designed to be done every mon wed and friday and he recommends not trying to do it every day your muscles need time to repair themselvs overtraining when you do abdominal workouts every day you risk overtraining your muscles when you overtrain you experience a reduced synthesis of muscle proteins along with an increased rate of protein degradation in your muscles notes peter m tiidus author of skeletal muscle damage and repair this produces the opposite effect you seek in training and leaves you more vulnerable to injury read more #ixzz29ghmru6n ye does synthetic underwear cause jock itch all the running and exercise people say to avoid cotton since it gets wet and causes irritation however jock itch prevention says to go with cotton undies which is it to cotton or not to cotton,you did not mention if his foot was swollen and or has any red lines in the area it could be as simple thing as gout which is very painful and common for his age he would need further test to find the root of the problem how can dehydration from diarrhea be prevented and treated,oral rehydration solutions are liquids that contain a carbohydrate glucose or rice syrup and electrolyte sodium potassium chloride and citrate or bicarbonate originally the world health organization developed the who ors to rapidly rehydrate victims of the severe diarrheal illness cholera the who ors solution contains glucose and electrolytes the glucose in the solution is important because it forces the small intestine to quickly absorb the fluid and the electrolytes the purpose of the electrolytes in the solution is the prevention and treatment of electrolyte deficiencies in the united states convenient premixed commercial ors products that are similar to the who ors are available for rehydration and prevention of dehydration examples of these products are pedialyte rehydralyte infalyte and resol most of the commercially available ors products in the u s contain glucose infalyte is the only one that contains rice carbohydrate instead of glucose most doctors believe that there are no important differences in effectiveness between glucose and rice carbohydrate infants and young children most acute diarrhea in infants and young children is due to viral gastroenteritis and is usually short lived antibiotics are not routinely prescribed for viral gastroenteritis however fever vomiting and loose stools can be symptoms of other childhood infections such as otitis media infection of the middle ear pneumonia bladder infection sepsis bacterial infection in the blood and meningitis these illnesses may require early antibiotic treatment infants with acute diarrhea also can quickly become severely dehydrated and therefore need early rehydration for these reasons sick infants with diarrhea should be evaluated by their pediatricians to identify and treat underlying infections as well as to provide instructions on the proper use of oral rehydration products infants with moderate to severe dehydration usually are treated with intravenous fluids in the hospital the pediatrician may decide to treat infants who are mildly dehydrated due to viral gastroenteritis at home with ors infants that are breast fed or formula fed should continue to receive breast milk during the rehydration phase of their illness if not prevented by vomiting during and for a short time after recovering from viral gastroenteritis babies can be lactose intolerant due to a temporary deficiency of the enzyme lactase necessary to digest the lactose in milk in the small intestine patients with lactose intolerance can develop worsening diarrhea and cramps when dairy products are introduced therefore after rehydration with ors an undiluted lactose free formula and diluted juices are recommended milk products can be gradually increased as the baby improves older children and adults during mild cases of diarrhea diluted fruit juices soft drinks containing sugar sports drinks such as gatorade and water can be used to prevent dehydration caffeine and lactose containing dairy products should be temporarily avoided since they can aggravate diarrhea the latter primarily in individuals with transient lactose intolerance if there is no nausea and vomiting solid foods should be continued foods that usually are well tolerated during a diarrheal illness include rice cereal bananas potatoes and lactose free products ors i have left side pain and urinate blood,it depends on who is doing the extraction if the procedure was performed by a dermatologist the chance of scarring is minimal if at all if done by the teenager or a parent regardless of the home method like squeezing or popping a zit then scarring is much more likely how long will your urine stay at body tempurature after you pee,sounds like you are being drug tested the temperture of the urine will rapidly cool as soon as you urinate so the temperture is tested immediately to make sure the urine actually came from you i am 4 weeks pregnant i took griseofulvin during the whole 2 nd week should i abort i read in the beginning stages of pregnancy this anti fungal causes birth defects and conjoined twins i happened to take it just then and am scared,please call your health care provider right away if you had been using zolpidem ambien daily for some length of time you may suffer side effects such as anxiety or depression if you quit cold turkey however regardless of what is causing your major depressive episode it needs to be addressed sooner rather than later as well you need some sort of treatment for your sleeplessness depression and insomnia can be a very bad combination please seek immediate medical attention by calling the doctor who prescribed your zolpidem and advising him or her of your symptoms he or she will further advise you of what actions to take if you are having thoughts of hurting yourself or others please call either of these crisis hotlines 1 800 784 2433 or 1 800 273 8255 for immediate help take care strange things happen when im asleep when im in a deep sleep i somehow manage to take a hoodie off of me that i wear at night why does this happen im sensetive to the cold and i cover up with extra blankets,you will need to check directly with your insurance company to learn how it has chosen to proceed am i still protected if i missed a pill had unprotected sex then took two pills i am on the birth control pill loryna and have been for about 8 months i forgot to take my pill yesterday the tuesday pill on the 2nd week and then had unprotected sex today wednesday thinking i had taken my pill yesterday then went to take my wednesday pill basically right after i had sex and realized that i had not taken yesterday is so i took both at the same time should i take the plan b pill even though i only missed one birth control pill i am very worried i could be pregnant,hi if you read up about the bc pill and missing one pill is not as bad as you think it may be as long as you doubled up like you said the next you should be safe ok try this is you have a mobile phone and they all have alarms set this as your pill taker this way you should never miss one hope this helps you good luck can battery acid from a vibrator burn my genitals i thought i had a vaginal yeast infection but it turns out my vibrator was leaking battery acid and has burned my vaginal area included and up to my rectum what can i do to ease my pain,hi the treatment depends upon the stage and size of the carcinoma early stages with good margin demarkation can be treated by surgical excision followed by chemotherapy late stages with irregular margin have comparatively bad results needs agressive radio chemotherapy thanks i just learned that i am pregnant and i have no health insurance i am so happy to hear that the aca will still accept me and provide me with coverage but what options are best for me in florida tiers are metal colors with percentages i e i pay a high premium but only 10 of costs or slightly less and pay 20 etc but how much is a regular pregnancy which one will save me the most should i pick a plan to be prepared for the worst lots of complications and additional costs,you should work with a helper in your area who can offer you personalized assistance to pick the best possible plan for you here is where you can find assistance can hypothyroidism cause excessive wieght loss in males my husband has lost i know over 30 something pounds and he was already a thin man im thinking that maybe he has thyroid problems,in my opinion it seems either a sebaceous cyst or a hpv you may need no treatment at the time but avoid sex for as you said is good no need to remove it unless they started to increase in number or size… since the one by your anus has gone then i think this one will go away too you can use some home remedies to cure it i have a decreased urine output but all tests are normal,com it seems you are having abdominal fat and this usually causes hindering the urinary flow mechanically specially in the morning… for every person it is normal to have his\her first urination a bit with difficulty because during sleeping …one contracts the muscles of the pelvic floor muscles to prevent leakage for a long time…this will lead to difficulty urinating in the morning the third possibility is depending on your sexual activity… how is it please let me know so i can help you figure it out for the past year i have been experiencing pain in the left side of my penis which is also accompanied by swelling have been to doctor and urologist who have ruled out stds and hernia testicles are ok as well what could this be,hi if you have blood in cough or if you feel unable to breath while lying down then you need to go to er immediately on the long run you will need igg replacement therapy good luck lots of pregnancy symptoms but negative tests am i pregnant nausea heartburn sensitive to smell emotional mmood swings breast tenderness strange appetite and a late period 2 months in a row but 3 negative pregnancy tests,hi now seeing your full list i would say yes to the menopause but do get that blood test done good luck a year ago i found a large lump top of my right breast,hi masturbating with a sex toy would not be classed as having sexual intercourse it would be best if you go get checked out though or try using some coconut oilextra virgin is best and good at helping to clear up what could be a yeast infection that does not want to leave you but also try these for help also google sea salt and the vagina vaginal itching natural cures includes sea salt fungi live in air in soil on plants and in water some live in the human body only about half of all types of fungi are harmful some fungi reproduce through tiny spores in the air you can inhale the spores or they can land on you as a result fungal infections often start in the lungs or on the skin you are more likely to get a fungal infection if you have a weakened immune system or take antibiotics fungi can be difficult to kill for skin and nail infections you can apply medicine directly to the infected area oral antifungal medicines are also available for serious infections so you can get a yeast infection from many sources and also remember we do carry many yeasts around on our body is as we need them do hope this helps you good luck vocal cords constrict…can not breath,moxifloxacin does not contain aspirin what is the treatment for gallstones,hi ok its not such a big problem if you think about it just think sitting down and how much you can do from there if you need help see a trainer at a gym for ideas now the next idea is to just go swimming that is if you have a pool you can get to swimming is all low impact exercising and is as good as walking for your heart and body do hope this helps you good luck my 6mth old weighs only 12 8 lbs and has had diarrhea for 3 weeks what tests could be done to help determine the cause after the first week i took her to the doctor and they diagnosed her with ear infections she started augmentin a week later i took her back because she was still having diarrhea and loss of apetite and fevers ranging from 99 0 102 7 rectally her wbc was 9 5 and they said it was probably a virus now another week has passed and she is not better no fevers that i have noticed but she is having watery bowel movements about 6 times a day and is only eating about 16 oz of formula a day,no i have just turned 40 and have advanced glaucoma started having confused episodes,it is not duotrav who is causing your symptoms in my opinion you could be suffering a hormonal disorder specially thyroid disorder get a thyroid profile done note also that one of the rare symptoms of duotrav is it may mask symptoms of hypoglycemia in a rare population although most of its side effects are localized to the eyes also another test for blood sugar is necessary feel better soon how do i care for my dental implant,dental implants require the same care as real teeth including brushing flossing and regular dental check ups what causes smelly feet,studies have not shown any negative effects on fertility from using oral contraceptives how to have a tigher vigina after sex with a large dick i have a younger boyfriend he is six years younger than me and not that sexually experienced i think i was married and had a boyfriend prior to him and those two guys were thicker than my current boyfriend and he said i was to loose for him to finish and i was wondering if kegal exercises were the only way to tighten the viginal wall,hi yes kegels will help your problem and it an exercise you can do anywhere and at any time but thinking back i remember an old friends wife having this problem she was given a solid glass rod this she inserted and had try and hold it in by gripping it with vaginal muscles hence her pelvic floor muscles cant find a solid glass rod but found you this =kelkooclick&utm_term=50+tinten+collectie+50+tinten+grijs+glass just copy all this link into google to the www to open and read or look its a solid glass dildo and would do the same job hope this helps you good luck what increases the risk of getting hair loss,factors that increase the risk of hair loss include genetics inherited tendency if one or both of your parents have hair loss it is likely that you will also disease or illness certain diseases or an illness can cause hair loss the diseases may include ringworm of the scalp tinea capitis thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism or lupus the illness may include a severe infection or high fever age many people have some hair loss by the age of 50 medicines and medical treatments certain medicines or medical treatments can cause scalp problems and hair loss hair care and styling some methods of hair care or hair styles can damage hair and cause hair loss although most people with hair loss caused by alopecia areata regrow their hair certain people are at greater risk for their hair not growing back if you have a family history of the condition have the condition at a young age have an autoimmune disease are prone to allergies atopy have extensive hair loss or have abnormal color shape texture or thickness of the fingernails or toenails you are more likely to have permanent hair loss webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated sprayed and breathed in too much raid now feel exhausted and hard to breathe,sperm can live for 3 days ovualtion is not always on the 12th and 13th day of your cycle in a perfect world everthing can be counted exact i would suggest that you use birth control and never had unprotected sex to be safe sharp stomach pain cant keep anything down can not keep anything down no fever weak tired almost lifeless heat does not help cant even keep chicken soup down lymph nodes in stomach area swollen,if you are so weak you truly feel almost lifeless you really need to seek immediate medical attention any number of things could cause you to experience sharp stomach pains but an inability to eat combined with extreme weakness is cause for alarm please have someone take you to the emergency room or call for an ambulance i am sorry you are going through this and wish you all the best if i had unprotected sex and then got my period three days later could i still be pregnant the condom we were using broke and we did not notice and then i got my period three days later i know that you do not get your period when you are pregnant but since three days is so soon after would my body still be able to tell that early,hi well ed means when a man can not get an erection strong enough for sex so as your getting really strong erections then its not any kind of ed i would for now just see how it pans out see how long it lasts but please do come back through answer this above till then have fun with your new toy but do not break it ok good luck women hair loss can a thyroid condition cause hair loss and if so what can a person do to fix the thyroid problem,hi start giving you vagina a sea salt wash 3 times a day if you can this will help clean and heal you tear but please just lay off sex till its healed please use other ways to cover your sexual excitement till its healed do hope this helps you good luck if you have a cold can you take zyrtec in the am and nyquil at night,you can do that if you tolerate both medications well try to do without medication as much as possible especially toward the end of the cold because sometimes the backlash reaction from coming off antihistamines like zyrtec can make it seem like your cold is lasting longer than it should because it can make your nose stuffy when you are coming off it type your question here my husband is dizzy ears have water in them and is blue in the face sleeping a good bit,dizziness can be caused by a number of serious conditions these can include a stroke a heart attack breathing problems or trouble with blood sugar a bluish tint to the skin is also a worry it can mean that a person is not getting enough oxygen someone with these symptoms should call 911 right away i have had a melanoma before so how can i prevent another,sun smart behavior helps avoid sun exposure when possible wear sun protective clothing use a broad spectrum spf of 30 or higher and re apply it every two hours or more often if you are active wear sunglasses see an ophthalmologist every year since melanoma can also occur in the eyes do regular self skin exams and see your dermatologist as recommended usually several times per year my knees hurt after exercising i can hear there are small sounds coming from my knee and they feel wobbly,no the only side effect is that you had to pay for it twice you will be just fine if i have three stents and have soreness in my chest is this something i should get checked out,women are now classified [by the american heart association guidelines] in three groups high risk for heart disease at risk or ideal cardiovascular health what causes crohn is disease,theories about what causes crohn is disease abound but none has been proven the most popular theory is that the body is immune system reacts to a virus or a bacterium by causing ongoing inflammation in the intestine people with crohn is disease tend to have abnormalities of the immune system but doctors do not know whether these abnormalities are a cause or result of the disease crohn is disease is not caused by emotional distress when is a stint used to pass kidney stones,i stint is inserted in the ureter the tube that goes from the kidney to the bladder when the stone is too large or odd sized to pass through this very narrow passageway after the stone has passed hopefully the stint will need to be removed why if a woman has her tubes tied does she still get a period normal to be worse & linger longer afterwards my periods seem to spot 3 4 days after the normal 7 days i have had 2 c sections & after 2nd had tubes tied,com it seems you are having abdominal fat and this usually causes hindering the urinary flow mechanically specially in the morning… for every person it is normal to have his\her first urination a bit with difficulty because during sleeping …one contracts the muscles of the pelvic floor muscles to prevent leakage for a long time…this will lead to difficulty urinating in the morning the third possibility is depending on your sexual activity… how is it please let me know so i can help you figure it out i have a defect in the base of my skull need a second medical opinion,hi in my opinion you should go with the cisternography and do not go with the surgery since there is no leakage now…but depending on the result of the cisternography you should decide if there is again any leakage then i recommend shunt surgery in this case directly … feel better soon if a man gets hpv from a woman will he have erectile dysfunction i,hpv does not cause erectile dysfunction it can however cause warts condylmata on your penis or surrounding genital tissue if this occurs you could spread hpv to any subsequent partners during unprotected intercourse how does the game phone assist in team building exercise how can the game telephone assist in in team effectiveness team development activities cooperation and communication interaction and what are its gains,team development activities you can also be currently interacting and bonding together with your crew as well although it is a enjoyable game performance all must work as ateam to pass on the right concept in a family day effort you work together to pass one to the other on a note communication you communicate with one another meaning you must be capable of pay attention to eachother in addition to talkingreaching each other rewards if somebody were to do a small mistake pronounce or hear a term mistaken the others of the staff can easily see how one small error can cause a bigger mistake or probable catastrophe my daughter has a rash on her face that looks like poison ivy it is nowhere else on her could it be something else,the skin only reacts in one way a rash there are a few thousand things that can result in a skin eruption so the answer is yes it could be something else hiv symptom but negative test i had unprotecetd oral sex with unknown person i ejaculated in his mouth got all symptoms like fever night sweats sorethroat rashes its disappear next day joint pain diarreah after 5 month i got test result was negative but still have some symptoms so i worried about it is test 3 month is conclusive still i am worried i dont know what should i do next plz help me am i inected,see a physician asap to try and prevent more damage my muscles are very weak cancer has been ruled out…i am lost,hi rased igg levels suggest you have an ongoing infection somewhere in your body some infections are not detected by routine blood tests but you seem to have undergone almost all non invasive tests and seen to be negative one test that can definitely confirm whats wrong is the muscle biopsy histopathology of muscle will rule out any muscle specific pathology thanks which antidepressants are safe to take during pregnancy,she needs to get her sputum checked upper gi endoscopy will rule out associated gerd hrct chest will find out small foci of chronic infection no allergy to shellfish ct scan wcontrast mild reaction of hives would there be allergic reaction to shell fish now,your abdomen is distended with gases and it gets relieved by sleeping …as the capacity of your intrabdominal increases while sleeping but this causes chest pressure and pain… that could be an ibs… stop taking caffeine soda fatty foods… eat fibers drink water …relaxation and yoga would help…as well as walking helps the intestinal peristalsis… smoking on the porch my friend smokes on the porch and my porch has a big roof over it i open the upstairs window with a fan in the window blowing outwards will it come near the upstairs window and come inside and be harmful i am never near him when he smokes,all secondary smoke is harmful but this stray smoke may be quite diluted get this idiot to smoke further away from your home where no one will smell it or by forced to tolerate it better yet encourage him to stop smoking or take it somewhere else where do doctors and nurses find out about using medicines during pregnancy,doctors and nurses get information from medicine labels and packages textbooks and research journals they also share knowledge with other doctors and nurses and talk to the people who make and sell medicines the food and drug administration fda is the part of the u s government that controls the medicines that can and can not be sold in the u s the fda lets a company sell a medicine in the u s if it is safe to use and works for a certain problem companies that make medicines usually have to show fda doctors and scientists whether birth defects or other problems occur in baby animals when the medicine is given to pregnant animals most of the time drugs are not studied in pregnant women the fda works with the drug companies to make clear and complete labels but in most cases there is not much information about how a medicine affects pregnant women and their growing babies many prescription medicine labels include the results of studies done in pregnant animals but a medicine does not always affect growing humans and animals in the same way here is an example a medicine is given to pregnant rats if the medicine causes problems in some of the rat babies it may or may not cause problems in human babies if there are no problems in the rat babies it does not prove that the medicine will not cause problems in human babies the fda asks for studies in two different kinds of animals this improves the chance that the studies can predict what may happen in pregnant women and their babies there is a lot that fda doctors and scientists do not know about using medicine during pregnancy in a perfect world every medicine label would include helpful information about the medicine is effects on pregnant women and their growing babies unfortunately this is not the case what is the virus called that causes stomach ulcers i have a stomach ulcer and what treated for it by a operation i was give some kind of test and it was discovered that i have some kind of virus that enables the ulcer to come back,not a virus it is a bacteria called h pylori unwell for about 10 days sore throat cough pain under right rib spots on hands and feet,hi £ things that may help you black cohosh 2 dhea 3 evening primrose oil but i strongly suggest you google each one and just do a little research have a look at a few sites for each one doing that you get a better evaluation for each one do hope something helps you good luck is it safe and healthy to paint babies toe nails are their nailbeds to soft and can absorb chemicals will it damage their nails,it is probably safe since it can be used on fingernails which children often bite and chew babies will do the same for their toes so i do not know if your baby does this or not the paint is non toxic but i think it would be a stretch to call this healthy the nail paint will not damage the nails or absorb into the body at what age should a woman stop getting pap smears,we tend to think these tests should go on throughout our entire life but that is not necessarily the case the national institutes of health recommends women over age 65 have a conversation with their health care provider about whether or not they need to continue with pap testing it is an important decision that you and your doctor should make together taking into account your past pap results you may choose to discontinue testing altogether or test less frequently such as once every five years instead of three hope this clarifies things for you can i become dependent on halcion,most helpful answer no it is not typical strep has the potential to cause rheumatic fever including joint infection so i would strongly suggest that you contact your medical provider regarding these new symptoms my daughter is 23 weeks pregnant and has been leaking clear fluid is her or the baby in danger does she need to go to the hospital because she is leaking clear fluid,flaky scalp not responding to noskurf combination of climbazole piroctone olamine aminodermine and almond oil lotion may be scalp psoriasis and need steroid plus salicylic acid 6 combination lotion the pain is due to hair root inflammation which is commonly seen in male pattern baldness i would suggest you get the following test done serum dht dihydrotestosterone level thyroid profile cbc complete blood count if dht is high then we have a specific treatment for that both psoriasis and hair fall may increase due to stress it is good that you are taking preventive steps revert with more information to a dermatologist online > i am 33 years old i need shingles vaccine but am i too young to have it,hi its not recommended to take shingles vaccine at your age as the protection offered will be temporary it is recommended at age above 55 years pregnancy should be avoided atleast 6 months after vaccination application of local creams over the sores will help do not apply warm water to the lesions thanks where is the vulva,it is in the blood is what i have grown up hearing about poison oak once you have gotten it on you always thought that statement was crazy until 6 years ago i accidently got it on me the rash has come up every year without fail in the same exact spot even when i have avoided the outdoors pets and all clothing and bedding washed repeatedly tried just about every home grown or over the counter cure possible usually just have to keep the area clean and wait it out the most horrid plant in the universe i have been vomiting as soon as i eat something not pregnant its been more than 2 weeks what could cause this proplem lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks and very worried because i vomit everything i eat or drink,not sure if it is related but my daughter has a yeast intolerance and a lactose intolerance and she vomits immediately from some foods while from others it is bedtime or after a few days of building up yeast in her system now that i have her intolerances figured out we have changed her diet dramatically in an emergency will cipro 500 mg prescribed for a dog by a veterinarian help with a serious infection in a human,use anti inflammatory herbal combination like sallaki curcuma shunthi withania tribulus powder mixture at dose of 2 3 gms for twice daily this combination will reduce the pain and inlfammation due to plant thorn arthritis i have history of multiple myeloma when i get up from sitting i take one step get off balance,this could be side effects of amiodarone metoprolool as they cause dizziness and hypotension so i recommend revising your doctor for a change in the dose how to get taller even if you surpass the growing age hello i just turned 22 and 53 tall i want to add a few more inches is there any way i can do that i have seen many pills like growthflexv® pro claiming they can add up to 1 to 6 inches within 3 months is this true,hi this bleeding you had was an induced period so this is the new start date for your periods so it seems you still have around a week to your period your sore breasts could be from all the extra hormones floating around your body from the map and could be why you have some back aches could be a good time to think of bc like the pill unless you cant take it but do remember safe sex is the best sex good luck what are the side effects of taking a proton pump inhibitor for a long time,and one that i was just asked the other day at the pharmacy long term use of proton pump inhibitors ppis appears safe and all of the studies addressing long term use have a follow up of 10 years or less there is still a need for studies that look at long term use over 10 years if you have any questions talk to your pharmacist we are happy to help i have a small dull ache in my left testicle after i masturbated too much i am 18 years of age anyway i masturbated way more than usual during the week it occurred i am not that worried as i have searched for lumps or mass and everything seems ok an answer would be much appreciated,i have no way of determining what you have based solely on your brief description i do not know anything about you your age your medical history etc in order to be properly diagnosed you will need to see a medical provider someone who can take a more detailed medical history and more importantly someone who can examine you your testicles are too important to rely on a blind guess via the internet i have made hiv 12 + p24 antigen test am i free from hiv,well that is an interesting question vitamin e does possess some anti clotting properties some research does suggest that taking high doses of vitamin e and i am referring here to vitamin e supplements can indeed contribute to hemorrhagic stroke however the amount of vitamin e required to cause bleeding in the brain is not well established and could be influenced by many factors including the individual is age and overall cardiac health keep in mind also that taking other anticoagulants in conjunction with vitamin e could increase the risk of bleeding in general for example combining vitamin e with a daily aspirin fish oil supplements krill oil supplements or prescription blood thinners like warfarin coumadin is inadvisable it is my opinion that individuals should not put themselves on anticoagulant therapy many people have heard that taking a baby aspirin every day is good for heart health for example this may or may not be true it would be better to consult a medical professional to find out if this type of therapy or vitamin e or whatever is right for you or not i hope this helps do some diseases cause vitamin or mineral deficiencies,i feel like smoking is not all that different from any other health issue too much fatty meats is bad for your cholesterol causing your arteries to clog then you get a heart attack then you die so now you have to stop eating the foods you like there is also the too much sugar or sodium gives you diabetes along with other diseasesdeficiencies also shortening your lifespan so now you cant have salty or sweet foods that you like so with my brilliant brain i came up with a conclusion and its not rocket science its common sens that a lot of you lack and this is that too much of everything is bad for you for one second forget about smoking being bad and think of this for example you go to the beach with your family you bring sunblock very common product to bring to the beach and to apply on yourself the purpose of this chemically engineered lotion or oil is to black uv rays from you getting badly burnt by them and to avoid you getting skin cancer so in your eyes its a good product wrong did you ever think of what long term effect this chemical product will do once it seeps in through your pores and into your body through the course of time of course not and the truth is that 100 of the products you buy and apply on your skin and consume are all not safe chemicals and are not grown or raised naturally so everything you use kills you i am a smoker and i like smoking i smoke a pack in 4 days making me a light smoker and i am very aware of what smoking does to your health but i feel that if i enjoy it and i dont abuse it cuz too much of anything is bad for you so i decided i should just smoke same goes for the fatty meats sweets and salty foods enjoy life dont put all these restrictions on yourself just have to remember not to push it its all about the right dosage can low impact exercises help with flexibility and stress in someone with fibromyalgia,low impact aerobic exercises have been shown to improve symptoms and restore muscle strength in people with fibromyalgia some helpful exercises include yoga an ancient form of exercise that can reduce stress and relieve muscular tension or pain by improving range of motion and strength practicing yoga for fibromyalgia when you are feeling tense or anxious may help you reduce stress and the risk of injury when you are on the job or at home tai chi a series of flowing graceful movements that can give you a good workout and stretching regimen studies show that tai chi participants also increase their sense of balance can bend easier and are better able to do household tasks with fibromyalgia tai chi can keep your back flexible and strong pilates a form of exercise that focuses on breathing and strengthening the torso muscles with pilates an instructor will help you work on postural muscles that are essential to supporting the spine woke up with my upper left arm in pain,hi this may be due to tendinitis or nerve compression in the cervical spine get a mri done to confirm agressive physio analgesic muscle relaxants with pregabalin tablets will be helpful thanks 118 sex horm bind globulin 444 freetotal with shbg testosterone calc free testosterone 3 4 psa 0 8 are # nornal i am having some ed issues and had blood work and the above information was on the test results i am 71 yrs old i weigh 195 lbs 6 ft tall and i am in good health taking no meds my blood pressure is 12268 fit and very low body fat i exercise approx 45 min at least 5 times a week with these blood test results and my physical condition no meds blood pressure good what best guess would give me hint where to go from here,hi when shbg levels are increased beyond what is expected there is likely to be less free testosterone available to the tissues than is indicated by the total testosterone this could lead to poor libido in men males 10 57 nmoll in men aged 70 89 years modulation of androgen action may occur via an age related increase in shbg and reduction in free testosterone without a decline in total testosterone concentration increasing age bmi and lh are independently associated with lower free testosterone further investigation would be required to assess the clinical consequences of low serum free testosterone particularly in older men in whom total testosterone may be preserved ok so far so good then i think it works this way your shbg is 118 which is double what it should be this affects your testosterone and lowers it so hence ed has your doctor offered you anything to raise it back up yet if not you could try some dhea it is a hormone this helps raise you testosterone lift your libido and kick up you energy levels but get your wife to keep an eye on you it can give the odd person some funny side effects and with this you could take some tribulus this works along the same lines they work together so would help the dhea but this is up to you how you go this is just a suggestion i am on both daily for ed and a whole load of other things that seem to work for my ed and i am 67 good luck we own our own business and provide and pay 100 of our employees health insurance as a small business with 5 employees will there be tax credits available for employers,there are tax credits available for small employers like you who provide health insurance and pay for at least a portion of the premium for 2013 small employers can receive credits up to 35 of the portion of premiums paid on behalf of their employees beginning in 2014 the credit goes up to 50 of the premium but you must buy insurance through your state is marketplace the credit is available for two consecutive tax years here is the irs website that has more information on the small employer tax credit www irs gov i have been suffering from pressure and pain behind eyes for almost three years,hi but did you not say that your on the bc pill bc stands for birth control of which i think is about 99 5 wont get you pregnant well in another two weeks get your self tested if you was that worried why did you not use a plan b to late now though hope this helps good luck when can a mammogram be done after breast reduction,that would be a proctologist a colo rectal surgeon in some areas a gastroenterologist or general surgeon may do this type of procedure an anal abscess can be a simple drainage procedure or a more involved surgical removal so finding the most skilled specialist is important a general or rectal surgeon is the appropriate physician to see for treatment of an anal abscess an abscess is a collection of pus an anal abscess may develop in the deep tissues surrounding the anus or be more shallow under the skin they both require immediate treatment to lance the abscess and let it drain therefore it is important that you see a surgeon a general practitioner may be able to take care of a small abscess in the office antibiotics alone usually cannot treat the problem without proper treatment an abscess can cause a widespread infection septicemia you are more likely to get an anal abscess if you have diabetes inflammatory bowel disease such as crohn is engage in anal sex or have an impaired immune system such as from aids or chemotherapy if you have recurrent anal abscesses and there is no clear explanation for their cause a consultation with a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract gastroenterologist may be appropriate how does whooping cough spread,whooping cough spreads from person to person through close contact with oral secretions or respiratory droplets so it is easily spread through the cough especially when people are in close contact like living in the same house with a person who has whooping cough it can also be spread through sneezes anything that spreads respiratory secretions what if the mammogram is abnormal,do not panic if you are told that your mammogram is abnormal or that there is a spot on your mammogram an abnormal mammogram does not mean you have cancer the overwhelming majority of abnormal mammograms are caused by benign harmless processes in some cases it may just be an area of thicker or more dense breast tissue a cyst or a benign lump such as a fibroadenoma when a mammogram detects a suspicious area the patient may be advised to obtain further mammograms of that area to have an ultrasound or other imaging study of the breast to see a specialist in diseases of the breast this is usually a general surgeon or to have a biopsy performed of the suspicious area a breast biopsy is the removal of a piece of breast tissue for examination under a microscope the biopsy can be performed surgically in which an incision is made and the area removed or it can be done as a stereotactic core biopsy stereotactic core biopsy is a technique of removing samples of the suspicious area without the need for traditional surgery in this technique the doctor with the aid of a special mammography machine and a computer can identify precisely the abnormality in the breast and then obtain very thin core samples of breast tissue with a special needle this biopsy test is done with only a local anesthetic in the area of the needle puncture and is generally painless fortunately most breast biopsies give benign results while mammography is not sufficiently accurate to diagnose or exclude breast cancer alone it is currently the best method available to screen for breast cancer since its more widespread routine use breast cancers are found when they are significantly smaller and more curable more women are surviving breast cancer as a result of mammography and early cancer treatment continued use of routine mammography should be encouraged until a better alternative in breast cancer detection has been found what should i do if i suspect an overdose of fortamet,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center overdose can cause lactic acidosis symptoms of overdose may include severe drowsiness severe nauseavomitingdiarrhea rapid breathing slowirregular heartbeat can you get a cold sore from a yeast infection during oral sex,non medical postings and advertising takes up very valuable space on the import webmd board please try to refrain from doing this in a urine test does serequel show up,it depends on the reason for the urine test for a large life insurance policy or a government job they may test specifically for this medication on a routine test for illegal drugs it is not likely to be included have severe lower backpain left and right side no solution from doctors,well in my opinion you need to try going for a fasting and postprandial blood levels and the back pain could be irrelevant to other symptoms … loss of lumbar curve is a sign of sever paraspinal muscle spasm that can cause severe pain and physiotherapy can help you other possibility is ibs though my baby is exclusively breastfed why does he fail to thrive,please note that the weight gain of your baby is fine normally birth weight doubles by the age of 6 months which i think it has as for 7 12 months of age the weight is only a very little bit lesser probably because of reflux issues also babies pass stools either 10 to 15 times a day or once in two to three days so i do not think there is constipation i feel that if the baby had any major problems then the child will not be able to become double of birth weight by 7 months of age according to me the child is having a fair amount of weight gain which is slightly on the lower side probably due to the reflux which will go away eventually with age also you can give multivitamins and calcium supplements to help the baby also give mashed foods along with breast milk to the baby for further information consult a paediatrician online > stomach ache for the past week for the past week i have been waking up to an upset stomach it is not a nauseous or i am going to throw up upset stomach just achy then turns to hunger pains and goes away when i eat something i am on birth control and my boyfriend and i always use a condom and my period came at the expected day and lasted the normal amount of days what could be causing the upset stomach,hi the best thing you can do is go see your doctor asap could be something more good luck ps but as its sunday and really worried the try the er which exercises are best for people with osteoporosis,osteoporosis is a disease characterized by loss of bone that increases the risk of fracture particularly in the wrist spine and hip exercise can have a positive effect on bone mineral density and the strength of bone but it is a complicated relationship because of many factors including genetics age gender hormone and menopause status activity level and nutrient deficiencies age applies to everyone when it comes to the effect of exercise on building bone strength in youth the time of peak bone mineral content velocity the time around puberty when bone rapidly forms is an important time for children and early teens to be exercising because 1 research shows that increases in estrogen in girls helps bone form puberty is when estrogen rises and exercise added during this time enhances the effect on bone density 2 research shows that active youth have higher bone density than inactive children 3 research suggests that denser bone formed during childhood may track into adulthood that is if children and teens exercise enough to create denser bones than their sedentary peers then they may have thicker bones as adults as for young adults it is generally believed that peak bone density is reached by the time we reach our late 20s or early 30s and research suggests that athletes in this age group have higher bone mineral density than sedentary individuals for middle aged and older adults bone density decreases by about 5 per decade after the age of 40 some scientists believe that during these times of life it may not be realistic to expect substantial increases in bone density but rather we should expect a reduction or attenuation of the loss of bone that we experience as we age these scientists may be right because there is little evidence that walking weight lifting or any other type of exercise substantially increases bone density in older adults what you can say with some certainty is that active individuals in these age groups do maintain their bone density while their sedentary peers do not and that is a good thing equally important for older adults in terms of osteoporosis is the effect of exercise on the risk of falling when individuals with osteoporosis fall they typically break bones and in fact sometimes the bones are so brittle that they break before the person hits the ground for example just stepping off a curb could break a brittle bone in the hip and then the individual falls as a result people fall for many reasons including poor balance poor vision decreased strength and range of motion and cognitive impairments like dementia exercise can not help every factor but studies show that exercises such as balance training e g tai chi leg strengthening and flexibility training e g yoga can reduce the risk of falling in older adults as for which exercises are best for people with osteoporosis the simple answer is 1 weight bearing exercises that cause force on the bones like jogging stair what is a good evening routine for skin care,it looks like kidney problems you should consult a nephrologist and get evaluated and a proper renal profile gfr and bun ratio should be done for confirmation of the exact cause and treatment can be done hope this helps what should i do if i suspect an overdose of ativan,if your doctor put you on a low dose aspirin regimen i would urge you not to discontinue it without your doctor is approval your health care provider would not put you on an aspirin regimen unless he or she believed you needed it if you are experiencing undesirable side effects like the bruising and bleeding issues please make an appointment to discuss these with your health care provider because he or she needs to know that this is happening your doctor may want to take you off aspirin lower the dose or put you on a different medication altogether if on the other hand you started taking daily aspirin on your own because you have read it might be good for you or help prevent a heart attack or something then you probably are ok to stop going to an every other day regimen is a great way to taper off the dose do that for a week then go to every second day for a week and so on until you are down to once a week at that point you can stop i want to make a point that no one should self medicate for heart concerns with aspirin whether low dose or regular strength blood thinning should be done only under the supervision of a health care provider also when a person is on an aspirin regimen he or she should be aware of over the counter supplements such as fish oil and vitamin e that also have blood thinning properties taking too many or too much of these products can cause the bleeding and bruising problems you describe i hope this helps what can i do to help with arthritis in my feet on the bottom of my feet and they hurt badly,have you had them checked spurs could do that to your feet also i just recently had a wound closed on my neck and shoulder the bottom of the wound is red and puffy is it infected,my advice to someone asking this question is to have their thyroid levels checked hunger irritibility and thinness are all signs of an overactive thyroid it may not be that but it is worth a look is it mandatory that everyone enroll in health insurance coverage,this is a localized numbness that we are bothered with disease starting from this region without any other associated symptoms is quite rare and without them we may not think of a systemic pathology right away have you tried nerve tonics i suggest back strengthening exercises and pregabalin 75 mg once a day for two weeks vitamin b12 levels and hba1c should be helpful consult a specialist doctor discuss with him or her and take the medicine with consent lack of erections may suggest a more systemic disease but we need to have more a detailed talk before we can attribute symptoms for further information consult a urologist online > can an empty stomach from vomiting cause more vomiting i have the flu and can not keep anything on my stomach is there anything i can eat or drink to help stop the vomiting,i think its better to just eat foods with fiber like bread or crackers try eating things in smaller measurements can an adult get shingles from a child that has chicken pox,no one should be using crystal meth i do not think i can possibly overstate this fact methamphetamine has legitimate medical uses however crystal meth is an illegal street drug it is not safe to use under any circumstances a person with failing kidneys certainly should not be using street drugs of any kind using crystal meth will accelerate kidney failure if a person on dialysis is seeking a kidney transplant crystal meth use is a sure way to get kicked off the transplant list crystal meth is a highly addictive substance if you are addicted to crystal meth you should seek treatment for your addiction do not delay i wish you all the best are you ready to join swtor2credits 1000m swtor credits with 50 off dear players of swtor it is an easy thing to take part in this activity what you should do is to visit promo page advance once the countdown time turns to be zero you can click “buy now” to snap up one portion of swtor credits cheapest you want and add it into your cart to place order as usual on our site never miss 8 discount code cheapsw8 for buying swtor credits on anytime,please be respectful of webmd answers and refrain from advertising your product or services on this important medical information site your inappropriate posting takes up valuable space for individuals seeking answers to their medical questions chronic fatigue anxiety depression and digestive issues,age related memory loss is quite complex but i am not sure you will find the cure or a solution in a herbal supplement with that said there is nothing wrong with trying it assuming you clear it with this medical provider many herbal supplements can interfere with existing medications so you may need to do a bit of research first to make sure there are no adverse reactions many of these herbal supplements have not be scientifically proven to be efficacious some of the individual ingredients have been tested in various studies but little is known about how effective they are in clinical practice if you do not have copd but the er thinks you do and treat you accordingly can that adversly affect your breathing mom had an infarcted bowl took days for them to find it i told the er she had copd although she had no trouble breathing on her own except for one incident and was at that time diagnosed w copd she never took oxygen or any breathing aids after the diagnosis but since she was diagnosed i told the er when she died they put the 1st cause of death as breathing failure septic shock infarcted bowl and heart failure i think were in there as 2nd and 3rd ,most helpful answer my experience in care of copd patients included use of steroids to decrease inflammation antibiotics to treat infection and nebulizer treatments to improve oxygen levels assuming there are no drug allergies to those medications my instinctive answer would be that the treatment for copd would not have had adverse effects on breathing i see several of the same patients over and over again because their condition can worsen with weather changes most of them are in their late 60 is 70 is and 80 is and have other chronic health conditions as well i would not want to make this response a concrete yes as an answer without fully investigating past medical history and so on this is a general response only several months ago my lower left leg shin area began to hurt,only if he is a cross dresser or transvestite no you do not need to wear a bra unless of course that is what you are into suffering from diarrhea type ibs from last 12 years fear of getting emabrrased by bloating has made my life hell excessive gas in abdomen flatulence i am not able to attend classes n exams life has become hell is there anything which can temporaily provide me relief especially when in classroom,no sometimes there are incentives to encourage you to participate in a wellness program but you cannot lose insurance coverage because you choose not to what is acne,acne or acne vulgaris is a skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up your pores some people call it blackheads blemishes whiteheads pimples or zits when you have just a few red spots or pimples you have a mild form of acne severe acne can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face neck chest and back or it can be bigger solid red lumps that are painful cysts most young people get at least mild acne it usually gets better after the teen years but many adult women do have acne in the days before their menstrual periods how you feel about your acne may not be related to how bad it is some people with severe acne are not bothered by it others are embarrassed or upset even though they have only a few pimples the good news is that there are many good treatments that can help you get acne under control webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i have hypothyroidism how should i approach pregnancy,hi if you are planning pregnancy you should consult a gynaecologist or your endocrinologist and discuss and get regular thyroid profile done at least every one and half to two months let it stay consistently normal once you get pregnant continue the monitoring with proper dose titration so that your blow thyroid levels does not harmful your baby hope this helps our child in college is being treated for depression we feel more support is needed but live far away what can we do,when you are bitten by a malaria infected mosquito the parasites that cause malaria are injected into your blood and invade your liver cells the parasite reproduces in the liver cells which then burst open allowing thousands of new parasites to enter the bloodstream and infect red blood cells the parasites reproduce again in the blood cells kill the blood cells and then move to other uninfected blood cells the time from the initial malaria infection until symptoms appear incubation period generally ranges from 1 9 to 14 days for plasmodium p falciparum 12 to 18 days for p vivax and p ovale 18 to 40 days for p malariae 11 to 12 days for p knowlesi symptoms can appear in 7 days occasionally the time between exposure and signs of illness may be as long as 8 to 10 months with p vivax and p ovale because these parasites can survive in the human liver for a long time the incubation period may be longer if you are taking medicine to prevent infection chemoprophylaxis or have developed partial immunity due to previous infections malaria can begin with flu like symptoms in the early stages infection from p falciparum is similar to infection from p vivax p malariae and p ovale you may have no symptoms or symptoms that are less severe if you are immune or partially immune to malaria common malaria symptoms include fever chills and a rapidly rising temperature headaches nausea and extreme sweating symptoms may appear in cycles the time between episodes of fever and other symptoms varies with the specific parasite you are infected with episodes of symptoms may occur every 48 hours if you are infected with p vivax or p ovale every 72 hours if you are infected with p malariae p falciparum does not usually have a regular cyclic fever after the early stages life threatening complications develop rapidly with p falciparum and p knowlesi and if untreated may result in irreversible complications or death 2 if untreated you may recover in a week to a month or longer after being infected with p vivax p malariae or p ovale malaria can be a very serious disease for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby fetus and for young children medication choices are limited for a pregnant woman or a child infection with p falciparum can lead to death for a pregnant woman and her fetus for these reasons a pregnant woman should not travel to an area where she could get p falciparum malaria visit the cdc web site www cdc govmalariatravelindex htm to find out whether malaria is a problem in the country where you will be traveling malaria recurrences malaria caused by p falciparum may come back recur at irregular intervals for up to 2 years if treatment is not complete malaria caused by p vivax and p ovale may recur at irregular intervals for up to 3 to 4 years but medication treatment my grandfather takes 1 mg of folic acid but ran out i purchased some otc but it is 400 mcg how do i convert it,there can be many causes for a neuropathy your doctor has most likely already taken a good medical history and a physical exam many clues can be obtained with these simple tools examination of the legs and feet will include checking your reflexes strength and sensation depending on the results you may need an emg test and lab work sometimes x rays ct scans or mris may be needed of your back or brain some of the possible causes of neuropathy besides diabetes include vitamin b12 deficiency thyroid problems autoimmune diseases lyme disease inflamed blood vessels kidney failure alcohol abuse hiv infection and syphilis multiple sclerosis guillain barré syndrome and rare types of cancers may also cause neuropathy the next step if your doctor can not find a cause for your problem would be to see a neurologist this is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the brain and nerves make sure to take all your test results with you i hope you get some answers and relief soon how to stop a small hand cut bleed hello this is actually too trivial but i am running out of options i got myself a tiny little glass cut on my hand a few hours ago it is about 1 or 2 mm deep but i can not even see any flesh the problem is that the bleeding will not stop even though i have been applying pressure wrapping with gauze and band aids putting ground coffee and ice and washing it with salt water none of that is working is there another way to stop the bleed it is not a serious amount at all it is just annoying thanks,here are 10 questions about osteoporosis to discuss with your doctor whether you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or want to know how to prevent osteoporosis are there ways to keep osteoporosis from worsening can medications taken for other illnesses cause bone loss how can i prevent fractures how frequently should i have a bone density test how much calcium and vitamin d do i need every day and how can i get enough of these nutrients how much exercise do i need to boost bone strength and which exercises do you recommend is hormone replacement therapy safe for preventing osteoporosis what osteoporosis medications are available that prevent bone loss what are some other lifestyle changes i should make now to keep my bones strong what is does my t score mean a t score is the result of a bone density test what happens when dying starts to occur had feeling from my head slowly and heavily went down my body to my feet felt disoriented i had gotten out of bed went to bathroom coming back is when this happened never have i felt this before,i am sorry you experienced this it sounds scary the good news is people usually do not just drop dead suddenly in the manner you describe i wonder if you mean you felt light headed when you got out of bed this is not uncommon it can be caused by a blood pressure change from lying down to standing if you continue to have episodes like this please see a health care provider a physical examination will help discover the cause of the problem it also will give you peace of mind take care is there any cure for premature ejaculation i am 28 male and ejaculate within 2 mins i am not at all satisfied,had this happen to me did the fussion 3 times and they all failed i am type 2 diabetic so that could have something to do with it get second opinions you could end up like me disabled for the rest of my life i have vomited every night shift in a strange way starting to accept this vomiting as normal,hi in my opinion vomitting seems to be secondary and is due to gag reflex stimulation there are a variety of causes for gag reflex activation and bronchospasm is one of them get spirometry done and consult a chest physician thanks extreme low blood pressure after percocet following knee replacement reversal drug felt like heart attack explain taken percocet before for previous knee replacement pressure 7030 for several hours reversal drug 18 of regular dose felt like heart attack please explain this reaction,i wish i could explain this but it is impossible to know what happened without knowing the specifics involved percocet generic name oxycodone apap is an oral tablet taken by swallowing usually post surgical pain is treated with intravenous iv medication not pills it is possible your post surgical blood pressure issues had nothing to do with the percocet normally low blood pressure in the recovery room is treated with iv fluids i do not know what reversal drug you were given for the percocet i am going to assume you received naloxone brand name narcan i do not know why this would cause you to feel as if you were having a heart attack i could speculate but that would be of no use if you are truly concerned about this i advise taking it up with the surgeon who performed your knee replacement surgery he should have access to the anesthesia and nursing records that show exactly what medications you were given the times they were given and the dosages you received perhaps your surgeon could shed some light on what happened wishing you well i have anterior cruciate ligament tear…do i need surgery,my chest feels very heavy what is best for seasickness or motion sickness,this is an area that we have to be a little careful with because of the fact that i get a lot of questions from pregnant women about this there are products which can be used which actually are not drugs at all they are called sea bands there is actually a product that is a wrist bracelet and it applies pressure to certain areas of the wrist and there is no side effects but it does tend to work i also ask people if they are going to be going on a boat trip or a long boating or a train trip because that is when people tend to feel the most seasick or motion sickness there are a few things that i tell people to keep in mind try to not read when you are traveling in a train or in the car this is known to be a trigger of causing this you also want to try to maintain a good sight a straight line of vision because if you are moving your head allover the place you are going to get dizzier even more then also try not to drink or eat excessively when you are on these type of trips i know it is hard but once again alcohol can cause you to not feel so well get a little dizzy especially with a little nausea there are products that are available if you are pregnant though these products are not meant for you to take because they are not safe in women who are pregnant but for an average adult they contain antihistamine and what it does is it causes a little bit of drowsiness and it tries to kind of calm down that center in the brain that triggers nausea and vomiting they may cause a little bit of drowsiness so you want to be careful but they are available in a tubal form as well so it is easier for people who maybe do not have access to water or to have a drink or older adults who really have a problem sometimes swallowing pills so great products they are available once again talk to your pharmacist because if you are on some other medications there could be some interactions so we will need to talk to you first before we recommend those products my last 2 periods have been painful and heavy and a strong odor and the 1 st period was 2 wks late i am 48,given your age you are probably getting close to menopause as you approach this time of life you may notice changes in your periods just like those you have described the most common symptoms are spacing out of menses and less bleeding although the opposite can be seen as well other symptoms that you may experience are hot flashes night sweats vaginal dryness and mood swings however regardless of your age it is best to discuss these changes with your doctor because these same changes in your periods could also be a sign of other abnormalities e g thyroid disorders and uterine cancer which need to be evaluated what are benign and malignant brain tumors,brain tumors can be benign or malignant benign brain tumors do not contain cancer cells usually benign tumors can be removed and they seldom grow back the border or edge of a benign brain tumor can be clearly seen cells from benign tumors do not invade tissues around them or spread to other parts of the body however benign tumors can press on sensitive areas of the brain and cause serious health problems unlike benign tumors in most other parts of the body benign brain tumors are sometimes life threatening very rarely a benign brain tumor may become malignant malignant brain tumors contain cancer cells malignant brain tumors are generally more serious and often are life threatening they are likely to grow rapidly and crowd or invade the surrounding healthy brain tissue very rarely cancer cells may break away from a malignant brain tumor and spread to other parts of the brain to the spinal cord or even to other parts of the body the spread of cancer is called metastasis sometimes a malignant tumor does not extend into healthy tissue the tumor may be contained within a layer of tissue or the bones of the skull or another structure in the head may confine it this kind of tumor is called encapsulated tumor grade doctors sometimes group brain tumors by grade from low grade grade i to high grade grade iv the grade of a tumor refers to the way the cells look under a microscope cells from high grade tumors look more abnormal and generally grow faster than cells from low grade tumors i recently got lasik surgery now vision is blurry and can not see fine print,hi this seems to be due to improperly executed surgery consult the doctor and get a opthalmoscopy done to confirm intra ocular lesions thanks what is heart disease,flucloxacillin dicloxacillin are the antibiotics of choice for the management of serious methicillin susceptible s aureus mssa infections but first generation cephalosporins cefazolin cephalothin and cephalexin clindamycin lincomycin and erythromycin have important therapeutic roles in less serious mssa infections such as skin and soft tissue infections where is your infection what drugs have you used i am 11 weeks pregnant and have a sore throat i would like to know if using cough drops would be safe,let is look at both of these medications individually pamprin has a variety of productsbrands including pamprin multi symptom acetaminophen 500 mg pain reliever pamabrom 25 mg diuretic and pyrilamine 15 mg antihistamine pamprin cramp acetaminophen 250 mg pain reliever magnesium 250 mg pain reliever and pamabrom 25 mg diuretic pamprin all day naproxen 220 mg pain relieverfever reducer *nsaid pamprin max acetaminophen 250 mg pain reliever aspirin 250 mg pain reliever and caffeine 65mg diuretic motrin or ibuprofen belongs to the nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug class *nsaids the answer to your question depends on which brand of pamprin you have it is important to look at the active ingredients found on any over the counter medication label to make sure you are not duplicating ingredients if you are referring to pamprin all day it would be the same as taking ibuprofen since they are both nsaids therefore i would not take motrin with pamprin all day it would be acceptable based on the ingredients to take motrin with either pamprin multi symptom cramp or max how can i treat my baby and toddler is colds,this could be side effects of amiodarone metoprolool as they cause dizziness and hypotension so i recommend revising your doctor for a change in the dose why am i losing my voice but no sore throat i am just barely getting over bronchitis took antibiotics for it and i am still taking an inhaler,hi hey a nice warm bath is relaxing anytime and yes it will help soothe any pain you have try chucking a couple of handfuls of sea salt in it will help as well good luck what is neurocardiogenic syncope neurocardiogenic syncope is the most common reason for fainting neurocardiogenic syncope is also called vasovagal syncope,neurocardiogenic syncope is the most common reason for fainting neurocardiogenic syncope is also called vasovagal syncope in neurocardiogenic syncope blood pressure rapidly falls and blood flow to the brain becomes very low the person loses consciousness passes out or faints usually for only a few seconds neurocardiogenic syncope can occur suddenly in response to a startling event or strain a needle stick pain fear cough or defecation it can also occur after prolonged standing heat exposure or exertion some people experience a period of ill feeling for a few minutes before actually passing out neurocardiogenic syncope is common and usually does not signal any serious problem or increased health risk however there can be many other reasons for fainting syncope some of which are serious after a fainting episode further testing is often recommended to make sure a serious cause of syncope such as an abnormal heart rhythm is not responsible how are breast changes early signs of pregnancy,changes in your breasts are another very early sign of pregnancy when you conceive your body undergoes a rapid change in hormone levels because of the changes in hormones you may notice in one to two weeks that your breasts have become swollen sore or tingly or they may feel heavier or fuller or feel tender to the touch in addition the area around the nipples called the areola may darken pregnancy is not the only thing that can cause breast changes a hormonal imbalance that is unrelated to pregnancy could be responsible the changes could also be caused by a change in birth control pills or they could be a premenstrual symptom if the changes are an early symptom of pregnancy keep in mind that it is going to take your body several weeks to get used to the new levels of hormones but when it does your breasts will feel less painful than they do in the beginning what causes heart failure,a typical pregnancy is nine months long but to give your baby a healthy start think of it as twelve months including the three months before you get pregnant this means that when you start thinking about trying to conceive you should see your doctor for a prepregnancy checkup do not forget to ask about things like family medical history risk of birth defects genetic conditions and chronic illnesses discuss all the medications you take and make sure they are safe during pregnancy in addition to eating a healthy diet lots of leafy greens lean proteins and fiber boost your nutrients with a prenatal vitamin it is particularly important to get sufficient folic acid before getting pregnant this nutrient helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida look for a multivitamin that contains 400 micrograms of calcium if you smoke quit smoking poses a host of risks to a developing baby including birth defects and low birth weight it also doubles your risk of having an ectopic pregnancy get checked for hepatitis b and c sexually transmitted infections and hiv get any health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure under control if you are seriously overweight talk to your doctor about how to maintain a healthy weight can camphor phenique cream applied to the eye ball damage the eye ball camphor phenique cream was mistaken for a tube of prescribed eye ointment and placed in the eye it was washed out as soon as the pain started and medical attention was sought however it feels like something is under the eyelid and it is still quite red and swollen and vision is blurry i am concerned i have chemically burned my eye and my vision will be impaired,i am sorry you are going through this it is not uncommon to mistake one medication for another it happens to the best of us it sounds like you did everything right you flushed your eye and sought medical attention it would not be uncommon for you to have a dry swollen feeling in the lower lid after placing campho phenique in the eye you do not say how long ago this happened it is possible the situation will clear up you can continue lubricating the eye with plain saline eye drops such as nature is tears brand bausch & lomb brand saline drops for sensitive eyes or any generic brand of sterile saline solution do not use plain tap water as this will only irritate the eye further if the problem does not get better within a week of the time you sought medical attention you might make an appointment with an ophthalmologist a medical doctor who treats eye problems or your primary care provider to get re evaluated i hope you feel better soon my mom has been coughing several times each day for the past 9 months sometimes she spits clear mucous and vomits,i think this is a chronic bronchitis problem and she is allergic to many things could be fiid and other inhaled substances she must avoid all types of irritants …cats dogs dust sprays etc… make a food list of what she eats daily and what is commonly causing the cough after avoid dry air and let her drink plenty of water…warm drinks ginger helps she also has mild urinary incontinence or pelvic floor muscle weakness kegel exercises are great for her how does very cold temperature storage affect the use of asmanex inhalers is it safe to use,this is a good question for your pharmacist i suggest making a call to any local pharmacy and asking their advice in general medications are quite cold tolerant usually it is high temperatures that can break down certain components in certain types of medications that is why most labels specify a temperature range at which to store the medication in general if a person is having an asthma attack and needs a rescue inhaler do not sit around and debate whether or not the one on hand is any good better to use what you have and hope it works and meanwhile dial 911 also do not wait until you are having an asthma attack before you replace your questionable inhaler with one you know is good be sure to always have a viable rescue inhaler on hand because you never know when you will need one wishing you well i wish to get pregnant but i am in contact with a person with cytomegalovirus cmv infection,as you lose weight your caloric intake will decrease meaning your body will need less calories to function as you lose weight you could not be eating enough calories as well if we do not eat enough calories to function our bodies will move into a starvation mode and we will conserve the calories stored and this will prevent weight loss the bmi calculator tool found here is very useful in deciding how many calories to eat a day when you exercise you might require a few extra calories so yes eating more might help with your weight loss can a period be late after taking the morning after pill the condom broke on tuesday and i took the morning after pill within the 72 hour window i am on birth control control and we use a condom but it broke so i took it just to be safe this is the week that i have the placebo bc pills so i get my period but it is two days late would the morning after pill have altered this cycle by any chance or is there a possibility i am pregnant,hi its possible that the plan b has altered things which it does its a high shot of hormones plus you have the other hormones from your bc pills so with all these hormones raging round your body this could be why its late this would mean your start date for your periods has now altered do just carry on taking your bc pills as normal as for being pregnant i do not think so hope this helps you good luck can e coli live on a razor i have had 2 utis recently and wondered if using a razor with e coli in that area could have caused them,yes e coli can live on a razor for a while especially if it is wet and used to shave around their preferred neighborhood the perianal area most of the e coli that causes a uti comes from your own anus not a razor if you are female sexual activity tends to spread the germs rubbed semen outside vagina can i get pregnant hello i had sexual intercourse and he came on my thigh however i unknowingly rubbed my vagina with his cum on my fingers what are the chances of me getting pregnant i do not know if this has any relevancy but i believe i did this about 35 seconds after he came on my thigh i also went to rinse myself off shortly after,most helpful answer yes you can in fact anyone who has had chicken pox can get shingles in the future that is because shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox like chicken pox shingles is caused by the varicella zoster virus once the virus has gotten into your body it gives you chicken pox after you have recovered from chicken pox the varicella zoster virus lies dormant inactive in your system if it ever re activates it causes shingles shingles can occur any people of any age but the rate of shingles increases as you get older according to the centers for disease control and prevention cdc about half of all shingles cases occur in people over age 60 there is a vaccine available to protect people age 60 and over from getting shingles if you do get shingles your doctor also can treat the symptoms of the outbreak with various medications if you are over age 60 i suggest you talk with your health care provider about whether or not the shingles vaccine is right for you hope this helps can drinking orange juice at night cause upset stomach in the morning my child has been waking with an upset stomach in the morning that lasts a few hours she is been drinking natural orange juice with pulp at night not sure if there is a connection sometimes when i drink the oj late at night my stomach is a little crazy in the morning,try a few nights without the orange juice and then try it again if you do find a connection then just do not give oj at night for most people this would not be an issue but it may be for you and your child is a heart attack or cardia arrest ultimately more life threatening,obviously a completely stopped heart cardiac arrest is more life threating since you only have a few precious minutes to get it ticking again or death will occur a heart attack is lay term that refers to dozens of different serious cardiac conditions some that are life threating and some not so much i havent had a regular period in 6 years when i do have one i spot for a week prior to starting and large blood clots i am turning 30 in march 2014 i had my tubes tied 6 years ago with my after having my last child i also am overweight,hi being overweight can lead to period problems i think if you read up about it as you lose weight your periods well come back to normal now that seems to me like a very good reason to get on that diet you have always wanted to do also some exercise would do you the world of good even just getting out walking but a good brisk walk doing around a couple of miles a day will help you to lose weight so now is your chance to kick back good luck is there any truth to the theory that after a root canal bacteria left on the teeth can cause future systemic diseases,i do not think the 2 ailmants are related glad you got some relief for you rib pain keep doing the peppermint thing now go to the doctor for the urinary issue you have the classic symptoms of a urinary tract infection only antibiotics can help with that you do not need to go to the er unless it is your only option your regular physician or an urgent care facility can treat that easily you will need to give a urine sample so make sure you drink lots of water before going i am taking the lupron depo for endometrosis i have symptoms of vaginal clots and mucus dizziness and nausea why i was diagnosed over a year ago with endometriosis and took the lupron depo shots for 5 months nine months later i was placed back on the lupron depo shot since taking the shot i have had very thick mucus and dark brown discharge when i urinate i have been very dizzy and nauseous after only 2 days of taking the shot why is this i did not have this happen the first time that i was on the lupron depo,hi it looks like bowel inflammation like irritable bowel syndrome consult a gastroenterologist and get evaluated you should take plenty of probiotics like yogurt and take small frequent meals avoid large spicy meals and also limit intake of tea coffee and other acidic foods drink plenty of water and do moderate workout to improve metabolism hope this helps i am 86 i survived congestive heart failure how much exercise should i expect to undertake heart throbs in my neck in early july i was living independently and getting good exercise every day since being hospitalized with congestive heart failure in mid july i am too weak to look after myself i want to know how much exercise i should do and what are the risks of strengthening myself my neck shows each beat of my heart and it is obvious to my visitors and myself i am afraid to walk very much because i do not want to kill myself but feel i should be doing something thank you for your time,hi does not sound anything like a heart problem best you go see who you under for your injury see if they can point to you problem in case its related to your injury good luck i suffer with headachesmigraines frequently,i have heard of some people having to have a blood test done to confirm pregnancy it is very possible that you are pregnant especially if you had a positive result on a test it could just be that you have skipped a period i would buy a slightly more expensive test and try again or visit my doctor if it was me i have always had dead on results with ept pregnancy tests and they are fairly cheap good luck does infant is advil interact with any other medications,drug interactions may change how your medications work or increase your risk for serious side effects this document does not contain all possible drug interactions keep a list of all the products you use including prescriptionnonprescription drugs and herbal products and share it with your doctor and pharmacist do not start stop or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor is approval some products that may interact with this drug include aliskiren ace inhibitors such as lisinopril angiotensin ii receptor blockers such as valsartan losartan cidofovir corticosteroids such as prednisone this medication may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with other drugs that also may cause bleeding examples include anti platelet drugs such as clopidogrel blood thinners such as dabigatranenoxaparinwarfarin among others check all prescription and nonprescription medicine labels carefully since many medications contain pain relieversfever reducers including aspirin nsaids such as celecoxib ketorolac or naproxen these drugs are similar to ibuprofen and may increase your risk of side effects if taken together however if your doctor has directed you to take low dose aspirin for heart attack or stroke prevention usually at dosages of 81 325 milligrams a day you should continue taking the aspirin unless your doctor instructs you otherwise daily use of ibuprofen may decrease aspirin is ability to prevent heart attackstroke talk to your doctor about using a different medication such as acetaminophen to treat painfever if you must take ibuprofen talk to your doctor about possibly taking immediate release aspirin not enteric coatedec while taking ibuprofen take ibuprofen at least 8 hours before or at least 30 minutes after your aspirin dose do not increase your daily dose of aspirin or change the way you take aspirinother medications without your doctor is approval how to soften internal scar tissue i had a transflap surgery due to mastectomy and have harden tissue around an opened wound in my abdomen how can i soften it,sorry you had breast cancer i like the tram flap approach it is a great reconstructive method in my opinion i am a little confused because you state you have an open wound in your abdomen this is a not uncommon complication of tram flap surgery if the wound is still healing i would suggest you consult your surgeon about this hardened tissue it could be many other things besides scar tissue until all of your wounds have healed completely you probably should not take any action toward scar reduction that can wait until you are all healed up i wish you all the best are there any warnings for the drug excedrin ib,nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs including ibuprofen may rarely increase the risk for a heart attack or stroke the risk may be greater if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart disease for example due to smoking family history of heart disease or conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes or with longer use this drug should not be taken right before or after heart bypass surgery cabg this drug may infrequently cause serious rarely fatal bleeding from the stomach or intestines this effect can occur without warning at any time while taking this drug older adults may be at higher risk for this effect stop taking ibuprofen and get medical help right away if you notice any of these rare but serious side effects blacktarry stools persistent stomachabdominal pain vomit that looks like coffee grounds chestjawleft arm pain shortness of breath unusual sweating confusion weakness on one side of the body slurred speech sudden vision changes talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the benefits and risks of taking this drug i am 56 years old i have whiteheads blackheads and adult acne nothing seems to help do you have any suggestions i have used proactiv for many years i now use prescription tretinoin + 0 025 cre i walk 6+ miles every day so i sweat a great deal i wash my face at least twice daily,the mainstay of treatments are still oral and or topical antibiotics along with benzoyl peroxide washes and topical retinoids in severe cases a type of surgery called marsupialization can be done to more definitively treat the condition however there is often scarring from the procedure so it is often reserved for the worst cases oral isotretinoin is also used with some benefit in getting the condition under control however topical treatments are needed to maintain clearance over time what increases a man is risk of infertility,a man is sperm can be changed by his overall health and lifestyle some things that may reduce the health or number of sperm include heavy alcohol use drugs environmental toxins including pesticides and lead smoking cigarettes health problems such as mumps serious conditions like kidney disease or hormone problems medicines radiation treatment and chemotherapy for cancer age is oatmeal really as good for you as they say what about cheerios,research suggests that all oats are good for you three quarters of a cup seems to be the magical amount it is the soluble fiber that may play role in the aging process an interesting thing about oatmeal it makes your body produce nitric oxide which helps blood to flow more freely that allows more oxygen and nutrients to all the cells including skin cells what risks do the new mammogram screening guidelines pose for patients,hi this may happen due to a spinal nerve compression causing radiating tingling numbness across and into the chest get a mri of the spine done to rule out this consult a neurologist an ecg 2 d echo will rule out any heart related cause thanks if after a boil drains & then gets red & infected does it give off an offensive odor,not all boils are the same some that contain staph and certain other bacteria can be very malodorous when they are draining consider seeing your medical provider for a proper exam and treatment bump on tip of tongue contagious very small white slightly sore,people with modern pacemakers seem pretty active and independent a blood pressure cuff that runs on batteries would not be an issue and neither would swimming the pacemaker is completely enclosed and does not touch the outside i knew someone who had a pacemaker other than having a heart shaped lump on his chest he led a very normal life here is an article all about pacemakers is it possible to be pregnant with twins and mis carry only 1 twin have a dnc and still be pregnant with one child,there are no legal requirements the doctor sets his own rules and parameters when it comes to refills of chronic medications many clinicians will let you go a year others six months while it can be a hassle and added expense to see your medical provider they are responsible for your care having you come in is a good opportunity to give you a check up see about your health maintenence that you may be ignoring blood tests cancer screenings etc make the appointment and discuss this directly with the doctor not the office manager ask for a one year prescription of all of your meds if he is willing i have been on mirena for a year my period has suddenly stopped after several months of lighter flow is this normal,given that [the pregnancy test] was negative and you mentioned increasingly light flows over time my best guess is that this is a normal mirena side effect simply stated if the uterine lining is like grass or lawn estrogen is like the fertilizer causes a thickening of the lining and progesterone is like the lawnmower keeps the lining thin by three different mechanisms this is why depoprovera high dose synthetic progesterone brings about a thin lining and why birth control pills relatively progesterone dominant bring about shorter lighter periods the mirena distributes significant amounts of synthetic progesterone right at the level of the lining of the uterus that is why a large percent of mirena users lose their periods after 12 months of use as mentioned this can also happen with birth control pills and the depo provera shot a thin lining is a healthy lining when it is caused by hormones in birth control methods your lining will regrow after the mirena is removed or even toward the end of the five years as the level of hormone in the iud is tapering down for about two years now i have been having a problem with my ears i know this will probably sound really weird but here is what is been happening i have had muffled hearing and my ears have felt stuffy both ears the biggest issue is that when i place my finger just inside my ear canal and apply some pressure and release there is a very loud crackling and popping sound it last for 1 or 2 seconds then stops in both ears the same i can even feel it bubbling inside my ear it sounds and feels like some type of fluid,yes you can work poison ivy and poison oak are not contagious from person to person how is pneumonia treated,yes there is about 2ml overfilling in the palatal root it sometimes normal with other roots but since the palatal root is very near to the maxillary sinus this causes addrevation of pain due to severe infection extraction can be a choice but you need to get a full course of antibiotic and antiinflammatory first and then the dentist can decide whether to do extraction or not… bullied for years and eventually i knew what it was like to be alone in the world i was bullied for years and it was so bad that no one would talk to me at all people would glare at me in the hallways and whisper lies about me so loudly that i could hear every word i was verbally abused and people threatened to hurt me it pains me to be forgotten or left it brings me to tears i think the emotional damage has caused anxiety im brought to tears my body heats up and i shake a bit until i can calm myself down its been 7 years and it still hurts,i have anxiety as well sometimes things like that can cause emotional damage that will bring on anxiety it may never go away when i had anxiety attacks i would shake heart rate would go up hearing would decrease and i would feel like i couldnt breathe it would take me awhile to calm myself down i started going to a counsler and a thereapist & i was put on medication sometimes just having someone to talk to can really help you i eventually took myself off of the medication about 2 years ago but i just had my daughter in november & that has brought them back again i am now on paxil for anxiety maybe try going to talk to someone or try a medication that is made for anxiety sometimes those things can really improve it does rubbing vicks vapor rub on the bottom of your feet when you have a cold work if so can i do this on my 1 yr old my 1 year old has a cold with runnystuffy nose and cough many mothers including my own have told me to rub vicks on the bottom of her feet and put socks on her at bed time i have done it on mine but did not notice a difference i only did it a couple of nights though thank you c,no it will not work or help the cold symptoms it will just make his feet smell like vicks do not tell your mother or grandmother that i told you this but vicks on the feet is absolutely worthless just try it it worked for my kids rub on feet and put on socks and within a 10 20 minutes the cough will lessen also marshamallow root is good for cough & chest congestion it sells in extract form i hit my head i still have the numbness in my arms and hand,check your cervical vertebra do an mri scan take it seriously good luck i had laryngitis cough sore throat and fever and i am having lots of vertigo episodes,hi i see no reason to worry just take a mucolytic agent like bromhexine drink lots of fluids i really mean alot this is final healing stage good luck i terminated a pregnancy and i have to take a drug test for a job will the pregnancy hormone show up on the test it is a federal job and they have to do drug testing while i am drug free i have recently terminated a pregnancy and i know that the pregnancy hormone can still show up and make it seem like you are pregnant will it show up on the drug test somehow i am set to take the medical test next week,it would be illegal even for our government to do a pregnancy test on you pregnancy hormones will not show up on a drug screening test i started period on 113 and lasted to 117 about a week and a half later 1117 stared spotting dark brown pregnant i started my perod on 113 and lasted to 117 about a week and a half later 1117 stared spotting dark brown just enough to be annoying for 2 days my husband and i use condoms but before climax we have intercourse and then put on a condom can i be pregnant read more spotting after period page 2 early pregnancy signs and symptoms forum ehealthforum #ixzz2ld7vzcdq follow us @ehealthforums on twitter,hi seems more of an gerd or ibs an endoscopy with mucosal biopsy can help confirm the diagnosis pre probitics with antacids will help thanks our 4 month old was diagnosed with torticollis at 6 weeks we are doing physical therapy how long will it take,torticollis is a very common condition in which one side of neck muscles are a bit shortermore contracted than the other side this often presents with a baby who prefers to look to one side and may eventually develop some asymmetric flattening of the head pt or home stretching often improves the neck muscles and keeping your baby alternating on which side heshe sleeps on can correct the head flattening with good compliance you should see great results over the course of a few months how to control premature ejaculation,i have read and understood your problem premature ejaculation is very common problem and is usually not associated with any disease but may be due to anxiety and sometimes however may be problem with prostate gland and thyroid hormone you can learn to control premature ejaculation by doing this exercise pull your muscles that you pull at the end of urination for few seconds then release repeat this several times daily another is stop start technique when you feel that you are going to ejaculate stop the sexual stimulation and divert your mind the penis will relax after sometime start the stimulation again and repeat the procedure over few months you will gradually increase your ejaculation time most often it is a chronic problem you have to take medicines in between and period off medicine you can apply lignocaine gel to head of penis 10 minutes before sex and wipe it off before starting sex usually medicines like dapoxetine 60 mg are given two to three hours before sex but you have to get a prescription from your doctor best wishes for further information consult a sexologist online > will washing my hands regularly help me avoid catching a cold or flu,the developing fetus receives its nutrition from the mother is blood therefore high fat diets and some vegetarian diets are discouraged during pregnancy because they may not provide all the nutrition needed for the developing fetus bulimia anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders in the mother need to be addressed and treated weight reduction diets are avoided excess intake of sugar alcohol megavitamins and caffeine should also be avoided because a safe amount of caffeine has never been confirmed to date it is best to avoid caffeine entirely women who feel strongly that they need some coffee are advised to drink no more than one cup per day there is no proof that one to two cups of coffee daily cause pregnancy complications listeria is a type of bacteria found in contaminated food that can cause miscarriage and other problems to a fetus because of the danger of getting a listeria infection pregnant women should avoid unpasteurized milk soft cheeses cold cuts and undercooked or raw animal foods in addition fruits and vegetables should be washed completely prior to consumption phenylketonuria is an inherited disease that affects the utilization of a certain protein component in foods this disorder can be detected by a blood test mothers with phenylketonuria may give birth to developmentally disabled children unless their diets are strictly controlled to exclude phenylalanine megavitamins contain double or even triple the recommended daily allowances of vitamins and minerals high doses of vitamin a have been implicated in producing birth defects the better idea is to avoid megavitamins and instead follow the recommendation that has proven benefit take a prenatal vitamin containing folic acid folic acid intake in the mother prior to and during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of birth defects involving the brain and spinal cord the u s public health service recommends folic acid for all women of childbearing capacity studies have shown that if folic acid is begun at least four weeks prior to conception the risk of birth defects of the spinal cord and skull can be reduced by more than 70 in women with or even without a history of having infants with birth defects of the spinal cord or skull folic acid should be taken one month before conception and continued through the 12th week of pregnancy in fact continuing prenatal vitamins through pregnancy and even through nursing is probably wise these prenatal vitamins are available over the counter if a particular brand makes you feel nauseated simply switch to another brand or try taking the vitamin at night because of the risks of mercury poisoning and nervous system damage in the fetus from contaminated fish pregnant women are advised to eliminate consumption of certain types of fish that are known to be high in mercury including shark swordfish tilefish and king mackerel tuna steaks made from large tuna may also have high mercury levels canned tuna is made from smaller fish that typically have lower levels of mercury than larger hi i am suffering from shingles i got this one day ago very painful,the answer to your question is a bit more complex than it might seem the first question is how did you take your daughter is temperature is it an oral temperature armpit ear forehead each of these methods produces a different normal temperature range for example we expect to see a temperature around 98 6 with an oral reading but an armpit temp will be lower than that a rectal or ear tympanic temperature may be higher than 98 6 secondly if you took your daughter is temperature orally did you do so shortly after she would had something cool or cold to drink if so this can lower the thermometer reading significantly an oral reading should be taken at least 20 minutes after eating or drinking anything try taking a second reading to see if the number changes if you are taking an oral reading be sure to do it properly have your daughter lift her tongue then place the tip of the thermometer well under your daughter is tongue up against the midline frenulum the tissue that divides the underside of the tongue have your daughter gently close her mouth while you hold onto the thermometer in order to keep the probe well seated under the tongue the thermometer should stay at about a 45 degree angle third are you sure the thermometer is accurate cleanse the thermometer and take someone else is temperature do you get a relatively accurate reading if your daughter is oral or rectal temperature really is 95 2 and she has other symptoms such as sluggishness paleness difficulty speaking or responding to your questions mental confusion then you should seek immediate medical attention it is not common but certain types of serious illnesses or infections can cause a drop in body temperature and since your daughter is just 5 years old you do not want to take any chances i hope this helps when i wake up i feel stomach aches super hot muscle soreness headachesmigraines constant hacking and sweating,an earache from a cold can be a sharp dull or burning pain that can range from mild to very painful even if the trapped fluid in the ear is not infected the fluid puts pressure on the eardrum causing it to bulge and throb with an earache from a cold you or your child may have difficulty sleeping run a fever and have green or yellow mucus in the nose because colds are self limiting an earache with a cold usually goes away on its own still if you have an earache an ear infection may be likely which means you might need to see your doctor for a diagnosis and proper treatment while earaches can occur first with a cold virus sometimes a secondary ear infection may occur these ear infections are usually sudden in onset and extremely painful in the beginning that is because the sensory nerve endings in the eardrum respond to increased pressure with pain after the eardrum stretches a little the earache pain may ease up other symptoms of an earache from an ear infection may include the following loss of appetite this may be apparent in young children especially during bottle feedings pressure changes in the middle ear as the child swallows causing more pain irritability poor sleep pain may be more persistent when lying down as fluid is shifting fever ear infections can cause temperatures up to 104 degrees f vertigo you may have a sense of spinning drainage from the ear yellow brown or white fluid that is not earwax may seep from the ear indicating the eardrum has ruptured difficulty hearing fluid build up in the middle ear prevents the eardrum from functioning properly the sound is then unable to be transmitted to the bones of the middle ear and from there to the brain otitis media with effusion symptoms of acute otitis media will disappear but the fluid which is called an effusion may remain trapped fluid causes temporary and mild hearing loss can i have root canal treatment for cracked molar,i have read through your complaint and the relevant details a cracked tooth can be root canal treated depending on the direction of the crack within the tooth especially if it involves the vital part of the tooth called the pulp the pulp is the vital part when it is inflamed or infected you get pain so in this case root canal treatment will help you get rid of the pain it is in this sequence that the treatment should have gone first root canal treatment then crown lengthening and then temporary crown followed by a permanent crown but the pain you experience at the moment seems to occur because of increased height in the temporary crown it can be corrected by shaping the portion of the crown which gets hit first when you bite the reason for the general pain is again the same one the decision of whether root canal treatment has to be done or not can be confirmed only with an x ray hence i am unable to say you without witnessing the x ray of the tooth i request you to send me the x rays if you have any it will help me give you a better answer revert with x rays to a dentist online > if you have an orgasm during intercourse will that increase you chances for getting pregnant,hi this might help you but get tested body fluids that can contain hiv include the followingblood including menstrual bloodsemen and possibly pre seminal fluid pre cumvaginal secretions and breast milk diagnosed with helicobacter pylori infection i now have constipation problems bile reflux villious athropy and stomach ulcers,treatment of h pylori should be a 14 day course of “quadruple therapy” with a proton pump inhibitornexium bismuthpepto bismol tetracycline antibiotic and metronidazole or tinidazole you must avoid caffeine fatty chocolate citrus high salt foods eat small meals 5 6 times a day ganaton 50 3times before meals for gerd symptoms after a month redo the h pylori test again … thanks my mother in law is bedridden shaking incontinent and virtually sleeps all day no one seems to care,hi your mother in law needs hospitalisation she is not in a condition wherein she can improve just by taking oral medicines a detailed consultation with a psychiatrist needs to be done and appropriate treatment needs to be taken under professional medical supervision thanks what is the maximum dose of ibuprofen that should be taken in 24 hours,in the vast majority of people smoking is the cause of emphysema exactly how smoking destroys the air sac linings in the lungs is not known however studies show that smokers are about six times more likely to develop emphysema than nonsmokers estimates vary but more than 10 million people in the u s likely have emphysema or another form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the fourth leading cause of death in the country interestingly most heavy smokers do not develop emphysema why some smokers get emphysema and others do not is unknown all heavy smokers experience other negative health effects of smoking though i use cocodamol had severe tight chest pains why is this,hi this seems to be a side effect of using the drug for so long it causes changes in cardiovascular and respiratory systems causing tight chest pains this is usually temporary get ecg done and consult a physician if it occurs frequently thanks i am sure i have strep throat i am allergic to penicillins and i think i am getting better do i really need meds on tuesday afternoon i had a tickle in my throat win 3 hours i had a severe sore throat a fever no energy and swollen nodes the next day i had white patches on my tonsils but today there is only 1 tiny one left i have not had a fever for a day and half i have more energy and feel a little better do i really need antibiotics i am allergic to penicillin anyway if it seems like i am fighting it off i know there can be complications but they are rare and i do not think i am an at risk person,it is good that you are recovering you can start with herbs like tinospora curcuma licorice basil triphala and shunthi powder in equal proportion at dose of 3 gmas twice daily with honey the mixture can be licked for better results this combination will help you to increase your immunity if you have recurrent attacks of sore throat than better get yourself checked up can someone help shed some light w my eeg results i can not see neuro until jan scared help please can anyone help explain eeg impression not looking for a diagnosis by random ppl on the internet obviously i will leave that up to my neuro i just want to know wth i am reading i can send impression results via email i am desperate i was already diagnose with epilepsy in 2008 and afraid it may be a drug resistant epilepsy judging by findings and google searched help i can not believe neuro can not ease my mind just a tad by talking over the phone,ringworm is just a skin fungus not a worm as long as the skin lesion is covered and under some topical anti fungal medications it poses no risk to others or the food service yes he can work keep in mind that this skin lesion has been self diagnosed so this recommendation assumes he is correct there are several skin lesions that can mimic ringworm so it would be wise to get it properly examined and diagnosed are these new mammogram screening guidelines really new and different,yes you are taking a considerable amount of morphine like opiates it is not considered a false positive but a true positive e coli in infants prevention and cure may have 2 mo old i have 2 month old just diagnosed with possible e coli what r home remedys for this or does he need other help,every person on this planet babies included have e coli in their colons this is part of our normal intestinal flora it is supposed to be there e coli should not be found in the urinary tract however so if your baby girl is having this found in her urine there is really not much that you can do to keep this area from being contaminated by fecal bacteria since that are diapered other than being very very thorough about cleaning all of those nooks and crannies that get poop on them if you baby is a boy e coli in the urine can be a more difficult problem to solve i am very sorry but since i do not know the specifics of your baby is case and not even your baby is sex it is difficult to offer you a specific answer you can repost your question with more details or you can address this issue with hisher pediatrician if i have thrush what are the chances of my partner getting it if we have unprotected sex,thrush is oral yeast oral moniliasis when this same yeast occurs in the vaginal area or even around the male genitalia the possibility of spreading always exists how is malaria transmitted,the life cycle of the malaria parasite plasmodium is complicated and involves two hosts humans and anopheles mosquitoes the disease is transmitted to humans when an infected anopheles mosquito bites a person and injects the malaria parasites sporozoites into the blood sporozoites travel through the bloodstream to the liver mature and eventually infect the human red blood cells while in red blood cells the parasites again develop until a mosquito takes a blood meal from an infected human and ingests human red blood cells containing the parasites then the parasites reach the anopheles mosquito is stomach and eventually invade the mosquito salivary glands when an anopheles mosquito bites a human these sporozoites complete and repeat the complex plasmodium life cycle p ovale and p vivax can further complicate the cycle by producing dormant stages hypnozoites that may not develop for weeks to years how can i prevent myself from getting tuberculosis,avoid close contact or prolonged time with known tuberculosis patients in crowded enclosed environments like clinics hospitals prisons or homeless shelters worms i have two cats one has diarrhea not sure which but one of my cats named trippy has these episodes where she crawls and will not walk she will rub herself against the wall meow sadly and will not eat that much she is still lovable but seems less interested can someone please help me could this be round worms or something much worse,hi please do see your vet its best its seen asap good luck is there a relationship between the frequency of sex and a healthy prostate,a 21 year old losing an erection simply from putting on a condom is purely psychological so keep practicing with a cooperative partner until you solve this issue be creative in your sexual experiments and i am sure things will improve masturbation does not cause this problem and i agree you should not be having sex without a condom this is a frequent issue among erectile dysfunction sufferers it happens because your mind is distracted by the physical act of applying the condom when your mind is no longer engaged in how aroused you feel your brain will cancel the arousal program and you will lose your erection as you are peeling the wrapper off the condom flex your penis and enjoy the feeling then as you are putting on the condom pay attention to the sensations in your penis how good it feels as you are applying the condom just enough to keep your erection what causes a searing moving pain throughout my thighs and calfs when sleeping it is after an hour on the eliptical i have chronic leg cramps overnight especially in my right foot where i have hardware from a broken ankle occasionally the cramps turn into a searing moving pain that travels through the muscles making it impossible to stand and walk the cramps out it must be from dehydration after exercise although i do drink powerade zero throughout my workout and at least 15oz of water at night,my opinion it has to do with the fact that you just strenuously exercised the muscles in your legs and with going to bed right after you did not give your muscles proper time to relax with a good stretching period after your workout they are probably cramping and tightening up i would suggest you try to hydrate before during and after your workout and give yourself a good 10 minute stretching cool down before heading to bed will omeprazole cause a positive thc result on a drug screen,no just the thc will cause a positive result and can remain in the system for quite a 2 3 weeks omeprazole is not even close to the chemical structure of thc there can be false positive drug tests but those are rare assuming it was tested at a good lab webmd is incorrect in this instance i know for a fact that omeprazole and all ppi is proton pump inhibitors can most definitely cause a false positive for thc this is from several physicians my own pain management doctor for one and a relative who works for a testing firm that does drug testing for the federal government yes prevacid or omeprazole can cause a false positive for thc i tested myself at home in the a m and was negative for thc i tested for the court in the p m after taking omeprazole prilosec and tested positive for thc i called the company first check that makes the home test they told me pantoprazole can cause a false positive but could not say for sure if omeprazole would cause a false positive they recommend any positive test be mailed to them for mass spectometry testing which could rule out a false positive twice i was jailed for testing positive and then was released after testing negative the next day when i had not taken omeprazole only one time have i tested positive for thc at my pain clinic i was extremely embarrassed and shocked i am 52 years old and have not smoked pot since i was 19 i had just started a trial of omeprazole which my provider asked me about by name i switched to another acid reducer at her suggestion and had no more problem now i have done the rounds with these medications and it looks like omeprazole is all that is left hopefully they will be reasonable i have ulcerative colitis and gerd is it harmful for a female to become extremely sexually aroused if she cannot reach orgasm due to medications,i do not know of a mechanism by which allergic reactions would lead to hearing loss can condoms cause the vaginal area to become red and swollen i just had sex for the first time with a condom afterwards my lower vagina where the penis enters is now red and swollen i have trouble going to the bathroom because it hurts so bad i want to know what i can do to fix it without going to the doctor but if i have to go i understand tell me what is wrong and what i should do,i have also had this problem and i am allergic to latex i would strongly suggest using non latex condoms from now on if it still continues to hurt to the point you dont want to urinate i would go to a gynecologist or the health department if you dont want your parents to find out i am struggling with stretch marks my skin is horribly damaged,try eating the white of eggs lemon juice lots of sugar increase fluid intake more than 2 5 litter per day massage your skin with olive oil use glycolic acid and retin a if all that is not good enough you can try laser therapy good luck both my 5 yo lt side and 8 yo bilat girls have red swollen nipples no visable insect bites or break in skin both my daughters were co discomfort around breast my 5 yo girl lt nipple is red swollen tender my 8 yo girl bilat nipples are red swollen and tender no break in skin visable i am puzzled since both my girls have symptoms no recent change in product no other rashes on skin anywhere the only new exposure to anything on skin is swimming in pool i could think of numerous causes if it was only one of them but both,you might have what is called sleep apnea also known as snoring but you may have it severe enough that it causes you to stop breathing look for a doctor that specializes in this and have a sleep study performed to determine if the reason you stop breathing and they can also tell how many times you stop breathing while you sleep can shingles cause your eardrum to rupture,not usually unless the shingles is in your ear canal ramsay hunt syndrome eardrums can spontaneously rupture for a variety of reasons and a person can have more than one unrelated medical problem at the same time why do they say to do a pregnancy test in the morning,this is something you should discuss with your doctor but it sounds like you may just need to give the medicine time to work sometimes prostatitis can linger for a long time and take several weeks to go away checking in with your doctor can give you an idea of if he or she thinks that the medicine is working or if there may be a need to change the treatment on a different note do keep an eye on your general penis health through the use of a penis nutrient cream health professionals recommend man1 man oil one with vitamin a has the added benefit of fighting unwanted penis odor good luck how can i prevent shingles,in 2006 the fda approved a shingles vaccine called zostavax the shingles vaccine is now recommended for everyone age 50 and older for this age group the vaccine cuts the occurrence of shingles by about half even in those who are vaccinated and still develop shingles the painful period is reduced this is a great development because one out of five people who have had chickenpox will eventually get shingles you and your doctor may also be able to avert some of the pain that follows a shingles outbreak by using a nerve block during the acute phase of the disease a nerve block may act as a preemptive strike against later development of postherpetic neuralgia administered on an outpatient basis in a hospital it deadens pain and shrinks inflammation at the nerve root after erection my pennis points vertically upwards is this a defect age 21 no other health problem,you can try active probiotics or probiotic drinks but sometimes if you are particularly prone to vaginal yeast infections you will still get them some antibiotics are more notorious for causing them than others make sure that your medical provider has a standing order for yeast medication if or when you go get vaginitis oral diflucan prescription only is nice and much less messy than vaginal creams or suppositories what are pregnancy symptoms,there are both symptoms and signs of pregnancy these symptoms and signs depend upon the time in pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy the first sign of pregnancy is most often a missed menstrual period if a sexually active woman is periods are generally regular missing a period for a week or more is presumptive evidence of pregnancy early symptoms of pregnancy also include feelings of breast swelling and tenderness and nausea sometimes with vomiting morning sickness does not always occur in the morning many women become fatigued early in pregnancy and some may feel abdominal enlargement bloating early in pregnancy the woman may feel she has to urinate frequently especially at nighttime and she may leak urine when coughing sneezing or laughing this is also normal later in pregnancy and is not a problem other changes characteristic of pregnancy include the deepening color of the areola area surrounding the nipple increased body temperature the mask of pregnancy darkening of skin on the forehead bridge of the nose or cheekbones and a dark line going down from the middle of the central abdomen area to the pubic area eventually enlargement of the abdomen is a normal feature of the growing fetus can anxiety a side affect to depression,this combination medication is used to temporarily treat symptoms caused by the common cold flu allergies or other breathing illnesses such as sinusitis bronchitis dextromethorphan is a cough suppressant that affects a certain part of the brain reducing the urge to cough decongestants help relieve stuffy nose and ear congestion symptoms acetaminophen apap is a non aspirin pain reliever and fever reducer antihistamines help relieve watery eyes itchy eyesnosethroat runny nose and sneezing this medication is not usually used for ongoing coughs from smoking asthma or other long term breathing problems such as emphysema or for coughs with a lot of mucus unless directed by your doctor cough and cold products have not been shown to be safe or effective in children younger than 6 years therefore do not use this product to treat cold symptoms in children younger than 6 years unless specifically directed by the doctor some products such as long acting tabletscapsules are not recommended for use in children younger than 12 years ask your doctor or pharmacist for more details about using your product safely these products do not cure or shorten the length of the common cold and may cause serious side effects to decrease the risk for serious side effects carefully follow all dosage directions do not use this product to make a child sleepy do not give other cough and cold medication that might contain the same or similar ingredients see also drug interactions section ask the doctor or pharmacist about other ways to relieve cough and cold symptoms such as drinking enough fluids using a humidifier or saline nose dropsspray i had a burning sensation in my penis my anus itches now my left testicle can sometimes be slightly sensitive i am 18 and i had a one night stand about 2 weeks ago i drank a lot that night anyways i noticed about two days later that my urethra was having some uncomfortable passage when urinating i had protected vaginal intercourse but took off the condom for oral sex then i did not shower and passed out drunk once i felt these symptoms i was tested by swab for chlamydia and gono both came out negative also had a negative uti test i peed white globs one time after taking ciproflaxin blood in pee,hi it could be just a simple yeast infection men do get then as well this next part is from webmd but men can get a yeast infection too this is more likely in men who are not circumcised symptoms in men include red rash on penis itching or burning on the tip of the penis it is important to get treated for a genital yeast infection you may pass the infection back and forth to a sexual partner several over the counter treatments for yeast infections are available they can be used by both men and women they come as a cream or suppository that you place inside the vagina or put on the penis research does not show that one works better than another if this is the first time you have had a vaginal yeast infection or you do not get them very often your doctor may recommend a single 150 milligram dose of diflucan fluconazole always make sure you are properly diagnosed before trying to treat yourself at home if the infection continues or returns often you may need anti fungal medicine every day for 10 to 14 days and then once a week for six months hope this helps you good luck what is the pros & cons of getting a shingle vaccine shot,the vaccine has been approved for people 50 or older the cdc recommends the people aged 60 or older consider getting the shingles vaccine the vaccine helps reduce the risk of getting shingles by about half in people who do get shingles it reduces the risk of having ongoing pain from a condition called post herpetic neuralgia after the rash resolves the most common vaccine reactions include redness pain or swelling of the area near the injection site some people get a rash near the injection site there is a certain group of people who should not get the vaccine this link describes this group and provides lots of info about the vaccine take care is it safe to take estroven and a multivitamin if i smoke,estroven and many other products contain black cohosh an herbal supplement plus soy isoflavones combined with essential nutrients like calcium folic acid and b vitamins estroven products work to help reduce hot flashes night sweats and other menopausal symptoms although not an fda approved product many pharmacist and health care professionals have recommended using this product taking estroven along with a multivitamin is not problematic consult your local pharmacist if you decide to change your multivitamin or add other supplements to your routine smoking is not recommended under any circumstances but it does not interfere with these medications i am post menopausal and suffer depression side effects from hrt if i exercise and eat healthy instead is that enough,hi if you see your doctor and work with him you could be on the wrong hormone so it would mean coming off what your on give it a few days and get a blood test from this they should be able to tell which your low on and re start from there and see how you go then do hope this helps good luck will cipro help with sinus infection and respitory,ahhh sandbox eyes i see this quite often the next step assuming he is still crying rubbing his eyes and complaining is to see a medical provider to see if he has a corneal abrasion a painful scratch on the cornea you will need to take him to an urgent care facility the medical provider will put a drop or two of an anesthetic solution to numb the eye instant relief a tiny amount of bright yellow fluorecein dye will be put in the eye to reveal any scratch it can be seen using a black light in a darkened examination room if he does have a tiny scratch he will need some antibiotic drops or ointment for a few days while it heals these things are painful but fortunately they heal very fast what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for obsessive compulsive disorder ocd,a diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder ocd is based on your symptoms medical history and a physical examination your doctor may also want a mental health assessment which is an evaluation of your emotional functioning and your ability to think reason and remember cognitive functioning a mental health assessment may include an examination of your nervous system written or verbal tests and laboratory tests such as blood and urine tests as well as a review of your appearance mood behavior thinking reasoning memory and ability to express yourself many people with ocd live with the condition for years before being diagnosed or they go without treatment because they are afraid or embarrassed to talk about their symptoms answers to three initial questions may help your health professional diagnose whether you have ocd 6 do you have repeated thoughts that cause anxiety and that you cannot get rid of no matter how hard you try do you wash your hands frequently or keep things extremely clean and neat do you excessively check things if your health professional suspects you have ocd he or she will look for a full range of symptoms that will confirm the diagnosis including 1 recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or images that are intrusive and inappropriate cause anxiety or distress and are not simply excessive worries about real life issues attempts to suppress or ignore the thoughts or get rid of them with other thoughts or actions a recognition that the obsessions are created in your own mind and do not make sense repetitive behaviors such as hand washing ordering praying or checking that you are driven to do in response to the obsession the behaviors are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing a dreaded event for a diagnosis of ocd the obsessions or compulsions must be time consuming more than 1 hour a day or greatly interfere with your normal routine at work or school and affect social activities and relationships early detection early detection and proper treatment is very important in improving the course of ocd this disorder is often a long lasting chronic condition that will need to be monitored throughout your life webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated much higher blood pressure when resting…is it unusual,i would not worry about it during my vacations and see my doctor when i get back as long as vacations are not too long what increases the risk of getting hepatitis c,hi well your past the time the experts say you should not be on the bc pill during conception so just stay on them till you get tested which i hope your planning to do as your now nearly 3 weeks late who knows it could be just a skipped period but until you have your test i would stay on your bc pills just in case your not because if your still having unprotected sex you could soon be do hope this helps you good luck how often can i give my infant steriod inhalers 8 month old is taking flovent dr said to give it to her when ever she starts to get a deep cough and continue for 2 weeks finished the 2 weeks approx 2 weeks ago and my daughter has developed a deep persistent cough again,really very sorry to hear what you and your child is going through at this age i will say do follow what your doctor has said for more information on many other inhalers you can visit pharmacysell a fever from 100 to 102 9 that ibuphen will not keep down below 100 the fever has been for 5 days how dangerous is this 46 year old male no smoking or drinking came over me on a sunday and it has been steady from 102 9 to 100 depending on the ibuphen how long is it considered dangerous to have a steady fever,these numbers are not alarming and normal variability in dates according to age you can try checking s ferritin for being assured it is ok healthy diet with vitamin d calcium and b1 6 and b12 is important let him practice a sport of any type swimming cycling etc… can a stubbed toe causa flu like symptoms i stubbed my baby toe really bad to the point of swollen black and blue extreme pain and to the point where it had to be taped to put it back in place after i stubbed it i began to get flu like symptoms i am freezing in 95 degree weather starting to cough stuff up etc could this be a part of it,not likely a toe injury should not cause the systemic symptoms like you are describing you most likely have something else going on perhaps a viral infection in addition to your injured toe there are no rules in medicine that states that a person can only have one issue at a time or that all symptoms must somehow be connected 29 weeks pregnant and my heart is working so hard today that i can actually feel it beating up in my throat normal you can actually see my whole chest moving from the heart beats because they are so incredible i do not know if this is normal or if i am having issues that i need to address with my doctor now,i can not examine you of course but these knots are most likely reactive lymph nodes you would need to see your medical provider to determine why this is happening what are the symptoms of crohn is disease,common symptoms of crohn is disease include abdominal pain diarrhea and weight loss less common symptoms include poor appetite fever night sweats rectal pain and rectal bleeding the symptoms of crohn is disease are dependent on the location the extent and the severity of the inflammation the different subtypes of crohn is disease and their symptoms are crohn is colitis is inflammation that is confined to the colon abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea are the common symptoms anal fistulae and peri rectal abscesses also can occur crohn is enteritis refers to inflammation confined to the small intestine the first part called the jejunum or the second part called the ileum involvement of the ileum alone is referred to as crohn is ileitis abdominal pain and diarrhea are the common symptoms obstruction of the small intestine also can occur crohn is terminal ileitis is inflammation that affects only the very end of the small intestine terminal ileum the part of the small intestine closest to the colon abdominal pain and diarrhea are the common symptoms small intestinal obstruction also can occur crohn is enterocolitis and ileocolitis are terms to describe inflammation that involve both the small intestine and the colon bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain are the common symptoms small intestinal obstruction also can occur crohn is terminal ileitis and ileo colitis are the most common types of crohn is disease ulcerative colitis frequently involves only the rectum or rectum and sigmoid colon at the distal end of the colon these are called ulcerative proctitis and procto sigmoiditis respectively up to one third of patients with crohn is disease may have one or more of the following conditions involving the anal area swelling of the tissue of the anal sphincter the muscle at the end of the colon that controls defecation development of ulcers and fissures long ulcers within the anal sphincter these ulcers and fissures can cause bleeding and pain with defecation development of anal fistulae abnormal tunnels between the anus or rectum and the skin surrounding the anus mucous and pus may drain from the openings of the fistulae on the skin development of perirectal abscesses collections of pus in the anal and rectal area perirectal abscesses can cause fever pain and tenderness around the anus if you receive the chicken pox vaccine can you get shingles later in life,this time last year i had the shingles and i have never had chicken pox i thought you would not get shingles if you never had chicken pox but i got them on the right side of my neck in my hair line and behind my ear there is a small area in my hair line that still itches most of the time so it seem that you can get the shingles just about anytime that is just my opinion i bit into a burgerking sandwich and found something similar to a broken tooth if this had blood on it can i get hiv,hi as your only just pregnant light cramping is not an uncommon thing in some women good luck what is nigrostriatal degeneration as it relates to parkinson is disease,my dad had this illness and it was misdiagnosed as parkinson is for a very long time below is the best explanation i have read about nigrostiaratal degeneration striatonigral degeneration snd is sporadic middle aged on set degenerative disease of the nervous system which etiology is unknown it is usually misdiagnosed as parkinsonism mainly because snd is often present early on with parkinson is disease pd symptoms and patients receive some relief from levodopa and dopamine agonists as well as the other medications to treat pd there are some symptoms that differentiate the two these are early onset falls severe dysarthria characteristically slurred and difficult to understand speech severe dysphonia excessive snoring hyper reflexia and extensor tendon response pet scans and spect scans may show little change in dopamine levels degenerative changes are seen in putamen region of the brain medicines include sinemet dopamine agonists eldepryl symmetrel pain medications and medications to treat other symptoms that may arise this answer was originially given by dr uzair mbbs fcps r general surgery years of experience in emergency medicine i have baby boy 8 months old is there any problem to raise hamsters in the house,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly symptoms of overdose may include irregular or unusually slow or fast heartbeat unusual nervousness or excitement and seizures what happens to someone when they get colorectal cancer,cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the body these extra cells grow together and form masses called tumors in colorectal cancer these growths usually start as polyps in the large intestine colon or rectum colon polyps are quite common and most do not cause problems but if they are not detected and removed some of them can turn into cancer cancers in the colon or rectum usually grow very slowly it takes most of them years to become large enough to cause symptoms if the cancer is allowed to grow it eventually will invade and destroy nearby tissues and then spread farther colorectal cancer spreads first to nearby lymph nodes from there it may spread to other parts of the body usually the liver it may also spread to the lungs and less often to the bones and the brain the long term outcome or prognosis for colorectal cancer depends on how much the cancer has grown and spread experts talk about prognosis in terms of 5 year survival rates the 5 year survival rate means the percentage of people who are still alive 5 years or longer after their cancer was discovered it is important to remember that these are only averages everyone is case is different and these numbers do not necessarily show what will happen to you the estimated 5 year survival rate for colorectal cancer is 1 90 or more if cancer is found early and treated before it has spread 67 if the cancer has spread to nearby organs and lymph nodes 10 if the cancer has spread to the liver lungs or bones webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what other diseases have the same symtoms as als,amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or als is also known as lou gehrig is disease its symptoms are caused when the nerve cells that send signals to the muscles slowly begin to die at first als may cause weakness in an arm or leg or even in the face but the weakness gradually progresses to include both arms and legs muscles may start to twitch it may become harder to use fine motor skills for tasks such as writing eventually talking swallowing walking and even breathing are affected other medical problems can also cause some of these symptoms these include • spinal stenosis or narrowing of the spinal canal • pinched nerves in the neck or back • lead poisoning • hivaids • thyroid and parathyroid disease • vitamin b12 deficiency • brain tumors • lymphomas • other neuropathies or nerve damage there are other more rare conditions that can also cause these symptoms if you or a loved one has symptoms of als you need to seek the help of a neurologist your doctor can refer you to one if als is diagnosed then you might want to find an als center attached to the neurology department of a major teaching hospital outlook length of recovery from cervical spine tumor recovery loss of arm & partial leg function can a women get pregnant after ovulation and while she is having her period,it depends how long after actual ovulation if one knows the actual date of ovulation conception can occur up to 72 hours after ovulation as sperm can live inside the cervix for up to 72 hours under ideal conditions an oocyteegg has at least a 48 hour lifespan after ovulation as you may know the most likely time to conceive is about 14 days before the start of your next period so if one had a regular 28 day cycle ovulation is around day 14 a regular 34 day cycle will have an ovulation around day 20 if one has a regular 24 day cycle ovulation can be as early as cycle day 10 the problem arises among women who have periodsbleeds which are not linked to an ovulation these non ovulatory bleeds can occur randomly as the too thick lining of the uterus begins to shed on its own the woman in this case could have a bleed and then an ovulation anytime thereafter an even more risky scenario would be the women who mistakes bleeding associated with the release of an eggoocyte as a period in that case she could get pregnant from intercourse during her supposed period because she is actually at a very fertile time bottom line getting pregnant during a real period is unlikely especially if it has been 14 days since ovulation occurred if [there is a concern] do a reliable pregnancy test about two weeks after the date of intercourse a urine test should be reliable around the time of [the] expected period lastly if a woman is really scared about having an unplanned pregnancy the worry can cause her flow to be late a urine pregnancy test can help resolve any concerns yes i never received any vaccination as a infant or child should i get them now that im 25 all of them or some or what parents are anti vac is people not proud of this would like to fix this i do not want to bring back dangerous viruses when i travel what is recommended that i do,all of the childhood vaccines no adults are not susceptible to many of the diseases that we try and prevent in children some of the vaccines most definitely depending on where you travel and the prevalence of diseases in these areas will often dictate what vaccines you need the very least you need hepatitis b hepatitis a tetanus and pertussis vaccine there are many more may be recommended again depending on your medical history and travel destinations my 7 month old just started getting goopy eyes drainage and some puffiness it is not red what can i give him,when it comes to hormonal contraceptives your best bet is to complete your current cycle and then attempt to get pregnant says frank a chervenak md professor and chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at weill medical college of cornell university in new york city after the cycle attempts can be made to start getting pregnant although it may be advisable to wait for the first normal menstrual period after you stop taking your pills he says but this precaution is not essential some women conceive within a week or two after stopping birth control pills i advise women to complete the cycle so they do not have irregular bleeding he says in general the middle of the month is when ovulation and potentially conception are most likely to take place so the optimal fertile window is a couple of weeks after stopping contraception an important point to consider however is that if there has been a previous pregnancy or miscarriage wait about three months to give the body a chance to recover he says this is where a waiting period makes sense as far as other types of contraception the intrauterine device iud must be removed before a woman starts attempting to conceive he says couples can just stop using condoms when they are ready to conceive he adds 2nd degree sunburn with large open blister how do i treat this at home my son came home with a sunburn the next day my daughter had accidentally popped what was a large blister the skin slid off his shoulder with the fluid he seen np and she gave use silvadene to put on his burn however it will not even go on the new skin that was under the blister is there any other treatments that i should be doing for this will the silvadene be enough to prevent infection anything that he can do for the pain,a lip burning sensation may result from abnormal sensations in the lips due to nerve damage or dysfunction lip burning sensation may also result from different types of lip burns or even chapped lips maybe this will help what should i do in case of an overdose,also make sure you are getting enough sleep quality sleep sleep is necessary for the metabolism i had mastered the calories in and out equation for years and maintained but i did not actually lose a single pound until i started sleeping better my fiance got her depo shot and the doctor didnt do a pregnancy test what could go wrong if she is pregnant,no people with incomes too low to file taxes are exempt from the penalty but you may qualify for medicaid if your state is expanding so it is worth shopping the marketplace to see what you qualify for if i were to take xanax 25 mg prescribed to me thursday night would it be out of my system by sunday evening driver i want to be responsible i have had some life changes that have caused anxiety and my doctor prescribed me to take 25 mg of xanax for only emergencies along with well butrin however i drive for a living and i do not want to take any chances with my livelihood i do not want to have any in my system while working i will not start if there is no way of avoiding this problem thank you,most helpful answer it would be unlikely that any effects of the xanax would be present three days later since it tends to wear off in 6 8 hours i began suffering with tailbone pain without injury approximately 5 months ago could it be my mirena,for the majority of children suffering hair loss one of the following conditions is the cause your child is pediatrician or a pediatric dermatologist should be able to diagnose these conditions and prescribe the appropriate treatment tinea capitis tinea capitis commonly known as ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection often seen in children it can show up in a number of ways but often as scaly patches of hair loss on the head the patches are usually round or oval the hairs may be broken off at the surface of the skin and look like black dots on the scalp because ringworm is contagious your child should be careful not to share any objects that touch the head such as hats pillow cases or brushes alopecia areata alopecia areata is a non contagious condition of hair loss thought to be caused by the body is immune system attacking the hair follicles it is characterized by the sudden appearance of round or oval patches of hair loss the patches are slick or smooth without scaling or broken hairs about 25 of children also have pitting and ridging of the nails while there is no cure for alopecia areata treatment can control the disease in some children many have their hair back within a year although regrowth is unpredictable and many will lose hair again for about 5 of children the disease progresses to alopecia totalis loss of all of the hair on the scalp some of these will develop alopecia universalis a total loss of body hair trichotillomania trichotillomania is hair loss caused by pulling plucking twisting or rubbing the hair loss is patchy and characterized by broken hairs of varying length patches are typically seen on the side of the child is dominant hand trichotillomania may be triggered by a stressor in your child is life such as the loss of a grandparent birth of a sibling or a divorce if you notice your child pulling hair scolding will not likely be helpful however counseling to help your child deal with the source of stress that triggered the habit may help stop it telogen effluvium telogen effluvium is a condition in which a sudden or severe stress such as extremely high fever surgery under general anesthesia the death of a loved one a severe injury or the use of certain prescription medications interrupts the normal cycle of hair growth the hair follicles stop growing prematurely and enter a resting phase called the telogen phase between six and 16 weeks later hair sheds excessively leading to partial or complete baldness there are no conclusive tests to diagnose telogen effluvium there is also no treatment for it however once the stressful event is over full hair growth usually returns within six months to a year nutritional deficiency though less common hair loss can be a symptom of deficiencies in certain nutrients including vitamin h or biotin one of i had a broken hip then hip replacement 61912 still having problems what can i do now i broke the left hip 92509 had hip replacement 61912 had more xrays in 912 said the replacement was in place i got an injection not a month later i am still hurting and walk with a limp and need a cane what else can i do i have had pt,hi i am a big fan of herbs and did read about how good cayenne pepper was for arthritis so just google arthritis and cayenne pepper and have a good read i do take cayenne pepper daily for ed but have found its goit rid of the arthritis pains in one of my hands for the last couple of years now i take mine in tomato paste when you mix it just add some olive oil to thin it down with this i take fine chopped garlic and parsley your find this is also good for arthritis all very good for the blood as well now when you first mix the cayenne pepper just mix to a heat that suits you over time you can incress that amount up just put a tea spoon of the garlic mix on top mix it into the top and take 3 small spoonful is each morning first thing and see just how you get on you wont find its a quick fix but will work over time do hope this helps you good luck is a low fat diet better for your heart,in recent weeks a study published in the american journal of clinical nutrition tried to solve the controversy once and for all pooled data from twenty plus studies and nearly 350 000 participants and found no difference in the risk of heart disease between people with the lowest and highest intake of saturated fat this is huge it is like telling people that bicycle helmets do not protect them from head injuries or seatbelts do not save lives sure it is not a perfect study some of the research relies on people is recollections of what they ate and it is hard to draw any conclusions about whether there may be some benefit to a low saturated fat diet in older or higher risk populations but we can not ignore such a clear challenge to our way of thinking and hope that it just goes away we need more research more data and more open minds many are calling for a new approach to official dietary recommendations that takes the focus off of pyramids and nutrients like protein and fat and more towards general dietary patterns most people are now in agreement that highly processed foods and refined carbohydrates and sweets are not as good for us as a more plant based diet enriched with whole grains unsaturated fats and animal protein from fish this seems like fact but the cynic might just call it the next wave of conventional wisdom time will tell my six year old cut himself with rusty nail now cannot bend easily – is it tetanus,there is some research that shows that couples share each other is bacteria however common sense dictates that everyone should keep up with their oral hygiene and get teeth cleanings every 3 6 months what resources are available for caregivers,knowing where to get support can go a long way toward managing the emotional and financial strain that comes with caring for a loved one who is sick or frail legal and financial planning make sure you have put in place important documents designed to protect you and your loved ones from legal and financial troubles read more about that here get help at some point most caretakers need help caring for their loved one there is a wealth of information available about home care caregiver support and transportation among other services here are some resources the department of health and human services eldercare locator the alzheimer is association the national institute on aging is alzheimer is disease education and referral center the family caregiver alliance is family care navigator which offers state by state lists of resources for a wide range of needs nursing home compare provides detailed information about nursing homes across the country find support most family caregivers suffer from their own health issues and that more than half have trouble falling or staying asleep due to stress caring for yourself is equally as important as taking care of someone you love although not for everyone caregiving classes and support groups can be helpful again the alzheimer is association and family caregiver alliance are two good places to begin your search if you are comfortable going online there are also many communities where you can discuss issues and get support and information from others in a similar situation if you are suffering from depression and would like to talk with a mental health provider you can ask your primary care doctor or someone close to you for a referral also check for local resources through your county department of mental health or the national mental health association i have boils all over my scalp and i could see pus coming out of it,it could be1 hormonal or autoimmune cause and you can use in such case warm compresses2 due to dandruff if you do have start using antidandruff shampoos containing antifungal agents such as ketoconazole or ciclopirox are sometimes helpful 3 if it is bacterial try to make your doctor take swab to check and antibiotics will be helpful in such case e g topical antibiotics eg fusidic acid gel clindamycin solution erythromycin solution mild topical steroid lotions or creams oral antihistaminesif there is itchingaccording to your case and symptoms how much juice milk and water should a toddler be drinking i have a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old,the american academy of pediatrics recommends no more than 4 to 6 ounces of 100 fruit juice for young children at one year of age babies can switch from formula or breast milk to whole milk and it is recommended children get 2 3 cups but no more than 24 ounces more than 24 ounces can increase the risk of iron deficiency since milk is poor source of iron and can fill up children is bellies at 2 years 2 cups of milk is recommended but if a child does not drink milk he can get calcium from cheese and yogurt children who do not drink milk will need a supplemental source of vitamin d check with your pediatrician as for total fluid requirements about 5 to 6 cups daily but do not push it instead make water available between meals and milk andor juice with meals when your lips turn blue and around your mouth turns blue is that high blood pressure,no herpes is not in the blood can ebola virus be transmitted by sexual intercrouse,yes who can help people with bipolar disorder,yea you are right he is having allergy to some food factors like carotene seen in carrots and similar foods u should ind out such allergens and avoid giving them to him i have back problems shoulder neck back pain – mri shows numerous issues,if you have one ovary and a vagina then it should be possible to access your eggs a random fsh level will give you an idea whether or not you are still ovulating and your age could be a factor i would recommend seeing a reproductive endocrinologist to sort these issues out can weak erection causes a low sperm discharge to in pregnant a woman i achieve good erection how do i make it stronger i am thinking that is why my wife is not getting pregnant,this is for you why is my clitoral hood turning dark almost black in a strange pattern very sore to the touch and has no bump i have had an open kind of hood since i was born where i can see the clitoral glans just by looking down at it now the entire area of the clitoral hood is turning black not raised like a mole but more like broken blood vessels in a flat large unpatterned area not a circle not a bump it hurts all of the time but especially when i touch it it does not hurt to go pee,since you are only 20 and have no wrinkles then the best advice for you is to always wear sunblock stay out of the sun eat non processed foods and drink 4 6 glasses of water a day most wrinkles come from the sun so your best anti wrinkle cream if you do not have wrinkles is sunblock at around 30 it does make sense to start with a nice anti wrinkle cream using expensive products is ok if you can afford it since they will provide good moisture and they feel good moisturizing daily will keep the skin supple at any age but only sun avoidance will really make a giant difference over time as far as line prevention is concerned i am diagnosed epileptic and asthmatic i have been troubled with extreme fatigue,lamictal is known to cause fatigue if its been taken for long periods of time though this is not the only possibility other generealised reasons like anemia calcium deficiency and electrolyte imbalance should also be considered i am 27 years old and i have been trying to get pregnant for about 1 year now and so far no luck any tricks i have not been on any contraceptives for 4 years now and am generally healthy and normal weight for my height i had a child 7 years ago but can not seem to get pregnant now,hi this is just a simple post i put together see if it helps no magic in getting pregnant all down to timing ok getting pregnant its all down to timing get it right and your pregnant your cycle day1 first day of your period day 14 give or take a day is ovulation day or the day your egg drops down and day 21 is implantation day the day your fertilised egg makes it self at home ok so far you need to have unprotected sex 3 to 4 days before day 14 reason it takes 3 days for male sperm to reach your ovary is left and right once there it can live for 5 7 or 10 days max it means it there waiting for your egg why your trying do not have sex to much other wise his sperm will be immature with sperm like that you wont get pregnant just keep sex to once every 3 to 4 days see timing good luck i had unprotected sex and the next day i got my period can i still get pregnant the day before i had sex i started spotting veeery light and getting cramps then the next day i had unprotected sex the day after i had sex i got my period,to prevent your heart failure from worsening keep your blood pressure low in heart failure the release of hormones causes the blood vessels to constrict or tighten the heart must work hard to pump blood through the constricted vessels it is important to keep your blood pressure as low as possible so that your heart can pump effectively without extra stress monitor your own symptoms check for changes in your fluid status by weighing yourself daily and checking for swelling schedule regular doctor appointments during follow up visits your doctors will make sure you are staying healthy and that your heart failure is not getting worse your doctor will ask to review your weight record and list of medications if you have questions write them down and bring them to your appointment call your doctor if you have urgent questions notify all your doctors about your heart failure medications and any restrictions also check with your heart doctor about any new drugs prescribed by another doctor keep good records and bring them with you to each doctor visit what if someone is pregnant how does that person get treated for mono how do i help my children,the value of homa indicates early insulin resistance and in my opinion dikirogen is a good choice for your case as i got from your words you are not overweight if you are then keep your weight in bmi of 20 22 and exercise regularly stay on a healthy low carbs diet no need to worry so far is this contact dermatitis i need second opinion,in my opinion this is true contact dermatitis hydrocortisone creams can help oat bath and cold compress as well as cold compress can be great also if you avoided the contact or allergic substance material which can be even in your clothes or bed avoid scratching and take an antihistaminic can chlorine kill semen inside a woman to decrease her chances of getting pregnant,hi you mean as in swimming this is not a good stuff to play around with it would kill you and the seaman why do you ask just come back through answer this above have persistant mild moderate sore throat been nearly two weeks otc aids little relief time to see doc,hi hpv is something you have for life and chlamydia is just one of these std is that come along and can only be got from having sex unless you had it years ago it loves to hide deep in tissues and pops out when it feels like it no real time scale for that happening hope this helps you good luck i am 52 and have just been diagnosed with parkinson is how long can a person work before the symptoms get too bad,when still working at the muhammad ali center about 10 years ago i asked one of my fellows dr holly shill to look at our pd population change from diagnosis to 25 years first thing i want you to notice is that 25 year range she found after looking at the unified parkinson is disease rating scale in more than 600 patients and 3 000 office visits several important things 1 diagnosis of pd usually occurred at a score of about 25 2 levodopa produced about a 12 point benefit a dopamine agonist about an 8 point benefit 3 patients with prominent tremor did better than patients with no tremor we did not look at gait specifically but we did look at disability which we defined as 12 hours of effort to get 8 hours of pay this had nothing to do with a need for a walker or wheelchair on average people reached this point or a score around 60 at an average of 12 2 years after diagnosis i am sorry i cannot give you an average duration to a need for assistance with walking but hope that 12 years to retirement is good news why do i have what look like blood blisters on my vagina lips and near the anal area,several genes have now been definitively linked to parkinson is disease the first to be identified was alpha synuclein in the 1990s researchers at the national institutes of health nih and other institutions studied the genetic profiles of a large italian family and three greek families with familial parkinson is disease and found that their disease was related to a mutation in this gene they found a second alpha synuclein mutation in a german family with parkinson is disease these findings prompted studies of the role of alpha synuclein in parkinson is disease which led to the discovery that lewy bodies from people with the sporadic form of parkinson is disease contained clumps of alpha synuclein protein this discovery revealed a potential link between hereditary and sporadic forms of the disease researchers studying inherited parkinson is disease discovered that the disease in one large family was caused by a triplication of the normal alpha synuclein gene on one copy of chromosome 4 this triplication caused people in the affected family to produce too much of the normal alpha synuclein the study showed that an excess of the normal form of the protein could result in parkinson is disease just as the abnormal form does other genes linked to parkinson is disease include parkin dj 1 pink1 and lrrk2 parkin dj 1 and pink 1 cause rare early onset forms of parkinson is disease the parkin gene is translated into a protein that normally helps cells break down and recycle proteins dj 1 normally helps regulate gene activity and protect cells from oxidative stress pink1 codes for a protein active in mitochondria mutations in this gene appear to increase susceptibility to cellular stress lrrk2 which is translated into a protein called dardarin was originally identified in several english and basque families and causes a late onset form of parkinson is disease subsequent studies have identified this gene in other families with parkinson is disease as well as in a small percentage of people with apparently sporadic parkinson is disease researchers are continuing to investigate the normal functions and interactions of these genes in order to find clues about how parkinson is disease develops they also have identified a number of other genes and chromosome regions that may play a role in parkinson is disease but the nature of these links is not yet clear my mom suffers wdiverticulitis & is afraid to eat anything lest she aggravate the symptoms would ensure be beneficial she is 86 years old and under a dr is care however because she fears making the symptoms worse she eats very little and has become very weak she is down about 30 lbs from what she was just a few months ago down to about 110 lbs ,dietary supplements like ensure can be beneficial for someone who is not getting enough nourishment through food in addition to ensure i suggest taking your mother to see someone who can instruct her and what she can and cannot eat which might help to alleviate her fears it is important she keep her weight and strength up to find a dietitian near you go to eatright org for more on diet and diverticulitis see this webmd article my acne has gone from mild to severe cystic acne i am fifteen and lately my acne has gone to mild to sever cystic pimples my cheeks foorehead and chin are now filled with bumpy red purple dry painful whiteheads and bumps it was not that bad before i can not even poke my face without it hurt so much i can not even smile that much anymore and i do not even feel like smiling anyways i just want to know what caused it and how can i get rid of the redness and even the cystic acne itself your help will be very appriciated thank you so much,this is going to cause mechanical defect in your feet ankle and even at higher level it is possible surgically but it is not good as the area of contact with the ground will decrease and so the load over ankle bones and foot bones will increase causing early arthritis and pain was diagnosed by the doctors as “periproctic abscess over 9 oclock in ssl”,hi anal abscesses contain high number of bacterogens and the dressings need to be changed within 48 hours if not daily betadine savlon and mupirocin creams can be used for dressings this can be done yourself or a health assistant thanks i got my cycle july 20 and my partner came inside me august 2 could i be pregnant and when is it recommended to test,hi well the best time is if you miss your next period unless this was planned all you can do is wait and see just what happens you can either do an hpt or see your doctor for a test hope this helps you good luck is re occuring shingles pain sometimes with outbreaks normal i was diagnosed with shingles just over a year ago the pain keeps re occurring from mild to extreme sometimes i also notice a few small red bumps i have had consistent pain over the last 4 days and today it is extreme is it normal for it to keep re occurring all the information available is confusing as i do not find much about re occurance and i need ansers,i am sorry you are dealing with this the issue of mrsa methicillin resistant streptococcus aureaus infection continues to grow as a public health concern as you have learned it can take multiple rounds of antibiotics to treat mrsa because only the infected spot on your nose is itching i doubt what you are experiencing is a side effect of medication i guess my point is it is impossible to say what is causing the itching and tingling without a physical examination if you are scheduled for follow up with your health care provider you are probably safe to take a wait and see approach with this as long as you do not develop a fever or additional symptoms increased rednessswellingheat at the infection site feeling like you are coming down with the flu that sort of thing if you do not already have a follow up appointment scheduled i would suggest making one you and your doctor want to be sure that infection is well and truly gone in the meantime be sure take precautions against spreading any possible remaining infection by washing your hands often and thoroughly not sharing towels or clothing that may have touched the infected spot and routinely disinfecting routinely touched surfaces by using antimicrobial wipes or something similar i hope this helps i and my bf are virgins do we can get sti and we involve in smooch and breast sucking and fingering please help really need help as both are 19,there are many tablets including hormones that can control and normalise the bleeding u should consult a gynecologist thanks why does a patient with heart disease retain fluid,unfortunately texas is not expanding its medicaid program which you most likely would have qualified for you may still be able to take advantage of financial assistance available through the marketplaces which will make private insurance available at a very low cost you need to check what is available to you through healthcare gov though i would suggest waiting a few weeks to do so the website as you may have heard has not been working properly the hope is that within the next few weeks it will be easier to navigate the site you might also want to pick up the phone to talk with a person who can help understand your options to find someone in your area check out localhelp healthcare gov also be aware that people with low incomes too low to file income taxes are not required to carry health insurance if that is your situation you will not be penalized for not buying a health plan my hands tremble feel nerve pain and stomach pain after masturbating,1stly you need to stop or reduce the frequency of masturbating… u may be having a severe vitamin b and minerals deficiency eat fruits and vegetables a lot…poultry products and practice breathing and meditation drink plenty of water i have on my penis and testicles a total of what looks like three blackhead pimples is this possible,hi your doctor put you on a course of these tablets they need to be taken every day till you have finished them along with the lotion means your hitting the rash is from both sides so just keep taken the tablets and apply the lotion if its not gone just go back to your doctor good luck what is the on off effect with parkinson is disease,unfortunately almost a third of all diabetics may be more prone to certain types of fungal infections candidiasis or oral thrush many diabetics are also at a greater risk for secondary bacterial infections such as folliculitis infection of the hair follicles carbuncles deep soft tissue infections and paronychia infections around the nail bed many of these infections may present initially as a rash therefore any suspected rash on a diabetic should be evaluated by your physician since late last year l have been complaining about my loss of appetite and consequently loss of weight,it is never a good idea to drink alcohol right before a dental appointment alcohol affects your blood clotting system and depresses the central nervous system not to mention how it can affect your in office behavior if you have anxiety it is much better to tell the dentist beforehand and so you can discuss your options how to lose weight with little mobility i have constant severe knee hip and back pain i use to be very active but for the past year the pain is just too much to handle i keep gaining weight and i have tried dieting but i can not exercise without doubling over in excruciating pain it drives me crazy that i can not exercise like i use to anymore i have gained appx 80lbs in the last year how can i get back in shape without crying every time i walk 100 feet i am 230lbs 511 by the way,treatment of chlamydia involves antibiotics a convenient single dose therapy for chlamydia is 1 gram of azithromycin zithromax zmax by mouth alternative treatments are often used however because of the high cost of this medication the most common alternative treatment is a 100 milligram oral dose of doxycycline vibramycin oracea adoxa atridox and others twice per day for seven days unlike gonorrhea there has been little if any resistance of chlamydia to currently used antibiotics there are many other antibiotics that also have been effective against chlamydia as with gonorrhea a condom or other protective barrier prevents the spread of the infection i heard about a vitamin booster called iss t ibose does it give you energy when you are feeling tired and exhausted,i am unfamiliar with iss t ibose ribose is an organic compound found within our bodies and the foods we eat it is a simple sugar or monosaccharide d ribose is often marketed as a supplement for bodybuilders many products contain d ribose promoting weight loss appetite suppression increased energy and mental health support although there are claims being made for its weight loss properties there have been no solid statistics to support these claims many of the products containing this ingredient are expensive and hard to find it is also not fda approved so caution is advised with this product if a product is difficult to find and stores do not keep it in stock that is a sign that it is not all that safe or effective my vaginal opening is white color when i masterbate i notice a slightly clumpy white discharge on my finger no itching i am 19 and recently had sex for the first time and had sex about three times within about two months there is no burning itching or discomfort the white clumpy discharge has a slight odor i am mostly concerned about my vaginal opening being white i thought it might be discharge and tried wiping it but it is the flesh that is white no bumps or warts please help,no the only way to rid yourself of thc is to not use it in the first place or wait about three weeks or more depending on the type of drug detection test penicillin will not rid the body of thc why is my period late my period is 5 days late my boyfriend and i always use condoms i just started dieting about a week ago consuming about 1 200 calories a day i also just started going to the gym for about an hour 3 or 4 times a week i have no signs of pms i usually get really bad cramps could the decrease in calories affect my period this soon or what is the deal,hi so the first question would be had any condom problems and there only 98 effective that is 2 women in every 100 will get pregnant using condoms but could be just a skipped period with your diet and gym all you can do is wait a week if no show do an hpt and see what the answer is if its negative you better start the pill lot safer and less stress for you remember safe sex is the best sex hope this helps you good luck my period is 6 days late i started spotting this pinkish color along with this red like slime coming out what is wrong my period is never late abdominal cramping nausea are all symptoms i have,you may be pregnant i have been reading a lot since i am 3 days late and it sounds like it could be implantation bleeding which is usually very light pink or spotting some people describe it as a light period andor shorter period than normal you can test since you are almost a week late mine are all coming out negative but i feel pregnant good luck would a cold make a diabetic is sugar run higher my daughter has type 1 diabetes that is managed with an insulin pump her a1c is usually within a good range her sugar has been running higher lately but she has a cold and some congestion would a coldcongestion make her sugar run higher ,yes it is safe to take ibuprofen after having an alcoholic beverage it might be best to take the ibuprofen with food to prevent stomach upset alcohol can irritate the stomach as can ibuprofen so taking both together might just add to the effect as i said a little bit of food or a snack should help i have fibromyalgia and i have flare ups all the time,see above what surgery options do i have for prostatitis,surgery for prostatitis may be necessary to treat chronic bacterial prostatitis that does not respond to long term antibiotic treatment and that causes repeated urinary tract infections surgery may be done to remove part of the prostate or to remove infected prostate stones prostatic calculi however this does not always cure the infection and it may make the symptoms worse surgery is generally done only if all other treatments have failed surgery choices surgical removal of part of the prostate to treat an infection that does not respond to antibiotic treatment or to remove prostate stones is called transurethral prostatectomy what to think about removing prostate stones may not cure prostatitis because the surgery may not remove the portion of the prostate containing the stones webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated do the number of vastectomies performed go up when the economy goes down,widespread concerns about the economy and job security have recently generated news stories about an increase in men requesting vasectomies with this in mind i looked back at my own practice and spoke to a number of urologists for many it does seem that more men are requesting vasectomy this fits with what we know about past drops in childbirth rates during tough economic times when money is tight limiting family size is a common theme after all raising a child is not cheap i have seen an increase in both vasectomies and vasectomy reversals in my own practice over the past 6 months many of my patients are worried about the economy and how this will impact on their personal finances these concerns have made many couples rethink their own home situation as fears increase it appears that families are turning inwards some parents feel they are complete and so opt for permanent sterilization via vasectomy for others this introspection leads to a different conclusion some that have had a vasectomy realize that they do want more children and so move ahead with a vasectomy reversal can i get shingles after having scarlet fever as a child my mother is 80 and has been iin a lot of pain the last few weeks with her hip now she has a red rash very painful just appeared tonight it has a burning sensation is is possible she could have shingles should i take her to the er for treatment thank you,no relation to scarlet fever but if she is ever had had chicken pox as a child then she has a 1 in 3 chance of getting shingles can lack of iron in the diet cause anemia,a lack of iron can cause anemia and iron deficiency is a very common cause of anemia this is because iron is major component of hemoglobin and is essential for its proper function chronic blood loss for any reason is the main cause of low iron levels in the body as it can deplete its iron stores to compensate for the ongoing loss of blood anemia that is due to low iron levels is called iron deficiency anemia women are more likely than men to have iron deficiency anemia because of the loss of blood each month through normal menstruation this is generally without any major symptoms as the blood loss is relatively small and temporary iron deficiency anemia can also be due to small repeated instances of blood loss for instance from colon cancer or from stomach ulcers stomach ulcer bleeding may be induced by medications even by very common over the counter drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen advil motrin in infants and young children iron deficiency anemia is most often due to a diet lacking in iron a doctor is interpretation of complete blood count cbc results may give clues to suggest this type of anemia for instance iron deficiency anemia usually occurs with low mean corpuscular volume microcytic anemia in addition to low hemoglobin what is the difference between lovaza and the otc fish oil products,if tuberculosis have not done irreversible damage to the tube and endometrium inner lining of the uterus then pregnancy can happen either naturally or with treatment a simplest way to check these two things is one mid cycle ultrasound around day 13 or 14 of menses to see the uterine lining anything more than 8 mm to 9 mm should be reassuring and one tubal patency test like hsg hysterosalpingogram in case of damaged or blocked tubes ivf would be a better option in vitro fertilization as it will also reduce the chance of ectopic pregnancy for further information consult an infertility specialist online > can any of the medications i take for my asthma cause harm to my baby,medicines all do very different things and all have their own side effects i would hope your doctor is not sending you the message that they are arbitrarily interchangeable he or she should be telling you the pros and cons of each what specific benefits if any can be expected from each as they pertain to your specific symptoms and problems it is not the patient is job to tell the surgeon what kind of sutures the surgeon should use stopped ocp in may week and a half late on my period having sore breasts which has not happened before pregnant should i wait to take a test,i think if you are a week and a half late then i would go ahead and take a test if it comes out negative and the symptoms persist then i would go to your doctor and discuss it with himher i had a tubal ligation done 3 years ago and have beenthinking of having a other baby what can i do what options do i have i only what one more child i have 5 already,you can adopt a child or take in a foster child that needs a new home you can have those ligated tubes reattached an expensive procedure not covered by insurance that does not always work you can also have have a fertilized egg implanted but that too is not a guarantee a friend of mine had triplets with in vetro trying to have one more so be careful how do i find insurance that will cover pre existing conditions after losing employer health coverage,well it is hard to say a number of conditions could be causing the pain you describe unless you are running a fever you probably can safely take a watchful waiting approach to see if the situation improves if you begin to run a fever you definitely should seek medical attention lower right quadrant pain frequently is associated with appendicitis by the way appendicitis is considered a medical emergency so if you spike a fever and the pain gets worse you have won a ticket to the er however many other non emergency things could cause the pain you are describing for example a piece of hard stool could be stuck in the intestine temporarily this is a frequent cause of abdominal pain of all kinds in this case the stool eventually moves on and the pain goes away even a pocket of intestinal gas could cause the symptoms you describe as always my usual advice in any medical situation is this if things start moving toward worse instead of better see your health care provider meanwhile get a thermometer do not rely on whether or not you feel hot to the touch or anything of that sort monitor your temperature every four hours is fine and just keep close tabs on the situation chances are it will clear up on its own wishing you well what is high blood pressure,who told you this fluids help utis and beer is a fluid but you can get more help from drinking lots of water than you can from drinking lots of beer if you want to have a beer go for it but it does not really cure a uti or make it go away sooner assuming you are a woman most people with utis are female drinking too much beer may lead to inhibitions the inhibitions may lead to sex and of course sex can lead to another uti a vicious cycle all because of beer i am a 29 year old male and yesterday i checked my bp and it was 16089 today its 15074 should i go see a doctor i feel absolutely normal even with this high of bp i am 6 foot 3 and weigh 224 pounds i have never before checked my bp but it seems awfully high to be honest any suggestions are welcome,it is your modified gross adjusted income or taxable income that counts under the law income earned from social security benefits are included in the total your investments and assets will not count toward your annual income however only money pulled out of pensions and 401k plans so income you derive from the accounts count toward your total annual income if you have money invested in a 401k but do not pull money out during the year it will not count what is paresthesia,a paresthesia is an abnormal sensation of tingling numbness or burning paresthesias are usually felt in the hands feet arms or legs but can be felt anywhere the sensation is usually unpleasant most people have experienced paresthesia in the form of the pins and needles sensation that occurs when an arm or leg briefly “falls asleep ” the sensation is caused by sustained pressure placed on a nerve this kind of paresthesia is temporary and reversible paresthesias can also occur regularly when nerves experience ongoing or lasting damage some of the causes of chronic or persistent paresthesias include carpal tunnel syndrome meralgia paresthetica numbness over the outer thigh compression of a nerve in the spine radiculopathy restless legs syndrome shingles herpes zoster stroke or transient ischemic attack multiple sclerosis transverse myelitis the treatment for paresthesias depends on the cause if a reversible cause is present treating it should help improve the paresthesia symptoms for paresthesias that can not be cured medicines that act on nerves may be helpful for some people i just had a miscarriage on friday first time pregnant how soon can we try again to get pregnant i am 39,hi if you feel ok and want to try again please wait till you have had your first full period after it then would be the time to try again its good for working out dates good luck low resting heart rate can it be a secondary adrenal insufficiency if not what is cause,i do not know the whole story here but mono mononucleosis is a viral infection so yes you could have mono or another viral infection i do not know what tests have been run on you but an ebv panel is consider the most sensitive test for mono is it safe to take 5mg frolic acid when pregnant i just found out that i am 4 weeks pregnant and i did not take folic acid before i am in spain right now so i went to the nearest pharmacy and got 5mg frolic acid is this dose too much i have been taking one pill for two days already but i know that in usa the dosage is usually lower so i am a little worries if 5mg might cause some problems with pregnancy please advise should i continue taking them or stop for now i am going back to us in 2 days thank you,taking folic acid is an important part of your pre natal care studies have shown its benefits in preventing birth defects always follow the dosage instructions provided by your doctor with that said 5 mg daily of folic acid is within the normal suggested dosing parameters for a pregnant woman note pregnant women taking other prescription prenatal vitamins may already be receiving the recommended dosage of folic acid 400 micrograms 600 micrograms daily if you still have concerns it is suggested that you phone fax or email you doctor from spain for clarification you may also consider discussing your question with a physician in spain red spots on penis which looks like tiny pimples i went to a dermat who recoed me some antibiotics and steriod creams mid march after these spot had subsided i noted that my shaft was blood red but very dry so again visited dermat and he said its nothing but allergy and gave me moisturiser some steroid cream now come mid april the red spots noted in mid feb are back again although much lesser this time i dnt have any other associated symptoms such as itching burning or pain during or without urination but im worried about why it is taking so long to heal,people often discuss the importance of care in selecting safe foods and beverages for consumption we recommend that foods be freshly cooked and be piping hot such foods are safer than those on a buffet that have been sitting out for hours water should be bottled and sealed or boiled alcohol is ok but ice cubes are not but sometimes people do everything they are supposed to do regarding the selection of food and beverages and still get sick often it is really the lack of sanitation within the food industry contamination may occur anywhere from when the food comes out of the ground to the preparer or the server food can be tainted at any point along that route so restaurant hygiene and food service worker hygiene may be out of the traveler is control but both play a role in whether disease is transmitted and sometimes it is the travelers who contaminate themselves remember try to clean your hands before eating whether with soap and water or a hand sanitizer and travelers should avoid touching their face mouth or mucous membranes with their hands i have a white spot about the size of a large grain of rice in the back of my throat on my tonsil of the left side its a small white spot but it is very easy to see upon emamination i have just gotten over a cold that did start with a very sore throat but that was about a a week ago now there is only a spot on one side of my throat i am worried its some kind of infection i can touch the area with my tonge and it is much warmer on that side of my throat than the other side it is mildly irrated,the tonsils may have little holes or crypts in them that can trap food and other debris sometimes this debris can calcify and create a little stone like mass called a tonsilliths tonsil stone since i have no way of seeing your little white spot first hand it would not be possible for me or any medical provider to be able to give you an exact answer based solely on your brief description it is possible to have localized infections so since you are concerned it would be in your best interest to have your tonsils examined by a health care professional since you are just getting over a cold it is certainly possible that it is evidence of an infection on your tonsil one concern would be strep throat however if you have strep your throat is typically quite sore with fever and oftentimes swollen glands in the front of your neck if you feel fine otherwise strep throat is less likely however if it does not go away after a few days get your doctor to check it out another possibility is a tonsil stone however since you had a cold recently the above is more likely but here is more information about tonsil stones im not a doctor so dont take my word as gold but i get these little white spots on my tonsils too they irritate me like crazy one evening i had enough so i took a flash light and went into the bathroom and took my fingernail and poked at it and it popped out of the tonsil and it stopped bothering me i still get them a lot but i just go in there and get it out i think its like the first answer on here like a calcification are there reparative therapies for kinks or fetishes do they work a person might be troubled by a particularly transgressive fetish such as urophilia with the help of therapy could they overcome it and have a normal sex life,most helpful answer call the doctor again today i do not know which antibiotic or dosage she is on but if she is getting worse she may need a stronger dose or a different antibiotic im having loose stools atleast 3 4 times a day in large amounts and having some loose when wiping after urination help hx of normal daily bm without issue but the past few wks having loose messy stools 4 6 x daily and frequently needing to clean myself for occassional spotting i am feeling worn out high anxiety churning stomach and some brain fog help not sure what is up 44 yof goiter since 16 but otherwise healthy wt 160,are you getting treatment for your thyroid your symptoms could have several causes it could be a digestive disorder where your system is inflamed and irritated like irritable bowel syndrome it could be a food allergy those can appear at any time during life it could be a sensitivity such as to lactose or gluten it could also be some kind of stomach bug you picked up from a dirty surface or slightly spoiled food start by keeping a food diary write about what you eat and when your symptoms get worse or better try eating very mild gentle foods like rice and potatoes stay hydrated see if that helps if you do not get better bring the information you collected to your doctor it will help them make a faster diagnosis if i go outside with wet hair will i become ill can doing this cause a person to catch a cold,it is not an absolute contraindicationi recommend you to do your father the confirmatory tests for dvt as it is a serious condition if confirmed other blood tests will be needed to adjust the needed doses the suitable medication in relation to her medical condition my eyes are red watery and burning what can i do to cure that,before talking about a cure one must first have a diagnosis a causereason for the eye redness and burning for instance allergies one of the causes would be treated differently than if the cause was a bacterial conjunctivitis pink eye is a vegetarian diet efficient for weight loss or a diet that limits meats 1 is a vegetarian diet efficient for weight loss 2 what about a diet that restricts the quantity of meat or that only allows quality lean meat 3 does lean meat only mean fish thank you,there are two major types of influenza type a and type b and there are many different strains of those major types the type b strain can produce similar symptoms but is usually considered a milder form of influenza type a influenza is the bad boy i have aneurysm of the left basilic vein doctor can perform an aneurysmectomy need second doctor opinion,most helpful answer yes moderate smoking is still harmful that is like asking how much poison should i take every day before it becomes harmful you are nearly a non smoker so why not just go all the way and stop completely stopping things that you enjoy are difficult i know but in the case of cigarettes there are really no safe limits secondary smoke and even third hand smoke has been found to be harmful so even a pack a week is going to cause problems over time clearly the more cigarettes that you smoke the worse your risk becomes while you are pleased to have cut down our 12 pack a day habit to a pack a week you need to do your body one more favor by stopping altogether you can do it i feel like smoking is not all that different from any other health issue too much fatty meats is bad for your cholesterol causing your arteries to clog then you get a heart attack then you die so now you have to stop eating the foods you like there is also the too much sugar or sodium gives you diabetes along with other diseasesdeficiencies also shortening your lifespan so now you cant have salty or sweet foods that you like so with my brilliant brain i came up with a conclusion and its not rocket science its common sens that a lot of you lack and this is that too much of everything is bad for you for one second forget about smoking being bad and think of this for example you go to the beach with your family you bring sunblock very common product to bring to the beach and to apply on yourself the purpose of this chemically engineered lotion or oil is to black uv rays from you getting badly burnt by them and to avoid you getting skin cancer so in your eyes its a good product wrong did you ever think of what long term effect this chemical product will do once it seeps in through your pores and into your body through the course of time of course not and the truth is that 100 of the products you buy and apply on your skin and consume are all not safe chemicals and are not grown or raised naturally so everything you use kills you i am a smoker and i like smoking i smoke a pack in 4 days making me a light smoker and i am very aware of what smoking does to your health but i feel that if i enjoy it and i dont abuse it cuz too much of anything is bad for you so i decided i should just smoke same goes for the fatty meats sweets and salty foods enjoy life dont put all these restrictions on yourself just have to remember not to push it its all about the right dosage how are menstrual migraines treated,the short answer is no but this deserves a bit more discussion heartburn is a pain that you feel around mid chest and is caused by acid moving back up into the esophagus from the stomach this pain often will go away when you take an antacid product such as a chewable tablet like tums or rolaids or a liquid product like maalox despite its name heartburn does not involve the heart ischemia is a condition in which body tissue does not get enough oxygen usually due to decreased blood flow the term ischemia is often applied to the heart muscle but ischemia can happen to any muscle or even the brain when the heart suffers from ischemia it can trigger a pain response which is called angina this pain also occurs mid chest like heartburn so it can sometimes be tricky figuring out if chest pain is a result of stomach acid heartburn or ischemia the two conditions heartburn and ischemia have different underlying sources and are not related except in terms of causing pain in the chest i hope this helps after sex all my fiancés come comes out of me when i stand up even happens after i rest is this normal it is really embarrassing i can lay down for an hour after sex then when i stand it will all come out we are getting married soon and i am worried if this is not normal we will not be able to fall pregnant please help ,hi i take it you mean faeces and no its not normal but there must be a connection along the line to do with orgasms and being very relaxed for this to happen it could be you have pelvic floor dysfunction and you would get these symptoms coordinated contracting and relaxing of these muscles controls bowel and bladder functions—the pelvic floor must relax to allow for urination bowel movements and in women sexual intercourse kegels may help you but i think you should also see you gyno about your problem see what heshe says about it hope this helps you good luck do i have a sinus infection i have been dizzy pressure in the lower back of my head by my neck ear pressure some eye pressure and pressure on the very top of my head i have sinus draining down my throat and i can hear the sinuses in my ears no headaches could this be a sinus infection,let is just clarify that blood pooling in the leg is not the same thing as a deep venous thrombosis dvt many people have problems with lower leg circulation which often is called peripheral vascular disease however pvd may put a person at higher risk of developing a dvt as to your question yes an injury to the leg definitely can cause problems with circulation a broken hip or leg or any type of injury that disrupts normal blood flow to the extremity can cause the type of fluid retention and pooling you describe if you did not have your injury treated by a medical professional now would be a good time to have this checked out your health care provider can assess the situation and get you appropriate treatment your provider may also be able to further clarify whether the leg injury contributed to the circulation problems i hope this helps what is the difference between osteoporosis and scoliosis,being overweight does not necessarily mean that a person over eats sometimes this is congenital and due to her hormonal structure she tends to be fat and overweight she can lose a lot of weight through exercises at this age thanks im pregnant and my blood pressure read 12694 the book that comes with it says its a hypertention measure should i worry i checked it because my hands and feet were swollen and hurt also i have a migraine with it for the past two days i have had bodyaches ion the neck and abdomen,hi yes you should worry get off to you doctor for help or google natural ways out of hpb hope this helps good luck does my mri explain as to why am i feeling lost and confused,your mri of the brain is normal except some sinusitis i would like to ask a few questions since when are you experiencing these symptoms do you have a headache or vomiting is there any history of seizures or loss of consciousness how is your sleep are you taking any medication i would suggest you get the following investigations done eeg electroencephalogram contrast study of mri brain if required lumbar puncture and csf cerebrospinal fluid examination thyroid profile anti tpo thyroperoxidase antibodies kidney and liver function test vitamin b12 level the differential diagnosis of your condition are as follows depression limbic encephalitis encephalopathy revert with more information to a neurologist online > high blood pressure intense colds minor chest pains and feeling light headed went to er all ok what can this be,isolated systolic hypertension it can be due to different causes do echo renal function tests abd thyroid profile… what can cause a period to be late i am 25 have always had regular periods and i am now 3 days late i had protected sex 4 days ago i have been under a lot of stress and not sleeping well could i be pregnant or what else could cause my period to be late,if you ve had a recent illness or you are under or over weight pregnancy pre menopause menopause change in your meds stress are all things that can cause your period to be late does hormone replacement therapy help slow down aging,the whole concept of estrogen replacement therapy was about that the only difficulty is the side consequences of doing that potentially putting women at risk of heart disease so there are foods naturally rich in phytoestrogens that may help keep skin nice and supple soy is a good source beans and legumes are generally high in phytoestrogens flax too the key with those foods is not to wait until you turn 50 to suddenly start eating them start earlier eating moderate amounts of those foods do i have multiple sclerosis i have been having a lot of pain in my legs and a lot of muscle spasms,oral clindaymycin is not used to treat pinkeye you should not be self prescribing leftover antibiotics i lost nearly three liters of blood due to my placenta breaking i feel i am going to pass out,maybe with in vitro fertilization but you will need to speak to a fertility specialist my daughter just had her fallopian tubes removed an hr ago her dr said yes she can get pregnant but she would have to go to a faternity clinic or specialist so yes she can have more babys if she wants to no as early as your mid 30 is you can have pre menopause symptoms which can be similar to pregnancy like the previous person said the only way to conceive would be ivf if your symptoms continue check with your doctor they may need to check your hormone levels and examine you to rule out cysts etc cysts on the uterus can cause pregnancy symptoms and are usually treatable with medication i have already become pregnant with an iud once am i at a higher risk to get pregnant on an iud again,hi with something that is 99 good at not getting women pregnant but then there has to be the odd one here and there and you must have been her when it was taken out did the doctor sat if it had dropped out a bit slipped did he feel first ok so if you were not happy with it or you were happy but now do not trust it why not go on the bc pill and give that a try unless it gives you problems but you do need to be that regular kind of person its a must do thing every day dope hope this has been helpful good luck can my girlfriend get pregnant from pre cum i jacked off twice in the morning and ejaculated both times doing so the urinated i went to my girlfriends house around 12 and we had sex with a condom for a little then without for a little i never ejaculated but i may have pre ejaculated the next day around 1 i gave her plan b l i was wondering how are my chances she gets pregnant i know the human body can normally ejaculate twice a day and was wondering if that lowers my chances since i did it twice that day already thank you,sorry you are experiencing this unfortunately it is impossible to diagnose your condition without a physical exam i suggest you consult a dermatologist it is true this could be something simple along the lines of cradle cap which is a buildup of skin oils and cells it also could be dandruff or scalp psoriasis neither of those is life threatening but it would be useful to get a true diagnosis because these conditions require different treatment skin cancers are uncommon in your age group but it still would not hurt to have a dermatologist take a look at your scalp just to be safe hope this helps why do vicidon make me itch,this sounds like a side effect you should monitor closely sometimes itching can progress into a more severe allergic reaction some opioid pain relievers like vicodin can cause a release of histamine in the body this histamine release causes itching think about the way pollen causes your nose to itch that itching is called a histamine reaction and you take an antihistamine to make the itching stop the same thing can happen in some people when they take opioid pain relievers you can take an antihistamine with the vicodin to see if that helps stop the itching i would recommend you speak to your care provider to see if you should stop the vicodin and take something else of course if you experience swelling of the face tongue or throat along with the itching you should seek emergency medical attention these can be symptoms of a life threatening allergic reaction itching is a not uncommon side effect from opioid pain relievers in my experience but keep an eye on your symptoms anyway wishing you well what common medications should i avoid during my pregnancy,i can understand your concerns if child is constipated on dexolac premium then you can switch to nan pro 1 lactogen 1 or similar advance all are equally good nan pro 1 is more preferred for further queries consult a paediatrician online > what vitamins can you take with birth control pills that will not cancel out the birth control,these are presumptive signs of pregnancy but of course there can be other reasons to account for your symptoms have your medical provider order a more sensitive blood pregnancy test i have bad breath how do i cure it will a tongue scraper work,thats what happen to me i went thru many meds before trying omeprazole which is perscribed by dr but if you want otc zegrid otc is the only one that works for me and i have probally tried almost if not all perscribed and every single otc meds they have i am not a dr this is just my opioin but i have to take mine every day or i cant sleep because no matter what i eat or dont eat i wake up with heartburn so bad it burns my throat so i really hope this helps you can poison ivy rash return same place after 2 months rash returned same places on arms after 2 months since had first rash have not been any where near any plants no pets to come in contact with poison ivy any one ever hear of this happening,zoloft works different for a lot of people when i took it it gave me an insane energy boost and i got my motivation back but i was also hit with some side effects that were not going to be ignored and were hard to live with so after a couple months my meds were changed i did not have any withdrawal during the transition just make sure you know most meds can take up to a month to experience the true benefit of the medication and change of dosage is common i have had hidradenitis are there any new treatments,keep taking your antibiotics assuming it was a ten day course you have six more days to go to complete your treatment if you do not feel you have getting better you will need to be re examined again as you know you cannot be examined diagnosed or treated over the internet how soon after getting the depo shot does work if received after period ended and can you get pregnant i got the shot the day after i stopped my period,hi your find it does say that you should use condoms for 7 days after the first shot or did you miss that bit or was not told from then on you should be ok good luck ps look out for the side effects just google depo shot side effects i have felt sensations of tachycardia to the head,there is no nutritional value in them and the use of artificial sweeteners in them is of enough concern that i would try & find a healthier way to quench my thirst not to mention the cancer causing caramel coloring found in them is my new girlfriend allergic to me i mean in a medical way,human seminal plasma hypersensitivity is the most possible reason allergy to your semen you can role out saliva if you have not eaten food she is allergic to before kissingvisit your rheumatologist to confirm good luck i have been prescribed euthyrox and dostinex for infertility need second opinion,no just the thc will cause a positive result and can remain in the system for quite a 2 3 weeks omeprazole is not even close to the chemical structure of thc there can be false positive drug tests but those are rare assuming it was tested at a good lab webmd is incorrect in this instance i know for a fact that omeprazole and all ppi is proton pump inhibitors can most definitely cause a false positive for thc this is from several physicians my own pain management doctor for one and a relative who works for a testing firm that does drug testing for the federal government yes prevacid or omeprazole can cause a false positive for thc i tested myself at home in the a m and was negative for thc i tested for the court in the p m after taking omeprazole prilosec and tested positive for thc i called the company first check that makes the home test they told me pantoprazole can cause a false positive but could not say for sure if omeprazole would cause a false positive they recommend any positive test be mailed to them for mass spectometry testing which could rule out a false positive twice i was jailed for testing positive and then was released after testing negative the next day when i had not taken omeprazole only one time have i tested positive for thc at my pain clinic i was extremely embarrassed and shocked i am 52 years old and have not smoked pot since i was 19 i had just started a trial of omeprazole which my provider asked me about by name i switched to another acid reducer at her suggestion and had no more problem now i have done the rounds with these medications and it looks like omeprazole is all that is left hopefully they will be reasonable i have ulcerative colitis and gerd how can i protect my nose from getting red and sunburned when i work outdoors,you may consider using zinc oxide on your nose to prevent any further damage to the skin of that area many beach life guards have to resort to using this white barrier because they have not found any other way to protect their nose especially from the damaging rays of the sun you are very astute to recognize that it is dangerous to continue to expose your already red nose to further uv radiation can a woman become pregnant from a man who has an erectile dysfunction,although annual influenza injectable vaccination has long been recommended for people in the high risk groups many still do not receive the vaccine often because of their concern about side effects they mistakenly perceive influenza as merely a nuisance and believe that the vaccine causes unpleasant side effects or that it may even cause the flu the truth is that influenza vaccine causes no side effects in most people the most common and serious side effect that can occur after influenza vaccination is an allergic reaction in people who have a severe allergy to eggs since the viruses used in the vaccine are grown in hens eggs for this reason people who have an allergy to eggs should see an allergy specialist before receiving the influenza vaccine also the vaccine is not recommended while individuals have active infections or active diseases of the nervous system less than one third of those who receive the vaccine have some soreness at the vaccination site and about 5 to 10 experience mild side effects such as headache low grade fever or muscle cramps for about a day after vaccination these side effects are most likely to occur in children who have not been exposed to influenza virus in the past another type of influenza vaccine nasal spray is made with live attenuated altered influenza viruses this vaccine is made with live viruses that can stimulate the immune response enough to confer immunity but do not cause classic influenza symptoms in most instances the nasal spray vaccine flumist is only approved for healthy individuals ages 2 to 49 this nasal spray vaccine contains live attenuated virus less able to cause flu symptoms due to a designed inability to replicate at normal body temperatures this live vaccine could possibly cause the disease in infants and immunocompromised people and does not produce a strong immune response in many older people side effects of the nasal mist include nasal congestion sore throat and fever headaches muscle aches irritability and malaise have also been noted in most instances if side effects occur they only last a day or two this nasal spray has been produced for conventional flu viruses and should not be given to pregnant individuals or anyone who has a medical condition that may compromise the immune system because in some instances the flu is the side effect caregivers should read the vaccine precaution insert before giving any vaccine injectable or nasal as these inserts are occasionally updated i am unemployed and my benefits are about to run out will i be eligible for health insurance without an income are there any other alternatives if i do not qualify,there are a few pills that have been approved by the fda for use as birth control and for reduction of acne these pills consist of ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate ortho tri cyclen ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone estrostep and ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone yaz there are many other formulations of birth control medication with a combination of the same estrogenprogesterone forms that can be used to help with acne outbreaks ortho cept and reclipsen are equivalent the combination of estrogen is ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel other names for this combination are apri cesia cyclessa desogen kariva mircette and velivet this combination has been effectively used to help control acne outbreaks consult your ob gyn to find a formulation that is right for you i am restricting food and i have been feeling exhausted as well as having a low pulse does this mean i am anorexic i still have my period and i have not been working out that much though,hi this may be some sort of vitamin deficiency causing the skin to be unhealthy and dry you can use olive oil or aloe vera oils for skin nourishment also take vitamin e tablets for healthy skin avoid sunilght vitamin d supplements can help thanks how long will lorazepam stay in my urine for a drug test i have read online anywhere from 3 days to a month from the information i have lorazepam gets out of ur system faster then any other benzo and people are mixing it up with xanx or valium thinking it will stay in your system just as long obviously some people do not know what their talking about and some do i just dont know who your information would be greatly appreciated thanks,several potentially serious health conditions are linked to high blood pressure including atherosclerosis this is a disease of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque or fatty material on the inside walls of the blood vessels hypertension puts added stress and force on the artery walls heart disease hypertension can lead to heart failure the heart can not adequately pump blood ischemic heart disease the heart tissue does not get enough blood and hypertensive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy enlarged heart kidney disease hypertension can damage the blood vessels and filters in the kidneys so that the kidneys cannot excrete waste properly stroke hypertension can lead to stroke either by contributing to the process of atherosclerosis which can lead to blockages andor clots or by weakening the blood vessel wall and causing it to rupture eye disease hypertension can damage the very small blood vessels in the retina round lumps in the palm of hand under the skin it is not hand foot mouth desease there is no rash on the skin,i am sorry you are experiencing this it is always concerning when something weird starts happening with our bodies many conditions could cause the symptoms you describe warts come to mind but it is impossible to diagnose a skin problem without seeing it in person i suggest you make an appointment with your primary care provider or a dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis it is possible your skin lumps are easily treatable or that they do not need treatment at all but only a health care provider can tell you for sure best wishes i was diagnosed with epilepsy i am not sure of this diagnosis,the situation is very frustrating and you are certainly not alone in facing obstacles one other option you might want to try is to speak with folks in your area trained to help consumers through the process you can find someone local here localhelp healthcare gov does drinking water at night cause weight gain,the symptoms that you are having are due to anxiety attacks rather than depression symptoms of anxiety neurosis include sweating headaches nausea muscle tension muscle aches trembling and hot flashes psychologic counselling helps a lot anti anxiety medicines are needed only when the symptoms persist even after psychologic counselling indulgence in yoga and meditation also helps you should consult a psychiatrist and get it evaluated it is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided for exact diagnosis you are requested to consult your doctor i sincerely hope that helps take care can you put neosporin on staples,a laceration repaired with staples yes this would be fine as long as you do not have a history of allergic reactions to neomycin chances of becoming pregnant was recently diagnosed with pcos not a severe case just hormones off balanced and testosterone was high dr put me on metformin about 2 weeks ago saturday night i noticed some a bit more discharge than usual and sunday it was definitely ewcm had unprotected sex saturday night and sunday around 10am and again at 6pm this morning when i went to the bathroom at 5am there was some ewcm and now i am just wet how likely is it that i can become pregnant,hi so you know how this all works having unprotected sex saturday night wont make you pregnant by sunday sorry but that is a fact if you know how it works you will know that the first day of your cycle is day so around day 14 give or take a day is ovulation day but you need to have unprotected sex say 3 to 4 days before that why well it takes 3 days for sperm to get in place to receive your egg so if around day 21 you get some spotting this could be a sign your on your way to getting pregnant so if you miss your next period and wait a week your then go get tested or do an hpt so now do you see good luck are there any treatments for adult hormonal acne i am a 46 year woman who suffers from severe adult acne i never had bad acne as a teenyoung adult but the past years it has gotten very bad i regularly wash my face every morning and night and the acne i do get is deeper in the skin as opposed to just clogged pores on the surface i have tried many over the counter creams cleansers and toners but are there any other products or treatments specifically effective for adult hormonal acne someone could recommend,it is very rare if not impossible to get genital herpes any other way than by sexual contact keep in mind however that many people have genital herpes for years or even decades without knowing it when they are diagnosed their monogamous partners often assume they were unfaithful which may not be true can my tubes become untied i am 35 years old i got pregnant with my second child when i was taking the depo shot after my son was born my ob dr was suppose to have tied my tubes and 3 months after my son was born i was pregnant again with my third child i had my tubes tied in 2011 right after they delivered my daughter via c section and i nearly bled to death here i am almost 3 years later and i am 2 weeks late and my body is going through some changes that i would swear i was pregnant again is there a chance,this is mostly epileptic seizures and it needs antiepileptic medications under neurologist supervision an eeg can diagnose this what does high mid percentage in blood mean,your question in its present form is unanswerable there is really no such thing as high mid percentage so you will need to go back to your medical provider for some more information about your blood test sorry can i get hiv by using infected towel,in my opinion this is a patch of atopic dermatitis you can use topical steroids to treat it good luck high blood pressure for at least past week two episodes of blurred vision,the simple answer osteoporosis is the demineralization or thinning of bone often seen as people age this can make them more prone to fractures breaks from even minor injuries or no injuries at all scoliosis is a term pertaining to an abnormal curvature of the spine often first detected at puberty in both boys and girls however if an older person had osteoporosis of the spine this could cause an abnormal curvature scoliosis so a person could have both for more a detailed explanation of these two terms a search of webmd is massive data bank will reveal several different articles and citations for each of them i received a urethral bulking procedure with the coaptite injectable implant now in constant pain doctors do not know why,what exercise s are you doing with the physiotherapist you need to consult urosurgeonand to do urine analysis is any exercise safe while taking cipro how long after 30 days of treatment should i wait before working with weights i have been working out for the last 2 years and find myself in decent shape for a 50 year old male was starting a hardcore workout plan but have stopped i have been having some urologic issues and after having multiple scans done the doctors are not seeing anything so my doctor has put me on cipro for 30 days he specifically told me not to lift anything heavy due to possible tendon rupture and from what i see the risk continues even for several months after completing the medication,i do not know of any contraindications for exercise restriction while anyone is on cipro or for months after any restrictions that your doctor recommended has nothing to do with the medication but your other health concerns since i do not know you full medical history it is best to get patient specific exercise parameters from your doctor someone who does have this information i have experienced permanent blurred light vision over a year,if the fever is coming down and other symptoms also are improving then home treatment probably is fine if your child has a virus four days is not very long for it to run its course if your child is fever or other symptoms get worse instead of better or if your child develops new symptoms like vomiting diarrhea loss of appetite then it is time to seek medical attention while you are waiting out this virus make sure your child gets plenty of fluids water is fine and you can also give an electrolyte preparation such as pedialyte for fluid replacement it is crucial not to let your little one get dehydrated wishing you both well how can shingles be treated during pregnancy,treatments exist that can lessen the severity of shingles and reduce the risk of postherpetic neuralgia these include the antiviral drugs acyclovir zovirax famciclovir famvir and valacyclovir valtrex if you believe you have shingles it is important to see your doctor right away because you must begin one of these medications within a few days of a shingles outbreak for best results if your doctor prescribes an antiviral medication it is important to take it exactly as directed most are taken once daily for several days when taken as directed these drugs should be safe during pregnancy in addition to the medications your doctor prescribes there are over the counter otc medications and self help measures that are helpful for relieving shingles pain and itching and preventing infection these include cold compresses and cool baths to relieve blisters loose clothing and clean gauze coverings over affected areas to hasten healing of blisters and prevent infection antihistamines particularly benadryl oatmeal baths and calamine lotion to reduce itching the otc over the counter painkiller acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids such as ibuprofen advil motrin ib ketoprofen actron orudis kt and naproxen aleve to relieve pain before taking any otc medication it is important to speak with your doctor pregnant women should not take nsaids late in pregnancy can my girlfriend get pregnant if she is 26 days on birth control and on day 1 of 7 days of her period we had unprotected sex and we are pretty worried i came inside of her and she tried pushing as much of it out as possible and i wiped a lot of it off with a tissue she has been taking birth control every single day within 30 minutes of 1000 pm and we want to know the probability of her getting pregnant,hi during the placebo phase of her bc pills she is still covered so you can both put your worry beads away and get on with your lives ok good luck very painful foot pain 50 yr old male heart disease past 20 yrs high bp cannot walk very far without developing severe foot pain in the arch of the feet first heart attack 20 yrs ago last one 4 yrs ago feet pain started a year before last heart attack started in one foot then after triple bypass in 08 it is in both feet very painful also flat footed 40 heart function otherwise quite healthy,my husband also has this i would get back to the doctor he ended up with a blood clot that went to his lung not saying this is happening to you but worth checking out we are 4 weeks post op and have lots of complications if you are uncomfortable then it is worth checking out 6 days late i am 6 days late for my period i took a pregnancy test 2 days ago and it was negative i only have tender breasts and am slightly nauseous could i be pregnant should i see a doctor,just relax you simply have side effects of antibiotics like gastritis and acid reflux causing chest and stomach discomfort you should simply take antacids like milk of magnesia and also take empty stomach proton pump inhibitor like omeprazole till you are on antibiotics avoid spicy foods and take probiotics like yogurt you will be better soon hope this helps regards on bc pills my period was later and shorter have been tired and nauseus for about 2 weeks could i be pregnant,actually yes you could still be pregnant the only form of birth control that is 100 effective is abstinence i know women who have gotten pregnant while on the pill i realize that i am a little late in answering your question but it is possible my right nasal passage had a cold sore now my right eye is red i have no discharge or sleepers in my eye but the redne ss wont go away it doesnt hurt or itch or discharge anything whats going on with it,as much as i would like to help you i cannot see or examine your eye over the internet to provide you with a patient specific answer you will need to see a medical professional or eye specialist so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated my 4yr old has a temp of 103 if i cant get it to break how long shoulld i wait to take him to the doctor he is drinking very small amounts i am worried about dehydration only peed 3 times in 24hrs he normally pees 6 to 8 times a day he also has a wet cough,you do not have to break a fever in children fever is beneficial and is helping him fight off an infection a fever of 103 does not cause harm dehydration is a different issue so it is important for him to drink fluids as long as he has tears and his mouth is moist inside he is probably doing fine fevers from viral infections for instance can last 3 4 days the reason to seek medical care would be the cough simple colds viral infections can definitely cause a fever and cough but so can influenza and pneumonia if you are concerned that this illness is something more than a viral infection then you would need to have him properly examined by a medical professional while you do not have to worry about fever or even treat it you do need to make him comfortable so if ibuprofen or acetaminophen makes him feel better then use it does minocycline affect your basal body temperature i would like to start natural family planning to avoid pregnancy by taking my basal body temperature but i am wondering if taking minocycline for a month for acne will change my temperature thanks,no minocycline taken for acne will not change your basal body temperature what causes pneumonia,my husband kinda suffers from the same issue he was given tyenol and ibuprofen alot as a child and now it is very hard to find a pain medicine that has any effect on him he currently has a condition in his chest that no medicine has been able to help the pain i am not sure if this helps but this is something you probably needed to limit the amounts as a baby what surgery options do i have for type 1 diabetes living with the disease,the rhinovirus or other cold virus enters your body through your nose or mouth and is easily spread when you touch someone or touch common objects contaminated with a cold virus the computer keyboard or mouse the telephone receiver a doorknob or eating utensils if you are not cautious about hand washing you can spread the common cold to family friends co workers and people you have never met at a restaurant or the supermarket of course if someone with a cold or flu sneezes or coughs around you the virus can spread that way too while getting chilled or wet is not a cause of common colds there are factors that make you more susceptible to catching a cold virus for example you are more likely to catch a common cold if you are excessively fatigued have emotional distress or have allergies with nose and throat symptoms sinusitis nasal discharge after tx diagnosed with sinusitis treated for 5 days with fluticasone propionate nasal spray on day four started to blow out egg yolk colored discharge and some blood is this old infection coming out is this normal,if you are asking if you should have it checked out then yes you should better safe than sorry *i am not a doctor but i have common sense and like to study medicine* i do not want to die – i am taking prednisone 20mg for 4 days and i am dehydrated,i do not think that this dose caused u diabetis… do u have any other troubles like dizziness fatigue palpitation any pain fever… i recommend u to do urine analysis cbc and random blood sugar… not to worry my blood work showed inflammation i have crohn is disease do i need steroids,no an itchy ear is likely to be a problem in the external ear canal not a healing eardrum however the drainage from the rupture could have caused some inflammation resulting in some itching keep things out of your ears especially q tips if you are a q tip user removing the protective earwax can make you ears more prone to infections and yes itching until your eardrum is totally healed it is not a good idea to get water in it either why does my son have white spots on his teeth,shingles is a reactivation of the varicella zoster virus a type of herpes virus that causes chickenpox after you have had chickenpox the virus lies inactive in your nerve roots and remains inactive until in some people it flares up again when the virus becomes active again you get shingles instead of chickenpox anyone who has had even a mild case of chickenpox can get shingles people who have a weak immune system are vulnerable to reactivation of the virus that causes shingles many factors can weaken your immune system including aging injury and illness some medicines slow down the immune system for example medicines that destroy cancer cells chemotherapy can interfere with the immune system transmission exposure to shingles will not cause you to get shingles but if you have not had chickenpox and have not gotten the chickenpox vaccine you can get chickenpox if you are exposed to shingles someone with shingles can expose you to chickenpox if you come into contact with the fluid in the shingles blisters if you cover the shingles sores with a type of dressing that absorbs fluid and protects the sores you can help prevent the spread of the virus to other people webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated how is herpes simplex diagnosed,often the appearance of herpes simplex virus is typical and no testing is needed to confirm the diagnosis if a health care provider is uncertain herpes simplex can be diagnosed with laboratory tests including dna or pcr tests and virus cultures what is involved with electrical burns,electrical burns may cause serious injury that is not readily apparent often the entry and exit points for the electrical shock may not be easily found electricity flows more easily through tissues in the body that are designed to deal with electricity nerves and muscles are wired for this task and often are damaged if significant muscle damage occurs muscle fibers and chemicals can be released into the bloodstream causing electrolyte disturbances and kidney failure if you had shingles once can you have another breakout again,if this was my child i would take her to the doctors and shehe will probably give another dtp diphtheriatetanuspertussis shot just to be on the safe side tetanus is a very very bad thing to get and is not so easily cured it has to run it is course best be on the safe side i am 61 been exercising 3 3 miles on treadmill 4 4 miles on bicycle and a mile on walking track everyday have cold feet it concerns me that my resting heart rate is 49 and i have cold feet at night,i suffered from extreme anemia as well you may want to talk to her doctor about the iron infusions those really are of more help than the actual iron supplement my blood work showed inflammation i have crohn is disease do i need steroids,migraines usually come with pain it could just be issues with your vision if it is just light sensitivity but i highly recommend going to an eye doctor asap i have had my friend ignore migraines and unfortunately it turned out to a benign brain tumor when it comes to the braint of the human body it the most complicated su[er computer in the world it is all about finding the issue asap god forbid i am sure you just need special lenses that is all but better safe then sorry if i have ulcerative colitis should i keep a diary of food and symptoms,i have been seeing patients for four decades and never once have i heard of this recommendation unfortunately i have no way of knowing what this doctor was thinking but the only reason a male would need a bra would be if he had gynecomastia enlarged breasts but even then a bra would not be helpful another reason would be more complex and that would involve him being a cross dresser very strange i have another question for rod moser pa phd re partial hysterectomy question previously posted the person who presented the story about the 40 yr old woman w partial hysterectomy is very distraught over losing this child they even named her he never was at any appts with her she said she had an ultrasound but there was no pic he has seen no pregnancy test or labs he says she has 2 small incisions one by the belly button and one on her left side is there any medical documentation he could ask for to prove her story ,sometimes a person wants to be pregnant so desperately that their brain creates a false pregnancy i had one patient who had a complete hysterectomy that even sent out birth announcements and started wearing pregnancy clothes she wanted a miracle birth where none could exist could it be that this person was experiencing a similar false pregancy and a loss of that pregnancy this person may have lost a child that never really existed except in her own mind i do not know any of the details of this case as you know so i can only speculate if there is medical evidence like ultrasound results pregnancy tests etc only she has the right to reveal it or not she may need some psychological help not trouble her for documentation to prove or disprove her story she has experienced a loss but perhaps the loss was her inability to ever have a child because of the hysterectomy this can be very very difficult for a woman who wanted a child so desperately that her mind may have created one i trust that you will approach this with sensitivity and understanding my heart goes out to all of you i am swollen through the stomach neck and face i have no energy like i used to,its not considered bleeding so no worries at all it will resolve spontaneously just keep on drinking hot drinks like lemon with tea or mint… how can i reduce skin reactions from radiation therapy,to reduce skin reactions that occur as a result of radiation treatment gently cleanse the treated area using lukewarm water and a mild soap such as ivory dove neutrogena basis or aveeno oatmeal soap do not rub your skin pat your skin dry with a soft towel or use a hair dryer on a cool setting do not scratch or rub the treated area do not apply any ointment cream lotion or powder to the treated area unless your radiation oncologist or nurse has prescribed it do not apply cosmetics shaving lotions perfumes or deodorants on the treated area use only an electric razor if you need to shave within the treated area do not wear tight fitting clothing or clothes made from harsh fabrics such as wool or corduroy these fabrics can irritate the skin instead choose clothes made from natural fibers such as cotton do not apply medical tape or bandages to the treated area do not expose the treated area to extreme heat or cold avoid using an electric heating pad hot water bottle or ice pack do not expose the treated area to direct sunlight sun exposure may intensify your skin reaction and lead to severe sunburn choose a sunblocksunscreen of spf 15 or higher protect yourself from direct sunlight even after your course of treatment has been completed which gender is more likely to be at risk for heart disease,hi pregnancy you would not really know until you miss your period if you do miss your period then go get tested after 7 days if when you had sex was you a bit on the dry side as you may have a small tear from where your bleeding hence the bright red blood it should slowly clear on ots own ok good luck it was recently discovered that i have a large cyst with stems on my right ovary other than surgery is there any other remedy,ovarian cysts in your age can turn cancerous so surgery is recommended however if you choose to wait then you need an ultrasound scan and blood tests every 3 month good luck i do a lot of cardio exercises but now lungs hurt i have bad cough that tastes blood,hi you are almost having like bronchitis symptoms which is turned on with cool air and temperature changes if you are having a dry cough this will cause irritation and scratching of the throat causing some blood to come out if so then you can just take an anti histamine once daily to avoid the symptoms if your cough is productive of sputum then you will need to get an expectorant and drink plenty of warm fluids… i got chicken pox at 16yrs old can i still get shingles,i would talk to your doctor to see if there is any serious medical issues that you are currently unaware of but if you are running i would start off easy and for a short amount of time and then work up to a longer run if your chest continues to hurt take a break to lessen the pain and then gradually get back into the run it is what i do personally when i run since i get pain when i run as well and it seems to help me personally i know from experience because i went from me almost passing out 1 time and doing this i can run 15 minutes without stopping and i am able to do track without feeling like i am going to pass out my personal advice start in small amounts like 3 4 minutes then walk until your breathe is fully regained then start the 3 4 minutes until you feel like your running exercise is done then over weeks gradually up the time you run and less rest but stay safe while doing this it sounds like something like i have and i personally have a heart condition and this helped me although i am not a doctor this is just something i personally did and could possibly help you but i do hope this helps you have a good day do you have any information about why a child female age does not wipe her butt when she poops,that is a difficult question to answer not knowing anything about this child addressing a child is hygiene habits or lack of is difficult some parents but important nonetheless especially if you are the one doing the laundry have a sit down talk about the importance of bathroom hygiene not just for cleanliness and odor but for medical reasons stool left on the skin will tend to burn if she already has irritated skin this could be the reason she does not want to wipe now give her some hydrocortisone ointment andor a good barrier cream used for diaper rashes to soothe these sore areas she is old enough to help with the laundry so it may be wise to have her wash her own underwear pointing out that if she wiped better they would be easier to clean buy her some new undies some really nice ones but only give them to her when this behavioral problem has been finally solved be persistent in your efforts but do not punish often it is best to reward for good or expected behaviors than to overly punish or embarrass a child for unacceptable behavior what to do if you aspirate stomach acid sometimes i wake up with severe reflux having aspirated stomach acid this causes severe burning of the throat and coughing to clear it from the airway when coughing more acid comes out of the airway and causes more burning sometimes this persists for a couple of hours then the burning subsides but there is still some acid presented when coughing for the next day or sometimes two ,this sounds like to me a bad case of gerd have your family practitioner check you out how to cure diarrhea in cat na,hi we had this in kittens a few years ago starve it for 24 hours then just give it some plain scrambled egg the next day then just very light meals try some well cooked pasta mashed up in with some meat worked for ours and would do it again do hope this helps your cat good luck what is the treatment for hives,i would not worry about it during my vacations and see my doctor when i get back as long as vacations are not too long prescription sleeping medication to take while trying to get pregnant melatonin deficiency can not stay asleep have been on trazodone for years and my husband and i want to start having kids looking for a prescription medication that will help me stay asleep since i have a melatonin deficiency i tried melatonin and did not sleep for 3 days are there any prescriptions that are safe to take while pregnant,when i was pregnant the doctor gave me a prescription antihistamine for sleep talk to your doctor about it they may tell you something safe to take are there any heartburn medications that are safe to take during pregnancy,pregnancy is always a tough one and the one thing i can tell you is that the recommendations are usually for lifestyle modification pregnant women should modify their diet i know it is hard because they want to have certain foods usually spicy but they need to cut down on these particular items they need to really eliminate caffeine from their diet as well this will really help with the heartburn problem if needed their obgyn may recommend a calcium tablet like a tums which they can chew during the day but they want to be careful for the amount that they chew because there are calcium limits in pregnant women antacids that contain sodium bicarbonate should not be taken by pregnant women because they can lead to fluid retention some doctors recommend the prescription drug sucralfate for treating chronic heartburn during pregnancy but remember women who are pregnant should talk to their doctor before using any over the counter or prescription drug by talking to the pharmacist telling us your symptoms advising us that you are pregnant we will be more than happy to help you understand your options can i contract poison ivy in the winter,the oleoresin oil on the plant is very stable it can remain on those dead twigs that do not have leaves or be present on firewood garden tools etc you can most definitely get poison ivy or poison oak in the winter could i be pregnant for a few weeks i have had very tender breast to the point that i wont let my fiance touch me my lower back has been achy and i have been unusually tired and sleeping more than usual could i be pregnant,it can be very helpful to take a probiotic supplement when you must take an antibiotic drug like amoxicillin amoxicillin is considered a broad spectrum antibiotic this means it kills off many types of bacteria in the body both good and bad your body contains many good bacteria these microorganisms aid in functions like digestion when amoxicillin kills off these helpful bacteria you might experience side effects like diarrhea eventually your body should repopulate its good bacteria on its own but you can help that process by consuming a probiotic you can either eat yogurt or another product with active cultures or you can take probiotic capsules these supplements contain active bacteria that can take the place of the ones eliminated by the amoxicillin taking a probiotic also may make you less likely to experience the unpleasant side effects of antibiotic therapy such as stomach upset or vaginal yeast infections of course you should not take a probiotic including yogurt if you are allergic to any of its ingredients wishing you well can a guy get sick from performing unprotected oral sex on his partner i am a 15 yr old male and my partner is a 15 yr old girl i know that she does not have any stds etc because she is a virgin that being said can i get sickshould i know of any dangers or precautions involving oral sex i know that a girl and her in particular will experience vaginal discharge could i get sick from oral if she has that how would i avoid it she is healthy we only fingernow do oral and we do not plan on having sex until we are ready yes protected i try to be responsible,you are probably just fine if your girl partner is telling you the truth about her past sexual history diagnosed with strep throat on antibiotic now small sores are appearing on my hands and feet what is this i went to the er with a sore throat white tonsils & fever i was diagnosed with strep throat and prescribed an antibiotic but strep test was never done 24 hours in to taking the antibiotic i noticed very small sores beginning to appear on my hands & feet do i have hand foot and mouth are there other viral things that could cause this could this be a reaction to the amoxicillin are hfam strep throat related also no sores in my mouth and my strep symptoms have gotten better with the antibiotic,as you know i have no way of seeing your hand or feet sores but hfm is a possibility although it is rare as an adult assuming you are an adult strep can cause desquamation peeling of the skin of these areas so it is possible that this process is starting read about scarlet fever a person on antibiotics for strep would be better but you would also improve naturally if you had a virus like hfm since you were not tested to know one way or the other the mystery may remain if your sore progress you will need to see your medical provider again for a visual examination is it true my uterus will never regain its original size if i do not breastfeed,no what is yellow snow,do not eat yellow snow this is snow that has been urinated on i have no fever but my skin feels hot what does that mean this usally happens mid day and what happens is the core of my body gets hot my skin is hot to the touch and i feel as though the sun is shining from the inside of my body outwards it is very frusterating because no matter if i turn the ac on or run ice over my skin in a few minutes the same inner hot feeling comes back,carbon monoxide poisoning happens when you breathe too much carbon monoxide carbon monoxide is a gas produced by burning any type of fuel gas oil kerosene wood or charcoal what makes carbon monoxide so dangerous is that when you breathe it it replaces the oxygen in your blood without oxygen cells throughout the body die and the organs stop working you can not see smell or taste carbon monoxide but if you breathe too much of it it can become deadly within minutes so it is very important to know the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning what to do if you have the symptoms and how to keep it from happening webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated does anyone out there know what sweets syndrome is,most helpful answer sweet is syndrome also called sweet syndrome and known medically as acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is a rare skin condition in which a painful bluish red rash appears usually on just one side of the body along with a fever most of the time sweet is appears on its own with no known cause about 2 out of 10 cases may be related to a serious underlying disorder like cancer the rash of sweet syndrome evolves in a very predictable fashion it usually starts on the arms back neck or face the initial bumps are small and red and occur after a fever or upper respiratory infection this rash quickly grows into clusters of bumps that may measure an inch in diameter the bumps almost always are painful and may develop blisters these lesions may clear up on their own but it can take months for this to happen if you develop this type of rash after a fever or upper respiratory infection you would be well advised to consult a doctor with appropriate treatment the rash of sweet syndrome may clear up within days i hope this answers your question what are the reactions to an epidural,hopefully your body responds positively to the treatment negative reactions may appear such as headaches and the temporary loss of bladder control more serious side effects of the procedure are sometimes seen and may include infection nerve damage anesthesia reactions i had unprotected sex 2 days before i was to start my period my bf did ejaculate in me 6 days late now can i be pregnant,if you have pcos and you are overweight losing weight is one way to improve your chances of pregnancy your doctor also might prescribe medication to lower your insulin levels since elevated insulin levels caused by your body is inability to recognize insulin has been found to be a common problem among many women with pcos chronically elevated insulin levels can also lead to diabetes women with pcos may be at higher risk for developing heart disease type 2 diabetes and endometrial cancer especially if pcos is untreated pcos can not be cured but there are treatments available to treat the symptoms of pcos and the infertility associated with this condition by stimulating ovulation especially in women trying to conceive and treating insulin resistance many women often get restoration of regular periods and ovulation a procedure known as in vitro fertilization or ivf is another potential treatment for women with pcos what is the defferance betweeb xanax and prozac if you are taking xanax for anxiety can you can prozac for it also which is used for depression,though not a classical septic shock but this may be the beginning get your blood checked and the discharge for culture and sensitivity to see if there are any organisms that may be responsible for fever start on antibiotics as only pain medicines wont be enough to bring down the fever you can get iv fluids if you are very much drained out why does my left breast nipple stay hard and sore i am 29 not on bc celibate not pregnant,hi see your doctor for a blood test for your hormones they could be out of whack if so this is why good luck mupirocin is not working it is been more than 5 days and my face condition is worse why will not it go away i have had this face infection for about 4 months dr has diagnosed it as staph but the clindamycin phosphate has not been working in those 4 months mupirocin is not working either when i had impetigo before it was a miracle worker now it is worse on my chin and corner of my mouth i have warm and red areas that ooze and crust i have been faithful in applying my ointments maintaining hygiene etc help me please,most helpful answer i have no way of confirming your diagnosis since i can not examine your face mupirocin is a great topical that covers both staph and strep but if your infection is deeper in the tissue you may need a systemic oral antibiotic again or you may have something other than impetigo seeing a dermatologist may be an appropriate next step since your doctor is treatment for the last four months has not been effective i had an acute ebv antibody test done and my results were all negative,federal employees are not eligible for cobra benefits but they are eligible for a benefit that functions similarly called temporary continuation of coverage tcc as is the case with cobra you will be able to continue her current health benefits for up to 18 months assuming you are leaving voluntarily involuntary separation from a federal job generally disqualifies you from being tcc eligible you will be responsible for paying the full cost of your health plan your portion and the government is plus a 2 administrative fee you can see what those rates will amount to by checking the health premiums page on the u s office of personnel management website to get the ball rolling you will need to fill out and submit to your human resources office a form 2809 for tcc enrollment you can find the form at www opm gov you should submit paper work within 31 days from your final day of work but no later than 60 days after your job ends if you miss the deadline you will miss out on the opportunity to elect tcc it is important to note that there is a 31 day extension period after your final day of work when health benefits will still be available to you at no cost on the 32nd day after regular coverage comes to an end you will have to begin paying your premium i turn 65 in july 2014 and my husband turns 62 in december 2013 he is a substitute teacher with occasional work and no benefits i work for bank of america and have health insurance we live in california i am on short term medical disability and my doctor wants me to retire at the end of this year our aetna ppo via cobra would be too costly how do we purchase on the marketplace to have a seamless transition from my employer coverage to a marketplace plan,i have dealt with copd issues with my grandmothers almost my whole life the only things i can think of that your body would adversely be affected by are steroids and oxygen if they put you on steroids for your lungs and you do not actually have copd that is not a good thing they put my grandmother on prednisone which is a steroid anyway steroids like this can become an issue for you especially if you do not need them because your body becomes dependent on it oxygen is also something that your body will become dependent on if they put you on a portable oxygen machine or if they had you put one in your home and you use it constantly your lungs will become dependent on that extra oxygen and after so long your body will not be able to go without it this happened to both of my grandmothers and they both claimed that they felt better before they got on the oxygen than they did with it because they could not do anything with out it how many naproxen 500 mg can i take at one time i am taking the naproxen for a bulging disk and i have mild degenerative arthritis in my ankle,one 500 mg tablet every 12 hours this dose should not be exceeded my husband feeds our 4 yr old choc lab a can of tuna everyday is this safe for her she is 10lbs overweight,hi some tuna is ok once a week but every day not so good they say dogs can live on the same dog food every day for life but not tuna good luck what is the treatment for high blood pressure,most helpful answer hi the penicillin could have upset your vaginal natural balance it will do that because of this you may now have bv bacterial vaginosis its just one of these things some women can get can be just the once or can keep re occurring so its either of to your doctor for a test and meds or an stdgum clinic they will do the same thing your ok its not an std but the clinic will help you or you can google bv and sea salt bv and boric acid bv and garlic these are just some ways you can find natural help now it could be this that is chucking the rest of your body out of sync and giving you the tiredness as for your miscarriage perhaps a d&c would have helped but you could still have it done now try seeing a doctor or going to a baby clinic that has a doctor there do hope this helps good luck i am vegetarian i often still get a cold or sinus infection will specific vitamins or foods help prevent this,in my opinion no colds are caused by viruses and no particular foods or vitamin including vitamin c or minerals including zinc has been found to offer cold and viral prevention eat well get a balanced vegetarian diet and take supplemental vitamins if you want it is a proven fact that a healthy lifestyle will be more immunoprotective against diseases but certainly never 100 in our world of germs i am getting my period every 2 weeks this is abonormal for me i am 26 years old this is my 5 period now at two weeks apart i get a period which lasts a week then i have a week break before it starts again i get pretty bad pms so i feel like i am constantly irritable or emotional its causing me to cry over anything and be irrational i am not on any contraceptives besides condoms my periods have been very regular 28 days apart since i was 13 i am 100 not pregnant i have ha the same partner for 8 years so i doubt its anything std related,no performed by a skilled surgeon and under the careful watch of a good anesthesiologist an abdominal hysterectomy is not life threatening all surgeries come with risks however i have a special needs brother that lives in pa he is 55 years old he receives social security disability each month he is not employed and his only source of income is his ss disability i have durable and medical poa and can make medical decisions for him will he be eligible for insurance on the exchange and possible help from the federal government and can i enroll him,hi in my opinion you should first start by energy supplements like b active and omega 3 effect should be within 2 days if that show no help you can measure your thyroid testosterone levels also check your electrolytes levels good luck cellulitis of the ear how can i prevent this last march had cellulitis in the outside part of my right ear i also had a sore that kept scabbing up in crease of ear and had pain i would always pick the scab and it would bleed i now the same sore in the same spot on the ear and it bleeds should i go get it checked out is it bad if i keep getting a sore that scabs &bleeds in the crease of my right ear any ideas on how to prevent this or treat it at home would have seen doc but no ins at time was transferring ins since job transfer,most helpful answer cellulitis occurs when the integrity of the skin on any part of the body has been breached to the point where surface bacteria that we all have goes deeper into the tissue skin irritation can come from a chemical source hair products soaps etc an allergic reaction eczema or a simple scratch or insect bite basically anything that breaks the skin the ear is a special spongy tissue that is particularly prone to this type of infection especially if you are a picker dirty fingernails picking at scabs will only make things worse cellulitis requires prompt antibiotic treatment so insurance or not you are going to need to seek medical care puberty & hair color my 10yr old granddaughter would like to have her hair colored would doing this interrupt her puberty,no hair coloring will have no effect on puberty what is the best way to remove or lighten a dark spot that was caused by the sun and estrogen,that is really up to you it is for your protection not to advertise to the world that you are diabetic if you go into a diabetic coma for some reason the paramedics andor police will see the bracelet and get you prompt and appropriate medical care that could save your life you do not have to wear an exposed bracelet you can wear a tiny necklace that is hidden or put a card in your wallet medical alert bracelets can also warn people of serious allergies and other medical conditions if i found you lying in the street i would quickly determine that you are diabetic and not drunk and passed out since you can have an acetone smell on your breath until we all have embedded chips in our necks with essential medical information the bracelets and necklaces are the best that we can do ive always had trouble doing the restroom so i drink laxatives im 1f laxatives dont work for me anymore whats wrong ok so please help im 18 and ive always had trouble doing the restroom it just does not happen for me sometimes it takes me 1 week or more to go so i have to drink laxatives now it seems they do not work i have to take 3 and i just go once very little whats wrong with me should i go to the doctor and get checked please help,most helpful answer yes you should see a medical provider a gastroenterologist to be specific chronic laxative use chronic constipation can be caused by many many things unfortunately i have to way of diagnosing you over the internet what can i do if my dogs fever is too high will benedryl help lower a fever my dog has all 5 signs of having a fever since it is evening time i can not take him to his normal vet is there any home remedy i can use to help lower his fever would benedryl be helpful to bring a fever down in a small 8 pound dog,he may be having an allergic reaction from the vinegar bath vinegar baths are not a common treatment for sunburn so i would suggest that you treat the sunburn in a more appropriate way will the drug lexofloxacin test positive for opiates on a drug test my friends sister is in a county ran sober living house and was given levofloxacin oral by a physician at this facility im not sure for what reason but she was given a random drug test one week before graduating and tested positive for opiates and is now in jail so my question is will this drug test positive for opiates thank you for your awaited answer,levofloxacin is an antibiotic it will not cause a false positive drug test for opiates i had a full blown grand mal seizure now having pains right beneath my right ribs,one of the questions i have for this patient is how long have they been taking gaviscon gaviscon is an antacid and to be honest it should only be used for about two weeks if you are using it longer than that then it is time to probably see your doctor or healthcare provider to have it looked at common side effects of antacids of long term use are constipation and diarrhea they also bind to certain medications and vitamins so you want to make sure that you are spacing them if you have any questions at all come to talk to the pharmacist tell us what medications you are taking we will be able to tell you if it is going to interact or not but once again if you are taking it for more than two weeks we really need you to go to your doctor and have it looked at is protein powder good or bad,hi so you have hit puberty and now you have loads of hormones raging round your body and your nipples are a part of your erogenous zones its one of the parts that will turn you on sexually when you older and with a women and sex is in the air your ok and your just normal good luck is azithromycin 500 mg to take 1 tablet a day for 6 days safe im pregnant 12 weeks and 5 days worried about my baby my congestion coughing sore throat didnt go away with alternative ways i use vicks vaporrub and some halls cough drop to get me through the night but still it goes back i have never been sick so long like this so i decided to take the azithromycin my doctor prescribes but still im worried if it would affect my baby after 1 to 2 hours taking it it gave me a stomachache i throw up and diarrhea followed really worried i am a 1st time mom to be pls help anyone experience this tnx,because you vomited after taking the azithromycin i would suggest you contact the health care provider who prescribed it to let them know this can signal an allergic reaction but it could also have happened simply because you were nervous about taking the antibiotic let me reassure you that your doctor would not have prescribed azithromycin knowing you were pregnant unless he or she thought it was safe for you that said i would definitely suggest you get in touch with your doctor to discuss your concerns the vomiting and diarrhea and see if he or she can prescribe something else for you i also invite you to participate in webmd is pregnancy community where you can connect with experts and other moms to be wishing you and your baby all the best i am having pain in a very specific part of my head for 1 year seeing blue flash,the selection of a surgeon is really a complicated and somewhat daunting process today for many reasons first of all medicine is becoming more and more specialized there are more and more subdivisions within given specialties and within those subdivisions there even further subdivisions so you have to not only be in the right church you have to be in the right pew you want to be in the right place compounding it is the fact that there is a little bit of blurring of specialty lines one is not prohibited by law from migrating from one is specialty into one of the 4 cosmetic surgery specialties basically there are 4 recognized specialties that perform cosmetic surgery plastic surgery which is cosmetic surgery all over the body head and neck surgeons who perform the cosmetic surgery only of the face and neck dermatologists who perform skin peeling and other and liposuction and again procedures on the skin and then ophthalmologists these are eye specialists who further specialize just in the reconstructive and cosmetic surgery of the eyelids so you have a lot of different participants in the delivery system and the question is how do you pick which one and that is where you have got to do some homework not every ophthalmologist for example has had additional training to be an excellent eyelid cosmetic surgeon and not every dermatologist has had the additional training or experience to be a world class chemical skin peeler to remove wrinkles not every plastic surgeon is good at both breast augmentation and nose jobs which are operations in two different arenas so you have got to be armed with questions so that you can ferret out who really is most appropriate and the answer comes with how specialized are you doctor now in the world of cosmetic surgery if you have a choice between a plastic surgeon an ophthalmologist a dermatologist or a head and neck surgeon you need to find out what each of those doctors majors in for example head and neck surgeon may major in nose jobs and do more nose jobs than say face lifts or eyelid surgery on the other hand across the street is an ophthalmologist that does eyelid surgery exclusively so if you needed to have an eyelid surgery example you would be very well served by going to that eye surgeon who only does eyelids maybe by some of the other doctors but you would feel more comfortable being in the hands of the most specialized so how do you ascertain that you ask the doctor is training and then you ask what i think is probably the key question that most people do not ask did you have a fellowship in cosmetic surgery fellowships are the finishing school of the world of cosmetic surgery and by the way fellowships exist in other specialties the fellowship is the practical training in a very narrow sphere of cosmetic surgery because cosmetic surgery is really a well my period was to be last may 22 but untill now i havent had for this month i take p test but its negative am i pregnant my period for the month of april was 22 to 25 and i have sex contact on april 28 and may 12 until now i havent had my period for the month of may i take pregnancy test yesterday and its negative could i be pregnant,i am sorry to hear you are going through this foot pain can make it unbearably hard to get around your case study is very interesting i have never heard of foot pain related to heart issues but since you have been through this before i would suggest you listen to that inner voice that is telling you your foot pain may be related to some new development with your heart and make an appointment with your cardiologist to evaluate the situation with luck this symptom will not turn out to be related to your heart but if it is at least you will have caught it early all the best to you i have urination issues i just finish going and when i stand up i have an urgent need to go again,hi you are right prednisolone can cause urge of urination other possibility is a drug interaction few of the drugs that you are taking can interact with each other inside the body and cause these symptoms taper the dose of prednisolone for a few days and see the improvement if still symptoms do not improve consult a physician thanks tripped & fell experienced excruciating knee pain when attempted to kneel 8 days later xrays were normal help,my short answer to your question is this any time you have got a lump on the head and you are worried about it it is ok to go see the doctor a major point i want to make is this never ever take a blood thinning pain reliever such as advil ibuprofen also goes by the name motrin aspirin brand names excedrin bufferin anacin etc or naproxyn brand names alleve naprosyn after hitting your head these medications can cause bleeding which could turn a not so serious injury into a very serious injury i am glad your husband seems to be doing fine and it is always better for the swelling to be on the outside of the skull than the inside however if your husband has dilated pupils the black dots at the center of his eyeball slurred speech or loss of balance you should take him to the doctor right away these can be signs of a more serious head injury with a bruise the size you are describing it is likely your husband has suffered a concussion these may range from mild to severe again if you have any concerns about the extent of his head injury your safest bet is always to seek medical attention since it is been more than 24 hours since the accident you do not need to rush to the emergency room but you definitely can get evaluated at an urgent care facility or ask your primary care provider to work your husband in for an appointment soon best wishes to you what is your illness if you have a swollen eye trowing up blood and have 100 5 fever the eye is brownish in color has had it for about three days and just resently started trowing up blood,it should be a combination of good professional counselling and anti depressant medicines only counselling wont help much what causes infertility in women,excessive use of any pain reliever is not good for the liver and because of alcohol usage your maximum tolerance for acetaminophen is probably lower than average it is hard to say how much damage your liver has taken because everybody is body chemistry is different giving your doctor a quick visit might be ideal just to be sure that the damage is not threatening in any way this might be a useful link to you i tested positive for chlamydia found my child in bathroom with a tampon applicator in his mouth does he now have it,hi i think it would be a good idea to go see your doctor for a test as chlamydia can be got from oral sex so sucking on your applicator would count as the same good luck i have darker face skin but my body is a lot lighter how can i get my original color back,you need to check for the cause rather than treating a symptom focal hyper pigmentation can be caused by hormonal imbalance so get your progesterone and estrogen levels checked what are the symptoms of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy,juvenile myoclonic epilepsy usually starts around puberty in late childhood or adolescence three different seizure types can occur in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy myoclonic seizures are the defining symptoms of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy myoclonic seizures cause sudden quick small jerks of the arms shoulder or less often the legs the myoclonic seizures usually occur in the early morning just after waking up myoclonic seizures can sometimes spread to the rest of the brain when this happens a generalized tonic clonic seizure convulsive seizure can occur absence seizures affect the whole brain as well in absence seizures a person becomes unresponsive and stares into space for short periods no twitching or convulsing occur during absence seizures these seizures can go unnoticed or be passed off as daydreaming or inattentiveness i want to know if i stop smoking after 10 years could it bring back my eczema i have stopped smoking on two occasions now and i found both times my eczema has come back after taking smoking up again it goes away is this just in my head or is there a connection with this please could someone possibly help me out with this as i would like to kick the habit and find it hard to do soeven when im over the 21 day barrier waiting to hear from you thanks andre,eczema assuming you have a correct diagnosis is genetically dry skin smoking cessation really should have no effect on an eczema flair up other than a coincidence by stopping to smoke you will live longer and thus have eczema for more years too eczema is not curable but it is treatable i commend your decision to give up smoking is webmd an obamacare contractor is webmd being paid by the obama administration to post propaganda for the affordable health care act,webmd has a responsibility to provide independent trusted news and information that helps consumers and physicians make informed decisions about health and wellness consistent with respected news organizations webmd has an editorial organization that produces content in accordance with well established editorial policies and practices the strict editorial practices we have in place ensure that the content we produce is unbiased and done so independent of any third party involvement or control webmd also provides advertising and sponsorship opportunities to public and private sector customers that want to reach our consumer or physician audiences cms and other government agencies have sponsored programs and advertised on our sites and in those cases the content or advertising is clearly marked as paid for by these agencies been having chest pains for quite some time now,baby your baby measures about 9 2 inches from crown to rump and weighs almost 2 pounds now its hearing is fully developed as the fetus reacts to sounds its pulse increases your baby will even move in rhythm to music lungs are still growing but are not yet mature patterns of your baby is brain waves appear like a full term newborn it also has patterns of sleeping and waking mom to be the baby is constant movements should be reassuring you will be putting on weight at the rate of about 1 pound per week now you may be feeling some rib pain as your baby grows and pushes upward on your rib cage the pressure may also be causing indigestion and heartburn you may even be feeling stitch like pains down the sides of your abdomen as your uterine muscle stretches tip of the week if you are planning to return to work you might want to begin checking out the availability of child care in your area nannies cost about 250 to 600 per week group day care typically ranges from 100 to 200 per week and home day care runs from about 75 to 125 per week but keep in mind that you might change your mind after your baby arrives rash on butt not anus sex 2wks prior with condom but received oral no pain pus or itch healed with a scab is this hsv2,after going through your complain i do not recommend starting treatment now if i were your doctor i would wait to monitor bp while destressing youas it seems your worry about oneself could be causing anxiety and increased adrenaline levels first do a cortisol test 8am and 8pm then start yoga meditation regular brisk walking exercises and measure your bp once in the morning and once after lunch every day then we can have indicators if something is going on i also do agree with dr ahmed fawzy that it may be drinking withdrawal symptoms but your heart is free feel better soon i have chronic shortness of breath,a laceration repaired with staples yes this would be fine as long as you do not have a history of allergic reactions to neomycin how can i find out if i have been infected with genital herpes,go to your doctor and get tested for genital herpes a doctor may take a sample from what appears to be a genital herpes sore and examine it under a microscope you can also have a blood test for genital herpes the blood test looks for antibodies to the virus that your immune system would have made when you were infected the second type of herpes simplex virus hsv 2 almost always infects the genitals so if antibodies to hsv 2 are detected in your blood you probably have genital herpes a blood test that shows antibodies to the other type of herpes virus hsv 1 means you could have genital or oral herpes that is because oral herpes typically caused by hsv 1 can be spread to the genitals during oral sex is rozerem a mild sleep aid,symptoms of brain tumors vary according to the type of tumor and the location because different areas of the brain control different functions of the body where the tumor lies affects the way it is manifested some tumors have no symptoms until they are quite large and then cause a serious rapid decline in health other tumors may have symptoms that develop slowly a common initial symptom of a brain tumor is headaches a lot of things besides a brain tumor can cause headaches though but brain tumor headaches may be described as worse in the morning and then better after a couple of hours often they occur when a person is sleeping and will cause the person to wake up the headache may be accompanied by vomiting and may get worse when the person changes position coughs or exercises the headaches also typically do not respond well to the usual headache remedies other common symptoms include seizures changes in speech or hearing changes in vision balance problems problems with walking numbness or tingling in the arms or legs problems with memory personality changes inability to concentrate weakness in one part of the body it is important to keep in mind that these symptoms can be caused by a number of different conditions so you should not assume you have a brain tumor just because you experience some of them check with your doctor does taking vitamin supplements help women get pregnant that have polycystic ovarian syndrome if vitamins do help with pcos infertility what dosages of each vitmain is recoomanded for a women trying to get pregnant calcium vitamin d magnesium potassium omega 3 coenzyme q10 b vitamins vitamin a vitamin c vitamin e zinc iron selenium and cinnamon also an other vitamin supplements that may help with pcos and infertility im looking for a natural remedy thanks,hi here 3 site from so many your find they all revolve around the same theme and the is a whole load if you google this pcos infertility natural remedies there is lots of reading to do its best you just pick one and stay with it do not keep chopping and changing treatments for pcos treatments for pcos html just google them one at a time into google to the www to open and read hope you find some help good luck i have a dead pool of water in my bladder i need to know what to do about it my bladder never does empty i was told to drink lots of water i see pieces of stuff in my urine i call it a dead pond and think the pieces are like algae in a pond what does my future look like is there anything i should avoid can it be helped help,if you feel that your bladder never completely empties this is a good reason on its own to see your medical provider even if you would had this evaluated in the past it is worth continuing to try to find out what is causing your symptoms especially now that you are seeing particulates in your urine your health care provider undoubtedly will want a urine specimen when you go in for your visit so be sure not to empty your bladder right before your appointment your provider also may want to know about other symptoms you may be experiencing such as fever sweats chills and so on he or she also may want details about your diet so be prepared to provide plenty of information about what you eat and drink in fact you might keep a log of everything you eat and drink in the week before your appointment all of this information will give your medical provider clues about what might be causing your symptoms while it is unlikely your symptoms are caused by any serious illness i would suggest you make an appointment with your provider as soon as possible it sounds like the situation has been going on for some time and you deserve to get some answers wishing you all the best what should i do in case of an overdose of zomig nasal spray,the body absorbs sugar quickly that is why people can get a sugar high and then crash you probably just absorb it more quickly than others instead of trying to get your body to accept sugar why do not you eat more foods that are more likely to give you energy like nuts can you fly sith mono,may not show up for a while yet how to cure my father is severe cold and cough,hi could be that your just having a couple of skippedmissed periods but not knowing your age it could be the start of the menopause for that you really do need to see your doctor and get a blood test done for your hormones that would tell all hope this helps you good luck when can i stop using baby formula water for formula and start using either tap or jug water i buy for a water cooler my baby is 3 months and we are still buying formula water i was wondering how long we would have to do this my husband and i drink water from a water cooler we buy replacement jugs for but it only comes out cold we also have city water which we cook with but do not drink,i think it would be highly unlikely that you could get pregnant in this manner however if you are not on an effective birth control or your partner does not use a condom there are many other ways this could happen if you do not get your period you should take a pregnancy test in a week or so i am a woman in my late 30s i have undergone laser hair removal treatments for my chin however after several treatmen i am a woman in my late 30s i have undergone laser hair removal treatments for my chin however after several treatments the hair continues to grow back i also have a dark patch because of plucking over time are there options to lighten the skin as well as remove the hair,hi and do you remember that condoms are only 98 safe do you own a mobile phone if yes then use the alarm as you wake up call to take you bc so simple but did just continue to take you bc as normal or have you stopped then that was the wrong thing to do you should have just rolled over as norm you could just be having a skipped period it happens as you go through life if your still worried the get a test done either an hpt or get to your doctor hope this helps you good luck i have been having a lot of pelvic pain over the last 6mo i have had two c sections and have pcos,hi sacroiletis uti or slipped disc can mimick these complaints get mri done also get a recent usg to assess the cyst size whether they have increased or have remained the same thanks does penicillian effect the depo shot,hi in brief should not in general antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills however depo provera is so suppressive that penicillin should not lower its effectiveness if you are concerned use a back up method such as condoms or a diaphragm when taking antibiotics hope this helps you good luck i have pcos and a retroverted uterus what is the likelihood of having a child,what could the lesion indicate can osteoarthritis be prevented,hi sounds like it could be raynards syndrome this is were your fingers get really cold and go white and they hurt because of ed i do take boric acid this helps it has a slight viagra effect it opens up our veins to let more blood flow it seems to work for me its just an idea you just take a quarter tea spoonful in a litre of water and drink through the day or see your doctor low level ed drugs can do the same but i get 200 grams for a euro here in greece it dirt cheap to buy ask you chemist for it if you want to try it do hope this helps good luck i had 2 previous discectomy operations i am currently in severe pain in my lower back,hi these are signs of failed back syndrome it means recurrence of symptoms even after a surgically treated disc prolapse get a recent mri done to see whether it is due to the same operated disc or is it a upper level disc start physiotherapy traction exercises thanks for a herniated disk would accupuncture be helpfull,medical care in croatia is certainly available and highly affordable so i opt for the medical visit to be sure while there may be little to do for a broken toe other than buddy taping it to the adjacent uninjured toe there are incidents where fractures through the joint or growth plate sorry i do not know your age or very displaced fractures can cause considerable pain and perhaps problems later on if it is not properly treated if a simple x ray shows that it is not broken or the fracture is very minor you can relax and enjoy your travels perhaps a little slower but at least with more confidence what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for postpartum depression,postpartum depression is a medical condition that requires treatment not a sign of weakness it is not always obvious to an observer and there are no laboratory tests for depression this is why it is important that you tell your doctor about your symptoms it may be helpful to make a list of postpartum depression symptoms that you can take to your doctor you do not necessarily have all possible symptoms when you have depression regardless of how many symptoms you have talk to your doctor about any symptoms sooner rather than later before they get worse use this postpartum depression checklist what is a pdf document your doctor will diagnose and recommend treatment for postpartum depression if you have had five or more of the following symptoms including the first or second for most of each day over the past 2 weeks 1 depressed mood tearfulness hopelessness and feeling empty inside with or without severe anxiety loss of pleasure in either all or almost all of your daily activities appetite and weight change usually a drop in appetite and weight but sometimes the opposite sleep problems usually trouble with sleeping even when your baby is sleeping noticeable change in how you walk and talk you may seem restless or move very slowly extreme fatigue or loss of energy feelings of worthlessness or guilt with no reasonable cause difficulty concentrating and making decisions thoughts about death or suicide although the most disturbing symptoms can be the hardest to talk about it is especially important to tell your doctor about any urges to harm yourself or your baby if you have compelling thoughts about hurting yourself or others you must tell your doctor immediately and get treatment in addition to screening you for depression your doctor may also check your thyroid stimulating hormone tsh levels to make sure a thyroid problem is not contributing to your symptoms early detection if you have had depression postpartum depression or postpartum psychosis before are now pregnant and have depression or have bipolar disorder ask your doctor and family members to watch you closely some experts suggest that high risk women have their first postnatal checkup 3 or 4 weeks after childbirth rather than the usual 6 weeks 2 webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated my 4 year old was diagnosed with descending testicals has this already affected his fertility my son is 4 and was just diagnosed with descending testicals what are the chances that he will still be able to have children of his own when he is older if he has surgery to correct his condition now,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include severe mentalmood changes e g confusion hallucinations seizures irregular heartbeat severe restlessness fast breathing my left arm biceps started to twitch no solution,hi does any of your parents have huntington disease have you been exposed to farm animals do you drink too much coffee in my opinion you should start by urine test to role out that kidneys are okay then check your blood calcium levels to exclude parathyroid problems then you will need genetic test to exclude becker muscle atrophy do a spine tab to check for ms or amylotrophic lateral degeneration i will follow up with you good luck what is maxiallary and ethmoid sinus disease,it is a sinus infection in two of the facial sinuses the maxillary sinus is located in the cheek bone below each eye and the ethmoid is located on each side of the nose projecting back toward the brain area is the reason why i can not lose weight and keep it off because of my family history of obesity i am a 19 year old female i have 1 child who is 14 months old at one point after my child was born i was exercising 5 times a day and on a strict diet plan for 4 months i only lost 15lbs during this time after that 4 months i was only able to work out once a day and still on the same diet i gained half the weight back my family is anywhere between 200 and 400lbs please help before it gets worse i currently weigh 220lbs,seizures abnormal movement or behavior due to unusual electrical activity in the brain are a symptom of epilepsy epilepsy is a group of related disorders characterized by a tendency for recurrent seizures non epileptic seizures called pseudoseizures are not accompanied by abnormal electrical activity in the brain and may be caused by psychological issues or stress provoked seizures are single seizures that may occur as the result of trauma low blood sugar hypoglycemia low blood sodium high fever or alcohol or drug abuse fever related febrile seizures may occur during infancy children usually outgrow them by age 6 seizure disorder is a general term used to describe any condition in which seizures may be a symptom is it ok to have sex with a cyst on your penis i am wondering if having a cyst on my penis will stop me from having sex and i am worried about my sex life so i am asking this question out of curiosity and worry its a very small cyst on the lower bottom side of my shaft,hi just in case its is the flu stick to your bed and sweat it out of you give it a week then you can get back to exercising before that you wont feel like it good luck i am low income do i get penalized because i do not qualify for medicaid and cannot afford to buy insurance i need it,put a few drops of milk in each eye may sound crazy but it works i have been welding for ten years have burnt my eyes several times have gone to doctor but found that this works put drops of milk in before sleep should feel relief in morning i had a lung collapse and a severe asthma reaction 20 years later relapse with asthmatic exasperation,i would suggest adding internal rotation moving the upper arm toward the body i e putting your seatbelt on in the passenger seat of a car with the right arm and external rotation moving the upper are away from the body i e putting the seatbelt on with the right arm while in the driver is seat exercises 2 3 times a week completing 1 2 sets of 8 12 repetitions using a very light weight 1 3 pounds you are correct to avoid any lifts over the head using a pressing movement but you could replace that with front or side raises with dumbbells or bands to eye level lat pull downs can be replaced with either bent over dumbbell row or seated mid back rows machines bands or free weights would be acceptable i would suggest adding internal rotation moving the upper arm toward the body i e putting your seatbelt on in the passenger seat of a car with the right arm and external rotation moving the upper arm away from the body i e putting the seatbelt on with the left arm while in the driver is seat exercises 2 3 times a week completing 1 2 sets of 8 12 repetitions using a very light weight 1 3 pounds you are correct to avoid any lifts over the head using a pressing movement but you could replace that with front or side raises with dumbbells or bands to eye level lat pull downs can be replaced with either bent over dumbbell row or seated mid back row machines bands or free weights would be acceptable hi i am 2 weeks pregnant i took half a 10mg temazepan tablet twice in the past 2 weeks before i knew is this v harmful,how do you know your 2 weeks pregnant and normally things that are done that early will not harm the baby i have stinging sensations outside my vagina too scared to get scanning or tell my parents,hi dear it may be due to vaginal infection you need not worry about it ask you boyfriend to maintain good genital hygiene and even you need to wash your vagina thoroughly after every intercourse a good vaginal hygiene will always help try taking anti fungal tablets and insert vaginal pessaries inside the vagina to clear off any infection take anti inflammatory tablets if you have any pain stds can be confirmed by blood tests and if you have any doubts do get them checked and let me know thanks if you had shingles once can you have another breakout again,yes do i have any risk in getting pregnant immediately after a miscarriage,hi there are less chances of baby developing sickle cell disease but not impossible amniocentesis with genotyping and caryotyping during early pregnancy will help thanks i took unwanted 72 contraceptive after my intercourse and had my periods 2 days after the intercourse am i pregnant i had intercourse on 11th september and had contraceptive on the next day on 12th sept and the i had my periods on 14th sept now its 22th october i havent got periods i am freaking out pls help me a am i pregnant pls help ,sorry hunny thats a part of becoming a woman the clear white stuff helps you have sex and such its there for a reason once your exposed to hepatitis does the virus stay with you forever or can u be hepatitis free my sex partner resently mentioned he had been exposed to hepatitis but quickly added i am okay now should i go get tested i have had really bad belly pain my family has mentioned that my skin is looking yellow and pale feeling tired and flu like symptoms please help me i am really scared and worried please help me,i would go get tested i am not sure if hepatitis is a permanent condition or not sorry best of luck can stress cause pregnancy symptoms my girlfriend had spotting and what seems like discharge but it is very clear and like water she does not start her period for another week we have been rather safe while having sex but there were 2 times that we were not once she had just started her period that day and i came inside her the other we tried anal and i came inside her i am worried the semen came out and entered her vagina she has been extremely stressed out the last 2 weeks can stress cause these symptoms,hi most definitely there is even a psychological disorder called phantom pregnancy in which your body will actually produce a false pregnancy ie the hormone released in urine the tender breasts even the growing belly if you stress about having symptoms of a pregnancy odds are your brain will be alert for any and all symptoms that might confirm it therefore making you think you are pregnant see what can happen all for the sake of a condom and safe sex just remember if things are ok safe sex condoms the bc pill iud the cap the ring all there just for you both do hope this helps you good luck can stress cause my arms wrists and hands break out in an itchy rash before a stressful event,stress is one of the known triggers of hives an outbreak of raised red spots or welts on the skin that often itch hives are usually indicative of an allergic reaction but they can also occur as a result of sun or cold exposure infections excessive perspiration and emotional stress it is not known exactly why stress may precipitate an outbreak of hives but it is likely related to the known effects of stress on the immune system the medical term for hives is urticaria developing an effective stress management plan may be able to help reduce the outbreaks if your rash is indeed related to stress your doctor can also order tests for allergies that may be causing the outbreaks there are a number of ways to ease the symptoms of hives including taking over the counter antihistamines to reduce itching cool compresses or baths wearing nonirritating loose fitting clothes and avoiding excessive sweating direct sunlight and hot baths if hives are severe your doctor may recommend taking prescription antihistamines or other medications to help control the outbreak we had unprotected sex 2 days ago i was squirting but could i still get pregnant plus i am feeling nauseous all day i was feeling sick all morning and last night but i did not throw up i just had a nauseous feeling and if im pregnant when would my stomach feel hard at the bottom,i would ask the dentist that performed the procedure but it is most likely a sedating filling to ease the pain in a badly decayed tooth was tetanus shot received in 2013 same as tdap given in 2014 i wonder if i need another shot since i have a new grandchild,if you had a tdap in 2013 the t in the t dap is a tetanus vaccine that is good for ten years i do not think you will need another tetanus vaccine for quite a while pain shoots up my back with constipation is it endometriosis,endometriosis has a few other associated symptoms as well that are missing in you so endometriosis seems to be less likely it feels more of a generalised hormonal issue consult a gynecologist how do i use foradil capsules with the aerolizer inhaler,hi yes due to a laminectomy this part of the spine becomes comparatively weaker this in long term causes increased pressure on the adjoining discs causing them to herniate at a later stage but this does not occur in all the laminectomy cases a lot depends on your lifestyle and the care taken after initial laminectomy at our clinic we have seen cases who have never had any problems after laminectomy thanks 10 days ago me and my boyfriend grinded in car i took a pregnancy test today can i trust it we were grinding in the car and he had a thick pair of underwear on and i did not he swears nothing came through but im still worried i took 2 pregnancy tests today 10 days after incident and it came back negative my period is due this week or next can i trust the negative results,self medicating is not advisable better consult your doctor before starting any medication for your child my aunt steals pain killers and she is bipolar does bipolar cause her to steal she is in her mid to late fourties she claims she dosent steal pain killers but we have all seen her do it now her sister claims that she steals the pain killers due to her being bipolar i am wondering if this is in fact true or that her sister is just denying it to herself which in turn is not able to get her the help she needs,in the manic phase the person can tend to act impulsivelypartake in unpremeditated risky behavior that they normally would not so therefore its possible that cheating and stealing are something that occur when she is in the manic swing of it but it is no excuse to liecheatsteal there are some people who are bipolar but would never cheat or steal but they would drive their car recklessly etc call her doctor and express the things that are going on i am sure heshe would be a good help bipolar disorder is about moods lying cheating stealing is about their character she has probably done it for so long that her bi polar disorder is a good excuse to get her out of tough situations like this one i gave oral sex to my girlfriend 1 week after getting a cold sore could she contract genital herpes i know that the chances are probably there i guess i am asking how likely is it to happen she gets cold sores already i treated the cold sore as soon as i saw the first sign its just a small scab and mark now on my lip,i cannot estimate the likelihood of herpes transmission since there are just too many variables some people shed herpes virus even when they do not have an obvious herpetic lesion as a rule do not have oral sex with anyone when you have or recently had a cold sore herpes simplex there is really nothing you can do about it after the act other than wait and hope that you did not transmit this herpetic virus if you did she will most certainly let you know what are the effects of alcohol on hepatitis b virus,agents that damage the liver are particularly harmful in patients who already have hepatitis b for this reason it is recommended that persons with hepatitis b avoid drinking alcohol sour odor between crotch the remains there even after using canesten and other perscribed anti fungal drugs help i am a 28 year old male previous smoker quit 2 years ago moderate drinker have quit coffee and drastically reduced wheat products and diary have been to several doctors to complain about the odor but everytime i see them the odor is less noticiable that its almost not ther however i can small it around me as it seeps through my cloths and everyone in my office holds andor rubs their nose when in my precense i have taken several anti biotic perscription drugs before but nothing helped,most helpful answer normal 0 false false false microsoftinternetexplorer4 most body odors that occur in sweaty areas groin armpits etc are due to bacterial overgrowth not a fungus i do not know if you are a male or female but you may want to try a good antibacterial soap during a shower dry carefully and spray this area avoiding the sensitive “parts” of course with an anti perspiring deodorant spray just like you would use in your armpits controlled perspiration would go a long way in controlled a disagreeable odor if you are female malodors can originate from the vagina if you are male the area under the scrotum is often the culprit wear looser under clothing especially at night and allow this area to breathe a bit what so you do when a ear is bleeding after using a q tip when you felt like something was inside,one of the first things to do is throw away those q tips and never use them again one possible cause of bleeding after a q tip use would be a ruptured eardrum or an abrasionscratch in the sensitive ear canal area pimples can also form in the ear canal it would take a hands on otoscopic examination by a medical provider to know the exact source and how to treat it since your original feeling was that there was something inside your ear canal this would be another reason to be examined a traumatic rupture of the eardrum should this be the cause can take several weeks to heal depending on the size of the rupture ear canal abrasions heal quicker but can become infected ear pain would be one clinical sign of an infection that you should look for can i find out if i am pregnant just 7 days after having sex i was wondering if the blood test hcg beta will tell if i am pregnant just 7 days after having sex how long does it take to be able to tell,cardiac ablation is a hard procedure even same doctor repreforming same operation on samd patient can have diffrent results what you experiencing is normal nothing to worry about good luck diagnosis hidradenitis suppurativa large and painful boils in the groin area considering injections success rate this condition started 2 years ago and exacerbated with shaving it is extremely painful cannot be improved with excessive hygiene is embarrassing has resulted in multiple scars and had a psychological effect on me also i am considering the injections my dr said it is botox but i read that it is antibiotic i just want it to go away sometimes the boils last 2 3 weeks can it be permanently cured or go into a remission period it is so gross,personally i never spotted i just missed my period and then got a positive pregnancy test from the sounds of it looks like you could be and it might be too early for a pg test try again in a couple days if you are trying to conceive then i hope for your bfp good luck what causes acne vulgaris,acne or acne vulgaris acne vulgaris is the most common skin disease normally acne develops between the age of 12 25 years however acne is not limited to any particular age group as people grow and become older or in younger people acne is becoming a point of concern acne is known as the disease of the pilosebaceous units psus psus are found underneath the skin surface but are more in number on the face back and chest psus consist of oil glands sebaceous gland these oil glands secrete oil to the skin which makes skin moisturized and soft but in case of any pathophysiological changes in these glands due to external or internal factors can lead to acne this can be either be blackheads or whiteheads for more information on this you can visit drugsdropship24 the acne triggering factors are listed below oil glands are over stimulated by increase secretion of sex hormones called androgens that release in both boys and girls during adolescence diseases like polycystic ovary syndrome and cushing is syndrome hormonal changes due to menstruation pregnancy or hormonal therapy like birth control pills cosmetic mostly moisturizers and oily preparations genetics pathogenic invasion like propionibacterium acnes and staphylococcus epidermidis secondary physical factors such as diet personal hygiene dirt sweat and stress incidence of acne on the basis of age acne affects 90 teenagers acne generally begins with the onset of adolescence when androgen concentration begins to increase in the body on the basis of gender acne is more common in males than females during puberty however during adulthood due to hormonal changes women become prone to acne i have been so stressed when i have been diagnosed with hsv2 i am loosing weight could i have hiv too i suck another guys penis and two weeks later i had a little bump in mouth that hurts than i went to the clinic i have been diagnosed with hsv2 i had little bumps on my penis but i only had diarrhea for two days and a flu for three days and 9 weeks after i have never had headache nausea fever,hi if its a localised pain occurs occassionaly and hurts after moving then it seems to be a muscular pain you may have strained the muscles in that region causing inflammation of the muscle tissue take anti inflammatory analgesic tablets local gel and hot fomentation if unrelieved get an xray mri done thanks i like to smoke when i have a drink do i have to give up both,no a tape worm requires a host and only lives in the intestines not under a shower mat if i have genital herpes can i give it to someone else by sharing a washer or dryer with them,i am also trying to find the answer as to how much risk if any there is to sharing a washer and dryer with other people when you have genital herpes i am having difficulty finding out if it can be transferred to someone else by means other than sex like a toilet seat for instance all i have been able to find out is that it is a sexually transmitted disease period i have recently been declared disabled i have not slept over 2 or 3 hours at night doc says no lorazapm,hi if lorazepam is not possible try taking other safer anxiolytics that may help you to some extent in getting sound sleep you seem to be under lot of stress try de stressing exercises and meditation thanks can i glue my own crown back to my tooth the post is still there,gluing it back on your own is filled with bad possibilities such as incorrect placement toxic home cements and swallowing the crown there are several options if you have a local dental school a hospital based program or a free dental clinic in the area they can help you i would suggest calling the local dental society for advice on what to do burning rash with pimples not going away which developed in inner butt after applying vicks vapor rub on a hemorrhoid painful hemorrhoid since 9 days tried otc prep h suppository no relief someone said apply vicks vapor rub on the hemorrhoid gave it a try out of desperation my skin around the hemorrhoid in the butt crack burnt and some sort of a rash with blisters or pimples on each side of the crack appeared too painful and i have tried applying hydro cortisone diaper rash cream triple h antibiotic cream zinc oxide nothing is working peeing or washing with water even makes it burn like hell,i advise you to first clean and dry the area and apply plain aloe gel as soothing and coolant agent aloe gel will not only give you cooling effect but will also help the area heal kindly consult good doctor and keep him informed of using aloe gel for local application how should doctors dose antidepressants,it doesnt seem to be dislocation it may be overriding of the surrounding musclesligaments due to awkward position while lifting dumbell take muscle relaxant tablets and apply local gel gentle outward massage should be done twice a day consult a orthpedician if you have no relief from above measures urgency in urination now with blood,hi this seems to be either urinary tract infection or a urinary calculus may have passed out causing urethral injury take anti inflammatory tablets if it doesnt help get urine checked and usg abdomen done u can start antibiotics if urinary infection is confirmed thanks are vitamins safe for me while i am pregnant,as with many blood tests such as hormone levels there can be considerable variation in results from lab to lab time of day or season since vitamin d levels tend to be best at the end of summer perhaps the best indicator of general vitamin d levels is [the] 25ohd blood test for it measures vitamin d from both sun and dietary sources this form of vitamin d also lasts in the body for around 30 days so who should push for blood testing bearing in mind that the 25ohd blood test can cost upwards of 200 many primary care providers have chosen to just recommend an increased intake of vitamin d the dose is based upon the person is specific health history until there are studies set specifically to establish optimal dosage and blood levels the primary care model makes sense among healthy adult women without excessive sun contact consuming 800 iu per day of vitamin d is a reasonable choice for your specific vitamin d recommendation check with your gynecologist or primary care provider my wife is on oxy for pain she is abusing the med how can i get her off what other med can she take she has recently used her 30 day script in 8 days that is 90 pills she says she still has the pain in her leg is there anything else she can take instead that is not addictive when she runs out of her prescribed med she get something from a friend on the street and it is costing plenty that we can not afford help,hi if you had your first dislocation 1 year ago due to falltrauma then these recent episodes indicate a recurrent dislocation of shoulder this usually occurs due to inadequately treated 1st dislocation you should still get an mri of shoulder done to see if there is any residual defect in the capsule of the shoulder joint thanks is feeding a dachshund that is overweight half a hotdog and two teaspoons of wet dog food healthy my in laws think that giving their overweight dachshund too much wet dog food will make her fatter however they do not think feeding her half a hot dog will do that are they right or wrong,hi how to start a diet it would be a good thing to your dachshunds food intake by one third of its normal daily amount and this does include meals and treats replace dog biscuits and other treats with carrots apples and oranges these last two you can do as a mix most dogs enjoy the taste of fruits and vegetables and it is healthier for them replace a small portion of their meal with green beans or a mix of carrots and peas if your dachshund eats one cup of food replace one third of the meal with either of the veggies above this will reduce the calorie amount and provide them with a healthy filler food dogs do love a good exercise routine with your dachshund whether it is throwing a ball to play fetch or taking your dog on a walk exercise will always help with weight loss and dogs do love there walks even if it rains just get out there with them its both of you good twice a day is very good think of feeding your dachshund a raw meat diet but try talking this through with your vet first do hope this helps you good luck for the past two months i have been having breast pain,true influenza is respiratory not intestinal so i would be conerned that your mucous secretions would be related to an infection or inflammation in your colon there can be many different reasons yes you should be concerned see your medical provider so that you can be properly diagnosed and treated how many glasses of water should i drink during pregnancy,staying hydrated during pregnancy is important the institute of medicine set the adequate intake for water during pregnancy at 3 liters per day there are 4 cups in a liter making it a total of 12 cups from all sources including tea coffee milk juice soda water and food the adequate intake is determined by taking the median fluid intake of healthy individuals who are well hydrated this means that some pregnant women can drink more or less and still be fine remember to keep water handy and drink to thirst which is likely to increase during this time for more on general water recommendations see this article there are so many different insurance companies out there it seems overwhelming to try and do all of the comparisons should i just start checking with the larger companies is it worth going to an insurance broker to sort it out i turned 26 in july and am now without insurance since i am no longer covered under my parent is plan i do have a chronic health condition so i need good coverage,my father also have this problem but exercise make him feels good i guess exercise will help you out and to clear up the cough do pursed lip exercise thank you what is tuberculosis,tuberculosis commonly known as tb is a bacterial infection that can spread through the lymph nodes and bloodstream to any organ in your body and most often is found in the lungs most people who are exposed to tb never develop symptoms since the bacteria can live in an inactive form in the body but if the immune system weakens such as in people with hiv or elderly adults tb bacteria can become active in their active state tb bacteria cause death of tissue in the organs they infect active tb disease can be fatal if left untreated how is toxic shock syndrome diagnosed,u are suffering from fibromyalgia get blood tests done a local steroid injection shot will help what is the difference between the fat burning mode and the cardio mode on the machines at the gym,thrush usually develops suddenly but it may become chronic persisting over a long period of time a common sign of thrush is the presence of creamy white slightly raised lesions in your mouth usually on your tongue or inner cheeks but also sometimes on the roof of your mouth gums tonsils or back of your throat the lesions which may have a cottage cheese appearance can be painful and may bleed slightly when you scrape them or brush your teeth in severe cases the lesions may spread into your esophagus or swallowing tube causing pain or difficulty swallowing a feeling that food gets stuck in the throat or mid chest area fever if the infection spreads beyond the esophagus thrush can spread to other parts of the body including the lungs liver and skin this happens more often in people with cancer hiv or other conditions that weaken the immune system how much of an impact does vitamin d have on colon cancer,several studies have found that blood levels of 25ohd could be predictive of colon cancer risk more recently investigators looked at both [the] risk for getting colon cancer and the ability to survive as it related to 25ohd blood levels among 1 017 persons participants in the top quarter of 25ohd levels as opposed to the lowest quarter had significantly less colon cancer they also had the lowest death rates from colon cancer and the lowest rates of overall mortality my lymph nodes under my arm are swollen pain level 8 went to er no solution need advice,hi either aspiration of the lymph node or excisional biopsy with histopathology of the aspirated material should be done to come to a diagnosis thanks what is the best way to treat poison oak and poison ivy,this would be a labial infection…apply antibiotic points and maintain good hyegine for the area brownish discharge is quiet normal at this stage why are my nipples getting a burning feeling for the past week and a few days i have had an ongoing burning pain on my nipples it gets to the point that i have to lie down and hold my boobs as they are so painful i have had the implenon for almost two years now for contraception it can not be from dry skin as i moisturize daily and only in the past few months have been getting this and i am only 18 years of age should i be worried,hi this is called sunday night blues or sunday evening dread this is like stress and anxiety from going back to work you need to see a psychiatrist or have a job with no stress good luck i have had debilitating pelvic pain for over a year it affects my bladder lady parts and colonintestines,com your symptoms and complain is strongly related to what is called spastic colon or ibs which can be treated primarily with some medications like coloverin a and d but the real treatment is being more relaxed and nervous as its main cause is stress and anxiety…yoga and breathing exercises can help you in daily basis maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding spices fat helps much… please let me know if you have any comments that clarify the diagnosis my mother is weak – confusion and slow speech what can i give her,hi she is definitely dehydrated and thats causin slow spech and confusion due to electrolyte imbalance give her lemon juice sugar fruit juices ors cocoonut water every 2 hourly give anti emetics tablets for vomitting she has not urinated because she has no fluid in her body let her drink lots of water if she doesnt respond with this in 24 hours then consult a doctor and get blood tests done thanks i have been getting these little red bumps over all of my body,he should see a medical provider out of state there is really no way to properly diagnose the reason for the headache and treat him blindly over the internet there can be hundreds of reasons for his headache so let a medical professional do this i was diagnosed with a 0 5 cm large brain lesion on my left temporal i have headache,hi its been almost 7 8 years that you were diagnosed for that lesion i suggest you to get a recent mri ct scan of the brain done to assess the lesion whether it has increased and whether it is the cause of the recent headache it also can be a cluster headache does not seem to be related to the neck or cervical vertebra thanks will this midle ear infection go away with this happening i have a middle ear infection and last night it was clogged up with fluid giving me a loss of hearing and a real earache today i still have a loss of hearing and a slight ache but there is clear fluid leaking from my ears does that mean the fluid is coming from my middle ear & eventually the hearing loss and ear aching will stop,most likely she can have the tubes anastomosed put back together she should talk with a reproductive endocrinologist who is skilled in doing this surgery and have himher review the operative note so that they can counsel your friend about the probability of success with either anastomosis or ivf many young patients who have tubal sterilization are choosing ivf today because the success rates are so high it does not require an abdominal incision and they would not need contraception after they have the additional children that they are seeking i have neck shoulders back hip and leg pain doctor says due to menopause imbalance need second opinion,if you are having pain in bones and joints then it is mostly due to hormonal changes post menopause hormonal changes can cause depletion of calcium get calcium magnesium phosphorus tested if you have hand numbness or pain with neck pain this may also be investigated by cervical xray to rule out cervical spondylosis how do you prevent an asthma attack when exercising,the most common cause of portal hypertension is cirrhosis of the liver cirrhosis results from scarring of a liver injury caused by hepatitis alcohol abuse or other causes of liver damage in cirrhosis scar tissue blocks the flow of blood through the liver other causes of portal hypertension include blood clots in the portal vein blockages of the veins that carry the blood from the liver to the heart and a parasitic infection called schistosomiasis sometimes the cause is unknown my roots are completely exposed top & bottom and my teethfillings have been breaking when do u just get dentures i have a family history of gum diseasegingivitis my family had to get dentures early in life bc of our hx i need dental work route canal and a bridge but what is point of doing those if the inevitable outcome is dentures my smile was my best asset i worry about this way too much also recently old fillings have been falling out and my teeth have been breaking thank you for your time and attention you are appreciated thank you so much,i am sorry you are going through this dental issues can be very stressful the decision to get dentures or not is entirely up to you dentists focus on saving a person is natural teeth for as long as possible in the belief our natural teeth provide us with the best chewing ability dentures often can fit poorly and cause pain which can lead to poor chewing which in turn can lead to reduced absorption of nutrients however we all know that millions of people live just fine with full sets of dentures if you believe dentures are inevitable for you then you certainly can choose to direct your dentist to begin the work necessary to prepare your mouth for dentures i would suggest you have a discussion with your dentist regarding your current treatment plan your dentist is in the best position to advise you whether or not you are on the path to needing a full set of dentures you can consider your dentist is professional judgement before making your own decision regarding your teeth good luck with this is the affordable care act considered universal health care,there is absolutely no known link to this treatment and autism as a matter of fact the causes of autism continues to be unknown but is thought to be genetic unexplained fainting weight loss stiff muscles,this is absolutely from anxiety attacks i recommend focusing on calming your soul down with yoga mediation breathing exercises and regular brisk walking i am 45 and have sunspots and age spots on my face is there an over the counter product that i can take to fade them,the no 1 cause of premature aging and sunspots is sun damage avoid direct sunlight during peak hours 11 a m to 2 p m most sunblocks that contain titanium dioxide will help compounds that contain salicylic acid will resurface your skin compounds that contain tretinoin will help rejuvenate your face by encouraging collagen production i have fibromyalgia and i have flare ups all the time,no apples do not contain any caffeine there is a widely held but false belief that apples are better than coffee at waking you up in the morning i think that this claim was misconstrued and resulted in someone believing that apples contain caffeine the theory is that the fructose simple sugar in apples is responsible in helping you wake up though i could not find any research to support this or suggest that apples are better than coffee at waking you up nutrient rich there are many health benefits to consuming fruits like apples on a regular basis helping you to wake up in the morning however may not be one of them if you are still curious try it for yourself to see if it can help you feel more alert after waking up hi this is how it should read nutrition of an apple serving size 182 grams 1 medium apple calories 95 sugar 19 protein 0 5mg vitamin c 8 4mg vitamina 98 3iu folate 5 5mcg choline 6 2mcg calcium 10 9mg phosphorus 20mg potassium 195mg caffeine 0mg apples also contain very small traces of other vitamins and minerals hi the answer you looking for read this nutrition of an apple serving size 182 grams 1 medium apple calories 95 sugar 19 protein 0 5mg vitamin c 8 4mg vitamin a 98 3 iu folate 5 5mcg choline 6 2mcg calcium 10 9mg phosphorus 20mg potassium 195mg caffeine 0mg apples also contain very small traces of other vitamins and minerals so as you can see no good luck doctor i am 19 weeks pregnant…i am really depressed,with blood test results in hand your doctor will prescribe you thyroid hormone levothyroxine levothroid synthroid etc it may take a blood test or 2 to get the right dosage but it is a very very easy condition to treat once your tsh and t4 get back to normal you will feel much better than you do now and the baby is thyroid production will be ok too just get that hormone treatment going now bad sun burn… just got worse,it seems to be a significant amount of sun burn but it will gradually reduce apply local moisturising creams aloe vera gel and vitamin e creams avoid going out in prickle heat till this sunburn recovers fully avoid applying heat in any form to the affected part thanks i have been experiencing memory problems for the past couple months,hi there are a number of causes that can cause short term memory loss like vitamin b deficiency smoking alcohol abuse stress thyroid problem i recommend taking vitamin b supplements and doing a thyroid profile good luck what should i do if i suspect an overdose of avodart,it sounds great that your cea is not changing and that your colonoscopy looks good these are exactly the things that we need to follow you ask a very good question about scans there is data coming out about the radiation risks associated with scans and it has made us think about how we follow patients i typically follow patients with scans for some period of time usually determined by the extent of their tumor the reason being is that we can detect any new diease early so that we can more easily address it it sounds as though you have not had a ct scan since your surgery if that is the case i think it would be reasonable to get one now that you are nearly 2 years from completing all your therapy it may be that this is the only one your oncologist will want to do i would also recommend discussing your fears about radiation with your physician as it may allow the two of you to come up with a plan that is comfortable for your both how often should the vaporizer be cleaned,you want to make sure that you clean it after every use because of the fact that the water will stay in it and it does generate heat and you want to make sure that it is absolutely clean because there could be a sign of fungus could kind of grow in there so i recommend cleaning it after every single use how can i get the benefits of chia in foods and beverages,usually this type of sensation is caused by a nerve malfunction either compression of the nerve root at the spine or some other localized nerve irritation if you are having this sensation frequently it is worth getting checked out by a medical professional with a physical exam and perhaps some additional testing like an mri your health care provider can determine if this sensation is caused by something like degenerative disc disease in your lower spine a condition like that may need to be monitored as it will only get worse over time i should note also that other conditions could cause the type of sensation you are describing which is why it would be a good idea to have this evaluated if it is happening frequently if this sensation only occurs occasionally you probably do not need to be concerned minor nerve irritation causing symptoms happens to all of us from time to time i hope this helps tb tests should be done how often i had a tb test as a child in 1996 i need proof of a tb test for department of education employment will i be required to get another one,annually or if you think you have had an exposure to tb and symptomatic i e night sweats cough weight loss you need a chest x ray to confirm the disease does vicks inhaler contain any antihistamine,you need to confirm whether your husband is employer sponsored plan meets the law is affordability requirements if the cost for just your husband is policy is less than 9 5 of his income and the plan covers on average 60 of medical costs he will not be eligible for a subsidy even if your household income otherwise qualifies you however if you are willing to pay the full cost of a health plan and wish to shop around for better coverage there is nothing stopping your husband from buying a plan on the marketplace is taking bp medicine at 20 hours since the last dose harmful,hi there i have had that happen to me a couple times before your period could be just late since you are stressed do you know if you ovulated those days if you did there is a high chance you are pregnant i would wait a week and take a pregnancy test to make sure good luck my grandfather has been laid up with a foot problem burning aches body wracking pain has been going on for 20 days he says it feels like a worm is crawling around twisting inside of his[my] foot please help me i do not know what is wrong with him,your acne may need treated either by your primary care medical provider or a good dermatologist treatment will vary based on the severity and type of acne lesions that you have your horizontal lines are probably striae and yes they are considered stretch marks even if you are not getting taller or stretching in that direction this is a guess however since i can not see them there are other reasons that can cause striae but i do not know your medical history you can read about striae on the internet striae and acne are not associated why can you dotors not figure out whats wrong with my wife in the course of the past year my wife and i have put her every battery of tests the doctors can put and still no results for her symptoms i am getting very tired of people claiming to be doctors getting paid ridiculous salaries asking me what more can we do i do not know i did not go to medical school for 8 years you did are there any real diagnostic doctors out there that can refer us to one that can or will get to the bottom of this without fail ,no you wouldto shakey my frenulum tore so i decided to cut it off,you are wise to ask this question whenever someone is taking a pain reliever especially a narcotic it is good to consider whether or not an over the counter medication may interact with it i can not tell if you are referring to oxycodone or oxycontin but either way unisom should not interact with it the main ingredient in unisom that makes you sleep is a big whopping antihistamine it is not benadryl diphenhydramine but a relative of that however different over the counter sleep aids may contain a different active ingredient from unisom your best bet is to ask the pharmacist which sleep aid you can safely take with your pain reliever wishing you well will weed show in a follicle test 2 years after the last time its been used the sample was taken from my leg,two years it is highly unlikely that your hair test will reveal any thc two years after you used it my job is sedentary and i am gaining weight fast how can i stop the gain my employer says we are only allowed to leave our desks to go to the bathroom and only are allowed to do that if we absolutely cannot hold it until our 15 min break or lunch since i work in data production everything we do is timed and requires consistent data entry we get two 15 min breaks and one 30 min lunch that is only an hour i am allowed to move i went from 125 pounds to 149 pounds and i walk 10 miles a day five days a week please help,just eat less a person cannot really gain weight fat unless there is an excess of calories going in and not enough calorie expenditure going out just eating an extra 500 calories a day can result in a one pound weight gain per week so just eat a bit more sensibly reduce your calorie intake and keep on walking you will get it in control again my son age 7 years shows unexpected occasional shivering,in my opinion that needs further evaluation as the history can indicate a brain damage the shivering could relate or could not relate as the form of shivering matters whether it is convulsions or shiver so a mri and eeg are needed other than baclofen which medicine can be used for muscle stiffness,thank you for the detailed information i am happy to see your father improve gradually here is what i suggest there is no other medicine for stiffness however physiotherapy should be carried out aggressively to prevent worsening of stiffness one should rule out infection of the bed sore if there is infection antibiotics are needed and rarely surgical debridement might be indicated if there is no infection you can also apply phenytoin powder on the bed sore the powder helps to hasten the healing process i do see that there are chances of improvement but i believe that he will not be able to do his daily activities independently and will remain dependent on others in the latest scan i see that there is hydrocephalus also called post traumatic hydrocephalus if the craniotomy flap is tense and there is increase in the water content in the brain he will benefit from ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery to relieve the water accumulation in the brain this surgery can be done by the same neurosurgeon who performed the first surgery i cannot comment whether he will be able to speak or not all i can say is that he might improve in his sensorium consciousness some more for further information consult a neurosurgeon online > how is tuberculosis treated,psoriatic arthritis is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the skin psoriasis and joints arthritis psoriasis is a common skin condition affecting 2 of the caucasian population in the united states it features patchy raised red areas of skin inflammation with scaling psoriasis often affects the tips of the elbows and knees the scalp the navel and around the genital areas or anus approximately 10 of patients who have psoriasis also develop an associated inflammation of their joints patients who have inflammatory arthritis and psoriasis are diagnosed as having psoriatic arthritis the onset of psoriatic arthritis generally occurs in the fourth and fifth decades of life males and females are affected equally the skin disease psoriasis and the joint disease arthritis often appear separately in fact the skin disease precedes the arthritis in nearly 80 of patients however the arthritis may precede the psoriasis in up to 15 of patients in some patients the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis can be difficult if the arthritis precedes psoriasis by many years in fact some patients have had arthritis for over 20 years before psoriasis eventually appears conversely patients can have psoriasis for over 20 years prior to the development of arthritis leading to the ultimate diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis psoriatic arthritis is a systemic rheumatic disease that also can cause inflammation in body tissues away from the joints other than the skin such as in the eyes heart lungs and kidneys psoriatic arthritis shares many features with several other arthritic conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis reactive arthritis formerly known as reiter is syndrome and arthritis associated with crohn is disease and ulcerative colitis all of these conditions can cause inflammation in the spine and other joints and the eyes skin mouth and various organs in view of their similarities and tendency to cause inflammation of the spine these conditions are collectively referred to as spondyloarthropathies what can i do to treat ringworm of the scalp or beard at home,you usually treat ringworm of the scalp or beard with antifungal pills prescribed by a doctor shampoos available without a prescription are helpful if you use them along with prescription pills but when they are used alone they cannot completely destroy all of the fungi causing the infection if you have ringworm of the scalp or beard be sure to complete the full course of any prescribed medicine or follow the directions for products available without a prescription they often require use for a period of time after symptoms go away wash your hair or beard 2 or 3 times a week with shampoo that contains selenium sulfide or ketoconazole in severe scalp fungal infections wash your scalp daily and wear a cap you should boil the cap after you use it 2 as soon as you start treatment throw away your combs and brushes and buy new ones you will most likely see your doctor again after 3 to 4 weeks of treatment your doctor will also want to see you after you have finished all your medicine follow the suggestions for preventing ringworm such as keeping your skin clean and dry and not sharing hats combs or brushes with others ask your doctor whether your family members need to be tested family members can use an antifungal shampoo with selenium sulfide in it such as selsun blue or head and shoulders intensive treatment to prevent the spread of infection you do not need to keep your child out of school if he or she is taking pills to treat ringworm of the scalp although parents sometimes use a special shampoo to help prevent the spread to other children it is not needed and you do not need to shave your child is head 1 webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what are the symptoms and signs of food allergy,the short answer to your question is yes but that is not the end of the story a 2010 study published in the american journal of health system pharmacy noted that several categories of medications were linked to various types of false positive urine drug screen tests including screens for methadone among the specific medications that caused false positives were antihistamines including diphenhydramine better known as benadryl and doxylamine both of which are ingredients in many over the counter cough and cold remedies however these antihistamines were not specifically linked to false positives for methadone in the study it is worth noting that employers and others who perform routine drug screenings are not required to give you a do over they can choose to accept the initial test results at face value i wish you all the best with this i have been extremely fatigued with headaches and severe nausea coming in waves,noting you have also endometriosis consider checking with an ob gyn for the stage of yours as it may cause similar symptoms in some stages… i have mono and my kidneys are swolled and in so much pain are they even my kidneys i am not sure if that body part that is hurting is my kidney but it hurts so bad to move or breath in the pain is on both sides of my lower back above my hip bone but below my ribs it is a sharp stabbing pain when i move and a throbbing burning when i am just sitting i wanted to know if it was okay and related to mono or if i should be worried when was told that my spleen would be swollen and take it easy or it could burst then i would be in real trouble i want to know it is please,possibly i have high triglycerides and high ldl is and i am in excellent physical shape how do i lower these levels without meds high cholesterol htn etc all run in my family i cut out red meats and non whole wheat breads and pastas for about 6 weeks without any change i would like to find a way to drop my cholesterol wo going on meds my entire family is on various cholesterol and bp meds but they are all overweight and refuse to dietexercise is this something i can beat wo meds if i continue on with high levels throughout my life would i be able to mitigate the risks of heart disease diabetes and so on,abdinal painad diahrea should you stay away from milk and cottage cheese when you have a cough,no you can drink milk and eat cottage cheese it will have no effect on your cough or your prognosis many people believe that milk products cause phlegm it does not i am 65 with metastatic colon cancer to the liver i have an hmo but no outside options i am a federal annuitant and am thinking of getting medicare b so i will have more options my hmo is pushing for medicare advantage however given my situation i think that i would be better served by just paying for medicare b hmo has labs chemo scans etc in one building which is important to me what are your thoughts,i highly recommend you talk with someone at your local state health insurance assistance programs for free unbiased help find your local program by visiting the medicare gov medicare helpful contacts page or by calling 1 800 medicare 1 800 633 4227 i am on a diet – lost 30 lbs – bladder now overactive – pressure and urgent to use bathroom,hi it is possible that the diet changes that you had made earlier may have caused this weakness of bladder sphincter so the bladder control has got weak but its nothing to worry now that you are eating well again it will gradually be ok and the sphincter will act normally in a few months take vitamin and calcium tablets to hasten up the recovery process thanks does my mri finding suggest ms is a lp or second episodemri still needed for diagnosis,i think the diagnosis is almost clearbut it needs to be correlated clinically pathological examination can also help to come to a diagnosis to be doubly sure lp can be done my dad has chronic hiccups for the last 2 months every 5 seconds nothing has worked from his doctor specialist a couple years ago he had prostate surgery they caught the cancer early and were able to remove it he is changed his diet to bring down his cholesterol and blood pressure he is 56 150 pounds his doctors has prescribed him medication liquids but nothing has worked and it is even worse today i do not know if there is a specialist that handles this type of thing there is not much information online about it what should be the next step here where do we start,start with a gastroenterologist in many cases this can be fixed with a combination of medications and even surgery i have had bouts with chronic hiccups my entire life until i found a permanent over the counter medicine that cured them for me and keep me from ever getting them anymore and i am in my mid 40 is i would get the hiccups for 1 to 4 days which would lead to other problems with the spasms flaring up my ulcer i am not a doctor but i know it works for me and improved my quality of life 100 the named brand medicine is not labeled for a hiccup cure and the only main ingredient is what does the job for me every day i take just one time released tablet of just plain mucinex blue and white box made by reckitt benckiser although it is designed to work as an expectorant to relieve chest congestion and it thins and loosens mucus it does a whole lot more for me the main ingredient guaifenesin 600 mg is what stopped my hiccups when i last had them mid 2012 and i have been taking one or two 12 hour tablets daily ever since if you get another brand it will probably not be time released so be careful as it may work for 4 hours at the most i hope this helps and please let me know if it does because it sure changed my life my dad is having the same problem did your dad is condition improved if so can you please share what he did what product do you recommend i use to remove my acne scars and rejuvenate my skin will it cause acne break outs i am 19 i have suffered from acne for many years my acne has died down but i am left with bright and light pink scars all over my cheeks my skin looks worn out from all the acne medications i have used throughout the years and my skin has lost all its color and glow and looks very aged what products creams or anything do you recommend i use to remove my acne scars and rejuvenate my skin i do not want to break out so will the product you recommend make me break out and get new pimples,renova retin a online is a topical medication that can be applied to get rid of mild to moderate acne but it is advisable that you order renova retin a from any online pharmacies only after first confirming with your healthcare professional for more information on renova retin a visit www genericprinivil comgeneric renova retin a i had energy supplements now feeling dizzy and passed out today,your vague description is really not sufficient to make this important diagnostic call the only way that your husband can be properly diagnosed is to see a medical professionaldermatologist for a hands on examination what happens to someone when they get bacterial vaginosis,i am sorry to hear you are going through this have any of your medical providers done an x ray of your abdomen if not i suggest you contact your primary health care provider and request one tell him or her you just want to make sure you are not walking around with a retained instrument or sponge an x ray is a cheap fast way to make sure the surgeons left nothing behind by accident if you have already had an x ray to confirm there are no foreign bodies in your abdomen then i would suggest you consult a different doctor for a second opinion on what could be causing this pain it seems like pain this severe should be attributable to some cause i would suggest you press your health care providers to find a cause for this pain wishing you all the best how can i gain weight,second hand smoke is tobacco smoke exhaled by a smoker and involuntarily breathed in by another person here are some 2nd hand smoke facts according to the national cancer society •at least 69 chemicals produced by 2nd hand smoke are known to cause cancer •2nd hand smoke does cause cancer in nonsmokers •2nd hand smoke has also been associated with heart disease in adults and ear infections asthma sudden death syndrome in children •2nd hand smoke has no safe exposure level i am not an expert on building structures or their air circulation systems and do not have technical details of your building is air circulation system with that said i will provide my understanding of the air quality in many office buildings occupied today and referred to as sick buildings these buildings may have poor air exchange systems filtering systems that are inadequate in size not adequately cleaned or otherwise properly maintained my own anecdotal accounting is that many of these types of building almost never receive fresh air as windows are only for the aesthetic purpose of providing natural light the windows are sometimes permanently fixed shut in effect the building occupants may be continually breathing the same polluted air irritations of the eyes ears and throats are frequent complaints of these building occupants due in part to chemical and environmental containments from indoor and outdoor sources in summary •2nd hand smoke is dangerous it can cause cancer and other chronic health problems •many office buildings today circulate unhealthy air • my conclusion is that your health problems at least in part may be due to the effects of 2nd hand smoke being breathed in while working in your office building how can a person who married an american on medicare but never paid into it herself benefit from the afa also there are people who lived outside of the us for many years return eventually turn 65 but do not qualify for medicare how can they get coverage under the affordable care act this particular person is caring for her very ill aging husband but cannot afford medical coverage,if she does not qualify for medicare but is in the country legally she may be eligible to buy insurance through the marketplaces but act fast after march 31st you will not be able to buy a plan until 2015 go to healthcare gov i have pain on the backside & sides of knee if twisted bad pain is there anything i can do other than knee brace,common no can it happen yes if the person who sutured you did not use absorbable sutures supposed to dissolve in a few weeks to a month or s0 and used cotton or regular suture material this can occur sometimes fibers from clothing can be trapped under the skin if your wound was not carefully irrigated why it took ten years i can not say since i have no way of seeing this string like substance to be sure of its nature or confirming that it is old suture material augmentin pediatric dosage child weight is 18 kg what should her dosage range be for an recurring ear infection ,augmentin has two drugs amoxicillin and clauvulate amoxicillin is dosed from 50 80 mg per kilogram 2 2 pounds in a child with recurrent ear infections assuming an antibiotic is even needed you can do the math newer recommendations do not favor using antibiotics unless the child meets certain medical criteria you can find the new recommendations just published a few days ago by an internet search or read my blog on family webicine are there alternatives to dentures,when a person smokes heshe inhales nicotine when you stop smoking your nicotine levels drop quickly nicoderma or nicotine gum feels the gap by providing the nicotine to the body if you will use both cigarette and nicoderma it will push a increased level of nicotine in the body which is not good at all for more information o this you can visit topdrugmart why the tip of my stool is hard it cause rectal bleed when i have my bowel movement other part of stool is soft i eat lots of fiber and drink lots of fluid i have bowel movement every day this bleeding comes and go i went to my doctor and she gave me suppository but it didnt help alot the bleeding is come and go its only when the tip of my stool is hard then it cuse bleeding again,sorry to hear you are going through this from your description it sounds like you are experiencing moderate constipation that is causing a hemorrhoid to flare up occasionally a hemorrhoid is a swollen vein in the rectum a hard piece of stool can basically scratch this swollen vein and cause it to bleed slightly frequently hemorrhoids also feel itchy and painful perhaps this is why your doctor gave you a suppository to try suppositories often are prescribed to treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids it sounds like you are doing everything right in terms of eating a high fiber diet and drinking plenty of fluids because only the tip of your stool is hard it makes me think maybe you are not noticing the urge to have a bowel movement and are holding stool in your rectum too long even though you are having a bowel movement every day you might try going to the bathroom a bit more frequently to see if you perhaps need to have a bowel movement but just are not feeling the sensation to go however do not strain needlessly in an attempt to force a bowel movement that will just make any hemorrhoid situation worse as long as you are not allergic to any medications you also might try an over the counter hemorrhoid medication to see if it helps shrink those swollen veins so at least the bleeding goes away best of luck to you this is what worked for me as mentioned above fibrous food i included boiled okratwice a week for dinner apple daily spinach i am an indian and i already love indian plain palak recipie dried plumspitted prunes 2liters of water a day i follow this since i first came across this siuation walking min of 30 mins a day i also felt stress tension has played a role in causing thisto me atleast i have the same problem which lead me to your thread while i have had issues around constipation currently i have at least three bm is a day and yes this hard piece is scraping against my hemorrhoid and causing pain and sometimes a little bleeding i would think the answer might lie in what we are eating the combinations of food at each meal and how they digest this issue doenst always happen for me but it is often what is mcv,mcv stands for mean corpuscular volume it is the average volume of the body is red blood cells measured in femtoliters one quadrillionth of a liter cell counting machines calculate mcv from a blood sample a normal value may vary between laboratories but is usually between 80 and 96 femtoliters fl an mcv above 100 fl is called macrocytosis when anemia low red blood cell count is also present it is called a macrocytic anemia causes of macrocytic anemia include deficiency of b12 or folic acid medication side effects alcohol abuse and certain blood cancers macrocytic anemia can also occur in healthy people who are rebuilding their blood supply after surgery for example an mcv below 80 fl is called microcytosis or microcytic anemia if the red blood cell count is also low microcytic anemia can be due to iron deficiency blood loss in women most often from menstruation chronic illness or a condition causing abnormal hemoglobin like sickle cell disease or thalassemia it is not unusual to have an mcv that is slightly abnormal without any serious condition identified as a cause often in these cases the mcv becomes normal again on its own when it is next tested can i get hiv by using infected towel,i do not believe that a glass or two of wine is going to interfere in any way with a flu vaccine enjoy urine prugent odor with frequent urinations and intense non painful flow started with 2tbsp lemon water in mornings take lasix for congested heart failure to urinate more often and relive the fluid in my body started drinking 2tbsp lemon water when i wake up in the mornings now i urinate too often i drink something and it goes straight through me i urinate so much now i do not need the lasix to help me urinate i have also lost 30lbs from dieting and i juice my greens vegs drink a lot of soda diet and regular do drink water kool aid and urine smells very strong is there some wrong,intense urinary burning strong smell frequent urination yes that sounds like a problem to me these are three common signs of a urinary tract infection time to call your medical provider to order a urinalysis and culture what is cryothalamotomy for parkinson is disease,a cryothalamotomy is a surgical procedure where a super cooled probe is inserted deep into the part of the brain called the thalamus in an effort to stop the tremors of parkinson is this type of surgery is rarely recommended and has been replaced by deep brain stimulation dbs i got the explanon birth control and sex immediately after am i protected from pregnancy i got the nexplanon implanted in my arm on the 5th or 6th day of my menstral cycle i was told by my doctor that because it was the first five days of my cycle i was immediately protected i immediately had unprotected sex about 4 days after implant and have been having unprotected sex with my spouse frequently up until i read the pamphlet they sent home with me that clearly states to abstain from sex for 1 2 weeks any possible outcome of pregnancy,hi any info on this implant seems to be about the implant it self and what to do if it goes wrong and some small bits just like the bc pill using condoms for the first 7 days as a backup all you can do is wait and see just hope things will be ok if you was on the bc pill for over a year then you may still have been safe as it tends to keep working for a few days hope this helps you good luck my doctor put me on birth control because i have a hormonal imbalance how can i get pregnant with a hormone imbalance i have stopped taking the birth control pills because i want to get pregnant however i am having my period every two weeks now,hi this a piece of info i extracted from a piece about two periods a month ok the info come from ivillage another reasons for twice a month periods is abnormal thickening of the uterine lining this thickening can be due to hormonal imbalance or to taking estrogen without a progesterone medication as well estrogen causes the uterine lining to proliferate and become thick and lush while progesterone thins out the lining a balance between these two hormones is necessary to ensure regular moderate periods so it may not be as easy as i write but if you get a hormone test done from this it would tell you which hormone is out of whack it then would be to get them back on track by adjusting them in my mind it should work try seeing an obstetrician perhaps heshe will understand this and make it work they must have seen it before do hope this helps you good luck is it normal to have a large area of skin discoloration and atrophy after a cortisone injection,both localized atrophy of the subcutaneous tissues and discoloration are well known side effects of cortisone injections sometimes these are the desired effects of the injection as when we inject steroids around nerve entrapments with the intent that the atrophy will decrease the pressure on the nerve although one might prefer not to have the discoloration and atrophy from a cosmetic point of view these changes are not harmful waiting on results of uti test my only symptom is urethral pain not when urinating i am feeling cold should i worry i am simply very worried its 1045 pm and i am not sure if these slight chills are due to anxiety actual coldness or i should be worried about a possible infectious spread that can not wait until tomorrow again my only uti symptoms have been burning pain in my urethra but not when urinating just the rest of the time which might not even be a uti symptom but urethral irritation,so obviously this is a while later and i hope that you have seen your doctor and had your urine checked for infetcion chills associated with infections usually means a severe infection usually with buring blood in urine pain urgency to pee having to urinate very frequently weak stream etc my guess is from what you said it was just the environment or somehting else but each person is different and for one person may be severe symptoms others may have minimal symptoms of same infection blurred vision dizziness nausea hot blushes and pounding heart,hi i dont think it was a heart attack low blood pressure is less likely too raised blood sugar levels may have caused this just get the blood sugar and blood pressure checked consult a physician and get his ecg done to be on safer side thanks what should people with pcos eat and should not eat,as dermatologists and plastic surgeons we do a lot of treatments to help rejuvenate the hands i find that besides the eyes the hands really can give away age very readily so while we can make the face look so much better if you do not also treat the hands that can give things away so besides lasers we can use dermal fillers to actually plump up and rejuvenate the skin of the hands in a very safe and effective way ask you dermatologist or plastic surgeon if they are comfortable with this procedure and they will tell you if that is something that would be appropriate for you i have alternating irritated and bloodshot eyes,most probably a viral or bacterial infection …less likely allergic reaction use a tobradex tobrine drops if it did not become better in 2 days you need to see an opthalmologist thanks if i was just diagnosed with high risk hpv with mild a typical cells would it be pointless to get the gardisal shot,hi so are you just boosting or did i miss a question just answer through answer this above does a person with genital herpes have to show signs of an outbreak to tranfer ar can it be transfered with no signs,i would ask you some questions before confirming a diagnosis what is the color of blood bright red or dark maroon do you have any bowel habits changed constipation or diarrhea do you have recently changed food habits did you eat any spicy food or food from unguaranteed hygiene source i am expecting meckel is diverticulum or ulcerative colitis a gastroentrologist can diagnose it with history taking and colonoscopy short term memory issues aching head daily crying spells,no that is not a typical sign of early pregnancy since sharp headaches can occur in anyone even men the fact that you are experiencing tingling and right arm pain as well i would strongly suggest that you consult your medical provider someone who is familiar with you and your medical history and someone who can examine you in order to determine the underlying reason for your symptoms how can exercise help manage type 2 diabetes,exercise is very important in managing type 2 diabetes combining diet exercise and medicine when prescribed will help control your weight and blood sugar level exercise helps control type 2 diabetes by improving your body is use of insulin burning excess body fat helping to decrease and control weight decreased body fat results in improved insulin sensitivity improving muscle strength increasing bone density and strength lowering blood pressure helping to protect against heart and blood vessel disease by lowering bad ldl cholesterol and increasing good hdl cholesterol improving blood circulation and reducing your risk of heart disease increasing energy level and enhancing work capacity reducing stress promoting relaxation and releasing tension and anxiety if i go outside with wet hair will i become ill can doing this cause a person to catch a cold,no you will not catch a cold or become ill but do not tell your mother or grandmother i told you they really believe it illness are biological caused by virus or bacteria not by wet hair or a change in temperature hematoma due to fall15x10x5c had for 5 months still not reducing and beginning to hurt what are my options the hematoma is high up on my right butt cheek and feels like a constant muscle pull i had a ct scan a week after it happened and was told everything was fine it would just take a long time to reabsorb how long should it take is pain like this normal for this,in many cases very warm to hot compresses over the eye will help this sty rupture and your body will heal it if the sty assuming it is a sty and not something else does not resolve you will need to see an ophthalmologist for an examination in some cases this lesion may need to be surgically opened or removed is it safe to have intercourse with my husband while he is taking cytoxan,it is safe to have intercourse with your husband while he is taking cytoxan which is a chemotherapy agent this medication works by slowing or stopping cell growth however since this drug can be absorbed through the skin women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant should not handle or break the tablets of this medication so you should be cautious if and when you are handling your husband is prescription bottle or tablets i started having a burning uncomfortable pain in my right flank area,your testicle probably had a negative reaction to something from my perspective its nothing serious but i would recommended that you visit your local doctor and get it looked at what is the best thing for itching skin,products that contain menthol are cooling to the skin and can distract from the itch you can also leave your regular moisturizer in the refrigerator and applying it when it is cool can also be soothing otherwise it is important to get to the underlying cause i am amazed at how often it is simply due to dry skin even if it is only a little dry and that just by proper moisturizing on a regular basis the problem resolves you should look for a cream rather than a lotion and apply it right after the bath or shower also avoid excessively hot showers and keep the showerbath to no more than 10 15 minutes if that does not help it is time for a checkup with your internist and dermatologist for further evaluation will dentures change how i speak,after you get dentures you may have difficulty pronouncing certain words if so practice by saying the difficult words out loud with practice and with time you will become accustomed to speaking properly with your denture if your dentures click while you are talking you should contact your dentist your dentures may occasionally slip when you laugh cough or smile reposition the dentures by gently biting down and swallowing if any speaking problem persists consult your dentist or prosthodontist would a cold make a diabetic is sugar run higher my daughter has type 1 diabetes that is managed with an insulin pump her a1c is usually within a good range her sugar has been running higher lately but she has a cold and some congestion would a coldcongestion make her sugar run higher ,the us probiotics org recommends choosing probiotic supplements with adequate research behind the specific microbe strain used in any given product just because research shows one strain is effective does not mean it applies to other strains as there are over 400 if you are looking for relief from a gastro intestinal health issue make sure the probiotic has been studied for that specific disease state you can call the company or check their website for the research they have conducted always make sure your doctor knows what supplements you are taking for more details on probiotics see this article are weight bearing exercises aerobic,if you got your period then you should not be pregnant however if it was late or if the period was way shorter than it should be from your normal period than it might be a spotting i suggest either talk to a doctor about it or wait until the next month to see if you have another period why are the testes located outside the body in the adult male,too keep them cool sperm formation requires a temperature lower than body temperature my husband had a minor heart attack three days ago we have a vacation scheduled in a few weeks is it safe to travel,it typically is not a problem to travel a few weeks after a minor heart attack although i would discuss this specifically with his physician cat bite on fingernail its white now and ready to fall off will it grow back if it falls off cat bite on fingernail went to urgent care got antibiotics now its white and ready to fall off will it grow back if it falls off,damaged fingernails will usually grow back unless the matrix cells at the base of the nail has been damaged near my vagina opening and a little more inside hurts no discharge it does not hurt to pee very few times it itches at first it hurt to pee and i had a light pink spotting i went to the clinic they found little bacteria in my urine they gave me antibiotics it no longer hurts when i pee and im not spotting or have discharge but my vagina has not stopped hurting,hi are you sexually active do you think this is from having intercourse perhaps your present partner is on the large size for you to answer use answer this above i have a fair complexion but it is dull and oily my skin is sensitive and i have acne what products should i use,hi so you have had two episodes of having a period yes then you need to see either your doctor or your gyno sounds like you hormones could be out of whack hope this helps you good luck how to you prevent the spread of herpes,let is start by noting that there are two types of herpes herpes simplex 1 causes cold sores blisters and cracking around the mouth herpes simplex 2 is the sexually transmitted virus luckily preventing the spread of either of these types of herpes is the same avoid contact with others during an outbreak if you have a cold sore do not kiss anyone you also should avoid touching the cold sore if you do touch it be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before you touch anything or anyone else do not perform oral sex on your partner if you have a cold sore because this can cause your partner to develop genital herpes if you have an outbreak of genital herpes it is extremely important not to have sex because this is how genital herpes spreads use of a condom is not insurance against transmitting herpes because the condom may not cover all the infected skin areas there is no cure for either type of herpes oral herpes usually clears up on its own within a couple of weeks your healthcare provider can advise you regarding treatments and vaccines for genital herpes my eyes are red watery and burning what can i do to cure that,hi your find that called a shy bladder not much you can di for that try running a tap the sound of running water works for most of us or running your hands under cold water ok good luck short term memory issues aching head daily crying spells,it seems to be migraine related memory loss these types are frequently associated with nausea you should consult a neurophysician applying coconut oil on head daily before sleeping will have a soothing effect you can continue this along with the medicines for headache only if the headache is severe then you should take tablets for migraine how to get rid of vaginal discharges i am sixteen i have been having vaginal discharges for a couple of years it started a few months before my first period is it normal i am tired of having the clear white substance in my panties every day what can i do to get rid of it,sorry hunny thats a part of becoming a woman the clear white stuff helps you have sex and such its there for a reason can u stop growing at the age of 14 hello i am concerned for my sons height he is currently 14 and about 54 height in feet i would say he has hit puberty but recently he has seemed to stop growing as much as he did last year which is worrying me is this normal,the height that a person achieves is primarily genetically determined every normally healthy person will stop growing at some point some as early as 14 usually girls and some in later teen years usually boys the only way to know if growth has stopped is to see an endocrinologist and have an x ray exam to check the status of his growth plates and perhaps his human growth hormone level the bone age test will not show if his growth velocity has slowed down or is slowing down however when do boys start to have sensitivty in there privates son is 3 and shows no sign or reaction if he got hit he is in underwear his sister hit him by accident in his private and he had no reaction his dad has asked him if he hurt his peepee but he just says no and that was when he was on his bike and slipped on to the middle bar on the bike should i be worried that he has no sensitivity there or is that normal,i would be slightly worried if i were you i do not remeber much from when i was three but i do remeber getting hit in the testicals with a baseball when i was about six years old and that was very painful my bf is having a discharge come out of his penis we both neg for std he has feeling of blockage stream no insurance he has a dribble after his stream its weak stream past few years had abdominal pain but not to bad got used to it a few times had slight blood we have no ins and we need direction on where to go what could be wrong we are tring to have a child,you are having gastritis with reflux associated with it the bowel seems to be irritable as well an antacid with a probiotic medicnes will help ease out your gut peristalsis have more fruits that are rich in vitamin c legumes cereals green vegetables especially spinach will help what increases the risk of getting ringworm of the skin,hi as long as you are getting no pains from ejaculating just carry on as normal do not stop things working end of the day sex is so good for us and it wont harm your wife its not something you can transfer so there you go straight to the bedroom good luck why is my clitoral hood turning dark almost black in a strange pattern very sore to the touch and has no bump i have had an open kind of hood since i was born where i can see the clitoral glans just by looking down at it now the entire area of the clitoral hood is turning black not raised like a mole but more like broken blood vessels in a flat large unpatterned area not a circle not a bump it hurts all of the time but especially when i touch it it does not hurt to go pee,i am sorry you are experiencing this i do not know what is causing this situation but i would have it checked out if i were you especially because you obviously have concerns about it i would too it could be something minor but then again you may have injured that delicate tissue somehow if that is the case a gynecologist can tell you if it needs to be treated i would recommend calling today for an appointment with your gyn to find out what is going on i wish you all the best what are the symptoms and signs of an ear infection in children,this is a known although perhaps not enough known side effect of cocomadol bad chest pain that resembles a heart attack users often get chest or intense stomach pains sometimes after eating some type of foods sometimes out of nowhere sometimes never but you should make sure you are not however suffering from some kind of real heart issue get checked out cocomadol as u may be aware of is addictive if u do not really need it for a real medical reason hey … may be time to give it up 8mos old son had a fever for 4 days used ibuprofen & it is now gone but he is constantly fussy which is not his norm a week ago my son had a fever when i got home from work we used acetamenophen and ibuprofen to treat it had more success with the ibuprofen during the 4 days he had his fever he was miserable did not eat well or sleep well which is to be expected now the fever is gone and he is still miserable we returned to the md to see if he had something going on like & ear infection & were told he is fine before this he was my happy little guy &now he is miserable and fussy no matter what we do,finding the reason or reasons why a child is fussy is always a clinical challenge it could be teething remember that you can treat the misery with ibuprofen he does not have to have a fever to use it if his mood improves after a dose of ibuprofen you may have fixed the problem children get tummy aches headaches backaches or get in crabby moods the only problem is that they can not tell us make sure he is using all of his limbs especially his arms eight month olds can get accidental elbow dislocations if you pick them up by their arms check for diaper rashes and make sure he is eating and hydrating well where is the iliac crest i am having cervical spinal fusion of c6 & 7 they are using bone from the iliac crest to make new discs i was wondering where the iliac crest is and is this a common practice,this is the upper part of the pelvis hip bone and yes this is a common site for a bone graft source well i was power lifting and the bar came down wrong and my wrist popped it hurt a whole lot for a couple days then it went away that is until i lift something even a gallon of milk it hurts the same area as original injury my coaches said it was a sprain yet its been three weeks and still hurts if i lift anything my question is is there something more serious to blame other than a sprain,the history of hearing a pop indicates a soft tissue rupture tendon or ligament and this should not be taken lightly if there is a complete tear the healing will not be complete and surgery would be needed to have ful limb function it would be recommended that you consult with your doctor and get a mri which would help make a proper assessment of your injury and based on that future mode of management can be determined i hope this helps how can u tell if ur having a boy or girl one of my friends is pregnant and the baby doesnt want her to know do the sonogram so i thought i would ask yall,obviously you can wait until the baby is born and see if there is a penis many mothers prefer to wait and be surprised and tell the sonogram technician not to reveal the sex for friends and relatives not knowing is a problem for buying gifts baby showers etc but the parents right to know when they want to know is more important i was treated for a penile yeast infection with fluconazole when can i safely have sex with my wife i have a cyst condition which i have been taking an antibiotic for prescribed by my doctor,for a simple penile yeast infection balanitis you can have sex now if you use a condom and your sore penis is up to it otherwise wait until you are symptom free i have no idea what you mean by a cyst condition and which antibiotic you are taking and for why so i would suggest you call your doctor for patient specific advice someone who knows the details of your case if you do have sex while you are still experiencing a yeast infection make sure that you use a condom however it is often best to try to wait until the yeast infection is gone just to reduce the risk of spreading it it also can sometimes be a little sore on the penis when the yeast infection is in full power make sure you maintain proper overall penis health by using a quality penis nutrient cream health professionals recommend man1 man oil look for one that includes a superior antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid good luck you could always use a condom but if not wait a few weeks for sure it would not be a bad idea to use an antibacterial penis health creme too i use one called man1 man oil just to be sure things are nice and clean down there because as we all know condoms are always a good idea until you are in the moment hope this helps and good luck is counting calories the way to lose weight,if you can keep it up counting calories is a pretty good way to lose weight it can be tough for some people to stick to over time however one of the things i like about counting calories is it makes you more aware of portion sizes then even if you stop counting calories you have a better idea of what a normal portion size is portion size is one of our biggest enemies today when it comes to weight control a thousand calories a day may be a bit on the low side generally we do not recommend people go below 1 200 calories per day because that may not give you the energy you need to get throughout the day exercise is such an important part of any weight loss plan and it could be tough getting through a normal day and exercising when you are consuming so few calories you also run the risk of not getting enough of the daily vitamins and minerals you need make sure you are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and lean proteins lean meat chicken low fat dairy or beans to get the nutrients you need each day can a cold develop into the flu,the cold and the flu are caused by different viruses so a cold can not turn into the flu but there is nothing stopping you from getting a cold and the flu at the same time or a few days later you catch a cold and the flu in very similar ways – being around someone who is sick or touching something like a phone or door knob that someone touched and contaminated with a virus the cold is generally a mild infection that lasts for four to five days and gets better on its own sometimes you may feel sicker after a few days if the cold leads to a sinus infection or bronchitis the flu is worse and hits you like a ton of bricks one minute you feel fine and a few hours later it hurts to get out of bed the flu usually resolves on its own after a week or so but can also lead to a sinus infection or bronchitis and unusually even pneumonia neither the cold not the flu typically has nausea or other stomach problems if you have those symptoms there is a good chance you have another type of infection or something else the best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu vaccine but you also need to wash your hands often to help prevent spreading the cold or flu to yourself i am sunburned on various areas of my body taken benadryl with no results yet,hi suggest you get her to a doctor get some blood tests done to check her hormones she could be getting into her menopause the heavy thick bleeding putting on some weight the jumping down your throat is her hormones going out of whack another sign so get her in get her checked may need some hormone replacement do hope this helps good luck can a doctor tell how many pregnancies that a woman has had,hi this may be due to postural hypotension but you should get your eyes checked from an opthalmologist for blurry vision thanks i have dark eyelids and a dark circle around my mouth what natural remedies can i use to get rid of them,hi most definitely there is even a psychological disorder called phantom pregnancy in which your body will actually produce a false pregnancy ie the hormone released in urine the tender breasts even the growing belly if you stress about having symptoms of a pregnancy odds are your brain will be alert for any and all symptoms that might confirm it therefore making you think you are pregnant see what can happen all for the sake of a condom and safe sex just remember if things are ok safe sex condoms the bc pill iud the cap the ring all there just for you both do hope this helps you good luck i have a flu right now is it okay to take a bath my mother says so but she is not something i would consider credible ,yes you can take a bath bathing would have no adverse effects when you have influenza as a matter of fact it may make you feel better pancreatic cancer is it possible to have pancreatic cancer if your lipase level is just over the high normal reference 305 on a high normal of 300 i have had persistent nausea and diarrhea for 5 months,pancreatic cancer cannot be diagnosed by a simple blood test with borderline results but any person with abdominal discomfort for as long as you have suffered needs a very thorough diagnostic work up and imaging studies a reason for your nausea and diarrhea as well as a solution needs to be found rather than just worry about pancreatic cancer you should continue the active pursuit as to the cause of your symptoms my baby is 2 weeks old and i am breastfeeding exclusively my flow is very low how can i get my milk flow up again,terminal is a harsh word plenty of people live full and healthy lives with type 1 myself included full causes of the disease are unknown do not beat yourself up over someone is accusations just make sure healthy choices are available as often as possible now and sugars and carbs are eaten in moderation what worries heart patients when it comes to sex,i am sorry to hear you are going through this it does not sound like you are getting much support from your health care team either i am not convinced you have received a correct diagnosis yet many things could cause the symptoms you describe and certainly osteoarthritis is one of them but have your physicians ruled out other causes like rheumatoid arthritis lupus multiple sclerosis problems with your spine etc if possible see other doctors to try to get to the bottom of this if there is a teaching hospital in your area see if you can get an appointment with an orthopedic doctor or rheumatologist there these doctors often have cutting edge information that not all other physicians possess wishing you well is it possible to get thrush in ear my granddaughter has been told she may have thrush in her ear and the ent is going to use the purple liquid on her next visit is this even possible and how would she have gotten it,thrush is yeastfungus and yeast can take up residence in any warm damp moist place your grand daughter is case the ear canal was it so yes it is possible and happens quite often since yeast is airborne i have no idea how she got it remember that yeastfungus can also cause diaper rashes athlete is foot and ringworm not just vaginal infections how quickly can one get diarrhea after eating my spouse says that if i have diarrhea i should try to recall what i ate the day before i think one can get diarrhea the same day within hours or even minutes after eating something that does not agree with me thank you,hi and yes its all done to what we eat and the way it affects our stomach if what you eat was a very hot chilli or curry this could go straight through you if your stomach cant stand it why other things may take longer good luck small insect bite itching resistant to epinephrine injection pills and creams getting worse,that is weird cause even insect bite allergies do not rake that long time please send me a pic for the skin problem and types of medications used can testosterone injections cause mood swings i inject 1 mg of testosterone every 7 days and am now kind of having mood swings i was at 75 mg then went up to 1 mg because i did not have the same effect as when on 75 as i did a year ago when i started help george,no no and no at one month old your baby is not physically developed enough to ingest cereals yet when you introduce solid foods too early and rice cereal constitutes solid food in baby language you can increase your baby is risk of developing a food allergy later it is not uncommon for babies to get gassy when they nurse whether from breast or bottle if you feel your baby is having problems feeding please call your pediatrician or lactation consultant they will provide you with all the information you need to make sure your baby gets adequate nutrition that is appropriate for his age i wish you and your beautiful baby all the best what are complications of sinus infection,allergic disease in general tends to run in families if you are concerned about possible food allergy complete a food journal writing down all your symptoms and relationship to timing of specific foods allergy testing can be performed to evaluate for food allergy i was so hot in sex befor but now im so cold in sex i used anti depression drugs could this drug cause that,you did not mention the name of the antidepressant some can cause a decrease in sexual response talk to your doctor or pharmacist or look up the side effects of your particular medication on line i have erythrophobia the fear of blushing what can i do,as this is a genetically related issue permanent cure is not possible counselling and help from a psychiatrist are recommended taking regular medicines can get things under control can you give me a diet & fitness plan for diverticulosis pad spinal stenosis disc degeneration osteoarthritis knee,when you are dealing with multiple medical conditions like these it is best to see a registered dietitian and physical therapist the rd can take into account your health conditions cooking abilities and personal preferenceslifestyle factors when it comes to planning and preparing food the physical therapist can make sure the acitivities you choose help and not harm your physical conditions you can find a dietitian in your area at eatright org and your doctor should be able to refer you to a physical therapist good luck i just finished my chemo treatment and want to know how i can tell if i am going to have neutropenia,this is something you cannot determine on your own your doctor or nurse will tell you because neutropenia low white blood cell count is common after receiving chemotherapy your doctor may draw some blood to look for neutropenia for more information on neutropenia please visit www preventcancerinfections org my muscles are still sore after lifting weights three days ago did i pull something,cough in children can have many reasons recurrent infections allergies asthma can be important ones please get your child thoroughly examined by expert paediatrician with few tests the cause of persistent bed time cough can be confirmed 53 years old having chronic pain between shoulders for over 3 months,a pinched c4 5 nerve root can cause this get a cervical mri done cervical traction short wave diathermy can help laser is also known to show good results i have noticed the jobs we have where i live have cut hours or hired temporary workers so not to cover health insurance i do not have insurance due to this and am lucky if i work 10 hours a week yet i do not qualify for medicaid either because i am not under 21 or pregnant i looked at the offers online and with bills i see i can not afford that either i am very confused at this and do not believe i should be fined on my taxes for something i do not know how to fix can you please explain and help me i am in west tennessee,unfortunately your state is among those not expanding its medicaid program given your financial situation you most likely would have qualified but you may qualify for deeply discounted health insurance through the marketplace so i urge you to shop head to healthcare gov if it turns out the lowest cost plan available to you amounts to more than 8 of your income you will not be held responsible for having coverage and will not pay a penalty my husband had skin cancer and now has a cracked lip corner that is not healing could it be cancer has returned my husbandhad skin cancer he now has a crack in corner of mouth that has not healed in 3 weeks can this be sign cancer has returned,i am sorry to hear about your husband is skin cancer that can certainly be a scary experience and you are wise to keep a close watch on his skin from now on the cracking at the corner of your husband is mouth probably is not cancer but since he is had a skin cancer once it would be a good idea to get it checked out by a health care provider often cracking at the corner of the mouth is a symptom of perleche or angular chelitis this can be caused by a fungus which can be treated by your health care provider or by a vitamin b deficiency however the symptom you are describing could be caused by many things including yes a cancer that is why it would be best for your husband to be examined by your primary care provider he or she can diagnose the problem and treat it accordingly good luck to you what causes penile cancer,i would have to examine them in order to know for sure what is causing it pregnant or not do not know what ot think please help my husband and i have been trying to get pregnant for quite some time now with no luck until this week we have never gotten a positive test result on the home pregnancy tests but i am a little confused we have taken 3 home tests now the first 2 came back with very lightfaint positive results and the 3rd test came back negative we do not understand what this means could we be expecting please help,hi my opinion stay on your azulfidine if it is keeping g things under control unless your doctor wana try diet instead of keeping you on medications as some inflammatory bowel disease can simply be controlled with diet so you need to demand an explanation of why he wants to redo the endoscopy good luck what is this cold going around i have been sick for over a week now and just lost my voice last night any remedies it started with a scratchy throat runny nose plugged ears and cough i have had it for over a week and now it has moved down i to my chest making it hard to breathe it is a raspy feeling when i inhale and now i have lost my voice and sound like a bad squeak toy help any remedies to get through this,there are over 200 known viruses that cause a cold and those cold symptoms and each person reacts differently you can have more than one of those viruses at the same time colds last a week and there are not remedies that have been scientifically proven to shorten that course assuming you do not develop a secondary infection you should be feeling better soon all of those cold medications are for controlling those annoying symptoms but they will not cure anything generally cold and flu like symptoms is due to viral infection of upper respiratory tract i e nose and throat people recover from this in about a week or two if your symptoms are persisting for long you may be down with secondary bacterial infections of respirator tract better consult your doctor and get yourself tested for proper medications we advise herbal mix of immunomodulator herbs that will help to improve your body defense functions guduchi haridra tulsi and triphala together in equal proportion at dose of 3 gms twice daily with honey can you take two different over the counter cold medicines at the same time,you should not mix over the counter cold medicines without talking to your pharmacist to ensure you do not take medications that interact what should people with pcos eat and should not eat,people with pcos usually are obese or overweight however there are lean people with pcos also people with pcos will usually have insulin resistance so try to avoid sugary foods and keep a check on your weight and follow a regular exercise routine this will help to cure the disease also take good quality carbohydrates with whole grain meals avoid fats and bakery products you can take lean meat skinless chicken avoid juices and take lots of fruits and salads hope it helps consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online for further help > what is the stomach flu,one thing we know for sure and that is that no medication works for everyone it is unfortunate but there has to be a period of trial and error in order to find the right medication or combination of medications that may work for you you also have to consider the fact that you may not really need medication at all remember sometimes learning to help yourself and to cope differently with things that are happening in your life can be very effective in curbing anxiety you indicated it has been 12 years now that you have had this diagnosis and i am wondering what besides medication has been tried in order to help you has anyone suggested cognitive therapy mild exercise self help techniques or lifestyle changes unfortunately sometimes treatment plans do not include all of these aspects and i believe that may lead to an inadequate result hopefully you are working with an experienced psychiatrist i would think however that there are things you can do for yourself review your current lifestyle and see if some changes might be helpful sometimes this is one of the simplest things to do and can have the most dramatic result can bipolar medications cause tooth decay,well in brief this means your husband is not doing a good job of controlling his blood sugars this can lead to organ damage and failure blindness and even loss of his limbs i am glad your husband is under medical care for this and he also needs to work harder at getting his sugars under control he needs to eat an appropriate number of calories to avoid obesity or to lose weight if he is already obese eat an approved diabetic diet and exercise regularly he must avoid drinking alcohol and eating sugar candy cookies etc he must take all of his prescription medications exactly as prescribed uncontrolled blood sugar is a serious issue you can help your husband with this challenge by educating yourself about diabetes through webmd is diabetes center i wish you both all the best what can i expect during week 28 of my pregnancy,baby your baby measures about 10 inches from crown to rump or a total length of about 15 75 inches from head to toe and weighs about 2 4 pounds brain waves show rapid eye movement rem sleep which means your baby may be dreaming eyelids are opening branches of lungs are developing so there is a good chance that baby would survive if born prematurely now mom to be your uterus extends well above your navel as baby gets bigger and stronger this month you may be experiencing leg cramps and mild swelling of ankles and feet difficulty sleeping shortness of breath lower abdominal achiness clumsiness or scattered braxton hicks contractions hardening and relaxing of the uterus like rehearsals for labor you may also be urinating more frequently again as the uterus continues to push on your bladder tip of the week even if your partner is planning on being with you in the delivery room you might want to consider hiring a doula a professional labor assistant who provides support but not medical aid for the mother and her partner studies show that doulas can shorten a woman is labor and reduce the likelihood of needing pain medication forceps deliveries or a caesarean section i have some sort of white chunky residue in my urine everytime i use the bathroom could this be a yeast infection,it can mask bad breath but finding the underlying cause would be very desirable start with seeing the dentist tiny holes in upper ear lobe that leak clear liquid infant was bor with tiny holes in upper part of ear lobe now @ 4 months its leaking a clear liquid at times hould i be concerned,without examining your baby i cannot be sure as to the nature of these tiny holes but they could be preauricular sinus tracts or pits they are innocent but can be prone to infection if they clog or plug up for some reason or if they are extensive many times these are surgically removed but there may be no hurry since your baby is so young you need to have a discussion about them at your next well child exam or ask for an referral to an ent specialist could i have depression or anxiety when i get upset i am like that for two or three weeks i worry to the point where i get a headache and my stomach starts to feel weird i blame myself for everything that happens even if it is not my fault sometimes my hands twitch but not very often but thee are times where my chest hurts a tad bit could it just be a nervous condition am i over thinking things,there is no known way to prevent parkinson is disease research has shown that people who eat more fruits and vegetables high fiber foods fish and omega 3 rich oils sometimes known as the mediterranean diet and who eat less red meat and dairy may have some protection against parkinson is disease but the reason for this is still being studied 4 webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated can you have your period while pregnant my boyfriend and i had unprotected sex but he is almost positive he never came in me my period following the sex was 3 days late however today i got my period i have felt like i need to throw up and i have had on and off cramps all day could i be pregnant also i have been hearing that you can still have your period during pregnancy or that i may just be spotting due to implantation but i have had a lot of blood much more than spotting,yes everytime im pregnant i do not know it because i am always having my period it happened twice i am scared of getting breast cancer from hormone replacement therapy,it is a terrific investment everyone i know who has one loves it and these are people who do not like to exercise you can play sports on it tennis is awesome and you can compete against family members and friends which can be lots of fun start with the basic wii with just the basic sports like tennis and then you can add more form there i have an ear infection and am having trouble keeping the drops in my ear they drip out when i sit up i am using ciprodex ear drops as well as antibiotics when i put the drops in my right ear i can not seem to get them in i can sometimes get 1 drop in out of 4 i lay on my side for about 15 mins but when i sit up i can feel them slowly drip out i also tried the drops in my uninfected ear no problem going in is this because of the infection what can i do,there can be several reasons since i can not examine your ear or even know the underlying reason you are using the ciprodex there are several different types of ear infections it is difficult for me to blindly determine a reason one reason could be ear canal swelling in otitis externa the ear canal can nearly swell shut some clinicians will insert a wick in the ear canal to allow those drops to penetrate other reason is a wax impaction or a canal filled with pus or other debris many clinicians will not attempt to clean out the ear when it is painful so if you have a blockage of debris those drops will not go in i would suggest that you consult the clinician currently treating you since they examined you last what is the best solution for pimples that do not come to a head i am 40 and thought i was past the stage for pimples,hi have a look at this you need to google natural way out of depression and natural ways out of anxiety or do it for both lots to read just find a path and stick with it see how you get on but you would need to be off the drugs when you do them all you can do is try but if your trying its a path you can follow do hope this helps good luck can you have genital chlamydia by sticking a penis in your mouth of someone who may or may not be infected i started to give a guy felation for about 10 seconds literally and stopped 1 and 12 years later i go into er for allergic reaction to yeast infection medicine and they say i tested positive chlamydia can this be related can you not have any symptoms in the mouth by have it in the vijay even though that part was never touched,thermage uses radio frequency to cause tissue tightening fraxel or fractionated lasers actually have a different affect on the screen those are true lasers that remove whether they do it in an ablative or non ablative way i will explain what that means to help rejuvenate the skin and that also affects the texture and tone of the skin so fraxel is non ablative meaning that your skin does not directly peel and the outer layers are not directly removed fractional co2 which is my preferred treatment helps in a very soft and gentle way removes layers of the skin even to the deepest layers to help stimulate new collagen production and also eliminate or dramatically improve acne scars and surface changes such as sun spots so with this treatment this new generation of co2 lasers you can have a lot less downtime a lot safer treatment a lot faster results with less risk and have your skin look so much better it looks more even in texture and tone acne scars are often removed those lines around the mouth are often dramatically softened if not completely gone and you can be out and about within about a week but you do have a good week where you have to stay home and hide because it looks worst before it looks better should people with serious heart problems avoid fast food all together,i would not give any oner the counter meds to a infant unless given by dr the side affects can be life threatning and could cauls ryes syndrome using fever redusing med is is also not the best idea 4 a infant cause there body is can fight fever up to 104 i know lot is of cases that over the counrte cold meds have caused damage to infant is brain use by dr advice bad smelling discharge urine very bad smelling and dark headaches no balance sleeping alottired no energy i took 1500 mg of penicillin a day for 10 days most symptoms went away now have mild oder and pasty discharge i miscarried about a yr ago and did not seek any medical care could something be wrong due to the miscarriage,most helpful answer hi the penicillin could have upset your vaginal natural balance it will do that because of this you may now have bv bacterial vaginosis its just one of these things some women can get can be just the once or can keep re occurring so its either of to your doctor for a test and meds or an stdgum clinic they will do the same thing your ok its not an std but the clinic will help you or you can google bv and sea salt bv and boric acid bv and garlic these are just some ways you can find natural help now it could be this that is chucking the rest of your body out of sync and giving you the tiredness as for your miscarriage perhaps a d&c would have helped but you could still have it done now try seeing a doctor or going to a baby clinic that has a doctor there do hope this helps good luck i feel tired every day around 2 to 4 pm so tired i cant keep my eyes open what could be wrong,sleep apnea is a possibility can a person contract genital herpes from a person with a cold sore and is there a test one can take to know if u have,any insurer that raises rates more than 10 will have to justify that increase under the law in some states insurance departments can deny insurers the right to raise rates higher than that in others they can not in recent history however insurers have backed down under the scrutiny i am 17 and sexually active and i have been having some vaginal discomfort recently recently my vagina have been itching like crazy and a little puffy almost like its swollen and accompanied by burning while urinating and a yellowish discharge with a slight odour i am not getting any abdominal pain can this be a yeast infection what are some remedies are there over the counter drugs,go to a gynaecologist immediately if you know the person you have been sexually active with speak to them about their medical problems and maybe bring them to the gynaecologist because they could have something they may not know about you are experience inflammation discolouration which can be caused by cysts forming on the vaginal wall either from a cut friction burn are you lubing or just dry balling it which can get infected odour is normal in private areas it is just bacteria forming in a humid moist area proper cleaning can fix that but if it smells sickening then it could be harmful bacteria you could have a urinal tract condition which effects the urinary tract system which could be seen with blood in your pee make sure you clean it thoroughly before visiting a gynaecologist avoid anymore intercourse with people as you may spread it is possible your partner or partners may be carriers meaning they do not show symptoms similar to yours can you get infected with shingles more than once,once you get the virus you will always have it it will come an go depending on your immune system i am 18 and struggling with maintaining an erection could alcohol and smoking cause that,excess alcohol can mess with erections as can tobacco plus stress fatigue anxiety worry performance pressures guilt fear pretty much anything involving your thinking can block erections if you have never had good erections it could be hormonal or other medical problems so you should talk to a urologist for a basic evaluation years ago i had a ganglion cyst removed from my knee in colder months i get pain down to my calf what is happening,hi your pain is related to a pinched nerve inside your neck spine you may have a prolapsed intervertebral disc in neck causing the concerned nerve to be compressed get a mri done to see whats wrong consult a orthopedic specialist thanks does ringing in the ear cause the face to droop on one side im basically healthy and had ringing in the ear about 2 yrs ago due to a viral infection from a cold i had a sore throat on the same side i took lipo flavonoid and afte time the ringing stopped i made the mistake and stopped taking it and receintly the ringing came back several days later the same side of my face drooped i am able to blink both eyes some watering occurs from that eye if wind hits it,tinnitus does not cause the face to droop but bells palsy can the same virus that may have caused your tinnitusringing could be the same virus that is now cause some nerve problems in those facial muscles many times this is a herpes simplex virus i suggest that you see your medical provider right away about this droopy face since there are medications that can help can a vaccum system be used to take care of old folks human waste and urine on a periodic basis to replace diapers etc the configuration is left to designers,you could have lost it all in water weight if you continue feeling bad and continue losing weight see a doctor as soon as you can it could be the warning signs of a problem with your thyroid diabetes or a whole host of other things when i eat spicy food within 15 minutes i get loose motion it is a real problem for me please advice a solution when i eat spicy food within 15 minutes i get loose motion also a growling sound comes from my stomach it is a real problem for me please advice a solution,it sounds like you have a sensitivity to spicy foods that is causing diarrhea loose motion after eating although some people is gastrointestinal tract gi can not handle spicy foods without any side effects others are more sensitive spicy foods can irritate the gi tract if you want to avoid the loose bowels and stomach growling then it makes sense to avoid spicy food if you really love spicy food you can cut back or manage your body is reaction here are some tips on how to manage diarrhea good luck i am taking strattera and the generic of celexa is that safe for a pregnancy,if you have been officially diagnosed with narcolepsy and are not being treated then no you probably should not be driving however a lot of people claim to have narcolepsy when they do not narcolepsy is not just feeling sleepy from time to time or dozing off at the wheel of a car narcolepsy involves several symptoms including sudden loss of muscle control hallucinations and sleep paralysis among others only a doctor can positively diagnose narcolepsy some of the symptoms of narcolepsy can be treated with medications a health care professional will advise the person with narcolepsy if it is safe for them to drive i hope this helps i have mild narcolepsy and my solution to the problem of sleep attacks while driving is to think about i e anticipate what i will be doing at my destination this seems to reengage the prefrontal cortex and what used to be called the reticular activating sysem in the midbrain and brainstem and has worked extraordinarily well i disagree elizabeth with your statement narcolepsy is not just feeling sleepy from time to time or dozing off at the wheel of a car narcolepsy involves several symptoms including sudden loss of muscle control hallucinations and sleep paralysis among others this is incorrect i have narcolepsy with nothing else i have been diagnosed and am on a strict regimen of meds and life style changes as for a dr having to officially diagnose yes missed the 6th pill in birth control pack odds of becoming pregnant i began my newest pack of birth control on sunday my husband and i had sex tuesday night i forgot to take friday is pill so i took two on saturday morning if i was not on any type of birth control i would probably ovulate sometime between that saturday and this thursday i hear that sperm can live between 3 to 7 days what would the odds be that i would become pregnant i have been on the same birth control aviane for a little over 2 years and have taken them consisently without forgetting,medicare open enrollment begins october 15 which can be confusing since it is happening during the same time as open enrollment under obamacare but the two are not the same i suggest you contact your state health insurance assistance programs for free unbiased help find your local program by visiting the medicare gov medicare helpful contacts page or by calling 1 800 medicare 1 800 633 4227 i breastfeed my baby worried that my exposure to battery acid may be harmful to me and my baby,hi seems to be more of chronic sinusitis due to low immunity get ct pns done to rule out polyps or any soft tissue growths inside the sinuses take multivitamin and calcium supplements thanks i am currently 98 days late for my period 6 negative hpts with hormonal symptoms could i still be pregnant my last cycle was 01192014 my fiance and i are not currently using any methods of birth control i do have some symptoms sore and tender breasts especially close to the nipple nausea in the morning but i have had a similar issue in the past from stress newer symptoms have occurred lower abdomen discomfort almost like a sore muscle and it hurts to lay on my stomach for long periods of time i have also had strange bouts of dizziness could i be pregnant,ohh dear do not check through strip because sometime it get wrong answer so 1st test your urine on a lab and do not worry you will be pregnant soon before a year i also have the same problem but i did not get conceive i was very worried about my bf collegue give him a advise of pregnancymiraclebookreviewz com and soon i was pregnant and now i have a twin daughters why is having an infection such a big problem for cancer patients on chemotherapy,infections are a serious health issue for cancer patients because an infection during chemotherapy can be life threatening because of your cancer and your treatment you may not be able to fight off infections like you normally do in fact about 60 000 patients with cancer who have received chemotherapy are hospitalized with neutropenia in the united states each year more than 4000 of these people will die of their infection visit www preventcancerinfections org to learn more about steps you can take to prevent an infection during your chemotherapy are there any warnings for the drug excedrin ib,ovaries are not surgically removed and then put back ovarian cysts are on the outside of the ovaries in most cases so only the cyst is remove your ovarian cysts should have nothing to do with your thyroid problem but that would require a thorough investigation by your endocrinologist what is meant by positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia,yes it can in my opinion stop the steroids first and try apple celery and diuretic drug improve potassium level by taking banana for example then go to dialysis if the problem persists regards i was told i had a kidney infection i still have the pain but ultrasound says no infection,insurance coverage will not be extended to people who are in this country illegally and there will be mechanisms by which states will be able to verify the lawful status of someone applying for insurance coverage through one of the exchanges i was prescribed the wrong dose of antibiotics,in my opinion it is not a matter of dose i recommend you go to your dentist for pus aspiration to relieve the pressure then go for 1200 mg then 300 every 6 hours take intramascular injection of cataflame to ease your pain good luck what could have delayed a woman from getting pregnant while the couples are sexually okay,hi you did not say how long you had been trying to get pregnant or how old you are but there are many factors that may be keeping you from getting pregnant do you know for sure if you are ovulating there are home ovulation test kits available to help if you are ovulating have you been keeping track of your cycles so you know the best days to get pregnant if you have been doing all these things you might want to look into getting an infertility workup insurance will generally cover this depending on your age and how long you have been trying but you will need to check with your provider to find out remember there could be many reasons you are not getting pregnant here is some more information that may help are diet pills safe for teenagers if so which ones are,on medicare you are covered and do not need to shop for any other type of insurance shall i get chemical stress test to know the reason for tachycardia,episodic tachycardia in the setting of pac and pvc premature atrial and ventricular contractions is suggestive of arrhythmia may be atrial fibrillation or flutter we should try to find the cause for it do you smoke or have alcohol or any other stimulant drugs do you suffer from snoring interrupted and unrefreshed sleep daytime sleepiness headaches etc is there any history of exertional chest pain since your holter has not picked anything the next step is the stress test there is no harm in undergoing it and it will help us to rule out ischemic heart disease as well do you have had any episodes when you were on holter if not and you are having those episodes more frequently now then you can consider wearing holter again otherwise undergo the stress test the next option is electrophysiological studies and it is an invasive test but will diagnose and treat the arrhythmia in the same setting i guess echo must be normal before starting flecainide regarding treatment i would suggest beta blockers like metoprolol 25 mg to 50 mg according to heart rate and flecainide should be pill in pocket approach that is as and when needed for further information consult a cardiologist online > what is advised for a small dog thaat sees to have a fever is baby aspirin ok i just need to help him till morning it is not an emergency small dog 23 lbs i tried a damp washcloth that helped,hi you should not give human drugs to dogs fact please see you vet have you taken his temperature it should be 102 5 to 103 5 and that is normal so if its that its ok but still worried then see your vet good luck i banged my thumb months ago and have had a black bruise under the nail since then why has this not gotten better,it probably has gotten better i am assuming that nail is no longer sore swollen or painful correct this is called a subungual hematoma a pocket of blood that formed under the nail from the injury in most cases this blood will eventually be reabsorbed by the body andor the nail will slowly grow out taking this black spot with it in your case the black spot is likely dried blood on the nail bed that cannot be reabsorbed or is being s l o w l y reabsorbed this innocent cosmetic imperfection can last quite a while so you may have to cover it up with nail polish i am guessing from your screen name that you are female should you ever have a similar crush injury of your nails in the future the pocket can be removed by a tiny bore hole in the nail surprisingly painless when it is fresh this will improve the pain and reduce this slow healing process that you are experiencing now the nail can be surgically removed but that may be a bit drastic is apple cider vinegar good for your hair,good for salad too i know of no specific medical benefits of using apple cider vinegar in your hair use it if you want but i am not sure what benefits you hope to achieve your hair may smell a bit funny hi have a look on www earthclinic com seems acv is good for a lot of things great place to keep under your hat for info if you like natural ways of life hope this helps good luck what tests i should ask my doctor to do to see if i am nearing menopause,the thing is it takes one to two months to stabilize asthma in the case of taking inhaled steroids please confirm whether your inhaled drugs contains fluticasone or beclomethasone as these are inhaled steroids for asthma i suggest you prednisolone 40 mg once a day for a week then 30 mg for next week then 20mg for next and then 10mg and 5 mg and stop by that time your inhaled steroids will begin to work also i suggest you oral drugs like tablet deriphylline retard 300 mg twice or tablet doxofylline 400 mg twice a day in addition to the above i suggest tablet containing montelukast with levocetirizine daily at night for a month consult your specialist doctor discuss with him or her and take treatment for asthma with consent for further information consult an internal medicine physician online > what can i expect during week 33 of my pregnancy,baby your baby measures 5 to 5 6 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 5 25 ounces the rapid growth spurt is tapering off but reflexes are kicking in it can yawn stretch and make facial expressions even frown taste buds are beginning to develop and can distinguish sweet from bitter tastes the baby will suck if its lips are stroked and it can swallow and even get the hiccups the retinas have become sensitive to light so if a bright light is shined on your abdomen baby will probably move to shield its eyes mom to be your uterus about the size of a cantaloupe can probably be felt just below your navel you are most likely feeling the baby move by now a mid pregnancy ultrasound may be performed between now and 22 weeks to assess fetal growth and development and to verify the due date if the baby is in the right position the ultrasound may even be able to determine whether it is a boy or a girl your heart has to work 40 percent to 50 percent harder now to support your pregnancy tip for the week suggest that your partner go with you for the ultrasound it is a chance to catch the first glimpse of your baby together as well as provide a snapshot to show friends and family later sonograms still do not guarantee a healthy baby but they can provide reassurance and spot some problems i have tried claritin and today took the last of zyrtec i still have allergy symptoms should i try benadryl,your case is commonly managed by surgical repair and followed by a3 months physical therapy program speedy recovery wishes what is an apexification procedure,cefaklor will cause the weakness and confusion which is a temporary drug however the pulmicord is bad on the long run so you should consult your doctor periodically about when you can stop it this drugs will weaken him yet you can not possibly stop them so keep up breast feeding and keep him warm your baby will be strong and pass this well good luck pregnant with second child my husband says my vagina feels loose can pregnancy make your vagina feel different,baby formula water i can not say that any of my little patients are using special water to mix the formula i see nothing wrong with mixing the formula with any bottled water just buy a gallon of purified drinking water leave it at room temperature and use that or use your water cooler water to fill up a jug so it gets to room temperature before you give it to the baby i do not think they would appreciate ice water i do not know the quality of your city water some cities have excellent water can you take children is albuterol with children is motrin or children is tylenol,because there are so many tick born ailments i think it is important that you watch her closely for the next week or so make sure you take temp 2xs a day and watch for rashes anywhere on the body make a note of the bite where and keep it in a diary in case something comes up we do tend to forget these things i have numbness on left side of body cold hands feet heart palpitations,hi yes its a great way to get pregnant but i would wait to see if you get your period but if your really stressing your self this would or could stop your period if your period does not happen just wait a week see your doctor and get tested there for the best result not a lot else you can do till then good luck can you have the iud removed less than 5 years,most helpful answer you can have an iud removed any time that you want mild numbness in my lower right leg only no health problems woke up three days ago with it no tingling for three days i have had mild numbness in my lower right leg woke up with it and it has not gone away i have no health issues except scoliosis there has been no tingling it feels warm or cold but mostly just desensitized what would cause this should i give it a little more time to resolve on its own or see my doctor,most time numbness is a sign of a nerve being pinched or restricted in some way i have pain discomfort almost non stop frequent urination my life has become miserable,would you please clarify about the kidney stone situation what treatment have you done to it it can be causing your sensitive bladder and blood in urine also managing the infection with mrsa is a first line of treatment i̇ recommend going through some tests to get a fine diagnosis urine analysis urine culture and urine cytology test… also tumor markers tests for nmp22 bladderchek and bta bta stat thanks is it safe to work with ringworm i have a co worker who thinks he has ringworm but he does not have health insurance so he cannot go to a doctor we work in the food service industry and i was wondering if it was possible for him to continue working using gloves etc while it clears up or if he needs to stay home until it is gone,actually to answer your question you need to send the xray post operative or the most recent tell me your age sex medical history if present it depends on your age and other factors normally it takes 1 5 months to 2months to heal completely depending also on fracture degree and fixation done concerning the fibula in some cases if the fracture is comminuted may be internal fixation is useless and bones can heal alone if they are not displaced … my doctor said to give benedryl to my son for his hives and the babysitter gave him zyrtec is this an issue he has an appointment with the allergy doctor tomorrow to possibly do allergy testing is it going to cause an issue he is 4 years old and weighs 34 8lbs they gave him 34 tsp,many men with benign prostatic hyperplasia bph have no symptoms when symptoms known as lower urinary tract symptoms or luts occur they may range from mild and barely noticeable to serious and disruptive the amount of prostate enlargement is not always related to the severity of the symptoms some men with only slight enlargement have serious symptoms and some men with a great deal of enlargement have few symptoms your symptoms may become worse during cold weather or as a result of physical or emotional stress some medicines can make your symptoms worse these include over the counter cold medicines such as diphenhydramine hydrochloride benadryl for example pseudoephedrine hydrochloride such as sudafed oxymetazoline spray such as afrin and prescription medicines such as antidepressants water pills diuretics testosterone gels implants or injections and pain medicines narcotics the symptoms of bph may involve problems emptying the bladder or problems with bladder storage symptoms related to bladder emptying include difficulty starting a urine stream hesitancy and straining decreased strength of the urine stream weak flow dribbling after urination feeling that the bladder is not completely empty an urge to urinate again soon after urinating pain during urination dysuria symptoms related to bladder storage include waking at night to urinate nocturia frequent urination a sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate these symptoms are not always related to prostate enlargement and can be caused by other conditions bph symptoms are often balanced between the two types of symptoms if symptoms come on rapidly or if you have more of one type of symptom than the other type you may have another condition other conditions that may cause similar symptoms include urinary tract infections prostatitis prostate cancer diabetes heart failure and neurologic diseases you can use the interactive tool how bad are your urinary symptoms from bph to evaluate how bad your symptoms are and later to judge how well your treatment is working webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated how to stop sole love addaction i am 31 years old and i started to be addicted to sole love and smoking since i was 16 years old i am now marred and my sex drive libido is very low with my wife but i am still addicted to both sole love and smoking while i was 20 i toke a testosterone supplement for five times 2005 i had schizophrenia and after one year i went back normal but after while i went to my psychiatrist and he advised me that i had bipolar mood disorder please i really need your help,most helpful answer hi well basically that is the program or plan its the getting off the masturbating is were the real help comes in the rest is down to letting your body heal i thing to keep in mind is how you masturbate a to harder grip is not natural to the vagina there its just featherlight touch to your penis and this is were a lot of guys go wrong when masturbating but its just doing the 8 weeks for a start have read that its taken some guys a long time to get over it but if your getting good morning woods then your on your way back to a good sex life just give it time if you google the drugs your now on you can find out what the side effects are you can also add the drug name and erectile dysfunction if there a problem it will throw it up getting off masturbation is a hard thing i know this from the guys i have worked with we may be on a computer but sometimes you can here them crying its a bit like taken the rattle away from a baby but there are some known side effects to it for over masturbating problems with skin hair muscle lose memory lose eye floaters if you need any natural help i have had ed drugs were not good with me so use herbs and a hormone and use a cockring have a look on franktalk org under general discussions look for drugs versis herbs herbs my choice same again with daily doses and there is two titaled nohards herb list for ed and nohards herb list for ed two you may find some help in them good luck last year my husband got his h1n1 shot and was very sick for three days is it safe to get this year is flu shot,if you are referring to cheratussin ac that is a prescription product and it should not be given to anyone other than the person for whom it was prescribed if it was prescribed for your 4 year old it is safe as long as it was prescribed at the proper dose your pharmacist should check the dose for your child when processing your prescription what information will i need to fill out a marketplace application,states may vary in what specific forms of information they will want you to have when you apply for a premium subsidy to help pay for a health plan sold in the marketplace – details have not yet been released mid july 2013 but in general you will need something to prove your income – such as a paystub or wage statement or your last year is income tax filing if you are self employed or are paid in cash you may be asked to show a bank statement or a set of recurring bills for rent and utilities to back up your estimate of how much you earn your statement of how much your income is will be checked against tax and social security records if you under estimate your income by a lot at the end of the year you will be required to pay back the extra subsidy amount you should not have received you also will need your social security number and driver is license or some form of identification that shows you are a legal resident of your state what are the symptoms of acne vulgaris,based on the severity of acne the signs and symptoms varies whiteheads appears when the pores gets plugged with sebum the secretion from the skin pores blackheads appears when the plugged pores gets open and is exposed to air this may turn into red bumps with pus if the acne site gets infected can i take midol while taking augmentin my obgyn perscribed me augmentin for some sort of a female infection not sure what it is but i started my period & was wondering if i can take menstrual medicine with it,no it would not be consider normal to be bleeding from your rectum whether you are on your period or not you need to see your medical provider so that you can be properly examined and determine the source of this bleeding this is not something that can be determined over the internet if you let your child suck his thumb or use a pacifier will he need braces when he is older,a ballot measure to approve marijuana for medical usage was closely defeated in florida during the november 4 2014 elections a 60 voter approval was needed to legalize medical marijuana and only 58 of the voters agreed with the proposed action washington d c oregon guam and alaska gave their approvals to medical marijuana during the same election proponents of medical marijuana promise to put the measure on the florida ballot again in the near future what is the treatment for moderate to severe migraine headaches,the only way to know conclusively if you broke your thumb is to have an x ray does my 18 year old daughter have to take the insurance her employer offered her she just became a full time employee she is covered on my insurance she is a full time student and employee the odd thing is the insurance she was just offered is with the same company i have insurance with regardless of the outcome will she need to applybuy insurance from the marketplace,the legs are only one problem when there are suspected peripheral artery disease a more critical artery would be the carotids the two main blood supplies to the brain the neck doppler is to make sure the carotids are patent i have fluids in my eyes…what is it …please help,please i want to know… the drugs that you are using since when are you suffering ed do you have any other chronic problems or not sex in july i have had period every month on time since then i have taken 3 pregnancy tests all negative am i being paranoid can i still be pregnant i am really scared i would be 15 weeks along if i was regular period nausea anxiety cramps paranoia bloating fatigue dizziness hazy stomach pains constipation yeast infection at the beginning of every period,there is some research that shows that couples share each other is bacteria however common sense dictates that everyone should keep up with their oral hygiene and get teeth cleanings every 3 6 months i am an african american female and my hair has started to thin and fall out how can i stop it,your first step should be to exclude any underlying medical issues or nutritional deficiencies that may be contributing to your hair loss thyroid disease for example can affect your hair growth if there are no medical issues then you should review your current hair care regimen overuse of perms relaxers and hair dyes will damage your hair follicles and lead to hair loss optimum hair growth requires adequate nutrition for your hair certain supplements are required for keratin the building blocks for your hair production make sure that your diet is supplemented with magnesium zinc folic acid and biotin should i be concerned about acinetobacter anitratus,this bacteria is not considered a harmless one really and treatment should be based on antibiotics like colistin and rifampicin… in my opinion those symptoms are more likely caused by ibs probiotics diet rich in vegetables and fruits is ideal regards is it possible to get pregnant 7 days after your menstration,hi you just have to remember some women can get pregnant from anytime of the month i take we were not using a condom then on purpose or an oops i think we forgot something may not be of help but a fact good luck could you recommend the best skin care products for anti aging including moisturizers,the best anti aging products are ones with retinol growth factors and peptides which will all stimulate collagen production always protect your skin with a broad spectrum sunscreen spf of at least 30 and use a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid is there only certain amount of time that you can be on testosterone injection therapy i am a nurse and have a pt that suffers from ptsd and erectile dysfunction his pcp had him on testosterone injections which he stated were helping his symptoms and then his pcp dc would the injections because of the possible side effects pt wishes to have quality of life over quanity is there a time limit on how long physicians like to keep someone on testosterone therapy,your mother probably should get checked out by a medical professional especially if she lost consciousness blacked out at any point after her fall she could be suffering from a mild to moderate concussion but there is always the chance she has some internal bleeding if your mother is pupils are dilated enlarged or if she is slurring her words vomiting or having trouble with balance i would advise going to the emergency room do not give you mother any nsaid pills for pain these include aspirin ibuprofen motrin advil etc or naproxyn aleve naprosyn as these can cause bleeding i am so sorry your mother is going through this and wish you both the best i had epilepsy seizures uti and erectile dysfunction lost my hopes with other doctors and herbalist,formaldehyde sensitivity causing a rash is typically diagnosed by patch testing on the skin if you are found to have a contact allergy avoidance of that item is recommend there are several other preservatives that are also formaldehyde releasers these include quaternium 15 imidazolidinyl urea diazolidinyl urea dmdm hydantoin and bronopol in many cases i recommend avoiding all of these if patch testing is positive to formaldehyde your doctor can help you decide if the formaldehyde releasers should also be avoided also your skin doctor may have access to the contact allergen replacement database card which can assist in generating lists of products that do not contain certain products in them such as formaldehyde what should i know about preventing malaria,hi if it was me i would tell you to go get your favourite bar of chocolate with your best bottle of pop or soda sit back and enjoy them but you do this only once this will make you fill a whole lot better calm you nerves ease your pain and tomorrow your wake filling a whole lot better but you can only do this the once you do it no more it like giving yourself a kick up the 80 is but only the once now i do hope this will help you good luck but remember i am not your doctor but these things do work is it normal that my period is late almost 8 days now i have never had sex so i can not be pregnant i am 16 and i am always regular it was ramadan recently so i fasted and my sleeping pattern kind of messed up i went to sleep at 4 am and woke up at 3 pm like the whole month but before that i have always went to sleep at like 11 pm plus i ate a lot less everyone says i have lost weight and i do not know if i should be worried or not i would reaaaaaaally appreciate your help,oh thank you but what if it does not come at all i mean what could be the problem does it mean i will not be able to get pregnant i have or think i have malaria when should i contact my doctor,call a doctor immediately if you have been in an area where malaria is present were exposed to mosquitoes and develop flu like symptoms such as fever chills headache and nausea watchful waiting watchful waiting is a wait and see approach if you get better on your own you will not need treatment if you get worse you and your doctor will decide what to do next do not wait to call a doctor if you think you have malaria call a doctor immediately for people who live for many years in countries where malaria is common and have some immunity to malaria watchful waiting is okay for mild malaria symptoms flu like symptoms may also be caused by many other diseases or health conditions watchful waiting is not appropriate for most travelers if you have a question about your symptoms call your doctor who to see health professionals who can check out symptoms that may be caused by malaria include physician assistants or nurse practitioners family medicine physicians pediatricians internists infectious disease specialists in the united states call the centers for disease control and prevention cdc toll free at 1 800 232 4636 1 800 cdc info or visit the cdc is malaria web site wwwn cdc govtravelyellowbookch4 malaria aspx to receive the most current information about malaria and appropriate travel precautions your doctor or local health department may also have this information to prepare for your appointment see the topic making the most of your appointment webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated single white 14 seed shape on toilet paper after painful bowel movement what is it i recently had a very painful bowel movement i have struggled with constipation since birth upon wiping there was a sesame shaped spot on my toilet paper but it was about 14 in length i have been eating sesame stix lately could it just be a bloated seed or could it be a parasite i crushed it between the toilet paper and it was waxygel like i have also been eating organic produce lately in which i found a tiny caterpillar on the celery some grapes had black chunks in them i didnt eat those,based solely on your description and the information in your posting i would guess that this was just an undigested seed many seeds will pass through the gi tract and emerge like this i do not think this was a parasite or have anything to do with that caterpillar on the celery i suspect this may be the list time you see these things unless of course you eat sesame seeds again my wife weighs 242lbs she only eats about 1500 calories a day and excercises why can not she lose weight my wife is 5ft 4inches tall weighs 242lbs and is a size 14 16 in pants sizes she only eats about 1500 calories a day and exercises about 90+ minutes a day burning 800 1200 calories she has been doing this for about 2 months and has not lost any weight she has been diagnosed with ibs she also has be test for hypothyroids and was negative ,it is difficult to say exactly why your wife is not losing weight without more information but here are some things to consider how is she tracking her calories it is possible that she is getting more than she thinks she is seeing a registered dietitian can help her examine her food intake for hidden calories high levels of activity mixed with low calorie intake may increase cortisol levels stress hormone and cause weight to stay where it is this is a theory but i have seen it many times your wife can experiment with cutting back the exercise or increasing her calorie intake unless she is enjoying the exercise it likely is not sustainable so i suggest she focused on doing something she enjoys if your wife did not exercise at all before it is possible she is gaining some muscle mass and losing fat even the scale is not moving other factors can cause weight to plateau such as stress and lack of sleep see this webmd article for more ideas weight loss and especially weight loss maintenance can be a challenging task i suggest your wife get help and support with the process the key is to address the reasons for the weight gain in addition to tackling food and exercise i had the same issue 1 2hours a day in the gym cardio and weights 4 5 days a wk eating 1200 calories only lost 2 lbs in 4 months turns out there is so much msg in food that it was hindering my progress i switched to eating only organic food with light exercise and lost 5 lbs in one week i also stopped getting head aches and back aches i even gained energy and improved disposition msg is an excitotoxin used to get mice fat and stay that way in order to research diabetes there are over 40 types of msg under different names and it is in 95 percent of foods you find in stores eczema on penis i have really sensitive skin and issues with eczema all the time worst part is i get the eczema rash on my penis i use hydrocortisone for the itching but it really dries out my skin what can i use safely down there to moisturize,yes vomiting is a side effect of the medication it is important that you give your child this medication with some food or milk because it can be harsh on the stomach if she continues to vomit after the second or third dose of the medication contact your doctor or health care provider it may be necessary to switch her to a different antibiotic does drinking too much water and soda before a meal make you feel full that you do not want to eat my sons girlfriend allows her children to drink a lot of water and soda right before they eat and then they do not eat does not drinking a lot before a meal fill you up and then you are not hungry,lice are very easily spread usually through close personal contact lice infestation may be caused by any of the three types of lice head lice may be spread through close personal contact shared personal items combs brushes hats helmets clothing or earphones or shared bedding pubic lice are spread mainly through sexual contact and are very contagious most people become infected after a single exposure to an infected person but the lice and eggs may survive long enough on personal items such as clothing or towels to be spread to another person a child diagnosed with pubic lice may have a history of sexual abuse body lice are most often spread by contact with personal items especially clothing and hats they are occasionally spread by direct personal contact webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated my 15 year old has stomach cramps feeling nauseous and no appetite,give her appetiers and deworming agents she should be fine with that an endoscopy may be raely needed if she doesnt improve liver function tests will analyse the proper functioning of liver meant for proper digestion i have history of amebiasis what foods will trigger it again,hi no specfic diet as such for amoebiasis take healthy nutritious and hygienic food thats all thanks what can people with bipolar disorder expect from treatment,this sounds like the description of a pressure ulcer to me and it definitely deserves to be examined by a medical professional pressure ulcers decubitus ulcers or bed sores in the elderly are not uncommon left untreated they can become infected and cause serious illness a pressure ulcer generally is not cause to run to the emergency room but i would certainly suggest you make an appointment with this lady is primary care provider to take a look at this meanwhile it might help to get your loved one a sheepskin or some layers of foam alternative to sit on this may help relieve the pressure that is causing this developing ulcer assuming that is what it is please do not put any type of adhesive bandage on this or apply anything using adhesive tape this can cause tearing of the skin in elderly people i hope you get this checked out soon and i wish you and your loved one all the best what are the symptoms of athletes foot,enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes are not uncommon and can stay swollen for quite a while after an infection if you are concerned about their size and appearance it would be wise to be examined by an ent specialist can a woman get pregnant and have a period two weeks later my friend and i had sex in the middlish of feb middle torwards the beginning the day we had sex just so happened to be her last day of her period a couple weeks prior to that she had sex with another guy which was the very ending of jan now she is late and experiencing pregancy symptoms and it the end of feb what are the chances of me being the father and what are the chances of the other guy being the father,yes it is perfectly normal to bleed after conception it is your lining that would have been shed during your next period if you continue to bleed past what would be a normal period see your doctor to bleed any more than right after conception is not normal congratulations i dropped a birth control pill and immediately took the next pill once i get to my placebo pills should i skip one,you are going to finish your active pills a day early so you can decide to start your new pack of pills a day early to stay on the 7 day placebo schedule if you choose to skip a day and wait to start the new pack on your regularly scheduled day there is a very slight chance that the one day can make a difference in the risk of an unexpected pregnancy the more pills you miss the more likely you are to get pregnant 21 weeks pregnant i have got reddish ring circles…,i agree if a minor reaction it will show signs of resolution within 3 5 days any kind of infection should not be taken lightly at this stage of pregnancy how are group a streptococcal bacteria spread,these bacteria are spread through direct contact with mucus from the nose or throat of persons who are infected or through contact with infected wounds or sores on the skin ill persons such as those who have strep throat or skin infections are most likely to spread the infection persons who carry the bacteria but have no symptoms are much less contagious treating an infected person with an antibiotic for 24 hours or longer generally eliminates their ability to spread the bacteria however it is important to complete the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed it is not likely that household items like plates cups or toys spread these bacteria could i be pregnant my period started on 1st april had sex on 13th and 14th of april could i be pregnant with a boy,hi you will have to wait till and if you miss your next period then takes a test hpt or at your doctors but as for being a boy well its 5050 chance good luck does drinking two or more diet sodas each day make women gain weight,there are no calories or very few in diet soda it would be impossible for two diet sodas to be the smoking gun for weight gain although there is some evidence that some non calorie sweeteners can actually trigger sweat cravings making you eat or drink things that are not calorie free i was born with a trigger thumb had another steroid injection hurting pretty badly,your problem is chronic and steroids long term therapy is harmful this is why i recommend trying modalities that can help u on daily basis life time until you feel it is ok… physiotherapy laser ultrasound hydrotherapy contrast baths iontophresis and anti inflammatory gels thumb support splint in severe flare ups massage all are possibly will cause progression to better living with that problem i am concerned about my daughter is teeth she is almost 1 and she has white spots on her teeth should i be worried,hi there can be many other reasons other than meningitis for such complaints if this is going on for almost 2 weeks then surely it should not be neglected u should get his ct mri brain to see any intra cranial pathology consult a neurologist thanks kindly suggest some solution for sudden knee pain,go to a doctor to find out if you are pg if not pg then they will check you and find out what the real problem is is it possible to go undiagnosed for years i was just recently diagnosed with genital herpes i was completely unaware that i might even possibly have them the only symptoms i had was some vaginal itching and irritation before i started my period,most helpful answer i always recommend that people use the antibiotic eye drop in both eyes from the beginning since it can definitely spread to the other eye an antibiotic eye drop would only be effective for pink eye caused by a bacterial pathogen many cases of pink eye are viral or even allergic so in this case the antibiotic would not likely help a viral conjunctivitis pink eye can spread even when you are on antibiotic eye drops i have aneurysm of the left basilic vein doctor can perform an aneurysmectomy need second doctor opinion,i strongly recommend doing a surgery because this aneurysm may have some bad complications if left untreated does a migraine always include pain or can you just have light sensitivity,migraine should always be assessed by your doctor i suffer migraine like headaches and yes i sometimes get aura and no head pain the periphriel vision contains fractured appearance almost like looking through broken panes of glass i get severe chronic head pain from my cervical spine osteoarthritis the small nerves rami become compressed and head pain can last for me anywhere from a few hours to the longest of 13 days one difference is that no medication works to treat mine the best way is avoidance and stress which stiffens the shoulder and neck muscles begin the process of compression at the paraspinal muscles i have in the past had botox injections for these the last working for two years is losing weight common while on on the depo provera shot,no it is not common actually a bit of weight gain is more common with depo provera if you are losing weight without a logical explanation it would be wise to see your medical provider to find out why diagnosed with hematoma following hernia surgery swelling and pain continue should i return to doctor visited surgeon yesterday he stated that the hematoma would improve in the next 5 7 days today the swelling of the abdomen is increasing along with the pain should i wait this out or make another visit ,my husband also has this i would get back to the doctor he ended up with a blood clot that went to his lung not saying this is happening to you but worth checking out we are 4 weeks post op and have lots of complications if you are uncomfortable then it is worth checking out is shingles contagious,most helpful answer the burn on or near a birthmark should be appropriately treated like any burn to avoid an infection and minimalize scarring most first and superficial second degree burns will not scar but that depends on your own scarring potential varies from person to person and of course not all birthmarks are the same i do not have any idea what type of birthmark that you have when in doubt seeks hands on professional care a dermatologist would be your best consultant in this case i am only 19 but have problems remembering very simple facts happening more and more frequently,hi this seems to be a short term memory loss often occuring due to variations in the eurotransmitter levels in the brain cells it is considered physiological at a older age but for your age its rather uncommon and definitely something to be concerned about you should consult a neurologist and get an eeg done to see if anythings wrong thanks how often should i exercise,hi testosterone definitely has an effect on sperm count and can both lower count and cause a 0 count there is often improvement after stopping testosterone it usually takes at least 3 months to see improvement and the longer he has been on it the longer it can take to show improvement the issue with synthetic testosterone is that it causes the male body to think it is producing enough testosterone when it really is not therefore it slows some of the other hormones that make sperm production happen this in turn lowers actual sperm production but then it would depend just why your on them was it because it was just low was it because your get weak erections if it was this last one then its a loaded gun but a drug called clomid could help you there do see your doctor or uro for far more info good luck i had an accident four weeks back and injured my foot,if you are new to exercise or have struggled with it in the past talk with your doctor about your exercise plans after that start by incorporating more activity into your daily life for instance if you always take the elevator try the stairs if you try to park next to the door of wherever you are going park further away and walk if your habit is to eat at your desk take a 10 to 20 minute walk first then have your lunch or take a walk after you eat instead of watching tv all day saturday and sunday plan active weekends go to the park take a walking tour ride your bike or row a boat if you prefer a more ambitious routine you can join a gym or try working out at home try for 30 to 60 minutes of continuous aerobic activity such as swimming biking walking dancing or jogging at least three to five times a week weight training can also help tone your muscles and elevate your resting metabolism rate the rate that the body burns fuel for energy whatever plan you decide on it is a good idea to set weekly goals what is vitamin b12,vitamin b12 one of the eight water soluble b vitamins contains the mineral cobalt which is why it is often referred to as cobalamin all b vitamins are involved in cell metabolism but b12 plays a key role in keeping nerve and blood cells healthy adequate vitamin b12 also prevents megaloblastic anemia a type of anemia that occurs with larger than normal red blood cells vitamin b12 can only be found in foods of animal origin so vegans vegetarians who omit all animal products need to eat foods fortified with b12 or take supplemental b12 hello my mother 80 yrs old has a couple problems that maybe you could tell me something about her ear and naval hello my mother 80 yrs old has a couple problems that maybe you could tell me something that could help her oozing from ear and some blood while see is laying down she has build ear that is what they called it back then build up in the ear i guess plus has some oozing from her navel any answers to what this is and any home remedies thank you bill,while it is still possible to get pregnant it is less likely since you started your period the next day that means that you were not likely in a time in your cycle where pregnancy is likely to increase your ability to get pregnant you should time intercourse around the time of ovulation webmd is ovulation calculator can help how is obsessive compulsive disorder ocd diagnosed,several conditions can cause a loss of body hair in addition to the hair on your head these include alopecia areata and lichen planopilaris male and female pattern hair loss is generally limited to the scalp can any drug or condition cause a false positive for thc can pregnancy prolong the time that thc stays in the body my daughter has tested positive for marijuana her last 3 drug tests but she has not been around anyone as far as i know i am trying to trust her but i can not find anything on this she is pregnant has had several urinary tractkidney infections along with taking prenatal vitamins promethizine for nausea we have not received any information on her levels to see if they are going down as of now but she is continuing to test positive,are you old enough to be possibly experiencing menopause if not you should consult your doctor and he may want to do a fbs fasting blood sugar and check you for diabetes drink lots and lots of water not soft drinks or anything with sugar added just lots of water even if you are not old enough for menopause though some women do experience it at a young age even as young as early 30 is this is rare but it could happen you should see your doctor and let him test you for diabetes get a complete cbc and ck all your hormone levels what should i do if i suspect an overdose of ctm,as far as patients are concerned they are both the same seeing patients of all ages family practice is considered a specialty since most fp physicians have completed extra training in a residency and have taken the family practice board exam a general practice is usually done by a physician who has not done a residency or taken a specialty examination i know it is important not to skip breakfast but what if you have no appetite in the morning,light headedness and weakness are occuring due to a low immunity you have to take multivitamins to boost up the immunity having diarrhoea and fever are an indication of diarrhoea e coli vibrio cholerae are the ones that need to be more worried about food and water hygiene is the most important factor drink plenty of water maintain hydration i am unemployed and 47 years of age my cobra expires in may 2014 since my cobra expires around mid 2014 do i need to buy alternative obamacare exchange insurance by december 15 2013 effective march 2014 to ensure i will have both continuing coverage and face no penalty for 2014 how is the answer changed or impacted by 1 the potential for future employment with health benefits prior to the cobra eligibility expiration deadline 2 previous active duty u s veteran status honorably discharged but not pension eligible or 3 my state of residence ny,perhaps a little but constipation can be treated more effectively with many many other products like stool softeners and dietary changes can you have hpv and actually have chlamydia,hi hpv is something you have for life and chlamydia is just one of these std is that come along and can only be got from having sex unless you had it years ago it loves to hide deep in tissues and pops out when it feels like it no real time scale for that happening hope this helps you good luck i have very severe abdominal pain right side from top under rib cage to bottom,hi in my opinion you may have choledocholithiasis which is block of gall bladder duct i recommend immediate doctor consultation and us scan good luck gastroenteritis ive had it for over a month should i be conserned but i have not been vomiting or naushous the only thing i still have is that my stomach feels all crampy and when i eat i feel full and feel like vomiting but i dont,the symptoms can be due to overuse injury to the muscles while other common causes can be varicose veins consult an orthopedician to rule out the cause as of now take painkillers out of necessary do foot and leg massage if you are overweight try loosing weight soak your feet in warm water by adding rock salt in it hope this information helps regards why am i constantly tired i do not believe i am sleep deprived what can i do to help this i am tired all day long every day getting out of bed in the morning is always a chore no matter how many hrs of sleep i get i am constantly yawning throughout the day i could nap at pretty much any time almost anywhere i have increased my exercise level recently i work full time at a very mentally and physically exhausting place and i am in graduate school full time too on avg i get about 6 hrs of sleep however some days i get 5 hrs of sleep and some days i may sleep as many as 10,do not use quinine for your husband is leg cramps quinine is a malaria drug that can cause serious side effects such as severe bleeding abnormal heart rhythms and even death the fda issued a drug safety warning on july 8 2010 and will soon require the drugmaker to warn doctors of its potentially life threatening side effects talk to the doctor about other safe ways to ease leg cramps blackheads have been a problem for many years of my life what should i look for in a doctor to treat this problem i have had black and whitehead problems all my life and i am 54 years old i am ready to find a dermatologist that can help me with this issue but do not know what to look for while researching what questions should i ask and how do i know they are reputable,i can not say definitely but a suggestion can be given because i am also a former acne sufferer tried many products for my face and got frustrated with all those then my friend suggested me about an e book which is designed with only holistic methods to cure acne permanently i downloaded the acnenomore e book from at a very reasonable price it cures acne* without resorting to drugs* without creams or ointments* works on all types of acne vulgaris conglobata rosacea blackheads whiteheads and cysts* proven to work on teen or adult acne acne on the face back shoulders neck or chest* even if you have very severe acne* faster than you ever thought possible you can try it if you are feeling like* have acne in any level of severity on your face back shoulders or chest* itching and peeling skin caused by chemicals and drugs* oily skin with large open pores* suffering from low self esteem depression worry and anxiety because of your acne * avoid going out often because of your acne * feel obsessed over your acne condition * spend a lot of money on drugs and over the counters that do not seem to work can you drain water from canned food and rinse to lower sodium had heart attack is it better to drain canned goods to lower the salt in the can ,i can understand your situation after knowing that your boyfriend was cheating on you in the past you have repetitive intrusive thoughts that he can cheat again this feeling of suspiciousness is normal to some extent but if it is troubling you making you restless and disturbing your daily routine then treatment is required i will suggest you forget the past you have already planned to marry him it will be better if you have positive thoughts in your mind you can also visit a psychiatrist for counseling and behavioral therapies to learn how to control negative thoughts keep yourself busy in work do some light exercises yoga etc talk to your boyfriend about how you feel it will help overcome negative thoughts for more information consult a psychiatrist online > i have symptoms like fever abdominal pain headache joint pain nausia very weakness disorders of bowel bleeding a lot,the chance of an unintentional pregnancy is certainly less but not zero while you may not be ovulating at that time sperm can remain viable inside the female reproductive tract for several days to a week just loitering around waiting for an egg ovum to appear do not do this again if you are going to have sex either insist on your partner to use a condom 100 of the time or you need to be taking a more effective form of contraception unprotected sex is not worth the worry and anxiety that it causes be smart or you may eventually become pregnant your body is designed for it is diarrhea a symptom of lung cancer,no diarrhea is not a typical symptom of lung cancer since anyone can have diarrhea for a plethora of reasons no diarrhea is not a symptom of lung cancer can a face lift get rid of my wrinkles and lines,hi from what your saying i think you have been so stressed out its made you miss your period stress will do that to you the best you can do now is wait to see if your next period comes along but do have a calm month or you will miss your next one as well then your be really stressed if not go see your doctor and ask for a blood test to be done to see if you are pregnant ok good luck my estimated gfr is 109 and hemoglobin a1c is 5 8 what should i do i am guessing watch my sugar intake i am 47 and not in any way over weight and currently being tested for an auto immune disease,hi thanks for writing to us well uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during childbearing years also called leiomyomas or myomas uterine fibroids are not associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and almost never develop into cancer so please do not worry about cancer and even your biopsies are sufficient to confirm that you are not having any cancer or even not at a risk so simply relax at times fibroids even shrink in menopausal ages so you can continue to monitor it but still you are not at a risk of developing cancer hope this information helps regards my boyfriend and i are thalassemia carriers need advice regarding getting pregnant,the late seanhh is here to the rescue trying to sell the same snake oilcream guys baby oil will do just as good for penis health and far cheaper ok my resting heart beat is 90 100 is it safe to get pregnant i was on metoprolol 50mg twice aday for the past 8 years and recently reduced to 25mg and now i completely stop the medication my resting heart beat is around 88 to 90 when sleeping 105 when sitting or after eating is it safe to get pregnant please advise thanks for all your help,a lot depends on the reason why you have a high heartrate in the first place whether or not you are healthy enough for pregnancy depends on so many factors that there is no way anyone could answer that here a chat with your gynecologist or family doctor is a better idea what are the risks or side effects of taking diltizem and the octreotide injections simutaneosly,hypothyroidism can be prevented if we know how it generated in most cases after a small survey done by me it is understood that hypothyroidism begins when the thyroid gland is weakened the thyroid gland can be weakened when a person go through deep sorrows with tears and a pain in the throat where the thyroid gland is located and during deep sorrow thyroid gland will be forced to produce more iodine proteins etc when thyroid gland need more iodine and that lack of iodine during long deep sorrow with tears cause sever damage to thyroid gland to be weakened dr william h fray ii and team found out that emotional tears contain protein based hormones prolactin adrenocorticotropic hormone and leucine enkephalin natural painkiller etc and that can be the very reason why women more emotional being than men are more susceptible to the hypothyroidism than men the reason why most of the children are not affected during childhood is the thyroid gland is very strong and new and most of the time the children do not go under deep sorrow therefore it is not hypothyroidism cause depression and sadness rather depression and deep sadness cause hypothyroidism and to be in depressed mode therefore be happy and to be happy will calcium supplement help to heal broken bones faster what will speed the healing 2 broken bones in the right hand of my sixteen year old son the break is vertical so less likely to shift,you can do it you just need to address this with your doctor it is your choice at age thirty and with two almost children this is not a decision that should be made lightly if your husband is not willing to cooperate he can get a less riskier vasectomy then you have to make the decision you can get an iud or progesterone implant and delay this decision for several years or you can both agree that a tubal ligation is your best choice it is been 6 weeks since i had my surgery to my acl and meniscus today my leg popped,so far if no symptoms has shown ip i think this is a muscle strain that needs to be managed by ice rest elevation of limb and using anti inflammatory local gels then physiotherapy in firm if us and deep friction massage laser please let me know if any other symptoms came out… is athlete is foot contagious,sorry keith i can not say that i have ever heard of cabbage related ear pain i heard of cauliflower ears sorry just kidding i can not offer you a reasonable explanation as to why you have this odd reaction to cabbater is it possible to obtain an std from a soft penis being rubbed against your vagina,yes what kind of dr is best to see for psoriatic arthritis,you may need two medical specialists if one does not feel comfortable treating both conditions a dermatologist is usually the person best suited for treating psoriasis but a rheumatologist is the best specialist for the arthritis part the best advice would be to call them first to see if they treat psoriatic arthritis when do boys start to have sensitivty in there privates son is 3 and shows no sign or reaction if he got hit he is in underwear his sister hit him by accident in his private and he had no reaction his dad has asked him if he hurt his peepee but he just says no and that was when he was on his bike and slipped on to the middle bar on the bike should i be worried that he has no sensitivity there or is that normal,that could be very possible i suggest getting blood work done talk to your family doctor it is possible she will refer you to a specialist my biggest advice is to be open and honest with your doctors who should get the shingles vaccine,people age 50 and older can now get merck is zostavax shingles vaccine the vaccine already was approved for people age 60 and older the approval is based on a merck clinical trial that showed the vaccine to be about 70 effective in preventing shingles in the younger age group the study also found that even when vaccinated 50 somethings did get shingles they suffered far less pain and far shorter bouts of the painful sometimes disabling disease around back had lower lumbar surgery l3 l5 to releve pressure on nerver did not help any ideas this page is a joke tells me i havr 47 characters left but when i post says i have used to many and wont let me ,i am sorry you are still experiencing pain after your back surgery that is certainly not the desired outcome i am also sorry you had trouble with the answers interface it does appear that your question posted just fine regarding your back i would suggest you return to your surgeon for advice depending on how long ago you had the surgery this pain you feel may be normal when a nerve is decompressed at the spinal root it literally can take months for that nerve to go through a cycle of waking up getting angry painful and then settling back down so please do not give up on the surgery too quickly in the meantime you might ask your doctor about physical therapy to help with the pain frequently back surgery can cause the muscles to tighten up andor spasm sometimes physical therapy can help relax these muscles and relieve the pain i hope you feel better soon what is a “caf nap”,there is another type of nap what i call the caf nap this is where i have people take a lukewarm cup of coffee drink it and then close their eyes for 20 to 25 minutes this allows them to get a little bit of stage 1 stage 2 sleep and then the caffeine starts to kick in right when they wake up and so they have gotten a little bit of sleep and now the caffeine can help get them through the rest of the day is it ok to have sex with a cyst on your penis i am wondering if having a cyst on my penis will stop me from having sex and i am worried about my sex life so i am asking this question out of curiosity and worry its a very small cyst on the lower bottom side of my shaft,if this is an innocent skin cyst on the shaft of your penis and properly diagnosed by a medical professional and not self diagnosed a cyst would not preclude you from sexual activity as long as its presence did not worry your partner these tiny cysts often sebaceous cysts can be easily removed so if they are concerning you just get the cyst taken off as long as you are sure it is a cyst and not an std then it should be no problem hopefully it will not freak your partner out though you could try using one of those penis health cremes man1 man oil is a good one to improve upon overall skin texture and hygiene down there this might counterbalance the issue with the cyst hope this helps what types of relief can i use for vaginal and vulva itching when pregnant i am newly pregnany currently 6 weeks 2 days ago the inside of my vagina began to itch and now it is itching and burning in the vulva area before calling the doctor just wondering if this is normal early in pregnancy and if there is anything i can use to get some relief,hi any kind of itching is not normal try doing a warm sea salt bath or wash the bath would be better as this would allow you to let the water get inside your vagina this should help you just use two handfuls of ss in a warm bath do hope this helps you good luck i have episodes where at first i feel really confused and then fall into a daze,in my opinion first check potassium and sodium levels second check you alcohol intake too much or sudden stop can cause your symptoms finally check for recent stress or depression in this case you need to see a psychologist good luck what is the difference between acetaminophen and ibuprofen and what are the dangers of each,t3 is sometimes used as an add on to antidepressants for people who have lingering depression symptoms it either works or it does not and you would know within about 4 6 weeks likely there is nothing intrinsically wrong with your thyroid if all your tests are normal but nevertheless boosting the level of thyroid hormone not balancing it out quite the contrary making it run higher is an age old strategy for helping to treat depression i doubt it would do very much in terms of weight it does not damage your thyroid is it possible to have a period while being pregnant,hi your find out by reading up on periods through pregnancy happens but there just short 3 day periods and these go all through your pregnancy but if this is some vaginal bleeding showing fresh red blood if that is the case then doctors asap hope this helps good luck my husband has diabetes and has ringworm in a couple of places should we get rid of our 4 cats,keep the cats but have the vet treat them for ringworm a common fungus not a worm treat the ringworm on your husband keep his diabetes in control keep your cats assuming you both want them i had an ultrasound they found a 5mm solid nodule and said get another ultrasound in 6 months,hi it is appearing like bruises can be tick bites but needs evaluation first as some other causes can also cause such bruises like vitamin b12 vitamin k or folic acid deficiency also clotting factors should be investigated once the exact cause is ruled out then it can be treated accordingly hope this helps am i at risk for miscarriage my husband and i conceived via ivf we had a chemical pregnancy in late april of this year and this will be our first child i am terrified after our earlier loss and am wondering what is my risk for miscarrying now i have pcos and am currently 5 weeks i have had slight cramping bloating nausea and dizziness but no other symptoms and nothing too severe dr is waiting until we are 6 5 weeks for our first visit but i am terrified something will go wrong between now and then,a lot of people always store their medications in the bathroom where we always find out that people take showers and there is a lot of moisture when i store the drugs and the pharmacy or the prescription products they are kept in a controlled temperature it is a dry area it is cool the lights go off at night it is dark that does not happen in the bathroom necessarily so i recommend the patients that you should actually keep it in a closet or in an area of possibly the kitchen where it is not humid not near the stove of course where it is cool dry and there is not a lot of light because some medications are actually like sensitive and they will actually lose their potency if they are exposed to a lot of light and moisture you want to make sure that you go through your medicine cabinet at least once a year and check the expiration dates if the expiration dates are bad on otc medications you want to dispose them properly by using the right way to dispose them no more flushing down the toilet even prescription medications if you have stuff you use before this pain pill i have a few leftover you should always get rid of them as well there are some easy steps you can follow all it involves is a ziploc bag you want to take the medications and put it in that ziploc bag you want to take some water to help it dissolve a little bit you could crush a little bit take a hammer break it up and then you want to take something like coffee grinds or kitty litter put it in that bag seal it up and put it in the trash it is a great way to make sure that your medicine cabinet is up to date it also helps curve prescription drug abuse as we are finding out more and more teens are going to their medicine cabinet finding pills sharing them with their friends so there is a lot of different great ways we can help all these different types of issues by just cleaning out our medicine cabinet and keeping an eye on what we have during wintertime i use retin a products during the night what should i use in the summer during nighttime,if your couple ejaculated inside you it is possible because the semen content had a lifetime of 72 hours after it is ejaculated inside a woman vagina are women affected by bipolar disorder any differently than men,although the rate is equal among the genders women are more likely to develop bipolar ii disorder while manic episodes are milder than in men they still alternate with depression women are also at higher risk for rapid cycling of symptoms which some believe may be linked to fluctuations in reproductive hormones or the activity of the thyroid gland women are more frequently misdiagnosed as having depression only and prescribed antidepressant medication this often exacerbates the rapid cycling of symptoms the hormonal changes of perimenopause and menopause frequently worsen symptoms of bipolar disorder hormone therapy may help additionally changes in medication regimens may become necessary during this time to offset the influence of hormonal disruptions is sperm cryopreservation before cancer treatment covered by medicare,medicare are you over 65 or perhaps disabled you would need to check with the insurance company that is managing your medicare services or contact them directly many of the sperm bank facilities may be able to help you address this coverage question 37 weeks pregnant is it okay to drink caster oil to induce labor,this depends have you been hospitalized what are the mri results was there a hemorrhage what treatment had you how long has passed since your accident what are some exercises that i can do while traveling without carrying any equipment,i am sorry you are going through this feeling itchy all the time is very annoying unfortunately this is the type of thing that can only be diagnosed through a physical examination so many conditions from eczema to simple dry skin can cause the symptoms you are describing you can get on the path to diagnosis by visiting your primary care provider pcp he or she is in the best position to determine if your symptoms are skin issues or reflect an underlying health problem if necessary your pcp will refer you to a specialist for treatment i hope this helps i was diagnosed with chondromalacia patella the pain in both of knees is getting worse,i am sorry you are going through this pain issues can negatively impact a person is quality of life and in your case you have had to reduce your running because of it if it is been a year since you last saw the doctor about this it is time to go back for one thing you now have additional symptoms in the knee and heel for another thing even if the pain were confined to your hip the fact it has not gotten better over the course of a year means you deserve to have it re checked many conditions can cause the pains you have described anything from sciatica to worn cartilage in the joints to arthritis could be the culprit if you do not feel your doctor did an adequate job in diagnosing your condition feel free to get another opinion i wish you all the best should you practice safe sex during pregnancy,hi her is a link from the uk is nhs its our health service here it may give you pointers as to his problem just copy link into google to the www to open and read his problem with getting ill has this by any chance come form you or somebody else in the family it must be somebody close who has planted this seed and they have grown it so he now has this problem but as a young boy he needs to be out in the fresh air as much as he can being in and around the house all day is not good for him does he have friends to play with if so get them round to help get him outside also google natural ways out of anxiety there may be some help for him there just read through them pick out something to help him but do not mix them up just pick a rout that should help his problem hope something here helps you and him good luck hi i am suffering from shingles i got this one day ago very painful,hi shingles usually takes 2 4 weeks to heal depending upon your immunity status local soothing anti histaminic steroid based creams will provide soothing effect take bland diet with plenty of water and fruit juices vitamin c and e supplements will help its better to avoid taking shower in early stages after a week you can take daily showers depending upon the level of improvement thanks what will work better for migraine relief darvocet n 100 tylenol with codeine no 3 or lortab,if your skin is very oily look for compounds that are oil free for dry skin look for compounds that are non comedogenic and hydrating for combination skin first determine if your skin is more oily or dry and go from there cream to powder bases work great for combination skin mineral foundations work well on all skin types especially sensitive skin my wife has peculiar headache near left ear what is it,headache which you have described could be migraines i would need to know answer of few questions which would help me in getting to the right diagnosis any history of headache ha in your wife is family or your children how does the headache feel throbbing pulsating or pressure type does she get any aura symptoms prior to start of her ha such as flashing of lights colors stars black dots etc did she experience any numbness over face or fingers describe her ha severity in grade 1 10 1 minimum and 10 maximum what brings her ha and what relieves it for example sleep food and dark room is she sensitive to noise and sound during her ha does she get nausea or vomiting with these ha does she get any redness in eyes tearing in eyes left eye with these ha does she have any motion sickness brain freeze with ice cream or wet hands does she take any medicine for these ha since your ha frequency are frequent when they occur they occur as multiple episodes in a day once i have answers to these questions i would discuss about management drugs in the interim it is good and reassuring that ct head is normal which tells you there is no mass occupying lesion or increase icp intracranial pressure also mild increase in tsh thyroid stimulating hormone should not be associated with her ha things she should do in the interim are drink water 2 l per day and keep herself well hydrated exercise daily and run 2 km at 4 kmhour speed at least have a good sleep for eight hours a day revert back with the answers for the above questions to a neurologist online > i suffer from familial mediterranean fever fmf can i do a rhinoplasty,hi ma am studies shows no coorelation bet both however u ll need for sure the pre operative investigations i have a decreased urine output but all tests are normal,if the symptoms occur only during early morning then i do not feel that anything needs to be done aggressively a retrograde ureterscopy with a camera can asses the state of the spincter or any associated uretheral pathology like a urethric rudimentary valve in severe pain in my lower back and legs had mri what does it mean what should i do,hi so you say it was near and sperm being sperm if it was on your vagina then when you looked again it would have still been there as you may have found out sperm is a bit sticky or can be i think you can put your worry beads away or if this was in the last 72 hours you can go for plan b that is 3 days ok do not forget pb will alter your period date good luck my ears keep popping i get a really sharp pain and lose some hearing,you need to have a medical professional examine your ears this is really the only way to get an accurate diagnosis this could be as simple as a wax impaction or a bit more challenging like middle ear fluid your ears are important so get examined an urgent care facility is fine is there a generic drug for erectile dysfunction,the three most common medications for erectile dysfunction are viagra cialis and levitra there are currently no generic versions of any of them i am a woman on 3 drugs that affect libido how do i increase my sex drive i currently take three medications one for epilepsy zonegran one for depression which is a side effect of the seizure medication cymbalta and a bcp tri legest all three have side effects of reduced libido and it certainly affects me i am married and it is a problem we have sex maybe once a month or so and it is unpleasant and painful how can i improve my sex drive i can not stop any of the medications except maybe the birth control,if that cyst is not big enough to co twisting of the ovaries then you can follow a diet and exercise to control its effects by losing overweight is it best to exercise first and then eat a full meal or eat a full meal first,your income would qualify your family for medicaid coverage you should begin the application process to get yourself started if however you live in a state not expanding medicaid this will not be an option for you if the monthly cost of your current plan exceeds 8 of your family is annual income you will not be penalized if you do not have health insurance if only your husband is portion of his employer is insurance also costs more than 9 5 of your family is income you could look to the marketplace for a plan and qualify for subsidized coverage there are details about family coverage that you will need explained to you in greater detail contact your marketplace to speak with someone about your options i am taking synthroid and metformin would they cause me to have sleep apnea,baby is feeding schedule probably will not change too much if you are using breast milk in the baby is bottle but if you are using formula which is a little thicker and slower to digest you may go longer between feedings or have fewer feedings this really depends on the age of the baby plz answer correctly i do not think you understood the question i was drinking orange juice it seemed to go the wrong way and i hacked a little but did not cough one hour after drinking i felt a little tickly so i coughed once intentionally any danger,hi the sooner you get it checked the easier it can be treated you need physical therapy to avoid recurrence good luck what surgery options do i have for cystic fibrosis,osteoporosis can be present without any symptoms for decades because osteoporosis does not cause symptoms until bone fractures moreover some osteoporotic fractures may escape detection for years when they do not cause symptoms therefore patients may not be aware of their osteoporosis until they suffer a painful fracture the symptom associated with osteoporotic fractures usually is pain the location of the pain depends on the location of the fracture the symptoms of osteoporosis in men are similar to the symptoms of osteoporosis in women fractures of the spine vertebra can cause severe band like pain that radiates from the back to the sides of the body over the years repeated spinal fractures can lead to chronic lower back pain as well as loss of height andor curving of the spine due to collapse of the vertebrae the collapse gives individuals a hunched back appearance of the upper back often called a dowager hump because it commonly is seen in elderly women a fracture that occurs during the course of normal activity is called a minimal trauma or stress fracture for example some patients with osteoporosis develop stress fractures of the feet while walking or stepping off a curb hip fractures typically occur as a result of a fall with osteoporosis hip fractures can occur as a result of trivial accidents hip fractures also may heal slowly or poorly after surgical repair because of poor healing of the bone i have started having episodes where is suddenly get dizzy nauseous and start to sweat and get really hot,some times you are pregnant and the home pregnancy test will show a negative this is common it is best to go see a doctor get a authentic test from your doctor whether it be a blood test or a urine test with both of my pregnancys an at home urine test did not say positive until a week or so after my missed period does that mean i ovulated later in my cycle instead of the usual 14 days after my period started did i ovulate later in my cycle for some reason i know with my first son they tested my hcg levels and they were low would that contribute to their being a delay in a positive result and are hcg levels normally low in some woman what causes this,some home tests will not read a pregnancy until 2 weeks 14 days after your missed period i was 4 months pregnant and every home test was negative i then went to the dr to find out i was almost half way done with my pregnancy already i was shocked i have had 3 children since then and have never purchased another home test why should i take colds seriously with emphysema or chronic bronchitis,catching a cold with emphysema or chronic bronchitis may also lead to bacterial infections such as pneumonia this occurs because of the airway obstruction and the inability to cough up infected mucus sometimes patients with copd are hospitalized because of a respiratory infection and the worsening of their symptoms treatment may include inhaled medications oxygen and antibiotics to treat any bacterial infection antibiotics do not treat a cold to avoid more serious problems with emphysema chronic bronchitis and colds it is important to always alert your doctor if your cold symptoms get worse do not wait until you have more serious breathing problems to contact your doctor my daughter has a few red raised bumps on her she has had them for 6 months now and they itch what to do,if the bumps are stable and have not changed or improved with treatment the next thing the dermatologist might consider depending on where on the body the bumps are is a skin biopsy to get a small sample of one of the bumps to send to the laboratory and have a deeper analysis of the skin to help determine the underlying cause a bit depressed and tired after stopping omega 3 is this ok hello webmd i started taking boots omega 3 supplements two months ago based on a recommendation of a friend by the second dose i started feeling more happy i would not say i was depressed before but i started working from home a while ago and this left no room for social interaction anyway i felt my mood drops and got a bit tired after stopping omega 3 is this ok what should i do thanks,that is because all approved plans selling insurance must cover the same package of benefits called essential health benefits there can be variations in the details of what is covered in each category but no longer can plans vary to the degree that one covers prescription drugs and another does not so the primary difference among the metal levels is price you can see a list of the 10 essential health benefits all plans must cover here lumps on breasts thoracic spine and shoulder blades sore could i have breast cancer,you cannot carry a tubal pregnancy to term and while there have been cases where a blotched tubal ligation resulted in a subsequent pregnancy there are very very rare after a tubal ligation you are most likely permanently sterile your tender breasts are likely to be cause by other reasons so please see your medical provider or gynecologist for a proper examination i suffer from anxiety and panick attacks best medication zoloft i have anxiety and panick attacks i am 20 year old female 130 pounds i am really nervous to start taking anxiety meds and have done a lot of research on zoloft i am just wondering if this medication is good and if will cause long term effects i also fear that i will be unable to deal with withdrawel symptoms when and if i want to ever get off it and will be worse off then i was before i took it i do not want to become dependant on these meds if anyone has any advice please help,hi here is 3 links that may help you with you problem does seem to be overlooked #non epileptic attacksblackout4533052168 just copy one at a time into google to the www to open read hope these help good luck i stepped on a rusty nail 6162013 i had a tetanus booster in 2008 after an injury do i need to get another one now yesterday i stepped on a rusty nail while i was out by the horses it went through my shoe and into my foot about 14 deep it only bled about a drop so i soaked it last night in warm salt water for about an hour to help clean it out i know i had a tetanus booster in 2008 after an injury i do not remember if i have had one since then i have been told that tetanus boosters are good for 5 10 years do i need to get another booster now or is the one i know i got in 2008 sufficient,tetanus shots are statistically good for ten years although many clinicians will suggest a booster after five years tetanus shots only prevent tetanus lockjaw it does not prevent a wound infection so watch for any signs of infection it is really up to you to get a tetanus booster or not but theoreticallyl your vaccine is 2008 is still effective my wisdom tooth was removed in an extraction later a sore opened up and my jawbone is visible what should i do,a hernia is protrusion of part of a structure through the tissues normally containing it what causes hand shakeing,the diagnosis is suitable for the symptoms and veretbtobasilar insufficiency and benign paroxismal positional vertigo are coherent … so i recommend a neck duplex scan xray neurology doctor can help treat the bppv in a couple of sessions i sometimes stare and my eyes freeze – do you think i am having seizures,no as a matter of fact diet pepsi has sodium so assuming you are not drinking an excessive amount of it it would not likely have any effect on your overall sodium levels will using e cigarettes help my lungs heal from cigarette smoking i have been smoking for 13 14 years with exception of quiting twice and then it only lasted 2 months i have tried just about everything now im trying the vapor cigarettes we recently had a store open where i live that sales only these products and i thought i give it a try,injection of what rabies vaccine antibiotic i do not have enough information to address your question so i suggest that you call your doctor for a patient specific response mirena iud i had my iud removed about three months ago i have been trying to get pregnant and have been unsuccessful i have gotten irregular periods at first and then they were coming as normal is there a chance that the iud has made it so i cant have kids is there an actual period of time after removal that someone would be recommended to wait before trying to get pregnant if so how long will i have to wait i need some help please,i am sorry you are experiencing this unfortunately the only way to diagnose what is going on is through a physical examination many things could cause the bump you are describing such as a small cyst only a medical professional can tell you what is going on the key points here are you have a bump where there should not be one and it is uncomfortable those two facts alone warrant a trip to the doctor this is not an emergency but why not go see your gynecologist to get this diagnosed and treated if necessary best wishes to you i have in the past had what amounted to a pimple in that area before if you can stand it leave it alone use cold and heat if it helps if not better in a few days go to the doctor i could not stand it did what you are not supposed to do instant relief and healing have found in my 46 years that i am not alone very common from what i hear good luck best wishes sick for 3+ weeks started with mild fever but turned into a cold which has grown progressively worse and will not go away the main reason i am concerned is because there is a rattling in my chest when i breathe out it is like i can hear the fluid bubbling around deep in my chest when i cough up mucus it is yellow i do not have a fever day quil helps reduces the cough for a bit but not the stuffiness i have also been taking my allergy medicine my sleeping pattern is not very regular but i get at least 8 hours a night is this just a very prolonged cold or should i go to a doctor because of the rattling,one must consider bronchitis and of course various types of pneumonia these are the more common complications of a cold that worsens colds typically last about a week so when you have prolonged and worsening symptoms secondary bacterial infections are a strong possibility you will need to see a medical provider so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated three things unfortunately that cannot be done blindly over the internet my hair falls out a lot when i let it grow what can i do to stop this,in rare cases deep brain stimulation which uses surgically implanted electrodes in the brain and magnetic stimulation of parts of the brain are done for severe obsessive compulsive disorder ocd that does not respond to other treatments webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what causes depression in children,he is an emotional and sensitive little boy but what is really wrong with that crying helps him relieve sadness or stress so it is an appropriate age related response with that said he may be a bit too sensitive if he is crying at school when his teacher is on a rampage you can help him by giving him permission to cry in private anytime that he wants tell him that crying is school over something like the teacher is words is really not worth the tears crying over his fish is okay crying that he misses his family is okay unless he is doing this at school but reassure him that you are always available even if does not know where you are i do not know why he is insecure but perhap you do talk to him about it praise him for not crying unnecessarily but be proud that he can honestly express his feeling at home if all efforts to modify his behavior fails then seeing a child counselor would be appropriate lost 100 lbs coccyx broken unable to move,hi if the coccyx fracture has been left untreated and if its causing so many problems now then there are less chances that the fracture will unite now u cant continue taking pain killers like this forever u have 2 options 1 a local steroid injection shot may give you relief from the scar tissue u cn repeat the injection for 2 more times if u get relief from the first one option 2 removal of coccyx bone surgically this is the last option thanks if you disolved medication in diet coke do you have to ingest it in a certain amount of time for it to be effective i overlook the care of a child with a seizure disorder she does not like to take her medication so we dissolve it in diet coke the question has been asked if this affects the effectiveness of the medication,no hair coloring will have no effect on puberty what are the symptoms of aids,signs that hiv is turning into aids include a fever that will not go away sweating while you sleep feeling tired all the time not from stress or lack of sleep feeling sick all the time losing weight swollen glands neck groin or underarms why would bowel movements smell like moth balls my huband has copd emphysema sleep apnea allergies and asthma his bowel movements smell like moth balls each time is there a reason for this he is on a coumadin diet,hi after having a quick look at the diet you can see why as they say we are what we eat and from that just what we pass but his gas must be the same do hope this helps good luck are there any foods or beverages that are beneficial for preventing wrinkles,most dermatologists recommend foods that are high in antioxidant activity such as dark red berries green tea rich in polyphenols and omega 3 fish oils however the results may not be as impressive as other interventions like being cautious with sun exposure using topical tretinoin or undergoing fractionated laser treatments i have had a loud high pitched ringing in both of my ears for the past year now,well i am happy you are in a good mood anyway it is hard to tell what is causing this could be you are having some post nasal drainage from your sinuses that is temporarily affecting your sense of taste or perhaps your nose is stuffed up our sense of taste greatly influenced by our sense of smell or it could just be that you are not hungry it happens sometimes if the problem persists to the point you are not meeting your required caloric intake you should see a doctor otherwise it is probably safe to take a wait and see attitude about whether this will clear up on its own or not meanwhile make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids hope this helps chances of being pregnant after having unprotected sex within the 10th 12th week of being on the depo shot i first started getting the depo shot august of last year i received a shot on september 5th within the 10th and 12th week on that shot i had unprotected sex multiple times then i received the shot on november 28th recently i have been very tired all of the time i have been sleeping half of my day awake yesterday i woke up with a sharp pain in my lower abdomen that went away after a few minutes but felt severe i know there have been many women pregnant on the depo before,it is not possible to offer you a number your statistical chances of becoming pregnant there are just too many unknown factors to consider i can say that the depo provera is an excellent contraceptive but not 100 when you have unprotected intercourse you are really taking a chance with just about any contraceptive method short of sterilization tubal ligation could you be pregnant yes that would be possible you would need to see your medical provider and have a very accurate pregnancy test ordered or take a few home pregnancy tests there can be many reasons for a woman to have sharp lower abdominal pain other than a pregnancy so you would benefit from having a hands on examination this is really the only way to get a sure answer can wearing a helmet for flat head syndrome affect the pituitary gland and possibly the growth of a child our grandson was a healthy robust normal size weight and height child and was growing as he should then he was prescribed a helmet to help shape his head that was when he stopped growing he will be 10 in 3 months and is smaller than many 6 year olds he is perfectly proportioned but is tiny could the helmet have damaged his pituitary gland and affected his growth,the helmet would not affect his growth or pituitary gland in any way if you are concerned about his growth as a grandparent you may want to suggest to his parents about seeing a pediatric endocrinologist for a consultation as a man why do i have urine instead of semen for ejaculations,this a great question that you can always ask your pharmacist yes these are common side effects from the medication it is very important that you drink a lot of fluids so you do not become dehydrated are you taking the medication with food this may help alleviate the gas and bloating i would also recommend mentioning this to your health care provider on your next visit they may adjust the dose of your medication is leucoderma curable,over the counter what having a total hysterectomy should not preclude you from taking anything over the counter but since i do not know what medication you are talking about or anything about your medical history i will need to recommend that you speak with your medical provider first child was born with enlarged ventricles in her brain,developmental delay and myopia are common symptoms of vetriculuomegaly enlarged ventricle she may be having csf accumulation in his brain cavities which may cause pressure on the brain tissues a surgical shunt is needed then and intensive physiotherapy thanks can you get pregnant from anal sex even though you are still a virgin,the first thing to do is to make sure that your husband has medical clearance for exercise before initiating a program after surgery or during his recovery your husband is doctor or physical therapist should be able to provide example exercises but ace fitness also has a pretty comprehensive exercise library with a wide assortment of exercises as well my recommended course of action would be to print out some of these exercises that seem tolerable to him and show them to his doctor or physical therapist to gain his or her approval on those specific exercises practice caution when initiating an exercise routine so that your husband does not aggravate his current condition or cause further injury slow and gradual progression might be best visit the ace exercise library located here my 12 yr old brother has not had any vaccinations how would he go about being immunized now the immunization schedule here in alberta begins at 2 months for whatever reason my parents did not immunize my brother he frequently gets acute bronchitis for about a week and always gets bronchitis when he gets sick the last time i had taken him in for antibiotics the doctor asked if he had all his vaccinations i told him that i thought he was up to date with his immunization schedule but later found out he had never been immunized how would being vaccinated affect my brother frequently having bronchitis,in the u s the centers for disease control has a catch up vaccination schedule but i am not sure if canada has a similar resource i am a huge supporter of vaccines but realistically being vaccinated may not be protective against bronchitis which is usually viral influenza and pneumonia vaccines may help him however what are the long term effects of chronic prostatitis,chronic prostatitis affects men differently with varying degrees of discomfort or pain prostatitis is not a contagious disease you can live your life normally and continue sexual relations without passing it on having prostatitis does not increase your risk of developing prostate cancer or any other prostate or kidney disease but even if your prostatitis is cured you should continue to have regular exams to detect prostate cancer if i fart a lot is there something wrong with me,my opinion is in your age possibility is nutrional defeciency vitamin k c and minerals like zinc iron and biflavonoids are causes of your problem can any weight loss program increase blood pressure i went through edmark which gave me a weight loss program called power 4 slimming & health program 1 detox shake off phyto fiber 2 mrt complex fat burning 3 balancing splina liquid chlorophyll 4 rejuvenation edmark cafe & red yeast cofee for thanks shariff,when people with high blood pressure lose weight they typically see a decrease in blood pressure so no it is not normal for weight loss prgrams to cause increases in blood pressure i am not familiar with these products but i recommend asking the people who work for the program what research they have behind their productsingredients remember that dietary supplements are not regulated by the fda so effectiveness and safety are the company is responsibility for more informationn finding the right weight loss program for you see this article as people gain weight their blood pressure tends to go up fortunately as they lose weight their blood pressure tends to go down but if you weigh normal then weight loss doesnt help and if reducing weight resulting increse blood pressure then something is wrong consult your doctor fast had bad bronchitis lately woke up with a huge bruise on side,hi this may be a bleeding abnormality that usually happens due to long term steroid therapy get bleeding time clotting time done a scan of the bruised area will help in diagnosis ice packs will help thanks how can i convince a reluctant child to get a flu shot,well i have to say when the whi study came out in 2002 it was insane what they did with this research and how they presented it to women i remember i was dealing with webmd at that point and coming on line and talking to all the women and telling them not to stop their hormones if anything to switch over to the natural progesterone but what had happened was the study was really done on synthetic hormones and women who started 10 years after the fact always my recommendation to women when they go on hormone replacement therapy they do it around the perimenopause when they are having the maximum symptoms that they take it for menopausal symptoms and they take the least amount they need to control their symptoms and for the shortest amount of time that they need to take it so that they are not getting into twenty years down the line of continuous hormonal replacement therapy and getting into trouble with breast cancer what are some stretching exercises,every exercise session should start with a warm up here are some stretching exercises you can try to get yourself started please check with your doctor before starting any exercise program if any of the following exercises causes pain do not continue the activity and seek the advice of a doctor or physical therapist while performing these exercises make sure your movements are controlled and slow avoid quick jerking movements stretch until a gentle pull is felt in your muscle hold each stretch without bouncing or causing pain for 20 to 30 seconds do not hold your breath during these exercises hamstring stretch while standing place one foot on a stool or chair while holding onto a wall or sturdy object such as a table choose a comfortable height that allows you to keep your knee straight slowly lean forward keeping your back straight and reach one hand down your shin until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh relax and then repeat with your other leg quadriceps stretch stand facing a wall placing one hand against the wall for support bend one knee grasping your ankle and pulling your leg behind you try to touch your heel to your buttocks relax and then repeat with your other leg calf stretch against wall stand facing the wall with your hands against the wall for support put one foot about 12 inches in front of the other bend your front knee and keep your other leg straight keep both heels on the floor to prevent injury do not let your bent knee extend forward past your toes slowly lean forward until you feel a mild stretch in the calf of your straight leg relax and then repeat with your other leg calf stretch on stairs stand on the stairs holding a handrail or placing your hand on the wall for support place the ball of one foot on the stair lower your heel down toward the step below until you feel a gentle pull in your calf switch legs knee pull lie on your back and flatten the small of your back onto the floor bend one knee and pull your bent leg toward your chest until you feel a pull in your lower back try to keep your head on the floor but do not strain yourself gently lower your leg and then repeat with your other leg groin stretch lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet together slowly lower your knees to the floor until you feel a gentle pull in your groin and inner thighs overhead arm pull lock your fingers together with your palms facing out or hold onto a towel so your hands are shoulder width apart extend your arms out in front of you with your elbows straight lift your arms to shoulder height raise your arms overhead until you feel a gentle pull in your chest or shoulders behind back arm raise at pill identification without an imprint this pill is white round and has a black l on it,unfortunately it is nearly impossible to say what drug the pill in question contains with literally thousands of medications on the market both over the counter and prescription it is hard to identify a pill based on the markings that said if you like a challenge you might take the pill to a pharmacist perhaps he or she would recognize it as something very common meanwhile never take a medication you can not identify this could be very dangerous wishing you well i took 2 pregnancies tests at home that were positive i went to the dr and blood test said not pregnant i am confused my period was 2 days late but i did get it for 3 days could i still be pregnant,it is known and the fda confirmed warnings about the risks of taking nsaids on increasing the risk of heart attack and chest pain tightness is a sign …specially is high risk groups i e smokers hypertensive and high cholesterol etc work on quitting smoking try yoga and get a lipid profile test when testing positive for chlamydia can testing show a time frame for when it was transmitted,this sounds like to me a bad case of gerd have your family practitioner check you out is this an std i had unprotected sex felt a bump inside her few weeks later i saw a bump on my penis head and it transferred to my leg i went to the hospital and they gave me a few std treatments for what i could have had gonorrhea syphilis and a few others the symptoms never went away and come and go multiple doctors cannot figure out what it is i have had many std tests and all negative i used apple cider vinegar to try and kill it but it just made a scar and the bump returns when i am horny,if you take more medication than you have been told to take you should contact your doctor hospital emergency department or nearest poison control center immediately what should i do if i suspect an overdose of posaconazole,no one could be shy of what god has created him… it is god is will so you need to face everything without fear be yourself and socialize you need to see a psychiatrist for some counseling sessions i take metformin lisinopril and hctz could they be causing white skin blotches and itching when i am in the sun,some of your medications can cause you to be a bit sun sensitive this means that you may want to reduce the amount of sun you are exposed to and use a higher spf reapplying it every 1 2 hours you spend in the sun we were at friends house saturday were informed sunday their kid has lice how much more need i stress we were at a friends house on saturday they informed us on sunday that their child has lice we have done treatment on that night and wash laundry bedding in hot water it is now tuesday how much longer must i stress that we will get it,yes the brain is one of several metastatic sites for lung cancer is key hole laminotomy covered by medicare,i am not sure what problems you feel you are experiencing from over masturbation in fact i am not aware of any health concerns related to frequent masturbation at all you can rest assured that frequent ejaculation does not affect the level of amino acids in your system nor will taking amino acid supplements make you more virile if you are feeling guilty about masturbating frequently or feel it is affecting your health i suggest you see a counselor who can help you sort out why you feel this way take care how can a person change their health insurance plan due to a life event change outside the open enrollment period,you would need to contact your state is exchangemarketplace and let them know that you have a life event i started my bc pills on the 23rd of august and i had unprotected sex on the 18th no period in august i started my bc pills on the 23rd of august and i had unprotected sex on the 18th i took a pregnancy text on the 23rd it said negative was that too early to tell and my period did not come on in august i only took 2 pills since then and have not taken anymore could i be pregnant when should i take another test,hi can you reread this i think you have things and mucked up somehow then repost it your dates are all over the place can a girl get pregnant from precum the day after her period then taking the morning after pill i had sex with my gf twice this weekend once on sat night and once sun morning i did not use a condom nor did i cum inside of her she just got off her period the day before we had sex i was worried so i had her take the morning after pill she also took the morning after pill last month for the same incident should she be ok not getting pregnant since i didnt cum inside her and she took the pill,use a condom for goodness sake stop playing sexual roulette with your girlfriend you may be fine this time i do not know but it is only a matter of time before she will become pregnant maybe next time viable sperm can be present in seminal fluid and that sperm can remain alive for a week or so while a woman can only become pregnant a few days a month sperm do not understand that many will just wait around hoping that an egg ovum will appear you will sleep better if you keep all of your penile emissions the seminal fluid and your ejaculations well contained in a condom and since you and your girlfriend are clearly having regular sex she could benefit from using an effective form of contraception as well the short answer is yes and no yes she can get pregnant from pre cum and no she cannot get pregnant the day or two after her period ends the long answer is as follows using a condom andor birth control will help keep your minds at ease and are likely your best method for not having an unwanted baby most health departments will offer both at little to no cost if it is true that her period ended on friday then it is highly unlikely that she will become pregnant day after pill or not sperm can live for 24 72 hours in the female body most will die off en route searching for an egg however it only takes one egg and one sperm a woman is cycle works like this period starts and triggers a turn of events the lh phase is the phase when her body is not fertile typically 10 16 days from the day the period starts depending on her specific cycle then the fertile days come in to play for about 4 5 days her body will be in a fertile state but typically it is the last two days of this particular cycle when she is most ready to get pregnant once this phase is over her body prepares to have another period to shed the lining that has built up to accept the pregnancy i would suggest getting an app on her phone that tracks her cycle and her most fertile times of the month mostly because i do not see you two using a condom or birth control no matter how many people tell you that you should at least this way you two will have a better understanding of where her body is at and when its at that point to try and keep from getting pregnant it can take about three months to get the app lined up with her cycle to track the days with the most accuracy please keep in mind that this is for a woman with a normal cycle however even with an abnormal cycle it is highly unlikely to get pregnant within a few days of ending a period this what happens to someone when they get obsessive compulsive disorder ocd,with obsessive compulsive disorder ocd you develop disturbing obsessive thoughts that cause fear or anxiety in order to rid yourself of these thoughts and relieve the fear you perform rituals such as repeated hand washing or checking that something has been done unfortunately the relief is only temporary the thoughts return and you repeat the rituals the rituals or behaviors become time consuming and have a significant impact on your daily life if your particular fear involves unfamiliar situations it is possible for you to become so obsessed by the fears that you stop going outside of your home quality of life can be substantially lowered by ocd since it can greatly affect your ability to work and have relationships many people are too embarrassed by their symptoms to seek treatment and they go for years before seeing a doctor symptoms of ocd can be reduced with treatment ocd can have a negative effect on those who care about you family members can become angry and frustrated at the strain the rituals or behaviors put on them talk to your doctor about ways your family members can help with ocd webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i have hormonal imbalance i was diagnosed when i was a teenager,hi thanks for writing to us as per your complain dianne 35 can help in regulating periods in pcod patients but it is not the treatment to cure pcod my suggestion for you is to consult a gynaecologist and get evaluated and also take other advice for pcos treatment metformin for maintain glucose levels and weight induce ovulation spironolactone diuretic action and also induce ovulation diet take small frequent meal rather large meal avoid fattyspicysalty foods avoid excessive sweets start regular exercise for 45 60 minutes in the morning reduce 10 percent weight induce ovulation hope this helps is it possible to find out that you are pregnant 16 days after sex my boyfriend and i have been seeing each other for nearly 4 years now and we have unprotected sex each time we have sex we took a break got back together on may 19th and had sex my period is irregular i am not on birth control or anything like that i have experienced some symptoms lately such as heartburn nausea lower back pain frequent urination and sensitive breasts it is been 16 days and i was wondering if it is possible to find out if i am pregnant within those 16 days,i am sorry but i do not have enough information none in fact to be able to determine why you are having frequency of urination i suggest that you see your medical provider so you can be properly examined have your urine tested for infection and perhaps have a blood test for diabetes is iced tea with splenda and lemon bad for cholesterol instead of pop and coffee i drink iced tea with splenda and lemon i do drink a lot of water as well but just wondered if the large iced tea i drink helps or hurts my cholesterol levels,i do not know since i cannot see this rash sorry you would need to take this child to see a medical provider so he can be properly examined diagnosed and treated if necessary who treats thyroid and what test cause your general practioner to refer you to a specialist a urine test blood etc,an internist family practitioner or an endocrinologist will treat thyroid problems it is usually the blood test for thyroid and the examination that indicates reasons to see a specialist can alzheimers patients have no pain my mother has the diease and seem to feel no pain she has shingles w no pain,i had shingles at one point but mine didnt hurt it only itched really bad but i was taking ibprofin 3 times a day for a staff infection so if she is on any antiflammitory meds it may be keeping her from feeling any pain i have healtcare thru my husbands work will i be able to shop for cheaper insurance thu obamacare my deductible is so large i end up paying for all my healthcare,if the insurance you are offered by your husband is work is considered affordable you can shop for a plan through marketplaces set up under obamacare but you will not qualify for a tax credit to help lower the cost of your coverage under the law affordable employer based insurance is coverage that costs no more than 9 5 of an employee is income and that covers on average 60 of medical costs bumpslumps ive had this issue for about 2 years now i have several bumpslumps on my body one is on the right side of my body directly under my last rib and has gotten bigger with time on the left side i have a similar one also right under my rib both are about 4 inches or so from my belly button i have a bump on the right side of my groin about 2 inches down none of which cause me any pain but after looking up my symptoms i think it could be a number of things 1 swollen lymph nodes 2 hodgkin is etc,most helpful answer it is not really prudent to try and diagnose yourself when it comes to lumps since i do not know anything medically about you not even your age and cannot examine these lumps first hand it would really be impossible for me or any medical professional to be able to make an assessment as to their significance you will need to see your medical provider someone who knows your medical history and of course someone who can examine you how much does dermabrasion cost,this is really an unanswerable question since i do not know what part of your body is being dermabrased the extent of your skin damage etc since this is a cosmetic procedure the cost varies wildly throughout the country so i suggest that you call around to some of your local dermatologist or cosmetic surgeons for an estimate or range of costs many will offer a no charge or low cost consultation visit will using a tampon help prevent incontinence during exercise,because a tampon in the vagina also exerts pressure on the urethra the tube where urine passes out of the body it can act as a kind of “stopper ” this may help control leaks drips and dribbles doctors say it is okay to use this method once in a while — for example if you tend to “leak” urine while exercising however steve goldstein md professor of obstetrics and gynecology at nyu medical center in new york city warns not to make a habit of it and says to remove the tampon as soon as you are done working out a tampon inside a dry vagina he says can cause significant irritation as well as microscopic tears in the skin the irritation and tears can later open the door to infection to help control everyday leaks drips and dribbles you can use one of the new ultra thin incontinence pads they are more absorbent than a typical menstrual pad and safer than a tampon should i give ipecac to induce vomiting,times past it was recommended that families with children keep a bottle of ipecac on the shelf in case junior ingested something poisonous ipecac will reliably cause vomiting about 20 30 minutes after it is given so the idea was that you could at least get your child to vomit back the poison we know now that advice to keep ipecac handy and use it after poisonous ingestions was wrong though it does cause vomiting that 20 30 minute lag in effectiveness means that in many cases the poison has already been absorbed or has at least traveled beyond the stomach so it can not be brought back up some ingested things cause as much damage on the way out as when they were eaten and vomiting them will only make things worse most importantly drinking ipecac will prevent emergency physicians from being able to use truly effective treatments for ingestion such as activated charcoal or medical antidotes there are current no situations where national poison control centers advice the use of ipecac and the american academy of pediatrics does not recommend parents keep ipecac in their house if you think someone has ingested something poisonous your best next step is to call the nationwide poison control center at 1 800 222 1222 in the us try to have the most important information available to discuss what was ingested when was it ingested who took it and how much was ingested they will tell you what steps to take whether you need to go to the er or what to monitor at home husband of 19 years has genital herpes would this lay dormant for that long would doctor just be casual about it would he not know for 19 years ,hi yes in can hid for years unless its being looked for the it wont be found but your find it does go deep did find this as well the mayo clinic notes that it is possible for someone who experiences an initial outbreak to go 40 years before they have another does this help you good luck i developed breathing difficulties approx 2 years ago which have worsened daily since,let me tell you that your main problem is anxiety up to panic attacksyou need to consult a psychotherapist as he is going to help you a lot… i had a wooden splinter on my left ankle doctor said no tetanus need second doctor opinion,i agree with your physician the possibility is low as the wound is not deep so just stay aware of strict measures for sterilizing the wound and avoiding any infection by usual cleaning with betadine to avoid cellulitis or infection if you got any symptoms that refers to infection like fever hotness severe redness or swelling seizures go to the er otherwise do not worry can an abnormally light period be a sign of pregnancy i have been on the same birthcontrol pill for almost a year and my periods have remained average but this month my period was more like spotting than a normal period could i be pregnant,there can be many reasons to have a light menstrual period or spotting while on the pill it does not necessarily mean you are pregnant birth control pills taken properly of course are highly effective so your chance of an unintended pregnancy is not very high can it happen yes so if you are having any other signs of pregnancy a home pregnancy test or a visit to your gynecologist would be in something to consider what does it mean if my blood glucose is 81 but my hemoglobin a1c is 5 7 i am 57 5 140lb i have never been diagnosed with diabetes but a maternal uncle died from complications of diabetes,it can be treat with ht hormone therapy in which women need to opt for birth control or oral contraception pills it is prescribed because they contain hormones estrogen and progesterone and helpful to control irregular periods so you can opt for depo provera nexplanon and ovral g etc and to get them at your doorstep you may go for online pharmacy meds247online my 14 year old son has adhd inattentive he has had terrible reactions to all meds any other options his reactions to meds do not allow him to take any of them at any dose trying to control impulsive nervous behaviors with cbt not so successful inattentionfocusing in class the worst problem for him,hi here is a couple of links one of which is for medhelp hope they help you good luck i have been having joint pain in my hands fingers balls of feet and toes these areas feel sore stiff and swollen,it could be psoriasis or a condition called seborrheic dermatitis both are chronic conditions but have different underlying causes and somewhat different treatments you can start by using a salicylic acid based wash and otc hydrocortisone and a salicylic acid or tar based shampoo if it does not improve your dermatologist will be able to evaluate and offer prescription treatments to better control the condition what can i do to help my partner with genital herpes,for starters you can understand that having genital herpes is not all that unusual if you were to leave your partner to find someone else you would have nearly a one in five chance of meeting another man with genital herpes or about a one in four chance of meeting another woman who is infected if your partner is not coping well you may want to suggest joining a support group if you think genital herpes is harming your relationship you could try couple is therapy what is fraxel and how does it compare to a co2 laser peel,fraxel is a non ablative erbium glass treatment that has been used to improve acne scars and uneven pigmentation with some success usually 4 6 treatments are needed there is usually little down time with redness and scaling for a few days after the treatment fractional co2 treatments build on the gold standard co2 resurfacing laser for improvement of lines wrinkles sun damage and other signs of aging usually only a treatment is needed but it is ablative which means that there is greater recovery time usually about 7 10 days my grandma slipped on the floor yesterday her bone in her arm and hip dislocated,make your dictor take a close look and examine also try to feel ot by yourself if there is mas like protruding from tje anus woth or without straining or not if nothing appears go for investigations with dye lower git endoscopy is diagnostic most probably its piles however u need a good physical examination that can confirm it… if you have unprotected sex on nov 3 is it possible to tell with a home test that you are pregnant on the 18th,have he been examined for the other lymph nodes enlargement any liver or spleen enlargement any decrease in gaining weight or growth pattern the lymphnodes are painful or not are there diet changes i can make to help lose weight without feeling deprived,whether or not an insurer pay for a procedure depends on whether it is considered medically necessary if the procedure is needed to repair or preserve the healthy functioning of the body it is likely to be medically necessary although breast implants in most cases are not covered by insurance it is possible that a ruptured implant could present a medical issue that insurance would cover contact your insurance company to find out what your policy is likely to cover and i would quickly consult with your physician to learn what needs to be done and see if you can get his or her help in justifying the need for insurance coverage to fix it can sheep is milk yogurt cause acid reflux,any food can cause acid reflux basically it is not the food that is the problem but rather your stomach will my cartilage piercing close up if i have had it for 3 weeks and i take it out for an hour for volleyball games,your birth control pills will also prevent pregnancy something that i think you are definitely going to need if you continue with this risky sex play it is only a matter of time before you both decide to go for it so why not carefully plan for the inevitable spotting or a milky discharge can be many things from a minor vaginal injury from that rubbing and your own vaginal mucous it could be a yeast infection if you are also having itching or irritation see your medical provider if you are concerned ejaculation on or near the vaginal opening is a bit risky while it is not very likely you got pregnant this time since you are on the pill and the ejaculation was not vaginal you want to really avoid as much live viable sperm as you can you really can not trust your partner during these heated moments of passion so must make him use a condom even if you have not consented to going all the way this will contain his semen if you have a normal period and no signs of pregnancy you won this time but please keep in mind that thiings could change be prepared and be pro active i stopped using birth control pills six months ago and have unprotected sex frequently is ita problem if im not pregnant i was put on the the depo shot at 15 years old and quit after it made my cycle bleed continuously for weeks at a time then switched to the birth control pills and i stopped taking those six months ago and have had my period pretty regularly i am worried why i have not gotten pregnant yet if i have sex unprotected frequently with the same person,you need to work with a healthcare provider on this issue and have your levels monitored they also might have specific treatment for you if you eat fish and seafood less often your levels will likely go down but you need to work with someone and have levels tested to be sure for more on the topic read this q&a with the doctor of a well known actor who had mercury toxicity from eating sushi twice a day for years i am nineteen yet my hair is graying breaking and falling out i feel i need to see a doctor but of what variety i have a long family history of hypothyroidism but i was checked not all that long ago and found not to have any problems in addition to my hair my skin is worse than it is ever been somehow both dry and oily at the same time my nails also have white specks on them all the web forums i have read seem to indicate nutritional issues but my diet is not all that bad i have no idea how to approach this or what to do or if i need do anything,i have also thyroid problem and my hair are falling too if you like home remedies then here some tips the best thing to stop hair falling is to use oil and yogurt on hair apply coconut or mustard oil or any oil you have to your hair overnight coconut oil is also best for thyroid apply yogurt in the morning one hour before washing the hair you can also use one beaten egg to hair one hour before wash alternatively for better skin use mixture of glycerin and lemon juice added in equal amount in a bottle apply this solution to your skin and message to absorb it it make your skin soft and glowing eat yogurt and calcium tablets for nail white specks go to doctor for checking thyroid problem they take test and give medicine if needed i have sinus infection went to er now feel no energy tired and weak,hi if the pain is acute and if the clot is big enough then catheter assisted thrombectomy followed by blood thinners would be a good option you can get a recent doppler study done to see the extent of the clot thanks will my partner have major health problems because of genital herpes,the biggest impact of genital herpes is usually emotional painful symptoms limitations on sexual activity and that it is an incurable lifelong condition can lead to depression if your partner is pregnant or trying to get pregnant however genital herpes is a major concern her doctor must be made aware of it genital herpes is also more serious for people with hiv and other conditions that weaken the immune system you may have heard that genital herpes causes cervical cancer that is not exactly true it may be a factor but it is not the main cause what is the difference between liothyronine and levothyroxine i have just completed a thyroid removal and a radiation treatment prior to the radiation i was on liothyronine and now i have been put on levothyroxine this new med makes me nauseous,hi have a good read through this link from webmd covers your problem as for the nausea its a side effect hope this helps you good luck i am 19 and have chest pain tightness and a high heart rate,no there are no blood tests that would determine if you had a stroke or a seizure i am a 36 yr old woman my appetite has increased very much craving things out of the ordinary does that happen with age,cravings are usually a supplication of the mind not the body age has nothing to do with it unless your cravings are for things that could be dangerous to you starch clay etc you can choose whether to honor those mental desires if you want a pickle eat it does it matter what time of day you take vit d suppliments or any suppliments for that matter i was diagnosed with low to no vit d in my body and was wondering also can this affect mood such depression and anxiety attacks thanks for your help,hi if you work under fluorescent lights this saps your ds give a problem called seasonal affective disorder sad is a type of depression that has a seasonal pattern as with other types of depession the two main symptoms of sad are a low mood and a lack of interest in life you may also be less active than normal and sleep more now vitamin d is a big help for it and you can get most of what you need by being out in the sunshine with no sunscreens it works like this the sun gets picked up in your blood when it goes through your liver gets turned into vit d all very simple you just need to be out in the sun they say 20 minutes is enough but i am out in the sun most of the day as near naked as one can being a naturist all very good for me you should try it but do have a look at this link its all i could find we have most of our vits at night after our last main meal the link just copy into google to read it do hope this helps you good luck what symptoms would i notice if my child was having an allergic reaction to ibuprofen,hi managed to find this bit of info may help you chlamydia can cause scarring of the fallopian tubes and often women do not find out until they try to start a family and do not fall pregnant it can also cause pelvic inflammatory disease which is painful and can also scar your fallopian tubes leaving you infertile permanently it seems it can stay hidden do hope this helps in some way good luck my tubes been tied cut burn for 13 years can i get pregnant,nothing is ever really 100 effective i heard that you can get pregnant after 10 years of having something like that done does heart burn cause increased heart rate i get this feeling of a burning sensation that starts in the top of my stomach and then cause my heart to pound and increase to 135 beats per min i then feel nauseous and get some anxiety,just an odd coincidence there would be no medical explanation for this i woke up this morning with an excruciating pain in my foot it is painful to touch and is hot to the touch not a cramp there are no marks or bruising it feels like someone stomped down on it or like it may be broken it gets really painful and throbs then it eases up a little but it does not go away,no chlamydia is an std sexually transmitted disease and that is how you got it he has cheated on you in past and probably lied about it so what makes you think he has not done it again it is not likely you got chlamydia from sex toys but most likely from the boyfriend who has been toying around with someone else i have heard of people contracting chlymidia from intense eye contact be safe does boiling turkey franks reduce fat and calories does boiling turkey franks reduce sodium fat calories and change nutritional values,not enough to make a difference some fat with a few calories will end up in the cooking water but not a significant amount compared to regular franks turkey franks already have less fat what can i do to treat inguinal hernia at home,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include vomiting severe drowsiness slowshallow breathing seizures are headaches a side effect of taking citalopram,as far as i know all the medications like citalopram have headaches listed as a possible side effect i have seen patients with side effects from other similar medications if the headache continues you may need to try another medication ibuprofen and naproxen aleve are ok to take with citalopram if you have migraine medications at home you can also take your regular migraine medication does a migraine always include pain or can you just have light sensitivity,i have migraines often and they do not always come with pain i have auras and when i have these i do not have pain auras are pretty nasty in their own right weird funky lines in the peripheral vision i will feel slightly off kilter and they can last from a few seconds to several minutes but i never get the headache when i get these i have had all kinds of work ups for this and that is what it boils down to my migraines are from my neck arthritis and they are fierce when they hit so having just visual manifestations are just fine by me should i be worried if i have symptoms of a tia occuring 5 10 times a month i have lupus for the last 2 years i have been experiencing numbness and tingling on 12 of my face 5 10 times per month i literally can feel a perfect line of numb vs normal down my nose and lips on the left side they have done mri is that have come out normal now i am occasionally feeling numbnesstingling down my arm and leg also on the left side i do not know if is should be worried or just chalk it up as yet another lupus symptom,postpartum depression can be termed as baby blues in common language postpartum depression is a feeling of extreme sadness and related psychologic disturbances during the first few weeks or months after delivery women who have had depression are more likely to develop postpartum depression women feel extremely sad cry become irritable and moody and may lose interest in daily activities and the baby about 10 to 15 of women are affected a combination of counseling and antidepressants can help if women have had depression before they became pregnant they should tell their doctor or midwife such depression often evolves into postpartum depression is this normal for after a miscarriage will i ever get back to my normal period again help i am 17 i was pregnant but i naturally miscarried at about 9 weeks along that was back in late decemberearly january i started my first period since the miscarriage in february and it was normal through february and march bleeding for only 7 days until the next month but now for the past 3 weeks my periods are all messed up it still only lasts for 7 days but i am only off of my period for 3 4 days then i am right back bleeding again,yes there are no feathers in the flu vaccine vaccines are made using eggs as incubators but eggs and feathers even if they are from the same bird are two totally different allergic sensitivities you can take the flu vaccine safely hi my mother 85 y suffer from lumber s s she need exercise for her knee kindly advise since she stand with walker,your mother can definitely increase the strength of the muscles that surround and support the knee the good thing is it does not take hours and all of them can be performed at home 1 sit to stands starting position sitting with both feet flat and her walker in front of her exercise slowly and with control come to a standing position finish position slowly and with control return to the seated position important safety and progression points 1 in the beginning let her use both arms to push up 2 as she gets stronger and can perform 10 repetitions with little effort have her only use one arm to push up after that progress to using no arm movement to come to standing 3 once that becomes easy switch chairs chairs that are lower to the ground are much more difficult to get out off however when you do this allow her to push off with both arms and progress her through just like you did before 4 also if loss of balance or dizziness upon standing is a problem make sure someone is standing next to her when she is performing this exercise 5 start slowly begin with just 3 repetitions and progress to 10 2 knee extension starting position sitting up straight in a chair with both feet flat and a leg weight attached to the ankle exercise slowly and with control straighten the leg like you were going to kick a ball finish position slowly lower to the floor and repeat for a total of 10 times switch the ankle weight to the other side and repeat important safety and progression points 1 with this one its better to start off with a very light weight and progress as needed as sometimes it can bother the knee 3 hip flexion starting position sitting up straight in a chair with both feet flat on the floor and the leg weight from the previous exercise lying on the thigh exercise lift the leg up towards you keeping the knee bent slowly lower and repeat for a total of 10 switch the weight to the other side and repeat just performing 1 set of 10 repetitions of each of these exercises can make a big difference in her strength and mobility however it is important that as she gets stronger that you increase the resistance lower chair or a heavier weight these exercises should challenge her but not exhaust her the key is to start small and build from there as with any new exercise program make sure its ok with her doctor before beginning how do i treat a burn,first err on the side of caution always see a medical professional for any burn that is not obviously minor that generally includes any burn that • is large • involves the hands feet face groin or major joints • causes severe pain or loss of sensation • causes skin changes besides simple redness such as blistering • causes skin redness that does not blanch white when pressed immediately after a burn run cool tap water over the skin for 10 minutes then cool the skin with a moist compress do not put ice butter or anything else directly on the burned skin clean the skin gently with mild soap and tap water take acetaminophen tylenol or ibuprofen motrin aleve for pain simple burns involving only the very surface of the skin do not need dressings a burn may appear minor at first but reveal itself as more severe over hours or days burns of the hands or feet in particular can lead to disability if not treated properly always see a doctor to evaluate a burn that looks bad or you are not sure about i was diagnosed with chlamydia and now with pelvic inflammatory disease pid,barium is notorious for causing constipation so i suggest that you consult your medical provider for a patient specific treatment suggestion i am doing a research paper comparing and contrasting exercise and fad diets i cant find benefits and disadvantges there are all types of information on both subjects but i cannot seem to find the right information for my compare and contrast topic of two methods of losing weight i chose exercise and fad dies as the two topics to discuss i have plenty of information on exercise but having a hard time with the fad diet issue i was hoping for some added articles to point me in the right direction,there are certainly many different paths that you can take to eat healthy and there is honestly no one right approach with that said i personally am weary about any diet that is heavily focused on one central theme or ideology i do not think that it is always good to promote only one certain food or completely omit certain food groups altogether we know that some foods are generally better than others but there is still a lot left to learn also a healthy diet should be based on a lifestyle change not something that you follow short term just to promote a certain result a healthy diet is one that you can sustain long term and that does not leave you feeling hungry or feeling deprived so overly restrictive diets are not the answer either lastly a healthy diet is evidence based and not something formulated on personal claims or anecdotes a diet that promises you everything is probably too good to be true if you are looking for more specific examples this site may help i was diagnosed with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis by mri,you are likely to qualify for a subsidy under the affordable care act that will help to make the health insurance you need to address your medical condition more affordable we are already in december so if you can hold off until the first of the year you can enroll in a health plan right now make sure you sign up before december 23rd that will go live january 1 2014 start your search on healthcare gov you can enroll online or pick up the phone and talk with someone who can help walk you through the process good luck if a female doesnt have sexual intercourse for over a year does their hymen grow back,find out where to go in your state at healthcare gov what causes peyronie is disease,no niacin will not flush your symptom from thc only time can flush your system what is an infection or infectious arthritis of the knee and how is it treated,many organisms may infect the knee gonorrhea a common sexually transmitted disease can infect the knee as can common organisms residing on normal skin infection of the knee causes painful knee swelling in addition people who develop such infection typically complain of fevers and chills less severe infections may not have associated fevers or cause this ill feeling new swelling and pain in the knee must be evaluated for infection based on your doctor is opinion treatment usually includes intensive antibiotic therapy and may include aspiration of the joint or surgical drainage of the infection can exercise cause random muscle twitching i recently began working out to improve my whole body health i have been following a beginners exercise program for the last 2 weeks within the last few days some of the muscles in my palms as well as my chest and legs have begun twitching at random points through out the day is this normal,oh sure just be careful no traidmil if it is your leg unexplained headaches … does mri show problem,hi you are experiencing symptoms of pressure on your spinal cord it can be directly due to fusion or from calcification i recommend another mri scan to identify which of them is the reason good luck i am pregnant however i have taken the morning after pill twice any adverse effects on the fetus,fluconazole is not a problem for pregnancy however contraceptive pill matters according to its type mostly progesterones are safe my nephew has adhd his mother feeds him junk food on visits and it makes him hyper can he use a blood glucose meter,first stop calling women babes the term is disrespectful and a real turn off for women second find a venue to meet women that share your interests beliefs and morals this can be done through service clubs taking classes or involving yourself in community service i have full body burning vibrating tingling numbness all over,vitamin k2 is found to be helpful to decrease cardiovascular calcification and also improve the health of bone and cartilage it is naturally found in bacterial fermented foods like mature cheeses and curd vitamin k supplements are usually safe and are definitely recommended in normal people but are generally not recommended in all patients with liver disease in cases of end stage liver disease associated with conditions like hepato cellular cancer alcohol liver disease with deranged liver functions use of vitamin k supplements can be associated with bleeding abnormalities and hence are not recommended you might consult with your treating doctor and depending on your laboratory parameters he may advice you accordingly i hope this helps is abortion safe at 22 weeks into pregnancy hi i am 22 weeks pregnant and contemplating abortion but i am worry that it could be harmful to my body or worst i have already had 6 abortions 3 live births 1 miscarriage i am also a little scared to have this baby because all my pregnancy were high risk and it put me and my babies lives at risk yes my husband and i used a condom when i got pregnant with this baby so i was just wonderng if it was safe or even recommended to go through with it based on my history,i dont think it is safe the baby has already started developing its organs and everything my globulin level is 1 8 quite low my primary care said do not worry this is typical for my age a 66 yr old male,when you receive a vaccine it helps your body to create antibodies antibodies are the body is defenses that fight off any foreign substances germs although your body can create antibodies on its own most of the vaccine preventable diseases cause severe illness and even death before enough antibodies are produced immunization vaccination schedule vaccines work best when they are given at certain ages for example the measles vaccine is not usually given until a child is at least one year old if it is given earlier than that it may not work as well on the other hand the dtap vaccine should be given over a period of time in a series of properly spaced doses the routine childhood immunization schedule is published each year by the cdc we hear about adverse events [with vaccines] is that the same as a dangerous reaction,an adverse event following a vaccination can be any health problem that occurs after receipt of the vaccination it does not necessarily have to be caused by the vaccine often such events are just coincidence and not caused by the vaccine if it is truly caused by the vaccine it is called a reaction or side effect the most common reactions that can be caused by vaccines are mild and resolve on their own these include pain and redness at the injection site and fever is it better to pick a scab on a cut or leave it alone to avoid a scar,i do not know if you are a male or female but chemical irritation soaps laundry detergent dryer softeners etc or irritation from sexual activity can certainly cause burning i exercise with a stationary bicycle i have been chaffed in the groin area how do i protect my groin from this,i am an avid biker and there are many solutions that translate from actual road biking to stationary biking first start off by wearing proper clothing yes a good pair or two of biking shorts with padding are just as beneficial on a stationary bike as well as the ones that move also make sure that you clean your shorts after each ride since residual bacteria can cause irritation yes biking shorts are expensive but a couple of good pair makes a huge difference make sure you have a good fitting seat now if you are a health club you cannot change it but if this a home stationary bike you can change the seat not all seats are made the same and since a seat might be large and comfy it does not always translate into being good for reducing chaffing as far as creams or ointments this is where you may have to experiment using petroleum jelly is fine but i would add some shea butter to the mix some people use k y jelly instead and of course there are tons of commercial products like brave soldier which i have used changing riding positions also helps simple changing your lateral position on the seat every now and then you can reduce continuos contact on the seat i hope this helps and keep it up my husband is taking glimepiride fenofibrate and zetia and is having problems with ed is that a side effect,hi in my opinion your cousin have flavi virus causing viral meningitis i recommend lumber puncture to confirm good luck what would happen is pneumona vac was injection into your arm when it should have been a ppd test i should have been given a ppd but i think the wrong bottle was picked up and i was given pneumonia vaccine my arm has a red raised spot 1 34 x 1 34 in the area the ppd was given my arm is very sore the area of redness is now going up above my elbow in a straight line,what should happen that nurse or medical assistant should be retrained other than the inflammation which is obvious there should be no long term residuals i am a bit concerned that you may be having a lymphatic reaction the red streak so you medical provider needs to see this and make sure you do not have a secondary infection from this avoidable mistake do not pay for this extra office visit either you will still need a proper ppd and it should be absolutely free and if you need the pneumonia vaccine administered properly of course i would insist on a freebee as well do antibiotics affect the implanon,go to healthcare gov and call the 800 number to discuss your situation and to get personalized assistance how do i get rid of my discomfort with my vagina is it related to my anxiety i been going through social anxiety for almost 8yrs i also go through something else too i do not think it is hypersensitivity vagina issue but i get very uncomfortable when my underwearpants touch my vagina i get hot flashes on my face because i feel so uncomfortable i feel like it is the only thing that i think about i feel like it is related to psychological stuff mostly but it is hard to not think about it do you know anything to treat what i am going through,hi these are some links for natural ways out of anxiety there is a great thing called meditation you find it helps to focus just copy one at a time into google to the www to open and read lots of help just read through them pick which you think will be best for you but do think hard about meditation works for lots of people just how long have you been having these vaginal problems you have not put you age but have you thought menopause and not forgetting it can come at any time all it would take is a blood test you doctor would know from your hormones if that is the fact some things to think about how often do you have sex or are you to dry for that are you shaved to save you from this heat problem have you thought of going commando when ever you can as long as you wear long skirts it would be ok but cant see how the vaginal problem are related to anxiety till i had a read through this as above just copy may help you hope something here dose some good good luck is their a conflict of smoking marijuana while on bactrim ds,i am a cannabis patient and have used bactirm ds before you will be fine fulkerson osteotomy…is it infected,any operating surgeon wont accept easily that his operated wound is infected as i told you its a good sign that the wound has some open points through which any remaining bacteria or fluid can come out unless all of the wound is completely devoid of organisms it wont close completely thats the way nature heals it is my myocardial block the direct reason for my syncope symptoms or is it likely there may be something else going on,hi any info on this implant seems to be about the implant it self and what to do if it goes wrong and some small bits just like the bc pill using condoms for the first 7 days as a backup all you can do is wait and see just hope things will be ok if you was on the bc pill for over a year then you may still have been safe as it tends to keep working for a few days hope this helps you good luck i had 2 endometrial biopsy both came negative do i need another biopsy,hi i see no need for a third biopsy i recommend hormonal replacement to control and shrink the fibroid good luck my 3 yr old daughter likes to rock on her private parts using her ball or teddy bear what should i do i am really worried about my daughter it seems she stimulates her private parts is this normal she used to do this openly and after being told off she still does it when she is alone i am wondering if there is the need to take her to a therapist i do not know how to deal with this situation please help,you do have to wash everything to make sure it is off i find the classic sign for head lice in a child is when they scratch in the back of the neck so if they are scratching on the top that is not as significant because lots of kids have itch at the top of the scalp but i have found my observation has been a great clue is when they start scratching at the back and that is the time to start looking sometimes you have to look for 10 20 minutes it is not always that they are so obvious sometimes you have to look really hard till you see them lots of kids have dandruff so if it comes off easily if it flakes off chances are its just dandruff and not lice but if it is stuck to the scalp where you try to pull it off and it will not come that could be a sign of nit and that needs to be treated is exercising for three hours bad to do,no a wet scalp will not cause bone pain or arthritis how can aromatherapy improve my sleep,although children are supposed to be on formula for 12 months eleven months is close enough if she is eating well from the table give her whole milk in a cup encourage yogurt cheese and other dairy products she will be fine how to treat leiomyosarcoma and rectal cancer at the same time,you need to become an expert in herpes so i am giving you some homework basically herpes is definitely contagious during an active outbreak on the lip cold sores or the genitals but since many people have contracted herpes when their partners do not have active lesions it is possible to catch it even during those asymptomatic dormant periods if your boyfriend has genital lesions condoms offer good but not 100 protection as you will read which of these medicines is an opiate endocet or tramadol or lyrica or morphine just give me a simple answer please,hi i remember reading something on gas and burping and this was it the link please give it read some of the things to do are quite simple do hope it helps you good luck what is the sound that i hear when i close my ears with my fingers,this sound can be normal when we close our ears we do not hear outside sound so we feel that there is some sound coming from our body if you have a cough or cold it can also lead to similar symptoms due to eustachian tube block to rule out any pressure changes in your ear you can get a test called tympanometry and get you blood pressure checked for further queries consult an ent otolaryngologist online > i broke my tibia and fibula in a snow blade accident fibula seems displaced,hi one month is too short a period to show full signs of radiological union of any fracture fibula fracture if not in lower 14th of the bone above ankle any kind of displacement will not hamper your degree of functional recovery only lower 14th fractures need to be fixed with a plate thanks i can feel a lump on my stomach to the left of my bellybutton its not a muscle is it an organ ir could it be cancer,i am sorry to hear you are going through this unfortunately it is not possible to diagnose what this lump might be without doing a physical examination the good news is it is unlikely this lump is a cancer it is possible the lump is a cyst a lipoma non cancerous fatty tumor or an umbilical hernia i urge you to make an appointment to see your primary care provider for an exam this will help set your mind at ease and your provider will be able to recommend a treatment if necessary hope this helps can a baby drink goat is milk,in 2008 i was asked to lead a half marathon team for more magazine is annual spring run in central park my team of peeke performers was comprised of women who were cancer survivors and included women who had triumphed over cancers of the breast thyroid lung and bladder one woman ran with just one lung and did great all of these women were extraordinary but one was a real character that is elaine doll dunn like me she is got a wicked wit and plenty of sass tall and regal she looked ageless and in reality was 71 years young she carried herself with grace and elegance but her impish grins gave away her real personality— a powerful survivor who brushed off her bladder cancer as a speed bump along a winding hilly and joyful life journey that is elaine we did lots of pr for the half marathon including a segment on good morning america her one liners kept me laughing and her endless energy was astonishing after completing the half marathon elaine insisted i come to south dakota and keynote her marathon in the spearfish canyon about 45 miles outside of rapid city to sweeten the deal she informed me that the marathon weekend coincided with biker week where over 250 000 harley enthusiasts descend upon the town of sturgis not far from spearfish and basically rally tour the countryside and yes indeed have a party or two i had a funny feeling she would become quite a fount of enlightenment for me and i was right as you know by now this coming sunday august 22nd i will be competing in the iron girl triathlon with a group of my patients the peeke performers i was thinking about this upcoming race as i addressed elaine is marathoners who were experiencing the usual pre race day blend of anxiety and excitement as i looked around the room i noticed that at least half the crowd of runners was women well into their 60 is and beyond and i knew why presently 73 years old elaine has been a living inspiration for women who dared to push their envelope at any age and she is been doing this for many years her motto is “i postpone death by living by suffering by error by risking by giving by loving ” anais nin here is a quick sampling of her achievements at each age she 52 — climbed 900 foot devil is tower in wyoming 53 — had a major role in last of the red hot lovers 54 — placed second in a body building contest that was not age grouped 55 — ran the centennial trail 113 miles across south dakota from wind cave national park to the top of the sacred bear butte 56 — was challenged by bladder cancer and won 57 — married jerry dunn during the disney world marathon and finished the race they were interviewed on the today show just after my husband has a discolored hard spot on his lower right back it has increased in size and painless what could it be it started as about the size of a quarter and now about 6 8inches long and the skin is reddish purple it started about 3 months ago,untreated ovarian cancer is likely to progress metastasize and cause the demise of the patient i can not afford a doctor for all my questions what role can my pharmacist play,it could be a cyst but there are other possibilities you would need to see your medical provider so you can have this lump properly examined and diagnosed is pnemonia contagious if you got it from having the flu fever is still present and antibiotic has not been started yet,there are no germs that just cause pneumonia but many pathogens viruses bacteria etc can result in pneumonia while the disease is not contagious the germs that cause it may be but exposure does not necessarily mean the exposed person will get pneumonia they may just get a cold or nothing at all influenza is definitely contagious and influenza can result in pneumonia in some people i am diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease unclassified ibdu do not want to stop treatment for another colonoscopy now have to go for another scope,hi my opinion stay on your azulfidine if it is keeping g things under control unless your doctor wana try diet instead of keeping you on medications as some inflammatory bowel disease can simply be controlled with diet so you need to demand an explanation of why he wants to redo the endoscopy good luck my son is 3rd hep b vaccine was administered 2 weeks too early does he need a 4th one he is 8 had these when 1 2 yrs he received his vaccines on 1210204 2102005 and 3292005 school nurse recommends a 4th one but i am dubious and wanted a second opinion other than my pediatrician who made the error in the first place thanks,probably not but an extra vaccine will not really hurt him he can always get a blood test to see if he has an hep b antibodies present if he does he does not need another one is it dangerous to take tylenol pm on a regular basis to assist with sleep,wellbutrin sr or xl desipramine or nortiptyline these ones do not use serotonin like your maxalt so you will not be overdosed on serotonin once infected with toxoplasmosis is my cat always able to spread the infection to me,i suggest you work with an agent who can help you sort out all of your options look for one certified to sell insurance through healthcare gov at nahu org i am 18 with chronic lower back pains this can not be normal can it the pain is just getting worse when i first started getting these fits of back pains 4 years ago i got them maybe every other month now i get these fits once or twice a month the pain starts like this for example the other day i was sitting down and bending forward to pull a tupperware that was stuck out from under my bed when i began to pull i immediately felt my back shift and felt a popping in my lower back i feel immediate stabbing pain thereafter sometimes my legs go numb,the most problematic fruits that irritate the bladder are citrus fruits like oranges grapefruit lemons and limes fruits that are not acidic like pears apples grapes and melon are better choices for more on trigger food and drinks see this webmd article what should my heart rate be during exercise,hi compared to normal range the count is pretty low need to get it high for good results yoga meditation de stressing and healthy and nutritious diet should help thanks what is liposuction,liposuction is a cosmetic procedure in which a special instrument called a cannula is used to break up and suck out fat from the body this procedure is also known as lipoplasty i have pain throughout my body i do not know what it is,anemia is usually detected or at least confirmed by a complete blood count cbc cbc test may be ordered by a physician as a part of routine general check up and screening or based on clinical signs and symptoms that may suggest anemia or other blood abnormalities how should i care for my temporary dental crown,nyquil is a nonprescription cough and cold product that is available in a number of different formulations it typically contains an antihistamine a cough suppressant and a pain relieverfever reducer all of these active ingredients should be safe for a person with diabetes people with diabetes should avoid medications that contain pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine which are decongestants fortunately pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are typically not included in nighttime cough and cold formulations nyquil syrup does contain high fructose corn syrup so it may raise blood sugar levels if you are considering using nyquil i would recommend using nyquil liquicaps which would not have the same effect on your blood sugar it is important to note that when treating a cold pharmacists and health care providers match a person is symptoms to the appropriate active ingredients it may be possible that a multi symptom product such as nyquil contains more active ingredients than you need to treat your symptoms talk with your pharmacist who can help you select the best cough and cold product for your symptoms if you have high blood pressure no there is cold medicine that can be taken such as coricidan is this statement below true i heard this statement and i just want to confirm you know our skin which is the largest organ of our body this is placehome many millions of bacteria that is why in our body we are living symbiotically with the bacteria in our armpits there is living bacteria even if you take a bath many times there is still bacteria,thrombophlebitis mostly i recommend to go to the er to check on it do us doppler and to do blood tests when monitoring blood presure how many times per day should you check it i have a staff member at my job that was recently diaignoised with high blood presure she is now monitioring it about every half hour during her work shift she will go outside smoke and come back in and check it of course she becomes very upset because it is high after smoking i feel this constant monintoring is effecting her job performance what would be considered a normal amount of times to monitor your blood pressure in a 6 hour work day,hi mesenchymal stem cell transplant for parkinson is is still in trial phase so outcome can not be confirmed however my opinion that it is a waste of money i vote against it good luck i am 16 days late for my period and at 14 days late i had a light pink discharge but still no period early pregnacncy is this a possible early pregnancy symptom or something else i have been having some breast tenderness and difficulty sleeping,hi well its either a skipped period or your pregnant if its the later then you will need to wait till what would be the date of your next period and do a pregnancy test then if not see your doctor for a test good luck how can i prevent and treat groin odour,male or female assuming you do not have any infection vaginal skin etc or poor hygiene habits the best way to reduce groin odor is to control odor causing bacteria and sweating use a good antibacterial soap shower often up to twice a day if you need wear clean fresh underwear daily for men consider boxers over tighty whiteys for women use cotton undies that breathe better even though these granny panties may not be the most attractive girlie thing to choose if all fails see your medical provider to see if there is an underlying medical reason for the odor issue what are the usual symptoms of toxoplasmosis,this is an example of acoustic injury like a gun shot or explosion a dog bark of course is not usually as loud as those but it can cause pain and ringing in most cases this will resolve in a week or so as the ear heals from this event if not you may need to see an ent for an examination i missed one week of birth control then had unprotected sex what are the chances of pregnancy,your chances are certainly higher than if you would have taking your birth control pills as directed and insisted that your partner use a condom yes you could have easily gotten pregnant this way if pregnancy is not your goal then i suggest that you start taking a few pregancy tests when the time is appropriate are there alternatives to dentures,yes dental implants can be used to support permanently cemented bridges eliminating the need for a denture the cost is usually greater but the implants and bridges more closely resemble the feel of real teeth dental implants are becoming the alternative to dentures but not everyone is a candidate for implants consult your dentist for advice i am taking thyronorm for a week again skin allergy started is it the right meds,thyronorm is a form of thyroxine substitute which is used to treat hypothyroidism your case your endocrinologist is treating you well yes you can do yoga and ayurvedic treatments and breathing they might help really but not the only permanent treatment of course… can a women who has donated one kidney have babies my friend donated one of her kidneys she was told she could not have any more children now she has a new husband and would like to have a baby but because she was told that she could not she is afraid to try is it true that because she only has one kidney now that she cannot have any babies and if so why not and what could happen if she does get pregnant,i see no medical reason why a woman with one kidney cannot have children i hit my head on a wooden pole very hard its been over a week and i am still having headaches and pain around my left eye last night my vision was blurry in my left eye for about an hour or longer,the premium subsides are based on your estimated 2014 income why are our veins blue,and a simple one to answer our blood circulation system consists of arteries which carry oxygen rich blood to the tissues and veins which return oxygen depleted blood back to the heart and lungs oxygen rich blood tends to look bright red blood carrying less oxygen tends to look dark red veins carry dark red blood the reason your veins look bluish is because they lie under skin and fatty tissue which distorts the color of the blood to our eyes the blood in those veins is indeed red but because of the overlying tissue the veins appear bluish i hope this answers your question i have anxiety my legs tingle and my heat races is this normal,it is always worrisome when a loved one is experiencing painful scary symptoms like your husband is in fact i always think it is harder to cope with these things when it is happening to my husband instead of me do not you so many conditions could cause the symptoms you are describing that is why your husband is physician is having him undergo an endoscopy this test will help figure out what is going on so that you your husband and your physician can work together to put together a treatment plan it is also possible the endoscopy is just one of several tests your husband is health care provider will run before making a diagnosis it can be very hard to wait through all of this testing but hang in there meanwhile remember to take care of your own health needs too as the caregiver you are under a tremendous amount of stress and you do not want to get sick be sure to eat right drink plenty of fluids and maybe go for a walk when you can try to get plenty of sleep you will feel better and you will be in a strong position to see your husband through this health crisis best wishes to you i know this must be really scary the tact i usually take in these situations is that i try not to let my imagination run wild and not think the worst i am so glad that he is going to the doctor i did see this article on crohn is disease thought it might be helpful if he had more of these sorts of symptoms i wish you all the best i have had a migraine for over 48 hours my doctor just wants to give me medicine should i get a second oppinion i took excedrin when the migraine started but that did not work i slept that did not work i went to the doctor they gave me a shot of ketorolac tromethamine that did not work i went to the chiropractor and had my neck adjusted and massaged that did not work i took rizatriptan that did not work the doctor said not to bother to come in unless it persist to next week and then they will give me more medicine my chiropractor recommended going to urgent care i do not know what to do,many things too much caffeine drugsmedications or even the emotional stress of college right now the medical provider is trying to rule out any cardiac heart causes for those symptoms but many times there are other factors in play since i do not know your daughter or her medical history it would not be possible for me to be specific on the many possibilities will my dentures need to be replaced,over time dentures will need to be relined rebased or remade due to normal wear natural age related changes to your face jaw bones and gums or if the dentures become loose to reline or rebase a denture the dentist or prosthodontist refits the denture base or makes a new denture base and reuses the existing teeth generally complete dentures should be used for 5 to 7 years before a replacement is necessary can anemia cause dizziness to last a long period of time and can dry mouth be a sign of anemia,sounds like peyronie is plaque you need to see a urologist and ask about treatments to include vitamin e therapy and injections of medications into the plaque it can get worse and lead to ed and severe curvature i have seen various doctors since november 2016 in regard to a ‘severe ear infection,hi can not say whether you have damaged your growth plates and hormone producing cells needs further evaluation by blood tests and xrays of joints thanks i am having major muscle spasms in my lower back i have been diagnosed with sciatica,antifungal medicine pills or liquid and shampoo used together are most effective in curing ringworm of the scalp and beard depending on the medicine antifungal pills are taken for as few as 4 weeks or as long as 12 weeks antifungal shampoo is not effective when used alone to treat ringworm of the scalp or beard because it cannot penetrate into infected hairs and destroy the fungi present there sometimes other infections develop when a person has ringworm usually because bacteria have entered the body through the ringworm sores or rash if necessary you can use other medicines such as antibiotics along with antifungals to treat these secondary bacterial infections swollen areas and bumps that look like blisters and have pus kerions are caused by an allergic reaction to fungus you can treat kerions with a combination of oral antifungal medicine and a corticosteroid usually oral such as prednisone to help prevent ringworm from developing after exposure to the fungus you can use antifungal shampoo every 2 days for about a week medication choices the most common antifungals you can use to treat ringworm of the scalp or beard include griseofulvin allylamines terbinafine azoles including itraconazole ketoconazole fluconazole antifungal shampoos you can use to treat ringworm of the scalp or beard include antifungal shampoo with selenium sulfide 1 available without a prescription such as selsun blue or head and shoulders intensive treatment antifungal shampoo with selenium sulfide 2 5 prescription only antifungal shampoo with ketoconazole 1 available without a prescription such as nizoral antifungal shampoo with ketoconazole 2 prescription only antifungal shampoo with povidone prescription only what to think about griseofulvin works to treat ringworm of the scalp it is effective safe and inexpensive treatment usually lasts for 6 to 8 weeks itraconazole such as sporanox and terbinafine also work well to treat ringworm of the scalp and treatment usually lasts 2 to 4 weeks people who are taking antifungal pills should have a doctor monitor their blood counts and liver and kidney function during treatment to watch for any adverse side effects webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated does concerta cause your stool to turn black,the treatment of the arthritis aspects of psoriatic arthritis is discussed below the treatment of psoriasis and the other involved organs is beyond the scope of this article generally the treatment of arthritis in psoriatic arthritis involves a combination of anti inflammatory medications nsaids and exercise if progressive inflammation and joint destruction occur despite nsaids treatment more potent medications such as methotrexate rheumatrex trexall corticosteroids and antimalarial medications such as hydroxychloroquine or plaquenil are employed exercise programs can be done at home or with a physical therapist and are customized according to the disease and physical capabilities of each patient warm up stretching or other techniques such as a hot shower or heat applications are helpful to relax muscles prior to exercise ice application after the routine can help minimize post exercise soreness and inflammation in general exercises for arthritis are performed for the purpose of strengthening and maintaining or improving joint range of motion they should be done on a regular basis for best results nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids are a group of medications that are helpful in reducing joint inflammation pain and stiffness examples of nsaids include aspirin indomethacin indocin tolmetin sodium tolectin sulindac clinoril and diclofenac voltaren their most frequent side effects include stomach upset and ulceration they can also cause gastrointestinal bleeding newer nsaids called cox 2 inhibitors such as celecoxib or celebrex cause gastrointestinal problems less frequently i have been suffering from prostatitis there is presence of pseudomonas fluorescens need second opinion,hi this organism is labile and causes very mild subclinical inflammation and infection it is not life threatening for sure and the present symptoms seem to be unrelated broad spectrum antibiotics with prostatic biopsy will help thanks having a lot of pregnancy symptoms after mirena iud removal test neg but could i still be pregnant,hi being out in the fresh air is good for you when you have a cold wet or dry your find you will breath a lot better being in hot stuffy rooms just clogs up your nose so in the fresh air you will fill a lot better hope this helps you good luck has anyone experienced weight loss while on the drug topamax my rheumatologist prescribed me topamax for migraine therapy after being on prednisone for a few months he stated that the topamax can help with with weight loss after being on the corticosteroid has anyone else experienced weight loss with this medication ,the good news is that bright red blood on the surface of your stool or in the toilet water or on the toilet paper usually is not the type of blood associated with a cancer of the digestive tract usually bright red blood like that is more associated with hemorrhoids or a minor rectal bleed due to passing hard stool or straining hard during a bowel movement when we talk about blood in the stool related to a cancer this blood usually is not recognizable as blood it usually turns the stool black or tarry the pain in your upper right abdomen could be caused by many conditions including gallstones because the pain has persisted for over 2 weeks i would suggest you get it checked out the pain may or may not be related to the other symptoms you describe only a medical professional can give you a firm diagnosis i hope you feel better soon my husband is lethargic sleeps a lot during the day is losing weight and has no appetite,hi he needs medical attention as these symptoms are rather unusual get a chest xray sputum examination and complete blood count done consult a chest physician thanks how likely is it that i have been infected by genital herpes,whether or not your partner has infected you with genital herpes depends on whether you have always practiced safe sex for one thing also it may depend on how long you have been sexually intimate with each other if you have had sex only once or twice and if you used a condom each time your risk of getting genital herpes is lower than if you have had unprotected sex for a long time but you could have been infected during any one encounter do not think you are in the clear because you have never seen herpes sores on your partner is genitals or your own the symptoms of genital herpes are often subtle and easily mistaken for something else like bug bites pimples razor burn or hemorrhoids what is more the virus can be contagious even when there are no symptoms are the clunking noises in my hips when i walk most likely related to osteoarthritis i can actually feel the clunk of the bones of both hips when i walk but it causes no pain i only have hip pain when i sleep on my right side,yes clunking and poppong sounds in the joints during movements can be due to osteoarthritis for the dull pain in night we suggest to try with haridra powder boswellia powder haritaki powder all in equal proportion 2 3 gms per day twice daily to reduce pain and improve joint mobility my 4 year old grandson has a good strong stream of urine but it goes sideways will he grow out of this doc required he has been potty trained for about 9 months he never has accidents has a strong stream of urine but the stream goes sideways he holds his penis in a position to avoid urinating on the wall or over the side of the commode does not seem to have any pain at all with this is this serious or will he grow out of this and his peni9s adjust as he grows,you are a good grandpa to notice this and be concerned i would suggest the boy is parents speak to their pediatrician about this several conditions can cause a boy to have a sideways stream like that a couple of possible reasons that come to mind which i am including for informational purposes and as examples only include urethral polyps and meatal stenosis both of these are treatable the boy is pediatrician should be able to investigate this situation further and arrive at a diagnosis and appropriate treatment again good for you for noticing this and calling attention to it i wish you and your grandson all the best i have lower back and abdominal pain feels similar to the period pains but in between periods,hi in my opinion this is side effects of long term use of rigivedon i recommend consulting your gynecologist about changing the contraceptive drug or method good luck what should i do if i think i have had an insulin overdose,this condition started 5 years ago and exacerbated with shaving it is extremely painful cannot be improved with excessive hygiene is embarrassing has resulted in multiple scars and had a psychological effect on me also i just want it to go away sometimes the boils last 2 3 weeks can it be permanently cured or go into a remission period it is so gross can i get pregnant after anal sex if my bf ejaculated in my anus my bf and i performed anal sex and he ejaculated in my anus and i am taking birth control and i just found out it was during my ovulation period i m worried about getting pregnant thank you,no you can not get pregnant from anal sex even if someone told you this is where attorneys come from old joke if you are taking birth control pills you will not be ovulating can throwing a ball that is too light damage your shoulder,this is a good question that you can always ask your pharmacist you can be on both of these medications at the same time i would recommend staying home if possible when you take your relpax with the norco so you can see how they make you feel it may be hard to distinguish between the possible side effects and a migraine make sure that you carry a personal medication list that has all of your medications including over the counter medications and make sure you show that list to your pharmacist doctor and other health care providers what conditions does cold and flu treat,this medication is used for the temporary relief of runnystuffy nose and other symptoms e g ear congestion wateryitchy eyes itchy throat that may be caused by allergies hay fever the common cold sinus inflammation sinusitis and other breathing illnesses decongestants help to relieve stuffy nose and ear congestion symptoms antihistamines relieve watery eyes itchy eyesnosethroat runny nose and sneezing cough and cold products have not been shown to be safe or effective in children younger than 6 years therefore do not use this product to treat cold symptoms in children younger than 6 years unless specifically directed by the doctor some products such as long acting tabletscapsules are not recommended for use in children younger than 12 years ask your doctor or pharmacist for more details about using your product safely these products do not cure or shorten the length of the common cold and may cause serious side effects to decrease the risk for serious side effects carefully follow all dosage directions do not use this product to make a child sleepy do not give other cough and cold medication that might contain the same or similar ingredients ask the doctor or pharmacist about other ways to relieve cough and cold symptoms such as drinking enough fluids using a humidifier or saline nose dropsspray diagnosed with type 1 diabetes i believe not been monitored by doctor closely enough,hi well honeymoon phase means that insulin doses should be reduced because body may still be producing in my opinion this is insulin over dose good luck if i had sex but he did not cum used plan b within first 24 hours and it was 4 days after ovolation can i be pregnant it was four days afte my ovolation and he pulled out used plan b within the first 24 hours am i pregnant,yeah you can be now you can take mtp kit mtp kit is used for the termination of pregnancy it contains two medicines namely mifepristone and misoprostol and together they are known as abortion pill mtp kit contains 5 tablets that is one tablet of mifepristone and 4 tablets of misoprostol the kit is designed by various pharmaceutical companies located at different geographical locations the medicine in the kit should not be shared with other person you can buy online from drugsdropship24 if an appendix ruptures how long would it take for sepsis to occur due to peritonitis,hi thanks for the query as you delivered 4 months back i am thinking that possibly you are lactating the baby in that case your doctor might have prescribed progesterone hormonal pills to you if you use progesterone pills as per the guidelines the possibility of pregnancy is less but if you missed the time of intake the possibility of pregnancy is there for more details symptoms you mentioned could be due to the side effects of the pills also once go for urine pregnancy test to clarity the doubts take care i know that fries are not the healthiest food but i am really craving them are they that bad for me or my baby,phthalates which are found in many nail polishes have been studied for a potential risk of causing birth defects however evidence does not currently suggest a connection between phthalates and birth defects in humans but studies in animals have shown these substances interfere with male sexual development so caution may be warranted to be on the safe side you can use phthalate free nail polish or polish your nails in a well ventilated area to limit your exposure once the polish dries there is little risk to your baby since chemicals are not absorbed through the nails here is a great article on pregnancy proofing your beauty regimen i personally avoided most nail polish when i was pregnant the story below says to avoid polish with phthalates which have been linked to birth defects look at the ingredients list on your polish to be sure if you go to a salon and are not sure if they carry phthlate free brands take your own some brands said to be free of phthlates include essie revlon and loreal but remember to check the label as they come out with new types all the time none of these links are definitely proven of course but why not play it safe until we know for sure is there any possibilities of aids from having hand sex i have it while bathing i am 14,if you think your dry mouth is caused by certain medication you are taking talk to your doctor he or she may adjust the dose you are taking or switch you to a different drug that does not cause dry mouth in addition an oral rinse to restore mouth moisture may be prescribed if that does not help a medication that stimulates saliva production called salagen may be prescribed other steps you can take that may help improve saliva flow include sucking on sugar free candy or chewing sugar free gum drinking plenty of water to help keep your mouth moist protecting your teeth by brushing with a fluoride toothpaste using a fluoride rinse and visiting your dentist regularly breathing through your nose not your mouth as much as possible using a room vaporizer to add moisture to the bedroom air using an over the counter artificial saliva substitute can you give children alka seltzer cold plus,hi its just you bc pills doing there job its when you get onto the placebo pills that you get your period as you should know having been on them before just google the working of bc pills its all there good luck what should i do if i suspect an overdose of valproic acid as sodium salt,unless other mri pics show other problem seems to me that you may be suffering from migraines that cause nausea nauseating migraines the lesion – the cause of loss of use in your hand – would be a separate issue what are cures for painful breast cysts last year i was called in for an ultrasound on my right breast as my mammogram came back abnormal it was diagnosed as a cyst it is located on the outside of my right breast close to my underarm it has become extremely painful on some days ignorable on others any suggestions for relief,i had this and my doctor associated it with diet i stoped eating highly seasoned foods caffiene and all foods with caramel coloring it worked what should i do to prevent my baby from catching bronchitis while breastfeeding i have bronchitis and asthma just using an inhaler afraid to take anything else and fear my 3 month old might get sick how can i further prevent and treat,the best thing would be to look for local help and to talk with someone who can walk you through the plan options in your state here is where you can find local help through healthcare gov localhelp healthcare gov you can also work with an insurance agent who is certified to sell insurance through the exchanges set up under the affordable care act the national association of health underwriters would be a good place to start that search nahu org can swimming in a pool spread plantars warts to others do plantars warts spread t o others from swimming in a pool,radiofrequency treatments such as thermage can help tighten the skin in this area to some extent your dermatologist will be able to evaluate and determine if this is the right treatment for you i have cat allergies and wanted to know which over the counter and prescription medications might help,yes the high risk pools made available under the affordable care act were intended to function only as a bridge to coverage until the aca took full effect so the plan is to transition people now covered by these plans onto plans sold through the state marketplaces and for the high risk insurance pools to eventually shut down beginning this fall people will receive information about open enrollment and their health insurance options via the new online markets the same is true for people enrolled in state high risk pools which existed prior to those set up under the aca starting october 1 2013 open enrollment will begin on the exchanges and people will be able to shop for a health plan those enrolled in a new plan before december 15 2013 will have coverage that takes effect january 1 2014 i have headaches mild fever horrible cough nasal congestion body aches towards the upper bod what do i have i also had chills last night and bulging eyes,an accurate diagnosis is not made by symptoms alone without knowing your medical history and have the ability to examine you first hand there is really no way that a medical professional could determine what you have i am sorry but you will need to seek proper medical care whenever i eat i get nauseas and heartburn even the littlest amounts make me sick what can it be from whenever i eat anything i get sick ive had the lical er give me 8mg of zofran and it doesnt help i go days without eating because i cant stand being sick all the time i had my gallbladder out in november of 2012 and i found what foods bothered me and stopped eating them but now everything is making me sick i cant even eat saltines or toast without vomiting what should i do,it could be your gallbladder if you still have your gallbladder speak to your physician about your symptoms he should be able set you up with a hida scan to see if that is what is causing your discomfort can adults get rheumatic fever from strep throat,i think you are referring to the heart health benefits of consuming the fda recommends 3g of soluble fiber beta glucan daily to help reduce the risk of heart disease because it helps lower cholesterol one serving of oatmeal contains 75g and can help you get to three grams other foods that contain soluble fiber are cold cereals made from oats e g cheerios oat bran and barley you can also add oats to muffins and other baked goods so you do not have to eat oatmeal every day to get the benefits but it is a good way to get heart healthy soluble fiber in your diet for more on oats see this article oatmeal has some very beneficial health benefits but the idea of eating oatmeal every day could get very old and boring i think the oatmeal companies would like you to do this but there are many many other ways to live a healthy lifestyle eat a healthy diet and lower your cholesterol than eating oatmeal every day 365 days a year for a healthy intervention to be sustainable it must be something you can tolerated if you love oatmeal and want to eat it every day go for it but in my opinion life is too short not to have variety and pleasure in our diets no my doctor gave me tussionex suspension can i take mucinex dm with it at the same time,tussionex is a prescription cough suppressant while taking tussionex you should not have the need for another cough suppressant so i would avoid mucinex dm if your cough is loose and productive you can take plain mucinex with the tussionex which will help break up the phlegm and not interact with your tussionex i was given an iv incorrectly in the er which gave me superficial thrombophlebitis,it is a minor injury so you need to use ice application not hot water then you should take anti inflammatory for keep your arms elevated as possible to reduce swelling the nerve is in the wrist area so it is away from the injury site and can be affected only by compression due to odema of the arm i have lower stomach pain red urine vomiting i have been to the hospital 3 times they can not get it to stop,it is illegal for insurers to deny anyone health insurance coverage starting in 2014 if however you are for some reason turned away a very unlikely scenario you could file a complaint with your state is department of insurance my gums bleed during brushing and look inflamed i have tried mouth washes and soft brushes do i have a mouth disease,yes you have gum disease healthy gums do not bleed if your gums are healthy you should be able to brush and floss without any pain or bleeding mouthwashes are useless if your brushing and flossing are not effective i cannot answer to your dentist is diagnostic and communication skills however i do recommend that you go and seek the advise of a periodontist go in for a consult and have the periodontist examine your mouth review your home care and see why you are constantly bleeding i do not know if you are taking any medication which might create this situation or your brushing technique is lacking but this should be reviewed by the most trained person please do not delay this gingivitis gum disease is entirely reversible if addressed in time after eating certain foods i suffer high bp loss of breath loss of strength,hi… if you are having those symptoms after eating spicy foods then you probable have allergic reaction to those foods type… this is a histamine hyperactivity due to eating spicy foods… take an anti histamine drug and later avoid those foods… drink plenty of water also… thanks what are the symptoms of prostate cancer,symptoms may include trouble urinating decreased force in the stream of urine blood in the semen discomfort in the pelvic area bone pain erectile dysfunction what is eczema of the eyeball my husband has lumps inside his upper eyelids redness of eyes and eyelids watering of eyes blurred vision and mucus in eyes his ophthalmologist diagnosed eczema of the eyeball and said the covering of the eyeballs is sloughing off he prescribed 5 sodium chloride drops which clear the redness but the box states it is used for edema of the eyeball i am suspicious what is eczema of eyeball,if you are suffering from a severe scalp problem your differential diagnosis at age 81 may include anything from infection an immunologic disease or cancer you should have your condition evaluated by a physician i love oatmeal and i am a diabetic is it good to eat in a regular basis the issue is that i read that some doctors say that oatmeal is alright but you must be careful with it as a major part of your diet but others say it is fine as long as it is not loaded up with all the nice things that make oatmeal so good like brown sugar and raisans which makes sense because of the high carbo content,hi ashley its ok coming off the pill but still no guarantee of pregnancy sorry to look on the down side but you have to remember some couples take up to 10 years to get pregnant some women fall at the drop of a hat but you can probably forget the first 2 months unless your really lucky but do not get put off if you do not just relax and enjoy your life as it is now once a baby comes along it all will change like you will never believe but do remember its all down to timing get that bit right your in with a good chance and do not worry if its not the first month or 3 just stay happy it will happen good luck taking blood thinners could this be the reason for severe bleeding in the eye and should i call the md,hi tibia takes 6 to 8 weeks to heal usually fibula is ignored as it carry almost no weight so it is usually left to heal on its own if your diabetic you can multiply bone healing time by 4 good luck will eating turkey help me sleep,well there is a big myth about turkey okay so turkey does have l tryptophan in it you would have to eat about a 46 pound turkey to get enough tryptophan in your system to for it to make a difference and the truth of the matter is that tryptophan does not work particularly well in the presence of protein so it does not really work there is just as much tryptophan in beef and pork so if you eat a big thanksgiving meal it is not what is making you sleepy is not the turkey it is probably the preparations and the lack of sleep you got the night before getting the meal ready that is actually making you tired i was admitted to icu in a hospital diagnosis vbi bppv need second opinion,it could be your blood sugar and or a combination including your blood pressure and cholesterol too i have diabetic atomic neuropathy i started sweating very hot then became cold blood work is essential the doctor suggested i start eating five small meals a day taking iron daily vitamins and krill oil found a small bump on the shaft of penis near glans after touching a wet tissue to it it fell off what could it be i had a wart on the top part of the foreskin before it was removed but that was two years ago i am concerned that it may have been another wart the last one took freezing to come off so i am doubtful it was one but had to ask i read that it may be because of masturbation,hi so it fell off so now its a none bump it no longer exists so why worry now its gone i do not know of anything from masturbating that would cause a bump unless your masturbating with a tight grip if so please change it to a feather light grip by doing this is resembles the way a vagina would fill like and please use some kind of oil baby oil will do hope this helps good luck i am diagonsed with umbilical hernia will it be possible for me to workout in gym after surgery,that is up to your doctor i mean eventually you should be able to work out again the question is how long you will have to wait so many factors go into informing a doctor is decision about this if it is a small simple umbilical hernia that is easy to fix then the wait may be shorter if it is a large more complicated surgery then the wait may be longer i would suggest you discuss the issue of recovery and working out at the gym with your surgeon before you have surgery that way you can be prepared for what the future may hold wishing you well do not think this is the correct spelling for this but it sounds like plancus likcus have little bumps on my arms and legs does not itch had biopsy on a few and thats what they call it,lichen planus can you cover shingles with a bandaid after you put penciclovir on it,hi sorry for your loss some sites say 4 to 6 weeks but reading around found it could be up to 8 to 10 weeks but if your young you have lots of time to make more baby is that was told to my wife i know its upsetting but life needs to go on hope this helps you good luck i have a fracture on my left hand finger while i was playing football,hi if u have no pain at the fracture site then i think u need not worry the callus is just in the initial stage of formation and u will soon see radiological signs of union continue physiotherapy do not lift anything heavy best wishes thanks should we be concerned our son is ears are always full of fluid since my son was about 7 weeks old we have been fighting never ending ear infections well since the weather has finally warmed up the ear infections have basically gone away unfortunately every time since then we have been to the doctor most recently for pink eye each of them has said he has fluid in his ears but no infection we saw an ent when he was four months old about tubes but the ent thought he might still be a little too young at the time should we revisit getting tubes,yes you can reduce the frequency of your migraine attacks by identifying and then avoiding migraine triggers you can keep track of your headache patterns and identify headache triggers by using a headache diary recalling what was eaten prior to an attack may help you identify chemical triggers stress management and coping techniques along with relaxation training can help prevent or reduce the severity of the migraine attacks women who often get migraines around their menstrual period can take preventive therapy when they know their period is coming migraine sufferers also seem to have fewer attacks when they eat on a regular schedule and get adequate rest regular exercise in moderation can also help prevent migraines i have a middle ear infection doctor gave me a prescription for amoxicillin need second opinion,most helpful answer it is not really prudent to try and diagnose yourself when it comes to lumps since i do not know anything medically about you not even your age and cannot examine these lumps first hand it would really be impossible for me or any medical professional to be able to make an assessment as to their significance you will need to see your medical provider someone who knows your medical history and of course someone who can examine you i cut a chuck out of my finger with a peeler i did get it to quit bleeding but how do i care for it now,obviously without the ability to examine your finger to determine the significance of this chunk that you have i can only offer you some general information most of these avulsion injuries will heal over time they will scab over and gradually new skin will form over this area larger chunks may require stitches to close since i cannot see your injury you will need to make a judgment about seeking hands on medical care keep the wound clean to prevent infection use a topical antibiotic ointment and keep in covered with a bandage until a scab forms i have problem breathing and its progressing,it is known that among the side effects of beta blockers are bronchospasm dyspnea cold extremities exacerbation of raynaud is syndrome so i expect your medications to be causing the breathing problem consult your cardiologist for taking flecainide and procainamide to regulate your heart rhythms i can not fully turn head to left for about 4 years due to acute pain,hi my opinion this is cervical facet syndrome i hope you can upload your mri to confirm only other possibility is strain in levator scapula muscle in both cases physical therapy can fix the problem but the treatment plan for both cases is different so a misdiagnoses can increase pain thank you my b6 levels are at toxicity levels what is wrong,hi though these levels are alarming proper genetic mapping needs to be done a few drugs boast of getting these levels to mormal but they carry a tag of life threatening complications talk to your physician about this thanks i have arthritis that is destroying my joints however its not r a i have had my left shoulder replaced my thumb joints as well it is also affecting my back and hip any solutions,get as much physical therapy as you can every day it does not take much time stay away from pain pills they are bad for you get a real good analgesic cream or gel instead you will not believe the difference after two weeks i am to see an allergist on tuesday i have to stay off all antihistamines is predisone or albutera an antihistamine i have the flu and i am coughing and very congested how can i get relief without taking an antihistamine,if you are seeing your allergist it would not be wise to take prednisone since it would interfere with allergy testing however since i do not know the reason why you are taking prednisone in the first place you need to consult the medical provider that prescribed it for you since it should be tapered off in reducing doses and not abruptly stopped antihistamines will also interfere with allergy testing etc albuterol is fine to take as far as treating the symptoms of your cold and coughing i would also suggest that you defer treatment suggestion to your medical provider because i do not know your medical history is frolic acid necessary when taking vitamin b12 1000 methylcobalamin daily i currently take 1000 mcg b12 methylcobalamin daily now i am reading you should combine it w frolic acid is it necessary to add,i have had the same injury with right shoulder since end of august 2015 i have found that icing it to get swelling down helps alot i also tape my shoulder up with sport tape to help hold the shoulder up to give it some relief and take some of the stress off the nerves in the shoulder you can find it in walmart but i find that shopper is drug market is kt tape works the best i will when i get a chance send you the link on how to tape your shoulder and some stretches and exercises that my physio suggested if you want besides taking synvisc what other treatments are available for osteoarthritis,if you have osteoarthritis oa there are other things you can do besides getting synvisc these include non drug treatments avoiding activities that cause knee pain exercise physical therapy removal of excess fluid from your knee drug therapy pain relievers such as acetaminophen and narcotics drugs that reduce inflammation signs of inflammation are swelling pain or redness such as aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids such as ibuprofen and naproxen steroids that are injected directly into your knee what is the treatment for osteoporosis,1 healthy balanced diet 2 weight beaqring exercises such as walking 3 adequate calcium and vitamin d intake 4 bisphosphanates or calcitonin or serms or teripartide 5 yearly followups to be sure rx is working what is a precursor related to parkinson is disease,a precursor is something that precedes for example levodopa is a precursor to dopamine in that levodopa is converted to dopamine in the brain is it safe to operate a car while wearing a lidoderm patch,pancreatic cancer pain can be severe since pain medication is very patient specific it would be best to have a pain specialist manage this person is pain the best medication for one person may not be the best medication for another pregnant 9weeks to go and having pelvic pain or the past 4 days cant walk anymore what do i do,epistaxis nose bleeds can have mulitple causes from irritation of your nasal membranes from allergies or colds to just dry air less common people who tend to bruise or bleed easily are likely to have more nosebleeds taking a daily aspirin or any medicine that is known to interfere with blood clotting can cause them your first step is to read about nosebleeds webmd has some great information next you need to know how to appropriately stop a nosebleed many people think they do but are doing it wrong nosebleeds that are frequent and from the same side of the nose can be chemically cauterized by your medical provider in most cases this will fix the problem will penicelin cure an uti,i am suspecting stones also i want to make sure is your child relation ship with his peers is alright or with his family members and are you the only one taking care of him is my six month old spoiled already,i had a ring like mark on my arm not long after starting a new job i thought that it was an allergic reaction to something i was exposed to i waited a 2 3 days before talking to someone about it in those few days it got red puffy and had small white dots that looked like dry skin it even itched every now and then i decided to consult a nurse friend he told me that it was indeed ring worm i went to walgreens and bought lotrimin i followed the directions on the package and the ring went away in about 4 5 days of treatment anyway hope this helps benign fibroadenoma 9 mm in my right breast the doc refuses to remove it mom died of bc aged 57 plan on ivf advice there is also a cyst in my right breast 5 mm the doctor also wants to keep an eye on that since i want to go with ivf i am afraid the fibroadenoma might grow and i do not want any operations during my potential pregnancy i am planning to test for brca 12 tomorrow i know it will take time to get the results but i am too worried to my knowledge there was no other family member who had cancer in my family just my mom,there are certainly many different paths that you can take to eat healthy and there is honestly no one right approach with that said i personally am weary about any diet that is heavily focused on one central theme or ideology i do not think that it is always good to promote only one certain food or completely omit certain food groups altogether we know that some foods are generally better than others but there is still a lot left to learn also a healthy diet should be based on a lifestyle change not something that you follow short term just to promote a certain result a healthy diet is one that you can sustain long term and that does not leave you feeling hungry or feeling deprived so overly restrictive diets are not the answer either lastly a healthy diet is evidence based and not something formulated on personal claims or anecdotes a diet that promises you everything is probably too good to be true if you are looking for more specific examples this site may help i fell and cut my lip and tore the frenulum of my upper lip how long will this take to heal,our nausea reactions are a funny thing it could be the smell it could be the nitrites it could be an association in your brain it may not have anything to do with the milk intolerance i used to have the same problem with maple flavoring do i have ibs 3 bowel movements a day i am a 20 year old male and lately i have been having about 3 smallnot too small but smaller bowel movements daily usually after each meal i eat a lot of fiber 35 40 grams per day and usually drink a lot of water is this normal for my high fiberlots of water diet or is this progression a sign of me possibly developing ibs or colitis for the record this bowel movement increase does coincide with a rise in my fiber intake prior to the rise i usually had a bowel movement daily,anyone who has a family member suffering from dementia or alzheimer is knows how difficult and heartbreaking these illnesses are and it is often anyone is guess as to what ultimately causes dementia in a given person what about sleep habits well it turns out that we may have clues now to a link between the development of dementia and a sleep disorder known as rapid eye movement rem sleep behavior disorder let is call it rbd for short the facts * with rbd the paralysis that normally occurs during rem sleep is incomplete or absent allowing you to “act out” your dreams translation you are not experiencing typical rem sleep that keeps you in a normal cycle of sleep * these dreams are often vivid and violent compelling you to talk punch kick scream and even jump out of bed translation you are not getting the restful sleep you need * rbd is usually seen in middle aged to elderly people and more often in men the researchers of this latest study found that 63 percent of people who experienced rbd developed dementia with lewy bodies or parkinson is disease in later life in some cases the disorder was detected up to 50 years before the neurodegenerative condition developed it is not too surprising that rbd is also linked to parkinson is as 30 to 60 percent of people with parkinson is disease develop dementia fyi lewy body dementia is a rare form of dementia whereby small round clumps of normal proteins called lewy bodies named after their discoverer become abnormally clumped together inside brain cells whether the lewy bodies directly cause gradual damage to the brain cells impairing their function and eventually killing them or are only a marker of some other destructive process is not known scary we have already seen that sleep loss causes brain loss and when you look at the risk factors for dementia — eating a healthy diet engaging in regular exercise — both of which have been shown to reduce the risk of developing dementia by up to 60 percent is there any surprise that getting a good night is sleep is just as important clearly we need more studies done to help us understand the associations between sleep habits and our risk for illness later in life we also need more information on associations that go beyond just rare sleep disorders like rbd the statistics are far too breathtaking * one in three people over 65 will die with dementia * twenty percent of us do not get enough sleep — banking less than 6 hours of sleep on average * heart disease diabetes and obesity have all been linked with chronic sleep loss so what can a lifelong battle with insomnia for example do to you in your golden years insomnia by the way is the most common sleep disorder affecting approximately 64 million americans regularly each year will a seemingly “harmless” struggle to get a good night is sleep i have a rash thought it might be some type of fungus doc says ringworm,yes its ringworm infection start on local steroid creams to be applied thrice a day for atleast 15 days depending upon the recovery you can use it further oral medicines can be taken in adjunction to fasten the recovery process consult a skin specialist i was diagnosed with diabetes should not my doctor suggest metformin,hi sorry to hear the news unfortunately this kind of malignancy is very much agressive and spreads very fast once the liver is involved the chances of survival are 10 20 radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the treatment options thanks is naproxen sodium the same as aspirin,no they are entirely different drugs but both have anti inflammatory properties bathing tips for post inguinal hernia surgery at home any soap or anti bacterial soap are showers o k,hi showers would be ok with just normal soap or a neutral soap but if its a bath do it with sea salt a couple of handfuls with each bath and again just a normal soap or a neutral one the sea salt will help to clean and heal your wound do hope this helps good luck is coffee bad for your teeth,most definitely i would see my dr immediately or if not then call 911 or go to your nearest er bc these could either be potential symptoms of a heart attack or a stroke what is hardening of the arteries,atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries is the process whereby abnormal deposits of fats cholesterol and plaque build up leading to coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular problems can i become pregnant after having intercourse during periods,hello and welcome to ehealth forum if you are having normal periods 4 5 days that you usually have then you can never become pregnant by having unprotected sex during your periods however if you have a 26 28 day cycle or a shorter cycle of 24 26 days and have periods for 7 8 days then you need to be careful on the last 2 days hope this helps take care can tonsil stones harm your teeth,no tonsil stones tonsilliths will not harm your teeth is there a medicine or something you can do or take before eating certain foods to prevent diarrhea my fiance loves to eat spicy foods mexican and pizza but gets diarrhea every time he was experiencing diarrhea on a daily basis for months before cutting back on those foods but even with eating them less he still gets it when he eats those foods i did not know if there were meds or a supplement he could take before eating so that he would not have diarrhea after this happens with pizza spaghetti sauce hot sauce mexican and anything with very much grease any cures would be helpful,hemorrhoids are swollen veins that appear as painful lumps on the anus they may form as a result of increased circulation and pressure on the rectum and vagina from your growing baby recommendations try to avoid constipation constipation can cause hemorrhoids and will make them more painful try to avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time change your position frequently make an effort not to strain during a bowel movement apply ice packs or cold compresses to the area or take a warm bath a few times a day to provide relief avoid tight fitting underwear pants or pantyhose discuss the use of a hemorrhoid treatment with your health care provider what kind of medical specialist treats hepatitis c,hepatitis c is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis c virus technically since hepatitis c is an infectious disease one might think that an infectious disease specialist a subspecialty of internal medicine would be the appropriate medical specialist to see hepatitis c is more than a simple infection however it usually is a chronic infection that often is associated with important damage to the liver because of this fact patients with hepatitis c are most commonly referred for treatment to a specialist in gastroenterology also a subspecialty of internal medicine gastroenterologists specialize in diseases of all of the gastrointestinal organs including the liver moreover there are gastroenterologists who specialize in diseases of the liver including hepatitis c these specialists are called hepatologists hepar means liver whether patients with hepatitis c are treated by gastroenterologists or hepatologists depends on the expertise gastroenterology or hepatology available in the community the severity of any associated liver disease and the complexity of the contemplated treatment i am donatin an egg its going to be stored they already did ultrasound in my vagina can my husband do oral sex on me,no will be ovulating next week tips hello i am trying to conceive i need any tips and the best day to have intercourse my last period started the 5th and is just about finished i checked my ovulation calendar and it says my fertile days are the 14th 20th and i will be ovulating on the 19th but i checked a different calendar and it says totally different days does anyone know when i should be about ovulating and when i should have intercourse please help i am trying to have a mini me ,timing is everything sperm can live for three to five days but the egg is around for only 12 to 24 hours to increase the likelihood of conception it is important to have daily intercourse in the days leading to ovulation and on the day you ovulate a woman typically ovulates about 14 days before her next period if you have a 28 day cycle which is the average then you would ovulate about halfway through your cycle but if you have a 35 day cycle you would ovulate around day 21 not day 17 day 1 is the first day of your period you can refer some useful tips to get pregnant fast here good luck i am overweight 40 and pregnant but exercise regularly what should i do to maintain a healthy pregnancy,hi well your the lucky one well keep exercising as much as you can walk daily very good for you get in swimming if you can do not for get sex i know that how you got pregnant but very good for you when your pregnant drink lots of water keep off fast foods and junk foods to much salt and sugars keep of cakes and biscuits no milk chocolate just eat a couple of pieces of dark chocolate daily very good for you no sodas just eat healthy thing is wholewheat pastas baked potato is keep off fried chipsfries better still keep away from all fried foods eat salads drink milk start taken vits for pregnant women try and enjoy yourself keep happy do not get stressed i do hope some of this helps good luck hot grease splashed into eye puss coming out next morning suggestions,using milk may be as effective as plain water milk really has no special healing powers for sunburn it is just the coolness of the liquid that helps releave some of the discomfort penies size for 23 age old i am 23 year old and my hight 5 6 and wight 71 my penis size 4 4 inch its normal size for my age any chance to grown up,in the early stages crohn is disease causes small scattered shallow crater like areas erosions on the inner surface of the bowel these erosions are called aphthous ulcers with time the erosions become deeper and larger ultimately becoming true ulcers which are deeper than erosions and causing scarring and stiffness of the bowel as the disease progresses the bowel becomes increasingly narrowed and ultimately can become obstructed deep ulcers can puncture holes in the wall of the bowel and bacteria from within the bowel can spread to infect adjacent organs and the surrounding abdominal cavity when crohn is disease narrows the small intestine to the point of obstruction the flow of the contents through the intestine ceases sometimes the obstruction can be caused suddenly by poorly digestible fruit or vegetables that plug the already narrowed segment of the intestine when the intestine is obstructed digesting food fluid and gas from the stomach and the small intestine cannot pass into the colon the symptoms of small intestinal obstruction then appear including severe abdominal cramps nausea vomiting and abdominal distention obstruction of the small intestine is much more likely since the small intestine is much narrower than the colon to begin with deep ulcers can puncture holes in the walls of the small intestine and the colon and create a tunnel between the intestine and adjacent organs if the ulcer tunnel reaches an adjacent empty space inside the abdominal cavity a collection of infected pus an abdominal abscess is formed patients with abdominal abscesses can develop tender abdominal masses high fevers and abdominal pain when the ulcer tunnels into an adjacent organ a channel fistula is formed the formation of a fistula between the intestine and the bladder enteric vesicular fistula can cause frequent urinary tract infections and the passage of gas and feces during urination when a fistula develops between the intestine and the skin enteric cutaneous fistula pus and mucous emerge from a small painful opening on the skin of the abdomen the development of a fistula between the colon and the vagina colonic vaginal fistula causes gas and feces to emerge through the vagina the presence of a fistula from the intestines to the anus anal fistula leads to a discharge of mucous and pus from the fistula is opening around the anus what are migraine headaches,maybe it would be a good idea for you to have your doctor order a varicella titer a test to determine if you have immunity to chicken pox if your titer is low or non existent then yes exposure to the herpes virus the cause of both shingles and herpes either from someone with chicken pox or direct contact to someone who has active shingles can cause you to get chicken pox i suffer from tired aching legs during and after work any suggestions,the symptoms can be due to overuse injury to the muscles while other common causes can be varicose veins consult an orthopedician to rule out the cause as of now take painkillers out of necessary do foot and leg massage if you are overweight try loosing weight soak your feet in warm water by adding rock salt in it hope this information helps regards can a man become fertile after taking antibiotics that was infertile beforehand,hi it seems the answer is yes i found this piece of info that may help antibiotics are recommended as a fertility treatment when an infection is preventing sperm moving from the testes as normal nccwch 2013135 #ixzz2ljmk95pv and this is were i found this info good luck is it better to apply heat or cold to sore muscles after stenuous exercise,somtimes what contributes to soreness is 1 lack of warm up so insuffcicient oxygen was available to fuel the work and 2 lack of cooldown which will help the muscles recover by completing any partial combustion of sugars for energy leaving residual metabolites such as one feels with the muscle burn of working beyond anerobic threshold anerobic threshold can be increased through more careful training i can exercise well beyond my predicted 100 of age heart rate for periods of 10 20 and 30 minutes or more what can i do if i had an excruciating facial pain going down from my right cheek all the way up to my ears it feels like someone stabbing on my jaw and checks its so painful i tried drinking some ibuprofin to relieve my pain but its not helping,stools that are gray colored may indicate problems with the drainage system involving interactions occurring between the pancreas gallbladder and liver bile salts are normally released by the liver if there is a liver disturbance bile production may be reduced or the release of bile can be blocked the bile chemicals may build up in the body and result in gray colored stools sometimes a yellowing of the skin is also a symptom observed in conjunction with clay colored stools digestion of the peanut butter may or may not hold any significance in the development of your change in stool color i would recommend not waiting any longer for resolution stools that are gray colored along with abdominal pain may be indicative of a liver infection or liver disease anytime that stools are not brown in color is the right time to contact your doctor to have the situation correctly assessed physical therapy exercises for a rotator cuff injury i have diagnosed myself with a rotator cuff injury i have been resting it for about 3 4 months now hoping it would start feeling better but it has not it does not bother me in most day to day activities mostly when showering when i reach for my other arm to wash it and i can not sleep very well on my right side i am wondering if someone could recommend some exercises i could do to strengthen my shoulder thanks,if you suspect you have ringworm of the skin call your doctor if you have patches of skin that are itchy red or scaly with bumps that look like blisters and they have not improved after 2 weeks of treatment with a nonprescription antifungal product signs of bacterial infection develop signs may include increased pain swelling redness tenderness or heat red streaks extending from the area discharge of pus fever of or higher with no other cause the rash appears to be spreading even after treatment watchful waiting watchful waiting is a wait and see approach if you get better on your own you will not need treatment if you get worse you and your doctor will decide what to do next you can treat ringworm at home with medicines you can buy without a prescription if symptoms do not improve after 2 weeks of treatment with this medicine call your doctor any persistent severe or recurring infection should be checked by your doctor who to see the following health professionals can diagnose and treat ringworm of the skin family medicine physician pediatrician dermatologist nurse practitioner physician assistant internist to prepare for your appointment see the topic making the most of your appointment webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what is radiation therapy,it is the use of high dose x rays or other high energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors it is also called radiotherapy which is a better birth control pill than ortho cyclen,the endoscopy is unlikely to have a beneficial effect on thrush thrush is a yeastfungal infection common in people like the elderly who are immunocompromised thrush is best treated with the antifungal medication mild discomfort and then mild pain in belly button region when i press that region,these are signs of ibs take anti spasmodic medicines eat more of curds and avoid lactose diet milk and dairy products should be avoided smelled blood a few days ago and now have constant migrains feel nausiated and upset stomach i am a male any ideahs i smelled blood a few days ago followed by a severe migraine now i have constant migraines dizziness feeling nauseated and have a upset stomach which started moments after smelling blood any ideas what is going on with me,getting the right osteoporosis medication depends on a lot of things your health your age how advanced your osteoporosis is even your gender so the medicine that is right for your sister or neighbor may not be right for you also when trying any medication there is always a bit of trial and error unfortunately your doctor can not always know which medicine will work best for you beforehand although it may be frustrating you might need to try several different medicines until you find the right one could i still be pregant or what else is wrong i suppose to came on my period on february the 17th it never came and now its march and its still not here i have frequent urination i went to the hospital they say i am not pregnant what else can be wrong or could i still be pregnant,in varies depending on the thickness and amount of padding but a fiberglass short leg cast only weighs a few pounds i put them on but i can not say i ever had the urge to weigh them i work in nw ohio and i have employer sponsored medical however in a recent update we were told there are many changes in the new law and we can expect increased costs as well as new fees reinsurance assessment pcori fee and a 3rd one i do not remember are these fees across the board and standard or can companies collect a fee and say it is part of the new law i am worried i will be paying fees that are inflated what controls are in place for these types of charges,it is true that there are several new fees under the law that may increase coverage for insurers and employers and as with your employer in many instances these fees will be passed along to covered workers in the form of higher health insurance premiums and yes these will be applied across the board to all consumers covered by the employered sponsored insurance policy sharp pains in my chest arms and legs fall asleep problems with my digestive track,hi… mostly you are having general weakness and vitamin deficiency you need to get enough healthy foods like vegetables fruits and get enough protein as this will help your body muscles and nerves to be stronger… if you are having indigestion you can start by eating yogurtwith bifidus probiotics this will help you much then if not ok then go to a gastroenterology specialist… regards sex in july i have had period every month on time since then i have taken 3 pregnancy tests all negative am i being paranoid can i still be pregnant i am really scared i would be 15 weeks along if i was regular period nausea anxiety cramps paranoia bloating fatigue dizziness hazy stomach pains constipation yeast infection at the beginning of every period,the right colorectal cancer treatment is based on the degree of spreading or stage cancer that is self contained inside a polyp can often be cured with a colonoscopy a snare on the end of the colonoscope cuts the entire cancer out if colorectal cancer has spread into the bowel wall surgery is needed part or all of the colon is removed hemicolectomy or colectomy once the cancer has spread into the body treatment becomes more complex it will usually involve chemotherapy or other targeted colorectal cancer treatments as you can see the treatments get more aggressive and invasive as the cancer spreads so colorectal cancer prevention is the name of the game pain in head neck left arm and lower back xray shows degeneration here are my mri results,in my opinion c23 are causing you head neck pain c56 causing numbness in your fingers i recommend physical therapy to fix your round shoulder and forward head you also need to lose some breast weight by lowering or stop carbohydrate intakegood luck are there any diseases i can get from touching a tick a tick fell off my dog i picked it up not knowing what it was,if it was a common brown tick often seen on dogs you are likely fine as long as you washed your hands a deer tick smaller can cause lyme disease if the tick actually bit you and attached but no if you just picked it up from the floor yes there is a high yuck factor but the chance of you picking up a illness from this act would be remote i have been eating saladsno cheese okra and asparagus and drinking about 80 100oz of waterday and constipated i am not sure what else to do i eat vegetablesbrocoli spinach asparagus okra pickles cucumbers tomatoes and egg whites with a drop of olive oil and i drink tons of water i mean i drink a lot of water i weigh 130 and drink between 80 100oz a day i exercise regularly and do not drink i go for 5 9days without pooping and then i will have a painful hard poop the size of a newborn baby any advice i am also very bloated and pee all of the time,drugs like dutasteride acts by inhibition of conversion of testosterone to its more active and potent form of dihydrotestosterone thus the side effects may include loss of libido erectile dysfunction low mood irritability and depression although the frequency of such adverse effects is not very high but they are potentially frustrating sometimes reduced libido may not be due to a direct side effect of dutasteride but is purely psychological but still if you have noted significant reduction in sexual desire and erection i suggest you stop the medication with prolonged use the condition may be irreversible and no doubt that would be more troublesome than loss of hair let me give you two tips for both the problems apply onion juice on scalp daily it has got miraculous effect consume three garlic cloves raw and crushed daily you can swallow it with water within a month you will see drastic improvement in libido and erection onion juice contains sulfur which increases production of keratin garlic on the other hand cleanses fat and cholesterol deposition from smaller blood vessels thus improving erections by supplying more blood to the penile tissues for further information consult a sexologist online > what is nausea,nausea is a queasy feeling that leads to stomach distress a distaste for food and an urge to vomit nausea is not a disease but a symptom of many conditions it can be brought on by illnesses such as influenza medications pain and inner ear disease i have type ii diabetes what is the best form of exercise for my condition i take metformin twice a day and insulin in the evening i would like a recommendation on a good exercise program especially since i have a busy and sometimes inconsistant schedule,having type 2 diabetes means you need to make the time having a busy schedule is the norm for everyone the insulin you take daily makes up for the little insulin that you produce metformin helps sensitizes your body and muscles to insulin in people with diabetes the only way to break and improve insulin resistance and reduce your risk of heart disease and other complications is by using muscles most any type of regularly performed physical activity will do find something you like it helps increase the chance that you will stick to it a buddy system for exercise also helps make you more accountable and less likely to miss out on the social mental and physical benefits of exercise a combination of aerobic type exercise and weights targeting core muscles is something to aim for find an endocrinologist that is passionate about working with people that have type 2 diabetes can a fused finger be reversed or adjusted to regain motion,yes it can 43 yr old no periods in 8 yrs but very anemic would anemia cause my nipples to hurt worse than ever before in my life,bad breath or halitosis can have many causes including poor oral hygiene smoking alcohol stomach problems dry mouth sinusitis diabetes tooth abscess gum infections etc with so many potential causes it is hard to say that a tongue scraper will help the bottom line is that you need a diagnosis for the cause of the halitosis before deciding on a treatment im sick with a cold have the worst headache ever a sore throat and keep breaking in to sweats whats wrong with me help stomach feels twised,you cannot be blindly diagnosed over the internet based solely on a list of vague symptoms if you want to find out what is wrong with you you will need to see a medical provider so that you can be properly examined i had accident whiplash pain in shoulder and collar bone,this does not seem to be melanoma it is more likely a skin bacterial fungal infection… but it is advised to see a dermatologist i am in withdrawal – i did all cardiac tests all normal bp high,you can ride only with the expressed permission by your ob gyn since i do not know you the stage of your pregnancy or your medicalobstetric history it would not be prudent to offer you a patient specific response in this matter can cephalexin 250 mg cause muscle aches i started this medication for an ear infection and about 2 days after i started to feel as if my muscles were weak and now my legs feel achy as if i had just exercised,here is the complete list of side effects caused on taking cephalexin 250mg where its been stated that muscle ache is a rare side effect on taking this medication bug bites but never see a bug not bedbugs cause swelling itching redness heat to bite and hardness to area,medications can explain the side pain however i saw a similar case with as much delusions like your mother he was on antidepressant and antihistaminics however it turns out he just had hyperthyroidism which caused all the symptomsgood luck can warts be prevented,though skin warts can not be prevented there are a number of precautionary measures you can take to minimize your risk of acquiring warts one of the most important things you can do is to wash your hands regularly also try to keep your skin healthy moisturized and free of cuts if you bite your fingernails or cuticles do your best to stop biting nails creates an opening for virus to enter your skin be careful to use clean fresh towels at the gym or in other public locations and always wear rubber soled flip flops or sandals in public locker rooms and showers what is the typical adult dosage of lamictal lamotrigine for bipolar depression i am a 25 yr old woman and weigh about 105lbs i am currently on 40mg 2x 20mgday of lexapro and have recently titrated up to 200mg of lamotrigine i have been diagnosed with anxiety and manic depression lexapro did not have as much effect on me compared to when i first started taking it this then led to me being prescribed lamotrigine is this combination effective in treating my disorders am i on too much are there any other medications that are known to be effective thank you,it looks like your exercise routine is sound my only suggestion is make sure your the weights your using in your toning exercises are challenging as you get stronger to continue to improve you will need to go heavier since you have got a strong exercise program on board now you have to look at your diet i had a professor in grad school who summed it up this way you can not walk run or swim away from your diet all of us struggle loosing that last 10 lbs and to be successful you need to make sure your eating clean one of the best ways to do this is using a food diary i recommend using webmd is food and fitness planner that way you can determine the calories you need to hit your weight loss goals one thing i really like about utilizing this is if i know i am going out to a friends house for get together or to happy hour with co workers i can shift my meals around to insure i can go enjoy myself and still stay on track is it mandatory that everyone enroll in health insurance coverage,most americans are required to carry insurance but there are exemptions you can see the full list of exemptions here at healthcare gov www healthcare gov peasize lump under skin right near tragus very painful and tender what is it,these could be pilonidal sinus tracts or openings based on your description these areas are capable of forming cysts or infections abscesses but as long as you are not having any problems just leave them alone if you are a male make sure to keep hair from these areas i will get nervous and jittery my head itches and i cannot fall asleep before bed i wake up in the am with a rash this has happened several times and it takes weeks before the rash goes away my dermatolgist said it is inverse psyroissis is that possible,i think you mean psoriasis a common dermatological condition that can appear on any skin surface including the scalp i am not sure what the inverse part is but then again i am not a dermatologist so to address your question yes it is possible to have psoriasis on the scalp there are many different medications from steroid solutions to shampoos that can help and there are prescription and over the counter medications to control the itching give your dermatologist a call and ask for some help my husband is 50 ph level per urinalisis is 7 0 is this a concern what is ph level mean,thrush is actually a fungal infection and it can be very common in breastfeeding it actually is something that cannot be treated over the counter you have to bring your baby and yourself over to the doctor obgyn or pediatrician and it will actually give you a prescription medication which can be used both on the mom and in the baby is mouth there is actually a topical solution that could be used it is very effective but once again it is something that you have to see the doctor for i have been having breathlessness and dizziness which has been almost constant i am extremely fatigued and have had occasional chest pains,hi do you have any malabsorbtion disease did you recently have any surgery why do not you fix it with diet or daily pills you seem to know all your problems and already treating them i need to understand more to be able to help you good luck how long is it safe to ice testicles without causing damage my wife is having a hard time getting pregnant so i did some research for home remedies and solutions because i am a little embarrassed to talk to my doctor about the possibility of me having fertility issues i came across icing testicles as a common result i want to give this a try before i go to my doctor how long is it safe to ice my testicles in one period of time before i possibly cause damage if i will cause damage,hi mm here are 3 links that could help you and your wife to get pregnant but do watch the vid in the first one helpful would be the word and the others do have useful info just copy links into googel one at a time to the www to open and read one tip one link says about having sex or masturbating every 24 to 48 hours that you should question doing both to much will just release immature sperm and this wont make your wife pregnant but do go find a lab and have a sperm test done if nothing else just to make sure its good and do go get a blood test done get your testosterone checked out as this help your sperm count but do keep healthy keep off fast and junk foods and sodas get and exercise do some walking or light jogging or combine both and swimming is really good for you keep off alcohol and forget smoking no social drugs and do watch what meds you taken but timing is how your wife gets pregnant its all down to knowing her cycle like day 1 is first day of her period and day 14 is ovulation day give or take a day so your sperm needs to be there waiting for her egg to drop so unprotected sex about 3 to 4 days before it takes our sperm 3 days to get in place and can live for 7 days ok so far then now if around day 21 she gets spotting then there is a good chance she is pregnant wait for a week after she miss is her period then go get tested at your doctor last how comes you can come on here and tell the world of your problems but not your own doctor do hope this helps you and your wife good luck what is the difference between medicare and obamacare,hi the reason behind the shrinkage is because all your blood drains from it slowly and very slowly as your penis comes back to body temperature it will re enlarge back to normal but you cant rush it the only way out of would not to cold bath or just keep for a special day once a week its either this or just suffer having your penis shrink twice a day good luck i am currently 23 weeks pregnant since i become 3 month pregnant my work has made my life a misery basically keep swapping and changing my job after sorting it out then told me im expected to do the same work as everybody else as pregnancy is not a disability or a illness and at this stage of my pregnancy i should not be getting tired i am really depressed and stress over work getting frequant headaches just wondering if i go to doctors and go o n sick pay will i get full pay due to stress and depression due to work,the symptoms that you describe suggest possibility of pregnancy induced depression also called pregnancy blues along with effects of the changing hormonal effects if the symptoms have been affecting your dailywork life andor your personal relations you should consider visiting your doctorgynecologist at the earliest for further evaluation to look for the underlying cause and assistance to control the symptoms based on the evaluation results medications safe ones that can be used during pregnancy would be started to help you counseling sessions would also help you to cope up with your symptoms and carry on with pregnancy smoothly take care if a new born baby test positive for cocaine does that mean the mother was using throughout her pregnancy if the mother used crack in the beginning but once she found out she was pregnant claimed to quit using will the new born still test positive for cocaine,drug addicts lie if the baby tested positive the mother has used cocaine very recently not all drug addicts lie first of all i recently found out i am pregnant i am on the metodone program a month and3 weeks i have had some cocaine was never my addiction i was honest with my doctor when i sample still to this day my test still says i have cocaine in my system and it cant be true i am on effexor my prenatal vitamin and my diclicton for morning sickness please i need anwsers because the cas are involved about to take my children how can i prove i am not doing cocaine i have not touched it for a month and 3 weeks please help anyone what will fix a headache and fever for someone on blood pressure medicine,my dad had high blood pressure and was taking medication for it he also had no problems taking regular paracetamol for his headaches he also took later on in life osteo panadol for his bad knee so i would guess panadol is ok can you have a fever with a cold began with a sore throat for several days tiredness then after 4 days chest congestion and fever at night,absolutely a cold is a viral infection and a fever is just one of the ways the body fights this infection a fever can also be a sign of a secondary bacterial infection so if you are not improving or getting sicker it would be best to see your medical provider how to increase blood volume in body lost half of my blood due to a bleeding ulcer got out of hospital with a number of 10 within one month it was up to 11 then slowed down after 4 more months it was 11 4 and finally 2 more months moved it to 11 7 my annual physical blood chemistry says it should be between 13 and 18 i tire easily and feel i am not getting enough oxygen to the brain i feel dizzy and have blurred vision often this does not help since i have an ef of 30 40 thank you,i am sorry you are going through this i think the reason your care providers are not intervening is because your hemoglobin count is rising naturally it has progressed from 10 to 11 7 it may not be rising as quickly as you would like but it is a good sign that the level is coming up on its own as you probably know hemoglobin is the protein on red blood cells that transports oxygen i am assuming you are referring to your hemoglobin number because that is the blood test that most closely fits the reference range of 13 to 18 you are referring to when hemoglobin levels are low we call it anemia technically you are anemic you can not increase your blood volume but you can take steps to help the anemia clear up more quickly eating iron rich foods and fruits that contain vitamin c may help however you should check with your doctor first because excessive iron consumption can hinder the action of some medications specifically green leafy vegetables like spinach should not be eaten if you are taking warfarin coumadin also you must not take iron supplements with antacids and treatment for ulcers frequently involves taking antacids in fact just to be clear i never recommend anyone take an iron supplement without a doctor is supervision it is good news that your hemoglobin numbers are coming up on their own i am sorry it is taking longer than you would like and that you are having unpleasant symptoms wishing you well i have joint pain and muscle spasms since 2011 now developed numbness in legs,seems to be more of a well encapsulated simple cyst most probably an adenoma keep a watch on its size if it increases in size or becomes more painful then it needs agressive treatment at present get lymph node biopsy done i am starting to turn gray but i am not ready to start coloring my hair are there more natural options i can use,some state medicaid programs will cover bariatric surgery and medicare does cover it however you must meet the criteria for this type of procedure in order for it to be covered generally that means having a bmi greater than 35 having at least one illness related to obesity been unsuccessful at losing weight the procedure has to be deemed medically necessary and that is determined on a case by case basis you might contact your state is medicaid agency for help finding a physician and determining your eligibility for surgery what are the symptoms of prostate cancer,i do not know were this myth of all persons who have bipolar are drug users and raging alcohalics google it the latest numbers indicate that only 50 of persons with bipolar are substance abusers i have lived with bipolar disorder for 30 years i have never had these issues but i also do not play the self pitty card and i take care of my self insted of putting posion into my body i have been discrimenated aganst more times than i wish to think about our local hospital who has discrinated aganst me so many times because i complaned about there treatment of me so many times they will no longer treat me my abvice to all who have experance this sort of treatment always carry a note book and explane and date your experances politley file a complant with the hospital file a complant with your state authorities and then see your attorney and hand them your note book when it comes time to go court follow your attorneys advice once the word is out that there is possable trouble pending for the hospital they will be very nice to you be smart take care of your self it is your job if you need help pick up the phone or get help from a family member or freind you know when your in crissis do not use it as an excusse to snort cocaine and get your 16 year old nabour pregnat sorry about the spelling but iam pressed for time it is something i have to think about does your cervix or uterus produces hormones,hi please do not over nervous just because of a couple of razor cuts the pains sound like you may have the flu coming on or could be you just slept heavy just take pain relief with a good hot drink and relax should do you the world of good good luck can a woman get pregnant and have a period two weeks later my friend and i had sex in the middlish of feb middle torwards the beginning the day we had sex just so happened to be her last day of her period a couple weeks prior to that she had sex with another guy which was the very ending of jan now she is late and experiencing pregancy symptoms and it the end of feb what are the chances of me being the father and what are the chances of the other guy being the father,prostate cancer is so common that some experts believe every man would get it if he lived long enough studies of autopsies show that most men older than 85 who die of other causes have tumors in their prostates 1 it usually is a very slow growing cancer that takes years to grow large enough to cause any symptoms in some men it never does cause problems sometimes though it grows quickly and may cause complications or death when prostate cancer grows large enough it begins to fill the prostate and often can be felt by your doctor during a digital rectal exam as it continues to grow it breaks through the outer rim of the prostate and into nearby tissues such as the seminal vesicles at this point the disease is called locally advanced prostate cancer after the cancer has broken through the prostate it may move into nearby lymph nodes from the lymph node system the cancer can spread to other areas of the body most often prostate cancer spreads to the bones it also may spread to the lungs or other organs when it has spread to the lymph nodes the disease is called metastatic prostate cancer metastatic prostate cancer is not curable but a number of treatments are available to help you live longer and make you feel better while most men live 1 to 3 years after this diagnosis some men may live many years longer webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated does a written prescription expire,every state will differ in regards to how long a written prescription will be active check with your local pharmacist to learn your state is regulations regarding the type of prescription and the expiration date can a pap smear cause a miscarriage i find out by a home preg test that i was preg and went to doctors and confirm i was and doc did my yearly pap at same time 5 days later had miscg i am just confuse and want to know more about miscarriages,a pap smear will not cause a miscarriage but sadly miscarriages do spontaneously happen my heart goes out to you some pregnancies are no viable and your body simply will not let it continue i do not have any way of knowing the reasons in your case but a discussion with your obgyn will be helpful is the flu vaccine safe for breastfeeding moms,the flu vaccine is safe and recommended for breastfeeding moms the vaccine is not passed through to the baby and therefore no direct flu immunity is passed to the baby either the rationale for encouraging parents to get the flu vaccine is that if a parent develops immunity and becomes less likely to catch the flu then heshe is less likely to pass the flu to their baby my doctor replaced my pacemaker then went back in to fix it he says to watch for infection what should i look for,hi this seems to be a reactionary conjunctivitis causing a thin film over the eyes it may also be due to many other reasons try using few eyedrops if it doesnt dissolve then you need to consult a ophthalmologist thanks one year old blind boy can not move please help,it does not seem likely shingles causes nerve pain but it is due to the viral infection chiropractic treatment would help pain that is caused by nerves that are pinched by bones that are out of alignment since the pain of shingles is a totally different cause a chiropractic treatment does not make sense if i have higher than normal mercury levels from eating sushi will it get back to normal by itself if i change my diet or a treatment is the only option,you need to work with a healthcare provider on this issue and have your levels monitored they also might have specific treatment for you if you eat fish and seafood less often your levels will likely go down but you need to work with someone and have levels tested to be sure for more on the topic read this q&a with the doctor of a well known actor who had mercury toxicity from eating sushi twice a day for years do young people need to do hemocult stoll specimen test any specific age that is recommended to do the test,routinely no but if there is a family history of skin cancer or any suspicion that blood may be in the stool either visible or occult hidden then one should definitely do it there is no set age to do this test but anytime you are having a complete physical exam including a rectal exam this test can be easily done at this time iv inserted in jugular vein is causing vision problems and pain in back of head,other than plastic surgery there is no medical way to increase the size of your penis or your feet or your head or any other part of your body it is what it is so do not waste your money on quackery an artist is not judged by the size of his paint brush and a good lover is not judged by the size of his penis my girlfriend is peeing blood and has back pains she doesnt want to go to the doctor yet any help please,whether she wants to go or not is irrelevant she needs to go because she is having signs of a urinary tract infection perhaps one that is involving the kidney like a pyleonephritis she could also be passing a kidney stone either one of these could be serious so waiting is not a logical option as you know it is not normal to pee blood hematuria since the kidneys are located high in the back it would be in her best interest to seek medical care so she can be properly diagnosed and treated it may be up to use to convince here can simvistatin cause high blood pressure,hi good old statins raises its ugly head again look go have a good read of this site www spacedoc com packed with info on statins and how not so good they are for you lots to read and try these links as well these are from doctors as well just have a good read and see how you get on good luck sharp pains in back of head loud ringing in my ear head feels like it is being crushed ,com these are symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency means your basilar arteries are not delivering enough blood to your brain due to a problem in the neck mostly cervical vertebrae you can get a duplex over those arteries or mri to recognize the pathology causing it is she lying hey guys i had vaginal sex with someone with a condom on and noticed that no seman made its way out of the comdom and the condom wasnt ripped or broken after either i then had another sexual encounter with the same person but this time is was anal unprotected when i pulled out no seman was dripping and to be extra sure i purchased the plan b pill within hours of the encounter shes now saying shes 4 months pregnant i totally think shes lying what do you think help me out here,it could happen ma am2nd degree can resolves alone i or even with using pesseries take an advantage ma am and start doing exercises to make the situation better and strenghthen your pelvic floor muscle i can not fully turn head to left for about 4 years due to acute pain,do you have neck pains ear pain dizziness your symptoms s may indicate cervical rib if you can reply with answer we can go further with diagnosis mystery illness what could i possibly have a fib chronic diarrhea vomiting and nausea i have been severely ill for almost a month now i thought i got food poisoning possible source subway avocado that looked an unusual shade of green about 1 month ago have had chronic diarrhea 4 6x a day ever since it has gotten progressively worse and now within the past few days i have been vomiting after most meals i have been emitted to the er 2x for fluids one of those trips resulted in my heart going into a fib no history of heart problems in the past treated with cardioversion,hi of course your heart will start to play up having this problem for so long doctors been there yet or doctor to you even did you not bring up your problem why you was at the er here is a link its from the uk is nhs on food poisoning it has lots of help but as this has been long term i would have thought the er would be the best place for you seeing as its given you so much trouble just google this link to open and read good luck can you have sex if you have genital herpes,hi it will take lots of time to regularise ur period naturally as it all depends on ur genetic and hormonal structure i suggest you to take pills to regularise the cycles this will help u to have children early thanks what is this large hard dark lump under the skin of my inner thigh it does not hurt but i have had it for like 3 months there is an oval hard lump under my skin on my inner thigh farther back so you can not see it if i am standing it barely sticks out from my skin but is large like wide and long the skin above its darker than the skin around it pretty sure not dermatofibroma i thoughtfrom shaving or my shorts were too tight &were irritating the skin but i have addressed these &it hasnt goneaway it is too low to be a swollen lymph node should it go away on its own time if i use neosporinor should i visit a dr,hi you should be ok as it will keep working for around 48 hours hope this helps you good luck i am really confused what can cause my cholesterol to get that high,hi in my opinion if all of these tests ct stool urine came back normal this can exclude any major problem so it can be gastroenteritis and or ibs so if you did not develop other symptoms like nausea vomiting blood proved in stool then stay assured it is nothing bad and get your medical treatment i am starting to feel very slight burning sensation after urination,hi it is unlikely i recommend that you do a urine analysis and culture to be safe good luck should i take a decongestant or antihistamine for a cold or the flu,this depends on your symptoms if you have nasal or sinus congestion then a decongestant can be helpful if you have drainage either a runny nose or postnasal drip or itchy watery eyes then an antihistamine may be helpful over the counter antihistamines often make people drowsy decongestants can make people hyper or keep them awake antihistamines can make secretions thick which can be a problem for people with asthma keep in mind that both these medications may interact with other drugs you may be taking for conditions such as heart disease and they may worsen some conditions discuss with your doctor or pharmacist which cold medication may be best for you are there any nonsurgical methods for fading age spots on the face,start by using sun protection every day all year round and reapplying every two hours if you are outdoors this will allow your skin to repair itself as much as possible i would also start with an over the counter regimen of moisturizers retinoids and antioxidants products that contain hydroquinone have been known to brighten the skin niacinamide is also effective for reducing age spots other ingredients such as glutathione sepi white n acetyl glucosamine licorice root extract mulberry root extract and azeleic acid can also be helpful how is priapism treated,treatment for priapism is a medical emergency because a prolonged erection can scar the penis and result in a long term complication of erectile dysfunction if if not treated the goal of treatment is to relieve the erection and preserve normal penile function in most cases treatment involves draining the blood using a needle placed in the side of the penis medications that help shrink blood vessels which decreases blood flow to the penis also may be used in rare cases surgery may be required to avoid permanent damage to the penis if the condition is due to sickle cell disease a blood transfusion may be necessary treating any underlying medical condition or substance abuse problem is important to preventing priapism will a blood transfusion get rid of herpes,lipoma may lead to headache if its site on temple is above a vein so it hinders the backflow of the blood and as a result accumulation of cellular wastes causing headache or compressing a superficial nerve why do not you get it removed i had a lung collapse and a severe asthma reaction 20 years later relapse with asthmatic exasperation,it seems that these symptoms are due to reactionary bronchospasm occuring due to bronchial asthma get ct chest done and a sputum examination done to assess the cause then bronchodilators can be started i am 54 26 year old female weighing 180 pounds and i want to lose all excess fat and weight yet i eat when depressed,many people over eat when they are upset depressed or anxious the easy answer would be for you to see your medical provider so that you can have your depression properly treated first however i know this is not a simple solution losing weight is not easy if it was no one would be overweight it comes down to simple math you need to eat less than your body needs to maintain your current weight and you need to expend more calories as little as a 500 calorie reduction per day of what you are eating now could result in a 50 pound weight loss in a year before starting any weight loss diet it would be best for you to see your medical provider for an examination determine the amount of weight it would be ideal for you to lose and determine the best way for you to achieve this important goal at the same visit you can address those triggers that make you feel depressed if need be you can ask for a referral to counselor anyone can lose weight all they need to the proper method and the personal motivation if you need help then some of the commercial weight loss programs like weight watchers can be of great help to you the group dynamics can be quite motivating how long does it take methergine to work for a headache,hi look i cant see it but did you take the missed pill the next day on both times if you had done this then things will be ok but normally if you miss one pill its not to bad but doing it twice in one month if you did not back them up as above but then you have had your period you may just have come without egg on your face but you really need to get your act together on bc pill taken same time same place each day so simple good luck i am a 77 year old male taking testosterone shots and using viagra but it is difficult to have an orgasm reason,of course but it is much less common there are numerous theories as to why from the lengthconsistence of the hair to the use of various hair products but i do not believe those theories have been ever tested the caucasian race seems to dominate the head lice proliferation at least in my experience how long can panic and anxiety attacks last if not medicated i have been bipolar and have anxiety and depression issues for years and a few months ago i had to quite taking my abilify cause i could not afford it so im just taking effexor instead of both ive had a lot of stress lately and bad attacks but when i was on both meds i was fine my attacks can last for a few hours i go to sleep fine and wake up fine then im back to havimg these attacks could it because im not taking both meds together anymore ,it is wholly possible that this is related to you stopping the abilify especially since you seem to have been fine when on both it is also possible that your depressionbipolar disorder has simply gotten worse but i think that would be rather unlikely since your sleeping habits are unchanged as for how long the attacks last it is not unheard of for them to last from a few minutes to upwards of a few hours it depends on what triggers them how severe the attack is and your individual reaction to them i can attest from personal experience from seeing a friend and having one myself there are the traditional things you can do for yourself to make the attacks more manageable avoiding triggers being properly rested breathing exercises etc and if that does not help maybe your doctor could recommend new medications such as a generic less expensive form of abilify if there is one i got my flu shot can i still spread the virus against which i am immunized by sneezing for example,hi its only if you have something that you can spread it but as your sneezing you could be spreading a cold around good luck i am so confused and i dont know if it can result in pregnancy to have anal and a slight touch at my entrance by the cock so the other day my boyfriend and i were getting intimate and it ended up with us almost having anal sex i still had my underwear on and he moved it to the side and just let his tip touch my anus but his tip also touched my vaginal entrance at the bottom there was no cum or precum present but i still am worried if there is a chance of pregnancy,hi in that case none just try and put the whole thing out of your mind if you stress over things will just pill up on you stress levels will rise then you end up on drugs to calm you down so just relax and forget about it but if your going to carry on the way you are its not going to be long till your having unprotected sex then you be in trouble so do you think its time you thought of some kind of bc the pill the implant the ring the cap iud but please keep away from depo shot it comes with to many side effects hope this helps you good luck no ejaculation of sperm ever in my life lately sometimes urine during intercourse what is this history of uti in past suffering from vater syndrome lately urine has been darker than usual with strong odor healthy sex life healthy life in general lateltly havent been fully empting my bladder i think it may be linked with a kidney or bladder condition,what i do is rub my baby down with green rubbing alcohol it works every time could my previous method of birth control affect my fertility,the methods of birth control generally donot affects the fertility why do i feel sick after eating bananas it does not happen every single time but fairly often after eating a banana i feel nauseous and sometimes vomit,how long has this been going on have you been to the doctor to see if maybe you have an allergy to bananas or to see if you could possibly be pregnant when doctor says you cured from chlamydia infection does that means that its completely gone i had unprotected sex and did a whole lot of risky behaviors with other guys i met and i wish i can turn back the clock of not having sex with them but it is what it is i been hearing that if you have chlamydia infection that means you have to do be treated to be cured,hi if you feel its improving then you should have faith in your doctor and have patience it will take time to resolve if still you feel that there is no significant improvement then aspiration of the bump should be done and laser therapy should be done to get faster recovery thanks currently in india have eczema and have developed a heat boil exactly on top of the affected spot what should i do have been having eczema since birth was prescribed elocon bymy dermatologist to use as when needed the eczema was not that bad when i left us has aggravated a lot since i landedhere in india have also been developing heatboils everycouple of weeks when i lastvisited a hospital here they prescribed me a strongpain relieving ointment called iodex which is like bengay in us and aspirin but now because the boil is over the spot of eczema i cannot apply the ointment please advice me on what to do,i cannot blindly treat what you are calling a heat boil over the internet you will need to see a physician in india again for a second opinion you may need an antibiotic but this is just a guess since i have no way of examining you sorry i am pregnant and have been told that sudafed is not safe for me to take now any recommendations,there actually are a few recommendations that could be used for a nasal decongestant in a pregnant woman who has a stuffy nose saline solutions are fine to use they come in a variety of forms including a nasal gel that they could apply inside their nose it will help loosen up the mucous and therefore it is easier to breathe also doing things like running a vaporizer or humidifier during the day humidifier is fine at night a vaporizer has a medicine cup in it you can put in things like vicks vaposteam inside of it it will create this nice menthol air and that actually will help you breathe a little better at night you could use a little bit of vicks vaporub rubbed on the chest it is okay to use and that will also create that vapor effect but other than that those are pretty much the choices we just do not have enough data yet available on other decongestants that you would take by mouth to make sure that they are safe to both the mom and the baby but if you have any questions come and ask the pharmacists or the medication experts is abortion safe at 22 weeks into pregnancy hi i am 22 weeks pregnant and contemplating abortion but i am worry that it could be harmful to my body or worst i have already had 6 abortions 3 live births 1 miscarriage i am also a little scared to have this baby because all my pregnancy were high risk and it put me and my babies lives at risk yes my husband and i used a condom when i got pregnant with this baby so i was just wonderng if it was safe or even recommended to go through with it based on my history,there is really no food or supplement that will naturally help regrow hair many people take biotin for this purpose but there is not any data to support its role in enhancing hair growth due to male or female pattern hair loss not loosing weight exercise brutally and consistently due to a recent stressful situation i became partially bald i am a 27 year old male with no prior medical illnesses other than allergies and colds i exercise frequently and more than many people i know who are fit i have been tracking my workouts for the past 2 years and have followed a million diets i always try to make the healthier choice when i go out to eat not often and drink on occasion from august 2014 december 2014 i ran boxed lifted weights in combination and lost little to no weight bp is 972 and after exercise 11590ish,hi for me if you was doing everything you say then you would be losing weight but your not so your cheating its the only answer you need to as strict with what your doing as you say above do that and you will lose weight but get on to some of these new ways of losing weight like the caveman get out walking but brisk walking take a weighted back pack and when doing that find some hills to climb get up early go swimming these last two are some of the best ways to lose weight you just keep away from fast foods and junk foods and no sodas drink lots of water all ways think of these self discipline self control breaking bad habits in grain these in your mind good luck how can one find help paying the co pay for very expensive medicine,you can search needymeds org for information on thousands of programs free low cost or sliding scale clinics drug discount coupons and application assistance programs and rxassist org offers a database of pharmaceutical company programs i had a hymenectomy a few years ago however the area still feels sore and makes sex uncomfortable how can i treat it my boyfriend sometimes describes the area as spiky i was wondering if there are any exercises medicines or lotions i could use to improve it,i agree with all the information provided by maryann other than that eating spicy and dry foods may cause bloating and flatulence sip some hot water after your eating is over add some curdsyogurt with sugar to your diet this will help you a lot hi i am from new delhi india my dad was diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 metastatic pancreatic cancer on 12032012 while he was in operation theater doctor stop the operation now they are saying only kemo will help my dad was supposed to have the wipple procedure but when the doctors opened him up they saw that the cancer had already spread to his liver the surgeon did not remove the tumor on his pancreas or liver and just closed him back up my understanding that there are 8 to 10 small mets on his liver that look like small rice like granules i believe they are isolated to only one lobe of the liver we were told that chemotherapy was our only option at this point but given that it is only a palliative measure so we are obviously looking for other viable options pl help me my father is at 65yrs & fit n fine before this operation he will be going to discharged frm hospital on 20 03 12 then cemo will start on 28 03 2012 pl pl please help me what to do i was devastated to learn that the surgeon did not remove the tumor on the head of his pancreas the surgeon said that he left the tumor there so my uncle could begin chemotherapy sooner i do not understand why he would leave that ticking time bomb inside of him and it pains me to know that it is still inside him and growing even as i type this post thanks gagan gdhawan1981@gmail com,hi gagan welcome to the ehealthforum and i am really glad to help you out i can understand your concern for your uncle but the surgeon was absolutely right in abandoning the whipple is procedure on seeing the metastasis to the liver once the tumor has metastasized to the liver it becomes a stage 4 pancreatic cancer unfortunately majority of the patients do not live more than 6 months and only a few survive up to one year once the diagnosis is confirmed the only option available presently is chemotherapy i sincerely hope that helps take care besides medication for blood pressure what is my next move recently my blood pressure has spiked up and my weight has well i know exercise is needed what else can i can do besides taking blood pressure medication,hi do a brain angiography to search for brain aneurysm once you clear that out you can check your eustachian tube for block good luck my dog has started urinating in his crate at night my dog is 3 years old and is crate trained and has never had an accident in his crate until a couple of weeks ago he is been to the vet for a check up because he would not eat then when he did eat a couple of treats got sick the blood test was fine he was given a shot for the nausea and put on a bland diet for a week he is back to normal except he started urinating in his crate overnight he gets no water after 7pm goes out at 9pm up at 7am,hi these seem to be enlarged lymph nodes which may be secondary to a recent cest infection this will not affect your knee surgery directly but i would suggest you to get a cbc and lymph node biopsy to confirm the root cause thanks having terrible cravings for sweets i have hypothyroidism and am on medicine levels are ok 59 year old female overweight my thyroid levels are okay according to dr glucose level is 80 am being treated for major depression and ptsd,hi if it was me i would tell you to go get your favourite bar of chocolate with your best bottle of pop or soda sit back and enjoy them but you do this only once this will make you fill a whole lot better calm you nerves ease your pain and tomorrow your wake filling a whole lot better but you can only do this the once you do it no more it like giving yourself a kick up the 80 is but only the once now i do hope this will help you good luck but remember i am not your doctor but these things do work my wife is not pregnant but she is producing milk from her left breast,unless there was some news that i have not heard tetracycline is still safe and readily available by prescription you would need to ask her or your pharmacist why she apparently can not get it is it still safe to use a prescription antibiotic cream a year after it has expired,expiration dates are provided to you on prescription products as a way to ensure that you are using a product at its best many medications lose potency over time and some even can become dangerous to use after they expire while in most cases it is not dangerous to use a product beyond its expiration date if the antibiotic cream you are using has lost its ability to treat your infection it may get worse and require even more extensive treatment i suggest you contact your doctor for a new prescription and replace your expired medication with a new one i want to increase eumelanin production while decreasing pheomelanin,i can not examine you to determine the extent of your umbilical hernia so surgery may only be cosmetic it is really up to you to get it fixed butif it is a particular big and bulging one this may be an approach to consider talk to a general surgeon someone who repairs these for patient specific advice i had facial paralysis 6 years ago,also i will advise you to discuss with your neurophysician about accupuncture that at times can be very helpful in improvement of nerve related problems along with hot and cool compresses i have been experiencing constant chills reflux laryngitis is it stds or flu shot side effects,hi it seems to be acute on chronic laryngitis hiv is less likely as the symptoms are of very short duration and hiv takes lots of time to present itself with such complaints influenza shot is less likely to cause these symptoms so most probably laryngitis is the cause thanks is it safe to take trazodone with exforge blood pressure medicine,there are no significant interactions between these two medications your pharmacist should check all of your medications for drug interactions when you have your prescriptions filled so as long as you have your prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy each time which i suggest you do they will be screened for dangerous interactions i know most medications have an expiration date but what does that actually mean,acne vulgaris is the most common skin disease normally acne develops between the age of 12 25 years however acne is not limited to any particular age group as people grow and become older or in younger people acne is becoming a point of concern acne is known as the disease of the pilosebaceous units psus psus are found underneath the skin surface but are more in number on the face back and chest psus consist of oil glands sebaceous gland these oil glands secrete oil to the skin which makes skin moisturized and soft but in case of any pathophysiological changes in these glands due to external or internal factors can lead to acne this can be either be blackheads or whiteheads for more information on this you can visit drugsdropship24 the acne triggering factors are listed below oil glands are over stimulated by increase secretion of sex hormones called androgens that release in both boys and girls during adolescence diseases like polycystic ovary syndrome and cushing is syndrome hormonal changes due to menstruation pregnancy or hormonal therapy like birth control pills cosmetic mostly moisturizers and oily preparations genetics pathogenic invasion like propionibacterium acnes and staphylococcus epidermidis secondary physical factors such as diet personal hygiene dirt sweat and stress incidence of acne on the basis of age acne affects 90 teenagers acne generally begins with the onset of adolescence when androgen concentration begins to increase in the body on the basis of gender acne is more common in males than females during puberty however during adulthood due to hormonal changes women become prone to acne is it likelypossible for me to have pulmonary hypertension given the triggers symptoms and diagnosis,your symptoms are less likely pulmonary hypertension as it has many signs that you do not have and other predisposing factors yours likely is linked toi know you do not like to hear that 🙂 malnutritionanxiety so you really need to get enough vitamins healthy diet and eat many times small meals like 6 meals a day try doing yoga first and gradually return to your activity… stress and anxiety can do much more than you think… and you may not know even you are anxious is hair loss in women different than men,see this does colon cancer occur in inflammatory bowel disease,hi it seems you have chest pain and that shuld have nothing to do with abdomen get a hrct chest to see if its pleurisy thanks is cadaver wart a type of wart that actually develops from touching a corpse,no the term cadaver wart does not refer to an actual wart a raised lesion on the skin caused by human papillomavirus hpv infection rather cadaver wart is a term that has been used to refer to a raised wartlike growth on the hand due to tuberculosis typically occurring in pathologists or laboratory workers who have been involved with postmortem examinations autopsies or processing of surgically removed tissue from a person infected with tuberculosis a cadaver with unsuspected tuberculosis was once a major hazard for pathologists and others in the autopsy room since the bacteria that cause tuberculosis do not penetrate intact skin an accidental cut or other trauma to the skin while performing an autopsy on a person who had tuberculosis can lead to direct inoculation of the skin with the infectious agent resulting in the lesion known as cadaver wart a cadaver wart is known by a number of other names including anatomical tubercle anatomical wart dissection tubercle necrogenic wart postmortem tubercle prosector is tubercle prosector is wart tuberculosis cutis verrucosa and verruca necrogenica a positive urine and a positive blood pregnancy test how likely is that to b wrong asking because every time i have sex i bleed just in the last week but the bleeding stops almost immediately,the pregnancy tests are not likely to be wrong if you are bleeding it would be wise for you to see your medical provider or obgyn for an examination to determine the source and reason what effects does meth have on children when the parents smoke it around them im the grand father,i dont think that parents who use methamphetamines should be caring for any children at any age it is not the smoke but the drug use that is the problem it is difficult enough being a parent but when the parent is chemically impaired even if they think they are not it can be dangerous in older children watching their parents smoke crystal meth is not the best modeling as you know in shower bending over and room spinning stand up slowly clears up why on anti depressants and get frequent migraines,i have always had success with hot green tea with honey what is the best color for full porcelain dentures,some say match the tone of the whites of your eyes but it is best to review this with the doctor who is fabricating your dentures groin odor and itchiness hi i have a really bad odor on my groin area however i cant really smell it until i touch the area moreover i sometimes itch whenever i do work out or sweat can anyone help me out i also have very dry skin,hi its not so much walking but brisk walking find some hills to walk up and get a back pack stick 10 to 20 pounds in it but if you can walk then swimming would be ok its low impact exercise and a good all over exercise but do try this it works for me just google the cabbage diet very simple to follow you just need to cook up with a cabbage lots of veggies but no peas i start of with a pan that can take a gallon in goes a whole load of sliced carrots then prepare as you go sliced onions garlic as much as you want its good for your blood courgettes green beans peppers red and green for colour and last a cabbage to make up the gallon why your cooking it up add two 14oz cans of chopped tomato is and 12 a ltre of passata salt and pepper to taste plus any herbs you like basil is good boil to you fill it up and then you just simmer for the last 35 minutes the first day is fruit change the last one over for veggies and have the fruit the next morning just carry on through the week as it is when you have veggies you can add curry powder to it or chilli sauce worcestershire sauce or just soy sauce they all will make it different and a dribble of some good olive oil this is good for omega 3 then the the next week off but keep the fruit day and the banana and milk day then away you go again if it works for you just keep it going it will make you fill good it detox is your body do hope this helps you good luck is it safe to take diflucan with amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium i am afraid to get c diff ugh a retired nurse i was first prescribed clindomycin which did not work i took the whole course then the doctor put me on the amoxicillin time release tabs i want to take diflucan for yeast overgrowth but do not know if it is safe,there are problems with the fat burning option on the cardio machines and it really ought to be eliminated the idea behind the fat burning option is this because fat is denser than carbohydrate it requires more oxygen to burn so to maximize the percentage of fat you burn compared to carbohydrate the fat burning mode would have you work out at a pace at which your body can deliver lots of oxygen to your muscles that generally means a slow pace to keep you from getting breathless the problem is that when you exercise at a slower speed you burn fewer total calories from both carbohydrate and fat because you simply do not do as much work further the way to get aerobically fit is to get your heart rate into the training range usually 60 to 85 of your maximum heart rate which is hard to do at slower speeds and fitness is ultimately what you are after whether your goals are better health burning calories or improving heart and lung capacity the bottom line is that the fat burning mode probably will not be intense enough to maximize total calorie or fat burning or to help you increase or maintain optimum fitness levels use the cardio mode to maximize your exercise benefits using the fat burning mode on exercise machines at the gym actually is not the best way to burn fat the key concepts to understand here are the percentage of calories that come from fat and total calories the fat burning mode is typically set at lower exercise intensity where more calories burned come from fat not as many calories burned during higher exercise intensity will come from fat the point to understand though is that while more of the calories that you burn will come from fat at a lower exercise intensity you have the potential to burn more calories per session doing higher exercise intensity the percentage of calories burned from fat will be lower during the higher exercise intensity but you will be burning more calories overall including the amount of calories from fat also higher exercise intensity leads to a greater boost in metabolism even after you are done exercising which burns additional calories it is best to do exercise that you are comfortable with and that meets your level of trainingconditioning in general however increasing the time spent on exercise and increasing exercise intensity will provide a greater potential to burn more calories and lose weight what is in or surrounds the breast and wraps around the side that could be hurt by slamming into a door very hard i was slamming into a door with my arm and side to get it to lock and felt something pop and then had pain in what feels like the inside of my breast and it wraps around my side under the band of my bra i have severe osteoporosis and have had 2 spinal fusions in the last six months i am not use to the diagnosis at 54 years old i dont know that i fractured anything as the pain is not excrutiating but does hurt would just like to know what is in that vacinity i may have hurt,hi i would say that you have just torn a muscle there are muscles that wrap around and go under you breast torn muscles will give lots of pain try some ibuprofen these should help to ease your pain the best thing is just relax for a few days but if you can find the spot that really hurts the most ice pack this point icing draws extra blood in this aids healing hope this helps you good luck should i or should i not circumcise my little baby boy,while the chance of pregnancy is small it is not zero semen that is excreted during sexual excitation can be loaded with viable sperm there is no way to calculate your chances of getting your girlfriend pregnant by this risky sex play so you will need to sweat it out she could take a morning after pill or you can just wait until she has or misses her next period take this experience as a serious lesson use a condom your girlfriend should be on some sort of birth control and you should not be engaging in sexual activity that could end up with an unintentional pregnancy hi very slight and you also have to take into account the it takes 3 days for male sperm to reach the egg and a female egg is only fertile for 2 days so if the day was her ovulation day then any sperm would be a day late in getting there and why did you not think of plan b as a back up plan does this help good luck hi very slight and you also have to take into account the it takes 3 days for male sperm to reach the egg and a female egg is only fertile for 2 days so if the day was her ovulation day then any sperm would be a day late in getting there and why did you not think of plan b as a back up plan does this help good luck if i am trying to get pregnant when should i have sex if the ovulation predictor kit tells me what day i ovulated and what can i do keep the sperm inside me longer,whether or not health plans available under the affordable care act will cover second opinions will vary according to the individual insurance plan there is no mandate under the law requiring insurers to cover second opinions so if that is important to you be sure to check with the individual carrier before you sign up for a plan and because insurers may distinguish between the kinds of second opinions they cover e g may cover a consultation with another doctor but not necessarily a round of new expensive diagnostic tests be sure to be specific what are some cheaper alternatives to plastic surgery for youthful skin,u need to do the following urine analysis x ray us after giving birth i continue to vomit 5 – 19 minutes after eating,this is a medical emergency and needs immediate admission you must exclude any block in the intestines or diverticula before going to abdominal usg or or upper gi endoscopy feel better soon is breakfast sausage unhealthy,not just the swine flu but any flu each year influenza claims unnecessary lives and most of them are senior citizens some without pre existing medical problems and some without them the best way to prevent influenza is with the annual flu vaccine taken early in the season if exposued to influenza there are medications like tamiflu that can reduce the duration and severity of influenza very cold and unable to warm up i have been very cold for several days now to the point of shaking and unable to warm up even with multiple blankets and heaters the only time i can seem to get relief is in a hot shower,hi that looks like a separate issue may be there is no relation between your knee pain and your loss of appetite and fatigue… if your knee is locking out you should see an orthopedist to exclude a torninjured meniscus otherwise you can make some laboratory investigations as cbc and esr to rule out other pathology if found do your knees become hot is it one or both knees what aggravates the pain is shingles contagious,high blood pressure treatment usually involves making lifestyle changes and if necessary drug therapy lifestyle changes for high blood pressure include losing weight quitting smoking eating a healthy diet such as the dietary approaches to stop hypertension diet reducing the amount of salt in your diet regular aerobic exercise such as brisk walking limiting alcoholic beverages high blood pressure drugs include angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors angiotensin receptor blockers diuretics beta blockers and calcium channel blockers is it possible to fracture a rib from vomiting,no it is highly impossible to fracture a rib by vomitting at the most it can cause a strain of the intercostal muscles or a intercostal neuritis take anti inflammatory tablets with application of local gel followed by hot fomentation thanks is ed a side effect of gabapentin i had shingles 3 years ago and it left me with tenderness in the area of the original rash my doctor has me on large dosages of gabapentin 3x400mg 3 times a day although i can not be sure during that time period difficulty reaching a full erection has appeared and i must think it comes from something besides old age,do not know how do i find out if my heatlh insurance plan is grandfathered,you should get tested but you might just have dry skin this is very common as far as the penis is concerned you should use a creme called man1 man oil it is the best penis skin moisturizer around and will keep things in good shape down there i have used it for years and i love it good luck vaginal irritationmy only symptoms are itchy red some discomfortdryness mostly itchy no unusual discharge or smell sex w bf abt 4 nights ago dry & its been uncomfortable redsore no bumps does not hurt to pee no frequent urination discharge or odor it comes and goes through the day mostly irritated when i am working or doing a lot of activity i go commando at the gym i have been itching it took yeast infection medication & finished it last night could it be something serious other then irritation from sweat from the gym touching myself down there too often checking it &irritation from the sex,when i had a problem with simvastin and told my doctor he said to just stop it immediately the problems resolved theirselves within a few days however i also suggest you talk to your doctor and let him know your concerns good luck all my test were negative i just wanted to know if they are acurate after 13 days especially for hiv has sex with another male and used condoms none broke unprotected oral sex tho i got my hiv and other std screens and everythig was negative i just wanted to know how effective these were after 13 days,hi if its been stable for some time i would as there not the best drug to be taking just to many bad side effects try this post of mine below should with you hbp and get that down no drugs and its all very healthy for you and keep your cholesterol stable and will clear away plaque doing will do two fight cholesterol and hbp the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric with black pepper and garlic take this each morning and see how you go its all very healthy for you you just mix cp and turmeric 5050 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric you take 3 teaspoonful is each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful is and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down please do keep both jars in the fridge keeps a lot better that way now if you google and read up about all three there very good for ed your cholesterol heart and its arteries prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good at first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals for 2 weeks then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings great way to start the day and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone so do hope this helps you good luck ps this really needs a 12 week trail to see if its going to work for you if its for ra do increase it up the stronger it is the better it works for you do not forget to up the amount of cp and turmeric as you go on one last piece of info some cp i got out here in greece was not very hot so changed shops and using a 5050 mix of cp and chilli powder this i put a heaped teaspoon on top each day along with a heaped teaspoon of turmeric now from a site i am on they say to help turmeric get i can not take an over the counter decongestant with lithium is there anything i can take for severe chest congestion,the short answer is yes unfortunately you have exposed yourself to genital herpes it does not matter that the cold sore was scabbed over or that the lip lesion barely touched your penis a person with herpes can spread the virus even when it is not active your girlfriend is herpes most definitely was active since she had a lesion this does not mean you positively will develop genital herpes but you are flirting with disaster you need to take better precautions in the future there is no cure for genital herpes if you do develop genital herpes you absolutely must disclose the fact to your partners before you have sex with them they have a right to decide whether or not to risk getting the virus from you and while condom use is good be aware a condom will not necessarily protect you from herpes because the virus can reside in groin areas that are not covered by the sheath i am not sure how old you are but you may want to read this article about the rise in genital herpes transmission among us teens due to having oral sex with an infected partner even if you are not a teenager the same scenario applies to your story please stop engaging in unsafe sex always use a condom do not have any type of sexual relations with a person who obviously has a virus that can become a sexually transmitted disease you owe it to yourself and your sexual partners to be responsible about your sexual practices wishing you well there r two types of herpes there r the oral kind and then there is genital kind yes u can get herpes on your genitals from a cold sore but even tho it is herpes on your genitals it is not actually the genital type of herpes it is the oral type actually u can spread each type to each area yes her giving u head with a what looks like mainly healed sore can give u herpes i have kissed a chick with a sore before to and did not get nothing some times your just lucky or perhaps your immune system is working harder and better at times i do not know but u can get on acyclovir twice a day from your doctor it is herpes meds or if u do not have insurance there is a natural pill for it u can get at health stores or what have u called l lysine and take it twice a day and have her take it as well hell even once a day would b good i have been diagnost with genital herpes and i was wondering if i give my partner oral sex if it would infect him too i was just recently told i have genital herpes and my partner may have it too but he has not been tested yet i was the first to show signs because females show signs more then males do it seems,many things but a femoral or direct inguinal hernia or an enlarged inguinal lymph node would be high on the list of possibilities you would need a medical examination to know for sure how long does viral gastroenteritis last i seem to have gotten the germ from my mother or brother and i would like to know how long it lasts,like most viruses assuming the diagnosis is correct it can last about a week the worse days would be the first 3 4 then it should improve without treatment hang in there and stay well hydrated i had a problem during a workoutbench press where i pushed too hard and tore a rotator cuff,hi your find that doctors say it is your body flushing out everything your body retained while pregnant he said when blood stays inside and just sits with your body is natural bacteria good and bad it causes at foul odour and it will go away once your body flushes everything out you may still have at your 6wk pp check up this could be for both of your problems been on any antibiotics lately this could be another reason to your problem as well but to help cure your odour you could try having sea salt baths twice a day its just a couple of handfuls in a shallow bath but let this water get inside your vagina you could find it helps you do hope this helps you good luck i get sharp headaches spells of light headedness and dizziness fevers on and off,hi in my opinion you need to do urine test stool test tsh t4 cbc esr your symptoms do not add up it seems like you have more than one problem only problem i can think of than can explain your cocktail of symptoms is thyroiditis we will aslo use the tests to check for viral or h pyloi infection good luck my sister snorted meth voice now hoarse mucus in throat is it tonsils,alcohol can cause high blood pressure and high blood pressure does make you look and feel flushed do you have any kind of a rash like pimples or blisters if that is the case it might be shingles what are the symptoms of type 1 diabetes children living with the disease,because your child has type 1 diabetes he or she will experience high and low blood sugar levels from time to time high blood sugar usually develops slowly over hours or days so you can treat the symptoms before they become severe and require medical attention on the other hand your child is blood sugar level can drop to dangerously low levels in minutes be alert for symptoms of low blood sugar which include sweating weakness and hunger symptoms of high blood sugar which include increased thirst and increased urination how can i tell the difference sometimes it is hard to distinguish between high and low blood sugar symptoms especially if your child is very young test your child is blood sugar whenever you think it may be high or low so that you can treat it appropriately if your child has symptoms of very high blood sugar such as a fruity breath odor vomiting and abdominal pain seek emergency care these symptoms may indicate diabetic ketoacidosis which is a life threatening emergency webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated diagnosed with a benign ovarian cyst around 10cm clinic wants to do full hysterectomy need second opinion,you may be suffering from a combination of acne and seborrheic dermatitis sd typically sd sufferers will have flaky skin around the nose and hairline in combination with dry patches there is usually an underlying fungal component with sd that can be treated with an antifungal cream andor shampoo flare ups can be controlled with over the counter corticosteroids once this component is under control your acne will be easier to treat your acne prevention regimen should include an antimicrobial facial wash that contains benzoyl peroxide acid or alpha hydroxy acid a mild exfoliating agent and salicylic acid to help clear your clogged pores can stomatitis appear on hands my son is very sick they say it is stomatitis he has infected thumb and two other fingers are infected as well is this normal with stomatitis,i do not know that age of your son but stomatitis is only in the mouth but if he is also having blister like lesions appearing on his hands and the bottom of his feet i would be highly suspicious that he has hand foot and mouth disease a coxsakie virus infection do i have hiv i am a 25 year old male i had protected sex with a asian sex worker at a spa over years ago i ejaculated and i believe the condom slipped off as she continued to ride me for 1 2 minutes anyway this past week i was diagnosed with uretharitis yeast infection and prescribed diflucan fluconazole now i have a loss of appetite and yellow liquid diarrhea yeast infections and loss of appetite are symptoms of hiv i am scared what are the chances that i got hiv or another std from this,the only way to know is to get tested if the sex worker was hiv positive then yes there is a chance since the condom slipped off and fluids were exchanged do not wait get tested right away what is chronic fatigue syndrome is relationship to migraines,chronic fatigue syndrome cfs is a condition of incapacitating fatigue it may be associated with migraines what can happen if you hold your pee i have a bad habit of holding the urge to urinate for long periods of time need to know what kind of problems this could have on my body,first holding your urine tends to become quite uncomfortable second if you are female this can lead to urine stagnation and a urinary tract infection this is a bad habit pee when your body sends you the signal to do so assuming you are in the proper place i am retired and have been on my husband is health insurance since retiring he wants to retire in the next year but of course we have to have insurance we are almost 59 years old he has had a health problem in the last year and since then takes a blood pressure medication with this what are the chances of insurance for us and how expensive will it be we would be in the 30 35 000 annual pay range,no… on the contrary what causes ringworm of the scalp or beard,this combination of medications does not have any drug interactions however i would take the grifulvin with food to minimize the stomach irritation and with a fatty substance like milk or yogurt a fatty substance will help to increase the absorption of the medication to effectively treat the condition do not skip any doses and you may have to complete therapy for 6 weeks in order to eradicate the condition can a 4 12 year old taking zyrtec daily also take a dose of benadryl on the same day,i do not recommend giving your child benadryl on top of zyrtec they are both antihistamines and will individually have the coverage your child needs for allergy relief however you need to partner with your pediatrician or other health care providers to make sure this dose is safe and effective for your child both medications are readily available over the counter but for self use the directions on the boxbottlepackage must be followed is there a way to safely skip my period while on vacation,in my opinion it could be urethritis yes but you need to check if your children uses soap to wash his genitals as this may be causing this regularly let him drink plenty of water and wear cotton only underwears and avoid using soaps and shower gels for a while…just water to wash ingrown hair or std a month ago i noticed a lump right between my thigh and groin about the size of a pea it had a slight white discharge followed by blood after a week or so it disappeared i assumed it was an ingrown hair or something of that nature but just a few days ago another lump has appeared on the other side it is sore if you touch it but otherwise does not hurt also it is not all that close to the vaginal area there is no discoloration in the skin ingrown hair or something worse,as you know i have no way of seeing or examining you i have only your description to go on one possibility would be a sebaceous cyst perhaps a cyst that is secondarily infected these oil gland cysts are quite common in this area but you will need to see a medical provider so that you can be properly examined and treated you have had this for a month so it would be in your best interest to check in checked out so you will not have to worry why i have to wate for an hour or 2 hrs after having sex i was wondering why i can ownley have sex once then i have to wate for an hour or 2 to buld back up after having sex i leak for about 5 to 10 min why is this,i do not know your age or even if you are male or female but for males having a refractory period a period of time after sex before you can go at it again is common if you are using any erectile enhancing drugs like viagra or using alcohol this can also be a factor not knowing your medical history and of course not being able to examine you first hand is a barrier so i am unable to offer you a definitive reason i would strongly suggest that you see a urologist to make sure the plumbing is functioning properly what causes bacterial vaginosis should i be worried if it this infection keeps popping up,yes you are at risk for pregnancy changing contraceptives is a change of hormones and all birth control works differently so while mirena may have worked by physically blocking sperm and thickening cervical mucous and hindering reproduction that way this new birth control may need time for the hormones to get into your blood stream test for pregnancy when you get the chance and proceed from there i was treated for chlamydia but had protected sex one day after treatment should i retest,yes peanuts are not really nuts they are legumes they grow in the soil treenuts like walnuts pecans or cashews grow in trees hence the name peanuts and treenuts are completely different types of allergies but there are some food allergies that do go hand in hand for instance a person who is allergic to cashews might also be allergic to mangos and pistachios i have a white pus coming out of the tip of my penis,it does seem to be an std can be anything else other than herpes too start on antibiotics immediately apply local creams take anti pyretic tablets to reduce the inflammation what about people who have health insurance through work but pay an amount bi weekly for aetna my husband is a mailman and we get a slight discount for health insurance it has gone up again and is becoming unaffordable we have never switched because of my pre existing condition are we eligible for a plan in the marketplace,anyone can buy a plan through the marketplaces but if you get insurance at work it is unlikely you will be eligible for the tax credits that can lower your costs why is the second trimester of pregnancy the easiest for some women,as you enter your second trimester of pregnancy the morning sickness and fatigue that plagued you during the last three months should be fading into unpleasant memories leaving you feeling more energetic and like your old self again with the real heavy lifting still a few months away the second trimester is for many women the easiest three months of pregnancy take the time now while you are feeling better and your energy is up to start planning for your baby is arrival during the second trimester your baby is growing quickly and your expanding belly is becoming a clear giveaway that you are pregnant your co workers and friends may be wondering is she pregnant or has she just put on a few pounds if you have not told everyone you are pregnant now is a good time to do it i havebeen dx would with hypothroidism and am taking levothroxine for approx 3yrs but my symtoms remain the same i have cold feet and hands hair loss dry skin depression and lack of energy i was put on synthriod 3 months ago and had the worse hot flashes15 25 and night sweatsat least 5 mood swings like never before i had gone thru menopause after having a hysterectomy 14 years ago but doctor says there is no relation between the the synthroid and my hot flashes and night sweats what could be the problem any info would be appreciated marlene@bachfamily net,i have had bad rotator cuffs and frozen shoulders in both shoulders the docs had me do therapyshoulder exercises for 6 months before i had surgery for the first one and all i did was therapy for the other with no mri on the second although i also could only do therapy because of the cost of follow up on the second after my insurance changed maybe i had bad doctors and therapists but nobody ever told me that exercises would make it worse and everyone really pushed for 30 min to hour of exercise every day to every other day the exercisestherapy before and after my surgery performed both by myself and by professional therapists were very painful and except for a very short time immediately after my surgery the doctor and therapists never said to limit the exercises because of the pain or that the painful exercises were possibly causing harm although i would recommend some care obviously the exercises you find at reputable sites on the internet are typically the same that i was given to perform large wide bands rubber are used for most of the exercises for strengthening i have not looked for them in the store but they may be available start with the least resistance you can get first then work up to stronger bands the exercises should be done slowly in both directions do not use a band that is so strong you can not control the recoil and you should be able to do ten to fifteen repetitions other exercises can be done against a wall i am not a doctor or medical professional so i do not have to recommend seeing a doctor obviously it would be best to do so but i understand that decent health care is not affordable even with insurance how long does marijuana stay in your blood,i guess the safest advice to give you is to call your surgeon is office for some guidance on the one hand the bruise like mark on your lower abdomen does not surprise me after a laparoscopy but the warmness in your legs sounds a bit unusual in a laparoscopy procedure three small incisions are made in the abdomen one of these cuts is in the belly button because gravity will pull old blood such as in a bruise toward the feet that mark you see on your belly could simply be bruising related to the belly button incision why your legs would feel warm is a mystery to me when you speak to your surgeon or his or her nurse be prepared to tell him or her when the symptoms started this will help them assess if the leg issue is related to the surgery or not wishing you all the best what is the relationship between periodontitis and hiv,after using an effective scabicide drug that kills scabies the insects will die quite rapidly however the itching and irritation can persist for weeks even dead insects under the skin can cause a sensitivity reaction so try and avoid scratching and digging can cause a secondary infection use an anti itch medication antihistamine and even a topical steroid cream things should settle down soon this is why untreated scabies was often called the seven year itch hopefully you will be better long before this can swimming pool chemicals cause eczema,no eczema atopic dermatitis is genetically dry skin swimming pool chemicals can certainly cause other forms of dry skin or contact dermatitis or make existing eczema worse how does one identify someone with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders,psychotic disorders contain similar traits they usually contain hallucinations andor delusional beliefs delusions are kind of like irrational thoughts such as i am being followed by the fbi they also contain disorganized thinking people with psychotic disorders usually have trouble having conversations with people because they cannot stay on track and keep their thoughts organized they usually go off on tangents or talk about their delusions they may give unrelated answers to questions kind of like they did not even hear what you asked they also contain odd behaviors behaviors that are out of the social norm these can be any number of odd behaviors psychotic disorders are extremely complicated and are often considered to be on a spectrum or a continuum people fit along a line instead of a specific group i work in a preschool classroom and have been diagnosed with shingles when can i return to school,i have no way of determining the severity of your son is tongue injury based solely on your posting but i can tell you that tongues have a remarkable ability to heal fast with little or no medical intervention in other words the tongue does not usually need to be sutured ice cold drinks ice etc as well has a wet firm compress will stop the bleeding but if you are concerned you would need to see a medical provider for a hands on assessment 55 year old male after bending all day at work get burning and itching in groin no swelling or lumps,hi has your wife by any chance changed her washing powder brand lately you may be getting a reaction to if try buying and wearing some new briefs for a few days see if it clears up if so you know wear its coming from good luck i have tinnitus severe post nasal drip yellow mucus and dislocated jaw,chronic sinusitis treatment is more depending on sinuses regular and continuous care with nasal lavage using sea salt water for example as the bacteria is dormant in sinuses your jaw need a mri to see the status of the cartilages also a neurologist should examine you for facial or trigeminal nerve disorders can you get pregnant if you had unprotected sex the week you were supposed to renew your second dose of the depo shot me and my husband had unprotected sex when i was supposed to renew my depo shot between may 11 2016 through may 25 2016 could i be pregnant ive had brown discharge light bleeing it has been on and off and mild cramps,hi you would be unlucky if you did these symptoms are probable because you slowly coming off the shot so go get your next one google depo shot side effects of coming off it you should find your answer hope this helps you good luck can i take cipro an benadryl,i do not know the reason you are taking either one of these medications nor do i know anything about you or your medical history as different medications cipro antibiotic and benadryl antihistamine is compatible but i do not have sufficient medical information to give you the specific oaky burning sensation in breast it feels as though it is coming from inside the breast not the surface not painful annoying,i had this same burning sensation for years i was later diagnosed with dcis ductal carcinoma in situ make sure you are getting regular mammograms to be safe when caught early i was able to have a lumpectomy and radiation only the cancer is in the milk ducts only with this diagnosis i fainted hit my head vomited black now feel numbness,hi this may be due to internal cerebral bleeding trauma may have caused injury to brain causing raised intracranial tension and throwing up this may also be the reason for thumb numbness get a ct brain done to confirm does taking prenatal vitamins help with fertility conception i am trying to get pregnant and it is taking a very long time i just want to boost my chances of conception a little i have been off the pill for 6 months now,several potentially serious health conditions are linked to high blood pressure including atherosclerosis this is a disease of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque or fatty material on the inside walls of the blood vessels hypertension puts added stress and force on the artery walls heart disease hypertension can lead to heart failure the heart can not adequately pump blood ischemic heart disease the heart tissue does not get enough blood and hypertensive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy enlarged heart kidney disease hypertension can damage the blood vessels and filters in the kidneys so that the kidneys cannot excrete waste properly stroke hypertension can lead to stroke either by contributing to the process of atherosclerosis which can lead to blockages andor clots or by weakening the blood vessel wall and causing it to rupture eye disease hypertension can damage the very small blood vessels in the retina is osteoarthritis a part of aging and is there a way to reduce risks even after age 50,osteoarthritis is a breakdown of the cartilage between our joints symptoms including pain and stiffness usually begin after age 40 aging definitely increases the likelihood of getting osteoarthritis and if we live long enough almost everyone develops osteoarthritis to some degree heredity can also play a role however the degree to which you are affected is more often determined by how much you abused your joints in your younger years your weight also makes a big difference particularly for osteoarthritis of the hips and knees losing even a little weight can reduce symptoms and slow the progress of osteoarthritis building strong leg muscles can also help reduce osteoarthritis of the knee i am 34 years old my doctor has confirmed breast nodules should i worry that my dr ordered both a mamm and ultrasound i have been told the ultrasound is usually ordered based on the mammogram results i wondered if it was cause for concern that he was shotgunning them both at once same day one after the other,no malaria is spread by mosquitoes and actually if body fluid from one person comes in contact with the inside of another person is body it can spread h i v ebola is simply spread by an ebola infected person touching another person and now they say that it gets worse it may become air borne but mostly ebola will stay inside the person and cause serious illness if you get it you have to take it day by day because if you get infected you start dying ebola is one of the most deadly viruses in the world so be careful how do i straighten a bent nose without surgery my nose is bent to the right how can i fix it without surgery i am 13 and my nose has been bent for two years a few weeks ago i could not breath properly so i went to my doctor i was given nasal spray which helped but now i want to straighten my nose without surgery,not all middle ear infections respond to amoxicillin and because you could not take the recommend dosage you are going to need an alternative antibiotic perhaps a stronger one that is not so hard on your gi tract please call your doctor for a change in your therapy because you also have a sinus infection that needs treatment as well can a fall cause ulnar nerve pain from the shoulder to the hand i am a 64 year old female i fell 3 weeks ago landing on my right knee and both hands mainly on the right i am having gradually increasing pain in my right shoulder along my arm through the elbow and into my hand along the outer edge into the pinky and ring finger,anti inflammatory drugs such as 5 asas are used to stop mild flares to treat more severe flares doctors usually turn to more potent medications such as corticosteroids i am 4 days late home pregnancy test said i was not pregnant what does this mean still dont have my preiod i am having lots of cramps but no bleeding my period was to come on july 3,hi i feel that you are suffering from cartilage and meniscal degeneration that usually occurs in overweight people playing basket ball is infact good for health but you need to lose all the added body weight before that avoid junk food sugar diet non veg and rice eat more of salads and fruits knee exercises and compression bandages will be helpful i have a freckle the size of a pencil eraser it recently changed colors and size on the outer edge do i need to worry,any new or changing lesions should be evaluated by your dermatologist i think my son took xanax if i test him how long after could it show do not want to waste the money if its been to long i suspect my son taking xanax a week ago will i be wasting my money on a test if i do a home test now can he still show positive if he did take xanax after a week,it would be highly unlikely for xanax to remain in the system after a week it clears very fast the real question may be why did he take xanax many will take this sedative to come down from a different drug that makes them high like methamphetamines it would not be a waste of money to drug test your son if you suspect drug use but one negative test does not vindicate him you may have to randomly test him from time to time to be sure and make sure he is observed getting the specimen many teens have some tricks are there special risks associated with epilepsy,although most people with epilepsy lead full active lives they are at special risk for two life threatening conditions status epilepticus and sudden unexplained death status epilepticus status epilepticus is a potentially life threatening condition in which a person either has an abnormally prolonged seizure or does not fully regain consciousness between seizures although there is no strict definition for the time at which a seizure turns into status epilepticus most people agree that any seizure lasting longer than 5 minutes should for practical purposes be treated as though it was status epilepticus status epilepticus affects about 195 000 people each year in the united states and results in about 42 000 deaths while people with epilepsy are at an increased risk for status epilepticus about 60 percent of people who develop this condition have no previous seizure history these cases often result from tumors trauma or other problems that affect the brain and may themselves be life threatening while most seizures do not require emergency medical treatment someone with a prolonged seizure lasting more than 5 minutes may be in status epilepticus and should be taken to an emergency room immediately it is important to treat a person with status epilepticus as soon as possible one study showed that 80 percent of people in status epilepticus who received medication within 30 minutes of seizure onset eventually stopped having seizures whereas only 40 percent recovered if 2 hours had passed before they received medication doctors in a hospital setting can treat status epilepticus with several different drugs and can undertake emergency life saving measures such as administering oxygen if necessary people in status epilepticus do not always have severe convulsive seizures instead they may have repeated or prolonged nonconvulsive seizures this type of status epilepticus may appear as a sustained episode of confusion or agitation in someone who does not ordinarily have that kind of mental impairment while this type of episode may not seem as severe as convulsive status epilepticus it should still be treated as an emergency sudden unexplained death for reasons that are poorly understood people with epilepsy have an increased risk of dying suddenly for no discernible reason this condition called sudden unexplained death can occur in people without epilepsy but epilepsy increases the risk about two fold researchers are still unsure why sudden unexplained death occurs one study suggested that use of more than two anticonvulsant drugs may be a risk factor however it is not clear whether the use of multiple drugs causes the sudden death or whether people i am donatin an egg its going to be stored they already did ultrasound in my vagina can my husband do oral sex on me,hi i cant think of a reason for not giving you oral sex enjoy good luck i play soccer tore my acl and lcl do i really need surgery or can i continue to play,hi if you have had your diagnosis confirmed on an knee mri and if the acl tear is complete then surgery is the only option incomplete acl tears and lcl tears can be treated by plaster splints and immobilisation to some extent but if are a soccer player its better you get it operated so that you can continue playing it in future if you neglect this tear then you wont be able to play soccer ever as the knee will be irreversably damaged so 1st thing u do now is get operated thanks my son has had ringworm for 6 weeks we are still using rx cream school asked us to cover it is it okay to cover,not good things your body needs a baseline of electrolytes minerals and vitamins to survive you can get by about 48 hours without them and then you start running into trouble dehydration dizziness fatigue constipation and cold intolerance are typical as well as mental grogginess it is difficult to achieve restful sleep when you are hungry and prolonged fasting can take a toll on moods as well this is why most religious fasts take place over 24 hours not 24 days you die no webmd it is a fact i take clonazepam 2 mg still have severe anxiety while driving is there some other medication that can help while i am driving i get dizzy sweat heart beating out of my chest and sometimes blurry vision i constantly have to pull over because i feel like im going to die im terrified i get so worked up even before i drive to a place ive been to a thousand times i even have taken my clonazepam and hour prior to leaving to see if that helps but still have anxiety and then i always have to worry about the drive home i need some kind of stabalizer that can block off whatever triggers anxiety,i am sorry you are going through this how awful i would suggest you make an appointment with a psychotherapist what you are describing sounds like panic attacks and it may take more than medication to address this issue clonazepam may not even be the best medication for your situation it is true clonazepam is prescribed for anxiety attacks but it is clearly not working there are other medications available furthermore your situation may require a more well rounded approach that includes cognitive talk therapy to address the issues that are triggering your panic attacks due to driving please do not feel shy about seeking out psychotherapist it is often the case that just a few sessions can significantly improve conditions like yours that involve a single activity that causes panic meanwhile take care while driving you are doing the right thing by pulling over as needed if possible take public transportation or carpool with a co worker until your panic attacks subside i wish you all the best ask about alprazolam 0 25 mg oral tabs was on klonopin for 4 years 2 milligram last week they switched me to xanax not sure its working yet what otc pain medicines are safe to use with amlodipine besylate taken for high blood pressure,the three otc pain relievers available are acetaminophen ibuprofen and naproxen none of these interacts with amlodipine so any of them would be considered safe to use for short term management of pain or fever ibuprofen and naproxen when taken chronically for pain can raise blood pressure in this case acetaminophen would be best there is more to consider in finding the right pain reliever than just the other medications you take i would suggest you talk to your pharmacist who can evaluate your entire situation and help you find the best pain reliever for your needs can you get hiv if you put on a condom infected with hiv a month ago i put a condom on and about a week ago i started getting a bad sore throat that was tested out for strep but is not atrep it is not getting better theres wite lighning on the left side and hurta on the left side bad and is not getting better,yes any exchange of bodily fluids can result in transfers of stds recurring yeast infections i am having yeast infections every few weeks i have used over the courter meds and prescription oral meds i have been to the doctor many times due to this i have also been treated for bv about 4 months ago i am seriously going crazy what could be causing this what else is there to do symptoms are itching discharge burning after sex burning when peeing,no condoms do not cause yeast yeast is an opportunistic organism that is present in our environment when yeast finds a warm dark moist place to take up residence like a vagina a diapered area etc it can take hold yeast happens suggest me any medicine and guide me reduce weight,the best way to reduce weight is by regular physical exercise and balanced diet you can lose weight by reducing your intake of oily food and sweets it is also important to space your meals in such a way that you have more frequent small meals and not heavy meals regular physical exercise in the form of some cardio and strength training will make you fit and strong sleep and hydration are equally important when you try to lose weight ensure that you take lots of fluids and that you get at least 6 8 hours of sleep per day medicine to lose weight as a doctor i never really recommend my patients to take medicines to lose weight only one drug is approved for use in india orlistat if you really want to take it you can take tablet orlistat 60mg thrice a day after your 3 major meals as i have seen in practice and also research results say that orlistat does not produce too much change in weight it shows just a small percentage of weight loss when coupled with low calorie diet and exercise and orlistat has its own share of side effects fattyoily stool oily spotting intestinal gas with discharge a feeling of needing to have a bowel movement right away increased number of bowel movements or poor bowel control rare but serious side effects can occur symptoms of liver disease such as persistent nauseavomiting severe stomachabdominal pain dark urine yellowing eyesskin symptoms of kidney stones such as back pain pain while urinating pinkbloody urine bottom line i do not recommend medicines for weight loss i can make a good diet chart and exercise regimen for you if you would like to follow up in which case you will have to get back to me with your details your daily food routine your work timings your daily sleep cycle the kind of exercises you prefer etc i hope that answers your question revert back to a fitness expert online > the skin below my left buttock is sensitive and also accompanied with some acne like bumps any suggestions a couple of days ago i started experiencing some sensitive skin under my left buttock over several hours the sensitive ness expanded closer to my genitals having assumed it was not serious i let it be until today when i did a self inspection upon closer look i noticed some bumps which look like acne aswell as a small patch of skin which has peeled away similar to what happens when you get sunburn male 23 yo,if you have a primary care doc go see him or her it may be yeast or just a rash could be as simple as the type of material you wear in your underwear or have you changed soaps in your laundry or changed the kind of soap you wash your body with be sure to keep the area clean and dry and wear loose fitting pants around the house to let it get air i would try some cortisone cream to see if you get relief if not then you might want to see a dermatologist to rule out other skin infections been to the beach lately sometimes sand mites and fleas can cause this type of thing if the beach is a no then see a doctor or at least one online how can shingles be prevented,anyone who has had chickenpox may get shingles later in life but there is a vaccine that may help prevent shingles or make it less painful if you do get it the shingles vaccine what is a pdf document is known as zostavax one dose is recommended for adults age 60 and older whether or not they have had shingles before 7 if you have never had chickenpox you may avoid getting the virus that causes both chickenpox and later shingles by receiving the varicella vaccine if you have never had chickenpox and have never gotten the chickenpox vaccine avoid contact with people who have shingles or chickenpox fluid from shingles blisters is contagious exposure to this fluid can cause chickenpox but not shingles in people who have never had chickenpox and who have never gotten the chickenpox vaccine if you develop shingles avoid close contact with people until after the rash blisters heal it is especially important to avoid contact with people who are at special risk from chickenpox or shingles such as pregnant women infants children or anyone who has never had chickenpox anyone who is currently ill anyone with a weak immune system who is unable to fight infection such as someone with hiv infection or diabetes if you cover the shingles sores with a type of dressing that absorbs fluid and protects the sores you can help prevent the spread of the virus to other people webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what is one key to eating healthy while traveling,i recommend you to consult a physiotherapist it is gonna be v useful as they are highly specialized in such complains also have you tried any medication before analgesics or anti inflammatory medications should a woman be treated for hiv during pregnancy,the primary concern with permanent facial makeup is that your brow and eyelid position will change as you age as you get older your permanent makeup may have a less natural appearance in addition as time passes the ink within the tattoo may fade which may require a “touch up” procedure can asthma lead to copd,i have read and understood your problem period starting early is due to effect of i pill you do not need to do anything but if you have taken two i pills in two weeks for contraception then it is better to continue with femilon combination of desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol for further doubts consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online > i had accident whiplash pain in shoulder and collar bone,hi it is a well known fact that when a woman is pregnant her body undergoes numerous changes one of the first signs of pregnancy is tenderness and soreness in the nipples caused by hormonal fluctuations in the body the color of the nipple also changes i e becomes darker due to the same reasons however there are also several women who face the problem of nipples peeling during pregnancy which can be quite painful and uncomfortable this condition can also be referred to as nipples flaking or nipples cracking during pregnancy but before you go to far have you done a hpt yet or been to your doctor for a pregnancy test you could be building your hopes up when it could be perhaps your washing powder do hope this helps you good luck i think i have herpes discoverd a big bump then little small bumbs by my vagina,hi abd welcome to question doctors com i think it would be a mixed pathology… a lumbar disc lesion and a localized knee bursitis or muscle strain… a mri on the back and an examination with a good orthopedist for bursitis and muscle strains would help… try using heat packs and massage on your back and hips will abdominal injections of heperin affect my bladder muscles in hospital 1 5 days subject to four or five heperin injections in abdomen urination painfuldifficult now,most helpful answer i am sorry to hear you are going through this it sounds distressing i have never heard of heparin causing side effects with urination but that does not mean it is impossible heparin can cause abdominal pain and so it is possible the symptoms you describe could be related to the medication you do not say how long ago you were discharged from the hospital or why you were there to begin with i want to point out many things other than heparin could cause the symptoms you describe for example if you had a foley catheter inserted to drain urine from your bladder this can be a source of painful urination for a while after it is removed abdominal surgery including laparascopic surgery can cause abdominal pain and feelings of difficulty urinating most of these side effects go away after hours or at most days after hospital discharge though all of that said if you continue to have difficulty urinating and if your bladder becomes hard and distended you can feel it by pushing gently with the flat of your hand above your pubic bone you should seek urgent medical attention wishing you well can drinking water help lower bp just had a stress test and told my bp is high been trying to exercise more and lose weight will drinking more water help with weight loss and high bp,while drinking water is part of a healthy lifestyle drinking more and not doing anything else will not lower blood pressure what will help is losing weight if needed lowering sodium participating in regular exercise and a eating healthy diet research shows the dash diet is effective in helping lower blood pressure read more about that here i have a itchy rash that comes and goes what could be causing this the rash appears in different areas of my body for an example a rash showed up on my wrist and stayed a while and went away later the same day it appeared on my stomach and then on my thighs etc its itchy while it is present at one point my hands first turned red and then start to itch really bad to the point i had to wash my hands repeatedly i work in the medical field so i wash my hands a million times a day what could be causing this reaction,i assume you are treating pink eye conjunctivitis the course of therapy can be anywhere from 5 10 days depending on the severity and response to this antibiotic a good average would be a week but it is best to use it for a day or two longer than it takes your problem to completely resolve this stuff tends to burn so my heart goes out to you i have blood in urine convinced it could be cancer,vitamins do not cause weight loss but you do have to maintain adequate vitamins when you are dieting caloric restrictiondieting and calorie expenditureexercise is what causes weight loss is mri with contrast useful for endometrial issues,vibration feeling is a expected complication after cardiac ablation and a second setting is recommended if the cardiologist feels so echocardiography and ecg needs to be done first to confirm the need for a second setting is pregnancy possible if you start a period 19 hours after sex bearing in mind that the period was about a week early i had unprotected sex at around 5am on january 1st around 11pm the same day i started to bleed lightly light pink it continued on and off until the third and did not become heavier it is been accompanied by some light cramps but nothing i would really worry about the last time i was pregnant i also had a very heavy period and was still found to be 9 weeks pregnant so i am just being cautious this time,hey you are better off seeing a medical provider first so you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated most sinus infections assuming you have self diagnosed correctly are viral and do not require any antibiotics if there is a bacterial component you may need to treat for more days have from leftover prescriptions not treating an infection completely encouraged resistant organisms so it is entirely possible that neither one of those antibiotics would be appropriate can an ear infection cause my lymph nodes to swell and my throat to become red i have been dizzy pressure in my head and ears doctors said i have an ear infection but now my glands are swollen,hi you are absolutely right both are absolutely different in their actions chemical compositions and pharmacological actions and are in noway related to each other yes u were wrongfully discharged i feel thanks can an enlarged prostate interfer with bowel movement,since i do not know how you were diagnosed lab culture rapid strep test or just a look and see by your medical provider penicillin remains the treatment of choice for treating true lab diagnosed group a beta hemolytic strep also known as strep throat a z pack is really not the appropriate dose for treating strep and i do not know the dose you received of the penicillin i can say that failure of antibiotics often means that you a never had strep but a viral sore throat in which case no antibiotic would help b you were not treated appropriately either by dosage etc for a lab diagnosed case c you are a strep carrier this can be difficult to cure by oral antibiotics or d you have monomononucleosis that clinically mimicked strep throat in this case you need to have a lab test called an ebv panel to see if you have mono either way you need to contact your medical provider the only one that can order any additional lab tests andor treat you further can you still have your period if you are pregnant i have been trying to get pregnant within the 14 days before my period i am now on my period i believe only my flow is unusually slow usually the first day i am changing my stuff at least every two hours where as with this one its been maybe 4 times a day could i still be pregnant,i have never seen a human with mange but there are many types of scalpskin disorders that can just occur dogs do not transmit mange to humans what time of night should i stop eating,when you eat depends on your personal schedule if you are hungry late at night you may not have eaten enough for dinner if you want a snack before bedtime avoid foods and beverages with caffeine in them avoid fried and high fat foods because they can cause indigestion a sliced apple or a few baby carrots would make good choices raw fruits and veggies provide fiber for better digestion fluid for hydration important vitamins and minerals and are generally low in calories so they would certainly make good choices as late night snacks is it possible to get pregnant from swallowing or anal sex,hi as for oral sex no chance but from anal only if you get a dribble of sperm going anywhere near your vagina and never let your bf go anal vagina its a complete no no but if your worried about getting pregnant just remember condoms and bc that is what there for safe sex do hope this helps you good luck how can i decrease my appetite,i have a better idea stay home there are a handful of causes of ear pain an “ear infection” is infected fluid behind the eardrum in a space called the “middle ear ” the medical term for this is “otitis media ” sometimes called “acute otitis media” to stress that it begins suddenly acute otitis media almost always occurs after a child has had nasal congestion for a few days most typically from a cold if your child complains of ear pain and has not been congested it probably is not an ear infection even if your child really does have an ear infection you do not necessarily have to rush to have it checked an antibiotic is not thefirst thing he needs in fact it may not be necessary at all so what should parents do about a weekend or middle of the night earache if the child looks miserable and sick he really should be seen right away if the pain is more mild or moderate give him a dose of pain medicine like ibuprofen or have him hold a warm heating pad against the ear if the pain subsides with these simple measures an emergency trip to the doctor or er is not necessary what happens if you delay starting antibiotics for an ear infection as long as the child is not super miserable it is ok to wait a bit ear infections it turns out usually go away on their own waiting a day or two if your child is reasonably comfortable is a good way to avoid extra costs hassle and antibiotics note that this advice is meant for children older than two who can speak and describe what they are feeling if your child is younger you should call your doctor for more specific advice on whether you ought to wait a few days before being seen on the weekend can you exercise when on antibiotics for a sinus infection,yes exercise is not contraindicated when you are under antibiotic treatment for a sinus infection assuming that you feel well and exercise is not exacerbating any of your symptoms you can exercise can cortisone cause increased blood pressure s i had 3 facet cortisone steroid injections 48 hrs ago nurses at time of release did not feel that my bp was too high at 15795 that is extremely high for me even for being under stress 2 days later i am still running about that high no chest pains or dizziness just not feeling right the pain i have from injection sites is minor and not unexpected per what i was told with corresponding stiffness concerned that my bp has not started to come down though should i be,one elevated bp may be an early cause for concern several elevated bps taken at different times of the day over a period of a week is more concerning get more readings and do not just try and attribute it to your cortisone injections while there may be some minor relationship there are sooooo many causes for high blood pressure that it would be wise to consult your medical provider so these elevated readings can be properly evaluated and treated if necessary can a 5 month old have water if they are eating baby food all day and only receives one bottle during the day my 5 12 month old eats stage two foods three times a day and only gets one actual bottle during the day i know the rule of thumb is not to introduce water until they are six months old or older but i feel as though he is not getting enough liquids to keep him hydrated is it fine to start introducing water in small amounts just posting the full question here,sure you can give him water there is nothing magic that happens at six months and he is eating well and i assume on formula or breast milk offer him water if he wants it he will drink it strange things happen when im asleep when im in a deep sleep i somehow manage to take a hoodie off of me that i wear at night why does this happen im sensetive to the cold and i cover up with extra blankets,yeast thrives in warm dark moist areas so you really have created a welcoming environment where one might get a vaginal yeast infection i have heard a lot about oil pulling lately is this safe does it work and are there any side effects,you may have heard alot but i have not i have no idea what oil pulling is so could you please post another question and explain i may not be able to provide you an answer but you can provide me with some information when is surgery necessary for treating psoriatic arthritis,most people with psoriatic arthritis will never require surgery but when everything else fails to help a surgical procedure called a synovectomy may be required to restore joint function or remove inflamed portions of the joint is soft tissues severely damaged joints may require arthroplasty or joint replacement surgery in which damaged joints are replaced with synthetic ones to restore function in the affected area joint fusions also may be needed to take care of pain that does not respond to medications for example in wrists ankles fingers or toes surgery can relieve pain increase movement or improve the physical appearance of the affected area how common is arthritis in children,hi it does seem to be herpes but its too early to confirm it apply local creams take antibiotics and multivitamins if it doesnt resolve get the necessary blood investigations done thanks i got my flu shot can i still spread the virus against which i am immunized by sneezing for example,no you cannot spread the virus by sneezing or with close contact for which you are immunized i have history of multiple myeloma when i get up from sitting i take one step get off balance,this would be considered an individual female response and not a universal response typical in all women is aortic murmur and aortic stenosis the same thing,aortic stenosis is a narrowing of the aortic valve in the heart the sound that that the stenosis causes when listening to the heart is called an aortic murmur technically they are not the same thing how can bipolar disorder in childhood and adolescence be prevented,no multivitamins will not cause acne the most common cause of acne is your own hormones what is tuberculosis,most helpful answer your first step is to be re examined by a foot specialist podiatrist someone who care carefully examine your foot view an x ray and then suggest possible courses of treatment these may include special orthotics modified shoes or even surgery the dr called my mothers bleeding ulcer a stress ulcer what does that mean,the tax penalty for not having health insurance is 95 per person or 1 of your annual income whichever is greater is chemotherapy treatments covered under obamacare plans,there is not one universal type of obamacare so one would need to consult the individual insurance carrier but my guess would be that the plans should cover cancer treatments including chemotherapy can there be a shoulder tear that is not seen due to arthritis i injured my left shoulder and mri shows acromioclavicular arthritis but i did not have pain before the injury could there be a tear and mri can not see it due to arthritis,trichomoniasis is considered an incidental finding since the pap smear is really for detecting cervical cancer you would need to ask the doctor about hisher rationale for those other tests but since trichomoniasis is often sexually transmitted the doctor may be looking for other stds things that would not show up on a pap like chlamydia both arms begin to tingle starting in my shoulder and moves down to my hands like my arms have fallen asleep,this can be due to nerve stretching and inflammation if you have lifted anything heavy or if you use pillows under ur neck while sleeping this is a common symptom avoid pillows take physiotherapy what to do with feet muscle spasms there is someone to advise any procedure for at least minimal improvement the whole area from the waist down to the knees is very weak i practice a variety of strengthening exercises to increase energy do not lose hope it is very difficult to function quite normally and still see that progress is deteriorating there is someone with similar experiences who share them or advise any applicable procedure for at least minimal improvement i am open to all alternative methods which i know they work just find the right,here is a good tutorial to help you limit potassium and protein in your diet be sure to stay in touch with your doctor as your diet needs may change depending on your kidney function or various treatments like starting dialysis potassium is found in many fruits and vegetables including potatoes tomatoes oranges dark green leafy greens pumpkin and cantaloupe focus on low potassium produce like apples carrots corn mushrooms blueberries and cucumbers as for protein be sure to ask your doctor or dietitian how many grams you are allowed which is usually based on weight one ounce of meat has about 7g of protein but you will want to read labels on other food items if you go on dialysis your protein needs will increase good luck i have a hard bump on the up side of the left foot it use to hurt but not anymore it could be from trauma but i am not sure i am worried because i do not remember if i hit my foot or not when i rub my feet i feel like a little mountain really hard,although diet does not directly cause gallbladder problems and it will not cure them watching what you eat and keeping a healthy weight might help you prevent gallstones from forming and avoid some discomfort if you do develop gallstones if you are overweight try to lose the extra weight but do it gradually there is a link between quick weight loss and gallstone formation crash or yo yo diets can cause the liver to release more cholesterol into the bile disrupting the normal balance of cholesterol and bile salts that extra cholesterol can form into crystals leading to gallstones changing your diet will not get rid of gallstones that are already there but eating a healthy balanced variety of nutrients limiting the amount of saturated fats and cholesterol heavy foods you eat and avoiding very low calorie diets may help ease your symptoms i have hives all over my body every part of me is swollen now how sould i determin if i need to go to the hospital i do not know what caused this i woke up at 3am with them when i stood up for too long i would get really dizzy and faint feeling i have them from my mead down to my toes and everything in between,green stool or poop is a common stool color change it may be due to bile pigment in the stool because diarrhea moves food too quickly thorough the intestine so the chemical can not break down or the green color may be due to certain foods like green leafy vegetables or green food coloring but if it accompanied with nausea or increased diahrrea then it is likely a bacterial infection causing severe indigestion that can resolve by taking metronidazole course for a week and drinking plenty of water to avoid electrolyte loss and dehydration… why do we need vaccines,vaccines are medications that boost our ability to fight off certain diseases many of the vaccine preventable diseases are highly contagious and even fatal in unimmunized individuals prior to the development of vaccines these diseases disabled or killed millions of children many people living in developed countries today do not appreciate the value of vaccines because the successful use of vaccines has almost eradicated many of these diseases these diseases are still dangerous and can kill people who are not adequately immunized immunization is the act of receiving a vaccine immunity is the ability of the body to recognize specific infecting organisms as foreign and thereby protect against them my grand children were with me this summer should they be checked for h pyloric bacteria,hi what makes you think this and why please read this link because i cant see why you would ask this question the link good louck is it safe to add cayenne pepper to hot water and drink it,it is safe but i am not sure why you would want to do this challenging drink i thought i had the flu but now all the pain is in my head could it be a sinus infection,not enough information rather than spend your time in self diagnosis from the flu to reasons for your head pain like sinusitis it may be more beneficial for you to seek proper medical care lumps on breasts thoracic spine and shoulder blades sore could i have breast cancer,it may be multiple fibroadenomas that is usually benign other possibility is of blocked lactating ducts that may cause accumulated milk feel like lumps in breast get mammogram done to confirm mri of breast is recommended how do i choose a health care provider for pregnancy,before you choose a health care provider for pregnancy the first question to ask is whether your pregnancy is likely to be normal and uncomplicated or complicated and high risk if you have high blood pressure diabetes or a history of previous pregnancy complications are younger than 18 or 35 and older you should seek care from a health care provider experienced in treating women with your type of medical condition such as an obgyn or perinatologist if you are at low risk for complications your family practitioner or a nurse midwife may be right for you once you decide the type of provider that best suits your needs you will need to select one person in particular you may want to schedule an introductory visit to meet with the health care provider you are considering and determine if you feel comfortable with him or her here are some questions to ask during your meeting how long have you been in practice when and where did you receive training are you board certified do you have professional or patient references have you had any problems with your medical practice to get this information contact your state medical licensing board what are your general philosophies about pregnancy labor and delivery think about how they fit in with your own beliefs how many babies do you deliver per week how many children do you have are you in a group practice if so will i see every provider with whom you rotate during my doctor visits do i have a choice about whom i see and who delivers my baby note if you choose a health care provider who belongs to a group practice usually all the members of the group will see you during your pregnancy and one of them will be there for the delivery who will i see at each appointment will you be in town around my due date note that there are no guarantees that a specific health care provider will deliver your baby since no provider is available 24 hours a day make sure you know the other providers in the practice or with whom the doctor shares delivery responsibility if i have a question who do i call who responds to the calls do you accept questions via e mail am i allowed to write a personal birth plan will it be respected a personal birth plan is a written agreement between you and your doctor as to how your baby will be delivered it gives the parents more of a role in the decision making process however the plan is no guarantee that your birthing process will go as planned since complications can arise if complications arise your doctor will make decisions based on your and your baby is safety what is your policy on inducing labor if i go beyond my due date another important thing to consider when selecting a health care provider is where you want to deliver if you have are there any nutrients that i should be getting more of as my pregnancy progresses,yes it is normal it could take a week to a week in a half to fill normal agin it just the meds running there course but it will be fine what is the #1 food allergy for children,cow is milk while peanut allergy is the top lifelong food allergy a higher percentage of children are actually allergic to cow is milk i underwent a lung lobectomy now the left side of my body is always cold,you should hurry to the er asap they should stop the bleeding and withdraw the bullets and its traces disinfect the wound and you should be admitted for a few days ct scan must be done also then after care will depend on the outcomes of investigations big toe pain i awoke this morning with pain and inflammation in my right big toe it is tender to touch painful to walk and seems hot feverish i do not recall having injured it in any way i am not diabetic to my knowledge i put arnica on it and it feels a little better but it is still a concern,bmi is a tool that estimates body fat based on height and weight measures of individuals as bmi increases