/* Stockfish, a UCI chess playing engine derived from Glaurung 2.1 Copyright (C) 2004-2022 The Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS file) Stockfish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Stockfish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef TYPES_H_INCLUDED #define TYPES_H_INCLUDED /// When compiling with provided Makefile (e.g. for Linux and OSX), configuration /// is done automatically. To get started type 'make help'. /// /// When Makefile is not used (e.g. with Microsoft Visual Studio) some switches /// need to be set manually: /// /// -DNDEBUG | Disable debugging mode. Always use this for release. /// /// -DNO_PREFETCH | Disable use of prefetch asm-instruction. You may need this to /// | run on some very old machines. /// /// -DUSE_POPCNT | Add runtime support for use of popcnt asm-instruction. Works /// | only in 64-bit mode and requires hardware with popcnt support. /// /// -DUSE_PEXT | Add runtime support for use of pext asm-instruction. Works /// | only in 64-bit mode and requires hardware with pext support. #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) // Disable some silly and noisy warning from MSVC compiler #pragma warning(disable: 4127) // Conditional expression is constant #pragma warning(disable: 4146) // Unary minus operator applied to unsigned type #pragma warning(disable: 4800) // Forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' #endif /// Predefined macros hell: /// /// __GNUC__ Compiler is gcc, Clang or Intel on Linux /// __INTEL_COMPILER Compiler is Intel /// _MSC_VER Compiler is MSVC or Intel on Windows /// _WIN32 Building on Windows (any) /// _WIN64 Building on Windows 64 bit #if defined(__GNUC__ ) && (__GNUC__ < 9 || (__GNUC__ == 9 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 2)) && defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__clang__) #define ALIGNAS_ON_STACK_VARIABLES_BROKEN #endif #define ASSERT_ALIGNED(ptr, alignment) assert(reinterpret_cast(ptr) % alignment == 0) #if defined(_WIN64) && defined(_MSC_VER) // No Makefile used # include // Microsoft header for _BitScanForward64() # define IS_64BIT #endif #if defined(USE_POPCNT) && (defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(_MSC_VER)) # include // Intel and Microsoft header for _mm_popcnt_u64() #endif #if !defined(NO_PREFETCH) && (defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(_MSC_VER)) # include // Intel and Microsoft header for _mm_prefetch() #endif #if defined(USE_PEXT) # include // Header for _pext_u64() intrinsic # define pext(b, m) _pext_u64(b, m) #else # define pext(b, m) 0 #endif namespace Stockfish { #ifdef USE_POPCNT constexpr bool HasPopCnt = true; #else constexpr bool HasPopCnt = false; #endif #ifdef USE_PEXT constexpr bool HasPext = true; #else constexpr bool HasPext = false; #endif #ifdef IS_64BIT constexpr bool Is64Bit = true; #else constexpr bool Is64Bit = false; #endif typedef uint64_t Key; typedef uint64_t Bitboard; constexpr int MAX_MOVES = 256; constexpr int MAX_PLY = 246; /// A move needs 16 bits to be stored /// /// bit 0- 5: destination square (from 0 to 63) /// bit 6-11: origin square (from 0 to 63) /// bit 12-13: promotion piece type - 2 (from KNIGHT-2 to QUEEN-2) /// bit 14-15: special move flag: promotion (1), en passant (2), castling (3) /// NOTE: en passant bit is set only when a pawn can be captured /// /// Special cases are MOVE_NONE and MOVE_NULL. We can sneak these in because in /// any normal move destination square is always different from origin square /// while MOVE_NONE and MOVE_NULL have the same origin and destination square. enum Move : int { MOVE_NONE, MOVE_NULL = 65 }; enum MoveType { NORMAL, PROMOTION = 1 << 14, EN_PASSANT = 2 << 14, CASTLING = 3 << 14 }; enum Color { WHITE, BLACK, COLOR_NB = 2 }; enum CastlingRights { NO_CASTLING, WHITE_OO, WHITE_OOO = WHITE_OO << 1, BLACK_OO = WHITE_OO << 2, BLACK_OOO = WHITE_OO << 3, KING_SIDE = WHITE_OO | BLACK_OO, QUEEN_SIDE = WHITE_OOO | BLACK_OOO, WHITE_CASTLING = WHITE_OO | WHITE_OOO, BLACK_CASTLING = BLACK_OO | BLACK_OOO, ANY_CASTLING = WHITE_CASTLING | BLACK_CASTLING, CASTLING_RIGHT_NB = 16 }; enum Phase { PHASE_ENDGAME, PHASE_MIDGAME = 128, MG = 0, EG = 1, PHASE_NB = 2 }; enum ScaleFactor { SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW = 0, SCALE_FACTOR_NORMAL = 64, SCALE_FACTOR_MAX = 128, SCALE_FACTOR_NONE = 255 }; enum Bound { BOUND_NONE, BOUND_UPPER, BOUND_LOWER, BOUND_EXACT = BOUND_UPPER | BOUND_LOWER }; enum Value : int { VALUE_ZERO = 0, VALUE_DRAW = 0, VALUE_KNOWN_WIN = 10000, VALUE_MATE = 32000, VALUE_INFINITE = 32001, VALUE_NONE = 32002, VALUE_TB_WIN_IN_MAX_PLY = VALUE_MATE - 2 * MAX_PLY, VALUE_TB_LOSS_IN_MAX_PLY = -VALUE_TB_WIN_IN_MAX_PLY, VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY = VALUE_MATE - MAX_PLY, VALUE_MATED_IN_MAX_PLY = -VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY, PawnValueMg = 126, PawnValueEg = 208, KnightValueMg = 781, KnightValueEg = 854, BishopValueMg = 825, BishopValueEg = 915, RookValueMg = 1276, RookValueEg = 1380, QueenValueMg = 2538, QueenValueEg = 2682, MidgameLimit = 15258, EndgameLimit = 3915 }; enum PieceType { NO_PIECE_TYPE, PAWN, KNIGHT, BISHOP, ROOK, QUEEN, KING, ALL_PIECES = 0, PIECE_TYPE_NB = 8 }; enum Piece { NO_PIECE, W_PAWN = PAWN, W_KNIGHT, W_BISHOP, W_ROOK, W_QUEEN, W_KING, B_PAWN = PAWN + 8, B_KNIGHT, B_BISHOP, B_ROOK, B_QUEEN, B_KING, PIECE_NB = 16 }; constexpr Value PieceValue[PHASE_NB][PIECE_NB] = { { VALUE_ZERO, PawnValueMg, KnightValueMg, BishopValueMg, RookValueMg, QueenValueMg, VALUE_ZERO, VALUE_ZERO, VALUE_ZERO, PawnValueMg, KnightValueMg, BishopValueMg, RookValueMg, QueenValueMg, VALUE_ZERO, VALUE_ZERO }, { VALUE_ZERO, PawnValueEg, KnightValueEg, BishopValueEg, RookValueEg, QueenValueEg, VALUE_ZERO, VALUE_ZERO, VALUE_ZERO, PawnValueEg, KnightValueEg, BishopValueEg, RookValueEg, QueenValueEg, VALUE_ZERO, VALUE_ZERO } }; typedef int Depth; enum : int { DEPTH_QS_CHECKS = 0, DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS = -1, DEPTH_QS_RECAPTURES = -5, DEPTH_NONE = -6, DEPTH_OFFSET = -7 // value used only for TT entry occupancy check }; enum Square : int { SQ_A1, SQ_B1, SQ_C1, SQ_D1, SQ_E1, SQ_F1, SQ_G1, SQ_H1, SQ_A2, SQ_B2, SQ_C2, SQ_D2, SQ_E2, SQ_F2, SQ_G2, SQ_H2, SQ_A3, SQ_B3, SQ_C3, SQ_D3, SQ_E3, SQ_F3, SQ_G3, SQ_H3, SQ_A4, SQ_B4, SQ_C4, SQ_D4, SQ_E4, SQ_F4, SQ_G4, SQ_H4, SQ_A5, SQ_B5, SQ_C5, SQ_D5, SQ_E5, SQ_F5, SQ_G5, SQ_H5, SQ_A6, SQ_B6, SQ_C6, SQ_D6, SQ_E6, SQ_F6, SQ_G6, SQ_H6, SQ_A7, SQ_B7, SQ_C7, SQ_D7, SQ_E7, SQ_F7, SQ_G7, SQ_H7, SQ_A8, SQ_B8, SQ_C8, SQ_D8, SQ_E8, SQ_F8, SQ_G8, SQ_H8, SQ_NONE, SQUARE_ZERO = 0, SQUARE_NB = 64 }; enum Direction : int { NORTH = 8, EAST = 1, SOUTH = -NORTH, WEST = -EAST, NORTH_EAST = NORTH + EAST, SOUTH_EAST = SOUTH + EAST, SOUTH_WEST = SOUTH + WEST, NORTH_WEST = NORTH + WEST }; enum File : int { FILE_A, FILE_B, FILE_C, FILE_D, FILE_E, FILE_F, FILE_G, FILE_H, FILE_NB }; enum Rank : int { RANK_1, RANK_2, RANK_3, RANK_4, RANK_5, RANK_6, RANK_7, RANK_8, RANK_NB }; // Keep track of what a move changes on the board (used by NNUE) struct DirtyPiece { // Number of changed pieces int dirty_num; // Max 3 pieces can change in one move. A promotion with capture moves // both the pawn and the captured piece to SQ_NONE and the piece promoted // to from SQ_NONE to the capture square. Piece piece[3]; // From and to squares, which may be SQ_NONE Square from[3]; Square to[3]; }; /// Score enum stores a middlegame and an endgame value in a single integer (enum). /// The least significant 16 bits are used to store the middlegame value and the /// upper 16 bits are used to store the endgame value. We have to take care to /// avoid left-shifting a signed int to avoid undefined behavior. enum Score : int { SCORE_ZERO }; constexpr Score make_score(int mg, int eg) { return Score((int)((unsigned int)eg << 16) + mg); } /// Extracting the signed lower and upper 16 bits is not so trivial because /// according to the standard a simple cast to short is implementation defined /// and so is a right shift of a signed integer. inline Value eg_value(Score s) { union { uint16_t u; int16_t s; } eg = { uint16_t(unsigned(s + 0x8000) >> 16) }; return Value(eg.s); } inline Value mg_value(Score s) { union { uint16_t u; int16_t s; } mg = { uint16_t(unsigned(s)) }; return Value(mg.s); } #define ENABLE_BASE_OPERATORS_ON(T) \ constexpr T operator+(T d1, int d2) { return T(int(d1) + d2); } \ constexpr T operator-(T d1, int d2) { return T(int(d1) - d2); } \ constexpr T operator-(T d) { return T(-int(d)); } \ inline T& operator+=(T& d1, int d2) { return d1 = d1 + d2; } \ inline T& operator-=(T& d1, int d2) { return d1 = d1 - d2; } #define ENABLE_INCR_OPERATORS_ON(T) \ inline T& operator++(T& d) { return d = T(int(d) + 1); } \ inline T& operator--(T& d) { return d = T(int(d) - 1); } #define ENABLE_FULL_OPERATORS_ON(T) \ ENABLE_BASE_OPERATORS_ON(T) \ constexpr T operator*(int i, T d) { return T(i * int(d)); } \ constexpr T operator*(T d, int i) { return T(int(d) * i); } \ constexpr T operator/(T d, int i) { return T(int(d) / i); } \ constexpr int operator/(T d1, T d2) { return int(d1) / int(d2); } \ inline T& operator*=(T& d, int i) { return d = T(int(d) * i); } \ inline T& operator/=(T& d, int i) { return d = T(int(d) / i); } ENABLE_FULL_OPERATORS_ON(Value) ENABLE_FULL_OPERATORS_ON(Direction) ENABLE_INCR_OPERATORS_ON(Piece) ENABLE_INCR_OPERATORS_ON(PieceType) ENABLE_INCR_OPERATORS_ON(Square) ENABLE_INCR_OPERATORS_ON(File) ENABLE_INCR_OPERATORS_ON(Rank) ENABLE_BASE_OPERATORS_ON(Score) #undef ENABLE_FULL_OPERATORS_ON #undef ENABLE_INCR_OPERATORS_ON #undef ENABLE_BASE_OPERATORS_ON /// Additional operators to add a Direction to a Square constexpr Square operator+(Square s, Direction d) { return Square(int(s) + int(d)); } constexpr Square operator-(Square s, Direction d) { return Square(int(s) - int(d)); } inline