--- license: creativeml-openrail-m datasets: - Duskfallcrew/Negative_Images tags: - textual_inversion - embedding - negative embedding --- # STOP: Before you ask for a DIFFUSERS FILE - this is a TEXTUAL INVERSION aka EMBEDDING It goes in your NEGATIVE prompt. You won't get the outputs nor the ACTUAL final data it was trained on # Why? The outputs are horrifying, NSFW and qute frankly shiz you'd find on 4chan. # Ok so how do i see what it does? We'll share the samples that were from TESTING it after training, and link to the CivitAI download so you can see some of the outputs. # If i slip you 50 can i see the outputs? Do you REALLY need to see things that would send you to H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS and have your grandmother rolling in her grave ?XD THEN NO. And the price to see the outputs would be more like 500 USD even if you want to train it on the outputs cause some of the outputs are borderline like things you'd see on goatse and otherwise 4chan and other places, so no. XD # Ok SHARE THE SFW STUFF you meanie AS SOON AS I CAN GET IT UPLOADED SURE BE PATIENT! LOL. # How do i Contact you aka report you to the Government for training on Stable Diffusion because I hate AI and i hate you too: We stream a lot of our testing on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/duskfallcrew any chance you can spare a coffee or three? https://ko-fi.com/DUSKFALLcrew If you want custom LoRA OR MODEL trained an option will become available on the Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/earthndusk