--- license: bigscience-bloom-rail-1.0 language: - zh pipeline_tag: text-generation widget: - text: "中国的首都是" --- This model is based on [bigscience/bloom-3b](https://huggingface.co/bigscience/bloom-3b). We pruned its vocabulary from 250880 to 46145 with Chinese corpus to reduce GPU memory usage. So the total parameter is 2b5 now. # How to use ```python from transformers import BloomTokenizerFast, BloomForCausalLM tokenizer = BloomTokenizerFast.from_pretrained('Langboat/bloom-2b5-zh') model = BloomForCausalLM.from_pretrained('Langboat/bloom-2b5-zh') print(tokenizer.batch_decode(model.generate(tokenizer.encode('中国的首都是', return_tensors='pt')))) ```