from dreamcoder.fragmentUtilities import * from dreamcoder.grammar import * from dreamcoder.program import * from itertools import chain import time class FragmentGrammar(object): def __init__(self, logVariable, productions): self.logVariable = logVariable = productions self.likelihoodCache = {} def clearCache(self): self.likelihoodCache = {} def __repr__(self): return "FragmentGrammar(logVariable={self.logVariable}, productions={}".format( self=self) def __str__(self): def productionKey(xxx_todo_changeme): (l, t, p) = xxx_todo_changeme return not isinstance(p, Primitive), -l return "\n".join(["%f\tt0\t$_" % self.logVariable] + ["%f\t%s\t%s" % (l, t, p) for l, t, p in sorted(, key=productionKey)]) def buildCandidates(self, context, environment, request): candidates = [] variableCandidates = [] for l, t, p in try: newContext, t = t.instantiate(context) newContext = newContext.unify(t.returns(), request) candidates.append((l, newContext, t.apply(newContext), p)) except UnificationFailure: continue for j, t in enumerate(environment): try: newContext = context.unify(t.returns(), request) variableCandidates.append((newContext, t.apply(newContext), Index(j))) except UnificationFailure: continue if variableCandidates: z = math.log(len(variableCandidates)) for newContext, newType, index in variableCandidates: candidates.append( (self.logVariable - z, newContext, newType, index)) z = lse([candidate[0] for candidate in candidates]) return [(l - z, c, t, p) for l, c, t, p in candidates] def logLikelihood(self, request, expression): _, l, _ = self._logLikelihood(Context.EMPTY, [], request, expression) if invalid(l): f = 'failures/likelihoodFailure%s.pickle' % (time() + getPID()) eprint("PANIC: Invalid log likelihood. expression:", expression, "tp:", request, "Exported to:", f) with open(f, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump((self, request, expression), handle) assert False return l def closedUses(self, request, expression): _, l, u = self._logLikelihood(Context.EMPTY, [], request, expression) return l, u def _logLikelihood(self, context, environment, request, expression): '''returns (context, log likelihood, uses)''' # We can cash likelihood calculations faster whenever they don't involve type inference # This is because they are guaranteed to not modify the context, polymorphic = request.isPolymorphic or any( v.isPolymorphic for v in environment) # For some reason polymorphic caching slows it down shouldDoCaching = not polymorphic # Caching if shouldDoCaching: if polymorphic: inTypes = canonicalTypes( [request.apply(context)] + [v.apply(context) for v in environment]) else: inTypes = canonicalTypes([request] + environment) cacheKey = (tuple(inTypes), expression) if cacheKey in self.likelihoodCache: outTypes, l, u = self.likelihoodCache[cacheKey] context, instantiatedTypes = instantiateTypes( context, outTypes) outRequest = instantiatedTypes[0] outEnvironment = instantiatedTypes[1:] # eprint("request:", request.apply(context), "environment:", # [ v.apply(context) for v in environment ]) # eprint("will be unified with: out request:",outRequest,"out environment",outEnvironment) if polymorphic: context = context.unify(request, outRequest) for v, vp in zip(environment, outEnvironment): context = context.unify(v, vp) return context, l, u if request.isArrow(): if not isinstance(expression, Abstraction): return (context, NEGATIVEINFINITY, Uses.empty) return self._logLikelihood(context, [request.arguments[0]] + environment, request.arguments[1], expression.body) # Not a function type # Construct and normalize the candidate productions candidates = self.buildCandidates(context, environment, request) # Consider each way of breaking the expression up into a # function and arguments totalLikelihood = NEGATIVEINFINITY weightedUses = [] possibleVariables = float(int(any(isinstance(candidate, Index) for _, _, _, candidate in candidates))) possibleUses = {candidate: 1. for _, _, _, candidate in candidates if not isinstance(candidate, Index)} for f, xs in expression.applicationParses(): for candidateLikelihood, newContext, tp, production in candidates: variableBindings = {} # This is a variable in the environment if production.isIndex: if production != f: continue else: try: newContext, fragmentType, variableBindings = \ Matcher.match(newContext, production, f, len(xs)) # This is necessary because the types of the variable # bindings and holes need to match up w/ request fragmentTypeTemplate = request for _ in xs: newContext, newVariable = newContext.makeVariable() fragmentTypeTemplate = arrow( newVariable, fragmentTypeTemplate) newContext = newContext.unify( fragmentType, fragmentTypeTemplate) # update the unified type tp = fragmentType.apply(newContext) except MatchFailure: continue argumentTypes = tp.functionArguments() if len(xs) != len(argumentTypes): # I think that this is some kind of bug. But I can't figure it out right now. # As a hack, count this as though it were a failure continue #raise GrammarFailure('len(xs) != len(argumentTypes): tp={}, xs={}'.format(tp, xs)) thisLikelihood = candidateLikelihood if isinstance(production, Index): theseUses = Uses(possibleVariables=possibleVariables, actualVariables=1., possibleUses=possibleUses.copy(), actualUses={}) else: theseUses = Uses(possibleVariables=possibleVariables, actualVariables=0., possibleUses=possibleUses.copy(), actualUses={production: 1.}) # Accumulate likelihood from free variables and holes and # arguments for freeType, freeExpression in chain( variableBindings.values(), zip(argumentTypes, xs)): freeType = freeType.apply(newContext) newContext, expressionLikelihood, newUses = self._logLikelihood( newContext, environment, freeType, freeExpression) if expressionLikelihood is NEGATIVEINFINITY: thisLikelihood = NEGATIVEINFINITY break thisLikelihood += expressionLikelihood theseUses += newUses if thisLikelihood is NEGATIVEINFINITY: continue weightedUses.append((thisLikelihood, theseUses)) totalLikelihood = lse(totalLikelihood, thisLikelihood) # Any of these new context objects should be equally good context = newContext if totalLikelihood is NEGATIVEINFINITY: return context, totalLikelihood, Uses.empty assert weightedUses != [] allUses = Uses.join(totalLikelihood, *weightedUses) # memoize result if shouldDoCaching: outTypes = [request.apply(context)] + \ [v.apply(context) for v in environment] outTypes = canonicalTypes(outTypes) self.likelihoodCache[cacheKey] = ( outTypes, totalLikelihood, allUses) return context, totalLikelihood, allUses def expectedUses(self, frontiers): if len(list(frontiers)) == 0: return Uses() likelihoods = [[(l + entry.logLikelihood, u) for entry in frontier for l, u in [self.closedUses(frontier.task.request, entry.program)]] for frontier in frontiers] zs = (lse([l for l, _ in ls]) for ls in likelihoods) return sum(math.exp(l - z) * u for z, frontier in zip(zs, likelihoods) for l, u in frontier) def insideOutside(self, frontiers, pseudoCounts): uses = self.expectedUses(frontiers) return FragmentGrammar(log(uses.actualVariables + pseudoCounts) - log(max(uses.possibleVariables, 1.)), [(log(uses.actualUses.get(p, 0.) + pseudoCounts) - log(uses.possibleUses.get(p, 0.) + pseudoCounts), t, p) for _, t, p in]) def jointFrontiersLikelihood(self, frontiers): return sum(lse([entry.logLikelihood + self.logLikelihood(frontier.task.request, entry.program) for entry in frontier]) for frontier in frontiers) def jointFrontiersMDL(self, frontiers, CPUs=1): return sum( parallelMap( CPUs, lambda frontier: max( entry.logLikelihood + self.logLikelihood( frontier.task.request, entry.program) for entry in frontier), frontiers)) def __len__(self): return len( @staticmethod def fromGrammar(g): return FragmentGrammar(g.logVariable, def toGrammar(self): return Grammar(self.logVariable, [(l, q.infer(), q) for l, t, p in for q in [defragment(p)]]) @property def primitives(self): return [p for _, _, p in] @staticmethod def uniform(productions): return FragmentGrammar(0., [(0., p.infer(), p) for p in productions]) def normalize(self): z = lse([l for l, t, p in] + [self.logVariable]) return FragmentGrammar(self.logVariable - z, [(l - z, t, p) for l, t, p in]) def makeUniform(self): return FragmentGrammar(0., [(0., p.infer(), p) for _, _, p in]) def rescoreFrontier(self, frontier): return Frontier([FrontierEntry(e.program, logPrior=self.logLikelihood(frontier.task.request, e.program), logLikelihood=e.logLikelihood) for e in frontier], frontier.task) @staticmethod def induceFromFrontiers( g0, frontiers, _=None, topK=1, topk_use_only_likelihood=False, pseudoCounts=1.0, aic=1.0, structurePenalty=0.001, a=0, CPUs=1): _ = topk_use_only_likelihood # not used in python compressor originalFrontiers = frontiers frontiers = [frontier for frontier in frontiers if not frontier.empty] eprint("Inducing