########################################################################### # Computer vision - Binary neural networks demo software by HyperbeeAI. # # Copyrights © 2023 Hyperbee.AI Inc. All rights reserved. main@shallow.ai # ########################################################################### import sys, torch sys.path.append(".") ## works only when running from repo top layer import layers import models import dataloader bs = 250; train_loader, test_loader = dataloader.load_cifar100(batch_size=bs, num_workers=1, shuffle=True, act_8b_mode=True); print('') print('Check: maxim checkpoints loaded into our model definitions, see test accuracy.') print(' We expect approx. 64.32 for NAS, 55.76 for simplenet') device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print('') print('Device:', device) print('') print('NAS Model') mm = models.maxim_nas() mm = mm.to(device) ## make mode eval here (easy since we set all layer weights to 8b) for layer_string in dir(mm): layer_attribute = getattr(mm, layer_string) if isinstance(layer_attribute, layers.shallow_base_layer): layer_attribute.configure_layer_base(weight_bits=8, bias_bits=8, shift_quantile=0.99) layer_attribute.mode_fpt2qat('qat'); layer_attribute.mode_qat2hw('eval') setattr(mm, layer_string, layer_attribute) checkpoint = torch.load('checkpoints/maxim000_nas_8b/hardware_checkpoint.pth.tar') mm.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) mm = mm.to(device) dataiter = iter(test_loader) ma = 0; for i in range(0,int(10000/bs)): images , labels = dataiter.next() images = images.to(device) labels =labels.to(device) out = mm(images) ma += torch.sum(torch.argmax(out,dim=1)==labels) print('Test Accuracy:', (ma)/10000*100) print('') print('Simplenet Mixed Precision Model') mm = models.maxim_simplenet() mm = mm.to(device) ## make mode eval here (not that easy, layers are 2b/4b/8b) # replace that weird policy thing here with explicit settings weight_dictionary = {} weight_dictionary['conv1' ] = 8; weight_dictionary['conv2' ] = 4; weight_dictionary['conv3' ] = 2; weight_dictionary['conv4' ] = 2; weight_dictionary['conv5' ] = 2; weight_dictionary['conv6' ] = 2; weight_dictionary['conv7' ] = 2; weight_dictionary['conv8' ] = 2; weight_dictionary['conv9' ] = 2; weight_dictionary['conv10'] = 2; weight_dictionary['conv11'] = 4; weight_dictionary['conv12'] = 4; weight_dictionary['conv13'] = 4; weight_dictionary['conv14'] = 4; layer_attributes = [] for layer_string in dir(mm): if(layer_string in weight_dictionary): layer_attribute = getattr(mm, layer_string) layer_attribute.configure_layer_base(weight_bits=weight_dictionary[layer_string], bias_bits=8, shift_quantile=1.0) layer_attribute.mode_fpt2qat('qat'); layer_attribute.mode_qat2hw('eval') setattr(mm, layer_string, layer_attribute) checkpoint = torch.load('checkpoints/maxim001_simplenet_2b4b8b/hardware_checkpoint.pth.tar') mm.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'], strict=False) mm = mm.to(device) dataiter = iter(test_loader) ma = 0; for i in range(0,int(10000/bs)): images , labels = dataiter.next() images = images.to(device) labels =labels.to(device) out = mm(images) ma += torch.sum(torch.argmax(out,dim=1)==labels) print('Test Accuracy:', (ma)/10000*100)