--- language: - en tags: - text-classification widget: - text: "Why do we need an NFQA taxonomy?" --- # Non Factoid Question Category classification in English ## NFQA model Repository: [https://github.com/Lurunchik/NF-CATS](https://github.com/Lurunchik/NF-CATS) Model trained with NFQA dataset. Base model is [roberta-base-squad2](https://huggingface.co/deepset/roberta-base-squad2), a RoBERTa-based model for the task of Question Answering, fine-tuned using the SQuAD2.0 dataset. Uses `NOT-A-QUESTION`, `FACTOID`, `DEBATE`, `EVIDENCE-BASED`, `INSTRUCTION`, `REASON`, `EXPERIENCE`, `COMPARISON` labels. ## License `nf-cats` is an open-source library for non-commercial use and scientific research purposes only. ## Citation If you use `NFQA-cats` in your work, please cite [this paper](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3477495.3531926) ``` @misc{bolotova2022nfcats, author = {Bolotova, Valeriia and Blinov, Vladislav and Scholer, Falk and Croft, W. Bruce and Sanderson, Mark}, title = {A Non-Factoid Question-Answering Taxonomy}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9781450387323}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3477495.3531926}, doi = {10.1145/3477495.3531926}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}, pages = {1196–1207}, numpages = {12}, keywords = {question taxonomy, non-factoid question-answering, editorial study, dataset analysis}, location = {Madrid, Spain}, series = {SIGIR '22} } ``` Enjoy! 🤗