--- license: mit --- # Sparse BERT mini model (uncased) Finetuned model pruned to 1:4 structured sparsity. The model is a pruned version of the [BERT mini model](https://huggingface.co/prajjwal1/bert-mini). ## Intended Use The model can be used for inference with sparsity optimisztion. For further details on the model and its usage, see our repo and our implementation available [here](https://github.com/intel-innersource/frameworks.ai.nlp-toolkit.intel-nlp-toolkit). We also upload the quanted int8 BERT mini sparse Neural Engine IR (acc 87.15) here, could be directly used by NLP Toolkit ref inference. ## Evaluation Results We get the following results on the sst2 tasks development set: | Task | SST-2 (Acc) | |------|-------------| | | 87.2 |