from dreamcoder.grammar import * epsilon = 0.001 def instantiate(context, environment, tp): bindings = {} context, tp = tp.instantiate(context, bindings) newEnvironment = {} for i,ti in environment.items(): context,newEnvironment[i] = ti.instantiate(context, bindings) return context, newEnvironment, tp def unify(*environmentsAndTypes): k = Context.EMPTY e = {} k,t = k.makeVariable() for e_,t_ in environmentsAndTypes: k, e_, t_ = instantiate(k, e_, t_) k = k.unify(t,t_) for i,ti in e_.items(): if i not in e: e[i] = ti else: k = k.unify(e[i], ti) return {i: ti.apply(k) for i,ti in e.items() }, t.apply(k) class Union(Program): def __init__(self, elements, canBeEmpty=False): self.elements = frozenset(elements) if not canBeEmpty: assert len(self.elements) > 1 @property def isUnion(self): return True def __eq__(self,o): return isinstance(o,Union) and self.elements == o.elements def __hash__(self): return hash(self.elements) def __str__(self): return "{%s}"%(", ".join(map(str,list(self.elements)))) def show(self, isFunction): return str(self) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.elements) class VersionTable(): def __init__(self, typed=True, identity=True, factored=False): self.factored = factored self.identity = identity self.typed = typed self.debug = False if self.debug: print("WARNING: running version spaces in debug mode. Will be substantially slower.") self.expressions = [] self.recursiveTable = [] self.substitutionTable = {} self.expression2index = {} self.maximumShift = [] # Table containing (minimum cost, set of minimum cost programs) self.inhabitantTable = [] # Table containing (minimum cost, set of minimum cost programs NOT starting w/ abstraction) self.functionInhabitantTable = [] self.superCache = {} self.overlapTable = {} self.universe = self.incorporate(Primitive("U",t0,None)) self.empty = self.incorporate(Union([], canBeEmpty=True)) def __len__(self): return len(self.expressions) def clearOverlapTable(self): self.overlapTable = {} def visualize(self, j): from graphviz import Digraph g = Digraph() visited = set() def walk(i): if i in visited: return if i == self.universe: g.node(str(i), 'universe') elif i == self.empty: g.node(str(i), 'nil') else: l = self.expressions[i] if l.isIndex or l.isPrimitive or l.isInvented: g.node(str(i), str(l)) elif l.isAbstraction: g.node(str(i), "lambda") walk(l.body) g.edge(str(i), str(l.body)) elif l.isApplication: g.node(str(i), "@") walk(l.f) walk(l.x) g.edge(str(i), str(l.f), label='f') g.edge(str(i), str(l.x), label='x') elif l.isUnion: g.node(str(i), "U") for c in l: walk(c) g.edge(str(i), str(c)) else: assert False visited.add(i) walk(j) g.render(view=True) def branchingFactor(self,j): l = self.expressions[j] if l.isApplication: return max(self.branchingFactor(l.f), self.branchingFactor(l.x)) if l.isUnion: return max([len(l.elements)] + [self.branchingFactor(e) for e in l ]) if l.isAbstraction: return self.branchingFactor(l.body) return 0 def intention(self,j, isFunction=False): l = self.expressions[j] if l.isIndex or l.isPrimitive or l.isInvented: return l if l.isAbstraction: return Abstraction(self.intention(l.body)) if l.isApplication: return Application(self.intention(l.f), self.intention(l.x)) if l.isUnion: return Union(self.intention(e) for e in l ) assert False def walk(self,j): """yields every subversion space of j""" visited = set() def r(n): if n in visited: return visited.add(n) l = self.expressions[n] yield l if l.isApplication: yield from r(l.f) yield from r(l.x) if l.isAbstraction: yield from r(l.body) if l.isUnion: for e in l: yield from r(e) yield from r(j) def incorporate(self,p): #assert isinstance(p,Union)# or p.wellTyped() if p.isIndex or p.isPrimitive or p.isInvented: pass elif p.isAbstraction: p = Abstraction(self.incorporate(p.body)) elif p.isApplication: p = Application(self.incorporate(p.f), self.incorporate(p.x)) elif p.isUnion: if len(p.elements) > 0: p = Union([self.incorporate(e) for e in p ]) else: assert False j = self._incorporate(p) return j def _incorporate(self,p): if p in self.expression2index: return self.expression2index[p] j = len(self.expressions) self.expressions.append(p) self.expression2index[p] = j self.recursiveTable.append(None) self.inhabitantTable.append(None) self.functionInhabitantTable.append(None) return j def extract(self,j): l = self.expressions[j] if l.isAbstraction: for b in self.extract(l.body): yield Abstraction(b) elif l.isApplication: for f in self.extract(l.f): for x in self.extract(l.x): yield Application(f,x) elif l.isIndex or l.isPrimitive or l.isInvented: yield l elif l.isUnion: for e in l: yield from self.extract(e) else: assert False def reachable(self, heads): visited = set() def visit(j): if j in visited: return visited.add(j) l = self.expressions[j] if l.isUnion: for e in l: visit(e) elif l.isAbstraction: visit(l.body) elif l.isApplication: visit(l.f) visit(l.x) for h in heads: visit(h) return visited def size(self,j): l = self.expressions[j] if l.isApplication: return self.size(l.f) + self.size(l.x) elif l.isAbstraction: return self.size(l.body) elif l.isUnion: return sum(self.size(e) for e in l ) else: return 1 def union(self,elements): if self.universe in elements: return self.universe _e = [] for e in elements: if self.expressions[e].isUnion: for j in self.expressions[e]: _e.append(j) elif e != self.empty: _e.append(e) elements = frozenset(_e) if len(elements) == 0: return self.empty if len(elements) == 1: return next(iter(elements)) return self._incorporate(Union(elements)) def apply(self,f,x): if f == self.empty: return f if x == self.empty: return x return self._incorporate(Application(f,x)) def abstract(self,b): if b == self.empty: return self.empty return self._incorporate(Abstraction(b)) def index(self,i): return self._incorporate(Index(i)) def intersection(self,a,b): if a == self.empty or b == self.empty: return self.empty if a == self.universe: return b if b == self.universe: return a if a == b: return a x = self.expressions[a] y = self.expressions[b] if x.isAbstraction and y.isAbstraction: return self.abstract(self.intersection(x.body,y.body)) if x.isApplication and y.isApplication: return self.apply(self.intersection(x.f,y.f), self.intersection(x.x,y.x)) if x.isUnion: if y.isUnion: return self.union([ self.intersection(x_,y_) for x_ in x for y_ in y ]) return self.union([ self.intersection(x_, b) for x_ in x ]) if y.isUnion: return self.union([ self.intersection(a, y_) for y_ in y ]) return self.empty def haveOverlap(self,a,b): if a == self.empty or b == self.empty: return False if a == self.universe: return True if b == self.universe: return True if a == b: return True if a in self.overlapTable: if b in self.overlapTable[a]: return self.overlapTable[a][b] else: self.overlapTable[a] = {} x = self.expressions[a] y = self.expressions[b] if x.isAbstraction and y.isAbstraction: overlap = self.haveOverlap(x.body,y.body) elif x.isApplication and y.isApplication: overlap = self.haveOverlap(x.f,y.f) and \ self.haveOverlap(x.x,y.x) elif x.isUnion: if y.isUnion: overlap = any( self.haveOverlap(x_,y_) for x_ in x for y_ in y ) overlap = any( self.haveOverlap(x_, b) for x_ in x ) elif y.isUnion: overlap = any( self.haveOverlap(a, y_) for y_ in y ) else: overlap = False self.overlapTable[a][b] = overlap return overlap def minimalInhabitants(self,j): """Returns (minimal size, set of singleton version spaces)""" assert isinstance(j,int) if self.inhabitantTable[j] is not None: return self.inhabitantTable[j] e = self.expressions[j] if e.isAbstraction: cost, members = self.minimalInhabitants(e.body) cost = cost + epsilon members = {self.abstract(m) for m in members} elif e.isApplication: fc, fm = self.minimalFunctionInhabitants(e.f) xc, xm = self.minimalInhabitants(e.x) cost = fc + xc + epsilon members = {self.apply(f_,x_) for f_ in fm for x_ in xm } elif e.isUnion: children = [self.minimalInhabitants(z) for z in e ] cost = min(c for c,_ in children) members = {zp for c,z in children if c == cost for zp in z } else: assert e.isIndex or e.isInvented or e.isPrimitive cost = 1 members = {j} # if len(members) > 1: # for m in members: break # members = {m} self.inhabitantTable[j] = (cost, members) return cost, members def minimalFunctionInhabitants(self,j): """Returns (minimal size, set of singleton version spaces)""" assert isinstance(j,int) if self.functionInhabitantTable[j] is not None: return self.functionInhabitantTable[j] e = self.expressions[j] if e.isAbstraction: cost = POSITIVEINFINITY members = set() elif e.isApplication: fc, fm = self.minimalFunctionInhabitants(e.f) xc, xm = self.minimalInhabitants(e.x) cost = fc + xc + epsilon members = {self.apply(f_,x_) for f_ in fm for x_ in xm } elif e.isUnion: children = [self.minimalFunctionInhabitants(z) for z in e ] cost = min(c for c,_ in children) members = {zp for c,z in children if c == cost for zp in z } else: assert e.isIndex or e.isInvented or e.isPrimitive cost = 1 members = {j} # if len(members) > 1: # for m in members: break # members = {m} self.functionInhabitantTable[j] = (cost, members) return cost, members def shiftFree(self,j,n,c=0): if n == 0: return j l = self.expressions[j] if l.isUnion: return self.union([ self.shiftFree(e,n,c) for e in l ]) if l.isApplication: return self.apply(self.shiftFree(l.f,n,c), self.shiftFree(l.x,n,c)) if l.isAbstraction: return self.abstract(self.shiftFree(l.body,n,c+1)) if l.isIndex: if l.i < c: return j if l.i >= n + c: return self.index(l.i - n) return self.empty assert l.isPrimitive or