import math import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F import commons import vits_modules as modules import attentions from torch.nn import Conv1d, ConvTranspose1d from torch.nn.utils import weight_norm from commons import init_weights class StochasticDurationPredictor(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, filter_channels, kernel_size, p_dropout, n_flows=4, gin_channels=0): super().__init__() filter_channels = in_channels # it needs to be removed from future version. self.in_channels = in_channels self.filter_channels = filter_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.p_dropout = p_dropout self.n_flows = n_flows self.gin_channels = gin_channels self.log_flow = modules.Log() self.flows = nn.ModuleList() self.flows.append(modules.ElementwiseAffine(2)) for i in range(n_flows): self.flows.append(modules.ConvFlow(2, filter_channels, kernel_size, n_layers=3)) self.flows.append(modules.Flip()) self.post_pre = nn.Conv1d(1, filter_channels, 1) self.post_proj = nn.Conv1d(filter_channels, filter_channels, 1) self.post_convs = modules.DDSConv(filter_channels, kernel_size, n_layers=3, p_dropout=p_dropout) self.post_flows = nn.ModuleList() self.post_flows.append(modules.ElementwiseAffine(2)) for i in range(4): self.post_flows.append(modules.ConvFlow(2, filter_channels, kernel_size, n_layers=3)) self.post_flows.append(modules.Flip()) self.pre = nn.Conv1d(in_channels, filter_channels, 1) self.proj = nn.Conv1d(filter_channels, filter_channels, 1) self.convs = modules.DDSConv(filter_channels, kernel_size, n_layers=3, p_dropout=p_dropout) if gin_channels != 0: self.cond = nn.Conv1d(gin_channels, filter_channels, 1) def forward(self, x, x_mask, w=None, g=None, reverse=False, noise_scale=1.0): x = torch.detach(x) x = self.pre(x) if g is not None: g = torch.detach(g) x = x + self.cond(g) x = self.convs(x, x_mask) x = self.proj(x) * x_mask if not reverse: flows = self.flows assert w is not None logdet_tot_q = 0 h_w = self.post_pre(w) h_w = self.post_convs(h_w, x_mask) h_w = self.post_proj(h_w) * x_mask e_q = torch.randn(w.size(0), 2, w.size(2)).to(device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) * x_mask z_q = e_q for flow in self.post_flows: z_q, logdet_q = flow(z_q, x_mask, g=(x + h_w)) logdet_tot_q += logdet_q z_u, z1 = torch.split(z_q, [1, 1], 1) u = torch.sigmoid(z_u) * x_mask z0 = (w - u) * x_mask logdet_tot_q += torch.sum((F.logsigmoid(z_u) + F.logsigmoid(-z_u)) * x_mask, [1,2]) logq = torch.sum(-0.5 * (math.log(2*math.pi) + (e_q**2)) * x_mask, [1,2]) - logdet_tot_q logdet_tot = 0 z0, logdet = self.log_flow(z0, x_mask) logdet_tot += logdet z =[z0, z1], 1) for flow in flows: z, logdet = flow(z, x_mask, g=x, reverse=reverse) logdet_tot = logdet_tot + logdet nll = torch.sum(0.5 * (math.log(2*math.pi) + (z**2)) * x_mask, [1,2]) - logdet_tot return nll + logq # [b] else: flows = list(reversed(self.flows)) flows = flows[:-2] + [flows[-1]] # remove a useless vflow z = torch.randn(x.size(0), 2, x.size(2)).to(device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype) * noise_scale for flow in flows: z = flow(z, x_mask, g=x, reverse=reverse) z0, z1 = torch.split(z, [1, 1], 1) logw = z0 return logw class DurationPredictor(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, filter_channels, kernel_size, p_dropout, gin_channels=0): super().__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels self.filter_channels = filter_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.p_dropout = p_dropout self.gin_channels = gin_channels self.drop = nn.Dropout(p_dropout) self.conv_1 = nn.Conv1d(in_channels, filter_channels, kernel_size, padding=kernel_size//2) self.norm_1 = modules.LayerNorm(filter_channels) self.conv_2 = nn.Conv1d(filter_channels, filter_channels, kernel_size, padding=kernel_size//2) self.norm_2 = modules.LayerNorm(filter_channels) self.proj = nn.Conv1d(filter_channels, 1, 1) if gin_channels != 0: self.cond = nn.Conv1d(gin_channels, in_channels, 1) def forward(self, x, x_mask, g=None): x = torch.detach(x) if g is not None: g = torch.detach(g) x = x + self.cond(g) x = self.conv_1(x * x_mask) x = torch.relu(x) x = self.norm_1(x) x = self.drop(x) x = self.conv_2(x * x_mask) x = torch.relu(x) x = self.norm_2(x) x = self.drop(x) x = self.proj(x * x_mask) return x * x_mask class TextEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_vocab, out_channels, hidden_channels, filter_channels, n_heads, n_layers, kernel_size, p_dropout, emotion_embedding): super().