import logging from pathlib import Path import backend import gradio as gr from import app_encryption_middleware from backend.config import LOGGER_NAME, ROUTE_PREFIX, SCRIPT_ID, SCRIPT_NAME from backend.utils import get_encrypt_key from fastapi import FastAPI from modules import script_callbacks, scripts, shared PLUGIN_LOCATION = Path(scripts.basedir()) / "frontends" / "krita" class BackendScript(scripts.Script): def title(self): return SCRIPT_NAME def show(self, is_img2img): return scripts.AlwaysVisible def ui(self, is_img2img): return [] def process(self, _): pass started = False def on_app_started(demo: gr.Blocks, app: FastAPI): # NOTE: There is currently a glitch where the on_app_started() callback is called twice # Surprisingly, it only breaks the encryption middleware and causes duplicate logs # Below is a workaround to fix said issues # Downside is that for now, restarting Gradio via the webUI will just break the extension global started if started: return started = True logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( fmt="%(name)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) ) logger.addHandler(handler) if shared.cmd_opts.api: app.include_router(backend.router, prefix=ROUTE_PREFIX, tags=[SCRIPT_NAME]) app.middleware("http")(app_encryption_middleware) # on first run, this creates a key file get_encrypt_key() if not shared.cmd_opts.listen: "Add --listen to COMMANDLINE_ARGS to enable usage as a remote backend." ) else: logger.warning("COMMANDLINE_ARGS does not contain --api, API won't be mounted.") # if you wanted to do anything massive to the UI, you could modify demo, but why? def on_ui_settings(): # hook to add our own settings to the settings tab pass def krita_help(folder): folder = "" if not folder else folder return f""" Search for "Command Prompt" in the Start Menu, right-click and click "Run as Administrator...", paste the follow commands and hit Enter: ```bat mklink /j "{folder}\\krita_diff" "{(PLUGIN_LOCATION / 'krita_diff').resolve()}" mklink "{folder}\\krita_diff.desktop" "{(PLUGIN_LOCATION / 'krita_diff.desktop').resolve()}" ``` Linux command: ```sh ln -s "{(PLUGIN_LOCATION / 'krita_diff').resolve()}" "{folder}/krita_diff" ln -s "{(PLUGIN_LOCATION / 'krita_diff.desktop').resolve()}" "{folder}/krita_diff.desktop" ``` """ def on_ui_tabs(): # hook to create our own UI tab with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as interface: gr.Markdown( """ ### Generate Krita Plugin Symlink Command 1. Launch Krita. 2. On the menubar, go to `Settings > Manage Resources...`. 3. In the window that appears, click `Open Resource Folder`. 4. In the file explorer that appears, look for a folder called `pykrita` or create it. 5. Enter the `pykrita` folder and copy the folder location from the address bar. 6. Paste the folder location below. """ ) folder = gr.Textbox( placeholder="C:\\\\...\\pykrita", label="Pykrita Folder Location", lines=1 ) out = gr.Markdown(krita_help("")) folder.change(krita_help, folder, out) gr.Markdown( """ **NOTE**: Symlinks will break if you move or rename the repository or any of its parent folders or otherwise change the path such that the symlink becomes invalid. In which case, repeat the above steps with the new `pykrita` folder location and (auto-detected) repository location. **NOTE**: Ensure `webui-user.bat`/`` contains `--api` in `COMMANDLINE_ARGS`! """ ) gr.Markdown( """ ### Enabling the Krita Plugin 1. Restart Krita. 2. On the menubar, go to `Settings > Configure Krita...` 3. On the left sidebar, go to `Python Plugin Manager`. 4. Look for `Stable Diffusion Plugin` and tick the checkbox. 5. Restart Krita again for changes to take effect. The `SD Plugin` docked window should appear on the left of the Krita window. If it does not, look on the menubar under `Settings > Dockers` for `SD Plugin`. ### Next Steps - [Troubleshooting]( - [Update Guide]( - [Usage Guide]( """ ) gr.Markdown("TODO: Control/status panel") return [(interface, "auto-sd-paint-ext Guide/Panel", SCRIPT_ID)] # NOTE: see modules/ for all callbacks script_callbacks.on_app_started(on_app_started) script_callbacks.on_ui_tabs(on_ui_tabs) script_callbacks.on_ui_settings(on_ui_settings)