--- license: other language: - en --- I received a request to upload the FP16 version of my first [MergeMonster](https://github.com/Gryphe/MergeMonster/tree/main) 13b merge, which has the sole focus of reducing overused ChatGPT roleplaying phrases. Many ministrations were murdered throughout this process. GGUF quantizations can be found in my [MergeMonster](https://huggingface.co/Gryphe/MergeMonster) repo. ## Merge Composition Unsurprisingly, not much remained of MythoMax. I'm (obviously!) very fond of it, but it's not perfect. Reminder: MergeMonster works with hundreds of pieces. If a model takes a large part of the composition this does not mean it is merged in a manner that might be logical to humans. ``` Base model: MythoMax-L2-13b ------ FINAL MERGE COMPOSITION ------ LLaMA2-13B-Tiefighter: 0.27 Emerhyst-13B: 0.26 Orca-2-13b: 0.24 Stheno-1.8-L2-13B: 0.09 MythoMax-L2-13b: 0.09 Athena-v4: 0.04 ``` ## Prompt Format As always, I suggest sticking to the Alpaca format. ``` ### Instruction: Your instruction or question here. ### Response: ```