l.isInvented return j def substitutions(self,j): if self.typed: for (v,_),b in self._substitutions(j,0).items(): yield v,b else: yield from self._substitutions(j,0).items() def _substitutions(self,j,n): if (j,n) in self.substitutionTable: return self.substitutionTable[(j,n)] s = self.shiftFree(j,n) if self.debug: assert set(self.extract(s)) == set( e.shift(-n) for e in self.extract(j) if all( f >= n for f in e.freeVariables() )),\ "shiftFree_%d: %s"%(n,set(self.extract(s))) if s == self.empty: m = {} else: if self.typed: principalType = self.infer(s) if principalType == self.bottom: print(self.infer(j)) print(list(self.extract(j))) print(list(self.extract(s))) assert False m = {(s, self.infer(s)[1].canonical()): self.index(n)} else: m = {s: self.index(n)} l = self.expressions[j] if l.isPrimitive or l.isInvented: m[(self.universe,t0) if self.typed else self.universe] = j elif l.isIndex: m[(self.universe,t0) if self.typed else self.universe] = \ j if l.i < n else self.index(l.i + 1) elif l.isAbstraction: for v,b in self._substitutions(l.body, n + 1).items(): m[v] = self.abstract(b) elif l.isApplication and not self.factored: newMapping = {} fm = self._substitutions(l.f,n) xm = self._substitutions(l.x,n) for v1,f in fm.items(): if self.typed: v1,nType1 = v1 for v2,x in xm.items(): if self.typed: v2,nType2 = v2 a = self.apply(f,x) # See if the types that they assigned to $n are consistent if self.typed: if self.infer(a) == self.bottom: continue try: nType = canonicalUnification(nType1, nType2, self.infer(a)[0].get(n,t0)) except UnificationFailure: continue v = self.intersection(v1,v2) if v == self.empty: continue if self.typed and self.infer(v) == self.bottom: continue key = (v,nType) if self.typed else v if key in newMapping: newMapping[key].append(a) else: newMapping[key] = [a] for v in newMapping: newMapping[v] = self.union(newMapping[v]) newMapping.update(m) m = newMapping # print(f"substitutions: |{len(fm)}|x|{len(xm)}| = {len(m)}\t{len(m) <= len(fm)+len(xm)}") elif l.isApplication and self.factored: newMapping = {} fm = self._substitutions(l.f,n) xm = self._substitutions(l.x,n) for v1,f in fm.items(): if self.typed: v1,nType1 = v1 for v2,x in xm.items(): if self.typed: v2,nType2 = v2 v = self.intersection(v1,v2) if v == self.empty: continue if v in newMapping: newMapping[v] = ({f} | newMapping[v][0], {x} | newMapping[v][1]) else: newMapping[v] = ({f},{x}) for v,(fs,xs) in newMapping.items(): fs = self.union(list(fs)) xs = self.union(list(xs)) m[v] = self.apply(fs,xs) # print(f"substitutions: |{len(fm)}|x|{len(xm)}| = {len(m)}\t{len(m) <= len(fm)+len(xm)}") elif l.isUnion: newMapping = {} for e in l: for v,b in self._substitutions(e,n).items(): if v in newMapping: newMapping[v].append(b) else: newMapping[v] = [b] for v in newMapping: newMapping[v] = self.union(newMapping[v]) newMapping.update(m) m = newMapping else: assert False self.substitutionTable[(j,n)] = m return m def inversion(self,j): i = self.union([self.apply(self.abstract(b),v) for v,b in self.substitutions(j) if v != self.universe]) if self.debug and self.typed: if not (self.infer(i) == self.infer(j)): print("inversion produced space with a different type!") print("the original type was",self.infer(j)) print("the type of the rewritten expressions is",self.infer(i)) print("the original extension was") n = None for e in self.extract(j): print(e, e.infer()) # print(f"\t{e.betaNormalForm()} : {e.betaNormalForm().infer()}") assert n is None or e.betaNormalForm() == n n = e.betaNormalForm() print("the rewritten extension is") for e in self.extract(i): print(e, e.infer()) # print(f"\t{e.betaNormalForm()} : {e.betaNormalForm().infer()}") assert n is None or e.betaNormalForm() == n assert self.infer(i) == self.infer(j) assert False return i def recursiveInversion(self,j): if self.recursiveTable[j] is not None: return self.recursiveTable[j] l = self.expressions[j] if l.isUnion: return self.union([self.recursiveInversion(e) for e in l ]) t = [self.apply(self.abstract(b),v) for v,b in self.substitutions(j) if v != self.universe and (self.identity or b != self.index(0))] if self.debug and self.typed: ru = self.union(t) if not (self.infer(ru) == self.infer(j)): print("inversion produced space with a different type!") print("the original type was",self.infer(j)) print("the type of the rewritten expressions is",self.infer(ru)) print("the original extension was") n = None for e in self.extract(j): print(e, e.infer()) # print(f"\t{e.betaNormalForm()} : {e.betaNormalForm().infer()}") assert n is None or e.betaNormalForm() == n n = e.betaNormalForm() print("the rewritten extension is") for e in self.extract(ru): print(e, e.infer()) # print(f"\t{e.betaNormalForm()} : {e.betaNormalForm().infer()}") assert n is None or