from pathlib import Path from re import TEMPLATE from typing import Optional, Union import os from huggingface_hub import PyTorchModelHubMixin, HfApi, HfFolder, Repository from huggan import TEMPLATE_MODEL_CARD_PATH class HugGANModelHubMixin(PyTorchModelHubMixin): """A mixin to push PyTorch Models to the Hugging Face Hub. This mixin was adapted from the PyTorchModelHubMixin to also push a template for the HugGAN sprint. """ def push_to_hub( self, repo_path_or_name: Optional[str] = None, repo_url: Optional[str] = None, commit_message: Optional[str] = "Add model", organization: Optional[str] = None, private: Optional[bool] = None, api_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, use_auth_token: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None, git_user: Optional[str] = None, git_email: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[dict] = None, skip_lfs_files: bool = False, default_model_card: Optional[str] = TEMPLATE_MODEL_CARD_PATH ) -> str: """ Upload model checkpoint or tokenizer files to the Hub while synchronizing a local clone of the repo in `repo_path_or_name`. Parameters: repo_path_or_name (`str`, *optional*): Can either be a repository name for your model or tokenizer in the Hub or a path to a local folder (in which case the repository will have the name of that local folder). If not specified, will default to the name given by `repo_url` and a local directory with that name will be created. repo_url (`str`, *optional*): Specify this in case you want to push to an existing repository in the hub. If unspecified, a new repository will be created in your namespace (unless you specify an `organization`) with `repo_name`. commit_message (`str`, *optional*): Message to commit while pushing. Will default to `"add config"`, `"add tokenizer"` or `"add model"` depending on the type of the class. organization (`str`, *optional*): Organization in which you want to push your model or tokenizer (you must be a member of this organization). private (`bool`, *optional*): Whether the repository created should be private. api_endpoint (`str`, *optional*): The API endpoint to use when pushing the model to the hub. use_auth_token (`bool` or `str`, *optional*): The token to use as HTTP bearer authorization for remote files. If `True`, will use the token generated when running `transformers-cli login` (stored in `~/.huggingface`). Will default to `True` if `repo_url` is not specified. git_user (`str`, *optional*): will override the `git config` for committing and pushing files to the hub. git_email (`str`, *optional*): will override the `git config` for committing and pushing files to the hub. config (`dict`, *optional*): Configuration object to be saved alongside the model weights. default_model_card (`str`, *optional*): Path to a markdown file to use as your default model card. Returns: The url of the commit of your model in the given repository. """ if repo_path_or_name is None and repo_url is None: raise ValueError( "You need to specify a `repo_path_or_name` or a `repo_url`." ) if use_auth_token is None and repo_url is None: token = HfFolder.get_token() if token is None: raise ValueError( "You must login to the Hugging Face hub on this computer by typing `huggingface-cli login` and " "entering your credentials to use `use_auth_token=True`. Alternatively, you can pass your own " "token as the `use_auth_token` argument." ) elif isinstance(use_auth_token, str): token = use_auth_token else: token = None if repo_path_or_name is None: repo_path_or_name = repo_url.split("/")[-1] # If no URL is passed and there's no path to a directory containing files, create a repo if repo_url is None and not os.path.exists(repo_path_or_name): repo_id = Path(repo_path_or_name).name if organization: repo_id = f"{organization}/{repo_id}" repo_url = HfApi(endpoint=api_endpoint).create_repo( repo_id=repo_id, token=token, private=private, repo_type=None, exist_ok=True, ) repo = Repository( repo_path_or_name, clone_from=repo_url, use_auth_token=use_auth_token, git_user=git_user, git_email=git_email, skip_lfs_files=skip_lfs_files ) repo.git_pull(rebase=True) # Save the files in the cloned repo self.save_pretrained(repo_path_or_name, config=config) model_card_path = Path(repo_path_or_name) / '' if not model_card_path.exists(): model_card_path.write_text(TEMPLATE_MODEL_CARD_PATH.read_text()) # Commit and push! repo.git_add() repo.git_commit(commit_message) return repo.git_push()