########################################################################### # Computer vision - Binary neural networks demo software by HyperbeeAI. # # Copyrights © 2023 Hyperbee.AI Inc. All rights reserved. main@shallow.ai # ########################################################################### import torch, sys import torch.nn as nn from torch.autograd import Function ################################################### ### Quantization Functions ### backward passes are straight through ## Up-Down (ud) quantization for wide last layer ("bigdata"). Used in QAT class Q_ud_wide(Function): @staticmethod def forward(_, x, xb, extrab): up_factor = 2**(xb-extrab-1) down_factor = 2**(xb-1) return x.mul(up_factor).add(.5).floor().div(down_factor) @staticmethod def backward(_, x): return x, None, None ## Up-Down (ud) quantization. Used in QAT class Q_ud(Function): @staticmethod def forward(_, x, xb): updown_factor = 2**(xb-1) return x.mul(updown_factor).add(.5).floor().div(updown_factor) @staticmethod def backward(_, x): return x, None ## Up-Down (ud) quantization for antipodal binary. Used in qat-ap class Q_ud_ap(Function): @staticmethod def forward(_, x): x = torch.sign(x).div(2.0) # antipodal (-1,+1) weights @HW correspond to (-0.5,+0.5) in qat mask = (x == 0) return x - mask.type(torch.FloatTensor).to(x.device).div(2.0) @staticmethod def backward(_, x): return x ## Up (u) quantization. Used in Eval/hardware class Q_u(Function): @staticmethod def forward(_, x, xb): up_factor = 2**(8-xb) return x.mul(up_factor).add(.5).floor() ### Burak: maxim has a .add(0.5) at the beginning, I think that's wrong @staticmethod def backward(_, x): return x, None ## Down (d) quantization. Used in Eval/hardware class Q_d(Function): @staticmethod def forward(_, x, xb): down_factor = 2**(xb-1) return x.div(down_factor).add(.5).floor() ### Burak: maxim has a .add(0.5) at the beginning, I think that's wrong @staticmethod def backward(_, x): return x, None ################################################### ### Quantization module ### ("umbrella" for Functions) class quantization(nn.Module): def __init__(self, xb = 8, mode='updown', wide=False): super().__init__() self.xb = xb self.mode = mode self.wide = wide def forward(self, x): if(self.mode=='updown'): if(self.wide): return Q_ud_wide.apply(x, self.xb, 1) else: return Q_ud.apply(x, self.xb) elif(self.mode=='down'): if(self.wide): return Q_d.apply(x, self.xb + 1) else: return Q_d.apply(x, self.xb) elif(self.mode=='up'): return Q_u.apply(x, self.xb) elif(self.mode=='updown_ap'): return Q_ud_ap.apply(x) else: print('wrong quantization mode. exiting') sys.exit() ################################################### ### Clamping modules ### (doesn't need Functions since backward passes are well-defined) class clamping_qa(nn.Module): def __init__(self, xb = 8, wide=False): super().__init__() if(wide): self.min_val = -16384.0 self.max_val = 16383.0 else: self.min_val = -1.0 self.max_val = (2**(xb-1)-1)/(2**(xb-1)) def forward(self, x): return x.clamp(min=self.min_val, max=self.max_val) class clamping_hw(nn.Module): def __init__(self, xb = 8, wide=False): super().__init__() if(wide): self.min_val = -2**(30-1) self.max_val = 2**(30-1)-1 else: self.min_val = -2**(xb-1) self.max_val = 2**(xb-1)-1 def forward(self, x): return x.clamp(min=self.min_val, max=self.max_val) ################################################### ### Computing output_shift, i.e., "los" def calc_out_shift(weight, bias, shift_quantile): bias_r = torch.flatten(bias) weight_r = torch.flatten(weight) params_r = torch.cat((weight_r, bias_r)) limit = torch.quantile(params_r.abs(), shift_quantile) return -(1./limit).log2().floor().clamp(min=-15., max=15.)