--- language: pa #datasets: #- Interspeech 2021 metrics: - wer tags: - audio - automatic-speech-recognition - speech license: mit model-index: - name: Wav2Vec2 Vakyansh Punjabi Model by Harveen Chadha results: - task: name: Speech Recognition type: automatic-speech-recognition dataset: name: Common Voice hi type: common_voice args: pa metrics: - name: Test WER type: wer value: 33.17 --- Fine-tuned on Multilingual Pretrained Model [CLSRIL-23](https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.07402). The original fairseq checkpoint is present [here](https://github.com/Open-Speech-EkStep/vakyansh-models). When using this model, make sure that your speech input is sampled at 16kHz. **Note: The result from this model is without a language model so you may witness a higher WER in some cases.**