so does your risk for heart disease high blood pressure type 2 diabetes and certain cancers but this tool is not perfect it can overestimate body fat in individuals who are very lean but weigh more like athletes and it can underestimate body fat in people who are thin but have low muscle tone bmi is calculated from your height and weight and is used as an indirect screening tool for body fat and risk of diseases or other health conditions bmi does have its limitations however as some individuals such as athletes may have a high bmi because of increased muscle mass as a result they might have a high bmi but not a high percentage of body fat there are other more direct measurement techniques for body fat percentage some of which include • underwater weighing • air displacement • dual energy x ray • bioelectrical impedance • skinfold measurements there are however trade offs with each method the more accurate methods tend to require specialized equipment that can be very expensive and require additional training and take longer to implement the quicker and cheaper methods may not require much additional training but may not be as accurate researchers have to choose which method will best fit their needs let is just keep it simple if your waist is above 45 of your height you are too fat and if you work on just that number you will become lean and healthy for example a man who is 72 tall 6 need to keep his waist under 32 and a woman who is 68 tall 58 needs to keep her waist under 30 just measure your height in inches and multiply times 45 another easy way is if your pants waist is not smaller than your pants length it is time to eat less and exercise more mike at everyouncecounts@gmail com what can i do to treat food allergies at home,if there is a single isolated area which appears to be bruised it might be a varicose vein of the labia alternatively one can get a bruise in the labia from a small broken blood vessel a bike seat or fall onto bike bar can create bruising if you have easy bleeding e g from shaving cuts bleeding gums etc even minor trauma can leave bruising certainly if the involved area appears to be enlarging you should get seen blood sugar over 500 kidneys shutting down body temp off the chart had flu like symptoms what could this be,hi found this answer on netdoctor the answer is yes malaria can return cerebral malaria has a very high mortality rate about 20 and it is usually caused by the plasmodium falciparum type of malaria benign malaria has a very low mortality and is caused by the three other types of plasmodium protozoan which are transmitted via anopheles mosquito bites the incubation period for these is longer than with falciparum in 5 10 of cases the malaria presents more than a year after infection the initial symptoms of acute illness may be flu like with some or all of the following symtoms sudden coldness headache muscle pains high fever flushing vomiting and drenching sweats any of the four types of malaria may produce a similar illness initially relapse occurs as parasites may lie dormant in the liver for very long intervals if you have the slightest suspicion that you are having a relapse you must alert your doctor to your past medical history so that you can be tested as a matter of some urgency yours sincerely the netdoctor medical team read more #ixzz2y1ndzwpb follow us @netdoctor on twitter | netdoctoruk on facebook hope this helps good luck i have hard pulse in neck artery numb ear pressure feeling neck numbness,scabies live inside of the skin so are you sure you are making a correct self diagnosis obviously i have no way of blindly determining what you have based solely on your posting so seeing your medical provider would seem appropriate hydrogen peroxide is not an effective treatment for scabies what time of day should you take crestor,the best time of day to take crestor is the time of day you are most likely to remember to take it while some statin medications are best taken at night crestor since it has a long half life can be taken any time of day arthritis on its own or arthritis as a result of an inflammatory bowel disease i was diagnosed with arthritis when i was twelve i am now nineteen and am seeing a doctor this summer because i have developed symptoms of an inflammatory bowel disease i know that arthritis can develop as a symptom of inflammatory bowel diseases how do i know if i have arthritis and an inflammatory bowel disease or if i just have arthritis as a symptom of an inflammatory bowel disease is there a distinction between the two in treatments,were you diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis if yes then your arthritis is not due to inflammatory bowel diseasea ibd you are suffering with but impaired gut health may aggrevate your symptoms kindly take proper consultation before starting any treatments as few medicaton for rheumatoid arthritis are contraindicated in ibd can an individual have more than one type of arthritis at a time,semen analysis is not suitable to diagnose prostate ca azoospermia has to be established before declaring sterility this re testing is most likely a part of that very protocol to detect any viable number that could lead to impregnation though vasectomy is very safe method and only 1 failure rate is there retesting at three weeks is ideal to confirm azoospermia wishing you best of health thanks had year round runny nose for as long as i can remember go through tissues like crazy and dr advice not working help dr had me try fluticasone propionate 50 mcg and that did not work they now recommended zyrtec i have tried a few over the counter generics like claritin that did not really work and i would like to not take something 365 days a year it is not combined with hay fever coughing or obvious allergy things it is purely an annoying runny nose for 30+ years ,hi take some advice be the man and live with it its just male pattern boldness your lucky some guys get this at 18 for get the tonics when it gets thinner the you have a choice do a parting just above your ear and comb it over or like the rest of and have it cut short its called being the man and living with it good luck my mother is 91 requires anti coagulants need second medical opinion,it is not an absolute contraindicationi recommend you to do your father the confirmatory tests for dvt as it is a serious condition if confirmed other blood tests will be needed to adjust the needed doses the suitable medication in relation to her medical condition tip of the penis is itchy pain during urination and it feels as if it is leaking but no pus i have never discussed this before but the symptoms are happening more and more when i wake up and pee it is painful and feels like it is burningrazor blade sensation but not intolerable when i shake it it seems to provide relief to the tip of my penis i have seem a little skin peel but i ejaculate a lot the questions is whether it is a sti or something less major after urination it leaks or drains but to sign or pus or such all places on my genital region are clean what would it be,sti bone tuberculosis tb diagnosis cannot be confirmed do we opt for surgery or tb medication,you need to do mantoux tuberculin skin test and blood culture to confirm the diagnosis aspiration is gonna be diagnostic as well what is the cure for dry skin,next thing to do is ct abdomen and liver function tests cholecystitis or lithiasis are the possibilities may need surgery if gall stones are detected how long does it take for ear drops to take effect i was diagnosed with an ear infection was prescribed ear drops and now it seems like my left ear is under water everything is muffled,this seems to be a allergic reaction with secondary infection anti histaminic tablets and proper wound care is advisable the wound does not seem to be much in a healing stage and if possible you should get back to us for further management i have knocked knees – no fix – or do i need surgery,would this sort of surgery not prevent issues in the long term such as arthritis does keflex reduce milk supply during breastfeeding,no keflex will not interfere with lactation how long will your urine stay at body tempurature after you pee,i am sorry to hear you have experienced a side effect from an antibiotic what you are describing is not uncommon antibiotics destroy all types of bacteria including the good kind that live in your gut this can account for the symptoms you describe you can try eating yogurt with active cultures for example lactobacillus or acidophilus or you can take an over the counter supplement containing these flora your pharmacist can help you figure out which product to take these may help your natural bacteria get back in balance in your intestines if your symptoms do not clear up within a week or so you may want to consult your health care provider wishing you well can 5 year olds have sexual intercourse my mother has told me that when i was 5 years old i am a male now 73 that the girl tht i played with who lived next door to us she was also 5 years old and is now 73 that she wanted me to have sexual intercourse with her except she used the f word now i had no clue as to what either ment when i was 5 i can recall her making tis statement while both of us had no cloths on and i was on top of her are you trying to urinate inside of me is it possible that we had intercourse,hi dear… it is almost healed no worries and it is normal i had a stage 4 endometriosis doctors say my uterus is damaged,no and you would not likely find someone to give a perm to girl with head lice unless you planned on doing it yourself it would be best to properly treat the head lice first with some effective lice medication and then have the perm i have had 5 surgeries i am in constant pain,i am sorry to hear you are going through this it is annoying when our joints do not work correctly you may be spot on when you say your knee joint feels like it is full of fluid that could be exactly what is going on many things can cause the knee joint to temporarily fill up with fluid as long as you have no signs of a deep vein thrombosis dvt such as heat pain and angry redness to the calf area you probably can take a wait and see attitude if the pressure and stiffness in your knee is accompanied by a lump on the back of your knee where the leg bends you could have a baker is cyst this type of cyst can be caused by osteoarthritis or an injury a baker is cyst can be easily diagnosed by mri though some medical professionals can tell simply with a physical examination these cysts often are easy to feel since you do not have a fever you can be relatively assured there is no infection process going on if resting and elevating the knee do not cause the pressure to go away you should consider a visit to your primary care provider for an evaluation wishing you well i am unemployed now and do not know my income for 2014 i will be living off savings until i get a job how do i state what my income is for 2014 when buying health insurance,you will need to make your best guess about what your income will be next year if it differs substantially from your income this year you may have to provide some documentation i have had a pain in my lower left quadrant of my stomach,hi pain in lower left quadrant can be due to stop ach issues while kidney related problems like kidney stones can also be a cause ibs can also be a cause my suggestion is to go for colonoscopy while a scan of complete abdomen can also be done for ruling out the cause so that treatment can be done hope this helps regards what is the best otc medicine for any skin infection,you are asking a question that could not be answered over the internet we do not know anything about you your medical history but more importantly we have no way of examining you andor ordering any diagnostic tests before attributing any medical condition to stress or anxiety a medical provider must first rule out all organic causes that could be attributed to your array of symptoms i would strongly suggest that you see your medical provider someone who knows you and your medical history for a thorough diagnostic evaluation what do experts say about the eat right for your type diet,within the diet itself are generally good diet recommendations says david w grotto rd ld a spokesman for the american dietetic association dadamo does not say avoid vegetables and fruit for example but his specific recommendations based on blood type the science is not there to support it i am not aware that anyone has duplicated his research the presumption that each blood type will thrive on certain foods but not others also gives grotto pause i am type o and apparently i should be feasting over roadkill well that does not work for me because i do not like too much meat overall grotto does not recommend the diet believing it pigeonholes people into dietary restrictions without taking into consideration individual needs and tastes i am a dancer my ankle gets weak,it ‘ll not grow u need to do plastic surgery to the bigger one u may also inject material in it like silicon in the smaller one…consult dermatology specialist i have this pimples on my body what can i do to remove themget rid of them or is it serious ,people with bipolar disorder experience unusually intense emotional states that occur in distinct periods called mood episodes an overly joyful or overexcited state is called a manic episode and an extremely sad or hopeless state is called a depressive episode sometimes a mood episode includes symptoms of both mania and depression this is called a mixed state people with bipolar disorder also may be explosive and irritable during a mood episode extreme changes in energy activity sleep and behavior go along with these changes in mood it is possible for someone with bipolar disorder to experience a long lasting period of unstable moods rather than discrete episodes of depression or mania a person may be having an episode of bipolar disorder if he or she has a number of manic or depressive symptoms for most of the day nearly every day for at least one or two weeks sometimes symptoms are so severe that the person cannot function normally at work school or home can small dogs eat seaweed soup with small hunks of beef in it i fed our bichon about a quarter cup of it and she woke me up at midnight wanting to go out side very badly and it was obvious when she came back in she had the runs,all mammals humans and dogs can have food intolerances seaweed is really not a part of a dog is diet so i do not feel that it will hurt her but perhaps you should stick with more traditional foods from now on maybe some dogs can eat seaweed like those in japan but your dog is gastrointestinal tract seemed to react poorly dogs will eat just about anything one of ours ate a whole pumpkin pie that was left in her reach but that does not they should clearly something did not agree with your little dog i assume she is fine today is asthma contagious,no asthma is not contagious it is related to allergy my current health insurance policy anthem bcbs is valid through sept 2014 when will i have to get a new policy according to anthem they will no longer sell my existing policy why is the same policy significantly more expensive on health gov comparing healthcare gov to a list of policies on esurance com some say it is because the policy needs to cover more but my current policy counts as insurance,if you do not qualify for a subsidy your insurance costs may be more expensive there are a number of reasons for that which you can read more about here it is possible that what you are seeing on ehealthinsurance are 2013 plans what is liposuction,in my opinion this is not a cause if real concern it is not going to influence your fertility having a light period does not mean a sign of infertility you could be having anemia hence i recommend a cbc usg for uterus and both ovaries what is the best motivations that will get you started on your diet i tried so many things but failed plz help me i am on this weight loss with a friend and we are finding it very hard to start we have looked up all the information needed for weight loss and we set up our goals and meals and exercising but all of this is not going to happened if we cant start the diet because we feel like we cant do it and we are just so addicted to food anyone have a solution to this problem please help thank you ,a pacemaker is a device that sends small electrical impulses to the heart muscle to maintain a suitable heart rate pacemakers primarily prevent the heart from beating too slowly the pacemaker has a pulse generator which houses the battery and a tiny computer and leads wires that send impulses from the pulse generator to the heart muscle newer pacemakers have many sophisticated features that are designed to help manage arrhythmias and optimize heart rate related function as much as possible is pubic hair removal dangerous or needed for hygiene some doctors claim this has lead to pubic lice becoming almost extinct without moistwarm habitat for lice and other infections which can be passed on as sti is so pubic hair removal is a benaficial thing on the other hand doctors claim that when the hair is removed it leaves a amicroscopic open wound which can also lead to infections and std is also skin irritations and can be equally dangerous so which is true and is pubic hair removal a good or dangerous thing to do,both magnesium and potassium are used for many different biological reactions within the body and are vital for life however just as other elements and vitamins there is a range that is important for functioning too little and the body does not function too much can cause toxicity issues and side effects dietary magnesium does not pose a health risk however pharmacologic doses of magnesium in supplements can promote adverse effects such as diarrhea and abdominal cramping when taken in excess risk of magnesium toxicity increases with kidney failure when the kidney loses the ability to remove excess magnesium very large doses of magnesium containing laxatives and antacids have been associated with magnesium toxicity symptoms for hyperkalemia or too much potassium include irregular heartbeat nausea and slow weak or absent pulse ultimately too much potassium can stop the heart certain medical conditions or medications raise your risk of developing problems from potassium so consult your doctor before taking supplements it is important to take all medications prescriptions and supplements as directed never take more than the recommended dose my husband and i are trying to have a baby i was 10 days late for my period and today i am spotting pregnant i took a test 6 days ago and it was negative any info would be greatly appreciated,i would suggest you take another home pregnancy test and do it first thing in the morning when your urine is most concentrated your spotting could indeed be implantation bleeding or it could be the arrival of your period only the home pregnancy test can tell for sure if you take another pregnancy test that comes up negative but you fail to have a regular period i suggest you consult a gynecologist to find out what is going on a number of factors could cause you to skip a period and yet not be pregnant your gynecologist can sort through the possibilities and figure out what is going on wishing you all the best for a positive test what should i do if i suspect an overdose of coumadin,shingles can cause flu like symptoms including weakness read more here take care spleen has been crushed & you are bleeding out inside your body how is it possible pure blood comes out of your penis blood was coming out of my penis due to a fall where my spleen is it did not cut open my body i was told that when they opened me up 2+ liters of blood inside me i am just curious as to how that blood could manage to come out of my penis it was only about 5 minutes after i fell & i was able to get up and go to the bathroom & nothing but blood came out of my penis no one so far has been able to give me an answser as to how this could happen thanks for any help on this vexing question,the spleen is on the same side as your left kidney so one possible explanation for hematuria blood in the urine would be a contusion of the kidney with bleeding free blood in the abdominal cavity from a ruptured spleen would not anatomically be able to get into your closed urinary system so i suspect that your injury was not completely limited to your spleen bad migraine for 4 days now been to er doc said he was not worried about it being anything serious still worried help stressed and worried about what is going on i have never had a migraine last this long before any advice on what i should do slightly relieved by tylenol then comes right back,most helpful answer that would be highly highly unlikely sperm are tricky but it would be one magic sperm that could jump out of a toilet hit your vulva and someone make it up the vagina into the uterus and up the fallopian tubes i would say the chance of pregnancy occurring in this manner would be nearly impossible can penicillin treat herpes symptoms symptoms like swollen glands fever sore throat etc,not at all herpes is a virus and penicillin only treats certain bacterial infections it will not work for herpes i am concerned about this open sore on my face,com if this lesion has started on its own and no injury occurred to the place then it is a cause of concern and needs to be examined by a dermatologist… did it how can kale help bone health,it is a bad bruise and should get better by fibrinolytic tablets the bruise is exactly on the elbow and so the elbow movements should be restricted compression bandage should be applied for this purpose rule out bleeding tendencies my baby is arms measure 7 weeks behind and her legs 2 weeks behind,well the baby can be comparitively smaller but not necessarily dwarf but for confirmation amniocentesis can be done baby measuring less than 18 inches at birth is generally considered to be having some skeletal dysplasia so you need to discuss with your gynaecologist who can check for factors like head size amniotic fluid around baby along with limb size and can also discuss about amniocentesis to proceed further hope this helps at the age of 40 is it common to fall apart the chief medical officer in the army told me i had been born with a condition in which my sarcral joint was made of cartlage instead of bone i herniated l3l4 for months i have had knee pain and dismissed it as possible arthritis however recently i started having neck pain that radiates down over the left shoulder preventing me from full neck motion after about a week the pain subsided and now i am having knee pain again on the interior side of the right leg,hi its a warning have you been strenuous through your life so far always working to the edge then yes it will happen like i said its a warning time for you to start slowing down if your still in the army think about getting out or find a good number in there know what i mean try the motor pool worked for sgt bilko good luck if the virus in chickenpox vaccine is live can it cause chickenpox,hi your best place is your doctor where i would have been 4 12 months ago but take a sample with you in a nice sterile jar good luck is there a moratorium on certain conditions and how long a person has had them that would limit coverage,hi cold would be best as it helps relieve pain and attracts extra blood in to aid healing ok good luck i had rotatory cuff surgery and it locks up on me,nothing like this is supposed to happen after these type of surgeries it could be a recurrence or a supraspinatus tendinitis this needs a physical examination by a professional orthopedist and may request mri any a d d meds that can be taken while on 5mg hypertension med dr says no more concerta it will raise bp have taken concerta in the past only when really needed to complete a task,pineal cysts are small cysts in the middle of your brain near the pineal gland they are almost always a congenital anomaly meaning they are present from birth we usually recommend a ct scan or mri scan at some point but they are almost never a problem i am on my period and i was fingered by a man 10 minutes after he came on his hands prengancy should i get plan b my period started yesterday my boyfriend gave himself a hand job about 10 minutes later he fingered me shallowly without washing his hands can i get pregnant should i take plan b *and yes i am going to get a prescription for birth control pills so i will not have to fret about things like this,hey first of all you have to move to fresh air imediately drink a lot of water and milk right away unless you have symptoms that make it hard to swallow these include vomiting convulsions or a decreased level of alertness and in that case you need to go to er you can also go to the hospital to take an oxygen therapy session how to prevent stroke,although there are several good ways to diagnose lactose intolerance most people who consider themselves lactose intolerant have never been formally tested for intolerance this is unfortunate because at least 20 of people who think they are lactose intolerant are not and 20 of people who think they are not intolerant in fact are intolerant why should so many people believe that they are lactose intolerant when they are not this erroneous belief may be common for several reasons people with unexplained undiagnosed gastrointestinal symptoms are looking for an explanation for their symptoms since lactose intolerance is a well known condition it provides these people with a ready and welcome explanation for their symptoms confirmation that lactose intolerance is present often is made subjectively and without careful correlation between ingestion of milk or milk products and symptoms extrapolating from data on the effect of placebo it can be hypothesized that between 20 and 40 percent of people who think they feel better on stopping milk in fact are no better feeling better for them is analogous to a beneficial positive response to placebo formal testing for lactose intolerance is valuable not only can testing confirm lactose intolerance and prompt the institution of a reduced or lactose free diet but it also can exclude lactose intolerance and direct attention to diagnosing other conditions and diseases that are responsible for the symptoms elimination diet probably the most common way that people self diagnose lactose intolerance is by an elimination diet a diet that eliminates milk and milk products there are several problems with this type of testing milk products are so common in prepared foods from the supermarket or restaurant that it is likely that an elimination diet that is not rigorous i e does not eliminate all milk containing products will still include substantial amounts of milk thus persons with severe lactase deficiency attempting an elimination diet may be ingesting enough lactose to have symptoms and erroneously conclude that lactose intolerance is not responsible for the symptoms people often make the assumption that they are lactose intolerant based on a short trial of elimination a short trial may be adequate if symptoms are severe and occurring daily but not if the symptoms are subtle andor variable in the latter case an elimination diet may need to be continued for several weeks because symptoms of lactose intolerance are subjective and variable there always is the possibility of a placebo effect in which people think they feel better eliminating milk when in fact they are no better as discussed previously with subjective symptoms such as those of lactose intolerance a placebo effect might be expected to occur 20 40 of the time if an elimination diet is to be used for diagnosing lactose intolerance it should be a rigorous diet a rigorous diet requires counseling by a dietician or reading a guide to a lactose elimination diet the diet also needs to be continued long enough to clearly evaluate whether or not i have urination issues i just finish going and when i stand up i have an urgent need to go again,period cramps are expected at your age it doesnt require a family history to be positive all depends on your hormones may be a separate hymen may have aggravated the problems some hymens are known to thin out and resolve on their own once u get sexually active so do not attempt home remedies i have a painful wart near the tip of my finger partly under my nail what is the best course of treatment i have tried home remedies including salicylic acid and duct tape it has been frozen once at the dermatologist is office with some superficial results but it is deep and partially under the nail it interferes with my activities and i would like to cure this sooner rather that later how can i get rid of this,yes and no it depends on the type of test azo is a bright orange dye that discolors the urine on office dipstick type urine tests there are about a dozen different tests on those dipsticks that can be done but these must be read on a color scale fluorescent orange urine can interfere with the readings a microscopic test or urine culture would not be effected by discoloration what are my chances of getting pregnant if i just got over my period and had sex right away but do not have any bc pills i just got off my period as of thursday night october 2 and had sex with my boyfriend the next night friday october 3 i do not have any birth control left to start a new pack this week and have to wait to start a new pack next week i do not want to start taking my birth control again if i know that i am highly possible of getting pregnant what are my chances of getting pregnant and when is the earliest i can take a home pregnancy test,hi yes there is always a chance of getting pregnant from having unprotected sex and your 7 days from ovulation day your egg and his sperm could meet head on all you can do is wait to see if you get your next period if you do not then that would be the time to get tested hope this helps you good luck ps question did he or you not have a condom then what causes earwax build up and what can i do about it,the amount and consistency of earwax is genetically determined so there is really nothing you can do to limit what you make earwax is not dirt it is a very beneficial protective coating for the ear canal when people attempt to remove it usually with frequent use of q tips the body will just make even more since it is supposed to be there q tips are the most common cause of wax impaction since they tend to pack it deeper in the ear canal just like loading a civil war cannon so if you use them and i know you do stop it periodically if you do get an impaction you can safely flush out your ears with a gentle stream of warm water using an ear syringe if i am 2 12 weeks pregnant is it safe to ride roller coasters and water rides at a theme park,the official response is no you should not go you will also note many different signs on rides that will say if you are pregnant you should not go on this ride the safest thing to do is not go on them if however you are adventuresome then you may want to give it a try i doubt you will be harmed this early in pregnancy i think the real issue is how much do you want this pregnancy if this is planned and a very desired pregnancy then do not do it otherwise you need to figure it out your doctor will tell you not to do it ok i ran out of birth controll for a week and was on my period and i had sex could i be pregnante he came inside of me twice,hi well so what happened to condoms then having unprotected sex at any time through can get some women pregnant and even during there period so if this was within the last 72 hours you could go to plan b if not then its a waiting game to see if you get your next period and if you do not then that would be the time to get tested then making up your mind what you want to do seeing as you were on bc hope this helps you good luck what kinds of infections may occur in tkr 13 mons ago knee aspirations been bloody for past 5 months serious cure orthopedic surgeon thinks i have an infection but lab test always negative he also thinks i may be allergic to the metal he wants to perform another replacement but i think we should do something first to determine why as much as 25cc of blood comes out every 5 6 wks when i have my knee aspirated please help me i am very worried that the toxins are doing damage to my leg i have had ct scan mri & a nuclear bone scan dr admitted he is not certain what to do maybe use ceramic,i am sorry about what you are going through you must feel very worried a forum like this is not the best place to get answers to your questions you need to rely on medical professionals infection is a potential complication of any joint replacement surgery it sounds like your surgeon is doing everything possible to determine if your joint is infected or not at this point it sounds like it is not the majority of orthopedic surgeons have dealt with the issue of post surgical infection if you are not satisfied with the answers you are getting from your surgeon tell him you want to be referred to someone else for a second opinion or perhaps he could refer you to an infectious disease specialist for a work up again i am sorry to hear you are dealing with these worrisome symptoms i hope everything gets resolved for you soon wishing you well seeing white spots followed by headache this is the second time its happened all of a sudden i start seeing white spots and it is hard to focus and see it lasts for about 5 10 minutes then i get a huge headache or migraine,sorry yes i meant the pill thank you i am glad to know that my mother has fibroid gynecologist suggested removal of vagina need second opinion,you will need to call your doctor it would not be prudent for me to try and treat you over the internet i can say that the amoxicillin is long gone so if you are still having hives there is likely another allergen that is the culprit an amoxicillin reaction a month ago would not be causing issues now is hyland is baby cough syrup safe to take with infant is tylenol my son is 7 months old and has a cough that is keeping him up but i already gave him infant is tylenol because he has been cutting teeth and he had had a slight fever earlier is there a negative reaction when using these medications together,i am sure it is there a clitoris cannot just drop off or be sucked back into the body get a good mirror and an anatomy resource to make sure you are identifying the proper structures you can always see your gynecologist but i am confident you will find this often elusive in some women structure hi so was it there before if you have never had a clitoral orgasm then it could just be there but under skin in some women the clitoris can have a think skin hood over it this can be removed and out pops you clitoris do hope this helps you good luck is the birth control shot safe i have heard many women slowly stop getting their period while getting the shot is it safe or healthy to just stop something that is so natural to the body,depo provera is safe for a year or two but there is some concern if used over two years there may be some relationship early bone loss in some women that could be related to osteoporosis in later life the change in your menstrual cycle is really not a problem and it is a very effective birth control method for a year or two hi for some women depo shot can be a real bugger gives lots of problems if you was my daughter i would say no do not go that way please just google depo shot side effects and your see why then your see why there are lots of reasons why not to go on it do hope this helps you good luck i have been diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis rrms losing weight can it be lyme disease,hi tecfidera is the main cause of weight lose if you want confirm if it is ms or not then you should do a spinal tap good luck i have history of amebiasis what foods will trigger it again,urine analysiz kidney function tests pelviabdominal us i am 45 years old and pregnant my mammogran showed that i have two cysts should i be concern about breast feeding,hi if you were in the uk i would say ask your midwife in the uk the have a great knowledge of these things so you just need to find what ever the american equivalent is and ask her hope this helps good luck what illnesses often co exist with bipolar disorder,i do not know were this myth of all persons who have bipolar are drug users and raging alcohalics google it the latest numbers indicate that only 50 of persons with bipolar are substance abusers i have lived with bipolar disorder for 30 years i have never had these issues but i also do not play the self pitty card and i take care of my self insted of putting posion into my body i have been discrimenated aganst more times than i wish to think about our local hospital who has discrinated aganst me so many times because i complaned about there treatment of me so many times they will no longer treat me my abvice to all who have experance this sort of treatment always carry a note book and explane and date your experances politley file a complant with the hospital file a complant with your state authorities and then see your attorney and hand them your note book when it comes time to go court follow your attorneys advice once the word is out that there is possable trouble pending for the hospital they will be very nice to you be smart take care of your self it is your job if you need help pick up the phone or get help from a family member or freind you know when your in crissis do not use it as an excusse to snort cocaine and get your 16 year old nabour pregnat sorry about the spelling but iam pressed for time it is something i have to think about i have swelling of the paratoid gland face is noticeably swollen on the right side,oral sexual contact with a woman who may have an std can certainly transmit those viruses or bacteria to a partner gonorrhea can be transmitted chlamydia can be transmitted syphilis can be transmitted herpes can be transmitted basically any std that a woman has in the vagina can potentially be transmitted to another through oral sexual contact while it may be less common than transmission from genital to genital contact it happens if you question that disease carrying potential of your sexual partner it would be wise not to have any contact oral or sexual the use of a dental dam a latex shield can help prevent vaginal to mouth transmission of stds but very few people utilize them in their sexual practices no period after using the depo shot should i be worried i got my first depo shot on november 2 2011 my last shot was july 1st or 3rd 2012 and i bled that whole time i was on the shot and after i stopped getting the shot i have not had a period or any type of bleeding since,hi the wounds seem to be bad and penetrating go to an er get them cleaned dressed with antispetic creams get a tetanus shot start on anti inflammatory anti biotic tablets apply ice packs do not apply hot water thanks what are transformed migraines,transformed migraines are coexisting migraine and tension type headaches they are chronic daily headaches with a vascular quality can you get a yeast infection from taking doxycycline,any antibiotic like doxycylince can predispose you to getting a yeast infection how do i take advil liqui gel,hi this could be from your mucus plug breaking down before your period sometimes its clear other times if can be brown and sticky hope this helps you good luck could a diet high in acidic foods such as pickles or vinegar be harmful or helpful for gout,each tablet has 325 mg of acetaminophen can the colon cause panic attacks and severe anxiety,yes it is not colon but severe anxiety can cause colon problems you must have heard about a disease irritable bowel syndrome brain and gut or colon interactions are well known excess stress and anxiety can affect colon functions and result in excessive bloating some time diarrhoea and sometime constipation i have a really big stomach it is the biggest part of my body i look like i am 20 months pregnant as a matter of fact people ask me if i am pregnant i am kind of sick of it if i go on a diet and try to lose it what happens to the leftover skin will i lose that too i am afraid to go on a diet because of it,people who lose large amounts of weight may end up having excess skin each person is different though and it is hard to predict who is more vulnerable some people choose to have excess skin removed once they have maintained weight loss for a period of time the key is to lose weight for your health and quality of life and then you can decide what you want to do if there is extra skin for more on medical options for excess skin see this article good luck been having oderless white discharge with no odor combined with abdominal cramps lower back pain and nausea discharge is thick and white my period just ended a little over a week ago but there is still some spotting as far as i know it is not possible for me to become pregnant i had a tubal ligation after my last child 10 years ago also been having aversions to certain foods and smells could this be the onset of menopause i am almost 40 years old,this is a very interesting question that has quite possibly a simple answer gently plug your ears with your fingers and breathe heavily through your nose for a moment or two can you hear yourself breathing most people can that is because plugging your ear canal blocks outside noise from being transmitted through the nerves of the ear to the brain instead your ear hears your body is internal sounds like breathing it is possible your headphones are blocking external noise and allowing your ears to hear your body is sounds instead if you are playing music through your headphones at a low sound level your ears will continue to pick up your breath sounds while you may actually be breathing in a labored fashion when you put headphones on such as if you are exercising chances are it just sounds that way to you because you are not used to hearing your normal breath sounds of course if you feel short of breath or feel you have trouble breathing then by all means you should see a doctor if you are otherwise healthy and not having additional symptoms you may not need to get this checked out as always though if you have any concerns about your health especially your breathing you should consult a medical professional hope this helps i thought i was the only one i think it also deals with metaphysics being an empathetic u pick up on people is energies and sending out anxiety into overdrive i am still looking into myself is it common to have a resident in a caesarean hi my wife had a caesarean there were two doctors that performed the operation that lasted nearly for an hour in addition to an experienced md there was a resident doctor should this be acceptable to be honest i was initially terrified because the operation sounded like a training session i could hear the experienced doctor giving instructions to the resident thanks,residents are doctors getting advanced training in obstetrics in order to learn by observing and participating they need to do those procedures your hospital is most likely a teaching hospital that has many residents in many different specialty area instead of seeing this as a training session view it as you had two doctors for the price of one one highly experienced and another in training two heads and four hands are always better than one head and two hands i am only 14 and i thiink my low blood pressure is caused by my anti depressants is this bad i take wellbutrin bupropion 300mg every time i stand up i become dizzy and light headed my head starts to hurt but it goes away in about 5 seconds i have almost fallen over a lot because of it it has been getting worse over the past 4 months should i go see a doctor about this or should i just leave is alone,are you saying that when you put on a condom your penis becomes flaccid or did you start having troubles after you put on a particular condom the lack of a large vein you are used to feeling could be due to a decrease in blood flow or erectile dysfunction or anything that might prevent your erection from hardening fully for the last month i have had pain on both sides of my ribs on the back side,hi this can occur due to intercostal nerve pain take analgesics methycobal tablets apply local analgesic sprays and do hot fomentation if this does not help then get a chest xray ap view thanks is it safe to take the heart medicine toprol xl with lisinopril for high blood pressure are there side effects,all medications carry some risk of side effects side effects of toprol xl include dizziness drowsiness dry mouth nausea constipation and depression signs of serious side effects are shortness of breath or wheezing changes in your heartbeat and swelling of the feet and hands it is safe to take toprol xl with lisinopril there are no dangerous drug interactions are diet pills bad for you,hi here is a couple of links these should cover most of what you want to know just copy each link one at a time into google to open and read hope its what you want good luck how wrinkled should i be before i consider a peel,when she looks into the mirror a lady decides whether she is happy or unhappy with the state of her skin and when she sees the vertical lips lines and maybe the deep lines around the crow is foot area and some frown lines here and some forehead lines at some point she is going to ask herself well should i do something about it now she could use an entry level procedure like botox that will help the squint lines it is very good for the vertical frown lines but it does not change the overall characteristics of the skin when there has been a lot of sun damage that brown color the kind of an unhealthy look sun damage brown spots age spots whatever you want to call them it would take a resurfacing the removal of that damaged layer of skin and forcing nature to regenerate fresh new skin and that is really what the chemical peel or the laser peel does so some patients may need a little help with restylane a little help with botox a lot of help with the chemical or laser treatment when you look in the mirror you decide what you do not like and then you have to consult with a specialist who will tell you what the remedies are and for some people treatment a is not proper and for others it is and that is the value of the consultation only if it is really bothering you a lot i mean everybody everybody has kind of a tipping point there is a point where one day you look in the mirror and you say you know what i know it is not going to get any better i think i need to talk to a doctor about this and that age could be 40 it could be 65 and people have come in here to consult for the first time with a cosmetic surgeon at 75 or 80 my first question is where have you been no but whatever is right for the patient is what counts it is all in the eyes of the beholder if you see you are starting to wrinkle should you rush in in your 40s and 50s we are here to serve when appropriate at any age now does the chemical peel do any kind of lifting in fact it does not correct the jowls or the sagging neck but a lift in the sense that it does tighten the skin on the face it will make this groove a little better not enough perhaps to solve the problem completely but what it does is it gives you a youthful looking skin because it is not wrinkled it does not have the age spots does not have the brown spots does not look like you have baked in the sun and that is something that no other process obtains i heard the irs can only collect health insurance penalties for not signing up by deducting them from tax refunds if you structure your withholding to never get a refund can you permanently avoid obamacare until it fails,you are correct in saying that the law bars the irs from applying its usual means of collecting outstanding taxes such as liens foreclosures and criminal prosecution the primary means at the agency is disposal to collect the aca penalty is to garnish tax refunds from those who have overpaid what causes stomach pain and swelling after eating every meal been this way for 3 weeks it started out about 3 weeks ago i have stomach pains and severe swelling after i eat then a couple days later i got my period and it seems my swelling is not as bad so i went to the docter and he thought it was my gallbladder i had blood work done normal sent me for ultrasound normal then hida scan normal still having problems everytime i eat my stomach starts hurting really bad and my stomach swells some my stomach is constanly sore ,i am having the same problem my stomach is so tender and sore i have excruciating pain i have had a lot of test and all the doctors said was gastritis and colitis i am not taking any medication for this and just wondering what i should do i can not live in this kind of pain there should be some kind of cure for this i do not have diarrhea or sick stomach i have severe abdomenal pain i get stomach spams whenever i eat or drink anything i am nauseous all the time morning nausea not pregnant or hungover severe stomach spasms when i eat or drink anything even water makes me nauseous very tired to the point i am light headed and get a severe migraine sharp pains from my lower abdomen basically anything i eat or drink gives me nausea and a severe spasm i have been tested for caeliac and have had many blood tests and urine tests done please help,i am sorry to hear you are going through this it sounds miserable and worrisome i want to emphasize your need to stay hydrated even if drinking water gives you nausea maybe try drinking water at different temperatures to see if one is more palatable than another or see if there is a vitamin water flavored water or type of sports drink you can tolerate despite the fact you have been tested for celiac and other conditions in the past my advice to you is to keep pursuing a cause for your symptoms some conditions take a long time to be diagnosed such as gastroparesis sometimes tests need to be repeated periodically and the results compared in order to reach a diagnosis it is ok to be very pro active with your health care providers in pushing for additional testing or repeated tests depending on how much time has elapsed in order to get a diagnosis i would suggest keeping copies of all your lab results and imaging films usually these can be provided to you on cds for easy storage you will want to keep these for new doctors you may consult and for comparison of test results over time i wish i had some magic suggestion to offer you in terms of a diagnosis but that is not the case like i said hang in there and do not give up just because you have had a few tests done keep going back to your providers to let them know you still have symptoms i wish you all the best will ginger ale settle an upset stomach my mother always gave us flat ginger ale to settle our stomachs it has to have real ginger in it not just ginger flavored it is really the ginger that settles the nausea feeling she also taught us to suck on crushed ice to prevent dehydration,this is not really a question but you are correct flat ginger ale can be good for nausea as can ginger tea that is if the upset stomach does not have some serious cause of course on bc pills my period was later and shorter have been tired and nauseus for about 2 weeks could i be pregnant,yes you can but when i was on the pill i had the same symtoms and more symtoms that you also can get while pregnant but i was not pregnant the pill causes the symtoms you desrcibed but if you still think you could be pregnant taking a test is the only real way to be sure hi i am suffering from shingles i got this one day ago very painful,taking a cool bath or using cool wet compresses on your blisters may help relieve the itching and pain and if possible try to reduce the amount of stress in your life what are the symptoms of gallstones,can having gallbladder symptoms include losing weight over approximately a one year period especially if i been dieting the right way watching label is and portions stopped soft drinks no more frozen dinners or fast food i have known i have a gallstone for about 7 years but no symptoms in fact unless losing weight is a symptom this was found while checking something else the size had more than doubled since the last check 10 something thank you i have been getting these little red bumps over all of my body,do i have the ability to diagnose you over the internet no i do not i do not have any way of determining the cause or the significance of your symptoms based solely on your brief posting i do not know your medical history nor do i have the ability to reach out and examine you all essential components to getting an accurate diagnosis while i am very sympathetic to your financial situation and lack of insurance there is very little that can be achieved without a hand on medical examination look for free clinics student health centers or urgent care facilities give you body and your health the same consideration as you would if your car suddenly broke down and needed a costly repair my brother has a blockage in his esophagus which now makes him unable to swallow any thing,i have not read or heard that second hand smoke is a direct cause of high blood pressure but that does not mean it is harmless secondary smoke exposure can result in cancer and lung diseases for instance if you love your boyfriend encourage him strongly to stop smoking for his health and for the health of those around him is there a surgical procedure to remove exess skin from the penis as in a circumcision that did not heal properly when i was 13 my mom took me to the philippines to have me circumcised and ever since then i do not think my penis healed properly as there is some excess skin still hanging off,yes this can be surgically fixed you would need to see a urologist this would most likely be a simple office procedure to remove this extra skin if you find it to be a cosmetic issue vita luminance review though genetic makeup performs an essential functionality inside growing old characteristics plus the endurance of an man or woman it is the standard of living of these individual which usually eventually ends up staying quite consider the end ,please be respectful of webmd answers and refrain from advertising your product or services on this important medical information site your inappropriate posting takes up valuable space for individuals seeking answers to their medical questions how can i prevent bed bug bites,avoidance of infested areas is the method for prevention of bed bug bites recognition of bed bug infestation and proper treatment of affected rooms usually with the help of a pest control specialist is the best way to prevent bed bugs in the home those concerned about the potential for bed bugs bites in hotels should examine hotel beds and mattresses for signs of a bed bug infestation sealing your mattress in a bed bug prevention casing can be beneficial does hrt cause midlife weight gain,you can not blame the low doses of hrt in use today for midlife weight gain at least not for any more than a few pounds you do get a little more bloated on it but it does not cause body fat accumulation overeating not exercising and stress do what causes shingles pain,chickenpox shingles and postherpetic neuralgia all result from infection with a single virus called varicella zoster virus most people catch the varicella zoster virus as children after a bout of chickenpox our immune systems never completely eradicate the vzv virus they just chase it into hiding varicella retreats into nerve cells deep under the skin near the spine for most of us vzv lies dormant inside our bodies never causing further problems in about one third of people however vzv emerges from hiding travels along a nerve to the skin and erupts in a bumpy painful rash on one side of the body this sneak attack is called herpes zoster or shingles what does the term ringworm mean,the term ringworm or ringworms refers to fungal infections that are on the surface of the skin the name is derived from the early belief that the infection was due to a worm which it is not ringworm is a fungal infection in the skin nevertheless the name ringworm remains some of these fungi produce round spots on the skin but many do not on the other hand many round red spots on the skin are not due to a fungal infection a physical examination of the affected skin evaluation of skin scrapings under the microscope and culture tests can help doctors make the appropriate distinctions a proper diagnosis is essential to successful treatment the medical term for ringworm is tinea tinea is the latin name for a growing worm doctors add another word to indicate where the fungus is located tinea capitis for instance refers to scalp ringworm tinea corporis to fungus of the body tinea pedis to fungus of the feet and so on ringworm occurs in people of all ages but it is particularly common in children ringworm is contagious and can be passed from person to person by contact with infected skin areas or by sharing combs and brushes other personal care items or clothing it is also possible become infected with ringworm after coming in contact with locker room or pool surfaces the infection can also affect dogs and cats who may transmit the infection to humans it is common to have several areas of ringworm at once in different body areas i just had a yearly exam & have been dealing with hemmorhoids now my vagina is slightly itchy could this be related,thank you for your answers i know i had an ultra sound done last year and it showed a couple cysts but they said they were big enough to cause any problems so maybe thats what it is and a new one has shown up or an existing one has gotten worse maybe yea ovulation could be a possibility too i never thought about that but it would be hard to track my cycle to see because i have the mirena sometimes i have a menstrual cycle and sometimes i go without one for months can not hear out of my left ear some pressure is there ringing and some dizziness as well about 20 minutes after waking up one morning i had some loud ringing in my left ear about a couple hours after that i could not hear at all out of it i have been given decongestants and nasal spray and now i am trying an antihistamine my doctor does not believe that it is anything seroius and that it is probabaly just fluid build up but i think it is worse please help,i do not know the greying and whiting of hair is usually genetically determined so blame it on your parents or grand parents my head hair turned grey in my 30 is and by my mid 40 is i was as white as snow if you do not like grey pubic hair shave it off or dye it a different color or just ignore it as part of our progressive aging cycle does a person get a high from capsule medical marijuana does it dull pain or just make the pain tolerable could this help a 95 year old who is in severe pain from spinal stenosis and arthritis does it really have any long term effects on memory,herpes zoster is a group of small red sacs or bubbles on the skin first day of z pak should have taken 2 only took 1 now what to do,no big deal just take 2 azithromycin for your next scheduled dose if you are only 1 day into the pack it should be fine then continue the pack as directed if a few days after you finish the pack you have not found relief of your symptoms then i would recommend going back to the doctor hope this helps how many cups of food should a woman eat in a meal i find that sometimes i cannot figure out the calories on a meal especially when i am cooking at home so i am trying to find a way to control my food intake so that i consistently intake less calories than i am burning in a day i really want to get to a healthy weight for my children they are small and i am in a high stress job so i do not want to have a heart attack before they are grown please help me,there is not a number of cups recommended for women or men to eat at a meal i suggest using feelings of hunger and fullness to help guide your eating this webmd article discusses the importance of mindful eating practices when eating out paying attention and stopping eating when you start to feel full can be helpful and liberating also you might want to get additional support because losing and maintaining weight is not easy especially when you have a highly stressful lifestyle a registered dietitian can tailor a plan for to meet your personal preferences specific challenges and lifestyle you can find a dietitian at eatright org there are many different tools out there like webmd is food and fitness planner to help you monitor your intake keep looking until you get the support you need good luck our son started eating rice cereal at 5 months and veggiesfruit at 6 months he refuses the solids any suggestions,you are not experiencing an unusual challenge many babies at this age go through refusal be patient maybe give him a break for a couple of days and then try it again which fruitsveggies have you offered so far and are you makingbuying them the good news is that at this age the majority of calories will come from your baby is milk source breastmilkformula your baby needs a minimum of 4 tablespoons of iron fortified cereal in order to get enough iron to prevent the onset of anemia when you reintroduce solids i would try to establish the rice or oatmeal cereal period was over 70 days late got one last week but it was short is there a chance that im pregnant i was on the pill for 4 years went off it in november december 9 was the last time i had a period i just got in last week but it was very short strong cramps and light bleeding for 2 days one day of stronger bleeding and cramps then 2 days of light brownish discharge should i be concerned or is it just a short period when i was on the pill i was pretty consistent and it started strong basically from the start and would last for 2 or 3 days of heavy flow then light for 2 3 more days,go to healthcare gov to start shopping the health plan options available in your state my period is two weeks late about a month after unprotected sex i am worried i may be pregnant in the first week of july i had unprotected sex and started my period the next day but it was a week earlier than anticipated i took plan b the day after starting around 36 hours after sex to be safe and my period continued like a normal period for around 7 days now my period is two weeks late and i am getting concerned i may be pregnant two home pregnancy tests first response brand and a doctor is office urine test have come back negative is it still likely that i am pregnant,hi its the plan b its altered your period date and it can also upset you periods its from the big dose of extra hormones you have put in your body from plan b may take a time to regulate back out may be best you get on the bc pill this will help regulate your periods for you suggest you see your doctor for more info if offered do keep away from depo shot far to many side effects hope this helps you good luck i have upper right quadrant pain and cant find answers please help i have upper right quadrant pain i have had xrays cbc wplatelet and differential comprehensive metabolic panel urinalysis hida scan and ct w contast all clear what else could i do to find where the pain is coming from,i am sorry to hear you are suffering chronic pain can be hard to deal with it sounds like you have had all the right tests to rule out the usual culprits of right upper quadrant pain gallbladder problems liver problems bladder infection kidney issues etc if none of those are causing the pain it will be classified as idiopathic which means doctors do not know what is causing it many people suffer from pain of unknown origin as you do you do not say how long the pain is been going on but there are many things that could cause such pain that are not detectable by any scan or blood test for example you could have somehow damaged cartilage between your lower ribs that can be very painful and can take a long time to heal or you could have injured a muscle in that area unfortunately medical science does not always have all the answers especially when it comes to pain the good news is all the scary possible causes have been ruled out such as cancer the other good news is idiopathic pain often goes away as quickly and mysteriously as it began the bad news is you may never know what is causing this pain i wish i could offer you a better answer but like i said medical science unfortunately does not always have an answer wishing you all the best do i have gynecomastia or just puffy nipples i have had puffy nipples since middle school and i am now a high school senior lately i have been reading up on it because its honestly just frustrating not being comfortable to just wear one shirt or go swimming i am 58 and 140 and in relatively good shape i do not really enlarged breasts its just my nipples i have heard it could be a mild form of gynecomastia will it go away should i see a doctor,infections are known to cause blood pressure changes so it would be possible that a severe sinus infection could do the same can you get hiv from a broke condom if a women is hiv+ and has sex with a man if near the end he condom has broken and his head may have been exposed can he contract the virus he also has foreskin,hi well at least he was wearing a condom just because it broke would not mean he got infected with hiv but he should go and get tested and that would be the important thing if nothing else best thing would be to get to an stdgum clinic and get tested do hope this helps good luck what are some common bottle feeding problems and mistakes,not really the number of calories in a normal dosage of metacucil would be negligible and should have no effect on weight gain as a matter of fact bulk type fiber has been used in weight loss diets as a means of filling you up mammogram indicates a benign breast lump but now other lumps have appeared,yea you are right he is having allergy to some food factors like carotene seen in carrots and similar foods u should ind out such allergens and avoid giving them to him taken plavix for 7 years now starting 6 months ago head feels like it will explode when i bend over or cough,i am sorry to hear you are experiencing this if by feels like it will explode you mean you feel increased pressure in your head whenever you bend or cough this is a cause for concern as you know plavix generic name clopidogrel is a blood thinner obviously when taking a blood thinner you do not want to break a blood vessel especially one in your head i would advise you to see your doctor as soon as possible about this he or she will be able to determine if you should continue using the clopidogrel plavix or whether a different medication or none at all may be more appropriate for you in the meantime exercise caution when bending lifting or coughing if you need to use throat lozenges for example to calm a dry throat please do so i wish you all the best can i be pregnant but still have periods ive had many pregnancy symptoms the last month or so ive had 2 periods taken 2 hpts one was faintly positive and the other one was negitive,a cast protects and immobilizes a fracture so that it will properly heal most people are casted for six weeks or so depending on the type and extent of the fracture so entire joints are frozen in place for a long time when the cast is removed and the fracture has sufficiently healed those immobilized tendons and muscles will need to be gradually stretched back and strengthened again it can take a few days or longer for your range of motion to gradually return to normal be patient it can be sore and painful to move that joint for a while my 2 yr old has had a fever on and off the last 2 weeks why does it keep coming back he had a fever 2 3 days then it went away and about a week and a half later it came back and hes had it off and on for 3 days now i have been giving him medicine and it temporarily breaks the fever but then it comes back he has a dr appt tomorrow but what could be the cause for the reoccuring fever,a fever is the body is normal response to fighting off a pathogen virus bacteria or respond to inflammation there can be hundreds of reasons for a child to get a recurrent fever but in most cases it tends to be one or more of the over 200 respiratory viruses fevers are not dangerous but finding the reason is important so i am glad you are seeing his doctor my wife is really considering gastric sleeve surgery in mexico is it safe,you can swim you will not spread ringworm of the scalp through pool water i have sharp burning pain in my right buttock i can not sit for long periods of time i am also numb in my genital area as well,sounds like you may have a problem with your sciatic nerve this nerve is easily damaged the pain with a damaged sciatic can be in either one side or both of you buttocks and sometimes more often than not the pain reradiates down the back of your leg taking aleve or ibuprofen helps with the pain i usually use a heating pad or a ice bag to help with the pain and take aleve and move around as much as possible hope this helps why do i look 7 or 8 months pregnant and have elevated hormones when i am not pregnant i gained 70 pounds from june 2012 to feb 2013 and have not lost weight i eat health and exercise everyday it is not a tumor in my brain which my doc ruled out i have elevated prolactin levels over several months i am starting to think this is health related could this be false pregnancy also have had nausea and acid reflux and i do not have my period due to taking dep birth control shot please help,hi first some women do get pregnant on depo shot and you can google that ok i think you should go see an obstetrician get some tests done there and see how things pan out hope this helps good luck 1 yr old should drink how much 2 milk a day send answer to fred strawder@msn com,fenugreek seed cannot affect your fertility do not worry a delayed period could be because of stress or hormonal imbalance so please get a urine pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy first for further queries consult an infertility specialist online > are there any repellants for bedbugs,assuming your husband was properly diagnosed many skin lesions will mimic ringwormtinea corporis an antifungal medication there are several over the counter medications that the pharmacist could suggest would likely help if you are talking about a vaginal yeast medication being used i would suggest that you use one more geared for skin fungus he will not grow boobs can i get too many vitamins if so what can happen,well that is hard to say the answer could depend on many factors including your age and whether or not you have had any knee injuries in general it is not unusual for our knees to squeak pop creak and crackle when we walk or squat down these sounds can be caused by a variety of things including simple wear and tear to the cartilage within the knee joint or osteoarthritis as long as the squeaking is not accompanied by pain the sound probably does not mean anything if you start to have pain associated with your noisy knees then it would be a good idea to get it checked out you can help keep your knees healthy by following these prevention tips as always if you are concerned about whether or not there is something wrong with your knees do not hesitate to make an appointment with your primary care provider good luck can i get my hair dyed while pregnant,well once you get off the bc you can get pregnant although for some couples out there it does take a few months before actually getting pregnant i would say try to check when your ovulating so you know when to have sex and you know when it would be more likely for you to get pregnant i have been having constant headache for about 10 days now,hi read this link from webmd your find it full of facts to help you and your question the link do hope this eases your mind good luck why is my heart feel like it is racing in the mornings i recently had a physical the physical went fine during the process i mentioned i medicate for high blood pressure when detailing the medicine and dose the doctor determined i could quit taking one of the two stay on lisinoprilhctz 2 tablets 2025mg and stop the propranolol 1 tablet 40mg heart beat was taken at both visits with results of 6264 oxygen count was 94 and blood pressure numbers were spot on i walk 4 miles every morning on up and down terrain,hi you should google coming of depo shot you should find all the info you need and if you need to find some other help from those all ready off it depo shot is a bit of a bugger when you come off it but i would not think your pregnant your find most of those who have come off depo shot take around 6 months to become pregnant hope this helps good luck i have gastric erosions can i take benedryl to help me sleep,you do realize that i can not see this lump i can not examine your ear nor can i treat you non surgically or surgically over the internet i am not sure where you got that 2000 price but i would encourage you to shop around for another ent i also strongly caution you not to mess with this lump any more i have been suffering from pressure and pain behind eyes for almost three years,in my opinion you should check for sinusitis i do not think you have an eye infection 3 years eye infection would have shown complications by now also the peak pain when you wake up suggests sinusitis and roles out allerggood luck i have had irregular periods for the past 10 months terrible headaches weight gain nausea 247 and fainting i can not sleep because of the nausea doctors have run thyroid tests and said they came back normal told me to eat healthy and exercise i do intense cardio for an hour four times a week and lift two days a week i do not know what else to do but am in so much pain please help,hi did your doctor do a blood test fro your hormones if not get himher to do one its another starting point to aim at most of our problems relate to hormones and a test will tell all good luck if i am feeling really hungry after exercising what is the best thing to eat after a workout and i am a guy not sure if that matters,euthyrox is levothyroxine and is suitable for treating your thyroid problem while dostinex can help lower your hyperprolactin so you can get pregnant follow up with the treatment and do not worry stomach pain hard chest pain the only time i do not feel the painis when i sleep,hi you seem to have a very sensitive gut mucosa this happens in people having early ulcerative tendancies or a irritable bowel syndrome if the symptoms are so bad then you should get an endoscopy done to find out whats wrong inside antispasmodics bland diet will help till then thanks i have two holes in my chest that blow bloody bubbles when i breathe,high levels of bp do not neglect or take anyone else is medicines u need a special consultation with physician start medicines accordingly how is thrush treated,while healthy children and adults can be effectively treated for thrush the symptoms may be more severe and difficult to manage in those with weakened immune systems antifungal medications which are generally taken for 10 to 14 days are often prescribed to treat thrush these medicines are available in tablets lozenges or liquids your dentist will have a specific treatment approach designed for you based on your age and the cause of the infection because the presence of candida infection can be a symptom of other medical problems your dentist may suggest you seek care from a medical doctor as well so that any underlying health problems you may have can be treated my daughter is 18 and for some reason she has been very tired and sluggish but very hungry what could be the problem when i cook at home i try and cook healthy food though with her having a job and a car she has her own money and a way to get a lot of fast food also since this cycle of hunger and sleepiness has occurred her body has been having pains off and on are these related and could fast food be the problem,while there is some evidence that statins can affect blood sugar the benefits of the medications usually outweigh the risks the effect on blood sugar is minimal if you are concerned about your blood sugar or the medications you are taking you should talk to your health care professional should you take an antibiotic for a positive clue cell exam,there may be a chance that your baby is intolerant to lactose i would take her to the doctor and demand action for the moment you could feed your baby cooled boiled water to ensure that she is receiving enough fluid the body can cope better without food than it can without fluid i hope you find this useful and i hope your baby feels better soon what is catheter ablation for the heart,during an ablation high frequency electrical energy is delivered through a catheter to a small area of tissue inside the heart that causes the abnormal heart rhythm this energy disconnects the pathway of the abnormal rhythm ablation is used to treat most psvts atrial flutter atrial fibrillation and some atrial and ventricular tachycardias ablation may be combined with other procedures to achieve optimal treatment could my previous method of birth control affect my fertility,we spend years worrying about unplanned pregnancy fearing that our contraception efforts might fail now that we want to get pregnant we worry that that our contraception efforts may have worked too well could there be long term effects of contraception that might be keeping us from conceiving let is review them briefly and put your mind at ease 1 combined hormonal methods e g birth control pills the patch and the vaginal ring these methods are all similar and do not have any long term impact on fertility we expect your periods to have returned to your normal cycle whatever that means for you within 3 months of stopping all of these methods 2 progesterone only methods the progesterone only pill the 3 month shot the 3 year implant we also expect these methods to wear off in 3 months the shot is a little different in that it is 3 months after the next shot is due since each shot works for 3 months this would be 6 months after the last shot again no long term impact on fertility 3 intrauterine device iud the iuds currently on the market in the us have a wonderful track record with regards to fertility which has not the case years ago with an iud that is no longer available although fertility may be present immediately with either of the two iuds currently available it would be reasonable to expect the progesterone based iud to take about 3 months to clear your system as well 4 diaphragms condoms and spermicides these methods are only effective when you use them so fertility is immediately restored when you do not use them condoms have the additional benefit of protecting against sexually transmitted diseases as well so where are the concerns regarding fertility some of these methods protect wonderfully against pregnancy but offer no protection against sexually transmitted diseases the real villains with respect to fertility for most women the transition from their birth control method to trying for pregnancy should be fairly smooth the methods of birth control generally donot affects the fertility is it better to apply heat or cold to sore muscles after stenuous exercise,hi so stdgum clinic asap get some tests done there its your best way to find out where your problem lies good luck is it safe to get pregnant if i have crohn is disease,research has shown that the course of pregnancy and delivery is usually not impaired in women with crohn is disease even so women with crohn is disease should discuss the matter with their doctors before pregnancy most children born to women with crohn is disease are unaffected children who do get the disease are sometimes more severely affected than adults with slowed growth and delayed sexual development in some cases how do you prevent freckles and dark patches or age spots on the face are there any special skin treatments,avoid direct sunlight between the peak hours 11 a m to 2 p m sunblock is probably your best approach to avoid premature aging and dark spots your skin regimen should include steps to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells hydrate and rejuvenate with natural amino acids or peptides my 6 month old has an ear infection i have to take for 3rd time on tuesday to the doctor to see if it went away i took him for the first time on december 6th and the again on december 13 before he finshed his 10 day treatment which would have been on started but their was no progres and i have to take him again on tuesday after a 5 day treatment,if your allergies are making you develop fluid in your lungs then there is a possibility of pneumonia because pneumonia is when the fluid in your lungs gets infected also yes allergies defiantly influence asthma if you are have severe problems or you are an elder then it sounds like having the tests could only be a good thing help i washed a pair of underware in heavy scented bodywash i now have tingling and clear discharge,a clear discharge from where i can think of several different openings depending which sex that you are that could be involved detergents or scented body wash in your case can cause a contact dermatitis a skin condition that can itch become inflammed or possibly tingle without a bit more information or the having a medical provider examine you this would only be a guess loose the undies take a very thorough shower and wait and see if those affected body parts will recover spontaneously my mother in law has been ill for a month today feeling very tired loss of appetite,hi this can be gastrointestinal block i recommend an endoscopy also when was her last stool i had yearly pap yesterday doctor says discharge may be yeasty frightened it is cervical cancer,depending on the context the abbreviation “ggt” could mean a couple of different things it could be used for an abbreviation of the latin word guttae which mean drops when seen on an eye medication prescription like “2 3 ggt every four hours” it means “2 3 drops every four hours the pharmacist should put it in non latin on your prescription bottle the other possibility is the abbreviation for a blood test called gamma glutamyltransferase one of the many diagnostic medical tests used to evaluate the condition of liver pancreas and biliary tract this test is usually included in a basic liver function panel experiencing right sided facial palsy for the 3rd time in 8 months,typical of vcd how are gallstones diagnosed,there has not been to my knowledge any studies showing that sexual deprivation causes any harm i am a 59yr old male with depression anxiety paruresis ocd & eating disorders ocd stopped when i began to take antidepressants clean from eating disorders for some five yrs also the medications i take greatly lessen my sexual impulses which i do not mind since i never acted on them the main problem is to focus on the problems which are definitely affecting your quality of life such as the depression & anxiety these may be a major reason why you have trouble keeping a job contact your local federal office to see if you qualify for ssi and medical aid so you can see a qualified therapist and psychologist to get help for your emotional problems these doctors should also be able to help you with your sexual worries i wish you all the best my friend is the h1n1 vaccine shot safe for nursing women,i am glad to help you out your nephew needs urgent and through evaluation from an orthopedician one possibility for his symptoms can be osgood schlatter disease in which there is tender swollen bump just under their knee cap on the tibial tuberosity although usually just on one knee both knees can also be affected this bump can appear as enlarged knee cap it can cause pain during certain activities such as running kneeling jumping etc he needs to get an x ray and mri knees done moreover other causes also need to be ruled out treatment includes nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen rest putting ice on the area knee braces and knee immobilizer i sincerely hope that helps take care is there any product in a jar that will tighten up sagging and loose skin under the chin and jaw what about thermage,loss of firmness is a common concern in aging skin skin experts have long known that the loss of skin is firmness is a naturally occurring part of the aging process fueled in part by changes in the deeper layers of skin caused by decreases in functional hyaluronic acid skin is natural plumper and accumulated damage to collagen and elastin the elastic fibrous protein in skin is connective tissue combined these changes lead to the loss of skin is firmness and an aged appearance products that contain ingredients such as niacinimide caffeine glycerine and hyaluronic acid can be effective in firming skin with the proper skin care you will see observed the benefits thermage can be highly effective in the right candidate this is a procedure done by your dermatologist that uses radiofrequency energy for tissue tightening and can be used both on the face and other areas of the body can you get a uti from someone else is bacteria in their home my mom has and always has uti is now i have one i have been using and cleaning her toilet is it possible that i got the bacteria from that,either one may help so use the one that seems to get the best results or use both alternating from ice to heat my 6 year old son started getting this rash around his left eye it is growing rapidly,hi it is not a superficial problem he must be seen by a dermatologist a pediatrician is not aware enough of treating something like this… is it possible for appendicitis to make the entire lower abdominal area and pelvic area hurt i have been having severe lower abdominal and pelvic pain and nausea for 5 days now and it is getting increasingly worse and i am wondering if i need to make a trip to the emergency room,in order for you to be properly diagnosed you would need to see a medical provider for an examination and possibly some imaging studies appendicitis would be listed among the many possibilities to account for anyone is abdominal pain but be advised that their are many since you have been symptomatic for five days now it is time for you to get some hands on answers i developed blisters that have grown and it is getting worse day by day,fungal dermatitis is the most likely diagnosis apply anti fungal creams for 10 days if this does not help consult a dermatologist does a person get a high from capsule medical marijuana does it dull pain or just make the pain tolerable could this help a 95 year old who is in severe pain from spinal stenosis and arthritis does it really have any long term effects on memory,i would be reluctant to use medical marijuana on an elderly person who may have problems with memory and mental processing as it is however a pain managment specialist may have different ideas this 95 year old should really see a pain specialist so that hisher pain can be pharmaceutically managed taking into account all of there medical history personally i have never prescribed it for these reasons as a former pain pill addict and current medicinal user of cannabis i must respectfully disagree with the doctor new research is showing that marijuana does not effect the memory in the ways previously thought however i will admit the effects of marijuana on an elderly patient especially one that has never used it before may be a bit overwhelming are you in a state where it is legal medicinally because it would be best to do under the care of a doctor considering the age factor marijuana is a much safer form of pain control than traditional narcotics it is also being shown to have benefits on numerous other conditions you can always do the research if you have any doubts or concerns also to answer your original question marijuana does not come in pill form there is a synthetic pill called marinol but it is not exactly the same as cannabis and is usually only prescribed for cancer patients there is a variety of ways to reap the benefits of marijuana i would suggest cannabis oil a little bit placed under the tongue can go along way there is also edibles such as cookies cakes and brownies but those tend to have a more psychoactive effect and may be a bit too overwhelming smoking it is an option but with the patients age i would advice against this if you are in a state where it is legalized for medicinal use talk with a doctor about your options if unfortunately your in a state like me where its not you can always find all the information you could ever want or need online just be careful and make sure you check the sources of the information your reading also be careful of the law as i can personally attest to even if your just trying to use a safe alternate to treat your pain they will still treat you like a criminal order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we can you smoke bath salts,if you are crazy or have a desire to be crazy woke up with my upper left arm in pain,clearly chronic low back muscle spasm try doing some exercises to strength your back and abs stretch your muscles and you can try physical therapy modalities tens and us can help you better than analgesics severe ear ache i woke up with terrible ear pain the following morning after taking my shower i noticed a bloody puss in my ear i spent saturday feeling unsteady sunday i was in bed with a fever tuesday i went to urgent care the doctor told me i had a hole in my ear and gave me some ear drops with suspensions i went to an ent friday had the wax extracted and was prescribed a different ear drop swelling so bad he could not see anything i am still not feeling well unsteady severe pain i follow up fri,you may want to start investing in hearing aides what is osteoarthritis,osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease is the most common type of arthritis it is associated with the breakdown of a joint is cartilage cartilage is a firm rubbery material that covers and cushions the ends of bones in normal joints its main function is to reduce friction in the joints and serve as a shock absorber osteoarthritis causes the cartilage in a joint to become stiff and lose its elasticity making it more susceptible to damage over time the cartilage may wear away in some areas greatly decreasing its ability to act as a shock absorber as the cartilage wears away tendons and ligaments stretch causing pain if the condition worsens the bones could rub against each other causing even more pain and loss of movement oa is most common in middle aged and older people and its symptoms can range from very mild to very severe the disorder most often affects hands and weight bearing joints such as knees hips feet and the back but can affect almost any joint in the body women are more commonly affected than men to dr moser i hope you read this thank you for answering my question some more information would be appreciated it was a staph infection that was in his testicle area i know the needle would have hurt but should he have felt much more after that it was a min or less that the dr waited before he started to lance the infected area it was a very small incision that he made no bigger than the tip of a pen,most helpful answer a staph infection in the testicle area is painful in itself let alone have an abscess surgically lanced i have done this procedure on a number of patients and as careful as i am to limit discomfort there is still pain involved just using lidocaine in this area is painful to inject and often very difficult to even use many abscesses have just a thin layer of skin over them in order to numb this area the lidocaine has to be injected in the skin not underneath in the pocket of pus this can be very difficult sometimes just a quick puncture using a sterile scalpel is less painful that trying to numb up this challenging area hopefully you are on the proper antibiotic and treatment regime and better by now if the staph infection was caused by shaving you may want to consider going back to au natural again im 15 after i masturbate my penis hurts and feels sore when i get an erection after im a virgin and tightly cicumcised,yes most people with lupus experience some sort of skin involvement during the course of their disease it is possible to have lesions of multiple types with lupus like red raised patches tend to scar and usually do not itch my period is late and i am having pressure down there could i be pergnant i have been keeping track of my periods lately and the last one came on the 9th of november and went away on the 14th if i am not mistaking it should have come by now i have felt this pressure like in my vagina but it only happened when i was pregnant i have four kids so with my first it was later when i would feel it but with my last i felt it when i was only 10 weeks but i also had preclampysia with her please can someone help me,no a miscarriage is a lost pregnancy the developing fetus usually in a very early stage of development has died for some reason and has been expelled by the body i have bad migraine headaches can not sleep can not eat,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include uncontrolled bleeding i am 58 and weigh only 130 but i have a 30 inch waist why does my fat all go to my belly,yours is a common cry heard from women who tend to deposit their body fat in their abdominal area first you are not obese we have to keep these measurements in perspective look at the other women on both sides of your family do some of them have the same fat distribution genetics does play a role your waist size is very good at 30 inches but may seem to be large in your eyes because the rest of you is so much smaller in comparison most women would love to have a 30 inch waist just as an aside ask your gynecologist to check you for ovarian cysts sometimes women have polycystic ovaries that lead to a greater abdominal fat distribution there is a simple sonogram and blood test you would undergo if you do not have this issue then you are left with your genetics some women simply have more active fat storage enzyme in their abdominal area others bemoan the fact that they have it mostly in their buttocks or thighs everyone is different here here are some tips to optimize your waistline 1 watch out with overconsumption of alcohol it tends to favor ab fat distribution moderation please 2 eating too many breads pastas and heavy complex carbs bloats most women esp in the ab area 3 watch your posture if you are tall hey i am 59 so i know and you stoop over that will make your tummy look large to you and the world straighten up and practice good core power throughout the day 4 speaking of core i would most definitely do a core program including pilates you need to keep that long waist and back strong and toned 5 try to keep your calories spread out over the day eating too much late at night leads to a tummy hang in the morning cervix looks like a skinned knee today i went to the gyno for concerns i was having with my birth control she did a pap and said my cervix looked like a scrapped knee then she took a sample and i started bleeding very bad she told me its probably nothing but she took some tests i am very nervous now and i can not stop worrying anyone had a similar experiance p s i also recently had sex about 6 days ago and i cramped so bad and started bleeding this has never happened before during sex,the cervix can become friable and bleed for many different reasons so i am sorry that your gyn did not explain it to you at the time of your pap i can understand your anxiety since you were sort of left hanging after that comment the most common reason would be cervicitis an infection that obviously involves the cervix and usually the vagina many will simply self resolve but this may also show up on your pap smear when you get the results a small amount of bleeding can occur during a pap and can interfere with results so hopefully you will not have to have a repeat pap smear as you mentioned the cervix can also be traumatized during sex so this may be the underlying reason i think it would be important to have a follow up with your gyn if you continue to have post coital bleeding is it safe to mix sulfamethtrimethoprim with a z pak urgent care would not prescribe me an antibiotic bc i have not been isick long enough they prescribed me cheratussin ac syrup and to buy otc medicine my sister brought me some of her medicine sulfamethtrimethoprim saying it was the same thing i have taken 2 doses 1 pill at 9pm and 1 pill at 9 am i am still as sick as ever gained more symptoms of loss of appetite wanting to puke at the tastesmell of food a head ache and an ear ache i get sick once a year and a z pak always fixes me,she had rubella cmv infection take complete treatment and if required take the vaccines before next pregnancy it should be atleast 6 months of negative blood results that you can think of next pregnancy what causes stomach pain and swelling after eating every meal been this way for 3 weeks it started out about 3 weeks ago i have stomach pains and severe swelling after i eat then a couple days later i got my period and it seems my swelling is not as bad so i went to the docter and he thought it was my gallbladder i had blood work done normal sent me for ultrasound normal then hida scan normal still having problems everytime i eat my stomach starts hurting really bad and my stomach swells some my stomach is constanly sore ,the next step would be to see a gastoenterlogist someone that can visually inspect your stomach with a fiberoptic scope or at least run some additional diagnostic tests medications used to block or reduce your stomach acid or an antispasmotic medication taken prior to meals would be one treatment consideration once you are properly diagnosed migraine on sat morning on mon and still feeling dizzy and the base of my headspine is acking should i be concerned,was the migraine any worse that other migrianes you have had if not did you take any abortive medications such as imitrex if you take imitrex or other triptans for more than two days you can get rebound headache the same happens with tylenol and ibupropin migraines can last for several days also some people have them every day if you have not been to a neurologist migraine specialist i would see one to work on a better treatment plan to play it safe since you have pain at the base of the headspine do you have a fever also can you tilt your head towards your chest without pain it could be a bacterial or viral meningitis it is not likely but you may want to see your physician for this marieh9 is it normal to take vicodin while pregnant,vicodin is a pain medication that should really not be used in pregnant women unless the doctor or health care provider feels that the benefits outweigh the risks i really want to start having children but do not want to rely on birth control to regulate my cycle,yes immidiately are cardiac problems commonly associated with lupus,lupus as a chronic inflammatory disease is recognized as a major predisposing factor for heart disease in women under 50 in whom heart disease is relatively infrequent it increases the risk by 50 fold so you need to keep the weight down not smoke and treat high cholesterol and diabetes some would also recommend a baby aspirin each day what is the difference between allergra allergy d and allegra allergy,based solely on those readings your blood sugar readings on that day do not indicate any levels that would be consistent with diabetes my son is 8 weeks old and has had mucus green diarrhea almost 2 weeks,hi first some women do get pregnant on depo shot and you can google that ok i think you should go see an obstetrician get some tests done there and see how things pan out hope this helps good luck what is shingles and what causes it,shingles is a skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox this virus is called the varicella zoster virus vzv and belongs to the herpes family of viruses after an individual has chickenpox this virus lives dormant in the nervous system and is never fully cleared from the body under certain circumstances such as emotional stress immune deficiency from aids or chemotherapy or with cancer the virus reactivates and causes shingles in most cases of shingles however a cause for the reactivation of the virus is never found anyone who has ever had chickenpox is at risk for the development of shingles although it occurs most commonly in people over the age of 60 it has been estimated that up to 1 000 000 cases of shingles occur each year in the u s the herpes virus that causes shingles and chickenpox is not the same as the herpes viruses that causes genital herpes which can be sexually transmitted or herpes mouth sores shingles is medically termed herpes zoster i have tonsil stones i have dislodged them but they come back after a week or so any tips on how to prevent them,yes many std is can be transmitted orally i sprained my ankle 7 months ago and still am not 100 7 months ago i slipped on ice outside my driveway and heard a large pop sound when i fell at present day i can walk comfortably i have full range of motion in all directions except upwards meaning if i grab my foot and pull it towards me there is pain inside my ankle in the ligaments that were damaged in the fall i assume i am trying to exercise it by putting half my foot on a raised object like a curb or books and gently push down what can i do to improve the healing process,i sprained my own ankle about 20 years ago and it still hurts unfortunately i waited too long to get a proper diagnosis assuming it was just a sprain i tore some ligaments and because of the delay in having an mri it could not be repaired i suggest that you do not repeat my own mistake and have a proper examination either by an orthopedist or podiatrist that handles ankle disorders you may need some imaging studies as well i am a board certified physical therapist with over 13 years of clinical experience physical therapists are experts in assessing and treating problems with the neuromusculoskeletal system including ankle injuries and sprains i highly recommend that you seek the professional opinion of a well respected physical therapist in your area physical therapists focus their practice on macro biological movement sciences as opposed to micro biological pathology what does that mean to you not only will a pt help you determine if you have ‘loose or possibly ‘torn ankle ligaments but he or she will perform a thorough examination of your entire lower body to determine what is at the root of your continued pain – often a dysfunctional movement pattern that is due in part to the initial injury but perpetuated by a host of factors if you see a physical therapist you will have an initial examination to determine a “differential diagnosis” the pt will take a thorough history and screen you to determine if there is a medical condition that requires you to see a physician for further medical workup second the physical therapist will determine a “movement impairment diagnosis” that will help direct physical therapy interventions in your question you state that ankle dorsiflexion moving the foot upwards is limited and painful otherwise you do not state why you are not “100” with limited dorsiflexion some common activities that might be painful are deep squatting running jumping and stairs the great thing about seeing a physical therapist is that he or she will work with you to find the root causes that are driving this continued pain and limited motion we will go beyond treating your symptoms these causes may or may not include things such as joint stiffness scar tissue flexibility restrictions decreased proprioception balance ability and coordinationcontrol muscle weakness and altered biomechanics these impairments can respond very well to conservative physical therapy treatments regarding an earlier answer that was posted mris and surgery are rarely needed even with severe ankle sprains if your injury was more recent and you were having trouble walking x rays might be more highly indicated to rule out possible bony pathology again a physical therapist can safely and effectively guide you in your treatment course even if you require referral for further medical workup even in the case of severe ankle injuries such as fractures that are treated surgically or non surgically i see that patients recover best when physician care is followed by physical therapy rehabilitation in all 50 besides tender swollen lymph node in neck also have lump in front of ear presently on clyndamycin possible causes swollen lymph node in neck and lump in front of ear appeared suddenly was ordered clindamycin on day 3 and no change in swelling at either site initially had low grade fever possible cause,i had swelling in front of ear on neck mouth was red went to dentist emergency come to find out it was a saliva gland stone ever hear of kidney stones stone had blocked duct ended up swollen could not talk mouth and tongue were swollen so much put in hospital due to concern of total blockage put on drip anti biotics i am on blood thinner and so had to wait for surgery sent home went and saw family doctor while in office i coughed phlegm and infection of which a stone came out glad i had used a tissue more stones were tried to be massaged out told to suck on sugar free lemon tarts or real lemons and keep heat on heck i cancelled u pcoming surgery as surgeon out of town and could not get feed back what are the potential pitfalls of diagnosing gallstones,there is no home treatment for chlamydia antibiotics taken exactly as prescribed normally cure chlamydia infections chlamydia does not cause long term problems if it is treated before complications develop untreated chlamydia can lead to many complications finding out that you have chlamydia may cause you to have negative thoughts or feelings about yourself or about sex you may feel embarrassed be angry at the person who infected you or feel frustrated with treatment you may want to seek counseling or join a support group for people with sexually transmitted diseases stds you may get counseling from a psychologist a social worker or another counselor std health clinics may offer counseling and support groups webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated if a person is taking klonopin but cannot afford it is it better to request lexapro or pristiq from the doctor,it clearly sounds like your dad needs medication to help with his agitation and psychotic behavior i recommend you connect him with a local hospital or geriatrician experienced with dementia you will be able to secure appropriate drug treatment to manage his behavior it is also suggested you contact the liocal chapter of the alzheimer association for both education and support you do not need the extra stress and you will learn how to cope with your dad is behaviors what are the risks of using carbamide peroxide drops on a perforated eardrum i initially thought my symptoms might have been due to a build up of earwax i used otc carbamide peroxide in an attempt to clear out any possible blockage i only used it once as it actually increased the sense of fullness in the affected ear which i assume was due to some of the fluid draining into the perforation about a week after using the drops i was properly diagnosed with a perforated eardrum could i have done any damage by using carbamide peroxide drops on my perforated eardrum,probably not but it is good not to do this again if a perforated eardrum is even remotely possible i havet 2 daughters now i want male baby plz tell me what can i do,there are many unusual suggestions out there that claims to enhance chances for you to have the sex of your choice but in the end it is basically a coin toss you will either have a girl or boy or both and there is very little that can be done to guarantee the results some people claim certain sexual positions diet timing of your cycle etc will make a difference you are free to try them knowing that it is still a 5050 chance statistically the more babies you have the greater the chance of getting one of them to be a boy i have a friend who has tried multiple times to have a daughter her last attempt resulted in triplet boys roll the dice again and see if you get a boy can i take tylenol ibuprofen while taking cephalexin,if you have routinely taken your birth control pills with no lapses it would be very rare indeed to become pregnant but not impossible you should see a gynecologist immediately for a serum pregnancy test to make sure you are not pregnant no one who is pregnant should take birth control pills but you do not give any indication of being pregnant other than your perception that your abdomen looks larger normally this is not a sign of very early pregnancy under typical circumstances a woman is pregnancy does not start showing for at least four or five weeks again though just to be safe you should get to a doctor is office as soon as possible to find out for sure what is going on wishing you well how can i take the camera pill please,i guess i am assuming you mean the endoscopy pill which looks at your entire digestive tract in medicine this is called an endoscopy capsule in the u s the food and drug administration fda approved an endoscopy capsule however i am not sure it is in widespread use in order to find out if any medical centers in your area are use the camera pill you would need to start with your primary care provider or gastroenterologist he or she can direct you to a facility where the endoscopy capsule is used be advised though that use of the camera pill is not for everyone your health care provider will take many factors into account regarding your age and general health status before considering using of the endoscopy capsule for your testing needs hope this helps i have blood in my urine male 50 yoa had feverheadache yesterday feel better today urinating more frequently urgently with some pain noticed blood in urine today not strong flow may of had some bbq sauce which may of been exposed to uncooked chicken several days ago,while most people think it is selective to women only men can also get urinary tract infections uti as well as bladder infections if this is the case either of which would explain all of your symptoms you need to see a physician and have a urine culture as well as a swab culture to confirm diagnoses an antibiotic will likely be prescribed and as always for kidney and bladder function 100 cranberry juice helps to maintain a healthy urinary system what is a gallbladder lesion,that is her choice semen has no nutritional benefit hi my wife is mother always said is was rude to spit so she never has its only good for you if you believe in it being so there is lots of myths surrounding male sperm hope this helps you good luck i have been sick with over 102 degree fever for four days straight now,hi this seems to be a viral fever malaria dengue and other viral infections need to be ruled out get complete blood count with platelets and wbcs checked thanks my son is 6 years old his skin is peeling is it dangerous,avoid exposure to heat humidity moisture and friction which can cause peeling if this does not help then in my opinion you need a genetics doctor as i suspect acral peeling skin syndrome it is not dangerous it is just good to knowgood luck can a cold sore or herpes simplex virus make the area around it puffy it is under left lower lip on chin and is puffy to right side,atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries is the process whereby abnormal deposits of fats cholesterol and plaque build up leading to coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular problems can i be pregnant my period started on october 13th and ended on october 17th i had unprotected sex on the 19th i have on average a 25 day cycle and according to an ovulation chart my fertility days started on the 20th with ovulation on the 24th on the 24th i had very thick creamy white discharge my panties were very wet and i dont recall a similar sensation in the past which lasted until today the 28th although yesterday and today it was more runny what are the possibilities of being pregnant,hi look we could chuck figures about for ages the only real way would be to wait for your next period date if you dose not come then get a test done then either an hpt or best at your doctors if you are you can take it from there ok good luck can i take metronidazole one day after drinking alcohol,caution should be the watchword here any med taken with alcohol can be a problem because almost all meds have to go through the liver to be broken down and that is exactly where the alcohol goes too so there is a fight in the liver for passage and because of this the med builds up in your system since it can not be broken down the result is something like a massive dose of the med and this has consequences it is never a good idea to drink alcohol when you are taking any type of psychotropic med some of them can have extremely bad effects but not everyone is aware enough of this the best advice is to avoid alcohol what medications can cause a false positive on a psa test,i think it is something related to your ear middle ear or inner ear problem acn cause referred pain to the head headache with dizzness and strange sounds i recommend u to consult ent dr birth control shot making me fat and moody i was on the pill for about 6 months but switched to the shot because of depression issues i have been on the shot for about 9 months now and have gained about 30 pounds and am very moody i need to be on birth control but do not know what method would work best for me,yes it is fine to take both acetaminophen and pseudoephedrine together in fact that may be very helpful for a sinus headache hope you feel better soon can i take antihistamines an otc drug when pregnant,to find a medicare supplement plan go to medicare gov what is the difference between fixed indemnity insurance and major medical,hi this could be down to the change over of bc pills if the hormones had changed it could all be from this as hormones can really upset our lives but if your really worried do go see you doctor and get a pregnancy test done but wait for the week after your next missed period or light period women can have very light 3 day periods through there pregnancy is hope this helps you good luck is peeling from the nippels a sign of pregnancy,hi it is a well known fact that when a woman is pregnant her body undergoes numerous changes one of the first signs of pregnancy is tenderness and soreness in the nipples caused by hormonal fluctuations in the body the color of the nipple also changes i e becomes darker due to the same reasons however there are also several women who face the problem of nipples peeling during pregnancy which can be quite painful and uncomfortable this condition can also be referred to as nipples flaking or nipples cracking during pregnancy but before you go to far have you done a hpt yet or been to your doctor for a pregnancy test you could be building your hopes up when it could be perhaps your washing powder do hope this helps you good luck is it illegal for an employer to no longer provide coverage for their employees children how does the clause allowing young adults to stay on their parent is insurance until age 26 fit in with all this if they do not purchase their own coverage,employers with more than 50 employees who do not offer coverage to dependent children under the age of 26 will have to pay a penalty does ibuprofen pmr interact with any other medications,drug interactions may change how your medications work or increase your risk for serious side effects this document does not contain all possible drug interactions keep a list of all the products you use including prescriptionnonprescription drugs and herbal products and share it with your doctor and pharmacist do not start stop or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor is approval some products that may interact with this drug include cidofovir corticosteroids such as prednisone high blood pressure drugs including ace inhibitors such as captopril lisinopril and angiotensin ii receptor blockers such as losartan valsartan this medication may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with other drugs that also may cause bleeding examples include anti platelet drugs such as clopidogrel blood thinners such as dabigatranenoxaparinwarfarin among others check all prescription and nonprescription medicine labels carefully since many medications contain pain relieversfever reducers including aspirin nsaids such as celecoxib ketorolac or naproxen these drugs are similar to ibuprofen and may increase your risk of side effects if taken together however if your doctor has directed you to take low dose aspirin for heart attack or stroke prevention usually at dosages of 81 325 milligrams a day you should continue taking the aspirin unless your doctor instructs you otherwise daily use of ibuprofen may decrease aspirin is ability to prevent heart attackstroke talk to your doctor about using a different medication such as acetaminophen to treat painfever if you must take ibuprofen talk to your doctor about possibly taking immediate release aspirin not enteric coatedec while taking ibuprofen take ibuprofen at least 8 hours before or at least 30 minutes after your aspirin dose do not increase your daily dose of aspirin or change the way you take aspirinother medications without your doctor is approval what skin products can i use to get rid of the brown patches on my cheeks pregnancy mask,the mask of pregnancy or melasma can be very difficult to treat melasma is treated with a combination of chemical peels and topical skin lightening agents along with sun blocking compounds unfortunately you may need to visit your dermatologist to receive prescription strength compounds if your melasma is not responding to over the counter treatments during work out or a hot a summer day temporary red vesicles appears on my skin and they itches until disappears why basically whenever my body temperature goes up i get several red vesiclesrash like thing on my arm back neck and some other part of my body does not have to be exposed to sun it just happens how can i prevent it,can u possibly do a urine analysis and show me your results my mom is cousin says she can no longer taste food as a result of metformin have you noticed this in your patients,my mom is cousin says she can no longer taste food because of a side effect of metformin and now weighs less than 100 pounds have you noticed this in your patients no loss of taste sensation is not an expected side effect of metformin and i cannot recall any patients i have met with this side effect however it is certainly possible that there are some patients out there with this side effect and if your mom is cousin believes it then it is probably true in her case naturally there are medical conditions that could cause loss of taste sensation and weight loss independent of diabetes i get frequent anterior shoulder dislocations will the situation get worse,recurrent dislocations and instability of shoulder should be operated surgically in my opinion you should give conservative treatment a chance get a three week off gym and put your arm in sling in external rotation position then gradually start rehabilitation it seems you are carrying overloads in the gym you need to lower the weights in your exercising to a tolerable amount and focus more on strenghtening anterior shoulder muscles anterior fibers of deltoid stretch you posterior capsule thanks i gained weight after having my uterus removed now have borderline high blood pressure is this linked to menopause,there are a several important points to consider with your question if your uterus was surgically removed but you still have your ovaries this does not mean that you have reached menopause when the ovaries are left intact following a hysterectomy they may function normally and produce hormones for years to come in which case the absence of menstruation would not mean that you are in menopause or the ovaries may stop hormone production within a year or two after the hysterectomy and lead to an earlier menopause than would normally be expected the relationship of menopause to high blood pressure hypertension is complex and not fully understood however there are some studies that suggest that declining estrogen levels may influence the lining of the blood vessels and contribute to increases in blood pressure researchers continue to review the relationship between menopause and blood pressure you also mention that you have gained weight you do not mention if you are overweight but weight is also related to the risk of hypertension excess body weight is a known risk factor for the development of hypertension and gradual weight gain throughout life has been correlated with the increase in blood pressure that occurs with aging my son is on antibotics for staph 5 days now can he swim in our pool,in your own chlorinated pool yes assuming the wound is not draining or oozing you can always cover small area of staph with a water proof bandaid but in most cases he will not contaminate a large pool or put others at risk why is it bad to sleep with my dog before hip replacement surgery i was told not to sleep with my dogs a week before my surgery why,not a clue you would have to specifically ask this surgeon why heshe is making this odd recommendation if there is a person in your family who has h1n1 virus how long should we as a family stay quarantined,you should monitor other family members for the signs of the flu but that does not mean that the rest of the family should stay home if they are not sick make sure that you wash your hands frequently and cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing to help reduce transmission of the virus is it okay to put ice on a burn what about butter or mayonnaise,well the thing is you do not want to put ice on it if you put ice on it believe it or not the burn is kind of open skin in some cases so ice will actually adhere to the skin so when you try to take the ice off of it you will rip layers of skin with it and possibly cause an infection the recommendation is really to use tepid or cool water not super cold but right in the middle and submerse the area butter and mayonnaise to me are like wives tales people believe that they should be putting some type of ointment on it to help replace the moisture in the skin that is not the case we found out in a lot of cases now that you need to let the air get to it and let it heal by itself because when they were putting things like ointments and creams on it it was trapping in bacteria leading to skin infections if you notice though it is blistering and the area is extremely red you probably need to go and have it looked at by a healthcare provider because there are some prescription ointments and creams that are specifically used for burns i am 28 years old unmarried i got chicken pox last month i e 10th july my last periods was on the 5th of july my menstural starting dates march 5th april 3rd may 6th june 7th july 5th can chicken pox delay my periods i got rashes even in my genital parts in march my fiancee just touched my vagina with his hand and i gave him a hand job but we did not have intercourse is it possible to be pregnant from that that was the first and last time we did that since then nothing i took urine pregnancy tests a week before and today also they are negative kindly tell me why my periods is delayed,having viagra more than 100mg will definitely be harmful to your body it is better to take advice from your doctor before having such pills i exercise and eat right very healthy not overweight per se but need to lose abdominal fat drop about 15 lbs i am 43 female healthy 58 about 155 lbs i exercise regularly at least 45 minutes of cardio every other day with pilates type exercises between i eat all natural foods about 30 30 40 percent for protein fat and carbs about 1200 1400 calday i do not look fat overall my legs are very muscular and my arms are toned the problem is extra weight right up front in my abdominal area so it looks like i am pregnant i am not very embarrassing and nothing i do seems to trim it back,many things can cause heel pain from heel spurs rough areas on the heel bone to tendon and plantar fascia problems even improper shoes can cause heel pain your first and most important step is to see a good podiatrist for an examination this is really the only way you can be accurately diagnosed and treated treatment would depend on your diagnosis of course and may include medications orthotics shoe inserts recommendations for a different type of shoe or in severe cases of spurs even surgery six months is a long time get it checked out so you can start walking without pain again whenever i gargle be it mouthwash or tap water i am overcome with a choking feeling and end up vomiting up until a few years ago i was an avid mouth wash user properly to point out swish gargle spit then rinse with a swish of water recently whenever i go to rinse my mouth be it with mouthwash or even tap water i am overcome with a choking sensation and i end up gagging and sometimes vomiting i am at a loss as to why the gagging and nausea sets in no respitory issues intestinal issues fatigue fever rapid weight issues etc virtually a 1 shape,i am not sure which fee schedule you refer to perhaps you are asking about what insurers pay doctors if so do not count on it insurers do not reveal those numbers to the public and often physician contracts forbid them from doing so as well can a girl get pregnant from just precum so basically i had unprotected sex with a girl she had had her period a few days prior to this i did not cum or anything but there was penetration and all that jazz my question is that could my precum get her pregnant i am almost positive there was not any semen in the urethra as i had urinated several times before this had all happened i appreciate the feedback thank you,yes precum as you call it is basically semen and semen can contain sperm so there is small possibility my risk taking friend you really have no business putting this woman at risk for pregnancy or an std by penetrating and all that jazz without using a condom no more unprotected sexual encounters no more sleepless nights worrying have severe lower backpain left and right side no solution from doctors,male age 43 no previous medical conditions what is the best treatment for a cold,there is no cure for the common cold the most important thing you can do is drink a lot of fluids to keep your body hydrated chicken soup is comforting plus the steam helps break up nasal congestion over the counter cold medicines can offer relief from aches and fever however doctors no longer believe in suppressing low grade fever except in very young and very old people or people with certain medical conditions such as heart or lung disease low grade fever helps the body fight off infection aspirin young people and children should not take aspirin because of the risk of reye is syndrome decongestants can help make breathing easier by shrinking swollen mucous membranes in the nose use for no more than two or three days saline nasal sprays can also open breathing passages and may be used freely cough preparations are not hugely effective the fda and manufacturers now say that over the counter cough and cold medicines should not be given to children under 4 gargling with salt water can help relieve a sore throat as a young adult covered under my employer is health insurance plan i worry about switching jobs and being uninsured being uninsured for any length of time is not an option for me because of an existing chronic medical condition what are my healthcare options if i wantneed to take time off between jobs also affordability is important here,hi it sounds like you have psos i need to know what drugs you tried and do an ultrasound to check for cysts hope to hear from you soon good luck the last 2 days i have been dizzy headach and unbalance when i walk i loss control of my left legs weak nausea if i am setting a do not feel dizzy the minute i stand i am real dizzy walking is scarey i wll fall and move slow i should also note 3 days ago i woke with a extreme headache which did effect my eyesight blurring and halos as the day progress i did become nauseaed an vomit by the next day i felt better that is when the above started 2 days latter,may be inner ear vertigo see your doctor what is the sweat chloride level in cystic fibrosis,it is very important that you see a medical provider or er someone who can carefully examine you does smoking pot help essential tremors,hi seems its all down to body make up in some it will help and in others it wont but does not completely clear it up good luck pulmicort flexhaler not covered by medicare advantage plan need cheaper alternative,you should discuss this with your physician to see if there is an alternative to this medication i can feel a pulsating mass in my epigastric region and i have really bad lower back pain bothsides are they related my heart is beating at around 120 and the pulsating mass is throbbing at the same pace and i have been vomiting,fumes are fumes smoke is smoke breathing any fume or smoke in a closed area can cause problems in a well ventilated area beeswax candles are not hazardous by the chemical nature of the wax itself what does it mean when your period blood is brown and not red since we were having trouble getting pregnant we went and saw a doctor and the doctor put me on hormone pills for 10 days well my last pill was on the 25th i believe i have started my period but i am not100 sure the blood that is coming out is brown and not red and i am in a lot of pain i have no cristals or anything like that on my overies i tried to call her and her nurse is not there i need to know because i am post to start taking my overlating pills during day 5 of my period,hi brown blood normally means its old blood as for taken any pills i think you should not waste them this is a period and it not be wise to take ovulating in a period or it could be a miscarriage your having but your should get in touch with your doctor asap good luck ps is there any sign of tissue in this blood then that would be a sign of a miscarriage healthcare reform i make too little to qualify at marketplace and too much to qualify for medicaid what now on unemployment since dec so how do i not qualify for medicaid they are including my roommate is income who has nothing to do with covering my medical expenses why do they use household income when not a related family member i have medical conditions and am desperate to have coverage can not afford to pay my cobra premium of 500 per mo beginning april 1,have you seen your doctor could be spine nerve pinch pneumonia any number of things but you need a professional write down your symptoms and questions be thorough and do not leave anything out good luck can a cold sore give me genital herpes recently my girlfriend gave me a blowjob she had a cold sore on her lower lip although the sore was completely scabbed over and is almost completely healed she got it two weeks ago and has been using some type of medicine to get it healed the bj lasted 15 seconds and the scab barely touched my penis the sore is not open at all so is there still a high risk of infection whenever we make out when she has a cold sore i never get one and she generally gets them when she is really stressed,the short answer is yes unfortunately you have exposed yourself to genital herpes it does not matter that the cold sore was scabbed over or that the lip lesion barely touched your penis a person with herpes can spread the virus even when it is not active your girlfriend is herpes most definitely was active since she had a lesion this does not mean you positively will develop genital herpes but you are flirting with disaster you need to take better precautions in the future there is no cure for genital herpes if you do develop genital herpes you absolutely must disclose the fact to your partners before you have sex with them they have a right to decide whether or not to risk getting the virus from you and while condom use is good be aware a condom will not necessarily protect you from herpes because the virus can reside in groin areas that are not covered by the sheath i am not sure how old you are but you may want to read this article about the rise in genital herpes transmission among us teens due to having oral sex with an infected partner even if you are not a teenager the same scenario applies to your story please stop engaging in unsafe sex always use a condom do not have any type of sexual relations with a person who obviously has a virus that can become a sexually transmitted disease you owe it to yourself and your sexual partners to be responsible about your sexual practices wishing you well there r two types of herpes there r the oral kind and then there is genital kind yes u can get herpes on your genitals from a cold sore but even tho it is herpes on your genitals it is not actually the genital type of herpes it is the oral type actually u can spread each type to each area yes her giving u head with a what looks like mainly healed sore can give u herpes i have kissed a chick with a sore before to and did not get nothing some times your just lucky or perhaps your immune system is working harder and better at times i do not know but u can get on acyclovir twice a day from your doctor it is herpes meds or if u do not have insurance there is a natural pill for it u can get at health stores or what have u called l lysine and take it twice a day and have her take it as well hell even once a day would b good on 60 mcg of synthroid currently should i be taking more,hi do have a read of this link gives you your answer also have a good read through this link www spacedoc com just google these links one at a time to the www to open and read ok now do read through this post of mine if you do have a cholesterol problem this should help if it does do stay with it plaque is a big problem as it raises cholesterol the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go you just mix cp and turmeric 5050 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful is and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down please do keep both jars in the fridge keeps a lot better that way now if you google and read up about all three there very good for ed your cholesterol heart and prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good at first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals for 2 weeks then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings great way to start the day and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone so do hope this helps you good luck ps this really needs a 12 week trail to see if its going to work for you if its for ra do increase it up the stronger it is the better it works for you do not forget to up the amount of cp and turmeric as you go on how long after changing my diet should i expect to see a drop of my blood sugar scores just curious have recently been diagnosed with type 2 and have changed my diet significantly how long before a diet change would influence my numbers,changes to your diet can have an immediate affect on your daily blood sugars but as for as your hemoglobin a1c levels that takes about 3 months to see a difference that is because the test measures blood sugar management over a 3 month period of time if you keep your blood sugars down consistently your next test should decrease quite a bit for more read glycohemoglobin a1c can you get pregnant on the second day of your period having had unprotected sex,hi the answer could be yes it works like this some women can only get pregnant on the two fertile days of the month for others anytime even having unprotected sex during there period if you do not want to get pregnant then get on bc or use condoms good luck can suntanning cause a reaction while taking adipex p,it is less likely that ngu may lead to hiv unless you are exposed to hiv source in a unprotected fashion there are no chances of hiv in ur case u need to start on higher antibiotics could i be pregnant i usually get my period on the 17th of each month however in dec i was put on antibiotics and my period did not start until the 21st now it is jan 25 and still nothing i feel like i am showing signs of being pregnant but took a test yesterday and got a neg how long should i wait to take another test could i be pregnant or is something else wrong,from being so anxious about your period being late delays it a bit more since your ept came out negative you can relax for a week or so being placed on the antibiotics have an affect on menses if you have not gotten it by today is date then by all means go to a gynocologist that doctor will take tests with an exam to determine what is going on are there new and effective hepatitis c treatments in development,not one but two effective new hep c treatments got a strong endorsement from an fda advisory panel merck is victrelis boceprevir was recently approved and vertex is telaprevir no brand name yet should soon get full fda approval about two thirds of people are cured when either of the new drugs is added to current treatment the telaprevir combination takes six months — half the time of current treatment — while victrelis treatment lasts eight to 12 months as usual in the world of hepatitis c treatment there are serious downsides to both drugs the biggest downside is that people who take them still have to take the standard treatment of alpha interferon and ribavirin taking these drugs is like having a bad case of the flu that lasts for months unfortunately the combination of standard treatment with either of the new drugs is even harder to take each drug adds to the anemia from the interferonribavirin combo some 40 of people taking victrelis get so anemic they need expensive doses of the anti anemia drug erythropoietin and a nasty rash is a common side effect with telaprevir the two drugs work in essentially the same way both are protease inhibitors which mean they attack a hepatitis c virus hcv enzyme that is essential for the virus to make new copies of itself each of the drugs brings virus replication to a near halt but when used alone hcv quickly becomes resistant to each of the new drugs that is why they have to be given in combination meanwhile people with hepatitis c wonder when they will see the really big breakthrough everyone is waiting for — a drug combination that works for nearly everyone and which does not require either interferon or ribavirin such treatments are in the pipeline some experts say they may come in as few as two or three years while others say it will be a decade before they are finally here what is for sure is that telaprevir and victrelis are just the first in what is hoped will be a long line of treatment options for people with the deadly hepatitis c virus after having my teeth cleaned i can only open my mouth a few inches and closing my mouth is painful what should i do,you may be having a endocrine disorder causing the deranged levels of the above investigations pituitary gland disturbances can be the cause needs to be analysed by a endocrinologist what are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism,hi this a visual thing and you really do need to see your doctor or try your local gum clinic i am not saying its an sti or std but the staff would know what there looking at ok good luck would over the counter cold medicines impact the effectiveness of birth control pills,no over the counter cold medicines will not affect the effectiveness of birth control pills 31 yr male 62 250lbs abdominal pain after eating on right side front and back vomiting nausea gas bloating cramps weight gain in the excess of 50+ pound unintentionally vomiting constipation diarrhea severe gas acid reflux even while on medication symptoms get worse with eating and drinking feeling of bloated fullness with loss of appetite and lethargy i believe my husband is exhibiting symptoms that involve either his liver or gallbladder possibly ibs but not sure current doctor does not feel the need to look into the issues over the counter meds have not helped just looking for some ideas,hi if he is that bad please do get him to your local er asap as test would soon tell just what is going on good luck webmd has very few answers i have asked several questions on this site and there are no answers it is strange it is like in the wizard of oz who was hiding behind the curtain and everyone thought he had all the answers but it was a sham sad,any new or changing lesions should be evaluated by your dermatologist does osteoarthritis cause a higher white blood count,not really if you have infection then only the white blood count goes up osteoarthritis is not an infectious disease i am a 55 year old woman not menopausal not overly stressed i am biploar what is causing increased forgetfullnes i see my doctors and follow their advice forgetfulness is affecting my life in that i have difficulty processing to the point of not even having gears turning my family is concerned this has progressively worsened during the last two years or so i am bipolar but have been stable for many years i have undergone major stressful situations during last 5 years but have resolved most of the situations and am relatively stress free now i have an appointment with a neuro psychologist,hi then during deep sleep your getting hot we all do things like this during sleep me i sometimes scratch myself never feel a thing so for you its your body getting hot so it takes your hoodie off just as simple as that i always find i cool down after i wake up so its then you want you hoodie back on good luck what exactly is gardnerella vaginalis i tried looking around the internet but it was not very helpful,it is the same as bacterial vaginosis so you should be able to find internet information about the bacterial vaginal infection using this term me1yr old got the chicken pox vaccine 2wks ago and developed a rash on her belly n face 2days ago is that normal,headaches is listed as one of the side effects for phentermine but as a pharmacist i do have concerns about what is massive i would like to ask this patient how frequently are they getting these headaches are they keeping a headache diary how long have they been on this medication what is the dose and have they made the physician or healthcare provider aware of this side effect for pharmacist i am probably going to refer them right back to their physician to have them reevaluated because this might be something that they need to be changed and i would also ask the patient if they are using this just as a one time kind of weight loss pill or they continuously taking it because sometimes if you take it for a long time the side effects could get a little worse nausea and hot flashes normal i feel a sensation of nausea just before a hot flash is that normal 55 and healthy,hi having unprotected sex anytime is always a danger if you do not know the person stds and stis can pop up anytime but sounds like you did the right thing if you r that worried get your self off to an stdgum clinic and get yourself tested that is about all you can do but it needs to be about 4 weeks after you had sex do hope this helps good luck what is septic shock,septic shock is a dangerous condition that results when a severe infection evades the body is defenses the body is normal response to infection is a process called inflammation when inflammation is confined to one area of infection like a wound or a pneumonia the natural chemicals released help fight and control the infection in septic shock these inflammatory chemicals spread through the bloodstream where they do not belong these chemicals and substances released by bacteria cause blood pressure to fall to dangerously low levels antibiotics are the most important treatment for septic shock however antibiotics alone do not correct septic shock because the body is response to the infection is as harmful as the infection itself intravenous medicines to increase blood pressure vasopressors are needed during septic shock many people with septic shock become unconscious and some require mechanical ventilation life support to breathe septic shock can be fatal and there are few effective treatments in most cases treatment means providing life support until antibiotics and the person is immune system clear the infection and the massive inflammatory process subsides i just want to feel okay with feeling okay i have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety derealization i think i have depression for about 4 years now it has been a real real struggle over the years i have been on different meds and have coping skills to help manage it now 19 years old i feel pretty alright month by month i feel closer to the person i was 4 years ago why do i feel guilty for feeling alright for some reason i feel like i am not allowed to feel good because i have these diagnoses does that make sense,i̇t could be causing a block in your gall bladder so you need to check back diagnosed with myoclonus dystonia after years of baffling medical tests living with too many animals,thank you doctors for your insight they have done mris and eegs and i can not even name all the tests there seems to be some indication of a genetic link and iron accumulation also genetic if i understand it correctly i just needed to know if there was a possible link to the animals too i can now address that issue with the parents and help them get it under control but for more obvious and normal reasons thank you for your time and expertise broken condom during placebo week no ejaculation still got my period chance of pregnancy i had sex the night before my period was due the condom broke he was inside me really quickly and he pulled out right away i know there was no ejaculation we had not gotten that far into it yet but just his pre ejaculate i am on the combination pill and have not missed any and have been taking them all as directed i did get my period the next day it was a normal period for me do i have a risk of pregnancy should i be concerned since i did get my period,then go back and get your proof if you paid by card it should be on a monthly bill and that would be good proof if not go the long way round but its not good to keep pumping vaccines into your body you should find that just once a year is right good luck what should i do if i have hypothyroidism,hi this may be due to side effects of sertaline or transient hypoglycemia due to increased metabolism get a cbc and electrolytes checked thanks i lost my job and my son has a pre existing condition how can i get coverage for him and when will it take effect,if you have chronic high blood pressure hypertension you can lower your blood pressure before pregnancy by exercising eating a diet low in sodium and rich in fruits and vegetables and staying at a healthy weight lowering your blood pressure reduces your risk of preeclampsia when you are pregnant regular checkups are key to early detection and treatment prompt treatment is vital to preventing the development of severe and possibly life threatening preeclampsia recent preeclampsia research suggests that calcium supplements and low dose aspirin offer a preventive benefit especially for high risk women calcium supplements may reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia and the risk of having a low birth weight baby particularly among high risk women who normally do not get enough calcium 4 taking a calcium supplement may also lower the risk of moving from mild to severe preeclampsia 13 other experts have found that there is no benefit from taking calcium 1 but all pregnant women can generally benefit from taking the u s food and drug administration is recommended daily allowance of of calcium each day to keep their bones healthy low dose aspirin antiplatelet therapy may be a moderately effective preventive treatment for women at risk of developing preeclampsia although some experts question how effective low dose aspirin is others assert that high risk women who take it regularly as directed do significantly lower their preeclampsia risk 14 talk to your doctor or nurse midwife about whether this treatment is right for you research shows that taking vitamin c or vitamin e supplements does not help prevent preeclampsia 15 16 webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated diagnosed with a benign ovarian cyst around 10cm clinic wants to do full hysterectomy need second opinion,hi 10 cm is large so surgical removal to ovary is recommended however your doctors idea is why leave any thing behind that may develop cancer is not doing full hysterectomy better why most study is suggest that ovaries are almost useless post menopause fewer study is suggest that they can help heart in my opinion if you measure risks and benefits full hystrectomy is better than just trying to remove the cyst notice that uterus is completely useless however you can ask your doctor to do hysterectomy leaving one ovary behind half measure good luck can genital herpes be only one bump,if all 4 panels are negative then it is not probably chronic active ebv please provide details about the symptoms that you are facing thankyou can taking two year old cough medician hurt you,rashes may burn at times due to the cause if you cut your leg in the same region of the rash before the rash showed up it could be an infection if you itched the rash it could cause burning if you cracked the skin dry skin can also cause a warming sensation more information needed to give you a correct answer my left breast has always been bigger than my right breast but now it seems that it has grown a little more i am 66 years old and i had a mammogram recently but i also noticed that my left breast has grown slightly more over the last year or so could this be a problem,hi if you have pit on any weight then that could be your answer that is the simple answer but then women do change as they get older or if your that worried go see your doctor for a check up but can you feel any bumps when you shower best time to feel around is when your all soapy hope this helps good luck to whom it may concern my son is 3 months old and he is on breastfeeding in his blood analysis which was done in 30 january 2017 number of neutrophils was 0 7nl after that we repeated blood test on 7 march 2017 and number of neutrophils was 1 27nl because of that result we did test again in 14 march 2017 and number was 0 9nl no other symptoms are revealed however according to pediatrician we did following tests iga igm igg hiv b12 and copper in blood currently we have only hiv result and it is negative please tell me is it possible in infants to have low number of neutrophils without any obvious reason and can it increase without any additional treatment and in what period of time thank you in advance,also please can you tell the size of the stones and are there a single stone or multiple stones with sizes i recentlyhad food poisoning could my body have flushed out the good bacteria as well as the bad i feel better but i still have symptoms including i am very gassy both farts and burps runny stool consistently yellowish burbling and gurgling from my intestines frequent defecation what can i do to get back to normal,hi go get yourself some acidophilus capsules these will put back the good bugs for you what you have left just keep in your fridge there ok for a few years also get some good natural yogurt into you more good bugs from that see how you go good luck can an 18 year old girl have a heart attack i am 18 weigh 120 lbs and am 57 my pulse is always racing over 100 and i am always short of breath the left side of my neck hurts along with my left arm is this a problem,it is a problem if you do not know the cause of your symptoms rather than try and figure out what you have or worry about having a heart attack it would be best for you to be examined by a medical professional someone that can take a thorough medical history examine you order an diagnostic tests and give you the true answer unfortunately this is not something that can be done blindly over the internet are fillers and botox safe to use during pregnancy,the thyroid gland to be short i am not sure what you mean so perhaps you should repost your question and be more detailed what are potential health problems that can be connected to eating barbecued and smoked meats,you are asking for very patient specific advice since i do not know the medical details of your case it would be impossible to blindly give you the okay to go swimming go to schoolwork or even make a determination if you are contagious i do not know the location or extent of your cellulitis the type of bacteria that was cultured or even the name and dosage of your antibiotic the only person that can give you this okay would be the medical provider who is treating you i am sorry is a missed period an early sign of pregnancy,the most obvious early symptom of pregnancy and the one that prompts most women to get a pregnancy test is a missed period but not all missed or delayed periods are caused by pregnancy also women can experience some bleeding during pregnancy if you are pregnant ask your doctor what you should be aware of with bleeding for example when is bleeding normal and when is it a sign of an emergency there are reasons besides pregnancy for missing a period it might be that you gained or lost too much weight hormonal problems fatigue or stress are other possibilities some women miss their period when they stop taking birth control pills but if a period is late and pregnancy is a possibility you may want to get a pregnancy test told to use tea tree oil to clean out ear wax was not told to dilute it now it feels clogged did i damage my hearing,you may have had a partial wax impaction but when you added the oil the wax softened and now you have a complete wax impaction it is very unlikely that you damaged your hearing so assuming that you do not have ear pain or other signs of an ear infection you can lavage wash out your ear canal with a gentle stream of warm water just slightly warmer than your body temperature the warm water stream will most likely dislodge the softened wax so you can do this in the shower allow a stream of shower water to go in your ear canal a hand held shower works the best once the water gets out of your ear your hearing should return to its normal level again why do i have insane cravings for sweets i am pretty healthy 53 and 123 lbs in the morning 20 yrs old i eat well and exercise 40 min a day but there is one problem i have these insane cravings for sweets especially dark chocolate it is like if i do not get at least some chocolate a day i will go insane it is all that i can think about and i will go out of my way to get this chocolate i know that if i could control them i could tone up my thighs some more,you may have a genetic condition called keratosis pilaris keep in mind that this is just a guess since i cannot examine you i suspect one of your parents have this as well this is a very common skin condition and very difficult to treat impossible to cure if it helps i have it too do a google search for medical articles about keratosis pilaris how much sleep does my child need,the amount of sleep that a child needs is going to be based on that child is age actually we have a great article on webmd where you can actually click on the different ages to find out what your child is sleep need is going to be but generally speaking what we are finding in national sleep foundation is polls is that kids are not getting enough sleep and they are also not getting sleep at the times that they need it may be an enjoyable thing to because you are coming home late to be able to spend some time with your child and have them stay up past their bedtime but it really can be a detriment to their health in the long run in the first year of life children are going to sleeping north of 18 hours in some cases maybe as little as 12 or 13 hours but that oftentimes occurs if you have a very colicky baby or a reflux baby try to know and understand what health issues could be going on there when you get into the 2 to 3 range that is when your children should be sleeping about 11 – 12 hours then when you start to move into grade school you are going to be looking at 9 to 10 hours and you should your kids should stick to the 9 to 10 hour range almost through high school very few high schoolers get that much sleep and so interestingly what we have found is first of all high school age children tend to swing and want to stay up late and sleep late and so anybody out there who has a high school age kid knows that the kids want to stay up til 200 am and then they want to sleep til noon uh that is a natural occurrence for them believe it or not in minnesota they actually changed school start times and they found that kids increased their grades by almost a full letter grade by actually going to school later and staying later so when you are talking with your children about sleep one of the things that you want to say is hey this is very important for you first of all it helps you learn second of all it helps your overall mood and finally it really helps your health and so i try to make the importance of sleep greater for children so that way they can get an understanding of it it is not that mom or dad wants you to go to bed at a certain time because they are mean it is because they are actually doing something better for your health i do not have income so am i required to have health insurance if so where can i apply or enroll in some insurance in my state,it would need to be completely surgically removed how to control premature ejaculation,hi it seems you have chest pain and that shuld have nothing to do with abdomen get a hrct chest to see if its pleurisy thanks i am in recovery from bulimia will it ever be safe for me to diet i am about 15 lbs overweight after treatment,congrats on your recovery i assume that you will maintain treatment but maybe to a lesser degree any changes to your diet should be brought up with your healthcare provider andor treatment team as it can increase your risk of relapse research shows that over the long haul dieting is actually linked to weight gain so focusing on your overall health and well being is key this includes self care moderate exercise and balanced eating more reading bulemia nervosa topic overview i have chronic pain on the left side of my back that spreads to the left side of my stomach,no thrush is caused by a yeast buttermilk will not contribute to thrush at all what about follow up care after radiation therapy,after your radiation therapy sessions are complete you will visit your doctor for periodic follow up exams and diagnostic x rays your doctor will tell you how often to schedule your follow up appointments 3 year oldcough for 6 weeks 3 year old started with walking pneumonia to clinical pneumonia to sinusitis to acute bronchitis she has been on 2 different types of antibiotics and has finished them she finished her last dose of antibiotics last tue and since thurs she has has a constant cough again she does not have a runny nose and she does not say anything hurts except her throat her doctor says she is coughing due to the remaining bronchitis but i am thinking it may be something else any suggestions would be great,two common reasons for three year olds to have a on going cough undiagnosed asthma and day care attendance if you have a family history of allergies or asthma asthma should be carefully investigated constant runny noses can trigger a cough as well if your child is in day care preschool or going to play groups she is constantly exposed this time of year to back to back viral infections this alone can mimic asthma and cause a chronic cough can you get pregnant one day before your fertility window is to start i had unprotected sex with my husband one day before my fertility window was to begin my period ended on nov 10th and my fertility window was to start on nov 14th we had unprotected sex on nov 13th could there be a chance i could be pregnant my next period is to start on dec 3rd i am too early to take a test,it is possible to get pregnant at anytime around ovulation based on the dates you provided you are most likely to ovulate around november 20 which is 14 days prior to your next period however it is difficult to know exactly when ovulation is going to occur it is possible for sperm to live in the female genital tract for approximately 3 days so even if you have not yet ovulated you could still conceive it is too early to take a pregnancy test you can test around dec 1 i had an acute ebv antibody test done and my results were all negative,having agonizing pain is not normal you need to immediately contact the doctor or clinic that performed this procedure and be examined as soon as possible i have been diagnosed with adhd the last two years i have been severely depressed and anhedonic,hi either your body is not tolerating the medicines or its happening due to side effects of vyvanase try lowering the dose stopping the drug completely is not recommended thanks i had a horseback riding accident and fell on my back pain is spreading,and consult an orthopedic doctor can you get your fallopian tubes untied i am 26 years old and i had my tubes tied and burnt after my last pregnancy in 2012 since then i have had serious regrets about doing so is it possible to reverse this procedure or untie my tubes i want to get pregnant again,see a dentist that specializes in tmj temporomandibular joint disorders you will need a thorough examination and some imaging studies what are the side effects of estroven,estroven contains many vitamins such as vitamin e thiamin riboflavin niacin vitamin b12 and folate in addition it contains calcium selenium boron isoflavones from soybeans and black cohosh the black cohosh is thought to be the ingredient responsible for decreasing menopause symptoms such as hot flashes it is ranked by the natural medicines comprehensive database as “possibly effective ” the u s food and drug administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements therefore this ranking is based on the little studies and information that we have available about this herbal it is important to check and make sure there are no other interactions with additional medications that you may be taking and that it may not work for everyone the most common side effect for black cohosh is gastrointestinal upset with additional less common side effects of rash headache dizziness weight gain feeling of heaviness in the legs cramping breast tenderness and vaginal spotting or bleeding remember black cohosh is not the only component to estroven therefore there may be other side effects that can occur based on the other ingredients however the black cohosh side effects are the most common work with your ob gyn and your pharmacist to look at other options that maybe more individualized for you i had 2 previous discectomy operations i am currently in severe pain in my lower back,these symptoms are typically due to the herniated disc and for some degree related to your old surgeries that may have formed adhesions over the nerve roots a new mri is important to decide surgical interference before surgery try traction and ultrasound therapy…osteopathy i cut my fingertip off last week the er put clotting tissue because it would not stop bleeding what now last week i cut off my fingertip with a knife i tried for over 2 hours to get it to stop bleeding but could not i went to the er and they worked on it for a couple of hours as well they put this clotting tissue on it which now is dried onto the wound does that have to come off or will it dissolve and my skin just close up over it it was not sutured because it was the entire pad of my finger,a brief description in really not sufficient a medical provider would need to see this skin eruption to make an accurate diagnosis many skin lesions can mimic chicken pox but of course chicken pox does not just involve one thigh there are many things it could be from a localized infection like bullous impetigo to shingles or a retained foreign body so please see his medical provider so the mystery can be solved my mother in law has been ill for a month today feeling very tired loss of appetite,in my opinion this could be either gi problem or hormonal disorder get thyroid profile and abdominal usg done is it true that exercise is not beneficial to really heavy people until they lose weight and get their metabolism going,i do think the exercise part is important perhaps not as important as eating properly but still important people with obesity who exercise and who have a good level of cardiovascular fitness can be as healthy or even healthier than people without obesity who do not exercise the health benefits are much more than what we can see with a scale exercise is not entirely without risk due to overuse injury etc but the benefits always outweigh the risks even in severe obesity my three year old granddaughter has had a low grade fever for severl days mainly at nght and is saying she has a headach she also drink alot and says her stomach hurts she also doesnt eat good,lupus systemic lupus erythematosus or sle is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body is own tissues as though they were foreign substances lupus is not contagious no one knows exactly what causes the body to attack its own tissues a person may be born with a certain genetic makeup that affects how the immune system functions or makes him or her at risk for lupus a combination of factors can trigger the autoimmune process some of which may affect one person but not another 1 exposure to ultraviolet light usually from sunlight is known to trigger the disease process and symptom flares hormonal factors are linked to autoimmune disease though the link is poorly understood some research shows an increased risk of lupus with higher levels of estrogen but a separate study did not find evidence that the hormones estrogen or prolactin taken for hormone replacement therapy or birth control or taken previously for fertility treatments increased the risk of lupus 2 another study showed that women with stable lupus had no increased risk of symptom flares from taking birth control pills 3 smoking may increase the risk of getting lupus and may make the disease more severe some medications are suspected triggers of lupus and symptom flares some infections are suspected triggers some people who have cytomegalovirus cmv parvovirus such as fifth disease and hepatitis c infections eventually develop lupus the epstein barr virus has been linked to lupus in children chemical exposure has been known to trigger lupus suspected chemical toxins include trichloroethylene in well water and silica dust hair dyes and straighteners linked to lupus in the past are no longer considered to be lupus triggers webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated is it possible for someone to carry genital herpes for a while months or years before having their first outbreak i have never been diagnosed with genital herpes however i have only been with one partner and he has never had it before either i have been with other people before him and we have had our first outbreak is it possible that one of us carried it before and it didnt act out until now,i am sorry you are going through this i would not be too quick to self diagnose osteoarthritis your knee pain could be caused by a number of conditions other than arthritis the very fact your sport involves a lot of knee twisting would lead me to suspect injury as a likely culprit for your pain issues i would suggest you have your knee checked out by a medical professional to get a diagnosis once you know for sure what you are dealing with then you can work with your health care provider on a treatment plan that enables you to continue with your sport one thing i want to add is this be careful about taking non steroidal anti inflammatory medications nsaids like aspirin ibuprofen or naproxyn for your pain these medications have blood thinning properties which can increase bleeding and swelling from injuries you sustain in your sport i wish you all the best we have been trying to have a baby for over 2 years now and nothing is happening,usually not but you did not share what kind of herbal supplements you are taking marijuana is an herb you know what are the side effects of treatment for brain tumors,many women have some amount of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy some studies show that up to 30 of pregnant women will experience some degree of vaginal bleeding while they are pregnant vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is more common with twins and other multiple gestations than with singleton pregnancies pregnancy with one fetus sometimes women experience a very scant amount of bleeding in the first two weeks of pregnancy usually around the time of the expected menstrual period this slight bleeding is sometimes referred to as implantation bleeding doctors do not know for certain what causes this bleeding but it may occur as a result of the fertilized egg implanting in the uterine wall the amount of the bleeding the stage of pregnancy and any associated symptoms can all help determine the cause of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy while vaginal bleeding in pregnancy does not signify a problem with the pregnancy women who experience bleeding during pregnancy should always be evaluated by a doctor causes of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy include miscarriage an abnormal location of the placenta ectopic pregnancy cervical infection or polyp and premature labor chronic medical conditions and medication use can also be related to vaginal bleeding during pregnancy i had sex with a guy 5 months ago was on my period and i found out he was hiv positive how likely is it i have it he said he was infected i have diabetes it has been acting up alot lately feeling tired back pain congestion the shakes cant sleep etc could hiv cause it to act up i always had low iron but the doctor said my iron was extremely extremely low so they took some blood to see if they could find anything my results came back today they said they can not give me my results on phone and to come in on my appointment day that was already scheduled in a few weeks does that mean my test results were good,many offices have policies that they can only give hiv results in person you did not say you were tested but you should be tested not once but several times over the next year just to be sure if you had unprotected sex with someone who is hiv positive you were most likely exposed it is not possible to determine individual risk based on this one or more sexual encounters so this is why you need to be tested a few times and start using condoms what is heart failure,heart failure means that the heart is pumping power is weaker than normal with heart failure blood moves through the heart and body at a slower rate and pressure in the heart increases as a result the heart cannot pump enough oxygen and nutrients to meet the body is needs the chambers of the heart respond by stretching to hold more blood to pump through the body in time the heart muscle walls weaken and are unable to pump as strongly as a result the kidneys often respond by causing the body to retain fluid water and sodium if fluid builds up in the arms legs ankles feet lungs or other organs the body becomes congested congestive heart failure is the term used to describe this condition what foods contain vitamin k,birth control pills are highly effective in preventing pregnancy so your chances are small i would advise against unprotected sex in the future however since condoms will add one additional layer of pregnancy protection and excellent protection against sexually transmitted diseases so if i do not get my period during placebo week is that normal or should i be worried i am really stressed out right now about this hi si did you get your period it should come at the end of it but being stressed will play havoc with your body and could upset your periods just try sitting back relaxing try some meditation to clear your mind good luck i did get my period so that was a relief but i am still gonna test to be for sure are mosquito bites dangerous,for the most part no but it is possible to get west nile virus infection from a mosquito bite the majority of the time the local allergic reaction they cause are more of an itchy nuisance than a health hazard is it likelypossible for me to have pulmonary hypertension given the triggers symptoms and diagnosis,shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox shingles itself is not contagious what i mean is you cannot get shingles from someone else who has shingles shingles is contagious from the standpoint that you can get chickenpox from direct exposure to shingles blisters in other words if a person has never had chickenpox and has not been vaccinated against chickenpox that person can get chickenpox if they come in contact with shingles blisters however if you have had chickenpox or shingles you cannot get shingles from coming in contact with someone who is having an active outbreak of shingles a shingles outbreak is triggered from within your own body it is not caused by contact with someone else so to answer your question you do not need to avoid contact with your dad you also should be aware that you can get the shingles vaccination if you are over age 50 even if you have had an outbreak of shingles in the past i hope this helps i know a man who told me his wife died from shingles i think he is a carrier even though he does not have the symptoms because after cleaning his house for him and spending a few hours talking with him and using his dishes i developed a single shingle on my hand and two on the top of my upper lip now i have never had herpes or fever blisters or cold sores ever my family members were afflicted but i never was infected i freaked out and treated the sores with a variety of things to get it to go away before it spread i used colloidal silver for one both topically and orally i used a baking soda paste i used essential oils oregano and peppermint i finally also used organic apple cider vinegar and the one on my hand has disappeared the ones on the lip were gone in four days the one on my hand had lasted two weeks i think you can catch it from someone my husband had it when i was pregnant with my son in 1984 and i never got it i have had chickenpox a mild case when i was a little one i think this is a nervous reaction in the body to stressors that one has not release from you can die from it it seems more serious to me than they make it out to be and it some cases it is contagious what if you do not get health insurance how much of our taxes will they take,the tax penalty for not having health insurance is 95 per person or 1 of your annual income whichever is greater my husband was told he was prediabetic his gloucose level was 470 today he is not on medication should he go to the er,hi left side chest pain can be caused by simple muscle strain or broken rib which then increase pain when you sit or sleep or cough splenomegaly can be cause of left side chest pain you should feel general fatigue if this is the case are you alcoholic there is the possibility of pneumonia plurrisy or plural effusion if you have breathing problem or respiratory problems hope you can give me more details to give you an exact diagnosis good luck what can i do if my prenatal vitamin makes me nauseous,there is a drug interaction between gabapentin and hydrocodone in which when taken together the bioavailability of hydrocodone is reduced by as much as 22 but the bioavailability of gabapentin is increased by as much as15 to avoid this interaction since you already seem to be having side effects from the gabapentin you should take the hydrocodone at least an hour before you take the gabapentin this will allow you the pain killing effects while avoiding a major interaction i am not a nurse but the other answer from the nurse was incorrect in this case when in doubt try several drug interaction checkers they are all over the web cheers i wish to get pregnant but i am in contact with a person with cytomegalovirus cmv infection,i recommend you to do cmv tests i gg and ig m to check if you are infected or not but to tell you when to do the tests exactly i need to know when were you in contact with the child with cmv if you got infected then proper treatment is gonna be taken and you probably will have a safe pregnancy i am 33+4 weeks pregnant have had multiple kidney and urine infections in pain,hi many women recover with treatment such as a support group counselling or medication but try and keep away from meds if you can the emotional effects of postpartum depression can include sleep deprivation anxiety about parenthood and caring for an infant identity crisis a feeling of loss of control over life and lack of support from a romantic or sexual partner how much is your husband helping you have read through these links there from this natural ways out of postpartum depression on google there is lots more if you think you need them just copy one at a time into google to the www to open and read hope something here brings help to you good luck do babies in the womb get hiccups,yes and they are fun to watch or experience what surgery options do i have for tuberculosis tb,surgery is rarely used to treat tuberculosis tb but it may be used to treat extensively drug resistant tb xdr tb or to treat complications of an infection in the lungs or another part of the body surgery is used to repair lung damage such as serious bleeding that cannot be stopped any other way or repeated lung infections other than tb remove a pocket of bacteria that cannot be killed with long term medicine treatment surgery has a high success rate but it also has a risk of complications which may include infections other than tb and shortness of breath after surgery surgery for tb outside the lungs surgery sometimes may be needed to remove or repair organs damaged by tb in parts of the body other than the lungs extrapulmonary tb or to prevent other rare complications such as tb infection of the brain tb meningitis your doctor may surgically place a tube shunt that drains excess fluid from the brain to prevent a buildup of pressure that can further damage the brain tb infections of the heart tb pericarditis your surgeon may partially remove or repair the infected sac around the heart tb infection of the kidneys renal tb your surgeon may need to either remove your infected kidney or repair the kidney or other parts of the urinary system tb infection of the joints you may need surgery to repair damaged areas of your spine or joints orthopedic surgery webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated can a celiac toddler swim in a large pond treated with barley straw for algae control our two year old grandson will be visiting our home soon and we hope to let him swim in our swimmingfish pond that has been treated with a few small bales of barley straw to control the algae,if a toddler can eat barley they can certainly swim in a pond that has a little barley residue assuming the pond does not have any other hazards or contaminates or even snapping turtles and assuming you watch him like a hawk when he is swimming i see no problems with the barley diagnosed with breast cancer will a natural remedy wellness clinic work,hi though the tumor size seems to be pretty small a cancer is always a cancer you should anticipate its fast growth and complications you can take the natural treatment but simultaneously you should take measures to treat the cancer as well thanks serious question about a nicotine overdose last weekend i smoked too much hookah and i believe i overdosed on nicotine sunday night i had a bad anxiety attack and shaking it has gotten a lot better but today 4 days later i still have anxiety over nothing i feel that i am going to die or i feel like i have to make myself breathe i also have very bad insomnia waking up 4 5 times a night and i have not been eating much my mind is not how it normally feels and i am scared that this is a permanent thing is there anything to help me,nicotine is a powerful stimulant and you can definitely get reactions while your anxiety may be more complicated than just nicotine it would obviously be best for you not to smoke anymore there are medications that can help but you will need to see your medical provider to have them prescribed the effects of the nicotine exposure should be waning each day so it is unlikely that you will have any permanent effects again since anxiety can be much more complex as to the causes seeing your health care provider would be advised i acquired methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus mrsa while in hospital,hi i̇n my opinion you do not need to worry it is not supposed to increase the expenses but you should tell the hospital so the infection control measures should be suitable since you are negative to mrsa after treatment so do not worry but for safety measures use clorohexedine wash and antiseptic and take it to the hospital for cleaning wounds or surfaces plus washing your body with it… i have arm and shoulder pain also tingling i have loss strengh and loss of motoin in left arm what could this be i have been seeing a dr for a year ive had mri of neck and brain no answeres ive had blood test and no illnesses sometimes both arms will hurt but mostly my left arm pain can go from shoulder right down to elbow or to fingers when lifting it i also am weaker in this arm and can not raise my arm above head about half way i also have told by physical therapist that shoulder blades are out of ligne and tingleburn sensatoin in both shoulderblades what could this be,maybe you should get your nerves tested i had a neck injury that was not visible from my mri and cat scans and was effecting my right arm i was feeling nerve pain down my right arm and tingling at my fingertips and also had weakness in my arm when i injured myself my spine pinched my nerve that runs down my arm what is the treatment for chronic hepatitis c,for hepatitis c combination therapy using pegylated interferon and ribavirin is currently the treatment of choice what if a baby does not get a fever after recieving a vaccine is that considered to be an abnormality,no of course not fever is an individual response and not all infants or children get a fever after a vaccine my 5 year old daughter has a pimple that started on the top of her vagina there are 2 more on upper thigh what is it,i do not know but i think it is worth checking out it may be something simple like a clogged pore but then again it could be a symptom of something else because it is a new symptom and not something you expect in a five year old it definitely warrants an appointment with your pediatrician i would not worry too much about this just make an appointment and get this checked when you can wishing you the best can you pass on the flu if you have had the flu shot,no i took 2 pregnancy test 2 days ago both pos and 5 yesterday first 2pos 3neg 1 this morning neg whats going on i am on the nuvaring i got on it may of last year and i changed it out on the 29th and i took the first test on the 7th of the new month,chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium chlamydia trachomatis the infection spreads through vaginal anal or oral sex and not by touching or sharing surfaces like toilet seats or baths very rarely if body secretions of infected person come in immediate and direct contact with mucous membrane of other persons chlamydia may get transmitted chlamydia can be effectively treated with antibiotics hi my period is usually ab 30 days but sometimes abnormal 21 50 days is that preventing me from getting pregnant hi i am 23 and trying for almost 1 12 years to get pregnant my period is usually pretty normal at 29 34 days but every 4 or 5 months it comes abnormally at 21 50 days is this whats preventing me from getting pregnant or could it be something else also is there anything non medical that i can do to help sort things out before we go for anything medical and intrusive bec that is so scary thank you,hi your find by doing some reading that no matter the length of your period ovulation day still falls around day 14 give or take a day into this you need to add that it takes 3 days for male sperm to get into place after unprotected sex can live in the womb for between 5 to 10 days depending were you read so if your having unprotected sex on the months you know that are pretty normal then perhaps things will fall into place having frequent sex is not away to get pregnant it means your husband is producing immature sperm not good for getting pregnant try this when you know things are looking good if not try going on bc for 6 months see if this regulates your periods get your periods working right then try again do hope this helps you good luck what are the most common food allergies in children,i do not know that is up to surgeon and the anesthesiologist so you will need to discuss your case individually with them there are no set rules about this so they will make the decision i am surprised that you are still showing positive drug test results two months after not using marijuana are you sure about those dates i have been eating approx 12 of what i used to eat however my stomach is even bigger,baby your baby is about 21 inches from head to toe and weighs almost 6 5 pounds baby is getting rounder every day and skin is getting pinker and losing its wrinkly appearance baby is head is usually positioned down into the pelvis by now mom to be your uterus may stay the same size as it was for the last week or two your weight gain should be about as high as it will go about 25 to 35 pounds about this time your doctor might perform a pelvic exam to help judge the progress of your pregnancy tip of the week just in case you deliver early consider packing two bags for the hospital pack one bag for you with warm socks a robe lip balm and everything you will want during labor pack the other bag with the newborn items you will want after your baby is born i was on depo for 5yrs been off it for 5months havent had a period is it possible for me to get pregnant,i have a daughter in law that had a misscarrage and had a dnc and got pregnat twice and no periods has the doctors confused so the answer to your question is yes had unprotected sex about 2 weeks ago i am on birth control can i be pregnant been on bc for about 4 months and now i am on placebo week if i do not get my period during this time would i be pregnant i have not had any symptoms of pregnancy whatsoever i mean i do not think i have,i think the most important thing when you are thinking of an aesthetic procedure you are coming from a place of being overall healthy looking good but wanting to look better this is not a place to cut corners or to price shop find a doctor who is aesthetically trained who does these treatments on a daily basis which would be a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon to have this treatment done for you what you will find is that in the long run you will spend less and you will get much more out of it and you will really enjoy the results is red pepper a good supplement to treat hypertension i have read that a ingrediant in red pepper is very good at treating hypertension,perimenopause is the 4 to 7 years prior to menopause menopause is the cessation of your period for more than a year but perimenopausal women are still bleeding they are having irregular cycles they may be bleeding heavily they may be bleeding lightly very irregularly or very frequently but it is before the menopause so the average age of perimenopause is about 46 whereas the average age of menopause is about 51 but women think that it is i am going through menopause when i have hot flashes and all that stuff that is incorrect you are going through perimenopause when you have that right 80 percent of women have hot flashes during perimenopause and it seems that once you go a full year without a period and you are now entering your post menopausal years your symptoms should improve what are some ways that those with fibromyalgia can enjoy better sex and intimacy,i want to discuss strategies for trying to enjoy sex and intimacy more despite fm many tell me the effect of fm on sex is the biggest problem in a relationship call me old fashioned but if your partner is willing to be open minded and adapt to the fm you i think love gets stronger and conquers all open communication this is the most important often couples are not comfortable at first having converstions about sex some find it embarrassing to speak freely perhaps a good starting point is connecting on the fm discuss fm and how it specifically interferes with your intimacy reaffirm that avoiding sex does not equal rejecting the partner progress the communication gradually and become more open in sharing each other is most intimate concerns and needs specific solutions identify specfic barriers to your unique situation and solve them if you can if your main barrier is lack of libidointerest then determine if it is from fear of pain fatigue depression medicine side effects disinterest in your partner etc do not just assume it is the fibro and nothing can be done your specific barrier list can be treated step by step by adjustingchanging meds modifying routines etc to remove libido lowering factors work with your health professionals of course many times the process of simply recognizing the barriers and planning to address them results in a positive effect placebo and improves sexual mood if pain during intercourse is a problem try to id the specific cause is it painful muscle spasms during sex if so consider a pre sex routine to relax muscles sometimes your doctor can prescribe certain meds to relax muscles and decrease tension to take an hour before sexual activity i e a pre emptive strike strategy painful pressure find positions with minimal pressure if the problem is not pain but poor sexual organ responsiveness try lubricants stimulating creamsproducts natural products or talk with your doctor about prescribed sexual stimulant meds i know these sound pretty basic and obvious but many times couples do not try the obvious due to uncertainty if it is ok to do something different it is ok to do this re discover the romance intimacy is not the same as having sex and it does not only happen in the bedroom intimacy occurs throughout the day couples can work on sending intimacy signals during the day smiles compliments appreciative remarks soft hugs etc try not to let fm stop these signals couples can also take more time to get ready yes i am talking about foreplay strive for natural and comfortable including a comfortable environment free from drafts teach each other to rediscover touch with gentle stroking massage soft hugs kissing holding no poking squeezing or playful slaps discover new rituals warm oil massage couple is hot tub hot bath or shower sexual activities other than intercourse can be explored and enjoyed find comfortable positions we can figure this out experiment with what are the classifications of risk for heart disease in women,women are now classified [by the american heart association guidelines] in three groups high risk for heart disease at risk or ideal cardiovascular health can a patient request a double appointment with their pcp if they need more time to ask questions without paying extra senior citizen patients specifically,in my opinion yes you can request more time the medical provider has a way of up coding the visit so they get paid a bit more by medicare or insurance companies as a paying consumer regardless of who actually pays the doctor really works for you your paid consultant so to speak i really feel that they should spend extra time especially if requested by the patient not all medical maladies can be evaluated and cured in ten minutes or less if your medical provider is not agreeable perhaps it is time to shop for someone who will be compassionate enough to spend the time necessary to meet your needs what if i am unemployed do i have to get insurance or am i exempt,see your doctor if you are not sure whether a skin growth is a wart if you are older than age 60 and have never had warts consider seeing your family doctor or other health professional to check for skin cancer nonprescription home treatment is not successful after 2 to 3 months warts are growing or spreading rapidly despite treatment signs of bacterial infection develop including increased pain swelling redness tenderness or heat red streaks extending from the area discharge of pus fever a plantar wart becomes too painful to walk on you have diabetes or peripheral arterial disease and you need treatment for a wart on a leg or foot you have warts on your genitals or around the anus for more information see the topic genital warts watchful waiting watchful waiting is a period of time during which you and your doctor observe your symptoms or condition without using medical treatment it is often appropriate treatment for warts because they generally go away on their own within months or years 2 but you may want to consider treating a wart to prevent it from spreading to other parts of your body or to other people you can try a nonprescription wart treatment for 2 to 3 months before deciding to see a doctor who to see warts can be diagnosed and treated by most health professionals including nurse practitioners physician assistants family medicine doctors internists dermatologists pediatricians podiatrists to prepare for your appointment see the topic making the most of your appointment webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i am a 21 year old female previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder i have developed a muscle spasm that resembles a tic along my right arm,i would ween myself off of the medicine and cut the pill in half and take half for a week the next week i would take half of a half then take half of a half every other day for a week the fourth week i would discontinue altogether i would tell my doctor if or when i had a visit i think wthis drug you could probably just stop taking it all together but of course i am not a doctor it is not like a blood pressure medicine though i had horrible side effects ttp bruising platelets dramatically dropped muscles hurt brain fog tired from this drug i will never take a statin again i believe there are other more natural things out there that will work my cholestrol was 225 when i was put on it good luck what is ethopropazine parsidolparsitan for parkinson is disease,in my opinion you have systemic lupus i recommend you see a rheumatologist good luck if you think you have endometriosis should you have a pap smear as a virgin,a pap smear is a test used to diagnose cervical or vaginal precancerous or cancerous cells your first pap smear should be performed at the age of 21 regardless of sexual activity a pap smear cannot diagnose endometriosis endometriosis is a condition in which cells that typically line the inside of the uterus endometrial cells are found outside the uterus where they should not be for example this endometrial tissue may be found on the outside surface of the uterus ovaries fallopian tubes or anywhere in the pelvic or abdominal cavity when this tissue is in these abnormal areas it can cause significant pain during your period painful intercourse scarring and potentially infertility if you are having painful periods you need to see a gynecologist even if you are a virgin endometriosis is typically diagnosed based on symptoms however sometimes your doctor may perform a type of surgery called a laparoscopy where a camera is inserted through your belly button to look for and treat endometriosis there are several other types of treatment for endometriosis such as oral contraceptives lupron and pain medicines it is never too early to see a gynecologist if you have any concerns or questions i am unable to manitain an erection for long it just goes a way in the middle of sex without warning i do not exactly have a problem getting an erection the problem is that i cant maintain it for long and i cant get another one after wards sometimes i can maintain it longer then other times but never for long and never to finish sometimes when i do maintain one for longer then other times and feel am about to finish it goes away with out warning most times i just stop and give up or have to bring myself to almost finish it is very frustrating for me and my wife,no contraceptive method is 100 effective so it is always advisable to take a pregnancy test if you think that you might be pregnant regardless of the type of contraception you are currently using or have used in the past it is best advisable to consult your gyno or use a home pregnancy test kit source pharmacysell stomach pain hard chest pain the only time i do not feel the painis when i sleep,as you have guessed poison ivy can easily be managed at home as long as you do not develop an infection if it would make you more comfortable it would be appropriate to cover the worst areas with clean dry bandages just be sure to change them frequently as you do not want to leave a dark moist area alone for too long the best thing to do is to avoid scratching using over the counter hydrocortisone or calamine lotion is helpful oatmeal baths cool compresses and oral antihistamines like benadryl may provide some relief as long as the liquid that is draining is clear and colorless you are fine if it appears to be pus please get a medical evaluation i had bronchitis and pneumonia 6 months ago my coworker has bronchitis am i susceptible to catching it from her,at least call them c diff can be a really nasty disease so you will need expert advice i am including this answer in case anyone else has the same question what causes lupus,we do not know what causes lupus lupus sometimes seems to run in families which suggests the disease may be hereditary the environment sunlight stress and certain medicines may trigger symptoms in some people other people who have similar genetic backgrounds may not get signs or symptoms of the disease what should i eat and drink if i have had an incident of high blood pressure for the first time yesterday i had 8 moles removed after the surgery i got a big headache i was placed under observation for about an hour and given paracetamol until my blood pressure dropped first time anything like this has ever happened to me i still have a bit of a residual headache could this have been caused by the anesthesia used can i eat normally have a glass of wine etc should i take it easy for a day or two or can i go for walks and such,yes this is normal breastfeeding does not guarantee that you will not start your menses nor can you count on breastfeeding as an effective contraception what causes heart failure,many patients have both of the most common causes of heart failure coronary artery disease narrowing or hardening of arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle usually caused by a buildup of fats and cholesterol high blood pressure hypertension heart failure may also be caused by other conditions that weaken or interfere with the heart including previous heart attack heart valve disease damage to the heart muscle cardiomyopathy heart defects present at birth infection of the heart valves or muscle endocarditis or myocarditis diabetes chronic kidney disease i have had a back problem for about 12 months now i injured it by falling off a horse,in my opinion you may have 1 rheumatoid arthritis 2 fibromyalgia many causes 3 hormonal imbalance 4 electrolyte imbalance 5 other autoimmune like gallein barreso first you need to do esr c reactive protein test urine analysis brandial and post brandial glucose levels t4 tsh calciumphosphorus magnesium levelsshow me test results i will be able to pin point the problem or tell you the next stepgood luck i have had spine problems since an accident in 1992,hi you should first of all get a latest mri scan done for ruling out the exact status of your spine and the spinal nerves any problem that is present will be ruled out for now you can take painkillers and muscle relaxants use counter irritant gels and do physiotherapy under supervision of a neurophysician or orthopedician hope this helps my daughter is 21 weeks pregnant and the babys head is in the birth cannel already is he going to be ok,the most common symptoms of a cataract are cloudy or blurry vision colors seem faded glare headlights lamps or sunlight may appear too bright a halo may appear around lights poor night vision double vision or multiple images in one eye this symptom may clear as the cataract gets larger frequent prescription changes in your eyeglasses or contact lenses these symptoms also can be a sign of other eye problems if you have any of these symptoms check with your eye care professional i think i have herpes discoverd a big bump then little small bumbs by my vagina,unfortunately your question is lacking crucial information to provide a good answer how old is your son has he received routine childhood vaccines enlarged lymph nodes can signal a variety of potential conditions your best bet is to take your son to his pediatrician for an exam if your son has not been immunized against mumps the mmr vaccine you definitely should seek medical attention mumps in a young man generally older than age 10 can cause a related condition called orchitis which is swelling of the testicles this can cause fertility problems down the road regardless of your son is immunization status having enlarged lymph nodes is not normal and you should seek medical attention if your son is running a high fever you should seek emergency medical treatment wishing you well can you swim if you have shingles,flair ups of what assuming you are speaking about a rash there are so many different skin conditions that it would not be prudent to determine the nature of your condition let alone to blindly recommend an otc treatment as much as i would like to help you the medical information needed cannot be obtained via the internet you will need to see a medical provider so that this flair up can be properly diagnosed and then a patient specific treatment based on this diagnosis can be prescribed how much should i feed a 5 12 month old cereal also how much breastmilk should he be getting in a day,i assume you are pumping your breasts otherwise nature does not really allow you to know how many ounces your baby is getting basically breast is best so give him what he wants cereral at this age is just practice eating so a few ounces is just fine mix the cereal with the breast milk i have or think i have prostate cancer advanced or metastatic when should i contact my doctor,while developing a fever is the most serious sign and should be treated as an emergency there are other signs and symptoms you should be aware of that may indicate you have an infection chills and sweats change in cough or new cough sore throat or new mouth sore shortness of breath nasal congestion stiff neck burning or pain with urination unusual vaginal discharge or irritation increased urination redness soreness or swelling in any area including surgical wounds and ports diarrhea vomiting pain in the abdomen or rectum new onset of pain changes in skin urination and mental status if you experience any of these signs or symptoms you should call your doctor right away for more information about the signs and symptoms of an infection visit www preventcancerinfections org my 5 year old was bitten by tick behind the ear and now her lympnoyd is swollen should i worry no fever and no pain,maybe if specifically prescribed by your medical provider for this purpose i caution you against any self treatment with steroids if this was your intent i was given a direct injection in my bursae of cortisone which is quite different that taking it orally if you look up definition of bursitis symptoms and treatment this is one of the recommended treatments i recently had a fractured femur and am post operative three months and overdid my activity and got this pain i never have had before but with researching bursitis it was like a checklist item thank goodness i had a follow up post surgical appointment and told my orthopedic doctor he did x rays of my hip femoral head and the bump swelling i got on the side of my leg definitely follows the symptoms of bursitis the doctor did not say you have bursitis but gave me a cortisone injection quickly after seeing the bursae bump as i call it that is the only thing i fault him for but am glad i came here and coming from the medical field knew it had to be a bursae as it did not feel like muscle or nerve although i did have sharp sudden pain when it first started i had been gardening as i was feeling better but think i over did it so i am resting the area but doing the band exercise gently as recommended by my doctor to strengthen my muscles around my surgical site so i get to add this incident to now knowing what bursitis feels like hope this helps someone else get help and evaluated by their doctor is it safe to take amoxicillin which should be refrigerated that has been left in a mildly warm car all weekend,non medical advertising on this popular medical site takes up valuable space for people who have real medical issues do i have telogen effluvium i have lost 75 of my hair and doctors can find no cause or solution what do i do i am a female 33 and experiencing extreme hair loss for 3 12 years i have lost at least 75 of my hair blood tests for thyroid and kidneys are normal and negative results of pcos i have a bmi of 19 and am moderately active i take daily vitamins and supplements and there has been no change or improvement i experience stress but nothing different over the last 3 years there is no family history of hair loss or hair thinning i took birth control for 10 years but do not take it now,here is a list of the dirty dozen according to the environmental working group peaches strawberries apples nectarines pears cherries red raspberries imported grapes spinach celery potatoes sweet bell peppers what are the treatments for a hernia,and last sorry could not post all this in one go can you get pregnant from sperm outside your body if a man ejaculates around the labia of a womans vagina the tail like whip of the sperm may guide it to the inside of a womans vagina the mission of each sperm is to reach the unfertilized egg and it has no problem with heading in the right direction if the travel occurs quickly it can get inside where it can live up to two weeks in the womans uterus before inpregnation no once sperm touches oxygen or air it is killed think of it as bacteria it dies when its not at body temperature the two answers above are both false first of all sperm are very fragile and they are not on a mission to reach a woman is egg truth be told experiment after experiment has shown that sperm have no sense of direction and can not swim very well thus the reason that millions of sperm must be present and ejaculated inside a woman so that maybe a handful can reach an egg if present also sperm do not die when they hit the air they only die once the semen dies if you do not know semen is the liquid you can see that contains the sperm which you can not see if the semen is dry the sperm are dead think about this even under perfect conditions where both people are fertile and healthy the woman is perfectly ovulating and the man ejaculates directly into her vagina the chances of pregnancy are never more than 80 so if under perfect conditions it is still relatively difficult to get pregnant than it is nearly impossible to get pregnant in any other fashion put it this way there has never been a case other than the birth of jesus son of mary where a virgin gets pregnant so in the real world a man can not just ejaculate on a woman and get her pregnant the two must have sex it is impossible to keep your virginity and get pregnant because sperm must be inside a woman for her to get pregnant and this can not happen if there is no intercourse if a man ejaculates on a woman is stomach face breasts etc there is no chance of pregnancy because the sperm can not just waltz into a woman is vagina many women may say that they did not have sex and yet got pregnant but this is not the case knowledge is power so there you are there all from different sites some doctors and some not but you do have to remember that sperm when ejaculated inside the vagina is there at your cervix now just add all the way it has to travel through thick mucus and then it has to break into the cervix it is a long way to go i know its there job and add into that why do my fingers turn white & get numb in cold weather,this is due to your circulation or lack of during cold weather the body will set priorities making sure that warm rich blood makes it to your brain and vital organs the fingers toes and nose are often sacrificed to make sure those other organs remain warm and functioning people who smoke tend to have peripheral circulation issues so they tend to get cold fingers more often raynaud is syndrome is another possibility for cold white digits cold weather or not should i send my 2 year old to a doctor after 7 days of yellow green mucous nasal discharge he started with mild 38 degree fever for 3 days clear mucous on day 1 and 2 mucous started to become yellowgreen with bad chesty cough that sounds phlegmy,maybe yellow green mucous is not a definitive sign of a bacterial infection in a two year old but it could be this color change is usually caused by stagnation of the flow of mucous just the way a pond turns green if there is not a good in and out flow of water two year olds do not blow their noses if your child is ill or feverish if he seems to be getting progressively worse then yes seeing his medical provider would be a wise decision could advil pm and other over the counter sleep meds cause liver problems,this is not common with advil pm now there are other products in the market though so once again we have to encourage consumers and patients to read the bottle and know what the active ingredients are advil pm contains ibuprofen and diphenhydramine which is really benadryl so if you are taking benadryl for your allergies and now you are taking advil pm on top of it all that could be a problem because you may end up with a lot of drowsiness and actually you might feel that hangover in the morning like oh my head feels like it is floating it is because you have taken too much benadryl what are the treatments for colorectal cancer,i afford patients 30 minutes if folks are doing super well the session may take 10 minutes but i allow 30 minutes if not going well or we are making lots of med changes we use all 30 some sessions are 60 minutes which depends on staffing levels at my office the patient what day of the week it is but 30 is average also some docs at big practices or public practices are not their own boss and are forced to see a patient every 15 minutes which i personally think is pushing it in areas low on psychiatrists this is common too as the idea is that 15 minutes of psych care is better than zero it does depend on many factors pain in left toes that traveled up leg and now my leg feels bruised to touch and knee swells daily and hurts,i am sorry you are experiencing this it sounds very unpleasant i would suggest you get checked out by a health care provider as soon as you can the symptoms you describe can be caused by a variety of conditions some of them more serious than others i am not suggesting you are experiencing an emergency but i would recommend you get this checked out sooner rather than later if your calf or thigh hurts to touch and is hot red or swollen this could be the sign of a blood clot in your leg and you should seek immediate medical attention feel better last period was light this month am 7 days late but not had sex this month last month period was light and bright red before started had nagging pain in left side near ovary thought may been pregnant as been trying five days had brown discharge for few days then stopped now i am seven days late and usually regular but not had sex this month having cramps as if coming on but nothing just some light watery discharge any idea what can be,a pap smear is not absolutely necessary but why not get it a pap is inexpensive and provides a lot of information since the medical provider is there anyway in order to insert the iud taking a few extra seconds to get a pap smear would seems reasonable to me my right foot ct scan shows distortion my leg is swollen,abnormally present bone that could be calcified deposits due to calcium crystals or increased uric acid… check calcium and uric acid levels… this should be treated initially with shock wave therapy then surgery if no result… is zumba dance a good exercise,i would say yes although i am not a dancer i have seen the high level of aerobic activity associated with zumba any exercise is good if you enjoy it and get cardiovascular benefits as well so this would be an excellent choice as a word of caution if you have any medical problems that may be problematic it would be wise to get a specific okay from your medical provider before starting any exercise program are there any foods that can help ease lupus symptoms and reduce inflammation,albuterol is really safe for long term use and should not be causing brittle teeth or emotional problems years later is there any benefit for switching to almond milk in children with autisum,there would be absolutely no benefits from switching in my opinion i think i am having an allergic reaction to my tattoos and piercings,i do not know i would have to physically examine the wound to know if you need sutures or not but you are now chasing the clock so to speak wounds should be sutured in an 8 hour window and your posting says 14 hours ago see your medical provider for patient specific advice this wound needs to be examined does the affordable care act cover condoms and other contraception for men too or is it just for women,contraception for men is not covered by the law the requirement to provide contraception at no additional cost applies only to women i have started waking up at night coughing up fluid and feeling like “drowning “,your symptoms can be related to acid reflux do you also have symptoms like heartburn bitter fluid in mouth etc if you have heart palpitations too then you need to get an echocardiogram also done a chest x ray should also be done hope this helps north carolina is not expanding medicaid my private health insurance gets more expensive every year my husband is insurance is changing in december i could go on his plan but we do not know what it will cost us yet we are low income but because i could go on his plan i do not qualify for a subsidy what am i supposed to do this is not affordable we are a family of 5,to be on the safer side especially you as a woman it is not advisable to have intercourse after 5th month of pregnancy to avoid premature abortion men are sex oriented and cannot understand this sensitive issue can genital herpes cause chronic insomnia i have been so extremely sleepy for the past few years and while i am somewhat stressed i do not think stress can have this much damage in my life i am even super sleepy when i do not have school i e summer breaks i am pretty sure i have genital herpes based on other symptoms but could this life crippling insomnia be caused by genital herpes could treating my genital herpes help my sleep improve a lot any input would be greatly appreciated,actually insomnia is not the proper word my trouble is mostly getting a good quality of sleep rather than falling asleep i do not have too much trouble falling asleep but i do not drift away too easily either looking back my super bad quality of sleep started after i received oral sex from someone who had oral herpes i feel so stupid because it did not cross my mind that not having symptoms does not mean that i can not contract the virus what is a cataract,if you are thinking about self medicating do not do it have you been diagnosed with a bladder infection or did you self diagnose this if a medical professional diagnosed you with a bladder infection then he or she would have given you a prescription for the appropriate antibiotic to treat that infection as you seem to be aware different antibiotics are effective for different types of infections an antibiotic that treats a tooth abscess for example may have no effect on a foot ulcer that got infected when a person decides to self diagnose and self medicate they do themselves a grave disservice in taking a leftover antibiotic for a perceived infection they may delay getting the correct diagnosis and treatment this can allow the infection to get worse spread and cause other complications if you believe you have a urinary tract infection much more likely than a bladder infection i suggest you go to a clinic or urgent care center they will take a simple urine sample and tell you right away if your problem requires an antibiotic many conditions can cause symptoms similar to a uti or bladder infection even if you would had a uti before do not assume you know that is what is causing your symptoms only a urinalysis can tell you for sure if there are bacteria in your urinary tract wishing you well i have insomnia have had it for quite a few years was told i had rbc red blood cell countdeficiency as well,hi low rbcs and anemia cause low oxygen supply to the tissues due to diminished oxygen carrying capacity starting hematinic iron supplements will help you recover from these complaints thanks hiv test is non reactive is further testing required,topical minoxidil is what you need to be applying to your scalp to help achieve thicker hair and to keep it in the actively growing anagen phase for a longer period of time you must use if for 6 12 months every day and twice daily in order to see optimal results i read about minoxidil and it says it is for people who are bald it is a form of rogaine is this still for those who do not have a hair loss problem to grow longer hair faster i had my period on 4412 and i finished 4612 then i had marron discharge for 3 days and 5612 i havent my period i had made 2 pregnancy test already but they came negative i always get my period on 28th to the 1 of the month i really want to have a baby im 26 years old and this is my 4th pregnancy my 3rd i just had a miscarrege on 2262012,a day or two delay could i be pregnant even with a negitive pregnancy test i had unprotected sex on may 23rd and june 1st my period started june 5th it started out with brown spotting and the second day it was a little heavy but not nearly as bad as usual after the heavy day it was light pink spotting only when i whipped for two days i have been having lower stomach cramps and feeling like i am going to be sick my nipples have also been hurting and i have have been emotional i took a test on june 11th and it was negative,blood coming from the stomach will be black because of the hydrochloric acid stools will be black as well in most cases bright red blood can be from the esophagus throat or even the nose clearly if you are vomiting blood or think you are vomiting blood prompt medical evaluation is recommended i am seeing someone who was dx would whs 1&2 is it contagious 100 of the time of just during active outbreak if he does not have an active outbreak can we kiss wo getting infected do i have to be worried about poss infxn thru a kiss he says he has had cold sores but no active outbreak in the genital area do i need to be worried about as far as catching it from him if he has no open sores or active outbreak can we have protected sex is the virus dormant when an active outbreak is not happening and i have psoriasis on my skin do i have to worry about getting infected thru any broken skin,no utis are not contagious from a woman to a man assuming this uti is not due to chlamydia most common utis are caused by bacteria that migrate from the colon assuming that your partner has tested negative for sexually transmitted diseases this uti should not cause any symptoms in you no unless if it is because of clymedia it is highly unlikely to be passed on a uti is caused because of bacteria near the urethra it travels thru urethra and into the bladder in males the urethra is considerably longer and most bacteria never even reach bladder on the other hand in women it does not have to travel such a distance which makes women more prone proper cleaning and wiping helps prevent uti also it has been suggested cranberry pills and plenty of water can help prevent or get rid of uti but there is not enough information to either support or negate this antibiotics are prescribed by doctor if you experience a tender or sore urethra search for medical attention now if a male has a uti females should get checked because it seems women are more susceptible to becoming infected as well the best advice would be very open to partner when ever something intimate feels wrong and it never hurts to double check but normal infections are normal and can be rid of in a few days depending on severity and medication what causes back pain on the right side just below rib cage i had run a low grade fever and chills for two evenings with no other symptoms then i started with a pain in my middle right side of my back it hurts real bad a while and then feels better and then hurts again,may want to get your gall bladder checked it will cause pain on the right side and make you feel sick as well i did not know my was bad until i got admitted into the hospital and they found it i had surgery in 2014 for ruptured ectopic preg i currently have hydronephrosis and kidney stones,the good news is that most people do not have to drastically change their diet when they start on the blood thinner warfarin coumadin but you do have to pay close attention to what you are eating the goal is to keep the level of vitamin k about the same from day to day you can do this by knowing which foods have a lot of vitamin k and not making any big changes in how much of them you are eating each day foods that have a lot of vitamin k include most of the green leafy vegetables like spinach kale lettuce cabbage swiss chard endive and seaweed greens such as turnip collard and mustard are all high in vitamin k as well other vegetables that contain a lot of vitamin k are cauliflower broccoli and asparagus liver is also high in vitamin k other things to watch out for include green tea canola oil and soybean oil peanuts and potatoes do not have a large amount of vitamin k but watch out for cashews and pine nuts they have a bit more vitamin k so eat them sparingly so what does all this mean if you have always had a salad for lunch then it is probably fine to keep eating one every day as long as it is ok with your doctor if you want broccoli or asparagus with your dinner for a change then it would be best to skip the salad that day and remember to keep your portions small liver has a lot of cholesterol so i would recommend skipping that altogether if your doctor has recommended a multivitamin make sure you take it every day they usually have vitamin k in them as well so you want to be consistent talk to your doctor before making any changes in your diet do not take any over the counter medicines or supplements without checking with your doctor first some of them may interfere with your medicine also be sure to get all blood tests done on time do not be overwhelmed it may seem like a lot to do at first but it will become second nature before you know it i am taking amoxicillan for sinus infection can i take an antihistamine as well,you can but remember that antihistamines dry up mucous and can make the mucous thicker and less likely to drain from your infected sinuses my son is unable to express himself saw orthophonist and ear nose and throat ent otolaryngology doctor to no avail,there are indeed four basic options in terms of health insurance coverage available through exchanges sometimes these are referred to as metal plans because they are bronze silver gold and platinum the bronze plans cover the lowest percentage of your costs all the way up to platinum plans which will cover the highest percentage of your health costs as a result bronze plans will generally be the least expensive available and platinum plans will be the most expensive unfortunately it is not possible now to tell exactly how much you will pay for each of those plans and the details of these plans will vary for example there will be different premium costs and somewhat different benefit structures for silver plans even within one state one insurer may offer a silver plan that costs more than another insurer we all wish health reform was a little less complicated and webmd is helping to make things as clear as possible but the good news is that you should have several options to consider and you should be able to compare actual premium costs and coverage details when the exchanges go live on october 1 do i have multiple sclerosis i have been having a lot of pain in my legs and a lot of muscle spasms,there are no applicable percentages there are just too many variables to consider needless to say this person has two perhaps more sexually transmitted diseases and you apparently had unprotected sex this is a high risk situation so it is advisable for you to be tested periodically for hiv and other stds until enough time has past that you are no longer considered to be at risk concerned about my daughter is recent blood work,neutropenia is commonly seen in patients treated with vyvanse so it is either a side effect of vyvanse or an infection with specific virus since there are some lymph nodes swollen are the nodes painful does ortho cyclen have a generic form it is too expensive under my new insurance,i think it depends on the cause of gastroparesis if it was due to uncontrolled diabetes and you are now have better control it can go into remission so without knowing the cause i can not say for sure i would work closely with your healthcare provider and a dietitian that specializes in gastrointestinal diseases for more info see what is gastroparesis what is the cause of verdigo for a type 1 diabetic,pvc like silicone is non porous so if you clean it properly it will be safe it is worthwhile to go to a smoke shop or craft store and pick up a pack of pipe cleaners they are perfect for going in that little hole and catching anything you need to then fill the syringe with some rubbing alcohol and pass it through a few times clean the outside with more rubbing alcohol let it dry and you are good to go can being kneed in the stomach cause a miscarriage i dont know if i was pregnant for sure or not but i had a really good feeling that i was after being kneed in the stomach bleeding started to happen at first i thought i had started my period but the cramps were more painful than usual,most helpful answer yes i suspect your sore tongue will improve on its own i have severe sinus headaches that are unaffected by ibuprofen zyrtecd and a nasal steroid i take a nasal steroid spray nearly year round and i take zyrtec d to try and keep myself from all the awful symptoms recently though the zyrtec has not been clearing the nasal inflamation when i have a headache i will then take ibuprofen on top of that and it fails to work on the aching pain in my nose eye cavities cheeks and upper gums in the last few days my nose has started to go cold on top of everything else i would appreciate any ideas,i recommend seeing your doctor i have the same symptoms which for me is chronic sinus infection see your doctor soon what is the risk of radiation with repeated mammography screening over the years,after acne heals black spots may appear the good news is that they are not scars and will usually just fade away on their own the disappointing part of the process is that the spots may remain for as long as a year or more you should avoid the sun as much as possible as it makes the black spots appear even more prominent creams containing 2 2 is the strongest and most effective strength available over the counter hydroquinone sold over the counter has shown to be helpful as a spot fading treatment prescription medications in topical forms are also available through the dermatologist specialist to accelerate the fading process found thyroid nodule is cnb the correct method to determine if benign or malignant,i need to see the fna result please how do i exercise with osteoarthritis and patellar tendonitis in both knees and falling arches in both feet,hi ok its not such a big problem if you think about it just think sitting down and how much you can do from there if you need help see a trainer at a gym for ideas now the next idea is to just go swimming that is if you have a pool you can get to swimming is all low impact exercising and is as good as walking for your heart and body do hope this helps you good luck i am embarrassed to tell my doctor that i can not afford prescription medications is it okay to ask for free samples,it is fine to ask our physician for free samples and do not be afraid to tell physicians your healthcare provider that you can not afford medicine that is a very common occurrence today i want to make sure that people understand that we might be able to give them a different medication that they can afford or be able to enroll them in basically programs that could help offset the cost from the pharmaceutical industry there are some many different options that it could be available to patients but if we do not know that you can not afford your medications we can not help you talk to your pharmacists there is a possibility that there is a generic available for the medication or we can call the doctor is office and let them know that hey this prescription is a little too much money for them can a doctor recommend something else we are more than happy to help patients we want to make sure that they are taking their medicine if they do not take their medicine they are not going to feel better we want them experience all the benefits and the value of medicine as well so ask your pharmacists we are more than happy to help you how does coronary artery disease develop,arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart muscles are called coronary arteries coronary artery disease cad occurs when cholesterol plaque a hard thick substance comprised of varying amounts of cholesterol calcium muscle cells and connective tissue which accumulates locally in the artery walls builds up in the walls of these arteries a process called arteriosclerosis over time arteriosclerosis causes significant narrowing of one or more coronary arteries when coronary arteries narrow more than 50 to 70 the blood supply beyond the plaque becomes inadequate to meet the increased oxygen demand during exercise lack of oxygen ischemia in the heart muscle causes chest pain angina in most patients however some 25 of patients experience no chest pain at all despite documented ischemia or may only develop episodic shortness of breath instead of chest pain these patients have silent angina and have the same risk of heart attack as those with angina when arteries are narrowed in excess of 90 99 patients often have angina at rest unstable angina when a blood clot thrombus forms on the plaque the artery may become completely blocked causing death of a part of the heart muscle heart attack or myocardial infarction the arteriosclerotic process can be accelerated by smoking high blood pressure elevated cholesterol levels and diabetes patients are also at higher risk for arteriosclerosis if they are older greater than 45 years for men and 55 years for women or if they have a family history of coronary heart disease i would like to discontinue use of trazadone i decrease my dose say by half for example i feel as if i am suicidal i am not able to find a plan that allows me to safely get off of trazadone which was prescribed for my lack of sleep in menopause,you need to consult your doctor the one prescribing the trazadone for help do not do this on your own if you are having suicidal thoughts it is imperative that see or speak to your doctor immediately i have been told premiums for health insurance through the exchange will be 2 3 times more than what i currently pay as of now i have cobra insurance payments that cost more than 1100 for two adults what can you tell me about this,you can not know what insurance will cost you personally until you begin shopping or plug your information into a cost calculator like the one provided by webmd if you are currently paying for cobra it is quite likely a plan purchased through the exchange will cost less the notion that a health plan for two people will cost 2 200 or 3 300 per month sounds highly unlikely if you qualify for a subsidy your costs will be significantly lower start shopping on healthcare gov and see for yourself what your options are dr told my brother he has an arid brain what does this mean i have heard of water on the brain but is there such as a thing as not having enough what causes it and how can it be fixed,the results are not alarmingly abnormal they are absolutely fine and you need not worry take anti oxidant tablets for 1 month what is schizophrenia,rapid breast growth at this age occurs due to hormonal surge due to puberty some hormonal tablets can help you reduce the size to some extent try and avoid surgery for atleast 5 years from now may affect pregnancy due to hormonal disturbances thereafter my husband takes glimeperide 4 mg tab int his new prescription is glimepiride 4 mg tab teva usa are these the same,the most common cause of heart disease in a person with diabetes is hardening of the coronary arteries or atherosclerosis which is a buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrition to the heart this build up of cholesterol usually begins before the increase in blood sugars that occurs in type 2 diabetes in other words heart disease almost always has established itself prior to the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes when the cholesterol plaques can break apart or rupture it causes blood clots and blocks the blood vessel this can lead to a heart attack the same process can happen in all of the arteries in the body resulting in lack of blood to the brain causing a stroke or lack of blood to the feet hands or arms causing peripheral vascular disease not only are people with diabetes at higher risk for heart disease they are also at higher risk for heart failure a serious medical condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood adequately this can lead to fluid build up in the lungs that causes difficulty breathing or fluid retention in other parts of the body especially the legs that causes swelling what is the best skin lightening cream i am darker skinned,chronic fatigue syndrome is a common complication to ebv infection i recommend you to seek psychological advice can i take a multi vitamin with adipex p i have been taking a multi vitamin and b 12 for a while now and the dr just recently put my on adipex p for my weight loss can i still take my vitamins,i see no reason why you cannot take your multivitamin and b12 but you should always share what you are taking drugssupplementsherbal remedies with your doctor here you can see more about precautions and interactions when taking adipex p i had root canal in 2015 still painful – how can i trust doctors after that,last days i also have difficulty like this but i made tattoo on my body it did not create a problem and i also buy bunch of tattoo from here i got a best collection of tattoos so do not be worried try it my friend has immunodeficiency can not eat doctors say depression any advice,ibuprofen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache dental pain menstrual cramps muscle aches or arthritis it is also used to reduce fever and to relieve minor aches and pain due to the common cold or flu ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug nsaid it works by blocking your body is production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation this effect helps to decrease swelling pain or fever if you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis ask your doctor about non drug treatments andor using other medications to treat your pain this form of ibuprofen is intended for use by children do not give this medication to a child younger than 6 months unless directed by the doctor check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before the manufacturer may have changed the ingredients also products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes taking the wrong product could harm you late period sick for almost 2 weeks used protection before period was expected am i pregnant or just paranoid im underaged ive been cramping but no signs of period,your medication are perfect only other option is taking vitamin and minerals supplements + physical therapy which can help you regain walking again buttocks sore is bed sores once you start physical therapy it will be fixedgood luck what would cause nightly chills and fever and then during the day the symptoms go away and return at night,you would like to know whether someone with hypoglycemia can live on a vegetarian diet a vegetarian diet is a diet or lifestyle that seeks to exclude the use of animals for food properly planned vegan diets are healthful and have been found to satisfy nutritional needs poorly planned vegan diets can be low in levels of calcium iodine vitamin b12 and vitamin d vegans are therefore encouraged to plan their diet and take dietary supplements such as vitamin b12 vitamin d calcium iodine and omega 3 fatty acids these deficiencies have potentially serious consequences including anemia rickets and cretinism in children and osteomalacia and hypothyroidism in adults given the data that you provided of hypoglycemia hunger blurred vision of your left eye and weight loss it is likely that you experience them because your body is not adjusting to that diet and the low calorie intake since you experience thyroid cancer the needs for energy are increased because the cancer causes the metabolism to work faster and to spend the energy faster if the body does not have enough energy it starts to lose in weight and hypoglycemia is the consequence you may consider changing the diet back to normal or to increase the energy intake while still vegetarian but to take more vitamin mineral and omega 3 fatty acids supplements please keep in mind that i provide medical information only i am not able to diagnose medical conditions online please contact your doctor or other healthcare provider such as nutritionist for further advice and information i am a 21 year old female who is considering going back on psychiatric medication,hi yes absolutely your medicines should not have been stopped so abruptly you need to consult a psychiatrist again and then start on low dose of medicines thanks what is “stomach flu ”,vaccination is the primary method for control of influenza however antiviral agents have a role in the prevention and treatment of mainly influenza type a infection regardless antiviral agents should not be considered as a substitute or alternative for vaccination as of dec 15 2010 the cdc published the following concerning antiviral medications antiviral medications with activity against influenza viruses are an important adjunct to influenza vaccine in the control of influenza influenza antiviral prescription drugs can be used to treat influenza or to prevent influenza two fda approved influenza antiviral medications are recommended for use in the united states during the 2010 2011 influenza season oseltamivir tamiflu and zanamivir relenza oseltamivir and zanamivir are chemically related antiviral medications known as neuraminidase inhibitors that have activity against both influenza a and b viruses antiviral treatment is recommended as soon as possible for patients with confirmed or suspected influenza who have severe complicated or progressive illness or who are hospitalized antiviral treatment is recommended as soon as possible for outpatients with confirmed or suspected influenza who are at higher risk for influenza complications based on their age andor medical conditions clinical judgment should be an important component of outpatient treatment decisions antiviral medications currently recommended include oseltamivir and zanamivir based upon recent viral surveillance and resistance data indicating that >99 of currently circulating influenza virus strains are sensitive to these medications amantadine symmetrel and rimantadine flumadine should not be used because of high levels of resistance to these drugs among circulating influenza a viruses oseltamivir should be used to provide treatment or chemoprophylaxis prevention of the flu after exposure to the virus for infants younger than 1 year of age when indicated antiviral treatment can be considered for any previously healthy non high risk symptomatic outpatient with confirmed or suspected influenza who is not in the recommended groups based upon clinical judgment if treatment can be initiated within 48 hours of illness onset because antiviral resistance patterns may change over time clinicians should monitor local antiviral resistance surveillance data can penicillin cure a sinus infection yesterday i was diagnosed with strep and put on penicillin however i am still struggling with congestion and a bad cough which i think may be sinus related do i need to go back to the doctor for another medication,most infections in the sinuses are viral and not bacterial so penicillin would not likely help in this case i do not know that how you were diagnosed with strep unless you had a lab test to confirm it you may not have strep at all a visual diagnosis is wrong about half the time need a anti itch medication for eczema i have been under a dermatologist is care for eczema caused by dry skin for about 7 years she usually prescribes me a moisturizing lotion and a medication clobetasol i just ran out of it and called for a refill but she wants to see me we have no medical insurance now so that is out of the question i am wondering what the strongest itch cream otc is out there i have tried all the cortaid types the benadryl ones and the oatmeal ones none of them really worked that well,i have found that neosporin makes anti itch cream daily moisturizing cream and body wash for eczema it is called neosporin eczema essentials i use the moisturizing cream on my hands and feet and it works great i found it at walgreens but it is a little pricey but i think it is well worth the money can poison ivy rash return same place after 2 months rash returned same places on arms after 2 months since had first rash have not been any where near any plants no pets to come in contact with poison ivy any one ever hear of this happening,is she wheezing or is her chest rumbling is there still blood in her mucus when she sneezes if any of these questions are a yes i highly recommend taking her to the dr asap is eating fruit bad after meal,no eating fruit is great because it is healthy and sweet and most people do not get nearly enough fruits and vegetables i n their diet fruit contains vitamins antioxidants and fiber of course if you are not hungry or are full than eating more food even fruit is not beneficial aetna will not renew our health coverage next year what are the best options for a self employed single income family with registered native american heritage in ca,start shopping for a new plan on your state is health insurance marketplace you will be able to compare plans side by side to see which best meets both your medical and financial needs what causes blocked arteries my mom has had stints put in but they still keep getting blocked i understand that smoking plays a role but smoking can not be all of it the doctors here believe that is all that is causing the heart attack and blocked arteries and dont bother to check for anything else,hi are you taking any contraceptive drugs if not then my opinion is that you may have a thoracic inlet syndrome especially if you have large breast or round shoulder good luck what are the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension,colitis is inflammation of the inner lining of the colon and is associated with diarrhea pain and blood in the stool there are numerous reasons for the colon to become inflamed including infection loss of blood supply to the colon inflammatory bowel disease invasion of the colon wall with collagen or lymphocytic white blood cells anatomy of the colon the colon is a hollow muscular tube that receives products of digestion from the small intestine and ultimately eliminates them from the body through the anus the colon is located in the abdomen and has numerous sections that are named based on their location colitis can affect different sections of the colon the colon begins in the right lower abdomen with the cecum located just above the appendix into which the products of digestion empty from the small intestine the ascending portion of the colon then ascends from the lower to the upper right side of the abdomen it traverses the abdomen as the transverse portion of the colon from the right upper to left upper abdomen before descending from the upper to the lower left side of the abdomen the last portions of the colon are the sigmoid colon low in the abdomen and finally the anus the colon also has several layers the mucosa inner layer or lining comes into contact with the products of digestion and fluid and actively removes water and electrolytes to help solidify the feces a layer of smooth muscle a special type of muscle surrounds the inner layer and is responsible for squeezing and mixing the undigested food and transporting it through the length of the colon to the anus i developed severe tendinitis in my neck i had a bump the size of two tennis balls on my head,hi just google this anti shingle vitamins lots to read lots you could take also go have a look on www earthclinic com under shingles lots of ideas of stuff you can take but from what your saying it may have beaten you to the line good luck what are your top ten sad songs destiny love hurts official lyric video destiny official music singer songwriter and musician from california see destiny is new music videos on vevo youtube or itunes spotify & more destinyofficial com ,given the choice eating the actual vegetable is a healthier approach both the vegetable supplements juice and the actual vegetables have the vitamins and minerals and the healthy phytonutrients found in abundance in vegetables however vegetables juices do not contain the fiber found in the actual vegetable whole vegetables are one of the best sources of fiber which most of us get far too little of i recommend that you try to find at least some actual vegetables that you like to eat but if you are not a big fan of veggies a vegetable drink is a good alternative make sure it is 100 juice with no added sugar keep in mind that vegetable drinks are often very high in sodium and most of us do not need any more sodium than we already get so look for lower sodium options what is bipolar depressive type is that a seperate type of bipolar or is that what a doctor calls a depressed episode i was released from a psychiatric hospital and in my discharge papers the doctor had written bipolar depressive type i had never heard of that before i was wondering if a depressive type of bipolar actually exists and what that is is it a subtype of bipolar or did he maybe just not know what to diagnose me as thank you,i did not realize at first that bi polar disorder had many variations but it does i am still not clear on all the types in your case i guess it would depend on what you went into the hospital for and the diagnoses at that point i really do not know enough about you and i am not a medical person to say for sure if you were having a depressive episode or have a depressive form of bipolar disorder it could be either keep a good doctor as consistant as possible and keep asking questions education is sometimes one of the best forms of medicatiion too my mother gets head spins vision gets black or blurred,she could be anemic diabetic havining inner ear or visual problemsdo her fundus and visual acuity exam cbc random blood sugar ent consultation the doctor said my four month old has baby acne it is spreading to her head and body what could be wrong,if it is baby acne this is a normal rash that should go away on its own usually related to hormones from the pregnancy typically we would expect it to be resolving at four months so i wonder if there are other ideas to consider seborrhea is a common cause of bumpy facial rash that can occur on the scalp and eyebrows as yellow crusty scaly dandruff and look like red greasy bumps on the cheeks behind the ears neck and chest this too is very common but there are methods to help it clear faster what are risk factors for gallstones,a number of risk factors contribute to the formation of gallstones including genetics and gender women are twice as likely as men to develop them body weight is also a factor the risk of gallstones is higher in people who are overweight and obese diets that are high in fat and cholesterol and low in fiber appear to play a role if you are overweight try to lose the extra weight but do it gradually there is a link between quick weight loss and gallstone formation crash or yo yo diets can cause the liver to release more cholesterol into the bile disrupting the normal balance of cholesterol and bile salts that extra cholesterol can form into crystals leading to gallstones i am currently taking a z pak antibiotic and it causes stomach upset and diarrhea can i take pepto bismol for relief,z pak or azithromycin does have common side effects of stomach upset and diarrhea taking this medication with food may help with your upset stomach if your diarrhea becomes more intense it is important to stay hydrated by taking in fluids and replenishing your electrolytes the diarrhea should subside within a few days to a week after you have finished the medication if the side effects are unbearable talk to your health care provider about prescribing another antibiotic just remember that all antibiotics can have an effect on the normal flora of your gi tract can you have trichonomoiasis and have kids just need to know if it is possible to have trichomoniasis and give birth to 2 babies before any symptoms appear been faithful with my husband for two years and have had 2 kids but have just recently been diagnosed i know this can stay dormant for years without any signs or symptoms but i also know it can cause some issues with pregnancy and birth but i had two healthy pregnancies and two healthy babies could i have been exposed before my having my children or did i get exposed after,hi answer only you would know if you picked it up after or perhaps even your husband but even with him it could have been hiding tricky time for you and him safe side b just put it to it was hiding in deep tissue and leave it at that ok good luck i have problem breathing and its progressing,hi you should consult a cardiologist first of all and get a proper cardiac monitoring done seems like cardiac issue only high crp is also seen when there is heart related issue once the cause is confirmed then proper medication dose titration and adding additional drugs can help regards i have been diagnosed with strep but my test came back negative,it is important to eat nutritious and well balanced meals throughout your pregnancy you will need to increase your intake of certain vitamins and minerals including iron calcium and folic acid also it is generally recommended that women consume between 100 and 300 calories more per day while pregnant try to limit the amount of sweets and junk food you eat as they offer mostly empty calories with little to no nutritional value i read somewhere that brain development is key in the 3rd tri so try to get omega 3s with limits on fish intake i am trying buy omega 3 enhanced eggs and milk but i am also eating low mercury fish like shrimp a few times week can i take a sleeping aid like unisom with oxyodine 5mg,you are wise to ask this question whenever someone is taking a pain reliever especially a narcotic it is good to consider whether or not an over the counter medication may interact with it i can not tell if you are referring to oxycodone or oxycontin but either way unisom should not interact with it the main ingredient in unisom that makes you sleep is a big whopping antihistamine it is not benadryl diphenhydramine but a relative of that however different over the counter sleep aids may contain a different active ingredient from unisom your best bet is to ask the pharmacist which sleep aid you can safely take with your pain reliever wishing you well why is my lymph node swollen in my neck my lymph node is swollen on the right side of my neck right under my jaw i had a cold a couple of weeks ago with a sore throat but the swelling in my lymph node has not subsided you can visibly see the swelling i would say it is over an inch in diameter and it is hard,hi i feel you are on the right track unless you are planning pregnancy if diane has eliminated polycystic ovaries then its a really good sign and u are indeed lucky consult a gynecologist if there are any severe symptoms thanks i have been having pain behind and above my right eye for 3 to 4 days now,this seems to be due to vision problems and travelling more travelling can lead to reactionary sinusitis getr ct pns done consult a ent physician anti histaminic tablets will help can i carry the whooping cough bacteria without knowing it,experts believe it is rare or impossible to carry or transmit pertussis without any symptoms however if you have been immunized your symptoms may be mild but still infectious cold symptoms might occur at the beginning of the infection and a cough will sooner or later be present what causes miscarriages i have a 5 year old daughter and had no complications with that pregnancy last year my husband and i suffered a miscarriage and another one this year will this continue to occur will i be able to carry full term again,hi retrolisthesis usually is associated with disc prolapse as well retrolisthesis does not heal spontaneously you have to use a supporting brace or get it fixed by surgical means do not neglect it as you are still pretty young and should not have old age spine problems get mri done thanks when would a dental implant be medically necessary,in most patients the psoriasis precedes the arthritis by months to years the arthritis frequently involves the knees ankles and joints in the feet usually only a few joints are inflamed at a time the inflamed joints become painful swollen hot and red sometimes joint inflammation in the fingers or toes can cause swelling of the entire digit giving them the appearance of a sausage joint stiffness is common and is typically worse early in the morning less commonly psoriatic arthritis may involve many joints of the body in a symmetrical fashion mimicking the pattern seen in rheumatoid arthritis psoriatic arthritis can also cause inflammation of the spine spondylitis and the sacrum causing pain and stiffness in the low back buttocks neck and upper back in rare instances psoriatic arthritis involves the small joints at the ends of the fingers a very destructive form of arthritis called mutilans can cause rapid damage to the joints fortunately this form of arthritis is rare in patients with psoriatic arthritis patients with psoriatic arthritis can also develop inflammation of the tendons tendinitis and around cartilage inflammation of the tendon behind the heel causes achilles tendinitis leading to pain with walking and climbing stairs inflammation of the chest wall and of the cartilage that links the ribs to the breastbone sternum can cause chest pain as seen in costochondritis aside from arthritis and spondylitis psoriatic arthritis can cause inflammation in other organs such as the eyes lungs and aorta inflammation in the colored portion of the eye iris causes iritis a painful condition that can be aggravated by bright light as the iris opens and closes the opening of the pupil corticosteroids injected directly into the eyes are sometimes necessary to decrease inflammation and prevent blindness inflammation in and around the lungs pleuritis causes chest pain especially with deep breathing as well as shortness of breath inflammation of the aorta aortitis can cause leakage of the aortic valve valves leading to heart failure and shortness of breath acne and nail changes are commonly seen in psoriatic arthritis pitting and ridges are seen in fingernails and toenails of 80 of patients with psoriatic arthritis interestingly these characteristic nail changes are observed in only a minority of psoriasis patients who do not have arthritis acne has been noted to occur in higher frequency in patients with psoriatic arthritis in fact a new syndrome has been described characterized by inflammation of the joint lining synovitis acne and pustules on the feet or palms thickened and inflamed bone hyperostosis and bone inflammation osteitis this syndrome is therefore given the eponym sapho syndrome does anemia cause body pain my sister is 73 years old she has been suffering from body pain all over for years no doctor has been able to figure out the cause of the pain her hemoglobin count is at 10 and has been there for a few years and her doctor did not think this was a problem could this low hemoglobin level be the cause of her body pain which is only relieved by advil what should be her path forward thank you sam,cooking oils are included in the fat sources in our diets the recommendation is to keep fats at no more than 20 to 35 of your total calories from fat per day the majority of this fat should be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats foods that are high in monounsaturated fats include vegetable oils olive oil canola oil peanut oil sunflower oil and sesame oil avocados peanut butter and many nuts and seeds what causes bacterial vaginosis should i be worried if it this infection keeps popping up,hi i am a type 2 diabetic and i have gotten this and my gynecologist said that it was caused by the blood sugar and that most woman with diabetes get this all the time what will happen if i have sex while taking metronidazole vaginal gel,a migraine headache is a form of vascular headache migraine headache is caused by a combination of vasodilatation enlargement of blood vessels and the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around the large arteries of the brain enlargement of these blood vessels stretches the nerves that coil around them and causes the nerves to release chemicals the chemicals cause inflammation pain and further enlargement of the artery the increasing enlargement of the artery magnifies the pain migraine attacks commonly activate the sympathetic nervous system in the body the sympathetic nervous system is often thought of as the part of the nervous system that controls primitive responses to stress and pain the so called fight or flight response this activation causes many of the symptoms associated with migraine attacks for example the increased sympathetic nervous activity in the intestine causes nausea vomiting and diarrhea sympathetic activity also delays emptying of the stomach into the small intestine and thereby prevents oral medications from entering the intestine and being absorbed the impaired absorption of oral medications is a common reason for the ineffectiveness of medications taken to treat migraine headaches the increased sympathetic activity also decreases the circulation of blood and this leads to pale skin as well as cold hands and feet the increased sympathetic activity also contributes to sensitivity to light and sound as well as blurred vision migraine afflicts 28 million americans with females suffering more frequently 17 than males 6 missed work and lost productivity from migraines create a significant public burden nevertheless migraine headaches still remain largely undertreated and underdiagnosed less than half the sufferers are diagnosed by their doctors food if i am rushing to eat seems to get “stuck” without a sip of water is it a esophageal disorder,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include slowshallow breathing extreme drowsiness severe stomach pain vomit that looks like coffee grounds pain on the right side form lower back to abdomen hurts to walk and sit should i go to the doctors not vomiting but have a lot of gas and loose stool and fever of 99 to 101 somtimes,i am not familiar with the supplements you are taking you can look here for more info my guess is there is not a lot of evidence to support them i can help you from a nutrition standpoint though if you are a vegan and eat a balanced diet you still need to watch out for the following nutrients calcium this article will help you figure out if you are getting enough plant foods and fortified milk alternatives can get you there but you need to be diligent you can always supplement if you fall short iron beans and grains contain iron but they are not absorbed as well as animal foods this article can help you ensure you get enough vitamin b12 plant foods do not contain vitamin b12 so you will can include fortified foods or take a supplement vitamin d this vitamin is not in plant foods unless its fortified you will likely need to supplement i recommend getting your levels checked at annual physical to determine how much you need omega 3s dha and epa plant foods do not contain these important fats there are vegan supplements you can look into if you are still confused consider seeing a registered dietitian heshe can help you figure out what supplements you need and what you can just get from food good luck can i continue my flat abs workout when planning for pregnancy what kind of exercises i shld avoid i had an ectopic pregnancy on june 2011,first please confirm the pregnancy with a serum beta hcg test human chorionic gonadotropin as urine pregnancy test is not reliable till eight days post missed periods if the hcg levels are more than 5 ngdl then she is pregnant in that case as she has been a post c section case medical abortion is not to be undertaken with either mifepristone or misoprostol simply because the c section scar would still be weak by one year and there are often chances of uterus rupture the best option in that case would be an ultrasound guided dilation and curettage procedure for surgical abortion please meet your gynecologist and get the needful for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online > should you feel week and break out in a sweat with a cold i have had a bad cold for almost a week now i have lost my voice even the last couple of days though i have noticed that i have broken out in sweats and am getting rather week is that normal,yes that is a very normal symptoms i suffer fromswollen lymph nodes joint pain ringing in my ears is it rheumatic heart disease,hi it seems to be rheumatic fever though all of them are not the classical signs take symptomatic treatment if you get no relief you should take a physicians advice thanks pimple in ear i messed with now my lymph node in my neck below that ear is swollen and hurt what should i do,hi laila she really needs go and see the surgeon who did it and by the sound of it got it wrong this would be her best starting place and see what happen there hope this helps you good luck during a genital herpes outbreak if the blisters pop can the fluid then cause additional outbreaks in that individual,no not really once you have genital herpes and have recurrent outbreaks you will always have herpes those blisters should not be intentionally broken or popped but if they spontaneously rupture this fluid will not likely worsen the outbreak or cause more outbreaks hopefully you are taking anti viral medications to limit the frequency and severity of your outbreaks 3 year old daughter had reflux high temp bad stomach can it be kidney infection,hi at this age kidney infection glomerulonephritis is quite common and needs prompt diagnosis and treatment get his urine checked and ultrasound abdomen done start appropriate antibiotics as per the doctor is prescription iv antibiotics have better results as compared to orals ones give plenty of water to drink thanks lights colors and squiggly lines when i close eyes preventing sleep in a dark room what causes this am subject to ocular migraines often have trouble sleeping otherwise healthy,poison ivy or oak is caused by exposure to the olioresin oil of the plant it does not come back in the same place two months later unless you were re exposed to the oil again the oil can remain stable on an object for years so you do not have to come in contact with plant just an object that still has the oil on it please be sure you actually have poison ivy many skin eruptions can mimic this allergic disorder and some can even show up in the same place like eczema shingles etc what is the reason for my disturbed sleep and morning drowsiness,i have gone through your query you are suffering from two problems one is nasal block and the other is sleep disturbance which may be insomnia you can stop xaria plus combination of montelukast and fexofenadine instead of that you can take flutiflo ft fluticasone nasal spray once daily along with nasoclear nasal drops as and when required sleep disturbance may be due to insomnia and so need sleep hygiene stop drinking coffee or tea in the evening do regular exercises in the evening and sleep in the lateral position try simple changes to your daytime and pre bedtime routine keep a regular sleep schedule go to sleep and get up at the same time each day including the weekends set aside enough time for sleep most people need at least seven to eight hours each night in order to feel good and be productive make sure your bedroom is dark cool and quiet cover electrical displays use heavy curtains or shades to block light from windows or try a sleep mask to shield your eyes turn off your television smartphone and computer a few hours before your bedtime the type of light these screens emit can stimulate your brain suppress the production of melatonin and interfere with your body is internal clock will try conservative management initially and if not improving then you may need sleep study and medications like melatonin i want to know whether you have snoring the probable causesstress related sleep disorder investigations to be donesleep study after one month differential diagnosisobstructive sleep apnea osa probable diagnosisinsomnia treatment planconservative management like sleep hygiene avoid coffee and tea and do regular exercises regarding follow uprevert back after a month to a sleep medicine physician online > what are the risks of genital herpes,hi are you breast feeding did you take any medication to stop breast feeding did you have a history of ovarian cysts did this start immediately after birth or recently chronic fatigue anxiety depression and digestive issues,you will not qualify for a subsidy if the cost of just your spouse is employer health plan does not exceed 9 5 of your household income unfortunately if the cost is less than that you can buy insurance on the marketplace but will not get financial help to pay for it are these symptoms indicative of dehydration dark foul smelling urine extreme thirst itchy skin hemoglobin of 6 8 confusion hard stools,most helpful answer the answer is yes and no some of your symptoms could be indicative of dehydation namely dark colored urine extreme thirst itchy skin hard stools confusion but dehydration is not the only condition that could cause these symptoms i hope you are following up with a medical professional about these symptoms to determine the underlying cause regarding your hemoglobin results i wonder if you are referring to the actual hemoglobin test or if you are referring to the hemoglobin a1c test these are two entirely different things basically a hemoglobin test measures your red blood cell count a result of 6 8 would be quite low for either a woman or a man in fact that result would put you in the anemic category and it would require medical treatment on the other hand a hemoglobin a1c test provides a snapshot of your blood sugar control over the preceding three months a result of 6 8 would be considered within the desirable range for someone with diabetes it would be considered outside the normal range for someone without diagnosed diabetes i would suggest you make an appointment with your primary care provider pcp to review your symptoms get a diagnosis and come up with a treatment plan best to you can degenerative disc disease cause thigh pain i was recently diagnosed with degeneraitive disc diseas at age 40 i found this out because i had continuos headches with head pressure now i have this pain in my thighs in just the front and on the side could this be from the discs in the neck at c5 thru c7 where the problems are in my neck no one seems to know why the thighs are hurting and i have had several blood tests done to rule out things please help,cervical neck disc disease will not cause thigh pain but degenerative disc disease in your low back lumbar area could certainly do this if you have not had imaging studies of your low back this should be done can exercise delay a period 20 days late past 2months ive been running everyother dayexercising 30 min every night,he should see a medical provider out of state there is really no way to properly diagnose the reason for the headache and treat him blindly over the internet there can be hundreds of reasons for his headache so let a medical professional do this my 1 month old baby does not seem to be satisfied when i breastfeed him can i supplement some feedings with formula,hi the first thing would be how long you have been on bc and what type meaning pills shots or iud google these for more info the longer you were on bc the longer it takes for things to get back working as they were second its all down to timing with some women now somewhere around day 14 now day 14 is the 14 day after the first day of your period which is also the first day of your cycle that is just a bit of info now add into this it takes 3 days for a male sperm to reach the womb and it can get there first it lives for a few days longer than you egg will if you can try cutting your sex back to twice a week with 3 days in between this will keep his sperm in top form hope this helps a bit good luck swallowed large bottle of tylenol need a liver transplant,hi all these are long term effects of tynelol affecting the liver and kidneys you should definitely be worried and keep a close watch on the liver and kidney functions and get the necessary test done every 3 months see an gastroenterologist endocrinologist thanks should i be concerned about acinetobacter anitratus,were u admitted to hospital recently these organisms are hospital acquired in the first place highly resistant multi antibiotics needed including 3rd or 4th generation cephalosporins carbapenems or fluoroquinolones try to take spasmodigestin fir the flatulence … check ur immunity… i really want to start having children but do not want to rely on birth control to regulate my cycle,regarding your question hope you start having babies v soon u said that your period is extremely irregular… have you done some tests to know why what causes deep sinking feeling from chest in heart area through to the back with nausea i am 72 female myglogsb,unfortunately your symptoms are just too vague to be able to blindly determine a cause or significance over the internet not knowing your medical history and have the ability to examine you is a huge barrier my only suggestion for you is to consult your medical provider someone who knows you and have these troubling symptoms properly evaluated the feeling resembles what i would think could be heartburn or indigestion i recently had a physical and also a foot surgery my heart was ok i was told i was extremely healthy for my age i am also very active can you tell me the difference in heartburn and indigestion thanks i have felt sensations of tachycardia to the head,the average age of ovarian cancer is in the early 60s and someone who is 75 can certainly get this disease in addition to an ultrasound it is usually helpful to get a ca125 blood test this test is not perfect as it can be elevated due to other causes but it is elevated in most women with ovarian cancer how much water should a woman drink if she exercises four hours a day,yeah interesting question if woman exercises four hours a day then she should drink water because water is necessary for your health if you are doing exercise daily there are some guidelines when you drink water during exercise and that is start your day with a huge glass of water and whether it is your exercise day or rest day drink two glasses of water within you start your exercise drink glass of water after 15 minutes how can i remove or at least minimize the dark circles around my eyes,dark circles are often due to the presence of a vascular plexus located just under the eyes the skin there is very translucent so it can result in the appearance of a bluish tint under the eyes most patients respond to topical retinoids vitamin a derivative cream which can help thicken the stratum corneum and minimize the translucency of the skin under your eyes because the skin there is so thin it is wise to start treatment with a gentle retinoid such as an over the counter retinol first shortness of breath admitted for acute myocardial infarction,pulmonary arterial hypertension tests show high levels of creatinine calcium potassium sodium magnesium and phosphorus,this combination medication is used to temporarily treat symptoms caused by the common cold flu allergies or other breathing illnesses such as sinusitis bronchitis decongestants help relieve stuffy nose sinus and ear congestion symptoms acetaminophen apap is a non aspirin pain reliever and fever reducer antihistamines help relieve watery eyes itchy eyesnosethroat runny nose and sneezing cough and cold products have not been shown to be safe or effective in children younger than 6 years therefore do not use this product to treat cold symptoms in children younger than 6 years unless specifically directed by the doctor some products such as long acting tabletscapsules are not recommended for use in children younger than 12 years ask your doctor or pharmacist for more details about using your product safely these products do not cure or shorten the length of the common cold and may cause serious side effects to decrease the risk for serious side effects carefully follow all dosage directions do not use this product to make a child sleepy do not give other cough and cold medication that might contain the same or similar ingredients see also drug interactions section ask the doctor or pharmacist about other ways to relieve cough and cold symptoms such as drinking enough fluids using a humidifier or saline nose dropsspray 12 5 years ago i had surgery for genital warts anal no recurrences no precancerous cells can i still pass on hpv,according to the lab results it is not a rheumatic heart disease i see all the symptoms are just temporary and goes away by its own so you might be just very anxious see an ent specialist for the neck lymph nodes and ear ringing practice relaxation techniques yoga breathing and meditation maintain healthy low fat low salt diet… i am pregnant with hives what can i take,this is a tough one because antihistamine use which is typically a product used to treat hives really can not be used in pregnant women i would ask her how often is she getting the hives and is this related to something along the food allergy so she could avoid certain foods a lot of people do not realize too when they change detergents they actually can get an allergic reaction and that might cause hives sometimes pregnant women will figure well i have to go with a different detergent now that i am pregnant now a lot of times it is that reaction that will cause this ask if she has been to a doctor dermatologist to see if they are aware of the fact that she is breaking out like this one of the great products that we have available is an oatmeal bath or aveeno products that is great to kind of calm down them but if it seems like it is getting more and more common and more severe she needs to go see her doctor to have it checked out even further according to motherisk which is the authority for drug safety in pregnancy in canada first generation antihistamines such as benadryl are safe during pregnancy what are consequences of stopping ibuprophen for osteoarthritis,other than the fact that you may have an increase in your arthritic pain there are no medical consequences in stopping this anti inflammatory medication i am having severe stabbing pain at the base of my neck on the left side also with pain in my shoulder due to the severity of the pain scale of 1 10 i would call it an 8 or 9 i am seriously thinking of going to the er this started last night so i slept on my back took an ibuprofen 800 and took a super hot shower with my wifes super massage head to no avail the pain has only gotten worse please help,so sorry to hear you are going through this it is difficult to cope with severe pain unless you are experiencing crushing pain in your chest and shortness of breath along with this pain in your neck please do not clog up the emergency room the emergency department should be reserved for true life or death emergencies or serious traumas like broken bones unfortunately severe neck pain does not rise to that level what you are describing sounds like the classic symptom of a pinched nerve there are many possible causes for neck pain ranging from a herniated spinal disc to a muscle spasm it sounds like you have done everything right in terms of home treatment however one round of ibuprofen one hot shower and one good massage may not be enough to alleviate the pain especially if it is caused by something like a herniated disk also note no one should take more than 2400 milligrams of ibuprofen within a 24 hour period and no more than 800mg every 8 hours again assuming you are not exhibiting any symptoms of a heart attack which generally do not include stabbing pain at the base of the neck your best bet is to continue to try home remedies if the situation does not clear up within a few days make an appointment with your primary health care provider for an evaluation if the situation gets worse such as your arm starts to go numb then you might consider heading for an urgent care facility wishing you well is there any diet that can help improve or reverse hypothyroidism,the instructions for taking synthroid specifically state to take on an empty stomach and to take at the same time each day i have been doing research myself concerning this matter since i am hypo and frustrated with the excessive lbs whole wheat bread fish and eggs are helpful with this condition i find that eating more vegetables helps to give me energy parfaits seem to give me a boost let me mention that these are things i am training my body to adapt to help the metabolism with this condition exercising is a great option but let is be realistic some of us work crazy hours come home to children pets significant others school so that can be a bit complicated my ideas are not much but i hope you find what works best for you 3 weeks late for my period took blood test came back normal what does that really mean i took two home pregnancy test both came back negative i went to the doctors to get a blood test she said it came back normal what does normal mean is that a yes or no should i go take another test i have several symptoms of being pregnant for example sore breasts fatigued winded going up the steps or physical activity i usually skip a month every year i skipped may,there is nothing that you can get or spray that will actually repel or make a bedbug decide to stay away from you you will be far more sucessful in evading bites however if you understand their weakness bedbugs can not climb slippery surfaces and heat will kill them you can take advantage of this by applying a lubricant to the legs of your bed or any surface they might climb to get into your bed also for this to be effective you will have to make sure that there are no bugs currently in your bed take your pillows blankets bed linins and anything else that is in your bed and dry them on high heat for 45 min or more then take apart your bed and use a hot steam gun on every crack crevis anywhere you see black dots or clusters of dots those are bedbug eggs deep steam every square inch of your mattress and box spring and make sure you hit the crevices and seams real good then buy a cover that is rated for bed bugs and seal your mattress in that cover to make sure anything that you might of missed can not get out to bite you dry your bed linings blankets sheets and pillows every day alochol can kill bed bugs on contact however it will not kill eggs ultimately you want to eliminate the bed bugs all together it is a considerable amount of work to do this if you have a place you can stay for at least 3 weeks you can use vapor strips to kill them close your windows and seal your vents with plastic open anything that is sealed plastic totes bags of clothes anything that isi not food in your kitchen the vapor needs to be able to reach everything then you want to buy vapor strips called nuvua strips that emit a vapor that fills the house and is toxic to bed bugs open the strips and distribute them through the rooms in your house make sure you buy enough for adaquate coverage make sure your heating or air is turned off as well anything you take with you to the place your staying must be dried in a dryer for 45 min on high heat so you do not contaminate the new place other objects that you bring should be kept to a minimum as well dishes or anything you know for sure is bug free is fine to take with you when you come back 3 weeks later 3 weeks is to make sure any eggs hatch and are killed by the vapor open the house to let it air out unseal and turn on your air and you should be bug free however you will want to at this point take all of your laundry to a laundry mat and at least dry everything for good effect i dealt with bedbugs for a year and a half and they do require could getting pregnant while on birth control cause birth defects,hi according to the mayo clinic “there is very little evidence that exposure to the hormones in birth control pills causes birth defects ” however if this happens stop taking the pill immediately and see your doctor or health care provider i think they mean if you get pregnant nohard read more #ixzz2pfwmbk1h this was something i found so hope it helps you and your mind good luck pain in head neck left arm and lower back xray shows degeneration here are my mri results,hi multiple level cervical disc bulges are effectively treated with physiotherapy analgesics neck exercises cervical traction along with laser therapy and swd can accelerate the recovery process use cervical collar if these measures fail surgical de compression is recommended thanks what is metchicillin resistant staphylococcal aureus,this webmd site should help you can you get fifth disease twice within a three week period i had something three weeks ago that the doctor said was an allergic reaction to cefzil antibiotics but then my two children got fifth disease and i had to take them to the doctor but then today another lacey like rash has came up on my face i am not on any new medication now so i am wondering if you can get fifth disease again within a three week period or if it is possible i did have an allergic reaction three weeks ago and now i have fifth disease,an allergic reaction would typically itch and have hives but not always i have no way of really knowing if you had a cefzil allergic reaction or not but you can have a skin test to be sure a person with 5th disease erythema infectiosum can have occasional relapses of the lacy rash on the lower arms and thighs as well as the characteristic slapped face appearance for weeks after the initial disease i was able to afford prevastatin without insurance now the price has sored how can get this drug with out insurance,hi agree with dr masr anemia along with thyroid imbalance can cause this get a complete blood profile done along with thyroid function tests free tsh is the most important indicator thanks can i be pregnant with out having sex i do not know what to do i am late on my period and i have never had sex or kissed a boy in my life im sooo scared can i be pregnant yes or no please tell me something idk what to do ,baby your baby measures about 19 8 inches from head to toe and weighs about 5 pounds baby is probably settling into the head down position although it might not be final organs are now almost fully mature except for lungs and the skin is pink instead of red fingernails reach the ends of fingers but toenails are not yet fully grown baby might have lots of hair movements are less frequent because of the tight fit mom to be your uterus hardens and contracts as practice for labor known as braxton hicks contractions but you may not feel them yet your pelvis has expanded and may ache especially at the back the uterus is pushed hard against your lower ribs and your rib cage may be sore and your navel is probably pushing out as a result of your abdomen being stretched tip of the week start thinking about whether you want to breastfeed which helps increase your child is immunities you may want to consult a lactation expert or the la leche league an organization that encourages and promotes breastfeeding or simply talk with friends or relatives who can share their experiences i have seen many doctors but still no answers droop in left shoulder and spine curved,i have read your history many times and i tend to believe that your problem is more related to the accessory nerve 11th cranial nerve disorder looking like a lower motor neuron lesion the accessory nerve supplies the trapezius and scaleni muscles motor supply which in case of injury may cause drop shoulder abd compete muscle wasting the surgery might be the cause or other unknown cause due to nerve compression or injury are possible what are the treatments for obsessive compulsive disorder ocd,most individuals with ocd experience some symptoms of the disorder indefinitely with times of improvement alternating with times of difficulty treatments include cognitive behavioral psychotherapy behavioral therapies and medications behavioral therapies for ocd include ritual prevention and exposure therapy prevention of rituals involves a mental health professional helping the ocd sufferer to endure longer and longer periods of resisting the urge to engage in compulsive behaviors exposure therapy is the process by which the individual with ocd is put in touch with situations that tend to increase the ocd sufferer is urge to engage in compulsions then helping him or her resist that urge cognitivebehavioral therapists help patients change the negative styles of thinking and behaving that are often associated with the anxiety involved with obsessive compulsive disorder selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ssris are the medications that are most commonly used to treat ocd these medications increase the amount of the neurochemical serotonin in the brain remember that brain serotonin levels are thought to be low in ocd as their name implies the ssris work by selectively inhibiting blocking serotonin reuptake in the brain ssris have fewer side effects than clomipramine an older medication that is actually thought to be somewhat more effective in treating ocd ssris do not cause orthostatic hypotension a sudden drop in blood pressure when sitting up or standing and heart rhythm disturbances like clomipramine can therefore ssris are often the first line treatment for this illness examples of ssris include fluoxetine prozac paroxetine paxil sertraline zoloft citalopram celexa fluvoxamine luvox and escitalopram lexapro when the improvement that people with ocd experience is not optimal when an ssri is the only medication prescribed the addition of a neuroleptic medication like risperidone risperdal olanzapine zyprexa or aripiprazole abilify can sometimes be helpful ssris are generally well tolerated and side effects are usually mild the most common side effects are nausea diarrhea agitation insomnia and headache however these side effects generally go away within the first month of ssri use some patients experience sexual side effects such as decreased sexual desire decreased libido delayed orgasm or an inability to have an orgasm some patients experience tremors with ssris newer often called atypical neuroleptic medications tend to cause fewer side effects than many of the older medications in this class the most common side effects of atypical neuroleptics include sleepiness dizziness dry mouth and weight gain sometimes people can be more sensitive to the effects of the sun while taking these medications and therefore should take care to wear adequate sunblock whenever exposed to the sun less commonly side effects of atypical neuroleptic medications can result in painless although abnormal muscle movements like tremors stiffness and very rarely permanent muscle twitches called tardive dyskinesia studies on the effectiveness of treatment of ocd in adults have variable results some indicate that medications response prevention and cbt are equally although only mildly to moderately effective in treating this problem cognitive behavioral group therapy cbgt has also been found to be i think i may have started my period but it is a lot lighter than normal and a different color with almost no cramps i also think i have a uti i have not had time to go to the drs my period started the day after my uti and it started about a week later than last month it is not the normal dark redlight pinkbrown it normally is and my flow is drastically lighter than normal also on the first day of my period i usually get pretty bad cramps this time i have barely had any also as of today i have been feeling naseaus and i have this dull almost crampy feeling in my lower right abdomen and whole lower back,you are entitled to copies of your medical records the medical facility may want to retain the originals you are not entitled to get them for free however the office can legally charge you a reasonable fee to copy them i would like to recommend alwaysmed com if you want to have access at all your medical records for free do you think i have a std please answer i am really worried my bestfriend and i gave eachother blowjobs we are straight just experimented we did for a period of time when i was in 8th and he was in 7th then maybe a little during my freshman summer before my soph year i never did anything like that with anyone else i am a senior now i had a red bump sore on my penis shaft years ago but not sure when that showed up also had rash on tops of my hands and feet that i have had for years that the doctor said is contact dermatitus,when worried about an sti it is always a good idea to go see an actual live doctor fro an examination advice from chat rooms and forums is good but you want to always be sure when talking about an sti on a separate note keeping your penis in good overall health through the use of a penis health crème with vitamins and amino acids is a good idea good luck i have a burning pain in pelvic lower abdomen & intestines,most probably you are suffering pelvic inflammatory disease with or without ibs you will need to get pelvic examination pelvic usg urine analysis to check for any infection is deer antler spray any good to use for sex,no this is not an effective aphrodisiac even for deer do not waste your money on worthless concoctions try a beautiful card fresh flowers and compliments works much better i have serious heartburn several times a day baking soda in a little water gives me fast relief is this harmful i have been taking a teaspoonful of it in water for several months now,i can address your bppv concerns but unfortunately it is not possible to predict how long you might have symptoms assuming you were correctly diagnosed bppv has an annoying habit of coming back bppv is an inner ear problem it does not cause palpitations or head rush and is not related to neck disorders so these symptoms are not likely associated benign paroxysmal positional vertigo bppv is the most common cause of vertigo the patient usually has episodes of recurring vertigo lasting several minutes or as brief as 15 seconds specific movements of the head often provoke the attack usually following a brief delay of several seconds people quickly realize the specific head motion or motions which tends to trigger an attack there are effective treatments but you may need to see an ent look up and do the eply maneuver on one side or both i got it suddenly and severely with projectile vomiting it was awful the doctors and hospial were basically useless and this one move absolutely fixed it some people only need to do it once i needed to do it about 5 times in a row 15 or 20 minutes in between and it works unfailingly do it you will cure the vertigo it reattaches the ear chrystals let me know and pass it around ok be well it will go away after a few seconds or minutes depending on the severity there are those however which recur from time to time i suggest doing half somersault maneuver which has been devised by dr carol foster you can just google half somersault maneuver or visit halfsommersaultmaneuver com for a detailed process of the diy exercise is vicks vaporub safe,hi there seems to be a recurrence of the malignancy you need to get the tumor markers done and a detailed blood check up done consult an oncologist immunochemotherapy will help high protein diet with multivitamins and calcium supplements will help thanks do diet pills interact with depression and bipolar meds such as wellbutrin and geodon,this is a great question because actually the two drugs mentioned wellbutrin and geodon actually can cause some weight gain so i would actually ask this patient number one are they telling their doctors that they they may be seeing two different doctors are they aware that they are taking these medications and do they have a medication list because of the side effect profile we are adding a medication that we really probably do not need i would like to be able to find a more non drug option such as changing their diet increasing their fluid intake so we want to make sure that that patient understands that the pharmacist by looking at their medication list when they are coming to visit the pharmacy will be able to point that out and say hey you are getting an unnecessary medication for side effect of two drugs and maybe one of them they may not necessarily need so that is where the pharmacist can actually contact the physicians or healthcare provider and say doctor are you aware of this this happens all the time in the pharmacy i can not tell you how many times i say to patients does your doctor know well i went to this doctor for this medicine but this doctor does not know about this one everyone needs to know about it that is why that medication list is so important not only is it help the pharmacist but bring it to all your other doctor appointments that way they can see everything that everyone is prescribing and we can avoid medication errors and unnecessary use i also have been on sooo many anti depressants and other meds for bipolar ii and always gained weight i am a 40 year old woman who is 51 tall and at that time almost 150 pounds but i was just prescribed a very new anti depressant called fetzima there is not any generic version as of yet i am on the max dose at 80mg daily but add lamictal adderall xanax seroquel ambien xr propranolol imitrex injections cambia liquid spinx nasal spray and lastly phenergen 25mg prn migraine with vomiting but my point which i apologize for going off in so many directions thanks to the adderall 60mg daily the fetzima is supposedly much better as far as weight is concerned it actually lists that weight loss is more common than weight gain and while i would never suggest anyone to be on a stimulantadderall when i have never been addadhd i take it daily and in a pretty decent dosage to somehow get me to function thru the day it is hard to figure out as the patient why a doctor would put you on a lot of uppers and then you need downers it is crazy but with the adderall i have been on for almost 3 months and in all honestly i now weigh 103 pounds so over 45 plus pounds am i pregnant hi ive been feeling very sick stomach feels werid being going through a lot of mood swings and body has not been good to me lately i have been feeling like this ever since i last had sexual inter course and in my head its telling my im pregnant and i have always had my periods and have not missed it but im scared if i am pregnant or not please help,hi i think you need more help than just a diet see the list below its all of these you need to be doing that is if you smoke and drink you can take steps to prevent high blood pressure by losing weight if you need to exercising regularly eating a healthy diet cutting back if you drink a lot of alcohol stopping smoking cutting down on salt and caffeine for more help have a look on this site for cayenne pepper look up the page on hbp your find it very interesting the link also google natural ways out of hbp on here your find lots of ways you can do it do hopr this helps you good luck what is less damaging smoking 3 cigarettes per day or picking two days of the week and smoking 10 on each of those days i know that light smoking still poses significant risks i know i can still get cancer one day from doing it so please do not answer by telling me that i am looking to significantly cut down in order to lessen the damage i am doing to myself while still indulging a little in one of my favorite activities so here are my two options a smoke about 3 cigsday about 20week or b pick 2 nightsweek say two nights when i am out socializing and smoke about 10 on each of those about 20week,i wish i could give you a good answer but i do not think researchers have studied smoking at quite that micro a level in healthcare we measure smoking by the packyear we calculate this number based on the average number of packs smoked per day times the number of years the person has smoked for example a person who smokes one pack per day for 20 years has a 20 packyear history a person like yourself who smokes on average 20 cigarettes per week which calculates to roughly 0 15 pack per day for 20 years would have a roughly 3 packyear history the same as a person who smoked one pack per day for three years regardless of the manner in which you smoke a lot at one time or a few spread out over a longer period you are probably doing about the same amount of damage to your lungs and other vital structures intuitively i would think the damage would be worse from smoking many cigarettes all at once as opposed to smoking the same number spread out over a greater length of time rapidly introducing a volume of carcinogens and toxins probably is worse than trickling them in you sound well informed about the risks of smoking so i will leave you with one little tidbit did you know one of the more common cancers related to smoking is bladder cancer especially in men so the next time you light up ask yourself if you can envision the day when you will be emptying your urine through a pouch strapped to your thigh if not then you might want to re think the whole smoking thing wishing you well i wish i could give you a good answer but i do not think researchers have studied smoking at quite that micro a level in healthcare we measure smoking by the packyear we calculate this number based on the average number of packs smoked per day times the number of years the person has smoked for example a person who smokes one pack per day for 20 years has a 20 packyear history a person like yourself who smokes on average 20 cigarettes per week which calculates to roughly 0 15 pack per day for 20 years would have a roughly 3 packyear history the same as a person who smoked one pack per day for three years regardless of the manner in which you smoke a lot at one time or a few spread out over a longer period you are probably doing about the same amount of damage to your lungs and other vital structures intuitively i would think the damage would be worse from smoking many cigarettes all at once as opposed to smoking the same number spread out over a greater length of time rapidly introducing a volume of carcinogens and toxins probably is worse than trickling them in you sound well informed about what does egfr indicate is 52 something to worry about recently had a comprehensive metabolic blood panel included creatinine 1 07 which was indicated to be high included egfr 52 which was indicated to be low there is kidney disease in my family and i am wondering if these two tests are related and if they indicate a beginning of kidney disease if so what should i do about it can these values be changed via the diet my age is 71 i also have high blood pressure my bun was 24 and the buncreatinine ratio is 22 thank you for your help,estimated glomerular filtration rate i know according to what i have read that when the egfr drops below 60 it is an indication of chronic kidney disease starting or possibly acute kidney disease if the gfr fell suddenly in response to an injury pregnancy test positive on the 9th day had slight bleeding why,this is a threatened miscarriage as it would be termed medically as the pregnancy test is positive but ultrasound is not contraindicated as it is necessary to localize the pregnancy and rule out ectopic pregnancy as well which can have similar presentation with bleeding along with pain abdomen so get an ultrasound done if there is a gestational sac seen inside uterus then you can be placed on progesterone support hcg injections human chorionic gonadotropin to allow placental cytotrophoblastic invasion into endometrium thereby supporting pregnancy and also absolute bed rest should be followed but there is absolutely no indication of termination at present when even fetal pole has not arrived the decision can be taken if the pregnancy does not grow till nine weeks revert back after the ultrasound abdomen to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online > what are the symptoms of crohn is disease,the most common symptoms of crohn is disease are abdominal pain often in the lower right area and diarrhea rectal bleeding weight loss and fever may also occur bleeding may be serious and persistent leading to anemia children with crohn is disease may suffer delayed development and stunted growth how do i treat a burn,children benefit from resistance training regardless of their age if they have not reached puberty yet it is best to focus on body weight exercises such as pushups sit ups and chin ups focus on proper form and technique rather than using resistance exercises with excessive weights to prevent injury this would be a good time to meet with a strength coach or trainer for guidance on proper form i believe the earlier the better but there really is no age appropriate time frame it is about starting a new routine learning what your body can do learning and adapting to what fits into your lifestyle and slowly working towards your goals my doctor wants to do an injection should a cortisone injection be done without ultra sound guidance,hi yes cortisone injection can be taken without ultrasound guidance once the xray is done and the exact location of the spur is noted doctor can give it without any ultrasound guidance the doctor needs to be skillful or else if he has no confidence then it would be better to take ultrasound guidance its a doctor is call thanks what is the treatment for a head lice infestation pediculosis,hm well that is an interesting question i am sorry you are having this problem when you have just begun an activity that should be good for your health not vice versa i would recommend you get this checked out by a physician many things could be causing the symptoms you describe only a physical examination can begin to solve the mystery best wishes on your fitness routine and i hope your leg problem gets resolved soon i have been suffering from joint disease for 2 months,stop infrared ttt you r still young may be you r suffering osteoporosis do bmd consult physiotherapist and orthopedist girlfriend in pain lower right abdomen pinching pain vomiting occasional reddish urine sudden sharp pain at first okay so my girlfriend recently had this sharp pain in her lower right abdomen area around the illeumappendix area and it goes from the right lower side all the way across to the lower left abdomen it started off as a sudden and sharp pain out of nowhere she was barely able to walk or sitlay down comfortably her urine was reddish a few days ago when it first happened but has not been odd lately just tonight she started vomiting and said she had been nauseous on and off all day,only women who no longer have a uterus should consider using estrogen alone therapy et for women with a uterus the option they might consider is estrogen plus progestogen therapy ept progestogen is needed to protect the uterus and balance the effects of estrogen using et alone for 5 or more years can more than triple the risk of developing cancer of the uterus but adding progestogen prevents the uterine lining endometrium from thickening and greatly reduces the cancer risk then of course each woman must determine with her healthcare provider if ept is right for her what are the diseases what can cause multimodal hallucinations i know of dementia but what are the others the person does not use drugs alcohol and does not it is not a cafeine overdosis,many physical and emotional disturbances can cause hallucinations according to health care the following are some of reasons that hallucinations may occur brain disorders including leisions and injuries sensory deprivation as seen sometimes in the blind & deaf emotional stress sleep deprivation mental illness as seen in schizophrenia alcohol withdrawl hallucinogenic drugs in the future will there be better ways to know if medicines are safe to use during pregnancy,most helpful answer i never heard of a case where an std was contracted from a bottle of old urine i think you are safe even if you recently had an open wound on your hand needless to say i assume that you wash your hands thoroughly after this exposure as long as you are not showing any signs of a skin infection around this wound you are in the clear urine is typically sterile unless the person has a urinary tract infection but i still would not want to have this old pee on my hands you are wise to be concerned but it would not be likely you can catch any disease from this exposure even if you did get a minor wound infection it would not be an std i may begin bp medication in the near future what are the different classes of bp meds and the proscons of each,if you have been off birth control having unprotected sex and now experiencing no period breast pain and nausea then of course you could be pregnant there can be certainly be other reasons to account for your array of symptoms but pregnancy would be high on the list and would need to be considered first what ingredients should i look for in toothpaste,this is a common and appropriate treatment for hypertension elevated blood pressure 5 year old daughter has leg pain doctors suggested haematology & serology,age spots technically called “solar lentigines ” are well defined uniformly colored areas of brown or grayish pigment that generally appear on the hands face neck and chest despite the name these spots are the result of prior sun exposure not age you can treat age spots several ways the most popular at home treatments are over the counter otc hydroquinone hq preparations which inhibit melanin production in the skin but they tend to be more effective for treating melasma or hormonally induced irregular pigmentations than for true age spots dermatologists often have better results with prescription strength retinol and hq creams which work faster than otc formulations dermatologists also use microdermabrasion chemical peels chemical spot treatments laser treatments and light therapy to lighten age spots some of these procedures require just one treatment others take two or three sessions remember to have a dermatologist check your age spots yearly to make sure they truly are benign and if you notice changes in color size shape or feel tell your skin care specialist right away could i be pregnant started feeling symptoms b4 i got my period in july and after took 2 tests and they were + i had my period in july14 1 and even before my period i started feeling symptoms like vomiting sleeping lots cramping and sore breasts and a week after my period i bled for a cpl hrs jul 27 so i took 2 tests on aug 1 2 weeks after the last day of my period and they were both positive pregnant,it is possible that you are pregnant but it could also have been a miscarriage you should definitely go see your doctor it is pretty uncommon to get a false positive on a pregnancy test good luck to you my wife is bcbs health insurance in texas is being cancelled dec 31 i have tried daily since oct 2 to get info at healthcare gov regarding eligibility i can go no further even though the website says the application is complete i have gotten the runaround from the call center and others regarding this glitch have other texans encountered a problem finding results for eligibility,although you are young and till now do not have any health problems you are eating too much meat the recommended daily amount of meat for your age is up to 200 grams per day the way of cooking the food matters together the amount you take unless you are an athlete and need a special regime is it safe to put hydrogen perioxide in your ears,yes it is safe but that depends on the reason you are using it if the integrity of your eardrum is in question or if you have an active ear infection i would not advise that you use it i fell in the shower and landed on my ribs i am in severe pain and it hurts to breathe could i have fractured a rib,hi pain in right kidney can be due to calculus infection or swelling in kidney infection also can be a cause testicles are usually painful due to conditions like orchitis or epididymitis…meaning inflammation you can take anti inflammatory tablets for 3 days if the pain doesnt go away you can get a usg done to see whats wrong drink plenty of water thanks how does a doctor choose the kind of stent needed to treat heart blockages,there are two basic types of stents that cardiologists use to treat blockages in coronary arteries both are made of metal but one type is coated with a polymer that has drugs embedded in it that can help prevent the re narrowing of the blockage that occurs in 20 30 of the blockages treated with the bare metal stents these drug eluting stents were a major step forward in the technology used to treat blockages but they also carry with them a need for longer periods of antiplatelet therapy aspirin plus clopidogrel than was required with the bare metal ones it is these two characteristcs reducing the risk of re narrowing balanced against the need for long term antiplatelet treatment that influence which stent a cardiologist might use to treat blockages for example blockages with a greater likelihood for re narrowing include very long blockages in smaller arteries cardiologists might more likely use a drug eluting stent for these while using bare metal ones for more discrete blockages in large arteries this is just one example cardiologists consider many patient factors for example is someone willing to take clopidogrel for a year as well as technical factors when making these decisions if you find out that you need a stent ask your cardiologist how and why heshe will make these decisions diagnosed with uti hiv positive hiv negative 6 years of anxiety what is wrong with me,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you what types of medications are available to treat nausea and vomiting,drugs used to treat nausea and vomiting are called antiemetics many types of antiemetics can decrease the severity of nausea although most require a medical evaluation and prescription medicines available over the counter are mainly recommended for use in motion sickness and for cases of mild nausea meclizine hydrochloride bonine is an antihistamine that is effective in the treatment of nausea vomiting and dizziness associated with motion sickness unless recommended by a doctor it should not be taken by people with lung diseases glaucoma or those who have difficulty urinating due to an enlarged prostate meclizine may cause drowsiness and should not be taken with other sedatives such as alcohol tranquilizers or sleeping pills due to drowsiness people using meclizine should not drive or operate dangerous machinery meclizine is not recommended in children under 12 or in pregnant or nursing women unless recommended by a doctor dimenhydrinate dramamine also is an antihistamine its use should be limited to motion sickness it can cause drowsiness and should be avoided in the same situations as meclizine several different formulations of dimenhydrinate are available including a children is liquid which should be used according to the directions under the direction of a doctor dramamine less drowsy formula contains meclizine like bonine and may have fewer sedative side effects both meclizine and dimenhydrinate are recommended to be taken about an hour before travel to prevent motion sickness emetrol is an oral solution designed to soothe the stomach when nausea and vomiting are caused by a viral or bacterial infection or overeating emetrol contains sugar and phosphoric acid diabetes patients should not use emetrol without medical supervision because of the concentrated sugar according to its manufacturer emetrol should not be taken for more than five doses in one hour without consulting a doctor consult a doctor before using this medicine for pregnant or nursing women and young children bismuth subsalicylate pepto bismol is a product containing bismuth subsalicylate a chemical shown to be effective in relieving nausea and upset stomach this remedy has a direct effect on the stomach lining and has no known serious side effects it may cause darkening of the stool color and of the tongue pregnant or nursing women should consult their doctors before using bismuth subsalicylate since part of the active ingredient salicylate is chemically similar to aspirin which may harm infants and the fetus patients allergic to aspirin or related drugs also should not use bismuth subsalicylate use under the direction of a doctor if you take anticoagulants blood thinners or have diabetes or gout because the salicylate may further promote the anticoagulant effect can a dermatologist help me with birthmarks,yes birthmarks should be evaluated by your dermatologist occassionally i have small smelly plaque like pieces that i can cough up or draw up from my throat what are they,they may be tonsilliths tiny accumulations of food and other debris that get trapped in the cryptsholes in your tonsils and the surrounding tissue they tend to smell andor taste nasty since the warm moist environment of the throat causes this material to decompose this is just a guess however since i have no way of examining you what causes athletes foot,athlete is foot tinea pedis is a fungal infection of the skin of the foot most athlete is foot is caused by one of two types of fungus trichophyton mentagrophytes often causes toe web or vesicular blisterlike infections the infection appears suddenly is severe and is easily treated trichophyton rubrum often causes moccasin type infections this condition lasts for a long time chronic and is difficult to treat you get athlete is foot when you come in contact with the fungus and it begins to grow on your skin fungi commonly grow on or in the top layer of human skin and may or may not cause infections fungi grow best in warm moist areas such as the area between the toes athlete is foot is easily spread contagious you can get it by touching the affected area of a person who has it more commonly you pick up the fungi from damp contaminated surfaces such as the floors in public showers or locker rooms although athlete is foot is contagious some people are more likely to get it susceptible than others susceptibility may increase with age experts do not know why some people are more likely to get it after you have had athlete is foot you are more likely to get it again if you come in contact with the fungi that cause athlete is foot you can spread the fungi to others whether you get the infection or not webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated are the toothbrushes that spin and the water pik sets worth the money or am i better off buying a regular toothbrush,hi these symptoms may be due to some drug interactions of the drugs that you are taking recheck the medicines their pharmacology and the doses and get it confirmed from your doctor can you take a stool softner if you have diverticulitis,there should not be a problem as a matter of fact a stool softener may be beneficial can i be pregnant hi i spotted for about two days and it was only about 2 hours each day the color was a very light pink and i could only see it on my toilet paper when i wiped and ive been feeling sick throwing up certain smells will make me vomit and how long should i wait to take a test,most helpful answer hi as long as you take the pill the way i have suggested then 7 days will do but any time you miss a pill do that again for 7 days stops you getting pregnant then ok good luck dry blood in ear after cleaning it,stop cleaning your ear earwax is not dirt but a protective coating for the sensitive ear canal if you remove it the skin will not be protected and it can bleed throw those q tips away if i take tylenol pm and tylenol arthritis pain am i taking too much what is the limit for acetaminophen each day,the only over the counter fda approved medication to help people lose weight is alli which contains orlistat this medication helps people lose weight by blocking some of the fat they eat from being absorbed and reducing the overall calories absorbed i just had my 5th spinal fusion pain right now is all muscle related please advise,you can do 12 hours brisk walking if you wantavoid any jumping however sleeping should be at least 6 hours at night and 2 hours mid day or in the afternoon to allow your discs to regain its fluids to continue the day i can not fall asleep i have bipolar disorder and high functioning autism which probably doesnt help help i have a very comfortable bed but i can never seem to fall asleep when i finally do fall asleep i tend to sleep for long periods of time example 8 12 hours,get a paper tablet and write one thousand times i will not mess with a pimple in my ear every again then call your medical provider explain the situation you will either be prescribed an oral antibiotic over the phone for the infection you most likely caused or you will need to be examined first hand and then prescribed an antibiotic you have to make sure that you are properly washing your ears everyday with mild soap and water you may also apply some topical medications that you can purchase over the counter clear clinic my 1 year old refuses to take sippy cup and wants the bottle we tried everything from trying different types of sippy cups to offering the sippy cup when she wakes up and is hungry overall in a day she takes approximately 1 2 oz through the sippy cup however when we offer the bottle she takes it happily but the doc told us not to give it anymore she is receiving milk through other means such as food and eats solids happily as well i was just wondering if anyone has advice on what to do to so she uses the sippy cup since she is now losing weight,this may be a dyshidrotic eczema… you can use cold compresses and topical steroids avoid friction and irritating contact usually subsides within 2 weeks if it increased or spread to other areas please consult a dermatologist… what are the symptoms of dementia,forgetfulness concentration is social media causing sleep problems in college students,no i cannot help you regain your sight but by seeing a ophthalmologist at a large university based medical center you may be able to benefit from having a high level evaluation if there were any way to restore your sight based on this exam i am sure they would discuss it with you had surgery with general anesthesia and eyes taped closed now have a blood blister looking spot on my eyelid normal,no it is not normal for you to have frequent nosebleeds congestion and headaches my advice for you is to see a medical professional so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated three important components that cannot be done blindly over the internet can drinking ginger ale raise your blood pressure,one of the first things to do is throw away those q tips and never use them again one possible cause of bleeding after a q tip use would be a ruptured eardrum or an abrasionscratch in the sensitive ear canal area pimples can also form in the ear canal it would take a hands on otoscopic examination by a medical provider to know the exact source and how to treat it since your original feeling was that there was something inside your ear canal this would be another reason to be examined a traumatic rupture of the eardrum should this be the cause can take several weeks to heal depending on the size of the rupture ear canal abrasions heal quicker but can become infected ear pain would be one clinical sign of an infection that you should look for do bi lingual doctors meet the requirements for language interpreters,yes if they are bilingual in the language of the patient i woke up muffled hearing and ear ringing in my right ear is it serious,hi a nerve in your ear might have been inflammed cover the ears by cotton buds to keep them warm take anti inflammatory tablets if the symptoms remain as they are and do not increase they you can definitely wait till morning thanks is it ok to continue to use the cpap when you have the flu i assume there is a small amt of moisture in your lungs when fighting the flu then your breathing in moisture during the night from the cpap,flu or not your body still needs oxygen perhaps even more so when you are ill use the cpap breathing in moisture never causes illnesses flu and colds are caused by viruses can i use ketoconazole to treat a yeast infection on a baby is neck my granddaughter has a really bad yeast infection on her neck it is weeping pretty bad can i use ketoconazole cream on it,ketoconazole has not be well tested on infants so i would advise against it if it is yeast then over the counter monistat or lotrimin is proven to be safer and equally as effective what is different about redheads,the only thing that is predictable about a young woman is menstrual cycle is it is unpredictability there are so many things that can cause your menses to temporarily stop stress diet illness hormonal fluctuations etc i would suggest that you see a gynecologist women is health specialist do not worry they are unlikely to require a pelvic exam but the doctor can help determine a specific reason and may give you medication that can restart your cycle if you are sexually active then yes this is a symptom of pregnancy it is possible that you may in fact give birth to our lord & savior jesus christ i have a fracture on my left hand finger while i was playing football,hi when you say your cycle this means your menstrual cycle ovulation is just a 1 day thing and it happens mostly around day 14 give or take a day male sperm needs to be in place around 3 to 4 days before that day its take male sperm 3 days to get in place to receive your egg either side so sperm splits up and goes to both ovary is and can live for up to 7 days if it gets there after day14 your probable safe did you get spotting around day 21 but some times you may not notice this happen good luck i am nauesous and unable to eat anything what could be wrong for the past 3 days i have been unable to eat anything on top of that i have been very nauesous to the point that i am dry heaving i have also become dizzy a few times over these last 3 days,water therapy hydrotherapy or aqua therapy is a program of exercises performed in a large pool water therapy may be easier on painful joints from psoriatic arthritis because the water takes some of the weight off the affected areas appropriate recreational exercise also may be beneficial but only if it is preceded by a program of range of motion strength and aerobic exercises to reduce the chance of injury regardless of the exercise program you select it is important to choose one you enjoy so that you maintain it before beginning any new exercise program discuss exercise options with your doctor also begin new exercise programs under the supervision of a physical therapist or qualified professional preferably one who has experience working with psoriatic arthritis patients furthermore it is important to know that improper exercise programs may worsen psoriatic arthritis check with your doctor or therapist before starting an exercise program and adjust your program if you experience any of the following unusual or persistent fatigue increased weakness decreased range of motion increased joint swelling continuing pain lasting more than an hour after exercising neuro nzt brain pill apex mastermind mental faculties product is built to enhance yourself and you should believe every day when utilizing it apex mastermind mental faculties product may be the supplement you will want leader human brain is a cognitive bettering supplement by onnit labs it is 9 fully normal and extremely well researched substances specifically made as a possible successful along with balanced nootropic ,contact your doctor immediately i have a rib insertionvertebra problem that give me so much pain,hi in my opinion your pain is due to scoliosis which is clear the rib and vertebrae falls in the angle by which the curve is most acute angle and this is normal with this cases your therapy needs to focus on posture correction and elongation of the short side muscles while strengthen the opposite weak overstretched muscles how long does med stay in urine hydrocodone and oxycodone,according to the american heart association during a heart attack nausea can be a typical symptom this occurs because the digestive system may not receive a sufficient enough blood supply and may result in the feeling of nausea how can i be pregnant easily i have polycystic doctors always gave me povera to make my menstration flow but it still doesnt work may i know the other why on how will i get pregnant easily thanks,if you have not seen your doctor yet particularly one that is trained in concussions as most primary care physicians are not you need to right away a concussion is swelling of the brain getting a 2nd concussion when still symptomatic from the first concussion is incredibly dangerous and can lead to very severe consequences such as permanent brain damage i cannot stress enough the importance of going to your doctor right away what is your opinion of dermal fillers,there has been a virtual revolution in our ability to rejuvenate sculpt contour and enhance without surgery with the fda approval of new soft tissue fillers the newest product to gain fda approval is sculptra which is more of a volumizer to help your body restore its own natural collagen and lasts 2 4 years other fillers such as radiesse restylane juvederm and perlane are also excellent options these are medical treatments that are safest and most effective when performed by trained aesthetic physicians rather than in a spa or by a non aesthetic physician are there any known links between ovarian cancer and bipolar disease my friend has been treated and cured of the ovarian cancer removal of ovary and chemotherapy but now suffers from bipolar and schizophrenia could there be any relationship between the two she has suffered for several years and has even undergone several rounds of ect with no lasting improvement could there be an underlying hormonal issue that has not yet been addressed where could she go to seek further help she is the mother of a 5 year old little girl and needs help thank you,no your hcg levels during pregnancy are controlled automatically by your pituitary gland and your brain you cannot increase them nor should you if you could burn to inside of forearm 4 days ago from hot curling iron been treating with silver sulfadiazine still oozing wet i dropped my curling iron onto my shoulder and forearm 4 days ago the burn to my shoulder is 1 x 1 inches the burn to the inside of my forearm is 2 x 12 inches and more severe the doc prescribed silver sulfadiazine to be applied twice a day and covered with stick free gauze squares the blisters broke almost right away very little pain but still looks open raw and is oozing brownish yellowish goop is it normal for it to ooze after 4 days and still look open,lewy bodies are brain cells that have abnormal pigmented spheres inside them they are found in the damaged parts of the brain in people with parkinson is disease i have this small bump at the inner corner of my left eye is it cancer,heartburn can be ruled out using other tests i have constant rectal pressure and numbess in my legs and feet i have ms hpv and a damaged liver i am on copazone injections for ms prozac for depression and ridilin to assist with energy my bilirubin was low on the last blood test i have pap tests every three months and have been frozen twice i had a hysterectomy and my cervix is all that is left,hi this may be due to severe gastritis or and stomach ulcer you should consult a gastroenterologist and get upper gastrointestinal endoscopy done to see whats wrong take antacids appetizers and pro bitotics thanks i have been putting on bug sprayoff before i go to bed at night since i have been getting bit at night is this safe my roommate is not cautious about leaving the door open at night for a long time when she comes in and out therefore we have a mosquito problem i have only been getting bit at night in my apartment i finally had enough of getting bit and decided to start putting on bug spray at night is it safe for me to sleep with bug spray on especially in my bed if not what are some home remedies i can try to keep the mosquitos from coming in when my roommate goes out is off bad for your skin,the various off insect repellant products are both safe and effective it will not harm your skin if used as directed and you can definitely use it at night when mosquitos are most active and hungry my heart goes out to you i am a mosquito magnet as well what vitamins help migraines,webmd has a list of vitamins and other supplements that might help with headaches the page lists the supplements weight of the evidence and reviews the link is below vitamins and supplements for migraines can a female human get pregnant from a horse i do not think i am pregnant with a horse is baby but could this even happen,i highly recommend you talk with someone at your local state health insurance assistance programs for free unbiased help find your local program by visiting the medicare gov medicare helpful contacts page or by calling 1 800 medicare 1 800 633 4227 23 years old multiple sclerosis ms patient for about 10 years is medication necessary,viruses bacteria or in rare cases parasites or other organisms cause pneumonia in most cases the specific organism such as bacteria or virus cannot be identified even with testing when an organism is identified it is usually the bacteria streptococcus pneumoniae many types of bacteria may cause pneumonia pneumonia caused by mycoplasma pneumonia is sometimes mild and called walking pneumonia viruses such as influenza a the flu virus and respiratory syncytial virus rsv can cause pneumonia in people with impaired immune systems pneumonia may be caused by other organisms including some forms of fungi such as pneumocystis jiroveci formally called pneumocystis carinii this fungus frequently causes pneumonia in people who have aids some doctors may suggest an hiv test if they think that pneumocystis jiroveci is causing the pneumonia you may get pneumonia after you breathe infected air particles into your lungs after you breathe certain bacteria from your nose and throat into your lungs this generally occurs during sleep during or after a viral upper respiratory infection such as a cold or influenza flu as a complication of a viral illness such as measles or chickenpox if you breathe large amounts of food gastric juices from the stomach or vomit into the lungs aspiration pneumonia this can happen when you have had a medical condition that affects your ability to swallow such as a seizure or stroke a healthy person is nose and throat often contain bacteria or viruses that cause pneumonia pneumonia can develop when these organisms spread to your lungs while your lungs are more likely to be infected such as during or soon after a cold or if you have a long term chronic illness such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease you can get pneumonia in your daily life such as at school or work community associated pneumonia or when you are in a hospital or nursing home healthcare associated pneumonia treatment may differ in healthcare associated pneumonia because bacteria causing the infection in hospitals may be different from those causing it in the community this topic focuses on community associated pneumonia webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i think i may have started my period but it is a lot lighter than normal and a different color with almost no cramps i also think i have a uti i have not had time to go to the drs my period started the day after my uti and it started about a week later than last month it is not the normal dark redlight pinkbrown it normally is and my flow is drastically lighter than normal also on the first day of my period i usually get pretty bad cramps this time i have barely had any also as of today i have been feeling naseaus and i have this dull almost crampy feeling in my lower right abdomen and whole lower back,yes it is safe to take sudafed with zyrtec there are no dangerous interactions between the two medications talk to your pharmacist whenever you have questions about medications he or she can help how is shingles contagious when i saw my doctor about a small bump on my arm she said i had the shingles virus i did not have a rash anywhere on my body i never had chicken pox but did have measles as a child i searched the web for an answer but they were confusing one person said that shingles is contagious and another says that its not i got a blood test and she said i had the virus my question is if it is contagious how was it transmitted to me she said i was exposed who had chicken pox when i was child help,to play it safe stop the playing until you consult your doctor but the blood flow in that region is increased during pregnancy bleeding can be normal my wife bled a lot during intercourse one time and we freaked out and rushed to er the l&d department assured us it was ok they told us to stop having intercourse and follow up with obgyn the obgyn gave us the go ahead for intercourse in our case and notify her of anything that seem unusual what type of exercise is best for a healthy heart,stretching slow lengthening of the muscles stretching the arms and legs before and after exercising helps prepare the muscles for activity and helps prevent injury and muscle strain regular stretching also increases your range of motion and flexibility cardiovascular or aerobic steady physical activity using large muscle groups this type of exercise strengthens the heart and lungs and improves the body is ability to use oxygen aerobic exercise has the most benefits for your heart over time aerobic exercise can help decrease your heart rate and blood pressure at rest and improve your breathing strengthening repeated muscle contractions tightening until the muscle becomes tired for people with heart failure many strengthening exercises are not recommended if i stop masturbating will it cure delayed ejaculation i am an 18 year old male who has sex with my girlfriend often i have never finished during sex however i can only finish when i am masturbating by myself i do look at a lot of porn also,hi a couple of links i think may just help you to find what is behind your problem the first is from the uk is nhs lots of info if you really rerad through it all this next one is a forum but you may find something in the way of help just copy links into google to open and read do hope there is some help here good luck what causes diaper rash and how is it treated,lots of ideas but unfortunately ideas are not patient specific diagnoses you will have to make an appointment with your gynecologist or primary care medical provider to see what is going on the complexity of this problem cannot be adequately addressed over the internet based solely on your brief description you need to be examined and have a few diagnostic lab tests my 2 year old wants to be picked up very often should i pick him up when he requests this my son just turned 2 last month he is in daycare during the week and when he is home with mom & dad he very often wants up then he often wants mom or dad to go this way or that way am i doing harm by indulging him by picking him up upon his request to be picked up often i want to be affectionate but i am afraid this is not good for him in the long run,you need to call your pediatrician as soon as possible to let them know about these symptoms in your baby it could be that he simply has a common cold but you do not take chances with an infant if your baby begins turning blue around the lips or under his nails or if he is running a fever as measured rectally you should seek emergency treatment by calling 911 otherwise just try to get an appointment with your pediatrician as soon as possible please review this list of 6 serious symptoms in babies never to ignore which provides excellent guidance meanwhile it is very important you keep your son well hydrated by making sure he nurses regularly do not give an infant water keep an eye on how wet his diapers are and if you notice his urine output decreasing you again need to seek emergency medical treatment for him use a suction bulb to remove mucus from his nasal passages to help him breathe better and keep a close eye on him when he is sleeping here are some more excellent tips for dealing with your infant is cold i hope your son gets better soon my 7 yr old son found a roundworm in his dirt pile & now i am freaking out does he need to be tested for roundworms my 7 yr old son thought he found an earthworm in his dirt pile but as soon as i seen it i knew it wasnt a earthworm i believe it is a roundworm & now i am freaking out bc he plays in his dirt pile every single day i know that he has gotten some of this in his mouth bc him & a friend were throwing dirt at each other & some was thrown in his mouth does he need to be checked for worms,not all round worms are human intestinal roundworms i am not sure what he found but the roundworms that you are concerned about live inside his colon not in a dirt pile you can certainly have him checked if you want stool specimen but if he is not having any intestinal symptoms of worms he may not have anything how do steroid shots help with fibromyalgia pain,also consider why you changed from lexapro lexapro is generally considered to be more effective in treating anxiety than celexa i know someone who had success with lexapro but the sexual side effects were too pronounced they switched to zoloft and had the same success and a decrease in sexual dysfunction can ringworm virus give someone shingles,sorry to hear you are experiencing this it sounds unpleasant you are right it could be gout it could also be something entirely different reynaud is phenomenon for example can cause a tinglingprickly sensation to the toes the only way to determine for sure what is causing your symptoms is a physical examination by a health care provider and even then you might not get an answer to your question why because there are so many possible causes for the symptoms you describe unless or until you experience additional symptoms a physician may not be able to pinpoint exactly what is causing the toe tingling one thing is for sure the only way to begin figuring this out is to see a health care provider i would suggest you start with your primary care provider wishing you well is it normal for a dr to remove your ovary and put it back in during an ovarian cyst removal 3 years ago i have a dermoid cyst removed from one of my ovaries the dr removed my cyst cleaned it out and put it back in since that surgery i was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and pretty sure i also have pcos everytime i tell a dr about that surgery i had had they do not believe me and unsure as to why how my ovary was removed and put back in i am also wondering if that could be what caused me to be hypothyroid,ovaries are not surgically removed and then put back ovarian cysts are on the outside of the ovaries in most cases so only the cyst is remove your ovarian cysts should have nothing to do with your thyroid problem but that would require a thorough investigation by your endocrinologist do i have lupus or some chronic viral infection,i do not find any possibility of a lupus infection however thyroid and chronic viral infection seem to be the possibilities in this case how should i dispose of materials used to inject pegasys,yes like smoking chewing tobacco and snuff also boost the chances of getting atherosclerosis even secondhand smoke seems to raise risk smoking causes blood levels of carbon monoxide to go up which may in turn increase risk of damage to artery linings tobacco use also raises ldl bad cholesterol and lowers hdlgood cholesterol constricts arteries and further decreases blood flow to tissues and makes blood more likely to clot can i get gentaloral herpes from my girlfriend who has gental herpes if i use a condom,although condoms really help herpes can be transmitted to any genital or oral surface not just the penis that is covered by a condom herpetic lesions can occur on the area around the base of the penis the testicles the anal area and certainly in or around the mouthnose when your girlfriend has active herpes this is the most contagious period i have been on mirena for a year my period has suddenly stopped after several months of lighter flow is this normal,hepatitis c is a disease caused by a virus that infects the liver in time it can lead to permanent liver damage as well as cirrhosis liver cancer and liver failure many people do not know that they have hepatitis c until they already have some liver damage this can take many years some people who get hepatitis c have it for a short time and then get better this is called acute hepatitis c but most people who are infected with the virus go on to develop long term or chronic hepatitis c although hepatitis c can be very serious most people can manage the disease and lead active full lives webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated should low testosterone be treated even if there are no symptoms what is the risk of a borderline low level what if is not treated,that is a very interesting question i am glad you asked in the medical community we often tend not to treat a condition that is asymptomatic does not have symptoms as long as you are sure your low testosterone levels are not related to another condition such as obesity or diabetes i think the choice of whether or not to treat it is up to you it is a discussion you should have with your health care provider he or she can contribute their expert medical knowledge and you can take into account your personal values and feelings between the two of you you can arrive at a decision that is right for you remember too you can always change your mind if you choose not to treat your low testosterone now but experience symptoms in the future you can always opt for testosterone replacement therapy likewise if you decide to treat your low testosterone now you can always choose to discontinue treatment later take care how can i appeal a decision rendered by medicaid regarding a partial plate on my dental coverage i had 2 molars removed am missing 2 canine teeth had 2 cavities treated the dentist said that medicaid would not cover the partial because they had determined my remaining teeth were not healthy enough for a partial to last 8 years and 1 day now i am stuck with missing teeth and a difficult time chewing my food i am currently unable to afford to purchase 2 partials to replace a smile and effectively chew wtf,you are entitled to appeal decisions whenever a claim for benefits is denied by medicaid i suggest you contact your local medicaid office for details about how to do so you can find the contact information at medicaid gov here is a link to the site and page you will need the first day of my last period was 103113 and still no period and took preg test t was negative what does this mean i was also on the pill but have never missed a period or been late till now i went to the doctors and all my labs came back normal my thyroid and my hormone levels all normal i had a ultrasound and it was normal as well i had no period in november and so far nothing for dec i am no longer on the pill i stopped it for this month i was supposed to start my period the week of nov 25th but nothing and i went to the doctors on december 2 2013 today is december 17 and still no period,hi this could be to a number of reasons stress and a change in diet can cause late periods other factors are age could this be the start of the menopause i would try not to worry to much as your thyroid and hormone levels are at the norm base line if you are still worried perhaps ask to see a gynaecologist to put your mind at ease my fallopian tubes are blocked do you recommend i freeze my eggs,hi yes freezing eggs is a good idea but remember that as you grow older successful egg implantation is harder and successful full term pregnancy is harder success rate is at maximum 12 not to mention the cost good luck can i take a bath with kidney stones,minoxidil is sometimes prescribed in rare cases when all other medicines do not work for the cause but i would suggest using herbal and natural medicines as well as similar products that can be applied to your hair and scalp allopathy medicines have unwanted side effects and should be avoided my daughter will be 10 in two weeks the last 2 days she has had brown discharge is this her period my daughter will turn 10 in a couple of weeks she is 58 inches tall under 100 pounds and very active a swimmer and dancer she has been having clear discharge for about 6 months and the last 2 days it has been brown is this her period,it may not be the weight loss but rather any changes in eating habits that caused the weight loss if someone is skipping meals drinking more alcohol exercising excessively and fasting this can increase the risk of hypoglycemia see your doctor to be sure for more on the various causes of hypoglycemia see this article what kind of skin conditioninfection is this yesterday an apparent skin infection on my check had swollen half of my face and made it extremely sensitive and sore i seemed to have brought it down with ibuprofen and ice but the size of the actual bump has not diminished and still hurts the bump itself looks like a raised inflamed elliptical area slightly over one inch long the area feels mostly hard underneath while the skin above it feels very dry what would cause this and should i see a doctor,there are no drug interactions between these two very different pharmaceuticals one is a prescription anti anxiety agent and the other is for constipation hopefully they will both do their individual jobs for you i had water in my ear i put a q tip in to absorb it not far in but it had a tiny bit of red blood on it when removed my right ear has always given me a problem because i use a syringe to clean out my ear when i was a teenager and it hurt all day long now it always is very sensitive and hurts when you put anything in it do i need to see a doctor about this ear,a tiny amount of blood would not be a cause for alarm the skin lining of the ear canal is rich in blood supply so you most likely irritated it when you used the q tip it is best to never use q tips inside the ear canal one of reasons water had a difficult time coming out of ears is because you do not have a adequate protective coating of ear wax when water meets a waxy surface it will just bead up and fall out by gravity but if you do not have a waxy surface the water will remain could putting splenda in my drinks or food be harmful to me,artificial sweeteners including splenda sucralose are considered safe and are a good option for limiting caloric intake there is actually no evidence in humans that any artificial sweetener is dangerous to our health other sweeteners include equal aspartame and sweetn low saccharin there are also many generic alternatives stevia truvia is an herbal sugar substitute while early studies suggested a possible link between aspartame and cancer other research has refuted that and it is also considered safe experiencing fever cold sweats chills fatigue burning eyes and a deep pain in my mid section,hi dane … is there any problem with urination have you changed drug or place recently have you been swimming or exposed to sea water for you have runny nose or abdominal pains my 11 month old drinks soy formula can i switch her to whole milk,dementia can have many causes many of which are unknown also there are different kinds of dementia it is not just one condition sometimes dementia can have a cause like lead poisoning or mercury poisoning other heavy metals certain poisons etc sometimes it just happens and the cause is never found sometimes it can happen with aging a person is life expectancy does not really change if they have dementia which is the really heartbreaking part if their body is maintained even after they cannot think anymore they may live on you will find more information by checking wikipedia under this same topic mayoclinic com or by reading here can i find a medicaid doctor for suboxone,when blood pressure is not sufficient to deliver enough blood to the organs of the body the organs do not work properly and can be temporarily or permanently damaged for example if insufficient blood flows to the brain brain cells do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients and a person can feel lightheaded dizzy or even faint going from a sitting or lying position to a standing position often brings out symptoms of low blood pressure this occurs because standing causes blood to settle in the veins of the lower body and this can lower the blood pressure if the blood pressure is already low standing can make the low pressure worse to the point of causing symptoms the development of lightheadedness dizziness or fainting upon standing caused by low blood pressure is called orthostatic hypotension normal individuals are able to compensate rapidly for the low pressure created by standing with the responses discussed previously and do not develop orthostatic hypotension when there is insufficient blood pressure to deliver blood to the coronary arteries the arteries that supply blood to the heart is muscle a person may develop chest pain a symptom of angina or even a heart attack when insufficient blood is delivered to the kidneys the kidneys fail to eliminate wastes from the body for example urea bun and creatinine and increases in their levels in the blood occur shock is a life threatening condition where persistently low blood pressure causes organs such as kidneys liver heart lung and brain to fail rapidly how fast can arthritis develope in a broken foot i broke my left foot over a year ago and am still having problems i have been told it is arthritis and nothing can be done except fuse the foot what no one can or will tell me is why no problem before breaking the foot but after breaking it i suddenly have arthritis can it develop that fast i feel like the doctors and insurance nurse just want me to go away thank you,hm you raise an interesting question it is true that broken bones may be more prone to developing arthritis it helps to understand that osteoarthritis which is what we are talking about here does not necessarily mean the development of painful bony spurs in a joint which is what a lot of people think technically osteoarthritis refers to the raw edges of two pieces of bone rubbing together painfully we usually think of osteoarthritis as something that comes on gradually over the course of years because that is how the disease usually progresses in healthy tissue osteoarthritis is called the wear and tear disease because under normal circumstances the cartilage between bones in a joint wears away over the decades until the two pieces of bone grind against each other however the course may be different for osteoarthritis caused by trauma such as a broken bone i would suggest you sit down with your doctor and have him or her define arthritis for you so that you understand better what they are talking about they should also be able to explain in very clear terms how it is arthritis could develop in your foot so quickly i hope this information helps i happened to be in the same boat as you except i now know for sure i have to have fusion in my wrist which will dramatically reduce my wrist is range of motion i fractured my wrist twice first time very badly in 1981 and the second time only about 2 years ago although it was set correctly yet the second time it broke very easily because it had become suseptive to breakage due to the first severe fracture it only took one year for my wrist to develope arthritis to the extend that the only solution now is fusion withtitanium i have very soft bones and my body is arthitis proned and any trauma to my bones especially to areas that bones connect to catlidge soon develope arthritis in your case i think for one your fracture must have been relatively severe and in an area where jointcartlidge has an imprtant and pehaps muli range function and two it could have not been set very correctly and or your joints like mine are proned to arthritis due trauma physical therapy is very important after the bone heals age certainly has someting to do with it in other words the younger one is the better and quicker the bone and cartlidge heal and thus the likelihood of development of arthritis is less what triggers arthritis is when cartlidges between two connecting bones ware off due to either age or trauma usually when the connecting bone to the cartlidge is repositioned off its normal or natural position which can occur with bone fracture or even after it set do get second and third openion from expert surgeons good luck had this happen to me did the fussion 3 times and they all failed i am type 2 diabetic so i have not been well for some time now no one can give me an answer,hi dear i understand your concern and believe that its not in your head and definitely something is wrong the diagnosis that you made of hidradenitis supparitiva is to some extent corect but you do not have all its symptoms your symptoms are multi organ based and you should take symptomatic treatment as and when needed doing exercises meditation and yoga can help thanks i was able to afford prevastatin without insurance now the price has sored how can get this drug with out insurance,look for patient assistance programs needymeds org has information on thousands of programs more than 10 000 free low cost or sliding scale clinics drug discount coupons and nearly 1 000 application assistance programs which help consumers navigate the confusing application process rxassist org offers a database of pharmaceutical company programs look for patient assistance programs needymeds org has information on thousands of programs more than 10 000 free low cost or sliding scale clinics drug discount coupons and nearly 1 000 application assistance programs which help consumers navigate the confusing application process rxassist org offers a database of pharmaceutical company programs is fried chicken a starch,hi of course surgery is risky and has adverse effects and long term complications of its own so you should avoid it as far as possible physiotherapy should be taken atleast for 21 days only if you see no improvement after 21 days then you can think of surgery thanks i have an overactive bladder need advice,also for me i wasent normal for more than a year thats very normal with depo i dont think its anything to worry about if your trying to have a baby it likely you wont be able to untill a year or so after getting of the shot i got prego with my son i year and 5 months after getting off the shot if you are trying its best to take an opk to see of your ovulating again i have pain and limited movement along right body side,assuming you have the medical skills to examine someone is hands to rule out a herpetic lesion herpetic whitlow keep in mind that a person can shed the herpes viruses like from shingles etc when an active lesion is not obvious woman with stabbing pain in lowre left abdomin almost groin had gastric bypass 4 weeks ago been fine but three days ago started feeling bloated and hadnt moved bowels in 5 days usually has been 3 days so i took a laxative and it worked but the problem is that before the laxative i started to have a bad stabbing pain in my left groin and is still there even after i moved my bowels hurts most when i get up from laying down or up from sitting what could it be i also started to exercise at that same time,please be respectful of webmd answers and refrain from advertising your product or services on this important medical information site your inappropriate posting takes up valuable space for individuals seeking answers to their medical questions i have type ii diabetes what is the best form of exercise for my condition i take metformin twice a day and insulin in the evening i would like a recommendation on a good exercise program especially since i have a busy and sometimes inconsistant schedule,most helpful answer the easy answer would be any exercise find an activity that you like it can be as simple as walking aerobic or even taking up a sport like tennis the best exercise program is really one that you will do on a regular consistent basis at least three or more times per week find a partner it is easier to exercise with a friend my grandma fell her ankle is now huge and swollen,yes you may have been exposed to fecal contaminants but they will not automatically jump inside your body through intact skin or through your clothing since you cannot change your clothes or belt then just thoroughly wash your hands and avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth until you can change your clothing this may be the best you can do right now short of a shower and buying new clothing over your lunch hour how does the affordable care act affect those treated through the va,the health reform law does not make any significant changes to tricare or veterans affairs coverage so if you are an active or retired member of the military your current coverage will not be impacted also you will not be required to purchase any additional insurance coverage that goes for people with a combination of medicare and tricare coverage as well my brother in law accidentlty poked his hand with a jack knife it bled and now he has a lump where he got poked,sorry to hear about this it is hard to tell what is going on here without doing a physical examination depending on the size of the wound that lump could be a normal part of the healing process or it could be an infection or hematoma collection of blood in the tissue if your brother in law develops a fever over 101f as measured by a thermometer not just by feeling a forehead or guessing he should get checked out by a medical professional as this may be a sign of an infection developing also if the wound continues to swell turns hot to the touch or oozes a green foul smelling discharge those would all be reasons to head for urgent care i am wondering if your brother in law is up to date on his tetanus shot every adult needs a booster injection every 10 years if your brother in law does not know if his tetanus immunization is current he should be alert for symptoms of tetanus that could develop within 2 weeks of this accident including headache trouble opening his mouth lockjaw trouble swallowing stiff neck back and shoulders again i am sorry to hear about this accident it is a good reminder to be careful using sharp objects and also for everyone to keep their tetanus shot current what to do when toenail comes off i am a diabetic but my toe nail was getting thick and discolored and it came off what should i do to treat it or should i see my diabetic doctor,see your diabetic doctor or a podiatrist you may have a fungal condition of your nails called onychomycosis but this will need to be confirmed and properly treated not self treated as you know i have no way of examining your feet it is best not to mess with your own nails when you have diabetes my 3 yr old has a 101 7 fever shakes headache fatigue and is sweating a lot is it just the flu he also has no appetite should i take him to the er,take them to the hospital could i be pregnant 8 years after a tubal ligation i had a tubal ligation 8 years ago i am 33 now i had the tubal where they cut out a piece of the tube i am usually pretty regular in my cycle i am usually around 28 30 days i am now over 2 weeks late could i be pregnant i took a home pregnancy test and it was negative i have had cramping many days in the last couple of weeks thinking my period was coming each time but nothing i have also had mild spotting after intercourse,it is not very likely if the tubal ligation was successful however there have been cases where the tubes have reattached after surgery or the surgery was botched but this is rare very rare the tubal ligation is considered permanent sterilization the only way to get pregnant after a tubal ligation is to have them surgically reattached or to have an in vitro procedure where a fertilized egg is implanted into your healthy uterus there are many other reasons other than a miracle pregnancy for an irregular or late period so if you are concerned you would need to see your women is health care specialist sometimes just making the appointment is enough to trigger a late period i do not really have an answer for you but i was wondering the same thing i have had my tubes tied for 10 years now however my husband and i did not have relations for over three years and i have had irregular periods for the last twelve years we had relations on dec 25th and now i have been feeling morning sickness tender breast hungrier then normal light headed spacey heartburn hiccups a swollen abdomen area and more emotional i have also done 2 preg tests and they both came back neg could i be preg can you get postpartum depression after an abortion it is been about 6 months and i feel over emotional all the time i feel overwhelmed by day to day life and cry at the drop of a hat happy tears sad tears i am usually just crying my unborn child was not developing correctly and causing me a lot of pain my husband and i were told our child would not be normal thus the decision to end the pregnancy are my hormones just still going back to normal or is it depression i had postpartum with my first child but not my second,hi many women recover with treatment such as a support group counselling or medication but try and keep away from meds if you can the emotional effects of postpartum depression can include sleep deprivation anxiety about parenthood and caring for an infant identity crisis a feeling of loss of control over life and lack of support from a romantic or sexual partner how much is your husband helping you have read through these links there from this natural ways out of postpartum depression on google there is lots more if you think you need them just copy one at a time into google to the www to open and read hope something here brings help to you good luck how do alcohol and drugs affect a teen with epilepsy,hi yes you should use tablets every month there is no safe permenant solution regarding losing weight avoid carbohydrates eat oily food containing plants oil like olive and corni know it sounds weird avoid animal fats like butter avoid completely avoiding oil can stop your metabolism also do a thyroid profile to make sure it is not hormonal related good luck most of my bowel movements are hard pebbles most of the time i use a rubber glove on my hand to get the stool out why i eat a lot of fiber and have used senocot and miralax without much relief i also have pain in my groin area that affects my walking sometimes i have been having this problem for a few years i also have gerd and take protonics for that what can i do,i certainly think you should see a doctor about this what you are describing sounds like very hard stool that is difficult to pass this possibly could cause a bowel obstruction eventually it sounds like you have done some good things by eating plenty of fiber and trying laxatives you should also be sure to drink plenty of fluids to stay well hydrated some medications for acid reflux can cause constipation so be aware of that your health care provider should be able to help you figure out if you have a serious constipation issue or if there is something else going on either way a medical professional can help you treat this and get back to having comfortable bowel movements best wishes to you can vagisil treat vaginal warts and yeasts,the short answer is no but there is more to it than that vagisil is an over the counter product designed to treat some of the symptoms of a yeast infection including itching however vagisil does not contain medication to treat the yeast infection itself for that you first need an accurate diagnosis from a doctor second you need a medication such as miconazole cream vaginal warts are a whole other story genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease if you believe you have vaginal warts you need to avoid having sex even with a condom and see a doctor as soon as possible to determine if you have been infected with human papillomavirus hpv i hope you can see a health care provider soon to get a diagnosis and treatment if necessary best wishes to you my doctor has given me a really expensive medication pristiq are there any ways to reduce those costs,i know it is hard to justify when you get a new medication and it is expensive but this medication might be the right medication and in the long run might actually save you money this is a once a day medication it is used for depression and if it helps you and it makes you feel better then that is a good price to pay when you do not feel well with depression and you do not take these types of medications and you take some that have to be taken more frequently or might have more side effects you forget to take them therefore if there is a price on your quality of life and then also you are going to see the doctor more often which means that your overall healthcare costs are actually going up so there are patient assistance programs available through the manufacturers patients may want to look into that as helping offset the cost of that medication at the end of the day it might be the right fit how do you treat a toddler is bruised penis bruised due to trauma dropping of toilet seat on it,baby your baby measures about 18 inches long from head to toe and weighs about 3 5 pounds rather than hearing vibrations baby is nerve endings in his ears are connected now so that he can hear distinct sounds like familiar voices and music mom to be your uterus now fills a large part of your abdomen and you have probably gained between 21 and 27 pounds you are probably feeling increasing excitement and anxiousness about the birth it will not be long now tip for the week practice your breathing and relaxation exercises how contageous is mrsa and how does one pass it on to another person my wife has been diagnosed with mrsa how can i prevent myselft from getting it too washing my clothes with hers drinking out of the same glass even though i washed it thouroughly,there may be a number of reasons why a woman gets depressed hormone changes or a stressful life event such as a death in the family can cause chemical changes in the brain that lead to depression depression is also an illness that runs in some families other times it is not clear what causes depression during pregnancy during pregnancy these factors may increase a woman is chance of depression history of depression or substance abuse family history of mental illness little support from family and friends anxiety about the fetus problems with previous pregnancy or birth marital or financial problems young age of mother after pregnancy depression after pregnancy is called postpartum depression or peripartum depression after pregnancy hormonal changes in a woman is body may trigger symptoms of depression during pregnancy the amount of two female hormones estrogen and progesterone in a woman is body increases greatly in the first 24 hours after childbirth the amount of these hormones rapidly drops back down to their normal non pregnant levels researchers think the fast change in hormone levels may lead to depression just as smaller changes in hormones can affect a woman is moods before she gets her menstrual period occasionally levels of thyroid hormones may also drop after giving birth the thyroid is a small gland in the neck that helps to regulate your metabolism how your body uses and stores energy from food low thyroid levels can cause symptoms of depression including depressed mood decreased interest in things irritability fatigue difficulty concentrating sleep problems and weight gain a simple blood test can tell if this condition is causing a woman is depression if so thyroid medicine can be prescribed by a doctor other factors that may contribute to postpartum depression include feeling tired after delivery broken sleep patterns and not enough rest often keeps a new mother from regaining her full strength for weeks feeling overwhelmed with a new or another baby to take care of and doubting your ability to be a good mother feeling stress from changes in work and home routines sometimes women think they have to be super mom or perfect which is not realistic and can add stress having feelings of loss loss of identity of who you are or were before having the baby loss of control loss of your pre pregnancy figure and feeling less attractive having less free time and less control over time having to stay home indoors for longer periods of time and having less time to spend with your partner and loved ones is it normal that my period is late almost 8 days now i have never had sex so i can not be pregnant i am 16 and i am always regular it was ramadan recently so i fasted and my sleeping pattern kind of messed up i went to sleep at 4 am and woke up at 3 pm like the whole month but before that i have always went to sleep at like 11 pm plus i ate a lot less everyone says i have lost weight and i do not know if i should be worried or not i would reaaaaaaally appreciate your help,hi your just find its a skipped period your have put some stress on your body for the last month with ramadan so just sit back and wait you should find things fall back into place and your body will be ok and getting pregnant will be no problem hope this eases your mind just enjoy the rest of your celebrations good luck it is too expensive is there a cheaper alternative,sometimes if you use a soy based product that can help make the hair appear finer softer and some have even said that it slows the hair growth so you can look for products that are soy based and that might help you to start with vaniqa is a prescription product that is often not covered by insurance and can be expensive you can try different pharmacies and you might find some cost savings there but what vaniqa does is that it contains an ingredient that blocks an enzyme that the hair follicle requires to grow and in that way it slows the growth of hair it does not work for everybody and it can take about two months to really see the results and then when you stop using it it stops working so this is a product that if it works for you can be quite dramatic but you will have to use it over time to maintain the results i have chronic back pain – gotten worse over the past few months,hi u seem to be suffering from lumbar prolapsed interverterbral disc that may be causing the nerve roots of the legs to be compressed this may cause severe pain in any posture get mri lumbosacral spine done to find the exact diagnosis consult a orthopedist thanks does water therapy ease the pain of psoriatic arthritis,nothing about medicare in this regard is changing for details about how benefits work and how to prepare for billing contact your local state health insurance assistance programs ships shipnpr shiptalk org or call 800 677 1116 if you dip half of a lemon in sugar and put it on your face is that bad for your skin my sister and i are having a debate on wether or not sugar and lemon are good for your skin if you dip half a lemon in sugar and use it as a scrub on your face will that cause any bad reactions i know that you are not suppose to go out in direct sunlight after doing this but what else can it cause i am using this scrub and nothing happens but she says its not safe,if putting lemon and sugar on your face was therapeutic and effective for skin problems everyone would be doing it lemons have high acid content and bacteria one of the underlying causes of acne is not found of acid but i have never read a study that supports this method acne is caused by hormones and you really can not scrub hormones away washing your face is fine for the oil but acne is not caused by dirty skin i am assuming that acne is your issue rather than put fruit all over your face as well as sticky sugar my suggestion would be for you to see your medical provider or a dermatologist for some expert advice there are so many excellent acne medications available to you and they are proven to be more effective than any home remedy is any one kind of dental floss better than the others or is it all a matter of preference,some dentists feel that unwaxed floss may remove more plaque i have always felt that whichever product works the best and is the easiest for you to use is the best if floss gets shredded stuck or torn in half in your teeth it is probably a sign that a dental procedure is needed i feel waxed is better as is does not shread as easy i floss every day and night i also brush 5 6 times a day depending on how often i eat i love my pretty teeth so i take good care of them dental floss is a very important thing to do to keep your mouth healthy and clean it helps to wash off all food particles that stick to to to between the teeth is there a pill which can prevent pregnancy if taken after sex condom broke,hi if this is within the last 72 hours then yes you go get yourself a plan b its a morning after pill this is what you want but now you have had a fright time to really think about bc for you like the bc pill ring implant cap or iud but please say no to depo shot just to many side effects hope this helps you good luck 62 yrs old having tenderness around my nipple when clothes rub against it some pain in whole breast not pregnant post menopausal so no periods or pregnancy it this something to be concerned about been going on for about 2 months only happening in one breast,like all medications vaccines can have side effects but the risk of harm or death from the influenza vaccine is rare the flu shot and nasal spray can cause different types of side effects flu shot side effects may include low fever muscle aches soreness redness or swelling where the shot was given the nasal spray flu vaccine for adults may cause cough headache muscle aches runny nose nasal congestion sore throat rarely someone may have a severe allergic reaction to an ingredient in the vaccine most of the time such reactions occur within a few minutes to a few hours of receiving the vaccine the following can be signs of a severe allergic reaction behavior changes breathing difficulty including wheezing dizziness hoarse voice high fever hives pale skin rapid heart beat weakness seek immediate medical care if you notice any of these signs after receiving the influenza vaccine i had a sinus infection that turned into headaches migraine and dizziness,hi it seems that you still havent been completely got cured from sinus infection these are symptoms of chronic sinusitis i recommend you to get a ct pns done to see whats wrong and if needed an sinoscopy done consult a ent specialist thanks can a sinus infection cause urinary frequency and pain,stress is not considered a cause of fever i am in florida where do i begin my search for health insurance coverage,go to healthcare gov that is where you will need to apply the site has some trouble right now so check but do not be discouraged if you have to go back a few times to get the job completely done am i pregnant so i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend one day before my period started he did not ejaculate in me and usually my period lasts about 5 7 days and my cycle is about 27 days on average is it still possible for me to become pregnant,12 years old dystonia is most probably an acquired disease it may occur during early years of life of around 10 11 years when the brain development takes place the reason for dystonia though is not the animals or pets around in the family it is surely related to a neurological disease that needs to be found out eeg and mri brain need to be done is using baby powder or dry shampoo between shampoos bad for your hair,this is for you can i have sex with a pregnant woman while taking valaciclovir,no do not pop it typically it will need a week to heal fully if it is still there at that point it may need a second treatment do anti psychotic pills work for anxiety my doctor prescribed me anti psychotic pills because i am smelling a foul odor coming from my nose and mouth i have read up on anxiety and feel 100 percent this is my problem one of the symptoms is something about what i am experiencing by taking these anti psychotic pills i feel horrible i do not feel i am crazy i also suffer from acid reflux and am only treating myself with otc meds that do not work not sure if this also could be related to the odor i have depression issues,usually anti psychotic drugs have serious side effects just stop taking them depends of the amount of pills you take please reduce it slowly and let your doctor knows that you are planning to leave them considering that anxiety can be just a mild stress situation it can be treated with alternative medicine natural instead i know the odor coming from your nose and mouth can be produce by the anti acids you probably take for your stomach please leave these otc as well i will suggest to find out what it triggers your anxiety and to learn about your condition might be better option and easier way to fight anxiety if you look for professional help get a holistic doctor you might also get into a eating regimen avoid foods that will upset your stomach eg pizza tomato sauce chocolate orange juice instead eat rice oatmeal almond milk they will sooth the lining of your tummy regarding your depression i am sure is associated with all of this medication pills for anxiety and anti acid relievers that are affecting your gut where we find our neurotransmitters if we lack our system to produce this important chemicals we are going to feel somehow sad and tired it is very crucial that if you do all this changes do it progressively and exercise at least three times a week remember we have to remove toxicities from our body medications stays in your system for a long period be patient can i take ibuprofen while taking amoxicillin,absolutely if you are medically able to take them separately you can take them together i had my genital warts removed by surgical excision 3 days ago how do i know if they are infected i have been cleaning with soap and water 2 3 times a day and apply bacitracin as well i did not get stitches he used silver nitrate to stop the bleeding in these places it looks as if they are oozing with puss but it seems more gooey and does not come off,the link between calcium as a child and the strength of adult teeth is not proven if your teeth are cracking it is probably the result of failing fillings the most important nutritional advice i can give you is to reduce the ph or acid content in your mouth and avoid soda which leaches the calcium from your body xylitol gum anti caries rinses and fluoride supplements will all harden your teeth and make them less susceptible to cavities can a chloresterol pill and high blood pressure pill be given at the same time,i do not know the names of the particular pills there are many different blood pressure and cholesterol lowering medications but generally it would be fine to take them together just be sure this is a question that your pharmacist or medical provider should answer since they will know what you are taking i am 54 and 100 lbs overweight recently started zumba twice per week 7 wks ago & im feeling worse not better about 20 minutes in the zumba routine i have trouble taking deep breaths i get a headache and emotionally i want to start crying as i push myself through the hour routine my breathing and emotion gets better i wonder if something may be wrong with me or if my big body is still trying to adjust no hbp no diabetis only history of kidney stones and hypoglycemeia,see your medical provider for an okay before you start any exercise regime or diet program to make sure there are no medical contraindications some overweight people find it better to loose some weight first before starting an aggressive exercise regime exercise alone will not get those extra hundred pounds off my lower right side of abdomen has been hurting can it be my ovary i have been to the er and urgent care thinking it was my appendix they has told me that it might be my ovaries but did not check them the pain comes and goes but it hurts the most when i am sitting down can it be my ovaries does having cyst in the ovaries cause a female not to get a menstrual cycle i have also been trying to get pregnant and no luck ,yes they are related both hydroxyzine and diphenhydramine are antihistamines used to treat allergic reactions both cause drowsiness and dry mouth as side effects hydroxyzine is available only by prescription but diphenhydramine is available over the counter i have no fever but my skin feels hot what does that mean this usally happens mid day and what happens is the core of my body gets hot my skin is hot to the touch and i feel as though the sun is shining from the inside of my body outwards it is very frusterating because no matter if i turn the ac on or run ice over my skin in a few minutes the same inner hot feeling comes back,herpes does not travel around your body like that certainly the genital and anal areas could be herpes but i would be very surprised if those on your torso are herpes if you wonder more you should have them swab tested when they appear also herpes does not usually recur in the mouth but rather on the outside of the mouth sores in the mouth are more often canker sores not caused by herpes virus excruciating bladder pain…doctors in a dead end,check for large medical centers that test for hivstdetc for free and just get a test if necessary there are doctors here that test people who also work at hospitals that use insurance these are doctors have pretty good knowledge on just about everything up to date nowadays it would be hard to ask them a question without getting a test to see about the throat because usually there in the back my guess is that you have probably picked up an allergy and maybe need something like flonase to cure it up try backtracking to find as nearly possible this could have happened it says you do not have insurance but that would be the best bet so that a doctor could check it out is it possible that a baby could be conceived on august 29 2011 and deliver june 27 2012,it appears that you do need medication or insulin since you appear to have diabetes you need to see your medical provider or a diabetic specialist and get this into control you will also need to follow a diabetic diet can prescription drugs be passed to another individual in seminal fluid,no alcohol consumption will not cause acne but it certainly can cause a plethora of other problems drink responsibly and have your acne treated by a medical professional or dermatologist can you get shingles in the lungs,similar to any type of exercise if you begin to feel symptoms such as chest pain shortness of breath fatigue dizziness or palpitations it definitely makes sense to slow down what you are doing whether you are a man or woman if you are pretty certain it is angina which is temporary pain or pressure in the chest when the heart does not get enough oxygen it might help to take your nitroglycerin the exception to that advice is for men who use medication for erectile dysfunction it is dangerous to take nitroglycerin too your blood pressure can fall to dangerously low levels and there is an increased risk of heart attack and even death if you are on an erectile dysfunction drug and have heart related symptoms during sex call your doctor i woke up this morning with an excruciating pain in my foot it is painful to touch and is hot to the touch not a cramp there are no marks or bruising it feels like someone stomped down on it or like it may be broken it gets really painful and throbs then it eases up a little but it does not go away,one possibility for sudden excruciating foot pain usually the big toe is the most painful would be gout assuming you are not having muscle cramps a spider bite or an injury this possibility would be high on my list you would need to see your medical provider right away so that you can have a simple lab test if your medical provider feels that you do have gout this can be promptly treated and you can get some immediate relief i am depressed because my husband can not ejac during sex but can with mast he says its normal and my problem true or no husband can ejaculate from masturbating but not