import modules.scripts as scripts import scripts.cc_const as const import json STYLE_FILE = scripts.basedir() + '/' + 'styles.json' EMPTY_STYLE = { 'styles' : {}, 'deleted' : {} } class StyleManager(): def __init__(self): self.STYLE_SHEET = None def load_styles(self): if self.STYLE_SHEET is not None: return try: with open(STYLE_FILE, 'r') as json_file: self.STYLE_SHEET = json.loads( print('[Vec. CC] Style Sheet Loaded...') except IOError: with open(STYLE_FILE, 'w+') as json_file: self.STYLE_SHEET = EMPTY_STYLE json_file.write(json.dumps(self.STYLE_SHEET)) print('[Vec. CC] Creating Empty Style Sheet...') def list_style(self): return list(self.STYLE_SHEET['styles'].keys()) def get_style(self, style_name): try: style = self.STYLE_SHEET['styles'][style_name] return style['alt'], style['brightness'], style['contrast'], style['saturation'], style['rgb'][0], style['rgb'][1], style['rgb'][2] except KeyError: print(f'\n[Warning] No Style of Name "{style_name}" Found!\n') return False, const.Brightness.default, const.Contrast.default, const.Saturation.default, const.R.default, const.G.default, const.B.default def save_style(self, style_name, latent, bri, con, sat, r, g, b): if style_name in self.STYLE_SHEET['styles'].keys(): print(f'\n[Warning] Duplicated Style Name "{style_name}" Detected! Values are not saved!\n') return self.list_style() style = { 'alt' : latent, 'brightness' : bri, 'contrast' : con, 'saturation' : sat, 'rgb' : [r, g, b] } self.STYLE_SHEET['styles'].update({style_name:style}) with open(STYLE_FILE, 'w+') as json_file: json_file.write(json.dumps(self.STYLE_SHEET)) print(f'\nStyle of Name "{style_name}" Saved!\n') return self.list_style() def delete_style(self, style_name): try: style = self.STYLE_SHEET['styles'][style_name] del self.STYLE_SHEET['styles'][style_name] except KeyError: print(f'\n[Warning] No Style of Name "{style_name}" Found!\n') return self.list_style() self.STYLE_SHEET['deleted'].update({style_name:style}) with open(STYLE_FILE, 'w+') as json_file: json_file.write(json.dumps(self.STYLE_SHEET)) print(f'\nStyle of Name "{style_name}" Deleted!\n') return self.list_style()