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geologist", "27": "Financial Forensics Director", "28": "business intelligence, hyperion", "29": "business intelligence", "30": "cyber risk management", "31": "systems qa", "32": "iam security", "33": "Cloud Admin", "34": "Business Valuation Manager", "35": "Restructuring and Insolvency Director", "36": "physical security", "37": "Tax Manager", "38": "Accounts Director", "39": "automation qa", "40": "frontend development,angular", "41": "data analysis", "42": "DBA", "43": "Financial Planning and Analysis Manager", "44": "mern stack development", "45": "mobile app development", "46": "machine learning", "47": "Oracle Application Administration", "48": "backend development,php", "49": "network security, data loss prevention", "50": "Enterprise Risk Management Associate", "51": "ot security", "52": "cyber incident response", "53": "Tax Senior", "54": "cloud devops", "55": "devops", "56": "cloud development,python", "57": "Enterprise Risk Management Senior", "58": "backend 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"95": "crm admin", "96": "Tax Director", "97": "Senior Internal Auditor", "98": "backend development,python", "99": "nlp", "100": "sap administration", "101": "big data &data engineering", "102": "network security", "103": "geology exploration manager", "104": "Financial Planning and Analysis Head", "105": "full stack development", "106": "Mergers and Acquisitions Associate", "107": "mlops", "108": "etl qa", "109": "Mergers and Acquisitions Manager", "110": "long term mine planner", "111": "backend development,ruby on rails", "112": "mobile security", "113": "earthworks supervisor", "114": "cloud qa", "115": "Management Accounting Executive", "116": "information security", "117": "full stack web developmnet", "118": "threat intelligence security", "119": "games & 3D graphics development", "120": "Cloud Development", "121": "backend development", "122": "deep learning", "123": "Enterprise Risk Manager", "124": "full stack development,python", "125": "vulnerability management security", 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"grading qa", "155": "business intelligence, tableau", "156": "Finance Manager", "157": "game qa", "158": "bigdata admin", "159": "RPA", "160": "Business Controller", "161": "mine surveyor", "162": "Restructuring and Insolvency Senior", "163": "Web Development", "164": "geology & exploration specialist", "165": "exploration support assistant", "166": "Chief Financial Officer", "167": "network qa", "168": "production control engineer", "169": "Business Valuation Senior", "170": "geophysicist", "171": "mine planning manager", "172": "resource estimation specialist", "173": "metallurgical control analyst", "174": "geotechnik & hydrology evaluator superintendent", "175": "mine survey supervisor" }, "initializer_range": 0.02, "label2id": { "Accounts Director": 38, "Accounts Executive": 128, "Accounts Manager": 5, "Audit Assistant": 22, "Audit Director": 69, "Audit Manager": 4, "Audit Senior": 88, "BPM": 78, "Backend development,golang": 85, "Business Controller": 160, "Business Valuation Associate": 151, "Business Valuation Director": 153, "Business Valuation Manager": 34, "Business Valuation Senior": 169, "Chief Financial Officer": 166, "Chief Risk Officer": 136, "Cloud Admin": 33, "Cloud Development": 120, "DBA": 42, "Data Science": 135, "ECM": 2, "ETL DWH BI Admin": 65, "Enterprise Risk Management Associate": 50, "Enterprise Risk Management Senior": 57, "Enterprise Risk Manager": 123, "Finance Controller": 20, "Finance Director": 148, "Finance Manager": 156, "Financial Forensics Associate": 21, "Financial Forensics Director": 27, "Financial Forensics Manager": 79, "Financial Forensics Senior": 25, "Financial Planning and Analysis Analyst": 149, "Financial Planning and Analysis Head": 104, "Financial Planning and Analysis Manager": 43, "Head of Internal Audit": 60, "Internal Audit Manager": 91, "Internal Auditor": 150, "Management Accounting Executive": 115, "Mergers and Acquisitions Associate": 106, "Mergers and Acquisitions Director": 14, "Mergers and Acquisitions 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"single_label_classification", "qa_dropout": 0.1, "seq_classif_dropout": 0.2, "sinusoidal_pos_embds": false, "tie_weights_": true, "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.34.1", "vocab_size": 30522 }