from sex unless it lasts two hours which then hurts me it has caused me mejor psychological stress since weve been together and he just has the attitude that its my problem that i even have a problem and is unwilling to even try to stop masturbating or watching porn he told me today that im being emotional and acting like a little girl and its not a problem with him at all because he is normal am i being too emotional or is he the one w the prob,as a couple you both have a problem but it may take a few visits to a counselor to work it out if you can convince him to do it may be difficult if he is excessively masturbating and watching porn then he may have a warped view of sex that needs addressing while there is nothing wrong with self pleasure he seems to be preferring masturbation of intimacy with his wife for women sex is the most intimate form of communication and you and your husband are not communicating very well you may be having sex in ordered to be loved and touched and this is not happening i do not think you are too emotional you both can have a mutually pleasurable sex life again but you will need to work out some barriers first if he cares about you he will participate in some problem solving is it normal to not see a heart beat or movement on an ultrasound around the 6 7 week mark,wow thank you both for your answers as i am only 6 weeks pregnant and just returned from the dr the ultra sound showed the sac but no baby yet i so hope everything will be fine and that i am not having an early miscarriage my thoughts and prayers are with everyone for a healthy pregnancy my 2 year old has had diarrhea for almost three days now is it safe to give him pepto bismol along with pedialyte,in the short term gaining the suggested amount of weight reduces the risk of preterm birth birth before 37 weeks of gestation and promotes a baby that is not too big or too small at delivery in the long run research suggests that the greater the weight gain during pregnancy the higher the risk of having an overweight child and one with higher blood pressure children who are born too small which can result from inadequate weight gain during pregnancy are more prone to certain chronic conditions including heart disease and diabetes during adulthood what if you miss the mark for recommended weight gain if you are off by just a few pounds either way it probably will not make much of a difference the iom institute of medicine guidelines provide a range in each bmi category suggesting that good outcomes are achieved with all different weight gains listen to the advice of your doctor or nurse midwife about weight gain but if you have doubts ask what is right for you can scabies infest throat my 8yo has been clearing his throatconstgantly started the same time got scabies my 8yo has cough var asthma had a flareup in aug pc ordered steroids & neb steroid 2x daily and zyrtec in aug while on treatment he got scabies cough improved he felt like something in throat constantly clearing his throat sep at pc his sinuses throat lungs all clear sent him to ent 3weeks later at ent had sinus drainage and throat clearing had increased to cough ent gave him nasal spray then got worse went to er prednisone & nebs up to 2x day & he is no better but lungs clear o2 97+,scabies only infests the skin they will not live in the throat the throat clearing is just a coincidence and most likely do to the medications he is taking that may be causing post nasal drainage which is the most effective herbal remedy for weight loss i am suffering from obesity and feeling uncomfortable and also demoralized because of your extra pounds,while excess weight does not necessarily cause arthritis in places like your feet it can exacerbate it or make it progress in a more rapid fashion excess weight puts additional stress on joints making arthritis symptoms worse losing weight will not cure arthritis but it can help slow down the progression of the disease for more details on how this works see this webmd article weight bearing joints like knee and ankle are most likely affected by arthritis being overweight is a known risk factor of arthritis and even putting on 10 pounds may worsen the arthritis while treating arthritis in obese and overweight individuals weight loss is considered as an important strategy is epilepsy a genetic disorder,caution should be the watchword here any med taken with alcohol can be a problem because almost all meds have to go through the liver to be broken down and that is exactly where the alcohol goes too so there is a fight in the liver for passage and because of this the med builds up in your system since it can not be broken down the result is something like a massive dose of the med and this has consequences it is never a good idea to drink alcohol when you are taking any type of psychotropic med some of them can have extremely bad effects but not everyone is aware enough of this the best advice is to avoid alcohol are vaginal yeast infections contagious,yes yeast can be transmitted to a susceptible partner is having chronic diarrhea after appendix removed normal it has been removed over 3 weeks ago,hi not good just make sure your drinking plenty see your doctor asap but cant think of reason why you are assuming the cross over other wise you would have had it from straight after your op good luck can u still breast feed with yeast on your breast,here are 10 questions about osteoporosis to discuss with your doctor whether you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or want to know how to prevent osteoporosis are there ways to keep osteoporosis from worsening can medications taken for other illnesses cause bone loss how can i prevent fractures how frequently should i have a bone density test how much calcium and vitamin d do i need every day and how can i get enough of these nutrients how much exercise do i need to boost bone strength and which exercises do you recommend is hormone replacement therapy safe for preventing osteoporosis what osteoporosis medications are available that prevent bone loss what are some other lifestyle changes i should make now to keep my bones strong what is does my t score mean a t score is the result of a bone density test will a cortisone shot cause indigestion or heartburn,corticosteroid injections commonly are given to relieve pain in the joints such as the elbow or the neck the medication works by reducing inflammation which in turn can relieve pressure on a nerve and reduce pain a corticosteroid shot for joint or soft tissue pain should not cause any side effect like indigestion generally speaking the medication stays in the local area of the injection and does not travel throughout the body corticosteroids also can be administered by injection into a vein this type of injection is used to treat an allergic reaction or asthma while it is unlikely this type of steroid injection would cause indigestion it is not impossible if you received a cortisone shot for joint pain then your heartburn likely is not related hope this helps is it possible that a cortisone injection for arthritis pain could actually make the pain worse i was having knee pains and my doctor first tried cortisone injection but within 7 10 days the pain was so severe could hardly walk the same thing happened after a cortisone injection to hip with a week to 10 days i was in terrible pain and difficulty sitting lying or walking to make pain bearable until my next appointment i had to take 4 ibuprofen evert 4 6 hours,walking is the best exercise for everything if you do not seem to have time to go and walk park as far from the door at work grocery store drug store anywhere you go as possible then walk briskly while going in and out and if possible while you are shopping this will help some and hopefully make you want to walk more and get into a routine you can always find 30 min 3 times a week to walk had sex w bf he came in me everytime had sex with another man 4 times he pulled out i am pregnant who is the father i had sex with my boyfriend during obvualtion and the other man after the obviating stage he never came in me who is the possible father,no that type is created not contracted i am only 19 but have problems remembering very simple facts happening more and more frequently,your problem is a chronic one so er can be sought only in cases of severe breathing difficulty and wheezing of chest however you need to see an immunologist to get a good treatment plan for improving your immunity with vitamins and life style modification also a pulmonologist will prescribe b2 agonist and corticosteroid to control the symptoms also you can get acetylecysteine effervescent to reduce the viscosity of the secretions drink plenty of water and warm drinks ginger can help you also avoid useless intake of antibiotics as this will destroy your immunity does thyroid problem delay pregnancy,sure wine in moderation is not going to be a problem when you are on estrogen pills any more than those years when you were making your own estrogen it is safe i have developed hair dye allergy please help,as per the details given it seems that you have hair dye allergy most of the hair dye products contain a chemical called ppd para phenylenediamine which is responsible for allergic reactions in such cases i advice my patients to strictly avoid application of hair dye you may use herbal henna for dyeing hair i advice my patients to apply topical steroid like hydrocortisone on the affected area antihistaminics like levocetirizine also help you need clinical examination so you should visit your doctor so that he can examine you and give you prescription accordingly you can share my opinion with him stay healthy consult a dermatologist online for further follow up > i am trying to stay away from glucose i need a food plan that does not have glucose,it sounds like you have a sensitivity to spicy foods that is causing diarrhea loose motion after eating although some people is gastrointestinal tract gi can not handle spicy foods without any side effects others are more sensitive spicy foods can irritate the gi tract if you want to avoid the loose bowels and stomach growling then it makes sense to avoid spicy food if you really love spicy food you can cut back or manage your body is reaction here are some tips on how to manage diarrhea good luck my mom has been coughing several times each day for the past 9 months sometimes she spits clear mucous and vomits,i personally do not think food will cure pneumonia i fractured my elbow should i be using an elbow brace,if you have gained full range of motion and muscle power with physiotherapy and you are back to playing sports and feeling some pain while playing you can wear a normal elbow support to prevent sudden rotations and overloads that may cause strain or tendinitis do not forget that always treating the cause muscle weakness is the first line of treatment … thanks what is the percentage for a heart attack with poor dental health i am a female and my age 59 years old i have a severe stabbing pain in the upper center of my back my two lower front teeth are separating and the roots expose i have been coughing and bringing up mucus with a dark green texture my pulse is 103 and my blood pressure 10561 as of 12 11 2012,several different eye problems can cause you to see bright spots or what appear to be light flashes some of these can be serious so i would call your eye doctor to check it out some of these conditions can lead to vision loss so i would go ahead and call today you need an eye doctor to examine your eyes as i am not able to tell what might be going on without an examination bright spots that come and go could possibly be caused by pressure on your optical nerve i had this a couple times a long time ago some say it could also preceed a migraine i did not have the migraine but i was under a great deal of stress at the time it has not reoccurred since then but it really bothered me my eye doctor and physician told me the veins around the optical nerve can enlarge a little and move into the optical nerve causing the vision problem i had same sun spot and one left small blind spots and one give me some ideas what could cause this dbruss1@att net it is like accidently looking at a snow bank during the winter season your retinas take in too much light everyone gets that feeling much like partying too much vision does return i want to take a prescription sleep aid i am taking a vitamin supplement with ginseng is an adverse reaction possible,masturbation is a normal thing it is a myth that masturbation is wrong unhealthy and leads to weak body and mind it is a normal way of a sexually healthy person to get self satisfaction the myth that masturbation is unhealthy is perpetuated by some quacks to earn money and fool people the symptoms that you described such as reduced physical and mental energy known as anergia difficulty in thinking depression weak immune system and other physical symptoms are suggestive of depressive disorder depression is a mental disease which can have lot of physical symptoms along with sad feeling weak and guilt mind affects the whole body a lot of times the cause of physical health problems is mental problem the treatment for depression is antidepressant and counseling also you need to get over your guilt over masturbation for further information consult a sexologist online > i have digestion problems i do not digest well stools are dark,upper gastrointestinal bleeding in occult form is causing the problems the cause of this seems to be an ulcer an upper gastro intestinal endoscopy will be helpful to find out the exact location of ulcers take antacids daily avoid spicy and fat rich diet can i sue an md for failure to dignose genital warts my cndition progressed into penile cancer i am 26 years old male 3 years ago i noticed pimple in the head of my penis my family doctor claimed that it is normal and nothing to worry about 2 years later notice spotting and dark irregular shaped discoloration on the shaft dermatologist did a biopsy and result showed that it was hpv progressed into penile cancer and the pimples were genital warts can i sue my family doctor for failure to diagnose the genital warts i could have started treatment earlier,i am not an attorney but if diagnostic mistakes were made you may have a case the most important thing for you to do right now of course is to focus on treating and curing your cancer filing or even winning a malpractice suit does not change the fact that you have a very serious disease that requires proper treatment i am thinking to have varicocele surgery would it help,i think there are much more effective anti anxiety treatments than using medical marijuana this would be like treating sleep disorders with vodka or treating fatigue with methamphetamines order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you does a milk allergy mean my child is lactose intolerant,no childhood milk allergies are very different from lactose intolerance many kids outgrow their early milk allergies by school age in the meantime treatment can be the elimination of milk containing proteins from the diet like milk cheese and ice cream depending on the child to get the needed proteins a substitute such as soy formula or a hypoallergenic formula like alimentum can be used i am still having trouble with the aca website in getting information for enrollment i can log in though when will this be available,in my opinion the possibilities are more related to musculoskeletal disorder osteoporotic changes or osteopenia have you checked your hip bone density level do you have enlarged lymph nodes thanks 4 year old son has a lump on the back of his neck,most probably it is a enlarged lymph gland this is quite common at this age and indicates a recent infection in majority of cases it will resolve on its own if it doesnt respond to any treatment then lymph node biopsy is recommended is there a way you can make your period start a few days earlier than the actual date i want to start today so i can be off by my anniversary next weekend my period is scheduled to start on sunday 102112 but will run into my anniversary weekend because my flow is normally 7 days sounds crazy but i get very uncomfortable during that time of month and i need to be as sane as possible during my anniversary weekend,a hydrocele is not likely to cause urinary pain and a urinary tract infection is very rare in men since i do not know anything about you or your medical history some other causes include chlamydia urethral irriation from detergents soaps dryer softener sheets etc or mechanical irritation clothing sexual activity etc why is it that obesity does not always cause type 2 diabetes,it is true that the more severe the degree of obesity the greater the odds of type 2 diabetes that is because the excess body fat fuels insulin resistance in the muscles and organs there may be adverse hormonal effects on the beta cells as well after years of insulin resistance the beta cells wear down to the point where prediabetes or full type 2 diabetes occurs but only in a certain fraction of indiviiduals with obesity we do not fully understand why some people with obesity are at risk for diabetes while others can be obese their whole lives without getting it the answer is likely in the genetics but we do not know which genes confer protection or susceptibility similarly some thin people develop type 2 diabetes despite minimal insulin resistance again the answer is in the genes but we do not know which genes should i talk to my doctor before beginning an exercise program,for most people it is ok to start an exercise program without checking with a health care provider however if you have not exercised in a while are over age 50 or have a medical condition such as diabetes or heart disease contact your health care provider before starting an exercise program i have something broke out all over me what could this be,i have never seen a human with mange but there are many types of scalpskin disorders that can just occur dogs do not transmit mange to humans i have been doing the juicing diet from fat sick and nearly dead i have done it for a week and have not lost anything i have done almost every diet in the book i recently stopped taking all of my medications because i was tired of them i started doing the juicing diet juicing vegetables and fruits i have been doing it for a week and have not lost a single pound but i am now feeling good but no weight loss i got frustrated this weekend and ate mcdonalds which is why i am fat in the first place i did not gain but i did not lose could there be a condition that is not letting me lose,i understand how frustrating it can be to try different diets only to not lose weight or gain it all back it is important to remember you are not alone and most people have difficulty losing weight and keeping it off in fact a major review found that two thirds of people who diet not only gain their weight back but gain even more weight than when they started the diet i am not sure what your health is like or how much you need to lose but you might want to consider a different approach one that does not focus so much on weight here is why the problem with diets is that they do not get at the root cause of someone is eating you might want to consider working with a registered dietitian who focuses on eating issues and a more intuitivemindful eating approach the key is to develop a healthy lifestyle you enjoy that helps you lose gradual weight instead of an unrealistic diet that is hard to maintain you can find a dietitian near you by going to eatright org if you are worried about a medical condition by all means get a physical and check your thyroid and discuss your health status with a healthcare provider good luck what is toxoplasmosis,you are probably fine you can retest for hiv at a later time just to be sure in the future it is wise to have your partner use an condom especially in those situation where penetration or exposure to semen could occur you are wise to be concerned but prevention is the better part of valor what secondary effects should i expect after having a cyst removed from my head,i am thinking you had a cyst removed from your scalp depending on the size of the cyst you should not have any residual effects you might experience a bit of swelling and you can feel free to put cold packs on the surgical site be sure to place a towel or some other barrier betwen the ice and your skin for ice 20 minutes on then 20 minutes off is the standard protocol if the incision was closed with staples or sutures stitches and you are not allergic to antibiotics you can put antibiotic ointment triple antibiotic ointment bacitracin neosporin on the incision you should always make sure to wash your hands before applying the ointment to your incision if your incision was closed with adhesive glue dermabond you do not need to put antibiotic ointment on it and actually should avoid doing so you probably do not need to cover the wound you may experienced localized numbness at the surgical site this probably will clear up over the course of several weeks all of these instructions assume you had a cyst removed from your scalp please consult your surgeon is office for specific post op instructions hope this helps i had the implanon removed five months ago an i still can not get pregnant what should i do to help me i had implanon for 3yr an now had it out for 5 months i got a bleed right after that lasted 3 days then went to a 28 day cycle but for the last 2 months i have been a couple of days late so i thought i was pregnant then i start is there something i could do to help or does it always take a long time for women to get pregnant after implanon,hi getting pregnant after implanon seems a bit of a hit and miss some have got pregnant within 2 months others well let say the time span just gets longer then for some women getting pregnant is all down to timing i would give it a couple of months then seek help but even then you may be told to just wait do hope this helps good luck what are advantages and disadvantages of burning wet firewood,why in the world would you choose to have unprotected sex with an iv drug user do you drive without seatbelts and keep your eyes closed this was a very stupid thing to do and yes you should be tested for just about every std you can go to one of the county std clinics if you have one in your area or ask your doctor to test you for hiv syphillis and hepatitis you are right to be concerned i have noticed a massive change weight loss in myself without having any change of diet or exercise now worrying,in my opinion you have systemic lupus i recommend you see a rheumatologist good luck can herpes cause hpv in others my girlfriend at the time tested positive for hpv and when i got tested it said i was positive for herpes any light,yes it is normal my father also had this and is 2 yrs out with continuous issues they informed him it was because of the radiation what if i start a new injection within 12 hours of my last injection,people who choose not to buy health insurance will be charged a penalty of just 95 or 1 of their annual income whichever is higher in 2014 that penalty grows over time a big concern is that in order to save money people will decide to pay the penalty instead of purchasing coverage and simply wait until they become sick to sign onto a health plan if that is your plan you may want to reconsider open enrollment periods will be set up to discourage people from doing this in year one for example in most states you will be able to buy insurance through your state is new marketplace beginning october 1 2013 through march 31 2014 if you do not sign up for insurance you will be locked out of the market until the following year if you become sick during that time you will be left to pay for your medical care on your own how accurate are glucose meters,hi this is gall bladder related i recommend an ultrasound and ct scan to recheck your gall bladder to identify sludge nature good luck i got slight epidermal prick while tattooing is the risk of infection high,you can estimate your income based on your last year is income andor your current pay you will need to keep the exchange informed if your income is significantly different than you estimated when you applied for coverage if your income rises during the year your subsidy may change during the year any differences between subsidies paid and what you were actually eligible for will be resolved when you pay your income taxes just started using nuvaring on the 3rd day of my period and had sex the same day of the insert possible pregnancy i just started using nuvaring again for the first time on the 3rd day of my period the last time i was on nuvaring was about 2 years ago so i recently had sex the same day i inserted nuvaring while my husband and i have sexual intercourse he came inside of me with no other secondary protection beside the nuvaring could there be a possible pregnancy for doing it on the same day please help if you know any information on that i am greatfully appreciate it and thank you before hand,most helpful answer yes you definitely could have gotten pregnant you should be alert for a missed period because if you are pregnant you should remove the nuvaring as soon as possible after you know positively you are carrying a baby like any other type of hormonal birth control method such as birth control pills the nuvaring typically takes a month to be considered fully effective since you did not wait for the required amount of time before having unprotected sex it is possible for you to have become pregnant that said it is less typical to become pregnant while you are on your period a woman is most fertile likely to become pregnant a couple of days before her body releases an egg ovulates while that time frame is different for every woman it generally occurs around days 13 15 for a woman with a regular 28 day menstrual cycle the answer to your question then is it is possible but not likely you got pregnant when you had unprotected sex the same day you inserted the nuvaring if you ever have questions about your birth control method you can always ask your pharmacist or your gynecologist wishing you well is there any way i can still be pregnant i was supposed to get my period on the 20th but i missed it so i took a pregnancy later that night it came out negative and the following day i took one during the afternoon and it also came out negative yesterday morning i also took when and it was negative too ever since i have been having sex my period has been irregular and now i am nervous if there is any way for me to be pregnant still after 3 negative pregnancy tests or could there be another reason why im missing my period,most helpful answer every person is different the flu shot is not 100 protective many of my patients who got the flu vaccine this year developed a mutating strain of the flu and influenza is often misdiagnosed so did you have a lab test to prove you have influenza i am a woman in my late 30s i have undergone laser hair removal treatments for my chin however after several treatmen i am a woman in my late 30s i have undergone laser hair removal treatments for my chin however after several treatments the hair continues to grow back i also have a dark patch because of plucking over time are there options to lighten the skin as well as remove the hair,laser hair removal will need to be repeated because your hair grows in different cycles dark hair on darker skin types is particularly difficult to treat because the laser works by “distinguishing” the pigment in your hair follicle from the pigment in your skin your dark patches can be treated with topical skin lightening agents such as hydroquinone kojic acid or bearberry derivatives how can i stop sneak eating,have you had a history of sneak eating here are seven steps to help you stomp out sneak eating 1 examine your eating habits what are your sneak eating rituals how do you sneak eat what kinds of foods do you choose when you are done overeating what do you do with the wrappers or evidence of sneak eating when are you most likely to curtail your eating because you feel you will be judged what triggers send you flying into your secret sneak eating rituals look at the last time this occurred to you and seek out the connections between trigger and reaction late night eating has a particular air of sneakiness it is dark out no one is around just you and your sneak food how do you feel at that time make connections 2 write it down the best way to look at patterns and make connections is to journal it just whip out a computer or spiral bound notebook and with absolute honestly write down what you eat when and under what circumstances reading your journal usually is a real eye opener 3 savor do not sneak if you feel like you are sneaking food you will scarf up food so fast you will get whiplash stop ask yourself “what was i thinking before i decided to sneak eat ” make connections between events emotions and actions you are not going to truly savor and enjoy food you need to eat behind others backs instead you are reacting to something that has occurred in your life the goal is to savor every morsel of food not to secretly stuff it into your mouth and feel nothing but remorse guilt and shame 4 focus on your strengths here is where we do lots of body image work look at your body you have tremendous strengths there and you need to take pride in them write down your strengths what can your body do well the next time you feel bad about your body whip out your laundry list of positive things you love about your body and neutralize the negative thoughts that send you into a sneak eating binge 5 optimize your healthy lifestyle habits to improve your body image you need to do the work to eat healthfully as well as stay physically active living a healthy lifestyle lays down the foundation for the elimination of sneak eating be patient people who have been sneak eating for a long time will have to be patient with the process of eliminating this habit old self destructive patterns take time to be replaced with healthier progressive lifestyle habits 6 make a commitment if you feel that you are about to sneak eat you probably are eating should not be accompanied by guilt and shame make a commitment to spend the next 24 hours eating healthfully and fight the urge to take food into a secret place where you eat sneak foods start out with a healthy breakfast and i was recently diagnosed with innapropriate sinus tachycardia worried heart rate will go too low,epilepsy occurs as a result of abnormal electrical activity originating from the brain brain cells communicate by sending electrical signals in an orderly pattern in epilepsy these electrical signals become abnormal giving rise to an electrical storm that produces seizures these storms may be within a specific part of the brain or be generalized depending on the type of epilepsy can soy give you cancar,according to your height age sex and the formula for calculating ideal weight your ideal weight is about 55kg 121 lbs at 63kg or 140 lbs we call your present state low grade overweight for young people at your age who are growing it seems more beneficial to focus on greater physical activity fitness instead of diets you can however begin to completely exclude bread from your meals and notice the effect it has on your weight i can not eat more food or i will get the sick feeling,hi this may be due to severe gastritis or and stomach ulcer you should consult a gastroenterologist and get upper gastrointestinal endoscopy done to see whats wrong take antacids appetizers and pro bitotics thanks is dirty yellow sputum a sign of pneumonia,not necessarily but it could be one of many signs that can include coughing chills fever respiratory difficulty chest paindiscomfort yellow sputum is not a sole definitive sign of pneumonia can someone who is 15 years old get hepatitis a i am a female 15 years old i am a virgin so there is no possibility of me getting it from sexual contact he main symptom i have is dark urin but also fatigue i have not felt nauseous at all though does that rule me out of having this disease,hi instead of injections and surgery you can go for physiotherapy traction swd infra red or laser treatment these have no harmful side effects and will benefit your spine as you are very young now back muscle stenghthening exercises and using support belts will help as well thanks is fast food really getting healthier,hi exercises and analgesic tablets will help you get off the pain methycobalamin and pregaabalin tablets speed up the recovery back strengthening and leg raise exercises help thanks for the last month i have had pain on both sides of my ribs on the back side,com most cases that comes to my clinic with these pain are diagnosed as muscle spasm and inter vertebral joint stiffness due to bad posture and weakness a chiropractor and a physiotherapist can handle this through evaluation of muscles and designing a short term treatment program i have allergies to sulfur drugs is it ok to take lasix,if you have a true allergy to sulfa medications then lasix may not be for you it does contain sulfa product if you have difficulty breathing or your airways feel like they are closing off or a rash has developed specifically on the trunk of the body then you should stop taking this medication immediately and consult with your pharmacist and health care provider it is important to differentiate between allergies to medications and side effects if you have experienced intolerable side effects to medications containing sulfa products that does not mean you are allergic work with you local pharmacist and physician to re evaluate this situation and to make sure you are taking medication that is appropriate for you i m thin small height i m 22 yrs old bt look 13 year wgt is 35 kg found hard 2 do sex and i wnt 2 get preg wht shuld ido i m thin small looking with small height but i m 22 yrs old but look like 13 year my weight is also 35 kg i found hard to do sex and i want to get pregnant what should i do i feel shy to consult doctor because of my body and height,hi so your 512 stone and your height is but if your height and body weight go together and your so young looking the first thing would be how are your periods if your getting them every month on time then things should be ok sounds like you just have a small vagina when you give birth this all relax is so baby can slid right out but for now do go see a gyno and its time to put embarrassment behind and seek help you may be given some dildos that go up in size so this will slowly enlarge you vagina and your find that does work hope this helps you good luck suffering from anxiety restlessness and taking clonazepam & mirtazapine i had depression & panic attacks for the last 7 years need a second opinion,depression anxiety restlessness and panic attacks are best respond to a combination of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ssris and benzodiazepines mirtazapine is not the most efficient ant depressant and it is not a true ssri as fluoxetine paroxetine citalopram and sertraline are i recommend 20 to 40mg of paroxetine slowly titrated up from 10mg and 1mg of either clonazepam or ativan lorazepam every 8 hours as needed for anxiety glaucoma precludes use of any anticholinergics such as hydroxyzine or benadryl diphenhydramine ssris are also at times likely to make glaucoma worse but a preliminary trial is always worth it revert back to a psychiatrist online for further help > what causes hives,when an allergen invades or irritates your body it causes your body to unleash chemicals known as histamines some people react to a high histamine level by developing the rash we call hives common allergens that can provoke hives include certain milk products fish and nuts drugs such as penicillin and aspirin and various food additives emulsifiers flavorings and preservatives extreme cold or heat stress and pressure on the skin may induce an attack of hives as can insect bites infections such as strep throat in children and hepatitis b in adults and in very rare cases blood transfusions grandson 7 yrs old 49 and 125lbs younger brother tested pos for strep hes vomiting fever slept for 2 days severe headache has not ate anything but 2 tbs of applesauce wont drink anything just wants to sleep he says his side has been hurting him and the stomach cramps could be from him about to vomit went to doc with the knowledge of younger brother testing pos for strep but was not tested getting worried about dehydration how long should i waite before taking him back to the doctor to be reevaluated ,i agree with you testing him for strep would have been prudent although he was not experiencing a severe sore throat there can be other reasons intestinal virus to account for his array of symptoms preventing dehydration is essential i suspect he is nauseated so there are medicines that can be prescribed so that he can drink fluids without vomiting call his medical provider some immediate signs of dehydration includes lack of tears dry mouth and a reduced urine flow if he is experiencing these he should be re evaluated immediately by his medical provider what is the treatment for bacterial vaginosis,treatment for bacterial vaginosis consists of antibiotics a few antibiotic remedies are routinely used metronidazole flagyl taken by either oral pill form or by vaginal metronidazole gel metrogel is an effective cure also available is the vaginal clindamycin cream cleocin the oral metronidazole can cause some minor but unpleasant side effects but is believed to be the most effective treatment the gels do not typically cause side effects although yeast vaginitis can occur as a side effect of the medication tinidazole tindamax is an antibiotic that appears to have fewer side effects than metronidazole and is also effective in treating bacterial vaginosis recurrence of bacterial vaginosis is possible even after successful treatment more than half of those treated experience recurrent symptoms within 12 months it is unclear why so many recurrent infections develop with recurrent symptoms a second course of antibiotics is generally prescribed how does cymbalta cause weight gain,if anything this medication that is known to cause loss of appetite would be more like to cause weight loss not a gain since i do not know this person is medical history other reasons for the weight gain should be investigated i was diagnosed with acute pharyngitis and came home have not been able to eat barely drink feel ill is this normal i was perscribed motrin 600 mg and zithromax for it and i took some of each at the emergency room pretty much immediately started feeling nauseous wanted to throw up went back and she told me that i needed to eat food with it went home and had a little food but later vomited anyway had diarrea chest pains stomache pains woke up twice with extreme waves of anxiety the second time i threw up i have not been able to keep food down and am trying desperately to keep water down is this ok,i have to ask why you want to do this if we are treating an infant for pain or fever i would recommend the tylenol infant drops only due to the fact that aspirin can increase the risk of reye is syndrome i would not consider chewable 81 milligram baby aspirin infants and children are not little adults so you need to be very careful when it comes to medication glasses with different frame but same perscription causing headache and nausea possible cause for this i recently purchased a new set of glasses as i wanted a new frame i received the glasses and experienced no complications however the frames were damaged so i returned them for a new frame after about 2 weeks of having them i received my new frame today and there appears to be no abnormalities with the frames however i have been experiencing a slight headache and nausea all day i found this odd as when i got my first pair i took no time to adjust to the frames but now i am feeling ill,no not if you urinated between the time you masturbated and when you had sex sperm will die as soon as it dries but you want to make sure your pre cum is not carrying any live sperm if you urinate though usually that flushes the urethra still you are playing with fire and asking for trouble at the very least invest in some condoms my 2 year old wants to be picked up very often should i pick him up when he requests this my son just turned 2 last month he is in daycare during the week and when he is home with mom & dad he very often wants up then he often wants mom or dad to go this way or that way am i doing harm by indulging him by picking him up upon his request to be picked up often i want to be affectionate but i am afraid this is not good for him in the long run,just pick him up he may need a bit of extra affection that he is not getting in day care when you are holding him he feels that you will not go away after a few minutes just put him down and play with him as a distraction this will eventually stop you do not see parents carrying older kids around in most cases what happen if protein powder left in a very heat temperature i ordered protein powder online and did not know it was delivered already and was left in the mail box for 5 days with the heat temperature is it still safe to take it,i do not know there are many different types of protein powder my advice to you is to call the company that makes or distributes this powder for advice what are consequences of stopping ibuprophen for osteoarthritis,hi my opinion is that your success rate is 60 which is great do it with no delay as success rate will drop after the age of 35 good luck i was wondering if gauges ear stretching can close to normal ear piercing size or close ok so i want to gauge my ears to about a centimeter but my dad said i can only do it if i fined out form a doctor or professional that if you take good care of them that they can close to about the size of a sewing needle so ya i was just wondering if they really can do that thx,nope if you get your ears gauged it will be basically permanent it will not close naturally wants this hole has lined with skin to make them smaller again or to close the hole when it is no longer fashionable will require plastic surgery at your expense insurances will not pay for this procedure im having lower back pains and im having pains in my pelvic area and i am leaking urine for no reason i have to use the restroom about every hour i feel sick every time i wake up i have no idea whats going on i have never had a kid before i dont know what kind of doctor i need to see,no it is not a beta blocker it is in the class of blood pressure drugs called an ace inhibitor plus a diuretic painful 1 inch swelling between anus and scrotum not a pimple under the skin gives me fever help hi i have a swelling between my scrotum and anus closer to the scrotum it is size has increased in the last two days i have had it for 4 days now it is excruciatingly painful i have no idea what it is and what to do plus it gives me fever so i have taken small doses of paracetamol it is still somewhat manageable if its kept warm can you please tell what is it and how can i get better ways to treat it any help would be really really appreciated thank you,i do not know anything about you to answer that question whether you hare an non emotional person if you have you have a medical problem related to your eyes that prevent tears from forming currently i have the pain in the chest and constantly hear the high pitched sound in my right ear,do you have neck pains ear pain dizziness your symptoms s may indicate cervical rib if you can reply with answer we can go further with diagnosis are there side effects of taking prevacid and what are they,this is a great question that you can ask your pharmacist the most common side effects of prevacid are constipation diarrhea headache nausea and stomach pain you will want to let your healthcare provider know if you are experiencing these side effects what does it mean when your feces is a goopy red discharge okay i must admit i am concerned at this point last week a i had a bad bought of diarrhea awful and a day later i started expelling a red goopy discharge instead of actual feces it stopped a day later and i had regular bowl movementsfeces today it started again no cramping or pain when going just this thick jelly like substance comes out i was told hemorrhoids can cause this but i am not sure any one have any answers as to what this may be please,that is very interesting because vicodin generic name is hydrocodone with acetaminophen contains a narcotic that normally causes drowsiness when a person reacts to a medication in the opposite way as expected it is called a paradoxical effect some sleeping pills are well known for having a paradoxical effect on people keeping them wide awake all night long in general experiencing a paradoxical effect from medication is nothing to be concerned about it is not an allergy or anything like that it just indicates your body responds differently to that particular medication even if the hydrocodone controlled your pain you do not want to take a medication that causes you insomnia you might consider scratching hydrocodone off your list and requesting a different prescription pain reliever the next time you need one just let the doctor know how hydrocodone affects you there are plenty of other narcotic pain relievers to choose from wishing you well how can valium help vertigo chronic vertigo a patients worst nightmare to live everyday feeling the sensations of everything moving around you brings about nausea to high extremes vertigo may be calmed to some small point but never truely leave you then the vertigo takes new form robbing the use of speech arms legs and doubling your vision i ask is there not one physician that can rid this terrible disease from ones body or are all suffering patients just pushed aside to live life feeling sick inside,vertigo is probably one of the most miserable of all human afflictions unfortunately the cause are many finding a cause or causes can be a diagnostic nightmare and the treatments are not very good the best specialist for you to see would be an ear nose and throat ent specialist one with expertise in inner ear disorders not all causes of vertigo are related to the inner ear however some are called central vertigo a cause that originates in the brain fyi i have an inner ear disorder that results in occasional vertigo myself valium is often tried to quiet down the neurological responses in the inner ear sometimes it helps does synthetic underwear cause jock itch all the running and exercise people say to avoid cotton since it gets wet and causes irritation however jock itch prevention says to go with cotton undies which is it to cotton or not to cotton,running naked would be best but then again there will likely be other issues jock itch is also called tinea cruris this is a yeast infection and yeast loves the warm dark and moist environement sweating common in the groin area cotton is a natural fiber and tends to breathe better than most synthetics but some synethetic are outstanding when it comes to air circulation i have no problem with cotton or those special quick dry synethetics but not all underwear is created equal boxers allow my air than tighty whities assuming we are just talking about men what is dementia,i have always had success with hot green tea with honey can pregnancy age 51 after having tubes tied over 9 yrs symptomsno menstral 3 mo nausea vomiting tired + ept i tested positive on the ept is it possible that menopaus can give same symptoms as pregnancy i have not had a menstral cycle in 3 months nausea with certain smells hot flashes slight poofing starting swelling in ankles all the signs of pregnancy however i had my tube tied in 2006,hi ok the best thing you can do is see your doctor and get a blood test done for your hormones this will tell all if your hormones have gone out of whack then yes it could throw up a false hpt it could be that with the hot flash is your getting into the menopause hope this helps you good luck is it legg perthes calvé disease,unfortunately yes it is legg perthes calve disease consult the orthopedist for the treatment options of either surgical orthotic or non treatment according to the age of the patient currently taking 75mg of paxil for anxiety noticing it is not working as well as before what should i add to it i have been on 75mg of paxil cr for three years for treating my panic attacks and general anxiety it has worked very well about three weeks ago i started noticing some anxiety creeping back in and i know i am maxed out on the paxil should i ask my doctor about adding something like abilify or some other drug to help boost me back to where i was or should i seek a different ssri altogether i am nervous about the latter simply because the paxil has worked so well for so long thanks,hi you have high blood pressure that needs medical attention do not ignore consult a doctor start on anti hypertensive medicines as early as possible thanks what exercises can i do to reduce my back pain,maintain good posture the pain may have started after a long workout at the gym but the strain that caused it has probably been building for years mary ann wilmarth pt dpt ocs a spokeswoman for the american physical therapy association and chief of physical therapy at harvard university says most people perform their daily activities with poor posture putting unnecessary strain on their back “little things add up ” she says “you can increase the pressure on your back by 50 simply by leaning over the sink incorrectly to brush your teeth keeping the right amount of curvature in the back takes pressure off the nerves and will reduce back pain ” strengthen your core most people with chronic back pain would benefit from stronger abdominal muscles “the torso is a combination of many muscle groups working together ” frank b wyatt edd professor of exercise physiology at missouri western state university tells webmd in an email “if the abdominals are weak other areas must pick up the slack when we strengthen the abdominals it often reduces the strain on the lower back ” improve flexibility too much tension and tightness can cause back pain our goal in increasing flexibility is to put an equal load throughout the body from the feet all the way up to the head ” d scott davis pt ms edd ocs an orthopaedic physical therapist and associate professor at west virginia university says “one good exercise is to sit on the edge of the bed with one leg extended and the other one on the floor give your hamstrings a stretch by leaning forward while keeping your back in a neutral position ” what can i do to releive the sciatic pain i have especially first thing in the morning i have had sciatic pain that radiates from my back into my butt down my leg and into my ankle for over a year now i am currently taking naproxen 500mg twice daily and 1500mg tylenol if needed during the night i find that sitting walking and especially lying down seem to make the pain worse i have morning when i get out of bed that the pain is intense enough that i am unable to stand is there some type of exercise or something i can do to help thanks for any information you can give me,back exercises and stretching is the best non surgical way of dealing with sciatica if you are overweight the extra lbs need to go you can find lots of internet references for the proper exercises called williams back exercises or ask a friendly physical therapist for a list does a baby always have a temperature with an ear infection,the unlikely sharing of sex toys or soiled underwear would do it but in most cases trichomoniasis a sexually transmitted parasite is primarily spread by sexual activity does a contraceptive pill affect periods,babies movement decreases a great right before they are born but they should at least move or kick once in a while if your worried ask your doctor and count how many times he or she moves how long can the flu live in your home my son has the flu how long until it is safe for my other children and grandchildren to come into my home,since the heart is the pump that supplies oxygen from your lungs and since you are getting out of breath with minor exertion seeing a cardiologist is a good next step you may need an exercise treadmill test with attached to an electrocardiogram oxygen sensor and ultrasound i do not think this important evaluation to rule out a heart related cause would be a waste of money i have hep c antibodies no symptoms cleared wo treatment not chronic can i transmit the virus to a sex partner,hi have a good read through this link below it should help you understand about your problem more just in case you may need to copy into google to the www to open and read hope this helps you good luck can nicotine gum cause throat cancer,hi try these for help vitamin e is vital to scalp circulation and cell regeneration both necessary for hair growth the daily recommended dose is 15 to 19mg vitamin c is a natural antioxidant and helps maintain healthy hair it aids in synthesis of collagen and is readily available in the diet the daily recommended dose is 90 to 120mg biotin deserves special mention it is also a b vitamin but its importance in the role of hair growth cannot be overstated while it can be consumed it was once said by clinical researcher andrew lessman that thousands of calories would have to be eaten to get the amount of biotin needed to make a difference it promotes hair growth and is crucial to prevent hair dryness the daily recommended dose is 30mcg b complex just as the name suggests the bs are complex there are many of them and some of them depend on one another in order to function b12 can be responsible for hair loss by itself simply due to a deficiency frequently injections of b12 can resolve hair loss issues it is not stored well by the body and is required for the body is use of oxygen and for metabolism it is needed for activation of b6 and helps in creating niacin b12 is most absorbable when taken with vitamin c and the daily recommended dose is 50mg b6 is also thought to prevent hair loss it also aids in hair coloring and has a major role in creation of niacin which is needed for healthy circulation b6 must be entirely obtained through diet or supplementation because the human body cannot synthesize it by itself the daily recommended dose ranges from 1 3 to 2mg b3 also known as niacin is thought to reduce cholesterol in the scalp which inhibits hair growth it is also essential for healthy blood circulation to the body and scalp the daily recommended dose is 16 to 18mg vitamin a is an antioxidant that aids in scalp oil production it is important to note that excess amounts of vitamin a can have undesirable effects by inhibiting hair growth and can even be toxic the daily recommended dose is 5 000 iu however the linus pauling institute of oregon university has noted increased risk of developing bone diseases such as osteoporosis associated with 5 000iu intake and therefore some supplement manufacturers have reduced content to 2 500i this above info come from livestrong com once a month you could also try giving your hair the olive oil treatment leave it on for a hour before washing it out great for hair health do hope this helps you and your hair good luck can parkinson is disease medications be given by iv intravenously,income changes can move you from a medicaid plan back to an exchange health plan mid year some states are making special provisions for this back and forth to minimize service disruptions but your costs will definitely go up if your income increases i suggest you work with a navigator in your state to carefully select your plan you will get a better idea what is available in your state and can get help picking a medicaid plan so that if your income increases you do not have to switch doctors what is dementia,in my opinion you are suffering of depersonalizationderealization disorder ddpd first do a thyroid test to check for hypothyroidism if it comes back normal then you will need a brain scan eeg to check your ventral prefrontal cortex if all is normal then you need to see a psychiatric doctor good luck how can i tell if i am sleep deprived,dr ahmed fawzy… i have not kept record of the xrays of my ribs but it was normal as per the radiologist ssri is have been linked to incontinence in small percentage of patients i didnt have incontinence before that can birth control pills cause hepatitis shortly after giving birth to my first child 35 years ago i started getting so fatigued i could hardly get up the strength to walk across the room i went to see my doctor and was told i had hepatitis from taking my birth control pills i was taken off of them and got better but was wondering if there would be any long term effects and also should i tell my primary doctor,always confide in your primary doctor depending on the type of bc you can contract hepatitis it is the silent killer so get it checked out right away on the brightside you might have a nice lawsuit on your hands hope all goes well hi i am a 31 year old male i have had a series of digestion problems after antibiotics for pheumonia in the beginning of the year most of the symptoms have gone except for a werid experience when i put pressure with my hand below the rib cage i breath out slowly and i can feel and hear fluid being released from somewhere in that region there is no pain is this normal,in absence of major symptoms like fever loss of weight appetite bloody stools etc your symptoms could be due to irritable bowel syndrome ibs irritable bowel syndrome ibs is a chronic functional disorder characterized by cramping abdominal pain or discomfort with alterations in bowel habits bloating constipation and diarrhea these symptoms usually are present for at least 12 weeks in a patient during the previous one year and unfortunately the onset or subsidence cannot be predicted most symptoms of ibs can be controlled with diet stress management and prescribed medications it requires a proper examination and investigations results to give a precise diagnosis kindly visit a physician for counselling and treatment take care what are the symptoms of pinkeye and is it contagious,children under any suspicion of pinkeye will be quickly isolated from other children at school the parent will be called and the child excluded from school until they return with a doctor is note granted many types of pinkeye conjunctivitis are contagious combined with the hygiene practices of kids pinkeye can quickly spread especially in a preschool or day care the eye is very sensitive and easily becomes pink when irritated allergies top the list for causing irritation and eye itching you will see children constantly rubbing or knuckling their watery eyes with dirty hands of course allergies are not contagious but they can sure set the stage for a secondary bacterial infection highly chlorinated swimming pools cause pink or red eyes too this chemical conjunctivitis is not contagious but a cautious teacher is not going to take the time to sort out the various types they are going to exclude the child and have the medical provider properly diagnose them i often see children excluded with a stye or babies excluded from child care facilities with a clogged tear duct nasolacrimal duct obstruction these are not contagious eyes get easily scratched during play sometimes a baby with sharp untrimmed fingernails will scratch his own corneas a corneal abrasion is very painful and the eyes will tear and become red or pink in response to this common injury among the most common causes of pinkeye are bacterial and viral infections these infections can be contagious viral conjunctivitis does not usually require antibiotic treatment and typically resolves in two to four weeks there may be a thin watery discharge from the eye some types of viral conjunctivitis can be serious such as that caused by the herpes simplex virus bacterial conjunctivitis is usually treated with antibiotic therapy the discharge from the eye is thicker and can be profuse often people with bacterial conjunctivitis can return to work or school 24 hours after starting antibiotic therapy those with viral conjunctivitis may need to wait until their symptoms resolve be sure to check with your doctor in both cases is tric transmitted thu oral sex,she also eats single grain oatmeal with some of her bottles will this also affect her reflux can having your tonsils removed affect your vocal cords or singing voice see additional details below my 20 year old daughter has been told to have her tonsils removed because she got strep throat three times in a year she is studying musical theater in nyc she moved from warm southern california to a cold nyc winter this past year and i feel the strep throat and colds might have been due to her becoming used to the cold weather she is a fantastic singer and i do not want her to have this surgery if there is any chance it would affect her beautiful voice she does seem to get horse often,i think she should follow her doctors orders every single detail and if she does this after giving herself time to heal properly her beautiful singing voice will get more beautiful & turn into a much stronger purer and more open sounding instrument i have had my tonsils and adnoids removed so this was my own life experience with this particular problem as i was also getting strep three to five times every winter after the surgery i never got strep again chronic fatigue joint pain low grade fever night sweats family physician does not know what is wrong,these results indicates autoimmune disorder mostly rh arthritis or polymyositis i recommend taking these results plus rh factor and crp to a rheumatologist… had pulmonary heart failure taking statins i now think statin drugs would probably kill me before my heart would,this may be due to carotid or other nearby arteries insufficiency get a detailed carotid angiogram done to assess the exact cause consult a vascular surgeon are there side effects from taking too much pepto bismol,hi with all these problems you would be best top go see your doctor let him do some tests and take it from there good luck what causes mucus like discharge during the first trimester of pregnancy looks brown with a slight tinge of red,implantation bleeding what ingredients should be avoided for someone who has a gluten sensitivity i have been tested for celiac and that is not the issue it is just a gluten sensitivity but i am unsure what all i should avoid besides wheat barley rye and being cautious of soy products,gluten is a protein found in wheat rye barley and crossbred hybrids of these grains the good news is many foods are naturally free of gluten including fruits vegetables lean proteins nuts oils and dairy the nutrition label can help you determine which products gluten free the term gluten free can be helpful but is not a regulated claim even though the fda is working to define it when you read a label look for gluten containing ingredients including wheat barley rye oats due to likely cross contamination brewers yeast and malt beer labeling laws require allergens to be labeled including wheat proteins so any food that says contains wheat is off limits this does not apply to barley rye and oats or items that may have been cross contaminated so if there is any doubt contact the manufacturer you might want to discuss with your healthcare provider if you can tolerate small amounts of gluten if you can you may not need to be as vigilant as those with celiac for more on going gluten free check out this slideshow how is hyperthyroidism diagnosed,palilalia is a symptom of parkinson is disease in which a word or syllable is repeated and the flow of speech is interrupted how can i decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer,yes you may be able to stop or at least lower your blood pressure medications but please address this with your medical provider first do not just stop your medication congratulations on your outstanding weight loss is it possible to become pregnant when taking birth control accuratley i am on microgestin 120 when i am intimate my boyfriend fully pulls out everytime,hi its 99 accurate so its that sneaky 1 that does it so yes you can get pregnant why taking the pill religiously day in and day out so you got the 1 prize good luck arthrosis of the hip joint coxarthrosis are my running days over,doctors and nurses get information from medicine labels and packages textbooks and research journals they also share knowledge with other doctors and nurses and talk to the people who make and sell medicines the food and drug administration fda is the part of the u s government that controls the medicines that can and can not be sold in the u s the fda lets a company sell a medicine in the u s if it is safe to use and works for a certain problem companies that make medicines usually have to show fda doctors and scientists whether birth defects or other problems occur in baby animals when the medicine is given to pregnant animals most of the time drugs are not studied in pregnant women the fda works with the drug companies to make clear and complete labels but in most cases there is not much information about how a medicine affects pregnant women and their growing babies many prescription medicine labels include the results of studies done in pregnant animals but a medicine does not always affect growing humans and animals in the same way here is an example a medicine is given to pregnant rats if the medicine causes problems in some of the rat babies it may or may not cause problems in human babies if there are no problems in the rat babies it does not prove that the medicine will not cause problems in human babies the fda asks for studies in two different kinds of animals this improves the chance that the studies can predict what may happen in pregnant women and their babies there is a lot that fda doctors and scientists do not know about using medicine during pregnancy in a perfect world every medicine label would include helpful information about the medicine is effects on pregnant women and their growing babies unfortunately this is not the case what is meant by positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia,positive symptoms of schizophrenia are those attributes that are added to the personality such as delusions or hallucinations indicating the person has lost touch with reality in this sense positive does not mean good but instead refers to extra or additional brain activity that should not be there negative symptoms of schizophrenia are those which are indicative of an under functioning personality examples include a lack of emotional input or expression or an inability to socially interact or take pleasure from interactions with others i am facing a laparoscopic mastectomy can this surgery be done without taking lapron,hi as you have had some kind of food poisoning it would be a good idea to get some acidophilus or yakult inside you to put back some good bugs inside your gut but you should be drinking plenty of water and try some very light soups at least it would be something going in and staying down stick to foods that are easily digested such as toast crackers bananas and rice until you begin to feel better avoid alcohol cigarettes caffeine and spicy and fatty foods because they will make you feel worse in most cases food poisoning can be treated at home without seeking medical advice unless you are the older kind of person you may need some oral rehydration salts orss are recommended for people vulnerable to the effects of dehydration such as the elderly and those with a pre existing health condition orss are available in sachets from pharmacies you dissolve them in water to drink and they help replace salt glucose and other important minerals your body loses through dehydration if you have a kidney condition some types of oral rehydration salts may not be suitable for you ask your pharmacist or gp for further advice about this do hope this helps you good luck im a 56 yearsold woman and wanted to know what my heart rate should be when riding a stationary bike at the gym i been walking for a while on the road for about 1 hour i have prehypertension and so i want to bring it down through exercise my doctor nows about this by the way i just want to know what a good health rate should be while i am exercising i have a healthy heart and i want to keep it that way thanks,if by briefs you are referring to underwear or other incontinence supplies unfortunately medicare does not cover these supplies or adult diapers if by briefs you are referring to underwear or other incontinence supplies unfortunately medicare does not cover these supplies or adult diapers used condom pulled out plus plan b chances of pregnancy my ex and i had sex i used a condom and i also pulled out checked for hole using water none i got a panic attack i have anxiety problems and she took planb an hour after a week after this she got her period we broke up during her period and i am sketched that i couldve gotten her pregnant she is dating someone now i just do not want her to get knocked up by someone else and say that i got her pregnant so please tell me i am being an idiot and have nothing to worry about,you have nothing to worry about had pneumonia now stuck with a dry and productive cough for two months 2 chest x ray showed pneumonia first rml pneumonia then the second x ray lll pneumonia now i have this cough that sometimes is dry other times productive going on now for two months,immediately what are the symptoms of whooping cough,it starts like a cold with congestion and upper respiratory symptoms after a week or so a cough develops the cough worsens over several days and the coughing fits may be so severe that you can not stop or catch your breath a coughing fit may be followed by a “whoop” as the person gasps to catch their breath it is these coughing fits called paroxysms which cause doctors to be worried about pertussis and try to confirm the diagnosis in people who have been vaccinated or who have had pertussis before the symptoms may be nonspecific pertussis is high on the list if that whoop is present but if it is absent pertussis may go unrecognized it is important to know that infants with pertussis do not always cough in young babies the first sign of pertussis may be difficulty breathing or pauses in breathing that last more than 20 seconds called “apnea ” apnea is serious and requires immediate medical attention for our infant 4mo daughter it started like a pretty normal cough 5 days later the cough had only gotten worse it went from one or two of the infant double cough pairs up to runs of 6 or 8 double cough pairs lasting more like ten seconds we took her to a walk in clinic for a persussis swab that day but she stopped breathing that night and turned blue we called the ambulance and it was a close call but still it is quite crazy how quickly it escalated if you do not hear the telltale whoop it can still be pertussis the whoop did not show up for us until after we had the apnea episodes and were already checked into the hospital the 50 or whatever for a walk in clinic could save your childs life if you end up in the hospital for a week like we did it will cost a lot more than that anyway if an infant is 6mo or older i would not be quick to run fearfully to the clinic but for young ones it is well worth the cautionary checkup if your child has had a cough for more than a few days can you start your period early if you forget your birth control pill for 4 days,hi your doubts are absolutely justified and even i feel that its a complete mismanagement as far as the treatment protocol is considered these things are not done in common practice except in rarest of rare cases best option is change the neuroscience pain management doctor thanks why do i get diarrhea if i eat something sweet after drinking a beer i have had ibs for many years but take medication that generally eliminates all symptoms however i have noticed over the years that i often suffer a somewhat severe if short lived bout of diarrhea within a couple hours after consuming something sweet fruit included after drinking a beer i have no problems with either sweets or beer as long as i do not consume them close together this seems strange to me any idea what might be going on,hi your problem arises from refermentation from the sugars and the beer yeast its just like having your own brewery working in your stomach till your cork cant hold it back anymore and away it all goes do hope this helps you good luck whey protein has caused unstoppable diarrhea body is getting weaker by the day,hi borderline + p wave abnormality it can be many things i hope you can show me your ekg so i can give a definitive answer to answer your question no you did not have a heart attack but i recommend that you do an echo to check your atrium and your mitral tricusped valves also do a k+potassium blood test if i see the ekg i can give you 100 accurate answer to what the next step isgood luck as an adult i received the dtp vaccine in 1996 would i still need the tdap i did not have my immunization records when i went back to college in 1996 at age 22 so i received the dtp and mmr again at that time would i still need to get the tdap booster or am i still protected by the dtp,adults should get a booster shot for tetanus and diphtheria every 10 years and since immunity to pertussis also wears off you need a pertussis booster one time so yes even though you have had the vaccinations before since the last one was over 10 years ago you do need a tdap to get immunized against tetanus diphtheria and pertussis then every 10 years after that you will just need the tetanus and diphtheria how many sperm do you need to achieve a pregnancy,unfortunately in your case health reform does not extend to undocumented immigrants you are prohibited from purchasing health insurance from the state marketplacesexchanges and you are also ineligible for medicaid many non profit clinics that you have used in the past will continue to provide care in an emergency hospitals are required to screen and stabilize your condition without asking about your ability to pay whether you will be admitted to a hospital if necessary will vary on a case by case basis is it true that even if a vitamin bottle says it is expired that it is still ok to take,no you should not take expired vitamins you may put yourself at risk of having some type of allergic reaction due to the fact that the medication has started to break down we have the same recommendations for these products that we have for prescription medications basically you should not flush these medications anymore the new process is simple get a plastic bag with a zip top and place the vitamins in the bag pour some water in the bag to help it dissolve and then add some coffee grinds or kitty litter to the mix seal the bag and throw away in the trash if i take amlodipine in the morning can i take viagra at night,could you plz answer me i have black pimples on penis corona what are they,these may well be an onset of std other possibility is of an underlying infection that may present in such a way during early stages application of local cream if helpful should be continued for atleast 15 days do consult a venerologist hip replaced with radiation now my bones are weak,yes if your child develops a rash while taking amoxicillin it is important to contact hisher pediatrician immediately it could be a sign of an allergic reaction or a harmless side effect but the only way to tell is to have it examined by a doctor can chlamydia lay dormant for up to 3 years i was recently diagnosed and treated for chlamydia and need to know if it is possible for the bacteria to lay dormant for up to 3 years i have heard multiple answers from only a few months a maximum of a year to up to 5 years the only way i could have contracted it was about 2 5 years ago also my partner was just tested 4 months ago for the army and it came back negative i have been with him for 5 years but broke up for a short period 2 5 years ago and had other sexual partners,ibuprofen is used to relieve pain from various conditions such as headache dental pain menstrual cramps muscle aches or arthritis it is also used to reduce fever and to relieve minor aches and pain due to the common cold or flu ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug nsaid it works by blocking your body is production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation this effect helps to decrease swelling pain or fever if you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis ask your doctor about non drug treatments andor using other medications to treat your pain this form of ibuprofen is intended for use by children do not give this medication to a child younger than 6 months unless directed by the doctor check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before the manufacturer may have changed the ingredients also products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes taking the wrong product could harm you why are my shoulders breaking out so bad now that i am taking testosterone cypionate for testosterone therapy i have never before had acne problems on my back or shoulders my doctor has placed me on testosterone because i have low testosterone levels now i have such bad acne on my shoulders i do not take my shirt off in my own house because my wife says it is gross any advice on a remedy without stopping the testosterone,consuming more calories will help to increase your weight here are a few healthy tips to follow to increase weight slowly focus on healthy foods to gain weight eat foods that are loaded with vitamins minerals nutrients and calories you can enrich foods with nuts fruits and yogurt dairy can cause bowel problems for some with ibs and if it is an issue skip those foods eat more often increasing the amount of calories you eat each day will help to gain weight focus on eating 6 times a day with each meal containing a protein starch vegetable and some fat for example turkey sandwich with mayonnaise on whole grain bread with a fruit smoothie and carrots foods that are highest in calories and nutrients are foods with fat especially plant fats these include nuts peanuts seeds peanut butter almond butter avocados hummus and oils animal fats provide nutrients and the same amount of calories as plant fats but they also contain saturated fats which can increase the ldl bad cholesterol there are a few things to consider with ibs and diet make sure to add fiber to your diet if you experience constipation the fiber helps to absorb water and add bulk to the large intestine making bowel movements easier and more frequent foods high in fiber include fresh fruits and vegetables wheat bran whole grain breads and cereals and beans limit these if they cause excess gas for more information visit these links here and here i have an overactive bladder need advice,although its an interesting theory it is not supported by science lactose intolerance does not cause weight gain excess weight occurs when you eat more calories than your body burns in fact people with more serious gastrointestinal problems like ulcerative colitis or crohns have food rush through them and they tend to be underweight and sometimes malnourished the body does not seem to overcompensate can prozac prescribed for post natal depression cause weight gain only in the stomach region i take 40 mg of prozac once a day i also have the mirena iud no other medication but over xmas i took a pregnancy test negative because my tummy is looking so pronounced it seemed a bit far fetched but it was very noticeable i got my period the next day now i have tender breasts but no other symptoms of pregnancy i had very bad nausea and migraines with my first 2 children my tummy is still massive i usually weigh 112 lbs i am weighing closer to 120 lbs any ideas thanks,absolutely changes in appetite and weight is a common side effect for prozac and many other antidepressants and may very well be the cause of your gaining weight is there a link between acne and tonsil stones i have been having acne for 5 years now i am 20 years old and tried everything except accutane to get rid of it i do not eat any dairy products no sugar everything i eat is fresh and natural nobody in my familiy has had acne like i do when i was 11 years old i had a severe tonsillits epiosde and since then i have swollen lymph node in the submandibular triangle on the ride side of my neck when i am running playing football my neck hurts i also have a hoarse voice & tonsil stones,there is no link whatsoever they are two very different independent medical conditions is one physical exam for men covered by all insurance companies under the aca,i have seen children at the age of 30 months who do not communicate properly your kid is just 20 months old and i assure you he will soon start communicating speak to him show him how to communicate or point towards a object just conselling will be enough what are the treatment options for children with depression,if you have questions or concerns discuss them with your health care provider treatment options for children with depression are similar to those for adults including psychotherapy counseling and medication the role that family and the child is environment play in the treatment process is different from that of adults your child is doctor may suggest psychotherapy first and consider antidepressant medicine as an additional option if there is no significant improvement the best studies to date indicate that a combination of psychotherapy and medication is most effective however studies do show that the antidepressant prozac is effective in treating depression in children and teens the drug is officially recognized by the fda for treatment of children 8 18 with depression treating children with bipolar disorder children with bipolar disorder are usually treated with psychotherapy and a combination of medicines usually an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer use of an antidepressant alone can trigger bouts of manic and hyperactive behavior the fda has determined that antidepressant medications increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children and adolescents with depression and other psychiatric disorders if you have questions or concerns discuss them with your health care provider how rapidly should one is body fat composition change with diet and exercise,when we talk about acid peels what these are doing is that they are creating a controlled chemical burn of the skin these should be done by trained and qualified physicians ideally dermatologists or plastic surgeons what they can do depending on the concentration is cause an exfoliation of the skin that will reveal healthy newer skin behind it glycolic acids come in different strength they can be as low as a 5 up to a 70 and depending on whether or not it is buffered so how neutral it is what the ph of it is can affect how powerful that treatment is that needs to be neutralized in order to turn it off so the longer you leave it on the skin the longer the results last salicylic acid is often called a beta lift or a beta peel and this does not need to be neutralized so we have different concentrations it can be 20 30 and you have to be careful because this is absorbed into the body so we have to limit the body surface area that we apply we would not do the face and the back in one treatment because too much of the product would be absorbed and can cause systemic problems or problems internally so it does need to be done in a very careful and monitored way but it does turn off by itself afterwards you get red and you peel i like the beta or the salicylic acid peels for people who are more acne prone and the glycolic acids for general skin rejuvenation the lactic acid peels are more gentle in the alpha hydroxy or glycolic acid family of peels they tend to be better for more sensitive and more dry skin trichloric acetic acid peels tend to be very strong you have to be especially careful with these in as low as 10 concentration that tends to be very gentle but unlike the other peels every time you apply it you are getting a stronger concentration so if you take a 10 peel and you keep dabbing it over the spot you can get up to a 30 40 concentration so there is a lot of finesse that go around these products it is also self neutralizing which is good because it turns itself off but also we do not have a neutralizer for it so if you have too strong a product on your skin that can create a chemical burn that can be significant so these are treatments that should be done under the supervision or directly by your physician you need to be evaluated to make sure that your skin is healthy enough for this treatment and you need to know what to expect afterwards what the downtime is what the skincare is in order to get the best results out of them is there a link between sleep and long term memory,a new study has found a direct link between sleep and the creation of long term memories scientists at washington university school of medicine have discovered a cluster of cells in the fruit fly brain that controls sleep by manipulating those cells scientists were able to establish long term memories in fruit flies by controlling their sleep habits using their ability to control the fruit flies sleep the scientists tested the insects ability to learn — and retain — information here is how they did it and what they found as a test of learning researchers exposed male fruit flies to other male flies that had been engineered to smell like female fruit flies after a few unsuccessful mating attempts the flies learned not to court these female in disguise flies without sleep the fruit flies retained this knowledge of the pretend female flies for a short period of time amounting to a few hours scientists put their fruit fly subjects to sleep after the courtship training with sleep the fruit flies were able to retain the same information for several days sleep enabled the fruit flies to convert short term knowledge into long term memory we have long known that there was a relationship between sleep memory and learning you do not have to be a scientist to have a sense of this think about your typical state of mind — and your inclination to retain new information — at the end of a long busy day our brains use sleep as the time to determine what information can be discarded and what is useful enough that it should be stored as longer term memories when is the flu no longer contagious,formula or breast milk in sufficient amounts will make a baby gain weight it is okay to add some rice cereal and other solids starting at age six months or so but not in large amounts i am 4 weeks pregnant and my throat is very sore my tonsils feel swollen but i do not have a cold what can i take,vicodin which is a combination of acetaminophen the active ingredient in tylenol and hydrocodone long term effects on the body from products that contain acetaminophen can lead to severe liver damage and liver failure gallus detox center is a private inpatient medical detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855 338 6929 what can cause severe leg cramps and night sweats i feel like i have the flu all of the time body aches which gets worse with any activity low energy it feels like millions of needles piercing my body i get up on an average of 5x per night with severe leg cramps and body sweating including urinating then i get really cold i pace the floors at night because of the pain yet i am so tired all i want to do is sleep,hi i have had similar experience due to my condition which is hypotuatrisum growth hormone deficient i have that when my testosterone is low hope that helps regards mike mild discomfort and then mild pain in belly button region when i press that region,for starters the law requires most employers to allow parents to keep their adult children on their health plan until age 26 so she likely has another year with you if you like otherwise check healthcare gov for the marketplace in your state the federal government is running the marketplace in texas so on that website you will find information about where to go to shop for coverage i have a tumor on my scalp,people are at increased risk of infection with tuberculosis tb when they have close contact such as living in the same house with someone who has active tb which can be spread to others active tb is very contagious are health professionals who may care for people with untreated tb live or work in crowded conditions where they can come into contact with people who may have untreated active tb this includes people who live or work in prisons nursing homes military barracks or homeless shelters have poor access to health care such as homeless people migrant farm workers or people who abuse alcohol or drugs travel to or from regions where untreated tb is common such as latin america countries in central america south america and the caribbean africa asia eastern europe and russia people who have an infection that cannot spread to others latent tb infection are at risk of developing active tb if they have an impaired immune system the immune system may be weakened in older adults newborns women who have recently given birth and people who have hiv infection some cancers or poorly controlled diabetes have poor access to health care such as homeless people migrant farm workers or people who abuse alcohol or drugs take some types of medicines such as long term corticosteroids tumor necrosis factor alpha antagonists used to treat rheumatoid arthritis or crohn is disease or medicines to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ have a chronic lung disease caused by breathing in tiny sand or silica particles silicosis or celiac disease 2 have had gastric bypass surgery or a gastrectomy are 10 or more under their healthy body weight webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated do i have a sinus infection or sinusitis do i have a sinus infection or sinusitis have had soredry skin on bottom of left nose opening since last friday hurt when i stretched the nose always picked the dry skin been using petroleum jelly on bottom of left nasal opening now have nasal congestionstuffiness and facial paintenderness on left cheekbone area what should i do see a doctor do not have insurance or a pcp lately when i need a doctor go to walgreen is take care clinics because usually cheaper than a regular doctor,i have no way of examining you over the internet to determine if you have a sinus infection sinusitis so it is off to the take care clinic so you can be properly diagnosed and treated a description of symptoms is rarely sufficient to make this important diagnostic decision i am addicted to red bull drink…50 cans a week,check your cervical vertebra do an mri scan take it seriously good luck what is the risk of radiation with repeated mammography screening over the years,with modern mammography equipment the amount of radiation exposure is extremely small although there is no level of radiation without some theoretical risk there is no evidence of increased breast cancer risks from mammography performed in the recommended manner furthermore the benefits of early detection far outweigh these theoretical concerns sometimes my heart flutters followed by my breath being taken away causing me to gasp what might this be,most helpful answer many conditions can cause the symptoms you describe some of them are benign do not cause harm and some are life threatening the important message here is this if you are having any heart related symptoms you should get them checked out by a health care provider as soon as possible specifically if you feel any severe chest pain tightness of the chest pain radiating down your left arm or up into your jaw pain at the mid back in women ongoing shortness of breath nausea or fainting in combination with any of the other symptoms you should call 911 do not take chances with your heart please get checked out by a health care provider as soon as possible my 15 year old daughter has tricuspid valve regurgitation nausea getting worse,hi in my opinion you should check for chronic pancreatits and addisonian crisis do a potassium sodium test cortosol levels serum amylase and lipase tests good luck was at gym on ab crunch machine pushed too heavy weight and felt a pop in my stomach felt like something stuck out well i was at the gym this morning on the ab crunch machine i leaned forward to push my normal weight and it did not move so i pushed extra hard and i think it was too hard immediately after i leaned the weight forward it was followed by a bubble like feeling in my abdomen that moved upward towards my chest and i lost my breath it felt like something popped out for a couple of seconds this evening i am just really sore and occasionally am getting sharp pains in my stomach,oh ouch so much for that whole working out is healthy thing right ha ha well i think you need to get this checked out i would suggest making an appointment with your primary care provider you may merely have strained a muscle but then again you could have torn one and that would require medical attention luckily the abdomen is protected with layer upon layer of muscle so it is not too likely you suffered say a bowel herniation or something nonetheless if you start running a fever or vomiting or develop any other unusual symptoms you might consider heading for an urgent care otherwise you are probably fine to just check in with your primary care provider and of course do not do any weightlifting of any kind until you are cleared by your doc to do so even leg work can strain your abs and you really need to rest them for now best wishes i hurt my lower back now i am hunched over and it seems that my ab muscles have changed,probably nothing at all you may have this extra hair genetically but there is no reason for you to keep them you can wax em off pluck them out or see a specialist and have this extra hair permanently removed most of these things are unwanted genetic gifts from your parents or grandparents but if you feel you are having a hormonal problem that is resulting in excess hair growth you would need to see your medical provider can i take moltrin pm and alka selzer plus together,i do not know of any contraindications for exercise restriction while anyone is on cipro or for months after any restrictions that your doctor recommended has nothing to do with the medication but your other health concerns since i do not know you full medical history it is best to get patient specific exercise parameters from your doctor someone who does have this information what supplements can i take to help with heart disease is krill omega 3 any good family history with heart disease,this might be a form of a genetic condition called keratosis pilaris it can also occur on the upper outer arms some people grow into it over time others are lucky and grow out of it over time you can control it but not cure it products containing lactic acid salicylic acid and glycolic acid alone or in combination can be very helpful i swallowed two plastic fork tines expernicing chest and throat pain feels like its stuck in my throat er or wait today on my lunch break i accidentally swallowed two plastic fork tines while eating at work did not think much of it at first but now i am having mild chest pain and a fever along with some vomiting i feel like part of it is caught in my lower throat but was hopeful if i drank enough water i could move it no such luck eight hour s later should i go to the er,most helpful answer first why would anyone what to do this and second no ethical physician would risk his or her medical license to perform such a ridiculous procedure even if it was possible health risks highly likely i know this was a serious question but i am very curious how why this possibility even occurred to you my daughter is five years old and just passed a bowel movement with blood,if she had constipation and stool was rock hard there is possibility that she injured her rectum also some foods and medication gives blood apearance like for example too much tomatoes can cause exactly what you described if non of the above then i recommend seeing your pediatric doctorgood luck what can i do to ease the pain of osteoarthritis in my right hand i have had 9 sessions of pt but my right hand thumb area still hurts a few times a day are there any kinds of specific exercises that i can do at home and at work,continue with the exercise suggested by physiotherapist you may also try with herbal combination of anti inflammatory herbs like boswellia haridra guduchi ashwagandha nirgundi together in equal proportion and consume it at dose of 3 gms twice a day with water i have experienced headache migraine at least 3 days a week for the past 5 years,depo provera shots cause all your symptoms consult your gynaecologist fot other means can hydrocodone be prescribed as an anti depressant was on it for pain and it worked 10x better than my antidepressant i was on hydrocodone for pain after my 6th hernia operation and i found that it worked 10x better than my current anti depressant lexapro i found myself being more patient happier and was no longer taking afternoon naps which i found myself doing every day with the lexapro i did get a euphoric feeling when i first took it but it wore off after about 10 15 min and i was full of energy for the rest of the day can my psychiatrist prescribe this to me instead of lexapro for my depression,never is this used as an anti depressant narcotics are quite the opposite they cause deptession however getting rid of your pain would be enough to make you feel better but you may find over time you will need to increase your dosage is the addiction to narcotics a fair trade off depends on the pain and you need to follow your physicians instruction to the letter do not increase your dose without talking it over with your physician can a urine test detect chlamydia if a tampon was worn while urinating does wearing a tampon or having your cycle affect the accuracy of the test,a tampon will not affect the accuracy of a urine test these are two different compartments a urine chlamydia test or any other urine test would still be accurate whether you had a tampon in or not 1 week post knee arthroscope to fix torn meniscus woke up with pain from knee to my toes swelling from ankle to toes,also have barely any air to exhale suspician pharmacy stealing medication the last 3 out 4 months my medication has been short like ten doses i thought it was me but i keep close track and control of my meds and dont know what to do i need those ten doses its not the first time i dont want to look like i am just jone sing and i am not do not know what to,ask to have the re counted in front of you or you do it while you are still in the pharmacy or change to a different pharmacy my lower leg has been itching and i have had slow healing sores for five years is it related to high stress at work,unresolved itching is a truly frustrating symptom for all patients to deal with because this has been going on for some time you might want to get a medical evaluation to make sure you do not have a disease process that is causing the itching the fact that you have identified stress as a possible trigger tells me that while it may not be the source of your difficulty it certainly could be making it worse i would recommend that you look into stress reduction methods that are available in your area some schools and universities offer programs in stress reduction meditation yoga etc stress is hard on your entire body and could be negatively impacting other health systems as well as making your itching worse see what you can do about getting a diagnosis and try to learn to manage your stress levels i had a snowboarding accident i am always either in pain or dull and achy am i cursed,what should you do you may need to wait a bit longer some young women can have their first period delayed to age 16 and this is considered normal just because all of your friends may be having their period does not really apply to you you are well into puberty so the hormones are doing their job in the other departments just not your menstrual cycle yes there can be medical reasons so it would be appropriate for you to see a gynecologist women is health expert for a brief examination and perhaps a blood test i had a baby two months ago and have started exercising what is the best multivitamin to take,it may not be necessary for you to take a multivitamin provided your diet is well rounded and you do not have any nutrient deficiencies that said any multivitamin that provides 100 of the rda of all the essential vitamins and minerals is best there is no specific formula necessary it is generally preferable to avoid a multivitamin with iron unless you are anemic talk to your health care provider or pharmacist to find the best multivitamin for you i suffer from neck and shoulder blade pain for 3 years now and the doctors do not know what is wrong and it is getting worse,@asker for me it seems like a chronic myofacial pain syndrome… the best treatments are myofacial release muscle energy technique done by osteopath and trigger point injections and acupuncture best wishes with speedy recovery i have been having really painful pelvic pain for about two weeks now,that could be a urinary tract infection… you will need to get treated with an antibiotic of broad spectrum a urine culture will be fine to know the best antibiotic drink plenty plenty of water use a hot water bottle to ease pain drink plenty of water avoid coffee alcohol and spicy foods all of which irritate the bladder there are some indications that cranberry juice can help fight a urinary tract infection my toe got stepped on playing soccer and the nail has turned black will it fall off,maybe but it definitely has blood underneath called a subungual hematoma if this injury is fresh this blood can be evacuated by a painless bore hole but if this is an older injury there is really nothing more to do am a state of illin retired and i have blue cross hmo insurance and medicare which is best to make primary,hi sore nipples could be your hormones are out of whack see your doctor for a blood test to see how they are your hormones that is good luck is appendix removed in colon resection,not routinely it depends on the surgeon the location of the colon resection and even the insurance company it has been common practice to remove the appendix any time that you are surgically in the same neighborhood but this practice varies widely if you are the one that had the colon resection you can try and get your operative records to see if the snared the appendix during your procedure i have cramping and diarrhea for 2 weeks now,most people who eliminate up sugar have a hard time the first week or so and then feel better after that the problem is that eventually most everyone who gives up sugar will eat it again and that is when the problems start a better strategy might be to cut back on sugar and try to find more wholesome forms of sweet foods instead of fighting against your sweet tooth which may cause the eventual over consumption honor sweet cravings by finding more wholesome options you can try a few squares of dark chocolate be mindful and savor it or bit of honey in your oatmeal that is topped with fruit and nuts the result will be a diet that is much lower in sugar but higher in satisfaction for more tips on dealing with sugar cravings see this webmd article good luck with your health journey does vicodin contain aspirin,in my view the role of fruit depends on the overall eating strategy if one is doing atkins or another very low carb approach then it can be problematic to eat more than a little fruit especially the higher glycemic ones like banana pineapple and grapes however for my patients who aim to follow my usual eating strategy focusing on vegetablesfruitslean proteins and lowfat dairy and minimizing all grains and fatty meats and dairy i have not been limiting their fruit intake with the exception of dried fruit limited to 14 cup daily at first i was a little hesitant to encourage fruit without limit but my experience with diabetes reversal has reinforced this strategy time and time again fruit has been crucially important for helping my patients stick to the plan most of these patients eat 3 pieces of fruit daily for example an apple an orange and a banana some patients eat even more i rarely have to intervene and ask a patient to reel it in on the fruit intake it helps so much with weight loss which offsets the rise in glucose levels that otherwise might occur another reason i can get away with prescribing unlimited fruit is because i am so strict about minimizing starch intake put it this way every type 2 patient i have coached into remission eats at least 2 servings of fruit per day can i take hormone replacement therapy hrt tablets while having a contraception implant,hi thanks for the query well contraception implant itself have hormone releasing channels that are helpful in contraception so you should not take hormone replacement when you are already having an implant you should always consult a trained gynaecologist and get evaluated and in case if you want to get the hrt first get the impalnt removed get a proper hormonal profile done and then accordingly proceed for taking any medications hope this information helps regards what are the symptoms of gallstones,i would advice to repeatedly wash off your eyes with cold tap water then switch off lights and be in dark for a minute then turn on light to see if you have sensitivity to light if you experience sensitivity to light then it is advisable to visit a doctor hope it helps when someone can not work due to sickness are they given an order or form so a member of my family claims that they can not work due to medical reasons whenever asked every couple of weeks or months there is a new or different reason if a doctor really orders them to not work will they write some type of letter or form and provide this to the patient is there any way to verify their claims of being prohibited from working by a physician,if a person cannot work for medical reasons the person is considered disabled temporarily or permanent documentation is usually provided to the person is employer stating that this person is unable to work but the employer or anyone else for that matter does not need to know the specific reasons that is privileged information between the person and hisher medical provider can gender be determined by a blood test in our society today a lot of discussion has been made about sex change operations transgender questions and other social issues first is male or female able to be determined by a blood test and second if someone wants to change sex can this be achieved by hormones surgery etc or can a blood test prove conclusively that someone is a male or female regardless of environmental changes after birth finally if a blood test can determine sex can this too be changed,not a blood test but a dna swab from the inside of your cheeks or saliva can determine if you have male or female chromosomes if a person has a sex change surgically and hormonally challenged the chromosomes do not change nor can they be changed the olympics uses this type of test to determine eligibility to compete is it true that in pennsylvania smokers will be charged an additional 50 on their premiums why is not it considered a pre existing condition the first year to give the smoker time to quit the terrible addiction,under the affordable care act insurers are allowed to charge smokers a 50 surcharge some states though unfortunately pa is not one of them have chosen not to allow this extra charge the good news however is that if you agree to participate in a smoking cessation program you can offset higher costs so there is an opportunity to quit and to avoid higher costs if you agree to try why are both of my nipples painful and hot to the touch i am 25 years old i am not nor have i ever been pregnant i have never experienced this before what could this mean,sorry to hear you are going through this nipple tenderness can be very painful and annoying the good news is if this is affecting both your nipples it is probably not something scary like cancer it would be unusual for cancer to arise in both breasts at once not to mention you are awfully young for that your sore nipples could be caused by simple dryness it is not uncommon at this time of year when furnaces get cranked up and dry out the air for the nipples to require moisturizing just like any other skin you might try applying hand lotion to the nipples to see if it solves the problem if you go braless and your nipples frequently rub against clothing that could also cause them to feel sore wearing a soft supportive bra might help along with moisturizing if you take hormonal birth control for example birth control pills it is possible your tender nipples relate to hormone issues if applying moisturizer does not help the problem i suggest you see your primary health care provider for an exam and evaluation of your birth control method to see if this is the culprit and to make sure there is nothing sinister going on hope this helps my stepfather has parkinson is he has begun to have episodes of dementia type behavior what are your suggestions he is not sleeping well including leaving the house in the middle of the night,what you are experiencing sounds awful i hope you get some relief soon i strongly suggest you see a health care provider to evaluate these symptoms sometimes things like leg pains in children do not need to be treated but you are an adult now and still have the pain that definitely deserves to be looked at the migraines may or may not be related to the leg pain anyone can develop migraines many people believe they have migraines when they actually have common headaches migraines are a very specific type of headache that requires special treatment only a health care provider can tell you if you are getting true migraines or not again i urge you to see a health care provider about this and i wish you all the best could i be pregnant or have an std soo about 5 days ago i was drinking for 2 days straight and the next morning i woke up to diarrhea and started vomiting and had a cold chills i literally happened all day until my stomach was empty i even threw up some mucus like substance after that day was over i felt sick with no appetite for two days and now i am feeling cramps were i think my ovaries are located also my periods are never on tract but past 2 months they started on first if the month and i hvnt had 1 yet and its the 18th,yes because bactrim is a sulfa drug sulfa methoxidoletrimethoprim what is my risk of pregancy when i switch the pill to a different brand with different hormones was on viorele for about one year desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol but recently switched to altavera levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol i have just completed the first packet and am on the inactive pill four days into these my period is late and i have had sex in the past week previously i would have expected to have had my period start about now is the lateness due to the switch and my body adjusting or has the switch in hormones increased my risk of pregnancy,hi i think you should read this link it may help you if perhaps late but please read it the link hope this helps good luck i have retro peritoneal fibrosis with an aortic aneurysm,out of nearly hundred person having sex with hiv human immunodeficiency virus positive person hardly less than one may get infected the chances of acquiring hiv after sexual exposure is less than one percent i would suggest you to get hiv rt pcr real time polymerase chain reaction and elisa enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for hiv 1 and hiv 2 antibody from two different laboratory as far as progression of the disease is concerned hiv rna would be positive false positive or negative do not occur every time be positive revert back with the test results to a hiv aids specialist online > my son 8 years old has swollen and red hands he was picking up a sand bag yesterday is this a sign of brusing,no this is not a sign of bruising but it may be a sign of contact reaction since the redness and swelling has occurred in both hands at the same time there is a possibility that he picked up more than just a sand bag if he picked up or handled cement this is an entirely different problem cement does cause the hands to become red and irritated did he put his handprint into some fresh cement i think you need to do a little more investigation of a nine year old boy is day my 26 year old son is now too old to be on my health care policy he is in college and working part time with no health insurance provided what are hismy optionsrequirements for coverage,many colleges and universities offer student health plans so i would recommend you look into that as a first option otherwise start shopping for coverage through your state is health insurance marketplace starting october 1 what does it mean if there is an infection in your leg and you need surgery my daughters boyfriend has had fevers for the past week and was extremely week and slept all day long and had loss of energy the other day he had called the ambulance and when he arrived to the hospital he was rushed into surgery i could not understand what they were speaking about when they said they had to clean out his leg due to infection could someone please tell me what this is called and what cause this to need to be done thank you_,the swelling is caused by too much fluid in the tissue which is called edema swollen feet legs and ankles are a very common problem that usually does not require treatment for example gravity often pulls fluid down into the feet when you have been walking all day this swelling usually goes away by the next day however edema that does not go away should be investigated by your healthcare provider edema can be caused by • venous stasis veins in the lower legs that do not work properly • being overweight • aging • blood clot in the leg • heart problems such as heart failure • injury or infection • excessive salt intake • pregnancy if you have swollen feet legs or ankles occasionally here is what you can do to help the swelling go down • raise your legs above the level of your heart by lying in bed or on a sofa with several pillows propping up your feet • exercise regularly which keeps your veins working well • reduce your salt consumption • wear support stockings made for men and women if you frequently experience swollen feet legs or ankles – or if the swelling is on only one side – see your healthcare provider to rule out other health problems this is new to me since my potassium last week could this be a side affect when i wake up in the morning i experience self attacking thoughts and feelings,hi you seem to be pretty stressed out and anxious vyanase to some extent is also responsible for these symptoms you should consider reducing its dosage or changing the drug lorazep clonazep will be better option de stressing yourself will be helpful consult a good counsellor and a psychiatrist you may need to be started on anxiolytic drugs thanks allergic reaction to food with no breathing problems i ate pulled pork bbq almost immediately my throat started hurting followed by my sinuses starting to hurt i became very lethargic sensitive to lights and sounds everything hurt from the neck up my throat felt swollen face looked slightly swollen i went to urgent care and the doctor did not think it was food related because i did not have any breathing problems strep and flu test came back negative i was treated with antibiotics and steroids could this have been a food reaction,yes your symptoms could have been an allergic response not all allergic responses have breathing difficulties but most will have some degree of itching or hives symptoms you did not mention a swollen throat that suddenly came on after eating something certainly is suspicious of an allergic reaction a bacterial disease especially one that would require an antibiotic would typically not come on this sudden oral steroids can counteract an allergic reaction so perhaps that helped you yes it can be due to food allergy not all alergic reactions give breathing problems in severe reactions one can get symptom of breathlessness be cautious next time while eating stuff that you are allergic to why am i losing my hair after weight loss surgery and how do i stop it i take biotin 7500mcg b complex vitamin a zinc and vitamin d supplements daily but my hair just falls out in handfuls i prefer not to wear a wig so any help would be appreciated,this could be nutritional and a lack of protein could be contributing it sounds like the nutritional supplements you are taking contain vitamins and minerals that can help with hair growth however after weight loss surgery a lack of protein in the diet can contribute to hair loss you need to talk to your doctor to determine the best ways for you to get more protein and to determine if that might be the cause you should eat a variety of types of protein including meat beans eggs rice etc my husband and i had sex in a pool yesterday i am 7 weeks pregnant and now i am spotting and cramping is this normal,you will need to discuss this issue with your ob gyn someone who knows you and your case i cannot blindly determine if this bleeding and cramping is normal after having sex unless i had a way of determining the source of the blood your pregnancy is much too important to rely on internet advice so please contact you ob today some women need to be very careful during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy spotting could be a sign of miscarriage hi look sorry for this late reply at a time when you really need some help but for me sex in the pool was not the cause of this problem but if you have not done it bed rest would be good for you and just take things easy it could be something or nothing but just in case its a miscarriage these things do happen if so it means your body sense something was not right but just hoping for you it was nothing bed rest good luck hi see the above answer having heart valve replacement surgery concerned about risk factors and other treatment options,headache has many causes and most of them are not causes of worry concerning the surgery or its procedures doctors will prepare him well before surgery in terms of blood pressure kidney and liver functions blood tests to ensure safe output thanks i had lesion in my scrotum now eyelashes fall eyebrow and hair fall…itching in body mouth ulcers cold,the symptoms and signs that you are complaining of is not necessarily hiv or syphilis it may be due to hormonal disturbances or other auto immune disease so you need to run some laboratory investigations to figure out what is the right diagnosis such as thyroid functions you may need to consult a dermatologist can vitamin b12 be used for weight control i took heavy does of steriods for mirgraines administered by a family doctor is pa at the time i was 44 years of age i left shortly after receiving the medication to go to california to visit my family i gained huge amounts of weight each day by the time i got back from california i had gained nearly 100 pounds i am now 69 and frustrated & asshamed of how heavry i am i have exercised and dieted on chicken fruits and vegetables could vitamin b12 injections help,no there is no correlation between vitamin b12 and weight changes either causing weight gain or facilitating weight loss what are the best ways to exfoliate to prevent breakouts how often is it recommended,hi your mother in law needs hospitalisation she is not in a condition wherein she can improve just by taking oral medicines a detailed consultation with a psychiatrist needs to be done and appropriate treatment needs to be taken under professional medical supervision thanks i need a real doctor is advice will she be pregnant i got carried away and ejaculated everything in her we were standing up and she says that the penis was not really deep in her compared to last time we had sex here is an additional information her period started last january 5 and ended at 7 her period is normally around the first or second week of the month and lasts for 3 days ovulation is at the half of the cycle which would be on the 21 or 22 we are gonna take ecp before the 24th hour though please for us too god bless,hi found you this info do hope it helps all the way down to sorry your see why the normal volume varies from 1 5 to 5 0 milliliters per ejaculation 9or the loving spoonful or 10cc should ring a bell the sperm count varies from 20 to 150 million sperm per milliliter that means each time you ejaculate you put out tens of millions of sperm in one teaspoonful see the loving spoonful it only takes one sperm to fertilize one egg for a pregnancy at least 60 of the sperm should show normal forward movement motility you had 30 some factors which can reduce the percentage include alcohol tobacco drugs and time by time i mean the longer the sample of semen sits before it is analyzed the more the percentage will go down so my first question to you and the lab is did the lab do the motility analysis in the short time without waiting too long a repeat analysis of another very fresh sample may give you a much higher percent even so you have more than enough motility now for successful pregnancy when you marry normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results several factors reduce sperm motility exposure to heat possibly through the presence of a varicocele while sperm mature in the epididymis can damage sperm hindering their motility long periods of sexual inactivity can also adversely prevent motility studies have shown that poor motility is seen in the first ejaculate after a prolonged period of sexual inactivity whereas sperm motility improves in the following ejaculate reproductive health care providers can perform several procedures to improve sperm motility several products on the market claim to increase sperm motility some claim to provide proteins or enzymes needed for sperm to become healthy while some products are currently being tested no products have approval from the u s food and drug administration fda as of yet sorry for the humour so your 30 so your half way there but getting pregnant is all down to timing yes so your wifes cycle day one first day of her period day 14 give or take a day is ovulation day yes the day her egg drops now you need to have sex around 4 to 5 days before it takes 3 days for your sperm to get in place so by doing that your sperm is there just waiting for her egg and your sperm will live to 5 to 10 days depending where you read if all goes well on day 21 she should get some spotting if so this means the fertilised egg has buried itself in her womb if she then miss is her next period she then gets tested if all goes to plan you should end up with a baby do hope this helps you good luck ps just try this first but do not forget having genital herpes transmission through mutual masturbation hi what is the potential for gential herpes transmission from a male to a female via stimulation of the penis dry and flaccid then immediately rubbing the vagina with the same hand,hi i would love to say no but there is the slightest chance see some sperm can be in precum even though it happened before her period for some women it can still happen good luck occasionally i have a condition where i smell something similar to what diesel smells like every time i breathe when i inhale all i smell is what smells like diesel this lasts for anywhere from three days to two weeks and it stops as suddenly as it starts i have not noticed anything that specifically notriggers it just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this and what may be causing it and if i can do something to avoid or stop it i have type 2 diabetes high blood pressure and severe asthma and not sure if any or all of these contribute to this,this may be due to allergy to dust avoid dust going into your eyes use sunglassess get eyes checked from a opthalmologist for intra occular pressure why would a doctor prescribe atenolol to treat mild hypothyroidism just trying to gain a better understanding of this,i do not understand it either this is a beta blocker primarily used to lower blood pressure you would need to ask your doctor for hisher rationale why does my penis itch ive never had sex ok so recently i masturbated and i think it was a little to rough as my penis did get a little red the problem is now my penis itchs i think becuse the skin is healing but idk ive never had a cold sore or had any sighs of harpies my penis looks fine except for one red line in the middle,most helpful answer the penis is covered with skin and skin can itch for a variety of reasons without an examination it would only be a blind guess to know the specific reason for your itching it could be soap laundry detergents or dryer softeners in your underwear causing an allergic reaction it could be fungal fungus loves warm dark moist areas simple itching not due to fungus can be treated with 1 hydrocortisone cream over the counter a fungal infection would require an anti fungal cream available over the counter since you cannot be diagnosed over the internet based solely on you very brief posting consider getting a proper examination if any of these suggestions are not helping if i used a condom with my new partner how likely is the chance that i gave him trichomoniasis i believe i got it from my last partner whom i was with for 12 years we did have unprotected sex i have been with my new partner for a year but we have never had unprotected sex he lives in another country and i have not been with him in 6 months i was just treated for trich yesterday and do not think he can get the meds is it really possible that i gave it to him also what is the chance that i was misdiagnosed with a wet prep,dark yellow phlegm could be a sign of an infection or at least stagnation of mucous in your nose sinuses or lungs the fact that it is foul tasting is another sign of a possible infection the color of mucous is not as important is the entire package of symptoms that you may be experiencing so if this continues you may need to see a medical evaluation in the meantime drink plenty of water this will thin your mucous humidify the air humidifier or a hot steamy shower and consider trying a decongestant during the day if the underlying cause is a cold viral then you should be improving in a few days if you are having sinus pain sore throat chest pain or fever then it would not be prudent to wait it out i have weakness and tingling and a feeling of lazyness in my right side arm leg face along with the butterflies occurring in my right arm leg and face my lower right leg is extremely tired and sore all the time for example i will go on run and my lower right leg will be sore while the left is fine i have checked out my shoes i have rested it for days without running and nada it is almost as if it is really tired and just wants to stop working,this could be caused by several different things one being something going on with your back e g bulging or herniated disc my friend found out she has mrsa from a nose swab we have had sex should i get tested,unless you have a skin infection that is consistent with mrsa there is really nothing to test mrsa is carried by 2 out of every 100 people regular staph is carried by 1 out of every 3 people just because it was in her nose does not mean she is infected just a carrier you should not be worried what is a healthy amount of sugar to consume every day while pregnant,not sure if it is related but my daughter has a yeast intolerance and a lactose intolerance and she vomits immediately from some foods while from others it is bedtime or after a few days of building up yeast in her system now that i have her intolerances figured out we have changed her diet dramatically allergic reaction to hair loss product 1 year ago had minor hair lossthinning at the crown region only used alpecin liquid few months then noticed hair loss got much worse in crown and now in the center region i never had any thinning or hair loss at center path before did i have an allergic reaction to the alpecin surgeon said i am not candidate for hair transplant incisions may damage existing follicles what are my options on finasteride for 2 months will i ever be a candidate for hair transplant,hi be the man and live with it i had the same problems at the age of 23ish just had my hair cut short like crew cut and its been that way ever since now have a no 1 which i cut myself age now 67 or nearly its never worried me never feel the cold with it so just chuck all this stuff away time to be the man any help good luck ps its male patent baldness if you that ashamed of it get a rug does the flu make you sweat i believe i had the flu but wonder because now that the chills are i have been sweating for days,tissues in this area may itch for a variety of reasons the most common being yeast even if you do not see it and contact reactions soap laundry detergents dryer sheets etc as an experiment try a 5050 combination of 1 hydrocortisone cream with any anti yeast medication both are available over the counter rinse carefully after a shower and avoid harsh soaps rinse underwear twice to make sure there are no soap residuals and do not use perfumed dryer sheets if you have recently changed soaps or detergents this may be a culprit if this fails you may need to see your women is health professional for an examination and more detailed medical history i have full body burning vibrating tingling numbness all over,i would suggest you to consult a neurophysician and get evaluated and investigation like blood tests to check for sugar levels vitamin b 12 thyroid etc has to be done mri and ct scan can be done to check for nerve compression and other causes electromyography should also be done hope this helps regards does anybody know if the priapus shot can actually help repair damage from peyronie is diease as well as other claims,i think what you are experiencing is indeed normal at least if it is absent other signs or symptoms such as a fever you do not say if you are experiencing pain at the incision sites or in the area where your appendix used to be either way it is possible some of this pain is due to the development of scar tissue scar tissue will form wherever healthy tissue was cut scar tissue is kind of fibrous and can contract which could give you that pain you are experiencing when you try to stretch the good news is the pain probably will go away eventually if it is caused by scar tissue this may relax or break down so it is not so tight if the pain is caused by general post surgical tissue inflammation that also should calm down as the tissue fully repairs itself if you experience a fever or any systemic symptoms you should seek medical attention but if you are just experiencing minor pain you might give it awhile and see if this improves if not by all means revisit your doctor wishing you well is chicken box related to herpes,in my opinion you must be suffering gastric related disorder and cefdinir is not to be blamed for this it could be ibs or celiac disease note than gluten is sometimes found in most oatmeal types so it could be gluten sensitivity which is not related to the antibiotic which will never stay in your body all of this period i have 2 children i am in my first trimester of baby#3 i am irratible all the time i snap on people and not mean to why i had my first child in 08 i had my second child in 09 i was great when i as pregnant with them and after i had them and i am pregnant again in my first trimester well for the last 3 days i have been feeling irritable i snap on people and do not mean to and i do not know why i been emotional and in a really bad mood with everybody and i am bipolar i want to know why this is happening i can not spend the time i want to with my other kids because i am afraid that i am gonna snap on them why,usually due to hormonal changes can you get sick to your stomach when you are stressed or having a panic attack,absolutely people do get sick to their stomach when they are stressed and have a panic attack it is a pretty common occurrence so do not feel you are alone or that you are in some way weak what do you do to handle your stress on a daily or weekly basis i would recommend that there are several self help things that you can begin to do for yourself the first of these in addition to exercise would be to ensure that you were eating a balanced diet get sufficient sleep get out with friends and socialize on some semi regular basis get involved in activities you enjoy that are not stressful and used relaxation breathing on a daily basis one thing you should also consider is having a medical checkup just to ensure there are no physical problems how does severe uncontrolled asthma adversely affect a fetus,the developing fetus depends on the mother to supply oxygen for growth and survival oxygen dissolved in her blood is transferred through the placenta to the fetus uncontrolled asthma causes a decrease in the mother is oxygen which in turn reduces the oxygen available to the developing fetus this may result in impaired fetal growth it could even affect survival of the fetus uncontrolledsevere asthma can have several serious consequences on both mom and the baby high blood pressure preterm labor premature births seizures in the infant and lung trauma and death of the mother etc most of these are complications from either not using medications or underutilizing them while a woman is pregnant it is important to know your personal asthma triggers and learn ways to avoid them knowing the early signs of an attack and starting treatment right away are also critical have an asthma plan in place and know when to go to the er many people wait until it is too late and the symptoms are severe this makes asthma deadly i am 19 and have chest pain tightness and a high heart rate,she should see her medical provider or at least have a phone consultation there are effective medications to help control vomiting but they require a prescription i do not know that age of your daughter in the meantime make sure that she takes frequent sips of water or other electrolyte solutions so that she will not become dehydrated can you get hives from being pregnant and stressed out is this really the cause for the hives obgyn says it is my daughter is pregnant stressed out and doctor gave her 300mg wellbutrin to take daily been on it 3 weeks now she has hives and doctor told her stress and pregnancy cause hives it is not the wellbutrin he says,read about this condition stress may not be the main underlying culprit what causes a large uterus,hi if the doctor says its not infection then it may be neuritis a inflammation of the nerves inside the ear consult a ent specialist and get a otoscopy done to see whats wrong thanks what is the common cold,a pet scan is not considered dangerous but discuss any concerns with your doctor urologist or the radiologist doing the test what is involved with rehabilitation after treatment for brain tumors,rehabilitation can be a very important part of the treatment plan the goals of rehabilitation depend on the person is needs and how the tumor has affected daily activities the health care team makes every effort to help the patient return to normal activities as soon as possible several types of therapists can help physical therapists brain tumors and their treatment may cause paralysis they may also cause weakness and problems with balance physical therapists help patients regain strength and balance speech therapists speech therapists help patients who have trouble speaking expressing thoughts or swallowing occupational therapists occupational therapists help patients learn to manage activities of daily living such as eating using the toilet bathing and dressing children with brain tumors may have special needs sometimes children have tutors in the hospital or at home children who have problems learning or remembering what they learn may need tutors or special classes when they return to school should i get a psa if i have bph i am white and 48 years old my dad is 74 and has never been diagnosed with prostate cancer only bph,hi according to the uk is nhs psa is are not that good but as you already have and enlarged prostate it would not help but do read up about tuna transurethral needle ablation if they talk about turp run i know somebody on franktalk he had it done and raves about it so that gives you something to think a bout www franktalk org is a site for guys with ed problems and as it states the talk is frank your see me on there as nowhard hope this helps you good luck does diet sodas make arthritis worse,there are no differences in the smell of anyone of a different race skin color does not have an odor that is not to say that humans do not have their own smells a person who eats different or aromatic foods or spices can smell different to someone who is not familiar with the smell a person who smokes smells quite different to a non smoker a person who is not diligent in their personal hygiene practices can have all sorts of body odors i have set with plenty of them on a crowded plane there may be a smell of poverty when someone wants to be clean but does not have the same access to a shower or laundry facilities like you do some people do not wear deodorant or use cologne some use too much and make my eyes water smells are in the nose of the beholder to say that a black person smells different than any other race can be considered a racist statement one that has absolutely no speck of truth racial differences usually result from genetic adaptations to climate dark skin is protected from sunburn but absorbs more heat produces more sweat blacks sweat more than whites as sweat evaporates it cools good but sweat carries with it many organic and inorganic compounds pretty much same as in urine which beneficial bacteria on the skin consume and poop on the skin blacks wind up with more pee and bacteria poop it is that which does not smell good on the skin a lot of it is not stink per se all races have a unique smell generally we each like our own think different is unpleasant not really there is a tiny hole above my child is 9 months old butt hole in her crack can you tell me what that is,it is probably a pilonidal sinus tract you can look this up on the internet i use a mouthwash that contains alcohol i have read that this can be harmful to my oral health is this true,for most people mouthwashes containing alcohol are safe to use daily however alcohol can be a problem for people in recovery from alcoholism or who have a tendency to abuse alcohol there are many alcohol free mouth rinses available nasal drainage nose passage clogged i have something really weird going on so the back of my throat both sides there is these round nods i believe are swollen been like that for months now with a white sticky looking stuff in the back also my nose one of its airways are clogged from a weird bone which means i can basically only breath from my mouth i am really scared as to what is happening here i do not have a health insurance i am currently a student on a low budget can you please tell me if its something dangerous thank you,do i have the ability to diagnose you over the internet no i do not i do not have any way of determining the cause or the significance of your symptoms based solely on your brief posting i do not know your medical history nor do i have the ability to reach out and examine you all essential components to getting an accurate diagnosis while i am very sympathetic to your financial situation and lack of insurance there is very little that can be achieved without a hand on medical examination look for free clinics student health centers or urgent care facilities give you body and your health the same consideration as you would if your car suddenly broke down and needed a costly repair i performed oral on a man who said as far as he knows he is clean and practices safe sex however i am nervous about hiv i know that oral and hiv is considered a low risk activity but should i be as worried as i am i also heard that there are enzymes in the saliva that kill hiv is this true there were no cuts in my mouth at the time that i was aware of and no sores either,any form of unprotected sex has it is risk if the person could have a sexually transmitted disease while it is true that your risk may be minimal you really do not know the health of this person saliva does not kill hiv sorry you need to make better decisions next time so you will not have to suffer the angst of the unknown i never know when to take an antihistamine or decongestant so i end up buying a product with both is that a good idea,it depends on your symptoms antihistamines generally relieve allergy type symptoms like itchy and watery eyes runny nose sneezing and itchy throat decongestants are helpful to relieve sinus congestion and pressure as well as nasal congestion rule of thumb you want to take the smallest number of medications to treat most of your symptoms and to minimize the number of potential side effects so if you have runny nose and watery eyes and no congestion an antihistamine only product is a good choice if you ever have questions about which over the counter medication to choose ask your pharmacist can weight loss cause high blood pressure i have lost 20 lbs through weight watchers i lost 10lbs then joined weight watchers for a total loss of 30 lbs i have high blood pressure for a number of years controlled by medication diovan 80 mg once a day just recently i have noticed my blood pressure going up ex 177112 normally 13080 my dr increased the diovan to two tabs a day one am and one pm this rx is helping somewhat i am just wondering if significant weight loss can add to the high blood pressure thank you sandra deustachio,if it did it would not be on the market nor be as popular as it is as a prescription extensive studies prior to fda approval has proven that viagra does not cause cancer what is wrong with me hello i was wondering if anyone could help me i have had 2 xrays 3 cts 2 mris a colonoscopy internal and external ultrasound 3 pain shots with epidurals i have been seen by my regular doctor a gynecologist neurologist a general surgeon and the colonoscopy doctor no one can seem to help me figure out what is going on with me it all started on july 5 2013,treatment for balanitis depends on the underlying cause if there is an infection treatment will include an appropriate antibiotic or antifungal medication in cases of severe or persistent inflammation a circumcision may be recommended taking appropriate hygiene measures can help prevent future bouts of balanitis such as retracting the foreskin daily and adequately cleaning and drying the head of the penis in addition it is important to avoid strong soaps or chemicals especially those known to cause a skin reaction can you take lexapro welbutrin with acai berry,hi you still have one ovary intact and thats enough for you to concieve even if this kidney also has a pcos you still can get it treated and get pregnant having irregular periods is expected after removal of one ovary you can get a recent abdominal scan done right now to assess the functioning of the ovary destress yourself by yoga nd meditation what treatments are available for chronic hepatitis c,treatment of chronic hepatitis c varies depending on the individual a person with chronic hepatitis c may not need or benefit from treatment some people may not be able to tolerate treatment because of side effects currently the fda has approved the following treatments for hepatitis c pegylated interferon alfa 2a pegylated interferon alfa 2b ribavirin standard interferon alfa interferon is a naturally occurring protein that fights infection injecting more interferon helps the body fight the hepatitis c virus pegylated interferon is usually preferred as it only requires a single shot every week and has been found to be more effective this is usually combined with ribavirin a medication that combats certain viruses and is taken orally in capsule form along with interferon a third class of drugs known as protease inhibitors is awaiting approval by the fda if approved these may be added to the existing combination in future treatments this combination therapy usually lasts between 24 and 48 weeks many people do not experience side effects when taking the treatment but it is possible you may feel fatigue and flu like symptoms your doctor may stop the treatment if you experience too many side effects other common side effects of interferons include fatigue muscle pain headache nausea vomiting weight loss and depression and changes to your blood cell counts side effects of ribavirin include anemia skin rash fatigue and nosesinus congestion prior to starting the treatment you may wish to organize medical leave or reduce working hours in case it makes you feel ill my doctor wants to do an injection should a cortisone injection be done without ultra sound guidance,if you are attending a college that has student health it is easy just make an appointment for a physical if you are paying for this comprehensive exam it could be pricey the cost of medical care widely varies so if you still covered under your parents health insurance it is likely they will pay for preventative services again just make an appointment for a physical exam with a good primary care clinician what is symmetrel for parkinson is disease,there is really no good treatment for this genetic skin disorder some people have use desquamation solutions chemicals that peel the skin and topical steroids but in the end this skin condition not a disease will typically return i do not believe that using laser hair removal on keratosis will have any lasting benefits either and i do not believe that this is an approved or acceptable use of this device fetal echo cardiography done doctors suggested to abort but we want to continue,without knowing the exact medication his father gave him it is really hard to say whether or not the combination is safe for your husband to take keep in mind while over the counter medications are readily available safety is still important there are still drug drug interactions that can occur toxicities with taking too much and it is important to take medications whether prescription or over the counter for the right reasons most over the counter sleep aids contain diphenhydramine as the active ingredient if he was given 3 pills he could have taken too much another thing to keep in mind is that many sleep aids contain a pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen if he is taking percocet which contains oxycodone and acetaminophen he could be taking too much acetaminophen which can be very toxic mixing over the counter medications with prescription medications is not as simple as one would think it is really important to check with a medical professional to make sure there is no duplication or drug drug interactions my eldest daughter is suffering excruciating pain need second opinion,drinking diet soda in moderation should not be a problem although one study showed diet soda was associated with preterm delivery more studies are needed to confirm a relationship also remember soda has caffeine the march of dimes recommends 200mg or less daily for pregnancy women and a diet coke has 45 mg be sure not to skimp on water and other nutritious beverages such as milk random nose bleed with large clot ok overdose 3 weeks ago was on drip for 3 days took sando k for 3 days after hospital just had random nosebleed today with large blood clot which i choked on could this be anything to do with my liver,main question is why is your nose bleeding what did you od on if you are snorting cocaine or smarties or xanax etc membranes get thinned and will bleed with little encouragement blood clots that what it does when it is not moving run a humidifier because this time of year the air is so dry some peoples noses just bleed and need cauterized maybe you are the lucky one that has to have that if you are snorting quit it liver i dunno your liver has to metabolize everything that goes into your body you only have one take care of it i have a newly closed anal fistula i can feel a bulge from the fluid the pressure is very uncomfortable is it healing it is drained for a couple years now the bubble of fluid feels like i have a marble up my rear i can push on the bubble and this forces the fluid back and it is comfortable for up to an hour but then the bubble fills back up is this normal is this just it finally healing,ringworm is a fungus not a virus shingles is a herpes virus they are totally unrelated shingles is usually a result of having chicken pox during childhood it can come at any age any time and should be addressed as quickly as possible what does it mean when there is a red blotch on your scrotum hello i am a 16 year old male and just recently found a red blotch on my scrotum it is not itchy and it is always moist i am not sure if the moisture is puss or sweat i think it might be some fungal infection or just jock rash but can someone tell me what i might have,most helpful answer it would take a visual examination by a medical provider to determine the exact nature of your scrotal red blotch a brief description just does not do it you may be correct about fungus common pathogen in this moist area would be a condition called tinea cruris tinea cruris typically itches however but it can be very red moist and irritated another possibility would be contact dermatitis often from a fabric softener detergent or soap no young man really wants to go to a medical provider to get his scrotum examined but this is really the only way to be properly diagnosed and treated i have had many tests but unless cobalt poisoning is answer cannot figure out the painful tingling in all fingers i have been identified as my two metal on metal hip implants have leaked cobalt in my blood now just before revision surgery number one i have painful sensitive feelings in all fingers and sometimes hand and up arms to elbows i have had one side revised now and pending the other side later next month i still have this problem and it has just gotten to the point of nothing helps gabapentin 300 mg did nothing,i have had all bone and blood test and neck and lower back xray would and examined no abnormalities i have polyps on my cervix tilted uterus and fibroid tumors heavy bleeding and pain do i need a hysterectomy my gyn found polyps on cervix fibroid tumors and my uterus was tilted i have very heavy bleeding for the first part of my period and then it slows i am not regular at all and when i start it is out of no where but i do have lots of side and back pain with my periods i am wondering if a hysterectomy is the option for me i am scheduled to have a trans vaginal ultrasound done and have the polyps removed in a month she did blood work and said we would discuss more at my next visit i,its because ur knees are getting into 1st stage of arthritis calcium deficiency can be another issue get xrays of both knees done get blood calcium checked is thrush contagious can the fungus be passed to another by kissing,sort of thrush is yeast and can be transmitted to others by kissing but a person who is exposed to thrush would need to be susceptable many people are exposed and do not get it i have found a large hard lump on the right side of my groin,hi this could be from your mucus plug breaking down before your period sometimes its clear other times if can be brown and sticky hope this helps you good luck i have pcos and my acne is getting worse i am trying to get pregnant so birth control is not an option what can i do,i am so sorry to hear about your childhood molestation so i can understand that oral sex with your husband could surface some of those past demons having a consentual caring sexual relationship with your husband is not the same i trust that your husband will be respectful and understanding about your reluctance i can assure you that semen is harmless in your mouth but your husband does not have to ejaculate he can control it you will not get any disease causing germs from this practice in a monogamous relationship with your husband consentual oral sex is safe and can be pleasurable for both of you this would be a new sexual experience for you so if you are emotionally ready take little steps at first what is the best low carb high protein diet in the past i have done the high protein diet however in my opinion there were not enough fruits or vegetables you could eat legally with some of the new ideas out there i think that has changed some i would love to know which of the low carbhigh protein diets is most recommended and where to get the information about such a diet thank you for any help you can give,i am sorry to hear this many people think a keloid is just a large unattractive scar they do not realize the pain a keloid can cause i would suggest you consult a plastic and reconstructive surgeon he or she will be able to assess your keloid and provide you with various treatment options from cortisone injections to surgery of course surgical removal of a keloid can lead to another keloid however i have seen good results from the surgical removal of keloids too at any rate a plastic and reconstructive surgeon will be able to give you all of your options up to an including surgery you certainly can opt for less aggressive treatment first to see if it will work i wish you all the best chronic fatigue joint pain low grade fever night sweats family physician does not know what is wrong,frequency of sex has nothing to do with e coli bacteria escherichia coli prostatitis is very resistant to treat so it is not necessary that if you have taken treatment it will not recur sometimes you have to take 4 to 6 months of treatment for prostatitis this is the main reason why you are still having the pain semen and culture usually do not cover all std is sexually transmitted diseases and lower abdominal pain is a non specific symptom and can be attributed to prostatitis yes hiv human immunodeficiency virus could be transmitted through oral sex so if you know the person it is better to get her tested because if she is not hiv positive then you need no testing nevertheless you can go for hiv 1 and 2 antibody test by elisa enzyme linked immunosorbent assay method and hiv rt pcr reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction i hope the above information is useful to you for further queries consult a hiv aids specialist online > can insulin cause uti,no insulin is not the cause just having diabetes can predispose a person to have a uti or other infections should my baby run fever while teething my son is running high fever while teething around 102 7 is this normal,you can check with the few symptoms listed below to know more about your baby is teething drooling irritability a tooth visible below the gum swollen bulging gums trying to bite chew and suck on everything she can get her hands on rubbing her face difficulty sleeping turning away food if the problem continues then consult a good pediatric for you baby is oral health can i give chlamydia to a girl if she was the first person i had sex with she believes the incubation time is outside of the person she last had sex with so it had to be me we have had sex anywhere from 20 25 time all unprotected with 3 4 weeks,hi the problem with chlamydia is it loves to go and hide and come out when it feels like it and could be up to 10 years later so its a real bugger wrecks marriages and could wreck your relationship that you sound like your enjoying its whether she believes this ok good luck how many calories should i cut to lose a pound a week,store in a tightly closed container at room temperature between 59 86 degrees f 15 30 degrees c away from light and moisture do not store in the bathroom do not freeze liquid forms of this medication keep all medicines away from children and pets do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into a drain unless instructed to do so properly discard this product when it is expired or no longer needed consult your pharmacist or local waste disposal company for more details about how to safely discard your product can you still breast feed with bacterial menengitis while being treated,no i would not recommended it since formula would be a safer alternative for the baby and reduce the risk of transferring a bacterial pathogen from the mother there are ways to keep up the supply of breast milk and discarding it until the meningitis is cured and the bloodbreast milk are safe again if the mother has bacterial meningitis she is usually too ill to be caring for a baby she is most likely going to be on intravenous antibiotics some of which are excreted in the breast milk and not safe for the baby can low blood pressure cause hallucinations,low blood pressure can result in reduced blood flow and circulation into the brain with poor brain function the usual symptom of dangerously low blood pressure hypotension is a depressed level of consciousness—someone acting sleepy or “out of it ” hallucinations are not a “typical” symptom of low blood pressure however i would not rule it out as a possibility in rare cases it would be important to look for something else causing both the low blood pressure and the hallucinations like a toxic drug effect or dehydration causing delirium in an older person can thyroid problem be the reason for stress and anxiety,hi stressing could be a part of your problem when your mother was in the icu coldness in finger tips and toes could a just some raynaud is phenomenon i have this and take boric acid for it you put a 14 teaspoon in a litre of water leave over night and drink through the day this allows you blood to run better as relax is your vein is ask at your chemistdrug store at the pharmacy for it boric acid your find its dirt cheap to buy and your period problem could be over come by going on the bc pill this is really good at regulating periods hope this all helps you good luck i have joint pain and muscle spasms since 2011 now developed numbness in legs,see a neurologist…could be cmt claire marie tooth a debilitating disease that affects your extremities fainting nausea dark loose bowel associated with irritable bowel syndrome i have symptom similar to irritable bowel syndrome usually it happen very sudden acute stomach pain urgency to go to bathroom dizzy fainting nausea even vomiting in addition i have dark and loose stools it has been this way for long time i have this kind of episode several times should i see doctor,him you have what my wife had many years ago all the same but as they say she grow out of it i think at one time she was put on fibre gel because of the very loose stools so the could help you to but from what i have heard ibs is just apart of growing up adult style some get it and us others do not good luck had allergic reaction to ibuprofen in july bladder went into spasms,if i were your doctor i would prescribe antihistaminic like atarax 10 anti fungal and anti bacterial in my opinion are a bad choice in a patient with allergic reaction good luck can i use testosterone cream while taking ortho novum 777 i am going back on birth control pills and am currently using a testosterone cream can i still use the cream while taking ortho novum 777,that is a question only your health care provider can answer i would suggest you contact the person who prescribed the birth control pills and ask them about the testosterone therapy your question illustrates why it is so important to provide a thorough health history before leaving any clinic with a prescription in hand your health care provider needs to know about all the medications over the counter and prescription and supplements vitamins herbs etc you take before he or she can safely give you any kind of prescription medication including birth control pills wishing you all the best diagnosed with celiac and told i have the start of crohns i was told i have celiac disease a couple years ago i was put on a gluten free diet my symptoms were not as bad i then was told i have the start of crohns no treatments was established on a gluten free diet my symptoms gradually returned its now been a couple years and slowly my symptoms have all returned the past two weeks have been the worse in a long time any ideas on what i should do next,this is most probably central facial palsy it usually results from damage to upper motor neurons of the facial nerve the facial motor nucleus has dorsal and ventral divisions that contain lower motor neurons supplying the muscles of the upper and lower face respectively so you might be having nuclei injury emg may diagnose it a neurlologist can help you with it how does a person use the new health insurance exchanges before the age of 65,my personal opinion is no i would not recommend acupuncture for the control of edema most likely due to the congestive heart failure and kidney disease however i do not know the details of his medical history or his age i have a reoccurring rash on my penis with no other std symptoms is it herpes another std or something else 8 months ago i had sex and the condom broke 2 3 weeks later i developed a small rash on the tip of my penis after two weeks it will go away for about a day or two and then come back it does not itch hurt burn have discharge no open sores and it is dry at its worst the rash can turn reddish can an untreated yeast infection in men continuously come back even if i have not had sex since it first appeared i wear compression shorts almost everyday all day could merely be a skin irritation,most people know that exercise keeps muscles strong but did you know that strong muscles burn more calories muscle mass is metabolically active tissue in other words the more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn even when you are not working out studies estimate that for each pound of muscle you add to your body you will burn an additional 35 50 calories per day so an extra 5 pounds of muscle will burn about 175 250 calories a day or an extra pound of fat every 14 20 days because guys have more muscle mass they burn calories faster and lose weight more easily than girls so girls need to work out daily to stay strong and in shape what is an ophthalmoplegic migraine,an ophthalmoplegic migraine is pain around the eye including paralysis in the muscles surrounding the eye this is an emergency medical condition as the symptoms can be caused by pressure on the nerves behind the eye other symptoms of ophthalmoplegic migraines include a droopy eyelid dilated pupil double vision or other vision changes i have or think i have cataracts when should i contact my doctor,yoga has all types of beneficial effects so a person with diabetes most certainly will benefit i am 65 and concerned about the sun spots on my face will a blue peel remove these spots and even out my skin tone would it be more effective to have the spots removed with a laser several years ago while visiting my dermatologist i mentioned the dark spot on my face and hands and he sprayed something on me the area turned brown scabbed over and a week or so later spots were gone do you have any idea what might have been in that “magic can” i would ask him but he has retired,no absolutely not is it true that people with diabetes are more likely to catch colds and the flu,people who are not eating right and exercising are more susceptible to head colds and those bouts last longer and are more likely to result in complications such as pneumonia or bronchitis or sinusitis etc compared to people who eat right and exercise regularly this general principle is especially true for people with diabetes type 1 or 2 because their bodies respond particularly well to lifestyle efforts and they are particularly penalized when unable to eat right or exercise diabetes is very unforgiving this way the immune cells white blood cells are particularly sensitive to improvements or worsening of blood sugar control they are among the first bodily functions to improve when the glucose control does this probably translates into rapid reduction in risk for colds and other infections in someone who finds a way to make lifestyle changes i believe you would not be surprised to hear an answer like this one and i know you would like to make such changes we all recognize it is hard to do and takes advanced planning and an organized approach i have a cough and i am alsmost positve its broncitus because i get it quiet a bit recently i experienced swelling i am 17 years old and i get broncitus a lot because of my smoking habbits and i am used to all the symptons of it i reconize them more recently i started feeling pain in my left breast where i found a circular knot and now today i have swelling and soarness on my ribcage connected to the breast it feels like i did a workout and hurts slightly when i lay on my left side i am not sure if theyre connected long history of cancer i my fam ive heard that itsnotpainful sowhats going on wmy body,i am sure this will not come as a shock to you but you need to quit smoking are you aware that if your lungs get compromised enough you can have a heart attack you obviously need to see your doctor immediately to get that circular knot checked out hopefully it is just a swollen lymph node which typically happens when there is an infectionvirus in your system or just getting over an infectionvirus as scary as it is you need to get in to the doctor to be checked no one online is going to be able to give you an accurate diagnosis you need an exam and tests performed especially where cancer runs in your family i am surprised you still chose to smoke but again to reduce your risk you need to quit smoking cancer runs in my family as well my grandmother passed away from heart cancer i saw the unimaginable pain she was in even with the hightest dose of pain medication you do not want to go through this if you do not have to please quit smoking and please get seen by your doctor asap good luck i am feeling discomfort in chest i did ecg and chest x ray all normal,it can be related to acid reflux but it is appearing more like cardiac problem only you should get a 2d echocardiography done for confirmation can a senior who has had shingles get them again by being exposed to child with chickenpox,there can be many reasons to have a light menstrual period or spotting while on the pill it does not necessarily mean you are pregnant birth control pills taken properly of course are highly effective so your chance of an unintended pregnancy is not very high can it happen yes so if you are having any other signs of pregnancy a home pregnancy test or a visit to your gynecologist would be in something to consider what is psoriatic arthritis,yes ovulation testing device can be helpful but you need to take care that sperms last for 3 days in female genital tract therefore calculation should be made based on the day of your periods and correlation with the ovulation test machine avoid intercourse from about 10 the day post periods and wait till the ovulation occurs wait for two days post ovulation to be safe hope this helps who is affected by epilepsy,epilepsy is a relatively common condition affecting 0 5 to 1 of the population in the united states about 2 5 million people have epilepsy about 9 of americans will have at least one seizure during their lives can pregnancy age 51 after having tubes tied over 9 yrs symptomsno menstral 3 mo nausea vomiting tired + ept i tested positive on the ept is it possible that menopaus can give same symptoms as pregnancy i have not had a menstral cycle in 3 months nausea with certain smells hot flashes slight poofing starting swelling in ankles all the signs of pregnancy however i had my tube tied in 2006,hi first of all congratulations on losing 60 pounds that is awesome now on to your problem loose skin with massive weight loss is not uncommon losing it over 5 to 6 months is very healthy you did a great job the best way to tighten up is to weightstrength train yep start making more muscles weight training will tighten and tone up your body in a way that cardio simply will not be able to two to three times a week for 30 minute sessions add in some weight training there are many ways you can do this without a gym or a trainer just check out youtube and you will find a ton of exercises you can safely weight train and tone with just about anything in your house pilates will also help you to tighten up and tone as well if you want to start taking a class you should start noticing results within a month or two if you are consistent just remember to eatdrink lean protein at least 30 minutes post workout to really optimize on muscle building good luck how long does the first herpes breakout take to heal is there anything that can be done for relief other than warm h2o,herpes where genital herpes can be effectively treated by several different anti viral medications shingles and cold soresfever blisters are also herpes and may be treated differently see your medical provider warm water is not going to really do much i am 33 weeks pregnant and i am in a lot of pain,hi i encourage a c section as soon as gynaecologist see fit in the mean time try using a tight strechy band around your chest it will reduce the costocondritis pain in my opinion you need an early c section good luck i have boils all over my scalp and i could see pus coming out of it,you can use indian lilac black seed turmeric and warm cloth foments they can work as antiseptic and analgesics at the same time thanks what are the different types of hernias,epigastric umbilical incisional lumbar internal and spigelian hernias all occur at different sites over the abdomen in areas that are prone to anatomical or structural weakness with the exception of internal hernias within the abdomen these hernias are commonly recognized as a lump or swelling and are often associated with pain or discomfort at the site internal hernias can be extremely difficult to diagnose until the intestine bowel has become trapped and obstructed because there is usually no external evidence of a lump what is a heart murmur,a heart murmur is a sound created by the flow of blood in the heart heard when listening to the heart with a stethoscope some heart murmurs called innocent murmurs occur in completely healthy people heart murmurs also can result when the valves of the heart are diseased creating abnormal blood flow through the valve people with congenital heart problems birth defects or congestive heart failure frequently have heart murmurs a heart murmur can be a clue to the presence of heart disease innocent murmurs do not need further testing but unexplained heart murmurs often prompt other tests like electrocardiogram ecg or a heart ultrasound echocardiogram can yeast medication help ringworm crazy but my husband has ringworm all over him and i read some where that its a yeast infection so we went to get medication to cure a yeast infection i am just asking if this would help or his my husband going to grow boobs ha,hi do not think so ok just add the time you was pregnant before your abortion question was it an abortion or a miscarriage because it works out that was 15 weeks ago you must have fallen straight away then good luck after my boyfriend masterbated last time he had a bright red discharge that he said was painful what would cause this,an infection anywhere in the urogenital tract an injury to the urogenital tract from masturbation a bright red discharge is blood and it would be in his best interest to see a medical provider so that he can be properly examined diagnosed and treated obvious it would not be possible to blindly determine the source or significance of this bloody discharge over the internet may be vd what medications and treatments are available to treat pagets disease of bone,brush your teeth carefully with a soft bristle brush and then rinse your mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide treatment for household cleaning product allergies symptoms are fatigue shakiness nasalchest burning weakness and asthmatic reaction or shortness of breath already getting immunology shots for seasonal dust mites cat dander and mold does not appear to help the cleaning product symptoms,hi well perhaps its not the products but the house work your allergic to think about it a lot of people get this its work there really allergic to have you had any skin tests done for the products you use perhaps going back to old fashioned pure soaps there are lots of things out there they just need some good old elbow grease to make them work unlike modern products shake spread and clean up all down to chemicals but makes it quicker for mums this probably wont help you but good luck facial pain tingling numbness along with ear pain and fatgue brain mri found several lesions,hi blood vasculature and clotting derangements may have done the intra cranial damage get pt inr with bleeding and clotting times done to see the exact blood texture physical therapy ill help thanks how effective are latex condoms in preventing hiv,hello i have no idea why you would be told this informaiton certainly people do not check blood types before they fall in love the only blood type related problem that affects couples is related to the rh factor if the father of a child in a couple is rh positive and the mother is rh negative the mother can develop antibodies to the baby duing the pregnancy this is treated by giving any rh negative mother an injection of medication called rhogam once during the pregnancy at about 28 weeks and again within 72 hours of delivery laurie anderson rnp what affects drug metabolization from dose to dose,i would make an appointment to see your physician as soon a possible have you had any stresses in your life such as a death in your immediate family traumatic events can sometimes cause this to happen during pregnancy make an appointment to have an examination it is the best for the both of you sharp pains in back of head loud ringing in my ear head feels like it is being crushed ,hi i need more information to give an ideal opinion like is there headache my opinion is that he is suffering from vasovagal syncope fludrocortisone acetate can be used also electrical pacemaker usually it requires no treatment and improve on its own i recommend that they see a good cardiologist good luck i have moles on my shoulders a few on my back,hi these moles are generally non cancerous do not worry see a dermatologist and start on local creams it seems more of a skin sensitivity reaction keep a watch if it grows in thickness thanks i have genital herpes can i get sore on my mouth i and my partner have genital herpes and are wondering if we are still at risk of getting out breaks on our mouths she has had one outbreak and has not had another in close to a year i just recently had my first outbreak so we are abstaining from sex until two weeks after my outbreaks goes away what we really want to know is can we perform oral sex on each other when we are both outbreak free we have been anecdotally told once you have it you are immune to spreading it,healthy people rarely contract listeriosis those most at risk for developing serious infections include people with weakened immune systems such as those with hiv infection or those who are undergoing chemotherapy here are some tips from the usda for people at risk for listeriosis never eat hot dogs luncheon meats bologna or other deli meats until you reheat them to steaming hot do not eat refrigerated paté or meat spreads from a meat counter do not eat smoked seafood found in a store is refrigerated section do not drink raw unpasteurized milk do not eat foods that contain unpasteurized milk do not eat store made salads such as ham salad chicken salad egg salad tuna salad or seafood salad avoid soft cheeses such as feta queso blanco queso fresco brie camembert cheeses blue veined cheeses and panela unless the label specifically says it is made with pasteurized milk eat any precooked or ready to eat foods as soon as possible keep your refrigerator at 40 degrees f or lower and the freezer at 0 degrees f or lower always wash your hands with warm soapy water before and after touching raw meats and items that came in contact with them such as knives or cutting boards symptoms of listeriosis include high fever severe headache stiff neck and nausea pregnant women who are exposed to the bacteria can have a miscarriage or stillbirth my ldl is 201 my total cholesterol is 263 my weight is 139 never smoked should i take medication normal blood pressure good diet i exercise regularly,hi your not that far over the top there are lots of ways of bringing it down even before you think of statins these you do not really want to take more later google natural ways out of high cholesterol you can start taken a 5050 mix of cayenne pepper and turmeric these will help clean plaque out of your blood this is a good start just read up about both for lowering cholesterol i do take them daily for keeping my blood clean as a way over ed i mix both into tomato paste and keep it thinned down with olive oil for you to start with first mix only to a heat that suits you then overtime you can build it up take it 3 times a day for 2 weeks then 2 week twice a day then just once a day first thing in the morning you take 3 teaspoons and wash each one down with water to also help add very fine chopped garlic mixed with dried parsley and olive oil do a whole head in a 6oz jar keep both in the fridge ok statins have a read on www spacedoc com its not a joke site its full of facts lots to read and take in do hope this helps you good luck small insect bite itching resistant to epinephrine injection pills and creams getting worse,this means the saliva of the insect is still there …i recommend using calamine lotion contains zinc oxide which has antiseptic properties known to prevent infection from scratching aloe vera and oat baths … what is in buttery tasting pan sprays that make them taste like butter but without all the fat,crohn is disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines it primarily causes ulcerations breaks in the lining of the small and large intestines but can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus it is named after the physician who described the disease in 1932 it also is called granulomatous enteritis or colitis regional enteritis ileitis or terminal ileitis crohn is disease is related closely to another chronic inflammatory condition that involves only the colon called ulcerative colitis together crohn is disease and ulcerative colitis are frequently referred to as inflammatory bowel disease ibd ulcerative colitis and crohn is disease have no medical cure once the diseases begin they tend to fluctuate between periods of inactivity remission and activity relapse they affect approximately 500 000 to 2 million people in the united states men and women are equally affected ibd most commonly begins during adolescence and early adulthood but it also can begin during childhood and later in life crohn is disease tends to be more common in relatives of patients with crohn is disease it also is more common among relatives of patients with ulcerative colitis had an ultrasound at two weeks and 4days we saw a small dot in the uterus where a egg would implant could i be pregnant,i do not know but call you ongyn and ask him your question and see what he says follow his instructions how accurate are glucose meters,glucose meters are very accurate perhaps not as accurate as a laboratory test but certainly close enough less expensive and convenient if it is a new one there are many different models they have been well tested for accuracy if it is for you many insurance companies will pay for them including the test strips with a medical prescription what can i do to treat genital warts human papillomavirus at home,home treatments may not cure hpv and genital warts but a doctor may prescribe medicine that you can use at home such as podofilox lotion or gel or imiquimod cream caution do not use nonprescription wart removal products to treat genital warts these products are not intended for the genital area and may cause serious burning you can use at home care to feel more comfortable 9 take sitz baths fill a tub with a few inches of warm water and sit in it for 10 or 15 minutes every day squeeze warm water from a bottle over your genital area to provide comfort and cleansing use a heat lamp or a hair dryer several times a day to dry your genital area make sure to hold the lamp or dryer at least 18 inches from your skin it is important to remember that most infections are minor without serious complications some cases of hpv and genital warts disappear without treatment although human papillomavirus hpv may still be present in your body is cells webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated is abortion safe at 22 weeks into pregnancy hi i am 22 weeks pregnant and contemplating abortion but i am worry that it could be harmful to my body or worst i have already had 6 abortions 3 live births 1 miscarriage i am also a little scared to have this baby because all my pregnancy were high risk and it put me and my babies lives at risk yes my husband and i used a condom when i got pregnant with this baby so i was just wonderng if it was safe or even recommended to go through with it based on my history,how old are u and what is your gender can you actually drop weight and leave it off with fasting,sir u showed ve hiv within the window peroid which shows whether u were infected or nor its 2 weeks upto 3 months since the expected exposurei advice u to have protected sex and routinely do hiv 4 th gener test every 3 monthregarding your symptoms u r overstressed with the idea of having hiv but neurological examination should ve done though do also random bl sugar test what can cause two people in diffrent rooms in the house to suffer cramps in both of their right legs at the same time both in the right calf and it was around the same time last night i did not find out my dad suffered from a severe leg cramp till i woke up the next day and he started telling me about it when i asked which leg he had said it was his right leg it is been about 7 hours since my cramp and it is still in pain minor pain though i have eaten several bananas since and have drank water since but the concerning part is that we both had the cramps around the same time in the same leg,in the early stages prostate cancer often causes no symptoms for many years as a matter of fact these cancers frequently are first detected by an abnormality on a blood test the psa or as a hard nodule lump in the prostate gland occasionally the doctor may first feel a hard nodule during a routine digital done with the finger rectal examination the prostate gland is located immediately in front of the rectum rarely in more advanced cases the cancer may enlarge and press on the urethra as a result the flow of urine diminishes and urination becomes more difficult patients may also experience burning with urination or blood in the urine as the tumor continues to grow it can completely block the flow of urine resulting in a painfully obstructed and enlarged urinary bladder these symptoms by themselves however do not confirm the presence of prostate cancer most of these symptoms can occur in men with non cancerous benign enlargement of the prostate the most common form of prostate enlargement however the occurrence of these symptoms should prompt an evaluation by the doctor to rule out cancer and provide appropriate treatment furthermore in the later stages prostate cancer can spread locally into the surrounding tissue or the nearby lymph nodes called the pelvic nodes the cancer then can spread even farther metastasize to other areas of the body symptoms of metastatic disease include fatigue malaise and weight loss during a rectal examination the doctor can sometimes detect local spread into the surrounding tissues that is the physician can feel a hard fixed not moveable tumor extending from and beyond the gland prostate cancer usually metastasizes first to the lower spine or the pelvic bones the bones connecting the lower spine to the hips thereby causing back or pelvic pain the cancer can then spread to the liver and lungs metastases areas to which the cancer has spread to the liver can cause pain in the abdomen and jaundice yellow color of the skin in rare instances metastases to the lungs can cause chest pain and coughing how long do dental bridges last,wow fell on your bum and wonder why it hurts the tailbone is a small little bone right above your butt and can be broken at anytime such as falling on it or giving birth it takes time to heal though a little bone it is a bone and needs a little special treatment sitting helps maybe a hot bath for this baby bone and the feet hurt because your baby bone needs to sit down for a while take care of the baby bone holds the buns and we love them is it ok to take a viagra pill before having a semen analysis,hi this is from the mayo clinic at first an ectopic pregnancy might not cause any signs or symptoms in other cases early signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy might be the same as those of any pregnancy — a missed period breast tenderness and nausea if you take a pregnancy test the result will be positive still an ectopic pregnancy can not continue as normal abdominal or pelvic pain and light vaginal bleeding are often the first warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy if blood leaks from the fallopian tube it is also possible to feel shoulder pain or an urge to have a bowel movement — depending on where the blood pools or which nerves are irritated heavy vaginal bleeding is unlikely unless the ectopic pregnancy occurs in the cervix if the fallopian tube ruptures heavy bleeding inside the abdomen is likely — followed by lightheadedness fainting and shock when to see a doctor seek emergency medical help if you experience any signs or symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy including severe abdominal or pelvic pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding extreme lightheadedness or fainting hope it helps you good luck can i take ibuprofen while im taking naproxen,why they are both anti inflammatory drugs you should just pick one to simplify your life naproxen is twice a day or ibuprofen every six hours taking both may potentially increase side effects so my recommendation would be to stick to the one that seems to be helping 14 year old has generalized anxiety disorder gad bipolar,you seem to be suffering from anxiety disorder you are are suffering brain fog what you need is to practice yoga and meditation exercise regularly and try breathing exercise eat foods that are rich in vitamins like vegetables and fruits also you may need to get enough vitamin b and folic acid which can be found in green leafy vegetables and poultry i have pain higher up on the left side of my chest and in my left armpit,blood in the urine a excruciating flank pain are definitely signs of a renal stone but that does not mean you are passing it stones that are large or oddly shaped can become lodged in the ureter the tubes that lead from your kidney to your bladder so i strongly encourage you to have an imaging study usually a renal ct scan to see where this stone is residing and get a size estimate knowing the size will help the clinician determine if this stone will pass or not i have had two renal stones over the last ten years and neither one of them passed without medical intervention lipotripsy for one of them and laser ablation for the other order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you soars on the back of my tongue since feb 2012 what could it be i have soars on the back of my tongue since feb 2012 i had a swab done by a doctor feb 2012 and they said they would call me if it was anything serious and they did not call me back i still have soars on the back of my tongue today 91913 what could it be,not a keloid it is just infected and inflamed use saline solution to clean the area with a cotton swab daily 2 3times cold compresses will help ease your inflammation site and decrease the swelling you can use antibiotic ointment like polysporine you can try various natural remedies that will include putting a few drops of tea tree oil especially if it has a bump white vinegar aloe vera turmeric calendula and indian lilac reocurring foot swelling redness and itching last month i noticed that my ankle was swollen red and very itchy after a few days it went away but my skin started to peal away now this month its on top of my foot with the same symptoms it burns when i scratch and seems to spread i have not experienced these symptoms anywhere else but my feet and ankles i am also noticing tingling in the area as well any help would be great thanks so much,factors that may increase your risk of developing crohn is disease include having a family history of crohn is disease your risk increases if an immediate family member such as a parent brother or sister has the disease having ashkenazi jewish ancestry smoking cigarettes factors that may cause crohn is disease symptoms to flare up include medicines infections hormonal changes lifestyle changes including increased stress smoking webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what are the symptoms of dementia,most home pregnancy tests today are pretty sensitive you can test again any time you would like to get the most accurate reading test first thing in the morning when your urine is the most concentrated also be sure to follow the package instructions especially the part about timing the test accurate timing is crucial for getting an accurate result use a timer if necessary in the meantime if you think you could possibly be pregnant you should live as if you are pregnant eat healthy foods do not smoke and avoid alcohol until you know for sure if you are pregnant or not please remember also that most communities offer low cost or no cost care to women who are or think they may be pregnant you can learn more about your health care options by calling a local hospital or by using a web based search engine try typing in your city is name and the words women is health best wishes to you can my 4year old have hemrroids he complains his rectum itches all the time he has had constipation sense he was born he took miralax for 3years now i give him fiber supplements but now he is complaining of his rectum itching all the time,hemorrhoids can be seen and even felt when you bath him and they are not very common or likely in his age group his rectal itching can be due to many things from dubious hygiene after his uses the toilet anal fissures tiny tears from being constipated chemical reaction to detergentsdryer softeners or even pinworms if a cause is not apparent you may need to consult his pediatrician so that he can be properly examined diagnosed and treated hi if its worms the way to find out is get to his bed before he gets up but before you wrap some sticky tape round a couple of fingers sticky side out and place this against his anus it picks up any worms they tend to come out during the night do this for a couple of weeks or until they clear it should stop the itching that is if its worms do hope it helps you and him good luck i have a cold and bad joint pain in ankles wrist finers toes neck and sholders is this normal what can i do for it i have a cold since saturday the snotty head kind a little cough dry however every so often i will cough up some mucus i have bad joint pain with this one mostly my wrist fingers ankles and toes and neck shoulder areas is that normal when i sit still for a while my whole body aches when i stand up and move i have been taking mucus relief and tylenol and it helps a bit but i wonder if there is anything more i can do especially for the joint pain,without health insurance here are some resources to explore for getting lower cost help community mental health agencies provide mental health and substance abuse services often on a sliding scale to find an agency near you contact your state or county health department mental health america can connect you with hotlines support groups and self help resources as well as affiliate mental health agencies around the country the u s substance abuse and mental health services administration samhsa offers a mental health locator and a substance abuse facility locator to connect you with services in your area teaching hospitals are training grounds for graduate students studying to become mental health professionals you may be able to receive lower cost care by seeing a student who will be supervised by licensed professionals how much should i feed a 5 12 month old cereal also how much breastmilk should he be getting in a day,hi finding are relatively normal with old age however he will need further investigation like heart ct scan thyroid profile ecg and echo to make sure he is okay also he should be instructed to stop drinkingalcohol and smoking as these findings at the age of 50 is kinda early good luck my daughter in law is three months pregnant and has sinus drainage and her ears hurt what can she can do for relief,she would have to speak with her obgyn to find out what she can take while pregnant while some over the counter medications are considered safe in pregnancy different doctors have different rules on what they allow their patients to take how long does gastroenteritis last,the typical viral gastroenteritis lasts about a week with the first three to four days being the worst there are other types of gastroenteritis though and unfortunately i do not know the type that you have sore throat home remedies i went to the doctor today and she said i have a viral infection but my throat is hurting like crazy my voice is normally very high now it is hoarse and low it hurts to talk and to swallow i cough not too much and it hurts a lot i have no fever stuffed up nose headache or vomitingnausea is there any home remedies for this i am taking tylenol cold and flu and a few cough drops here and there i know she knows me best but some tipsold wives tales for a sore throat would be nice,zonisamide lyrica and celexa have a similar side effect of increased dizziness and drowsiness combining all three of these medications can increase the intensity of their side effects driving and doing activities that require cognitive function may be more difficult than usual the side effects may subside with time maxalt is a triptan medication for symptomatic relief of the migraine celexa works on serotonin receptors just as maxalt can the increased combination of both these products may potentiate the risk of serotonin syndrome which is a rare but serious and potentially fatal condition symptoms of the serotonin syndrome may include mental status changes such as irritability altered consciousness confusion hallucinations and coma autonomic dysfunction such as tachycardia hyperthermia diaphoresis shivering blood pressure lability and mydriasis neuromuscular abnormalities such as hyperreflexia myoclonus tremor rigidity and ataxia and gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal cramping nausea vomiting and diarrhea because of these side effects i would monitor how frequently the migraines occur and how often you are taking the maxalt if you are taking the maxalt more than twice a week then you may need to start taking a preventative medication monitor all your side effects if you have any and make sure to partner with your pharmacist or health care professional regarding any concerns or discomfort kindly recommend an alternative for zincofer xt,i am sorry to hear you are going through this unfortunately a number of things could cause the symptoms you are describing i would suggest you keep working with your health care provider to find a cause for these symptoms even though you have undergone some testing already if you do not have a diagnosis you need to keep pushing do not give up on this a number of conditions that could cause the symptoms you describe can take a long time to be diagnosed it is important you work closely with your health care providers to get all possible testing done in order to arrive at a diagnosis also sometimes tests need to be repeated and the results compared to previous tests in order to get an accurate diagnosis i suggest you keep copies of all your own medical records including films from ct mri etc in case you have to change doctors or opt to get a second opinion again i am sorry you are dealing with this and hope your care team can arrive at a diagnosis and some treatment options soon all the best to you do you have to visit a doctor for tourette is syndrome if it is manageable is it ok if i do not visit a doctor,i am sorry to hear you are going through this vicodin generic name hydrocodone acetaminophen should not cause your blood pressure to spike quite the opposite in fact pain can cause your blood pressure to go up though so be sure to take enough medication to keep your pain adequately controlled several things can cause your blood pressure to spike temporarily including needing to urinate pee however if your post operative pressure is consistently above what is normal for you please call your surgeon is office to advise them about what is going on they need to know i wish you all the best with this my 4 year old chahauhas got diarrhea and dragging his back legs this morning i am hoping theres over the counter meds last week my friend had a chauhaha 2 years old with diarrhea and legs dragging but is fine today so it seems this morning my dog she watches for me has the same trouble what causes this and how can i treat it im on a limited income and cant afford a vet at this time and they dont take i o u is please help me this,i am not a vet but i do have 3 dogs and 3 cats so i have a lot of personal experience with pets i would be concerned about the dog dragging his back legs that is not something that would generally be caused by the routine causes of diarrhea i am pretty confident any veterinarian would suggest the dog needs to be seen probably sooner than later that is not something that over the counter meds would be able to treat what is an acne scar,acne scar is the fibrous tissue that replace the normal facial skin at the site of acne acne scars are formed due to body is own defense mechanism against persistent acne infections i od meth 3 days ago but still feel off if an overdose kills someone does it only occur immediately i am concerned because i am not sure if how i feel is withdrawal or something potentially fatal like maybe slow kidney failure is that possible days later i am periodically a little shaking throat feels a little tight my heartbeat seems a tad off and a little tight temperature is 96 5 my comprehension is somewhat distracted e g when reading textbooks,hi yes it would be best and also wait till you get your periods back and back to normal once there regular then will be the time to start for your family and taken your vits for pregnancy hope this helps you good luck my left arm biceps started to twitch no solution,hi i agree with you that there must be some reason for all the symptoms that you are experiencing from 7 long months this can be related to the brain cells a mri brain or a ct with contrast will help thyroid and electrolytes with vitamin d need to be checked as well consult a physician thanks i acquired methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus mrsa while in hospital,shingles herpes zoster results from a reactivation of the virus that also causes chickenpox with shingles the first thing you may notice is a tingling sensation or pain on one side of your body or face painful skin blisters then erupt on only one side of your face or body along the distribution of nerves on the skin typically this occurs along your chest abdomen back or face but it may also affect your neck limbs or lower back the area can be very painful itchy and tender after one to two weeks the blisters heal and form scabs although the pain often continues the deep pain that follows after the infection has run its course is known as postherpetic neuralgia it can continue for months or even years especially in older people the incidence of shingles and of postherpetic neuralgia rises with increasing age more than 50 of cases occur in people over 60 shingles usually occurs only once although it has been known to recur in some people i blew my nose when i was sick nasal mucus flew up and got in corner of eye would anything bad happen to my eye i blew my nose when i was sick and the mucus from my nose flew up and got in the corner of my right eye would anything bad happen to my eye i wiped it with a tissue and then with a clean hand towel to remove any mucus is there any harm that will occur to my eye from this freak accident like any viruses or bacteria got into my eye that will hurt my eye so far no symptoms of irritation has occurred thanks,when i was early in pregnancy before i actually found out i was nautious morning noon and night not just in the morning and i was very sensitive to smells and something that might have smelled good to me before smelled horrible and made me nautious then i smoked cigarettes before i found out and every time i would try and smoke it made me very sick to my stomach especially the smell i was so tired and i could not get enough sleep no matter how much i slept that is all i wanted to do was sleep theses symptoms started for me about 6 weeks of pregnancy up until 3 months and i found out i was pregnant about 8 weeks i knew once these symptoms started to occur i was most likely pregnant being i had two children already and had these same symptoms with the other two pregnancies is the nutritional value of fresh whole fruits any better than canned or frozen fruit,canned and frozen fruits are nutritious convenient and often more affordable than fresh fruits choose canned fruits packed in their own juices not in heavy syrups frozen fruit can often have even more nutrients than fresh fruit because it is frozen at the time of harvest do duck tape lift saggy breast,no that would be silly duct taping sagging breasts is not a homemade substitution for plastic surgery or a good supportive bra duct tape can have thousands of uses but this is not one of them i fell 72013 dianosed 112013 with torn rotator cuff surgery was planned 1614 changed to 2614 do i need surgery i have sickle cell anemia could this hender the healing process if i do have the shoulder surgery,i am sorry to hear you are going through this a torn rotator cuff can be very painful to live with i suggest you have a good long conversation with your surgeon about your concerns regarding rotator cuff surgery it is not uncommon for a person to have second thoughts about undergoing surgery or to think of questions they wish they would asked at the initial consultation a good surgeon will want to make sure you are completely comfortable with your decision to have surgery or not and remember it is your decision i recommend you make the decision hand in hand with your doctor because he or she has the medical expertise to guide you in your decision making process you can always request to be re assessed to see if surgery still makes sense in your situation not all torn rotator cuffs are treated with surgery that said if surgery is recommended your surgeon can explain how your sickle cell anemia may affect the healing process and what things he or she plans to do to reduce any chances of complications wishing you well is the pertussis vaccine included with the shingles vaccine,no the pertussis vaccine and shingles vaccines are separate injections how do you address the problem of life long absence of orgasm female 57 years when it relates to childhood trauma,i would suggest that you see a psychologist experienced in this area so you can address the underlying childhood trauma that you feel is causing your failure to achieve an orgasm occasionally there are underlying physical reasons so your gynecologist or primary care provider can be consulted usually the gynecologist has a list of appropriate counselors that deal with sexual difficulties should i be treated for bacterial vaginosis if i am pregnant,maybe but some medications for bacterial vaginosis should not be taken during the first three months of pregnancy tell your doctor if you are pregnant also let your doctor know if you think that you might be pregnant you and your doctor should discuss whether or not the infection should be treated how long should i wait after my pregnancy before having cosmetic surgery,the exact cause of postpartum depression is still being debated among medical professionals many doctors believe that the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth are primarily responsible for the illness estrogen and progesterone the female reproductive hormones increase tenfold during pregnancy then after a woman gives birth her production of these hormones as well as endorphins cortisol prolactin and corticotrophin releasing hormones drops significantly these changes apparently trigger postpartum depression ppd may also be caused or aggravated by exhaustion from childbirth stress or lack of sleep in the early weeks of a newborn is life could a male develop a yeast infection after having a veasectomy,males can develop a skin yeast infection anytime after a vasectomy or not it just happens when yeast takes up residence in the warm damp environment of the groin area what can people with bipolar disorder expect from treatment,bipolar disorder has no cure but can be effectively treated over the long term it is best controlled when treatment is continuous rather than on and off in the step bd study a little more than half of the people treated for bipolar disorder recovered over one year is time for this study recovery meant having two or fewer symptoms of the disorder for at least eight weeks however even with proper treatment mood changes can occur in the step bd study almost half of those who recovered still had lingering symptoms these people experienced a relapse or recurrence that was usually a return to a depressive state if a person had a mental illness in addition to bipolar disorder he or she was more likely to experience a relapse scientists are unsure however how these other illnesses or lingering symptoms increase the chance of relapse for some people combining psychotherapy with medication may help to prevent or delay relapse treatment may be more effective when people work closely with a doctor and talk openly about their concerns and choices keeping track of mood changes and symptoms with a daily life chart can help a doctor assess a person is response to treatments sometimes the doctor needs to change a treatment plan to make sure symptoms are controlled most effectively a psychiatrist should guide any changes in type or dose of medication i am 16 days late for my period and at 14 days late i had a light pink discharge but still no period early pregnacncy is this a possible early pregnancy symptom or something else i have been having some breast tenderness and difficulty sleeping,it depends on how much beer your husband drinks some antidepressants can make people drowsy and it is suggested that you not combine these with alcohol however everyone responds differently it is usually safe to have one drink while taking most of the antidepressants but if your husband drinks a lot of beer he really should talk to his doctor if you suspect your husband has a drinking problem you should seek help for him drinking a lot of alcohol can be a sign of depression or make depression worse once he gets his depression symptoms treated he may not want to drink as much this is a very complex issue and you really need to get the help of a health care professional who can treat the situation is it possible for a female to have chlamydia and have unprotected sex with her partner and him not get it i have been with the same person for 6 months and never cheated but i tested positive for chlamydia and my partner and i have had unprotected sex but he tested negative for it,actually to answer your question you need to send the xray post operative or the most recent tell me your age sex medical history if present it depends on your age and other factors normally it takes 1 5 months to 2months to heal completely depending also on fracture degree and fixation done concerning the fibula in some cases if the fracture is comminuted may be internal fixation is useless and bones can heal alone if they are not displaced … pregnancy test shows negative shall i take medicine to induce periods,in your case if pregnancy test has been negative even till date then you are surely not pregnant the delay and irregularity need to be evaluated and investigated to rule out pcos polycystic ovarian disease hypothyroidism or hyperprolactinemia which are the most common reasons for oligomenorrhea in young women for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online > can you have a period while pregnant my girlfriend and i have been having protected sex condom and her period was about a week late i have heard that girls can still have their period a couple months into pregnancy i have made sure that i used the condom correctly and she has taken tests and came up negative am i just paranoid,most helpful answer see a medical provider so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated you may not know the reasons you are crying and not feeling well but a medical provider would likely have more insight this complicated matter cannot be solved blindly over the internet so please do the right thing and see a medical professional i have constanct ringing in my ears doctors cannot find anything wrong even with mri is any suggestions,that is typical there can be hundreds of causes of tinnitus ringing and it is actually rare that a specific cause is found i know i have had tinnitus myself for well over a decade all of my tests were blind alleys like i expected the ent is really obligated to search for a cause like an acoustic neuroma but these are rarely found most of the time the ent just throws in the towel and essentially tells you to just live with it and so we must there are treatments that help you cope with tinnitus but it is unlikely that you will find a miraculous cure it can just go away which is nice but it has a good chance of staying with you for a long long time i wish i had better new for you but tinnitus is perhaps one of the most difficult medical problems to investigate and one of the most difficult to treat why is my toddler throwing up after eating solid foods he was diagnosed with croup a few days ago and i thought he had the flu yesterday but he has been able to eat baby food or yogurt and be ok when i feed him solid foods like pizza for example he has been throwing up within 5 minutes of eating it he has always been able to eat solid foods just fine until a few days ago he is 22 months old,no you do not need to wash every day unless you have a very oily scalp however washing your hair less frequently will not prevent you from losing your hair or having thinning hair can a child get scarlet fever while already taking antibiotics for strep throat my 5 year old daughter has been taking antibiotics for 6 days for strep throat now she has a rash on her face no fever no sore throat says she feels good,real testosterone supplements are a controlled substance that can only be obtained by prescription the so called male enhancement products you hear advertised cannot by law contain testosterone or any other controlled substance however a number of these male enhancement pills have been recalled and confiscated over the past few years by the u s food and drug administration fda because they contained illegal and unlabeled amounts of prescription drugs designed to treat erectile dysfunction this tells me that these supplements may not be safe to take it may be difficult to tell exactly what is in them if you believe you have low testosterone or have male performance issues i suggest you consult a medical professional he or she will treat your concerns with sensitivity and dignity many of these problems can be effectively treated and no low t is not an epidemic men naturally produce less testosterone as they age for some men this causes problem getting or sustaining an erection loss of libido and loss of energy if you fall into this category you certainly may want to seek treatment because testosterone therapy has been shown to improve these symptoms best wishes to you been getting chest pains for years ekg shows problem p wave did i have heart attack,hi borderline + p wave abnormality it can be many things i hope you can show me your ekg so i can give a definitive answer to answer your question no you did not have a heart attack but i recommend that you do an echo to check your atrium and your mitral tricusped valves also do a k+potassium blood test if i see the ekg i can give you 100 accurate answer to what the next step isgood luck could my girlfriend be pregnant so last week my girlfriend and i laid naked in bed we did not have sex we did touch each other and i did not not ejaculate my gf told me that she has missed her period and she is worried that she may be pregnant i told here that there was no way sense i did not penetrate her and i did not ejaculate as a precaution i went to the drug store and bought her levonorgestrel a hormone that is used to prevent pregnancy is there anyway possible that she could have gotten pregnant,hi ok you know how your getting then you know how to stop it the reaction your getting could be that your penis head does not like saliva so its either do it with a condom on not a very nice taste for your partner or just give wanting oral sex something to think on good luck what is the best solution for pimples that do not come to a head i am 40 and thought i was past the stage for pimples,adult acne may be attributed to hormonal changes the most important thing is to wash your face twice a day with a gentle soap there is no need to wash your face more than twice a day unless you are sweating profusely or have a very dirty job salicylic acid is found in a number of acne products and this works to dissolve the sebaceous oils helping to remove any skin debris that is clogging your pores rinse this off find a very mild benzoyl peroxide cream something that is 2 5 or less this is applied directly to the skin at night to help unclog you pores as you sleep try this every other night at first how can someone with severe anxiety seek much needed help with absolutely no money i do not know if it started here but this is when i noticed it in may of 2010 i was a passenger in a traffic accident since then i have noticed i have trouble being a passenger in anyone is vehicle recently i have noticed that it is getting worse i now have trouble even riding in the back seat of other vehicles and severe feelings of nervousness when i am the one driving and i feel guilty about it because everyone i ride with are good drivers please i need help,is it a matter of too many thoughts or just not tired if it is too many thoughts i tend to sort of meditate on my favorite color and not let anything else interrupt very difficult but does work if it is not being tired exercise play basketball or something that gets your heart going another thing that i have done is put yourself on a set schedule got to bed at 10 wake up at 7 even if you can not fall asleep still force yourself to get up at 7 if you force yourself you body should fall into the habit not much but hope it helps i have a urine test in a week the last time i smoked weed was three weeks ago and i am not a regular user will i pass,i do not know i guess you will just have to wait and find out cannabis is fat bound can can be detected for several weeks but this is variable depending on the amount you use and how well your body eliminates it variable some urine tests are more sensitive than others too possible hivstd exposure question thanks in advance 1 i recently had protected sex with someone and we stopped he took off the condom and then a little later re entered me with no condom for about a minute or less but did not cum he did cum later that evening but on my chest what is the risk of this behavior 2 i recently also had someone different person who i performed oral sex on i sucked his member he did not cum in my mouth but i did deep throat how risky is this behavior if at all also is a modern test accurate after 4 6 weeks,are you having risky behavior most definitely do you have an stdhiv risk because of these two incidents yes i think you know that should you be stdhiv tested yes are the tests accurate the tests are good but tests are rarely 100 accurate this is why conscious prevention is really your only protection you are the only one who knows for sure of your sexual exposures you do not know 100 of the sexual exposure of your partners people lie about this all of the time jake sadly men in particular are know for their convincing ability for telling untruths you need to protect yourself you and you alone are in charge of your sexual activities your partner has a shared responsibility but may not have the same moral compass as you sex is enjoyable nature has provided this gift for us but sex is not worth risking your health sleepless nights of worry or even dying for period about 5 days after being raped my gums started to swell do i have herpes,your wife should have been able to get another policy with some insurer in your state after exhausting cobra that is a requirement under hipaa laws in any case going forward she will now be guaranteed insurance no one can be turned down starting in 2014 but at your income level there will not be any financial assistance from the government to help cover the cost and because you file taxes jointly her access to subsidies will be based on the 150k income you cited i would suggest you shop both on and off the marketplaces set up under the law take a look at healthcare gov which is the aca marketplace also shop your options on a site like ehealthinsurance com which will give you a broader list of plans from which to choose or find a licensed insurance agent to work with in your area at nahu org is there any safe over the counter meds for 3 month old he is stuffy and has running nose even sounds a bit congested,cold medications are not recommended in three month olds but you can use saline nose drops followed by nasal aspiration and you can use a cool mist humidifier in the room to help thin the mucous unexplained headaches … does mri show problem,hi you are absolutely right these symptoms do indicate early onset addisons disease you need to consult an endocrinologist as early as possible applying just local creams wont help infact it may worsen the symptoms in long run get usg abdomen done thanks i have noticed a lot of loose skin around my knees and in the front of my legs what can be done i am on my feet at work,most sinus infections can be treated with a combination of self care measures controlling allergies and medical treatment if self care measures do not prevent sinus problems further testing or a referral to an ears nose and throat specialist may be in order can botox cause a tia i have had two episodes of tia and each time i would had botox injections i also have two brain aneurysms the only other factor i have for tia i would high chlorestorol and it is under control with meds these episodes were three years apart,find a new pcp and talk directly with the medical director of your insurance company or the medical group i do not know your age but your family history certainly justifies a higher level of cancer detection pills nor dissolving some medications does not dissolve and shows up in my mother is stool is there any dangers crushing the pills and mixing it with something like applesauce,talk to the pharmacist since i have no idea what pills your mother is taking some specially coated pills have a sustained release matrix that does not dissolve but the active ingredient of the drug is released do not crush any pill until you discuss this issue with the pharmacist from time to time vomit and diarrea and its the same out both ends,as you are 21 year old the acne is mainly due to hormonal changes as far as scars are concerned do not peel or squeeze your acne the scars which are already present can be lightened off for acne try herbal things at home because the cause is very important as your hormones will get balanced with age the acne will start reducing take turmeric and sandalwood powder and add rose water to it make a paste and apply this paste early in the morning after 10 minutes wash it off gently with water and wipe your face with a soft cotton towel for scars i suggest you apply aloe vera gel on them twice a day this will help in lighting them use mild herbal face wash and do not use harsh soap for face avoid going directly in sunlight apply sunscreen before going outside avoid taking the stress avoid excessive spicy and junk food caffeinated drinks etc drink plenty of liquids and take fresh fruits and vegetables however if acne is due to some infection then you need to visit a nearby dermatologist otherwise hormonal related acne problem will settle down with time for further information consult an ayurveda specialist online > what foods do you know of that can trigger gout attacks,first make sure you are seeing a physician who specializes in gout management such as a rheumatologist there are medications to treat the inflammation associated with gout flares there are also medications that exist to treat the underlying metabolic condition called hyperuricimia which is too much uric acid in the blood dietary management of gout is limited but important to help control the buildup of uric acid in the blood a low purine diet is often recommended for people with gout laura rall phd nutrition researcher at tufts university in boston says begin by eliminating foods in the high purine category while reducing your intake of foods in the amoderate purine category if you do not have gout attacks after trying this you may add more foods from the amoderate category or occasionally try a food from the high category using these guidelines you may be able to determine a safe level of purine consumption and enjoy some of your favorite foods without experiencing attacks foods considered high in purine content include all types of alcoholic beverages some fish seafood and shellfish such as anchovies sardines herring mussels codfish scallops trout and haddock and certain meats such as bacon turkey veal venison and organ meats like liver foods considered moderate in purine content include meats such as beef chicken duck pork and crab lobster oysters and shrimp and vegetables and beans such as asparagus kidney beans lentils lima beans mushrooms and spinach is there a way to tell if i am pregnant even if the home test say i am not,hi my opinion redoing same treatment may be ineffective because you infection may have developed resistance i recommend doing a bacterial culture first good luck does carafate interact with tamiflu,thorough local drainage of the hematoma is the mainstay of the treatment histopathology of the drained tissue needs to be done mrsa needs special consideration and higher antibiotics covering gram negative bacteria shuld be taken what does yellowish green discharge out of the vagina mean,hi try this as you never know the length of your period is going to be yes then always work on day 14 as your ovulation day well give or take a day so day 1 first day of your period you need to have unprotected sex around day 9 this allows 3 days for his sperm to get in place once its there it can live for up to 7 to 10 days depending were you read so its sitting there waiting for your egg some sperm goes left and some goes right for which ever way your egg comes if you keep doing that you should hit pay dirt and get pregnant do hope this helps you good luck i have had an artificial eye for around 30 years i would like to know if there are any options for an eye transplant,you are a parent you do not need me to tell you to worry or not worrying come naturally her maternal immunity wore off about a month ago so she is now quite vulnerable to colds viral infections because she is so dang cute at this age many people are playing with her so exposure to germs are a sure thing she will need to get several colds in order to jump start her own immune systems so get used to them this first winter can be the cold of the month club if she is in day care frequent colds will be a part of your life coughing can also be triggered by saliva i suspect she is teething when he lies down the saliva or any post nasal drainage has no where to go but down her throat coughing clears her airways so in some respects it is a good thing if she is showing signs of illness fever rapid breathing wheezing failure to improve over time etc she will need to be examined by her medical provider there will be the sound of coughing in your christmas videso this year what should i do if i suspect an overdose of desyrel,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include painfulprolonged erection slowrapidirregular heartbeat unusual drowsiness unusual dizziness vomiting trouble breathing seizures i had a back fusion at l4 s1 now have anterlothesis of l4 on l5 do i need surgery,no it should not be a problem your contraception should still be effective even if you had diarrhea an hour later does an amoxicillin allergy mean i can not take oxacillin can i take oxacillin with an amoxicillin allergy even though i took penicillin throughout my childhood without any problems,if you are allergic to amoxicillin you should avoid all drugs in the penicillin class this would include oxacillin it is entirely possible to have taken a penicillin in childhood without any adverse reaction and then develop an allergy later in life that is because allergies develop upon repeated exposure to an allergen in other words almost no one is allergic to penicillin the first time they are exposed most people exhibit an allergic reaction on some subsequent exposure you should be sure to note your penicillin allergy on your medical record a severe allergic reaction to penicillin can result in death for most needs there are other antibiotics that can be used in place of a penicillin wishing you well i have pregnancy symptoms including no period i am 12 days late hpt have been negative what is going on with me symptoms that i have include an upset stomach nausea being very tired tender breasts weird dreams and being sensitive to smells i have been off of birth control since december started my period right after i stopped taking it and had a normal 31 day cycle in january,hi if the cyst is purely ovarian with a normal uterus then no need of surgery laparoscopic cyst removal with without ovary excision is recommended thanks how are mumps diagnosed,hi i had the same issues i have started eating sanjeevi pharma is poonaikali lekhiyam its a siddha medicine now the shaking is completely controlled i am taking the medicine even now it is very effective on your nerves please try this medicine it has no side effects because its a siddha medicine i am writing this because i want the sufferers to get benefited my urine test shows leukocytes 40000 17000 erythrocytes and i had some epithelial cells,this result interpretation is just your body is fighting against inglmation some where in the body epithelial cells are dominant in uti… if you have had pus uti or other inflammation in your body then no need to worry if you take the prescribed antibiotics please let me know if you have any other symptoms related can i use naprosyn as a muscle relaxor,naprosyn is not a muscle relaxant it is an anti inflammatory medication i have adult polycyclic kidney disease ache in lower abdomen is it normal,hi unfortunately both your adult polycyclic kidney disease and co codomol can cause sever abdominal pain i recommend asking your doctor to switch the co codamol good luck i am in my third trimester and having twins what can i eat to make my babies gain weight during my third trimester,you can really eat what you want but over eating or eating special foods will not necessarily increase the size of your twins just eat well a good balanced diet twins can be tiny but that does not mean they are unhealthy trust your ob and i am sure you will be blessed soon doubly blessed i am a 30 year old male and have to urinate ~20 timesday it is especially bad as i go to bed and right as i wake up i do not wake up in the middle of the night to pee but when i am lying down to sleep i feel an almost constant need to pee even immediately after doing so this has been going on for a long while likely over a year i am otherwise completely healthy and am not taking any medication some nights are worse than others but most involve getting up to pee at least 3 times from when i lie down to sleep until when i actually fall asleep the worst nights i may have to pee up to 10 times,allergic conjunctivitis one of the conditions that causes pinkeye requires a diagnosis from your health care provider as well as a prescription for treatment steroids antihistamines decongestants there are no over the counter products i recommend non treatment tips include good hand washing hygiene avoid rubbing your eyes and avoid sharing eye products makeup contact lenses small amount of blood in stool today noticed alot on tissue have a dr appt next week should i go to dr sooner or e r i have noticed about two weeks ago a small amount sometimes when i make bowel movements i do however have a dr app for next week besides the blood my stomach is hurting alot like a burning feeling i have history of acid reflux in the past so i know the feeling and that is what it feels like today when i made bowel movement there was lots of blood on tissue when i wiped should i go to e r or can i wait for my appt next week been taking prilosec also for past week helps a lil,mirapex pramipexole is a newer dopamine agonist that is tolerated better and is more effective i keep having chest pains when its not in my chest its in my back my arms go numb back burns i get dizzy and i pass out,hi please get a cervical x ray as it could be cervical problem sometimes cervical disc or cervical rib causes chest pain numbness and dizziness or fainting as a result of vertebrobasilar insufficiency i have abdominal pains legs are numb and weak can you help me,at least call them c diff can be a really nasty disease so you will need expert advice i am including this answer in case anyone else has the same question how do you break a fever in a toddler,remember that any fever in a newborn infant under 3 months of age needs prompt medical attention because at that age it is hard to tell when a serious infection might be present a fever is the body is natural response to infection or other illness and will subside when the underlying process gets better other than treating the infection or other condition causing it no home treatments can shorten the duration of a fever also remember that fever does not always need to be treated if a toddler is acting normally and unbothered by her fever and her temperature is less than 104 degrees 40 degrees celsius there is no need to treat the fever for a fever that is high or is bothering your toddler either acetaminophen mapap tylenol or ibuprofen advil motrin are good treatments you will need to know your toddler is weight do not guess and use the dosing guidelines on the package it is best to stick with one medicine if you can if you feel you need to use multiple drugs call your pediatrician is office do not ever use aspirin to treat a child is fever as it increases the risk for reye is syndrome if sponging with water helps your child with a fever feel better use a warm bath not cool with water around 85 degrees i know it sounds weird but my great granny used to cut an onion in half and put one half on the bottom of each foot then cover with socks and leave them on me all night in addition to tylenol or advil when i would wake up in the morning my fever would be gone or at least drasticly reduced and the onions in my socks would be black she said the onions drew the fever away from the brain and other vital organs i do not unserstand how it works but i used this on my children and now on my grands and it works every time it helps to understand what a fever is some of the answers on here are very misleading and are not factual at all a fever occurs when the body increases in temperature most common cause of this is an infection of some kind the white blood cells that eat the infection release chemicals that go to the brain and tell it to raise the temperature of the body the brain has a set point for our temperature 98 6f it is like a central heatingcooling system with a thermostat in a house if the temp gets hot the ac turns on if it gets to cold the heater kicks on and the temperature stays at 98 6f what these chemicals from the white blood cells do is they increase the thermostat so the brain now has a set point of 101 f but the body is still 98 6 f so the heater kicks on you get shivers moving of muscles fast makes heat you my mole has gone very hard like a scab hello everyone i have currently been going through the process of removing my mole with apple cider vinger for about a week it has gotten to the point where is has scabbed over and now i am unsure on what to do should i carry on the apple cider process or wait and see if the scabmole comes off any advice would be helpful the reason why i tried to remove it was because i hated it and now it is much worse thanks brandon ,just have your mole professionally removed then you can have this changing mole pathologically examined to make sure it is not a skin cancer i see no reason for you to use vinegar to try and remove a cosmetically undesirable mole can condoms cause the vaginal area to become red and swollen i just had sex for the first time with a condom afterwards my lower vagina where the penis enters is now red and swollen i have trouble going to the bathroom because it hurts so bad i want to know what i can do to fix it without going to the doctor but if i have to go i understand tell me what is wrong and what i should do,drink more water you are probably dehydrated i heard that if you use paper currency to snort drugs that the money can poison you or make you very ill is this true,i read your query and understood your concerns from the available description it is clear that you are having frontal sinusitis which can explain all of your symptoms except tingling sensation in groin presence of pain on touch tenderness pain while in reclining position and coincidence of pain with post nasal drip favors the clear cut diagnosis one thing is that the episodic nature of pain which is not common with frontal sinusitis but can occur in few cases i feel that pain over left eye and tingling sensation is not casually related as there is no condition which can explain both these symptoms on basis of single disease the one possibility is anxiety associated with recurrent pain can be cause of tingling over the groin area although constant nature of tingling on same location points against anxiety we can expect that complete neurological examination will reveal the true nature of association at this moment i must assure you that this is not something serious and get yourself treated for sinusitis to break the event of chains for further information consult a neurologist online > why am i still having a bloody discharge and now it has a very foul smell to it it is been 3 weeks since my d and c,no diarrhea is not a typical symptom of lung cancer since anyone can have diarrhea for a plethora of reasons no diarrhea is not a symptom of lung cancer can a person consume too much folic acid,hi there belly fat is the most difficult one to lose than any other likely that is why you are having problems with losing it i would have suggested you to go for a abdominoplasty or ”tummy tuck” which is a surgical procedure done by cosmetic surgery specialists where excess fat from deposits located between the skin and muscle is removed since you are pregnant it is not a wise idea to go for it now but you can always have it as a backup whenever you think you are ready go for it i personally suggest you dr ronald levine of toronto he helped my twin with a “tummy tuck” before going for any doctors please do a brief research regards amy experiencing problems with my bladder,body heat and fungal infection also present in a similar fashion apply local anti septic ointments and wait for 8 days avoid drinking hot liquids can poison ivy rash return same place after 2 months rash returned same places on arms after 2 months since had first rash have not been any where near any plants no pets to come in contact with poison ivy any one ever hear of this happening,i was exposed to poison ivy when i was a teenager and after taking steroids it went away but it comes back most years i am now 4 and some years it returns 3 or 4 times without any exposure to poison ivy plants it starts in my wrists and ankles with small bumps and in a day or two can spread to most of my arms and legs sometimes it even spreads to my face and abdominal area when it becomes really severe i go to the doctor and get steroids and have also done really long tempers take medicine for about a month decreasing dosage each time until it is finished it always comes back regardless of the amount of medication and shots i am prescribed by doctors which clearly indicates it must be in my bloodstream and remains there to deal with itch i use benadryl gel and white vinegar but over the years have tried pretty much every product available over the counter recommended for poison ivy and others that are not it still itches and over the years i have definitely become more tolerant of the itchiness but wish there was a cure doctors keep telling me i have to be exposed to it every time in order to get it which is clearly not the case i wonder what damage if any it is causing in my body i sympathize with those who get it i hope someone studies this one day and finds a cure male 37 155 work outside in 90 degree humid weather 1mg xanax for anxiety how long to completely out of system,hi take your planning to come off it then yes then you need to come off it slowly say over 4 to 6 weeks otherwise you could get some bad side effects ok good luck if i have to go out when i have a cold will wearing a mask keep others from getting my germs,hi the only thing would you may find the keeps you stuffed up and not being able to breath that good i would not worry to much about passing on cold germs to much how do you think you got yours your just be putting your self through a lot of agony do hope this helps good luck i was shaking and dripping with sweat feeling like my insides was going to come out,mupiricin is an antibiotic used for skin infections it will not help poison ivy sorry do i really need to wear a diabetic alert bracelet will not people that see it think i am advertising that i am diabetic i am a newly diagnosed type ii diabetic do i really need to wear an alert bracelet will people think i am just trying to advertise that i am diabetic i have never seen anyone wearing one and am just curious as to why or it it is really necessary,hi look sorry just do not know how to use your last piece but she may just need some food but not to much as much tlc as you can give her as its early there as its night here in greece take her to your vets just for a check over this may calm both of you down cats are so nice to have around us but you must always remember you never own it it owns you and the little buggers do this from time to time we have one its been missing 8 months still hoping he will walk back through the cat flap one of these days he did it before but it was 3 weeks then you would not even think he had been away but please keep with her but the vets if your really worried hope this helps you good luck what would be the reasoning for my cycle to skip 1 month & then next be only 3 4 days then the next last for 2 weeks,many things can cause irregular periods even in women who are usually regular you do not say what your age is but perimenopause is heralded by getting irregular periods with perimenopause the irregularity is caused by the production of less estrogen by your ovaries in women too young for menopause irregular periods can be caused by all of these things and more excessive weight loss eating disorders emotional stress medications problems with pelvic organs if you have always had regular periods that now are becoming irregular why not make an appointment with your gynecologist he or she is in the best position to assess why your cycle may have become irregular and remember you can still become pregnant even if your periods are irregular so continue to practice birth control if pregnancy is not your goal best wishes to you i was told yesterday that my baby has no heart rate at 38 weeks and 3 days,there is absolutely no reason to worry just try to keep warm good luck what vitamins help migraines,anxiety cannot cause any mood disorders when i say mood disorders i am referring to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia mainly but it is not related to any of the mood disorders it can cause raised blood pressure and many physical symptoms there are 2 types of anxiety general anxiety disorder and panic attacks i have both what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for parkinsons disease,a diagnosis of parkinson is disease is based on your medical history and a thorough neurological exam your doctor also may check your sense of smell sometimes your doctor will have you try a medicine for parkinson is disease if that medicine helps your symptoms it may help the doctor find out if you have parkinson is disease there are no lab tests that can diagnose parkinson is disease if your symptoms and the doctor is findings during the examination are not entirely typical of parkinson is disease certain tests may be done to help diagnose other conditions with similar symptoms for instance blood tests may be done to check for abnormal thyroid hormone levels or liver damage an imaging test such as a ct scan or an mri may be used to check for signs of a stroke or brain tumor another type of imaging test called pet sometimes may detect low levels of dopamine in the brain a key feature of parkinson is disease however pet scanning is not commonly used to evaluate parkinson is disease because it is very expensive is not available in many hospitals and is only used experimentally early detection for some diseases doctors can do tests to look for problems or diseases before you have any symptoms this is called screening but there is no screening test for parkinson is disease at this time webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated yellow jackets stung hand 7x at once had pain swelling no anaphlactic reaction carry an epipen from now on was picking blueberries and did not see their hive over next few hours pain got progressively worse up to elbow low fever too took benadryl tylenol applied vinegar rinse epson soak baking powder paste over next 6 hrs will i now get anaphylactic allergic reaction if ever stung by anything again should i carry epipen hey good news is that arthritic thumb has not hurt on that hand for 3weeks,hi the good old yellow jacket and for some of us just wasps ok what will happen each time we get stung by them the reaction we get gets worst sop yes it would be best to carry something that helps cut down the reaction to the pain but you should be were epinephrine auto injectors such as epipen and epipen jr may be kept on hand for self injection by a person with a history of an severe allergic reaction you did have 7 bites i have had some multi bites and yes they do hurt but anti histamine should help along with bite cream if you read up about epinephrine it states that you need to near a hospital or medical centre after you inject yourself so could be a good idea or a bad one do hope this helps you good luck i am 20 is that too young to consider anti wrinkle night cream as a preventative,‘tis the season i love that this is the time of year for one of the most powerful antioxidants we can eat the great news for us is that in november and december most grocery stores carry fresh and organic cranberries the age old jelly out of a can that is traditionally served at thanksgiving does not hold a candle to the different varieties of things you can do with fresh ingredients whole cranberries are extremely tart so you will need to sweeten them i usually use agave nectar but you can use brown sugar honey or regular sugar depending on the amount in the morning you can add some frozen or fresh whole berries into a smoothie for a tart and unusual flavor blend with strawberry blueberries or raspberries these berries are also excellent to add to a high fiber muffin take the fresh cranberries into lunch and dinner by using as a spread on a turkey sandwich or served with grilled chicken a simple cooked sauce made with juice and zest of an orange agave nectar and cranberries can be chilled and served with brie cheese for an appetizer another great use for fresh cranberries is baked in a dessert with apples or pears the combination of color texture and taste is fantastic again you may have to add a tablespoon of extra agave or sugar to balance out the tartness of the cranberry one of my favorite and more unusual recipes made with fresh cranberries is my cranberry balsamic and mint relish this takes only minutes to make in your food processor you put fresh cranberries orange zest brown sugar fresh ginger mint and balsamic vinegar pulse it and store for up to one week this mix is great on your holiday buffet for turkey but it is also a surprisingly delicious mix for a holiday martini so the next time you are at the store take a walk through the produce aisle for a few extra seconds and pick yourself up this antioxidant treat how can colorectal cancer metastatic or recurrent be prevented,hi i would say it could be the change night work is the pits for our body but do think back been having any unprotected sex of late even you guy pulling out before ejaculation could do it and not all women get the effects of pregnancy so get a test done see what is happening if its negative just put it down to the change of life style and perhaps a bit of stress stress will also do it do hope this helps you good luck how can ringworm be prevented,conventional wisdom holds that minimizing sweat and moisture can help prevent fungal infections common recommendations along these lines are for men to wear boxer shorts for women to avoid panty hose and so forth whether these measures some of which are quite difficult to implement are really worth all of the effort is open to question you can also take steps to prevent transmission of ringworm infections do not share clothing towels hairbrushes combs hair accessories or other personal care items wearing sandals or shoes in gyms locker rooms and at pools can help reduce your chances of contracting athlete is foot you should avoid touching pets that have signs of ringworm typically bald spots i had sex with my gf on friday she was suppose to start her period yesterday and did not can she get pregnant that fast,a majority of dietary vitamin d comes from fortified items like milk but is also found naturally in foods including fatty fish salmon mackerel and herring and some animal foods to give you an idea of how much is typical foods and how that relates to nutritional needs the institute of medicine recommends 600iu vitamin d for people age 1 to 70 below are the amounts listed for various foods according to the 2010 dietary guidelines for americans 8oz of low fat milk 83 122iu 1 cup fortified orange juice 118iu 3 ounces of salmon 184iu 3 ounces of tuna 168iu 3 oz of pork 153 337iu 3 oz beef liver 149iu 1 egg 78iu is there a safe and effective herbal alternative to using anxiety medication such as zoloft my doctor prescribed me zoloft over a year ago for anxiety but said that she only wanted me to use it for one year then try to go without it i stopped it in october and was fine for a while now my anxiety has returned instead of going back on zoloft my mother in law mentioned trying an herbal alternative however i want a professional opinion as to whether or not there is a safe and effective herbal alternative that is okay to take,it is very easy because you ovulate like 3 to 4 days be for your period including the day you start that is why they say its easier to get pregnant while you are on your period so id say like 75 percent chance can you get hpv without having intercourse,it can but i never say it is anxiety until after there is been a full medical exam to rule out anything physical you should consider doing this and also take a look to see if you might be experiencing undue stress lack of sleep or anything else that might have triggered this can anyone tell me why we use both abbreviations ekg and ecg for electrocardiogram,the blackness may be due to necrosis of the iris this may have occured due to reduced blood supply consult a opthalmologist i have low blood pressure low heart rate tired and lack energy is it normal,hi having low bp and low pulse is expected in people who exercise regularly this is called sinus bradycardia and is considered normal during the sleep these levels are expected to fall a little more but 38 bpm is very low even though you dont have significant symptoms u should get a ecg and echocardiogram done and consult a cardiologist to be on safer side thanks my dad is having difficulty breathing as a result of heart failure and 250mcg of digoxin as prescribed,hi are you giving him any other drug besides digoxin like aspirin or acid reflux for example digoxin have drug interaction with many other drugs my opinion this is a drug interaction good luck what causes cataracts,there are a variety of possible explanations for sudden onset spotting on depoprovera 1 new infection with chlamydia this is less likely unless you have a new sexual partner or a partner with multiple other partners 2 stress many women using hormonal birth control pillspatchesringshot have had an apparent correlation between life stress and spotting on their birth control method i have also seen this occur in a couple of my postmenopausal patients yet there are no good studies in the medical literature on this phenomenon if there is a connection between life stress and the adrenal gland hormones that can be converted to weak estrogens that might be a trigger for breakthrough bleeding 3 normal effects of the depoprovera shot on the lining of the uterus simply stated if the uterine lining is like grass or lawn estrogen is like the fertilizer causes a thickening of the lining and progesterone is like the lawnmower keeps the lining thin by three different mechanisms this is why depoprovera high dose synthetic progesterone brings about a thin lining and why birth control pills relatively progesterone dominant bring about shorter lighter periods if the lining of the uterus gets very thin it can prompt more breakthrough bleeding since it has been a month of constant spotting i would urge you to return to the gyn or clinic who administers your depoprovera they can check for infections if needed and can give you a more for sure answer about the spotting if someone is having very heavy breakthrough bleeding a short course of low dose estrogen pills can sometimes terminate the spotting i am only 31 but experiencing health issues associated with elderly people,mostly hormonal disturbances get blood hormones checked start the medicines accordingly but more than medicines yoga and relaxation exercises will be of more help can bad blood circulation cause small penis girth for an adult to be more specific i am 25 years old quite overweightobese and am slightly below avg in girth since being overweightobese can cause a myriad of health issues regarding bad blood flowcirculation could this cause a lack of blood in the penis leading to a smaller girth would losing weight and improving blood flow increase girth would the gains be noticeable,hi mr my sorry this post of yours has just come up seems i did not get this answer or i would have come back to you like so must of the points you make are what we call sex killers i am not sure how you are today but getting rid of plaque would be a very big help to you and your erections its this plaque that gives you your high cholesterol so hope by now you are on a good healthy diet and exercising these are both good for erections and a good sex life but getting off fast foods and junk foods cutting out sodas will only do you good and if you are or have been stressing over your problems then that mounts up to lots of stress no good for getting erections as your thoughts take your mind off what your doing and away goes your erections ok for your high cholesterol please do try this below its a post of mine and as you will read i do take this first thing every morning and at 68 my cholesterol is spot on and could help with your erections the post the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go its all very healthy for you you just mix cp and turmeric 5050 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric you take 3 teaspoonful is each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful is and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down please do keep both jars in the fridge keeps a lot better that way now if you google and read up about all three there very good for ed your cholesterol heart and prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good at first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals for 2 weeks then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings great way to start the day and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above swollen and bruised left foot no injuries my husband is left foot is swollen and bruised 3 yrs ago he broke his jaw and then had blood clots in his lungs we went to er and they did blood work and ultrasound on leg neither test showed any blood clots the color some what came back over night but now that he is moving around its worst than yesterday,i would advice that you show it to any orthopedic for this i have also show my leg to him and my problem was solved is it safe for a child to live in an apartment that is located directly over a dentist is office i have a 4 year old daughter we are losing the lease on our current apartment and have found a very nice apartment to move into that is on the 2nd floor of a building which has a dentist office on the ground floor we will be directly above the dentist does such a living arrangement pose any risk to my child what with the dental office containing an x ray machine,women can still have a small lite period after conception the main thing to look for is clumping or clotting if either of these occur you are not pregnant there are now pregnancy tests that can now tell you if you have conceived before your next period is due best to invest in a few of these as well as ovulation predictor kits good luck what are some examples of aerobic exercise,aerobic exercises include walking jogging jumping rope bicycling stationary or outdoor cross country skiing skating rowing and low impact aerobics or water aerobics regarding semen appearances i am 25 years old and unmarried i dont have any other health problem i am feeling afraid of being infertile adult because of the following reasons 1 semen is cloudy sticky and pure white after one day from last ejaculation i feel this is normal 2 semen is 50 clear and 50 cloudy and same stickiness after twothree days from last ejaculation it makes me afraid is it normal is it making me alert of any symptoms like motility or low sperm count,the spotting probably is normal but if it would set your mind at ease then by all means call your doctor in terms of the fatigue your doctor is right it is probably normal every person recovers from surgery differently some people bounce back very quickly others take longer much of this depends on your health status before surgery to help get your strength back be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy well balanced diet that includes an appropriate number of calories and includes fresh vegetables and fruits protein whole grains and healthy fats you will find some great information in webmd is diet center hope this helps i have fever…is it zika virus,would u please describe the pain place radiation what increases it and what decreases it severith how old are u female or male any other medical conditions i had dengue fever feel numbness losing my vision broke into cold sweat,hi this kind of feeling does happen during vasovagal shock this can happen due to any reason the commonest being generalised weakness drink plenty of fluids keep yourself well hydrated build up on your immunity by yoga meditation exercises and having healthy food thanks does ms weaken the immune system when i was initially diagnosed as having ms 40 years ago i was told to be very careful if i got minor illnesses such as colds and that it would be easier for me to get infections has the enormous amount of subsequent research shown this to be true i have relapsing remitting ms which slows me down and makes me tired wobbly i only use vitamin d modafinil to give me more energy and clonazepam to help with the spasms that are difficult at night thank you in advance for your answer,hi have a good read through this link below its got lots of answers and a part on the immune system just like you asked for just copy this into google to the www to open and read also google ms nhs you should find a lot more useful help the nhs is the uk is health service so as i am from the uk its good and its free hope this helps you good luck how does birth control help or hinder acne and hyperpigmentation,certain kinds of birth control pills are known to improve hormonal acne and thereby hyperpigmented acne scars it takes approximately 3 months for you to see the difference other hyperpigmented skin problems such as melasma or butterfly mask may get worse on birth control pills consult your gynecologist and dermatologist can taking benadryl nightly to help me sleep cause dangerous side effects,benadryl or diphenhydramine is an antihistamine used to aid with sleep because it makes people drowsy taking benadryl every night alone should be all right depending on other medications that you may be taking keep in mind a few things while benadryl is over the counter for self treatment it is for temporary relief if sleep issues continue you many want to look into lifestyle modifications and consult your health care provider be careful when taking benadryl with other antihistamines such as claritin zyrtec and other prescription medications additive side effects will occur such as constipation diarrhea dizziness drowsiness dry mouth nose or throat excitability especially in children headache loss of appetite nausea nervousness restlessness trouble sleeping vomiting i have a very sensitive system my skin included most products seem to cause my sinuses to hurt any suggestions i use only water occasionally cetaphil cleanser then olive oil and a little mary kay foundation i am 55 and getting too many wrinkles,stress is one of the known triggers of hives an outbreak of raised red spots or welts on the skin that often itch hives are usually indicative of an allergic reaction but they can also occur as a result of sun or cold exposure infections excessive perspiration and emotional stress it is not known exactly why stress may precipitate an outbreak of hives but it is likely related to the known effects of stress on the immune system the medical term for hives is urticaria developing an effective stress management plan may be able to help reduce the outbreaks if your rash is indeed related to stress your doctor can also order tests for allergies that may be causing the outbreaks there are a number of ways to ease the symptoms of hives including taking over the counter antihistamines to reduce itching cool compresses or baths wearing nonirritating loose fitting clothes and avoiding excessive sweating direct sunlight and hot baths if hives are severe your doctor may recommend taking prescription antihistamines or other medications to help control the outbreak will i need a tetanus shot if i have a cut,milk or formula a three month old should be on breast milk or formula for the first year of life the amount 4 5 oz is fine as long as the baby is growing well gaining weight not too much but appropriately and getting satisfied babies are supposed to double their birth weight by age six months a soft rule of thumb so discuss with the pediatrician on the next well child exam at age four months what to do before during after fainting what to do before during after fainting im married and i have a husband that have hyperventilationmeaninganxietypanic attackbreath too fast we are in our 20 is now question is what should i do before he faint during he faint and after he faint p s i already know the details of hyperventilation therefore i am here to know about fainting not hyperventilation,put your head down toward your knees and apply an ice pack to the back of your neck will cornstarch help get rid of a yeast infection for babies,yes moderate regular exercise can relieve the joint stiffness and pain associated with psoriatic arthritis a tailored program of range of motion and strengthening exercises combined with cardiovascular exercise can help relieve arthritis symptoms maintain normal joint movement increase flexibility and muscle strength maintain weight to reduce pressure on joints improve endurance and cardiovascular fitness aside from benign prostatic hyperplasia bph are there other noncancerous prostate problems,yes aside from benign prostatic hyperplasia bph there are a number of prostate problems that also have nothing at all to do with cancer among these benign disorders of the prostate are acute prostatitis and chronic prostatitis acute prostatitis is a bacterial infection of the prostate it can occur in men at any age symptoms include fever chills and pain in the lower back and between the legs this problem also can make it hard or painful to urinate doctors prescribe antibiotics for acute prostatitis and recommend that the patient drink more liquids treatment is usually successful chronic prostatitis is a prostate inflammation that tends to recur over time it is usually not associated with true bacterial infection but causes similar symptoms of pain and discomfort without fevers or chills chronic prostatitis is difficult to treat and the exact cause is not well understood antibiotics may be used in some cases as well as anti inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen in many cases symptoms will resolve on their own can you drink alcohol after gastric bypass surgery,your doctor is right in saying that your son has allergic conjunctivitis eye allergies called allergic conjunctivitis are a common condition that occurs when the eyes react to something that irritates them called an allergen the most common allergens are dust and pollens the eyes produce a substance called histamine to fight off the allergen as a result the eyelids and conjunctiva the thin filmy membrane that covers the inside of your eyelids become red swollen and itchy with tearing and burning the key to treating eye allergies are avoid or limit contact with the substance causing the problem avoid rubbing eyes instead do cold compresses use antiallergic eye drop like olopatadine along with lubricating eye drop we prescribe mild steroid in pulse dose in case allergy is severe in longstanding allergy we also prescribe tacrolimus talimus ointment with very good results some doctors also prescribe cyclosporine instead of tacrolimus and that is also effective in longstanding cases this will help you and i am very sorry to say that there is no medicine to cure allergy only way is to stay away from all those things that you are allergic to also this allergy will trouble him every year and usually after puberty it decreases for further information consult an eye care ophthalmologist online > my 50 year brother did a chest x ray here are results what do we do next,it is clear that americans have a taste for salt but salt plays a role in the development of high blood pressure everyone including kids should maintain a sodium intake of less than 2300 mg or about 1 teaspoon of sodium a day adults aged 51 and older african americans and individuals with high blood pressure diabetes or chronic kidney disease should reduce their sodium intake to no more than 1500 mg a day what is dementia specific,dementia specific are services that are provided specifically for people with dementia in the past few years acne has showing up on my inner thighs why is this happening and what can i do to stop this,as a plastic and reconstructive surgery nurse i worked with many women who had large breasts that caused rashes or neck pain here is what i can tell you the type of procedure you are looking for is breast reduction not augmentation breast reduction surgery will reduce the overall size of your breasts as well as perking them up so they sit in a more natural position many insurance companies will cover breast reduction under certain conditions for example serious neck pain that does not respond to any other treatment like physical therapy and can be attributed to large breasts may be covered with rashes insurance companies seem in my experience less likely to cover breast reduction unless the rashes recur frequently and have not responded to other treatments you need to have documentation that you have seen your primary care provider multiple times and have tried prescription creams or whatever without clearing up the rashes for more than short periods of time also with rashes your insurance may be less likely to cover the procedure if you are obese because in theory reducing the size of your abdomen might help the rash problem if you have tried without success to medically treat the rashes i would suggest you schedule an appointment with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon to discuss your options he or she will not be able to tell you if your insurance will cover a breast reduction but the surgeon can give you an opinion on whether you might benefit from breast reduction and can submit the claim for prior authorization after that it is up to the individual insurer you need to know that breast reduction can impair your ability to nurse a baby it is doubtful you would be completely unable to nurse but removing breast tissue does reduce the number of milk ducts which can reduce the volume of milk your baby is able to get from nursing hope this helps are std is detected in a urine dipstick test i went to the er for pain in my lower stomach i thought it may be a std due to a new partner the doctor said it could be a muscle pull from exercise or mesh pulling on scar tissue from hernia repair surgery no signs of infection on test results is this accurate without swab test,dark under eye circles are due to several causes genetics allergies rubbing and stresslack of sleep part of the issue is vascular due to the blood vessel network just under the skin and part is due to actual pigmentation it is important not to rub the area ever to control allergiessinusitis as much as possible to get enough sleep and to use a good concealer does taking calcium citrate interfere with taking my thyroid medicine levothroid,hi ok for now just live with it just see if your period does come if not just wait a week then go get tested your dates do kind of work towards a pregnancy but only time will tell and add in to that bc pills are only 99 full proof and having unprotected sex even on the pill can go work against you hope this helps you good luck what illnesses often co exist with bipolar disorder,my son now 16 has been medicated ultimately for bi polar disorder since he was three initially diagnosed as adhd ocd odd and anxiety nos i knew there was a problem from birth because he never slept through the night with symptoms straight out of a textbook and after exhaustive testing i was finally able to locate a physician who was not afraid to medicate my son no one wants to medicate a child and rightly so however after the aforementioned textbook symptoms became evidenced on a daily basis there was no denying either the diagnosis or the medication regimen necessary to treat him to a lesser degree my son also suffers from social phobia and obesity the former supported in peer interaction and the latter due to medication last of all he suffers from body aches all over muscular skeletal pain he has always complained of neck and back pain originally attributed to growth spurts which he describes as wouldeep and into the bone rather than something akin to pulled muscles stretching massage and chiropractic appear to help to some degree however real sustained relief has never been achieved unfortunately my son is psychiatrist has not been able to find literature supporting my contention that his body pain is also related to his bpd these aches have been a consistent complaint since my son was first active and able to really articulate his feelings he is an active teen basketball bike riding etc and when he comes in for the day he is almost never without complaint i do believe his body pain is related to either his diagnosis or his medication he is on six but i am unable to prove this theory i also know as my son ages and grows he may evidence other signs and symptoms of this disease thus far we have been fortunate that he has not suffered any suicidal ideation substance abuse or metabolic syndrome however as he becomes an adult and is tasked with making his own decisions i can only hope he we is are able to maintain the status quo if i purchase an aetna plan and qualify for a subsidy will my network of providers be different than what i have now i have an aetna plan through my employer is coverage,you cannot assume that the provider networks of any two plans are the same if you have a doctor andor hospital that you want to continue seeing you must confirm that the providers are included in each plan is network you may be able to check through the marketplace but always double and triple check by also contacting the plan directly and then your doctor is office but if you are offered insurance at work you likely will not qualify for a subsidy unless the premium costs you more than 9 5 of your annual income your best bet is likely to stick with your employer is plan right pelvic pain during bowel movement and strain hello my problem started in january 2015 the problem as described in the title is that during bowel movement cough or any strain i get dull pain in right pelvic region and a little below that the pain goes away as soon as the strain stops due to this i have problem during bowel movement the pain comes and goes on its own there is no rash no lump of any sorts urine and bowel is normal everything else seems to be normal except for this pain,most helpful answer i am sorry you are going through this it sounds unpleasant my best advice is to see your doctor about this although you state there is no lump in the area where the pain occurs it is still possible you herniated yourself by straining to hard during a bowel movement before the pain began a physician can give you a thorough examination to make sure there is no hernia to be dealt with you should not need to strain a lot to have a bowel movement normal stool should be soft but firm it should not be hard pebble like or very loose if you find it hard to push stool out of your bowel you should consider adding both fiber and water to your diet you can add fiber by eating more of these foods beans leafy greens like lettuce fresh or frozen vegetables whole grains like brown rice fresh fruits like apples in addition to drinking more water you can help your body hydrate by consuming fresh fruits and vegetables with a high water content such as melons cucumbers celery strawberries tomatoes as you can see keeping your bowels regular can be delicious wishing you well thank you very much for the reply i will try my best to follow your suggestions and if the pain presists then i will contact my doctor i am ballet dancer have slightly fractured ankle should i have surgery,hi acinetobacter anitratus is usually not a concern however in rare cases it can cause toxicity + fever + sever pain for your second question yes your symptoms does occur with dysbacteriosis good luck can osteoarthritis cause deafness,i have hypothyroidism been treated for 25 years my tsh is 09 my dr has lowered the synthroid dosage i do not understand why the med is lower dosage instead of higher should i see a doctor i got hit in the head 6 days ago i was fine at first except for pain where i got hit and a headache i went home and fell asleep immediately and did not wake for 12 hours the next morning i was nauseous had a horrible headache and got lightheaded when i would stand throughout the day and after i played my instruments i still experience that every day my mother is a nurse and did not see the necessity in going to a doctor but said i probably have a concussion should i go to see a doctor,i think any person with a significant head injury that may have been a concussion should be medically evaluated the fact that you are still having post injury headaches dizziness and nausea indicates a need to be carefully examined are there dangerous side effects or reactions to childhood vaccines,fortunately dangerous side effects or reactions to vaccines are few and rare reactions that are life threatening or result in lasting disability are very rare however it is important to note that vaccines like any other medical product potentially come with some risk no matter how small one type of rare serious reaction is anaphylaxis a severe allergic reaction it occurs on the order of approximately one case per million doses of vaccinations administered in case of severe allergic reactions including anaphylaxis urgent emergency treatment is required xanax side effects and usage question my doctor prescribed xanax to me to help me sleep better if my anxiety gets bad i have two questions 1 how serious are the side effects a lot of my anxiety comes from my emetophobia [the fear of vomiting] so i am not sure how i feel about the nausea side effect 2 my doctor prescribed it saying use as needed but i read online that if you stop taking it you could experience seizureswithdrawal symptoms if i take it let is say twice a month would i still experience these symptoms,hyperthyroidism can be suspected in patients with tremors excessive sweating smooth velvety skin fine hair a rapid heart rate an enlarged thyroid gland there may be puffiness around the eyes and a characteristic stare because of the elevation of the upper eyelids advanced symptoms are easily detected but early symptoms especially in the elderly may be quite inconspicuous in all cases a blood test is needed to confirm the diagnosis the blood levels of thyroid hormones can be measured directly and usually are elevated with hyperthyroidism however the main tool for detection of hyperthyroidism is measurement of the blood thyroid stimulating hormone tsh level tsh is secreted by the pituitary gland if an excess amount of thyroid hormone is present tsh is down regulated and the level of tsh falls in an attempt to reduce production of thyroid hormone thus the measurement of tsh should result in low or undetectable levels in cases of hyperthyroidism however there is one exception if the excessive amount of thyroid hormone is due to a tsh secreting pituitary tumor then the levels of tsh will be abnormally high this uncommon disease is known as secondary hyperthyroidism although the blood tests mentioned previously can confirm the presence of excessive thyroid hormone they do not point to a specific cause if there is obvious involvement of the eyes a diagnosis of graves disease is almost certain a combination of antibody screening for graves disease and a thyroid scan using radioactively labelled iodine which concentrates in the thyroid gland can help diagnose the underlying thyroid disease these studies are chosen on a case by case basis how can i know if my coldflu has become bacterial so i can take a ampicillin i am aware that ampicillin does nothing if my coldflu is a virus but i have been sick for a week now and although my body is not soreweak anymore i still cough up alot of mucus and coughing hurts my chest a bit and i have a sore throat also runny nose with alot of mucus as well,it could be a simple growing pain …esr is a prognostic test not diagnostic aso titre doesnot mean that there is rheumatic activitylet me ask you prescribe for me the pain site character severity when it mostly happens affected parts or joints what increases it and what decreases it and was it followed by tonsillitis what did you do to her to relief the pain and its effect associated with any new skin lesions discoloration any abnormal movements… is there is limping suffering from involuntary movements spasms doctors do not know what is wrong,i cannot imagine how ranitidine a totally different drug and drug class would result in a false positive test for amphetamines most people who get positive drug tests actually took the drug and are lying about it i am not saying that mistakes can happen but they are very rare i truly hope that is the case i have been clean my whole pregnancy & never touched amphetamines before thank you for your answer how long after being hit in tmj area should pain be sharp when touching it and opening mouth was in head to head collision and got hit right on tmj area extreme tenderness to area and sharp pain when open mouth wide no other symptoms could it just be bruised or should i have it checked out,to be honest i would have this checked out chronic tmj disorders can be caused by an injury like the one you describe it is even possible you suffered a small fracture at any rate the sooner you have it checked out the more effective treatment might be at heading off ongoing problems you do not need to rush to the emergency room but you might call your primary care provider for an evaluation he or she might want to take an x ray just to be sure there is no break your provider also can give you more specific information about the prognosis good luck to you the examination might include pressing on palpating the jaw muscles for soreness or asking the patient to open and close the jaw in in most cases x rays and mri scans of the temporomandibular joint will be normal in many cases the cause of pain in the tmj area is temporary and disappears without treatment is vicks vapor rub a cure for toe nail fungus seen on a you tube video someone had indicated that vick is vapor rub will heel nail fungus is this true,if it was everyone would be using it unfortunately it is not a cure but you can do it if you want i was hospitalized a month ago for a severe kidney infection nothing helped what should i do next,you need a culture to get the antibiotic thats suits the bacteria which is expected to be resisting to many spieces of antibiotics can you fly sith mono,yes you can fly in an airplane when you have mono a fever followed by sharp pains and breathing problems my mother frequently gets a fever followed by sharp pains in the torso area she also has problems breathing during the fever lately this has been getting worse and worse apparently the doctors do not know the cause of the problem any ideas thank you,get a second opinon will alpralozam show up in your urine 30 min after orally taking a xanax,probably what should i do if i suspect an overdose of fortamet,if you have an overweight child it is very important that you allow him or her to know that you will be supportive children is feelings about themselves often are based on their parents feelings about them and if you accept your children at any weight they will be more likely to feel good about themselves it is also important to talk to your children about their weight allowing them to share their concerns with you it is not recommended that parents set children apart because of their weight instead parents should focus on gradually changing their family is physical activity and eating habits by involving the entire family everyone is taught healthful habits and the overweight child does not feel singled out why do children need fluoride,all your symptoms are consistent with kidney failure i recommend you recheck youd kidney functions before exploring other possibilities as autoimmune disease or medications that cause same effects like contraceptive pills hope u could helo more good luck is it possible that i am pregnant with breast tenderness breast itching nasuea headaches eating food not normally in my diet,hi have you done a pregnancy test yet then it would stop all the guessing good luck will i get an ectopic pregnancy if i had sex on the date of period,firstly as you had bleeding after eight days post unwanted 72 intake it ensures that you are not pregnant your fresh menstrual date would now be the date of the bleeding started after the ecp emergency contraceptive pill there is a likelihood that next menses may be delayed by a week to 10 days which is a known side effect of unwanted 72 neatly it is not an ectopic pregnancy but the chance of endometriosis rises if intercourse is undertaken during menstrual bleed which can later lead to ectopic if endometriosis gets severe if still you wish to conclusively rule out pregnancy then you may get a serum beta hcg human chorionic gonadotropin test done if the hcg levels are less than 3 miuml then you are surely not pregnant for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online > what is benign prostatic hyperplasia bph or an enlarged prostate,as a man ages his prostate can grow larger when a man reaches the age of 40 his prostate gland might have increased from the size of a walnut to that of an apricot by the time he reaches the age of 60 it might be the size of a lemon because it surrounds part of the urethra the enlarged prostate can squeeze the urethra this causes problems in the passing of urine typically these problems passing urine do not occur in men until they are age 50 or older they can though occur earlier an enlarged prostate is also called benign noncancerous prostatic hyperplasia it is common and cannot be prevented age and a family history of bph are risk factors eight out of every 10 men eventually develop an enlarged prostate about 90 of men over the age of 85 will have bph about 30 of men will find their symptoms bothersome my brother is illness bothers me a lot i am deprived of sleep please help,pain of near ones make you feel helpless this weakens your strength somehow symptoms like lack of sleep disturbance and tension occur when you feel stressed for any reason but you have to be strong for your brother if you feel low he will become worse and lose his will power to fight the illness follow these to be mentally strong have a healthy and good diet for yourself take good care of yourself take a walk on daily basis for easing out keep sharing thoughts with someone about how you feel unless you make yourself equipped with strength it will not be beneficial for your loved ones for a psychological counselling consult a psychiatrist online > i had a laceration dermabonded at hospital dermabond came off and the cut is open can it be reglued to prevent scar the laceration is shallow but its on my shoulder so it naturally pulls apart the the nurse told me that it would be fine if i showered with the dermabond on my shoulder but he turned out to be wrong the glue softened and the wound opened unfortunalty i did not notice right away because of all the scabbing today 5 days after the dermabond came off the large scab fell off in the shower and i can see that the cut is wide open can i reseal it so i dont end up with a huge scar,it is very important that you check to see if you qualify for financial assistance to help pay for insurance based on your description it sounds like you might go to healthcare gov to learn more it is possible that you earn too little to qualify for a tax subsidy to buy a private insurance plan and unfortunately you live in a state that has chosen not to expand it is medicaid program insurance for people with low incomes which leaves many people like yourself without good insurance options still you should apply to make sure you are not missing out on available help again go to healthcare gov to fill out an application you can also call the 800 number to ask for assistance 800 318 2596 8mm dense nodule picked up on routine chest xray risk that is cancerous age 56 white female only risk factor is did smoke between ages 16 and 21,if it is calcified then it can be caused by a lot of things do you have night sweats low grade fever and cough any symptoms if you have these it could be due to a past infection with tb you can have a nodule in the lung without it becoming active tb tb can be dormant until you become immunocompromised then it can come out as disease also dense calcified nodules can be due to inhalation of asbestos coal and other chemicals and the body walls it off other things it can be are sarcodosis and haemosiderosis are they going to do a biopsy at this point i can not say what the percentage it is of any of these things it depends on what you or you and your famliy have been exposed to hope this helps marieh9 what is a propulsive gait as it relates to parkinson is disease,a propulsive gait is the disturbance of gait typical of people with symptoms of parkinson is in which during walking steps become faster and faster with progressively shorter steps that passes from a walking to a running pace and may precipitate falling forward i am 20 weeks pregnant and i think i have a severe kidney infection,yes itvis mostly a kidney and uti i recommend a urine culture asap for proper antibiotic prescription should a burn be soaked in epson salt i burned the calf of my leg on a motorcycle muffle,no this would not be the treatment of choice for a burn i am 37 and pregnant with my fourth child do i need to see a high risk obstetrician ob,you do not necessarily need a high risk ob your doctor will be just fine your age does increase the risk of complications but nothing your physician cannot handle heshe may refer you to a high risk ob mfm to see you several times during the pregnancy for a consultation maybe genetic counseling due to your age and maybe a few extra ultrasounds due to your age you should be able to stay with your ob unless he no longer takes the insurance you now have if you have had a fundiplication can you have gastric bypass surgery i can not physically vomit could this cause a problem with gastric bypass,a change in your skin type may be caused by your skin care regimen make sure that you are not using products that are over drying your skin because that will lead to increased oil gland production you should exclude any underlying skin conditions such as eczema psoriasis or seborrhea that may alter your skin is oil production you may also have combination skin elements of dry and oily skin because the nose chin center of the forehead and the cheeks all have more oil glands than any other part of the face it is not surprising that those areas tend to be oilier and may break out more frequently than other areas at the same time the areas that lack oil glands can become dry and flaky problems occur when you attempt to treat combination skin as one specific skin type many ingredients that are appropriate for the t zone the area along the center of the forehead and down the nose where most of the active oil glands on the face are located will not help the drier parts of cheeks eyes or jaws and vice versa more often than not separate products are required to deal with the different skin types on your face because different skin types even on the same face must be treated differently to truly feel and look better once you accept this fact and adjust your routine combination skin can be brought into balance at least to the extent that using the right products allows if anything using overly abrasive or irritating skin care products on oilier areas will only worsen combination skin is dual nature by making dry areas drier and creating a rough reddened appearance over oily areas plus treating skin harshly does not correct or improve oiliness in any way because combination skin should be viewed and treated as separate skin types what if my breasts havent grown enough during pregnancy will this affect milk formation also my breast does not seem to be firm its feels loose and saggy yet small,hi yes relapse is possible so first do a tb test then ask the doctor to put her on 4 drug regimen to make sure she is cured this time let is hope it is just common cold good luck are shingles spread just by being in the same room as someone who has it,it could be pernicious anemia vit b12 def what is your daughter mchc and mcv and tibc total iron binding protein i have central posterior disc herniation with annular tear,i have a hernia that will be repaired in about 3 weeks and personally have not had an issue with this however my doctor has told me and i have read that sometimes the vas deferens can become strangulated by the intestine intruding into the scrotum the vas is the tube that carries the sperm if you are having trouble and you think it may be related to your hernia see your doctor immediately as a strangulation of any kind can be very serious read some of the categories relating to strangulation how do i take advil liqui gel,if you are taking the over the counter product read all directions on the product package before taking this medication if your doctor has prescribed this medication read the medication guide provided by your pharmacist before you start taking ibuprofen and each time you get a refill if you have any questions ask your doctor or pharmacist take this medication by mouth usually every 4 to 6 hours with a full glass of water 8 ounces240 milliliters unless your doctor directs you otherwise do not lie down for at least 10 minutes after taking this drug if you have stomach upset while taking this medication take it with food milk or an antacid the dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment to reduce your risk of stomach bleeding and other side effects take this medication at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time do not increase your dose or take this drug more often than directed by your doctor or the package label for ongoing conditions such as arthritis continue taking this medication as directed by your doctor when ibuprofen is used by children the dose is based on the child is weight read the package directions to find the proper dose for your child is weight consult the pharmacist or doctor if you have questions or if you need help choosing a nonprescription product for certain conditions such as arthritis it may take up to two weeks of taking this drug regularly until you get the full benefit if you are taking this drug as needed not on a regular schedule remember that pain medications work best if they are used as the first signs of pain occur if you wait until the pain has worsened the medication may not work as well if your condition persists or worsens or if you think you may have a serious medical problem get medical help right away if you are using the nonprescription product to treat yourself or a child for fever or pain consult the doctor right away if fever worsens or lasts more than 3 days or if pain worsens or lasts more than 10 days can tobradex opthalmic solution be used in ears,if specifically prescribed by your medical provider some ophthalmic solutions can be used in the ears assuming the person does not have tubes but there are better medications that are typically used just for the ears my husband is 42yo hx of stroke 1 year ago he awakened yesterday complaining of heaviness to his left arm,there is virtually no medical condition that will keep you from doing any type of exercise even people with congestive heart failure who were long told not to exercise at all can benefit from moderate amounts of activity and people with limited mobility can often do water exercises or do yoga or other exercises while seated in a chair some chair exercise videos are now on the market of course if you have any medical condition check with your doctor before starting an exercise program if you have questions about your condition or are still not sure what exercise you can safely do please consult your physician what is ulcerative colitis,ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation of the large intestine colon the colon is the part of the digestive system where waste material is stored the rectum is the end of the colon adjacent to the anus in patients with ulcerative colitis ulcers and inflammation of the inner lining of the colon lead to symptoms of abdominal pain diarrhea and rectal bleeding ulcerative colitis is closely related to another condition of inflammation of the intestines called crohn is disease together they are frequently referred to as inflammatory bowel disease ibd ulcerative colitis and crohn is diseases are chronic conditions that can last years to decades they affect approximately 500 000 to 2 million people in the united states men and women are affected equally they most commonly begin during adolescence and early adulthood but they also can begin during childhood and later in life it is found worldwide but is most common in the united states england and northern europe it is especially common in people of jewish descent ulcerative colitis is rarely seen in eastern europe asia and south america and is rare in the black population for unknown reasons an increased frequency of this condition has been recently observed in developing nations first degree relatives of people with ulcerative colitis have an increased lifetime risk of developing the disease but the overall risk remains small my daughter has a ring around her iris is it a kayser freischer ring,do you have reduced functions of any other parts of body too can you undergo nerve conduction tests mri and emg a neurologists advise is most appropriate in your case get well soon regards how can you cool down the main vein in a males testicle that gets too hot and causes infertility,since slimquick is not regulated like medications are we do not have very reliable information on what is in it or how safe and effective it is as a pharmacist i generally steer my patients clear of these weight loss gimmicks i would suggest you see a nutritionist and get a personal trainer nothing helps you lose weight better than eating less and moving more considering your other medical conditions you should stay away from weight loss supplements that can cause unwanted side effects such as jitters rapid heartbeat and elevated blood pressure are calluses and corns suppose to hurt the most after taking a shower the callus that i have on the ball of my foot hurts the most when i first get out of bed and gets worse after i have taken a shower i am not even sure if that is what i have on the ball of my foot how can i be for sure,hi if this was through unprotected sex then yes it would have been in his sperm your find that the yi has come from your natural ph being upset so ok as you cant take antibiotics try these links for help just copy these one at a time into google to the www to open and read do hope you find the help you need good luck will exercising the vaginal muscles make my vagina tighter,in my opinion you have both fungal and bacterial infection if the discharge have bad odour you need to go to er immediately good luck is it safe to give a 2 month old ibuprofen if he runs a fever after immunizations,no there is an otc ibuprofen liquid sold under its brand name as well as various chain store brands it is limited for use by infants 6 23 months i suggest contacting the pediatrician before giving a 2 month old infant any otc products my bellybutton is tender and sore and slightly red in color what is this from and what could be causing the soreness,in the united states narcotics are classified by the drug enforcement administration dea into different schedules based on several criteria schedule i substances are defined as drugs with no known medical application and a high potential for abuse schedule i substances include narcotics like cocaine and heroin interestingly however marijuana also is classified as a schedule i substance it remains to be seen if this will change as some states have voted to legalize marijuana and claim it has medicinal properties schedule ii substances include narcotics that are deemed to have therapeutic benefits yet maintain a high potential for abuse these include morphine fentanyl and even mixed amphetamine salts the brand name adderall so basically the difference between schedule i substances and schedule ii is simply in whether or not a drug is deemed to have a valid medical application hope that clears things up for you in the u s prescription drugs are categorized through the controlled substances act which places drugs into classes or schedules according to the government is view of potential for abuse schedule 1 drugs are also referred to as class 1 drugs drugs that fall under schedule 1 classification are illicit or illegal drugs have no medicinal purpose or use have an increased potential for abuse and if the drug poses a safety issue narcotics such as lsd heroin and cocaine are all schedule 1 drugs and although two states colorado and washington have legalized it and other states allow use for medicinal purposes marijuana is also still classified as a schedule 1 drug schedule 2 drugs have acceptable medical use and importance an increased potential for dependency abuse and severe addiction schedule 2 includes opiates with high dose codeine opium morphine oxycodone and fentanyl as well as barbiturates and methamphetamine schedule 2 drugs also include the adhd drug adderall the primary difference between a schedule 1 and a schedule 2 drug is whether there is a valid medical purpose for the drug gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855 338 6929 can i take fish oil supplements while taking the antidepressant parnate maoi,yes there are no drug interactions between parnate and fish oil you should be ok be sure to tell your doctors and pharmacists about all the supplements you take they need this information to take the best care of you can i take a benadryl tablet while on doxycycline hyclate is it safe to take a benadryl tablet while i am on doxycycline hyclate,the medications are compatible assuming you do not have an medical reasons why you can not take benadryl there would not be a problem what could be the cause of low low hemoglobin,com your low haemoglobin is mostly due to malabsorption of iron from the gut according to aging…this is normal but this means you may need a haematinic supplement or injection also eat iron reach foods green leavy vegetables…vitamin b12 helps binding haemoglobin to the red cells so you need to get enough b12 also… what should i do to prevent my baby from catching bronchitis while breastfeeding i have bronchitis and asthma just using an inhaler afraid to take anything else and fear my 3 month old might get sick how can i further prevent and treat,this is not a normal sign of strep so it would be very important for you to be re examined bell is palsy would be one possibility but there are other neurological conditions that can mimic those symptoms is there anyway to get chlamydia besides sex several months ago i had my yearly exam and was fine i was just diagnosed with chlamydia this week i only have sex with my boyfriend of 4 years he has cheated on me in the past last time was january but he swears he hasnt cheated this time and thinks i did we do have anal sex and have sex toys is there anyway of getting it without him cheating on me in the past several months,hi these twitches and the aches are usually caused by calcium and vitamin deficiency moreover hormonal changes ate your age increase the problems you should eat healthy diet with high calcium intake and exercise regularly to strenghthen the muscle tone calcium and vitamin supplements with protein powders will help vitamin d can be taken to accelerate the recovery thanks i have severe pain and cramping during bowel movements for the last week do i have the flu or something worse in addition severe fatigue after a bowel movement slight blood on tissue probably from hemmoroids no loss of apetite,sorry your split skin just sea wash it twice a day till it heals use no creams or lotions it will slowly get better good luck i have a itchy rash that comes and goes what could be causing this the rash appears in different areas of my body for an example a rash showed up on my wrist and stayed a while and went away later the same day it appeared on my stomach and then on my thighs etc its itchy while it is present at one point my hands first turned red and then start to itch really bad to the point i had to wash my hands repeatedly i work in the medical field so i wash my hands a million times a day what could be causing this reaction,yes the rash can return to same area months later once you have been exposed to this plant and even thought the rash itself may have long since healed or faded away the underlying skin proteins remain sensitized to urushiol for quite some time in some cases several years hence the slightest newest recent exposure to urushiol in certain individuals will cause you to experience for a second or third time a newer rash breathing in the flower pollen also in certain individuals will cause them to develop a rash exposure frequency and time interval duration between each successive pi exposure to a large extent will determine how severe your rash outbreak will not only be but how long it will last is it possible to be pregnant from oral sex,hi and yes but it would take a knife stomach wound to get you pregnant that opens both your intestine track and your fallopian tubes this then would allow the sperm to move across if you search hard enough you will find a case from south africa of this happening good luck fatigue sometimes foggy memory lower back & headache pain occasional chest pain,hi seems to be a multisystem hormonal imbalance associated with sinusitis get complete blood examination done a ent surgeon consultation will help you rule out inner ear problems thanks i have problem breathing and its progressing,over the counter lip plumpers use ingredients that increase blood flow to the lips like cinnamon and wintergreen when blood flow is enhanced the lips tend to get mild swelling and increase in redness sometimes these lip plumping ingredients can cause a sensation of tingling here is a link to an article that has lots of info about lip plumpers take care received three virus flu shot instead of four what can i get to compensate have asthma,i do not think there is any need to panic this is an expected side effect and can happen sometimes just to be on safer side get mri and eeg done consult a neurologist when i finish my period i always discharge a clear thick gel like subsidence is this normal,many factors or conditions can intensify the symptoms of atopic dermatitis including dry skin winter or cold weather wool cloths and other irritating skin conditions these factors may further trigger the itch scratch cycle further stimulating the already overactive immune system in the skin repeated aggravation and activation of the itch scratch cycle may cause further skin damage and barrier breakdown these exacerbating elements can be broken down into two main categories irritants and allergens emotional factors and some infections can also influence atopic dermatitis are the chemicals contained in sunscreen safe for daily use,i would suggest tylenol and mucinex drink lots of water to thin out the mucus the tylenol will help with the other symptoms my dad is 73 obese & recently bedridden are there any exercises to help him regain muscle he needs a hip replacement & has a hernia that needs to be addressed but doctors always wanted him to lose weight first recently he fell and is now afraid to get out of bed i am hoping to find exercises to help rebuild muscle so that he does not deteriorate even more is there hope he could regain quality of life,most men once you hit age 50 have at least some experiences where erections are not what they should be either you did not get a good erection or premature ejaculation or fading too quickly not enough rigidity but that is part of what should be considered normal variations it is not either 100 percent normal or you rush to the doctor now if you have a consistent problem where you are not having normal erections or no sex drive then that means you need to be seen but people should not obsess with anything that is less than perfect once in a while i have acute bronchitis i am 25 and have asthma i do not have good health insurance what is the best treatment,i am sorry to hear you are going through this acute bronchitis can only be diagnosed by physical examination it is risky to self diagnose and can lead to delayed treatment or complications from inappropriate self treatment so despite the fact you do not have good health insurance i would suggest counting yourself lucky you have any type of coverage and use it to consult a medical professional acute bronchitis with asthma is not a good combination your best bet is to consult a health care provider for an accurate diagnosis and tips on how to treat the bronchitis if that is what you have note pneumonia often presents like bronchitis but the two illnesses have distinctly different treatment modes i wish you all the best and hope you feel better soon do some diseases cause vitamin or mineral deficiencies,yes conditions like crohn is disease and colitis which cause chronic inflammation of the colon can interfere with the absorption of certain vitamins or minerals leading to deficiencies people with chronic acid reflux who take certain acid blockers may end up with too little stomach acid as a result their digestive tracts can not absorb certain nutrients properly possibly leading to b12 deficiency and iron deficiency anemia an imbalance in the friendly bacteria that help break down food can cause vitamin or mineral deficiencies chronic alcoholism may also lead to vitamin b and magnesium deficiencies if you are worried that you may have a condition that affects your vitamin or mineral levels it is wise to talk to your doctor what is hypertension,hypertension is high blood pressure blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries high blood pressure is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body and it is linked to clogging of the arteries i have extream anxity and panic i cant control it and it is making me crazy what can i do,no these are not at all related after giving my wife oral sex regularly i developed a thrush rash in my mouth what could cause this,hi may be you wife has thrush i would send her off for tests if not she could try the sea salt way just a couple of handfuls of sea salt in a warm bath or a sitz bath but less sea salt for a week but she needs to let the water get inside her vagina and do it twice a day do hope this helps good luck a year ago i found a large lump top of my right breast,this is a good example of a question that you can ask your pharmacist prednisolone is a steroid that has anti inflammatory properties it is used to treat a variety of inflammatory conditions including asthma colitis skin rashes and allergic and inflammatory conditions of the nose and eye what causes weak and dizzy feeling my father is 95 years old and is a resident in an assisted living facility after he eats breakfast he says he feels very weak and dizzy he is ok prior to breakfast but symptoms start when returning to his room afterwards symptoms usually go away by lunchtime and dont return does not seem to be tied to when he takes his morning medication,how wonderful that you keep close tabs on your dad while he is in assisted living it is great he has someone to help advocate for his health needs it would not hurt to get your dad is dizziness symptoms checked out by a health care provider it is one of those things that could be related to his breakfast meal such as perhaps low blood sugar or it could be coincidental for instance dehydration can also cause the type of symptoms you describe and dehydration is very common in elderly people you might encourage your dad to drink plenty of water the main thing is this since the symptoms are bothering him and no one wants to see him fall and break a bone or gash his head it is probably a good idea to have a health care provider evaluate this all the best to you and your dad just had cast removed from broken ankle more ankleleg foot pain that before any exercises without going to pt,ok well i have to laugh right now because two days ago i got my ankle cast removed and it hurt so bad and i went back to the dr and got xrays again they said since my ankle was in the position to fix it for so long that my ankle had changed to repair and that it will take about a week or so to get straightend out and to be able to do normal i thought well gee you could have told me that when i got it removed or before i paid for more xrays you do not know how fustraited i was anyways it still hurts but its getting there and they said to do ankle flexers that is where you flex your ankle *to me it hurts just as bad so then also to start adding more weight and to swing it back and forth with 5 10lb ankle weights hope your ankle gets better and feels better 1 and try to find some easy exercises to do sources just happend nipples hurtsting and i know i am not pregnant there are also little bumps on my areola,couples having difficulty conceiving a child can look to rainbow hospital centre for infertility for one of the most comprehensive and progressive treatment we recognize that no two patients are similar and hence treatment plan varies widely based on many parameters like patient is medical history age physical condition diagnosis duration of infertility history etc the various investigations offered are basic evaluation of the couple complete range of hormonal assays advanced pelvic ultrasound sonohysterography semen analysis scsa sperm chromatin structure assay does the risk of miscarriage increase with a pregnancy after age 35,studies show that the risk of miscarriage loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation is 12 to 15 for women in their 20s and rises to about 25 for women at age 40 the increased incidence of chromosomal abnormalities contributes to this increased risk of miscarriage in older women hi if a person with liver disease has slightly increased inr and increased thrombocites can we administer vitamin k2 and k3 many thanks in advance for your advice,vitamin k2 is found to be helpful to decrease cardiovascular calcification and also improve the health of bone and cartilage it is naturally found in bacterial fermented foods like mature cheeses and curd vitamin k supplements are usually safe and are definitely recommended in normal people but are generally not recommended in all patients with liver disease in cases of end stage liver disease associated with conditions like hepato cellular cancer alcohol liver disease with deranged liver functions use of vitamin k supplements can be associated with bleeding abnormalities and hence are not recommended you might consult with your treating doctor and depending on your laboratory parameters he may advice you accordingly i hope this helps what can cause a burning sensation to appear suddenly on the soles of the feet and turn into fiery pain on standing up i have already had plantar fasciitis but this sensation is utterly different from the one associated with that it is not occurring in my hands only in my feet both of them i have tried running cool water on my feet and elevating them because when this takes places i experience as well bright deep redness of both feet and the veins and arteries in my feet swell up so distended that i become frightened my blood vessels in my feet shall burst i walk a lot do i walk too much foot hypertension,first i will say that you should consult your doctor however soaking your feet in epson salt might help you cut myself with a utility knife on wed health clinic opens on mon for tetanus vac is it ok to wait until mon,hi if this is the right side this side rests against your underwear seems like it could something used when being washed try going commando for a couple of weeks to see if it goes if it does you now know the answer its either a detergent of fabric softener good luck anyone here who knows of a pregnancy due to ejaculant on fingers being rubbed on vagina during mutual masturbation i have read many many replies on many websites from doctors regarding the chances of getting pregnant by a small amount of ejaculant on one is hands being rubbed on the vaginal opening some say yes possible bc it only takes one sperm while some say very unlikely bc sperm need to be inserted higher i would like to know 1 is there any medical professional here who actually knows of a pregnancy happening from such a situation 2 are there any more scientific studies on this thanks,hi this first piece of info is from the uk is nhs it is a bit like your abama scheme but has been running since the end of ww2 what if i did not have sex it is possible for you to get pregnant without having sexual intercourse penetration if for example sperm get into your vagina – for example if you or your partner have semen or pre ejaculate on your fingers and touch your vagina your partner ejaculates near your vagina your partner is erect penis comes into contact with your body near your vagina the risk of getting pregnant in this way is very low because sperm can only live for a short time outside of the body however if you are not planning a pregnancy it is important to know that it is possible to get pregnant in this way by the way are you natural with pubic hair or shaved dr hector chapa answered if sperm gets around the outside of the vagina how likely is it to get pregnant not likely for conception to occur several finely tuned processes must occur all in perfect order first of which is cervical bathingcoating by sperm the reason this is needed is because of all the volume deposited at the cervix some will leak out some will never enter the cervix some will die in the uterine cavity sperm deposited on the exterior of the vagina can not migrate into the vaginal canal dr tony t ho answered my semen came into contact outside of her vagina by my penis i did not release sperm there she also has sist in her overy could she get pregnant always possible any time there is contact of semen to a woman is genital vault there is the possibility of pregnancy it does not sound like it is very likely in this situation but you will not get a no it is not possible here have her do a pregnancy test in 2 weeks to be sure dr ravi d chauhan answered if sperm gets on or around my vagina can i get pregnant yes in a fertile woman any contact of sperm with the vaginal tissues can result in conception i felt like electric shock like feeling which became sharp on my left chest,no skin or subcutaneous cysts do not move around or travel but people who are prone to forming skin cysts can have new ones just appear in other locations do surgeons look for marijuana in a urine test during pre admission testing for open hip surgery i am going to undergo open hip surgery to correct an abnormality before surgery is a pre admission test that they run on patients that include a urine sample i am not a smoker but i did smoke marijuana recently and i was wondering if that would show up in the urine sample or if i should make that aware to my anesthesia doctor that i consult with before hand,do you mean risperidone risperdal i am not familiar with the side effects of all these meds but am generally familiar with the issues you experience cuz i have experienced some stuff like that before no those meds most likely do not lower t at 201 you need t replacement therapy with a gel like perhaps fortesta or androgel or if you can afford it or if it is covered by your insurance try the t pellet implants those are fairly new but they doggone work treating apnea most likely not eliminate depression and the need for the psych meds however treating low t will certainly help with depression cuz higher normal t helps with your general sense of well being helps with your sex drive as well high bp meds i know absolutely nothing about and have no comment i take an anti depressant pristiq along with valium seroquel and lamotrigine and those are just the psych meds i also take stuff for diabetes high cholesterol high triglycerides and i do t replacement therapy my psych meds have had to be adjusted cuz i simply feel better due to the higher t also i no longer have any use for viagra that is a bonus especially since it can lower your bp i understand the multi faceted nature of your question and my best advice is to get your low t treated and go from there hope this is of some help ~s~ my 5 month old baby does not reach his development milestones,do your child a formal ophalmological assessement maam asap…this is number one cause of the delay in fine motor milestones waiting for the results i have severe peripheral neuropathy symptoms after hiv exposure,hi this is not hiv not even close i recommend electrolyte tests urine test if they are clear then i recommend spinal tab to check for amylotrophic lateral sclerosis stress can be considered if you had same symptoms before after sever stress take vit b complex supplements till you do your tests good luck i started getting mild sickness after eating about 1 year ago it has now progressed,i strongly recommend returning to both the eye doctor and a dermatologist while it is not common blindness can be caused if the shingles virus infects the eye if the blisters are anywhere near his eye this can be a concern it is also possible that the anti viral they have him on simply is not effective for him i was prescribed two different anti virals to treat my shingles outbreak last fall because the first was not giving the results we wanted probably due to an incompatibility with my own body chemistrythat is what the dermatologist told me does ibuprofen weaken the immune system in children if it is over used as babies what would be considered overuse my son is father and i are divorced he has since told my son who seems to catch every bacterial infection that is in the area ie pneumonia and strep that he catches everything because he was given too much ibuprofen as a baby my son had suffered ear infections at least once a year from two months old to seven years has there been any study linking immune system deficiencies in children from ibuprofen use if so what was the result,sorry hunny thats a part of becoming a woman the clear white stuff helps you have sex and such its there for a reason sugar level reduced to normal should stop taking insulin or eat sugar and continue insulin,while most any exercise is healthy for people with diabetes let is look at some specific types of exercise and their benefits strength training and type 2 diabetes the latest findings show that exercise such as strength training has a profound impact on helping people manage their diabetes in a recent study of hispanic men and women 16 weeks of strength training produced dramatic improvements in sugar control that are comparable to taking diabetes medication additionally the study volunteers were stronger gained muscle lost body fat had less depression and felt much more self confident aerobic fitness and type 2 diabetes any activity that raises your heart rate and keeps it up for an extended period of time will improve your aerobic fitness aerobic exercise helps decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes and helps those with diabetes to better manage their blood sugar levels besides the health benefits exercise is fun and boosts your mood it is hard to feel stressed when you are walking fast on a treadmill or swimming laps in a pool what is a normal blood pressure and heart rate,it sounds like you will qualify for a tax subsidy to help pay for insurance you need to go onto the marketplace to see the options available to you to determine the best plan for you does phillips laxative contain aspirin,there are antiviral medications that can reduce the frequency of your infections like famvir or acyclovir they require a prescription and it appears that you should be on those full time for a while what causes ringworm of the scalp or beard,ringworm infection is caused by a fungus fungi that cause ringworm live and multiply on the upper layer of the skin and on the hair ringworm is not caused by a worm or other parasite the medical term for fungal infections is tinea followed by a word that describes the location of infection for example tinea capitis is ringworm of the scalp and tinea barbae is ringworm of the beard ringworm of the scalp is most commonly caused by the fungus trichophyton tonsurans which is spread from one person to another this fungus causes more than 90 out of 100 cases of ringworm of the scalp in north and central america 1 in the past the fungus microsporum canis was the most common cause but it is a less frequent cause now microsporum canis is spread by cats and dogs ringworm of the beard is caused by trichophyton verrucosum and is spread by cattle and other farm animals you can catch ringworm by sharing contaminated hats combs brushes towels telephones clothing sports equipment or even theater seats and by direct contact with an infected person children are more susceptible to the fungus and more likely to develop an infection than adults adults often do not develop an infection even after exposure to ringworm causing fungi adults and less commonly children can be carriers for ringworm carriers can pass ringworm on to others but do not have symptoms of the disease ringworm causing fungi can live on people objects such as hats or brushes or animals for several months webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated is hpv vaccine concidered to be a birth controll medication and what are some other side effects,the hpv vaccine is not a birth control medication in any way a vaccinated woman can still get pregnant but they will not likely get hpv which can lead to cervical cancer so far the vaccine is 100 protective there are very few if any side effects of this vaccine your doctor can provide you with a full disclosure most side effects are related to the shot itself pain redness at the injection site not the vaccine the vaccine is safe and highly recommended by medical professionals i start feeling strange with chest tightness and shortness of breath and sometimes wheezing,patients may experience a few days of mild flu like symptoms before the toxic shock syndromedevelops but tss itself is characterized by the rapid onset of specific symptoms including high fever nausea vomiting diarrhea low blood pressure and widespread skin rash this will usually progress to a worsening of low blood pressure dizziness confusion peeling of the skin of the palms and soles of the feet which develops after one to two weeks of rash headaches and occasionally seizures ultimately multi organ failure may develop and this leads to death in approximately 5 of all those affected does vitamin c impact the bodies ability to fight the common cold,vitamin c is considered to be antioxidant antioxidants are nutrients that block some of the damage caused by free radicals and helps to improve cells immunity vitamin c with other multi vitamins can be used under state of infection to improve and fasten recovery but the efficacy still remains uncertain for use of vitamin c alone in common cold research shows that for most people vitamin c supplements or vitamin c rich foods do not reduce the risk of getting the common cold taking a vitamin c supplement after a cold starts does not appear to be helpful my son is 8 weeks old and has had mucus green diarrhea almost 2 weeks, mucus indicates infection get stool examination done this will confirm the organism responsible for diarrhoea e coli or rota virus are the most likely infectants in this case my doctor wants to do an injection should a cortisone injection be done without ultra sound guidance,you need to apply sustained pressure on in using some bandage to deprive it from oxygen hence reducing formation of collagen so it does not stay as a big lump good luck ear infection with leakage and fever my 10 yr old has an ear infection with fluid leaking from his ear and 102 temperature he has an ent and we have been putting in ciprodex drops in his ear for the past 2 days the fever went away for a couple of days but now it is back in full force the leakage has not stopped 48 hours and is pretty heavy at times how long will the leaking last and should i be worried that the fever is back it is saturday evening and his ent will not be back until monday should i take him to the er,that seems within the normal range but what really matters is not one blood sugar level but the overall pattern that is why its recommended you write down what you eat along with your blood sugar levels and show them to a diabetes educator they work with you on modifying your diet to help manage blood sugars during pregnancy for more on recommended blood sugar targets see this article *slighty* itchypain throat light mucus *very* mild cough *slight* wetraspy voice very mild symptoms i am a singer the painitchy throat is all but gone not to sound silly andor overly anxious i have severe anxiety specifically a medicalbloodneedle phobia so lol laryngitisstrep and the like have been going around my school do i have something as simple as this or do i have vocal nodules i do not *think* it is nodes but i want to be sure and at this time i do not have health insurance so any info would be so appreciated also it seems i have a mild fever as well my mom said a bit over 99 or so,check for large medical centers that test for hivstdetc for free and just get a test if necessary there are doctors here that test people who also work at hospitals that use insurance these are doctors have pretty good knowledge on just about everything up to date nowadays it would be hard to ask them a question without getting a test to see about the throat because usually there in the back my guess is that you have probably picked up an allergy and maybe need something like flonase to cure it up try backtracking to find as nearly possible this could have happened it says you do not have insurance but that would be the best bet so that a doctor could check it out ejaculating inside while on birth control pills i have been on birth control for 9 months now and my boyfriend ejaculates inside of me everytime we have sex does this increase the liklihood of getting pregnant would it be better if he pulled out,you are most likely having etd eustachian tube dysfunction the e tubes are tiny ventilation and drainage tubes that run from your middle ear to the back of your throat when you have a viral respiratory infection colds flu these tubes can become clogged or swollen resulting in some ear fullnessdiscomfort when you blow your nose you are forcing some air up these tubes causing your ear to pop in most cases this will resolve spontaneously in few days or a few weeks depending on the severity i have been diagnosed with a uti and have antibiotics that are not doing anything,u need to investigate for stones it seems to be calcular painx ray and us is to be done my adult son has an inflamed rash under his armpits that has blistered it even hurts to go in the shower what is it has had it about a week,no this will not help retrograde ejaculation can my pre cum on my girl is underwear cause pregnancy i did not ejaculate hello so my girl and i had a bit of touching during our hanging out my penis was out but my girlfriend still had her underwear on and i started to rub my penis on hers after that i saw a little damp on her underwear not sure if that was my pre cum or just her sweat because the room temperature was kinda hot so if it was pre cum would it go through her underwear and cause pregnancy my girl cleaned herself after we touch too note i pee a lot before we touched i am scared plz help,hi ok you can take your chillout pill now unless you have some magic sperm she is not pregnant yet but keep going the way you are she will be never heard of condoms and for her has she not heard of bc protection like the pill look your both getting near to full sexual contact do not just sit there playing with each other go find out about bc protection warning do get her to keep away from depo shot far to many side effects always thing safe sex safe sex is the best sex good luck do you think i have a std please answer i am really worried my bestfriend and i gave eachother blowjobs we are straight just experimented we did for a period of time when i was in 8th and he was in 7th then maybe a little during my freshman summer before my soph year i never did anything like that with anyone else i am a senior now i had a red bump sore on my penis shaft years ago but not sure when that showed up also had rash on tops of my hands and feet that i have had for years that the doctor said is contact dermatitus,i am a big fan of drugstore products the single most important way to keep your skin looking its best over time is to use sun protection every day all year round and to protect against excess sun exposure in products look for ingredients such as retinoids retinol retinyl palmitate retinyl propionate and others peptides vitamin c niacinamide caffeine grape seed extract marine extract and other antioxidants i am getting erectile dysfunction as a side effect of dutasteride please help,drugs like dutasteride acts by inhibition of conversion of testosterone to its more active and potent form of dihydrotestosterone thus the side effects may include loss of libido erectile dysfunction low mood irritability and depression although the frequency of such adverse effects is not very high but they are potentially frustrating sometimes reduced libido may not be due to a direct side effect of dutasteride but is purely psychological but still if you have noted significant reduction in sexual desire and erection i suggest you stop the medication with prolonged use the condition may be irreversible and no doubt that would be more troublesome than loss of hair let me give you two tips for both the problems apply onion juice on scalp daily it has got miraculous effect consume three garlic cloves raw and crushed daily you can swallow it with water within a month you will see drastic improvement in libido and erection onion juice contains sulfur which increases production of keratin garlic on the other hand cleanses fat and cholesterol deposition from smaller blood vessels thus improving erections by supplying more blood to the penile tissues for further information consult a sexologist online > i have asthma chronic obstructive pulmonary disease copd and erectile dysfunction ed,hi sir i assume you are on steroids to treat copd so i recommend you ask your doctor to replace them or stop them i also need testosterone levels testgood luck what does the abbreviation “bid” on a prescription stand for,i do not know any doctors who prescribe sex to treat diabetes but after hearing a recent lecture i am starting to wonder “why not ” there is a general notion that sex is favorable to good health but most doctors do not specifically encourage their patients to have more sex naturally we do not want to encourage unprotected or unsafe sex associated with sexually transmitted diseases or sex that leads to unwanted pregnancies also we do not want to encourage reckless sex that leads to car accidents or dislocated hips or other unforeseen injuries and the last thing we want is for someone to have a heart attack during sex and blame us for it however i can not think of a single patient i treat who is likely to have any of those “bad outcomes” from having more sex having a heart attack during sex is very rare and in fact increased sexual frequency is associated with reduced risk of heart disease and is encouraged after recovering from a heart attack sex is one form of exercise that most people like it is good for the heart and circulation and helps maintain good blood flow to the sex organs “use it or lose it” is a fair statement particularly in older people and those with diabetes erectile dysfunction occurs in over half of men with diabetes especially after several years of poor blood sugar control and maintaining sexual frequency may potentially help delay or avoid erectile dysfunction not surprisingly eating right and exercising can help partially reverse erectile dysfunction in men by improving blood pressure blood flow body fat and hormone levels women with diabetes may also be at increased risk for sexual problems and it stands to reason that maintaining an active sex life may help prevent such problems healthy sleep habits are very important for diabetes management – and sex and sleep are closely related enough to be considered “bedfellows” perhaps sex improves sleep and vice versa similarly problems with sleep can interfere with sex sex releases hormones that help promote sleep especially in men and sleep promotes hormones that favor good blood sugar control and appetite control by the same token inadequate sleep quality or quantity promotes hormones that worsen blood sugar control appetite weight gain diabetes and heart disease so here we have a cycle of gradually decreasing health sleep and sex over time as one aspect worsens the others may too on and on it goes the shame of it is that people generally like sex and sleep and feeling good can we break the cycle is it as simple as turning off the tv an hour earlier and having more sex unfortunately it is not always so simple doctors are in a great position to help patients recognize and reverse this cycle and should embrace the power of healthy sexuality to fight chronic illness but most are not doing so it is not because doctors are unaware of the health benefits of can pinkeye cause a fever my 2 5 year old seemed to have pinkeye with redness and mucous discharge in one eye we got drops from the pharmacy but now she has developed a low grade fever just about 100* can pinkeye cause a fever or could she have something else that i should call about,unfortunately i can not can see or examine you your description is vague i can tell you that herpes tends to be tiny water filled blisters not white pimples that come in clusters not just one you may have a mucous cyst but that is just a blind guess you would need to see a medical provider or dentist for a definitive answer is it serious when a child gets a rash with a cold my son got it first but only got the rash at bedtime we treated it with hydrocortizone cream my daughter has nothe same cold but got the rash last night and it only goes away when we give her benidryl sp should i go to the hospital or keep treating her at homer she moves around like nothing is wrong when she has tylenol and benadryl,it is probably something minor and easily treatable but it sounds like more than a common cold i would definitely take her to the doctor and keep giving her the benadryl make sure you keep plenty of benadryl on hand even when they are not sick and i would definitely want to take her to the doctor to have that rash looked at i have brown orange urine for a year how can i cure it,eating honey or putting honey directly in your eye not sure how you intend to do it but that would be yucky will have absolutely no effect on your eye color the color of your eyes is genetically determined how can i increase my own stem cells in my bone marrow can i do anything with my diet exercise supplementation,hi try these just a couple of liks to read through just copy one at a time into google to the www to open and read good luck i had my iud removed how long after do you get a normally period i had my iud removed dec 20 15 after 8 months on it i started bleeding 1 day after the removal it lasted 3 days and we have been trying to have a anther baby so to day i started bleeding again i was wounding if its is my period or was the one after having it removed was my period,here is a link to a slideshow about fertility and ovulation that i think you will find very helpful it states while the exact timing of ovulation can vary on average it happens between day 11 and 21 of your cycle a brain hormone called luteinizing hormone lh surges triggering the release of the egg that is most ripe at the same time your cervical mucus changes to a slippery egg white consistency to help sperm make their way to the egg so there is a chance that you could be pregnant if your ovulation cycle fits this pattern the webmd answers staff i am losing my cobra benefits feb 2014 i checked with a state option health insurance but they are not taking any new subscribers i will not be eligible for medicare until august can you help recommend an insurance option i have been having problems getting into the health care website,in my opinion this looks like a dermatitis due to the sessions you are getting to remove it try antihistaminic otc and topical steroids to treat it does not seem like scar what are the treatments for colorectal cancer,the right colorectal cancer treatment is based on the degree of spreading or stage cancer that is self contained inside a polyp can often be cured with a colonoscopy a snare on the end of the colonoscope cuts the entire cancer out if colorectal cancer has spread into the bowel wall surgery is needed part or all of the colon is removed hemicolectomy or colectomy once the cancer has spread into the body treatment becomes more complex it will usually involve chemotherapy or other targeted colorectal cancer treatments as you can see the treatments get more aggressive and invasive as the cancer spreads so colorectal cancer prevention is the name of the game is it safe to take concerta after it has been expired for 5 years,no this could cause heart palpitations and increase her blood pressure what is the defferance betweeb xanax and prozac if you are taking xanax for anxiety can you can prozac for it also which is used for depression,prozac an anti depressant is an ssri selective serotonin re uptake inhibitor while there are a number of reasons why an individual might take an anti depressant – the reason cited 90 percent of the time is depression sadly research has shown that depression has been linked more often than not as a side effect to other medications substance abuse andor other types of medical conditions – than as a condition on its own anti depressants such as abilify zoloft cymbalta and prozac are used to treat depression but unless the reason or cause of the depression is defined and addressed the individual could end up taking the drug indefinitely or worse self medicating to treat the symptoms xanax on the other hand is a sedativetranquilizer and part of the benzodiazepine drug class although studies have shown that chronic abuse of sedatives and tranquilizers result in the drug is ineffectiveness many users develop addictive tendencies and without professional assistance cannot stop long term use of eitherboth of these drugs can have lasting effects that can make it very difficult to stop without professional medical detox treatment gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855 338 6929 i swallow excessively in social situations and at home it interferes with conversation what can i do,hyoscyamine will increase constipation which in turn will increase rectal bleeding from laceration i recommed fibers in diet and going to wc once you feel like it do not hold it not just stool but also urine good luck is it possible to have a stomach virus without vomiting or diarrhea every so often i experience nausea fatigue and stomach pain as if i had a stomach virus could this just be the way my body expresses the norovirus,yes a person can have a gastointestinal virus without vomiting or diarrhea but those symptoms are typically the things you get if you had this virus before or a similar virus you may only have a mild infection with nausea you cannot definitively diagnose a norovirus by symptoms alone since everyone responds to a viral infection differently yes it is possible to have a stomach virus without vomiting or diarrhea norovirus may have a prolonged infectious period even before a patient starts feeling sick people who recover from the infection keep shedding virus through their stools for weeks and may potentially spread the infection to others i am experiencing mood swings stress resstlessness tiredness sadnes and lack of motivation whats going on 20 year old male was sad and tired all winter maybe seasonal affective dissorder but when spring came i started feeling more stress restlessness and terrible mood swings get extremely sad suddenly once or twice a day,you are not going to be adequately diagnosed over the internet or by a self diagnosis let alone be properly treated so i would strongly suggest that you start with your primary care medical provider for a good check up first to make sure there are no underlying organic problemsdisease than you will need a referral to see a mental health professional if your primary care provider is experienced and comfortable in using medications for this purpose that is good but you may need to see a psychiatrist at first if this is suggested later on a counselor is fine to help you deal with your stress and mood swings can stress and anxiety cause vertigo i took a test and my stress level was diagnosed as 74 percent when i get stressed or anxious i tent to dig in my ears i have been diagnosed with anxiety severe panic disorder and agoraphobia of which i am alone 10 to 12 hours a day 4 to 5 days a week and lately i have been under an enormous amount of stress the last 3 to 4 weeks financial worries having enough food the anniversary of my moms death and last night i was forced to drive last night can all this cause vertigo,one of the hardest parts about controlling anxiety is that severe anxiety can actually cause physical symptoms that lead to more anxiety many of those with anxiety start to worry about their health because the symptoms can be so disabling that it is hard to convince your mind that anxiety could be causing them this is often the case with vertigo vertigo itself is not technically an anxiety symptom but dizziness – which is often confused with the idea of vertigo – very much is and it is actually a surprisingly common one since vertigo is almost exclusively caused by hyperventilation the best way to stop the feeling of having vertigo is to make sure that you are not hyperventilating anymore often this is easier said than done in the middle of an anxiety attack it is very hard to re gain control of your breathing but there are tricks that make the process easier now the trick here is a nice brown paper bag this you put over you head and re breath your output works all the time do hope this helps you good luck ps try getting your life together that would help cut down your problems menopause or pregnant i am a 46 year old female and i have been using contraceptives for almost 20+ years and this is the first time i have missed my menstrual cycle i am late for 4 days now i feel like bloated and all the symptoms of the start of your cycle is what i am feeling now but not sure if i need to wait couple more days before i bought a home pregnancy test but i know my body and before that my partner and i did not have any intercourse 3 weeks before my cycle please help,hi see your doctor and get a hormone test done y6opu may find its to do with your hormones they could be out of whack good luck my daughters insulin level is 32 and the doctor recommend she takes metformmin i would rather change our diet and exercise,hi i had a friend in the uk did all his diabetes control just by diet worked for him for many years good luck i had a motor nerve conduction study that according to my doctor is clean need second opinion,numbers are not absolutely low to rely on it varies …i believe u r okay no worries how much calories should i be eating so confused hi i am 27 year old female i weigh 125kgs i work out 5 times a week this last week i have been walking 7 miles in two hours i started building up my exercise since march this year i have lost some weight but need to loose alot more some people are telling me i need to eat the calories i have burned exercising also i am not sure of how much proteincarbs i should eat i am not sure how many calories a day i need either,tamoxifen efexor methotrexate all of these can cause you symptoms also they can cause conditions like chronic sinusitis which can also be the casehope i was of help good luck my pregnancy tests are negative but my belly is getting bigger,i could not find any articles or information regarding burns from ultrasound here is some information on what is ultrasound that i hope is helpful if you think you may have had a problem with an ultrasound please let your doctor or sonographer know the webmd answers staff my daughter in law is pregnant and was prescribed metronidazole she immediately vomited what can we do,in general metronidazole is very harsh on the stomach and can cause nausea vomiting and upset stomach it is recommended to take with food and to avoid alcohol which has a drug drug interaction will cause vomiting if you daughter is pregnant i would not take this medication and would seek advice from your doctor as to why or if another medication can be prescribed have your daughter in law contact her ob gyn to see if heshe feels safe with her taking this medication also ask your ob gyn if they have a list of medications that they believe are safe to take during pregnancy is it safe to use a prescription cream to treat a yeast infection if you just got your period,medicare beneficiaries have gained some new benefits because of obamacare such as the donut hole closing and new preventive services available at no cost when you go to the doctor otherwise your benefits will be the same as they have been the biggest changes will be felt among people who have been uninsured or who buy insurance on their own i have a basal cell carcinoma what specialist should i consult,hi you are absolutely right a dermatologist or ent specialist wont do any good to you if its a cancer you ned to see a oncosurgeon a surgeon who specialises in treating and operating on such cases do not waste time with any other doctors of other specialities thanks how does atherosclerosis cause disease,z pak or azithromycin does have common side effects of stomach upset and diarrhea taking this medication with food may help with your upset stomach if your diarrhea becomes more intense it is important to stay hydrated by taking in fluids and replenishing your electrolytes the diarrhea should subside within a few days to a week after you have finished the medication if the side effects are unbearable talk to your health care provider about prescribing another antibiotic just remember that all antibiotics can have an effect on the normal flora of your gi tract what are the symptoms of walking pneumonia,a cough that may come in violent spasms but produces very little mucus mild flu like symptoms such as fever and chills sore throat headache tiredness lingering weakness that may persist after other symptoms go away some people with walking pneumonia may also have an ear infection anemia or a skin rash could my baby be teething at 11 weeks old,most babies start drooling a lot and sticking their hands in their mouths between 2 and 4 months although on average teeth do not actually break through the surface until 6 to 8 months the extra drool can be a sign that the salivary glands are getting ready for an expanded diet of solids also even though teeth may not come through right away they may be moving up and causing some discomfort teeth sometimes do come very early as early as 4 weeks of age so you may in fact have an early teether its been since august 15 2012 and i have had issues the incision in my bellybutton keeps spliting open infection my dr told me no it is not infection did nothing everything i try to eat even one bite it feels like a rubber band is snapping inside when i sleep on my left side everything on the right settles i feel something moving there is an egg sized in the center between my navel and ribs what could possibly cause the snapping feeling and what could possibly be moving inside me kind of freaked out especially when my dr who is a ta says nothing is wrong i was 110 when this all began i am under 100 lbs i am 5ft 5in and nothing tastes good smells good and i am nausious all the time,symptoms of herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas usually the mouth genitals or rectum the blisters break leaving tender sores mild discomfort and then mild pain in belly button region when i press that region,belly button region pain is a side effect of allupurinol also pain in kidney region can be caused by allupurinol if you do not drink enough water with it i suggest you see your urologist good luck i just find out by a x ray i have 10 stables inside of me is it normal after surgery,yes sure it is normal and no need to worry about them unless they cause a problem what are the problems with picking a 24 pound child up by her wrists this child is 20 months old and has been subject to this since she was crawling please advise,the problem usually does not occur in the wrist but the elbows it is quite easy to painfully dislocate the elbow subluxation of the radial head this is called the nursemaid is elbow it is best not to do this my daughter has very painful blisters in her throat without fever or swollen glands what could be the cause,hi found you this do you think its this one particular virus called coxsackie seen most often during the summer and fall may cause the child to have a somewhat higher fever more difficulty swallowing and a sicker overall feeling if your child has a coxsackie infection she also may have one or more blisters in her throat and on her hands and feet often called hand foot and mouth disease infectious mononucleosis can produce a sore throat often with marked tonsillitis however most young children who are infected with the mononucleosis virus have few or no symptoms what do you think same or not good luck how long after diagnosed and started treatment am i infectious to other people,that would depend on your diagnosis every disease has different contagious periods and the type of treatment since you did not share this information you will need to call your medical provider for advice i have been having bouts of severe stomach pain,yes you can it is important not to pick at your warts and to wash your hands promptly and thoroughly any time you touch one of your warts if you have warts in an area where you shave keep in mind that shaving over the wart could transfer the virus to the razor and then spread it to other areas of your body i can ejaculate multiple times but my first ejaculation is within 2 3 minutes how do i delay this my first question is would you consider my first ejaculation pe i still have an erection and can still continue with sexual activity i use a fleshlight how can i delay my first ejaculation i dont want to have sex and keep changing condoms because my chances of getting a girl pregnant increases and also would eating something an hour or two before sexual activity help my stamina,hi there is a little exercise called edging very good for you problem for info on this just google prgym look under exercises this is not a quick fix once you get this working you may just need to do it a couple of times a week to keep it working good luck 21 weeks pregnant i have got reddish ring circles…,yes its normal your body is trying to adjust to the changes nothing to worry about should i call the doctor if my baby has a fever,chicken pox does not cause sterility even if you have chicken pox lesions on your scrotum your boys are safe i really have no way to determine why your testicles hurt but orchitis would not be a likely consequence of chicken pox you would need to see your medical provider for an exam if these symptoms continue or worsen mumps on the other hand can cause orchitis that could lead to sterility so it would be wise to check your immunization status can you help me understand why my boyfriend is not able to ejaculate,maybe he has retrograde ejaculation where the sperm go back into his bladder or maybe he is just not putting fluid into the urethra we see this after some surgeries or with some medications but it is not normal for a healthy guy without a reason i think he should go see a urologist to be sure all is okay this is important my son and daughter in law have 4 children and make hour averaging 35 hours a week how much is health insurance going to cost them,with the earnings you describe for a family of 6 your son and daughter in law and their children will no doubt qualify for medicaid which will provide them with insurance at no cost however they will need to see if their state is expanding its program you can check healthcare gov to find out more information or webmd is state pages even if medicaid is not an option for the whole family because they live in a state that is not expanding its program it is likely that the kids will still qualify and without medicaid if the lowest cost health insurance plan amounts to more than 8 of their annual income they will not be required to buy insurance i am not pregnant but can i take norco 5325mg penicillin vk 500 mg and ibuprofen 800 mg together,you should be able to take all of these the most important one is the penicillin which will treat any possible infection that you may have it is important that you finish all of this medication and take this on an empty stomach it gets absorbed into your body better the ibuprofen will help relieve the pain and inflammation you want to take the ibuprofen and norco with food as they can both be a little harsh on the stomach if possible try to reserve the norco for the more severe pain if you ever have any questions about how to take medications or if they can all be taken together talk to your pharmacist does yoga have an effect on type 2 diabetess,yoga has all types of beneficial effects so a person with diabetes most certainly will benefit can i be pregnant if i had unprotected sex the 4th day of being on the depo,yes you can the depo will take about a month or two to take full effect even then it is not 100 effective what can cause bright green urine,what an interesting question urine color can be an important tool in diagnosing illness for example red or pink urine can be caused by blood but it also can be caused by eating beets or rhubarb interesting right green urine frequently is caused by dyes such as those found in vitamins however green urine also can indicate a urinary tract infection caused by a specific bug called pseudomonas bacteria while the cause of green urine generally is not harmful if you have any of these additional symptoms you should see a doctor frequent urge to urinate pee bladder pain pain with urination peeing cloudy urine fever andor chills nausea andor vomiting these symptoms can indicate a urinary tract infection which needs to be treated by a health care professional hope this helps what is type 1 diabetes,hi from what your saying i think your on the safe side of not being pregnant but do you think its about time you thought of birth control some thing like the good old very simple pill this would solve all your problems of not trying to get pregnant there are condoms but playing around like you do the pill would be a very wise choice i do hope this will help good luck i had major heart attack active thyroid crohn is disease diverticulitis bronchitis what is wrong with me,hi these are signs of changes in the cells of the skin and the underlying soft tissuesin that region this can be due to various conditions like infection vitamin deficiencies or early stages of inflammation consult a surgeon and get the necessary investigations done local cream and vitamin tablets should help till then thanks could taking valium result in a false positive on a pregnancy test,discomfort or sensitivity your newly crowned tooth may be sensitive immediately after the procedure as the anesthesia begins to wear off if the tooth that has been crowned still has a nerve in it you may experience some heat and cold sensitivity your dentist may recommend that you brush your teeth with toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth pain or sensitivity that occurs when you bite down usually means that the crown is too high on the tooth if this is the case call your dentist he or she can easily fix this problem chipped crown crowns made of all porcelain can sometimes chip if the chip is small a composite resin can be used to repair the chip with the crown remaining in your mouth if the chipping is extensive the crown may need to be replaced loose crown sometimes the cement washes out from under the crown not only does this allow the crown to become loose it allows bacteria to leak in and cause decay to the tooth that remains if your crown feels loose contact your dentist is office crown falls off sometimes crowns fall off usually this is due to an improper fit or a lack of cement if this happens clean the crown and the front of your tooth you can replace the crown temporarily using dental adhesive or temporary tooth cement that is sold in stores for this purpose contact your dentist is office immediately he or she will give you specific instructions on how to care for your tooth and crown for the day or so until you can be seen for an evaluation your dentist may be able to re cement your crown in place if not a new crown will need to be made allergic reaction because the metals used to make crowns are usually a mixture of metals an allergic reaction to the metals or porcelain used in crowns can occur but this is extremely rare dark line on crowned tooth next to the gum line a dark line next to the gum line of your crowned tooth is normal particularly if you have a porcelain fused to metal crown this dark line is simply the metal of the crown showing through lower back pain and loss of blood,no apples do not contain any caffeine there is a widely held but false belief that apples are better than coffee at waking you up in the morning i think that this claim was misconstrued and resulted in someone believing that apples contain caffeine the theory is that the fructose simple sugar in apples is responsible in helping you wake up though i could not find any research to support this or suggest that apples are better than coffee at waking you up nutrient rich there are many health benefits to consuming fruits like apples on a regular basis helping you to wake up in the morning however may not be one of them if you are still curious try it for yourself to see if it can help you feel more alert after waking up hi this is how it should read nutrition of an apple serving size 182 grams 1 medium apple calories 95 sugar 19 protein 0 5mg vitamin c 8 4mg vitamina 98 3iu folate 5 5mcg choline 6 2mcg calcium 10 9mg phosphorus 20mg potassium 195mg caffeine 0mg apples also contain very small traces of other vitamins and minerals hi the answer you looking for read this nutrition of an apple serving size 182 grams 1 medium apple calories 95 sugar 19 protein 0 5mg vitamin c 8 4mg vitamin a 98 3 iu folate 5 5mcg choline 6 2mcg calcium 10 9mg phosphorus 20mg potassium 195mg caffeine 0mg apples also contain very small traces of other vitamins and minerals so as you can see no good luck will i get ringworm my little cousin has scalp ringworm he has had it for a couple of month he has a bald spot and had a kerion that recently cleared up since he started treatment today he accidentaly rubbed his head against my arm i immediatly washed my arm with soap 3 times and once with iodized salt is there a possibility i will contract ringworm,never get scared of these things if at all happens for a ringworm to enter your body you need not be panic of these things there are hell lot of effective treatments done in hospitals for ailing these im 44yrs old and if its safe to have another pregnancy after havin breast cancer chemo pulm embol was diagnose w copd,hi so what is it your looking for then but that the idea of spermicidal condoms they give you that bit extra protection but if she has a 28 day cycle then day 21 should be her ovulation day do hope this helps good luck my wisdom teeth have come in and are beginning to rot if they do not become infected will they fall out will the nerve die or if the tooth is gone will the root still hurt,it sounds like a deteriorating situation to me the teeth will not fall out the remaining teeth or roots can get infected and cause big problems i would get to an oral surgeon as soon as possible to properly assess the situation and to hopefully prevent major infection and problems i am always cold even if it is 70 degrees out what is the cause and is there a vitamin that i can take,this could be anemia which means you dont get enough iron try to ramp up your intake of leafy greens like spinach and broccoli and also protein sources like chicken and steak or you can talk to your doctor to prescribe you iron tablets i have sharp stinging pain in my thigh after professional massage therapy is it a nerve injury,these products are actually commonly found in the weight loss teas and they may help a little bit in the first few days you may think that you have lost a little weight but other than that there is no proof or efficacy that they work at all and if you are allergic to things like ragweed and pollen you want to stay away from these type of products because of the dandelion component you could actually have an allergic reaction to it so once again read the labels see what is inside the product if you have any questions about it come and talk to the pharmacist because we are finding out more and more the people are getting reactions to these type of medications because of the fact that they did not know what was in it or they did not know that they were allergic to a component of it so once again keep that in mind and talk to your pharmacist doctor or healthcare provider what do you do after a bleaching treatment can i brush my teeth,baby carrots are not at all bad for you in fact they are quite the contrary actually there were concerns going around the internet that baby carrots were bad for you because they were rinsed in a solution that contains chlorine it is true that baby carrots as well as many other pre cut vegetables on the market are cleansed using a solution that contains water and chlorine but this is to help prevent food borne bacteria like e coli and salmonella the baby carrots are rinsed again with potable water afterwards to reduce any trace of the chlorine it is important to know that the chlorine is used in amounts much lower than what the fda allows also rinsing the baby carrots at home would not make a difference because even your tap water has chlorine in it too there were also rumors around the internet that a white film that you may see develop on the baby carrot is chlorine rising to the surface but it is merely just a result of dehydration the bottom line is that baby carrots are safe to eat are low in calories and are a great source of nutrients like vitamin a and fiber so they can be part of an overall healthy eating plan no these are fine to eat they taste pretty good too being intibated for surgery in 6 hours would a cup of coffee hurt me right now,for what water is essential to human existence but you cannot live on water alone since it does not have any calories or essential nutrients juice in moderation can be added to a balanced diet juice is 80 90 water and does have calories and some nutrients how to stop your period i am almost 51 years old last year i went most of the year without a period but in july bled heavily for 33 days causing me to become anemic this year i have had more regular periods but this july have been bleeding heavily for 28 days i saw my gyno last september and she was not too concerned she did an ultrasound where they found 3 fibroid tumors but had no concern about them any suggestions i prefer to avoid surgery,hi if this keeps happening a hysterectomy may be your only real way out but these days you can have a less invasive op by having a vaginal op but this would depend on what they want to take out would be far better than bleeding out like you for so many days its best you keep healthy do hope this helps you and your thoughts good luck i have white fluid draining from my penis and it burns the burn is worse when i urinate,this fluid needs to be tested by a lab both microscopically and by a culture your first step is to make an appointment for an examination i have a full thickness tear in the supraspinatous tendon with 9 mm retraction do i have to have surgery,if you have been off birth control having unprotected sex and now experiencing no period breast pain and nausea then of course you could be pregnant there can be certainly be other reasons to account for your array of symptoms but pregnancy would be high on the list and would need to be considered first can i choose what kind treatment surgery i want for my inguinal hernia i went too kaiser my medical provider and ask for laparoscopic surgery my inguinal hernia doctor not agree with my request and tell me it is more possibility got some infection he has 22 years experience at surgeries but i have only one body and do not need have scare,hi keeping the catheter for over a month is not required actually for a aortic aneurysm repair it should be out forever maximum 8 days after the surgical procedure at this point do catheter clamping every 3 hourly so as to train the bladder and try getting it removed as soon as possible keeping it for longer periods of time will cause sepsis as you said thanks i started getting a pulsing and gnawing sensation in my upper right abdomen,hi these are signs of early liver dysfunction you should get the liver function tests done to assess the proper functioning of the liver cells from the symptoms you have mentioned it seems that the cells in the liver that are primarily meant for digestion are malfunctioning fat related food is hard to digest so symptoms occur with such food thanks my wife is pregnant for 4 months now but she does not wanna have sex with me what should i do cheat or wait she keeps making excuses and say im not in the mood of sex im tired and more what should i do,when i see men asking questions like this i wonder if they are trying to make women mad or if they are really that clueless maybe tell your wife youre frustrated but cheating is not a good idea especially when she is carrying your baby my daughter is hemoglobin is low but her iron is high doctor thinks they are fighting each other,hi you have too main possibilities 1 hereditary hemochromatosis do a dna test for mutations in the hfe gene 2 a urinary tract infection causing nephritis so do a urine analysisgood luck my husband had a vasectomy years ago is it possible to extract his sperm and use it for artificial insemination,it is possible but sometimes the body builds up sperm antibodies that may be problematic when it comes to fertilizaton you would need to speak to a fertility specialist about this process extracting sperm for in vitro fertilization or having a vasectomy reversal are expensive procedures that are not likely covered by your health insurance my bladder feels full and burns urethra itches tests all ok,you should do esr inr and duplex us asap i want to know whether my liver is in bad condition,yes these things definitely could be related and you should seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 the symptoms you describe could indicate an abdominal aortic aneurysm that requires immediate treatment do not delay i realize your question was posted 12 hours ago so perhaps you have already seen a medical professional if the symptoms have subsided you still need to seek medical attention best wishes to you kindly suggest a solution for my son is continuous fever,it would be helpful if you do a cbc complete blood count and crp c reactive protein from that we can understand the level of infection also tonsillitis can also be so severe that it may last for up to 10 days betadine gargle three times a day with warm water for three days are advisable as it acts locally on the throat for further information consult a child health specialist online > can you get tendinitis in your shoulders,currently the only safe over the counter medication for the treatment of headaches during pregnancy is tylenol acetaminophen make sure you are using a product that only contains tylenol acetaminophen and not other ingredients remember to follow the directions according to the labeled product or as your health care provider advises if this medication is not working consult your ob gyn to find a medication that is effective but still safe for your unborn baby american living in china 3 weeks of diarrhea and noticing food like carrots being partially digested concerns i moved to china 3 4 weeks ago i have had diarrhea ever since i got here i figured it was because my body was not used to the food however i am still having diarrhea and i am noticing that vegetables like carrots are partially digested could this be malabsorption pancreatitus any ideas suggestions or concerns would be greatly appreciated,before you think of something like pancreatitis check simpler solutions like a bacterial infection meanwhile keep hydrated and eat bland foods and get plenty of rest dry crackers will help absorb fluid the unabsorbed food is probably being caused by your body rushing your food through your system too fast are there any age advancing toxins in the chemicals that i use to clean my home,i do not know your age or the type of abdominal surgery that you had so the best patient specific advice would come directly from the surgeon someone who knows you your medical history etc stool softeners tend to be better but if your surgeon is instruction recommended a laxative many can be harsh and not appropriate for a post surgical patient the surgeon is the one that should specifically recommend one for you do surgeons look for marijuana in a urine test during pre admission testing for open hip surgery i am going to undergo open hip surgery to correct an abnormality before surgery is a pre admission test that they run on patients that include a urine sample i am not a smoker but i did smoke marijuana recently and i was wondering if that would show up in the urine sample or if i should make that aware to my anesthesia doctor that i consult with before hand,due to the fact that you are pregnant your options are limited i would also like to ask what you mean by sinus infection as a symptom i would also like to know if you went to a health care provider for further evaluation and if you were given any medications you can continue to use the neti pot because that is a saline type of solution and safe for you to use if you have sinus congestion or stuffiness however if your sinuses are draining too much that could be causing your cough i would highly recommend talking to your pharmacist and possibly going to see a health care provider for evaluation workout gloves causing rash on both wrists want best treatment for wrists and gloves have tried various solutions on gloves rash comes back,hi just try leaving the gloves off till it goes as you have not said what there made of its makes it very hard to give advice but try giving the a real good wash with lots of clean water after if its a leather or leather type material could be something that is been in the tanning of it so good wash and rinse when dry try some leather oil on it like neats foot oil its used to keep old leather supple do hope this helps you good luck should medical marijuana be used to treat anxiety disorder,i think there are much more effective anti anxiety treatments than using medical marijuana this would be like treating sleep disorders with vodka or treating fatigue with methamphetamines i have my period every 22days and i have not had period but having light brownish or light red discharge when i wipe i am only seeing brownish discharge or light red or pink but only when i wipe and i have not had a period and i have my periods every 22 days apart and its almost 28 days what should i do could i be pregnant,currently the only safe over the counter medication for the treatment of headaches during pregnancy is tylenol acetaminophen make sure you are using a product that only contains tylenol acetaminophen and not other ingredients remember to follow the directions according to the labeled product or as your health care provider advises if this medication is not working consult your ob gyn to find a medication that is effective but still safe for your unborn baby staying clean and healthy hi i have a question to ask which may sound idiotic or stupid but i have no choice please excuse me if i sound too dumb i want to ask about smelling good all day i have people here when they just walk up on the floor everyone can smell their fragrance its so nice i cant resist to turn around on them even when i am sitting 5 to 10 feet away from them i want to smell good seductive or fresh that people will like do i need to use deodorants and perfumes both or any one of them,hi ovarian cysts of this size do not resolve with medicines usually rarely they respond to medicines surgery has to be performed better to get the cysts removed by laparoscopic method instead of open surgery malignancies should be ruled out 6yr old has constant snuffle like runny nose but nasal passage is dry,do not be so obsessive about it in last 20 years i have hardly seen any case of anaphylaxis due to allergy its that rare so calm down you wont get anaphylaxis i am hardly eating anything and when i do i feel nauseous,no unfortunately the vaccine is not for treating genital warts hpv but for preventing them it will not hurt to get the vaccines since there are many different strains of hpv but you may be a bit too late it would be like taking a hepatitis vaccine after you have hepatitis use condoms my friend and keep up with those cryotherapy treatments is the flu shot dangerous during pregnancy,trace elements like zinc and magnesium are deficient electrolytes need to be checked and appropriate supplements started gave a guy a hand job and touched a little precum had to end it early so i put my underwear on a couple minutes later okay so we had to cut it a bit short so nothing really happened i just touched his precum a couple minutes later i put my clothes back on and thennn my underwear with my hands that had precum could i posssiibly maybe somehow get pregnant,hi your doctor is treatment protocol is absolutely fine surgery would be needed in resistant cases thanks my grandma has had a cough for a few weeks should i have her see a doctor it started as a dry cough but now it sounds like shes coughing up something she went to the dr a couple weeks ago and got cough syrup but it didnt help,good for you for taking responsibility for your own health and well being i commend you you need to make sure you are eating a well balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits lean protein whole grains and healthy fats like olive oil assuming you have no food allergies the mediterranean diet is a good choice if you truly are clinically underweight you need to consume more healthful calories than you burn in order to put on a few healthy pounds you can use webmd is 6 in 1 calculator to assess your current bmi and recommended calorie intake to gain weight add a couple hundred calories per day even though you are underweight you should develop the habit of daily exercise or at least exercise 5 times per week use an online program or app to track your calorie intake and calories burned so that you eat an adequate number of calories to gain weight even as you exercise walking is an excellent form of exercise to begin with and weight training will help you develop strong bones and good muscle strength do not overlook your sexual health when you become sexually active in the future be sure to always practice safe sex by using a condom a condom will help prevent unwanted pregnancy and will protect you against many sexually transmitted diseases note a condom will not fully protect you against all stds including genital herpes and human papillomavirus i wish you all the best for a happy and healthy life what exams do women need as they age,exams the 40s so you have reached your 40th birthday if you are like many women you may feel that in your 40s you start to gain weight more easily than when you did in high school back in the day it may be difficult to imagine fitting into that pair of jeans you remember from your teen years during your exam your doctor may discuss health and nutrition goals such as reaching and maintaining a healthy bmi of between 18 5 and 24 9 as you may imagine diet and exercise are the mainstay treatments for achieving your goal bmi in your 40s your doctor may bring up the issue of when to start getting screening mammograms this is a good time to discuss with your doctor the benefits versus risks of screening mammograms for women at an average risk for breast cancer recommendations on when to initiate mammograms varies among national expert groups the american cancer society and the american college of obstetrics and gynecology recommend starting routine screening mammograms at age 40 the united states preventive services task force uspstf recommends screening mammograms every two years starting at age 50 and that the decision to begin mammograms before the age of 50 should be an individual one based on a woman is values concerning the benefits and harms exams the 50s menopausal symptoms are common in the 50s the average age of menopause is 51 you may want to discuss with your doctor the benefits versus risks of hormone replacement therapy and other alternative treatments available for hot flashes and other menopause related symptoms the risk of heart disease in women goes up significantly after menopause your doctor will focus on checking on risk factors including high blood pressure high cholesterol and diabetes tobacco use or exposure to second hand smoke can increase your heart risk as well starting at age 50 your doctor will also talk with you about starting several screening procedures including colon cancer screening and others exams the 60s the risk for osteoporosis in women increases dramatically in the years after menopause treating osteoporosis can help reduce your risk of hip spine wrist and other types of fractures your doctor may ask you about risk factors for osteoporosis related fractures such as a history of a previous fractures in your adult years family history of fractures smoking alcohol use and low body weight — less than 127 pounds diet and weight bearing exercise are important components in preventing osteoporosis in particular your doctor may discuss the importance of getting enough calcium and vitamin d in your diet some women may also benefit from calcium and vitamin d supplements a bone density test can be helpful in diagnosing osteoporosis the national osteoporosis foundation recommends that all women 65 years and older should be screened with a bone density test testing should also be considered in woman 50 years and older who have risk factors for osteoporosis im pregnant but i had sex yesterday and he came in me is that bad,hi i think you find its just an old wives tail if you think about it how ok good luck my 76 year old dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer his urologist said he needs to have a turp first should he,you are experiencing a condition called erectile dysfunction ed there are many excellent medciations to rectify this problem because this issue is new to you and there can be some underlying medical reasons it would be wise to see your medical provider or a urologist for a examination besides ed meds are by prescription so you will need to get one if medications are not what you want there are other erectile aids that can be used so please talk to your medical provider both you and your wife will be pleased my husband had this issue and as a woman i thought it was something i was doing or me in general he had been under alot of stress we spoke with a dr about it matter of fact a couple drs and they all said that stress could lead to holding or getting an errection he switched jobs and to be honest everything got alot better lol i hope this helps why am i constantly tired i do not believe i am sleep deprived what can i do to help this i am tired all day long every day getting out of bed in the morning is always a chore no matter how many hrs of sleep i get i am constantly yawning throughout the day i could nap at pretty much any time almost anywhere i have increased my exercise level recently i work full time at a very mentally and physically exhausting place and i am in graduate school full time too on avg i get about 6 hrs of sleep however some days i get 5 hrs of sleep and some days i may sleep as many as 10,hi sorry forgot this site lots of info for help and do read ted is answers google it just the same good luck how to diagnose peritonsillar abscess my mother went to the urgent care clinic today and even though her strep test came back negative they went ahead and gave her the antibiotics to treat her as if it was strep since then her left tonsil have only increased in size and now she is having difficulty swallowing only the left tonsill is affected how can you tell if it is just an infection or if an abscess has formed thank you,most helpful answer in this case there a few things i would suggest you can call your insurer to complain that you are unable to find a provider who will see you and ask specifically for help in locating someone who can do not be afraid to ask for a supervisor often the customer service folks answering the phones do not have the authority to do anything out of the ordinary understand for yourself and communicate this fact when you call your insurer that medicaid managed care organizations are required by law to comply with standards for access to care the standards are intended to ensure that each company maintains a network of providers that is sufficient to provide adequate access to medicaid services you can check with your state is department of insurance to determine what those standards are where you live and whether your plan is violating them if it is you should file an official complaint with your state is department of insurance also contact your state is office of the health care advocate where you can get help dealing with your health plan as well as finding a provider and filing a complaint about your insurer is practices what is the strongest over the counter medicine for arthiritis prescription medicine to treat arthritis has side effects that prevent me from using it such as reduced urination i am hoping i can find an otc medicine to treat arthritis that will not have as severe side effects,hi not a medicine but a mix of cayenne pepper and turmeric is very good at reducing the pain but you need to be on it full time google both for arthritis try this its a mix i use you just mix cp and turmeric 5050 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonfuls and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said the garlic is very good for your blood this mix is also very good for clearing away plaque from your blood doing this is also a good way of over coming cholesterol do hope this helps you good luck can pelvic inflammatory disease cause infertility,the more times you have pelvic inflammatory disease the more likely it is that you will not be able to get pregnant when you have pelvic inflammatory disease bacteria infect the tubes or cause inflammation of the tubes this turns normal tissue into scar tissue scar tissue can block your tubes and make it harder to get pregnant even having just a little scar tissue can keep you from getting pregnant without infertility treatment what is paralysis agitans related parkinson is disease,impetigo can form on your lips however since i have no way of examining you over the internet i have no way of knowing if your blister is impetigo or not i have a repetitive menstrual cycle fever headaches and feel dizzy,hi such symptoms occur due to hormonal changes in your body that commonly result out of stress you need to de stress yourself by yoga meditation and doing things that you love doing fever headaches and dizziness can also be caused due to pelvic inflammation you can get a usg abdomen done to see if anythings wrong otherwise there is nothing to worry you will be fine in a few days thanks can lexapro be taken simultaneously with dextromethorphan hbr i had acute endo carditis 2004 and had emergency surgery to replace my mitral valve with a porcine valve i am now 71 and have a viral infection that is not responding to a z pac i started on adult tussin dm nd mucinex this morning worried that this may not be good for me because i take lexapro 10 m daily,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include severe mentalmood changes e g confusion hallucinations seizures irregular heartbeat severe restlessness fast breathing how long does it take to get pregnant after getting a arm implant removed i got my implant takin out in february of this year and i have been trying to get pregnant with on luck i only had the implant in for 8 months and i do not know why it is taking forever for me to get pregnant,hi are your periods back to normal yet if so just add in its all done to timing get that bit right then you should get pregnant but its no good keep having sex every other day and expect to get pregnant that will not work to much would mean your mans sperm is not mature enough you need mature sperm to get pregnant so stop for a month let his sperm get healthy so day 1 is the first day of your period day 14 give or take a day should be ovulation day you heed to have unprotected sex day 8 or 9 this gives you mans sperm time to get in place its ok it can live for up to 7 days inside you its there just waiting for your egg to fall but do not worry some sperm go left and the rest right so if by day 21 you get spotting then the chances are your pregnant a week after you miss your next period you go get tested best at your doctors but