# Weights and Biases logging config wandb_project: nemo-instruct-tune wandb_entity: wandb_watch: wandb_name: v1 wandb_log_model: # Model architecture config base_model: mistralai/Mistral-Nemo-Base-2407 model_type: AutoModelForCausalLM tokenizer_type: AutoTokenizer chat_template: alpaca # Hugging Face saving config hub_model_id: Fizzarolli/nemo-instruct-tune-v1 hub_strategy: all_checkpoints push_dataset_to_hub: hf_use_auth_token: # Model checkpointing config output_dir: ./lora-out resume_from_checkpoint: save_steps: saves_per_epoch: 10 save_safetensors: true save_total_limit: 2 # Mixed precision training config bf16: true fp16: false tf32: false # Model loading config load_in_8bit: false load_in_4bit: true strict: false # Sequence config sequence_len: 16384 s2_attention: false sample_packing: true eval_sample_packing: true pad_to_sequence_len: true train_on_inputs: false group_by_length: false # QLoRA adapter config adapter: qlora lora_model_dir: lora_r: 64 lora_alpha: 64 lora_dropout: 0.125 lora_fan_in_fan_out: lora_target_linear: save_embedding_layers: peft_layers_to_transform: peft_use_dora: true peft_use_rslora: peft_layer_replication: lora_target_modules: - gate_proj - down_proj - up_proj - q_proj - v_proj - k_proj - o_proj lora_modules_to_save: # Unfrozen parameters for FFT unfrozen_parameters: # Dataset config datasets: - path: BeaverAI/Nemo-Inst-Tune-ds type: chat_template val_set_size: 0.05 evaluation_strategy: eval_steps: evals_per_epoch: 20 test_datasets: dataset_prepared_path: ./prepared-datasets shuffle_merged_datasets: true # Training hyperparameters num_epochs: 1 gradient_accumulation_steps: 2 micro_batch_size: 1 eval_batch_size: 1 warmup_steps: 25 optimizer: paged_adamw_8bit lr_scheduler: cosine learning_rate: 0.000007 loraplus_lr_ratio: 8 loraplus_lr_embedding: cosine_min_lr_ratio: 0.1 weight_decay: 0.1 max_grad_norm: 1 logging_steps: 1 # Model optimization gradient_checkpointing: unsloth xformers_attention: false flash_attention: true sdp_attention: false unsloth_cross_entropy_loss: false unsloth_lora_mlp: false unsloth_lora_qkv: false unsloth_lora_o: false # Loss monitoring config early_stopping_patience: false loss_watchdog_threshold: 100.0 loss_watchdog_patience: 3 # Debug config debug: true seed: 42 # DeepSpeed and FSDP config deepspeed: deepspeed_configs/zero2.json fsdp: fsdp_config: # Token config special_tokens: pad_token: "" tokens: