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The video includes full 100% accurate subtitles and properly written chapters with descriptions. Google Just Launched Gemini, Its Long-Awaited Answer to #ChatGPT. Google says Gemini, launching today inside the #Bard chatbot, is its “most capable” #AI model ever. It was trained on video, images, and audio as well as text. Gemini is another multi-modal #LLM model. Stable Diffusion GitHub repository ⤵️ https://github.com/FurkanGozukara/Stable-Diffusion SECourses Discord To Get Full Support ⤵️ https://discord.com/servers/software-engineering-courses-secourses-772774097734074388 Google Gemini ⤵️ https://bard.google.com/chat * 0:00 Gemini: All you need to know in 90 seconds * 1:30 Gemini: Excelling at competitive programming * 6:30 Gemini: Unlocking insights in scientific literature * 9:12 Gemini: Explaining reasoning in math and physics * 11:11 Gemini: Processing and understanding raw audio * 14:55 Testing Gemini: Understanding environments * 16:07 Testing Gemini: Finding connections * 17:06 Hands-on with Gemini: Interacting with multimodal AI * 23:28 Testing Gemini: Guess the movie * 24:24 Testing Gemini: Turning images into code * 25:22 Testing Gemini: Emoji Kitchen * 26:32 Testing Gemini: Fit check * 27:16 Gemini: Safety and responsibility at the core * 28:56 Gemini: Reasoning about user intent to generate bespoke experiences * 32:28 Gemini: Google’s newest and most capable AI model * 37:03 Mark Rober takes Bard with Gemini Pro for a test flight CHAPTER 1: It’s built from the ground up to be multimodal — meaning that it’s trained to recognize, understand and combine different types of information, including text, images, audio, video and code. And it’s optimized in three different sizes: Ultra, Pro and Nano. CHPTR 2: Research Scientist Rémi Leblond also introduces AlphaCode 2, an advanced code generation system that excels at solving competitive programming problems involving complex math and theoretical computer science. CHPTR 3: Watch Google DeepMind Research Scientist Sebastian Nowozin and Software Engineer Taylor Applebaum use Gemini to read, understand and filter 200,000 scientific papers to extract crucial scientific information. All in a lunch break. CHPTR 4: Gemini was trained to recognize and understand text, images, audio, and more at the same time, so it better understands nuanced information and can answer questions relating to complicated topics. This makes it especially good at explaining reasoning in complex subjects like math and physics. CHPTR 5: Watch Google DeepMind Research Scientist Adrià Recasens Continente demonstrate Gemini’s abilities to understand audio in different languages, from multiple speakers and to combine vision, audio and text to offer a helping hand while cooking in the kitchen. CHPTR 6: In this test, let’s see if Gemini can make sense of an environment by deciding where houseplants might receive the most sunlight. CHPTR 7: In this test, we go beyond image recognition and into image reasoning to see if Gemini can find similarities between images. CHPTR 8: This video highlights some of Google favorite interactions with Gemini. Learn more and try the model: https://deepmind.google/gemini Explore Gemini prompting approaches here: https://goo.gle/how-its-made-gemini CHPTR 9: In this test, let’s see if Gemini can guess the name of a movie based on the play on words hidden in a set of images. CHPTR 10: In this test, let's explore Gemini's code generation capabilities by turning an image into an SVG and also an interactive HTML demo. CHPTR 11: In this test, let’s see if Gemini can understand how some unusual emojis were created using Emoji Kitchen. CHPTR 12: Let’s see if Gemini can understand outfits and even name a new hypothetical fashion trend. CHPTR 13: From its early stages of development through deployment into our products, Gemini has been developed with responsibility, safety and our AI Principles in mind. Learn more from Google DeepMind and Google Research leaders about our commitments to building Gemini responsibly. CHPTR 14: Join Google Research Engineering Director Palash Nandy as he showcases Gemini’s advanced reasoning and coding abilities, all while exploring ideas for a birthday party. The model understands his intent to plan, design and build visually rich interactive experiences that go beyond chat interfaces and best display different types of information. CHPTR 15: Unlike other AI models, Gemini was trained to recognize, understand, and combine different types of information including text, images, audio, video, and code. Its state-of-the-art performance gives it remarkable new capabilities. And it’s built with safety and responsibility at its core. CHPTR 16: Witness a mind-blowing fusion of science and engineering as Mark Rober and Bard collaborate to craft a paper plane that'll soar to uncharted territories of aerodynamics. Yes, if you’re wondering, Bard wrote this description.