a grammar from", len(frontiers), "frontiers") bestGrammar = FragmentGrammar.fromGrammar(g0) oldJoint = bestGrammar.jointFrontiersMDL(frontiers, CPUs=1) # "restricted frontiers" only contain the top K according to the best grammar def restrictFrontiers(): return parallelMap( CPUs, lambda f: bestGrammar.rescoreFrontier(f).topK(topK), frontiers) restrictedFrontiers = [] def grammarScore(g): g = g.makeUniform().insideOutside(restrictedFrontiers, pseudoCounts) likelihood = g.jointFrontiersMDL(restrictedFrontiers) structure = sum(primitiveSize(p) for p in g.primitives) score = likelihood - aic * len(g) - structurePenalty * structure g.clearCache() if invalid(score): # FIXME: This should never occur but it does anyway score = float('-inf') return score, g if aic is not POSITIVEINFINITY: restrictedFrontiers = restrictFrontiers() bestScore, _ = grammarScore(bestGrammar) eprint("Starting score", bestScore) while True: restrictedFrontiers = restrictFrontiers() fragments = [f for f in proposeFragmentsFromFrontiers(restrictedFrontiers, a, CPUs=CPUs) if f not in bestGrammar.primitives and defragment(f) not in bestGrammar.primitives] eprint("Proposed %d fragments." % len(fragments)) candidateGrammars = [ FragmentGrammar.uniform( bestGrammar.primitives + [fragment]) for fragment in fragments] if not candidateGrammars: break scoredFragments = parallelMap(CPUs, grammarScore, candidateGrammars, # Each process handles up to 100 # grammars at a time, a "job" chunksize=max( 1, min(len(candidateGrammars) // CPUs, 100)), # maxTasks: Maximum number of jobs allocated to a process # This means that after evaluating this*chunk many grammars, # we killed the process, freeing up its memory. # In exchange we pay the cost of spawning a new process. # We should play with this number, # figuring out how big we can make it without # running out of memory. maxtasksperchild=5) newScore, newGrammar = max(scoredFragments, key=lambda sg: sg[0]) if newScore <= bestScore: break dS = newScore - bestScore bestScore, bestGrammar = newScore, newGrammar newPrimitiveLikelihood, newType, newPrimitive =[-1] expectedUses = bestGrammar.expectedUses( restrictedFrontiers).actualUses.get(newPrimitive, 0) eprint( "New primitive of type %s\t%s\t\n(score = %f; dScore = %f; = %f)" % (newType, newPrimitive, newScore, dS, expectedUses)) # Rewrite the frontiers in terms of the new fragment concretePrimitive = defragment(newPrimitive)[-1] = (newPrimitiveLikelihood,, concretePrimitive) frontiers = parallelMap( CPUs, lambda frontier: bestGrammar.rescoreFrontier( RewriteFragments.rewriteFrontier( frontier, newPrimitive)), frontiers) eprint( "\t( in rewritten frontiers: %f)" % (bestGrammar.expectedUses(frontiers).actualUses[concretePrimitive])) else: eprint("Skipping fragment proposals") if False: # Reestimate the parameters using the entire frontiers bestGrammar = bestGrammar.makeUniform().insideOutside(frontiers, pseudoCounts) elif True: # Reestimate the parameters using the best programs restrictedFrontiers = restrictFrontiers() bestGrammar = bestGrammar.makeUniform().insideOutside( restrictedFrontiers, pseudoCounts) else: # Use parameters that were found during search pass eprint("Old joint = %f\tNew joint = %f\n" % (oldJoint, bestGrammar.jointFrontiersMDL(frontiers, CPUs=CPUs))) # Return all of the frontiers, which have now been rewritten to use the # new fragments frontiers = {f.task: f for f in frontiers} frontiers = [frontiers.get(f.task, f) for f in originalFrontiers] productionUses = bestGrammar.expectedUses( [f for f in frontiers if not f.empty]).actualUses productionUses = { p: productionUses.get( p, 0.) for p in bestGrammar.primitives} possibleUses = bestGrammar.expectedUses( [f for f in frontiers if not f.empty]).possibleUses possibleUses = { p: possibleUses.get( p, 0.) for p in bestGrammar.primitives} for p in bestGrammar.primitives: eprint("%f / %f\t%s" % (productionUses[p], possibleUses[p], p)) bestGrammar.clearCache() grammar = bestGrammar.toGrammar() if False and \ any(productionUses.get(p, 0) < 0.5 for p in grammar.primitives if p.isInvented): uselessProductions = [ p for p in grammar.primitives if p.isInvented and productionUses.get(p, 0) < 0.5] eprint("The following invented primitives are no longer needed, removing them...") eprint("\t" + "\t\n".join(map(str, uselessProductions))) grammar = grammar.removeProductions(uselessProductions) return grammar, frontiers