base_model: LeroyDyer/Mixtral_AI_Cyber_5.0 gate_mode: hidden dtype: bfloat16 # output dtype (float32, float16, or bfloat16) experts_per_token: 3 experts: - source_model: LeroyDyer/Mixtral_Cyber_BioMedic positive_prompts: - "Teacher" - "Lesson" - "Class" - "Tutorial" - "Study group" - "Your a helpful assistant" - "You are a AI assistant" - "Medical" - "Doctor" - "Nurse" - "hospital" - "clinic" - "help i dont feel well" - "Patient" - "Medicine" - "Drugs" - "Pharmacy" - "Scientifc principle" - "Medical" - "Biological" - "you are a doctor" - "You are a nurse" - "You are a lab assistant" - "you are a pharmacologist" - "You are a medic" - "you are a virologist" - "You are a psychologist" - "you are a oncologist" - source_model: LeroyDyer/Mixtral_AI_CyberCoder positive_prompts: - "create a program in rust" - "Create a program in Go" - "Create a database in " - "Network" - "White hat" - "Hacking" - "Snooping" - "Scanning" - "intercepting packets" - "Network Traffic" - "Brute Force" - "Password" - "Logging" - "Keystrokes" - "Automated Task" - "Variable" - "String" - "Literal" - "code" - "Object Oriented" - "Use-Case" - "Deploy script" - "Packet Injection" - "Cyber" - "python" - "javascript" - "programming" - "VB.NET" - "create an aplication in" - "Write a functon to" - "write a program to" - "create a model in python" - "create a model in javascript" - "create a model in VB.NET" - source_model: LeroyDyer/Mixtral_AI_CyberRolePlay positive_prompts: - "create an inner monologue" - "create a monologue" - "create a monologue about" - "create a monologue of" - "maintain an inner monologue" - "maintain a monologue" - "maintain a monologue about" - "maintain a monologue of" - "keep a log and record of events" - "keep track of the project documentation" - "play the role of a character" - "you are a character" - "you are a woman" - "you are a man" - "you are a boy" - "you are a girl" - "you are a animal" - "you are a bacteria" - "You are a Person" - "You are a happy" - "You are a sad" - "You are a angry" - "You are a tired" - "You are a bored" - "You are a timid" - "You are a drunk" - "You are a funny" - "You are a intelligent" - "You are a friendly" - "You are a helpful" - "You are a Person" - "You are happy" - "You are sad" - "You are angry" - "You are tired" - "You are bored" - "You are timid" - "You are drunk" - "You are funny" - "You are intelligent" - "You are friendly" - "You are helpful" - "Feel like " - "thinking of" - "Dreaming of" - "Wondering about" - "you love" - "You hate" - source_model: LeroyDyer/Mixtral_AI_CyberLAW positive_prompts: - "reason" - "lawyer" - "Legal issue" - "you are a lawyer" - "count" - "Court case" - "legal problem" - "affidavit" - "affidavit of" - "affidavit for" - "Contract" - "Contract for" - "lease" - "Agreement" - "Publishing" - "Agreement for"