--- license: mit datasets: - opus_books --- LlTRA stands for: Language to Language Transformer model from the paper "Attention is all you Need", building transformer model:Transformer model from scratch and using it for translation using pytorch. --- Problem Statement: In the rapidly evolving landscape of natural language processing (NLP) and machine translation, there exists a persistent challenge in achieving accurate and contextually rich language-to-language transformations. Existing models often struggle with capturing nuanced semantic meanings, context preservation, and maintaining grammatical coherence across different languages. Additionally, the demand for efficient cross-lingual communication and content generation has underscored the need for a versatile language transformer model that can seamlessly navigate the intricacies of diverse linguistic structures. --- Goal: Develop a specialized language-to-language transformer model that accurately translates from the Arabic language to the English language, ensuring semantic fidelity, contextual awareness, cross-lingual adaptability, and the retention of grammar and style. The model should provide efficient training and inference processes to make it practical and accessible for a wide range of applications, ultimately contributing to the advancement of Arabic-to-English language translation capabilities. --- Dataset used: from hugging Face huggingface/opus_infopankki --- Configuration: this is the settings of the model, You can customize the source and target languages, sequence lengths for each, the number of epochs, batch size, and more. ```python def Get_configuration(): return { "batch_size": 8, "num_epochs": 30, "lr": 10**-4, "sequence_length": 100, "d_model": 512, "datasource": 'opus_infopankki', "source_language": "ar", "target_language": "en", "model_folder": "weights", "model_basename": "tmodel_", "preload": "latest", "tokenizer_file": "tokenizer_{0}.json", "experiment_name": "runs/tmodel" } ``` --- Training: I used my drive to upload the project and then connected it to the Google Collab to train it: - hours of training: 4 hours. - epochs: 20. - number of dataset rows: 2,934,399. - size of the dataset: 95MB. - size of the auto-converted parquet files: 153MB. - Arabic tokens: 29999. - English tokens: 15697. - pre-trained model in collab. - BLEU score from Arabic to English: 19.7 ---