# Community Events @ 🤗 A central repository for all community events organized by 🤗 HuggingFace. Come one, come all! We're constantly finding ways to democratise the use of ML across modalities and languages. This repo contains information about all past, present and upcoming events. ## Hugging Events | **Event Name** | **Dates** | **Status** | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [Open Source AI Game Jam 🎮 (First Edition)](/open-source-ai-game-jam) | July 7th - 9th, 2023 | Finished | | [Whisper Fine Tuning Event](/whisper-fine-tuning-event) | Dec 5th - 19th, 2022 | Finished | | [Computer Vision Study Group](/computer-vision-study-group) | Ongoing | Monthly | | [ML for Audio Study Group](https://github.com/Vaibhavs10/ml-with-audio) | Ongoing | Monthly | | [Gradio Blocks](/gradio-blocks) | May 16th - 31st, 2022 | Finished | | [HugGAN](/huggan) | Apr 4th - 17th, 2022 | Finished | | [Keras Sprint](keras-sprint) | June, 2022 | Finished |