e.betaNormalForm() == n assert self.infer(ru) == self.infer(j) if l.isApplication: t.append(self.apply(self.recursiveInversion(l.f),l.x)) t.append(self.apply(l.f,self.recursiveInversion(l.x))) elif l.isAbstraction: t.append(self.abstract(self.recursiveInversion(l.body))) ru = self.union(t) self.recursiveTable[j] = ru return ru def repeatedExpansion(self,j,n): spaces = [j] for _ in range(n): spaces.append(self.recursiveInversion(spaces[-1])) return spaces def rewriteReachable(self,heads,n): vertices = self.reachable(heads) spaces = {v: self.repeatedExpansion(v,n) for v in vertices } return spaces def properVersionSpace(self, j, n): return self.union(self.repeatedExpansion(j, n)) def superVersionSpace(self, j, n): """Construct decorated tree and then merge version spaces with subtrees via union operator""" if j in self.superCache: return self.superCache[j] spaces = self.rewriteReachable({j}, n) def superSpace(i): assert i in spaces e = self.expressions[i] components = [i] + spaces[i] if e.isIndex or e.isPrimitive or e.isInvented: pass elif e.isAbstraction: components.append(self.abstract(superSpace(e.body))) elif e.isApplication: components.append(self.apply(superSpace(e.f), superSpace(e.x))) elif e.isUnion: assert False else: assert False return self.union(components) self.superCache[j] = superSpace(j) return self.superCache[j] def loadEquivalences(self, g, spaces): versionClasses = [None]*len(self.expressions) def extract(j): if versionClasses[j] is not None: return versionClasses[j] l = self.expressions[j] if l.isAbstraction: ks = g.setOfClasses(g.abstractClass(b) for b in extract(l.body)) elif l.isApplication: fs = extract(l.f) xs = extract(l.x) ks = g.setOfClasses(g.applyClass(f,x) for x in xs for f in fs ) elif l.isUnion: ks = g.setOfClasses(e for u in l for e in extract(u)) else: ks = g.setOfClasses({g.incorporate(l)}) versionClasses[j] = ks return ks N = len(next(iter(spaces.values()))) vertices = list(sorted(spaces.keys(), key=lambda v: self.size(v))) # maps from a vertex to a map from types to classes # the idea is to only enforceable equivalence between terms of the same type typedClassesOfVertex = {v: {} for v in vertices } for n in range(N): # print(f"Processing rewrites {n} steps away from original expressions...") for v in vertices: expressions = list(self.extract(v)) assert len(expressions) == 1 expression = expressions[0] k = g.incorporate(expression) if k is None: continue t0 = g.typeOfClass[k] if t0 not in typedClassesOfVertex[v]: typedClassesOfVertex[v][t0] = k extracted = list(extract(spaces[v][n])) for e in extracted: t = g.typeOfClass[e] if t in typedClassesOfVertex[v]: g.makeEquivalent(typedClassesOfVertex[v][t],e) else: typedClassesOfVertex[v][e] = e def bestInventions(self, versions, bs=25): """versions: [[version index]]""" """bs: beam size""" """returns: list of (indices to) candidates""" import gc def nontrivial(proposal): primitives = 0 collisions = 0 indices = set() for d, tree in proposal.walk(): if tree.isPrimitive or tree.isInvented: primitives += 1 elif tree.isIndex: i = tree.i - d if i in indices: collisions += 1 indices.add(i) return primitives > 1 or (primitives == 1 and collisions > 0) with timing("calculated candidates from version space"): candidates = [{j for k in self.reachable(hs) for _,js in [self.minimalInhabitants(k), self.minimalFunctionInhabitants(k)] for j in js } for hs in versions] from collections import Counter candidates = Counter(k for ks in candidates for k in ks) candidates = {k for k,f in candidates.items() if f >= 2 and nontrivial(next(self.extract(k))) } # candidates = [k for k in candidates if next(self.extract(k)).isBetaLong()] eprint(len(candidates),"candidates from version space") # Calculate the number of free variables for each candidate invention # This is important because, if a candidate has free variables, # then whenever we use it we will have to apply it to those free variables; # thus using a candidate with free variables is more expensive candidateCost = {k: len(set(next(self.extract(k)).freeVariables())) + 1 for k in candidates } inhabitTable = self.inhabitantTable functionTable = self.functionInhabitantTable class B(): def __init__(self, j): cost, inhabitants = inhabitTable[j] functionCost, functionInhabitants = functionTable[j] self.relativeCost = {inhabitant: candidateCost[inhabitant] for inhabitant in inhabitants if inhabitant in candidates} self.relativeFunctionCost = {inhabitant: candidateCost[inhabitant] # INTENTIONALLY, do not use function inhabitants for inhabitant in inhabitants if inhabitant in candidates} self.defaultCost = cost self.defaultFunctionCost = functionCost @property def domain(self): return set(self.relativeCost.keys()) @property def functionDomain(self): return