!pip install streamlit !pip install pandas !pip install numpy import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Load your DataFrame here df = pd.read_csv("TIMES_WorldUniversityRankings_2024.csv") # Streamlit app st.title('University Data portal') # Search bar logic search_type = st.radio("Choose your search type:", ('University', 'Country')) if search_type == 'University': university_name = st.selectbox('Select University', df['name'].unique()) selected_uni = df[df['name'] == university_name] if not selected_uni.empty: st.write(selected_uni) else: country_name = st.selectbox('Select Country', df['location'].unique()) selected_country = df[df['location'] == country_name] if not selected_country.empty: st.write(selected_country[['name', 'scores_teaching', 'scores_research', 'scores_citations']]) # To run this Streamlit app, save this script and run it using `streamlit run your_script_name.py` from your terminal.