Top: epoch extras state_dict arch ------------------------------------- arch: ai85nascifarnet ------------------------------------- extras: {'best epoch': 123456789, 'best_top1': 65.88000059127808, 'clipping_method': 'MAX_BIT_SHIFT', 'current_top1': 65.88000059127808} ------------------------------------- state_dict: conv1_1 output_shift: [-0.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 119 min, max, mean: -1989.0 , 1694.0 , 50.09375 weight total # of elements, shape: 3456 , [128, 3, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 178 min, max, mean: -119.0 , 127.0 , -0.1244213 conv1_2 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [2.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 80 min, max, mean: -215.0 , 141.0 , 61.390625 weight total # of elements, shape: 16384 , [128, 128, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 4 min, max, mean: -2.0 , 1.0 , -0.055603027 conv1_3 output_shift: [-3.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [2.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 256 , [256] # of unique elements: 133 min, max, mean: -256.0 , 255.0 , 84.27734 weight total # of elements, shape: 294912 , [256, 128, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 4 min, max, mean: -2.0 , 1.0 , -0.028272841 conv2_1 output_shift: [-4.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [2.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 25 min, max, mean: -256.0 , 255.0 , 101.859375 weight total # of elements, shape: 294912 , [128, 256, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 4 min, max, mean: -2.0 , 1.0 , -0.01031155 conv2_2 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [2.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 104 min, max, mean: -256.0 , 255.0 , 54.328125 weight total # of elements, shape: 16384 , [128, 128, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 4 min, max, mean: -2.0 , 1.0 , -0.07104492 conv3_1 output_shift: [-4.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [2.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 64 , [64] # of unique elements: 10 min, max, mean: -256.0 , 255.0 , -16.828125 weight total # of elements, shape: 73728 , [64, 128, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 4 min, max, mean: -2.0 , 1.0 , -0.0031602648 conv3_2 output_shift: [-0.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [2.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 256 , [256] # of unique elements: 121 min, max, mean: -112.0 , 142.0 , 17.363281 weight total # of elements, shape: 16384 , [256, 64, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 4 min, max, mean: -2.0 , 1.0 , -0.0435791 conv4_1 output_shift: [-4.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [2.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 19 min, max, mean: -256.0 , 255.0 , 13.25 weight total # of elements, shape: 294912 , [128, 256, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 4 min, max, mean: -2.0 , 1.0 , -0.0063035754 conv4_2 output_shift: [-3.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [2.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 64 , [64] # of unique elements: 35 min, max, mean: -256.0 , 255.0 , 136.79688 weight total # of elements, shape: 73728 , [64, 128, 3, 3] # of unique elements: 4 min, max, mean: -2.0 , 1.0 , -0.020968966 conv5_1 output_shift: [-1.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [2.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 128 , [128] # of unique elements: 107 min, max, mean: -240.0 , 244.0 , 60.585938 weight total # of elements, shape: 8192 , [128, 64, 1, 1] # of unique elements: 4 min, max, mean: -2.0 , 1.0 , -0.010375977 fc output_shift: [1.] adjust_output_shift: [0.] quantize_activation: [1.] shift_quantile: [0.985] weight bits: [8.] bias_bits: [8.] bias total # of elements, shape: 100 , [100] # of unique elements: 100 min, max, mean: -2406.0 , 1741.0 , -33.06 weight total # of elements, shape: 51200 , [100, 512] # of unique elements: 244 min, max, mean: -128.0 , 121.0 , -15.069004