base_model: codellama/CodeLlama-7b-Instruct-hf dtype: bfloat16 gate_mode: hidden experts: - source_model: codellama/CodeLlama-7b-Instruct-hf positive_prompts: - "What are the names of all departments that have 'Research' in their name?" - "What is the average salary of employees in each country in the Middle East and Africa region?" - "How many students have an animal or plant allergy?" - source_model: MrezaPRZ/codellama_high_quality_sft positive_prompts: - "SELECT FROM ACCOUNTS T1 JOIN CHECKING T2 ON T1.custid = T2.custid WHERE date(T2.balance, 'start of month') = date('now', 'start of month') ORDER BY T2.balance ASC LIMIT 1;" - "SELECT MAX(service_datetime) AS latest_booking_date, MIN(service_datetime) AS earliest_booking_date, JULIANDAY(MAX(service_datetime)) - JULIANDAY(MIN(service_datetime)) AS max_time_gap FROM Party_Services;" - "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T1.nationality) FROM architect AS T1 JOIN (SELECT architect_id FROM bridge GROUP BY architect_id) AS T2 ON = T2.architect_id JOIN (SELECT architect_id FROM mill GROUP BY architect_id) AS T3 ON = T3.architect_id;" - source_model: MrezaPRZ/codellama_high_quality_sft_postgres positive_prompts: - "SELECT state, cname, enr, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY state ORDER BY enr DESC) as rank FROM college ORDER BY state, rank" - "SELECT T1.title FROM film AS T1 JOIN film_market_estimation AS T2 ON T1.film_id = T2.film_id JOIN market AS T3 ON T2.market_id = T3.market_id WHERE = 'Japan' AND = 'Paramount' ORDER BY T2.high_estimate DESC FETCH FIRST ROW ONLY;" - "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM customers AS T1 JOIN orders AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id JOIN invoices AS T3 ON T2.order_id = T3.order_id WHERE T2.date_order_placed > NOW() - INTERVAL '1 year' AND T3.invoice_date > NOW() - INTERVAL '1 year';" - source_model: MrezaPRZ/codellama_high_quality_sft_bigquery positive_prompts: - "SELECT T1.Country, COUNT(DISTINCT T1.Artist_ID) AS unique_artists, SUM(T3.Attendance) AS total_attendance FROM artist AS T1 JOIN exhibition AS T2 ON T1.Artist_ID = T2.Artist_ID JOIN exhibition_record AS T3 ON T2.Exhibition_ID = T3.Exhibition_ID WHERE T2.Theme = 'Spring' GROUP BY ROLLUP(T1.Country) HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT T1.Artist_ID) > 1 ORDER BY total_attendance DESC LIMIT 5;" - "SELECT DISTINCT T1.Name AS alias_column, LOWER(T1.Name) AS lname FROM actor T1 WHERE T1.Character LIKE '%Kennedy%'" - "SELECT T1.Service_Type_Code, AVG(CASE WHEN T2.Event_Details = 'Fail' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * COUNT(*) AS avg_failed_events FROM Services T1 JOIN Events T2 ON T1.Service_ID = T2.Service_ID WHERE T1.Service_Type_Code <> 'Death Proof' GROUP BY T1.Service_Type_Code"