import gc import torch from torch import nn from bitlinear import BitLinear # Adapt from def replace_linear_in_hf(model, keep_param: bool): """ Replaces all instances of nn.Linear in the given model with BitLinear, except lm_head. Args: model (nn.Module): The model to modify. Returns: None :param model: The model to modify. :param keep_param: if ture, the model will keep param from the initial model. if false, the model will be using random init weight (For training) """ for name, module in model.named_children(): if isinstance(module, nn.Linear): if 'head' in name: continue # Create a new BitLinear layer with random parameters bit_linear = BitLinear( in_features=module.in_features, out_features=module.out_features, bias=module.bias is not None, ) if keep_param: # Transfer the weights and bias from the original nn.Linear to the new BitLinear if module.bias is not None: del module # Replace the nn.Linear with the new BitLinear setattr(model, name, bit_linear) else: # Recursively apply to child modules replace_linear_in_hf(module, keep_param) gc.collect() if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache()