/* Stockfish, a UCI chess playing engine derived from Glaurung 2.1 Copyright (C) 2004-2022 The Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS file) Stockfish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Stockfish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "bitboard.h" #include "endgame.h" #include "movegen.h" namespace Stockfish { namespace { // Used to drive the king towards the edge of the board // in KX vs K and KQ vs KR endgames. // Values range from 27 (center squares) to 90 (in the corners) inline int push_to_edge(Square s) { int rd = edge_distance(rank_of(s)), fd = edge_distance(file_of(s)); return 90 - (7 * fd * fd / 2 + 7 * rd * rd / 2); } // Used to drive the king towards A1H8 corners in KBN vs K endgames. // Values range from 0 on A8H1 diagonal to 7 in A1H8 corners inline int push_to_corner(Square s) { return abs(7 - rank_of(s) - file_of(s)); } // Drive a piece close to or away from another piece inline int push_close(Square s1, Square s2) { return 140 - 20 * distance(s1, s2); } inline int push_away(Square s1, Square s2) { return 120 - push_close(s1, s2); } #ifndef NDEBUG bool verify_material(const Position& pos, Color c, Value npm, int pawnsCnt) { return pos.non_pawn_material(c) == npm && pos.count(c) == pawnsCnt; } #endif // Map the square as if strongSide is white and strongSide's only pawn // is on the left half of the board. Square normalize(const Position& pos, Color strongSide, Square sq) { assert(pos.count(strongSide) == 1); if (file_of(pos.square(strongSide)) >= FILE_E) sq = flip_file(sq); return strongSide == WHITE ? sq : flip_rank(sq); } } // namespace namespace Endgames { std::pair, Map> maps; void init() { add("KPK"); add("KNNK"); add("KBNK"); add("KRKP"); add("KRKB"); add("KRKN"); add("KQKP"); add("KQKR"); add("KNNKP"); add("KRPKR"); add("KRPKB"); add("KBPKB"); add("KBPKN"); add("KBPPKB"); add("KRPPKRP"); } } /// Mate with KX vs K. This function is used to evaluate positions with /// king and plenty of material vs a lone king. It simply gives the /// attacking side a bonus for driving the defending king towards the edge /// of the board, and for keeping the distance between the two kings small. template<> Value Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, VALUE_ZERO, 0)); assert(!pos.checkers()); // Eval is never called when in check // Stalemate detection with lone king if (pos.side_to_move() == weakSide && !MoveList(pos).size()) return VALUE_DRAW; Square strongKing = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Value result = pos.non_pawn_material(strongSide) + pos.count(strongSide) * PawnValueEg + push_to_edge(weakKing) + push_close(strongKing, weakKing); if ( pos.count(strongSide) || pos.count(strongSide) ||(pos.count(strongSide) && pos.count(strongSide)) || ( (pos.pieces(strongSide, BISHOP) & ~DarkSquares) && (pos.pieces(strongSide, BISHOP) & DarkSquares))) result = std::min(result + VALUE_KNOWN_WIN, VALUE_TB_WIN_IN_MAX_PLY - 1); return strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result; } /// Mate with KBN vs K. This is similar to KX vs K, but we have to drive the /// defending king towards a corner square that our bishop attacks. template<> Value Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, KnightValueMg + BishopValueMg, 0)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, VALUE_ZERO, 0)); Square strongKing = pos.square(strongSide); Square strongBishop = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); // If our bishop does not attack A1/H8, we flip the enemy king square // to drive to opposite corners (A8/H1). Value result = (VALUE_KNOWN_WIN + 3520) + push_close(strongKing, weakKing) + 420 * push_to_corner(opposite_colors(strongBishop, SQ_A1) ? flip_file(weakKing) : weakKing); assert(abs(result) < VALUE_TB_WIN_IN_MAX_PLY); return strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result; } /// KP vs K. This endgame is evaluated with the help of a bitbase template<> Value Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, VALUE_ZERO, 1)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, VALUE_ZERO, 0)); // Assume strongSide is white and the pawn is on files A-D Square strongKing = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(strongSide)); Square strongPawn = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(strongSide)); Square weakKing = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(weakSide)); Color us = strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? WHITE : BLACK; if (!Bitbases::probe(strongKing, strongPawn, weakKing, us)) return VALUE_DRAW; Value result = VALUE_KNOWN_WIN + PawnValueEg + Value(rank_of(strongPawn)); return strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result; } /// KR vs KP. This is a somewhat tricky endgame to evaluate precisely without /// a bitbase. The function below returns drawish scores when the pawn is /// far advanced with support of the king, while the attacking king is far /// away. template<> Value Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, RookValueMg, 0)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, VALUE_ZERO, 1)); Square strongKing = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Square strongRook = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakPawn = pos.square(weakSide); Square queeningSquare = make_square(file_of(weakPawn), relative_rank(weakSide, RANK_8)); Value result; // If the stronger side's king is in front of the pawn, it's a win if (forward_file_bb(strongSide, strongKing) & weakPawn) result = RookValueEg - distance(strongKing, weakPawn); // If the weaker side's king is too far from the pawn and the rook, // it's a win. else if ( distance(weakKing, weakPawn) >= 3 + (pos.side_to_move() == weakSide) && distance(weakKing, strongRook) >= 3) result = RookValueEg - distance(strongKing, weakPawn); // If the pawn is far advanced and supported by the defending king, // the position is drawish else if ( relative_rank(strongSide, weakKing) <= RANK_3 && distance(weakKing, weakPawn) == 1 && relative_rank(strongSide, strongKing) >= RANK_4 && distance(strongKing, weakPawn) > 2 + (pos.side_to_move() == strongSide)) result = Value(80) - 8 * distance(strongKing, weakPawn); else result = Value(200) - 8 * ( distance(strongKing, weakPawn + pawn_push(weakSide)) - distance(weakKing, weakPawn + pawn_push(weakSide)) - distance(weakPawn, queeningSquare)); return strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result; } /// KR vs KB. This is very simple, and always returns drawish scores. The /// score is slightly bigger when the defending king is close to the edge. template<> Value Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, RookValueMg, 0)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, BishopValueMg, 0)); Value result = Value(push_to_edge(pos.square(weakSide))); return strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result; } /// KR vs KN. The attacking side has slightly better winning chances than /// in KR vs KB, particularly if the king and the knight are far apart. template<> Value Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, RookValueMg, 0)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, KnightValueMg, 0)); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Square weakKnight = pos.square(weakSide); Value result = Value(push_to_edge(weakKing) + push_away(weakKing, weakKnight)); return strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result; } /// KQ vs KP. In general, this is a win for the stronger side, but there are a /// few important exceptions. A pawn on 7th rank and on the A,C,F or H files /// with a king positioned next to it can be a draw, so in that case, we only /// use the distance between the kings. template<> Value Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, QueenValueMg, 0)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, VALUE_ZERO, 1)); Square strongKing = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Square weakPawn = pos.square(weakSide); Value result = Value(push_close(strongKing, weakKing)); if ( relative_rank(weakSide, weakPawn) != RANK_7 || distance(weakKing, weakPawn) != 1 || ((FileBBB | FileDBB | FileEBB | FileGBB) & weakPawn)) result += QueenValueEg - PawnValueEg; return strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result; } /// KQ vs KR. This is almost identical to KX vs K: we give the attacking /// king a bonus for having the kings close together, and for forcing the /// defending king towards the edge. If we also take care to avoid null move for /// the defending side in the search, this is usually sufficient to win KQ vs KR. template<> Value Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, QueenValueMg, 0)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, RookValueMg, 