set(self.relativeFunctionCost.keys()) def restrict(self): if len(self.relativeCost) > bs: self.relativeCost = dict(sorted(self.relativeCost.items(), key=lambda rk: rk[1])[:bs]) if len(self.relativeFunctionCost) > bs: self.relativeFunctionCost = dict(sorted(self.relativeFunctionCost.items(), key=lambda rk: rk[1])[:bs]) def getCost(self, given): return self.relativeCost.get(given, self.defaultCost) def getFunctionCost(self, given): return self.relativeFunctionCost.get(given, self.defaultFunctionCost) def relax(self, given, cost): self.relativeCost[given] = min(cost, self.getCost(given)) def relaxFunction(self, given, cost): self.relativeFunctionCost[given] = min(cost, self.getFunctionCost(given)) def unobject(self): return {'relativeCost': self.relativeCost, 'defaultCost': self.defaultCost, 'relativeFunctionCost': self.relativeFunctionCost, 'defaultFunctionCost': self.defaultFunctionCost} beamTable = [None]*len(self.expressions) def costs(j): if beamTable[j] is not None: return beamTable[j] beamTable[j] = B(j) e = self.expressions[j] if e.isIndex or e.isPrimitive or e.isInvented: pass elif e.isAbstraction: b = costs(e.body) for i,c in b.relativeCost.items(): beamTable[j].relax(i, c + epsilon) elif e.isApplication: f = costs(e.f) x = costs(e.x) for i in f.functionDomain | x.domain: beamTable[j].relax(i, f.getFunctionCost(i) + x.getCost(i) + epsilon) beamTable[j].relaxFunction(i, f.getFunctionCost(i) + x.getCost(i) + epsilon) elif e.isUnion: for z in e: cz = costs(z) for i,c in cz.relativeCost.items(): beamTable[j].relax(i, c) for i,c in cz.relativeFunctionCost.items(): beamTable[j].relaxFunction(i, c) else: assert False beamTable[j].restrict() return beamTable[j] with timing("beamed version spaces"): beams = parallelMap(numberOfCPUs(), lambda hs: [ costs(h).unobject() for h in hs ], versions, memorySensitive=True, chunksize=1, maxtasksperchild=1) # This can get pretty memory intensive - clean up the garbage beamTable = None gc.collect() candidates = {d for _bs in beams for b in _bs for d in b['relativeCost'].keys() } def score(candidate): return sum(min(min(b['relativeCost'].get(candidate, b['defaultCost']), b['relativeFunctionCost'].get(candidate, b['defaultFunctionCost'])) for b in _bs ) for _bs in beams ) candidates = sorted(candidates, key=score) return candidates def rewriteWithInvention(self, i, js): """Rewrites list of indices in beta long form using invention""" self.clearOverlapTable() class RW(): """rewritten cost/expression either as a function or argument""" def __init__(self, f,fc,a,ac): assert not (fc < ac) self.f, self.fc, self.a, = f,fc,a,ac _i = list(self.extract(i)) assert len(_i) == 1 _i = _i[0] table = {} def rewrite(j): if j in table: return table[j] e = self.expressions[j] if self.haveOverlap(i, j): r = RW(fc=1,ac=1, f=_i,a=_i) elif e.isPrimitive or e.isInvented or e.isIndex: r = RW(fc=1,ac=1, f=e,a=e) elif e.isApplication: f = rewrite(e.f) x = rewrite(e.x) cost = f.fc + + epsilon ep = Application(f.f, x.a) if cost < POSITIVEINFINITY else None r = RW(fc=cost, ac=cost, f=ep, a=ep) elif e.isAbstraction: b = rewrite(e.body) cost = + epsilon ep = Abstraction(b.a) if cost < POSITIVEINFINITY else None r = RW(f=None, fc=POSITIVEINFINITY, a=ep, ac=cost) elif e.isUnion: children = [rewrite(z) for z in e ] f,fc = min(( (child.f, child.fc) for child in children ), key=cindex(1)) a,ac = min(( (child.a, for child in children ), key=cindex(1)) r = RW(f=f,fc=fc, a=a,ac=ac) else: assert False table[j] = r return r js = [ rewrite(j).a for j in js ] self.clearOverlapTable() return js def addInventionToGrammar(self, candidate, g0, frontiers, pseudoCounts=1.): candidateSource = next(self.extract(candidate)) v = RewriteWithInventionVisitor(candidateSource) invention = v.invention rewriteMapping = list({e.program for f in frontiers for e in f }) spaces = [self.superCache[self.incorporate(program)] for program in rewriteMapping ] rewriteMapping = dict(zip(rewriteMapping, self.rewriteWithInvention(candidate, spaces))) def tryRewrite(program, request=None): rw = v.execute(rewriteMapping[program], request=request) # print(f"Rewriting {program} ({rewriteMapping[program]}) : rw={rw}") # print("slow-motion:") # try: # i = rewriteMapping[program].visit(v) # print(f"\ti={i}") # l = EtaLongVisitor().execute(i) # print(f"\tl={l}") # except Exception as e: print(e) return rw or program frontiers = [Frontier([FrontierEntry(program=tryRewrite(e.program, request=f.task.request), logLikelihood=e.logLikelihood, logPrior=0.) for e in f ], f.task) for f in frontiers ] # print(invention) # for f in frontiers: print(f.entries[0].program) # print() # print() g = Grammar.uniform([invention] + g0.primitives, continuationType=g0.continuationType).