--- license: gpl-3.0 language: - zh - en pipeline_tag: text-generation tags: - translation - multilingual - large language model - instruction tuning --- # BayLing: Bridging Cross-lingual Alignment and Instruction Following through Interactive Translation for Large Language Models **BayLing** (**百聆**, **bǎi líng**) is an instruction-following LLM equipped with advanced language alignment, showing superior capability in English/Chinese generation, instruction following and multi-turn interaction. BayLing can be effortlessly deployed on a consumer-grade GPU with 16GB of memory, and assists users with tasks such as translation, writing, creation, suggestion... **This model is the version 1.1 of BayLing-13B.** Compared with [BayLing-13B-v1.0](https://huggingface.co/ICTNLP/bayling-13b-diff), **BayLing-13B-v1.1 is additionally injected with extensive Chinese knowledge**. More info: - Paper: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.10968](https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.10968) - Github Repo: [https://github.com/ictnlp/BayLing](https://github.com/ictnlp/BayLing) - Online Demo: [http://nlp.ict.ac.cn/bayling/demo](http://nlp.ict.ac.cn/bayling/demo) ## Authors | [Shaolei Zhang](https://zhangshaolei1998.github.io/) | [Qingkai Fang](https://fangqingkai.github.io/) | [Zhuocheng Zhang](https://nlp.ict.ac.cn/yjdw/xs/bsyjs/202210/t20221019_52678.html) | [Zhengrui Ma](https://nlp.ict.ac.cn/yjdw/xs/bsyjs/202210/t20221019_52675.html) | | [Yan Zhou](https://zhouyan19.github.io/zhouyan/) | [Langlin Huang](https://nlp.ict.ac.cn/yjdw/xs/ssyjs/202210/t20221019_52686.html) | [Mengyu Bu](https://bingo123122121.github.io/) | [Shangtong Gui](https://github.com/GhostofAdam) | | [Yunji Chen](http://novel.ict.ac.cn/ychen/) | [Xilin Chen](http://www.ict.cas.cn/sourcedb_2018_ict_cas/cn/jssrck/200909/t20090917_2496595.html) | [Yang Feng \*](https://people.ucas.edu.cn/~yangfeng?language=en) | ## Citation If our work is helpful for you, please cite as: ``` @article{bayling, title={BayLing: Bridging Cross-lingual Alignment and Instruction Following through Interactive Translation for Large Language Models}, author={Shaolei Zhang and Qingkai Fang and Zhuocheng Zhang and Zhengrui Ma and Yan Zhou and Langlin Huang and Mengyu Bu and Shangtong Gui and Yunji Chen and Xilin Chen and Yang Feng}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.10968}, year={2023}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.10968} } ```