0)); Square strongKing = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Value result = QueenValueEg - RookValueEg + push_to_edge(weakKing) + push_close(strongKing, weakKing); return strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result; } /// KNN vs KP. Very drawish, but there are some mate opportunities if we can /// press the weakSide King to a corner before the pawn advances too much. template<> Value Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, 2 * KnightValueMg, 0)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, VALUE_ZERO, 1)); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Square weakPawn = pos.square(weakSide); Value result = PawnValueEg + 2 * push_to_edge(weakKing) - 10 * relative_rank(weakSide, weakPawn); return strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result; } /// Some cases of trivial draws template<> Value Endgame::operator()(const Position&) const { return VALUE_DRAW; } /// KB and one or more pawns vs K. It checks for draws with rook pawns and /// a bishop of the wrong color. If such a draw is detected, SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW /// is returned. If not, the return value is SCALE_FACTOR_NONE, i.e. no scaling /// will be used. template<> ScaleFactor Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongSide) == BishopValueMg); assert(pos.count(strongSide) >= 1); // No assertions about the material of weakSide, because we want draws to // be detected even when the weaker side has some pawns. Bitboard strongPawns = pos.pieces(strongSide, PAWN); Bitboard allPawns = pos.pieces(PAWN); Square strongBishop = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Square strongKing = pos.square(strongSide); // All strongSide pawns are on a single rook file? if (!(strongPawns & ~FileABB) || !(strongPawns & ~FileHBB)) { Square queeningSquare = relative_square(strongSide, make_square(file_of(lsb(strongPawns)), RANK_8)); if ( opposite_colors(queeningSquare, strongBishop) && distance(queeningSquare, weakKing) <= 1) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; } // If all the pawns are on the same B or G file, then it's potentially a draw if ((!(allPawns & ~FileBBB) || !(allPawns & ~FileGBB)) && pos.non_pawn_material(weakSide) == 0 && pos.count(weakSide) >= 1) { // Get the least advanced weakSide pawn Square weakPawn = frontmost_sq(strongSide, pos.pieces(weakSide, PAWN)); // There's potential for a draw if our pawn is blocked on the 7th rank, // the bishop cannot attack it or they only have one pawn left. if ( relative_rank(strongSide, weakPawn) == RANK_7 && (strongPawns & (weakPawn + pawn_push(weakSide))) && (opposite_colors(strongBishop, weakPawn) || !more_than_one(strongPawns))) { int strongKingDist = distance(weakPawn, strongKing); int weakKingDist = distance(weakPawn, weakKing); // It's a draw if the weak king is on its back two ranks, within 2 // squares of the blocking pawn and the strong king is not // closer. (I think this rule only fails in practically // unreachable positions such as 5k1K/6p1/6P1/8/8/3B4/8/8 w // and positions where qsearch will immediately correct the // problem such as 8/4k1p1/6P1/1K6/3B4/8/8/8 w). if ( relative_rank(strongSide, weakKing) >= RANK_7 && weakKingDist <= 2 && weakKingDist <= strongKingDist) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; } } return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; } /// KQ vs KR and one or more pawns. It tests for fortress draws with a rook on /// the third rank defended by a pawn. template<> ScaleFactor Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, QueenValueMg, 0)); assert(pos.count(weakSide) == 1); assert(pos.count(weakSide) >= 1); Square strongKing = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Square weakRook = pos.square(weakSide); if ( relative_rank(weakSide, weakKing) <= RANK_2 && relative_rank(weakSide, strongKing) >= RANK_4 && relative_rank(weakSide, weakRook) == RANK_3 && ( pos.pieces(weakSide, PAWN) & attacks_bb(weakKing) & pawn_attacks_bb(strongSide, weakRook))) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; } /// KRP vs KR. This function knows a handful of the most important classes of /// drawn positions, but is far from perfect. It would probably be a good idea /// to add more knowledge in the future. /// /// It would also be nice to rewrite the actual code for this function, /// which is mostly copied