Top: epoch extras state_dict arch ------------------------------------- arch: ai85nascifarnet ------------------------------------- extras: {'best epoch': 123456789, 'best_top1': 64.30999636650085, 'clipping_method': 'MAX_BIT_SHIFT', 'current_top1': 64.30999636650085} ------------------------------------- state_dict: conv1_1 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 64 , [64] # of unique elements: 64 min, max, mean: -3312.0 , 3647.0 , 219.67188 weight total # of elements, shape: 1728 , [64, 3, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 196 min, max, mean: -128.0 , 127.0 , -0.13599537 conv1_2 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 32 , [32] # of unique elements: 32 min, max, mean: -15230.0 , 7686.0 , 2532.1875 weight total # of elements, shape: 2048 , [32, 64, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 182 min, max, mean: -128.0 , 112.0 , -3.5986328 conv1_3 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 64 , [64] # of unique elements: 64 min, max, mean: -12256.0 , 15312.0 , 2155.4844 weight total # of elements, shape: 18432 , [64, 32, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 193 min, max, mean: -128.0 , 121.0 , -1.7572157 conv2_1 output_shift: [-3.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 32 , [32] # of unique elements: 16 min, max, mean: -16384.0 , 16383.0 , 5156.5625 weight total # of elements, shape: 18432 , [32, 64, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 235 min, max, mean: -128.0 , 127.0 , -0.35975477 conv2_2 output_shift: [-0.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 64 , [64] # of unique elements: 64 min, max, mean: -6664.0 , 8210.0 , 985.40625 weight total # of elements, shape: 2048 , [64, 32, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 198 min, max, mean: -109.0 , 127.0 , -3.543457 conv3_1 output_shift: [-3.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 54 min, max, mean: -16384.0 , 16383.0 , 4028.1875 weight total # of elements, shape: 73728 , [128, 64, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 253 min, max, mean: -128.0 , 127.0 , -0.4563395 conv3_2 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 126 min, max, mean: -16338.0 , 16383.0 , 4410.1484 weight total # of elements, shape: 16384 , [128, 128, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 238 min, max, mean: -128.0 , 127.0 , -3.9754639 conv4_1 output_shift: [-3.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 64 , [64] # of unique elements: 24 min, max, mean: -16384.0 , 16383.0 , -4813.4062 weight total # of elements, shape: 73728 , [64, 128, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 227 min, max, mean: -128.0 , 127.0 , 0.47446018 conv4_2 output_shift: [-2.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 127 min, max, mean: -16384.0 , 16383.0 , 2460.9297 weight total # of elements, shape: 73728 , [128, 64, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 250 min, max, mean: -128.0 , 127.0 , -0.25878906 conv5_1 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 126 min, max, mean: -13770.0 , 16383.0 , 2701.3594 weight total # of elements, shape: 16384 , [128, 128, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 207 min, max, mean: -101.0 , 127.0 , -0.38433838 fc output_shift: [1.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.995] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 100 , [100] # of unique elements: 100 min, max, mean: -2465.0 , 2615.0 , -56.6 weight total # of elements, shape: 51200 , [100, 512] # of unique elements: 240 min, max, mean: -128.0 , 127.0 , -11.8649025