--- license: creativeml-openrail-m tags: - text-to-image - stable-diffusion --- ## Protogen v2.2 --reconverted `Works fine without errors with NMKD (tested with 1.7+) and other GUI/webUI` You can download CKPT model [here](https://huggingface.co/Gourieff/protogen_v2.2_reconverted/resolve/main/protogen_v2.2.ckpt) __This is a mix by darkstorm2150 of such models as:__ * f22_v1.ckpt * elldrethSLucidMix_V10.cpkt * hassanBlendAllVersio_hassanBlend14.ckpt * seek_art_mega_v1.ckpt * modelshoot-1.0.ckpt __To center the image on intended subject use the token:__ ``` modelshoot style ``` __Camera Prompt Commands by MC Mic:__ ``` (from_above:1.3), (from_below:1.3),(from_side:1.3),(from_behind:1.3), ``` __Movement Control:__ ``` (hand_on_hip:1.2), (sitting:1.2), ``` __Sample result:__ ![0](https://huggingface.co/Gourieff/protogen_v2.2_reconverted/resolve/main/sample_images/proto.jpg)