Square& operator+=(Square& s, Direction d) { return s = s + d; } inline Square& operator-=(Square& s, Direction d) { return s = s - d; } /// Only declared but not defined. We don't want to multiply two scores due to /// a very high risk of overflow. So user should explicitly convert to integer. Score operator*(Score, Score) = delete; /// Division of a Score must be handled separately for each term inline Score operator/(Score s, int i) { return make_score(mg_value(s) / i, eg_value(s) / i); } /// Multiplication of a Score by an integer. We check for overflow in debug mode. inline Score operator*(Score s, int i) { Score result = Score(int(s) * i); assert(eg_value(result) == (i * eg_value(s))); assert(mg_value(result) == (i * mg_value(s))); assert((i == 0) || (result / i) == s); return result; } /// Multiplication of a Score by a boolean inline Score operator*(Score s, bool b) { return b ? s : SCORE_ZERO; } constexpr Color operator~(Color c) { return Color(c ^ BLACK); // Toggle color } constexpr Square flip_rank(Square s) { // Swap A1 <-> A8 return Square(s ^ SQ_A8); } constexpr Square flip_file(Square s) { // Swap A1 <-> H1 return Square(s ^ SQ_H1); } constexpr Piece operator~(Piece pc) { return Piece(pc ^ 8); // Swap color of piece B_KNIGHT <-> W_KNIGHT } constexpr CastlingRights operator&(Color c, CastlingRights cr) { return CastlingRights((c == WHITE ? WHITE_CASTLING : BLACK_CASTLING) & cr); } constexpr Value mate_in(int ply) { return VALUE_MATE - ply; } constexpr Value mated_in(int ply) { return -VALUE_MATE + ply; } constexpr Square make_square(File f, Rank r) { return Square((r << 3) + f); } constexpr Piece make_piece(Color c, PieceType pt) { return Piece((c << 3) + pt); } constexpr PieceType type_of(Piece pc) { return PieceType(pc & 7); } inline Color color_of(Piece pc) { assert(pc != NO_PIECE); return Color(pc >> 3); } constexpr bool is_ok(Square s) { return s >= SQ_A1 && s <= SQ_H8; } constexpr File file_of(Square s) { return File(s & 7); } constexpr Rank rank_of(Square s) { return Rank(s >> 3); } constexpr Square relative_square(Color c, Square s) { return Square(s ^ (c * 56)); } constexpr Rank relative_rank(Color c, Rank r) { return Rank(r ^ (c * 7)); } constexpr Rank relative_rank(Color c, Square s) { return relative_rank(c, rank_of(s)); } constexpr Direction pawn_push(Color c) { return c == WHITE ? NORTH : SOUTH; } constexpr Square from_sq(Move m) { return Square((m >> 6) & 0x3F); } constexpr Square to_sq(Move m) { return Square(m & 0x3F); } constexpr int from_to(Move m) { return m & 0xFFF; } constexpr MoveType type_of(Move m) { return MoveType(m & (3 << 14)); } constexpr PieceType promotion_type(Move m) { return PieceType(((m >> 12) & 3) + KNIGHT); } constexpr Move make_move(Square from, Square to) { return Move((from << 6) + to); } template constexpr Move make(Square from, Square to, PieceType pt = KNIGHT) { return Move(T + ((pt - KNIGHT) << 12) + (from << 6) + to); } constexpr bool is_ok(Move m) { return from_sq(m) != to_sq(m); // Catch MOVE_NULL and MOVE_NONE } /// Based on a congruential pseudo random number generator constexpr Key make_key(uint64_t seed) { return seed * 6364136223846793005ULL + 1442695040888963407ULL; } } // namespace Stockfish #endif // #ifndef TYPES_H_INCLUDED #include "tune.h" // Global visibility to tuning setup