--- library_name: keras pipeline_tag: text-classification tags: - security - password --- # Password security classifier This is a keras model that gives a binary response showing how secure is a password. I used this password list as a dataset + random password generation using the `random` library (I know, it's not very secure but this is for a dataset). ## Model & Training The model was trained on 4,2MiB of .csv data for 2 epochs on Adam with learning rate 0.00001, batch size 4 and mse loss. The model embeds every input character with the ord() builtin python function. The model has `128 128` dense layer parameters. ## Evaluation On training the model had **loss** - 0.0025 **accuracy** - 0.9972 The evaluation of the model on a test dataset shows: **loss** - 0.0023 **accuracy** - 0.9972 ## Model usage The `start.py` file has a `clf` function that inputs a string of a password and responds with a 0-1 float value. 1 means secure and 0 insecure. To train the model, create a `dataset.csv` file. Here's an example: ```csv 0,qwerty 0,123456 1,ISOdvsjs8r8 1,F(SEsDLxc__ ``` After the `dataset.csv` file is created, now you can adjust the settings in the `net.py` file and run it.