--- language: no license: CC-BY 4.0 thumbnail: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NBAiLab/notram/master/images/nblogo_2.png tags: - nb-bert - text-classification - pytorch - tensorflow - norwegian - bert datasets: - mnli - multi_nli - xnli pipeline_tag: zero-shot-classification widget: - text: "Såframt uforutsette ting ikke inntreffer, kommer statsministeren til å presentere en plan for gjenåpningen av samfunnet før påske. Det bekrefter hun overfor Dagbladet." candidate_labels: "politikk, helse, sport, religion, geografi" multi_class: true --- **Release 1.0** (March 11, 2021) # NB-Bert base model finetuned on Norwegian machine translated MNLI ## Description This finetuned model was created to show that it is possible to use a MNLI finetuned model for zero-shot classification. It is an alternative to finetuning a model on a specific annotated dataset. ## Intended use & limitations ## Training data ## More information For more information on the model, see https://github.com/NBAiLab/notram