--- language: no license: CC-BY 4.0 thumbnail: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBAiLab/notram/master/images/nblogo_2.png tags: - nb-bert - text-classification - pytorch - tensorflow - norwegian - bert datasets: - mnli - multi_nli - xnli pipeline_tag: zero-shot-classification widget: - text: "Folkehelseinstituttets mest optimistiske anslag er at alle over 18 år er ferdigvaksinert innen midten av september." candidate_labels: "politikk, helse, sport, religion" multi_class: true --- **Release 1.0** (March 11, 2021) # NB-Bert base model finetuned on Norwegian machine translated MNLI ## Description The most effective way of creating a good classifier is to finetune it for this specific task. However, in many cases this is simply impossible. [Yin et al.](https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.00161) has proposed a very clever way of using pre-trained MNLI model as a zero-shot sequence classifiers. The methods works by reformulating the question to an MNLI hypothesis. If we want to figure out if a text is about "sport", we simply state that "This text is about sport" ("Denne teksten handler om sport"). When the model is finetuned on the 400k large MNLI task, it is in many cases able to solve this classification tasks. There are no MNLI-set of this size in Norwegian but we have trained it on a machine translated version of the original MNLI-set. ## Hugging Face zero-shot-classification pipeline The easiest way to try this out is using the Hugging Face pipeline. Please note that you will improve the results by overriding the English hypothesis template. ```python from transformers import pipeline classifier = pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model="NBAiLab/nb-bert-base-mnli") ``` You can then use this pipeline to classify sequences into any of the class names you specify. ```python sequence_to_classify = "Folkehelseinstituttets mest optimistiske anslag er at alle over 18 år er ferdigvaksinert innen midten av september." candidate_labels = ["politikk, helse, sport, religion"] hypothesis_template = "Denne teksten handler om {}." classifier(sequence_to_classify, candidate_labels, hypothesis_template=hypothesis_template, multi_class=True) #{'labels': ['travel', 'dancing', 'cooking'], # 'scores': [0.9938651323318481, 0.0032737774308770895, 0.002861034357920289], # 'sequence': 'one day I will see the world'} ``` ## More information For more information on the model, see https://github.com/NBAiLab/notram Here you will also find a Colab explaining more in details how to use the zero-shot-classification pipeline.