do stay relaxed in mind and body getting can be that easy but if you stress yourself you could blow your chances its just best to put it to the back of your mind and just enjoy the life you have now when a baby comes along it all changes till they leave the nest do hope this helps you good luck my daughter cries after and sometimes while eating,if you continue working past the age of 65 and your employer offers insurance you do not need to sign up for medicare you just need to watch for deadlines once you do stop working you will have a window after losing work based coverage to sign up for medicare before you incur a penalty you can learn mroe at medicare gov had ruptured brain aneurysm now dizzy loss of balance split vision both eyes seeing separately,hi on www about olive leaf extraction com i found this below should answer your question olive leaf extract lowers high blood pressure do not take olive leaf extract while on blood pressure medication without consulting your physician if heshe is agreeable start off with small doses a reduction in your other medication dosage may become necessary this also applies if you wish to take olive leaf extract for a cold for example read more #ixzz3o34o75xj so see your doctor good luck how can i help research on epilepsy,you will need to see your medical provider someone who knows you and your medical history and someone who has the ability to examine you first hand it would not be possible to determine a specific cause of your stomach ache blindly over the internet let alone treat it can ranitidine show up as amphetamines i was recently searching online to see if it was safe during pregnancy for heartburn & people were talking about how it caused them to fail for anphetamines which really worries me being almost 8 months pregnant & all,i cannot imagine how ranitidine a totally different drug and drug class would result in a false positive test for amphetamines most people who get positive drug tests actually took the drug and are lying about it i am not saying that mistakes can happen but they are very rare i truly hope that is the case i have been clean my whole pregnancy & never touched amphetamines before thank you for your answer what problems could develop with a dental crown,i am sorry to hear you are going through this few things are as painful as leg cramps two common causes of lower leg cramps are dehydration and low potassium levels in the blood so your first potential solution is to simply drink more water if you have high blood pressure you should consult your physician before you substantially increase your water intake but in general drinking a few extra glasses of water a day is not going to hurt you if you have high blood pressure and take a water pill diuretic you should find out if it is a potassium sparing type of not if your diuretic is not potassium sparing you should be taking a prescription potassium pill again if you are uncertain about these things you should consult your doctor i do not recommend people run out and start taking potassium supplements which you can buy over the counter to cure leg cramps potassium is a key mineral for heart function and overdosing on potassium can cause serious heart rhythm abnormalities however eating potassium rich foods like sweet potatoes tomato sauce and whole beans like navy beans or pinto beans not only will increase your serum blood potassium levels to possibly help the leg cramps but they will be diet friendly for your diabetes everything i have told you here is based on the assumption you do not have a lot of other health issues besides the diabetes going on and that you do not take a lot of medications many medications and co existing medical conditions can cause lower leg cramps so it is always a good idea to let your medical professional know what is going on wishing you well i have a cerbaseous cyst on my back that has developed an infection,see your doctor or better yet a dermatologist any changing mole should be carefully examined i have asthma and was recently diagnosed can cold weather and walking in it trigger asthma it happened to me,this is a very common problem in women and when you have a diagnosis it is a relief in some ways because now we can direct treatment for it so what i like the most for polycystic ovary syndrome is all contraceptives and sometimes combined with a diuretic called aldactone and the generic name is spironolactone i find that these two together not only help balance out the hormones but also help regrow the hair oftentimes in polycystic ovary syndrome we see a triad of changes we see irregular periods along with often severe acne and hair loss on the scalp and there is also another component which may be increased hair growth on the upper lip or chin as well sometimes people have regular periods and so the diagnosis is missed because the endocrinologist or ob thinks that it can not be polycystic ovary syndrome because it can not measure the hormone imbalance but when you have those other effects of hair loss on the scalp acne hair growth on the face and sometimes with or without weight change going on oral contraceptives can help and adding aldactone or spironolactone can help as well it is very important to treat it because women who have this syndrome are at increased risk of diabetes and also heart disease later in life so it is not just an esthetic or how you look that matters it is your overall health that can be affected so you should definitely have it treated does medicare cover shingles vaccine,yes this is an essential preventative service lots of back problems do not know what to do 19 yo female sedentary for most of my childhood bump at base of neck had an xray before and i was told it was an enlarged vertebrae sometimes it goes numb and feels like my shoulders are slumped up next to my head if that makes sense when i try to stand with proper posture i get a pain between my shoulder blades very little movement in my back neck and shoulder area i do not want to bombard my doctor with too many questions what should i ask her what do you think she will do to help,most helpful answer maybe your doctor should refer you to a back specialist orthopedist for a higher level evaluation musculoskeletal issues in the neck can be very complex so you will need a careful medical history thorough examination of your neckshoulders and most likely some imaging studies do not ever worry about asking your doctor too many questions they are not working for free they get well paid to address your concerns can vitamin b12 be used for weight control i took heavy does of steriods for mirgraines administered by a family doctor is pa at the time i was 44 years of age i left shortly after receiving the medication to go to california to visit my family i gained huge amounts of weight each day by the time i got back from california i had gained nearly 100 pounds i am now 69 and frustrated & asshamed of how heavry i am i have exercised and dieted on chicken fruits and vegetables could vitamin b12 injections help,if tuberculosis bacteria are found in the sputum phlegm the diagnosis of tb can be made in a day or two but this finding will not be able to distinguish between drug susceptible regular tb and drug resistant tb to determine drug susceptibility the bacteria need to be grown and tested in a laboratory final diagnosis for tb and especially for extensively drug resistant tuberculosis xdr may take from six to 16 weeks i have been sick for over a year now not being able to do basic human things,hi this is caused by some gross underlying hormonal changes vitamin d supplements with multivitamine and l carnitine can help immune boosters to strengthen the immunity will help get serum electrolytes and lfts checked thanks if my underwritten plan 5000 deductible will not be available on jan 1 i guess my cost will go way up this is as i begin to pay to the unhealthy people is this the way the aca is supposed to be even though i am 63 i have been paying premiums for the last 30 40 years and have not gotten use of the health services will i pay even more for the next two years until i get to medicare,you need to check directly with your insurer as to whether your existing plan will be available after january 1 not all plans are going away for people who do not qualify for a subsidy it is possible rates will increase i would suggest you shop all your options both inside and outside the marketplace and work with a licensed agent if you can to get help selecting the best possible plan for you advice for frequent urination and possible prostatitis male early 30s i have been suffering from frequent urination or urge to urinate for almost 5 months now diagnosed originally with prostatitis i had previously been given cipro and bactrim for a total of 7 weeks neither of which helped at all tried an anti inflammatory for a week same result i have had 2 dres with normal results 1 by gp 1 by urologist and my psa was 1 2 what else can i consider for treatment since nothing is helping should i be concerned it may be cancer,your question provided specific and helpful details it was a great question right up to the beginning of your final sentence why would you suspect cancer i know that you are feeling uncomfortable and probably more than a little frustrated it is understandable but for the time being i would put cancer near the bottom of my list of possible causes for your condition your psa result was 1 2 and you had 2 dres with normal results urinary frequency can have many causes including infections injury to the bladder dietary influences urinary bladder stones benign enlargement of the prostate gland diabetes & medication side effects etc treatment of frequent urination is directed at the specific cause please do not give up in your quest for a diagnosis of this condition many treatments are available just for example the following link is from a webmd article citing twenty two 22 different medications to treat frequent urination the first task that is necessary prior to treatment should be to ascertain the reason for your frequent urination depending on the cause in office non surgical procedures as well as surgical procedures are available in addition to medications as possible treatment options through your urologist if your urologist is not investigating and testing for all medical and non medical causes of your condition then seeking a 2nd opinion from another urologist is justified with treatments for frequent urination readily available you deserve some resolution to your condition can the appendix grow back i have had my appendix removed back in 1989 i have had several scans ultrasounds over the past few years that have indicated my appendix looked good how can that be if it was removed is it possible it has grown back,hi that is putting a big load on your shoulders to say this then you must have something if you both have something that is an std then get to an stdgum clinic asap good luck is it safe to take st john is wort while taking lipitor,st john is wort has the potential to decrease the efficacy of lipitor so it is not suggested that you take st john is wort with lipitor without consulting your health care professional as a pharmacist i generally steer my patients away from st john is wort it is taken for depression and depression is a condition that should not be self treated it requires a thorough evaluation and the help and advice of a professional prostatectomy = infertility if the spermatic cord is most likely severed or removed during the procedure prostatectomy does that mean i am infertile i am trying to confirm condom use to prevent possible pregnancy,i would not take anything other than tylenol without approval from your doctor generally that is all you are allowed to take for pain but it will not reduce swelling i would suggest elevating your ankle above your heart and using ice on for 10min off for 30 just remember to wrap a towel around the ice pack so damage to your nerves and vessels does not occur from the cold bad news is around that stage in pregnancy you will most likely be experiencing ankle swelling anyway which could complicate the ankle pain a bit hang in there can i ever get shingles on the opposite side of my body from the first outbreak i had shingles in the sciatic nerve pathway in march on my right side now 8 9 mos later i am having pain in the pudendal nerve the sciatic nerve on my right side the tingling i get in the sciatic nerve feels the same as the tingling i got with shingles on my right side i have terrible stabbing pain in the labia only on my left side could this all be connected to shingles on my left side i did have the vaccination on my left side about 4 5 mos ago and had a rather severe local reaction,its due to the side effects of the drugs that you have been using try changing or reducing the dose of medicines re assess after doing this for 5 days and then decide further line of management i never had a reaction to shellfish until i was 18 i am now 34 will i have the allergy for life,shellfish allergy typically does not go away there is extensive cross reactivity between all shellfish an allergist can help sort this out and can provide dietary recommendations if you are still shrimp allergic i would recommend that you have an epi pen in case of accidental ingestion what exercises can a child do with scoliosis can they play basketball,hi i think like before its just skipped period and this could be from this extra work load you have been doing and including the exercise if your not getting any pains or any other signs just see how it goes do hope this helps good luck can i get prescription drug insurance without getting medical insurance i am trying to get medical insurance in illinois through united health insurance but the plan that i choose does not include prescription drugs and they do not offer it at this time are there any insurance companies that offer prescription drugs insurance only,if you are buying a new insurance policy it must include drug coverage that is the law the only possible reason for prescription drug coverage not being included in the policy you are considering is if you are talking about medicare rather than private health insurance if that is the case and you are trying to buy a medicare advantage plan take a look at medicare plan finder at www medicare gov to search for policies in your area you should be able to find another plan that includes all the services you need outpatient and inpatient care as well as prescription drugs or you can purchase a medicare part d policy which covers the cost of just prescription medications who can we add as dependents can we add our parents,benadryl diphenhydramine does not cause a fever nor is fever an adverse reaction to this antihistamine allergies do not cause fever so any elevation in temperature that may have experienced is most likely do to your cold assuming you have correctly diagnosed yourself fever is the body is natural response to fighting off an infection what causes wbc to be high for over a years time,well a number of things can cause the white blood count to be high over a long period of time it is important to define high though in general a high white blood count number might be defined as 10 i am not going to go into all the specifics of what that number refers to but a wbc result of 11 may be no cause for alarm and some people naturally have higher or lower results for various blood tests for example if a person always tests at 10 5 for wbc we say they live at that number in other words that number is normal for them other things that can cause a wbc number to be high are a chronic infection certain vitamins or herbs certain diets and other things if you have consistently had a high white blood cell count but your health care provider is not concerned i would suggest asking him or her about it if you test was borderline high such as 10 10 5 or 11 your provider may feel you simply have a naturally robust white blood cell count i hope this helps i have got a wrist and palm injury in my right hand,hi first of all its not related to her father you should do physical therapy which is the only option you have you should also try to show less care to try force her to depend on her self sorry but there is no drug that can help good luck can a hernia cause rectal bleeding,of course there are different kinds of hernias but the simple answer is no hernias do not cause rectal bleeding so there is most likely another cause my grandkids have not had chickenpox or the vaccine i have just started to blister should i stay away from them,yes you probably should as you know shingles is contagious during the blister phase your grandchildren would be susceptible to getting chickenpox from coming in contact with your blisters or from you touching your blisters and then touching your grandkids after the active blister phase passes you can keep the rash covered as a precaution so sorry you are going through shingles right now at the holidays that seems very unfair take care hello i have just found out that i am about 4 weeks pregnant before i knew i had signed up for a charity event where we are required to hike for the majority of the day with rests inbetween i exercise very regularily approx 5 times a week and am in relatively good shape is it safe for me to still participate i have been doing practice hikes up to now without any problems the event takes place in just over a week thank you,this is a great way to help a child with congestion and i recommend this all the time thanks for submitting a question today i started getting symptoms 6 years ago when i turned 41 migraines vision problems tremors anemia memory issues joint arthritis and spur growth before this i was a healthy construction worker who never saw the doctor initial ana tests were quite elevated and my doctor referred me to a rheumatologist several tests and rheumatologists later i was written off and the diagnosis was termed as fibromyalgia now new tests reveal kidney disease no diabetes or high blood pressure is it possible to have lupus with symptoms but not showing in blood tests,with every thing normal i dont think its is lupus and fibromyalgia fits the description supportive care with pain killers is advised low doses of tricyclic antidepressants work like charm i hope it helps stay in touch with your healthcare provider for further guidance as our answers are just for education and counselling purposes and cannot be an alternative to actual visit to a doctor take care khan will steroids show up on a random drug test given by an employer thanks a lot guys,no your saliva is not always carrying the herpes viruses most of the time you are capable of speading the virus when you have an active lesion although there is some evidence that this virus can spread even when there is not an active lesion to make your life simple do not kiss anyone when you have a herpes lesion on your lip but otherwise kiss them without guilt can diabetes affect finger prints,not unless the diabetic is having some serious peripheral vascular problems resulting in infections diabetics that are not in control can lose toes or feet so it is possible that fingertips could be adversely affected as well but as a rule diabetes alone will not alter finger prints weight loss due to loss of taste and diarrhea i have lossed 24 pounds last six months no taste and diarrhea often i have ibs and have had colonoscopy and cat scan negative results also have diverticulosis i am 70 years old,i recommend you see a registered dietitian who specializes in gastrointestinal disorders he or she can help you figure out which foods may be exasperating your symptoms and how to maintain weight while getting adequate nutrition you can find a dietitian in your area at eatright org for more on diet with ibs see this webmd article good luck how does where i live or my zip code affect what i pay for health insurance,if you have any type of skin wart it means that you came in contact with a wart causing virus sometime in the past “people get warts from other people with warts they do not get them from frogs and toads ” says robert brodell md a dermatologist in warren ohio “the most common way is direct skin to skin contact such as shaking hands with someone who has warts on their hand you can also get the virus from inanimate objects like towels that have been used by someone with a wart ” the viruses are more likely to cause warts when they come in contact with skin that is damaged or cut getting a small scrape or biting fingernails may bring on a wart similarly cuts and nicks from shaving can provide an avenue for infection i have hypothyrodism have had this now for 3 12 years bloodwork said extremely low now im extremely high what next,it is difficult to give you a straight answer without a bit more background information but let me at least explain a common misconception about thyroid lab tests and results so that you can talk to your healthcare provider about your concerns usually thyroid function is measured using a blood test that looks at tsh thyroid stimulating hormone a high tsh number means a low level of circulating thyroid hormone in your blood that seems backwards does not it a low tsh number means you have a higher level of thyroid hormone in your blood so if your tsh lab result was high you may still be hypothyroid if your tsh lab result was low you may be considered in the normal range or in the hyperthyroid range if in fact you have moved from hypothyroidism to hyperthyroidism overactive thyroid gland your healthcare provider will discuss ways of treating this condition in general thyroid disorders are highly treatable you should make an appointment with your healthcare provider to discuss your recent lab results and what they mean that way you will have peace of mind about what is really going on and what treatment options are available to you how can kale help bone health,kale is available triple washed in the fresh produce section or frozen kale can be stir fried added to soups or used in pasta dishes one cup of cooked kale is packed with bone healthy nutrients including approximately 200 mg of calcium 400 mg of potassium 35 mg of vitamin c 25 mg of magnesium and over 1 000 mcg of vitamin k could my cold symptoms actually be allergies,if you are sniffling but not achy or feverish at all you may have allergies also if your symptoms last longer than two weeks and you also have red itchy eyes the evidence points to allergies however it is often hard to tell because people with allergies and asthma are more likely to get colds they may already have inflamed and irritated lungs so they are less able to fight off a cold virus fear of needles for long as i can remember i have not had blood draw in 27 years i can not overcome this fear i have had fear of needles for long as i can remember in my childhood my mother was a hypochondriac and took me to the doctor many times i must have had numerous injections at that time but i have blocked out all memory of that in the last 31 years i have only had a blood draw twice once at age 14 and at age 19 i do not know how i went through it at that time now at age 46 i could not imagine having my blood drawn i understand this is irrational i do not know how to overcome this fear,ok so let is back up a moment and run through what shingles is how it gets transmitted and what effect it has on different groups of people shingles is caused by the varicella virus this is the same virus that causes chickenpox you cannot get shingles unless you have had chickenpox if you have had chickenpox you cannot catch shingles from coming in contact with someone who has shingles however people who never had chickenpox and have not been vaccinated for it can get chickenpox by coming into contact with the active weeping blisters of someone with shingles once the blisters crust over they are generally considered to be non infectious it is uncommon for people to develop chickenpox from exposure to shingles under any circumstances and i would think it nearly impossible under the circumstances you describe i can understand why you feel the need to take serious precautions but i think your loved ones can rest easy i doubt you could carry the shingles virus to them especially from indirect contact with someone whose rash is at least two weeks old wishing you well i had an itchy spot on my vagina i grabbed a wipe to clean the area and it bled when i touched it what could this be a bit swollen just inside opening blood was a few drips have had itching in this area over past yr it comes and goes dont know cause or pattern not very sexually active only unprotected sex with father of school age kids tried to visit obgyn when area was itchy with no luck out of office or long appt i cant locate another obgyn with shorter appt or emergency option dont want to go when it is not a problem it may not be noticed only option is to visit er should i go with long appt or er,most helpful answer this is not an emergency room problem but unfortunately it would not be prudent from me to try and make a blind diagnosis blindly over the internet based solely on a brief description you should see a medical professional if this problem continues and yes a gyn or women is health specialist would be best if you went to an er not only would you wait hours since this is not an emergency pay too much money and perhaps get a medical provider who is not experienced in this delicate area some urgent care facilities have experienced and talented women is health care specialists so this would be less expensive i am disabled due to a lung transplant i am 62 years old i am on social security medicare insurance a&b have my part d through humana and i have a supplemental policy through american family how hard will it be for me to change my supplemental insurance to a different company and when can i change,this is a good question but it should be made clear that regulations around supplemental medicare plans known as medigap have nothering to do with the health reform law medigap plans can be difficult to change over time because when you purhcase one outside of a certain timeframe medigap plans can take the state of your health into consideration when deciding whether or not to sell you a plan and for how much so you can certainly inquire about changing plans and you should but understand the challenges you may face i suggest you talk with a medicare counselor for personalized assistance with this matter contact your state health insurance assistance programs ship to find the ship near you visit the medicare helpful contacts page on medicare gov or call 800medicare or 800 633 4227 i can not fully turn head to left for about 4 years due to acute pain,i recommend you to consult a physiotherapist it is gonna be v useful as they are highly specialized in such complains also have you tried any medication before analgesics or anti inflammatory medications is taking bp medicine at 20 hours since the last dose harmful,no not really i mean it is best to take all medications on a close schedule in other words if a medication is taken once every 24 hours or daily it is a good idea to try to take it exactly every 24 hours but as nurses our guideline is you can administer a medication within a one hour window on either side of the appointed time and still be considered on schedule that means you could take the blood pressure pill at the 23 hour mark or the 25 hour mark and still be considered on schedule but honestly take a daily pill within a four hour window probably is not going to cause any problems i would try not to make a habit of it but if that is what works for you today you should be fine hope this helps what happens to hcg levels after you have a miscarriage if you get pregnant again without the levels going to normal i went in for my first ultrasound at 10 weeks and was told that i probably had a nonviable pregnancy and the embryo had stopped developing at 5w6d this was confirmed 2 weeks later i miscarried i am now 9weeks past miscarriage and my hcg levels are still not normal below 5 as i understand and went up a little this past week as follows week 7 23 week 8 21 week 9 23 this week so my question is since my levels did not go back to normal if i was pregnant how would hcg increase,most helpful answer although the medication she is on often decreases appetite it can increase appetite in some people i would visit a pediatric dietitian for an evaluation to make sure nothing else is going on you can find a dietitian near you at eatright org in the meantime here are some things you can do at home structure meals and snacks at the table and do not allow grazing between meals provide a variety of food groups at meals 2 3 at snack and 4 5 at meals especially protein rich foods and fiber fruits vegetables whole grains beans that help increase feelings of fullness allow treats but provide them less often encourage her to listen to feeling so fullness and remind her she can have more food at the next meal etc allow at least an hour of day for physical activity good luck can eating too many cucumbers cause seizures,adults with celiac sprue have a several fold higher than normal risk of developing lymphomas cancers of the lymph glands in the small intestine as well as elsewhere they also have a higher risk of small intestinal and to a lesser degree of esophageal carcinomas cancers of the inner lining of the intestine and esophagus respectively patients with celiac sprue also may develop microscopic colitis that can cause diarrhea abdominal pain and rectal bleeding patients with celiac sprue without symptoms of colon cancer rectal bleeding new constipation diarrhea or abdominal pain and without a family history of colon cancer or polyps should undergo screening colonoscopies like other healthy adults my grandma fell her ankle is now huge and swollen,in my opinion you should apply ice elevation compression also use anti inflammatory you need to move you fingers along bones to check for any fracture any blue black coloration or lose if sensation you notice means you take her to the hospital either she wants or not x ray will be quick just to be safegood luck what can i expect during week 12 of my pregnancy,if a child has a documented fever do not promote more heating by piling on blankets instead use a cool washcloth to the forehead or back of the neck however do not overdo that either you do not want your child to become so cool he or she is shivering not all fevers need to be treated sometimes they will get better on their own a fever over 103 degrees fahrenheit in a toddler deserves medical attention according to the american academy of pediatrics i hope your little one feels better soon what is emend for injection,you would need to check with your former employer is human resources office if you were a federal employee this would be the office of personnel management generally if you give up retiree health care you cannot go back on it at a later date you can still go on your state is exchangemarketplace to see how much coverage is through an individual policy and may find something cheaper but you may put your retiree insurance at risk what is the correct way to do pelvic exercises,pelvic floor muscle exercises can help both men and women with stress or urge urinary incontinence urinary urgency and frequency so let is start by learning to find the muscle everyone at one time or another has been in a crowded room and felt as if he or she were going to pass gas or “wind ” most will try to squeeze the muscles of the anus to prevent the passing of gas if you do this – you are squeezing the back part of the pelvic floor muscles the part that supports your rectal sphincter another example is to imagine you have an egg in your rectum and you are trying to break it in both cases the muscles being squeezed are the pelvic floor muscle so if you feel a “pulling” sensation at the anus you are squeezing the correct muscles figure out how to fit the exercises also called kegel exercises into your daily routine and you are there it may take 4 6 weeks of doing the exercises before you notice a change so be patient a regular kegel exercise routine may also help improve sexual response in men and women and may prevent other problems like stool incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse dropped bladder or uterus from occurring at all i have been having progressive symptoms for almost 2 years now doctors do not know what is wrong,the d part stands for a decongestant like sudafed allegra itself is an antihistamine what are deficits as a result of dementia,if the coverage you get at work is considered affordable under the law you will not be eligible for tax credits through the marketplaces set up under the affordable care act your company should have given you notice by now informing you of whether the plan meets with the law is requirements nothing is stopping you however from searching for other options to learn more about how this all works read this webmd blog on the topic why do i get ringworm around my genitalia,ringworm tinea corporis is a fungus fungus likes warm dark moist areas and unfortunately the groin meets those environmental requirements this common fungal infection is easily treated with anti fungal medications both topically and orally how should i store and prepare eggs safely,you do not mention how much weight you have to lose if you do not carry that much weight you might be at the place your body wants to be your blood pressure is good but how about other health indicators like cholesterol if you weight is too high you need to closely look at how much and what you are eating do you eat mindfully by sitting down to meals and stopping when comfortably full do you skip meals how is your diet quality research shows that exercise does not aid weight loss as much as diet another factor is stress as you mention which can affect appetite getting a handle on stress management can go a long way here is more reading that can help do you really need to lose weight why can not i lose weight hi for me if you was doing everything you say then you would be losing weight but your not so your cheating its the only answer you need to as strict with what your doing as you say above do that and you will lose weight but get on to some of these new ways of losing weight like the caveman get out walking but brisk walking take a weighted back pack and when doing that find some hills to climb get up early go swimming these last two are some of the best ways to lose weight you just keep away from fast foods and junk foods and no sodas drink lots of water all ways think of these self discipline self control breaking bad habits in grain these in your mind good luck how many kinds of viral hepatitis are there,scientists have identified eight types in the us the main threats are hepatitis a hepatitis b and hepatitis c is it possible to be schizophrenic and not hear voices frequently or at all,i think you have a right to express your preference when it comes to medical management but you cannot force an insurance company to automatically accept those preferences i do not know your particular case but you can get second opinions outside of your hmo if you are not comfortable what your health plan is proposing it seems that that people who pay the bills are the one is that tend to call the shots but you do have rights to question those decisions weird skin phenomena happening…skin changing shape and color,hi these are symptoms of gastric ulcer or gasrtitis get a gastroendoscopy done take antacids with prebiotics avoid tea and spicy junk food consult a gastroenetrologist thanks what are some of the benefits of protein shakes,these prescription drugs are used in the treatment of severe heartburn or gerd these medications help speed gastric emptying reducing the amount of time that stomach contents stay in the stomach they may also help strengthen the les and thereby decrease the amount of stomach acid that can potentially reflux into the esophagus 15 year old suffering from premature hair graying,hi… this happens due to hormonal changes and vitamin deficiency apply hair nourishing oils take vitamin e supplements consult a dermatologist or an endocrinologist if this doesnt help thanks i recently recovered from pneumonia now am itchy all over with itchy bumps on back of head neck and back related,the human embryo starts life with two ducts in the pancreas the ventral duct and the dorsal duct in more than 90 of the embryos the dorsal and the ventral ducts will fuse to form one main pancreatic duct the main pancreatic duct will join the common bile duct the duct that drains bile from the gallbladder and the liver to form a common bile and pancreatic duct which drains into the duodenum through the major papilla in approximately 10 of embryos the dorsal and the ventral ducts fail to fuse failure of the ventral and the dorsal pancreatic ducts to fuse is called pancreas divisum because the pancreas is drained by two ducts in pancreas divisum the ventral duct drains into the major papilla while the dorsal duct drains into a separate minor papilla i can not eat more food or i will get the sick feeling,you are suffering from indigestion i recommend having a stool analysis try eating 6 meals daily every 3 hours eat a lot of probiotics like yogurt eat fruits and vegetables as snacks plenty of water enhances digestion what should i do if i suspect an overdose of amoxicil clarithromy lansopraz,if overdose is suspected contact your poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include change in the amount of urine can you get chicken pox from your children after they receive their varicella shots my 2 children got their varicella shots about 2 weeks ago i have had chicken pox 4 times prior to having children now i am feeling sick have no appetite and have developed a rash on my abdomen an in my groin region is it possible that its chicken pox,in my opinion your problem is labyrinthinitis and vestibular neuritis secondary to bacterial or viral infection you should get a ct done see a neurologist for physical examination to exclude any neurological disorder and then a specialist ent do you drink alcohol have you lately got upper respiratory viral or bacterial infection that lasted longer than usual what should i do if i suspect an overdose of levothyroxine,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include fastpoundingirregular heartbeat loss of consciousness confusion seizures how effective is the female condom at preventing pregnancy,hi antibiotics are not given for treatment of renal calculi urine alkalisers and anti spasmodics are given usually get a repeat usg done consult a urologist urine examination with culture sensitivity should be done thanks i have tried several fillers to erase my lip lines and have not found a suitable one does laser treatment really work,there are no allopathic medications for hypertension available over the counter you will need to see your medical provider if cost is a consideration make sure to mention this to the provider so that less expensive prescription medications can be used when do i start introducing whole milk to my baby,the transition from breast milk or formula to regular milk takes place around the age at age one year i am applying for health insurance through the marketplace deadline december 15 what will happen if not enough people sign up will i be denied insurance through the marketplace and lose my opportunity to buy any insurance,it depends on the age of the child but personally filling require drilling first and this can be painful lidocaine injections can anesthetize the area of the tooth and make the procedure virtually painless however the needle does have a brief pinch that adults tolerate but kids may not nitrous oxide laughing gas can be used for brief procedures as long at the dentist has the skill and expertise in doing this type of sedationanesthesia in children urgent me and my boyfriend had sex wednesday and he cum inside of me and i took two birth control pills afterwards then i took a next pill friday and the birth control pills i am taking is norgestimate\ethinyl estradiol and this is the first time i use birth control pill in my whole life am i going to be ok or im still going to end up pregnant,mtp kit contains 5 tablets that is one tablet of mifepristone 200 mg and 4 tablets of misoprostol 200 mcg the use of medicines is based on the physical condition of the patient and the drug tolerance power of the patient in general at first one tablet of mifepristone 200 mg is taken orally by the patient after 1 3 days 4 tablets of misoprostol 200 mcg is given to the patient vaginally sometimes abortion might not occur after the intake of misoprostol even after 4 hours of its intake in that case a second dose of 2 tablets of misoprostol 200 mcg is administered either vaginally or orally the mode of administrating misoprostol depends on the amount of bleeding that usually occur after 2 5 hours of its intake and can continue for 3 5 hours sometimes the bleeding can even stop before 3 hours there might be blood clots that the patient passes from few days to weeks sources pharmacycell dot com i am in my first trimester and ate an unwashed piece of cantaloupe how serious is the risk of listeria from this food the cantaloupe was rinsed with water but not properly washed and did have some bruising i ate it immediately after it was cut i know that the fruit came from a farm in california where i have read that food safety for cantaloupes is taken more seriously can i still get tested for listeria how accurate would a test be at this stage,i would highly recommend heading to the er and having it checked out sometimes it could be an episode of severe heartburn or it could be something else especially since you have pains in your chest can prostatitis cause redness on the tip of the penis experiencing painsoreness and sensitivity on penis head also redness sometimes i have been told it may be prostatitis but i am beginning to worry it is something worse herpes gonnohrea and chlamydia tests negative has not responded to cipro after 3 weeks of treatment,prostatitis should not cause rednesssoreness at the tip of the penis so you are correct there is likely another cause unfortunately it would not be possible to determine a specific cause blindly over the internet based solely on your very brief description you will need to see your medical provider again not just because of this rednesssoreness but because you apparently have not responded to three weeks of antibiotics for your prostatitis you may want to consider seeing a urologist dermavie cream reviews now offers exercising products protein powdered as well as health accessories from remember to check out the web sites as well as experience free to get in touch with francesco without notice along with your bodybuilding or even fat reduction questions lean muscle consists of protein in order to develop muscle ,no multivitamin does not cause acne i have chronic sinusitis can not use continuous positive airway pressure cpap need relief,hi the chronic sinusitis seems to have flared up and has gone in acute stage antibiotics and low dose steroids can reduce the acute flare up and the associated inflammation steam inhalation will help sleep in propped up position thanks how can you tell the difference between copd and heart failure,when someone with both copd and heart failure experiences shortness of breath identifying which condition is causing the symptoms can be difficult most people with both copd and heart failure cannot distinguish between the symptoms of each condition doctors cannot consistently or accurately tell the two apart either when someone with both heart failure and copd seeks help for breathing difficulty a doctor may use various tests to gauge the activity of each condition including physical examination listening to the lungs and heart and looking at the veins in the neck can give a doctor reason to suspect copd or heart failure chest x ray heart failure may cause fluid in the lungs to be visible on a chest x ray in copd the lungs are usually clear brain natriuretic peptide bnp this hormone is usually elevated on blood tests in people with heart failure whether or not copd is also present pulmonary function tests breathing tests can be used to diagnose people with copd echocardiogram an ultrasound test of the heart that can evaluate the heart chambers valves and pumping strength cardiac enzymes this blood test can help diagnose a heart attack or excessive heart strain some people have severe copd and only mild heart failure others have severe heart failure and only mild copd in these cases the more severe condition is more likely to be the cause of symptoms in people with copd and heart failure of about equal severity doctors must make their best guess as to which condition is causing symptoms making things even more complicated copd and heart failure can at times act up simultaneously for example if someone has worsening heart failure symptoms that cause rapid breathing this can cause copd symptoms to worsen as well why vaccinate for the flu,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center can thc marijuana be injected i was curious if i could shoot up thc oil some way into my veins just dont get the same medicated effects from smoking it as i used to what would be the effects and or consequences,i would go o the er just to be on the safe side anytime you have any doubt you should get it checked out have you had a ultra sound done yet hope this helps im having loose stools atleast 3 4 times a day in large amounts and having some loose when wiping after urination help hx of normal daily bm without issue but the past few wks having loose messy stools 4 6 x daily and frequently needing to clean myself for occassional spotting i am feeling worn out high anxiety churning stomach and some brain fog help not sure what is up 44 yof goiter since 16 but otherwise healthy wt 160,hi many possibilities here start by varicose veins and possible lumber disc lesion i recommend that you see a vascular doctor and do a lumber mri good luck why is my nose always stuffed i have had a stuffy nose for two months two months i have tried sudafed benadryl off brand otc medicine and the benadrylibuprofensudafed combo i have tried ziacam nasal spray i have tried eating tablespoons of cayenne pepper i tried vicks on my chest feet and in my nose i tried steamy showers and i tried the neti pot alternative squeeze bottle after the squeeze bottle now i can not hear out of my right ear so no my problems are doubled i cant sleep because i can not breath please help,your first step is to see an ent specialist for a thorough examination of your nasal airway obstructions like polyps can be surgically managed if the airway is clear the sinuses are fine etc your next step would be to see an allergist since allergies are the most common cause of chronic nasal congestion even if you have never had allergies before remember go to the ent first on birth control pills and used a condom but it came off could there be a chance i could be pregnate i have been on birth control pill for about 3 years and i have not forgotten to take them in about 4 months during intercourse when we realize the condom came off he pulled out but he ejaculate when he came out i know there is a possiblity but is it a high chance,i know a man who told me his wife died from shingles i think he is a carrier even though he does not have the symptoms because after cleaning his house for him and spending a few hours talking with him and using his dishes i developed a single shingle on my hand and two on the top of my upper lip now i have never had herpes or fever blisters or cold sores ever my family members were afflicted but i never was infected i freaked out and treated the sores with a variety of things to get it to go away before it spread i used colloidal silver for one both topically and orally i used a baking soda paste i used essential oils oregano and peppermint i finally also used organic apple cider vinegar and the one on my hand has disappeared the ones on the lip were gone in four days the one on my hand had lasted two weeks i think you can catch it from someone my husband had it when i was pregnant with my son in 1984 and i never got it i have had chickenpox a mild case when i was a little one i think this is a nervous reaction in the body to stressors that one has not release from you can die from it it seems more serious to me than they make it out to be and it some cases it is contagious my husband wants me to have oral sex will i get sick if he comes in my mouth i was physically and sexually abused as a child my husband knows about this he has asked if i would preform oral sex for him will i get sick if he comes in my mouth are there germs that can also make me sick when i was forced to do this as a child and my dad crammed his dick in my mouth and came i threw up and began to chock i was also afraid that i would get pg,first let me say i am so very sorry for the horrible experiences you had as a child your dad hopefully is dead or locked up as far as swallowing semen i do not think it is harmful generally so long as the man has no diseases it is mostly your mental attitude toward swallowing some find it revolting you cannot get pregnant from this can i take expired phenergan,hi if you were on depo shoot this could just be the after effects of coming off it google depo shoot side effects coming of depo shoot and getting pregnant after depo shoot any one of those 3 questions should put you straight or read the answers on all 3 lots to read good luck had 8 teeth removed swelling has increased everyday since surgery,it does not unless the test was wrong or mixed up with another specimen can happen while there are occasional false positive tests for cocaine these tend to be rare if you have used cocaine in any form like snorting it or on a cigarette your test may be positive repeat the test of course if you know in your heart that you have never had contact with cocaine you can also ask for two tests one sent to a different lab i have swimmers ear cyprodex does not work,it is hard to confirm a diagnosis for that over the internet without a medical history and clinical exam it is most likely from some minute trauma somewhere in your mouth or perhaps an indication of some periodontal gum problem gingivitis lots of other possibilities you should visit a dentist got dtap vaccine week ago injection area is swollen and has knot gets sorer every day is this normal,soreness at the injection site is probably the most common adverse effect especially with the dtap often this is not just due to vaccine but the trauma of the needle and some bleeding into the tissue usually this is the cause of the knot warm compresses may help as well as some ibuprofen for the inflammation if it becomes red and more swollen you will need to see your medical provider to see if you have a injection site infection can lowering the dosage for an oral medication for diabetes such as glipizide cause my vision to be extremely blurry,there are multiple potential causes for blurry vision and speaking with your opthalomologist sooner rather than later makes sense blurry vision due to high blood sugar levels is usually when glucose levels are very high such as well over 300 mgdl i would not expect the recent medication change to be an obvious culprit in any case i am confident your health care team can help you find the answers how can i tell if my child has head lice and what do they look like,unfortunately no your menstrual cycle is on automatic right now controlled by your brain if it is due to come during your vacation it will most likely come as planned cycling with birth control pills or a hormonal injection is about the only way and even that is not guaranteed think about visiting planned parenthood or a free clinic most will provider birth control pills to you free or at a very reasonable cost you do not need insurance i am a hairdresser and the last 2 months i am experiencing painful legs constant pain,hi thanks for the query pain in legs can be due to a number of causes like varicose veins deep vein thrombosis peripheral artery disease being overweight etc consult a podiatrist or an orthopedician and get evaluated so that proper investigation can be done after a clinical examination and treatment can be done accordingly as of now you should take painrelievers but try to limit the intake to only when there is pain hope this information helps are eggs allowed in a lactose free diet,yes you certainly may lactose is a naturally occurring sugar found in dairy products some people have lactose intolerance which means their body has trouble digesting lactose however eggs are not a dairy product when we talk about dairy we are referring to anything that contains milk cheeses ice cream and anything else with milk in it so feel free to enjoy your eggs wishing you well surgery all set to go tomorrow 8 am problem i forgot to take the eye drops until 4pm today,viruses are the most common cause of throat infection in children and in adults many types of viruses are known to cause throat infection and their symptoms may be difficult to distinguish from those of a bacterial infection throat infections caused by viruses usually occur in non winter months a few months ago i started to noticed that my eyes was starting to get puffy,hi this can be onset of a renal disease get kidney function tests serum creatinine blood urea levels and renal ultrasound other hormonal changes cardiac related causes and hypoproteinemia need to be ruled out thanks my dentist drilled into a decaying tooth and filled it with some medication what was that medication and is it safe,yes you need a medical evaluation you may have had trauma to your kidney or bladder save money some other ways but do not avoid seeking a proper medical evaluationj for abdominal discomfort and hematuria severe pain in left ear randomly i get pretty severe pain in my left ear when looking straight its pretty painful but when i turn my head to the left it becomes an almost unbearable pain it seems to come on at complete random and has been happening for about a year the pain usually only lasts for a few hours but its happening often enough now that its starting to make me wonder if there is something wrong that i need to get checked out,of course you need to get it checked out i am surprised that it took you a year to get to this point there are many many causes of ear pain including many causes that do not involve the ear itself it is going to take a thorough systemic diagnostic work up to get to the bottom of this year long issue can my doctor write a prescription for a sample that he is out of in the office i do not want to have to pay for a whole prescription in order to test out dosage strength and my doctor is out,samples are provided by pharmaceutical reps for this purpose but they are dispensed from your doctor is hand to the patient is hand they cannot legally be dispensed by the office staff a written prescription cannot be given or used for samples you may have to wait for your doctor to return does boiling turkey franks reduce fat and calories does boiling turkey franks reduce sodium fat calories and change nutritional values,it depends on whether your disability payments are part of your adjusted gross income on your tax filings if you have other sources of income ss disability payments can be taxed otherwise they are generally non taxable and would be excluded from the income used to calculate a premium subsidy breathed in welding fumes pressure on left side of head confusion and nasal drainage i was welding on stone steps and there was some type of sealant on the steel part ground it off some left over and melted into fumes while welding i feel confused at times and have a feeling of pressure on back left side of head with nasal drainage er doctor said it was a cold and gave me cold medicine i believe he was no help since i do not have insurance today is third day with this feeling scared it is permanent started fasting and detoxing to rid body of toxins advice please thanks,now that the weather is getting colder for most of us just a quick reminder especially for those who go jogging in the morning to carry your rescue inhaler with you especially if cold air is a trigger for your asthma cold air and upper respiratory infections common this type of year are triggers for asthma also do not forget to obtain your flu vaccine is eating chicken bone bad for our health,i once assisted an extensive abdominal surgery on a person who was eating chicken including the bones and one of those shards perforated his bowel i often seen people in my practice who have pieces of bone fish or chicken caught in their throats i never give chicken bones to any of my pets since i do not want to risk the same problems so when you eat a chicken bones you take a chance is hpv found in all cases of cervical cancer,depending on how small they are lasers can be very effective in treating spider veins i do not recommend lasers to the external surface of the skin for treating varicose veins there are some lasers that are done within the skin by actually cutting into the vein and eliminating it that way and those are done by specialized dermatologist or vascular surgeons but lasers on the surface can be effective for the very small spider veins i have found though that for most spider veins sclerotherapy which is in injecting a specific ingredient that helps eliminate those veins works much better than lasers once you have the smallest vessels left behind laser then works very well also for varicose veins or the spider veins on the ankles i find laser as a treatment of choice in that area how long are surgeons liable for failed surgery i had bilateral ignuinal surgery exactly 6 mos ago lh is fine rh is not i fear rh has returned already is the orginal surgeon obligated to correct this surgery at no charge or should i seek another surgeon,i am sorry to hear you are going through this feeling as if a surgery did not work is never a good thing you do not describe any symptoms that lead you to the feeling one side of your inguinal hernia repair was unsuccessful is the surgical site feeling hard painful if so these may be normal issues at six months after surgery for instance as scar tissue builds up it can cause a surgical incision to feel hard also small nerves that were cut during the surgery may cause pain especially burning stinging pain as they wake up this process can take weeks to months i am not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice which is essentially what you are asking for however a surgeon is never obligated to perform additional surgeries on a patient even if they are considered by the patient as corrective i urge you to discuss your concerns directly with your surgeon as a former surgical nurse i have never known a surgeon who was not eager to make sure his patients were satisfied if you feel your concerns are not being heard by your original surgeon by all means get a second opinion like i said many issues that patients interpret as problems after surgery actually are part of the normal healing process healing from surgery does not occur in a week or a month depending on each person is individual medical history surgical healing can take many months and by the way it is not uncommon for one side of a bilateral surgery to heal at a different pace than the other side wishing you well are the tax credits for health insurance calculated on gross income or adjusted gross income,hi this could be from your mucus plug breaking down before your period sometimes its clear other times if can be brown and sticky hope this helps you good luck what is the normal gallbladder ejection fraction range i have been told mine is low following a hida scan but i have no gallstones,most helpful answer the normal gallbladder ejection fraction ranges from 35 to 75 if you are having pain that suggests gallstones but no stones are present this is called acalculous biliary pain abp acalculous simply means no stones and biliary means related to bile bile ducts and systems gallbladder ejection fraction testing is one measure used to diagnose abp if you suffer from abp you have at least a couple of options because biliary pain usually is intermittent and often seems to come on after eating fatty foods you can try avoiding fatty foods to see if this helps the pain go away another option is removal of the gallbladder cholecystectomy but this is somewhat controversial some tests show people with abp benefit from cholecystectomy but the trouble is there are not really enough tests to reach a definitive conclusion about that talk things over with your health care provider to see what he or she recommends and go from there i hope you feel better how do you heal small cuts near the vaginal opening anus last friday my partner and i were having sex and i felt a little discomfort in the area between my anus and vaginal opening i thought it was from his pubic hair but two days later it noticed a stinging sensation when i urinated i thought it was the usual soreness that i experience after sex with my partner but that usually goes away after two days it is now thursday 122012 and it still has not healed is there anything i can use to help this heal faster,just like many antibiotics clarithromycin can cause upset stomach nausea vomiting and diarrhea however there is not any contraindication regarding a history of ulcers when taking this medication if you are taking any ulcer medications it would be important to check with your pharmacist to make sure there are not any drug interactions that would decrease the effectiveness of your ulcer medication which would cause flare ups the medication can be taken with or without food if the upset stomach is present try taking it with food to see if it subsides if at any point it worsens you should consult your health care provider to see if another medication is better for you can herbal eye drops lighten the color of your eyes if not then what will besides contacts my eyes are too dark when i look in the mirror at my eyes i see a dark brown but i want to make my pupil lighter,anytime that you have unprotected sex and are inconsistent with your birth control pills the possibility of pregnancy exists remember that your body is designed to get pregnant not to prevent it while the pill offers you excellent protection you are not being very compliant unless you get better and taking them you may want to consider a contraceptive method that does not require daily pills i am not usually this bad with my pills i was studying abroad this semester and during the last month i was constantly out of my room getting as much done before i got home many times i was out when my birth control alarm went off a few times i forgot before i went to bed i always doubled up the next morning though i did not just completely skip them he also did not finish inside me i know the pre ejaculation still has sperm in it though could my girlfriend be pregnant how early is too early for an accurate test is spotting after a week late a good sign my girlfriend and i are in a long distance monogamous relationship over the 4th of july i went out to spend a few days with her and on the 4th we got a little too drunk and had unprotected sex i pulled out but we all know that is hardly safe sex she was expecting her period anytime between thurs july 3rd to sat july 5th and as of today july 11 there is still nothing and we are both more than a little freaked out she has had no breast tenderness or fatigue and only some spotting,hi so she should have had her period between the 3rd and 5th and you both had unprotected sex on the 4th so what makes you think she pregnant day 1 of her cycle period day 14 or about then is her ovulation day and all being well around day 28 her new period starts ok if you had sex on day 13 then she could have gotten pregnant but not around the day of her period unless she has a very odd system could be that she has just skipped her period it can happen hope this helps you both good luck ps i would carry more condoms or get her on some kind of bc if all is well but not depo shot the side effects a can be very bad something is stuck in my throat – can not get it out,no you do not need to take excess vitamins with the exception of vitamin a and d which can actually cause medical issues if taken in excess the body does not really store the other vitamins you will simply pee them out so why take more than the recommended amounts since you have had a gastric bypass ask your medical provider to check some of your essential vitamin levels so you will know if you are deficient or not the best way to prepare your body for a pregnancy is to eat properly exercise regularly and get plenty of rest oh and you also need to regularly have sex would it be a good idea to take my son off of the staterra for the summer months,despite the political debates happening in washington dc there is no legal rationale suggesting the law will shut down it is officially the law of the land how can an antihistamine cause hives when i take zertech i break out in hives from head to toe,most helpful answer viruses only last a week but it is possible to get back to back viral infections that seem to last longer one virus mononucleosis can cause a very prolonged sore throat fatigue and white spots on the throat so if this is a possibility your medical provider should order a mono test ebv panel another possibility could be sinusitis where the constant drainage is causing you to have a sore throat it is really up to you how you utilize your financial resources but the only way that you can be properly diagnosed is to be seen by a medical professional that can examine you and order a few diagnostic tests i am allergic to egg whites and work in healthcare is there any flu vaccine that is not made in eggs,baby your baby measures about 5 2 to 6 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 7 ounces skin is developing and transparent appearing red because blood vessels are visible through it creamy white protective coating called vernix begins to develop mom to be as your baby continues to grow you may be feeling some mid pregnancy aches and pains by now lower abdominal achiness dizziness heartburn constipation leg cramps mild swelling of ankles and feet and a backache dilated blood vessels might cause tiny temporary red marks called spider nevi on your face shoulders and arms tip of the week take care not to get overtired since rapid growth of the baby can compound the burden on your heart lungs and kidneys is it possible for a woman to kill her eggs by putting a hot laptop over her uterus not on purpose,hi if this was in the last 72 hours and you want to calm you nerves then do a plan b but when you get a period from it this will be you new period date so this is a warning for you time to get on some kind of bc like the pill if your body can take it remember safe sex is the best sex good luck i have a red swollen pimple like area on my stomach that is very sore and is hard ish about 3 inches in diameter it started almost like a pimple i thought it was it is been 3 days and it has not changed it may be getting aggrevated and staying red and hurting due to the fact that when i set up my pants belt underwear etc rub against it,hi as your a year into the menopause i hope confirmed with your doctor a simple blood test would do it for your hormones if you have not had one you should just in case you need hrt so as for getting pregnant i think those days are gone but as for stis and stds you should always think safe sex and use condoms if your with a stranger if its a regular partner and you trust him you could forget the condoms must of us and including women do love there sex au natural but do keep lots of lubrication on hand for any dryness this comes with the menopause coconut oil extra virgin is best almond oil if you have no reaction to it baby oil or olive oil or you can find loads of sex oils even in super markets if you do get any vaginal bleeding just get to your doctor asap i do hope this helps you good luck how long should i be off the nuva ring before i even attempt to get pregnant,hi if you read up about the side effects anything from 2 to 4 weeks once your periods start back to normal now that is the good side of it on the other side up to 2 years but please google nuva ring side effects for more info do hope this helps as well good luck i started using the patch to quit smoking i have developed an itchy red warm area on my skin did the patch cause this,you should not get signs of syphilis like a chancre in just two days and yes you will need a blood test to determine if you have syphilis rpr a special urine test can detect chlamydia and gonorrhea where you checked for herpes acne since 12 years old and needing urgent assistens hello i have cystic acne and i have been trying to make my face as acne free as possible also get rid of the after scars of cystic acne i have used antibiotics for 4 months and stop at the end of december last year while i have been using the antibiotics i had no visual appears of acne on my face then after about 3 weeks of not using the antibiotics the acne started again could you help me with my problem i have also been using some topical creams and also an antibiotic roll on for my face,there is nothing really urgent about treating acne but it needs to be medically managed if you truly have cystic acne it may need to have the services of a good dermatologist perhaps using accutane the purpose of this site is to answer brief questions so i really cannot blindly treat you in the this forum with little or no information especially without being able to examin you i know it is frustrating for you but acne can be effectively controlled on the proper medical regime it may be time to take your treatment up a notch im exoeruencing side effects from a dtap vacine what should i do symptoms nausia severe aches and pain over entire body not able to sleep due to the pain weakness,i would agree that this could be hypoglycemia or at least hypoglycemia can cause this symptom i would recommend getting your husband to a doctor i know that is easier said than done sometimes this issue and the chest pain should be looked at just schedule a regular physical and inform the doctor of these symptoms good luck should i cancel surgery if i took 400mg ibuprofen 30 hours before and garlic and chondroitin 48 hours prior to surgery on 1217 i am to have arthroscopic shoulder surgery i just now 1216 read over the pre surgery instructions i take garlic and chondroitin on a daily basis i took both of them on evening of 1214 i also took 400mg of ibuprofen on evening of 1215 do i need to cancel surgery,yes stress can cause bradycardia or reduced heart rate and as you have a recent stressful event it can be a cause so my advise to you is to first of all relax and start doing meditation and deep breathing exercises take nutritious and a sufficient sleep of atleast 8 hours if at all the symptoms does not get better then consult a cardiologist and get a thorough evaluation done hope this helps what causes depression in women specifically related to pregnancy and childbirth,there may be a number of reasons why a woman gets depressed hormone changes or a stressful life event such as a death in the family can cause chemical changes in the brain that lead to depression depression is also an illness that runs in some families other times it is not clear what causes depression during pregnancy during pregnancy these factors may increase a woman is chance of depression history of depression or substance abuse family history of mental illness little support from family and friends anxiety about the fetus problems with previous pregnancy or birth marital or financial problems young age of mother after pregnancy depression after pregnancy is called postpartum depression or peripartum depression after pregnancy hormonal changes in a woman is body may trigger symptoms of depression during pregnancy the amount of two female hormones estrogen and progesterone in a woman is body increases greatly in the first 24 hours after childbirth the amount of these hormones rapidly drops back down to their normal non pregnant levels researchers think the fast change in hormone levels may lead to depression just as smaller changes in hormones can affect a woman is moods before she gets her menstrual period occasionally levels of thyroid hormones may also drop after giving birth the thyroid is a small gland in the neck that helps to regulate your metabolism how your body uses and stores energy from food low thyroid levels can cause symptoms of depression including depressed mood decreased interest in things irritability fatigue difficulty concentrating sleep problems and weight gain a simple blood test can tell if this condition is causing a woman is depression if so thyroid medicine can be prescribed by a doctor other factors that may contribute to postpartum depression include feeling tired after delivery broken sleep patterns and not enough rest often keeps a new mother from regaining her full strength for weeks feeling overwhelmed with a new or another baby to take care of and doubting your ability to be a good mother feeling stress from changes in work and home routines sometimes women think they have to be super mom or perfect which is not realistic and can add stress having feelings of loss loss of identity of who you are or were before having the baby loss of control loss of your pre pregnancy figure and feeling less attractive having less free time and less control over time having to stay home indoors for longer periods of time and having less time to spend with your partner and loved ones is it safe for a baby to sleep under a electric blanket,most helpful answer working in pediatrics for the last 14 years i do not recommend it it would be safer to just use warm pajamas on those cold nights on depo period symptoms wo bleeding i have been on the depo shot for a bit longer than a year now and i love it this past week was my week before my next shot and usually i have bleeding then but i have not i have had a thick white discharge cramping and other period symptoms and i have almost fainted had vertigo a few times i have never had this sort of thing happen but i have done pregnancy tests both at home and in the lab i work at so unless it is too early to tell i am not pregnant has this happened to anyone else,the short answer is no generally after time in a sauna you might go to the scale and see that the number is lower but that represents the water you lost from sweating and will increase as soon as you replace those lost fluids which you need to do so you do not become dehydrated while being exposed to high temps can increase your metabolism and slightly increase the number of calories you burn this is only because your body is working to keep your temperature within normal ranges once you leave the environment your metabolism will return to normal bottom line time spent in a sauna would be more effectively used to prepare a healthy meal or more exercise that being said if you enjoy time in the sauna use it as a motivation tool reward yourself with some time in the sauna everytime you visit the gym while i agree with mark about not using a sauna to lose weight saunas do have some inherent health benefits these come in the form of increased circulation which is also great for your skin and hair and relief from some forms of nasal congestion and of course you can not overlook the benefit of relaxation and what that can do for your well being many cultures around the world have used saunas as an integral part of their daily lives for centuries and have benefited from doing so yes i have been diagnosed with chiari malformation type 1 and am also having seizures can chiari cause seizures,hi you should get your ovarian functions checked for estradiol as well as you should check for adrenal function and lh levels and re check thyroid functions as any of their disturbed function can be responsible for your low progesterone levels along with it take a balanced and nutritious diet and avoid stress take sufficient rest hope this helps regards bruised left testicle i bruised my left testicle while doing backwards sit ups at the gym i am in mild discomfort when i walk but it does not hurt when i ride my bike or go to the bathroom will i make the bruising worse or make the pain last longer if i ride my bike i am 61 and am an avid exerciser i rode my bike 110 miles last week end and get exercise every day it will be hard for me not to ride my bike but i will if i am making the injury worse,hi just take a break for a week to 10 days your pain will go faster that way why your bike riding and doing other exercise your putting strain on it just take the break your body wont mind when you start back start slow with the exercises and the bike riding if you still have pain take a few more days off its a tricky area to heal but keep off the pain killers if you go back for exercise they will mask the real pain you could end up with more damage and be off longer hope this helps good luck can you exercise and diet cellulite away,i think you can improve it somewhat with repetitive low weight exercises on the leg says robert weiss md president of the american society of dermatologic surgery and a dermatologist in hunt valley md use free weights or machines use 5 to 10 pound weights include cardio exercise too for overall fat burning he says you should focus on reducing calories to shed the extra pounds as well as doing regular strength training and cardio exercise to see improvement in cellulite says wayne westcott phd a fitness expert and fitness research director at the south shore ymca in quincy mass when the underlying muscle is strengthened that makes the fat lay smooth not crinkled what is a precursor related to parkinson is disease,you may benefit from a variety of products topical vitamin c and e products can help brighten the skin and provide antioxidant effects ultrasonic cleansing brushes combined with glycolic or salicylic acid cleansers can help exfoliate dead skin cells at night topical retinoids are still one of our best treatment options and do not underestimate the importance of using a great sunscreen every morning do undocumented qualify for the insurance if also unemployed what will happen in emergency if they do not have one,unfortunately undocumented residents do not qualify for health insurance under the affordable care act that puts you in a difficult position if you need medical care you might try getting care at a local community based health clinic generally they provide primary health care dental mental health and pharmacy services fees vary depending on the type of visit and you will be charged on a sliding scale you can find a clinic by searching the u s health resources and services administration website www findahealthcenter hrsa govsearch_hcc aspx i am getting bubblybutterfly feelings in my lower stomach i can not be pregnant last period 2 week ago any ideas,there are nerves all over your body you may just have nerves twitching in you abdomen that mimics the feeling of a baby flutter or could just be gas if it does not stop go to your pcp nothing serious though what is the max dosage of zyrtec i am a 62 280 lb male can i take 20 mg total of zyrtec at once i read somewhere the max dosage is 20mg,cetirizine zyrtec is an antihistamine that is used for allergies it is available over the counter the maximum recommended dose of zyrtec is 10mg per day studies have been done in people with chronic hives comparing the 10 mg to the 20 mg dose of zyrtec and no advantage was seen with the higher dose the recommended dose of zyrtec is not based on weight and height whenever you take a higher than recommended dose of a medication you increase your risk of side effects although zyrtec is available over the counter that does not mean it is harmless zyrtec can cause sleepiness and this effect is increased when zyrtec is combined with alcohol or other drugs that cause sedation zyrtec use has also been associated with liver damage in rare individuals play it safe and stick with the recommended dose talk with your doctor about using zyrtec and whether the benefits of increasing the dose outweigh the risks i am a conservative medical provider so i rarely if ever push the recommended dosages on zyrtec or any drug these things are carefully studied during the clinical trials so taking two may not be considered toxic or dangerous for a short period of time even for a big guy but this dose is not recommended like many drugs this one is excreted by your kidneys so why push the limit if this or any drug is not controlling allergy symptoms it may be better to try something else there are many ways to treat allergies than exceeding recommended dosages talk to your medical provider but i bet he or she will not endorse your double dosage effect of diabetes on the brain my son has been a type 1 diabetic for 40 years has not always taken good care of himself has had numerous occasions that he went into diabetic comma over the years has there been any study on how this diabetic reations effect the brain,there tons of studies about diabetes and how it effects the brain but first and i am probably preaching to the choir here but lets see your son start taking care of himself i can understand that he might also be despondent and might even be depressed about his diabetes but there are lots of ways to live happily with it back to the question at hand i read that diabetes if in check and maintain does not have any adverse affects to the brain but if out of check and when glocuse levels are high for an extended period of time some research shows that it could lead to memory lost brain shrinkage increase stroke probaility and we will be more prone to cognitive decline alzheimer is but even high sugar levels in non diabetes can cause these issues but because we diabetics have a hard time controlling blood sugar it is more critical for us flu people are contagious for 5 10 days viral shedding why are children allowed back to school after 24 hr fever free i have heard so many confusing answers cdc says people are shedding the flu virus for 5 10 days after first sign of symptoms would this not make people infected with the flu virus contagious for up to 10 days after fist symptoms does tamiflu reduce viral shedding since it is an antivirus,no that behavior will not change with spaying male dogs who are neutered may should a positive change in behavior or attitude but to my knowledge spaying will not really change this chewing habit be patient these puppy behaviors should improve over time with love and proper discipline incidentally spaying is a good practice if you do not want the mess and annoyance of a dog in heat or a lot of puppies semen analysis active 50 dead 50 pus cell 20 30 volume 3 5ml abnormal 30 ph 9 0 can i make my wife pregnant,you are abusing drugs and if you are caught with one of the ever increasing sensitive tests available you will need to pay the price beating a drug test is not the real underlying issue here my friend the real issue is that you are abusing strong drugs and alcohol and will likely suffer some severe medical consequences for those decisions is it really worth it i can not and will not tell you how to circumvent a drug detection test since i do not know what kind or sensitivity of test the course is doing or how much of those substances you have locked in your cells ready to reveal your secret i suspect you will be found out if not now eventually you have not changed your drug behavior and need help with your substance abuse do not wait until it is too late mike how soon after having a ruptured ear drum can a person fly,hi you need to see a pulmonologist or pulmonary disease specialist is a physician who possesses specialized knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary lung conditions and diseases but try this very simple thing first its just good cheese and onion sandwich is you eat 3 a day one at breakfast one at lunch times and the last one 30 minutes before bed get some real good cheddar cheese mature is best now if you can take the onion needs to be thick and good red onion for some real extra kick slice some garlic into it now you have to trust this and it will work this is old fashioned medicine and was used for a long time but will tell you this it works for me time and time again do hope this helps you good luck why am i developing multiple food intolerances all of a sudden i am a 54 year old female and over the last 12 months have developed food intolerances to yeast bakers and brewers eggs cinnamon and soy in addition to existing allergies to peanuts and shellfish,i am sorry to hear this it is hard when we feel food choices are being taken away from us i am glad to see you can differentiate between an intolerance having an undesirable reaction to a true allergy hives anaphylaxis etc big difference i wish i could tell you why these food intolerances seem to be coming on all at once it is certainly worth getting the situation checked out by a doctor i can tell you that it takes exposure to develop an intolerance or allergy so perhaps your body just reached its exposure threshold with certain items and is now reacting badly to them here is some general information on food allergies and intolerance that might be helpful you might start with your primary care provider to see if he or she can provide any insight i wish you all the best i am also 54 and female i cannot tolerate yeast eggs wheat rice and marjoram coming on also in the last year in addition to existing intolerance to dairy and soy those two came on when i was 40 and 41 i always blamed the giardia infection i had when i was 30 after scopes and xrays my gastroenterologist says that my gi system is healthy if this helps you are not alone does peanut butter pose any allergy threat,you have asked an interesting question peanut allergy is one of the most severe food allergies it can cause itchiness urticaria swelling eczema sneezing asthma abdominal pain drop in blood pressure and cardiac arrest it may even result in anaphylactic death if not controlled in the right time the routes of exposure of the allergen are mostly the accidental ingestion of peanuts or pb by the concerned person who is hypersensitive to peanuts air borne particles in a farm or factory or crushing environment may cause respiratory symptoms in allergic individuals however the odor of peanut butter or its mere proximity have not produced any allergic symptoms in various studies conducted hence answering your questions it is safe to carry peanut butter in plane if you are carrying it as part of hand baggage cabin baggage make sure it is packed properly in a colored container this is just to prevent any psychogenic allergic symptoms in those susceptible individuals who may see the butter and develop allergy however such psychogenic reactions are very rare but still documented in studies since the pb as such is not an allergen by sightproximityodor a susceptible person need not take extra precautions to avoid allergy when someone else is carrying pb however since psychogenic reactions can occur it may be advised that such a susceptible person may change his seat to another seat away from person who is carrying peanut butter for further information consult an allergic specialist online > can saline solution be used in nostrils while there is greenish discharge,atopic dermatitis is generally easily diagnosed based on a physical exam and visual inspection of the skin by a physician or dermatologist additionally the history given by the patient and contributory family history help to support the diagnosis a doctor may ask about any history of similar rashes and other medical problems including hay fever allergies and asthma while currently there may be no single specific laboratory test that says unequivocally this is atopic dermatitis a skin biopsy a sample of a small piece of skin that is sent to the lab for examination under the microscope may be helpful to establish the diagnosis in harder cases additionally gentle skin swabs long cotton tip applicator or q tip samples may be sent to the lab to exclude infections of the skin which may mimic atopic dermatitis since itching tends to be the main common symptom of the disease for many patients it is not possible to say all itching is atopic dermatitis itching may be seen in many other medical conditions that have nothing to do with eczema each patient experiences a unique combination of symptoms and the symptoms and severity of the disease may vary over time the doctor bases the diagnosis on the individual is symptoms and may need to see the patient several times to make an accurate diagnosis it is important for the doctor to rule out other diseases and conditions that might cause skin irritation in some cases the family doctor or pediatrician may refer the patient to a dermatologist or allergist allergy specialist for further evaluation a valuable diagnostic tool is a thorough medical history which provides important clues as to the possible causes of the patient is ailment the doctor may ask about all of the following a family history of allergic disease whether the patient also has diseases such as hay fever or asthma exposure to irritants sleep disturbances any foods that seem to be related to skin flares previous treatments for skin related symptoms use of steroids and the effects of symptoms on schoolwork career or social life sometimes it is necessary to do a biopsy of the skin or patch testing to determine if the skin is immune system overreacts to certain chemicals or preservatives in skin creams a preliminary diagnosis of atopic dermatitis can be made if the patient has three or more characteristics from each of two categories major features and minor features some of these characteristics are listed in the box below skin scratchprick tests which involve scratching or pricking the skin with a needle that contains a small amount of a suspected allergen and blood tests for airborne allergens generally are not as useful in diagnosing atopic dermatitis as a medical history and careful observation of symptoms however they may occasionally help the doctor rule out or confirm a specific allergen that might be considered important in the diagnosis negative results on skin tests are reliable and may help rule out the possibility that certain problems sleeping… but worried that i might get dependent on sleeping pills,please have your husband get the vaccination according to the cdc you can get the vaccine after having had a shingles infection i have horrible pain along my right leg,hi this is bone chills due to common cold you need to do stepper exercise few times daily especially after you wake up or after resting wear warm cloth to a point were you start sweating avoid air currents physical therapy can help much good luck does rubbing vicks vapor rub on the bottom of your feet when you have a cold work if so can i do this on my 1 yr old my 1 year old has a cold with runnystuffy nose and cough many mothers including my own have told me to rub vicks on the bottom of her feet and put socks on her at bed time i have done it on mine but did not notice a difference i only did it a couple of nights though thank you c,no it will not work or help the cold symptoms it will just make his feet smell like vicks do not tell your mother or grandmother that i told you this but vicks on the feet is absolutely worthless intercourse and all of my past and current partners always complain of a vaginal infectionyest infection for the past 5 7 years it seems every time i have intercourse with my partner i seem to give them or they seem to get a vaginal infection the only time it they dont seem to get any type of infection is when we use condoms or if we spend 15 mins cleaning myself down there and then using rubbing alcohol on it before intercourse i have been tested multiple times and they cant find anything wrong with me they have been tested multiple times also and the only thing they can find is a yeast infecti,hi it seems somehow a yeast infection is being set up when you have condom free sex so it sounds like you prefer it that way so were do we go and what can you do ok you could read through these sites these are for getting rid of persistent yeast infections just copy each one into google to open if you cant get them to open try without the first two bits being the also google these garlic or sea salt or boric acid for yeast infection if its not showing in tests just do a blitz to see if it goes do hope something here helps good luck i am female and menstrating feel like i need to pee but burns when i try symptoms started 3 hours ago,you may have a urinary tract infection or urethral irritation from a variety of reasons irritation from clothing soaps wearing a pad sex etc i would suggest that you drink plenty of fluids and call your medical provider to get a urine test to see if you have an infection can i go through puberty without one testicle i am 14 and have pubic hair how do i know if i produce sperm or not,yes you will have a normal puberty and you are most likely producing sperm since you are not planning on having a family right now it may not be that critical that you have that information but if you want get a semen sample and look under the microscope or you can ask your doctor to order a semen analysis you are probably worrying unnecessarily i would bet you are just fine what medications and treatments are available to treat hypothyroidism,thyroid hormone medicine is the only effective way to treat hypothyroidism in most cases thyroid hormone medicine reduces or eliminates symptoms of hypothyroidism symptoms usually improve within the first week after you begin therapy all symptoms usually disappear within a few months may reduce the risk of slowed physical growth mental retardation and behavioral problems in infants and children thyroid hormone medicine does not cause side effects if you take the correct dose medication choices thyroid hormone medicine such as levothyroxine sodium for example synthroid levoxyl or levothroid what to think about people who have hypothyroidism need treatment with thyroid hormone medicine depending on the cause of their hypothyroidism they may need treatment for the rest of their lives taking certain supplements such as calcium or iron or both at the same time as thyroid hormone medicine may reduce the amount of thyroid hormone medicine absorbed by the body take calcium supplements at least 4 hours before or after taking thyroid hormone medicine 9 also avoid taking iron supplements at the same time as thyroid medicine talk to your doctor about whether you need to change your dose of thyroid medicine if you also take birth control pills or other hormones you may need to take more thyroid hormone medicine than you would if you were not taking these hormones 10 follow up visits with your doctor are important to make sure that you are taking the correct dose of medicine most people return to their doctor for blood tests 6 to 8 weeks after starting treatment after thyroid hormone levels return to normal thyroid function tests are rechecked once a year webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated will exercising the vaginal muscles make my vagina tighter,two ultrasound studies of women who exercised their vaginal muscles did find that their muscles were thicker and stronger after pelvic floor muscle training among women with urine leakage their thinner muscles became the thickness of healthy women is pelvic floor muscles additionally they had less urine leakage whether the problem was from stress or urge types of incontinence the use of vaginal cones andor kegel exercises to increase muscle strength were both found to improve tone and decrease urine loss while some of these studies did not measure vaginal tightness per se when muscle bulk is increased a woman can voluntarily contract those muscles to make the vaginal opening tighter yes it will tighten that area i guarentee you contract and relax those muscles repeatedly 7 to 10 times then hold tightlycontract for as long as you can while sitting at a stop light in your car at the office watching tv or when ever you think about it and you will notice results quickly and so will your partner if you can not always do it for that long of a time or that many reps do not worry any added amount will make a difference yes it will make them tighter that is the exercise my gynecologist told me to do after i had a baby it really worked for me my husband could tell the difference if you do not know how to do them you hold in the muscles that you use if you had to pee for a few seconds then release then hold again you can do them all day at your desk home or driving in your car the more you use these muscles the quicker you will see results i think so yes in addition i have found that if your legs are in good shape because you exercise regulary then it tends to tighten up your pelvic floor muscles to just my own personal experience of course yes it will make them tighter that is the exercise my gynecologist told me to do after i had a baby it really worked for me my husband could tell the difference if you do not know how to do them you hold in the muscles that you use if you had to pee for a few seconds then release then hold again you can do them all day at your desk home or driving in your car the more you use those muscles the quicker your results i woke up to numbness and tingles from the waist down it is been almost a week now,com this is mostly a guarding muscle spasm due to overuse if muscles or rarely a lumbar disc lesion try a hot pack over the back and see if it goes could i be pregnant 8 years after a tubal ligation i had a tubal ligation 8 years ago i am 33 now i had the tubal where they cut out a piece of the tube i am usually pretty regular in my cycle i am usually around 28 30 days i am now over 2 weeks late could i be pregnant i took a home pregnancy test and it was negative i have had cramping many days in the last couple of weeks thinking my period was coming each time but nothing i have also had mild spotting after intercourse,i have had that problem i ended up going to the doctor and found out it was heartburn and gerd i am 37 been on trt for a bit which just replaces t is there anything i can do to get my body to produce its own t been on testosterone replacement treatment for a few months 3 months of gel and just started injections,hi here are two links that could help you but exercising helps get your t is up and so does weight lifting natural testosterone boosters natural nitric acid boosters this second one help you get erections one thing they do not tell you is by going trt it can shut down you own t making equipment so hope this helps you good luck what can i do to treat bacterial vaginosis at home,for decades some women have used lactobacillus acidophilus in yogurt or supplements to treat bacterial vaginosis but dairy lactobacillus does not work for bacterial vaginosis this is because dairy lactobacillus is not the kind of bacteria that normally live in the vagina 8 researchers are studying the two different types of lactobacillus l crispatus and l jensenii that are most commonly found in a healthy vagina 7 these lactobacilli may prove to be an effective treatment for bacterial vaginosis webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i have a little black dotspot on palm of hand that goes and comes back again but in diffrent place what is it i have a little black dot that keeps turning out to be in diffrent places on the palm of my hand sometimes in beetween my fingers but still on the palm bit its not a wart of anything is just a little black dotspot any idea what it could be its worrying as it changes locations on palm of hand the first time i saw it it was on the palm of my hand but after that i have now seen it in between my fingers still on the palm side though,i do not know i can not see it as you know in order to have this traveling black dot properly assessed you will need to see a medical provider someone who can perform a hands on examination dark spots appear on my kid is skin no fever or any changes on his health,one more thing i would like to add that please avoid applying any ointments especially steroid containing ointments without a proper consultation and advise of a dermatologist as it can cause further deleterious effects on skin what causes infant fevers,a fever is not an illness it is just a symptom of one usually if your baby has a fever it means he or she has picked up a cold or other viral infection less commonly in infants a fever is a sign of a bacterial infection such as a urinary tract infection more rarely the infection is something serious like meningitis other causes of fever in babies include reaction to a vaccination becoming overheated from being dressed too warmly or spending time outside on a hot day is 5 mg of alprazolam too much to take with 15 mg morphine sulfate er subject is taking 15 mg morphine sulfate er 2x a day and morphine sulfate sa 30mg,when combining any medication especially narcotics and sedatives it is best to consult your doctor the one who is prescribing them and someone who knows your medical history and the reason you are taking them can sulfamethoxazole antibiotic cause a false positive reading for cocaine urine test,no this antibiotic will not cause you to test positive for cocaine i need to reduce sugar intake i use honey in coffee if i replace honey w a sugar substitute splenda will it help,this is a great question nuvigil is also a fairly new medication that is approved for two indications it is actually approved for narcolepsy and also for sleep shift disorder so this would be for people who work the night shift or crazy shits during the 3 a m to 11 a m type of thing and they have a problem with sleeping nuvigil actually works on chemicals in the brain and its intent is to keep you up so yes it is going to keep you up but once again it is used for the treatment of narcolepsy so that makes perfect sense i had a thyroidectomy does that mean my parathyroid was removed i have severe osteoporosis 3 5 t score i am looking for causes,it would not be wise to self diagnose yourself as having a secondary bacterial infection from your recent viral illness and self prescribed ampicillin it would be advisable for you to be properly examined and diagnosed first by a medical professional ampicillin is not used very much any more so it is unlikely that even if you did have a bacterial infection this would not be the antibiotic of choice signs of secondary bacterial infection such as pneumonia as a result of a respiratory virus would be a high fever a worsening cough with expectoration of dark phlegm chest discomfort rapid respiration and lethargy a mild sore throat or runny nose does not necessarily indicate a need for ampicillin cold and flu are viral infections colds tend to run their course in 7 10 days but it can take a little longer flu generally is at its worst for the first 3 or 4 days but can take up to two weeks to ease up completely please click into the linked information and read about it if more than 10 days go by and you still see no relief or your symptoms are getting worse then you should call your doctor he or she may want to see you in their office again or try another form of treatment if you are considering taking antibiotics that were prescribed for something else please do not do that without consulting your doctor we hope you feel better soon the webmd answers staff one should have an indication of infection by the color of the mucus i e clearwhite to yellow to green green being a sign of probable sinusbronchial infection i got sick after going to my doctor she gave me 2 antibiotics flustat adco cyclizine for my ears and pain tablets,most helpful answer it has been said that colds last a week if you treat them and seven days if you leave them alone most healthy immune systems will cure a cold in about 4 days but may take longer if you have not encounter this particular virus before herbal remedies vitamin c zinc chicken soup and other home treatments have not been scientifically proven to be effective for everyone but there is nothing wrong with trying them get plenty of rest what should i do if i have trouble waking up in the morning,humans go through four to six sleep cycles every night each cycle consists of five stages ranging from very light sleep stage 1 to very deep sleep stage 4 and then the rapid eye movement stage during which you are most likely to dream waking up out of a deep stage 3 or stage 4 sleep is notoriously difficult that is why being awakened from a nap can be so disorienting it is also why waking too early in the morning can mean a miserable start to your day most people hit their deepest sleep between 4 a m and 6 a m so it is very hard to wake up during that time so wake up later if you can otherwise make sure you go to bed early enough to get a good night is rest some other tips for waking up set your alarm for the latest possible moment so you are not tempted to fall back asleep lose the snooze button you might go back to sleep for a few minutes each time you hit the knob but you are getting crappy sleep you just feel worse sit up and swing your legs over the side of the bed breathe deeply three or four times to orient yourself to the real world exercise first thing in the morning to energize your mind and body and boost your fitness but do not choose exercise over getting the sleep you need how is generalized anxiety disorder gad treated,that would not be likely yeast likes warm dark moist places like the vagina or inside a diaper the eyes and nose really does not have a welcoming environment that would be favorable to yeast you are safe i have the flu over and over again its been 3 years,it depends on which products you are using over the counter otc products have directions on the label with age specific dosage instructions as well as uses warnings and possible side effects and storage information decongestant ointments and sprays can cause rebound nasal congestion if used for an extended period of time if you ever have questions about over the counter medications be sure to ask your pharmacist what if i or someone i know with bipolar disorder is in crisis,make the medical appointment to get it checked out orchitis an infection of the testicle epididymitis an infection of the epididymis as well as other causes need to be considered having a diagnostic exam will certainly relieve any anxiety about testicular cancer happens at your age too i have not been taking my birth control at the exact same time everyday i just had unprotected sex can i get pregnant i am on minastrin 24 fe i have taken them every day just not always at the same exact time i am supposed to take at 830 but sometimes i will take it between 1000 and 1100,inr stands for international normalized ratio the inr provides some information about a person is blood is tendency to clot which is often described as how “thin” or “thick” their blood is the inr comes from the conversion of another value the prothrombin time pt prothrombin time is the time it takes for blood to clot in a test tube a high or low pt can suggest bleeding or clotting tendencies most often the pt is checked to monitor a person is response to blood thinners such as warfarin coumadin the problem with prothrombin time testing is that several manufacturers produce and sell slightly different pt tests to laboratories the same person is blood might have different results if tested on two different companies pt tests to solve this problem the international normalized ratio inr was created by entering a pt result into a math formula it yields the inr the international normalized ratio means one lab is test results can be compared to another is with high accuracy a normal inr is approximately 1 0 people taking the blood thinner warfarin typically have a target inr of 2 0 to 3 0 people with an inr higher than the normal range who are not taking warfarin may have a medical condition that needs further evaluation a low inr is rarely significant cant maintain a healthy erection when using a condom anytime i use a condom i tend to go soft and even when i take it off its difficult to get an erection again is it because of my masturbation frequencies almost everyday for the past 10 years and porn usage i am 25,assuming you live in the u s tetanus is very rare it is rare mainly because we get tetanus vaccines every ten years the recommendation it would be highly unlikely that you would get tetanus based on the incident that you described but it would still be wise to get a vaccine if you are not properly immunized for this and future incidents tetanus the disease typically is 100 fatal and an inexpensive and highly effective vaccine given every ten years is 100 preventative this is the best deal in medicine im on cumdine = so i cant eat any dark leafy veggies what other foods cant i eat i need a guide= to what i can eat and cant eat on cumidine can i eat peanuts can i eat potatoes if i eat veggies how much each day or do i alternate= with a salad i eat a handful since i do not know if a cup a day is just vegetable or includes green salad a cupful,the good news is that most people do not have to drastically change their diet when they start on the blood thinner warfarin coumadin but you do have to pay close attention to what you are eating the goal is to keep the level of vitamin k about the same from day to day you can do this by knowing which foods have a lot of vitamin k and not making any big changes in how much of them you are eating each day foods that have a lot of vitamin k include most of the green leafy vegetables like spinach kale lettuce cabbage swiss chard endive and seaweed greens such as turnip collard and mustard are all high in vitamin k as well other vegetables that contain a lot of vitamin k are cauliflower broccoli and asparagus liver is also high in vitamin k other things to watch out for include green tea canola oil and soybean oil peanuts and potatoes do not have a large amount of vitamin k but watch out for cashews and pine nuts they have a bit more vitamin k so eat them sparingly so what does all this mean if you have always had a salad for lunch then it is probably fine to keep eating one every day as long as it is ok with your doctor if you want broccoli or asparagus with your dinner for a change then it would be best to skip the salad that day and remember to keep your portions small liver has a lot of cholesterol so i would recommend skipping that altogether if your doctor has recommended a multivitamin make sure you take it every day they usually have vitamin k in them as well so you want to be consistent talk to your doctor before making any changes in your diet do not take any over the counter medicines or supplements without checking with your doctor first some of them may interfere with your medicine also be sure to get all blood tests done on time do not be overwhelmed it may seem like a lot to do at first but it will become second nature before you know it my 5 year old was vomiting and it has turned into dry heaving can i give her pepto bismol to halt the dry heaves,the short answer is yes it is possible if your period lasts 6 days you would have had sex on day 8 sperm can live for 4 days in the system some women ovulate on their 11th or 12th day so yes the days could coincide i am having a medical problem that has not been solved as of yet,hi this can be due to low magnesium anemia and stress however you should also check your thyroid glands are you on steroids medications steroids can cause all your symptoms i think glucose is unrelated to your problem take b active in the morning + omega 3 with luck they will help you should feel the improvement within first 2 days supplements good luck what is my boniva injection schedule,boniva injection must be administered intravenously only by a health care professional boniva injection should be administered once every three months if the dose is missed you should contact your health care provider to schedule the next injection and to continue your treatment with boniva injection after receiving your missed dose your next injection should be scheduled three months from the date of the last injection if you are not sure what to do if you miss a dose contact your health care provider who will be able to advise you how does flu spread,most experts believe that flu viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough sneeze or talk these droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby less often a person might also get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth eyes or possibly their nose what are the symptoms of herpes simplex,symptoms of herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas usually the mouth genitals or rectum the blisters break leaving tender sores is it possible to be fat and fit,sunblock is an effective first step for controlling dark patches certain lasers will reduce pigmentation however for darker skin patients lasers should be only be used by professionals that are familiar with your skin type inadvertent use may result in increased pigmentation my breast has been itchy red swollen tender and warm i also have a new lump the itching burning sensation is almost like a sunburn i have also had a feeling of pain and stiffness in my shoulder and at times have a pulled muscle feeling in my chest near that breast,yes it is almond is a tree nut which is considered a food allergen lost some hearing at about 40 in my left ear will this become permanent,the problem here is pressure difference while the eustachean malfunction can be treated using decongestants and antihistamine drugs but if you want a permanent solution then implanting pressure equalization tubes pets in your eardrums to maintain equal ear pressure can help much better how long does a rash last had a rash all around my mouth for 6 weeks just like a go tee and nothing is helping hydroclorasone eucerine etc now it is under one eye and eyelid the doctor told me it was a rash it does not really itch but it gets quite red and lightens up from time to time another doc said infection bacteria or fungal tried anti baceria and fungal cremes to no avail heeeeeeeeelp,it would be impossible to predict the outcome of a skin eruption since every person is different when it comes to healing times additionally it appears that you have not been definitively diagnosed so seeing a dermatologist at this point would be prudent a rash is a very very vague diagnosis there are thousands of causes so after six weeks of treatment failure i think you need to see a specialist pregnancy complications after bj in the morning my girlfriend actually wanked me out and i ejaculated in tissues throughout the whole day i urinated for only once and after that at night she started giving me a bjwithout ejaculation but i supposed with some pre cum then we actually french kissed and i started licking her private part this was our first time doing and she and i are actually virgin can i know whats the likelihood of her being pregnant i am really stressed out as i am afraid that she will be pregnant,oxycodone is a narcotic pain reliever oxycontin is the brand name of a time release version of oxycodone so you are correct in that the active ingredient of both products are the same however plain oxycodone is not a time release product the purpose of prescribing the time release version of a narcotic pain reliever is to allow for longer lasting pain relief oxycontin for which there currently is no generic equivalent in the u s delivers oxycodone slowly over a period of time this is why the dosing instructions are very different between oxycontin and regular oxycodone if you have been prescribed oxycontin you should follow the instructions on the label very carefully oxycontin is not taken as frequently as plain oxycodone and obviously do not take both regular oxycodone and oxycontin at the same time as this could lead to an overdose if you have any questions about any of your prescription medications you can always call your pharmacist he or she can clarify what a medication is for and how to take it best to you order buy 100 safe pain relief pills medical marijuana cbd oils dabs numbutal more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you is antibiotic a must for seasonal allergic cough,hi insect bite or allergic reaction seems to be a possibility apply anti histamine steroid local cream take anti allergic tablets if needed thanks do men and women handle stress differently,hi if this was just on your clitoris and he is telling the truth about ejaculating the yes your ok it really takes the penis to be inside your vagina to get pregnant even with pre cum but if your having foreplay and going this far then its about t5ime you was thinking of bc the pill the ring the implant the cap or the iud even condoms but please keep away from depo shot just to many side effects do hope the stops your stress and anxiety good luck my children 6 and 11 like to eat half their dinner at 6 p m and the rest at 8 p m then dessert is that healthy,are they eating a large or late snack in the afternoon i am surprised that both children are not very hungry at dinnertime if you were to give a snack 1 hour before dinner i am concerned that it would further reduce their appetite for dinner i would offer a reasonable serving size at dinner children should not generally have to clean their plates however if you do not think that they ate reasonably then dessert should be withheld dessert can be given later in the evening as a small bedtime snack if they ate reasonably for dinner from a convenience standpoint for you i would discourage having dinner served in two halves what is the average hospital bill for someone treated in an emergency room for flu but not admitted overnight,as a couple you both have a problem but it may take a few visits to a counselor to work it out if you can convince him to do it may be difficult if he is excessively masturbating and watching porn then he may have a warped view of sex that needs addressing while there is nothing wrong with self pleasure he seems to be preferring masturbation of intimacy with his wife for women sex is the most intimate form of communication and you and your husband are not communicating very well you may be having sex in ordered to be loved and touched and this is not happening i do not think you are too emotional you both can have a mutually pleasurable sex life again but you will need to work out some barriers first if he cares about you he will participate in some problem solving is the h1n1 vaccine shot safe for nursing women,yes and what a great question both seasonal and 2009 h1n1 flu shots or nasal spray should be given to breastfeeding mothers breastfeeding is fully compatible with flu vaccination and preventing the flu in mothers can reduce the chance that the infant will get the flu also by breastfeeding mothers can pass on to the infant the antibodies that their bodies make in response to the flu shots which can reduce the infant is chances of getting sick with the flu this is especially important for infants less than 6 months old who have no other way of receiving vaccine antibodies since they are too young to be vaccinated how can you avoid congestive heart failure,hi here is a link from webmd on what not to do most is common sense the link but taken things like cayenne pepper daily would help along with some garlic daily also turmeric would be in there as help just google these 3 for the heart like garlic for the heart you find lots of info on all 3 do hope this helps good luck i found a weird looking mole on my breast could it be skin cancer,a good psychologist therapist or psychiatrist can help you overcome this fear using a variety of techniques this can be fixed what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy,in most areas of the united states and canada fetal toxoplasmosis infection is rare in the u s about 1 to 10 infants per 10 000 actually become infected before birth 2 this is why screening for toxoplasmosis is not a part of routine prenatal care in this country but getting tested for toxoplasmosis may be a good idea if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant and you are worried that you might get toxoplasmosis you think you may not be able to avoid exposure to the parasite consider what higher risk countries recommend as you make your decision about testing in countries where toxoplasmosis risk is moderate all newborns are screened for toxoplasmosis infection some states in the u s now screen all newborns for toxoplasmosis in some countries where toxoplasmosis risk is high all pregnant women are screened for toxoplasmosis antibodies a blood test is used to see whether you have the antibody to the toxoplasma parasite if you have the antibody that means you have already been infected and your immune system now makes antibodies that can fight toxoplasma these antibodies protect your fetus and newborn from infection you may need more than one blood test to make sure the result is accurate tests for toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis blood test looks for the antibody to toxoplasma if test results or symptoms show possible infection another test is done 2 to 3 weeks later to confirm the diagnosis amniocentesis is used to collect amniotic fluid for testing a polymerase chain reaction pcr test is used on the fluid to check for signs of toxoplasma dna this test can detect fetal toxoplasmosis fetal ultrasound is used to check for signs of toxoplasmosis damage in the fetus early detection birth defects are most likely to develop when a fetus is infected during weeks 10 through 24 of pregnancy 1 this is why early detection and treatment of fetal toxoplasmosis is important for preventing severe fetal problems if an infection develops later in pregnancy severe fetal problems are less likely but treatment is important to prevent future problems webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated my finance is pregnant and has turned psyco my emotions or how i feel is not important nor is my need for sex tips 4me we used to have sex everyday sometimes 3 times in a row but even for me it got exhausting so we slowed down to like 4 times a week now its to one also on the psyco part she is not literally psyco she just has no filter to what comes out of her mouth she says everything as if i had no emotion i need tips on how to cope with her raging hormones and decrease in sexual activity and explanation for her hormones us and ussr in cold war except she has all the nukes and one wrong word and kaboom,there are a couple of ways to predict adult height for toddlers the simplest way is to double the child is height at age 2 another trick is to look on a gender appropriate growth chart for the child is height percentile at age 2 and then look at the height for that same percentile for age 18 years lastly for boys you can add 5 inches to the mom is height and then average that number with the dad is height for girls you have to subtract 5 inches from the dad is height and then average it with the mother is height i had a reaction to one of the lipsticks i was using my lips are very sore and have a burning sensation what to use i had some kind of reaction on my lips to one of the glosses or lipsticks i was using my lips are very sore and when i try to apply lipstick they really burn i think they are irritated what can i use on them so they will get better i keep using the medex for lips which usually helps but am having a hard time getting them cleared up help i am desperate hate going without lipstick,if i were you i would probably break open a vitamin e capsule rub it on my lips before bed and let it soak in overnight that does amazing things for healing sometimes medicated lip balms can be a real problem especially if your lips are already irritated but vitamin e oil does wonders for delicate skin like that what is sinemet for parkinson is disease,sinemet is the trade name for the parkinson is disease drug that is a mixture of levodopa and carbidopa can a cold sore give me genital herpes recently my girlfriend gave me a blowjob she had a cold sore on her lower lip although the sore was completely scabbed over and is almost completely healed she got it two weeks ago and has been using some type of medicine to get it healed the bj lasted 15 seconds and the scab barely touched my penis the sore is not open at all so is there still a high risk of infection whenever we make out when she has a cold sore i never get one and she generally gets them when she is really stressed,fluconazole diflucan at a single low dose is pregnancy class c which means risk to the developing baby cannot be ruled out in studies on animals and people when pregnant mothers took fluconazole in high doses 400 mgday for weeks or months birth defects in the newborn children and animals were sometimes seen at these doses fluconazole is considered pregnancy class d – meaning it should absolutely not be taken by a mom to be fluconazole is most often taken in a single smaller dose 150 mg once as treatment for a vaginal yeast infection there does not seem to be a significant risk to the developing baby from such a low dose of fluconazole talking with your obgyn doctor is the best way to decide if fluconazole is safe for you and your baby i had a face lift two weeks ago i now have nerve damage on left side of my face,no do not worry about it i agree with her doctor i am puzzled why she would put eardrops in a glass of water and drink it even accidentally what did she think she was taking i recently stayed at a hotel and was attacked by bed bugs i have bites all over,the bites have got secondarily infected actually this should not have happened if proper medicines and proper care was taken i suggest you should go for a second opinion for sure and you should do it as early as possible my chiropractor says i am wasting my money buying vitamins at dept stores and i should by his supplements is this true,as long as it has been six hours since the ibuprofen you can give him acetaminophen now i feel exausted when standing to urinate in the morning i feel like i need to hold on to something any idea what it is i get this feeling even when not urinating but standing still also i can feel my heart beat increase and feel like almost hyperventilating i have mildmoderate asthma and a generalized anxiety im 17 years old it almost always happens when i wake up and need to urinate i do not think urination has do do with it but rather standing still after waking i feel like when urinating i need to hold on to something or i may collapse out of exaustion,there are no recommendations of fluid by weight it is generally accepted that drinking to thirst should be adequate unless you have certain medical conditions participate in intense or prolonged exercise or live in hot climates the institute of medicine does have general fluid guidelines 11 or more cups per day for women and 15 or more for men this includes fluid from food and beverages even caffeinated drinks like coffee see this article for more information can taking golden seal echinacea and saw palmetto cause a false negative on an std test for chlamydia,hi if you think your bf is leaking urine during sex first have noticed him or has said that he leaks urine at any other time if so its his sphincter muscle at the base of his penis its gone weak doing kegels will help strengthen it up just go to www pegym com and look under exercises your find them there he needs to do the reverse ones as well it wont take long to re strengthen it back to normal doing these will also help him when ejaculating so there something all men should do through there lives uti is are not something that transfers between people when having sex hope this helps good luck is ok to take one advil pm and have a glass of wine once in a while,he may not be following his diabetic diet or he needs a change in his medication regime or both he should see his medical provider or endocrinologist to get to the bottom of this issue unfortunately this is not something that can be solved blindly over the internet i am in my first trimester and ate an unwashed piece of cantaloupe how serious is the risk of listeria from this food the cantaloupe was rinsed with water but not properly washed and did have some bruising i ate it immediately after it was cut i know that the fruit came from a farm in california where i have read that food safety for cantaloupes is taken more seriously can i still get tested for listeria how accurate would a test be at this stage,it would not be likely that this one unwashed piece of peeled melon would present any type of risk to you or your baby nor would it be prudent to try and best tested at this point just let your ob or primary care provider know about this unlikely incident in the event that you develop any symptoms of a food borne illness can low hemoglobin affect teeth my husband is hemoglobin dropped to 5 1 the doctors cannot find a cause for the drop but are still looking transfusions and iron have brought the number back up into the low end of the normal range but 4 teeth have broken off for no apparent reason and the roots had to be removed by an oral surgeon is this related to the low hemoglobin,a low hemoglobin can adversely affect the teeth but i would have no idea if your husband is severe anemia is the sole cause of his dental problems i certainly home his doctors find the underlying cause soon i am going to have surgery and i have a boil should i go i have 5 days to get rid of it,good news here is an article on nail problems and injuries that contains the following statement along with a lot of other great information separation from the nail bed once your nail separates from its nail bed for whatever reason it will not reattach nails grow back slowly it takes about 6 months for fingernails and up to 18 months for toenails to grow back attached to the nail bed the webmd answers staff usually but you had quite a crush injury the body has a remarkable ability to re grow a lost or damaged nail assuming the matrix the base of the nail that has the cells needed to regenerate the nail has not been damaged a damaged matrix may cause the nail to grow back somewhat deformed or have a ridge when we lose a finger we do not grow a new one but when we lose a nail the body likes to replace it time will tell if your nail re grows again and comes in normally my son just had the same accident so i am curious since its been a little over a year has your sons nail grown back doctor is suggesting that dialysis be done to get rid of the edema i need a second opinion,yes it can in my opinion stop the steroids first and try apple celery and diuretic drug improve potassium level by taking banana for example then go to dialysis if the problem persists regards can you ride amusement park rides while being 2 12 to 3 months pregnant,wearing other players soprts wear some body is hat or if you already have ring worm do not wear clothes +pajams again before washing for the speard of ringworm bleach may also help it i am a 20 male and i have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety am i taking the wrong meds,no mrsa is a staph infection bacterial shingles is a herpes infection called herpes zoster how do i prevent going soft when i put on a condom,this is common but also something that can be worked around some men find that it helps to ask their partner to put the condom on their penis so that they can continue touching and kissing and looking at their partner which can help to maintain their arousal applying water based lubricant or silicone based lubricant to the outside of the condom once it is on the penis can help too as the slippery motion of her or your hand massaging your condom covered penis can feel arousing and enhanced your erection make sure too that you are using a condom that fits your penis comfortably if you need a bigger or smaller size ask your pharmacist for recommendations or browse options [online] read the details i can not write it all in here both fifteen not sure if some drops of precum got on the condom really stressed right now it is about my girldfriend ofcourse she takes tha anti baby pill daily but we are still afraid we think some drops of precum have got in but not very sure tomorrow her period should start but i can not wait so long i already can not sleep well ps we are fifteen what should we do,if you would like to impregnate your wife you may need to curtail your excessive masturbation for a few days so that your sperm count does increase and your prostate has enough time to replenish your semen volume there are not other ways i find it difficult to believe that you are having erectile dysfunction if you are masturbating many times per day premature ejaculation will not keep you from achieving a pregnancy as long as you are able to hold out long enough to have sexual contact with your wife have you considered talking to a counselor about these issues perhaps a psychologist one who has some experience with male sexual issues can really help you is there any safe way to increase my height in few inches 2 3 before the growth plates closed i am 20 years old male and my height is 52 my father is also that height but my younger brother18y is 5 7 if it is a genetic problem how my brother is taller then me i am doing so many exercises and i take calcium pills every other night but can not see any growing up since i started to exercise since few months i really need to grow taller without taking bad pills and painful surgeries please tell me how to grow up taller before it naturally stops,the growth plates closes in most humans somewhere in the range of 13 years to 22 years of age since you are 20 years old and your father is also 52 your maximum height has probably already been reached the honest truth is that 5 2 is an acceptable height the laws of genetics sometimes provide for traits that can vary greatly from sibling to sibling in my own family there were six 6 boys three of them had brown colored eyes while the other three 3 had green eyes blood types were also evenly divided between o and a two 2 of the brothers were five 5 inches taller than the other four 4 brothers you can see a endocrinologist about any recent developments in the field of growth this specialist in diagnosing and treating hormonal issues may assess your height and make recommendations based on current medical science hgh is a drug that is available used to treat children who are short of stature my last remembrance is that the fda has not granted approval for hgh to be prescribed for adults unless they have some other acceptable medical condition besides the short stature condition this medication also comes with many potential side effects and can cost between 10 000 00 and 30 000 00 for treatment it may not seem fair right now to be 52 at 20 years old but most other people do not really care about that one 1 physical trait as times goes by and your comfort level as an adult increases you will also feel very comfortable with being 52 tall how will genital herpes affect diabetes type 2 female patients,a person with diabetes is considered immunocompromised especially if their diabetes is not in control any infection in a diabetic could possibly be worse more difficult to treat etc so genital herpes may fall in that catagory please keep in mind that all people are different in their response to illnesses my 19 yr old has had a headache for 3 days nothing has worked he lives out of state what should he do,he should see a medical provider out of state there is really no way to properly diagnose the reason for the headache and treat him blindly over the internet there can be hundreds of reasons for his headache so let a medical professional do this how can postpartum depression be prevented,antihistamines are used for hives benadryl diphenhydramine claritin zyrtec allegra etc are over the counter antihistamines how do i stop the spread of lice,to help prevent the spread of lice from one person to another here are some steps you can take avoid head to head contact at school on the playground in physical education classes during sports activities and while playing with other children do not share combs brushes hats scarves bandannas ribbons barrettes hair bands towels helmets or other hair related personal items with anyone else whether they have lice or not avoid sleepovers and slumber parties during lice outbreaks lice can live in bedding pillows and carpets that have recently been used by someone with lice after finishing treatment with lice medicine check everyone in your family for lice after one week be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about treatments for those who have lice machine wash any bedding and clothing used by anyone having lice or thought to have been exposed to lice machine wash at high temperatures 150f and tumble in a hot dryer for 20 minutes having terrible cravings for sweets i have hypothyroidism and am on medicine levels are ok 59 year old female overweight my thyroid levels are okay according to dr glucose level is 80 am being treated for major depression and ptsd,medications may be needed when symptoms of sinusitis are severe or do not improve the goals of treatment with medication are to treat the infection which is usually caused by bacteria if your symptoms have lasted more than 7 to 10 days relieve pressure and pain caused by poor sinus drainage reduce inflammation of the nose and sinuses caused by allergies antibiotic treatment is successful in most cases of short term acute sinusitis when it is caused by bacteria you should notice improvement within 3 to 4 days after you begin taking an antibiotic the number of days you take antibiotics depends on the antibiotic and the severity of the infection it takes weeks and sometimes months for the mucous membranes that line the sinuses to fully heal after an infection so some minor symptoms may continue during this time you are more likely to develop another sinus infection while the membrane is still healing chronic sinusitis may last 8 weeks or longer and usually requires 3 to 4 weeks of antibiotic treatment symptoms may persist or return despite adequate antibiotic treatment a different antibiotic may be needed to treat the infection referral to an ear nose and throat ent specialist also called an otolaryngologist may be needed if symptoms of sinusitis do not go away despite long term antibiotic treatment medications are used and sometimes combined to treat sinusitis antibiotics kill bacteria a few examples of antibiotics used are amoxicillin amoxil and trimox and cefdinir omnicef decongestants reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes in the nose some examples may include oxymetazoline hydrochloride afrin and phenylephrine hydrochloride neo synephrine analgesics such as aspirin acetaminophen or ibuprofen are used to relieve pain corticosteroids such as beclomethasone dipropionate monhydrate beconase aq or prednisone reduce inflammation in the nasal passages and may be given as an inhaled nasal spray mucolytics such as guaifenesin robitussin are used to thin the mucus if you are taking antibiotics for a sinus infection do not stop taking the antibiotics early just because you feel better take the entire course of antibiotics the infection may not go away if you do not take all of the antibiotics prescribed by your health professional more powerful antibiotics may be needed to kill bacteria that persist if there is no improvement after trying a first line antibiotic stronger antibiotics can be very costly and may have more side effects fungal sinusitis which accounts for a significant number of chronic sinusitis cases does not respond to antibiotic treatment it may need treatment with antifungal medications corticosteroids and surgery webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated does chlorophyl help hair loss and fertility,no but if you stick your penis inside her you can leak out sperm at anytime you do not always have to ejaculate my 4 week old son fell today from the bed er says no ct scan possible i need your recommendation,hi well mri is a safer technique and can be done under proper safety measures when it is for infants and many a times sedation might also be needed but first of all consult a neurophysician and get your infant examined to reconfirm that exactly he needs mri scan or not as there is a possibility that he might have got only minor injuries and no serious trauma hope this helps swollen feet and shortness of breath are new symptoms of a 85 yr old who has congestive heart failure however her oxygen levels are 100 she has gained 6 pds over the last two weeks and has difficulty eating we were advised by her physician to observe her she has a pending appt nxt wk and she has been taken her medication regularly and has strictly followed her diet should this warrant a visit to the er i am trying to avoid additional stress on her since she has alzheimer is and dementia and the goings to the hospital get her confused and she comes back home more fragile than ever,hi there is the rhythm method like this a method of avoiding conception favoured by the roman catholic church by which sexual intercourse is restricted to the times of a woman is menstrual cycle when ovulation is least likely to occur just google rhythm method for far more info but if you really do not want to get pregnant then there is the bc pill unless your against them or your body cant handle them but have you thought of the mini pill its just one hormone and low dose then you will know for sure remember safe sex is the best sex good luck i had a plantar wart removed from my thumb is it possible for this to re occur originally diagnosed as a plantar wart and removed 2004 located on the pad of left thumb and another just under the knuckle on right thumb what can be done for this,you most likely had a common wart verruca vulgaris not a plantar wart the word plantar means bottom of your foot so unless your thumb is on your foot you had a common wart yes a wart that is incompletely treated can return or you can simply get another one at another time from a new exposure and this may require another treatment or two warts are viruses can a doctor tell by pap smear that i have had an abortion three months ago i had an abortion at 9 weeks and am pregnant now i very much want to keep these pregnancy i have to get a physical and pap smear done and my mother is coming with me i do not want her to know will the doctor be able to tell i have had an abortion and then say something in front of my mother,you need to inform your doctor secretly when your mother is not in the room just ask for a little privacy the doctor cannot really tell if you had an abortion based on examination but the doctor definitely needs to know that you have been pregnant in the past you are entitled to confidentiality so the doctor is prohibited by law not to reveal this information to your mother have terrible heart palpitations also i sweat constantly,in my opinion you need catecholamines blood test to check for excessive adrenaline in blood due to stress or adrenal gland problem all your symptoms strongly suggest that also your zytomil can cause similar effect good luck are bedbugs attracted to dirty people,please be respectful of this important webmd medical site by not posting advertisements my son has eosinophilic gastroenteritis what should we do next,hi in my opinion is not eosinophilic gastroenteritis as eosinphils count did not rise as you stated so next step should be stool culture to check for h pylori good luck what increases the risk of getting pagets disease of bone,in my opinion this is just stress and anxiety from the wedding 10mg of atarax antihistaminic will fix the problem notice it can make you sleepy good luck what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for shingles,doctors can usually identify shingles when they see an area of rash around the left or right side of your body if a diagnosis of shingles is not clear your doctor may order lab tests most commonly herpes tests on cells taken from a blister if there is reason to think that shingles is present your doctor may not wait to perform tests before treating you with antiviral medicines early treatment may help shorten the length of the illness and prevent complications such as postherpetic neuralgia webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated what can be done for ankleheel in teenage football player my son is 14 and a football player he was diagnosed with severe flatfootedness after having mons of heel pain now he is also having pain on the top part of his foot going into and around his ankles what could this be and what can we do to help he already does th exercises his dr gave him and ices etc but he is getting no relief other than taking naproxen and as a mom i am not comfortable with him taking this daily,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for warts and plantar warts,while advances in medical care can help women over age 35 have safer pregnancies than in the past infertility and pregnancy complications for this age group are higher than for younger women if you have decided to delay having a child you should understand the risks associated with this so you can take precautions to minimize risks and improve your chances for a healthy pregnancy and child how long is it ok to let my 1 year old cry it out my 1 year old daughter awakes every night at like 3 am and will not go back to sleep in till 5 or 6 am and i have tried every thing rocking her giving her pain releaver to make shore shes not in pain i have gone to the doctors several times no answers there nothings wrong but you can tell shes still tired she is fussy and will close her eyes and then she starts to hit herself and kick me to keep her self awake,is it prescribed by your doctor if not we advise not to consume any medication without doctor is prescription during pregnancy first three months of pregnancy are very crucial kindly avoid any medication during this stage as far as possible do not self medicate i use ginger root in a couple of forms for nausea are there any medications that should not be taken with ginger,there are a few rare conditions that produce a false positive sweat chloride test such situations include diseases of the adrenal thyroid or pituitary glands rare lipid storage diseases and infection of the pancreas generally however these children are easily differentiated from patients with cystic fibrosis by their clinical condition and molecular tests for cystic fibrosis can be done to clarify the diagnosis i get eczema on my legs every summer my skin looks awful what stuff can i get from the drugstore to help my skin,it is really important to moisturize effectively sometimes just a little bit of dry skin can make your skin itchy and once you start that itch scratch cycle it can be relentless and very painful i have seen people scratch till they bleed sometimes then when that heals it heals with discoloration and that can last a very long time especially when it is below the knee which is the slowest part of the body to heal so the first and most important thing you do is to hydrate the skin this is done first in the bath or shower so a 10 15 minute bath or shower you can use an oatmeal powder in the bath if you like or a gentle cleanser then as soon as you step out just pat your skin dry so it is still damp and then use a very hydrating moisturizer by this i mean a cream or an ointment not a lotion not an oil because those are too water based too light and will actually help you lose more water from the skin so you need something more rich and emollient on top of that you can put on a white cotton sock or even a plastic lining obviously not too tight you do not want to suffocate your leg but something that is going to help lock that moisture and water into the skin so you can put a plastic wrap on top and then put a sock over it to help really lock that moisture in and that also keeps your hands away from scratching at it can i be pregnant my last period was on 1012 my boyfriend ejaculated in me on 101712 now my period did not come my period was suppose to come on 1122012 but i am late i have always been regular never been late in my life,any time you are not using birth control it is possible to get pregnant it is pretty much that simple ok maybe not granted there are some days when you are much more fertile than others because you are ovulating or on the verge of ovulating assuming your period started on 108 the date of 1017 would be right around your fertile window so yes you could possibly be pregnant keep in mind fertility calculators like the one i linked to above are not foolproof the ovaries do not consult a calendar before popping out an egg so you could possibly ovulate before a calendar says you are fertile or after if your period was due 112 you certainly could take an over the counter pregnancy test now to see if you are pregnant or not i wish you the result you desire brownish discoloration on my left leg,not unless the scoliosis is so severe that it deforms the rib cage unlikely what specialist takes care of hipotyroid lots of hair lose wehigt gain not able to lose weigth problemas sleeping depreciation presently taking synthroid 0 137 mg per day,most people can take benadryl but please keep in mind that we know nothing about you or your medical history if you medically taken benadryl in the past without problems you can certainly take it now for an allergic reaction i had energy supplements now feeling dizzy and passed out today,hi this will pass avoid drinking alcohol with energy supplements in the future good luck my right leg gets numb asleepafter 5 minutes of standing need second opinion,yes you could have exercise induced bronchospasm an asthma like reaction to exercise you will need to be properly examined i was diagnosed with chronic anxiety and have had transient anxiety attacks,you are right this is a medical issue and it could be onethat can cause many problems even though you may not be able to get in to seeyour doctor today or over the weekend i would suggest you put a call in tothat person and tell them about your current situation even though you would like to get off this medication youalready know that cold turkey is not the way to go so you do need some medicalassistance right now please call your doctor because even if that person is notthere they will have a covering physician who should be able to offer someassistance to you experiencing cloudy foul smelling urine along with foul yellow mucus like discharge no burning itching or inflammation had c section one month ago and am now experiencing cloudy foul smelling urine along with foul yellowish mucus like discharge i am not experiencing any itching burning inflammation or painful intercourse could this be a simple uti or vaginal infection from child birth,use a rich moisturizer look for ones that contain shea butter or ones designed for dry skin apply the product after washing the face when the skin is still damp to allow for maximal penetration have 3 small circular lesionblisters with a white center at the base of my penis been there 3 days painful to touch these lesionsopen blisters are flush with my skin not elevated faint white non hard center to them one is on the shaft of my penis the other 2 are located at the base do you know what this could be thank you so much,these are mostly tick bites the ticks need to be removed and symptomatic treatment to be followed what are the mental effects of the lupus disease process,the acidic component in lemons does contain some natural lightening properties in general it is safe to use avoid using lemons on any area that has recently been waxed or shaved lemons may cause irritation in the perianal regions unfortunately trying to lighten your skin with lemons will take a long time consider using hydroquinine kojic acid alpha hydroxy acids or bearberry as more effective lightening agents do i need to worry about taking supplements if i am on chemotherapy,vitamins minerals and herbal supplements may interact with chemotherapy drugs or radiation treatments blocking their effectiveness there is even some reason to worry that antioxidant supplements may protect cancer cells although it is controversial still it is very important for you to tell your doctor about any supplements that you currently take it is just as important to talk to your doctor before starting on any new supplements while you are undergoing cancer treatment of any kind can being outside in cold weather make bronchitis worse,while it will not make the actual disease worse it could case your lungs to tighten up cold dry air will probably also make you cough more making you feel worse how long after finishing antibiotics for pneumonia should it take to feel better i finished the antibiotics for pneumonia 5 weeks ago and i am still having chest pain and tightness i had a repeat chest x ray 2 weeks ago and it was clear i am currently on flovent 2x a day and ventolin as needed averaging 3 4x a day to help with these symptoms but i feel like i have not improved since i finished the antibiotics,yes any time that you have unprotected sex there is a possibility of a pregnancy of course there are only a few days per month that ovulation occurs and contraception is most likely just before your period is not one of them but just in case you should do a few pregnancy tests in a few weeks if you have not had a normal period being only four days late is much too soon to worry about it possible stds by deep kissing unprotected oral sex and protected vaginal sex hello i am 31 years old sexually active male with women 4 months ago i decided to get married and wedding is in december i had unprotected oral and protected vaginal sex in april before i decided to get married then i recently had my bachelor party in september and i had unprotected oral sex only which stds i should get tested for and what would be the window period for each one of them i am really scared having super anxiety as there are other lives involved now please help thanks,hi i think this one site will really help you for info about std is and sti is from oral sex just copy link into googel to the www to open and read hope this helps you good luck how is osteoarthritis treated what medications can be used,while ulcerative colitis can interfere with your getting all the nutrients you need from the food you eat a well balanced diet is the first step in guarding against malnutrition you need to eat a variety of foods from the various food groups and make sure that you are getting adequate protein and calories working with a dietitian will make it easier to plan meals that address your nutritional needs but even with a well designed meal plan you may still need some of the following supplements keep in mind that actual deficiencies vary from person to person so before taking supplements discuss your nutritional status with your doctor vitamin d your body needs vitamin d to maintain strong bones it also plays a role in how your immune system functions low levels of vitamin d are common among the general adult population if you have ulcerative colitis especially if you take steroids your risk of a vitamin d deficiency along with the accompanying risk of osteoporosis is very high this risk is compounded by the fact that many people with ulcerative colitis restrict the amount of dairy products they consume to help reduce diarrhea yet dairy foods are good sources for vitamin d ask your doctor if you should be taking a vitamin d supplement experts differ in their recommendations for vitamin d supplementation so talk to your doctor about the best option for you calcium calcium is the mineral your body uses to build bones your body also uses it in multiple other ways such as helping muscles contract or sending messages through the nervous system if your system does not have enough calcium the body removes it from the bones causing them to become brittle and leading to the development of osteoporosis avoiding dairy products along with the effect various medicines have on calcium makes a calcium deficiency a strong possibility with ulcerative colitis if your doctor recommends taking a calcium supplement you will probably need 1 000 to 1 200 milligrams per day iron people with ulcerative colitis can lose iron through bleeding from the sores in the colon not having enough iron can lead to anemia a lack of iron means your body can not make enough healthy red blood cells to transport an adequate supply of oxygen throughout your body with anemia you may feel tired a lot have a fast or irregular heartbeat dizziness problems thinking and other symptoms your doctor can tell if you have an iron deficiency with a blood test if you do the doctor will probably recommend you take an iron supplement folate or folic acid folic acid is a b vitamin that your body needs to make healthy new cells in women it also protects against birth defects of the baby is spine or brain folic acid can also reduce the risk of colon cancer which is elevated in people with ulcerative colitis people with uc often find it difficult to tolerate do you need to experience a panic attack in order to have anxiety,no you do not need to i have always been an excitable anxious child & adult & have experienced 5 panic attacks mostly due to a relationship problem you need to go to your dr & tell them councilling very good also & anti anxiety drugs also & maybe a low dose antidepressant hope this helps i am scared of getting breast cancer from hormone replacement therapy,well i have to say when the whi study came out in 2002 it was insane what they did with this research and how they presented it to women i remember i was dealing with webmd at that point and coming on line and talking to all the women and telling them not to stop their hormones if anything to switch over to the natural progesterone but what had happened was the study was really done on synthetic hormones and women who started 10 years after the fact always my recommendation to women when they go on hormone replacement therapy they do it around the perimenopause when they are having the maximum symptoms that they take it for menopausal symptoms and they take the least amount they need to control their symptoms and for the shortest amount of time that they need to take it so that they are not getting into twenty years down the line of continuous hormonal replacement therapy and getting into trouble with breast cancer my 8 year old son currently takes 10 mg metadate cd our insurance suggested we switch to focalin xr is this a generic,it is good that you are recovering you can start with herbs like tinospora curcuma licorice basil triphala and shunthi powder in equal proportion at dose of 3 gmas twice daily with honey the mixture can be licked for better results this combination will help you to increase your immunity if you have recurrent attacks of sore throat than better get yourself checked up late period i last had my period on oct 14th i believe to have ovulated on october 30 or 31st due to egg white mucus my cycles are usually 27 30 days i am now on day 35 all pregnancy tests have been negative could i still be pregnant and if i am not what could cause my period to be so late,late period is not enough information how late are you sexually active is your menstral cycle always regular with no late periods how do i choose the right health insurance plan for me,look at several factors how often you go to the doctor how many medications you take your budget and any special services you need covered carefully evaluate things like how much money you will have to spend before insurance helps you pay for care which doctors and hospitals participate with the plans and whether the medications you need are covered do not hesitate to work with one of the helpers available through the marketplace to explain your options you can call the 800 number listed on the site you can also work with a licensed insurance agent in your area who is certified to sell plans through your state is marketplace you can look at nahu org to find an agent in your area what causes a odor under a womans breast it smells like feet i have tried everything i have this nasty odor under my breast it kind of smells like dirty feet it seems like it gets worse in warm weather maybe its just me thinking that way i used different stuff but it breaks me out then comes the feet smell again my dermatologist gave me ear drops for the rash it does sound funny but nothing else was working and they worked so i guess he knew what he was doing so if you have any suggestions on what to try for the odor i would greatly appreciate it thank you,gerd happens when acid from your stomach enters the tube esophagus that connects your mouth to your stomach this may cause a burning feeling in your chest or throat sour taste or burping in some cases acid can damage the lining of your esophagus this damage is called erosive esophagitis or ee what baby blues,you can cough up blood usually a bloodmucous mixture from the respiratory tract but this is not an embolism embolisms are inside the blood vessels if you are coughing up blood it would be wise to consult your medical provider for a proper examination to help determine the source or reason what increases the risk of getting ringworm of the scalp or beard,very odd fentanyl is not used to treat influenza it is a pain medication can not say that i ever heard of a medical professional recommending this level of pain control for plain ol influenza no fentanyl is not a common treatment advised for flu it is a pain relieving medication please check with your doctor could i be preg so it has probably been about 4 to 5 months now since i believe i have gotten pregnant not on the pill did not cum inside but i know pre cum can impregnate very fertile symptoms heat flashes migrane stomach painsrumblingmovementssquishing bloating weight fluctuation excess discharge breast tenderness no growth i have a very muscular stomach so it would not show had period 1st month past 3 have been light spotting not anywhere near normal did 3 blood test 1 each month all 1> neg,it would not be possible to make blind diagnostic determination without an examination based solely on your brief description but one possible consideration may be peyronie is disease you will need to see a urologist for a proper examination to make a diagnosis my mom has been coughing several times each day for the past 9 months sometimes she spits clear mucous and vomits,she needs to get her sputum checked upper gi endoscopy will rule out associated gerd hrct chest will find out small foci of chronic infection i live in new mexico which is a non federally funded state i have been told i must purchase a marketplace plan through a site called be well new mexico but the site does not operate and has been down for days is there any other way for me to obtain health insurance before the dec 15 deadline,i just went on to bewellnm com and there is a link to find a navigator or health insurance guide as well as an agent or broker to help you enroll in addition you can call the toll free number 1 855 99 nmhix to speak to someone i have stretch marks on my calves inner thighs and hips cocoa butter diminished the redness what else will help,the answer depends on many different things since your weight the type of exercise how intense you are doing each exercise and how long you do each exercise will all influence how many calories you burn simply put however i would say that you have the potential to burn the most calories by running followed by biking and lastly by using the elliptical one way to measure how many calories you burn during exercise is to look at metabolic equivalents mets mets are a way to measure and gauge the amount of energy you burn during physical activity with 1 met being equal to the energy you burn simply being at rest for instance running at a 10 minute mile pace is roughly the equivalent of 10 mets or ten times the calories you burn at rest unfortunately there really is no good answer for how many mets you burn while using an elliptical a study entitled “2011 compendium of physical activities a second update of codes and met values” only lists using an elliptical at a moderate intensity which was the equivalent of 5 mets for comparison bicycling with a moderate effort 12 13 9mph is 8 mets you can find a comprehensive list of mets by doing an internet search for “compendium of physical activities tracking guide” websites utilizing a formula involving these met values for each type of exercise along with your weight and the duration can help to estimate how many calories you will burn during exercise keep in mind that these are just based off of averages but one such site is play around with the types of activities and the duration of the activity to see what can provide you with the most calories burned i drank 4 cups of fruit soda so i have anxiety i drank 4 cups of carbonated fruit soda now you know when carbonated droplets splash up your nose so they did splash now i have been thinking could this cause secondary drowning plz explain thx,i am sorry to hear you are going through this of course it is tough for your father too unfortunately there is no good answer to your question none of us knows when any individual will pass on whether they have cancer or not some cancers are very aggressive and others move more slowly also every individual is body is different in the way it fights off a disease like cancer a person with a very robust immune system may live longer with the same type of cancer as another person whose immune system is weak what i can tell you for certain is this make the most of every remaining moment with your dad that way whether he lives for three days or three years you will not let go with any regrets sending you big hugs i have spherocytocis i had surgery to remove my spleen last week however i just had another gallbladder attack,this is an interesting question blood type is inherited from genes contributed by each parent in order to produce offspring with type a blood at least one parent must also have type a blood two parents with type o blood can only produce offspring with type o blood it gets a little complicated because for example genetically speaking two ab type parents can produce offspring with type o blood it may also be possible for an ab type parent to contribute the a type to offspring when the other parent contributes the o gene if either the mother or the father has type o blood the other parent must have type a blood or possibly type ab to produce offspring with type a blood the positive + and negative signs related to blood type refer to the presence or absence of rh antibodies in the blood and do not affect blood type per se so when considering genetic inheritance you can set aside the rh positive or negative aspect and simply look at the a b o system in the end the only way to determine parentage is by genetic testing hope you find this information useful my mother is ab blood my father is o blood i have o+ blood does this mean my biological father is o+ blood can 2 negatives make a positive i had read somewhere on line that it is not possible when should you go to the hospital if you think you have pheumonia i have a terrible fluid sounding cough but hardly cough up anything i wheeze really bad most of the time and my lungs hurt i have hep c and cirrhosis if that makes a difference i live alone and i can not get in to a doctor before monday i have cold chills and then sweat like crazy but do not seem to have a fever nothing tastes good i have aheadache and i am sleeping out of pure exhaustion can i wait i almost died of pneumonia several years ago but it is not that bad yet,go to your physician immediately upon suspicion of pneumonia i just had a baby and want to begin activity again – what are some exercises that i can start with,hi with these symptoms only xray can not be confirmatory you need to get ultrasonography and ct scan of abdomen done to see for any other abnormalities barium swallow and follow through will also aid in diagnosis thank you we have been trying to have a baby for over 2 years now and nothing is happening,have tried plain old boring aspirin i know it is fallen out of favor but it is always been my go to pain med for most of my needs if i need a little extra oomph i add a little caffeine i use the non buffered kind for better absorption that might cause you stomach troubles though and the caffeine could possibly as well if you are sensitive to it depending on the pain and it is reason sometimes going to the source of it can help too like a heating pad for arthritis a salt water gargle for a sore throat a scalp massage for headache that kind of thing if you have problems with diarrhea you may also want to look at the kinds of foods you are eating and if they could be contributing a bland diet with some live culture yogurt can hep a lot my secret weapon against diarrhea is matzoh crackers because they are dry and absorb liquid saltines work too but not as well hope you feel better soon how often should i change my sheets,hi as it is 2 week there should be some improvement by now but can take a bit longer and for getting the senses back you might also need specific sensory re education exercises you can consult another surgeon or neurophysician and get evaluated for the exact condition of the treatment and proceed accordingly as of now you can take pain relievers to relieve pain i had my genital warts removed by surgical excision 3 days ago how do i know if they are infected i have been cleaning with soap and water 2 3 times a day and apply bacitracin as well i did not get stitches he used silver nitrate to stop the bleeding in these places it looks as if they are oozing with puss but it seems more gooey and does not come off,it sounds like you are doing a good job caring for your post surgical wounds be sure to keep following all the post surgical instructions you were given the risk of infection for your procedure is relatively low the classic signs of infection are fever loss of appetite feeling like you are coming down with the flu severe painswellingbleeding in the surgical area if the gooey pus you are seeing is yellowish in color chances are good this is not an infection as the skin heals itself it tends to over produce protein cells these cells look kind of yellow gooey and sticky if that is what you are seeing it is probably a normal part of the healing process do not scrub these cells off just gently wash with warm soapy water and rinse well if your surgeon told you to use antibiotic ointment like bacitracin then continue to do so according to the post surgical instructions you were given as your wounds heal you also can apply a vitamin a & vitamin d ointment often used for diaper rash to help your skin heal if you develop a fever or any other signs of a true infection contact your healthcare provider immediately can a foreigner living in singapore purchase any insurance plans from this platform,no only u s citizens and legal immigrants can apply can grinding my teeth at night affect my sleep,most helpful answer the easy answer would be any exercise find an activity that you like it can be as simple as walking aerobic or even taking up a sport like tennis the best exercise program is really one that you will do on a regular consistent basis at least three or more times per week find a partner it is easier to exercise with a friend having type 2 diabetes means you need to make the time having a busy schedule is the norm for everyone the insulin you take daily makes up for the little insulin that you produce metformin helps sensitizes your body and muscles to insulin in people with diabetes the only way to break and improve insulin resistance and reduce your risk of heart disease and other complications is by using muscles most any type of regularly performed physical activity will do find something you like it helps increase the chance that you will stick to it a buddy system for exercise also helps make you more accountable and less likely to miss out on the social mental and physical benefits of exercise a combination of aerobic type exercise and weights targeting core muscles is something to aim for find an endocrinologist that is passionate about working with people that have type 2 diabetes the surgeon general recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days per week for individuals with diabetes it is recommended that there should not be more than two consecutive days without aerobic physical activity because the benefit of increased insulin sensitivity gained from exercise generally does not last longer than 48 72 hours moreover high intensity physical activity will tend to enhance insulin sensitivity more than low intensity physical activity also a greater duration spent on exercise appears to more effective than a lesser duration with both intensity and duration however the benefits appear to be a result of more energy being expended exercise can significantly lower a1c levels and can even help glycemic control during times when not exercising both resistance training and aerobic exercise have helpful effects on insulin and can help with diabetes management do not exercise if your blood sugar is too low and stop exercise if you feel faint have chest tightness or are extremely short of breath i generally recommend a combination of both aerobic exercise and some resistance exercise in most of my patients and the good news is that most people can do low impact exercise like walking and still see a benefit you should talk to your doctor about your own specific exercise prescription and while you are asking see if your doctor is exercising too walking is the best exercise for everything if you do not seem to have time to go and walk park as far from the door at work grocery store drug store anywhere you go as possible then walk briskly while going in and out and if possible while you are shopping this what is the role of sleep in stress,hi do not think so ok just add the time you was pregnant before your abortion question was it an abortion or a miscarriage because it works out that was 15 weeks ago you must have fallen straight away then good luck this new health care act is so confusing is it better to stick with a bare bones employer sponsored plan or should my husband try to obtain insurance through the new marketplace,you need to confirm whether your husband is employer sponsored plan meets the law is affordability requirements if the cost for just your husband is policy is less than 9 5 of his income and the plan covers on average 60 of medical costs he will not be eligible for a subsidy even if your household income otherwise qualifies you however if you are willing to pay the full cost of a health plan and wish to shop around for better coverage there is nothing stopping your husband from buying a plan on the marketplace what tests are useful in the evaluation of diarrhea,acute diarrhea acute diarrhea usually requires few tests measurement of blood pressure in the upright and supine lying positions can demonstrate orthostatic hypotension and confirm the presence of dehydration if moderate or severe dehydration or electrolyte deficiencies are likely blood electrolytes can be measured examination of a small amount of stool under the microscope may reveal white blood cells indicating that intestinal inflammation is present and prompting further testing particularly bacterial cultures of stool and examination of stool for parasites if antibiotics have been taken within the previous two weeks stool should be tested for the toxin of c difficile testing stool or blood for viruses is performed only rarely since there is no specific treatment for the viruses that cause gastroenteritis if there has been recent travel to undeveloped countries or the mountains stool may be examined under the microscope for giardia and other parasites there are also immunologic tests that can be done on samples of stool to diagnose infection with giardia chronic diarrhea with chronic diarrhea the focus usually shifts from dehydration and infection with the exception of giardia which occasionally causes chronic infections to the diagnosis of non infectious causes of diarrhea this may require x rays of the intestines upper gastrointestinal series or barium enema or endoscopy esophagogastroduodenoscopy or egd or colonoscopy with biopsies fat malabsorption can be diagnosed by measuring the fat in a 72 hour collection of stool sugar malabsorption can be diagnosed by eliminating the offending sugar from the diet or by performing a hydrogen breath test hydrogen breath testing also can be used to diagnose bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine an underactive pituitary or adrenal gland and an overactive thyroid gland can be diagnosed by measuring blood levels of cortisol and thyroid hormone respectively celiac disease can be diagnosed with blood tests and a biopsy of the small intestine can poison ivy rash return same place after 2 months rash returned same places on arms after 2 months since had first rash have not been any where near any plants no pets to come in contact with poison ivy any one ever hear of this happening,i have never heard that people who routinely live in cold temperatures eventually habituate and their bodies get used to it your blood does not get thicker if you are cold blood gits thicker if there is an over production of platelets or if there is some other issue with the blood even in a cold area your body is still somewhere in the neighborhood of 98 degrees because your body burns fuel to keep itself warm people in ancient japan for example regularly lived in unheated homes with only a charcoal brazier and thick quilts on the bed in winter they tended to be quite healthy the human body is amazingly adaptable as a teen how much aerobic exercise should i get each day,u s department of health and human services guidelines recommend at least 60 minutes of physical activity for kids and teens on most if not all days of the week can hot showers a day cause cancer i love to take hot showers and take three 5 10 minute showers a day morning noon and evening is there a danger of cell damage or cancer from this practice also are three too many i like the water very hot is this bad our water in our city is chlorinated should i be concerned,hi then you need to get on a very good diet and fast get your weight down for you height and stature then as your getting your weight down your periods will start to come back and when there back to normal you should be able to get pregnant things that may help you get off fast foods and junk foods these are full of salt and sugars same with sodas they all taboo from now on its all down to breaking bad habits self discipline and self control and the breaking of bad habits are the 3 things to keep at the front of you mind all the time get out walking but walk daily set you self a time and distance and slowly increase it sick to it and if you can get in swimming somewhere these two things are the best things you can do to aid losing weight eating healthy exercising is great way to lose weight do hope this helps you good luck i had a small swelling in the right breast is this lymphadenopathy significant,seems to be more of a well encapsulated simple cyst most probably an adenoma keep a watch on its size if it increases in size or becomes more painful then it needs agressive treatment at present get lymph node biopsy done ct scan found a 5mm stone in left kidney oxalate stones took antibiotics but pain is now back,would you name the drugs used to treat the stone antibiotics only are not enough to heal it you must have had taken other drugs left abdominal pain with indigestion may indicate gastritis gerd or gastroenteritis is there any other symptom or just pain abdominal usg can help to give us an indicator of what is going on in there can you have blood in your urine if you have an ulcer,no blood from an ulcer would only be detected in gastrointestinal tract not the urinary tract if you have blood in your urine the source is in the urinary tract and should be promptly investigated is it safe to perform oral sex on my infected partner if there are no symptoms present,that is normally brought about by disruption or even blockage in the tiny ducts that connect glands in the lips with the surface of the mouth sometimes the tiny ducts are cut and the mucus may not be transferred very well from the lips to the surface and it begins to still into the tissues that are present under the lining of the mouth causing formation of painless bumps it is crucial to consult a doctor as the bump will not heal on its own hi i just got my cast of my wrist and i cant bend it back or forward like normal is this normal hi i just got my cast of my wrist and i cant bend it back or forward like normal is this normal,take analgesics local gel hot fomentation use lumbosacral belt get xray done diagnosed with a benign ovarian cyst around 10cm clinic wants to do full hysterectomy need second opinion,the pain may not be originating in the spermatocele conditions like epididymitis can also cause pain in this area as well as tortion twisting or infection it would be in your best interest to see a healthcare provider so you can have this new symptom properly examined i have headaches and migraines like every other day why what causes headaches that come and go some are severe some are not but they come on for a few minutes then go away for a few minutes but they do this all day i have checked my diet exercise etc even have migraines after intercourse not during the orgasm but after wards please help me figure out whats going on,i think you have to recheck your diet you also have to make yourself aware about the importance of living an active lifestyle so you will stay healthy and remain in perfect shape you may also try the trusclupt in nyc check out www bodytreatmentcenter com i have this pimples on my body what can i do to remove themget rid of them or is it serious ,it depends on what is causing the pimples if you are a teen some of that is normal because of hormones you can use a salycilic acid wash or the kind of pads you use to wipe your face make sure you use soap products that do not have added fragrence shower frequently and do not let sweat build up this should help i have lump on breast hospital refused to do the mammogram,your dad has problems with his coronary arteries that are meant to supply blood to the heart they may be partially obstructed by the atherosclerotic plaques he has valve related regurgitations as well ideal treatment for this is a valve replacement surgery but considering the ejection factor of just 45 it would be pretty dangerous to perform any surgery take a cardiologist is opinion straight away i suffer sleep deprivation through what appears to be electromagnetic sensations,hi you are describing lhermitte is sign which can be caused by b12 deficiency or cervical disc or spondylitis or even transverse myelitis or multiple sclerosis start by taking vit b 12 supplements and a cervical mri then do a spinal tab and antibodies test anti nuclear antibody profile good luck what if one spouse receives employer sponsored health insurance and the other receives insurance through the exchange will the spouse receiving insurance through the exchange be eligible for a subsidy based upon their individual income or will it be based on joint income if they file a joint irs return,it is household income which will include you and your spouse what are some things a dermatologist can help me with that i might not realize,no these are all basically worthless quack gimmicks do not waste your time or money pheromones are real but as far as i know human pheromones have not been successfully tested for efficacy you really can not spray an expensive substance on your skin and expect the others to be magically attracted to you and offer themselves for unbridled sex while subtle smells are important a potential partner will likely be more attracted to a nice smile and a pleasant personality not how you smell human pheromones are in sweat but i do not suggest that you try to attract someone with stinky body odor ion and power bracelets are absolutely worthless period there are no pills or vitamins that will increase the size of your penis your penis reaches it maximum size by age 17 and there is no substance that can make your penis feet or hands bigger many men feel their penises are smaller but in controlled studies of zillions of men the size of the penis when erect does not vary that much devices like hanging weights on this delicate member that claim the penis can be enlarged do not work and are potentially dangerous sexual performance is an art and the most skilled artists do not use large paintbrushes or rollers the most important sex organ is your brain does a hernia affect being able to ejaculate before having the surgery,psychological stress is known to affect many physiological processes including hormone levels and the function of the immune system both of which can play a role in fertility while there is no proof that stress alone is a cause of infertility some studies have shown that stress can adversely affect outcome in people undergoing fertility treatments and may be an aggravating factor for infertility however trying to conceive for 10 months without success is not yet considered indicative of a fertility problem in the absence of known conditions that may affect the reproductive system infertility is defined as the absence of conception after a period of 1 year many couples who eventually conceive without fertility treatment do so after waiting even longer than a year since your girlfriend is already feeling stressed it would make sense to develop a stress management plan and to learn skills to help control her stress levels exercise proper nutrition relaxation techniques a regular sleep cycle and psychological counseling if needed can all significantly reduce symptoms due to emotional stress and lead to improvements in physical and mental well being if your girlfriend is concerned that an emotional or physical problem may be interfering with your ability to conceive she should discuss this with her doctor who can help determine whether you have a fertility problem i am suffering from a sound in my mind or my left ear it is like a ringing bell trntrntrnttrntrn is that really migraine for me the cause is from exessive work on computer but i have also a childhood problem in my left ear i hear 1010 but when i press on my left side of the neck or below my left ear i hear like popping air in my ear by the way i have a zigzag transparent line alltime in my left eye i also have depression and anxiety,no it can not be migraine tinnitus is the condition in which you get ringing sounds in your ears better get yourself checked and start medication after your physician is advice i have excessive vaginal discharge white and thick and odor is bad getting worse,the vaginal infection is getting worse intra vaginal anti fungal creams to be applied twice a day avoid wipes maintaining a healthy vaginal hygiene is the most essential part of treatment anti fungal tablets will also help i have fibromyalgia and i have flare ups all the time,hi steroids and anti inflammatory painkillers can help that can be taken orally as well as injectable get a complete body checkup done for confirmation of the cause of fibromyalgia so that it can be treated accordingly hope this helps does taking prednsolone change the antibodies you have already acquired for an old herpes 2 infection,hi prednisolone usually doesnt affect any antibodies that your body has already acquired earlier prednisolone has temporary effects and wont have any adverse effects unless you are low on immunity thanks does ice cold drinks affect gerds,not sure about gerd but they suggest not drinking really cold drinks with ibs right hand was crushedsqueezed with limited motion 4th metacarpal is broke,seems like recurrence of your pulmonary heart failure or new vascular condition u need to consult your heart doctor immediately good luck how do you lose weight if you are supposed to eat 1500 calories but only excerise 300 of it away daily i am just trying to understand the concept of being told that i need to eat a minimum of 1500 calories daily drink 64 ounces of water daily and exercise at least 300 calories daily,a granulomatous reaction is a skin reaction caused by drugs called iodides and bromides she is due nov 20th she concieved feb 26th i had sex with her feb 5th but she said she had sex with 2 others mine i had sex with a woman feb 5th and she tells me her doctor told her she conceived feb 26th she told me she had sex with 2 other men around the conception date should i be worried since i had sex with her 3 weeks before her conception date she also told me she had sex with 2 other men around that time i pulled out other wore a condom but the third came inside could i still be the father,when your partner has multiple other partners and is pregnant i would question her overall integrity the only way that you will know if you or someone else is the father of this child is to have an official paternity test what are some tips for getting pregnant faster,tell me which food increase the y sperm in man does high blood pressure cause mood swings i have been out of my high blood pressure medicine and i am waiting for it to be delivered i have had a couple cases now where my blood pressure has become elevated higher then normal and i get very mad very easily very quickly,i have high blood pressure when it is up i feel tired i get mad easy i think in some people it does cause mood changes i have recently gone to the dentist and said they found oral cancer,to be cancerous i do not think so is there any lymph node enlargement anywhere in your neck i biopsy or a swab can be taken to confirm i had radiation therapy and chemotherapy for stage 4b2 cervical cancer is it possible my ovaries were not completely fried and i am ovulating again,pasta is a carbohydrate all carbohydrates break down into sugar for digestion and utilization by your body this process actually starts in your mouth by salivary enzymes chew a saltine cracker but hold it in your mouth mixed with saliva do not swallow it soon you will taste the chemical reaction that turns it into usable sugar how long in ringworm contagious i have been treating it now for two weeks its on my wrist the size of a quarter i have also kept it covered with a bandage but it seems to irritate it but id like to have the air hit it but not if im still contagious,ringworm is a fungus so allowing light and air to this area would not be a bad thing to do if you do cover it when you are out and about do so loosely and allow some air circulation this common fungal skin infection also called tinea corporis is only contagious by close direct contact so as long as you do not have a lot of wrist contact with someone else there is very little chance you will pass it on especially since you have been treating it for two weeks it may take another few weeks before it completely resolves i cut skin between thumb and forefinger should i get stitches does this type of a cut always require stitches i cleaned the cut and is no longer bleeding,i do not know i would have to physically examine the wound to know if you need sutures or not but you are now chasing the clock so to speak wounds should be sutured in an 8 hour window and your posting says 14 hours ago see your medical provider for patient specific advice this wound needs to be examined i am a 29 year old female with adhd depression and anxiety and can not find the right medicationtreatment plan for me al i am a 29 year old female with adhd depression and anxiety and can not find the right medicationtreatment plan for me also willl my adhd be affected by my planned ivf,people applying to enter the u s with immigrant or refugee visas must complete a questionnaire about any symptoms of tb they may have and obtain a chest radiograph if positive the person submits sputum specimens for examination for tb bacteria people identified as having infectious tb are not granted entry to the united states until they have been treated do allergy shots immunology give good allergy relief for allergy symptoms,hi well superficial massaging is not seen to cause nerve related injuries as the major nerves are not so superficially arranged looks like muscle injury and not something serious take muscle relaxant and painkiller combination and do cool compresses over the area if does not improve consult a physician and get evaluated hope this helps can fainting be a symptom of pink eye our 6 yr old fainted and the pedi thinks it is due to pink eyeear infection she was staying the night with grandparents her grandfather says she fainted she describes it as she fell asleep standing up and when she woke up her ears were making a really loud noise the other symptoms were swelling around her eye eye pain crusting around her eye ear pain and complaints of headache on and off several weeks prior her pedi talked on the phone with her grandpa and then called in an antibiotic does this seem like a correct dx should we get a 2nd opinion,assuming you were fertile before the surgery yes in standard gastric bypass surgery the surgeon makes an incision in the belly and cuts out most of the stomach a portion of the small intestine is also cut and reattached to the new small stomach all this cutting takes place well away from the reproductive organs ovaries fallopian tubes uterus and vagina direct damage to these organs is extremely unlikely and infertility is not considered to be a risk of weight loss surgery on the contrary experts suspect that fertility sometimes goes up after gastric bypass surgery there is no proof that gastric bypass surgery directly increases fertility but it is known that weight loss in general improves fertility women are usually counseled to avoid pregnancy for a year or more after gastric bypass surgery to achieve maximum weight loss the delay also allows time to correct any nutritional deficiencies that occur after the surgery women who get pregnant after gastric bypass surgery usually have healthy pregnancies and deliver healthy babies their rates of pregnancy complications may be lower than severely obese women who have not had weight loss surgery yes i have done it my mother is in extreme pain for a detached rotator cuff but suffers from heart problems and taking medication,most helpful answer i think it would be worth a consultation to the urologist if you had nerve lossdamage as a result of your prostatectomy there may be little that can be done medically but you may qualify for penile implant hi have a look on www franktalk org ed is the words on there and is were your find a lot of guys some on drugs like viagra and its brothers some doing trimex injections others with implants or like me i did my own thing got over ed with herbs and a hormone so you have a good mix you should find lots to read or just join and ask on the forums some us of do help if we can but your find its very friendly and lots of open discussions see how you get on good luck if no nerve lossdamage is there options other than surgery can hydrogen peroxide be used as a douche to control yeast,why there are so many other effective over the counter yeast treatments that are infinitely better a douche can interfer with the normal protective lining of the vagina talk to your medical provider or pharmacist and i am sure they can suggest better ways how is high blood pressure treated,doctors have a wide range of high blood pressure medicines available to rein in galloping blood pressure these high blood pressure treatments include diuretics so called water pills beta blockers which cause your heart to beat more slowly and with less force and angiotensin converting enzyme ace inhibitors which block the production of an enzyme that normally causes blood vessels to narrow a new medication called an angiotensin ii receptor blocker arb causes vessels to relax and become wider as effective as these drugs are at blood pressure control if you get to the point of needing them you will have to take them for the rest of your life that is one more good reason to focus on prevention can an ultrasound not see something i have a pea sized spermatocele that was not found on an ultrasound my doctor told me to get an ultrasound of my testicles after he said i have a spermatocele but after a week with no call back i called his office for the results his nurse said that nothing was found i asked for clarification and she said the same thing so i explained what it was for and she put me on hold to ask the doctor she came back and said the doctor told me to take pain meds if it hurts i expected a more definitive answer like it is fine or it is bad not there is nothing there ,hi so sorry to hear about your problem pain on right side is probably due to gallstone and you should get an x ray and mri scan done for confirmation also along with it if you have stool obstruction then stool softeners laxative and a fibre rich diet can help hope this helps i have central posterior disc herniation with annular tear,i will not go with any treatment at the moment as it is still within normal range exhaustion can be caused by vitamin deficiency and thyroid disorder my advice is to get enough sleep diet rich in omega3and vitamins b group drink plenty of water and get a thyroid test is there a drug interaction between synthroid and prevacid,the cause of prostate cancer is unknown but the cancer is not thought to be related to benign prostatic hyperplasia bph the risk predisposing factors for prostate cancer include advancing age genetics heredity hormonal influences and such environmental factors as toxins chemicals and industrial products the chances of developing prostate cancer increase with age thus prostate cancer under age 40 is extremely rare while it is common in men older than 80 years of age as a matter of fact some studies have suggested that among men over 80 years of age 50 80 of them may have prostate cancer more than 80 of prostate cancers are diagnosed in men older than 65 years of age african american men are 1 6 times more likely than white men to develop prostate cancer they are also 2 4 times more likely to die from their disease as compared to white men of a similar age these differences in diagnosis and death rates are however more likely to reflect a difference in factors such as environmental exposure diet lifestyle and health seeking behavior rather than any racial susceptibility to prostate cancer recent studies indicate that this disparity is progressively decreasing with chances of complete cure in men undergoing treatment for organ confined prostate cancer cancer that is limited to within the prostate without spread outside the confines of the prostate gland irrespective of race genetics heredity as just mentioned plays a role in the risk of developing a prostate cancer prostate cancer is more common among family members of individuals with prostate cancer this risk may be two to three times greater than the risk for men without a family history of the disease earlier age at diagnosis <60 years in a first degree relative father or brother and disease affecting more than one relative also increases the risk for developing prostate cancer testosterone the male hormone produced by the testicles directly stimulates the growth of both normal prostate tissue and prostate cancer cells not surprisingly therefore this hormone is thought to be involved in the development and growth of prostate cancer the important implication of the role of this hormone is that decreasing the level of testosterone should be and usually is effective in inhibiting the growth of prostate cancer recent evidence has suggested that sexually transmitted infections are risk factors for developing prostate cancer men with a history of sexually transmitted infections have a 1 4 times greater chance of developing prostate cancer as compared men without this history although still unproven environmental factors such as cigarette smoking and diets that are high in saturated fat seem to increase the risk of prostate cancer there is also a suggestion that obesity leads to an increased risk of having more aggressive larger prostate cancer which results in a poorer outcome after treatment additional substances or toxins in the environment or from industrial sources might also promote the development of prostate cancer but these have not yet been clearly identified geographical influences how can i tell if my child has allergies or a common cold,i had some of the same symptoms was told it was stress was started on a beta blocker called atenolol chest discomfort went away pounding in chest went away blood pressure fine most of the time why has salmon grown so much in popularity,salmon is on many a restaurant menu these days at least in california from salmon sandwiches or burgers to various renditions of grilled salmon — you are more likely to find salmon on the menu at casual cafes or elegant restaurants than ever before at many of the restaurants i visited recently in southern california there was at least one additional salmon option added to the menu — like the salmon fillet sandwich from the la food show restaurant in manhattan beach this sandwich was simple yet delicious featuring grilled salmon with cilantro aioli and fresh tomato and lettuce on a brioche bun there were several other salmon entrees offered at this restaurant as well i also noticed salmon as one of the protein options for some of the entrée salads at various restaurants that is when i realized salmon had “arrived” as an official food trend i love the food trends that are actually good for you most of us now know that when we eat fish particularly fish higher in fat we are getting the health promoting fish omega 3s which may help decrease blood clotting decrease abnormal heart rhythms reduce triglycerides and promote normal blood pressure omega 3s appear to have anti inflammatory action within body tissues and some researchers suggest getting more omega 3s to reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases a 4 ounce serving of steamed or broiled salmon contains approximately * 233 calories * 25 grams protein * 13 grams fat * 2 8 grams saturated fat * 5 grams monounsaturated fat * 5 grams polyunsaturated fat * 2 5 grams omega 3 fatty acids i am very concerned i noticed today my urine if very dark and red or brown maybe blood the only recent change i have epericenced would be a hep b vaccine shot last week i have no injuries and this is a very sudden change,i have to ask why you want to do this if we are treating an infant for pain or fever i would recommend the tylenol infant drops only due to the fact that aspirin can increase the risk of reye is syndrome i would not consider chewable 81 milligram baby aspirin infants and children are not little adults so you need to be very careful when it comes to medication colonoscopy & a sigmoidoscopy what is the difference between a colonoscopy & a sigmoidoscopy,dietary avoidance avoiding the offending allergen in the diet is the primary treatment of food allergy once a food to which the patient is sensitive has been identified the food must be removed from the diet to do this affected people need to read lengthy detailed lists of ingredients on the label for each food they consider eating many allergy producing foods such as peanuts eggs and milk appear in foods that are not ordinarily associated with them for example peanuts often are used as protein supplements eggs are found in some salad dressings and milk is in bakery products the fda requires that the ingredients in a food be listed on its label people can avoid most of the foods to which they are sensitive if they carefully read the labels on foods and when in restaurants avoid ordering foods that might contain ingredients to which they are allergic treating an anaphylactic reaction people with severe food allergies must be prepared to treat an anaphylactic reaction even those who know a lot about their own allergies can either make an error or be served food that does not comply with their instructions to protect themselves people who have had anaphylactic reactions to a food should wear medical alert bracelets or necklaces stating that they have a food allergy and that they are subject to severe reactions these individuals also always should carry a syringe of adrenaline epinephrine [epipen] obtained by prescription from their doctors and be prepared to self administer it if they think they are developing an allergic reaction they then should immediately seek medical help by either calling the rescue squad or having themselves transported to an emergency room treating other symptoms of food allergy several medications are available for treating the other symptoms of food allergy for example antihistamines can relieve gastrointestinal symptoms hives sneezing and a runny nose bronchodilators can relieve the symptoms of asthma these medications are taken after a person inadvertently has ingested a food to which he is allergic they are not effective however in preventing an allergic reaction when taken prior to eating the food in fact no medication in any form is available to reliably prevent an allergic reaction to a certain food before eating that food what are causes of anemia other than lack of iron,i am sorry to hear your daughter is going through this test anxiety can be a miserable experience panic attacks usually occur with several specific physical symptoms such as dizziness shortness of breath andor a pounding or racing heart beat if your daughter is experiencing any of these symptoms she would do well to get checked out by a health care professional panic disorders and panic attacks are not uncommon and usually can be treated with medication or a combination of medication and talk therapy if your daughter only experiences anxiety during test taking it is possible she suffers from test anxiety which is considered a symptom of social anxiety disorders and is very common who among us has not felt those sweaty palms as we sat down to take an exam again it would be worth getting checked out by a health care provider because social anxiety also can be treated most college campuses have a student health center that would be a good starting point for your daughter to help her figure out what is going on best wishes to you both why am i constantly tired i do not believe i am sleep deprived what can i do to help this i am tired all day long every day getting out of bed in the morning is always a chore no matter how many hrs of sleep i get i am constantly yawning throughout the day i could nap at pretty much any time almost anywhere i have increased my exercise level recently i work full time at a very mentally and physically exhausting place and i am in graduate school full time too on avg i get about 6 hrs of sleep however some days i get 5 hrs of sleep and some days i may sleep as many as 10,do you have sleep apnea or obstructed sleep i have been suffering of imbalance exhaustion lack of focus and nervousness,upon closing your eyes you may think you see figures lines and even colors this is your eyes adjusting to the lack of light entoptic phenomena they are harmless and you can learn to ignore them if you are worried that it is something else go to an ophthalmologist or optometrist what can i do to find out if my fiance can produce children he does not want to be disappointed by finding out he can not produce when he wants a baby,hi please do read through this very good link from the uks nhs everything you need to know just copy into google to the www to open and read good luck i have been diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis rrms losing weight can it be lyme disease,actually the real treatment should focus on treating the infection by the suitable antibiotic you must do a sputum culture sensitivity culture so you can get the right treatment boost your immunity by taking vitamin c and bee honey ginger and anise why are ears still infected years after removing piercings i had both of my ears pierced and gauged to a 4 but removed my piercings for the last time almost 5 years ago to this day i still have infection inside both of them the size of the hard spot changes slowly over time getting larger and itching and bothering me then shrinking back down i take minocycline every day for my acne like i have since i was a teenager and that does nothing i shower every day and use chlorhexidine as an antiseptic soap every time am i in danger from this,hi have you thought of seeing a dermatologist i do think this would be your best bet good luck i have heard conflicting opinions 7 weeks of pregnancy what should my wife avoid eating and drinking we just had our first appointment and the md said it was ok for her to have caffeine sushi and a drink as long as it was in moderation thoughts,hi regarding your question did u suffer any black out i need you to consult a neurosurgeon asap… it is not a good sign to have severe headache… if u can send me your mri what causes lupus,cystic fibrosis occurs in children who have inherited two abnormal copies of a specific gene one from each parent a parent who does not have cf but has one normal copy of this gene and one abnormal copy is called a cf carrier a child who receives a normal copy from one parent and an abnormal copy from the other will be a cf carrier and will not have the disease males and females are equally likely to inherit the disease what are the classifications of risk for heart disease in women,hi do not play about get to an er asap or you could end up with a bad infection i had this about 14 years ago you need to get in a hospital daily for around 2 weeks yes its that bad do hope this helps you good luck how are young men is genital exams performed with the patient standing or supine underwear on or off wearing gloves,this very important medical exam component is usually performed standing with the medical provider sitting on a stool the underwear can be pulled down if the patient is not completely disrobed and wearing a gown the provider should be wearing gloves the exam in painless only takes a few minutes checking for inguinal hernias or scrotal or testicular masses there should be an educational component about self examination for testicular masses and of course ample time should be provider to address any private questions that the young man may have at the time the exam is done in private and if possible a same sex clinician can be requested if the young man is shy will exercising the vaginal muscles make my vagina tighter,you cannot just request a tonsillectomy and have it done it is really your insurance company that calls the shots anymore but your ent specialist would be the one who would need to justify the surgery unfortunately tonsils stones alone may not meet the criteria for a tonsillectomy so the ent may need to be your advocate to see if it can be approved there is nothing over the counter or non surgical that would cure this disorder gargling after each meal would limit the accumulation of debris that is getting trapped in your tonsils can being over weight cause arthritis in your feet,while excess weight does not necessarily cause arthritis in places like your feet it can exacerbate it or make it progress in a more rapid fashion excess weight puts additional stress on joints making arthritis symptoms worse losing weight will not cure arthritis but it can help slow down the progression of the disease for more details on how this works see this webmd article should i put my son back in pull ups my four year old son was fully potty trained until my husband and i started our divorce the daycare he attends wants to put him back into pull ups but i feel that would be back tracking what should i do,no h pylori is a bacteria a mold will not cause a bacterial infection can sinus infection cause firbromyalgia pain to flair i have pain in my back near shoulder blade x rays show clear lungs but do show arthritis problems,i do not know i can not see them examine you nor do i know anything about you or your medical history there is no way for me or any medical provider to be able to blindly guess that nature of your sores based on vague description if you would like to have a definitive answer a diagnosis after a year and a half of worry then i strongly suggest that you see an ent specialist for a high level examination is it possible to become pregnant with the presence of three times periods i had sex with my wife before 3 5 months ago i have done without any condom i was little confused when we done so in the contrary she become three time as period and also she has done pregnancy test while we were confused about pregnant currently she is being on period so is it possible to become pregnant with the presence of three times periods her fat is not looking large and its still small but she is having vomits and body weakness in current period,there is always an increased risk of transmission even with the care that was exercised a person with herpes is clearly more contagious during an active outbreak but shedding of the virus can occur even when an outbreak is not obvious herpes viruses can remain on objects for hours while the chance of transmission may be very small because of the caution that was exercised it would not be zero does swallowing phlegm prolong bronchitis,no any pathogens that may be present in the phlegm would be destroyed by the potent stomach acid environment what is wrong with me my boyfriend and i had sex without a condom the 28th november the first time i have had sex in over a year the next day i started having like period cramps so yesterday the 3rd of december i spotted a tiny bit but the cramps have continued i am spotting a little more this morning but my period is not due until the 9th as i am on birth control i have also been very emotional and that is not like me at all with quite a bit of white discharge he did not ejaculate in me but on a towel under us,hi ok for now just live with it just see if your period does come if not just wait a week then go get tested your dates do kind of work towards a pregnancy but only time will tell and add in to that bc pills are only 99 full proof and having unprotected sex even on the pill can go work against you hope this helps you good luck is using a c pap safe during pregnancy,it should be i think it would be more unsafe to not use it a cpap is simply pushing enough air into your throat to keep it from collapsing you can still breath normally you are still in control of your lungs the cpap just allows the air to actually get to the lungs via a high pressure of air if still concerned call your doctor or the place where you got your machine what are the symptoms of hypothyroidism,the er doctor may be correct since inner ear disorders are really high on the diagnostic possibilities most care cause by viruses that are self limiting so if you can hang in there another week or so it may resolve if not your doctor should send ot you an ent specialist one that specializes in inner ear problems neurotologist for a higher level diagnostic work up this may include an mri and a variety of inner ear diagnostic tests how does one identify someone with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders,hi have a good read of this link below it may just give you all the answers your looking for the link hope it helps good luck could the acne on my back have anything to do with my diet,you have most likely genetically inherited your acne however your breakouts may get worse when you eat more of certain foods many studies have been conducted concerning the connection between diet and acne and so far the most conclusive evidence is that a high glycemic index diet a diet high in refined sugars can worsen acne breakouts some data also suggest that dairy foods can worsen acne due to presence of certain androgenic hormones in cow is milk if you notice a link between when you consume dairy and the severity of your acne you may benefit from eating dairy substitutes and products that do not contain casein or whey i am a single adult unemployed living with my parents do i need to include their income to apply for a health insurance subsidy,if you file taxes independently from your parents i e they do not claim you as a dependent on their tax form you would not have to include their income in your application i have very painful zits only on my legs i shower daily and wash them what can this be,as you are 21 year old the acne is mainly due to hormonal changes as far as scars are concerned do not peel or squeeze your acne the scars which are already present can be lightened off for acne try herbal things at home because the cause is very important as your hormones will get balanced with age the acne will start reducing take turmeric and sandalwood powder and add rose water to it make a paste and apply this paste early in the morning after 10 minutes wash it off gently with water and wipe your face with a soft cotton towel for scars i suggest you apply aloe vera gel on them twice a day this will help in lighting them use mild herbal face wash and do not use harsh soap for face avoid going directly in sunlight apply sunscreen before going outside avoid taking the stress avoid excessive spicy and junk food caffeinated drinks etc drink plenty of liquids and take fresh fruits and vegetables however if acne is due to some infection then you need to visit a nearby dermatologist otherwise hormonal related acne problem will settle down with time for further information consult an ayurveda specialist online > can i smoke e cigarettes while pregnant,look for under eye creams that contain ingredients such as niacinamide peptides and caffeine be careful to also manage your salt intake get enough sleep and try not to rub the area around your eyes if you have allergiessinusitis be sure to keep them under control as much as possible since that can also contribute to the puffiness in this area the under eye area is also one place where stress shows very quickly so managing your stressors is helpful as well avoid heavy eye creams that trap moisture into the skin and may cause puffiness make sure you use a full face product with anti aging ingredients that deliver firmness and protect skin from uv damage and ensure you add a targeted eye cream or serums for extra care i have heard alot of people saying that by putting tea bag on the eyes can help but i never try them yet my urine test shows leukocytes 40000 17000 erythrocytes and i had some epithelial cells,hi it seems to be a urinary tract infection the wbcs are on a higher side of normal range and indicate high grade infection you should start on antibiotics drink plenty of fluids to maintain adequate hydration so that more urine output can result in washing out of more infection avoid acidic food take alkaliniser solutions to neutralise the infection thanks two weeks ago i got this wart on my inside bottom lip how can i get rid of it i am pretty sure it is a wart its not a cold sore it is painfull and protrudes from the inside of my bottom lip how can i remove its the question thanks,yes i am going thru rotator cuff surgery right now and it does go cold soemtime i believe its from the lack of or not enoughcontact from nerves properly> what does it mean when i have a slight burning sensation when i urinate and i have a white discharge that looks like cum i also have a slight red blochieness on the tip of my penis too i have never had this before and iam not sexuall promiscuis,these exercises are not problematic but if you want to stop the habit it is really up to you to work out the best method this would be no different than to stop bitting your nails first step become aware that you are doing them second step when you become aware stop doing them judge the success of your efforts by keep track of the number of times per hour you are starting and stopping them there are no magic methods to habit control is there a specific ingredient i should avoid in children is cough and cold medicine i bought children is triaminic cough and cold with active ingredients dextromethorphan hbr and phenylephrine hcl,according to the american academy of pediatrics you should avoid using any cough and cold medications in children under the age of six some even state age 12 cold medications are only for symptom control they are not very effective and medication side effects are common it is important for you to know what each ingredient does so you do not have unintentional complications i do not use them in my pediatric practice i have had really really bad reflux and cannot sleep or feel like eating,colon cleansing will not remove evidence of thc 8 year old has had a fever of 101 99 for 4 days with cough & stuffy nose is home treatment the best option,well first stop picking at it and making it bleed then see a medical provider and have the wart properly treated freezing it with liquid nitrogen is the best in my opinion but you can also try some of the over the counter methods like acetylsalicylic acid your pharmacist can help i have a white thick slime that forms on my front teeth i have to wipe it off with a paper towel what is causing this,this could be saliva excess plaque mucous secretions a sinus infection a throat infection or a bevy of other possible problems see your local dentist for a diagnosis first is itching similar to a yeast infection a symptom of uti or bladder infections i have had this issue for about a month went in for annual examine and doctor said everything looked fine however the itch continues heavinessbloated feeling some leaking when i exercise or sneeze no fever or pain but feel sluggish i am wondering about bladder infection or uti but i have never had either of these so do not know i am not sexually active and am 45 years old and still getting normal periods,your problem could be psychological or physical or perhaps even a bit of both either way the erectile dysfunction can be easily rectified with several different medicines designed to increase and maintain blood flow engorgement to the penis if you maintain your erection longer you will not likely have any related performance anxiety so the problem could fix itself with a little blue pill you may not always need it but you may find this to be a temporary solution these require a prescription so you will need to ask your medical provider just one failure to perform could create a feeling that it will happen again so this is where the psychological component plays a role assuming you do not have any underlying medical issues or psychological stresses affecting your life at the moment this should get you back in the saddle again what can i do about it im 50 and have never been over weight but now i need an excercise to stop the upper arm jiggle help1 i hope someone can give me a basic exercise i can do to build up my upper arm i have small 2lb hand held weights to use if that will help please include step by step instruction thanks in advance,it sounds like you are looking to lose weight keep in mind that you can not “spot reduce” meaning that you can not choose where you lose weight by targeting a certain body part but it is possible that strength training may help provide a more “toned” appearance if you are interested in beginning a strength training routine i would recommend visiting the following website if you need step by step guidance with certain exercises hi your best bet is to get to a gym start a course for upper arm work this way you gets a sports trainer to show you how to do the exercises you need best for you and your problem you can also talk things over i t would be a lot better for you that way good luck is pubic hair removal dangerous or needed for hygiene some doctors claim this has lead to pubic lice becoming almost extinct without moistwarm habitat for lice and other infections which can be passed on as sti is so pubic hair removal is a benaficial thing on the other hand doctors claim that when the hair is removed it leaves a amicroscopic open wound which can also lead to infections and std is also skin irritations and can be equally dangerous so which is true and is pubic hair removal a good or dangerous thing to do,hi the doc says its a fad some fad i personally have been shaved for way over 50 years my wife since we were married in 1970 i do love the feeling of being clean so dose my wife doctors in the uk see lots of clean shaven women but there not sure if they do this when they come in to be seen or there like it all the time but i think your find there is a whole lot of us who are true smoothies and love being that way its just so nice to be clean you have to remember there are a lot of people who do love to be that extra bit clean and shaving dose that and really good when it comes to sex smoothies unit good luck my grandma has not slept in 15 days she has bronchitis,hi this seems to be a variant of the gb syndrome this is associated with demyelination of the nervous myelin sheath often occurs secondary to a recent episode of viral infection only symptomatic treatment and neurotransmitter tablets will be helpful physiotherapy and nerve stimulation techniques will help thanks i was diagnosed with shingles with no oubreak i am still in alot of pain it is been 4 mos how much longer wpain i have had an mri blood work and was on valtrex 3 days after pain started and never had an outbreak i am on gabapentin and do not think it is helping but am taking it anyway ice helps and is soothing how much longer am i going to endure this pain it is excruciating stabbing itching burning all on the left side please help,my mom just finished having shingles she was in so much pain she could not stand it she went on line looking for something that would take the pain and itching away she came across a product that was expensive but at that point she did not care she purchased it and tried it she could not believe it when her pain was gone and the itching was no longer she still has one spot that itches everyday and i put some on that spot it says on the jar that everything is all natural it has been so worth the money to her she has bought extra jars for family and friends that have gotten this so far everyone of them said it took the pain away and stopped the itch maybe it might help you it is called terrasil and she found it on line i hope this might help you vicki chick i think my urologist did a poor job with my circumcision,the answer is sometimes it really depends on the skill of the person doing and reading the ultrasound as well as corresponding blood tests like a very sensitive pregnancy test that detects levels of hcg my dad is alzheimer is is so bad he kicks my mom out of the house how can i help,it clearly sounds like your dad needs medication to help with his agitation and psychotic behavior i recommend you connect him with a local hospital or geriatrician experienced with dementia you will be able to secure appropriate drug treatment to manage his behavior it is also suggested you contact the liocal chapter of the alzheimer association for both education and support you do not need the extra stress and you will learn how to cope with your dad is behaviors why is the aca a one size fits all policy why do we have to pay for health services that do not pertain to us,the answer is maybe unfortunately since all bladder cancer surgery is different all cancers are different in the areas they involve and all surgeons differ the only person that could answer this question specifically would be surgeon who performed the procedure i get headaches when i go out in the sun please suggest some ayurvedic cure,within minutes are there side effects with the shingles vaccine,common side effects of the shingles vaccine may include redness soreness swelling or itching at the site of the injection is there a generic drug for asmanex,if your couple ejaculated inside you it is possible because the semen content had a lifetime of 72 hours after it is ejaculated inside a woman vagina why do i vomit when i brush my teeth i am pregnant and have not had very much nausea and no morning sickness however every time i brush my teeth i end up gagging on the toothpaste and vomiting it is mostly just stomach acid in the morning i have been getting a lot of heartburn as well i have tried different flavored toothpaste and even kids toothpaste and nothing helps what can i do,it is a gag reflex caused by brushing too far back in your mouth i think i am pregnant i had unprotected sex 8 days ago and i am cramping a little my boobs are sore and today i got sick a something i eat but it is not time for my period the reason i am worry is because i am on medician that could hurt the baby if i was pregnant,hi ok so 8 days ago where was this in you cycle then being day 1 was the first day of your last period around day 14 would have been your ovulation day and day 21 would be your implantation day so you really need to work that bit out if this was after day 14 then you should have been in the safe period so all you can do now is wait to see if you miss your next period you do a test then but you have this problem with meds your on then go see your doctor now if there that bad your doctor could give you something to help abort it hope this helps you good luck how do you get tendinitis,tendonitis is usually caused by overuse of a muscle group or joint repeated sliding of the tendon during heavy use especially when a person is unaccustomed to it can result in irritation causing pain in and around the tendon “tennis elbow ” or lateral epicondylitis is an example of tendonitis resulting from overuse or strain other sports activities e g golf and chores house painting can cause tendonitis too for some people with tendonitis no repetitive activity can be blamed as a cause wear and tear from aging probably plays a role in these cases of tendonitis using proper swing mechanics in tennis and golf and trying not to overdo it when starting a new activity are the best ways to avoid tendonitis should i get an xray to determine whether i have a tendinitis or fracture round my knee wife & i have not had sex for over 10 years now we are trying but w just finger she has vaginal pain due to illiness we somehow let an active sex life go away now in our later years our health has improved and we would like to add sex but there is vaginal pain in foreplay,the t zone of the face is typically more oily than the rest of the face fortunately it is easy to avoid moisturizing these areas when you moisturize the rest of the face you can also apply toner or products with salicylic acid to the t zone without applying it to the cheeks or the dry areas of the face the body tends to be very dry especially the lower legs so it is important to use a cream rather than lotion in this area why do i have heavy bleeding for 2 3 weeks when i get my period my doctor is supposed to send me for an ultrasound,primary care physician pain on urination blood on toilet tissue itchy not uti chlamydia gonorrhea yeast infection and ultrasound good pain when i pee stinging or burning varies in severity sometimes when the pain is more severe there is blood on toilet paper but not in toilet thought i saw blood in toilet recently vagina itches sometimes so far tested negative for uti chlamydia gonorrhea and yeast infection ultrasound looks fine doctors prescribed me diflucan and macrobid urologist gave me pyridium to help with pain nothing has been effective and i have gotten no answers started december 3rd,omentum is normaly thickened in grade 3b colon cancer it indicates spread to lymphnodes it is usually associated with abdominal pain due to lack of normal bowel movement from omental thickening sorry i can not answer the liver lesions part without seeing the mricea is expected to be high in colon cancer grade 3b even after colonectomygood luck i have recently noticed bald spots on my face never happenend before is there a possible condition i am a healthy 37 year old male i work outside no exposure to chemicals i shave every day and have begun noticing at the end of the day i have bald patches on my face i have begun using sunblock and noxzema i am not sure what to do if this warrants a dr appointment or it is something common thanks,i think that product is close to worthless it may remove a tiny amount of water but so can tilting your head it does not have the suction to remove most wax impactions i can assure you i have seen the device and i am not the least impressed it is safe since the suction is so weak it will not vacuum out anything buy one money back guarantee and try it something tells me that you will send it back for a refund is it true that schizophrenia runs in family,schizophrenia is a complex psychiatric disorder and sometimes tend to run in families however it does not imply it is a monogenic disorder where the inheritance rate of disease is higher and more easily predictable currently there is no scientific evidence to support your doubt that whether marrying your boyfriend will increase the risk of schizophrenia in your to be child very significant so let us not get too worried for further information consult an internal medicine physician online > had pneumonia now stuck with a dry and productive cough for two months 2 chest x ray showed pneumonia first rml pneumonia then the second x ray lll pneumonia now i have this cough that sometimes is dry other times productive going on now for two months,what does your doctor say did he give you any answers maybe ask the pharmacist he may suggest something over the counter are you drinking plenty of water if the medicines you are taking make your throat dry you will need water to replenish what you are losing from the pneumonia i have had walking pneumonia plenty of times and my doctor put me on amoxicillin and told me to drink plenty of water if your cough is bringing up stuff from your lungs that is a good thing but if it is dry you need water will hydrogen peroxide hurt inner ear my ear has been hurting for weeks now and i have been to my ent doctor but he does not know why it is hurting so bad i had someone tell me to put several drops of hydrogen peroxide in my ear but i was concerned and wanted a professional oppinion i am getting to the point i will try anything but i do not want to cause any damage to my hearing my doctor did say it was not infected and not tmj i have not ran a fever it does throb and hurts deep,interesting question and one that i have wondered about at times myself the ecg is short for electrocardiogram while ekg is short for the original german kardiogram word describing this test that is commonly used by doctors to examine the electrical system of the heart wikipedia has some nice background and medical history on this if you are interested in the topic could you provide a few links to the major studies showing excessive saturated fat is unhealthy this website and the american heart association continue to recommend a diet low in saturated fat but the current buzz on the internet is that there is really little evidence for that position in fact france eats a diet high in saturated fat yet has a low rate of deaths from heart disease can i see links to the original studies showing sf is harmful,most helpful answer there has been a backlash against low fat diets leading people to go in the opposite direction embracing diets high in saturated fat diets the truth is diets low in saturated fat will not reduce heart disease risk if the saturated fat is being replaced with refined carbs this decreases hdl good cholesterol and can increase triglycerides and the blood sugar response but as both of the review studies below demonstrate when saturated fat in the diet is replaced with plant and fish sources of fat omega 3 fatty acids and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats it decreases heart disease risk hdl increases and ldl bad cholesterol decreases this is basically the mediterranean diet low in saturated fat high in fruits and vegetables and healthy fat sources like olive oil and nuts while the french may have diets higher in saturated fats they also tend to be leaner walk more and eat other heart healthy foods like fruits and vegetables while the evidence continues to evolve there is not enough to recommend a diet high in saturated fat to reduce heart disease i am 45 and have only developed excema now why would that be i have only had the excema for the last couple of months i have not changed laundry detergent have lived in the same place for 3 years and wear more or less the same types of clothing that i always have i am lactose intolerant but have been this way for the last 7 years excema does not run in my family any cause the sudden onset,hi your find that eczema can come in lots of ways stress could do it see it can come from within and not from what we touch have you seen a dermatologist yet could be good place to start from even if its just for some ideas but your looking good for 45 nice smile hope this helps you good luck how much of an impact does vitamin d have on colon cancer,do the ttg test or whats called tissue transglutaminase test a diagnostic test for coeliac disease… why is hair coming off on my hands while shampooing i am a 21 year old male there is no history of male pattern baldness in the immediatte family and this only started about 3 weeks ago until then i had never experienced any such issue,not knowing anything about you your medical history state of health nutritional habits etc it would be impossible for me to guess the reasons you may be losing hair but i can tell you that hair occurs in two stages active growing and the resting stage hair in the resting state tends to break off like other mammals we tend to shed certain times of the year see a dermatologist for a first hand evaluation and a patient specific answer i want my mestruation to come quickly what should i do i am tired of waiting,i had shingles at one point but mine didnt hurt it only itched really bad but i was taking ibprofin 3 times a day for a staff infection so if she is on any antiflammitory meds it may be keeping her from feeling any pain what fruit and veggies are high in fiber and good for diabetes,all fruits and vegetables contain fiber and are beneficial for diabetes non starchy vegetables are especially beneficial because they contain little carbohydrate and calories for lots of fiber and vitamins and minerals this includes leafy greens like spinach and kale broccoli green beans peppers and cauliflower fruits are great to include with meals but make sure to count them a carbohydrate serving fruit choices include strawberries apple pears dried fruit berries and cantaloupe beans black kidney pinto are also rich in fiber and great to substitute meat at meals because they also contain protein but they too count as carbohydrates so make sure you keep them in for more about foods that help control blood sugar see this webmd article and for more on carb counting check out this resource what are symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia bph,is it prescribed by your doctor if not we advise not to consume any medication without doctor is prescription during pregnancy first three months of pregnancy are very crucial kindly avoid any medication during this stage as far as possible do not self medicate can exercise flatten your abs,hundreds of crunches each day will not flatten your belly if you need to lose weight if your abdominal muscles are not covered with excess fat strengthening them can help you look tighter and thinner but spot exercises will not banish belly fat i am 53 i was on depo for 5 ys and never had a period i went off the shot and now its been a yr and still no period can i still get pregnant i have no insurance so havent had any blood work to see if i am done with birth control,hi well you could now be in the menopause and ti find this out you do need a blood test for your hormones its only from this will you find out or read up about the menopause symptoms or the only other thing would be get a pregnancy test done either an hpt or again at a doctor or try a free clinic for both tests do hope this helps you good luck i want to get tested for herpes but i do not have a pcp where can i go to get tested right away i found a pcp but my appointment is over a month and a half from now i would like to know if there is anywhere i can go to get tested sooner than that,most helpful answer you can go to an urgent care facility and pay for the visit and lab test or try and find a free clinic sometimes there are public health facilities that will do low cost std testing how long should it take to lose baby weight after pregnancy,hi thanks for the query pain in legs can be due to a number of causes like varicose veins deep vein thrombosis peripheral artery disease being overweight etc consult a podiatrist or an orthopedician and get evaluated so that proper investigation can be done after a clinical examination and treatment can be done accordingly as of now you should take painrelievers but try to limit the intake to only when there is pain hope this information helps i get very paranoid about allergies and death please help,hi… allergy are not that big issue…you need to calm down and you can take an antihistamine if you got one…you need to focus on having an active life through exercise and yoga … regards can my 5 year old son be put on nitrous oxide at the dentist while he is currently taking adderall and risperdal,yes your son can safely inhale nitrous oxide while taking adderall and risperdal there are no interactions however it is a good idea to alert the dentist that your son is taking these medications you should always tell all the healthcare professionals you see what medications you use so they can take the best care of you can stretching of the legs during ballet and exercise increase the size of vaginal openings in a nine year old girl,those exercises should not adversely effect her vaginal opening although a straddle type injury could rupture a fragile hymen basically stretching her legs should only effect the legs i have a pill that i brought to work that i hope is an antianexiety pill the only markings on it is 1g321 or ig321 would you be able to tell me what pill i have in my pill container i can not remember what it is it is a white capsule with either 1g3121 or ig321 on it it is 100 mg i think it pay be a pain pill that i got 3 months ago that i take only on occasion i am hoping it might be a anti anxiety pill as i forgot mine at home,call the pharmacist that filled this prescription for you they have a list of your medications and may be able to quickly identify it many generic medications now used by pharmacies will have conflicting numbers or colors and the accurate identification of this drug is really vital you should never take anything that a was not specifically prescribed for you and b not in the original labled child proof container that the pharmacy provided how does atherosclerosis damage the cardiovascular system,current medical status a case minmal change disease of kideny due to which cause hypertension high triglecerde level protein urea current medical treatment losar 50 mg 2 times in 24hrs stator 5mg half at night shelcol 500mg one in morning you can reduce the triglycerides in the blood by taking a proper medicine and maintaining a diet you can not reduce proteins in the urine because that is due to kidney failure kidney failure also causes hypertension and increases the urea blood level you should consult a nephrologist about your kidney condition will chiropractic treatment help hip pain caused by shingles,it does not seem likely shingles causes nerve pain but it is due to the viral infection chiropractic treatment would help pain that is caused by nerves that are pinched by bones that are out of alignment since the pain of shingles is a totally different cause a chiropractic treatment does not make sense how is chickenpox varicella treated,hi do a transglutaminase antibodies ttg iga to check for celiac disease do a cbc test to confirm it is iron related first good luck i am 22 years old and my penis is not as hard and erected as it was before what can i do to fix this i gained 20 pounds and i smoke more than i did before is that related to the erection problem,being healthy with good circulation diet energy etc do play a role could be side effect of drugs or medications you are on if you are taking any could be something more complicated too which you have to go to urologist they are pretty cool and get questions like that all the time vitamin e might help it has been said to work otherwise urologist have meds that help im sure you have seen the commercials a nusance but not a daunting problem could be your mood too i have had phases of superhyped to nothin happenin back and forth throughout the years sometimes it is the chick wait it out try a health kick maybe vitamin e if it does not go away then see someone but do not freak out should i be stimulating my baby is gums with those finger tools when should i start brushing her teeth,the sooner the better at birth start cleaning your child is gums with a soft infant toothbrush or a cloth and water as soon as the teeth begin to appear start brushing twice daily using fluoridated toothpaste and a soft age appropriate sized toothbrush use only a small smear of toothpaste to brush the teeth of a child less than 2 years old for the 2 5 year olds dispense a pea sized amount of toothpaste and perform or assist your child is tooth brushing remember that young children do not have the ability to brush their teeth effectively is it safe to take probiotics long term,i think probiotics are fine and not harmful over the long term as you know they contain friendly yeast and bacteria that are normally found in the body is intestines called normal flora they do not contain harmful or potentially dangerous mixtures of organisms if there is an imbalance in our normal flora probiotics can help correct the problem especially with candida overgrowth the body will basically incorporate whatever it needs from the probiotic pills to rebalance the flora if we have chronic problems then regular probiotics may be needed and helpful if we are balanced and still take probiotics that may not be needed at that time the body should simply pass it through with no harm done if my patients feel they help i have no problem if they continue taking probiotics can i give my 2 year old hylands baby cough syrup and then bynadryl a few hours later for her runny nose and sneezing,assuming you adhere to the proper doses these two medications are compatible please be advised that children can have a paradoxical effect with benadryl in other words an antihistamine like benadryl that would make you sleepy can make a two year old hyper and more active this may not be desirable at bedtime do not forget that saline nose drops or sprays and the use of a cool mist humidifier at bedtime is also very helpful for colds i am bleeding constantly after depo provera birth control shot,since genetics dictate inherited features and structure there is a significant risk of inheriting the anatomical features that may predispose to a hernia there may also be inherited factors that result in tissue weakness which ultimately allows the deterioration of the supporting structures and leads to the formation of a hernia however this does not necessarily imply that the offspring of an individual with a hernia will ultimately develop the problem i need family health insurance what should i do,hi if it was the full 7 days you should be ok good luck i am having surgery friday is it ok if i get a flu shot thursday i am probably goin under or will have a spine block thing,there is no specific recommendation against having the flu shot before surgery the virus in the flu shot is dead and cannot cause the flu however some people can feel a little achy after the flu shot and you might not want this on top of dealing with recovery from the surgery i would ask your doctor what heshe thinks since i am not fully aware of your health and how critical it is that you get the flu shot meaning if you have any risks factors that make getting the flu shot as early as possible particularly important have bronchitis for 3 weeks still have throat pain constant nasal drip and some neck pain what should i do had z pack about a 1 12 weeks ago also was taking cough syrup with codene and advil cold and sinus also have dry mouth which i never had before should i see the doctor again and get a throat culture,go back to the dr bronchitis can become pneumonia my daughter is 27 no ovaries she has her uterus is it safe for my 14 year old daughter to saftely be an egg donor what risk are there for children what concerns or cautions should i have for my 14 year ol daugter,normal blood vitamin b12 levels are between 200 835 picograms per milliliter pgml for more on blood levels see this article and for food sources and recommended daily allowances see this one best comedy movies of all time a romantic comedy video by ajf films ,right shoulder yes that is possible low back no cervical nerves do not go to the low back area rubbed semen outside vagina can i get pregnant hello i had sexual intercourse and he came on my thigh however i unknowingly rubbed my vagina with his cum on my fingers what are the chances of me getting pregnant i do not know if this has any relevancy but i believe i did this about 35 seconds after he came on my thigh i also went to rinse myself off shortly after,there is a 60 possibility i had an accident four weeks back and injured my foot,i̇n my opinion this xray shows mild osteoarthritic changes in your big toe and may be medial foot ligamentous sprain the film is not so clear you can tell me your complain now thanks i am 45 years old in the last six months my four bottom front teeth have shifted is it worth going to an orthodontist,hi if your in where all the real cold weather has been then its now germ free good luck what is the difference between prilosec and prevacid,prilosec and prevacid belong to the same drug class which is the class of proton pump inhibitors the mechanism of action within the body will be the same producing similar side effects both medications have generics and can be found over the counter they are simply made by different companies can u take azo with your antibiotic for a uti,yes this is often prescribed gp thinks i have tonsillitis or glandular fever what should i do,every time you take antibiotics you kill bacteria only but you do not kill viruses so you are still having inflammation and swelling in your glands start immediately daily gargling with salt water and on your immunity by getting enough vitamin c and increasing intake of vitamins how long does depo provera withdrawl last i only took one shot and almost 3 months later i still have side effects,minoxidil is sometimes prescribed in rare cases when all other medicines do not work for the cause but i would suggest using herbal and natural medicines as well as similar products that can be applied to your hair and scalp allopathy medicines have unwanted side effects and should be avoided after taking adderall heart rate high breathing hard feeling dizzy,hi its not life threatening but definitely its something to be concerned about it may be due to a drug reaction of your body to addearall or a anaphylactic shock u need to consult a md doctor and find out the cause as to why this happened thanks how does exercise impact energy level when you have cancer,decreased physical activity which may be the result of cancer or of treatment can lead to tiredness and lack of energy scientists have found that even healthy athletes forced to spend extended periods in bed or sitting in chairs develop feelings of anxiety depression weakness fatigue and nausea regular moderate exercise can decrease these feelings help you stay active and increase your energy even during cancer therapy it is often possible to continue exercising in fact research has shown that cancer patients who perform a moderate exercise routine have a better quality of life and better outcomes here are some exercise guidelines to keep in mind if you have cancer check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program a good exercise program starts slowly allowing your body time to adjust keep a regular exercise schedule exercising at least three times a week is optimal the right kind of exercise never makes you feel sore stiff or exhausted if you experience soreness stiffness exhaustion or feel out of breath as a result of your exercise you are overdoing it most exercises are safe as long as you exercise with caution and do not overdo it the safest and most productive activities are swimming brisk walking indoor stationary cycling and low impact aerobics taught by a certified instructor these activities carry little risk of injury and benefit your entire body i had unprotected sex but my bf didnt cum inside the next day i got my period can i get pg,anytime that you have unprotected sex whether your partner claims the did not ejaculate or not you have the possibility of getting pregnant the day before your period is not usually the time of ovulation so you are probably good this time whether than stress out over being pregnant just insist that your partner use a condom whether he objects to it or not given the choice of sex with a condom or no sex he will pick the condom each time you need to be on another form of birth control as well since you are already playing sexual roulette my newborn is exclusively breastfed what natural product can i use to make sure his gums are clean,please be respectful of this important webmd medical information site by not posting advertising for your products your posting takes up valuable space for members seeking answers to their specific questions i have frequent doctor is appointments and am on several medications where can i get affordable health care until 2014 i am clinically depressed and a type 1 diabetic i also am transgender but do not expect insurance to cover that i have anywhere from 2 4 doctor appointments a month so i need insurance that will cover medications and visits,your options for health insurance coverage between now and the end of the year are not good you can look for a short term policy by shopping on ehealthinsurance com but i am not sure that will offer you what you need you should definitely shop for coverage for 2014 on your state is marketplace which you can do starting next tuesday you will be guaranteed coverage and you will not be charged more for any pre existing health conditions but the coverage you buy this fall will not kick in until january 1 2014 in the meantime you might seek care through a community health clinic charges are based on a sliding scale based on your income and the care can be quite comprehensive you can find a clinic by searching the u s health resources and services administration website www findahealthcenter hrsa govsearch_hcc aspx bad smell from my vagina,yes you should go back to er and have an ultrasound done to check your gallbladder for stones surgury may be requiredgood luck i have a lump at the bottom of my spine,hi this may well be related with the trauma you suffered 4 years ago a bony chip may have avulsed out of spinous process or the coccyx a xray would confirm the diagnosis thanks what is a trigger for migraines,a trigger is a factor that can set off a migraine in people who are predisposed to migraines some common triggers include emotional stress sensitivity to specific chemicals and preservatives in foods caffeine changing weather conditions changes in female hormones tension excessive fatigue skipped meals or changes in normal sleep patterns bloody diarrhea this morning i woke up with the urgent need to go to the bathroom so i went and there was blood in my diarrhea it was red not black and tarry i felt nauseous the rest of the day but no more diarrhea it happen once then i had just a little red blood come out of my anus i have been drinking water no fever and slight dizziness at times no vomiting either no stomach pain i am just worried about the blood should i go to the doctor,hi sorry missed this bit and its important anytime you have unprotected sex there will always be the chance of pregnancy if that is something you have always practised then so far you have been very lucky not to have got pregnant ok good luck what is schizophrenia,i am a father of a recently born child i was told by the wife and quote if you want to smoke do it outside and so i took my 7 yr old smoking chair and headed for the door she has been a happy woman since and also i learned 1 thing from it it is so much more easier to change my bad habits when i know she carried my son for 9 months and still cooked and cleaned and every bad habit i have could potentially put my son is health at risk p s tell him to stop being lazy and take his butt outside to smoke his baby cant defend itself could i possibly be pregnant i only had a four day period 100412 first 2days were heavy the last 2 were light mr periods usually last 6 7 days this period only lasted only 4 days i got my period on 10 04 12 the first two days were heavy and then i stopped bleeding for bout 4 hours then after that the last 2 days were light i got sick saturday saturday i went shopping and then i threw up then i was perfectly fine again some foods i like are making me sick my breast seem a lil bigger then usual i took test last a week ago it came out negative my stomach feels tight i gained weight,hi it is appearing like bruises can be tick bites but needs evaluation first as some other causes can also cause such bruises like vitamin b12 vitamin k or folic acid deficiency also clotting factors should be investigated once the exact cause is ruled out then it can be treated accordingly hope this helps my pcp and ortho requests weight loss sugery will this new insurance cover this 56 yrs f bmi 46 pcp and ortho doctor request weight loss sugery hypertension diabetic fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis my income is under 15 000 a year no children single would this new insurance allow me to get the help i need ,whether or not health plans sold through the state health insurance marketplaces cover bariatric surgery will depend on the state some will and some will not you can see what is happening where you live on the webmd health reform page there you may find specific information about what health plans will be required to cover in your case your income qualifies you for medicaid if your state is expanding its program again check the state page to see if it is medicaid will cover the cost of bariatric surgery as long as it is considered medically necessary what is the difference between baby blues postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis,the baby blues can happen in the days right after childbirth and normally goes away within a few days to a week a new mother can have sudden mood swings sadness crying spells loss of appetite sleeping problems and feel irritable restless anxious and lonely symptoms are not severe and treatment is not needed but there are things you can do to feel better nap when the baby does ask for help from your spouse family members and friends join a support group of new moms or talk with other moms postpartum depression can happen anytime within the first year after childbirth a woman may have a number of symptoms such as sadness lack of energy trouble concentrating anxiety and feelings of guilt and worthlessness the difference between postpartum depression and the baby blues is that postpartum depression often affects a woman is well being and keeps her from functioning well for a longer period of time postpartum depression needs to be treated by a doctor counseling support groups and medicines are things that can help postpartum psychosis is rare it occurs in one or two out of every 1 000 births and usually begins in the first six weeks postpartum women who have bipolar disorder or another psychiatric problem called schizoaffective disorder have a higher risk for developing postpartum psychosis symptoms may include delusions hallucinations sleep disturbances and obsessive thoughts about the baby a woman may have rapid mood swings from depression to irritability to euphoria when to eat after insulin injection also how much to eat after your insulin injection,in my opinion you are falling under a big stress and this can cause what you are suffering from i recommend starting asap doing regular yoga classes relaxation training meditation walking daily in open air also weight lifting can help raising your testosterone level but avoid taking any anabolics do not try going medically treated with drugs unless you try life style changes and diet regards incision sight pain a yr after hysterectomy the pain and soreness is related to the incisionscar and the abdominal muscles bellow it is worse after sex or exercise,i am sorry to hear you are going through this whenever the skin andor muscle gets cut scar tissue will form this scar tissue can cause pain and an uncomfortable tightness at the incision site one thing you can try is scar massage just literally use your fingers to massage the incision line fairly aggressively to help break down some of the scar tissue it is best to perform scar massage earlier usually starting around the 3 month post surgery mark but you might still get some relief by doing scar massage today i suggest you let your gynecologist know about this pain the next time you get a check up too it is possible the pain feels as if it is coming from the incision when it is actually caused by something else vaginal dryness or another cause if that is the case then scar massage obviously will not help but you can get an opinion about what to do to help the pain wishing you well i am 21 years old and have been married for about 2 12 years however i have no sexual drive what could cause this i enjoy sex once i have started it but i just do not have the desire to have sex,i am sorry you are going through this a healthy sex life is good for your overall wellbeing i would suggest you first consult a gynecologist to make sure there is no physical issue that needs to be addressed at the same time you can discuss your lack of sex drive with your gynecologist to see if you would benefit from some counseling perhaps a psychotherapist can help you with any emotional issues that are blocking you from having a healthy sex drive you might also head over to webmd is sexual health communities to talk over the situation with other women who have the same issue sometimes just finding someone else going through the same thing can be helpful wishing you all the best what is ua complete with reflex culture urinalysis just having some lab tests done wondering what some of the ones i did not recognize were never have seen the reflex culture part before & i am medical personnel thankyou,i am sorry to hear about your mastectomies problems with the drainage tubes is not uncommon after this procedure i hope by now you have called your surgeon is office for further instructions green or milky discharge in a drain tube can be a sign of infection and you want to get it checked out right away that said usually the surgeon wants to see you in his or her office rather than having you go to the emergency room however every surgeon is different your best bet is to call the surgeon is office immediately for instructions on what to do i wish you all the best with this every time i cough or sneeze i pass blood clots also through vaginal discharge and during intercourse,if i were your doctor i would some tests first it is sometimes caused by changes in hormone levels it can also be caused by problems such as growths in the uterus or clotting problems get an ultrasound and cbc done first and the gynaecologist may need some hormonal tests later to find the main cause my daughter was bitten by a bunny is immediate medical attention necessary or can i bring her to her dr in the am,i am sorry you did not get a timely response we try to get to all questions as soon as possible i hope you will respond and let us know how things turned out in general whenever a child is bitten by an animal it is cause for concern animals mouths can harbor a lot of bad bacteria and children may be more susceptible to infections because their immune systems may not be fully developed one thing to take into account in the future should this happen is whether or not the animal is wild or domesticated for instance if your child is bitten in the woods by a wild rabbit or squirrel or something like that then you should seek immediate medical attention if your child is bitten by the neighbor is 10 year old housecat which you know has all its current vaccinations then you may be able to simply wash the wound and take your child to the doctor the next morning i hope everything worked out well and that your daughter is not too traumatized by her bunny bite i am a 55 year old widowed mom in california i have a 24 year old daughter who is enrolled full time in college i get our medical coverage through my employer my coverage is paid for by my employer i pay for my daughter is coverage the premiums have been increasing each year by about 30 am i able to qualify for assistance with her premium even though i am no longer able to claim her on my tax return,it does not sound like you would qualify for a subsidy for your daughter because she has access to employer sponsored insurance through your employer even though you are paying alot for her insurance your employer insurance meets the affordability standard under the aca because your employer pays the full cost of employee only coverage it does not hurt to check with covered california www coveredca com california is health insurance exchange however because your daughter may be able to find cheaper unsubsidized coverage on the exchange what are the complications of shingles,she is taller than the average 8 year old girl in the 90th percentile a matching weight in the 90th percentile would be about 80 pounds taller girls do look thinner but before we would determine if a child was underweight under nourished etc i would need to review their nutritional state family history etc puberty a few years down the road tends to change weight and height a great deal so in the meantime just have her pediatrician carefully monitor her growth is tendinits and arthritist the same,hi this may help you in your search viral infections like epstein barr virus hepatitis virus herpes virus bacterial infections like strep throat staph fungal infections respiratory infections urinary and gastrointestinal infections can all cause hives they do not cause hives directly but indirectly by causing inflammation from stimulating the body is defence mechanisms do hope this helps good luck what are the long term effects of having anemia,hi this is from the nhs in the uk gives most of the answers you want iron deficiency anaemia rarely causes serious or long term complications although some people with the condition find it affects their daily life some common complications are outlined below tiredness as iron deficiency anaemia can leave you tired and lethargic lacking in energy you may be less productive and active at work your ability to stay awake and focus could decrease and you may not feel able to exercise regularly increased risk of infections research has shown iron deficiency anaemia can affect your immune system the body is natural defence system making you more likely to become ill heart and lung problems adults with severe anaemia may be at risk of developing complications that affect their heart or lungs for example you may develop tachycardia an abnormally fast heartbeat or heart failure where your heart is not pumping blood around your body very efficiently pregnancy complications pregnant women with severe anaemia have an increased risk of developing complications particularly during and after birth they may also develop postnatal depression which some parents experience after having a baby research suggests babies born to mothers who have untreated anaemia are more likely to be born prematurely before the 37th week of pregnancy have a low birthweight have problems with iron levels themselves do less well in mental ability tests restless legs syndrome some cases of restless legs syndrome rls are thought to be caused by iron deficiency anaemia doctors may refer to this as secondary rls rls is a common condition affecting the nervous system which causes an overwhelming irresistible urge to move the legs it also causes an unpleasant feeling in the feet calves and thighs rls caused by iron deficiency anaemia can usually be treated with iron supplements do hope this helps your problem good luck warts on hands tried home remedies oc med derm burned off removed by surgeon and imiquimod back and spreading mor this is my 19 yr old son and we have been fighting these for 3+ years now they are spreading rapidly and we have no clue where else to turn we have tried all the home remedies we can find including duct tape super glue apple cider vinegar and on and on the surgeon had to put 5 stitches on the palm of his hand when he removed one and it is back and larger is there an oral medicine he could possibly try he now has about 18 on one hand,there are no oral medicines that are routinely used to treat common warts although some people have tried the cimetidine tagomet but this is certainly an off label use with mixed results personally i have never used it my suggestion would be for him to see a good dermatologist someone who can work with him closely trying different high end treatments until a cure is orchestrated he has definitely tried lots of things but i have never met a wart that i could not eventually kill with persistent treatments i use liquid nitrogen most of the time but there are more topical prescription treatments that can be used if the dermatologist feels it is appropriate what should i do if i suspect an overdose of copd,it would be too risky to put you under anesthesia for an mri you would need to have an anesthesiologist present and be monitored talk to the radiologist and maybe a stronger dose of xanax or different sedative can be given my 18 year old daughter workeup with severe leg pain in both legs for several days what is causing this she saw college nurse practitioner on monday then the hospital that night as the pain was so intense and seemed to spread to her hip the hospital ruled out blood clot and performed ultrasound on legs blood levels seem normal the pain starts on the top of her foot to about an inch past her knee or both legs her hips just started to be serverly painfuil she had a coldflu first 5 weeks of school that she could not shake the infermory put her on antibiotics no sports injury no strains,you do realize that i can not see this lump i can not examine your ear nor can i treat you non surgically or surgically over the internet i am not sure where you got that 2000 price but i would encourage you to shop around for another ent i also strongly caution you not to mess with this lump any more what could it mean if urine comes out white and the consistancy is like water mixed with flour if the urine touches anything it will bleach the color out of it it happens every time it is really cold outside cold and rainy there is also pain when urinating and pain in the kidneys,i do not think these symptoms are related to your medical history but it needs some investigations to figure it out… get a mri for your neck and rheumatoid factor lab tests is it normal to not see a heart beat or movement on an ultrasound around the 6 7 week mark,hi i had a similar experience when i was pregnant with my daughter i went to the hospital for crampinglower back pain they saw the yolk sac but no baby or heart beat i went to my obgyn 2 weeks later and they said that the fetus will not have a heartbeat until the 8 9 week mark and by then movement may also be seen needless to say my daughter is now 6 months old and very healthy do not worry i am sure your baby is fine congratulations i got sick after going to my doctor she gave me 2 antibiotics flustat adco cyclizine for my ears and pain tablets,this is absolutely from anxiety attacks i recommend focusing on calming your soul down with yoga mediation breathing exercises and regular brisk walking my cell phone caught fire and i was exposed to chemical fumes,if you are having no symptoms now then it is ok but if u still have symptoms like nausea vomiting cough chest pains frequent urination then it is necessary other wise do not worry bad sun burn… just got worse,sure why not the baby has to eventually get those germs in order to jump start his own immune system so why not from a loving sibling germs are often the only thing that siblings openly share i am not suggesting that you take the newborn to visit ill people or kids but viral exposure is really inevitable expect it if parents put kids in day care at an early age they will most likely be over exposed to lots of viruses from lots of different cohorts in those babies expect colds to come early and often i am bleeding after taking cerelle contraceptive pill,it will stop spontaneously as the effect of drug wears off do not use tampoons take vitamin tablets and ample rest to avoid getting cramps and weakness can lowering the dosage for an oral medication for diabetes such as glipizide cause my vision to be extremely blurry,hi google natural ways out of depression your find lots of drug free ways that would help you your also find meditation there your find iot is a great help yes there are side effects of both antidepressants and hbp drugs giving you your ed problems for you hbp you could try this its a mix of cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic just google all 3 for reducing hbp your find that plaque is behind your hbp if you like what you read the try this its a post of mine and yes i do take this each day the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go its all very healthy for you you just mix cp and turmeric 5050 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric you take 3 teaspoonfuls each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful is and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down please do keep both jars in the fridge keeps a lot better that way now if you google and read up about all three there very good for ed your cholesterol heart and prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good at first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals for 2 weeks then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings great way to start the day and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone so do hope this helps you good luck ps this really needs a 12 week trail to see if its going to work for you if its for ra do increase it up the stronger it is the better it works for you do not forget to up the amount of cp and turmeric as you go on i have spherocytocis i had surgery to remove my spleen last week however i just had another gallbladder attack,it is not known if zerit can harm a human fetus pregnant women have experienced serious side effects when taking stavudine the active ingredient in zerit in combination with didanosine and other hiv medicines zerit should be used during pregnancy only after discussion with your doctor tell your doctor if you become pregnant or plan to become pregnant while taking zerit because studies have shown zerit is in the breast milk of animals receiving the drug it may be present in human breast milk the cdc recommends that hiv infected mothers not breastfeed to reduce the risk of passing hiv infection to their babies and the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants therefore do not nurse a baby while taking zerit how often should i see the dentist for my dentures,that is a very difficult question on answer since i do not know the details of your molestation or if you had any physical injuries as a result having been a sexual abuse forensic investigator for many years my experience has been that the greatest damage is psychological not permanent physical damage just guessing i would say that you are most likely capable of getting pregnant you can certainly see a gynecologist for a thorough examination to be sure i came up positive for amphetamine was i wrongfully discharged,hi it seems that the swimming pool water is infecting his eyes causing conjunctivitis he should avoid swimming if possible put eye drops so that the eye inflammation will reduce he should wash his eye with clean water frequently thanks can u still get pregnant with a tilted cervix i have a tilted cervix could i still get pregnant,yes what should u do if u cut or scrape the inside of the penis or urethra during rough sex,the is a very unusual sex related injury are you sure you did not mistake your partner for a cactus the damage should heal spontaneously in a few days assuming you do not injury it again but a little topical antibiotic ointment would be helpful if you do not improve it would be advisable to see your medical provider for an examination expect to see some raised eyebrows regading the mechanism of injury if it is on the inside you should rest it and perhaps go to the doctor but i have had plenty of skin irritation from rough sex or masturbation the best thing for this kinda stuff is a creme called man1 man oil it is a multi vitamin creme made just for the penis skin and both repairs and strengthens it naturally all you need to do is rub it into your penis skin once a day there are other benefits too so you might want to check it out hope this helps when can you return to runningjogging after a bartholin cyst is removed i had a bartholin cyst removed one week ago at the er i am unable to see my gynecologist for 2 more weeks the word catheter has fallen out on its own and there is no pain remaining but still taking the antibiotic,nothing is changing about the way people on medicare get their coverage and there is no need to reapply for medicare if you already have it until december 7 you do have the chance to change your medicare advantage or part d plan if you have either you can look at your options on the medicare plan finder tool at www medicare gov or call 800 medicare if you are happy with the plan you have or are on traditional medicare and are happy with that you need not take any action how does positive self talk break the stress cycle,you know too many of us do not give ourselves credit for the things that we do right okay you say to yourself look you have done this before you have been through these kinds of these things before you have made it out alive you can do it this time just take it easy give yourself a chance slow down physically a little bit you know you have to remember one thing your body is like a machine waiting for a signal if you start speeding up the machine the signal is going to be hurry up come on we have got to go let is go if you slow your body down walk a little slower take it easy stroll do not get there in some kind of fast pace alright your body will get the signal things are okay we are doing alright and we will fool it okay and always say look you are a good person there is nothing to feel ashamed about there is nothing to feel you have not measured you you are fine if thoughts that come into your mind that are very upsetting you say to yourself you can say it out loud if you want to if nobody is around stop it stop it stop it and what you have done is you have just mouthed a word your brain has had to use many of the centers to even formulate that so you are using much more of the power of your brain and then you have heard it so you have got a feedback look you say it you hear it okay after a while you begin to get the message better what can cause buring of the labia minora i have been sleeping with my boyfriend of 6months and we always use protection after the last time we did i noticed that afterward my labia minora had bit of a burning sensation i also had the sensation when i urinated afterward a few days went by and i was fine and then again today i had the sensation i know it is not an std because we were both just checked and came back cleared i am just curious as to what could cause it all of a sudden it is not painful just a little uncomfortable,it is possible that the act of intercourse or the condom caused irritation of the labia minora i am not sure if you had just had intercourse the second time you had the burning sensation if you did then that may very well be the reason it is also possible that there is a sexually transmitted infection despite your negative testing it depends on what you were tested for and what you were not tested for there are so many stds that is would be very difficult to test for everything the most common testing is for gonorrhea and chlamydia in addition i usually recommend testing for herpes as well as hiv the burning sensation may also be from a non sexually transmitted infection such as yeast or bacteria regardless you should schedule an exam and discuss this with your doctor had neck surg will vicodin increase bp i normally have low bp but it is now 150 100 had diskectomy a week ago normally have pretty low bp at least 2 times i have had my bp spike pretty high i e 150 over 105 will the vicodin cause this i normally take metopropol 25mg 1 x per nite which i have taken several hours ago and it is still high reading,right now things seem to be pretty much under control so no need of surgery but at a later stage valve replacement needs to be done pendits needs to be taken atleast for a few more months depending upon your recovery i had phenyl and suffering from throat inflammation please help,you were wise to get this situation checked out because it is possible for a person to leak cerebrospinal fluid csf through a nostril and this is a dangerous situation that can lead to a serious infection of the membranes that surround the brain however since you have had a battery of tests done that have shown the fluid leaking from your nose is not csf then you can rest assured your brain is fine the fluid coming from your nose must be normal mucus many people myself included suffer from a chronically runny nose clear fluid coming from the nose can indeed be caused by allergies there also is an interesting condition called gustatory rhinitis which is fancy talk for getting a runny nose while eating since your runny nose comes and goes it does sound like it could be seasonal allergies only your health care providers can solve this mystery for you i wish you all the best what nutritional supplements can be used to treat osteoarthritis,yes it is possible but properly taken oral contraceptives are very effective in preventing pregnancy but the method is not 100 do i have a yeast infection,artificial sweeteners including splenda sucralose are considered safe and are a good option for limiting caloric intake there is actually no evidence in humans that any artificial sweetener is dangerous to our health other sweeteners include equal aspartame and sweetn low saccharin there are also many generic alternatives stevia truvia is an herbal sugar substitute while early studies suggested a possible link between aspartame and cancer other research has refuted that and it is also considered safe i have night sweats can not focus lack of sleep weight loss what is going on,tastes good induces a feeling of comfort i have rosacea my skin is too sensitive to use a lot of products how do i pick ones that will not irritate my skin,hi get her to an er asap just go now and do you mean she has not been operated on yet cant understand the part about 8 weeks later if she has not had this op yet then get to an er good luck what are high blood pressure and preeclampsia,antihistamines may help with allergic reaction but a 2months cough may have indicate other disorders like chest bronchitis or other infection …is your cough productive i recommend a xray and a visit to the pulmonologist had pulmonary heart failure taking statins i now think statin drugs would probably kill me before my heart would,spam i have dropped a clothing size through liposuction and tightening will i also lose weight,hello actually you did lose weight 2 3 pounds but it was all fat you are not going to lose more weight because of the liposuction treatment liposuction more info here helped you remove fat cellsfat from a specific body area but that is all if you want to cut more pounds the best option is to boost your metabolism some good tips drink 2 3 liters of water per day introduce weight lifting in your exercise schedule eat much protein especially after work outs eat 6 small meals per day do not let yourself feel hungry hope this helped is it true that paper cups contain dangerous wax coatings and bpa compound al hamim hashim ehs engineer trainee larsen & toubro limited sharjah uae,then perhaps it would be best to use a glass if paper cups are concerning you paper cups do have a wax coating but this is not harmful bpa is in some plastics and should not be in paper cups not all paper or plastic products are created equal so any contaminates would depend on the country of origin and of course the quality control in manufacturing my dad has chronic hiccups for the last 2 months every 5 seconds nothing has worked from his doctor specialist a couple years ago he had prostate surgery they caught the cancer early and were able to remove it he is changed his diet to bring down his cholesterol and blood pressure he is 56 150 pounds his doctors has prescribed him medication liquids but nothing has worked and it is even worse today i do not know if there is a specialist that handles this type of thing there is not much information online about it what should be the next step here where do we start,ask you ob about mucinex since there are many types and combinations diphenhydramine is the generic name for benadryl your ob can provide you will a list of safe medications you can take during your pregnancy antihistamines like diphenhydraminebenadryl will not open up a stuffy nose they are used to dry a drippy nose try nasal saline sprays and a humidifier colds are not the only thing that can cause a stuffy nose when you are pregnant those raging hormones can also cause cold like stuffiness i touched a guy is penis which had precome on it then a couple minutes later i put my underwear on can i get pregnant alright i know its highly unlikely but i need reassurance i touched his penis which had a little precum we had to cut it short so i then put my clothes on a couple minutes later and then put my underwear on is there a possibility for pregnancy,i am sorry you are experiencing this i do not know what is causing this situation but i would have it checked out if i were you especially because you obviously have concerns about it i would too it could be something minor but then again you may have injured that delicate tissue somehow if that is the case a gynecologist can tell you if it needs to be treated i would recommend calling today for an appointment with your gyn to find out what is going on i wish you all the best i have had bright red blood in my stool for over a week i have felt no pain or discomfort since this started,you need to see your medical provider so you can be properly examined to find the source of the blood bright red blood tends to originate from the anal area or lower rectum so a source can usually be found relatively easily some possible causes include an anal fissure a small tear at the anal opening often caused by constipation hemorrhoids or even polyps it is very important for you to be examined i was given an iv incorrectly in the er which gave me superficial thrombophlebitis,you will need to see your medical provider so you can be properly examined have your urine tested etc this is not something that can be blindly solved over the internet without a thorough medical history some lab work and a good examination to search for the reasons is it safe to take more than one plan b one step pills in a 72 hour period the condom broke on me and my partner and within the hour i purchased and took the plan b one step pill however i am still worried and am wondering if taking a second pill would be ineffective or would cause negative side effects any insight,you have 5 days after unprotected sex to take the morning after pill as long as you do it with in the 5 days one pill should be fine i had a ct scan it showed i had colitis and a prominent reactive node 9mm on the right side what is a node i had a ct scan it showed i had colitis and a prominent reactive node 9mm on the right side what is a node can this mean cancer what s the different from a node to a polyp,a node is a shortened form to mean lymph node there are lymph nodes in many places of your body like your neck under your arms groin and your mesenteric near the intestines lymph nodes react enlarge or become inflamed in response to inflammation andor infection in their immediate neighborhood colitis itself can cause reactive nodes and does not automatically mean cancer of course inflammation can be caused by cancer too a polyp is an inflammatory growth and would by inside the intestine in your case some polyps are cancer some are pre cancerous but most are benign these are questions that your doctor should be addressing with you since heshe is familiar with your case and can interpret your ct scan first hand how do i get rid of the mild to moderate acne scarring and large pores on my forehead i am 25 have an olive skin tone an oilycombination complexion and seem to scar more easily i have some acne scarring on my forehead and also large pores which turn into blackheads all over my forehead i have a pretty decent skin care regimen never had real acne but do have issues with small pimple type bumps on my chin not whiteheads not large not painful maybe cystic i do not want my scarring to get worse and want to minimize my pores,the issue of is it safe to have multiple procedures because they add up in length and that does have to be taken into consideration you do have to take into consideration the length of the operation but more importantly the nature of the operation the reason is that liposuction for example and what we call large volume liposuction has had some percentage of significant complications due to the nature of the procedure where there is just a lot of fluid being sucked out of the body and a lot of fluid being put in for the anesthesia and frankly it is a little less scientific than we would like it to be and for that reason the time element of the operation comes into play the volume comes in in other words that is a major operation and if you tack that on at the end of 5 hours previously with a face lift let is say it is probably not always a very good idea so again this is where common sense comes in and this is where the surgeon has to say you know you need a lot of this and maybe here is where we do have to split it up into two trips to the operating room so all these factors have to come into play the length of the operation and the nature of the operation and the patients own particular let is say underlying their physiology how they are known to heal if somebody says well i am really a slow healer again you become a little more conservative constipation diarrhea bloating intense stomach pain,yellow color in poop is blockage of bile duct by a stone or else also could be a liver disease i suggest going to er immediately good luck my father has heart disease and kidney problems and skin disease,i wish that i could address your question but without the ability to see your infection first hand i would only be making a blind guess not something that medical providers like to do my suggestion to you is to call your medical provider someone who has seen this infection and is treating you for patient specific advice this infection is being treated and managed appropriately so i cannot imagine that you will not get better can poison ivy rash return same place after 2 months rash returned same places on arms after 2 months since had first rash have not been any where near any plants no pets to come in contact with poison ivy any one ever hear of this happening,i have experience a poison ivy recurrence as well my brother had been working outside with it unbeknownst to him and when he came inside decided he wanted to try and see if he could pick me up he picked me up from behind and i my arms against my chest when he did it he then ended up with a horrific poison ivy rash all over his arms face and legs and i had a poison ivy in lines across my arms where his had touched mine it eventually got better but 6 months later i got strep throat when i got sick the rash re appeared in the exact same distinct pattern across my arms except it was a much lighter rash this time around…it still itched like poison ivy though i am guessing it had something to do with my immune system launching against my strep throat and somehow re activating my original response to the poison ivy… what is crohn is disease,crohn is disease is an ongoing disorder that causes inflammation of the digestive tract also referred to as the gastrointestinal or gi tract crohn is disease can affect any area of the gi tract from the mouth to the anus but it most commonly affects the lower part of the small intestine called the ileum the swelling extends deep into the lining of the affected organ the swelling can cause pain and can make the intestines empty frequently resulting in diarrhea referral for infant reflux may need referral for infant reflux would it be with an ent or gi physician trouble feeding since birth wheezes or coughs alot was 3 wks premature is now 6 mos and still has alot of issues with feedingwheezing,that would be a pediatric gastoenterologist but many pediatricians are quite skilled in managing this common disorder my right hand and feet are always cold and sometimes tingly what could that mean my right foot always goes tingly when i am lying down for bed as if it is asleep so i move it around with no affect my right hand goes cold a lot but my left appendages are just fine,hi before you try more drugs just google natural ways out of anxiety you could find drug free help if so that is something you can tick of you list of drugs good luck can a mammogram detect whether a lump found in the breast of a male is fat cells or a tumor a male friend of mine has been advised to have a mammogram even though a biopsy already ruled out cancer in a lump he found in his breast the doctor indicates he is not certain if it is fat cells or a tumor can a mammogram detect this and why would they not already know this information from having performed a biopsy,hi if your friend has man boobs then yes he can have a tumor so get and help him asap good luck is it normal for a 25yr old to suck his thumb,no it is not normal for an adult to suck their thumb having tongue pain after excessive cunnilingus sharp pains when i lift my tongue to roof of mouth heal on it is own,osteoarthritis ah stee oh ar threye tis is the most common type of arthritis and is seen especially among older people sometimes it is called degenerative joint disease or osteoarthrosis osteoarthritis mostly affects cartilage kar til uj the hard but slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they meet to form a joint healthy cartilage allows bones to glide over one another it also absorbs energy from the shock of physical movement in osteoarthritis the surface layer of cartilage breaks down and wears away this allows bones under the cartilage to rub together causing pain swelling and loss of motion of the joint over time the joint may lose its normal shape also small deposits of bone – called osteophytes or bone spurs – may grow on the edges of the joint bits of bone or cartilage can break off and float inside the joint space this causes more pain and damage people with osteoarthritis usually have joint pain and some movement limitations unlike some other forms of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis osteoarthritis affects only joint function and does not affect skin tissue the lungs the eyes or the blood vessels in rheumatoid arthritis the second most common form of arthritis the immune system attacks the tissues of the joints leading to pain inflammation and eventually joint damage and malformation it typically begins at a younger age than osteoarthritis causes swelling and redness in joints and may make people feel sick tired and uncommonly feverish i was diagnosed with a ear infection on saturday and i was given course of antibiotics but i am due to go skiing on fri i am due to go skiing this friday as a school trip but i am worried that the altitudes could be a problem with my ear as i have had ear infections before and had to travel home from abroad i know how painful they are when flying but we are driving over to italy so i know that will not be a problem but i am worried about when i am skiing and as i am having very bad headaches along with the ear infections i am getting nervous about going should i go skiing or should i cancel the trip,lock your prescriptions up or place them in a safesecure area if you know the family member you can confront them but a denial would be a likely response you may need to get your medicines refilled but if they were for a controlled substance you may be out of luck can i get the stomach virus again i was sick earlier in the week with a stomach virus that consisted of 5 days of constant diarrhea and weakness on the last day of my symptoms my daughter became ill and is fighting it right now i am wondering if i can be reinfected again while taking care of her conventional wisdom tells me i am immune since i gave it to her but i am just curious thanks,psychologist atarax 10 can improve the problem till u see one i would have dizziness headaches and an over all feeling of being un well,there are not any supplement that have been shown to reliably treat tendonitis there are braces nsaids topical anti inflammatories physical therapy and prp platelet rich plasma injections that have been shown to work are some kinds of exercise dangerous when you have osteoporosis,you know yourself better than anyone else you know if you are likely to fall playing tennis or golf or any of the other sports that are not specifically forbidden for people with osteoporosis like sky diving bungee jumping or ski jumping if you have played tennis for many years and have been safe then you may well be fine with continuing it it is all a matter of risk the problem with tennis is that you can fall slide and get hit really hard by a ball maybe doubles is a better approach where your area of responsibility is smaller on the other hand if you prefer to walk and work with weights that is great too it is important to enjoy your exercise but to also be sure that it is safe someone i know took too many tylenol how many tylenol would you have to take to do permanent damage to vital organs,acetaminophen can be liver toxic in high doses usually very high doses perhaps taken as a suicidal gesture the amount of acetaminophen that is considered toxic varies a bit based on the person is size and of course if the person was ingesting alcohol or other drugs it is generally felt that 150mg of acetaminophen per kilo 2 2 pounds of body weight or about 7 10 grams 7 000 to 10 000 mg toxicity can damage can occur at lower dosages however so it is always wise to follow dosage instructions to the letter unless of course you are interested in a liver transplant what is the medical abbreviations ro mean my husband was diagonosed ro p t s d we know what p t s d stands for but what about ro,that is an easy one i use that term all of the time ro means rule out the doctor is considering a certain diagnosis and may not be sure or currently does not have sufficient data to make a definitive diagnosis so heshe will use the abbreviation ro to indicate that this is a tentative or provisional diagnosis that will be ruled out or not began with extreme itching and some redness between last two toes and around toes used otc cream to treat athletes ft itching increased and now blisters are appearing how to treat,this still can be tinea pedis athlete is foot caused by a fungus so keep using the antifungal creams on a regular basis not all antifungal medications are equally effective so if you fail to improve on one you can try a different kind ask your pharmacist for help sometimes when the skin breaks down a person can have a secondary bacterial infection that complicates treatment if you feel you feet getting infected you will need to see your medical provider i have hashimotos am i going to have heart problems within few years,hi having high homocysteine and hashimoto disease are predisposing to cardiac problems i recommend testing your ldl level lower down your animal protein intake and get omega 3 supplement you may not have cardiac disorder in the future if you managed to be healthy diet and avoid weight gain feel better soon i had a perfect vision until i suddenly developed a double vision when i was on a europe trip doctors cannot diagnose what is wrong with me,without a thorough examination it is really not possible to offer you a definitive patient specific answer but sciatica would be one very possible cause pressure on the sciatic nerve out of your lower spine causes pain to go down your leg it starts in the buttocks area an area called the sciatic notch please see your medical provider so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated from the mri kindly explain the severity of my low back pain,your problem is sciatica but it has not yet progressed to a severe stage at this stage you need rest and the following treatment consult your specialist doctor discuss with him or her and take treatment with consent tablet aceclo sr aceclofenac as needed do not use continuously tablet mecalfa pg multivitamin daily in the night when the acute pain is subsided please consult a physiotherapist for back strengthening exercises for further information consult an internal medicine physician online > im nauseous after eating diarrhea decreased appetite n bloating i had the same symptoms 2 weeks ago gastroenteritis female 32 years old and not pregnant,hi it would really depend why you taken it good luck my stomach always growls turns and feels bloated after i eat i also have a lot of flatulence what could be wrong i am not sure what is wrong with me my stomach growls loudly and obnoxiously after i eat and it is very embarrassing not to mention the fact its very uncomfortable almost painful i also have excessive flatulence in addition to this i want to know what is wrong and i am tired of sitting in class with this issue it has been going on for at least 6 months now i do not eat fast and i am definently not hungry and i have tried eating more frequent it does not help,there are a number of things that could be contributing to your gas symptoms the growling stomach you mention is actually your intestines contracting from the movement of air through the intestines here are some potential causes of your gas taking in air through drinking with straws carbonated beverages chewing gum smoking and eating hard candies eating too many gas producing vegetables such as cauliflower broccoli cabbage brussels sprouts onions artichokes beans and asparagus certain fruits like apples pears and peaches may cause problems the inability to digest certain foods like lactose in milk not enough beneficial bacteria in your gastro intestinal system this webmd article provides more details on potential causes of gas you may want to see a registered dietitian andor write down what you eat to spot problem foods and if you continue to have pain or discomfort a doctor visit makes sense can viagra stop a period,given your age you are probably getting close to menopause as you approach this time of life you may notice changes in your periods just like those you have described the most common symptoms are spacing out of menses and less bleeding although the opposite can be seen as well other symptoms that you may experience are hot flashes night sweats vaginal dryness and mood swings however regardless of your age it is best to discuss these changes with your doctor because these same changes in your periods could also be a sign of other abnormalities e g thyroid disorders and uterine cancer which need to be evaluated i have cramping and diarrhea for 2 weeks now,hi it seems that the infection in the gut has not fully got cured some amount of infected bacteria still seem to be dormant inside take a antibiotic course of 7 days with pre and probiotic tablets take anti spasmodics like meftal spas for spasmodic pain if the symptoms do not improve then get a usg of abdomen done to rule out other causes thanks how can i help myself if i have bipolar disorder,about 4 million adult americans suffer from generalized anxiety disorder during the course of a year it most often begins in childhood or adolescence but can begin in adulthood it is more common in women than in men i have been masterbating very frequently lately like 4 to 7 times a day and now i have got this sharp pain within my penis its actually a burning pain within my penis after i pee but when ive over masterbated,also make sure you are getting enough sleep quality sleep sleep is necessary for the metabolism i had mastered the calories in and out equation for years and maintained but i did not actually lose a single pound until i started sleeping better what is systemic lupus erythematosus or lupus,the goal of treatment of osteoporosis is the prevention of bone fractures by reducing bone loss or preferably by increasing bone density and strength although early detection and timely treatment of osteoporosis can substantially decrease the risk of future fractures none of the available treatments for osteoporosis are complete cures in other words it is difficult to completely rebuild bone that has been weakened by osteoporosis therefore prevention of osteoporosis is as important as treatment the following are osteoporosis treatment and prevention measures lifestyle changes including quitting cigarette smoking curtailing excessive alcohol intake exercising regularly and consuming a balanced diet with adequate calcium and vitamin d medications that stop bone loss and increase bone strength such as alendronate fosamax risedronate actonel raloxifene evista ibandronate boniva calcitonin calcimar zoledronate reclast and denosumab prolia medications that increase bone formation such as teriparatide forteo can statins cause joint inflammation such as trigger finger is it possible that i have ra lupus or psoriatic arthritis,here is some information that i hope will be helpful to you and your daughter as she waits to see her doctor ovarian cysts ovarian cysts & tumors ovarian cancer the webmd answers staff does my ecg look like i have ever had a heart attack,it is good to see your detailed history for which i have asked for firstly your ecg is perfectly normal for anything to be wrong in case of ecg the changes should be present in at least two consecutive leads at a time in your case whether it is a t wave or q it is always there in one lead which does not signify anything as your stress echo and all cardiac enzymes are normal far superior to ecg in diagnosing a problem you are cleared from cardiac side secondly you say that you were prescribed statins atorvastatin one of the most common side effects of statins is myalgia pain in a muscle or group of muscles the generalized body ache and dull aching in nature is a characteristic feature of myalgia i request you to consult your doctor and immediately stop atorvastatin also get your liver function test done kindly ask your doctor to shift you either on niacin or fenofibrate if you are intolerant to statin ecg is always interpreted by a doctor the machine most of the times provide us with artifacts do not worry your ecg is perfectly alright from your history you have severe anxiety levels and attacks called panic attacks every attack of panic disorder presents with same symptoms as you have mentioned i can feel that you are obsessed by the thought that you are having any sort of a cardiac ailment try to overcome your obsession if you smoke or drink then stop it try meditation for at least 30 minutes a day and do regular exercise i suggest tablet paroxetine 12 5 mg once daily for 21 days and tablet clonazepam 0 5 mg once daily for 21 days for anxiety consult your doctor discuss with him or her and take the medicine with consent panic disorder and your anxiety are induced by obsession and it needs to be treated the probable causes1 myalgia induced by statins 2 panic disorders 3 obsession induced anxiety investigations to be doneliver function test regarding follow upfor further information consult a cardiologist online > what is the procedure to remove a cyst from your wrist the cyst is in the exact middle of my wrist and is growing in size i do not have insurance and cant afford to go to an emergency room would i be able to go to a free clinic to treat it ,hi chronic allergic sinusitis is the most likely cause get a ct pns done to rule out any other causes deep breathing exercises can help does not seem to be related to eyes thanks does medicare cover iv boniva i have a medicare advantage plan,in my opinion you are describing a spinous process fracture i recommend an x ray to confirm the decide to do either surgical removal or fixation good luck i am not getting my periods after taking fenugreek seeds why,i was having the same symptoms as you are describing and my dr could not find out what the problem was a few months later i had the eyes checked and i needed to start wearing glasses after i got the glasses and wore them consistently my headaches went away try it my question is does anyone feel nauseous or kind of motion sick days after riding roller coasters i spent the weekend riding roller coasters and now for four days i have felt small waves of nausea kind of a motion sick feeling and a odd feeling of being kinda out of it some background i do suffer from motion sickness on roller coasters but i usually take some dramamine and am fine after that this has never happened before,nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs including ibuprofen may rarely increase the risk for a heart attack or stroke the risk may be greater if you have heart disease or increased risk for heart disease for example due to smoking family history of heart disease or conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes or with longer use this drug should not be taken right before or after heart bypass surgery cabg this drug may infrequently cause serious rarely fatal bleeding from the stomach or intestines this effect can occur without warning at any time while taking this drug older adults may be at higher risk for this effect stop taking ibuprofen and get medical help right away if you notice any of these rare but serious side effects blacktarry stools persistent stomachabdominal pain vomit that looks like coffee grounds chestjawleft arm pain shortness of breath unusual sweating confusion weakness on one side of the body slurred speech sudden vision changes talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the benefits and risks of taking this drug what tests i should ask my doctor to do to see if i am nearing menopause,clearly perimenopause is not diagnosed with blood test or even saliva test it is really a diagnosis made by history and physical however i still like to test women on their second or third day of their period just to see where they are hormonally if the tests come back perfectly normal they could still be in perimenopause but if they come back abnormal it could say something about how long this is going to be going on for what does it tell you if your fsh is above a certain number we use above 12 this can reflect upon the fact that women are not as fertile and they clearly could be starting to see a change in the ovarian reserve why does caffeine make thirsty,most women will use birth control pills at some time in their lives but many women do not know that birth control pills also can be used to treat a variety of female problems and can have some surprising health benefits birth control pills are made of synthetic laboratory derived versions of the two ovarian hormones progesterone and estradiol also birth control pills can contain synthetic forms of both hormones or progesterone progestin only progestin only pills are best for women who should not or do not want to take estrogen but are not used as much because they have a higher rate of causing unpredictable vaginal bleeding for at least the first year to understand how birth control pills affect periods it is helpful to understand how the normal menstrual cycle works a menstrual period takes place when the uterus womb sheds its lining this process is controlled by the hormones made by the ovary estrogen and progesterone a menstrual cycle begins with the first day of the period lasts for about one month and is divided into two halves by ovulation the release of an egg from the ovary during the first half of the cycle only estrogen is made under the influence of estrogen the uterine lining grows to prepare for a potential pregnancy during the second half of the cycle after ovulation progesterone is also made progesterone stops the lining from growing and prepares it for implantation of an embryo if pregnancy does not occur progesterone and estrogen levels fall which triggers the shedding of the uterine lining and the next period begins some common uses include regulation of menstrual periods treatment of irregular periods treatment of painful periods and treatment for acne hirsutism excess hair and alopecia hair loss you can find more information from the american society for reproductive medicine on this topic here yes birth control pills can help manage severe acne acne that is worsened by hormonal swings in women of course birth control pills can help regulate the menstrual cycle in women who have terrible unpredictable crampy or heavy periods a regular predictable cycle for these women is a blessing girls who are competitive athletes appreciate the predictability of regular periods birth control pills prevent ovulation so women who have a tendency to get painful ovarian cysts or have ovulation pain can benefit from not ovulating for a while finally birth control pills help some parents sleep better if you have a daughter who may be secretly sexually active or may become sexually involved in the near future the birth control pill is a highly effective contraceptive for those teens who do not or forget to use condoms preaching abstinence has its limitations so parents sleep better knowing that the chance of an unintentional pregnancy is very very remote the dermatologist says if i go out in the sun after having ipl treatments my age spots will come back what can i do,one thing about treating the skin is that it is an ongoing process so it is environmental damage and sun exposure that cause these brown spots to begin with and so once we treat them if you go back and get that damage again chances are you will have new spots created some spots that are going to come up over time just from previous exposures will still come through even if you never get sun exposure again so having the ipl treatment did benefit you because now your skin looks more clear and it is more healthy and younger skin but you have to protect and preserve that skin in order to maintain the results it does not mean you need to sit at home in a darkroom in order to maintain that result but you have to be sun smart try to wear a hat when you can use an spf of 15 or higher even if it is a cloudy day do not be fooled by a day that does not feel so hot or sunny reapply that sunscreen on a regular basis and stay in the shade when you can and that will do the best for you in order to minimize those spots from returning also using over the counter products that contain ingredients like niacinamide and retinoids can help the skin cells turn over they contain antioxidants that help keep the skin renewed and refreshed and those can help keep those spots away as well also ingredients like sepiwhite can be very helpful in keeping your skin more even in tone for a 5 11 43 year old male 245 pounds drinking 160 ounces of beer a night be cause for concern he also smokes marijuana daily 2 joints what are the health risks he drinks and smokes about the same amount daily,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you vbghghhghgh what is type 1 diabetes,type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults and was previously known as juvenile diabetes in type 1 diabetes the body does not produce insulin insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar starches and other food into energy needed for daily life only 5 of people with diabetes have this form of the disease with the help of insulin therapy and other treatments even young children with type 1 diabetes can learn to manage their condition and live long healthy happy lives if you have or know a child who was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes you may also be interested in our book can asthma inhalers cause thrush i forgot to rinse my mouth after i used my inhaler and got white all over the inside my mouth was told it was thrush,not all asthma inhalers asthma inhalers that contain steroids can contribute to the formation of thrush a type of yeast called candida causes thrush or oral candidiasis “all of us have candida normally in our bodies but it is kept in check by our immune system so that we do not know we have it you do not need to worry about that you just need to follow few simple steps to deel with it like rinse out your mouth and gargle with water after using an inhaler you can also reduce your risk of developing thrush by using a spacer with your inhaled steroids for more information you can visit pharmacysell has it ever been known for a baby to survive at 11 weeks,no a fetus of 11 weeks would not be able to survive doctor is suggesting that dialysis be done to get rid of the edema i need a second opinion,ringworm of the scalp or beard is treated with antifungal pills in combination with antifungal shampoo or lotion topical antifungal medicines such as shampoos or lotions that you apply directly to the infected area do not work when used alone because they cannot get deep enough into the infected hair shaft to kill fungi there but antifungal shampoo helps prevent spreading the fungus to other people because it decreases fungal shedding from the scalp or beard area doctors also recommend occasional use of antifungal shampoos for ringworm carriers people who can spread the fungus but do not have ringworm symptoms often an adult becomes a carrier after exposure to an infected child what to think about ringworm of the scalp or beard can come back after treatment has cleared the infection ringworm of the scalp or beard can cause scarring and permanent hair loss webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated pain behind right eye blurriness headache sinus pain,i can tell you that all you need now is hot drinks ibuprofen tabs and pseudoephedrine hydrichloride tabs its a classic condition of frontal and sphenoidal sinusitis use the upwritten regimen and observe if within 5 there is no improvement try to contact a new doctor do not take antibiotics your fever is of a viral cause not bacterial no need for antibiotics in the meanwhile as lond as the antipyretics are doing their jobhope you get well soon can too much buttermilk cause thrush,no thrush is caused by a yeast buttermilk will not contribute to thrush at all not getting period on nuvaring i have been on the nuvaring for about 7 months from what my ovulation calendar says i should have started my period this past saturday i usually start on sunday well it is now monday and i have not started yet ever since i have been on the nuvaring my period is never consistent i will get it regular for a few days and the next month i will barley get anything at all does anyone else have problems like this is it normal should i worry about if i am pregnant or not,its a kind of skin infection dermatitis apply local steroid cream anti fungal creams and give her oral medicines as well do consult a dermatologist my daughter has a ring around her iris is it a kayser freischer ring,yes it is kayser freischer ring this could be wilson disease i recommend serum bilirubin serum aspartate transaminase i have thin skin on my forearms could it be hereditary and because of tanning as a teen,thank you dr ayman for answering well as a medical history he has diabetes and went to the hospital after a swelling in his body that increased the creatinine and for medication doctors gave him cortisone that cured him but it decresed the potassium and sodium in his body and now he is getting physical therapy and medication i just want to know your full answer please i have a tooth absess that is swelling into my eye what sould i do i went to the hospital they tried to drain it it did not work,see a dentist immediately what is epilepsy,epilepsy is a common condition that causes repeated seizures the seizures are caused by bursts of electrical activity in the brain that are not normal seizures may cause problems with muscle control movement speech vision or awareness they usually do not last very long but they can be scary the good news is that treatment usually works to control and reduce seizures epilepsy is not a type of mental illness or intellectual disability it generally does not affect how well you think or learn you can not catch epilepsy from someone else like a cold and they can not catch it from you webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated is azithromycin 500 mg to take 1 tablet a day for 6 days safe im pregnant 12 weeks and 5 days worried about my baby my congestion coughing sore throat didnt go away with alternative ways i use vicks vaporrub and some halls cough drop to get me through the night but still it goes back i have never been sick so long like this so i decided to take the azithromycin my doctor prescribes but still im worried if it would affect my baby after 1 to 2 hours taking it it gave me a stomachache i throw up and diarrhea followed really worried i am a 1st time mom to be pls help anyone experience this tnx,you definitely have some challenges but you should be able to exercise at this point you have three goals 1 get your physicians approval to start exercising 2 seek treatment for you patellar tendonitis a short course of physical therapy could get you up and moving in no time click here for some info about what physical therapy is and how they can help 3 look for a water aerobics class in your area its a great form of low impact exercise easy on osteoarthritis and fallen arches on the first day of class arrive early and explain your situation to the instructor as long as you have been cleared to exercise by your doctor just do want you can without causing your symptoms to flare up more then likely the instructor will be able to provide you with some alternatives also keep in mind any movement is good movement as long as it does not make your symptoms worse anytime you have an injury it does not matter if your an olympic athlete or just an average person you have to e ase into activity i had sex no condom no pill aug 7th three times and he ejaculated inside all three times and then once on the 8th i got my period i think it was 6 days later i am 35 in the past week i have noticed abdominal pain exhaustion i have cried all night without obvious reason and i am nauseous all the time until i eat something preferably carbs i vary between no appetite to ravenous oh and i had my first migraine in awhile last week as well and a headache for 2 days after i know all these can be symptoms of an upcoming period but should i take a pregnancy test or is that just being hopeful,you are apparently trying to get pregnant since you are not using any form of contraception assuming your partner is capable of fathering a child it should only be a matter of time assuming you are capable of getting pregnant these things of course cannot be determined over the internet take a pregnancy test but be prepared to repeat it in a week or so you can also see your gynecologist for an exam or more sensitive pregnancy blood test since you are also have an array of symptoms that may or may not be related to a pregnancy an exam would be highly recommended can you spill keatones with type 2 diabetes,tetanus vaccines are 100 protective against tetanus for ten years the injection does not protect you against any other wound infection just tetanus so good first aid after any injury is always necessary there are much better antiseptics than after shave lotion alcohol so perhaps you should improve your home first aid kit you can always get wound infections is it safe to drink ensure during pregnacy,please do ticks can carry disease is it safe to take prescription ibuprofen three to four hours after having an alcoholic beverage,the following situations potentially expose a person to the toxoplasma parasite and increase the risk of acquiring toxoplasmosis touching your hands to your mouth after gardening or after cleaning a cat is litter box or anything that came into contact with cat feces eating raw or partly cooked meat especially pork lamb or venison touching your hands to your mouth after contact with raw or undercooked meat organ transplantation or transfusion this is rare if a woman is pregnant when she is infected with toxo the infection can be transmitted from her to the baby with sometimes catastrophic consequences i have got a wrist and palm injury in my right hand,hi there is a pale line that seems like cracked fracture unfortunately it can be misdiagnosed some would say fracture other not so i recommend repeating x ray 1 week after initial injury which can show with no dought if it is fractured or not until then i recommend a one week cast good luck is zicam safe during the third trimester of pregnancy,hi in my opinion taking medication like streptokine to stop diarrhea is not a smart move it şhould as excpected increase your abdominal pain i recommend stoping diarrhea medication and taking metronidazole and ranitidine as i suspect bacterial infection good luck very high metabolism very skinny need help gaining weight help please i have a very very high metabolism and its impossible for me to gain weight i am 17 years old im about 5ft 7 and only weigh around 107 lbs and its hard for me to consume loads of food because of school 6am 3pm so i need help i need a plan for me because im so confused where to start i also have this problem where i get full quick and get hungry quick and if there is any pills i could take that could help me that would be great,a urinary tract infection uti is a bacterial infection so an antibiotic is an effective treatment penicillin specifically may be used to treat a uti but the choice of medication sometimes is based on the specific bacteria causing the infection it is important not to try to self diagnose a uti only a urine sample can confirm the presence of bacteria many of the symptoms of uti such as pain or burning with urination peeing can be caused by other things that is why it is important to see a health care provider for an examination if you think you may have a urinary tract infection it is also important never to self treat conditions like this never use leftover antibiotics you should never have any leftover antibiotics it is extremely important to take every pill in the bottle whenever an antibiotic is prescribed to treat a cold flu or any other problem such as when you think you might have a uti misuse of antibiotics in this way can lead to the development of superbugs that are resistant to treatment if you think you have a uti i urge you to see a health care provider for a simple urine test that way you will be on the right path toward treatment best to you can toxic shock syndrome cause infertility,a description no matter how specific is not sufficient to make a blind diagnosis of this skin condition as much as i would like to help you you will need to physically see a medical professional so you can be properly examineddiagnosed and perhaps have this skin condition lab tested there are many things that can cause the bumps you are trying to describe and it would not be prudent to just guess based solely on the information in your posting give me a list of grains fruits veggies beans that are rich in good carbohydrates,hi if the pain now is getting continuous and not going away then he may have developed pericardial effusion meaning accumulation of fluid around the heart this usually happens as a complication of pericarditis and is usually associated with low immunity get his chest xray ecg and an echocardiography done thanks can you get a hernia after getting hit in the groin,hi it could be a sports hernia you have this goes the other way its when you get a muscle strain or small tear if you google sports hernia you can read more good luck what is a safe simple heartburn treatment,it typically is not a problem to travel a few weeks after a minor heart attack although i would discuss this specifically with his physician why is my chronic leg and back pain ignored in several years no testing done how long must i suffer i do not understand this at all i have had no tests done at all i did recently have xrays to check for kidney stones when had uti they showed degeneration i feel i am being taken lightly in this matter i am told i have diebetes controlled with diet and oral meds i have recently begun to have a rubbery feeling in my legs this makes me feel like a newborn horse when they first stand up on their legs and they wobble,i am sorry to hear you feel you are being ignored by the medical professionals who are treating you that is not good sometimes a person has to be very vocal in telling their health care provider what they want done and why if you feel your complaints of chronic back pain have been ignored perhaps this would be a good time for you to tell your doctor straight out that you want some testing done on your back to figure out what is causing the pain it can be helpful to take a trusted family member or friend with you on these appointments this person can act as an advocate or a person who will take up your cause with you your advocate should have a pen and some paper to take notes and he or she should feel free to ask questions i hope this approach will get you the results you want how do i keep track of my medical information,you can take nyquil occasionally for a cold while taking bupropion there are no dangerous drug interactions between the two medications complete vegetarian exercise diet how can i manage my diet age 26 gender male indian height 168 cm weight 65kg i am a pure vegetarian i do not even eat eggs as of now morning after waking up i will drink 6 cup of water and after one hour exercise for one hour after relaxing body will eat boiled green peas nuts cocked soy and leaf mixture with oil 1 big boiled potatoes without boiled banana boiled quinoa 1 cup milk rice lunch rice with vegetable curry whey fruits supper chapati with green peas curry 1 cup milk is it good to drink 6 cup of water at morning kindly advise a good diet plan,six cups of water would make me slosh but it will not hurt you you are doing pretty well but you might want to consider replacing some of your starches with leafy greens root vegetables and higher protein foods beans are good to eat more of too lentils are awesome too and they give you good nutrients so try replacing your dinner with a lentil curry instead of a green pea curry and maybe some beans instead of peas on some mornings if i take pills my period is regular if i stopped taking pills my period stops too i am worried i might not get pregnant,use a concealer that has been dermatologically tested pretested concealers are generally less likely to clog pores or cause an allergic reaction to your skin the synthetic fragrances or preservatives usually have been removed leaving a more natural product what is considered to be a pre existing condition,illnesses such as cancer heart disease diabetes rheumatoid arthritis and drug and alcohol dependency are considered to be pre existing medical conditions and in today is insurance market would certainly lead to a person being automatically rejected by insurers even people who have minor conditions may find the search for an insurance plan tricky under the affordable care act that goes away one of the hairs in eyebrow has changed to blond is that normal,in your paternal family is there any history or case of vitiligo in which a person develop white patches or graying of hairs right now i can say that you can get it trimmed for now if there is a genetic history of vitiligo in your family then there can be many chances for you to develope such thing and do notice it next time on all your hair growing area for now you can take tablet follihair biotin multivitamin tablet take it once in a day for one month and get your cbc complete blood count done for further information consult a hair transplant surgeon online > how soon after open surgery for a inguinal hernia can i have sex again,if he is eating your beaver it really should not be a problem have fun i suffer from neck pain due to bad posture is there anything that can help me,if u need something quick and effective u can try standing in a corner facing the wall with your arms up and strech your pectoralis muscles also do daily strengthening of your middle fibers of trapezius besides encouraging fitness and nutrition how else can i help my child lose weight,let me share three elements that i will bet you did not realize impact so significantly upon childhood obesity 1 tv in the bedroom having a tv in the bedroom often leads to sedentary behavior as well as overeating kids literally go into a trance for hours staring at the tube while mindlessly stuffing their faces with too many calories which includes a large amount of junk get these tvs out of their bedrooms 2 not sitting down together for meals few families sit down together for a meal especially at dinnertime kids frequently fend for themselves and often take their food to other parts of the house and eat there how about parents mentor their kids and structure meals such that there is time to sit and talk and enjoy healthy food together heck prepare the meal together it is such a win win 3 not getting enough sleep sleep deprivation goes hand in hand with the tv in the bedroom along with high tech toys that are distracting kids 247 kids need at least nine hours of sleep parents need to monitor this and make sure each child is getting enough zzzs why is hair coming off on my hands while shampooing i am a 21 year old male there is no history of male pattern baldness in the immediatte family and this only started about 3 weeks ago until then i had never experienced any such issue,no cure other than tincture of time most of these areas of pigmentation caused by skin disorders will fade over time there are no specific treatments my dad said i got my bad teeth from him do you really inherit bad teeth,only women who no longer have a uterus should consider using estrogen alone therapy et for women with a uterus the option they might consider is estrogen plus progestogen therapy ept progestogen is needed to protect the uterus and balance the effects of estrogen using et alone for 5 or more years can more than triple the risk of developing cancer of the uterus but adding progestogen prevents the uterine lining endometrium from thickening and greatly reduces the cancer risk then of course each woman must determine with her healthcare provider if ept is right for her can i take imodium ad while pregnant,it is actually not recommended that you take this product while pregnant unless your health care provider has discussed the risks versus the benefits and absolutely feels that you need it there are no well controlled studies completed on its effect in pregnant or breastfeeding women doctor thinks my appendix needs surgery should i go through the surgery,hi from the history that u have stated it seems that the diagnosis is unclear appendicitis should be clearly documented before going for surgery performing a appendicectomy without a proper diagnosis may not solve the issue if the cause is unknown right ovary conditions can also mimick similar symptoms thanks total hysterectomy over 20 yrs ago having night sweats mood swings can i be going through some sort of menopause age 51 seem to be depressed and mood swings like crazy not sleeping through the night either what is going on i did hrt after surgery till doctor said not needed anymore i still feel as though its menopause systoms am i crazy,long term smoking generally does increase the likelihood of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease copd if the coughing and spitting up mucus while smoking are new symptoms it could be a signal that lung damage is occurring including the development of copd i would suggest your husband see a doctor about this the coughing and spitting may or may not be related to the smoking he will only find out by having a physical exam keep in mind smoking damages more organs than just the lungs smoking can have a negative impact on the heart urinary bladder colon mouth throat and many other parts of the body quitting smoking is always the best option but i realize it can very difficult for some people to do and some people simply do not want to quit smoking i hope your husband goes for a physical exam to find out how his lungs and heart are doing i wish you all the best several of my doctors have said they will probably not be in network with marketplace plans i am wondering how they know if the plans have not yet been finalized,insurance companies need to build their provider networks in advance of plans being released on the marketplaces so many doctors have already been approached by insurers and asked to join many healthcare providers are now considering whether or not they will choose to participate in those plans just as they would any insurance company network how can exercise boost brainpower,prior to the discovery of insulin there was no way for people with iddm to survive without the hormone the isugar sickness was a wasting syndrome which left people with insulin dependant diabetes unable to process foods people were treated with diet restrictions or starvation diets in order to help them survive this condition lead to early death in 1922 healthcare providers were able to treat this condition with insulin the drug was first mass produced by eli lilly and later by novo nordisk insulin is currently produced by a technology that uses human insulin or proinsulin genes that are injected into yeast or e coli these can mass produce a human form of insulin which is used to treat diabetes my doctor said i was healthy but then said i may have depression and anxiety but did nothing what do i do i went to get blood work done because i kept trembling and was unable to sleep for days the i would get headaches and also dizzy i still get these symptoms and feel sad and do not want to do anything my doctor said i most likely have anxiety or depression but my parents said that was impossible so he did nothing about it i do not want to hurt myself but i want this feeling to end it feels as if it never ends and it is really tiring,one of the questions or at least problems that some people tell me dr breus i take a nap and i feel worse when i get up than i did when i fell asleep well that means that you have napped too long because then you have gone into deep sleep and you are going to have a real hard time pulling yourself out of that deep sleep now is it just because you woke up in the middle of that deep sleep generally speaking if you wake up in the middle of that deep sleep it is really hard to shake that sleepy feeling and that is when you do not feel so good what can you do if that does happen to you truthfully there is not a whole lot you could have some caffeine which would help bring you out of it caffeine by the way i do not have a problem with caffeine i do not have a problem with people drinking coffee i just want them to do it responsibly and know and understand the effects of caffeine so if you wake up from a nap and you feel worse than you did before having some caffeine will probably help the biggest thing that is going to help though is walking outside and getting sunlight sunlight is it directly affects your body is ability to produce melatonin because remember you do not produce melatonin in the light so if you wake up and you do not feel so hot before you go and grab that soda or coffee i would say walk outside and get a little bit of sunlight and even walk around a little bit and you should be able shake yourself out of it pretty quick can blu light prevent future skin cancers,no does anyone know how soon after you have completed chemo that one could get a flu shot,only your oncologist can answer this question it is worth asking him or her too because depending on your cancer and its treatment you may be at higher risk for complications from h1n1 flu seasonal influenza andor bacterial pneumonia all vaccines depend on an immune system response to learn how to fight the bacteria or virus if infection by that bug like the flu does occur later the immune system is prepared and quickly destroys the invaders before they can make you sick as you may already know most chemotherapy suppresses the immune system standard practice is to delay vaccination until the immune system recovers there is no standard point to use and oncologists differ in their approach they may wait for a certain period of time after chemotherapy or vaccinate when the white blood cell count climbs past a certain point it is believed that this makes a good response to the vaccine more likely other experts also recommend revaccination several months after chemotherapy is complete generally speaking children is vaccines are given on schedule even while they are receiving chemotherapy this information only applies to inactivated vaccines including seasonal influenza swine flu and most others live vaccines measles mumps rubella varicella oral polio and bacillus calmette guerin should generally not be given to people receiving chemotherapy do testosterone boosters really work while many prescription treatments can increase those levels through injections or by topical aplication they often cause the body to further reduce its own production resulting in increasing dependance on the prescription many testosterone boosters claim they can trigger your body to produce more testosterone naturally and therefore not create a dependance do these over the counter supplements really boost testosterone levels if so do they do it without further reducing natural production,put your head down toward your knees and apply an ice pack to the back of your neck is it ok to break your blood pressure tablet in half later if your blood pressure is still high i take blood pressure meds and sometimes it still goes up not for long i was curious can you break your tablet in half and take it if it has been a while since you took the first whole med,i can see why you would ask this question it seems like a very logical solution does not it however i would not advise doing this first of all there are several different types of blood pressure pills some of them work by relaxing blood vessels others work in the kidneys others work by reducing blood volume water pills taking a little extra of one type of pill might not harm you while taking extra of another type of pill could cause your blood pressure to go dangerously low second it is normal for your blood pressure to fluctuate throughout the day and even in different situations for instance your blood pressure may go up if you have recently been walking or for some people simply standing up your pressure can go up if you are angry anxious or feeling emotional on the other hand your blood pressure can go down if you are feeling very relaxed or if you have been lying around all day this is normal the important thing with blood pressure medication is that it controls your pressure on average if your pressure usually falls within an acceptable range as determined by your healthcare provider then you are doing fine however if your pressure is often or regularly elevated even though you take your medication as prescribed then you should let your medical provider know lastly do not take your blood pressure too often there is no point taking it once a day at the same time every day usually is sufficient take it around noon or 1pm if possible always write down your readings and note if you were sitting down walking angry or anything that could affect your reading and take this information to your doctor appointments your provider will appreciate getting this feedback wishing you well my mom is cousin says she can no longer taste food as a result of metformin have you noticed this in your patients,some warts will go away without treatment others will not even those warts that eventually go away can take months or even years to disappear also keep in mind that any wart can be a “mother” wart that spreads to other parts of your body most dermatologists say it is best to treat warts either at home or in the doctor is office as soon as they appear can a child under 18 get birth control with out parents permission,yes in some states if a child over the age 13 they can have confidential contraceptive services without parental consent or knowledge does niacin affect the bodys ability to produce insulin,since i have no way of seeing this red bump or examining your mother first hand it would not be wise for me or any medical provider to blindly guess she needs to show this skin anomaly to her medical provider or a dermatologist so that she can be properly examined and diagnosed can i get pregnant by another man me and my boyfriend have been going out for over 2 years and we have never used protection yet i have never become pregnant i think i ovulate but never gone to specialist we got in a fight and i had sex with a friend we used a condom the first time then 15 minutes later sex again no protection he did pull out my question is if my boyfriend could not get me pregnant in 2 years is it possible that my friend can get me pregnant this month i do not want my friends baby,not if you are in a cast it would become so stinky that you could not stand the smell and the humidity has the potential of fostering a very itchy and irritating fungal infection if you do not have any medical issues that would preclude you from using a sauna or steam room and you are in a boot instead of a cast hobble or hop in carefully do not slip or fall consider leaving the boot outside the room and enjoy there are no reasons a person with a broken ankle cannot have a sauna or steam how can you tell if you have a flue or infection,flu influenza is an infection a viral one it has distinct symptoms and can be detected by a rapid test in under 10 minutes other types of infection bacterial require a hands on medical examination and in some cases diagnostic tests in order to be properly diagnosed you can put influenza symptoms in your webmd or google search engine for more information what medications and treatments are available to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia bph,medicines are sometimes used to help relieve bothersome moderate to severe urination problems caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia bph if you stop using medicine the symptoms will usually return the american urological association aua symptom index is an interactive questionnaire that can help you determine how bad your urinary symptoms are and check how well your treatment is working but the most important factor in deciding whether to use medicines is not your aua score but how much the symptoms bother you and affect your quality of life a high score on the aua does not necessarily mean you need medicines the side effects of the most commonly used medicines are generally minor and they stop when you stop taking the medicine medication choices alpha blockers including doxazosin cardura and terazosin hytrin relieve symptoms within a few weeks but do not stop the process of prostate enlargement 5 alpha reductase inhibitors such as dutasteride avodart or finasteride proscar may reduce the size of an enlarged prostate but may take 6 months or more to show any effect on symptoms using a combination of an alpha blocker with a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor may help your symptoms more than either medicine alone 5 6 what to think about alpha blockers and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors affect different prostate tissues how much your symptoms improve may depend on which tissue is contributing most to your symptoms none of these medicines will work for everyone alpha blockers may help symptoms caused by a blockage at the opening to the bladder with this type of obstruction you may have difficulty starting urination and have a weak urine stream alpha blockers relax the smooth muscle tissue in the prostate and the opening to the bladder this muscle tissue must relax to allow urine to flow 5 alpha reductase inhibitors can reduce the size of your prostate and can slow the rate of enlargement men with smaller prostates see less benefit than those with larger prostates men who have only slightly enlarged prostates usually find alpha blockers more helpful 5 alpha reductase inhibitors may cause you to have less desire to have sex decreased libido webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated my wife is upper thighs turned purple all blood tests are ok,it is not possible to determine the nature of a rash based on a vague description so you will need to see a medical provider so you can have this all over rash properly examined diagnosed and treated since you are concerned that this could be a consequence of unprotected sex seeing a medical provider is even more important if necessary the medical provider can test you for hiv and other sexually transmitted diseases you should get tested but you might just have dry skin this is very common as far as the penis is concerned you should use a creme called man1 man oil it is the best penis skin moisturizer around and will keep things in good shape down there i have used it for years and i love it good luck is gerdgastroesophageal reflux disease curable permanently through medicines,methergine methylergonovine is an ergotamine type of medication it is on the market as a treatment for uterine bleeding that is the fda approved use similar medications were used to treat headaches in the past it should work for migraine it is a very strong blood vessel constrictor and has a number of serious side effects some of the side effects caused by long term use could be permanent we do not use this medication in our clinic so i am not sure how long it should take to work what tests should my doctor be conducting to diagnose the cause of my vertigo i was diagnosed at the er this weekend i woke up feeling a little dizzy then about an hr after i woke up i felt a constant spinning sensation accompanied by severe nausea and vomitting everytime i moved the er dr diagnosed vertigo caused by a virus inducing swelling in my inner ear i was prescribed medications for the dizziness and nausea but the spinning has not stopped and it has been three days,the er doctor may be correct since inner ear disorders are really high on the diagnostic possibilities most care cause by viruses that are self limiting so if you can hang in there another week or so it may resolve if not your doctor should send ot you an ent specialist one that specializes in inner ear problems neurotologist for a higher level diagnostic work up this may include an mri and a variety of inner ear diagnostic tests i injured myself during a rugby game now have sudden onset breathlessness,of course the more sexual partners that you have the greater the chance of getting a sexually transmitted disease like hiv if you have unprotected sex or risky sex with multiple the chance of you getting an unwanted disease increases astronomically so is the risk really worth it i had unprotected oral and protected anal sex recieving with a she male she idnt ejaculate im so worried about hiv,i would recommend you heading to brain mri to check for that…those symptoms are abnormal and associated with neurological pathology … please follow up with the results on this post i have no fever but my skin feels hot what does that mean this usally happens mid day and what happens is the core of my body gets hot my skin is hot to the touch and i feel as though the sun is shining from the inside of my body outwards it is very frusterating because no matter if i turn the ac on or run ice over my skin in a few minutes the same inner hot feeling comes back,i have had this same feeling of hot skin and feeling flush for over 10 years now but i do not have a fever i have tried several different vitamins and herbs but what i have come to realize is that the reason i am feeling this way is because i am not hydrated enough i know you think that this could not be what is causing this for you but i would encourage you to drink two or three bottles of cold water when this hot feeling starts to come on and then see how this makes you feel 15 to 20 min later i know this seems too simple to be the solution but it is worth a try it has certainly been the solution for me i am a 45 male i do have low testosterone and get weekly injections for this i spend 95 of my time inside a cool 70 degree house so i should not be dehydrated but this has been my solution maybe i am not dehydrated but for whatever reason this works for me best of luck in finding how to solve this issue in your body i know how frustrating it can be to feel this way and not know what to do or even try best of health to you scott why are some people losing their health insurance coverage,i do not know of any contraindications for exercise restriction while anyone is on cipro or for months after any restrictions that your doctor recommended has nothing to do with the medication but your other health concerns since i do not know you full medical history it is best to get patient specific exercise parameters from your doctor someone who does have this information i unfortunately can not give you good guidelines but i can tell the previous answer is incorrect cipro has repeatedly been associated with increased risk of tendon injury it is probably safest to wait a at least a few weeks to exercise until it completely clears out of your system bottom line though is to check with your doc this medication has received one of the strongest fda warnings about tendon rupture and mentions staying away from excersize even several months after treatment my personal experience i have always enjoyed excersize but after 2 or 3 rounds of this medication during a year and a half i get extreme burning pain in my ankles because tendon rupture with this medication is well known it would not surprise me to learn later on after more case histories are revealed that this medication wears away tendons in ankles and could very well cause irreprable damage is it better to apply cold or hot to a injection site for pain relief received a pneumovax 23 injection in the muscle of my upper arm pain and stiffness at the injection site for pain relief i took 1 aleve so far no relief would it be helpful for pain relief to apply a hot or cold compress to the site of the injection i can barely move my arm thank you,hi if you bottle feed your baby or combine bottle feeding with breastfeeding your first period could start as soon as 5 6 weeks after you give birth if you fully breastfeed and do not combine bottle feeding with breastfeeding it is possible that your periods may not start again until you stop breastfeeding this is your body is way of preventing additional pregnancies while you have a small baby do hope this helps good luck what is causing my daughter to have abdominal pain vomiting and hives,california i am not sure that you meant to type the name of a state unfortunately it would not be possible to determine that nature of your painful bumps based solely on a vague description you will need to see a medical professional for a proper examination and perhaps so diagnostic tests to get a definitive answer i encourage you to do so my 2 year old son is tall for his age but only 50th percentile for weight does that mean he is underweight,as i am not a doctor i will not even speculate on what injury or issue you may be having however you may try having an mri done that was how i found out i had herniated the c5 c7 vertebrae in my neck in a car crash my last period was 106 and i had intercosre on 1020 i started spotting on 112 am i pergnant,it is possible you are pregnant generally a woman will ovulate 14 days after the onset of her period it is during ovulation that a woman can get pregnant if you started your period on oct 6 and add 14 days to that it comes out to oct 20 the day you had intercourse i would recommend you go to your local pregnancy resource center or to your doctor to have a pregnancy test that is the only way you can be sure if you are pregnant j m hatfield former client advocate and board member of my choices medical resource center clallam county wa how much would a pregnant woman weigh after being starved for 8 days if she originally weighed 110,there is a vaccine for tuberculosis disease called bacille calmette guerin bcg it is used in some countries to prevent severe forms of tb in children however bcg is not generally recommended in the united states because it has limited effectiveness for preventing tb in adults the effect of bcg against extensively drug resistant tuberculosis xdr would likely be similar to the effect on drug susceptible tb is smoking marijuana before surgery dangerous,the goal for patients with combined systolic and diastolic hypertension is to attain a blood pressure of 14085 mmhg bringing the blood pressure down even lower may be desirable in african american patients and patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease although lifestyle changes in pre hypertensive patients are appropriate it is not well established that treatment with medication of patients with pre hypertension is beneficial my ears popped on a plane ride a month ago they continue to stay clogged serverity fluctuates and i do not have a cold it was initially only the right ear but it has since moved to both ears it seems to be alternating between ears and usually clogs up more toward the end of the day i have tried decongestants sudafed ear wax removal and drops…all to no effect i do not have health insurance so just going to the doctor is not really probable unless i know that there is a specific cure out there i have to pay out of pocket and i can not afford for them to tell me just to pop a sudafed,this happened to me go to nose ear and throat doc may have fluid trapped in the inner ear can anemia be linked to diabetes,anemia reduced red blood cell number andor volume is more common in patients with longstanding diabetes this is probably due to the effect of diabetes on the kidney which makes the hormone erythropoietin erythropoietin stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells but this hormone is reduced in patients with moderate or severe diabetic kidney damage resulting in under stimulated red blood cell production by the marrow most people with diabetes do not have anemia in the absence of kidney disease it is easy to test for anemia and kidney disease with simple blood tests that most people with diabetes have had many times there are many potential causes of anemia including iron deficiency b12 or folic acid deficiency heavy menstrual bleeding ulcer in the stomach or upper intestine colon cancer kidney disease etc diabetes itself is not really a primary cause to overcome my depression anxiety and stress i started masturbating i feel weak,spermicidals such as films gels and sponges can cause irritation of the urethra in both men and women the urethra is the tube that drains the bladder to the outside however there are other causes of burning with urination it is important that you and your girlfriend see your doctors to make sure that neither one of you have an infection you may also want to consider another form of birth control because spermicidals are not as effective as many others remember that it is always important to practice safe sex a condom would prevent the burning and help to prevent sexually transmitted diseases cancer of lymph nodes with bowel blockage doctor says too dangerous to operate,sorry for her pain i understand your feelings in this age it is not recommended to try surgeries as it is not guaranteed that the patient can tolerate it vitally… also having many lymph nodes involved and adhesions means that a surgeon will be unable to help inside… so in this case just keep on the prune juice and all anti cancer remedies also stick to alkaline diet and avoid acidic diets and foods… you can get a full list of alkaine foods online from many sites missed pills at end of 3rd week started period on monday waited til next sunday to start new pack can i get pregnant missed 3 pills april 11 13 period started monday april 15 ended 18th started new pack sunday april 21 unsafe sex on april 27th is there a way i could have gotten pregnant if so when can i take a test,yes if period only lasted 3 days of those seven days i suffer from neck pain due to bad posture is there anything that can help me,osteopathy should help you yoga is best for medium to long term results will help correct your posture and eliminate pain how should i approach my daughter is doctor if i am concerned she might be getting overweight,it is so important that you are in tune to the possibility that your child might be overweight and you should state that very early in your discussion with your child is doctor so many parents are embarrassed about this topic but they should not be if you are straightforward about your concern your doctor can get right to the issue and give it the time that it deserves your doctor should calculate for your child is body mass index bmi which is an easily calculated number based on her height and weight and compare her bmi to other girls her exact age children in the upper 85th to 94th percentiles are labeled at risk for obesity and children over the 95th percentile are termed obese children classified as at risk should be carefully evaluated and even though the use of the bmi scale may miss some patients at risk or may classify some unusually muscular children as obese you and your doctor should then use common sense and clinical judgment to avoid incorrect labeling thereafter other very important factors to consider include the family history and activity level of your child and other health problems your child might be having then extra time should be taken to go over the complete dietary profile of your child and your family how do you lift saggy breast up without surgery,hi hypertension drugs can cause fatigue + depression antidepressants can cause fatigue and headaches depression itself can cause feeling of fatigue i think you need psychiatric councling and asking your doctor to switch your anti depressants i suggest b active in the morning +omega 3 in the afternoon they can give you a nice energy boost supplement good luck my little boy has stomach pain done countless tests spent a fortune i am at a loss need advice,hi gerd combined with indigestion seems to be more likely start on liv52 liver tonics to help good digestion antacids will help avoid spicy food thanks pain in head neck left arm and lower back xray shows degeneration here are my mri results,in my opinion i recommend you see an urologist as i suspecting kidney problem yes can cause all body pain check for protein in urinehonestly i have no idea why your rheumatologist prescribed medication may be symptomatic treatment good luck how can i slow my pulse for a few hours no breathing techniques or meditation please need to pass a medical screen but my bpm is hitting 102 i know this is due to anxiety the screening doctor says it is tachycardia but i just get anxious around his loud ekg will not accept anxiety as an answer my own doctor measures my bpm while monitoring my wristneck with a stopwatch my pulse is always under 85 there at hone i monitor my own pulse with a home ekg it is also always under 85 is there any otc medication to lower my pulse any fruits or vegetables,my friend i am sorry but there are no vegetables or over the counter medications that can slow down your heart rate i would suggest telling your screening doctor that you are very anxious and that you suspect it is anxiety because lets be honest its pretty intimidating 85 as a resting heart rate is pretty fast but can be normal for long term solutions i would try running or doing some sort of cardiovascular exercise this can reduce anxiety and get your heart into shape which will lower your resting heart rate for short term results breathing exercises it is relief from sinuses i have been suffering from sinus infections my doctor called in suprax 400 mg for me to take one a day for 10 days i am leery of taking it because i read some reviews that were pretty horrible severe stomach pain and cramps severe diarrhea etc i was on augmentin but it makes me extremely nauseas and bad stomach pains and dizziness any suggestions on what i can do to get over this i am really in need of some relief,you need to get to the er now with your medical history it is not that important when you started bleeding but rather how much you are bleeding right now a rapid bleed in the stomach could cause black stools relatively fast because you are weak and out of breath it would not be wise to delay an immediate medical evaluation my vagina is dryer than before so its burning me after sex wat should i do to let it be like before im on the pill,most helpful answer this is a great question and one you should ask your health care provider it is a bit too involved to go into here but i will briefly outline some not all of the options and luckily webmd offers this handy comparison of some common blood pressure medications a water pill or diuretic such as hydrochlorothiazide or furosemide lowers blood pressure by getting rid of excess water in your system this essentially lowers your overall blood volume if you have tinnitus or ringing in the ears you should talk to your health care provider about using a potassium sparing water pill because the other type can make tinnitus worse ace angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors have become a popular choice these medications basically cause your blood vessels to relax which lowers your blood pressure these medications usually have few side effects beta blockers work by slowing down the pace of your heartbeat and also reducing the force at which the heart contracts this combination causes your blood pressure to come down if your doctor suggests a beta blocker be sure to get specific dosing instructions some beta blockers should not be taken when your pulse rate is low again you ask a good question for your doctor if you go on a blood pressure medication be sure to know what it does specifically why it is a good choice for you and what possible side effects you should watch out for hope this helps i cant move my leg to walk – all my body aches,hi your complains must be ruled out with some investigations as there is a list of possibilities start with thyroid gland hormones analysis and then mrict over the spinal cord and the brain anyway… try taking foods rich in vitamin b1 b2 b6 b12 if the inability to move your limbs is during a spasm only drink a lot of water and get enough potassium please feel free to tell any other symptoms… regards could extra caffeine consumption be a cause of mild unilateral breast tenderness,extra caffeine can cause gastric discomfort the pain of which can be felt at one side of breast mostly left side but right also is possible and some times whole chest get evaluated for any local pathology like mastitis i hope it helps stay in touch with your healthcare provider for further guidance as our answers are just for education and counselling purposes and cannot be an alternative to actual visit to a doctor take care khan i have or think i have prostatitis when should i contact my doctor,contact your health professional immediately if you have sudden fever chills and urinary symptoms such as pain or burning with urination or blood or pus in the urine these symptoms may indicate acute bacterial prostatitis call your doctor if you have urinary symptoms and persistent pain in the low back scrotum penis or the area between the scrotum and anus or if you have pain with ejaculation or with a bowel movement recurring urinary tract infections utis discharge from your penis or sores on your genitals problems urinating such as excessive nighttime urination trouble starting urinating decreased urinary stream or frequent urination that is not related to drinking lots of fluids watchful waiting most men will have some discomfort in their prostate prostatitis at some time during their lives if you do not have a fever and chills or extreme pain you may try home treatment for a few weeks take nonprescription pain medications such as aspirin ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve pain however if your urinary symptoms and pain continue you need to see a health professional who to see health professionals who can evaluate and treat your prostatitis include family medicine doctors internists urologists nurse practitioners physician assistants to prepare for your appointment see the topic making the most of your appointment webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated how do birth control pills work do they prevent fertilization of the egg or prevent it from attaching to the uterus,a pinched sciatic nerve would cause pain down your leg not a headache if you are having painful headaches in the same location it would be wise to see your medical provider so you can be properly examined and diagnosed i take synthroid first thing in the morning which supplements can i take together and which ones need to be separate here is a list of what i take daily calciummagnd 3 3x daily omega 3 1x daily b12 1x daily b5 1xdaily probiotic 1x daily ubiquinol 100mg 1x daily multivitamin 4 pills 2x daily ferrous gluconate 240 mg 1x daily i take so much that it is hard to take a lot at once without feeling nauseous,wow i took one look at your list and thought i hope she has a medication record and tells everyone all of the supplements she is taking it is very important that all of your health care providers know everything that you are taking including over the counter medications vitamins and supplements you are correct by taking your synthroid in the morning with nothing else that is the most important medication all of these can cause nausea in general you also want to separate the calcium from the ferrous gluconate may i also ask why you are taking two multivitamin tablets twice a day you may be running the risk of toxicity because remember not all vitamins are water soluble some are stored in your fat cells i would not recommend taking such a high dose of something like that you may want to have your health care provider to run blood work to see what your levels are to make sure my wife is upper thighs turned purple all blood tests are ok,in my opinion you wife could be having premature peripheral arterial disease i suggest you see a vascularity doctor not a neurologist good luck is xanax safe to take for anxiety while on methadone,the combination of xanax and methadone can be deadly you may have heard that the combination of the two drugs increases the euphoria and is similar to the same feeling as heroin however taking xanax and methadone together can result in overdose xanax is a sedative from the class of drugs known as benzodiazepines and is often used to treat anxiety when combined with methadone individuals may experience dizziness and drowsiness difficulty concentrating and impaired judgment moreover both drugs are central nervous system depressants and the danger lies in the fact that the brain can forget to tell the heart and lungs to work means that you could stop breathing if you need to detox from drugs andor alcohol iv therapy medical detox is the method most recommended by physicians if you have questions about taking xanax and methadone iv therapy medical detox or our facility please call us at 855 338 6929 i accidentally sat on a toilet that had fecal matter on the front of the bowl and under the seat should i be worried it was in a public toilet the seat itself looked clean but i noticed too late that there was stuff along the front of the toilet where my pants or belt could have touched i feel so gross but i can not go home and change should i be worried that i am covered in someone else is diseased germs,yes you may have been exposed to fecal contaminants but they will not automatically jump inside your body through intact skin or through your clothing since you cannot change your clothes or belt then just thoroughly wash your hands and avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth until you can change your clothing this may be the best you can do right now short of a shower and buying new clothing over your lunch hour how much more does a girl grow physically in height after she starts her period,unpredictable you would have to review her medical growth charts look at the parents and then make an estimate some girls start their period at age 9 10 and grow quite a bit some start their periods at age 15 and do not grow as much my grandma slipped on the floor yesterday her bone in her arm and hip dislocated,hi i can see only the hip xray arm xray has not been uploaded i guess there is a intracapsulr neck femur fracture at hip and this type of fracture has no other option it has to be surgically treated by arthoplasty she will not be able to walk henceforth unless the surgery is performed anesthesia risks need to be considered thanks what would happen is pneumona vac was injection into your arm when it should have been a ppd test i should have been given a ppd but i think the wrong bottle was picked up and i was given pneumonia vaccine my arm has a red raised spot 1 34 x 1 34 in the area the ppd was given my arm is very sore the area of redness is now going up above my elbow in a straight line,the best way to increase your metabolism is to increase two types of physical activity in your weekly regimen strength training with weights helps build muscle mass and increases your ratio of lean muscle tissue to fat tissue and muscle burns more calories than fat also cardiovascular exercises such as walking running biking and dancing get the heart pumping and the body moving to burn calories while you work out i have been receiving testtoserone injections due to low testosterone can they cause nodules lumpiness inside penis,whooping cough spreads from person to person through close contact with oral secretions or respiratory droplets so it is easily spread through the cough especially when people are in close contact like living in the same house with a person who has whooping cough it can also be spread through sneezes anything that spreads respiratory secretions can hot or warm water open skin pores and cold water closes skin pores i am asking this question because i am told i need to wash my hands in cold water to close my skin pores and keep lead dust or residue from entering my skin pores i have researched this and i find articles that state pores do not open or close to sites that highly recommend to wash your hand with cold water to close the pores and prevent lead dust or residue on your hands from entering the pores i would really like to know the best way to wash your hands to remove lead dust and reside,most helpful answer wash you hands with running water cold or hot does not really make a difference and use soap the detergent breaks up the natural oils on the skin that trap dirt and dirt particles and will help the water wash it off i would be more concerned with you breathing in lead dust will using e cigarettes help my lungs heal from cigarette smoking i have been smoking for 13 14 years with exception of quiting twice and then it only lasted 2 months i have tried just about everything now im trying the vapor cigarettes we recently had a store open where i live that sales only these products and i thought i give it a try,if the use of e cigarettes help you permanently stop smoking then this could be useful to you eventually you will want to be off of the e cigarettes as well it can be very difficult to know how much damage that 13 years of smoking has caused you can see a pulmonologist to have a few tests run over time the lungs will repair a certain amount of damage but the legacy of your smoking will still remain as a health risk factor for years to come obviously the longer you are a non smoker the better it will be for your entire body not just your lungs you can do this what causes milia how can i avoid getting these,i need you first to check her hearing do her eeg and mri i need to know the speech problem when did it start to appear since birth or when how should i prepare for the prenatal ultrasound test,hello it happens after the pregnancy the problem of increased body weight and the fat on the surrounding area of waist thighs arms it is good to follow a daily exercise routine along with the proper diet program but if you are still not losing body weight then you need to do some changes in the efforts you are doing i recommend you to go for the resveratrol it is actually a natural phenol molecule posses amazing properties to fight against the obesity when resveratrol taken in the form of supplements and included in your diet programs it metabolizes the excess body fat and flushes out the fat it triggers sirt1 gene in the upper intestine and works excellent to reduce the body weight there are plenty of options available you can use to lose weight with resveratrol supplements in my opinion you should go for the resveratrol supplements sources after about 20 minuts in my jacuzzi i became light headed and somewhat dizzy what is causing this,i can not tell you exactly since i have no way of examining you but i can say that when you sit or are nearly immersed in very hot water the blood tends to pool in those areas that are under the water subsequently when you stand blood may rush to the areas of heat and warmth and be shunted from the brain and cause you to be dizzy or even faint remember to drink fluids get up and move very slowly and purposefully been having chest pains for quite some time now,hi acid reflux causes chest pain this pain causes radiating pain to shoulder blades take antacids with prebiotic tablets avoid spicy food and junk food thanks my period is almost 2 months late i have protective sex with my husband everytime can i still be pregnant my last period was the end of january i havent seen any for feb and now its the end of march and still no period i took a pregnancy test the starting of this month march and it was negative but recently like two days ago i had unprotected sex with my husband but he did not ejaculate in me can i have already bin pregnant or will i get pregnant from the pull out unprotected sex,hi if you are post menopause then i recommend hormonal replacement to shrink the fibroid if you are premenopause then only option is surgery good luck does a migraine always include pain or can you just have light sensitivity,yes you can get just the sensitivity i have had the all the symptoms to the extreme of being temporarily paralyzed had all the tests done started getting them when i was 15 that was 32 years ago and they have changed over the years i do get many silent migraines does take with meals mean before or after eating to take medication,during the meals this medication should be taken with food in your stomach could i be pregnant even though i am on birth control and have not missed any periods my daughter is 4 years old and i have been on the mirena since i have not missed any periods i also just got done with this month is period and they have been normal but yet i always feel full but not quite bloated my stomach has just felt different to me and i feel little quivers in my abdomen i have also taken 2 pregnancy tests which both came up negative could i still be pregnant could it be something more serious i have tried calling my doctor for 2 weeks now with no response,the allergy and asthma network mothers of asthmatics offers a free phone consultation service in which patients may talk to a nurse practitioner about using hfa inhalers and financial assistance available that number is 800 315 8056 other organizations offer information on their web sites about the transition they include the allergy and asthma foundation of america american academy of allergy asthma & immunology and the american lung association my gums are receding around my anterior maxillary and mandibular teeth is there something i should be doing i have noticed bone loss in these areas as well my pcp primary care physician put me on calcium and vitamin d will this help,you should see your dentist although many people have receding gums as they age it sounds like you need a periodontal evaluation i do not believe that vitamins will cure periodontal disease blood in my stool i have been hurting in my bottom for the last week well today i had a bowel movement and it was a lot of blood in the stool what can this be my grandmother and aunt on my fathers side died of colon cancer i told my doctor that he said i did not have to be checked till i was over 40 my aunt was 29 when she died what should i do,that could be ibs and gastritis or duodenitis you can get assured by doing a h pylori test and gi endoscopy try healthy diet full of fibers and avoid citrus fruits and caffeine as well as fatty foods can pre cum around the vagina no penetration whatsoever get a virgin girl pregnant,it rare but it can happen so be careful that how i got myself into trouble honey and now i am pregnant make sure he does not penetrate because it doesnt hurt sometimes when it happen to me but i started of f with precum so it can happen taking a stool softener nightly and a probiotic in am each day i am on detrol la for oab it causes constipation i had a bad episode in may 2015 and after my dr got me all cleaned he said to take a stool softener to get regular again but i also added a probiotic as well i am now having a bm each day but several a day my question is really are they counter acting each other stool softener vs probiotic would the probiotic be the best way to go vs the stool softener to combat the constipation my fiber intake is better now also via my diet,i see no reason why they would counter act each other i am not clear if your doctor wanted you to keep taking the stool softener or just take it to get your bowels moving often times they are given temporarily if your fiber intake is up and you are having more bms you could slowly taper off the stool softener i would contact your doctor first since heshe prescribed it probiotics can help with constipation but it depends on the strain i had under eye surgery 14 years ago now my eyes are puffy and the skin is wrinkled and loose how can i tighten them,most helpful answer why would it be unhealthy this is where ejaculations are supposed to be inside the vagina if you have an issue or concern about this you can discuss it with your husband and ask him to ejaculate outside of our vagina daughter stopped drinking from bottles at 9 months she is 11 months and is refusing formula,sounds like a u t i urinary tract infection even if it is not this you should see your doctor good luck see your general practitioner they can help advise you are there health risks if there is a piece of graphite pencil stuck in my hand this has been in my hand for the past 10+ years i am scared i will have problems in the future but i am not sure what will happen,breath holding spells are just a type of tantrum while shocking to witness they are innocent and are likely to happen again until she gets out of her tantrum stage about another year clearly we can not give kids everything they want 100 of the time to avoid confrontation so you may see another one real soon in this case your grand daughter brought it on herself so make sure to point this out to her as a teachable moment you will find lots of information on the internet regarding these breath holding spells hang in there grandma what increases the risk of getting cataracts,hi instead of taking it for such a long period of time i suggest you get the recent levels checked once if the levels have come back to normal then there is no need of any other investigation you can discontinue taking it thanks can hives be a early symptom for pregnancy my last period was february 3rd 2016 i ovulated sometime around last week if pregnant i am about 2 weeks pregnant and my last pregnancy i experienced somewhat the same thing just wanted to know if hives could be early pregnancy symptom,everybody is different but hives are not usually a symptom of pregnancy they are usually more a sign of something irritating your body or skin and they can sometimes be caused by stress regular 28 day cycle im 4 days late test negative weve been trying for years to have another baby whats wrong with me i did drink alot of fluids before the test trying to make myself use the bathroom ive seen 3 different dr s they all say they dont know whats wrong why i cant concieve my husbands had a sperm count done hes got good fertility but we been tracking ovulation we have a very active sex life besides trying to have another baby our son is now 4 and weve been trying for 3 years please help,hi it would be best if you go along to a uro and get it looked at but do tell how you come by it it would be best to tell how it really happened take along the clamp as well good luck knee pain more details to my last question the knee pain i had last april lasted about a week did not seek medical attention for that one how can i tell if my knee is swollen or has any torn ligamnets should i go have my knee checked out will just wearing a knee brace get rid of the knee pain another question is it bad to have a shoulder that poping sounds while exercising it like doing lateral raises it is my left shoulder and cracks numerous times a day is that bad,if you are asking if you should have it checked out then yes you should better safe than sorry *i am not a doctor but i have