--- language: - "en" license: "apache-2.0" tags: - "educational" - "transformers" - "custom-model" datasets: - "dummy-dataset" metrics: - "dummy-metric" model-index: - name: "MinimalTransformer" results: - task: name: "Dummy Task" type: "text-classification" dataset: name: "dummy-dataset" type: "text-classification" metrics: - name: "Dummy Metric" type: "accuracy" value: 0.0 --- ## Model Card for Custom Minimal Transformer ### Model Description This is a custom transformer model designed for educational purposes. It demonstrates the basic structure of a transformer model using PyTorch and integrates a pre-trained tokenizer from the Hugging Face library (`bert-base-uncased`). ### Architecture The model, `MinimalTransformer`, is a simplified transformer architecture consisting of: - Multi-head attention mechanism (`nn.MultiheadAttention`). - Layer normalization (`nn.LayerNorm`). - A feed-forward network composed of linear layers and ReLU activation. It demonstrates basic transformer concepts while being more lightweight and easier to understand than full-scale models like BERT or GPT. ### Training The model was trained on a small, manually created dataset consisting of simple sentences like "Hello world", "Transformers are great", and "PyTorch is fun". It's intended for basic demonstrations and not for achieving state-of-the-art results on complex tasks. ### Tokenizer The tokenizer used is the `AutoTokenizer` from Hugging Face, specifically the "bert-base-uncased" variant. It handles tokenization, adding special tokens, and converting tokens to their respective IDs in the BERT vocabulary. ### Usage The model can be used for basic NLP tasks and demonstrations. To use the model: - Load the saved model weights into the `MinimalTransformer` architecture. - Tokenize input sentences using the provided tokenizer. - Pass the tokenized input through the model for inference. ### Limitations and Bias - The model's performance is limited due to its simplistic nature and the small training dataset. - As it uses a pre-trained BERT tokenizer, any biases present in the BERT model may be transferred to this model. ### Acknowledgements This model was created for educational purposes and is based on the PyTorch and Hugging Face Transformers libraries.