\ insideOutside(frontiers, pseudoCounts=pseudoCounts) frontiers = [g.rescoreFrontier(f) for f in frontiers] return g, frontiers class CloseInventionVisitor(): """normalize free variables - e.g., if $1 & $3 occur free then rename them to $0, $1 then wrap in enough lambdas so that there are no free variables and finally wrap in invention""" def __init__(self, p): self.p = p freeVariables = list(sorted(set(p.freeVariables()))) self.mapping = {fv: j for j,fv in enumerate(freeVariables) } def index(self, e, d): if e.i - d in self.mapping: return Index(self.mapping[e.i - d] + d) return e def abstraction(self, e, d): return Abstraction(e.body.visit(self, d + 1)) def application(self, e, d): return Application(e.f.visit(self, d), e.x.visit(self, d)) def primitive(self, e, d): return e def invented(self, e, d): return e def execute(self): normed = self.p.visit(self, 0) closed = normed for _ in range(len(self.mapping)): closed = Abstraction(closed) return Invented(closed) class RewriteWithInventionVisitor(): def __init__(self, p): v = CloseInventionVisitor(p) self.original = p self.mapping = { j: fv for fv, j in v.mapping.items() } self.invention = v.execute() self.appliedInvention = self.invention for j in range(len(self.mapping) - 1, -1, -1): self.appliedInvention = Application(self.appliedInvention, Index(self.mapping[j])) def tryRewrite(self, e): if e == self.original: return self.appliedInvention return None def index(self, e): return e def primitive(self, e): return e def invented(self, e): return e def abstraction(self, e): return self.tryRewrite(e) or Abstraction(e.body.visit(self)) def application(self, e): return self.tryRewrite(e) or Application(e.f.visit(self), e.x.visit(self)) def execute(self, e, request=None): try: i = e.visit(self) l = EtaLongVisitor(request=request).execute(i) return l except (UnificationFailure, EtaExpandFailure): return None def induceGrammar_Beta(g0, frontiers, _=None, pseudoCounts=1., a=3, aic=1., topK=2, topI=50, structurePenalty=1., CPUs=1): """grammar induction using only version spaces""" from dreamcoder.fragmentUtilities import primitiveSize import gc originalFrontiers = frontiers frontiers = [frontier for frontier in frontiers if not frontier.empty] eprint("Inducing a grammar from", len(frontiers), "frontiers") arity = a def restrictFrontiers(): return parallelMap(1,#CPUs, lambda f: g0.rescoreFrontier(f).topK(topK), frontiers, memorySensitive=True, chunksize=1, maxtasksperchild=1) restrictedFrontiers = restrictFrontiers() def objective(g, fs): ll = sum(g.frontierMDL(f) for f in fs ) sp = structurePenalty * sum(primitiveSize(p) for p in g.primitives) return ll - sp - aic*len( v = None def scoreCandidate(candidate, currentFrontiers, currentGrammar): try: newGrammar, newFrontiers = v.addInventionToGrammar(candidate, currentGrammar, currentFrontiers, pseudoCounts=pseudoCounts) except InferenceFailure: # And this can occur if the candidate is not well typed: # it is expected that this can occur; # in practice, it is more efficient to filter out the ill typed terms, # then it is to construct the version spaces so that they only contain well typed terms. return NEGATIVEINFINITY o = objective(newGrammar, newFrontiers) #eprint("+", end='') eprint(o,'\t',newGrammar.primitives[0],':',newGrammar.primitives[0].tp) # eprint(next(v.extract(candidate))) # for f in newFrontiers: # for e in f: # eprint(e.program) return o with timing("Estimated initial grammar production probabilities"): g0 = g0.insideOutside(restrictedFrontiers, pseudoCounts) oldScore = objective(g0, restrictedFrontiers) eprint("Starting grammar induction score",oldScore) while True: v = VersionTable(typed=False, identity=False) with timing("constructed %d-step version spaces"%arity): versions = [[v.superVersionSpace(v.incorporate(e.program), arity) for e in f] for f in restrictedFrontiers ] eprint("Enumerated %d distinct version spaces"%len(v.expressions)) # Bigger beam because I feel like it candidates = v.bestInventions(versions, bs=3*topI)[:topI] eprint("Only considering the top %d candidates"%len(candidates)) # Clean caches that are no longer needed v.recursiveTable = [None]*len(v) v.inhabitantTable = [None]*len(v) v.functionInhabitantTable = [None]*len(v) v.substitutionTable = {} gc.collect() with timing("scored the candidate inventions"): scoredCandidates = parallelMap(CPUs, lambda candidate: \ (candidate, scoreCandidate(candidate, restrictedFrontiers, g0)), candidates, memorySensitive=True, chunksize=1, maxtasksperchild=1) if len(scoredCandidates) > 0: bestNew, bestScore = max(scoredCandidates, key=lambda sc: sc[1]) if len(scoredCandidates) == 0 or bestScore < oldScore: eprint("No improvement possible.") # eprint("Runner-up:") # eprint(next(v.extract(bestNew))) # Return all of the frontiers, which have