common sense and like to study medicine* can herpes go back dormant after an outbreak can herpes go back dormant after an outbreak,it depends where sperm are estimated to live about one and a half days in the female vagina after sex but can potentially live in the vagina more than four days frozen sperm can be thawed after years and still fertilize an egg sperm ejaculated outside the vagina survive anywhere from minutes to a few hours took apple cider vinegar to relieve cold and flu now nose is bleeding,you can not spot reduce fat you need to lose it all over with diet and heavy lifting how can i get treatment for scabies with no insurance or money i know the house that i live in is infected with scabies i have no insurance and no money to even make arrangements with a doctor is office i do not know what to do how am i going to get rid of this if i do not even have a little money to go and see a doctor please help i do not want to infect anyone else,you can seek care at a community based health clinic they offer medical services on a sliding scale you can find a clinic by searching the u s health resources and services administration website www findahealthcenter hrsa govsearch_hcc aspx you should also look into your insurance options through healthcare gov if you have a very low income you may now qualify for medicaid because of the affordable care act which would give you regular access to medical care at virtually no cost will small business employers be required to provide health insurance or can they force employees to go buy their own,starting by 2014 businesses that employ 100 or fewer workers will be able to buy insurance through an insurance marketplace or exchange according to the congressional budget office the insurance small businesses buy through an exchange would have lower administrative costs on average than the policies those firms would buy under current law particularly for very small firms also keep in mind that if you run a small business that employs fewer than 25 workers earning less than 50 000 a year and you pay for at least half of your employees health insurance costs you may qualify for a tax credit of up to 35 starting in 2014 those credits increase to 50 i do not nor have ever had gonorrhea or chlamydia or many sex partners doctors think i have pid how can this be,and what about your random blood sugar fasting blood sugar… much higher blood pressure when resting…is it unusual,hi your hypopigmentation will return to its normal colour within few month on its own however if you do not want to wait then i recommend topical corticosteroids good luck how successful are today is vasectomy reversals,this webmd site should help you what do i do about flashes of pain in my hips and legs most noticeable at night severe enough to keep me awake for the last several nights i have been kept awake by flashes of pain in my hip and legs they range from mild to severed and last only a few seconds i feel them during the day but am most aware of them at night my job at home depot requires me to be on my feet and walking briskley for six hours a day another symptom is that my eyes are burning rather severely have been using systane,you may want to consider having the hair removed with a laser by a trained professional between treatments consider using hydroquinone kojic acid alpha hydroxy acids or bearberry to help lighten the dark spots can i get hearing aids if i am on medicare,i have also experienced this i do not drink much water do you if not i suggest when you feel that way drink a few glasses of water and see how you feel a few hours later it helps me when dehydrated you will feel hot flashes headaches feels like you might pass out but do not almost like your brain clicks off for a second its a weird feeling kinda hard to explain you will sweat at night too drink more water plan and simple how much acetaminophen do you give a 9 pound infant,i would not recommend it since this has not been tested and i do not know what kind of anesthesia you will be having i suspect your oral surgeon would not be in favor of you using cannabis before this procedure order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you hhjhj i had surgery when i was 5 and they told me my testicle will descend over time 16 now and it still has not why i had an undescended testicle and i had surgery for it when i was 5 i was told it was all fine and everything will come to its place over time i am 16 now i did a bit of research and this does not make any sense should not it have been descent in the scrotum right after the surgery thank you for your time,as it is already 4 weeks that your wife is late in her periods then by now her pregnancy test would have been positive many a times delayed periods can be due to hormonal imbalances and not pregnancy so my suggestion is to consult a gynaecologist and get evaluated and a blood test can be first conducted to rule out pregnancy as it is highly sensitive test also by now fetal pole can be seen in sonography therefore a transvaginal sonography can also be done for further confirmation hope this information helps regards i do a lot of cardio exercises but now lungs hurt i have bad cough that tastes blood,they are contagious for up too 2 4 weeks or until scabs form over the top of the rash area i have ejaculated on my girlfriends stomach is there a chance of pregnancy a week back me n my girlfriend were mutual masturbatingno intercourse happened i came on my girlfriends stomach and went under the shower to clean up after 20 mins is there a chance that any sperm could enter her vagina can it swim down to the vagina or is there a chance of entering while shower its normal water she is pretty freaked out because she is late on her periods by 3days can you help,learn to recognize that a flare is coming talk with your doctor try to set realistic goals and priorities limit the time you spend in the sun maintain a healthy diet develop coping skills to help limit stress get enough rest and quiet moderately exercise when possible develop a support system by surrounding yourself with people you trust and feel comfortable with family friends etc i have me myalgic encephalomyelitis and finding it impossible to lose weight,the most serious cause of black stools is bleeding from somewhere in the gi tract bleeding in the stomach esophagus or intestines can turn into a black color by the time it leaves the body as stool this can be caused by bleeding ulcers stomach inflammation broken blood vessels in the esophagus called varices or tumors this type of bleeding can be life threatening the bleeding can also come from a nosebleed or from the mouth if blood is swallowed black stools can also be caused by supplements such as iron or medicines such as pepto bismol certain foods like blueberries or black licorice can also turn the stool black your doctor can tell if there is any blood in the stool by taking a stool sample from the rectum and performing a simple test in the office if you are having any black or tarry stools call your doctor right away woke up with sharpstabbing stomach pains for most of the day it just disappeared all of a sudden now what it hurt to move lie down or to sit took a pregnancy test and it was negative should i even get checked out,we have a saying in medicine gone is good now that your pain has completely resolved it is debatable whether a hands on medical visit would reveal the true cause it is really up to you whether to seek care or not i am unemployed on state unemployment insurance benefits and a 54 year old male in new jersey will i need to pay for insurance or will the state cover it because i am on unemployment insurance,you will likely be required to have health insurance although there are hardship exemptions available to people who do not have access to an affordable option and your income will determine the kind of financial help you receive to pay for it if you are currently unemployed it is likely you will qualify for medicaid which will be made available to you at virtually no cost if your income is too high for medicaid about 15 856 annually you are likely to qualify for tax credits to lower your premiums and possibly subsidies to lower your out of pocket costs when you go for medical visits are there foods i can add to my diet to help my skin,look for foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids such as almonds and salmon olive oil is also excellent for the skin there are studies that show that mediterranean diets and diets high in citrus fruits help keep the skin looking younger and also help against skin cancer i would also recommend avoiding foods that are highly processed and high in refined sugar these are pro inflammatory for the skin and accelerate the aging process avoid excess alcohol which is dehydrating to the skin can smoking cigarettes and having gerd cause someone to have seizures i was exposed to a chemical in my car i i smoke cigarettes and i have gerd but after they exposure i started having rashes swelling vocal chords going out silent seizures and then grandma seizures and now i can not go anywhere without being affected by smells,see a neurologist for your problem we do not think smoking cigarettes with gerd can cause seizures i have had a pain in my lower left quadrant of my stomach,i would like to know the details of your hystectomy what exactly was removed is there any bleeding is the pain aggravated by eating a stool and urine analysis are necessary i have a scar that i am insecure about when i was an infant i came across a lighter and placed it near my face which burnt my forehead thou surgery wasnt performed i still have a scar that is about 2 3 inches long i would really like to find a solution to how i could get rid of it without plastic surgery,unfortunately there are no effective ways to remove the scar without a surgical procedure if you have a permanent scar since infancy all of the creams and over the counter scar removal concoctions are not going to help you will not lose the scar just money see a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist for a consultation you will find that many of these cosmetic procedures are less expensive then getting a dent fixed in your car a plastic surgeon can literally cut out some scars in the office under a local anesthesia a dermatologist can do the same or use a technique called dermabrasion where the scar is more or less sanded off after a local anesthesia of course and the body is given a second chance to heal without a scar this time each scar is different so the recommended procedure may be one of these or an entirely different approach it does cost very much for a consultation so consider doing it wrinkled penis head that looks like raisin when flaccid goes away with erection,the penis has never been known for its beauty and appearance so do not worry about the wrinkles since only you are probably the only one seeing it a sexual partner is more likely to see or experience the non wrinkled version there are not wrinkle removers or penis lifts so it is what it is recent erectile dysfunction should i avoid changing medication and go for a pump,that is a good question you would think a stye would have cleared up by now first off i would suggest seeing one doctor repeatedly instead of going from doctor to doctor seeing the same doctor for a given condition offers continuity of care perhaps you have been going to urgent care facilities where you do not get a choice of which doctor you see if possible get set up with a primary care provider and get started on solving the stye problem it is impossible to tell what is going on without performing a physical exam so the only advice i can give you is to go back to the doctor preferably the last one you saw for the condition it is possible you have developed a second eye condition that has nothing to do with the stye sometimes coincidences happen wishing you well why do my right arm and hand keep going numb everyday i wake up several times during the night with my entire right arm and hand numb it will continue to be tingly throughout the day even with very minimal use i will find my fingers going cold and almost useless even holding a hot cup of coffee it does not seem to matter what position i sleep in or if my arm is raised above or below my heart what is causing this and is there anything i should be concerned about,thanks kat that is what my neurologist said too they did a cervical mri and i am just waiting for the results is there anything that you do that seems to help what are some alternative therapies used to treat hot flashes,about 20 of menopausal women get no hot flashes about 20 are totally wiped out by them and the rest of us are in the middle we have no idea why this happens – hormone levels are the same in the severe sufferers and the folks who get none certain conditions make them worse smokers go through menopause about 1 2 years earlier than non smokers and suffer worse hot flashes than non smokers when they do obese women have more severe hot flashes than slender women hot flashes for many women are worse in the perimenopausal years and hot flashes do tend to get better over time however even after 10 years since the last period about 15 of women still have significant hot flashes what can we do on our own to make things better a regular exercise regime avoiding known triggers including red wine hot coffee and spicy foods – these bother many women sleeping in as cool a room as you can usually helps at night and keep another nightgown next to the bed if you wake up soaking layered dressing is good for the daytime there is some data to suggest that soy foods tend to be helpful there is some controversy about soy products in women with breast cancer you may need to clear that with your oncologist there is very little data on other food products being helpful there is some data on the herbal supplement black cohosh cohosh is not a plant estrogen that is the concern about soy soy is rich in isoflavones which many folks refer to as weak plant estrogens there is very little data on other herbal products i have a friend that describes herself as a vegetarian and she still eats pork skins are pork skins considered meat when she was a teenager her doctors told her that she is allergic to pork what is the chance that she may become sick,she is not a vegetarian if she eats pork pig skin these things are quite fatty so if she does get ill it may not be the result of an allergy but rather from an excess of animal fat in her so called vegetarian diet pork skins are considered meat so she is not totally a vegetarian pork is high in fat and sodium so it may cause some health disadvantages advice her to eat just the right amount it is a good thing that she is a vegetarian eating healthy is one way of taking care of one is skin and health can you get pregnant on the pill if you been taking it for 6 months i been taking the pill for almost 6 months now and the past few day i have not been feeling sick to my tummy and my last months period was lighter than normal almost non existing is there a chance of being pregnant,cord blood is the blood that is left in the umbilical cord and placenta after birth it can be rich in stem cells — cells that have the potential to develop into many different body tissues in an emerging field of research and therapeutics cord blood has been used successfully to treat a number of diseases including cancer diabetes metabolic disorders and rare genetic syndromes non profit and government agencies are organizing public banks similar to blood banks for families to donate the cord blood at no cost so that everyone in need can find cord blood that matches competing with these public banks are private companies trying to convince parents to pay thousands of dollars to bank the cord blood only for themselves their web sites often contain misinformation half truths and marketing pressure that is designed not to help your family is health but to get the money out of your family is wallet what you will not hear from the private banks it is very unlikely that your privately banked cord blood will ever be used by anyone even if your baby ends up needing a cord blood transplant he will may well need someone else is cord blood — not his own even if by some remarkable chance your baby needs his own cord blood many of the collected samples are not suitable for use no tests will be done to determine if the cord blood collected is usable until the blood is retrieved you may have paid thousands up front plus a substantial year fee to store well nothing at all you asked my son is 6 year old he do not like to eat those food which taste sweet is there any disorder in his taste bud,i think it depends on his eating overall if he eats a variety of food but just does not like food really sweet that may simply reflect his personal preferences but if he eats very few foods it could indicate a sensory issue or that he is super taster not serious just more sensitive to the tastes in food if you feel his nutrition and growth is affected see his pediatrician for a referral to a feeding therapist who can help you figure out what is going on good luck how long should one continue medications after angioplasty what are the side effects of prolonged use of certain drugs my father aged 53 yrs undergone angioplasty september last and he is still continuing some medicines daily he is currently taking glycomet gp 1 metformin hydrochloride ip 500 mg 1 tab daily on empty stomach he is a diabetic blood sugar under control telmisartan ip 20 mg 1 tab daily blood pressure under control clopidogrel tablets ip 75mg 1 tabs 2 times daily after meals atrovastatin tablets ip 20 mg 1 tabs 2 times daily after meals sorbitrate 10 mg 1 tabs 3 times daily after meals,com it looks like an allergic reaction to an insect bite… apply antihistaminic point and cold water washing thoroughly it should go on its own if any other changes happened please tell me my ligaments are cracking grinding painful – rice krispie sounds – what do i have,sounds like a connective tissue disorder certain autoimmune diseases can attack connective tissues disorders are sometimes triggered by environmental toxins or some kind of new element in your environment diagnosed with genital herpes a month back sores have healed but continued vaginal irritationitching for weeks after i thought it was caused by a yeast infection cuz i got a white discharge cottage cheese like in texture for two days along with the itching but now there is no discharge so i think the yeast infection might have cleared but now i feel a reccurrent outbreak of herpes coming on and again itching in the vaginal area but no discharge is it normal for the new skin after the primary outbreak to be itchy if so could any topical medicine help with that,hi just an idea it could be you have trichomoniasis vaginalis women with trichomoniasis may notice itching burning have you been tested for it was you treated at a gum clinic if not perhaps you should hope this helps you good luck chronic mucus head cold symptoms since 12016,sorry to hear that it seems 2015 and 2016 are not your lucky years i do not see any drugs that cause those side effects but it could be a general decrease in your immunity and lung capacity that may be causing a chronic sinusitis or bronchitis secondary to a caught cold try simple nasal lavage with sakt water and black sea water and breathing exercises coughing and spirometer techniques omega3 and multivitamin and vitamin c are as you know fighters for your chronic case i had a tubal 10 years ago i am having early pregnancy symptoms could it be i am pregnant,that would not be very likely while there have been cases where a tubal ligation was not done correctly a tubal ligation is considered permanent sterility i do not know what symptoms you are having but it is more likely they are caused by something else orther than pregnancy see your medical provider my cousin had this situation she thought there was no way she could be pregnant after 12 years of the one tube she had left due to a tubal pregnancy if the other being burnt and tied she called her obgyn and the dr told her if she was pregnant it was most likely a tubal she packed a bag thinking she would be put in the hospital for surgery the dr did an ultrasound and she was almost two months pregnant her and the baby were very healthy but it was a big surprise she was 39 and thought she was through having kids now she is the mother of a 23 year old a 18 year old and a 6 year old good luck either way all babies are a blessing could strong ammonia spray cleaner cause sinus infection i was using a spray cleaner i made from a mixture of ammonia & water later my sinuses were dripping and when i put my head down or lay down i smell this strong odor i have been using simply saline and it helps for a while but comes back my sinuses are not congested or puffy and i do not have a fever,when i treat couples i usually send them questions to answer before they even enter our first session these questions help orient them to the relationship is strengths and weaknesses it helps them take responsibility for their part in their problems as well as identify what they would like their partner to change and it encourages them to think about what they want from their relationship these questions can be helpful to anyone struggling in their relationship – even if they are not in need of therapy the questions are what is going on in your relationship now that is a problem how has this affected you how have each of you contributed to the problem your contribution your partner is contribution what have you done to try to correct the problem li> and in what ways have any of your attempts been successful how will you know when therapy is done if you are not seeking therapy think of the question this way how will you know when your relationship is what you want it to be for example what will each of you do differently in what ways will the relationship be different why do schools send home kids with a fever,hi thanks for using the ehealth forum for your query you seem concerned by the post meningitic sequelae or after effects of meningitis and the possibility of recurrence most people who get meningitis survive often without any after effects but sometimes these diseases cause a range of disabilities and problems that can alter people is lives after effects may be temporary or permanent physical or emotional these include 1 memory loss difficulty retaining information lack of concentration 2 clumsiness co ordination problems 3 residual headaches 4 deafness hearing problems tinnitus dizziness loss of balance 5 learning difficulties ranging from temporary learning deficiencies to long term mental impairment 6 epilepsy seizures fits 7 weakness paralysis or spasms of part of body if permanent sometimes called cerebral palsy speech problems 9 loss of sightchanges in sight viral meningitis usually has a tendency for recurrence e g herpes simplex type ii meningitis hope this helps take care note this answer is not intended as and does not substitute for medical advice the information presented is for patient education only please see your personal physician for further evaluation of your individual case how long should i wait before bringing my 11 yr old with flu symptoms to our family dr it has been 8 days initial symptoms were nausea high fever severe headache loss of appetite and fatigue those lasted about 2 days now she is very tired little appetite sore bellynausea and has a sore throat and cough,hi i found this info at read through it may just interest you herpes zoster also called shingles is a disease caused by the varicella zoster virus this is the virus that causes chickenpox sometimes many years after you have had chickenpox the varicella zoster virus becomes active again and causes shingles shingles is an infection that produces fluid filled blisters on the skin often near certain nerves it may spread to the eyes if the varicella zoster virus spreads to nerves in your head your face eyes and nose may be affected the virus can cause several problems including blisters on or inside your eyelids damage to your cornea the clear dome on the front of the eye uveitis inflammation to eye tissues behind the cornea glaucoma increased pressure inside the eye cataracts several medicines are helpful in treating herpes zoster eye infections acyclovir is an antiviral medicine that greatly limits the effects of the virus and helps reduce complications this medicine is most effective when started as soon as the first symptoms appear steroids can sometimes be used to reduce eye inflammation antibiotics prevent infection from other organisms that may get in your eyes while you have herpes zoster painkillers such as acetaminophen and lubricating eye drops may lessen your pain medicines for glaucoma help keep the pressure in your eye at normal levels blisters dry up and form scabs about 5 days after they appear you may develop permanent scars and longstanding pain numbness or skin discoloration if your cornea is affected it can become permanently scarred early treatment with acyclovir lessens the effects of the varicella zoster virus and can sometimes prevent serious complications shingles can be recurring problem his sounds very similar ti what you say so do hope this helps you good luck i have nipple discharge and blood discharge on the right side of my nipple,this problem requires a hands on medical evaluation and should not be ignored i do not know anything about you your medical history family history or even your sex or have any way of evaluating this problem so it would be in your best interest to make that medical appointment asap no interest for normal sex please help me i have strong foot fetish no feelings for normal sex why give me solutions,i am very sorry but determining a solution to your concerns would not be possible over the internet clearly you are concerned so my suggestion for you is to see a psychologistcounselor someone with a special interest in sex therapy to properly assess and help you hi i am a 20 year old male i recently fingered myself and i felt something unusual i went all the way in with my entire index finger around 3 inches deep i felt a hard kind of pointy bump i am not sure if this is my prostate or if it is fecal matter i have fingered myself before and every time i do it i feel this i am often constipated so maybe it is fecal matter i am worried because i also have symptoms of prostate cancer like impotence and a weak stream when urinating i was followed by a urologist who was not able to find a problem she made me take flomax to help me urinate better i have not take a flomax pill for more than a year note i do not have a family history of prostate cancer i am caucasian i have a normal weight i know i should probably go see my doctor and tell him about this but it is very embarrassing i need advice thanks,you can use indian lilac black seed turmeric and warm cloth foments they can work as antiseptic and analgesics at the same time thanks how can you remove a condom that could possibly be stuck inside your buttocks i am not 100 sure if it is still inside me as i had gone to the bathroom and was not able to see if it came out please help would i still feel it what would it feel like will it come out by itself how long would that take im scared,hi try avoid this surgery if you could cisternogram result is already known i guess so why is your doctor recommending it unless he is not sure where the block is you need to ask him what new information cisternogram can provide good luck my daughter a high school senior who will graduate in may 2014 will be 19 in november does she need to get health insurance coverage on her own my son and daughter are both on medicaid set to recertify in december according to dcbs do i need to go on the website to qualifyshop for insurance or wait until december and recertify through dcbs,if you have high blood pressure it is usually advised that you avoid cold medicines that contain a decongestant like pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine because they can raise the blood pressure and heart rate in some people your pharmacist can help you choose a cold medicine that will help your symptoms and mix well with your prescription medications what should i do if i suspect an overdose of betadine antibioticmoisturize,caution should be the watchword here any med taken with alcohol can be a problem because almost all meds have to go through the liver to be broken down and that is exactly where the alcohol goes too so there is a fight in the liver for passage and because of this the med builds up in your system since it can not be broken down the result is something like a massive dose of the med and this has consequences it is never a good idea to drink alcohol when you are taking any type of psychotropic med some of them can have extremely bad effects but not everyone is aware enough of this the best advice is to avoid alcohol i have suffered from random intermittent neuropathic pain is it early symtoms of multiple sclerosis ms,com does not seem to be ms peripheral neuropathy vitamins n b deficiency and carpal tunnel disoders are all possibilities cervical vertebrae disorder and anxiety also see a neurologist and do not worry embarrassing question but true i have never produced solid boogers is something wrong with me i get sniffles if i eat something spicy or have a cold like a normal person but my day to day life is boogerless even if i work in a dusty environment the dust just lines my nasal passages but never forms a solid i know this sounds crazy but it is always plagued my mind,a doctor usually can diagnose visible genital warts using your medical history and a physical examination but not all hpv infections cause visible warts if you do not have any visible genital warts or other symptoms it may be hard for your doctor to diagnose hpv infection your doctor may ask you the following questions do you think you were exposed to hpv or any sexually transmitted diseases stds how do you know did your partner tell you what are your symptoms if you have discharge from the vagina or penis it is important to note any smell or color what method of birth control do you use did you use condoms to protect against stds which sexual behaviors do you or your partner engage in including high risk behaviors such as sex with multiple partners have you had an std in the past how was it treated have you ever had an abnormal pap test for women for women after your doctor takes your medical history you will have a gynecological exam which usually includes a pap test a pap test screens for abnormal cells on the cervix results of the pap test may indicate an hpv infection even though you have no visible warts women over 30 can get a screening test for hpv at the same time as a pap test this hpv test looks for the dna genetic information of the virus women under 30 usually get the hpv test only if they have an abnormal pap test 4 if your doctor finds areas of abnormal tissue on the cervix which may be related to hpv infection he or she may recommend treatment for men after the medical history you will have a physical examination for genital warts there is no screening test for hpv infection in men but even though there are no formal guidelines some experts believe that men who receive anal sex should have a routine anal pap test especially if they also have hiv infection ask your doctor whether and how often you should be tested for men and women if visible warts are present a diagnosis can usually be made without more testing when your doctor finds abnormal tissue but cannot make a definite diagnosis you may have a biopsy for lab tissue studies testing for the type of hpv that is causing warts is not useful for diagnosis this test is not routinely done for diagnosis or treatment of genital warts webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated pregnancy symptoms missed period sickness but nipple stimulations not sure my girlfriend and i had protected sex 5 weeks ago it was a day after her last period we have had sex a few more times since then before 4 weeks ago it had been 6 months since she had sex now her period is late and she is feeling sick she has recently started nipple stimulations to have larger breasts i know that stimulations can induce labor so could that combined with a lot of recent stress the sudden sexual activity and a common cold or the flu account for the missed period,also can nipple stimulation create elevated hcg or somehow else throw off a pregnancy test for a positive result or negative result being sick any help would be nice i have experienced permanent blurred light vision over a year,in my opinion you need to do spatial contrast sensitivity slit lamp and standard snellen eye chart tests to determine the extent of the problem pressure on the eye may have caused an inflammation in the retina which healed in a wrong way also ecstasy can cause blurred vision but not for a year unless you are already using it for a long timegood luck what is the best motivations that will get you started on your diet i tried so many things but failed plz help me i am on this weight loss with a friend and we are finding it very hard to start we have looked up all the information needed for weight loss and we set up our goals and meals and exercising but all of this is not going to happened if we cant start the diet because we feel like we cant do it and we are just so addicted to food anyone have a solution to this problem please help thank you ,well it is a good question motivation is the challenge of every person who wants to achieve a goal be it weight loss becoming an oil painter or anything else it sounds like you may have invested too much time and effort into research everything feels overwhelming to you right now does not it do not let that stop you at a certain point you have to take the plunge and do it stop thinking about it and just do it i read an interesting article in which a fitness coach said there is no such thing as motivation there are only choices you can choose to eat an apple or you can choose to eat a candy bar you can choose to take a walk for 10 minutes or you can choose to watch tv instead do you see the difference here i strongly suggest you and your friend check out webmd is diet community where you can share your fears struggles goals and successes with others who will cheer you on you are not the first person to fear getting started on the path to a healthy life and you will not be the last meanwhile choose goals you know you can easily accomplish for example today i will eat one apple instead of a candy bar today i will throw away all the junk food in my house today i will walk for 10 minutes this week i will walk for 10 minutes every day i mean come on anyone can do 10 minutes of exercise right of course you can lastly do not forget to reward yourself for meeting your goals no matter how small they may be do not use food as a reward even if you accomplish just one thing today download a new song to your smartphone take a bubble bath or do something else to celebrate the fact that today at least you won you do not need motivation you just need to take the plunge i say go for it wishing you well could i become to dependent on inhalers for exercise induced asthma i was recently diagnosed with exercise induced asthma and was prescribed an inhaler to be used 10 mins before carrying out any sport i do not want to have to rely on an inhaler all the time would my body not be able to exercise without using an inhaler after prolonged use,that is not something that usually happens however some doctors will say that frequent use of a rescue inhaler is not the best thing for you so if you exercise a lot you may be switched over to something you take every day to help keep your asthma symptoms under control that might be a pill or a different type of an inhaler does aptivus cure hiv or aids,aptivus does not cure hiv infection or aids the long term effects of aptivus are not known at this time people taking aptivus may still get infections or other conditions common in people with hiv opportunistic infections it is very important that you stay under the care of your doctor during treatment with aptivus recently had a tooth pulled i am extremely fatigued i do not feel very well i have a severe headache my heart rate is elevated,hm i am sorry to hear you are going through this i am going to assume you got a skin graft to cover the large burned area if this is the case remember you need to keep it well moisturized because it will not produce its own protective oils the way the rest of your skin does if you are not putting plenty of lotion or oil on the graft it could possibly respond in the way you are describing regardless of whether or not you got a graft the fact you are having new symptoms in this old burn scar is worth a trip to the doctor i would suggest you make an appointment with either the health care provider who handled your burn at the time or with your primary care provider to have this looked at meanwhile if you are not allergic to any medications you are probably ok to take some benadryl diphenhydramine to calm the itching especially at night diphenhydramine may make you very drowsy so use caution if taking it during the day i wish you all the best with this i am 19ywhitemale i have had no sort of check up in years what should i get a checkup on to make sure i am healthy i am 56 155lbs lightly active and i generally feel healthy except for my weight i just need some insight as to what i should do to make sure i am healthy inside and out i appreciate any response,i take my car in when it is not broken just for routine maintenence the same goes for humans a physical exam finds things we may not be aware we have once you get insurance having a physical exam and some lab work is a very good idea what foods do i have to eat to have enough strenght to do a lot of cardio,assuming you have been cleared by your primary health care provider to exercise you should be ok to simply eat a well balanced diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits lean protein whole grains and healthy fats like olive oil be sure to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water too also remember that it takes time to build up to high intensity cardio training no beginning exerciser immediately has the stamina to run a marathon for some people 10 minutes of cardio is enough to begin with you will gradually work up to longer and more intense sessions i suggest you visit the webmd fitness & exercise community and support group where you can ask questions of others and get support on maintaining a healthy lifestyle take care what if my breasts havent grown enough during pregnancy will this affect milk formation also my breast does not seem to be firm its feels loose and saggy yet small,a diet rich in calcium and vitamin d can help counteract the bone damaging effects of corticosteroids diet can also be helpful in combatting other drug side effects for example a low sodium diet can help reduce fluid retention and lower blood pressure which can be elevated with corticosteroid use a diet high in folic acid such as found in leafy green vegetables fruits and fortified breads and cereals or a folic acid supplement is important if you are taking methotrexate rheumatrex for nausea caused by medications eat small frequent meals and foods that are easy to digest try dry cereals breads and crackers also avoid greasy spicy and acidic foods if corticosteroid or nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen motrin or naproxen naprosyn cause stomach upset and irritation taking them with meals can help what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for shingles,i would need a little bit more history how many times during a week do you have a bowel movement please go online and type bristol stool chart and let me know the consistency and type of the stools you are having in general from a month have you had diarrhea before the given month do you have to strain to defecate how are your menstrual cycles usually any family history of thyroid disorders or colon cancer do you feel very cold when everyone is comfortable have you lost any weight lately revert with more information to an internal medicine physician online > will healthcare gov let me look at different coverage options or can i only buy one government plan,you will have many different coverage options to choose from depending on where you live about 95 of consumers will have a choice of 2 or more plans there is no government plan all the health plans are offered through private insurance companies the website www healthcare gov will let you look at all your coverage options in your area what are the risks of using freeze away wart removers on plantars warts in the genital area,no not really once you have genital herpes and have recurrent outbreaks you will always have herpes those blisters should not be intentionally broken or popped but if they spontaneously rupture this fluid will not likely worsen the outbreak or cause more outbreaks hopefully you are taking anti viral medications to limit the frequency and severity of your outbreaks i have medicare my wife and 22 year old twins that live at home and take care of my wife and i need health insurance is there a supplement i can get along with their insurance that will take up the slack in my medicare part b or should i try a supplement elsewhere,to find a medicare supplement plan go to medicare gov can tmjtmd be cured fully i am suffering from tmd and recently it has been diagnosed i have headache jaw pain there are gaps in my teeth i only wanted to is this they dentist can cure this fully or not,do not know is it true that once you develop a bald spot due to some kind of damage the hair can never grow back on its own,if you were excessively kissing this could have dried out your throat which could make it temporarily sore but i would have no idea how long this would last kissing shares germs like viruses and bacteria so this too can be another possible cause sharing germs is really unavoidable with mouth to mouth contact so i suspect you will just take the risk are pimple like bumps around an area of eczema common in a bad flare up my daughter developed a rash around an area she has eczema located in the bend of her arm inner elbow its reddened with pimple like bumps it seems to have spread a little bit up and down her arm from the bend she has no rash on the rest of her body at all or any other areas of eczema is this a common issue with a bad flare up it is very itchy for her,your asthma is not well controlled you should not be taking albuterol so frequently whether you are taking the albuterol via an inhaler or as a pill using it every two hours is not recommended and can cause side effects such as shakiness and an irregular heartbeat i suggest you contact your primary care provider for an appointment as soon as possible to discuss other medications to control your asthma everyone with asthma should carry a rescue inhaler such as albuterol but a bronchodilator is no longer considered the primary form of treatment for asthma on a good medication regimen you can improve your quality of life and avoid possible complications from using so much albuterol if you experience a severe asthma attack that does not improve when you use a rescue inhaler you should seek immediate medical attention by calling 9 1 1 or the emergency number wherever you are located asthma can quickly turn fatal and you must waste no time in receiving emergency treatment for an attack that does not respond to a rescue inhaler do not drive or have someone else drive you to an emergency room instead get an ambulance sent to your house so paramedics can begin immediate emergency treatment wishing you well what are some four month developmental milestones,hi brain infections takes way longer to treat than normal infections due to the effect of the brain blood barrier which does not allow antibiotics to reach brain effectively good luck i have recently noticed a couple of red lumps on the back of my throat they do not hurt or anything please help they are just red lumps and they do not hurt i have been reading that it might be something about mucus but i am not sure is this normal,a cough in a healthy 4 year old can be many things most commonly colds from viral infections can cause coughs other causes can be allergies post nasal drip and asthma if your child has had the cough for several weeks it is important to speak to your doctor if he has allergies or asthma that is causing this there are medications available to make him feel better call your doctor is it possible to have both depression and hyomania at the same time,hi this can be due to allergic inflammation anti histaminics will be more useful take anti histaminics for 7 days if it doesnt get relieved consult a doctor thanks what is ringworm of the scalp or beard,ringworm is an infection on your skin hair or nails it is caused by a fungus ringworm of the scalp occurs in children and adults all over the world it is most common in young children ringworm of the beard is not common webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated for the past two months i have been having breast pain,no but they can have similar symptoms in the joints tendonitis involves tendons muscles and their connective tissue and arthritis involves the bony aspect of joint a person can have both and to a certain extent both may be treated similarly depending on the location and severity dome shaped red bumps on penis,hi if all your blood tests have been tested negative then nothing to worry it just may be allergic rash or skin infection apply local creams maintain proper hygiene take vitamin tablets if its not responding then you need to consult a venerologist thanks can i lose weight going on a sugar free diet can u tell me how much weight can i lose in a month using this sugar free diet,yes but that is only part of the equation permanently losing weight requires more than a short term committment otherwise you will just gain it back what else causes foot rashes,hi you need to know the cause of fibromalgia in order to control it do kidney profile full blood electrolytes magnesium zinc calciumphosphorus also do a full antibody profile test for auto immune disease stronger drugs can be prescribed but they are dangerous you need to be under supervision before taking them like epicotil good luck can having had infant gerd cause complications while pregnant,there are so[me] normal changes that occur in pregnancy which may cause some pain progesterone a hormone that is high in pregnancy can cause the muscle that keeps the food in the stomach relax this can cause reflux and be very uncomfortable for patients fortunately there is medication that can be used during pregnancy for women who have this problem also patients can help themself out by watching what foods they eat is it safe for a newborn to sleep in the same room as a litterbox i have two cats and am due to have my baby in 12 days and am currently staying with my dad while we wait for our apartment to be ready whom will only allow the litter box to be in my room i am wondering if it is safe for my newborn to sleep in my room with us with the litterbox or if i need to find a new home for my cats,you seem concerned by the possibility of dyslexia dyslexia is the most common learning disability in children identified in at least 80 of children manifesting learning disabilities characterized by unexpected difficulty in reading in children and adults who otherwise are normal in intelligence and cognition dyslexics probably have deficits within a specific component of language system the phonologic module which is engaged in processing the sounds of speech dyslexics have labored approach to reading because of phonologic deficits though listening comprehension is robust you might be suffering from dyslexia but you must consult your personal physician for definitive diagnosis as the same is not possible online hope this helps take care note this post is not to emphasise final diagnosis as the same cannot be made online and is aimed just to provide medical information and no treatment suggested above be taken without face to face consultation with health care professional are there any dietary deficiencies associated with celiac disease,patients with celiac disease are at risk for some nutritional deficiencies including folate deficiency b12 deficiency and iron deficiency celiac disease patients are also at risk of developing low bone mineral density osteoporosis there are two reasons for nutritional deficiencies in celiac disease patients the diseased small intestine causes a lack of absorption of vitamins and nutrients strict gluten restriction can also lead to nutritional deficiencies many of the gluten free foods are not fortified or enriched with vitamins or minerals studies have also shown that gluten free products are often low in b vitamins calcium vitamin d iron zinc magnesium and fiber fortunately there are blood tests that your physician can do to determine if you are deficient in any nutrients it is important to be aware of what deficiencies you are at risk for and to make every effort to avoid these deficiencies the deficiency in nutrients does not mean a deficiency in calories there is an increased incidence of obesity in persons with celiac disease who are following a gluten free diet the dietary goal is to follow a well balanced diet with appropriate supplements when needed and an adequate amount of calories for maintaining a healthy weight i am starting to feel very slight burning sensation after urination,hi you have drinking withdrawal effect plus anxiety in my opinion your okay nothing is wrong with you keep in mind that withdrawal effect can last few month just keep monitoring your blood pressure and heart rate which is by the way okay for withdrawal effects no reason to worry good luck my semen was pink in color and the last time it had blood in it,it is difficult to say exactly why your wife is not losing weight without more information but here are some things to consider how is she tracking her calories it is possible that she is getting more than she thinks she is seeing a registered dietitian can help her examine her food intake for hidden calories high levels of activity mixed with low calorie intake may increase cortisol levels stress hormone and cause weight to stay where it is this is a theory but i have seen it many times your wife can experiment with cutting back the exercise or increasing her calorie intake unless she is enjoying the exercise it likely is not sustainable so i suggest she focused on doing something she enjoys if your wife did not exercise at all before it is possible she is gaining some muscle mass and losing fat even the scale is not moving other factors can cause weight to plateau such as stress and lack of sleep see this webmd article for more ideas weight loss and especially weight loss maintenance can be a challenging task i suggest your wife get help and support with the process the key is to address the reasons for the weight gain in addition to tackling food and exercise am i pregnant its been like 50 days since my last period im an irregular until now there isnt any sign of blood at all but just last week i had white blood coming out it wasnt alot just enough for the day but it didnt go on for a whole just like every other day i would feel pain between my belly and vagina but it is like normal pain and it does not like pain me all the time just 3 4 times a day or every other day i kept searching in the net symptoms of pregnancy but so far i have not had any of those symptoms at all i do not understand and it freaks me out,hi did you mean a white discharge how would you know its white blood you have not said but have we tried doing an hpt or had a pregnancy test at the doctor if not do you think this would help all your searching but i think its about time you went to your doctor let himher have a look at you to be on the safe side this would be best for you good luck i am 38 and he is 42 we took some time off and had sex without birthcontrol during what i believed was my safe time my husabnd and i have been trying to conceive i am 38 and he is 42 we decided to take some time off and we had sex without birthcontrol during what i believed was my safe time however i think i may have ovulated earlier then i had before believed i did my cycle started march 25 and ended march 29 we had sex the 30th and the 31st i am feeling slightly crampy and its way too soon for my period again could i be pregnant or is there something else i should be aware of,hi sorry i do know how you fill but this is something we just have to live with as long as your near a toilet your ok your find a whole lot of people out there with the same thing its not something we can predict being so how could you keep taken a drug to clog you up you could take and get nothing it would not be a healthy thing to do sorry just live with it if you get sore just us some lanacane worked for me do hope this helps you good luck can being over weight cause arthritis in your feet,start with a gastroenterologist in many cases this can be fixed with a combination of medications and even surgery i have had bouts with chronic hiccups my entire life until i found a permanent over the counter medicine that cured them for me and keep me from ever getting them anymore and i am in my mid 40 is i would get the hiccups for 1 to 4 days which would lead to other problems with the spasms flaring up my ulcer i am not a doctor but i know it works for me and improved my quality of life 100 the named brand medicine is not labeled for a hiccup cure and the only main ingredient is what does the job for me every day i take just one time released tablet of just plain mucinex blue and white box made by reckitt benckiser although it is designed to work as an expectorant to relieve chest congestion and it thins and loosens mucus it does a whole lot more for me the main ingredient guaifenesin 600 mg is what stopped my hiccups when i last had them mid 2012 and i have been taking one or two 12 hour tablets daily ever since if you get another brand it will probably not be time released so be careful as it may work for 4 hours at the most i hope this helps and please let me know if it does because it sure changed my life my dad is having the same problem did your dad is condition improved if so can you please share what he did does gallstones cause urinary problems smelly and cloudy ursine that comes and goes,no gallstones and urinary problems are not medically related a person can have both you know how can i keep my healthy eating habits when traveling,recent research suggests that people have a better chance of getting healthier if we focus on making good choices as well as taking control of the food choices that we are presented with in other words by shaping your environment so that unhealthy choices become less convenient you become more likely to take on healthier behaviors eating while you are on the road is a great example even though many fast food restaurants have been pressured to add some healthier items to their menus the truth is it can be pretty tough to choose a grilled chicken salad over a burger and fries especially when you are sitting in the drive through lane if you find yourself unable to make the healthier choice consider eating a kid is meal instead fewer calories and you get a toy but better to avoid drive throughs altogether if you make a commitment to give drive throughs the drive by and refrain from eating in your car you are bound to make healthier decisions at mealtime another tough aspect of eating while traveling is making good choices while staying at hotels room service can be an attractive option if you are on your own or have an expense account at your disposal it can be tempting to sit back in your room with a nice steak and a caesar salad and watch television but mealtimes are a great opportunity to get out explore and try something healthier every once in a while i will experience tingling in every one of my fingers and my palms what could this be the tingling usually lasts around 30 minutes to a few hours and it isnt painful just uncomfortable my family has a history of heart disease and diabetes and i am just making sure this is not something related to either one of them,ask your doctor could be some symptom of something but maybe try drinking more water but regardless of that talk to your doctor can a women get pregnant from precum pre ejaculation and if she doesnt have an orgasim,obviously i am not a doctor but i can tell you from my own experience with my wife she does not take birth control pills we do not believe in it the method we used was either the cycle method or the pull out method did this for years and she never got pregnant and when we actually tried to get pregnant for real she got pregnant on first try so my point is in our case there was an almost zero chance of getting some pregnant from precum what are cold sores chickenpox shingles and genital herpes,cold sores are caused by a herpes virus that may be spread by kissing or other physical contact with the infected area of the skin they are small painful ulcers that you get in or around your mouth chickenpox is caused by a herpes virus it causes an itchy rash of multiple small red bumps that look like pimples or insect bites usually appearing first on the abdomen or back and face it can spread to almost everywhere else on the body and may be accompanied by flu like symptoms shingles is caused by the same herpes virus that causes chickenpox it causes small painful blisters that happen on your skin shingles occurs in people who have already had chickenpox shingles can be spread to people who have not had chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccine by contact with the infected areas of the skin genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease it causes small painful blisters on your genital area you can spread genital herpes to others even when you have no symptoms if you are sexually active you can still pass herpes to your partner even if you are taking medication to treat it do not have sexual contact with your partner when you have any symptom or outbreak of genital herpes use a condom made of latex or polyurethane whenever you have sexual contact ask your health care provider for more information about safer sex practices what effect will stopping zoloft 50mg and focalin xr 20 mg have on 17year old,women are now classified [by the american heart association guidelines] in three groups high risk for heart disease at risk or ideal cardiovascular health what kind of skin conditioninfection is this yesterday an apparent skin infection on my check had swollen half of my face and made it extremely sensitive and sore i seemed to have brought it down with ibuprofen and ice but the size of the actual bump has not diminished and still hurts the bump itself looks like a raised inflamed elliptical area slightly over one inch long the area feels mostly hard underneath while the skin above it feels very dry what would cause this and should i see a doctor,the short answer is this yes you should see a doctor you could have a cyst a lipoma or something else your best bet is to have this examined by an appropriate health care provider such as a dermatologist though you can simply go see your primary care provider if necessary unfortunately we can not diagnose a skin lesion like this via the internet and if it is an infected cyst or something you will need to have it drained because it will not clear up on its own best to you a board certified dermatologist like dr eric schweiger can help you with that it will be better if you seek help from professionals who can help you with that particular concern of yours it is very important that you do an action now to know the cause and get rid of that skin problem clear clinic you may speak with a dermatologist about that particular concern of yours dr eric schweiger is a member of the american academy of dermatology and the american society for dermatologic surgery he may help you with that best dermatologist nyc you may speak with a dermatologist about that particular concern of yours dr eric schweiger a board certified dermatologist may help you with that clear clinic my husband wants to know if its ok to take zyrtec and his sleeping pill which contains diphenhydramine 50mg he uses an equate sleeping pill from wal wart and the active ingredient is diphenhydramine 50mg same as taking 2 benadryl is we are confused by that,yes shingles can be internal and can affect organs the answer above is so completely wrong as i have found another of his answers above wrong i have had internal shingles in my throat how soon is it safe to get pregnant after stopping birth control,when it comes to hormonal contraceptives your best bet is to complete your current cycle and then attempt to get pregnant says frank a chervenak md professor and chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at weill medical college of cornell university in new york city after the cycle attempts can be made to start getting pregnant although it may be advisable to wait for the first normal menstrual period after you stop taking your pills he says but this precaution is not essential some women conceive within a week or two after stopping birth control pills i advise women to complete the cycle so they do not have irregular bleeding he says in general the middle of the month is when ovulation and potentially conception are most likely to take place so the optimal fertile window is a couple of weeks after stopping contraception an important point to consider however is that if there has been a previous pregnancy or miscarriage wait about three months to give the body a chance to recover he says this is where a waiting period makes sense as far as other types of contraception the intrauterine device iud must be removed before a woman starts attempting to conceive he says couples can just stop using condoms when they are ready to conceive he adds what is a sonogram,i think you are referring to the heart health benefits of consuming the fda recommends 3g of soluble fiber beta glucan daily to help reduce the risk of heart disease because it helps lower cholesterol one serving of oatmeal contains 75g and can help you get to three grams other foods that contain soluble fiber are cold cereals made from oats e g cheerios oat bran and barley you can also add oats to muffins and other baked goods so you do not have to eat oatmeal every day to get the benefits but it is a good way to get heart healthy soluble fiber in your diet for more on oats see this article oatmeal has some very beneficial health benefits but the idea of eating oatmeal every day could get very old and boring i think the oatmeal companies would like you to do this but there are many many other ways to live a healthy lifestyle eat a healthy diet and lower your cholesterol than eating oatmeal every day 365 days a year for a healthy intervention to be sustainable it must be something you can tolerated if you love oatmeal and want to eat it every day go for it but in my opinion life is too short not to have variety and pleasure in our diets no what are the risks of not treating depression during pregnancy,left untreated depression can have far reaching effects on both your and your baby is health women who are depressed are less likely to take proper care of themselves for instance they may not eat a healthy diet or may skip doctors appointments plus women who are depressed may be more likely to take part in risky behaviors such as drinking alcohol smoking or taking drugs during pregnancy all of these actions can lead to potentially serious health problems for the baby including miscarriage preterm birth and low birth weight untreated depression can also take a toll on family dynamics that includes your relationship with your spouse and other children if you have older kids they need you to care for them for some pregnant women regardless of their mental state it can take all the energy they have to care for themselves add depression to the mix and the suffering can become intolerable for everyone if depression is preventing you from caring for your family you may need to stay on your antidepressants during this vulnerable time it‘s important to keep the risks associated with antidepressant use in pregnancy in perspective all pregnant women have an average 3 risk of having a baby with any type of birth defect in most cases when researchers say antidepressants may increase the risk of certain birth defects they are talking about just a slight increase so even if you take an antidepressant during pregnancy the overall risk of your baby having a problem is still very low do i require surgery,as per your complain as there are a number of problems associated and one symptom can exaggerate the other therefore my suggestion is that you should consult an ent surgeon and get evaluated and you can opt for endoscopic ainus surgery along with septoplasty for the deviated septum and meditation like a course of antibiotics anti inflammatory painkillers decongestants steroid inhalation can help wish you a better health regards can you be allergic to mold in your food,allergy to latex condoms can cause a rash on the penis or on the genital skin of your sexual partner as well as redness there may be blistering and itching the rash usually occurs 6–48 hours after using the condom hi as you can see this covers both of you but here is some help from webmd how is latex allergy treated allergic reactions may be treated by removal of the latex product and drug treatment according to the type of symptoms developing if the symptoms are irritant contact dermatitis topically applied corticosteroid drugs may be enough to treat symptoms severe reactions should be treated with epinephrine intravenous fluids and other support by hospital or emergency personnel if you have a serious latex allergy it is important for you to wear a medicalert bracelet and carry an emergency epinephrine syringe if prescribed by your doctor there is no cure for a latex allergy so the best treatment for this condition is prevention you can get latex free condoms but if you do not trust guys then do buy your own or better stile get on some kind of bc like the pill do hope this help you good luck cancer of lymph nodes with bowel blockage doctor says too dangerous to operate,this is postoperative ileus i believe its better for ger to be admitted her electrolytes should be measured parentral feeding with half strenght enteral feeding as drinking prune juices close monitoring of her vitals is imp make her chew gum its effective for improving the motilitylaparoscopic intervention is of good results if conservative lines failed hope she gets better soon if you had shingles once can you have another breakout again,i do not know but as i have had shingles and am still suffering pain in the same spots i would like to know if i will be likely to ever have them again if an appendix ruptures how long would it take for sepsis to occur due to peritonitis,lymphoedema or deep venous thrombosis can be the cause get doppler studies done application of magnesium sulphate and glycerine with leg elevation can help i had a flu shot in october is it good for the whole flu season,the influenza vaccine is a yearly vaccine that protects you from getting the flu a viral respiratory illness that spreads very easily the flu can lead to serious health complications and possibly death the best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated there are two types of flu vaccines flu shot the flu shot is typically given to adults in a muscle in the upper arm it is an inactive vaccine which means it is made using dead bacteria the dead germs cannot make you sick nasal spray the nasal spray flu vaccine is a live attenuated influence vaccine or laiv unlike the flu shot it is made from live but weakened influenza viruses however you cannot get the flu from the nasal spray vaccine only certain adults under age 50 may receive the nasal spray the three flu strains covered by the flu vaccine differ from year to year that is because the flu viruses are constantly changing scientists develop a new flu vaccine each season based on research that predicts which strains will be most likely to make you sick for example the 2010 2011 flu shots for adults protect against three influenza virus strains the 2009 h1n1 h3n2 virus and an influenza b virus how do i safely stop taking simvastatin 10 mg i do not nor have i ever had high blood pressure my cholesterol count before simvastatin was 234 a stress test 3 years ago showed that there are no blockages or build up in my arteries my heart is in good shape as a matter of fact the cardiologist told me i had the heart of a thirty year old after learning about the dangers of this drug i am scared and would like to discontinue it please advise ,the best way to clear mucous from your nose is to first liquefy use saline nasal spray and then gently blow your nose one side at a time by occluding the other nostril you can do this repeatedly perhaps the reason your ear is building pressure is because you are blowing too hard and air is going up your eustachian tubes to your middle ear space the area behind your eardrum unless you have a medical reason not to take a decongestant it may be okay to do this during the day only but it will increase the nasal drainage night time decongestants can keep you awake and the post nasal drainage will annoy you if you want to dry up your nose an antihistamine can help remember that colds only last a week so do not over treat them just wait it out and finally it is okay to swallow post nasal mucous you can spit it out assuming you do that privately or in a tissue hocking them out grosses out people diagnosed with a benign ovarian cyst around 10cm clinic wants to do full hysterectomy need second opinion,just as pregnancy is different for each woman so is the experience of bed rest some women know that because of problems with past pregnancies they will need to go on bed rest at some point for others a prescription for bed rest comes as a surprise some women are prescribed bed rest early in their pregnancies others must spend their entire pregnancies resting in bed sometimes doctors recommend modified bed rest this means you should spend most of your time lying or sitting up on the couch or bed but you should not exercise lift or have sexual intercourse at other times doctors may restrict almost all activity telling a patient to sit up only for meals or stand for quick showers sometimes doctors prescribe bed rest with close monitoring in the hospital it is important to know how much and what you should or should not do during bed rest following are some questions you should ask your doctor can i get up to use the bathroom how long is bed rest required must i stay in bed all the time or can i move around the house if necessary is it ok to work from home is it ok to do light chores can i take baths or showers should i lie on one side or stay in a certain position is sexual activity ok if so what kinds and how much diagnosed with probable viral meningitis around four years ago having numerous issues,yes you can fly in an airplane when you have mono my partner got tested for chlamydia and came out positive i want to know if that means i have chlamydia too i finished drinking the treatment of azythromycin when does it start to work but i havent been tested but i know i gave it to him,there are several reasons why your doctor might want you to be on bed rest for example your doctor may recommend bed rest if you experience early contractions which could be signs of preterm labor or if you have had previous pregnancies that ended in miscarriage still birth or premature birth if you are expecting multiples two or more babies your pregnancy may be considered high risk and your doctor will monitor you closely if you develop any problems your doctor might place you on bed rest following are some other reasons your doctor may advise bed rest preeclampsia a potentially dangerous condition characterized by high blood pressure protein in the urine and swelling particularly in the legs and face preeclampsia occurs in up to 8 of pregnancies usually during the second half of pregnancy vaginal bleeding a problem with several possible causes including placenta previa a complication in which the placenta grows in the lowest part of the uterus and covers all or part of the opening to the cervix or placental abruption a complication in which the placenta separates from the uterus before the baby is ready to be born incompetent cervix a weak cervix that may open prematurely cervical effacement softening or thinning of the cervix which is one of the first signs of labor poor fetal development a test or procedure that indicates a medical complication in severe pain in my lower back and legs had mri what does it mean what should i do,yes it is possible to still be still be possible do all women get early symptoms of pregnancy,there are several options if you have a local dental school a hospital based program or a free dental clinic in the area they can help you i would suggest calling the local dental society for advice on what to do i had come from australia just to get my dental work done and i am so happy that i made the right decision i had come to this dental clinic in mumbai and got my 4 root canal dental implants and bone grafting done the treatment is not only affordable but also of superior quality as well what does it mean when your toe starts swelling and turning white underneath with itching and pain,sorry to hear you are experiencing this it must be uncomfortable it is really impossible to say what could be causing this without a physical examination your best bet is to make an appointment with your primary care provider and let him or her take a look at your toe because the range of possible causes is so wide and depends a lot on your physical history medications and so on only your health care provider can provide a diagnosis i hope you are able to get this resolved quickly when should i contact my doctor about colitis,if you have isolated the underarm rash to the deodorant then you may have your culprit hydrocortisone 1 used three times per day would be the recommended treatment for contact dermatitis but it is not a cure all sometimes your medical provider will need to prescribed a topical steroid that is stronger is a urinary trac infection transferable female to male during sexual intercourse my boyfriend wants to have sexual intercourse with me i indeed have a urinary track infection my question is is a urinary track infection transferable female to male during sexual intercourse burning when urinating few moments later urgency to go again only to dribble a drops and the burning urine is also cloudy and strong oder,fumes are fumes smoke is smoke breathing any fume or smoke in a closed area can cause problems in a well ventilated area beeswax candles are not hazardous by the chemical nature of the wax itself i got 2 perfect round completely red circles on my back possibly ringworm occasionally i get an itch but nothing bad i noticed the other day i had 2 completely red perfect circles on my back they look to have really little pimples maybe blisters on them my first thought was ring worms but i havent seem and thats completely red most have a ring like fade to them although i have read it can be solid red havent had any sickness or anything with it just an occasion itch but rarely brother thinks maybe masquito bite but i just wanna make sure so if i know to buy the cream or what not ,yes ovulation is not just one day that can be accurately predicted unless you have an ultrasound at home it is a window of several days the ovary will release an egg it will be captured by the fallopian tubes and perhaps become fertilized by any sperm that may be viable along this route the egg remains quite vulnerable to impregnation for several days we also know that sperm can remain viable and alive for up to a week in cervical mucous your body is uniquely designed to become pregnant so when all of the pieces are in place pregnancy may result what can i do to reduce my triglucerides my triglycerides are above 298 i already control my diet and walk as exercise i do not want to take medication due to side affects i have taken medicine in the past,this is probably just skin irritation use a penis health creme called man1 man oil it is made just for issues like this and will not only treat you current problem but make sure it does not happen again in the future it is a great product that tons of guys use nowadays hope this helps trying to get pregnant help my husband and i recently decided to get pregnant i am 21 he is 27 if that helps i threw out my birth control yesterday after taking an active pill i have not taken one today at all and we had sex what are my chances of being pregnant this would have been my last week of active pills i was taking them religiously before i stopped but was horrible at taking them at a consistent time i always did in the morning but it was usually between 8 and 11 am and never consistent,bipolar disorder also known as manic depressive illness is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood energy activity levels and the ability to carry out day to day tasks symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe they are different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through from time to time bipolar disorder symptoms can result in damaged relationships poor job or school performance and even suicide but bipolar disorder can be treated and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives bipolar disorder often develops in a person is late teens or early adult years at least half of all cases start before age 25 some people have their first symptoms during childhood while others may develop symptoms late in life bipolar disorder is not easy to spot when it starts the symptoms may seem like separate problems not recognized as parts of a larger problem some people suffer for years before they are properly diagnosed and treated like diabetes or heart disease bipolar disorder is a long term illness that must be carefully managed throughout a person is life what are the different types of cooking oils,fortunately for me i had a doctor friend look at it he took a glance and said it was a virus prescribed some q drylantacidsucralfate susp mouthwash for me to use will see if it helps i have a growth on skin it is indented in and the “scab” like thing over it is as hard as a rock,seems like a developing growing lesion check a dermatologist for basal cell disorder if you have medicare because of disability can you still get a health insurance policy on the marketplace,while technically you are not prevented from buying a policy on a marketplace it is more likely that it will duplicate rather than cover the gaps in your medicare policy the marketplace is designed for people without insurance or people trying to replace their existing policy there are no medicare supplemental policies on the marketplaces which sounds more like what you might want about half of states require medicare supplemental insurers to offer medigap policies to those who are on medicare due to a disability you can visit a state health assistance insurance program in your state which provides assistance for people with medicare because of the federal government shutdown the best way to find a ship in your state is www shiptalk org what causes prostate cancer,the cause of prostate cancer is unknown but the cancer is not thought to be related to benign prostatic hyperplasia bph the risk predisposing factors for prostate cancer include advancing age genetics heredity hormonal influences and such environmental factors as toxins chemicals and industrial products the chances of developing prostate cancer increase with age thus prostate cancer under age 40 is extremely rare while it is common in men older than 80 years of age as a matter of fact some studies have suggested that among men over 80 years of age 50 80 of them may have prostate cancer more than 80 of prostate cancers are diagnosed in men older than 65 years of age african american men are 1 6 times more likely than white men to develop prostate cancer they are also 2 4 times more likely to die from their disease as compared to white men of a similar age these differences in diagnosis and death rates are however more likely to reflect a difference in factors such as environmental exposure diet lifestyle and health seeking behavior rather than any racial susceptibility to prostate cancer recent studies indicate that this disparity is progressively decreasing with chances of complete cure in men undergoing treatment for organ confined prostate cancer cancer that is limited to within the prostate without spread outside the confines of the prostate gland irrespective of race genetics heredity as just mentioned plays a role in the risk of developing a prostate cancer prostate cancer is more common among family members of individuals with prostate cancer this risk may be two to three times greater than the risk for men without a family history of the disease earlier age at diagnosis <60 years in a first degree relative father or brother and disease affecting more than one relative also increases the risk for developing prostate cancer testosterone the male hormone produced by the testicles directly stimulates the growth of both normal prostate tissue and prostate cancer cells not surprisingly therefore this hormone is thought to be involved in the development and growth of prostate cancer the important implication of the role of this hormone is that decreasing the level of testosterone should be and usually is effective in inhibiting the growth of prostate cancer recent evidence has suggested that sexually transmitted infections are risk factors for developing prostate cancer men with a history of sexually transmitted infections have a 1 4 times greater chance of developing prostate cancer as compared men without this history although still unproven environmental factors such as cigarette smoking and diets that are high in saturated fat seem to increase the risk of prostate cancer there is also a suggestion that obesity leads to an increased risk of having more aggressive larger prostate cancer which results in a poorer outcome after treatment additional substances or toxins in the environment or from industrial sources might also promote the development of prostate cancer but these have not yet been clearly identified geographical influences heartburn and mild burping only symptoms for a week non stop ive tryed zantac 150 gasx alka seltzer nothing has worked male 22,excedrin is a nonprescription medication that contains acetaminophen aspirin and caffeine there are a number of different formulations available including excedrin maximum strength excedrin migraine excedrin tension headache excedrin menstrual complete and excedrin pm per the product label the maximum number of tablets that should be taken in one day varies for each product please consult your package label for the maximum amount that can be taken each day my husband and i are separated but still legally married he is on ss disability do i still have to give his income in the health insurance application,of course he is of weak immunity mainly due to malabsorption and ibs is a possibility … pravotin sachets is a good source of protein supplement for his age and case give it with juice or milk healthy diet rich in fibers vitamins and proteins can help much avoid gluten also iron supplement like those in spread chocolate can be used get a stool analysis to rule out any parasites no replacement for iga i suffer from neck and shoulder blade pain for 3 years now and the doctors do not know what is wrong and it is getting worse,first of all you seem to be having a diet low in protein and you need to get more protein in your food your heart rate might be due to some type of stress or anxiety disorder this pain in your neck is really weird and i would like to ask you some questions trying to reach a diagnosis what makes pain worse is there a difference between summer and winter do you have any numbness where what type of person you are active or inactive your pain will probably be a chronic myofacial pain syndrome according to the sequence you described bullied for years and eventually i knew what it was like to be alone in the world i was bullied for years and it was so bad that no one would talk to me at all people would glare at me in the hallways and whisper lies about me so loudly that i could hear every word i was verbally abused and people threatened to hurt me it pains me to be forgotten or left it brings me to tears i think the emotional damage has caused anxiety im brought to tears my body heats up and i shake a bit until i can calm myself down its been 7 years and it still hurts,your not alone in this world your story is kind of similar to mine i had been bullied verbally even after changing schools people would treat me the same they would whisper or talk behind my back look at me and make fun of me the pain is unbearable huh not only the bullying at school started my anxiety disorder but it also came from my home nothing physical just verbally and emotionally i was hurt as soon as i started college i began to take therapy if figured i had nothing else to lose you know what else could happen to me i have been feeling pain throughout my life i am use to it i could not trust anyone throughout my childhood however i felt tired suffocated and sad being alone and afraid so i decided to change no matter how much pain i felt i did not want to feel depress any more and if i wanted to become free from my past and i guess my family i needed to built my strength thanks to therapy i was able to deal with my anxiety and meet someone else could see understand me hear me out without judging my every word i was someone who was damaged but i was fixed little by little although to be honest it still kinda of hurts thinking about those days my husband is taking neurotin and percocet his father gave him three otc sleep aids last night is it ok to mix them,without knowing the exact medication his father gave him it is really hard to say whether or not the combination is safe for your husband to take keep in mind while over the counter medications are readily available safety is still important there are still drug drug interactions that can occur toxicities with taking too much and it is important to take medications whether prescription or over the counter for the right reasons most over the counter sleep aids contain diphenhydramine as the active ingredient if he was given 3 pills he could have taken too much another thing to keep in mind is that many sleep aids contain a pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen if he is taking percocet which contains oxycodone and acetaminophen he could be taking too much acetaminophen which can be very toxic mixing over the counter medications with prescription medications is not as simple as one would think it is really important to check with a medical professional to make sure there is no duplication or drug drug interactions are there topical creams for treating arthritis,there are several over the counter ones your pharmacist can point them out to you and a prescription one called voltaran gel 1 there are even homeopathic and natural remedies but i cannot attest to their effectiveness what is an anticholinergic used for parkinson is disease,an anticholinergic is a substance usually a medication that halts the actions of a chemical that transmits signals between nerves called acetylcholine the side effects include blurred vision and dry mouth does alcohol contribute to a high hernia,sometimes because the acid in the booze will inflame the hernia and cause pain that is compared to childbirth and labor a high hernia akahiatal hernia most of the time a hiatal hernia is caused by straining to have a bm lifting and throwing up does the parasite that causes malaria live in stagnant water,no the organism that causes malaria lives inside the blood of a certain type of mosquito and these insects love living around stagnant water have had chronic dysentery daily for 3 months,hi just reading the daily mail its a uk paper and they have this in there today just copy into google to open and read is this what you want good luck my boyfriend hasnt been able to poop nothin in 3 days and is having stomach pain,i do not know anything about your boyfriend his medical history his habits medications etc to be able to blindly offer treatment over the internet for his abdominal pain while the pain could be related to gas distention from being constipated there can be numerous other considerations that can only be sorted out by a medical provider during an examination has the company that makes prevacid lost their patent is not the drug about the same as nexium,hi your find that she should be ok she did the right thing ok good luck if a girl gets sand in her vagina and have sex and if there was to be sperm would it be easy to find for a doctor,most helpful answer find the sand or the sperm during a pelvic exam we really do not look for either one but if a smear was taken and microscopically examined then yes sperm may be seen the sand we would likely just ignore i want to find the sperm so the question is is that easy even though that would be sand in the vagina what is the treatment for bacterial vaginosis,bacterial vaginosis can only be treated with drugs ordered by your doctor over the counter remedies will not cure bv the most common drugs prescribed for bv are called metronidazole flagyl and clindamycin cleocin these medications may be taken as a pill or used as a vaginal cream or gel i just suffered intense and unbearable period cramps a massive lump fell out,hi you seem to be undergoing a lot of variations in your body primarily doesnt feel that anything is wrong with you but i suggest you should get a gen 4 pcrrna test done to confirm hiv get other blood test for stds as well done thanks are there any warnings for the drug penicillin g benzathine & proc,no medical provider can require an adult person to take a urine drug test they can ask refuse to give them any more pain medications or legally terminate their professional relationship but they cannot really force anyone to pee the repercussions for not complying to the doctor is request for a urine drug screen would be his refusal to prescribe further pain prescriptions proper pain management is essential for a person who had brain surgery and other chronic pain issues fibromyalgia but it is the doctor is responsibility to make sure that highly addictive pain medications are not be diverted to others or misused the doctor has no legal responsibility to prescribe medical marijuana but may be able to refer your family member to a pain management specialist for on going care yes they can especially if you r on a pain med contract and you signed it and agreed to it what medication should i take for a fever sore throat body achs and muchus presser in the head and neck,hi if your talking about ovulation day then the answer would be no but if you had unprotected sex 6 days before ovulation day this would make you pregnant though and this would give implantation spotting if this is what your now getting dose this help you good luck if i am feeling really hungry after exercising what is the best thing to eat after a workout and i am a guy not sure if that matters,the proper diet and exercise helps you a lot to get rid of cellulite cellulite is what it actually a a kind of flabby fat around the waist stomach arms and thighs makes a woman look ugly the exercises include swimming strength training and weight training and the old fashioned way of method walking are beneficial but in today is day to day life one can not be able to maintain a daily routine of exercise you may use a budget in within your pocket to treat the cellulite i have used revitashape you can also use the modern anti cellulite treatments and the creams to know more about the cellulite treatments you can visit here source www getridcellulite org i have all the symptoms of hypothyrodisim and it runs in my family but i also have very tender breasts is that normal they hurt most of the time i also do have a lump were my thyroid gland is,if you feel you may be hypothyroid it would not be a bad idea to get checked out if you do have hypothyroidism you should be treated for it breast tenderness generally is not considered a symptom of hypothyroidism but it can be a symptom of other hormonal changes or imbalances some women complain of breast tenderness during perimenopause or menopause and they also discover they are hypothyroid at that time so it can appear as if the hypothyroidism and tender breasts are linked when they are not necessarily in a clinical sense your best bet is to make an appointment for an evaluation by a health care provider particularly since you said you have a lump on or near your thyroid gland hypothyroidism can be treated and the sooner you catch it the better best to you head spasm followed by headache and blurring of vision,hi do have a good read down this link it may help you its from the uk is nhs just copy into google to the www to open and read but it may be best for you go and have a good talk with your gyno over this problem something is getting mixed up somewhere it could be a hormone problem hope this helps you good luck my husband had prostatectomy one year ago since then he has been suffering from tinnits and high blood pressure why my husband had a prostatectomy one year ago since then he has been suffering from tinnitus and blood pressure problems these things have became so bothersome that he has trouble working sleeping and other activities of the day we need to find out why and what we can do to correct this problem the surgery was with the divintchi robot and the surgery was 6 12 hours long what could have happened to cause this help,your husband is surgery may have nothing to do with his tinnitus or high blood pressure it may have just happened as they often do was we age rather than search for a reason or blame see an ent to evaluate the tinnitus the cause and cure can be very difficult to find and his primary care doctor to treat the high blood pressure which incidentally can be one of the hundreds of causes of tinnitus there are sooooo many different medical issues that may be involved it would be impossible to track them down over the internet can you have apppendicitis without fever and vomiting,hi around day 21 of your cycle day 1 being the first day of your period it takes sperm around 3 days to get to your egg i think your find that your egg is futile for a couple of days so if you have sex on day 18 or 19 they should meet up but the odd women it seems can get pregnant form anytime of the month do not ask how it just has to be excepted hope this helps good luck what causes gastroenteritis,usually gastroenteritis is caused by bacteria viruses or parasites which can spread quickly through contaminated food or water bacteria that cause gastroenteritis include escherichia coli salmonella campylobacter and shigella these bacteria are usually found in food but can be spread person to person says david burkhart md a staff physician at the indiana university health center in bloomington viruses that trigger gastroenteritis include adenoviruses rotaviruses calciviruses astroviruses and norovirus certain viruses are found in specific places burkhart says for instance norovirus often shows up on college campuses lingering on doorknobs and shared keyboards spreading the gastroenteritis among students parasites and protozoans that commonly lead to gastroenteritis include giardia and cryptosporidium the parasite giardia lives in the intestines of infected people or animals and often spreads when someone swallows polluted water chemical toxins in seafood can also cause gastroenteritis so can exposure to heavy metals such as lead in drinking water other causes of non contagious gastroenteritis include food allergies caffeine or medications such as antibiotics steroids aspirin and laxatives what can you use on a bacon grease burn while you are pregnant,just ice cold water at first then you can use any topical antibiotic ointment or cream these are not absorbed into the body do not break any blisters that may occur and see your medical provider immediately if your burn is extensive or involves a large part of your hand or face i am a 29 yr old female with adhd depression and anxiety willl my adhd be affected by my planned ivf i can not find the right medicationtreatment plan for me,you bring up two important issues regarding the treatment of adhd with medications first the difficulty finding the right combination of medications when co existing conditions are present and second the use of adhd medications during pregnancy when choosing a medication to address adhd symptoms it is extremely important to keep co existing conditions in mind and not make them worse with treatment some co existing conditions such as mild depressiondemoralization or anxiety may be the result of untreated adhd and will improve once the adhd is treated however some stimulants may make anxiety or depression worse particularly those in the amphetamine class so its best to avoid those if you can if you have anxiety in addition other therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy cbt have been shown to improve symptoms of anxiety in persons with adhd this treatment can be a particularly useful adjunct for those with anxietyself esteem issues or who can not take medications for whatever reason that brings us to the second issue pregnancy and medications used to treat adhd basically the stimulants are not recommended for use during pregnancy in order to avoid any possibility of damage to the developing fetus there have been no studies done in humans but cardiac defects have been seen in animals given very high doses of stimulants during pregnancy if you are contemplating getting pregnant it is best to discuss this with your prescribing physician and obgyn and wean off any stimulant treatment can lupus cause skin lesions non itchy skin lesions spreading all over body 1 dermatologist diagnosed allergy to arthritis medicine next dermatologist diagnosed fungal infection 3rd dermatologist diagnosed pityriasis rosea the pulmonologist has asked for tests for lupus vasculitis and hepatitis,i am sorry to hear you are going through a merry go round of diagnosis sometimes skin rashes and lesions can be difficult to diagnose so hang in there to answer your question yes lupus can indeed cause skin lesions lupus comes in different forms one type of lupus called cutaneous lupus or discoid lupus involves the formation of skin lesions that may be red and scaly or ring shaped these lesions typically form on sun exposed areas of skin such as the arms legs scalp back of the neck and so on but they can occur anywhere on the body systemic lupus can cause a variety of other skin issues too people with lupus erythematosus often experience hair loss raised sores called vasculitis lesions blotchy patches of skin and many other skin irritations your situation illustrates why a skin rash should not be ignored and i am glad you did not ignore yours occasionally a rash can signal a serious underlying medical condition like lupus in general if a skin rash does not clear up within hours or a couple of days you should have it checked out by a doctor skin rashes accompanied by trouble breathing require emergency medical treatment wishing you well what conditions does allergy cold treat,hi if you went cold turkey and just stopped smoking then you would find that very stressful so not knowing just how much you smoked lets say its 20 a day so for the next 20 days cut one out every other day so your now down to ten a day and you feeling good about your self not quite as hard as you thought now cut out the habit smoking over the next week like the one with your first cup of joe the one after breakfast the one after lunch the one after dinner your just doing one a day so after that week your now down to 6 a day and your doing good so over the next week you now cut out 3 more so now you down to three a day and feeling really good about stay on this 3 a day for the next week then at the end of that week say bye bye smokes but here is the kick in the tail from now on your just between smokes one day at a time when you can get to my daily record which now stands at 17 years plus see this plan worked for me way back in 1996 around march i think but you must remember smoking is a drug and its so nice to have kicked the habit but there are times when i could kill for a smoke and so will you but be strong and keep it to just between smokes good luck you will need it and less stressful can i use phenetapp for a child with type 1 diabetes,high fever and chill are indicative of infection indeed and as we have a cause rightly evident there are chances that you may be developing hydronephrosis accumulation of urine in swollen kidney in the right kidney and a secondary infection following stasis of urine stoppage or reduced flow of urine in the kidney leading to nephritis though urine culture generally picks up infection in the bladder nephritis is more of a clinical diagnosis with pain and tenderness in the renal angle and high grade fever accompanying it ideally you should be started on prophylactic antibiotics to control the infection sooner before septic features or septicemia may occur i think you should take a second opinion from another urologist too for further information consult a urologist online > fingered my girlfriend a day after her period ended with possible precum on fingers her period ended on friday and this was on saturday i do not think there was any on my fingers but if there was could she be pregnant it was 8 days ago and now she has a headache and woke up with red hurting eyes and some sore joints very tiredbut usually tired again i am not sure if there was any on my but if there was could she be pregnant,hi ok just think back did you masturbate before you was with your gf did you urinate after it if no then there could be a small problem but not yet but if yes your ok but does sound like she could have the flu coming on and not pregnancy if she was she would not know about till she miss is her next period but if she is getting stressed over this then she could still miss her period stress will do that best you both can do is stay calm and wait but for me i nom not think she is not from the day after reason she has not had her ovulation day yet which is around day 14 of her cycle day 1 is the first day of her period hope this helps you good luck can i get pregnant from precum while ovulating i am having some symptoms but have not missed my period which should start tomorrow i am having cramps achy boobs increased mucous tightness round the lower part of my stomach some nausea i have been tracking my cycle n its predictable now so i usually just have cramps n that is it me n my friend always use the pull out method but this time i was ovulating n i feel odd with all these symptoms,uv protection is not related whatsoever to how dark the lens is the primary goal of sunglasses is to protect your eyes and your children is eyes from uv light once you make sure that everyone is sunglasses provide 100 protection then the degree of tint can be an individual decision based on personal preference what are triggers for henoch schonlein purpura,best for what isopropyl alcohol rubbing alcohol is poisonous so it cannot be ingested as you may know it is used for a variety of things toptically on the skin ethyl alcohol is booze and of course poisonous as well if ingested in toxic quantities ethyl alcohol is also gasoline additive in most states what is cholesterol is relationship to heart disease,cholesterol is a fatty substance made by the body and found in some foods cholesterol is deposited in the arteries in coronary artery disease what is a penile injection,you have a three month window during which you can go without insurance if you do not buy coverage by the end of march 2014 you will be assessed a tax penalty for every month you are not insured in year one the penalty is the greater of 95 or 1 of your income the penalty will increase over the years how is sexual addiction treated,hi so you are getting b12 injections but yoi still have b1 2 6 and magnesium deficiency have you done a cbc for testing haemoglobin level you must be suffering either malabsorption problem or malnutrition do you have a healthy diet or you have any problem with digestion possible ear infection should i see a doctor if so whom should i see thursday when i was checking out at a store i visited the clerk let me know that my right ear was bleeding when i got in car and checked in mirror i saw a line of dry blood from ear on face &checked in ear and was still bleeding but stopped appx 5 minutes later saturday got up to use bathroom and when i got in bed i saw 5 6 spots of blood on pillow possibly from same ear checked &had blood drainage again but nothing in the morning have had a bad cough for about 2 weeks,most helpful answer without the ability to look inside your ears i can only guess but the most likely cause of your ear bleeding was a spontaneous rupture of your eardrum this can happen from colds or middle ear infections this is not an emergency but it would be good for you to see your medical provider next week so you can be properly examined if you are having ear pain or fever then seeing a medical provider sooner would be appropriate pregnancy i had a brownish red spot just only once yesterdy my periods s due between 20 and 23 this month what does this mean does it mean am pregnent coz i dnt have bleeding just had a brownish red spot that too only once,hi if you have been having unprotected sex then it could be implantation day if your next period does not come just wait a week then see your doctor and get tested there but a good doctor will know if you are pregnant ok hope this helps you good luck having recurrent urinary tract infections utis this has been going on for the last 3 years,it is not ideal to get a lot of antibiotics 4 year infection every time because this is going to make bacteria resistant to all types of antibiotics so they are going to be stronger than the last time what you should do is urine culture and take an antibiotic that is not resistance by this type of bacteria get a lot of probiotics and you drink plenty of water all the time cranberry juice is helpful and make sure that your sex partner is maintaining healthy lifestyle in terms of cleanliness probiotics intake if i had sex during my period and didnt use birth control can i be pregnant,there is a window of 5 to 6 days in the middle of your cycle remember starts on day 1 when you are most likely to get pregnant considering this you might say it would be irregular but never say never here is an article that describes it in more detail i am female had the flu for a few days w diahrea i am having a mucous secreation from my rectum should i be worried i have had the flu with diahrea for a few days and now am having unexpected secretions from my rectum that look like mucous i have what feels like an accident and is embarrassing and disgusting should i be worried,by using a prescription nasal corticosteroid spray for a while this will help your dependence on this nasal decongestant what does celiac disease do to the small intestine,in most cases you do not need antibiotics to treat an ear infection unless it is severe penicillin is not the drug of choice amoxicillin is currently the recommended drug should an antibiotic be medically prescribed if you are self diagnosing and self prescribing then i recommend that you do not do it can you get cavities under your braces if so how are those cavities treated,let me share three elements that i will bet you did not realize impact so significantly upon childhood obesity 1 tv in the bedroom having a tv in the bedroom often leads to sedentary behavior as well as overeating kids literally go into a trance for hours staring at the tube while mindlessly stuffing their faces with too many calories which includes a large amount of junk get these tvs out of their bedrooms 2 not sitting down together for meals few families sit down together for a meal especially at dinnertime kids frequently fend for themselves and often take their food to other parts of the house and eat there how about parents mentor their kids and structure meals such that there is time to sit and talk and enjoy healthy food together heck prepare the meal together it is such a win win 3 not getting enough sleep sleep deprivation goes hand in hand with the tv in the bedroom along with high tech toys that are distracting kids 247 kids need at least nine hours of sleep parents need to monitor this and make sure each child is getting enough zzzs can i still brush my teeth after tearing my frenulum linguae i was brushing my teeth this morning when i shoved my toothbrush underneath my tongue in the process i tore my frenulum linguae and i am a little worried i do not have any insurance so can i continue eating and drinking can i continue brushing is there some over the counter medication i can take so my mouth does not become infected,oh ouch that sounds painful for those who do not know the frenulum linguae sometimes called the lingual frenulum is that piece of sail like tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth you are wise to be concerned about infection the main sign you should watch for is a fever over 101f along with generally feeling crappy as if you might be coming down with the flu those would both be indications to seek medication attention in the meantime you might try gently rinsing with antiseptic mouthwash a couple of times a day do not go overboard with this as that could be counterproductive you can continue to brush your teeth but spit gently the good news is your tongue and mouth in general tend to heal quickly you probably will be all healed up within a couple of weeks tops if your frenulum linguae does not heal or if it gets swollen angry and red then i would suggest you see a doctor chances are you will not have to resort to that though hope this helps why do i yawn after 30 40 minutes of exercising,hi a blood test will give all the right answers on the state of your hormones and from these it will tell her just were you are in the menopause or you have had it good luck should a oral surgeon remove impacted wisdom teeth if the patient has a sinus infection what are the risks if they do it,no dentist or dr should do any major work on you if your are sick that is very serious in egg consuption how many a day is too many my dad is 72 and eats at least 21 eggs a week he has heart disease fh 44 diabetes high cholesterol high bp lung problems among others he is on lipitor plavix 2 bp pills morbic antivert buspar nexium albuterol inhaler his stomach is bad and most foods make it hurt but eggs do not i know this is too many so what about egg whites,several medications can decrease psa values but i am not aware of any that can raise psa medications that can decrease psa and thus possibly cause a false negative test include • finasteride and dutasteride these treat enlarged prostate finasteride is also used for male pattern baldness • anti inflammatory medicines also called nsaids this includes naproxen and ibuprofen • acetaminophen or tylenol • statins to treat high cholesterol • water pills or diuretics things that can increase psa values include • bph or enlarged prostate • prostate cancer • prostatitis infection of the prostate • recent sexual activity • recent urological procedures like cystoscopy • long distance bike riding if your psa value is elevated you should see a urologist and find out what is causing it find out more information about psa testing in the prostate cancer health center my right leg gets numb asleepafter 5 minutes of standing need second opinion,i recommend u to do doppler it is v easy just to exlclude any serious condition… what causes mucus like discharge during the first trimester of pregnancy looks brown with a slight tinge of red,hi syphilis is an sexually transmitted disease and is transmitted by person to person contact and sex though just working in a food industry may not cause any problems but the decision depends on the industry management to hire him or not syphilis is not transmitted directly by touching the food products thanks i have acid reflux and cannot eat tomato products is there another food effective for preventing prostate cancer,hi this can be occult blood in the stools the source of blood can be ulcers or any other intestinal lesion get endoscopy done consult gastro enterologist thanks herpes transmission somewhat complicated question i have genital herpes but no outbreaks after the initial one my partner got it from me and has genital outbreaks we are wondering if we are able to spread it to each other in areas where we have not had outbreaks during shedding not active outbreak seems obvious that we could spread it around while there are lesions so we are careful during her outbreaks but the big mystery is can we spread it to new areas during shedding thanks a million we have been searching hard for the answer ,dr moser thanks for your answer trying to reply to your post but can not seem to do that i am new to webmd so i will post an answer answer is no neither of us are taking meds i have been reading about the various meds wondering which ones you would recommend and why fyi i never have outbreaks but she does two since contracting it from me 4 months ago thank you is it normal that my period is late almost 8 days now i have never had sex so i can not be pregnant i am 16 and i am always regular it was ramadan recently so i fasted and my sleeping pattern kind of messed up i went to sleep at 4 am and woke up at 3 pm like the whole month but before that i have always went to sleep at like 11 pm plus i ate a lot less everyone says i have lost weight and i do not know if i should be worried or not i would reaaaaaaally appreciate your help,gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy by eating a healthy balanced diet is a good sign that your baby is getting all the nutrients he or she needs and is growing at a healthy rate it is not necessary to eat for two during pregnancy it is true that you need extra calories from nutrient rich foods to help your baby grow but you generally need to consume only 100 to 300 more calories than you did before you became pregnant to meet the needs of your growing baby ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain during pregnancy a woman of average weight before pregnancy should gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds during pregnancy overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy you may need to gain more or less weight depending on what your health care provider recommends in general you should gain about 2 to 4 pounds during your first three months of pregnancy and 1 pound a week for the remainder of your pregnancy if you are expecting twins you should gain 35 to 45 pounds during your pregnancy this would be an average of 1 ½ pounds per week after the usual weight gain in the first three months what can you use to protect yourself from infection during oral sex,hi meds for diabetes will do this you can either ask for a meds change i think there is some that have no ed side effects or if you have not had this to long try changing over to doing a diabetes diet you would be free from drugs and no side effects of ed this should get your sex life back talk this over with your doctor but do not just sit around waiting do some research on the diabetes diet hope this helps you good luck can a cancer patient quit methadone after 3 days without harmful side effects my uncle has stage 4 lung cancer and has been on many pain meds the dr switched him to methadone and this is obvoiously the wrong drug for him he is unable to feed himself and not with it can we safely take him off of it after only 2 12 days of taking it without him having harmful side effects ,it should not be a problem he has not been taking it long enough for a physical or psychological dependence it is always best to check with his doctor however who may want to decrease his dose rather than stop it pain specialists often have there own method of management is dog pink eye contagious to humans,one common cause of acid reflux disease is a stomach abnormality called a hiatal hernia this occurs when the upper part of the stomach and lower esophageal sphincter les move above the diaphragm a muscle that separates your stomach from your chest normally the diaphragm helps keep acid in our stomach but if you have a hiatal hernia acid can move up into your esophagus and cause symptoms of acid reflux disease these are other common risk factors for acid reflux disease eating large meals or lying down right after a meal being overweight or obese eating a heavy meal and lying on your back or bending over at the waist snacking close to bedtime eating certain foods such as citrus tomato chocolate mint garlic onions or spicy or fatty foods drinking certain beverages such as alcohol carbonated drinks coffee or tea smoking being pregnant taking aspirin ibuprofen certain muscle relaxers or blood pressure medications i have tried four different medications for depression am i not giving these medications time to work each had side effects that caused me to stop taking them should i continue to search for a new medication,there are 20 different meds you can try and sometimes it make sense to go until you find one that fits a bit better you likely did not try them long enough and yes sometimes you get [the] worst first but you have others you can try psychotherapy has no side effects ask to be referred to a psychologist for counseling perhaps i am breastfeeding and i had to take mucinex it dried up my breast milk what am i supposed to do to produce more milk my wife and i just recently and a baby shortly after she had came down with the flu her doctor had her taking mucinex told her to pump and dump she has been off it for a little over a week now and she still is not producing alot of milk before mucinex she produced 2 212 bottles every time she pumped and now she is lucky to produce half a bottle everytime she pumps is there anything shewe can do to help her produce more milk,everyone different but really its supply and demand tell her to uptake in the amount of times shes pumping even if she gets nothing it will tell her body that more is needed also make sure she has a good diet and is drinking plenty of water with my son my milk one day just kinda went away id say 2 months into it its also good to have the baby take the milk no only the pump a mothers phyical conneation to her baby will help its more powerful than many people think i hope this helps good luck and congrats on the baby i have pcos and my acne is getting worse i am trying to get pregnant so birth control is not an option what can i do,i would suspect the accidental sharing of wash cloths or towels before i would ever suspect transmission in water if i were you i would look at the evidence the gynecologist provides in support of her theory what should i do if i suspect an overdose of empracet codeine no 3,this is a very tough situation and i give a few different strategies in my book about what you can do if you have got children who are disrupting your sleep the very the easiest thing and the first thing i tell is shifts if you as a parent are an early to bed early to rise person then you may take the late shift if the child is waking up so if the child has a tendency to wake up at 400 am and you normally wake up at 530 this might be an okay time for you to be able to handle that whereas if your bed partner does not go to bed until 100 in the morning and then sleeps until 8 then they may take the early shift so having shifts in a given night is going to be important based on your own sleep habits because both parents do not need to have poor sleep just because a child or children are up only one parent really should be able to handle that situation so again structuring it through one evening and or across a week can be a great strategy let is say it is not quite that easy and you are both early to bed people okay well then what i have you do is i have you pick days during the week so the husband does monday wednesday friday and the wife does tuesday thursday and saturday and sunday you are on call if you will for your child or children what do i do if my baby cries so hard he seems to stop breathing,hi dear actually after using ventolin you should be able to breathe quite easily and should not have any problems but given the history of anxiety and depression that you have it causes shortness of breath more so when you exercise increased heart rate causes less intake of oxygen and causes breathing problems its usually temporary though and shouldnt be worried about but a heart rate of 240m definitely needs attention and i suggest you should take a cardiologist opinion thanks does a migraine always include pain or can you just have light sensitivity,as men get older their prostate may grow bigger and block the flow of urine or interfere with sexual function this common condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia bph is not cancer but can cause many of the same symptoms as prostate cancer although bph may not be a threat to life it may require treatment with medicine or surgery to relieve symptoms an infection or inflammation of the prostate called prostatitis may also cause many of the same symptoms as prostate cancer again it is important to check with a doctor lump between butt cheeks i have a lump between my but cheeks actually right between them but inside the lining of right butt its been there for quite some years now and when i press it hard to check if it pains it give out some stinky puss but otherwise its been dormant for some years now what can it be,hi been doing any lifting moving heavy things from odd angles because it sounds like a strain and it can do that give a real nagging pain best just take it easy and slowly it will go hope this helps good luck i have started waking up at night coughing up fluid and feeling like “drowning “,hi i recommend that you do a chest x ray to check your lung along with a heart echo to check your heart i do not think ecg will be significant good luck my penis is swollen from mastubating last night is it safe to continue to take viagra,why do not you give your swollen penis a day off save the viagra to use when your penis is no longer swollen hi ok your now swollen this should give you a clue that viagra is not very good for erections just for masturbating and od hope by now its back to normal in a resent article a guy had to have his penis removed because he was keeping it hard through viagra if you have an erection for longer than 4 hours you should get to an er asap to have the blood removed what happens is the blood goes bad this makes your penis go bad hence removal of your penis take a tip just keep your viagra for some real sex and not for masturbating good luck what should i do if i suspect an overdose of enpresse,cold compresses may be better but it would be safe to take naprosyn for the discomfort i do not know if these blisters are herpetic or not many cold soresfever blisters activate from sun over exposure my daughter has a cough mostly when asleep no temp and no flu symptoms should i be worried my daughter is 7 months and has started coughing most of the time when asleep she has not had a temperature and has no other cold or flu symptoms she doesnt really cough when awake should i be worried,when combining any medication especially narcotics and sedatives it is best to consult your doctor the one who is prescribing them and someone who knows your medical history and the reason you are taking them i have been getting stomach pain that travels around to my back,hi yes you have it right you do need both of you to have treatment at the same time or as you say it will just go back and forth between you both but do remember its a real bugger for coming back at anytime good luck how do you break a fever in a toddler,hi this is genetic disorder that occurs due to an overactive sympathetic nervous system combined with fearanxiety if its in early stages you can just be cured by a counseller else you should consult psychiatrist and start appropriate anti sympathetic medicines thanks what are some stretching exercises,over time dentures will need to be relined rebased or remade due to normal wear natural age related changes to your face jaw bones and gums or if the dentures become loose to reline or rebase a denture the dentist or prosthodontist refits the denture base or makes a new denture base and reuses the existing teeth generally complete dentures should be used for 5 to 7 years before a replacement is necessary total cholesterol 240 hdl 100 ldl na tryglycerides 107 what is wrong my total cholesterol keeps going up my hdl has always been high ldl low and triglycerides in range the last few test my ldl has not registered i take meds for high blood pressure my doctor wants me to start taking a statins i worried about the cholesterol but i do not want to take statins because of the side effects any help please,hi this is from your own american www heart org hdl good cholesterol with hdl cholesterol higher levels are better low hdl cholesterol puts you at higher risk for heart disease people with high blood triglycerides usually also have lower hdl cholesterol genetic factors type 2 diabetes and certain drugs such as beta blockers and anabolic steroids also lower hdl cholesterol levels smoking being overweight and being sedentary can all result in lower hdl cholesterol ldl bad cholesterol a low ldl cholesterol level is considered good for your heart health however your ldl number should no longer be the main factor in guiding treatment to prevent heart attack and stroke according to new guidelines from the american heart association for patients taking statins the guidelines say they no longer need to get ldl cholesterol levels down to a specific target number a diet high in saturated and trans fats raises ldl cholesterol triglycerides triglyceride is the most common type of fat in the body normal triglyceride levels vary by age and sex a high triglyceride level combined with low hdl cholesterol or high ldl cholesterol is associated with atherosclerosis the buildup of fatty deposits in artery walls that increases the risk for heart attack and stroke so from this you look ok but please keep well away from statins give this site a very good read and its not a joke site www spacedoc com lots to read and all facts from doctors do hope you find some help here good luck if the condom breaks and he pulls out right away and i am not on birth control what are my chances of being pregnant this happened a few days before my period last month does that increase the chance,immunizations protect babies toddlers and children against many childhood diseases that were once devastating and even deadly the american academy of pediatrics has a recommended schedule for immunizations for your baby toddler and child if you choose to delay immunizations for your child there is also a catch up schedule immunizations are medications and like other drugs can have side effects in most cases vaccine side effects are mild such as fever and redness or soreness at the injection site in some cases more serious side effects can occur such as allergic reactions very rarely severe side effects occur the cdc and fda monitor vaccines closely to make sure they are as safe as possible in the rare event a severe reaction does occur the national vaccine injury compensation program is available to provide compensation for injuries i can ejaculate multiple times but my first ejaculation is within 2 3 minutes how do i delay this my first question is would you consider my first ejaculation pe i still have an erection and can still continue with sexual activity i use a fleshlight how can i delay my first ejaculation i dont want to have sex and keep changing condoms because my chances of getting a girl pregnant increases and also would eating something an hour or two before sexual activity help my stamina,hi from info on this site seems its ok to carry on most on there have been having them for years good luck help me please i have had limes disease on and off for 19 yrs along with developing ra and ostio along with a bunch of other wonderful little things so yesterday after realizing i was in a lot of pain around my entire left side and specially the vaginal and butt region and my back my dr says is shingles i have had my share of severe pain 247 this has to be the most pain and discomfort i have ever felt if you have any suggestions thank you gigi,symptoms can be worse after eating with chronic pancreatitis and can include abdominal pain nausea vomiting weight loss and fatty stools that float or have a foul odor following a low fat diet which is 30 to 50 grams of fat or less a day is recommended spread out fat intake throughout the day and eat 4 to 6 smaller meals to reduce symptoms avoid all alcohol and foods made with alcohol choose foods whose label says “low fat” “nonfat” “fat free” and “light” and include low fatnonfat dairy daily in your diet i am scheduled this week to have a caudal injection doctor is office or surgery center,hi venue does not matter as long as strict aseptic measures are taken during the procedure ensure proper sterilisation techniques have been taken and you can have it local anesthesia is usually not needed thanks i fell off a roof and broke a few bones after the fall i have been very cold my lips turn blue and i can not get warm is it possible the fall caused poor circulation somehow the doctors examined me and found nothing but this is not normal for me i am always warm,hyperthyroidism means your thyroid makes too much thyroid hormone your thyroid is a gland in the front of your neck it controls your metabolism which is how your body turns food into energy it also affects your heart muscles bones and cholesterol having too much thyroid hormone can make a lot of things in your body speed up you may lose weight quickly have a fast heartbeat sweat a lot or feel nervous and moody or you may have no symptoms at all while your doctor is doing a test for another reason he or she may discover that you have hyperthyroidism hyperthyroidism is easily treated with treatment you can lead a healthy life without treatment hyperthyroidism can lead to serious heart problems bone problems and a dangerous condition called thyroid storm webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated why do i bleed during sex i had a hysterectomy many years ago but have had some unexplained bleeding over the years and had an additional cervical cuterage i now start bleeding while i am having intercourse there is no pain but it can be a show stopper what can be causing this and is there anyway to prevent the bleeding,actually both foods can contribute to heartburn and may actually make it worse when treating heartburn we always recommend non pharmacological methods like avoiding spicy and fatty foods stop smoking and avoid eating at least three hours before bedtime boyfriend just diagnosed with oral hpv non cancerous ive never been sexually active with him how is this contracted,if you mean loprin 75mg it is used as analgesic and can be given at any age i never heard of lophrin you cholesterol is pretty good you have to find the cause of hypertension with further investigations i have diarrhea for 5 days now multiple times like over 15 times a day what should i do now its obvisouisly burning this started wednesday with a fever i threw up once however it was a tiny bit and have had diarrhea since several times a day like 10 + times a dr i saw said not to take anything just drink gatoraide clear liquids and eat bland i have missed 4 days of work and have to go back tomorrow is there a way of slowing the diarrhea down so i can work please thank you for your time,it is definitely safe you want to be careful to see how they interact with each other at a time when you can lay down if necessary i take four 1 mg xanax a day and two 7 5325 mg of norco hydrocodone everyday make sure your doctors are aware of your medical history and all medications how long does it typically take a women to get pregnant between the age of 30 35,hi if your fit healthy and have a good sex life not to long one thing do not forget some women can get pregnant from anytime of the month and others it has to be the right day and sometimes to the right minute a thing to remember is it takes 3 days from the time of intercourse to get pregnant so after intercourse the next day cramps and such like your not pregnant our men are nowhere near your egg do hope this helps good luck what should i do if i have risk factors for coronary artery disease,surgery for shingles is quite rare and limited to only the most severe and prolonged cases of postherpetic neuralgia the most common complication of shingles postherpetic neuralgia can be an ongoing and debilitating problem especially for older people but it usually decreases over time when all other medical treatments fail to reduce or control pain you and your doctor may consider surgical options surgery to relieve postherpetic neuralgia interrupts the path of pain signals to the brain by cutting nerves in the skull or spinal column there are significant risks to this surgery if surgery is recommended it is a good idea to get a second opinion before proceeding webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i am on day 3 of a cold today the white area of my eye is red and a little runny can my cold go to my eye i have been taking zicam since monday and it usually helps but today my head and sinuses are so full the redness in the eye is significant enough so others notice it should i stay home from work tomorrow and should i call the dr,viral colds can definitely affect the eye this is called viral conjunctivitis however it would not be possible for me to know for sure without a hands on examination since you are also having sinus issues as well as eye redness seeing or consulting with your medical provider would seem appropriate better to visit your doctor viral infection can lead to runny nose heaviness in head and even redness of eyes you should definitely take rest as it will help to recover fast you can try with mild steam inhalation to relieve sinus congestion take ginger and amla juice 2 tsp with honey to reduce the severity of cold pain on urination blood on toilet tissue itchy not uti chlamydia gonorrhea yeast infection and ultrasound good pain when i pee stinging or burning varies in severity sometimes when the pain is more severe there is blood on toilet paper but not in toilet thought i saw blood in toilet recently vagina itches sometimes so far tested negative for uti chlamydia gonorrhea and yeast infection ultrasound looks fine doctors prescribed me diflucan and macrobid urologist gave me pyridium to help with pain nothing has been effective and i have gotten no answers started december 3rd,possibly kidney infection or kidney stones idk about the ichyness is tightness in the uterus and vaginal discharge a possible pregnancy symptom five days after sex i am on the pill 5 days ago i had sex with my bf for the first time and 3 days ago we had sex again i am on the pill and take it at the same time every day but we did not use a condom i have a weird feeling in my uterus a tinglingpulling feeling and like something is there i have been pregnant before and i remember this same feeling although not this early on or maybe this time i am more aware could i be pregnant are there any other explanations for what this tight feeling in my uterus may be,congratulation your prego i have a 2 5cm spot on my iliac bone should i be concerned and demand an mri,hi instead of an mri or any similar investigations a detailed hormonal assay should be done consult a endocrinologist thanks when to eat after insulin injection also how much to eat after your insulin injection,the gallbladder is a small sac found just under the liver it stores bile made by the liver bile helps you digest fats bile moves from the gallbladder to the small intestine through tubes called the cystic duct and common bile duct gallstones are made from cholesterol and other things found in the bile they can be smaller than a grain of sand or as large as a golf ball most gallstones do not cause problems but if they block a duct they usually need treatment webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated how does coronary artery disease develop,hi as you said this is definitely due to pristiq but what concerns me is that its been 15 days you have stopped the medicine there is no reason you should still have eye complaints just benadryl wont help this is a kind of allergic reaction take anti histamine tablets add anti inflammatory tablets if necessary taking diuretic tablets may reduce the swelling you come to know about the risk of side effect only after you take it so avoid taking it anytime in futurethanks is 3 too old to have a bottle my 3 year old step son is still using a bottle at bedtime we got him off the bottle for nap time but my fiance believes that his son will not go to sleep at night without a bottle the mother does not seem at all interested in taking the bottle away i just want to know if it is okay that he still has a bottle at night or if we need to take it from him while we have him for our week and inform the mother that we have done this,a three year old should not be using a bedtime bottle so i have two suggestions 1 switch the contents of the bottle to water no milk bad for the teeth 2 use a low flow nipple so that he will really have to work at it to get any think out when you wash those nipples it would not be harmful to forget to wash off some of the residual soap 3 buy his bottles with money or a toy have him throw them away when the garbage truck comes let him toss them in the bin or truck and watch them go away to the dump 4 finally make him go cold turkey you will have a few very difficult nights as he screams and protests do it on the weekend and by monday he will be fine you on the other hand may need psychological help what causes blocked arteries my mom has had stints put in but they still keep getting blocked i understand that smoking plays a role but smoking can not be all of it the doctors here believe that is all that is causing the heart attack and blocked arteries and dont bother to check for anything else,if spider bite…not to worry spider bites are superficial and affect the top layers of the skin 99 9 of spider toxins do not enter your bloodstream unless they are rare and dangerous spiders if they do baby has own bloodstream put ice on it and see what happens if condition persists see a dermatologist i was kissed on the cheek by a hiv positive person soon after receiving superficial scratches is there a risk,hi at this stage less likely that the fluid will go away spontaneously better to get it drained you may need many settings of drainage till the fluid is completely gone thanks i dropped one of my birth control pills and can not find it should i just take the next white pill and continue my pack i am in the first week of my pack i lost it 2 days ago and just took another of my white pills but i took the last one i have today so i need to know if i should just skip a day or what,the more intense the training session the more heat your body will produce before beginning exercise drink water to help the body compensate for sweating you can drink more water during exercise if you are thirsty what is the defferance betweeb xanax and prozac if you are taking xanax for anxiety can you can prozac for it also which is used for depression,not sure at all but my best guess is xanax helps really calm you down for anxiety and prozac puts you in a better mood for depression a year ago i was put on 10mg of prozac for depression and i just felt in a better mood but i think both meds help with both depression and anxiety should i be worried about non iron deficient anemia and enlarged uterus 53 year old female still having fairly normal periods,hi ok it seems that the two do go together this is from the uk is nhs its us brits heath service pelvic examination women may have a pelvic examination if their gp suspects heavy menstrual bleeding menorrhagia may be the cause of their anaemia during a pelvic examination your gp will examine your vulva and labia external sex organs for signs of bleeding or infection they may also examine you internally this will involve your gp inserting gloved lubricated fingers into your vagina to feel whether your uterus womb is tender or enlarged a pelvic examination will not be done without your consent and you can choose to have someone with you so the best thing for you is get back to your doctor and see about getting on iron tablets to overcome you problem do hope this helps you good luck i have one bowel bigger than the other could it cause future problems,all children should be immunized against tetanus by receiving a series of five dtap vaccinations which generally are started at 2 months of age and completed at approximately 5 years of age booster vaccination is recommended at 11 years of age with tdap follow up booster vaccination is recommended every 10 years thereafter while a 10 year period of protection exists after the basic childhood series is completed should a potentially contaminated wound occur an early booster may be given in selected cases and the 10 years clock reset are dental and vision care part of the health insurance provided by the exchanges,you may be able to purchase dental and vision plans but only plans that cover children are required to cover these benefits burning rash with pimples not going away which developed in inner butt after applying vicks vapor rub on a hemorrhoid painful hemorrhoid since 9 days tried otc prep h suppository no relief someone said apply vicks vapor rub on the hemorrhoid gave it a try out of desperation my skin around the hemorrhoid in the butt crack burnt and some sort of a rash with blisters or pimples on each side of the crack appeared too painful and i have tried applying hydro cortisone diaper rash cream triple h antibiotic cream zinc oxide nothing is working peeing or washing with water even makes it burn like hell,hi so do we take it she was on top if so then i do not think you have a problem but some high strength antibiotics do reduce the effectiveness of bc pills but please to stop your worries do use plan b if this was within the last 72 hours its called piece of mind do hope this helps you good luck i have acoustic nouroma tumour should i have full surgery or partial with radiation,most probably it is a enlarged lymph gland this is quite common at this age and indicates a recent infection in majority of cases it will resolve on its own if it doesnt respond to any treatment then lymph node biopsy is recommended what is the treatment for bacterial vaginosis,hi if you google sea salt and bv your find it will cure bv or your can google boric acid and bv your find this is also a cure they say both of these work and well and not a drug in site good luck i had tummy tuck 2 years ago now need cholecystectomy,hi if you did the same thing the second time without urinating then yes reason there would have been sperm in your urethra so with pre cum there would have been sperm in it to things that do not mix is your sperm and a nice warm moist vagina although we ejaculate a few million sperms but it only takes of our men being a strong swimmer and bingo your gf is pregnant now if this was within the last 72 hours she can take a plan b this will get you and your gf out of trouble do hope this helps good luck how much more does a girl grow physically in height after she starts her period,hi first question would be are you suffering from vaginal dryness are you getting into the menopause to the first question if its yes try using some extra lubrication coconut nut oil but extra virgin almond oil if you have no reaction to them olive oil or baby oil or there is water based lubricants and silicone based lubricants the water based tend to go dry or claggy during sex ok the second get to your doctor and get a blood test done for a hormone check your hormones will tell your whole story do hope something here helps good luck my wife and i and her business partner and her husband were using a small business health plan that health plan is being cancelled dec 7 we got a quote for a new plan but it is really expensive can you help me find some alternative small business health plans for the four of us in new york city that are more affordable,your best bet is to work with an experience insurance agent in your area who can walk you through your various options it sounds like you have a very small company so you might qualify for tax credits if you buy insurance through the aca shop exchange shop stands for small business health options program this would lower your costs you can find someone in your area by searching nahu org you will be able to plug in your state and look for an agent who can help you i have developed an almost crippling anxiety problem it is hard for me to go any public places hard to go to target run errands etc it is even becoming hard for me to go to work i have suffered with that range from not being able to catch my breath body shakes clamminess heavy feeling in my chest most of the time i am not really sure how to deal with this anymore,no cold are blowing on a body part will just make that part cold it will not cause an infection is hypothyriodism heriditary,it can be certain thyroid conditions like hashimoto is disease are genetic it depends on the cause of the hypothyroidism here is more information about it i presented with pain that started in my shoulder and then progressively worked its way down my arm,i can not see the rash to offer you a patient specific answer but those one year old vaccines are live vaccines with a two week incubation period so it is common for the chicken pox and the measles mumps rubella mmr vaccine to cause a mild rash if this is related to the vaccine then there is really nothing that needs to be done it will resolve on its own in a few days keep in mind however that there are hundreds of other things that can cause a rash having a period every month although irregular indicate how much of a chance of getting pregnant by the way i am 47 no period for last 2 months also have had symptoms of pregnancy but for the last couple of days nothing except bloating some movementnot sure why no peri menopause symptoms at all white and clear discharge from vagina some headaches tiredness nauseano vomiting different times of the day some itching,sounds like your ovulating so that is a good start what surgery options do i have for prostate cancer,hi can you list all medications that you have been on recently also are you expecting a pregnancy i hope you answer my questions thanks good luck does genital herpes stay confined to only one area of mans organs can it be on only scrotum not spread to penis,genital herpes tends to stay in the same area with each outbreak but subsquent outbreaks may be less severe yes it can be only on the scrotum a fact that many men who use condoms to prevent herpes find difficult to accept if you have it only on your scrotum it may not spread to the penis what should i do if i suspect an overdose of mag 200,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include slow heartbeat severe drowsiness dizziness confusion muscle weakness loss of consciousness how to avoid getting pregnant the natual way i am 25 and engaged my fiance and i agreed we avoid getting pregnant for the first few years of marriage he does not want to wear a condom and insists on that i should take birth control but i disagreed i do not believe in birth control due to the high risks of side effects eventually i want and would love to get pregnant but after a 3 4 years of being married i would like to know is there natural ways of having sex and not getting pregnant,this is normal with these findings she needs to do physiotherapy as medical treatment will not be enough with all this pain and disorders in the back ultra sound and heating packs and interferential currents as well as massage and stretching exercises will help her… vertigo questions my grandmother is 85 and just got told she has vertigo she has these attacks everyday and sometimes twice a day my question is how do these attacks happen when she is not moving she has had 2 attacks today in an hour and she has not moved at all in that time is this normal and what can we do,a trigger is a factor that can set off a migraine in people who are predisposed to migraines some common triggers include emotional stress sensitivity to specific chemicals and preservatives in foods caffeine changing weather conditions changes in female hormones tension excessive fatigue skipped meals or changes in normal sleep patterns what is this large hard dark lump under the skin of my inner thigh it does not hurt but i have had it for like 3 months there is an oval hard lump under my skin on my inner thigh farther back so you can not see it if i am standing it barely sticks out from my skin but is large like wide and long the skin above its darker than the skin around it pretty sure not dermatofibroma i thoughtfrom shaving or my shorts were too tight &were irritating the skin but i have addressed these &it hasnt goneaway it is too low to be a swollen lymph node should it go away on its own time if i use neosporinor should i visit a dr,without the ability to examine this lump first hand it would be impossible to blindly determine what it is and it will go away on its own a description is just not sufficient information to make this important call yes you most definitely need to see a medical provider in order to get an accurate diagnosis i think i may have lymphoma or lupus what to do next,in my opinion it is not lupus and may be to a less extent lymphoma but is more likely an autoimmune disease further tests must be carried out a cbc can be an initially great guide note low grade fever can be caused by bacterimia also why should i expect my doctor to be a good listener,last week i did one of my teaching stints at the usc medical school we work with medical students to teach them how to examine the nose and other structures of the face head and neck we are not teaching them cosmetic surgery that is not appropriate for undergraduate medical students it is appropriate and important for them to understand the anatomy of the structures of the face including the nose the nasal passages and even the sinuses once you are a specialist – particularly a superspecialist – you forget how difficult it is to master early in your studies even the simple examination of the nose to be able to coordinate using an instrument to open the nostrils and a light to look in and to understand what you are seeing is not so simple when you are only a sophomore or junior medical student interestingly the technology available has not changed much since i was a medical student there is just no substitute for some of the simple things that are used that can fit into your pocket yes the light bulbs are stronger and the batteries last longer but other than that the instruments that comprise the “head and neck diagnostics” for looking into noses ears and eyes have not changed much it is interesting to listen to the students and to observe their amazement when we explain to them that they need to master the examination of the ears and the nose and even the mouth because 25 of human illnesses take place in the head and neck common things do occur commonly such as the “common cold ” we train our students to master the techniques of asking the right questions when a patient presents with some symptoms for example if a patient comes in with a blocked nose it is very important that the young doctor learn to ask about a history of nasal allergies what about the history of a broken nose when did you start to have trouble breathing is it at night only do you have more trouble in certain environments for example is arizona better for your nose than california is it worse in the summer versus the winter have you been using nose sprays what medications have you tried has anything been helpful you see medical practice has a certain commonality regardless of specialty the doctor must be a good listener and pose good and meaningful questions now you know why sir arthur conan doyle a physician was the author of the sherlock holmes books a wise doctor and a savvy detective follow the same rules how do i treat a food allergy,no you are probably thinking of toradol should i worry if i am producing less ejaculate,young guys seem to be obsessed with themselves as far as how they perform sexually ejaculatory volume and force seems to be something that they are very proud of and as men get older there is changes going on within the prostate gland and the volume of actual fluid can decrease and the intensity and experience can change now they still feel the same the orgasm is unchanged but there will be less volume and less force to it and that just is part of natural aging it also has to do with stress fatigue frequency of ejaculation intensity of ejaculation all of those factors play into what they experience i am late and took three pregnancy all negative yet no period this month should i wait another week to take one also i had an abortion a year in a half ago my body has still be struggling to get back on track though do you think this could be related,it is quite normal to spot while first starting the pill & another sign is very little lose of hair but that depends on what type of pill u r taking different types have different side effects & this is based on the a very little that i know is tendinits and arthritist the same,no but they can have similar symptoms in the joints tendonitis involves tendons muscles and their connective tissue and arthritis involves the bony aspect of joint a person can have both and to a certain extent both may be treated similarly depending on the location and severity i have been diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis rrms losing weight can it be lyme disease,common childhood normocytic anemias are the result of acute bleeding sickle cell anemia red blood cell membrane disorders and current or recent infections with your daughter it is probably genetic or secondary to an infection could be tonsillitis or thyroiditis thanks my doctor asks me to get a tetanus vaccine upon an injury when i am doubtful of acquiring tetanus is this anti tetanus vaccine if so for how long do these vaccines are effective some say it for three months or for six months is it okay if one gets this vaccine before twenty four hours of injury,the tetanus vaccine is good for ten years but some medical providers will recommend a booster vaccine sooner than that if there is some doubt as to the previous date or if the wound is particularly prone the disease tetanus is very rare in the united states not so rare in other countries but if you should get it it has an extremely high fatality rate getting a vaccine every ten years for 100 protection is really the best deal out there in the vaccine world getting the vaccine 24 hours before a planned injury is unlikely to be very effective unless of course you have prior immunity from a previous tetanus still on board what can i do to relieve the pain from a latissimus dorsi strain and when can i start running again,usually this strain resolves in a few days the simplest treatment for muscle strains are listed below if you are pain free then you can return to running let pain be your guide the worrisome symptoms for back pain are pain radiating down your leg or numbness pain not responding to over the counter pain medicines and pain with bowel or blader problems depending on the degree of the injury the time to heal will vary you can start with the following rest it is important to rest following the injury so it can heal let pain be your guide on how much activity you can do stretching gentle stretching should be helpful but it should not be painful ice soon after the injury ice will help calm the inflammatory response and stimulate blood flow to the area this can be done the first 2 days after the injury usually 20 minutes of icing 3x a day heat gentle heating before activity can help loosen the muscle apply a heat pack prior to stretching or exercising oral anti inflammatory medications these can help relieve symptoms of pain and also calm the inflammation physical therapy if you are still having pain you should see a doctor and you may be referred to physical therapy they can do certain treatments called modalities to help you i feel something is stuck on the back of my throat i have had the feeling for about 3 days already and its making me mad i have tried to drink hot stuff cause i thought it was a cold also i cough mucus i dont know if its an adams apple coming in should i be worried im 16 and male,about nodules in throat and lung what are some good ways to lose weight without starving myself,i commend you for wanting to lose weight presumably for better health making that decision is an important step in achieving results you will find all kinds of fad diets pills and concoctions that supposedly will help you lose weight but the basic principle of weight loss never changes calories in must be less than calories out the best way to lose weight is to adopt an overall healthy lifestyle this includes eating nutritious meals that consist of fresh fruit and vegetables lean proteins whole grains and healthy fats like olive oil but you also should exercise regularly daily walking is an easy free way to get started be sure to get your doctor is permission before starting any exercise program going back to calories in versus calories out you need not starve yourself you can either choose to eat less food to decrease your calorie intake or you can choose to exercise more to increase your calories burned either approach will work you will find a lot of good advice in webmd is weight loss and diet plans center the road to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle can be slow and filled with setbacks do not get discouraged remember this is a lifelong journey you have already taken the most important first step wishing you all the best i am 32 i had a tubal in 2010 after my second child why am i experiencing pregnancy symptoms i ovulated on october 4th and had intercourse with my husband several times within the ovulation cycle yesterday 6 days dpo i had light pink spotting alongside lower back pain cramps hot flashes and tender breasts i did not soak through a liner it was barely there today 7 days dpo i have brown spotting off and on only when wiping my montgomery tubercles were secreting a bit today i know it is highly unlikely that i am pregnant but i guess anything can happen anyone have this too,any child below 3 months of age who has a temperature of 100 4 f 38 c or greater should be seen by a physician or other health care worker if a child or adult has a history or diagnosis of cancer aids or other serious illness such as heart disease diabetes or is taking immunosuppressant drugs medical care should be sought for a fever otherwise observe the person with the fever if they appear sick or have symptoms that would suggest a major illness such as meningitis headache stiff neck confusion problems staying awake urinary tract infection shaking chills burning with urination pneumonia shortness of breath cough or any other signs of a serious illness contact your health care provider other symptoms that may be indicative of a severe illness include repeated vomiting severe diarrhea or skin rashes could be a sign of dengue fever rocky mountain spotted fever scarlet fever rheumatic fever or chickenpox fever blisters herpangina are small blisters that turn into ulcers usually on the lips mouth or tongue that are caused by a virus when a child contracts this virus for the first time the symptoms and the fever blisters can be quite severe if the child is not eating or drinking contact your child is health care provider on the other hand if the fever accompanies a simple cold or virus you can treat the fever as described above and be assured that the fever is only a symptom of the illness this is not to say that you should ignore a fever if there are other associated symptoms that are bothersome you should contact your health care professional some vaccines given in childhood can cause a low grade fever within a day or two of getting the injection this fever is usually self limited and short lived if the reaction seems severe or the skin at the injection site is red hot and painful contact your child is doctor about 3 of all children between 18 months to 3 years of age will have a seizure convulsion with a high fever of those with a history of febrile seizure approximately one third will have another seizure associated with another febrile episode febrile seizures while frightening to the parents are not associated with long term nervous system side effects children used to be prescribed phenobarbital following a febrile seizure as a preventive measure prophylaxis this has not been shown to be beneficial and possibly may be harmful so it is not always recommended about my condition i have bipolar disorder and ptsd i am married and he became diabled due to injury at work and he only has insurance and a dr for himself i on the other dont have insurance and cant afford cause i am not able i also dont have a dr so do you have any suggestions on home remedies besides getting obama health care if not that ok i have done without i will keep it that way i just would like to change but bc i refuse obama crap then oh well my loss,you are now guaranteed a health plan which will help you pay for the care you need to address your bipolar disorder and ptsd and if your income is low you will likely be able to find a plan at a reasonable cost take a look at healthcare gov to begin reviewing the plans available to you how can epilepsy be prevented,since the cause of epilepsy is often not clear it generally is not possible to prevent it head injury a common cause of epilepsy may be preventable always wear your seat belt in the car and a helmet when riding a bike or motorcycle skiing skating or horseback riding webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i am a uncircumcised male 22 of age i have noticed a reoccuring build up of plaque like yeast how do i treat this,well as my dear collegue said if the patient is known to be infected hiv the possibilities of transmission will exist but at the same time many admitted patients do not know whether they r infected or not so i recommend you to do the hiv and hcv hbv tests to rule out the transmission… to be in the safe side 🙂 i have seizure like events,in my opinion it could be a psychogenic seizure which can go away in its own by trying to relief anxiety and practicing yoga and meditation and relaxation training thanks what is lupus,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include slow breathing slow heartbeat loss of consciousness what can i say to a friend while she is having an anxiety attack my friend has generalized anxiety disorder and she has panic attacks pretty often once or twice a week typically and when it is the worst daily they get bad and it is pretty scary i was wondering what i can dosay to her that will stop the anxiety attack or make it less bad so she does not have to leave class she has a fear of throwing up that is often what causes the panic attacks even when she just has a stomachache she freaks out she is on treatment but it can only help so much,hi i feel that you are suffering from cartilage and meniscal degeneration that usually occurs in overweight people playing basket ball is infact good for health but you need to lose all the added body weight before that avoid junk food sugar diet non veg and rice eat more of salads and fruits knee exercises and compression bandages will be helpful how can it eat more whole foods,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center i suffer from neck and shoulder blade pain for 3 years now and the doctors do not know what is wrong and it is getting worse,in my opinion it is not guillian barre syndrome as the progression could have been faster though i recommend doing a brain spinal cord mri csf puncture to exclude any other serious conditions generalized anxiety disorder also can lead to such symptoms peripheral neuropathy and vitamin b severe deficiency…do you have any speech difficulty swallowing breathing how old are you mf received three virus flu shot instead of four what can i get to compensate have asthma,this is really the first year for quadrivalent vaccine four types in all of the previous years it has been the trivalent three types vaccine so you should be generally well protected your doctor can choose to reimmunize you but the one you received is really good symptoms stomach ache and elevated liver enzymes took indocin 3 x day for 6 days for migraines are these related stomach ache constipation migraine drugs,hi this seems to be a venous ulcer which occur spontaneously without any injury get your blood sugar checked its an unhealthy wound it needs surgical debridement and daily dressings apply local antibiotic creams take antibiotics vitamin c tablets thanks i am withdrawing from heroin should i go to the er,hi below is from the uk is nhs it should help you to understand things more genital herpes is a common infection caused by the herpes simplex virus hsv it causes painful blisters on the genitals and the surrounding areas as genital herpes can be passed to others through intimate sexual contact it is often referred to as a sexually transmitted infection sti hsv can affect any mucous membrane moist lining such as those found in the mouth cold sores genital herpes is a chronic long term condition the virus remains in your body and can become active again the average rate of recurrence is four to five times in the first two years after being infected however over time it tends to becomes active less frequently and each outbreak becomes less severe there is lots more on site the link is below just copy this link into google to open and read copy from www hope t5his helps you and your gf good luck is it possible to make it to your 5th month of being pregnant and still not show any signs of being pregnant is it also possible for home pregnancy test to not work andor be accurate,yes it is possible i did not show any signs or symptoms of being pregnant with my son 20yrs ago i did not even find out i was pregnant until i was 6 months along i went to the doctor for what i thought was a cold and they told me i was pregnant i was very shocked happy but shocked i stayed a size 3 the whole 6 months and one week after i found out all the weight came and sick to my stomach it was weird painful periods followed by abdominal pain and discharge my periods last for 5 days but always first 3 days are painful with heavy bleeding followed by abdominal pain which lasts for 4 days followed by vaginal dischargewhite odorless and without itchingburning till next period me and my husband are monogamous never had sex with any one else and both of us are std free i am 38 mother of 3 kids advise please,variations in blood pressure are normal bp readings should be done by a professional or using a professional bp monitor however bp usually increases during the day and should be lower at night 150100 bp is considered as hypertension and should be treated you should consult your gp regarding your bp findings if you had shingles once can you have another breakout again,i am not sure i understand your question a drug test just looks for specific drugs it is not a dna genetic test to determine gender i need a supplement for my medicare when i tried to sign up all the health insurance providers asked if i had cancer a heart condition etc i was under the impression that it did not matter if i had cancer etc why do all these insurance providers ask if you had a heart attack etc they were bragging that they did not ask that on tv,in my opinion you should check your uric acid levels in both urine and blood probiotic have nothing to do with your problems also no virus can explain this which adults should not get the flu vaccine,you should not get the influenza vaccine if you are severely allergic to eggs developed guillain barre syndrome within six weeks of receiving the flu vaccine in the past had a severe reaction to the flu vaccine in the past have a severe allergy to any vaccine component the nasal spray flu vaccine can only be used in healthy younger adults who are not pregnant in addition to the previously listed adults who should not receive the flu shot adults should not get the nasal spray influenza vaccine if they are pregnant are age 50 or older have a weakened immune system due to disease or certain medical treatments have a long term health condition such as those with diabetes kidney disease or heart or lung disease including asthma have a muscle or nerve condition that can cause problems with breathing or swallowing such as epilepsy or cerebral palsy have a nasal condition that could make breathing difficult you should not get the nasal spray flu vaccine if you are in contact with people who have a severely weakened immune system if you are moderately to severely ill your doctor may recommend waiting to get the shot until after you recover the cdc says you can still get the vaccine if you have a mild illness such as a cold or low grade fever if you have a stuffy nose your doctor may recommend that you wait to get the nasal spray flu vaccine or get the flu shot instead what is the outlook prognosis for anemia,anemia generally has a very good prognosis and it may be curable in many instances the overall prognosis depends on the underlying cause of anemia its severity and the overall health of the patient is a dr is not required when returning to work after an pneumonia,not really pneumonia is not considered to be contagious especially after you are well some employers require notes for just about all absences like we were still in elementary school so if your employer is one of them just get a note to make them happy my wife is taking effexor xr 75 mg is there a lower dosage available,yes effexor xr is also available as a 37 5 mg capsule and a 50 mg capsule is it safe to take ibuprofen with vicodin or is tylenol safer,it can be treated with local injection for lipolysis mesotherapy technique with some exercises to strength your pectoral is muscles avoid soya products how do bacteria affect respiratory diseases,hi gangrene is rather unusual in such small babies the cause of gangrene needs to be found out whether its due to any dangerous infection or occlusion of the arteries if pricking of the toes by lancet brings blood out of the toes then there is no need of amputation toes can be salvaged only if the toes are completely blackened without having any blood supply only then they need to be amputed salvage operations should be tried first and sincere and agressive attempts need to be made to save the toes thanks why would a rn choose not to get her kids a flu shot as the grandparent is there anything i can do,the short answer to this is no in fact the reason we use botox botulinum toxin in the field of dermatology is to reduce the movement of facial muscles so that their overuse will not create fine or deep creases in places like the glabella between the eyebrows or across the forehead how many bipolar disorders are there because i am studying on did which is one of them but i heard there was more,there are many forms of bipolar disorder i do not know how many i have bipolar 1 disorder with psychotic features i tend to get manic and land myself in a psychiatric hospital when i am un medicated the bipolar aspect of my disorder mood swings severe emotional highs and lows and occasional rapid cycling between feeling really good and really bad do not get me hospitalized or into any kind of legal trouble the psychotic features of my brand of bipolar disorder have gotten me into lots of trouble it is hard to behave in a way that makes sense when your mind does not auditory hallucinations can be very confusing visual hallucinations can be terrifying i have never become manic and not become psychotic and a danger to myself or others when a person is judged to be a danger to them self or others by a mental health crisis team they get institutionalized and held against their will in an inpatient psychiatric facility until they are no longer a threat to themselves or others fortunately i only become psychotic when i am manic and mood stabilizers take care of that for me it is unfortunate that i can not enjoy the euphoric feeling of being manic without becoming psychotic and then becoming a danger to myself or others i am really missing out being manic feels really good alienating others and sometimes getting arrested does not feel good in patient psychiatric facilities are annoying places to live in but at least they are tolerable and know how to treat my mental illness quickly and efficiently by getting me back on my medication my longest psychiatric hospitalization lasted 2 months i generally only have to be hospitalized for about a week when i stop taking my medication and become manicpsychotic i have been hospitalized for psychiatric reasons more than 2 dozen times when a patient is ready for release is up to the staff not the patient at a psychiatric facility i take lithium every day lithium is a mood stabilizer when stabilizing in a psychiatric ward or hospital other medications are also necessary in order to make me sane again i have to take one of the following anti psychotic medications to stabilize my sanity during a manicpsychotic episode risperadol prolixin or thorazine i have tried many more psychiatric medications before but these ones work for me i do not like taking anti psychotic medications because they have many unpleasant long term and short term side effects fortunately i only have to take anti psychotic medications while i am stabilizing and not to maintain stability i do not mind lithium that much i do have to take lithium or another mood stabilizing medication every day in order to maintain stability i have met many other people with bipolar disorder before and there are many different kinds i have met many other patients that have had other forms of it while i have been inside psychiatric facilities i would there be an interaction if i am taking nexium and an enzyme with probiotics,if you have symptoms of a herpes outbreak even if mild there is a risk of transmitting the infection to your partner in fact even if you do not have a herpes outbreak you could transmit the infection to your partner whether you have an outbreak is not a reliable way to prevent transmitting infection even people on medication can transmit infection even with no outbreak the best way to help prevent infection is to always use a condom here is a study from january that further explains hope that helps it needs to be added to the doctors answer that if you have blisters anywhere on your private area that is not used for sex a condom will not help example if you have blisters on the bend of your leg or tip of your butt cheek a condom isnt going to help whatever you do no matter what do not ever have sex with someone if you know you have herpes without telling your partner you might think you are safe but in fact you could spread it you will be shocked how many people have herpes you will be shocked how your partner reacts if they care about you heck you might be shocked on what they confess to you what are the symptoms of type 1 diabetes recently diagnosed,hi you should consult an emergency room as the symptoms that you are facing does not look simply due to side effect of medication and you need to get a proper clinical evaluation so that the cause can be ruled out it should not be delayed regards what is colitis,colitis means inflammation of the colon the colon also known as the large intestine or large bowel constitutes the last part of the digestive tract the colon is a long muscular tube that receives undigested food from the small intestine it removes water from the undigested food stores it and then eliminates it from the body through bowel movements the rectum is the last part of the colon adjacent to the anus the common symptoms of colitis include abdominal pain diarrhea sometimes rectal bleeding there are many different types of colitis with different causes some examples of colitis include infectious colitis caused by bacteria such as shigella campylobacter e coli and c difficile infectious colitis caused by a virus such as cytomegalovirus cmv radiation colitis such as following treatment with radiation for prostate cancer ischemic colitis such as a blockage of an artery in the colon by a blood clot if the blood clot interrupts the flow of blood to a segment of the colon the result is inflammation of that segment and sometimes even death [gangrene] of the segment crohn is disease and ulcerative colitis two related conditions that are caused by abnormalities of the body is immune system in which the body is inappropriately making antibodies and chemicals that attack the colon infectious radiation ischemic ulcerative and crohn is colitis all have visible abnormalities in the inner lining of the colon these abnormalities include edema swelling of the lining redness bleeding of the lining with gentle rubbing friability and ulcers these abnormalities can be seen during either colonoscopy examination of the entire colon using a long flexible viewing tube or flexible sigmoidoscopy examination of the rectum and the sigmoid colon the segment of the colon closest to the rectum edema and inflammation of the colon is lining interferes with the absorption of water from the undigested food and the unabsorbed water exits the rectum as diarrhea pus and fluid also are secreted into the colon and add to the diarrhea the redness bleeding of the lining with gentle rubbing friability and ulcerations in the lining of the colon contribute to rectal bleeding can my 11year old have a period for a day,hi you are almost having a gastrointestinal disorder commonly known as ibs or irritable bowel syndrome it is usually of unknown cause and sometimes stress causes it there are a lot of things you can do to relive that eat healthy foodfruits vegetables do not take caffeinated beverages or chocolates or fried foods do some type of exercises and yoga to reduce your stress you can take one of the over the counter tablets for ibs i e coloverin d regards please feel free to reply if you have any further questions i have lower back dull pain on right side of spine close to l4 l5,you will need to get that checked out to rule out basal cell carcinoma see a dermatologist are denture adhesives safe,dental adhesives are safe as long as they are used as directed if the denture is well fitting and the adhesive is only used to give added stability there should be no ill effects if adhesives are used excessively to fill voids for an ill fitting denture they can be harmful to the underlying soft and hard tissues occasionally in these cases inflammation of the soft tissues can result in addition because of its movement on the soft tissue and underlying bone an ill fitting denture can cause bone loss what is eczema,eczema is a term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated the most common type of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema atopic refers to a group of diseases with an often inherited tendency to develop other allergic conditions such as asthma and hay fever although there is no cure most people can effectively manage their disease with medical treatment and by avoiding irritants the condition is not contagious and can not be spread from person to person can having sex with a condom cause a woman to have a yeast infection,that depends on the germ and the surface but an influenza virus can remain on non porous surfaces for 6 8 hours and still be capable of causing disease do the best that you can but it may be futile to think that you can disinfect every surface of your home but lysol as many of them anyway can an inner ear problem cause severe car sickness,hyperthyroidism is a condition in which an overactive thyroid gland is producing an excessive amount of thyroid hormones that circulate in the blood hyper means over in greek thyrotoxicosis is a toxic condition that is caused by an excess of thyroid hormones from any cause thyrotoxicosis can be caused by an excessive intake of thyroid hormone or by overproduction of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland i have been experiencing pain which never goes away,do you have high blood presure if so call you dr asap im 28 is masturbation a must if you have never had sex or ejaculate is it really necessary,well you pose an interesting question to say the least i give you credit for creativity i can see how you might think such a system might work in theory however in practice i can not see this working and i advise you not to try it think about it for a moment using a vacuum system to remove urine and human waste would require a pretty tight seal between the device and the body how would you propose to seal the device to human skin would you place a man is penis inside a vacuum hose for example so when he urinates the fluid is sucked down the hose into a collection container this is a very bad idea indeed likewise how would you propose to seal a vacuum hose to a person is anus i would be pretty curious to view the schematics for this there is no type of vacuum system i know of that is designed for the purpose you describe i advise anyone reading this not to try to use a common household vacuum cleaner for this purpose but like i said i give you props for creativity and if you do manage to dream something up that is viable i would slap a patent on it and start raking in the money wishing you well can a tetanus shot cause blood sugar to go up 7 months ago i had blood work checking the last 3 month of sugar level and it was 98 monday of this week i had an tetanus shot and the next day my blood sugar was all over the place 122 up to 265 can it have to do with the shot,hi its not recommended to take shingles vaccine at your age as the protection offered will be temporary it is recommended at age above 55 years pregnancy should be avoided atleast 6 months after vaccination application of local creams over the sores will help do not apply warm water to the lesions thanks is it safe for a man to handle his wife is fertility medicine,yes it is safe if handled correctly is plantar fasciitis associated with arch pain,yes like smoking chewing tobacco and snuff also boost the chances of getting atherosclerosis even secondhand smoke seems to raise risk smoking causes blood levels of carbon monoxide to go up which may in turn increase risk of damage to artery linings tobacco use also raises ldl bad cholesterol and lowers hdlgood cholesterol constricts arteries and further decreases blood flow to tissues and makes blood more likely to clot 3 week old vomiting from mouth and nose but scan does not show piloric stenosis,sounds like a uti go see the doc you need a gyno to tell you for sure uti is can be dangerous please check it out soon i am a 21 year old guy trying to lose weight on a 1 200 1 500 calorie daily diet does it matter what i eat does it matter as long as i am eating fewer calories than i am burning,any multivitamin is fine some are formulated just for teenagers a health food store can help you select one the issue is not just vitamins but basic nutrition many teenagers and pre teens dabble with becoming vegetarians but have absolutely no idea on how to do it nor do they have a knowledge of general nutrition make them attend a class on vegetarian lifestyle also watch their weight carefully weight loss or obsession with weight can signal an eating disorder how hard is it to get pregant if you have a tilted uterus,i found out in an ultrasound to check for endometriosis that i had a flopped back uterus or a backwards tilting uterus i asked her the same question and she said i should be just fine she said there have been some people that have had a bit of trouble but if that is the case they recommend a pillow under the hips and laying that way after he ejaculates for 10 20 minutes you may want to check with your doctor as well as they all have different opinions but this is what i was told good luck i had 3 energy drinks 205 heart …pain under my breast and awful pain in chest,what you are describing is signs and symptoms which strongly like herpes zoster virus… had you a chicken pox before in childhood if so then you need to see a neurologist to check for that and take the appropriate antivirals and analgesics… please let me know by replying if you have had chicken pox in the past… i have been ill for two years lyme disease neck weakness and arm shaking is my condition treatable,self diagnosis is often wrong and self treatment can be iffy since i have no way of determining if this is indeed a wart i cannot endorse home treatment besides over the counter wart medications cannot be use inside the mouth and should be used cautiously on the face my advise would be for you to see a medical provider and have this wart professionally treated i was on the depo provera shot for 9 months i have just had a peroid for 30days am i fertile again,the answer is yes the only form of birth control that is 100 effective is complete abstinence the effectiveness of the pill is very user dependent typically about 8 women out of 100 that use bcp is will get pregnant during the first year of use however when used as directed only about 1 in 100 women get pregnant remember that this degree of effectiveness with the pill depends on you taking the pill exactly as directed and at the same time of day every day abnormal or breakthrough bleeding is common during the first few months of use and its very normal this typically is just an adjustment that the body needs to make to the newer levels of hormones the duration of this abnormal bleeding pattern depends on the type of bcp you use and often can last much longer in women taking continuous dose pills to ease your mind get a pregnancy test done many over the counter tests can detect pregnancy as early as 6 7 days before a misssed period also remember that bcp is do not protect against std is so if you are sexually active use a backup method like a condom there is always a possibility that any kind of birth control besides not having sex will fail so it is definitely possible that women can get pregnant while on the pill it is definitely possible to get pregnant while on the pill especially if you have only been on it for a couple months your body may not have absorbed and reacted to the hormones at a normal speed you should take a pregnancy test very soon if it is negative take one more 1 2 weeks later if they are both negative it is possible these are just side effects of how you react to this specific birth control if it continues to be bothersome or gets worse go to the doctor have a proffessional pregnancy test done and asuming it is still negative discuss changing your contraceptive method yes my 14 month old son is proof that you can get pregnant on the pill as my doctor told me its only 99 9 effective it may be that you are pregnant feeling nausea is levoquin for viral bronchitis i just left the hospital being diagnosed with viral bronchitis i see on levoquin is not for viral concerned,in my opinion this could be atopic dermatitis use anti histaminic cream a cortico steroid ointment can help avoid scratching thanks strep throat is bactrim a good antibiotic for strep throat originally started on the right side of my body right ear right side of throat redpainful right side of neck super stiff and painful but now the left ear left side of neck glands swollen,bactrim is not effective against strep and it is not a good idea to self diagnose and self treat a painful sore throat accompanied by other symptoms can my 8 yr old son take probiotics and antibiotics at the same time he has strep throat and antibiotics are causing diarrhea dr said to take probiotics but taking both together will not that lessen the effect of the antibiotics,hi as your doctor said to go ahead then its ok cant see any real reason why not if you think about it good luck i have been told by 1 dr that i have to see an ent what can i expect from an ent visit i have been not able to breath out of my nose for almost 8 mo now and i do not have ins right now but i am getting ins from the state i live in would an ent see me without ins what is the processes i would have to go thrugh to find out if it is covered under my ins when i recieve it i am a little hesatent that i will be turned down but i do not have any other choice in the matter i have to see a specialist and get this taken care of,paying cash for an ent consultation could be expensive but perhaps manageable but if you need imaging studies like a ct scan or mri or even surgery the costs are astronomical if you do not have insurance i do not know the details of your case or if you can wait until you have insurance but if you can it would be financially better it would not be possible for me to guess since i do not know the insurance you are intending to get or even the state were you live to know if this ent visit will be covered let alone know if any tests or surgeries would be paid under those benefits when should a person go to the emergency department for the flu,i do not know the spacing of your cycles or anything about your sexual practices or medical history but i would say that a few days late on your period would be a bit early while some pregnancy tests can be accurate this soon i think you really want a accurate result wait a week or so my knee will occasionally catch at which time a minor adjustment with my hand kind of unlocks the knee,com this type of fractures would heal on its own with keeping low effort over it…start with hot packs and physiotherapy shall i use mtp kit as my last period was before 43 days,hi in looking and researching its hard to nail down some doctors say no and some say yes so its really hard to give a real good answer to your problem sorry good luck clearify plz,webmd answer posting do not appear as a string so that you could have a dialogue so you will need to post a new one restating the exact reason for clarification please keep in mind that other experts may be addressing your question as well as many of our helpful answer members i cannot remember old things as well as things i have done three days ago,its due to anxiety hormonal imbalances get a endocrinologist and neurologist consultation meditation daily for 1 hour will help your memory a lot in natural way i have been married for 7 years my husband and i were each other is firsts how is it possible that i have chlamydia i am 33 years old my husband is also 33 we have only had sex with each other and no one else,if you have true lab confirmed chlamydia cultured from your genital area or urine then you have an sexually transmitted disease std an std does not fly into through the window or jump up in your genitals from a toilet while lab tests can be occasionally be incorrect the most logical way anyone gets chlamydia is from someone else who has chlamydia the only person that you can be 100 sure of not having sex with someone else is you another universal truth is that not all men your husband included tell the truth all of the time i hope he did not go out and scratch a seven year itch i am suffering from a sound in my mind or my left ear it is like a ringing bell trntrntrnttrntrn is that really migraine for me the cause is from exessive work on computer but i have also a childhood problem in my left ear i hear 1010 but when i press on my left side of the neck or below my left ear i hear like popping air in my ear by the way i have a zigzag transparent line alltime in my left eye i also have depression and anxiety,hi the ringing of bells in your ear could be tinnitus best see your doctor for tests good luck i had tummy tuck 2 years ago now need cholecystectomy,both the operations have pro and cons laparoscopy leaves a negligible scar less anesthesia risks dificult to execute open surgery carries more risk big scar but easy to perform ambien is it bad what are the short and long term effects of ambien,hi its either down to his age we all start losing hair as we get older or it could be down to any drugs he is on for his heart hope this helps good luck if there is no blood flow to the head what can be done for an 87 years old patient,a few dietary changes will help vitamin b6 and b12 supplements will hep to some extent at 87 nothing much can be expected lot depends in associated conditions like diabetes hypertension heart disease etc can eating pumpkin and sunflower seeds benefit my hair health and growth in any way,your first and most important step is to see a medical professional so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated it appears that your problem is gastrointestinal so if your primary care medical provider cannot help you a referral to a gastroenterologist would get you on the road to recovery i am sure i am surprised that you have waited five months to get this problem evaluated what is emphysema,emphysema is a form of chronic long term lung disease people with emphysema have difficulty breathing from a limitation in blowing air out there are multiple causes of emphysema but smoking is by far the most common emphysema is the main type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease although emphysema has no cure quitting smoking reduces the rate of emphysema disease progression i have had diarrhea for 3 days now since last night my stool has been black liquid with no odor should i go to doctor,the cut a little of the ligament the part that is compressing the nerve they do not completely sever the ligament so that you will not have normal wrist function all they need to do is make that tunnel a bit wider what could cause my 5 year old daughters fingers toes and lips to turn blue and feel cold even when she is indoors,hi at your age painful lumps are not expected dense fibrous breast tissue wont be painful the fact that it has pain associated this definitely needs attention next step has to be a mammogram a few blood investigations need to be done too take anti inflammatory tablets for temporary pain relief thanks severe vaginal itching gynecologist prescribed clobetasol with no real results,mostly a contact dermatitis due to friction and dryness use some moisturizing creams and avoid condom sex how to get rs3gold 10 free bonus for cheap runescape gold 1 you can get free bonus for runescape 3 gold once your order is more than 50m 2 you can get free bonus for runescape 07 gold once your order is more than 10m 3 you can get free bonus for deadman gold once the order is more than 2000k 4 you can get free bonus for darkscape gold once the order is more than 5000k never miss 10 off code bestday to cheap rs3gold from 1 15 2 15 ,most helpful answer the short answer is this whenever you have any symptoms that could be heart related get them checked out your age does not matter your fitness level does not matter because of your youthful age the chances are good you do not have any serious heart condition but as a general rule it is better to be safe than sorry you will feel more at ease after getting checked out by a health care professional right plus if you do have some cardiac issue the earlier you catch it the quicker it can be treated ask your mom or dad to make an appointment for you if they are unable or unwilling to do so have a chat with your school nurse or counselor they can help you access the care you need do not get overly concerned about this but please do get it checked out take care i had a heart attack 1 year ago how long can i expect to carry on taking statins and is there an alternative i am a 64 year old male who was diagnosed at the same time as a type 2 diabetic which i now control with my diet and change of lifestyle and no longer take the medication i have a bmi of 22 4 after losing 27 kilos and i exercise daily,i have peripheral artery disease i got it in my late 40s due to blood coagulation problem i also had very high cholesterol over 300+ my entire life i had difficulty walking by age 50 i put myself on high dose nattokinase and serrapeptase and the symptoms disappeared within 6 weeks you will know it is working within 1 month i eat as much cholesterol as i want i have been on this over 6 years i am on maintenance dose just experiment with dosage over time to get the minimum dose and cost please be aware that conventional medicine perpetuates lies about cholesterol just take the time to look at the studies if the arteries are clean enough you will not have heart disease ignore the cholesterol propaganda they have nattokinase made from bacteria and fungus with and without vitamin k both work but i prefer the nattokinase with vitamin k without vitamin k is for people on prescriptions drugs i take best nattokinase and serrapeptase i buy from swanson vitamin because they are cheap ii am amazed they do not have heart disease category for this chinese have done thousands of studies on effectiveness of fibrolytic enzymes for heart attack and stroke prevention what should i do if i suspect an overdose of eszopiclone,avoid direct sunlight between the peak hours 11 a m to 2 p m sunblock is probably your best approach to avoid premature aging and dark spots your skin regimen should include steps to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells hydrate and rejuvenate with natural amino acids or peptides what is the purpose of doing a polymerase chain reaction,polymerase chain reaction has found widespread and innumerable uses to diagnose genetic diseases do dna fingerprinting find bacteria and viruses study human evolution clone the dna of an egyptian mummy establish paternity or biological relationships etc accordingly pcr has become an essential tool for biologists dna forensics labs and many other laboratories that study genetic material how long do symptoms of a heart attack last,hi this may be due to gerd with reflux livergall bladder related causes also should be considered get a endoscopy with usg of abdomen done liver function tests will assess the proper functioning of the liver enzymes thanks is the contraception i was on preventing me from getting pregnant i have not been on the contraceptive injection for 2 years now and still have not managed to get pregnant i already have a healthy 6 year old so no i can have children and the doctors have said everything is fine with me my partner also has a 6 year old but is not so keen on going to the docs and getting checked any advice would be appreciated,yes you can take tylenol acetaminophen and tamiflu together make sure you follow the dosing instructions on the package of tylenol if you ever have any questions about taking over the counter medications with prescription medications ask your pharmacist we are the medication experts i am sick with the flu my blood is 9565 is that to low i am a 69 year old female i smoke a pack of cigarettes a day i have a slight fever headache a cough sinus pressure and just feel bad i have a history of high blood pressure and take blood pressure medication i am just concerned that my blood pressure might be to low is it to low,if it were 90 over 60 it would be at the edge of too low let your doctor know if you are feeling faint or dizzy and see them too if it continues medicare does it cover birth control iud is nexplanon etc for younger patients,unfortunately medicare does not cover the cost of birth control i have medicare and have had it for the past 6 years i am 36 yes medicare does cover certain birth control pills patches and shots it will not cover the iud as i was told but that may be something you can fight if it is medically necessary i am a month pregnant and am bleeding really bad but i have no other symptoms of miscarriage what is wrong with me the only started about 3 days ago it comes and goes i have had a miscarriage and an abortion in the past,hi perhaps its just your normal period because 4weeks pregnant means your still in your normal cycle sorry time to try again good luck what is lactose intolerance,yeah you can be now you can take mtp kit mtp kit is used for the termination of pregnancy it contains two medicines namely mifepristone and misoprostol and together they are known as abortion pill mtp kit contains 5 tablets that is one tablet of mifepristone and 4 tablets of misoprostol the kit is designed by various pharmaceutical companies located at different geographical locations the medicine in the kit should not be shared with other person you can buy online from drugsdropship24 aching pain i have had in my left leg,it could be the long term effect of coffee try reducing the amount of coffee and see coughing up blood mucus drainage sinus congestion sneezing and sore throat what could the be from i just woke up one morning and that is what was going on im a 16 year old female,many patients think that more expensive brand medications are better than their cheaper generic equivalents the fda requires pharmaceutical companies to prove all brand and generic drugs meeting specific requirements for not only safety and efficacy but also related to identity strength quality purity and potency scientific tests and procedures are undertaken to demonstrate generic drugs can be substituted or be therapeutic equivalent to their brand drugs counterparts generic drug products must contain the identical amounts of the same active drug ingredient as the brand name product but can differ in shape flavor preservatives and other inactive ingredients along with how they are released into the body especially for extended release products i am a hairdresser and the last 2 months i am experiencing painful legs constant pain,of course it is getting better great and stay on the antibiotic till the course ends and redo the test again after finishing the tx regards i have a stiff neck a stomach that does not digest and swollen eyes,hi yes you can get a false negative and a false positive so just go get retested at a stdgum clinic the staff thee are very good at there job and there you can ask all the questions you want and they do not discriminate good luck vitamin d level was 15 my doctor prescribed 50 000 iu every other day details are below so my vitamin d level was 15 last year i did nothing about it unfortunately but i was always sleepy i would take long naps during the day i can not concentrate anxious knee pain once in a while it starts hurting and feeling really stiff goes away with rest i feel bad because i am in college and i do not have time for this i have lots of work to do do you guys think this is because of my vitamin d levels also what other tests should i do to determine the cause thanks a lot,i do not know what you mean by you do not have time for this curing a vitamin d deficiency is as easy as taking a pill once a day low vitamin d levels have been associated with bone pain general muscle weakness and even cancer thought that is unlikely in a young person it is doubtful your sleepiness and lack of concentration are due to vitamin d deficiency but i suppose anything is possible you do not need any other test to determine the cause of your low vitamin d levels it is pretty simple you are not consuming enough vitamin d and you are not getting enough sunlight on your skin this is a very common problem on the one hand we medical professionals tell people to wear sunscreen on the other hand we tell them they are deficient in vitamin d the solution is to continue wearing sunscreen when you go in the sun for prolonged periods of time and to take vitamin d supplements if you have no personal or family history of skin cancer you probably are safe to get 15 30 minutes of sun per day on your skin this will help boost your vitamin d levels given how very deficient you are in vitamin d i hope you took the prescribed 50 000 iu of vitamin d every other day until the prescription was gone the usual length of therapy is a couple of weeks you should get re tested if you have not already done so and then you may need to continue taking inexpensive vitamin d supplements for awhile until your levels are within normal range please note you should not continue taking 50 000 iu of vitamin d indefinitely that is a very large dose if you have any questions consult your health care provider wishing you well i do not believe the answer is always so cut and dry my vitmain d level has been low and getting lower for at least 5 years now i do not tolerate the heat or sunshine so i do not get very much sun but i have been pushing myself to tolerate it but i have been on several very high courses of good quality vitamin d supplements and the mainstays of my diet are all vitamin d rich but there was never even a slight rise in my levels at last check my levels were in the single digits incidentally i am always tired and always in pain these days absolutely i have had similar symptoms along with cardiac and autoimmune disorders my vitamin d level is 13 and has runned low for years i too never worried about vitamin d but i have found out that it is a huge problem and runs in my family related to synthesis problems of vitamins and enzymes have levels check regularly even after normal labs and please take your vitamin d with lots of sunshine and diet rich in vitamin d c is weight loss surgery right for me,i am a big advocate of weight loss surgery for people who qualify they either have a bmi over 40 or a bmi over 35 with a related medical problem it is a last resort but it is very effective still i think most people would rather try a strategy focused on healthier eating and increased exercise first do i still have kidney stones i had surgery 2 months ago to remove 2 stones and a stent im still in a lot of pain in the same area as before my urine seems to be clear although after i urinate i find blood on the toliet tissue but not in the urine i have also noticed some tissue in my urine im in alot of pain an need answers please,people with schizophrenia can get help from professional case managers and caregivers at residential or day programs however family members usually are a patient is primary caregivers people with schizophrenia often resist treatment they may not think they need help because they believe their delusions or hallucinations are real in these cases family and friends may need to take action to keep their loved one safe laws vary from state to state and it can be difficult to force a person with a mental disorder into treatment or hospitalization but when a person becomes dangerous to himself or herself or to others family members or friends may have to call the police to take their loved one to the hospital treatment at the hospital in the emergency room a mental health professional will assess the patient and determine whether a voluntary or involuntary admission is needed for a person to be admitted involuntarily the law states that the professional must witness psychotic behavior and hear the person voice delusional thoughts family and friends can provide needed information to help a mental health professional make a decision after a loved one leaves the hospital family and friends can help their loved ones get treatment and take their medication once they go home if patients stop taking their medication or stop going to follow up appointments their symptoms likely will return sometimes symptoms become severe for people who stop their medication and treatment this is dangerous since they may become unable to care for themselves some people end up on the street or in jail where they rarely receive the kind of help they need family and friends can also help patients set realistic goals and learn to function in the world each step toward these goals should be small and taken one at a time the patient will need support during this time when people with a mental illness are pressured and criticized they usually do not get well often their symptoms may get worse telling them when they are doing something right is the best way to help them move forward it can be difficult to know how to respond to someone with schizophrenia who makes strange or clearly false statements remember that these beliefs or hallucinations seem very real to the person it is not helpful to say they are wrong or imaginary but going along with the delusions is not helpful either instead calmly say that you see things differently tell them that you acknowledge that everyone has the right to see things his or her own way in addition it is important to understand that schizophrenia is a biological illness being respectful supportive and kind without tolerating dangerous or inappropriate behavior is the best way to approach people with this disorder people with schizophrenia can get help from professional case managers and caregivers at residential or day programs how often do you take viagra after prostate surgery do you take viagra daily or as needed after prostate surgery,that would be up to the judgment of your urologist not all prostate surgeries are the same and not all patients will benefit from viagra since i do not know your specific medical history the only person that can address your question would be the medical professional who is treating you i am 61 years old heart rate 128 should i go to the er or doctor,active ingredient ibandronate sodium inactive ingredients sodium chloride glacial acetic acid sodium acetate and water what can my doctor do to help stop the spread of cre infections,clean what using marijuana is decisional so just make a decision not to use it if you are talking about getting a clean drug test it would depend on many factors the sensitivity and type of test used by the lab and what you consider as a light user and how fast your body clears cannabis from your system it is possible that some lab tests like hair will detect thc at 23 days suffering panicanxiety attacks psychiatrist keeps increasing meds feel my brain is sleeping,hi for such complaints you need to consult a counsellor as only taking medicines wont be a solution the treatment should be multi focal and should include counselling medicines meditation yoga and deep breathing exercises consult a physician to rule out any organic disease thanks toe pain 2 toes big toe and the next burn throb ache pricks no sleep like broken not swelling do not recall injury no known breaks but dog stepped on me maybe it is gout mom had this yrs ago am 190 lbs,sorry to hear you are experiencing this it sounds unpleasant you are right it could be gout it could also be something entirely different reynaud is phenomenon for example can cause a tinglingprickly sensation to the toes the only way to determine for sure what is causing your symptoms is a physical examination by a health care provider and even then you might not get an answer to your question why because there are so many possible causes for the symptoms you describe unless or until you experience additional symptoms a physician may not be able to pinpoint exactly what is causing the toe tingling one thing is for sure the only way to begin figuring this out is to see a health care provider i would suggest you start with your primary care provider wishing you well please explain what financial assistance is available for health insurance is it available to the individual or is it paid to the insurance company to keep rates down,no synthroid does not cause black stools this could be a sign of gastric stomach bleeding certain foods or a medication like pepto bismol please follow up with your medical provider so that a specific reason can be identified what is causing a knot on the left side of my abdomen parallel to belly button i am 19 and parallel to my belly button on my left side there is a round knot about the size of a small marble i have noticed it for a while and it has not gotten any bigger it is sometimes painful if i move a certain way i have to really push down to find it on my stomach i am also a diabetic almost 19 years and on an insulin pump could it be scar tissue from injection sites it doesnt really hurt when i try to pick stuff up it also hurts sometimes on my right side where i had sites,get your apendix checked out i have had a really bad dry cough and my chest hurts really bad just dry constant cough,you need to see your medical provider so you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated three essential components that cannot be done over the internet can a child have strep throat with no sorethroat or fever he has welts on his back and arms and face had ear infection and was treated with amoxil then 2 day after last dose developed nausea and vomiting and diarrhea and then the welts showed up took him to md office and he was tested for strep and it was positive he has no sore throat or fever he was put on amoxil again and was also told to take benadryl,if you expose him to it he will only catch chicken pox which if you have it once you can never get it again as a teen how much exercise should i get each day,u s department of health and human services guidelines recommend at least 60 minutes of physical activity for kids and teens on most if not all days of the week what causes phimosis,phimosis which is seen most often in children may be present at birth it also can be caused by an infection or by scar tissue that formed as a result of injury or chronic inflammation another cause of phimosis is balanitis which leads to scarring and tightness of the foreskin immediate medical attention is necessary if the condition makes urination difficult or impossible how is the fifth disease virus spread and should i be isolated if i have fifth disease,hi i understand your feelings as i myself have ben a sprinter in my school days if the injuries and surgery were on upper lims then i see no reason for you to be refrained from doing safer exercises its been almost 4 weeks now and the bones and wounds may have well been healed uptill now you can get a xray to confirm if everything is ok and start on the safer exercises definitely infection from sweat is absolutely not an issue thanks wish you a healthy life and speedy recovery 13 days ago had unprotected sex 3 days later saw scab on penis fell off now its just red but healing std or a scab 13 days ago i had unprotected sex 3 days later i a saw scab on penis the scab fell off now its just red but healing it never itched much or hurt but i went and got tested yesterday and i got the results for syphilis which were negative but i do not get the results for herpes until monday but im going to be with another girl friday night and i need to know if its good to go im also worried about a false negative because i only waited 12 days to get tested any opinions,hi strawdine hi this info is from webmd common allergic reactions to penicillin include rashes hives itchy eyes and swollen lips tongue or face in rare cases an allergy to penicillin can cause an anaphylactic reaction which can be deadly this type of reaction usually happens within an hour after you take penicillin symptoms include difficulty breathing hives wheezing dizziness loss of consciousness rapid or weak pulses skin turning blue diarrhea nausea and vomiting if you think you are having an anaphylactic reaction call 911 immediately now as you can read it is a very rare reaction and her question was probabley 24 hours later way past what you had good luck i started with fever throat pain getting worse worried my doctor not giving me right treatment,no not really once you have genital herpes and have recurrent outbreaks you will always have herpes those blisters should not be intentionally broken or popped but if they spontaneously rupture this fluid will not likely worsen the outbreak or cause more outbreaks hopefully you are taking anti viral medications to limit the frequency and severity of your outbreaks i had a miscarriage could i have lost only one of the twin babies,you can still test positive for 19 days after miscarriage even more in some cases in my opinion no chance of having a twin but you may have higher chances of another healthy pregnancy if you try good luck my bf has pericarditis heart pains never last now pain will not go away,hi if the pain now is getting continuous and not going away then he may have developed pericardial effusion meaning accumulation of fluid around the heart this usually happens as a complication of pericarditis and is usually associated with low immunity get his chest xray ecg and an echocardiography done thanks in my 18th week of pregnancy clubfoot was diagnosed should i undergo amniocentesis,no you are born a certain way based on your genetics if you do not like your genitals then choose different parents if you are fat down there then you can lose weight and improve the length of your penis but there is nothing you can do taking herbs will not improve your penile length weights on the end of your bed while you sleep will not improve it the vacuum devices that they sell will not do it you are born with what you are born with and rather than stress and fret about problems or perceived inadequacies you really should be focusing on ways of finessing what you have got to make yourself and your partners happy what you can do is be healthy take care of yourself learn other techniques to enhance the relationship it is not just all about penile length there is other things that you can do during lovemaking that will enhance pleasure for the female partner if that is what it is all about if it is just simply wanting to feel proud in the shower in front of other guys then you just have to understand that that is who you are that is how you were born and rather than spending your energy and time focusing on what you do not have focus on what you do have i recently had unprotected oral sex with ex boyfriend he ejaculated in my mouth but did not swallow used mouth wash i used mouth wash after he is hiv negative and gives blood a few times a year with red cross i heard red cross say that he was ok to give blood i am also negative with hiv is there any risk,you can go to any pharmacy counter and ask for the plan b one step pill there are currently no generics so there is only one product available you will need to have a state or government issued id and be 17 or older to purchase this medication it normally costs about 40 for one pill the new formulation includes one pill that is supposed to be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex it is not an abortion pill but rather a medication that can help prevent implantation of a fertilized egg the side effects from the medication are generally mild and mimic the side effects of birth control pills spotting nausea lower abdominal pain fatigue headache dizziness and breast tenderness again it is important to take it within the 72 hours of unprotected sex the sooner the better you should also continue taking your birth control if you are currently taking any follow up with your ob gyn office shortly after taking this medication cancer back in 2015 are laboratory results worrisome,hi i dont think there is anything to worry about as these tests are not directly related to the previous cancer that she had these tests indicate derangements in liver function and can well be treated with oral tablets consult a hepatologist and start her on appropriate medicines thanks my daughter is expecting a baby with a due date of november 26 2014 what would the conception date be,condom condom condom can co2 levels of 73 or 74 mmhg during respiratory failure cause some form of brain damage like permanent short term memory loss,no can i use amoclav for a sore throat 250mg125mg tabs co amoxiclav,the first step in controlling hives is to identify the cause if possible once you have identified the source of the problem try to avoid exposure to it in the future a mild case of hives often disappears on its own after a few hours a longer lasting case should respond to the manufacturer is recommended dosage of an over the counter oral antihistamine if your hives do not disappear in a few days see a doctor if you develop symptoms of angioedema or anaphylaxis get medical help immediately for chronic or especially troublesome outbreaks of hives your doctor will probably order a course of prescription antihistamines treatment with oral corticosteroids will sometimes reduce swelling when antihistamines do not work but they are usually reserved for more severe cases if you have the subsurface welts of angioedema you may require hospitalization both feet swollen plus right wrist with itching skin the swollen areas are hard and very painful the rash is red but theyou are not sores just light red and a little puffy no diet changes,water retention occurs fluid builds up in the body is tissues causing parts of the body to become swollen psoriatic arthritis most often causes swelling and joint pain in the fingers and toes burns caused by heat are called thermal burns and can cause pain swelling skin changes blisters and more www rationaltechnologies com my 10yr old son has patches on his back and stomach it may be ring worms,tinea versicolor fungisafe cream twice a day flucoral capsule 150mg 2 capsules once every week for 2 weeks missed period brown discharge spotting on toilet paper this has never happened before,hi this can happen due to hormonal changes rare possibility is of pregnancy get pregnancy test done consult a gynecologist thanks i am 50 year old male bald patch has 3 persistant sores which crust flake off & reappear sometimes bleeding size 1 2mm about 12 months duration bactroban topical not help at all gp at local medicross wanted to freeze off with liquid nitrogen but i am not convinced that this right,sorry but there is a possibility that you are it was recommended by our doctor to get the first response pregnancy test at a drug store or walmart first response was about 20 or less she advised us that this one is most accurate my best advice for you as a mom is to keep a calendar be diligent about keeping up with the start and stop days of your monthy cycle ejaculation or not semen carries sperm also i suggest that you get on the computer and learn all that you can about sex if there is someone who you can trust to educate you do that for your own information and safety std is are a really big issue do not assume that a person is disease free because you see no tell tale signs read as much as you can good luck will cipro help with sinus infection and respitory,yes it will help in upper respiratory tract infections we advise not to self medicate better visit your doctor before starting any medication what can i take for fragrance allergies,i hate to break the news to you but vitamin b will not create extra energy in someone who is not vitamin b deficient like pernicious anemia the body stores very little nutrients from mulitple vitamins and will eliminate them if not needed most vitamins and minerals are obtained from our diet it is okay to take a multi vitamin if your diet is not very good any person who is weak or tired should be carefully examined by their medical provider to find out why just taking vitamins may not solve this problem high white blood cell count fever chills blurred vision doctors cannot find anything wrong with me have seen the doctor for almost 2 months just finished 15 days of antibitocs still feel terrible last week my wbc count was 14 it has been as high as 18 they have done chest xrays and ct scans they cannot find anything wrong but i do not think they are really digging deep to find out what is wrong with me my vision is blurry i am constantly cold and shaking i feel week i have a few places in my joints that just started hurting i feel like i am going to pass out alot,my whole body has it hairy area and whole body what can i do to treat genital warts human papillomavirus at home,because you already have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis ms i would suggest you contact your primary health care provider to inform him or her of this new symptom and in answer to your question yes this is a new symptom it may be related to the ms or it may be caused by something else only your health care provider can tell you for sure wishing you all the best your shocks can absolutely positively be caused by your ms i get the sensation of being tasered from my elbows through my hands these shocks have literally lifted me inches off the couch or bed they are so powerful i spent 10 days in the hospital with an eeg and 6 months later on an ambulatory eeg at home seizures were ruled out so great once again i find out what it is not the best answer i get is that they are a complication of ms the still hurt like hell though my wife has devics disease and has these electric shocks everyday all over her body but mostly in her legs yes this is called l hermittes sign and i have this symptom in my arms and legs over time it has improved some but i still have the feeling of shocks if i move my neck quickly hope this helps it very well could be i have them in my head and it is like my brain is plugged into a socket if it is at night and everything is dark i see sparks of light behind my eyes usually it does not last long but it really is freaky i think i have herpes discoverd a big bump then little small bumbs by my vagina,it does seem to be an std can be anything else other than herpes too start on antibiotics immediately apply local creams take anti pyretic tablets to reduce the inflammation how much protein and how much fat is a woman supposed to consume every day,most effective weight loss exercise is kickboxing i love this format of exercise is aerobics so please join aerobics center in delhi can transplant be considered for someone whose kidneys have not yet failed,hi this is something you should discuss with your heart surgeon he would be your best source for info on exercising of that nature but do take his advice good luck my father is diabetic what type of additional nutritional supplements can he take,hi he can take protein powder supplements that are specially made for diabetic patients and are not sugar based such powders contain all the essential ingredients like vitamins minerals proteins and amino acids needed for healthy body 2 tsp in a glass of milk daily will be sufficient thanks how to remove pimples and the scars on my face,you can take anti parasite medications depending upon the type of worm it is if there are more than one worms then you may need these medicines to be given through intravenous methods as taking only tablets wont help diagnosed with endometrioma in both ovaries do i also have polycystic ovary syndrome pcos,once you do your endometriosis surgery you will be ready to conceive it is possible to have pcos but in the process of detection of endometriosis you doctor must have done us on ovaries if you have pcos you must have some cysts formed long before the age of 29 look for signs of pcos like irrigular period or mood swings your ovaries are producing more than one egg per month for sure but i can not say you should be worried fix endometriosis problem first things firstgood luck i have been experiencing headaches that are throbbing primarily in the backtop of my head,com these symptoms may indicate a thyroid disorder i recommend starting with thyroid profile and follow up me with the results here … dr ayman darrag how long after the experation date can i take amoxicillin,i would not recommend it you may have taken the maximum dose for pseudoephedrine already and your advil cold and sinus most likely has another decongestant either more pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine either way you may end up taking more decongestants than recommended and end up with some side effects can estrogen pills cause hair loss on your head i have been taking estradiol estrogen pills for two years my hair has been thinning badly so i got a prescription for transdermal estradiol patches one of the common side effects listed was hair loss but thats what i got the prescription to prevent please help i do not know whether to use the patch to stop my hair loss or stop using estradiol to stop my hair loss,an angiogram cardiac catheterization is a test used to diagnose heart disease during the procedure a catheter is inserted into an artery usually in the leg and contrast dye is injected into the arteries and heart x rays of the arteries and heart are taken why would my breast leak i am 48yrs old and i had a partial hysterectomy 19 yrs ago i had a mammogram done 2 months ago which came back normal i have noticed that i have some leakage from one of my breasts should i be worried,hi this may be due to early varicose veins due to prolonged standing or sitting for long periods of time due to your profession get a color doppler to confirm use varicose vein stockinettes while working calcium and vitamin d deficiency also can cause these symptoms get these checked thanks what can i do about cesarean section or pregnany scars,this is different i think he should do an esr stool analysis test to check for other problem different from the old one is there a history of tonsillitis loose stools what is a normal white blood cell count,hi the baby is low in immunity due to low hemoglobin levels a recent infection is usually associated with raised esr which usually settles down spontaneously nothing to worry as such healthy food iron rich diet and hematinics to raise the hemoglobin levels will be suffiicient thanks can a human safely take their correct dosage of piperazine cat wormer my kittens had worms and my dad made made me take 10 and 34 teaspoons of it in case i did i am 108lbs i feel horrible today am i going to be okay,there are so many different medications and we could go for hours if we went through every single one but it really depends on what the area is if it is a case of nasal decongestants or vitamins or things like that there are some that can not and there are some that can but by developing that relationship with your pharmacist getting to know us on a first name basis we will be able to talk to you about anything even prescription products we have data on prescription products about whether or not certain ones are safe to use also we can help call your doctor if you have any other concerns about a prescription you may have been taking before you got pregnant and ask them if they want you to continue with it but talking to your pharmacist developing that relationship that is really the key should i have a follow up on my foot i walked into my childs toy last friday i hit it on the left middle of my foot it instantly swelled up i went to the er later that night they took x rays said there was not anything wrong well now 5 days later all of my toes are bruised and above my toes if i hit the side of my foot it hurts and if i walk on it too much it hurts its still hard to bend my toes and i really do not understand what my toes have to do with that part of my foot should i go back to the doctor,yes go back to your doctor to have your foot checked he or she will have to look at the foot to decide what is wrong your foot has 26 bones there are 5 long straight bones called metatarsals beneath the top of the foot each of these ends in bones called phalanges which are the toes tendons that move the toes are attached to these bones any bruising or swelling in the foot can affect the ability to move the toes by pressing on these tendons bruising or bleeding can also spread throughout the foot and up into the toes possibilities include a bad bruise sprain or a small fracture that did not show up on the first x ray this is not unusual your doctor will decide whether further x rays or other testing is needed i have a bulged disc in my back lumbar region l4 and l5 i do not know what to do anymore,hi you need to take lumbar traction infra red therapy laser therapy to improve results get a recent mri to assess the progress of the disease thanks if 6 year old child has fever over 100 f and tachypnea and tachycardia should he go to er,urticaria hives are itchy swollen red bumps or patches on the skin that appear suddenly as a result of the body is adverse reaction to certain allergens they can appear anywhere on the body including the face lips tongue throat or ears hives vary in size and can last for minutes or days we have not had health insurance in 5 years once i enroll how soon can i start going to the doctor and getting tests i need a mammogram and some other things looked at since it has been so long and we are 50 i think i should invest in a platinum plan do you think i am right,the soonest new health plans under the affordable care act can take effect is january 1 2014 if you want your plan to start at the beginning of next year you will need to buy it by no later than december 15 2013 as far as which plan you should buy you might want to consult a navigator who has been trained to help consumers buying insurance to discuss your options so you can make an informed decision about the best plan for your medical and financial needs my dad is waking up around 5am with a panic attack and belches afterwards my dad is 77 years old and in great health no high blood pressure or heart problems we were thinking it is acid reflux but that med is not helping have tried 3 or more kinds any help would be appreciated,does he have other symptoms of acid reflux if not maybe the belching could be from swallowing air during the panic attack are the panic attacks coming from a nightmare or other environmental factor is ginko and valerian root the same medicine,it is infected to some extent seems superficial drain out whatever fluid discharge comes out of it take higher antibiotics anti inflammatory tablets apply mupirocin cream daily i always use protection and i recently was diagnosed with genital herpes is that possible and how my partner ive been with for 5 months has never shown any signs of an outbreak or even mouth sores,if you were accurately diagnosed with genital herpes then you know it is possible people can spread genital herpes even when they are not actively infected the condom only protects agains penile lesions but someone can have herpetic lesions in places that are not covered by the condom a person gets genital herpes from sexual activity so this is how you got it but i have no idea the exact mechanism of exposure or the person that exposed you i have been having severe chest pains irregular heart beat swelling of the hands legs and feet weakness…,hi i would say no unless it was magic sperm consider yourself safe but next time your fouling around keep this at the back of you mind male sperm is a very dangerous stuff and not to be plated with just remember safe sex condoms bc the pill best to be safe than sorry good luck in college i had severe ear pain then could not hear my doctor said my eardrums had moved out of place is that true,impetigo is a skin infection staph or strep it is not caused by facial creams however if the facial creams cause irritation or an allergic reaction to the point where the skin is broken the broken skin can become vulnerable to opportunistic bacteria that is already on the surface of the skin and this can cause a secondary skin infection including impetigo is it possible for shoes to carry an std if you walk through a dirty place such as a nasty bathroom or a public bus,it is not duotrav who is causing your symptoms in my opinion you could be suffering a hormonal disorder specially thyroid disorder get a thyroid profile done note also that one of the rare symptoms of duotrav is it may mask symptoms of hypoglycemia in a rare population although most of its side effects are localized to the eyes also another test for blood sugar is necessary feel better soon i had thyredectomy for papillary thyroid cancer 3 years ago,pepcid is ok to take during pregnancy but it is very important that you advise your doctor or health care provider that you are taking it now that you are pregnant if you have any additional questions about other medications that are ok to take during pregnancy talk to your pharmacist we are happy to help and are the medication experts urinary tract infection my urine is greenish and has many bubbles also smells metallic treatment for uti did not change it any ideas,lots of ideas but an idea is not the same as a diagnosis made by urinalysis you need to have your medical provider arrange a urinalysis and culture at the lab so that you can be properly diagnosed if your urine is clear and not a uti then you will need to be examined first hand by a medical professional some unusual smells or colors will come from foods nutritional supplements or medications i am not sure if you self treated or was treated by your doctor for a possible your with antibiotics or not my 1 year old has a wet cough runny nose and rash behind the ear and on his cheek the rash is new what is this the cough and runny nose has been occurring for about 4 days the rash is new today,i do not know since i cannot see this rash sorry you would need to take this child to see a medical provider so he can be properly examined diagnosed and treated if necessary why do mosquito bites swell up to like 6 wide and hot to touch on me,shingles is a reactivation of the varicella zoster virus a type of herpes virus that causes chickenpox after you have had chickenpox the virus lies inactive in your nerve roots and remains inactive until in some people it flares up again when the virus becomes active again you get shingles instead of chickenpox anyone who has had even a mild case of chickenpox can get shingles people who have a weak immune system are vulnerable to reactivation of the virus that causes shingles many factors can weaken your immune system including aging injury and illness some medicines slow down the immune system for example medicines that destroy cancer cells chemotherapy can interfere with the immune system transmission exposure to shingles will not cause you to get shingles but if you have not had chickenpox and have not gotten the chickenpox vaccine you can get chickenpox if you are exposed to shingles someone with shingles can expose you to chickenpox if you come into contact with the fluid in the shingles blisters if you cover the shingles sores with a type of dressing that absorbs fluid and protects the sores you can help prevent the spread of the virus to other people webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated can you have a few beers while taking antibiotics for a infected cyst in other words by having a couple of drinks of wine or beer does that slow the effect of the antibiotics success,that would depend on your diagnosis the reason for the antibiotic and the type of antibiotic you are taking some can be taken with moderate alcohol and some cannot since you did not tell me those two important facts the easy way to get this answer is to call and speak to the pharmacist that filled that prescription for you after tooth extraction do you have to replace with an implant,yes strengthening your calf muscles along with cardiomuscular exercise can eliminate your oedema completely good luck crooked stiff neck and slight neck pain,put him in a jump suit type clothing or bibbed overalls so that he cannot get at his diaper if you notice him doing it make an immediate correction and offer him something more appropriate to eat reminding him that good boys do not eat their diapers it is yucky do not make a big deal about it but in order to change this behavior you have to a catch him in the act and b make an appropriate behavioral correction do not spank him and c offer him a appropriate snack instead periodically when he is not munching on his diaper give him a big hug and tell him how proud you are that he is not eating his diaper positive reinforcement goes a long long way in changing behavior this nasty habit will not last long stage 4 sarcomatoid carcinoma 50 tumors in liver what are best options for treatment,it is commonly occurring after that treatment but you should take an antibiotic as a high possibility of infection while the inflammation can be treated only with antiinflammatory drugs what is more important for a newly diagnosed diabetics change diet or stop smoking,oral steroids do not cause hoarseness but they do reduce sinus inflammation which causes post nasal drainage this drainage often very thick can cause swelling and inflammation of your larynx resulting in a raspy sounding voice can i sue an md for failure to dignose genital warts my cndition progressed into penile cancer i am 26 years old male 3 years ago i noticed pimple in the head of my penis my family doctor claimed that it is normal and nothing to worry about 2 years later notice spotting and dark irregular shaped discoloration on the shaft dermatologist did a biopsy and result showed that it was hpv progressed into penile cancer and the pimples were genital warts can i sue my family doctor for failure to diagnose the genital warts i could have started treatment earlier,hi it happens due to stiffness and fibrosis massage and physiotherapy for atleast 1 month should be done laser treatment will be helpful to relieve from adhesions thanks i have two cartilage piercings piercing infections that seem to be infected,not a keloid it is just infected and inflamed use saline solution to clean the area with a cotton swab daily 2 3times cold compresses will help ease your inflammation site and decrease the swelling you can use antibiotic ointment like polysporine you can try various natural remedies that will include putting a few drops of tea tree oil especially if it has a bump white vinegar aloe vera turmeric calendula and indian lilac despite regular cardio exercise and eating healthy i can not seem to lose weight okay maybe i can not lose weight is misleading but i am losing muscle and gaining fat my exercise includes running for an hour at least four times a week for over a month and eating includes eating salads eggs fruits and white meats like chicken and none of the junk i will not even allow myself cheat days in spite of the fact that i have lost 20lbs i do not look any thinner in fact i have gained fat and it is becoming increasingly harder to continue keep the same running time and pace,if anyone want to loose the weight than exercise is the best way for himher to losse the weight or to maintain the body but in this busy life sometimes we wont get the time to do the workout or jogging etc many people are asking here that without doing exercise we can loose the weight there are many ways through which you can loose the weight one of the way to loose the weight is eat healthy and fresh food drink the healthy tea like green tea green tea benefits it is healthy tea it helps one for lossing weight is also helps to cure from diseases so i think now you know that without doing the exercise you can also loose your weight by maintaining your diets by taking healthy food why cant i stop thinking about babies lately all i can think about is having a baby and its driving me crazy what does this mean,maybe it means what you want a baby simple as that i do not know anything about you or your circumstances but i think it would be normal to have those feelings if you need a baby fix try hanging out or babysitting for others who have babies or volunteer at the hospital many will take volunteers to help in the children is ward or just rocking the newborns in the nursery or you can go out and get pregnant assuming a you are a female and b you are ready and capable of starting a family this is a big decision that should be not be taken lightly my dr said ihave a large water filled stomach exactly what is this and what do i do to fix it my husband had a cyst removed from the side of his heart in the doctors notes he read pt has a large water filled stomach what does this mean and what steps do we take to fix it,i do not have a clue what your doctor meant by that statement my suggestion would be for you to ask him to comment on this finding why does my penis seem smaller then usual and cannot get an errection i am 65 and was fairly healkthy sexually a few years back now i am on antidepresssents anxiety meds also mild heart meds should that interfear with my sex life and size of my penis what can i do to get it on again,id go find out what it is sounds bad id go to the emergency room i dont think you have to pay er fee right then and there if you dont have it im sure youll be working or ss or welfare there has to be a way to take care of the money situation id go and ask them about how to deal with your money situation id go b4 it gets way worse lumps on breasts thoracic spine and shoulder blades sore could i have breast cancer,i am not an expert in this matter but it sounds like you may have diabetes arthritis might play a role in it as well but i would definitely get a blood sugar test i am having pain in a very specific part of my head for 1 year seeing blue flash,com if you had all opthalamology tests came out free and retina free also then you should get a brain mri first before confirming that it is just associated with migraine headaches i have heard a lot about oil pulling lately is this safe does it work and are there any side effects,i am sorry to hear you are experiencing these symptoms unfortunately it is not possible to self diagnose a urinary tract infection uti bladder infection or kidney infection diagnosis can only be accomplished with a physical exam and lab testing of your urine while your symptoms certainly could indicate a uti they also could stem from other causes since there are no home remedies for uti or any other urinary infections you should go to your primary care doctor for an exam if you do have an infection you will be given antibiotics to clear it up note if you have a fever measured with a thermometer not by feeling hot or by putting a hand to the forehead you should head to urgent care a fever is the classic sign of an infection somewhere in the body wishing you well i am sorry to hear you are experiencing these symptoms unfortunately it is not possible to self diagnose a urinary tract infection uti bladder infection or kidney infection diagnosis can only be accomplished with a physical exam and some lab testing of your urine while your symptoms certainly could indicate a uti they also could stem from other causes since there are no home remedies for uti or any other urinary infections you should go to your primary care doctor for an exam if you do have an infection you will be given antibiotics to clear it up note if you have a fever measured with a thermometer not by feeling hot or by putting a hand to the forehead you should head to urgent care a fever is the classic sign of an infection somewhere in the body wishing you well is it possible to be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes if you already have type 2 diabetes,in my opinion this is called caffeine withdrawal it can cause dizziness heart rhythm abnormalities which can cause orthostatic hypotension depression and flu like symptoms this can last for 1 month just check her heart by doing an ecg to be safe good luck is 5 mg of alprazolam too much to take with 15 mg morphine sulfate er subject is taking 15 mg morphine sulfate er 2x a day and morphine sulfate sa 30mg,severe bags under the eyes are also known as festoons your condition may require an evaluation by your surgeon if you are the appropriate candidate there are several minimally invasive techniques to remove the fat pads without an external incision this is known as a transconjunctival technique if bacteria is resistant to levofloxacin could cipro still work,your immunity must be boosted first … have a healthy diet rich in vitamins eat honey bee daily in the morning swallow a garlic cap daily then your body will be able to resist them better stay on a strong broad spectrum for a longer time avoid sex keep area clean …then give your body a chance to fight it… can sulfamethtrimethoprim treat chlamydia what dosage should be taken,no my son is on depakote and is showing signs of bone loss what can we do,i am sorry to hear you are going through this painful knees are no fun this is something you should have evaluated by a health care provider you can start with your primary care provider while it is possible you simply have some arthritis or some inflammation related to doing chores on your knees it is also possible you injured your knee your symptoms could be caused by a variety of knee injuries including a dislocated kneecap ouch the mere fact that you are having severe inflammation shooting pains and burningstinging sensations indicate you need a physical examination by a health care professional he or she may want to order some tests such as x ray or mri to help figure out what is going on i wish you all the best in getting bck on your feet literally i have similar issues with my right knee too but not to the extent that you have on my knee i have permanent inflammation peripheral nerve damage and bursitis it is the bursitis that causes the sharp stinging pain that you speak of this quite possibly is your issue things you can try to help aid the pain and swelling are icing elevating your knee some nsaids and trying to stay off the knee as much as you can but the best course of action for you is to go to your doctor to see what heshe can do for you due to the extreme problems that you are enduring here are some articles that i found on webmd that might help you busitis symptoms bursitis faq is do not forget to make that doctor is appointment and i hope you start feeling better how common is hepatitis c,the cdc estimates that 3 2 million people in the u s have chronic hepatitis c infection a long term illness that happens when the virus remains in a person is body most of those people do not know that they have it because they do not look or feel sick an estimated 19 000 people in the us have acute hepatitis c infection which is a short term illness that happens within six months of being exposed to the hepatitis c virus hello can a man with blood group ab+ marry a lady with blood group o+,yes assuming she is a nice woman i am having terrible ear and neck pain chest pains and i have a lump in my left breast what could this mean i have a mammogram appointment in a few days i have also been having pain in my groin area i have a huge family history of cancer and i am scared to death,i am sorry to hear you are going through this the fear of having cancer must be very tough for you to cope with i am glad to hear you have a mammogram scheduled that is a good starting point and it sounds like your health care provider is on top of your situation while you wait try to remember that worrying will only cause you misery and can even have a negative impact on your immune system look for support from family and friends try to distract yourself focus on the many positive things in your life no matter how small they may seem if you can try to get a massage or otherwise pamper yourself to relieve your excessive stress even though you have a family history of cancer it is not a sure bet you have cancer too it is entirely possible your breast lump is benign non cancerous and that your other symptoms can be attributed to a virus or even stress i know it is hard but try to work on reducing your stress level and staying as healthy as possible as you work through the process of getting a diagnosis take care of yourself are hernias deadly,hi just doing some reading on www dodsonandross com have a good read of this link your see why its all the exercise you need in one place just copy into to the end of dodson to open and read do hope its of some help good luck what are some food allergy symptoms to watch for in my baby and what should i do if my baby has an allergic reaction,hi 50 bucks is far cheaper than bringing up a baby it would cost you far more than 20 times that just to set your self up for a baby so that makes the 5o bucks far cheaper and then there the long term costs and after that it just goes on and on good luck i take 10 mg of prozac but am supposed to go to 20 mg will sexual side effects increase greatly if i go up to 20 mg,very normal this is most likely adolescent gynecomastia you can find lots of information on this temporary condition from webmd or a google search tender nipples or getting breast development can be frightening during puberty while this condition is temporary it can last for a few years involve both breasts and will keep his shirt on for a while let him read what you find on the internet and assure him that he is not alone i see this every week in our adolescent clinic this is just raging hormones males have both male and female hormones and this is just a response from the female hormone his male hormones testosterone will still be prevalent gynecomastia can create very tender breasts so just bumping in to them or having his peers or sibling tease him can be emotionally painful be nice do not tease or let anyone else do it either if he wants to wear a shirt in the swimming pool let him if you look around there are many other teens wearing shirts too this is not just to protect their back from sun they may have some breast development as well puncture wound 5 days old from cat bite between thumb and palm on palm side of hand swelling from site to wrist might have hit tendon and the underside of my wrist is swollen and sore,sorry to hear this sometimes our furry friends get a little too rambunctious i would suggest you have this checked out especially if you are running a fever the main concern is infection that swelling especially if it is angry and red is a potential indicator of infection the other concern of course is whether or not the cat was properly vaccinated against rabies and the like if you were bitten by a feral cat you definitely need to get this looked at rabies is on the decline among domesticated animals but it could happen or the cat could have been carrying another illness it has now passed along to you either way it is not good to take chances with an animal bite i would not recommend you wait for an appointment i would suggest you head for an urgent care facility or even the emergency room take care and heal quickly coumadin prescribed a year ago for pe dc dt gi bleed asa ordered is this sufficient,radiofrequency treatments such as thermage can help tighten the skin in this area to some extent your dermatologist will be able to evaluate and determine if this is the right treatment for you eczema on penis i have really sensitive skin and issues with eczema all the time worst part is i get the eczema rash on my penis i use hydrocortisone for the itching but it really dries out my skin what can i use safely down there to moisturize,cardiac ablation is a hard procedure even same doctor repreforming same operation on samd patient can have diffrent results what you experiencing is normal nothing to worry about good luck with all the advances in fertility treatments how old is too old for a woman to try to get pregnant,all women see a decline in their fertility beginning around age 35 making it far more difficult but not impossible to conceive naturally the risk of birth defects including down syndrome increases as a woman ages as does the risk of an ectopic pregnancy which can be life threatening treatments such as in vitro fertilization have made it possible to conceive well into the mid 40s for many doctors however the cutoff point is around age 45 a time when many believe a woman is eggs are no longer healthy enough for a normal conception although normal pregnancies can and do occur at this age with the inception of donor eggs a woman could actually carry a child and give birth well into her 60s and beyond depending on her individual health status although this is possible it is not necessarily a recommended or accepted practice can an abnormally light period be a sign of pregnancy i have been on the same birthcontrol pill for almost a year and my periods have remained average but this month my period was more like spotting than a normal period could i be pregnant,it would not be prudent or even possible to determine if someone was experiencing a stroke blindly over the internet strokes are unilateral one sided and severe daily foot or leg cramping are not signs one would experience these symptoms could indicate vascular problems or even neurological disorders however so they deserve a complete evaluation by your medical provider expect some diagnostic tests including blood tests and perhaps a low back x ray or doppler imaging studies of your lower extremities if your medical provider feels these tests are necessary never underestimate the wisdom of your bodies to give us warning signs so please do not ignore these symptoms how is osteoarthritis treated what medications can be used,yes assuming that her pneumonia is not contagious and she is permitted visitors i have type ii diabetes what is the best form of exercise for my condition i take metformin twice a day and insulin in the evening i would like a recommendation on a good exercise program especially since i have a busy and sometimes inconsistant schedule,if you have heart failure and any unusual symptoms do not wait until your next appointment to discuss them with your doctor call your doctor immediately if you have unexplained weight gain two pounds in one day or five pounds in one week swelling in your ankles feet legs or abdomen that has become worse shortness of breath that has become worse or occurs more often especially if you wake up short of breath a feeling of fullness bloating in your stomach with a loss of appetite or nausea extreme fatigue or decreased ability to complete daily activities a respiratory lung infection or a cough that has become worse fast heart rate above 100 beats per minute or as directed by your doctor new irregular heartbeat chest pain or discomfort during activity that is relieved with rest difficulty breathing during regular activities or at rest changes in sleep patterns including difficulty sleeping or feeling the need to sleep a lot more than usual decreased urination restlessness confusion constant dizziness or lightheadedness nausea or poor appetite i had a lumbar laminectomy discectomy on the l5 s1 around 8 9 months ago for some pretty painful sciatica,most probably thos could be a recurrence however you should be examined for piriformis syndrome an orthopedist can make se tests to confi diagnosis i recommend physiotherapy when i first lie down my lower back erupts in sharp pain sometimes it goes away sometimes not i am a 20 yo female lying on side or stomach is the same laying down i have to tense up those muscles or its painful if i arch my back the pain goes almost completely away and after a while i can relax without issue unless i am lying on my front i exercise every day i have a desk job and i am on my feet a lot i eat right and do not smokedrink what do you guys think i have tried stretching before lying down but i am not really sure how i should etc so any tips would be most helpful,stress lack of sleep and facial edema swelling can contribute to dark circles obviously the first thing to do is get more rest you should sleep at least 8 hours per night followed by limiting your salt intake in your diet next consider implementing measures in your daily routine that will encourage the blood vessels around your eyes to constrict or shrink apply a cool compress to your eyes and use compounds that contain topical caffeine such as green tea bags these measures will help tighten those leaky vessels what are the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension,when the brain does not get enough blood supply it begins to shut down symptoms include lightheadedness confusion nausea fainting or passing out there may also be weakness blurred vision and shaking or tremulousness these symptoms may resolve quickly as the body slowly adjusts to the standing position but in some cases the patient has to sit or lie down quickly to prevent passing out or falling i had laryngitis cough sore throat and fever and i am having lots of vertigo episodes,he should apply through your state is marketplace he will likely qualify for medicaid if your state is not expanding medicaid he will no doubt qualify for a subsidized health insurance policy can i smoke while taking zyban,yes what does baby acne look like,in order to take advantage of subsidies you must buy your insurance policy through your state is marketplace you can buy directly from the insurer but then you will miss out on any cost savings for which you are eligible how does parkinson is disease affect the digestive system,pd is a condition that disrupts normal nerve activity although we have not discovered the reasons for this we have described the typical changes seen in and outside the brain in the last 5 years increasing focus has moved to non motor symptoms and many believe that the digestive system is where the first symptoms of pd often start the digestive symptoms of pd are primarily a result of slowing of the movement of the gut peristalsis is the fancy word slowing of food transit can result in swallowing difficulties in the mouth and pharynx sense of bloating fullness nausea or loss of appetite in the stomach and constipation in the intestines there can also be secondary problems from the slowing typically a meal will be slowly released from the stomach to the small intestine over the course of 60 minutes and then the remaining stomach contents will be released fairly rapidly if your pd medicine levodopa is in the food released rapidly it may not be absorbed at all and you will have no benefit from the pill this is particularly true of the long acting or slow release form of levodopa in addition there are things you can do to worsen gi transit time the worst is reduce your fluid intake usually because of concerns about bladder urinary frequency or incontinence to improve your constipation and your energy drink more water is epstein barr linked to liver problems,yes it can cause lever issues the worst being liver enlargement andor hepatitis most of the time a person will ebv infection like mono will only get mild transient elevations in liver enzymes i am in a low income base household if i can not afford the health care services that are being provided am i going to get into some kind of trouble what do i do about health insurance if it is too much,for most people that do not sign up for insurance they will face a tax penalty that penalty is 95 for an individual or 1 percent of income whichever is higher in the first year and it climbs higher after 2014 however if you cannot afford health insurance that is available there are some exemptions under the law called hardship exemptions for people who have incomes that are too low to afford insurance if you meet this hardship exemption you will not have to pay the tax penalty i just described for example if your income is too low to require you to file a tax return you would qualify for this exemption or if the lowest cost plan available to you is more than 8 percent of your income are warts contagious,unfortunately yes you can get warts from touching a wart on someone else is body or by coming in contact with surfaces that touched someone is warts such as towels or bathmats i have went to numerous doctors about my anxiety and panic disorders and nobody can help me how can i deal with this my anxiety had gotten to the point that i could not function in society i went to dinner with my girlfriend a few nights ago for e txample and the place was very dimly lit all i could hear was people around us talking talking i started to get anxious i get tremmers i try to fight it and my mind starts to focus on one sound and then it gets darker in the room then i can not concentrate for a few seconds and i get a rush through my head that feels like a hot flash type of thing please help,your infant is at risk of getting chickenpox from your shingles outbreak chickenpox can be an extremely serious illness in a two month old it is very important you limit your contact with the baby while the blisters are oozing or weepy please contact your pediatrician right away to advise him or her of this development your pediatrician will have additional instructions about what to do and when it is safe for you to have more contact with your baby you asked a very important question and i am glad you realized there was a potential risk here by the way i am sorry to hear about your shingles that is a painful disorder and i hope the rash clears up quickly wishing you well unfortunately yes shingles is caused by the herpes virus the same virus that causes fever blisterscold sores chicken pox and herpes stomatitis a herpes infection inside the mouth i do not know where you have the shingles but if it is an area that is covered by clothing this will help prevent the spread to your baby you will need to keep your hands very very clean please call your baby is pediatrician for more patient specific advice why does my body feel like a furnace when i am not running a fever my boyfriend says i am hot to the touch,epidermal andor dermal problems what bad nutritional habits cause high blood pressure,hi eating way to much fast and junk foods these have very high salt and sugars and to many sodas also full of high sugars to many pretzels again high in salt lots of party snacks are very high in salt and sugars drinking to much alcohol these are just a start but enough to start you off getting off these things these should help you good luck can i get pregnant from doing anal my boyfriend and i did it for the first time it was not long about a minute or 2 he did not get it in at first and when he did we stopped he did not ejaculate or anything is there a chance i could get pregnant,hi for pregnancy from anal sex does not really happen that often and probably never but as he never ejaculated inside you then the odds get even wider that you could not be pregnant and never would be or could be to get pregnant you need sperm inside you now if you having unprotected sex and your not on any kind of bc your playing with fire time to find the right kind of bc for you being the pill the ring the implant iud or the cap but please keep away from depo shot just to many side effects do hope this helps you good luck i am a female paramedic and i contracted molluscum my husband of 5 years does not show symptoms did he cheat dermatologist diagnosed me with molluscum contagiosum i read up on it and as far as i understand if the first polyps show in genital area it is considered as a std i have not been with anyone but my husband since april 2009 my husband does not show any symptoms as long as i know him he has has some bumbs on his hand which he states he must have had those for at least 15 years those bumbs sometimes are very vidible and other times hardly noticable my husband states he did not cheat,i have no way of making a comment on your husband is fidelity but i can tell you that molluscum lesions can be contracted in other ways by direct skin to skin contact it does not have to be sexual contact i see these quite often in school age children most likely acquired by one of their playmates you could have contracted them from one of your patients need a vasovagal syncope doctor in los angeles asap by 32913 heading to africa and i need a yellow fever vaccine by this friday i have vasovagal syncope and fear getting a shot from an ignorant techdoctor it is happened the last two times and the results were highly unpleasant help,i am sorry but this is a request that webmd answers cannot provide we do not recommend specific doctors or clinics there are really no vasovagal syncope doctors per se any licensed medical provider should be able to help you or go to a clinic that provides medications and immunizations for travelers i have been suffering from prostatitis there is presence of pseudomonas fluorescens need second opinion,this bacteria is a mild form and can be found really very prevalent i do not think it is causing your symptoms i recommend testicle usg to rule out varicocele or testicular inflammation epidiymitis what do i need to expect when starting my sugar free diet i have been wanting to quit sugar for awhile now i consume entirely too much snack cakes sodas cereal etc i was wondering about any dangers or anything that might help me to avoid the cravings that have tripped me up so often in the past thanks,i agree with mrknowles sperm can survive in a warm climate such as your mouth or vagina for up to 7 days & considering the fact that pregnancy symptoms can take weeks or sometimes months to show themselves it is very possible for your girlfriend to be pregnant sir however it is nothing to stress out about babies are wonderful if i had sex but he did not cum used plan b within first 24 hours and it was 4 days after ovolation can i be pregnant it was four days afte my ovolation and he pulled out used plan b within the first 24 hours am i pregnant,yes u can be what precautions should i take to avoid malaria,if people must travel to an area known to have malaria they need to find out which medications to take and take them as prescribed current cdc recommendations suggest individuals begin taking antimalarial drugs about one to two weeks before traveling to a malaria infested area and for four weeks after leaving the area prophylactic or preventative therapy doctors travel clinics or the health department can advise individuals as to what medicines to take to keep from getting malaria currently there is no vaccine available for malaria but researchers are trying to develop one avoid travel to or through countries where malaria occurs if possible if people must go to areas where malaria occurs they should take all of the prescribed preventive medicine in addition the 2010 cdc international travel recommendations suggest the following precautions be taken in malaria and other disease infested areas of the world the following cdc recommendations are not unique for malaria but are posted by the cdc in their malarial prevention publication avoid outbreaks to the extent possible travelers should avoid traveling in areas of known malaria outbreaks the cdc travelers health web page provides alerts and information on regional disease transmission patterns and outbreak alerts be aware of peak exposure times and places exposure to arthropod bites may be reduced if travelers modify their patterns of activity or behavior although mosquitoes may bite at any time of day peak biting activity for vectors of some diseases for example dengue chikungunya is during daylight hours vectors of other diseases for example malaria are most active in twilight periods for example dawn and dusk or in the evening after dark avoiding the outdoors or focusing preventive actions during peak hours may reduce risk wear appropriate clothing travelers can minimize areas of exposed skin by wearing long sleeved shirts long pants boots and hats tucking in shirts and wearing socks and closed shoes instead of sandals may reduce risk repellents or insecticides such as permethrin can be applied to clothing and gear for added protection this measure is discussed in detail below check for ticks travelers should be advised to inspect themselves and their clothing for ticks during outdoor activity and at the end of the day prompt removal of attached ticks can prevent some infections bed nets when accommodations are not adequately screened or air conditioned bed nets are essential to provide protection and to reduce discomfort caused by biting insects if bed nets do not reach the floor they should be tucked under mattresses bed nets are most effective when they are treated with an insecticide or repellent such as permethrin pretreated long lasting bed nets can be purchased prior to traveling or nets can be treated after purchase the permethrin will be effective for several months if the bed net is not washed long lasting pretreated nets may be effective for much longer insecticides aerosol insecticides vaporizing mats and mosquito coils can help to clear rooms or areas of mosquitoes what are the consequences for not having my gall bladder removed when i was told that i have numerous stones no ins i went to the emergency room a couple of months ago in serious pain and after a few tests i was informed that i have numerous gall stones the dr on call told me that i need to have my gall bladder removed since i have no insurance i was discharged from the e r and referred to a surgeon as most of you know no surgeon will see you unless you have insurance or cash what can i do to prevent another attack and is there any danger in not having the gall bladder removed,i could not possibly answer that question based solely on the brief vague information in your posting i do not know what you had twenty years ago in your mouth that came back now there are numerous conditions that cause sores your other symptoms nausea vomiting joint weakness achey and vaginal sores last summer are so non specific that it is going to take a thorough medical investigation just to narrow down the many possibilities you will need to see your medical provider to start the diagnostic process i have a growth on skin it is indented in and the “scab” like thing over it is as hard as a rock,i do not feel you need to panic take rest analgesics and local gel applications will help wait for 3 days if there is no improvement consult a neurosurgeon me and my grilfriend had sex two days after her period i just inserted twice and had pill within 72 hrs me and my girlfriend had sex two days after her period i just inserted twice and had pill within 72 hrs i had not ejaculated earlier and urinated well before insertion she has a 30 day cycle can she get pregnant she got her withdrawal bleeding after 6 days of taking the pill i am very nervous please answer,webmd allergy consultant paul enright md an arizona based pulmonologist tells webmd that it is important to keep kids with childhood allergies away from all smoke do not let anyone smoke around the child since smoke increases the deposition of allergens in the nose and lungs also do not use a fireplace burn candles burn incense or use plug in air fresheners in addition be aware of weather changes as sudden changes in temperature or an increase in humidity may increase the child is allergy symptoms is it ok to have sex while ovulating,stage 2 hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure of 160 mm hg or higher or a diastolic blood pressure of 100 mm hg or higher blood pressure is expressed as the systolic blood pressure “over” the diastolic blood pressure for example normal blood pressure is “120 over 80” assigning “stages” to blood pressure was the idea of a national committee dedicated to raising awareness and treatment of hypertension in their system stage 1 is blood pressure that is high 140 to 159 systolic or 90 to 99 diastolic but not as high as in stage 2 the higher stage expresses the more serious health risks from untreated severe high blood pressure however some experts argue that the term “stage” is misleading because it suggests that blood pressure steadily gets worse in stages which is not always the case i was recently diagnosed with an inner ear infection with a perforated ear drum and an aspergillus infection i was prescibed amoxicillinpotasium clav 875 125mg twice a day z pack was not working and clotrimazole topical 1 twice a day in the ear for the aspergillus the pa stated the drops would not work as well with the puss in the ear and told me to go ahead and gently remove the pus with a q tip i removed a sold chunk of aspergillus that was covering the eardrum the clotrimazole got through the perforated ear drum and my inner ear has an intense burning sensation in it recommendations,it is not really the swollen node that is the issue but rather the underlying cause of the node reaction the groin lymph nodes drain a huge area of the body from your toes to your groin people are often surprised when the culprit is an infected toe or irritated scratch on the leg inflammation in the groin itself like infections i do not know if you are male or female different parts ingrown or hair follicle infections shaving etc all can cause groin reaction having a careful exam looking for possible sources of this node reaction is important but this is not likely to be a rush to the doctor right away type of urgency it should be checked however can bactrim be used for dental infections,it could be a really bad virus or ibs it may also be chrons disease i have had it for the past 12 years and that is how mine started good luck to you i woke up this morning with what seems to be a sprained ankle i did not hurt it the previous day what could be the cause,could be a liver issue too much sun and sometimes synthetic hormones will cause brown spots in which case they will disappear after a while taking tricyline will also cause brown spots periods 3 12 weeks late took 2 hpt both negative whats wrong my period was due on the the 11 it 2114 and i still have not had it took a hpt on the 15 and again today both were negative i have all the pregnancy symptoms and have been craving weird things like ranch mixed with mayo and ketchup i have also been really hungry and craving spaghettios with chicken nuggets like crazy what should i do,if you have doubts then you can get investigations done like cxr sputum culture sputum acid fast bacilli smear nucleic acid amplification tests done to confirm the diagnosis hope this helps regards what can i expect during week 13 of my pregnancy,baby your fully formed fetus now in about its 11th week of development measures 2 6 to 3 1 inches from crown to rump and weighs between half an ounce and seven tenths of an ounce about the size of a peach the head is still disproportionately bigger than the body but the rest of the body is starting to catch up in fact your baby is growing rapidly these days the face is starting to look more human with eyes moving closer together toes and fingers are clearly separate and ankles and wrists have formed external genitalia are becoming visible intestines are shifting into their proper place too mom to be your uterus has grown a lot it is filling your pelvis now and starting to grow upward into your abdomen it probably feels like a soft smooth ball if you have not put on any weight yet because of morning sickness you will begin to now as you start to feel better tip for the week it is easy for your partner to feel left out of the pregnancy since he is not feeling the same physical changes that you are both of you should share your excitement about having a child your dreams worries and your partner is level of involvement suggest that your partner goes to a check up with you to hear the baby is heartbeat i have a small herniated disk c5c6 does not touch the main nerve but the pain is incredible i can not work i can not practice sport anymore i can not even walk,heat or cold therapy works by stimulating your body is own healing force for instance heat dilates the blood vessels stimulates blood circulation and reduces muscle spasms in addition heat alters the sensation of pain you can use either dry heat such as heating pads or heat lamps or moist heat such as warm baths or heated wash cloths conversely cold compresses reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels while cold packs may be uncomfortable at first they can numb deep pain i was dumb and went in about an inch wth no condom for about 30 sec didnt see pre cum and didnt cum for a long time after its been 7 days is there a chance my gf is pregnant,hi bet that felt good it always will do but now you feeling the down side of worry yes that is why your here ok look all you can do is sit back try and relax and wait to see if you miss your next period what a pity your should have come here last week and you would have been told plan b will help you but not now so please just wait good luck sore throat that will not go away told its not strep i went to the doctor because of a bad sore throat they gave me a swob test and said it was not strep so i am confused as to what it could be the back of my throat is red the left side is white and theright side has little bumps on them the doctor said it was viral and would go away soon but it has been two weeks what could it be the pain goes from a 9 to a 7 and always goes back and forth i am unsure what it could be,it is difficult to predict the rate of progression of emphysema symptoms much is unknown about why emphysema occurs and in whom in some people emphysema symptoms progress faster than in others it is believed that genetic factors make some people more vulnerable to developing emphysema genetics may also cause some people is emphysema symptoms to progress more rapidly the majority of people with emphysema though can expect relatively slow progression of emphysema symptoms provided they quit smoking what is a pallidectomy for parkinson is disease,this is a surgical procedure where the globus pallidus a structure deep in the brain that is affected by parkinson is disease is removed to improve tremors rigidity and bradykinesia this type of surgery is rarely recommended and has been replaced by deep brain stimulation dbs can a 23 year old female take centrum silver women,yes vitaminmineral supplements taken as directed will not be harmful to you centrum silver for women is fine for an adult of your age can trichomoniasis be spread by any means other than sexual intercourse,the unlikely sharing of sex toys or soiled underwear would do it but in most cases trichomoniasis a sexually transmitted parasite is primarily spread by sexual activity can a foreigner living in singapore purchase any insurance plans from this platform,to start out try a food diary write down everything you eat in a day note down when you have your symptoms in time this can help you see patterns you could have a problem with a food allergy or you could be getting some kind of cross contamination when you cook if the food diary does not show patterns a doctor will be able to rule out other possibilities it might help to note down times you are stressed out sometimes that can cause problems too i had sex about 12 hours ago and i am noticing a small patch of skin with redness in blotches but no pain nor pus no puss no burning or tingling feels flat like my skin no lumps or bulge right above penis,hi ok if your shaved and this is on your pubic bone could be just sore from grinding your pubic bone against you girl friends pubic bone give it a day or so should go away you could also try rubbing some aloe vera gel into it good luck red shiny penile skin after cortisone use i used cortisone cream for a few weeks for dermatitis on my penis and the rash cleared up but my skin looks tight and shiny now my dr said to use vitamin e i am wondering if a penis health cream man1 man oil would do the trick,a dental crown may be needed in the following situations to protect a weak tooth for instance from decay from breaking or to hold together parts of a cracked tooth to restore an already broken tooth or a tooth that has been severely worn down to cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there is not a lot of tooth left to hold a dental bridge in place to cover misshapened or severely discolored teeth to cover a dental implant when a tooth is too damaged and weak a crown is required which fits over the whole of the tooth to consolidate it a crown can also cover teeth which are too small or irregular in shape to improve aesthetics my boyfriend has cancer and i do not but we had intercourse and now i am pregnant will our baby pick up cancer,hi your be happy to know that cancer is not a transferable disease so things should be ok hope he getting better good luck what factors do i need to consider when starting to compare insurance plans,this is a really important question when it comes to finding the right insurance for you and your family it is a big decision first and foremost check to see if treatment and medication you need are included in the plan second if it is important for you to keep your doctor and other providers make sure they participate in any plan you choose third check to see how much the plan will cost you including the annual cost premium and any additional out of pocket costs such as deductibles and co payments what is bacterial vaginitis how is it treated how long does it take to clear up,although osteoporosis is often thought of as a disease that only affects women about 20 of cases are in men but osteoporosis in men is often unrecognized and untreated and since osteoporosis is a silent disease the first symptom is often a broken bone men who are at higher risk for osteoporosis should focus on prevention risk factors for osteoporosis in men include taking certain medicines like steroids anticonvulsants and some cancer treatments some chronic diseases smoking lack of exercise low testosterone and a family history of weak bones if you think you might be at risk talk to your doctor will my ears ever stop ringing i am a 19 year old guy who went to a rock concert last week and my ears have been ringing since i was exposed to the music for about 3 hours and now the ringing will not stop i notice that my ears pop from time to time but i am really worried that i will have to face this for the rest of my life i went to see my doctor and he assured me that the ringing would stop i just had to wait but how long must i wait and will the ringing actually stop i need help dealing with this,i have no way of determining how long your tinnitus ringing might last acoustic damage to the ear from concerts can be severe but unfortunately i have no way of determining the decibel level you experienced or know if you permanently damaged your ears my guess would be that you will be fine in a week or so like your doctor mentioned but again that is just a guess you have learned a very valuable lesson about acoustic injury we live in a world of protective devices children wear helmets when they ride a bike football players not only wear high tech helmets but an array of modern day armor people wear safety glasses to protect their eyes when woodworking or playing racket ball who is protecting our ears and precious hearing it has been estimated that more than 30 million americans are exposed to dangerous sound levels on a regular basis and an estimated 10 million already have hearing loss from the noise how loud is loud many experts feel that prolonged levels above 85db can cause permanent damage to hearing knowing this why are movie theaters blasting our ears with levels that often reach 100db concerts have levels that start at 100db and rise to levels above 130 db even echoing sports arenas have 80 100db levels depending on the enthusiasm of the crowd you do have to wait it out for now but if your ringing does not abate in a few weeks you will need to see an ear specialist i have a lump on my chest lots of pain and i am tired all the time i have a family history of cancer should i worry i am 35 years old female with a strong family history of cancer about 6 months ago i found a small lump on my chest but did not think anything of it about a month ago it started getting a little bigger and my breast started to swell than i started having a lot of pain in that area so much so sometimes it hurts to use my arm i have been tired all the time and have no energy i have also been running a small fever off and on should i be worried,the nutritional content of formulas is measured after pasteurization and processing and is very tightly monitored in the us there is no difference between the ready to feed and powdered varieties in terms of calories or nutrients with the single exception of fluoride which is not added to ready to feed but is probably in the water you are using to mix the powder ready to feed formulas do have a sort of thicker consistency but there is no difference in the food quality or calorie content raw milk is a fad that should be abandoned there are no health benefits and some risks are involved dr said that quantity of semen improve over 6 months but not quality is there any hope of pregnancy when to the doctor 6 months ago after trying to get pregnant it was discovered that poor quality and quantity was the issue i eat healthy exercise most morning and drink average amount of water 6 months later after trying wellman contraceptive the quantity of semen improved but not the quality therefore still disappointed with the news and outcome is there any hope,i would definitely encourage you to contact your doctor finding blood in the stool can have many causes including infectious milk allergyintolerance and intestinal bleeding i think i have a sinus infection but the bridge of my nose is extremely sore to the touch is this normal,pregnancy tumors are extreme inflammatory reactions to a local irritation such as food particles or plaque that occurs in up to 10 of pregnant women and often in women who also have pregnancy gingivitis pregnancy tumors appear on inflamed gum tissue as large lumps with deep red pinpoint markings on them usually near the upper gum line the red lump glistens may bleed and crust over and can make eating and speaking difficult and cause discomfort have severe lower backpain left and right side no solution from doctors,u may have been suffering osteoporosis and spastic colon or uti also u need to start more classical do urine analysis thyroid profile are u having any git symptoms flatulance diarrhea constipation is there any kind of supplement that can help with boost your metabolism i need something to give me energy to exercise,energy is created by the metabolism of proper foods there are no magic supplements that will give you instant energy since there can be underlying medical reasons for you apparent lack of energy it would be wise to consult your medical provider to see if a medical deficiency exists i have on going dull knee pains for over two years,hi i feel that hemochromatosis has nothing to do with these symptoms this seems to be some sort of polyarthritis get blood checked for ra test uric acid and c reactive proteins anti inflammatory tablets will help get mri knee to rule out chondromalaciae patellae thanks do i need to get medical treatment for a broken big toe dropped a large glass bottle on my big toe five days ago almost certain it is broken but how necessary is it too go to a doctor i am currently traveling around europe in croatia now so finding a doctor may be hard the toe is swollen bruised and the joint does not move much the real concern to me is that there is a spot just below the knuckle that feels like there is bone closer to the surface than it ought to be bruising also appears to be spreading doctor or no doctor,medical care in croatia is certainly available and highly affordable so i opt for the medical visit to be sure while there may be little to do for a broken toe other than buddy taping it to the adjacent uninjured toe there are incidents where fractures through the joint or growth plate sorry i do not know your age or very displaced fractures can cause considerable pain and perhaps problems later on if it is not properly treated if a simple x ray shows that it is not broken or the fracture is very minor you can relax and enjoy your travels perhaps a little slower but at least with more confidence i have a bump underneath the tip of my tongue what is it i have a sort of bubble like thing underneath the tip of my tongue it is red and sticks out a good half inch it is very tender and hurts when it is squeezed if you look closely at it you can see a blood vessel what is this,hi yes anxiety can cause all your symptoms you should also check your magnesium levels what tests have you done good luck i was told i am severely allergic to beef eggs milk almonds wheat and rabbit brush as well as 975 other things,a diet of the possible options that satisfies your body needs…do a list antihistaminic drugs and if you can leave nevada to another city left shoulder blade has had a stabbing pain arm is numbing and left hand no feeling,let him do ecg echo and abdominal us… advice him to stop alcohol and smoking what are the best antioxidants to use what products are the best for an antiaging regimen,vitamins c and e acai berry grape seed extract marine extracts among others products containing these antioxidants and ingredients like retinol retinyl propionate peptides niacinamide hexamidine and caffeine spider bite on the ankle has become infected deep red hot to the touch what wound care is recommended infection after a bite from either a spider or mosquito i must have broken open the skin when it began itching almost 4 days ago i woke up last night to a very swollen right ankle now entire foot wound has closed up but site is deep red in color hot to the touch and getting more painful w any pressure applied cold compresses are not working how do you know if it is puss building up how can i safely remove the puss no insurance so need at home skin infection remedies,simply go through natural treatment natural treatment or organic treatment is one of the best solution to cure spider bit baking powder and some components include vitamin c and salicylic acid are consider the best home remedies for treatment i am pregnant and not sure who is the father lmp october 1 2014 i had sex with guy 1 october 13 and guy 2 october 14,this is a perfect example of a good question to ask your pharmacist about it is actually advised that you can open the capsules and mix with a sweetened liquid like chocolate syrup not sprinkled on food directly it is always a good idea to ask about medications and how they can be taken when you pick up your medications at the pharmacy you may have to wait a few minutes to talk to a pharmacist but it is worth the wait i was diagnosed with chlamydia and my dog sometimes sleeps in my bed is my dog at risk for ctracting the infection,chlamydia is sexually transmitted so hopefully your dog is more careful with hisher partners that you have you dog is safe and you need to practice safe sex am i pregnant i had sex with my bf on 19th january 2013 on second day of my period i had next period on 14th february 2013 i took two tests on 13th and 20th february 2013 both came negative my february period lasted 4 days 2 days heavy flow 3rd day light flow and 4th day very light flow i had a slight dizziness yesterday just after dinner and rapid heartbeat can feel on my arms feet above bellybutton i also worked real hard physical labor on 13th feb 2013 am i pregnant,osteoporosis and osteoarthritis caused by different factors u need to do x ray and mri to confirm take osteonate once weekly osteocare once daily after meals get well soon will cephalexin clear up pink eye i was diagnosed with pink eye today and was given cephalexin in the past i have been given eye drops for pink eye just wanted to know if oral antibiotic will clear this up,oral antibiotics including cephalexin will not clear up pink eye conjunctivitis if the cause is suspected to be bacterial a prescription antibiotic eye ointment or drops are used some causes of conjunctivitis would include allergy or viruses and do not require any antibiotics i have irregular periods and i am trying to get pregnant,i need more details about your history your age and have you ever been pregnant before did you get any usg done to evaluate your ovaries for pcos and ovulation hormonal tests please let me know so i can guide you i do not have health insurance and neither does my mom i have a full time job and my mom does not work i am a citizen and my mom is a resident how do i get health insurance for both of us what is the best option,the law requires insurers to cover the cost of services that many people with chronic illnesses need including outpatient and inpatient care prescription drugs and laboratory services what is gripe water,some doctors feel it safe to avoid re dislocation and there is nothing wrong in it the decision varies from doctor to doctor depends on patient is demands i have varicoceles a low sperm count reluctant to get in a relationship with this problem,hi why your spotting brown you should not have to many worry is its when you spot red with cramping that would be the time to worry and seek medical help do hope this clams you good luck while taking different medicines can a dna test come out wrong medicines like epitol phenobarbital or baclofen effect a dna test,arthritis of the knee is an inflammatory disorder of the knee joint that is often painful arthritis has many causes osteoarthritis oa is caused by degeneration of cartilage in the knee in its extreme form the menisci cartilage will be completely eroded and the femur will rub on the tibia bone on bone osteoarthritis causes a chronically painful knee that is often more painful with activity treatment is aimed at pain control with over the counter pain relievers anti inflammatory medications either over the counter or by your doctor is prescription are also quite helpful more severe oa can be treated with narcotic pain medicines or a knee joint replacement in which a synthetic joint replaces your knee joint can taking protein supplements to increase muscle mass increase blood pressure i am a health coach at an organization that deals with worksite wellness some participants who work out and take protein supplements creatine for example sometimes have a higher blood pressure can taking these supplements increase blood pressure or is there not any correlation at all,i have the same symptoms i feel its closer to the bronchitis side of things because of the clear mucus i cough when i am not riding i am able to comfortably take my heart rate over 160 but i still have a cough which lasts for weeks after an upper respiratory tract infection generally also involving the sinuses i also get the odd drainage from my sinuses afterduring a hot shower for example which seems to clear them my explanation is as follows when i am riding outdoors in the summer i breath a lot of pollens i am not in the city a little exhaust and this will tend to exacerbate an existing irritation corticosteroids have limited effect to reduce the irritation but can reduce an acute irritation to the point where it is no longer chronic and my body is defenses can make a difference thus its a combination of factors which typically plays out in the following order 1 bad coldurt infection 5 days 2 chronic cough 1 week to 8 weeks but lungs good enough to exercise 3 clear 2 8 months managing the level 2 is what this is all about on occasions where i have been at the coast swimming in the sea often clears things up much faster which supports the sinusallergenirritant theory a doctor diagnosed my mother with an enflammed appendix yet sent her home wout surgery why she went to see her primary care doctor for all thge systems of appendicitis except fever her doc sent her straight to the hospital after a ct scan revealed an enlarged appendix the hospital keep her overnight and did not do surgery to remove the appendix the doctor at the hospital said it was enlargedinflamed yet sent her home why would they not do surgery if its enlarged and inflamed,hi mystery here is a link from webmd have a read through it but i had this but never had a fever did spend a night going round and round the bed with pain good job the wife was away but next day had it out mystery good luck i have been off my birthcontrol for about a month now and havent had my period could i be pregnant my last period was on december 9th and that also is the last time i was on birth control i did have unprotected sex right after my peroid i havent had my peroid and i have been feeling more tried my breast at times hurt and tingle and at times i am a lil nauses could i be pregnant,replication is how a virus reproduces it simply makes copies of itself a copy is exactly the same as the original unless a mutation a mistake basically takes place when the dna is being copied in that case it becomes a new kind or strain of virus can valtrex be used to treat lichen schlrosis,valtrex is only effective for the treatment of herpes not lichen sclerosis i may have henoch schonlein purpura need confirmation and advice,hi glomerulonephritis can occur with henoch schonlein purpura so i recommend kidney function test after you take care of your kidney you can then take an immune suppressant drug good luck how can i get rid of dark spots on my face,well even if after size reduction of fibrous there is excessive bleeding then the best way to resolve the problem completely is to get hysterectomy done also she needs continuous monitoring of her haemoglobin levels as sudden fall can be fatal for excessive water drinking it can be due to either severe dehydration or increasing blood sugar levels which needs to be investigated by a physician hope this helps regards i burnt my finger it is a second degree burn the only thing that helps is constant ice what else i can put on it,i would advise you strongly to see a dermatologist quickly as it seems moles turning malignant and needs immediate treatment could i have a concussion if i have nausea a lot and constant headaches and nightmares every time i try to sleep,rigidity is muscular stiffness that is common in people with parkinson is disease it is characterized by a resistance to movement in the limbs i have been exposed to scabies at work but i have no visible rash only itching do i have scabies i am a nurse i had a patient with scabies she was discharged last week she still scratched violently a few days ago treatment was 5 permethin cream once no other patient was treated though another patient has shown visible signs and has not been treated yet for a week i have been itching all over but no rash i always take protective measures could it be scabies a week ago i was bitten by ants and besides the usual welt which is normal i always develop allover itchiness after i am bitten,ask several local pharmacists for recommendations for the best internist one that they would see i bet you will get the same name over and over again can too much vitamin b and folic acid be detrimental to weight loss i am 52 and trying to lose weight i take a multivitamin but to try and help my metabolism i am taking folic acid daily plus i alternately take vitamin b6 and b12 i exercise and eat right but am not losing a few years ago i was only taking a multivitamin along with green tea tablets and lost a lot of weight my husband suggested that now i may be taking too much of the other supplements could he be right could i be getting all i need of these in my multivitamin,in my clinical practice i have seen many conditions complicated like this and not getting better with medications the only successful treatment is a full course of 2months physiotherapy and focus on proprioceptive training … ultra sound and strengthening exercises are great keep your ankle taped with kinediotsping from session to session with a professional practioner regards the last time i had sex its hurt more then is use to and after i found three white bumps what could this mean the last time i had sex it was more painful then the other times my vigina start to swell up at little when i touch my vigina i found some white bumps near the opening of my vigina hole also whatever i use the bathroom or take an bath when i pea and put water near the bumps they burn also before this there was an bump near my anus open now its gone away i have not have sex since i found the bumps and i havent yet seen a doctor,it sounds like you have genital herpes or warts have you had any flu like symptoms too often times people with gential herpes will get flu like symptoms upon their first outbreak when someone with genital herpes has an outbreak sores will appear in their genital area including around the anus these sores will often cause extreme pain or discomfort especially when urinating next time the sores appear have a doctor test them for the std or you can get a blood test which might offer a more difinitive answer gallbladder and appendicitis symptoms all tests normal now what pain upperlower right quad w fever ct hida ult sound endoscopycolonoscopy labs normal now what i have been having upper and lower right quadrant painburning and stabbing that radiates to my back and up between the shoulderblades with low grade fevers for about a month accompanied by nausea fatigue and changes in bowel habits all tests so far are normal ct ultrasound hida scan endoscopy colonoscopy blood labs i am tired of feeling sick all the time,hi such transient episodes can happen due to temporary optic artery blockage or angiospasms a ct angiography can help rule this out also a mri brain with contrast will help rule out other causes thanks i have had acid burning stomach pain for the past ten years i had a magic eye back then and revealed nothing apart from inflammation been on many types of medication but dosent work everything i eat feels uncomfortable and i get a pain down my left arm it woories me and i cant live with this any more im 35 years old please can you help,i would not add any more medications on your regimen without consulting your health care professional and getting the condition looked at it is important to make sure we understand why you are experiencing the symptoms and treat it appropriately rather than just covering up with medication that is not working if your primary care office cannot fix the issue consult a gi specialist what does it mean when my blood sugar goes high and low my blood sugar goes high and low on its own one time it was almost 300 another time it was 43 my doctor says it was hypoglycemic is this accurate,the fine is either 95 per person285 for a family not 984 or 1 of your annual household income whichever is greater even if you have not qualified for medicaid before you might now the law expands the guidelines making it possible for a couple earning up to roughly 21 000 annually to get medicaid coverage of course many states are not expanding the program if you live in one that is not you will still want to shop on the marketplace for insurance because you will likely qualify for a substantial subsidy to lower the cost of coverage if medicaid is not an option and you can not find a plan that costs you less than 8 of your income you will not be penalized for not having insurance is there a special diet for acid reflex,while there is not one diet for reflux there are some general diet recommendations first you want to avoid caffeine found in beverages like coffee and tea and foods like chocolate alcohol often makes reflux worse so keep intake minimal you will also want to note which foods make your symptoms worse common triggers include fatty foods spicy foods citrus fruits and products made with tomatoes some people can eat small amounts of certain items without an issue keep a food journal to be sure for other lifestyle changes you can make see this webmd article is a long amount of time in the heat worse for you if you have high blood pressure is extended amounts of time in the heat such as in a sauna where it is hot enough for a smart phone to over heat and power off with out being in use bad for you if you have high blood pressure can the long amount of time in the heat cause your blood pressure to go up even more,hives do not spread when you scratch them although there are types of hives that can be caused by skin pressure most of the time hives are caused by something you have eating breathed or touched i know hundreds of possibilities and will respond to oral antihistamines physical therapy exercises for a rotator cuff injury i have diagnosed myself with a rotator cuff injury i have been resting it for about 3 4 months now hoping it would start feeling better but it has not it does not bother me in most day to day activities mostly when showering when i reach for my other arm to wash it and i can not sleep very well on my right side i am wondering if someone could recommend some exercises i could do to strengthen my shoulder thanks,i have had the same injury with right shoulder since end of august 2015 i have found that icing it to get swelling down helps alot i also tape my shoulder up with sport tape to help hold the shoulder up to give it some relief and take some of the stress off the nerves in the shoulder you can find it in walmart but i find that shopper is drug market is kt tape works the best i will when i get a chance send you the link on how to tape your shoulder and some stretches and exercises that my physio suggested if you want how can i be pregnant easily i have polycystic doctors always gave me povera to make my menstration flow but it still doesnt work may i know the other why on how will i get pregnant easily thanks,several genes have now been definitively linked to parkinson is disease the first to be identified was alpha synuclein in the 1990s researchers at the national institutes of health nih and other institutions studied the genetic profiles of a large italian family and three greek families with familial parkinson is disease and found that their disease was related to a mutation in this gene they found a second alpha synuclein mutation in a german family with parkinson is disease these findings prompted studies of the role of alpha synuclein in parkinson is disease which led to the discovery that lewy bodies from people with the sporadic form of parkinson is disease contained clumps of alpha synuclein protein this discovery revealed a potential link between hereditary and sporadic forms of the disease researchers studying inherited parkinson is disease discovered that the disease in one large family was caused by a triplication of the normal alpha synuclein gene on one copy of chromosome 4 this triplication caused people in the affected family to produce too much of the normal alpha synuclein the study showed that an excess of the normal form of the protein could result in parkinson is disease just as the abnormal form does other genes linked to parkinson is disease include parkin dj 1 pink1 and lrrk2 parkin dj 1 and pink 1 cause rare early onset forms of parkinson is disease the parkin gene is translated into a protein that normally helps cells break down and recycle proteins dj 1 normally helps regulate gene activity and protect cells from oxidative stress pink1 codes for a protein active in mitochondria mutations in this gene appear to increase susceptibility to cellular stress lrrk2 which is translated into a protein called dardarin was originally identified in several english and basque families and causes a late onset form of parkinson is disease subsequent studies have identified this gene in other families with parkinson is disease as well as in a small percentage of people with apparently sporadic parkinson is disease researchers are continuing to investigate the normal functions and interactions of these genes in order to find clues about how parkinson is disease develops they also have identified a number of other genes and chromosome regions that may play a role in parkinson is disease but the nature of these links is not yet clear three days ago i woke up at 1am with severe adominal pain i have felt nauseous since then but no vomiting what is it i am not pregnant still a virgin it was my entire abdomen i was a little better yesterday but my stomach felt bubbly so i took some pepto and it went away for awhile but by the end of the day it was back and was extremely tired and fatigued this morning i was nauseous again the thought of eating was unpleasant but i ate a breakfast hot pocket thinking i might be sick feeling cause i had not eaten yet but my stomach is still upset and i was getting light headed while sitting in class,hi best advice would be do see your doctor your details are to general could be anything so doctor asap good luck does the bleeding contains any clots for early pregrancy symptom and how long will the bleeding be,hi weight gain is a side effect of this drug paxil you should consider coming off it and see how your weight goes for a month but you would also need to see your doctor and tell him why you have or your coming off the drug this is only a considered opinion good luck ps google natural ways out of depression you may find a better drug free way should i take the p7c3 pill for brain growth stimulation i have been reading that this pill protects and sustains growth of neruons in the brain but i see no side affects listing is it safe for the general public,most helpful answer in a word no the compound p7c3 is still being tested in mice it is nowhere near being proven safe or effective for use in human beings i am not even sure you can buy this compound anywhere not even on the internet that is probably because it does not actually exist as a medication yet but if you do find something in a store or online labeled as p7c3 my advice is beware it should not contain actual p7c3 which as i said is experimental so you will have no idea what those capsules contain if p7c3 pans out as something effective for human brains you can expect to see a pill on the market in 10 years or so meanwhile you can consult the webmd brain and nervous system center for tips on how to maintain a healthy brain hope this helps can dissovable thread and mesh be used for surgery of a small hernia and is it possible i do not need surgery my doc said he found 2 small hernias in the groin and i read online that small hernias do not need surgery because sometimes they never grow or cause pain,i feel i need to clarify that thyroid function measured by tsh levels is not related to menopause i think what confuses some people is that the symptoms of low thyroid levels hypothyroidism can mirror the symptoms of menopause when a person experiences hypothyroidism the symptoms can include fatigue depression mood swings and sleep disturbances these symptoms also can arise as estrogen levels fall during menopause thus an elevated tsh which stands for thyroid stimulating hormone by the way result like yours only indicates how well your thyroid is functioning it does not indicate whether or not you are now in menopause i hope you are following up with a medical professional about your tsh results a tsh of 115 indicates your thyroid is not producing enough thyroid hormones to meet your body is needs people with elevated tsh readings often must take prescription thyroid hormone pills if your healthcare provider has not suggested this you should ask why not wishing you well what are adult brain tumors,hi contratubrex is the ointment of choice also applying pressure can reduce scar formation good luck is oatmeal really as good for you as they say what about cheerios,skin peeling can be caused by food drink mouthwash reflux medicinal side effects trauma burning aspirin and a host of other possibilities see your local dentist for an evaluation is there any home remady for swallowing a small piesce of plastic,fatigue can be the only symptom related to tricuspid regurgitation but left shoulder pain and chest pain are not also migraine can cause nausea and and dizziness but those symptoms altogether may refer to another internal pathology which i think could be pancreas or anxiety disorder get amylase tested vagus nerve hyperactivity is a possible cause is there any abdominal pains when i dont eat for more than 3 hours i shake get hot flashes and pass out my sugar levels are normal when checked uptaking sugar when this happens was my doctors advice but it does not always help if i do not eat within ten minutes of this shaking and hot flashing then i pass out for over an hour my blood pressure is lower and so is my pulse my daily resting rate is 10471 and hr of 58 65 neither of which my physician was concerned with my temperature runs in the normal from 96 97 f shaking intensifies if i use my muscles when resting i fell no shaking only if i move why,most helpful answer so sorry you are going through this it sounds scary even if your blood sugar levels tested normal during a routine lab test that does not mean you are not having episodes of hypoglycemia when you say my sugar levels are normal when checked i am assuming you are talking about a lab test have you ever used a hand held glucometer to have someone check your sugar level when you experience one of these shakingsweatingpassing out episodes the reason your doctor specifically said to eat something sugary when this happens is to rapidly raise your low blood sugar levels it is not enough to eat just anything when these episodes occur carry a candy bar or something very sugary with you to eat when you start to feel these symptoms coming on passing out for over an hour can indicate dangerously low blood sugar levels you should not allow that to continue if you experience an episode like this again and your friends cannot rouse you wake you up they need to call 911 immediately i would strongly recommend going back to the doctor to have your symptoms reevaluated if eating sugar is not helping when you have one of these episodes by the way your blood pressure and pulse numbers look very good which is why your doctor was not concerned i hope this helps i have noticed a massive change weight loss in myself without having any change of diet or exercise now worrying,my opinion is in your age possibility is nutrional defeciency vitamin k c and minerals like zinc iron and biflavonoids are causes of your problem i just spilled my cephalexin on the floor is it still ok to take it,the easy answer none not only have cold medicines been found to be ineffective they have the potential to make things worse over dosages of potent decongestants antihistamines and cough medications were common so the new recommendation is to withhold giving any medications to a child under the age of 6 years of course cold symptoms can be treated with non medicines a stuffy congested nose can be miserable parents can liquefy this mucous medical term for snot by saline nasal sprays or drops maintaining adequate hydration and by using a cool mist humidifier less viscous snot is easier for the baby to naturally swallow than velcro like sticky snot gross huh i have long term diarrhea and it does not stop for months,if you are having diarrhea for months as you mentioned you would be admitted to hospital could you please describe me the diarrhea the consistency frequency per day watery or not with mucous or not amount approximately try to quit beerdo stool analysis i think its the key is sperm cryopreservation before cancer treatment covered by medicare,i just turned 60 and am now 7 years post emergency bypass surgery if you are perfectly comfortable playing squash with your heart rate that high not out of breath not breathing hard or panting no chest pain then you simply have fantastic fitness its a whole body activity utilizing legs and tush as you move about the floor and back and ab muscles as you lean in all directions to move for the ball and start and stop just be sure you eat a very healthy diet plenty of anti oxidant rich foods every day and keep a lid on saturated fats in the diet with a bad diet your heart can develop an alternative capillary network that feeds it as major arteries become blocked from bad diet with good exercise this does not happen to every one but i have this and i know of a fellow about 60 miles away who does also he also recently had bypass surgery looking for surgery to be able to walk in high heels again,high heels are not recommended at all how ever if you are walking now after this kinda surgery and injury so i think u have a chance but its gonna be risky u need a physiotherapist there is a small purplered spot on the bottom of my toe and feels like a needle is poking it what could it be,a foreign body would be high on the list like a tiny glass or metal sliver or a wood splinterthorn another possibility would be a plantar wart since i can not examine your toe you would need to see your medical provider or a podiatrist for a direct examination is exercise a treatment for clinical depression,research has shown that exercise is an effective but often underused treatment for mild to moderate depression what are symptoms of chronic hepatitis c,start with a gastroenterologist in many cases this can be fixed with a combination of medications and even surgery i have had bouts with chronic hiccups my entire life until i found a permanent over the counter medicine that cured them for me and keep me from ever getting them anymore and i am in my mid 40 is i would get the hiccups for 1 to 4 days which would lead to other problems with the spasms flaring up my ulcer i am not a doctor but i know it works for me and improved my quality of life 100 the named brand medicine is not labeled for a hiccup cure and the only main ingredient is what does the job for me every day i take just one time released tablet of just plain mucinex blue and white box made by reckitt benckiser although it is designed to work as an expectorant to relieve chest congestion and it thins and loosens mucus it does a whole lot more for me the main ingredient guaifenesin 600 mg is what stopped my hiccups when i last had them mid 2012 and i have been taking one or two 12 hour tablets daily ever since if you get another brand it will probably not be time released so be careful as it may work for 4 hours at the most i hope this helps and please let me know if it does because it sure changed my life my dad is having the same problem did your dad is condition improved if so can you please share what he did why if a woman has her tubes tied does she still get a period normal to be worse & linger longer afterwards my periods seem to spot 3 4 days after the normal 7 days i have had 2 c sections & after 2nd had tubes tied,you bleed from the lining that is shed from your uterus having a tubal ligation only prevents pregnancy it does not prevent ovulation or the cyclic changes that create your monthly period you will continue to have periods just like before or there could be some spotting changes in your cycle until you go through menopause discuss this with your gynecologist someone who knows your medical history can you drink alcohol after gastric bypass surgery,this is something you should definitely talk to your doctor about some doctors do recommend that their patients not drink alcohol after gastric bypass surgery that is because it appears your body may metabolize alcohol differently and that alcohol may actually get into your system more quickly in addition a recent study showed a link between gastric bypass surgery and alcohol problems after surgery that does not mean the surgery will make you an alcoholic we do not fully understand the link at this point but it is something to be aware of here is more information about that study i have unexplained acute onset of tingling in both my legs nerve test shows no problem,hi here is a link from the uk is nhs covers stress incontinence perhaps a bit better than your doctor has told you just copy link into google to the www to open and read so you may be able to stop your urine but is it staying that way during the rest of the day so just get going on kegels and see if it helps but you must also do the reversed ones as well when you do these do make sure your bladder is empty you do say you can stop your flow well that is a kegel so do that and hold for 5 seconds start off doing 10 at a time and slowly build them up till you doing 30 to forty and do 3 sets of 40 do not forget you can do these anywhere you like even standing in a cue now the reverse one you are going to put pressure down the other way as though your trying to empty your bladder a bit quicker and hold for 5 seconds but just google reverse kegels your see ok good luck and do hope this helps you 53 & keeping a 1200 1500 calorie diet with 1 hour of aerobics 4 times a week i have not lost an ounce in 3 weeks why,i do not know how much you weigh that makes a difference in calculating weight loss but i suggest that you just keep at it and only weigh yourself once a week so any ups and downs will not discourage you there can be many factors water retention a quart of retained water weighs over two pounds replacing fat with muscle or that you are weighing a different times of the day sometimes with a full bladder or not having your daily constitution just yet keep at it if you continue to exercise and take in less calories than you body needs to maintain weight 15 calories per kilo of ideal body weight if you want to calculate it you will lose weight maybe not a fast as you would like but you will lose the body loves to gain weight but is not very cooperative letting it go what type of pillow should i choose,as per your complain as there are a number of problems associated and one symptom can exaggerate the other therefore my suggestion is that you should consult an ent surgeon and get evaluated and you can opt for endoscopic ainus surgery along with septoplasty for the deviated septum and meditation like a course of antibiotics anti inflammatory painkillers decongestants steroid inhalation can help wish you a better health regards should i avoid highly allergenic foods like peanuts or shellfish when i am pregnant or nursing,i do not know people clear cannabis from their system in varied rates and depending on the type of drug test you are having thc can remain in your system for a few weeks even longer if the drug test uses hair and not urine for analysis what is lupus what are the types of lupus,lupus is an autoimmune disease characterized by acute and chronic inflammation of various tissues of the body autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body is tissues are attacked by its own immune system the immune system is a complex system within the body that is designed to fight infectious agents such as bacteria and other foreign microbes one of the ways that the immune system fights infections is by producing antibodies that bind to the microbes people with lupus produce abnormal antibodies in their blood that target tissues within their own body rather than foreign infectious agents because the antibodies and accompanying cells of inflammation can affect tissues anywhere in the body lupus has the potential to affect a variety of areas sometimes lupus can cause disease of the skin heart lungs kidneys joints andor nervous system when only the skin is involved the condition is called lupus dermatitis or cutaneous lupus erythematosus a form of lupus dermatitis that can be isolated to the skin without internal disease is called discoid lupus when internal organs are involved the condition is referred to as systemic lupus erythematosus sle both discoid and systemic lupus are more common in women than men about eight times more common the disease can affect all ages but most commonly begins from 20 45 years of age statistics demonstrate that lupus is somewhat more frequent in african americans and people of chinese and japanese descent can you drink olive oil when pregnant i have gall bladder sludge and is very painfull i heard if you drink a shot of olive oil and glass of cranberry juice every day for a week it will flushn them out just want to make sure its safe for baby,using olive oil in a salad or cooking with it is one thing but drinking it is another issue entirely i know of no contraindications for using olive oil while pregnant or otherwise but i am not sure your reasons to do so are valid i have never heard that a shot of olive oil with cranberry juice every day for a week will flush out a sludgy gall bladder i am very skeptical drinking this much olive oil could cause a laxative effect i do not think it would harm your baby but i have to tell yo that there are absolutely no studies that would prove safety when you are pregnant the safety of you and your unborn baby is in the careful professional hands of your ob gyn before doing this i would suggest that you get a patient specific okay my belly button is producing some discharge its sticky and clear with a yellow tint,you need to consider polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis as early as possible then medical treatment should be followed mostly 80 90of cases respond to anti tb drugs and surgical treatment is necessary only in case of complications i have had an ovarian cyst for over 2 years 10 cm feel sick queasy have had a preg test negitive results most pain comes before and after periods and withafter intercourse up to a couple days after i feel full too even if missed meals or small meals i feel bloated tired cranky i had two periods last few months and missed mine this month pain is on the right side front and back,hi this seems to be out of a complication of the episode if there has been a connection developed between the urethra and vagina then it can cause these symptoms get urethroscopy done it can be cured surgically do not worry thanks what can i do if i already have lymphedema,to help decrease the risk of further swelling continue following the recommendations for preventing lymphedema listed above in addition avoid extreme temperature changes do not use hot tubs whirlpools saunas or steam baths use warm rather than very hot water when bathing or washing dishes always wear sun protection at least spf 15 when going outdoors when traveling by air ask your healthcare provider if you should wear a compression sleeve on your affected arm or a stocking on your affected leg for long flights additional bandages may be needed talk to your healthcare provider before traveling when sitting or sleeping elevate your affected arm or leg on pillows avoid prolonged lying on your affected side your physician may refer you to an occupational therapist who specializes in managing lymphedema the therapist will assess your condition and develop an individual treatment plan to manage your lymphedema therapy may include specific exercises or a complete exercise program limitation of certain activities that are vigorous or repetitive and recommendations for a compression sleeve bandages manual lymph drainage and possibly a pump continue to see your health care provider for frequent follow up visits as recommended lower back pain be a sign of pregnancy my lower right side of my back right above my hip it is a constant dull pain but with sharp intense bursts periodically i am a day late on my period right now took a test that showed negative could i still be pregnant,i had the same symptoms and took several pregnancy tests they all came back negtive i went to my doctors and they did a urine test that came back negative after that they did a blood test and it came back positive and i had a miscarriage at 7 weeks so yes it is possible you are pregnant wart are the systoms of tardive dyskinesia,webmd is medical dictionary states tardive dyskinesia a side effect of antipsychotic drugs this condition causes random movements like grimacing and hip swaying here is an article with more detail i hope this helps i have sinus problems even when i get a cold my nose always remain dry,most of us have a sense of which eating and exercising habits or lack thereof have gotten us into trouble and stand in the way of our shedding pounds it is staying motivated that is the hard part but there may be help for you in unexpected places how about a little help from your employer if you are not looking to your employee benefits or even your insurance company for help reaching your health goals you may be missing out increasingly employers are providing incentives and offering programs to employees looking to take better control of their health says mike thompson a principal in pricewaterhousecoopers health and welfare practice this year the incentives to follow through on your weight loss plans among other health goals are greater than ever here is just a taste of what is being offered to help you keep the weight off weight watchers at work onsite nutrition classes healthier food offerings in the cafeteria and in vending machines free or reduced membership costs for joining a gym nurse coaches available by telephone to discuss health management activity related programs such as making pedometers available to record how many steps you take web sites to record your level of physical activity in a given day competitions among workers to get active walking programs at lunch time check your benefits package or talk with your human resources department about the types of wellness programs available to you at the office and if you buy health benefits on your own call your insurance company to ask about weight loss assistance both employers and insurers are anxious to help you meet your health goals thompson says take credit if losing weight and the health benefits that come with it are not enough to keep the twinkies at bay focus on employer incentives which are richer than ever this year at many companies employers are hoping that rewards for both action and results will encourage you to engage in healthy behaviors a growing trend if you not only enroll in a weight loss program but also make significant progress toward your goal benefits await you according to thompson among the most common incentives being offered to employees to start and complete wellness programs are reduced insurance premiums gift cards cash in addition to paying less money for insurance employers will sometimes offer a more robust benefits package with lower co payments and deductibles to employees who demonstrate a commitment to their health why not take credit for it thompson asks of those who plan to lose weight on their own anyhow if you trend and track your progress you may get more credit than you even thought available what are other names for cystic fibrosis,cf cystic fibrosis of the pancreas fibrocystic disease of the pancreas mucoviscidosis mu ko vis i do sis mucoviscidosis of the pancreas pancreas fibrocystic disease pancreatic cystic fibrosis what is anemia,yes it could cause the baby harm according to nbc is nightly news and numerous other sources a clinical study has revealed that smoke on indoor surfaces like carpets upholstery and even clothing can mix with the air to create a cancer concern a chemical reaction can occur when the 3rd hand residue of cigarette smoke interacts with nitrous acid to form a carcinogenic substance this type of pollution is particularly threatening to infants and toddlers the other grandmother needs to be made aware of the danger posed to her innocent grandchild through this underappreciated type of toxic exposure someone perhaps the grandmother is son or daughter can gently and seriously present the reality of her holding a child while ridden with smoke infected clothing and hair she almost certainly is unaware of the inherent harm being created what is deprenyl used for parkinson is disease,convince a reluctant child to get a flu shot who is the adult and who is the child there is no convincing a child i have seen bribery done if it was my situation the child would have learned right from the beginning that sometimes we must do things that are not the most pleasant but will be over soon never lie to a child and say it will not hurt there was one thing i taught and allowed my children to do for a shot either alone or accompanied by me to sing as loud as possible happy birthday it always worked and they always wanted me to sing along loud of course the dr was warned first i had carpal tunnel syndrome surgery still feel numbness,it is ok to have these symptoms after the surgery for a while until the edema and swelling subside there would be also some adhesions on the site so i recommend starting physiotherapy for mobilization and breaking down adhesions with ultra sound therapy after the wound heals and the stitches are removed use contrast bathshot and cold elevate your hands above heart level swelling usually takes 2 3 weeks to go and then you should feel better gradually with it if no change then i recommend ncv test will napoxen tablets give a positive reading on a drug test will it cause a false positive reading if the blood test is done by urine andor blood test,no the most common reason for a positive drug test is drugs i have had 4 back surgeries i have been having a lot of pain especially when i bend forward,those may very well be side effects to the shot it would be a good idea to see your doctor to see what you can do i am also on the shot but never experienced those side effects hope that helped do i have herpes or something else at first the only thing that formed was a small bump that i could see not feel on the opening of my vagina right before that point i thought i had a yeast infection the next day i developed more they are located right near the opening on the lips and on my butt today they became incredibly painful especially when urinating they look like small pimples i am also experiencing a lot of swelling and tenderness it sounds like herpes to me but i am really hoping it is not,if you have any symptoms like a sore on your genitals you may undergo laboratory tests to make sure if you have herpes or not acne dermatologist nyc i am scheduled this week to have a caudal injection doctor is office or surgery center,hi first find a doctor who wants to take you on and sit down and discuss things over with him can see why the mammogram and the pap smear for your menopause you would need a blood test to see how you hormones are doing and why there doing that have a complete blood test done but how would you know you need a colonoscopy just see what the doctor says good luck what is reassurance related to dementia,reassurance is encouragement intended to relieve tension fear and confusion that can result from dementia i am detoxing and experiencing stomach cramps why i have stopped eating sugar carbs and caffeine cold turkey i am in the third day of detoxing and experience pretty strong stomach cramps is this serious,dental insurance is not included in health plans sold through the marketplaces except for children and even people who have medicare coverage due to disability do not have dental coverage unfortunately what are good strength training exercises for the glutes,please clear any kind of exercise program with your physician and fitness professional especially if you have any physical disability or restrictions 1 squats squats are your mainstay for building and strengthening your buns stand with feet hip width apart and hold weights at shoulder level or at your sides bend the knees and lower into a squat keeping the knees behind the toes imagine that you are sticking your butt out behind you but keep the torso upright and contracted press into the heels to stand up repeat for 2 3 sets of 8 16 reps 2 wall sit stand about 2 feet in front of a wall and lean against it slide down until your knees are at about 90 degree angles and hold keeping the abs contracted for 20 60 seconds come back to start and repeat holding the squat at different angles to work the lower body in different ways to add intensity hold weights or squeeze a ball between the knees 3 leg press here you will be pushing a weight or resistance away from yourself using your legs this can be done with gym equipment or bands 4 lunges these exercises come in a variety of forms the traditional lunge goes forward with weights and a bent knee or there is the assisted lunge with no weight and you can hold onto a wall or chair or you can try a lunge that requires a much smaller range of motion lowering your body only part way 5 dead lift this exercise is not meant for everyone it targets the lower back glutes and hamstrings if you have any problems with these muscles do not do a dead lift this exercise simulates what we do all day long as we bend over and pick things up 6 hip extension this is one of my favorite exercises to strengthen the glutes stand facing a wall placing both palms on the wall and with a straight back simply push one leg out behind you as high as you can go keeping the back and leg straight do this 10 times switching legs each time or you can get on the floor on all fours and take one leg and simply stretch it straight behind you do this 10 times switching legs each time if you use ankle weights you can add more intensity for a real glute challenge what are the symptoms of strep throat,hi skipping meals is causing hypoglycemia to your body if you took wine while fasting without eating anything then alcohol in wine has lowered your blood sugar more leading to sever hypoglycemia i would suggest to have your meals regularly do not skip any eat often and small portions do chew up slowly do not rush avoid high calorie foods avoid alcohol and smoking especially while you do not eat anything avoid caffeine or other stimulants all the best feel free to ask me again if you have further questions dr alba can you get pregnant by wiping yourself with an unwashed hand i got prec*m on my hand and wiped it off on a towel however a few minutes later i forgot about it and went to the bathroom wiping myself with toilet paper with the same hand is it possible to get pregnant this way my period is over a week late and i am very worried,i think it would be highly unlikely that you could get pregnant in this manner however if you are not on an effective birth control or your partner does not use a condom there are many other ways this could happen if you do not get your period you should take a pregnancy test in a week or so i was told yesterday that my baby has no heart rate at 38 weeks and 3 days,i am not an expert in this matter but it sounds like you may have diabetes arthritis might play a role in it as well but i would definitely get a blood sugar test had a transvaginal ultrasound done do not see fetal pole is it normal,this combination of medications does not have any drug interactions however i would take the grifulvin with food to minimize the stomach irritation and with a fatty substance like milk or yogurt a fatty substance will help to increase the absorption of the medication to effectively treat the condition do not skip any doses and you may have to complete therapy for 6 weeks in order to eradicate the condition what are the signs and symptoms of chickenpox,the low body temperature i do not know the numbers of course is not dangerous but a medical reason for the lethargy should be determined by the child is pediatrician there can be many different reasons and unfortunately this cannot be investigated blindly over the internet had surgery on my tail bone will not heel doctor said was good but it is not,because of nerve pathway medical problems in the mouth may cause pain to be referred to the ear what is occlusion related to heart disease,cut it short no you are fine you are not going to become pregnant from this act be careful and remember to always use condoms can i take too much folic acid while pregnant mutivitamin vs prenatal i just found out i am pregnant i currently take a highly rated multivitamin that already contains 0 8mg of folic acid i also take 1mg of folic acid in addition am i taking too much i took the 1mg to offset the side effects of mexotrexate when i stopped the methotrexate my rheumatologist told me to keep taking the 1mg folic acid am i ok to take this much also should i be taking a prenatal or is my multivitamin ok,highly likely and dispose of your sperm laden tissues properly in the toilet and flush them away it would not be likely that any woman would decide on using a used wet tissue to wipe themselves after going to the toilet but dispose of them anyway viable sperm quickly dies after being exposed to air and i know of no cases where a pregnancy was caused by a sperm laden tissue does niacin flush your system from thc,i am very sorry but without a hands on examination and a detailed medical history it would not be possible to blindly offer you a definite diagnosis determine if this mass was cancer and suggest a treatment in order for you to be properly diagnosed i would suggest that you see a surgeon someone who can examine this mass perhaps do a biopsy and address this ten year old problem why is the obamacare named affordable when my insurance went from 375 to almost 900month,not everyone will find their costs going down under the law however if that kind of cost jump happened with an existing plan i suggest you shop your state is marketplace to see what other options you have it may be something less expensive is available to you i have scoliosis i am worried about it getting worse,yes it is possible endomysial antibodies and anti tissue transglutaminase antibodies blood tests for diagnosing celiac disease are highly reliable in diagnosing celiac disease an individual with abnormally elevated endomysial and anti tissue transglutaminase antibodies has a greater than 95 chance of having celiac disease anti gliadin antibodies are less reliable and have a higher rate of false positive tests there are two recognized reasons for false negative blood tests for celiac disease patients with deficiency of one type of antibody iga they are born that way will have low endomysial antibodies and anti tissue transglutaminase antibodies since they are iga type antibodies patients who have self treated themselves with a gluten free diet for weeks to months before having these tests done can have abnormal blood tests revert to normal hi my blood group is o and i sucked few drops of a+ blood from my girl friends cut is this harmful for me hi my girl friend accidentally got a small cut on her hand and i sucked that blood immediately it was just a few drops my blood group is o and her blood group is a+ is this harmful for me if so what should i do now please do help me out with this thanks,no this would not likely be harmful assuming your girlfriend does not have any blood borne diseases like hepatitis sucking blood really not a safe practice even for vampires so i would caution you from doing this again unless of course you are a vampire how can exercise affect my skin,hi this is hypotension i recommend doing an ecg check thyroid parathyroid glands also check potassium sodium for adrenal problems if you are on antiepleptic drugs check there side effects as well good luck i have a small white spot on my left tonsil and also my throat is inflamed but i do not hve sore throat i feel like something is stuck in my throat but it is not paining or nythn i am not feeling any pain just this visible things,these may be tonsilliths tiny tonsil stones from an accumulation of food debris this is just a guess however since i can not see them over the internet tonsilliths are innocent and can be dislodged by gargling or using your finger if you can control your gag response tonsilliths can cause your tonsils to be inflamed in order to confirm this blind assumption you will need to see a medical provider for a hands on evaluation i had a minor heart attackmyocardial infarction,fever is generally harmless as a matter of fact fever helps fight infection so it is more therapeutic than dangerous fevers under 105 in older children is not uncommon any fever in babies under 6 months are taken more seriously but as the child ages seasoned medical providers do not get excited certainly not as excited about fever as parents i have been treating children for over four decades and i have not encountered a fever alone that would prompt an er visit but of course that is me it is not the fever that is the issue but rather the cause of the fever and those other symptoms that accompany the fever for instance a fever with a severe sore throat could be strep or a fever with a dozen other cold symptoms could just mean a viral infection a fever with lethargy stiff neck and a very ill appearing child could be meningitis roseola a common childhood illness can mount a fever in the 105 range for three days in a row before the characteristic rash appears during the fever stage this high temp certainly gets attention fever is probably one of the most misunderstood and improperly treated symptoms it is not a disease that people encounter so the more your read about it the better you will be informed and the more comfortable you will be when you see it again and again and again comfort comes with practice but until you can keep you cool when kids are hot you will need to engage the expertise of your friendly medical provider i have been suffering from joint disease for 2 months,first let me extend my condolences on your miscarriage it is a grief unlike any other i am sorry you went through that to answer your question painful ovulation is not uncommon many women experience a pinch during ovulation other women experience something called mittelschmerz which refers to painful ovulation mittelschmerz can cause abdominal pain it does not have anything to do with your miscarriage i hope this sets your mind at ease if you are still concerned please make an appointment with your gynecologist he or she is in the best position to help you understand what is going on and whether it is normal for you best wishes i have a small rash on my cheek red circle dry skin dnt itch bad wont go away dont spread any advice,no this parasite does not cause boils what happens to the coronary artery in atherosclerosis,in coronary artery disease coronary atherosclerosis injury to the intima of the artery leads to the formation of plaques which are regions of thickening on the inner lining of the artery how then do the plaques form in response to the injury the smooth muscle cells from the media and perhaps from the adventitia move migrate into the intima in the intima these smcs reproduce themselves divide and make synthesize connective tissue these processes of migration division and synthesis which collectively are referred to as intimal proliferation build up cause thickening of the intima when cholesterol other fats and inflammatory cells such as white blood cells enter the proliferating thickened intima the result is an atherosclerotic plaque then as these plaques grow they accumulate scar fibrous tissue and abundant calcium calcium is the hard material in our teeth and bones hence the plaques are often hard which is why atherosclerosis is sometimes referred to as hardening of the arteries i am 65 for 1 5 yrs have suffered with ed am on both hbp and cholesterol meds for 20 years tried cialis no luck i have never smoked and am a social drinker i am slightly over weight200lbs but have been this weight for almost 40 years this problem started almost overnight and since then it has become a real albatross my doctor has had me try cialis to no avail i still find my significant other attractive and desirable but as much as we try i can achieve little,yes left thigh leg pain from roller derby when i first started roller derby i had back pain when we did our laps the back pain had gone away after a couple weeks i noticed not long after the back pain seemed to subside that my left thigh has this intense dull achey burning sensation and feels like it will give out on me at times it is only my left leg and it only happens during laps if i stand straight and skate around my leg is fine is this an issue from the back pain and it is just going down my leg now would a back brace work,that is a very good question unfortunately the answer is no any time the skin is cut with an incision a scar will develop that is just the plain truth there are several things you can do after surgery to minimize the appearance of a scar but it will always be there after your incision has healed and after your surgeon has given his permission you can try massaging the scar several times a day using as much pressure as you can tolerate a scar is basically a buildup of fibrous tissue the more you massage this tissue and break it up the less noticeable the scar may be you do not need to use a fancy product while doing this scar massage either plain lotion is fine it is the mechanical action of the massage that matters when i was a plastic surgery nurse the surgeon i worked for always told patients to avoid applying pure vitamin e oil to any incision this can cause reddening of the scar in some people however a lotion or cream containing vitamin e is fine remember that your scar should continue to fade over time if your scar is unattractive to you there are some relatively new products on the market called silicone sheets or gel patches that seem to work quite well to help minimize scars they are also rather expensive reminder no scar massage before your surgeon says it is ok your incision needs to be fully healed before you start massaging it wishing you all the best for a successful surgery and speedy recovery 5 week old baby has not had poopy daiper in almost 3 days should i take her to the docotors,not necessarily but you can certainly call your doctor for patient specific advice breast fed babies i do not know what you are doing can go many days without a bowel movement there is not much fiber in breast milk formula may be no different a baby can go 8 times a day or once every 8 days it does not mean they are constipated seasoned parents usually find this out new parents you may not have this experience constipation is hard dry stools and it is very unlikely that this is what is going on you are concerned so just call your doctor for some advice electrolyte replacement during extended exercise what is the best way to replace fluids electrolytes and energy during 2 to 4 hours exercise sessions i often take bike xc ski trips or hikes in the woods that last a while for longer trips i always stop to eat a meal is it best to eat small snacks along the way mixed with water what about sports drinks that contain sugar,yes any strenuous exercise for a long period will deplete your bodies electrolytes and should be replaced for the last 2 weeks my right hand has been kind of tingly and numb grasping and gripping is almost next to impossible,do not add anything to infant formula it already has the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals that the baby needs in most cases they do not need extra vitamin c unles the pediatrician specifically recommended it for a medical reason can u get pregnant on the pill i have been taking the pill for 2 months now and my last peroid wasnt really a period i bled for maybe 5 minutes a day for 3 days could i be pregnant i just started feeling nausea and im hungry but when i start eating i feel like i cant eat,the answer is yes the only form of birth control that is 100 effective is complete abstinence the effectiveness of the pill is very user dependent typically about 8 women out of 100 that use bcp is will get pregnant during the first year of use however when used as directed only about 1 in 100 women get pregnant remember that this degree of effectiveness with the pill depends on you taking the pill exactly as directed and at the same time of day every day abnormal or breakthrough bleeding is common during the first few months of use and its very normal this typically is just an adjustment that the body needs to make to the newer levels of hormones the duration of this abnormal bleeding pattern depends on the type of bcp you use and often can last much longer in women taking continuous dose pills to ease your mind get a pregnancy test done many over the counter tests can detect pregnancy as early as 6 7 days before a misssed period also remember that bcp is do not protect against std is so if you are sexually active use a backup method like a condom will taking sysron ncr prevent pregnancy,its gas how are genital warts associated with human papillomavirus treated,if you are looking for natural methods i am sorry to say there is nothing safe 100 you can use condoms as a method but it does not guarantee of course to prevent conceiving about the period regulation you can do exercise yoga and meditation to help regulate them as irregular periods are sometimes due to nervousness and stress 58 year old experiencing pressure and a heaviness in her legs,hi if you have not been through the menopause yet well get to your doctor get a blood test done for your hormones and that will tell all its two very good signs of it coming hope this helps you good luck i have seizures taking ant seizure medication now have abnormal headaches,the bladder sphincter that is meant for maintaining urinary control is under the influence of our body is autonomous nervous system sympathetic overacitivity can be a cause for this a urologist may be of help in prescribing you medicines but bladder training exercises will be very helpful i have stomach crampts and extremely bad diarrhea anything i eat or drink comes straight back out my stool is not even slightly solid and i have found some blood in my stool this started without any provocation last week and has continued it gets worse when i sit or stand i only feel semi=normal when i am laying down unmoving i have also been sleeping an insane amount i have not vomited and have been drinking water and eating toast only i do not know how there is anything left in my system,hi it does seem to be an allergic reaction sometimes it does take take time for the medicines to act especially when the inflammation factor is high you need to take steroid medicines orally along with the anti allergic tablets the creams that you apply locally should also have a steroid based content in it if still this does not resolve then consult a dermatologist thanks accidently drank mosquito larvae in a bottle of water and now i have diarrhea should i get this checked out or am i ok basically i had an almost empty bottle of water that sat out for quite some time only to notice it after the entire bottle was consumed that there were tiny black worms that were attached to the sides of the bottle they did not move really so from what i have read online this could be mosquito larvae everything i have seen tells me that this is nothing to worry about bc the acids in my stomach will kill the larvae but i saw nothing about the diarrhea and stomach ache that has been happening,bipolar medications can increase tooth grinding which wreaks havoc on the system and dry mouth which allows bacteria to run wild and cause decay and gum and bone disease there are preventive measures that you can discuss with your dentist to address this problem like chewing xylitol gum or using fluoride gels or salivary stimulants why is my anti depressantanxiety medication not working when i am on my period how do my hormones affect the drug i am taking cymbalta for depression and anxiety and i have noticed that about a week before and during my menstrual cycle the medication seems to stop working and my mental state plummets i should mention that when i was not taking an anti depressant around my period was when i would feel most anxious and suicidal i do not have a family doctor and my psychiatrist is difficult to get ahold of i have not been able to have a physical check up in many years i am 21,hi perhaps you need to have blood test done before you period and when your on your period the blood test would be for hormones perhaps the problems stem from hormones sites that may help you you will need to copy these into google but these could be helpful to you and may help you understand your problem a bit better have you thought of meditation to help with your problem may be better that drugs do hope you find some help here good luck i am taking bromocriptine feel restlessness dizziness fainting body pains and fever,hi dizziness restlessness can be caused due to bromocriptine but it wont cause bodyache and fever you may be having some sort of infection take anti pyretic tablets take rest drink plenty of fluids if necessary take antibiotics try reducing the dosage of bromocriptine after consulting your doctor thanks 11 yo son received dye liquid into cannula during ct scan now has tremors,that would not be likely yeast likes warm dark moist places like the vagina or inside a diaper the eyes and nose really does not have a welcoming environment that would be favorable to yeast you are safe dizziness nausea bright red blood when i bm i have dizziness light headedness similar to being drunk but have not been drinking today i feel nausea that i would normally associate with loss of balance like after spinning too much or on a roller coaster i used the toilet and found bright red blood on the paper recent issues hematoma in my left arm from giving blood medicationsdiclofenac sodium for the hematoma up to 3 days ago salbutamol mild asthma sufferer platelet and clotting tests came back normal i am 31 years old and male,the biggest thing is that the pathology is non malignant the main questions to ask your physician if you have not already would be whether he feels as though he got it all additionally it might be worth asking if there was any dysplasia in the specimen dysplasia just means that the cells look funny like they are changing in some way asking these questions might allow you to have a bit more of a discussion with your physician so that you could feel better about the plan i would like a second opinion on my mri of my shoulder how would i go about doing this i am a 48 yo old female with pain in my left shoulder sometimes severe enough to bring me to tears i also have limited mobility and can not lift my arm above my head & there is a bulge on the outside of my upper arm between my shoulder and my elbow that hurts if i press on it & my left arm is very weak my results that said i have osteoarthritis and tendinosis of the supraspinatus tendon without a tear i have a copy of my mri on disk how do i get a second opinion dawn,you would need to physically see a second orthopedic surgeon have the surgeon examine you and review your mri so they can render that all important second opinion a diagnosis is not made solely by the mri the results need to be correlated with examination findings what causes blood in my stool severe cramps and vomiting i have had blood in my stool this morning with 1010 cramping diarrhea two days in a row and i vomited this mornining as well i noticed when i pressed around my pelvic area it seemed harder than it normally is also the blood on the tolit paper was not streeked it was just all over it and it smelled really different i am 25 years old and i have never had problems with constipation and i have never had hemroids should i go right to the dr or wait a while ,the good news is probably not the dtap vaccine which includes dipetheria tetanus and pertussis is considered protective for 10 years we recommend everyone get re vaccinated with dtap every decade that said the only way to tell for sure you are protected because not all vaccines take the way they are supposed to is to look at your blood antibodies if your blood contains antibodies toward tetanus then you are golden bottom line your best bet is to consult a health care provider even if you are up to date on your tetanus vaccination that wound could get infected with bacteria which could cause problems better to have it looked at and washed out if necessary hope this helps i have slightly blurred vision numbness in hands and legs,i have heard of it i am not sure but i think rheumatoid arthritis associated with ulcerative colitis it is also common to get other forms of arthritis and have joint issues as you get older if possible consult with your doctor first can you get shingles only in the pubic area,yes shingles herpes zoster follows a particular nerve pathway so the lesions would only be on one side of the public area if you have not had this problem professionally diagnosed i would strongly suggest that you confirm that this is indeed shingles are lying and stealing symptoms of adhd my son has adhd but he is constantly lying and stealing are lying and stealing symptoms of the adhd and if so what can i do to help him,no these are not adhd symptoms and yes you need to deal with this personality disorder the tendency to lie and steal can be corrected but the methods are very individualized i do not know anything about your son not even his age consider seeing a counselor if you do not feel capable of dealing with this as a parent i have been getting stomach pain that feels like a bad gnawing pain,these are after effects of meningitis and usually remain 3 6 months depending upon your immunity take immuno boosters and vitamin supplements i am 13wks pregnant with a sensivitive cervix what should i expect from this i have brown discharge sometimes pink coloring on the toilet tissue when i wipe i will go days with out anything and then it just happens i havent had any intercourse since i found out i pregnant i was told that i have a sensitive cervix should expect this discharge through my whole pregnancie am i still at a high rick of loosing my baby,hi what your describing sounds the same as my wife had twice both times she was put on hormone injections to strengthen the neck of the womb she had these up to 18 weeks do hope this helps good luck what is a transient ischemic attack and how would i know if i was having this type of attack,a tia transient ischemic attack is a mini or warning stroke it would have the same symptoms as a stroke might which may include weakness on one side of the body or one extremity difficulty speaking sudden dizziness sudden decrease in vision or other symptoms with a tia all symptoms return to normal with no residual deficit in less than 24 hours it may be as brief as a few minutes if these symptoms occur call your doctor immediately or call 911 and go to the nearest emergency room if my perideum is ripped will it burn to pee my vagina to my arus itch real bad i do not know why and it is giving me a hard time sleeping i have been taking tylenol and benadryl to help it has been bothering me real bad for three days i do not have insurance so i am trying to take care of it myself,as of now avoid taking heavy meals and please do not take painkillers without consent from your physician i have ringworm…used meds but it got worse,hi the rash still seems to be incompletely cured apply anti histaminesteroid creams and anti fungal creams u can take oral anti fungal and anti allergic tablets as well to treat the itch and redness pigmentation will spontanoeusly go away after the infection is cured take vitamin e tablets for speedy recovery thanks can marijuana withdrawal cause panic attacks i have smoked marijuana for 10 years 2 or 3 small cigs a day in some periods even up to 10 i stopped smoking in the past for a few weeks and months i quit a week ago and since then i have been feeling really weird i feel tickling on the chest tachycardia specially when breathing out and an irrational feel that i could drop dead my mom checked my pulse and she said it is ok so i think i am having panic attacks never had one b4 so not sure are these normal symptoms from detoxing advice,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you hgjhjhj does a migraine always include pain or can you just have light sensitivity,in my opinion the possibilities are more related to musculoskeletal disorder osteoporotic changes or osteopenia have you checked your hip bone density level do you have enlarged lymph nodes thanks what is the authorizing identifier for obtaining marinol with medicaid insurance,bellybuttons like other areas of your skin surface are very subject to skin infections tenderness and redness are signs of infection so you will need to clean this area carefully with an antibacterial solultion use a topical antibacterial ointment and cream and see if it improves in it does not you will need to see your medical provider for a proper examination and treatment acid reflux with swollen rib cage,may be pancreas or spleen get a ultrasound of abdomen initially consult a doctor after that does use of alpha hydroxy acids produce skin cancer i have been using alpha hydroxy face cream for a some years i have a recurrent facial basal cell cancer condition i am questioning the effects of my face cream thanks,i do not know of any studies that show alpha hydryoxy acid products directly cause skin cancer these products can be purchased over the counter or obtained by prescription in a stronger formulation alpha hydroxy acid products are usually used to treat acne wrinkles and to generally improve the appearance of aging skin there are many different types of alpha hydroxy acid products some are applied as a cream while others are used as chemical peels usually done by a dermatologist you should talk to your dermatologist about the basal cell cancer issue to learn whether or not you should continue to use your face cream or not at any rate stay on top of your skin cancer basal cell carcinoma is very common and not usually lethal but it does need to be treated wishing you well my husband wants me to have oral sex will i get sick if he comes in my mouth i was physically and sexually abused as a child my husband knows about this he has asked if i would preform oral sex for him will i get sick if he comes in my mouth are there germs that can also make me sick when i was forced to do this as a child and my dad crammed his dick in my mouth and came i threw up and began to chock i was also afraid that i would get pg,i am so sorry to hear about your childhood molestation so i can understand that oral sex with your husband could surface some of those past demons having a consentual caring sexual relationship with your husband is not the same i trust that your husband will be respectful and understanding about your reluctance i can assure you that semen is harmless in your mouth but your husband does not have to ejaculate he can control it you will not get any disease causing germs from this practice in a monogamous relationship with your husband consentual oral sex is safe and can be pleasurable for both of you this would be a new sexual experience for you so if you are emotionally ready take little steps at first i take bystolic and uroxatral at the same time i accidently took a second pill of each what can be the effects,whenever more than the recommended dose of medication is taken the most probable thing to expect is more of the intended action of the medication or more pronounced side effects with bystolic and uroxatral since they both can lower blood pressure you might feel dizzy and notice your blood pressure to be extra low since it was only one extra pill of the medications it is unlikely to cause any significant harm in the future i would suggest you come up with a system that reminds you to take your medication and that helps prevent you from taking extras talk to your pharmacist he or she can suggest some strategies for you what medications and treatments are available to treat chlamydia,possibly kidney infection or kidney stones idk about the ichyness what does it mean when your blood sugar drops to 57 my grandmother has type 2 diabetes and she was wondering what a reading of 57 is,hi this can be early sciatica or a pinched nerve in lower lumbar spine an mri of lumbar spine is indicated to make a diagnosis local hot fomentation and gel application can be tried if pain is more thanks can you have sex taking azo drugs,an mrsa infection is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease yet mrsa can be transmitted by direct skin contact skin to skin contact especially if your skin has an abrasion or cut can increase the risks of getting an mrsa infection from your girlfriend in general my advice is to avoid direct contact with anyone that has an mrsa infection and avoid sharing personal items had unprotected sex a week ago while on period and again this week and now i am bleeding could i be pregnant,hi have a good read of this link it is the part about waste blocking the testes the link just copy link into google to open and read now me thinking beyond that would or could be your own blood not knowing your life style it could be that over the years that plaque in your blood has blocked your veins up which could be from high cholesterol whether you have it or not plaque would not help the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper take this each morning and see how you go you just mix cp with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you njust mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing before anything else one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil you just add a teaspoonful on tpo of the cp just mix into the top take as said no if you read up about both the very good for ed your heart and prostate garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp your be doing your body the world of good and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above along with other stuff so do hope this helps you good luck can hpv cause false positive hepatitis test,hi it seems that you still have epididymo orchitis its been chronic and long standing now and some amount of inflammation still seems to have remained inside at such young age you should not neglect it get a usg scan done to see whats wrong consult a general surgeon anti inflammatory medicines will help thanks what is the difference between percocet oral and endocet oral,hi the amount of sperm in pre cum should be zero unless he masturbated before seeing you and having sex and did not urinate then there is the outside chance of getting pregnant but if this was within the last 72 hours try plan b should work for you hope this helps you good luck my son is 8 months old and coughs all the time and has a hard tummy,yet it is unclear what the problem is endoscope is required till then stop the laxitive stay on drinks u can also use bran safe 2 pills 3 times a day with lots of water however more important is that you go to the bathroom whenever u feel like it never hold it for more than a min or two i have noticed a lot of loose skin around my knees and in the front of my legs what can be done i am on my feet at work,loose skin around the knees may be part of the natural aging process extreme weight loss may lead to excess skin these issues may be addressed by a plastic surgeon excess sun exposure is the no 1 cause of premature aging and wrinkling of the skin if you suffer from chronic swelling around your knees compression garments and support hose may be beneficial how can i relieve anal burning from diarrhea i am a diabetic type 2 i have diarrhea from the medicine and have a horrible burning on the inside it is not hemroids what can i take to relieve the burning,preparation h i noticed a small lump in my armpit about a month ago it has gotten larger and has become painful it is now dime sized oval in shape below the hair line there is a shooting pain from the lump into my shoulder and breast the pain started yesterday and is getting worse i have checked for ingrown hair and its not there is no discoloration and is very tender to touch should i go see my doctor as soon as possible,it is hard to confirm a diagnosis for that over the internet without a medical history and clinical exam it is most likely from some minute trauma somewhere in your mouth or perhaps an indication of some periodontal gum problem gingivitis lots of other possibilities you should visit a dentist i have a small circle on my penis that looks like a scar i have only been with 1 girl and i was her only sexual partner have madturbated frequently no itch burn or pain just a flat smooth circle,hi sore throat and mucous production is related to your low immunity because of the bacterial pneumonia that u had it takes almost 6 9 months for a person to regain his overall immunity once he has suffered from bacterial pneumonia if your follow up xrays are clear and normal there is nothing to worry about it may just be chronic bronchitis do breathing exercises yoga and health supplements to increase your immunity thanks i have urinating every 1520 every mins uncountless times a day is this normal the past few days i have been going to the restroom every 1520 mins my mother says bladder infection or i could be pregnant me and my fiancé have been trying to have a baby,my opinion is your dry high intensity frequent cough causes muscle spasm in your neck and an impinged nerve supplying your arms are compressed while coughing try breathing humid air drink warm fluids get a neck xray to check for cervical rib or neck impinged nerve can cold cause joint pain i have been working in an office that is not protected from the elements for 2 months can cold cause joint pain i have been working in an office with no heat for the past 2 month my knees and other joints hurt so bad i can hardly walk i was about 0 yesterday and this morning i can not even walk is this a medical or environmental issue one other thing the bathroom is about a 10 minute walk so i dont drink as much as i should since i have a weak bladder frequently urination i have notice and increase in smell and dark color of urine i need relief help,hi this is from the canadian gov is there a temperature at which work becomes dangerous and should be stopped the short answer is yes both very cold and very hot temperatures could be dangerous to your health excessive exposure to heat is referred to as heat stress and excessive exposure to cold is referred to as cold stress in a very hot environment the most serious concern is heat stroke in absence of immediate medical attention heat stroke could be fatal heat stroke fatalities do occur every summer heat exhaustion and fainting syncope are less serious types illnesses which are not fatal but interfere with a person is ability to work at very cold temperatures the most serious concern is the risk of hypothermia or dangerous overcooling of the body another serious effect of cold exposure is frostbite or freezing of the exposed extremities such as fingers toes nose and ear lobes hypothermia could be fatal in absence of immediate medical attention ok found you this link its from your government just copy into google to the www to open and read good luck i have been diagnosed with pcos need second opinion,shadowing is following mimicking and interrupting behaviors that people with dementia may exhibit my doctor says i have viral pharyngitis she gave me methylprednisolone and keflex is that right,in varies depending on the thickness and amount of padding but a fiberglass short leg cast only weighs a few pounds i put them on but i can not say i ever had the urge to weigh them can a breathing treatment given before a chest x ray hide lung cancer,yes having sex is safe allergic reactions are not transmitted that way can i get pregnant following a miscarriage,there are ways of getting free or low cost dental care good dental treatment at lower cost is available at schools of dentistry where students are trained under the supervision of a licensed professional for a list of schools check out the american dental association is website you can search for low cost dental care at the national institute of dental and craniofacial research in addition community health centers sometimes offer dental care on a sliding fee scale check your local health department for locations near you there are also dental clinics throughout the country that offer free care to find a clinic near you search freedentalwork org in addition dentistry from the heart has hundreds of events each year during which free dental care is made available to communities across the country what happens to someone when they get inguinal hernia,you did the right thing you saw a heart doctor unfortunately it appears that the heart doctor did not reassure you that everything is fine so you may need to get a second opinion from another cardiologist that is a bit more reassuring your heart can be monitored several different ways like wearing a device that records your heart for 24 hours holter monitor assuming your heart was fine on a treadmill test you may be just experiencing palpitations a feeling that your heart is racing but it is not or your heart is actually racing at times this is why your doctor should consider taking your evaluation to a higher level if you pass all of these tests then you may be less frightened when you have palpitations can genital herpes cause me to stop having my period,unfortunately you cannot spot reduce or target a specific area of your body for fat reduction it would be nice if you could get on the elliptical machine and say okay burn fat from my thighs today or okay sit ups get rid of my love handles but that is not how it works instead fat is stored in special fat cells called adipocytes which are located all over your body the trick to reducing fat and losing weight is to stimulate adipocytes to release their stored fat and have the muscles burn it up exercise will do that for you and here is how it works when you start to exercise hormones like norepinephrine adrenaline are released into the bloodstream and transported via the circulation to adipocytes all over the body when these hormones reach the adipocytes they trigger special chemical messengers that instruct the adipocytes to release fat and just like a balloon that shrinks when you let air out of it adipocytes shrink when they release fat the released fat then circulates in the blood to the muscles which burn it up for fuel just like an automobile engine burns gasoline for fuel you lose weight when adipocytes release their stored fat and shrink and muscles burn up the fat as for spot reducing you can not do it because you have no control over which adipocytes release fat when you start to exercise we all have a consistent pattern of weight loss and weight gain you may lose fat in your face first and your love handles last but you can not control the pattern the good news is that all aerobic exercise stimulates adipocytes to give up their fat including the ones in your love handles and resistance exercises like weightlifting and abdominal exercises will tone up muscles under excess fat in fact you could tighten up your waist and loosen your slacks with abdominal exercises even if you did not lose your love handles to maximize the health and fitness benefits of exercise build up to three to five times per week of aerobic exercise for 30 minutes a session and perform resistance exercise two to three times per week all abdominal exercises on the floor will help try side bends trunk rotations and full body exercises like squats to help tone up the waist as always if you have not exercised in a while check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program my 23 yo son developed a 2 inch lump at the base of the skull just above the hairline the lump is tender and red and directly in the center of his head where the spine ends,even in people with chronic hepatitis b the immune system is working to suppress the virus medications that suppress the immune system allow the virus to reproduce in large numbers and may cause the hepatitis to flare examples of medications that suppress the immune system are prednisone used to treat many diseases including asthma inflammatory bowel disease and certain types of skin disease and arthritis methotrexate rheumatrex trexall used to treat certain types of skin disease arthritis and cancer cyclophosphamide cytoxan used to treat some cancers if an immunosuppressant drug is stopped the body is immune system is activity may rebound and cause severe inflammation of the liver i have terrible bone pain and muscle spasms is it due to celiac disease or other condition,several things eustachian tube dysfunction myoclonus a wax impaction infection etc in order to get a specific answer assuming this is an on going problem you are having you would need to be carefully examined by a good ent specialist i have been ill for the past seven weeks need a second doctor opinion,good blood sugar control means keeping blood glucose levels within the ideal range 70 to 100 mgdl before meals less than 120 mgdl two hours after eating and 100 140 mgdl before the bedtime snack as well as balancing meals exercise and diabetes medications good blood sugar control is important before becoming pregnant because many women do not even know they are pregnant until the baby has been growing for two to four weeks high blood sugar levels early in the pregnancy before 13 weeks can cause birth defects good blood sugar control is just as important during pregnancy because high blood sugar levels can increase the risk of miscarriage and can increase your risk of developing diabetes related complications i received a urethral bulking procedure with the coaptite injectable implant now in constant pain doctors do not know why,hi summer is not a good time to get a cold they are real buggers to shake off it will take time just live with and slowly it will go good luck but try this a good old cheese and onion sandwich could work wonders for you keep the cheese thick and the onion as well eat these 3 times a day the last one just before going to bed for that extra kick slice some garlic into them what should i do before i get pregnant to ensure a healthy pregnancy for me and my baby,a typical pregnancy is nine months long but to give your baby a healthy start think of it as twelve months including the three months before you get pregnant this means that when you start thinking about trying to conceive you should see your doctor for a prepregnancy checkup do not forget to ask about things like family medical history risk of birth defects genetic conditions and chronic illnesses discuss all the medications you take and make sure they are safe during pregnancy in addition to eating a healthy diet lots of leafy greens lean proteins and fiber boost your nutrients with a prenatal vitamin it is particularly important to get sufficient folic acid before getting pregnant this nutrient helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida look for a multivitamin that contains 400 micrograms of calcium if you smoke quit smoking poses a host of risks to a developing baby including birth defects and low birth weight it also doubles your risk of having an ectopic pregnancy get checked for hepatitis b and c sexually transmitted infections and hiv get any health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure under control if you are seriously overweight talk to your doctor about how to maintain a healthy weight my mother is currently covered by medicare but many physicians are not accepting medicare any longer she is concerned about whether to stay on medicare upgrade her coverage or try to figure out how these exchanges work and whether she should switch do you have any advice or suggestions,hi in my opinion it could be parotid gland inflammation or salivary duct obstruction good luck should i have x rays taken every six months when i get my teeth cleaned i have heard the radiation is bad for you,here is some information about hpv and pregnancy that i hope might help you find the right answer to your question hpv & pregnancy pregnancy & sexually transmitted diseases all about hpv the webmd answers staff are there special things you should do to