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"Money order", "61": "Foreign currency exchange", "62": "Refund anticipation check", "63": "Gift or merchant card", "64": "Cashing a check without an account", "65": "ID prepaid card", "66": "Mobile wallet", "67": "Government benefit payment card", "68": "Pawn loan", "69": "Other special purpose card", "70": "Check cashing", "71": "Credit repair", "72": "Traveler\u2019s/Cashier\u2019s checks", "73": "Transit card", "74": "Student prepaid card", "75": "Electronic Benefit Transfer / EBT card", "76": "" }, "initializer_range": 0.02, "label2id": { "": 76, "(CD) Certificate of deposit": 59, "Auto": 47, "Auto debt": 24, "CD (Certificate of Deposit)": 52, "Cashing a check without an account": 64, "Check cashing": 70, "Check cashing service": 56, "Checking account": 2, "Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)": 26, "Conventional fixed mortgage": 11, "Conventional home mortgage": 5, "Credit card": 16, "Credit card debt": 7, "Credit repair": 71, "Credit repair services": 45, "Credit reporting": 0, "Debt settlement": 55, "Domestic (US) money transfer": 21, "Electronic Benefit Transfer / EBT card": 75, "FHA mortgage": 10, "Federal student loan": 53, "Federal student loan debt": 43, "Federal student loan servicing": 9, "Foreign currency exchange": 61, "General purpose card": 51, "General-purpose credit card or charge card": 1, "General-purpose prepaid card": 37, "Gift card": 58, "Gift or merchant card": 63, "Government benefit card": 39, "Government benefit payment card": 67, "Home equity loan or line of credit": 42, "Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)": 38, "I do not know": 6, "ID prepaid card": 65, "Installment loan": 15, "International money transfer": 35, "Lease": 36, "Loan": 12, "Medical": 17, "Medical debt": 8, "Mobile or digital wallet": 18, "Mobile wallet": 66, "Money order": 60, "Mortgage": 49, "Mortgage debt": 40, "Non-federal student loan": 20, "Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)": 13, "Other bank product/service": 31, "Other banking product or service": 33, "Other debt": 3, "Other mortgage": 34, "Other personal consumer report": 27, "Other special purpose card": 69, "Other type of mortgage": 32, "Pawn loan": 68, "Payday loan": 25, "Payday loan debt": 28, "Payroll card": 54, "Personal line of credit": 41, "Private student loan": 19, "Private student loan debt": 44, "Refund anticipation check": 62, "Reverse mortgage": 50, "Savings account": 29, "Second mortgage": 4, "Store credit card": 14, "Student prepaid card": 74, "Title loan": 46, "Transit card": 73, "Traveler's check or cashier's check": 57, "Traveler\u2019s/Cashier\u2019s checks": 72, "VA mortgage": 22, "Vehicle lease": 48, "Vehicle loan": 23, "Virtual currency": 30 }, "max_position_embeddings": 512, "model_type": "distilbert", "n_heads": 12, "n_layers": 6, "pad_token_id": 0, "problem_type": "single_label_classification", "qa_dropout": 0.1, "seq_classif_dropout": 0.2, "sinusoidal_pos_embds": false, "tie_weights_": true, "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.16.2", "vocab_size": 30522 }