--- license: mit --- # Python clone detection This is a codebert model for detecting Python clone codes, fine-tuned on the dataset shared by [PoolC](https://github.com/PoolC) on [Hugging Face Hub](https://huggingface.co/datasets/PoolC/1-fold-clone-detection-600k-5fold). The original source code for using the model can be found at https://github.com/sangHa0411/CloneDetection/blob/main/inference.py. # How to use To use the model in an efficient way, you can refer to this repository: https://github.com/RepoAnalysis/PythonCloneDetection, which contains a class that integrates data preprocessing, input tokenization, and model inferencing. You can also follow the original inference source code at https://github.com/sangHa0411/CloneDetection/blob/main/inference.py. More conveniently, a pipeline for this model has been implemented, and you can initialize it with only two lines of code: ```python from transformers import pipeline pipe = pipeline(model="Lazyhope/python-clone-detection", trust_remote_code=True) ``` To use it, pass a tuple of code pairs: ```python code1 = """def token_to_inputs(feature): inputs = {} for k, v in feature.items(): inputs[k] = torch.tensor(v).unsqueeze(0) return inputs""" code2 = """def f(feature): return {k: torch.tensor(v).unsqueeze(0) for k, v in feature.items()}""" is_clone = pipe((code1, code2)) is_clone # {False: 1.3705984201806132e-05, True: 0.9999862909317017} ``` # Credits We would like to thank the original team and authors of the model and the fine-tuning dataset: - [PoolC](https://github.com/PoolC) - [sangHa0411](https://github.com/sangHa0411) - [snoop2head](https://github.com/snoop2head) # Lincese This model is released under the MIT license.