protect your teeth when you have braces but grind your teeth,most patients in braces that continue to grind can wear a special nighttime appliance to protect their teeth i would discuss this with the orthodontist treating you with braces what causes a period to stop for six months or more three years in a row i am 25 and over weight and have been since middle school i am healthy and eat regular meals i exercise moderately and my stress levels are average three years ago i missed my period for 8 months and when i started to flow again it was extremely heavy for one day and spotting for three days for every cycle the days in between my cycles were irregular seven months ago my period stopped again but for both skipped cycles i still get cramps and back pain as if i were on my period,yes you can use probiotics but that will not solve the sore bottom not all diaper rashes are the same some are caused simply by the acidic irritation of having diarrhea but some can be yeast or even bacterial each would be treated differently of course since i can not diagnose your baby over the internet i can make a little suggestion that i use for my own patients use a combination of an anti yeast cream over the counter the pharmacist can help you pick one and 1 hydrocortisone cream for the inflammation rub a small amount well in those sore areas and then cover this with a barrier cream or ointment a&d desitin zinc oxide vaseline etc change the diaper frequently and make sure you wipe of all traces of stool even if you have to give them a bath if the area is bleeding or getting worse you will need to have it examined by the pediatrician what is maxiallary and ethmoid sinus disease,yes as long as it is the proper dosage for his ageweight if left untreated can postpartum depression occur after 3 years this person i am asking about has a history of depression and anxiety issues,yes a person suffering from postpartum depression can get recurrence of depression whether treated or untreated when it occurred counselling and if required antidepressant medications help how do i know what my 9 year old daughter has growning under her right middle finger its very soft and it does not hurt her but it is on the inside under the skin,you will need to take her to see a medical provider someone who can examine this growth first hand obviously i have no way of seeing and examining her over the internet there are a few possibilities one being a wart i know my antibiotic reduces the effectiveness of my birth control pills how long should i continue a back up method,there is nothing typical or predictable about herpes or the antiviral drugs that are used to suppress outbreaks every person and their response to herpes and suppressant medictions is different you have stopped taking your acyclovir so you may know those answers as they pretain to you what do i have i have missed my period this month i have not been sexually active for months now so i am not pregnant i normally get my periods between the 10th and 20th of every month instead this month i got 3 6 days of brown discharge with light bleeding on the 6th i waited and now its the 26th and nothing also i take hormone pills because i have hypothyroidism i have seen on websites that this could be a reason why i am not sure but i did stop taking them for a couple days but i am back on track now,hi some women get skipped absent or just missed periods what ever it just one of those things and just happens like that do hope his helps you good luck i am on medication for heart disease now have blotches under my skin,hi its happening due to blood thinners the blood is getting thinned out more than required causing internal minor bleedings its risky and you should get bleeding time clotting time and prothrombin time blood tests done and vary the dose of blood thinners accordingly thanks what does cv ros mean in relation to cardiovascular i have a client with this noted in her medical records in review of systems,i would recommend going to the er and have it checked out chest pain and not being able to breathe could be signs of a heart attack it is better to be safe than sorry make sure you advise them how long this has been going on for and what medications you took to try to resolve the problem i am a 55 year old woman not menopausal not overly stressed i am biploar what is causing increased forgetfullnes i see my doctors and follow their advice forgetfulness is affecting my life in that i have difficulty processing to the point of not even having gears turning my family is concerned this has progressively worsened during the last two years or so i am bipolar but have been stable for many years i have undergone major stressful situations during last 5 years but have resolved most of the situations and am relatively stress free now i have an appointment with a neuro psychologist,hi this just may be down to your drugs suggest you google this bipolar drug side effects forgetfulness put your drug name in the blank area and see what comes up you may find your problem there good luck can the bacterial vaginosis transmitted in the pool,you should use a minimum spf a 15 but even more importantly than that you can even go higher to a 30 or up to a 50 i think beyond that it does not make much difference but the most important thing is to reapply it every few hours because whether or not you are out there swimming sweating or rubbing it off it wears off over time and it gets degraded by the sun exposure itself so you have to apply enough product but also reapply it often enough in order to maintain that protection do not forget to put it on your neck and your chest because those are areas that are exposed if you are wearing a scoop neck or a v neck and you are just walking around it is incidental sun exposure the sun exposure is cumulative your skin remembers that first exposure as a child and that is been building up building up building up in your skin and eventually it crosses a threshold when you hit your it could be in your 20s 30s 40s or beyond depending on your skin type and how much exposure you have had where all of a sudden it starts to show both as signs of aging and even worse signs of skin cancer should my primary prevent me from having bunion surgery because of a hemogolbin of 8 6,prevention of malaria involves protecting yourself against mosquito bites and taking antimalarial medicines but public health officials strongly recommend that young children and pregnant women avoid traveling to areas where malaria is common the most current information about malaria is available from the centers for disease control and prevention cdc and the world health organization who if you are planning international travel you can learn about the risk of malaria in that geographic area and the medicines recommended to prevent infection by contacting the cdc at its toll free phone number 1 800 232 4636 or web site www cdc govmalariatravelindex htm your doctor or local health department prevent mosquito bites to prevent mosquito bites follow these guidelines limit your outdoor activity between dusk and dawn stay in screened or air conditioned rooms wear protective clothing long pants and long sleeved shirts use insect repellent with deet n n diethylmetatoluamide the repellent is available in varying strengths up to 100 in young children use a preparation containing less than 24 strength because too much of the chemical can be absorbed through the skin use bed nets mosquito netting sprayed with or soaked in an insecticide such as permethrin or deltamethrin use flying insect spray indoors around sleeping areas avoid areas where malaria and mosquitoes are present if you are at higher risk for example if you are pregnant very young or very old if you use a bed net treated with insecticide and use insect repellents on your clothes you will reduce your risk of becoming infected with malaria other steps that may be helpful in reducing the risk of malaria include using air conditioning and electric fans wearing protective clothing using aerosol insecticides in your house and taking certain antimalarial medicines 3 medicines to prevent malaria the selection of medicines to prevent malaria depends on the geographic region where you may be exposed to malaria and your health condition such as being pregnant being elderly or young being sick or having immunity or resistance to malaria or having allergies or sensitivity to the medicine if you are going to a location where malaria is present it is very important to take preventive medicines and to follow the correct schedule for taking them the majority of people who become infected with malaria do not take preventive malaria medicines or do not follow the correct dosing schedule medicine to prevent malaria is most effective if you take the recommended dosage exactly as prescribed and for the length of time required if you are to take the medicine once a week take it on the same day of the week each week upon returning from an area where malaria is present continue the medicine for the recommended length of time to ensure that all parasites have been eliminated from your body you will need to take the medicine for 1 to 4 weeks after returning malaria vaccines scientists are studying malaria vaccines to see whether the vaccines are effectively preventing malaria infection can i get the shingles vaccine if i am under 60,hopefully you are using the right anti yeast antifungal medication you can mix a bit of 1 hydrocortisone cream with the anti yeast medication and this should help the itching penile itching for a variety of reasons is a common issue for men and it can be especially bad when a yeast infection is at play assuming that the treatment is working and the infection is on its way out finding a superior penis health creme health professionals recommend man1 man oil is advisable look for one that includes a combination of moisturizers such as shea butter and vitamin e as well as a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid good luck weight loss and anxity anxiety after health scare felt a lump in my breast and went though all the testing and everything came back fine since while waiting for a second opinion ocd a little have had an overwhelming sense of anxiety do not want to eat i do i get a sick stomach lost about 5 lbs in two weeks trouble sleeping can not seem to enjoy anything a huge fear something is wrong with me myissues appointment is this week and i am just wondering if this is normal anxiety related,hi urinary tract infection can cause night emissions but it should not occur for so much prolonged period of time for urinary tract infection you should have other symptoms like fever with chills burning micturition bilirubin levels has nothing to do with these complaints what i feel is the sphincter muscles of your bladder aare weak and you need to undergo bladder training exercises yoga avoid drinking fluids and water after 3 pm consult a neurologist if this doesnt help thanks when estimating income for health insurance plans do you use gross income or adjusted gross income,it is your modified adjusted gross income for most people that is the same as their adjusted gross income that you will need to use when applying for insurance here is where you can find that information on your tax form if you use form 1040 ez line 4 form 1040 a line 22 form 1040 line 37 where can buy real hcg injecting do i have to go to the doctor,you can not buy it unless you are a licensed medical provider and why would you need it it has been proven that hcg does not hasten weight loss if this the reason hcg is still used in some weight loss clinics but it is not a do it yourself treatment whats c o p d since i had type 2 respiritory fauilure 15 months ago ive always been asthmatic and im constantly out of breath which limits what i can do my peak flow this morn at my doctors was 240 from 3 months ago it was 360 im a lady of 49 soon and a moderate smoker was told i might have copd,probably sitting on a nerve typically one gets severe back pain if the baby is pressing on a nerve i would recommend calling a doctor is office any assistant can answer you can also call an emergency just to confirm if this something to worry about they will bring you in if they are not sure i called once when i had numbing down my left arm and when my son ate some plants i knew nothing about they are very helpful i am ill for two years with gastro issues sweating weight loss thick phlegm,if the symptoms have been for so long then you do have a point the possibility of paraneoplastic autonomic neuropathy should be considered other possibilities too should be kept in mind well a ct can pick up lesions as tiny as a peanut you can go for an mri to confirm it i have swelling and numbness after mandible surgery how long will it take to subside,the post operative swelling and numbness after mandible fracture surgery are common the swelling is mild as you have mentioned then it should resolve in another one to two weeks as the tissues heal the numbness is because the mental nerve which runs through the mandible is hurt at some point during surgery it can last from a few days to even three months in most of the cases the numbness will fade away automatically when the nerve regeneration takes place you will feel pricking kind of electric shock at times during the day as a sign of nerve healing but if the numbness lasts for more than three months then it should be given attention meanwhile i suggest tablet nurokind 500 mecobalamin once daily after meals for 30 days which helps in nerve repair consult your doctor discuss with him or her and take medicine with consent for further information consult a dentist online > will bed bugs harm my unborn child i am five months pregnant and i have been bitten by bed bugs i want to know if the bites will harm my baby is there any disease it could bring to my child,no you bed bug bites will not harm your unborn baby what can be absorbed by the stomach what percentages of various normally consumed foods and liquids can be absorbed into the body through the stomach while i understand that the intestines absorb most of the nutrients we consume i was lead to believe that a potion of some foods and beverages were absorbed into the body through the stomach,the stomach does not absorb nutrients but it does play a role enhancing absorption of certain nutrients in the small intestine for example the stomach secretes intrinsic factor which binds to b12 for absorption in the small intestine stomach acid turns iron into a form that is better absorbed in the small intestine and people who have part of their stomach removed may be at risk for osteoporosis because the stomach empties faster which can decrease the amount of calcium being absorbed and utilized by the body anyone who has surgery to remove part of the stomach should see a dietitian to be sure they are not at risk for nutrition deficiencies i suffered a major left sided hemiparesis in july 04 i started suffering from violent muscle spasms in my left quads muscles,hi its most probably due to a disc lesion or hypocalcemia mri of lower back with whole spine screening is highly recommended vitamin d3 deficiency can also be the reason get vitamin d levels checked thanks i have been having constant headache for about 10 days now,migraine or sinusitis… what can my doctor do to help stop the spread of cre infections,we need all healthcare leaders and personnel to act now to help stop cre it is critical for doctors to prescribe existing antibiotics very carefully in order to preserve these lifesaving drugs for as long as possible otherwise cre could very well be the beginning of the end of antibiotics other prevention steps include • knowing if patients in your facility have cre o requesting immediate alerts when the lab identifies cre o alerting the receiving facility when a cre patient transfers and find out when a patient with cre transfers into your facility • protecting patients from cre o following contact precautions and hand hygiene recommendations when treating patients with cre o dedicating rooms and staff to cre patients whenever possible o prescribing antibiotics carefully o removing temporary medical devices such as catheters and ventilators as soon as possible cdc offers other cre prevention guidelines that have proven to reduce cre infections can adderall cause nausea,yes adderall can cause nausea as a side effect taking the adderall with food might help combat nausea but if it continues or is really bothersome you should talk to your healthcare provider i have had a bacterial infection need doctor advice,hi it seems to be a resistant yeast infection the exact organism needs to be sorted out by doing a proper culture and sensitivity does not seem to be a urinary tract infection for vaginal infection you can try a vaginal pessary get a blood investigation done to asses the level of your immunity you seem to be prone for infection due to low immunity thanks can i exercise when on zithromax,hi you say dark was it lending towards brown if so that would be old blood was your period before short but as for getting another bleed now which is about what 14 days it happens now and again in some women just see how this goes to your next period date see if that happens which it probably will and on after that if you do get another period 2 weeks after that best you see your doctor then or it may just go away hope this helps you good luck daughter diagnosed with gastroperesis what can she do to help her digest her food,here are some tips that can help to decrease the symptoms of gastroparesis eating several small meals each day rather than three larger meals the less amount of food eaten at one sitting can help the stomach to empty eat meals that are low in fiber and fat these kinds of foods slow down the emptying of the stomach eat foods that are more liquid or low residue for example applesauce should replace whole apples with skins you will want to talk with her doctor about any medication to help with emptying the stomach if needed here is a helpful link about gastroparesis what can be done about headaches associated with multiple sclerosis,hi k yes it can happen some women have gone far longer i will tell you what i have told them get to your doctor asap its not very good for you if there is something wrong and just is case your doctor can do pregnancy test all at the same time good luck can fasting help prolong your lifespan,there is no data on this as yet how long you fast once a month three times a week is an issue as well what kind of fast are we talking about scientists have been studying severe caloric restriction for years in animals you might say they are kept in a state of semi starvation indeed these animals do have a lower incidence of some medical conditions but at what price no one can ask the animals if they are enjoying any of this on the other hand keeping total calories under control with a healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity is a reasonable way to rein in calories and achieve an optimal life span can type 2 diabetes cause hair loss,hi i would say no unless it was magic sperm consider yourself safe but next time your fouling around keep this at the back of you mind male sperm is a very dangerous stuff and not to be plated with just remember safe sex condoms bc the pill best to be safe than sorry good luck if i take tylenol pm and tylenol arthritis pain am i taking too much what is the limit for acetaminophen each day,recently there has not been a new limit established we are still using the guidelines of 4000 milligrams a day if you are an adult and 2000 milligrams for an elderly adult now tylenol pm does contain some tylenol and it contains also benadryl to help you sleep arthritis tylenol i believe has a higher amount of tylenol so you want to be really careful about how many times you take it a day come and talk to your pharmacist we will be able to sit down with you and discuss how many milligrams you might be taking with the one product and then in the evening product the tylenol pm and figure out how much you are taking on a daily basis we might ask you to take not as much of the tylenol arthritis product because you are hitting that limit each day so be really careful come and talk to the pharmacist bring your list of medications because you may not have been aware that some of the prescription medications that you are on may also contain tylenol that is the reason why it is been in the news because people were taking prescription medication that contained tylenol along with additional over the counter tylenol products so basically come and ask the pharmacist is the medication expert we are a resource for you and we are here to help you had a ferritin test came back as 8 point besides iron supplements anything else to do male runner last few months have not been feeling well when running very heavy feeling and not to run paces i could easily do 6 months a go knowing how important iron is for carry red blood cells i had my ferritin checked test came back with a 8 yes decimal is in right place lab said it was the lowest ever seen i am a light eater and while not a pure vegetarian i do not eat much meat just a little chicken and fish anything else i need to do beside taking ferrus sulfate,the best thing to do is work with your healthcare provider about how to get your iron levels back up right now in addition to supplementation increasing dietary iron is important in the long run to keep this problem from recurring here are ways to increase iron and iron absorption in your diet iron from animal foods are better absorbed than plant sources so make a point to include those items you like such as chicken and fish add plant sources of iron to your diet including cereals fortified with iron beanslegumes soy beans tofu pumpkinsquash seeds spinach raisins broccoli and bread to increase their absorption add vitamin c sources such as orange juice tomatoes broccoli and strawberries examples include vitamin c rich fruit topped on your cereal or beans cooked in a tomato based sauce include animal sources of iron with vegetable sources also increases the amount of iron absorbed e g meat chili or beans as a side dish with chicken for more ideas on iron rich food sources read this article i have had trouble with low iron and cant take iron pills due to acid reflux so my dr sent me to a cancer dr and he gave me iron ivs and it helped dramatically i felt betters in days what are the most nutritious and healthy foods that are also good sources of quality protein,hi itching is a sign of bacterial vaginosis which could be any type of bacteria this can be treated with metronidazole flagyl taken twice daily for one week …you can find also metronidazole as a vaginal gel … regards uncle being sent from hospital in town to another one100 miles away he is 88 they are not bringing him back is this right,you or another relative should bring him back he was most likely sent to the other hospital for medical reasons but when he is discharge the hospital is not really responsible for the trip home if there is a problem the hospital social worker or discharge planner should be immediately consulted they may have another solution how are earaches from a cold or ear infection treated,an ear infection is usually treatable and permanent damage to the ear or to the hearing is much less common today with proper treatment treatment may include medications for pain and fever antibiotics for bacterial ear infections andor observation of symptoms pain relief for an earache acetaminophen or ibuprofencan help relieve an earache with a cold or a fever over 102 degrees f these medications usually control the ear pain within one to two hours earaches tend to hurt more at bedtime antibiotics for an ear infection prescribed antibiotics will kill the bacteria causing the ear infection they are not needed to treat an earache due to a cold or a virus antibiotics may cause nausea diarrhea rashes or yeast infections and may interact with other drugs myringotomy ear tubes to relieve ear fluid if fluid remains in the ear for more than three months or if your child has repeated ear infections your doctor may insert small metal or plastic tubes through the eardrum to help keep the ear free of fluid and infection this outpatient procedure is usually performed on children and is done under general anesthesia the tubes usually remain in from eight to 18 months and normally fall out on their own in some instances the doctor may choose to leave the tubes in longer i was stung by a red wasp – it is not improving,they usually go away by their own but you can use a hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion if itching …you can use baking soda and colloidal oatmeal to soothe skin over the counter pain relievers as ibuprofen can improve pain… keep on benderyl as an antihistamin drug throughly wash with soap and water keep applying cold packs and above all be careful not to get stung again … thanks is it best to start on sinemet or hold off,this is a good question because when it comes to the elderly we need to use different doses of medications that are much lower than normal i would like to know the dose of the ambien cr because the recommended dose is 6 25 mg due to the possibility of side effects in the elderly if the patient is having these side effects on that dose it is time to talk to the doctor or healthcare provider about other options which may include lunesta and rozerem is it possible to see a yoke and tiny fetus connected to the side of it in a sonogram 10 days after sexual intercourse is anything even visible at that point,allergic dermatitis is the most likely diagnosis some blood related conditions may also cause this but its a rare possibility anti hustaminic tablets and creams will be helpful vitamin e tablets will ve helpful i got sick after going to my doctor she gave me 2 antibiotics flustat adco cyclizine for my ears and pain tablets,this could be side effects of amiodarone metoprolool as they cause dizziness and hypotension so i recommend revising your doctor for a change in the dose is loss of balance ever associated with pneumonia not as much as falling down but having to be very careful in sudden moves and feeling that a fall is very close,here is the webmd description of pneumonia pneumonia is an infection of the lungs caused by a virus symptoms of pneumonia differ by the cause but some symptoms include chills fever fatigue chest pain sore throat and coughing so it seems to me that it would not take much for your inner ear to be affected and that can really mess up your balance also consider that pneumonia affects your lungs and lack of oxygen can make you feel dizzy too 65 year old male with cervical spine neck pain xrays say nothing wrong we do not believe that,hi you are absolutely right only xrays do not rule out all the pathologies as they show only bones getting an mri of the affected area will help to rule out lesions like spondylosis or slipped disc you should see a orthopedist for further treatment thanks how is high blood pressure treated,in my opinion alcohol can cause hemochromatosis which can be fixed or improved by stoping alcohol use you should try to avoid vitamin c and iron in diet untill it is fixed you need to check your liver for and damage see if it is reversable or managable good luck had tendinitis in my wrist for the past few years now have a ganglion cyst as well,hi so you know how this all works having unprotected sex saturday night wont make you pregnant by sunday sorry but that is a fact if you know how it works you will know that the first day of your cycle is day so around day 14 give or take a day is ovulation day but you need to have unprotected sex say 3 to 4 days before that why well it takes 3 days for sperm to get in place to receive your egg so if around day 21 you get some spotting this could be a sign your on your way to getting pregnant so if you miss your next period and wait a week your then go get tested or do an hpt so now do you see good luck i have lingual henia from 20 years i have no problems with this by my yoga asanas is there any risk of cancer by this,your posting is confusion the term lingual refers to the tongue so i am guessing that you mean inguinal groin hernias do not cause cancer but they can be problematic during certain exercises or perhaps yoga positions so i would advise you to discuss this with your doctor someone who knows the details of your medical history can i eat canned clams while pregnant,hi a nerve in your ear might have been inflammed cover the ears by cotton buds to keep them warm take anti inflammatory tablets if the symptoms remain as they are and do not increase they you can definitely wait till morning thanks what are the risks of long term use of hormone replacement therapy,the first step is to prevent yourself from acting out during anger episodes while getting angry either do reverse counting from 20 to 0 or deep breathing after calming down give logical suggestions to yourself against losing temper in that particular situation log down the events resulting in stress and weekly review them then think some alternative response from your side to resolve it practice relaxation exercises like yoga pranayama follow steps of sleep hygiene such as avoiding caffeinated drinks remember that every problem has a solution you just need to try solving it for further information consult a psychiatrist online > what can i do today to start being more active,most helpful answer maybe your doctor should refer you to a back specialist orthopedist for a higher level evaluation musculoskeletal issues in the neck can be very complex so you will need a careful medical history thorough examination of your neckshoulders and most likely some imaging studies do not ever worry about asking your doctor too many questions they are not working for free they get well paid to address your concerns i have a rash thought it might be some type of fungus doc says ringworm,hi well your past the time the experts say you should not be on the bc pill during conception so just stay on them till you get tested which i hope your planning to do as your now nearly 3 weeks late who knows it could be just a skipped period but until you have your test i would stay on your bc pills just in case your not because if your still having unprotected sex you could soon be do hope this helps you good luck our fertility doctor suggests an ultrasound abdominal vessels procedure need second doctor opinion,i do not think so sperm cannot live outside of the body i am a 42 year old virgin and i have been dry humping since i was 20 it is hard for sperm to get through to your jeans and much harder for it to go through a sanitary napkin you might be late because of stress sometimes our periods change and that causes us to be late i have been experiencing upper right abdominal pain on a daily basis for 5 months no solution from doctor,you seem concerned by the eczema diarrhea frequent chest infections and oral thrush in your 2 year old child a number of disorders can present with these features many of the children are simply having the repeated viral upper respiratory tract infections that are a normal part of growing up in others the symptoms are the first manifestations of asthma but in an important minority there is a clear history of persistent or recurrent episodes of pneumonia or of chronic sputum production indicating more severe pathology it is important to rule out uncommon causes like bronchiectasis cystic fibrosis and immunodeficiency in consultation with your paediatrician as the same is not possible online hope this helps take care note this post is not to emphasise final diagnosis as the same cannot be made online and is aimed just to provide medical information and no treatment suggested above be taken without face to face consultation with health care professional i had wrist surgery it was the biggest mistake of my life,gonadotropin releasing hormone gn rh is a hormone that is involved in triggering ovulation it is sold under the name factrel and lutrepulse diagnosed with type 2 diabetes reduced a1c blood test without using metformin and lisinopril,never is this used as an anti depressant narcotics are quite the opposite they cause deptession however getting rid of your pain would be enough to make you feel better but you may find over time you will need to increase your dosage is the addiction to narcotics a fair trade off depends on the pain and you need to follow your physicians instruction to the letter do not increase your dose without talking it over with your physician i suffer from familial mediterranean fever fmf can i do a rhinoplasty,occasionally women have slight but regular bleeds in the early stages of pregnancy so i would advise a pregnancy test just to be sure a rare cause of high prolactin levels is a benign growth in the pituitary gland that over stimulates the prolactin releasing tissue a blood test may show something and hormones prolactin test how can exercise help my sleep,so exercise and sleep there is significant amount of data to show that a regular amount of exercise will help with sleep specifically increasing deep sleep so one of the questions when we talk about working with the boomers and people who are in that age range is that if they can get daily exercise it will actually help increase their overall sleep do you want to exercise right before bed well that is a great question and the data is very mixed on this i have some patients who are what i call type a personalities and pretty anxious folks i actually have them exercising before bed which is not something that is usually recommended because for them exercise causes a relaxation response so for them it is perfect to exercise before bed i have other patients people who are a little bit more melancholy and blue where exercise actually gives them energy so these people i have them exercising in the morning so it really depends upon your overall personality type to know and understand when you should exercise but overall i definitely recommend exercise for sleep can a broken bone or a muscle tear cause a fever my father fell a month ago and has been experiencing pain in the arm he fell on he will not go to a doctor because he does not have insurance just this week he said he had a sweating spell and has been feeling under the weather for a few days no other symptoms then he thinks he had a fever and even muscles in chest ache so i am not sure if he just caught some virus or if maybe something from his fell is trying to tell his body,most helpful answer this is a cyst near or on your left ovary without seeing the results of your test and delve into your medical history i have no way of knowing the significance or treatment approaches ovarian cysts are more likely to be non cancerous and may even be self resolving like corpus lutiem cysts the ones that form as a result of monthly ovulation you will need to discuss patient specific questions with your own doctor someone who is familiar with your particular case what happens if i stop taking suppressive acyclovir i have been taking 400 mg of acyclovir 2xday for 3 years to prevent my bf from getting herpes prior to that i had about 1 outbreakyr and it was very mild only one bump typically we are trying to conceive so i stopped taking it about 10 days ago but i am scared that i am getting an outbreak and afraid that if i stop i am going to get frequent outbreaks what typically happens when someone stops taking acyclovir do outbreaks often come back worse than before ,tuberculosis tb is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis slow growing bacteria that thrive in areas of the body that are rich in blood and oxygen such as the lungs webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i have been denied coverage due to a pre existing condition will i be able to find affordable options under obamacare,i know a lot of americans are concerned about getting health coverage if they have a pre existing medical condition indeed people who have medical conditions and may have been denied coverage in the past because of their health status will be able to get coverage under health reform beginning in 2014 the question of affordability is a bit more complicated the cost of health insurance we sometimes call premiums will vary by plan and from state to state you may be eligible for subsidies to help you afford coverage if your income is below a certain amount the best thing you can do is to look closely at the specific coverage options available to you compare the costs and benefits when the new marketplaces go live on october 1 and make a good decision for you and your family for coverage by january doctor thinks my appendix needs surgery should i go through the surgery,hi in my opinion go on with surgery but before that ask your gynecologist to perform a vaginal ultrasound to check for pregnancy it can be a pregnancy ovulated from right side ovary good luck what should i do if i suspect an overdose of meprozine,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents should call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents should call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include slow breathing slow heartbeat muscle stiffnesstwitching hot dry skin widened pupils seizure loss of consciousness i have asthma chronic obstructive pulmonary disease copd and erectile dysfunction ed,hi ed in your case mainly seems due to steroids that you may be taking for copd other reasons like stress anxiety low testosterone levels also need a consideration get spirometry done for assessing lung function consult a andrologist for ed try stopping steroids if u take thanks i have endo and i c i had a hysterectomy 12 years ago i am in alot of pain to the point of tears i have endo and i c i had a hysterectomy 12 years ago but it keeps coming back so i have had 6 laps it has averaged one a year for the last 6 years i dont have the money right now to go to my dr because our insurance is awful i am having back pain and doubling over with cramps and having trouble with constipation i took a laxative last night and have gone some but its still not like it normally helps me go i am also burning when i go to the bathroom to urinate and not can you give me so,i had endometriosis before a radical hysterectomy i remember doubling over in pain and it did affect my ability to have a bowel movement you need to be seen by a doctor right away i know you do not want to because of finances but i suggest you go anyway did they perform a radical hysterectomy or partial the only way you could be having problems with endometriosis is if they performed a partial hysterectomy i finally had to have a radical meaning they took both ovaries as well as the uterus once this is done you cannot have endometriosis again having stomach pains mostly in the evening after 5 feels like contractions but contstant goes away after some time no fever or nausea or other symptoms 3 days ago i did have dark black stool but have had another bowl movement since then and it was a light brown color,see a dermatologist and have the wart assuming it is a wart professionally treated my baby is arms measure 7 weeks behind and her legs 2 weeks behind,hi have a look at this you need to google natural way out of depression and natural ways out of anxiety or do it for both lots to read just find a path and stick with it see how you get on but you would need to be off the drugs when you do them all you can do is try but if your trying its a path you can follow do hope this helps good luck how much zertec allergie medication do i give my 110 lb dog,i am sorry your dog is having allergies well this is primarily a forum for human health questions but since i am a dog lover i will answer your canine conundrum are you sure the problem is allergies the symptoms of allergies such as nasal allergies or hay fever are very different in dogs than in humans if you have any questions at all about whether or not your dog is truly suffering from allergies you need to consult a veterinarian my understanding but do not take that to the bank is that zyrtec generic name cetirizine is safe for dogs i do not know the dosage however you can call a 24 hour animal hospital and they will probably be happy to tell you diphenhydramine brand name benadryl is safe for use in dogs it may be a better choice than cetirizine in fact but you should consult a veterinarian for specific dosing instructions for your dog i hope your pup feels better soon i have testicular atrophy and erection problems from prohormone can my body fix itself i took a supplement i found online thinking it was just a weight gainer it was a prohormone about 6 days into it i started having flu like symptoms after that i lost sex drive and am having erection problems i can get one but it required alot of stimulation and doesnt stay up long where i am located it will be a while before i can see a doctor around 4 months would this be enough time for my body to start producing testosterone again on its own,i do not know your age or the content of that on line prohormone that you were taking i also do not know anything about your medical history in order to make a patient specific comment if you have to wait four months to see a medical provider get the wheels in motion just in case unfortunately i would have no idea when you will return to normal the state before you took thse supplements epigastric pain…what is wrong,may be lactose intolerance… cut out it out from your diet and see how you feel if no change i would then look at wheat – gluten intolerance and see how that works i think i have sleep related eating disorders – night eating syndrome,it does seem like a night eating syndrome there are a few tablets available in the medical stores that are known to decrease your extra appetite for food you can take these tablets 2 hours before going to bed such tablets react with your digestive juices in stomach and give u a feel of stomach fullness if i was just diagnosed with high risk hpv with mild a typical cells would it be pointless to get the gardisal shot,the shot should work it never pointless so i would get it but before that ask your doctor if your worried about it that is why they are there for or the nurse one of them can answer better do mushrooms have nutritional value which taste the best,exposure to any bacteria does not necessarily imply that you wil get a disease from it there are not specific bacteria that only cause pneumonia so exposure to someone with pneumonia does not mean the exposed person will get pneumonia bacteria and viruses are more prevalent in closed spaces and can last for a while on surfaces but we are all exposed to these types of germs every day every hour when we are around people even people that appear well your mother is elderly and her immune system may be more vulnerable did she get the flu vaccine this year has she had the pneumonia vaccine pneumovax if not this would be something that her doctor would likely recommend if your mother becomes ill she should be seen by her medical provider and carefully examined but do not worry too much about this exposure she may be tougher than she looks and may not get ill at all i was diagnosed of pcos and last 2 week went for a my doctor is visit and she said my sugar level is a bit higher than normal but i forgot asking how many it was then she asked me to follow diet and also placed me on metformin 500mg i am so worried considering the fact that i am polycistic please can some one advise me on what find of food is best for me now and what to avoid does this means that i will end up in diabetes pls help thansk,in polycystic ovaries the hormone dis balance is such that there are long intervals in between two periods relax deranged sugar levels are common in pcod but that does not mean that you would have diabetes in future metformin is commonly prescribed in case of pcod doing some lifestyle changes will help you like 1 reduce saturated fat intake 2 maintain good body composition 3 increase dietary fiber 4 increase aerobic exercise 5 restrict sugar intake you can also consider visiting a dietician who can help you in diet according to your requirements and choice take care how is fatigue an early sign of pregnancy,you are a parent you do not need me to tell you to worry or not worrying come naturally her maternal immunity wore off about a month ago so she is now quite vulnerable to colds viral infections because she is so dang cute at this age many people are playing with her so exposure to germs are a sure thing she will need to get several colds in order to jump start her own immune systems so get used to them this first winter can be the cold of the month club if she is in day care frequent colds will be a part of your life coughing can also be triggered by saliva i suspect she is teething when he lies down the saliva or any post nasal drainage has no where to go but down her throat coughing clears her airways so in some respects it is a good thing if she is showing signs of illness fever rapid breathing wheezing failure to improve over time etc she will need to be examined by her medical provider there will be the sound of coughing in your christmas videso this year what is the secret to cooking great fish,the vas deferens is in the scrotum and this is not touched during a prostatatectomy but the spermatic cord that goes from the vas deferens to the prostate is most likely severed or removed during the procedure my husband and i have commonwealth care right now will we have to fill out new paperwork to get the new insurance,for those of you in massachusetts looks like you will have to fill out some new paperwork there will be something called the integrated eligibility system that will connect you with the new federal requirements it is supposed to help you get an eligibility determination online in real time starting october 1 i was diagnosed with crohn is when anemic i have staph infections,hi these measures are not enough broad spectrum antibiotics are required intravenous ones will be more effective than oral ones thanks i had rubella during pregnancy will child be crippled or abnormal should i get an abortion,hi yes rubella in pregnancy can cause congenital rubella syndrome so you should check with your gynecology and get evaluated for proper investigations you should proceed accordingly as far as next pregnancy is concerned you should get proper screening done but once you get immune the problem with next pregnancy is negligible hope this helps one year old blind boy can not move please help,the immobility could be caused by infant spinal cord damage… but should not affect vision though how are burns classified,hi this answer is from the uk is nhs after you have read it all the way down to the bottom you should find out you taken far to much zinc zinc is a trace element that has several important functions for example it helps to make new cells and enzymes helps us process carbohydrate fat and protein in food helps with the healing of wounds good sources of zinc zinc is found widely in the environment good food sources of zinc include meat shellfish dairy foods – such as cheese bread cereal products – such as wheat germ how much zinc do i need the amount of zinc you need is about 5 5 9 5mg a day for men 4 0 7 0mg a day for women you should be able to get all the zinc you need from your daily diet what happens if i take too much zinc taking high doses of zinc reduces the amount of copper the body can absorb this can lead to anaemia and weakening of the bones what does the department of health advise you should be able to get all the zinc you need by eating a varied and balanced diet if you take zinc supplements it is important not to take too much because this could be harmful do not take more than 25mg of zinc supplements a day unless advised to by a doctor do hope this helps you good luck what is a weight loss exercise for people with arthritis in feet ankles and disc herniation in neck and low back swimming irritates the neck and pain shoots down my arms walking in good sneakers pains my feet and ankles which have arthritis i can stretch but that is not enough to lose weight,hi with your problems seems to me it would be best if you can get in swimming its low impact on your joints and this would be really go for you so just get in swimming and do enjoy it good luck what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for obsessive compulsive disorder ocd,yes it can be related my thyroid was removed in 1973 when i was 21 yrs old due to benign adenoma i took armour for 10 yrs then switched to synthroid for 10 yrs in 1991 i began having severe hives and red burned face my family dr immediately suspected thyroid meds allergists insisted no way was it that i suffered for 8 months until my gynecologist took me off synthroid hives immediately began subsiding then on armour and hives returned but looked different took me off all hormone for 6 weeks and follow up with endocrinologist said i would feel very tired but i felt great all my levels were normal and have remained so for 21 yrs when can i use an iud,i only recommend iuds to girls who are monogamous who have had their family and are at the point where they do not ever want to conceive again or they do not care to have another pregnancy and then an iud may be another option for them is an iud something that could cause you to become infertile it seems that the iud is a form of birth control that if you are not monogamous and you go out and have another partner the bacteria is different and so there is a string with the iud that allows for bacteria to go up into your uterus and out the fallopian tubes and cause a possibility of pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility so i would not put it into a young girl who has not had their family and i would put it into someone who is at the point where they have had their kids and they say they are done and it is a great form of birth control they do not have to think about and like i said the new mirena iud can even make their periods lighter and most women are thrilled they do not want heavier periods they want lighter periods i have been sick for over 4 years i have stomach pain cramps diarrhea mild constipation mild headache mild nausea fatigued,what are the benefits of dental bridges bridges can restore your smile restore your ability to properly chew and speak maintain the shape of your face distribute the forces in your bite properly by replacing missing teeth prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position can a woman get pregnant using the withdrawal method of birth control,i am proof positive the withdrawal method doesnt always work my daughter was conceived using the withdrawal method i have athlete is foot on the hands and feet or eczema,atheletes foot seems to have got a secondary bacterial infection less likely to be an eczema as the eczema lesions are somewhat different from the ones you are having get a second opinion from a good dermatologist oral antibiotics will help the lesions heal faster my hiv test came back negative a positive test person was in the room before me could i have been exposed to hiv i touched the countertop doorknob of the room etc,hi ovarian cysts are known for recurrence depending on the hormonal changes in your body thogh this is not the only cause of the pain get a ultrasound abdomen and rule out cysts consult a gynecologist thanks i frequently get horrible headaches out of no where when i get up in morning i always feel light headed nauseous over the last two years i have been experiencing sudden awful headaches where my vision becomes blurry and no pain relievers or anything seem to help my doctor said could be migranes but has not done anything to determine weather or not that is the case any suggestions on other things to try to reduce this problem or if i should seek different medical attention,yes many other medical conditions lead to osteoporosis diabetes vitamin deficiency menopause hyperthyroidism celiac disease asthma etc cause osteoporosis can hiv cause throat inflammation as a presenting symptom,lupus is an autoimmune aw toe ih myoon disease your body is immune system is like an army with hundreds of soldiers the immune system is job is to fight foreign substances in the body like germs and viruses but in autoimmune diseases the immune system is out of control it attacks healthy tissues not germs you can not catch lupus from another person it is not cancer and it is not related to aids lupus is a disease that can affect many parts of the body everyone reacts differently one person with lupus may have swollen knees and fever another person may be tired all the time or have kidney trouble someone else may have rashes lupus can involve the joints the skin the kidneys the lungs the heart andor the brain if you have lupus it may affect two or three parts of your body usually one person does not have all the possible symptoms there are three main types of lupus systemic lupus erythematosus eh rith eh muh toe sus is the most common form it is sometimes called sle or just lupus the word systemic means that the disease can involve many parts of the body such as the heart lungs kidneys and brain sle symptoms can be mild or serious discoid lupus erythematosus mainly affects the skin a red rash may appear or the skin on the face scalp or elsewhere may change color drug induced lupus is triggered by a few medicines it is like sle but symptoms are usually milder most of the time the disease goes away when the medicine is stopped more men develop drug induced lupus because the drugs that cause it hydralazine and procainamide are used to treat heart conditions that are more common in men what to eat with hsp my 5yr old grandson was diagnosed with h s p 2 weeks ago has severe tummy pains sore joints a rash on lower body he is hardly eaten since diagnosis and his mum is trying to get as much liquid into him as possible also a probiotic powder recommended by the chemist he is lost so much weight and was a little light weight before all this happened can you suggest anything he could eat that would make him feel a little bit better or can you advise of any food or liquid he should avoid jackie,bland diet while no specific diet is recommended for those diagnosed with henoch schönlein purpura you can lessen gastrointestinal symptoms by adhering to a bland diet a bland diet can be as simple as refraining from eating any spicy foods to a more strict brat diet the brat diet consists of bananas rice applesauce and toast this combination is generally well tolerated by those with an upset stomach liquids it is important to remain hydrated when suffering from henoch schönlein purpura the condition normally clears up on its own over a period of weeks but during that time it is important to take in sufficient water sports drinks herbal teas and broth to remain hydrated avoid milk soft drinks and caffeinated beverages which can increase dehydration i have had chronic diarrhea for 5 months now 55 60 bm is per week with every conceivable test done solution i have no other side effects cramps headaches etc just the diarrhea have had 2 ct is an endoscopy colonoscopy three ultrasounds two rounds of blood urine and stool work ups a gluten free diet extnesive allergy testing and six different medicationsprobiotics and no solution found am now on morphine sulfate to slow it down possible cause and treatment,if you have not already you should try the low fodmap diet which is often helpful with individuals suffering from irritable bowel syndrome it was designed by australian researchers at monash university and is being used more and more you first need to find a dietitian who specializes in digestive health and is familiar with fodmaps go to eatright org to find one in your area you will work with him or her to eliminate foods that contain potentially problematic carbohydrates including lactose fructose fructans sugar alcohols and galactans for a period of time 1 2 weeks if it helps you will know as soon as a few days you also might want to try a probiotic that has been found to be effective managing diarrhea look for probiotics that have research behind them for more on digestive health see this webmd article do not give up you can find a solution what are the most healthy foods to stock in my refrigerator and freezer,scabies lives under the skin in humans those tiny little insects will not live on your couch or chair or they would quickly starve to death your furniture is safe if you feel better just clean your furniture with any product that is safe for the fabric or just vacuum thoroughly but this is really not necessary scabies lives under the skin in humans those tiny little insects will not live on your couch or chair or they would quickly starve to death your furniture is safe if you feel better just clean your furniture with any product that is safe for the fabric or just vacuum thoroughly but this is really not necessary is continuing to smoke cigarettes throughout pregnancy safer than simply quitting my freind is girlfriend told him that her doctor informed her that it was safer for their unborn child to continue smoking through the remaining 8 months of pregnancy rather than having her simply quit now due to the baby going through nicotine withdrawals no one was there with her when this happened it sounds like bs to me but can anyone back this up trying to look out for my friend is unborn child so thanks everyone in advance,smoking in any way or of any form is beneficial for any one born or not born so if any one is saying this is not making any sense at all it is true that quitting at a sudden will sat you on mood swing or uneasiness or carving for smoking there are many other ways by which you can lower your withdrawal symptom of smoking you can advice you friend to use nicotine gum or chimtix both are anti smoking medicine which will help your friend from leaving this evil for more information on how these anti smoking drugs work you can visit topdrugmart i start with a healthy erection during sex but it never lasts very long could this be ed or some kind of mental block,it is very very normal if you are feeling stressed worried fatigued anxious pressured or guilty quit thinking with the head on your shoulders and things should work out just fine does mrsa have any link at all to group b strep,i am not sure what you mean by link if you are asking whether the two bacteria are related the answer is no if you are asking can one lead to another the answer also is no let me explain mrsa stands for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureas a nasty bacterium that resists treatment by many antibiotic drugs interestingly mrsa can reside peaceably on the skin and a few other places such as the nasal passages in some people without ever causing a problem this is called colonization the problem arises when mrsa invades internal tissues such as through a cut or surgery a mrsa infection presents a serious health issue that requires a strong response from medical professionals group b streptococcus lives in the intestines of many people and never causes a problem that said it is a leading cause of blood and brain infections in newborns infants are susceptible to group b strep because they do not have well developed immune systems when a baby gets infected with group b strep it often happens during the birthing process as these bacteria can be present in the vagina or rectum of the woman giving birth if a woman is known to be colonized with group b strep she may receive antibiotics during labor however these two bacteria are not in any way related if a person were diagnosed with both mrsa and group b strep at the same time it would be coincidental the only possible link between the two would be a weakened or suppressed immune system a person with a weakened immune system would be less able to fight off any type of bacterial infection and so this person would be more likely to come down with multiple infections caused by different bacteria wishing you well how are arrhythmias diagnosed,tests used to diagnose an arrhythmia or determine its cause include electrocardiogram holter monitor event monitor stress test echocardiogram cardiac catheterization electrophysiology study eps head up tilt table test which is the best peel for rosacea,rosacea is a condition which may get aggravates during season change temperature change exercise alcohol and stress in rosacea skin becomes very sensitive and you cannot apply for any other medicines as you said treatment prescribed by the previous doctor worked for you you can continue those medicines we use salicylic acid 20 to 30 or azelaic acid peels rosacea makes skin very sensitive so we defer using peels at home as peels contain acid which may also harm if not applied under supervision patient friendly peels are not easily available you can go to your local dermatologist and ask for these peels meanwhile i suggest you topical salicylic acid 2 gel or azelaic acid 20 gel why do not you like to take oral medicines if you have pimples like lesions in rosacea they also work very well for further information consult a dermatologist online > can you get pink eye from using someone else is computer keyboard or phone,there is really not much point in washing your face before exercise you need to cleanse your skin after exercising and sweating in order to make sure you do not develop blocked pores or possible fungal infections of the skin interestingly it is equally important to thoroughly dry your skin after exercising fungal infections such as jock itch can arise if the skin stays damp so be sure to towel off thoroughly and perhaps apply powder if you can not get completely dry ps women can get jock itch too hope this helps no i dont think it is wise to do this especially if you wash it with hotwarm water leaves the skin dry back pain exercises,here is a slideshow that is about exercises for back pain and another i personally find bridges to be very helpful what is the strongest over the counter headachepain reliever medicine,there is no stronger over the counter medication for headache or migraine pain relief headaches are very individualized there are several over the counter medications you can use to alleviate painful headaches these medications include acetaminophen tylenol an effective over the counter analgesic pain reliever and antipyretic fever reducer medication this medication can help with achy pain stiffness and fever however it does not have any anti inflammatory properties this is important for some types of headache relief in addition the nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug class nsaids consists of products like ibuprofen motrin advil and naproxen naprosyn aleve which work by exhibiting analgesic relief antipyretic and anti inflammatory properties lastly combination products such as excedrin migraine contain acetaminophen aspirin and caffeine these ingredients combined make a more powerful headachepain reliever than the ingredients separated out alone it is important to follow the instructions on the label of over the counter medication and not to mix products in order to prevent overdosing or toxicity monitor the frequency and intensity of your migraines to know when it is time to seek professional help and possibly the addition of a prescription medication if you are 18 or older advil migrane and excedrin migrane are really good i do not know about all around pain relievers advile migrane is a gel so it is easy to swallow and fast acting it also lasts all day excedrin migrane is supposedly the safest and #1 nuerologist reccomended migrane medicine also if you are not talking about a migrane just a really bad headache please do not take these because these are really strong drugs and can hurt you if they are in your system fro no reason how is the female condom used,vistaril atarax is the prescription brand name for generic hydroxozine – a medication that has many uses it can control nausea and vomiting which may be caused by motion sickness similar in chemical structure to many prescription and over the counter antihistamines hydroxozine is effective in allergic reactions and treating itchinghives its sedative effect can help control anxiety and tension but also cause sleepiness this drug has been around for over a half century but is not used as often anymore replaced now by newer generation drugs with less side effects my mother in law is bedridden shaking incontinent and virtually sleeps all day no one seems to care,in my opinion in ability to move is due to parkinsonism recommend you see a neurologist here bipolar disorder can be an indicator that she needs more thyroid event like attacking your father in law can be hypothyroidism see an endocrinologist as wellgood luck bug bites but never see a bug not bedbugs cause swelling itching redness heat to bite and hardness to area,most of the time people do not react to bedbug bites because of this alot of people who have them do not even know it my wife and i had to deal with an infestation my wife reacted to the bites which caused intense itchyness but not much else i however did not react or feel anything you can a trap to see if you have an infestation and if you catch one you will know i hope this helps and good luck diagnosed with pmr polymyalgia rheumatica 20 months ago and has gradually reduced his steroid dosage to zero,most helpful answer you have an anxiety disorder so you will likely worry no matter what i tell you unfortunately it would be impossible to determine the true nature of your recent event based solely on the information in your posting so you will need to wait until you see your doctor someone who knows your medical history and can examine you if your doctor or cardiologist feels it is clinically important they can order an event monitor where you can record any future episodes as an ecg for later review what are the risk factors for gallstones,i recommend speaking with your health care provider as soon as possible because topamax is not recommended for use in pregnant women because it may cause harm to the fetus your health care provider needs to re evaluate your condition and truly talk with you about the risks versus the benefits if a patient is hospitalized in observation can aspiration be prevented,these are the foods that irritate a damaged esophageal lining and should be limited or eaten in small portions citrus fruits and juices tomato products chili peppers pepper spicy food it is important when you are in an emotional state to try and eat balanced meals and snacks and keep yourself as well nourished as possible because not eating can make matters worse emotionally and physically i am a 32 year old asian woman i am suffering from dry sensitive acne prone skin what can i do to improve my skin,your first step is to exclude any underlying medical problems such as endocrine or hormonal or collagen vascular issues that may lead to a change in the condition of your skin next your goal is to continue rehydrating your skin especially after showers avoid very hot shower and use rehydrating natural oils that contain hyaluronic acid continue to use compounds that contain tretinoin topical tretinoin assists with cell turnover and collagen building hi i am a 28 year old female i have had a pea sized lump near anus have had as long as can remember painless unchanged skin colored soft but not completely seems attached to skin but not really under it have had looked at and drs said was nothing concerning and one could not understand why i would want removed i have hemmeroids but this does not seem the same want to know what it could be first noticed it when i was about 10,hi for your question i have searched the internet and it said 16 of cancers are caused by viruses or bacteria strictly speaking cancer is not contagious but a fair number of cancers are clearly caused by viral or bacterial infections lymphomas can be triggered by the epstein barr virus which also causes mononucleosis how do i inject copaxone,this is most probably irritable bowel disease symptomatized by constipation high fober diet spasmodigestin will make a progress also i need you to do thyroid profile and cbc can you get any std from having a escort touch your testicals i received oral sex from an escort and i had a condom on but she held it down and her fingers touched the bottom of my penis and she touched my balls with her hand and fingers is there any danger at all with regular contact between her hand and my groin area,only if the escort prostitute had herpes on her hands or still had viable pathogens on her hands from the client just before you i do not think so is herpes on the hands very visible and is it treatable 2 weeks ago diagnosed w bladder infection still having pain under ribs right side back pain shooting abdomen pain two weeks ago i presented with nausea and loss of appetite saw a pa and she only tested for pregnancy which was negative two days later i started having shooting pains under my right side rib also in the lower right abdomen and back pain i returned to the pa who ran a urine test and determined it was a bladder infection i finished a 5 day round of antibiotics which completed last tuesday my symptoms have not abated please help this pain under my rib is disconcerting,no she is wrong allergies are not contagious iv inserted in jugular vein is causing vision problems and pain in back of head,hi it seems that the tube site is infected leading to cellulitis of the surrounding soft tissues you may need to be started on antibiotics and anti inflammatory tablets if the local temperature of the skin is raised then fibrinolytic tablets like trypsin chymotrypsin may help thanks extreme back pain when trying to sleep please help during the day time i have the usual aches and pains as any other overweight 56 year old woman may have i tolerate most of it with little or no assistance i do take aleeve at times but lately at night i am having severe back pain it is in the middle and comes in waves i bought some ibuprophen pm to take last night might have been a little better but i took it tonight and layed down 30 minutes later extreme back pain why please help,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices no prescribtions needed legit verified and reputed plug available in the u s canada australia and the uk for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com thank you can my blood pressure medication cause cold feet i have been on blood pressure meds approx 2yrs,artificial sweeteners including splenda sucralose are considered safe and are a good option for limiting caloric intake there is actually no evidence in humans that any artificial sweetener is dangerous to our health other sweeteners include equal aspartame and sweetn low saccharin there are also many generic alternatives stevia truvia is an herbal sugar substitute while early studies suggested a possible link between aspartame and cancer other research has refuted that and it is also considered safe cannot find an adult adhd doc who takes medicare i have been diagnosed by many doctors including those at stanford can not find a single doctor in all of monterey slo and santa barbara counties in ca please help,the marketplaces are not for people on medicare and changing medigap plans is not an easy matter after the initial open enrollment period insurers can deny you visit the medicare gov medicare helpful contacts page or call 1 800 medicare 1 800 633 4227 for personalized help comparing supplemental plans i also had cancer 4 yrs ago and was able to get a supplement through united healthcare they have different insurances but still accept you if you have had cancer ive been living with candida yeast infection for about 18 years now i did not know till like a year ago what candida was,z line irregularity indicates gerd possibility of hiatus hernia should be kept in mind gluten and fat rich diet should be avoided prevacid mostly is resulting in diarrhoea take more of skimmed milk can cold sores come back in only 1 spot all the time i get a sore on my bottom lip about twice a year its always in the exact same spot right in the center of my bottom lip it starts as a lump inside the lip and the next day it works its way from the inside of my lip to the center on the outside it takes a few weeks to get rid of it i find that if i keep it dry and do not use lip balm then it goes away faster,this actually happened to one of my family members especially as drug formularies change at certain times of the year allegra d is comprised of two drugs fexofenadine an antihistamine and pseudoephedrine a decongestant available by prescription there are several antihistaminedecongestant combinations that are available over the counter but you need to see the pharmacist in order to purchase like zyrtec d claritin d and alavert d i recommend you talk to your pharmacist to see what one may be best for you since some may cause drowsiness and others do not also be sure to work with your pharmacist and bring your medication list to help determine if there are any drug drug interactions with other medications you might be taking why does my legs get numb from my back pain in the l 3 l 4 l 5 and s 1 region,i do not know i have no way of examining you or ordering any diagnostic tests but it could be sciatic nerve compression perhaps due to a bad or degenerative disc you need an mri and a visit to a back specialist how can i fit exercise into my day when i spend so much time with my kids,trading off [exercise time with a spouse] is a good idea something else you can do is incorporate exercise into your time with the kids for me playing catch or street hockey bumping a volleyball or shooting hoops with my kids is a great way to have bonding time playtime and exercise all in one for younger kids rolling around on the floor dancing to music or piggy back rides can be a workout as well there is only so much time in a day and i can not always get up at 530 am for a real workout so adding exercise to my everyday activities helps it recharges and refreshes me it is a great way to connect as a family is it ok to take over the counter sleep aids such as tylenol pm motrin pm and advil pm for migraines do some of these medications contain acetaminophen can these medications cause long term side effects,there medications are intended to aid in sleeping tylenol pm acetaminophen and diphenhydramine motrin pm ibuprofen and diphenhydramine and advil pm ibuprofen and diphenhydramine all have medications to help alleviate the pain the diphenydramine can help in making you sleepy i would be cautious in using this product on a regular basis and would consult with your health care professional if migraines or headaches become persistent make sure to read the directions on the label carefully to prevent improper use of these over the counter medications i am 28 weeks pregnant and have small brown patches around my breast they itch sometimes dry out and peel any ideas,most helpful answer let is start off with your question regarding the relationship between acne and heavy sweating sweat does not cause acne especially during the teen years hormone levels can stimulate excessive oil production along with those hormones circulating throughout the body causing the excess oil the skin is going through a stage of change that predisposes it to clogging that pore clogging can develop into pustules pimples whiteheads and blackheads most foods do not cause acne with that said it is suggested to eat a healthy and balanced diet some anecdotal accountings recommend either reducing or eliminating chocolate carbonated beverages caffeine products excess sodium and fried foods despite extensive marketing through info commercial and lofty prices there is no silver bullet product solution to curing acne here are some recommendations and treatment that can lessen the acne outbreaks even though acne is not directly caused by dirt keep your face clean and free of excess bacteria can reduce pore clotting do not be overly aggressive in the face washing applying too much pressure to the affected areas can actually aggravate the situation from my own teenage years applying an astringent following face washing was very beneficial cleaning pads containing salicylic acid can cause improvement and are relatively cost effective be careful about using cover up makeup products which can further cause pore clotting do not be tempted to pop the acne blisters as this may cause spreading and infection keep your body well hydrated and exercise on a regular basis sleep for eight hours each night you can search out acne home remedy treatments the internet is loaded with various homemade recipes that may help a paste made up of common everyday products such as baking soda and lemon juice work for some individuals if improvement does not occur within 2 months of applying the above principles then it is time to consult with a doctor they may prescribe medications such as retin a accutane antibiotics and others to treat the acne stay calm and positive do not become overly stressed and allow acne to control your life with extra efforts directed at maintaining optimal physical health you should see positive results in reducing acne does using an elliptical machine at the gym burn more calories than running on the street or bike riding,the answer depends on many different things since your weight the type of exercise how intense you are doing each exercise and how long you do each exercise will all influence how many calories you burn simply put however i would say that you have the potential to burn the most calories by running followed by biking and lastly by using the elliptical one way to measure how many calories you burn during exercise is to look at metabolic equivalents mets mets are a way to measure and gauge the amount of energy you burn during physical activity with 1 met being equal to the energy you burn simply being at rest for instance running at a 10 minute mile pace is roughly the equivalent of 10 mets or ten times the calories you burn at rest unfortunately there really is no good answer for how many mets you burn while using an elliptical a study entitled “2011 compendium of physical activities a second update of codes and met values” only lists using an elliptical at a moderate intensity which was the equivalent of 5 mets for comparison bicycling with a moderate effort 12 13 9mph is 8 mets you can find a comprehensive list of mets by doing an internet search for “compendium of physical activities tracking guide” websites utilizing a formula involving these met values for each type of exercise along with your weight and the duration can help to estimate how many calories you will burn during exercise keep in mind that these are just based off of averages but one such site is play around with the types of activities and the duration of the activity to see what can provide you with the most calories burned can bacterial vaginosis be pasted to a man,h i yes but its not a bit like a woman gets he just becomes a carrier and will need meds just like a women does if a women get bv then both of you should be on meds for it this way the chances of you getting it back straight away are gone but bv is a real bugger loves to come back at some time the reason is the it goes deep into tissues comes out when it feels like it do hope this helps you good luck use of epsom salts for itchy watery eyes my husband has red itchy watery eyes can i use an epsom salts compress to relieve these symptoms,hi as it is already 2 3 years that you are experiencing blood in stools you should not delay further and consult a gastroenterologist and get proper evaluation done that can include stool culture colonoscopy blood tests etc to confirm the cause and treatment should be immediately initiated hope this helps regards experiencing right sided facial palsy for the 3rd time in 8 months,10 cms ovarian cyst well i dont think any other treatment modality can help medicines can help to reduce its size to some extent but it wont cure it completely better to get it removed at the earliest before it causes any other complication instead of an open abdominal surgery a laparoscopic one will have many advantages i have taken metformin for my diabetes for two years i now have loose stool bloating and gas is this a side effect,hi in my opinion is not eosinophilic gastroenteritis as eosinphils count did not rise as you stated so next step should be stool culture to check for h pylori good luck does psoriatic arthritis lead to anxiety and isolation,its correct… u ll start feelinh good in the 3 rd day not go worry u can start with injections in the first 2 to 3 days 1gm every 12 hours if you can not swallow also listerine gargling will be great take also paramol 1 2 tablets every 6 to 8 hours only if needed to subside the fever and pain what is the difference between hydrocodone acetaminophen and acetaminophen cod#3,one has regular codeine and the other has a synthetic form of codeine vicodin the both are effective pain control medications just started using nuvaring on the 3rd day of my period and had sex the same day of the insert possible pregnancy i just started using nuvaring again for the first time on the 3rd day of my period the last time i was on nuvaring was about 2 years ago so i recently had sex the same day i inserted nuvaring while my husband and i have sexual intercourse he came inside of me with no other secondary protection beside the nuvaring could there be a possible pregnancy for doing it on the same day please help if you know any information on that i am greatfully appreciate it and thank you before hand,well that is a tough one to answer it could just be that you need to put on a sweater wink if you have been feeling cold for some time now and no matter what you do including putting on a sweater it does not help then it is worth getting checked out by a health care professional any number of things can cause you to feel cold constantly before you see a health care provider take note of any other symptoms you may have have you gained weight for example also jot down the background of this problem when did it start is the coldness located all over or is it mainly in your hands and feet for example what have you done to try to solve the problem on your own by providing your health care provider with as much background information as possible you will be helping move toward a diagnosis and relief from that constant coldness i wish you all the best with this if i select a health insurance plan in baltimore will that plan allow me to go to another state for medical treatment,first try using a different formulation of each generally creams are less drying to the skin than gels if this does not help you may need to chose a lower strength formula or apply the creams less frequently second be sure that there is not an ingredient in your current formulations such as propylene glycol that might make your skin more sensitive or irritated examine the ingredients lists in whatever you are using and consult with your health care provider about undergoing skin tests to find this out how much of a difference does eating better getting some exercise sleeping more etc make for my skin,exercising drinking water eating fresh fruit vegetables lean meats and whole grains help your body fight free radical damage that leads to fine lines and wrinkles not doing these things can contribute to the growth of dull uneven skin that is wrinkled and looks unhealthy your body and your skin deserve the best what can cause extreme drowsiness related to hunger my husband is 34 has smoked cigarettes since he was about 15 and has recently started getting extremely drowsy when he gets hungry it is uncontrollable no matter what he will fall asleep when he gets hungry after he eats he is back to normal he was having chest pains pretty frequently for a while but since things in our life have calmed down a tad those chest pains have not reoccurred it is been several weeks since he has told me that he had chest pains could this be hypoglycemia,yes they are related both hydroxyzine and diphenhydramine are antihistamines used to treat allergic reactions both cause drowsiness and dry mouth as side effects hydroxyzine is available only by prescription but diphenhydramine is available over the counter what is symmetrel for parkinson is disease,symmetrel amantadine is a drug that releases the nerve chemical messenger dopamine and is useful in treating parkinson is i heard about a vitamin booster called iss t ibose does it give you energy when you are feeling tired and exhausted,be certain that after urination you wait long enough before leaving the toilet area to avoid some dripping this has nothing to do with masturbation and there is no normal amount of masturbation many young men in their early 20 is masturbate daily this is not a problem in and of itself if you continue with urinary leakage you might want to see your health care provider what are the symptoms of heart failure,i do not know what you are taking in the way of drugs and i do not know your age to know if you have prostatic hypertrophy enlarged prostate i would suggest that you see your medical provider so you can be properly examined this problem may be able to be fixed my hormone levels are low and i just found out that i am pregnant yesterday through blood and urine at the e r,and what exactly is your question are bananas bad for colitis,if you have been regular with your menses these years and this is the first episode at 53 years of age when the menses have been delayed by two weeks the causes can be a possible initiation of perimenopausal stage where menses are often delayed for a month or two and slowly tend to stop in next one to two years perimenopausal stage can be verified with the hormonal fsh follicle stimulating hormone and lh luteinizing hormone levels which if high shall indicate an onset of perimenopausal stage however it is suggested that pregnancy should anyways be ruled out and if negative then you can wait naturally for your menses to resume hence try maintaining a menstrual calendar and keep a mark for your dates duration of flow and quantity to evaluate the possible onset of a perimenopausal state for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online > hi i were scatching my ear and realise i go cut and was bleeding what should i do please help,according to statistics 90 of deaths due to breast cancer is with mets the survival rate is only 16 with mets although 20 of patients can live upto 5 yrs but each case is unique and alot of factors affect overall survival rate so its largely depneds upon the case statistics are just numbers then my son is 7 and has walking pneumonia is some activity ok or should he just lay low about how long,once he starts feeling better breathing well and not coughing as much he can do most any activities if he becomes too tired or overly stressed then back off a notch perhaps i would have him hold off on sports participation like soccer until he has fully recovered but he can do most normal activities including going to school if his medical provider gives the okay there are varying degrees of pneumonia and some are quite mild he does not have to remain in bed or in the house but remind him that rest is important to his recovery time can vitamin overload cause muscle cramping ribs legs feet hands,muscle cramps can occur from low levels of minerals in the blood such as potassium but i have not heard of it being caused by an excess of vitamins there really is no reason to take large amounts of vitamins so it makes sense to stop or just take the recommended daily allowance if the cramping continues see your doctor to determine cause this article provides various reasons for muscle cramping usually muscle cramps do not occur due to excess of vitamins although muscle weakness is one of the symptoms of hypervitaminosis e however anything excess in the body causes imbalance and can lead to untoward effects question about sperm survival i am a guy how long does sperm last after being wiped by a tissue paper towel napkin or kleenex can the sperm live for more than 2 minutes can a highly determined person man or woman use that kleenex to get someone pregnant,not technically although a parent of a teenager can sure have depression and anxiety 13 years later after three years or 13 it not considered post partum depression but it is depression andor anxiety nonetheless this person needs medical help what is the goal for high blood pressure treatment,the goal for patients with combined systolic and diastolic hypertension is to attain a blood pressure of 14085 mmhg bringing the blood pressure down even lower may be desirable in african american patients and patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease although lifestyle changes in pre hypertensive patients are appropriate it is not well established that treatment with medication of patients with pre hypertension is beneficial is yoga good for fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease,yoga can be beneficial for these conditions as well as many many other things try it the back of my head itches and is starting to have hair loss but baldness does not run in my family what is the cause,hi well its either off to your doctor or if you have one near try a stdgum clinic if you have one near could be your best bet there staff will be very helpful but as i am from the uk and live in greece so know nothing about charges but please seek some good help good luck could a gluten free diet be supportive enough to fuel my 40 minutes five days a week swimming routine,many gluten free foods are good fuel choices for exercise fruits vegetables beans lean protein and low fat dairy foods milk yogurts and cheeses are all naturally gluten free as are rice potatoes sweet potatoes and corn you might want to try gluten free products such as brown rice pasta or oatmeal that is made in gluten free production facilities although there are many options in today is supermarket be cautious gluten free does not always mean healthier just because a bag of chocolate chip cookies says gluten free does not mean it is calorie free many gluten free products are made with quite a bit of sugar andor fat what are the side effects and benefits of male celibacy including masturbation i e no orgasms i have begun what i call a complete celibacy not allowing myself any sexual stimulation or release with or without a partner i have found a dearth of information online about the medical side of celibacy but a lot relating to religion,i do not believe that a personal choice to be celibate has any medical consequences while humans are inherently sexual beings celibacy does not cause disease it does require an strong conviction however i have done a fair amount of non religious research on this and the answer is that the body will eventually get used to complete celibacy after a while you might have a wet dream even if you do not your sperm will eventually reabsorb into your body you might get prostatits if you are used to having release and suddenly go down to nothing and epididymitis is also possible though less common you also might find prostate fluid oozing out of you when you defaecate after a while you do want to be clear in your reasons for doing this however any time you do something that is not natural like not ejaculating at all even if it is not harmful you want to know why if it is to please a partner for instance then make sure it pleases you too otherwise resentment and other problems will build up if it is because of guilt or shame issues have those taken care of you will be happier and healthier i am not judging or presuming anything i just wanted to mention this as a friendly reminder can exercise flatten your abs,breastfeeding moms should not go on weight loss diets because they need plenty of calories to lactate and provide the sole source of nutrition to their infants even if the weight does not come off as fast as if you were not breastfeeding take comfort in knowing you are doing the best thing for the baby breast milk is designed by mother nature to give your baby everything he or she needs for growth and development for the first several months good nutrition is imperative your diet affects the quality of the breast milk whereas the quantity is based on how much you nurse what is the prognosis for people with chronic hepatitis c,in the best case the treatment will achieve a sustained virological response svr which means that the hepatitis c virus is not detectable in the blood six months after treatment ends an svr is the goal of treatment although the virus is not eradicated its growth is suppressed the chance of achieving an svr depends mostly on the genotype or strain of the virus an svr is achieved in approximately 45 of patients with genotype one and between 65 and 75 of patients with genotype two or three successful treatment should be followed by regular check ups and a healthy lifestyle although the overall prognosis for chronic hepatitis c is good some people will progress to cirrhosis and end stage liver disease a liver transplant may be an option but any replacement liver will also become infected with hepatitis c my husband is on medicare are the premiums based on both our incomes since we can not get life insurance we have put up a little money does that count against us,it is your household income that determines whether or not you are eligible for subsidized health insurance your husband is medicare coverage has no bearing on premiums for health insurance purchased through the marketplaces if you file taxes jointly you must include the amount the two of you earn together and it is important to note that it is your annual household income not your assets home savings investments etc that count i am required to wear safety shoes but they aggravate my hemorroids what suggestions can you offer,i have absolutely no medical explanation as to why safety shoes would be causing your hemorrhoids around your anus to flair up my son got sand thrown in his eye and it is swollen we did rinse it out with water what is the next step,ahhh sandbox eyes i see this quite often the next step assuming he is still crying rubbing his eyes and complaining is to see a medical provider to see if he has a corneal abrasion a painful scratch on the cornea you will need to take him to an urgent care facility the medical provider will put a drop or two of an anesthetic solution to numb the eye instant relief a tiny amount of bright yellow fluorecein dye will be put in the eye to reveal any scratch it can be seen using a black light in a darkened examination room if he does have a tiny scratch he will need some antibiotic drops or ointment for a few days while it heals these things are painful but fortunately they heal very fast what is acid reflux also known as gerd,bacterial vaginosis often clears up on its own but in some women it does not go away on its own and for many women it comes back after it has cleared up antibiotic treatment works for some women but not others about 1 out of 4 women find that bacterial vaginosis clears up without medicine after a week 1 bacterial vaginosis recurs in about 1 out of 3 treated women 2 complications your risk of complications from bacterial vaginosis is higher during pregnancy compared to pregnant women who do not have it women who have bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy have a higher risk of early preterm delivery or uterine infection after pregnancy also pregnant women may have an increased risk of miscarriage after gynecological surgery women with bacterial vaginosis at the time of an invasive vaginal procedure have an increased risk of developing more serious infection or inflammation such as pelvic inflammatory disease pid or endometritis surgical procedures linked to bacterial vaginosis related infection include endometrial biopsy surgical abortion hysterectomy intrauterine device iud placement cesarean section dilation and curettage d&c and an x ray test that examines the inside of the uterus the fallopian tubes and surrounding area hysterosalpingography 4 when exposed to hiv or other sexually transmitted diseases women who have bacterial vaginosis when they are exposed to sexually transmitted diseases including hiv have an increased risk of becoming infected with the sexually transmitted disease 1 webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated i am trying for a baby and after just a week after sex i seem too be having what seems like symptoms is this possible i have contacted my gp and because of recently having an implant removed he seemed too think it was my body returning too normal but i think it is more than this as i feel sick and keep having cramps in my stomach and i have slight pain in my back i have also had some slight spotting,hi ok with out your extra weight when it comes to our penis is that is the way were born ok nice of you to admit your overweightobese they say for each 10lbs we lose our penis is grow 12 an inch so you have something to aim for but your girth your girth is this something that you have noticed like before you gained weight was your penis thicker you first aim then would be to lose as much of you weight as you can set yourself a goal lets say 100lbs in 6 months ok your thinking wow 100lbs 6 months if you wont it you can do it diet exercise you will make it trust me there is some good plans around for extreme exercise there good and you will lose that weight in that time some guys have done that without diet interested you need to get off fast foods and junk foods get off the sodas remember 3 things 1 self control 2 self discipline 3 breaking bad habits these 3 small things are what you need to remember i do hope this helps and one last thing when you have lost the weight go to www pegym com your find lots of help there good luck i drink everyday and smoke sometimes doctor says heart is fine but chest hurts and shortness of breath what can it be they said it is most likely anxiety but i have had pericarditis in the pass the doctors a me a prescription of lorazepam but every morning after the night of smoking i get the pains,hi so you get these pains after a nights smoking yes so what do you think the answer could be then do you think perhaps it could be from all the night smoking your doing trust me its yes and the more you keep doing it the worst it will get but you do have away top kill all this pain your getting you just have to give up smoking what o my god yes its your only way look after 48 years of smoking and smoking very high nicotine smokes being french and spanish pipe and cigars i kicked it you can do its all down to breaking habits and lots of self control if your i9nterested just do an answer this and ask if i have already had the flu this season should i get a flu shot,i would say to get the shot just because you had the flu does not mean you wontcan not get it again i am a woman in my 60s who is experiencing balding like men do can rogaine work for older women,the vagina has an end the cervix so it is not possible to push it in too far they can be difficult to find from from time to time if the tampon goes behind the cervix in the cul de sac area what will happen when a person takes medicen for high bp and does meth i have a friend that has high blood pressure and takes medication for it and he also uses meth when he uses meth he takes extra blood pressure medication is he going to kill him self this way,the shingles vaccination is covered by medicare part d but medigap will not help you cover any out of pocket costs with this service if your employer offers health insurance do you have to take it or can you choose insurance under the aca,you are welcome to shop for insurance coverage in your state is marketplace but if your employer insurance is considered affordable meaning it costs less than 9 5 of your income and covers at least 60 of your medical expenses you will not qualify for federal subsidies antistimines and dui can you get a dui from taking an over the counter cold medicine which has chlorpheniramineantihistamine 2 mgs in it a day or two before a drug urine test it was only taken at night before bedtime nothing at all was taken that day,sitting in front of the computer will cause you pain due to prolonged concentration and looking at the computer screen beside like my fellows said ur neck is in an incomfortable position for a long time try to make a better positioning take a break once ana while i have pain in the eyes and severe headache what could it be,these symptoms indicate migraine headache these vision related symptoms are present in aura temporary visual disturbances that precede the migraine headache the treatment is by use of analgesic drugs in acute episodes and by use of prophylactic drugs like flunarizine to prevent recurrent attacks consult a general medicine physician online for further investigations and treatment > what causes ringworm,anxiety symptoms may include agitation difficulty sleeping excessive worrying feeling on alert most of the time feeling of impending doom nervousnes s if you have regular symptoms of anxiety talk to your doctor and get a physical exam if there is no physical cause for the anxiety your doctor may prescribe medication or your doctor may refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist for a psychological evaluation i have suffered from severe headaches and migraines for years,you are mostly having problem in the inner ear and sinuses an ent doctor can help in general it is not something to worry about i have had raised bumps on my face for years now,because of the nerve pathways a problem in the third molars can definitely cause referrred ear pain but not necessarily an ear infection can neck muscles cause pain in your head i thought it was my sinuses but my ent said that a person does not experience sinus pain & pressure in the places that i am experiencing the pain and pressure feeling like right now for instance i can turn my head to the left & i have pain & pressure feeling very similar to sinus pain & pressure in the upper right side of my head only when i turn my head and please i do not want to hear then do not turn your head like that no neck pain no muscle pain,hi its best you go see your doctor asap good luck do i have the flu or a cold i have a headache running nose sometimes with blood bad cough heat and cold flashes nauseous and a loss of appetite,that would be a difficult question to answer without the ability to examine you cold and influenza are viruses and tend to cause similar symptoms influenza tends to be worse usually with a fever response not just hot or cold flashes influenza is a respiratory viruses some abdominal symptoms are not typical in adults kids with flu can get them though if i had to take a guess i would say that you most likely have a nasty viral infection but not necessarily influenza the only way to be sure is to have a rapid flu test if you have been ill for less than two days antiviral medications like tamiflu can be used there is really nothing that can be done for a cold other than symptom control treating the symptoms of colds and flu is often the only thing that can be done trying to feel better while nature orchestrates the cure both colds and flu last about a week with the first 3 4 days being the worst identifying source of new cold virus,the law guarantees coverage for all americans you can learn more about enrolling in a health plan at healthcare gov why are plant sterols good for me,plant sterols are actually quite natural they are part of the cell membranes in plants and are structurally similar to cholesterol in the body they go to work during digestion displacing dietary cholesterol in the cells lining the small intestine where cholesterol is normally absorbed what can plant sterols do in the body according to a recent scientific review a diet enriched with plant sterols can on average reduce ldl cholesterol by approximately 10 percent the favorable effect on ldl appears to be at its greatest at a dose of 2 grams a day natural plant sources of plant sterols plant sterols are found in small amounts in many healthful plant foods including grains fruits nuts and vegetables avocado 6 ounces 1 small = 132 mg phytosterols soybeans 1 cup = 90 mg phytosterols chickpeas 12 cup = 35 mg phytosterols almonds 1 ounce = 34 mg phytosterols olive oil 1 tablespoon = 30 mg phytosterols a fever from 100 to 102 9 that ibuphen will not keep down below 100 the fever has been for 5 days how dangerous is this 46 year old male no smoking or drinking came over me on a sunday and it has been steady from 102 9 to 100 depending on the ibuphen how long is it considered dangerous to have a steady fever,yes i think anytime you have a fever for a couple of days you should see a doctor the body is fighting something when there is a fever you need to find out what it is fighting lumbar puncture complications i had a lumbar puncture done in my local er 4 days ago to rule out meningitis i have had severe neck pain at the time for 8 days with a headache bp was 157110 when the med student at the hands of the er physician took 6 tries to get it in the right place she then hit a tendon the er dr asked her if she heard that pop and explained to her she hit a tendon could this be why i am still very sore at the sight shouldnt they have explained this to me,thank goodness you apparently do not have meningitis how scary in answer to your last question yes i think the er doctor should have explained to you exactly what to expect after your lumbar puncture in fact you should have received some sort of written instructions beyond that i think they should have given you additional verbal information about what to expect due to experiencing six attempts it is possible the site is still sore because of multiple tries and because of hitting a tendon however if you begin to run a fever it is time to seek medical attention fever could be a sign of infection lumbar punctures are performed under sterile conditions but infection can occur after the fact i do not think four days of soreness at the puncture site is unreasonable but if you are concerned you might give your primary care provider a call it never hurts no pun intended to get these things checked out i hope you feel better soon also you should know that after a spinal tap you are supposed to rest at least 24 hours after having the procedure i have had viral meningitis before so when i have similar symptoms the er doctor will give me a spinal tap thankfully those have come up negative unfortunately the first spinal tap i had after have the viral meningitis no one told me i was supposed to rest for 24 hours and i went to church 6 hours later i was back in the er 2 hours after church wanted to stay to teach sunday school before going back to the hospital make sure to always ask questions is eating smoked turkey parts bad for someone with high blood pressure or diabetes turkey parts refer to smoked wings neck legs etc used for seasoning boiled vegetables like greens,is eating smoked turkey parts bad for someone with high blood pressure or diabetes i would like to know the answer for this question menstrual cycle causes cramping breast soreness enlargement but not pregnant,actually these symptoms could be really just normal menstrual cycle pains although you may have never experienced it before could also be something else like pcos or other if your period has been absent for a while i recommend doing a bhcg test to rule out pregnancy …if nothing showed then a transvaginal usg is recommended it is impossible to avoid bedbugs when traveling or when visiting a hospitalized patient how can i protect myself,hi you have two choices one you believe him and just forget it wreck the relationship you have all over a very old condom or you persue the whole thing and still end up with nothing but some memories and a very old used condom ball is in your park you need to think about it good luck my hair falls out in the shower brushing it and while just running my fingers through handfulls help not normal plz my hair falls out in the shower alot of it and even while brushing it and when i just run my fingers through my hair it comes out in handfulls plz help this isnt normal,1 it could be just flatulence and spastic colon so take spasmodigestin to decrease the bloating sensation also eat vegetables and fruits yoghurt avoid spicy food2 u should do kidney function test to rule out any kidney trouble as u r a high risk patient 3 pelviabdominal us following the tests and the new diet regimen if both are done with no improvement please help me through ayurveda to clear acne,as you are 21 year old the acne is mainly due to hormonal changes as far as scars are concerned do not peel or squeeze your acne the scars which are already present can be lightened off for acne try herbal things at home because the cause is very important as your hormones will get balanced with age the acne will start reducing take turmeric and sandalwood powder and add rose water to it make a paste and apply this paste early in the morning after 10 minutes wash it off gently with water and wipe your face with a soft cotton towel for scars i suggest you apply aloe vera gel on them twice a day this will help in lighting them use mild herbal face wash and do not use harsh soap for face avoid going directly in sunlight apply sunscreen before going outside avoid taking the stress avoid excessive spicy and junk food caffeinated drinks etc drink plenty of liquids and take fresh fruits and vegetables however if acne is due to some infection then you need to visit a nearby dermatologist otherwise hormonal related acne problem will settle down with time for further information consult an ayurveda specialist online > is a fungal toe infection contagious through bathing with another person e g mom & baby ,it is certainly possible for babies to be overweight and there definitely is a genetic component to that some babies put on weight more easily even with taking in the same amount of calories do we need to worry about it that is a hard one it can be a marker that this baby is susceptible to being overweight as a child you do not want to put a baby on a diet but with some babies you might want to restrict the more fattening things maybe offering a little less milk and more fruits and vegetables to keep their weight at a reasonable level for their height talk to your pediatrician about this my eyes are red burning sensation and there swollen and red tryed allerga with no help,i worked at an eye doctors office you need to see an eye doctor and stop using over the counter stuff we see this alot and most of the time it is dry eye or an eye infection your eyes are important really see an eye doctor i eat 1 200 1 500 calories a day is that enough i am 19 53 female and weigh 120 for the past at least five years of my life i have been eating 1 200 1 500 calories which leaves me feeling satisfied energized and maintaining my weight i have been eating a very healthy vegan diet and have eaten pretty healthy my whole life i feel like i am eating enough and i am maintaining my weight but our experts say i need to eat more i feel like if i ate more i would just gain weight but i am at a healthy weight now i exercise moderately,calorie needs are individual and depend on age gender lean body mass and your level of activity since you are not overweight i wonder why you count calories at all it seems to me if you eat well balanced regular meals and let hunger and fullness guide your eating you will get the right amount for your body type emerging research shows that young adults who eat this way often called intuitive or mindful eating have lower bmis and disordered eating then those who do not it may be that you started counting calories to lose weight 5 years ago but i say ditch the calorie counting and learn how to trust and nourish your body instead read more healthy eating recognize your hunger signals hope your weight is 120 pounds and not 120 kg if the current calorie intake keeps you satisfied and energized you do not have to worry at all if you are following any diet chart see to it that your calorie intake is between 1800 2100 calories which is normally recommended for a healthy person my 18 yr old daughter had a spinal fusion in june now 7 months later she gets choked when eating,as its painful i believe its viral infection cmv toxoplasmosis…also do fine needle aspiration but the diagnostic ix is ct i had double herniatummy tuck i have pain every day now with an open wound that never closed and is getting bigger i had a double herniatummy tuck that was not done right and i have pain every day now for the past 2 years along with an open wound that is getting bigger if you look at me it looks like i am missing half my tummy and i do not take off my clothes other than to shower so it really hard to be intimate with my husband it is also hard to be hugged on by my children because of the pain i was wondering if there is some one around in my area that would do a pro bono surgery plz help,hi then go get help its not something you can get on line your in need of medical help doctor or an er good luck is zerit safe during pregnancy or while nursing breastfeeding,it is not known if zerit can harm a human fetus pregnant women have experienced serious side effects when taking stavudine the active ingredient in zerit in combination with didanosine and other hiv medicines zerit should be used during pregnancy only after discussion with your doctor tell your doctor if you become pregnant or plan to become pregnant while taking zerit because studies have shown zerit is in the breast milk of animals receiving the drug it may be present in human breast milk the cdc recommends that hiv infected mothers not breastfeed to reduce the risk of passing hiv infection to their babies and the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants therefore do not nurse a baby while taking zerit can pacemaker lead cause a chest muscle twitch i have a st jude pacemaker and lift weights i just started getting a muscle twitch in my left pectorail muscle it is very random and it does not seem to affect my heart rate is this common or should i have it checked,while it is possible for people to experience muscle stimulation from pacemakers it is typically the diaphragm as it lies close the the right ventricle which is actually being paced while i can not diagnose the cause of your muscle twitching in this forum i would guess that left pectoralis stimulation would be pretty unlikely particularly if it does not seem related to your heart rate always helpful to get checked out by your doctor if you have any concerns is it normal for my 3yr old son to hate when i try and wash his uncircumcised penis i have heard that you cannot pull the foreskin back fully until they are alittle older just want to make sure that he is okay it does not seem red his foreskin but if i manage to get it back a little it almost seems like his penis head becomes a little red i thought it might be because the foreskin is too tight,no she will not get pregnant this way but you are both involved in some risky sexual activity that may eventually escalate to even riskier acts if you both have decided to engage in sexual activity you need to be very very careful think about contraception just in case is a seizure due to fever dangerous,the seizure may look very frightening but it is usually quite harmless febrile seizures are not associated with long term nervous system side effects or brain damage anticonvulsant medications are very rarely prescribed for the treatment or prevention of febrile seizures i am looking for health insurance for 4 months until i become eligible for medicare what should i do,hi you are too young to be experiencing these symptoms avoid taking medicines as they can make your body dependant instead go for good counselling and yoga with meditation thanks i have a itchy rash that comes and goes what could be causing this the rash appears in different areas of my body for an example a rash showed up on my wrist and stayed a while and went away later the same day it appeared on my stomach and then on my thighs etc its itchy while it is present at one point my hands first turned red and then start to itch really bad to the point i had to wash my hands repeatedly i work in the medical field so i wash my hands a million times a day what could be causing this reaction,for many years standard radiation therapy involved large machines focusing huge beams of radiation at the prostate or whatever the target organ was and where those beams all overlapped is where the damage was done the problem with that was the surrounding tissues were damaged and sometimes tissues and organs in the vicinity could not tolerate the radiation so the dose to the cancer was not high enough over the past several years they developed a technique called imrt which stands for intensity modulation radiation therapy instead of large beams that focus on the tumor there are computer generated pencil sized beams that almost paint the organ so you can get much higher doses with thousands of little microbeams with killing doses on the cancer but the tissues surrounding the cancer get minimal doses so there is fewer side effects much higher success at killing the cancer pain shoots up my back with constipation is it endometriosis,you can estimate your income based on your last year is income andor your current pay you will need to keep the exchange informed if your income is significantly different than you estimated when you applied for coverage if your income rises during the year your subsidy may change during the year any differences between subsidies paid and what you were actually eligible for will be resolved when you pay your income taxes how is crohn is disease diagnosed,a thorough physical exam and a series of tests may be required to diagnose crohn is disease blood tests may be done to check for anemia which could indicate bleeding in the intestines blood tests may also uncover a high white blood cell count which is a sign of inflammation somewhere in the body by testing a stool sample the doctor can tell if there is bleeding or infection in the intestines the doctor may do an upper gastrointestinal gi series to look at the small intestine for this test the patient drinks barium a chalky solution that coats the lining of the small intestine before x rays are taken the barium shows up white on x ray film revealing inflammation or other abnormalities in the intestine the doctor may also do a colonoscopy for this test the doctor inserts an endoscope a long flexible lighted tube linked to a computer and tv monitor into the anus to see the inside of the large intestine the doctor will be able to see any inflammation or bleeding during the exam the doctor may do a biopsy which involves taking a sample of tissue from the lining of the intestine to view with a microscope if these tests show crohn is disease more x rays of both the upper and lower digestive tract may be necessary to see how much is affected by the disease is it better to drink something cold or hot i e water or tea for weight loss i have started trying to drink water instead of sodas for weight loss having had a bad experience where i drank too much water and got sick i have been starting off with 20 oz of ice cold water a day a friend of mine said the water should be either room temp or hot in order to lose weight she said cold water will congeal the fat in my system is this correct,sorry hunny thats a part of becoming a woman the clear white stuff helps you have sex and such its there for a reason i am clueless about the new health care reform where can i go have it explained in detail,this is a common question that i get asked all the time and i really would advise the patient to not take maalox with it maalox can actually bind to the vitamin and will not make it work as well it will actually prevent it from being absorbed in the body there are a few tricks though that i recommend to my patients to help avoid this nausea feeling and part of it is number one taking it with some food around meal time maybe dinner is a good opportunity to take your vitamins and as long as there is something in your stomach it may actually counteract that nauseous feeling also i found that a lot of women take it at bedtime i recommend it pretty consistently and they say that it really works because you take it right before you go to bed you are sleeping so the vitamins are dissolving and you are not awake to experience that nauseous feeling but if you are having severe nausea talk to your pharmacist you may need to be switched to a different type of prenatal vitamin i will be more than happy to call your physician or healthcare provider to talk to them about that for you my cousin is pregnant and has a uti her doctor put her on an antibiotic for the rest of her pregnancy is this safe,there are plenty of antibiotics that are safe for your cousin to take while pregnant that can help treat a urinary tract infection the doctor will take into consideration many factors such as the term of the pregnancy the type of infection the age and health of the patient possible harm to the fetus and prior experiences with using certain medications during pregnancy without knowing the exact antibiotic and bacteria that is causing the infection i would not be able to give you an exact recommendation however in order to prevent harm to the fetus your cousin should be as forthcoming as possible about her pregnancy if it is not her ob gyn prescribing her the medicine what is the best antibiotic regimen for the treatment of helicobacter pylori infection,usually a neurologist one who treats cognitive disorders and a cognitive psychologist the person who will administer the proper tests my 1 yr old has the stomach flu what medications can i give him for diarrhea,the simple answer is nothing diarrhea is a purging mechanism so the body can eliminate toxins poisons created by the viral pathogens diarrhea although it can be inconvenient is really helpful in getting him well some of these illnesses can last a week but diarrhea lasting longer than this time or very severe diarrhea that may contain blood in the stools should be brought to the immediate attention of his pediatrician or medical provider the most important thing for you to do is maintain adequate hydration water electrolyte solution like pedialyte juices yogurt etc are all helpful a diet containing rice applesauce toast or bananas have been helpful as well since he is diapered you can contain the watery stools most of the time but make sure to change him after stooling as quickly as you can since diarrhea can lead to a nasty diaper rash use a coating of vaseline or other protective barriers in the diaper area is helpful in no time his diarrhea should slow down stop and then his bowel movements should return to normal what are the symptoms of osteoarthritis,symptoms of osteoarthritis include * joint aching and soreness especially with movement * pain after overuse or after long periods of inactivity * bony enlargements in the middle and end joints of the fingers these enlargements may or may not be painful can i get hearing aids if i am on medicare,medicare part b will pay for diagnostic hearing tests that your doctor orders to determine if you need medical treatment however it does not pay for the cost of hearing aids several months ago my lower left leg shin area began to hurt,hi in my opinion if the mri and xray did not show any abnormality so no need to worry i recommend a uric acid and esr tests also if you are overweight lose some that may also be due to mechanical problem secondary to hyperextension of knee joint feel better soon do people with schizophrenia have faulty brain chemistry,there are a variety of possible explanations for sudden onset spotting on depoprovera 1 new infection with chlamydia this is less likely unless you have a new sexual partner or a partner with multiple other partners 2 stress many women using hormonal birth control pillspatchesringshot have had an apparent correlation between life stress and spotting on their birth control method i have also seen this occur in a couple of my postmenopausal patients yet there are no good studies in the medical literature on this phenomenon if there is a connection between life stress and the adrenal gland hormones that can be converted to weak estrogens that might be a trigger for breakthrough bleeding 3 normal effects of the depoprovera shot on the lining of the uterus simply stated if the uterine lining is like grass or lawn estrogen is like the fertilizer causes a thickening of the lining and progesterone is like the lawnmower keeps the lining thin by three different mechanisms this is why depoprovera high dose synthetic progesterone brings about a thin lining and why birth control pills relatively progesterone dominant bring about shorter lighter periods if the lining of the uterus gets very thin it can prompt more breakthrough bleeding since it has been a month of constant spotting i would urge you to return to the gyn or clinic who administers your depoprovera they can check for infections if needed and can give you a more for sure answer about the spotting if someone is having very heavy breakthrough bleeding a short course of low dose estrogen pills can sometimes terminate the spotting how is epilepsy treated,the most common way to treat epilepsy is with medication specific drugs are prescribed depending on the type of epilepsy or seizure a person has when medication does not work surgery is another treatment option in some cases a surgeon can remove the area of the brain producing seizures or can interrupt the nerve pathways that signal seizures for children a very strict meal plan called the ketogenic diet may reduce seizures if a patient does not respond to medication and surgery is not an option vagus nerve stimulation can help prevent seizures it works through a battery implant in the chest that delivers small pulses of electrical energy into the brain via the vagus nerve in the neck the downside it does not work for everyone and it is not approved by the fda for kids younger than age 12 why is the skin on my arms wrinkly and loose do not i not drink enough water i am 52 years old i do not drink water at all except for taking my pills in the morning and night time,aside from the skin issue which i will get to in a moment you are probably not drinking enough water most adults should aim for 8 glasses a day though that is just a number someone picked out of thin air clearly if you are just taking a few sips of water with your meds you are probably not getting enough water now about that skin if you are talking about that flabby skin on the backbottom of your upper arms i am afraid i do not have good news many women develop that loose skin and there is nothing you can do short of surgery to get rid of it even exercising the triceps muscles will not reduce this excessive skin many women are prone to developing that excess skin by middle age it may be caused by having gained and lost weight over the years and who among us women has not gained and lost weight from time to time over our lives so i am sorry i can not tell you the flabby arms are due to dehydration that said i suggest you drink more water it is good for your overall well being wishing you all the best i am about 5 weeks pregnant and i am experiencing menstrual like cramping could i be miscarrying a few days ago i experienced very very light old blood but nothing since i am very stressed could this just be the problem i was also sick that day with flu like symptoms like i was very dizzy and nauseaed should i just go and see a doctor to see whats up,candida is a stubborn bacteria specially if it is systemic but it can be controlled and treatable with diet and supplements i wish you success and power to destroy them completely after your symptoms have subsided and you have completed the cleanse and the diet you should continue eating a diet that is high in protein and high fiber vegetables and limit grains fruits sugar and high starch vegetables like white potatoes continue to consume fermented vegetables and kefir to help your body stay in balance and keep the candida at bay i found part of a cigarettefilter in my beverage after consumption will this hurt my unborn children 27 weeks w 3 i am praying it is yellow because i was drinking lemonade and not because it was previously used i do not smoke but know how harmful smoking during pregnancy is so i would imagine ingesting these chemicals would not be fantastic either,rather than a doctor i would recommend you try a dentist while emergency rooms generally will treat a dental problem most doctors defer to dentists for all things tooth related and your issues sound tooth related if there is an infection developing your dentist either will treat it or will refer you for medical treatment it is possible for a dental infection to cause ear pain facial swelling and the other symptoms you describe so off to the emergency dental center for you or call your regular dentist explain the situation and try to get in today if they can not see you ask them to recommend an alternative provider dental infections are nothing to mess around with feel better soon during a bowl movement cloudy discharge come from my penis no pain in penis from discharge but some lowertesticle pain this is the first time i noticed discharge what could this be,any discharge from the penis should be considered suspicious and be properly evaluated if this cloudy discharge only occurs during a bowel movement or straining constipation then one possible cause could be prostatitis a prostate gland infection or problem you need to see your primary care medical provider or a urologist to be properly diagnosed and treated what kind of exercise is best for someone 55 and over,when you say can not keep food down i am not sure if it is forceful vomiting or frequent spit up gastro esophageal reflux ger when food comes back up is common in babies occurring in half of babies under 6 months old some are referred to as happy spitters meaning they frequently regurgitate 2 or more times per day but are growing and eating without other issues but if it gets worse with time or is more projectile or is accompanied by other symptoms wheezing gagging etc and there is poor growth it is a problem gastro esophageal reflux disease gerd is ger coupled with problematic symptoms and needs a doctor is attention if you suspect your child has gerd or some other problem see your doctor again for more on gerd see this webmd article you also might want to see a lactation consutant for tips on breastfeeding positions and feeding techniques like pumping before feeds to decrease spitting up after feeding good luck can you tell if you are pregnant with multiples,do you mean twins i have metastatic stage 4 gastrointestinal cancer want to try hemp oil or cannabis oil,both oils are different from each other in their constituents and the source frim which they are made both have different effects on our body they can be used safely wuth chemotherapy nothing to worry is it ok to use vaseline as a lubricant with a latex condom,the health care provider will try to find the underlying illness that is causing the symptoms of nausea and vomiting at the same time steps will be taken to treat the symptoms and prevent dehydration any testing will likely be directed to finding the underlying diagnosis however blood tests may be taken to assess whether the electrolyte balance in the body has been disturbed due to dehydration from continued vomiting a urinalysis may be done concentrated urine is associated with dehydration as the kidneys try to hold onto water in the body ketones in the urine are also a sign of dehydration i am 63 years old unemployed receiving only social security benefits with no health insurance what are my options,weight bearing joints like knee and ankle are most likely affected by arthritis being overweight is a known risk factor of arthritis and even putting on 10 pounds may worsen the arthritis while treating arthritis in obese and overweight individuals weight loss is considered as an important strategy can multiple sclerosis be transmitted through sex,you can be sure it is not of your kidney at all you are having bacterial infection that needs suitable antibiotic treatment see a gp doctor for proper antibiotic prescription i have had a severe migraine for 5 days that goes away temporarily when eating especially sugary foods,just reduction of migraine triggers lack of sleep fatigue stress sugary foods will improve your condition is it safe to push through fibromyalgia pain every time i even attempt to do any sort of exercise the pain does not really allow me to do anything i used to be an athlete many years ago and i would just push through the pain or keep going until the pain went away i have not been able to work for years since my accident and fibromyalgia and it is very frustrating i am wondering if i can do any damage to my body if i push through the pain is it safe to force my body to work through the pain and attempt exercise,hi it is always better to avoid steroids as u said but using it for short or long periods of time depends only upon your symptoms and your body tolerance if your body is responding to azathioprine even if the progress is slow then i would recommend not to use steroids if u are unresponsive to azathioprine then you should go for short course of steroids thanks is it okay to train abdominals every day of the week,no cornstarch has been used to help control moisture and moisture can predispose a baby to yeast but the best treatment for a diaper yeast infection would be a cream or ointment that is specifically for yeast micatin lotrimin monistat etc mother has deminstia how can i tell if any of mother is drugs side effects are confussion is adding to confusion drugs given in care facility i fear the effects of these drugs are giving false evidence to those who want to keep her from coming home,i would not agree that properly washed underwear would likely retain any fungus residuals fungus can exist just about everywhere in the home especially in warm dark or moist areas finding the one source or sources may be difficult have you seen a dermatologist if not this would be recommended have you tried using man1 man oil it contains several antibacterial vitamins and nutrients that help with infection and other skin issues down there simply rub it into your penis skin and let it do the work it is all natural too so no side effects you can get it online hope this helps urinary tract infection prescribed by physician estrace have used it for a week but the itching is unbearable have tried cortisone 10 what next,no the chlamydia test is a dna test and very accurate i had inguinal hernia surgery laparoscopic pain has not gone away,is it bilaterally or not is there any reddness hottness any kind of inflammation u need to do us can u pass a drug test after taking adderall without a perscription by using alka seltzer,alka seltzer will not change the results of drug screening test if the test specifically checks for adderall and you took it without having a medical prescription for it it will be detected as an amphetamine what infections do people with aids get,people with aids are extremely vulnerable to infection called aids defining illnesses and often exhibit the following conditions kaposi is sarcoma a skin tumor that looks like dark purple blotches mental changes and headaches due to fungal infections or tumors in the brain and spinal cord shortness of breath and difficulty breathing due to infections of the lungs dementia severe malnutrition chronic diarrhea i believe i contracted herpes from tanning machine at gym,not at all white blood cells leukocytes can occur from inflammation andor infection in the colon it does not mean cancer is it safe to have an overian cyst while pregnant,the human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis b virus are transmitted in similar ways and it is not uncommon for an individual to have both infections persons with hiv who acquire hepatitis b are more likely to become chronically infected with hepatitis b than persons who do not have hiv the reason for this is thought to be that hiv suppresses the immune system and impairs the ability of the body to eliminate the hepatitis b virus some nucleoside ucleotide analogues a class of antiretroviral drugs are used to treat both hiv and hepatitis b although dosages may vary in the two different infections stopping one of these agents when the hiv regimen is adjusted may cause hepatitis to flare does caffeine increases the risk for conditions such as osteoporosis heart disease and cancer,your adductor muscles attach at the inside of your hip at the groin although uncommon it is possible to tear one of these tendons there are actually a number of tendons that come together at this point and often you can have normal function even in the absence of one of these tendons can colas cause liver damage i recently had what i thought was the flu after several tests were done my liver numbers were in the 1500 is i do not drink alcohol often someone had brought to my attention that drinking pepsi max can cause liver damage if consumed regularly is this true,hi as you can see down below its from the uk is daiymail paper this peic below is just ths opener the rest your read from the link drinking just two glasses of fruit juice or fizzy drink each day may cause long term liver damage resulting in the need for a transplant according to new research published today liver damage is usually associated with alcohol abuse but a new study has found that drinks with a high sugar content can cause a condition called fatty liver disease making them even more dangerous than alcohol abuse israeli scientists found that people who drank a litre of high sugar fizzy drinks or fresh fruit juice each day were five times more likely to develop fatty liver disease read more #ixzz3ofuztznr just copy this link into google to the www to open and read should give the info you need good luck what causes an arrhythmia,arrhythmias may be caused by many different factors including coronary artery disease electrolyte imbalances in your blood such as sodium or potassium changes in your heart muscle injury from a heart attack healing process after heart surgery irregular heart rhythms can also occur in otherwise normal healthy hearts what is the difference between atrial tachycardia and svt will this mean my acne problem will come back a year ago i was treated for severe acne with isotetrinoin and my skin has been clear for nearly a year a few days ago i used argan oil on my face and it has triggered an allergic reaction i have broken out in loads of little spots not big pustules how soon will this take to pass over and does this mean my acne will come back and stay because of this,consult your dermatologist if the application of argan oil has triggered the allergic reaction you may require immediate treatment total cholesterol 120 triglycerides 24 hdl 69 ldl 32 are these counts seriously low i am a man aged 38 i exercise daily and am a regular in endurance sports abut 8 years ago i had depression and anxiety issues and on going panic attacks i am now concerned about my mood very irritable get angry easy and prone to impulsive anxious behaviour of course i hate this and have no real sense of stability any ideas what i am looking at here why are my values so low given that i have a very healthy diet and exercise daily help,hi a cholesterol level of below 200 is very desirable so 120 would be good a low triglyceride level is considered less then 50mgdl and less then 35mgdl is considered severely low a triglyceride blood test is the best way to figure out your level the blood test is performed after an eight to 12 hour period of fasting to give the most accurate results it is important to know certain medications cause abnormal test results so are you really sure it was 24 your hdl 59 is good so at 69 its even better for you your ldl levels are good at 32 anything below 100 is good you said i am now concerned about my mood very irritable get angry easy and prone to impulsive anxious behaviour this sounds very much like adhd i would see your own doctor and do go over this with himher or perhaps your doctor will pass you on to another doctor who specializes in this form of medicine do hope this helps you good luck my implanon is expired by 3 months having irregular bleeding and sore breast can i become pregnant if its expired i have had my implanon in for 3 years sept 26th it was placed i have not been able to get it removed but my insurance kicks in the first of the year i have had sore breast some nausea and i have had my period 3 times in less then 2 months they have not been regular ones tho i have taken a pregnancy test but was negative is there a good chance of getting pregnant while the implanon is still in place but passed the 3 year mark,i think it depends on his eating overall if he eats a variety of food but just does not like food really sweet that may simply reflect his personal preferences but if he eats very few foods it could indicate a sensory issue or that he is super taster not serious just more sensitive to the tastes in food if you feel his nutrition and growth is affected see his pediatrician for a referral to a feeding therapist who can help you figure out what is going on good luck what illnesses often co exist with bipolar disorder,only a doctor can diagnose you with ibs or another related gastrointestinal disorder but from what you have shared it seems your increase in bowel movements is due to your increase in fiber especially if you are not feeling abdominal pain or bloating and your bowels are not hard or really loose for more on the symptoms of ibs see this webmd article if your daily bowel movements are due to increasing your fiber as i suspect your bowels will likely evolve to less frequent as your body adapts if you feel something is wrong though do not hesitate to see your healthcare provider best of luck to you how can i figure out my menstural cycle so that i can become pregnant,medicine is used to treat some food allergies medicines to treat a severe allergic reaction or an anaphylactic reaction are packaged in a prescribed allergy kit for mild allergic reactions people often try nonprescription medicines first you can try prescription medicines if nonprescription medicines fail to control allergy symptoms or cause drowsiness or other bothersome side effects medication choices medicines used to treat a severe allergic reaction include epinephrine epinephrine is given as a shot it acts quickly to stop the further release of histamine and to relax the muscles that help you breathe antihistamines antihistamines block the action of histamine during an allergic reaction and help improve symptoms such as itching and sneezing corticosteroids these medicines help reduce inflammation medicines used to relieve mild food allergy symptoms include antihistamines and corticosteroids for hives gastrointestinal symptoms or sneezing and a runny nose bronchodilators for asthma symptoms bronchodilators relax the airways of the lungs making it easier to breathe what to think about medicines that treat symptoms of food allergies can have side effects they are typically used for short periods and are discontinued as soon as symptoms are resolved the best way to avoid symptoms is to avoid the food you are allergic to read all food labels and be aware that sometimes food allergens are called by other names on food labels there is no medicine that you can take before eating a certain food that will reliably prevent an allergic reaction to that food allergy shots desensitization therapy for food allergies are considered experimental and are not recommended a recent small study of a medicine for peanut allergy showed promising results the medicine called an anti ige drug binds to the antibodies ige released during an allergic reaction to peanut 9 a larger study is under way to find out whether this medicine is safe and effective for people who have peanut allergies webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated how can i manage my osteoarthritis and maintain a good attitude,diabetics are more prone to infections infections that can get out of hand many tattoo establishments are not known for their high levels of sanitation will interval training help me burn more calories and more fat,order 100 legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more for more info text 505 807 7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health pain killers medical marijuana act lean *** no prescribtion is needed bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m m treatments we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of 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is completely normal i would not be concerned with it at all is it possible to leak fluid from my breasts but a pregnancy test says negative i have been off the depo shot since april and i have been having extremely irregular periods i have taken 2 pregnancy tests both come back negative and am now leaking fluid from my right breast i am also currently on my period but still am worried about the fluid leaking and the reason why please help,hi first google coming off depo shot side effects i think your other problem is to do with hormones i think its best you go see your doctor and explain things there it can take some time before things get right after depo shot depending how long you was on it if you are trying to get pregnant it could take up to 2 years its great drug good luck coworker says that gluten is addictive in the same manner as an opiate and in fact hits the same receptors is this true a coworker says he is not celiac but is sensitive to gluten he also claims that it is an addiction and in fact gluten hits the same receptors in the brain as opioids in fact not wanting to just give up gluten is a sign that your addicted this all of course sounds like nonsense to me i could not find any unbiased answer via google as far as the opioidgluten link though celiac is only 1 of the population he claims that 1 in 8 actually are sensitive but just do not know it thanks alex,excessive calorie intake and lack of calorie burning are the main causes of weight gain allergies per se does not cause weight gain but changes in food quality switching from a food that is suspected of causing allergy to one of higher calories and amounts of food can be a subtle cause if the person is not aware they are actually eating more calories failure to thrive in infants is a lack of weight gain and would not be comparable i have been diagnosed with genital herpes i have had my 1st outbreak why am i having so much pain in my pelvic area,hi could be just a skipped period but if you that worried then do a hpt or get a test at your doctors this way you will know for sure its called piece of mind good luck what can cause an infant boys scrotum to swell my 10 month old son has developed an almond sized lump in his scrotal sac over the last two days it has grown somewhat over the last 24 hours it has not changed in color or shape just size i can see his testicles and the lump is higher up in the scrotum right under his penis and a little to the left i think it may be an inguinal hernia but am wondering if it could possibly be something else anyone have an instances of this,many women experience a problem with sexual function from time to time however when the problems are persistent they can cause distress for the women and her partner and can have a negative impact on their relationship if you consistently experience these problems see your doctor for evaluation and treatment how do you cope with growing old,growing older should be considered a blessing and a gift since many people do not reach old age sure aging has some challenges but this is the price that we pay for our longevity i wonder how teenagers cope is it okay to have sex if i have shingles,that might depend on where the lesions are generally speaking shingles are not contagious however it is best to avoid touching another person with the lesions until they have healed over you should probably refrain from having sex if you are having an outbreak it is just not worth it and i have found that using a penis health creme can really help with the itchiness and the dry skin it obviously will not cure shingles but it helps with some of the symptoms you might want to check these cremes out hope this helps and good luck when i wake up i feel stomach aches super hot muscle soreness headachesmigraines constant hacking and sweating,hi just google depo side effects you may find your answer there this bc has quite a few bad ones good luck can a tubal ligation be reversed its been 17 and ahalf years since i have my tubes tired me and my partner would like to have a baby sometime in the next 2 to 3 years can my tubal ligation be reversed so i can get pregnant,this can occur due to liver related problems get liver function tests and a ultrasonography of the abdomen vitamin k levels required for normal blood clotting mechanism may be deranged due to improper liver function what medications can i talk to my pain management doctor about to help with my sciatica and constant migraines i am 24 years old with really bad sciatica and migraines i am seeing a pain management doctor and for now he has me on a compound cream which does nothing he talked about doing steroid shots and from everything i have read it is all been negative because they are not fda approve for the use of epidural pain relief i hate that my doctors look at me like i am a drug seeker because of me age i want to play with my son again without pain thanks in advance courtney,courtney let is answer your opening question honestly and directly the pain management doctor probably does not want to talk with you about medications you could discuss hydrocodone but will most likely be dismissed there is a reluctance by most pain management doctors to prescribe pain relief medication due to potential law suits yes some patients actually sue the doctor and win for causing a drug addiction unscrupulous patients who are actively addicted or those scoundrels who will sell the drugs my orthopedic doctor referred me to a pain management physician for severe sciatic type pain and lower back pain a bulging disc was confirmed through mri studies at l and s1 during my first pain management visit i was given a spinal injection of cortisone the doctor told me that it might not work so upon leaving the office i asked the r n if there was something else that could be prescribed if the procedure failed she flippantly told me to take an advil as the practice did not prescribe medicine and that narcotics would not work on nerve pain what an uncaring incompetent statement by a registered nurse or more likely it was just an outright lie on the 2nd visit i underwent a spinal epidural process both treatment modalities failed miserably and left me in excoriating pain i tried physical therapy ice packs a heating pad motion 800 mg 4x is a day and slept on an 18 wooden board without relief i returned to my orthopedic surgeon who prescribed hydrocodone 5 w325 tylenol taking three pills at bedtime actually helps additionally he scheduled me to see an orthopedic surgeon at the first available appointment during the end of august 2014 to evaluate my condition for surgical consideration i am relating my story to confirm the facts outlined in your question in 2014 many doctors are fearful of prescribing narcotic medications to a 24 year old person or even a 65 year old person something needs to change in the practice of pain management doctors take a sacred oath to do no harm i suggest that sending a patient away in severe pain without an adequate treatment pain is causing harm and goes against the principles and spirit of causing no harm i suggest that you find a doctor willing to treat your pain with medication sufficient to relieve the pain at the same time seek out a cause for your pain and have the appropriate treatment completed to resolve your condition without continuing to take pain medication no legitimate pain suffer should be forced to jump out of their skin cry in agony or find a drug supplier on the street there are surgical remedies acupuncture and implanted pain control pumps to alleviate even the most torturous pain do vitamins expire,for a simple penile yeast infection balanitis you can have sex now if you use a condom and your sore penis is up to it otherwise wait until you are symptom free i have no idea what you mean by a cyst condition and which antibiotic you are taking and for why so i would suggest you call your doctor for patient specific advice someone who knows the details of your case if you do have sex while you are still experiencing a yeast infection make sure that you use a condom however it is often best to try to wait until the yeast infection is gone just to reduce the risk of spreading it it also can sometimes be a little sore on the penis when the yeast infection is in full power make sure you maintain proper overall penis health by using a quality penis nutrient cream health professionals recommend man1 man oil look for one that includes a superior antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid good luck you could always use a condom but if not wait a few weeks for sure it would not be a bad idea to use an antibacterial penis health creme too i use one called man1 man oil just to be sure things are nice and clean down there because as we all know condoms are always a good idea until you are in the moment hope this helps and good luck can a female human get pregnant from a horse i do not think i am pregnant with a horse is baby but could this even happen,no and you have too much time on your hands to think about these things cross species fertization of this type is impossible with the exception of pegasis what can i say to a friend while she is having an anxiety attack my friend has generalized anxiety disorder and she has panic attacks pretty often once or twice a week typically and when it is the worst daily they get bad and it is pretty scary i was wondering what i can dosay to her that will stop the anxiety attack or make it less bad so she does not have to leave class she has a fear of throwing up that is often what causes the panic attacks even when she just has a stomachache she freaks out she is on treatment but it can only help so much,if you qualify for medicaid and wish to receive financial help from the government to cover the cost of your health plan you must take medicaid however if you do not wish to have medicaid you can buy a silver or gold plan through the ny state exchange as long as you pay for it in full with no subsidy if you apply for financial help and your current income qualifies you for medicaid you are going to be required to take medicaid so the only way to avoid medicaid in your case is to pay for the private plan 100 on your own does using an elliptical machine at the gym burn more calories than running on the street or bike riding,most helpful answer the foreskin will automatically retract during intercourse that is the beauty of the design you need not retract it before insertion nor can you prevent it from retraction during sex if his penis is overly sensitive just slow down the process and make sure that the parts are well lubricated it will be fine the vast majority of men on this planet are uncircumcised just the way that god made them so things will be fine as far as penetration is concerned experiment with a few different positions it is likely that more than an inch is happening i am not circumcised and my foreskin sometimes retracts during intercourse and sometime it does not the more enlarged with blood my penis is the less the skin retracts i used to always retract it when first married but then found that the foreskin can act as a way of aiding penetration if penetration is started when while the foreskin is on the head of the penis most uncircumcised guys i have talked to say that their penis is sensitive enough so that if the foreskin rolls back and exposes the penile head during intercourse they are very aware of it most like that a few do not about half of the boys in the town where i grew up were uncut about half cut because there were two doctors delivering babies one tried to talk all parents into leaving their boys intact the other tried to talk all parents into having their boys uncircumcised in my opinion the majority of uncircumcised males can tell if their foreskin is retracted during intercourse based on my conversations with other uncircumcised males as far as penetration you can get a good idea of how much penetration there is by measuring on top the length of your penis then during intercourse put a hand down there during fullest penetration you can manage and see where on your penis a finger hits how much penis is still outside the vagina then you will have a pretty good answer as to how much penetration there is hi your foreskin should be able to move freely if its still a bit tight you should try to get him to slowly stretch it both sideways and length ways massage some baby oil into it before he starts and slowly he should find it starts moving better for him he needs to get it moving better and slowly the sensitivity will go also washing behind it daily will help as well the sensitivity if he finds that by doing this he gets pe premature ejaculation then he should go and do an exercise called edging he can find out how to do this on pegym com under exercises hope this helps for some good sexual encounters good luck while giving b12 injection gave into sciatic nerve is that possible foot twiching,i certainly do not know enough about you or your case to pronounce you well and free of all cardiac disease if you are worried about the status of your heart see a cardiologist and have an ecg taken on a treadmill if the cardiologist pronounces you heart healthy then you can be assured that all is well my husband takes 1000 metformin 2 daily and 50 januvia once sugars are still high why,he may not be following his diabetic diet or he needs a change in his medication regime or both he should see his medical provider or endocrinologist to get to the bottom of this issue unfortunately this is not something that can be solved blindly over the internet how are bacterial and viral infections diagnosed,you should see your primary care medical provider an emergency room is really not the best place for the on going management of hypertension high blood pressure buy your own blood pressure cuff and start taking readings at home write the down and give them to your medical provider to review family history of aarskog scott syndrome does ultrasound of my baby show hypertolerism,it is likely not much will change with your plan insurance plans that existed before the affordable care act aca are considered “grandfathered plans” and are not subject to reform employer based plans that change substantially must comply with the aca by instituting new insurance reforms such as not excluding individuals with pre existing conditions and banning lifetime limits on coverage beginning in 2015 businesses with 50 or more employees must make their plans affordable for their employees or face a penalty if the monthly premiums cost more than 9 5 percent of your income it is considered unaffordable small businesses employing 50 or fewer people are still not required to offer insurance but they can continue to offer it if they currently do alternatively they may also join their state is health insurance exchange and purchase insurance through it it is possible that the mix of new penalties and incentives under health reform will lead some employers to drop coverage altogether but it is very difficult to determine at this point whether this will occur and how many workers it may impact if this does occur the good news is that there will be some new options as i mentioned previously for many more individuals—including expanded medicaid offerings and new marketplaces called health insurance “exchanges ” can supplements help lower cholesterol like red yeast rice or niacin i do not want to take any more drugs if i do not have i take meds for high blood pressure and diabetes,not likely but you are playing sex games that tend to escalate over time if you have no intention of getting pregnant you may want to consider going on a contraceptive like the birth control pill now if not make your boyfriend put on a condom so you can stay as far away as possible from ejaculate bumpy stools with a light green tint hello webmd i am new to this forum okay so as the title says for a couple of months now i have weird bumpy stools that have a green tint to it i am 15 and i have had anxiety since last year and i also lost about 10kg since last year maybe because of the added activity and eating less junk but anyway what could this be,no you can safely sleep with commercial earplugs homemade ones perhaps not earplugs made with a wad of cotton can become trapped in the ear but those inexpensive foam ones designed to block ambient noise are fine to use have a good night is sleep as long as the ear plugs are well fitted to your ears you should be fine you obviously do not want them to be able to get inside the ear canal where they could be difficult to remove hi i have headake for 3 years and i try all medicine hi please healp me,if i am not mistaken the mayo clinic studied this and said only one anti biotic has been shown to impact birth control is effectiveness at all it is rifampin out of an abundance of caution some doctors suggest using a second form of birth control for a month i am not sure how much it is affecting your life now or how much an unwanted pregnancy would mess things up i never bothered with an extra form of birth control bc of anti biotics but surely one month of a back up will not hurt my wife is latest ultra sound shows 4 cysts in her ovary what are chances for ivf in vitro fertilization,hi my opinion is that your success rate is 60 which is great do it with no delay as success rate will drop after the age of 35 good luck how is the fifth disease virus spread and should i be isolated if i have fifth disease,the virus of fifth disease is spread mostly by droplets this means that when an infected person coughs or sneezes the virus can be spread however once the rash is present the person is usually no longer infectious and need not be isolated i have a tumor on my scalp,a mole of the scalp that may be benign but must be checked for malignancy a year ago is long time for a malignancy to be there but it can not be left like that without investigations see a dermatologist asap what increases the risk of getting human immunodeficiency virus hiv infection,no there is an otc ibuprofen liquid sold under its brand name as well as various chain store brands it is limited for use by infants 6 23 months i suggest contacting the pediatrician before giving a 2 month old infant any otc products what are the odds my husband gets the same cancer his siter died of and his brother now has,i do not know what kind of cancer that his sister and brother have my grandaughter appears to be missing a vaginal orifice is this a known condition her pediatrician ordered a cream to be applied to the area when she was 3 yrs old but she would not tolerate it,hi hypothyroidism is very dangerous on your baby so your doctor should make sure to follow the guidlines which are first trimester tsh 0 1 – 2 5 miul second trimester tsh 0 2 – 3 0 miul third trimester tsh 0 3 – 3 0 miul he should make sure to control tsh if your gynecologist does not know the guidelines then tell him or switch him good luck i have terrible bone pain and muscle spasms is it due to celiac disease or other condition,in my opinion no cancer but the increase in calcium levels can be a bad sign it means body is compansating from your bones osteoporosis which can cause sever bone pain i recommend that you see an orthopedic doctor for vit d and calcium supplementsavoid pregnany or breastfeeding if possiblegood luck what to do in anxiety attack i have the same issue i am scared to do anything i had a car accedient 2 weeks after my son was born i was ok for awhile but this just took over my body i do not like this feeling and i have been on lorazapam it helped but is that how i want to live my life i have been to er and they have given me moraphine that was ok,as a former plastic surgery nurse i have worked with women who have had ruptured breast implants of various types let me start by reassuring you and your mom that even if her implant is the silicone type she is not in imminent danger of poisoning she should however have her breast evaluated preferably by the implanting surgeon if she can not see the surgeon who performed her surgery i would suggest she see a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon if your mom knows the implant is ruptured because it deflated then this is a sign the implant was the saline type this type of implant is filled with saline solution basically saltwater which identical to a substance our bodies produce naturally when a saline breast implant ruptures the body usually absorbs all the fluid without any problems it is nearly impossible to tell when a silicone style implant has ruptured the gold standard for diagnosing a ruptured silicone breast implant is an mri scan this is why your mom should visit a plastic and reconstructive surgeon soon he or she can evaluate the breast implant and determine the appropriate course of action rest assured however that a ruptured implant is not generally considered dangerous how do i choose breakfast,hi repeated shoulder dislocations leads to more dislocations so first line of treatment is try avoid further dislocations avoid puting your arm in any abduction external rotation position apply this in gym avoid dislocation exercises second you can do physical therapy to help avoid further dislocation by maintaining optimal muscle power third is the surgical treatment yes it can be ignored but by time the longer you ignore the easier it gets dislocated from simple activity good luck what is the long term outlook for patients with congestive heart failure,most helpful answer the primary approach to properly managing acid reflux should be to actively identify and avoid certain foods that trigger your symptoms here are some of the common foods that can trigger acid reflux • fatty foods • acidic foods like citrus fruits or tomatoes and tomato containing products • coffee caffeinated beverages or alcohol • chocolate or peppermint • spicy foods • garlic or onions also try to refrain from lying down after meals eating too much in one sitting eating less than two hours before going to bed or exercising or eating too quickly quitting smoking and losing weight may also alleviate symptoms as well i would suggest journaling your dietary intake and activities each day so that you can notice any trends in what might be provoking your symptoms if you continue to experience acid reflux symptoms remedies might include over the counter products or prescription medication certain alkaline foods may help to neutralize acid reflux too but it is more important to prevent acid reflux from occurring in the first place by avoiding your triggers consult with your doctor about long term treatmentmanagement options and visit the webmd heartburngerd health center for more information my cell phone caught fire and i was exposed to chemical fumes,you will need to see a medical provider so you can have this lump properly examined a description is never sufficient information when making an accurate diagnosis as much as i would like to help you it would not be in your best interest to make blind guesses over the internet i understand totally and thanks for responding i am aware it could be many different things i should have been a little more clear on what i wanted to know and that is can a lymph node be totally pinched off in the skin fold i always thought that they were a little deeper below the skin as i mentioned i can completely pinch this bump in the skin and can feel nothing directly beneath it when i do not looking for an actual diagnosis that i know is not possible over the internet just want to know if its possible to completely pinch a lymph node in the skin as mentioned thanks very much thanks for responding would not a hair follicle or blind spot have a little redness or pain to it though this little bump is very hard small and completely painless and un noticeable to the eye i have only noticed it the last 4 months but have no idea on how long it has actually been there for kind of found it by accident really thanks again hi after reading your post and reply it could just be a blind spot or the site of a hair follicle that is growing inwards it happens hope this helps you good luck with the aca is there a one year waiting period for coverage for a pre existing condition,no the law does away with any limits for pre existing health conditions i developed breathing difficulties approx 2 years ago which have worsened daily since,there is a certain level of immunity that occurs after someone has a case of walking pneumonia it is not permanent though and it is unclear how long it lasts so you could at some point develop walking pneumonia again when it does recur it may be milder i have irritationredness just on the inside of the tip of the penis does this sound like a uti or a std,i would advice to repeatedly wash off your eyes with cold tap water then switch off lights and be in dark for a minute then turn on light to see if you have sensitivity to light if you experience sensitivity to light then it is advisable to visit a doctor hope it helps after hearing and reading in blogs that orajel is bad because it hardens the gums i am wondering is that true ,hi the bruises are quite significant and should not be neglected local heparin gel should be applied for the bruise to reduce down keep the limb elevated do not apply anything warm or hot apply ice packs check for platelet insufficiency thanks i have abdominal pains legs are numb and weak can you help me,that would be a normal period pains…but using tampons pose a risk of toxic shock syndrome tss as they give bacteria the perfect environment to multiply inside the vagina while also preventing vaginal cleaning and impacting on vaginal ph so the vagina is more favourable to harmful strains of bacteria and cannot clean out bacteria… you can take an antispasmodic and analgesic if needed if there are any signs of infection like itching and discharge other than blood with odour then you need you consult a gynaecologist… i have episodes where at first i feel really confused and then fall into a daze,hi this seems to be a psychological disorder and mri obviously will not show anything significant you seem to be in lot of stress and you need a consultation with a psychiatrist and a counsellor de stress yourself with yoga and meditation anxiolytic medicines can help thanks i am a female age 19 weight 101 lbs height 58 i want a bmi of 19 what should my diet look how long should it take to reach this bmi if i am gaining weight at a healthy pace,i am sorry you are dealing with an abnormal pap smear result before i get to your questions about hpv let is back up for just a moment an abnormal pap smear does not necessarily indicate you have human papillomavirus hpv the pap test specifically screens women for cervical cancer an abnormal pap result does not mean you have cervical cancer in fact most abnormal pap test results are not cancer at all certainly hpv can cause cervical cancer however you need to receive a special test not unlike a pap test actually in which the cells of your cervix are tested for hpv in answer to your question hpv is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases the centers for disease control estimate as many as 50 of sexually active men and women get hpv at some point in their lives often people who are infected with it have no symptoms so while it is not exactly true to say hpv can lie dormant in your system it is accurate to say you can be infected with hpv and live with it for many years without knowing it your gynecologist probably will want to discuss your abnormal pap test result with you when that happens you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns about hpv i hope you find this response helpful what does a positive tb test look like,no but if you test positive you should consult your doctor immediately about discontinuing birth control my penis when erect bends an approximate of 20 to the left and a little upwards normal peyronie is i measured it using a protractor i put the protractor on the centre of my penis lengthwise with one side of the 180 line facing my belly i then traced an imaginary line from the urinary opening to the protractor is that the way to do it if it is not i would love some advice on how to do it properly and is it really peyronie is disease or simply normal i am a 16 year old indian by the way 5 7 and 138 pounds besides acne which is fading i have no other disease,bedbugs are bloodsuckers that feed mostly on humans it is a myth that they are too small to see in fact they look like apple seeds or lentils the first sign that you have a problem you will wake up to find itchy welts on your skin frequently in groups of three one each to indicate your guest is breakfast lunch and dinner you might also spot pepper flake like particles delicately called bedbug dirt mom has a horrible case of shingles from her spine down right leg she had shot 312 months of pain so far why my mom had shingles shot 2 years ago she has got a painful case from spine down her leg she went from very strong to very weak in last 312 months she can barely walk and her leg foot is numb what can be done to help her recover why did she get it so bad,hi these twitches and the aches are usually caused by calcium and vitamin deficiency moreover hormonal changes ate your age increase the problems you should eat healthy diet with high calcium intake and exercise regularly to strenghthen the muscle tone calcium and vitamin supplements with protein powders will help vitamin d can be taken to accelerate the recovery thanks is it safe for a man to handle his wife is fertility medicine,whenever patients think about treating themselves i caution them to take a step back you might do something that will destroy the root under the gum or you might do something that causes a potentially serious infection please call your local dentist for help do not try to treat yourself it is dangerous when you have hepatitis a as a child does it stay in you system for the rest of your life,every exercise session should start with a warm up please check with your doctor before starting any exercise program if any of the following exercises causes pain do not continue the activity and seek the advice of a doctor or physical therapist while performing these exercises maintain good posture keep your back straight do not curve or slump your back make sure your movements are controlled and slow avoid quick jerking movements do not bounce do not hold your breath during these exercises ankle pumping sit on the floor with your feet straight out in front of you keeping your heels on the floor lift your toes up as far as you can hold for a count of five knee straightening raise your foot to fully straighten your knee out in front of you hold for a count of five lower your foot to the floor repeat on other side hip bending lift one knee up toward the ceiling as you lower this knee raise your other knee alternate each leg as if you were marching in place while sitting overhead reaching raise one arm straight over your head with your palm facing away from you keep your elbow straight slowly lower your arm to your side repeat with other arm shoulder touching sit with your arms at your sides and your palms facing up bend your elbows until your hands are touching your shoulders lower your hands to your sides single arm lifts sit with your arms at your sides fingers pointing toward the floor raise one arm out to your side keeping your elbow straight and your palm facing down slowly lower your arm to your side repeat with your other arm shoulder shrugs keeping your back straight lift your shoulders up and forward toward your ears release your shoulders down and back in a smooth circular motion arm circles sit with your arms at your sides fingers pointing toward the floor raise both arms out from your sides about 1 or 2 feet from your body keeping your elbows straight and your palms facing toward you rotate your arms in small circles single shoulder circles bending one elbow put your fingertips on your shoulder rotate your shoulder and elbow clockwise then counter clockwise repeat with each arm is chicken box related to herpes,yes both chicken pox varicella and herpes are a similar herpes virus strain can you get pregnant during your break week on birth control pills,no there is absolutely no medical evidence that a pneumonia vaccine causes als what are the symptoms of stomach cancer,in its early stages stomach cancer typically causes vague often mild symptoms that a person may describe as indigestion nausea loss of appetite heartburn or pain the problem is millions of people without stomach cancer experience these symptoms every day when should a person with vague stomach or abdominal symptoms seek medical attention that is a hard question to answer because stomach cancer is still uncommon in the u s and screening for it with invasive testing called endoscopy carries small but real risks screening everyone with indigestion might cause more harm than good as stomach cancer becomes more advanced weight loss bleeding more severe nausea and vomiting and blockage of the exit of food from the stomach can occur if you are concerned about stomach cancer the best thing is to see your doctor and discuss your symptoms my father died half a yr ago from stomach cancer and i have an uncle and a cousin died from stomach cancer now my symptoms are nauseated all day i want to eat all the time which is not like me to do so even when i eat i still nauseated one point i have a chronic ulcer can that convert to cancer my chronic ulcer diffuse large b cell lymphoma – primary mediastima abnormal non mass like circumferential mucosal hyperdensity present,hi most probably it seems to be a recurred hernia the bowel contents may have herniated through the mesh which may have given out a soft tissue collection needs to be ruled out ct scan of abdomen will help thanks i keep having chest pains when its not in my chest its in my back my arms go numb back burns i get dizzy and i pass out,agents that damage the liver are particularly harmful in patients who already have hepatitis b for this reason it is recommended that persons with hepatitis b avoid drinking alcohol i stopped shaving my legs 4 months ago and the regrowth is still unbearably itchy what could be the problem i am a 26 year old male who used to shave his legs i stopped shaving 4 months ago and the regrowth was predictably itchy but it is been 4 months and my legs are still unbearably itchy this can not be normal there is no rash or red bumps it seems like the new hairs are just getting caught on my clothes even though most of them are over an inch long now i did not have this problem before i started shaving them the itch is so intense it is often all i can think about and it is all over my legs,there are chances of cardioembolic stroke some clot or infected vegetation particle that your ophthalmologist is suspecting cardiologist will do echocardio and see if any source of that in your heart for prevention of stroke you take one high dose of aspirin 325 mg and atorvastatin 80 mg and then aspirin 150 mg with atorvastatin 40 mg every day if it is not infected vegetation as in infective endocarditis then you can prevent stroke and any other infarction for further information consult a cardiologist online > my husband experiencing intense foul smelling night sweats,hi he may be suffering from severe hormonal changes consult a endocrinologist and get a complete blood profile done thanks hello i play football and i always end up with a rash on my chin and forehead anything i can do it first starts out red and patchy but then turns brownish greyish it then peels about every two weeks i have used slip on covers for my chisntrap and the results do not change sun exposure also makes it much much darker any ideas on medications or what i have someone said it might be a heat rash and there is nothing i can do about it any ideas,i used to play football and suffered from this as well i personally put a little bit of vaseline on my chin and forehead before putting on my helmet it helped also if that doesnt work try putting a fungicide on your chin guard and the inside of your helmet it could be a form of jock itch you get sweaty in those helmets and they can be a breeding ground for all sorts of things hope this helps diffuse large b cell lymphoma – primary mediastima abnormal non mass like circumferential mucosal hyperdensity present,its a bit of concern definitly not a heart burn for sure get follow up tests every 3 months to see any secondary cancer metastasis alcoholic drinks and extreme gassiness + digestion so i have noticed that whenever i drink alcoholic beverages though its rare that the day after i am extremely gassy and also very hungry the day after that is followed by urgency of having to go at least 4 times during the day i usually go 3 and the urgency on a regular day is a lot less extreme why does alcohol do this to me i am thinking it may be wiping out all my good bacteria in my gut though i have not had these symptoms in the past i was drinking more frequently am i normal ,alcohol consumption can and does affects how the gastrointestinal gi functions which can vary from person to person it also increases appetite alcohol slows down emptying from the stomach causing bloating and gas it also can reduce the strength of the rectum resulting in loose more frequent stools it could be you are more sensitive to alcohol is effect or notice it more because you drink infrequently if you feel there is another problem going on do not hesitate to see your doctor how can i change the timing of a bowel movement from 5 am to a more convenient time which will not affect sleeping this problem began after i started taking flomax for enlarged prostate even though i do not have to take to flomax anymore the 5 am bowel movement which wakes me up every morning has not ceased it has really affected my work since i rarely can go back to sleep until 7 when i used to wake up i am reluctant to take any laxatives because not sure of their effect on my system i am not constipated,you could try increasing the amount of fiber in your diet during the day along with plenty of water avoid eating a large meal at night have a larger breakfast and lunch your bowels are basically waking up before you want so this would be my best suggestion for a natural solution how painful is herpes simplex,its a salivary gland tumour its malignancy staging needs to be done by doing histopathological lesion biopsy depending on the stage further management can be decided mostly surgical treatment would be needed what are the chance of becoming pregnant having unprotected sex one day before my fertile window and 5 days before ovu my last period ended on december 28th 2013 my cycle length is about 35 days long i have a 2 year old already so it would not be much of a problem but i was trying to hold off till i was finish with all the schooling i wanted to do we had unprotected sex on the 8th this month my fertility window started the 9th and ovulation suppose to be the 13th just wanted to know my chance of actually getting pregnant oh we have not had sex since then lol,most helpful answer there is definitely a chance since viable sperm can remain for nearly a week if you do not want to get pregnant you only have two choices no sexual intercourse or using an effective contraceptive method you will just need to sweat it out for a while perhaps take a few home pregnancy tests until you are sure i have a itchy rash that comes and goes what could be causing this the rash appears in different areas of my body for an example a rash showed up on my wrist and stayed a while and went away later the same day it appeared on my stomach and then on my thighs etc its itchy while it is present at one point my hands first turned red and then start to itch really bad to the point i had to wash my hands repeatedly i work in the medical field so i wash my hands a million times a day what could be causing this reaction,this is a common question that many of my patients ask it works by decreasing the amount of acid produced in the stomach by trying to turn off the process that produces acid in the stomach this is a great example of something you can ask your pharmacist after all we are the medication experts if i scoliosis and i have a baby will my baby be born with scoliosis,i do not know if i have sleep apnea i dont think i have ever been tested for it i am an extremely deep sleeper but every so often i do wake up once or twice in the middle of the night before my alarm wakes me up i just figured that is because where i live is very noisy due to people speeding by and other things i am basically in the city normally i do not often have disrupted sleep and i usually do not get woken up by anything during the night i have a bulging hernia under my rib cage is it dangerous should i have it checked i do have a hernia and the bulge from it is getting bigger does this mean it should be looked at would i possibly need surgery to repair it i have had this hernia for about 15yrs it is under my rib cage in the middle the bulge has been getting larger and larger so my basic question is does this require surgery to repair nancy,hi as its getting bigger it should really be looked at best advice good luck i feel i pass out from any type of physical exertion including very light physical exertion,yes if you have recently lost five to 10 pounds and increased physical activity that can be perceived by the hypothalamus as a form of physical stress this can interfere with regular ovulations temporarily my best guess is that your cycles will return as your hormones reset themselves if you have missed periods for three months or more see your gyn what is vocal cord dysfunction,vocal cord dysfunction is a condition that causes abnormal movement of the vocal cords this causes episodes of shortness of breath that come on quickly can be triggered by activities such as singing and often do not respond to asthma medications vocal cord dysfunction can mimic asthma my urethra has been burning intensely after i ejaculate any help advice or answers would greatly help i have had issues with a burning sensation while i urinate for many years within the last year these symptoms have greatly intensified it has now gotten to the point where i am almost always feeling discomfort also lately when i ejaculate my urethra burns very intensely it is not an std because i am still a virgin any help would be extremely appreciated thank you,i have gone back and forth with the depo injections and oral contraceptives for the last decade or so i can not decide which is the lesser of the evils there are certainly pros and cons to each but in the end i decided to stick with the oral contraceptives why although convenient you only go in every quarter or so for a shot but like you i have gained quite a bit of weight after the initial shot and my weight continue to skyrocket with each injection after about three years i have gained a total of about 13 of my pre depo body weight not only was my body image suffering since the injections but my moods swings were swinging at full force i was tired all the time and my calcium levels were fast depleting i loved the convenience of not having to take the pill on a daily basis but side effects of the injections turned me into someone who i ultimately hate now that i am back on the pill most of the side effects i have suffered from the depo has left my system and i am somewhat back to my pre depo body weight but i am feeling so much more energized and alive i did not know the extent of the side effects until i decided on another form of birth control true the pill may be a pain in the rear for someone as forgetful as i am but i would rather forget and have to use a backup method than to suffer the ill effects the depo injections birth control is a definite must for some women myself included and i have accepted the fact that there are side effects to any substance we take but it should not interfere with our daily lives and turn us into someonesomething we are not with this experience i have learned that depo injections just did not work for me but it may for others in the end i think you should have an in depth discussion with your gyn weigh your options and figure which will work best for you based on your needs your lifestyle and your preference how long does it take for a methylprednisolone injection to take effect i got it 30 hours ago for an ear infection they have an cortisporin ear drop waiting for me at the pharmacy should i pick it up now or give the infection more time to work,what kind of ear infection the only one that may benefit from an injection of a potent steroid would be an inner ear infection dizzy vertigo vomiting etc cortisporin eardrops will only help otitis externa swimmer is ear since i do not know the reason for the steroid the type or severity of your ear infection ther is really no way to predict when or even if this treatment will work i am 45 years old in the last six months my four bottom front teeth have shifted is it worth going to an orthodontist,although it is completely up to you i would recommend having a comprehensive exam with your general dentist to rule out a periodontal or gum and bone problem then you can see the orthodontist what are some exercise tips for people with type 2 diabetes,hi prednisolone usually doesnt affect any antibodies that your body has already acquired earlier prednisolone has temporary effects and wont have any adverse effects unless you are low on immunity thanks i am anxious about my recent mri – anything alarming or am i just a worry wart,it seems to be migraine related memory loss these types are frequently associated with nausea you should consult a neurophysician applying coconut oil on head daily before sleeping will have a soothing effect you can continue this along with the medicines for headache only if the headache is severe then you should take tablets for migraine high thyroid level is surgery or nuclear medicine better,yes taking high levels of vitamin b12 can increase blood levels since your levels are high you can decrease it to once a week or not at all if you are getting enough from your diet for more on testing vitamin b12 see this article i have marfan syndrome because of this i have 3 different heart problems and various other related health issues i have been denied health insurance and medicaid and even county indigent will i be able to get health insurance under obamacare and will i be able to afford it,i am sorry you are going through this the symptoms you are describing could be caused by many conditions but a likely culprit is some sort of spinal issue spinal degeneration is not uncommon as we age though i do not know how old you are and a ruptured disc in the neck can happen to anyone either of these conditions can cause aching and tiredness of the limbs i would suggest you go back to the doctor to ask about these symptoms because it sounds like further testing might be warranted blood work will not help diagnose a spinal injury or degenerative disc disease i wish you all the best is the health insurance marketplace route better than paying 900mo to be covered by a job i am leaving i am healthy single with 1 dependent,the best way to determine whether the marketplace plans will be a better deal is to go onto healthcare gov and start shopping the options in addition to the monthly premium it will be very important for you to closely evaluate the details of the plan benefits often employer coverage is more robust be sure to watch for how much you will be required to pay in deductibles co pays and co insurance for your care then evaluate which plan will be the better deal for you keep in mind that if you are not working right now sounds like you are currently on a cobra plan you will likely qualify for a substantial subsidy for a plan purchased through the exchange that could lower both your premium and your out of pocket costs are most generics as good as brand name medications,climate is less of a factor than crowding bedbug infestations are more common in big cities especially in densely populated neighborhoods my gums bleed during brushing and look inflamed i have tried mouth washes and soft brushes do i have a mouth disease,hi these symptoms are highly suggestive of a parathyroid gland disorder another possibility is of an autoimmune disease that may be causing multiple symptoms consult a endocrinologist thanks i am currently unemployed with no wage income but do have money coming in to me as an annuity will i be able to receive a subsidy for health insurance since the return of the annuity is my own money,subsidies are calculated based on modified adjusted gross income it does not matter if income is in the form of wages or other payments like annuities if your income is sufficiently low 400 of poverty level about 45 000 for an individual you will qualify for subsidies is mineral powder makeup better for you than liquid foundation makeup,dont seem typical of any diseases like herpes syphilis or hiv these are usually associated with other symptoms like fever weight loss take vitamin tablets for 8 days fruit juices with vitamin c should be helpful do i have brain eating amoeba i live in toronto canada when i shower i often get water droplets in my nose do you think i should be concerned note the tap water that we use is municipal and drinkable but we prefer to have a filter over it right now i am lying in bed with sore throat my family have had some kinda flu and now it is on to me but my mind is convincing me it is naeglaria fowleri plz help,do not worry you are absolutely fine you most likely have a run of the mill sore throat naeglaria fowleri are exceedingly rare and the odds of you becoming infected by them from a municipal water source in somewhere like toronto is next to impossible especially since there has never been a recorded case in toronto and if you still are not feeling at ease sore throats are not a symptom associated with the amoeba feel better i think im pregnant and i do not know how to tell my partner i took a pregnancy test and it was positive and i dont know how tell him or anyone for that matter this would be my firsy baby im scared but also excitedhappy,of course you are scared and frightened but you have to tell the baby is father how you do it is really up to you since i do not know his personality i guess you can call him daddy when he says that he is not a daddy you can simply say yeah you are you can show him the positive pregnancy test when he asks for an explanation you can say this line means i am pregnant you and your partner were clealy not using effective or consistent birth control so it may not come as a big surprise after you tell him you will need to tell the parents and of course make an appointment with an ob gyn so you can have the best and most healthiest pregnancy yet nature is going to give you about nine months to prepare for this event then your life will never be the same ever again i have had stiffness of the neck for 4 years now i need a real solution,do not be confused consult your medical provider to find out why what is heartburn,the new guidelines are just about routine screening mammograms they are not about getting a mammogram when you have a lump or other suspicious finding or if you are at high risk of breast cancer any woman of any age should get a suspicious lump or other breast change checked out why have i had diarrhea for the past 5 months i went from eating 3 meals daily to not being so consistent but i started being inconsistent before august so i do not understand why this is happening sometimes my poop is not too soft but most of the time it is almost straight liquid i do not feel sick or abnormal sometimes my stomach hurts and i have to hurry and find a bathroom because it is hard to hold i am only 18,hi your best place is your doctor where i would have been 4 12 months ago but take a sample with you in a nice sterile jar good luck my husband is taking robaxin can he take ibuprofen with it for pain,no how can i figure out my menstural cycle so that i can become pregnant,most women conceive faster if they understand their menstrual cycle it is important to note that many women do not have regular cycles your cycle begins on the first day that you notice bright red blood not just spotting and it ends on the day before the next cycle begins the length of a woman is cycle can vary from 21 to 35 days or more if you notice that the length of your cycle varies by a few days from one month to the next then your cycle is considered irregular what happens if my caloric intake is less than what i should be getting due to exercising and eating less 33 years old african american female 205 pounds size 12pants 5 feet 8 inches,as long as you are getting the basic calories that is needed to maintain the body it should be fine but if you are burning off more than what you consume than you should experience weight loss even though you may lose weight you need to eat sufficiently for the body recover after exercising during rest good luck with weight lost goal i have a single round bump on my forehead what could it be it looks kind of scaly i have a really oily forehead i dont know if that could be affecting it i tried popping it once it only bleeds no pus at all its been there for some time possibly months it doesnt hurt or bother me other than aesthetically i can even apply pressure to it and it will flatten for a bit but it will eventually return to its round shape i have absolutely no idea what it could be and its rather embarrassing any ideas tips on how to get rid of it,as much as i would like to help you it is not possible to blindly make a diagnosis over the internet a medical provider would need to see and feel this lump in order to make an accurate determination and without a accurate diagnosis it would not be possible to suggest treatments a few suggestions first stop messing with it this could be a deep cyst sebaceous cyst or cystic acne by squeezing it you may make it worse or cause an infection second either see your primary care medical provider or a dermatologist so that you can have an accurate diagnosis i can not imagine this lesion cannot be treated but you need that all important diagnosis first what is polyarteritis nodosa pan and how it differ from lupus,if the fever is coming down and other symptoms also are improving then home treatment probably is fine if your child has a virus four days is not very long for it to run its course if your child is fever or other symptoms get worse instead of better or if your child develops new symptoms like vomiting diarrhea loss of appetite then it is time to seek medical attention while you are waiting out this virus make sure your child gets plenty of fluids water is fine and you can also give an electrolyte preparation such as pedialyte for fluid replacement it is crucial not to let your little one get dehydrated wishing you both well i am hiv+ currently on meds my clinic has closed i need to get insurance to see a dr continue my meds any advice,hi a blood test will give all the right answers on the state of your hormones and from these it will tell her just were you are in the menopause or you have had it good luck how should i prepare for the prenatal ultrasound test,there is no special preparation for the ultrasound test some doctors require you to drink 4 to 6 glasses of water before the test so your bladder is full this will help the doctor view the baby better on the ultrasound you will be asked to refrain from urinating until after the test some doctors allow you to videotape the ultrasound so that you can take it home ask your doctor if this is an option if it is you will need to bring a blank videotape or dvd to your appointment i have been having progressive symptoms for almost 2 years now doctors do not know what is wrong,i can not find any studies on eosinophilic esophagitis and bariatric surgery gastric bypass specifically so i do not know if it is been done before however the fact your prospective surgeon said he would not do it should be something of a red flag for you i would suggest you consult two or three other bariatric surgery specialists in your area to see what they say you may find someone who has plenty of experience with the situation you describe and is willing to do the surgery or you may find they all advise against doing the surgery then you will have your answer as you probably know there are many types of bariatric weight loss surgery besides gastric bypass this webmd slideshow goes over several types of weight loss surgery good luck to you are small wounds in the opening of urethra serious does it take a long time to heal three weeks ago after masturbating i put tissue on my penis and when i removed it minutes later i felt pain and saw blood coming out so i put a little petroleum jelly to stop the bleeding the next day the bleeding stopped but the right lip of my penis is swollen and dark there is no pain but sometimes it feels irritated there is also no blood anymore and no difference when i urinate what can i do to heal it faster is it serious,most of these tiny tears or fissures will heal spontaneously in a few days and rarely become problematic an antibiotic ointment would have been better to use than plain vaseline remember that you caused this so give your damaged penis a rest and take it easier when masturbating so you do not cause this to happen again can shingles rash spread diagnosed as having shingles i have had a rashblisters on left arm been on antibiotics for 7 days two days ago my right leg near my knee started burning itching and sure enough today i have a swollen hot rash and my leg hurts a lot any thoughts,you need to know the reason for your knee effusion is it arthritis bursitis meniscal injury treating effusion without treating the reason for it is pointless alternative to effusion aspiration there is always elevation lympatic drainage massage and electrical stimulation + strengthning of quadriceps muscle good luck is it safe to have a small volume enema 2 3 ounces of tap water daily,the impact of vitamin d on ovarian cancer has not been as well studied but it has been purported to have a protective effect researchers at the channing laboratory associated with harvard university used data from four large studies to examine the effects of vitamin d on ovarian cancer it was determined that blood levels of vitamin d did not directly impact cancer risk from any of the four genotypes however a specific type of the vitamin d receptor gene was significantly tied to ovarian cancer risk what is an heart murmur and can it be treated,mostly hormonal disturbances get blood hormones checked start the medicines accordingly but more than medicines yoga and relaxation exercises will be of more help 1 yr old boy has a yeast infection rash we are going boating is it safe for him to go in the lake water with this the nurse at the little clinic had a look and confirmed it is yeast and not plain diaper rash my son is not immunocompromised he is not ill i am just concerned about putting his infected bottom in the reservoir we are going boating on this week too late to turn back now all paid for because giardiasp yes i have purchased an otc anti fungal cream,hi i see no labrum tear however i see acetabular rim ossifications which can cause pain on anterior aspect and lateral aspect of hip in which pain increase with hip flexion sitting good luck i have been diagnosed with tuberculosis disease but me and my family doubts this diagnosis,upload us the cxr please is there any long term side effects from childrens zyrtec,hi when you pass stools are they clay coloured if they are it could be gall stones they may need flushing out i had something like this earlier this year i did a gallbladder flush and below is how you do it 7 day gallstone flush i forgot where i got this from my family has used it for years with success my daughter was told she needed gallstone surgery some years back but used this flush instead she passed the stones and did not need the gallstone surgery i do not know about you but i believe my gallbladder has a purpose for being there and i would like to keep it ingredients apple juice grapefruit juice canned is ok lemon juice fresh squeezed is better epsom salts extra virgin olive oil the green colored oil monday through saturday drink all the apple juice you can with your regular diet on saturday 3 hours after lunch dissolve 2 teaspoons epsom salts in a small glass of hot water and drink it followed by a glass of grapefruit juice repeat the epsom salt hot water procedure in 2 hours eat nothing for dinner except a half a grapefruit and a glass of grapefruit juice just before going to bed mix 12 cup of warm olive oil with 12 cup of grapefruit juice and drink it follow that with 12 cup olive oil mixed with 12 cup of lemon juice then go straight to bed lying on your right side with your right knee pulled up as close to your chest as possible for a half hour on sunday morning take 2 more teaspoons of epsom salts in a small amount of hot water at least an hour before eating breakfast that mornings bowel movement will contains small green irregular shaped cholesterol stones some just smaller than the size of cherries i know this is tough but it has worked really well for my family hope it works well for you grannyjo for the grape fruit juice i eat a whole grape fruit saved the waste but do not plan to go anywhere on the last day why your find out if you do not fancy this do go see your own doctor good luck i have a molewart on my right hand palm is it dangerous,hi does not seem to be dangerous at present though but still it needs close observation about its color changes and increase in size a biopsy can be helpful thanks i was vaccinated against the 1976 swine flu virus am i still protected,i think what you are experiencing is indeed normal at least if it is absent other signs or symptoms such as a fever you do not say if you are experiencing pain at the incision sites or in the area where your appendix used to be either way it is possible some of this pain is due to the development of scar tissue scar tissue will form wherever healthy tissue was cut scar tissue is kind of fibrous and can contract which could give you that pain you are experiencing when you try to stretch the good news is the pain probably will go away eventually if it is caused by scar tissue this may relax or break down so it is not so tight if the pain is caused by general post surgical tissue inflammation that also should calm down as the tissue fully repairs itself if you experience a fever or any systemic symptoms you should seek medical attention but if you are just experiencing minor pain you might give it awhile and see if this improves if not by all means revisit your doctor wishing you well what is imitrex injection,imitrex injection is a medicine called a triptan you should take it only if you have a prescription imitrex injection is used to relieve your migraine or cluster headache it is not used to prevent attacks or reduce the number of attacks you have use imitrex injection only to treat an actual migraine or cluster headache attack the decision to use imitrex injection is one that you and your healthcare provider should make together based on your personal needs and health talk with your healthcare provider before taking imitrex injection what is the shelf life of viagra cialis or levitra,prescription medications all come stamped with an expiration date from the manufacturer when we receive the medications in the pharmacy but they really only apply when the medication is stored under perfect conditions in general prescription medications once taken out of the pharmacy and stored in someone is home are good for one year from the date they were filled if you want more specific information you need to talk to the pharmacist who filled your prescription since this is only a guideline interesting infographic which shows the difference between viagra cialis & levitra how to pay for medical procedures if i am a foreigner without insurance i have a 65 year old aunt from india who just had emergency surgery done in the us the problem is that she does not have insurance and does that mean as her sponsors us are left with the bill is there any way to get help from the government or medicare thanks,i recently had emergency medical care in austria it was my responsibility to pay the bill i do have u s insurance but have yet to receive reimbursement in your aunt is case with emergency surgery she may be considered among the multitude of uninsured i am pleased that we live in a country where someone a visitor without insurance or the means to pay can get professional care that may be life saving i do not believe that her sponsors are financially responsible but i am not an attorney i would suggest that she speak with the billing department of the hospital for some advice and assistance in this matter since she is not a u s citizen and a taxpayer i can not imagine that she would be qualified for medicare after the fact but hospitals often have creative financial solutions the good news is that your aunt received care i was born in 60 is my doc wants to give checkup hipcshould i let her there a law that is said all babyboomer should be check for hip c is is that true should i let her,yes a simple blood test for hepatitis c is recommended are the new recommendations for pap smears really different,the suggested use of pap smears as a screening test has been slowly undergoing a transformation many of you may remember the practice of everyone getting a yearly pap smear over time it became apparent at least in developed countries that the incidence of cervical cancer was declining the majority of cervical cancer was found in women who had not had a pap smear in five or more years many other developed nations such as canada had moved to less frequent paps as long as the woman had no symptoms or risk factors suggesting cervical cancer the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists acog has finally moved into line with other countries and other published guidelines will i have to start taking insulin injections if my sugar level is running at 400 on average weekly i was taking as a diabetic 1 000 milg of metformin a day now i have been taking metformin for a week at 2 000 mlg a day but sugar is running on average at 400 will i have to take insulin injections,sure they will help also how are gallstones treated,you cannot diagnose oral cancer soley by a brief vague description so my advice to you is to visit your dentist or see your primary care provider for a careful examination of this dark changing spot the risk of oral cancer increases dramatically if you use tobacco chew or smoke so hopefully you do not partake in this cancer causing habit who needs insurance and when should it be purchased,nearly all americans will be expected to have health insurance starting in 2014 if you do not get coverage at work or through a government program you can begin shopping for coverage october 1 2013 plans purchased before mid december will take effect january 1 2013 i am on the pill i missed my last period am now on day 17 and just had a little bit of spotting could i be pregnant i did not miss any pills last cycle nor have i in this cycle,there are a number of medical causes you will need to determine which one it is but it can also be a result of bad lifestyle choices bad diet lack of exercise lack of sleep the longer you wait the worse this problem becomes how many ear infections are too many,this is a not uncommon situation the answer depends a bit on how the wound was packed for instance if you have sterile water and gauze you can wash your hands put on medical gloves dip the gauze in the sterile water and then gently re pack the wound yourself cover with a dry dressing or if you are not able to do that or not comfortable doing it you can simply leave the packing out cover the wound with a clean dressing and call your physician is office when it opens for further instructions leaving the wound unpacked for 24 hours or so is not likely to cause a problem with healing wishing you well how do symptoms of celiac disease differ with age of onset,this is mostly a renal colic you can get antispasmodic drug and go to the er to check for the presence of stones can be diagnosed with abdominal us drink plenty of water then and get the treatment prescribed does adding vodka to orange juice kill any bacteria or viruses and make it safer to drink does it have a similar effect to pasteurization ,hi have look at this link it just may shine a light on your problem the link good luck how do i go about getting started with aerobic exercise,keep it simple keep it practical keep it convenient keep it realistic keep it specific and do not try to make up for years of inactivity all at once select any activity and amount of time where the probability of sticking with it is high you may not love walking but if you can do it right outside your door and it requires no special equipment and you already know how to do it you have been walking your entire life then walking might be your best bet for getting started because it is so convenient planning is helpful for behavior change and you should set goals each week write down what days of the week you will exercise what time of day minutes of activity location and the activity that you will do be as specific and realistic as possible and remember that it is not how much you do when you get started but that you simply get started getting started is usually the hardest part a sample plan might look like this monday take a 20 minute brisk walk at 7 a m around the block four times tuesday do the same as on monday wednesday take a 20 minute walk at 630 p m right before dinner around the block thursday take the day off friday take a 20 minute walk at 7 a m around the block saturday walk with your family at 10 a m for 45 minutes in park sunday bike ride with your spouse for 60 minutes in park at noon mom will baby sit keep records of your weekly progress by writing down what happens or at least checking off that you followed through and then setting your weekly plan every week for at least three months then at three months you can evaluate your progress and see if any changes need to be made also ask yourself at that time if you believe you will be exercising regularly in six more months if the answer is i am not sure or no then you ought to continue to set weekly goals if you are confident that you can maintain the behavior and will be exercising in six months then you may not need to set weekly goals but at the fist sign of slipping you ought to go back to it i got sick in august need answers and i havent had a period since then i have no pregnancy signs what so ever what else could be going on,it sounds like the two might be unrelated a lot of people tend to get sick around this time of year especialy when the seasons change one missed period is not uncommon but if it gets to be 2 or 3 missed periods consistently i would visit your obgyn can cialis treat retrograde ejaculation,have your medical provider order a more sensitive blood pregnancy test at this point and make an appointment for an examination my friend has immunodeficiency can not eat doctors say depression any advice,my husband kinda suffers from the same issue he was given tyenol and ibuprofen alot as a child and now it is very hard to find a pain medicine that has any effect on him he currently has a condition in his chest that no medicine has been able to help the pain i am not sure if this helps but this is something you probably needed to limit the amounts as a baby my 4 month old has hives i am breastfeeding him what could this be caused from,while you were carrying your son you might have got an allergic reaction through a food instead of it infecting you it ran to your bany and produced over the months can i give my daughter ibuprofen after a dose two hours ago of robitussin cf,yes there are no interactions between robitussin cf and ibuprofen they can be given together always consult your pharmacist before giving your child an over the counter product is constipation a common side effect of drinking green tea or peppermint tea i like to make green tea and peppermint tea together and sweeten with a small amount of honey but have found that after 2 3 days i am horribly constipated,i do not think there is a direct relationship but there could be a peculiarity that just affects you why do women have to pee at the gyno,ask the gynecologist but i suspect they are just doing a routine dipstick type urine test for blood sugar infection etc and they will have a urine specimen to check for pregnancy if necessary it may be standing order also it is good idea to have an empty bladder if you are going to have a good pelvic examination you do not want someone pushing hard on your bladder area trying to fill your elusive ovaries when you have a full bladder i have servere copd will eating ice cream in the evening cause mucus,hi you do really need to see your doctor and get some blood test done for toxins in your blood asap good luck i had heart issue – paroxysmal atrial tachycardia which was solved with cardiac catheter ablation now not feeling well,com these symptoms does not relate to your heart issue you should go for testing your thyroid function and fasting blood sugar can you get pregnant the boy goes ontop in his boxers and he pre cums and you only have an underwear and a panty liner,hi my opinion which is by the way honestly highly subjective is that you may already have the cytomegalovirus dormant so even if that child leaves your care you can still get the infection any time years later so keep your immunity high at all time by healthy food and go ahead and get pregnant assuming the worst and you do get the infection you will have abortion option delaying pregnancy is not a good idea if your already 38 good luck i am 15 male and been exibiting hair loss please help more info below hi im a15 year old male and i recently have been exhibiting hair loss if i run my hand through my hair close my fingers and look at it there are quite a number of hairs i have not been over stressed but my diet does not include many vitamins or fruits and whatnot i have though been spending quite some time indoors please help,i am sorry to hear you are going through this sometimes pregnancy can stretch the abdominal muscles out so much that they can not snap back they are kind of like elastic that way and i am sure you have seen how floppy an elastic waistband gets after it is been over stretched i would suggest you visit your doctor to find out if he or she thinks this is the problem in your case if so he or she may be able to tell you whether or not abdominal muscle exercises will help if all else fails you can have this corrected with a cosmetic surgery procedure called abdominoplasty or tummy tuck in this surgery the abdominal muscles are literally sewed back together to give your belly a tight look again however this surgery is not recommended for any woman who plans to have more children save it for the time when you are confident your family is complete probably not the news you wanted to hear but i wanted to be honest with you wishing you all the best i had same problem and found out it was my thyroid i gained 56 lbs in 4 weeks have some blood drawn but tell ur doctor to test ur thyroid there are 75 of americans who have thyroid disease and it goes untested try that and congrats on the new baby god bless and hope this help u out to ease ur mind some \ i learned this trick from a woman i used to work with who at the time just had her 5th child she said the secret is wearing a girdle for at least 6 8 weeks your muscles and everything else that had to get pushed out smashed and repositioned to make room for your little blessing have all essentially been displaced stretched beyond their limit you have to retrain your stomach muscles to hold everything in place back to their original position and not bulging out making you appear pregnant i know this works because my sister and her own daughter did not use this trick both still look pregnant to this day it worked for me for both of my pregnancies i was back to my original weight and shape i hope it works for you as well hi there belly fat is the most difficult one to lose than any other likely that is why you are having problems with losing it i would have suggested you to go for a abdominoplasty or ”tummy tuck” which is a surgical procedure done by cosmetic surgery specialists where excess fat from deposits located between the skin and muscle is removed since you are pregnant it is not a wise idea to go for it now but you can always have it as a backup whenever you think you are ready go for it i personally suggest you dr ronald levine of what is the treatment for spondylolysis,there are a lot of different ways to treat a spondy it really depends if this is a new fracture or he has had this for a while if on bone scan this was not an acute or new fracture most will treat without a brace and do physical therapy if this is an acute spondy there is a better chance of healing the fracture by using a brace also this is more serious of an injury if the spondy is bilateral i eat 1 200 1 500 calories a day is that enough i am 19 53 female and weigh 120 for the past at least five years of my life i have been eating 1 200 1 500 calories which leaves me feeling satisfied energized and maintaining my weight i have been eating a very healthy vegan diet and have eaten pretty healthy my whole life i feel like i am eating enough and i am maintaining my weight but our experts say i need to eat more i feel like if i ate more i would just gain weight but i am at a healthy weight now i exercise moderately,hope your weight is 120 pounds and not 120 kg if the current calorie intake keeps you satisfied and energized you do not have to worry at all if you are following any diet chart see to it that your calorie intake is between 1800 2100 calories which is normally recommended for a healthy person i feel numbness in penis is it due to nerve impingement,for individuals who earn less than about 28 000 per year there are also subsidies that help to lower your costs each time you go to the doctor or fill a prescription in any event make sure you carefully evaluate all of your plan options and take a close look at items beyond the premium including co pays deductibles and co insurance for example maybe it would pay for you to spend a little more each month for a plan that covers a higher percentage of your costs each time you go for care you need to do the math you might want to work with a navigator via healthcare gov who can help you walk through the various components of the plan to figure out which will be most cost effective for you after exercising for over 1 year i now see dark spots and feel light headed when exercising do i keep up or not,monocytes neutrophils wbcs on higher side indicates infection this may be liver infection causing indigestion problems get a usg abdomen and liver function tests done to find out the exact reason antibiotics and immune boosters will help normalise the deranged blood levels why do i get ringworm around my genitalia,congratulations it sounds like you are doing an excellent job with your lifestyle changes diet and exercise are the cornerstones of treating both heart disease and diabetes but at the same time there are many studies that show that taking statins after a heart attack can actually help prevent future heart attacks as well a major study called the care trial showed that people who were on statins for at least 5 years after a heart attack were less likely to need further procedures such as bypass surgery or stents they were also less likely to die from heart disease statins can help keep plaque from building up in the arteries including those around the heart in some cases they can actually cause a regression of the plaque a statin may also help stabilize this plaque so that it is less likely to break and cause a blood clot a blood clot in an artery on the heart wall is what causes most heart attacks it is very important that you work closely with your doctor your lipid levels and other risk factors should continue to be carefully monitored talk to your doctor about any concerns you have about your medications working together you will be able to come up with a long term treatment plan that is right for you keep up the great work are there different types of lupus,the different types of lupus include systemic lupus erythematosus sle is the most common form the word systemic means that the disease can involve many parts of the body sle symptoms can be mild or serious discoid lupus erythematosus mainly affects the skin a red rash may appear or the skin on the face scalp or elsewhere may change color drug induced lupus is triggered by a few medicines it is like sle but symptoms are usually milder most of the time the disease goes away when the medicine is stopped more men develop drug induced lupus because the drugs that cause it hydralazine and procainamide are used to treat heart conditions that are more common in men my sperm ejects unknowingly in the sleep time also what is the problem,i hate waiting but you should probably wait to see if you miss your period and take a test then or you could go see your obgyn and they can give you a test there i believe i have a urinary tract infection i can not afford to see a doctor will amoxicillin help i already have that,you should not be taking amoxicillin for a uti it will not help antibiotics have specific uses for specific infections that is why it is important to see a doctor or health care provider for evaluation i encourage you to call your local hospital to see if they are running any free clinics or see one of the retail clinics in some of the pharmacy locations like cvs and walgreens they will charge a minimal fee if you do not get this checked out your infection will get worse and you will probably end up in the hospital and require stronger medications which in the end lead to a bigger bill can you get cold sores from a runny nose,i am sorry you are going through this i can not offer personal experience but i have a few thoughts for you all patients who undergo hip replacement surgery require physical therapy afterwards to rehabilitate the joint if you have a prosthesis for your right leg this rehabilitation will be easier if you do not have a prosthesis this might be a good time to consider one but even if you have no prosthesis your physical therapy team should be able to design a program that meets your needs having an amputated leg should not complicate your recovery too much hip replacement surgery today is not as grueling as it was 20 years ago techniques have improved and the surgery today has a much shorter recovery period i would suggest you have a good talk with your surgeon about the potential pitfalls of recovery from total hip replacement after amputation of the opposite leg if your surgeon does not have experience with this situation i would suggest you find one who does good luck to you how do smoking affect my sleep,ice application compression with stocking and elevation xray is important if swelling increased or pain increased this is probably a sprained ankle ligaments how do i use the foradil certihaler inhaler,hi i am an orthopaedic surgeon and we have been doing many surgeries like this for various causes at our clininc we actually put a silicon scaphoid spacer instead of fusion this spacer keeps the needed space in between the bones and maintains their congruency and synovial fluid within the joints this helps to keep the pain away and limitation of wrist movements is very negligible in this xray there are some regions where the bones are not completely fused and you can talk to your doctor about the silicon spacer arthoscopic removal of adhesions followed by agressive physio is another option thanks i was diagnosed with cervical cancer i have some lymph nodes that are swollen and a ongoing cough producing phlemmucus,hi in my opinion you could be suffering from tuberculosis or viral infection a sample from lymph nodes should be taken to analyse however most of your symptoms are related to hyperthyroidism not the infection i recommend you seek a permenant treatment for it good luck do bedbugs cause anemia,there is little evidence that they can cause anemia a blood disorder in which you do not have enough red blood cells to carry the oxygen required by your body a 2009 case study published in the canadian medical association journal discussed one possible case in a 60 year old man who had been bitten hundreds of times the authors were able to find only one other case in the medical literature and that was dated 1962 is it normal for a tonic clonic seizure to put you down for 2 3 days i have read that most people only need a few hours i have been dealing with seizure disorder for about 5 years now approximately 1 seizure every 6 months or so always happens in my sleep or just after waking i have had treatment for it from my doctor to get exercise and take lamictal my recovery time from a seizure is typically 2 3 days sometimes takes me a week to get my mind right and get over the soreness before returning to work it field technician my doctor assures me i should be fine but i have alot of doubts that he is right,probably the itchy rash that comes and goes is dermatitis commonly known as eczema you can apply aloe gel cream with curcuma glycyrrhiza majishta rubia cordifolia internally start with herbal combination of curcuma tinospora and majishta at dose of 3 gms daily can a woman get pregnant using the withdrawal method of birth control,pulling out before the man ejaculates known as the withdrawal method is not a foolproof method for birth control some ejaculate fluid that contains sperm may be released before the man actually begins to climax in addition some men may not have the willpower or be able to withdraw in time what are the symptoms of a bad gall bladder i have been having bad pain in my abdomen on the right side under my ribs that radiates to my lower back for about 3 weeks now and my doctor thinks that it could be my gall bladder i have also been battling vomiting and neusea and cold chills and the pain lasts anywhere between 15 minutes to 4 hours without pain meds i am wondering what i should do,that is a lot of how i felt when i had to have my gallbladder removed also i had pain so bad in my chest area between my breast i though my chest was going to explored i was not able to walk the pain so bad i went to er had to have gall bladder removed then what does heroin identify as in a drug scee,heroin is an opiate heroin is an opiate and is derived from opium heroin can be snorted sniffed or injected one of the factors that make the drug so dangerous is that it is often mixed with some pretty toxic chemicals such as rat poison household cleaners including drain cleaner as well as over the counter antihistamines and prescription painkillers including fentanyl heroin abuse can result in chronic and severe health issues including kidney liver heart and brain damage as well as pulmonary and respiratory issues heroin users are also at risk for developing hepatitis hiv and aids quitting heroin can be very difficult but it is not impossible do not try to quit on your own or cold turkey heroin withdrawal is quite painful and the side effects can turn into life threatening consequences without notice during heroin withdrawal you can expect to experience some or all of the following symptoms • flu like symptoms • nauseavomiting • cravings • bodymuscle achespains • constipationdiarrhea • restless legsarms • depression • anxietyirritability • paranoia most physicians recommend getting help quitting heroin through a professional medical detox treatment gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855 338 6929 i am about 5 weeks pregnant and i am experiencing menstrual like cramping could i be miscarrying a few days ago i experienced very very light old blood but nothing since i am very stressed could this just be the problem i was also sick that day with flu like symptoms like i was very dizzy and nauseaed should i just go and see a doctor to see whats up,please get in touch with your doctor he might want to examine you before giving an answer i hope all is fine how does scoliosis affect the immune system my daughter was born with spina bifida occulta her cord is tethered but did not protrude or leave a whole at birth after chronic pain she it was found at 3 yrs old at 4 she was diagnosed with scoliosis the dr said it was attributed to the spina bifida she also has severe asthma and allergies to food medications and pollendustetc how do these affect her immune system and why she is often absent from school and stays sick for longer periods of time,the simple answer to this is if both you and your fiance are fertile and you have unprotected sex then there is always a chance of pregnancy true you are more likely to get pregnant at certain times during your menstrual cycle specifically during the fertile window that occurs during and after ovulation but ovulation is a tricky thing to predict oddly enough the ovaries do not consult a calendar before releasing an egg so even a woman with a very regular cycle could get pregnant outside her fertile window period the only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test depending on the test you choose you may be able to find out as quickly as one day after a missed period read the kit is box and follow the instructions to the letter to get an accurate reading for best results test your urine first thing in the morning when hormones will be most concentrated in it whichever way you are hoping i wish you all the best what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for influenza,doctors can diagnose influenza flu using your symptoms alone if many cases of a similar illness have occurred in the community and if the local health department has confirmed a flu outbreak tests to confirm you have the flu and to determine the type of virus may be important if the results may affect treatment decisions during a confirmed flu outbreak however testing may not be needed even if treatment with an antiviral medication is being considered in addition to flu like symptoms you have any unusual symptoms that suggest another condition health authorities have not identified any other cases of flu in your area testing may involve blood tests rarely used or a culture to identify the virus some cultures take 24 to 48 hours for results so they will not help your doctor decide whether to prescribe an antiviral medication a rapid flu test is now available that gives results in 30 minutes although this test is not 100 accurate it can be useful when deciding whether to use an antiviral medication webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated could you advise on my tiredness weakness and faint feeling following viral infection,you may be suffering from rosacea your dermatologist will be able to make the final determination topical antibiotics and tretinoin containing compounds will help control oil production and increase cell turnover i have scoliosis and now suffer from right side lower backupper leg pain after long physical labor i was diagnosed in high school with scoliosis but it was not severe enough to have a brace made or surgery done i do have an obvious unbalance as one hip is higher than the other i recently got a well paying job with great benefits but it is very physical i lift light to moderately heavy boxes while walking long distances for 11 sometimes up to 13 hours and half way through each day i start to experience pain in my lower back and it travels down my right leg when i put weight on it,the back pain you are experiencing may have nothing to do with your scoliosis but may have everything to do with problems in your lower back i would suggest that you see a good back specialist orthopedist for a thorough examination i am a 21 year old guy trying to lose weight on a 1 200 1 500 calorie daily diet does it matter what i eat does it matter as long as i am eating fewer calories than i am burning,first you are a young male assuming that you are an average height of about 510 and you will be physically active consuming 1 200 calories is way too low for you i would aim closer to the range of 1 500 1 700 cals per day next up you really do need to eat higher quality food quality is important for health as well as weight reduction finally yes weight reduction will occur if you simply consume fewer calories and hopefully increase your physical activity you can eat five candy bars all day and drop weight if that is all you eat however eating junk plays havoc with your blood sugar levels and if it is high fat junk eating one pizza all day you will not be doing your heart any good as well the best way to go is to strive for balance you want healthy whole foods with some treats thrown in and you want to stay physically active why activity makes it 10 x easier to sustain your weight reduction broke my collarbone last week now my feet are swelling with fluid any connection,there is no direct connection between a fractured clavicle collar bone and swollen feet assuming you did not sustain an injury to your ankles or feet at the same time as the clavicle incident it would be best to consult your medical provider someone who knows you and your medical history and someone who has the ability to examine you to address our swollen feet i am a 44 year old woman with very swollen stomach has been like this for 4 months,hi if all the tests are negative then i think you should consult a obesity specialist and follow diet plan and exercises regimen to reduce the weight sometimes even a small ovarian cyst can cause hormonal disturbances in ur body causing sudden weight gain an endocrinologist or gynecologist can help you thanks why would keratin shampoo make my hair fall out as soon as i quit using it it stopped i would like to get a keratin smoothing treatment but i have read similar stories where people lost their hair to the point of having bald spots breakage i could understand but my hair fell out at the root it does not make any sense,it sounds like you may have had some kind of allergic reaction to an ingredient in the shampoo normally when someone uses a product and develops symptoms that go away when they stop using the product it means an ingredient in the product was the cause of their symptoms it may not have been the keratin at all shampoos contain a wide variety of ingredients from perfumes to dyes it is possible your scalp really did not like one of the components of that particular shampoo is formula all that said i admit i do not know anything about keratin treatments specifically however i certainly would be hesitant to undergo any treatment with a reputation for making people is hair fall out take care is a dog is saliva dangerous to infants,if it was all of us dog lovers would be dead a dog is saliva can contain a few pathogenic organisms but believe it or not there are more dangerous bacteria in a human is mouth and we do not like the same parts that dogs do infants raised with loving animals like dogs will grow up healthy and not have any more diseases than those raised without face licking dogs as a matter of fact the face licked babies may even be immunologically stronger with that said i do not think you should encourage dog saliva exposure but nor should you be appalled dogs express their love to humans by licking and this dog loves the baby my 7 year old has been sick for a month fever productive cough fatigue three different antibiotics what is it today the doctor said he had a clean exam but she acknowledges something is wrong the fever had been hovering around 100 for the last several weeks but spiked to 103 9 today he had a chest crazy and blood work today no results yet what is keeping him so sick,as much as i would like to help you it is really impossible to diagnose anyone over the internet without the benefit of a detailed medical history some diagnostic tests and of course a hands on examination many of these illness can be attributed to back to back viruses this may be the reason he has not responded to the antibiotics the chest x ray and blood work may reveal a mild pneumonia so your answer may be forthcoming in children viral pneumonia is also common what should i do if i suspect an overdose of calcet,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents should call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents should call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include nauseavomiting loss of appetite mentalmood changes headache drowsiness weakness tiredness it feels like bugs crawling around behind my eardrum what could this be,well we know that it is not bugs crawling in your middle ear space but without a hands on examination i really would have no way of offering you a patient specfic reason for your symptoms there can be many reasons from middle ear infections middle ear fluid eustachian tube dysfunction otitis externa etc that could cause those symptoms you will need to see a medical provider so you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated will kissingmaking out cause a sore throat i am 18 and pretty healthy tonight i made out with a guy for the first time a lot lol i am pretty positive he will be staying in my life but could us kissing have caused me having a sorescratchy throat it basically happened while we were kissing and is still irritated afterwards he is healthy and so are not i what can i do to stop this from happening in the future and how long should this last,if you were excessively kissing this could have dried out your throat which could make it temporarily sore but i would have no idea how long this would last kissing shares germs like viruses and bacteria so this too can be another possible cause sharing germs is really unavoidable with mouth to mouth contact so i suspect you will just take the risk should i have an infected cyst lanced now if i have an appt with a surgeon in 2 weeks i have had this cyst twice before it is really painful and i am not sure i can wait the 2 weeks will it mess up my surgery to have it lanced now,medical conditions often do not wait until surgeons get around to dealing with it so the fact that it is painful now it would be best to have it treated now start by calling the surgeon is office to see if you can be seen earlier like today without knowing the medical details of your case type of cyst size location etc it would not be possible for me to know if lancing it now would be detrimental to your upcoming procedure i can tell you that cysts are often easier to remove when they are intact i have stomach & chest pains am light headed dizzy & nauseous what are these symptoms of,apparently you have not been to a doctor then again how would you know your sugar is over 500 and your kidneys are shutting down like a full blown diabetic why does my penis itch all right about a month ago my penis started to itch i figured it was just an allergic reaction or dry skin or something but after a month i figured something was definitely going on i started researching on the internet and all fingers point to chlamydia or gonorrhea i called a clinic and they cant get me in until monday and its thursday well i sprayed peroxide into my urethra and all of the symptoms cleared up hopefully the peroxide got rid of everything without doing any damage,about two weeks ago my penis started to itch i thought it was the new underwear but i was wrong i have not had sex prior to it happening i wake up from sleeping and my penis itches i i pee and it itches i have cleaned it everytime but it still itches any answers would b appreciated jim how can atopic dermatitis be prevented,there may be nothing that you or her mother can do she is 19 years old and definitely emancipated with five babies while we may all agree that having more babies are not in her best interest there is really no one who could legally force her to get sterilized or to use birth control she can be counseled about birth control suggesting a good reliable contraception that she does not have to think about such as an iud or implant but in the end the choice is still left up to her how can my crock pot help me make fast healthy food,it is starting to come back in vogue to utilize a slow cooker or crock pot in general i am someone who likes to get great healthy food on the table fast i do not always do well with things that are slow however the amount of time it takes to prepare ingredients for the slow cooker is fast and i like that you do not have to think about it again until it is time to eat here are some tips on ways to revitalize flavor reverse bad past crock pot experiences and have a healthy savory meal that is not an overcooked pile of mush the first and most important tip to having a delicious crock pot meal is to choose the right type of ingredients this is where you should utilize ingredients that take longer to cook like traditionally tough cuts of meat these include brisket pork butt or an entire chicken by the way these are traditionally less expensive meats so if you are trying to budget for meals this is a great way to help with that — or if you are trying to budget for organic ingredients this is where you can upgrade to organic or natural cuts of meat when cooked for so many hours these tougher meats taste great and fall off the bone easily and you get the added benefit of pulling nutrients from the bone if you have had a bad experience with a crock pot most likely you have participated in the biggest mistake do not use canned vegetables in a slow cooker period ever using canned vegetables in a crock pot recipe will simply turn your meal into a vegetable smoothie canned vegetables are already overcooked when they are put in the can cooking them for another 6 8 hours will disintegrate them potatoes carrot onions and other firm veggies do well in a slow cooker using canned tomatoes is fine — mostly because you will probably be using them in a sauce so they hold up well absolute no nos canned green beans canned corn and canned peas actually let me go ahead and advise you to never use these canned vegetables if you can help it under seasoning is another mistake i see people make all the time since the food is cooking there for so long — the equivalent of a long slow boil — there needs to be a few levels of flavors there are a couple ways to do this if you are making a meat or bean dish i suggest sautéing savories like onions shallots or garlic in extra virgin olive oil first before you put in the crock pot the flavors seep into the oil better if you take this extra step also add fresh cut herbs at the very end or a squeeze of lemon or lime to brighten up the dish and give fresh flavor quickly add ingredients that are high in flavor for example fire roasted tomatoes i have a herniated lumbar disc l5 s1 and have weakness and numbness in my left leg and foot,hi yes these symptoms can well be related severe compression of the spinal nerve in the lumbar spine causes pain numbness and weakness bladder control can also get affected due to involvement of autonomous nervous system consult a spine surgeon get a mri done you may need decompression surgery thanks what is the treatment for plant thorn arthritis,hi primarily this does to seem to be oral cancer but in early stages only clinical inspection will not confirm it a biopsy and histopathology will confirm the diagnosis better to get it done to be on safer side thanks will steroids show up on a random drug test given by an employer thanks a lot guys,a drug test could mean many things but most employers are checking for common drugs of abuse such as opioids cannabis alcohol and certain prescription drugs unless your employer specifically wants to test for steroid use this would not usually be included in a drug screen you would have to ask what are they testing for the real issue here is a concern that you may be the worried steroid user if this is true you need to do some in depth investigation on the long term use of steroids the short term gains that you may experience is not worth the long term medical issues that steroid can cause i have ear jaw and tooth pain along with swollen gland who should i see,understanding your egg supply both origins and ways in which egg number declines can help you to decide your next steps on the pathway to parenthood women have their lifetime supply of eggs when they are babies inside their mother eggs are a time limited and time released supply time limited because all women will someday go through menopause and time released because each month only a small group of eggs gain the ability to compete to ovulate as egg number declines with aging the group of eggs competing to ovulate each month gets smaller with a smaller group of eggs competing each month women tend to ovulate sooner and have fewer days between periods eventually there are periods of time where an egg is not available and women will start skipping periods eventually there is not an egg available to ovulate and a woman will no longer have periods fertility testing includes tests for egg number and egg release test of egg number include fsh follicle stimulating hormone and amh antimullerian hormone fsh is the hormone that pushes eggs to move toward ovulation when egg supply is low fsh goes up fsh is high in menopause amh is made by eggs at an earlier stage in their journey toward ovulation amh is higher in women with more eggs and lower in women with fewer eggs amh is undetectable in menopause tests of egg release include progesterone progesterone is a hormone that is made by the ovary after ovulation if a woman has an elevated progesterone one week before her period she is ovulating if she does not she needs to see her doctor to find out why she is not ovulating the group of eggs that have the ability to ovulate will only compete if they receive the correct signals a physician will test hormone levels and make the necessary adjustments to induce ovulation egg number tests like amh and fsh predict how well you will respond to fertility drugs because they reflect the number of eggs competing to ovulate if fsh is high and amh is low a woman does not have many extra eggs to respond to medication if she has regular menstrual cycles with a progesterone proving ovulation she is getting at least one egg out if we try fertility medications and still get only one egg fertility drugs are not helping to improve chances of pregnancy as long as she continues to ovulate she has a chance for pregnancy if she wants to improve her chances after fertility drugs with her own eggs are not helping to increase the number of eggs released she can consider using donated eggs one percent of women will go through premature ovarian failure before age 40 a reproductive endocrinologist will test to see why egg number declined early and test to see if other glands thyroid parathyroid pancreas adrenal are showing signs of low hormone production women with pof have a 5 10 lifetime chance of pregnancy if an is there a major company producing bottled water that is licensed to legally drain the great lakes of its water supply i know that drinking clean water is vital to good health what i did not know is that water is in short supply and may be fought for in the next world war i missed the details of the story but heard that a supplier of bottled water is pumping massive amounts of water from the great lakes to make large profits it was also claimed that these great lake waters were being sold in large quantities to foreign countries & causing a national threat to the usa can anyone please provide more details,two ultrasound studies of women who exercised their vaginal muscles did find that their muscles were thicker and stronger after pelvic floor muscle training among women with urine leakage their thinner muscles became the thickness of healthy women is pelvic floor muscles additionally they had less urine leakage whether the problem was from stress or urge types of incontinence the use of vaginal cones andor kegel exercises to increase muscle strength were both found to improve tone and decrease urine loss while some of these studies did not measure vaginal tightness per se when muscle bulk is increased a woman can voluntarily contract those muscles to make the vaginal opening tighter yes it will tighten that area i guarentee you contract and relax those muscles repeatedly 7 to 10 times then hold tightlycontract for as long as you can while sitting at a stop light in your car at the office watching tv or when ever you think about it and you will notice results quickly and so will your partner if you can not always do it for that long of a time or that many reps do not worry any added amount will make a difference yes it will make them tighter that is the exercise my gynecologist told me to do after i had a baby it really worked for me my husband could tell the difference if you do not know how to do them you hold in the muscles that you use if you had to pee for a few seconds then release then hold again you can do them all day at your desk home or driving in your car the more you use these muscles the quicker you will see results i think so yes in addition i have found that if your legs are in good shape because you exercise regulary then it tends to tighten up your pelvic floor muscles to just my own personal experience of course yes it will make them tighter that is the exercise my gynecologist told me to do after i had a baby it really worked for me my husband could tell the difference if you do not know how to do them you hold in the muscles that you use if you had to pee for a few seconds then release then hold again you can do them all day at your desk home or driving in your car the more you use those muscles the quicker your results can low testosterone levels be treated while i continue to smoke cigarettes,we are here to help you cpvt catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia is a devastating condition and is usually found and detected on holter monitor or on stress test if asymptomatic in case of acute attack if a person has severe chest pain or syncope then at that time it can be documented in ecg if your panic attack is due to cpvt then definitely it would have appeared in your ecg it is very unlikely that you have cpvt your sinus tachycardia is suggestive of anxiety however i would recommend you to get your thyroid profile done if not done yet for further information consult a cardiologist online > how do vaccines work,children benefit from resistance training regardless of their age if they have not reached puberty yet it is best to focus on body weight exercises such as pushups sit ups and chin ups focus on proper form and technique rather than using resistance exercises with excessive weights to prevent injury this would be a good time to meet with a strength coach or trainer for guidance on proper form i believe the earlier the better but there really is no age appropriate time frame it is about starting a new routine learning what your body can do learning and adapting to what fits into your lifestyle and slowly working towards your goals what could cause a very sudden onset of nausea dizziness and feeling off balance no lead in not on any meds thx it is mostly cleared up about 2 hours later i was driving at onset and when i got out of the car i also had some trouble walking fine for a few steps and then i would stagger for a couple,your experience could have been caused by literally dozens of conditions some of the possibilities include stroke transient ischemic attack tia vertigo syncope inner ear disturbance medication side effect diabetic event and heart irregularities i suggest that you start off by seeing your family doctor that person knows your medical history best and can begin a basic investigation by way of diagnostic testing additionally the family doctor may refer you to other medical specialists including a cardiologist and neurologist my toe got stepped on playing soccer and the nail has turned black will it fall off,if you are consistently taking in more calories than your body requires then you may expect to gain weight over time regardless of whether it is calories from protein fat or carbohydrates some research suggests however that a slightly higher protein diet can actually help you lose weight perhaps by helping you to feel satiated feel full to ultimately take in fewer calories you will not gain weight as the protein ingested will store itself in your body for later use if you go above the amount your body can digest at once but do not expect to see gains in muscle as long as you keep those saturated and trans fats out of your diet most people will keep a steady weight i had mild disc bulge and a degeneration in the 5th of my lumber what therapy should i undergo,i have migraines with auras sometimes but i am always sensitive to lights and sound i have found that flouresent lighting to also be a trigger i always seem to get a migraine if i am at a docs office to long strong smells have always given me a migraine i am going to try a gluten free and sugar free diet to see if what i am eating is causing the migrianes i have tried preventive meds and have found no relief as yet although i have started a new one i have not been on it long enough to know if it will help i have very long hair that i wear up in a loose bun but a friend suggested that i cut my hair that it may also be causing migraines i am not comfortable with cutting my hair and am just wondering if anyone that has chronic migraines has been given the advice to cut their hair by a doc my doctors have not suggested this but i have not gotten a good response from my neurologist i would like to change doctors but i am having a hard time finding one that will take my case is psoriatic arthritis linked to psoriasis,if my sexual partner smoked i would not have sex with them i am not sure what you mean by weakness unless you are talking about the will not to smoke i am unemployed and do not qualify for medical i can barely get by with the little money i get now if i do not enroll in a health insurance plan what are the penalties,do not worry after following these tips you will feel better and get rid of bad breath by 2 weeks start using chlorhexidine mouthwash thrice a day for 4 weeks do saline water mouth rinses take lukewarm water in a small cup and add 14th teaspoon salt in it thrice a day for 2 weeks avoid soda drinks and food that may cause acidity watch your diet carefully if you are already having complaints of acidity or heart burning or stomach ulcer problem then visit gastroenterologist because stomach problems can be one of the major causes of bad breath check in mirror if you have yellow plaque or calculus deposits around the teeth and gum margins then first visit your dentist and get scaling done and then use mouthwash and do saline rinses the results will be quickly evident check if you are a mouth breather and try to control the habit read dentist advice to get rid of bad breath follow up after 2 weeks stay happy i get severe cramping in my hands and feet almost daily i am a african american male 67 years old is this a stroke does daily severe foot and leg cramping indicate strokes i am 67 yrs old and african american,maybe this is a common home remedy that may help for some minor itching but that depends on the cause antihistamines are the most commonly prescribed anti itch treatments benadryl claritin zyrtec etc i have lower back dull pain on right side of spine close to l4 l5,you have a hyperlordosis with diminished disc space in lower lumber discs 4 5 l5 s1 an anteroposterior view is necessary to judge scoliosis your core muscles are strong but it seems you have overloaded your lower back with weights i would suggest my patient to do stretching for lower back and avoid over weights some anti inflammatory gels with ultrasound my sister has attacks with severe headaches and sudden chills then it ends with shivering like fits,this is inevitably epilepsy but a routine eeg only records about 20 30 minutes of brain waves however the entire eeg procedure takes about 90 minutes because 30 minutes is such a short amount of time the results of routine eeg studies are often normal even in people known to have epilepsy did she get a 90 minutes test paternity issue my blood goup is o n my wife is o too while our daug is b n she isnist she didnt cheat is it possible,i found this non webmd site for you you can draw your own conclusions but if there is any doubt to your parentage you will need to be paternity tested along with your child had my period 3 31 15 to 4 5 15 and now i am on my period again it started 4 26 15 still on it could i be pregnant maybe first period light second heavy,adjusting your diet is usually the first step in lower cholesterol the tlc diet or therapeutic lifestyle changes diet is recommended by the national institute of health and it recommends lower the fat in your diet the following are guidelines to follow to lower cholesterol avoid saturated fat and oils such as butter bacon drippings lard palm oil and coconut oil instead use soft tub margarine or vegetable oils such as olive or canola oil limit trans fatty acids or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils these oils go through a process that makes them solid they are found in hard margarines snack crackers cookies chips and shortenings limit fatty meats such as corned beef pastrami ribs steak ground meat hot dogs sausage bacon and processed meats like bologna also limit egg yolks and organ meats like liver and kidney replace with skinless chicken or turkey lean beef veal pork lamb and fish try some meatless main dishes like beans peas pasta or rice limit meat poultry and fish to no more than two servings or 5 oz 140 g a day remember that a serving is about the size of a deck of playing cards limit milk products that contain more than 1 milk fat this includes cream most cheeses and nondairy coffee creamers or whipped toppings which often contain coconut or palm oils instead try nonfat or low fat milk 0 to 1 fat and low fat cheeses limit snack crackers muffins quick breads croissants and cakes made with saturated or hydrogenated fat whole eggs or whole milk try low fat baked goods and use any spreads or toppings lightly dip bread in olive oil instead of spreading butter or margarine on your bread avoid fast foods like hamburgers fries fried chicken and tacos they are high in both total fat and saturated fat when you eat out choose broiled sandwiches or chicken without skin salads with low fat dressing and foods that are not fried ask the server to leave off the cheese and high fat dressings like mayonnaise this link also includes a sample meal plan is it safe to push through fibromyalgia pain every time i even attempt to do any sort of exercise the pain does not really allow me to do anything i used to be an athlete many years ago and i would just push through the pain or keep going until the pain went away i have not been able to work for years since my accident and fibromyalgia and it is very frustrating i am wondering if i can do any damage to my body if i push through the pain is it safe to force my body to work through the pain and attempt exercise,i have tried both ways and i believe that exercise to almost to the point and then draw back pushing though seemed to prolong my pain and definitely added to it if you do push to hard then i would suggest that you immediately or as soon as possible be kind to your body with warm water soaks i know it is frustrating when you are used to pushing through your body pain to do and be what you want but there are painful consequences it could cause you to be unable to do anything i just know that pacing yourself is the watch word here pacing yourself is a somewhat vague statement but it means to not to use all your energy doing one thing especially if you want to have other things in your life it is harder to do than say and requires practice we have athletes who do marathons and other difficult sport activities i hope this help start slow when they say 1 or 2 minutes they mean it but soon your body will be able to tolerate it at most times and never never think if you have to take a break because of a flare up that you can just pick up where you started before the flare up start slower and build back up i have found that individual type sports like hiking swimming the non contact sports seem to be best as it is easier to do that pacing i was talking about good luck hope this helps and do not forget to stretch what kind of doctor should an alzheimers patient see,in my opinion you have two possible explaination 1 you have an ear infection which require an otologist 2 a virus infection need to see your blood tests to identify its type is the flu virus transferable through breast milk i think i have the flu or a virus of some kind was violently ill yesterday morning vomiting fever chills body aches and joint pains stomach cramps headache fatigue i still do not feel well nothing like yesterday though i just wanted to know if my 9 month old whom i am still nursing will catch the same virus and have the same symptoms through my breast milk,although it is hard to say if you have the flu or not if you are still feeling ill please call you healthcare provider and ask their advice about treatment for your illness if you get the flu pumping your breast milk and having a healthy adult give your baby the breast milk is a good way to protect your baby the flu virus is not transmitted through breast milk maternal antibodies are transmitted through breast milk which may actually help protect the child if she was already exposed to influenza it is ok to take antivirals to treat the flu while you are breastfeeding if there is no one else who can take care of your baby while you are sick try to wear a face mask at all times when you are feeding or caring for your baby you should also be very careful about washing your hands and taking everyday precautions to prevent your baby from getting flu using a cloth blanket between you and your baby during feedings might also help if you think your baby has developed flu like symptoms please call your healthcare provider quickly so your baby may be examined what can be the reason for blurry image itchy eyes and headache,actually there are many causes of decreased vision and itching for which you need to rub your eyes please answer a few questions since how long you are using glasses when you had your last refraction do you have any eye allergy itching watering or redness that get worse in specific season is this problem persist all day or it is more in the morning or evening have you got an eye examination or using any drops currently so from the complaints you described there may be just a change in refraction if your refraction glass number is changing again and again then you might need to get a full eye examination and a few investigations in cases with repeated change in refraction quickly there are chances of a condition called keratoconus in which shape of the cornea becomes conical and gets thin at your age the cause of excessive rubbing may be allergic conjunctivitis called vernal keratoconjunctivitis conjunctivitis due to some seasonal allergy keratoconus is more common in people who have vernal keratoconjunctivitis other causes may some congenital corneal dystrophy in which superficial corneal layers are peeled off with mild rubbing and cause blurred vision so i would advise you to get a complete eye examination and your eye doctor can order some investigations like corneal topography if needed then further management will depend on the eye examination revert back with the answers to the above questions to an eye care ophthalmologist online > i have had unbearable earache for 8 weeks now need second opinion,the mechanical process used to move teeth with braces is the same at any age so the benefits of orthodontic treatments are available to both children and adults who wish to improve their appearance and bite the main differences between treatments in adults and children is that certain corrections in adults may require more than braces alone and the treatments may take longer because adult bones are no longer growing what otc drugs help with hip bursitis,can i assume he is in a long leg or short leg cast or is he in a boot any child known to have a tibial fracture one who is screaming in pain needs to be evaluated by his orthopedist as soon as possible this would not be considered normal one and half weeks after the injury is there any diet that can help improve or reverse hypothyroidism,i take synthroid and it specifically states to take on an empty stomach at lease 1 hour before breakfast i am confused with your response about taking with food i had a reaction to one of the lipsticks i was using my lips are very sore and have a burning sensation what to use i had some kind of reaction on my lips to one of the glosses or lipsticks i was using my lips are very sore and when i try to apply lipstick they really burn i think they are irritated what can i use on them so they will get better i keep using the medex for lips which usually helps but am having a hard time getting them cleared up help i am desperate hate going without lipstick,because you are advancing your diet it could be a normal transition as long as it does not last but only your doctor will know for sure i would stay in close contact with your doctor about your bowel movements and what that means for your treatment and diet moving forward in terms of solid food a soft diet is the easiest on the gastrointestinal system because it contains little fiber the normal transition is moving from liquids to soft to regular i have been on adhd medication for several years now do not have any sexual drivelibido,libido changes is a post marketing common side effect of vyvanse in high doses prolonged use … this infers that your dose needs to be lowered under the supervision of your physician or shifting to another safer adhd treatment with less side effects if your weight is 115 120kg you need to lose weight if i am right obesity it self causes reduced libido… suddenly my left leg is twice the size of my right leg i am diabetic and have slept on my left side for appx 5 years,good for you for noticing this it is important for people with chronic conditions like diabetes to stay on top of any physical changes in their body i suggest you call your primary care provider for an appointment the kind of swelling you describe sounds like fluid retention or edema this can be a sign of an underlying medical condition possibly related to your diabetes or something else entirely mild one sided edema of the lower leg is not necessarily cause for alarm in an otherwise healthy person but it would be best to get it checked out wishing you well had sex roughly 12 days ago wife took pregnancy test on the 12th day it was positive period isnt due yet can it happen im a truck driver gone for months at a time i got home on the 13th of june wife said she was having symptoms of pregnancy the 10th day that i was home june 23rd she took a pregnancy test and it came back positive her period is not due for another week or so basically wondering if you could get a positive pregnancy result after only 10 days on home test,pregnancy tests can detect a baby very early now what it does is detect hcg in the woman which is a hormone that is present during pregnancy it is rare for a pregnancy test to have false positives a pregnancy test can have a false negative if the hcg hormone is not yet detectable i have the implanon rod and i am experiencing pregnancy symptoms i have had the implanon rod for over a year now my fiance and i always use protection but i feel that he may have waited too late to put one on at some point i have gained weight my breasts are very tender and i stay tired i also have headaches everyday i am trying to figure out if i need to take a test i have taken two in the past and they have been negative am i making myself do this,anemia is the most common blood condition in the u s it affects about 3 5 million americans for women in their childbearing years anemia is a common cause of fatigue this is especially true for women who have heavy menstrual cycles fibroid tumors or uterine polyps anemia can also be the result of hemorrhoids gi problems such as ulcers or cancer nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids such as ibuprofen or aspirin can also lead to gi problems and bleeding other causes of anemia include a deficiency of iron folic acid or vitamin b12 chronic diseases such as kidney disease can also cause anemia fatigue occurs when bleeding leads to a deficiency of hemoglobin that is the iron rich protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to other parts of your body when your tissues and organs do not get enough oxygen you feel exhausted unable to get up and be active to confirm a diagnosis of anemia your doctor will give you a blood test if iron deficiency is the cause of your fatigue treatment may include iron supplements iron rich foods such as spinach broccoli and red meat can also be added to your diet to help relieve symptoms why is the skin on my feet peeling my feet have been peeling really bad i lotion them all the time i do not wear flip flops just shoes and socks they do not itch or burn it does not hurt it is just ugly and annoying and i can not help picking them,many reasons moisture accumulation atopic dermatitis tinea pedis athlete is foot chemical reactions to shoes or detergents left in your socks bare feet etc in order to get a patient specific answer you will need to see a medical provider so that your feet can be properly examined and you can be definitively diagnosedtreated i am ill for two years with gastro issues sweating weight loss thick phlegm,hi any neoplastic or a paraneoplastic lesion causing so many symptoms for 2 years should definitely be detected by an ctscan i dont think you have it if its not seen on a ct this should be more of immunity lowering generalised disease the root cause needs to be found out though get a detailed blood profile done to find out the exact diagnosis thanks when would a dental implant be medically necessary,dental implants are titanium root fixtures that are surgically positioned in the jawbone to replace teeth when a person loses hisher teeth their digestion is affected due to the lack of food breakdown as charles mayo said people that keep all of their teeth live an average of 10 years longer so in answer to your question having teeth is a medical necessity what is rh sensitization during pregnancy,it is estimated that 2 5 of children in the u s suffer from depression depression is significantly more common in boys under the age of 10 but by age 16 girls have a greater incidence of depression bipolar disorder is more common in adolescents than in younger children bipolar disorder in children can however be more severe than in adolescents it may also co occur with or be hidden by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd obsessive compulsive disorder ocd or conduct disorder cd i have blood in my flim does that mean anything i feel like i may be coming down with a cold twice i spit out flim and it had blood in it i am wondering if that means anything,hi after 8 months i think you should know if your pregnant by that big bump in front of you but if you have not had a period for 8 months then its time for you to get off to your doctor 1 he can do a pregnancy test or 2 he can sort out your period problem or lack of them but this would be best for you good luck been getting chest pains for years ekg shows problem p wave did i have heart attack,there is a reason why junk food manufacturers fill their products with salt it tastes good as anyone with taste buds knows a little salt makes bland food taste better there is something in salt that we are hard wired to like biologists believe this is leftover from our days as hunter gatherers when salt was hard to come by so it is normal to crave salty foods sometimes one of salt is main benefits is to promote fluid retention in our bodies for this reason dehydration from sweating diarrhea or vomiting may increase our taste for salt when people develop a salt craving that is new increased or persistent it can be a sign of underactive adrenal glands adrenal insufficiency the adrenal glands secrete hormones that help regulate the balance of salt and water in the body other symptoms of adrenal insufficiency include weakness low blood pressure fatigue and weight loss for a salt craving that is new increased or persistent see a doctor to make sure it is not just a snack attack how often can i use medicated sprays or drops,it depends on which products you are using over the counter otc products have directions on the label with age specific dosage instructions as well as uses warnings and possible side effects and storage information decongestant ointments and sprays can cause rebound nasal congestion if used for an extended period of time if you ever have questions about over the counter medications be sure to ask your pharmacist i have been having pain behind and above my right eye for 3 to 4 days now,nothing to worry this is cluster headache … cluster headache patterns suggest that abnormalities in the body is biological clock hypothalamus play a role so travelling and changing sleep times is a cause cluster headache generally is not associated with triggers such as foods hormonal changes or stress once a cluster period begins however drinking alcohol may quickly trigger a splitting headache treatment involves some over the counter analgesics or more undersupervision injections as triptans thanks and hope this helps you if using viagra or cialis does the erection remain after orgasm,it can these drugs increase blood supply to the penis and an orgasm does not instantly reverse the effects what caused abortion and how to prevent it next time,she had rubella cmv infection take complete treatment and if required take the vaccines before next pregnancy it should be atleast 6 months of negative blood results that you can think of next pregnancy does a discounted medical not insurance count as having insurance,a discounted medical card does not count as qualified health insurance coverage under the law no pregnancy symptoms should i be worried i have had 2 positive pregnancy tests urine tests at home and i should be 7 weeks pregnant however i have no symptoms i am trying not to stress about it but should i be worried i do not see my ob for another 2 weeks,two things once you have shingles herpes zoster you will always have it the body is immune system will usually suppress it and keep in from breaking out but it will still be there you will always have the potential for a recurrent outbreak but about half of the people will never see it again shingles in not treated with antibiotics it is a virus and viruses are immune to all antibiotics is it okay to mix rice cereal into a 3 week old baby is bottles,if you are passed out totally unconscious i think it would be highly unlikely that you would achieve an erection or ejaculate while in this coma i took someone else is medications to save money should i be honest with my doctor,sensitive skin patients should avoid makeup creams that contain a large amount of preservatives high alcohol content multiple synthetic fragrances or parabens have lump on gums that doesnt go away stays full of pus stays red and swollen can be painful what is this,i am not sure what that is but it sounds very unpleasant i would suggest you see a dentist for an examination the bump you are describing could be anything from a skin ulcer to an abscessed tooth to an oral cancer a dentist can evaluate the situation and tell you what you are dealing with he or she also will either provide appropriate treatment or refer you for medical treatment i wish i could offer you something more specific but unfortunately it is not possible to diagnose your problem without a physical exam i wish you the best of luck constipation two weeks ago i took 3 ducolax with no results i have taken more with no results i have been experiencing churning burning and excruciating pain with no bowel movement this morning thinking it was finally going to pass because the pain was so severe i passed what had an oatmeal consistency and color a very small tiny even amount doctors are no help as this has been going on for quite some time what suggestionsadvice could you provide thank you,hi do get to your er they know how to shift for you but i would go asap good luck i have a clear odorless discharge every time i wipe from urinating no other symptoms what could this be this discharge reminds me so much of the bloody show you have when pregnant only im not pregnant its clear and very thick and slimy i have had it for about 2 weeks now and its there everytime i wipe after i pee cervical cancer runs in my family and i had the hpv virus when i was 17 i have had some small spots on my cervix a couple years back should i be worried and what is it ,sounds to me like the mucus you have when your ovulating which is normal it should only last a few days if your trying to get prego now would be the time is zosyn the same as clindamycin 48 yr male severe tooth abcess has heart disease,most helpful answer i am sorry you are going through this it sounds frightening i would advise you to seek medical attention as soon as possible any time a person has heart related symptoms it is a good idea to get checked out by a doctor while serious heart conditions are not very common in people your age it is still a good idea to have the situation evaluated your health care provider probably will want to run a series of tests including a blood test to check things like your hormone levels and overall blood count he or she also may run other tests such as an electrocardiogram ekg or even a holter monitor which is portable ekg device anxiety can produce symptoms similar to what you are describing too however do not try to self diagnose this your health care provider will be able to figure out what is causing your symptoms and how to treat them if at all good luck to you what causes rumbling noise in both ears what causes rumbling like a motor running in both ears i can not hear bass tones my blood pressure is good i have no other symptoms,male or female assuming you do not have any infection vaginal skin etc or poor hygiene habits the best way to reduce groin odor is to control odor causing bacteria and sweating use a good antibacterial soap shower often up to twice a day if you need wear clean fresh underwear daily for men consider boxers over tighty whiteys for women use cotton undies that breathe better even though these granny panties may not be the most attractive girlie thing to choose if all fails see your medical provider to see if there is an underlying medical reason for the odor issue does brewers yeast trigger rosacea,i do not know what you are taking in the way of drugs and i do not know your age to know if you have prostatic hypertrophy enlarged prostate i would suggest that you see your medical provider so you can be properly examined this problem may be able to be fixed how do i dispose of old drugs that the pharmacy will not take,there is no laboratory test to diagnose bipolar disorder doctors make the diagnosis through a combination of a medical history asking questions to help identify other past and present health conditions that could cause the symptoms a family history to identify bipolar disorder other mood disorders or substance abuse problems in close relatives all of these conditions are linked to bipolar disorder a physical exam which can rule out other conditions with similar symptoms such as hyperthyroidism a mental health assessment which can help identify your child is current mental state and the severity of depression or mania other written or verbal mental health tests in young children the symptoms of mania are more than just being a bother to adults and other children now and then for example many children can be silly and giggly to a point that it bothers their parents sometimes this is not considered to be a sign of mania but if a child is silly and giggly for several hours several times almost every day and this is interrupting the family is usual routine then it may be a symptom of mania before prescribing medicine to treat bipolar disorder your doctor will check your child for possible suicidal behavior by asking a few questions see a list of questions your doctor may ask your child webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated questionaire asks how much income does this pertain to the individual wanting insurance or is this for the household,the insurance forms are asking for total household income that will generally include you and anyone you claim as a dependent on your tax return is smoke food fish meat not health for people over 70 thank is edward,some authorities believed that smoked anything is not really good for you depending on how a product is smoked smoke can contain residue that may be carcinogenic cancer causing it is not your age that is the factor but rather the possibility that smoked food my be hazardous at any age moderation is the key so an occasional piece of smoke salmon is not the same as a cigarette is it normal to have excess gas and diarrheaconstipation every time my period occurs i am now 19 and just started birth control for the first time for about 2 months now i have never had sex its simply for acne and to regulate the timing of my menstration since before i was on it i would not have my period for monthsi was also a late having my first period at 16 now that i am on birth control i have seen changes that have never been there before such as hot flashes while on period and excess gasconstipationdiarrhea during it also which i never had a problem with before,she had rubella cmv infection take complete treatment and if required take the vaccines before next pregnancy it should be atleast 6 months of negative blood results that you can think of next pregnancy can bells palsy symtoms mimic a brain tumor,these two medical problems are very very different bell is palsy just follows the nerve pathway on one side of your face often resulting in a droopy eyelid or crooked smile it tends to get better over time it would not be common for a brain tumor to present as bell is palsy although some neurological disorders can cause one side nerve paralysis a brain tumor can present many different ways from a sudden loss of vision or hearing seizures sudden speech problems severe headaches vomiting inability to walk etc unexplained common vaginal discharge white in color no itching or burning why a few times a week i have unexplained vaginal discharge its normally white in color i am not itchy or burning in any way its driving me crazy i feel like i am walking around in my leftover orgasm or something in my underwear tired of wearing panty liners and buying new underwear just not sexy yea know it does not smell it is just there not a lot but enough to annoy me and change my underwear or put on a panty liner any help or ideas,one of the easiest and convenient ways to add flax seeds to your diet is by using flax seed meal most grocery stores sell it the seeds are already ground up for you simply add spoonfuls to cereal like oatmeal baked goods like pancakes and muffins and in smoothies it really does not have a taste a bit nutty and it is a great way to get more omega 3 fatty acids and fiber for more recipes and info on the benefits of flax seeds see this webmd article what can tender breast and light cramping and spotting mean i am on birth control nuvaring i have been on it for two years and have never felt like this i had unprotected sex a few weeks ago i have been using my ring properly i am a little overweight could that make my ring less effective could i be pregnant or is it something else going on my spotting is pink with lite cramping it is been like this for a few days on and off now my breast have become tender to the touch,hi see my second answer sorry it wont come up without a prompt glitch on webmd what are best natural remedies for high ldl 120 other numbers good i take fish oil b complex do not want statins i am 58 in good health and exercise daily i eat a healthy diet but i am looking for supplements foods herbs spices etc that may target that ldl i thought there was a balance between hdl and ldl if one goes up the other goes down but in my most recent lipid profile they both went up slightly,hi in my opinion metformin and bydureon can cause sever reflux drink alot of water avoid and dark color drinks coffee soda drink low fat milk avoid acidic fruits and juice orange and lemon 2 pills of zantac can fix the problem taken when needed good luck should three negative herpes test be accurate i had a brief unprotected sexual encounter about 20 seconds started feeling funny in the boxer short area and tested for everything all came back negative i tested three times for hsv2 at week 6 12 28 post sexual encounter returning negative results are my test accurat by now my friend say she tested positive in february of 2013 my last test was done february 11 2013 and came back negative,yes but so can about a hundred other things so it would be wise to seek a medical evaluation looking for other causes as well if i took birth control one dat and had sex the next day can i get pregnant,absolutely you can dr is always advise that you wait at least 3 weeks after beginning a new birth control pill so that it like any other prescription has time to build up in your system please be careful how harmful is smoking 1 3 cigarettes a day less than a pack a week compared to smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day is there such a thing as less harmful smoking qty i e few 1 3 cigarettes a day say after a meal or with a cup of coffee etc i have been at that level of smoking for the last 3 years now knowing the i smoked regularly more than 10 a day for a period of 25 years until the age of 40 i am now 52 and generally healthy eat extra healthy diet and excercise regularly is moderate smoking something to really worry about,most helpful answer yes moderate smoking is still harmful that is like asking how much poison should i take every day before it becomes harmful you are nearly a non smoker so why not just go all the way and stop completely stopping things that you enjoy are difficult i know but in the case of cigarettes there are really no safe limits secondary smoke and even third hand smoke has been found to be harmful so even a pack a week is going to cause problems over time clearly the more cigarettes that you smoke the worse your risk becomes while you are pleased to have cut down our 12 pack a day habit to a pack a week you need to do your body one more favor by stopping altogether you can do it i began suffering with tailbone pain without injury approximately 5 months ago could it be my mirena,taile bone pain is due to pelvic inflamation which is caused by mirena i had sex and the next day i ovulate can i be pregnant,i have no way of blindly diagnosing the reason or significance of your cough over the internet so i would suggest that you see a medical provider so you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated your drowning sensation may be due to fluid or mucous in your lower respiratory tract or even pneumonia so it would be wise to get it checked out today the 4 year old will not take medicine since we got home from surgery and drank a cup of water should i take her to the er my 3 and 4 year olds both had their tonsils and adenoids removed yesterday,hi have a good read through this link its from the uk is nhs covers all you need to know and treatment just copy this link into google to open and read just copy to the www simple treatment is cold tea bags for cold sores for more info just google cols tea bags for cold sores do hope this helps you good luck male 37 155 work outside in 90 degree humid weather 1mg xanax for anxiety how long to completely out of system,i have never heard that people who routinely live in cold temperatures eventually habituate and their bodies get used to it your blood does not get thicker if you are cold blood gits thicker if there is an over production of platelets or if there is some other issue with the blood even in a cold area your body is still somewhere in the neighborhood of 98 degrees because your body burns fuel to keep itself warm people in ancient japan for example regularly lived in unheated homes with only a charcoal brazier and thick quilts on the bed in winter they tended to be quite healthy the human body is amazingly adaptable is there a web site where i could upload an image of this pill i found so someone can tell me what it is,well my best suggestion is to seek medical attention under most circumstances it is not a good idea to pop any lump or bump that comes up under the skin particularly if it does not have a visible head it is especially not a good idea to use a thumbtack to pop skin lumps lancing boils and other skin lesions is better left to professionals wihle you are waiting for an appointment with your primary care provider keep the hole clean by washing with plain soap and rinsing with water if you are not allergic to any medications you also can put an antibiotic ointment such as neosporin or generic triple antibiotic ointment on the hole to help guard against infection if you develop a fever hot red swelling at the puncture site pain that gets worse instead of better or feeling like you are coming down with the flu you should go to an urgent care facility as these can be signs of an infection i wish you the best of luck with this is it safe for my father to take carvedilol furosemide ramipril warfarin lovastatin pravastatin sodium & vitamins,no a chicken pox shot will not leave any spot or mark you would need to have a varicella blood titer to determine if you had the vaccine or the disease the only spot that was ever left from a vaccine is from the small pox vaccination which has not been administered for over 30 or 40 years now can a woman be pregnant 14 days after sexual intercourse i had unprotected sexual intercouirse with a woman who after 14 days came back to tell me that she is pregnant my question here is that could it be possible and i am confused since i have never heard such thing please help me out here,this question i have to tell you that is kind of one of those things that i guess asked all the time and i have to ask if they are taking the over the counter one which is alli or are they taking a prescription one some of the prescription ones work a little differently and it depends on the type of medication that they are on so as a pharmacist i am going to ask you to tell me which one you are on before i give you this type of information common side effects with some of the stimulant forms that are used to weight loss can include things like heart palpitations rises in blood pressure nausea dizziness constipation abdominal pain so you want to be really careful when patients are taking these to make sure they are not taking any other medications that they do not have any chronic conditions like high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease products like alli have more treatment effects which could include some fatty oils that will come out when they actually go in the bathroom they might experience some flatulence or gas we call them treatment effects but once again if they are just part of the medication doing its job it is actually helping you train to eat better and avoiding foods that are high in fat so just come and talk to me i will be more than happy to tell you what might happen to you if you have any additional questions we can always call your doctor and get you switched to something else i am on medicaid because of a back disability i am 56 waiting on surgury almost a year health is worse cigna wont pay how do i get medicaid to help me still waiting for approval from cigna meantime have to take morphine to help with pain i am worse no one to help,if your doctor or neurosurgeon states that you need surgery then there should not be an issue both companies will pay for the surgery if it is medically necessary it should not take a year for approval it is time for you to become assertive and find out where the problem lies are there side effects from taking too much pepto bismol,the most common side effect with taking too much pepto bismol is the temporary and harmless black darkening of the tongue and stools this can subside and is caused by a reaction to sulfa in the mouth however there are more serious side effects with toxic levels of pepto bismol such as severe allergic reactions rash hive itching difficulty breathing tightness in chest swelling of the mouth face lips or tongue fever hearing loss nausea ringing in the ears severe constipation and vomiting if any of these symptoms do occur stop taking the medication and consult your health care professional hello had unprotected sex during ovulation period took i pill within 10 hours what chances to get pregnant the day we had unprotected sex my wife was ovulating but she took i pill within 10 hours how effective will it be thanks,hi this can be gastrointestinal block i recommend an endoscopy also when was her last stool does gonorrhea cause pain i was recently told by my local hospital i have contracted gonnoreha problem is i am in severe pain it makes my hips and pelvic area hurt so bad to were i can hardly move and cannot get comfortable i was diagnosed with hep c in 2010 and i have not been treated yet i am going in the am i do not understand what is causing this pain no matter what i take nothing seems to help and the pain only happens in the am i need help on this i have never had an std in my life please help thank you,gonorrhea is one of the main causes of pid pelvic inflammatory disease and yes this can be very painful you need to be under the on going care of a primary care medical provider or gynecologist until this std has been cured without the ability to examine you first hand it would not be possible to determine the cause or significance of the pain you are experiencing now only the medical provider who is treating you and has examined you can make that important call what type of moisturizing cream can i use on my genitals to treat psoriasis it is very painful and makes me want to scratch which inflames it even more,if you truly have medically diagnosed psoriasis then you may need more than just a moisturizer to manage this difficult to treat skin condition any time itching and scratching is involved the integrity of the skin can be broken allowing for secondary infections if you currently have an infection this will need to be treated as well as the psoriasis you need to see a dermatologist to put you on the appropriate treatment regime this condition can be effectively managed but you are going to need some professional help more than just symptom control can swimming in a pool spread plantars warts to others do plantars warts spread t o others from swimming in a pool,no not at all what can you use to protect yourself from infection during oral sex,1 condoms do not forget they can come in flavors 2 you can cut a condom open and use it as a covering for oral sex with a female 3 plastic wrap found at your local grocery store can be used it may help reduce risk as well can super glue be used to fix broken dentures,can you please clarify the full medical status of the patient what medications is the pt receiving will calcium supplement help to heal broken bones faster what will speed the healing 2 broken bones in the right hand of my sixteen year old son the break is vertical so less likely to shift,i can see why it might sound logical that calcium supplementation could help broken bones heal faster after all bones are made of calcium right so feeding them calcium should speed up healing unfortunately that is not how it works unless you have a pre existing calcium deficiency not likely in an otherwise healthy 16 year old boy taking calcium will not help your bones heal the process of bone healing is called remodeling your body removes dead bone cells and builds new ones in their place this process occurs on a pretty predictable schedule for common fractures like the one you describe the remodeling process normally takes 6 to 8 weeks unfortunately your son will just have to wait this out what will help the bones heal on schedule is not engaging in activities that put stress on the areas of the fracture resting the hand to keep the fractures stable will allow the body to do its remodeling job and get the bones back to normal wishing you well i feel a hole in the tooth after root canal treatment should i worry about infection,the whole procedure you described is pretty standard and usually expected during root canal treatment till it is completed a temporary filling is placed in the hole this hole on the back of the tooth is where the root canal treatment is done from however normally before the crown cutting for a permanent cap it is filled with permanent cement the hole does not heal by itself a filling is placed in it if your root canal is completed then there is nothing to worry about infection if your root canal is not completed then the infection of any will get cleared out of it the food particles getting stuck do not cause infection per se for further information consult a dentist online > pain in chest with palpable lump no diagnosis can be made,hi let me mention here that its rather unusual site to have such swellings though it doesnt seem to be related to heart or lungs but swellings related to underlying bone costal cartilage can occur see if its painful and sore on pressure does it move or is fixed and the local temperature whether its warm or cold like a normal skin a warm swelling indicates an underlying infection thanks stabbing pain under rib cage stabbing pains right side under my ribs for several weeks started in july ct scan normal i eat healthy now it is accompanied with awful nausea and vomiting the nausea is constant i have vomited 20 times in 3 weeks not pregnant i have been to so many doctors and they are really not sure what is wrong all of the tests have came back normal ct scan with contrast blood work xrays ultrasound of gallbladder and hida scan for the hida scan gallbladder and small bowels normal and ef 68,hi first of all i do not want you to panic symptoms you are experiencing are expected when was the last time you have done echocardiography what is the ejection fraction… waiting for your reply 🙂 acute short term memory loss scare 84 yo father had acute short term memory loss scare today he lives alone cant remember how he would got from point a to point b dinner to living room chair span of about 20 mins or so never had this before had his 1 daily alcoholic drink while making dinner is last thing he remembers before ending up in his chair dr said a few weeks ago may have mild form of dementia but not to worry about it had a pretty normal day he said thanks for your help,no there are not bronchitis germs that only cause bronchitis from one person to the next with that said please know that bronchitis can be cause be a few hundred different viruses and a few bacteria species and these germs are capable of being transmitted a person exposed to a virus that one person to have bronchitis will not necessary cause the same identical illness in another person it is really where the respiratory viruses takes up residence this same germ could just as easily cause a cold pink eye sore throat a rash or an ear infection or nothing at all i have colon cancer stage 3b i have abdomen pain mri of omentum and lesions of concern,omentum is normaly thickened in grade 3b colon cancer it indicates spread to lymphnodes it is usually associated with abdominal pain due to lack of normal bowel movement from omental thickening sorry i can not answer the liver lesions part without seeing the mricea is expected to be high in colon cancer grade 3b even after colonectomygood luck my daughter has crohn is disease can she take ibuprofen,by age 65 more than half of us will have x ray evidence of osteoarthritis a disease in which the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones at the joints breaks down and bony overgrowth occurs for many the result is stiffness and pain in the joint although osteoarthritis is more common as we age it is not an inevitable part of aging as researchers work to understand the causes of osteoarthritis they are able to offer advice to help prevent the disease or its progression and lessen its impact on your life is there a list of easy to cookprepare diabetic foods in canfrozenpackaged form i live alone and often do not have time to cook large or complicated meals i was hoping that since i am new to being diabetic that there was an easier way to have prepared meals in canfrozenpre packed form that will allow me to follow the guidelines for meals yet not take a lot of time or utensils,you have most likely treated chlamydia effectively regardless of the location of the incident but your herpes will last forever anal sex has it is own risks so you will need to disclose this information to your medical provider to make sure you have not contracted any other sexually transmitted disease like condylomata anal warts ever heard of condoms use em i have two small lumps under my chin that vary in size one is on the left side and the other on right side i am 20 years old im uncertain if it is a pimple that never broke through my skin or can this mean that i may have a thyroid nodules,the thyroid is not under your chin it is in your neck unfortunately since i can not see those lumps feel those lumps i cannot blindly determine their nature based solely on your vague description if those lumps are shallow and moveable under your skin and you feel they are related to your acne they could be acne cysts you would need to see your medical provider or a dermatologist to be sure i am on birth control but i started spotting a few days before my scheduled period is this common i also had unprotected sex last night the day before my period is supposed to start and so far i have not seen any sign of my period is there a chance i could be pregnant,yes women can spot on their birth control pills depending on their particular dosage etc if this happens on a regular basis your medical provider may need to make a dosage adjustment birth control pills offer excellent contraception you are unlikely to be ovulating the day before your period so pregnancy would be unlikely as well what do you do when you view pinworms coming out of your child is anus,call his medical provider this is an easy fix with one prescription medication other family members may be at risk so do not be surprised to find others with similar symptoms is gaining weight and hemorroids a sign of menopause does weight gain and hemorrhoids have anything to do with menopause i have gained a lot of weight and just recently got hemorrhoids i have not had my period since february 2013 is it possible for someone only 32 yrs old to go through menopause,it is possible to go through premature menopause before 40 but only a doctor can say for sure weight gain especially in the midsection is related to menopause because the ovaries no longer produce estrogen and this changes the way fat is metabolized hemorrhoids are not commonly associated with menopause and can happen to anyone especially if they are inactive drink little water and consume a diet low in fiber not getting your periods is a serious manner so i highly recommend you see a doctor to rule out menopause or other health issues that could be going on do not delay for more on premature menopause see this webmd article i was told i have arthritis mypcpsaidhecan notprescribemeanypainmedsdue to all the other medication i am on what do i do i was told i have a level 2 seperation and arthritis in my right shoulder but my pcp said he can not prescribe any pain meds because of all my other meds i am on what do i do,gallstones can cause pancreatitis and they usually require surgical removal ultrasound or a ct scan can detect gallstones and can sometimes give an idea of the severity of the pancreatitis when gallstone surgery can be scheduled depends on how severe the pancreatitis is if the pancreatitis is mild gallstone surgery may proceed within about a week more severe cases may mean gallstone surgery is delayed for a month or more after the gallstones are removed and inflammation goes away the pancreas usually returns to normal is low blood pressure bad for your health,these signs and symptoms has a lot of possibilities… mostly food poisoning or gastroenteritis … less likely hyperthyroidism… you have to see a git doctor to rule out hyperthyroidism by testing and lab investigations…then you can get flagyl tablets to wash out your git twice daily for 5 days… drink plenty of water… i had black diarrhea last p m now tarry light headed and short of breath when standing d face gets pale i did take ibuprofen occasionally for knee pain past couple weeks i ate several choc cookie night before and choc donuts next day a stomach bug has gone through my family,yes foods that we eat can cause black tarry stools but chocolate donuts cookies do not sound like the cause thinks like black licorice pepto bismuth blueberries and iron supplements are more likely suspects for sources of ingested products causing the black tarry color the diarrhea and feeling light headed can go along with the stomach bug ibuprofen can be harsh to the digestive tract and might cause some internal bleeding but the shortness of breath is a disturbing symptom when combined with feeling light headed and having black tarry diarrhea this could be a sign of a more significant medical problem and even a medical emergency conditions such as ulcers gastritis hemorrhoids a stomach tear called mallory weiss usually caused by violent coughing and some types of cancer are legitimate medical concerns i recommend that you go to the emergency room of a nearby hospital to rule out any type of internal bleeding that could change from minimal to massive quickly be prepared for possible testing including barium studies x rays rectal exam stool specimen culture and a colonoscopy as you can see by this answer many possible causes may be the reason for your present medical condition it is virtually impossible to diagnosis the exact cause of your problem through only your question on this web site since the possibility does exist no matter how remote that you may be in a serious medical crisis please go the hospital do not hesitate to call 911 where trained medical personnel and testing equipment are available montelukast sodium 5 mg tablet can be given to 4 5 year child to treat eczema or frequent allergic child my son has got rashes over the body normally it appears when there is fever around 100 f every month or two he gets these rashes initially they were limited to chest and back but in subsequent fever it appeared again over body specially on chest back arms and joints doctor has diagnosed and there is a possibility of eczema or allergic initially cetirizine hydrochloride 2 5ml two times a day was given for a more than week now montelukast sodium 5 mg one tablet a day is advised,already answered do babies in the womb get hiccups,stressing yourself out like this is far far worse than any fever blisters could possibly be first of all unless you she kissed you in your sleep you are not at risk of catching them second of all something like 80 of all adults get cold sores which are caused by the same virus you are worried about it is really seriously no big deal third it is not going to ruin your love life focus on finding ways to deal with your stress and worry in healthy ways focus on gaining control over yourself and your life will be a lot longer and happier finally human brains can create an amazing variety of symptoms when you worry about things that burning feeling in your lips could quite literally be all in your head because you are worried about catching a cold sore it does not mean you caught one take a few deep breaths it will all be fine tip of the penis is itchy pain during urination and it feels as if it is leaking but no pus i have never discussed this before but the symptoms are happening more and more when i wake up and pee it is painful and feels like it is burningrazor blade sensation but not intolerable when i shake it it seems to provide relief to the tip of my penis i have seem a little skin peel but i ejaculate a lot the questions is whether it is a sti or something less major after urination it leaks or drains but to sign or pus or such all places on my genital region are clean what would it be,hi sounds very much like a uti get to your doctor and heshe will get you on some antibiotics they will sort you out good luck how can i prepare potatoes healthfully,potato cakes seem like a strange thing to write about especially on a site dedicated to health i had a grandmother who made really unappetizing potato cakes when i was growing up so i discounted them for years what i have come to realize is that they can be a healthy fantastic side dish to almost any meal i had potato cakes on the menu this weekend with our fish special at catelli is restaurant and they were so delicious versatile and surprisingly healthy first start with organic yukon gold potatoes or sweet potatoes or a combination of the two decide if you want to add vegetables like shredded zucchini i start by shredding the potatoes on a blade in the cuisinart or by grating them on a box grater next take a bowl and toss the potatoes with fresh herbs there are plenty that add great flavor… rosemary and thyme are two of my favorites add savories like shallot onion and garlic i like to sauté my finely chopped onion and garlic first in a bit of extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of hot pepper flakes put the shredded potatoes herbs and vegetable in a bowl and fold in the cooked onions and garlic then season with salt and cracked black pepper heat the oven 450 degrees from there line a baking sheet with parchment paper and for each cake make about a cupcake size mass spread them out equally on the sheet pan drizzle a bit more olive oil on top for extra browning and then bake for about 15 20 minutes these cakes a great side dish with all proteins are really simple to make they make weeknight meals into something more interesting and you can be as creative or simple as you want a few additional ideas add cilantro and chopped jalapeno for a latin flair add some parmesan and extra garlic to a cake with rosemary crushed coriander and some curry powder can lend to indian flavors whatever you choose to do have fun with it i have relatively high fever with cough and rash in throat,the medicines you are taking will not be helpful for you start antibiotics immediately preferably broad spectrum ones like azithromycin should be used taking multivitamin and anti inflammatory tablets will be helpful local oral antiseptic gels should be used how can i stay safe in the cold,if you are planning outdoor activities check weather forecasts frequently and do not ignore warnings about storms and other inclement conditions avoid sports activities such as hiking or camping in freezing weather that are beyond your experience level also wear adequate clothing thomas tallman do staff physician emergency services institute cleveland clinic recommends wearing several layers of clothing with the innermost layer being a fabric that wicks moisture from the skin the outer layer should serve as a windbreaker mittens provide more protection than gloves wearing two pairs of socks is advised with wool recommended for the outer later and do not forget a hat and scarf that covers the ears get moving increasing physical activity will help your body stay warm wiggle fingers and toes if they start to feel numb do not drink alcohol before or during cold weather exposure since alcohol may prevent you from realizing that your body is becoming too cold do not smoke smoking constricts blood vessels and increases the risk for frostbite what exams and tests help doctors to evaluate or test people for bipolar disorder in childhood and adolescence,for most people mouthwashes containing alcohol are safe to use daily however alcohol can be a problem for people in recovery from alcoholism or who have a tendency to abuse alcohol there are many alcohol free mouth rinses available small hemorrhoid that protrudes constantly bleeds when i wipe and hurts i have had it for at least 8 months i had a second one but it is gone now i have used creams both over the counter and prescription to no avail the tie it off method scares the heck out of me i do not want to do that can i just have it removed,yes you can have it removed see a proctologist rectal specialist and have a consultation there are many surgical methods to remove annoying hemorrhoids i have type ii diabetes what is the best form of exercise for my condition i take metformin twice a day and insulin in the evening i would like a recommendation on a good exercise program especially since i have a busy and sometimes inconsistant schedule,to carolonthebay you said you had slurred speech and droopy eyelids before being diagnosed with meningioma were these symptoms all the time or just at certain times of the day my husband has these symptoms on occasion often near the end of the day it is causing a lot of friction in our marriage because to me he seems drunk when i ask him if he has been drinking he swears that he has not but it sure seems that way to me slurred speech slightly unsteady droopy eyelids and probably also fatigue but it is not totally like when he drinks either because he is not as gregarious as when he drinks i am really concerned and do not know if my husband of 23 years is a closet alcoholic or if there is something more serious going on he is not in great shape and does not get enough sleep so exhaustion may play a role too but i can not help but feel in my gut that he has been drinking and lying to me about it either i am being a fool or a really horrible wife and either way it is not a good situation so that is why i have been searching online to see if there are any other medical conditions that could cause these symptoms any additional details about your situation that might be helpful would be greatly appreciated thanks how worried should i be about eating and cleaning raw vegetables during my pregnancy or any other time for that matter,raw veggies are great sources for the healthy nutrients that you need during pregnancy but pregnant women should be even more careful to practice good food safety habits for their health and the health of their babies the usda recommends that everyone wash fruits and vegetables very carefully before preparing or eating them so be sure to rub all consumed portions of your fruits and vegetables under clean running water briskly with your hands to remove dirt and surface microorganisms we really need to clean all vegs and fruits off all kinds before we eat them even if you are not prenant how can eating walnuts help my body cope with stress,a tuned up and fueled up race car will perform much better in a high stakes competition than a car that is low on lubricant motor oil and gasoline and is firing with a few less spark plugs it likely works the same way with humans under stress according to a new penn state study researchers found that including walnuts and walnut oil in the diet of 22 healthy adults with elevated ldl cholesterol lowered resting blood pressure and blood pressure in response to certain stressors the stressors in this study included asking participants to give a speech with a few minutes notice or immerse their feet in ice cold water the participants consumed about 9 walnuts a day 1 3 ounces and 1 tablespoon of walnut oil while on the test diet what is in walnuts that might be helping what are walnuts contributing to our bodies that might be helping to prepare them for physical and emotional stress walnuts are a rich source of antioxidant acting phytochemicals plus plant omega 3s and fiber people who show an exaggerated biological response to stress are at higher risk of heart disease six quick ways to add walnuts to your day * grab a handful of walnuts as a mid morning or afternoon snack * top your hot or cold cereal with some walnuts * sprinkle walnuts over your green salads or pasta salads * toss some walnuts into risotto polenta casseroles bread stuffing or stuffed peppers * sprinkle walnuts into your yogurt or cottage cheese * stir some walnuts into your chicken or tuna salad note how about walnuts plus ground flaxseed in one of the study groups the participants were given 1 5 tablespoons of flaxseed oil another source of plant omega 3s in addition to the walnuts they experienced improved vascular health and a decrease in c reactive protein blood levels indicating an anti inflammatory effect possibly reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease further i recommend adding ground flaxseed to your daily diet instead of flax oil because when you consume the ground flaxseed you are getting all of its powerful components together many of which seem to have synergy [journal of the american college of nutrition october 4 2010 sheila g west associate professor of bio behavioral health] hi i am suffering from shingles i got this one day ago very painful,hi you can apply apple cider vinegar drink green tea hydrocortisone creams if you take antiviral drug you can heal in 3 weeks you can take cold showers anti inflammatory and anti histamine can help you sleep good luck my tax return for 2012 will show 10 000 more than my retirement annuity since it included the last check from my job this will unfairly put me at a higher rate for health insurance than i am earning in 2013 how can i qualify for a lower rate based on my actual income beginning 2013,a gluten free diet calls for avoiding foods with gluten in them which is a protein found in wheat rye and barley based foods that means avoiding most bread including bagels muffins buns etc cereals pasta crackers breaded foods which are often fried cookies cakes and beers gluten free products and diets are very popular these days and are often touted for weight loss although you can lose weight while eating gluten free products it is not a result of their lack of gluten it is avoiding these high calorie foods that help with the weight loss so your best bet is to limit simple carbs in your diet and you will probably see those tummies start melting away who needs a mouth guard,mouth guards should be used by anyone both children and adults who play contact sports such as football boxing soccer ice hockey basketball lacrosse and field hockey however even those participating in noncontact sports for example gymnastics and any recreational activity for example skateboarding mountain biking that might pose a risk of injury to the mouth would benefit from wearing a protective mouth guard adults and children who grind their teeth at night should have a nocturnal bite plate or bite splint made to prevent tooth damage i am beginning to notice that i am losing strength in my hands things fall out of them what is wrong with me if i am holding on to something and apply medium low pressure it slips out my hands or i just can not maintain grip when i become upset or angry my hands swell up noticeably and the condition worsens i am 31 years old 32 in january hispanic 61 255 lbs heart disease and diabetes run in my family please tell me what could be wrong with me ,i am sorry to hear you are going through this it sounds very distressing unfortunately the only way to diagnose what is causing this problem is by physical examination i suggest you consult your primary health care provider to discuss your symptoms and have some testing done a number of conditions can cause the symptoms you describe so please do not jump to any dire conclusions until you see a medical professional take care what is emphysema and chronic bronchitis,emphysema and chronic bronchitis are chronic long term lung diseases that make it hard to breathe both diseases are chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases copd meaning they are conditions that cause a limitation in airflow emphysema and chronic bronchitis can occur separately or together and are usually the result of cigarette smoking in addition although it happens rarely a genetic form of emphysema can occur early in adulthood even if you never smoked in the united states copd is vastly underdiagnosed while only 15 to 20 of smokers are diagnosed with copd experts believe the majority of smokers develop some degree of airflow obstruction emphysema comes on gradually after years of exposure to irritants such as cigarette smoke with emphysema the tiny air sacs in the lungs become damaged because the tiny sacs lose their stretch less air gets in and out of the lungs this causes you to feel short of breath with chronic bronchitis the airways that carry air to the lungs are inflamed and produce a lot of mucus the mucus and inflammation cause the airways to narrow or become obstructed making it difficult to breathe once the airways are irritated over a long period the lining of the airways becomes thickened this thickening of the airways results in an irritating cough hampered airflow and lung scarring the damaged airways then become a breeding place for bacterial infections such as pneumonia can i get clamydia from only receiving oral sex from an infected partner i was already cleared up with my clamydia my partner just took his meds the day before he gave me oral did i catch it ,i do not know not all exposures to infectious disease will result in the disease if your partner had oral chlamydia and it was not successfully treated it is possible i do not know what he used for his treatment if the dose was appropriate or if he actually took it some people lie you know my recommendation for partners is to have proof of cure before having sexual contact again that means that both people have to test negative after treatment most chlamydia transfer is through sexual intercourse if you do start having signs of chlamydia again you may need to be retested at least one of you had to have sex with someone else in the immediate past the chlamydia came from somewhere so a firm pledge of monogamy is important in a relationship along with the use of condoms for added security and protection hi this piece is from the dhs from the uk it may help you good luck you can get chlamydia through unprotected vaginal sex unprotected anal sex unprotected oral sex your genitals coming into contact with your partner is genitals sharing sex toys when they are not washed or covered with a new condom between each person who uses them sexual fluid from the penis or vagina can pass chlamydia from one person to another even if the penis does not enter the vagina anus or mouth this means you can get chlamydia from genital contact with someone who has the infection even if there is no penetration orgasm or ejaculation it is not clear if chlamydia could be passed on by transferring infected semen or vaginal fluid on the fingers infected semen or vaginal fluid can cause conjunctivitis if it gets into someone is eye can a male 24 yrs get a inguinal hernia from straining during a constpating bowel movement,yes any strain has the potential to cause an inguinal hernia from lifting weights certain exercises and yes even straining for a bowel movement often it is repeated strains over time that cause an already weakened inguinal canal to fail but it could be one unfortunately event that does it if you are feeling or seeing a bulge in the groin area or scrotum it is best to see your medical provider to be properly examined and diagnosed inguinal hernias can be easily and permanently fixed with an outpatient minimally invasive surgery do any of the new laser resurfacing procedures help diminish pore size,the newer fractional co2 lasers my favorite is the lumenis encore do help diminish pore size very effectively however there is no treatment to eliminate pores entirely after i have been cured of hepatitis c am i able to be a blood donor,this is a very popular question that we get at the pharmacy grapefruit juice is one of the ones that we have very good data on as far as what medications it can affect i would advise to be careful with orange juice because some varieties are enriched with calcium which could possibly bind to a medication and not make it work as well orange juice can also interact with some medications to treat other conditions like allergies my rule of thumb is to take medications with a full glass of water it really is the best beverage to use to avoid any possible interactions does percocet cause weight gain,one of my greatest pleasures in life is to help patients achieve remission of their type 2 diabetes this means their blood sugar levels have become normal in the absence of any diabetes medication many clinicians and patients are interested in learning my views about how to go about decreasing and discontinuing diabetes medications the main role for medications is to help reduce or delay the risk of nasty complications of diabetes particularly the damage to the retina kidney nerves and circulation the higher the average blood sugar level as indicated by the hemoglobin a1c level the greater the complication risk which increases exponentially with increasing a1c we know from clinical trials that using medication to keep the a1c at or below 7 can help reduce the risk of these complications there is broad agreement that clinicians should recommend starting or increasing diabetes medications to patients who cannot get their a1c level to 7 or less via lifestyle change many patients come to me because the a1c is already over 7 and their primary care provider proposes increasing their diabetes medication unless the patient can get to 7 or less with improved eating andor exercise habits some of these patients are already on many pills and insulin shots are the frequently the next appropriate treatment many patients would rather make the lifestyle changes than take more medication so when the doctor frames the issue in this way then a patient might become inspired to renew or increase the lifestyle efforts the clinician might say “let is recheck the a1c in three months and start the new medication if it is still above 7 0 ” there can be little doubt that using lifestyle changes to normalize the glucose levels and a1c is a good thing in contrast the strategy of driving the a1c well below 7 0 with multiple medications has little to offer most patients in terms of quality of life or reduced risk of complications most patients i see are already taking metformin which is the preferred second line treatment after lifestyle change i typically recommend initiating it in patients with a1c is of 6 5 who cannot push it any lower via lifestyle change for patients who are already on metformin i do not decrease the dose unless the a1c is 6 0 or less i might reduce the dose by half every three months as long as the a1c stays at 6 0 or less i stop the final 500 mg of metformin when the a1c is 6 0 or less for at least three months some drugs can lower the blood sugar levels below the normal range causing symptoms of hypoglycemia these drugs which include insulin and those in the sulfonylurea family which are common in patients on more than one kind of diabetes pill need to be reduced or discontinued by the clinician as required to avoid hypoglycemia so these are typically the first drugs to be discontinued it is important that patients who where does shingles appear what parts of the body i think i might have again in a different place center of back at bra line,use anti inflammatory herbal combination like sallaki curcuma shunthi withania tribulus powder mixture at dose of 2 3 gms for twice daily this combination will reduce the pain and inlfammation due to plant thorn arthritis diabetic man had leg injury antibiotics not working,yes you can still get pregnant if you take oral contraception while birth control pills are an effective method for preventing pregnancy it is very dependent on routine use if taken exactly as directed the failure rates are extremely low and they are 99 effective at preventing pregnancy in reality women need to take the pill daily and at nearly the same time of day in order for this method to result in these percentages more and more studies have shown higher pregnancy rates with oral contraception one recent study quoted numbers as high as 20 times greater risk of unplanned pregnancy than other forms of birth control even when taken correctly oral contraceptives can have a 5 failure rate and women are known to miss a pill now and then i believe you still can if ur not taking back up i believe you can if you are not taking your birth control pills as directed i female have hcv my partner hiv male what special precautions should we take to prevent him from getting hcv he is not on meds yet but is starting them soon is his cd4 level dependent on how suseptable he is,hi i think you should read this link it may help you if perhaps late but please read it the link hope this helps good luck how can you measure a serving of cooked pasta if the serving is 7 ounces when dry,yes you can still get pregnant if you take oral contraception while birth control pills are an effective method for preventing pregnancy it is very dependent on routine use if taken exactly as directed the failure rates are extremely low and they are 99 effective at preventing pregnancy in reality women need to take the pill daily and at nearly the same time of day in order for this method to result in these percentages more and more studies have shown higher pregnancy rates with oral contraception one recent study quoted numbers as high as 20 times greater risk of unplanned pregnancy than other forms of birth control even when taken correctly oral contraceptives can have a 5 failure rate and women are known to miss a pill now and then i believe you still can if ur not taking back up i believe you can if you are not taking your birth control pills as directed my mother has chronic pain and lost her mobility – is medical cannabis oil ok,do mri and then go for the us guided biopsy titanium markers is not that imp in managment how is hyperthyroidism diagnosed,your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and do a physical exam then he or she will order blood tests to see how much thyroid hormone your body is making in addition your doctor may discover that you have hyperthyroidism while doing a test for another reason my daughter has blurry vision and some black dots in the corona,hi blurry vision and the spots may be due to temporary remnants of the infectiona nd the use of eye drops these usually fade away in about 1 month time only if the blurry vision deteriorates and vision gets affected badly or if the spots increase then she may need some active management else presently she just needs lubricating eye drops and also give her oral multivitamin medicines to speed up the recovery thanks i suffer from digestive issues doctor has no answers,i think it is wise to do ct or mri also you should check for hyperparathyroidismdid you do virus c cpr good luck my problem is regular hair fall how to control hair loss please help,before i can help you please tell me the average number of hairs that fall for you in a day are you taking any sort of medications have you fallen sick in the past one year does your father or paternal uncles have baldness do you have dandruff you can start with biotin 10 mg orally and minoxidil 5 topically but to be sure it is male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia i will need the details i have mentioned above get back to a dermatologist online > can you get health insurance coverage under the aca that starts prior to january 1 2014,you can shop for coverage before january 1 2014 but insurance will not take effect before then can being inoculated with growth hormone as a child eliminate a person from donating blood now and in the future why,breast feeding will protect your baby even if it happened to come in contact with your bra your baby is safe to make sure check for signs of rash on your skin or any unexplained fever for your baby i have had spine problems since an accident in 1992,yes all chronic musculoskeletal pains take the same course however i recommend following a physiotherapy program with a professional physiotherapist for both your lumbar and thoracic problems based on physical evaluation is it ok to drink sodas while takingon birth control,yes the ingestion of sodas will not cause any issues with your birth control i am assuming you are taking an oral contraceptive will azo standard affect my uti test,yes and no it depends on the type of test azo is a bright orange dye that discolors the urine on office dipstick type urine tests there are about a dozen different tests on those dipsticks that can be done but these must be read on a color scale fluorescent orange urine can interfere with the readings a microscopic test or urine culture would not be effected by discoloration 3 4 stage of kidney failure got out of dialysis before 10 months got high blood pressure can i consume marijuana i was on dialysis for a short period of time only 1 month,the skin is also relatively thin in this area so some wrinkling is an inevitable part of aging but this can be addressed by using skin care products with ingredients such as retinols antioxidants and peptides if you want to help hold off these wrinkles for as long as possible start with protection – use a moisturizer with effective protection broad spectrum spf 15 and avoid smoking if possible then make the most of your skin by using ingredients and products designed to firm your skin look for ingredients such as retinol and topical vitamin c among other antioxidants also be sure to not smoke do not drink through a straw and always wear sunscreen can i drink alcohol while taking valacyclovir,it depends on what your skin type is how sensitive your skin is and how much sun exposure you are going to have i love foundations that have sunscreens built into them i think it is great to add sunscreen into any product you can to get that extra added protection however i think it is important to use some protection underneath them i do not think they give enough protection because to have that true spf 15 you would have to use enough product and typically that would be too thick a foundation to really give you enough protection so i would use a moisturizer with sunscreen underneath and then a foundation with sunscreen in it right over it my son is 10 years old his front teeth have a lot of space between them what is the best age for him to get braces,the penis reaches its maximum size at age 17 so there is really no chance yours will really increase in size any more not knowing the accuracy of your measurement or whether this was done when erect or flaccid the average size of an erect penis is around six inches smaller penises increase in size more when erect than larger penises in spite of what you hear or even see penises when erect do not vary more than an inch or two across the wide range of humans of different races or genetics it is not the size of your penis that matters you do not judge an artist by the size of his paint brush the size of penis is not the measure of man but rather who you are as a caring and compassionate person i tried all penis enlargement product pills not working only natural penis enlargement exercise working i tryed it i enlargement 1 5 inch about in 4 month look from here is it normal for a patient to have anxiety when having an uncurable severe illness,just reduction of migraine triggers lack of sleep fatigue stress sugary foods will improve your condition is it safe to get the flu shot even while wheezing,warts try ice salicylic acidevery day duck tape if it does not work then see a dermatologist can someone who has had their tonsils removed still get strep throat i realize strep is a bacterial infection and tonsilitis is viral but i am still looking for a difinitive answer can you get strep if your tonsils have been removed p s i am good with a 1 word answer ,techinically yes since you still have a throat and perhaps even some tonsillar remnants that can harbor the strep bacteria strep after a tonsillectomy is uncommon however does anesthesia cause hair loss i had cervical spine surgery from the back and after surgery my hair started to fall out not clumps but all over mt pa said it could be from he anesthesia if so how long does this last thanks,you seem to have a smart pa general anesthesia is very shocking to the body here are the suspected reason for hair loss after receiving general anesthesia hair growth is dependent on cell division which is interfered with while under general anesthesia without the necessary and required frequent cell division hair follicles lack the nutrients necessary for production additionally while under anesthesia for longer periods of time the patient is head may be in a fixed position causing pressure and reducing blood supply to hair follicles thirdly blood loss during surgery causes the body to divert blood to vital organs while reducing it to more non essential areas such as hair follicles the good news is that normal hair growth should be restored within 3 months of surgery i am disabled due to a lung transplant i am 62 years old i am on social security medicare insurance a&b have my part d through humana and i have a supplemental policy through american family how hard will it be for me to change my supplemental insurance to a different company and when can i change,there are a number of ways to treat gallstones though most gallstones are silent if silent gallstones are discovered in someone age 65 or older the chance of developing symptoms from the gallstones is only 20or less assuming a life span of 75 years in this instance it is reasonable not to treat the individual among younger people no treatment also might be appropriate if they have serious lifethreatening diseases for example serious heart disease that are likely to shorten their life span on the other hand in healthy young people treatment should be considered even for silent gallstones because the chances of developing symptoms from the gallstones over a lifetime is higher once symptoms begin treatment should be recommended since further symptoms are likely and more serious complications can be prevented cholecystectomy cholecystectomy removal of the gallbladder surgically is the standard treatment for gallstones in the gallbladder surgery may be done through a large abdominal incision or laparoscopically through small punctures of the abdominal wall laparoscopic surgery results in less pain and a faster recovery cholecystectomy has a low rate of complications but serious complications such as damage to the bile ducts and leakage of bile occasionally occur there also is risk associated with the general anesthesia that is necessary for either type of surgery problems following removal of the gallbladder are few digestion is not affected and no change in diet is necessary chronic diarrhea occurs in approximately 10 of patients sphincterotomy and extraction of gallstones sometimes a gallstone may be stuck in the hepatic or common bile ducts in such situations there usually are gallstones in the gallbladder as well and cholecystectomy is necessary it may be possible to remove the gallstone stuck in the duct at the time of surgery but this may not always be possible another way to remove gallstones in the duct before or after cholecystectomy is with sphincterotomy followed by extraction of the gallstone sphincterotomy involves cutting the muscle of the common bile duct sphincter at the junction of the common bile duct and the duodenum in order to allow easier access to the common bile duct the cutting is done with an electrosurgical instrument passed through the same type of endoscope that is used for ercp after the sphincter is cut instruments may be passed through the endoscope and up into the hepatic and common bile ducts to grab and pull out the gallstone or to crush the gallstone it also is possible to pass a lithotripsy instrument that uses high frequency sound waves to break up the gallstone complications of sphincterotomy and extraction of gallstones include the general anesthesia perforation of the bile ducts or duodenum bleeding and pancreatitis oral dissolution therapy it is possible to dissolve some cholesterol gallstones with medication taken orally the medication is a naturally occurring bile acid called ursodeoxycholic acid or ursodiol actigall urso bile acids are one of the detergents that the liver secretes into bile to dissolve can drinking ammonia kill you my 78 year old grandmother in law ingested ammonia and i wanted to know if this can be so fatal that it can end her life she is seeking medical attention,hi long bones like tibia and fibula takes about 3 6 months to heals appropriately and can be assessed with the help of x rays as far as fibula is concerned it unites on its own in almost all cases without active fixation and only tibia is fixed being the main weight bearing bone so do not worry as gradually the healing will progress you can review with regular follow up x rays with an orthopedician to get checked for progress of healing hope this information helps how can i prevent my partner from having an affair,what drugs are you using for epilipsy what type of epilipsy do u have my dr has been checking my hemoglobin it is been bouncing around from 11 4 to 12 2 could this be anemia i am tired all the time but the iron test he ran came back in the normal range actually my hematocrit has flagged low as well as my red blood cell count i have been running a low grade fever for months i can be sitting and staring at my computer screen and fall asleep any suggestions no one here seems to be too concerned,your hemoglobin is basically normal but toward the lower range you do not have anemia assuming you are a female men have somewhat higher levels your doctor needs to investigate other reasons for your fatigue but it appears your iron levels are fine my dad is waking up around 5am with a panic attack and belches afterwards my dad is 77 years old and in great health no high blood pressure or heart problems we were thinking it is acid reflux but that med is not helping have tried 3 or more kinds any help would be appreciated,i too agree with bootsie1972 please follow him and see warm regards dhammika abeygoonawardhane sri lanka would it be painful to take a few stitches off after 3 4weeks i have had my stitches in for about 3 weeks almost and i am just wondering if it would be better to remove them now or wait until my cut is fully healed i pulled out 5 stitches on my own after 2 weeks and it hurt a lot so will it hurt to remove the remaining ones after 3 4 weeks,i have no idea where you had stitches or the extent of your laceration repair facial sutures should be removed in just a few days rarely over five days and the wound reinforced by special tape extremity sutures can stay 7 10 days deeper wounds may require longer but it would be unusual for that recommendation to exceed three weeks this is really up to the medical provider who sutured you you should not be leaving most sutures in for as long as have nor should you be taking them out yourself unless you were instructed how to do so and when i have no idea if this will hurt i do not have enough information nor do i know your skill level of doing this sex toys and chlamydia how long would chlamydia cells be alive on sex toys i tested positive for chlamydia after my bf cheated i got treated but a few days later without thinking i picked up a sex toy which is not inserted just a stimulator and for a second it went in my mouth i realised and threw it away is there anyway that there were alive cells or infection from vaginal fluid which could dried and not been washed off that would still be alive after a few days or would the infection have died by then,it used to be said that when it dried it died but that is not always true for some micro organisms which can remain dormant for hours or even days after being contaminated sexual toys would need to be appropriately disinfected before using them again just in case in your posted scenario you are probably fine it is wise to be cautious and every wiser to have any future partner use a condom should a oral surgeon remove impacted wisdom teeth if the patient has a sinus infection what are the risks if they do it,i would think he should prescribe antibiotics to kill sinus infection first then when all infection gone proceed with surgery touched same pen paper & car surface as man with shingles which i have had my husband & teen niecenephew never had pox man with shingles says his shingles are 2 3 weeks old my husband is 51 and has copd & tachycardia & had pneumonia several times a few years back his nephew has aspergers & autism & his niece has belly something with the liver she is on the waiting list for one in utah going on 19 years old they said she would never live past 9 and she takes tons of meds so are they at risk if i was in same room as them & if i touched things in the house and they touch it too what are the risks,ok so let is back up a moment and run through what shingles is how it gets transmitted and what effect it has on different groups of people shingles is caused by the varicella virus this is the same virus that causes chickenpox you cannot get shingles unless you have had chickenpox if you have had chickenpox you cannot catch shingles from coming in contact with someone who has shingles however people who never had chickenpox and have not been vaccinated for it can get chickenpox by coming into contact with the active weeping blisters of someone with shingles once the blisters crust over they are generally considered to be non infectious it is uncommon for people to develop chickenpox from exposure to shingles under any circumstances and i would think it nearly impossible under the circumstances you describe i can understand why you feel the need to take serious precautions but i think your loved ones can rest easy i doubt you could carry the shingles virus to them especially from indirect contact with someone whose rash is at least two weeks old wishing you well i had the brilliant idea to inject my my husbands semen into my uterus,it seems you are having an infection somewhere in your body but i do not think it is due to injecting seneb intrauterine as this useless cause your acidic vagina will destroy those injected semen nausea with body aches and vomiting bubbles and yellow is related to a gut problem do you have dihrrea pain in abdomen or shoulder heartburn i do not have insurance right now so is there any over the counter treatment i can use for a genital herpe outbreak,many people take more than one different blood pressure medication in order to achieve control these two medications work in different ways so they can be used together felodipine is a calcium channel blocker i am a 61 year old disabled widow since 2009 how long do my disability benefits last what will i receive at 65,i suggest you get this checked out by a medical professional many conditions can cause the symptoms you describe but one that comes to mind is a staph infection obviously if that is the case you want to get treatment as soon as possible itching is not normally a sign of staph infection but it still would be good to rule this out at any rate you are having abnormal symptoms that are worth getting checked meanwhile be sure to wash your hands thoroughly and often in the event you have some sort of communicable infection you want to take every precaution not to transmit it to someone else i wish you all the best what are the negative aspects to vaginal contraception films can my partner or i be harmed by them can it make me infertile girl can i use them with a condom,maybe cocaine can remain in your system for quite a while especially in growing hair no the old hair is going to be gone so when the new hair gets there it will not even see the each other can stress cause hair fall,let me explain everything about hair fall 100 150 hair fall every day is very normal so it should be considered as hair loss only if the number of hair falls more than this generalized hair fall in female is mostly due to stress poor sleep poor nutrition and excessive blood loss due to menstruation stress alopecia is also common in which female keeps their hair very tight in certain manner which creates tension in root and cause hair fall straightening and other procedure also cause weakness of root other condition like fever typhoid malaria thyroid etc can also cause hair fall but these are less common regarding treatment have good sleep eat proper food with green vegetables and fruits take iron and multivitamin like follihair for at least three months check your blood hemoglobin if it is less then she should start iron and folic acid supplement also check thyroid and diabetes to rule out other cause for further information consult a dermatologist online > for hand and mouth disease can the sores be on tongue,yes i have noticed a massive change weight loss in myself without having any change of diet or exercise now worrying,hi unexplained weight loss can be due to hormonal changes at your age inadequate calories intake or digestion issues malignancies or lymphomas also can present in similar fashion consult a physician thanks no physical systems with genital warts can you have a discharge and a touch of blood with a female been going on for over a month some itching on the outside,hi have a read of the webmd link you may find it helpful for an answer if you cant find any help here go to your nearest stdgum clinic and get some tests done your find the staff really helpful or try a warm sea salt bath twice a day for a few days google sea salt and the vagina for more info do hope this helps good luck my lymph nodes under my arm are swollen pain level 8 went to er no solution need advice,hi this is probably a viral infection you need a to take a sample by needle aspiration antiviral treatment will be prescribed accordingly probably more than one viral infection will be found i recommend haste as your body is currently fighting to prevent spreadgood luck how are vitamin b 12 and folate deficiency anemia treated,for vitamin b 12 and folate deficiency anemia the treatment depends on the cause of the deficiency if your body stores are depleted of vitamin b 12 your doctor will most likely prescribe vitamin b 12 injections and may also recommend high doses of b 12 supplements or a b 12 nasal spray there is a good chance that many of the symptoms of deficiency will improve once the body is provided with the needed b 12 most people with vitamin b 12 deficiency have a permanent inability to absorb vitamin b 12 and will need injections every one to three months or pills daily for the rest of their lives some forms of gastric bypass surgery are associated with deficiencies of iron vitamin b12 and other nutrients typically absorbed in the part of the stomach that is bypassed your doctor may also recommend that you increase the amount of vitamin b 12 in your diet good dietary sources of vitamin b 12 are meat liver and kidney fish oysters and clams and milk cheese and eggs if you have a folate deficiency your doctor will prescribe folate supplements and may recommend you increase the amount of folate in your diet good dietary sources of folate include fresh fruits green leafy vegetables cruciferous vegetables cauliflower broccoli and brussel sprouts liver and kidney dairy products and whole grain cereals vegetables should be eaten raw or lightly cooked what is type 1 diabetes and what is it like to live with the disease,type 1 diabetes is a lifelong disease that develops when the pancreas stops making insulin your body needs insulin to let sugar glucose move from the blood into the body is cells where it can be used for energy or stored for later use everyone experiences type 1 diabetes differently but the treatment is the same you need to take insulin eat a balanced diet that spreads carbohydrate throughout the day and exercise part of your daily routine also includes checking your blood sugar levels regularly as advised by your doctor the goal is to keep your blood sugar in a target range you and your doctor may decide to keep your blood sugar at a normal or near normal level this is called tight control it is the best way to reduce your chance of having more problems from diabetes these are called complications taking care of your diabetes takes time and energy every day it is a big part of your life but it will help you feel better and may prevent or at least delay complications if your teen has diabetes tight control of blood sugar levels may help prevent complications from developing in early adulthood webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated how common is it for a man to have a fertility problem,hi light headed is not ferrograd c related i recommend staying on your iron tablets for 3 month then recheck your iron and cbc in my opinion this is antidepressants withdrawal symptoms nothing to worry about good luck i have brown orange urine for a year how can i cure it,bladder infections vesiculitis can cause brown orange urine that may or may not be fowl smelling a good bladder wash is highly recommended to wash out all the debris and damaged internal mucosa it should be done atleast every 15 days to start with gradually increasing to once a month later on can sweetners react to stomach ulcers,home treatment may relieve symptoms of pain and pressure associated with short term acute sinusitis home treatment may improve drainage of mucus from the sinuses and prevent the need for antibiotics there is no scientific evidence to support the use of home treatments in sinusitis but you may find one or more of them helpful drink plenty of fluids to help keep your mucus thin apply moist heat using a hot damp towel or gel pack to your face for 5 to 10 minutes several times a day breathe warm moist air from a steamy shower a hot bath or a sink filled with hot water avoid extremely cool dry air consider using a humidifier to increase the moisture in the air in your home use saltwater nasal washes saline lavage or irrigation to help keep the nasal passages open and wash out mucus and bacteria you can purchase saline nose drops at a pharmacy or make your own saline solution at home it may also help to gargle with warm salt water by using one teaspoon of salt per pint of water use nonprescription medications such as pain relievers and decongestants for example nasal spray to relieve symptoms do not give cough and cold medicines to a child younger than 2 unless your child is doctor has told you to if your child is doctor tells you to give a medicine be sure to follow what he or she tells you to do be careful when using some nasal spray decongestants they usually should not be used for more than about 3 days longer use can lead to further swelling of the sinus membranes after the medicine wears off called rebound congestion which makes pressure and swelling worse you may end up dependent on the medicine if you start using more and more of it to get rid of the pressure and swelling if you need to blow your nose do it gently forceful blowing may force thick mucus back into your sinuses and block them keep both nostrils open when blowing your nose if you have chronic sinusitis you will probably need to continue the above home treatment measures for a long period of time to keep your sinuses clear webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated how do you prevent freckles and dark patches or age spots on the face,tonsil stones tonsilliths are innocent but they can be annoying other than digitally dislodging them and gargling after every meal there is little that you can do about them severe cases may qualify for a tonsillectomy but that would be up to the ent proving the medical necessity for this procedure with your insurance company i am in good shape but my back is killing me what can i do,just try it it worked for my kids rub on feet and put on socks and within a 10 20 minutes the cough will lessen also marshamallow root is good for cough & chest congestion it sells in extract form both sides of my face eyes and nose twitch convulsive movement what should i do,no unfortunately the vaccine is not for treating genital warts hpv but for preventing them it will not hurt to get the vaccines since there are many different strains of hpv but you may be a bit too late it would be like taking a hepatitis vaccine after you have hepatitis use condoms my friend and keep up with those cryotherapy treatments i have a heart murmur and was told that pre medication is no longer necessary before dental treatment is this true,the american heart association guidelines have changed only the people at the greatest risk for bad outcomes from infective endocarditis an infection of the heart valves should receive short term preventive antibiotics before common routine dental and medical procedures i generally request that patients have a screening by a cardiologist and a specific recommendation to go along with it i have hearing problems sometimes sounds are too loud sometimes too quiet,hi… you have to see an ent specialist to check if there is an infection in your ears or you may be having extra wax in your ears that needs to be cleaned out in a doctor is clinic other possibilities will be excluded after the specialist figures out what of the above causes are present or absent…thanks i am having pain in a very specific part of my head for 1 year seeing blue flash,if you are concerned then you should check your c12 do an mri just to be safe i had dengue fever feel numbness losing my vision broke into cold sweat,i would recommend you heading to brain mri to check for that…those symptoms are abnormal and associated with neurological pathology … please follow up with the results on this post what are some of the symptoms of pregnancy,one of the first pregnancy symptoms you may notice is that your period does not arrive while this symptom is one we most commonly associate with pregnancy there may be other reasons why a period has not arrived for example high levels of stress major illness or surgery another well known pregnancy symptom is morning sickness morning sickness can pay you a visit any time of day so make sure you eat enough and avoid letting your blood sugar levels drop ginger is a great natural remedy for nausea so it is worth a try although some women find that nothing seems to help their morning sickness which normally hangs around for the first trimester before getting better or if you are unlucky the second trimester or even whole pregnancy for more details click on early pregnancy symptoms i had a cyst removed on my neck i was diagnosed with a c diff infection,com yes most of them are just caused by the bacteria keep on metronidazole until the symptoms ends and you feel ok repeat a stool lab after all to confirm its death drink plenty of water and avoid dehydration … i have poison ivy and was given steroids i cleared up and now i am breaking out again why they also gave me a shot in the hospital,i am sorry to hear you got poison ivy ouch i hope by now your rash has cleared up i am not sure why the rash would come back after clearing up unless you were exposed to poison ivy again or if the source of the first rash was not poison ivy like you thought it was whenever symptoms come back after treatment or never clear up even with medication it is a good idea to go back to the doctor these situations deserve to be re evaluated steroids can calm down many different types of rashes however if the cause of your rash was from within your system shingles for example then the rash could return after the course of steroids was complete anyway i hope things turned out well for you what is an adverse reaction,an adverse reaction is an unexpected effect of drug treatment that may range from minor to serious to life threatening such as an allergic reaction what is the likelihood that a 4 year old child allergic to cats will also be allergic to dogs does it matter whether the catsdogs are male or female are some breeds of dog more allergenic than others if the symptom includes a puffy face which is not usual for her cat reactions could this be due to exposure to a dog or other allergenic,cats and dogs are different species but many higher allergic children are allergic to many animal danders to be sure just ask the medical provider for a blood test for cat dander as well longer haired dogs have more dander than the bald ones and there are some breeds that shed very little and are tauted as hypo allergenic dogs but i am skeptical the sex of the dog should not make a difference i never met a child that was only allergic to male dogs and not females etc w when an allergic person reacts and starts showing signs of allergy itching hives sneezing wheezing swelling etc we often blame the last thing they did something they ate touched inhaled or encountered but that is only circumstantial a child with allergies typically is allergic to many things including some things that were not even tested if you are being pressured to get a pet a dog or a cat it is best to be tested first before you acquire and animal and become attached to it are reclipsen and ortho cept the same kind of pill or similar to each other do they help with acne,there are a few pills that have been approved by the fda for use as birth control and for reduction of acne these pills consist of ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate ortho tri cyclen ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone estrostep and ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone yaz there are many other formulations of birth control medication with a combination of the same estrogenprogesterone forms that can be used to help with acne outbreaks ortho cept and reclipsen are equivalent the combination of estrogen is ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel other names for this combination are apri cesia cyclessa desogen kariva mircette and velivet this combination has been effectively used to help control acne outbreaks consult your ob gyn to find a formulation that is right for you am i able to get lice from hugging somebody who had been recently infested and having head to head contact for a second,hi yes good luck what is infertility,hi well if its itching like crazy like i remember it does you could try some good olive oil virgin would be best or aloe vera gel both very safe i did my sons back with olive oil when he got sunburnt the other year he could not believe how good it was he is a chef and thinks its only for cooking with and salads and the aloe vera is great for sunburn and your skin see how you get on good luck my 4 year old is on abilify we upped his dose a couple weeks ago and he started stuttering is this from the meds,there are no studies of aripiprazole or any other psychiatric drugs for that matter in children under 10 that does not mean we never use medicines in children under 10 but it does mean that the prescribing doctor needs to be extremely thoughtful about what they think they are treating and be very clear to the parents in explaining possible risks versus benefits small children have immature livers and so it is quite possible even a tiny dose of medicine will last longer than in an adolescent or adult abilify itself has a very long half life 2 weeks so may hang around for many weeks after it is stopped in such a small child presumably the doctor was using the smallest possible doses eg 2 mgday stuttering is not a commonly known side effect in adults but could reflect effects of aripiprazoleon the ability to control tongue or mouth muscles hopefully you are seeing an excellent child psychiatrist who knows what they are doing and who has experience is so unusual a use of a medicine like this and they should be able to guide you my husband and i are trying to have a baby i was 10 days late for my period and today i am spotting pregnant i took a test 6 days ago and it was negative any info would be greatly appreciated,i would say try taking another test i read that sometimes it is better to take another test a week after the neg test this might help can i start a new pack of birth control late to move my next period a couple days and still prevent pregnancy type tri sprintec i just want to push it a couple days for a new start date i am about to finish my sugar pills now,in short the answer is often a lot of couples trying to conceive spend a lot of energy timing sex with mathematical precision to the woman is ovulation theoretically the approach makes sense recent studies have shown the window of opportunity for a sperm to fertilize an egg is pretty small essentially it is only the four to five days leading up to ovulation and the day of ovulation itself your best chances are on the day before and the day of ovulation so the key would seem to be to have sex frequently in that five to six day window but while timing your lovemaking exclusively to those few days makes logical sense it has some drawbacks primarily because your body does not always behave with clockwork regularity even if your cycle is regular ovulation can occur at any time during the cycle if you are having sex on the day you think you are ovulating and you are off by a few days you may be out of luck so the expert advice is to hedge your bets have sex at least two to three times every week and if you have got the stamina why stop there studies have shown that as long as your partner has a normal sperm count having sex every day of the month further increases your chances using colostomy bag after hernia surgery after 7 days have not passed stools,most probably paralytic ileus where yr gut is as its stopped to move like paralyzed so not functioning wellcontinue npo fluids and eketrolytes thru iv line drugs like the one given to you nasogastric tube to be inserted…it will take some time does benadryl have aspirin in it i have watery eyes but i can not take anything with aspirin,no benadryl contains diphenhydramine an antihistamine it does not contain any aspirin i am experiencing headaches due to light sensitivity why,we are here to help you your symptoms are suggestive of a migraine only the new symptom that you have noticed also is in favor of a migraine headache in such case i would recommend you not to worry as all your investigations are within normal limits migraine headaches are precipitated by light sounds sleep deprivation illness and medicines once we are sure that the person has a migraine we start our patient on migraine prophylaxis if you are on migraine prophylaxis slowly your severity and frequency of attacks would reduce and time will come when you will have almost no attacks drugs are decided based on the frequency and the severity of the headache sleep disturbances are also kept in consideration for migraine prophylaxis the most commonly used drugs like flunarizine propranolol and amitriptyline in the case of acute pain triptans like sumatriptan and rizatriptan are used in the case of acute pain not responding to triptans we use painkiller nsaids nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs like diclofenac you also need to modify your lifestyle you should sleep at least 8 hours at night that too daily in a fixed time slot avoid sleeping in the day time if you sleep in the day you will have difficulty in falling asleep on time in the night and the whole cycle of peaceful sleep would get disturbed avoid alcohol beer caffeine lemon and cheese in the diet you need to follow these lifestyle modifications for the purpose of getting rid of medications after a few months course people who modify their lifestyles usually get rid of medications after six months course for further information consult a neurologist online > what would cause sudden a sudden hot flash with cold sweats vomiting and a bloody nose episode lasted about five minutes,either mild heart attack or stroke can produce the symptoms you name i would advise that you be seen promptly for post event evaluation by a medical professional regards red lawhern ph d can you smoke bath salts,you should not take any prescription or over the counter medication when you are pregnant unless it is specifically okayed and prescribed by your ob do not take ambien unless you have a patient specific okay is it prescribed by your doctor if not we advise not to consume any medication without doctor is prescription during pregnancy first three months of pregnancy are very crucial kindly avoid any medication during this stage as far as possible do not self medicate what can i do to ease the pain of osteoarthritis in my right hand i have had 9 sessions of pt but my right hand thumb area still hurts a few times a day are there any kinds of specific exercises that i can do at home and at work,this is a serious response medical professionals do not provide potents that make people ugly for a day or at least not since the dark ages so you may need to see a theatrical make up artist what are the risks in an endarterectomy for woman with stenosis at 80 of the right carotidis,i do believe that you have no other option except ceaits risk is like the risk of complications like any other surgical procedures liks infection nerve damage… etcbut let me tell you that stroke which is the worst to happen after surgery ij about 2 3 of pts those who do not undergo the surgery will have stroke with way way higher incidence and i think cardiovascular surgeons are now well trained for such surgery progesterone injects 34 wks baby not moving as much water still intact hot flashes no sleep do i call my doc,fibromyalgia is very treatable so there is a very good chance that you will return to work you should return to work pain moves around abdomen and chest as well as back with episodes of dizziness,your symptoms are multiple system involvement so i think you are having a kidney problem could be your cyst and a problem in your neck causing numb and painful upper limbs neck x ray and kidney new usg are important thanks can my girlfriend get pregnant from me if she is already pregnant from another man,hi quin are you sure she is pregnant first have you had her tested if the test is positive then no good luck no pcod but still chin hair and acne hello everyone i am 23 year old and i have lots of hair on chin and chest in last 3 4 years i have recently got acne too i went for the checkup and i dnt have pcod the doctor just said not to worry and take yasmin for 6 months i have regular periods also it just doesnt makes sense as the hair on my chin are getting worse day by day what the right path to take as doctor is not of much help here is there any way i can get rid of chin hairs when i dnt have pcod,ok you are having hair on your chin and acne also then it means you are suffering from hirsutism in which excess growth of hairs on the face or body are normal and as you told that you are not pcod then you need to treat it by opting dianette whose generic name is cypoterone you can get it easily at your doorstep from online pharmacies like meds247online etc what is lipoplasty,lipoplasty is a cosmetic procedure in which a special instrument called a cannula is used to break up and suck out fat from the body this procedure is also known as liposuction several months ago my lower left leg shin area began to hurt,hi confused if your on the pill why would you think your pregnant the oops do you mean that you had a condom break so if your on the pill why would you freak out then if your on the pill then you would not have to come off your antidepressant is if your worried about your meds and coming of them google natural ways out of depression lots of ways you can try and all without drugs one last thing you say the pill i do hope we were talking about birth control do hope this helps good luck had allergic reaction to ibuprofen in july bladder went into spasms,this burning sensation in vagina can be due to dry vaginal mucosa or local infection try using local vaginal anti fungal pessaries apply local creams multi vitamin tablets will be helpful had sex 2 months ago did not cum and got my period last month but my period didnt come this month could i be pregnant i had sex on november 28th using the withdrawal method he did not ejaculate inside of me a month later i got my period like normal but this month i did not get my period what are the odds i am pregnant,welcome to icliniq com the best oral hygiene maintenance method is to brush your teeth with a soft or medium toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste the electronic toothbrush does not offer any real additional benefit to normal individuals it is the movements of the toothbrush made by our hands that bring about thorough cleaning most of the toothpastes available in the market are good as long as they contain up to 1000 ppm fluoride brushing three times is good the main goal is to clean the food deposits from all areas rinsing the mouth after meals is good yet a simple method to keep the mouth clean using a mouthwash causes no real problem in relation to upsetting the microflora or healthy bacteria you can continue to use it once a day professional cleaning is recommended every 6 to 12 months depending on your plaque and calculus forming tendency due to plaque deposition over a long period there is temporary decalcification that might occur on the tooth surface thus on professional cleaning when it is removed there will a slight increased sensitivity however it does not remove the enamel layer at a significant level so once we continue to use the fluoride toothpaste with a toothbrush along with natural fluoride in water the tooth surface gets remineralized and then the sensitivity disappears for further information consult a dentist online > how to correct vitamin b12 deficiency,i had gone through all the data posted the treatment duration for b12 deficiency depends upon the cause severity and symptoms for example vitamin b12 deficiency is common in strict vegetarians so we advise them to take injection daily once intramuscularly for one week and then weekly once for four weeks and then monthly once in six months if pernicious anemia is the cause where there is a defect in the absorption of vitamin b12 then we will advise to take the same course for a longer duration it also depends up on the signs and symptoms like low hemoglobin neuropathy etc so if you are a strict vegetarian or the cause of b12 deficiency has not been evaluated then i suggest tablet containing b12 1000 mcg weekly two days kindly review with further details so that i can help you better revert back with further doubts to an internal medicine physician online > i have severe pain and swelling in my buttock groin thigh and calf,pain and swelling indicates early signs if cellulitis you should get blood checked for raised wbc counts and sugar levels keep the leg elevated apply magsulf glycerine paste to decrease the swelling consult a general surgeon what does it mean if a food product is labeled “light ” “low ” “reduced ” or “fat free ”,i am sorry to hear your daughter is going through this test anxiety can be a miserable experience panic attacks usually occur with several specific physical symptoms such as dizziness shortness of breath andor a pounding or racing heart beat if your daughter is experiencing any of these symptoms she would do well to get checked out by a health care professional panic disorders and panic attacks are not uncommon and usually can be treated with medication or a combination of medication and talk therapy if your daughter only experiences anxiety during test taking it is possible she suffers from test anxiety which is considered a symptom of social anxiety disorders and is very common who among us has not felt those sweaty palms as we sat down to take an exam again it would be worth getting checked out by a health care provider because social anxiety also can be treated most college campuses have a student health center that would be a good starting point for your daughter to help her figure out what is going on best wishes to you both what can i do if i am positive i have adhd and my mom wont take me to the doctor,i am sorry to hear you feel your health needs are being neglected self diagnosis is a dicey deal you can read all you want about adhd on the internet but you still may not have it only a trained medical professional can give you a diagnosis because he or she will take into account your entire medical history and other factors i do not say that to dismiss your concerns and i am sorry if it comes across that way this type of forum is not useful for expressing tone of voice you deserve to have your medical needs met if you have talked to your mother and requested a doctor visit to be evaluated for adhd and she is not willing to do so i would suggest you make an appointment with your school counselor or nurse to discuss your concerns either of these individuals should be willing to work with you to help you sort out how to deal with this problem i wish you all the best i am having extreme pain inside mouth right behind top molar the tooth in crooked and i was told by a dentist that it was fine a month ago i went in with pain and swollen lymph node on left side gave me antibiotic and sent me on my way now not even a month later i am in more pain and pretty sure i have infection the tooth and guk do not hurt at all its the area right behind it like the cheek or jaw i do not know it hurts to eat or drink i have no fever and do not feel sick other then the pain and under me jaw on neck is a little tender i started myself on 300 mg clindamycin 3 times a day started friday and dentist is closed today please help do you think this is because of my wisdom tooth i am terrified i have a jaw infection or something,starting clindamycin on ones own is not wise this pain could be mere from wisdom tooth eruption painkillers were alone enough talk to your dentist and let them sort it out i hope it helps stay in touch with your healthcare provider for further guidance as our answers are just for education and counselling purposes and cannot be an alternative to actual visit to a doctor take care khan will i catch the stomach bug from toddler when will he be better my 3yr old threw up twice yesterday morning together food then bile i think napped drank cup milk threw up once more drank pedialite&gatoraid was fine rest of daynight today was fine all day drank milk through out day ate 3 nuggets&whole apple went to bed at 1030 got up few min ago at 130am threw up twice and now has diareah when will he get better will me or my twin 6 month olds catch it i read a lot of adults will not because we build up some immunity please help,adults do have better immune systems and exposure to any infectious disease does not automatic imply that you or a sibling contact will get it but you may there are just too many variables to be able to predict if someone will also become ill your twin six month olds are more vulnerable of course since they are at the end of their maternal immunity stage only time will tell for all of you i am in a deep pain and stress due to the lower right rib pain,the same way you make mashed potatoes for anyone minus the big lumps of course instant mashed potatoes are just fine and easier do not over salt over season if you want to use real potatoes cook them well and mash or food process them to get out any lumps that may be problematic i do not know your baby is age cut finger 3 days ago on rusty pipe whole finger swollen red 3 knuckles hurt and ache when move could that be tetanus,you are more likely to have a secondary wound infection such as celllulitis based on what you have shared this is not a sign of tetanus but a sign of infection so it would be in your best interest to seek medical care you may need an oral antibiotic infinite no2 reviews really is regular for many bodybuilders for you to take time to mass upward inside the winter and then do the job for getting genuinely slim ahead of the competitors year body building is certainly one of just a pair of athletics ,please be respectful of this wonderful webmd medical site do not post advertising this takes up valuable space for people who have real medical concerns thank you what is the course of treatment for pregnant women who have migraines,that is mostly a fungal infection caused balanitits use an antifungal cream and always keep wearing cotton under wears and keep it all the time clean change regularly what are the best antioxidants to use what products are the best for an antiaging regimen,vitamins c and e acai berry grape seed extract marine extracts among others products containing these antioxidants and ingredients like retinol retinyl propionate peptides niacinamide hexamidine and caffeine resveratrol is one of good anti oxidant agent helpful in reversing the aging skin fights against the diabetes and obesity what causes stomach pain and swelling after eating every meal been this way for 3 weeks it started out about 3 weeks ago i have stomach pains and severe swelling after i eat then a couple days later i got my period and it seems my swelling is not as bad so i went to the docter and he thought it was my gallbladder i had blood work done normal sent me for ultrasound normal then hida scan normal still having problems everytime i eat my stomach starts hurting really bad and my stomach swells some my stomach is constanly sore ,yes my daughter had a gastroenteritis bug,i am sorry john but you need to ask the full question webmd answers does not link a string of postings so i do not know what you mean what can i do about the pain in the back of my head which worsens when i move,there is a type of headache called occipital neuralgia that is just in the back of the head usually with severe tenderness in the back of the head most patients with occipital neuralgia have increased pain with movement there is often a burning quality