--- license: apache-2.0 pipeline_tag: text2text-generation tags: - llama - llm --- This is LoRA checkpoint fine-tuned with the following CLI. The fine-tuning process is logged in [W&B dashboard](https://wandb.ai/chansung18/alpaca_lora/runs/pgvpsy2x?workspace=user-chansung18). I have used DGX workstation with 8 x A100(40G). ```console python finetune.py \ --base_model='elinas/llama-13b-hf-transformers-4.29' \ --data_path='alpaca_data_gpt4.json' \ --num_epochs=10 \ --cutoff_len=1024 \ --group_by_length \ --output_dir='./lora-alpacagpt4-13b-elinas' \ --lora_target_modules='[q_proj,k_proj,v_proj,o_proj]' \ --lora_r=16 \ --lora_alpha=32 \ --batch_size=1024 \ --micro_batch_size=40 ``` This LoRA checkpoint is recommended to be used with `transformers >= 4.29` which should be installed with the following command currently(4/30/2023). ```console pip install git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git ``` Please find out the example usage and results in the accompanied [notebook](https://huggingface.co/LLMs/AlpacaGPT4-LoRA-13B-elina/blob/main/alpacagpt4-lora-13b.ipynb). For the example outputs are listed below as well. **1. Instruction: Compose an engaging travel blog post about a recent trip to Hawaii, highlighting cultural experiences and must-see attractions.** Warm beaches, lush rainforests, active volcanoes - these are just some of the stunning natural wonders that make up Hawaii's diverse landscape. As one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world, this tropical paradise is packed with exciting activities, amazing scenery, and rich culture waiting to be explored by adventurous travellers looking for an unparalleled getaway experience. So let me take you on my journey through its captivating cities and towns as I share with you all the reasons why Hawaii should definitely top your bucket list! My first stop was Honolulu, the state capital located along Oahu Island. Its bustling streets offer plenty of opportunities for shopping, dining or just strolling around. But what really captured my attention were its beautiful historic sites like the Aloha Tower Marketplace and Kawaiahao Church - both reminders of how Hawaii has evolved from being a humble fishing village into today’s vibrant city. Not far off lies Waikiki Beach, famous not only for its breathtaking views but also for its lively atmosphere where locals mingle together **2. Instruction: Can you help me write a formal email to a potential business partner proposing a joint venture?** Dear [Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing with the intention of sharing an exciting opportunity that we have identified, and I believe may be mutually beneficial for our respective companies - a possible Joint Venture! The idea behind it is simple; combining both expertise in order to grow our client base, expand market share and maximize profitability by collaborating on projects and cross-selling each other's products or services. With the current climate being as competitive as ever, this partnership would allow us to leverage one another’s strengths and offer unrivaled value to customers. Together, we could do so much more than either company could alone. At [Company Name] we are committed to providing top quality service while staying at the forefront of technological innovation within our industry. We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional solutions to meet your specific needs, and always strive towards excellence. Our passionate team brings together years of experience and knowledge into every project we take part in. Likewise, at [Partner Company] , you provide superior customer support along with cutting edge technology which allows us to consistently exceed expectations. By joining forces we **3. Instruction: What factors would you consider when designing an inclusive and accessible public transportation system?** There are multiple aspects that need to be considered in order for a public transportation system to be truly inclusive and accessible. Some of these factors include, but may not limited to the following:- 1) Mobility Impairment- It is crucial to ensure there are sufficient facilities such as ramps, wheelchair lifts or elevators available on all modes of public transportation systems (elevated trains/buses, buses with low floors etc.). 2) Visual impairments- This includes features such as audible signage which can help visually impaired people navigate their way around without assistance from anyone else; tactile markings used in addition to visual signals and Braille signs also come under this category. 3) Hearing disabilities - Transportation systems should employ staff members who have expertise in helping those with hearing disabilities by using alternative methods like American Sign Language, closed caption displays on screens, written text communication channels and so forth. 4) Cognitive / intellectual disability- Such passengers must have equal accessibility while travelling through train stations or even at stops along the journey routes by providing clear directions & easy to understand maps and instructions about timetables and connections between **4. Instruction: What are some potential implications of using a single-use plastic bottle versus a reusable bottle on both the environment and human health?** A single use plastic water bottles create an immense amount of waste that remains in landfills or littered throughout nature for centuries, posing threat to the environment. When they are not disposed properly, these bottled wastes can cause serious damage like polluting freshwater streams and clogging drains which causes flooding during rainy seasons. In fact, 75% of the world's drinkable water is used by industry and agriculture and only 10% goes towards supporting ecosystems and communities while the rest gets consumed as water (for domestic purposes). So when we consume it from disposable plastics we add more burden to our already depleted resources. On top of this, fossil fuels must be burned to make these plastics, further adding to environmental impact. When considering humans, studies have found that there could potentially be risks associated with consuming water out of single-use plastic containers. For instance, Bisphenol A(BPA) - an industrial chemical commonly used in the production of polycarbonate resin based products including certain types of food containers such as plastic water bottles – has been linked to numerous adverse effects in