--- license: other language: - en inference: false --- # OPT-2.7B-Nerybus-Mix This is an experimental model containing a ***parameter-wise 50/50 blend (weighted average)*** of the weights of *NerysV2-2.7B* and *ErebusV1-2.7B* Preliminary testing produces pretty coherent outputs, it appears to retain the NSFWness of Erebus but with a Nerys-esque twist in terms of prose. # License The two models used for this blend, *NerysV2-2.7B* and *ErebusV1-2.7B* are made by **Mr. Seeker**. - https://huggingface.co/KoboldAI/OPT-2.7B-Erebus - https://huggingface.co/KoboldAI/OPT-2.7B-Nerys-v2 The base OPT-2.7B model is licensed under the OPT-175B license, Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Evaluation Results As the original datasets used for the source models are not publically available, I use my own datasets for this evaluation, which may not provide accurate comparison. Eval parameters: 25000 characters extracted from the middle of the corpus, tested in blocks of 1024 tokens each, same dataset used for each test batch. ``` Literotica Dataset Eval (Randomly selected stories) {'eval_loss': 2.592170000076294, 'name': 'Concedo_OPT-2.7B-Nerybus-Mix'} {'eval_loss': 2.571096181869507, 'name': 'KoboldAI_OPT-2.7B-Erebus'} {'eval_loss': 2.6392364501953125, 'name': 'KoboldAI_OPT-2.7B-Nerys'} {'eval_loss': 2.4650306701660156, 'name': '(Unreleased 2.7B ModronAI Model)'} ASSTR Dataset Eval (Randomly selected stories) {'eval_loss': 2.604311227798462, 'name': 'Concedo_OPT-2.7B-Nerybus-Mix'} {'eval_loss': 2.5843987464904785, 'name': 'KoboldAI_OPT-2.7B-Erebus'} {'eval_loss': 2.666102170944214, 'name': 'KoboldAI_OPT-2.7B-Nerys'} {'eval_loss': 2.9165072441101074, 'name': '(Unreleased 2.7B ModronAI Model)'} Harry Potter Dataset Eval (Canon books) {'eval_loss': 2.391289234161377, 'name': 'Concedo_OPT-2.7B-Nerybus-Mix'} {'eval_loss': 2.40213680267334, 'name': 'KoboldAI_OPT-2.7B-Erebus'} {'eval_loss': 2.4142935276031494, 'name': 'KoboldAI_OPT-2.7B-Nerys'} {'eval_loss': 2.227642774581909, 'name': '(Unreleased 2.7B ModronAI Model)'} Star Wars Dataset Eval (Rogue One Novel) {'eval_loss': 2.4152939319610596, 'name': 'Concedo_OPT-2.7B-Nerybus-Mix'} {'eval_loss': 2.4259495735168457, 'name': 'KoboldAI_OPT-2.7B-Erebus'} {'eval_loss': 2.449702024459839, 'name': 'KoboldAI_OPT-2.7B-Nerys'} {'eval_loss': 2.788408041000366, 'name': '(Unreleased 2.7B ModronAI Model)'} ``` It is recommend to use this model with the KoboldAI software. All feedback and comments can be directed to Concedo on the KoboldAI discord.