--- license: mit library_name: sklearn tags: - sklearn - skops - tabular-classification model_format: skops model_file: examplej.skops widget: structuredData: 'Unnamed: 32': - .nan - .nan - .nan area_mean: - 481.9 - 1130.0 - 748.9 area_se: - 30.29 - 96.05 - 48.31 area_worst: - 677.9 - 1866.0 - 1156.0 compactness_mean: - 0.1058 - 0.1029 - 0.1223 compactness_se: - 0.01911 - 0.01652 - 0.01484 compactness_worst: - 0.2378 - 0.2336 - 0.2394 concave points_mean: - 0.03821 - 0.07951 - 0.08087 concave points_se: - 0.01037 - 0.0137 - 0.01093 concave points_worst: - 0.1015 - 0.1789 - 0.1514 concavity_mean: - 0.08005 - 0.108 - 0.1466 concavity_se: - 0.02701 - 0.02269 - 0.02813 concavity_worst: - 0.2671 - 0.2687 - 0.3791 fractal_dimension_mean: - 0.06373 - 0.05461 - 0.05796 fractal_dimension_se: - 0.003586 - 0.001698 - 0.002461 fractal_dimension_worst: - 0.0875 - 0.06589 - 0.08019 id: - 87930 - 859575 - 8670 perimeter_mean: - 81.09 - 123.6 - 101.7 perimeter_se: - 2.497 - 5.486 - 3.094 perimeter_worst: - 96.05 - 165.9 - 124.9 radius_mean: - 12.47 - 18.94 - 15.46 radius_se: - 0.3961 - 0.7888 - 0.4743 radius_worst: - 14.97 - 24.86 - 19.26 smoothness_mean: - 0.09965 - 0.09009 - 0.1092 smoothness_se: - 0.006953 - 0.004444 - 0.00624 smoothness_worst: - 0.1426 - 0.1193 - 0.1546 symmetry_mean: - 0.1925 - 0.1582 - 0.1931 symmetry_se: - 0.01782 - 0.01386 - 0.01397 symmetry_worst: - 0.3014 - 0.2551 - 0.2837 texture_mean: - 18.6 - 21.31 - 19.48 texture_se: - 1.044 - 0.7975 - 0.7859 texture_worst: - 24.64 - 26.58 - 26.0 --- # Model description [More Information Needed] ## Intended uses & limitations This model is not ready to be used in production (J). ## Training Procedure ### Hyperparameters The model is trained with below hyperparameters.
Click to expand | Hyperparameter | Value | |------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | memory | | | steps | [('imputer', SimpleImputer()), ('scaler', StandardScaler()), ('model', LogisticRegression())] | | verbose | False | | imputer | SimpleImputer() | | scaler | StandardScaler() | | model | LogisticRegression() | | imputer__add_indicator | False | | imputer__copy | True | | imputer__fill_value | | | imputer__keep_empty_features | False | | imputer__missing_values | nan | | imputer__strategy | mean | | imputer__verbose | deprecated | | scaler__copy | True | | scaler__with_mean | True | | scaler__with_std | True | | model__C | 1.0 | | model__class_weight | | | model__dual | False | | model__fit_intercept | True | | model__intercept_scaling | 1 | | model__l1_ratio | | | model__max_iter | 100 | | model__multi_class | auto | | model__n_jobs | | | model__penalty | l2 | | model__random_state | | | model__solver | lbfgs | | model__tol | 0.0001 | | model__verbose | 0 | | model__warm_start | False |
### Model Plot The model plot is below.
Pipeline(steps=[('imputer', SimpleImputer()), ('scaler', StandardScaler()),('model', LogisticRegression())])
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## Evaluation Results [More Information Needed] # How to Get Started with the Model [More Information Needed] # Model Card Authors This model card is written by following authors: [More Information Needed] # Model Card Contact You can contact the model card authors through following channels: [More Information Needed] # Citation Below you can find information related to citation. **BibTeX:** ``` [More Information Needed] ```