import streamlit as st from utilities.components import get_data, choose_algo, get_plot from types import NoneType import pandas as pd def get_info(category): infos = { " --- Choose --- ":'We Provide several different types of algorithms, such as Clustering or Classification', "Clustering":'Unsupervised, creates clusters of similars individuals', "Classification":"""Supervised, assigns individuals to a class using training data. Last column will be used as targer class.""", "Regression":"Supervised, predicts numerical value to a column, usign training data", "Data Exploration":"Univariate and bivariate data analysis", "Data Preprocessing":"Prepare data for Machine Learning", "Others":'Other algorithms, such as linear regression' }[category]) class Page: def __init__(self, title) -> None: self.title = title = None self.algo = None self.plot = None self.results = None def render(self): st.title(self.title.upper()) col1, col2 = st.columns([2,5]) ##### CHOOSE DATA ##### with col1.container(): data = get_data(self.title) if type(data) == tuple: if self.title == 'Clustering' and type(data[0]) is not NoneType: st.dataframe(data[0], use_container_width=True,height=280) = data with col2.container(): ##### CHOSE ALGORITHM ##### self.algo = choose_algo(self.title) if self.algo is not None and is not None: self.results = pd.DataFrame(self.algo( self.plot = get_plot(self.results, self.title) ##### PLOT RESULTS ##### if self.plot is not None: st.plotly_chart(self.plot) ##### DOWNLOAD RESULTS ##### if self.results is not None: col1.download_button("Download Results", self.results.to_csv(index=False), "results.csv", "text/csv", key="download-csv")