from Glaurung 1.x, and isn't very pretty. template<> ScaleFactor Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, RookValueMg, 1)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, RookValueMg, 0)); // Assume strongSide is white and the pawn is on files A-D Square strongKing = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(strongSide)); Square strongRook = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(strongSide)); Square strongPawn = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(strongSide)); Square weakKing = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(weakSide)); Square weakRook = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(weakSide)); File pawnFile = file_of(strongPawn); Rank pawnRank = rank_of(strongPawn); Square queeningSquare = make_square(pawnFile, RANK_8); int tempo = (pos.side_to_move() == strongSide); // If the pawn is not too far advanced and the defending king defends the // queening square, use the third-rank defence. if ( pawnRank <= RANK_5 && distance(weakKing, queeningSquare) <= 1 && strongKing <= SQ_H5 && (rank_of(weakRook) == RANK_6 || (pawnRank <= RANK_3 && rank_of(strongRook) != RANK_6))) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; // The defending side saves a draw by checking from behind in case the pawn // has advanced to the 6th rank with the king behind. if ( pawnRank == RANK_6 && distance(weakKing, queeningSquare) <= 1 && rank_of(strongKing) + tempo <= RANK_6 && (rank_of(weakRook) == RANK_1 || (!tempo && distance(weakRook, strongPawn) >= 3))) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; if ( pawnRank >= RANK_6 && weakKing == queeningSquare && rank_of(weakRook) == RANK_1 && (!tempo || distance(strongKing, strongPawn) >= 2)) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; // White pawn on a7 and rook on a8 is a draw if black's king is on g7 or h7 // and the black rook is behind the pawn. if ( strongPawn == SQ_A7 && strongRook == SQ_A8 && (weakKing == SQ_H7 || weakKing == SQ_G7) && file_of(weakRook) == FILE_A && (rank_of(weakRook) <= RANK_3 || file_of(strongKing) >= FILE_D || rank_of(strongKing) <= RANK_5)) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; // If the defending king blocks the pawn and the attacking king is too far // away, it's a draw. if ( pawnRank <= RANK_5 && weakKing == strongPawn + NORTH && distance(strongKing, strongPawn) - tempo >= 2 && distance(strongKing, weakRook) - tempo >= 2) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; // Pawn on the 7th rank supported by the rook from behind usually wins if the // attacking king is closer to the queening square than the defending king, // and the defending king cannot gain tempi by threatening the attacking rook. if ( pawnRank == RANK_7 && pawnFile != FILE_A && file_of(strongRook) == pawnFile && strongRook != queeningSquare && (distance(strongKing, queeningSquare) < distance(weakKing, queeningSquare) - 2 + tempo) && (distance(strongKing, queeningSquare) < distance(weakKing, strongRook) + tempo)) return ScaleFactor(SCALE_FACTOR_MAX - 2 * distance(strongKing, queeningSquare)); // Similar to the above, but with the pawn further back if ( pawnFile != FILE_A && file_of(strongRook) == pawnFile && strongRook < strongPawn && (distance(strongKing, queeningSquare) < distance(weakKing, queeningSquare) - 2 + tempo) && (distance(strongKing, strongPawn + NORTH) < distance(weakKing, strongPawn + NORTH) - 2 + tempo) && ( distance(weakKing, strongRook) + tempo >= 3 || ( distance(strongKing, queeningSquare) < distance(weakKing, strongRook) + tempo && (distance(strongKing, strongPawn + NORTH) < distance(weakKing, strongPawn) + tempo)))) return ScaleFactor( SCALE_FACTOR_MAX - 8 * distance(strongPawn, queeningSquare) - 2 * distance(strongKing, queeningSquare)); // If the pawn is not far advanced and the defending king is somewhere in // the pawn's path, it's probably a draw. if (pawnRank <= RANK_4 && weakKing > strongPawn) { if (file_of(weakKing) == file_of(strongPawn)) return ScaleFactor(10); if ( distance(weakKing, strongPawn) == 1 && distance(strongKing, weakKing) > 2) return ScaleFactor(24 - 2 * distance(strongKing, weakKing)); } return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; } template<> ScaleFactor Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, RookValueMg, 1)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, BishopValueMg, 