--- tags: - asteroid - audio - VADNet - VAD - Voice Activity Detection datasets: - LibriVAD license: cc-by-sa-4.0 --- ## Asteroid model `JorisCos/VAD_Net` Description: This model was trained by Joris Cosentino using the librimix recipe in [Asteroid](https://github.com/asteroid-team/asteroid). It was trained on the `enh_single` task of the Libri1Mix dataset. Training config: ```yml data: segment: 3 train_dir: /home/jcosentino/VAD_dataset/metadata/sets/train.json valid_dir: /home/jcosentino/VAD_dataset/metadata/sets/dev.json filterbank: kernel_size: 16 n_filters: 512 stride: 8 main_args: exp_dir: exp/full_not_causal_f1/ help: null masknet: bn_chan: 128 causal: false hid_chan: 512 mask_act: relu n_blocks: 3 n_repeats: 5 skip_chan: 128 optim: lr: 0.001 optimizer: adam weight_decay: 0.0 positional arguments: {} training: batch_size: 8 early_stop: true epochs: 200 half_lr: true num_workers: 4 ``` Results: On LibriVAD min test set : ```yml accuracy: 0.8196149023502931, precision: 0.8305009048356607, recall: 0.8869202491310206, f1_score: 0.8426184545700124 ``` License notice: This work "VAD_Net" is a derivative of [LibriSpeech ASR corpus](http://www.openslr.org/12) by Vassil Panayotov, used under [CC BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/); of The [DNS challenge](https://github.com/microsoft/DNS-Challenge) noises, [Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/). "VAD_Net" is licensed under [Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) by Joris Cosentino