Top: epoch extras state_dict arch ------------------------------------- arch: ai85nascifarnet ------------------------------------- extras: None ------------------------------------- state_dict: conv1_1 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 64 , [64] # of unique elements: 64 min, max, mean: -0.10107696 , 0.11130922 , 0.0067034895 weight total # of elements, shape: 1728 , [64, 3, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 1728 min, max, mean: -0.60333866 , 0.6379849 , -0.0005045497 conv1_2 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 32 , [32] # of unique elements: 32 min, max, mean: -0.46478918 , 0.23455882 , 0.07727651 weight total # of elements, shape: 2048 , [32, 64, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 2048 min, max, mean: -0.731422 , 0.43723717 , -0.014188715 conv1_3 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 64 , [64] # of unique elements: 64 min, max, mean: -0.37401438 , 0.46729237 , 0.0657807 weight total # of elements, shape: 18432 , [64, 32, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 18431 min, max, mean: -0.5946365 , 0.47278842 , -0.0068520107 conv2_1 output_shift: [-3.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 32 , [32] # of unique elements: 32 min, max, mean: -0.36374795 , 0.36529794 , 0.068705976 weight total # of elements, shape: 18432 , [32, 64, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 18430 min, max, mean: -0.20062716 , 0.19888887 , -0.00037256454 conv2_2 output_shift: [-0.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 64 , [64] # of unique elements: 64 min, max, mean: -0.40673798 , 0.5011109 , 0.06014684 weight total # of elements, shape: 2048 , [64, 32, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 2048 min, max, mean: -0.8508096 , 1.2500408 , -0.027207367 conv3_1 output_shift: [-3.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 128 min, max, mean: -0.62617564 , 0.6381906 , 0.06749219 weight total # of elements, shape: 73728 , [128, 64, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 73684 min, max, mean: -0.16876076 , 0.14783913 , -0.0004468074 conv3_2 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 128 min, max, mean: -0.4986081 , 0.8272092 , 0.13885254 weight total # of elements, shape: 16384 , [128, 128, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 16378 min, max, mean: -0.6456978 , 0.60366505 , -0.015519251 conv4_1 output_shift: [-3.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 64 , [64] # of unique elements: 64 min, max, mean: -0.6772705 , 0.78678006 , -0.07816264 weight total # of elements, shape: 73728 , [64, 128, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 73688 min, max, mean: -0.125278 , 0.14437507 , 0.00046636915 conv4_2 output_shift: [-2.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 128 min, max, mean: -0.26326552 , 0.28138405 , 0.03769239 weight total # of elements, shape: 73728 , [128, 64, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 73683 min, max, mean: -0.28473294 , 0.33850384 , -0.000497009 conv5_1 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 128 min, max, mean: -0.4202246 , 0.51630175 , 0.08256639 weight total # of elements, shape: 16384 , [128, 128, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 16380 min, max, mean: -0.3926522 , 0.5331613 , -0.0014903652 fc output_shift: [1.] adjust_output_shift: [1.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 100 , [100] # of unique elements: 100 min, max, mean: -0.30089954 , 0.31922576 , -0.0069139306 weight total # of elements, shape: 51200 , [100, 512] # of unique elements: 51187 min, max, mean: -3.3799329 , 2.168811 , -0.18646385