--- base_model: - InferenceIllusionist/Excalibur-7b library_name: transformers tags: - finetune - dpo - chatml - gguf license: apache-2.0 datasets: - Intel/orca_dpo_pairs --- # Excalibur-7b-DPO-GGUF An initial foray into the world of fine-tuning. The goal of this release was to amplify the quality of the original model's responses, in particular for vision use cases* FP16 available [here](https://huggingface.co/InferenceIllusionist/Excalibur-7b-DPO) ## Notes & Methodology * [Excalibur-7b](https://huggingface.co/InferenceIllusionist/Excalibur-7b) fine-tuned with Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) using Intel/orca_dpo_pairs * This is a quick experiment to determine the impact of DPO finetuning on the original base model * Ran for a little over an hour on a single A100 * Internal benchmarks showed improvement over base model, awaiting final results * Precision: bfloat16 ## Sample Question - Vision Requires additional [mistral-7b-mmproj-v1.5-Q4_1.gguf](https://huggingface.co/koboldcpp/mmproj/tree/main) file for vision functionality Select the gguf file of your choice in Kobold as usual, then make sure to choose the mmproj file above in the LLaVA mmproj field of the model submenu: ## Prompt Format * For best results please use ChatML for the prompt format. Alpaca may also work.