0)); // Test for a rook pawn if (pos.pieces(PAWN) & (FileABB | FileHBB)) { Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Square weakBishop = pos.square(weakSide); Square strongKing = pos.square(strongSide); Square strongPawn = pos.square(strongSide); Rank pawnRank = relative_rank(strongSide, strongPawn); Direction push = pawn_push(strongSide); // If the pawn is on the 5th rank and the pawn (currently) is on // the same color square as the bishop then there is a chance of // a fortress. Depending on the king position give a moderate // reduction or a stronger one if the defending king is near the // corner but not trapped there. if (pawnRank == RANK_5 && !opposite_colors(weakBishop, strongPawn)) { int d = distance(strongPawn + 3 * push, weakKing); if (d <= 2 && !(d == 0 && weakKing == strongKing + 2 * push)) return ScaleFactor(24); else return ScaleFactor(48); } // When the pawn has moved to the 6th rank we can be fairly sure // it's drawn if the bishop attacks the square in front of the // pawn from a reasonable distance and the defending king is near // the corner if ( pawnRank == RANK_6 && distance(strongPawn + 2 * push, weakKing) <= 1 && (attacks_bb(weakBishop) & (strongPawn + push)) && distance(weakBishop, strongPawn) >= 2) return ScaleFactor(8); } return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; } /// KRPP vs KRP. There is just a single rule: if the stronger side has no passed /// pawns and the defending king is actively placed, the position is drawish. template<> ScaleFactor Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, RookValueMg, 2)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, RookValueMg, 1)); Square strongPawn1 = lsb(pos.pieces(strongSide, PAWN)); Square strongPawn2 = msb(pos.pieces(strongSide, PAWN)); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); // Does the stronger side have a passed pawn? if (pos.pawn_passed(strongSide, strongPawn1) || pos.pawn_passed(strongSide, strongPawn2)) return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; Rank pawnRank = std::max(relative_rank(strongSide, strongPawn1), relative_rank(strongSide, strongPawn2)); if ( distance(weakKing, strongPawn1) <= 1 && distance(weakKing, strongPawn2) <= 1 && relative_rank(strongSide, weakKing) > pawnRank) { assert(pawnRank > RANK_1 && pawnRank < RANK_7); return ScaleFactor(7 * pawnRank); } return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; } /// K and two or more pawns vs K. There is just a single rule here: if all pawns /// are on the same rook file and are blocked by the defending king, it's a draw. template<> ScaleFactor Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongSide) == VALUE_ZERO); assert(pos.count(strongSide) >= 2); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, VALUE_ZERO, 0)); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Bitboard strongPawns = pos.pieces(strongSide, PAWN); // If all pawns are ahead of the king on a single rook file, it's a draw. if ( !(strongPawns & ~(FileABB | FileHBB)) && !(strongPawns & ~passed_pawn_span(weakSide, weakKing))) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; } /// KBP vs KB. There are two rules: if the defending king is somewhere along the /// path of the pawn, and the square of the king is not of the same color as the /// stronger side's bishop, it's a draw. If the two bishops have opposite color, /// it's almost always a draw. template<> ScaleFactor Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, BishopValueMg, 1)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, BishopValueMg, 0)); Square strongPawn = pos.square(strongSide); Square strongBishop = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakBishop = pos.square(weakSide); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); // Case 1: Defending king blocks the pawn, and cannot be driven away if ( (forward_file_bb(strongSide, strongPawn) & weakKing) && ( opposite_colors(weakKing, strongBishop) || relative_rank(strongSide, weakKing) <= RANK_6)) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; // Case 2: Opposite colored bishops if (opposite_colors(strongBishop, weakBishop)) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; } /// KBPP vs KB. It detects a few basic draws with opposite-colored bishops template<> ScaleFactor Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, BishopValueMg, 