to the pain and some patients have a pins and needles sensation with the pain there is a fairly simple treatment for occipital neuralgia injection of a local anesthetic lidocaine or novacaine into the nerve in the scalp which numbs up the back of the head and makes the pain go away sometimes taking a medication like aleve or motrin every day for several days will calm this down what are the symptoms of gallbladder isues,hi u seem to be suffering from short term memory loss it may be a beginning of alziemers disease which is more commonly seen in stressed out individuals a neurologist will be the best guide for you to tell whats wrong exactly get an eeg done thanks burning fat cells i am seeing a lot of advertisement about a new way to burn fat cells to lose wt however i have not seen any trusted medical articles supporting that procedure the articles refer to a difference between brown and white cells,this is a really interesting question while i do not know if the diets that claim to boost brown fat are legitimate there does seem to be something in brown fat itself brown fat is the kind of fat that burns calories and keeps us warm and actually works for our body instead of just sitting there as a fuel reserve info about what brown fat is more about brown fat brown fat diet is it safe to take diphenhydramine hci during pregnancy,shortness of breath can occur due to increased upward pressure of the uterus recommendations when walking slow down and rest a few moments raise your arms over your head this lifts your rib cage and allows you to breathe in more air avoid lying flat on your back and try sleeping with your head elevated can asthma be “triggered” by a cold flu bronchitis or sinus infections,there currently are not any drug interactions between phentermine and zyrtec how are bed bugs spread,there may be a chance that your baby is intolerant to lactose i would take her to the doctor and demand action for the moment you could feed your baby cooled boiled water to ensure that she is receiving enough fluid the body can cope better without food than it can without fluid i hope you find this useful and i hope your baby feels better soon i had sex on 10122015 my last period begun on 102 but i tested for 3 times at home all the results were negative its now november 2nd i have not seen my periods,missing a period does not mean you are necessarily mean you are pregnant but if you are trying to get pregnant or not using any form of contraception you are likely to eventually get pregnant assuming your partner is fertile there can be dozens of reasons for delayed or missed periods so it is wise to see your woman is health care professional for a proper examination and a more sensitive pregnancy test if your cycle does not self correct and especially if you are starting to show other signs and symptoms of pregnancy i have computer vision syndrome pain in shoulder head nerves,they are two very different endocrine disorders one does not lead to the other but certainly a person can have both i am concerned about my elevated blood pressure,we do not know exactly what causes migraine but it is unlikely your situation would trigger one further a migraine would not cause irritation to your eye since an eye doctor has told you the eye is fine my own guess would be that the eyelash caused such severe irritation to your eyeball that the nerves there simply will not settle down this is a not uncommon event with nerves in all areas of the body if this is indeed the cause of your ongoing sensation of eye irritation then the good news is it should calm down on its own eventually in the meantime you could try using soothing saline drops frequently for awhile to keep the tissue nice and moist as it should be this may help the nerve endings settle down wishing you well if i am taking prescription adderall xr will a drug test show positive for amphetamines or methamphetamines,hi any cough beyond 3 months needs detailed evaluation a chronic chest infection seems to be the underlying cause get a chest xray – pa view and blood investigations done what is the most effective way to remove facial hair i e chin and lip area,hi your just going to have to man it out sorry if your a women its just a case of drinking plenty to help flush them out its the best way to go just drink plenty of plain water good luck does using an elliptical machine at the gym burn more calories than running on the street or bike riding,running will burn more calories than the elliptical although it is pretty close about 100 calories per hour difference some of the difference is due to the pounding of running and the fact that you propel your body through the air so that both feet are off the ground simultaneously this kind of movement takes lots of energy both the elliptical and running burn substantially more calories than the bike at the same level of perceived exertion about 200 240 calories per hour more in a classic study comparing energy expenditure of exercise machines the order of calories burned from highest to lowest is posted below the elliptical was not studied in this research but it would fit between rowing and cross country skiing it should be noted that rowing the elliptical and cross country skiing are all very close in calorie expenditure with probably not more than 100 125 calories per hour difference among them treadmill walkingrunning stair stepping rowing cross country skiing biking stationary now this is not to say that exercises that burn the fewest calories are all bad to the contrary you can get a great workout and burn lots of calories doing any of them you would be hard pressed to say that lance armstrong is not fit he is one of the fittest human beings alive and he did it by biking the point is that if you work hard enough on any of the exercise machines and you work up a sweat and you get your heart rate into your training zone then your heart lungs and muscles are not going to know the difference bottom line is that you will get fit and healthy using any of the machines if you use them consistently and with sufficient intensity one final note there is error in estimating energy expenditure on most if not all exercise machines in some cases it can be as high as 25 percent the machine overestimates how many calories you burn there are simply too many variables for the machine to give you an accurate number and so you need to keep that in mind during weight loss efforts if you are calculating how many calories to eat based on your energy expenditure the answer depends on many different things since your weight the type of exercise how intense you are doing each exercise and how long you do each exercise will all influence how many calories you burn simply put however i would say that you have the potential to burn the most calories by running followed by biking and lastly by using the elliptical one way to measure how many calories you burn during exercise is to look at metabolic equivalents mets mets are a way to measure and gauge the amount of energy you burn during physical activity with 1 met being equal to the energy you burn simply being at rest for instance running at a 10 minute mile pace is roughly the equivalent 3 yr old son said he ate quarter 5 days ago i have been checking his poop and still nothing now what my son came to me and said he ate the money i could not find the quarter anywhere we did not see him eat it and he was not chocking i did some research and we decided to wait to see if it passed on its own it has now been 5 days and still nothing i hate to expose my son to unnecessary x rays he is acting completely normal pooping eating playing do i need t to bring him in or should we just roll with it its hard because we do not know if he actually ate it,a quarter is quite big but i have seem them harmlessly pass assuming that he did indeed swallow a quarter short of an x ray a safe and inexpensive way to find out if your three year old has a metallic coin is with a metal detector you can rent one or find out if you have a friend who may own one if a metal detector can not get a signal he probably did not swallow it if he suddenly becomes constipated or vomits you may have to expose him to a very low level abdominal x ray one view only and it would not be harmful my teenage daughter may have mono i had it 32 years ago could she have gotten it from me sharing drinking cups,lately i find that many sleeping problems occur because of over exposure to computer screens and tv screens in the hours just before sleeping try to get your mind to relax for 2 hours before going to bed make sure you sleep in a dark area try stress reduction techniques do not go to bed on a full stomach hiv exposure or over worrying i have never had actual sextried once but it never went all the way inused a condom ofcourse did oral on my boyfriend without only madeout and kissed guys after i broke up with my boyfriend i have had white things in my tonsils that come and go smell bad i have also been having anxiety and been worrying been losing weighthe last time i had a sexual was back on october of last year didnt freak out till recently i was eating normally before but ever since its made me eat less hiv exposure,the primary symptoms of parkinson is that may be helped by exercise are slowness of movement stiffness and loss of balance and posture and so exercises that improve these should be done for improvement of balance try standing exercises as part of your pilates workout whether you are working on a mat or the equipment standing exercises challenge your muscles and your brain to maintain balance improvements in people with parkinson is are typically slow but they can occur if you work hard and consistently as for slowness flexibility and strength are part of the solution many pilates exercises work through a full range of motion and so stiffness and flexibility should improve make sure your instructor focuses some of the attention on a full range of movements and holding those positions to improve flexibility as for strength it typically improves quickly for beginners this is because strength is not only a function of the mass of the muscle but also because of improvements in nervous system patterning impulses from the brain through the central nervous system to the muscles when you pattern the transmission of impulses from the brain to the muscles by repeating exercises over and over the brain gets better at recruiting more muscles and you get stronger patterning is important for people with parkinson is because patterning may diminish with a loss of dopamine so repetition of the exercises should help pure strength is also important not only for activities of daily living but also for well being it is fair to say that under most conditions feeling strong feels better than feeling weak and since most of the pilates exercises build strength whether on the mat or the equipment there is certainly benefit to be gained one of the limitations observed with parkinson is patients who do pilates is the lack of motor training for the activities you do during your normal day like opening doors getting in and out of cars and walking so make sure your instructor helps you with that there is important research in animals to show that regular aerobic exercise has a positive effect on parkinsonian symptoms in one study scientists gave rats a medication that induces parkinson is disease by destroying brain cells that make dopamine after administration of the medication to all the rats the researchers then had half the rats exercise for seven days while the other half remained sedentary after the study they found that the exercising rats lost only 6 percent of their dopamine containing neurons whereas the sedentary rats lost 87 percent that is a substantial difference with the potential for important clinical improvements in symptoms based on those study results you might want to add aerobic exercise in addition to strengthening balance and flexibility work if you have trouble walking because of balance problems then try holding on to the side rails of the treadmill research proves that activities of daily living motor performance and ambulation improve even if you hold on and i have a rash on my arms hands and back it seems to be an allergic reaction i am 5 months pregnant what i can do the place we are staying has bed bugs but i do not think that is what it is it is too spread out and is very itchy it looks like a lot of bite marks,hi having a period and still be pregnant yes you could be or it could be just a missed period it does happen but wait till you should have you next period if you miss then do a test hope this helps good luck i have had pounding headaches with hot and cold flashes what is this and is there a way to fix it without a doctor i had it for about a week a few weeks ago i thought it went away but it just came back i recently went to a doctor for another issue and i highly regret not getting bloodwork done there but anyway i would like to avoid going back to the doctor if i can help it any idea what this might be is it dangerous what can i do to fix it,hi could be something as simple as the flu and yes you can get it in the summer months but its really just a pure guess work its something you should really see your doctor about seems you are worried over it so doctor asap if not the er good luck i was due for the depo shot december 21st did not get it and had unprotected sex the next day am i pregnant,it does depend on how long you were on depo i used depo between all three of my pregnancies and it always took me a year after getting off of it to actually get pregnant again am i close to being done growing i am 15 years old 511 with a size 13 shoe i am going to be 16 years old in early july and i am currently 511 with a size 13 foot my pediatrician predicted my height to be 63 are these predictions accurate about how many inches more will i grow,i tried to address your question my friend and posted a response i would need to review your medical records and look at your growth chart and take a medical history to even guess if your were done growing i am not sure why you are worried or concerned about it since there is really nothing you can do to change your genetic code if the pediatrician predicted 63 then that may be accurate shoe size is not relevant how do i get rid of the mild to moderate acne scarring and large pores on my forehead i am 25 have an olive skin tone an oilycombination complexion and seem to scar more easily i have some acne scarring on my forehead and also large pores which turn into blackheads all over my forehead i have a pretty decent skin care regimen never had real acne but do have issues with small pimple type bumps on my chin not whiteheads not large not painful maybe cystic i do not want my scarring to get worse and want to minimize my pores,you can visit clear clinic for effective acne treatments am i elilible for medicaid at age 63,hi if nerve was completely cut neurotmesis then no it will not heal but if it is a simple neuropraxia nerve healing may take few days to heal also axonotmesis can heal almost 80 with physical therapy it can take up to 45 days so first step is identifying type of damage complete cut means neurotmsis=no healing good luck my ears are so stuffed i can barely hear what can i do so i can hear again apparantly im getting a cold,so sorry to hear you are going through this congestion in the ears is not only annoying it can become painful if it does not clear up quickly one thing you can try is an over the counter decongestant medication decongestants basically work by drying up excess fluid whether the fluid is located in the ears nose or wherever note that a decongestant is not the same as an allergy pill be sure to read the label carefully for dosing instructions a pharmacist can help you choose a product and explain how to take it if you develop a fever congestion fluid build up in your chest or a productive cough meaning you are coughing up mucus you would do well to see your health care provider these can be symptoms of something other than a common cold also the symptoms of a common cold should clear up within a week or so and do not forget to drink plenty of fluids especially plain water water can help keep those secretions body fluids thin which makes them easier to eliminate by sneezing or coughing best wishes to you i had an arm implant inserted condom broke pharmacy reassured us that i would not be pregnant,sometimes excessive bleeding can be seen post implant placement due to body is adjustment to the contraceptive there can be some hormonal changes that can be a cause your symptoms are not necessarily suggestive of pregnancy and for a confirmation of exact cause consult a gynaecologist and he thoroughly examined a pelvic ultrasound and a blood test can help hope this helps this is the third time in 3 months that my child has had flu symptoms she had flu shot could it be something else,what many people call flu is often not influenza there are over 200 viral species that can cause similar respiratory symptoms incidentally vomiting and diarrhea is not the flu so to answer your question yes it is most likely something else other than the flu i lost nearly three liters of blood due to my placenta breaking i feel i am going to pass out,you are treating the complications of the stone without direct treatment of the main cause stones are obviously giving you hard time upto losing your kidneys treat the cause discuss with your urologist surgical options i am 65 with medicare and a secondary through my former employer do i need to sign up or register with the obamacare do all americans need to register for obama care,the following are the more common signs and symptoms of oral cancer swelling thickenings lumps bumps rough spots crusts or erosion on the lips gums or other areas inside the mouth the development of velvety white red or speckled white and red patches in the mouth unexplained bleeding in the mouth unexplained numbness loss of feeling pain or tenderness in any area of the face mouth or neck persistent sores on the face neck or mouth that bleed easily and do not heal within two weeks a soreness or feeling that something is caught in the back of the throat difficulty chewing swallowing speaking or moving the jaw or tongue hoarseness chronic sore throat or changes in the voice ear pains a change in the way your teeth or dentures fit together – a change in your bite dramatic weight loss if you notice any of these changes contact your dentist immediately for a professional examination urinating while sleeping i am in my 30 is and the past few weeks i have woke up and found that i urinated in bed while i was sleep what is happening should i be concerned this has never happened before,most helpful answer if this unusual episode just happened once then there is unlikely to be a serious problem going on you may have just been in a deep dream state and believed you were urinating not unlike someone who sleep walks however if this has happened before or happens often you would want to see your medical provider sudden bouts of urinating in your sleep or frequent urination could be an early sign of diabetes or a subtle urinary tract infection how soon does botox injections relieve pain had injections on 17 should pain be relieved by now,i suggest you take your daughter to her pediatrician as a starting point her symptoms should not be ignored if the symptoms seem to come and go with her menstrual cycle the problem could be anemia from blood loss drinking extra water and eating iron rich foods red meat fortified grains might help the problem however many things could be causing these dizzy spells and it is important you find out what is going on if there is an underlying illness or condition the sooner you can treat it the better wishing you well what activities provide good aerobic exercise and build cardivascular endurance,aerobics badminton basketball biking dancing jazz hip hop modern swing golf carrying clubs hiking mall walking 3 4 mph running or jogging skiing especially cross county nordic stair climbing stationary cycling swimming walking water aerobics can you suggest an alternative to accutane for acne,you should visit your physician as soon as possible all these can be symptoms of obstructive jaundice to confirm get your blood tested for complete blood count and liver function test also get a urine routine microscopic test and ultrasound abdomen stop oral isotretinoin and continue applying topical medications like a combination clindamycin and adapalene gel at bedtime or any other creams or gel that you are using for further information consult a dermatologist online > iv inserted in jugular vein is causing vision problems and pain in back of head,i see your symptoms are more related to posterior structures in the head do you have neck pain or any cervical problem before the surgery have your neck been a painful position in any of the hospital is admission procedures thanks i have excessive vaginal discharge white and thick and odor is bad getting worse,you are suffering from vaginal infection bacterialyeast infection that needs to be treated with metronidazole and antifungal creams …clindamycin cream can be used intravaginally you need to keep on the course of treatment for 3 4days after symptoms disappear as the infection might experience recurrence … wear cotton under wears and avoid vadinal douches as they may kill useful bacteria…eat yogurt and skimmed milk… i am a male in the middle of puberty only recently i got flat nipples they come out when touched or its cold help i have always had perfectly fine nipples until recently when they get any stimulation they perk out which is how i want them they look strange when flat i want to know if this is a side effect of puberty and will go away after or if i need to do something about it i am not really happy with the be happy with what yo are given route in this scenario please help,hi so you have hit puberty and now you have loads of hormones raging round your body and your nipples are a part of your erogenous zones its one of the parts that will turn you on sexually when you older and with a women and sex is in the air your ok and your just normal good luck can kids contract pink eye from dress up costumes that might be available at nature center i am wanting to have a bee keeping suit at our honey bee exhibit that kids put on to see what it would be like to bee keeper unfortunately our living history farm had costumes that kids could dress up in and had several visitors complain about their kids getting pink eye if they can get it from the costumes is there any way to prevent the spread of it thanks,minocycline is a medication that is typically used to treat skin conditions like acne antibiotics should not be used to treat the common cold it will not have any benefit and due to the fact that we have been misusing antibiotics for things like the common cold we are running out of options for infections and very bad ones called superbugs can i still end up pregnant if my man ejaculated inside of me two days before leaking cervical fluid i had unprotected sex on october 18th and on october 21st both times my man ejaculated inside of me i just started to leak some cervical fluid today and wanted to know if there is still a chance that i could end up pregnant,hi in my opinion you have a streptococcal infection i recommend you do a strep test very quick test to confirm u need to see your doctor for antibiotics choice which is usually penicillin or amoxicillingood luck i was prescribed the wrong dose of antibiotics,age should really not play a major role in picking a spouse but it would seem logical that a person of a similar age would have more shared experiences with you you would be the same generation someone considerably younger may seem immature to you but someone considerably older may treat you differently there is nothing medically wrong with a man over 30 when you are 24 but that is just my opinion find someone that you love and someone that loves you first then check the birth certificate for age the older a man becomes the more likely he will have a history both good and bad he may have been married or engaged before he may have a child or children some people call that baggage but that would be up to you to decide older divorced men may not want any more children but you may some will have completed their education and be well entrenched in a career and some may be still wandering aimlessly a life partner should compliment you not take anything away together you should be more than your individual parts you should never compromise your aspirations and dreams in a relationship both of your dreams should be mutually embraced and nurtured choose wisely never rush into a marriage there is plenty of life yet to live both as a single woman and later as a wife and mother i had a lumbar laminectomy discectomy on the l5 s1 around 8 9 months ago for some pretty painful sciatica,low wbcs are a sign that your body immune system is very weak and is unable to tackle the infections that enter your body that is why you need to take higher antibiotics like augmentin though you may get better with augmentin now in long term you need to concentrate on increasing your body immunity can too much computer or tv time at night adversely affect children is health,hepatitis is a virus that causes inflammation of the liver it can be either acute lasting less than six months or chronic lasting more than six months several viruses are known to cause hepatitis including hepatitis a b and c to reduce your chances of getting hepatitis get the vaccines for hepatitis a and hepatitis b there is currently no vaccine available for hepatitis c use a latex condom during sex do not share needles or take drugs practice good personal hygiene such as thorough hand washing do not use an infected person is personal items such as razors or toothbrushes take precautions when getting any tattoos or body piercings take precaution when traveling to areas of the world with poor sanitation make sure you get immunized against hepatitis a tests show high levels of creatinine calcium potassium sodium magnesium and phosphorus,this may imply a kidney malfunction an egfr and bun specially with kidney function tests are necessary is aloe extract from the leaf good to reduce heart burn i went to an ent specialist for a sore throat that was irritating me for month and a half he did a scope putting the tube which has a light at the end of it through my nose and found out readness in my throat which is caused by heart burnacidity and i am prescribed omeprazole 40mg along with otc antacid is aloe extract from the leaf good to reduce heart burn thanks,once in a while but the diet you described is not a balanced diet toddlers must be taught and encouraged even tricked into eating a good diet and it is your job as a parent to make sure that they do avoid dinner time confrontations but think of ways to expand the diet of these picky eaters once in a while he can eat cereal for dinner but this is not a substitute for good nutritional habits be creative be encouraging in the face of opposition be a parent is there any treatment for coxsackie virus infection,hi this happens due to severe hormonal changes after delivery or gross calcium and vitamin deficiency such joint pains are usually temporary and will gradually subside taking analgesics hot fomentation with calcium vitamin d3 tablets will help family history of arthritis needs to be ruled out thanks how long does it take for heartburn treatment to work,hi having raised tsh and a normal t3 t4 indicates early hypothyroidism thyronorm is given for both hyper as well as hypothyroidism so dont worry about it the tablet that you have been prescribed by your endocrinologist is correct and should be taken take foods with high iodine especially iodine rich salt yoga meditation will surely help you keep the dosage of the tablet to minimum thanks i suffer from a continuous reduction of hemoglobin,simply go through natural treatment natural treatment or organic treatment is one of the best solution to cure spider bit baking powder and some components include vitamin c and salicylic acid are consider the best home remedies for treatment i have insulin resistance doc prescribed januvia 10mg will this work,hi of course your heart will start to play up having this problem for so long doctors been there yet or doctor to you even did you not bring up your problem why you was at the er here is a link its from the uk is nhs on food poisoning it has lots of help but as this has been long term i would have thought the er would be the best place for you seeing as its given you so much trouble just google this link to open and read good luck my resting heart beat is 90 100 is it safe to get pregnant i was on metoprolol 50mg twice aday for the past 8 years and recently reduced to 25mg and now i completely stop the medication my resting heart beat is around 88 to 90 when sleeping 105 when sitting or after eating is it safe to get pregnant please advise thanks for all your help,dm refers to one of the ingredients on the cough medicine it stands for dextromethorphan which is a cough suppressant often used to quiet a dry annoying cough best treatment for infant contapation,it starts like a cold with congestion and upper respiratory symptoms after a week or so a cough develops the cough worsens over several days and the coughing fits may be so severe that you can not stop or catch your breath a coughing fit may be followed by a “whoop” as the person gasps to catch their breath it is these coughing fits called paroxysms which cause doctors to be worried about pertussis and try to confirm the diagnosis in people who have been vaccinated or who have had pertussis before the symptoms may be nonspecific pertussis is high on the list if that whoop is present but if it is absent pertussis may go unrecognized it is important to know that infants with pertussis do not always cough in young babies the first sign of pertussis may be difficulty breathing or pauses in breathing that last more than 20 seconds called “apnea ” apnea is serious and requires immediate medical attention for our infant 4mo daughter it started like a pretty normal cough 5 days later the cough had only gotten worse it went from one or two of the infant double cough pairs up to runs of 6 or 8 double cough pairs lasting more like ten seconds we took her to a walk in clinic for a persussis swab that day but she stopped breathing that night and turned blue we called the ambulance and it was a close call but still it is quite crazy how quickly it escalated if you do not hear the telltale whoop it can still be pertussis the whoop did not show up for us until after we had the apnea episodes and were already checked into the hospital the 50 or whatever for a walk in clinic could save your childs life if you end up in the hospital for a week like we did it will cost a lot more than that anyway if an infant is 6mo or older i would not be quick to run fearfully to the clinic but for young ones it is well worth the cautionary checkup if your child has had a cough for more than a few days is there a supplement that will work like penicillin for a tooth problem i am unemployed and do not have insurance,i do not know but i think it is worth checking out it may be something simple like a clogged pore but then again it could be a symptom of something else because it is a new symptom and not something you expect in a five year old it definitely warrants an appointment with your pediatrician i would not worry too much about this just make an appointment and get this checked when you can wishing you the best can i produce milk or watery white substance if i am not pregnant it happened during sex he squeezes and sucks alot all the time maybe he is doing that too much or could i be pregnant tests have said i wasnt,i am not a doctor but i have breast fed 8 children and have some experience in this area it is absolutely possible if you have breast fed in the past i do not know if this can happen if you have not breast fed before even semi distant past you can start producing milk again if your sexual partner does a lot of caressing and sucking on your breast if you are still ovulating andor having a period and even if you are using birth control this can happen it does not necessarily mean your pregnant you can always ask your partner if it taste like milk that would be a quick way to find out if it really is milk breast milk does tend to be sweeter than cow milk though hopefully this was helpful if you all ready did not get an answer previously if i took sudafed for what i thought was a sinus headache can i take tylenol too,i also experience pain like yours can not find the reason for it as well after a lot of different scan is blood tests etc very frustating i have been to a gastroligist and diagnosed me with ibs have been on a fodmaps eating plan and have found some help with the pain gluten seems to be one of the culprits together with lactose look up fodmaps you will find a lot of information it seems strange but too many fruit and vegetables can actually cause the pain you could give it a try it is like your body has an intolerance to specific foods it is finding out what food your body has a problem with the severity of my pain was nine out of ten doubled up severe pain it is hard to believe food can cause so much extreme pain i still have pain attacks but not nearly as often as i use to but gluten in particular can be found in cough lollies yogurt ice cream and other foods that you would never guess has gluten in them this is only a suggestion it has helped me wake up with severe nausea and stomach cramps after having a large unfirm bm the nausea and cramps stop what is it about once a year i get woken up in the middle of the night with severe nausea and stomach cramps i have to sit on the toilet for hours before any form of relief in the form of a bowel movement comes the bowel movement is typically large and unfirm but not diarrhea once this happens the nausea and stomach cramps stop i go back to sleep and then get woken up again but it is less severe the second bm is usually diarrhea and then i am better i am on no medication what gives,you ask a good question i wish i had a good answer it is impossible to say what the best treatment for any given condition is and that includes atrial fibrillation a fib there are many treatments available for a fib including blood thinners catheter ablation also is a fine treatment for a fib i understand outcomes are very good with that particular procedure whenever you or a loved one is facing a problem like a fib you should ask a lot of questions of the physician it is perfectly ok to ask about all the various treatment options available what are the benefits and risks of each treatment why does your doctor recommend one particular treatment over another any good cardiologist will welcome these questions from a patient because it shows you are engaged in managing your own care if you do not understand something the doctor is explaining do not hesitate to speak up and say so always bring a family member or friend along to appointments to ask questions as well the more ears in the exam room the better wishing you well i am unemployed and can not get insurance i have social anxiety gad and depression how can i get help i can not afford,a lack of insurance and an inability to pay more than a minimal amount should never prevent you from getting the help you need and deserve licensed professionals including psychologists have an ethical responsibility to take a number of pro bono cases this means for little or no fee of course there is a limit to the number of these cases that anyone can take but it is worth asking you can call your local psychologists association explain your situation and ask for the names of psychologists in your area who would be willing to help you you can also check social service agencies as well as any major hospital center because these entities generally have access to mental health providers who require minimal fees few years back had dengue fever but what is cause of new disease,hi i do not see anything to panic relax do stress relieving exercises deep breathing and meditation will be helpful thanks how is it determined whether it is planter faciatis or bone spur,i am sorry you are going through this burns can be so painful first i want to suggest you stop using hydrogen peroxide on your burn area it will not help and it could actually keep the wound from healing in all you need to do to clean the burn is use cool water and plain soap gently pat dry then apply an antibiotic ointment your choice of neosporin is great you can keep the burn covered if you would like please do not self medicate with oral antibiotics these medications should be taken only as directed by your health care provider for the specific infection they were prescribed for an oral antibiotic may not even be necessary for a burn you did not say how long ago you sustained this burn but you certainly could make an appointment with your primary care provider to take a look at it he or she will be able to better assess the wound and advise you how to care for it i hope you feel better soon i am in my mid 40s and would like to get rid of my wrinkles near the eyes which product do you suggest,i like products that contain retinol niacinamide peptides and caffeine i must say i adore caviar sight refurbishment by dermaesthetics beverly inclines it creates your own pores and skin practical knowledge tremendous silky as well as uses out and about skin covering solar cells using this type of treatment you possibly can loosen up your mind even though your own experience making use of babor skinovage mimical demand ,most helpful answer do not do your own penis surgery that would be stupid obviously i can not see what you are talking about but you may have a penile bridge you can look this up on the internet or a remnant from a circumcision a penile bridge can be cut by a urologist under a local anesthetic but to do it yourself would not be in your best interest these things are common and are not awkward to discuss with your medical provider do the right thing and see a professional can burningitching around the vagina and clitoris be signs of pregnancy i have been having burning itching around my vagina as well as some pain on my clitoris i have been fairly sexually active with my husband this month and i am wondering if this is a possible yeast infection or could it be signs of pregnancy the vaginal screening test came back as a ph of 4 5 background we have had sex nearly every day this month only 3 off sometimes more than once a day i am around 10 days after my ovulation time according to a chart i use we did have sex during that time,muscle relaxants are not that helpful and i rarely prescribe them for teenagers and even adults muscle relaxants tend to be overly sedative cold compresses ibuprofen and a restriction of aggravating activities can do wonders over time can ringworm virus give someone shingles,ringworm is a fungus not a virus shingles is a herpes virus they are totally unrelated shingles is usually a result of having chicken pox during childhood it can come at any age any time and should be addressed as quickly as possible i had a horseback riding accident and fell on my back pain is spreading,it is most probably a disc lesion if you have pain in lowerlimb not a strain of course a mri is the best diagnostic tool or a good neurologist can examine you to define your problem husband had vasectomy w2 neg samples period is late can vas reconnect w2 neg samples post op age 32 three natural pregnancies no fertility issues rather we always got pregnant very fast i do have irregular periods but i put the dates of my last three periods into the ovulation calculator and based on those dates my period is three days late i keep having symptoms of a period but then it does not come,radioactive iodine rai is often chosen for treatment of conditions associated with overactive thyroid including hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancers rai treatment is based on the fact that the thyroid actively accumulates iodine which it uses to produce thyroid hormones required for normal body function the therapeutic action of rai is via disruption of the function of the thyroid cells the more radioactive iodine given the more cells cease to function as the cells stop functioning excessive amounts of thyroid hormones are no longer produced and symptoms of hyperthyroidism begin to disappear in your case the side effects of such therapy will be limited to short term effects like sore throat nausea fatigue etc there will be no effect on other organs like kidneys nor any effect on the sexual desire and sexual function but once the treatment is completed you will need lifelong therapy with thyroxine supplements to prevent hypothyroidism related symptoms i had a spider crawl in my ear got out but i was left with an ear infection,restart the regimen however in my opinion it was enough to start with analgesics but no problem to restart the regimen al if pain persists consult ent specialist if feeling of vomiting mean i am pregnant i feel it everyday morning and rest of the day,hi many drugs have side effects of ed you would really need to go through you doctor about coming of them but google natural ways out of depression and anxiety but if you do come these drugs you have to do it very slowly piece by piece week at a time but it does work if it works you can forget the testosterone shots and the viagra also google natural ways to boost testosterone you find more help some from exercise and weight lifting and the foods you can eat there are many herbal things that can help raise your libido but you need to trust them and give them time to work some thing like tribulus takes 8 weeks to get to full power hope you find some help here good luck is it possible to catch hepatitis from kissing,the risk of catching hepatitis by kissing an infected person is thought to be very small although deep kissing that involves the exchange of large amounts of saliva might result in infection if there are cuts or abrasions in the mouth of the infected person what increases the risk of getting celiac disease,what medications are given for hepatitis or liver involvement does my child have adhd,does your child have trouble sitting still does he or she have trouble focusing and completing a task you may be wondering if your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd for starters a diagnosis of adhd is based on a combination of inattentive impulsive and hyperactive behaviors that are inappropriate for the age of the child and most of the time adhd is not diagnosed until a child enters school why because virtually all preschoolers have trouble paying attention and sitting still so do not book a consultation with your child is doctor because your preschooler does not want to sit around during storytime here is what you need to know about adhd q is adhd hereditary yes interestingly add [attention deficit disorder] and adhd tends to run in families often a parent realizes he or she has the disorder when his or her child is going through the evaluation process q what signs should i be looking for in my child * hyperactivity a child will constantly fidget with his hands or body he may seem like he is always on the go he may have trouble sitting in his seat or playing quietly and he may talk incessantly * impulsivity a child will have trouble taking turns in play he may blurt out answers in the classroom or interrupt other children is activities as a result he may be rejected by his peers * inattention a child may be very disorganized and have trouble completing tasks even ones that are fun he may be forgetful and gloss over details q what is the difference between add and adhd the “h” stands for hyperactivity kids with add are not fidgety or loud and so they have fewer behavior problems in the classroom thus they often are diagnosed later — often a child will be eight or nine before add kids are identified q if i am worried about addadhd who should i turn to for help start with your child is teacher he or she can fill out a checklist that demonstrates your child is successes and challenges in a classroom setting you will also be asked to do an assessment of your child in your home setting as well the next step is to discuss the finding with your child is doctor the doctor may conduct the complete evaluation and treatment process himself or he may refer your child for additional evaluations and potentially treatment with a specialist yes my child is in 7th grade this year we have never had issues with grades or her not keeping up with assignments she is never still she talks consistently she has been having problems sleeping she will lay in bed for hours before falling asleep we have tried different things to help her settle down at night but still no improvement her grades have fallen really low her sister has adhd who is 16 years old is on medication once we started her on meds her whole life i touched a guy is penis which had precome on it then a couple minutes later i put my underwear on can i get pregnant alright i know its highly unlikely but i need reassurance i touched his penis which had a little precum we had to cut it short so i then put my clothes on a couple minutes later and then put my underwear on is there a possibility for pregnancy,cut it short no you are fine you are not going to become pregnant from this act be careful and remember to always use condoms can i mix aciphex with mylanta to help with heartburn symptoms,i would not add any more medications on your regimen without consulting your health care professional and getting the condition looked at it is important to make sure we understand why you are experiencing the symptoms and treat it appropriately rather than just covering up with medication that is not working if your primary care office cannot fix the issue consult a gi specialist can you diagnose a uti with only a dip stick test,after surgical removal of the gallbladder it is possible to have a retained or recurrent stone in a bile duct such as the common bile duct cbd the cbd carries bile from the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine an ercp endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedure is commonly performed in the treatment of bile duct stones in the past you have advised that a glass of warm milk will help one to fall asleep will a glass of cold milk also help will a glass of cold milk be as effective as warm milk,the aching is related to the movement of your teeth if there is no pain none of the teeth is movement will be apparent feel very depressed fingernails and toenails very brittle hair loss hair is kinky straw like pale skin insomnia suffer from copper deficiency,im my opinion your problem is about absorption taking vitamin b12 supplement can help absorption from gut proteins and soluble carbohydrates tend to improve copper absorption and bioavailability by enhancing its solubility and intestinal bulk flow organic acids other than ascorbic acid or agents that form low molecular weight chelates are likely to have a positive effect on overall copper absorption can kidney stones store hydromorphone drug test shows positive for hydromorphone the last time i had hydromorphone was about 6 months ago for my kidney stones,no kidney stones do not store any drugs i have bloody stools for 2 years is this irritable bowel syndrome,i know the answer this website is for consultants that have deep domain e xperience to help empower organizations to rapidly deploy solutions and business best practices processes that result in real world savings and optimized efficiencies is it possible to have a period while being pregnant,by posting this question you are indicating concern so it would be in your best interest to see a medical provider so that you can be properly examined diagnosed and treated not something that can be accomplished on line in this forum my eye wont open its swollen when i put a warm compress my eye gave offred like blood and sticky white stuff what to do i dont think its a sty cause it is swollen and its bloody pus that comes out,i am sorry to hear you are going through this it sounds awful first thing wash your hands very thoroughly before and after touching that eye in the event it turns out you have conjunctivitis pinkeye you can easily spread it to others with your fingers plus you do not want to contaminate your ailing eye with any other germs when you touch it second what you are describing is not normal there are several possible explanations for your swollen eye but you need an examination by a medical professional to get a diagnosis if the swelling and gunk are confined to just one eye it could be a symptom of a foreign body in the eye so do not rub it never take chances with your vision i suggest you either go to urgent care or make an appointment as soon as possible with your primary care provider wishing you well what am i allowed to eat before having a colonoscopy,nothing at least not after midnight the night before and do not drink anything either a few bites of food or sips of coffee before your colonoscopy may seem like no big deal but you will not be fooling your gastroenterologist a little food goes a long way toward obscuring the view of your colon that makes it harder to identify any polyps or potential tumors during a colonoscopy it might seem almost unbearable to go hungry or face a medical procedure caffeine free but think how much more uncomfortable it will be to undergo a repeat colonoscopy because of your “poor prep ” peanut butter why does my formula feed baby have seedy poop i thought that is for breastfed babies only should i worry,nicotine levels in your body will drop significantly between 8 to 12 hours after your last cigarette your body will not be completely nicotine free until 24 to 72 hours afterwards however do an internet search for “smoking cessation timeline” if you are curious about some of the other benefits that you will notice by becoming smoke free for example after 24 hours your risk of having a heart attack decreases dramatically and your ability to smell and taste will be enhanced after 48 hours after years of having quit smoking your risk of developing cancer having a heart attack or having a stroke decrease significantly quitting smoking is one of the most important things that you can do for your health keep up the great work my understanding is that the nicotine is out of your system within 24 hours i have severe neurological symptoms like permanent exhaustion worsening memory lack of concentration anxiety and depression,in my opinion you should consider doing parathyroid tests pth i am self medicating myself with thyronorm 75 mcg i do not want to lose my baby this time,no problem to take thyroid hormone substitute during pregnancy but first you need to measure t3 and t4 to make sure that you have hypothyroidism then close monitoring of tsh levels i have been taking lyrica twice daily for a little more than a month it has not helped my fibromyalgia does it take time,lyrica was the first medicine approved by the fda for treating fibromyalgia pain it is indicated for fibromyalgia pain and is felt to work by decreasing the pain signal intensity at the spinal cord level one of the possible side effects is drowsiness which can affect the sleep but it is not approved as a sleep med please work with your doctor to determine benefits and side effects of any of your meds and whether it is best for you to continue them when i started on lyrica about 2 years ago now it took approximately 3 months for my symptoms to truly see improvement they went away gradually over time for me lyrica is a drug that requires building up in the system and maintaining a certain level in order to continue being effective that is why they warn you not to miss doses or take double doses in the papers that come with it give it a little more time but if you do not see any improvement in 3 6 months you will definitely need to revisit with your doctor how long does it take eyes to adjust to a new prescription i am having migraines with a lot more frequency than usual more concentration of pain behind the eyes vs other areas of the head i got my new script a few mos ago but have not been able to afford to get my new glasses as i have a strong script that requires a higher grade of lens so i have needed to save up for them just needed to know how long if any adj period there is for the new lenses,hi try this then perhaps you can do without drugs just googlen this natural ways to get rid of migraines then have a look on www earthclinic com look under ailments for migraines you may also find help there do hope this helps you good luck how do people get infected with coxsackie virus and what are the risk factors,hi these are furuncles secondary to fungal infection these usually go away spontaneously avoid spicy food prefer bland diet apply local ulcer gels consult a ent specialist if it doent respond thanks what is wrong my bowel movements are all over the place and now i have dull pain consistently male25 years old about month ago i had a day i went to the br #2 at least 5 6 times ever since then things have not been right i have gone from full out constipation to diarrhea i have a dull pain in the pelvic area right of bladder sometimes gassy and can hear embarrassing rumbling from pelvic area this has been there for about a month any idea of what could be going on could it be serious i have not seen any blood or anything i think it may be from too much stress on my system down there,it could be ibs because it is know to cause a wide range of symptoms flatulence belching pain diarrhea constipation mucus in stool etc a person with ibs can have symptoms that change and bouts where they have lots of digestive troubles then it fixes itself after a few months another bout fixes itself etc right testicle is a lot bigger than my left for about 2 years my right testicle is over double the size of my left and it has been for about 2 years maybe more i also had a hernia above my belly button when i was born i have had anxiety over this for a while then i got over it and then suddenly it came back around a month ago could it be cancer,squats a lot of them bf said he had dishcharge from his penis and a slight burning sensation these symptoms stoped after 1 week what is it we have both have had sex with multiple people i have had a few symptoms myself vaginal odor frequent need to urinate itchingburning but i always thought it was a simple uti i am concerned because he claimed his symptoms have stopped but he has had a fever and a sore throat could this be an std could this be something else i have told him to seek medical attention i have an appointment scheduled next week but he refuses to listen to me,hi going on the first bit it sounds like he has a yeast infection which he has passed on to you so its either off to the doctor or an stdgum clinic and this means both of you its best you get treated together other wise it will just keep going back and forth between you both so you get your meds and please do as they say if its no sex till the meds are gone then do it that way do hope this helps you both good luck i have cognitive impairment can i get dementia as a young adult,hi generally at your age it has good prognosis needs regular check ups and assessments thanks my 26 year old son is now too old to be on my health care policy he is in college and working part time with no health insurance provided what are hismy optionsrequirements for coverage,hi yes this could be bv bacterial vaginosis now you can either get to your doctor for meds or you can try the simple sea salt way you just put a couple of handfuls of sea salt in a warm bath twice daily for a week let the water get inside your vagina you can google bv and sea salt for more info do hope this helps you good luck what is deprenyl used for parkinson is disease,deprenyl eldepryl selegiline jumex is a drug that slows the breakdown of important brain chemicals such as dopamine this medication may help slow the progression of parkinson is disease early in the course of the illness pregnancy scare from pre cum day after period ended unprotected sex with girlfriend should we consider plan b my girlfriend and i had unprotected sex the day after her period ended before i had ejaculated about 30 minutes prior to our fornication i urinated before the unprotected sex but am still worried about the pregnancy roaks associated with pre cum should we consider plan b,yes you should not smoke while pregnant my dad insists his pelvic hurts and is currently in insititution being treated for schizophrenia doctors have done mris and cts and have found nothing wrong with his pelvis he was first diagnosed with bipolar over 20 years ago he is now 50 and is being treated for schizophrenia or leaning towards schizophrenia to note my father was previously an alcoholic and chronic smoker i believe my dads pelvis hurts but tests have apparently shown to prove otherwise i have researched a little and only found prostadynia but not sure this even correlates could something be wrong with his pelvis,hi depending on his past it could be from just lack of exercise i get very achy if i sit around to long body is that are use to working are like that i get jittery legs as well from not walking do love to be out dog walking so this could be the same with him just lack of exercise just some thoughts good luck my mother in law has been ill for a month today feeling very tired loss of appetite,yes what is paget is disease of bone,normally bone breaks down and is replaced by new bone in paget is disease bone breaks down too much and the new bone made is not normal bones affected by paget is disease such as the skull spine and legs become deformed and weaker than normal this can cause problems like bone pain and the bones can bend or break i heard a crack while having sex and now i have lost my erection,hi i think your find its your drugs for hypothyroidism that could be stopping you from getting pregnant but just in case you do get pregnant i think it would be best for you and baby that you lose some of your weight so get off any fast foods and junk foods forget the sodas think and eat healthy get out and do some brisk walking and if you can get in and do some regular swimming this a long with the walking and the best two things you can do fro your body now three things that will help you are and do remember these there very important self discipline self control and the last one is breaking bad habits a couple of last things if you smoke stop give up any alcohol i do hope some of this helps good luck what are other things you can do for acne,stomach secretions are fluorescent yellow so if you are experiencing rapid transit times the need to defecate soon after eating the yellow gastric juice will often change to green because you have had these intestinal issues for quite a while it would be prudent for you to see a gastroenterologist so you can determine the underlying reason for your intestinal cramping this problem can most likely be fixed so do not hesitate to seek help from a specialist family history of aarskog scott syndrome does ultrasound of my baby show hypertolerism,very difficult to comment from this angle actually the view should be from dead front even if we consider hypertelorism to be present the degree seems to be very minor and should not cause any trouble in his vision when should i get out of bed to encourage better sleeping,insomnia can be exceptionally difficult to live with insomnia is often referred to as “vague” because it is so difficult to determine what is causing your sleeplessness underlying medical conditions chronic pain depression or even another sleep disorder like restless leg syndrome for some the cause could be as simple as stress regardless of the cause all insomniacs know that it can be nearly impossible to fall asleep or fall back to sleep if you have insomnia you may spend hours lying in bed tossing and turning trying desperately to fall asleep you may even feel that doing so makes you feel even more stressed about not being asleep a new study suggests that not only is that stress keeping you awake being in the bed itself might be contributing to your sleeplessness in fact the researchers found that one of the best things to do is get out of bed that will help you decrease the amount of stress you feel about not being asleep and may help you become more ready to fall asleep if you are stressed or worried about other things finding ways to turn your brain off before you get into bed may be helpful the medical staff involved in the study suggested that a consistent sleep routine is more likely than simply lying in bed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep here are my top five tips to help you create and maintain a successful sleep routine 1 set aside a power down hour before bedtime stop work no chores do something relaxing like take a warm bath engage in light reading or watch tv if that is relaxing for you avoid the news channels 2 go to bed and get up at the same time seven days a week — no matter what 3 schedule in at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week you can break up these minutes into pockets of 10 minutes if you have to here is an idea expose yourself to bright morning natural light a good thing for calibrating the body is natural clock with a brisk walk before breakfast then again at lunch and after dinner 4 avoid caffeine after 2 p m in the afternoon do not forget hidden sources like soda and some headache medicines 5 adopt some mind body and sleep friendly practices like meditation massage or yoga it is best to associate being in bed with being asleep not with being awake and stressing about not being asleep a healthy sleep routine can help you do so and though it seems a little contradictory so can getting out of bed if you are really struggling to fall asleep can you get chlamydia by having with the same partner for years can people have chlyamdia without notice for a years,it is still called a vagina after a hysterectomy the vagina really does not change very much other than the fact that it now ends in a pouch rather than the cervix opening to the uterus the vagina is 95 just the way it was how can exercise help with stress,you may want to take another test and also see your doctor what is a grade iii heart murmur what is the difference between a grade three and a grade 2 murmur what would a grade 3 sound like with a stethoscope,i guess a lot depends on whether they left enough uterus to completely enclose the fetus you could be having hormonal issues of another type too i am taking tri lo sprintec and was recently prescribed bactrim ds my cycle has not started yet could i be pregnant,i can not think of any reason why a cyst on your hand would cause tendinitis in your feet the two conditions are completely unrelated cysts are small self contained sacs of fluid they are not a systemic illness in any way cysts do not travel through the bloodstream and affect organs or other tissues there simply is no relationship between a cyst in one area of the body and illness or injury in another area tendinitis in your big toe definitely could be influenced by your ballet dancing defined as the inflammation of a tendon tendinitis often is caused by overuse or injury the condition called tennis elbow is a classic example of tendinitis related to overuse thus it is not at all out of line for your doctors to conclude your big toe tendinitis relates to your ballet activities and not to the cyst on your hand there is no scientific evidence the two could be related hope this sets your mind at ease my 4 year old grandson is wetting his bed my daughter wants to buy him pull ups but i think they are embarrassing help,new accidents in a child who had been previously dry consistently at night can be from a medical problem like an infection that needs to be looked for still most of the time in a four year old there is nomedical problem they are just accidents that is nothing to be mad about i do not really understand why someone thinks putting a 4 year old in pull ups is embarrassing unless the adult says something likehere is diapers for the baby that would be a very cruel thing to say many 4 year olds wear pull ups at night and they are not embarrassed about it unless adults are making them embarrassed i was diagnosed with crohn is when anemic i have staph infections,try to use topical steroids with emollients or calcinirium inhibitors i think this is a bug bite which caused you eczema in this place do i have melanoma how likely is it that this is melanoma,the change in size and shape of moles are alarming signs of melanoma early discovery better management sorry for that speedy recovery wishes what can i do to treat hepatitis c at home,maybe she wants some real food like many of the things you are eating many babies reject processed baby food have you tasted it so try preparing some of your own or start feeding her some safe foods from your plate she does not need teeth for many of those things do not give her too many different foods at one time remember that breast milk or formula is still very important and follow her pediatrician is recommendation on when to start safe solids but now may be the time she watches what you eat so this may be her way of saying how come if have to eat this stuff in a jar fyi my daughter did the same thing what is the procedure to obtain medicare coverage fofr gthe shingles vaccine,generally the shingles vaccine is covered by part d prescription drug plans you should contact your part d plan directly for more information what should i know about the hepatitis c virus,hepatitis c infection is a disease caused by a virus that infects the liver this liver infection becomes a continuing chronic condition in most patients patients with chronic hepatitis c infection may develop cirrhosis liver cancer and liver failure the virus is spread from one person to another by contact with the infected person is blood you should talk to your health care provider about ways to prevent you from infecting others after finding out so late what can i make sure the baby is fine and how long can i consider to be in my pregnancy i barely found out i am pregnant i recently had few symptoms like fever nausea and vomiting for about a week already my period has always been irregular so i did not consider me being pregnant after not getting my period for 2months,hi you work it out from the date of your last period and that is how many weeks you are into your pregnancy but taken it your are pregnant try seeing your doctor asap and take it from there your doctor knows all about pregnant women good luck two of my wisdom teeth are impacted is it better to remove,cavities or tooth decay is chronic infections that spread further at a slow rate in most cases the other thing to consider is any pain or associated symptoms with the cavities which are indicative of active acute infection that has already spread deeper so if the cavities are without symptoms then it would be fine to wait for a few months as well however depending on the current state of infection which can be evident from x ray i could give a more conclusive answer about the wisdom teeth if these are unerupted at your age then it is recommended that you get them removed as they present a chance for cyst formation etc it is not urgent though this is more prophylactic than definitive complications of removing wisdom teeth depend upon the location and position of the wisdom teeth yes a very small chance for more complications at a later age but the overall complexity would have been informed by the dentist or oral surgeon already for further information consult a dentist online > prescribed prednisone five 10 mg once daily for 2 days do i take 5 at once prednisone 10mg tablets 5tablets by mouth once daily for 2 days then 4 for 2 days then 3 for 2 days then 2 for 2 days then 1 for 2 days my question is do i take the dosage i e 5 tablets at one time or through out the day,it may be best to take them all at once in the mornings they can keep you awake what can cause black colored stools,that is the nasolacrimal duct that drains tears from your eyes into your nose when you peel onions your eyes will water and your nose will run when you cry your nose will run this duct goes two ways so it is possible to have air come through when you blow your nose this is innocent and there is really nothing you can do to correct this normal phenomena unless you want a surgeon to close this duct then of course the tears will run down our cheek not a good solution though it is rare it is possible for air to come out through there the reason why is because the tear ducts are actually connected to the top of your nasal cavity normally when you cry some of your tears actually flow down into your nose one of the reasons why our noses run sometimes when we cry since it is all connected anyway you probably just have slightly larger passages between the two areas i was born with small intestines – now held together with pins i am pregnant will pins hold,pins will definitely hold till the last day of pregnancy the reason is that the increasing baby size will cause only mechanical pressure on your intestines it wont stretch the intestines apart get a usg of abdomen now to see the status of the pins how do i cure constipation that lasted for 4 months 15 year old male i have constipation since jan 2015 i used to poop early in the morning once a day and it would just take me about 10 minutes to finish now i take 30 40 mins in the toilet and even after i get up i still feel incomplete emptying the urge to poop would come back again at noon after eating lunch my poo is usually 3 in the bristol stool chart my poo gets stuck somewhere deep in the rectum and not at the anus i have tried probiotics exercising more water fiber fruits veggies laxative none work,are you under some stress or depression emotional distress can lead to impairment of gut functions with correct and regular diet intake follow some stress relieving techniques like yoga and meditation we also advise herbs like bilva haritaki and musta powder each mixed in equal quantity this powder in dose of 3 gms daily will help you to regularize bowel movements i have severe abdomenal pain i get stomach spams whenever i eat or drink anything i am nauseous all the time morning nausea not pregnant or hungover severe stomach spasms when i eat or drink anything even water makes me nauseous very tired to the point i am light headed and get a severe migraine sharp pains from my lower abdomen basically anything i eat or drink gives me nausea and a severe spasm i have been tested for caeliac and have had many blood tests and urine tests done please help,i mean it decreases the chances of a uti so it is a good idea though they do say if you are trying to get pregnant you should not pee after sex but rather lie down flat it is definitely not an alternative to using contraceptive though what surgical procedures are used to treat heart failure,surgery is aimed at stopping further damage to the heart and improving the heart is function procedures used include left ventricular assist device lvad the lvad helps your heart pump blood throughout your body it allows you to be mobile sometimes returning home to await a heart transplant bypass surgery the most common surgery for heart failure is bypass surgery to circumvent a blocked heart artery heart valve surgery as heart failure progresses the heart valves that normally help direct the flow of blood through the heart to the rest of the body stretch out of shape allowing blood to leak backwards the valves can be repaired or replaced infarct exclusion surgery modified dor or dor procedure when a heart attack occurs in the left ventricle left lower pumping chamber of the heart a scar forms the scarred area is thin and can bulge out with each beat an aneurysm a heart surgeon can remove the dead heart tissue or the aneurysm heart transplant a heart transplant is considered when heart failure is so severe that it does not respond to all other therapies but the person is health is otherwise good i had energy supplements now feeling dizzy and passed out today,i laboratory check up is v imp yes it is v common side effects with the medication s your are taking but i need to do cbc ، check your blood pressure sitting and standing i had a radiofrequency surgery done on the back of my heels still having pain,you need to apply sustained pressure on in using some bandage to deprive it from oxygen hence reducing formation of collagen so it does not stay as a big lump good luck i have or think i have type 1 diabetes when should i contact my doctor,here are some helpful hints from the men and women who are the gold medal winners in the longevity marathon of life 1 centenarians use their body reserves well at birth you actually have excess capacity built into your body tissues organs and biological systems this reserve declines gradually over time the goal is to slow down this decrease in reserve you will never guess how yep we are back to healthy lifestyle habits you need to know that this decline can be insidious that means you can actually lose most of an organ is function before you actually experience symptoms studies of the centenarians show that they tend to be more physically active throughout each day they eat simply but tend to stick to whole foods processed refined products are not a staple 2 gerontologists have noted that you can make improvements in your lifestyle at any point in your lifespan and reap terrific benefits if you begin to walk on a regular basis in your mid 40 is researchers have found that you can delay immobility to age 90 and beyond get up and move already aim to accrue 10 000 steps every day you can 3 use it and you will not lose it scientists from the national institute of aging once noted that much of what we thought were the symptoms of aging are actually the symptoms of disuse if you do not use it you lose it this applies to your physical as well as mental muscle of course muscle strength declines with age outside of athletes most of you will reach your peak muscle performance somewhere between the ages of 20 and 30 again because of that body reserve if you stay physically active you should not experience significant muscular incapacity until your 80 is or 90 is add strength training to your physical activity routine now if you do you will be able to stay physically independent and avoid disability and frailty and whip out your sudoku and puzzles to keep your mind fresh and focused 4 optimize your genes i have got a reality blast for all of you folks who may be saying “oh heck my grandmother and mom lived well into their 90 is i have great genes and i do not have to try hard to live long ” science shows that only about 20 30 of longevity is genetically determined lifestyle is the critical factor you can really make a significant impact on living long and well when you improve lifestyle habits 5 wit passion and social connections keep you young researchers with the new england centenarian study note that the majority of centenarians continue to do things they love hey do not knock knitting it works they are often fun and feisty and they cherish and maintain social connections to family friends and their communities whatever age you are today make sure you are living a life rich with people you love to be around and i have anterior cruciate ligament tear…do i need surgery,hi its a near complete tear any acl tears need surgery at your age to avoid further complications for better results get the surgery done by arthroscopy method instead of an open surgery u will get less stiffness and a good joint if done arthoscopically thanks i had sex on the 19 after he came i touched myself to see if he came in me and i was dry am i pregnant it was my first time and it was also very fast i was also suppose to start my period today but i did not,hi from whats going on it does seem rather unclear the doctors and the lab do not seem to be sure about the sperm examination quality and quantity of the sperms are the most important criteria to state whether a person is sterile or not do post your lab results here if possible so that we can guide you better thanks is it normal for a patient to have anxiety when having an uncurable severe illness,postpartum depression is linked to chemical social and psychological changes associated with having a baby the term describes a range of physical and emotional changes that many new mothers experience the good news is postpartum depression can be treated with medication and counseling the chemical changes involve a rapid drop in hormones after delivery the actual link between this drop and depression is still not clear but what is known is that the levels of estrogen and progesterone the female reproductive hormones increase tenfold during pregnancy then they drop sharply after delivery by three days after a woman gives birth the levels of these hormones drop back to what they were before she got pregnant in addition to these chemical changes social and psychological changes associated with having a baby create an increased risk of depression i was born with one kidney and tested slightly positive for hsv 2,let me add that having one kidney is not a problem at all u can live with a quarter kidney as long as its functioning well do routine kft every 6m i cut my fingertip off last week the er put clotting tissue because it would not stop bleeding what now last week i cut off my fingertip with a knife i tried for over 2 hours to get it to stop bleeding but could not i went to the er and they worked on it for a couple of hours as well they put this clotting tissue on it which now is dried onto the wound does that have to come off or will it dissolve and my skin just close up over it it was not sutured because it was the entire pad of my finger,they may have used a product called gel foam or equivalent if this is the case just leave it alone the skin on your fingertip should eventually regenerate and cover the missing piece assuming the piece was not too large when in doubt see your primary care medical provider for an evaluation did your fingertip heal like it was before how long did it take the same happened to me i get this smell ever so often when i breathe my nose burns and it is very uncomfortable it smells like i have been around a burningstale ashtray,though the previous answer is right i want to notice that a few steps have been done in order for covering liposuction and other cosmetic procedures recently baaps british association of aesthetic plastic surgeons decided that insurance for plastic surgery complications is necessary probably in a few years liposuction will be covered by insurance source what am i allowed to eat before having a colonoscopy,cut me mick rocky i yes in some cases a fresh hematoma accumulation of blood can be surgically drained if done promptly but someone with the proper skill since this can lead to an infection however in most cases the old blood will just reabsorb over time and you can make up a great story about the black eye can a cat predict i am pregnant,generally these are the dietary suggestions * use small feedings include some high protein foods to speed healing * avoid personal intolerances such as citrus juices which can cause pain during exacerbations * limit gastric stimulants if not tolerated such as caffeine alcohol peppermint black pepper garlic cloves and chili powder * include high protein foods and vitamin c rich foods to promote healing * avoid smoking i know this is not dietary but i thought it was important to mention 18 years old already have 2 kids can i get a hysterectomy i am 18 years old i already have 2 kids and i do not want anymore my period is extremely painful and heavy will a doctor give me a hysterectomy or am i to young,it would be highly unlikely for any surgeon or an insurance company that would pay for this elective procedure to agree that a hysterectomy is the way to go at this point it is not just your age that is a contributing factor but a hysterectomy is not medically indicated in most cases just because you have two kids and your periods are heavypainful see your gynecologist and i am sure there are other solutions to answer your concerns that are considerably less riskier than removing your uterus thank you for asking with the age of just 18 i am afraid going for hysterectomy is unwise although possible procedures like hysterectomy are permanent and there is no coming back and depression and other psychological accidents are common in such women as well also there is a long life ahead for you you may wanna change your mind to have another child due to any reason and then you will need a uterus to conceive so my suggestion is do not opt for it unless you have some severe problem with uterus like heavy periods etc hysterectomy can wait till 35 years or older age i hope it helps regards dr s khan ehealthdesk is it possible to have bladder leakage during sex it can be continuous leakage at times,yes it is possible urologists seem to believe that it is linked to genuine stress incontinence rather than the urge type of urinary incontinence if the amount of loss is not large or does not seem to be urine your may be having the controversial diagnosis of female ejaculation apparent female ejaculation has been long debated in the medical and sex therapy literature there is an anatomic area analogous to the male prostate which is located behind the anterior vaginal wall ie area reputed to be the female g spot this is supposed to be the source of some type of fluid which is ejected given that your leakage is continuous it may well be urine i would urge you see a urologist for a more for sure diagnosis can you have intercourse if you have prolapsed bladder does heart burn cause increased heart rate i get this feeling of a burning sensation that starts in the top of my stomach and then cause my heart to pound and increase to 135 beats per min i then feel nauseous and get some anxiety,i have had gerd and it has never caused increased heart rate i think you should have your heart checked asap it could be heart trouble so consider calling a ambulance to the nearest emergency room it is better to be safe than worry about looking foolish too many people die because of that reason im 314lbs and trying to lose weight i cant excercise 2 min before im gasping for air how can i get a work out in,it does appear that he is psychologically addicted to gaming so i would not encourage this by allowing him to upgrade his system until he finds a balance in his life and proves he can monitor his own computer use challenge him by seeing if he can give up all gaming for one month offer him money as a challenge if he can stop for a price then he has some control you have the right to limit his time on the computer or on line gaming you are the parent insist that he spend more time with friends unless they are having gaming issues or with other activities find him a job or jobs that require him to be out of the house he may want to spend money now on his computer but later he may need a driver is license as the carrot on the stick to improve his behavior period on july 1 and sex on july 24 than light spotty period the following week for 4days but spotted again the 5th da well also the doc said i have a corpus leteum and i could be pregnant also i am supposed to be on my period now and i am just spotting light pink and brown i need to know,hi sorry forgot to ask has your doctor done a pregnancy test yet if not get one done to clear the air to if you are pregnant or not ok good luck is it ok for me to swim in a lake i am 17 weeks pregnant,most helpful answer an orthopedist would be the best place to start is masturbation good or bad how much frequently can it be done hai iam 26 now i need to now this if a male can masturbate many time a day can it effect in feature that means in pregnancy time,hi you can masturbate as much as you want but there are many bad side effects from doing that like so the side effects of over masturbation is nerve trouble hair problems eye floaters skin problems memory problems penis shrinkage followed by lose of erections during sex and last of all the real bad one is ed erectile dysfunction and this you do not want so if you just stick to a couple of times a week and enjoy them and do not masturbate to porn masturbating to porn gives even bigger problems one is ed which we can get over but porn can shut down your sexual receivers do that and away goes your sex life for good its that bad for you so please just a couple of times a week and keep it safe but do remember masturbating and sex are different sex releases endorphins around you body and just masturbating wont hope this helps you good luck got the depo shot in aug for the past 5wks i have had my period nauseous dizzy headaches weak tired eyesite blurry,please be more specific like how long does it take for sperm to reach the egg or how long until you can find out if you are pregnant my doctor says colonoscopy shows crohns disease need second opinion,it depends on the dosage and duration of course but hydrocodone is an addictive narcotic acetaminophen is tylenol but too much tylenol can cause liver damage is it safe to give baby tylenol with nystatin i have gotten different information on how much to give my 1 month old 1ml divided than told 5ml divided doctor told me one way the pharmasist told me the other so i thought it best to give the lesser amount until she started crying during bottle feedings again went up thinking she was not getting enough still cried which is right even going up on the dose she still is really fussy and seems so uncomfortable is it an upset stomach is it painful still can i give her tylenol,hi ok have you been and had a test yet if not well do that first before you start stressing over it being stressed will only bring you down but do have a read of this link you may be one of the survivors from this but lots did not just copy into google to open and read good luck is there a prescription that will remove wrinkles and age spots,the only prescription product available for wrinkles is renova retin a and tazorac also work well and are stronger than renova but they are fda approved for the treatment of acne the prescription product that works for wrinkles and age spots is triluma it contains tretinoin 4 hydroquinone and a gentle cortisone to minimize irritation there are other prescription hydroquinone products available for age spots as well how do you washremove anti perspirant especially when it is designed to resist moisture,anti perspirants are designed to decrease sweating coming from the inside they are not considered waterproof for moisture coming in from the outside they should wash off easily in the shower with good ol soap and water what is theliklihood we are pregnant please give opinion asap my wife and i are both 20 and healthy we are trying for a baby and have had unprotected sex 2 3 times a day for the past week today is day 16 of her cycle and she ovulated a day or two ago what are our chances,hi sex wise your overdoing it when trying for a baby its every other day tops the reason for the is that your sperm the sperm your be using will not be up to the task you want it for and also take into account it takes 3 days for sperm to reach the egg so if your not getting there this cycle remember next cycle you will need to bee having sex around day 19 after the first day of her period then try every other day after that that might get you there good luck i have a sore throat and when i blow my nose hard a thick gooey mucus mixed with blood come out what could it be sore throat get worse when i swallow or even yawn fever on and off and thick gooey mucusblood does not always come out when i blow my nose,sounds like you have a cold when i get the mucous y jazz i usually go to the doctor for an antibiotic it sounds miserable i hope you feel better i am unable to keep down my prenatal vitamin any suggestions on what to take that my stomach will tolerate,this is usually a challenge for many pregnant women i would advise this patient to try taking her vitamins at night before bedtime or taking them with a big meal like dinner it is important that she is on some type of prenatal vitamin because they contain essential items like folic acid that are important to the baby is development if this still has not worked talk to your health care provider about other options what should i do if i suspect an overdose of azor,if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include severe dizziness fainting fast heartbeat no allergy to shellfish ct scan wcontrast mild reaction of hives would there be allergic reaction to shell fish now,there is no correlation between contrast allergies and shellfish allergies this is a myth that has persisted in the medical field since the 70 is but is untrue shellfish allergies are caused by a muscle protien in the shellfish tropomyosin you can not be allergic to iodine it is in your body in your thyroid gland breast tissue and many other places without iodine in your body you can not live why do i have burning during urination once or twice a week please see details i am unsure if it is a uti as it occurs randomly and not a majority of the time i urinate the stinging usually begins when i am almost done urinating and a short while after i notice that the urine is not cloudy but when i am done there is a slightly dense and cloudy liquid on the tip of my penis with the urine after about 30 minutes the pain goes away and usually does not happen for another week i have wondered if i am drinking too much soda caffeine or if this is some kind of infection,well you should visit your doctor for correct diagnosis it can be due to infection cut down your caffeine & soda intake as it may aggravate your symptoms drink plenty of water and try with cumin and coriander water to reduce burning do you get migraines from prolonged playing games on a cell phone or computer my friend is on several medications for migraines but i feel he may be causing these migraines because of his continuous playing of games on his cell phone and computer i just wondered if they had found any connections to this causing migraines,hi this is probably due to vitamin b complex and b12 deficiency and you might also somehow anxious i recommend taking that vitamins as supplements and try involving yourself in social life gradually get a motivation course with experts on how to speak confidently infront of people and having more self confidence… regards can you exercise and diet cellulite away,do not wait you need to go to the er again black tarry smelly stools usually indicate a gastrointestinal bleed stomach esophagus etc that can be life threatening go now i had a vestibular injury do not know what to do anymore,in my opinion it is better to stick to physiotherapy program for 12 15 weeks before going for a surgery specially if you are not athlete focus on strengthening quadriceps and hamstring muscles using kinesiotaping can help controlling the instability of the joint after cast removal thanks what are the best vitamins for a pregnant woman,taking multivitamins during pregnancy is extremely important for proper fetus growth and development the rda has recommended values of how much of each vitamin and mineral is recommended during pregnancy there are many brands available on the market as prescription strength and over the counter some are more tailored toward specific women lacking different components than others a more expensive vitamin is not necessarily better than others work with your ob gyn to help select a vitamin that will work best for you size and cost can play a role in the selection process more importantly to aid in compliance avoid taking several different supplements take one multivitamin that includes a variety of necessary nutrients in one dose combining supplements such as taking a folic acid supplement along with your multivitamin etc can raise concerns because you run the risk of overdosing on a particular nutrient taking more than twice the rda of any nutrient should be avoided during pregnancy my hair has been falling out for almost a year now i am 26 yr old female my blood tests came back normal along wexcessive shedding my hair has been very dry i have not changed the way i treat my hair i do see growth but shedding is so excessive that my hair thinned considerably since last yr i have used spironolactone for acne 2 12 yrs ago i have been off it for a little over a yr did not experience any bad sideeffects wspiro i am not on birth control i also have been experiencing low sex drive my gp did not have an answer for me i feel hopeless,hi are you extremely thin did you do tsh and t4 test i recommend checking for benign pituitary gland tumor by doing a brain mri good luck i have been getting positive ovulation tests but late temperature rise ~8 days after in some cycles is this normal i have been trying to get pregnant since about 10 months now in about 4 cycles i have had an issue with ovulation testing in these months although i get positive opk test around calendar date 15 17 which is when i normally get it my temperature does not rise until about a week after is this normal in other cycles i get a temperature rise a day or two after positive ovulation test i always get my period 16 days after the temperature rise thanks,hi so you know how your cycle works yes day 1 being first day of your period well day 14 give or take a day is ovulation day so you need to have unprotected sex around day 9 it takes male sperm 3 days to reach your womb and sperm can live in you womb for up to 10 days max so you ovulate after the sperm will be there waiting if you get spotting around day 21 then you should be pregnant do hope this helps you good luck ps look throw away the test kits just leave it to nature relax take a deep breath your get pregnant when your body is ready outside of that get a sperm test done you never know could i be pregnant i have been nausea can not keep anything down i had a tubrilligation 16yrs and birthconrol mesh 2trs ago my abdomen is getting hard and my belly is getting a little bigger and i am getting constant headaches and can not stand the smell of a lot of stuff it makes me sick i remember feeling like this when i was pregnant with my other kids,i would wonder about a false pregnancy sometimes the body can produce pregnancy symptoms when you are having a hormonal imbalance the reason why i think that is because tubal ligation is pretty sure and the essure mesh has a 99 8 effectiveness when properly implanted so pregnancy would seem pretty unlikely better check with your doctor can a lab test be done on coughed up mucus to determine if i have a sinus infection 10 days of coughing up thick yellow mucus facial pain all around sinus antihistimines and mucinex seem to just mask symptoms but do not take away,no the drainage from the sinuses is quickly contaminated from nasal mouth and throat germs so you cannot diagnose sinusitis by this method sinusitis is typically diagnosed by an array of characteristic symptoms sinus pressure pain coupled with corresponding examination findings tenderness decreased light with transillumination shining a bright light into the sinus area in a darkened room or by x ray or ct scan findings most cases of sinusitis are viral and will be self limiting but some require antibiotics or allergy mangement see your medical provider how can i begin to make healthier food choices,as much as it sounds clichéd and boring i have to say start with hydration water water and more water as many of us know when we are dehydrated our hunger pains go up what feels like an empty stomach is actually us being thirsty a tip to make yourself more likely to keep up with your water intake fill a large bottle at least 24 ounces with water fresh mint leaves and thinly sliced lemon lime or orange not only will the visual make you feel like you are at a spa you will be much more enticed to care for yourself and consume what you need to stay hydrated for the day make sure that you get your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables i know i may sound like a mom right now because i am but i can assure you when we fill our plate with colorful fresh foods we are on a road to a healthier new year can you add some wilted baby spinach with a splash of fresh lemon juice or balsamic vinegar to your chicken steak or fish tonight try out a kale or chard recipe start making a choice every day this week to cut one thing out that may be on your indulgent list and add two things in that are for your health taking 300mg @ hs how to taper down,300 mg of what what are the advantages of dental implants,is this the only liver function test you have i wanted to trend it plaquenil hydroxychloroquine and protonix pantoprazole both can cause elevated liver function test but it is relatively rare with protonix i also want to make sure that you are not using aspirin tylenol or cholesterol medications since they can have direct effects on the liver another important point is that the slight elevation of lipase and blood sugar can happen in pancreatitis which again could be a rare side effect of protonix but this point goes against the fact that the elevation of blood sugar is out of the proportion to the lipase levels a person who has prediabetes may develop full blown diabetes transiently under physiological stress i was trying to understand if you had been tested for diabetes ever and if this blood sugar was obtained in fasting for high blood sugars i would suggest that you try to avoid high carbohydrate diet soda bakery products white bread or pasta and juices hydrate yourself with plenty of water can you please share your symptoms and for how long did you have them please also share if you have been worked up for lupus or autoimmune hepatitis and your entire medication list if you can revert back with the details to an internal medicine physician online > what causes body to stop producing oils i have recently started to have dry peeling and cracked hands and feet my entire body is also dry and scaly my hair is also begining to become dry and brittle it is usually the opposite,dry skin is common as we age but conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can also lead to extremely dry and cracked skin applying a daily moisturizers especially after showering limiting showing time and bathing in warm & not hot water help one major tip is to use skin products that contain petroleum or lanolin these help seal moisture in the skin they also produce a barrier that protects against the loss of natural oils within the skin if the symptoms persist despite these simple tips and a change in your routine it is time to see a dermatologist a history and physical is what a dermatologist will look at to determine the cause occasionally other tests such as a thyroid panel or vitamin d level may be needed is there a cure for congestive heart failure,yes these two very different medications are compatible if taken at the same time for years i have been suffering with itchy toes my toes are currently all inflamed from scratching what can i use,your condition sounds quite complex usually itchy toes are a result of athlete is foot tinea pedis which is a fungal infection you may want to seek advice from an infectious disease specialist who will evaluate you and possibly obtain a biopsy or culture in order to exclude any other underlying medical conditions or ongoing infections i am a 43yr old woman and wonder how often should i be visiting the doctor is i already see a gynecologist yearly and get regular mammograms just wonder if i should be seeing any other doctor is,hi if your healthy i would stay away but then i am british and that is the way we think but you americans do love your yearly check ups for all things so its toss a coin time do i or do not i good luck can stretching of the legs during ballet and exercise increase the size of vaginal openings in a nine year old girl,see a medical provider so that you can be properly examined and treated there is really no way to make a blind determination as to the signficance of this tear fissure based soley on a very brief posting why do vegetables taste so awful if vegetables are so healthy why do they taste so bad i thought taste was our bodies natural way of telling us what we should and should not eat i have always found a majority of vegetables to be unpalatable and try as i might to eat more of them it is a real challenge when i have to force them down my throat i want to eat healthier but i do not want to constantly be eating things i do not like either,it could be that you are a super taster which means you are more likely to taste bitter compounds in vegetables for more on this see this article the key is to try different preparation methods until you find a vegetables you enjoy here are some tips try raw veggies with a dip you like such as ranch or hummus add vegetables like greens cucumber and celery to fruit smoothies a high powered blender is needed for harder vegetables try greens in a salad with fruit nuts and a favorite salad dressing roasting veggies brings out their natural sweetness two of my favorite vegetables to roast are broccoli and cauliflower here are some recipes and tips add vegetables to dishes you already like such as stir fries and casseroles for more tips see this webmd article the key is to experiment until you find enjoyable ways to eat veggies what is the relationship between periodontitis and hiv,hiv patients are at higher risk for periodontitis or inflammation of the gums and underlying bone due to the immune deficiency related to hiv my 4 month old boy is having seizures is eptoin phenytoin the right treatment,cdc does not recommend one flu vaccine over another this includes deciding between trivalent or quadrivalent vaccine or between injection the flu shot or nasal spray vaccine the important thing is to get a flu vaccine every year getting you flu vaccine regardless of which option you choose can be instrumental in protecting you and your loved ones from flu can pneumonia shot cause als,no there is absolutely no medical evidence that a pneumonia vaccine causes als how bad is it to smoke hookah www smokehut co smoke hut is a community marketplace for the buying and selling of handpieps water pipes vapes and hookahs ,i think it is bad to smoke anything the lungs are for air not smoke of any type please be respectful of this wonderful webmd medical site do not post advertising this takes up valuable space for people who have real medical concerns thank you what is snot,snot is the lay term for nasal mucous snot has a well deserved nasty reputation as being disgusting especially when we have a cold but snot actually serves some important purposes such as filtering germs pollen and dust from the air as well as humidifying air before it enters our lungs usually white or clear green or darker yellow snot is not necessarily a sign of infection what common medications should i avoid during my pregnancy,there are so many different medications and we could go for hours if we went through every single one but it really depends on what the area is if it is a case of nasal decongestants or vitamins or things like that there are some that can not and there are some that can but by developing that relationship with your pharmacist getting to know us on a first name basis we will be able to talk to you about anything even prescription products we have data on prescription products about whether or not certain ones are safe to use also we can help call your doctor if you have any other concerns about a prescription you may have been taking before you got pregnant and ask them if they want you to continue with it but talking to your pharmacist developing that relationship that is really the key what is the outlook for someone with hiv or aids,many preventive health services will be covered as required by the law yoga however is not likely to be one of them you can take a look at the 10 essential health benefits insurers are required by law to cover and some additional services plans in your sate may be required to cover at webmd is state pages i have heavy pain in both side of my head that causes dizziness sometimes in my back and neck,the only way to know for sure you are pregnant is with a pregnancy test but there are early symptoms of pregnancy that can alert you to the fact that you may be pregnant and should have a test spotting and cramping breast changes fatigue nausea morning sickness missed period it is important to keep in mind that the symptoms may be caused by other things besides being pregnant so the fact that you notice some of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you are pregnant the only way to tell for sure is with a pregnancy test some women are so attuned to their body and the changes it undergoes with pregnancy that they seem to know from the start they are pregnant other women though have no suspicion they are pregnant until they miss their first period which is perhaps the most widely recognized early sign of pregnancy what can i do to help the burning and itching that comes with a yeast infection i am 16 and i think i have a yeast infection i have never had one so i described the symptoms to my mom redness itching burning and a discharge she said we have to go see the doctor but they did not have appointments until next week she gave me so monistat to aid me for now but it only made it worse my question is what can i do to fight the infection until i see my doctor i have a cold compress on the area and it helped a lot but i want the itchiness to stop altogether,i usally wear cotton panties or go with none just to let it breathe just keep it dry for the most part but when i had a really bad one last year my doctor told me a tip which was the total opposite of what i had been doing she told me to keep a cool damp washcloth over the area while sitting on the toliet after you go and also having an ice pack on the area while laying down it helped a lot and i hope that you are feeling better soon and maybe one of these ideas helped my boyfriend has head trauma there is bruising and redness and possible memory loss,hi if these are the symptoms then definitely he needs a medical consultation see a neurologist get a ct and mri done thanks did i re break my arm i have a proximal humerus break it happened about 9 weeks ago this week was my last appointment my doctor said it was healing well i had full range of motion back and was working on strength and it rarely ever hurt he said i was good to go and do not need to come back then a few days ago i fell and caught myself with both arms when it happened there was pain but it went away quickly and my arm felt fine again slowly it has been hurting more and more did i upset it or did i re break it,yes you can re break an arm but it will take an x ray and a careful examination to make that determination the fact that your arm is hurting more and more each day is an indication that you need to seek hands on medical care while there are many other non fracture reasons for arm pain these cannot be sorted out blindly over the internet what would happen if i took two of my adhd pills to focus better i take 40 mg of vyvanse i am inly supposed to take 1 the title says it all,people have this peculiar idea that more is better when it comes to drugs if one pain reliever pill helps a little bit then 10 pills will help that much more this is definitely faulty logic and it is dangerous when applied to medications you make the assumption that doubling your dose of vyvanse generic name lisdexamfetamine dimesylate will help you focus better than a single pill why do you assume this it is not true in fact doubling your dose of this medication could have serious adverse consequences taking twice as much vyvanse as prescribed could cause you to experience seizures irregular heart beat hyperventilation hallucinations i suggest you take only the dose of medication prescribed to you by a medical expert that seems like the sensible thing to do to me wishing you well i have been switching stimulant medications frequently this last year in order to find something that i could pay for that also was effective the only time i took two pills was when the doctor put me on 20 mg xr generic ritalin i was on 40mg last summer before i got health insurance through my job the first night i missed work because the med did nothing i talked to my doctor the next day and he said take 2 20mg pills since i had been that dose previously the doctor can increase your dose if your current dose is not helping enough also since stimulants are so tightly regulated class 2 controlled substances essentially legal cocaine if you use all of them in less than 30 days you can not get more what are the pros and cons of high deductibles as well as high percentage of co pay,high deductible plans come with lower monthly payments but higher costs when you go for medical care if you are very healthy and rarely go to the doctor these may be a good option for you however if you have a lot of medical needs you may be better off paying a little more each month for fuller coverage when you go for care can i drink diet pills and what pills do you recommend,different diet pills contain different ingredients that have different mechanisms certain ones favor the blocking of absorption via the intestines while others increase the metabolism thus taking care of the excess of calories because of the large offerings available you might want to consult a nutritionist on a specific pill available to you in the end have in mind that dieting is not recommended for people who suffer from certain diseases so you might want to consult your family doctor about being on diet and whether or not it is good for you is it normal to have clear ejaculation its always been clear for as long as i can remember i have recorded myself a few times and it is always clear is that ok,the color of ejaculated semen can be variable among men and can change for ejaculation to ejaculation the color is usually not relevant unless it is bloody if you are trying to conceive it is the content of this semen the sperm that is of primary importance you can only determine the presence of sperm microscopically is there a surgical procedure to remove exess skin from the penis as in a circumcision that did not heal properly when i was 13 my mom took me to the philippines to have me circumcised and ever since then i do not think my penis healed properly as there is some excess skin still hanging off,hi yes you should get another opinion as the area of the swelling is significant it seems to be a neuroma or fibromyoma any swelling in this region should not be neglected get mri and aspiration excisional biopsy to confirm thanks does lithium prevent suicide how about other drugs,actually the only medicine that carries an fda label to reduce the risk of suicidal behavior is clozapine in schizophrenia lithium is thought to reduce the risk of suicidal behavior in people with mood disorders but that is more of a clinical impression on the part of clinicians and not a formal statement in the fda label for lithium it was never really tested specifically for this purpose it is more of an incidental observation that has been noted over the years some researchers also think the anti suicide data with lithium has been overstated and may be more of an artifact that when lithium reduces mood episodes less suicidal acts occur or that when lithium is co administered with other medicines especially antidepressants people stabilize and are less likely to try to hurt themselves a study by researchers at columbia university a couple of years ago compared suicidal behaviors in a large group of bipolar patients who were taking lithium or depakote over several years and found no differences between the two can a yeast infection cause a bright redness from groin past rectum i have a bright red rash under my breasts also very itchy some creams must burn me as i then peel skin off i am assuming the groin and breast rash is the same,yes a yeast infection can do this rather than assume they are both connected you would be wise to see your medical provider for an examination and prescription treatment my daughter is bloated nauseous has sharp pains in her lower abdomen and has not had a period for 4 months,yes it is appearing most probably due to ovarian cysts you should consult a gynaecologist and get her evaluated and an ultrasonography will be done to rule out the cause and treatment will be done accordingly pelvic pain is commonly seen with ovarian cysts and bloating and other symptoms can be due to hormonal imbalances hope this helps what is a good alternative to drinking soda,iced tea and lemonade — together they make a refreshing alternative to the usual soda or alcoholic beverage people order at restaurants besides arnold palmer can not be wrong the arnold palmer is a drink that is comprised of half lemonade and half iced tea apparently this is his beverage of choice after golf games lately i have met a bunch of people who are trying to drink less soda and one alternative offered at many restaurants is the arnold palmer the iced tea cuts the calories in half compared to a 100 percent lemonade drink and the lemonade adds some sweetness and pizazz to unsweetened iced tea your typical arnold palmer made with four ounces of lemonade and four ounces of unsweetened iced tea and gobs of ice contains around * 50 calories * 13 grams of carbohydrates a zero calorie option if you are making this at home is to use sugar free lemonade with the iced tea what surgery options do i have for hepatitis c,oral steroids do not cause hoarseness but they do reduce sinus inflammation which causes post nasal drainage this drainage often very thick can cause swelling and inflammation of your larynx resulting in a raspy sounding voice where can i buy a house in vancouver bc vancouver real estate agent amalia liapis specializes in buying and selling condos homes and townhouses in vancouver downtown kitsilano yaletown coal harbour west end false creek gastown and other areas in greater vancouver ,non medical advertising on this popular medical site takes up valuable space for people who have real medical issues why has my insurance stopped covering prevacid,the quick onset of the problem suggest sustained pressure on your sciatic nerve which is possible if your slim also dvt could cause similar symptoms try first to stand on one leg in warm room for 30 min if that does not work then u should rush to see a vascularity doctor how long does residual sperm live on the penis i had masturbated at about 12pm and i had unprotected sex at about 830 pm should i be worried about my girlfriend getting pregnant,no not if you urinated between the time you masturbated and when you had sex sperm will die as soon as it dries but you want to make sure your pre cum is not carrying any live sperm if you urinate though usually that flushes the urethra still you are playing with fire and asking for trouble at the very least invest in some condoms i am taking metronidazole 500 mg and smztmp ds 800 160 for diverticulitis can i take a pain reliever like tylenol too,if you are experiencing pain or need to take an over the counter pain medication i would recommend that you avoid any nsaids nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen naproxen advil or aleve this class of medications is harsh on the stomach and can increase gi bleeding without you being aware of it i would stick with acetaminophen tylenol to aid in pain relief also consult with your local pharmacist for product selection and with your health care professional about the symptoms you are experiencing and the treatments you have used for the pain how to control my high blood pressure,one possibility would be tinea capitus ringworm of the scalp another possibility could be a small area of alopecia assuming you are not inadvertently pulling out patches of your hair by twisting or nervousness these are the two most common causes of patchy baldness in order to be properly diagnosed and treated you would need to see a medical provider or dermatologist for a careful examination my father had liver transplant enzymes are increasing highly,com ggt is usually elevated in liver transplant recipients that experience good outcomes these paradoxical findings may be explained by the time dependent role of ggt in glutathione metabolism immediate postoperative elevation of ggt may indicate a physiological systemic response while chronic elevation reflects a pathological response alk p enzyme is commonly increased after liver transplant recipients which is normal and research suggests no need for regular analysis of it post transplantation is there a nonsurgical procedure to get rid of the bags under my eyes,a lot depends on how extensive the eye bags are if the underlying causes are medical or from lack of sleep these issues should be addressed first next consider discussing the use of fillers with your dermatologist properly placed fillers along the lower eyelid and cheek junction can mask the presence of eye bags which is worse gonorrhea or trich,the 2010 dietary guidelines allow room for discretionary calories to help satisfy your sweet tooth ten to fifteen percent of calories can be used for sweets and treats as long as you reach your quotas for healthy foods like fruits vegetables low fat dairy lean protein and whole grains if you need 2 000 calories per day you can enjoy almost 300 discretionary calories try to satisfy your sweet tooth with foods and beverages that also contain nutrients you need such as low fat milk with a teaspoon or two of chocolate strawberry or vanilla syrup low fat plain yogurt mixed with fruit honey or low sugar fruit preserves added fresh or dried fruit in cereals whole grain graham crackers or fig bars snack frozen grapes fruit smoothies i presented with pain that started in my shoulder and then progressively worked its way down my arm,thank you my orthopedic said that it wasnt infected and i had a feeling it was i greatly appreciate it i have night sweats can not focus lack of sleep weight loss what is going on,in my opinion first check for tuberculosis if it comes back negative then i recommend you try atarax 10 mg twice a day if it helps then i recommend you see a psychologist good luck how is the hepatitis b virus spread transmitted,those symptoms can be simply due to anaemia have you done a cbc test other possibilities are diabetes i recommend cbc and cortisol tests also how much a 20yr old girl who is 49 88 5 pds is normal or under weight could she get pregnant at this weight n height she always weight the average weights of 88 5 to 99 pounds her whole life is the normal could this be the reason she havent had a baby yet,i do not know how long this person has been trying to conceive but if it has been a year or more of unprotected intercourse attempting to become pregnant it is time for her and her partner to seek the help of a fertility specialist there are dozens of reasons for a couple is failure to conceive size and height may not be playing an important role but general nutrition can be if she is not eating properly or losing weight this can certainly affect fertility does smoking marijuana make a person with acne problem worse,yes it can but it also depends on your skin if you already have oily skin you will most likely be more to getting acne from it if you do not have naturally oily skin you will most likely never notice a difference are there any age advancing toxins in the chemicals that i use to clean my home,protecting your skin from cleaning chemicals in your home is an important and healthy step for your skin toxins can cause irritation and breaks in the skin that can lead to infection for that reason protect your skin with gloves when dealing with chemicals if toxins accidentally come in contact with your skin rinse off immediately if you take ibuprofen red bull benadryl and vitamins can it cause false positive on a drug test,ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let me think about that on for a sec no admitted to hospital with recurring stomach pains would it warrant staying off work,the normal head circumference of a infant at birth is around 34 cms and at the end of 2 years is usually around 50 cms the rate of growth of the head is usually higher in the initial few months after birth and later it slows down as described in your history the findings are well within the normal growth curve and there is no need to be worried if you have any concerns about development of your daughter you may consult a pediatrician for proper physical examination of your daughter and seek proper medical advice i hope this helps how des a man with type ii diabetes bp controlled to 121 and epilepsy deal with ed do i have options,melatonin actually has some data in regards to children dosing anywhere from 2 5 milligrams could be used in a child but once again we want to find out why is the child not sleeping pediatrician should always be consulted first before even starting any types of medications like this it could be related to possibly they are starting school they are anxious maybe they are not sleeping at night because their room is noisy so we have to find out really what are the root causes of the problems rather than go right ahead to medicating them so as a pharmacist i would say to patients you know what let is talk to the pediatrician first and let is see what is going on before we start a child on melatonin you know with most of these products once again we do not really have a lot of data to go by so we do not know long term use in some of these products how it is going to affect the child children are not little adults a lot of people i think are confused by that their livers and their kidneys are not developed like yours and mine so when they get a drug or they get any type of product in them they are going to react a lot differently than we are so we want to make sure that people exercise caution can a cold sore give me genital herpes recently my girlfriend gave me a blowjob she had a cold sore on her lower lip although the sore was completely scabbed over and is almost completely healed she got it two weeks ago and has been using some type of medicine to get it healed the bj lasted 15 seconds and the scab barely touched my penis the sore is not open at all so is there still a high risk of infection whenever we make out when she has a cold sore i never get one and she generally gets them when she is really stressed,there r two types of herpes there r the oral kind and then there is genital kind yes u can get herpes on your genitals from a cold sore but even tho it is herpes on your genitals it is not actually the genital type of herpes it is the oral type actually u can spread each type to each area yes her giving u head with a what looks like mainly healed sore can give u herpes i have kissed a chick with a sore before to and did not get nothing some times your just lucky or perhaps your immune system is working harder and better at times i do not know but u can get on acyclovir twice a day from your doctor it is herpes meds or if u do not have insurance there is a natural pill for it u can get at health stores or what have u called l lysine and take it twice a day and have her take it as well hell even once a day would b good my 13 year old daughter has been having a shooting pain on the top right of her head,probably but there are soooo many variables to consider such as the dosage of your bcps the type and what you meant by a few days early things should straighten out in this next cycle assuming you take them as prescribed what kind of doctor do i need to see if my clavicle did not heal properly,delirium is a form of altered consciousness that occurs in people with medical illnesses or who have dementia in delirium the person is level of consciousness and understanding of her surroundings rises and falls she may be lucid and appropriate for part of the day but be confused and disoriented at other times people who are delirious may be lethargic and “out of it ” agitated and aggressive or somewhere in between delirium most often affects older adults and children infections and medications are probably the most common causes of delirium people with dementia are more likely to become delirious treating the underlying cause such as an infection is the most important treatment for delirium antipsychotic medications can be used to treat delirium re orienting and comforting a delirious person is also often helpful and may reduce the need for antipsychotic medication would a tanning bed help my psoriasis,yes and no the uv rays that are used for tanning or not the same wavelength of the light treatments typically used for psoriasis it could help but in most cases it will not i have only had one depo vera shot but havent had sex since i was on it is it normal to have irregualr periods i had one depo vera shot so it lasted for the duration of 3 months at the end of the 3 months my boyfriend and i broke up so i decided not to get another shot i also did not like the infrequent periods and wanted to switch it is been 2 months since the shot expired and i have not had sex since then i have had my period once with a regular flow now on my next cycle i seem to be spotting is this normal since i had the depo vera shot,the symptoms you have mentioned here are indicating towards a migraine headache however no diagnostic test can surely rule out a migraine its diagnosis is mainly based on the symptoms in a migraine there is no definite pain and pain occurs at any time some people say that a migraine usually occurs on one side of the head and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting but this is not true in all cases the pain can be all over the head and other symptoms might be present or absent i suggest you try doing the following wear sunglasses cover your head with a scarf and use an umbrella whenever you go out in the sun before going outside always drink one glass of water it will keep you hydrated and will help you you can take sandalwood oil and massage your scalp a night before washing your hair avoid excessive intake of tea coffee and caffeinated drinks some foods also increase the problem of headaches so avoid those avoid using perfumes deodorant sprays etc as strong smell may exaggerate the problem avoid stress anxiety and loud noises follow a particular sleep pattern i mean try to sleep daily around the same time if possible try to avoid mobile television laptop etc an hour before sleep as these emit blue light which hinders normal sleep pattern and also promotes headaches pranayam is helpful in headaches so if you can spare 5 to 10 minutes then practice it daily in medications i suggest you try taking the following consult your specialist doctor discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines after their consent pathyadi kwath 15 to 20 ml with an equal amount of water twice a day for six weeks godanti bhasma 250 mg with water twice a day for four to six weeks it is an ayurvedic painkiller shir shuladi vajra ras two tablets twice a day with water for four to six weeks this ayurvedic medicine is also a painkiller and is used in headaches of various etiology if you find it tedious to take multiple medicines then you can take only one of these two painkillers or can take two of them for one month kamdudha ras 250 mg twice a day with water for four to six weeks it will help in cooling you down internally take anu taila and put one drop of this oil in each nostril once a day for one month take powder of sandalwood camphor and jatamansi and mix all in equal amount and add water or rose water and apply this paste on the forehead while you have a headache take one teaspoon of coriander powder and add it in one cup of water and keep it for a night drink it early in the morning on an empty stomach if you are taking allopathic medicine then take above medicine along with that after consulting your physician however for a migraine there is no curative treatment it can only i burned my arm with steam it did not hurt until now witch is two days later what else besides aloe should i be using,depending on how bad the burn is you may want to buy silvadene over the counter it is used for burns anxiety is every day of my life rarely i do get a small break without anxiety it has been 10 years,the most important piece of information that i need to know is how old is the child and how much does he weigh i will also need to know what other medications you may have given him i would recommend tylenol or an acetaminophen product to start for the headache i would also ask a few more questions about the sinus pressure to define it more benadryl is ok but i would probably recommend a claritin or zyrtec type product because they work longer and have less side effects is it safe to take buspar and drink alcohol,caution should be the watchword here any med taken with alcohol can be a problem because almost all meds have to go through the liver to be broken down and that is exactly where the alcohol goes too so there is a fight in the liver for passage and because of this the med builds up in your system since it can not be broken down the result is something like a massive dose of the med and this has consequences it is never a good idea to drink alcohol when you are taking any type of psychotropic med some of them can have extremely bad effects but not everyone is aware enough of this the best advice is to avoid alcohol i am having a few pumbs in my ginital area and i am not really sure what are these hello since 4 monthes i had a few pumbs in my ginital area and i went to the doctor and he immidiately said these are genetal warts and he burn them couple of months later another pumds appeared again and i went to another doctor and she said that what i have is something else she put a midicin on them and burn them again now i am having some of these bumps again can u help me please,hi the problem here is its a visual thing and i cant see these bumps or pimples so really its all down to your doctor or try a sexual healthgum clinic this could be best for you as this is what they dill with all the time ok good luck after going through chemotherapy for five years i now experience burning in my mouth how can relieve these symptoms i also have an acidic taste in my mouth all the time this causes me great distress,chemotherapy knocks out the saliva glands saliva lubricates the teeth and protects against acid decay and gum disease when the saliva is diminished bacteria can run wild and cause the symptoms you described see a dentist asap because there are solutions salivary stimulants extra artificial saliva and fluoride supplements can all be excellent aides in combating your problems if a woman is not overweight does she still need to exercise and if so what benefits will she gain,to help protect against chronic illnesses like heart disease diabetes and some cancers including breast cancer experts say every woman should have a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate activity like walking dancing or bike riding most days of the week regular exercise can also help lower blood pressure keep bones and joints healthy reduce anxiety and depression help promote good sleep and control pain from arthritis my husband has alztimersdementia he is having difficulty taking his medicine pills he spitts them out what can i do he takes glipiside glucatrol aracent namenda atorvastatin baby asprin lovasa he needs his meds but he wont take them most days he has trouble swallowing them i tried to crush them but he get angry and spits out help,medical schools all have their standard requirements for undergraduate classes you can major in pre med biology or even some of the social sciences as long as you have met the minimum course requirements to apply for admission four years of college first four years of medical school next then you have to find a residency in dermatology and do another 2 or so more years then you pass the dermatology boards and you are ready to go what are common warts,common warts are local growths in the skin that are caused by human papillomavirus hpv infection although they are considered to be contagious it is very common for just one family member to have them in addition they often affect just one part of the body such as the hands or the feet without spreading over time to other areas i am a competitive gymnast with osgood sclatters disease – it is spreading,i am sorry to hear what you went through mrsa can be a very nasty bug indeed as you probably know but for the benefit of others reading this response mrsa stands for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureas this bacterium is resistant to treatment by many antibiotics thankfully vancomycin still works to kill it i understand your concern about the infection coming back you are not being paranoid in thinking this way usually the iv vancomycin treatment completely eradicates the bug but not always here are things you should watch for fever over 101 3f localized heat in any joint but especially on the finger or hand where the mrsa originally was colonized localized swelling especially on the originally affected hand swollen hot angry red tissue especially on the originally affected hand any of those signs should send you quickly back to your treating physician while i noted you should mainly focus your attention on the hand that was originally infected do not ignore other limbs basically if you get any weird symptoms whether around your knee or in the opposite arm or whatever you should check back with your healthcare provider also if your physician agrees it would not hurt to have your sed sedimentation rate monitored for awhile this blood test basically measures inflammation in your body people with a serious infection like mrsa have an elevated sed rate in some people who have had mrsa the sed rate remains elevated for a long time and it is nothing to worry about but it is a test infectious disease professionals routinely look at in people who have or had mrsa chances are you will never have a problem with mrsa again but you are wise to stay vigilant for awhile and if you ever decide to have joint replacement surgery pacemaker implantation or any surgery that puts hardware into your body be sure to mention your mrsa history to your surgeon wishing you well my penis is shriveled up head yellow shaft dark i am 15 an hour ago i pulled down my pants and my penis was shriveled up the head was yellowish and the shaft is stiff i am not hard though and the shaft is dark almost kinda purple i can not get hard and my testicals are hanging low and kinda hurt i have been feeling sick the last two days i am 15 please help,i cannot diagnose you blindly over the internet so i would strongly suggest that you inform your parents immediately of your findings and concerns you need to see a medical provider for a proper examination do you have any information about why a child female age does not wipe her butt when she poops,only if your tmj and knee pain is both caused by a type of arthritis otherwise most clinicians would consider them to be separate problems is low blood pressure bad for your health,you could but it might make you very drowsy because both benadryl and alka seltzer plus cold do that there is not any interaction with the tylenol though the alka seltzer plus cold has aspirin in it you would be taking 2 pain relievers and 2 antihistamines alka seltzer plus cold effervescent tablets sparkling original has aspirin pain reliever fever reducer chlorpheniramine maleate antihistamine phenylephrine bitartratenasal decongestant here is what i found in the interaction checker significant monitor closely potential for interaction alka seltzer plus cold oral + benadryl allergy oral benadryl allergy oral increases and alka seltzer plus cold oral decreases sedation and drowsiness significant monitor closely potential for interaction alka seltzer plus cold oral + benadryl allergy oral alka seltzer plus cold oral and benadryl allergy oral both increase sedation and drowsiness diagnosed with central sleep apnea can treatment cause cause pulmonary hypertension,no an itchy ear is likely to be a problem in the external ear canal not a healing eardrum however the drainage from the rupture could have caused some inflammation resulting in some itching keep things out of your ears especially q tips if you are a q tip user removing the protective earwax can make you ears more prone to infections and yes itching until your eardrum is totally healed it is not a good idea to get water in it either i frequently get horrible headaches out of no where when i get up in morning i always feel light headed nauseous over the last two years i have been experiencing sudden awful headaches where my vision becomes blurry and no pain relievers or anything seem to help my doctor said could be migranes but has not done anything to determine weather or not that is the case any suggestions on other things to try to reduce this problem or if i should seek different medical attention,simply your vertebral bones in the neckbregion are pressing on your nerves which causes you this groupbof symptoms what i really recommend you، physiotherapy and exercise modification immediately beside antiinflammatory drugs and pain killers at the same time can putting baby oil in your hair andor on your scalp help repair damaged hair,coating your hair with oil silicone or dimethicone based products can certainly help replace the shine that may be lost with excessive chemical processing however it will only last until the next shampoo the best way to repair the hair permanently is to allow it to grow in without using any harsh treatments how to deal with vaginal discharge i am 16 had my period since 11 been on birth control since 13 i had my period a little over a week ago and have taken a week and a half of pills the past week i have had a vaginal discharge everyday multiple times from what i have looked up its normal and not an infection it is not possible for me to be pregnant and i have not been horny or anything so that is unrelated as well i am just wondering why this has started now out of no where and how do i take care of it,hi if your discharge is clear or with some colouring then yes its normal and some women do get excess all very natural to have but if this discharge is like cottage cheese and with a whiff of being fishy then that is bv bacterial vaginosis now this you do not want so its either off to your drug store and ask for otc meds for it or off to your doctor for help there or you can try the natural way read through these links just copy them one at a time into google to the www to open and read do hope something here helps you good luck does lipitor increase your blood sugar,hi it does not look serious as your investigations are all normal continue with the management as advised by your physician hope you get well soon regards how can gastroesophageal reflux disease gerd be prevented,symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease gerd such as heartburn can be uncomfortable or even painful you may be able to prevent these symptoms by making lifestyle changes such as losing weight if needed not smoking not using alcohol and avoiding certain foods that cause gerd symptoms such as chocolate some medicines may cause reflux and heartburn as a side effect if medicines you are taking seem to be the cause of your heartburn talk with your doctor do not stop taking a prescription medicine until you talk with your doctor webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated my adderall is no longer working for me help asap i have taken adderall for about five years now we tried vyvanse and it gave me nightmares as time has gone on they have had to up my dose of i am currently prescribed to take 1 30 mg adderall xr in the morning 2 hours later a 10 mg of regular adderall and 2 hours after that to take another 10 mg regular adderall i am a full time college student stopped working all together can not concentrate or stay awake it used to work for me great but not anymore sorry had to shorten,there are no specific foods that would improve erections but when you life a healthy lifestyle eat well exercise regularly and do not smoke or excessively use alcohol your body will achieve a higher states of wellness and with that wellness will come healthy erections erectile difficulties can be very complex and have multiple causes there may be some underlying medical or even psychological reasons so a consultation with a health care professional would be advisable my husband currently has shingles how can i prevent myself and 2 year old from getting it,shingles can occur in many areas of the body if the outbreak is on his chest back abdomen etc where it can be easily covered by clothing the risk of transfer will not be very high if it is on his face then more caution against direct skin to skin contact should be exercised assuming that he is currently under treatment usually with an oral anti viral medication this will also reduce the chance of spreading it to others your two year old is vulnerable assuming they had a varicella chicken pox vaccination at age one if not exposure to shingles can actually give an unimmunized person chicken pox for you assuming you had chicken pox as a child or the vaccine you are also vulnerable from direct skin to skin contact do the best that you can without treating your husband like a leper not everyone who is exposed will even get it but a few simple precautions like covering the area with clothing will help female age 5 diagnosed with normocytic anemia what can cause this,in her age it is mainly congenital but i need you to check her for thyroiditis u said enlaged tonsils may be it is not tonsilitis could be thyroiditis from an infection if it is not then i am sorry to say it is congenital good luck at what point does low blood pressure become critical my 97 yr old mom is pressure was 5080,a blood pressure of 5080 is not possible i suggest that you try and find the correct numbers can therapeutic oils help with pneumonia,no high thyroid level is surgery or nuclear medicine better,hi for better results surgery is anytime better if performed precisely and accurately it has good prognosis thanks is it unusual for a spouse to lose interest in all sex after not having sex for at least 25 years i am 61 years old,no it is not unusual it would be wise for your spouse to see a medical provider so that the various reasons there are many can be investigated if your spouse is a male you did not state your own sex you may have to drag him to the doctor men are very very stubborn how can i get the confidence to make myself healthier and fit i am a die hard procrastinating chocolate loving fiend with two kids under two my esteem confidence and emotions have been at rock bottom for some time i have no problem with motivation while working out in fact i exercise so hard it feels like the pressure from my blood is gonna cause my teeth to explode why can not i seem to get a grip i am not asking for a pat on my deriere or a shoulder to cry on maybe an unconventional method perhaps,baby 8 pounds placenta 2 to 3 pounds amniotic fluid 2 to 3 pounds breast tissue 2 to 3 pounds blood supply 4 pounds fat stores for delivery and breastfeeding 5 to 9 pounds uterus increase 2 to 5 pounds total 25 to 35 pounds what is the treatment for toxoplasmosis,once the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is confirmed the patient and doctor should discuss whether treatment is necessary in an otherwise healthy person who is not pregnant treatment is not needed symptoms will usually go away within a few weeks for pregnant women or people who have weakened immune systems drugs are available to treat the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis can you get shingles in the lungs,postural hypotension is a common cause of an episode of temporary loss of consciousness or feelings of lightheadedness postural hypotension results from changing body position from a prone supine or sitting position to a more vertical position normally blood tends to pool in the legs due to gravity when a person stands up potentially reducing the amount of blood available to return to the heart nerves to the blood vessels in the legs normally act to compensate for this pooling by constricting thus sending blood away from the leg veins and toward the heart however poor tone of the nerves to blood vessels in the legs can cause this mechanism to fail resulting in a disproportionate distribution of blood to the legs instead of returning to the circulation so the brain receives less oxygen as a result a person feels lightheaded and may even faint where can i find coupons for nicotine patches,in my opinion you should apply ice elevation compression also use anti inflammatory you need to move you fingers along bones to check for any fracture any blue black coloration or lose if sensation you notice means you take her to the hospital either she wants or not x ray will be quick just to be safegood luck my son is 14 and weighs 140 lbs i was wondering if it was normal for him to not want to eat much,this is a good question there is a lot of emphasis today on children being overweight we know now it can lead to problems early on such as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels in adolescence webmd offers this handy body mass index bmi calculator for parents to help you determine if your child is at a healthy weight you will need to know your son is height in order to use the calculator keep in mind that weight and bmi are only two tools to use to determine whether or not your child is healthy your son needs to eat a balanced diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits lean proteins healthy fats like olive oil and whole grains your child can have a normal bmi but if all his calories come from fast food he may still be considered malnourished you sound like a great mom for taking such an interest in your child is health i suggest you check out webmd is health and parenting center where you will find lots of great tips on raising healthy kids along with a community of other parents to interact with hope this helps rectal exam…you have cancer,i had hot grease pop and burn my stomach last year it hurt really bad and made a nasty blister that was quite red for some time i went to the local pharmacy and they recommended using a silver ointment can not remember the name of it until the blister healed after that my nutritionist told me to use a cream she would given me to use after a surgery i had for melanoma i had a huge ugly scar on my shoulder blade at base of my neck i used the cream a couple times a day for a while several weeks i still apply it occasionally if you could see the huge incision i had and the terrible looking scar that was forming you would be amazed at how good it looks now most people do not even know it is there unless i point it out anyway i decided that if it worked that good on my terrible surgery scar i would try it on my stomach where i had the burn you can not even see where the burn was now it might be worth trying i am sorry i have never used the no scars cream you mentioned so not sure how that one works i can give you the name of the one i used and you can look it up online and see what the ingredients are and compare it is called edap and the company is vitaminerals inc you can not get it in stores so you would have to order online or find a doctor who carries it does not require prescription but they do not sell it in stores good luck hope you are able to find something that works for you will using an alcohol wipe to clean the test area before blood glucose testing affect the result,hi repeat the tuberculin skin test if it is still negative then you have no t b then it was just a minor illness my opinion test was done too early to be conclusive good luck pregnant 8 weeks started bleeding no pain after transvaginal ultrasound normal,hi if this infection is not respondint to routine antibiotics then either ur immunity levels are too low or these are mrsa organisms a culture sensitivity test on the infected material and starting the appropriate antibiotic preferably intravenous form should be given thanks symptoms are similar to angina tests all ok doctors are stumped could it be coronary microvascular disease,unless your friends are psychiatrists i would not trust their diagnosis of you being crazy i cannot give an medical explanation as to why your elbow cyst causes you to have neck spasm but i can tell you that nerves from the neck do go to your elbow area see your medical provider so you can have this so called weird cyst properly diagnosed i had blood in my semen twice do i have cancer or something serious about a week ago there was a very small amount of blood in my semen now about a week later it happened again im 33 in good health i havent sustained any injuries to my groain im going to see a urologist next week but im paranoid i do urinate frequently but have for years now and have been told that there is nothing wrong with me by 3 different urologists,blood in the semen is often seen by urologists because the male genital tract is so vascular rich in blood supply there may be many different reasons why you would see a small amount of blood the problem could be distal the penis area or the prostate less commonly it could be an infection in the epididymis the sperm collecting area while cancer is always a less common possibility this is something that your urologist will carefully rule out my fourth toe has been amputated is surgery possible to bring the remaining toes together,should be done only for cosmetic purpose better to avoid such surgeries as they have horrible results can transplant be considered for someone whose kidneys have not yet failed,hi transplant is always the last option even if the kidneys fail the serum urea and creatinine levels if go extremely high then only transplant is recommended dialysis is a better option thanks when do i see my doctor if i have daily heartburn and sore throat,assuming that your sore throat is caused by acid reflux i would advise that you consult your medical provider now not all cases of heartburn are due to reflux and not all reflux treatments are appropriate for everyone your doctor may need to do run a few diagnostic tests before prescribing a patient specific treatment regime i have got pimples all over my face i changed my dermatologist twice since they proved me of no help,if after the surgery also the breasts size is not the same then it will not get better on its own as well as now the tenderness must have subsided so my suggestion is that you should consult a plastic surgeon or a cosmetic surgeon and get evaluated so that they can perform either breast reduction surgery of the left breast or augmentation of the right breast to make them symmetrical hope this information helps regards can somebody post some videos of masturbation so i can get a visual idea of how i should do it it would help alot,i am very sorry but it would not be appropriate or tasteful for webmd to post a how to masturbate video hi sorry just found this post of yours it would help to know if your male or female but if your a female just go to www dodsonandross com on here your find loads of help from dr betty dodson she is the queen of female masturbation and a guru of how to orgasm she runs life class is in ny and around the states showing women just how to if you a male you could still find some help on there if not just post to dr betty dodson she will point you in the right direction hope this helps if a wee bit late still better late then never good luck hi see answer above what is aerobic exercise,imagine that you are exercising you are working up a sweat you are breathing hard your heart is thumping blood is coursing through your vessels to deliver oxygen to the muscles to keep you moving and you sustain the activity for more than just a few minutes that is aerobic exercise any activity that you can sustain for more than just a few minutes while your heart lungs and muscles work overtime the beginning it all starts with breathing the average healthy adult inhales and exhales about 7 to 8 liters of air per minute once you fill your lungs the oxygen in the air air contains approximately 20 oxygen is filtered through small branches of tubes called bronchioles until it reaches the alveoli the alveoli are tiny sacs they kind of look like bunches of grapes and you have about 300 000 000 in each lung where oxygen diffuses enters into the blood from there it is a beeline direct to the heart getting to the heart of it the heart has four chambers that fill with blood and pump blood two atria and two ventricles and some very large and active coronary arteries because of all this action the heart needs a fresh supply of oxygen and as you just learned the lungs provide it once the heart uses what it needs it pumps the blood the oxygen and other nutrients out through the large left ventricle and through the circulatory system to all the organs muscles and tissue that need it a whole lot of pumping going on your heart beats approximately 60 80 times per minute at rest 100 000 times a day more than 30 million times per year and about 2 5 billion times in a 70 year lifetime every beat of your heart sends a volume of blood along with oxygen and many other life sustaining nutrients circulating through your body the average healthy adult heart pumps about 5 liters of blood per minute oxygen consumption and muscles all that oxygen being pumped by the blood is important you may be familiar with the term oxygen consumption in science it is labeled vo 2 or volume of oxygen consumed it is the amount of oxygen the muscles extract or consume from the blood and it is expressed as mlkgminute milliliters per kilogram of body weight muscles are like engines that run on fuel just like an automobile that runs on fuel only our muscles use fat and carbohydrates instead of gasoline oxygen is a key player because once inside the muscle it is used to burn fat and carbohydrates for fuel to keep our engines running the more efficient our muscles are at consuming oxygen the more fuel we can burn the more fit we are and the longer we can exercise what should i do if i have gastroenteritis,the good news is that most cases of gastroenteritis go away on their own especially if caused by a virus says jay solnick md professor of medicine and an infectious disease specialist at the university of california davis school of medicine for nausea and vomiting stick to the so called convalescence diet clear liquids says david burkhart md a staff physician at the indiana university health center in bloomington also consider oral rehydration solutions such as pedialyte they have a balance of salts and sugars he says forget sports drinks burkhart says some have too much salt or too many carbs the big thing is avoiding dehydration with gastroenteritis says jason dees do a family physician in new albany miss and a member of the board of director of the american academy of family physicians he advises avoiding anti diarrheals to give the body time to heal itself i just found out i am pregnant i currently take topamax for my migraine control can i continue my medication,hi have you thought of doing a pregnancy test would save all the guessing job done good luck what types of food should you eat when diagnosed with shingles my partner has shingles and i have never had chickenpox nor have i been vaccinated for chickenpox should i be around him and how long should i stay away what steps do to disinfect his home,keloid scars do happen in some people more than others and it typically is a genetic potential that makes you prone to that what we use to treat keloids are a combination of two things often simply cortisone injections into the scars themselves over time it takes a few treatments usually done at four six week intervals will help flatten those scars there will still be a scar but it will be smoother and flatter the other thing that we can use is a pulsed dye laser that targets the blood vessel in the scar and helps it flatten so those two sometimes used together can help that area heal and become smoother softer and flatter more quickly over time you may have to repeat the treatment because sometimes keloids reform over time but typically after a few treatments you will see the area get better and then maybe once a year or so you will have to retreat my son is 23 yrs old he is underweight tonight he fell unconscious i am asking for advice and assistance please my son is 23 yrs old he is underweight tonight he fell unconscious i am asking for advice and assistance please,the only advice that i can give you is to have your son see a medical professional someone who can take a detailed medical history perform an examination and order some essential diagnostic tests there is really nothing that can be done blindly over the internet to get to the bottom of this complex issue as a concerned parent see that it happens what is a heart murmur,are you taking probiotics to replace lost good bacteria in the digestive track are you sure that you are not getting any wheat or gluten in vitamins supplements or even skin care products you also have to be careful with condements and soups hopefully you are following the golden rule of if it does not make the claim on the label to be gluten free you can not trust it i had a kidney stone removed is there a stone still moving in kidney,hi yes these symptoms are of a moving calculus 5 mm calculus is not much of an issue u can drink plenty of water and it will get washed away soon the pain under the ribs may have stopped because the stone has started moving out of the kidney as it will progress downwards the pain will go to flanks and groin area take anti spasmodic tablets if the pain is more thanks is it possible to have a broken bone in my foot and still be able to walk i hit my 2nd toe on the shower ledge severely 3 months ago the area under the toenail became black and eventually the nail came off at the time i had pain but no noticeable swelling or discoloring there is still pain when i walk which worsens depending on the shoes i am wearing at times the pain is enough to cause a limp but i have not let it stop me from doing my work could the pain be simply a lingering result of the stubbed toe or is it possible i broke a bone when i hit the toe,chickenpox is a common illness that causes an itchy rash and red spots or blisters pox all over the body it is most common in children but most people will get chickenpox at some point in their lives if they have not had the chickenpox vaccine chickenpox usually is not serious in healthy children but it can cause problems for pregnant women newborns teens and adults and people who have immune system problems that make it hard for the body to fight infection after you have had chickenpox you are not likely to get it again but the virus stays in your body long after you get over the illness if the virus becomes active again it can cause a painful viral infection called shingles webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated how can i deal with my fibromyalgia at work,do not panic if you are told that your mammogram is abnormal or that there is a spot on your mammogram an abnormal mammogram does not mean you have cancer the overwhelming majority of abnormal mammograms are caused by benign harmless processes in some cases it may just be an area of thicker or more dense breast tissue a cyst or a benign lump such as a fibroadenoma when a mammogram detects a suspicious area the patient may be advised to obtain further mammograms of that area to have an ultrasound or other imaging study of the breast to see a specialist in diseases of the breast this is usually a general surgeon or to have a biopsy performed of the suspicious area a breast biopsy is the removal of a piece of breast tissue for examination under a microscope the biopsy can be performed surgically in which an incision is made and the area removed or it can be done as a stereotactic core biopsy stereotactic core biopsy is a technique of removing samples of the suspicious area without the need for traditional surgery in this technique the doctor with the aid of a special mammography machine and a computer can identify precisely the abnormality in the breast and then obtain very thin core samples of breast tissue with a special needle this biopsy test is done with only a local anesthetic in the area of the needle puncture and is generally painless fortunately most breast biopsies give benign results while mammography is not sufficiently accurate to diagnose or exclude breast cancer alone it is currently the best method available to screen for breast cancer since its more widespread routine use breast cancers are found when they are significantly smaller and more curable more women are surviving breast cancer as a result of mammography and early cancer treatment continued use of routine mammography should be encouraged until a better alternative in breast cancer detection has been found what causes ulcerative colitis,the cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown studies suggest that this and other inflammatory bowel diseases may result from an abnormal response by the body is immune system to normal intestinal bacteria 1 disease causing bacteria and viruses also may play a role in causing the condition ulcerative colitis can run in families some people may have a genetic tendency to have it webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated why would a 13 yr old athletic male have a slow heart rate,there may be two reasons one reason would be that he is in great shape runners tend to have slower heart rates 50 60 bpm so if he is a runner in good shape this could account for a slower and stronger heart rate unfortunately another reason could be a hidden cardiac problem i do not know how slow his heart rate is or if his heart rate is regular skipping beats etc so it would be wise for him to have a sports clearance by his medical provider or even a cardiologist this would be for your son is own protection is it okay to train my abdominals every day of the week,although the abdominal muscles are resistant to fatigue it is important to give every muscle group a day to rest between workouts the american college of sport medicine recommends resting at least 48 hours between muscle groups before working that same group again diabetic man had leg injury antibiotics not working,i do have this symptoms occasionally with some serious pain in my gums and then it disappears i consulted my doctor about this and he told me to that it could result from the medication i was taken to threat the sinus ailment thanks i have a really bad oder coming from my vagina even after i washed it,hi you seem to be suffering from vitamin and calcium deficiency leading to overall low immunity eat plenty of fruits green leafy vegetables protein supplements will help methycobal calcium tablets with analgesics can be used temporarily depending on symptoms thanks im scared i have a boil and i have diabetes and i dont want to get sick,it would not be prudent or even possible to determine if someone was experiencing a stroke blindly over the internet strokes are unilateral one sided and severe daily foot or leg cramping are not signs one would experience these symptoms could indicate vascular problems or even neurological disorders however so they deserve a complete evaluation by your medical provider expect some diagnostic tests including blood tests and perhaps a low back x ray or doppler imaging studies of your lower extremities if your medical provider feels these tests are necessary never underestimate the wisdom of your bodies to give us warning signs so please do not ignore these symptoms can antibiotic affect the outcome of hiv test,viagra has not been clinically proven to be effective for women as it is for men it also has not been approved by the fda for use by women if you are having issues with sexual desire or arousal you should really consult your ob gyn to find out what may be causing these issues it could be hormonal or stress related either way your physician will have better alternatives secondly imported medications from other countries are not recommended be cautious buy the blue pills world is best reliable online pharmacy our resource offers the fastest and most convenient way of dispensing medicine to our customers at www buythebluepills com or call at +1 609 747 5517 i need health insurance by jan 1 but it is going to take longer than that to work out how much assistance i will get can i get a policy now and pay the full premium then after i get my assistance set up get a refund or credit for the extra money i paid for the premium to that point,if you are applying for coverage through healthcare gov the amount of financial assistance for which you are eligible will be determined during the enrollment process but perhaps you are referring to some other type of assistance it is not clear from your question in order to buy a subsidized plan through your state is insurance exchange you must enroll by no later than march 31 2014 any plan you buy today that is outside of the exchange will be your responsibility to pay for and you will not receive a refund once you sign up for a plan through healthcare gov i cut my finger and may have been exposed to hiv should i be tested,because you are advancing your diet it could be a normal transition as long as it does not last but only your doctor will know for sure i would stay in close contact with your doctor about your bowel movements and what that means for your treatment and diet moving forward in terms of solid food a soft diet is the easiest on the gastrointestinal system because it contains little fiber the normal transition is moving from liquids to soft to regular i have had an ear ache for over 24 hours i actually cried myself to sleep last night from the sharp pain please help things tried ibuprofen did nothing at all benadryl also did nothing at all hot cloth hot shower no relief hyland is eardrops nothing,if you have a true allergy to sulfa medications then lasix may not be for you it does contain sulfa product if you have difficulty breathing or your airways feel like they are closing off or a rash has developed specifically on the trunk of the body then you should stop taking this medication immediately and consult with your pharmacist and health care provider it is important to differentiate between allergies to medications and side effects if you have experienced intolerable side effects to medications containing sulfa products that does not mean you are allergic work with you local pharmacist and physician to re evaluate this situation and to make sure you are taking medication that is appropriate for you my daughter is an enrolled american indian from nebraska but lives in new york state and attends columbia university where does she find information on the exceptions for american indians and the aca in new york can she speak to someone directly who will be helpful in this regard,yes it is a good idea to call the marketplace in new york which is called new york state of health here is the link to the website where you will find contact information i have had trouble climbing my 16 step stairs at home doctor checkups ok,talk to the the manager of the pharmacy and bring those pills with you whens the earliest to tell if your pregnant i have been feeling very sick to my stomach at different times of the day and getting sleepy at weird times also feel like have very little energy it is been probably about three weeks since we had sex and for about a week now i have felt like this and i do not know what to do,with an ultra sound they can tell at about 2 12 weeks with a test it can pick up as early as 4 weeks girlfriend in pain lower right abdomen pinching pain vomiting occasional reddish urine sudden sharp pain at first okay so my girlfriend recently had this sharp pain in her lower right abdomen area around the illeumappendix area and it goes from the right lower side all the way across to the lower left abdomen it started off as a sudden and sharp pain out of nowhere she was barely able to walk or sitlay down comfortably her urine was reddish a few days ago when it first happened but has not been odd lately just tonight she started vomiting and said she had been nauseous on and off all day,hi do not just sit there with her er asap best way good luck how soon after exposure to the flu virus do symptoms appear i went to work wed feeling great my boss was very ill with flu symptoms we share computers and phones 7 hours into the job i started feeling tired and weak it was a slow day so i went home that night i had chills and was very tired the next day i could barely get up i moved from the bed to the couch today is sunday i feel worse today than on thursday i am 63 and had the flu shot in oct,it takes approximately 24 48 hours for initial symptoms to appear after exposure to the influenza virus if you suspect you have the flu seek medical treatment quickly tamiflu if taken within the first 48 hours of symptoms occurring can reduce the time it takes to heal and can reduce symptoms i am african american and have alopecia would using rogaine for men help my hair to grow faster and is it safe,rogaine minoxidil can be effective if there is no scarring and the follicles are intact rogaine for men is more effective but some of the product is absorbed into the body and can cause increased unwanted hair growth in areas such as the chin or other areas of the face debilitating back pain unable to do anything tests show connective tissue disease,connective tissue diseases are actually a group of medical diseasese it is any disease that has the connective tissues of the body as a primary target of pathology many connective tissue diseases feature abnormal immune system activity with inflammation in tissues as a result of an immune system that is directed against one is own body tissues autoimmunity i̇t is not always a cause of death it is a cause of limitation that can be lived with by taking meducations and physiotherapy if needed see a rheumatologist regards stage 2 throat and neck cancer undergoing chemo and radiotherapy need second opinion,in my opinion spread to the brain is unlikely but its size can increase and cause pressure on brain unfortunately prognosis is bad chemo and radio are the only option you are describing high spread which suggest surgery is no longer an option however you can ask your doctor to remove parts of it to regain breathing and talking also to reduce pressure on the back of his head i am very sorry but i have seen a similar case where chemo and radio only stoped the progress stay strong good luck do green orange and red peppers contribute to the formation of kidney stones,what you have can be caused by rash bacteria being spread to you by the following things one person with the rash uses a towel and you use it or you wear the same clothes that the person with the rash is wearing this can be healed by aloe cream or soap use while you are in or out of the shower if the rash is extremely painful or if it does not go away you have to make sure you get to a doctor or seek medical attention but the best thing for you to do is to use aloe especially if you have an acne rash on your wounded area but you should know that these rashes are very contagious and if you come in contact with the infected area then you can get infected with the same rash i believe i will qualify for medicaid but i would prefer to buy a better health insurance plan will i still be eligible for financial assistance on private plans,if you qualify for medicaid those are the plans you will be offered if you decide instead to buy a different type of plan you will be required to pay its full cost consumers do not have the opportunity to choose the tye of financial assistance they accept can a woman get cervical cancer from a genital wart on a male if a man has a form of hpv which is a small wart on the penis can he give the hpv to a woman who could then contract cervicalvaginal cancer from the wart,yes that is exactly what happens and why both men and women need the hpv vaccine before they start having sex and why couples who are not monogamous should always use a condom hpv is the main cause of cervical cancer and men with hpv are causing it my eldest son is on meds for strep and my youngest child is just now showing symptoms would i be okay to take him out over the past month or so we have had strep run through our house twice for my eldest and once for my other sons and me my youngest son has the classic white spots on his throat but no fever i have called our doctor and he is supposed to call in an antibiotic i need to know is it okay to take him out to the store church etc even if he is on antibiotics and not running a fever how long should i keep him inside the house,hi the medicines that you are taking seem to be causing this problem i dont see any other reason for these symptoms at your age to be on safer side you can get your urine checked for any infection or signs of early stones these also may cause high frequency of urination u can stop the medicines you have been taking and see if it improves thanks i had severe pain 4 hours after having sex went to the er and was diagnosed with dyspareunia is this really what i have the pain is not so much during sex but afterwards and its moderate to severe,hi is this x ray 8 years ago if yes you have malunioned fibula fracture causing osteoarthritis in contact with ankle joint inflamation on lateral outside aspect of ankle can cause numbness as it is close to anterior tibial nerve the tibial nail and screws have nothing to do with your pain i recommend physical therapy or surgical reconstruction of fibula good luck what are the chances of getting pregnant if you had unprotected sex then get your period 2 days later,hi the chances should be zilch nothing as this is known as the safe period if you was catholic you would know why good luck what should i know about going off the pill and getting pregnant,i do not believe that any company or school can require an hiv test prior to hiring or enrollment a drug test absolutely but not an hiv test without your expressed permission companies and schools do not have a right to private medical information but if you are hiv positive i would strongly suggest that you be under the care of an hiv specialist how is spondylolisthesis and stenosis affected by exercise and what restrictions are necessary,spondylolisthesis is a condition where one vertebra slips forward over an adjacent vertebra it typically occurs in the lumbar spine and is the result of an injury to or degeneration of one or both of the facet joints of the bone facet joints help support the weight of the spine and control movement extension flexion and twisting symptoms of spondylolisthesis although not present in everyone it depends on the degree of slippage can include pain in the low back thighs or legs pain is due to inflammation of the facet joint or compression impingement or shear forces on a disc the condition is also associated with muscle spasms weakness and tightness low back and hamstrings exercises that emphasize proper body mechanics and stabilize the spine during movements like flexion and extension and stretches for the low back and hamstrings should be prescribed pelvic tilts abdominal crunches with legs on a chair leg raises with knees bent and abdominal muscles contracted the bent knee is lifted and gluteal piriformis and hamstring stretches can all be helpful proper ergonomics while seated at a desk proper posture while standing and safe lifting technique should all be taught exercises to avoid are forward bending without the knees bent and abdominals tight bending forward while twisting and any other movement that causes pain exercises should be individualized depending on the symptoms type and grade of spondylolisthesis no exercises should be performed if the individual has symptoms and exercises that cause pain should be stopped immediately you should speak with your client is doctor before you prescribe any exercises and i recommend that you become familiar with the anatomy and biomechanics of the injury as well as the effects of different exercises on the spine could my 5 12 month old is stuffy nose be caused by a cold or allergies,young babies in day care or preschool can get colds around 3 to 10 times per year with each cold lasting up to 2 or 3 weeks which may feel like all the time they can certainly start getting sick even at a month or two of age virus infections may also happen when a baby is teething it is unusual however for babies to have allergies before 9 months of age and some experts feel kids do not have seasonal allergies until closer to 2 or 3 years old if your baby does not have a fever and seems to be fine except for the noisy breathing it is probably nothing to worry about but if the stuffy nose interferes with sleep or feeding or if he seems to be in pain be sure to have your doctor check him out can i take a pregnancy test before my next period i had sex a couple days after my last period and i think i might be pregnant and my next period does not come for another 10 days and i do not want to wait that long can i take a pregnancy test now how accurate will it be,given your age you are probably getting close to menopause as you approach this time of life you may notice changes in your periods just like those you have described the most common symptoms are spacing out of menses and less bleeding although the opposite can be seen as well other symptoms that you may experience are hot flashes night sweats vaginal dryness and mood swings however regardless of your age it is best to discuss these changes with your doctor because these same changes in your periods could also be a sign of other abnormalities e g thyroid disorders and uterine cancer which need to be evaluated i suffer from a neurological disease cmt disease if i get my ankle fused would i walk properly,thanks dr darrag but will the taping hold my foot up with shoes on also are the new recommendations for pap smears really different,it is rather unfortunate to undergo repeated spine operations at this age but if the bony spur is abutting over the nerves then the spur has to be removed surgically use lumosacral belt after the surgery for atleast 3 months back strengthening exercises will be helpful take care my wife is latest ultra sound shows 4 cysts in her ovary what are chances for ivf in vitro fertilization,it is clearly a sinusitis and sore throat due to infection an antibiotic prescription is important see an ent specialist thanks pregnancy symptoms missed period sickness but nipple stimulations not sure my girlfriend and i had protected sex 5 weeks ago it was a day after her last period we have had sex a few more times since then before 4 weeks ago it had been 6 months since she had sex now her period is late and she is feeling sick she has recently started nipple stimulations to have larger breasts i know that stimulations can induce labor so could that combined with a lot of recent stress the sudden sexual activity and a common cold or the flu account for the missed period,if shes had a missed period that isnt coming and her test said positive shes probably pregnant and can make an ulrasound appointment to confirm if shes missed her period and the test says negative and shes taken multiple at home tests saying negative shes most likely not pregnant and pobably is stressed out and will have a period next month if not she might want to tell her doc to make sure nothings wrong hope this helps sorry for my first short answer can buspar cause false positives for marijuana,not to my knowledge or experience cannaboids are not confused with prescribed medications like buspar but make sure you disclose that you are taking it vaginal dryness and lack of sex desire because of birth control pill my fiance has been taking a generic form of yaz since she was 15 she is now 22 she has been experiencing a total lack of sex desire for the last few months and has complained many times of vaginal dryness she is going to stop taking the pill but when she asked about an iud the doctor told her that only people who have had kids can get it she wants to use a diaphragm and condoms and i do not like condoms at all and i think that is overkill anyway what are other very effective forms of bc,hi there is depo shot but it can have some bad side effects if she goes that way tell her she really needs to read about the side effects you can google that there is a novaring that fits inside the vagina its in there for 3 weeks take out for a week then in goes a new one its either these or what you have said or she try is a new brand of pill but after this long on one pill it would be a good idea for her to take a break this would give her body a chance to reboot get things working again so try being for her for say 6 months it is her body she is not just your sex toy so use some condoms and be the man its only a short time good luck i am scheduled this week to have a caudal injection doctor is office or surgery center,ulcerative colitis is a disease that causes inflammation and sores called ulcers in the superficial layers of the lining of the large intestine the inflammation usually occurs in the rectum and lower part of the colon but it may affect the entire colon ulcerative colitis rarely affects the small intestine except for the lower section called the ileum can you mix bayer chewable 81 mg baby aspirin and tylenol 80 mg infant drops,besides the nausea vomiting and diarrhea symptoms of gastroenteritis can include a low grade fever of about 99 degrees the diarrhea is typically mild to moderate two to four loose stools a day for teens and adults for babies it typically means the stools seep through the diapers many people also complain of painful bloating more serious symptoms include vomit or stool that contains blood long duration vomiting such as more than 48 hours fever that is 101f or higher abdominal swelling or pain in the right lower side of the abdomen dehydration my 6 yo has been complaining for the last 6 months tummy achepain of the abdomen around the navel areaslightly swollen abdomendiscomfort when eating will only eat a few bites,hi these twitches and the aches are usually caused by calcium and vitamin deficiency moreover hormonal changes ate your age increase the problems you should eat healthy diet with high calcium intake and exercise regularly to strenghthen the muscle tone calcium and vitamin supplements with protein powders will help vitamin d can be taken to accelerate the recovery thanks does flexeril cause a fast heart rate,yes it can tachycardia rapid heart rate is listed as one of the more common side effects although i have to say that in my practice i have not seen this very often some people on flexeril will get a dry mouth tired irritable or nervous if your symptoms started at the same time that you started the flexeril there could definitely be a connection so please let your medical provider know so that an alternative muscle relaxant can be considered is it possible to start your period a week early i have been keeping up with ovualtion and i was ovulating saturday march 10 i had sex friday9 and on sunday11 started cramping during the week and was throwing up and nasuea on thursday14 and friday15 and now on the 17 of march i am bleeding and it doesnt feel like a normal period im crampin more and its light one minute and heavy the next,yes it is possible and not uncommon if you keep doing this month after month or several times in a year you need to see a gynecologist about it you may need to have your periods regulated often done with birth control pills are there any types of blood pressure devices that are inserted inside of you invented any types of blood pressure checking devices that are inserted inside of you to check blood pressure and by inserted inside i mean inserted permanetly inside of you thanks ,in my opinion this would be allergic reaction to some type of food nothing seems worrisome i have a cold and bad joint pain in ankles wrist finers toes neck and sholders is this normal what can i do for it i have a cold since saturday the snotty head kind a little cough dry however every so often i will cough up some mucus i have bad joint pain with this one mostly my wrist fingers ankles and toes and neck shoulder areas is that normal when i sit still for a while my whole body aches when i stand up and move i have been taking mucus relief and tylenol and it helps a bit but i wonder if there is anything more i can do especially for the joint pain,hi try this link for foods to eat that are best for you with the flu good luck can my 8 year old daughter take 500mg amoxicillan capsules,there may have been sudden variations in the pulse rate and the blood pressure causing the symptoms during such episodes the blood supply of the related parts transiently reduces causing the sensation of tingling and coldness of hands and feet these episodes are usually transient though consider taking a second opinion from a doctor when can i have unprotected sex with my new husband after taking antibiotics after being on birthcontrol for years i recently went on sulfamethtrimethoprim 800 i took 2 pills twice a day for 7 days the day i started my antibiotics was the same day i started my placebo pills which i started my period four days later as usual on the last day of my antibiotics i started my new pack of birth control as prescribed gildess fe 1 530 i am curious when my husband and i can have unprotected sex with no concerns of getting pregnant help we are newlyweds,antacids yes you certainly can and the one thing i will tell you is it could cause constipation or it could cause diarrhea so i really want to make sure that patients understand that they also develop a condition called rebound which means when they get their heartburn it will come back after taking too many antacids it will come back really more severe than they ever had before so you want to be tracking what you eat you want to be tracking your episodes and you want to be limiting your intake typically with an antacid you want to limit its use to about two weeks if you feel that your symptoms are still there you are going to want to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider for further evaluation my teen has anxiety which is controlled by medication but dr wants to take him off the medication why is this safe my son was having hallucinations and was given antipsychotic meds 18 mos ago 8 mos ago he was dx with anxiety and rx anxiety meds he has not had hallucinations since 2 months ago dr stopped antipsych meds he is currently taking anxiety meds hes doing very well and still no hallucinations dr wants to lower dose of anxiety meds til he is no longer on med his anixety was so severe it caused hallucinations is it possible for a teen to outgrow anxiety to the point no med is necessary,often medications taken over a period of time tend not to effective since your son seems to be doing better there is no need to continue medications as they are the doctor is doing the right thing by reducing medicatipns to the lowest effective level it is much better to dose down than to dose up too mich medication when not needed can be detrimental be happy your son is showing signs of improvrment which is not always the case patrick4287 i am losing my cobra benefits feb 2014 i checked with a state option health insurance but they are not taking any new subscribers i will not be eligible for medicare until august can you help recommend an insurance option i have been having problems getting into the health care website,you will want to enroll in a plan for the gap in coverage you will have from february to august while the healthcare gov website has been having problems with enrollment you can shop for coverage without registering you can now see what plans are available to you and get a general idea of premiums over age 50 and under age 50 go to healthcare govfamilies and click on see plans now if you are having trouble registering through the website you can also call the toll free number and register that way 800 318 2596 should i have x rays taken every six months when i get my teeth cleaned i have heard the radiation is bad for you,the ada recommendation is every 6 12 months for a child or adolescent with a history of decay but it could be as infrequent as every 12 24 months for an adult with no history of decay so i would discuss it with your dentist my 15 yr old son has scoliosis his curve is about 30 degrees is it safe for him to lift weights,i do not really have enough patient specific information to give that okay so you will need to call the neurosurgeon who is treating his scoliosis for that answer thirty degrees is a significant curve in a growing boy but i do not know where this curve is located on his back thoracic lumbar and if he is lifting weights properly how did my 1 year old get scabbies he is not in day care started off looking like flea bites or something on his legs every few days a few more would pop up he has about 15 20 bites after a week or two i started getting these bites he is not in a daycare except on sundays in the nursery is scabies something he had to get passed to himor how is it accrued by the first person in order to pass it also i found the return air duct under the house is on the ground after it rained it filled my home with a musty dirt smell could this have done it,scabies assuming he was accurately diagnosed is a human parasite it is passed on to him by another human it could be from someone the cares for him at the sunday nursery or it did not come from the faulty air duct accidental use of kleenex anti viral tissues on vagina now lightly burns and appears red could the tissues cause it used tissues to wipe upon a slight burning sensation i checked the box and realized they contained citric acid and sodium lauryl sulfate the area on the outermost part of my vagina is now red with small barely raised bumps does this sound like irritation i am worried because i recently found a small bump outside the opening of my vagina i believe to be a cyst due to shaving i am prone to ingrown hairshave sensitive skin the bump is smooth and is definitely not a sore or cauliflower in shape,it is not the strongest antibiotic for kids but it is effective for bacterial sinusitis bacterial sinusitis is uncommon in two year olds since most of their sinuses are immature and undeveloped at this age statistically most of these toddler sinus infections are viral and viruses as you probably know will not respond to any antibiotic no matter how strong bacterial sinusitis assuming this is what your two year old actually has can be tricky to treat often requiring longer antibiotic courses or a different type of antibiotic failure to respond in seven days may necessitate a re evaluation of this treatment regime just because he still has thick or colored mucous does not mean that a the antibiotic is not helping or b the cause is bacterial and not viral viral infections can cause stagnation of mucous and that alone can result in thick green yellow mucous you can not really use snot color as a diagnostic clue no matter what your mother told you i am undergoing chemotherapy and it is taken a toll on my face and skin when i am well again will my skin get better,hi you are almost having like bronchitis symptoms which is turned on with cool air and temperature changes if you are having a dry cough this will cause irritation and scratching of the throat causing some blood to come out if so then you can just take an anti histamine once daily to avoid the symptoms if your cough is productive of sputum then you will need to get an expectorant and drink plenty of warm fluids… zyrtec and claritin together it is high tree pollen time in my area can i take claritin and zyrtec together in the same day andor at the same time to relieve symptoms,hi any lesion on penis should not be taken lightly get the necessary investigations done to rule out all stds thanks how do you break a fever on a two year old and when should i take her to the hospital if i cant get it to break she has had a fever for two days now so far the highest temp being 101 3f now its around 100f and i cant get it to break with meds ive tried a cool bath still nothing she also has a cough with the fever could it be because he two year mollers are coming in idk what to do i never had this problem with my son,a fever is the body is natural way of fighting an infection a fever does not need to be broken or even treated especially a low grade fever like 101 3 i see children every day with fevers in the 104 105 range no problems no brain damage and no need to really treat them unless you do so clearly for comfort did you know that cool baths can actually increase the fever when the thermal sensors on the skin detect that the child is cold the brain will respond and attempt to increase body heat fever is good and should not be feared with that said the cause of the fever cannot be determined unless the child has a proper medical examination a hospital er is really not the best place and you will likely wait and wait and wait until you are seen since mildly ill people go the back of the line go to an urgent care facility if you want or you can just wait it out please spend some time and re educate yourself about the medical benefits of fever in children i can assure you that it is quite different than what you mother or grandmother taught you to believe i have been getting really sever rib pains on both side and front and back,most probable cause can be costochondritis that is inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join get a physician examination done and chest x ray and a blood test if infection is suspected would a very heavy period with clotting cause anemia on a blood test,hi had this around 32 years ago it was lucky my wife was away i spent the night going round a round the bed did it burn just cant remember the doctor gave me the finger test the next day and sent me straight of to hospital was operated on that night and the rest they say is history but i do not thing the was burning just a lot of pain if you have this now i would get off to an er see what they say it would be best for you good luck what is the outlook for children with arthritis,with proper therapy the children with arthritis will usually improve over time indeed the vast majority of children with arthritis grow up to lead normal lives without significant difficulty even for severe cases with proper medications proper physical and occupational therapy and proper surgery if necessary virtually no one with arthritis should need a wheelchair everyone is doctor knows stories of children who looked awful but did very well or looked like it was nothing serious who became very sick but these are the rare exceptions there are many recent significant improvements in treating children with arthritis for over 95 of the children with arthritis today we do not need new drugs or miraculous inventions we just need proper application of the resources we already have there are three important things for every child or adolescent with arthritis first is proper recognition and diagnosis of the disease second is proper treatment by an experienced physician with multidisciplinary support including physical and occupational therapists and orthopedic surgeons third is proper education of the patient and family people with arthritis are no different than everyone else in the world they all need to grow up have jobs get married and have families some will have some difficulty with mechanical problems many will have small things they can not do if you watch them carefully few will go on to be professional athletes or military officers but even fewer will be totally disabled by their disease there are far more children who are disabled because they are told they could not do things than children who are really disabled by their disease we should never accept a child with arthritis being told to use a wheelchair in almost every case it is hoped that we will be able to correct the problem and get them walking again this is why educating the public and physicians is so important it must be appreciated that children can develop arthritis and must be properly diagnosed and treated each child should be able to reach his or her full potential children with arthritis should be treated just like everyone else they need the same discipline the same allowance the same grades and the same respect as all the other children arthritis might affect the body but it must never be allowed to affect the mind 90 yr old mom in hospital with flu or pneumonia gets sepsis and passes why previous health issues high blood pressure fluid retention otherwise good health for a 90 year old,no it is not unusual the effects of the illness will still exist because it takes a while a week or so for the bug to be annihilated by the penicillin and your immune system also penicillin increases your white blood cell count and so your own body is still fighting the bug the medication itself does not fight it your body is still going through the purging process of getting rid of the bug so you will still feel sick and tired for a while taking too much penicillin can cause ill effects as well so try not to do that just let it run it is course when do i use an antacid versus an h2 blocker versus a proton pump inhibitor,that is a great question and it all depends on how frequent your heartburn is if you just have an occasional bout of heartburn for instance you ate a spicy meal then you can use a regular antacid a maalox or a mylanta product you want to make sure though that you shake it really well a lot of people forget about that also too if you are taking medications you may need to space it either take it an hour before you take your medications or two hours afterwards because it can actually bind to the medicine and therefore the medicine will not work as well if you notice though that you have like two days in a row where you have had consistent heartburn then you may want to try a h2 blocker pepcid is one consideration zantac you want to talk to your pharmacist though and let us know if you are taking any other medications zantac has a tendency to interact with other medicines so if you have your medication list handy we can take a look at it and make sure there is no potential for drug interactions if it is two or more episodes a week that you are experiencing heartburn then you are going to want to go towards the proton pump inhibitor and prilosec otc is an example of that you want to use it for 14 days but once again you want to talk to your pharmacist to make sure that you are not taking any other medicines or possibly taking any duplicate medicines that could do the same thing then also if you are not feeling well after the 14 days a pharmacist is probably going to refer you back to your doctor or healthcare provider because it probably needs a little bit more evaluation red shiny penile skin after cortisone use i used cortisone cream for a few weeks for dermatitis on my penis and the rash cleared up but my skin looks tight and shiny now my dr said to use vitamin e i am wondering if a penis health cream man1 man oil would do the trick,body heat and fungal infection also present in a similar fashion apply local anti septic ointments and wait for 8 days avoid drinking hot liquids why are men is bathrooms so dirty,according to a recent study 85 percent of americans are washing their hands after using a public bathroom improved from 77 percent a few years ago the other 15 percent are contaminating the rest of our world nearly three times as many women wash their hands than men however apparently men have a prevailing assumption that if you do not pee on your fingers you do not need to wash your hands personally i am not overly worried about the pee guys but i do worry about the men behind those stall doors men is restrooms are considerably nastier than the women is facilities so i am told if i am forced to use a public restroom i try not to touch anything if i can help it i consider bathrooms stalls the most contaminated rooms on this planet i would love to put on some type of biological hazard suit but this is not practical i have seen impatient dancing women quickly use a men is room when the line to the women is restroom is too long it only takes one of these experiences to truly appreciate the difference for the first time i would like to reveal the inner workings of a typical men is room there is usually a bank of urinals against one wall about five men do not like to stand side by side with another man peeing so whenever possible an unused urinal becomes the “buffer ” some urinals have little walls between them but most are open there may or may not be a lower urinal for little boys in the stalls i would be shocked not to find urine on the seat even though urine is usually sterile no one wants to ever sit on it men like urinals sort of but little boys do not they are either too short to use them or too shy given a choice little boys head for the stall where they will freely pee on the seat the floor and the flush handle before finding their mark i would be shocked not to find sticky urine on the floor near the toilet men do not like to sit on strange toilets given the choice they prefer the one at home well stocked with reading material unlike women men have not developed the fine art of toilet seat hovering men are accustomed to sitting down and reading for a while women typically pee and leave no one really knows the best toilet stall to use i guess the best one would be the handicap stall but that is not very nice to occupy most will use the stall most distant from the door however you do tend to select the one that looks the cleanest and has a flushed toilet if you must use a stall you really do not want to pick a stall next to an actively occupied one it can be disconcerting to hear all of those bathroom noises next door or is there a downside to oral erection drugs,well the downside to these products is that there are side effects for example men that have certain high blood pressure disorders are taking nitrate medications if you mix these oral erection drugs with that you can drop your blood pressure and have a serious complication this is why men who take viagra levitra and cialis if after having sex they have a heart attack they have to tell the paramedics and er doctors they have this product in their systems because one of the first things the doctors will want to do is put nitrates into their blood to stabilize their heart and their blood pressure the combination can be deadly there can be some visual disorders one of the big side effects is that the drug really is not being used correctly for many men they are either not being given enough trials with it it sometimes takes several doses before it is effective they try it once and they say it is not going to work and they will go try something else the other thing is it is become very recreational a lot of guys who do not need it are taking it which raises some concerns why because it is almost become the thing to do you know you take the drug and you are guaranteed a good erection well if you had good erections before it probably will not help but it is just kind of a macho kind of a way of just kind of having fun the other concern is that for most men that have true erectile dysfunction that is a symptom of something far more serious whether it is diabetes hormone problems metabolic problems vascular disorders that is an early warning sign and by simply throwing viagra levitra cialis at them and not addressing the cause i am really doing them a lot of disservice if it is truly the first warning sign of potential coronary artery disease i mean if it is the first warning sign of coronary artery disease and you do not do the right workup the guy may get great erections but he may have a heart attack in a year or two that could have been prevented it is essential that you understand why it is you have erectile dysfunction some men just get it and that is the way that you are but you want to make sure that there is nothing serious that you are missing is a hot or cold compress good for a trigger finger,pain with urination can be urethritis irritation of the urinary opening associated with sex or a uti urinary tract infection the spotting can be caused by numerous things from minor sex related trauma to menstrual spotting without an exam and a urinalysis there is really no way to know conclusively the specific reasons for your symptoms if you are still having symptoms you will need to see a medical professional hi was this last sex a rough do you think you may have a small tear somewhere around the opening of you vagina or around your urethra opening this could account for the stinging when you urinate as for the light headedness had you just sat up quick it can do that to you try this it will help with this tear you may have its a warm sea salt wash do this twice a day it will help heal and clean the tear just put half a handful of sea salt in your wash bowel and give your vagina a wash with it just see how it goes for a few days do hope this helps you good luck hi doc look there is a problem when i answered this there was no answer till i did my answer if you answer dose not show then it wont next time you do an answer if it does not show hit the answer this again and do this you just put hi see above answer preview and send it then comes up as your staff or so see if you can get somebody to look at this problem its been going on for months tell them not to try an find on the main frame but from a home pc but doing some trick questions and answering them then it will show if they do around 10 or 12 of them many thanks doc i suspect my knee pain as calcium deficiency please advise,bottle rot is indicated by dark stains around the teeth but if you are concerned see your local pediatric dentist as soon as possible the risk of potentially devastating nursing pattern dental decay exists for the breastfed child just as it does for the bottle fed child this kind of decay is caused by extended and repetitive feedings with prolonged exposure of erupted teeth to fermentable carbohydrates some general recommendations 1 infants should not be put to sleep with a bottle nocturnal breastfeeding should be avoided after the first primary tooth begins to erupt 2 parents are encouraged to transition infants into drinking from a cup as they approach their first birthday infants should be weaned from the bottle between 12 and 14 months of age 3 consumption of juices from a bottle should be avoided 4 oral hygiene measures should be implemented by the time of eruption of the first primary tooth 5 an oral health consultation visit within six months of the eruption of the first tooth is recommended to educate parents and provide anticipatory guidance for prevention of dental disease husband has been itching for 2 months now for 2 months now my husband has been itching in various spots on his body he has spotted red bumps whip like marks redness or scabs in the areas it seems to itch more at night time and lately i have started to feel itchy as well and i do not know what to do to stop it also i am expecting do you have any idea what may be going on and is there anything we can do to get rid of the itching for good,that could be another manifestation for a different problem may i know your age and sex do you have history of any uterine problems if you are a woman can you take birth control pills to reduce acne if you already have the mirena iud i have had the mirena iud for 3 years but have suffered from very severe acne since i have had it put in before getting the iud i was on desogen birth control pills and my skin was very clear i like the iud because it makes me not bleed when i menstruate but i like desogen because it makes my skin very clear is there a risk to taking these together,your gynecologist andor pharmacist can tell you about that if you are not getting too much hormone you could take both together but your prescribing doctor would make that final decision alternatively you can ask your doctor or pharmacist what is in the mirena as well as what is in the desogen and see if the missing ingredient is available separately is it common to have spasms with a splenic cyst and be unable to keep food down,spasms can occur with splenic cyst though dyspepsia is unrelated if the cyst has been growing in size at a progressive rate and the symptoms correlate with the growth then aspiration can be helpful wishing you best of health thanks my frenulum tore so i decided to cut it off,it is difficult to cut the arteries supplying you penis because they are very deep inside but what you have done this maybe you have cut the veins of the penis and with some of the sensory receptors which causes venous stasis hands difficulty of sensation in this area so this may cause erectile dysfunction you need to ask andrology surgeon for this issue what are the normal thyroid levels for a woman age 54 my dr keeps telling me i am low normal,the symptoms of brain tumors depend on tumor size type and location symptoms may be caused when a tumor presses on a nerve or damages a certain area of the brain they also may be caused when the brain swells or fluid builds up within the skull these are the most common symptoms of brain tumors headaches usually worse in the morning nausea or vomiting changes in speech vision or hearing problems balancing or walking changes in mood personality or ability to concentrate problems with memory muscle jerking or twitching seizures or convulsions numbness or tingling in the arms or legs these symptoms are not sure signs of a brain tumor other conditions also could cause these problems anyone with these symptoms should see a doctor as soon as possible only a doctor can diagnose and treat the problem i am in a deep pain and stress due to the lower right rib pain,hi can you upload your ribs x ray incontinence is due to stress and depression as lexapro is not really doing a great job in that matter so you can consult your psychologist to add an anti histamine good luck how many cups of food should a woman eat in a meal i find that sometimes i cannot figure out the calories on a meal especially when i am cooking at home so i am trying to find a way to control my food intake so that i consistently intake less calories than i am burning in a day i really want to get to a healthy weight for my children they are small and i am in a high stress job so i do not want to have a heart attack before they are grown please help me,here is a link to a slideshow about fertility and ovulation that i think you will find very helpful it states while the exact timing of ovulation can vary on average it happens between day 11 and 21 of your cycle a brain hormone called luteinizing hormone lh surges triggering the release of the egg that is most ripe at the same time your cervical mucus changes to a slippery egg white consistency to help sperm make their way to the egg so there is a chance that you could be pregnant if your ovulation cycle fits this pattern the webmd answers staff can taking the flu shot 15 20 minutes before taking blood test result in a higher than normal white blood cell count,no the flu shot 15 minutes before would have no effect on your white blood cell count what is wrong with me red bumpy tonuge spots in throat bumps on scalp and other things i am 24 i have been with my boyfriend for 6 years we have both been faithful the entire time these past few weeks or so tho i have been having some problems i noticed white spots and red bumps on my uvula and roof of my mouth then my tongue was sore so i looked and saw that on the left side most of my taste buds near the tip were swollen and raised and all along the front half is raised and very sensitive then when i went to the bathroom i noticed that i have one red spot on my clit ne ideas,colitis is an inflammation of the colon can not get proper medical care help husband having debilitation shoulder pain x rays show nothing just diagnosed with osteoperosis the reason for test was mutiple fractured ribs they did not see on x rays found those on mri he is 38 has spinal stenosis degenerative disc disease doc will not order mri for shoulder cause nothing on x ray we reminded doc they had to do mri to find rib fractures doc told him if pain gets worse go to er er said he needed to see doc wtf what specialist do we tell the doc to refer him too,well i do not know how old you are but metformin is fine and less expensive unless you have good insurance januvia no generic is very costly is your doctor a diabetes specialist endocrinologist advantages of fuel injection with carburetor aftermarket industries pty ltd abn 96166562744 is an australian owned and operated automotive part design and production firm aftermarket industries specliases in the design and manufacture of high performance fuel system and automotive performance products see more at #sthash s4j1sjfm dpuf,this is not the best place to put this question as this site is a medical site you must be sick if you posting your question here and keep posting the only people who read these are us who answer them a very limited audience your nothing but a cheap advertiser how likely is it to inherit hypoglycemia if type 1 diabetes runs in the family,white filled acne will eventually heal itself unpopped but whatever you do do not pop acne that is not ripe or white as scarring will result i used to have a similar problem with acne in middle and high school years and have been prescribed creams to medication but none truly worked i then researched online and noticed a lot of acne comes from the food that you eat and deficiencies in zinc and vitamin a and c i went to a local cvs and purchased zinc tablets which helps in reducing oil levels from a range of 35 100mg a day be careful as overdose can occur with excessive amounts i also began eating carrots and foods with vitamin c which can be googled if scarring happens you should invest in apple cider vinegar and apply to a cotton ball and place on scar for a couple of minutes before the shower which helps removing old skin layers and making new ones that has helped my scars tremendously after 1 2 months then in the shower i recommend a body wash that has vitamin e in it for a good clean moisturizer which will help your skin as well it all starts with the diet and cutting all the greasy oily food fight your acne from the inside then out and you will see the results hope this helps my mother has acute lymphocytes leukemia – may have had a leukemiod reaction,assuming the eggs are from a reliable and safe source free of salmonella i guess you can say it would be safe however since there was a recent recall of millions of eggs due to contamination you and your guests will always be taking a chance since we never really know when a contamination takes place until we get sick with terrible diarrhea can i get pregnant the last day of my period my fiancé and i unexpectedly had sex even those i am still lightly spotting and he did not pull out in time but i immediately ran to the bathroom to check if any of his ejaculate was inside me there was not much but i am too nervous,if overdose is suspected contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1 800 222 1222 canada residents can call a provincial poison control center symptoms of overdose may include nausea vomiting increased sweating yellowing eyesskin dark urine severe stomachabdominal pain extreme tiredness i need to urinate every 15 minutes…now using my mother is diaper,hi no as this should be her safe period and should be on her period or just about to also through this she is protected or should be by nature good luck i have a sore throat and when i blow my nose hard a thick gooey mucus mixed with blood come out what could it be sore throat get worse when i swallow or even yawn fever on and off and thick gooey mucusblood does not always come out when i blow my nose,it could be a bad sinus infection this has happened to me the sore throat could be due to drainage or strep throat either way it sounds like you might need to get to a doctor to get tests and possibly some antibiotics is laudanum still used for headaches or other conditions,laudanum is an opium type product still available but not for the use of migraine relief i suggest consulting your health care professional if migraines or headaches are an issue and you are seeking treatment when i go #2 i feel something come out then go back in when im done it hurts any thoughts ive been using hemroid cream im 22 i eat healthy exercise regulary and for the past year ive had some digestive problems i take probiotics and prenatal vitamins for the past month or so its been hurting getting worse when i go #2 i thought i just had a hemroid so ive been using cream but it isnt improving this is the gross part when i go #2 i feel something come out then go back in when im done it hurts any thoughts,you need to find out what this something really is so you need to see your medical provider or a proctologist for a proper examination it could be an internal hemorrhoid but this would need to be confirmed i could also be a rectal prolapse part of your rectum coming out and going back in incidentally hemorrhoid creams do not cure hemorrhoids they just reduce some inflammation they are still there you are having pain and you are getting worse according to your posting at what point to you seek medical care my advice would be for you to make an appointment mole getting removed near penis how long does it take to be normal i will have a little operation to get removed a mole on my penis they will use dissolvable stitches how long does it take for me to have sex after surgery i have a date in a week after the surgery will it take more than a week thank you,hi see your doctor then and ask for a change to something that is not so violent to your body that is if there is anything if not you just going to have to live with is it doing its job on your problem good luck really irregular period lasting 12days first was light and past days has been brownish why would it last so long never has before also its very light usually heavy period or just light on the last day no change in routine tho am sexually active he pulls out is there a chance i could be pregnant also my period came early and these last couple of days has been more like spotting any suggestions no insurance right now so any advice would help should i wait it out or buy a pg test,beckkss08 what ended up happening i had a period that lasted for 12 days that started on july 26th its now september 8th and i have not had another period hemmorhoids does the medication valtrex help people who suffer from hemmorhoids a dear friend of mine claims that she was treated in an er for her hemmorhoid with valtrex can you please confirm i am very curious to find out if this is true thank you,not true valtrex is for herpes it will not treat hemorrhoids in any way or form why do i have heavy bleeding for 2 3 weeks when i get my period my doctor is supposed to send me for an ultrasound,there are two major reasons for very prolongedheavy periods hormonal and what i call structural structural means when excessive bleeding is due to actual problems within the cavity or walls of the uterus some examples of this would include fibroids of the uterus endometriosis of the muscular wall of the uterus adenomyosis infections of the lining of the uterus polyps of the uterine lining or even uterine cancer hormonal causes are usually linked to missed or erratic ovulations as you may know in a normal cycle estrogen is produced all month estrogen is responsible for building up the lining of your uterus so you have something to shed each month in a normal cycle progesterone production increases following ovulation progesterone stabilizes the uterine lining in preparation for a possible implantation of a new pregnancy if you are not pregnant that month the levels of estrogen and progesterone fall triggering the release of the uterine lining—your period so if you do not ovulate the estrogen build up of the lining continues but without the usual ovulation associated progesterone thus the hormone levels do not decline and the lining stays up inside the uterus—your missedlate period alternatively the lining can begin to shed under its own weight producing prolonged bleeding another way inadequate progesterone production from missed ovulations can create too heavy a flow is as follows simply stated if the uterine lining is like grass or lawn estrogen is like the fertilizer causes proliferation and a thickening of the lining and progesterone is like the lawnmower keeps the lining thin by three different mechanisms this is why depoprovera high dose synthetic progesterone brings about a thin lining and why birth control pills relatively progesterone dominant bring about shorter lighter periods it is also why women who miss ovulations no progesterone produced are at a greater risk for too thick lining causes for not ovulating are multifold thyroid problems pituitary problems ovarian cysts physical stressors e g sudden increases in exercise crash dieting emotional stressors problems with spouses kids job money increased body weight anorexia rotating shifts at work etc if they are sending you for an ultrasound that can accomplish two things an ultrasound should be able to visualize fibroids of the uterus or suggest polyps an ultrasound can also measure the thickness of your uterine lining a very thick lining can suggest a hormonal cause like missed ovulations an ultrasound should be able to visualize an ovarian cyst if that was the cause of missed ovulations lastly as we age ovulations tend to decrease or if they occur the amount of progesterone produced may be less structural causes such as fibroids or polyps also tend to be more common as we age hopefully you will get a more for sure answer after your ultrasound how can i overcome the problem of assuming things,its a hair follicle infection due to poorly maintained axillary hygiene the roots of the axillary hair get infected easily antibiotics should be started at the earliest vitamin c tablets will speed up the recovery process how does a hiatal hernia cause gerd,hi if you went and washed it off straight away then things should be ok sperm rely needs to be ejaculated deep inside you to get you pregnant ok but as you are sexually active even if its not vaginal it would be a good idea for you to get on the bc pill you cant keep scarring your self like this you really do need to think on that remember safe sex is the best sex do hope this helps you good luck how effective are the vaccines for hepatitis a and hepatitis b,most helpful answer the short answer is this whenever you have any symptoms that could be heart related get them checked out your age does not matter your fitness level does not matter because of your youthful age the chances are good you do not have any serious heart condition but as a general rule it is better to be safe than sorry you will feel more at ease after getting checked out by a health care professional right plus if you do have some cardiac issue the earlier you catch it the quicker it can be treated ask your mom or dad to make an appointment for you if they are unable or unwilling to do so have a chat with your school nurse or counselor they can help you access the care you need do not get overly concerned about this but please do get it checked out take care where and how can i get healthcare i qualify for medicaid and am disabled but alabama did not opt to help,there are several types of bipolar and related disorders bipolar disorder symptoms include delusion hallucination a feeling of extreme high or extreme low insomnia erratic and reckless behavior arriving at a quick judgment easily distracted rapid and incoherent speech racy thoughts is the reason why i can not lose weight and keep it off because of my family history of obesity i am a 19 year old female i have 1 child who is 14 months old at one point after my child was born i was exercising 5 times a day and on a strict diet plan for 4 months i only lost 15lbs during this time after that 4 months i was only able to work out once a day and still on the same diet i gained half the weight back my family is anywhere between 200 and 400lbs please help before it gets worse i currently weigh 220lbs,not necessarily if you really have the desire to lose weight and be fit you just have to possess the proper motivation have a balanced diet and a regular exercise live a healthy lifestyle and be positive lower stomach is swollen and quite hard breasts swollen – is it serious,swallowing usually accompanies anxiety so i would think that handling the basic anxiety will cross over to the swallowing you can use relaxation breathing to help yourself calm down during the day and especially when you are about to go into a social situation it does help and you will need to also switch your thinking around to keeping your mind off your swallowing problem use positive reinforcing self talk for this if you find you can not do it as well as you need then i would think a few sessions with an experienced cognitive psychologist who deals with anxiety disorders might be a good idea what is the best method of obtaining health insurance when you are currently between jobs and not working cobra is extremely expensive is there another plan that is more affordable,this is a tough situation cobra is very expensive but it is often the only guarantee of health insurance coverage outside of work until the affordable care act is fully implemented january 1 2014 until then you may not have great options from which to choose still you might try looking for temporary insurance between now and the end of the year i recommend you do a quick search on healthcare gov to see what plans are available to you otherwise your best bet is to log onto your state is health insurance exchange this fall they open october 1 and select a health plan you will have a range of new options be assured of coverage and depending on your income you may qualify for financial assistance from the government to lower your insurance costs just keep in mind coverage will not take effect until january 1 2014 this is a tough situation cobra is very expensive but it is often the only guarantee of health insurance coverage outside of work until the affordable care act is fully implemented january 1 2014 until then you may not have great options from which to choose still you might try looking for temporary insurance between now and the end of the year i recommend you do a quick search on healthcare gov to see what plans are available to you otherwise your best bet is to log onto your state is health insurance exchange this fall they open october 1 and select a health plan more info at how much does a toe to knee foberglass leg cast weight,in varies depending on the thickness and amount of padding but a fiberglass short leg cast only weighs a few pounds i put them on but i can not say i ever had the urge to weigh them how is peyronie is disease treated,there are two ways in which peyronie is disease can be treated surgery or non surgical treatment because the plaque of peyronie is disease often shrinks or disappears without treatment most doctors suggest waiting one to two years or longer before attempting to correct it with surgery in many cases surgery produces positive results but because complications can occur and because many of the problems associated with peyronie is disease for example shortening of the penis are not corrected by surgery most doctors prefer to perform surgery only on men with curvatures so severe that sexual intercourse is impossible there are two surgical techniques used to treat peyronie is disease one method involves the removal of the plaque followed by placement of a patch of skin or artificial material skin graft with the second technique the surgeon removes or pinches the tissue from the side of the penis opposite the plaque which cancels out the bending effect the first method can involve partial loss of erectile function especially rigidity the second method known as the nesbit procedure causes a shortening of the erect penis penile implants can be used in cases where peyronie is disease has affected the man is ability to achieve or maintain an erection a non surgical treatment for peyronie is disease involves injecting medication directly into the plaque in an attempt to soften the affected tissue decrease the pain and correct the curvature of the penis vitamin e pills haves also been shown to benefit some men with peyronie is disease another less invasive option is laser treatment to thin the plaques of peyronie is disease what could possible cause a scabsore formation on the lower left hands side of the testicle i was working out over the week and when i took a shower tueday night felt a small bumb on my left testicle i have a slight burning itching feeling around the sore as well at first i thought it was just jock itch but now i am not sure its seems to have got better over the past few days but i wanted to make sure it was nothing i need to go to the hospital over i also have been appliing diaper rash cream to the area wich seems to have helped the sore isnt very big ethier,hi its a throat infection associated with viral fever take anti pyretic tableets tepid sponging rest and drink plenty of fluids if this doesnt help you need to start on antibiotics and vitamin tablets hot saline water or betadine mouth gargles will also help swollen lymph nodes are due to infection and should go away with antibiotics thanks what is this cold going around i have been sick for over a week now and just lost my voice last night any remedies it started with a scratchy throat runny nose plugged ears and cough i have had it for over a week and now it has moved down i to my chest making it hard to breathe it is a raspy feeling when i inhale and now i have lost my voice and sound like a bad squeak toy help any remedies to get through this,not likely cold can cause constriction of the eye capillaries fasting causes drop in blood pressure and detoxification symptoms many women in my family have facial hair on their chins and jaw i have dark marks from shaving what do you suggest,you may want to consider having the hair removed with a laser by a trained professional between treatments consider using hydroquinone kojic acid alpha hydroxy acids or bearberry to help lighten the dark spots my girlfriend has genital herpes but i love her to pieces for who she is should i stop dating her because of this my girlfriend of 2 months recently told me that she has genital herpes i did not react badly i tried to support her and tell her that i will not cut her out of my life because of it however i am stuck on what i should now do i love her to pieces for who she is not what she has i want to be able to be with her but i have been worrying a lot about how much we can do with one another before risk of catching it comes in i have no intentions of catching it but i have every intention being with her,hi its a superficial infection and u need not worry for it u are already taking the right precautions and treatment dress it daily with good antiseptic solution and apply local antibiotic cream it will heal spontaneously and there wont be any complications dont worry thanks my wife is pregnant for 4 months now but she does not wanna have sex with me what should i do cheat or wait she keeps making excuses and say im not in the mood of sex im tired and more what should i do,the most common cause of headaches coming from the optic nerve is increased intracranial inside the skull pressure which in turn can cause increased pressure on the optic nerve and result in pain treatment is focused on lowering the pressure using alcohol or other means to destroy a nerve so that it cannot transmit pain information is well described technique around the head it has been used to treat problems associated with the trigeminal ganglion and its branches and even to treat pituitary problems alcohol would not be the current first choice for any injections around the head injecting alcohol into the eye or the optic nerve for any reason would lead to blindness you should never inject alcohol into these structures my son complains of stomach pain and discomfort what would be the likely reason,there could be some gas problem probably which is a minor issue i suggest syrup colicaid simethicone 2 5 ml thrice a day for three days also i would advise against drinking raw milk please sterilize and drink please educate your son about raw milk that it can cause diseases and the need for sterilization for further information consult a paediatrician online > will flexeril help leg cramps have been taking potassium and eating a few bananas each week still have leg cramps at night,about two weeks ago my penis started to itch i thought it was the new underwear but i was wrong i have not had sex prior to it happening i wake up from sleeping and my penis itches i i pee and it itches i have cleaned it everytime but it still itches any answers would b appreciated jim is there anything to relieve the withdrawl symptoms of oxycotin i am trying to come off of 15 mgs of oxycontin in the morning and 10mgs at night i would like to know if there is anything i can do to relieve the withdrawal symptoms in the meantime i feel achy and sick at times with a lot of anxiety,hi you seem to be very much dependant on the medicines for quite some time now well if you finish off the last dose of tablets then you may get aches and body pains more or less in severity depending upon your tolerance to pain you may or may not get withdrawal symptoms of these tablets like headache nausea vomiting giddiness etc contact your doctor before the medicines get over thanks if i am taking bactrim for a urinary tract infection is it okay to consume alcohol like 1 or 2 drinks,as a non drinker i do not feel anyone should consume alcohol while being treated with antibiotics but one or two drinks would probably not cause you any harm or adverse effects the most important thing for you to do while on bactrim is to drink plenty of water so if you will just follow those one or two drinks with a full glass or two of water you should be fine the most important thing is getting your uti properly treated excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with judgment and impair inhibitions impaired inhibitions can lead to sex and sex can lead to another urinary tract infection a vicious cycle i am taking amoxicillin but my partner is allergic to it can we still have sex without worrying about a bad reaction my partner is extremely allergic to amoxicillin which i am currently taking for a sinus infection should we be concerned about her possibly having an allergic reaction if we have intercourse,yes having sex is safe allergic reactions are not transmitted that way what is medicare is definition of marriage and where will i find it gay marriage is legal in california and since last july with the rescindment of defense of marriage act by the supreme court is also legal by federal standards medicare tells me that it does not recognize gay marriage and that medicare is definition of marriage is between a man and a woman is that true and where can i find the statute that includes that definition it is causing serious problems with the coordination of benefits with the insurance carried by the employer of my spouse,can u possibly do a urine analysis and show me your results my daughter is 7 years old and has an extremely distended stomach,is her abdomen usually looking this way no matter which food or drink she gets she may be having a lactose intolerance have you checked stool for gardia does she eat enough fibers in diet what can i do to treat ringworm of the scalp or beard at home,clinically there is nothing can be done until his immunity improves allergies may decrease in cases of high immunity so keep him active and maintain a healthy diet as possible as you can pregnancy it is possible to get pregnant in this situation boy masturbate and after ejaculation he touch the doorknob after a few seconds girl touches the handle and then goes to the bathroom to pee,all health plans offered on the exchangemarketplace and in the individual and small employer marketplace will have to offer maternity care in 2014 as part of the essential health benefits insurers used to be able to use pregnancy as a pre existing condition and deny coverage as a result but that is no longer allowed under the aca beginning in january how do i lose the last 10 pounds i eat relatively health vegetarian and stay active am not overweight but not ideal i have been a vegetarian since i was 10 and love vegetables and naturally low fat foods i exercise 3 4 times a week and enjoy hiking and walking as well and have since childhood i have never been overweight but i have never been able to get to my ideal weight either i am 55 and 147lbs my goal is 135 the closest i have ever managed was 140 and i was practically starving myself i do have mild hypothyroidism but it is under control any advice or notes on something i could change,see a medical provider it is not possible to blindly make patient specific decisions about a burn over the internet most scald burns are second degree and can be extensive some will require prescription burn ointments and special burn dressings to limit scarring and tissue contractures and you may need something more than otc medications for the pain see a medical provider had a mole removed an now its red an very itchy the mole was on my forearm my doctor burned it off now it is red an very itchy whats causing it to do that,assuming you had this mole removed recently i would say the redness and itching are a normal part of the healing process as the body heals a wound in this case the one caused by having the mole burned off it employs several types of cells and chemical compounds to repair the skin layers that have been damaged during that process a chemical compound called histamine can be released histamine can cause itching along similar lines the redness can be caused by various cells and the body is chemical response to the wound it is important you not scratch this patch of skin while it is healing if you pull the scab off a scar can form it is ok to rub the area with the flat of your hand if you are concerned about scratching during your sleep put socks on your hands i know it sounds wacky but it will keep you from accidentally scratching your face with a fingernail while you sleep the itching and redness should calm down as the days pass if the redness and itching get worse you can put a call in to your doctor is office and speak with the nurse to find out what to do good luck do i have a uti or std need help i had sex with a girl and she told me during sex she had a uti afterwards it started to burn when i peed i went about a week like that and bought some medicine for a uti well the burning went away but i now experience shortness of bladder and noticed that when i have to go i do not really feel a relieving sense do i need to take more of the medication to clear this up all has occurred over the last month or so,men rarely get utis but men certainly get stds having unprotected sex since you are having symptoms it would be in your best interest to be properly examined and be checked for both chlamydia and gonorrhea a uti or std is not something you can self treat using over the counter medications is it safe to push through fibromyalgia pain every time i even attempt to do any sort of exercise the pain does not really allow me to do anything i used to be an athlete many years ago and i would just push through the pain or keep going until the pain went away i have not been able to work for years since my accident and fibromyalgia and it is very frustrating i am wondering if i can do any damage to my body if i push through the pain is it safe to force my body to work through the pain and attempt exercise,hi it just gets absorbed into your own body and that is it egg no more good luck what is a seizure and what is epilepsy,hi look i cant see it but did you take the missed pill the next day on both times if you had done this then things will be ok but normally if you miss one pill its not to bad but doing it twice in one month if you did not back them up as above but then you have had your period you may just have come without egg on your face but you really need to get your act together on bc pill taken same time same place each day so simple good luck how would an emergency aid physician handle a 100 degree fever in a three year old so i am a novelist trying to figure out a hospital scene in my latest work my character has just taken her son to the hospital because they both have fevers of over 100 she is at 100 her three year old is at 103 and she is basically in a panic they both have mono the mother had it first and transferred it to her son unknowingly and i have done research to find how a doctor would treat this what i need to know is how the physician would break the fever thank you very much,absolutely start with the family doctor this could be a simple easily identified problem like an anal fissure or hemorrhoid causes bright red blood or blood streaking on the toilet tissue but one needs to rule out polyps and other causes the doctor may recommend seeing a gastroenterologist for a further work up make sure he gets care men are notorious for being very stubborn about medical visits especially those that may involve areas where the sun does not shine if you know what i mean is there any treatment for chronic severe diarrhea after gall bladder removal,diarrhea is troubling in 10 of people who have their gallbladders removed the diarrhea is believed to be due to the fact that following removal of the gallbladder the intestines contain more bile acids than under normal conditions in which bile acids are stored for much of the day in the gallbladder bile acids cause diarrhea by promoting the secretion of fluid by the intestines and perhaps by stimulating the intestinal muscles to contract there are no good studies of treatment of this type of diarrhea but two treatments have been proposed and appear to be effective the first are medications for example cholestyramine that attach to bile acids in the intestine and prevent them from interacting with the intestine the second are fatty acid medications for example oleic acid that may act by slowing down the intestinal muscle and perhaps by reducing secretion of fluid although the exact mechanism of action of oleic acid in these patients has not been studied it is also important remember that there are many other causes of chronic severe diarrhea such as celiac sprue ulcerative colitis crohn is disease microscopic colitis and many more it is important to work with you doctor to arrive at a firm diagnosis for best treatment results i suffer from familial mediterranean fever fmf can i do a rhinoplasty,omg google this i just had this happen to my girlfrind and we spent 2 days in the hospital and the diagnosis was abdomanal miagrains really google it i thought the dr was crazy noticed a small tear on labia minora could this be irritation from condom or a wart noticed 1 day after sex seemed to get bigger after i touched it to examine it does not hurt itch or burn,all children should be immunized against tetanus by receiving a series of five dtap vaccinations which generally are started at 2 months of age and completed at approximately 5 years of age booster vaccination is recommended at 11 years of age with tdap follow up booster vaccination is recommended every 10 years thereafter while a 10 year period of protection exists after the basic childhood series is completed should a potentially contaminated wound occur an early booster may be given in selected cases and the 10 years clock reset i have 2 circles that are the same color as scar tissue on thigh what is it,hi i am also 32 yrs old i have been suffering with depression and anxietyattacks for about 14 years i have always been the person that sits in the back of a crowd not wanting to socialize i would rather have someone approach to say hi i can never get the courage to do it on my own i find that it really helps to have a friend or someone that you know next to you that is probably hard in meetings i would suggest to try and put all of your thoughts in what is happening in the meeting if you have to listen to someone talking concentrate only on that person and what they are saying that is what i did in class i tried to make it feel like i was the only one in there and the teacher co worker boss or whatever was only talking to me i really hope that some of this advise works i wish you the best would adderall 5 mg sr tabs cause me to test positive for methamphetamine on a drug test,hi the heart rate is definitely lower than expected the medicines need to be rethought upon and the dose retitrated get 2 d echo done consult a cardiologist thanks can stress cause hives,there are actually two kinds of side effects from radiation therapy early and late early side effects such as nausea or fatigue are usually temporary they develop during or right after treatment and last for several weeks after treatment ends but then improve late side effects such as lung or heart problems may take years to develop and are often permanent when they do the most common early side effects from radiation therapy are fatigue and skin problems other early side effects such as hair loss and nausea are typically specific to the site being treated my daughter zones out for 5 20 seconds often her eyes zone or sometimes roll and she has no clue what happened during this time she is normally not confused but does normally say now what or it will take her a second to recall what happened i think this is epilepsy the absence kind is there anything i can do to help or reduce the occurance she is 7 and it happens about 5 or more days a week some times once a day sometimes multiple times over a few hours,it does sound like an absence seizure to me but it could be something else i recommend taking her to a doctor they can perform a test to determine if she has seizures i live abroad and have permanent residence in this foreign country i have local medical insurance do i have to register for obamacare,no americans living abroad for most of the year are not required to buy insurance my 50 year brother did a chest x ray here are results what do we do next,i have no way of diagnosing or treating you blindly over the internet but a bartholin cyst is most likely what you have since this cyst is painful and engorged it would be wise to see a gynecologist right away so it can be properly drained if this cyst is recurrent you may need a marsupilization procedure where the entire cyst sac is removed to keep it from coming back i have been using ssri selective serotonin reuptake inhibitorsthroughout my life i feel my sense of taste is altered,tens and pelvic floor muscles are great so keep them up you should get a complete analysis for urine and a urine culture as you may be having kidney infection bladder infection sudden bald spot on top of head please advise,plantar is wart is a whole different strain you can have hpv and never show any symptoms ever including warts what is the difference between the symptoms of a cold and an ear infection,an earache from a cold can be a sharp dull or burning pain that can range from mild to very painful even if the trapped fluid in the ear is not infected the fluid puts pressure on the eardrum causing it to bulge and throb with an earache from a cold you or your child may have difficulty sleeping run a fever and have green or yellow mucus in the nose because colds are self limiting an earache with a cold usually goes away on its own still if you have an earache an ear infection may be likely which means you might need to see your doctor for a diagnosis and proper treatment while earaches can occur first with a cold virus sometimes a secondary ear infection may occur these ear infections are usually sudden in onset and extremely painful in the beginning that is because the sensory nerve endings in the eardrum respond to increased pressure with pain after the eardrum stretches a little the earache pain may ease up other symptoms of an earache from an ear infection may include the following loss of appetite this may be apparent in young children especially during bottle feedings pressure changes in the middle ear as the child swallows causing more pain irritability poor sleep pain may be more persistent when lying down as fluid is shifting fever ear infections can cause temperatures up to 104 degrees f vertigo you may have a sense of spinning drainage from the ear yellow brown or white fluid that is not earwax may seep from the ear indicating the eardrum has ruptured difficulty hearing fluid build up in the middle ear prevents the eardrum from functioning properly the sound is then unable to be transmitted to the bones of the middle ear and from there to the brain otitis media with effusion symptoms of acute otitis media will disappear but the fluid which is called an effusion may remain trapped fluid causes temporary and mild hearing loss what week in pregnancy will a test be positive last menstrual march 5 9 2013 i had two days spotting march 21 22 very light i went to family doctor to start mediction march 25 they did pregnancy test negative i drank one beer a day after work and smoke i started celexa on the 26th of march 20 mg it was too strong so the next week went to 10 mg i took another pregnancy test on april 8 2013 also negative april 13 2013 negative so i continued my meds drinking beer and smoking april 19 2013 pregnancy test positive,hi this may be out of severe form of vaginal infection or perineal floor inflammation taking anti inflammatory and antibiotic tablets will help do not apply anything warm or hot as this can aggravate the problems for you thanks i had a stage 4 endometriosis doctors say my uterus is damaged,symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints inflammation of the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness swelling redness and warmth tenderness of the inflamed joint can be present many of the forms of arthritis because they are rheumatic diseases can cause symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints therefore symptoms in some patients with certain forms of arthritis can also include fever gland swelling swollen lymph nodes weight loss fatigue feeling unwell and even symptoms from abnormalities of organs such as the lungs heart or kidneys my doctor said i cant marry someone with my same blood type after i took a blood test why is this,hello i have no idea why you would be told this informaiton certainly people do not check blood types before they fall in love the only blood type related problem that affects couples is related to the rh factor if the father of a child in a couple is rh positive and the mother is rh negative the mother can develop antibodies to the baby duing the pregnancy this is treated by giving any rh negative mother an injection of medication called rhogam once during the pregnancy at about 28 weeks and again within 72 hours of delivery laurie anderson rnp can lettuce cause me to have diarrhea we think lettuce is causing diarrhea we do not know what else it could be every week for about a month now if i eat lettuce or my boyfriend eats it it causes diarrhea and stomach pain one time it has even caused us to have stomach flu symptoms,depends on how much has consumed remember lettuce is mostly water and roughage consider also where the lettuce came from as if a salad bar there may be bacteria such as e coli or salmonella best to have a stool culture taken if this continues beyond two days people just simply refuse to wash their hands and contamination spreads also depending on sprays if it was washed before it was consumed why is my butt hole itchy and redswollen,there can be many reasons for perianal itching including a lack of personal hygiene chemical irritation soaps detergents dryer sheets hemorrhoids fissures tiny cracks around the anus and pinworms pinworms are notorious from causing itchy butts usually at night can e coli be spread from one person to another an if so how,i know the answer this website is for consultants that have deep domain e xperience to help empower organizations to rapidly deploy solutions and business best practices processes that result in real world savings and optimized efficiencies what causes emphysema,you will stick with the coverage you currently have the marketplaces are primarily for people without insurance or who buy a private insurance plan on their own im 6 weeks pregnant had stressful arguement i noticed some brown spotting i suddenly had mean cramp on my stomach,low lymphocytes can result from a viral infection as you are giving history of common cold and cough following which your lymphocytes are low there is nothing to worry at all as all this is due to viral infection only this would recover soon for further information consult a general medicine physician online > do you recommend the shingles shot for someone who suffers from severe tinnitus will the vaccine aggravate my tinnitus,may be a lymphoma or may be related to surgery needs further evaluation sample aspiration and analysis will help mom process conducted cancerous tumor in the liver by the microwave tumor size of 2 cm kind hcc analysis of alpha fetoprotein before surgery 37and normal was 15 a week after surgery 22 7 normall 10 why did not the result appears normal after getting rid of the cancerous tumor what medications that must be addressed now after the operation so as not to come back again the tumor is infected with virus c and cirrhosis of the liver and blood pressure and of diabetes at the age of 54 thanks,despite optimal treatment hepatocellular carcinoma continues to have a high recurrence rate hepatocellular carcinoma recurs in 50 80 of patients following resection the majority of which occur within 2 years and that odds are increased with superinfection of hcv virus and complicated by cirrhosis it needs a complete clinical correlation and grading of tumor before devising any plan tace transcatheter arterial chemo embolization is the method of choice for hcc these days get to hepatobiliary surgeons for further management take care can one refuse psych treatments under obamacare based on religious preference,maybe but there are so many other factors to consider do not just blame an enlarged prostate see your medical provider so you can be properly examined and treated i was diagnosed with rp retinitis pigmentosa i need your help because i do not want to go blind,yes it is fine to have sex during the spotting episodes unless it makes the paincramping worse if the spotting only occurs midcycle then one would wonder if it was peri ovulatory spotting due to the abrupt estrogen spike and decline at that time if the spotting becomes more prevalent or the pain more marked you should return to your gyn for follow up can i put rice cereal in my month old sons formula to thicken it up it seems he gets to much air when he drinks the roof of his mouth is higher then most babies,please do cbc complete blood count and a chest x ray before starting dexona dexamethasone as it is a steroid also there may be a history of childhood asthma hyper reactive airway disease and it is better to be sure before giving this medicine this mostly looks like hyper reactive airway disease for which the initial treatment is a common cough and cold medicines if this does not reduce then you should add dexona or even better hydrocortisone later on you should add montelukast and if this also does not take care of the issue then nebulization with duolin salbutamol and ipratropium and budecort budesonide is advised the last drug route of choice is inhalers these are the steps involved in the treatment and control of hyper reactive airway disease this treatment plan should be made by a physician in person after detailed evaluation as of now you can use dexona but with the consent of the physician and after the tests that i told you so that we can be sure that there is no infection please note that hyper reactive airway disease is an age bound process and usually resolves by the age of 8 years sometimes very rarely it may last up to 12 years the medicines explained to you above only help in controlling the disease and they do not cure it for further information consult a paediatrician online > my mother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma now cloudy eye lens is it eye cancer,steroid induced cataract treated by surgery and consultation in order not to happen to the other lens…but regarding the inflammation please consult an opthalmologist so is there a cure for seborrheic dermatitis is there any truth to mayonnaise and vitamin e oil applied to affected areas curing this ailment,i am sorry you are suffering from this condition thankfully although it is unsightly and sometimes painful it is not life threatening there is no cure i am aware of for seborrheic dermatitis this condition causes scaly skin patches and flaking it also can cause pain you can see a dermatologist for more information and medications to treat seborrheic dermatitis there are prescription creams that can help calm flare ups there is no truth whatsoever to the claim that mayonnaise or vitamin e oil will cure seborrheic dermatitis it is possible applying an oil like vitamin e will improve the appearance of scaly patches but then again it is possible those patches will clear up on their own without applying anything at all to them wishing you well lumps in both breasts i am a 15 year old female kind of immature body wise for my age but i have lumps the same size in both breasts ifwhen somebody bumps into me and accidentally hits my breast it is very painful the lumps seem to not be connected in any way to the nipple however they seem to be fairly large i know breast cancer is practically impossible for someone my age but what could it possibly be thank you,you may have breast cysts or your normal breast tissue is reacting to hormonal changes during your cycle either way it is important that you have your breasts properly examined you can see your primary care medical provider or ask to see a gynecologist you are correct that 15 year olds would not likely have breast cancer so the most logical explanation would be benign cysts or fibrocystic breast lumps but this cannot be conclusively determined blindly over the internet should young athletes be screened for heart conditions,pre participation sports evaluations are a hot topic – despite the growing data in support of testing we still have not collectively agreed on the best way to screen young people many are familiar with the italian experience of screening all young athletes with electrocardiograms – this practice has diagnosed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and other conditions and likely has prevented many deaths but a limitation of screening many people for less common conditions is that some people without underlying heart conditions may have abnormal electrocardiograms leading to more expensive testing and given limited resources we unfortunately must consider both benefit and cost some have argued that sudden death from undiagnosed cardiac conditions is so uncommon that we frankly can not afford to screen everyone but recent research may suggest that screening with electrocardiograms may be cost effective according to commonly accepted thresholds one of my good friends from cardiology fellowship euan ashley who heads the stanford hypertrophic cardiomyopathy center recently published an article which directly addresses the question of whether screening athletes with electrocardiograms in addition to a medical history and physical exam is cost effective as compared to a history and physical alone cost effectiveness is typically judged in terms of cost per life year saved euan and his team found that adding electrocardiograms to a screening program saved approximately 2 1 life years per 1000 people tested at an additional cost of about 89 dollars per athlete this suggests a cost effectiveness ratio of about 43 000 per life year saved in general procedures are felt to be cost effective if they cost less than 50 000 per life year saved to give some perspective hemodialysis for end stage kidney disease has a ratio that falls in the range of approximately 50 000 scientific data can guide us but it does not help balance our budgets while we might find that a given procedure treatment or screening test may be cost effective by standard definitions that still does not mean that we have the money to do it and it is unlikely that we will stop paying for previously accepted procedures in favor of others that may be cheaper electrocardiograms and kidney dialysis are apples and oranges but the data does raise questions moving forward given limited resources who should be entitled to potentially life saving cardiac screening the nfl nba and increasingly mls have access to some of the best medical care around it is my hope that if we get our act together with regards to screening our professional athletes appropriately than perhaps we can focus the conversation on our sons and daughters who i would love to see screened on a more consistent basis in the future i had a partial hysterectomy still have periods ovaries cervix small amt uteran tissue odds of getting pregnant the doctor that performed my hysterectomy left my ovaries all of my cervix and a small amount of uteran tissue i still have a period every month and have had regularly since surgery four years ago what are the chances i can get pregnant my period has been irregular for the last month and a half i am cramping like i did when i got pregnant with my last child and i am craving food i normally will not eat,hi its normally done around what would be the first day of your next period if you miss it any help good luck what causes osteoporosis,diabetes itself can cause changes in sexual desire libido as well as age but i would not think that your medications would be high a very complex list of many other possible causes please consult your primary care medical provider for a proper evaluation and some help what treatment options are available for osteoarthritis,or something very serious is happening when you have a bleeding area in the stomach the hydrochloric acid will turn it jet black and this will cause tarry stools i have no idea if this is the underlying reason but it would be in your best interest to see a medical provider right away to determine if this black stool is blood or not another possibility would be pepto bismol if you were taking it does dry mouth often go along with constipation,i am sorry to hear you are going through this stage fright can be a terrible thing first i want to point out that even though you feel extremely anxious the fact is you are playing the song sure your notes might be a bit shaky but you are probably the only person who notices that you should give yourself a pat on the back for getting through the performance and have confidence in your ability to do this if it helps at all please know that many famous performers confess to having stage fright in fact the hugely successful singer adele recently said she often feels scared i am not going to be able to deliver i doubt your performance anxiety requires medical treatment if possible talk to your music teacher or your fellow performers about this i bet you will find they also feel nervous about performing sometimes just knowing you are not alone is helpful best wishes to you and remember you can do it my tsh is6 66 and my t4 is 0 84 after taking synthyroid 25mcg for 6 months what should i do,no it did not get rid of your herpes they are for life until someone finds a cure you doctor just needs to see you before giving you more medication because you have not seen him in awhile a least you have not seen the prescribing doctor in a while can a women get pregnant after ovulation and while she is having her period,you are absolutely right such exposures do carry high risk of developing cancers but a lot depends on your genotype as well a strong family history of anyone having a cancer puts you at high risk of developing that particular cancer do avoid further exposures the old ones dont seem to be of concern at present do not worry can i mix benadryl with allegra,the decisioin to discontinue medication for the summer is very personal and individual the answer should depend on the relative problems without the medicine the magnitude of the benefit from the medication and also the magnitude of the side effects from the medication doctors will sometimes stop treatment with a stimulant since the benefits return quickly when they are resumed strattera atomoxetine takes a month or more before it works fully and it is for this reason that many doctors do not discontinue this medication over the summer if you only have 2 months off for the summer and you would want to resume the medication 5 6 weeks before school it does not lead to much of a medication holiday pregnancy by bj i gave my husband a bj and he did not come in my mouth in a tissue about 10 15 minutes later i took a shower and spit some water out which trickled down my belly is there any chance i could have gotten pregnant by that water from my mouth can sperm live in your mouth like that,epilepsy is a relatively common condition affecting 0 5 to 1 of the population in the united states about 2 5 million people have epilepsy about 9 of americans will have at least one seizure during their lives what are the risks of ultrasound,there are no known risks to ultrasound and as technology has improved the machines have become smaller portable and available for use at the patient is bedside is it better to apply heat or cold to sore muscles after stenuous exercise,most helpful answer everything i have read says cold if there is tissue damage the cold constricts blood flow which reduces spread of cellular components which can cause rupture of nearby cells making the injury worse and longer to heal heat is not usually applied to an injury until 72 hours have passed this is to increase circulation and promote healing more recent research shows movement of skeletal muscles produces hormone like substances that promote and speed healing of damaged or inflamed tissues throughout the body so if you can move do lastly a small meal of four parts carbs and one part protein within 90 minutes of exercise will help speed muscle recovery the body will use that energy and protein to quickly try to re construct those damaged tissues this information is from exercise physiology ice is typically among the first thing to do in the recovery process after strenuous exercise icing your muscles helps to reduce pain and decrease swelling and inflammation ice causes your blood vessels to narrow which will reduce your blood flow to the muscle or injured area never place ice directly on your skin however wrap an ice pack around a thin cloth and place on the affected muscle for ten minutes at a time you can use ice multiple times per day for a few days after exercise but make sure to allow for your skin to return to room temperature before icing after each 10 minute interval heat is typically applied to uscles or injuries that do not have swelling or inflammation heat will cause your blood vessels to expand which improves circulation and allows more blood to go to the affected area heat can be useful for chronic injuries and muscle soreness or it can be used before exercise to stimulate blood flow and help prepare the muscle for exercise heat should also not be directly applied to skin and should be used for short 10 15 minute intervals always check with your doctor before starting treatment of an injury especially if the condition worsens or fails to improve within the first few days of an injury ice can help the process of healing applying ice to injured tissue can cause blood vessels to shrink and this makes them less capable of releasing chemicals that lead to swelling inflammation and pain after a few days it probably best to apply heat to sore muscles this makes muscle spasms less likely and relaxes injured muscles however because the events behind every injury are different speak with your doctor first i have just spent the last 6 weeks in physical therapy they always apply heat or have me get on a bike to heat up my muscles for 15 minutes before i go through any table massage work next i do all my exercises then they end the session with 10 minutes of ice somtimes what contributes to soreness is 1 lack of warm up so insuffcicient oxygen was available to fuel i have had 2 knee operations knee feels like loose,hi this is idk internal derangement of knee may be due to many reasons get a mri of knee done to rule out ligament injuries knee exrcises quadshams will help thanks i have strep throat streptococcal pharyngitis prescribed clindamycin now feel awful,of course yes hpv can be transmitted from dried blood upto 7 days after you contact can find info online emt training text red wine lowering blood sugar level hi i have type 2 diabetes last few years i am using metformin 2+2 tablets i noticed that red wine is very good for lowering blood sugar yesterday after supper i had 2 glasses of red wine and before going to bed i had only 3 8 sugar in my blood i understand that doctors do not want to say that alcohol is good but red wine for me glass or two is very good i did not try and prove with other alcohols but i can suggest 2 glasses of red wine a day regards zoran markanovic dartmouth ns canada,only one study has shown that red wine can potentially benefit people with type 2 diabetes so there seems to be no reason why you cannot have a glass or two per day assuming you are on your medication following an otherwise good diabetic diet and check your blood sugars regularly cheers pain in knee hip right leg need key hole surgery,liposuction is not weight loss surgery it is cosmetic surgery you do lose fat cells but the most is 6 8 pounds of fat and most doctors take out less since it is dangerous to take out more in fact you might even retain water after the surgery which could increase weight and if you do consume more calories then you burn you will gain weight liposuction or not the point is this if you do not continue with or start lifestyle changes like regular exercise and consuming the same or fewer calories than you burn then you will gain weight liposuction simply is not a substitute for these things and does not magically cause weight loss you can ask the doctor how much fat was removed and get the weight of it and if you have another procedure that would add to it but again if you are loooking for significant weight loss liposuction will not do that does a tetanus shot help prevent or lessen the occurance of cold sores,some women ride an emotional roller coaster as they pass through the years surrounding menopause they may feel moody and anxious at times or sad and teary at others but menopause is not the only thing that can cause a woman to feel like this other conditions including depression can cause feelings of hopelessness sadness and a loss of pleasure in things that were once enjoyable depression can also cause trouble sleeping changes in appetite difficulty concentrating and fatigue—things that can also be associated with menopause if you are having any of these symptoms you should talk with your doctor or gynecologist they can help you sort out what may be causing you to feel this way then you can get back to enjoying life again where do i start if i have never exercised,with advances in technique the microsutures the instruments that we use the magnification and scopes pre and post operative care we can achieve fertility in 90 to 95 percent of the men after they have had a vasectomy and as far out as 42 years after they have had a vasectomy does it matter how old or archaic your vasectomy was not at all it is not the technique of the vasectomy that is important it is not even the number of years since your vasectomy it really is dependent on two factors one is the skill and expertise of the microsurgeon does he or she know what they are doing and can do it well as well as female factors if you fall in love with a 25 year old who is demonstrated prior fertility things are probably going to be great you do not need that much on the other hand if you fall in love with a 54 year old woman who is going through menopause then you are going to have a real hard time with conception no matter how good the surgeon is so it is female factor and skill and expertise of the microsurgeon are the major factors in determining the success of the reversal can you get shingles on your upper hip,if you buy your own coverage i suggest you shop your options on healthcare gov to see what policies will offer you the best coverage at the lowest price you can buy separate policies but there is likely no need for it many of the dynamics that once made buying separately less expensive have been eliminated by the law took chlamydia treatment had protected sex with a clean person 3 days after do i still have chlamydia a few weeks ago i was diagnosed with chlamydia i took the antibiotics on a sunday and was advised to not have sex for one week on wednesday i had protected sex with a person who does not have chlamydia i do not feel any different from when i had chlamydia but then again i did not even know i had it til i was tested alas what do you think,seems like talas malunion cavovarus foot start by physical therapy aiming calf stretching and plantar fascia stretching can help also orthotics can help finall resort if the above fails is surgical treatment good luck can acid reflux disease be treated with medications,in many cases lifestyle changes combined with over the counter medications are all you need to control the symptoms of acid reflux disease antacids can neutralize the acid from your stomach but they may cause diarrhea or constipation especially if you overuse them it is best to use antacids that contain both magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide when combined they may help counteract these gastrointestinal side effects if antacids do not help your doctor may try other medications some require a prescription your doctor may suggest more than one type or suggest you try a combination of medications such as these foaming agents coat your stomach to prevent reflux h2 blockers decrease acid production proton pump inhibitors also reduce the amount of acid your stomach makes prokinetics can help strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter les empty your stomach faster and reduce acid reflux do not combine more than one type of antacid or other medications without your doctor is guidance i had radiation therapy and chemotherapy for stage 4b2 cervical cancer is it possible my ovaries were not completely fried and i am ovulating again,mental health services must be a covered benefit in all new health plans sold on the individual insurance market for plans that start january 1 2014 that is a requirement of the affordable care act if you are currently not working i recommend you begin shopping for health plans through your state is health insurance marketplace which opened for business on october 1st without an income you will no doubt qualify for subsidies that are likely to lower the cost of your health insurance coverage and lower deductibles and other out of pocket costs just keep in mind these plans will not take effect until january 1 2014 what is the math of a 48 year old and a 52 year having a baby signed worriedcoldstorm,you can not do the math unless you have all of the numbers in the equation i do not know anything about the medical history of either person it will depend on the medical status of the 48 year old man or woman and the 52 year old man or woman so i would suggest that you visit your respected medical providers for a consultation conceiving at a later age is not something you should consider unless you have all of the facts i have not had a period for over a year i just started a period is this normal and can i get pregnant i am 53,i am so sorry to hear you went through that not being able to catch your breath is a very frightening experience did your husband slap you on the back before this episode occurred if so it could possibly have caused it when a person gets the wind knocked out of them it is actually the result of a momentary paralysis of the diaphragm or large muscle below the ribcage that enables us to inflate our lungs a hearty slap on the back could possibly cause the diaphragm to seize up for a moment however since you have had two other episodes of this it is unlikely the slap on the back did it several conditions can cause a person to have momentary problems breathing from anxiety to heart issues if this situation continues i would suggest you visit your health care provider for an evaluation if you encounter a situation where you suddenly can not breathe and it does not get better please do not hesitate to call 911 the paramedics are very skilled and can help you cope with the problem quickly i wish you all the best is their a certain brand of soap you can use to clean and uncircumcised baby,everyone is guaranteed coverage how much you pay will depend on your income you should qualify for a subsidy to make your health insurance costs more affordable log onto healthcare gov to see what your costs will be how much alcohol is safe during pregnancy,alcohol use among women is as infrequent as one drink per year to as much as one or more drinks every day the latter example falls outside of the definition of moderate drinking which is defined as no more than one drink per day for women a drink is limited to either one 12 ounce bottle of beer or wine cooler one 5 ounce glass of wine or 1 5 ounces of 80 proof liquor while there have been arguments made for the benefits of moderate alcohol use for women as it relates to heart disease the risks far outweigh the benefits and may include driving while intoxicated negative interaction with medications even with certain herbal remedies an increased risk for breast cancer and in pregnant women the risk for developing fetal alcohol syndrome it is important that you know that women who continue to drink during pregnancy put their baby at risk for being born with fetal alcohol syndrome fas which is a pattern of physical and mental defects during fetus development during pregnancy babies born with fas may have facial abnormalities as well as damage to the central nervous system and brain resulting in mental retardation gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855 338 6929 my body temp has been at 94 2 96 8 of and on for over a week other than hypothermia what could cause this im 60 lbs over weight i have been tired and weak almost no energy a loss of appetite migraines after the low temp spells hot and cold sweats increase in thirst diabetes doesnt run in my family but its the only thing i could think that would cuase all these symptoms when i have the low temp spells i bunndle up drink hot tea and it doesnt help after i eat i feel better but then 4 5 hours later if i havnt eaten i feel it all over again should i go to doctor and be tested for diabetes,the answer is maybe but why take even the remote chance use a secondary form of birth control while you are taking antibiotics we do know that antibiotics may decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives and nexplanon is just a different delivery system for the hormones used to prevent pregnancy you are wise to be careful my eyes burn and water when i shut them and when im standing in the sun and the only way to relive them is to stand i was spreading horse manuer the day before,we had this same exact thing happen it is completly normal and has to do with the beginning of teething we switched to a rice cereal for this which seemed to help a little and also used the triple paste diaper rash gel it helped a ton with the rash nothing to worry about though as i said this is normal and will pass as hard as it is watching your baby scream when you wipe them with this terrible rash what does it mean when iron levels are at a 4 in a woman over 50,platelets are cell fragments derived from bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes platelets circulate in blood but are much smaller than red or white blood cells platelets are coated with substances that normally glide smoothly along the surface of blood vessels and other blood cells however when platelets encounter a damaged blood vessel they collect together in a plug to stop the bleeding a blood clot then forms sealing the platelet plug aspirin and other medicines like clopidogrel plavix interfere with platelets ability to clump together this helps protect against the sudden formation of blood clots inside blood vessels the cause of heart attacks and strokes antiplatelet drugs also increase the likelihood of abnormal or excessive bleeding she got her periods since day after i fingered her with some precum can she get pregnant i fingered the girl on her 2nd day of period june 6th and maybe i had a little pre cum on my finger but at that moment i could not realize anything i did rub my finger over her body and then went in and pretty deep maybe hit her cervix once she got her periods over on 9th june and it was normal only and the duration of her cycle is normal and not irregular so is it possible that this might make her pregnant please help i am really worried,do not sound like herpes simplex to me but then again i did not examine you you are correct about angular chelitis as being the most likely explanation but next time show this lesion to a medical professional herpes tends to have a cluster of small and painful blisters and may be recurrent showing up again in the same place is it safe to use otc meds for a yeast infection if i am unsure about being pregnant i took a pregnancy test a week ago and it was negative we however are trying for another baby my periods are irregular and always have been but after reading about yeast infections i am curious as to if i can treat it now since i do not know if i am pregnant or just late period but i need it treated asap as the slight itchdiscomfort is bothering me i have got a low immune system and often get yeast infections but have never asked my doctor of this,i think it is tough in that you want to balance your child is autonomy and also make sure they get the care they need i would ask your child to sign a release of information where their counselor at college is free to contact you and disclose information then have a discussion with therapist that you would like to be notified of future appointments so you can push your kid to attend and also of missed appointments some campuses may have a support group the student counseling service at college might be able to direct [you to] they may even run the groups could i still have lyme disease i was diagnosed 4 yrs ago i never found a tick bite so i am not sure how long i had it before i started antibiotics i have never felt the same i am still just as tired and constantly achy in my neck and back i get terrible headaches that last days i get sharp pains in my arms all the time i randomly get dizzy and i have fainted a several times a year ago someone said it is allergies so i tried allergy medicines and just got sicker in sept i had mono i am 18 and i still feel like i am dying,based upon my personal experience along with my husband daughter and now hundreds of people that i have come to know through a variety of venues i am a professional counselor with 30 years of experience your symptoms can absolutely be attributed to persistent borrelia lyme infection and perhaps coinfections i strongly recommend you review the international lyme and associated diseases ilads website for up to date and accurate information because of what comes down to what is now willful ignorance many doctors are poiltical hacks rather than physicians like the expert who gave you horrible advice on this forum my right tonsil is severely infected and is getting more swollen and infected with keflex medicine what should i do i have had a problem with getting tonsillitis over the past couple years but i mainly get it it on the left side however this time it is the right one that is infected i have been taking keflex for it for about 4 days and since that it has gotten more swollen and now completely covered in white puss and infection should i go to another clinic or hospital is there anything they can do since i am already on medicine,this could be a peritonsillar abscess one sided severe tonsillar swelling is the primary sign of this potentially serious problem since i can not see it my advice would be to seek medical care as soon as you can you need to be re examined unless your doctor specifically tested you for strep before prescribing the keflex failure to respond or even worse on antibiotics could indicate that you have mononucleosis mono so this should be considered when you are seen today if you have mono should you discontinue the antibiotics given before diagnosis,“the at risk group now captures women with pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia gestational diabetes or pregnancy induced hypertension ” says [american heart association 2011] guideline chair lori mosca md phd mosca is director of preventive cardiology at new york presbyterian hospital and a professor of medicine at columbia university medical center in new york city “these complications are the equivalent of a failed stress test ” she says doctors use exercise stress tests to diagnose heart disease “if you do develop one of these conditions during pregnancy it is an unmasking of the risk that tells us your vascular system does not function ideally ” mosca says i have urination issues i just finish going and when i stand up i have an urgent need to go again,you can provide your estimated income for 2013 and use that to see if you qualify for a federal subsidy if there are any discrepancies between your estimate and your actual income once you file your taxes you will want to let your state marketplaceexchange know so they can adjust any subsidy you are receiving my teen has add and is taking adderall since it is a controlled substance should not he be monitored by a neurologist my son is 15 and has been taking adderall for nearly a year we first tried several behavioral techniques before trying meds to manage his add we found a pediatric neurologist at that time now his pediatrician is insisting that she can manage his care my teen has not had any issues with the adderall so far but since it is a controlled substance i worry if something should develop a pediatrician may not have the specific experience to handle it should i insist on keeping the neurologist,the pediatrician is certainly capable of treating and monitoring add medications for a 15 year old accidentally taking 2 prenatal vitamins a day hello i swear the packaging on the beyer 1 a day prenatal directed one to take 2 vitamins each day while pregnant then i notice the bottle directs to only take one i have been taking 2 day for a week do i need to worry,hi as things go you should be ok but there are a couple of vits you can od on so this means sitting at your computer and going through the list on the packaging just to be sure there ok good luck i have seizure like events,the high dose version to shrink prostates proscar has about a 4 dysfunction rate which is reversible when you stop it i do not know about the low dose propecia but once you stop it all should be fine again over time i can no longer afford my health plan will i be able to decline my plan and sign up for the affordable care act,it depends on how the virus responds to early treatment when treatment fails to decrease the replication of the virus the effects can become life threatening and the infection can progress to aids even with treatment some people seem to naturally experience a more rapid course towards aids however the majority of hiv patients who receive appropriate treatment do well and live healthy lives for years what causes skin tags,u need to check your kidney function and liver function tests check for fasting sugar and insulin levels and cortisol levels broken collarbone 3 5 cm overlap its been three weeks after break and still feels broken or loose,phonophobia is a sensitivity to sound i was told i was born with a small hole above my rectum and that it grew up by itself what is it called,well i want to start by saying that you should go over your lab results with your health care provider lab results do not exist in a vacuum what is abnormal for one person may be normal for another depending on their medical histories and many other factors in general sgotast is an indicator of liver health however elevated levels do not necessarily mean you have liver disease many things can cause elevated sgotast which is why you need to consult your health care provider to learn what these results mean for you personally ldl stands for low density lipoprotein which is the bad cholesterol in the total cholesterol equation we generally like to see ldl values below 130 if your number is higher than that your doctor will evaluate this result in relation to your total cholesterol numbers heart health and also that sgotast elevation hope this helps i am 19 years old and have not had a period in over 4 months i have had brown discharge what is wrong with me i am not pregnant every article i find suggests cancer is there anyone who can say different or is the unfortunate obvious i have had an irregular period since my first menstrual cycle since i was 14 years old i have had time spans of months 4 between cycles but this discharge has only occured recently i have cripling migranes every day and 8 staph infections within the last year i do not know if those last troubles will help in answering me i am lost as to what is wrong with me,see a doctor or oncologist for better visual on your problems when to replace a sanitary pad during periods if a pad does not get saturated after many hrs than it should be replaced or not i need to know the time hrs after a pad should be replaced because i have heard that a pad should be replaced after 5 hrs otherwise it can cause ovarian cancer because blood mix with gel & make a substance that is harmful i want to know is that true,it is not a mole but a skin outgrowth there are high chances that this may be a carcinoma a consultation with a dermatologist will be helpful tissue biopsy should be done to confirm the diagnosis is there a safe alternative to latex condoms for the prevention of herpes for people who are allergic to latex,if i was you i would go to a good dr & have a checkup & talk there are some gr8 medications out there today i know as i am on 2 lots of antidepressants & 2014 is going to be the best year ever after 2 bad relationships 2 councillors & a physic lady & a new dr i am doing wonderful it took me 3 & a half mths before my new drug kicked in there is hope out there as my neice told me it is easier to stay up than get up one of the things even if you do not feel like doing it is getting up & being normal you will get there i had to do this & it was hard work i tell you but it gets easier & going to bed @ normal hours & plan your day & do everything you normally do ask you dr for a mild anti anxiety drug too until the other anti depressants kick in good luck is it safe to take probiotics long term,triglycerides are a type of fat found in your body and your body uses them for energy high triglyceride levels increase your risk of developing health disease there is a lot you can do on your own to lower triglygerides here are some tips below exercise more often exercise can play a large role in decreasing triglyceride levels experts recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week lose weight weight loss can be a result from exercise and diet changes eating fewer calories can help you to lose weight a diet that is high in fruits vegetables lean proteins and low fat dairy products can help to decrease your caloric intake choose healthy fats eat less unhealthy fats found in meats butter dairy products and trans fats found in processed foods and margarine healthy fats are found in olive oil nuts and seeds eating more of these foods are helpful at lower cholesterol this is because of the omega 3 fatty acids also found in tuna salmon and mackerel following this link to other helpful ways to reduce triglyceride levels triglycerides is a fatty substance in the blood you need to avoid food that is white in color white bread pasta white rice cakes etc you also need to exercise more often run and work up a sweat at least three times a week you are young so that should work for you to get you are triglycerides in check i have the same problem but im 50 good luck hope this will help can a viagra tablet be inserted directly into the penis,absolutely not rod is incorrect here as he is not actually a medical doctor you can insert it as long as it has been crushed up prior to insertion can having a problem with your thyroid cause you to lose handfuls of hair at one time,certainly either under or over active thyroid can cause one to lose hair check with your internist or endocrinologist to be sure your thyroid levels are where they need to be how can stevia help with diabetes,the pain from the tooth needing the root canal will only get worse if there is an infection it will get worse and could be very dangerous there are always treatment options extraction is an option but replacement of that tooth with a bridge or an implant later on could ultimately be more expensive i suggest calling your local dental society for some other treatment options like a dental school or hospital based program additionally most dentists offer easy financing options so do not give up on that tooth just yet my mother is 61 retired and living with me i cover her living expenses is she still going to have to get health insurance even though she has no job,if she currently has no insurance you should look to your state is marketplace without income she is likely to qualify for medicaid coverage which would provide her with insurance at no cost if your state is not expanding medicaid she will likely qualify for highly subsidized health insurance there are exemptions for people unable to afford even the lowest cost plans however i am a female to male transgender should i look at male or female asthma chart,hi yes you are right you should look at the female chart as your basic body internal environment is of a female thanks my 15 year old has stomach cramps feeling nauseous and no appetite,hi she seems to be suffering from gastritis and indigestion problems antacids and probiotics can help she needs to eat more of fruits and fibre diet syrups containing digestive enzymes can help in digestion of food anti spasmodics should be taken for pain thanks i take synthroid daily i do not recall taking my dose today should i be concerned or is it ok just to resume tomorrow,hi i recommend doing an endoscopy to your upper gastrointestinal tracks it seems you had a peptic or duodenal ulcer that healed i think you can ignore the whole thing good luck is it common to have one ear infected yet have pain in the opposite ear i went to the clinic after 10 days of having a clogged ear it felt as if there was fluid in my ear and my hearing was fuzzy i was diagnosed with an ear infection in the opposite ear not the one that was bothering me is this common i was given drops for the infected ear but my other ear still feels clogged what should i do,i understand your concern see as you said your mother is suffering from active tb tuberculosis tb in the child should also be ruled out first it may be just pneumonia but tb should be ruled out with some more investigations mentioned below is the child gaining weight adequately what is her present weight was bcg bacillus calmette guerin given at birth when was your mother diagnosed and when tb treatment started investigations to be done1 mantoux test 2 complete blood count 3 gastric aspirate for afb acid fast bacilli treatment planan antibiotic should be given for seven days regarding follow uprevert back with the answers to the above questions to a paediatrician online > will getting the flu shot or a meninghitus shot cause ketones,no ketones are not caused or exacerbated by a flu or meningitis vaccine what are the possible side effects of boniva injection,ice compresses and ibuprofen assuming you can medically use this type of medication wear open toed shoes for a while elevate your legfoot you may want to consider buddy taping your injured toe to an adjacent uninjured toe to give it more support can taking clarithromycin 500 mg make my ulcer pain worse,hi found you this on wikipedia in humans induced lactation and relactation have been observed frequently in primitive cultures and demonstrated with varying success in adoptive mothers it appears plausible that the possibility of induction of lactation in women or females of other species who are not biological mothers does confer an evolutionary advantage especially in groups with high maternal mortality and tight social bonds the phenomenon has been also observed in most primates in some lemurs and in dwarf mongooses lactation can be induced in humans by a combination of physical and psychological stimulation by drugs or by a combination of those methods some couples may stimulate lactation outside of pregnancy for sexual purposes now what is above may sound a bit odd now read this bit below the stimulation need not be intentional epidermal touching such as with finger tips tongue or lips mental stimulation with normal brushing of nipples against the inside of brassiers can induce lactation of course it may be embarrasing but you should not be scared if it really bothers you try avoiding sexual thoughts or remove focus on some one you find attractive wear a bra one size larger etc have also found you this lactating is linked to the hormone named prolactin only when that hormone is very high you can lactate in a normal situation that hormone is high during last months of pregnancy and after the child is born and continues to be high for the duration of breast feeding if the prolactin is high without pregnancychild breast feeding it means that your hormonal system is out of balanced in a big way simple blood tests with your md full hormonal pannel blood tests will you closer to a diagnosis the causes of your hormonal being out of balance can be multiple and it is true somebody mentioned that pituitary tumor is one of them also hypothyroidism is another one in my practice i see a lot of women that have adrenal fatigue do not ask you md about it because they do not study in school such thing only alternative practitioners andor hypothyroidism the most common cause is long term stress untreated it will eventually get to sterility and very early menopause if you are talking about a pituitary tumor there is medication and holistic natural way of treating it before surgery in fact for all hormonal imbalances there are alternative natural ways of balancing this last part come from steady health see so it could be you just out of balance with your hormones interesting and do hope it helps you good luck i have been constipated with pain for a week my doctor says i am iseverely impacted after x rays nothing is working because i have a very high fiber diet exercise regularly and generally have no elimination problems at all my doctor thinks it could be caused by stress and dehydration i am now drinking less coffee and drinking tons of water my doctor has had me try the following ~ milk of magnesia metamucil glycerin suppositories and now lactulose i have very small amounts of diarrhea about once a day nothing is working at all any suggestions rx or natural,hi sounds like somebody either needs an enema or a high colonic irrigation either should give you a good old clean out good luck i am 17 and i have not had a period in 3 months dont know why looked into poi not sure if it is it but i have the symptoms i have also been having period cramps for the three months i have gained about ten pounds and i am getting acne which is abnormal for me,normally hair goes through a regular growth cycle during the anagen phase which lasts three to four years the hair grows during the telogen phase which lasts about three months the hair rests at the end of the telogen phase the hair falls out and is replaced by new hair the average person loses about 100 hairs each day losing excess hair can be a normal part of growing older but it also can have other causes including drugs or disease as they age men tend to lose the hair on top of their head which eventually leaves a horseshoe shaped ring of hair around the sides this type of hair loss is called male pattern baldness it is caused by genes from both parents the idea that men take after their mother is father is a myth and it is fueled by the male hormone testosterone in female pattern baldness the hair loss is different it thins throughout the top of the scalp leaving the hair in front intact a number of disorders can cause the hair to fall out people who have an autoimmune condition called alopecia areata lose hair on their scalp as well as on other parts of their body other health conditions that can cause excess hair loss include medications such as antidepressants retinoids nsaids blood thinners birth control pills and other hormonal treatments high blood pressure medications chemotherapy and radiation severe infections major surgery overactive or underactive thyroid other hormonal problems severe stress autoimmune diseases such as lupus fungal infections of the scalp pregnancy and childbirth certain hair care practices such as wearing tight ponytails or weaves or regularly bleaching or perming the hair can also lead to hair loss some people compulsively pull out their hair this psychological disorder is called trichotillomania when hair loss is related to a medication stopping the drug usually prevents further hair loss and the hair will eventually grow back hair also tends to grow back after most illnesses radiation therapy or chemotherapy wearing a wig or hat can hide the hair loss until the hair returns hair transplants are a more permanent hair replacement solution hair lost to male pattern and female pattern baldness will not grow back on its own but there are medications that can help slow hair loss and even regrow hair minoxidil rogaine is a cream that is available over the counter to treat men and women finasteride propecia is a pill that is available to men only by prescription topical or injectable cortisone may also help regrow hair lost to certain conditions i low level laser therapy for bad cirrculation in legs covered if it has been reccomended by primary physician compression stockings have not worked to improve circulation my primary physician has suggested low level laser therapy is it covered under medicare,doctors recommend many things that insurances refuse to cover as a payable benefit doctors do not set the parameters of insurance policies so we are really at the mercy of those who write the checks my husband is worried about dropping dead,not enough information first what kind of eardrop second you should never clean out your ear with a q tip earwax is a beneficial protective coating for the sensitive skin lining of the ear canal and should not be removed there are many causes for an earache so you will need to repost with more information as soon as you throw out those q tips i had a radiofrequency surgery done on the back of my heels still having pain,certain antihistamines should be avoided by men that have prostate problems older antihistamines like diphenhydramine and chlorpheniramine can aggravate the symptoms of bph these older antihistamines can also cause drowsiness which could be a problem if you already experience drowsiness from the ms contin you should talk to your pharmacist who can help you find an antihistamine that will not interfere with your condition or your current medications i keep getting bacterial vaginosis and he keeps getting a rash around his waist are we passing something back and forth i have been treated for bacterial vaginosis 4 times and my sexual partner for over a year has a reoccurring rash around his waist he said his doctor said it was a bacterial infection are we passing something back and forth i have already been checked for a std and it was negative,ivf is the most common type of art and there are other variations on the basic procedure some of which remain controversial people should learn about both the benefits and risks of any medical procedure intracytoplasmic sperm injection icsi a single sperm is injected into an egg if the egg is fertilized and develops normally it is then transferred to the uterus this has been a significant advance in treating men with low sperm count or disorders related to sperm movement couples who undergo the procedure should be aware that if their infertility is caused by a genetic defect that defect could be passed to the child pre implantation genetic diagnosis an individual cell from a growing embryo is removed and used for genetic screening during ivf blastocystculture a blastocyst a developed embryo is cultured and transferred to the uterus after five or six days compared with the three days for typical in vitro fertilization cryopreservation human eggs and embryos are frozen so that they can be kept viable they are stored in liquid nitrogen at 320 degrees below zero assisted hatching an opening is created in the egg shell surrounding the embryo to help it implant in the uterus this procedure has not been shown to be beneficial for everyone undergoing art those who may benefit from assisted hatching include couples who have preserved embryos their own or donated by cryopreservation couples in which the mother is of an advanced age or couples with a history of multiple failed ivf attempts the fda does not regulate individual art procedures but the agency has cleared devices for use in art procedures examples are biopsy devices dissection needles sperm and embryo delivery catheters and solutions used to process and maintain sperm eggs and embryos i had a gallbladder removed i have a small tear leaking,oral herpes typically is caused by direct contact like kissing or by fresh exposure to the herpes virus as a fomite contaminated surfaces technically if the person using the mouse has an active herpetic lesion on the lip picks at it and then touches the mouse it will be contaminated if you then touch the mouse and touch your lip and are susceptible to herpes you may get it these are all big if is and theoretical most people have have oral herpes have no clue where they got it or from whom genital herpes comes from sexual contact orally or during intercourse less commonly it could come from shared contaminated sex toys but this is not the typical transmission route you can use your own wireless mouse or at least wipe it off before using it of course the keyboard desk a pen etc is going to be a possible fomite as well shooting pains in my back side bottom – doctors say they do not know,hi there are a lot of possibilities but you have to be more specific where exactly is the pain what increase the pain and what relieves it is there numbness in your lower limb which one upper limb that may be a kind of lumbago or simply some disc lesions in your middle or lower back which can be confirmed with mri and xrays…please reply with the answers… do antibiotics really expire i have cipro for what i think is diverticulitis the antibiotic i have says it expired 10 months ago do i need to get new meds,i have to say that medications are not the same as milk they will not sour in most cases but beyond their expiration date they may lose some potency especially if they have not be stored properly your cipro may be okay but i would advise you to check with your pharmacist first what are the symptoms of heart failure,the symptoms of heart failure are related to the changes that occur to your heart and body and may be moderate to severe depending on how weak your heart is the symptoms can include congested lungs fluid back up in the lungs can cause shortness of breath with exercise or difficulty breathing at rest which is often worse when lying flat in bed lung congestion can also cause a dry hacking cough or wheezing fluid and water retention less blood to your kidneys causes fluid and water retention resulting in swollen ankles legs and abdomen called edema and weight gain symptoms may cause an increased need to urinate during the night bloating in your stomach may cause a loss of appetite or nausea dizziness fatigue and weakness less blood to your major organs and muscles makes you feel tired and weak less blood to the brain can cause dizziness or confusion rapid or irregular heartbeats the heart beats faster to pump enough blood to the body this can cause a fast or irregular heartbeat if you have heart failure you may have one or all of these symptoms or you may have none of them in addition your symptoms may not be related to how weak your heart is you may have many symptoms but your heart function may be only mildly weakened or you may have a more severely damaged heart but have no symptoms what is hypertension,what number is consider dangerous high blood pressure my grandma has 18980 do we need to take her to the hospiral she is 89 years old i was considering getting semi or permanent eyeliner how will this affect my skin and eyelid tissues,swelling in the face can be normal but it may also be a sign of infection immediately call the surgeon that removed the tooth to ask about the swelling if you cannot immediately contact the surgeon make sure your son is taking an antibiotic use ice packs on that side of his face to help reduce the swelling can a woman stop using testosterone cream cold turkey i am a 50 yo female and had uterine cancer 4 years ago and underwent a total hysterectomy since then i was diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica which is now in remission i noticed a much decreased sex drive and talked to my gyn who gave me a prescription for testosterone cream i began using it almost two months ago and have seen no change in the sex drive i have high cholesterol and high bp and currently take two bp meds i want to quit using the cream should i reduce slowly thanks,you can just stop it but it is always best to discuss this with the doctor who has been treating you first how often should i target my abs in my workouts and what abdominal exercises work best,starting october 1 go to coveredca com that is california is health insurance marketplace where you can shop for a new health plan it sounds like you might qualify for financial assistance to help lower the cost of a new health plan why does not medicade pay for oxycottin,she is coughing for a reason so the first and most important step is to find that reason does she have asthma bronchitisbronchiolitis pneumonia influenza there are so many reasons there are few if any recommended medicines for cough in children some are expectorants that cause her to cough probably not something you are interested in but children especially girls do not ask me why cannot hock up phlegm there are cough suppressants but these may be contraindicated since the cause of the cough is not known some people are safely using honey to quiet a cough and certainly a humidifier is helpful my recommendation is for you to have her properly examined while most causes are viral a few are bacterial and require antibiotics menometrorrhagia after 49 my wife is 49 and she is not pregnant but she has abnormal intervals of her menstrual cycle but she gets spotty and bleeds more frequently between the cycles and it is every 20 days,it could be perimenopause or menopause but i would check with her gynecologist first to see if she has an ovarian cyst causing her irregularity and extra bleeding things can get irregular as a woman approaches menopause but there is plenty that can be done to regularize things and help her how many days a week should i exercise,5 days a week what should i do if i suspect an overdose of prednisone intensol,sometimes skin can become more sensitive when it has been overtreated with a variety of products with different ingredients like fragrances and acids or ingredients that are too harsh i have seen patients who end up red blotchy skin because they have been using salicylic acid glycolic acid and retinoids and the combination is too much i have this pimples on my body what can i do to remove themget rid of them or is it serious ,regular bathing and cleansing to keep your body clean is advisable visit your dermatologist for treatment we recommend herbal mixture of rubia cordifolia tinospora basil curcuma to purify your blood internally this combination will reduce the tendency of pimples over body and prevent infection do all people with schizophrenia act the same,no there are five types of schizophrenia some overlapping but each affecting behavior in a different way they are paranoid schizophrenia this results in feelings of persecution that sometimes alternate with grandiosity disorganized schizophrenia this causes primarily incoherent speech or thought but may not involve delusions catatonic schizophrenia there is total withdrawal from reality causing a person to not speak assume bizarre body positions and appear to be in almost a trance like state residual schizophrenia while classic signs of schizophrenia such as delusions may no longer be a problem patients still have very little or no motivation or drive and little interest in life schizoaffective disorder this is a combined diagnosis that involves the classic symptoms of schizophrenia along with those of another mental illness most commonly bipolar disorder manic depression i had a baby who is now 5 months old and i noticed my right nipple was bleeding and my breast is very sore,no these are not diuretics but there are combination medications brand names that may have a diuretic you can look up these medications individually on the internet or address this question with your pharmacist i am 23 and have 3 kids can i get a vasectomy,i suggest you return to your health care provider for a re check you could be experiencing a new illness that is unrelated to the sinus infection or perhaps it was not a sinus infection after all but a virus that has now gone down into your lungs regardless if you are having trouble breathing it is worth getting checked out hope this helps breathing problems after upper respiratory infection are common especially bronchitis and asthma but you need to visit a doctor to confirm the cause and diagnosis so that proper specific treatment is initiated most probably you may be suffering from bronchitis why cant they see my dad is heart on an mri my dad had an mri and they said they cant see his heart what does that mean,low potassium is usually a sign of muscle weakness leg cramps are mostly caused by dehydration low magnesium or low blood calcium the best treatment for cramps is to rehydrate and replenish your electrolytes possibly with chicken or beef broth my husband has stomach cancer he refused treatment now he is unable to eat solid food,it can be difficult when you are allergic to your pets a strategy to help symptoms related to pet allergy includes keeping the cat out of the bedroom during the day and night cat allergen accumulates in the bedroom if the cat spends time there i am 44 and have taken 3 rounds of antibiotics for strep but they have not worked is it safe to have my tonsils removed i also have diabetes and high blood pressure both are controlled and i am under a dr is care for i have pernicious anemia also that i am under a dr is care for my right tonsil is swollen and has been for almost 3 months now i had strep in feb of this year also but it went away with antibiotics,some doctors will not take your tonsils out as an adult but some will most adults that had their tonsils removed as an adult were glad they did it it is definitely harder as you get older as kids are more resilient i would discuss with your doctor how your health issues factor into the surgery consult an ent good luck how can i manage my osteoarthritis and maintain a good attitude,three kinds of programs help people learn about osteoarthritis and self care and improve their good health attitude patient education programs arthritis self management programs arthritis support groups these programs teach people about osteoarthritis and its treatments they also have clear and long lasting benefits people in these programs learn to exercise and relax talk with their doctor or other health care providers solve problems people with osteoarthritis find that self management programs help them understand the disease reduce pain while staying active cope with their body mind and emotions have more control over the disease live an active independent life people with a good health attitude focus on what they can do not what they can not do focus on their strengths not their weaknesses break down activities into small tasks that are easy to manage build fitness and healthy eating into their daily routines develop ways to lower and manage stress balance rest with activity develop a support system of family friends and health care providers i am 33 years old i need shingles vaccine but am i too young to have it,you could try a specific lumbar stretch lie on the floor get there any which way you can and with knees bent tighten you abdominal muscles and focus on trying to eliminate the space between the natural lumbar curve and the floor by pushing down i have the same problem at times and it helps are there any drug interactions between pristiq levothyroxine and acai berries,the acai berry is a fruit that has more recently been marketed to have antioxidant properties it has also been credited with other health benefits that have not yet been scientifically proven false claims include the reversal of diabetes and other chronic illnesses enlarging the size of your genitals increasing men is sexual virility and increasing sexual desire in women in addition there are no current studies supporting the berry is supposed promotion of aiding in weight loss i cannot tell you if there are any interactions with levothyroxine or pristiq i can tell you that the two medications you are taking are safe to take together pristiq does not have any food considerations when taken orally it is recommended that levothyroxine be taken on an empty stomach 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to breakfast what should be the exact calories we should have in one day i put on my weight 10 kg in last 6 months but my confusion is that i have not taken any heavy food then why i gained my weight please suggest me what had happened with me and how i can loose my weight,first off if you feel that your eating and activity has not changed along with this weight gain a visit to your doctor is in order he or she can make sure anything else is not going on there could be less obvious reasons for weight gain such as decreased activity medications more drinking of alcoholic beverages and stress this article can help identify hidden sources of weight gain there is not a set calorie level for each person as each of us has different metabolisms that being said you can reference this chart to give you an idea with some time and investigation you can get to the bottom of the weight gain good luck i have this pimples on my body what can i do to remove themget rid of them or is it serious ,in the vast majority of cases the source is a respiratory virus is anemia common after pregnancy a few days ago my dr told me i have iron defiency anemia i gave birh almost 7 months ago and was wondering if devolping this was normal also what exactly is anemia about how long will the iron supplement take to correct the anemia and other treatments,the safest and preferred method is usually inserting a stint assuming this an option based on the severity and location of your stenosis my best friend is getting this done soon as well the procedure is minimally invasive relative fast and the outcome tends to be excellent my oncologist recommended a ct scan to check for other possible cancer should i be worried about radiation exposure i was diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer underwent surgery and received treatment my cea tests and my colonoscopy since then have shown no growths or changes,as you mentioned you are 65 so it is natural to gave some ed problem cialis is a good medicine for people suffering from ed but with age limitation of 18 to 60 you need something more then cialis to get a proper and long lasting erection you can try avana which is a supper medicine for people suffering from erectile dysfunction problem fr more details on how it works on your body you can visit drugsdropship24 for you hbp you can take captopril cilazapril enalapril fosinopril lisinopril perindopril quinapril ramipril and trandolapril best of luck does a herniated disk cause numbness in the upper buttocks area i have had this pain and numbness for about 2 years and standing and overworking makes it severly worse,that would depend on the location of the herniated disk if it was in lumbar area then this would be possible if the disk was in your neck then no in my situation i have a herniated disk that is touching my sciatic nerve which is causing severe lower back pain that radiates down my buttocks leg and foot the only relief i have is sitting down standing walking or laying flat causes the disc to push against the sciatic nerve and sitting releases the pressure so yes a herniated disc can radiate down the leg and butt what will work better for migraine relief darvocet n 100 tylenol with codeine no 3 or lortab,pain associated with migraines is a very individualized symptom it is not a symptom that a health care professional can visually see to measure the intensity we rely on the patient to give specifics on the tolerability and type of pain so we can better identify the type of medication that will work specifically for your type of pain and the location of the pain without knowing more about your pain i would not be able to tell you which medication is better i can inform you a bit more about the details of each medication one common ingredient in all three of these products is acetaminophen which functions to increase the effects of the primary pain reliever in addition to acetaminophen darvocet contains propoxephene tylenol no 3 contains codeine lortab contains hydrocodone these medications are the primary pain relievers they also cause drowsiness while analgesics acetaminophen nsaids and narcotics relieve pain they do not address the underlying physiology of the migraine which is primarily the dilation of blood vessels in the brain causing pressure on nerves in such a tight closure of an area two classes of migraine drugs that can aid with the dilation of blood vessels in the brain are ergotamines and triptans my doctor gave me lorcet for a hernia i am 33 weeks pregnant is lorcet ok to take,lorcet is a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen it is listed as a pregnancy risk category c which means we do not have enough studies to determine the risk therefore it is not recommended unless the benefits outweigh the risks it really depends on the situation for the individual what increases the risk of getting obsessive compulsive disorder ocd,if you have a parent or sibling with obsessive compulsive disorder ocd your chance of developing ocd is increased 5 your risk for developing ocd is greatest from childhood to middle adulthood 5 webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated it has been wierd because idk my cycle and since changes are coming it can easily confuse me and could stress cause could stress cuase me to think i am pregnant because i could be ovulating but i feel strange although i havent had sexual contact with the boy we jus dry humped with underwear on i am not sure if this could cause pregnancy or is this normal hormonal changes becuase i am 16 now,hi stress would be one of the things to stop your periods unless it was some kind of magic sperm did he ejaculate in his pants if not you would not be pregnant it takes full sex intercourse to get pregnant look its not so much hormonal changes but your hormones even at 16 can get out of whack a simple blood test at your doctors would tell all when it comes to hormones if your around day 14 of your cycle it could be a day either way but this is ovulation day so are you at this part of your cycle good luck on friday 619 i will be 5 weeks pregnant i found out on tuesday 616 was having brownish spotting a couple days prior before i found out i was right around the time of my cycle roughly a week late maybe a little less and i am still having brownish spotting with a minute amount of pieces of tissue i assume i also have very mild cramping not like period cramping a lot less but just enough to notice sometimes i get a pain that shoots across my stomach like a nerve misfiring not necessarily painful but i notice it is this normal what can i do to help this is my first so i suppose i am nervous,after smoking a doobie on an empty stomach i will tend to wonder into the kitchen and poke my head around in the refrigerator in search of some munchies lmfao does tea cause contractions i am 30 weeks pregnant and have a cough well i drank some lipton tea 100 natural last night and after 10 minutes of drinking it i started to have contractions they lasted for about 15 minutes well i wondering if it was the tea or something else because i wanted to try and drink some cinnamon tea but i read it can induce labor,hi just keep of these until the last week or days its no good getting contractions now what you got last night may have just been from having a hot drink just take things easy good luck i was diagnosed with a prolapse uterus my cervix has risen back,would you please descibe your abdominal pain site course duration character severity what increases and decreases it any association relation to food actions taken to stop it and was it relieving the pain or not my child wants to eat constanly and is on concerta for adha dont know if symptom or eating disorder she use to have curbed appetite being on the medicine but now eats non stop gorges herself and thinks she is hungry non stop,sickle cell trait is a genetic disorder that occurs when a child inherits one sickle cell gene from a parent if a child inherits two sickle cell genes one from each parent then that child will have sickle cell disease so to answer your question if your son has been diagnosed with sickle cell trait then he had to have inherited a sickle cell gene from one of his parents if you his mother know positively you do not have sickle cell trait which is diagnosed by blood test then your son must have received the gene from his father sickle cell trait may never produce symptoms so you should not assume you do not have it unless you have been tested for it your son needs to be aware that he can pass along this sickle cell gene to his own child if the child is mother also has sickle cell trait or sickle cell disease the child can be born with sickle cell disease hope this helps for 3 months now i have had severe nausea cant hold anything down,hi thanks for the query many a time post epidural injection the individual can feel pain but it tend to subside gradually with relieving the symptoms that has led to epidural injection but in case if pain in intolerable then you should consult your surgeon and get evaluated and yu can be advised pain relievers also an examination to check for infection should be done hope this information helps what will happen if you stop morphine cold turkey,it takes me to get my withdrawls if i run out a couple days and then i throw up 247 dirarreaha severe cannot eat or hold down water for me it is worse than anything i happen to know because i keep running out early as i have built up high tolerance to them for my medical issue and ii have two torn discs and need my meds but have ran out too many times for over a week at a time i cannot help you but you either go cold turkey like i have to or get help from a dr for suboxone sl strips they are wonderful for withdrawls but they too have worse withdrawl tendency than opiates i am willing to take anything to not have my bout with withdrawls good luck i broke out in a rash only on my face what could it be i did not change any products that i use on my face same make up face wash and lotion i do have dry sensitive skin i also have acne with regular breakouts but nothing like this rash before its not that bright little bumps all over and itchy i am 23,without insurance you can consider using an urgent care center in your neighborhood to have your condition checked out you will generally pay a flat rate for the care you receive it does not replace a relationship with a doctor which you may need if you have a health condition that requires on going care but at least you can get some idea as to what is going on without insurance you can consider using an urgent care center in your neighborhood to have your condition checked out you will generally pay a flat rate for the care you receive it does not replace a relationship with a doctor which you may need if you have a health condition that requires on going care but at least you can get some idea as to what is going on will melatonin supplements work on patients with hypothyroidism,not really a stint is improved vascularization but revasculariazation requires your coronary blood vessels to step up to the plate get bigger and create new vascular pathways to feed a starving heart why would a girl age 13 knee keep dislocating it has happen 3 time in a year,in my opinion everyone should know their hiv status whether you have only had one partner or many partners the safest bet is to get a simple hiv blood test so you know for sure you are hiv free the reason i say this is because hiv is not spread only through sex other risky behaviors such as sharing needles to inject illicit drugs can spread hiv so can getting a tattoo or piercing with a dirty needle so do not be ashamed to get an hiv test then you will know for sure and set your mind at ease take care i have pressure in my right knee but no pain the pressure limits my ability to bend the knee fully condition began shortly after i drove for two long days and then played tennis a day later i am male 45 years old and in generally good healthfitness and healthy weight 58 150lbs there is no pain unless i try to bend the knee completely otherwise it is just a sense of pressure like there is a bit of fluid built up inside the knee my left knee is perfectly fine i have no other symptoms no fever for example,i am sorry to hear you are going through this it is annoying when our joints do not work correctly you may be spot on when you say your knee joint feels like it is full of fluid that could be exactly what is going on many things can cause the knee joint to temporarily fill up with fluid as long as you have no signs of a deep vein thrombosis dvt such as heat pain and angry redness to the calf area you probably can take a wait and see attitude if the pressure and stiffness in your knee is accompanied by a lump on the back of your knee where the leg bends you could have a baker is cyst this type of cyst can be caused by osteoarthritis or an injury a baker is cyst can be easily diagnosed by mri though some medical professionals can tell simply with a physical examination these cysts often are easy to feel since you do not have a fever you can be relatively assured there is no infection process going on if resting and elevating the knee do not cause the pressure to go away you should consider a visit to your primary care provider for an evaluation wishing you well daughter exposed to scabbies dr treated with some cream didnt help had now a yr also thinks she has gout no insuran gone to emergency room twice have huge bills that i her mother can not pay and she has no way to pay and no insurance she thinks she also has gout someone told her at the emergency room that her immune system has been compromised that is why the meds are not helping her get well its been a yr or better and she is getting worse using flee and tick spray and dog shampoo and crazy things like that please help me help her i do not know what to do for her she is totally miserable,whether you have to include social security disability as income depends on whether or not it is your sole source of income if you have other income in addition to your disability benefits they may be taxed otherwise they generally will not be a good answer is to see whether you included disability income as adjusted gross income when you filed your taxes last year is it possible to get pregnant on your period i am experiencing some of the early pregnancy sign is could i have gotten pregnant on my period,hi ok some women can get pregnant from anytime of the month even during there period the only way you find out is if you miss your next period if you do get a test done then do hope this helps you good luck my mouth stinks very badly what shall i do,get a full mouth scaling done from a dentist start using antibacterial mouthwash example listerine twice daily for two weeks this is the best for stinking mouth bad breath halitosis another method for cure of bad breath is saline mouth rinse take a small cup of lukewarm water and add 14th teaspoon of salt in it and rinse thrice daily for 10 days you must get the cause identified treating the root cause will give a permanent solution for bad breath if the halitosis remains evenafter the use of mouthwash for two weeks consult a dentist online for further treatment i am vegetarian i get a lot of headaches and i am tired all the time especially when menstruating is this anaemia should i see a doctor or can i treat myself,if you are concerned that you have anemia the only way that you can determine this is to have a blood test for hemoglobin you will need to have your doctor order this test unless you can find a lab to order one on yourself if you are anemic your treatment options would depend on the extent of the anemia and type of anemia not all cases of anemia are related to blood loss or iron deficiency in the diet some can be self treated by nutritional changes while others cannot as a vegetarian it is your responsibility to make sure you are getting sufficient nutrients including protein and iron containing foodsoccasionally deficient in some vegetarian diets when i was 20 i had sores in my mouth they came back a few years later what is it nausiated vomiting weakness in joints tired achy sores in vagina last summer only sore near outer mouth when there was sores in my vagina,i could not possibly answer that question based solely on the brief vague information in your posting i do not know what you had twenty years ago in your mouth that came back now there are numerous conditions that cause sores your other symptoms nausea vomiting joint weakness achey and vaginal sores last summer are so non specific that it is going to take a thorough medical investigation just to narrow down the many possibilities you will need to see your medical provider to start the diagnostic process is there any medicine in ayurveda for conceiving a baby boy,i just read your query in ayurveda or any other branch of medicine there is no medication that will help you to conceive a baby boy no medication can do that moreover the chromosome responsible for baby boy y chromosome is inherited by the male partner that means the gender of a baby whether it is a boy or a girl is determined by father and not by mother some people claim that they give medicine for baby boy and promote them in the name of ayurveda medicine but no medicine can do that for further doubts consult an ayurveda specialist online > my state did not buy into extending medicaid benefits i am disabled and my income is fixed i have insurance at present and am paying out of pocket blue cross blue shield of alabama bcbs 250month in 2014 my bcbs is scheduled to go up to 570 because when i became ill i had no choice but to live off of my savings i have no other financial income just the disability what alternative is there for me in my circumstances,see above answer i had a “cannabis episode” that really scared me dizziness neurological symptoms cardiac pain,hi thanks for the query taking magnesium is safe in case of deficiency but only under supervision of your oncologist r a medicine specialist… proper dosage and monitoring the improvement in the blood levels of magnesium should be done with regular followups regards is it safe to allow a tennager who has cerebral palsy to play basketball i coach a basketball team for high school aged kids and one of my players has cerebral palsy he played on the team last year but we were very concerned about his condition and his safety but his parents seemed to have no problem with him playing my coaching staff and i were very concerned about how safe it would be to allow him to play again this year as last yer he could not stay on the court very long without looking very exhausted is it safe to continue to let him play,cerebral palsy can be so variable that without knowing the details of his particular cp involvement it would not be possible for me to offer you a specific answer but generally a teenager with cp can play sports i admire you for being concerned and cooperative it was be best for his medical provider to sign a medical clearance someone who knows his case many kids with cp perhaps because of the muscle involvement with this disorder may become more fatigued if he has some underlying respiratory or cardiac problem then this will need to be evaluated by his medical provider before clearing him for sports participation kids with cp should be supported and encourage to do many activities so if he can make the team i do not think you will need to worry about his safety any more than the other kids i have fertility problems and my husband travels for work will intrauterine insemination work with frozen sperm,intrauterine insemination with frozen sperm can help many couples with travel concerns continue fertility treatment while half the sperm does not survive the freeze and thaw the sperm that does survive maintains good pregnancy rates in studies of women under 35 using donor sperm due to lack of male partner or partner without sperm the pregnancy rate was 18 5 per cycle just slightly less that the 20 25 per cycle quoted as the normal rate of conception the chance of pregnancy success declines with the age of the female partner 12 per cycle for women 35 40 5 per cycle for women > 40 i have had very watery diarrhea for the past 3 days i have no other symptoms and no weight loss at all what is it,your unimmunized child is at risk for measles in any crowd not just disneyland or disney world she will likely be fine if you do not allow anyone to touch her in the stroller or play with other children kids like to touch things so if you allow her to touch benches handles etc places where other children have touched you need to carefully wash or sanitize her hands you can also wait for disney world until the recent measles epidemic has abated but as far as i know most of the cases are in california disneyland not in florida i do not know when you are planning this trip but you can always check with the local health authorities to see if there are any restrictions or recommendations at the time is it true that using two condoms are better than one,hi sorry its one of the side effects go get your surgery done see how things go from then but after try thinking implant works a treat for most gus who have them that way you can get it up any time you want it to do hope this helps you good luck ps try looking on www franktalk org its a site for guys with ed problems and prostate problems and as it says the talk is frank but very helpful your see me on there as nowhard go talk with the other guys can i ask my teen to see if she has been cutting m,if you do not who is going to ask her cutting can be a very serious psychological problem so if you suspect she is cutting this needs to be addressed immediately do it with genuine concern and understanding if she is you will need to have her see a psychiatrist 11 yr old daughter gets dizzy and will be for hours today it was sudden and got very pale where she stays during the day called me to say they were making brownie and she was stirring them up with a mixer and all of a sudden she had to go lay down because she was really dizzy she was very pale after lying with her feet up and drinking some water she felt a little better not dizzy but not great either she does wear glasses as of october of last year and she has started her menstral cycle,i suggest you take your daughter to her pediatrician as a starting point her symptoms should not be ignored if the symptoms seem to come and go with her menstrual cycle the problem could be anemia from blood loss drinking extra water and eating iron rich foods red meat fortified grains might help the problem however many things could be causing these dizzy spells and it is important you find out what is going on if there is an underlying illness or condition the sooner you can treat it the better wishing you well i have pcos and a retroverted uterus what is the likelihood of having a child,missing a period does not mean you are necessarily mean you are pregnant but if you are trying to get pregnant or not using any form of contraception you are likely to eventually get pregnant assuming your partner is fertile there can be dozens of reasons for delayed or missed periods so it is wise to see your woman is health care professional for a proper examination and a more sensitive pregnancy test if your cycle does not self correct and especially if you are starting to show other signs and symptoms of pregnancy what foods contain vitamin k,the following foods are sources of vitamin k green leafy vegetables including spinach kale collards romaine and green leaf lettuce vegetables like brussels sprouts asparagus cabbage broccoli and cauliflower oils like soybean canola and olive oil foods of animal origin like fish liver meat and eggs in smaller amounts missed birth control could i be pregnant i missed one of my birth control pills during my last week of pills before my week of placebo pills i had unprotected sex during this time frame unaware i had missed a pill sometime during the week i took the last two pills on saturday when i realized my mistake and i should have started my period by now what are the chances i might be pregnant,yes can wearing tight jeans cause numbness on my right thigh,masturbation is normal and is not harmful your decision to stimulate yourself is personal and private you can stop if you want or you can go on and pleasure yourself as you see fit me and my boyfriend had sex early friday morning on my 18th cycle day will there be a chance i will become pregnant,here is a link to a slideshow about fertility and ovulation that i think you will find very helpful it states while the exact timing of ovulation can vary on average it happens between day 11 and 21 of your cycle a brain hormone called luteinizing hormone lh surges triggering the release of the egg that is most ripe at the same time your cervical mucus changes to a slippery egg white consistency to help sperm make their way to the egg so there is a chance that you could be pregnant if your ovulation cycle fits this pattern the webmd answers staff took apple cider vinegar to relieve cold and flu now nose is bleeding,viral meningitis is more common and usually less serious it tends to occur more often in the summer and fall because of its flu like symptoms many people mistake it for the flu viruses that cause stomach flu are a cause of vir al meningitis but most people who have these infections do not develop meningitis others viruses that lead to meningitis are those that cause chickenpox mononucleosis mono and herpes sympt oms can be similar to those of bacterial meningitis is it possible to have bpd and clinical depression if so how can both be diagnosed effectively although i am certain that i have borderline personality disorder it does not seem to cover everything i am going through i understand the personality shifts but for a while now i just get depressed and unmotivated for no reason at all and seem unable to shake the feeling i have seen a doctor but i feel like he can not get past the bpd effects and it just does not feel the same,there is no cure for severe sunburn severe sunburn is caused by people who do not use an effective sunscreen expose themselves to the bright son and stay out too long this is really all your fault you know cold compresses ibuprofen and a bit of self reflection to realize that this could have been prevented what can i do to protect my hair from getting damaged while i sleep,absolutely if you are medically able to take them separately you can take them together is a large amount of capsule swallowing 7 daily harmful to your body in a short or a long run is there a difference between man and woman capsule itself they are filled with herbs,the capsules most are gelatin based quickly dissolve in the stomach and small intestines so there is really no risk to the capsules itself whenever i eat i get nauseas and heartburn even the littlest amounts make me sick what can it be from whenever i eat anything i get sick ive had the lical er give me 8mg of zofran and it doesnt help i go days without eating because i cant stand being sick all the time i had my gallbladder out in november of 2012 and i found what foods bothered me and stopped eating them but now everything is making me sick i cant even eat saltines or toast without vomiting what should i do,most helpful answer no an ingrown toenail will not cause diarrhea there are no rules in medicine that states that a person can only have one medical problem at a time or that all symtpoms have to be connect to just one condition so the diarrhea is due to something else if you are taking antibiotics for your ingrown nail then that can cause diarrhea i had a horseback riding accident and fell on my back pain is spreading,no as a matter of fact antibiotics like amoxicillin can cause a vaginal yeast infection because of the odor uncommon in yeastcandidiasis i suspect you have a bacterial infection but that is just a guess if you do amoxicillin is not the antibiotic that would be used insurance or not you need proper medical care what is the treatment for arthritis,the treatment of arthritis is very dependent on the precise type of arthritis present an accurate diagnosis increases the chances for successful treatment treatments available include physical therapy splinting cold pack application paraffin wax dips anti inflammatory medications immune altering medications and surgical operations in a few years i will be kicked off my husband is policy through opers i am self employed but my income is substantially lower than his what income is used to determine my status we do file a joint income tax return is the joint income used or would it be mine since i would be the only insured,it is total household income that counts when determining whether someone qualifies for a tax credit in the marketplaces and for how much so if you and your husband file jointly it is your combined coverage that counts i am trying to stay away from glucose i need a food plan that does not have glucose,it is uncommon to follow a low glucose diet as it is found in many carbohydrate foods and a true allergy is rare table sugar or sucrose is made up of two simple sugars fructose and glucose fruits and vegetables also contain both fructose and glucose lactose the sugar in milk is made up of the simple sugars glucose and galactose glucose is also part of corn syrup high fructose corn syrup honey and other syrups you may have been advised to follow a low sugar diet or low glycemic diet that would mean choosing whole foods without added sugars such as fruits vegetables whole grains lean meats unsweetened dairy products check labels for words that are code for sugar such as maltose dextrose brown rice syrup high fructose corn syrup malt syrup molasses cane sugar corn sweetener raw sugar fruit juice concentrate syrup honey and evaporated cane juice for more on hidden foods with added sugars see this article this article reviews a low glycemic diet always check with a healthcare provider when following a restricted diet had unprotected outercourse on the first day of my last period my period is 3 days late could i be pregnant outercourse is rubbing the genitals together which means that my vagina was exposed to pre ejaculation fluid he did not ejaculate before we had outercourse i am not on birth control,how long is your normal menstrual cycle in a typical 28 day cycle the most fertile days would be from day 11 to day 15 with ovulation occurring approximately on day 14 the first day of bleeding would not be a fertile day and sperm deposited at that time would only live until day 5 so could not cause a pregnancy i am 39 and my period came 14 days early could this be serious could i be pregnant i have been trying to get pregnant for years scared this my be a sign of cervical cancer i have abdominal cramps and back pain like i always do with my periods but the bleeding is light,hi this is cardiac symptoms that needs to be checked by ecg cardiac enzymes tests for further follow up you got to go to the er or see a cardiologist regards my sis is 4 months pregnant n has a really bad tooth ache what can she do she is anemic and has gained 3 5lbs over,it is safest to have dental work done during the 2nd trimester why does a patient with heart disease retain fluid,heart failure is the result of poor cardiac function and is reflected by a decreased volume of blood pumped out by the heart called cardiac output heart failure can be caused by weakness of the heart muscle which pumps blood out through the arteries to the entire body or by dysfunction of the heart valves which regulate the flow of blood between the chambers of the heart the diminished volume of blood pumped out by the heart decreased cardiac output is responsible for a decreased flow of blood to the kidneys as a result the kidneys sense that there is a reduction of the blood volume in the body to counter the seeming loss of fluid the kidneys retain salt and water in this instance the kidneys are fooled into thinking that the body needs to retain more fluid volume when in fact the body already is holding too much fluid this fluid increase ultimately results in the buildup of fluid within the lungs which causes shortness of breath because of the decreased volume of blood pumped out by the heart decreased cardiac output the volume of blood in the arteries is also decreased despite the actual increase in the body is total fluid volume an associated increase in the amount of fluid in the blood vessels of the lungs causes shortness of breath because the excess fluid from the lungs blood vessels leaks into the airspaces alveoli and interstitium in the lungs this accumulation of fluid in the lung is called pulmonary edema at the same time accumulation of fluid in the legs causes pitting edema this edema occurs because the build up of blood in the veins of the legs causes leakage of fluid from the legs capillaries tiny blood vessels into the interstitial spaces an understanding of how the heart and lungs interact will help you to better comprehend how fluid retention works in heart failure the heart has four chambers an auricle and a ventricle on the left side of the heart and an auricle and ventricle on the right the left auricle receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and transfers it to the left ventricle which then pumps it through the arteries to the entire body the blood then is transported back to the heart by veins into the right auricle and transferred to the right ventricle which then pumps it to the lungs for re oxygenation left sided heart failure which is due primarily to a weak left ventricle usually is caused by coronary artery disease hypertension or disease of the heart valves typically when these patients initially come to the doctor they are troubled by shortness of breath with exertion and when lying down at night orthopnea these symptoms are due to pulmonary edema that is caused by pooling of the blood in the vessels of the lungs in contrast right sided heart failure which often is due to chronic lung diseases such as emphysema initially causes salt retention and edema persistent salt what is the level of research being done to find a cure for cold sores and genital herpes and is progress being made i currently do not have either type of herpes not that i know of a few years ago i was tested just to know for sure but i understand that a person could have the virus without ever knowing if they never got a sore i am currently dating a girl who just got her first cold sore on her lip i am just wondering if medical research is getting closer to finding a cure for this virus i am also looking for any advice on how to avoid the virus transmitting to me other than avoiding all contact,well there are a lot of things that could cause this to happen in fact when people who are really out of shape exercise vigorously and get extremely winded they probably are experiencing exactly the symptoms you describe it would not necessarily be abnormal many heart conditions can cause the symptoms you describe when i say heart conditions i am including a broad range of diagnoses from heart failure to arteriosclerosis related conditions such as morbid obesity probably could cause heart rate acceleration and oxygen desaturation on exertion too if you are experiencing these symptoms on a regular basis you should check with a health care professional to get a work up it would be a good idea to make sure your ticker is in good shape wishing you well say i choose a health insurance plan with a high deductible 3 000 and a moderate premium 3 300 is not the true cost of annual coverage approximately 6 300 not 3 300 as i will have to meet the deductible before any cost sharing begins,according to the american academy of pediatrics call your doctor if your baby is under 2 4 months old and has a fever is lethargic and not responsive to you has problems breathing or eating has a rash shows signs of dehydration such as fewer wet diapers dry mouth no tears with crying or sunken soft spot on the head has a seizure it can be difficult for doctors to tell whether a newborn has a simple virus like a cold or a more serious infection like pneumonia or meningitis that is why doctors will sometimes order special tests such as blood or urine tests or a spinal tap to pinpoint the exact cause of an infant fever and to look for more serious infections in young babies does chlorophyl help hair loss and fertility,generally the the risks of carotid endarterectomy include infection breathing problems high blood pressure nerve damage that could cause serious problems like trouble swallowing bleeding in the brain stroke in my opinion you should keep it the last solution after trying life style modification and losing extra cholesterol and weight walking and stop smoking if you do healthy diet the chances of stroke may decrease after the procedure but if you did not already had a stroke or transiet ischaemic attack you should try conservative first thanks i have been experiencing skipped beats at night time when falling asleep,i hope that by now your extraction site has healed if you still have the problem you must go and have the site looked at exposed bone is not normal it is an indication of problems it might be due to systemic medication you are taking or have taken in the past it might be due to the procedure in any case it has to be examined please go and see your oral surgeon or go to another one for a proper second opinion do not leave this be my boyfriend ejackulated in me four days before my period is it possible i am pregnant,hi you are almost having like bronchitis symptoms which is turned on with cool air and temperature changes if you are having a dry cough this will cause irritation and scratching of the throat causing some blood to come out if so then you can just take an anti histamine once daily to avoid the symptoms if your cough is productive of sputum then you will need to get an expectorant and drink plenty of warm fluids… i have spherocytocis i had surgery to remove my spleen last week however i just had another gallbladder attack,hi using botox may not help much low levels of plasma carnitine is the reason for weakened facial muscles take l carnitine tablets for 15 days that should be enough thanks what actually causes gray hair,lactation with the second pregnancy really should not differ much from your first as long as you had no problems nursing with your first child thinks should run smoothly the only difference is perhaps your milk may drop a bit more quickly simply because your body has more experience with lactation my left side testicle is hurting and pissing blood,that would not be very likely while there have been cases where a tubal ligation was not done correctly a tubal ligation is considered permanent sterility i do not know what symptoms you are having but it is more likely they are caused by something else orther than pregnancy see your medical provider what increases the risk of getting warts and plantar warts,risk factors you cannot control risk factors you cannot control include how well your immune system responds to infection by a human papillomavirus when a virus enters the body the immune system creates antibodies to help destroy the virus an impaired immune system puts you at greater risk for warts your age warts occur most often in children and young adults 1 as you get older you may find that you get fewer warts or your warts go away warts are less common among older people perhaps because people develop immunity to human papillomaviruses over time 1 risk factors you can control try to avoid the following risk factors walking barefoot on moist surfaces as in public showers locker rooms and around swimming pool areas sharing towels razors and other personal items with a person who has warts touching warts on yourself or someone else biting your nails or cuticles wearing closed or tight shoes that cause sweaty feet webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information © 1995 2011 healthwise incorporated healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated can you get the flu shot and shingles shot togeather,yes there should not be a problem when you have a yeast infection for relief can you use miconazole nitrate cream 2 and vagisil maximum strength i have a lot of itching and burning and took the miconazole 1 day treatment and i was curious if i can use the cream that came with it and vagisil if the itching does not decrease,you probably do not want to drop your employer is insurance if your portion of the premium does not cost more than 9 5 of your income you will not be eligible for a subsidy if you buy insurance on the marketplace if you have not already received a letter from your employer explaining that its health plan is considered affordable under the aca ask at work to make sure you will need to look for a plan for your parents separately on the marketplace they may qualify for a subsidy i would consult with one of the helpers available by phone at healthcare gov i got sick after going to my doctor she gave me 2 antibiotics flustat adco cyclizine for my ears and pain tablets,hi codeine side effects do not last that long if that is what your asking my opinion you have other causes of stress in your life so i recommend seeing a psychiatrist good luck what is the best birth control pill to miss to get pregnant so i want a baby and my husband thinks we should wait a few more years however we are both in our early 30 is so i feel it is time we have come to the agreement that i can choose to miss one birth control pill once a month in hopes of tipping he scales in my favor what would be the pill to miss and when to have sex in order to increase my odds,theres a quaint little clinic on the corner of 5th and crenshaw they will hook you up as long as you are not in labor for future situations you may want to consider birth control is a cobra plan that i have been part of for 7 years a grandfathered plan under obamacare please explain the grandfathered plan concept,i do not know the specifics of your plan but the plan is required to tell you whether or not it is considered grandfathered so just check with your plan administrator to find out the status what causes shoulder and neck pain im having neck and shoulder pain it comes and go and is steady it does not happen because of movement i have had xrays and told maybe it is shoulder impingement r some form of arthritis it also affects sleeping i hv also been a hair stylist for 20 plus years im so sick of going to the dr and being told different things so could this be serious like lupus r stress r just arthritis,medicare plans are not impacted or a part of the current open enrollment period taking place under obamacare how can i make it easy to eat nutritious foods,do you ever open up the refrigerator or pantry door and just look in…waiting to be inspired by something sitting on the shelf christine r gerbstadt md rd spokesperson for the american dietetic association suggests keeping an arsenal of healthful foods at eye level in the fridge such as washed and ready to eat fruits and vegetables string cheese lowfat yogurt and pantry such as whole grain high fiber cereal whole grain crackers nuts and dried fruit so i tried an experiment with my family this week i placed some tempting teen friendly items at eye level in the refrigerator — tasty yogurt cups cut raw veggies and string cheese i must admit those items did seem to fly off the shelf a little quicker than usual healthful items to consider placing at eye level in the fridge * ready to eat fruit apples or orange wedges melon cubes pineapple berries etc * ready to eat vegetables baby carrots celery sticks cucumber sticks zucchini coins jicama sticks broccoli or cauliflower florets etc * soy milk or similar or lowfat milk * yogurt or yogurt parfaits * lowfat cheese stick or cubes serve with fresh fruit lean meat or whole wheat crackers * self serve green salads made with dark green lettuce or spinach to be dressed with an olive oil vinaigrette what kind of cold medicine can you give to a child with adhd without making them more hyper my son is 5 years old and has a horrible cough and cold and we have tried tylenol cold for kids and nyquil for kids but he has add and autism and so it makes him more hyper can sit still and it seems to make it worse so what can we do or what can we give him that helps him but does not make him hyper and out of control,the good samaritan law should cover you it is highly unlikely that the life you save will really care if you have a license or not when it comes to an emergency a life threatening event you can jump in and save me anytime what exercises can i do to reduce my back pain,masturbation and ejaculation are normal things that males do i truly dont think that could the cause of cancer even excessively done i done believe it would do anything out of normal if you think you or someone you know may have prostate cancer go and speak with a doctor right away the sooner you get it addressed the better chances you have pf fighting it hope this helps bug bites but never see a bug not bedbugs cause swelling itching redness heat to bite and hardness to area,not an expert but sounds like a deep pimple to me i have them on my earlobes sometimes i just recently had one on my penis i was pretty scared it was an sti for awhile turned out to just be a massive hard not ready to pop pimple type i am 47 never had a problem with getting an erection that most of the time was so hard it hurt now i can not why yes i smoke and drink have for 32 years but that is never been an issue before i am active been with the same woman for almost 8 years she is very attractive and i love her very much i love sex so what is the problem i am getting to the point that i am willing to try anything,hi so yes a bacterial urinary tract infection uti is the most common kind of infection affecting the urinary tract urine or pee is the fluid that is filtered out of the bloodstream by the kidneys urine contains salts and waste products but it does not normally contain bacteria when bacteria get into the bladder or kidney and multiply in the urine a uti can result i do hope this helps you good luck what are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis,no you really do not have to move to improve your arthritis your arthritis should be able to be managed quite well no matter where you live but you may need to see a rheumatologist to lend a professional hand what are some ways to save money on prescriptions,i would say talk to your pharmacist and also let your doctor or healthcare provider know if you are having a problem paying for your medicines there are a variety of different things and options that are not available there are prescription assistance programs that are offered to pharmaceutical manufacturers the doctor maybe able to provide you some free samples there are also some coupon programs where you maybe able to get a 7 or 14 day trial of the pharmacy to try generic opportunities if the product is available generically that could be another option i think a lot of people do not realize too by talking to their doctor and letting them know upfront that they are struggling with paying their medications maybe that means when they start a new medication they do not write for hundred pills right away they have you write out for 30 pills and maybe you try it first to see how you are doing so many times i have patients who come into the pharmacy and they say well this did not work and i spent 200 and i am like yeah he should have just written four months to try not three months right off the bat everyone thinks well if i buy more it is cheaper in the long run that is great when you are on something consistent for a long period of time but if it is something new maybe that is something to actually save cost in the long run because if it does not work then you did waste the money on that particular product and got switched to something else always talk to your pharmacist with the medication experts we are here to help you i love talking to patients it is the best part of my day i had rotatory cuff surgery and it locks up on me,it may be intercoastal muscle strain if increases with breathing try hot packs for longer and breathing exercises would help you other wise check your stomach with a gi doctor social anxiety i want friends where do i go i have such bad social anxiety when i first get to know someone but then it lessens,folic acid can reduce your risk of having a baby with a serious birth defect of the brain and spinal cord called the neural tube a baby with spina bifida the most common neural tube defect is born with a spine that is not closed the exposed nerves are damaged leaving the child with varying degrees of paralysis incontinence and sometimes mental retardation neural tube defects develop in the first 28 days after conception before many women realize they are pregnant because about half of all pregnancies are unplanned the department of health recommends that you take 400 micrograms of folic acid each day while you are trying to conceive and should continue taking this dose for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy a woman who has had a prior child with a neural tube defect should discuss the appropriate dose of folic acid with her doctor before her next pregnancy studies have shown that taking a larger dose up to 4 000 micrograms at least one month before and during the first trimester may be beneficial there are natural sources of folic acid green leafy vegetables nuts beans and citrus fruits it is also found in many fortified breakfast cereals and some vitamin supplements calcium during pregnancy can prevent a new mother from losing her own bone density as the fetus uses the mineral for bone growth iron helps both the mother and baby is blood carry oxygen while a daily vitamin supplement is no substitute for a healthy diet most women need supplements to make sure they get adequate levels of these minerals i started having intense sharp constant pain behind my right eye right temple area and backside of the right side of my head,avoid foods containing tyramine red wine aged cheese smoked fish chicken livers figs and some beans monosodium glutamate msg or nitrates like bacon hot dogs and salami other foods such as chocolate nuts peanut butter avocado banana citrus onions dairy products and fermented or pickled foodsalso try asprin + caffeineis antibiotics helped then you must have sinusis or middle hear infection you can also try antidepressantsmigrains are very hard to diagnose in general hope i could be of more help good luck i have been having terrible heart palpitations ended up in the er please help me,one is a xanax 2 0 and diazapam is valuim they are both pretty much the same but they tend to work different on other people like xanax i cant take because i turn in to a retard and keep poppin more and more and now im on colonopin and i take like i am suppose to and they help and they dont make me retarded i have insulin resistance doc prescribed januvia 10mg will this work,having insulin resistance can be treated with this drug it is no treat type 2 diabetes but it also works for insulin resistance patients i advise you to start doing exercise and walking regularly and trying to lose weight if you are overweight thanks what would cause me to be hot with no fever have a dry mouth and be drowsy,are you old enough to be possibly experiencing menopause if not you should consult your doctor and he may want to do a fbs fasting blood sugar and check you for diabetes drink lots and lots of water not soft drinks or anything with sugar added just lots of water even if you are not old enough for menopause though some women do experience it at a young age even as young as early 30 is this is rare but it could happen you should see your doctor and let him test you for diabetes get a complete cbc and ck all your hormone levels what would cause me to have my period for three months straight,there are two major reasons for very prolongedheavy periods hormonal and what i call structural structural means when excessive bleeding is due to actual problems within the cavity or walls of the uterus some examples of this would include fibroids of the uterus endometriosis of the muscular wall of the uterus adenomyosis infections of the lining of the uterus e g gonorrhea or chlamydia polyps of the uterine lining or even uterine cancer much less likely in a younger woman hormonal causes are usually linked to missed or erratic ovulations as you may know in a normal cycle estrogen is produced all month estrogen is responsible for building up the lining of your uterus so you have something to shed each month in a normal cycle progesterone production increases following ovulation progesterone stabilizes the uterine lining in preparation for a possible implantation of a new pregnancy if you are not pregnant that month the levels of estrogen and progesterone fall triggering the release of the uterine lining—your period so if you do not ovulate the estrogen build up of the lining continues but without the usual ovulation associated progesterone thus the hormone levels do not decline and the lining stays up inside the uterus—your missedlate period alternatively the lining can begin to shed under its own weight producing prolonged bleeding causes for not ovulating are multifold thyroid problems pituitary problems ovarian cysts physical stressors e g sudden increases in exercise crash dieting emotional stressors problems with partners workschool finances increased body weight anorexia rotating shifts at work etc will drinking herbal tea negatively affect my taking iron pills will drinking herbal tea negatively affect my taking iron pills,most helpful answer black green and oolong tea contain tannins that bind to iron and decrease its absorption herbal teas can have tannins too but it varies from tea to tea darker teas have more to play it safe do not drink tea right after or before taking your iron pill for example if you have tea in the morning stop a couple hours before lunch and take your pill after eating or wait until the afternoon my husband has recently been diagnosed with alzheimers and he is eating more carbs than ever is this common,its very nice to try to handle your pain but really need to investigate at least by doing the basics just to be in the samw side do x rayb consult a doctor cause u may have fracture or may be ms strain also there may be inflammation so u need to take pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs let me ask you are u diabetic a 25 year old takes 25 norco a day_will maintenance program work do we need another treatment he cant quit options my son has been trying to stop this addiction for at least a year but cannot and has told me he takes 25 pills per day i know this is a very dangerous amount and do not know how to help him he wanted to start a maintenance program so he will not lose his job but i am not sure that will work does he need a monitored detox at a treatment center or hospital due to the quantity he has been taking help,controlling an addiction like this may take an expert is help there are likely addiction experts in your community that you both can consult to see the best way of controlling this dangerous habit what happens when you do not treat anemia,i believe you still can if ur not taking back up are bone density tests used to monitor osteoporosis therapy,cbc is important coz it most probably idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura self limited condition no worries just full examination and investigation s should be done cocksakie sometimes affects the heart on the long term follow it up later are antibiotics safe during pregnancy,certain classes of antibiotics are safe and when you go visit your doctor they are fully aware of what classes you can be on if you have any questions though when you come and drop off your prescription make sure you talk to the pharmacist will be able to double check that information for you if the doctor may have prescribed an antibiotic that maybe you are allergic to when he did not realize that either let us know because we will be more than happy to call them inform them and possibly get the prescription changed to something else what is the best motivations that will get you started on your diet i tried so many things but failed plz help me i am on this weight loss with a friend and we are finding it very hard to start we have looked up all the information needed for weight loss and we set up our goals and meals and exercising but all of this is not going to happened if we cant start the diet because we feel like we cant do it and we are just so addicted to food anyone have a solution to this problem please help thank you ,hi can you please provide more detailed information what was 9 43 t4 t3 or tsh i need to know each of t4 t3 tsh hyperthyroidism can cause sever anxiety and stress alsi hypothyroidism can cause hallucinations as if your losing your mind + muscle weakness i will wait for your reply or you can see an endocrinologistgood luck can i get a std if my foreskin got a tiny tear and it started bleeding during sex one day me and my girlfriend were having sex unprotected and a little later i felt something weird on my penis so i pulled out and my penis starting bleeding and i could see i had a tear on the top of my penis head where it connects to the foreskin so my question is could i get a std because of this,crohn is disease causes inflammation in the small intestine crohn is disease usually occurs in the lower part of the small intestine called the ileum but it can affect any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus the inflammation extends deep into the lining of the affected organ the inflammation can cause pain and can make the intestines empty frequently resulting in diarrhea crohn is disease is an inflammatory bowel disease ibd the general name for diseases that cause inflammation in the intestines crohn is disease can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and to another type of ibd called ulcerative colitis ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the top layer of the lining of the large intestine crohn is disease affects men and women equally and seems to run in some families about 20 percent of people with crohn is disease have a blood relative with some form of ibd most often a brother or sister and sometimes a parent or child crohn is disease may also be called ileitis or enteritis 37 man t level is 191ngdl have history depression also ed but libido is there do i need injectiontreatment i am 37 years old male i have ed problem which had lead to separation and even more depression my t level is 191ngdl libido is present but ed prevents the right experience most of the time on occasions it was possible to maintain erection is 191 too low for my age do i need injection or t treatment i am afraid taking depression medications will even worsen the sexual desire and ed please help,hi there are not the symptoms that will surely lead into another embolism episode but cannot be entirely ruled out you can get a ct angiography of the brain blood vessels done to anticipate any such episodes hope you are already on blood thinners to avoid any further thromboembolic phenomenon thanks i had yearly pap yesterday doctor says discharge may be yeasty frightened it is cervical cancer,no gabapentin is not an nsaid since i do not know what kind of procedure you are having it would be prudent to get the okay specifically from the medical provider who is doing this procedure what can i expect with treatment for stage 2 ovarian cancer,am not sure what type of chemotherapy you will be receiving but this usually includes a platinum drug and a taxane drug a description of chemotherapy side effects can be found on the women is cancer network web site this site has been developed by the gynecologic cancer foundation and contains a lot of good information about ovarian cancer at what age do children begin to get their adult teeth,the normal time of adult tooth eruption for children can be anywhere between 5 and 14 years old girls usually slightly precede boys after the removal of a skene is gland cyst how long do you have to wait before you can have sex again,even though the ct scan was normal if you are continuing to have this troublesome array of symptoms you need to be seen by a neurologist for a higher level diagnostic evaluation im 21 and cannot orgasm or stay wet during sex and its only been this past year whats going on hi i am 21 years old married with a 2 year old kid i also have a vaginal std herpes and i have also had a bacterial infection twice on that went through my blood after i had my son and another one this past june and i didnt get it treated for 3 months i have pain during sex and i cant stay wet or orgasm and i used to be a squirter but now nothing this past year has been very depressing for me and i dont know what do to,gastroesophageal reflux disease gerd can be thought of as chronic symptoms of heartburn the term refers to the frequent backing up reflux of stomach contents food acid andor bile into the esophagus the tube that connects the throat to the stomach gerd also refers to the array of medical complications some serious that can arise from this reflux though it causes discomfort occasional heartburn is not harmful about 20 of adults in the u s experience gerd symptoms such as heartburn and acid regurgitation at least once a week but if you have heartburn frequently and it is untreated your stomach is acid may inflame the lining of your esophagus or swallowing tube potentially narrowing it stomach acid may also change the cells of the lining of your esophagus this change called barrett is esophagus increases the likelihood of cancer of the esophagus only a small percentage of people with gerd develop barrett is esophagus your stomach is contents can also move into your throat and be drawn past your vocal cords and into your lungs where they can cause damage along with hoarseness a chronic dry cough or asthma anyone can develop gerd at any age you are more likely to develop it as you get older nearly one out of every 10 american adults has heartburn daily pregnant women are especially prone to gerd nearly one out of every four pregnant women has heartburn every day i have not had an erection since my prostate gland was removed five years ago what can be done to correct this problem test results have shown that i have a blood vessel that will not hold the pressure to maintain an erection,i i have the same issue pain starts in chest area goes into my back and finally working its way up into my jaw sometimes i feel like i might be having a heart attack if i have one attack in a particular day i will have at least three i take a 12 hr zantac but it rarely keeps the pain at bay for 2 hrs many times i am awakened around 5 am with these symptoms any idea if gerd or acid reflux or gallbladder or hiatus hernia is it ok to stop taking premarin i have taken it for 10 years following a hysterectomy and i want to quit what happens if i just quit,sure you can quit taking premarin estrogen replacement if you would like be prepared for a potential onslaught of menopause symptoms if you do so among the symptoms you might experience if you stop taking estrogen are hot flashes sometimes called hot flushes irritability vaginal dryness night sweats i do not list those to try to sway you against going off the estrogen i only list them so you do not get caught off guard i would recommend talking to your doctor about ways to taper off the estrogen gradually in order to minimize possible side effects your doctor also will be a valuable source of information regarding both the benefits and the risks of hormone replacement therapy hrt for you given your unique medical history best wishes to you can you have an appendicitis when you white blood cell count is normal symptoms are fever approx 102 nausea stomach pain belly button area pain worse with excercise labs normal colonoscopy normal endoscope normal xrays normal and ultrasound normal this has been for the last 9 months fever once or twice a week,it is possible but typically only in the early stages of the disease the white blood cell count in the blood usually becomes elevated with infection in early appendicitis before infection sets in it can be normal but most often there is at least a mild elevation even early in the process also is not this a really long timetable for appendicitis help my husbend cant remimber like he use to he smokes tobacco and weed he stopped drinking over 4 months ago and he is losing weight he has a new friend and the guy comes over every day and does not leave till late then my husband has been real restless at night he cant even remember where he put his wallet even just after 2 hours he has adhd that he has had since he was a child and never med treated other then that he is in good health,it could be many things like peripheral neuropathy or compressed nerves but to be more helpful please let me know your agesexother history have you been through any lab tests like cbc thyroid is it best to take vitamins a b c & e individually or is there a single product containing these,almost any high quality multivitamin will contain all of these vitamins you can simply take one tablet to get them all if you need help choosing the right multivitamin for you consult your pharmacist and do not forget to eat a healthy diet i am not against taking vitamin pills but this should only be to supplement the vitamins you get from food food contains essential micronutrients you can not get from pills and food also contains the fiber your body needs for digestion wishing you well should liver cancer patient consume significantly less water per doctor is instruction why is this the male patient is very old age 98 and has liver cirrhosis with digestion issues the doctors advised not to consume more than 1 liter liquid per day including all contents of liquid in the various forms of meals that are consumed why is water is not good for liver with problems dehydration and weakness due to loss of energy with reduced food intake and water consumption is questioned water intake should help body to retain strength and energy your response would be appreciated,often times with liver disease like cirrhosis edema or what is often referred to as ascites occurs which means fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity putting pressure on other organs including the kidneys while the patient can still be dehydrated too much water can cause the fluid accumulation to worsen sodium levels can also decrease and fluid is then restricted if you are not interested in aggressive therapy at this point in his care talk to his doctor about other treatment options good luck what are the side effects of gastritis drugs when used for prolonged periods due to the reoccurrence of gastritis symptoms,no you are not pregnant you had your emergency contraceptive pills on 26th november so this bleeding must be withdrawal bleeding due to that drug but if bleeding does not settle get one ultrasound scan done and keep assured revert back to a gynaecologist online > how long after your last dose of antibiotics can you take monistat for a yeast infection i have been taking antibiotics for the last 10 days and have a yeast infection i have just taken my last pill earlier today and want to know how soon after i can start monistat for the infection thanks,you can start the monistat anytime like right now can you have a normal bm with a colostomy bag and no colon my neighbor went to the hospital the other day she told them that she had a normal bm and she supposedly has no colon and only a colostomy bag is this possible,hi not yet you have to think just how your cycle goes to understand that your not pregnant yet if you miss your next period then wait a week then go and get tested at your doctors then you will know either way your bleeding may be from rough sex good luck