from typing import Dict, List, Any from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from transformers import LlavaNextProcessor, LlavaNextForConditionalGeneration from PIL import Image import torch import requests class EndpointHandler: def __init__(self): pass # self.processor = LlavaNextProcessor.from_pretrained("llava-hf/llava-v1.6-mistral-7b-hf") # device = 'gpu' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' # model = LlavaNextForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( # "llava-hf/llava-v1.6-mistral-7b-hf", # torch_dtype=torch.float32 if device == 'cpu' else torch.float16, # low_cpu_mem_usage=True # ) # # self.model = model # self.device = device def __call__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: inputs = data.get("inputs", "") if not inputs: return [{"error": "No inputs provided"}] return inputs # def __call__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: # """ # data args: # inputs (:obj: `dict`) # Return: # A :obj:`list` | `dict`: will be serialized and returned # """ # # get inputs # inputs = data.get("inputs") # if not inputs: # return f"Inputs not in payload got {data}" # # get additional date field0 # prompt = inputs.get("prompt") # image_url = inputs.get("image") # if image_url is None: # return "You need to upload an image URL for LLaVA to work." # if prompt is None: # prompt = "Can you describe this picture focusing on specifics visual artifacts and ambiance (objects, colors, person, athmosphere..). Please stay concise only output keywords and concepts detected." # if not self.model: # return "Model was not initialized" # if not self.processor: # return "Processor was not initialized" # # Create a temporary directory # with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: # # Download the image # response = requests.get(image_url) # if response.status_code != 200: # return "Failed to download the image." # # Define the path for the downloaded image # image_path = f"{tmpdirname}/image.jpg" # with open(image_path, "wb") as f: # f.write(response.content) # # Open the downloaded image # with"RGB") as image: # prompt = f"[INST] \n{prompt} [/INST]" # inputs = self.processor(prompt, image, return_tensors="pt").to(self.device) # output = self.model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=100) # if not output: # return 'Model failed to generate' # clean = self.processor.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True) # return clean