--- license: other language: - en --- An experiment with gradient merges using [the following script](https://github.com/TehVenomm/LM_Transformers_BlockMerge), with [Chronos](https://huggingface.co/elinas/chronos-13b) as its primary model, augmented by [Hermes](https://huggingface.co/NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-13b) and [Wizard-Vicuna Uncensored](https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/Wizard-Vicuna-13B-Uncensored-HF). Chronos is a wonderfully verbose model, though it definitely seems to lack in the logic department. Hermes and WizardLM have been merged gradually, primarily in the higher layers (10+) in an attempt to rectify some of this behaviour. The main objective was to create an all-round model with improved story generation and roleplaying capabilities. Below is an illustration to showcase a rough approximation of the gradients I used to create MythoLogic: ![](approximation.png) This model primarily uses Alpaca formatting, so for optimal model performance, use: ``` ### Instruction: Your instruction or question here. ### Response: ``` For chat/roleplay conversations, I suggest the following template instead: ``` You are , a friendly and supportive AI language model. We discuss all subjects freely and without bias or restrictions. I am , the user interacting with you through a chat conversation. Start with greeting me. ### Instruction: Write 's next reply in a chat between and . Write a single reply only. ### Response: ``` --- license: other ---