__init__() self.n_vocab = n_vocab self.out_channels = out_channels self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels self.filter_channels = filter_channels self.n_heads = n_heads self.n_layers = n_layers self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.p_dropout = p_dropout self.emotion_embedding = emotion_embedding if self.n_vocab!=0: self.emb = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, hidden_channels) if emotion_embedding: self.emo_proj = nn.Linear(1024, hidden_channels) nn.init.normal_(self.emb.weight, 0.0, hidden_channels**-0.5) self.encoder = attentions.Encoder( hidden_channels, filter_channels, n_heads, n_layers, kernel_size, p_dropout) self.proj= nn.Conv1d(hidden_channels, out_channels * 2, 1) def forward(self, x, x_lengths, emotion_embedding=None): if self.n_vocab!=0: x = self.emb(x) * math.sqrt(self.hidden_channels) # [b, t, h] if emotion_embedding is not None: x = x + self.emo_proj(emotion_embedding.unsqueeze(1)) x = torch.transpose(x, 1, -1) # [b, h, t] x_mask = torch.unsqueeze(commons.sequence_mask(x_lengths, x.size(2)), 1).to(x.dtype) x = self.encoder(x * x_mask, x_mask) stats = self.proj(x) * x_mask m, logs = torch.split(stats, self.out_channels, dim=1) return x, m, logs, x_mask class ResidualCouplingBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channels, hidden_channels, kernel_size, dilation_rate, n_layers, n_flows=4, gin_channels=0): super().__init__() self.channels = channels self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.dilation_rate = dilation_rate self.n_layers = n_layers self.n_flows = n_flows self.gin_channels = gin_channels self.flows = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(n_flows): self.flows.append(modules.ResidualCouplingLayer(channels, hidden_channels, kernel_size, dilation_rate, n_layers, gin_channels=gin_channels, mean_only=True)) self.flows.append(modules.Flip()) def forward(self, x, x_mask, g=None, reverse=False): if not reverse: for flow in self.flows: x, _ = flow(x, x_mask, g=g, reverse=reverse) else: for flow in reversed(self.flows): x = flow(x, x_mask, g=g, reverse=reverse) return x class PosteriorEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, hidden_channels, kernel_size, dilation_rate, n_layers, gin_channels=0): super().__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.dilation_rate = dilation_rate self.n_layers = n_layers self.gin_channels = gin_channels self.pre = nn.Conv1d(in_channels, hidden_channels, 1) self.enc = modules.WN(hidden_channels, kernel_size, dilation_rate, n_layers, gin_channels=gin_channels) self.proj = nn.Conv1d(hidden_channels, out_channels * 2, 1) def forward(self, x, x_lengths, g=None): x_mask = torch.unsqueeze(commons.sequence_mask(x_lengths, x.size(2)), 1).to(x.dtype) x = self.pre(x) * x_mask x = self.enc(x, x_mask, g=g) stats = self.proj(x) * x_mask m, logs = torch.split(stats, self.out_channels, dim=1) z = (m + torch.randn_like(m) * torch.exp(logs)) * x_mask return z, m, logs, x_mask class Generator(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, initial_channel, resblock, resblock_kernel_sizes, resblock_dilation_sizes, upsample_rates, upsample_initial_channel, upsample_kernel_sizes, gin_channels=0): super(Generator, self).__init__() self.num_kernels = len(resblock_kernel_sizes) self.num_upsamples = len(upsample_rates) self.conv_pre = Conv1d(initial_channel, upsample_initial_channel, 7, 1, padding=3) resblock = modules.ResBlock1 if resblock == '1' else modules.ResBlock2 = nn.ModuleList() for i, (u, k) in enumerate(zip(upsample_rates, upsample_kernel_sizes)): ConvTranspose1d(upsample_initial_channel//(2**i), upsample_initial_channel//(2**(i+1)), k, u, padding=(k-u)//2))) self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(len( ch = upsample_initial_channel//(2**(i+1)) for j, (k, d) in enumerate(zip(resblock_kernel_sizes, resblock_dilation_sizes)): self.resblocks.append(resblock(ch, k, d)) self.conv_post = Conv1d(ch, 1, 7, 1, padding=3, bias=False) if gin_channels != 0: self.cond = nn.Conv1d(gin_channels, upsample_initial_channel, 1) def forward(self, x, g=None): x = self.conv_pre(x) if g is not None: x = x + self.cond(g) for i in range(self.num_upsamples): x = F.leaky_relu(x, modules.LRELU_SLOPE) x =[i](x) xs = None for j in range(self.num_kernels): if xs is None: xs = self.resblocks[i*self.num_kernels+j](x) else: xs += self.resblocks[i*self.num_kernels+j](x) x = xs / self.num_kernels x = F.leaky_relu(x) x = self.conv_post(x) x = torch.tanh(x) return x class SynthesizerTrn(nn.Module): """ Synthesizer for Training """ def __init__(self, n_vocab, spec_channels, segment_size, inter_channels, hidden_channels, filter_channels, n_heads, n_layers, kernel_size, p_dropout, resblock, resblock_kernel_sizes, resblock_dilation_sizes, upsample_rates, upsample_initial_channel, upsample_kernel_sizes, n_speakers=0, gin_channels=0, use_sdp=True, emotion_embedding=False, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.n_vocab = n_vocab self.spec_channels = spec_channels self.inter_channels = inter_channels self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels self.filter_channels = filter_channels self.n_heads = n_heads self.n_layers = n_layers self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.p_dropout = p_dropout self.resblock = resblock self.resblock_kernel_sizes = resblock_kernel_sizes self.resblock_dilation_sizes = resblock_dilation_sizes self.upsample_rates = upsample_rates self.upsample_initial_channel = upsample_initial_channel self.upsample_kernel_sizes = upsample_kernel_sizes self.segment_size = segment_size self.n_speakers = n_speakers self.gin_channels = gin_channels self.use_sdp = use_sdp self.enc_p = TextEncoder(n_vocab, inter_channels, hidden_channels, filter_channels, n_heads, n_layers, kernel_size, p_dropout, emotion_embedding) self.dec = Generator(inter_channels, resblock, resblock_kernel_sizes, resblock_dilation_sizes, upsample_rates, upsample_initial_channel, upsample_kernel_sizes, gin_channels=gin_channels) self.enc_q = PosteriorEncoder(spec_channels, inter_channels, hidden_channels, 5, 1, 16, gin_channels=gin_channels) self.flow = ResidualCouplingBlock(inter_channels, hidden_channels, 5, 1, 4, gin_channels=gin_channels) if use_sdp: self.dp = StochasticDurationPredictor(hidden_channels, 192, 3, 0.5, 4, gin_channels=gin_channels) else: self.dp = DurationPredictor(hidden_channels, 256, 3, 0.5, gin_channels=gin_channels) if n_speakers > 1: self.emb_g = nn.Embedding(n_speakers, gin_channels) def infer(self, x, x_lengths, sid=None, noise_scale=1, length_scale=1, noise_scale_w=1., max_len=None, emotion_embedding=None): x, m_p, logs_p, x_mask = self.enc_p(x, x_lengths, emotion_embedding) if self.n_speakers > 0: g = self.emb_g(sid).unsqueeze(-1) # [b, h, 1] else: g = None if self.use_sdp: logw = self.dp(x, x_mask, g=g, reverse=True, noise_scale=noise_scale_w) else: logw = self.dp(x, x_mask, g=g) w = torch.exp(logw) * x_mask * length_scale w_ceil = torch.ceil(w) y_lengths = torch.clamp_min(torch.sum(w_ceil, [1, 2]), 1).long() y_mask = torch.unsqueeze(commons.sequence_mask(y_lengths, None), 1).to(x_mask.dtype) attn_mask = torch.unsqueeze(x_mask, 2) * torch.unsqueeze(y_mask, -1) attn = commons.generate_path(w_ceil, attn_mask) m_p = torch.matmul(attn.squeeze(1), m_p.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2) # [b, t', t], [b, t, d] -> [b, d, t'] logs_p = torch.matmul(attn.squeeze(1), logs_p.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2) # [b, t', t], [b, t, d] -> [b, d, t'] z_p = m_p + torch.randn_like(m_p) * torch.exp(logs_p) * noise_scale z = self.flow(z_p, y_mask, g=g, reverse=True) o = self.dec((z * y_mask)[:,:,:max_len], g=g) return o, attn, y_mask, (z, z_p, m_p, logs_p) def voice_conversion(self, y, y_lengths, sid_src, sid_tgt): assert self.n_speakers > 0, "n_speakers have to be larger than 0." g_src = self.emb_g(sid_src).unsqueeze(-1) g_tgt = self.emb_g(sid_tgt).unsqueeze(-1) z, m_q, logs_q, y_mask = self.enc_q(y, y_lengths, g=g_src) z_p = self.flow(z, y_mask, g=g_src) z_hat = self.flow(z_p, y_mask, g=g_tgt, reverse=True) o_hat = self.dec(z_hat * y_mask, g=g_tgt) return o_hat, y_mask, (z, z_p, z_hat)