base_model: TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 dtype: float16 gate_mode: random experts: - source_model: Qwen/Qwen1.5-0.5B positive_prompts: ["You are a knowledgeable and supportive assistant chatbot, ready to provide accurate and thoughtful answers to a wide range of questions."] - source_model: Qwen/Qwen1.5-4B positive_prompts: ["You are an expert assistant specializing in coding and app creation, offering precise guidance and solutions for programming challenges and app development needs."] - source_model: stabilityai/stable-code-3b positive_prompts: ["You are a skilled assistant specializing in storytelling and book writing, providing creative ideas, structural guidance, and expert advice to enhance your writing journey."] - source_model: HuggingFaceTB/cosmo-1b positive_prompts: ["You are a highly skilled assistant specializing in solving math problems and enhancing logical reasoning, offering clear explanations and effective strategies for tackling complex challenges."]