now been rewritten to use the # new fragments frontiers = {f.task: f for f in frontiers} frontiers = [frontiers.get(f.task, f) for f in originalFrontiers] return g0, frontiers # This is subtle: at this point we have not calculated # versions bases for programs outside the restricted # frontiers; but here we are rewriting the entire frontier in # terms of the new primitive. So we have to recalculate # version spaces for everything. with timing("constructed versions bases for entire frontiers"): for f in frontiers: for e in f: v.superVersionSpace(v.incorporate(e.program), arity) newGrammar, newFrontiers = v.addInventionToGrammar(bestNew, g0, frontiers, pseudoCounts=pseudoCounts) eprint("Improved score to", bestScore, "(dS =", bestScore-oldScore, ") w/ invention",newGrammar.primitives[0],":",newGrammar.primitives[0].infer()) oldScore = bestScore for f in newFrontiers: eprint(f.summarizeFull()) g0, frontiers = newGrammar, newFrontiers restrictedFrontiers = restrictFrontiers() def testTyping(p): v = VersionTable() j = v.incorporate(p) wellTyped = set(v.extract(v.inversion(j))) print(len(wellTyped)) v = VersionTable(typed=False) j = v.incorporate(p) arbitrary = set(v.extract(v.recursiveInversion(v.recursiveInversion(v.recursiveInversion(j))))) print(len(arbitrary)) assert wellTyped <= arbitrary assert wellTyped == {e for e in arbitrary if e.wellTyped() } assert all( e.wellTyped() for e in wellTyped ) import sys sys.exit() def testSharing(projection=2): source = "(+ 1 1)" N = 4 # maximum number of refactorings L = 6 # maximum size of expression # def literalSize(v,j): # hs = [] # vp = VersionTable(typed=False) # for i in v.extract(j): # hs.append(vp.incorporate(i)) # return len(set(vp.reachable(hs))) # smart = {} # dumb = {} # for l in range(L): # for n in range(N): # v = VersionTable(typed=False) # j = v.properVersionSpace(v.incorporate(Program.parse(source)),n) # smart[(l,n)] = len(v.reachable({j})) # dumb[(l,n)] = literalSize(v,j) # print(f"vs l={l}\tn={n} sz={smart[(l,n)]}") # print(f"db l={l}\tn={n} sz={dumb[(l,n)]}") # # increase the size of the expression # source = "(+ 1 %s)"%source # print("Increased size to",l + 1) import numpy as np distinct_programs = np.zeros((L,N)) version_size = np.zeros((L,N)) program_memory = np.zeros((L,N)) version_size[0,1] = 24 distinct_programs[0,1] = 8 program_memory[0,1] = 28 version_size[0,2] = 155 distinct_programs[0,2] = 63 program_memory[0,2] = 201 version_size[0,3] = 1126 distinct_programs[0,3] = 534 program_memory[0,3] = 1593 version_size[1,1] = 48 distinct_programs[1,1] = 24 program_memory[1,1] = 78 version_size[1,2] = 526 distinct_programs[1,2] = 457 program_memory[1,2] = 1467 version_size[1,3] = 6639 distinct_programs[1,3] = 8146 program_memory[1,3] = 26458 version_size[2,1] = 74 distinct_programs[2,1] = 57 program_memory[2,1] = 193 version_size[2,2] = 1095 distinct_programs[2,2] = 2234 program_memory[2,2] = 7616 version_size[2,3] = 19633 distinct_programs[2,3] = 74571 program_memory[2,3] = 260865 version_size[3,1] = 101 distinct_programs[3,1] = 123 program_memory[3,1] = 438 version_size[3,2] = 1751 distinct_programs[3,2] = 9209 program_memory[3,2] = 32931 version_size[3,3] = 38781 distinct_programs[3,3] = 540315 program_memory[3,3] = 1984171 version_size[4,1] = 129 distinct_programs[4,1] = 254 program_memory[4,1] = 942 version_size[4,2] = 2488 distinct_programs[4,2] = 35011 program_memory[4,2] = 129513 version_size[4,3] = 63271 distinct_programs[4,3] = 3477046 program_memory[4,3] = 13179440 version_size[5,1] = 158 distinct_programs[5,1] = 514 program_memory[5,1] = 1962 version_size[5,2] = 3308 distinct_programs[5,2] = 128319 program_memory[5,2] = 485862 version_size[5,3] = 93400 distinct_programs[5,3] = 21042591 program_memory[5,3] = 81433633 import matplotlib.pyplot as plot from matplotlib import rcParams rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True}) if projection == 3: f = plot.figure() a = f.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') X = np.arange(0,N) Y = np.arange(0,L) X,Y = np.meshgrid(X,Y) Z = np.zeros((L,N)) for l in range(L): for n in range(N): Z[l,n] = smart[(l,n)] a.plot_surface(X, Y, np.log10(Z), color='blue', alpha=0.3) for l in range(L): for n in range(N): Z[l,n] = dumb[(l,n)] a.plot_surface(X, Y, np.log10(Z), color='red', alpha=0.3) else: plot.figure(figsize=(3.5,3)) plot.tight_layout() logarithmic = False if logarithmic: P = plot.semilogy else: P = plot.plot for n in range(1, 2): xs = np.array(range(L))*2 + 3 P(xs, [version_size[l,n] for l in range(L) ], 'purple', label=None if n > 1 else 'version space') P(xs, [program_memory[l,n] for l in range(L) ], 'green', label=None if n > 1 else 'no version space') if n > 1: dy = 1 if n == 1 and logarithmic: dy = 0.6 if n == 1 and