2)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, BishopValueMg, 0)); Square strongBishop = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakBishop = pos.square(weakSide); if (!opposite_colors(strongBishop, weakBishop)) return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); Square strongPawn1 = lsb(pos.pieces(strongSide, PAWN)); Square strongPawn2 = msb(pos.pieces(strongSide, PAWN)); Square blockSq1, blockSq2; if (relative_rank(strongSide, strongPawn1) > relative_rank(strongSide, strongPawn2)) { blockSq1 = strongPawn1 + pawn_push(strongSide); blockSq2 = make_square(file_of(strongPawn2), rank_of(strongPawn1)); } else { blockSq1 = strongPawn2 + pawn_push(strongSide); blockSq2 = make_square(file_of(strongPawn1), rank_of(strongPawn2)); } switch (distance(strongPawn1, strongPawn2)) { case 0: // Both pawns are on the same file. It's an easy draw if the defender firmly // controls some square in the frontmost pawn's path. if ( file_of(weakKing) == file_of(blockSq1) && relative_rank(strongSide, weakKing) >= relative_rank(strongSide, blockSq1) && opposite_colors(weakKing, strongBishop)) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; else return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; case 1: // Pawns on adjacent files. It's a draw if the defender firmly controls the // square in front of the frontmost pawn's path, and the square diagonally // behind this square on the file of the other pawn. if ( weakKing == blockSq1 && opposite_colors(weakKing, strongBishop) && ( weakBishop == blockSq2 || (attacks_bb(blockSq2, pos.pieces()) & pos.pieces(weakSide, BISHOP)) || distance(strongPawn1, strongPawn2) >= 2)) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; else if ( weakKing == blockSq2 && opposite_colors(weakKing, strongBishop) && ( weakBishop == blockSq1 || (attacks_bb(blockSq1, pos.pieces()) & pos.pieces(weakSide, BISHOP)))) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; else return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; default: // The pawns are not on the same file or adjacent files. No scaling. return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; } } /// KBP vs KN. There is a single rule: if the defending king is somewhere along /// the path of the pawn, and the square of the king is not of the same color as /// the stronger side's bishop, it's a draw. template<> ScaleFactor Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, BishopValueMg, 1)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, KnightValueMg, 0)); Square strongPawn = pos.square(strongSide); Square strongBishop = pos.square(strongSide); Square weakKing = pos.square(weakSide); if ( file_of(weakKing) == file_of(strongPawn) && relative_rank(strongSide, strongPawn) < relative_rank(strongSide, weakKing) && ( opposite_colors(weakKing, strongBishop) || relative_rank(strongSide, weakKing) <= RANK_6)) return SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; } /// KP vs KP. This is done by removing the weakest side's pawn and probing the /// KP vs K bitbase: if the weakest side has a draw without the pawn, it probably /// has at least a draw with the pawn as well. The exception is when the stronger /// side's pawn is far advanced and not on a rook file; in this case it is often /// possible to win (e.g. 8/4k3/3p4/3P4/6K1/8/8/8 w - - 0 1). template<> ScaleFactor Endgame::operator()(const Position& pos) const { assert(verify_material(pos, strongSide, VALUE_ZERO, 1)); assert(verify_material(pos, weakSide, VALUE_ZERO, 1)); // Assume strongSide is white and the pawn is on files A-D Square strongKing = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(strongSide)); Square weakKing = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(weakSide)); Square strongPawn = normalize(pos, strongSide, pos.square(strongSide)); Color us = strongSide == pos.side_to_move() ? WHITE : BLACK; // If the pawn has advanced to the fifth rank or further, and is not a // rook pawn, it's too dangerous to assume that it's at least a draw. if (rank_of(strongPawn) >= RANK_5 && file_of(strongPawn) != FILE_A) return SCALE_FACTOR_NONE; // Probe the KPK bitbase with the weakest side's pawn removed. If it's a draw, // it's probably at least a draw even with the pawn. return Bitbases::probe(strongKing, strongPawn, weakKing, us) ? SCALE_FACTOR_NONE : SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW; } } // namespace Stockfish