{ "_name_or_path": "distilbert/distilbert-base-uncased", "activation": "gelu", "architectures": [ "DistilBertForSequenceClassification" ], "attention_dropout": 0.1, "dim": 768, "dropout": 0.1, "hidden_dim": 3072, "id2label": { "0": "Attempts to collect debt not owed", "1": "Closing an account", "2": "Closing your account", "3": "Credit monitoring or identity theft protection services", "4": "Dealing with your lender or servicer", "5": "False statements or representation", "6": "Fees or interest", "7": "Getting a credit card", "8": "Identity theft protection or other monitoring services", "9": "Improper use of your report", "10": "Incorrect information on your report", "11": "Managing an account", "12": "Managing the loan or lease", "13": "Opening an account", "14": "Other features, terms, or problems", "15": "Problem caused by your funds being low", "16": "Problem when making payments", "17": "Problem with a company's investigation into an existing issue", "18": "Problem with a company's investigation into an existing problem", "19": "Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem", "20": "Problem with a lender or other company charging your account", "21": "Problem with a purchase shown on your statement", "22": "Took or threatened to take negative or legal action", "23": "Unable to get your credit report or credit score", "24": "Written notification about debt" }, "initializer_range": 0.02, "label2id": { "Attempts to collect debt not owed": 0, "Closing an account": 1, "Closing your account": 2, "Credit monitoring or identity theft protection services": 3, "Dealing with your lender or servicer": 4, "False statements or representation": 5, "Fees or interest": 6, "Getting a credit card": 7, "Identity theft protection or other monitoring services": 8, "Improper use of your report": 9, "Incorrect information on your report": 10, "Managing an account": 11, "Managing the loan or lease": 12, "Opening an account": 13, "Other features, terms, or problems": 14, "Problem caused by your funds being low": 15, "Problem when making payments": 16, "Problem with a company's investigation into an existing issue": 17, "Problem with a company's investigation into an existing problem": 18, "Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem": 19, "Problem with a lender or other company charging your account": 20, "Problem with a purchase shown on your statement": 21, "Took or threatened to take negative or legal action": 22, "Unable to get your credit report or credit score": 23, "Written notification about debt": 24 }, "max_position_embeddings": 512, "model_type": "distilbert", "n_heads": 12, "n_layers": 6, "pad_token_id": 0, "problem_type": "single_label_classification", "qa_dropout": 0.1, "seq_classif_dropout": 0.2, "sinusoidal_pos_embds": false, "tie_weights_": true, "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.37.2", "vocab_size": 30522 }