not logarithmic: dy = 1 # plot.text(xs[-1], dy*version_size[L - 1,n], "n=%d"%n) # plot.text(xs[-1], dy*program_memory[L - 1,n], "n=%d"%n) plot.legend() plot.xlabel('Size of program being refactored') plot.ylabel('Size of VS (purple) or progs (green)') plot.xticks(list(xs) + [xs[-1] + 2], [ str(x) if j == 0 or j == L - 1 else '' for j,x in enumerate(list(xs) + [xs[-1] + 2])]) # if not logarithmic: # plot.ylim([0,100000]) plot.savefig('/tmp/vs.eps') assert False if __name__ == "__main__": from import * from import * from dreamcoder.fragmentGrammar import * bootstrapTarget_extra() McCarthyPrimitives() testSharing() # p = Program.parse("(#(lambda (lambda (lambda (fold $0 empty ($1 $2))))) cons (lambda (lambda (lambda ($2 (+ (+ 5 5) (+ $1 $1)) $0)))))") # print(EtaLongVisitor().execute(p)) # BOOTSTRAP programs = [# "(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) 0 (+ ($1 (cdr $0)) 1))))))", # "(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) 0 (+ ($1 (cdr $0)) 1))))))", # "(lambda (+ $0 1))", # "(lambda (+ (car $0) 1))", # "(lambda (+ $0 (+ 1 1)))", # "(lambda (- $0 1))", # "(lambda (- $0 (+ 1 1)))", # "(lambda (- (car $0) 1))", ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (eq? 0 $0) empty (cons (- 0 $0) ($1 (+ 1 $0))))))))",None), # ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) empty (cons (cdr $0) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",arrow(tlist(tint),tlist(tlist(tint)))), # drop the last element # ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? (cdr $0)) empty (cons (car $0) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",arrow(tlist(tint),tlist(tint))), # take in till 1 # ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (eq? (car $0) 1) empty (cons (car $0) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",arrow(tlist(tint),tlist(tint))), # "(lambda (lambda (fix2 $1 $0 (lambda (lambda (lambda (if (eq? $1 0) (car $0) ($2 (- $1 1) (cdr $0)))))))))", # "(lambda (lambda (fix2 $1 $0 (lambda (lambda (lambda (if (eq? $1 0) (car $0) ($2 (- $1 1) (cdr $0)))))))))", ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) 0 (+ (car $0) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",None), ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) 1 (- (car $0) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",None), ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) (cons 0 empty) (cons (car $0) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",None), ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) (empty? empty) (if (car $0) ($1 (cdr $0)) (eq? 1 0)))))))",None), # "(lambda (lambda (fix2 $1 $0 (lambda (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $1) $0 (cons (car $1) ($2 (cdr $1) $0)))))))))", # ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) empty (cons (+ (car $0) (car $0)) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",None), # ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) empty (cons (+ (car $0) 1) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",None), # ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) empty (cons (- (car $0) 1) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",None), # ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) empty (cons (cons (car $0) empty) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",arrow(tlist(tint),tlist(tlist(tint)))), # ("(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) empty (cons (- 0 (car $0)) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))",None) ] programs = [(Program.parse(p),t) for p,t in programs ] N=3 primitives = McCarthyPrimitives() # for p, _ in programs: # for _, s in p.walk(): # if s.isPrimitive: # primitives.add(s) g0 = Grammar.uniform(list(primitives)) print(g0) # with timing("RUST test"): # g = induceGrammar(g0, [Frontier.dummy(p, tp=tp) for p, tp in programs], # CPUs=1, # a=N, # backend="vs") # eprint(g) # with open('vs.pickle','rb') as handle: # a,kw = pickle.load(handle) # induceGrammar_Beta(*a,**kw) with timing("induced DSL"): induceGrammar_Beta(g0, [Frontier.dummy(p, tp=tp) for p, tp in programs], CPUs=1, a=N, structurePenalty=0.) # if __name__ == "__main__": # import argparse # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Version-space based compression") # parser.add_argument("--CPUs", type=int, default=1) # parser.add_argument("--arity", type=int, default=3) # parser.add_argument("--bs", type=int, default=25, # help="beam size") # parser.add_argument("--topK", type=int, default=2) # parser.add_argument("--topI", type=int, default=None, # help="defaults to beam size") # parser.add_argument("--pseudoCounts", # type=float, # default=1.) # parser.add_argument("--structurePenalty", # type=float, default=1.) # arguments = parser.parse_args()