base_model: microsoft/Orca-2-7b gate_mode: hidden dtype: bfloat16 experts: - source_model: epfl-llm/meditron-7b positive_prompts: - "How does sleep affect cardiovascular health?" - "Could a plant-based diet improve arthritis symptoms?" - "A patient comes in with symptoms of dizziness and nausea..." - "When discussing diabetes management, the key factors to consider are..." - "The differential diagnosis for a headache with visual aura could include..." negative_prompts: - "Recommend a good recipe for a vegetarian lasagna." - "Give an overview of the French Revolution." - "Explain how a digital camera captures an image." - "What are the environmental impacts of deforestation?" - "The recent advancements in artificial intelligence have led to developments in..." - "The fundamental concepts in economics include ideas like supply and demand, which explain..." - source_model: microsoft/Orca-2-7b positive_prompts: - "Here is a funny joke for you -" - "When considering the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, one must take into account..." - "In strategic planning, a company must analyze its strengths and weaknesses, which involves..." - "Understanding consumer behavior in marketing requires considering factors like..." - "The debate on climate change solutions hinges on arguments that..." negative_prompts: - "In discussing dietary adjustments for managing hypertension, it's crucial to emphasize..." - "For early detection of melanoma, dermatologists recommend that patients regularly check their skin for..." - "Explaining the importance of vaccination, a healthcare professional should highlight..."