--- license: creativeml-openrail-m datasets: - fka/awesome-chatgpt-prompts - Nerfgun3/bad_prompt language: - en library_name: diffusers pipeline_tag: text-to-image tags: - stable diffusion - realism --- # Epic Mix V6: Virtual Realism HEAVILY INSPIRED BY DREAMSHAPER @ LYKON - Please DO NOT use this on generative sites unless you wait for us to ask permission from all previous model authors. # MIX DEETS: ## Epic Mix v3, 4 and 6 Dreamshaper 6 (NO VAE) Babes 1.1 - No Vae Lyriel RevAnimated Dreamscapes N Dungeons Realism Lora KILKENNY MIX (2.5D) Poodabeep Mix M4RVELS AND DUNGEONS Something 2.2 ### How'd this work? SCIENCE. If you're a generative website, you'll need to ask ahead of time, so I can literally bug the creators that went before me to make this model <3 PLEASE RESPECT THAT! (ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!!) Join our Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/earthndusk/ Funding for a HUGE ART PROJECT THIS YEAR:: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/duskfallxcrew / any chance you can spare a coffee or three? https://ko-fi.com/DUSKFALLcrew If you got requests, or concerns, We're still looking for beta testers: JOIN THE DISCORD AND DEMAND THINGS OF US:: https://discord.gg/Da7s8d3KJ7 Listen to the music that we've made that goes with our art:: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/00R8x00YktB4u541imdSSf?si=b60d209385a74b38 UPSCALERS WE USED WERE VIA NOCRYPT'S NOTEBOOK BUT WE RECCOMEND: https://upscale.wiki/wiki/Model_Database "4x NICKELBACK" for Photography TI's /EMBEDS: EasyNegative MOSTLY -We may learn to make our own with this line. (We have a previous one NOT tested on this model)