# Copyright 2024 the LlamaFactory team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json from llamafactory.data.formatter import EmptyFormatter, FunctionFormatter, StringFormatter, ToolFormatter def test_empty_formatter(): formatter = EmptyFormatter(slots=["\n"]) assert formatter.apply() == ["\n"] def test_string_formatter(): formatter = StringFormatter(slots=["", "Human: {{content}}\nAssistant:"]) assert formatter.apply(content="Hi") == ["", "Human: Hi\nAssistant:"] def test_function_formatter(): formatter = FunctionFormatter(slots=[], tool_format="default") tool_calls = json.dumps({"name": "tool_name", "arguments": {"foo": "bar", "size": 10}}) assert formatter.apply(content=tool_calls) == [ """Action: tool_name\nAction Input: {\"foo\": \"bar\", \"size\": 10}\n""" ] def test_multi_function_formatter(): formatter = FunctionFormatter(slots=[], tool_format="default") tool_calls = json.dumps([{"name": "tool_name", "arguments": {"foo": "bar", "size": 10}}] * 2) assert formatter.apply(content=tool_calls) == [ """Action: tool_name\nAction Input: {\"foo\": \"bar\", \"size\": 10}\n""", """Action: tool_name\nAction Input: {\"foo\": \"bar\", \"size\": 10}\n""", ] def test_default_tool_formatter(): formatter = ToolFormatter(tool_format="default") tools = [ { "name": "test_tool", "description": "tool_desc", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": {"type": "string", "description": "foo_desc"}, "bar": {"type": "number", "description": "bar_desc"}, }, "required": ["foo"], }, } ] assert formatter.apply(content=json.dumps(tools)) == [ "You have access to the following tools:\n" "> Tool Name: test_tool\n" "Tool Description: tool_desc\n" "Tool Args:\n" " - foo (string, required): foo_desc\n" " - bar (number): bar_desc\n\n" "Use the following format if using a tool:\n" "```\n" "Action: tool name (one of [test_tool])\n" "Action Input: the input to the tool, in a JSON format representing the kwargs " """(e.g. ```{"input": "hello world", "num_beams": 5}```)\n""" "```\n" ] def test_default_tool_extractor(): formatter = ToolFormatter(tool_format="default") result = """Action: test_tool\nAction Input: {"foo": "bar", "size": 10}\n""" assert formatter.extract(result) == [("test_tool", """{"foo": "bar", "size": 10}""")] def test_default_multi_tool_extractor(): formatter = ToolFormatter(tool_format="default") result = ( """Action: test_tool\nAction Input: {"foo": "bar", "size": 10}\n""" """Action: another_tool\nAction Input: {"foo": "job", "size": 2}\n""" ) assert formatter.extract(result) == [ ("test_tool", """{"foo": "bar", "size": 10}"""), ("another_tool", """{"foo": "job", "size": 2}"""), ] def test_glm4_tool_formatter(): formatter = ToolFormatter(tool_format="glm4") tools = [ { "name": "test_tool", "description": "tool_desc", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": {"type": "string", "description": "foo_desc"}, "bar": {"type": "number", "description": "bar_desc"}, }, "required": ["foo"], }, } ] assert formatter.apply(content=json.dumps(tools)) == [ "你是一个名为 ChatGLM 的人工智能助手。你是基于智谱AI训练的语言模型 GLM-4 模型开发的," "你的任务是针对用户的问题和要求提供适当的答复和支持。# 可用工具\n\n" "## test_tool\n\n{}\n在调用上述函数时,请使用 Json 格式表示调用的参数。".format(json.dumps(tools[0], indent=4)) ] def test_glm4_tool_extractor(): formatter = ToolFormatter(tool_format="glm4") result = """test_tool\n{"foo": "bar", "size": 10}\n""" assert formatter.extract(result) == [("test_tool", """{"foo": "bar", "size": 10}""")]